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george washington parkway is closed before the memorial bridge for an accident southbound. no one getting through there. back to you. >> thank you. a close call at the white house. >> the secret service last night found two bullet lodged in the white house, days after someone opened fire nearby. jummy olabanji is live in north was d.c. with new developments and the latest in the search for the suspected gunman. >> good morning. two bullets were found on the white house grounds yesterday. one of them was lodged in a window, stopped by bill blass and another was found on the exterior of the white house grounds. they believe it may be connected to an incident of shots fired in this area on friday. while president obama is out of town, secret service and police are trying to track down this man. they say oscar ortega-hernandez of idaho is mentally ill and may have bad intentions. officers believe the 21-year-old man had fired a bullet pepco hit a window at the white house last week, the same day the president left for district. >> this is a man who discharged a rifle in downtown d.c. that speaks volumes. we will need to speak with him to find out what he was thinking. >> the secret service revealed last night that a bullet fired last friday on the national mall less than 1,000 yards from the white house may have hit the president's home. authorities found a car off constitution avenue and inside was an ak-47 with empty shell casings. the suspects had left the scene but they linked the vehicle to this man. family and friends suggest that he may have been visiting the national mall. police have not officially connected ortega-hernandez to the bullets found at the white house. but the fact that these connected to the car that was found on friday not far from here is enough for police to want him in for questioning. they believe he could still be in the area. they want anyone who knows where he is to call them. jummy olabanji reporting. two deadly shootings in prince george county. the first one happened on county road in district heights. a man was shot to death outside an apartment building. moments later, more violence in oxon hill. that happened on maury avenue, killing another man. no suspects or motive in either attack. no word on either a person's identity. president obama arrived down under overnight in a joint meeting with the australian prime minister. the commander in chief announced an agreement to send more u.s. troops to the region. the australian prime minister says it will strengthen security and cooperation between the two allied's. the president's trip comes after two earlier cancellations. he will spend a day and a half in australia and then to indonesia for security summit. occupy wall street protesters will not lead a police crackdown stop them. demonstrators returned to the new york city park they were evicted from yesterday. but a dark bar them from setting up camp. thousands of people attended an occupy cal protest at the university of california berkeley. the event took place hours after police shot a man at a campus building. occupy oakland protesters set up camp at another city park. on monday the police cleared the camp outside oakland city hall. seattle police used pepper spray to subdue protesters during a tense confrontation with police. six people arrested there. the man google the whistle on the sex abuse scandal at penn state is speaking out. >> mike mcqueary told a grand jury that he saw jerry sandusky assaulting a boy in 2002. he said that he then told coach joe paterno, who then sold two university supervisors. but in an interview with a friend he contradicted his on testimony. ben eisler has more from the newsroom. >> jerry sandusky now says that he should not have taken a shower or with young boys but continues to deny the sex abuse charges. the key witness, assistant coach mike mcqueary, insists that he handled this correctly. he spoke with cbs news. >> describe your emotions right now? >> all over the place, the shaken. >> until this time it appeared he did not go to police. but in an e-mail betty royal tour friend, he said that he did more than people know -- in an e-mail that he wrote to a friend. he wrote that he did go to police. jerry sandusky is charged with abusing eight boys over 15 years time. and loudoun county teacher accused of being drunk on the job tells abc 7 news that he was not drinking. police say he failed a sobriety test. he resigned from linesboro middle school in centile yesterday a day after being arrested. he taught physics. on monday school officials called police after staff members detected the smell of alcohol. police want to know if of a suspicious encounter in falls church is linked to last year's murder of 19-year-old vanessa pham. surveillance video taken on october 27 right there shows demand following a rwoman to her car at the fairfax plaza shopping center. it appeared that he tried to get her car. that happened in the same parking lot where she was last seen alive last year. 57 degrees outside. >> the world's largest retailer takes over the district. we will preview walmart'sd big announcement. >> hope and maks. >> down to the final three. the emotional elimination on dancing and why hope solo is still going for the gold. >> big changes i am tammy from the invertebrates exhibit at the smithsonian national zoo. octavius loves seafood for breakfast. good morning, washington. 6:10, adam caskey. >> we have a cold front moving our way. an area of low pressure riding along the front that will help the development of rain showers and a brief rumble of thunder later on here and there. the colder air will move into town throughout the night and through the next couple days. you will notice the difference. here's a look at live super doppler 7 radar. scatterbrain all across the region. 57 in the district, 54 degrees in winchester. warm for this time of year. there will be rain fall on and off throughout the day. temperatures will be mild. 57 in the district. warm even into the afternoon mid 60's. dropping in today and low 40's tonight. by tomorrow, afternoon high temperature near 50. one or two inches of rain expected by the time this p'r'aps up after the morning rush hour tomorrow. perhaps some rain tonight and into tomorrow morning. if temperatures will be cooler tomorrow, but looking pleasant. southbound george washington parkway there's an accident with a vehicle that went off the road. everything is closed before you get to the memorial bridge. they are detouring traffic. there is equipment northbound to assist with the accident. here's a picture of the beltway at colesville road. 95 pass new hampshire avenue and near 270, everything is open. but coming album frederick into urbana, southbound before 80 on 270 the right lane is blocked from an accident. police are on the scene. 57 degrees outside. >> we will tell you famous faces helping to bring in the holidays and the white house. >> black friday backlash. the latest side effects of an early holiday season. >> walmart taking woman: day care can be expensive. so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for f fe. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise woman: are there flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. there could be a verdict today in the trial of 8 c stated activists. they're being tried on charges stemming from last april's protest on capitol hill over congressional input into d.c. affairs. it could face jail time but will likely just received a fine. the airport authority board will vote today on a spending bill for the second phase of the dulles rail project. the agreement calls for virginia to contribute $150 million and reduces the project's cost./ three nuclear members of international space station. an american and two russians will stay there until march. four space legends will receive the congressional gold medal today. john glenn neil armstrong, michael collins, and buzz aldrin will be honored a ceremony on capitol hill today. walmart will not settle for four stores in the district. it will announce its planning to expand that number by two. mayor vincent gray will make the official announcement today. one new store will be at the skyline town center in southeast and the other at fort totten square in northeast. the stores could create as many as 2400 jobs in all. retailer's plan to start brac friday -- black friday a little earlier this year. some starting midnight thanksgiving night and that's creating a backlash. a target employees in omaha is opposing his company's plan to open at midnight on black friday. 100,000 people have signed his on-line petition asking the company to open a 5:00 a.m. instead. >> it is a little unreasonable to expect employees to come into the store and 11:00 p.m. and still operate under the assumption they will somehow be able to have a bank skipping dinner. >> target says it will not change its opening time. it's of the midnight opening is in response to customer demand. some special guests will help the national park service ring in this holiday season. the christmas tree lighting will feature performances by singer rodney atkins and atl broadband and one republic. carson daley and permit the fall will also be on hand. the 89th lighting ceremony is thursday, december 1 4:30. makeovers for the for escape and the canadian currency. sunny hoskins has those stories and more. >> economists say north dakota and alaska are already back to pre recession job levels. texas, louisiana, and parts of the northeast will be the next to recover a. nearly every state should be back by 2017, but there's no predicting for nevada, michigan, or mare island. the postal service is getting a delivery of bad news. it lost more than $5 billion in the past year and expects to lose more than $14 billion in the next 12 months. at the los angeles automobile show today for will show off its greatly revised for escape. it will be more elegant and tapered. canadian shoppers can now pay with plastic even when using cash. the new $100 bill is thin and a flexible. the nba has canceled more games. the league gets canceled all games through december 15. this comes as two players filed lawsuits against the league. they say the lockout violates antitrust laws by not allowing players to work. >> the game is over. mike has set the record in men's division 1 basketball. 903 career wins. >> the duke coach stands alone. he earned that with a victory over michigan state last night. he surpassed his former mentor bobby knight. congratulations. >> at least someone is playing basketball. >> nice to see college basketball. >> he started coaching at army at the age of 28. >> very impressive. no gray hair yet. >> not for him. >> [laughter] today is going to be damp outside. it is gray and rainy with it showers off and on. it will be in the mid 60's for the high temperature. cool for the next few days as the skies clear. we have scattered rain on the doppler up and down 270 and 70 up and down 95 especially in maryland especially northern calvert county. that is moderate showers moving from the southwest to the northeast. it's not going to rain everywhere all day long. it will be off and on. one or two inches of rain expected across our viewing area. here is the wider view. marsalis down to our southwest, associated with a cold front. a couple areas of low pressure riding along the frontal boundary will help develop our sour is throughout the day. i would-- our showers. there could be gusty wind with a few storms. behind the cold front, much cooler air will spill into our region tonight and tomorrow. with ongoing rain showers tonight, temperatures will be in dipping into the low 40's. tomorrow the best we can do is about 50 degrees despite some clearing in the afternoon. mid 60's today. a mild rain with a few thunderstorms possible into the afternoon especially south and east of the metro area. the rainfall will linger into the morning commute tomorrow especially south of the metro area. sunshine by the afternoon. it's going to be breezy and cooler with high temperatures near 50. friday, still near 50 despite total sunshine. the weekend looks pretty good so far, with a warming trend on saturday and sunday. that is the weather. wet roads. newschopper 7 flying over 270 in montgomery county all the way to frederick county, maryland. look at the raindrops in the camera. this is a normal backup leaving germantown through gaithersburg and rockville. there's an accident between interstate 70 and 80. you may want to use 355 instead. the george washington parkway is closed by park police for an accident before the memorial bridge and after spout run. 57 degrees. >> emotions of the bust of the latest castoff from "dancing with the stars." the last three standing are getting ready for the final. >> children who feel they were born the wrong gender, the struggles they face. >> i would say i don't know who this person in america is. >> tough decisions parents have to make. >> i had to come to grips with the fact i did not have a daughter anymore. ♪ collects its are not to get down to that music. >> "dancing with the stars" is down to the final three. >> that's right. hope solo left last night after nine weeks of competition. traded to the final three. -- almost made it to the final three. she said that she still plans to go for the gold. >> i will go back and instead of winning the mirror ball trophy i will try to win a gold medal this summer. >> she wiped away tears when leaving the ballroom. ricki lake, j.r. martinez, and rob kardashian will face off in next week's final. >> i am sure the couple will be on good morning america. 6:25. still another half-hour ahead. >> coming up, new developments in justin bieber's baby drama. why the lawsuit is over now. >> the secret service says bullets hit the white house. jummy olabanji in the test washington. we will let you know where they may have come from, next. >> keeping an eye on rain showers. scattered all across the region. i will let you know how [ female announcer ] for over 30 years we've been dedicated to helping our students succeed in america's most in demand careers. we provide you with instructors who are professionals working in the fields they teach. it's an education designed for today, from a university that holds the same level of institutional accreditation as america's top schools. experience the university of phoenix difference at live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. > describe your emotions right now? >> all over the place, shaken. >> crazy? >> crazy. >> straight ahead, another figure from the penn state sex abuse scandal is speaking out. mike mcqueary contradicts his own grand jury testimony. good morning, washington. it's wednesday, november 16. thanks for waking up with us, i am cynne simpson. >> i am natasha barrett. we begin with traffic and weather every ten minutes. lisa baden in a moment, but first adam caskey. >> damp weather all day even tonight and tomorrow morning. lingering showers for the first part of the day on thursday. there's triple doppler. scatterbrain shown in light green. it's not going to rain all the time everywhere today. it will be off and on moving southwest to northeast. no. calvert county and southern anne arundel county in the yellow areas chesapeake beach that's moderate rain or heavy rain moving through. there's rain especially along interstate 70 and 270 corridors right now. highs in the mid 60's today. relatively wwarn november -- relatively warn november rain today. near 50 degrees tomorrow, and breezy. george washington parkway was closed. an accident after spout run is gone now. that will be a long recovery process. river road, clara barton parkway, canal road are alternates, but they would likely be saturated. 29, silver spring into the beltway is creeping after you go down the bend, only one lane is getting through. the white house under fire. >> last night the white house confirmed that they found two bullet lodged in the president's house. this is days after someone opened fire nearby. jummy olabanji is live in the west with new developments and the latest from the search for the suspected gunman. >> good morning. that's right. secret service confirms two bullets were found at the white house. while the president is on a trip to australia, they are looking for him. there's a manhunt for the the man police believe could be connected to this. witnesses report last friday night they heard shots fired the in this area. a short time later police got reports of a car speeding down constitution avenue. they found a cain the car and ak-47 with spent shell casings. police track the car to a 21- year-old oscar ortega-hernandez. police believe he could still be in the area, originally from idaho, but he does have ties to our area. police say that he is mentally ill. police have not confirmed him to be connected to the bullets found at the white house. but the fact that these connected to the vehicle found not far from here after the incident on friday, police say the that he is somebody they want to bring. in bring anyone who knows where he is should give them a call. jummy olabanji, abc 7 news. two deadly shootings in prince george county. the first one happened last night in the 2100 block of. county of that's in district heights. a man was shot to death outside an apartment building and then moments later, more violence in oxon hill. shots rang out in the 700 block of maury avenue, hitting and killing another man. no suspects or motives in either case. no word on their identity of either victim. president obama arrived down under last night. in a joint meeting the commander-in-chief announced an agreement to send more u.s. troops to the region. she says the expansion plan will strengthen security and cooperation between the two allies. experts say the move is in response to growing chinese aggression. the president denies the claims. a police crackdown does not appear to be stopping occupy wall street protesters. demonstrators returned to the new york city park they were evicted from yesterday. but a judge ruled they could not set up camp together. thousands took part in an occupied protest at the university of california at berkeley. this was hours after police shot a man inside the capitol building. it's not clear if the man was linked to protest. occupy oakland protesters set up camp at another part. police cleared their camp outside city hall earlier this week. and seattle police used pepper spray and at least six people were arrested. the man who will whistle on a sex abuse scandal at penn state is now speaking out. >> mike mcqueary if told a grand jury that these all jerry sandusky assaulting a boy in 2002. he says the denhe then told called joe paterno, who then told supervisors. but mike mcqueary contradicts his own testimony. >> he said that he handled this corrected. it appears he did not go to police but he wrote an e-mail to a friend that contradicts the story. >> any idea when you think you might be ready to talk? >> and dust on have anything else to say. >> currently on administrative leave, told a grand jury that in 2002 he walked in on former defensive coordinator jerry sandusky raping a 10-year-old boy in a locker room shower. then he told coach joe paterno. but neither of them went to police according to court documents. >> describe your emotions right now? >> all over the place, shaken. >> crazy? >> crazy. >> but in recent e-but in an email he wrote to a friend that he had done more than poeple know. he wrote that he made sure it stopped and he wrote that he did go to police. jerry sandusky continues to deny the charges. mike mcqueary also stated in an e-mail that no one could possibly imagine his thoughts and no one would want to be in the issues during the 40 seconds that he allegedly witnessed the abuse. jerry sandusky is charged with abusing eight boys over a 15- year period. a loudoun county teacher denied allegations that he was drunk on the job. radhakrishnan sivaramapillai resigned from loans for middle school in chantilly yesterday, a day after being arrested. he was a physics teacher. on monday the school officials called police after staff members detected the smell of alcohol. he said he was not drinking, but police say that it failed a sobriety test. the nba canceled more games as negotiations appeared to be going nowhere. the league canceled all games through december 15. anthony and durant have filed class-action lawsuits against the nba league, claiming that the nba league is violating antitrust laws. 57 degrees outside. >> holiday traffic around tyson's corner could be even harder to navigate. >> newt gingrich takes center stage. some conservatives are not happy. welcome back. 6:40 is the time. traffic and weather every ten minutes. >> good morning, doug hill. >> the weather is going to improve in about 24 hours when we get the rain fall out of here. let's look at temperatures around the area, a fairly mild start today. 50's already. 55 in gaithersburg, 57 in the city. we continue watching the numbers and they will slowly rise. a fair amount of rain. most of it will be light showers. a few heavy showers east and southeast of the city will come across the ridges of to the west. that will be the pattern today. maybe an isolated a shower or thunderstorm especially to the south and east of the city as well. a larger area of grain on the stormscan - -rain on the stormscan. one or two inches by the time this is over tomorrow morning. these temperatures are well above average. 60 degrees to 65 degrees today. we will attack the end of the week coming up in a few minutes. -- check the end of the week. very slippery coming out of the neighborhoods. watch out for kids headed to the school bus this morning. we will jump to newschopper 7 looking at 270 traffic. the right side is southbound. leaving father hurley boulevards. there was an earlier crash southbound near 80. they are moving that. 29 out of columbia, through four corner is an down to the beltway, the crash is after south hood ave. 56 degrees outside. >> coming up, the roads that you may want to skip this holiday season. >> facebook getting hacked into. >> dave looks at new gingrich's at bank of america we're lelending and investing in the people and communities who call greater washington, d.c. home. from supporting an organization that helps new citizens find their way... to proudly supporting our washington redskins... and partnering with a school that brings academic excellence to the anacostia community. because the more we do in eater washington, d.c. the more we help make opportunity possible. captioned by the national captioning institute there's a new rising star in the republican presidential field. former house speaker newt gingrich's ahead of the pack. he's in a virtual tie with nippomitt romneyhe has. he has had strong debate performances and a history of balancing budgets. some conservatives are not ready to support his campaign yet. dave leventhal is joining us with details. part of the problem that they have is his personal life. >> he has been married three times. they are looking at him and saying he may be the flavor of the month but he is not our flavor. is a new advertisement by the group in iowa that says we can do a lot better than newt gingrich. the fact of the matter is newt gingrich is out of nowhere. he was in the low single digits and now 20% is where he is where herman cain used to be before a couple of scandals. this is a turbulent republican primary. >> just like a soap opera. we mentioned rick perry and you mentioned herman cain with his issues. who fo the social some conservatives -- who do the social conservatives want to support? >> they are looking for new candidates to supersede mitt romney. the one constant so far in the primary has been mitt romney. rick perry and newt gingrich and herman cain and others have fallen and mitt romney has stayed in the 20% range. i will caucuses coming up and new hampshire primary, people have to start taking sides very quickly. >> thanks for your insight this morning. looking at the day ahead, a verdict could happen today in the trial of a d.c. statehood act of is being tried on charges connected to last april's protest on capitol hill. -- eight d.c. statehood activists. in montgomery county starting january 1st the customers will be charged 5 cents for each paper or plastic bag they use. and some pioneers receiving the highest nation's honor. john glenn neil armstrong michael collins, and buzz aldrin will receive the congressional medal of honor. a warning about facebooks's newest feet. some users have been hit with pornography and other unsolicited onthings. they don't yet know who the culprit is. walmart will have more than four stores in the d.c. area. it will have two extra. vincent gray will make the official announcement today. one of the stores will be in southeast d.c. at the town center. the other at fort totten square in northeast d.c.. the stores could create 128,000 jobs. the exit ramp from eastbound route 7 on to the southbound beltway has been reduced from two lanes down to one. it's part of the hot lanes construction project and will last about eight weeks. traffic and weather every ten minutes. let's check in with doug hill to see how the day shaping up. >> an umbrella is good advice this morning. we will have rainfall throughout the day and into the night. there could be heavy showers. in arlington, looking across the city and down the river, low clouds. it's not going to rain every minute of the day. we have a half-inch in a few locations so far. over a half-inch in mount airy and almost a half inch inch of data. a little less in steven city and a little less in a bunker hill. mild temperatures in the 50's. the average high is the upper 50's for this time of november. we will get into the sixties later today. most of the rainfall will be light today. on-again and off-again. the yellow shows heavier downpours. that's moving out of anne arundel and calvert county across the bay and we've will look -- we will look at heavier packagestches. there's more rain to the west and southwest along the front. we are pretty confident we could have one or two inches by the time this is over tomorrow evening. a couple of waves of low pressure will move along this. gusty wind during the day cooling temperatures tomorrow and into friday. today, mild, cloudy, rain off and on, isolated thunder south and east of the city. tonight we will see more rain likely. turning cooler overnight. tomorrow, high temperature of 50 degrees. cooling temperatures by the afternoon. we will look at the weekend forecast with adam caskey. looking pretty good. >> that's good to hear. we will go to the29/maryland southbound after south wood. right lane closed. delays at randolph road, southbound 29. virginia now. across the 14th street bridge, normal traffic. off and on traffic to the pentagon. back to you. >> thank you. the baby trauma is over for justin bieber. >> this is the woman who claimed that the teen heartthrob. she has dropped a paternity lawsuit. >> the lawsuit was quietly dismissed last week. the teenage singer said not only would he take a dna test, but he was going to sue the woman for making a fake claim. he said he never met a woman. 57 degrees outside. >> stay with [ female announcer ] traditions are not for keepi. they're for keeping us together. ♪ ♪ [ boy ] to dad, love sam. [ mom ] say "merry christmtmas." [ boy ] merry christmas. [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable stybooks. [ boy ] charlie brown spotted a small, scraggly pine tree. ♪ ♪ checking the top stories. the white house may have been hit by a bullet on friday night. the secret service says that a bullet didn't hit the building and another round was found outside. they're searching for the alleged gunman, 21-year-old oscar ortega. the penn state football coach who allegedly saw jerry sandusky raping a young boy is changing his story. mike mcqueary told a grand jury that he told former head coach joe paterno but did not tell police. but in an e-mail to a friend he said that he stopped the assault and told police. president obama will send more u.s. troops to australia. he will spend a day and a half in australia before flying to indonesia. let's turn to lisa baden to see what's going on in the traffic. >> everybody drives in the rain. but we lose a lot of customers when there is no fault. there's an accident involving a bus that will impact traffic southbound on 29. there have been delays out of columbia maryland, leaving burtonsville. barely moving. southbound 29 at randolph road. accident is after south wood and the right lane is closed. today it's going to be soggy. showers off and on throughout the day. tonight and into early tomorrow, still raining. finally sunshine by tomorrow afternoon near 50, breezy tomorrow. close to the 50 on friday with sunshine. temperatures rebound by the weekend. slight chance of showers monday. the weekend looks good. that's all for us. good morning america is next. have a wonderful day. we will see you at noon. [ speaking french ] [ speaking french ] movie buffs! this film is tres bien, ut the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your interest rate will be five times the national average. five times the interest! and free atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah. good morning america. danger at the white house. the frantic search right now for the gunman who fired

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Rockville , Maryland , United States , Germantown , Louisiana , Nevada , Australia , Arlington , Texas , Alaska , Urbana , North Dakota , China , California , Anacostia , District Of Columbia , Russia , Washington , District Heights , Iowa , Oxon Hill , Calvert County , Frederick County , Anne Arundel County , Canada , New Hampshire , Oakland , Falls Church , Virginia , Loudoun County , Gaithersburg , Chantilly , Indonesia , Montgomery County , Michigan , Oakland City Hall , Prince George County , Idaho , Phoenix , Arizona , Capitol Hill , France , Chesapeake Beach , Australian , America , Canadian , Chinese , French , Russians , American , Oscar Ortega Hernandez , Vanessa Pham , Fairfax Plaza , Charlie Brown , Dave Leventhal , Los Angeles , Mike Mcqueary , Rodney Atkins , Jerry Sandusky , Rick Perry , Oscar Ortega , Anne Arundel , Justin Bieber , Adam Caskey , Totten Square , Herman Cain , Carson Daley , John Glenn Neil Armstrong , Lisa Baden , Michael Collins , Bobby Knight , Natasha Barrett , Newt Gingrich , Joe Paterno , Ben Eisler ,

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