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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240612

the more i want to hearou more about judge judges a, teacher and send picks bill from virginia joe thought it was junee 10th, so he thre10w a party. aaron from mendon louisianagh . i thought biden was raised in a black churchn with that rhythm. he was dug it fresh, wasn t great either. john from louisiana you can wear a pink tie but can t drinka with a straw. wowtraw whi, you got me. that s all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. and always remember, i m waters and this is world i. and welcome to hannity tonight, total, complete history on the lef hysteri theto left-wing conspiracy theorist rachel maddow. she is now claiming she may be put in a camp if donald she c trump is elected. aoc saying trump will throw in jail. the left is losing their minds, but we thei already knew that. they maybe never noticeonly that it s only trump people that get charged, harassed and actually put in jai te th getarged hal and s. anyway, far left back, merrick garland is calling trump s criticism of his weaponized department of justice, quote,say dangerous for people s safety. we will address us tonight later in the show. and the president of your great country, the united states of america, our great country is fear mongering about ther ne second amendment and calling for new gun restrictions jusguna on very day. his very own son iy his convicted of three felony gun charges. but tonight, don t get distracted. please, please pay very close tot i m aboutwha to say, because if you re listening to the media and the pundits and democratic hacks, they havendits no clue about what really happened in this hunter biden. none at all. it s deep. it is profound. what has.s happened. the major story that they are not talking or tellingyou ab you about from hunter biden s trial is not the conviction on gun crimes. now, it s important. s that s low hanging fruit. the evidence in this case was overwhelminglow hang, was incontrovertible. and unlike donald trump, he had refaird venue trial judge with real charges, not onesal wered o made up that you didn t even know about. the critical development even km this trial is one huge single pie of evidence entered into the official record byr u. your government, and that s hunter biden s very reals.. not only did the u.s. federal dd government confirmop i that hunter s laptop is real, they confirmed that its contents are real and the contents have not been tamperedi with by anybody. in other words, you weren to, on a very high level just before an election by numerous people and entire institutions . you were lied to by hunter biden himself. you were lied to by his father, your president, joe biden. you were lied to bliy nbc. fake news, cnn, npr. well, let s just say prettyb th much everybody in the media mob, the list is far too long to mention l. you were lied to by america s 51 former intel so-called experts, the ones that signey d off on a letter insinuating that the laptop was most likelst all the earmarks of russian disinformation. meanwhile, notrks single one of them ever did anything to investigate that claim,f examined the contents of the laptop. t you were lied to by clapper,bren you lied to by brennanna. nt you were lied to by your own government. what do they all have in common? they all wanted joe biden to win by any means necessary. and it s worse than a rep that according to a report, john solomon, the fbori, the doj knew that the laptop was reawl since before the 2020 election. but instead of doing the right, honorable and honest thing and telling the american people the truth, the federal amer there was out t the pre bunking the laptop story with big tech executives. ding remember, in the months leading up to the 2020 election,o theeke the fbi was having weekly meetings. they were warning big tech companies they may all be victims of a foreign disinformation compani campaign about the election and that misinform asia may be aboutn an joe biden and hunter biden and gets worse. they knew rudy giuliani s attorney had a copy of hunter s very real laptop. they kne thew odds were very high that it would leak beforewo the electionul, and they knew it eould likely destroy any chanc that biden had to win the election. and then they had to actin the t the new york post broke the story. when faceboohek and asked the fe specifically id f this is what you were warning us about, was the laptop misinformation? n should they refuse to confirmo the truth, leavingco those companies free to then censor very real the very real laptopsn story. and that s what they did i mean, you couldn t even send a private message with a link to the send new york post . big tech, the media mob,yoe gobbhappily gobbled up their fbi. doj probe. led upbiden contribution misinformation. by the way, if who was involveda bragg s district, they probably would be charged with a traffic violatiolvinstrictn. and ultimately, they use this as the basis to censor the most important information in the final weeks before the 2020ks presidential election, all because they wanted their guy to win. this is beyond ty wa egregious election interference. and frankly, iterferenf it s cr, it should be criminal. but tonight, none of these liars have an ounce of remorse. none of them have ann y regretoc for them, it was all a meansm ae to an end. they wantes tod trump out. n prt they wanted joe biden protected from scandal at all costecs. be and you better believe the contents of that laptop wereve sthat lap and are today r joe biden as well as hunter biden. forget the salacious photos of drug use in, the in theostiu firearms, the real scandaltil is surrounds the so-called biden brand. ar the bw, if you look at the lr and then other information acquired by the house waysinform and means committee, the judiciary committee,he the house oversight committee, you look at texts and emails, other fileus s, zero experience. hunter wasn t raking in cash from some of our top geopolitical foes and dictators and despots around the world becaus d die of his keen intellect. instead, the laptop appears to show that hinstead e was liky selling access to the biden brand and the big was apparently eager to participate in spite of publicly eager othe. now hunter implicates his own father numerous times in that very real laptop. remember devon archer? tony bobulinski also debunked joe s that he never once, not one time ever spoke to his son,t brother or anybody for that matter, about their foreign business dealings. ut businesaccording to testimone the house oversight committee, from thehe participated in meets with hunter s foreign partners by phone. he dined with others at cafe milano. and that s not in 2017, you might recalll th the whatsapp message published by the i house ways and means committee. hunter, allegedly writing to a chinese e associate with their oil and energy conglomerate. i am sitting here with my father and i d like to understand whyt that commitment has not been fulfilled. i will make certain betweelledne the man sitting next to me snd the every person he know and ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not followinlg my direction.i am i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father a few days later, magically, according to the committee l. $5 million wired to a bankllio account associated with hunter biden and other texts. other emails hunter allegedly talked about forking over half of his income to pops. another email talks about the big guy, 10% for him, you know,s allocating 10% as a cut in of 1 to 1 of hunter s deals. but hunter, now a convictedun liar, says he never intendedteon to cut his father in on the deal. meanwhile, accordinge deal to ae text from the laptop uncovered by the new york post d york ,r even paid for his dad s bills for more than a decade. g his hunter even reportedly claimed that his father was using up, wae most of the lines of credit on his wells fargo accounn hit. d and based on the contents of hunter s very real laptopon t it appears that biden was participating in his son s business bidenwas pa deals whily benefiting financially. remember the from hunter s main business partner, devon archer, who saidartner joe participatedp to 20 phone calls with hunter and his foreign business associates? oh, i thought he d never talk business with hunter orbrothe his brother or anybody. think about thisr hink. donald trump was convicted onp 34 so-called felony charges. upcharge misdemeanors pass the statute of limitation fines for allegedly mislabeling a legal document as a legal expense. trump ordered to pay hundreds millions of dollars because of a far left new york judged on unilaterally deciding in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, that mar a lago is only worth $18 million. this, despite you have little lock lots. oh, 1/10, 1/20 the size of martn a lago. they gtso for $150 millionst and that s just dirt. and yet the no. one is above the law culte left on the left. they don t seem to care that joe biden, now the president of our countryha,b possibly selling access to the highest levels of our government, to people in china and kazakhstan and ukraine and russiax in rus. this is all evidence the fbi and garland s doj had for over four years and never, ever investigated any of it. and they knew all of it was true. this is what a weaponized and politicized department of justice looks like.o nees according to the johnson grassley senate investigation, quoteonigatio hur biden received $3.5 million fro in a wire transfer from illinois, a battalioe win of the wife of the former mayor of moscow. she was the former first lady of moscow. if the reports are true and the evidence is accurate, money went from russia to hunter to joe. r hunteone way or another. so where s the russia russia hysteria? on the left, devon archer claiming she invested over 100 million more dollars than a real estate venture. whernvested thae the frenzied e on most dnc fake news and thesht new york times , washington post, abc, nbc, cbons. they had no problem peddling the phony russian misinformation and dirty dossier that hillary paid for to smear trump andd fo secure nt one but four pfizer warrants. where p s their of the contents of hunter s very real laptop and the findings the senate and house committees? or is joe biden above the law? is hunter s gun convictiong a red herring? one of hunter biden s ex-business associates1 of, fox news digital that the gun trial was, quote, a distraction from the main event with their influence peddling. he continuededdlinhe , i am convincedthe en the entire justice system is just an institution of people with agendas, not anfw institution of laws. keep in mind the doj prosecutord tasked with investigating hunter david weiss w, he letimio the statute of limitations run out on the most serious allegation hes, which could have connected hunter s business to thconnectee big guy himself. sadly, the doj is not looking out for you. their primary concern seems to revolve around protecting weak democrats from scrutiny, helping to elect joe biden while waging lawfare against donald trump. and needless to say, massive reform and accountability massym is needed in washington and in the swamp. and by the way, starting in september, early voting begins in 146 days. it s election day. only you 146s can fix it. here with reaction, fox news contributor jonathan turlean tuh we got over the case. to me, the evidence was overwhelming incontrovertible. what about this real big storyhs to me, which is now we that they ve known from the beginning that the laptop begias rea. all these people lied. the 50 t one intel agents. you know what i guess at the direction of wink and tony blinken, you know, out there, they knew nothing about the laptop. t hu they all lied. joe biden lied. hunter lied. everybody liediden. the media lied. big tech lied. they censored the story. and that helped joe in 2016. i think i m sorry. ndin 2020. i think alvin bragg would r call that an fec violation. eco jonathan. oh, well, you know, i think that is the interesting takeaway with this strange shrug that the media gave the introduction of the laptop in the trial. the laptophas us wha establishel fbi agent as reaisl and authentc . and so the media said, okay, well, that evidence was now usede wa. he they forget all of the other files on their laptop. if the laptoon thep is authentif those files are real, then you have these detailed accounts of a multimillion dollar influence peddlingn operation run by the biden family. ruthose would also be authentic. but the media justt simply doesn t want to go there. and that s part of the problem of the what the house committees have faced. you know, when i testified ittees h, aring the biden impeachment hearing, i said that there was ample evidence theence to do an impeat inquiry. evdidn t prejudge the evidence . but at every stage,age the democrats have opposed inquiriedemos into the presidend role, the president s knowledge and a lot of these files on the laptop. and that s not likely to change after this trial. merrick garland is scorching trump and his allies for h attacks on the justicein department. he says it s dangerous for people s safety. wellit sfor peopafety., first ot to protect every government official. let me be very clear. and i veevery government said ts occasions on this show. however, criticism and of speech are very different. and the idea that his dot inj and his fbi knew aboutju the laptop being reasticl and ty have an investigator for four years, i think he s got andy investand we ll go into ml later. and i have a message for him. he s got a lot of explaining to do. just like what does he think wha a letitia james and alvin bragg running on oonn a platform to gt one man, one organization, one family? i wouln d think he might speak out against that, but he hasn t. . well well, i think that garland s an unavoidable test of principle. ey sen the three house committees sent him referrals of perjuryals by hunter biden and his uncle before congress. those referrals are verye re compelling. i don t seeferral how there h a case to be made that those answers were anythin g than false. now, the department of justice was on aw hair trigger due to indict trump officials. the question is whether merrickn garland, as people expect, a will scuttle any prosecution for perjury. pros so this is that other shoe dropping? yes. this laptop was authenticated. yes. th. e files are real but after that, hunter biden, coter they review those those files, he testified in congress and they rnge chart there,s the congress believes and there s a good basis for that belie f that he committed, knowing perjury. these were questions that he knew were coming and he gave false answers according to these committees. so what is merrick garland going to d wilo about it? it s not time to write another op ed. it s time to show that he s t going to do nothing. e anothehe s judge engoron is a merchan, is b and merrick garland is c, and i haven t been wrong yet. i hope you re right and i m wrong. i don t think he ll lift a fingerthin. i think this is what thi weaponization of hope. you re wrong, too. yeah, me too. but i m not. i m just. i d bet everything i have. no, i m not, professor. you c ayou give me an f if iw all right. joining us now. thank you, professor. joining us now, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, harvard law professo gr alan dershowitz, just the news founder, .com asunder john solomon, editor in chief as well. john, let me start with the news. you brokl jo me e a of this new. when did the fbi know that thise was a very real laptop?bi and isn t that the big takeaway in this story, not the conviction e stor? um, yeah. as i reported in 2020 on your show and as the irs whistleblowers later confirmed ,the fbi corroboratedhe the laptop in its entirety by march of 2020 to 2026, eight months before the 51 so-called intelligence analystsn it russian disinformation, when they called it russian disinformationceian disi, i cale law enforcement and they told me no, we corroboratedw it so the fbi was telling people, if you re willing to make a phoneel call back in the fall of 2020 that this laptop was rea l. and it s a shame that 51 men and women signed their name to a letter knowingly trying to mislead the american people days before an election when a single phone call, they allhey d had security cardh they could have called the fbi. they chose not to. they chose to mislead not the american people in the most awful waeay. and why was the fbi, professor dershowitz, why were they meeting weekly with biga tech in the months leading up to the 2020 election? and why when twitter and facebook requested an answer as to whether or not this new york post story was real or what they wereg being warned about, misinformation about hunter and about joe biderned abon n, why didn t they tell them the truth that john solomon rightly reported in march of 2020 that they fully knew about? and by the way, what do you call that? well, you call it fraud. you call it exactly. d trum alvin bragg charged trump with a that is making false statements in an attempt to influenceg fa n election. look, there are only two choices. th the american constitution is going to survive, either we need a ceasefire now and say, n look, all right, there s been a conviction of a biden there s been a conviction of anvictionn. let s stop this weaponization. let s call off all these caseshn that are now pending all overovt the countrhey. trump people are going off to jail, stays are being denied bannon and others. let s call that off. either f either that or. let s have absolutely equal treatment. let s go after people wholectio have committed election fraud by denyingn american publicno the right to know the truth about. wait a minute. yeah, what would that include? the 51 intel people? would that include joe biden? would that include what is it really comparable to say that joe biden, if he lied the american people about being involved in these foreign business dealse ollo and he wasd being paid by hunter and he was calling into meeting bs, hunters foreign business partners, and he leveraged the billion dollarpas burisma, so his son cn continue to get paid millions for a job in which he had no admirience at a time he admits he was addicted to drugs. tell me why that shouldn t be prosecutes ad d and how is that law fair? that seems like that sounds like equal justice. apply to him j to that doesn t sound like a made up crime, like the trump case. well, if you take seriously the charges that brad brought against trump, one of whic brah is that he tried to mislead the voting public by not telling them about an affair which would have had ng tho effl on the election whatsoever. if you take that to its logical, extremeec t, then you e to look to see whether anybody among the 51 people, among even the president of the united states, may have written something on a for hm that would give rise to exactly the same allegation that a fraudulent a statement was made in order to commit another crime. the other crime would be, according to bragg.d , to somehw defraud the american people to voting for somebod yy they would otherwise not vote for. you have to have a single standard you hav . let s go, greg, to the issue of the money. hunter implicates in this very real laptop, his own father. half my income goes to pops. pp 10% for the big guy. that s all in the laptop. that is very rea bl. f now, paying for pops home repairs that thahot complained bitterly about. it seems like joe not only lied to the american people but benefited from the lietion a and then also took action as vice president by leveragingl $1,000,000,000 to ukraine and loan guaranteela s. and the net result of that is son continue to get paid for rworkesul that he had no expere in. by his own admission, at a time whenhad nos ow was addicted to . by his own admission. you re right, the bidens are still getting away. sean with their most serious in crimes, corrupt foreign influence peddling thanks to the protection racket run by joe biden s doj. so it was so revolting today- do to watch david weiss take a victory lap in fronth of camerasthem this is the guy who struck this sleazy deal tor let hunter biden skate and only when it imploded was weiss whee forced kicking and screaming to prosecute it. running but he s still running interference. he charged hunter with evading taxes on tens of millions in overseass pay to play schemes, but not the enrichment schemes themselves, which are far greater crimes. the sellingment schves out os don t forget it was weiss who let the statute of limitations expire and manytr of those crimes, while he and the doj secretly scuttled the investigation to shield joe biden, i tell you, is not yu done yet. and t be surprised i he f and garland conjure up another sweetheart plea deal for hunte r on the eve of the trial to avoid embarrassing evidenceo of joe s corruption coming to light right before the upcomingto election. agreed it ll happen, i think. and last question. some the real country with that, john, they knew about this laptop for four years and they haven t lifted a finger. liger.they knew that joe lied te country. they knew that he benefited, didn t they? yep. yeah. .and in 2016, they got 3.39 million documents from hunter biden, his business partners. they knew everything, including more than is on the laptop . on monday, you re going to see a whole bunch of new documents. we re going to make public bu di them in 2016. oh, wow. unbelievable. y thank you all. appreciate it. that s the big takeaway. big takethe media won t talk abk when we come back. talk about bad timing. earlieabout bar today, biden spr gun safety group only hourous after hunter s conviction for gun crimes. we ve got the lowlights and devine pam bondi react straight ahead. four, five star backyards, yellow with brand pressure treated pine. if it doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t it to dog food in the fridge. it s not dog food. it s freshpet. real meat, real veggies, real real meat, real veggies, real weird. it was bad luck anyway. sleepy headaches, dry skin. you re probably dehydratedand wa liquid labs, rapid hydration. bsit s packed with all five essential electrolytes. take amazing and way less sugar sports drinks. rehydrate and feel better with liquid laughs. gab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today nail fungus is nasty up to now starts improving the appearance of fungus damaged toenails in just two days. it s clinically proven formula penetrates the nail for results you can see quickly opti nail give fungus toenails a makeover, a heart attack. do they have life insurance ? 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maybe an uncle buzzy moment.t th the cannibal guy. take a look. i mean, yes and no. it s hard because i ve gotten those phon ae calls to saying i lost a son or daughter, a wife. i know what it s like. we rs wee not stopping there.ncg it s time once againai to do. ie i did when i was a senator. ban assault weapons. he said, what do you mean i need that done? i said. guess what? if you need 12 to 100 bullets in a gun in a magazine, you re the lousiest shot i ve ever heard. our traditions told the nraet convention recently he s proud that, quote, i did nothing i on guns when i was president. and by doing nothing, he mad e the situation considerably worse. how much you hear this phrase? the blood of liberty. wash it. don t give me a break. so, i mean, seriously. and by the way, if they want to think that is to take on government, if we get out of line, which they re talking again about, well, guess what?le they need f-150s. they don t need a rifle. folks, look, this is crazywht what we re talkinghe about. and president obama, then vice president biden, they did nothing to stop violence, gun violence in chicago and other big citiesgu. anyway, here with reaction to the day s news. miranda devine of the new york post and former florida attorney general pam formi. t well, the laptop from you our emma joe morris. you guys were right the whole time. the verd and to me, the verdict is it was the right verdict. the evidence was overwhelming. rdicelmingthe bigger story is te government introducing that laptop into evidence. and that means all the other contents in that laptop are now meaningful as it relates to the law. and joe and hunter biden, would you agree? absolutely. and the fact that thutely ine joe biden, the biden campaign, the cia the fbi, those 51 former intelligence officialoss went to such lengtht to lie about the laptop. big tech sense that the new york post , when we wrote about the laptop and, the contents of it. what that shows you is that they were abso absolutely terrified about the contents of the laptop becausse knew that it would be so damaging to joe biden that it would wreck his campaign and they successfully managed to suppress the story. and as you sait theyd earlier, that amounted to election interference. and that is why none of those 51 you saw james clapper the other day, you ve seen others of them, they all refused to admit that they lied, that if they were wrong, that they had zero evidence that it was russian disinformation, they knew it wasn t russian disinformation. the fbi had had the laptop-known since december 2019. it was well known within intelligence community that that information was realty . and yet, if they admit that they knew it wasn t russian disinformationw it, then they are admitting that they were part of an election interference, a coup, really, to ensure that president donald wp didn t win a second term. it really comes down to that, doesn t now that we know all of this, pam bondi, we also the merrick garland doj, the fbi, they ve all known thiss for four years. there s a lot of othertion information damning information on that laptop. imeimplicates joe, it implicatp hunter, it implicates the brother, it implicates all these othed e other people. they ve had this evidence. they haven t done a thing with thiy haven s evidence. what s your reaction to that? which to me is the much bigger story here? it sure is, sean.. and i m glad i am glad they got a conviction on this, because now they caney use the gunthe t conviction in the tax charges. the only charges that aret ag currently left against hunter biden because the case is in 2014 and 2015. of course, 14 and 2 the statuteof limit of limitations had run. they let it run about dealiny gt with agents. the cases that could most likely implicate cou james biden, joe biden, the entire biden family. they those run. but now they re faced with the tax chargebut s. e if let s see what happens. let s see if there s not a plea deal. i think there probably will beaa at this point because of this conviction. but yeah, thanks to miranda, thanks to great reporting, everyone now knows that the laptopryon from, as she says,ng is real and everything on it is real, including all the her garland evidence that. could be great for prosecutors. well, what about garland? he s had this information, this damning information. they all knew that joe lied about. i never talk to my son, my brother or anybody about the foreign business deals. and what about leveraging $1,000,000,000? so a son continues to get paid. s soontinueswhat about the moneh they re getting from a former russian oligarch. what about meeting that oligarch in café milano? what about calling into all the meetings? what about the millions of dollars the family s raking n in? ponta has no experience in energy. oil, gas, coal. ukrainenergye or china. how does he make it all that money while he s addicted to drugsoney? that s exactly right. pnd remember, president trum asked that simple question of president zelenskyy and look what happened. o they tried to impeach him over it. and president trump was, ril alon right all along. yeah. merrick garland is our chief law enforcement officer in this entire country. you know, we talk about the weaponization of the fbi,an the cia, atf, now the irs. well it all starts at the top with merrick garland. he has to respond to this. he has to be held accountable. this is way too important. the american people and our justice system is at stake e . well, miranda, maybe now maybe you re book laptop from will litt bestseller agaik n, and people can now look a little more deeply now that finally the government four years later has confirmed that which have you and emma jo and others reported way back whey back wn. all right, thank you. straight ahead, merrick garland attacking republicans for daring to question the left s lawfare against trump. we re going to tell you what he said. lara trump reacts straight ahead. stay with us. do you have too much body fat? 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take a look. a look.i will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate h president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe that the president of thesghts e united states can be indicted for criminal offenses. you feel embarrassed to my namen personally? yes. we need to focusam. ed t on donald trump and his abuses. we need to follow his mone dy. n we need to find out wherela he s laundered money. we neeundemoned to find out wher not he s engaged in conspiracy. it s important that everyone that the daysare of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to goingnd ine the office of attorney general every daey gy defending your rit and then going home. there s a platform. go after one man,d ap one organization, one family. or doeplrs merrick garland. think it was appropriate for the manhattan district attorney album brag to run on this campaign promise. i know a lot of peoplear are wondering, whoever has this joe wondthis jobb. are they going to convict the donald trump? but that is the number one issue the times calls brag s a talented prosecutor whose successful suit of the trump foundation couldnted pro b be invaluable experience for the investigation. he ll take over valu as the chief deputy attorney general in new york state. i oversaweputy atey some ofia the office s biggest cases from exposing illegal behavio or by the trump foundation. we know there s a trump investigation. i have investigated trump andint his children and held them accountable for their misconductchildren with te trump foundation. i also sued the trump administration more thanimes 100 times. we know that the d.a.ting is investigating when i was the ag s office, i sue trump over 100 times forsc his administration s misconducot and brought a case against the trump foundation that held foe. ntablgainst t one more question. according to a whistleblower testimony the fbi they ve known since late 2019 on his laptop was real. so why? sohow has merrick garlandnd weaponized, politicized weapetment of justic investigated the contents of this very real laptop? s ofwhy was garland s fbi meetii with big tech companies warning themig that they may be targetel for misinformation campaigns and they may be about joe and hunter biden? and when askedjoe d by twitter and facebook after the new york post story broke, if the laptoph story was real, why didn t the fbi confirm what thehey knew to be true that it was real? here was reaction. rnc co-chair lara trump. a lot of questions they kneump.w it was real. all garland knew it was real. now that we all know it s realke . we know that joe lied at the highest level and joe was involved. all these foreign business deals and the millions of dollars they rake id in, including taking direct action by withholding moneyin. so a prosecutor investigating the company is seen as a business worth and millionsm mil with no experience continues to pay in millions. h noso all of that s true. laura and garland hasn t liftedo a finger. if it was your father in law. or you our eric or don, wou i m pretty sure they d go afterh all ofey you. yeah, i was going to say, just go after donald trump. when in doubt, that sort of they re their motto that they, of course, always have. it is reall whichy incredibl sean, to see what has gone on and the fact that you have merrick actually complaining about the american citizens voicing, their concerns for a very clearly biased justice shoulde c be concerning to him because he s the attorney generaer l of the united states. we can t live in a country if we do not trusunited se ttions our foundational institutions like this. and peopleli are terrified right now. everybody knows what this triay knl with biden was about. this is about smoke and mirrors. this is the red herrinit s abou this is a distraction from what you ve talked about the entire show which is that it s not just criminality we re worried about with the biden. it s national security. we re concerned about we need to know as american citizens that when joe biden, as president of, the unitedt of states is making decisions for this country, he s madethey m decisions based on what s best for the american people and noat what s best for the bank account of the biden family. and by the waythe bank, sean, bd on how the last three and a half years have been going, we should really question what has been going on there. and as a family member of the trump family, it is it the whole thing is kind of wild for me to watch. if you think back, sean, to when donald trump won 6 the election in 2016, think about what our family business was. we were a private company that had real estate and golfe n courses around the world. we were in international business originally, yet w what did we do? we said, you know what? when he won, we re not going the to do any new international business deals. the opposite of that happened internat biden became vice vic president of the united states. that s when the bideidenn familo got into international business. we went so far ainternational so as to pay back the united states treasury every penn be u.y that we got from any foreign dignitary that spent money at a trump property. of course, we got no credit for that, but we didn t even want the faintest of impropriety. and yet look at the way they have gone after donald trump for literally anything they could find. for trovean peoplrep with this laptop. the american people are demand transparency. again, it s about our national security aga. want we deserve to know. but i want to tell people out there how you caon actually mak, a difference, how you can rectify this. it comes on novemberu can rect h of this year. it comes the first day of early votingfirs in your state. get out and vote in thisn election. this eioour country depends on . the future of america certainly depends on iict. hing we cannot allow these things to stand. we need to get to the bottom of this stand . save we need to save our country. but you got to get out and vote. to gei agree. ean: e and early voting, by the way, starts in septembear r. some in september, in some states. i hope people keep that in min dget ov and get over your reluctance and resistance to voting early d . i know you re working hard on legal ballot harvesting knowg hard wanully surpass democratic efforts, but if you want to change it, garland s not going to changngen he s weaponized the department of justice. it will remain that wa e theyino and probably get worse if, god forbid, he was reelected. all righrs it. trump thank you. when we come back, with biden s campaign flailin g, the leftto sca is once again resorting to scare tactics. anere do you hearer? oh, aoc and conspiracy theorist nick straw and their rachel maddow with their tinfoil hats are saying. straight ahead. we ll tell you about four five star backyards, yellow wood, brand pressure treated pine. if it doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t want it. why should every man try ageless mail, max? because it has ksm 66 ashwagandha shown to help increase testosterone improve results at the gym, reduce the dad bod and fight the effects of stress. and it has knox perform to boost nitric oxide production. and that could be handy in the gym and in the bedroom. no wonder it s a best selling testosterone booster. get to walmart to try ageless male max and be the man you want to be. tens of millions of rooms across america are failing wearing out decades early and leaking oftentimes without you knowing about it, causing tremendous damage. here s how you know you have a problem with your roof black streaking. your roof looks rough or granules shedding off any of your gutters or showing up in your driveway. your roof is wearing out too fast and it s going to cost you a bundle. roof match makes your roof like new by and rejuvenating it. so give us a call and we ll give you a free assessment to see if your roof qualifies. there are certain areas in american history that define us where fortunes were made. rules were broken, and legends they were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawmen. howdy, bob. and businesses can hear some. some are heroes, some are villains. and that s where the fun begins. let s trainer lewis marsh says this is outlaws and lawmen now streaming on fox nation. check it out is my work from cozy. grab yourself a or is this dog food in your fridge? 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yeah, it s crazy talk. i mean, these ladies are insane with the things that they re saying. and it proves once again are that the left will use fear to control people. they will use fearpeople, promoe their agenda. donald trump has been very clear that his onln y revenge that he will get on november 5th is america s success. shelall wants is america to be great again and to be successful. and people have more money in their pocketsn an and families to be able to affordo able their groceries and fill their cars with ga ts. he wa so he s been very clear that he just wants america to be all itat it nts ever been on its greatest days. and for them to say that kind of stuff is sos st days. compley irresponsible that i hope that every single american getse the chance to hear them say that because they know for a fact the that not true.e sa and they re saying it just to scare them and they re saying it to controlyi them. now we have as many as eight people that might have isis ties captured at the border, tens of thousands from china, russia ured, iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, yemen, kazakhstan . on the economy, two thirds of the middle class. fox businessds o reporting saynl of americans say they re struggling financially and financial gasping for air. add to that more than 25% of americans admit to skipping meals due to a skyrocketing grocery costs that they reare pi paying. those are the things that americans now are caring about thatingsare ca you know, s lie and tell us everything s fine. at the end of the day, isn t going to be what america votesaa on. that s what every single american that i ve talked to in the laswhat eve at i vt 6 to 7 months. that s the only thing on their mind at the top of their min7 nd is how is my family i being impacted by joe biden s administration? they feel it every day. just got back from wisconsin, spent a couple of days there talkink from dayg a lot of folks, a lot of independents, a lot of women, and talking to differentto groups and will be in michigan as well. these are states where people are making up their mind for donald trump because they know that he makes their life better and he lets rs make decisions and have personal responsibility for d the omilies and doesn t to take more money out of their pockets. he wants to help them be more successful. so he wantso be the economy and int are still big issues in this countrily. that s what families are feeling and they recognize that the biden administration is just attacking donald trump because that s the only that the left has, is they have fear and attacks and they ll even weaponizevefea our judicial system in order to do their agenda. i would argue the reason the red wave didn t occur in 22 is, is abortion will americansoa . because democrats will demagogue it? will its emagoguewillt be successful? they re going to try to use that in every single state and they ll try to use it against donald trump, againstt his supporters. i think what is important for us is for us to recognizisfor uy is that that that issue, people want to know where we re at. we talk all the time about the fact that this decision is at the state level. every state will look different and that s the way it is. the people will decide what their laws look likeir law and that we as leaders don t get to dictate that that s not our jos b. and the states will decide and abortion will be legal in the united states no matter how many times they lie about it, which is what they re going to do, because that s about all they got. they can t run on on. are you better off than you were four years ago? governor, thank you. more. more. hanay usa at we believe,ng a at new day, usa. loa we have a noble purpose. we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing alone. we want to do whatever is we want to do whatever is best for the individuaca s person. we want to be knownd they and we want to be knownd they and as america s t veterans and active duty service people. service people. we re the ones that are there to help them. there to help them. people are doing giving difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now. their lives right now. toda that we have here in this country. they re willing to do for you, for me and for our family. so for us at new day to the so for us at new day to the opportunity to turn around snd help those people at thi point in time, it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans a men tell us when they use just four menld to eliminate gray. there s a great before there s a great before and afteest. then there sts the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. your best. and that s why more men choosea. for men. after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental declini e memory issues. i m trying to get a thought across, and ing likei can t find the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve gottene braint fifties, i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetfulti actil, more brain f introducing neuro cue. the breakthroughbr ingredientoq multi action brain care supplement developedthresearch e of the world s leading brain doctors, dr. dale bredeson. doctors, dr. dale bredeson. cue is the result of yearsedient of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. better. neural cue clinically shown to influence clinically shown to influence brain performancroe as littlen. as seven days. and within just two months, a combination of ingredients found in neural cue has been found in neural cue has been shown to help improve memorycus focus and concentration. we ve all seen otheoq is dirf supplements that only focus on one or two factors,ue and pr but neuro cue is different. it s a multi ingredient, multi action for mo formula that helpl boost, renew and protect your. for more comprehensive brain sas abl in an internal study four oue t of five neuro cue users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. first thi would say within a we. first thi would say within a we. time i was able to think the first thing. i can see that there is anomn i can see that there is anomn improvemeng to do around the house. once i starteabd taking her out, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly, and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental online clarity and focus and getting things done as well as my memory and recall ll als call or go online now to find out how you can try to find out how you can try neural q four 4995 plus g at now and you ll also receive neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep. go to dry income or call 1-800- 4750898. that s 1-800- 4750898. order now our military has been infested by a woke revolution in the military. i think we grew up and you left your politics at the door. it s difficult to overstate the vision that is being sown into our military. it s about our sovereignty. it s about our liberty. it s about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war on warrior s streaming now only on fox nation. if you re an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend return. break out your leg warmers, wine and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop culture trivia 83 show streaming now on fox nation, america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time wly that e have left this . please set your dvr. why? so you never, everse, ever misss an episode of hannity monday through fridaye of, nine easter. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why because greg.feld gutfeld well, actually sitting by with the idea to put a smile on your face, he s next. have a great night. ye

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240608

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rachel: i saw a video on x of these guys going out to do that kind of stuff on the top of the skyscrapers and underneath it said chicks don t like to do that kind of work. it s really dangerous work out there that men, mostly men do, to build bridges and buildings. will: the sign of a economy. one of the ways to count how the economy is doing is counting the number of cranes in the skyline. i don t know what new york s mean or average is compared to history. but nashville is full of cranes. pete: there s a lot of little skinny tall buildings going up all over new york. it s incredible. it s also very masculine to wear makeup and sit on a couch. will: i m not letting you defy yourself. i ve been in a tail spin all week long. pete: why? will: and i ve been in the gym. because it was revealed to me this week on the will cain show that you are warming up with 225 and i mean, i know you re fit but this is a whole nother level. it s really throwing me off. then i see jesse on the five and like he s in shape. look at that . and i m two months away from having to the do the navy seals spread. it absolutely worries me. rachel: do muscles weigh you down? pete: yeah, they make me sink. will: his lack of character weighed hip down, he s not doing it. pete: i know where will is right now. staring two months out with an intense physical fitness event with studs and feeling unprepared and not feeling good and all in your own head. will: and i find out you re benching house. pete: i was taking a yeah. one of his producers happened to be in the just a minute at the same time. rachel: do you work out here? pete: i was on the never ending pete hegseth book promotion tour. one of his producers was down there, and he letted the group chat know how much. rachel: sounds like pete said let everyone know i m 275. pete: couldn t plant it or script it better. rachel: i love it. pete: you ll be all right, will. you ll be all right. will: i m sore this morning. i was in the gym yesterday. pete: he s a rich guy and cofounder of craft ventures and cohost of all in podcast and name is david sacks. he s a big donor or has been to a lot of different causes and not clear which way he d go and he was on with larry kudlow and kind of reveal where had his support was going and why. take a look. there s no comparison of the cognitive abilities of these two men and what we saw last night is a fundraiser for president trump and he was very sharp, on the ball and stayed for something like four hours and talked to everybody and the whole crowd and everybody loved him and at the same time you saw biden at that d-day event and looked like he couldn t keep up with whatever he was doing. there s no question on which of the men are more cognitive and with it. will: founder of paypal tied in with peter musk and peter teale and cohosted by someone from cnbc and tech venture capitalist with sacks and it represents a shift and had a fundraiser which trump atten attended and even ar shift among those and going for the left and talking about later in the program and guys like russell brand. rachel: talk ago bit about russell brand and he s an interesting figure in the whole wave of people during covid they were expecting protesters and going in san francisco and not that there are people that hate tram nap san francisco and de-moralizing enough and they re not willing to go out and unless they re paid by george soros to go out and protest trump. you know what, i m worried about the grocery store and worried that rents are bad and crime is bad in san francisco and i m no- pete: there s no energy, rachel, to your point and no air in the balloon on the biden side, which means they ve got to fire up the machine. all the enthusiasm is for that man right there. rachel: l lawfare was also mentioned and coordinated attack and using the laws and using the courts and weapon sizing against a political opponent and sent shock waves not through just trump supporters but people like this also abroad. the headline on another topic is double cro crossed and bill meln was on the double line saying last weekend we did all the coverage of the new executive order of joe biden is something he said he didn t have enough power pomoxus execute and did it capping at 2500, you know, illegals and people are going to shot the door on the shut the door on the border and going to bed for the night and that s not happening and maybe it s an x and cbp from bill melugin on the border and 1300 apprehended by the border patrol and in san diego yesterday and late yesterday afternoon and going to america. egypt. egypt. reporter: all from egypt? yeah. reporter: group of friends and you want a job? america good. america good. america good. vietnam. reporter: all from china? yeah. reporter: why d you come to america? for free. reporter: to be free? yes. rachel: my favorite footage was from a couple weeks ago and interviewing people coming across the border and there s turkish guys and they re like i m okay but you don t know who all these people are and even the people crossing illegally were like what the heck is going on? this is not safe and we have seen really shady people alodge the journey and you have no idea who s coming into the country. they passed an executive action and media tour and bill melugin isen o the ground and like the border patrol guy and bill melugin is by himself essentially covering what s happening on the border and in the u.s.. will: egypt, vietnam, and more. pete: get in a time machine and travel three years from 9/11 and have folks from afghanistan and pakistan and iran and egypt pouring across the boarder and hand them a piece of paper and say meet up with us in a couple of years. will: it s a far cry. rachel: but it s a joke in the sense that think about how much money, i mean, billions of dollars poured into the salaries and buildings for homeland security . why even have homeland security when this is happening? it s a joke. it s a joke. pete: should shut down the entire department and move to the southern board fertilizer they really care, but they don t. rachel: you have to care about this situation in you care about homeland security and they re aiding and abedding it and enabling abetting it and enabling it and want it to happen. homeland security is a joke in america like that turkish man was laughing. that footage should be played every single day. will: make you aware of a law new york is working on and a milestone ban on social media feeds for children and addictive social media feeds with a step in the right direction. stop addictive feeds exploitation act or safe, it requires them to verify user age and give kids consent for alga rhythmic feed and have to have anyone acknowledged and parental consent if you re under the age limitation in order to get the alga rhythmic feed. kids without consent to view this addictive alga rhythmic feed can see social media content but flo flowing in a chronological time line of posts and anyone on x can know the difference between those two forms. rachel: explain that because maybe some people don t understand how that alga rhythmic works. will: on x it is the chronological feed and for you this is the is algorithm and sits this and watches what you ll interact with and what you ve li liked and reposted ani know, i know they can track your eyes, all of them, instagram, like how long your eyes linger on the timing thing and arkansas and they ll feed you more of content like that. it s just watching your behavior and listening to you and watching you. giving you more of what you like based on how much you engage with it. when i say best, most honed alga rhythmic format to feed you more of what you re suggesting you p. pete: last part of the bill is parents get ability to pause notifications on social media account near midnight and this is no substitute for parents. pete: you re not going to legislate your way out of stopping kids from staring at their phones. they ll find a way into something. rachel: i will be honest and i was one of the libertarianish peoples and i changed my view on how i look at any kind of regulation that has to do with children and families and i literally look at it and will it help the family? i don t care if it fits into an ideological box or not. i think i m 100% agree and there s no substitute appearance, pete, we re no we can t fight this by ours as parents. we don t stand a chance of expanding in and going to france and going to register for the age and parental consent and going to view the character and you can make sure to undergo that. pete: studies show that when you ask for an age verification, you have to verify who you are for pornography sites and usage go down 90%. most people don t want to admit who goes to that site and it goes down and filtered away. will: see the amazon tribe got star link? pete: didn t get me into click bait. will: they were on porn in ten minutes. rachel: average age of kids that use porn is 10 years old. not good. will: the harm of social media on kids and teens. data shows children on screens more than three and a half hour as day are more likely to develop serious mental health problems and so it s critically important that parents set limits for kids and look at what they re viewing. algorithms target kids and send messages to kids about different topics whatever they re gearing it towards and suck these kids in by sending these repeated algorithms. when our kids are not in their natural has been dat being outdoors with other kids and having the ball taken away and they re not developing critical skills they ll need as a transition into teenagers and adulthood. social skills and communication skills. rachel: at 9:50 eastern we have backyard camping ideas and more to keep your kids off the screens. pete: i like it. now to a fox news alert, idf announcing four israeli hostages have been rescued after a raid in central gaza earlier today. rachel: wow. pete: great news. they re all alive and currently recovering at hospitals after being kidnapped for 246 days. all four were ab ducked during the assault on abducted during the nova music festival on october 7 and one of the hostages reuniting with her father at the hospital. hamas still has around 120 hostages. that must feel like a miracle. kia recalling over 460,000 telluride, suvs over a fire ha czar concerns and i should finish my seasonses. national highway traffic safety administration reporting the power seat motor in the suv may overheat due to a stuck slide knob. this could potentially lead to a fire when the car is parked or in drive. the recall affecting models made from 2020-2024 and kia urging telluride owners outside or away from structures in case it lights itself on fire. several congressmen making a commemorative parachute jump over normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of d day skin colludes several military vets s in colluding michael wallz and cory miles and all of them landed on the ground safely. those are your headlines. some of the photos and video of those guys in the world war ii era aircraft is pretty cool. will: i said b52s earlier and i was wrong. people corrected me. the b52 didn t come in till the 50s but a lot of bombers dropping para troopers. janice dean coming up with the preview of the 156 running of the belmont stakes. pete: tim kent did something interesting and unique in normandy and hall of fame pitcher john shmaltz still ahead. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. (dog bark) it s just smarter, healthier pet food. it s amazing what real food can do. my name is chris jachimiec. i served in the united states air force and i ve been deployed three times. so, in 2017 i was serving as an air force first sergeant. our motto in that role is my job is people. everyone is my business. unfortunately that year, i would lose my own brother, lance corporal adam jachimiec, to suicide. the majority of veteran suicides are from guns. i store my weapons securely, not only for myself but for my family. my service never stops. raising twins and as a single mother, oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family. i■m going to have to get two jobs. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. tom was killed by a suicide bomber. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in our daily life. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i m able to focus on my children and my health. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i m going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. people should give to tunnel to towers because it s just an amazing organization. please contribute $11 a month. please visit t2t dot org. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. will: we have our next guest to show us several safe methods were firearms. chris, gate to see you. you too, l. you have tools ts and some suggestions for how we can lock up our firearms at home and keep everyone safe. my name is chris and i was deployed into afghanistan several times and in 2017 i lost my marine brother to gun suicide. it was really difficult and in an effort to discuss this, partnered with end family fire and have a nonpartisan and political discussion on being responsible firearm owners. a lot of americans are good spent and want a firearm in their home to protect to protect themselves and their family from some lead to where the firearms are introduced in the home. will: children are a part of that as well and not getting hands on the physical therapies. yeah, basic cable lock and firearm manufacturers and purchase one of these and miles an hours or local civic activity wills have these free and available. then what these are simple and run these through the chamber and mag well through the weapon and revolver is a bit different. will: running through the chamber and a picture on screen and good illustration of how it works. this can give a quick, discreet access to anybody looking for that . will: show us the last two tie temporal integrations we have. yeah, others too. this one you can mount new mexico anywhere under a december and can this one is if i can hand you this and put my phone here, it pops right open quickly. this thing can engage safely and disengage in less than a second. will: then finally? finally a mobile will: chris, thank you so much. president biden channeling reagan at d-day cere ceremoniesd how does that stack up? pete and i will go off the wall next. 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we can t recruit into ranks of the military and looked foolish on the world stage and tornado leaders didn t like what foreign leaders didn t like what they re talking about and pete: a live report on the legacy coming up next. and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is. we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty. i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. e pete: apollo 8 took this famous earth rise photo died in a plane crash yesterday. rachel: william anders was piloting the plane alone when it crashed near the san juan islands and his family confirming the news saying they re devastated. will: madeleine rivera joining us with the latest. good morning, guys. districts pouring in for william anders and the plane crash in the waters of seattle friday and the coast guard said the washington department of fish and wildlife team recover the pilot s body after a search that spanned several hours and faa saying it was a vintage t34 mentor and graduated in the naval economy in 1955 and served in the air force in 1963 and third group of astronauts beating thousands of astronauts and it was the first group of humans to orbit the moon and he took that iconic photo. in 1968 during al poll low 8 apollo 8, bill arounds offered the deepest of gifts for an as mott and traveled to the threshold of the moon and helped us all see ourselves. he embodied the lessons and more. the faa is investigating the crash. will and rachel. will: thank you, madelynn. a tanker truck carrying diesel fuel caught fire yesterday in the dallas suburb forcing them to evacuate and noticing smoke from the engine and stopped at intersection. she escaped and the whole truck went up in flames and is not hurt. he has dents can return to the area to put out the blaze in two hours. three officers involved in last month s arrest of pro golfer scottie scheffler violated policy by not turning on body cameras when they arrested hip. documents show louisville metro brian gill suffered scrapes and burns to his knee. charges have been dropped. the san antonio bramas squared off against the battle hawks tomorrow night at 7:00. winner of each game onto the ufl championship game ever. and those are your headlines. pete: all right. it s a huge saturday of sports on fox as well. will: we have two star-studded baseball game withs hall of famer john shmoltz here to break it down. rachel: and we have janice dean live at the race. introducing the g2 edge. the same #1 selling gel ink pen in america. now with an innovative laser etched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable tungsten carbide tip. whatever your mission, give yourself the edge. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? 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(vo) when life s doors open, we ll handle the house. will: we are joined by the man who will be on the call in yankee stadium tonight, fox sports lead, major league baseball analyst and hall of fame pitcher john smoltz. great to see you. yeah, it s buzzing in the town again. will: yeah, it a big, big matchup and yankees and dodgers, two of the best in baseball but history. they re two iconic teams. they really are. there s a lot of pressure on new york to get back to world series and been a million of them and dodgers got to them a million years ago and star power on the team and always nice with a big matchup. regular season it s hard to get this keened of buildup for a regular season game but these two team haves done it. pete: are these two team withs great pitchers as well? yeah, they basically last night, you ll not probably see a game like that wean the two teams and the offense is really good. the game that we an it pate is a 7-6, 6-5 and i love pitchers matchup and as a former pitcher and they silenced both offenses that are humming right now. will: two of the best hitters and stars in the game and aaron judge and shohei ohtani and take a look at where they are right now on base percentage. yeah and yankees resigned judge and he s one of my favorite players to watch and not seeing 6 8 athleticism in baseball and when the yankees got juan sotteau and it really is set up for the yankees to be the team to beat in the american league. the record shows it right now, but i think the dodger haves been a lot in the offseason to kind of stamp their mark on the national league. pete: a as a player in the middle of a long season, do you point to a series saying that s going to have more of a playoff feel and matters a bit more in yeah, there s 162 games and might be hard to emulate what you ll see later on and it s over there it s very polite and they handout the ball over and don t know what to do with the ball. it s an expansion of the game and the greatness of it. it s a it s one of the oldest in all of baseball and st. louis and san francisco having that honor of the legacy and i would say this, for those that love baseball, if you get a chance to go to kansas city, go to the negro league hall of fame and it s mind blowing and i ve learned so much and it s going to be a fun experience of the broadcaster and take a little moment in time and take away from the regular season kind of mundane and honor some great players. will: that s a little later this month and two big games on fox and, rachel, over to you. rachel: rest of fox super satar is happening first and 2024 belmont stakes is happening tonight and one of the race favorites is seize the gray who has more than 2,000 owners. how is that possible? janice jean is live from saratoga springs with ceo and founder of my racehorse, michael barron and part owner of seize the gray, amanda stebbes. s. reporter: nicely done, rachel. michael, how did this happen where thousands of people can be a part owner of a horse? i wanted to get involved in ownership but it s really expensive. i had an idea to build an app and get together a bunch of people that throw in a few hundred bucks and compete and buy a racehorse and we launch it had in and people love it and that s how it all began. i walked over and as a fan boy and said what do you think about training for us and i love what you do and would like you to get involved. reporter: what do you see at the barn with seize the x-ray. the owners of this horse, talk about them. which one of the 2,740 do you mean or are referring to? reporter: my is a thing to own a piece of a horse and it s not that much money. not at all. lets everybody get in and can brag to their neighbors. reporter: i love that wayne lucas is on board with this and it s a game changer and tell me what it s like to own a piece of history. it s fantastic and i joined my racehorse in 2020 with authentic and thought it was amazing and amazing experience and family and i got in to seize the gray when he was a yearling and it was an amazing fantastic whirlwind array. reporter: going from a baby to a winner and i was here when he broke his maiden last year at saratoga and right on the rail and it was fantastic and i was in the winner circle and bright beautiful purple hat if you re looking for me later. after the win, the app went crazy and i check the chats and it was coming in. we love getting people involved and thousands came in after he won it and win on this stage and this race and back-to-back racing and i love it. getting more people involved in racing and ownership and it s a great way to do it and it s a blast. i would love it. reporter: congratulations, it ll be a great race. 6:41 is post time here at belmont in saratoga. back to you guys. rachel: thank you, what a great way to de-mocktize the race for de-mock ragainitize the race for everybody to get involved. more fox & friends still ahead. not highly processed pellets. the farmer s dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it s not dry food. it s not wet food. it s just real food. it s an idea whose time has come. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. oh, my leaffilter? i just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection was a breeze. they explained everything. leaffilter s technology protects your gutters for good! now my home is protected. call 833 leaffilter or visit i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. rachel: attack on an

Pete-hegseth , Top , Crane-operator , Side-effects , Stop-wegovy , Help , Stomach-pain , Gallbladder-problems , Swelling , Lump , Ocrine-neoplasia-syndrome , Reaction

Jesse Watters Primetime

, 16-year-old, can travel with a 95-year-old world war ii veteran who fought in that war. go twhn that wo the national woe two museum, spend the entire day there learningume en living history from the people that served and sacrificed there. and there s no better way to educate them about the cost of freedom than that. and i got world war ii veteransi and my family. i ve learned quite a bit from themi vete. e pass the lessons that we pass on today. and we re losing these living, living libraries. libyou know, at something like a thousand a week now, they re going to be goinak now.y ,very shortly. so whatever we can docao to preserve that historypreser and pass it on now, it s going to be good for our nation and good for the youngo esse people of this country. yeah, well, you re doing an amazing job with the gary sinise foundationdoin. ar and you heard that veterans say he sometimes doesn t recognize this countryn sa anymore. e al and i think if we all get together and get it together, we can chang t ite that, right? gary absolutely.

People , War , Veteran , Learningume-en-living-history , Museum , Old-world-war-ii , Woe , Go-twhn , 95 , Two , 16 , Way


Have you ever thought about your aunt or perhaps your uncleabout yo or your aunt and uncle together and you re sitting in a tree. ar does it? b first of all, i m mad at this guy because it s pride month. yeec s prides. own and he says, my aunt,ys a h they should have said my uncle. yes. the guy s a homophobe. yeah. yeahom, i. i got to be honest that i hate to say it on tv, but i. kamala harris. i ve had such a great life. wait a minute. don t paint. she. she s attractive. u know what the thing is with me? her husband, that dork she s married to? yeah. map with that guy, lived in my neighborhood. i played little league with them so that if he coul d get it and i can. i think that s why she s my door. that s why you re mad. and then i don t look. time if she sees me naked foro the first time, she s going to laugh. but i won t take it personally because she laughsla at everythin but ag we i you know,

Stick-it , Guy , All , Tree , Aunt , Uncle , B , Pride-month , Uncleabout , Yeec-s , Ar , Life

Jesse Watters Primetime

And, you know, he doesn t i think and he s talked about this openly, doesn t e vp think the vp choice is that big. i would argue it s a little bit i in thiss time circumstance, especially considering what we just saw in manhattane circumdering. . all right. and no woman there. that could changat coulde. but recently, tonic stefanik tear but again tier, ,that could change. britt baer, thank you so much for joining jesse watterset primetime. you bet. : when now, when you re president, age is just a number. every morning at five, john quincy adams for anev fiv hour swim naked in the potomac. teddy roosevelt boxedstaffe with staffers one right hook from a military aid left and partiallrst hookthe miy blind. t ronald reagan rode horseback at the ranch. ar cleared brush with the chainsaw. clinton and bush brush jogged ar town in short shorts. ts when joe biden ran fore ha president, he said he d never stop running. some people are always in a hurry.

Doesn-t , Vp , Vp-choice , Bit , Doesn-t-e , Circumstance , Woman , Big , Changat-coulde , Manhattane-circumdering , Thiss , President

America Reports

This is uncompensated care. someone has to put this bill. as can look well on the backs of hardworking floridians. florida is believed to be the only state tracking this type of data. john: outside of jackson. we will see where this goes from here. thank you. sandra. sandra: world leaders paying tribute to the courageous troops who landed on the beaches of normandy 80 years ago. martha maccallum sat down with those brave men. she will join us life from normandy just ahead. ar is like. ( ) is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion, so you can breathe better. claritin plus decongestant. live claritin clear®. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that s what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families.

Someone , Bill , State , Florida , Backs , Uncompensated-care , Taxpayers , Hardworking-floridians , Sandra-smith , Data , Beaches , Martha-maccallum

Ana Cabrera Reports

Are. hakeem jeffries quickly pounced on the remarks, delivers a scathing it s come to my attention that a so-called leader has made a factually inaccurate statement that black folks were better off during jim crow. that s an outlandish, outrageous and out-of-pocket observation. i never said that. they are lying. let s go to donna edwards, ar senior correspondent for the hill amy barnes. donna, your comments. the video that byron donald himself says very clearly what he said. we re not making it up and analyzing that the. the reality is that over 4,000 limplgings occurred in the jim

Attention , Remarks , Scathing , Leader , Hakeem-jeffries , Folks , Statement , Jim-crow , Observation , Outlandish , Donna-edwards , Let-s-go

Transcripts for MSNBC Chris Jansing Reports 20240604 17:11:00

Place. do i think that the biden campaign s got to lay out a very clear narrative on the future? yes, and i think you ll see that in the debates. i think you ll see that in his convention speech, it s also remindsing people of why they fired donald trump in the first place. those are the core swing voters you were talking about, chris. so while covering the white house is always an historic privilege, sometimes it s better than others, so to kelly o donnell and peter baker in paris, a little bit of envy for those days when i was covering the white house, thank you, both, and of course jim messina, thank you. a gunman opened fire on the u.s. embassy in beirut today injuring one lebanese guard. authorities say the shooter was captured after a firefight with a lebanese ar my and was taken to a local hospital with injuries. the suspect s identity, possible motive aren t immediately clear. the lebanese military describe him only as a syrian national. the incident comes as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is warning hezbollah

Donald-trump , People , Place , Yes , Convention-speech , Biden-campaign , Debates , Narrative , Kelly-o-donnell , Chris-jansing , Peter-baker , Swing-voters

Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX and Friends Saturday 20240604 12:03:00

Pete: is original name was karl. it was going to be karl anthony townes recalled a house name katz and jen said no if the mavericks when his name is maverick. so far thought your name him luca. pete: s name is maverick. rachel: ar very top that i appr. see what he did in honor of my team beating yours? pete: yes we are confident i was going to have a horse named cat instead i have a horse named maverick. rachel: it s almost like a pete petenaming a child after you. pete: i did this for you, wilt. will.will: look at that manner. rachel: that s your house? very nice. pete: that is my house. he is fun, he has five years old. he is broke and we have not written him yet. you can go in there, pet him, brush him.

Pete-petenaming , Human-name , Jen , Karl-anthony-townes , House-name-katz , Name , Maverick , Rachel , Pete-s-name-is-maverick , Team , Honor , Mavericks

Tourists wounded in deadly Afghanistan shooting are stable: hospital

Tourists wounded in an attack in Afghanistan which left three Spaniards and three Afghans dead were in a stable condition, a hospital said Saturday, as a survivor described the horror

Afghanistan , Lithuania , Kabul , Kabol , Pakistan , Norway , Paris , France-general- , France , Italy , Dubai , Dubayy