friends. >> you're watching "f "fox & friends." that's the great way to begin your day. just in looking at that picture -- >> of what? >> is it just me, or did it look a lot like mr. clean is doing some stripper work? kind of looked like mr. clean. remember him? >> i'm shocked. >> whoa, whoa. i didn't realize he was in short white pants. >> yes, he is. >> look familiar? >> they are clean. >> wait till you hear this story. the family is really upset about it. >> i can imagine. meanwhile, thanks very much for joining us on this wednesday. it's going to be a great day. >> it sure is. thank you for being with us, of course. we want to know today willow is lerner remain on the back burner? just in, the house committee is going to vote to formally ask the justice department to pursue criminal charges against her, and there are three specific areas which a source close to the situation explains may come to front. three violations that they're going to be looking at, violating the taxpayers' constitutional rights, misleading investigators, exposing private taxpayer information. >> is that all? >> in the areas they take a look at. >> so the house ways and means committee will decide with their panel if they will vote to refer action to the justice department. we know it's going to die there, in the justice department, because we know the attorney general, judging by his track record and going through other sound bites, he doesn't look as though he feels as though this is going to warrant his examination. and it brings you to the question of what would, then? if the main focus of an investigation continues to take the fifth rather than incriminate yourself, you've got to wonder what would it take to get eric holder's attention? >> that's the key. eric holder is the attorney general of the united states, and yet he runs a very political department of justice. and that's just too bad. the reason he is not going to bring it up is because the last thing this white house wants is a real investigation. last night on "special report," george will explained it all in an historical way. listen to this. >> they're referring it to the headquarters of the current cover-up, which is holder's justice department. we've had three major scandals in the last 40 years. watergate, iran-contra and this one. the first two were investigated perhaps because they were under republican presidents vigorously by the press and also by select committees of congress. that's not happening with this one. in each case, each of the three cases, the question has been how high does culpability rise? specifically does it get to the white house? if the select committee on watergate had not had the power to compel testimony and the energy and resources to investigate, they never would have gotten to a man named alexander butterfield who, when asked, before he testified in a pre-testimony interview, is there a white house oval office taping system? oh, yes, there is, richard nixon would have finished a second term. it matters that the third major scandal of the last 40 years is simply not being comparably investigated. >> he also goes on to talk about how they're not investigating. plus the press, the mainstream media, just not interested. we talk about it on fox, you hear about it on talk radio, read it on the internet. mainstream media -- >> think about the valerie plame situation. investigators looked into it, and in the end the president of the united states said i want everybody to cooperate. and in the end you had somebody who paid the price for that. >> well, this president has said he wanted to get to the bottom of it. but did he really? >> and the oversight committees should actually not be overlooking certain situations. the american people deserve better, as explained so well historically by george will there. >> i think they were talking last night on the panel about how the only way to get to the bottom of it is to give lois lerner use immunity. you're not going to go to jail. just tell us what happened. who told you to target the tea party groups? that could be the only way to find out the truth. >> if you do that, i understand without a deal prior to the immunity, she could say who told me? you know what? i don't remember. so you could give her immunity, she could escape and then she could say you know what? beats me. or no one told me. i was just freelancing. >> right. and speaker boehner's comments about jail time actually make this more difficult to investigate further. it shouldn't, but is it now putting them more on defense in terms of investigation there? >> you know, it's been a few minutes. want to talk about obamacare? >> why not? >> it's been a big success. the white house has been counting the fact that 7.1 million americans signed up. that's great. >> it took very little to get the word out. here's an example. rand study, a service came in, and they said let's just find out who signed up for obamacare and who didn't. upon further review, the 7.1 million number that the white house released is actually 3.9 million. >> right. this is certainly interesting because those were previously uninsured but now insured. they have 7.2 million gained through employer-sponsored insurance. 3.6 million now covered by medicaid. 1.4 million left in that number signed up through the marketplaces. you know, at best, they say this is 1% of those that were previously uninsured now insured through obamacare. >> the number was the last number. she just said that only 1.4 million americans got their insurance through the exchanges. >> right. >> we blew up everything for 1%? think about back to the last election where the democrats made that big thing about the 1% and the republicans and the 1%. well, everybody should make a big deal about how we blew up the entire health care system in this country for 1%. okay. although the rand foundation sounds like it's probably half of 1%. but let's give them the benefit of the doubt. let's make it 1%. was it really worth it? we'll very shortly be talking to a dad of one of 1,800 kids in new jersey who just found out last week that his son's insurance was canceled because it was not compliant with obamacare. >> ratight. so the cost of getting that 1% -- and everyone wants everyone insured, but the promise that was made how to get there is what is being examined so closely. >> finally, the study found that most people who gained insurance through this period gained it by getting a job and getting insurance through their job. >> right. >> so that figured into the total 7.1 million. talk about millions, and one in a million, there's heather nauert. >> i hope you're off to a great morning. >> it's going to be a busy day. >> it is. iowa state university and some riots breaking out there. take a look at this. a crowd of drunk students flipping over a car on campus while they threw beer bottles at police cars. and they pulled down stop signs and light poles. here's more. all this happening overnight. the chaos taking place. it's the college's annual vesheia university. it's students and alumni not putting a very good face on the campus this morning. at least one person has been critically injured, and this has happened before at iowa state. we'll keep watching this and bring you the latest. meantime, this next story is terrifying folks in the midwest. there is a crazed gunman who is shooting at drivers in kansas city. three people have been hurt so far. and take a look at this video. there are bullet holes left behind in at least 13 cars in that area. one victim was shot by someone firing from another car who was wearing a ski mask and a hood. now, another victim, a mom, imagine how terrifying this would be. she was shocked when she found a bullet hole in the door next to where her 3-year-old had been sitting. >> it's really scary to think that somebody is out here with no regard for what could happen or, you know, anybody could be hurt. people have families that drive on this highway. >> you've got to be watching where you go and be alert. >> police are now saying that those shootings are connected. they're happening along stretches of interstates 435 and 470. we will bring you the latest. fortunately no one hurt just yet. for a third day in a row, oscar pistorius is crying on the witness stand. and just moments ago, he broke down in tears as he described what he said were his desperate attempts to help save reeva steenkamp after her shooting. >> and then i just sat there with her and waited for the ambulance to arrive, and sobs, i felt helpless. i wanted be with her at the hospital. i had my fingers in her mouth to help her try to breathe. i had my man on her hip. i was trying to stop the bleeding. >> pistorius faces possible cross-examination by the prosecutor. this happening this morning. wrestling fans around the world in shock this morning after the sudden death of one of their biggest superstars. the ultimate warrior. the man who was once known as james helwig legally changed his name to warrior back in 1993. he collapsed outside an arizona hotel last night and was later pronounced dead. we still don't know the cause of his death, but it came just days after his induction speech at the wwe hall of fame. >> do y >> to you young guys, let me say this. the writing is on the wall. your time is going to come and go. and you need to use this opportunity to prepare yourself for all the other incredible things you can still do in your life. >> he said that just a couple days ago. warrior leaves behind a wife and two little girls. he was 54 years old. so sad for that family. and those are your headlines. this is not the first time this has happened at iowa state. they had a big riot about ten years ago. thousands of people taking part. >> goodness. >> spring celebration, they call it. >> thank you for the update. >> not the kind of party you want to go to. >> what's with the oscar pistorius trial? they show everyone looking at him but not him. they'll show us the trial but not the person on the stand in who makes those decisions? >> i don't get why the camera is aiming out toward the audience. >> imagine we did a show with just reaction shots to the person talking. >> maybe tomorrow we'll do an entire show with the camera just trained on joel. >> that's okay. meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about this. over the last couple of days, we've been telling you about how the white house has been promoting equal payday 2014 where they try to look like they're committed to fairness even though this white house pays women double digits less than they pay men. so anyway, yesterday jennifer palmeri, white house communications director, tweeted this out. "love all these guys, but note that 6 out of 7 news organizations in front row of press briefing sent men to ask press secretary about the problem of gender pay inequity," she wrote. she thought she really had them. >> well, not so fast because ed henry, fox white house news correspondent, put this out on twitter in response. "white house sent man to podium, right?" retweeted her there. it went back and forth. there was a ton of responses. twitter was on fire because of this. and you know, the ultimate response, of course, was ed henry, i hashtagged that privately, ed henry is the man. >> it didn't end right there with ed pointing out that oh, touche. if you look at jennifer palmieri's twitter page, her background shows that she is surrounded by men. five out of six are men. she was complaining about six out of seven orgs sent men. look at that, five out of six of the people there are men. >> that's the actual photo that you choose to be your wallpaper on your twitter account, so she selected that photo. >> that is officially the twitter backfire of the day. >> right. ed henry also noted that she is new to twitter, has only been on for about three weeks. coming up straight ahead, we created the internet. how the white house is about to give it up and opening it up for censorship. the lawmaker fighting to make sure this never happens joins us live next. and it didn't take long. the teenager who sued her own parents is back in the news for all the wrong reasons. who's that fuzzed-out guy? we'll tell you. good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. 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"b," it's governed under our laws and our freedoms and our constitutional protections. and i'm real uneasy about just saying here you go. world, take it over. >> right. absolutely. and if you think about it, too, iran has censored the internet. china. turkey has done the same thing. what will change if we give it to this world community? >> well, that's what they're having trouble answering. we had a hearing a week or so ago and decided to move forward with this legislation that said they can't turn it over until we see the facts independently and approve it. and so it's really, really dangerous, i think, if they just turn it over to another country, another government entity like the united nations. now, they say they're not going to do that, but you know, i could not get a good answer about what happens when you let go of the 64-page contract between the united states government and the nonprofit that runs this system now based in the united states, required to be based here, required to be under our laws. they could be set free, and then what happens? >> congressman, you're making a lot of sense. and the average american i know has been saying why are we even doing this? where's the pressure from? where's the advantage for us? the question to you is democrats also are worried and concerned like you are? >> you know, there are some. others are pretty defensive about the administration's position, which is unfortunate. we've had bipartisan -- in fact, unanimous legislation that i have sponsored passed the house and the senate. the last congress, passed the house this congress, advocating for all these principles about multistakeholder process, internet governance, free from government interference, all of that. and so i would hope they would join us on this so that we get the facts before the administration can take action. >> but right now there's not one democrat that you know that is on board? >> i'm concerned about that. that's correct. we'll find out certainly when we mark up this legislation starting this afternoon. >> well, good luck. i think a lot of people are concerned about it, regardless -- >> they should be. >> -- whether they are interested in politics or not. chairman greg walden, thanks so much. >> good to be with you, brian. >> 20 minutes after the hour. forget about bingo. bring out the strippers. what went down at an old-age home will flat out shock you. it's more than just his lack of body hair. plus more than a million americans provide $3 billion worth of free care to our veterans, and their challenges are only getting worse. the captain still active in the national guard here next. ♪ (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. 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