Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20160115 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20160115

mentioned earlier this evening on the news he will be named doug pederson will be named eagles head coach once kansas city completes their run in the playoffs. which could go a couple of wee weeks. now pederson was a coach with the eagles under reid from 2009 through 2012 he went with andy reid to kansas city. i was also told by a source that andy reid had more than a little input into trying to get pederson the eagles head coaching job. now, pederson came to the eagles in 1999. was the starting quarterback the first year for reid. pederson played nine games that year as starter before donovan mcnabb was ready. pederson played with brett favre and dan marino. he was the quarterback for don shula' record breaking win in philadelphia in 1993. that was his 325th win for shula. peter derr son has some other football minds inn gruing mike holmgren, andy reid and don shula. >> where chip landed somebody comments from the eagles players who were with the eagles when pederson was keep here. that will be coming up later in sports. iain. >> howard, look forward to that. thank you. how the eagles faithful dealing with all these news about peterson. sean bell at the linc tonight. what are you hearing, sean? >> reporter: iain, this thing sort of came out of nowhere. all of a sudden tom coughlin he drop out. couple other guys leave and then, boom, pederson is your game first thing i thought, ok okay? all right. that seems pretty good, but how good is it? so i had to go to the philly fateful i went to the sixers game to see what the people thought. you know how philly fans are. they'll give you their opinion raw and real. here's what they had to say. >> chip went sick and nine last year. >> as long as it ain't chip. came and dismantle the whole team on personal reasons and things like that. i don't feel he made professional decisions so hopefully this next coach coming in will make better decisions. >> i'm down with it. i mean, i know he kind of brought mcnabb in his rookie year and everything. he also learned under andy reid. you see what andy reid is doing in kansas city right now. i'm cool. >> i wouldn't have chosen him. i don't think he's the right guy for the job. >> no, no, we ain't excite. >> they got to do better. they got to do better. >> reporter: they have to do better. you see some mixed reactions there. some people say yeah, that's the guy. some people like eh, sure, why not. one thing is for sure, as long as it's not chip kelly. six and nine he's gone. off to san francisco. we know how that turns out 49e 49ers. good luck with that. we're happy you're gone. we're happy you're gone. pederson come on, lucy. back to you. >> all right. sean bell, thank you very much. we do have breaking news. let's go to south philly. skyfox over the delaware river just moments ago. that's where rescue crews have pulled someone out of the water along the 2,000 block of columbus boulevard. now, police tell us that officers responded after getting a call that a construction worker somehow fell into the water. skyfox was overhead as medic loaded someone into an ambulance. we do not yet know how that perp is doing. also break to go night, a shootout inside a strawberry mansion tattoo parlor. police say two guys tried to rob the place on the 1900 block of north 31st street. an employee inside fought back. exchanging gunfire with the suspects. one customer was hit in the leg. both suspects ran off. the victim was taken to the hospital in stable condition. develop to go night community voicing concerns after the ambush of a police officer. a man shot officer jesse hartnett three times last week in west philadelphia. the fbi is now investigating it as an act of terrorism. and neighbors in the community are speaking up about the act of violence in their community that has captured attention from around the world. fox 29's dave schratwieser was at that meeting earlier tonight live in cobbs creek. dave? >> reporter: lucy, they packed the bryant elementary school tonight with some concerns about reports that the shooter in this case is somehow connected through isis or inspired by is isis. they also came here tonight to support officer jesse hartnett. a week aft police officer jesse hartnett was ambushed in his patrol car at 60th and pine -- >> every life matters. >> reporter: community members packed a local elementary school to discuss lingering concerns, security and the focus this case has put on the muslim community here. >> we can tell you unequivocally there is no threat of terrorism that's coming from the islamic community. >> this man who happened to be police officer was viciously attacattacked and he responded n behalf of not just his life, our lives. >> reporter: more than 250 neighbors in this cobbs creek community turn out. they paid respects to the woun wounded officer, still hospitalized and asked questions about more police, better mental health care and claims that accused gunman edward archer did this on behalf of isis. >> we do not believe that the actions of one person is indicative of this community. no shape or form. >> reporter: fbi director james comey visited hartnett thursday as he recovers from three gunshot wounds. later at a news conference, he said the fbi is looking for any possible links to terrorism. >> so far we see no indication that he was part of an organized cell of any sort, non indication that there is any follow-on plot connected to that. >> reporter: fbi also says attempted murder of officer hartnett is being unraveled by the joint terrorism task force as they look closely at archer. >> we are working hard to understand motives, understand direction, inspiration, whether there might be anybody else involve. >> i'm more afraid of atomic bomb that they just set than i am isis coming in my neighborhood and having any effect. >> reporter: fbi director acknowledged today that philadelphia is not a hot bed for radicalization but he says every city has individual who's may be open to the isis message. one last note tonight the inspector for officer hartnett told us tonight he has received dozens of boxes of get well cards and gifts from the public. the family members of the wounded officer are passing those messag messages along to . iain. >> good news there, dave. thank you also on your radar night finally break from that frigid brutal weather. live look from wilmington tonight. we are not going to dip below freezing. people still need toes winter coats out along the ben franklin parkway tonight. kathy, we'll hit the 50s tomorrow? >> can you imagine. >> i cannot. >> it seems like it's been awhile iain. on top of that the morning lows are not going to be brutal. we're not going to be talking about a wind chill. so we're taking a little bit of break from january. right now, temperatures not so bad. cloud cover moving in. still 40 in the city. 40 in wilmington. 33 however in millville and look at the temperature. the atlantic city airport 53 degrees. so 20-degree difference win, let me think, about 20 miles from millville to ac. look at these cold lows. tuesday, wednesday, thursday morning in the 20s. tomorrow morning we jump to 34 degrees. so much more comfortable and the jet stream builds a huge ridge that lifts to the north and we're going to be run something 10 degrees above normal into the weekend. but we're tracking a storm this is developing along the coast. it will move through the gulf of mexico up the eastern seaboard and rain impacting our weekend weather. we'll talk more about this coming up with your seven day forecast. >> all right, see you then kat kathy. skyfox over a deadly apartment fire in new jersey. those flames broke out in downtown trenton just past 4:00. investigators are still trying to piece together what led to this deadly fire at the complex. fox 29's shawnette wilson is outside that complex in trenton shawnette you've been talking with very scared residents. >> reporter: lucy, those residents tell me that they were forced to evacuate out in the cold for nearly two hours while this fire was happening. when they were allowed back in the building, they say they got the news none of them wanted to hear. >> they just said we couldn't come back in the building it was all clear. >> reporter: sky fox over the ruth of luther arms building on south broad street in downtown trenton where firefighters were called to put out a fire in a sixth floor apartment. a woman who lived there died. >> it is horrible. she didn't get around that well any more. she was in a wheelchair. >> reporter: margie says she knew the woman who may have been smoking when she fell asleep according to published reports. investigators say she dropped a cigarette and a apparently set her clothes on fire. it happened after 4:00 this afternoon. forcing michelle parker and others to evacuate for nearly two hours. >> i was sitting in my living room with my cat and i had to put her in the carrier and quickly bring her out. and divert me to the tim floor to a hallway which was not smokey. report roar others were treated on the scene. residents who knew the victim are saddened by her death. >> i remember her talking real nice and everything. sweet lady. >> reporter: and back here live investigators have not released the victim's name. residents say that she lived here for more than a decade. lucy? i'll take it shawnette thank you. new jersey state police identified the body found along the side of a salem county road. police say tree service workers discover the body of 19-year-old daniel, of atco on monday night. she was in a wooded area off woodstown aloe away road in al away township. how she ended up there investigators are not sure. she had had been missing since october and they are looking for the public's help in this investigation. you decide republican presidential hopefuls gathered for their sixth debate tonight. tonight's stage had a little more room than the previous five debates. >> only seven were chosen for tonight's gop main event including new jersey governor chris christie. billionaire donald trump and texas senator ted cruz taking center stage tonight. as they continue to try to separate themselves from the rest of the field. meanwhile others like the new jersey governor hope to gain some momentum through tonight's debate. hot topics so far during tonight's debate on fox business network are gun control and immigration. >> and i will gladly accept the mantle of anger. our military is a disaster. our health care is a horror sh show. obama care we'll repeal it and replace it. we have no borders. our vets are being treated horribly. illegal immigration is beyond belief. >> carly fiorina, rick santorum and arkansas governor mike huckabee held an earlier debate before the main event. gunman march noose this convenience store. clerk gives him everything he wanted. it wasn't good enough. the guy shot him any way. a seven-year-old boy left out in the cold for hours. no hat new york city mittens or even a way to get inside his house. >> not knowing where your son is, it's just something you never want to feel. >> good bus mix up that left this little boy crying alone in a dark alley. a local woman stalked down the street two men plotting their next move. what she was carrying that immediately caught their eye. plus who needs the powerball? the local hot spot where lot rewinness are hitting it big ♪ philadelphia police are trying to track down two purse thieves. police say these two guys grabbed a purse from a woman on south 13th street in center city. the men believed to be around 20 years old took off heading east on locust street much the woman is not hurt. philadelphia police say they have someone in custody for smashing out the windows of the several cars in northeast philly early this morning. police say residents in the holmesburg neighborhood woke up to find a mess around the 4500 block of luring street. at least one person we talked with today says he didn't have a way to get to work because of his smashed out windshield. >> my boss ain't going to be happy with this but i'm going to text him the picture. >> fortunately insurance will cover the cost of those repairs. traffic as well as sewer system in mt. laurel, new jers jersey, are flowing again tonight after a line broke this morning. that sewer mape broke on elbow lane between church street and texas avenue at 7:30 this morning. this is the second sewer main to break in that area in the past two days. fortunately officials say that today's break did not cause nearly the disruption and service for customers that yesterday's massive break did. crews completed repairs just past 5:00 this evening. new jersey lawmakers are trying to take over atlantic city's finances and now the mayor of that shore town is speakinspeaking out against tha. state lawmakers introduced a bill earlier this week that would give the garden state power over atlantic city and give the state the right to sell city land and assets. mayor don guardian is not happy about the proposed takeover. he says atlantic city is more than willing to work with the state so the slumping town can get back on its feet. key word there, with. >> people of atlantic city have elected nine council men and myself as mayor to make sure we're making the right decisio decisions. we've done nothing wrong. we are cooperating. we're the diplomats sitting at the table. we're not some bullies screaming and yelling. we're here saying let's work together. >> state senate president steve sweep knee sponsoring the bill. among other things he wants atlantic city to sell its water company to help with budget problem. incredibly lucky people are enjoying their new lives as multi millionaires. three winning tickets were sold for last night's record breaking powerball worth i wasn't imageable $1.5 billion. this is what things look like last night at a 7eleven in chino hills, california. you see this place sold the winning ticket. hundreds and hundreds of people celebrated at the store and they weren't even the winners. they were just so happy and celebrations also erupted in tennessee and florida where the two other winning tickets are. lottery officials say double check your tickets because 26 states have one and $2 million winners. and while no one in our area hit the jackpot still a lot of people made millionaires. >> fox 29 sabina kuriakose shows us where the wipness are. >> reporter: of all the stores in all the world, a million dollar winner walked into kennett square's land hope farms. fortunately for kim hagan it just wasn't her. >> as i look at the line and saw the first two numbers no, no and then no, actually no, no, no. >> reporter: still a lucky streak from lancaster to the lehigh valley. burlington county here to kennett square. it may not have scored the $1.6 billion powerball jackpot, but fortunate four are newly minted millionaires in our area. make that a double for whoever bought a $2 million ticket at this westampton, new jersey, wawa. >> nobody never wins in new jersey. it's always somewhere you never heard of. and then i come in here and they said somebody won here so i'm like well all right. >> reporter: even though the folks we spoke with didn't quite beat the one in 292 million odds, they're still feeling lucky. >> i still feel like i have good mojo. i'm going play again. it's bound to happen. i'll keep playing them. >> reporter: one sure winner the stores who could not sell these tickets fast enough. >> there were a lot of people we had never seen before and that's what made the whole thing great. >> reporter: second best never looked so good. unless it wasn't you. >> i'm happy for them. be happy if it was me. >> better luck next time, everyone. >> reporter: indeed this is always next time and in this case it is saturday the powerball resetting to $40 million. in kennett square, sabina kuriakose fox 29 news. >> 40 million is not bad. police in westampton township, new jersey, have arrested two people accused of stealing a family's christmas gifts, clothes they would not have normally been able to afford. police say jermaine brown kin and lauren tom seal low took the clothes belonging to a massachusetts family staying at the best western on route 541. the clothes were in a drier in hotel laundry. investigators say yesterday the two returned some of those clothes to hotel management. we first showed you this video early this month. that's sergeant andrew brewer pushing four children from that familiar until a cart at a target part of a shopping spree. the department actually bought the family some new clothes because the thieves had stolen everything they had except the pj's on their backs. tom seen know and brown kin tour night free after posting bail. >> remember this guy caught on video shoving a python down his pants? well guess what? someone return the reptile. the bizarre thing he said to the store owner as he handed over the snake. recognize him? that's nick carter from the back street boys getting released from jail. what went wrong outside a florida nightclub that ended in handcuffs. and caught selling fake tickets to disneyworld. what they allegedly told undercover sheriffs deputes posing as tourists. ♪ now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. construction in northeast philadelphia. detours around septa frankford transportation center over the next couple of days. they're doing some work along frankford avenue at harbison and then also some weekend special schedules on septa's media elwyn and chestnut hill lines. make sure you grab a timetable tomorrow morning, and a big visit tomorrow from the vice-president coming to our area for an event tomorrow, 3:00 o'clock at the university of pennsylvania. you know what that means. motorcade madness. we'll have all the details when we see you bright and early tomorrow morning beginning at 4:00. now your winning lottery numbers. ♪ check out this wild video out of the ohio. this guy pulls a knife on bus driver after the driver told him his bus pass was invalid. the video shows the 22-year-old struggling with the driver for several minutes. eventually the driver calls out for the passengers to call police and the driver opinions pin the guy down until police arrived. alan rick man known in recent years as professor snape in harry potter films died from cancer. he has starred in series of big films including diehard, love actually, sweeney todd and the entire harry potter franchise. he's one of the most beloved british acts of the past 30 years. he was 69 years old. renee', long-time husband and manager of singer celine dion has died. the 73-year-old had been battling throat cancer since 1999. he passed away today at his las vegas home. the montreal native diss covered dionne when she was only 12 years old and went on to manage her thriving career. they married in 1994 and have three children. a convenience store clerk is recovering tonight after a robber shot him. >> get this. he says the guy fired after he gave him what he what happeneed. surveillance video shows the gunman walk into the store in oklahoma last night. he demands the clerk turn over all the cash from the powerball sales. the clerk works fast and gives him the money then the robber fires hitting the clerk in the stomach. >> they took some money, some lousy dollars, few dollars. not a whole lot money, you know. >> the clerk did survive. investigators think the shooter had someone help him get away both are still on the loose tonight. accused of targeting two young women on a local college campus. what police say it wasn't just a robbery. what happened to one of the victims that prompted a new warning on campus. kathy? >> warning into the weekend but that comes at a price. we'll see some rain. i'll show you how much we'll get and when it will be out of here, plus back to bitter in that seven day. i'll show you coming up. >> plus handcuffed by her pet? the real call for help one animal control expert says >> kathy, you know right. >> i do. >> break from the cold. live look at reading. we're going to stay above freezing to night and hit the 50's tomorrow. kathy who knows is tracking rain on the way. in your full forecast ahead. develop to go night the search for two robbers who targeted local college students. the pair caught on video using the credit cards they stole from the women but investigators say they didn't only steal from those women. one of the vick testimony was violent al tack. >> university of delaware is warping students to be very careful. fox 29's dawn timmeney has more. >> right where that telephone pole where it happened. easy the girl on the ground. her face is bloody. >> reporter: university of delaware senior rachel blair witnessing first happened an tack and robbery of two fellow students right outside her front door. it happened on tuesday on wilbur street in newark near prospect around 5:30 in the evening. blair says she had stepped out on her front porch when she heard one of the girls scream and saw two men running past her with the victim's purse. >> she was just walking. she her purse on her shoulder and felt an arm just like loop that purse and she went to tug away. next thing you know she was knocked right in the face. it gave me chills. >> reporter: newark police say it didn't take the robbers long to use the 21 and 22-year-old students credit cards at several different wilmington locations. one of them, this exxon on center road where they were caught on surveillance. >> absolutely scary. didn't sound like these girls wasn't doing anything we wouldn't recommend. they were walk together. it was daylight. they were walking in a populated everything. they were doing everything right. >> both men are about 5 feet 10 and wearing dark clothing. police say they were driving this vehicle which is believed to be an older model mercury gray or silver with the license plate partially covered by paper. university of delaware sending out an e-mail alert to students notifying them of the strong armed robbery. one that rachel blair says she won't soon forget. >> my phone was blowing up with screen shots of the e-mail. was this your house? it could have been. like it just like reality really set in for me. >> reporter: rachel blair says she and her friends helped the injured student who is battered, bruised an little shook up but who's going to be okay. reminder to students to keep their doors locked and their eyes open. police say if you recognize the guys in the surveillance, give them a call. dawn timmeney, fox 29 news. story that went viral after we first told you about it earlier this week. now has a happy ending. surveillance video at a pet shop in portland oregon captured a man putting into 2-foot python down his pants then waddling out of the store. the craziness did not end there. a couple of days later, a lot of media attention later the snake was back at the store. the owner says a man walked in to it yesterday with a bucket and said, surprise! here's your snake. the guy claims he bought the snake on the street. says he saw the news coverage so decided to return it. police are still looking for the thief. we can look in our rear view mirror with that cold weather. it will warm um out there. >> yup. >> back there somewhere. >> looking good. >> we're looking ahead to warmer temperatures. tomorrow is going to feel spring like compared to what we've been. very busy thursday night in old city philadelphia. still holding to 40 degrees. the high today 47. southwesterly winds at five. we're not talking about a wind chill. we do have a few clouds out there and that's going to help keep a cap on those temperatures overnight. our future cast shows right through the overnight partly cloudy sky tracking a storm coming up from the gulf of mexico so a good deal of moisture with this system. it will continue to track toward the northeast, and after 7:00 p.m. tomorrow evening, the rain will be pushing up from the south. so if you're going out tomorrow night bring the umbrella because this is going to come in like a wall of water. heavy rain right through saturday morning. if you have to get up early, 7am, 8:00 a.m. hit the road, you are going to see some leftover showers going right up through new york city along the i-95 corridor into connecticut and boston right through the morning hours. but we dry it out. so saturday ends up being another nice day. sunday we watch another storm that looked like it was going to move up the eastern seaboard but this one tracking further offshore. so we will be near spectators then we'll arctic front moving through late sunday to cool things down for the mlk day holiday. when we look at the rainfall coming in tomorrow night through saturday morning, about .60 of an inch to an inch forecast with our american and european models so close to an inch of rain is a good dose and fairly short period of time. most of the rain will be falling during the overnight hours into saturday morning. tonight, 34 in the city. 27 in the suburbs. fair skies with a light wind. so comfortable. we wake up tomorrow to temperatures in the 30s. by the afternoon 51. evening showers that linger into saturday morning but they won't last long much as you plan your day tomorrow morning wake up to 34 degrees. it's dry through the day. lunch time partly sunny, comfortable, 46. we get 50 after school. with clouds dee skies and rain arrives after 7:00 with temperatures still in the 40s. on your exclusive fox 29 seven day forecast 51 friday. near 50 saturday. the sun comes out in the afternoon. flurry possible sunday. and then look, after the next front it gets colder again. monday for the holiday 32. morning lows tuesday in the teens. wednesday and thursday staying cold with highs in the 30s. and lows in the 20s. this has been a very inn consistent month. unlike december when it was just warm. this has been up and down with peaces of that arctic air trying to get in but no what's happening in the el nino year? >> the moisture and the cold are not lining up at the same time. so we get the rain but it's too warm for snow. >> for snow, right. >> we'll see if that comes together later in the month in february. >> no blizzard. >> i'm whim you on that. a7-year-old boy left out in the cold for hours. no hat new york city gloves, the schoolbus mix-up that left this little guy crying alone in a dark alley. and recognize this guy? because that's nick carter from back vote boys. he's getting released from jail there. what went wrong outside florida nightclub that end ♪ [ woman on p.a. ] now boarding track 6. ♪ do not leave bags unattended. [ male announcer ] maybe you see something suspicious. but you don't want to get involved. it's nothing, you think. can you be sure? ♪ if you see something, say something. report suspicious activity to local authorities. ♪ talk about a come back sylvester stallone back in the oscar ring after 39 years. stallone was nominated for an academy award for best performance by an actor in supporting roll for his role as rocky in creed. this is his third oscar nomination. he was nominated back if 1977 for best actor in the original rocky but he didn't win. however stallone is emerging as the underdog favorite to win his first oscar this year. >> the former front man for boy band back street boys arrested in florida. >> authorities say nick carter attacked a bouncer and was dru drunk. >> you guys are not cool the way did you that. >> that's his friend talking to police after their arrest in key we have. carter walked out of jail today saying he was just trying to have some fun on vacation. the bar owner says the bouncer told the two they were too drunk to come in when witnesses say carter grabbed the bouncer by the throat and his friend head butted another employee. both now face battery charges. in your money tonight chipotle trying to win back some of its customers. you'll be getting more freebies after the chain's food-borne illness outbreak. the ceo of the chain announcing today it will more than double the amount of free food it gives away to customers in a show of goodwill. more than 350 people say they got sick after eating chipotle food last year. sales and stock prices fell after those outbreaks. jet blue got to be happy this day is over. power outage left passengers across the country in limbo. the airline says the outage at a verizon data center took down main website and that dealt a blow to the check in process. jet blue ended up canceling dozen of flights with many others delayed. even with power back, the domino effect made for one rough day. well in florida three people now face charges for what authorities say they did just steps away from the entrance to disneyworld. >> prosecutors say the trio was illegally reselling tickets to the park. >> if you're charged with unlawful sale of multi day event tickets. >> two of those people facing a judge today. there's an arrest warrant out for the third. investigators say the group bought multi used multi day park passes with extra days left on them and turned around and sold them for profit. they were allegedly sold at a gas station just 100 yards from the disney entrance undercover officers bought the tickets and say the alleged crooks told them to use names of the people who bought the original ticket if park security asked any questions. disney security says the trio has already been kick out of the park before for a similar scheme. handcuffed by her pet. the real call for help one animal control expert says never heard before. >> plus who needs the powerball. local hot spot where lottery winners are hitting it big of day with scratch off ♪ a seven-year-old boy's bus ride after school turned into a nightmare. left out in the wisconsin cold for hours after his mom says the bus dropped him off at the wrong spot. zachariah bradley's mom says the bus was supposed to take him to daycare. she says the school put him on the wrong bus and took him homestead. it was a big problem because his mom was still another work. when the driver pulled up to the house, zachariah says the driver told him to get off. >> my hands was getting very cold and i can't move them. >> not knowing where your son is, it's just something you never want to feel. >> neighbor saw him crying in anallily invited him inside until his mom got home from work. did he not get frost bite even in that bitter cold. the school is now investigating. a bizarre call for help in australia. a woman handcuffed by her python take a look at this picture. snake catcher got a call around 3:00 this morning from the woman's roommate. she was apparently handling the snake when it bit her thumb and constricted her hands together. naked catcher toll the woman and her roommate what to do over the phone and the snake release rels grip about 20 minutes later. powerball fever finally over. most of us didn't win anything which is a shock, right? you're in luck. a group in new jersey says it has a better way to win the lottery. scratch off tickets. >> some swear there's a science hyped it all. >> really. >> fox 29's joyce evans takes to us shop in gibbsboro known for being lucky. >> reporter: a flurry of lottery ticket sales is set off every time a jackpot becomes enormous. >> here we go. >> reporter: but the excitement never ends. inside this tiny little newsstand and tobacco shop in gibbsboro, new jersey. >> i won $5,000. >> reporter: not buying into the giant jackpot. >> my husband is the lucky one. >> reporter: they're itch tolling scratch. >> now i need a 13. >> reporter: and scratch and get paid. >> i won $600 up here. >> i'm trying. >> i feel like i have a better chance of winning. >> reporter: they call themselves the scratch off group. it's an event. more like a lottery family. regular who's role through pretty much every day. >> lucky one. >> reporter: or night. >> they drop one to 30 bucks on do's says of different crash off card games. >> i bought a couple 30-dollar ones. they're really you have to win. >> nothing. nothing. >> if you win you get paid. >> reporter: on the spot. tack free on the first 600. >> i just won $1 $10. 50. >> reporter: the rules of play vary from game to game. >> how you making out. >> not too good. >> 500 on this one. >> the one i won over there it's a thousand. >> reporter: val is a high rolling scratch cher. >> thank you. >> 20 to 30-dollar tickets only. three to four times a week. winning or not. >> i should have kept the 20. >> reporter: you guys are serious much it's amazing thou though. >> we're all waiting to win the big one, joyce. >> reporter: clearly his personality entertainment he says while socializing and cultivating clients. >> we scratch it's the excitement of it but i think it's at the same time when you have met someone that has won really big, you feel like maybe you're next. so it's pretty hard to pass on it. >> reporter: we first met val about a year ago. somewhat addicted to his phone. his real estate company friends and co-workers thought we might be able to find help for him for that. >> still have it available. >> reporter: couldn't help him then. >> val? >> i'm sorry. not likely we can help him now. >> you get a joker you hit big. >> reporter: he's a numbers guy who says he's got it all figured out. >> if you go like eight tickets in a row, and there's nothing, there's usually a big one coming up. >> reporter: shop owner jay patel says p.m. of his regulars like val think they race their chances by basically counting cards. >> because we know how many tickets we sold and that's not a winner. >> you don't waste your money on tickets that are pretty much dead. >> reporter: i'm a loser g same info on the website but they want to hear it from jay. >> reporter: it brings them i in. >> yeah. >> reporter: jay says he sells from 15 to $19,000 in scratch offs a week. when he pays out depends on the winnings. his share, about 5%. >> i don't have it down to a science. i just spray and hope that i can win some money. >> reporter: she has a 15% greater chance of pay out on the scratch offs compared to the draw game according to the new jersey lottery. more than half of the state's $3 billion in lottery revenue generated by about $8 million in scratch off games sold every d day. >> i wouldn't know what to do with it. >> reporter: 1.5 billion paid out in winning scratch offs a year. >> i'd rather within something than nothing. >> reporter: these guys say they have certain strategies in play. >> i don't give up that easy. >> reporter: delores has a lucky scarf and bingo is her lucky game. >> twenty seven dollars. whoo! >> reporter: values a lucky coin. just in case his calculations are off. tim has a secret tapping before scratching. but most believe the luck is really about being inside this store. >> it's always lucky. i've always won every time i do it here. >> i think it's a lucky place. >> i do believe that. as a matter of fact i know this place is lucky. i'll just keep it at that. >> reporter: another tip, check it before you toss it. around here, somebody just might pluck your prize right out of the trash. >> they've won over $500 because the person scratched it and threw it away and it was a winner. >> reporter: but the thrill of the instant win for some often leads to instantly putting right back into the game. >> you have to keep it at a limit. >> $10. >> reporter: you put in $10. >> right. you get a thousand back much that's a good day. >> reporter: that is a good day. >> reporter: scratching away in gibbsboro,. >> goodbye, thank you for everything. >> reporter: joyce evans, fox 29 news. >> at least they're having fun. >> extra scratch off crew. >> scratch off crew. >> i'm scratching my head over all of that. (laughter). >> it was really -- it was a really busy day with coaches and all has some involvement with the eagles. one coach bailed. chip kelly got a job and eagles have a new head coach. andy reid may be gone and now the head coach of the chiefs but i am told he had more than a little to do with eagles finding that new head coach. eagles have have their guy but ♪ got a lot of respect for the organization and what they're doing there. >> he says the right things already. that was doug pederson yesterday before we actually found out once tom coughlin withdrew from consideration as eagles head coach this morning, the eagles decided to make move with only two candidates remaining that they had interviewed and that was the end of it. eagles offensive coordinator pat shurmer and former eagles quarterback and coach doug pederson now with andy reid in kansas city. multiple sources have told me and they told me earlier, doug pederson will be named the eagles head coach once kansas city completes their run in the playoffs which could go a couple of being. pederson was coach with the eagles under received reid from 2009 to 2012. after that time he went with andy reid to kansas city as his offensive coordinator. i was told by a source andy reid had more than a little input into trying to get pederson the eagles head coaching job. also, from a source with kansas city pederson did get more of the play calling responsibilities as the season went on. now reaction from eagles players tonight tight end brent celek told me and i talked to him tonight i was here when he was the assistant and i loved the guy. center jason kelce his brother travis plays with kansas city. likes pederson a lot. pederson came to the eagles in 1999, was a starting quarterback for the first year under reid. pederson played nine games that year before then rookie donovan mcnabb was ready. pederson played with brett favre and dan marino. he was the quarterback for don shula's record breaking win in philadelphia in 1993 that was 325 for shula. pederson has good football minds around him including mike holmgren, andy reid and don shula. now chip kelly will be at lincoln financial field in 2017 as the head coach of the san francisco 49ers. he yes, the 49ers play here that year. chip kelly told me when he was leaving philadelphia he would have a job in a week. he lied. it took two weeks. 49ers made it official today way tweet by the owner york, chip has a proven track record at both the college and nfl levels. sixers tonight. they played and brett brown saw something new happen. blowing a 24-point lead in the third quarter. unbelievable. jimmy butler had monster game. hits a three to bring chicago within two. schmidt hits a three. that tides it um. they go to overtime. smith with 24 but jimmy butler who had 53 points tonight gives the sixers a loss in front of jerry colangelo. 115-111 sixers lose it but it's now about the sixers today. it's about all these coaches and doug pederson maybe they'll have something next week but they can't have a news conference until kansas city is done. >> exciting. >> thanks for watching. have a gre finally friday good morning at 4:00 o'clock to cars set on fire, video police are using to track down this arsonist. shoot-out inside a strawberry mansion tattoo parlor and hunt is on for those shooters. vice-president joe biden making a stop right here in philadelphia a. very important trip to the university of pennsylvania, medical school. good day everybody, it is, as chris just says friday, january 15th, 2016. >> we had christmas, new years and we are halfway through january. >> well, watching hopefully on line from a at the plant a a a, more importantly he is probably sleeping at 4:00 he clock in the morning, right. >> yes. >> you didn't tell him you were going to say happy birth the day then why would you watch. >> a nice warm up today, um.

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