Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20160802 :

Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20160802

john, independents. strategists on both sides says this will be a base election, turning your base out. independents cannot be ignored. take a look at this. her bounce with independents, 28% before the democratic convention, 37% after the democratic convention. that bounce is even bigger among independents than it was overall for hillary clinton. she is now besting donald trump by four points, 37 to 33 among independents. then of course there's the issue of party unity. this was one of the major goals of the democratic convention. and it seems to be a successful part of the convention for hillary clinton. take a look. democrats say 44% of them say they're united. 40% say they're divided but will unit come november. only 14% say they are divided and will not unit by november. you remember bernie sanders going to the convention floor helping deliver the nomination to hillary clinton. this is a different story among republicans. take a look. not as successful in the unification effort. 20%, only 20% of republicans say they are currently united. 46% say they're divided but they will unit. 31%, nearly a third of republicans believe that they are divided now and will not unit by november. this is a huge warning sign for donald trump and something he needs to work on as you can see from this last weekend of controversy, though, it's going to be tough. lots of republicans still have concerns about his candidacy. >> political house divided against itself as they say, well, it runs into trouble. david, no one told me there would be math this morning. thank you so much. >> thank you. donald trump now warning supporters that the election is going to be rigged. all this as his feud with the muz lislim parents of a war hers killed. now trump's running mate is feeling the heat. phil? >> good morning, john. the backlash has been fierce and frankly it's been almost entirely from within his own party. top republicans very wary and warning the trump campaign both publicly and behind the scenes. i'm told they need to move on. donald trump not apologizing, not backing down. this is an issue where he believes he's right. he's not changing his position any time soon. >> he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. he made a deal with the devil. >> reporter: donald trump ramping up his personal attacks on hillary clinton while criticizing bernie sanders for supporting the democratic nominee. >> she picked a vice presidential candidate who is like the opposite of him. >> reporter: and sukting that if he loses in november it's because -- >> i'm afraid the election is going to be rigged. >> reporter: all as the on going feud between trump and the parents of a slain muslim u.s. soldier escalates. >> i have great honor and great feeling for his son, mr. khan's son. as far as i'm concerned he's a hero. >> you can attack muslims. you can attack judges and nobody can question your caliber? your leg of empathy and you want to be commander in chief? >> i was very viciously attacked, as you know, when you were radical islamic terrorists probably all over the place we're allowing them to come in by the thousands and thousands and i think that's what bothered mr. khan, more than anything else. >> he says, oh, i am being severely attacked, harshly attacked. well, this is political season. you're a candidate for an office. and i have same rights as you do. >> reporter: the dispute rocking the gop. dozens of republican leaders forced to come out in support of the khan's. >> we want to honor the families of those who have served and those who have sacrificed all of us. >> reporter: trump's campaign bombarding their sporders urging them to back his position, but instead getting the cold shoulder. >> our gold star families deserve our full and total support. >> reporter: emotions running high at a rally for trump's running mate mike pence a woman whose son in the air force booed. >> trump disrespected our armed forces and veterans and his disrespect for mr. khan and family is just an example of that. will there ever be a point in time when you're able to look at trump in the eye and tell him enough is enough? >> that's all right. folks, that's what freedom looks like and that's what freedom sounds like. okay? i want to honor your son's service to the country and your family's service to the country. i truly do, ma'am. >> that is the biggest issue here the republicans are worried about that isn't something that donald trump can move on from. it's not something that's going to go away. it's something that will stick with him going forward and as a lot of republicans see it sticks to him in a very negative way. >> phil, thanks so much for all of that background. let's talk about it. we'll bring in your panel. we have arel lewis and david. david, let's do one more beat here on the new polling out because this is the first time that we get a real look at how the convention has affected the candidates. so if we understand you correctly, you say that donald trump got a 6% bounce, hillary clinton got a 7% bounce. that sounds to me tied, but i know you see bigger nuances a in there. >> well, it does suggest that both accomplish some of the larger goals of their convention and we're able to emerge from their convention with some momentum, alisyn. remember, hillary clinton got the last word at the convention. that last bounce is perhaps more important than the original bounce because donald trump we saw him get his bounce but we saw him return to earth after taking a pounding at the democratic convention as they were doing all their messaging against him. hillary clinton because of the timing of the conventions she gets the last word. the big question now is does her bounce have a downside or is she able to sustain this or is this the new reality of the race heading into the campaign. >> let's analyze the ark of the bounce and the exact angle. the interesting thing for me, david, look at the independents within our poll right now and seeing how they move. they moved even more in the clinton convention, the democratic convention. i was doing a focus group with republicans, independent, undecided voters. they saw the republican convention in completely different ways. republicans loved it. they liked everything donald trump said. independents had a starkly different view right now. i have to believe that independent voters right now are the ones maybe looking at a lot of this feud with the khans that donald trump is having and they perceive this election through a different lens. >> that's exactly right. independents, by definition, are not interested in the partisan red meat or not interested as republicans and democrats are. the republican base strategy that trump has been running is almost designed to sort of either sideline them or disgust and dismay them. that's what you're seeing in some of the numbers is that they're not going to come running to chant lock her up, lock her up. that's not how they see politics or the clintons or see this race. so trump has been playing a dangerous game with them by ignoring those kinds of concerns while if you go back to democratic convention, the democrats played to them almost every day playing to mike bloomberg up there. the mike bloomberg speech in particular at the democratic convention was not aimed at anybody in the arena. it was aimed outside the arena to all those independents. they think they are a large and persuadable group and trump has given them away. in the swing states it could be a really important kind of a problem for them. >> jackie, let's talk about the feud with the khans. i'm not sure that the khan family knew that they would be front and center in this campaign beyond the convention, but here they are. khizr khan the dad was on television again last night on cnn talking about his beef with donald trump and what he thinks it's about. listen to this. >> well, this is political season. you're a candidate for an office. and i have same rights as you do. you can attack mitt romney. you can attack john mccain. you can attack ted cruz. you can attack jeb bush. you can attack women. you can attack minorities. you can attack muslims. you can attack judges and nobody can question your caliber, your leg of empathy and you want to be commander in chief? >> jackie, i mean, it's hard to think of a sort of more articulate person to make this argument against trump. how is trump responding? >> really quick, another thing at play, clinton and kaine talked about middle class jobs. meanwhile, donald trump decides to wage war against a gold star family. again, no wonder their numbers have bounced so high. but it really is perplexing which is why i think you see so many republicans coming out against donald trump in terms of how he's responded. he's kind of responded poorly in terms of not apologizing, doubling down. what we've seen with donald trump before. i don't think this will hurt him with his people, but as different as this election is, it is going to come down to those middle voters, those independents and right now donald trump is not putting out a good look. >> look, those were the voters that mike pence seemed to be addressing last night. mike pence running an alternate campaign. mike pence trying to take some of the air out of the this controversy last night and perhaps help his running mate move nast. interesting to see if that continues today. stick around. we have a lot more to discuss. warren buffett, he is the latest billionaire in hillary clinton's corner to really go after donald trump and go after him hard. buffett is challenging trump to release his tax returns suggesting that there is something to hide. cnn senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny in his hometown of omaha with more. jeff? >> reporter: good morning, jon. warren buffett has already been a supporter of hillary clinton, but he is rarely a critic. he did break his soft spoken style last night at a rally here in omaha. it's part of the clinton campaign's effort to build businessmen against trump. it's also an effort to get under his skin. >> hillary! hillary! hillary! >> reporter: hillary clinton arm in arm on the campaign trail be billionaire warren buffett. the 85-year-old oracle of omaha unleashing a scathing attack on donald trump. >> i've never known another businessman who brags about his bankruptcies. why not, it's his claim to stardom. i don't know anybody else who had six bankruptcies, but there he is. >> buffett condemning trump for refusing to release his tax returns. >> he said it several times. he said he can't release it because he's under audit. now, i've got news for him, i'm under audit, too. i would be delighted to meet him any place, any time between now and election. i'll bring my tax return. he can bring his tax return. nobody is going to arrest us. >> reporter: the billionaire investor forcefully rebuking trump's attacks of a muslim parents slain in iraq. >> how in the world can you stand up to a couple of parents who lost a son and talked about sacrificing because you were building a bunch of -- i asked donald trump, have you no sense of decency, sir? >> reporter: buffett is the latest to speak out against trump. part of clinton's strategy to discredit his record. last week at the democratic convention, former new york city mayor michael bloomberg questioning trump's competency. >> i'm a new yorker. and i know a con when i see one. >> reporter: and saturday billionaire entrepreneur mark cuban in his hometown of pittsburgh calling trump crazy. >> leadership is not yelling and screaming and intimidating. right? yeah, she knows. >> reporter: and there's another reason hillary clinton in omaha as well, john. this is one of the two states nebraska and maine that split their electoral votes. president obama won it in 2008. she believes because of the diversity in this district black voters, hispanic voters and white liberals she can win this electoral vote and warren buffett said he will personally drive people to the polls here if they vote for hillary clinton. john and alisyn. >> every vote being sought here. jeff zeleny in omaha, thanks so much. let's bring back our panel. jackie, you know, warren buffett has a lot of money and is very good at what he does. michael bloomburg has a lot of money and is good at what he does. mark cuban a lot of money and good what the he does. these people are lining up behind hillary clinton fwhu a way don't those optics help donald trump? can't he just say, look, these are all the rich people. these are all the people in the system right now. they're with her. i'm the rogue billionaire, as it were, vote for me? >> well, this doesn't come without a risk because it's a parade of a lot of her rich friends. that said a lot of people can't conceive of what being a billionaire is like. you are trotting out these people donald trump peers saying he is bad at his job. they're hoping people will see that side rather than these people are -- she's bought and paid for. >> david, mike bloomberg -- no. warren buffett is pressing donald trump, as are many people, to release his tax returns. is there any movement from the campaign? is there any suggestion that donald trump is going to do that because it seems as though he's pretty dug in and says he doesn't have to. it's his prerogative. >> no movement whatsoever that i can discern in any way. donald trump was asked about it again this weekend. he clearly said i'm under audit. he was pressed about releasing the years that are not being audited. no, they're all linked together in an audit. when that audit is done, i'll be happy to share. he clearly has no intention of backing off that position right now and i'm not sure that warren buffett is going to be the person that will be able to apply enough public pressure for donald trump to change his stance. >> it's the democratic issue, errol. democrats care about donald trump's taxes. we haven't seen much evidence that anyone else does. >> no. it's an important issue just because of what factually there are all kinds of allegations out there that cannot be resolved. i don't know if it's so much a political partisan issue so much as people are just kind of curious. >> every candidate has done it since way, way back. transparency should reign. >> he makes all kinds of claims that can't be backed up unless you actually see the taxes around his charitable giving, around whether or not he paid taxes. we know there are years in 1970s thanks to an odd loophole he could depreciate the voofl his buildings, count it against his income and pezzay zero taxes. david k. johnson has written about this stuff extensively. that will continue to be out there. one last word about the other billionaires. what's interesting is put mike bloomberg aside. he is an elite billionaire. but mark cuban, whose show i do watch, shark tank. it's a good show, as well as warren buffett are blue collar billionaires if you want to call them that. they have an appeal and lifestyle that doesn't really put them in this sort of remote category. they're in the same sort of general ballpark as donald trump. they, too, have also flirted with the idea of running for president. so this is not something where he can sort of dismiss them as they're the system and i'm not the system. you've seen those homespun kind of discussions that warren buffett has with his investors the way he drinks his coca-cola and wears regular suits and this sort of a thing. mark cuban, almost every -- on any given night you can turn on shark tank and see him interacting with regular people talking about issues, products, the economy and so forth. >> he wears jeans. >> he campaigned in a batman t-shirt for god's sake. >> jackie, last word. are these tax returns being the birth certificate of this election where the drum beat for him to release it and release it will at some point have to be heard? >> the difference is that the tax returns are actually important to becoming a commander in chief. it tells you a lot about a person particularly as rich as donald trump is where his money is coming from. >> panel, thank you very much. great to have you here with us this morning. there is growing fallout from donald trump's escalating feud with the khan family as we've been discussing. will some republicans pull their endorsements from donald trump? how is this impacting veterans who were planning to vote for donald trump? that's ahead on "new day." she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she'll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he'll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. ♪ i'm free to do what i want and have a good time.♪ the ford freedom sales event is on! and zero for 72 is back! on 2016 ford focus, fusion and escape. plus specially tagged vehicles get an extra $1000 smart bonus. that means freedom from interest... and freedom to choose... with ford, america's best selling brand. ♪ i'm free, baby! now get 0% financing for 72 months. plus, specially tagged vehicles get a $1000 smart bonus. only at the ford freedom sales event. ♪ feel free... of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at "are you okay?" 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"credit karma. give yourself some credit." donald trump not backing away from comments he made about gold star father khizr khan as khan continues to speak out interview after interview now asking republican leaders to publicly denounce donald trump. let us discuss right now. joining us cnn political commentator john phillips, radio talk show host who supports donald trump. also with us a senior fellow at the center on global policy. i want to play some sound of donald trump in an interview last night with an affiliate where he talked about again this on going feud explaining why he thinks it's still going on. >> border security is very big. when you have radical islamic terrorists probably all over the place, we're allowing them to come in by the thousands and thousands and i think that's what bothered mr. khan, more than anything else. and you know, i'm not going to change my vus on that. we have radical islamic terrorists coming in that have to be stopped. we're taking them in by the thousands. >> there is no evidence that thousands and thousands of radical islamic terrorists are coming into the united states, in fact, there's evidence to the contrary of that. but specifically when he said i think that's what bothers khizr khan, the implication there is that somehow because donald trump wants to stop terrorists from coming into the united states, that bothers mr. khan. i think this is the type of exchange, if i've been listening to you correctly, you would like to see donald trump stop engaging in? >> that's right. i think this story would go away if he would stop talking about it, just stop digging the hole deeper, move on and talk about something else. i think this father, khan, spoke on thursday of the democratic convention. i was on set with you on friday. and it was certainly part of the story. we spent a lot of time discussing it, but spent a lot more time talking about hillary, possibly even just as much time talking about chelsea. it wasn't the story coming out of thursday night, but trump keeps making it the story. the real damage that he's doing by doing this is not only the denunciations from other republicans, but it's the fact that we aren't talking about hillary clinton getting four pa noek owes "the washington post" for fibbing about national security. that would be the story today if he didn't just keep digging on this story. >> and her and the irony is that mr. khan is the wrong person to have picked this fight with because he -- you know, you hear people say, moderate muslims need to speak out. moderate muslims need to support america. this family represent everything that's right with america and what everyone calls on muslims to do. in fact, in december of 2015, more than six months ago, mr. khan said this in an interview. he said this is the time for us american muslims to rat out any traitor who walks among us. this is high time for muslims to stand firm against terrorists. among us hides the enemies of the value system of this country and we need to defend it. if it means ratting out the traitors who hide behind an american passport, that's what we need to do. what are your thoughts? >> it's kind of amazing that here is this guy with unpronounceable name, funny accent, he has the harry potter glasses going on and he is body slamming donald trump over and over and over again and nobody has been able to stop or slow down donald trump. there's been issues, speed bumps, but it's this guy and his wife wearing a traditional head scarf captured the imagination of the nation which also says a lot about america. to the second point what he said and i wish more people would understand this, when i disagree with american foreign policy, when i say we should do this or shouldn't do that, i'm not saying because i'm muslim or brown, i'm saying it because i love this country too but i have different ideas on how to keep us safe or prosperous. a lot of americans are perceived being disloyal or not seriously american. what he has shown is that's not true. he is muslim. he is a pakistani origin. he cares about the country. he raise adson who gave his life in iraq. he has ideas that people agree or disagree with but no one can doubt his patriotism. >> you said that khizr khan is body slamming donald trump again and again and again. doesn't that prove to a point that donald trump is making that he is being attacked by this guy now for days on end. yesterday he did a whole lot of tv interviews including two with cnn. how does donald trump respond to the body slams? donald trump is the only politician who uses terms like he started it and so do some of his supporters unfortunately. let's take his logic because we're all descending to that level. it is actually donald trump who started this. he is the one who came up with the muslim ban. he talked about mass deportation of latinos. he went after women and john mccain a prisoner of war. people are going to respond. trump hadn't take thn line of attack in the first place khizr khan wouldn't say the things he's saying about his son. if he is body slamming donald trump, it's because donald trump is going to war with the constitution. you can't say that because i'm muslim or brown or because i believe a little differently than you. i don't have the right to be part of this country and be part of our conversations. >> john, what are you thoughts? final word. >> look, this is the absolute wrong target, these people seem like perfectly lovely people. they have sacrificed a lot for this country, for all of our liberty and freedom. and if you're going to debate the merits of immigration or debate the merits of the military, do it with other politicians. don't do it with a grieving gold star family. ja meal shaw sr. had his son killed by an illegal alien member. he tried to change the law. the same thing happened to him. he was treated horribly by the political establishment here in los angeles. it's one thing for politicians to go at it with one another, but really they should just leave the families out of it. >> again, look at governor mike pence for a different way to handle an issue like this. we want to know your take, of course. tweet us @newday or post it on facebook. we've heard from hillary clinton. we've heard from donald trump. tomorrow, though, it's the libertarian ticket's turn. join us for a cnn town hall with gary johnson and william well. anderson cooper hosts the libertarian town hall right here on cnn. president obama green lighting an expansion of air strikes against isis. the u.s. now targeting the terrorists in libya. how long will this offensive last? 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[ laughs ] the u.s. ramping up air strikes on isis targets in libya. the expanded strikes are part of a broader effort to remove isis from key strongholds in that country and barbara starr is live in washington with more for us. barbara, what's the latest? >> good morning allieson. the first strikes in libya in support of the emerging government there and its fight against isis. the strikes against a tank and isis vehicles were done with the authorization of president obama specifically to support the government that's trying to take hold there. this all happened in a place on libya's northern coast, isis stronghold. they've been trying to push isis out. why is this so important? why is the u.s. even involved here? just look at the geography. this northern coast where isis has taken hold just south of europe. there's concern about isis using this as a pathway to move into europe, to move into other areas of north africa, to plan and stage additional attacks. the pentagon very clear there will be more air strikes to support the government there and try once and for all to push isis out. john? >> all right, barbara starr on important developments there. we'll keep our eye on them. thanks so much. >> it may be the coveted price prize in the race for the white house, the battleground state of ohio. who is on top right now? a closer look at our series on battleground states. that's next. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at "you don't want to live with mom and dad forever, do you?" 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"credit karma. give yourself some credit." he wrecked the rec room this summer. his stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week, these items just one cent each. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. you want to make your enamel sure to protect it, you want to have it for life. consumption of very acidic foods can wear away your enamel. your tooth is gonna look yellower, um more dull. nobody wants to have yellow looking teeth. i recommend pronamel toothpaste because it helps protect and strengthen your enamel. it's gonna make them more resistant to the acid erosion so that your teeth are not bothering you and you feel good about your smile. it's such a wonderful combination, it's pro enamel, it's good for your enamel, it's a positive thing. 98 days to the election, a perfect time to begin a new series focussing on battleground states that could decide the race for president. first up, all important ohio. one of the most quoted slash overused sayings in politics is that no republican has ever won the white house without winning ohio. right now it's a dead heat there. the latest poll shows hillary clinton and donald trump both at 44%. so what will turn the tide? cnn jessica schneider live in cleveland with more. good morning, jessica. >> reporter: good morning, jon. both candidates making a beeline theer the buckeye state. hillary clinton rolled through on a bus tour this weekend. she made five stops here since june 13th. donald trump has held about four rallies and town halls. of course he was also the big star of the convention here in cleveland, but as we've seen this campaign is anything but conventional. and it turns out those voters here are bucking convention, too. >> i do believe that my vote matters. i want it to matter. >> so goes ohio, so goes the country. >> reporter: these are the voters hillary clinton and donald trump hope to capture. no republican has ever won the presidency without winning ohio. the last time a democrat took the white house without the state, john f. kennedy in 1960. both campaigns are fighting hard for the battleground. hillary clinton and tim kaine traveled by bus through the state as part of their post convention push. >> we're going to be back. we'll be in the ma hoeny valley. we'll be all over ohio. >> reporter: donald trump rallied in columbus monday. >> i'll be back. i'll be back so much you'll be sick of me, but november 8th you have to go and vote. we've got to win this election. >> reporter: the buckeye state is getting a barrage of attention, in person and over the air waives. clinton and her super pac spending 13 million on tv ads since june 7th. trump's campaign hasn't spent anything while his allies shelled out $1.6 million in tv time. >> we're going to have great jobs again. >> reporter: 7.6 million voters are up for grabs, but there's a push and pull over registering even more. federal judges struck down voter id laws and those reducing early voting time as unconstitutional and now the state's purge of voters who haven't cast a ballot in six years is under review by the courts. >> the ground game really matters, particularly in a year where both of the major candidates have a lot of negatives. >> clinton's team have offices sprouting up around the state. her camp courting suburban women. >> they're going to look this way and take a strong look at the two candidates and come our way at the end of the day. >> reporter: ohio gop officials say trump's field offices will start opening next week, insisting trump's tactics mean they haven't lost any ground. >> take the clinton operation. they're trying to do a lot to compensate for a weak candidate. what we've got with donald trump is a candidate who is taking his message right to the people through his rallies, through twitter, through the media. >> reporter: but trump is in an on going feud with the top republican in the state, governor john kasich refused to appear at the republican convention after taking on trump in the primary season. >> you nominate the wrong candidate, we'll lose the united states senate as well as the white house. they will not win ohio. >> i know the trump team isn't happy and it looks like neither side is happy right now, but while the bridge wasn't crossed, it also wasn't burned. >> reporter: the feelings among voters are strong for both candidates. >> i would like to see trump because he does come from outside washington. i cannot stand politicians. like i said earlier, they say one thing and go do another. >> i watched the republican and it was just -- i didn't hear anything positive. i didn't hear any platforms. i didn't hear anything. all i heard is cutting down everybody and making our country hate one another. i just don't agree with that. it makes me sick. >> reporter: but some ohioans are frustrated with their choices. >> i'm not sure about trump. i'm not sure about hillary. and i don't know -- i think i'm going to make my decision that day. >> reporter: and the voters here are getting an extra push to get involved. the secretary of state's office is partnering up with the electronic registration information center. they'll be sending out mailers to 1.6 million eligible voters and those people will have until october 11th to register to vote here in ohio. alisyn? 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>> the new harry potter. it beats the u.s. constitution. wow. >> maybe they did win the revolution after all. in today's "new day" new you a new study suggests that swapping animal protein for plant protein may help you live longer. 130,000 health care professionals were study after decade after accounting for unhealthy behaviors, they found a 3% calorie increase from plant protein led to a 10% lower risk of death overall and a 12% decrease in heart-related death. now on the flip side, a 10% increase in calories from animal protein led to a slightly higher risk of mortality in general and 8% jump in heart-related deaths. >> if i carry the 8 -- >> take that to the bank. >> long division. gold star families voicing five-star anger at donald trump, demanding an apology in an open letter for his attacks on those parents of that fallen muslim american war hero. the mother behind the letter joins us next. xrcç&éíuv8f95]dxw> this morning nearly 30 gold star families are demanding an apology from donald trump through an open letter addressed to him saying, quote, your recent comments regarding the khan family were repugnant and personally offensive to us when you question a mother's pain by implying her religion, not her grief kept her from addressing an arena of people, you are attacking us. when you say your job building buildings is akin to our sacrifice, you are attacking our sacrifice. the letter was organized by karen meredith, gold star mother who serves as military family corespondent nay tor for she also joins us now along with gold star wife cheryl langeford who signed the letter. ladies, thank you so much for being here. >> good morning. >> it's great to have both of you. >> good morning. thank you, allieson. >> great to have both of you. we are so sorry for your loss and we're grateful for your sacrifice. karen, why did you want to send a letter to donald trump? >> well, watching the khan family speak at the convention was really uplifting for so many gold star families because it was probably the first time many people had heard what a gold -- even the term of gold star, but the immediate reaction from donald trump when he questioned about the sacrifice just cut to my heart. and on social media, all the gold star families that i normally communicate with had a high level of anxiety and hurt and anger and pain. and i thought, we've got to do something. our voices are worth something. if we don't say something, then people will think it's okay for trump to talk that way. >> i know that you said that after he made those comments about mr. khan that you said that you haven't cried like that in a long time. what did it bring up for you? >> well, it opened the wound. it's been 12 years. my son was killed one week before captain khan was killed. we are in the same row at arlington. so i see him -- his grave every time i go to arlington. it just brought me back. i was just so upsetting and so offensive that somebody could say words like that and disrespect a family who has given so much to this country and i don't think that donald trump is capable of understanding why it's offensive and i don't think that makes him a good fit for commander in chief. >> cheryl, why did you want to sign this letter? >> i wanted to sign it and be in solidarity with the rest of the parents, with the rest of the wives, with the rest of the family members to let them know that, hey, when you come after one of us, you've come after all of us. >> after your letter was published, there was this moment on the campaign trail yesterday where a military mom stood up and confronted vp nominee mike pence. let me play for you that moment. >> time and time again trump has disrespected our nation's armed forces and veterans and his disrespect for mr. khan and his family is just an example of that. will there ever be a point in time when you're able to look at trump in the eye and tell him enough is enough? >> it's all right. >> you have a son in the military. how do you tolerate his disrespect? >> well, i thank you for the question. it's all right. it's all right. folks, that's what freedom looks like and that's what freedom sounds like. having spent time with our nominee, i have never been around someone more devoted to the armed forces of this country, more devoted to the families of our soldiers, sailers, airmen, marine and coast guard and no one more devoted to the veterans in this country. >> cheryl, what did you think of mike pence's response there? >> i was shocked to hear him say that knowing that he also served on the defense, on the armed forces services. he served, himself. he was on that committee with men and women whose job it was to oversee that area. and now he's saying that as being part of that committee. now he sees that donald trump is more devoted and more patriotic than the people that he served with as senator. it just took me aback to hear him say something like that. >> karen, what about the response of the crowd to that mom? they booed her before mike pence silenced them. what was that about? >> i don't know. i just -- it's shocking to me that people feel like they can say something like that to a mother of a soldier or a mother of a troop. the discourse in the country has been amazing. it seems like the trump campaign gives people permission to be offensive. >> i know you're calling for an apology from mr. trump. have you heard from the campaign? >> as far as i know we haven't. and mr. trump has said that he does not apologize, so i'm not expecting one. but i am expecting what the mother asked for, are you ever going to call him and tell him enough is enough? so far the leadership -- the republican leadership has called or has responded to the family of the khan family and expressed their opinion that their son was a hero and thank you for serving, but nobody has told trump enough is enough. and that's what i'm looking for. if you don't say something, then it means you're okay with it. and apparently the republican leadership is okay with his behavior and his denigration of the troops. >> we'll see what happens today as a result of your letter. karen meredith, cheryl langeford, thank you very much. we appreciate you being here. >> thank you, alisyn. >> thank you. >> we're following a lot of news this morning, so let's get right to it. >> horrible things were said. >> i was very viciously attacked. >> this is political season. i have same rights as you do. >> the country is a mess. we're going to make it strong again. we're going to make it safe again. >> trump is wrong. >> america is not weak. >> she's crooked as a $3 bill. let me tell you. >> we would like to see those tax returns, wouldn't we? >> you're only afraid if you have something to be afraid about. >> that's completely nerve wracking. >> the historic warning to travelers heading to a major u.s. city. >> this is in our backyard. >> pandemic in process. >> this is "new day" with chris koe moe and alisyn. >> good morning, everyone. chris is off this morning. john bermen joins me. great to have you in studio. >> good morning, everyone. >> hillary clinton emerging from her party's convention with a big bounce. she is now back on top over donald trump. let's look at the numbers. clinton is getting a seven-point bounce in this new cnn national poll. she leads by nin in a head-to-head. but in a four-way race, she has an four-point lead. >> donald trump says the whole thing could be rigged in his fallout of his feud with a muslim war hero. we have it all covered for you. we want to begin with david chael onwith more now on our new poll numbers. david? >> good morning, john. let's look inside that clinton bounce. what is making it happen? we tested some key issues. take a look here. who would be better to handle foreign policy, wow. clinton 59%, trump 36%. that's a 23 point advantage for clinton. this has been an issue where she had advantage. we haven't seen it this wide since way back in may. now look at our next issue. who would be better to handle terrorism? 48% clinton, 48% trump. this is a tie and that is a big deal because this has been a trump advantage for the last six weeks in our polling. in fact, after his convention in cleveland, john, he had an 11-point advantage on who would be best to handle terrorism after her convention, hillary clinton has brought that to a tie. you also know that russia has been in the news of late in this presidential campaign. so we asked, is russia a friend to the u.s.? and look at the difference. it all depends on which candidate you support. among trump voters, 43% say russia is a friend to the u.s. among clinton voters, only 36% say that. how about is russia trying to influence this u.s. presidential election? again, big difference depending on who you support. 60% of clinton voters believe russia is trying to influence the u.s. election. only a third, 33% of trump voters, believe that to be true. john and alisyn, this last number to me is probably the biggest number in our poll. who would better handle the economy? we all know the economy is issue number one for voters. take a look at this. hillary clinton is now edging donald trump by two points. 50% to 48%. this is key because he has been dominating on this score. he had an 11-point advantage after his convention. he has been leading on the economy since way back in the spring. she now after her convention, hillary clinton, able to just edge ahead on the score of the economy, which is a very important issue. al isy alisyn. >> stand by, david. it's been a rough week for donald trump. now the gop nominee is warning supporters that he fears the november election could be rigged. this comes as his feud with the muslim parents of a fallen american war hero is triggering a bitter backlash. phil mattingly joins us with more on all of that. phil? >> good morning, alisyn. the backlash has been fierce and it's coming from inside the party both publicly and privately. gop officials asking donald trump to as one told me just leave this alone. trump not going to do that. if you've watched over the course of the last 14 months of his campaign when he feels like he is attacked, he is going to swing back. that's exactly what's happening now. >> he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. he made a deal with the devil. >> reporter: donald trump ramping up his personal attacks on hillary clinton while criticizing bernie sanders for supporting the democratic nominee. >> she picked a vice presidential candidate who is like the opposite of him. >> reporter: and suggesting that if he loses in november it's because -- >> i'm afraid the election is going to be rigged -- >> reporter: all as the on going feud between trump and the parents of a slain muslim u.s. soldier captain humayun khan escalates. >> i have great honor and great feeling for his son, mr. khan's son. as far as i'm concerned, he's a hero. >> you can a tack muslims, you can attack judges and nobody can question your caliber, your leg of empathy and you want to be commander in chief? >> i was very viciously attacked, as you know. when you have radical islamic terrorists probably all over the place, we're allowing them to come in by the thousands and thousands. and i think that's what bothered mr. khan more than anything else. >> he says, oh, i am being severely attacked, harshly attacked. well, police k well, political season. you're a candidate for an office. and i have same rights as you do. >> reporter: the dispute rocking the gop. dozens of republican leaders forced to come out in support of the khans. >> we want to honor the families of those who have served and those who have sacrificed all of us. >> reporter: trump's campaign bombarding their supporters on capitol hill with e-mails, urging them to back his position, but instead getting the cold shoulder. >> our gold star families deserve our full and total support. >> reporter: emotions running high at a rally for trump's running mate mike pence a woman's whose son is in the air force, booed for bringing up the issue. >> trump has disrespected our nation's armed forces and veterans and his disrespect for mr. khan and his family is just an example of that. will there ever be a point in time when you're able to look at trump in the eye and tell him enough is enough? >> wait a second. that's all right. folks, that's what freedom looks like. that's what freedom sounds like. okay? i want to ho your son's service to the country and your family's service to the country. i truly do, ma'am. >> reverberating on the campaign trail. that's the issue here that this becomes what people are talking about. this becomes what voters are concerned about, not the economy, not the jobs, the issues that donald trump really up to this point has led on and does well on when you look at the polling. >> if you look at how mike pence handled it there as opposed to donald trump, maybe it will not be what people are talking about days and weeks ahead he took the air out of the issue with the audience right there. phil mattingly, thanks so much. >> i want to bring in david chalian and jackie and ron brownstein. i want to go back to the polls, ron brownstein, king of demographics right now. there is one number within our polls that you think could be decisive perhaps even the most important number in this election. that's college educated white voters. with this group right now, hillary clinton is opening up a lead. with the lead you say she's nearly invincible. >> yeah. first of all, thanks, john. the first poll after your own convention is often usually a high point for a candidate. certainly more twists ahead. but what we are seeing here among college educated whites is unprecedented. if you go back in the history of polling to 1952 as we talked about before, no democrat has ever won most college educated white voters. hillary clinton is winning among them by ten points in your new poll and is overperforming not only along the college white women best group from the beginning but also significantly improving over president obama among college white men. add that to donald trump's historic deficits among minorities. stop there for a moment. in your poll he is winning only 12% combined among all non-white voters well below the meager 17% that mitt romney won in 2012, add those two things together, there simply not enough non-college whites to win. that's really underscored in your poll. he is still at 60% among them and down by nine points. while there are more twists ahead, you are seeing structure develop in this race with these two key pillars what have been the democratic coalition, socially liberal college educated whites and non-white voters really aligning? a powerful against donald trump at this point. >> david chalian, let's dive into things you think are most notable, terrorism. who would be best to handle terrori terrorism. that's donald trump or at least he's done well historically with that. now after the conventions they are tied. hillary clinton and donald trump both getting 48%. i don't suppose the pollers asked the respondents what was it about the convention that allowed her to see that boost? >> well, we don't have that specific question about what moment in the convention is allowed you to do that. but clearly part of the convention was aimed at especially the back half of the convention was aimed at showing hillary clinton as commander in chief. when you had general allen out there speaking on her behalf. when you heard from some veterans and veteran's families out there as we've been talking about. that was all to bolster her commander in chief credentials as well. this is her bounce poll. this is where hillary clinton is after four nights of lots of coverage of her designed program. yes, she has drawn to a tie on this score that has been donald trump advantage for much of this election. >> jackie, in talking to the campaigns, do you have a sense of what hillary clinton will do with this now, now that she is at parody on the economy, at parody on terrorism which had been her weak issues? is she going to push these points or with this on going controversy and feud between donald trump and the khan family? is she going to let that play out on its own or maybe keep pressing those buttons? >> i think the answer is yes. i think they're going to walk and chew zbgum on this one. you heard the clinton campaign pile on a bit about -- why wouldn't they -- with trump and the gold star families. that said, she just got done with a bus tour going through the rust belt, talking about the economy and talking about how her and tim kaine will help the middle class. so i think you'll see a little of both, especially as they branch out and you see tim kaine had one way, hillary clinton had the other. there's no reason to think they won't focus squarely on the economy but some of the other areas where she's going to get a bounce, they're going to weave it with. >> let's talk about the on going feud between donald trump and the khan family because leading republicans, john mccain notably, are coming out to denounce basically donald trump for his response to the khan family. here is a "wall street journal" columnist who writes this yesterday -- conservative die hards may try to hold fast to the truth that hillary clinton was is and always will be worse but the argument can't be sustained indefinitely. mrs. clinton is not the apott owe sis of evil. she may be a corner cutter and liar and almost surely to a point liberal. to the supreme court but at least she is not a sociopath. are we hearing more -- >> wow. >> from conservatives and republicans is this khan issue forcing them to speak out instead of just sit on the sidelines? >> it's very similar to the judge issue. it's having the similar effect inside the republican party and on the public overall. the schism we're seeing is unprecedented with istanbul, turkey tweeting favorable words about the candidate challenging paul ryan and ryan and mcconnell distancing themselves from trump's remarks again. and mccain going much farther than he ever has before. this does cut to what i was talking about. the biggest single problem for donald trump is his underperformance with the college whites makes it hard in places like virginia, colorado and even north carolina. he has two principle problems with those voters. one is many consider him racialracial ly devicive. the other is they don't consider him qualified to be president. 80% of college white women in your poll and 71% of college white men said he does not have the right experience to be president and this is the kind of fight, plus crimea -- look at khan and crimea the past 48 hours incapsulated precisely the challenge donald trump faces with this significant block of white collar voters. we have this to discuss, hillary clinton's latest billionaire backer challenging donald trump to release his tax returns. warren buffett is blasting donald trump suggesting that trump is hiding something. jeff zeleny has more on this. he is live in omaha where he is getting a round of applause, oh, no, that's rain. hi, jeff. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. it's a rainy morning here in omaha. warren buffett often supports democrats but he does it very quietly. not now. his soft spoken approach was blown apart when he went after donald trump very hard. this is all part of the clinton businessmen to show that donald trump in their view is not fit to serve. but it's also an effort to get under donald trump's skin. >> hillary! hillary! hillary! >> reporter: hillary clinton arm in arm on the campaign trail with billionaire warren buffett. the 85-year-old oracle of omaha unleashing a scathing attack on donald trump. >> i've really never known another businessman that brags about his bankruptcies. tell you the truth, why not, it's his claim to stardom. i never had somebody else had six bankruptcies. there he is. >> reporter: buffett condemning trump for refusing to release his tax returns. >> he said he can't release it because he's under audit. i have news for him, i'm under audit, too. i would be delighted to meet him any place, any time between now and election. i'll bring my tax return. he could bring his tax return. nobody is going to arrest us. >> reporter: the billionaire investor forcefully rebuking trump's attacks on the muslim parents of a soldier slain in iraq. >> how in the world can you stand up to couple of parents who lost a son and talked about sacrifices because you were building a bunch of buildings. i ask, donald trump, have you no sense of decency, sir? he is the latest to speak out against trump. part of clinton's strategy to discredit his record. last week at the democratic convention, former new york city major michael bloomberg questioning trump's competency. >> and saturday mark cuban in his hometown of pittsburgh calling trump crazy. >> leadership is not yelling and screaming and intimidating. right? yeah, she knows. >> reporter: now so far donald trump has not responded to this. we'll keep our eye on twitter for that. john and alisyn, you may wonder why hillary clinton is in omaha at all. this race now is all about electoral votes the paths to 270. nebraska and maine the only two states in the country that divide their votes by congressional district. they with win this electoral vote here in omaha and nebraska. she visited yesterday and i'm told she'll be back again. of course donald trump will also fight for this as well as campaign in maine actually this week. >> so interesting seeing them both traveling for one electoral vote. jeff zeleny in omaha. thanks so much. i want to bring back our panel. david, i want to ask you about these billionaires. warren buffett talks about being audited. he is just like this except for the 50 billion. why is the clinton campaign like these optics? explain. >> listen, first of all, this is donald trump's club in some way and they're rejecting him, right? he is of the billionaire club and here people are with their own business acumen to begin criticizing him on this score. so, that's one piece of the optic they really like. but also because they want to point out that the economy, these folks know it, know how to master the economy and they're on hillary clinton's side. so it's twofold. it's the anti-trump but also boosts her credentials on the economy. >> jackie, warren buffett is beating the drum beat that donald trump needs to release his taxes. you heard buffett there say i too am under an audit. wouldn't stop me from releasing my taxes and said in fact, i'll meet him anywhere ch many i'll bring my tax returns. he should bring his tax returns. is this gaining any traction, do you sense, on the campaign trail? >> you would think. it certainly doesn't sound like donald trump is going to do that. warren buffett also said he was going to make an offer trump couldn't refuse, but certainly seems like he'll take a hard pass. which leaves a lot of questions open about where donald trump is giving his money. where he is getting his money. these are fundamental questions that we've had the answers to in a lot of ways for as long as i can remember even when mitt romney released just a couple years of tax returns. that was enough to answer a lot of questions that we had even about the rate that he is paying. so as long as donald trump refuses to do this, hillary clinton can say what's he hiding. and that will be something that we hear all the way to the election day if he decides not to release any years of his taxes. >> warren buffett literally said you show me yours, i'll show you mine. we'll have a tax return release party. don't think that will happen any time soon. ron brownstein to the idea of these billionaires if hillary clinton's weakness is with white, working class voters, wouldn't it help to appear with some white working class voters and not white billionaire dudes? >> this is less about that. the phrase i heard the most from democratic strategists at the convention is the permission structure. somewhat obscure phrase. they're trying to create a permission structure for right of center to feel comfortable voting for hillary clinton and not donald trump. you saw that when president obama separated donald trump from the republican party, which couldn't have made harry reid entirely happy running against senators. she is trying to say to professionals that she is -- this is a seal of approval that professionals would see as relevant on the economy. less so to those blue collar white voters. she did a bus tour aimed at them this weekend. that was the blind spot at the democratic convention amid the celebration of diversity and changing of america which was a core message there was less there for that traditional democratic blue collar voter outside of the joe biden. this continues in that vein. look, if hillary clinton can hold an even performance against college educated white voters, it gets very hard for him. it does shake up the electoral college from the sun belt all the way from the rust belt, but that's a powerful coalition and he has to find a way to talk to college voters. 64% of college white men said he was not qualified. 71% number that i sited was the percentage of college white men who believe that hillary clinton does have the right experience to have president. >> we'll take that out offyour paycheck. thanks so much. >> that's a big percentage to come out. new controversy surrounding donald trump over his comments on sexual harassment and his daughter ivanka. what he said and why it has many people upset. that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. the check they sent isn't enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn't make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? he says, you should have chosen full-car replacement. excuse me? let me be frank, he says. you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. call and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at that's liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. youthat's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. donald trump with a pretty interesting new interview with usa today after answering questions about harassment allegations facing former fox news chief roger als. what if his own daughter was harassed was asked by a reporter. i would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that were the case. >> joining us to discuss is former senior adviser to bill clinton and cnn political commentator and donald trump supporter kaylee. what did you think of his response there that his daughter would have to go find another job if she was sexually harassed? >> that's the same advice my father would probably give me. it's the same advice i would give to my sister. get away from the situation. if someone is harassing you or being aggressive, move jobs, get away from the situation. >> but the woman is not supposed to have to leave the job. it's not supposed to happen in the workplace. you're supposed to go to the authorities and be able to stay at your job. >> but look every woman treats the situations differently. some women, they might be fine staying around the employer. it might be too emotionally scarring. for my family the concern would be to get away from this aggressive boss. get away from the situation and leave. that's what i would advise my siblings, too. >> the interesting thing, we both went to law school. first of all, on one level this shows a shocking misunderstanding of the legal system and the legal rights and remedies that are available to anybody who was sexually harassed. you are entitled to -- >> to keep your job. >> to work in an environment that is free from harassment, that is free from illegal activity and one in which you are allowed to succeed based upon your merits. but more importantly here i think that this remark when i heard this remark the first thing i thought about was mitt romney and that 47% because this remark exposes a world view of things. exposes, you know, shows donald trump the way he thinks about something. of course he has always been the boss. so i think he feels that he's entitled to act however he wants. i'm sure he also thinks that his friend roger ailes was viciously attacked by this woman. i think this shows a view of things that is pretty shocking. >> but richard refers to the legal case. he was asked as a father what would you advise your daughter to do. if your daughter is being sexually harassed by a male, the father's preimminent concern is not building a legal case, it's getting his daughter away from that situation. >> you know, if it were -- i don't have children. if i was a father and it was my daughter who was sexually harassed at work and came to me and said that she had been harassed, i would say go straight to your human resources person let them know what's happened and assert your right. people are entitled to a workplace that's free from harassment. >> isn't that right the course? as someone who went to law school, isn't that the right course of action? >> for some people, maybe. but for a father looking at his daughter in a horrible situation, who knows what level of sexual harassment -- >> can i just say one other thing. >> very quickly. >> it's interesting that his point was not that even she should change jobs but that she should entirely change careers. talking about his own daughter here. >> you both went to law school so you can weigh in on the next subject which is hillary clinton and her e-mails. she did an interview over the weekend with fox news where toik is giving employment advise. also in the washington post gave her four pinocchios how she answered questions to chris wallace. let's listen. >> director comey said that my answers were truthful and what i said is consistent with what i have told the american people. >> secretary clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the state department. was that true? >> no. we found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned. >> richard k you point to a single example in the testimony that comey gave or in a statement that what he said that hillary clinton said to the american people were truthful? yes or no. >> he said -- >> yes or no. >> yes. >> you can't. >> yes, you can. he clearly said that the testimony -- responses she gave to his investigation were i think his exact words were not untruthful. listen, on this whole topic -- >> i'm asking -- richard, the important thing is what did she say to the american people? the question is what did she tell the american people and comey specifically was asked whether or not when she told the american people that she never had sent classified e-mails, truth she never sent classified e-mails. >> john bermen, did mr. comey say she lied to the american people. >> he said he wasn't equipped to answer that. her answer is completely consistent with that. this whole e-mail thing, look, she said she made a mistake. she said she should sflot proceeded this way on the e-mails. also, if she had done anything illegally permissible, mr. comey would have taken action against her. she said she made a mistake. she apologized. the american people have to judge her. >> if your going to apologize be truthful with your answers. they contradicted her on four points. be honest about it because it's going to hammer on her honest and trustworthy numbers further by stating this mistruth. >> 35% or 34% of the american people think she is honest and trustworthy right now. >> i'm one of them. >> thanks so much. we've heard from clinton and trump. tomorrow night it's the libertarian's turn. anderson cooper will host the libertarian town hall tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. on cnn. >> very serious libertarians. fallout surrounding donald trump with this feud he is in with the parents of a fallen muslim/american soldier. how will it affect support among american veterans. can he afford to keep this up politically? 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>> well, good morning, john. i think the thing we have to recognize is mr. trump is pandering to his base who is completely ignorant on a number of issues, including the constitution and the true teachings of islam. mr. trump on a personal level has the right to speak whatever he wants. i think giving that he is running for the president of the united states he needs to be a uniting force, not a dividing force. unfortunately pandering to its ignorant base and perpetuating the misconceptions particularly as it relates to islam is extremely dangerous. in this effort, the muslim community is asking all trump supporters and all supporters out there to join us in educating everyone about the true teachings of islam by endorsing the 11 points on islam requires loyalty to the muslim's place of resident. things like islam advocates and champions equality and empowerment of women. these are common misconceptions that are throughout that terrorists often use to recruit and unfortunately mr. trump is joining the fight with the terrorists and actually providing fuel for them to recruit even more which is perpetuating this cycle. >> tayyib, you're a veteran. i don't think you're involved in politics. it's a risky thing to call voters, even if they're not your voters ignorant. you are calling donald trump supporters ignorant this morning? >> this morning i'm saying there's a lot of misconceptions about islam. many of his voters would be educated, i think that there's a large base that simply do not know what the true teachings of islam really are. we are taking it upon ourselves and calling on all american muslims and really all american citizens to take it upon themselves to educate yourself about the true teachings of islam so that we can really win fighting. ogic war that we're >> jeffrey, i want to play you quickly a sound if i can. it's quick from donald trump in that interview he did with an interview last night. >> security is very big. when you have radical islamic terrorists probably all over the place we're allowing them to come in by the thousands and thousands and i think that's what bothered mr. khan, more than anything else, and i'm not going to change my views on that. we have radical islamic terrorists coming in that have to be stopped. >> in that interview first of all there are thousands and thousands of radical islamic terrorists coming into the u.s. there's no evidence of that. he also said maybe that's what's bothering mr. khan. he suggested somehow, jeffrey bs it's because donald trump wants to stop terrorists from coming into the united states. that's what bothers khizr khan. i don't get what he's getting? do you? >> i understand. mr. khan said he was upset -- first of all, mr. khan misrepresented donald trump. he said he wanted to ban muslims. that is not accurate. what donald trump said is he wanted a temporary halt in the immigration system until we could figure out what was going on. quite clearly in san bernardino someone came into this country with a legal visa, k-1 fiance visa and proceeded to mass murder 14 people and they weren't checked, that's the kind of thing that donald trump is talking about and that's what has many americans upset. i might add, john, to say that the american people are ignorant, you know, when i saw thousands of people last night with thousands more who couldn't get in to call them ignorant is shameful. >> jeffrey lord, tayyib, appreciate your time this morning. thank you. >> thanks. >> thank you. the cdc is issuing unprecedented travel warning in the united states because of the zika virus. we have the director of the cdc next to explain. his stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week, these items just one cent each. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. the check they sent isn't enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn't make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? he says, you should have chosen full-car replacement. excuse me? let me be frank, he says. you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. call and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at that's liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. for the first time the centers for disease control issuing a travel advisory for pregnant women inside the continental u.s., telling them to stay away from a particular miami neighborhood. florida officials say 14 people have now been infected with the mosquito-born zika virus. joining us to explain all is dr. thomas freiden. thank you so much for being here. this is the first time the cdc issued a warning like this. why did you take this action? >> what we have seen in this particular neighborhood is a large number of infections and continued presence of the particular mosquito that spreads the zika virus. because of that we think that pregnant women shouldn't travel there. pregnant women who live or work there should do everything possible to avoid mosquito bites. >> dr. freiden, how can it be contained to a particular neighborhood if mosquitos can make it to miami from brazil, how can we be sure the mosquitos are going to stay in miami? >> it wasn't mosquitos that made it from a zika area to this area, it was people who had the zika virus in their body. they were bitten by mosquitos from this area. those mosquitos don't continue to spread it to other mosquitos, they spread it to people. it goes from a person to a mosquito to another person. that mosquito only flies about 500 feet maximum in its entire life time. it's a very localized type of infection, but we are looking very carefully because we know that it has happened elsewhere in miami, two other infections that stopped, without appearing to spread to the community and anywhere in the u.s. where this mosquito is present, it's possible there could be locally-spread zika infections. it's important that pregnant women take steps to protect themselves against mosquito bites. not easy to do but important. >> these numbers are worrisome to people. just on friday the governor of florida said there were four case. yesterday it had jumped to 14. how confident are you that there really are only 14 cases? >> we anticipate there will be more cases. in fact, most of those cases were found because florida was very proactive and went out and tested people in that 150, 500 square foot area. they went to workplaces. they went to homes. that's how they found the additional cases and those cases were from a few weeks back and potentially more recently. that's why we issued the unprecedented travel guidance yesterday advising pregnant women not to travel to this area. further testing is under way to see if there are infections beyond this one-mile radius. the one-mile radius has a buffer zone of five different life time flight paths of these mosquitos. but we don't know exactly how broadly it spread. we are looking very carefully and we've sent an emergency response team from cdc to work with the florida authorities to look at what more can be done to stop the mosquitos. because that's how it spreads. >> dr. freiden, how confident are you that it could be contained to this neighborhood? do you have fears this morning that it has made it elsewhere in the continental u.s.? >> anywhere in the u.s. where this mosquito is present there is a risk. that's why we need to track. that's why we developed and distributed test kits for public health labs to use throughout tus, but that's also why it's important that we invest in better tools to diagnose zika and better ways to stop these mosquitos. they're tough mosquitos to stop. the concern we have is that it could continue to spread in this area for weeks or months if we don't get the mosquitos under control. >> let's talk about getting the mosquitos under control. you're advising pregnant women and women of child baring age, where mosquito repellant, wear certain protective clothing, but what are you doing about the mosquitos, to get rid of them? >> to get rid of these mos keys, you have to have a comprehensive approach, get rid of standing water, kill the adult forms of mosquitos, larvae form. do that indoors and outdoors where they live and breathe. that's difficult. the authorities in florida have been doing that everyday, but we aren't seeing big drops in the number of mosquitos there. that's why we sent one of our top experts in mosquito control. she got there yesterday. she had a series of meeting with the team. they're looking at what the options are to try to rapidly bring down mosquito counts in that area. >> dr. thomas freiden, thank you very much for being on "new day" with all this information. people we will speak again. a key republican strategist, someone many people saw as a potential white house chief of staff one day, announces she is leaving the party. who will she vote for in november? the surprising answer, next. i study psychobiology. i'm a fine arts major. nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. i try to balance my studying with the typical college experience. this windows pc is a life saver! being able to pull up different articles to different parts of the screen is so convenient. i used to be a mac user but this is way better. intensely-flavored.. colorfully-diverse. beautifully-misshapen. cultivated for generations, it's the unexpected hero of any dish. when you cook with incredible ingredients... you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients. step-by-step-recipes. delivered to your door, for less than $9 a meal. get $30 off your first delivery a long-time advisor to jeb bsh, sally bradshaw says she is leaving for the republican party and will vote for hillary clinton over donald trump in november if the race is close in her home state of florida. this is big in political circles. what's going on here? >> it's also stunning because she keeps a very low profile. this is not someone who goes out there. she's also extremely well-respected in the republican party. and she did not mince words about donald trump. she called him a misogynist. and what's happened is she has said enough is enough. i'm going to read you part of what she said just because it was so strong. she said, this election cycle is a test. as much as i don't want another four years of obama's policies, i can't look my children in the eye and tell them i voted for donald trump. i can't tell them to love their neighbor and treat others the way they wanted to be treated and then vote for donald trump. i won't do it. so this is really -- i've spoken to a lot of republicans around the country who keep saying what are we going to do. and i think that this resonated when it came out yesterday. it went viral because she spoke up. >> jeb bush dropped out of the race at the end of february. yesterday was august 1st. why did sally bradshaw decide on august 1st to tell you this? >> she says she's been weighing it for month. the voter registration records are public in florida. she actually did this a couple of weeks ago. it was reinforced, she said, by what happened with the khan family. she said, quote, that it was despicable what trump said about the family. this is the muslim-american soldier, the parents who spoke out at the convention. she said it made her sick to her stomach. she actually did it a little while ago, but she went public with the khan controversy. >> people who know politics, who know florida politics, know that sally bradshaw and jeb bush have a political mind meld. it's hard to imagine sally bradshaw doing anything without running it by the florida governor first. what does this say about him? is it possible he'll vote for hillary clinton? >> i think a lot of people are reading tea leaves here. he has said he is not going to vote for hillary clinton. he may look at gary johnson, the libertarian candidate. i think that a lot of people in bush world, they said they're sitting on the sidelines. people are wondering is there going to be an october surprise? might some members of the bush family come out and say they're voting for hillary? >> meanwhile you have a tease about more to come. >> i'm talking to a very prominent person in the republican party, very similar to sally bradshaw, who was quite inspired by what sally did yesterday. stay tuned. we may have another one. >> i've got nothing. i have to stay tuned like all of you. following a lot of news this morning. let's get to it. >> shame on you, donald trump. >> i was very viciously attacked, as you know. >> you can attack women, minorities, muslims, judges, and nobody can question your cali r caliber? >> all i did was respond. i will always respond. >> i ask donald trump, have you no sense of decency, sir? >> i've had the best week. >> historic warning to travelers heading to a major u.s. city. >> this problem will only get worse unless we get ahead of it. >> my biggest concern is having it spread through the country. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> welcome to your new day. it is tuesday august 2nd. it's 8:00 in the east. >> john berman is here with me. hillary clinton getting a big bounce after the democratic convention. cl clinton retaking the lead erasing most of trump's gains after his republican convention. >> meantime, donald trump is telling his supporters that he is afraid the election could be rigged. he's also smack in the middle of a feud with a muslim fallen war hero. david chal y >> it is a bounce and a big bounce for hillary clinton. take a look at where the race stands right now. 52% clinton, 43% trump. that's a nine-point race outside the margin of error. she's clearly benefitting from her convention. before the convention she was at 45%. now hillary clinton is at 52%. that is a seven-point bounce. libertarian candidate gary johnson and green party candidate jill stein, they're in this race on most ballots. hillary clinton went from 39% to 45%, so a six-point bounce. when you look at the four way she's besting donald trump by eight points, 45% to 75%. let's compare bounce to bounce. as we were saying, hillary clinton got that seven-point bounce out of philadelphia. compare that to donald trump. he got a six-point bounce out of his convention in cleveland. that's pretty comparable. unfortunately for donald trump, hillary clinton's convention came last. the question is, can she maintain this level of support or will this too be just a bounce and the ball will eventually come down? one clue, independents in that four-way race. this is where the four-way race really matters right now. hillary clinton is besting donald trump 37 to 33%. johnson at 16% and stein at 8%. just a four-point spread among independents because of johnson's presence. and then oparty unity. democrats said after their convention, 44% say they're united. 40% say they've divided still, but they'll be united come november. only 14% say divided now and will not unite. compare that to what republicans are saying after their conventions. 20% say they're united in the gop. 46% of republicans believe they will be united by november. and 31%, nearly a third say they're divided and will not unite. that's republicans saying that about your own party at this stage of the race. this is a big to do item on donald trump's list. >> donald trump warning his supporters that he fears a rigged election in november as he faces a bitter backlash over that feud with the muslim family of a fallen soldier. phil mattingly joins us with more on that. >> the backlash, it's been fierce and the backlash has been driven by the republican party. top republican officials essentially saying, let it go. but as we've seen over the course of the last 14 months, when donald trump feels attacked, he's going to swing back. he's going to fight back. >> he made a deal with the devil. she's the devil. he made a deal with the devil. >> donald trump ramping up his personal attacks on hillary clinton. while characterizing bernie sanders for supporting the democratic nominee. >> she picked a vice presidential candidate who is like the opposite of him. >> and suggesting that if he loses in november, it's because -- >> i'm afraid the election's going to be rigged. >> all as the ongoing feud between trump and the parents of a slain u.s. soldier, captain humayun khan escalates. >> i have great feeling for his son. as far as i'm concerned he's a hero. >> you can attack muslims, you can attack judges and nobody can question your caliber, your lack of empathy? and you want to be commander in chief? >> i was viciously attacked. when you have radical islamic terrorists probably all over the place, we're allowing them to come in by the thousands and thousands. i think that's what bothered mr. khan more than anything else. >> he says, oh, i am being severely attacked, harshly attacked. well, this is political season. you're a candidate for an office. and i have same rights as you do. >> the dispute rocking the gop. dozens of republican leaders forced to come out in support of the khans. >> we want to honor the families of those who have served and those who have sacrificed, all of us. >> trump's campaign bombarding their supporters on capitol hill with e-mails, urging them to back his position. but instead getting the cold shoulder. >> our gold star families deserve our full and total support. >> emotions running high. at a rally for trip's running mate mike pence, a woman who ea's son is in the air force, booed for bringing up the issue. >> donald trump has disrespected our armed forces. and his disrespect for khan. his family is just an example of that. will there ever be a point in time that you're able to look trump in the eye and tell him enough is enough? >> that's all right. folks, that's what freedom looks like and sound like. i want to honor your son's service to the country. i truly do, ma'am. >> defendant handling of a really sensitive issue there by mr. pence. that's the issue you hear about from republicans that they're most concerned about going forward. when donald trump wins is when donald trump is talking about the economy, about jobs. where donald trump loses is when he's talking about issues like this. they would like him to move on. donald trump has made clear, if he's attacked, he's going to swing back. warren buffett challenging donald trump to release his tax returns. the billionaire who is siding the hillary clinton just unloaded on donald trump, suggesting he's hiding something those returns. jeff zeleny is live in a pouring rain omaha with more. >> reporter: good morning. last night donald trump was the subject of a blistering attack by warren buffett. warren buffett is soft spoken, generally speaking. he is known not to weigh in much on politics. the latest in a string of billionaire businessmen here that's making the case that donald trump's business savvy should not be a reason he's elected and sent to the white house. >> hillary! >> reporter: hillary clinton arm and arm on the campaign trail with billionaire warren buffett. the 85-year-old oracle of omaha unleashing a scathing attack on donald trump. >> i've never known another businessman that bragged at his bankruptcies. it's his claim to stardom. i don't know anybody else that's had six bankruptcies, but there he is. he can't release it because he's under audit? i've got news for him. i'm under audit too. i would be delighted to meet him any place, any time between now and election. i'll bring my tax return. he could bring his tax return. nobody's going to arrest us. >> the billionaire investor forcefully rebuking trump's attacks on the muslim parents of a soldier slain in iraq. >> how in the world can you stand up to a couple of parents who have lost a son and talk about sacrificing because you were building. have you no sense of decency, sir? >> reporter: part of clinton's strategy to discredit his record. last week at the democratic convention, former new york city mayor michael bloomberg questioning trump's competency. >> i'm a new yorker and i know a con when i see one. >> reporter: saturday billionaire mark cuban in his hometown of pittsburgh calling trump crazy. >> leadership is not yelling and screaming and intimidating, right? yes, she knows. >> reporter: there's another reason for the clinton campaign to have a bounce in their step today. the campaign announced it had raised $90 million in their month of july. in the 24-hour period in the time when she accepted the nomination until last week they raised $8.7 million online. a lot of donations coming in from small donors who have never contributed before. >> hillary clinton retaking the lead over donald trump in this new cnn national poll with a seven-point convention bounce. she now leads trump by nine points. great to have both of you here this morning. the headline of the poll is that she got a bigger bounce than donald trump and she is now leading them. i know you've done a deeper dive into the behind the story of the poll. >> there are so many fascinating things in your poll that aren't getting as much coverage. 49% of those survey bid kred by said that the democrats spent too much time attacking republicans last week. i'm also curious to see that hillary clinton's trustworthy and honesty number went from 30% to a whopping 34%. she failed to move the needle on one of her greatest liabilities. i think she didn't help herself this week in pushing back against james comey. she has 49% of the people saying they're more likely to vote for her based on her convention speech. that's by low michael dukakis, john kerry, all of whom lost. >> if you dig through you can find a couple of nuggets in a pile of poo. >> oh. >> if you look at this poll, she is now leading almost on every issue category. she's leading on terrorism, on foreign policy, on the economy. >> not honesty. >> she's leading on the issues that people are going to vote on. and incidentally the gallup poll showed that donald trump got the least out of his convention of any nominee ever senince gallup has been polling. we feel good about these polls. but this is maybe the high watermark for right now because it's a bounce after the convention. >> let's talk think about untrustworthy number. it is interesting what's happened. is hillary clinton honest and trustworthy? in the poll, it says only 34% say yes, 64% say no. it could be connected to the ongoing questions about her e-mail. she was asked about it again this weekend by chris wallace on fox. and she had a different take on director comey's findings than some of the american public. let me play this moment for you about how she sbeinterpreted it. >> secretary clinton said all work related e-mails were returned to the state department. was that true? >> we found thousands that were not returned. >> the "washington post" fact checker gave that -- her response there to chris wallace four pinochios. how do you explain that? >> we are dancing on the end of a linguistic pin here. what he says she should have known about 110 e-mails and between what she says she actually felt or believed. she believed that these 110 e-mails that were referenced in the fact checker that were e-mailed to her by 300 different people at the state department, she believed they were not classified. they weren't marked as classified. director comey says that she should have known. but she is honest with respect to what she believed at the time. this is actually in some ways a matter of opinion. the fbi is looking back years later. >> the statute doesn't care about her opinion. the statute is a non-intent statute. i'm just surprised they still want to relitigate this a month later after she was not prosecuted. >> what should she have said? >> i'm sorry for causing my problems. she doesn't really say the words i'm sorry very often. i'm sorry for causing any problems and this is something i would never do again. you have to stop denying the truths that are out there. many responsible print reporters have reported there were six inconsistencies. she said i used a single device. director comey said there were six devices. you talk about qualifications for president, integrity is a qualification for president in the united states. >> donald trump's honest and trustworthy numbers are worse in almost every single poll than hillary clinton's. number two, she has apologized repeatedly for this. she would not do it again. and this is in stark contrast. donald trump has never apologized for anything. >> that's not true. >> i'm sorry is not his favorite either. >> trump should release his tax returns? where are the 33,000 e-mails. >> the other big story is the ongoing feud with khizr khan. and now these gold star moms releasing this letter asking donald trump to apologize to families of the fallen, but he's not likely to do that either. >> let me add my voice to the millions who have expressed their condolences to the family. he gave the ultimate sacrifice, his life, for his country. i appreciate that and honor that. donald trump also called sergeant khan a war hero. mike pence called him a war hero as recently as 12 hours ago. we're very emotional about the loss of their son. >> donald trump hasn't said it with quite the eloquence that you just said it. >> i hope there's not a single american that doesn't share their grief and feel their pain. pat smith's grief should not have been diminished. she is the benghazi mom. >> cnn covered it. fox news did not cover it. >> the content analysis out today is that the khans have received 50 times more coverage than pat smith. i just want to say i think all grooeing paren i grieving parents matter and all military deaths are the same. donald trump may be a bit down in our new national poll, but this race not even close to being over. what is donald trump path to 270 electoral votes? 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>> well, because of the white working class vote, because of that rust belt strategy and appeal that donald trump is putting in play and because of hillary clinton's struggle with white working class voters. that is why pennsylvania is in play. it becomes a real bit of political calculus. the clinton campaign, in order to keep it in the democratic column, really has to turn out that vote of the african-americans in philadelphia and pittsburgh, the sort of urban centers on either side of the state, get some of those suburban voters on her side. that should be real rich trump country. >> again the latest poll out of pennsylvania has hillary clinton leading by nine. i don't think people in either campaign thinks the margin is that big. it's a lot closer than that. that's the plus side for trump where he may have more opportunity than past republicans. the minus side for him in the sunbelt, maybe a place like florida could be tougher than it has been for republicans in the past. >> yeah. this is also a demographic story, these sunbelt states,florida, colorado, nevada, these states are demographically looking like places where hillary clinton is doing well. with a more diverse electorate, fewer white votes to be able to turn out, that bodes a potential problem for donald trump. if hillary clinton can really put florida off the map and early -- now, think about that. this is the battleground state. it was the state that divided the country in 2000. it has been fiercely competitive in every election since. if indeed the demographics go in her favor and especially early on in the fall, then that poses a real challenge to donald trump because he's got to scramble elsewhere for a large amount of l l electoral votes. >> the latest polling in florida has hillary clinton up by seven points. that's a little bit old. i think both can'didates want something more recent there. >> it's all about the upper midwest and the rust belt. he really would need that pennsylvania win. he would need to win that battle in ohio. and then he would have to look to michigan and wisconsin and try to flip those states that have been reliably blue. if he could do that, pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin and michigan, he gets to 270, assuming she wins everything else barack obama won. donald trump not letting go. he's defiant in the face of backlash over his comments about the khan family. will his feud with this gold staramily hurt his presidential bid or help? we'll explore that. ♪ he wrecked the rec room this summer. his stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week, these items just one cent each. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. why does your tummy go "grumbily, grumbily, grumbily"? no more questions for you! ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. good, right? mmm, yeah. lactaid. the milk that doesn't mess with you. horrible things were said about me. i think it was frankly very tough. so all i did is respond and i will always respond. >> you can attack minorities. you can attack muslims. you can attack judges and nobody can question your caliber, your lack of empathy? and you want to be commander in chief? >> the back and forth continues between trump and gold star father khizr khan. will this feud have a lasting effect on the race? what do you make of the fact that this has gone on beyond the convention and neither side seems to be stopping here? >> i don't think mr. khan will. he's out here to honor his son. this is a gold star family. they made a speech on thursday. i loved the speech. the speech made it clear to americans that muslims can be patriotic. their son died as a hero for this nation. muslims have served our nation since the revolutionary war with george washington. to me, that was the message. donald trump attacked mrs. khan. there was no reason for it. he was asked twice by the media questions about the speech and his first comment was not we should honor them or my condolences for the family. it was why was she silent? this is what you get. you go after a gold star family and i think donald trump thought he could bully this muslim family. he's done it throughout the campaign. i thought he could get away with it too. and we were all surprised. i was pleasantly surprised by the reaction of democrats, republicans, nonpartisan people to this. >> khizr khan as you say continues to go on tv. a very different opponent or different punching bag for trump than judge curiel for instance who couldn't talk because he was bound by his job. you were an elected official. you have political experience. get donald trump out of this right now. how does donald trump move past this politically speaking over the next few days? what advice would you give him? >> as he's campaigning, he'll shift hopefully to other issues. but this is an issue. the people of america are concerned for their safety. i admire the khan family for their sacrifice. there's a bigger problem here. we have a problem with radical islam. we do need engage in a discussion about how you vet people coming into this country. mr. khan worked for the clintons. there is a direct connection and nobody wants to engage in that because of the loss of a child, which is a terrible thing. but again he's continuing to push this too. he is making it political and there is a bigger tie to the clintons. he's worked for them. he's worked with a eb-5 program, which is controversial. there's really not checks and balances into a program that let too many folks in. >> this is a continued smear of the khan family, sir. you should be better than that, frankly. the khan family, mr. khan was talking about his son. donald trump egged this on. donald trump, the thin-skinned man -- >> what i did i say that smeared them? what was incorrect? >> all donald trump had to do was say, like most human beings, i recognize their sacrifice and my sympathy and heart goes out for their family. >> i said that. >> no. donald trump, the person you're fighting for. >> now you're saying i smeared them. if that's not true, why is that smearing. >> mr. khan's point was -- >> you just said i smeared him because i said who he worked for. >> like somehow that makes him unqualified. >> if that's incorrect, then i'm wrong. >> the bigger question was is is this having an impact? >> yeah. facts matter but not to you. >> i had two active service members call up and say men in their unit who were were trump are now against trump. not saying they're pro-hillary. they're anti-trump. this has brought up trump's history of belittling the military, from john mccain. >> i want to build on what you just said. i think -- >> no. i'm still here. >> basically what you're talking about, you're saying that donald trump wanted to highlight the fact that there's a problem with radical islamist terror. let me play for you how donald trump tried to explain what he thinks has angered mr. khan. >> border security is very big. when you have radical islamic terrorists probably all over the place -- we're allowing them to come in by the thousands and thousands. and i think that's what bothered mr. khan more than anything else. i'm not going to change my views on that. we have radical islamic terrorists coming in that have to be stopped. we're taking them in by the thousands. >> we've allowed them to come in by the thousands and thousands, radical islamist terrorists? that's not true. >> well, i would distagree. we've seen instances where we've actually experienced death. >> thousands and thousands that the u.s. is allowing to come in? >> again, i referenced the eb-5 program earlier. senator grassly he's a fair person and he said, look, this program is riddled with problems. we see time and time again -- why would someone who wants to protect this country not want to engage in a discussion that there are people come into our borders who are dangerous to our way of life as we know it. an unprecedented travel warning in the united states over the zika virus. dr. sanjay gupta joins us next with what you need to know. terrf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. ♪ ♪ only those who dare drive the world forward. introducing the first-ever cadillac ct6. 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>> no. well, i don't know. but i don't think so. i don't think that it can be contained to that one square mile area. i think the type of mosquito has already been in the united states for some time. it transmits other diseases like dengue for example. if you look at dengue as a model, we know there have been outbreaks of dengue in south florida, texas, louisiana for example. those are the same areas they're focused on for zika. it's going to be larger swaths of the state. having said that, i don't think it's going to spread far north for example to new york. i don't think it's going to spread quickly but i think it will spread. >> we know their at you are in for a special report. what have you found? >> reporter: well, you know, zika's obviously one thing, although the weather is getting cooler here which helps with mosquitos. as nice as this water looks behind me, there are significant concerns about pollution in that water for the citizens and also for the athletes. and also the concerns about a mass casualty incident, the terrorism incident. take a look at what we found. you're looking at an image from just last month, body parts on copa cabana beach. the games were to be a legacy for rio. in its bid, brazil promised to clean up at least 80% of the sewage that was flow into the city's notoriously dirty water. >> translator: this is a challenge for us. you can be sure that we will not waste this chance at history. >> reporter: in fact, some of the cities most delap daidated quarters have been turned into green spaces. but the rest of the world is more concerned about this spraying. we know that brazil is the epicenter of the zika epidemic. as the numbers continue to increase in florida, experts are continuously looking here to find answers. we know that more than 1750 children have been born with microcephaly. the weather is starting to cool here even as it warms up in the united states. as a result, the threat of infection is pretty low. according to the university of cambridge study, out of the hundreds of thousands of tourists, there were probably only be one or two infections. but that still hasn't kept some of the athletes from dropping out of the games. >> if my wife wasn't pregnant right now, i would be going to rio. my biggest concern is for the baby on the way. >> reporter: remember, even if he went and then didn't show any symptoms, he could still be infected and potentially pass the virus onto his wife. after all, only 20% of those infected have any signs of the disease. but when it comes to athlete health, the concerns here are not just about zika. those promises of clean water, not in the bay where sailors will be competing for gold and where trash and sewage continues to litter the surface. >> every time you got some water in your face, it feels like there's some alien enemy entering your face. >> reporter: his teammate believed the waters are the source of the multiple infections he contracted last year after racing in an olympic qualifyin ining event. brazil scientists detected the super bug in these waters. >> translator: very little has been done. and the measures that were taken were not done the way we would have liked them. >> reporter: brazilian officials say the water has met international standards. but last week the w.h.o. said athletes may become ill from this water. >> we have a number of medications they can take to avoid those illnesses and also to treat the illnesses as well. >> reporter: doctors on the ground have another concern. >> if there were a big catastrophe, we don't have the infrastructure to deal with it. >> reporter: political and economic crisis have burdened local hospitals. waits for emergency surgery can be as long as six days. rio's mayor says the games legacy will not be a shadow on rio. >> don't come here expecting that everything will be perfect. we live in a country that has economic crisis, a country with lots of inequality. with all the problems we've seen, the city will be much better than it was when we got the games. >> reporter: safe to say that the promises that were made when rio won the bid for the olympics have not been met. one of the big concerns, again, the water behind me. nevertheless opening ceremonies are friday. we're going to be touring the hospitals to see what's happening in the city's public hospitals should there be a need for significant care. the ongoing feud between donald trump and a muslim-american gold star family, where does it go next? we're going to speak to a muslim member of congress whose son serves in the military. everyone loves the picture i posted of you. at&t reminds you it can wait. the check they sent isn't enough to replace your totaled new car. the guy says they didn't make the mistake. you made the mistake. i beg your pardon? he says, you should have chosen full-car replacement. excuse me? let me be frank, he says. you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. call and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at that's liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. donald trump's running mate governor mike pence now in the middle of the feud between donald trump and a gold star family at a rally in nevada. governor pence whiz cas confrony the mother of a saerviceman. listen. >> when you're able to look at trump in the eye and tell him enough is enough, you have a son in the military. how do you tolerate his disrespect? >> well, i thank you for the question. it's all right. it's all right. folks, that's what freedom looks like and that's what freedom sound like, okay? it is. captain khan is an american hero and we honor him and honor his family, as we do all gold star families. captain khan moved people out of the way, told them stay back and he walked toward the danger. i want to say it again. captain khan is an american hero. >> donald trump's running mate governor mike pence. joining me now minnesota congressman keith ellison, the first muslim elected to congress. immateri i want to get your reaction to your former house colleague mike pence, how he handled that situation in nevada. he seemed to lower the temperature in that room. >> well, you know, mike pence is right to say that captain khan is an american hero. that absolutely correct. and i think that the whole country needs to be reminded of it, especially those people booing that mother who was speaking up for respecting our service members. i think her son is -- if i heard her properly -- it was a little difficult to hear her. i think also that it's not enough to say captain khan is a hi hero at this point. that would have been the right thing to say last week. now that his running mate has disparaged this family, i think it's time for him to mention trump and distance himself from trump. again, i commend mitch mcconnell for saying that captain khan is a hero. but we're saying this -- they're saying this within the context of their republican nominee disparaging this family. so i mean, i think the republican party is at a moral fork in the road. they have to now decide who they are and what they are. are they people who would stand next to somebody who would disparage a gold star family? or are they people who would condemn and distance themselves from such a person? that's where they are. the trump campaign reached out to capitol hill earlier this week, asking for members of congress to make public statements in favor of the trump campaign and they got no takers. well, that's fine. but that's not fine enough. they have to say, mr. trump, this is unacceptable and we have to condemn what you said and i think -- and i think they have to ask themselves whether they are damaging their own credibility by being associated with him. >> i'm not sure that republican members of the trump campaign will necessarily listen to your advice, but i'm going to ask you to give some more right now. i want to play khizr khan, what he's been saying. he not only spoke at the democratic convention but he's also been on tv a lot criticizing donald trump severely. >> when i speak about mr. trump's disqualification as candidate for the presidency, he says, oh, i am being severely attacked, harshly attacked. well, this is political season. you're a candidate for an office. and i have same rights as you do. >> what rights does donald trump have in this scenario, congressman? what can he say in response to khizr khan? because at this point, yes, he spoke at the convention, but he's been going on and on again. is there a response that donald trump could give that you would think would be within bounds? >> if you say rights, obviously the first amendment guaranteed donald trump's right to say whatever he pleases. but is it wise to just say whatever you please? that's the real question. and is it presidential to say whatever comes to mind? i mean, look, here is the thing that i think most american people, republicans and democrats, would expect from the president or somebody who aspires to that job. they'd say, you know what, mr. and mrs. khan, we honor you, we thank you for your tremendous sacrifice. of course no way have i made sacrifices at the magnitude you have. you lost your son. we honor that. look i'm running for the presidency from my party and we have a lot of other things. we have things we can agree on like the hero that the -- the hero of your son. but we disagree on other things and then talk about those things. but you're never going to be able to win by disparaging a gold star family in the eyes of the american people. you shouldn't try to do it. you shouldn't hope to do it. you should simply on nhonor thed move forward. being elected public official, city council, state rep, congressman, you take a lot of criticism. that's the job. if this guy is so thin-skinned that he cannot take any criticism, then that shows he's not supposed to be in this race. it shows he's not presidential material. >> thank you so much for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you. the good stuff is next. ♪ he wrecked the rec room this summer. his stellar notebooks will last through june. get back to great. this week, these items just one cent each. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. a get between you and life's dobeautiful moments.llergens by choosing flonase, you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only control 1. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. with flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything. ♪ full-tithere is one head sta sea of white marble at articling l -- arlington national cemetery getting more attention today. a flood of strangers is going to his grave to pay their respects. >> we just wanted to see the site where captain khan is buried. >> that was really moving, seeing that his life had impacted someone that much. >> the visitors are leaving flowers and teddy bears, flags, cards and letters. captain khan paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting his fellow soldiers from a suicide bomber. thank you so much for joining us on "new day." "newsroom" starts now. ♪ and good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. hillary clinton rides a big bounce out of her party's convention and recaptures the lead over donald trump. clinton's surging in our latest poll, erasing trump's lead before her convention and now ahead by nine percentage points. but the most important number is on the economy. clinton jumps ahead of trump by two

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