president later this morning. right now we here from stuart varney, anchor, fox business network. how do you analyze this number for the month? >> the mostlyally important number of the day is the rise in the unemployment rate to 8.3%. three months to an election the president does not want to see the unemployment rate rise. we also had a rise in the so-called real unemployment rate from 14.9 to 15%. the other side of the coin is the number of new jobs created. that is another important number here. 163,000. if you look more deeply you will find the number of new jobs created in june was revised lower. so you've got a rise in the rate. 163,000 new jobs but fewer new jobs in the month before that. a rather negative report of all. bill: that is paltry where we are now. you say the real unemployment rate? >> yeah. bill: explain that again, stuart. >> technically that is called u-6. that unemployment rate includes those who are unemployed. those involuntary littlely doing part-time work and those who left the workforce. that rate is now 15%. one in seven roughly of the american population? that is a very high number and it went up in the month of july. bill: how many people dropped out of the labor force? >> 1505,000 people. bill: that is almost the equivalent of the jobs that were added. explain how that works. >> that is how it works 155,000 people stopped looking for work. they dropped out of the labor force. here is an interesting statistic, bill, fewer people are working today as worked on the same day the year 2000. even though the population has gone up 11 million people. this is a america is not fully working. bill: let's look at history and goo back 32 years. compare the recovery so was happened in the early 1980s with ronald reagan. >> it is a very negative comparison with president obama. in july, 1984 the last year of the first time of ronald reagan, july that year we created 312 new jobs. this july, 163,000. if you look at all of 1984 the last year of mr. rage fwoon's first term, it was 3.8 million jobs created. president obama claims to have created 4.1 million in the last 3 1/2 years. bill: that big number is 8.3%. there are political implications of that number. stuart, thank you. see you at 9:20 on fbn. a little context on the board behind me for the unemployment rate. this goes back to december of 2007 when the economy started seeing faltering right? we were at 5% unemployment. it spiked to 10% in 2009, the high point. december into january. then started slowly moving down until the last few months we saw it flat line. now we see the uptick yet again. 8.3% which amounts to 12.8 million people without a job. and that rate is also well above the yellow line here, right about 6% or a little lower. that yellow line, that is the signal where we need to be in order to get a healthy economy. we are a long way from that at this point. patti ann has more. patti ann: bill, response coming in on those jobs numbers. reince priebus, the chairman of the republican national committee saying quote, president obama said we tried our plan and it worked. with the unemployment rate going up again, it is obvious that plan didn't work at all are who went on to say the president has not created jobs but squandered taxpayer dollars like companies like solyndra. we're awaiting a response from the white house. the president is set to address the issue when he speaks at 11:45 a.m. eastern. governor knit romney is firing back with strong words for harry reid and his unsubstantiated claims about the governor's taxes. >> well it is time for harry to put up or shut up. harry will have who it is he spoke with because that is totally and completely wrong. patti ann: peter doocy is live now in our washington bureau. good morning, peter. has mitt romney said where he thinks that harry reid is getting this information? >> reporter: patti ann, mitt romney thinks unnamed bain capital investor senator reid claims as a source is really someone working for president obama. if the majority leader the in the senate will accuse him from not paying taxes for a decade he will have to prove it. >> it is wrong. i'm looking forward to have harry reveal his sources, and we're probably find out it is the white house. look the obama campaign will do everything in its power to try and talk about anything besides the president's record. home prices, median american incomes, gasoline prices, 23 million people underemployed or unemployed. they don't want to talk about that or his promises. >> reporter: some on the romney campaign, patti ann, calling senator reid's claims baseless and shameful. patti ann: well, has reid guaranteed his source is 100% correct? >> reporter: no. in fact he told the "huffington post" he is not certain the story he keeps bringing up is even true. but after mitt romney told him to put up or shut up, senator reid actually doubled down, writing in a statement last night, as i said before, i was told by an extremely credible source that romney is not paid taxes for 10 years. people who make as much money as mitt romney have many tricks at their dispoe a.m. -- disposal to avoid paying taxes. david axelrod tweeted his followers if mitt romney wants to stop questions about his tax returns shouldn't he put up or shut up and reveal them. neither harry reid or david axelrod said where they're getting information about mr. romney's tax rates. patti ann: so it continues. peter doocy live in washington, thank you. bill: investigators now trying to figure out what caused a double-decker megabus to crash into an interstate overpass on thursday. in the state of illinois. the bus was packed to capacity at the time. 81 passengers on board. one person dead, dozens more injured. the bus started its route in chicago. headed to kansas city, missouri. some witnesses said the fire lost control after the tire blew out. >> i was asleep. and i woke up and people is bloody. >> felt like we were going to tip over. he was trying to regain control of the bus but regained control but slammed right into the gigantic concrete post. >> i felt a really huge impact, when i came to my senses, it was people in the aisles and people, most people had blood on them somewhere. a lot of people, there was a man who doesn't move from the neck down. there was a man who had his stuck in two seats in front of him. i could hear screams of pain from the top level. obviously i don't want to jump to any conclusions i can't help but feel like this would have con prevent. bill: the company, megabus, is working with law enforcement to investigate the cues of that crash. patti ann: the faa is strongly disputing reports that three jets were involved in a near-miss at reagan national airport earlier this week. there were report that air traffic controllers changed the direction of incoming and outgoing planes due to bad weather in the d.c. area and two outgoing flights were told to come to the direction of an incoming plane. faa officials are pushing back on the story. they did so at a news conference yesterday. let's take a listen. >> at no point were these planes on a head-to-head collision course. there was going to be no head-to-head collision of these planes. >> two departing aircraft came within these margins in relation to a plane that was landing at reagan national airport. but at no point were any of the planes headed directly for one another. patti ann: the faa says it will investigate the incident and address any miscommunication. bill: more breaking news now. this from the middle east now. a new images of the fighting happening inside of syria. [gunfire] while that's going on inside the borders the u.n. prepares to vote on yet another resolution to try to end the blood shed. that crisis reaching a boiling point as the u.n. envoy, kofi annan resigns. world after first contributor dominic di-natale live in jerusalem on all of this. what is happening now, dominic? >> reporter: hey there, bill. video footage coming out in the past couple of hours of mortars or the aftermath of mortars landing in a palestinian refugee camp south of damascus. take a look at this. what happened was the mortars landed when people were out buying food breaking their fast during what is ramadan. people were trying to escape the scene but very difficult to do so, many people in the video actually lost their limbs, bill. rebels are not entirely sure where they came from. obviously it may be the regime but may be indirect fire from their own people trying to attack the government there. the state news agency is very much firmly blaming the rebels but the government actually attacked the camp before. it is a huge camp. 150,000 people. 2,000 acres inside. the latest casualties why activists say the death toll since it began to surpass the 20,000 mark. back to you. bill: we watch the u.n. now, patti ann, for the past several weeks go back and forthwith no action there you're looking 17, now 18 months with no end in sight. patti ann: that's for sure. bill: about 11 minutes past the hour. we're just getting started. stunning new details what the white house knew leading up to the collapse of solyndra. why the officials at white house used three-letter word, ugh. why solyndra executives were relying on quote, the bank of washington. then there is this. ♪ . [gunfire] >> if you are ever --. patti ann: a shocking video showing a man opening fire on office workers. it is not real. just an instructional video, but what is one city trying to instruct and could this timing possibly be worse? bill: also feathers have been you can mr. ed have they not? chick-fil-a matter turned into a national debate on free speech. first a supporters showed up in force. now the other side has its turn today. >> he has the right to believe whatever he wants to believe. his business should not be affected by that. >> i'm not aware of any law that forces anyone to eat at any particular restaurant. people are free to pick and choose wherever they want to go. i happen to choose to go go to chick-fil-a. 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>> bill, first of all if this doesn't outrage every american taxpayer i don't know what report will do it. what this shows is that omb personnel and employees were worning the director, warning members of this administration that the policies that they were using for solyndra might be illegal but certainly were bad for the taxpayers of the united states. it wasn't just that they had made a bad deal initially. but when they found out about it, they doubled down, they restructured the deal to help private investors who helped the president in the campaign. instead of costing taxpayers $141 million, it cost them over $500 million. what is even worse, bill? we find out now the chief of staff of the white house knew about this and the omb director that covered this up is now the current chief of staff of the white house. bill: white house chief of staff, jack lew. what about the comment about the bank of washington? what's that mean, sir? >> jon, i mean, bill, what they were doing, they were showing in here that even some of the investors in solyndra were questioning how the government was spending taxpayer money. and they were using the government not just as an opportunity to get these funds but they were going back to the government and saying you've got to create the market by buying these products and then using terms like the bank of washington because they just felt that washington could spend any amount of the taxpayer monies and they just doubled down. bill: some of your allegations go to crony capitalism. can you prove that? >> i think the e-mails speak for themselves. when you look at them, bill, and you see what this report says but the big thing about this report, bill, is it shows solyndra is perfect example what the administration is doing with the economy. they come out with these policies that don't work. when they don't work, instead of changing course, they double down. they cover it up for, from the american people and they do this all for one reason, because they have to push this agenda and because it's important for them for political reasons. they don't worry about taxpayers of the country. bill: two other things, 1800 workers lot of their jobs when solyndra went belly-up. there were more at other companies there. but you believe congress can't do much about this. why not? >> well, first of all we've got a limited time between now and election and lame-duck session. i think if we're going to get this changed, bill, this will be the american people will have to change it. they will have a great opportunity to do that in november and say we're tired of the country going in this direction. we'll turn it around and start thinking about taxpayers and get policies that will get the economy going again. bill: you're hot on this. see where it leads. randy forbes from virginia. >> thanks, bill. bill: enjoy your weekend. patti ann, what's next? patti ann: iran has a message for the rest of the world when it comes to israel. why president ahmadinejad is calling for a global coalition to fight for israel's nile ages. bill: business has never been so good at chik-fil-a apparently. supporters mobbed the restaurant this week. the other side said it will have its say today. are gay rights activists using their right to free speech to protest someone else's right to free speech. >> this is how the owner was raised in the bible and thinks like that. this is his, what is the word, religion. then there is no problem with what he said. he living by how he was raised. if you have a problem with it, just don't eat his food. [ male announcer ] it's a golden opportunity... to drive a car filled with as much advanced technology as the world around it. with the available lexus enform app suite, you can use opentable tmake restaurant servations... search wi bing... and listen to pandora. presenting the 2013 lexus gs, rx and the all-new es, the leading edge of the leading edge. during the golden opportunity sales event, get great values on some of our newe models. this is the pursuit of perfection. bill: all right. 22 minutes past the hour now. tropical storm ernesto weakening slightly over the atlantic. he could hurricane status next week as it heads towards the gulf of mexico. watch that storm. here is new video of north korean dictator kim jong un. on a roller coaster at a park named pleasure ground. they requested aid from the u.n. following devastating flooding and torrential rains. american airlines has a new idea, offering to deliver your luggage straight to your door. that service costs between 30 and 50 bucks depending on number of bags. the amount is on top of the existing bag fees. that is interesting idea. patti ann: i think i would rather have it in my hands honestly. bill: maybe this way you're guaranteed to get it. patti ann: i don't know about garn teethed l guaranteed. bill: that is true too. might save the vacation. patti ann: supporters of same-sex marriage have having their say at chik-fil-as around the country. they're protesting the restaurant chain's ceo and his comments against gay marriage. this is two days after the overwhelming success of chick-fil-a appreciation day. a company executive releasing this statement, quote, while we don't release exact sales numbers we can confirm reports it was a record-setting day. john roberts is live from a chick-fil-a in decateur, georgia. hi, john, what is going on there? >> reporter: good morning to you, patti ann. not much is going on. looks a lot different than a couple days ago. protests in decatur is scheduled for noon and 2:00. the national protest is called for 8:00 p.m. tonight at chick-fil-as in 39 states. show you pictures from wednesday when people came out and supported chick-fil-a. thousands upon thousands of people showing support for dan cathy's position on same sex marriage or his right to free speech. as you mentioned pushing the company to record-setting revenues that day. yesterday we dropped by one of the protest groups as they were getting ready for today's demonstration. making up signs they carry around on the sidewalks. they tell me this goes beyond what dan cathy says. that chick-fil-a's charitable foundation wind shape gives money to groups with anti-gay positions and actively campaign against gay marriage. i talked with the group's leader and asked her what she thought about the criticism heaped upon ceo dan cathy when see like jeff bezos of amazon are not similarly criticized for holding the opposing position? >> dan cathy giving his money to hate organizations is much different than am is -- amazon giving their money to support lgbtq marriage. amazon is looking to support everybody. it should be human and equal rights for all, really. >> reporter: for its part, chick-fil-a welcomes today's protest. steve robinson, vp of marketing issuing statement quote, friday may be opportunity to serve and genuine hospitality and great food. not likely any protesters will eat here. mcdonald's has given those people vouchers for their chicken sand sandwich today, patti ann. patti ann: interesting. where does the country stand on gay marriage? >> reporter: views have been evolving last decade particularly last four years. pew foundation came out with a poll yesterday t found in total 48% of the american are in favor of same-sex marriage. 44 against. that is increase of nine points since 2008. hear is the way it breaks down politically. democrats are most in favor. 65%. independents a slight majority, 51%. republicans just 24% support same-sex marriage. all those demographics increased in the last four years. we should point out in addition to people coming out to chick-fil-as, patti ann, some local gay ri