Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20140610 :

Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20140610

death two police officers, a civilian and themselves over the weekend. it turns out nbc news interviewed one of the shooters, jarod miller, earlier this spring when he turned up at a standoff against the federal government in arizona. nbc's mike taibbi has more from las vegas. >> reporter: for the las vegas metro police department, an agonizing salute to two fallen comrades and then the daunting task of figuring out why this young couple, jared and amanda miller, turned from anti-government conspire ty buffs into alleged killers. the conclusion so far, they were not part of a conspiracy or broader group. >> we certainly believe that they're connected to a certain ideology which is anti-police, anti-government. but as of right now we have not been able to find any additional links or any additional suspects. >> reporter: but there were plenty of hints that something awful was brewing. jared had briefly joined the armed protesters supporting clive lundi in april and spoke exclusively to nbc news. >> i feel bad for federal agents that want to come in here and push us around or anything like that. i really don't want violence toward them, but if they're going to come bring violence to us, then if that's language they want to speak, we'll learn it. >> reporter: both millers, once fans of performance art, posted on social media about the dawn of a new day when all hell will break loose and they would be standing in the middle of it. >> we have two officers down. >> reporter: at 11:22 sunday morning, it began. the two suspects walking into a pizza restaurant and gunning down officers alyn beck and igor soldo. >> they placed a flag, which is a don't tread on me yellow flag on the body of officer beck. also threw a swastika on top of his body. >> reporter: they then crossed to walmart and shot down civilian joe wilcox before completing a suicide pact. neighbors of the millers said the couple talked increasingly about guns and killing cops but thought it was all hot air. >> believe me, if i had known they were going to do something, i would have called metro. >> i can't believe she went ahead and shot her husband twice and shot herself. >> reporter: the suspects left behind a manifesto posted on the internet, blasting the government. one telling sentence, to stop this oppression, i fear, can only be accomplished with bloodshed. their blood, but the lives of three innocents' first. >> that was nbc's mike taibbi reporting. the man who had california police on a high speed chase reportedly has a criminal history spanning 17 years. 41-year-old nolan perez remains in custody this morning, arrested monday following a five-hour police pursuit and intense standoff. it began when police tried to arrest the suspect on seven felony counts of stalking and criminal threats. he took off on a high speed chase, weaving in between traffic, across four major highways before pulling his car over in a residential neighborhood in the san fernando valley. carrying a semi-automatic rifle, he climbed on to several roof p rooftops before barricading himself inside a hoss. police eventually fired tear gas causing him to surrender. he's expected to face more charges in the coming days. members of the house say they still have some serious concerns over the swap of army art bowe bergdahl for five taliban leaders. after a briefing yesterday, republicans emerged furious that they had not been informed of the exchange in advance. nbc's danielle leigh is live in washington with details. good morning, danielle. what's up next? >> reporter: hi, dara, good morning. there is going to be two meetings with key white house officials on capitol hill this week, all about the bergdahl exchange. and at the same time lawmakers are trying to get more answers, the american public is giving the obama administration mixed reviews about the decision. >> that's my biggest concern. >> reporter: house republicans emerged from a hearing with key white house advisers sounding more frustrated than before it began. after learning just how many people knew about the deal to free sergeant bowe bergdahl in exchange for five taliban leaders before congress. >> i'm concerned with the administration telling 80 or 90 people within the administration and not one member of congress about this. >> i didn't get any good answer as to why five taliban were traded and why that was a good deal. >> reporter: one democrat is rising to the administration's defense. >> should we bring him home, should we not bring him home? no, we bring home everyone. >> reporter: recovering at a military hospital in germany, bergdahl tells officials he was kept in a tiny metal cage after trying to escape, allegations he may be a deserter after walking off a post may require an inquiry. in a new pew research poll, four in ten americans called the prisoner exchange the wrong thing to do. later, a senate committee will hold a briefing about the bergdahl exchange and wednesday chuck hagel will testify on capitol hill. dara? >> thanks, danielle. we'll keep an eye out for that. donald sterling has -- his decision to sell the basketball team. he released a statement declaring the team is not for sale. this comes less than a week after he agreed to sell the basketball franchise he's owned for more than three decades to former microsoft ceo steve ballmer for $2 billion. his lawyer says sterling will also press ahead with a $1 billion federal lawsuit against the nba. sterling has been banned from the league since an audio recording of him making racist comments was released in april. surveillance footage captures a harrowing moment an elevator loses control. he knew something was wrong the moment he boarded an elevator in santiago, chile, in a high rise there. he's trying to stop the elevator as it climbed 31 floors in 15 seconds before crashing into the roof at roughly 50 miles per hour. he survived. he remains hospitalized with injuries to his head and his legs. now for a look at your tuesday forecast, here is nbc's bill karins. >> did we need to see that? people already don't like elevators. worry about being closed in a confind space and now maybe dropping, now worried about going up. >> i've never seen any story about the elevators going down. it is almost willy wonkaish, going through the roof, but -- >> good morning, evan. we're going to talk about a few flourz the specific northwest and race of rain yesterday. so we did break the streak in the west with no reported rain showers. a big storm in the middle of the nation continues to slowly spin to the east. we're still watching the high pressure dominating the west. that cold front is down through montana is what kicked off a little change in the weather pattern in the northwest. not a lot. yesterday was a hot day as advertised from vegas to phoenix and death valley, had our first 120 degree temperature reading of our summer season. so as far as the northwest goes, 55 this morning in seattle. portland, 52. not going to be a lot of showers out there today, but maybe a few drips here or there. so a couple hundredths of an inch possible in a few spots. nothing too significant. better chance on thursday. today's forecast for tuesday, mostly dry in all locations, sunny and hot in the desert. that's your national forecast. again, more significant system coming in, looks like on thursday. details coming up on that. >> hundred degree temperatures, that's -- >> that's midsummer-like. >> that is midsummer-like, too hot. >> a lot of records too. a little unusual. >> thank you very much, bill karins. now still ahead, more kidnapping linked to boko haram. a close encounter caught on camera. you're watching "early today." y] ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive. and instead of getting stressed about it,fect. you can just perfect it. new revlon age defying cc cream perfect those little fine lines, the dark spots, the uneven skin tone... correct. protect. perfect. revlon. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. benefiber is clear, taste free, and dissolves completely. and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. and benefiber is so easy, you can feel free to add it to everything you love. and that's clearly fabulous. benefiber. clearly healthy. see benefiber work and save on facebook. welcome back. just hours ago taliban gunmen in pakistan opened fire on a training facility close to the airport. this a day after a seethe on ie airport that killed 36. they have taken responsibility for the attack calling it revenge following the u.s. drone strike. a security official tells nbc authorities are reportedly in pursuit and the situation is under control. there is disturbing new information about the care at va medical facilities. an audit identified more than 57,000 people waiting at least 90 days for their first medical appointment. that's not all. 13% of schedulers report being told by supervisors to falsify appointment info to make wait times seem shorter. abducted. more kidnappings in nigeria as 20 women were reportedly taken away at gunpoint. because of the nature of the incident, authorities suspect boko haram is the same terrorist group credited with taking more than 300 school girls and young women in april. six time olympic gold medalist amy van dyken severed her spine in a four wheeler accident this weekend. the former olympic swimmer allegedly told emergency worker she's couldn't move her toes or feel anything touching her legs. after surgery, a spokeswoman says the 41-year-old is in good condition. a swarm of sharks just off shore alabama's orange beach is keeping people out of the water. double red flags flapped in the wind as lifeguards are on high alert. luckily no attacks have been reported. in florida, though, two fishermen got a close up encounter with a great white. check it out. they estimate it was almost 15 feet long. no harm done, though. it was just a little bit curious. in health news, new data shows the lifetime cost of supporting a person with autism can fall between 1.4 and $2.4 million. that's according to a new study funded by autism speaks. the largest childhood expenses went toward special education services and lost productivity for parents. as for autistic adults, the highest costs were related to residential care and inability to work. "early today" is brought to you by vagisil, the experts in intimate health. and it is time to get down to business. another day, another record high. the dow gained nearly 19 points monday to close at 16,943. the s&p had its 19th record close. realty tracks says foreclosure activity in the u.s. dropped to an eight year low in may. the ncaa reached a $20 million settlement with former and current college football and basketball players for using their likenesses in video games made by electronic arts. this is in addition to the $40 million settlement reaches between ea and athletes. the average age of vehicles in the u.s. last year were almost 11 1/2 years old. that's mostly due to the economy and the increase in quality of today's autos. the world's rarest stamp is up for auction. this was issued in 1856. it could fetch up to $20 million. and just ahead, the white house gets invaded by huskies. the new york rangers are going to need a miracle on the ice to come back from last night's routing by the kings. sports headlines are next. these little angels build in softness. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says, "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. cut! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!" firming + lifting makeup our multi-benefit innovation. skin feels tighter. expression lines look more relaxed. 3x hydration... ... beautiful coverage. 93% of women saw noticeably improved skin. radiant. rejuvenated. revlon. this morning on "today," look, ma, no hands. driverless cars get ready to hit the road, "today" takes one out for a spin. a look from behind the wheel later on today. let's get to the latest in sports from my friend betty nguyen. good morning, betty. >> good morning. game three of the stanley cup finals, rangers had the home team advantage this time, but l.a. started things off scoring as the clock winds down in the first. and twice more in the second period to take it 3-0. henrich lundquist, but holds strong to shut them out. kings lead 3-0. new york's must win game four against l.a. will be played wednesday at 8:00 p.m. dwyane wade is being called out for this play during game two of the finals. wade's overexaggeration of a foul known as flopping is against a league rule that was implemented last season. this is the fifth incident of a flopping violation called during this post season. the league's response, a $5,000 fine. game three is tonight. derrick fisher could be heading to the big apple to coach the new york knicks. the knicks scheduled a press conference for later today to make a, quote, major announcement. according to yahoo! sport, the two sides are in the process of finalizing a five-year, $20 million deal. i did not pick the men to win in my bracket. of course neither did anybody else. >> he's got jokes, that president. during uconn's celebratory visit to the white house, both men's and women's teams were invited for winning their ncaa championship. this is the second time both teams won in the same year and still the only school to do so, very impressive. so check this underwater performance out at a south korean aquarium. a diver performed a routine with a soccer ball to show support for the national team at the 2014 world cup. he had the crowd into it, but the fish, yeah, not so much. dara, back to you. >> thanks so much, betty. just ahead, paul mccartney cancels more concert dates. last night this happened on "jimmy fallon." you're watching "early today." vahave dry intimate skin.ey turns out, 1 in 5 of us do. let's do something about it. new vagisil moisturizing wash. the only wash created to cleanse and moisturize dry intimate skin. vagisil. your intimate health experts. benefiber is clear, taste free, and dissolves completely. and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. and benefiber is so easy, you can feel free to add it to everything you love. and that's clearly fabulous. benefiber. clearly healthy. see benefiber work and save on facebook. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. firming + lifting makeup our multi-benefit innovation. skin feels tighter. expression lines look more relaxed. 3x hydration... ... beautiful coverage. 93% of women saw noticeably improved skin. radiant. rejuvenated. revlon. ♪ and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says, "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. it's built to be as fast o as it is strongadvil. and fights pain at the site of inflammation. and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. not doubt. not fear. and definitely not back and shoulder pain. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain and make today yours. advil. make today yours. welcome back. forecast, a little more interesting in the northwest as we watch a new storm coming in on thursday. but for today and tomorrow, everything looks relatively dry. last really hot day in the desert southwest, knocking a couple of degrees off of that. even as we go to tomorrow, still dealing with morning clouds and coastal california, interior sections of california very warm and hot today. and, again, cool off a couple of degrees tomorrow. we notice the on shore flow into wednesday, a little cooler. and as far as seattle area goes, we're pinpointing thursday into friday, your best chance of showers out there, more widespread. good, you know. don't want too many sunny days in a row. >> no. as long as the weekend is nice and sunny -- >> that's right. >> thank you very much, bill karins. now moving on to entertainment news. paul mccartney is following his doctor's orders and rescheduled his u.s. tour dates. it was supposed to begin in mid-june. the former beatle wants to make a full recovery after a virus. he put out a statement saying, i'm sorry, but it's going to be a few more weeks before we get rocking in america again. ♪ i can shake my hips i can dance ♪ ♪ the only thing i'm wearing is tight pants ♪ ♪ and i'm the only one >> that was jennifer lopez and jimmy fallon in a singing battle. apparently one town isn't big enough for two people with tight pants. next week "the tonight show" will gobe going to orlando. they'll be doing a soul train dance line in the middle of the park. you could be selected to join them. how do you get picked? wear your best '70s or '80s outfit and show off your best dance moves. tweet or instagram your dance video with th the #tonightdanceshow. >> '70s and '80s is different. '70s is bell bottoms. but the '80s, what is the style of the '80s. >> a little more madonna-esque, right? >> i'll go '70s. more fun. >> more fun. peace out. i'm dara brown. this is "early today." we hope it is just your first stop of the day on nbc. and dissolves completely. and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. and benefiber is so easy, you can feel free to add it to everything you love. and that's clearly fabulous. benefiber. clearly healthy. see benefiber work and save on facebook. and instead of getting stressed about it,fect. you can just perfect it. new revlon age defying cc cream perfect those little fine lines, the dark spots, the uneven skin tone... correct. protect. perfect. revlon. leading the news in usa today, friendly fire kills five nato troops in afghanistan. police say the troops called for air support after they came into contact with enemy forces and that's when the friendly fire incident may have occurred. still no confirmation on their nationali nationalities. in the new york times, driver charged in crash involving tracy morgue 00 not slept in 24 hours. according to new jersey prosecutors. the comedian was still in critical condition as of monday afternoon. the walmart truck driver faces multiple charges including vehicular homicide. some other stories we're watching today, in a wide ranging interview with abc's diane sawyer, hillary clinton says despite making millions of dollars in speaking fees over the last year, her family left the white house broke in 2001. >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke, but in debt. we had no money when we got there, and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for chelsea's education, you know. it was not easy. >> clinton sat down for an interview with nbc and that airs tonight on "nbc nightly news". the chinese military is accused of stealing designs for satellites around the world among other things. according to private security company crowd strike, hackers targeted the aerospace and communications sectors. this just weeks after the u.s. indicted five members of the chinese army over similar accusations. it is the final frontier like you've never seen it before. astronaut reed weissman aboard the iss says this is the first vine video from space. it shows the full orbit of earth and the sun never sets. >> that's cool. like it. >> very cool. if you went to school every day, wouldn't you want your picture to be in the yearbook? the service dog has been a member for four years and is finally get something recognition. he attends all of rachel's classes classes extracurriculars and got his picture added to the yearbook, next to rachel, of course. isn't that cute? >> it is perfect. she'll always have that and, you know, not alphabet cal, so he got her last name, so he could be right next to her. >> and all the other kids in the school will remember that, yes, i remember. >> dog in the back page. >> congratulations on that. time for a look ahead, president obama is taking to tumblr for a live education focused q&a session. he'll answer questions about college and student debt. happy birthday to sasha obama, 13 today. sports illustrated swimsuit model kim upton turns 22. and actress elizabeth hurley is 49. i'm d good morning, it's 4:30, i'm kris sanchez, laura garcia-cannon is off this morning. firefighters fought a fire. the fire burned about two acres before crewed managed to get it under control. one person was treated by paramedics at the scene after having a tough time breathing but no one else was hurt. the fire started in the foothills near mt. hamilton and three springs road. the fire happened near a homeless encampment and investigators are not yet saying it started there. let's bring in meteorologist christina lor merx n for some weather and good thing crews got

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