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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20151113

talking about this. in milwaukee, john kasich confronted donald trump about it. but not before he took a shot at ben carson. he said he s pathological. someone says he had pathological disease. other people say he said in the book that he s got a pathological temper or temperament. that it s a big problem because you don t cure that. that s like you know, i could say, they say you don t cure as an example child molester. you don t cure these people. you don t cure a child molester. so i want to ask you about the immigration fracas going on out there. you put it front and center. you wouldn t be talking about immigration if it wasn t for me. you werecriticizedheavily at the debate. excuse me, they are weak people. i watched jeb today. they re weak people. and kasich made a fool out of him. how do you take 11 million people and make them leave? you do it in a process. they re not going to want to leave. first of all you have to find them if a person comes across the border and you send them right back, there s not a big court situation, they send them back. but what about the guy living in detroit? what is the difference for the guy who is caught two days and they bring him back. what about if he is here for a year. there is no difference. illegal immigration costs us between 200 and $300 billion. and when you include crime and other problems, it s more than that. you are talking about between 200 and $300 billion dwlchlt they pay in taxes. you believe that? they pay social security, state and local. what percentage? $24 billion a year. do you know how few pay taxes? an illegal immigrant getting money is paying taxes? on this point of humanity are you sending officers into homes to get them out? we are going to be saying you have to go back to wherever the country is. it s going to be all different countries. donald trump talking to erin burnett. imagine the images on the screen flashed around the world as we were dragging parents away from their children and putting them in, what, detention centers and sending them out. nobody thinks that that is realistic. but that s not who we are as americans. joining us is the sheriff of pinal county, arizona. and cnn political commentator, maria cardona. sheriff, let s start with you. you are a republican running for congress. does donald trump s plan of a deportation force to do this humanely, physically removing some 11 million people, is that logistically feasible? it s logistically very difficult. where we should start and the focus should be is on the criminal element, the small minority of these illegals that are committing very serious crimes that have not been deported. that s where a lot of the anger is coming from. we should focus on that, target the tens of thousands, not the 12 to 20 million illegals who are here but focus on these folks and deport them legitimately out of our country. i m angry about that as well. they are releasing and not just from mexico but countries of interest. we had right here in arizona, one from sudan, one from iraq, and one from russia. and this russian murderer they released into my county and tell me two weeks after. that s the problem here. the entire system is broken for immigration. there is no consequence and therefore there is no law. so, andy, i mean, you know the criticism is not just from president obama but some republicans as well. that is basically impossible to physically remove 11 million or however many undocumented or illegal illegal immigrants, what do you say to that? john kasich is barely a candidate. that guy is grasping at straws. as far as illegal immigration we know it s a crime and i agree we go after the criminals first. donald trump has a plan. and that s to build a wall with a door to let good people back in legally. when you commit a crime in this country you are punished. and i think it s hispanic americans who are in favor of this. they are the ones suffering whether in the united states when you suffer when the illegal immigrants are creating crimes or if you are overseas and you want to get into the united states legally they can t because people are line cutters. and they need to be deported because they are criminals. maria, the idea of a deportation force. but republican voters, frankly, don t care a lot about that criticism. and this is something that is popular. donald trump has surged in the polls because of this. it is popular in the republican right wing base. this is the challenge that the republican party is facing going into a primary process where those right wing voices are the loudest and the angriest and the ones who will come out to vote in the primaries. but then you get to a general election, you have general mainstream americans including the whole lot of latino voters who do not agree with this, do not like trump. he has an unfavorable among latinos over 80%. the one good thing that donald trump is doing with latino voters is getting them to register to come out and vote and they will come out in record numbers next year. his plan is unworkable. when you talk about illegal immigration and focusing on the criminal element, this is what president obama has been doing for the last two years with prosecutorial discretion and what could have been the immigration reform which is the solution that most americans support. that s not true. andy andy, you know the democrats are going to use that term, a deportation force. they are going to run commercials about it. are you worried at all about the perception of what it may do in a general election to the republican candidate? i think it s a misnomer when pundits say that latinos are so anti-trump when that s not the case. when you look at republican latinos in nevada, they are very pro-trump. it s a misrepresentation in the media when the general populous when they start paying attention four to six months for now. they will realize that trump s message is on point. and latinos agree that illegal immigration is a major problem. and when we get the illegals out, people can come to this country. one last things we allow less than 3/4 million americans to come legally into this country and we have 12 million here illegally. we have to fix that problem to have more people come here legally. latinos are the life blood of this country. and those who commit crimes need to go, starting with gang members. sheriff, i understand your point about targeting criminals first. that makes a lot of sense. you don t want people who are here attacking or hurting other people. but the idea of a deportation force which is the term being tossed around. to you not only as a republican but as an american do you worry about the effect that would have on the republican party in a general election when used by the democrats? this is a problem. this didn t happen overnight and not just with barack obama. it compassexacerbated because o. remember in 86, it was president reagan who signed for 2 million illegals to get citizenship. and everybody thinks that illegals want citizenship. half took it and the other half just wanted to work here. we got here, i m not support ever of people getting here illegally. i m fighting against it every day. but it s not helpful when the president, to the point made earlier saying the president has been deporting all these criminals. the fact is he hasn t. that s why we re in this fight here where people are so angry. 67,000 criminal illegals, the violent ones have been released infraour community and we ve got guys like grant who wanted to be a deputy with my agency who was shot beneath his left eye, executed by a criminal illegal who had raped and did home invasion and he was out on the lam to commit other crimes. nobody should be for this. the rule of law has been undermined. if we can have a little bit of both. we re not going to build the great wall of mexico. we need about 700 miles of border. not 2,000 miles. we got to leave it there. i completely agree, that criminal undocumented immigrants should be deported and the immigration reform bill would have done that. republicans need 42% of the hispanic vote to win the white house. they are nowhere near that. we re going to get that. great to have you on. coming up next we re going to look at the hard numbers of what we re talking about. and the case being made by ted cruz and others that it would help, not hurt republicans by getting more conservatives to turn out. and suicide bombers taking dozens of lives. was isis behind it? we ll explore the apparent claim and how something this terrible might have been far worse. he was tasered again and again and later died. why has the investigation dragged on for years? we ll ask the prosecutor who is handling the case. the future belongs to the fast. and to help you accelerate, we ve created a new company. one totally focused on what s next for your business. the true partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. accelerating innovation. accelerating transformation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice this is claira. for her she s agreed to give it up. that s today? we ll be with her all day to see how it goes. after the deliveries, i was ok. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? for my pain, i want my aleve. get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? 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john king has answers by the numbers for us. john, 2012 mitt romney and self-deportation and ted cruz talking about amnesty and donald trump proposing a deportation force. any evidence the results will be any different this time around? no, anderson and you can be sure democrats will say deportation force and you ll see it in an ad whether trump is the nominee or not. numbers don t lie. let s look at the demographics. i m going to give you the 2012 presidential election and over here you can see, obama wins 52% to 47%. what happens? the percentage of the white vote was 72%. mitt romney got 52% of. that african americans 13%. the president wins 93%. latinos 10% of the electorate for the first time in 2012. 71% for the president, 3% asian, 73%. if you add this up, blacks, latinos and asians, and it s a football game, you run up 25, 30 points the first quarter and you play the game even the rest of the way out, you lose. just by comparison, 2004 the last time republicans won the white house, make the comparisons. the personal of the white vote, 77% in 2004, down to 72% in 2012. african american vote went up. the latino vote, 2004, 8%, 10% in 2012. and it is going to be a little bigger in 2016. so the republicans whenever you think about the policy have a democratic crisis at the presidential level. and looking at the electoral map, where is the immigration debate, where does it play out? and the latino vote, where does it make the biggest difference? let s pull back to the national map and go back to 2004. this is the last time, let me get that to change. the last time a republican won the presidency. george w. bush wins a close election 51-48 over john kerry. let s pick five states, george bush won nevada, used to be a swing state. george bush won new mexico used to be a swing state. george bush won colorado still a swing state. george bush won florida and george bush won virginia. why do i circle those five states? watch those five states. that s 2004. that s 2012. every one of them turns to blue. now watch this. we work in the census data. where do the latinos in america live? it s hard to see the yellow, but all five of those states are high latino population. nevada and new mexico are blue. they have turned because of the latino vote. florida, virginia and colorado, florida with a large latino population, it s smaller in colorado and even smaller in virginia but you have closely contested elections, anderson and the democrats are winning 67% of the latino vote, it changes the electoral map hugely in the democrat s favor. but cruz says conservatives stayed home and republicans adopt the same stance on immigration and other issues. is that true? not really. there is a big debate among republicans but carl said flatly it s not true. look, turn out was down in 2012 from 2008. so a lot of people say ah, conservatives didn t turn out romney lost. but democratic turnout was down even more than republican turnout from 2008 to 2012. a lot of people point to the state of ohio and say, you know, if more republicans turned out, romney would have won the state but if you look deep into the numbers, it s simply not true. if you look at the 2016 exit, 2012 exit polls for example, the personal of the electorate that tribed itself as conservative was actually up from 2008. the math isn t there. republicans are kidding themselves if they think they can win a presidential election and they can win a state like florida if they try to repeat these numbers. this is florida with a high cuban population. it s a different population, more conservative. 60 to 39 in the state of florida. republicans are kidding themselves if they think they can get more white people to turn out. the math does not work. john, thanks very much. given the facts on the map, you can understand why a republican that wants to win the primary and general election might try to thread the needle. here s how marco rubio did it today on fox news. i think both sides have points to make that are valid. we are going to have to deport some people. if you are not going to enforce the laws what is the point of having those laws? people that haven t been here long will be deported. people over staying visa will be deported. that s how you enforce immigration laws. the flip side is i do not believe you can round up and deport 11 million people, especially people that have been here 15 years and not otherwise violated the law, can pass background checks and so forth and there s got to be a process to deal with that realistically. it sounds a little bit like it sounds a little bit like you re trying to ride the middle line here. are you are you rejecting trump s idea or not? but it s not about a middle line. it s about reality. digging deeper now with rubio friend and bush supporter anna navarro and senior obama advisor dan pfeiffer. both now cnn political commentators. how does the republican party from talking about a deportation force this fall to actually winning or doing better than last time with hispanic voters next fall? anderson, let s be fair. it s not the republican party talking about a deportation force. it is donald trump talking about a deportation force. i haven t heard any other republican echo that message that he s been saying since the debate and that repeated today. i think what you re hearing from marco rubio, from jeb bush, from john kasich, from chris christie, from lindsey graham, from a large number of people in the field, it s a very different message. look, the bottom line is that to solve the immigration problem, you re not going to have simplistic solutions. you re not going to have black and white solutions. it is a complex, nuanced issue that has been building for decades now and it s going to take a comprehensive approach. this conversation, anderson, makes me cringe. i thought we learned the lesson in 2008. we didn t. i thought we learned the lesson in 2012. apparently we still haven t. dan, i mean, to anna s point it may be unfair to paint all republicans with a broad brush on deportation force. but for the leading candidate, certainly, i mean for donald trump he s doing very well by doing just that. well, donald trump is definitely reflecting the views of a large portion of the republican base. he it s he was in the middle of the polls and started talking about immigration and went to the top of the polls. and even just the feelings of the base have caused marco rubio and jeb bush to change their positions on immigration. marco rubio was one of the gang of eight that passed barack obama s immigration bill in the senate. he then disavowed that. george bush believed a path to citizen ship and endorsed the president s play in the senate and walked back. this is a huge problem because there is a real difference between republican strategists like anna who know what the republican party needs to do and what the voters want and if candidates who have campaigned hardest against immigration reform are the ones doing the best in the primary. anna, i mean, you can t deny that jeb bush, marco rubio, you know have started to walk back to their earlier positions. it s a complicated issue. everybody walked back their earlier position including hillary clinton who dan will remember in 2008 in a debate with barack obama said she wasn t even in favor of driver s licenses, and another one that backed away from his position was barack obama who promised to solve immigration in the first 100 days in his first year in office and didn t do so. when he had a democratic house and democrat senate. so i think that it s one thing that people say in campaigns. and then when you come to the harsh reality of what will pass muster in congress, it may be different than what you thought you could prom or what you thought you could deliver. i think jeb bush is taking a very pragmatic, stoic, honest look at it and trying to propose something he thinks he will be able to pass and turn into law. yeah. we heard latinos, immigrants heard so many promises, big promises, pie in the sky. we should be suspicious of anything and everything we hear from anybody because they have been playing with us on this issue for decades now. well, dan, i mean, if the republican ticket has ted cruz or marco rubio on it, both of cuban descent, either as one or two doesn t it make it tougher for democrats to paint republicans as anti- immigrants? certainly not if ted cruz is on the given position on immigration. it s important to recognize in the 2012 election when we would do research on what hispanic voters around the country thought, immigration was a top issue and jeb bush s comment in self-deportation was a problem for him but his position on repealing mitt romney, dan. i m sorry. sorry. mitt romney. his nice try, dan. [ laughter ] i think jeb bush would probably trade positions with mitt romney was at this point in 2011. but his position of repealing the affordable care act was a close second. there s a whole range of issue. not just immigration. health care, economic issues, education, where the republican party struggles with the latino vote. yeah, dan pfeiffer, anna navarro. good to have you on. coming up, breaking news ahead. isis claiming responsibility for another dely attack. what we know about the bombers and connections they made to the terrorist group coming up. that s next. the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi, and streaming entertainment. that s. seize the journey friendly. some neighbors are energy saving superstars. how do you become a superstar? with pg&e s free online home energy checkup. in just under 5 minutes you can see how you use energy and get quick and easy tips on how to keep your monthly bill down and your energy savings up. don t let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. take the free home energy checkup. honey, we need a new refrigerator. visit and get started today. there is more breaking news tonight, what we re learning about a deadly suicide attack in beirut, lebanon. two explosions minutes apart killing at least 40 people and injuring at least 200 others. isis claimed responsibility after an offshoot. as for today s attack, we want to warn you the images are tough to watch. our national security correspondent jim sciutto has the latest. reporter: the explosion struck during the height of rush hour. on an open market just south of beirut, coordinated, powerful, and deadly. first, one suicide blast draws a crowd of onlookers and a second blast strikes that crowd maximizing casualties. a third bomber, killed by the blast before he could detonate his own explosive. but a fourth, lebanese forces was allegedly captured, seen here taken away as security forces fired into the air to clear the crowd. this man said he was praying when the blast blew a door right of his head. the victims carried by bystanders over rubble from damaged buildings and rushed to nearby hospitals. a bomb, the twin suicide bombing went off. the area is mostly empty. it s been cordoned off by the army. otherwise, there is a it lo of shattered glass on the street and a lot of blood. it s a scene of chaos and carnage. reporter: within hours, isis claimed responsibility. this neighborhood is a stronghold of hezbollah, fighting along bashar al assad s regime. isil doesn t think of itself as having borders. let s remember why you say isis i say isil, they say is the stlamic islamic state. and they are trying to establish a caliphate which means an islamic government covering all the areas where muslims live today in the world, and so, lebanon is just going to be seen as another battle field. reporter: the video of that arrest of the alleged fourth bomber was shown on lebanese television. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity but we re told of the arrest by sources. we re learning other details. apparently one of the bombers tried to get into a mosque first and anderson, it appears to be more evidence of isis ability to project its power away from its base in iraq and syria. just another sickening attack. jim sciutto, thank you. questions of the repeated tasing of a virginia man that died in police custody two years ago. the video has just been released. why hasn t the top prosecutor wraps up the investigation after all this time? gary tuchman tracks her down. the best of everything is even better during red lobster s ultimate seafood celebration where new seafood combinations like the new grand seafood feast are stepped up, spiffed up, jazzed up. yeah, this stuffed lobster tail, handcrafted brown butter scampi, and jumbo hand-battered shrimp are that good. or try the new ultimate wood-grilled feast. that bourbon brown sugar glaze gets ya preeetty fired up. with new dishes like these, why wait to celebrate? but just like this time of year, this is too good to last. so hurry in. a new world hangs outside the window beautiful and strange it must be falling away i must be sound and color suffering from ringing in their ears, there s no such thing as quiet time. but you can quiet the ringing with lipo-flavonoid, the number-one doctor-recommended brand. relieve the ringing with lipo-flavonoid. mi m a lineman here in oakland. day in, day out, a large part of what we do is about providing reliable power to our customers. pg&e is dedicated to the community. i love working here because this is my home. oakland is my home. this is where i m raising my children so it s important to me to make sure my family and friends have the power and energy that we provide. this is very personal to me. it makes me work a lot harder knowing that this is my community. together, we re building a better california. tonight we re digging deeper on the death of a 46-year-old virginia man in police custody, a death the coroner ruled accidental more than two years ago. now, though, new videos have surfaced as the relate of a lawsuit and the graphic images are raising questions about the case. they show linwood lambert in handcuffs being tased over and over in a hospital. the officers brought him for a psych investigation. he never made it inside and died a short time later. none of the officers have been charged and the investigation is still pending more than two years later still in the hands of the prosecutor. we sent gary tuchman to track her down. reporter: acute cocaine intoxication. that s what the coroner who examined linwood lambert killed him after suffering cardiac arrest. not the multiple taser shots he received at the hands of three police officers in south boston, virginia. help me. reporter: could multiple tasering contributed or led to his death? could those officer be held criminally liable? that is under investigation and has been for a long, long time. the virginia state police says it started investigating this case when it happened after a request from the south boston police chief. a spokesman for the state police says the investigation was completed in october 2013, two years and one month ago and the findings were sent to the commonwealth attorney for her review. after 25 months she is still reviewing. she is tracy quackenbush-martin, who took office in december 2013. and since this story came to light has repeatedly said she does not want to speak on camera but today, she abruptly changed her mind. ms. commonwealth attorney, tell me why this has taken two years, this investigation. this is an extremely serious matter. it s one that requires extraordinary deliberation and it s imperative to me that i reach the correct decision not only the correct decision but in the correct way and in a way that inspires public confidence to the extent that that is possible. reporter: the prosecutor confirms the three police officers are still working with the south boston police force. can i tell you for example, the warren commission which investigated john f. kennedy s assassination finished its report in ten months. the virginia state police investigated this for five months and gave you its findings. i mean, this doesn t seem like at it s base the most complicated case that should take more than two years. well, i do believe that it is a complex matter. i do believe that it is a weighty matter. i appreciate your concerns. telling you why it has taken as long as it is is something that i m happy to talk about at the conclusion of the case but doing so now would necessarily reveal aspects of the investigation that are simply improper to talk about right now. reporter: we went to the south boston police station to ask about the three officers still working. hello there, i m gary tuchman with cnn. i wanted to see if we could talk to the chief about the lambert case. we were told the chief did not want to make any comments to us. don t kick your window! reporter: the commonwealth attorney says she doesn t want to say how much longer this investigation will take. she says she is not sweeping this under the rug. i m being professional. i m doing everything that needs to be done for the case. i m leaving no stone left unturned and it s my hope that the people and the press will see that when it s over. gary joins us. so she s not willing to say how much longer it may take her to reach a decision? reporter: anderson, two years certainly is a long time and one of the questions i asked the commonwealth s attorney is could this take another two years and she told me i suppose in theory anything can happen, but that is certainly not my intent but no, she would not tell us a timetable. she said she is certainly looking at the video evidence but has a multitude of other evidence she has been looking at and that she will continue to look at. all right. gary, thanks very much. it took a lawsuit to force the release of the videos showing linwood lambert being tased. his family saw those videos for the first time just a couple weeks ago. joining me is his family. mr. lambert, you ve been pushing the prosecutor for answers from the day your son died. when you hear her say she s leaving no stone unturned, what goes through your mind? do you believe her? no, i do not. i mean, if you look at the tapes and you could see, clearly, that she if she had saw these tapes, she would have come to a conclusion much quicker than what she has. adrian, the prosecutor says that she wants to reach a correct decision in a way that inspires confidence, to the extent it s possible. do you have confidence in this investigation? no, i do not. what about it doesn t give you confidence? it s over two and a half years, and it shouldn t take this long to find out why someone died in police custody. cases like that should be brought to immediate attention because you have families and friends and co-workers who are concerned and want to know. it holds a person s life and you can t really do too much, think or even concentrate knowing that you re waiting for someone to press the button and say okay, i m finished and that s not right and fair. mr. lambert, your family was given these videos after one of your daughters filed a civil suit this summer. at what point did your family feel like you weren t being told the truth or weren t being given information? when did you feel like something was wrong? anderson, i think we started thinking something was wrong in the beginning. the day he died, we didn t even know it until the day after he died and that was about, excuse me, 11:00 sunday morning and then i was talking to the deputy chief lovelace and seems like he s not trying to give me any answers to what may happen but what had happened. but it was just a bunch of things that he was saying that i just didn t believe what he was talking about. adrian, i mean, when you finally saw the videos, i can t imagine what that was like for you. what went through your mind? i was very angry. i was very upset. it just took life out of me to see my brother sit there and plead for his life and they are not even trying to attempt to pick him up or roll him over like they wanted to and just to hear and to see all the torture they took my brother through and they still act like it was okay. it s justifiable. it s not. it hurt me to my heart. i can t eat. i can t sleep. i can t think. i can t work. i can t do anything and it s sad that they taken my life away from me. mr. lambert, what would justice look like in this case? justice for me, i see those officers handcuffed and taken off to jail. that s what you want to see happen? yes. well, mr. lambert, appreciate you joining us and adrian, as well. thank you so much. we ll continue to follow this. thank you for having us. just ahead, two powerful voices on the gun violence crisis in chicago. spike lee talks about his new film chiraque and michael pfleger shares what he s learned over decades of trying to make chicago streets safer. this is claira. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her she s agreed to give it up. that s today? 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interview with spike lee and father michael pfleger. i met up with him in chicago where gun violence and gangs made the south side one of the most dangerous places to be a child. on tuesday tyshawn lee was laid to rest. he was just 9 years old. he was gunned down in an allye execution style. they believe he was targeted. at the funeral father pfleger that gave the eulogy could not contain his frustration and anger. tyshawn was not in the wrong place! the murderer, the executioner, the assassin, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time! tyshawn was doing what every child has a right to do, be a child! father pfleger has spent decades trying to make chicago s most dangerous streets safer. he s the model for a character in spike lee s new film chiraq. here s part two of that interview. what do you think it s about here that makes it so bad? all i can say is there s a growing hopelessness i ve seen over the last number of years that is a level i ve never seen before and a sense that nothing is changing, nothing is getting better. how many years have you been here? 40 years i ve been living in this building. right here. i ve seen the up and downs over the years. perfect example town hall meeting a year ago in inglewood. a kid raises his hand and says can i ask one question? does anybody care? does anybody care about us? when i asked a young sixth grade girl in my school, what do you want to be when you grew up? she says alive. kids are dealing with that kind of a you ve heard people say that to you. oh, yeah, i had a third grader last week after this 9-year-old boy tyshawn lee get killed, say walking over to the gym, i heard about the young boy that got murdered, got killed. am i safe? i heard you refer to this as a self-inflicted genocide. explain that. hearsay the here s the thing, though. i know i m going to be criticized for this but i don t care. i m all for black lives matter. i can t breathe, don t shoot. and i m not speaking on behalf of 45 african-americans, this is my own belief, anderson. i m with that. we as the people can t be blind. we can do all that. all that is fine. eric gardener, go down the line. those were, that was wrong. but we cannot be out there going yeah, yeah, there and then when it comes to young brothers killing themselves then mum s the word. no one is saying nothing. it s got to be both ends. it s not enough to focus on black lives matter movement, on you can focus on it police brutality. but you can t ignore that we are killing ourselves, too. we can t ignore that. so how do you address that? you preach to people. we have to fight the killing of our children, whether it is a racist cop, whether it is a george zimmerman vigilante, or whether it is black-on-black crime. doesn t matter. murder is wrong. killing is wrong. no matter whose hand it is and the race of a hand it is and so we just try to fight that from that standpoint that whenever so we fight against racial profiling and police brutality but i also when a child is killed in this city and police have no leads, we put up rewards like we did with tyshawn lee. you put up a reward. we started a reward fund maybe 15 years ago we start that and consistently put up rewards and start at $5,000 for anybody to find the person. i m one of the first people that say i hate the prison system, anderson. i hate it. i think it s horrible. i think it s broken. i think they do nothing for helping inmates in there. but you can t kill a child and go back in your life and watch tv and eat mcdonald s and hang out in the street at the park like everything is okay. you can t do that. that s not okay. you can t do that. and if we allow that and tolerate that, then we as a community are saying it s all right. i understand the fear element. i understand people saying you know, they will come after me. my comment has always been, if one person comes forward, and, yeah, they become the target of the gang or whatever and you say you come out and put such and such in jail. but it s never just one person that knows about it. but people in general a lot of times people did not come forward to talk. absolutely, they don t and that s a problem. that s a fact. and i get the fear element. but some place, we have to understand that conscience has to trump fear. you know, it used to be that a snitch was somebody who committed a crime and then pointed the finger at somebody else to get a lesser sentence. it s now gotten to the idea that anybody talks to police, anybody who has witnessed a crime and talks to police about what they saw gets that label. and that label is that s a i mean, that is a bad word in communities throughout america. nobody wants to be labeled a snitch. no, and because you feel you re putting yourself in danger, you re labeled by certain groups in the community, and also, i mean, we can t deny from this the broken bridge between law enforcement and the community. it s bad. they don t trust them. people don t trust them. not at all. if they do say something and say i ll do this anonymously and then their name is put out there in the street that they said this, so now there is just a lack of trust for the police. we can t we can t walk away from that. that s real. work needs to be done on both sides. but we have to understand, that bridge is broken. tomorrow we re going to continue our look at the violence gripping chicago s south side. and you ll hear from moms that lost their children to guns. remarkable moms you ll meet tomorrow night. their strength is incredible and what they say needs to be done to make their neighborhood safe. still ahead tonight, pilots blinded by the light the faa says more than 20 flights were hit by lasers last night in several states. (cole) alright listen up. we all know that directv s better at this whole tv thing. so, to beat them, we re gonna get bigger. we re gonna merge with cableworld. (exec 1) cableworld? i can t stand those guys. (exec 2) they re the worst. (exec 3) they re totally incompetent. (exec 4) that company stinks and i mean they smell. i used to work there. i had to breathe through my mouth the whole time. (cole) shh, shh, shh, they re here. (newhart) this is gonna be fun, firing everyone. (vo) get rid of cable and switch to directv. call 1-800-directv. the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi, and streaming entertainment. that s. seize the journey friendly. how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the mercedes-benz you ve always wanted during the winter event. hurry, offers end soon. quick check of headlines. another black eye for the secret service and this time involving an agent assigned to the white house. lee robert moore is accused of sending maked pictures of himself to what he thought was a 14-year-old girl. but that was actually delaware state police. more than 20 planes and helicopters were struck by lasers last night and that s according to the f.a.a. the incidents took place in ten states including new jersey where this video was taken by a local news hermit. over 100 women are suing a birth control manufacturer for millions of dollars. the suit alleges their pills were incorrectly packaged and led to unexpected pregnancies. what a better day for a ufo sighting than friday the 13th. astronomers will be watching as a piece of space junk six feet in diameter enters the earth s atmosphere over the indian ocean. hello, everyone. i m isha sesay. we have breaking news. pentagon the says the u.s. targeteds jihadi john in an air strike. he s been seen in videos showing the murders of a number of isis hossages. it is not yet confirmed on whether jihadi john died in the air strike. what do we know about the at

Pinal-county , Arizona , United-states , Nevada , Oakland , California , Florida , Delaware , Virginia , Syria , New-mexico , Russia

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20150828

we begin with vester flanagan s final hours. the gunman who shot and killed two journalists during a live broadcast. he had a wig and ammunition in the get away car. police found a briefcase with three license plates and shawl and umbrella inside. flanagan sending a text to a friend before he died saying he had quote done something stupid. we get more on the investigation from cnn s brian todd in roanoke. reporter: alison, we have details about the history here at wdbj. the station manager and other former colleagues telling us about the run-ins with the colleagues and anger management issues. the general manager said after performance related issues they were trying to work with him on, flanagan became angry and confronted a news anchor who was assigned to work with him on a script. i also spoke with a photo journalist here who said he was always on edge working with flanagan in the field because flanagan often got angry. he talked about an incident of a live report in the 6:00 p.m. hour one day and they had technical problems that caused the report to be canceled. he said flanagan threw down his stuff and stomped off in the woods for 20 minutes. he didn t want to deal with anything after that. this history was what led to his termination in february of 2013. new details on that we are learning that the day he was fired where he got agitated and became threatening. he handed the news director a wooden cross saying he will need this. police had to escort him out. others had to be on lockdown in the building. we also learned details about what was found in vester flanagan s car in northern virginia where they found him on the side of the road after he run off the road and had a self inflicted gunshot wound. authorities tell us in the car they found a glock pistol with ammunition, six glock magazines, a briefcase with three license plates, wig, a shawl, sunglasses and umbrella and a back hlack h. alison and miguel. friends and loved ones of the roanoke shooting victims say simply remembering them is not enough. the boyfriend of alison parker is calling for a substantive kop c gun control in the country. if i have to be the john walsh of gun control and i m for the second amendment, but there has to be a way to force politicians that are cowards and in the pockets of the nra to come to grips and make sense and have sensible laws so crazy people can t get guns. i know the nra s position. i can hear it now. they will say oh, gee, if they were carrying, this never would have happened. i got news for you. if alison or adam had been carrying an ak-47 strapped around their waist, it would not have made any difference. they could not have seen this thing coming. hillary clinton calling for tighter restrictions on guns during a campaign stop in cleveland telling supporters she will not let more people die. i don t know how we see more people shot because they went to bible study or they went to the movies or they were just doing their job. and not finally saying we got to do something about this. republican presidential hopeful scott walker slamming clinton insisting the proper response is not gun control, but increased mental health treatment. walker has an a plus rating with the nra. democratic candidates in minneapolis this morning for the party s annual summer meeting. clinton and chafee scheduled to speak this morning. bernie sanders and martin o malley is scheduled this afternoon. not in attendance? joe biden. only drew 15 members support of the democratic national convention on hand there. donald trump must sign a pledge to support the eventual republican nominee in order to compete in south carolina primary. trump says he will decide what to do about that requirement soon. we get more from political reporter sara murray. reporter: good morning, alison. donald trump addressing another energetic crowd. this time in greenville, south carolina. he took on some of his weaknesses. addressing the difficult poll numbers with women saying he will be great to them if he is president and he will win the latino vote even as protests erupt outside about his immigration policy. perhaps the most interesting moment is when he invited a voter on stage to defend his hair. i don t wear a toupee. it s my hair. i swear. come here. come here. come here. come here. i m going we re going to settle this. come. come. is it mine? look. it is. it is. say it, please. yes, i believe it is. thank you. and have i ever met you before? no. no, you haven t. you re very nice. reporter: today donald trump heads to massachusetts. the host of the event says it is a fund-raiser. we get news that donald trump is not different from every politician. he is saying he will self fund his campaign, a super pac is raising money on his behalf. we learned a second outside group can collect unlimited donations from anonymous donors. they are asking for money to support donald trump as well. back to you. president obama taking his pitch for the iran nuclear deal straight to the jewish-americans today. he will participate in the webcast hosted by the jewish federation of america. jews are sharply divided on the agreement. pro israel groups are expected to spend up to $20 million lobbying against it. congress votes on the measure next month. the president meantime visiting new orleans to mark the tenth anniversary of hurricane katrina. hailing the progress that has been made, but making it clear more needs to be done to restore the big easy to its former glory. he made the opportunity to make political points. let s get more from jim acosta. reporter: president obama marked the tenth anniversary of hurricane katrina. mr. obama pledged the rebuilding will continue and talked about incoming equality. this needs to be addressed after new orleans was laid bare by hurricane katrina. as he tried to retie the birth of the city s to the nation, he tried to deliver a message warning that congress has one month left to pass a budget and avoid a government shutdown. here is more what the president had to say. nobody gets to hold the american economy hostage over their own ideological demands. you, the people who send us to washington, expect better. reporter: the president warned more severe weather events triggered by climate change. mr. obama will return to the issue once again next week when he travels to alaska when he sees the effects of global warming first hand. alison. it was a wild week on wall street. my head is still spinning. markets around the world crash. now recovering. the dow set a new record thursday. have stocks finally found stable ground? we re live next. no sixth grader s ever sat with the eighth grade girls. but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that s that new gear feeling. this week, these folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. bill s got a very tough 13lie here.. looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that s a kraken , bruce. it looks like he s going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club. well he s definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you re a golf commentator, you whisper. it s what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do. this golf course is electric. just when you thought the market madness was over, think again. u.s. stock futures pointing lower right now. stocks are actually up for the week after a brutal start. yesterday, the dow climbed 369 points. combine that with wednesday s 619 point rally. it winds up being the best two-day point gain in dow s history. some of the biggest winners were oil companies as oil prices soared over 10%. back above $42 a barrel. it was oil s best rally since 2009. we watched stocks of halliburton and trans ocean surge more than 9%. also good news, u.s. economy growing 3.7% in the second quarter. that number from gdp is better than expected. it is a healthy sign the american economy hasn t been hurt too much by china s slow down. asian stocks up a bit this morning. look at shanghai s benchmark up almost 5% today. the index is still down almost 8% for the week because of the frantic selling monday and tuesday. i want to bring in andrew stevens in hong kong. andrew, it has been a wild week for stocks. what is the change from earlier this week and now for asian markets? is it just the government interventi intervention proposing them up? reporter: i think that is what it is, alison. if you look at the performance over the latter part of the week, they were being driven by sentiment. also by good old fashion buying of the market by state institutions like insurance and pension funds. this is a pattern we have seen before. in fact, the chinese government has explicitly ordered the pension funds and insurance funds to buy into the market to put a plank under the big falls. what we need to do they did this before they brought some calm to the market for a couple of weeks and the selling started again. don t think for a minute this volatility in china is still over. obviously the government doesn t want to see a collapse in the market. we are seeing a slow burn in market. it was down 40% since the beginning of june. if you look at what happened for the week and you see the numbers there, you will see at the end of the week, the collateral damage and other markets around the region not too badly hit. hong kong down 3.5%. not a great week. it could have been worse, alison. andrew, you have what the markets are doing and the china s economy is doing. two very different things. we are not seeing recovery with the chinese economy. reporter: no, we re not seeing recovery. no one is expected to see recovery. i guess we have to be careful about what we mean about recovery. we have gone to a 10% growth economic model in china. they are translating to a slower growth model where the consumer is the king. a bit like the u.s. economy. gone from exports and investment. they want to turn to the consumer. that is a painful process. how slow is the economy actually growing at the moment? the official numbers say around 7%. the independent research houses, the big banks all say just about without exception, that number is too high. maybe 5%. we have not seen the chinese authorities hit the panic button if you like as far as throwing a lot of fire power, financial fire power at the economy to pick it up again. we suggest, although they are certainly not happy at the moment, but they are not panicking. the economy is slowing, but it s not dangerously slow. but the slowing economy in china will be a thorn in the side of wall street. andrew stevens live from hong kong. thanks. planned parenthood fighting back. experts found secretly recorded video of the sales of fetal tissue was edited by some who are looking to cut the federal funding. jury deliberations resume in the trial of owen labrie. accused of raping a 15-year-old freshman girl at st. paul s school last year. jurors got the case thursday and deliberated for about three hours. prosecutors allege the rape stemmed from a traditional competition known as senior salute. tropical storm erika could grow to hurricane strength by the time it reaches the florida coast. possibly by this weekend. the storm is blamed for four deaths after torrential rain in the caribbean. nearly two dozen people are missing on the island of dominica. the storm now taking a turn toward the bahamas and florida. let s get to meteorologist derek van dam for the latest on erika s track. good morning, alison and miguel. here s the latest on tropical storm erika. moving just west of the leeward island. 45-mile-an-hour sustained winds. higher wind gusts in the center of circulation. it produced a significant amount of rain leading to landslides on the island of dominica. just under 13 inches in a half day rainfall total. that led to serious flooding for that particular area. now there s more rain to come. specifically from the u.s. virgin islands through puerto rico and the northeastern coastal regions of the dominican republic. anywhere from 5 to 10 inches of rainfall. perhaps locally higher amounts leading to the possibility of flooding. the official forecast from the national hurricane center has the storm system running parallel with the florida coast. perhaps intensifying to a category one by sunday or monday. we will keep a close eye on that. mostly sunny on the northeast today. lower 90s through the weekend in the big apple. back to you. disturbing allegations against derrick rose. andy scholes has the bleacher report coming up next. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? 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(dorothy) toto, i ve a feeling we re not in kansas anymore. (morpheus) after this, there is no turning back. (spock) history is replete with turning points. (kevin) wow, this is great. (commentator) where fantasy becomes reality! (penguin 1) where are we going? (penguin 2) the future, boys. the glorious future. (vo) at&t and directv are now one- bringing your television and wireless together- and taking entertainment to places you d never imagine. (rick) louis, i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. isn t it beautiful when things just come together? build a beautiful website with squarespace. a former girlfriend of nba star derrick rose filed a civil suit accusing him of rape. she said the incident happened two years ago. andy scholes has this morning s bleacher report. good morning. a representative of derrick rose says the allegations are completely false and without basis. this is the desperate attempt to shakedown the athlete. the woman who dated rose in 2012 and 2013 is blaming him and two others of slipping a drug into her drink and raping her. there are no criminal charges. the chicago bulls are not commenting at this time. rose released a statement saying i know the truth and am confident i will be proven innocent. dunker darrell dawkins passed away. he played 14 seasons in the nba. he was known for his backboard dunks. he was known as chocolate thunder. dawkins was the first player to go from high school to the nba. he was 58 years old. to the big leagues. this may be the play of the year. two outs. tenth inning. jeff francoeur. gets this kick on it and kicks it back to torres at first to get the out. take another look. an amazing play by torres. mets win the game 9-5 in 13 innings. usain bolt s career nearly came to a screeching end. a photographer on a segway was following him on the victory lap. this is the aftermath. the photographer completely takes him out. oh, my gosh. amazingly bolt popped back up with a couple scratches. can you imagine if the photographer would have seriously injured bolt s legs? those are the most valuable legs in sports. the slowest machine in the world taking out the fastest man. unbelievable. now i know why those who drive segways wear helmets. i think they will rethink the whole segway photography thing. my goodness. an andy, thank you. a wig, shawl and three license plates. stunning details on the man who murdered two journalists on air and how he planned his get away. we stop arthritis pain, so you don t have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today s the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. a killer s get away plan. new clues about how the man who murdered two journalists on live television may have been plotting to get away from his crimes. welcome back to early start. i m alison kosik. i m miguel marquez. we are learning new details about the gunman who killed two on live tv. flanagan had a wig and ammunition in his get away car before he committed suicide. police found a briefcase with three license plates and shawl and umbrella. we have more from cnn s brian todd in roanoke. reporter: alison and miguel, we have details on flanagan s troubled history at wdbj tv. the station manager jeff marks and other colleagues telling us about the run-ins with the colleagues and anger management issues. the general manager said after performance related issues they were working with him on, flanagan became angry and confronted a news anchor who was assigned to work with him on a script. i spoke with a photo journalist here who said he was always on edge working with flanagan in the field because flanagan often got angry. he talked about an incident where they were doing a live report in the 6:00 p.m. hour one day and had technical difficulties and caused that report to be canceled. he said flanagan threw down the equipment and stormed off to te woods for about 20 minutes. new details on the termination and the day he was fired that he got agitated and he became threatening. he handed the news director a wooden cross saying he would need this. police had to escort him out and others had to go on lockdown in the building. we learned details about what was found in flanagan s car in northern virginia where they finally found him on the side of the road where he ran off the road and had a self inflicted gunshot wound. in the car, they found a glock pistol and ammunition and six glock magazines and a briefcase with three license plates and wig, shawl and black hat. those items indicate he may have been trying to make a get away and put himself in disguise. alison and miguel. frands and loved ones of the roanoke shooting victim say honoring the memory is just not enough. the boyfriend of alison parker is calling for a substantive conversation about gun control. and parker s father says he won t rest until someone in washington stands up to the nra. if i have to be the john walsh of gun control look, i m for the second amendment, but there has to be a way to force politicians that are cowards and in the pockets of the nra to come to grips and make sense and have sensible laws so crazy people can t get guns. i know the nra s position. they will say if they were carrying this never would have happened. i have news for you if alison or adam had been carrying an ak-47 around their waist, it would not make a difference. they could not see this coming. and hillary clinton calling for tighter restrictions on guns during a campaign stop in cleveland telling supporters she will not sit by while more good people die. i don t know how we keep seeing shooting after shooting. read about the people murdered because they went to bible study or they went to the movies or they were just doing their job. and not finally say we got to do something about this. republican presidential hopeful scott walker slammed clinton and saying the proper response is not gun control, but increased mental health treatment. walker has an a plus rating with the nra. the democratic candidates are gathering in minneapolis this morning for the party s annual summer meeting. clinton and chafee are scheduled to speak with bernie sanders and martin o malley scheduled to speak this afternoon. not in attendance? joe biden. and donald trump has a delicate decision to make. the gop frontrunner must sign a pledge to support the eventual republican nominee if he hopes to compete in the south carolina primary. put him in a box. trump says he will decide what to do about that requirement soon. we get more from cnn political reporter sara murray. reporter: good morning. donald trump addressing another energetic crowd in greenville, south carolina. he took on some of his weaknesses too. addressing difficult poll numbers with women saying he will be great to them if he is president and saying he will win the latino vote even as protests erupted outside about his immigration policy. perhaps the most interesting moment is when he invited a voter on stage to defend his hair. i don t wear a toupee. it s my hair. i swear. come here. come here. come here. come here. i m going to we re going to settle this. come. come. is it mine? look. it is. it is. say it, please. yes, i believe it is. thank you. and have i ever met you before? no, you haven t. thank you. reporter: now donald trump heads to an event in massachusetts. the host of the event says it is a fund-raiser. his campaign says it is not. this is as we get news that donald trump may not be as different from every politician as he says he is. he is saying he will self fund his campaign, a super pac is raising money on his behalf. a second outside group can collect for donations. they are collecting money for donald trump as well. president obama taking his pitch straight to jewish-americans today. he will take part in a webcast hosted by the jewish american organizations. jews are sharply divided on the iran nuclear agreement. congress votes on the measure next month. president obama marking the ten-year anniversary of hurricane katrina by visiting the city of new orleans. he is hailing the progress that has been made, but making it clear more needs to be done to restore the big easy to the former glory. he took the moment to make more political points. we have more from jim acosta. reporter: president obama marked the comeback of new orleans ten years after hurricane katrina. he touted the resilience of the big easy after the levees broke in 2005. the president talked about the issue of incoming equality. an issue that needs to be addressed. as he tried to tie the rebirth of the city to the nation s economic recovery, the president delivered a sharply delivered message that congress has a month to avoid a government shutdown by passing a budget. nobody gets to hold the government hostage by their own ideological demands. reporter: the president warned there will be more severe weather events triggered by climb change. he will travel to alaska to see the effects of global warming first hand. alison. dow setting a record on thursday, but i don t think stocks have stabilize. wait until you hear what is coming up next. once there was a hushpuppy by dan romis man kind?eitlin are we good? go see. go look through their windows so you can understand their views. go find out just how kind the hes and shes of this mankind are. when you re not confident your company s data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that s where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can t. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. well, looks like the market madness is not over yet. u.s. stock futures are lower right now. stocks are actually up for the week after a brutal start. yesterday, the dow climbed 369 points. combine that with wednesday s 619 point rally. it winds up being the best two-day point gain for the dow in history. oil prices soared yesterday over 10%. back above $42 a barrel. it was actually oil s best rally since 2009. we watch stocks of halliburton and baker hughes surging more than 9%. good news about the economy. the u.s. economy growing 3.7% in the second quarter. much higher than expected. that s a healthy sign that the american economy hasn t been hurt too much by china s slowdown. asian stocks up. shanghai is up almost 5% today. the index still down 8% for the week. let s bring in andrew stevens in hong kong. gosh, it s been a wild week for stocks. what kept them in the green today for asian markets? reporter: i think it s the same story we have seen in last two days, alison. it is intervention by the authorities in china. we can t prove it, but it fits a clear pattern. we have seen it before. there are clear instructions by beijing to the insurance and pension funds to buy to prop up the market. what we saw yesterday when shanghai was up 5%. a big swing in the last hour of trade. we saw some big swing to the positive in the last couple hours trade here. most market watchers are saying the state is moving it. they want to put a floor under this big basically crash in chinese markets. they appear to have done it at least short-term in the last couple days. will it hold? that is a different story. this has been a slow motion crash that started in june. the market is down 40% or so. the authorities managed to put a floor under it for two or three weeks, alison and the selling started again. what is different this time? we have to wait and see. not a lot of incentive for the chinese to get back into the market. does it mind up looking like smoke and mirrors with the government intervention? the chinese economy is still slowing. that will plague asian markets as time goes on, but also spill on u.s. shores. reporter: yes, it could. remember the chinese are changing their economic model. it is a once in a lifetime transition. we had 30 years of super charged growth in china with this export model and investment model where they were building up the country s infrastructure at a phenomenal rate. that s over. as the chinese authorities say, we are in a new normal now where the economy is moving toward more consumer spending. that will take some time. that will take years to get to. in the meantime, there is pain. this is what we are seeing at the moment. how much pain? are we aware of what is happening in china? we get the official data. not many people these days that is accurate. they say the economy is growing more slowly than the official numbers suggest. 7%, official. most say 5% or maybe 4%. the economy is growing more slowly. it is going to continue to grow slowly. all estimates say next year will be weak, alison. this is a slow, slow ride. don t look to china to help the global economy in growth. andrew stevens, live from hong kong. thanks. let s take a look at what is coming up on new day. alisyn camerota joins us now. good morning. good morning. we will have a lot of interesting conversations on new day. we will speak with the anchor of the roanoke tv station who was live on the air when her colleagues were gunned down. we will have the parents of victims of gun violence. they will describe the obstacles they have been up against in pushing for gun control. that and donald trump is resurrecting the term silent majority. is that a benign phrase or reference to white supremacy? stick around for that and more in 14 minutes. thank you, aliyson. dozens more dead this morning trying to cross borders. we are live with new developments coming up. no sixth grader s ever sat with the eighth grade girls. but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that s that new gear feeling. this week, these folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? boost® high protein nutritional drink can help you get the protein you need. each serving has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle, plus 26 vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones. boost® high protein is the #1 selling high protein complete nutritional drink and it has a great taste-guaranteed! help get the nutrition you need everyday with boost® high protein. join the club at help get the nutrition you need everyday with boost® high protein. can a a subconscious. mind? a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be.alive? a gruesome discovery on the highway in austria. the bodies of 70 suspected migrants found decomposing in the back of the abandoned truck. three people arrested for the deaths. all while the officials are trying to come up with the plan to cope with the largest influx of refugees pouring into europe since world war ii. senior correspondent arwa damon has been traveling with a group of migrants. she joins us near the hungary/syrian border. arwa, are these migrants applying for refugee status? is there any sense that help is on the way? reporter: miguel, while the top european officials are huddling in vienna, this is the scene that migrants are entering. huddling under any scrap of cloth trying to stay out of the beating sun while under guard. this is the holding area across the border from serbia. a lot of the people have come through and handed themselves to hungarian authorities. they have been waiting in these conditions for hours. some of them since 2:00 in the morning. there was one very brief water distribution that took place earlier. not enough to go around. most certainly not enough for those that have just come across. there are crying babies and people sick and not feeling well. the vast majority, every single person we spoke to here, miguel, doesn t want to stay in hungary. they want to move on. they are fine with being processed, but they want to go and continue their journey to western europe. many have been through incredibly difficult circumstances. all we have spoken to say their treatment in hungary is abysmal. they are being made to feel like animals. treated like animals. in europe, they would have expected the most basic of human rights to be respected. they would have been afforded a bit of dignity with a bit of shelter and a bottle of water. now many of them do want to go on to germany or holland. they will apply for asylum in those countries hoping when they get there it will, in fact, be granted. they had dreamt of europe for so long, but miguel, all they have seen so far is something of a nightmare. my god. the absolute making of a human catastrophe. thank you, arwa damon. some say donald trump is a man without a plan, but we are getting some new details about his plan for the economy. what president trump could mean for your taxes next. hey, you forgot the milk! that s lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want. .with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some. mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream. we stop arthritis pain, so you don t have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today s the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. i m alison kosik. let s get an early start on your money. u.s. stock futures a bit lower at the moment, but after a brutal start, stocks are up for the week. yesterday the dow climbed 369 points. combine that with wednesday s 619 point rally. it s the best two-day point gain for the dow in history. some of the winners were oil companies. oil prices soared 10% and went above $42 a barrel. it was oil s best rally since 2009. we are learning more about donald trump s economic plan. it is populous. he wants to tax the rich more and middle class less. he wants to raise taxes on himself and those like him. next, trump wants to lower corporate taxes. he says that will stop american companies from moving headquarters abroad. many have huge cash reserves overseas and trump s plan could bring back $2.5 trillion of that. he finally wants to cut government spending and raising the debt ceiling. facebook hit 1 billion users in a single day. that happened for the first time on monday. ceo mark zuckerberg announced the number in a facebook post. meaning one in seven people on earth logged on to the site that day. facebook users trump other sites. it has 1.5 million users. lots to cats. new information on how the man who kill two jiournalists o live tv planned to get away. new day starts next. alison wants us to celebrate her life. he was robbed of his life. how many newtowns? how many alisons will this happen to before we stop it? you have a silent majority in this country that feels abused and feels forgotten and feels mistreated. it is basically bashing. people hear what they want to hear. there s no racism in that. the latest on the deadly storm wrecking havoc in the caribbean. tropical storm erika is churning in the atlantic. could it strengthen to hurricane? this got a lot stronger overnight. announcer: this is new day with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. good morning. welcome to new day. we have information about the plans of the journalists murders. the man who planned it. maybe it was not a planned murder/suicide. after he took the lives the news crew on live tv, the man s car suggests he may have planned to kill more people and have an escape plan. the father of alison parker says he is on a mission to stop gun violence and cgun control. cnn s polo sandoval has reporter: good morning, alisyn. the suicide note is coming together for investigators on the ground trying to paint a picture of who flanigan was. evidence surfacing, suggesting he may have planned to make it out alive. this morning, evidence of an apparent get away plan found inside 41-year-old flanigan s car. he had a wig, shawl and sunglasses, multiple sis ens plates and a pistol. the gunman was unable to evade place as they closed in on him. this is video of his one-bedroom apartment. the refrigerator was covered with photos of himself, w

Shanghai , China , Germany , Iran , Alaska , United-states , Dominican-republic , Florida , Beijing , Austria , Virginia , Dominica

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20151113

talking about tonight. he said he s pathological, other people said he said in the book and i haven t seen it, i know it s in the book that he s got a pathological temper or temperament. that s a big problem because you don t cure that. that s like i could say, they say as example, child molester. you don t cure these people. you don t cure a child molester. so i want to ask you about the immigration going on out there. you put immigration front and center in the gop conversation. you wouldn t be talking about immigration if it wasn t for me. you put it on the table and criticized heavily at debate, right, kasich, jeb bush they are weak people. excuse me, they are weak people. i watched jeb today. they are weak people and kasich made a fool of himself in the debate. the question i m asking, though, how do you take 11 million people and make them move? through a process but they don t want to leave, you have to hire people to find them and get them first of all, they are here illegally. if a person is across the boarder and the border patrol sends them back. there isn t a court situation yes, but what about excuse me. what s the difference about somebody that m ccomes over the border for two days? there is no difference. illegal immigration costs between 200 and $300 billion. i don t know if anyone gives you those numbers, probably not. when you include crime and other problems, it s more than that. between 200 and 300 billion the way it is now. but they pay in taxes who pays in taxes? do you believe they pay social security, state and local. yeah, what percentage of them? 10%. it s 24 billion a year excuse me. excuse me. do you know how few pay taxes, erin. don t be naive. so on this point about humanity, though, are you going to be sending in officers we ll send in people very nice to get them out? we ll give notice and say you have to go back to wherever the country is. it will be all different countries. donald trump there talking to erin burnet tonight and here is president obama talking to geor george. imagine the images flashed around the screen as we re dragging parents away from their children and putting them in, what, defense centers and systematically sentiding them o. nobody thinks that s realistic but not what we are as americans. joining us now is paul, sheriff of arizona outside phoenix and andy dean worked personally for donald trump for seven years and the former president of trump productions and cnn political commentator maria cardona, advisor out 2008 hillary clinton campaign. sheriff, let s start with you. you re a republican and running for congress. does donald trump s plan of a so-called deportation force to do this humanely physically removing some 11 million people, is that logistically feasible? it s logistically difficult and i think that where we should start and where the focus should be on everybody should agree is on the criminal element, a small minority of these illegals that are committing very serious crimes that have not been deported and that s where a lot of this anger is coming from and we should focus on that is target the tens of thousands, not the 12 to 20 million illegals here but focus on these folks and deport them legitimately out of our country never to return again and that s where i m angry about that, as well. they are releasing and not just from mexico. they are from countries of interest. we had right here in arizona one from sudan. one from iraq. one from russia and this russian murderer, they released into my county and then tell me two weeks after. that s the problem here. the entire system is broken for i immigration. there is no consequence and therefore, there is no law. andy, you know the criticisms not just from president obama, from some republicans, as well. we hear from john kasich it s basically si impossible to physically remove 11 million or however many undocumented of illegal immigrants in this country. to that, what do you say? first, we know john kasich is barely even a candidate. his poll numbers are so low. that guy is grasping at straws. as far as illegal immigration, we know it s a crime and i agree with the sheriff we ll go after the criminals first. donald trump has a plan, and that s to build a wall with a big door to let good people back in legally and if you re here illegally, that s a crime when you commit a crime in this country, you get punished and i think it s hispanic americans most in favor of this actually because they hate illegal immigration because they are the ones suffering whether in the united states when you re suffering when illegal immigrants create crimes or if you re overseas and you happen to be hispanic and want to get into the united states legally, they can t because people are line cutting and line cutters need to be deported because they are criminals. maria, the idea of a so-called deportation force, you ve heard from president obama and hillary clinton criticizing donald trump but republican voters frankly don t care a lot about that criticism and to andy s point, this is something very popular, donald trump surged in the polls because of his position on this. it is very popular within the republican right wing base, anderson, and i think this is exactly the challenge that the republican party is facing going into a primary process where those right wing voices are the loudest and yes, the angriest and are the ones that will come out to vote in the primaries, but then when you get to a general election where there are more sensible voices out there, you have general main stream americans including the whole lot of latino voters who by the way, do not agree with this, do not like trump. he has a unfavorable among latinos of over 80%, the one good thing that donald trump is doing with latino voters is actually mobilizing them and getting them to register to come out and vote and they will come out in record numbers next year. his plan is absolutely unworkable when you talk about illegal immigration and focussing on the criminal element, this is what president obama has been doing for the last two years with discretion and would have been what could have been done with a bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform which is the solution most americans support. that s not true andy andy, you know the democrats are going to use that term deportation force, they will run commercials about it. i mean, are you worried beyond the logistics, are you worried about the perception of what it may do in a general election to the republican candidate? anderson, when pun dents like marie say latinos are anti trump when that s not the case. when you look at republican latinos like the state of nevada they are protrump and it s a misrepresentation in the media the general population not paying attention to the political campaign, when they pay attention four to six months from now, they will realize trump s message is on point and illegal immigration is a major problem and la ttinos will be t major beneficiary when we have a proper process where people can come to the country. anderson, right now we only allow less than three-quarters of 1 million americans to come into this country and we have over 12 million here illegally. we need to fix the problem so we can have more people come illegally because it s the light blood of this country and the people who commit the crimes need to go starting with gang members. so anderson, if i could well, hold on. let me get the sheriff. sheriff, i understand your point about targeting criminals first. that obviously makes a lot of sense and you don t want people here attacking other people, hurting other people, but the idea of a deportation force, which is the term that s now being tossed around, to you as not only as a republican but american, what do you do you worry about the effect that would have on the republican party in a general election when used by the democrats? look, this is a problem. this didn t happen overnight or just with barack obama. it s exacerbated because of him but this happened under republicans, as well. this has gone on for decades. the last time in 86 it was president regan who signed for 2 million illegals to get citizen ship and everybody thinks every illegal wants citizen ship. only half of them took it. the other half wanted to work here. we got here. i m not supportive of people getting here illegally. i m fighting against it every day but it s not helpful when the president to the point made earlier saying the president has been deporting all these criminals, the fact is he hasn t and that s why we re in this fight here where people are so angry. 67,000 criminal illegals, the violent ones have been released into our community and we ve got guys like grant who wanted to be a deputy with my agency who was shot right beneath his left eye, executed by a criminal illegal who had raped and did a home invasion and this guy was out on the lamb to commit other crimes and nobody should be for this and this is what has happened. the rule of law is undermined. if we could have a little bit of both, we re not going to build a great wall of mexico and i m combat in the army, we need 700 miles of border, not 2,000 miles we got to leave it there. maria, quickly. i complete agree that criminal undocumented immigrants should absolutely be deported and comprehensive immigration bill would have done that. pol politically, republicans need 42% of the white house vote to win that. they are not where near that. we ll get that. we ll look at the numbers. maria, andy, sheriff, as well. coming up next, we ll look more hard numbers on what we ve been talking about, the political impact and a case being made by ted cruz and others that are tough line on this and other conservative issues would help not hurt republicans next november. also, we have breaking news, suicide bombers taking dozens of lives. was isis behind it? how something this terrible might have been far, far worse. he was tasered again and again. why has the investigation dragged on for years? we ll ask the prosecutor handling the case. p blah nexium 24hr is the new #1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. i hope you like it spicy! get complete protection with the purple pill. the new leader in frequent heartburn. that s nexium level protection. sup jj? working hard? here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. working 24/7 on mobile trader, rated #1 trading app in the app store. it lets you trade stocks, options, futures. even advanced orders. and it offers more charts than a lot of the other competitors do in desktop. you work so late. i guess you don t see your family very much? i see them all the time. did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. a new world hangs outside the window beautiful and strange it must be falling away i must be sound and color . well, donald trump did more than push plans for deporting unauthorized immigrants but tried to push opponents buttons. he slammed marco rubio on immigration reform. marco rubio is in favor of amnesty. he was a member of the gang of eight. he was always in favor of amnesty. he was in favor of people pouring into the country. then what happened is when people found that out, he sank like a rock in the water. ted cruz in the meantime had a warning for fellow republicans today, go soft on these issues he said and republicans will lose. you ll hear what marco rubio said and what appears to be ade a dilemma and alienate latinos. looking at the demographic, what is the winning strategy? john king has answers by the numbers for us. john, 2012 mitt romney and self-deportation and ted cruz talking about amnesty and donald trump proposing a deportation force. any evidence the results will be any different this time around? no, anderson and you can be sure democrats will say deportation force and you ll see it in an ad whether trump is the nominee or not. numbers don t lie. let s look at the demographics. i ll give you the 2012 presidential election and over here you can see barack obama wins 52% to 47%. what happens? the percentage of the white vote was 72%. mitt romney got 52% of. that african americans 13%. the president wins 93%. latinos 10% of the electret for the first time in 2012. 71% for the president, 3% asian, 73%. if you add this up, blacks, la teenies and asians and it s a football game and run up 25, 30 points the first quarter and play the rest even way out you lose. just by comparison, 2004 the last time republicans won the white house, make the comparisons. white vote 77% down to 72 in 2012. african american vote went up. 2004 8%, 10% in 2012 and it will be a little bigger in 2016. so the republicans whenever you think about the policy have a democratic crisis at the presidential level. and looking at the electret map, where is the immigration debate? where does it play out and latino vote, where does it make the biggest difference? let s pull back to the national map and go back to 2004. this is the last time, let me get that to change. the last time a republican won the presidency. george w. bush wins a close election 51-48 over john kerry. let s pick five states, george bush won nevada, used to be a swing state. george bush won new mexico used to be a swing state. george bush won colorado still a swing state. george bush won florida and george bush won virginia. why do it circle them? that s 2004. that s 2012. every one of them turns to blue. now watch this. we work in the census data. latinos in america, hard to see yellow but all five states high latino population. nevada and new mexico are blue. they have turned because of the latino vote. florida, virginia and colorado, florida with a large latino population, it s smaller in colorado and even smaller in virginia but you have closely contested elections, anderson and the democrats are winning 67% of the latino vote, it changes the electoral map hugely in the democrat s favor. but cruiz says conservatives stay home and they adopt the same on immigration and other issues. is that true? not really. there is a big debate among republicans but carl said flatly it s not true. look, turn out was down in 2012 from 2008. so a lot of people say ah, conservatives didn t turn out but democratic turnout was down more if you go from 2008 to 2012. a lot of people point to the state of ohio and say, you know, if more republicans turned out, romney would have won the state but if you look deep into the numbers, it s simply not true. if you look at the 2016 exit, 2012 exit polls for example, the percentage of the e elect trit was up. the math isn t there. republicans are kidding themselves if they think they can win a presidential election and win a state like florida if they try to repeat numbers. this is florida with a high cuban population. different population 60-39. republicans are kidding themselves if they think they can get more white people to turn out. the math does not work. john, thanks very much. given the facts on the map, you can understand why a republican that wants to win the primary and general election might try to thread the needle. this is how marco rubio did it. i think both sides have points to make that are valid. we ll have to deport. if you don t enforce, what s the point? people that haven t been here long will be deported. people over staying visa will be deported. that s how you enforce immigration laws. the flip side is i do not believe you can round occupy and deport 11 million people, especially people that have been here 15 years and not otherwise violated the law, can pass background checks and so forth and there has to be a process to deal with that realistically. it sounds a little bit like it sounds a little bit like you re trying to ride the middle line here. but it s not about a middle line. it s about reality. digging deeper now with rubio friend and bush supporter anna navarro and senior ocbama advisr dan pfeiffer. how does the republican party talk about a deportation force this fall to actually winning or doing better than last anytime with hispanic voters next fall? anderson, let s be fair. it s not the republican party talking about a deportation force. it is donald trump talking about a deportation force. i haven t heard any other republican echo that message that he s been saying since the debate and that repeated today. what you re hearing from rubio, bush, chris christie, gram, from a large number of people in the field it s a very different message. look, the bottom line is that to solve the immigration problem, you re not going to have simplistic solutions. you re not going to have black and white solutions. it is a complex issue that has been building for decades now and it s going to take a comprehensive approach. this conversation, anderson, makes me cringe. i thought we learned the lesson in 2008. we didn t. i thought we learned the lesson in 2012. apparently we still haven t. dan, i mean, to anna s point and maybe unfair to paint all republicans with a broad brush on deportation force, but for the leading candidate, i mean, for certainly donald trump, he s doing very well by arguing just that. well, donald trump is definitely reflecting the views of a large portion of the republican base. he it s he was in the middle of the polls and started talking about immigration and went to the top of the polls. the feelings in the base caused both rubio and bush the change positions on immigration. marco rubio was one of the gang of eight that passed barack obama s immigration bill in the senate and disvow that and george bush believed a path to citizen ship and endorsed the president s play in the senate and walked back. this is a huge problem because there is a real difference between republican strategists like anna who know what the republican party needs to do and what the voters want and if candidates that campaigned hardest against immigration reform are the ones doing best in the primary. anna, i mean, you can t deny that jeb bush, marco rubio, you know have started to walk back their earlier positions. it s a complicated issue. everybody walked back their earlier position including hillary clinton who dan will remember in 2008 in a debate with barack obama said she wasn t even in favor of driver s licenses, and another one that backed away from his position was barack obama who promised to solve immigration in the first 100 days in his first year in office and didn t do so. when he had a democratic house and democrat senate. so it s one thing that people say in campaigns and then when you come to the harsh reality of what will pass muster in congress, it may be different than what you thought you would promise or what you thought you could deliver. i think jeb bush is taking a very pragmatic, honest look at it and trying to propose something he thinks will be able to pass and turn into law. yeah. we heard latinos, immigrants heard so many promises, big promises, high in the sky. we should be suspicious of anything and everything we hear from anybody because they have been playing with us on this issue for decades now. well, dan, i mean, if the republican ticket has ted cruz or marco rubio on it, doesn t it make it tougher for democrats to paint republicans as anti immigrant? certainly not if ted cruz is on the given position on immigration. it s important to recognize in the 2012 election when we would do research on what hispanic voters around the country thought, immigration was a top issue and jeb bush s comment in self-deportation was a problem for him but his position on repealing mitt romney, dan. i m sorry. sorry. mitt romney. his nice try, dan. [ laughter ] i think jeb bush would probably trade positions with mid romney at this point in 2011 but his position of repealing the affordable care act was a close second. there were issues with health care, economic issues where the republican party struggles with the latino vote. yeah, dan pfeiffer, anna navarro. coming up, isis claiming responsibility for another deadly attack. what we know about the bombers and connections they made to the terrorist group coming up. that s next. where our next arrival is. red carpet whoa! toenail fungus!? fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. are you getting this?! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh, epic moves, big j! fight it! getting ready for your close-up? ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website for savings on larger size. the markets change, at t. rowe price, our disciplined investment approach remains. we ask questions here. look for risks there. and search for opportunity everywhere. global markets may be uncertain. but you can feel confident in our investment experience. . around the world. call a t. rowe price investment specialist, or your advisor. .and see how we can help you find global opportunity. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. there is more breaking news tonight, what we re learning about a deadly suicide attack in lebanon. two explosions injuring at least 200 others. isis claimed responsibility after an offshoot. as for today s attack, we want to warn you the images are tough to watch. jim sciutto has the latest. reporter: the explosion struck during the height of rush hour. on an open market just south of beirut coordinated, powerful and deadly. first, one suicide blast draws a crowd of onlookers and a second blast strikes that crowd maximizing casualties. a third bomber killed by the blast before he could detonate his own explosive and a fourth was seen here taken away as security forces fire into the air to clear the crowd. this man said he was prying when the blast blew a door right over his head. the victims carried by bystanders over rubble from damaged buildings and rushed to nearby hospitals. a bomb, the twin suicide bombing went off. the area is mostly empty. it s been cordened off by the army, otherwise there is a lot of shattered glass on the street and blood and it s a scene of chaos and carnage. reporter: within hours, isis claimed responsibility. this neighborhood is a stronghold of hasballah fighting alongside bashar al-assad s. isil doesn t think of itself as having borders. let s remember why you say isis i say isil, they say is the islamic state and try to establish a caliphate which means an islamic government covering all the areas where muslims live today in the world, and so, lebanon is just going to be seen as another battle field. reporter: the video of that arrest of the alleged fourth bomber was shown on lebanese television. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity but we re told of the arrest by sources. one of the bombers tried to get into a mosque first and anderson it appears to be more evidence of isis ability to project it s power in iraq and syria. just another sickening attack. jim sciutto, thank you. questions of the repeated tasing of a virginia man that died in police custody two years ago. the video has just been released. why hasn t the top prosecutor wrapped it up. gary tuchman tracks her down. then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. it turns out i m scottish. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi, and streaming entertainment. that s. seize the journey friendly. if i want to go up. hello. if i want to go down. noooo. .but then if i want to come back again. it s perfect. yesss. now that we ve added an 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police officers in south boston, virginia. help me. reporter: could multiple tasering led to his death? that is under investigation and has been for a long, long time. the virginia state police says it started investigating this case when it happened after a request from the south boston police chief. a spokesman for the state police says the investigation was completed in october 2013, two years and one month ago and the findings were sent to the commonwealth attorney for her review. after 25 months she is still reviewing. she is tracy quicken bush-martin who took office in december 2013 and since this story came to light has repeatedly said she does not want to speak on camera but today, she abruptly changed her mind. ms. commonwealth attorney, tell me why this has taken two years, this investigation. this is an extremely serious matter. it s one that requires extraordinary deliberation and it s imperative to me that i reach the correct decision not only the correct decision but in the correct way and in a way that inspires public confidence to the extent that that is possible. reporter: the prosecutor confirms the three police officers are still working with the south boston police force. can i tell you for example, the commission with virginia state police investigated this for five months and gave you its findings. i mean, this doesn t seem like at it s base the most complicated case that should take more than two years. well, i do believe that it is a complex matter. i appreciate your concerns. telling you why it has taken as long as it is is something that i m happy to talk about at the conclusion of the case but doing so now would necessarily reveal aspects of the investigation that are simply improper to talk about right now. reporter: we went to the south boston police station to ask about the three officers still working. hello there, i m gary tuchman with cnn. i wanted to see if we could talk to the chief about the lambert case. we were told the chief did not want to make any comments to us. don t kick your window! reporter: the commonwealth attorney doesn t want to say how much longer this investigation will take. she says she is not sweeping this under the rug. i m being professional. i m doing everything that needs to be done for the case. i m leaving no stone left unturned and i hope the people and press will see that when it s over. gary joins us. so she s not willing to say how much longer it may take her to reach a decision? reporter: anderson, two years certainly is a long time and one of the questions i asked the commonweal commonwealth s attorney is could this take another two years and she told me i suppose in theory anything can happen, but that is certainly not my intent but no, she would not tell us a timetable. she said she is certainly looking at the video evidence but has a multitude of other evidence she has been looking at and will continue to look at. all right. gary, thanks very much. it took a lawsuit to force the release of the videos showing linwood lambert being tased. his family saw that for the first time a couple weeks ago. joining me is his family. mr. lambert, you ve been pushing the prosecutor for answers from the day your son died. when you hear her say she s leaving no stone urn tunturned, goes through your mind? do you believe her? no, i do not. if you look at the tapes and you could see clearly that she, if she saw these tapes, she would have come to a conclusion much quicker than what she has. adrian, the prosecutor says she wants to reach a correct decision in a way that inspires confidence to the extent it s possible. do you have confidence in this investigation? no, i do not. what about it doesn t give you confidence? it s over two and a half years, and it shouldn t take this long to find out why someone died in police custody. cases like that should be brought to immediate attention because you have families and friends and co-workers who are concerned and want to know. it holds a person s life and you can t really do too much, think or even concentrate knowing that you re waiting for someone to press the button and say okay, i m finished and that s not right and fair. mr. lambert, your family was given these videos after one of your daughters filed a civil suit this summer. at what point did your family feel like you weren t being told the truth or weren t being given information? point did you feel something was wrong? anderson, i think we started thinking something was wrong in the beginning. the day he died, we didn t even know it until the day after he died and that was about, excuse me, 11:00 sunday morning and then i was talking to the deputy chief lovelace and seems like he s not trying to give me any answers to what had happened but it was just a bunch of things that he was saying that i just didn t believe what he was talking about. adrian, i mean, when you finally saw the videos, i can t imagine what that was like for you. what went through your mind? i was very angry. i was very upset. it just took life out of me to see my brother sit there and plead for his life and they are not even trying to attempt to pick him up or roll him over like they wanted to and just to see and hear the torture they took my brother through and still act like it was okay, it s justifiable. it s not. it hurt me to my heart. i can t eat. i can t sleep. i can t think. i can t work. i can t do anything and it s sad that they taken my life away from me. mr. lambert, what would justice look like in this case? justice for me, i see those officers handcuffed and taken off to jail. that s what you want to see happen? yes. well, mr. lambert, appreciate you joining us and adrian, as well. thank you so much. we ll continue to follow this. thank you for having us. just ahead, two powerful voices on the gun violence crisis in chicago. spike lee talks about his new film chiraque and michael pfleger shares what he s learned over decades of trying to make chicago streets safer. p blah. tonight part two of my interview with spike lee and father michael pfleger. i met up with him in chicago where gun violence and gangs made the south side one of the most dangerous places to be as a child. on tuesday tyshawn lee was laid to rest, 9 years old gunned down in an ally execution style. they believe he was targeted. at the funeral father pfleger that gave the eulogy could not contain his frustration and anger. tyshawn was not in the wrong place, the murderer, the executioner, the assassin, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time! tyshawn was doing what every child has a right to do, be a child! father pfleger has spent decades trying to make chicago s most dangerous streets safer. he s the model for a character in spike lee s new film. what do you think it s about here that makes it so bad? all i can say is there s a growing hopelessness i ve seen over the last number of years that is a level i ve never seen before and a sense that nothing is changing, nothing is getting better. how many years have you been here? 40 years i ve been living in this building. i ve seen the up and downs over the years. perfect example town hall meeting a year ago in angle wood a kid raises his hand and says can i ask one question? does anybody care? does anybody care about us? when i asked a young sixth grade girl in my school, what do you want to be when you grew up? she says alive. you ve heard people say that to you. oh, yeah, i had a third grader last week after this 9-year-old boy tyshawn lee get killed walked to gym, i heard about the young boy that got murdered and killed. am i safe? i heard you refer to this as a self-inflicted genocide. explain that. here is the thing, though, i and i ll be criticized for this but i don t care. i m all for black lives matter. i can t breathe, don t shoot. i m not speaking on behalf of african americans, this is my belief. i m with that. we as the people can t be blind. all that is fine. eric gardener, go down the line. those were, that was wrong. but we cannot be out there going yeah, yeah, there and then when it comes to young brothers killing then mum is the word. no one is saying nothing. it s got to be both ends. it s not enough to focus on black lives matter movement, on you can focus on it police brutality. but you can t ignore the we are killing ourselves, too. we can t ignore that. so how do you address that? you preach to people. we have to fight the killing of our children whether it is a raciest cop, whether it is a george zimmerman vigilante or whether it is black on black crime. doesn t matter. murder is wrong. killing is wrong. no matter whose hand it is and the race of a hand it is and so we just try to fight that from that standpoint that whenever so we fight against racial profiling and police brutality but priests, we put up rewards like with tyshawn lee. you put up a reward. we started a reward fund maybe 15 years ago we start that and consistently put up rewards and start at $5,000 for anybody to find the person. i m one of the first people that say i hate the prison system, anderson. i hate it. i think it s horrible. i think it s broken. i think they do nothing for helping inmates in there. but you can t kill a child and go back in your life and watch tv and eat mcdonald s and hang out in the street at the park like everything is okay. you can t do that. that s not okay. you can t do that. and if we allow that and tolerate that, then we as a community are saying it s all right. i understand the fear element. i understand people saying you know, they will come after me. my comment is if one person comes forward and yeah, they become the target of the gang or whatever, you come out and put such and such in jail, but it s never just one person that knows about it. but people in general a lot of times people did not come forward to talk. absolutely, they don t and that s a problem. that s a fact. i get the fear element but someplace we have to understand a conscience has a trump fear. you know, it used to be that a snitch was somebody who committed a crime and then pointed the finger at somebody else to get a lesser sentence. it s now gotten to the idea that anybody talks to police, anybody that s witnessed a crime and talks to police about what they saw gets that label and that label is that s a i mean, that is a bad word in communities throughout america. nobody wants to be labeled a snitch. no, and because you feel you re putting yourself in danger, you re labeled by certain groups in the community, and also, i mean, we can t deny from this the broken bridge between law enforcement and the community. it s bad. they don t trust them. people don t trust them. not at all. if they do say something and say i ll do this anonymously and then their name is put out there in the street that they said this, so now there is just a lack of trust for the police. we can t we can t walk away from that. that s real. work needs to be done on both sides but that bridge is broken. well, tomorrow we ll continue our look at the violence gripping chicago s south side and you ll hear from moms that lost their children to guns. remarkable moms you ll meet tomorrow night. their strength is incredible and what they say needs to be done to make their neighborhood safe. pilots blinded by the light, the faa says more than 20 flights were hit by lasers last night in several states. it s the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don t use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you re more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it s not about keeping my dentures in, it s about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip 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day for a ufo sighting than friday the 13th, astronomers will be watching as a piece of space junk six feet in diameter enters at the earth s atmosphere over the indian ocean. anderson? thanks very much. appreciate it. that does it for us. modern turkey was founded in 1923 on the principles of secular, democratic statehood after centuries of empire. it has been the most turbulent year in a decade of turkey s political history. turkey has set a new course. one that many hoped would carry it into the european union. there s clearly a significant

Nevada , United-states , Turkey , Florida , Delaware , Virginia , Syria , New-mexico , Russia , Lebanon , Beirut , Beyrouth

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Saturday 20160319

they brought in the flight recorder and they re going to be able to piece together quickly what happened to the 787. it was five years old. up until now it has a relatively safe record but it s a relatively new airline. there were bad conditions when this aircraft tried to land unsuccessfully. it tried to land once and aborlted that landing in the early morning hours of the morning because of the weather conditions. it then circled rostov for two hours which is quite a lot when you think about it. two whole hours before it tried to land again unsuccessfully. those images which you ve shown already of that fireball as the 737 plowed into the area around the runway. actually fell short of the runway some 200 meters, 8 hund feet or so short of the runway. everybody on board was killed. all of them dead. and, of course, there are terrible scenes now in rostov as the authorities try to clear away the debris and, of course, retrieve the human remains. we know psychologists there are on the scene as well to help these members with what they re seeing today. matthew chance, we appreciate it, thank you. let s turn to the other breaking story. the sole surviving suspect of the paris attacks is now out of the hospital. saleh abdeslam were captured in a dramatic raid in belgium. this happened after an intense manhunt that started after the november attacks. cnn, of course, is covering this story from every angle. we have cnn international correspondent fred pleitgen in brussels and cnn international correspondent in paris. i m going to start with you. one of the things we heard when this raid took place is saleh abdeslam had been wounded when the raid happened. apparently those wounds were only very light and as you said, he was discharged from the hospital. the latest information we re getting is he s going to be brought to a detention facility at some point. he s going have to be brought in front of a judge who is then going to decide whether or not to keep him in detention obviously as this investigation goes on. there seems no doubt at this time that that is something that will happen, that he remains in detention because at this point in time he s still the main focal point of the big egest on in europe. the information we hope to get from him is how the paris attacks began. as you said, he s the seoul survive over the suspects from the attack in paris that killed 130 people. how those attacks took place and more importantly, who else might have been involved. as this investigation has gone on, they found that many, many more people were involved than they had initially thought, so to try to cut through that web is going to be something that s very important. have to keep in mind, victor, that in four months after the attack took place, there have been 100 raids in belgium alone that have net 150 suspects. it s a huge investigation. he s going to be the main focal point. indeed. let s go to nic now. how long could that take and what s next in the process as france gets involved in this? there are indications this is going to be a fairly speedy process, legal of course, so it may take a few weeks. right now president francois hollande is having a defense meeting. in that meeting will be the interior minister, prime minister, foreign minister, defense minister, head of the military forces here, and we have just learned here in the last couple of minutes we can expect a statement from france s interior minister that may shed light on that question of how long the actually judicial process may take. the interior minister is expected to speak within the next few minutes. but i ve got to tell you the mood here in paris about the arrest is quite one of jubilation, if you will. still, look, this is the front page of the parisian newspaper. it says quite plainly capture and this one says, locked up. here, a victory against terrorism. this is something people have been waiting a long time to see the possibility that they could get answers, and this is what the french president has indicated here with the capture of salah abdeslam. of course, all that wide network of people involve thad the french president has talked about. crucial and important for the capture of the people of france. broadly the people around the world. fred pleitgen in brussels and nic robertson in paris. thank you both. let s brung in our panel. tom, i want to start with you. now that they have him in custody it seems extradition is all but certain. what kind of information do you expect they ll be able to extract from him and how might the u.s. assist in this? the problem is, christi, in many of the cases they re arrested an interrogated don t give up much information. they don t have a lot of maneuvering and plea garining and some of the issues we re able to exercise in the u.s., so many of these expects are taken into custody and then say nothing. i will say europe has a process called the european arrest warrant and under that system probably within a month or two, he ll be back in paris. if he doesn t cooperate, if he starts talking, they ll probably leave hem there to not upset the goings-on. if he doesn t talk and doesn t cooperate, they ll have him back in paris, i guess. here s the thing. he could have died in the paris attacks for one in that apartment. he didn t blow himself up for jihad, which is what was expected that he was ordered to do and he did not. so isis wouldn t see him as a martyr at this point. would he speak at all? how likely is it that he would give up any information if perhaps he is in danger from isis? it s an interesting question that you raise, christi. he will probably give up some information. he s put a high value on his life. as you said, he didn t carry out the extent of the attack. he was more interested in preserving his life. so this individual has placed a high price on living. he s probably in fear of what isis will do. there s a question what information he could potentially reveal in terms of logistics, safe houses, other individuals that might be operating. so this is a positive story, but there s a lot more that needs to be done to extract the information that is required. so, john, are you surprised he was still na that neighborhood. it was on the authority s radar since the attacks four months ago. well, on the one hand it s audacious, the fact that he felt it was so comfortable in brussels which is where he s from. but terrorists in the past have stayed where they feel comfortable. sometimes when you have that support and refuge and sympathizers, it s easy to stay where you re use to. i want to ask you, tom, about these four other people who were arrested. three, we understand, are family members who are facing charges of just sheltering him. what do we know about these people? are they suspected of simply hiding him, or were they involved in more than that, do we know? i think we don t know at this point. that s going to take investigation to find out. but i completely agree with sir john s comments on what s hap n happened and what will happen. ifky add, one of the a great leverage items the authorities will have to interview him will be you re a coward. you had a suicide vest on and took it off so you could live. you could have fought it out with authorities in brussels and lived. that s very difficult for somebody. they don t have to threaten him be in any kind of torture. they just have to tell him we re going tell the whole world you re a coward and that won t sit well with his group. there s so much to talk about with this. thap you so much. we re just getting started on new day. donald trump in utah where angle boiled over in salt lake. donald trump is headed to arizona. there has been an increase of citizens and there s been a strategy for that. looking ahead to president obama ee trip to cuba. the welcome signs are out, mat figuratively rolled out. what does this mean for the cuba/u.s. relationship? 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honestly, they re doing their thing. i don t quite get the thing, but whatever it is, they re doing their thing. let me just tell you. i have love for the protesters and i have love for the people standing outside, the thousands that wanted to get in here. i love you people out there. i love you. reportedly no protests inside that event, but you saw the melee outside. trump is now turning hid attention to arizona today, holding two rallies in the state, first in phoenix and then in tucson. arizona is front and center. the democrats are trying to make sure trump can t make good on that promise. bernie sanders is going to be in phoenix later today as well. cnn correspondent jeff zeleny has more. victor and christi, the eyes of the democratic fight are now out west this weekend as the arizona and idaho and utah caucuses are just three days away. bernie sanders hopes to jump start his candidacy. he s heading back to arizona for a rally tonight. he has the campaign trail to himself all weekend long. hillary clinton is taking two days off, secure in her lead against delegate bernie sanders but increasingly donald trump is the center of conversation. the democratic machine is turning all of its attention to him. and sanders is even taking his shot at rival hillary clinton for her take on donald trump. let me say to you a word or two about my good friend donald trump. just kidding. he s not my good friend. in fact. i never even went to one of his weddings. in fact, that s in reference rens to his third wedding in which mr. and mrs. clinton went to. both of them are making that argument. that s what they re going to be continuing do as the next election night in this long campaign is on tuesday out west. victor and christi? all right, jeff. thank you so much. we have with us political science director and policy director at the jason johnson. jason, i want to pick up, and good morning to you first. i want to pick up something that bernie sanders said at that rally, i never even went to one of his weddings. is that going to be a problem for hillary clinton moving toward the general election as she prosecutes that case against donald trump? i don t think so, victor. i think that the connections between hillary clinton and donald trump, they hurt trump more than they hurt hillary clinton. trump who has been much more aggressive about the clintons, about politicians in general, about hobnobbing too much with the political elites makes him a hypocrite. i think the connections are worse for him than they are for hillary. let s talk about bernie sanders, the math difficult. not insurmountable but pretty tough. at what point does this continued campaign stop being sanders making her a better general election candidate, you know, offering a really strong message that clinton thoos respond to into hurting her chances in the general election? honestly, victor, i think this is the best thing that can happen to hillary clinton and bernie sanders in this matter. here s the think. i m probably in the minority about this but i thought the same thing in 2008. a long campaign is actually beneficial and mere s why. it s forcing them to go to states that they re not going to be campaigning in in 2016. if hillary is a nominee in 2016, she s not going to spent that much time in arizona, in utah, in idaho. so because of that competition, she and bernie are going to be meeting with supporters, donors, volunteers that they won t get to see them later on. i don t see how it sing in for them both to benefit to spike it out as long as they can. you acknowledge you re in the minority there. yes. there are many who admit the long primary process in 2008 made barack obama a better candidate. but that s his first run. this is hillary clinton s second and she helped her husband get elected twice. we heard from donald trump in salt lake city. he questions whether mitt romney was a mormon probably jokingly. you remember a couple of months ago the pope questioned his christianity. that anybody that espouses these things, he bristled. does this hurt or help his mormonism, if that s a correct term, in utah. it doesn t help in utah but it doesn t matter given his support bases. donald trump has made it perfectly clear. there s nothing he can say. in his own words he could shoot someone in broad daylight in the middle of times square. there s nothing that could harm him with about 20% to 30% of the republican supporters are going to come out and vote for him. i don t think it s going to hurt him in utah or any other key states but i do think any time he says it, he makes it easier to show that he s absolutely incapable rhetorically and personality-wise to be a functional president of the united states. at this point he should be looking at himself as a general election candidate because these comments won t help. there are comments that he should turn to the general election. jason johnson, thank you so much. thank you. we invite you to watch the final five candidates this monday. they ll all be interviewed. anderson cooper, wolf blitzer are hoefrting. that s monday night beginning at 8:00 eastern beginning on cnn. a huge spike in the number of latino immigrants can become naturalized citizens. why it s so imperative. we re just getting this in. details about an explosion. it happened in the past few minutes at a shopping mall in istanbul. we ve got some video in. we ll bring you this and more details right after the break. hold onto that. i don t think you should do that. henry! henry! oh my. uh oh. oh. i told him not to. put it in reverse. that s fine. back, back, back. ok. (vo) according to kelley blue book, subaru has the highest resale value of any brand. again. you might find that comforting. love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. we ve got new video in of police responding to an explosion in turkey. this was a suicide bombing we re told in a busy shopping district in istanbul. at least 14 people are dead, many others wounded. this comes days after, you remember, a car bomb exploded and 37 people were killed in the capital of ankara. we ll keep you posted as we get more about this explosion there in istanbul. and apple and the fbi will face off in court on tuesday in a hearing aimed at forcing apple to unlock an iphone used by one of the san bernardino shooters. apple s refused to unlock that phone on the grounds that it violates privacy rights. the baltimore ravens are mourning the death of walker. 23 years old. he died of injuries after a traffic incident. he was riding a dirt bike. it was in miami and after dark and he did not have a light on that motorcycle. he collided with an suv. if you don t know walker, let me tell you, he was a standout player at texas state university and was drafted by the ravens just last year. the former professional wrestler was awarded $115 million. he sued the tabloid for posting a video of him having sex with another man s wife. up next, reports of latino immigrants rushing to get the citizenship to qualify to vote in november against donald trump. what we re talking about is a substantial number here. what s the possible impact on his campaign? also, is bernie sanders hinting at a convention fight with hillary clinton? covering is caring because covering heals faster. for a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day, cover with a band-aid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. hundreds of crash simulations. thousands of hours of painstaking craftsmanship. and an infinite reserve of patience. .to create a vehicle that looks, drives and thinks like nothing else on the road. the all-new glc. the suv the world has been waiting for. starting at $38,950. 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translator: if i could become a citizen, i can vote against him, he says. across the u.s. from florida to nevada to illinois to north carolina. latinos once content to carry green cards now seek citizen ship because when trump teed off his presidential candidacy with this they re bringing crime and rapis rapists very and this. the president said naturalization applications jump 14 jumped 14% from last year to this year. the numbers reveal political power, swing state nevada has 73,000 eligible latinos eligible to naturalize. arizona holding its primary next week, 146,000. florida, 137,000. the u.s. is open to 4.5 million people who can naturalize. the very people that he s been attacking are the ones that keep him from getting to the white house. reporter: she s joined with grassroots groups to get out the vote in november. the national response overwhelming. you feel it. you know that donald trump is your enemy because he declared war, because he s the one that declared us enemies. reporter: that s the main motivator why this cuban is getting her citizenship after 22 years in the u.s. when we bring up his name, this response. i can t stand him, he s like a punch to the gut. donald trump s consequence? a pathway to their political power. the trump campaign says the proposed reforms, the 11 million undocumented immigrants, the wall, will actually end up benefiting illegal immigrants. no one believes that. before hillary clinton and her allies can face trump, she has to win the fight against bernie sanders first and that is not over. it s not cooling off. take a look at the tweet here. clinton announces her 1 millionth donor and said 94% of her donors contributed $100 or less and then bernie sanders hit backes with $2 million, average amount, 27 bucks. ladies good to have both of you. good morning, victor. let s talk first about the sanders victory race. i want you to listen to what senator sanders told rachel maddow late this week. i think it is probably the case that the candidate who has the most pledged delegates is going to be the candidate, but there are other factors, and the other factors will be the strength of each of us in taking on the republican candidate. so possibly, he says, or probably the candidate with the most delegates will be the nominee. but there are other factors. what is he telegraphing here, kn? i think he s saying what they re thinking. knows they have a kaeblts that kent be beat. if the candidate is donald trump, then he s the one who does best against them and a lot of it has to do with the white working class vote. the longer bernie sanders is in the race, we have solidified the white working race, reagan democrats, that donald trump is stealing from us now and he s not doing it fairly now. the longer bernie is in the race, the longer we re able to tap into the vote and keep him in our corner. it s very smart of him to say so. to go back to the delegates, we all know what s going on with the delegates. hillary had half of the super delegates back in august blocking the others. i think they know what s going on and they re willing to take to the convention and why he s able to have so many smaller dollar donations. on the other hand she has $2 million and she has this sneaky fund on the side that has a shell yore nation and what it does is solicits small donors. washington post reported this. it s not 2 million small donors or 1 million. it she s loaning money to the account. she s creating illusions that it s others money but it s her. let me bring maria into this. maria maria, is the clinton campaign expecting as nomiki said taking it to the convention? are they expecting a floor fight? i don t think so. but that s up to senator sanders. i m glad he s going to continue in this race. i have been one that has said from the very beginning, it s good for the party, it s good for the country and the democratic process and ultimately it will be good for hillary clinton. he has made her a better candidate, more prepared, the same way that she helped barack obama become a much stronger general election candidate. and, you know, he has to say this right now. he wants to make sure that his supporters continue to come out and support him. and i think it s smart. and i agree with nomiki on the issue of we want to make sure that all of our voters are out there being motivated to come out and vote. we want to make sure there is that energy on our side. but if you want to look at numbers, let s look at numbers that really matter. hillary clinton is ahead by a very significant percentage of plejd delegates, much more than barack obama was ever ahead of her in 2008. and it is almost mathematically impossible for senator sanders to your take her on the pledged delegate count, not counting super delegates, pledged delegates. but, look, he should continue. more power to him. she has gotten more votes than any other candidate in this race including donald trump. she has almost 2 million more votes than bernie sanders, but let s do this. let s go to the very end. let s ask you about the president obama article. i m sure you read it. he told them, he understands a lot of them are not excited. not exciteding about hillary clinton because she s not authentic. here s a reminder that mr. bush speaking of george w. bush was considered authentic when he was running for pretty suggesting that being authentic did not translate into being a good president twice. how does he get over this hump and what appears to be a lack of excitement in what we re seeing in the lower turnout as it relates to the republicans and the primary season? well, i think i just mentioned what it s going to take to get voters out to the polls. it s exactly what hillary clinton has dem zrated she has. she has gotten more votes than any other candidate in this primary process thus far including donald trump. her rallies are actually full of people who are excited about having her be the one fighting for democratic values and fighting for the country. however, she was never running against 15 people. i mean exact lly, exactly. that s fine. the numbers are the numbers, and the excitement is there. the excitement is from an over 55 demographic. maria, unfortunately we have to wrap it there. i thank you for being with us and we ll continue this conversation in the morning. thank you, victor. well, it is being called a new beginning between nations. we re taking you live to havana cuba for details on president obama s historic visit. and an exclusive look inside the front lines. they re in syria. see how aid works risk their lived caught in the bloody ongoing civil war. 1, 2, 3, 4. look out honey. because i m using technology. ain t got time to make no apologies. soul radiation in the dead of night. love in the middle of a fire fight. honey gotta strike me blind. somebody gotta save my soul. baby penetrates my mind. [cheering] and i m the world s forgotten boy. the one who s searchin . searchin to destroy. and honey i m the world s forgotten boy. verizon is the number one network in america. i know what you re thinking, ththey all claim stuff like tha. yeah, but some of them stretch the truth. one said they were the fastest. we checked, it was fastest in kansas city and a few other places. verizon is consistently fast across the country. you wouldn t want to hear from the bloke who packs your parachute, it s good over kansas. do you know what i mean? so that s, you know. anywhere else, splat. only verizon is the #1 network for consistently fast speeds. and now if you by a samsung galaxy s7 edge you get one free. and i didn t get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement never got left behind. so today, i m prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan. let s talk about your old 401(k) today. 45 minutes past the hour. president obama will be the first sitting president to visit the country since calvin coolidge since 1928. it would be interesting, ed, not only to see the president going there but how he ll be received as well. well, this is a trip that many human people have been expecting highly expecting for some time. it s also a trip that will be highly scrutinized by the cuban exile community back in the united states. so it s very much a delegate situation. the delegate will be here in have gnaw for about 48 hours arriving in the afternoon and leaving on tuesday afternoon. he s coming with the first lady two daughters as well as a massive delegation that s really straining the hotels here in the city of havana. but the u.s. white house administration saying that they hope that this is a step in reconciliation and continuing and cementing this processing and thawing of relationships between the cuban government and the u.s. government. president will meet with raul castro on monday and meet with reporters. it s not clear whether they ll be taking questions but the white house says there are no plans for president obama to meet with fidel castro, the older brother. also one of the big things that the cuban community will be looking at is who will the president meet with other than cuban government officials. the white house says there are plans for the president to meet with political activists here in havana as well as dissidents and they expect that the cuban government won t do anything to obstruct those meetings. one thing that s interesting, we were here back in september when pope francis came, and there was always welcoming banners for pope francis throughout the city. we haven t seen much of that along the major streets here in havana where the president will be driving down. but when we did land one of the surreal scenes, the advance team for the president, a massive u.s. air force plane on the tarmac in hashanah, one of those sights that people thought they d never see. up next, cnn goes under cover in the rebel territory in syria. a closer look at the jarchl workers and aid workers risking their living to save other people. look at some of this coming in. we re going to get down into the dirt with all of this. also in a few minutes pope francis is going to post his very first instagram photo and people around the world are awaiting anxiously to see what will it be. it out. do any of you have kids? i do yes. this car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parent s see how their teens are driving. oh, that s smart. it even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car? 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city to deliver an ambulance but it isn t long before he s diverted. four air strikes have hit. sharrif runs into the wreckage to see what s needed. this was a house right here. look. it s all houses. remarkably no one has been injured or killed, but the sound of another jet means it s time to leave. everybody out. let s go. let s go. they say the plane is in the sky, they can hear it. they say a tactic that it uses when ambulances turn up, they ll hit the same place again, so we re going to try to get to a safer place. shah rear is one of a handful of western aid workers living in syria. they don t want to go into the line of fire in a sense. this is something we have to do. this is something that s a human response. if we don t do it, then who will. in the relative safety of an olive groefr near the turkish border, he told us that religious conviction played a big part in his decision to come here three years ago. we need to look at what do the people really want and fw the people are muslims, this is not me saying it. if they want some form of islamic governance, then it s important that we establish that. is that what they want? in my opinion, that s what i believe. if you want york u can go and ask the people what they want. i don t think they d settle for anything else after this bloodshed, the right to self-determination. reporter: for many of the 6.5 milian displaced syrian people, there are perhaps more immediate concerns. most live in sprawling tent cities along the border. conditions in the camps are brutal. there s a lack of food and clean water, and they become more crowded every day. we ve just recently done a survey of this camp, just this camp alone which is a con glam racing of these camps, it s just about 80,000 people. 80,000 people. and there s another beyond this border of maybe 75, 80,000 people. reporter: sharrif s favorite project is this smaller camp that houses roughly 100 widows and their children. syria is now a country full of widows and orphans. some still too young to understand what has happened to their country. others who have seen too much. all of them dependent on the mercy of others. boy. all right. what a vision that is clarissa ward reporting there. the thing is we re going have more of her exclusive reporting later this morning. there s a whole series she s done. as you d expect, food, in syria., medicine are scarce - to find ways you can help, go to our website,\impact. we re taking you live to moscow for an update on plane crash that s killed all 62 people on board. and we ll take you back to the latest capture of the suspect in the paris attack now out of the hospital and in police custody. caring for someone with alzheimer s means i am a lot of things. i am her best friend. i am her ally. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to her current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer s. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer s treatment, it may improve overall function and 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so much news to tell you this morning. the next hour of new day begins right now. we want to wish you good morning and tell you how grateful we are to have your company as usual. i m christi paul. and i m victor black well. we want to get to breaking news. 62 people are dead after a due bay passenger plane crashed in russian. this was a flydubai plane. look at the debris that s littered across the runway. a lot of very small pieces reportedly being seen there, but not a lot of very large pieces. investigators say both flight data recorders, though, have been recorded. and the uae is sending four investigators to moscow to participate with the russians in this investigation. cnn covering the story from all angers. cn international correspondent matthew chance in moscow. cnn producer as well, . we want to talk with you about what s happening. first of all, they ve recovered the two black boxes, the flight data recorder and the cockpit recorder. that s crucial in a situation like this because it s going to give us definitive answers as to why this flydubai boeing 737, an airline with a very good safety record should have fallen out of the skies in this fashion killing all 62 people on board. already there are deep suspicions about the weather playing a role. there were storms in the area, storms, visibility was low, sharp gusting winds as well. in fact, the plane already tried to land once at the airport in ross t rostov-on-don. you can imagine wait was like, waiting for a break, an opportunity to land. they took that opportunity two hours later only to end in that fatal fashion. they say all 62 people on board dying as the plane crashed into the runway or just short of the runway. in fact, a couple of hundreds of meters or feet from the runway. little bits of aircraft lying all over that area in southern russia. okay. matthew chance, thank you. again, what matthew was talking about, there is the video. john jenson joining us now. john, how soon before authorities might be able to analyze the black boxes, the flight recorders, both of which they say they d have in their possession already? well, it could take a long time atz you knee. plane crash investigations tend to go on for days if not weeks, sometimes longer than that. as far as the uae is concerned, they have recovered it. we had a press conference here in dubai. fairly wide-ranging series of questions asked by reporters there and the ceo had this to say. there was no distress call as far as he could tell from this plane. he also said that the aircraft, which was purchased in just 2011, fairly new, 737 800, that s a both. fairly new plane. he said it had passed what s called a c-check. that s an extensive check they give to plains every couple of months. every plane goes through a crash test. this was a very comprehensive test and it crashed just on january 21st. as far as the aircrafting it was fairly healthy. the pilots, two, one from cyprus, one from spain, both had a number of hours, 6,000 hours in flights. very experienced pilots who had been to this this city before. john, any indication whether if the weathe was bad and they had this holding pattern two hours above the airport, why did that not reroute this plane? that, christi, is the question. we did not get any sort of answer from the ceo of flydubai on that. that will be a question they look to. we re told a number of other aircrafts did divert. why the flydubai flight circled for a number of hours, we do not know. but the ceo said at a press conference, and this is a quote, as far as we know, the airport was open and we were good to operate. all right. thank you for the updates. we re following another breaking story. french officials say the arrest of the sole surviving suspect from the paris attack has, quote, dealt a major blow to isis in europe. salah abdeslam is out of the hospital this morning. he was wounded when he and four others were captured in a dramatic raid in belgium. let s get right to cnn international correspondent fred pleitgen. he s in brussels. fred, where is salaam now? reporter: at this point we know he s been discharged from the hospital. we know in the next coming mijtss he s going to be brought in front of the judge and the judge will have to decider whether or not he ll remain in detention. of course, he will remain in detention. afterwards he s going to be brought to a detention facility in the city of brugge which isn t very far away from brussel as this investigation, of course, goes on. you re absolutely right. they have said they believe it s a major blow to isis, but they also said that they believe their battle against terrorism is something that s still ongoing and something they really need to focus on. one of the things they hope to get from abdeslam is how the paris attacks happened, where the explosives came from. they also want to find out and this is probably equally as important, who else was involved, how big is the web. one of the things the friends s have said it was a surprise to them how many more people had been involved. if you take a look at the raid that took place on friday night, victor, they went to the apartment and there were five people. there were apparently also three members of a family that were sheltering him and that might be one of the reasons that could explain why there have been so many raids in belgium over the past four months looking for this man and now they have finally found him, victor. to see how much information he ll offer and if they ll be effective in getting the information from him. fred pleitgen in brusless. fred, thank you so much. tom fuentes and sa sajjan gohel. how long will it take? it may take some time but the french interrogators will extract some information. they ve done it in the past with other terrorism investigations. keep in mind, christi, this is a man who was supposed to be involved in the paris attacks. unlike all the other co-conspirators who died in the battle against the police, he survived. he s very much interested in self-preservation. even when he went back to belgium, he could have carried out other attacks. he didn t. he s going to lie low. he s going to want to save himself and equally there s going to be other people amongst isis leaders who are very nervous about what he could potentially reveal. with that said, tom how will the u.s. assist if at all in the interrogation process or even the preparation of it? the u.s. will supply information that they may not have about him, you know, from worldwide investigation, by the bureau in particular. they ll provide that information to the interrogators in brussels and later when he s transported back to paris. and that will be very instrumental in demonstrating to him that the authorities know a lot about him and have a pretty good idea of his hiftd. so that s the type of background support that will go into this. tom do, you believe that there were cell phones and computers in the apartment that could help them decipher the plans of the terror attack and will they be easy to break into when we see some of the difficulties in encryption with items like that? exactly. we don t know what the value is going to be. we don t know if they ve been using encrypted apps either to make phone calls or send e-mails that can t be broken down and analyzed. we don t know that yet. we don t know how sophisticated it was and that will be a huge problem. yet again we can see where they use technology to a great extent that keeps them from giving up information to the authorities. so, john, i want to talk about some new video that we re learning about today, british hostage. this is a 3 1/2 minute video. he s appeared in several videos, we understand. this one he s standing in front of a media kiosk and saying the americans are so bankrupt of intelligence that this is all they have left to target, some of the busiest residential and shopping areas, talk about these kiosks where isis propaganda is distributed. why would they use him at this point? that s a good question. john cantlie is one of the few remaining western hostages isis has. the others that have brutally killed on camera. part of that intimate kill. john cantlie unfortunately is being used to not only intimidate the west but spur on supporters. for once they ve had a setback with the capture of abdeslam. it will be interesting to see how they respond to that. they won t be able to use john cantl cantlie. we will expect more propaganda in the future. i m afraid that s how they live. we should point out with the first video with can tly, he clarified he was being forced to share a message from isis and you can only assume this is maybe under duress as well. sa jan gohel and tom fuentes, thank you very much for your insight. still more breaking news from istanbul, turkey. at least 14 people confirmed dead from a suicide attack popular with tourists. response still happening right now. turkish media reports another 20 have been wounded. the area has been cordoned off as the police work to clear the scene. no group has claimed responsibility. there was a car bombing that killed 37. in that case a kurdish rebel group took responsibility. well, the welcome signs are up for president obama s visit to cuba. a historic trip that could mark a new beginning for both nations. plus, the political nation moves west and the gop candidates are shifting their focus to the gop front-runner. i am conservative. i m very conservative. but i m not conservative when it comes to stupidity. we have wear the enamel. a lot of patients will not realize what s happening to the enamel. once it s gone, it s gone away for good. i recommend pronamel. it s designed specifically to help strengthen the teeth. pronamel will actually help to defend the enamel from the acids in our diet. if you know that there is something out there that can help, why not start today? only glucerna has carbsteady, diabetes, steady 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they re doing their thing. let me just tell you, i do have love for the protesters and i have love for the people standing outside, the thousands of people that wanted to get in here. i love you people out there. i love you. well, let s talk about the democrats. they re not necessarily feeling love. hillary clinton and bernie sanders trying to knock out the gop front-runner. at the same time they re tasked with trying to take out each other. cnn correspondent jeff zeleny has more for us here. victor and christi, the eyes of the democratic primary fight are now out west this weekend as the arizona primary and idaho and utah caucuses now just three days away. bernie sanders hopes to jump start his candidacy. he campaigned aggressively on all three friday and he s heading back to arizona for a rally tonight. he has the campaign trail to himself all weekend long. hillary clinton is taking a few days off. increasingly hedonald trump is being talked about on the democratic side and sanders is taking a shot at hillary clinton s connection to donald trump. let me say a few words about my good friend donald trump. just kidding. he s not my good friend. in fact, i never even went to one of his weddings. of course, that s a reference to trump s third marriage which president clinton and mrs. clint clinton attended in florida some years ago. that there s a question which would be strongest to take on trump during the election campaign. both of them continue to make that argument and that s what they ll continue to do. the election campaign is on tuesday out west. victor and christi? jeff, thank you so much. as it stands, barring any major shakeup, that is possible, we re looking at a clinton/trump fight. it s good to have both of you with us this morning. good morning. this week donald trump released an instagram showing hillary clinton at rally barking like a dog. some consider that to be sexist. there s a remark that he made verbal assaults on megyn kelly. how does trump win in a general election fight on ooh a woman who could become the next president. single white women getting to the white house. how does he win that group considering what we ve seen in the primary? you re accurate for pointing out. this year like any other election year, single white females are actually a dominating group where they ve not necessarily had any play in the past. that doesn t mean they don t have families themselves. so what he s talking about, i give them more credit than just talking about gender. it s actually talking about pay. it s about gettin the opportunity for jobs and health care. i think he has better play than what most give him credit for. phillip, let me ask you. we talked about it in the last hour but i want to turn it a bit. we saw where president obama is speaking with democratic donors to get behind hillary clinton. he acknowledges there s a problem of excitement, questions of authenticity. how does she get over that excitement hurdle considering the record in some places turnout that we receive on the republican side? i think first of all, victor, what we saw on tuesday, that she won two out of five states is very crucial. secretary clinton did phenomenal. think it s one of her greater urban wins. the primary is very different than the general election. the difference between donald trump and the democratic issues is going to be so much more empowering and exciting for people to come out for. the one thing, of course, we haven t talked about is secretary clinton is looking like she ll be the first feel may nominee from any major u.s. party to be the president of the united states and that will be historic to a lot of women, a lot of girls, and a lot of americans. aside from strategy, let me come to you both with this. what is the single strongest issue, you believe, for your candidates? scott ty, i want to start with you. it s jobs. right now jobs are created at his creation and ongoing. that involves education, health ca care. that s affecting mainstream families today. that s an issue that secretary clinton or snorg clinton has not helped with one single job. it comes down to the economy and being able to provide for your family, whether you re a single female or you re actually in a married relationship. i guarantee that right there is an issue that mr. trump will be able to speak to longer than necessarily hillary clinton. one quick point about hillary clinton in florida, you can sit and talk about the great numbers. what you have to worry about is the disenfranchisement. when you talk about the bernie sanders supporters who are active, it s been virtually impossible since day one for their guy to be elected. they re not going to want to vote for hillary clinton. they re going to realize their vote was dismantled from the very beginning. let me get to the question. single strongest issue for hillary clinton against donald trump specifically. it s going to be the middle class. hillary clinton has spent her entire life helping people. young people, old people, african-american people. she has a track record for doing that. donald trump, the one issue that s going to be very important for him, he does not want to raise the inheritance tax. we know that most of his fortune was inherited by his dad. i think what it comes down to is trying to pretend he s a self-made success and secretary clinton who say is want everybody to have the opportunity to live the american dream. of course, with donald trump, as he said, he s under federal irs investigation. that s going to be very concerned to people going forward. do you really want to bring up investigations? it s a big issue for donald trump. we know this orange jump suit. it s awesome. we ve got a record there. thank you both. monday night, a big night on cnn. three-hour prime event with five presidential candidates this monday. donald trump, ted cruz, john kasich and hillary clinton and bernie sanders. wolf blitzer and anderson cooper hoeftding that on monday night on cnn. it s called a new beginning between nations. we re bringing you details on president obama s historic visit to cuba. aren t moving in the right direction,bers it can be a burden. but what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. with over 6 million prescriptions and counting, it s the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it s a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here s how: invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in to the body through the kidneys and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it s not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, especially when you stand up. other 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also expected to meet with some political dissidents. after cuba he s traveling to argentina. and cnn, by the way, will bring you live coverage after all testify o f this is happening. a young american captured by kurdish forces said he wasn t thinking straight when he followed a woman into isis-controlled syria. before that he was trained by a group of isis fighters. he could face criminal charges back here in the u.s. he says he surrendered to kurdish forces because he didn t want to be part of isis. u.s. authorities are now trying to verify that story. and here in the u.s. a florida jury has sided with hulk hogan in his lawsuit against gawker awarding him $115 million. that s him wearing the black bandana there. he sued them for invasin of privacy when they posted a two-minute voed owe of him having sex with another man s wife. we re following two breaking stories. investigators trying to piece together what happened before a plane crashed while landing in southern russia, killing all 62 people on board. we ve got the latest on that investigation and what they have found so far. also the sole surviving suspect of the paris attack is out of a belgian hospital this morning and in police custody. what the french president wants to have happen to him now. ifor all the wrong reasons.gical you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. testing, testing. 1, 2, 3, 4. look out honey. because i m using technology. ain t got time to make no apologies. soul radiation in the dead of night. love in the middle of a fire fight. honey gotta strike me blind. somebody gotta save my soul. baby penetrates my mind. 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reporter: well, partly what the situation is that the french authorities obviously, you know, have said that they need to try him and bring him to justice in france, but they also recognize and they re working very closely, the belgian authorities, and the belgians have a very, very immediate problem and that is that terror network cells where he was arrested. there s a respect here, that belgium needs do their investigation. we ve been hearing for a couple of weeks it may stretch out to be a couple of months. it s an important thing for the french is that he will be brought to justice, he will come to france. that s not of any doubt at the moment. the sense of people here, i say a sense of jubilation, but it s celebrating this inasmuch as it was a big sense of relief. a man who can shed light into all the background details, all the people involved in the attack is in custody and people are beginning to wonder, you know, if that was ever going to happen, if it s possible. there s a sense of relief there. but the authorities say it s a major blow against isis and europe, but this is not the end of the fight against terrorism. so extradition, it s going to happen legally for sure and perhaps with deference to the fact that belgian authorities maybe have more of a pressing need to get details of these terror network cells that were hiding under salah in belgium, in brussels, in the capital over the past four months. nic, we know that he was shot in the leg and he s been released from the hospital. i understand what you re saying is he ll be interrogated in belgium and also interrogated in france once that extradition process goes through, but what about the other man who was hospitalized? what do we know about him and these three people who were helping to hide him? . reporter: yeah. we have very few details about him. belgian authorities have been very cautious and careful over the recent months not to release a lot of information because they felt it was counterproductive to their searches for abdeslam. all the indications where he was close. there s a huge amount of suspicion that s going to fall on him and his recent activities. certainly authorities are aware there were other people involved in the upper echelons of the planet in the execution of this. another member was believed to be own the phone during the attacks actively during the attacks that they were carried out. another man involved in a similar way helped direct the attacks during that night of november 13th, he was shot and killed by belgian and french police by a special forces sniper on tuesday earlier this week. the raid that really seemed to precipitate the capture of salah abdeslam. we have few details other than he was injured and we can fully expect him to be going through a similar interrogation. again, the authorities here continue to say that this is not the end, that the network is big, that this is potentially there will be more arrests. so i think we can expect them not to give out too many details of what they learned during the early stages of the investigation. it may well be the trial before we get the full details of the extent of what prosecutors and interrogators discover during all of this. and who knows how long it will be before a trial can get under way. nic robertson, so appreciate the update there from paris, thank you. the pressure on as the gop contest moves out west. some are voting for the person they want to be president. some are voting strategically. john kasich, you know, he won his home state in ohio, but does he have enough delegates left on the table to clinch the nomination before the convention? also officials condemning the latest round of missile tests north korea has launched this time was different. right now, you re not thinking about all the money you saved by booking your flight, rental car, and hotel together. all you re thinking about, is making sure your little animal, enjoys her first trip to the kingdom. expedia, technology connecting you to what matters. this is the all-new 20wow, it s nice.. let s check it out. do any of you have kids? i do yes. this car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parent s see how their teens are driving. oh, that s smart. it even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car? 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(laughs) it looks like the gop is headed to a brokered convention where the parties pick somebody other than trump or cruz, but who could it be? yeah, yeah, i know, but who could it be? i mean jeb bush s name has been mentioned followed by loud sobbing and leave me alone coming from the vicinity of florida. stephen colbert having a laugh there, but there s a lot of republican hand wringing over a brokered or contested convention, and it s a prospect that speaker paul ryan says is looking more likely than ever. watch. there s more likely to become an open convention than we thought before, so we re getting our minds around the idea that this very well could become a reality and therefore those of us who are involved in the convention need to respect that. before it gets that far, let s talk about the math and take a look at this. tack a lot look at cnn s delegate count. donald trump needs to get about 55%. ted cruz needs 80%. kasich needs 108%. obviously that s a bad math probability. let s get to ben ferguson. we did a lot of research on that name. let me get to john kasich first. how does he with this mathematical impossibility of getting delegates before the convention win over the never trump voter? i don t know. it was like, now what and at least gingrich figured it out sooner than not, i won my home state, i m going to drop out of this thing. there s no mathematical possibility for kasich. why would you stay in? to put it in perspective, he at this point had fewer electoral votes than a guy who just dropped out by the name of marco rubio. so the idea that the people want him, they want you even at this point less than they wanted marco rubio. it s time for him to drop out. i don t know why on earth except for personal vanity you d stay in this thing. it s obvious by looking at the math the only two options are donald trump and ted cruz. it s a two-man race. there is talk of this last 24 hours of a unity ticket. putting together a cruise kz/ka or one campaigning east of the mississippi, one campaigning west of the mississippi, what do you make of that plan? anything s possible. there are so many people throwing out so many different things. ultimately i think they both understand that they have to make sure that donald trump does not continue to get these, a, winner-take-all states and get a lot of these delegates. for example, you look at missouri, donald trump was able to pick up delegates that if john kasich and marco rubio had been out, it would have changed the outcome and ted cruz would win that state. they can t have any more of those screw-ups. it hurts both of them. if there is any possibility of this unity tick, which i don t think there will be there s a whole lot of speculation john kasich has to do a gut check and say do i have a chance. that s not being mean by saying that. the math is the math. it s kind of what i said about marco rubio a week ago. third place is nothing other than third place and he figured that out after losing in florida. these are a bunch of things we re going to hear about. the reality is, i don t think, victor, it s going to happen. i think at this point it s a two-man race and they ve got to look at it that way. quickly, donald trump withdrew from the fox news debate on monday and kasich said, if trump s not going to be there, i won t be there. that was the last scheduled debate. i would imagine no more debates for the season, that helps donald trump the front runner. yeah, it does. it s a strategic move. i think he realizes the fewer people on stage and the more back and forth with him and just another candidate or two, the more vulnerable he is. it s a risk he s not willing to take. it s very odd, though, that people are accepting this. you want to see a grand debate. donald trump says he s the only person who can beat hillary clinton. he s been saying that for nine, 10, 11 months. if you can t go on stage and go toe to toe with ted cruz, how do i know you can go toe to toe with hillary clinton? that mae be one of his biggest vulnerabilities here. people want to see this debate. there was a time where he was silent for more than 30 minutes on foreign policy. he didn t say a word. you can t do that if there s just two people on stage. his response to that is he s won all these polls and debates and how many times can you ask the same question. we ll be speaking with supporters of ted cruz and john kasich. ben ferguson, thanks for being with us. thanks, victor. all right. stay with us. we have an act of defiance we re watching. north korea launching more missiles. why officials believe this threat is more grave than others we ve seen. here in the u.s., march madness. it was a break bracket buster. we ll talk about it. f performa. we ll be with you shortly.. yeah right. xerox predictive analytics help companies provide a better and faster customer experience. hello mr. kent. can i rebook your flight? i m here! customer care can work better. with xerox. wait i m here! mr. kent? (gasp) shark diving! xerox personalized employee portals help companies make benefits simple and accessible. from anywhere. hula dancing? cliff jumping! human resources can work better. with xerox. heading toward the 8:00 here and north korea fired two ballistic missiles off the coast of the peninsula. japan s prime minister condemned north korea s actions, called on the country to exercise self-restraint. he said japan would take precautionary measures including surveillance. this comes as south korea and the military are conducting military exercises and ivan watson are considering why officials consider this launch a bigger threat than others. reporter: the u.s., japan and south korea, they are all condemning a series of predawn missile launches carried out by north korea. the u.s. defense department says that these appear to have been medium rage ballistic missiles fired from somewhere not too far north of the north korean capital. one of them traveled to an altitude of about 17 kilometers before it disappeared off south korea, off the radar. we don t have an explanation for why that happened. the other traveled quite a distance, around 800 kilometers and to give a sense why countries are so alarmed, the distance between pyongang, they are interpreting this as quite a threat. if this is part of a broader trend, north korea and its leader kim jong un just this week ordering his scientists and military to carry out more nuclear tests and to further work on testing the country s arsenal of ballistic missiles with the ultimate end goal of fitting a minuminute tour nucle weapon. this is in defiance of many united resolutions. it s also in defiance of north korea s neighbor and trading partner and traditional ally, china that s consistent recalled for the denewizatiuclearization china. they are i can toing place for a period of about eight weeks here in south korea. north korea filed a former letter of complaint to the u.n. security counsel warning that it feels that these exercises could be a precursor for a possible invasion. so, you ve got relations between north and south that have deteriorated to the worst point they have been in years. the south korean government saying this latest missile launch is a frontal attack on the most recent round of u.n. security counsel resolutions. ivan watson, cnn, seoul. ivan, thank you so much. if your bracket is trash now, so is mine. in my own defense, i didn t pick from expertise. neither did i. that s true. but you re better condition than i am. not much. more on march madness after the first round. courtyard, the official hotel of the nfl, and i want to remind you that no one s the same without the game. take @youwishcommish8 for instance. he writes, as commissioner of my fantasy league, i m thinking about moving the draft up. to next week. too early? commish, the season is a ways out. months in fact. no rosters are set, the draft hasn t even happened yet, and not a single free agent has been signed. so, it is too early? .yes it is. dial it back, commish. way back. my wife and i are now participating in your mutual fund. we invested in your fund to help us pay for a college education for our son. we ve enclosed a picture of our son so that you can get a sense there are real people out here trusting you with their hard-earned money. at fidelity, we don t just manage money, we manage people s money. 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(vo) don t be a settler, get a $100 reward card when you switch to directv. middle tennessee state puts on the big glass slipper. more in the bleacher report. let s hand it to you. i was looking at my bracket like a lot of people and had nothing. it s over already. already. i had michigan state winning it all like a lot of people did but michigan state didn t even win one game. the blue raiders won from opening tip to the final buzzer. they were locked out from beyond the three-point line shooting 58% from downtown. every time it looks like the spartans would take the game back, they end up shocking michigan state and the world winning this one 90-18. the eighth time a 15-seed defeated a number two seed since the field expanded back in 1985. our hearts go out to texas long horn fans this morning. they played a nail biter. time was winding down when tailer tied the game at 72. watch what happens left. they inbound the ball and paul going to shoot a prayer from half-court, and it is answered. 11 seed northern iowa pulled off the upset 75-72. guys, we look at the good old cnn bracket challenge, you have to scroll down the page to find any of our names. we re down there at the bottom, and victor, christi, luckily for you nick valencia filled out a worst bracket. he saved you guys. i m already considered out. look at me. michigan state winning it all. not happening. i m done. actually, you guys are still in the hunt, actually, because you did have michigan state winning it all. i didn t. it can get better for you guys, i m done. we ll take a closer look later this morning. an andy, thanks so much. there is so much to talk to you about this morning. next hour starts now. good morning, so grateful for your company, as always. i m christi paul. i m victor blackwell. two breaking news stories this morning. let s go first to southern russia where 62 people have been killed while a plane crashed trying to land. we got pictures of debris from across the runway. you see it spread out there. new video in. fly dubai, that s the airline. dubai-based airline. says there was no distress call but the plane was circling for quite sometime because of bad weather. next to brussels where they will expedite the sole surviving paris suspect, salah abdeslam and four others were captured. look at the dramatic raid in belgium yesterday. the manhunt had been going on for about four months. cnn is covering these stories from all hangangles. we re also joined by cnn cmichal weiss and john. let s start with matthew. i want to know this fight plan from fly dubai, this plane. we have pictures or video. erratic before it landed. what can we deduce from what we re seeing here? information could it provide to investigators? it s pretty extraordinary looking at the flight radar pictures and we ve been there being in a holding pattern as you re trying to land. sometimes bad weather and sometimes air traffic. they were there for two hours, which is extraordinary circling around in stormy conditions before the pilot decided to go in an attempt to second landing. he already tried one landing which didn t work. they had to abort because of the high winds, wind sheer, the poor visibility, the heavy snow and rain. so they circled for two hours and tried again. so it raises all sorts of questions. of course, the second attempt ended so fatally. it raises questions why for instance, the crew didn t divert to another airport, other airplanes did. there was a flight coming in from another location that had the same problem, it diverted to a city very close by, about 140 miles away, in fact, which is nothing by air. landed safely. and so that s one of the questions, not every question but it s one of the questions that s going to be asked as investigators examine the flight recorders which have been recovered in good condition apparently and look at what it was, exactly. was it the weather? it pilot error, technical failure associated weather that brought this boeing 737, very modern aircraft, brought it down with that loss of life? of course, people who have been following these airline tragedies over the last 24 months know that those two boxes, the flight data recorder, the voice recorder will provide answers to many questions. matthew chance reporting from moscow, thank you so much. i want to go to fred pleitgen in brussels. they will keep the terror threat three. the fight against terrorism isn t over yet and we know that this neighborhood has been on authority s radars for quite sometime. what do we know about how expansive the terror cell is and what is next in the investigation process? reporter: well, just to give you an indication how expansive the cell could be, they had more than 100 raids since the four months of the paris attacks. they had several people taken into custody and a lot of the raids were focused on trying to find a salah abdeslam. one of the things that the authorities have said is they believe this is a big blow to isis, he was caught but they say that fight against terrorism in belgium, in france and indeed in most of europe still continues. neverthele nevertheless, this is a big success to them. what is going on is salah abdeslam is in a police station here in brussels. he s being questioned by detectives. he s also going to be questioned by a judge, as well, and that judge is going to decide whether or not he s going to remain in detention and by all accounts, he will remain in detention because he was europe s most wanted man and because he is at the center of you aeuropest lar anti-terror investigation. what the authorities want to find out now, first of all, going back to the paris attacks is what was the logistics and went into that? sort of planning took place before hand? they want to know more detaiil what took place but back to your question, how many people were involv involved? who was involved? where is their potential cells in europe where other things might still be plotted. one of the things that the french have said as this investigation went on since november 13th, since the paris attacks, they were surprised to see how many people were actually involved, how big this web was and of course, they hope salah abdeslam being the sole survivor of the paris attacks, the original attackers, they hope he can provide some information. fred plaquen, stay with us. i want to bring in michael weiss and analyst jonathan gilliam. michael, i want to start with you, in light of this capture, do you believe isis may be modifying its strategies? how nervous do you think they might be? i think they are probably a little bit nervous. the paris attacks, unlike some of these other isis-inspired attacks we ve seen throughout the world were known in advance to the sure counsel of isis. i know that for a fact. they will have known the identities of the paris attackers as you ll recall not long after november 13th, isis propaganda put out a teaser for the fourth coming movie that they were going to take credit for and celebrate the nine attackers who were killed. noticeably and conspicuously absent from the video was salah abdeslam and there was a lot of speculation at the time as to what happened. he was wearing a suicide vest. he took it off. threw it in the trash. did he chicken out going through part of his operation? he giving instruction to abort and lie and wait to perpetrate a knock on attack. or there were reports at the time that he might have actually been gay and seen in a gay district of brussels going to bars and chatting up other men. whether or not that was true or perhaps a clever gambit to try and keep him in europe because obviously, he wouldn t go back to syria or the caliphate if he was outed as a homosexual. one thing this does prove, he was seen and his fingerprints, dna was recovered from at least three different locations within maybe a two-mile radius of central bruz ssels several mont. he was domicile with two senior european isis operatives including the man coordinating the paris attacks and salah abdeslam was armed with a kalashnik kalashnikov. it was not like they were holding him for fear of information. he was actually still an operative and now the question is, if they interrogate him, which obviously they will do, what is he going to give up? will he actually disclose intelligence or just kind of go silent? that s what i wanted to ask. this guy could have died in paris. we know he left behind a suicide belt that they found. he could have died in that apartment in the shootout. he didn t blow himself up. he didn t die for gjihad. the question is, did he really want to die? is this someone that wants to be alive and if that is the case, how much might he reveal in interrogations? i would hope it s the fact that he didn t want to die because that s somebody who has a will to live and once he gets in with trained investigators that know how to interrogate and interview, they will be able to work his emotions and his will to live in order to get the information and ifinvestigator, about techniques like water boarding and things like that but you can do a lot by being really nice to somebody. you would be very surprised. when they are in an emotional shot. he s been shot. you can get quite a bit of information out of somebody. i just think it s fascinating that this one particular area in brussels, it s so centrally located to all these hard targets, all across europe and it is a problem. it s a problem that has to be looked at not only by belgium and france but by the international community because it s obviously a hot bed for fundamental or radical jihadist going in and out of the war zone because the way these people are working, the way they are hiding them and operating, it just shows you that they have a skill set that is a little bit more heightened than some other terrorists we ve seen in the past. which makes you wonder perhaps he ll have information or give up information about how they communicate and the fl fluidity of their movements. we know salah abdeslam is out of the hospital this morning. do we know where he s been taken or the terms by which he is being interrogated? well, we know there are detectives interrogating him and he s at the central police station here in brussels. it was interesting, christi, because today there was talk of him possibly being brought to a courthouse but now the latest information is a judge will be brought to him and then decide to have him remain in custody there. it s unclear what s going to happen afterwards. the latest indications we have is probably after this takes place and the judge sees him and detectives are finished questioning him. he ll be brought to a high security facility that specifically has an area for terror suspects in a town fairly close to brussels, but then of course, the investigation is going to be going on and of course, one of the places that the investigation is going to continue to focus on is this area here because this is an area that has a big problem with extremism and had so within the years and one of the things the authorities are very concerned about is the fact that not only do these people have expertise but there are people from this area that have gone to syria to fight with isis and some have returned and brought the expertise with them and the other thing you have here is an abundance of weapon. it s easy to get things like kalashnikovs in belgium in this area here. thank you-all so much, gentlemen, for your perspectives and insight. we appreciate it. coming up on new day donald trump back on the attack again. he s hitting one of his favorite targets, mitt romney. plus a bill waiting on the georgia governor s desk is being slammed by critics. they are saying it s discriminating. will governor nathan deal sign it? 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(vo) but with nationwide it s no big deal. okay, your retirement plan is all set. nationwide? awesome. nice neighborhood. nationwide is on your side then your eyes may see it, differently.ave allergies. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. i have a lot of friends. by the way, mitt romney is not one of them. did he choke? did this guy choke? he s a choke artist. i can t believe. are you sure he s a mormon? despite the fact one month ago trump bristoled at the pope s position building walls was not christian. trump is in a state where immigration is a key issue and will be alongside the outspoken sheriff known for his anti immigration stance. to discuss, i want to bring in donald trump supporter jeffrey lord. jeffr jeffrey, good morning. good morning, victor. good to have you with us. you heard what donald trump said there, despite his being so offended when the pope questioned his faith a month ago, why is he doing it in reference to mitt romney. victor, i think he has a good sense of humor and tweaking old on religion. do you tweak someone on religion? good lord, have we become so serious, i m a congregationest and i poke fun at my own religion. does that work in utah? i think people in utah have a good sense of humor, sure. okay. that s your answer. let me ask you about the debate that was supposed to happen on monday but trump pulled out and kasich said if trump isn t going to be there, i m not going to be there. you can t have a debate with one person. donald trump acknowledged skipping the fox debate before the iowa caucuses likely hurt him. why risk it again? that my have been true then but i don t think now. is this debate 12, 13, 14? i think the country has been debated out just generally speaking and that s probably true on both sides. we now all know where everybody stands. that applies to donald trump and ted cruz and bernie sanders and hillary clinton. i mean, i just think people are finally getting, you know, on board with this and want to get on with it. as events warrant after san bernardino and paris, voters wanted to hear the candidate s reaction or plans to combat terrorism as, you know, the events warrant. should there be more debates? i don t think so. i mean, i think we pretty much run the string on this. you know, there is plenty of ways to communicate with the public. you can have one interview, donald trump is always doing them with just about everybody who asks. i mean, anderson cooper pointed out the other night to carly fiorina that the difference between her campaign and the trump campaign, donald trump said yes to requests and her campaign said no. there is a difference between being interviewed and challenged by your opponent. i got your answer on that. we know anonymous waged war is waging war against donald trump leaking his alleged cell phone numbers, social security number, contact information for some of his associates. the campaign released this statement. let s put it up on the screen. the government and law enforcement authorities are seeking the arrest of people responsible for attempting to illegally hack mr. trump s accounts and telephone information. what do you say to people that think back to july when donald trump announced lindsey graham s cell phone number and say if you can dish it out, you should be able to take it? i think there is a bit of a difference. again, there is such a thing as having a sense of humor but in terms of what we re talking about with anonymous, we re talking i mean, this goes far beyond donald trump. this goes to the security of the white house as an institution, the pentagon, national security, all of these kind of things where you have a group of people who are busy hacking in with the intent of doing serious damage, deliberately. that s a different ball of wax here and extends well beyond donald trump. all right. jeffrey lord, always good to have your insight. thanks. thank you so much. and of course, we re going to hear more from the candidates. it will not be a debate but a three-hour prime time debate with the final five presidential candidates monday. donald trump, ted cruz, john kasich, democrats hillary clinton, bernie sanders all interviewed by anderson cooper and wolf blitzer. they are hosting monday night starting at 8:00 eastern here on cnn. ted cruz gets mitt romney s vote but it s not necessarily a ringing endorsement some say. the cruz campaign joins us live and we have an update on what we ve been following this morning. this passenger plane that crashed in russia overnight. stay close. 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[ gunshots ]. the latest on the raids in bu belgium that brought in a suspect on the paris attacks. what s next for salah abdeslam? also, clarissa ward takes us inside syria along the path known as death road. may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. for over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call a t. rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor .to see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena® cosmetics. powders, concealers and foundations in new shades for more skin tones. with vitamins and antioxidants. your skin will look beautiful when you wear it and even after you take it off. neutrogena® cosmetics see what s possible. new details on the two breaking news stories we re following this morning. in southern russia, 62 people are dead after a passenger plane crashed attempting to land for a second time. i want to show you the surveillance video here. russian state news says it shows, and you ll see it here, that moment of the crash. however, cnn cannot independently confirm the authenticity of the video. plus, there is video of the last remaining paris suspect in the november attack. salah abdeslam leaving the hospital. abdeslam was captured and being interrogated. the french president is looking for a quick extradition to france. a report first on cnn, ted cruz is calling some of his biggest fundraisers to las vegas for an exclusive retreat. a sign the campaign is preparing to go all the way to the convention, as many expect and in arizona cruz called john kasich governor of ohio a quite spoiler arguing a vote for kasich is really a vote for donald trump. to discuss, let s bring in the national spokesman for the campaign. ron, good to have you back. good morning, victor. good morning to you. are you calling, is the campaign calling for john kasich to get out of the race? well, john kasich has to consider the fact that every single day that he remains in the race he makes it more likely donald trump can get to 1237. john kasich doesn t have a single state going forward, which he can win and the longer he stays in this race, he keeps it, you know, as a bit of a diversion and functionally, this is a two-person race because the only two candidates who have a plausible way to get to 1237 delegates are donald trump and ted cruz and so we want to get on with that. let me ask you about the debate. there was one scheduled for monday. donald trump pulled out and kasich pulled out leaving ted cruz on the stage and so fox cancelled the debate, can t have a debate with one person. is the cruz campaign working aggressively to have more debates? we want to have a one on one debate with donald trump because this is a matter of not only producing a nominee but also vetting our candidates and ensuring that our candidates are prepared to go toe to toe with hillary clinton. if donald trump can t stand on a debate stage opposite ted cruz, how are we supposed to believe he can go one on one with hillary clinton and so let me get clarity. i hate to jump in. you said you re looking to have a one on one debate with ted cruz and donald trump. will the campaign call for debates with all three men or only if it s just cruz and trump? no, certainly, we were ready to participate in the fox debate, which would have had the three candidates with john kasich there, as well. i think the dynamic of the race, of course, is primarily between donald trump and ted cruz and we look forward to having the opportunity for that debate. we want to know why is donald trump so afraid to debate ted cruz. we think we know the answer to that. i think you can find some of the answer in the most recent debate where the segments were longer. you found that donald trump was repeating himself over and over again and repeating talking points and people could really see he doesn t have the depth of knowledge on just about anything beyond simply, bumper sticker length talking points. that s a real source of concern. it s part of the reason he is so vulnerable and if he were the republican nominee, he would lose to hillary clinton and lose the supreme court for a generation. donald trump is a republican nominee would be a disaster. he doesn t want to go toe to toe with ted cruz for a reason. there should be a debate as soon as possible and he should have stuck with his commitment to the utah debate. let s talk about arizona. big prize winner take all. ted cruz long made border security part of the platfom before the election but he has been over taken according to polls as being the person who would best handle illegal immigration, many believe that that belongs to donald trump. just this week, ted cruz, the campaign released an ad that looked a lot like an ad we saw from the trump campaign. does ted cruz now find himself chasing donald trump on the issue of illegal immigration, easy specially in arizona? we really don t know where donald trump would be on the issue in terms of what he would do if he were the republican nominee or the president, i think that s why he won t allow the new york times to release the secret tape they have when he went off the record and shared what he really thinks on the issue of illegal immigration. why won t he release that? that is a source of concern for everyone and particularly, look at what he has said about being quote flexible and how flexible he is. you know, jimmy carter said he would much prefer donald trump as ron, with all of [ overlapping speakers ] being considered the voters still choose donald trump, they believe he will best handle the issue of illegal immigration considering ted cruz record and how do you answer that even after the fight ted cruz has launched, voters still pick trump to handle it. well, the campaign is an educational process, as well, where we go into these issues, part of the reason we do advertising is to inform people about ted cruz position and donald trump s ever changing position. we ve seen him change positions two, three times in the same debate. we re not sure where ultimately he would turn out on the issue of illegal immigration and border security, which is security to those people that live in border counties. i live in a border county of san diego, california. got it. ted cruz is who i trust on that issue. let me ask you before we run out of time here, we understand that donald trump will be speaking in front of the proisrael lobbying group on monday. we have gotten this telegraph from the campaign that ted cruz will use his time to mock donald trump. you have said here on cnn that perhaps mr. trump is unable to speak for more than a minute about the top pick. is going after donald trump in that way mocking him wise? you have to look at the marco rubio campaign. rubio regretting going after trump in that fashion. well, i think you ll have to wait and see what senator cruz and donald trump have to say. we really wonder whether donald trump is going to repeat his previous assertions where he would be neutral between israel and palestine. it will be interesting to see if he tries explain away that. cruz will be in friendly territory. donald trump however has to, you know, will once again have to suffer for the fact he s so quote flexible on issues such as the israeli conflict, u.s. support for israel and israel security. we ll look forward to what both gentlemen have to say. good to have you back. thank you. still ahead on new day the obamas head to cuba. they arrive tomorrow. we ll take you to havana to see how cubans are preparing for the first family s visit. in this week start small, think big a high tech restaurant offering a fresh take on fast food and you know what? you ll never have to deal with a waiter getting your order wrong. it s a restaurant that could be from the tv show the jetsons . what would you like for breakfast? 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you know, many of the cuban people that you speak to on the streets incredibly excited and looking forward to this visit, of course, this comes a mid a year of already great change here in the country of havana as the normalization of the relationship between the united states and cuba is underway. set in motion by the obama administration. so a lot of attention being paid to this on the street but what is interesting is when you look at the official cuban communist newspaper here, previewing tomorrow s visit, only two sentenc sentences. it says president will meet castro and promoting other activities and those other activities will include meeting are political activists in the country. that not getting very much attention here in the newspaper this morning. all right. but what about the reaction from the cuban people itself? you ve been there. i m sure you talked to folks. they got to see this as being historic. what is their hope coming out of this trip? they want to see that, you know, you talk to people here on the streets as they really hope this is the beginning of the ending of the strain between the united states government and the cuban government. what is interesting is that one of the things that president obama will do after he meets with castro on monday, president obama will give a speech here that will be broadcast live on cuban television. so you can imagine many people will pay very close attention to all of that and, you know, there is a great deal of interest being paid to that and they hope that this will continue this process that is already being seen and bringing a great deal of changes here to the country of cuba. the first family, we understand. yeah, the first lady, malia and sasha obama. we know a bit about the president s schedule, but do we know what they will be doing during this visit? reporter: the first lady meeting with young girl students, among other things. you know, this is part of a massive delegation that the united states is bringing here. i understand like close to 1200 people, as well as 30 members of congress. you know, obviously putting great deal of strain on the hotel systems here in cuba that are very kind of already struggling to keep up with the numbers of tourists that are coming to visit havana and the rest of cuba. so it s a massive delegation. the obamas will obviously, president will be meeting with castro and taking a tour of old havana after they arrive here and of course, the tampa bay rays will play the cuban national baseball team. president obama and the first family expected to attend the beginning of that baseball game on tuesday afternoon after the president meets with political activists here in cuba and before the first family moves on continuing their trip into argentina, as well. ed lavendthere in havana. up next, clarissa ward and reporting inside syria. she shows us what it s like to travel on some of the country s most dangerous roads. virgin islands nice so nice so nice, so nice spend a few days in st. croix and return with a lifetime of experiences. that s virgin islands nice. so nice, so nice whfight back fastts tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies! only from tums it s been five years since syria s bloody war. aleppo, cnn is senior international correspondent clarissa ward has gone where no western journalist has gone more for than a year. reporter: you can tell when you re getting closer to aleppo. the streets are pockmarked with the aftermath of fresh air strikes. burns of earth flank the road to protect the way from enemy fire. it s a dangerous journey to a city few dare to visit. we have to drive extremely quickly along this morgs of tpo the side because you have the regime and kurdish fighters fighting against rebel forces and there are snipers all around here but this is the only road now to get into aleppo. as you arrive in the city, the scale of the destruction is breath-taking. stretches on and on entire residential neighborhoods reduced to rubble. aleppo was once syria s largest city, a bustling economic hub now an apocalypse landscape. russian war planes have bombed these areas relentlessly allowing government forces to encircled the eastern part of the city. still, we found pockets of life among the devastation. a fruit market huddled in the shadow of a bombed out building and a line of people waiting patiently to collect water, now a precious resource here. this is basically what is left of rebel-held aleppo after months and months after thousands of russian bombs reigning down on here, the streets are largely deserted, the buildings have been destroyed and the people who once lived here have been pushed out and the very few residents who are still here who we ve spoken to have told us that they don t expect the situation to get any better, in fact, they are convinced it will only get worse. 70-year-old suad lived in this city for 40 years. her grandson fa ruk rook is a fighter. nine members of her family have been killed in the fighting, including two of her three sons. [speaking foreign language]. translator: they all died on the front line. we raise her heads high for them. god willing, they are in paradise. reporter: what would it take for you to leave aleppo? translator: it is true there is shelling and militia and every day there is massacre, but it is enough for us to express our religion and faith as free people without anyone stopping us. it is enough for us to fight and defend our honor and our women. translator: should we leave our country and go to another country? no this is our country, and we will remain in this until we die. reporter: the people clinging on to life here feel that the world has abandoned them, leaving them only with god. their existence becomes more every day but surrendering is unthinkable. they are powerful pictures. for more how you can help refugees survive conflicts in syria and iraq, go to new numbers out of istanbul after an explosion rocks a shopping area here. we ll bring you the very latest, next. whewhat does it look like?ss, is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. i love to take pictures that engage people. and to connect us with the wonderment of nature. the detail on this surface book is amazing. with the tiger image, the saliva coming off and you got this turning. that s why i need this kind of resolution and computing power. being able to use a pen like this. on the screen directly with the image. it just gives me a different relationship to it. and i can t do that on my mac. this is brilliant for me. 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[ cheers ] bernie sanders getting a laugh as he campaigned in idaho. he ll be in phoenix today. the three remaining republican candidates are in the west, ted cruz will be in draper and provoe, utah. john kasich has an appearance in st. george and donald trump holds rallies in phoenix and tucson. turkey s health minister says that four people were killed and now 36 others were injured as a suicide bomb in istanbul this morning. that number, 36 injured up from 20 just an hour ago. this happened on a major shopping street there. no one has taken responsibility, but an offshoot of armed kurdistan workers party that claimed responsibility a week ago did vow to carry out more attacks. in the west bank this morning, israeli forces shot and killed a palestinian teenager when he stabbed an israeli police officer at a boarding crossing. the boy pulled a knife when asked for a passport. the israeli officer was slightly wounded. that s it for us. we ll see you at 10:00 for more newsroom . don t go anywhere, smerconish starts right now. i m michael smerconish, new clashes between donald trump supporters and propetesterprote. all this turmoil fueling a big turnout at the ballot box and trump is taking credit. here he is last night. [ cheers ] the biggest story in all of politics worldwide is what s happening to the republican party. can you believe this? still, because the voting turnout is massive. and you know who they are, right? the people coming in, where are they from? they are democrats, they are independents and we have, i think, i guess, ultimately millions of people coming in. they have never you know what a great thing that is for our democracy when you think about it? donald trump claims he s brought millions to the republican party. i can t speak to the number, but i m sure there are many joining the gop because of him. in fact, i ve decided to be one of them, just not

West-bank , Nevada , United-states , San-diego , California , Syria , Ankara , Turkey , Kansas-city , Kansas , San-francisco , Arizona

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20160720

here. an andy dine is here. david chalian is here, kayleigh mcelnany. amanda carpenter. did i miss anybody else? i got everybody. all right, andy, who do you think was the big boss tonight? who had the best speech? i think donald trump jr. by far knocked it out of the park. just the star. there was one moment i did like when ben carson said that hillary clinton has ha connection to lucifer. i enjoyed that. that was a little odd. people were texting me going, what because there was a connection, like a kevin bacon game, that saying lucifer is the ultimate radical. therefore, by the transit, there may be a connection. i m not sure i follow. but it spoke to andy. it spoke to andy dean demographic. have you been drinking already? not yet. but that that i liked. on a serious note, though i thought it was great. because i m on late, i was getting dressed watching donald trump jr. and i thought, timefiy a real speech, a fantastic speech, knocked it out of the ballpark. let s listen to a little bit of it. our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class. now they re stalled on the ground floor. they re like soviet-era department stores that are run for the benefit of the clerk and not the customers. let me tell you how he ran his businesses, and i know, because i was there with him by his side on job sites, in conference rooms from the time i could walk. he didn t hide out behind some desk in an executive suite. he spent his career with regular americans. he hung out with the guys on construction sites, pouring sheetrock and hanging pouring concrete and hanging sheetrock. he listened to them and he valued their opinions as much and often more than the guys from harvard and wharton, locked away in offices away from the real work. he s recognized the talent and the drive that all americans have. he s promoted people based on their character, their street smarts and their work ethic. not simply paper credentials. i mean, david chalian, i was wondering how he got so tan. he s always tan. tonight he was especially tan. anyway, what did you think of this remarks? i think i watched the speech of a future politician there. i mean, i think this is the member of the family that clearly has the most interest in politics in that way. has been involved in the the one we know registered republican child of him all throughout this process, so a member of the delegation, put his dad over the top tonight. he clearly feels this moment in a way, in a political sense, that was apparent. on that stage. he had command. he had total command. i wouldn t be surprised if we see a political future. i think, though, if you pair his speech with that of the his sister s speech, tiffany, you sort of get a whole picture. i thought i thought tiffany trump gave us some of those anecdotes about her dad, about the sense of what it was like growing up i want to stick with donald trump jr., if you don t mind, because while he was talking, my friend said, do you know have you met donald trump jr.? i m like, yes, i sent him a picture of us together at trump tower. he said future president, question mark? who knows. i watched that speech the way you watch an up and coming politician at a convention. you re like, oh, wow, this is somebody i m going to be watching for years to come who may have real interest in getting in this. whoever helped him with that speech, that is the speechwriter the trump campaign needs. it was a good speech. it was coherent. had a story. had anecdotes. had discipline. of the speeches the entire night, it was one of the most sane. kind of sane, someone was talking about lucifer. andy liked that one. it was a good speech. what don jr. has you cannot teach in a classroom. he should teach his dad to read a teleprompter. i forgot he was reading a teleprompter. don jr. has a gift. the people touch. i m so glad you played that one clip you played because to neu captured the 20 most important seconds of that speech. he took an opportunity to reach out to middle class voters, the voters who will determine this election and say, my dad was there, he was there by the guy pouring concrete, he empowered people who didn t have doctorates from harvard but doctorates in common sense. these are the voters that need to be reached, and donald trump jr. personalized his dad in a way that smoke to the heart of the middle class voters. that was when you said he has a gift, he s sort of a really, really rich guy, seemed like sort of a middle class struggling guy. he s not really no. he s a great businessman. he s a blue collar millionaire. that s his ethos. i thought what was striking is he did give us some personal insight into donald trump the father. but then he went straight into the red meat which to david s point, much more like a politician, in fact, a much better politician than his own father. yeah. and, and strikingly, and you guys are the experts, much more knowledgeable in conservative orthodoxy than his own father as well. so i think in that sense, he did help his dad to sort of give a comfort level to conservatives to say, okay, well at least if he has donald trump jr. at his side, he can understand what conservatism actually is. but is this all about red meat? i mean, because he s actually he s standing in front of the crowd, but also the bigger crowd is at home. in front of the television. i don t think what i don t think he did, and i disagree with kayleigh on this, i don t think he reached out and appealed to a broader cross section of supporters that donald trump doesn t already have. yeah. and that is something that has not been done in this convention yet. certainly has not been done in this campaign and if they don t start doing it soon, there is no path to the white house for d p donald trump. i m perplexed by what you mean this is a red meat speech because it wasn t that at all. he spoke about education used to be a pipeline to the middle class. he talked about hillary. now you talk about education and can t find a job. most of our college graduates can t find jobs. i m glad you re mentioning that. that was part of the controversial moment tonight. we had plager-gate last night. there was an issue with it. i want to play the sound bite. part of what kayleigh was talking about then i m going to ask david about it. listen. our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class. now they re stalled on the ground floor. they re like soviet-era department stores run for the benefit of the clerks and not the customers. so, the article where we have the article that was written, i think it was american spectator, f.h. buckley. let s put up the full screen here. so the american conservative. sorry. so those are the two together. right. and issue but not really an issue. is this flplagiarism? the right side of the screen, who was the principal speechwriter for donald trump jr. s speech tonight, so he used some of the words that he used in his own article in the speech tonight. there are two things going on here. one, there s the press addicted to a plagiarism story line and wanting to stick with the controversy that isn t really a controversy. so i don t think this will matter much. i do think from just a from a campaign practice point of view, because of what happened with be careful. the bar is now so high that every speech needs to be so thoroughly vetted and if there is language, even from the guy who wrote it, himself that s right. he should have known better, actually. if there is language, you can understand that because of yesterday and the bar is higher, that it might have made sense for donald trump jr. did this go out but i truly don t think this is nothing like last night. this is not a real i don t even think it s a real controversy. and i think that, quite frankly, i think a lot it s a cautionary tale. talk about it and be like, what are you guys talking about now? okay. here s the thing. you know the transcript goes out before. this is a transcript. it s embargoed. don t put it out, what have you. did this transcript go out before? embargo the remarks of donald trump jr. s speech? when you do that, should you say from the american conservative on may whatever 2016, i m just wondering. limited insight, i don t think borrowing a metaphor is the worst thing. famously did it from a poem, ronald reagan, when the challenger crashed, futouch t face of god. it s okay to borrow a metaphor if you don t try to hide where it came from. of course, i read that article and it stuck in my head. i think that s more okay than borrowing a paragraph of a speech for another person who fwaif a very similar type of speech in a very similar event. i think there s digfferent standards. by the way, no one mentioned this yet, barack obama did the exact same thing, took an entire paragraph it s not the same. let me tell you why. it s the same it s not the same thing because they are friends. yes. and they borrow from each other. and he admit it. michelle obama and melania trump are not friends and he admitted it and went off prompter with it. it was not in the script. he was hammered for it. the media marginalized it, said he forgot to footnote. he admitted it. he admitted it, kayleigh. unlike what has been done to melania trump. you say, yes, i was but the bar is very different. michelle obama say again. michelle obama also lifted a line from a book in her speech. again, no scrutiny. jill biden took life events from someone. that one did get attention as it should have. there is a double standard here. i toedon t think it s a doub standard. if you and i are friends, say you got that from kayleigh s speech, i would say, yes, i did, admit it and move on. both would have been kicked out of law school. plagiarism does not have barriers, this is your friend, therefore it s not plagiarism. that s not an argument. there is a burden on the campaign for zero error on this now, total that s why i asked. should there be attribution in the transcript? i understand why this got attention, but it s the guy wrote these words put up his tweet. this is a guy who wrote the words. he had to come out tonight to david s point about where, you know, the bar is now. that s not the tweet. and then he tweeted, not this yeah, there we go. we said, except it wasn t stealing. because he actually wrote it, himself. same author. here s the problem. it underscores that this has no this campaign has no professionalism. no. whatsoever. this is ridiculous. it is a hot mess. you ve gone insane. this is an elevator metaphor. since the beginning of elevators, people have made an elevator metaphor. people watching at home let him speak. i m spinning my head. says nothing about the campaign except we like elevators and like elevators going up. trump builds buildings. we like elevators. you like escalators. so let s ask, let me ask the question in a way maria didn t. they re saying because of what happened last night, maybe in some part because of this little controversy which is not a controversy, that this campaign is not ready for primetime. yes. is that a fair question to a ask? especially it s not because of eric s speech, probably the other ones. the lock her ups, i understand the base loves that. kind of cheer the prosecution and jailing of a political opponent at a major convention is frightening to even me. i m no hillary clinton fan. i do think she didn t follow the rules. all of that. to say i m going to ignore the fbi recommendations and just throw her in jail, that s new territory. that s going to stick. that s what they re going to be talking about next week and be problematic through august. by the way, when you have a republican senator tweet out that was completely, you know, jumping the shark, if you will, it gives it zero credibility and, again, to my point, this convention has done zero to appeal to a broader swath of voters and, you know, as a democrat, i m thrilled about that. hang on. let me read this, kayleigh. it says @hillary clinton now belongs in prison, come on, we could make case she shouldn t be elected without jumping the shark. jeff flake is a respected, respected member. that s right. the audience was chanting that. chris christie s speech was very good to show that hillary clinton is guilty for her flaws. she has lied to the american people. lied. i ve got to get to a break. i got to get to a break. that s not the case. the fact checkers that liberals always hail, politifact checked it out. check, check, check. she deceived the american people on all four points. not true. we ll fact check that after the break. stick around. we re going to do some fact checking. also plager-gate is not over yet. we re going to talk about that. there s an article that sort of tells us how this might have happened. we re going to go through all of that coming back live from the cnn grill here in cleveland. this is cnn tonight, tomorrow, this morning. 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oh, so my custom studies will go with me? anywhere you want to go! the market s hot! sync your platform on any device with thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade. all righght. welcome back, everyone. you re looking at there s the hall. look how many people are in there. it is packed with people. that would be sarcasm. donald trump, everybody s packed in the grill here, donald trump now the official nominee of the republican party. his children front and center at the convention tonight. or last night. i want to bring in now nationally syndicated conservative talk show host mr. dennis, lovely of you to join us. back with me, of course, our political dream team. good to have you on. we heard from donald trump s children tonight, mr. prager. who do you think is the standout star, was it donald jr.? yeah, everybody felt that. there s no question. i thought the daughter was excelle excellent, too, by the way. yeah. and look, they have really one purpose, and i think they did fulfill it to a large extent and that is to humanize that man. let s listen to him. as a recent college graduate, many of my accomplishments are still to come, but my dad takes such pride in all that i ve done so far, no matter how big or how small. i still keep all of my report cards, some dating back to kindergarten, because i like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them. contrary from what you might respect from someone who places emphasis on result the, my dad s comments referred often to the sentiments expressed by my teachers about how i acted in and out of the classroom, just not even focusing on the letter grades, themselves. donald trump has never done anything halfway. least of all as a parent. it s a kind of personal story that many people have been asking about. i thought she was great. i mean, to get what is she, she just graduated college, she s in her 20s. 21, something like that. to get up there in front of that many people, that s not an easy thing to do. look, the most anti-trump person has to admit he has good kids. all right? i mean, most yeah. most democrats or republicans would happily have those kids as their children. yeah. that s an achievement. i m a parent and i have to say that is an achievement. and not only that, but to have it after divorce. right. where there s so often alienation. that s a credit to the man. here s my theory then i ll shut up because you know i always i have you here to talk. i know that but i always feel bad if there are other panelists. they re going to be here all night. don t feel bad. oh, they are. very good. so here is a a bit of a progressive theory. yep. i see him as increasingly, because i was opposed to him the entire primary season. really. but i see him increasingly as a sheep in wolf s clothing and her as a wolf in wolf s clothing. meaning hillary clinton. yes, that s my theory. i think chris christie would agree with you. listen. yeah. over the last eight years, we ve seen this administration refuse to hold her accountable for her dismal record as secretary of state. so let s do something fun tonight. tonight, as a former federal prosecutor, i welcome the opportunity to hold hillary rodham clinton accountable for her performance and her character. she was the chief engineer of the disastrous overthrow of gadhafi in libya. libya, today, after hillary clinton s grand strategy, their economy s in ruins, there s death and violence on the streets, and isis is now dominating that country. so can i ask you this, hillary clinton, a failure for ruining libya and creating a nest for terrorist activity by isis. answer me now, is she guilty or not guilty? audience: guilty! okay. here s what our fact checkers found, panel, and dennis prager because i want you to respond to this. said that cnn s fact checkers rated the accusation that hillary clinton was a chief engineer false. yep. and then she responded, quickly she said, you think chris christie can lecture anyone on ethics? we have a bridge to sell you. she has a problem with truthfulness or trustworthiness. do you think this blunts that attack? well, the truth is i don t particularly care for chris christie, but he wasn t guilty on that bridge issue. one of his employees was. and you know i really, i m fanatical on the issue of truth. i don t care where it falls, but if we abandon truth, we re doomed. we re together on that. i know that. that s part of the reason they really like each other. people are playing a lot of games with this law and order stuff and i think this is really uncomfortable. chris christie is a credible prosecutor. why is he potentially undermining that professional status he s achieved by playing these games with audiences, is she guilty? i think it s a disservice to what he has done as an elected official and it s just sort of strange to see this joking around about her being guilty. yes, people think that she did do wrong things, but the way to hold her accountable is to just beat her at the ballot box. i mean, the investigations have been concluded and to act like you re going to be elected and then take retroactive action to undo what other investigations have found is profoundly disturbing. were you in the hall tonight? were you guys in the hall? how did that play in the hall? it played very well. that interpretation is ignore ing 90% of the speech. he was saying she s guilty for going to libya, guilty for going into syria. it was an indictment of her foreign policy package in a very creative way that was an appealing to an audience. except so much of that was based on complete falsehoods. okay. let s go through this. did hillary go into libya? yes. she did. again, according to tom foreman one by one. it was not completely her responsibility. by the way, if you want to talk about libya, donald trump in 2011 actually was for going into libya, talked about gadhafi needed to be taken out, and let s remember, mike pence, the vice presidential nominee of the party, thanked hillary clinton for we only have dennis for a short time. so come on. really either impress you or depress you. i was for going into libya. yeah. i plead guilty. i was wrong. so, but i wasn t secretary of state. so it is important to assess her in that light. to me, the most damning question to be asked of hillary clinton and has been asked of democrats and they do start to get mele mouthed is can you name anything she s achieved? i can. that s to me the biggest stumper. you can? you re the first. let me hear. the iran deal, she was critical in making sure of bringing the table if you think that s an achooecha achievement, she achieved that. that s fair. she did yoman s work around the world in stopping the trafficking of young women and girls internationally. you don t think that s an issue? that is incredibly important. the facts cannot be ignored, maria she also she also worked on a cease-fire between israel and the palestinians. again, a big deal when you re talking about that international issue. it s very simple, you rewind eight years, the world was relatively secure. you fast forward eight years, the middle east is on fire, isis has grown to 40,000 strong. we have a terrorist attack how is that hillary clinton s fault? seemingly every other day. does that have to do with george w. bush going into iraq and breaking it? has everything to do with hillary clinton. come on, kayleigh. this is what you use when you have absolutely you have to let me respond. zero weight to compete with hillary clinton and the democrats on the battlefield of ideas. there s a reason isis has invaded libya. it s because there s no longer a government there. there s a reason isis invaded iraq. it s because i agree with that. you have to let me finish. i let you finish. she didn t leave a stay-behind force. the middle east is insecure because she made absolutely incompetent decisions, very, very simple. you cannot put that completely at the feet of hillary clinton. i put it at the feet of the government. if george w. bush had not gone into iraq, things would be very different. dennis prag,er, did you hear enough about tonight was supposed to be about working and putting people back to work. that s an interesting question. it did follow that format. it doesn t matter to me whether it follows a format. were they effective speeches? yes, there were some effective speeches. that s really all that matters. i just want to say something about the media and both this is true for conservative and liberal media. i thought that melania trump gave a beautiful speech. that one paragraph was probably lifted by a speechwriter out of another speech was it two paragraphs? was it exceedingly 70 words. stupid if that is true, exceedingly incompetent and wrong. but that isn t what melania trump and her speech were about. this was an effective you know what she was, and i love this word, she radiated dignity. yeah. and solis listen to this, hi wife radiates dignity, his children radiate intelligence, common sense and decency, so maybe, maybe he s not as bad as a lot of us thought. that s the point. so the plagiarism thing didn t bother you? it bothers me, but it doesn t bother me about her. it doesn t bother me about her evening. let me ask you of course plagiarism bothers me. we don t know, we haven t gotten to the bottom of it, no one has gotten to the bottom of it. what if she was in some way responsible? that would be more troubling. if she lifted something from another person knowingly and used those words and she did it, that would be trouble. we don t know. most people think it s a speechwriter s fault. exactly. yet to be fully investigated. thank you, dennis prager. great to be with you in person. you re much taller in person than television. you re like this big. i know, isn t that funny? i should stand up on tv. everyone else, stay with me. when we come right back, much more. this is day two of the republican convention live here in cleveland. we re at the grill. this is cnn tonight, this morning, something like that. we ll be right back. 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jobs, 21 times. but you said work in the metaph metaphorical sense not necessarily in the jobs sense, correct? correct. it was both. i don t think they did as much on the economy and jobs as perhaps we might hear as we hear more from people who have done business with donald trump. hillary clinton was mentioned more times than donald trump. that is true. that reflects what the first two nights were about. unless the plan is to make republicans prison guards to lock up all the democrats, i don t see a jobs program that came out tonight. i mean, really, it was all about just prosecuting like you said. it s kind of a shame because there s a lot of tax reform we could talk about but that wasn t part of the plan. we need to get an andy cam just for andy dean s face and smirks. he s like did you like that joke? i m wondering who counts all these words so quickly. that just seems like a very there s an app for that and should probably show melania trump that. geez, don, you re rough. those word counts are based on prepared remarks so we have a little more time to count them because we get them a bllittle earlier. the actual unscripted remarks could be very different. accuracy. fact check shows this is untrue. your favorite moment, andy fact, your favorite moment was the lucifer moment. ben carson. here it is. this is a nation, this is a nation where every coin in our pocket and every bill in our wallet says, in god we trust. so are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges lucifer? think about that. the secular progressive agenda is antithetical to the principles of the founding of this nation. and if we continue to allow them to take god out of our lives, god will remove himself from us. we will not be blessed, and our nation will go down the tubes. look. andy. i love ben carson. i mean come on. your honest reaction to that. my honest reaction is that he s speaking from the heart. he feels that this person is very, very troubled and has very, very bad judgment, and in all seriousness, i believe that to be true, that hillary clinton has terrible judgment. that s what the night was about. judge lest not ye be judged? are we going through bible verseses? just saying. someone who was a believer, grew up, baptist, grew up going to catholic school and going to church, the last thing he s not saying she s going to hell. he thinks she shouldn t be president. he s comparing lucifer. one month ago, ben carson is one who stood up and said no one should question hillary clinton s faith, said that categorically, no one should question her faith. tonight that was a lighthearted joke for the audience. it was a joke. this is a man who defended hillary clinton s faith. i think it s wrong to sit here and laugh about ben carson who s one of most respected people in this country. if it was a joke, clearly it was lost on the majority of the people who were watching. and to your point, he s a very well-respected surgeon. he should stick to surgery because he left his dignity at the door going into that hall tonight. he looked like a i did not realize it was a joke until kayleigh, we were talking about it tonight and you explained it. it did not come off as a joke. it absolutely did not. ben carson is not skilled at his tone sometimes, he has one schi simple tone like that. this is one of the most respected surgeons and men in this country. that s right. i don t like the way people laugh at him and marginalize him. it happens quite consistently. he kind of asks s for it. he kind of brings it on himself. no one is making him do that. he s incredibly respected. if there s anybody who dimini diminishes his stature, running for president, endorsing someone who calls you a pathological liar, child molester and tries to convince the public you stabbed your friend, it s sad to watch. i admired him. when i see him reduced to that, it s sad. this guy, you have some breaking news or new information about ted cruz. what do you have for us? about tomorrow night or later tonight. wednesday night. dana bash is now reporting that according to people familiar with it, ted cruz plans to stay in the convention hall later tonight, he s not going to formally endorse donald trump as pau part of his remarks in his convention speech. as dana pointed out, she her sources are telling her that ted cruz is in this position of wanting to be there to show party unity, to show he doesn t harbor ill will in this process. i m sure adding my own editorial, make sure his prospects for the future continue. but is not going to sort of abandon all of his diehard supporters who are still in the never-trump movement and cross the rubicon into endorsing during the convention speech. yeah. it said, he is at an odd place and wanting to show republicans looking for unity that he doesn t have sour grapes and can move on. this whole thing is supposed to be about unity. a lot of people are saying, i m not going to the convention. the bushes among them. he s not, you know, digging his heels in that whey. that s right. and the governor is not going, kasich is not going as well. the home state governor will not be there. you make an interesting place he s in the odd place, he doesn t want to be the reason why hillary clinton gets to the white house. we saw this interesting, michael reagan tonight come out and say i m voting on donald trump, i m not going to be the reason hillary clinton gets into the white house. we saw mike pence come on board. the reason donald trump doesn t beat hillary, really, after watching the speakers he lined up, ted cruz is going to be the reason donald trump doesn t win? hilarious to watch. but i aplaud cruz for showing up. there s a lot of delegates who don t want to be part of donald trump s tactics, the way he s campaigned in the primary and should speak to them to say i m still a republican, it didn t turn out how i liked but i can still do important work. okay. you respect him for that. that he s not endorsing donald trump. because you said something about carson s dignity. yeah. when you have a guy who just personally smears you in public and tells out and out lies. but still show up at the convention, you think, right? there s other the party is not about donald trump, thank the lord. there s other people in the hall who don t agree with trump and you can t just turn your back on the party if you want to work toward a constructive future that, you know, in 2020, 2024 there are two big sides over everybody s head that says make america great again, that s about donald trump. listen, i m a republican, i m not on board the trump train. i m not going to leave the values i have because i hope this is a temporary blip we re going through. more from cleveland when we come right back. why are you checking your credit score? 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[ applause ] thank you for your service. yes, thank you. so let s get back to the program now. let s talk about this melania trump. she was defended today by the trump campaign. look at this, the trump campaign. these are common words and values and she cares about her family, things like that. this is once again an example of when a woman threatens hillary clinton, how she seeks out to demean her and take her down. it s not going to work. melania trump said you work hard for what you get in life. kid rock said, work hard to be anything you want in life. melania trump said the strength of your dreams and willingness to work with them. twilight sparkle said anything you do in your dream you can do now. 93% of the speech were words different from michelle obama eight years ago. if you had a speechwriter that had done that, would you fire that speech writer? probably. i agree with reince prix priebus, whoever wrote this should be fired. corey is the only essential person i personally would have went with flutter shy. look, i think that she has been really a huge a huge disservice has been done to her in two ways. the first one is when they defend her, they actually i think make it worse. because i don t think this was her fault. but i also think that she walked into it in that interview with matt lauer when she said she wrote most of the speech herself. i think it was a great defense. to fight the ridiculous, which this whole thing is ridiculous, you come back with a ridiculous argument like my little pony. why is it ridiculous? i ll tell you why. last night, there was another radical islamic terror attack in germany oh, my gosh. stop, stop, stop. we re talking about what happened here at the convention center. this were lots of other things that happened, but we re focusing on this. it s about perspective. you re being intellectually dishonest. there are things that happen around the world every single moment i disagree. this is important. this is a man who is running for president of the united states. she s also vying to be the first lady of the united states. her whole thing is about trustworthy, truthfulness, and if there s something dishonest, that is a huge deal. don t say this happened in the middle east and i m giving perspective as to why it s ridiculous. if this is such this is not an issue, why are we here? why does she even speak if it s not a big deal. to me it s not a big deal, to you it is. why are you here if this is not a big deal? melania s plagiarism? i think hillary clinton is a disaster. i think i m being on point. i am make an analogy about the ridiculousness of this whole thing. when the american voter goes to the polls, this is not on their minds. what is on their minds is terrorism in germany and nice and san bernardino and on and on and on. i think people are going to be worried about jobs. and can you trust this person to lead this country. but you trust hillary clinton? this has nothing to do with hillary clinton. hang on. this has nothing to do with hillary clinton. don t point to hillary clinton it does when we re talking about melania trump and the campaign. this has nothing to do with hillary clinton. if hillary clinton got on stage and plagiarized someone, we would be talking about it. it speaks to the lack of professionalism to his campaign and it reminds us talking about the ridiculous nature of what he does. let s remember john miller, right? his pr person, we all know it was him and he doubled down. the only thing i don t understand, andy, they re just denying what was obvious. i don t understand that as a strategic point of view. i don t understand why they justify the reality one quick point. there s this idea of a smoking gun. there s probably a team of people that worked on this and nobody is sure where the heck it came from. then say that. i just said it. [ overlapping speakers ] this must have some big importance for thousands of people. the person who is going to lead the free world is a very big deal. we ll be right back. we agree. ow. are you okay? yeah, i just got charged for my credit monitoring. that s how i know it s working. ah. you know you can go on and check it out there. it s completely free. really? yeah oh, that didn t hurt at all. yeah, completely painless. credit karma. give yourself some credit. hello welcome to holiday inn. running our own business, we ve been traveling a lot. a hotel looking to help small businesses succeed is incredible. thank you. holiday inn is an extension of our team. book your next journey at

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