Transcripts For FBC Varney Company 20171213 :

Transcripts For FBC Varney Company 20171213

it goes downhill from there. that is clear political bias, contempt for the president trump inside the investigation. today we will pill back the layers of the story. you will see the deep state of work. now look at this pivot 99% of the vote counted, democrat doug jones at wheaton republican roy moore in the alabama senate race. a defeat for president trump for backward more. it is a defeat for the republican party which will have a slim 51-49 majority in the senate. democrats much stronger than the 2018 elections. this one affects the compromise on taxes. a corporate rate of 21% and a top individual rate of 37%. given the alabama result, the republicans very quickly. money looking at a market that will open flat to slightly higher through the focus on tax cuts in getting the deal done quickly. the president make his final pitch this afternoon. "varney & company" is about to begin. well, talk about a political bombshell. here it is printed text between peter strzok and lisa paige obtained by fox news. these messages exchanged right in the middle of the clinton e-mail investigation. lisa paige personally demeaning the president. trump is a loathsome human. strzok responds yet he may win. hillary should win 100 million to nothing. lisa paige replies i know. i cannot believe donald trump is likely to be an actual serious candidate for president. let's fast-forward to august 2016. an fbi page inkjet paige says maybe you're meant to stay where you are because you're meant to protect the country from venice. response thinks it's actually true we are very fortunate and of course i'll try and approach it that way. i just know it will be tough times. i can protect her country at many levels. not true on treacherous that helps. strzok says just went to be wal-mart. i could small dose support. out to lunch with name redacted. we both hate everyone and everything. it is scary real down here. peter strzok. he is an essay is an fm unable to provide a coherent answer. judge napolitano is with us. that's what they were singing. that is a tainted investigation. ashley: that's why it was removed five months ago. nothing to do it in the past five months because it became apparent to bob mueller. he's also one of 25 fbi agents on the case. stuart: lisa paige says to him in august 2016, believe he was still on the clinton e-mail investigation. >> i'm sorry. you assume that an exact rush investigation. >> palace later. here's a lisa paige said. maybe you're meant to stay where you are, within the investigation obviously because you're meant to protect that. >> all the years i've worked with cops and prosecutors say never one found a firefight. they have to be guided by the facts of the law. they have demonstrated their willingness to put their political ideas into tainted. >> if it is that tainted, why doesn't jeff sessions do something. if this is a tainted investigation. >> if hillary was exonerated by a team of fbi agents as they are suggesting who wanted to exonerate her no matter what she did, that evidence should be reviewed by the president justice department should be presented to a grand jury. instead, they are doing nothing. >> i presented the evidence. i think we've got a constitutional crisis. trades are not a constitutional expert. we've got an enormous problem here. this investigation is tainted. hillary clinton's e-mail because strzok was both investigations. >> that may well tend to russia russia probe feared he was wrong to have said that the fbi is not permitted to say. we are not going to prosecute. that should be and could be undone in terms of strzok's involvement with the investigation of the term campaign and the russians. he was removed as soon as bob mueller learned of the staff that you just deliciously red for us. do they have opinions? yes. are they entitled to hide evidence? of course not. to manufacture evidence? absolutely not. they're anti-trump opinions to defend and cover out. which they did. >> cover-up implies obstruction of justice. and interference of prosecution for political bases itself a crime. stuart: how do you think this goes down with voters in the country? >> terribly. voters in this country think the fbi requires and this is a rude awakening that they have political things like the rest of us and they often hate their targets whether the target is a mobster, corrupt politician, potential or likely terrorists. trade to it is an investigation. >> can you give back to more of those things? i'm dying to hear them. >> stay tuned. let's get to your money. not affected by this tainted investigation although worry more also. we are still in record territory. we will be up ever so slightly at the opening bell. paying attention to tax cuts for the likelihood of a 21% corporate rate 37% individual rate. as i said, president trump getting its final tax speech today 3:00 p.m. eastern. fox business reports the corporate rate will be 21%. the top individual rate will be 37%. grover norquist is with us, the guy with the american tax reform. can you live at 21% corporate, 37% individuals? >> if that's what the final compromises, we can certainly live with it. to be much more comfortable staying at 20% because the president wanted 15 and then we went to 20 and they said we will keep this line and not move it. then you have senator rubio announcer should take it up to 22 and not open the floodgates of people going this is a cookie jar between 20, 21, 22, 23. we can go in there and take stuff out because people have a lot in a 20. we need to lock in 20 that had to be 21 for compromise purposes and the like again. remember what happened when george herbert walker bush took the 28% top rate for individuals and let it go up a little bit. it's gone up every time this politicians collided. we started at 20% top rate or not almost 40%. stuart: what about the timeframe here? the house and senate conferees have gotten together. 3:00 this afternoon the president makes his final pitch. should be a vote in the senate et cetera, et cetera before christmas. is that still a realistic timetable? >> we could have a bill from the conference folks today, later today. i think the house and the senate will vote within seven days from today. train to our sources are saying 21% top corporate, 37% top individual. is that what you are hearing, too? >> yes. remember about two thirds of the money the government gets from the top individual rate actually comes from pastor businesses. so when you try to get pastors come a subchapter s. corporation, llc closer to the corporate rate, they are taking the top rate down. that is not just people who are movie stars. most of it is people in business and run pass through company is beginning to continue to push towards equity between pastors and corporations. stuart: stay tuned, please. a big day, big week on a date for the rest of the year i suspect. thanks, grover. always appreciated. later this hour, top guy on the committee, kevin brady. i'm going to ask them to confirm the numbers and am going to press them hard. 9:45 a.m. this morning. 21% corporate, 37% individual. will be back. the special election in alabama. do we have a final tally yet? ashley: this is the latest we have. joe 673,000. that's 49.9% of the vote. roy amore 652300. so that's a 20,000 difference. right around 48.4 percentage clothes. roy amore has not conceded. is it close enough for a recount? publicly not. 38% voter turnout. much larger than me. other people turned up 30% were black. that is a higher turnout for the black community than in 2008 and 2012 when barack obama was on the ballot. that made a huge difference. stuart: yesterday. we will have on this. southern california still struggling to put out those massive wildfires. officials say the thomas fire is 236,000 acres. that's a big chunk of land and it's only 25%. how about this. the brand-new jeep wrangler new aluminum body up dated high-tech interior has a hybrid engine. fox news gary castel drove it. he loves it and he says, by the way, it is chrysler's most important vehicle. gary has his full review later this hour. the family of a terrorist he tried to set up a bomb on times square. the family is outraged that law enforcement asked them questions and inconvenient demand for the attack that leveled the man who wanted more than chaos and say about that because he is next. [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. it can provide what we call an unlock: a realization that often reveals a better path forward. at wells fargo, it's our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and wealth management firms in the country. discover how we can help find your unlock. train to the market opened in 15 minutes and we are going to see a modest game all across the board. the dow, s&p and nasdaq all of me upside. next case, the family of the port authority bombing suspect is outraged. the family of fact i outraged as investigators tacked eggs. question, what is the guy who water bird khalid sheikh mohammed say about? james mitchell, the author of enhanced interrogation. what you say about this? the family is outraged. >> well, that's too bad really. i mean, one of the natural consequences for sponsoring somebody to come over to her country who tries to kill a bunch of people is they'll be interested in you. i don't think i should be a surprise to anybody. they shouldn't be a surprise they will pull a teenage boy out of school. young men are fighting age men in muslim communities. if you think about the boston marathon bomber, think about the fellow in the back of the car shooting people, going in and out of cracker barrel in the highway shootings around d.c. teenage kids get involved in now. they shouldn't be surprised by it. there's another reason that they should be concerned and go to that place is bad guys making pipe bombs. if he's hiding the pipe bombs in that family customers a good idea to have them come over and see if they find any because those things are dangerous. trade to argue with the opinion this man should be tried as an enemy combatant and an enemy court? if you're at the opinion it's not going to happen, is it? >> it's not likely to have been. he should be tried as an unlawful enemy combatant. enemy combatants could be lawful. they could be part of the nation's standing army is that combat with another nation. as the unlawful enemy combatant. he should be tried by way and i don't think that's going to happen. if you just look at the case i was involved in what the aclu suing us, the judge ruled that the people caught on the battlefield simply because they hadn't been declared that by a board at guantánamo. this guy didn't go to guantánamo . do you think that we might actually be winning this terror war within the united states? a number of instances somewhat isolated. this guy was amateur hour in the extreme. could you say it's being made here? >> the problem we will face in the future and let me just say this is you can't connect the dots if you don't first collect the dots. we have a renewal of under surveillance programs at the end of this month. if a governor will be in worse shape than we are right now. it's incredibly bright and good and people need be optimistic about it. they are incompetent. we'll see you again. stuart: then we have colin kaepernick. police makes a surprise visit to new york city's jail. the unit is not happy. if they kaepernick said they will only encourage more violence against prison guard. more violence after this -- more details after this. you can't predict the market. but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. ...from godaddy! in fact, 68% of people who have built their... using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. build a better website - in under an hour. with gocentral from godaddy. retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. stuart: is a little bit higher. are we going up another but 25 points dow industrials. the price of gold is close to us next time well but the rate hike by the fed today. bad news for the price of gold, but gold is up five bucks. new york city allowed colin kaepernick a surprise visit to rikers prison yesterday putting correction officers not happy about this. should liz: the union leader noted colin kaepernick have been the past websites depicting cop says cartoon pigs during football is. trigger the corrections department said they thought this would bring a message of hope and inspiration. what world are they living in? ashley: back is quite ridiculous. the man has upset the sporting world. the tendencies down rating. ashley: his message is supposed to be hope an inspirational. liz: though the blog you're saying this is another political stuart: they are now going after the mayor of new york. liz: for allowing this to happen. trade is not in good standing with law enforcement. ashley: understatement of the day. stuart: we are going to open the margate now in five minutes. we are going to be up maybe 20, 25 points for the dow, three points for the s&p across the board and nasdaq will go up about 30. should be a very interesting day. a couple of political bombshells in the background plus is that president trump giving his final push for tax reform late this afternoon about 3:00 eastern time and without the federal reserve widely expected to raise interest rates a little today. that is the backstroke. we will open higher. back in a second. i just finished months of chemo. but i don't want to talk about months. i want to talk about years. treatments have gotten better, so... i'm hoping for good years ahead. that's thanks to research funded by the american cancer society. the same folks giving me free rides to treatments, and now that you do, please give. call 1-800-416-4357 today. your contributions to the american cancer society fund valuable research but that's just the beginning. a cancer diagnosis can kick off years of challenge. and that's where your donation truly shines. you help us fund free rides to treatment. a live 24/7 help line, free lodging near treatment centers, and even efforts to expand access to insurance. so, please - donate today at and help attack cancer from every angle. >> if you scan news headline this is morning especially on it is really all about politics. you've got the roy moore lost in alabama. which means the democrats pick up a seat in the senate which means it is 51-49 republican against democrats that's a very razor thin margin for next yore and any legislative action item number one. number two, we have these being revealed from struck to and from lisa page these are poem who are working on the hillary clinton investigation and they are highly majority. they just reveal an ability and willingness to defend hill fry hillary from the inside it is political dine night as far as money headlines it will raise rates this afternoon and number two, the president wraps up push for tax cuts later on at 3:00 this afternoon. bang, it is 9:30 eastern time and we're off and we're running and we're up not much but up 13 points as we speak. 24,519. where are we on the s&p? do we have a similar gain let's have a look at that. yeah we're up .21% 2626 is exactly where we are. nasdaq a better gain a quarter percent higher this is the recovery of the technology stocks that is in play again this wednesday morning who's with me heads up people ashley -- elizabeth macdonald an david joins us so does shaar. so we're record levels if the dow industrials. we've got a tax cut looming does market go up from here david? >> i think so. but there could be a little selling on news that attacks, of course, we still need to know the exact morels 21 and 37 is what they're talking about but is that actually a tax increase for hot tech sector some are paying less than that? where does that turn to corporation? >> a deal at this point a mixed bag for the market. but tax well let's watch. >> what do you say the man who is -- >> additional push for the market i think one tax cuts get enacted i think they should, and may get thrown out with that if it does happen they have a boost, so i think it is market going to go up. you know at least 5% with the tax cuts are announced. >> s&p -- 5%. >> so that much of a tail wind behind this market pushing forward and momentum and earnings are fabulous nothing that's working against the market. >> okay -- >> average rate according to s&p is 24.8% so average tax rate so dropping to 21 is still a bump. >> let's discuss what. because we're hearing it is 21% as the top corporate tax rate. i don't think that makes much difference it was supposed to be from president trump 20% we now hear it might be 21%. >> if that's what gets the deal done then it is okay. i think, of course, 15 would be great wouldn't it but 0 what we seghtsed now 21 okay if we can get l whole package through it's okay. j gives them 100 billion if it was 22 but dropping to 21100 billion more to spend on other o things like lowering top rate. >> top rate from 396 where it is now we're down to 37%. >> let's not forget repatriate possibility so at 14% come from overseas to cool right into the u.s. market going to boost and be a lot buyback and now push the market higher. >> look at your power shaar -- dow is now up 34 points. you have 10 points there with a statement. well done and -- >> not just the top rate look at where deductions shake out because lower tax rate, but more loss of deduction may wash out to be about the same thing. >> that's what they don'ts want these companies do when they repatriate money and don't want to raise their dividends they want that money used to expand in higher and move forward. >> will hay do that? rng that's the question not a whole lot of that whatting right away. with that money cools over here initial place is parked is in buyback not going to put all in buyback but market will be beneficiary. >> so is the corporation money is not the government's money. they should all a locate to where -- they work best. why should they plant where no one needs? >> buyback and dividends good for stock. >> this afternoon why the expected raise interest rates a quarter point that doesn't seal to be making any difference to the market at all. j we have to whach janet says afterwards for example if she's listening to shaw other there and thinking that tax reform is going to boost the market, she may be a little bit more aggressive to rate are hike. and inflation went down last quarter or in the month of october down one percent at foods and gas. there was -- so that's the amazon effect no inflation so that's the argument she has to stake why raise rates? >> i think it is unlikely that janet will drop any kind of negative news on the market but leave that to take over, and make his own boots and -- figure out what hes to do whethr one, two, three four raises. >> so that would be three. but could be pour. you know we went all the way through that without a buzzer. our producer -- [laughter] >> right. >> this one is for you shaw -- bank of america said this market still has gas in the tank. they say the s&p 500 could hit 3,000 by the end of next year. that's a year from now that hits 3,000 it is currently 2668 so b of a is log for 12% gain they're going to get it? >> i think they're getting a little bit more and looking for 14% gain. we have -- talk about tail winds, the momentum from earnings growth has been spectacular up about 11% in the third quarter. fourth quarter will show even stronger earnings growth so i think carry that into the first quarter, and into the second quarter, gdp growth is trending above 3% and a lot of positive issue pushing market and economyrd but the way -- there's no reason. what's the buzz? >> fortunate magazine interesting from freeman you cannot unlock from gravity of the global gdp you can't do it so growing double digits when global is at 4. that's had an argument. it is over its skis. >> i disagree with that because fact that it has about 20,000 company index, their earnings up 9% in the last third quarter. their growth has been spectacular and will be to help exports. i think it is beginning to require expansion was multiple and two things that are cynical to that. to get to this 3,000 to get -- [laughter] >> not broken. sorry about that. >> get word about your power. you're the guy who has been had sitting there for a year going up. going up. going up. >> nice to be riding market it is an easy call because market wants to go up. just watch the market it wants to go up. telling you it wants to go up. >> now well done, within sop look at the big board yeah we're up for the benefit of radio listeners we're 43 points at 24,547 and financials are doing very well, look at xlf that's a basket of financial stocks down a fraction but close it a ten-year high. how about the financial stocks themselves, the underlying stocks morgan is down stsh city group down and wells fargo down and morgan stanley is up and goldman sachs about unchanged not much movement there. visa goldman sachs by the way both hitting all time highs today these hit 114 dollars a share. bit coin you can't ever forget it be. david, it's calm down -- since it wengts on the futures market sunday afternoon -- it's calm down around 17 bucks per coin. stability. from 48 hours and hundred of percentage of gain i think it was due for a little bit of a pause so you know, what i'm thinking here is -- you know, what is bitcoin do to credit card and so forth which is easier to transact with for larger transaction you avoid the credit card cost but i'm wonder whether bitcoin will be the eg exchange that all is propoangt. it is an investment bubble and investment vehicle and piece of paper. manipulated by north korea. heavy investment by south korean but a report that north koreans are in bitcoin as well. i call that a negative. and -- 217 bucks as we speak. now look at this hold on i have a picture. that is the lobby of a new york city apartment building. it was taken by one with of our producers the picture was taken by one of our reducers. staff after stack of boxes largely amazon boxes i've seen this in new york extraordinary thing and liken to be some delay in delivery this year. but lizzy this is the amazon effect. >> i was thinking should get a fitbit for your doorman this christmas -- check their heart rate on that. j well cybermongdz was up 17% year over year. they were already late on delivery from cybermonday couple of days now you throw in last minute christmas shopping online and this is going to be tough. already working mega overtime at ups, trying to get all of this back log. despite delays -- hold on. [laughter] dow just had a new high 24,556 and listening to shaw -- keep them going up, and 5 , 52 points up as we speak and interesting in this story meat i repeat meat processor tyson investing in -- veggie burgers. livesy. >> hot companied beyond meat they raws their investment they took a initial investment last year -- you know, and it's a big push a lot of boomers are going to move away from meat products. certainly in yiewrm they're moving away from meat products talking about tax meat like carbon for climate change but it is a big play right now whole foods. you see it at public safeway you see beyond meat and big foods companies are going to protein beef meat products like general mills and kellogg. >> fascinating story. it taste great i've had it. it is delicious. [laughter] >> you can tell the difference. but it's a nice difference. no harm done. i think bill gates supports this. and leonardo dicaprio. >> oh, will you go. shaw you're done. you've done your work. fng my work is done. when you leave the set you might go down. thank you. david thank you we're up 56 points 24,563 and apple releasing brand new top of the line desktop computer you can buy it tomorrow. it's not cheap. we'll tell you how much this i know that's a picture of no idea what this is. that's had the computer. no you mean what's on the computer. the cloud yes what is that? move on shall we? how much this thing cost in a moment. trump tweeting this, wow -- more than 90% of fake news media coverage of me is negative. with numerous force rereaction of untrue stories -- brent the man who come up with a 90% number he's on the show and he comes up next hour. yep, we'll be back. copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at >> all right where are we now? we are let's see 13 mirchs into the session we're up over o 50 points 24,558. all time highs for the dow and the s&p. first thing this morning. apple launches a top of the line desktop computer now i want to know how much. nicole tell me. >> how much. 5,000 dollars for this new computer that we're hearing about. had this we got the teaser back in june, that they were going to launch imac pro now as month is over and ending we hear the details. it was put on the site it was updated just going on sale this thursday, december 14th for 5,000 it was all about the developer community that wanted a more powerful option for computers so this this apparently is it. it has the professor five page gley lightning cable for the keyboard that charges and a lot of high end sets so this is something that some of the experts are waiting for and we'll see how they do with this $5,000 computer. we know the stock has been a real winner a that has been for everybody up nearly 50% this year. >> it has an on, off a button i am buy it. thanks very much nicole that was great stuff. yeah, simple stuff. fox reporting that the corporate rate will be top corporate rate thereby 11:% and the top individual rate will be 37%. joinings now texas republican kevin brady share of the tax writing committee. sir. you know what is coming. can you confirm, at the top rate of taxation? >> answer is no i can't kism any details because you know and making really good progress on both the business and with the family. >> i do hate being rude and i know i'm being rude. but go for it. okay if you cannot confirm 21% -- can you confirm that it will not be 20%, it will be slightly higher than that. >> so same answer, so we're going to let those details come out in the conference report many just a couple of days today. we're doing the first conference committee in 31 years. still have some work to do on overall agreement ballot but i would like to direction we're going. >> 37% is top rate of tax on individuals at the federal level. it is 396 we are here and reporting developing to 37% can you confirm 37%? >> no but i can tell you this when we went many this discussion -- we were really focused on one of our priorities from the house was delivering even more tax relief than we already have many many there many that top rate in state and local tax deductions are big part of that, and a good example franklin where you live that typical family already will see a tax cut of 4,200 and we're nots done yet so that top rate and we think along with those state and local deductions really important or even more tax reform. >> so you can confirm for us -- that the top rate of corporate tax will be higher than 20% and the top rate of tax for individual will be lower than 396. say yes. >> so you're grilling me unmercifully this morning, the answer is -- i can't go into the details as we work it through. but i'll tell you this we're making very good progress. j okay, now as you know, obl and alabama election roy moore lost a democrat taken the house had i'm sorry senate seat for alabama. i want to know if this will mess up legislative session for next yore and does it also mean that you've got to get the tax deal done before christmas? >> so that's the question i think most people ask is. does this change the timetable or the pass aiming of tax reform the answer is no. you know, we set this timetable i think six months ago it's unchanged it has been deliberate, as we do it and i'm convinced that we're boipg to deliver it president best before christmas so right now, conference community report at the end of the week leader mccarthy and our leadership i think fully expects a vote next week so we're just remaining on the timetable. >> when will i find out whether it's 21% and 37%some who's going to tell me definitively that it's it? j so answer is? just a few days. as we finish out the committee report and think about this. i know it seems like we're wait for christmas here to get rates down or for family and all of that. but after 31 years -- working through final couple of days it is a good thing. sm any idea what the president will say this it afternoon at 3:00 eastern? >> he'll make had the case for stop talking, let's do. let's act, e let's make america competitive again and let's double standard deduction. let's change this -- tax code. fnlings getting rude again sir is he going to say 21% and 37%? is he going to say that? >> so i expect those details for all come together on friday and you're never rude by the way so you -- this is your show. so jump many. account it's the british accent is works wonders. >> you really can can. by the way, sir i don't leave in franklin lakes i moved but i'm still in new jersey high tax state. >> it you get that top rate down i would never be rude to you again. >> my question is certainly you would like to see tax relief in your old town of franklin lakes right? >> i would. for all of them. >> we're working on that one many a good way. >> a fine interview kevin. [laughter] i hope the audience enjoyed it kechi brady we do thank you very much for being on this show. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> so where are we on the market after that? not much changed we're up 54, 55 points higher couldn't get a confirmation of 2137 i did and i wasn't that rude. >> no. okay. will you go up 53. lots of green too. the brand new wrangler jeep with a cold following by the way out with a radical new resign and get this, it's a hybrid, electric. [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. >> all right here's what's coming at us now director of the communication for white house office of public liaison resign takes effect some time next month no reason given but she did say she's going to pursue other opportunities. the jeep wrangler wow, radical resign, i want to hear about this. fox order editor is gary who drove this thing all right gary welcome to the program. >> we're looking at it right there. i don't see much difference from the outside but you say that this is crisis most important vehicle that's a big claim. justify it. >> jeep most important brand and jeep without the wrangler is like pepsico without varney for that matter. and core model for the brand in itself is really well on track to be best seller in couple of yores yores that expanded factor to have a pickup truck version of it in a couple of years could be selling half a million of these globally within a couple of years. >> okay now it's a hybrid. now why is that important? >> there's a lot of big changes lookings like old within doesn't it but aluminum body and a lot of technology much more refine offering with a hybrid version with a diesel version but hybrid is four cylinder engine and mild hybrid, but better fuel economy also a little bit more power from that electric motor kicking in there and a plug-in hybrid version in 2020 but right now i have to drive the v6 and new -- they call it e-torque they want to give it a cool name and it is complengt and truck itself is just unbelievable on the road is so much better with a power retractable roof now. because look they build it for the guy or girl that take it is out into the rock. but most of the people buy it don't do that. they take it to the mall. and they realize that in rather make them suffer like you have in the past because they want a cool l vehicle and made excellent onroad vehicle and good as crossovers today, and do better with a grand cherokee but they buy this because of the image because it is pun to drive and now less painful to drive. >> any idea on price? >> two grand more than outgoing model to continue to build by the way for a couple of more had months so they switch over to pickup film production but they sell everyone they can make and charge that much more and this one is definitely $2,000 better. >> 28 i don't, i take that number with a grain of salt and a tell me about this, that, and this had you're looking at least 35. so you be get up to 45,000 or more. okay totally loaded one but again when you're looking at the vehicle you're compareing that to that's not out of the realm of you know, that's where priceses are on these right now. >> gary, the resign jeep wrangler he loves it. right and that read more it be. all right repeat that., got it. thank you. key player this in the hillary investigation peter struck his prohillary anti-trump bias clearly pex posed in text which fox news has acquired. my opinion, that whole investigation tainted speak to that in my editorial moments away. our recent online sales success seems a little... strange?nk na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... "people" aren't buying these books online, but "they" are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! . . . . stuart: this morning we can say that the fbi's investigations are politically tainted. "fox news" has obtained texts sent between peter strzok and lisa page, both fbi agents. strzok played a key role in the clinton email probe and russia, russia, investigation. these texts show extreme political bias, personal animosity, and most importantly, a willingness to shape the investigation to protect hillary. here we go. march 4th, 2016, lisa page says, god, trump is loathsome human. strzok says, yet he may win. later that same day strzok said, god, hillary should win 100 million to zero. page says, i know. march 16th, page. i can not believe donald trump is likely to be an actual, serious candidate for president. all right. fast forward to august the 6th. here is where the two appear to be okay with protecting actively hillary clinton. page says this, and maybe you're meant to stay where you are, that would be inside the investigation because you're meant to protect the country from that menace. struck says, absolutely true, we're very fortunate and i will try to approach it that way. i know it will be tough times. i can protect our country at many levels. not sure if that helps. august 26th, struck said, i went to southern virginia walmart. i could smell the trump support. page says, yep, out to lunch with name redacted. we both hate everyone and everything. just riffing on the hot mess that is our country. strzok says, yeah, it is scary real down here. october 20th, 19 days before the election, strzok says, i am riled up. trump is an fing idiot. is unable to answer a coherent, offer a coherent answer. there you have it. strzok was present at fib a's interview and questioned huma abedin and cheryl mills. he questioned general flynn. these texts are reason later he was removed from the russia investigation. the point here any investigation of politicians must be objective. who did what? further, it must be seen to be without political bias. that is not the case here. a key figure, peter strzok, shows extreme bias and shows his willingness to use it to protect hillary clinton and attack donald trump. investigation is tainted. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: wait for it. i've got another bombshell, text message from peter strzok. this is real big. ashe? ashley: lisa page, this is what is says, august 15, 2016. quote i want to believe the path you throughout for consideration in andy's office there is no way he gets elected but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40. in other words we would like to think donald trump will not get elected, what does the insurance policy part of that quote mean? stuart: yes. ashley: obviously it didn't work because donald trump was elected. who is andy. could be andy mccabe. could be andy weissmann, another person working at department of justice. bottom line this sniffs something beyond -- stuart: it is conspiracy. ashley: insurance policy just in case he could, god forbid win. stuart: we can't take that risk. liz: what was happening august 2016, hillary had not made her deplorables speech yet. she not yet fainted at 9/11 ceremony. what was happening, wikileaks was coming in full bore with emails suggesting state department ties to the clinton foundation, that donors to the clinton foundation was doing pay-to-play to get favors at the state department. that was coming full on. there was warnings about an october surprise as well. stuart: damning texts in my opinion. listen to this it is happening right now on capitol hill. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein testifying before the house judiciary committee. he is the man who appointed robert mueller. we are also told, at least one republican on the committee will be asking rosenstein about the text message we just read to you. any news? you will get it pronto, promise. check the big board. we're still up, nicely so, too. 67 points higher. 24,572. that is what is going on with your money. political chaos, your money going up. big tech stocks. amazon expanded prime free same day delivery and prime free one-day shipping. amazon is up, not much, about a couple bucks there. visa, goldman sachs and cat, as in caterpillar, hitting all-time highs earlier today. they're still there. analysts reveal their picks for 2018. cowan and company calling tjx, tj maxx parent, that is, their favorite it is up a little bit this morning at 74. susquehanna says it is micron on continued demand for the cloud. that stock is up as well. wwe says the best idea for 2018, that is it what, whoever said that i don't know but that's their pick for the top performer. the wrestling company, okay. i think we got that. let's move. let's get back to tax reform. president trump will make his final pitch this afternoon. joining us now, john lonski, moody's managing director. john, let's discuss this corporate tax rate. we hear, and we've been saying, fox business, fox news, it is 21%, not the 20% that president trump wanted. does 21% make that much difference? >> it makes absolutely no difference in the grand scheme of things, my goodness. talking about a difference of $100 billion in taxes. when you look at the 13 or 15 trillion-dollar u.s. economy, it's a drop in the bucket. stuart: no difference, whatsoever? >> i think it makes no difference. stuart: still good for the market, 21%. >> definitely a lot better than 35%. put it that way. stuart: the market is up by the way. talking about a 70 -point gain. it may make no difference if it is 21. john, we'll get back to you in a moment. i want to bring in congressman diane black. congressman, i have to ask you about this 21%. can you confirm that is the number that we're looking at as the top rate of tax on corporations, 21%? >> yeah. i can confirm that is the discussion at the moment and until we sign on the dotted line i want you to know that is the number for the moment. stuart: oh, okay, that is a revelation, diane. that is a revelation. let's go further, how about the 37% top tax rate on individuals? we are reporting that it is 37, not 39.6 where it is now. comment please? >> stuart, we want to be really careful that again we have not completed our negotiations. that is the number we're talking about for the moment. stuart: you let it slip, diane. that is really good stuff. you just made news for us, that is really cool. i think that market is going to go up. that is what you're talking about. i got it. >> yes. infrastructure -- >> you know, stuart, as we negotiate, as we find out what the byrd rule will allow us or not allow us to do, there are dials that need to be turned. we want to be sure we don't put something out there people will count on, and at the end of the day it will be different than what we said today. stuart: in general terms, you're taking a little bit away from big corporations, and giving a little bit more to high income earners who may live in high-taxed states. that is the deal here really, isn't it? >> we want to be sure, we treat everybody equitiably. at end of the day, everybody, regardless of what tax bracket we're in is going to receive relief, but, i want to be sure i say but, our main focus is right there in the middle income earners. i'm fighting for folks in tennessee where we're looking at an $1800 additional wage increase and, and we just, really want to be sure that the middle income earner who we focus on. stuart: i have to refer briefly to roy moore and his loss in alabama. that means the republicans have a razor-thin margin in the senate, 51-49. overall, i think this makes your job, re-election next year for the house members, i think that makes it a bit more difficult, and therefore puts more pressure on your legislative agenda for next year. would you agree with me? >> what it does do, i think puts more pressure on us right now to do the right thing and that is to get the economy moving because if people see we have been successful being able to put more money in their pocket and see increase in jobs, about 18,000 jobs in tennessee will be created, and if they see all of this, they will feel much better about what congress is doing. otherwise if we're not successful here, i think people will just question why are we sending people to washington if we don't see a benefit in our lives? so this is so, so important we get our job done. we promised the american people we would do this and we need to get it done. the markets are already responding to what we're doing here. stuart: yeah. diane, i really have to thank you very much indeed. you have confirmed that you are talking about 21% and 37%. >> and we're talking about 20%. we're talking about 39%. stuart: don't go back on it. don't go back on it now, diane, please. it was pleasure to have you on the show entire past year. hope you join us again next year. >> thank you for having me. stuart: merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you. stuart: right there, lonski. 21%. let's discuss 37%. that's a -- that is 39.6 now for top income earners, okay. if they drop it to 37%, looks likely, is that good for the stock market? >> that is definitely good. that is going to be compensation for those high income inners in these states where they're going to be losing state and local income tax deduction. important. it helps assure consumer spending is going to grow. stuart: i want to talk to you about bank of america. they're saying look, there is plenty of gas in the tank for the stock market next year. they're looking at 3,000 on the s&p 500. that would be a 12% gain by the end of next year. you in line with that? >> it may not that be high. it may be up 7% but better than being down 7% or 10%. profits are going to grow especially with the support from tax reform. lower tax rates. i see nothing on the horizon that will prevent profits growing by enough to extend this rally. no reason for the stock market to be in any danger of falling off a cliff. stuart: okay. stay there please, john. want to talk to you about bitcoin of all things. hold on a second. now this. it is almost time for the next movie in the "star wars" franchise. it is called "the last jedi." it opens friday. the excitement spreading to space literally. astronauts aboard the space station will get to watch the film. okay. woopty doo. ashley: thank you, justin. stuart: president trump's former campaign manager on the bombshell text messages that show in my opinion the mueller investigation is tainted. we're all over that one. after roy moore's loss last night, republicans are turning on steve bannon. he was a big supporter of moore. this is, and you are watching the second hour of "varney & company." ♪ think your large cap equity fund has exposure to energy infrastructure mlps? think again. it's time to shake up your lineup. the alerian mlp etf can diversify your equity portfolio and add potential income. bring amlp into the game. before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. read the prospectus carefully at stuart: well, well, well, did we have something to do with this? we got it out there that it is 21%, probably 21% corporate, 37% top income earners. we're up nearly 80 points. we'll take credit, why not? let's do it, shall we? look at this. t-mobile, it is announcing plans to launch a tv service sometime next year. i don't have details on that, but the stock is up about 1%. grubhub, food delivery company, says it is expanding its partnership with the cheesecake factory. grubhub will deliver cheesecake factory food nationwide. both stocks up. john lonski, holding out until the bitter end here because i want to talk about coin. john, it is stablizing. why are you laughing? >> it is stablizing after being up more than 500% since june. not that long ago. $3,000. it is now $17,000. stuart: more legitimate, doesn't it if it poodles, around 1716. isn't that a little bit -- >> you have to keep buying this, hold on to it under assumption somebody will pay ahire price for it. if you can't make that assumption get out. stuart: you wouldn't take a gamble on bitcoin. >> itch would stay away from it. stuart: whatever money you have to spare -- >> have fun. perhaps better gambles than this one. stuart: whatever you say, john. lonski, you're all right. thanks for being with us. thank you. back to those text messages between peter strzok and lisa page obtained by fox news. this is the latest bombshell. we got it just moments ago. i will read it for you. i want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in andy's office, there is no way he gets elected but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. it's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40. in my opinion, clear case of a deep state conspiracy to be pro-hillary and anti-trump, and fix the investigation into hillary clinton. that is my opinion. harlan hill, trump for president advisory board kind of guy, what do you say? you have heard my opinion. what's yours? >> well, we've seen time and time again for the last year plus the obama administration and his justice department leveraged the power, the breadth and purse of the united states federal government to undermine the incoming president of the united states, then candidate donald trump, and then during the peaceful transition of power they worked to undermine him further. you know, this unraveled over the course of months. you know, we had that infamous meeting on the tarmac between president bill clinton and loretta lynch, when bill clinton and hillary clinton were the subjects of investigations during the 2016 election. we have the fbi and the united states government cooperating with the democratic national committee to underwrite a dossier which was basically just opposition research to smear and to libel the incoming president of the united states. this is unprecedented. it may be treasonous. and people should be investigated for this this shouldn't just be a fleeting moment only covered by fox news. the mainstream media needs to step up now because this is the very faith, this undermines the very faith in the process of government and peaceful transition of power that the american people have come to expect. enough's enough. stuart: you're getting all fired up. hold on a second. >> enough. stuart: keep it going. talk about this one. alabama, democrat doug jones he won. roy moore, lost. i think that is upset. first of all, ash, have you got numbers on this. ashley: 49.9%, he won by 20,000 votes out of about 1.2 million. so it was close but he still hasn't conceded. stuart: that is true too. harlan, i see this as, a, not good news for president trump, who backed roy moore. not good news for the gop because they have now got a razor-thin margin in the senate, a 1-49. do you sebright clouds here at all for conservatives and republicans? >> i do i think will be outlyer. let's be honest, i will not make excuses to you or your audience. this should not have happened. a republican in alabama should have blown the democrat out of the water. we nominateed a republican that was so damaged, republicans across the state of alabama decided to vote for pro-abortion, antigun, global warming loving pro-taxes pro-big government democrat. the people of alabama voted for a pro-abortion democrat instead of our republican. this is a problem. i don't think this is reflection of the president but we've got to do a better job as a party of nominating and vetting candidates that can win. that is what i'm doing anyway as consultant across the country running different campaigns. we got, this is the big leagues. this is the big leagues now. we need to professionals. stuart: i'm going to stop you before you really explode there, lad. but, business is going to be good for you as political consultant, i have to put it like that. harlan, thank you very much for being with us, sir. >> thanks. stuart: merry christmas, in case i don't see you beforehand. thank you, sir. president trump, final tax barnstorming speech this afternoon. with a democrat heading to the senate in the alabama seat, extra pressure is on, get taxes done and get it done fast. we're all over it of course. we're back in a second. ♪ zar: one of our investors was in his late 50s right in the heart of the financial crisis, and saw his portfolio drop by double digits. it really scared him out of the markets. his advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldn't be able to retire until he was 68. the client realized, "i need to get back into the markets- i need to get back on track with my plan." the financial advisor was able to work with this client. he's now on track to retire when he's 65. having someone coach you through it is really the value of a financial advisor. wifiso if you can't live without it...t it. why aren't you using this guy? it makes your wifi awesomely fast. no... still nope. now we're talking! it gets you wifi here, here, and here. it even lets you take a time out. no! no! yes! yes, indeed. amazing speed, coverage and control. all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. stuart: look here. that is a rally up 83 points. remember, please, diane black, house ways and means committee person, she said yes, they're looking at 21% at the top rate of tax for corporations, and 37% on top rate for individuals. that is news. markets have gone up. go to california. want an update on the wildfires. robert gray is there for us. robert, the homes of the very rich and very famous are still threatened, i believe? pot port they are. we're in montecito, south of santa barbara a home to many celebrity homes, oprah winfrey, ellen deagain yes, sir, rob lowe in this neighborhood, tweeting firefighters who managed to take more control now, 25% containment. when we arifed early this morning you could see flames 30 miles south of ear at least, stuart in the night skype. behind us smoldering, flair-ups at top of the ridgeline. this area has been evacuated. that is the first civilian car we've seen. usually just service vehicles back here. fire still there. you can perhaps see a home in the distance there. the fire literally in its backyard as it is burning down the hill towards there. if we take a look, some of the stats here, 6,000 firefighters fighting this thomas fire, stuart. 237,000-acres now burned. it is the fifth largest in california history. we should say the cause of this one not known yet. but that skirball fire in the los angeles in the bel-air neighborhood has been attributed to homeless encampment. they think someone was cooking there. no arrests yet. back to you. stuart: robert gray, in the middled of it. robert, good stuff. by the way those fires in california started december the 4th. today is december the 13th. 'tis the season to shop on line. so busy delivery services trouble keeping up with demand t can only get worse. ups stock virtually unchanged. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ stuart: that would be the jackson five. ashley: that is indeed. stuart: i'm right again. ashley: you're on the music scene. stuart: musical genius. look, now we're up 92 points. we're on our way to 24,600 to be precise for radio listeners. we're at 24,597, a gain of 92 points. there you have it. we're about to get the weekly oil inventories numbers. how much oil that we have in stock? liz: more than expected. market looking for draw down of 3.7 million. forth weekly drop in a row. stuart: we're using it a lot of oil. taking it out of storage. the price goes up, 57.23. not a big price increase but. ashley: speaks to the economy, stu. stuart: economic indicator. thank you very much, son. ashley: purr welcome. stuart: why don't we check the big tech names? we have overall market win here. the dow is up 90 points. facebook, amazon, microsoft, alphabet, panel, all of them on the upside today. their recovery is just about done. xlf, that is a basket of financial stocks, down this morning but not down much, down four cents. that price at 2818 is close to a 10-year high. overall the financials a mixed picture. jpmorgan chase down, morgan stanley up, goldman up. new high for goldman by the way. citigroup down, wells fargo down but they have previously made very strong gains. the media research council does a study on negative coverage of the president and the president's tweets. here it is. this is what the president is tweeting by the way. wow, more than 90% of fake news media coverage of me is negative, with numerous forced retractions of untrue stories, hence my use of social media, the only way to get the truth out. much of mainstream media has become a joke. "fox & friends." brent bozell, mrc president. those are yours numbers. you did the study. you found it was 90% negative. >> yeah. month after month we dot study. we start it during the campaign in 2016. the best month for president trump was the honeymoon in january when it was only 89% negative. and since then every month, like clockwork it is either 90, 91 or 92% negative. those were the november numbers, 90% negative. i'll tell you, it is even worse than 90% negative, stuart, because that 90, if you look at that 90% what it doesn't include the number of fake stories, false stories that have been done like the bro brian ross story that affected stock market. you have fake stories within the negative coverage. plus it doesn't include the positive coverage. there is no positive coverage of things like the economy. so not just 90% negative. it is lack of anything that is positive about this president. we have never seen anything like it in the history of this organization. stuart: now, what about the news that fox is breaking this morning, fox news and fox business, that we have these texts from within the fbi investigation of president trump and hillary clinton's emails, and they show what looks to me like a clear state, clear-cut deep state conspiracy, to be against president trump and to whitewash hillary clinton? how is the establishment media going to cover that? i have not seen anything so far? >> well, interesting, this story actually, the texts weren't released but the story broke self days ago. when it broke, fox covered it relentlessly as it should be, where the rest of media was concerned, they gave it a little bit of coverage but under context of republicans are trying to undermine the mueller investigation by going on this tangent. now the texts are out, which completely confirm that this campaign against the president and the utter partiality of this investigation, there were story this is morning but they were stories that did not associate it with mueller, just, this is rogue person. let's see, what happened after today. let's see if this is a one and done thing, or if the media pick up on it and continue the investigation of what is truly all the appearances are now showing is a truly dishonest investigation, dishonest investigation into the president. let's see if they investigate it. let's see if they continue covering it. or if this is a one and done. stuart: my guess it is one and done. we're not going to drop it. that's fact. brent bozells as always, thank you much. weil see you soon. >> merry christmas to you. stuart: merry christmas indeed. in alabama, doug joins the democrat beats roy moore the republican in the gop senate seat in alabama. that leaves a razor-thin margin in the senate, 41-49. jim renacci joins us now. do you think the razor thin majority and will that put a real crimp through the trump growth agenda when he tries to get this through congress? >> i really don't think so, we'll get the tax plan done before christmas. we'll get it done. i think we're moving towards that. she is seats won't change until january. we should push this through and get it done for the american people, lower their individual income tax and lower corporate income tax. stuart: now the story of the date, if you have been watching this program, you know what it is, we had congressman diane black confirm for us that you are indeed talking about a 21% top corporate tax rate. will you confirm that, jim renacci? >> i will not confirm that but i can tell you -- stuart: i know what you're going to say. you've talking about it, i got that. >> it is talked about. i'm not happy with it. i do believe we have lower the rates even lower. at end we have come up with a plan that works. easier answer is to move it from 20 to 21. i hope they keep it at 20. stuart: they are talking about 20 one. the other one is 37% is the top tax rate on individuals. will you confirm you're talking about 37%? >> i will also tell you that those are the numbers we're talking about. i would hope that we can continue to lower taxes for all americans. that's the goal there as well. again, they will have another conference committee this afternoon. hopefully we get this wrapped up this week. stuart: will you confirm that you are indeed talking about taking a little bit of the money away from big corporations, and giving some of it towards top income earners? confirm that? >> well, in the end i think the goal is really that this is fair plan, reaches everybody, gives people back money and at the same time lowers the corporate income tax rate. these are all things in the mix. if jim renacci could write the plan 100% myself, stuart, i would give all the information. stuart: the news is out the dow jones industrial average is up 100 points as we speak, it is up 100 points, because it is 21% and 37% according to diane black. >> at the end the president is moving economy. it is what people want to see. i heard the report earlier, it is funny gets the next move, the next president because they president is doing it. stuart: you're running for ohio, are you worried that the ohio could go to the democrats after the alabama win bit democrat yesterday. >> the vision i bring to ohio is different vision than career politicians bring. i bring a different vision about growing economy, making sure ohio is the best place for a family to grow a business, live there, work there. that is the difference. again, what alabama did they did. i respect their vote. i'm sure ohioans want to see a ohio that you can expand your business. stuart: you did not kill the rally. did not confirm the 20 one, 37. you did not kill the rally. >> i was on before when the market boosted as well. hope we can continue to do that. stuart: it is your fault. gem, i'm obliged to you. merry christmas sir. >> merry christmas. stuart: pictures, packages piling up in the lobby of new york city apartment buildings and apartment buildings all across the country. those particular pictures, the pile there, taken by a member of our production staff. this is about surge in online shopping. big delays probable because of that. there are reports that the delays could actually get even worse. hook who is back? thisthis is umteenth victory to. this is matt shays retail president. this is good problem to have, deluge of online shopping. it has to be fix, hasn't it, these delays? >> high quality problem. reflection of strength. economy, reflection of the strength of consumer. step back a minute, volume of shipping goes on the holidays, between postal service, ups, fedex, there are two billion packages shipped between thanksgiving and new year's. 10% more than a year ago. substantially more than five years ago or decade ago. while there have been isolated problems i think they will get fixed. retailers work with their partners. i think the thing we should talk about, you will like this, how remarkable it is how remarkable it is two billion packages can be shipped all over this country, retailers and partners are so efficient despite failing infrastructure in this country generations past useful life. we should talk about big infrastructure bill next year after we do tax reform as 37 and 21 as you called on the show. you got it. stuart: i want to refer to the brillance of the soup-to-nuts food chain that you've got going here, the logistical operation in place today, it is frankly stunning. >> remarkable. stuart: i don't know how they do it, two billion packages or two billion items. that is 200 million more than last year. i'm stunned by this. >> you think about the shapes and sizes of these. talking about flat screen television sets. talking about small items. talking about apparel. talking about bicycles, about toys, about electronics. so the complexity is amazing. i was on the phone earlier this morning, anticipating we might have conversation with this with executives from-ups and fedex. they feel very good about position with the retail partners into the rest of the season. they know there are isolated issues. in couple instances we saw stories last week. networks are built out and invested in a way, partnerships invested in way we expect a very happy christmas. stuart: you represent retailers. retailers will be some of the biggest fiduciaries of a lower corporate tax rate. do you think it makes much difference whether the rate is 20% or 21%? >> we're paying at highest rate. stuart: yes you are. >> 35%. we've been interested in this for years. we've been working on it really for decade to lower the rate. we want the rate to be as low as possibly can be. 20% would be ideal. we like to see them continue talking about 20%, not anything higher. stuart: you won't play holy hell if it is 21%? >> goal is make ourselves competitive in the global economy. stuart: you agree, won't you? >> we agree to anything substantially lower than 35%. this is great for corporations and small businesses in retail. stuart: i should be a dentist. it is likes pulling teeth. matt shea you're all right. >> nice to see you, stuart. stuart: check this out. my team, the green bay packers, quarterback aaron rodgers medically cleared to return. ashley: thank god. stuart: had been out for broken collarbone. very painful. packers likely need to win the next three final games to make the playoffs. i say, again it's a deep state conspiracy. anti-trump text messages by officials involved in the clinton email investigation and russia, russia, russia. corey lewandoski on the set next. ♪ ashley: democrat doug jones won the senate seat for alabama but congressman kevin brady says, hang on, doesn't change the timetable for tax reform. roll tape. >> so that's the question i think most people ask, does this change the timetable or the passage of tax reform? the answer is know. we set this timetable six months ago. it is unchanged. it has been deliberate as we do it and i'm convinced we'll deliver it to the president's desk before christmas. right now, conference committee report at the end of the week. leader mccarthy and our leadership i think fully expect as vote next week. so we're just remaining on the timetable. at fidelity, trades are now just $4.95. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. stuart: happening right now on capitol hill, deputy attorney general rod rosen seen testifying before the house judiciary committee. he just told that committee he think there is is no good cause to fire bob mueller. we're monitoring his performance, anymore headlines, you'll get them. back to those text messages between peter strzok and lisa page obtained by fox news. one just came out about an hour ago. i will read it to because you think this is damning. here it is. on august the 15th, 2016 this, is what peter strzok wrote. i want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in andy's office, that there is no way he gets elected. i think he is referring to trump, but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. it is like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40. we don't know who andy is. could be andrew mccabe, he is the acting fbi director but i think that is a damning text from peter strzok. joining us corey lewandoski, coauthored of "let trump be trump" and former trump campaign manager. corey, i see this very clearly. i think this is a deep state conspiracy being revealed which means the investigations are tainted. are you with me? >> stuart, you're 100% correct on this and the fact that this guy peter is still working for the fbi and has now moved to the human resources department is everything that is wrong with the deep state. he clearly had his own agenda. he and lisa were having some type of illicit affair with each other, plotting what seems to be to take down president trump, or at minimum, give hillary clinton a free pass. it is amazing how one fbi agent had so much influence in changing the language with hillary clinton. huma abedin, cheryl mills, hillary clinton, all spoke to this individual. none of them supposedly lied which we know can not be the case and this person still has a job. where is the accountability of the deep state? stuart: whoa, good question, and where does this end? i don't care what the mueller probe comes up with, i think it is tainted. i don't think it's -- the public has to be assured this is an objective investigation, not subjective, not subject to any kind of political interference or political maneuvering from the inside. we, the people, we have to be sure that it es objective and legitimate. frankly, at this point, i don't think we are. >> well, stuart what we also know is it has been widely reported now other members of the mueller investigation team were at hillary clinton's election night, what was supposed to be celebration but was complete disaster because they thought she was going to win and that is a problem. i don't understand how you can be objective as an fbi agent, but at an election night party for hillary clinton thinking she is going to win. i think bob mueller needs to take a good, long, deep look at people part of the investigation team, if they fav money to the clintons, part of the clinton cabal, at the election night celebration, i'm sure there are good, high, quality, men and women of the fbi could be unbiased. seems like some part of the investigation, they can't be. stuart: corey lewandoski, i'm sorry i cut this short. it is very active news day. i will read your book, if you send me free copy i will read it. simple as that. >> you bet. thank you. stuart: corey lewandoski, appreciate it. i want to get back to the market. we do have a strong rally in progress. moments ago we're up 113 points. look here are some of the leaders of the dow. caterpillar, that's a dow stock it is up three, 2 1/2%, three bucks. nike, dow stock, up 1.7%. nice gain there, boeing, look at that on its way to another new high. boeing has been really setting the pace this year, really helping the dow in its rally. it is up another four bucks, roughly. 293 on boeing this morning. minutes from now minnesota's governor will announce his pick to replace senator al franken. we have the short list. we'll deal with it in a moment. . . and i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. the pen where you don't have to see or handle a needle. and it works 24/7. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. to help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. ask your doctor if once-weekly trulicity is right for you. ♪ ♪ retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. or a little internet machine? 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>> the people tha -- the question that people are asking is will this affect tax reform. they said no. >> very good. we will have that announcement as soon as it happens. thank you. republican roy moore lost in democrat doug jones one. now what? start with the balance of power in the senate. republican margin shrinks away to a rage razor edge 51 - 49. that means the gop can only afford to lose one vote with a divided republican party. that makes getting things done even more difficult. it also means tax cuts have to be wrapped up before christmas. second, the elections next year, the republicans control of congress will be tested. true, 11 months is a long time in politics, but there is no question that the democrat win in the deeply republican state of alabama is a dire warning, you are in trouble. third, president trump in his ability to hold his base, he came out in full support of roy moore and he still lost. number four, steve bannon lost big-time. the alabama race was a first test of his outspoken opposition to what he calls the republican establishment. moore was bannon's candidate. he lost. if there's a bright spot, it's this. they don't have roy moore around there next. if you thought 2017 was a tumultuous year, just wait until 2018. a polarized country, and evenly split congress, they have to debate highly contentious issues. after alabama, the democrats smelled blood and president trump is guaranteed to stirred up. the third hour of bernie and company is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's happening right now, minnesota governor going to mak announce al franken's replacement to the senate. they will replace him with lieutenant governor tina smith. she is off to the side, you just can't see her, but tina smith will be his pic to take that senate seat. when you get right back to my editorial at the top of the hour called my take. joining us is added, president of the heritage foundation. ed, roy moore has lost. i think that makes it critical that the gop get tax reform done before christmas. you've always been optimistic they can. are you still optimistic? >> i'm still very optimistic. this is a real pressure point not only for president trump, but also for paul ryan and mitch mcconnell, especially, and let me make some forecasts. first in first out will be gone from the conference. they will settle on a 21% corporate rate. there will be something on the president's desk by a week from friday and he will be able to sign it before christmas to give us that christmas present we've all been looking for. >> what you make of the 21% corporate rate. that's what we are hearing and you are hearing i believe. it's not the 20% or the 15% that the president wanted, a little higher, 21%. doesn't make that much difference? >> it makes a big difference because remember, it's down from 35. don't compared to 15, compared to 35. your down a huge amount and that's obviously, it has our friends in europe concerned as you've seen from recent reports, they are seeing an america coming back strong in hard and very vibrantly, and the other thing stuart, in terms of, as we look forward to 2018 strategically, i think what you will see is some of these democrats in the trump states will say wait a minute, i can't be with chuck schumer on immigration or infrastructure or the rest of these things, to be with donald trump because i've got a play to my own base back in wherever it is, north dakota, missouri, wherever. >> really? after alabama you think the president still has clout in next year's elections? >> yes, i really do and i can't see jones in alabama for that matter siding with chuck schumer on a lot of these issues. if he thanks he's going to have a chance when he has to face the electorate again just under a year, he's gonna want to vote alabama. he's not the one about new york city schumer. >> with the top rate of tax for individuals at 39.6%, we are hearing it will go down to 37%. the top rate for individuals. is that what you are hearing? is that good news for the economy? >> it's great news for the economy, but frankly i'm hearing 35. i would take 35 over 37, but i'll still take 37 over 39. lower is better. lower means a better economy. it means more growth, more jobs, higher income for middle america and that's what rolled out. >> i want to ask about infrastructure. president trump is expected to unveil his plan very soon, very early next month. he is going to, surely, after the alabama result isn't he going to need democrat support in congress to get that info structure planned on? >> i think he will and i think this is where he will come together and what i'd like to see are some private public partnership type of arrangements that isn't just throwing money at shovel ready projects the way it happened under obama, but let's look at how we can do this more creatively, more constructively and my colleagues here have got some great ideas. there are other think tanks working on this, working closely with the administration and hopefully with congress right after. i'm very optimistic about that coming up in the first quarter. i think we will be back on a roll, we're getting things back together and i'm optimistic. >> we like that, there's no problem with that. by the way the dow is up 113 points. thanks for joining a spread merry christmas. >> 113 points higher, plenty of green on the left-hand side of the screen. the dow has hit a record high and so too has the s&p 500. here is charles payne, host of the highly successful show making money with charles payne. >> now look. we got this 21% corporate tax rate. i don't think that makes much difference if were 20% or 21% but i think it's a huge cut and good for the market. >> absolutely. we go from 35 to percent even to 22 women made a major difference in the market. if you look at effective tax rates for a lot of the names out there, particularly retailers, they're playing well over 30% for some the biggest employers in this country. it's great newsprint i agree with ed. i wish the individual rate was 35%. when we look at a corporate income statement, if we talk about the revenue, you drive revenue with demand. let me keep more of the money i have earned. be that as it may it will certainly be a win. i think the market knows that. >> i'm not sure it is. i thought 39 - 6. >> it's all baked dinner ready. >> i think so. i think what the market has reacted to is caterpillar. >> you want to know what's going on in this country, caterpillars the most amazing proxy. their numbers, they posted for november retail sales for around the world and america, through the roof. the true foundation, the true building blocks of an economy, you can find them through caterpillars numbers. >> that's very interesting. now, here's the official word, tina smith will be the senator from minnesota. charles, stay there. there she is. she is just accepting her new role in the united states senate. that is tina smith in minnesota. i want to talk bit coin. are you ready for this? >> i think i'm ready. >> i think it's stabilizing. and when on the future market on sunday night and it's been bopping around in the volatility is not entirely gone away, but it ain't much. >> i agree with you 1000%. let's not forget a whole lot of experts, particularly on other financial channels were singing doom and gloom last night. they said as soon as it goes into a cboe it will crash. instead i went stayed straight up and it's stabilizing. i have some questions i still don't understand but i'm meeting with people and i'm studying this every day trying to get a better handle. i will tell you it's not going to go away. >> i agree. the whole idea of a crypto currency is not going away, but, i happen to believe it is a speculative bubble and i wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole. >> that tell you what, around the world people are excited about this and enthusiastic and you start to compare it, yesterday liz put out a question, is it like gold or silver. i said it's like gold or silver before it was used for transactions. right now, what's behind the dollar? what assets are behind it. >> so the bottom line is, bit coin will be around and it could one day be, there could be a million or where it is now. >> real fast, last one, bank of america said by the end of next year the s&p 500, a big indicator will hit 3000, 12% higher than it is now. >> they are being very conservative. >> i think next year. >> if you look at this, the power that we've got going from the small business enthusiasm that we saw yesterday to the concrete numbers like what were seeing from caterpillar, this world, america leading the charge on the swing and it's not to stop overnight. >> people should be really excited. forget about politics. think about your wallet. >> we never forget about politics. [laughter] >> now this. one of the big issues with using a flexible spending account for healthcare is the waste of money at the end of the year. well, there are some things you might not know that are covered. we will tell you what those are so you can get your money back. and, we love entrepreneurs on this program. we have one today. her name is autumn solano. she is 16 years old. she has her own business, she's on the show making money. in washington, much more on the text messaging bombshell. antitrust messages from inside the fbi. i say it reveals a deep state conspiracy. martha mcallen on that, next we are full of interesting and useful information. if you have money left over in your flexible spending account, here's where you can still spend it. remember, if you don't spend it this year, you lose it. here's the list from business insider. we are talking basics that you can spend your flexible spending account money on. glasses, band-aids, heating pads, first-aid kits, sunscreen, thermometer, blood pressure kit, in other words the basic. you've got money left over? spend it on that. now you know. moving from there, let's go to the story of the day. fox news has obtained anti- trump text sent by peter struct and lisa page. both played key rolls in the rush investigation and the investigation of hillary's e-mail. it is where we start, march 4, 2016. lisa page says, trump is below some human. struct said yet he may win. later that day he said hillary should win 100000000 - 0. march 16, page, i cannot believe donald trump is going to be a serious candidate for president. fast-forward to august 6. here's where the two appear to be okay with protecting hillary. page says, and maybe you are meant to stay where you are, that's inside the investigation because you are meant to protect the country from that menace. he said thanks, it's absolutely true and were both very fortunate and of course i will try to approach it that way. i just know it will be tough times. august 26, 2016. peter says just went to a southern virginia walmart. i could smell the trump support. yep, out to lunch, we both hate everyone and everything. >> it is scary real down here. october 20, 19 days before the election, peter said i am riled up. trump is an idiot, unable to provide a coherent answer. this morning, we got another one from august 15, 2016. he wrote this, i want to believe that the path you throughout for consideration, that there's no way he gets elected, but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. it's like an insurance policy and the unlikely event that you die. how about that. >> joining us now, martha, host of the story. martha, i do an opinion show. you do not. so i can express an opinion and you don't have to agree with me or . >> i think that's a deep state conspiracy to undermine trump right from the inside but i think you will agree that this is a bombshell story. >> it's absolutely a bombshell story. i think the one that you just read at the end, two of them actually, that you highlighted are particularly important. just to reiterate, he says to her, i want to believe the path you throughout for consideration in anders office, still trying to narrow down who andy is, we don't have confirmation, but there's no way he gets elected but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. he's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you dive. they are discussing some sort of action that would be sort of a poison pill perhaps or something to protect the country from what they see is what's coming. i also want to point out, just watching the testimony from rob rosenstein before the judiciary committee, he was asked about all these individuals and he says you can have a political persuasion. it doesn't mean you are bias, and that is where there is tremendous pressure on robert muller. i think all of this piles up pressure on robert muller to make absolutely sure that whatever conclusions they come to, he can backup in an absolutely ironclad way. the other question to rod rosenstein are about the meanderings of the investigation. this is another area they had to be absolutely on solid ground because all of this looks terrible. >> you can have political opinions. we all have political opinions , fbi agents are no exception, but you cannot let those opinions interfere with your actions. >> which is why this o is of particular interest. was there an action that was taken to prevent something from happening and also, did he see his position as inside that investigation something that he needed to do to save the country which is sort of the pylons of what he's talking about. he was removed from the investigation so obviously they felt some of this was agreed just enough to remove him. >> it's a bombshell and i'm sure you will be all over it 7:00 p.m. tonight on the fox news channel. i will be watching. >> looking forward to it. thank you. >> diehard, some consider it a christmas movie. i don't know why. it's now on the national film registry. we will tell you what other modern classics, if that's a classic made this year's list. is that a classic? >> yes. >> okay, whatever you say. >> in this, miriam webster out with the word of the year. can you take a dick guess at it? here's a clue. it starts with the letter f. >> what kind clue is that. i didn't like that. first, check this out. amazon chief jeff is spending hi sending it on the test flight. the dummy on board, the suborbital space ship is called new shepherd and had a great ride. the trip was conducted at blue origins testing ground in west texas for the dow is up. you will that we will be back zar: one of our investors was in his late 50s right in the heart of the financial crisis, and saw his portfolio drop by double digits. it really scared him out of the markets. his advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldn't be able to retire until he was 68. the client realized, "i need to get back into the markets- i need to get back on track with my plan." the financial advisor was able to work with this client. he's now on track to retire when he's 65. having someone coach you through it is really the value of a financial advisor. that's a classic. merry christmas. it's been 30 years since diehard came out. among the 25 films that they are adding to the national film registry. these are films deemed culturally and historically significant to the american heritage. >> moving on. also on the list, 1985 hit the goonies. is that a classic? that was a stevens spielberg production. all right. others on the list, titanic, i get it, superman, field of dreams, the bomba, films starring spencer tracy and cary grant. let's move, shelley? >> webster's out with its word of the year. we handed it starts with the letter asked. what is it? feminism. webster says it searches for the words spiked in january during the women's marches. later they spiked when kellyanne conway, but she doesn't consider herself a feminist. there was also widespread headline on sexual harassment. feminism, word of the year. >> they are offering travelers free tickets of your holiday flight gets canceled. to take advantage, e-mail them your proof of flight cancellation and request a free ticket. the promotion starts tomorrow and runs through new year's eve. if you really, if your flight is canceled from new york to california, you can spend three or four days on a bus. now this, olympic skier lindsey vann responding to the backlash over her comments about president shot. last week she said she wouldn't be representing the presenthe president at the olympics. she now says the olympics are not a political event and she represents the nation as a whol whole. she also said, no athlete represents the government or any specific political party. but, if she wins, she is not going to the white house. look at this. 132 points higher, the dow is at 24635. >> can we stop talking about 25. >> we can say it and if we say it, it might happen. we will be back. smile everyone, including our radio listeners because we haven't-the dow. we are up 139, 140 points. 21645. if that's not a rally, what is. up 139. minnesota governor appoints tina smith to take al franken's place in the united states senate. she is currently the lieutenant governor. we still don't know when she takes a seat because al franken hasn't said when he is leaving. but she is in. the clock is ticking for congress to pass tax reform. joining us now is capitol hill producer. chad, take me through the timetable that lets us get this done by christmas eve. >> in the next hour or so you have republican from the senate and house, these are members from the conference committee going to the white house to meet with president trump to talk about the details. they will come back and they will convene this conference committee which is represented from the house and the senate where they sit around a big room and put the tax bill in a congressional blender. what they try to do is come out with a forged, unified package. the timetable is that they hope to file this in the house of representatives later this week, maybe to the senate early next week and house of representatives at the end of next week. that presumes everything is going swimmingly. we are hearing some rattling thought it's not all worked out. no one has seen a final version. you might remember in the senate that was one of the problems with things in the margins and longhand scribbles. if they get the votes they think they can pass it just before christmas. the one wildcard is keeping the government (can they do both before the end of next week questions. >> i'm interested in tax cuts. >> you are the guy we come to for the nuts and bolts of how legislation is made, how it moves through congress. you are nuts and bolts guy. them and ask a different question. as you observe things from the center of the action, do you think we, america, will we ever get used to president trump and his very abrupt and abrasive style? >> this is a question that chuck schumer, the democratic leader fielded a few moments ago. he said one of the reasons why there is a performance in alabama last night is because of president trump. this just wasn't about roy moore. he said there will be many more alabama is down the line. i talked to senator my ground is from south dakota and he was being asked about the tweet that the president sent out about the senator from new york and he said we should pay attention to his actions and not his tweet. you might remember the white house spokesman at the time, sean spicer, indicated we should receive the president streets to be official statements and official policy. that's an issue. going back to senator schumer he said the president seems to be diluted and not in the details when it comes to policy. he was talking about reduction of the state and local tax deduction and said the president, according to schumer doesn't get it. those are two or three instances from both sides of the aisle were people don't feel like we are on board with all of the. >> chat i have to rush because i have something else on my plate but thanks for that information. it's happening right now and capitol hill. he is questioning rod rosenstein who is testifying before the house judiciary committee. >> are you aware of just how bias mr. struct was? >> no i was not. >> thank you. >> one final thing, i'm asking the question, the answer is not classified. based on information, to the best of your knowledge, it has the fbi ever used work product or report any part of which was paid for by political campaign, political party or prepared on a candidate's behalf? >> congressman, the issue. >> the time a gentleman has expired. the witness can answer the question. >> and i were working on at least one committee. >> moments ago, the republican from texas, he was laying out all of the text which fox news has discovered between peter struct and lisa page. in my opinion, they are damaging. they reveal, in my opinion, a deep conspiracy to go after trump and defend hillary clinton. i want to read just one of the texts that we received earlier today. this is from august of last year. this is him speaking, or messaging. i want to believe the path you throughout for consideration in adam's office, that there's no way he gets elected but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. it's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event that you die before your 40. we don't know for refers to andrew reisman or andrew mckay but the word andy is in there. that text seems to me too imply that these two will take action within the investigation to protect hillary and go after president trump. janet is with us now. >> well it doesn't refer to me. >> members. >> i think that text was flat-out damaging. they can't take the risk that he wins so they will do something to stop him from winning. that is damning evidence of a conspiracy. >> does it say they will do anything to stop him from winning. >> i'm inferring that from that text and other. >> i actually think this is the least harmful of the text. i think they're talking about keeping their jobs in the justice department should republican become the president of the united states. i think this is a type of normal conversation that fbi agents would have. >> wait a second. >> we needed an insurance policy for our jobs. i'm inferring for jobs and urine fearing for transparency. >> he refers to the president as an idiot. lisa page says he's a low some human. et cetera. yes they have political opinions and then putting them into practice to obstruct and mess around with an investigation and they are protecting hillary clinton. >> the text that you talked about, like an insurance policy, they are talking about keeping their jobs under a republican appointed attorney general should donald trump win. >> i'm afraid we can't take that risk, the risk being that he wins so go do something about it. >> we can't take the risk that he wins and we keep our jobs because we don't know who the attorney general will be. i'm suggesting to you, my dear friend that there is more than just your conspiratorial interpretation of these taken out of context text. i'm also telling those of us who are little more hardened and accustomed to dealing with law-enforcement, the rate no space is here. >> i'm not surprised. >> do not choir boys and we don't want them to be. >> but i don't want them to put their political opinions and practice and mess with the investigation. >> have you ever met a fbi director that doesn't have a political opinion. >> they have no validity if they don't believe they were objective. if the public believes members of the fbi were grinding and ask, they lose their power. >> nothing they did stopped hillary from being prosecuted. it was the inappropriate actions of their boss. >> peter struct changed the language from grossly negligent. >> their boss signed off on it. >> if you asked me too draft something for you and i put language i think you want and you read it, you are responsible. jim comay asked him to draft something for him. struct did it. he changed the language. peter struct put his political principles before his duty to be objective. >> thank you judge. >> you're welcome. >> thank you very much. >> the pleasure. [laughter] a group of pro- immigration activists hope to catch the attention of republican leaders, united we dream put up a massive video screen facing paul ryan's office. at the jumbotron. it will play videos showing dreamers who have found success after coming to america. >> in this, silicon valley from one of the riches and most expensive places in the country. i don't believe this. researchers say one in four people in the region are at risk of hunger. they qualify as food insecure based on risk factors such as missing meals, relying on food bank or food stamps and neglecting bills and rent in order to buy groceries. >> in silicon valley? >> i'll leave it at that. hard to believe. as the california fires continue burning, jerry brown plays the blame game and is pointing to climate change. that's next bread will also be joined by this youngster, autumn who has her own clothing business at 16 years old. she makes money. that's the point. we like these kind of stories. it's success. this is america. we will be back. i used to have more hair. i used to have more color. and... i used to have cancer. i beat it. i did. not alone. i used to have no idea what the american cancer society did. research? yeah. but also free rides to chemo and free lodging near hospitals. i used to maybe give a little. then i got so much back. i used to have cancer. please give at have your foxbusiness report. sears is extending the term for the $400 million loan while also, a new plan borrowing to cover contributions. take a look at sears. this planning a new credit facility of up to $600 million. they're closing many of their unprofitable stores to improve the bottom line and to pay off the loan by selling some property. when you take a look at sears we know many of the retailers have struggled but sears in particular has been down almost 60%. 57% of this year, a big picture we've seen the latest numbers coming out on retail and showing some weakness. it's down 1.6 year-over-year. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. firefighters say they are finally making progress against the wildfires in california. the biggest in california history. one of, i should say. they're still only 25% contained. the burn 700 homes stretched across 370 square miles per hour the santa ana winds have died down, but several other fires are still burning elsewhere in the state. the governor, jerry brown says climate change is to blame and he's also calling on president trump for his views on climate change. >> the fires we see it used to be a few months in the summer. now their year long. they're on president. we haven't seen anything like it. scientists tell us this is the stuff that will happen. >> come on in. what's your reaction to that larry? >> it certainly isn't any consensus among scientists that climate change is causing fires. i just interviewed a top official of the l.a. fire department i asked her point blank whether or not she thought climate change was to blame and she ducked the question. there is a consensus that man-made activity has something to do with the planet getting 1 degrees warmer in the past hundred years or so, but there is no consensus among climate change scientists as to whether or not it's causing a frequency of hurricanes, let alone a frequency and intensity of these fires. jerry brown is on an island by himself but i know it makes sense politically to say this. this is the same guy, remember he once said minimum wage law didn't make any economic sense but then made a great deal of political sense. calling this climate change makes a great deal of political sense. whether it makes any science sense, who cares. >> interesting point of view. you've always got good smile. however, governor brown went on to mention the wrath of god. let's play the tape. >> are you fearful? >> oh yes but anyone who is in is not looking at the facts. i don't think president trump has the fear of the lord. the fear of the wrath of god which leads one to more humility and this is such a reckless disregard for the truth and for the existential consequences that can be on least. >> you heard that as did our viewers. i want your reaction. >> o spare me. this is the same party that booed god when they wanted to put him in the d&c platform. all the sudden the left has discovered god because they believe god is somehow angry at the world and therefore attributing climate change to god. any other time come you don't hear the left invoke the name of god but all of a sudden he has made a return. >> is outrageous for this is the intersection of climate change and socialized medicine. they can tell you what to do, they can tell you what to eat because after all the government is picking up half of the healthcare tab in this country so therefore we can dictate people's habits. it's an outrage. it's offensive but this is california. >> i was saving this one for you heard there are growing calls around the world for attacks on meat. supporters say the tax is needed because livestock produces a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. unload on this one. >> it also produces meat for people to eat because much of the world remained in poverty. to force-feed the rest of the world on some sort of clean energy is to increase poverty around the world. again, an outrage. what did ronald reagan say, if it moves taxes tax it. if it stops moving subsidize it. they're trying to raise more money out of the pockets of hard-working americans. >> he had a way with words, that president. >> he sure did. >> all right. thank you very much. see you soon. merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you. happy new year. >> apple will release a new $5000 computer tomorrow. that's what it is, doesn't look like much but it's called the imac pro the most powerful computer yet according to apple design mainly for audio and visual professionals. apples doc is up one dollar at 172. a pilot who delivers packages for amazon said shipping delays are going to get worse before christmas. record-breaking surgeon online sales causing delays across the country, ups has already warned of delays of one or two days. the company delivere delivery drivers have been working to clear the backlog. up next, 16-year-old autumn is an entrepreneur who started her own clothing line. she is making money. she's also a philanthropist. do not miss this. she is next. >>huh. feel better? >>much better. yeah, me too. wow, you really did a number on this thing. >>sorry about that. that's alright. i got a box of 'em. thousands of opinions. one estimate. the earnings tool from td ameritrade. wifiso if you can't live without it...t it. why aren't you using this guy? it makes your wifi awesomely fast. no... still nope. now we're talking! it gets you wifi here, here, and here. it even lets you take a time out. no! no! yes! yes, indeed. amazing speed, coverage and control. all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. >> breaking news just happening. boy has it had a market reaction. 118 sources say house and senate leaders have reached an agreement in principle on the tax package. look at that market going up. this was announced moments ago. we've just announced it, we are going up from here. 154 higher as we speak. now this. total change of subject. our next guest is a keen entrepreneur. she is 16 years old and she started her own clothing business and most importantly, she is making good money. look at this. this is autumn who runs the company called autumn elizabeth and you are 16 years old, you started this in may of 2017. all right, this is a financial program, how much money have you made. >> i've made around 40 or $50000 of art. >> 40 - $50000. that is seriously good money. well done. what is your profit margin. >> around 50%. >> and you specialize, at the moment, in clothing for equestrian, people who ride horses. do you design it? >> i do. i pick up the material and the color cuff and i take it to different bonds and they get to decide if they like what i picked out for them depending on their bond color. >> how did you start this. >> mom is in the audience. did you get any help. >> what i did is i started this because i want to pay to go to florida, i'm a competitive for speculator and i wanted to go with my aunt and cousin who go down for a month and i wanted to show down there so i decided i wanted to raise money to go there because my dad would only pay for one week so i'm going to raise money for myself. >> what's the name of that website. autumn >> autumn elizabeth what is special about it? i see the clothing what right in front of me. >> i get them handmade in california so they are made in the u.s. it's a poly spandex material. it's stretchy and really comfortable so it's like a silky material. a lot of people, they see it and they like it because no one else in the horse business , because they don't get to design their own shirts. by designing their own shirts they are showing off what they enjoy elected you ever approach chinese manufacturers. >> i did not. it was actually a freak thing. my mom was looking online and she knew i wanted to start a clothing company we found this really amazing woman and she wanted to help us out. >> how did you get the word out. you start from scratch, you start from nothing and may and how did you actually get the word out. >> i've been riding horses since i was a look at. my aunt owns a farm called rea read -- red oak farms. >> hold on. this is a whole new section. you are a philanthropist? >> i am. i raise money for children with cancer and blood disorders. you braced how much? >> over $50000. >> through the clothing company? >> no just myself. people have supported me in both aspects about how i got a good percentage of my business. >> autumn, you are a revelation. we love success on this program. you are a success. you start in may, you've made 40 or $50000 to leave contributed 50000 to children with blood disorders. that's really good. congratulations. anytime you want to come back to update us you're welcome back. >> thank you so much. okay. all right. how do you follow that? we will follow it after this. ♪ the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, it's a race against time. and keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. bacteria can multiply to high enough levels that even cooking it will not destroy all of them. it's definitely the most important thing in my business. how fresh is the fish? where it comes from? how it gets here. the more i know, the better. sometimes the product arrives and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. we took our world class network . . . . but also if it's too hot, if it's too cold, if it's been dropped... it's completely unique. we ship fish, beef, poultry, vaccines, insulin. this is about monitoring and protecting everything we ship. i catch all this amazing, beautiful fish and then once it's out of my hands, i have no control over what happens to it. if you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way. it's really all about the network. you are looking at trillions of transactions a year. not too many companies in the world can even scale to that type of volume. who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe? food has to be fresh. it's that simple. stuart: this is why the market is rallying. ap reports that the house and senate conferees reached a final deal on tax cuts. reuters is reporting that senator orrin hatch says we have a pretty good deal. liz: kind of in the nick of time. they have only 10 working days before christmas. stuart: i think the roy moore loss and democrat win spurred them on. ashley: more pressure, 32-21, the market loves it. stuart: we have not confirmed 21% maximum tax on corporation profits. or 37 maximum tax on individuals. not confirmed yet, neil but we're hoping. neil: this is talk of consensus they reached. we don't have the details. as you indicated, stuart, markets are popping they got something out which means this process is moving along at pretty nice clip. thank you very much, my friend. house and senate leaders, as stuart pointed out, cobbled together in principle the deal after tax package. they hope to bet ready for a vote early next week, signed by the president, the week after that. that would be christmas week. all about how they execute this. the president meets with republican tax conferees in about 30 minutes. so he is going to have details of this if he doesn't already. no democrats, even though they do serve on

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