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it up with the prez. how are the nerves? >> i'm fine because i represent all bad golfers across america and my goal is to be bad and i think i'm way ahead of the fold. but today is patriot golf day. as you know, guys, this is the time where golf clubs across america give a portion of their green fees, take donations all for those who have been fighting our wars and serving our country, educational needs, 87% of those who lose their lives in battle have families left behind to get no educational aid and that's what this thing is all about today. so you have the pga president. he's a great golfer. you have major dan rooney, the founder is a pro and a fighter pilot with three tours in iraq. he's a great golfer and president bush is an excellent golfer and he is for the second year in a row chairman of patriots golf day. that will be great and i'll represent all those people who say to themselves i can't golf. i'm not a good golfer. i'll give some other way. no, i represent all those people who aren't golfers who want to give back and are going to go out there and struggle through. >> right. and now brian, the thing about president bush is in addition to being a good golfer, he's a fast golfer. he hits the ball and away he goes. >> right. i was told, too, since -- and dave, you know this, since i don't golf that much, i was told by the way, if you continue to golf, you will never golf this quick in your life. this is not the way it's done. when you get to your ball, you hit your ball so we'll be through the 18 holes in 2 1/2 hours. take a look at what we're looking at here. this is the hole we're going to tee off on in 2 1/2 hours and walk straight through. we're going to talk first with the president, curious to talk with him about how everything is going. since the book tour, we haven't seen him and then we're going to go out and play 18 holes and tape three of the holes so later on next week, we'll get to see some of that interaction and see if i've put any skill into any game, if i've shown any ability. >> the operative word about taping, we can cut out all your bad shots. >> this will be -- >> i wouldn't do that. you get a mulligan? >> gretchen, you are street smart. you are so street smart. that's exactly it. very little footage of me. >> all right. so we've got a busy three hours live from new york and dallas as well. all right, brian, stand by. in the meantime, we'll talk about what's going on politically. we've heard the president wants to give a big jobs speech after his vacation in martha's vineyard. well, yesterday, it was revealed that apparently, the white house sent out a note that they wanted a joint session of congress. this without actually asking the house of representatives whether or not it was ok. they said no. we'll tell you why in a moment but first of all, ann coulter last night said a joint session? that's kooky. >> the idea that he's calling a joint session of congress for this. i mean, that is for state of the union addresses, for an announcement of war, after an attack on the nation. joint session of congress, just to hear the same old nonsense from this guy? >> so that's ann coulter's point of view. herman cain running for president on the republican side of things had this to say about it. >> i think initially it was political mischief and then i think the administration and the president and his people sat back and said you know what? what if we go up against the republican debate and our ratings are less than the debate? i don't think they wanted to play that card. but i happened to believe that it was political mischief. >> there you go. >> well, look, first ann coulter's criticism. president bush had two nonstate of the union joint sessions. now, one was to start to lay out his budget plan when he first took over as president and the other was post 9/11 so comparatively, you would say this falls much further down in importance than the two president bush calls. the back and forth is clearly not over. >> after it was announced that the president wanted the joint session of congress and the speaker said you can't do it, the speaker suggested the next night because of logistical reasons, eventually, the white house did cave. you got to wonder, if the president wanted to make the speech next wednesday, why didn't he just do it from the oval office? there's a simple reason. he wanted a joint session so all the people in washington, all the members of congress would be right there and he would stand there and he would lecture them for a half-hour about, look, i want to do something to create jobs and you guys are slowing me down. so it's an optics thing. he wanted to be the lecturer and -- >> remember that he -- >> now he's up against the first nfl football game depending on the time of his speech next thursday night. the game starts at 8:30 p.m. eastern time. stay tuned to see. >> who wins that? >> not the president. there's no chance you come out scoring well against the nfl season opener. >> when it comes to the schedule according to jay carney, it was just a coincidence. they had absolutely no idea there was going to be a republican debate on at exactly the same time and even though the speaker didn't say look we'd like you to change the night because of logistics, he did mention the debate but the debate is on. it's going to be on wednesday and now the president is going to be on thursday. >> here's the e-mail from president obama's team. next week, i will deliver the details of the plan and call on lawmakers to pass it. whether they will do the job they were elected to do is ultimately up to them. but both you and i can pressure them to do the right thing so this e-mail came out immediately after the president's team announced that they would acquiesce and move his speech to thursday night and the e-mail was entitled "frustrated" so you can see this theme will continue no doubt into this jobs plan speech of blaming congress and to steve's point of wanting to be in front of those members of congress to deliver the speech. >> congress has never rejected a proposed date for a joint session of congress. this was historic in that regard. was it a coincidence? e-mail us and let us know what you think about it. >> usually they work it out ahead of time. they call the speaker's office and say what do you have going that day? apparently it didn't happen. this is another -- some of those people on the president's left flank, they go oh, you should -- you caved! you should have done it on wednesday night. the president is not only having trouble with his left flank, he's having trouble with the right and he's having trouble with the independents and this is all reflected in a brand new quinnipiac poll where it shows that look at rick perry out of nowhere and suddenly, he is within the margin of error of beating the president of the united out that poll. >> but mitt romney. romney does better against the president. >> but when you take republican voters, perry leads romney by about 6%. somehow when you match him against the president, romney fared better. what do you make of that? >> i make that you can't make nothing about the polls right now. >> they think romney is more electable than perry. >> yes. let's face it, what will be very important to see governor perry in his first debate. he has everything to lose at this point because he's risen so high up in the polls but people will be watching him very closely and say yeah, that's why i do like him or oh, my gosh, maybe he isn't who i thought he was. >> perry vs. romney, head to head thing was just with the republican voters and then with the president vs. mitt romney, they tie because they included all voters. and mr. romney does better with independents than mr. perry does at this point. >> that could be very important. as could women in 2012 and women, that is where the president is also struggling. that number, 41% approval rating by women, down 11% in just three months. that's very obviously key number. >> that's the lowest it's been for him. >> that is the lowest and why? well, the purse strings. obviously, the women are the ones -- >> who have the checkbooks saying we don't have money, we don't have jobs and we're not happy. >> yep, that will be an important voting block for the president to try to get that back. if he wants to get re-elected. let's talk about a story we told you about yesterday. it has to do with the labor department and the secretary there, she had put out an e-mail or some sort of a message. >> an agreement. >> that she would allow illegals here working in the united states to get the same benefits and protections as american citizens who are working here in the united states and for clarification's sake, a news outlet went back to the department of labor and said is that what you really meant and now they've come back with the statement saying yeah, that's exactly what we meant and some believe that's a violation of some of the laws that we currently have on the books in this country. >> yeah, it's a little crazy and you think about it, this really doesn't do -- this does a disservice to people who are in this country illegally. it's like, ok, why would i even bother going through the process of signing up to become an american citizen? i might be deported if i sign up because i can get all the same protections that american workers get right now under hilda solice's plan so why bother? >> that isn't to say those workers doesn't deserve protection but you check the labor department's own web site and it says it has laws that hire only legal workers. it's strange to bend over backwards as critics say to help them stay here illegally. >> let's talk about the same secretary solice because she has purchased a new car, a very, very popular car in this country right now and, of course, one of the reasons as the leader of the country to buy an american car is put out a good message that you are supporting things that are built here in america. the only problem is that this particular car is built at two canadian plants and now they're having to answer questions -- having to answer questions about that. here's the secretary. >> i thought what better example could i set if i encouraged my staff to go and purchase and seek how we would acquire a vehicle that would, for me, send a signal that we're for supporting our american workers, american made products. >> like gretch said, it is built in canada and it is built with canadian parts and if you're curious, even though it is built by chevy, the money stays in canada. so oops. >> i don't know about that. >> it does. >> ok. because this particular thing i noted said that the company official noted the profits do come back to the united states. we'll find out about that for you. >> well, she did go on to say we also want to be fuel efficient. she got it right there. >> congratulations. >> only part that she got right. >> and she's got a hot car and it's silver and she calls it the silver bullet. >> chevy is increasing 60% of the parts of this car to being built in the united states but yeah, built and assembled in canada. >> it's a little -- >> all right. let's do a little headlines for you now for your thursday because we're continuing to see the fallout from hurricane irene, the flooding beginning to recede this morning but now we're getting a closer look at the damage left behind. this is brand new video from upstate new york, entire neighborhoods there completely levelled. and in washington, d.c., irene caused even more damage to the washington monument. officials found brand new cracks and water at the monument's base but one of the worst hit areas, paterson, new jersey, floodwaters keeping nearly 150,000 people out of their homes. on sunday, president obama will visit that town. and it's raging wildfires forcing people out of their homes in north texas. more than three dozen homes now destroyed. and now the flames are making their way towards some farms there, planes and helicopters being brought in to battle the heavy flames. dry, windy conditions still making it difficult to fight the fire, under 30% contained at this time. and firefighters tackling flames in oklahoma as well. the fire threatening homes near oklahoma city. several more homes were destroyed yesterday on top of the 33 wiped out the day before. the fire also threatening interstate 40. some people now returned home and sifting through the ashes. no word on what started that fire. remember that miracle hockey shot made by an 11-year-old boy in minnesota? nate smith won 50,000 dollars for making this amazing shot. but the insurance company not giving him the cash. here's why. his twin brother nick was supposed to take that shot because he actually won the raffle ticket but nick wasn't inside the arena at the time so nate did it instead. their dad stood up and admitted to the switch. the company now donating $25,000 of the prize money to youth hockey. and those are your headlines. >> good shot. happy ending. >> all right. straight ahead on this thursday, remember that solar company that the president touted as a shining example of green innovation? remember that? well, it went bankrupt. stuart varney on that story coming up next. good morning. >> and it's a shirt that says i'm too pretty to do homework but is the message too ugly for young girls? we report, you decide. 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[ airplane engine rumbles ] show me the carfax. yeah, show me the carfax. we...we ran out. what? just show me the carfax. before you buy a used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax and a price based on the car's history. ask your dealer or go to just say, show me the carfax. >> used a familiar obama excuse. take a look. >> barack obama's uncle was arrested for driving under the influence outside of a restaurant in massachusetts. when asked for a comment, he said he was blaming it all on bush. >> that bush. >> the beer busch. >> maybe that's what the president means. >> maybe brian needs one of those busches to be playing with president bush coming up. we'll show you brian playing golf with the president in a couple of minutes. in the meantime, an update on a story that was happening out in wisconsin. if you watched our show yesterday, you saw that the mayor of a town in wisconsin were very upset that the unions there were not going to invite republican politicians to participate in the labor day parade because they were teed off at them frankly over the labor discussions that have been happening in that state for the last couple of months and the mayor then said we're not going to use city funds for the parade if you don't allow everyone to participate. >> and the key is everyone. and the day before, congressman shawn duffy was on this program saying hey, look, it is labor day. it is about labor. but it's about our whole town. we got to come together. here's the congressman. >> this is not just union members who go to this parade and it's not just democrats. this is a community event where everyone comes out to participate. i think in wisconsin, it has become so decisive, we have to work to bridge that divide. >> the good news is republicans, you can go to the labor day festivities there in wisconsin and pat gallowway, the senator there says she's happy to participate. it's about money. if they in fact weren't allowed the city funds, republicans still would be kept on the sidelines here. let's be honest. >> because the unions were going to have to pay for the parade. >> it would come out of their pockets. >> good news. everybody gets to go and see a parade. that's a good thing. >> and we love a parade and we love the headlines and if you do, that's good because we got them right now and we start with a fox news extreme weather alert. tropical storm katia is now a hurricane. look at that, upgraded to a category 1 overnight making it the second named hurricane of the atlantic season. it's way out there. about 1,000 miles east of the leeward islands packing winds at 75 miles per hour and the storm is expected to get stronger as she moves closer to the caribbean plus there's also a tropical storm out in the gulf that could cause some problems as well. >> sarah palin is heading to south korea next month. the former alaska governor and fox news contributor attending global business forum beginning october 11th. meantime, is sarah palin the reason christine o'donnell was booted from the guest list at a tea party rally in iowa? palin scheduled to speak at the event on saturday and there's speculation that friction between the two teams led to o'donnell getting the axe. >> goldman-sachs and two other firms agreed to stop robo signing when bank employees sign foreclosure documents without reviewing case files as required by law. according to "the wall street journal", the agreement will be announced today. it could provide a blueprint for other settlements with banks accused of improperly handling home loans. >> meanwhile, an illinois carpenter out of work for two years. just found the best thing a garden could grow and it was green. 150,000 bucks in cash. wayne sabi went to pick some broccoli from his garden when he found two bags buried in the ground full of dough. he called the cops thinking it might be something to get him in trouble. >> somebody is going to come back when you that much money in your backyard. i didn't want anything to do with it. that could be bank robbery and i'd be caught and say i robbed a bank. >> that's why he called the cops. police are trying to track down whose money that is. no one comes forward, wayne may actually get to keep the cash. >> wow, that would be great. >> how do you prove that's yours? >> he knows it's not his. >> knowing a few people are going to lay claim to it. >> we'll have to explain how you came to bear. >> this weekend, golfers across the country will be teeing it up for our troops and their families in the fifth annual patriots golf day. >> brian today is live in the event where he'll tee it up with president bush later this morning. good morning to you, brian. how does the game feel? we saw you with some warmup swings during the break. >> you know what? my game, let's focus on the good news and that is who i'm with right now. major dan rooney is with me. he's not only a pga golfer, he's also a fighter pilot with three tours in iraq. he's the founder. wide right is the pga president, pga of america. welcome to both of you guys. welcome back. this has got to be a great feeling for you. fifth year doing it. you've raised $8.9 million already. >> it's amazing. just speaks to the benevolent nature of the game of golf all across this country and to have president bush joining us again this year and the president from the pga of america, it's a great day to be an american. >> all day long, a portion of the green fees for everybody that plays golf goes to those who fight and those who sacrifice so much so a portion goes to people like you, dan, who is served but you, thankfully you're ok. but when you were fighting, you're a fighter pilot, you were in iraq. one of your tours of duty, the first two, you see a blackhawk go down and you look to the battlefield and you see an american possibly lost their lives and you think of the reverberations back at home and you think you have to do something. >> absolutely, brian. as an f-16 fighter guy who did three tours of duty in iraq and you see first hand that freedom isn't free and it's astonishing statistic, over 250,000 dependents now who have had somebody killed now or disabled in iraq or afghanistan and over 87% don't get any federal education assistance so that's why we're here this weekend. patriot golf weekend with the pga of america, that gives the 1%, the 99% of the population an opportunity to give back to that 1% that provides our freedoms. >> and this is nothing new for the pga. for as long as the pga has been around almost, you've been sacrificing for the military, am i right? >> we certainly try to help out since world war i where we raised funds for funding ambulance for the military. and patriots golf weekend, it's been extremely exciting. when dan first approached the pga of america and told his story, we knew that was the right thing to do and also find that golf is really, really good for some of those disabled vets and wounded warriors, that's a great way to rehabilitate and get into society. >> we'll play with one of those wounded warriors today. it's good to rehab. how many clubs are taking part in this. >> we have more than 4,000 facilities across the country will be taking place. you can find a facility near you. >> so major dan is talking about the background last night and one thing really struck me when you're telling the story. average people say the government is going to help you guys and it's going to help out. what is your response to say the government is going to help out those who serve? >> it's great but 99% of the population is free and i believe we all have a debt, a debt we'll never repay to that 1% that provides our freedoms and there's no better way than to get out of patriot golf weekend at one of the 4,000 courses across america, you know, if you're not a golfer, it doesn't matter. you can make a donation. visit folds of but it's up to us as americans to take care of those families who defend our freedoms. >> and president bush was so impressed with you, he read about you in "people" magazine when he was president, he found a way to honor what you're doing. when i get out, i'm going to help you out and for the second straight year, he's chairman. >> it is. and he's such an amazing man, you know, my commander in chief and fought several battles on his behalf. but to have him out here on this battle which i think for me is the one that god has given me in my life for these families that don't have anybody fighting for him, what an opportunity for all three of us to tee it up. i'm sure there will be a lot of comrader comraderie. >> i almost hit the president three times yesterday. >> very upset when you do that. >> they do know me by name. major dan rooney, oklahoma national guard's finest as well as a pga pro and alan, thanks so much. we'll be golfing together in about two hours. special guest coming up in about an hour, you'll meet the -- somebody who is the beneficiary of your program whose kids -- whose kids are getting an education because of folds of honor and patriot golf day. we'll find that out and you'll be with us throughout the three hours. >> absolutely. honored to be here. >> it's my honor. back to you guys from the dallas national golf course where we're just getting started. >> very nice. great day down in dallas. thank you very much, brian and guys. straight ahead on this thursday, karl rove can't go back in time but hollywood can. who will play a younger version of the so-called architect? that is coming up. >> brad pitt? >> and rick perry didn't exactly graduate at the top of his class while president obama went to harvard. but do grades matter when it comes to leading the country? lesson in history next. looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at but it's our job to make them say something interesting. soow about this weekend we learn some new tricks of the trade... then break out our doing clothes and get rolling. let's use some paint that helps us get the job done in record time and makes a statement when we're finished. let's find ourselves a new favorite color. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get five dollars off gallon cans of our top paint brands, now through september 7th only. >> 44 minutes past the top of the hour. a couple of quick headlines for you now. j cpenney pulling a controversil t-shirt from its web site after an uproar from parents. it says "i'm too pretty to do homework so my brother has to do it for me." parents said the t-shirt was sexist. duh. jcpenney agreed that the message was inappropriate. check out this resemblance, there will be blood. actor paul dano cast to play a young karl rove in the upcoming film "college republicans." he reportedly beat out "transformers" actor shia lebouf for the role. >> younger picture of rove there. does academic achievement bring oval office success? republican presidential hopeful rick perry doesn't think so. a lot was said after his college transcripts were leaked from texas a&m but does being book smart, getting good grades translate into a successful commander in chief? joining us is a senior editor of the daily college. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> rick perry, went to texas a&m. i don't care where he went to school but c's and d's, one in gym, a d in economics. should the american voters be concerned? >> well, certainly, he didn't have a very distinguished academic time at texas a&m. but the question is does academic performance really translate into the oval office? does it matter if you did well in school to being a good president? and certainly, modern history, that doesn't seem to be exactly the case. >> and then you look at -- i guess you look at president reagan, that's the one that stands out to me who didn't go to the harvards or the yales like the last four presidents have a degree from harvard or yale. reagan went to eureka college, a small liberal arts school. what translates for him? people say he wasn't that smart. >> right, he went to eureka college, he was a mediocre student there. nothing particularly stands out. the media considered him an amiable dunce and all he went on to do was transform the american economy and revive it from the carter administration, restore the faith of the american people in themselves again and, of course, help end the cold war. not too shabby what reagan turned out to do. >> we know that president obama was an honors grade and harvard law grad. what does that translate into? people are a little turned off by annicademia and let's look a carter and fdr, what does it tell us? >> fdr is a very good example. many historians rank him as one of the great presidents of all time. he went to harvard, a very good school but he was not a particularly great student. he was a man of the gentleman c which was prevalent at the time. he didn't distinguish himself in any way there. he did go on to win the presidency despite great physical ailment and usher america through world war ii. he also, of course, greatly transformed the american domestic political scene. now, some people may not like how he did it but he was certainly consequential and transformational and historians view him as one of the great presidents despite, again, a very, very average academic career. >> and then you've got the fact that 10 presidents didn't even graduate from college. what's the conclusion? if anything, it appears mixed. does the conclusion say to you it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with success in the oval office as far as academic achievement goes? >> certainly in modern history, i think, modern presidency, there is not a direct correlation between academic success and success in the oval office. you know, you might say that fdr had a different type of intelligence. he certainly was smart. but he also could read people. reagan could read people. this is all -- another type of intelligence that may be very important in the oval office. >> it's an interesting question. we want to hear from you folks on this. does academic achievement bring oval office success? e-mail us. thank you, we appreciate the perspective. >> thanks for having me. >> what would you do if you spotted your stolen car? and the thief behind the wheel. you don't believe what one woman did when it happened to her. what's more important? the amount of sleep you get or the quality of sleep. a new study with alarming results. football is back, and verizon is bringing it straight to you. introducing nfl mobile for 2011. built to bring you the game. only from verizon. built so you can rule the air. >> when it comes to our sleep and our health, is it quality that matters over quantity? don't you want a lot of sleep? well, as it turns out, a new first of its kind study shows a link between a lack of deep sleep and increased risk of high blood pressure in men. here to explain is dr. david smiley from our medical a team. good morning to you. so what this study has found is that the better sleep you get, the less you are at risk for developing hypertension or high blood pressure. >> that's very true. and it's actually a very interesting study because right on this network, we always talked about getting at least eight hours of sleep. the quantity obviously is important but now we're talking about the quality. and think about this as the deep part of the sleep sends a trigger to the brain and unless you get that good sleep to restore your energy level, the brain is not going to understand that you're in good shape and as a result, may send some hormones. you may become, as a result of not getting good sleep, insulin resistant, you can get diabetes and o and obesity and obviously, high blood pressure. >> forget about the quantity at this point. try to get the really good sleep because as i understand it, you're the doctor, but when you're asleep, your blood pressure has to drop for you because if it stays up high, you'll wind up in big trouble. >> part of it is when you're in deep sleep, your brain and your system kind of goes to rest and it sends some sort of signals to your endocrin. your metabolism is in order. if you don't have that, your metabolism will be out of order. you'll be tired in the morning. certain things like sleep apnea, getting up in the middle of the night because of an enlarged prostate. they wake up in the morning and they still got the eight hours of sleep, they're extremely tired and they can't focus well so that deep sleep or quality of the sleep is as important as the amount of it. there are certain tips and certain things you can do to make your sleep better. for example, you don't want to be on facebook or twitter or your computer right before it sleeps because that constantly stimulates your brain. you want to stay away from any cafe, alcohol or any kind of things that will keep you up. take warm bath and try to go slowly to sleep. >> unwind. >> exactly right. if you do all of this and can't get a good night's sleep, look at the list of medications and see if they can affect your sleep pattern. if everything fails, see your doctor and find out why you're always tired. now, it's a cycle. you don't get good enough sleep, you eat more, you get obesity. you want to break the cycle to have a better quality of life, less cardiovascular issues and heart disease. >> good advice as we go into the holiday weekend when people can get a little more sleep. >> always a pleasure. >> thank you, steve. nice to see you. >> by the way, this september now is prostate awareness cancer month and he'll be here to talk about that real soon. meanwhile, park officials told a group of muslims either take off your head scarves or you can't ride the rides. that's when things got ugly. should religion come before safety? we'll talk about that. then the lone star state putting drivers on the fast track. how they're helping people get places lickety split. naturals from delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. [ doorbell rings ] hello there. i'm here to pick up helen. ah. mom? he's here. nice wheels. oh, thanks. keeps me young. hello there, handsome. your dinner's in the microwave, dear. ♪ where do you want to go? just drive. [ engine revs, tires screech ] mom? ♪ yesterday doesn't win. big doesn't win. titles corner offices don't win. what wins? original wins. fresh wins. smart wins. the world's most dynamic companies know what wins in business today. maybe that's why so many choose to work with us. we're grant thornton. audit. tax. advisory. it's a lifetime. gone. we'll make it right, john. when the unthinkable happens,u to help you get your le back on track. nationwide is on your side >> good morning, everyone. hope you're going to have a great thursday. it is september 1st. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. the president losing the showdown with the speaker of the house over his jobs speech but does speech really warrant this particular speech, a joint session of congress. we will report, and you can decide. >> and the labor department agreeing to protect illegal workers but what about creating jobs for millions muof american who are unemployed? >> oh, yeah, that's right. meanwhile, remember that solar power company touted by president obama as a shining example of green innovation? well, it went bankrupt. >> is going green really the best way to create jobs? not in this case. we'll talk about that and so much more, hour two of "fox and friends" for a thursday starts right now. >> good morning, everyone. brian is not here today. dave briggs is filling in for him. >> brian is doing ok, though. he's doing all right. playing some golf. we hope he has the better of it. >> this is one of those programs where we have a split personality because not only are we live from the big apple but we're live from the big d. it is patriot golf day. down in dallas and brian, how hot is it, by the way, right now in dallas? because they've had temperatures over 200 degrees for about the last three months. >> i would say it's about 80 degrees right now. >> not bad. >> but it's nothing we can't handle. steve and gretchen, you know and dave, we train in the desert to get ready every year for a brand new season of "fox and friends." so we're used to these tough rigors. we're tough to the glaring sun that could overwhelm normal hosts. we've been trained and battle hardened for this and the president is 90 minutes away. >> brian, have you been in mini bar down there? >> yes, i have. it's all free and there's no charge. that's the problem. >> you'll be teeing it up with the president. and now, exactly when -- so i can set my watch for absolute timing. when is that actually going to be? >> gretchen, you're going to be there three hours. you don't set your watch. people in your ear are telling you what time it is. don't pretend like you're interested. >> i am. >> 30 minutes before the show is over. and then we're going to start. we'll start off here and play 18 holes. the president will be here in 90 minutes. you'll meet the family of a fallen soldier who is a beneficiary of the patriot golf day. today we're at the dallas national golf course, the fifth year we're doing it and we've got -- and thanks to the efforts of major dan rooney and everybody that supports him, they've raised about $9 million. they're not waiting for the federal government to help out those who fight. they're saying it's time for america to help out and golfers extremely patriotic bunch, i don't know if you heard and they've rallied to the cause. and that's what we'll be doing all labor day weekend. >> absolute grand slam. we're glad you can be there live today. >> you bring up a good point. no sport gives more money to charity than the pga tours. that's a great cause. we hope you contribute to your foursome today, too. >> you know what? i won't contribute quality. but i will definitely finish out the 18. >> quantity. >> but i'll tell you what, you know, i feel so bad for all the golfers that do this every day. i've been getting the most incredible instructions via text message, e-mail, through the pga president, a pro like major dan and the president just shakes his head. if it's anything like last year, he would watch me swing and shake it off like a fastball on a 3-2 count so hopefully i'll keep things moving a little bit today. >> you have 90 minutes. thank you very much. >> yep. >> good luck. >> meantime, we got some headlines on this thursday. >> we do. you're looking at live pictures out of paterson, new jersey right now, the flooding, there it is. from hurricane irene slowly beginning to recede this morning. greenwich, connecticut, still needs power, by the way. president obama will visit paterson, new jersey on sunday. and we're getting closer look at the damage left behind in places like vermont and upstate new york. entire neighborhoods there completely levelled. and in washington, d.c., irene caused even more damage to the washington monument. officials found brand new cracks and water at the monument. raging wildfires forced two people out of their homes in north texas. more than three dozen homes have been destroyed already. and now the flames making their way towards some farms there, planes and helicopters being brought in to battle the heavy flames. dry, windy conditions still making it difficult to fight. the fire is only 30% contained. and firefighters tackling flames in oklahoma as well. the fires threatening homes there. this is oklahoma city. several more homes were destroyed yesterday. 33 have already been wiped out. the fire also threatening interstate 40. some people now returned home and they're sifting through the ashes. no word of what started that fire. she may not look that tough. but this colorado woman isn't afraid to defend herself and her property. listen to what happens when she stops the man who stole her car. >> is this your car or my car? this is not your car. this is my car. this is not your [beep] car. you want that money? that's my car! stop! >> joe van williams was on the phone with 911 when she spotted the suspect. instead of waiting for police, she decided to confront the thief on her own even grabbing on the car door as he tried to drive off. in the end, it did no good. the suspect and williams' car still nowhere to be found. got to wonder, though, he could have been packing heat. we're tough in colorado. that's my hometown there. we're tough. nice job defending herself. >> you got to be smart. make sure you don't get in trouble, though. meanwhile, speaker boehner, they were nose to nose the president of the united states and the speaker, eventually the president blinked. we're talking about the fact that yesterday the president said he wanted to make his jobs speech in front of a joint session of congress. speaker boehner came back and said hey, you didn't clear it us. logistically you can't do it because that's the first day back. we don't have a vote until 6:30 at night. takes three hours to sweep the room for the president. it's a no brainer. let's see the next night. eventually the white house caved. by the way, not only will it be on thursday opposite football but also republicans didn't want it on wednesday because it was opposite great big republican debate. >> and therein lies, again, boehner says that he rejected this because of security and logistical reasons but yet, upstaging republican debate was clearly the reason but should the president ask for a joint session of congress just to address jobs? this is not the typical type of occasion. tucker carlson talks about that. last night. >> presidents don't call for speeches to the joint session very often and they do so on momentous occasions. bush's famous speech after 9/11 to the joint sessions. this president's speech on health care a couple of years ago. it's a forum in which you announce big ideas. and i think he's raised the bar for himself. i don't know exactly what he's going to say next thursday. but it better be big, it better be good or else it's going to fall really flat in a very public way from a president who does "the view" who is never out of the limelight and never stops talking in public, vs. the two teams with maybe the most intense fan bases in all of football. football is going to win. i can say that with confidence. >> so that's the interesting thing. you know, did the president really herman cain brought this point up, did the president want to go up against the republican debate? what if the president didn't get the best ratings and the republican debate got better ratings? that's probably worst than losing out to football but maybe his time will be earlier so he doesn't conflict with football. >> got to keep it before that game. >> why does the president want a joint session of congress? he could do the speech from his oval office, absolutely. could do it on wednesday night but he wants everybody in congress in that hall so he can stand there and say i am the adult in this room. i have got some great ideas and you are keeping me from enacting. >> a lot of this about 2012 finding an enemy. he's going to want to say that the republicans are holding up his jobs and that's why unemployment remains tight. keep in mind, three congresspeople are running for president. that presents a bit a problem for ron paul, more michelle bachmann so they, perhaps, would have to miss the joint sessions and go to the debate. >> you know what? had the president done this speech before congress, before the republican debate, then that would have given the republicans two hours to actually beat up on the president and his policies. >> maybe they should have let him. >> perhaps a missed opportunity. >> you'll never know. it will be on thursday. we'll let you know the time when we know it. let's check out a new quinnipiac poll as to how the president of the united states, president obama fares against the top two republican candidates right now, at least in the polls as of august. the president would win 45% to rick perry's 42% but interestingly enough, the president is in a dead heat with mitt romney. 45% for the president and 45% for mitt romney. why is that interesting? rick perry is currently ahead. why would romney do better against president obama is the question? >> leads you think that maybe perry wins the election but maybe mitt romney is more electable because he brings in those independents that mitt romney is currently not bringing in. this all changes once that debate happens. rick perry has not debated anyone yet and then we decide if -- the voters decide if he's a candidate or not. >> new kid on the block. the president got some really bad news. he beat john mccain substantially thanks to in part the female vote. and take a look at this. the very latest gallup poll shows you in january of 2009 when the president first took office, he had a 70% approval rating with women. that has now dropped. as you can see, almost 30 points. he now stands at 41%. that is terrible news for the president. >> and important to also mention with that poll is that just in the last three months, he has lost 11 points with women. just in the last three months. so if you were going to really get in there and dissect that, what would that be? continuing unemployment? i mean, it's -- it's interesting to note because we've had unemployment at a high level for so long, what would be the trigger for so many more women to say that they do not support the president of the united states anymore? >> women who watch the household budgets, that's who i would assume. >> plus going to tucker carlson's point earlier about the president of the united states, you know, if he's going to make this great big speech before a joint session of congress, he better have something big because how many times did he give speeches on health care and became like a dial tone. how many times has had he big speeches about jobs? he said exactly the same thing a year ago that he's saying now, after my martha's vineyard vacation, i'm going to be giving a big speech but you're going to have to wait. so, you know, same page out of the play book but after a while, it becomes like a dial tone so he's going to be there. he's got to say something big. >> let's bring you up to date on a story we told you about yesterday with regard to the labor department here in the united states. they apparently now will uphold this agreement that they made to protect illegal workers who work here in the united states. even though their own web site says here it's actually illegal for illegals to work in the united states. get the same benefits and rights. when they were questioned about this again, they came back with a similar state saying yeah, we're providing those rights and benefits for legal workers in the united states and illegal workers. >> republicans have extended disagreement, though, in the past, say the supporters of this continuing legislation. but again, it's not about we shouldn't give illegals protection but why go out of your way to bend over backwards say the critics to protect those here illegally? >> yeah, the secretary of labor says "no matter how you got here or how long you plan to stay, you have certain rights." and it goes on to say. and with these agreements that the u.s. department of labor has signed with these latin american countries, is that these illegals and legals need to know their rights so they can lodge complaints without fear that they will be deported. so even if you're in this country illegally, you got rights. way to go. >> coming up on our show, so much for being a role model. a youth football coach starting a bench clearing brawl with the referee. >> and g.o.p. candidate john huntsman unveiling his own plan to create jobs. is it something that will really appeal to republican voters? the political debate is next. almost tastes like one of jack's als. fiber one. h, forgot jack cereal. 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[ female annncer ] lipitor is not for evyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if y are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. lets go... haha. if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk a about lipitor. >> welcome back. right now the race for the g.o.p. presidential nomination is mostly focused on the three frontrunners but a fourth candidate is trying to step up to his game. >> the president believes that he can tax and spend and regulate our way to prosperity. we cannot. we must compete our way to prosperity. >> all right. the president's jobs speech is next week. yesterday, john huntsman revealed his jobs plan. will it help him? joining us right now is steve murphy, a democratic consultant and andrea tantaros, fox news contributor and co-host of "the five" here on fox newschannel. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> what do you think? >> i like his jobs plan. i think he drastically reforms the tax code. i like the rates, i like the numbers. i like that he eliminates the emt and capital gains. what i want to hear more about is the actual spending reductions he would make. this is his record in utah. he reduced rates in utah but there was still a lot of spending. i want to hear more from him. his story got stomped on yesterday. the poor guy releases his jobs plan and then there's a fight between boehner and obama. >> i would imagine that you like huntsman's plan because he, of all the republicans, the major republicans, he is the republican that democrats seem to like the most. >> you know, look, i appreciate that he's an adult and all and said he's -- >> what does this mean? >> he's the only republican saying default on the national debt would be a horrible thing to have happen for the country. he said he's a ryan budget plan supporter and by the way, andrea, there's a total contradiction. he said reducing his tax plan, reducing the rates would be revenue neutral. the ryan budget plan is not revenue neutral. it cuts $6 trillion with only $4 trillion worth of debt and deficit reduction because of -- because -- no. >> yes, it is. it's not either. it cuts taxes by up to $2 trillion more. >> all right. >> let's talk about the ryan plan right now. let's talk a little bit about john huntsman's job plan. he would love to see a balanced budget amendment get rid of all tax expenditures, repeal obama care, expand sources of domestic energy, work on international trade agreements and so on and on. as andrea did point out, something i looked at it and i liked it as well, he lowers all the tax. >> by saturday, he'll be for keeping the home mortgage deductions. >> the tax plan is not his problem. the problem is he's more moderate on social issues which will make it tough for him to win a g.o.p. primary. he believes in civil unions and cap and trade. a lot of issues that i think will be problematic for him. he does have a little bit of an energy problem. however, he was in an reo speedwagon cover band, give him credit for that called wizards. >> steve, before you go, do you believe jay carney saying yesterday, yeah, it's just a coincidence that we scheduled this joint session of congress on the same night as -- >> completely. >> do you think it was a coincidence? >> absolutely. total coincidence. >> that's something. >> that doesn't make the white house look good. they don't know that there's a g.o.p. debate? they're either lying or they're stupid. >> they're trying to bring everybody together. >> all the white house would have had to watch is their favorite channel on cable and know they're sponsoring a big debate. >> exactly. >> what have reminded him. >> thank you. >> all right. meanwhile, park officials told a group of muslims, either take off your head scarves or you can't ride the rides. that's when things got ugly. should religion come before safety? then, they're the worst drivers in the entire country. where are they? well, buckle your seat belts. we'll be right back with the 1020. 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(waterfall) kevin are you sure this is okay? in the distance: hey, yall! run! go! i was just going to ask what they were biting on. right now bass pro shops gives you three chances to win plus $3 shipping at >> 7:22 eastern. time for your news by the numbers. 41%, that's president obama's approval rating among women according to the latest gallup poll, the latest it's been since he took office. next, 75 miles per hour, that's the new speed limit on texas highways, the old speed limit was 65 miles an hour and the new law starts today. tonight. finally, one. a new report says washington, d.c. has the worst drivers in america. congratulations. baltimore, l.a. and newark will also up there, the safest drivers are in ft. collins, colorado. gretch? >> thank you very much, daive. a head scarf ban sparking a brawl. more than a dozen people were arrested. at the time, it was packed with a tourist group with muslims celebrating ramadan. they tried to get on some rides but the park prohibits any head coverings on rides for safety reasons. should safety come first? let's ask the president and founder of the american islamic forum for democracy. good morning to you, doctor. >> good morning, gretchen. >> so this has caused quite a controversy at least here in new york because the playland park says this is a safety measure. we make everybody take off their hats including baseball caps. your thoughts? >> as a muslim, many of my family wear them and it's certainly a measure of many individuals doing what they have to do but the issue here is the perspective. the park does this equally to everybody. there's no evidence that they singled out muslims, you know, whether they're sikh or other religions they would have to remove it. if there were individuals that were injured and killed in 2004 and 2007 and as somebody who wants to work towards the assimilati assimilation, i look at groups and see how the youth reacted and say, you know, they're conditioning their youth to react viscerally and inappropriately and the muslim american society has been disgusted being a muslim brotherhood front group by the chicago tribune and they take issues like this and make it into a political instrument and they go call the ambulance chasing civil rights group care to come in and mediate and make this into a melee and this has to stop. this is not about religious freedom. they were allowed to come to the park and, you know, they just couldn't ride the rides because of the concern of the legal aspects. >> in all fairness, doctor, some other parks do allow people to wear, you know, their yarmulke or baseball cap but here's what the westchester county park statement is. "our headgear policy is designed to protect the safety of the patrons. this policy was repeatedly articulated to the tour operator but unfortunately, the message did not reach some of the members of his group." let me ask you about this. the jewish people who wear yarmulkes, they have to take them off at this particular park. so to your point, if everyone starts creating an uprising, we'll have mass chaos. >> yeah, exactly and this is not -- even if they weren't informed, the normal reflective response was saying that somehow we excuse these women and men from responding viscerally and violently because they weren't informed. come on, as a developed muslim, this is an unislamic behavior. the muslim american society prides itself on having good manners programs and this is far from it. i hope this isn't an example for muslim youth and certainly it's not about religious freedom. they treat everybody the same whether it's the military issues or whatever. every individual has to adapt their own beliefs to what the rules are and if they can't, they can choose to leave the park, they were given refunds and chose not to. they want to push themselves on others, ask for special privileges and that's not about american religious freedom. it's really about pushing their values on others and that's not the islam i know. >> so here was the muslim american society response. though mostly all of the over 3,000 muslims who were celebrating their holiday were informed, understood and were respectful of the park policy, some say they hadn't known about it and were offended that they were excluded from the rides. we'll have to see how this continues to pan out. but we appreciate your point of view on it today. thanks so much. >> thank you, gretchen. >> he's about to make a pretty penny from the casy anthony case. it's someone she knows very, very well. he was in the courtroom with her. and remember that solar power company touted by president obama as a shining example of green innovation, guess what? it just went bankrupt. is going green really the best way to create jobs? and will practice make perfect? brian getting some last minute pointers before he tees off with president bush. i hope that's greg norman in a brian kilmeade look-alike outfit. i had a het problem. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen. i just didn't listen until i almost lost my life. my doctor's again ordered me to take aspirin. and i do. 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[ doorbell rings ] hello there. i'm here to pick up helen. ah. mom? he's here. nice wheels. oh, thanks. keeps me young. hello there, handsome. your dinner's in the microwave, dear. ♪ where do you want to go? just drive. [ engine revs, tires screech ] mom? ♪ >> russian news released video of vladimir putin. this guy tries to be so macho, putin, you ever see him? he led a parade of motorcycles. there he is. there's putin. there he is right there. but look, it's a three wheeler. it's a three wheeler. how weenie is that? when president obama saw this, you know, obama, i think he one upped him. i saw him on the freeway. i had my camera. take a look. there he is. >> he's planking on the highway. >> funny. >> that's crazy. >> all right. let's tell you about something else that has to do with the president because there was a solar company out in san francisco area that the president had touted as one of the recipients of millions of millions of dollars. more than $500 million in s subsidies from the federal government and he said look this is going to create so many more jobs in america. this is the direction in which we should be moving our country. >> great. >> however, though, there's now an update on that story. the company is now going bust even after all those federal subsidies and 1100 people will be losing their jobs. >> we recognize there was only so much government can do. the true engine of economic growth will always be companies like solyndra. company like solyndra are leading the way through a brighter and more prosperous future. through the act, this company received a loan to expand their operations. this new factory is the result of those loans. >> and that new factory as he was talking last year is now closing because they are bankrupt. so 1100 people now looking for new work, half a billion dollars, poof! he stuart varney stopped by the curvy couch. i thought his head would explode an hour ago. >> you just heard the president say this is the true engine of economic growth is green jobs. and now he puts 535 million dollars into solyndra, this california solar company, they're bust, they're gone. the jobs are gone. the money is gone, period. >> why? >> not only is the president embarrassed that he was there but the president has been out there saying i'm going to lower regulations and create a better environment for businesses. why does this company go down? their own ceo says regulatory and policy uncertainties in recent months. is that reflective of the obama administration? one would logically foresee that. it might be a california situation. but that's what you hear from businesses in this country. too much regulations and too many uncertainty. >> that's eironic. central virginia rattled by another aftershock this morning. it was centered four miles from the town of mineral, the epicenter of last tuesday's 5.8 magnitude quake. there have been more than 20 aftershocks since the original tremor. >> meanwhile, private investigator may be the last person to cash in on casey anthony. dominique casey was hired by the anthony family to investigate kay lee's disappearance in 2008 and there are now reports that he's writing a book to tell all about his experience with the family. so stay tuned. >> and just hours after former vice president dick cheney appeared on "fox and friends" to promote his new memoir, former secretary of state condaleeza rice fired back at what she called an attack on her in the book. rice rejecting cheney's contention that she misled george w. bush about nuclear diplomacy with north korea. rice told reuters, "i kept the president fully and completely informed about every in and out of the negotiations with the north koreans. you can talk about policy differences without suggesting that your colleague somehow misled the president. you know, i don't appreciate the attack on my integrity that that implies." >> so much for sportsmanship. coaches started throwing punches at the ref over what they deem to be a bad call and then the players join the ruckus and one player actually tackled the ref. this ugly scene went on for several minutes and the players just 13 and 14 years old. the sheriff's office is reviewing the case and considering criminal charges now. luckily, the ref wasn't seriously hurt. that's crazy. one thing the kids are bad examples but the coaches bad examples, come on. >> fans fighting in san francisco and refs going taken out. sportsmanship is gone. >> meanwhile, let's talk about the weather. we have an extreme weather alert. hurricane katia has been upgraded to a category 1 hurricane. there she is right now spinning out there. she's the second named hurricane of the atlantic season. right now, winds at 75 miles per hour. you know what? it's out -- you can see in the atlantic but it's heading towards the united states. where will it make landfall it at all? it's too early to tell. they're forecasting it should have winds at 90 tomorrow and by the day after labor day, it will still be a good distance away from the united states but it will be a category three. >> pret yty good eye on that thing, too. >> it's heading this way. we don't know what the impact will be. >> hopefully it won't come up to any part of the united states. >> most people are trying to get the power on! >> hello, connecticut power and light. hello out there! >> having a tough week. >> hello! >> today, brian has traveled out to dallas, texas for a very special occasion. the fifth annual patriot golf day. where he's going to play golf with president george w. bush. >> first, he's joined by a few special guests. sorry, brian, go ahead. >> absolutely, dave. you know, it's all about giving back to the military who sacrificed in many cases the quality of their life and their lives specifically. and that's what patriot golf day is about. major dan is the one who came up with the idea. green's fees all across the country, private donations will be going to the families of those who were fallen or wunound in battle. you're about to meet one of those families. this is ginger rivera, lost her husband troy back in 2006. thanks so much for coming out today. >> thanks for having us. >> you have a beautiful family. i know you know that already. let's meet them. >> ok, this is aspen, analise. sorry, isabella. >> i was going to say. i thought i got that right. >> i have so many, i forget. so in 2006, troy is in iraq. he -- you know he's fighting and you know he's dangerous. you're in the backyard and you get a knock at the door. and what happened? >> it was the knock that no military wife would ever want to receive. and quite shocking and your world crumbles at that point. >> you find out the details that he lost his life protecting special forces, delta force in particular. he probably saved 200 men as an f-16 pilot. >> he did. he saved many men that day. very proud of him. quite a heroic effort. >> you miss him. the sadness is indescribable. but you have to keep going. you have a family of five. how did you do it? >> well, every morning, you get up and put one foot in front of the other and want to find a way that you can rebuild the life that you and your husband had planned together. >> what kind of dad was troy? was your dad? >> he was awesome. i mean, played with us every day, you know, just family first kind of guy. >> right. and even at 13, you remember him pretty clearly. >> yeah. i mean, i was 9 so it was a while ago but you can -- i mean, i remember. >> he was your soccer coach. he loved that you played soccer. >> yeah, we played soccer at middle school fields all the time. >> and you two played as well, boston, gracen, you played as well? >> i play a little bit. >> what do you remember about your dad? >> i remember -- another thing he liked, he really liked to play soccer with us but another thing, we went quail hunting quite a bit. that was fun. >> not only that, you learned to be a ballerina. he even learned some moves for you, is that correct? >> no fighter pilot wants that -- they don't want that out there. >> what do you remember about your dad? >> not that much. but i remember a little. >> for example? >> i remember how he looked. i do remember that. >> did he do anything in particular? did you -- did he pretend to be a horse? >> sometimes, yeah. >> then you would ride on his back? >> yes. >> wow. so major dan, this is another american hero and this is a family clearly in need. what did -- what did you guys do? >> well, i mean, this amazing family. i might get a little choked up. but this is why we do what we do and it's why president bush is going to join us in a little bit and she's like a sister to me and i have four daughters of my own and another five that we love and would do anything for. and people have an opportunity to come help us out over this weekend and help great families like troy's family because troy is not here to be able to help them anymore. and to have his legacy live on. >> and you're able to go to private school. now, something else happened. you have your memories. you know what a wonderful dad you had and what a wonderful husband you have. and then something arrives in the mail after his death. >> it does. about a week before he was killed, he made a video for us for the children for christmas where he read bible stories and christmas stories and he mailed it about three days before his accident. so we received it the next week after he passed away. >> and gracen, that helps bring back all the memories for you. >> boston, i'm sorry. >> it's ok. >> yeah, i mean, we -- we watched it once or twice, and it was emotional. but it was cool to hear his voice again. yeah. >> and gracen, how often do you think about him? >> maybe me and boston will be playing soccer and we'll think of him how he used to play soccer with us. >> wow. >> so it's just a privilege to be here. you flew up from san antonio to be here, he met president bush when he was -- as a fighter pilot working and got very close to him. we'll have the president out here in an hour and i know his heart is with families like yours. it's great meeting you. can you hang out for a while? >> yeah. >> did you see what we have? is anybody hungry? >> snacks. >> you guys hungry. you want to grab a water? this is our green room on the road, ladies and gentlemen. look at all this. basically free. except for you guys. i charge you. all right? hey, great thing, go to fox and and help out families like this. thanks so much. it was great meeting you, thanks for getting up early and putting the gel in your hair. you look great. good choice, dan. great thing that you're doing. back to the studio. >> all right. very nice, brian. and brian, i can see there at the very end, your days as a wait wait wait at bennigan's really paid off. >> they didn't take any of it. >> what a beautiful family. thank you, brian, very much for introducing us to them. >> that money is very well spent. >> coming up on the show, scheduled showdown between the president and the speaker of the house. president obama gave in but was it all just part of a political strategy? peter johnson jr. has his thoughts next. >> we know milk does a body good. there's a ground breaking study that says a milkshake can change your life. ♪ why settle for a one-note cereal? get more with honey bunches of oats. four nutritious grains come together for more taste, more texture, more healthy satisfaction. have a bowl of happy. a mouthwatering combination of ingredients...e for you! i know you're gonna love. 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[ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at yesterday doesn't win. big doesn't win. titles corner offices don't win. what wins? original wins. fresh wins. smart wins. the world's most dynamic companies know what wins in business today. maybe that's why so many choose to work with us. we're grant thornton. audit. tax. advisory. >> welcome back, everyone. school choice is gaining traction now. at least in indiana. thousands of students are fleeing public schools for catholic schools after receiving vouchers as part of a new state law that allows families to choose the school of their choice even a private school. >> john l.sesser is the executive director of the indiana nonpublic education association and joins us from indianapolis. good morning to you, john. >> good morning, steve. good morning, gretchen. good to be with you. >> great to have you as well. this voucher program where there are thousands going to catholic schools and other nonpublic schools, this has really made parents very happy but it has at the same time infuriated the teachers? >> you know, i think we're thrilled with the response of the families who have taken advantage of the program. i think we're almost at 3700 families or students that are taking advantage of the vouchers here in the state of indiana. i think you can keep that in perspective, steve, in terms of 3700 and there are probably 1.1 million students here in the state of indiana in public schools. so even though we're thrilled with the response, it by far is no mass exodus from public schools here in the state of indiana. >> john, if you can, help us understand because we're not in indiana, what the program is. i know that governor daniels was behind it. but what does it allow parents to do? >> well, basically, gretchen and you're right, governor daniels was a strong leader in getting this legislation passed and the legislation affords families the opportunity to select from a variety of different options and i think when you look at school choice in any state and here in the state of indiana included, it doesn't only include those schools that are in the private sector but they have options to go to public schools in their district or out of their distri district. they have the ability to go to charter schools or magnet schools and now with this new choice scholarship program, they can take advantage of going to private schools of their choice and this is really, really important for families who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford to take advantage of those opportunities. you know, many times, education is determined by the zip code in which a family lives and they may not be able to afford to move to another school corporation or they can't afford private school tuition. and many families who exercise choice for many years because they could afford it but this is allowing all families to take advantage of that as well. >> what do you make of the criticism that essentially because so many kids are going into catholic school system on using taxpayer money that this is essentially subsidizing religious education? >> well, i think first thing, steve, when you look at the number of catholic schools participating, you have to look at the numbers of catholic schools here in the state of indiana and also, catholic schools have a long history of participating in state and federal programs. so they are probably one of the first to get into the program because they're used to working with the state and federal government on programs like this. >> sure. they have seats available. all right. >> and i think what's important to remember even if you look at when this has been challenged constitutionally at the federal level, it's important to realize it's the parent's choice as to where they choose. they can choose a public school, they can choose a charter school. they can choose a religious or independent catholic school. that's correct. so they're subsidizing the parents' choice, not really subsidizing the school or its program. >> that's why a lot of people like it, because it's all about choice. john, thanks so much for explaining it to us. >> thanks, steve. thanks, gretchen. good to be with you. >> great to have you on. straight ahead, the congressional black caucus blaming the media for causing them to fight. maybe they should take a look at the mirror -- in the mirror at themselves first. geraldo rivera headed to the curvy couch. come on over here. got a spot for you. >> i like that. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. with aerizon mobile hotspot, you can connect up to 5 wifi devices to the internet with lightning-fast verizon 4g lte speed. a gaming device. mp3 pler. connect any 5 for wifi on the go. get the 4g lte mobile hotst now for only $49.99. verizon is the place with the largest selection of 4g lte devices. on america's fastest, most advanced 4g network. >> gretchen: top of the morning to you. it's thursday, already the first of september. i hope you have a great day. i'm gretchen carlson. a showdown between the house and the white house as the president comes up with the short end of the stick. does he even need a joint session of congress to announce his new jobs plan, or is this just politics? >> steve: the congressional black caucus blaming the news media for creating a controversy between them and the president. but are we really the ones to blame? geraldo rivera, who is one foot away from me, will talk about that in a moment. right? >> i will. >> like a gift from god, a man who has been unemployed for two years finds 150 grand in his backyard. so what did he do? what would you do? "fox & friends" continues right now. >> gretchen: patriot day in dallas, even though we're in new york city, and that's where brian is and dave brigs filling in for him. brian in dallas because he's about to play golf with president george w. bush for a great cause, to bring scholarship and money to families who lost loved ones in the military. good morning, brian. >> hey, good morning to you guys. and sadly, my best friend has been the darkness 'cause i would hit a ball and you couldn't really see it. the light is now up, so all the truth will be revealed and i gradually plan on getting better throughout the 18. i've been playing with major dan and another major who you got to meet. he's a decorated war veteran and i just had his name. does anyone have that? >> brian, it's major ed pulito. >> thank you very much, sally doocy. get back here. from dallas, texas, a new jersey girl last in dallas? this is smu freshman sally doocy. anything from your dad? does injure dad send you enough money, sally? she has to get free bananas from our green room. give her some money! >> steve: brian, yesterday -- sally should stop by because you needed a golf lesson and she's good at golf. >> she is. she's a good tennis player, too. i watched her play. she's excited because the president is now in the building -- excuse me, on the course, in the clubhouse. he'll be walking down here. he just met with ginger and her family whose husband lost their lives in iraq. so we are going to be talking with the president shortly and golfing for 18 holes and unlike last year, we're going to be taping a couple of those holes. so we'll be able to show that when we come back from labor day. if you want to help out on patriot golf day, real quick, go to our web site and go to patriot golf day and you can help out, even if you're not a golfer, great cause. >> steve: absolutely. >> gretchen: all right. we'll be thinking about you in 27 minutes from now when you tee it up. good luck. >> i want to hear the secret service nickname for kilmeade. >> steve: he's a swinger. >> gretchen: hopefully today. >> steve: that's your nickname, geraldo. >> gretchen: let's get to your headlines. we want to look at the passaic river in patterson, new jersey, up with of the hardest hit areas from hurricane irene. keeping 150,000 people out of their homes. on sunday, president obama will visit that town. take a look at this brand-new video from upstate new york. you can see entire neighborhoods there completely leveled as the flood waters recede now. in washington, d.c., irene caused even more damage to the washington monument. officials found brand-new cracks and water at the monument's base. northern texas where wildfires forcing people out of their homes. more than three dozen homes have been destroyed and now the flames making their way toward some farms there. flames and choppers being brought in to battle the heavy flames. dry windy conditions still making it difficult to fight and the fire only 30% contained. firefighters tackling flames in oklahoma as well. the fires threatening homes near oklahoma city. several more homes were destroyed there yesterday on top of the 33 wiped out the day before. the fire also threatening interstate 40. some people now returned home and they're sifting through what they have left, which is simply ashes. no word on what started that fire. illinois carpenter out of work for two years just found the best thing a garden could grow. 150,000 bucks in cash in his backyard! wayne went to pick broccoli from his garden when he found two bags buried in the ground full of dough! what would you do? what did he do? he called the cops. >> you find that much money, so i didn't want to have nothing to do with it. my luck it would be from a bank robbery. >> gretchen: police are trying to track down whose money it is. if no one comes forward, wayne may still get to keep the cash. i guess he did the right thing then. he may still come out on top. >> steve: a prime time tv showdown ended yesterday with the president caving and then rescheduling the speech he's been planning for weeks. that address bumped to a different night thanks to none other than house speaker john boehner. >> correspondent wendell goler live with the details this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. university of virginia political analyst calls the dustup between the president and republican house speaker john boehner too petty for words. it's a real example of the hyper partisan atmosphere in washington. we've had in the same summer almost the first default in u.s. history and now the first time in u.s. history a president's request to address a joint session of congress was denied. the president's aides say they phoned the speaker earlier yesterday, got no objection to their request to address congress next wednesday. press secretary jake carney -- jay carney denies mr. obama was trying to distract from the republican debate on the same day, saying it didn't figure into their plans. boehner's spokesman says the speaker was never asked about the date and no one in the office signed off on it. brendan buck said, quote, it's unfortunate the white house ignored decades, if not centuries of the protocol of working out a mutually agreeable date and time before making any public announcement. the president wasted no time putting the conflict to political use, sending an e-mail to supporters saying, quote, next week i will deliver the details of the plan and call on law make force pass it. whether they do the job they were elected to is up to them, but both you and i can pressure them to do the right thing. republicans making political hay. congresswoman michelle bachman saying the president was both trying to hide his own speech and trying to divert american attention away from the republican presidential candidates. it's a no win situation for the white house. the speech has been rescheduled for next thursday, which is the nfl's opening day. guys, back to you. >> steve: exactly right. wendell goler, now let's dial in the guy on the couch, geraldo rivera. >> good morning. >> steve: according to ryan of the new yorker, the white house consulted with the speaker's office. it was never cleared, hence those crazy signals that came out. >> i think the headline, though, steve, is that this shows that there is virtually zero chance that the super commission to resolve the debt crisis can resolve their partisan differences. this is an absolute symptom of the dysfunction in washington. this is the worst i've ever seen it. >> steve: the republicans had almost a year planned this night -- >> there is no doubt that president obama, that smart man, knew exactly what he was doing. he was the first one with the hot poker in the eye of the opponent. but then speaker boehner, doing this extraordinary thing and for the first time in the history of the united states, turning down the president's request to address a joint session of congress. i think that he's what -- here is what they should have done. if they wanted to work together and if there was a random scheduling conflict, here is the way you do it, as a television producer does it. you schedule the president earlier in the evening, then the debaters and the gop side get to dissect and criticize, amplify, it would have been great television programming. more importantly, it would have been a way to advance the sub stabtive conversation. instead, we got absolute utter dysfunction. >> gretchen: i don't know if it has anything to do with what's going to happen with the super committee, but i'm with you. i think it's symbolizing of what's going on and not pointing fingers at either party, it's just what the american people are frustrated with. >> that's why we detest washington. >> steve: when jay carney yesterday said it was just a coincidence -- >> not last night. >> speaking of division, the congressional black caucus is suggesting it's the media that has portrayed this division between the congressional black caucus and the president. and that specifically is karen bass of california who is saying it's the media coverage. there is -- do you buy it? >> absolutely not. maxine waters is, i think, helping the president in the extent she's showing dissatisfaction that he's gone to the center and in her feelings, has abandoned his base. so i think in a sense she helps the president because she has a reputation and i really like her personally, but she has a reputation of being a flame flower. john lewis, though, the civil rights icon, who is much more measured and tempered said let the president work out his plan and the african-american community will give him the benefit of the doubt. i think the president's real problem, as i said last week, is with the latino community. they are much more a swing constituency than the black community in this country and if rick perry is indeed the nominee, i really believe that the republicans have a chance to get a substantial gain in the percentage of hispanic voters that go to the gop side. >> brian: marco rubio as a vp. >> that would be a slam dunk. you might get something approaching 50/# 50, which would be extraordinary and tip the election to the republicans. because perry has been very open minded -- not very. but relatively open minded on the issue of immigration reform and other -- the dream act and other aspects of legislation that might be helpful in making latinos feel that he feels much more sympathetic toward that community than republicans have in the era post-george w. bush. >> gretchen: we'll be watching your shows over the weekend. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> steve: straight ahead on this thursday, the road to recovery after hurricane irene won't be easy. bob massi sup next with what you need to know to make sure your insurance company comes through with the cash if you've got damage. >> gretchen: it's almost time for brian to tee off with president george w. bush. so will all these practice swings pay off? 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[ male announcer ] this is what it's like getting an amazing discount on a hotel with travelocity's top secret hotels. the easy way to get unpublished discounts of up to 55% off top hotels. harpist not included. ♪ >> dave: you're looking at video of hurricane irene's aftermath. hundreds of homes and cars flooded entire towns under water and if you're a homeowner who has been impacted by this storm, you know picking up the pieces won't be easy. how can you make sure you're not stuck with bills your insurance policy won't cover? let's ask fox news legal analyst bob massi. bob, this is quirky because a lot of homeowner policies, though they cover hundreds, don't technically cover the wind and flood damage caused by hurricanes, so what's the point? >> this is tricky. even from katrina, there is still litigation on insurance coverage issues. generally speaking, it should cover wind and wind damage. here is the tricky part. generally speaking, your homeowner's policy never covers flood damage. so let's look at the things going on in jersey right now. this is post-hurricane. these are floods. you're going to get into the situation and the question legally will be does your homeowner's policy cover the flood issue and the argument becomes, the old but for argument. but for the wind, but for the wind damage, no flood. that's the legal issue that homeowners are going to be confronted with. >> dave: all right. the big question for thousands of americans right now is if they're forced to move into a hotel, if they're forced to go somewhere else because a giant tree fell through their living room, which i've seen, then what? are they due living expenses? >> listen. one of the things that happens, dave, is that none of us read our homeowner's policies until we get in a jam like this or regular day-to-day things. then you read these policies and want to shoot yourself because there are so many exclusions. general israeli speaking, the policies will cover those type of things. they'll pay for your housing, going to hotel, different things of that nature. but again, what i want our viewers to understand is this: those of you who have been affected by hurricanes and those who just have homeowners policies, get to your insurance agents right away. report the claims. report your claims right away so they can get involved in deciding what coverage there is and what, in fact, they will pay for during this hiatus period. those of us who just have homeowners policies in general, take pictures of everything in your home and understand on most policies, the fact is any expensive things, nice jewelry, antiques, things that are unique, they're generally not covered on homeowner's policies, only up to a certain amount. you have to get riders. you have to get appraisals of those type of items. but those of you back east and god bless all of you that sustained that thing, that are affected by this, generally speaking, those policies will cover a combination. >> dave: once you're out of patience with the insurance company, what role, if any, does fema play here? >> one of the things that i wanted our viewers to understand is we hear about fema coming in. there is a web site, go to that web site and you'll be able to understand how fema works. i'm not an expert in that area, but surely fema becomes what we call secondary coverage, dave. your homeowner's policy is primary. then secondary coverage will be fema. generally speaking, from my understanding, is that fema ultimately is a loan process, where the government will loan the money to get you back where you need to be and it is low interest payment back. it's going to be interesting to see how that plays out, as i said, litigation still is going on in new orleans from the katrina hurricane several years ago of insurance companies not covering certain things. >> dave: if another storm brewing out there, steve told us, call your insurance company, ask what you are and are not covered for. if you have more questions for bob, e-mail us. he will do his best to answer all those questions. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> dave: coming up, president obama is just days away from laying out his new job creation plan, but our next guest already knows exactly what he's going to say. then karl rove can't go back in time, but apparently hollywood can. who will play a younger version of the architect? the answer ahead. last year didn't go so well for brian. this year we're hoping for better. he's about to tee off with president george w. bush. let's see it, brian. weight transfer. weight transfer. that looked good! [ male announcer ] heard this one? listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us. >> steve: got quick headlines. central virginia rattled by another aftershock. the 3.5 shaker hitting after 5:00 o'clock this morning. it was centered four miles from the town of mineral, virginia, which the epicenter of last tuesday's 5.8 quake. there have been more than 20 aftershocks since the original tremor last week. and drink a milk shake for your memory? that's right. a company claims its vanilla milk shake helps alzheimer's patients by improving brain function. so far scientists say it's promising, but not enough data to confirm the shake actually works well. gretch? >> gretchen: thank you. the president has caved. the day for his speech will not be next wednesday, as he originally asked for. instead, it will be thursday in front of a joint session of congress. so what will we hear from the president? will it be a big new plan to save the economy? our next guest says no way. michael goodwin, a columnist and fox news contributor. good to see you. columnist for the "new york post." what do you make of this? not the fact that he caved and is now on thursday night, but what do you make of being in front of a joint session of congress, it better be a big deal, right? >> i think he put a lot of pressure on himself. i don't think he's concerned about the content. i think what he's trying to do is set up the argument. and the optics will be terrible. he'll be saying, we have to do this, we have to spend more money. we have to -- folks are hurting. he'll drop the g on hurting. he'll say we have to invest in the future. we need a balanced approach. all the things he's said before and then he'll say, if you don't agree with this essentially, you're not patriotic. you're putting party before country. and then the democrats will stand up and cheer and the republicans will sit there smoldering and that's the kind of optics that he wants, that if you're not with him, if you're against him, then you're not for america. that's the attitude that he's gone to because he's so unpopular, because his policies are so unpopular. all he can do is undermine any kind of respect and trust in republicans. >> gretchen: it's so interesting, your perspective, because i'm visualizing how that's all going to play out. maybe you're talking about the same buzz words we've heard from him over and over again, like these. >> i did, back earlier this year, a plan that says we're going to have spending cuts and we're going to have revenue. we'll have more spending cuts than we have revenue, but we're going to have to take a balanced approach and everything is going to be on the table. >> gretchen: so you expect do hear the same old, the balanced approach, the millionaires and billionaires, all these buzz words? >> i think one of the interesting things about barak obama's presidency is that he's never changed. he is essentially campaigned on these things, green jobs, investing in education, all these sort of things, getting rid of energy, getting rid of oil, dirty oil, and he's never given up on any of this, raising taxes. he keeps coming back with the same package. he wraps it differently under the circumstances, but it's essentially the same thing that he did in the first two years in office. it's as though the election in 2010 didn't happen. >> gretchen: if that's the case and now that he's up against the first nfl game of the season, who is going to be watching? >> look, he's already in trouble with men. he's got terrible poll numbers. so i think he has made his bed by doing this kind of high school game of trying to bully john boehner into giving hip the house that night, knowing there was a republican debate. jay carney, the press secretary, kind of very smug about oh, it's just a coincidence. so i think he's made his bed now and he's going to go up against football. he's going to go up against the country with these policies that the country doesn't like and try to make the republicans look like the bad guys. he's counting on amnesia. >> gretchen: very interesting. michael goodwin, always a great read in the new york post. thanks very much. >> my pleasure. >> gretchen: we're minutes away from the new weekly jobless claims. so will we see any signs of improvement in that area? and we're also moments away from this. brian teeing off with president george w. bush. there he is, live on "fox & friends." maybe he should just continue the conversation and not actually golf. anyway, brian didn't do so well last year. you know what, i'm giving him an a for effort 'cause talk about pressure, oh, my gosh. ♪ why settle for a one-note cereal? get more with honey bunches of oats. four nutritious grains come together for more taste, more texture, more healthy satisfaction. have a bowl of happy. but also a caring touch. you learn to get a feel for the trouble spots. to know its wants... its needs...its dreams. ♪call 1-800-steemer. took some wild risks when i was young. but i was still taking a risk with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more, and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol, stop. along with diet, lipitor has been shown to lower bad cholesterol to 60 percent. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patits who have heart diase or risk factors for heart disease. 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palin scheduled to speak at an event on saturday, and there is speculation friction between the two teams led to o'donnel getting the ax. say tuned for that on saturday. >> steve: and this is what a young karl rove would look like. there will be blood, actor paul dano cast to play a younger rove in the upcoming film called "college republicans." dano, the actor reportedly beat out actor shia labeouf for the role. it will tell how rove and lee atwater went from college buddies to some of the most powerful men in politics. the movie starts filming this fall. >> dave: did carl have this much hair? >> gretchen: i don't know, but that doesn't really look like him. >> steve: we'll need a high school shot. >> gretchen: let's get the truth perspective because brian is in dallas and sitting next to president george w. bush who employed karl rove. did the president have a chance to see that look alike for karl rove? is it a true depiction? >> mr. president, did you see the side by side with the actor that's going to play karl rove? was that a true depiction of the young karl rove that you knew, that upstart kid? >> steve: did karl have bangs? >> i didn't go to high school with him. >> the karl did not have bangs and we do not have an entry on who played karl rove. it's interesting that we have karl rove kicking it around, dana perino kicking it around to give insight and to give more insight into president bush, he is back again with major dan rooney and major ed pulito is joining us, a wounded and decorated veteran whose children received some money from patriot golf day and major dan, welcome back officially. it's great to see you, major. and of course, mr. president, why was it important you be here today, two years in a row? >> i want america to continue to pay attention to our vets and i also want to continue to pay attention to our vets. so patriot golf day asks people to donate a dollar of their green fees to raise money for the children of those who have been wounded and/or killed in combat. >> so you're here today. we're going to play 18 holes. i almost injured you three times or is it four times when you were holding the flag and i just had too much on it? >> you almost injured yourself with that terrible swing, but i understand that you've taken lessons. >> right. yeah. i've had quality lessons. >> that's good. >> major, i want to let the country know who you are. you're serving in iraq. you're in a land rover. you're driving to debrief somebody that's linked with zarya wee and what happens? >> on august 17 of 2004, i hit an improvised explosive device, road side bomb, which would subsequently lead to the amputation of my left leg. we always say it's about god, country, family, and all of those that serve. i'm here with the commander in chief. i'm honored to be with the commander in chief and makes me emotional 'cause i tell the american people, i'd do it again because i love this man. i love this country, and my god on that day gave me a second chance to live and dream freedom and that is why i joined the foundation and i'm honoring dan rooney who gave my two girls scholarships. my wife and i will be eternally be grateful for that gift. >> you shot in the arm, you're blown up, your leg is a mess, and you still manage to drive and get your guys to safety. you were awarded the bronze star, the purple heart, which is on your lapel and a meritorius service medal. this is a special guy. >> we have a lot of special people, especially those who volunteered to serve our country in a time of danger. what's even more special about america is that we've got people who, when severely injured or facing heart breaks, they say, i'm not going to let that get me down. i'm going to continue to serve and this guy has done that. >> not only that, major dan, he's working with you. >> absolutely. and one of the things that we're so proud of is being able to bring veterans into the mix, like myself, like major ed, and it's an opportunity for all of us to continue to give back to that 1% that defend our freedom freedoms. >> mr. president, i know you go to fort hood. you do a lot of things under the radar. you work with a lot of veterans and i'm wondering at some point with you and mrs. bush, does it ever wear you out when you think man, the anguish here, with one leg? >> when i talk to ed, i get inspired. just listen to his words, by far the vast majority of people who served our country in the military say i'm proud of my service even though i got hurt, i would do it again. and so the story i hear is one that is unbelievably inspirational. one reason why it's important to herald our vets, there is people in america saying oh, my life is terrible. here is a guy whose life actually was terrible and because of his courage and determination and his case, he's answering the call of an almighty, he said, i'm going to overcome my difficulty. >> a lot of people watching say, i didn't serve. i'm not one of the 1.4 million active right now or the 10 million that served over the last ten years, but you want to give back. and the private sector has got to help, right? everyone says the government has to help out, the v.a. has to be better, but the private sector has to help. >> it does. i don't think we need to be your government. i think as americans, that 99%, i've said it this morning, 1% that provides our freedoms. and i think it's up to all of us to repay that debt and we provide scholarships to the spouses and the kids of the fallen and disabled and today this weekend, we're honored to have president bush with us, major ed. but we're teeing it up on behalf of all these people that need our help. the country can step up this weekend, 4,000 golf courses with the pga of america and the usga, donate at least a dollar when they play golf to change lives. >> it doesn't get any more american than that. >> mr. president, there is talk -- every time, every four or five, six years in america, they talk about cutting back defense and rearranging the health plans of the military. talking about going to a 401(k) and away from the set-up we had prior. does that bother you? would that be something to spring you back into the limelight to make sure that doesn't happen? >> i'm not going back in the limelight. we got plenty of capable people debating the issues. i'm going to spend a lot of my life honoring the vets and reminding america that we're a blessed nation to have people like ed and dan here to serve and that our families, our vets need the very best care they can possibly get. i'll let the policy guys debate the policy. but i'll continue to remind people what a blessed nation we are. >> i think they really appreciate you. been to nine military bases over the years. there are a lot of democrats, but they're unanimous that you're behind them. are you going to possibly have a candidate? >> i'm going to support our party's nominee, whoever it is. and in the meantime, i'm going to remain an observer, interested observer. >> but still following? >> yeah. i also follow baseball. >> i see the ranger games. a lot of your guys are in the limelight again, colin powell, condoleeza rice, talking about dick cheney. it's like you're a family. does it bother you? >> no. i'm glad members of my family are giving their version of what it was like to serve our country. i did the same thing. i put my version out there. eventually they're -- it will draw objective concludes. >> we have to be objective here and it's time to stand up and tee off and unfortunately for america, they have to witness me. but they got a few pros and ed is fine and mr. president, i hear you're the most improved golfer. let's put the chairs down and i don't think -- you know tradition has it, you'll go first, mr. president. and i do have to warn you, i guess you know this, there is a ravine ahead of you. >> is that what that is? >> i don't want to intimidate you. we're going to get to play 18 holes, but it all starts here and i guess we'll follow after this, major dan? >> absolutely. it's an honor to be here with you, mr. president. >> wooo! >> that's intimidating, isn't it? >> that was awesome. >> you expected it. >> very nice. >> major ed pulido. >> all right, ed. good ball. [ applause ] >> go ahead, brother. >> no, you go. you're the pro. >> this is the only live golf event we covered here on "fox & friends." good job, ed. >> that will work. mr. president, any final words? you've seen my swing, you've seen my practice swing. you've seen me a year ago, what advice might you have for me? >> don't look up. don't swing hard. >> okay. >> deep breath. >> shot heard around the world, brian. >> do you want to just call it a day? >> my other advice is sometime today hit it. >> mr. president, he likes to play quick. >> yeah! >> great shot! that's the best shot you've ever hit in your life. >> i'm going to call it a day. good night, everybody. that's about all i can do. >> we've got alan, one more shot. >> the president of the pga right here. >> absolutely. >> you've met him two hours ago. here is the true pro. >> alan, lead all the pga pros across the country. >> great ball! [ applause ] >> look at that! >> unbelievable. >> we officially teed off. we're going to tape a few holes and you'll get to see it on tuesday. thank you to everyone who came here. patriot golf day, go to our our web site, patriot golf day, help out. everyone sacrificing, to me, that's the least you can do. i'm still really bad. >> gretchen: no. brian -- >> steve: get in the car and come home right now, stop while you're ahead. >> gretchen: that was fantastic. you're great under pressure. say hi to the prez. >> steve: very nice. >> gretchen: that was great. i don't know if i could do that. >> dave: let us know what you thought. coming up, al gore says if you don't believe in global warming, you're just like a racist. really? does he need to get his head examined? >> steve: yeah, dr. keith ablow puts the former vp on the couch coming up next. you getting tha? is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholester. is it a superhero? kinda. ♪ >> steve: the question for you, has that guy right back there, al gore, gone completely off the deep end when it comes to global warming? >> we still have racism, god knows, but it's so different now. so much better. we have to win the conversation on climate. in some quarters, it has become almost politically incorrect to use the word. >> steve: dr. keith ablow is a fox news contributor and he joins us. hey, keith, why is al gore so cranky? >> well, listen, funny thing about psychiatry is it's a listening profession. you never stop listening because you might hear a different truth or something incompatible with what you thought to be reality for somebody. al gore is this geared up about calling people racist who oppose his scientific belief because he might be feeling a little pressure, like he's so committed to this, he's put himself so far out there that if he's wrong, it feels like a life and death struggle for him. tremendous rigidity on the matter, enough to close down scientific inquiry and say, that's it. if you don't believe that the earth is flat, you hate black people. what? >> steve: yeah. he said that climate change skeptics will be viewed in the same light as racists were once upon a time. with him there is no gray area. it's either my way or the highway. >> people who come to feel that way at a certain point in their lives and with respect to the vice president, if i were at this point helping him, what i would say is, use this as an iconic moment. obviously you overshot the mark by a whole lot, becoming this rigid, this reactionary about this matter. what else in your life should you have questioned earlier? because we know he came out of the vietnam war saying i shouldn't have fought that war. he came out of a marriage recently, maybe has feelings about that, like how did i get into it for so long? don't become paralyzed with your hands around the issue. >> steve: all right. maybe he's just angry -- he invented the internet and not getting the credit he deserves. who knows? >> it could be that. but flexibility, al. >> steve: dr. keith ablow, thank you very much. >> take care. >> steve: straight ahead, are the unemployed being discriminated against? president obama thinks so. so he wants the federal government to step in. is that a good idea? john stossel on that coming up next. right now let's check in with martha mccallum who joins us at the top of the hour. >> hey there, steve. good morning, everybody. so what is really going on behind the scenes in this unbelievable battle between the president and john boehner? we have who better than newt gingrich to weigh in on this this morning. also we'll talk about his plans for the 2012 race coming up. we've got a packed show, everybody. join us at the top of the hour. bill and i will be here. we hope you will, too. announce] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at there's another way litter box dust:e purina tidy cats. tidy cats premium line of litters now works harder on dust. and our improved formulas neutralize odors better than ever in multiple-cat homes. so it's easier to keep your house smelling just the way you want it. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. >> dave: new numbers just released by the labor department show 409,000 americans filed for jobless claims last week. are they at risk of being discriminated against? president obama thinks so. >> i know there is legislation that i'm supportive of that says you can not discriminate against folks because they've been unemployed, particularly when you've seen so many folks who, through no fault of their own, ended up being laid off because of the difficulties of this recession. >> gretchen: john stossel, host of "stossel" on the "fox business" network. is the president correct, that these people who have been out of work for maybe two, 2 1/2 years, that they could be discriminated against? >> sure. it's the employer's business. doesn't he get to make a decision? gee, people have been out of the work force, may be less effective employee, or maybe they're out of the work force because they don't work very hard. it's his money. >> dave: how would you determine whether or not discrimination went into not hiring that guy? >> you enrich lawyers and you have a long five-year adjudication -- it's well intended. we want to help the weak, protect the classes. but the americans with disabilities act was passed to help more disabled people get in the workplace. and when they passed it, about 50% were in the workplace. and my study ten years later, 40 some percent, because it become has threat to the employer. they're a lawsuit bomb, if i hire this person, i have to be careful what i say in the job interview. never i'll never be able to fire them. >> steve: you're saying that particular act actually blew in the face of what it was intended to do? >> like many of these laws do. and above all, one reason we don't have job growth is the employer says should i hire somebody? gee, i have to have this many laws i have to wade through, protect myself. it's safer maybe not to expand. >> dave: in particular, maybe it's that posting of the jobs where they actually say, do not apply for this job if you are unemployed. but is this a place for the government to step in? >> no. new jersey did. they banned that. what about free speech? what about it's my company. if i want only people who can stand on their heads or only blond women, should be my right. and if that's a stupid decision, i'll lose business. the companies that don't discriminate will clean my clock and justice prevails, that's what the free market does. >> steve: you're for that? >> you bet! >> gretchen: that's why he's a libertarian, right? >> that's right. >> gretchen: i know. all right. we'll check out your show. >> we talk about discrimination against blacks and what the state has done to help blacks, how it's hurt them tonight. >> gretchen: 10:00 p.m. eastern. thanks, stossel. more "fox & friends" two minutes away. football is back, and verizon is bringing it straight to you. introducing nfl mobile for 2011. built to bring you the game. only from verizon. built so you can rule the air. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprid how quickly my symoms have beemanaged. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervo system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whetr you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have beetreated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. >> gretchen: that's tomorrow, the finale of our all american summer concert serious. that's josh raiden, live for us. i assume we're going to have the barbecue for

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