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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20141114

anger that the country s most conservative thinker believes it is the worst decision in our history? well, it means we need to rethink left, right and center to plan militarily in the middle east and change events. certainly we need to re-think if we can improve them and realize if we have been there that we can make it much worse that we can take a troubling person like hussein, and the problem is should we spend more money after bad, double down and send more troops into iraq knowing the country is not ready to face the hard test before it. the former government of vermont and jim mcdermott, the current governor of washington state. there are thousands of troops in iraq, the chairman of the joint chiefs general martin dempsey raised the possibility that he could recommend u.s. troops be part of combat operations now with iraq sometime in the future. let s watch the general. there are some places along the path that i think will be fairly complex terrain for them, including for example, mosul, i m not predicting that i would recommend that the forces in mosul would need to be accompanied by u.s. forces but we re considering enforcing it. general, what do you think about doubling down at this point? well, i support the president s attacks on isis from the air, but if there was ever a lesson from vietnam in particular is that you cannot fight for people who won t fight for themselves. the shiite army is a disaster. the shiite militia is not a disaster but they are terrorists. we ought not to have troops on the ground. i understand a few advisers. i get that. the idea of american troops going into combat is a huge mistake. our allies, they re reliable. the kurds. we have a great relationship with them, we re not bosom buddies with iran, which is always a mistake. i think the president needs to watch out. i m supporting him on isis. i m not going to support a bunch of advisers, nor will i support combat troops in mosul. right now we have a choice, do we support the president s decision to double the advisers or troops, as he is saying today, we may go into combat? well, i think the president will make a serious mistake if he does not is in that the congress take a vote on this issue. we have to have a debate in the congress over this issue otherwise they have set the trap for him to be out there by himself making decisions. for two years it will be his war. and i really think that we have to be very, very careful. like the governor, i think 30,000-foot drones are one thing. but you cannot make that work. you have to have people on the ground that you can trust. and that means we re going to have to use the iraqi army, which has certainly turned out to be a very paper thin operation. if we re going to put revisers in to slip them up, it is what the general is talking about in terms of putting troops on the ground can i just throw something in here really quickly? the major mistake that was made, which left the opening for isis was nouri maliki, who is basically a stooge of the iranian government who we empowered, use shiite to suppress the sunni. if there is going to be any liberation in getting away from isis, i think we ll have to have sunni, which i don t think nouri maliki or the iranian army will tolerate. this is a mess, i don t mind trying to get rid of idea who is a very dangerous group of people. i do mind getting emmeshed in this political zoo. you know, 11 years ago i said this would split the country up. we do not need to have troops on the ground in iraq. does it impress you the defense minister is soon to be naming that alone is not enough. that alone is not enough. they re going to have to have a real sunni army and they will have to support the army and that is not what this pro-iranian government in baghdad has been willing to do. let s look at this thing that the washington post reported yesterday. he ran through the progress of the iraqi government and the progress talking about the contract, where millions went missing. on the issue of sectarianism. and a group that is seen by sunnis as little more than a shiite death squad. in terms of military training the u.s. spend upwards of a billion to train the military. they collapsed in the face of the isis aggression. the government also has been slow to reach out to the kurds. and the new prime minister in iraq has failed in the outreach to closer governments. but he notes the new prime minister has yet to even travel to saudi arabia. congressman, when you talk to to the fellow representatives, if there were an up and down vote on iraq, would it pass? i think it would be very, very tough to get the votes to get it to pass. one thing that has not been talked about yet is the whole iranian impact. if we don t finish the negotiations on nuclear power with the iranians and get them in, in a positive way in the situation to pull back on all the mayhem that is coming from the iranian side from the shiite side you are going to continue to have people switch and go and fight with the isis. you have a lot of sunnis, who are fighting with isis who don t like them. don t want to be with them. but they see no alternative. baghdad is executing them. and iran is standing by. and they have no one else to fight with but isis. so you have to get iran to pull back in this whole thing. i don t think there still is a government of iraq. i don t think, gentlemen, that this notion we have of a tri-party country of kurds and sunni and shiite exists anymore. what makes you think that it is more real than isis is real? i think isis looks like it is becoming a country, howard dean, it looks like isis will be around for a while, where as the so-called government the shiite government which is basically an agent, a satellite of iran, it looks like to me. right. i think that is right. and let s not forget that iraq never was a country. we drew a we didn t. the british and french drew a bunch of lines in i think it was 1921. and created this country which is not a country. saddam hussein held it together by sheer brutality and oppression. the same thing is happening in syria, by the way. i do not think, however, that isis is going to hold territory. i do think that if we can get the turks to be a little more helpful in allowing the kurds to get an army and support them to push isis back it would be very dangerous to let isis control territory. it would be the same as afghanistan, where they used it as a base to kill 3,000 americans in new york in 2001. so we do have some business there. but the business has to be self-defense in our own interest not trying to straighten out iraq. we missed that boat a long time ago when george bush sent all of our folks over there in 2003. george w. bush went out there and was asked about the iraq war. let s watch. do you have any regrets about that, mr. president? i have regrets that i mean, do you ever feel that maybe it was the wrong decision? no, i think it was the right decision. my regret is that a violent group of people have risen up again. this is nouri maliki-plus. i put in the book, they need to be defeated. and i hope we do. not against that man, personally, but his notion of what is going on over there is so deluded. he has decided after a while this is the worst decision this president and we ve ever made as a country. now you have a guy coming on saying this has been great. this is what we wanted over there and find some way of finding al qaeda in this mess, al qaeda was created after we got in there in iraq. al qaeda in iraq. so does anybody does he read the newspaper? i don t know what he reads. it was run by cheney and the neocons to get into this war. i agree with george will totally. he said he would lie to us to get us into this war. and he did. and he got us in and had no idea what he was opening up. he was opening up pandora s box. he didn t understand the kurds and the turks and all of what is going on. he didn t understand the iranians, the giving the power to nouri maliki. all of that was one mistake after another because he had no concept what he was getting into when he brought the troops in there. they just said mr. president, we have to go in there and get saddam hussein, i can understand that because his father had a thing about that. his father made it clear, not to go in there. destabilizing the region, just like we were all told don t stop the government of assad, it is amazing how many times we ignore the lessons of the experts. anyway, there is disturbing new video out there on line from a leftist anti-american group over in turkey. the group assaulted sailors from america which just disembarked on wednesday. the group attempted to put a palace tige plastic bag over one of the soldiers. let s watch this video. you declare you re a member of the army, and now, because we define you as murderers, as killers we want you to get out of our land. our land we will we are using go home, yankee, go home, yankee go home yankee! governor, what do you think of that? it bugs me seeing the guys humiliated. it is humiliating. one of the things that has not been written about is the dedemocritazion of turkey who has done well in the past 15 years. but the president of turkey is now becoming more authoritarian. it could very well have been his own people. turkey is not as stable as it used to be. i don t know what to make of the video because we really don t know a lot about how it happens. i agree. you see the troops humiliated. turkey wouldn t be an independent state without the united states because the russians would have pushed in there. i don t like to see that. we don t know who the people were. they claim they were leftists, the enemy of the government, just remember, turkey is a member of nato, they re supposed to be on our side. thank you, congressman jim mcdermott, i follow everything you say. coming up, what happened after the republican victory. he is going to the left with a new deal on climate change and ready to veto the keystone pipeline deal. we know these things. it will rile up republicans. elizabeth warren has a new big deal as a leadership role with the senate. she will be the new liaison, and it is a newly created post that helps to bring the democratic leadership some star power. warren is one of the big draws in the democratic party. and harry reid has been engaged in private talks to help elevate her role. we ll be right back. all topped with decadent brown butter. or savory new lobster scampi linguini, with lobster in every bite. and, the ultimate feast. it s the ultimate ultimate! with more shrimp than ever. more of what you love, our new menu. it s a bigger, better reason to celebrate. so hurry in! and sea food differently. 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well, you know, thumbing your nose at congress especially after the biggest democratic realignment since 1928 and al smith. it is not the smartest political move, but it is that. a political move. and not a move to govern. it is reasonable to expect this is going to make it politically impossible to get the kind of votes he needs to have comprehensive reform or really pass legislation with the president. it is really ijust going to sto the process and that is why i think you see the president defiant, moving hard on the left. which puts a nail in the coffin in louisiana and all of these other things in campaign mode as opposed to a governing mode. let s talk about something small board rather than legalizing 5 million people. let s talk about keystone pipeline which to me has a lot more heat in it. if that gets approved and the president overrides it, that is a heavy burden on the president to have personally stopped the keystone pipeline development. if he vetoes that and they can t override, don t get the two thirds plus one vote in both houses doesn t it put incredible pressure on him as the cork in the bottle? it does, not only that i would say if you look at in terms of where we go for the next two years we still have a few blue dog if you will centrist democrats left, like my old boss, senator manchin and others. you re going to push them in a difficult place. and i think part of the problem here where the president faces a delicate dance and balancing act, you have to send a message to your base. you want to energize them, but at the same time you have two years where you have to work with the other side. if you make it so difficult right now during the lame duck session the next two years will make the last two years look like a picnic. chris, why would you want to energize your base? what will it go to? good christmas shopping? what will you get out of it? the election is over. he admitted two thirds of the people didn t show up. why does he want to energize them now rather than before the election when they would have voted? listen, i m not saying it is the right decision, this is more about his legacy. but i ll tell you my concern is when i look at the polls and what happened on election night there were a lot of messages being sent. one of them was, to both parties figure out how to work together. i think what you have seen from both sides, particularly republicans saying we re going to appeal obamacare again. you have seem them reluctant to figure out a way to work together. the president can do this because he believes in maybe the right thing to do but it will come complicate things to work together. maybe it will to the base but that will not help you going into the next two years. according to the poll, you alluded to after the mid-term elections 36% want the president to have the most influence over the direction of the country. more than half want the influence to go to the republicans. let me go back to leslie on that it suggests the message coming out was the one we got in the numbers. we saw who won. and when they were asked to put it in narration form, they said yes. do you think there is a plausible root legislative illegal for the new republican-controlled congress to pass an immigration bill that would pass muster with moderate democrats and moderate hispanics? would there be such a bill? i do, i think there are a lot of areas that republicans and democrats agree on. if the speaker is allowed to push forward a bill that focuses on border security first. we have had this debate ten years on the hill. realistically can you get the hundred votes, maybe he is at 70 or 80, you can get closer to a deal where the republicans and democrats can come together and of course we need to do something about the individuals here who are undocumented. some want to be here, some want citizenship. but it is not like the president s approach where he is saying blanket amnesty. that is a distinction, chris, is it closed borders and a select few get citizenship? there is a reasonable approach. to do so in this manner it would really jeopardize the speaker s ability i hate to beat a dead horse. why doesn t the house pass the bill for exactly the reasons you said. they don t believe there is enough there on border enforcement and security. they don t like the fact that it actually stops illegal hiring. and i think a lot of businesses want cheap labor. that is what i think. i agree, to put pressure on interior enforcement and the employers. i m with you on that. the reasons why the republicans did not pass the senate immigration bill was because it was pure politics. they didn t want to do it because they thought it would hurt them in the mid-term elections. if i advised the president i would say call the bluff. we re in a lame duck session, pass the bill. you have a chance to do it. if there is a difference between the two bills we can work it out there is still time, they wouldn t do it. so i think the president is making a dramatic statement. the republicans coming out saying we re really passionate about immigration, where was that in the last two years. why don t we have an allison grunden type election, where nobody knows where you voted. thank you, great to have you on. leslie, great to have you on, leslie sanchez coming on. coming up, another chapter in the presidential bromance, areas with bill clinton and you talk about a mental business there, hard for them to play politics. textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? 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for advice, retirement, and life insurance, connect with axa. welcome back to hardball. the daily show has been accused of flashing a gang sign during the get out the vote event. the community organizers were canvassing to encouraging people to get out and vote. one of the volunteers, the woman you see here in a purple hoodie sweatshirt is the minneapolis mayor, betsy hodges. that is grass root democracy at its finest, or to put it another away. this is a photo of minneapolis mayor betsy hodges, flashing a sign with a known gang member. that is a gang sign. all this time it has been a lead-in. notorious gang member. i always knew that colbert was a troublemaker. following the mid-term election republican wave, he raised concerns as to who the democrats will tap on the future of the party, let s watch. it is a huge party. not just the farm team is being depleted. now who will they turn to when hillary blows out her knee. she will be on the dl. farm teams are crucial to developing the leaders. just two years before he ran for president barack obama was an illinois state senator. who could have imagined today he would be in the white house wishing he was an illinois state senator. i bet there are times barack obama misses the old days in springfield. anyway, finally, former president george w. bush released the new book this week about his father, titled simply 41. already receiving positive notices, not from here. former president bill clinton tweeted out this image with the message, received my copy of 41, george bush, touching tribute. george bush responded, saying thanks, 42, hope you like your book about your pal, 41. and with the hash tag, brother from another mother, up next, the establishment republicans versus the red hots, the campaign for 2016 is on. plus, the right wing has a problem with bruce springsteen after tuesday s concert down in the mall here for america s veterans, full speed ahead now to the round table, you re watching hardball, the place for politics. i lost my sight in afghanistan, but it doesn t hold me back. i go through periods where it s hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-844-2424. or visit oh and could you turn on air conditioning i m starting to sweat. i ll just do it myself. useless. that s nice. set s the mood. have your entire house within reach, even when your devices aren t. introducing relay by wink it s like a robot butler, but not as awkward. whoa! if you have dandruff sign up for get out of here!! 50% off laser hair removal. you ve been matched. linda s. is only 3.2 miles away. no no no. request accepted. match confirmed. message from linda. what s up brandon? control your entire home without your private data ever being shared. introducing wink. it s like a robot butler, but not as awkward. i m melissa reberger with daily news, there was a detailed list of the breach at the white house, a security guard who was watching the security guard was in a van on his cell phone. nbc news learned another ebola patient is headed to the medical department, he was a surgeon in sierra leone before becoming sick. back to hardball . time now for the round table of course, we ll dig into the big questions, including the debate over the war in iraq. should we continue it. plus, president obama s defiance, veering left after a republican wave. we know all that. and the competes conference con you will. the eastern conference, the republicans and they re a big city, gritty republicans, big money, more centrist and secular, that is dominated by governor chris christie who is giving new signs he is running for president. then you have the western conference, this conference is characterized by christie conservatives, pro-family and pro-life. dominated by mike huckabee, pronounced differently by the people over on fox. we ll get into that. joining me now, the hardball round table. republican pollster and senior adviser to newt gingrich s campaign. i hope she likes that tag. and nbc news political reporter perry bacon. what do you think about this debate? somebody called me and said why are we still in iraq? i read the piece the other day, it really laid out they re sectarian. never going to be an inclusive country again, why are we still sending advisers over to iraq? the short answer was the beheadings, the president was reluctant to go back in there, we in the press and the republicans pushed him. the beheadings are in people s memories still, and isis in people s memories. so if they stop beheading our people i think it is true. i mean, i think the reason america, first, don t mess with us and we will try to forget about you. america first, i side with perry on this. seeing these beheadings of innocent western citizens on your laptop will really crystallize public opinion on the sleepy, war-weary public. they are war weary, but at the same time they don t believe you can disengage. also chris, in large margins, they believe it is better to fight it over here than fight it over there. i ve heard that argument. let me ask you this, i think we re one massacre from pulling out. some of the troops get overrun. kelly is right, it is war-weariness, with the people being beheaded. what happens when the picture is massacre? i think you re right, i think it will be enough is enough is enough. chuck hagel as secretary of defense said two things today, number one we re going to stop at 3,000, 3,000 troops for the foreseeable future. but he also said it will be a multi-year effort to contain or at least contain the islamic state, isis. so what he is telling the american people, we ll keep it on maintenance level. it will be sort of low maintenance level. don t worry about it too much. we have just enough troops there to keep that kind of massacre from taking place, whether that can actually work or not i don t know. if those troops were not there, isis may be overrunning baghdad right now. colin powell said famously if we break it we own it. and it is broken into pieces. kurdish, sunni, shiite, islamic state, four pieces and we re stuck with that. let s talk about the president since the election, the president is clearly heading towards an executive order legalizing, giving green cards to 5 million people, roughly half the people in this country illegally. what happens if he does that? he is misreading the election results, it will be a big blow back by both parties. point out to me any embattled democrat in a race this year, chris, i am for the president on amnesty they prefer that you work with congress. i also think he is making very difficult decisions, screwing the pooch for anybody who runs in 2016. why does he feel the pressure i think this is what he wants to do. i think climate change and immigration, he wants to deal with before he leaves office. these are priorities for him. i he wants this on his wikipedia. i also think that from a practical, political point of view he doesn t necessarily agree with kelly. i think people around him i had a better election i know you had a better election, he had a pretty did one in 2012 and 2008. what are they telling him? bring it on, we can argue about the constitutionality of executive orders, what does he call it? executive amnesty? probably what mary probably what that is probably what keystone pipeline let them argue about the constitution, fine. i ll take the people. why doesn t i ll take the votes in 2016. i m going to take the votes in 2016? this is a guy who worked with newt gingrich to where is the center? it is nowhere near the center in amnesty. you re in center screen, as i said, chris christie is the eastern conference leader of the republican party right now. here is why, he won t resign as new jersey governor if he runs for president. he just had a hugely successful election, he raised over 100 million bucks, plus this morning after the party s mid-term victory, he is a full ginsburg, as they say, five shows, he is in. mike huckabee is the western conference leader because the minute he shows any interest, all of a sudden he is the guy up there on the christian right. he, mike huckabee, is putting together a political team, leading in southern california, well i don t know what southern california has over there. obviously, he is thinking about john paul ii. and margaret thatcher, a trio of crowd pleasers. his book called god, guns, grit, in which he explores. anyway, i think please don t fight me over the concept. the old establishment wing tends to be east coast, very hawkish like rudy giuliani. how did he do? that is what i mean, the establishment wing always ends up winning for some reason. and then have you the culturally conservative crowd, which are very same-sex marriage, they are hawkish, as well. do you think well, the first thing to the finals, also a guy like mike huckabee to the both lanes will be very crowded. i think you will end up with all the conferences of every major league sport, everyone who is thinking of running probably will. why is it all of a sudden crowded? it is crowded because people recognize after eight years of any one-party rule people generally look for something different. they couldn t have figured this out eight years ago? why is hillary beatable? 2014 is really the year of the beatable pull me hillary clinton makes 200 grand a speech. the average woman s income is 50,000, a quarter of that a year. she has not driven since 1996. we need somebody who is relatable, not wealthy. you know why everybody is thinking like that in your party. the smart people are. but may i just say one thing. perry will love it. you know why do you know why the hillary clinton supporters are pushing for jeb bush? they want nine months from now all of us to be talking about do you want the third bush or a woman? not a fair fight. i m not against jeb, i m making the point she needs somebody less known to beat her. we ll be right back, some of it was partisan, some of it not. the right wing s latest beef with bruce springsteen. this is hardball, the place for politics. d funds d funds would go with a merging markets. it s a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what s our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e ? bruce springsteen on the receiving end of some criticism from the right wing. hardball returns after this. revolutionizing an industry can be a tough act to follow, but at xerox we ve embraced a new role. working behind the scenes to provide companies with services. like helping hr departments manage benefits and pensions for over 11 million employees. reducing document costs by up to 30%. and processing $421 billion dollars in accounts payables each year. helping thousands of companies simplify how work gets done. how s that for an encore? 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(receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. we re back with a round table, howard, kelly and perry, while the conservatives are outraged this week over the song that bruce springsteen performed at the concert for valor on veteran s day this tuesday night. the song avoid the vietnam draft. well, that ripped the scab off. many took history with the fact that springstein played that particular song on this occasion. here s what weekly standard magazine wrote about it. taking shots at the red, white and blue. it was a particularly terrible choice given the anti-draft song and this concert was largely organized to honor those who fought in afghan stand and iraq. first of all, it s a great song. as a song. that s the first thing. it s great rock music. number two, what a great country? is this a great country or what? a lot of different people out there singing a lot of different things from jennifer hudson doing the star spangled banner. i studied the words again of fortunate song, and, also, born in the usa, which is another song that he sang. in neither song do the people say we re not going. they didn t say screw this, we re not going. they went. that s the point. they went. whatever the flaws of american society were or are, whatever the inequalities, whatever the special privileges, they went. they chose to go, circumstances might have forced them, but they went. and in a way, those songs are about pride and patriotism. they re not about we hate america. they re not. they re about the fact that you do your duty for yur country, ef everyone ov even if it s unfair. i think the people just don t understand the context. they don t understand the history and they have a pre-determined conclusion. they re not thinking like me. it s a different time. i don t think the draft has occurred most people don t want i back. do you think bruce springstei nrk n wanted to offend veter rans on veteran s day? of course not. everything is not political. it was a unifying event that stayed that way. yeah, a lot of people like the battle hymn of the republic. it was a terrific concert. i have to tell you, i m not a conservative who agrees with this. i can stay up to watch it because they recognized some of those artists who they don t associate with politics, what so ever. and i told them how nice it was that these artists all of whom have been very successful and gave up their time and their talent to honor the veterans. very important. it s diversity of opinion, too. what better way to celebrate what veterans sacrificed for than that? some conditions in this country and the fact that people served, regardless of that. a lot of people right now are serving are watching what you just said. thank you. that s a wonderful moment. i hope it s on youtoub for a long time. thank you. when we return, let me finish with a big push toward the war in iran. these are we re talking about future war. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. bonjour. comment ce va? bonjour. comment ce va? due cappuccini, per favore. domo. arigato? arigato united flies to more destinations than any other airline. namaste. over 5100 daily flights to nearly 60 countries. namaste. plus, over 230 us cities. dessert? pee-can pie. pecan? yeah. okay. in any language, that s.gateway to the world friendly. celebrate what s new, with the bigger, better menu at red lobster! try our newest wood-grilled combination! maine lobster, extra jumbo shrimp, and salmon! all topped with decadent brown butter. or savory new lobster scampi linguini, with lobster in every bite. and, the ultimate feast. it s the ultimate ultimate! with more shrimp than ever. more of what you love, our new menu. it s a bigger, better reason to celebrate. so hurry in! and sea food differently. let me finish tonight with this big push toward war in iran. as anyone offers they deliver day after day after day. does anyone doubt they want to destroy the talks between which to avoid that war? no. this is a life or death piece of war rivalry. tho those on the other side are pounding away on their favorite battlefield to undermine support for the talks before they have a chance at bearing frut. the worst feel is that a deal will be struck on its root to a bomb, a moment of success that would free the world of an unchallenged nuclear attack and developments of its economy and free to join the modern world of nations. anyone who doubts the fire power should read the lead calm in today s wall street journal. not only that, the author sug jeszs that as a preliminary to bombing iran, the united states should overthrow syria, since overthrowing iraq did so much good in slowing iran s nuclear program, this added attack on an arab country would do even more, they argue. first they got us to undertake the invasive overthrow of isle remark. now they want us to keep overthrowing arab governments and killing anyone who gets in the way to do what they did to asaad and helped do to momar. everything goes to hell in a hand bas ket and then we do more dirty work pushing us onto the next country, all the time ridding the hatred of the world. they have a friegt any knowledge frightening influence of the people. i opposed the iraq war from when i first began hearing whispers of it after 9/11. now we re hearing how successful a war would be with syria. what makes you or me think that any of these armchair officers would ever be part of the a ark which you fighting. that s hardball for now. thanks for being with us. all in with chris hayes starts right now. tonight on all in. breaking news from the new york times the president will go big on immigration. up to 5 million imgrants would with saved from deportation. republicans are promising an explosion on the hill. the president has been told over and over and over again and we re telling him again today, don t do this. plus, new details on the cascade of mistakes made by the secret service that allowed a man to scale the fence and run into the white house in september. then, the ferguson grand jury finally forensic expert.

Vietnam , Republic-of , New-york , United-states , Louisiana , Afghanistan , Iran , Vermont , Turkey , China , Illinois , California

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20141114

probable cause. elizabeth warren is now a e officially a leader of the democrats. we have to make this government work. and the host of the daly show. tonight, my not exactly exclusive interview with john stuart. all in starts right now. good evening from new york. i m chris hayes. there are more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in the united states. and it appears that for as many as 5 million of them, life is about to change. today, a bomb shell report said the president will soon take executive action to overhaul the nation s immigration enforcement system, protecting up to 5 million undocumented imgrants on the threat of deportation and providing many with work permit. administration officials told the times that the order could come this week and vowed no later than the end of the year. before the end of the year, we re going to take whatever lawful actions that i can take that i believe will improve the functioning of our immigration system. a promise to protect as many as 5 million people from deportation, even what many advocates for undocumented imgrants was hoping is the latest of bold moves on net neutrality, climate change and now immigration that had gloating seemingly new yoknocke on its heels. i maybe naively hoped that the president would look at results to decide to come to the political center and do some business with us. i still hope he does at some point. but the early signs are not good. immigration action is described as still being finalized and it could, of course, change. but, as of now, it would allow many parents of children who are american citizens or illegal residents are to longer fear of being deported and sprated from their family s children. that could aferkt as many as 3.3 million people who have been living in the u.s. in the shadows with commissions of fear. deportations would still proceed for convicted criminals, fo foreigners who pose national security risk and recent border crosses. the president has been told over and over and over again and we re telling him again today, don t do this. i can t think of anything more discouraging that the president of the united states will do. we re going to fight the president toothd and nail if he continues down this path. a president that has no authority to do this. it s against the law. sure ly the president understands the kind of explosion that would occur up here if he takes that unilateral action. surely he s got better sense than to do that. republicans are basically threatening to declare political nuclear war. for starters, ted cruz is potentially blocking president obama s pick to be the new attorney general, loretta lynch. she has no role in crafting this policy. they re planning to do it over what they call executive am nessty. and republicans may just go all out and shut down the government. mitch mcconnell is promising that will not happen. more than 50 house lawmakers have signed a letter saying language barring the president should be attached to legislation needed to keep the government operating after september 11th when this kind of fupding expires. if they get their way, it could get very ugly very fast. first up, in the scale of what was being debated over the lags zef rat months, where does this fit? this number that is in your piece? up to 5 million? my sense is that it s way at the high end? i think it is at the high end. and, keep many mind that the way we wrote that was very clearly to put that number as the top number. they could still come in sliegtly below that. my sources say that they are still tweaking some of these programs. and it depends, for example, how long they say some of these illegal imgrants have to have lived in the country. if they say it applies to everyone who s lived in the country only five years, then that the larger number, if they say you have to have lived in the country for ten years that s a sliegtly smaller number. it could still come somewhat underneath that. but still, even if that s the case, if it s 4 million or 3.5 million, it s a heck of a lot larger than some people had originally expected when they thought the president would go small or tinker around the edges. how they ve come to that decision, both from a sort of political stand point and from a legal standpoint, you write in the piece asbout vetting this t make sure it s rock solidly legal. the legal process has been taking place in kind of two locations. the department of homeland security, which has really been the place to develop the policy pieces. and then the department of justice which has been veting each of those policy pieces to make sure that there s a legal basis for being able to defend them. and they ve really reached back decades to parts of the law that kind of guarantee the ability of the administration, any administrati administration, any executive to enforce the laws with some discretion. you can t arrest everybody, so you kind of have to pick and choose. if they were going to get anything done, they have to go big. yeah, thafgs my thinking about the political action. it s very hard for me to imagine that the reaction would be modified. i take republicans by their word that they re offended by the principle rather than the ark which you number. right. i think, in truth, the bigger the number, probably the bigger their reaction in some way. but i don t think the reaction would have been small if it was a million or half a million people. you ve shown the choral us of where they would react. joining me now is congressman from kansas. congressman, my understanding is you re opposed to this. are you understanding on principle or because of the scale of what you ve been reading about in the times? so far, it s a secret play. that s part of the problem. we don t know who s riding it. it s apparently six years in the making. the president has had six years to put this together. so we ll wait and see whachs. but, at the end of the day, i think this is a very bad political move. what s the objection, though? i just want to establish here are you saying the same objection the democrats had in 2009 and 10. they didn t want to do this. do you think this is not within his legal authority? what is the objection to it? he has no authority to do that. he doesn t have authority to no. when george h.w. bush in 1990 he didn t do amnesty. let s be clear about it. 5 million people to grant them free rights in this country? he granted affirmative action for 1.5 million people. if he could have done this, why didn t he do it in the last six years. i think this president is desperate and trying to flail on something he could find. congressman, he s been very clear about that. his hope is for stamp toir action and hant had a vote in the house. if he were to bring it to the house tomorrow, it would pass. he didn t even try in 2009 when he could have done that. why didn t he do that? why is he doing it now? why did he wait six years? there s a bill right now. it s sitting there. it passed by 68 votes in the senate. if he brought it to a vote in the house, it would pass tomorrow, wouldn t it? there was just an election nine days ago. what the president is doing is defieing the american people, defieing the voters and i think he s digging a deep hole for the democrats. so what are you going to do about it if he does do it? i don t think he has authority to do that. i think if we challenge it in court, i think we are in favor of taking away the money to issue these cards to illegally going around congress, which he said he would do. the american people are going to say this is exactly why we ve elected republican majorities. i think there s significant reason to believe it is legal. but, at the same time how do you know it s legal? this is a secret plan. do you think the deferred action in 2012 would be legal? i think it was. i think it was a big mistake. you had the humanitarian crisis this summer because of executive amnesty. if you think it s illegal, is the recourse for the house to impeach? the recourse is to take away the money. if the president wants to shut down the government, he can do that. all he has to do is what he did a year ago. nobody wants a shutdown, i think, kpoept for the man in the white house. who is desperate. and you would attach a funding bill and dare a shutdown? is there there s hundreds of things attached to a funding bill. that s what s being so misreported. so do you think it s wrong when the president says under no circumstances will there be a shutdown. the president, if he vetoes a bill to keep it open, he will shut down the government like he did a year ago. that is a very interesting theory. always a pleasure. thank you, sir. number one, the president has the authority. in 1986, we passed immigration reform and control act. it was an amnesty pushed by then-president ronald reagan. when he saw there was a flaw, he stopped the deportation of 1.5 mill yoon people. george bush followed him. think about iran contra. tens of thousands came to the united states. and then, until 1997, the republican congressman granted them amnesty. so there was no authority. it s just yun lat rally granted by the attorney general? it s yun lat rally they have what s called prosecutorial discretion. just like they don t pros cute anybody and it s probably a bad example, but they don t do it in colorado or in washington or the state. they passed law legalizing marijuana. look, you have to make determinations. but this is clearly established in the law. today, we have over 115 democrats joined in the judiciary committee served about a week ago. where we clearly put the historical framework. look, they don t want this president to succeed. and i just want to say, chris. i told you months ago, it would be about 5 million people that i thought that s where we would go. you did. but i thought there was a little lucy in the football situation. we re not going to go there yet. but we believe democrats stood up. 115 of us stood up to date and said mr. president, go big, go bold and go quickly. these are families that are desperate need. i want to make clear to my colleague who was just on the program. look, you remember when they said to us, they said, look, everybody can t be a citizen. i said okay. president obama said okay. we said let s move forward. we said let s do it piecemeal. we said okay. every time the republicans want to move forward, we said okay. i just want to say they have a great team at homeland security. and jay johnson was the one that organized the department of defense. he knows how to get these kinds of things done. and i believe this will up stand any scrutiny. look, if what they want to do is play politics with this, then they will not act. i think that s pretty clear that s going to be the case. a secret service made it possible for an intruder to break into the white house, including a secret service officer who was on his personal cell phone at the time. plus, my interview with joan sturt ahead. sturt ahead. you had to go deep into the cupboard. embarrassingly deep. can this mismatched mess be conquered. by a little bit of dish liquid? it can if it s dawn ultra. it s more concentrated. .just one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. here s to the over-extended family gathering. dawn, it s amazing what a drop can do. . we learned today the former chief of massey energy has been indieted on four counts of laws related to explosion in west virginia that killed 29d miners. the diemt states in part blankenship participated in an understanding that perpetuated these practices of routine safety violations in order to produce more c, al and make more money. i interviewed don blankenship not too long ago. it s posted on our web site. go ahead and check it out. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? aleve, proven better on pain. which means it s time thfor the volkswagens here, sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the well-crafted all-new golf. if you re wishing for a new volkswagen this season just about all you need is a finely tuned. pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit and zero first month s payment on select new volkswagen models. breaking news tonight on the laxness of the secret service. just releasing a summary of its only internal investigation of what went wrong in september. the findings revealed a troub troubling. aufrszs who recognized the intruder from a previous incident did not engain him or notify the joint operations officer. personnel near where gonzalez jumped the fence didn t see him because their views were obstructed by a construction project. and this one might be the most damaging. the k-9 officer on duty was on a call on his personal cell phone without his radio in his ear and left his second radio at home. the individuals involved remain under post at the white house. joining me now, mile skal schmidt. michael, i guess i would say it s a comedy of errors if the stakes weren t so high. luckily it ended with no one getting hurt and you can sort of view this domino of mistakes as almost farcical in reading the report. but it s a really jaw-dropping document. everything wernt wrong. and that s the biggest message from the document. even down to the officer standing on the outside of the door at the north portico of the white house. he didn t know what was going on. he saw a lot of commotion. he followed his training and went behind one of the pillars. he didn t know someone was coming to the door. he saw people chasing. he said, well, i m going to get out of the way because the door is going to be locked. and then the intruder opened the door and went right into the white house. at that point, he blew by an officer and it s just a serious of those type of things that everything went wrong. so there s one point the biggest problem was the person with the dog was on his personal cell phone sitting in the car without an ear piece in which seems to be one of the most key parts of all of this. there s a big question right afterwards, that was actually how he was am rehented. it s a pretty unambiguous part of this. what happens is the dog needs to be tracking the intruder along the way. the dog wasn t doing that because it was inside the car and the hachbdleer didn t know what was going on. it wasn t clear that the dog knew who the intruder was. so at that point, no one was allowed to go. it s very clear if you look at the video that dogs knew who the intruder was. he was standing right there. so what conclusions can you draw? i sense it was the right thing to do. the guy only had a knife. but maybe that s not the conclusion of dhs. well, secret service officers and e and ajents are under the same requirement as police officers are. is the person posing imminent danger to themselves or someone else. the question is was he doing that in this case? had they shot him, would the reaction have been why didn t the secret service kill a veteran who was mentally deranged who only had a small knife on him while the president wasn t at the white house. j r. so it s a very, very difficult situation. so that s the way to make the argument in this case had the dog had been left out, the dog would have been stopping the intruder and still have her job and this would have been a very small story and never would have turned into what we ve had. these pigs have a chris christie problem. what kind of monszer would throw a pig under the bus. that s next. later, my interview with john sturt of the daly show. maybe you ve heard of him. you don t want to miss it next. 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you know who doesn t support these types of animal welfare bills? most of the pork industry. you know where they raise a lot of pork? iowa. you you know what else is in iowa? the first in the nation presidential policies. he s a republican big money donor and he s made his fortune off pork and ethanol. he clearly understands smaller government. certainly all the things that accompany me care about. we don t know if chris christie will run for president, but we will know soon enough where christie stands on big torture. woman: everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn t trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we re owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you re caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it s called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. they cut the power. it ll fix itself. power s back on. quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it s scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table, underneath my work desk, we ve got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it s some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it s quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? [ kevin ] really? twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3.2.1. are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable. today, 8 r5 days after the grand jury indied michael brown. biden was retained bring the brown family who conducted an independent autopsy of michael brown. and the justice department first told the world what happened to michael brown back in august. and, today, he finally spoke to the people who will be deciding whether or not to indict darren wilson. lawyers for the brown family told nbc news they got an anonymous tip. and then, shortly after that, a call came from the prosecutor s office asking to testify. now, this is incredibly important because his analysis differs from the county medical examiner s report in at least one respect. whether or not michael brown was shot at close range. we ll explain the significance of that in just a moment. brown s lawyer said he planned to testify his forensic exams showed results consistent with witness accounts that brown was sur rebderring with his hands up at some point when he was shot and killd. speaking to the press today, that same lawyer of the family expressing trust of the entire grand jury process. here s the problem. when you have a grand jury, they and that is historically, they re going to do whatever the prosecutor wants them to do as attorney eloquently said, if he presents the evidence in a stern way, there will be an diemt. if he presents the evidence in another way, there will be no diemt. it is all about what evidence he presents and how he presents it. a criminal defense and civil rights attorney and a former prosecutor. okay. hi. so we ll talk about the process of the grand jury in a second. but you ve got a county medical examiner whose medical report said that michael brown was shot at close range. and that was communicated in a story that was leaked to the grand jury testimony that that possibly could be part of the theory of the defense for darren wilson, correct? correct. but we have to break down how the shot could have occurred. if a shot occurs at approximately 1 inch, then there is soot and no stipling. if a shot occurs between three and nine inches, there is stipling, no soot. if a shot aclears over nine inches what s stipling? it s powder. if it s greater than nine inches, there is neither. so anything from nine inches and beyond is considered a distant wound. so nine inches, ten feet, same thing. i see. so they said soot and no stipling. so the problem now with this discrepancy that means within three inches. exactly. so the county medical examiner is saying less than 3 inches. and bodden is saying greater than 9 inches. that s a huge discrepancy. if we were talking about soot and stipling, we d be closer in proximity. now, my understanding is we know bodden had access to body, but we don t know if he had access to tissue or clothing of michael brown. that s correct. i do not think that the doctor, bodden, has investigated the forensic evidence: right. we know he s requesting something, but we don t know what he s got. right. so there s this back and forth about where the first shot was fired. and we think it s the first shot. okay. the story that was leaking from the grand jury is is the thumb. and the idea for the struggle for the gun is that michael brown is an aggressor, right? right. so that s what that fact pattern is trying to establish. which can be corroborated by soot and not stipling. the shot to the thumb. but bodden doesn t talk about the shot to the thumb. however, i believe in the report there s an indication that there s a shot to the thumb. i think he does talk about a shot to the thumb. but he s not clear on it: he s not saying soot or stipling. so then the question becomes whatever happened in that car, this is what i think is really important, it s possible that what happened in the car, michael brown reached for the gun. or he didn t. and he was shot. but then there s a whole other sequence of events. isn t it possible in which something could happen that michael brown is in the car and it s still a crime to shoot him and kill him? yes, that s a great point. uch to look at the entire event but then you break down the event in steps. so if, at the moment in time you were in the car and officer wilson felt imminent danger. and we still don t know if that s at all the case. at that moment, it s in self defense. but it ends. it ends. when you leave the car and brown is running away from you and his back is turned toward you, the danger ends. the imminent threat is over. so it seems to me conceptually they are. and it seems to me that all the coverage is determinant. and it s very analogous. so we go from murder in the third degreer in in the first degree, not going to happen. to murder in the second degree is a knowingly mens rea. and then we get to involuntary man slaugter and then finally, voluntary man slaugter which is basically a fight, heat of passion. so there s four possible ways this could shake out. thank you very much. soon, we ll be hosting live stream tomorrow discussing legal issues in the news. my interview with john stuart and what it means for the future ahead. kicks in on car stereo] don t stop now come on mony come on yeah i say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cause you make me feel like a pony so good like your pony so good ride the pony the sentra, with bose audio and nissanconnect technology. spread your joy. nissan. innovation that excites. [singing] mony mony in the country. we operate just like a city, and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal, generating electricity on-site, and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we re very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment. let us be lovers, we ll marry our fortunes together i ve got some real estate here in my bag it took me four days to hitch-hike from saginaw i ve come to look for america elizabeth warren is now officially a leader of the democrats. in a closed-door meeting that lasted nearly 4 hours, senator collins voted to give her an upheaval who s shaping the policy. today s leadership e lebs which came after the party experienced a drubing in the midterms returned nevada s majority, soon to be minority leader. all returning to their leadership sloets and some new faces wr also elevated. along with the aforementioned group. a newly credited position spefkly for her. warren will now be the strategic policy advisor with the democratic policy and communications committee. in addition to helping steer and shape policy, warren will also serve as a liaison to make sure their voice is heard. warren s promotion to the massachusetts senator that the progressive views. joining me now, joan walsh. what do you think? i think it s good news. i m happy to hear it. i worry ant the liaison part because that means she gets the job of listening to us gripe and then progressives don t necessarily get to see harry reid. we still want to see harry reid. so that part i didn t like, when i was just hearing about that. but shaping policy is a great bone for her. that s the great part. the thing about liaison, the white house liaison progressive groups, their job is to go and take views from people that september them or tell those people, bad news. s.t.f. umplt. stop coming here and boltering us. we don t want to see you and get in line. right. that part i don t like. and i don t think she s really going to do thoo. and then anyone who thought she was just going to sit there and listen to progressives wine, they should talk to tim gieter in. she has talked about ceremonial roles in a nothing job. the congressional oversight panel which is basically a throw away plan. she made that, you know, a top headline leading the nightly news kind of job. this sort of tra teejic job, she is clearly this kind of progressive icon part of that is she s gotten very good at putting together messaging and policy. at the same time. right. so students should be able to boar rethe same as the fed, right? so she s this basic banks around students should be able to borrow at the same rate. boiling it down, something simple and use policy as a kind of messaging tool. right. and i think that one of the things i kept hearing last week and we re still hearing is that democrats didn t have a message. minimum wage isn t enough. she really is someone. i think the issue for us right now, chris, not just for pro greszives, we have not figured out how to rebuild the middle class that got built in the 50s, 6 0s and early 70s. and she s the best attack at it. when barack obama tries to turn that into you didn t do that alone, he says you didn t do that and he s kind of clumsy with it. and hillary clinton turns it into you didn t create jobs. she s eloquent with substances. and she s been a really quick study. i know she had a rough few first months. it s hard. you re in a totally new universe. she s really good. and i think she s been really good in the senate. my only worry is that i don t want anything taking away time from the job that she needs to be doing in legislation. but let s be honest, there s not a whole lot of pushing real legislation and muscling things through committees. it s the time to hone the message. that s the other part that seemed to me about honing that message. thanks, chris. it is finally time for my interview with john stuart after this. blapg blank. 2009, the daly show arn that country s presidential election. and the clip you saw shows foreign correspondent was interviewing real journal iist whovs obviously being a very good sport. he was a reporter for news week that um e summer including the campaign challenging. but on june 21st, 2009, just four days after that daly show segmented was broadcast kwuz arest e rised and tourtured for 118 days. part of a skrak down that included hundreds of journalists and protesters. that memoir has now been turned into a fit m in joer dan. and i spoke with him earlier today. so, john, do you remember when you first learned that bahari had been taken? yeah, no, we found out it was maybe about two or three weeks after jason got back from iran. there were a couple of other people that we interviewed for the pieces that we did in iran. and they were both arrested, as well. it was also within a much larger crack down. we know that hundreds, if not thousands of people in iran had been arrested. so we were working with people trying to get mazier out as well as another gentleman s family who had also been arrested. his son came on the show to talk about his father s arrest. so even if it was in the context, you know there s this huge crackdown, right? it wasn t you and the daly show that landed these people in pearl, right? we re doing it in this other context in which the stakes of that are way, way, way higher. right. i think we were hopefully smart enough to realize that the iranian government was not cracking down on people who had participated with the daly show. it was, you know, the violence in the streets. if you remember, you know, netta and the people who had been shot on the streets. so it wasn t this wasn t occurring in a vacuum. what was it that made you want to tell this particular story? well, i think it was a lot of it was my friendship with mazier. when he got out and came on the show and then whenever he would be passing through new york, he and i would sort of meet for breakfast and just talk, you know, politics and family. he may be the most cultural literate individual i think i ve ever met in my life. and the mem wor that he was writing was just, you know, just beautifully layered and compelling. i think when he first asked me, it will be produced as a movie. without me necessarily being involved more than that. and then within a year of trying to do that, we had written all of these lists to do that. all of these oscar-winning writers. other people hired them and we didn t have any money. it was more impatience. i did think there are so many elements in the story that are relevant to not just mazier, but to journalism, the way that technology has democratized information. the way that large news organizations have cut back on infrastructure and you have all of these sort of freelancers and individuals that are out there really vulnerable on their own: the fact that now citizen journalists are targets of government crackdowns. there are so many of these elements that came to such a relevant story. did you find yourself i mean, you had to go and direct the film, which if i m not mistaken, is the first time you ve done that. in this same truncated schedule in jordan. you are not mistaken. i mean, did you wake up in jordan the first day of shooting and think to yourself, well, i don t know what i m doing? that s pretty much how i wake up, generally. probably the smartest thing that i did was to be very honest with myself. and this is going to sound and you will forglif me, it s going to sound very rumsfeldian. on the plus side, you know, i ve never done this before. so everybody was aware of the challenges going in. they were i was very sure to say to them, please raise your hands. you know, early and often. if some of the ideas are putting too much pressure on the production, if they re not realistic, if we could excute them in a better way. it s not so much that i felt confident in myself, i felt confident in the people that i had surrounded myself with. jon stuart, the daly show, thank you much, jon. appreciate it. thank you much, chris. that is all in for this eve ening. good evening, chris. thanks, my friend. and thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. this e there is a lot going on in the news today. the coal disaster in west virginia that killed 29 people, remember the big branch mind disaster? that is now being treated not as a mine accident, but essentially as a criminal act by the boss of that mine. that ceo is the most visible face of the coal industry in this country. today, he was criminally indicted, essentially for the death of those 29 men. and he will be facing decades in prison if he can convicted. we re going to have more on that story coming up. also, 300 million miles from here, some news today about human kind having pulled off the amazing achievemented of landing a spacecraft on a speeding comet. as we reported on last night s show, one of the concerns about that mission is that there s not very much gravity on the come et.

New-york , United-states , Nevada , Iran , Florida , Syria , Washington , District-of-columbia , Denver , Colorado , Jordan , West-virginia

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240611

we re available 24 hours a day. legal injury advocates to discuss your case now call legal injury advocates at one 800 8855599. that s 1-800- 88555991 800 8855599 call now. as events unfold, news is live at nine. a lot of moving pieces we ll take you through all. bill and dana have unmatched insight on america s newsroom. then at 11, we will cover every move they make. harris says that top stories covered on the front. their focus only on fox news channel ingr laura: good evening, everyone i m laura ingrahamm command this is the ingraham angle from washing thank you for joining us. protesters with voyages thean focus of tonight s angle. they want to destroy our his history. [screaming] [screaming] laura: it is a disgrace, that is the statue across from the white house in the lafayette park. was a commander in the french army who helped america during the revolutionary war. that is what happens when radical leftism and sympathizers take over the ark. thousand showed up towedo prote. the question i had all week, where as law enforcement? there was this poor guy. [chanting]d st laura: assaulted up youappe would when the police tried to step in the one time, this happened. [chanting] laura: the park place, the d.c. metro police, secret service knew this testst was happening weeks ago, so it is unclear why the statutes weren t protected, given what w happened to the sameer park in e same park memorial day 2020. we cri were there. now, we have no my criminals onu video assaulting police officers, committing crimes, and look, we understand there are no plans to prosecute anyone here that the protest is described as largely in florida, iowa, tennessee, vandals were caught on camera doing with these friends arr wet doing they would be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. but in liberal areas if you are a democrat or someone the democrats are trying to court to vote for them, they don t have to worry. and these protesters knew this. s president biden certainly unlike president trump supports the freedom of expertise andt freedom of expression. so they are exercising their rights and that is their right toare do. laura: these are among the most privileged people outrisd there. they can do stuff in blue states, liberal jurisdictions or as we saw on college campuses, and they can get away with it,su total impunity. here are the laws that can and should be used against anti-american anarchist.fe 1361 is the destruction of federal properly and authorizes a penalty of up to ten yearst fo imprisonment for the willful injury of federal property. an aunt amidst of remember the 2020 riots, the trumd smpan administration issued smartly in the executive protecting american monuments and memorials, noting it is the department of ps. justice to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyin person destroying, damaging, vandalizing or desecrating aor monument memorial or a statute within the u.s. or otherwise damages government property.ffic but with biden in office, common sense and the rule of law are out the window. law is supposed to apply across the board to all, but we have two sets of laws cured one for friends of the regime, and one for the enemies of the regimehe where they think of the enemies of the regime who should expect to be persecuted whenever possible. so, what happened to the pro-life demonstrators put in prison for years, the janppen january 6th defendants hunted down, and of course, what we sea happening to president trump. but the fact is biden, kamala harris, merrick garland and college administrators will always cut a break to the people who hate america. look, as long as you areu defending traditional americansa christians, others or if you potentially help democrats, why basically you can do whatever you want to be or that is why those people are spray painting statue and throwing stuff at thh police officer.endi this is what they mean when they talk about defending democracy. if a bunch of twentysomethings oklahoma though through red paint on thel black lives matter mural on 16th street across from the park, they had beenwoul arrested. they had been arrested on the spot. the doj would hold a press conference and it would be a big deal, large, large forces of doe prosecutors would be bearing down on these people right now here to becausthe e we know what looks like when the doj wants to get serious and send a message f deterrence. the fbi is quite familiar with large-scale, complex and fast-moving investigations.ity we are up to the challenge. the brutality the american people watched with shock and disbelief on the sixth will not be tolerated by the fbi. the men and women at the fbi will leave no stone unturned in this investigation. laura: even this yearts, thes are still sending doj alerts about january 6th and you seeid this guy, the democrat on the hill put a statement out callina for the prosecution of the people who did that in lafayette park? it is clearly the policy at this point of the administration and thdothe doj that left-wing grous can destroy any statute, they can block any road, they can do any of that as long as the democratic party doesn t have to pay any political price. the doj doesn t work for you. y it works for joe biden and the democrat party. we told you this from thehe outset. the statute takedowns and destructions, it was never about the confederacy or property lee or slaveholders or the 1800s, this was about their hatred of the american story. they do not believe in the constitution. they do not believthere in the n declaration of independence or whether we win another war, they don t care about that. for that matter, they don t cara california, illinois, new york, they don t care if it goes downs the drain, look what they were doing to migrants. it doesn t matter to them. as for the democrats in congress, they, too, know theey rules of accountability do not u apply to them not the same way as republicans. asy pe we told you from the very beginning, if nancy pelosi had done her job before january 6th, the breach never would have happened at the capital. and now, we have proof that shes knew she was responsible. this was footage taken by her own daughter of the day the attack. any did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should ha. this is ridiculous. you are goin g to ask me in the middle of the thing, they have already reached the inauguralce? stuff that should we call the capitol police? t i mean, the national guard? why would the national guard not there to begin with? speak what they thought thatth they had sufficient they don t know! they clearly didn t know, and i take responsibility for not having them. laura: she said she was responsible not once but twice on that tape.da the democrat leadership in charge that day was responsible for how it got out of hand.ei no wondellr they kept those thousands of hours of surveillance videos secret until the republican house speaker ordered thease.e release. so by now, i think more americans see the real privilege out there.t co the privilege that protects some of the most corrupt people. the political write a report ony the vat money trail is interesting to me, but we know they will never be held accountable. it doesn t matter how shady their money of sources are ors oflong time drifter racking up tens of billions of dollars forr their whole family tree for thao joe biden lied about not talkind to hunter s foreign business contacts. it is the ultimate privilege,nd and thats is the angle. late hunter s future now lies in the hands of the jury started late this afternoon with jury deliberations in the federal gun trial. irea if convicted on all three counts lying on a federal firearms form october 2018, he faces a maximun sentence of 25 years in prison. instead of focusing on what the actual crimes are come at theki ngmedia spends most of its time lamenting about what a heartbreaking moment this is for the biden family.g no this has been an emotional trial from the start unfolding not only in front of a jury but in front of the eyes of hunter biden s diversely the jill biden, and other members of the so the closest people in the biden circle inside the courthouse, the force is no different withfa the women in hs familyrect all side-by-side andn directly behind hunter biden. nw the 120 may now judge janine. pyro, host of the five and it is interesting job there jill biden flew from france for a day to sit in that courtroom as the jury was still there. the she flew back to france, huge expense of the taxpayers and a lot of people wondering about that what that might have said to the jury. clebut is this a clear case her could weal expect acquittal in u liberal jurisdiction? first of all, you are absolutely right, laura, solo transatlantic flight so she could stay as long a bs she coud with the trial and then get back to the trial. look, the biden family is trying to put on a united front here, when in truth, laura, they are as dysfunctional as a family caa get for getting what was going on in that family.on a and giving all the trauma visited upon the biden women as a result of what hunter did and, you know, whether his ex-wife to g,his brother s wido hw who endp testifying, his daughter endedll up testifying, his stepmother, jill, day in and day out. t what the prosecutor actually had to say, actually, ladies and gentlemen the fact that the powerful biden family sittingel there is not they have the power to try to sway this jury and intimidateeyp them in whatever way theyr possibly can. to answer your question directly, laura might never been in a criminal court room we can literally hear the voice of the accused defendant bellowing out and basically admitting he is an addict and involved in all kinds of debauchery during the period ofy du time that he signed thisn pistol permit application. so the evidenc impe is there ane american people should be impressed this judge wasn t trying to string outthey the trh so they could keep someone off ofdeli the campaign trail.tomo they got it done pure they will deliberate. they will have ado verdict tomorrow and only issue, do they want to convict him or not push mark because it s all there. this is a friendly democrat delawarei ju jury. laura: i don t see itt ju happening, but i was wrong and. you were right about that jury in new york, judge. i held out hope. cnn thinks the jury would vote to acquit fowar this reason her at a watch. a jury could also say waitsdl at the mic wait a second,ri prosecutors you didn t establish used or possessed these drugs ta during october and the defendant knowingly did so. he might have thought so in his mind that hehat a was clean, fg his life u.p and so on.fore that is like saying aally defendant coming before me on a murder case, i really wasn t was murdering him. your actions speak louder thanty your supposed thoughts at this point. but what they ve got and you have to give every laura credit though my credit for this, basically we don t know if he was using thboe day he filled ot the form. baloney! the statute says are addicted to end the prosecutor shot holes through it and every 20 minuteas he was smoking crack according to his girlfriend zoe. within minutes, he is with w mookie picking up crack and abby comes up with, well maybe he was lying and with another woman. and then abby says maybe he was an alcoholic. according to abby, you have to have the crack on the pistol the application.tion but the truth is, the biden administration has increased the penalties for people lying on these applications. but they think they are above the law and shouldn t have to apply to hunter. laura: judge him up before we let you go, the desecration of the statute in lafayette park and the assault of a park polic. officer, no arrests, no pressag conferences, not a democrat that i have heard to speak out against this talk about two tiers of justice, and were six defendants in this? i love your angle there. look, january 6, they found. them, got there bank records to find them. it is almost as if it s not aes big deal.peop they did nothing to prevent it. these are people and so right, u they hate america. they want to bring anarchy to this country and the biden administration is aiding and abetting and complicit whether the southern border or whether lafayette park. this is why america can no longer handle the way that theno bidens for running the country.e and hopefully, things willl ri change in november. laura: judge, great to see you tonight.ario thank you so much. biden porter cracked down, this is hilarious and infuriating all at the same time. we will have the details next. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? we are at a very early stage. implementation come as you noted, has just begun. it is early. the signs are positive.y jo our personnel have done an extraordinary job in implementing a big shift how we operate on the southern border. laura: biden has made a big change on the border! and just hours ago my niece leper of a piece ofos es the new york times says it all, days after border closes for most migrants, most manageable crowds but more anxiety i think that migrants feel fearful and stranded. of course, the the times worry about bit the feelings? they are biden. what do you think of president biden?yeah i love biden.urse biden help us. laura: that says thathi all come t of course. this is illegals the key to securing a permanent, democrat majority. so the democrats don t care whatns. it cost me even to nationalned security concerns. according to thethe border patr memo obtained by fox, the administration s basically ordering a catch and release.nos we knew this before, but agents in the san diego sector areadul being told to release single adults from every country on thn face of the earth but six countries in the eastern hemisphere: russia, georgia, moldova, kirk a stand. noticeably missing from that t list, china, cuba, north kore, they can get right in apparently and get a notice to appear or three years, fivthe years, seven years and who knows what happens after thatof t. just more confirmation o f the biden team radical plans to permanently alter the america that wve.e love. these are so committed to importing new democrat voters that they will waive that anyonf except a very small sliver ofwh russians and otherils from thead republic.e meanwhile, the biden family made millions in china and they have no problem waving in the 100,00c chinese in the united states. of course, china was an adversary the last time i checked and also a communist country the last time i checked. it is disturbing, but not surprising because this is all politics are joining us eric schmitt, senator, why is the biden administration fine with migrants from places like syria, iran, china, but not russia? they have a long-term play here as you know to because you don t need to be a citizen to be counted in the citizen, that is one. they believe that is a path to more power and more control.trol if you need further evidence number one, joe biden isvide a . and two, there would be open borders crowd appearances as exhibit 5,438. it is in plain view now and thig memo confirms with everybody that this is window dressing anu they know exactly what they are doing. the as you mention only six m countries noted in the easternsp hemisphere. that means from china, a spy from china you can get her $5,000, $10,000 and you ca n be in the united states with catch and release. a touriseal.t from it this hh never happen in the history of anywhere in ther world, laura. laura: never! this has never happened. no one has done this aloud and been complicit with an impatien of our country. they don t believe in real borders. sapling malcolm americansould literally are dying and i fear it can be worse. there were terrorists here operating in the united states. and the biden administration is ready to trade that for an electoral event. laura: the media seem to not really comprehend. we saw what happened in europe p on european elections over the weekend. a populist i came in, globalists for the most part on the run, people tired of mass migration, but the media are stilisl clingg to this notion of globalism that they don t understand american s feelings on this puree to watch. speak with a 62% of americans favor deporting all undocumented immigrants. s alreso homeland security says president biden has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any yearwhat since 2010. some of what mr. trump talks about could be illegal. it doesn t seem practical in some sense to round up childrenr laura: oh, my god, they are still doing the round up of children. senator, the american people have seen how this has already change their communities, they are schools, compromised our health care, rooms, and a porchr toob my course the huge budgetay problems along with the other problems we have you or but the media are like, what about the families? what about the american families? get ready for space bowl style ludicrous speede fearmongering in october. that is what all the democratsi. are left with.port and conveniently sort of reported on this stuff, thet threat to democracy is actually people voting. that is what happened in europem yesterday and what is happening here in the united states, another tsunami is coming because if they would get out of coastal bubble and come to real america and actually talk to people, real people don t understand how the president ofs the united states is willingly opening up the border for theth fentanyl killing people in the communities. the crime you see every day anld the terrorism and don t understand it but all politicsen shot in november here. laura: thank you, senator. next biden doj targets a doctorl after he blew the whistle on sex change for kids. he is here for an exclusive interview next. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they re basically sitting on a goldmine? i don t think they have a clue. that s crazy! well, not everyone knows coventry s helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can t believe they re just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, you can sell all or part of it to coventry. even a term policy. for cash, or a combination of cash and coverage, with no future premiums. someone needs to tell them, that they re sitting on a goldmine, and you have no idea! hey, guys! you re sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? i don t hear anything anymore. find out if you re sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit laura: we know it is wrong. transition affirmation is not safe or effective long term. it does not reduce suicides. is it does not repair mental health issues or trauma and minors cannot give truly informed consent. they do no harm engender affirminm.g health care is leadt harm. laura: as the rest of theed b world rejects mutilation and chemical castration of children, gender dysphoria, activists have kept the barbarism going in many l states.d two few physicians are brave enough to speak out.nish and the biden department of justice is working overtime to punish them. my next guest as heavily armed t u.s. marshall showed up at hiser house 7:00 a.m. to charge him with four felonies after exposed exposing procedures performed on kids you are joining me now surgeon and transgender medicine whistle-blower, dr. ethan came here andnd i want to remind everyone of your story. this is inwhic texas which man d transgender surgeries of kidswo and texas children s hospital said it would stop the procedures but then you leaked documents showing it didn t stop the procedures. in fact days after the band weni into effect, a doctor inserted p drug delivery implant in anviol 11-year-old.o yo the doj is alleging hipaaan violations here.d mu what do you say to that, dr. bush mark laura, i appreciate you having me on that show pure to but i want to clary one point, the hospital said march 2022 that they were going to shut down the program because of the potential criminal liability. this was in response to the pinion release by ken paxton a few weeks before saying it can be investigated as child abuse or they were giving every indication to the public they were shutting down this program here at i worked there and did surgery there a new category of elite this was untrue. they not only continue thean program but expanded it behindan closed doors. especially as a doctor, trust ie the most important currency weln have and the fact they were lying to the public is an egregious violation off medical ethics and especially for otherwise amazing hospital. one of the besit st places in te world if you have a very sick yeah, exactly, lying in an egregious way purely blew thepo whistle ansed within 24 hours, e conduct we had exposed was voted to become illegal and a bill passed in the texas senate with bipartisan support. laura: that is a smart framing of it. so, it looks like they were concerned about political blowback and wanted to cover.e because texas is a fairly conservative state, obviously, a lot of people disagree with what the bipartisan legislature passed, but they wanted thd to cover. there is also an enormous amount of money involved in the transgender surgeriees as that e have seen in boston and other places across the country. it is big money, doctor. wood is a remarkable amountat of money involved in these procedures becauseerab imagine t happens when you take a o vulnerable, confused kid when they arelock 11 years old and st them on puberty blockers and c they become 95% to 98% of surgeries after that.l pa what you created is chronicth medical patient for the rest of their lives and tethered to the boundaries of a hospital. it is a fate unimaginable. s a these are otherwise healthyul kids. i remember when i was there, we would operate on the sick kids with diseases like andcystic fibrosis, crohn s disease. all they wanted to do was live a normal life. whwhen we would roll them out of three operating room and cominge out of anesthesia, yeah, theyey are strong but uninhibited by drugs, they say these thingsnt t where they just want to beli normal and they want to live ao normal life you re at they have a sick body. we have to do surgery on but in this case they take healthyat children and putting them down this path.nce. laura: this is barbaric, and assault on innocence, and an assault on children.d to and you say that the prosecutor tried to bring your wife into the story? what is that all about? it is unbelievable. my wife, she was undergoing ae background check because she goa hired as an assistant u.s. attorney in the northern district of texas. in a letter my attorneys wroteav outlining the behavior, she said my wife andrea will not have problems with her background check unless she becomes difficult. e what she was referring to was my wife encouraging me. she knew mike to choose my constitutional right to not speak to the agents with a came to my home three hours before my graduation from surgery residency. laura: is there any doubt l, tthat this is political attet to intimidate you and others for speaking out, in a dell? no doubt because that is what he told us. laura: doctor, we can talk to you foryou an hour. thank you for joining us. look, making inroads into deep red wyoming. it may be because that h is whee radiologists say he was punished for speaking out against transgender surgery for childreh there. dr. eric lubin said he wrote an email urging state legislatures to endorse a bill banning it. the bill passed and signed by d governor mark. but after that dr. cubin said he got a letter from the governor removing him from the state board of medicine before eventually allowed to resign. joni meet dr. air cuban, interventional radiologists. this became law banning the surgery in wyoming. texas did the same. what is their real beef with you? what is it customer i wish ie knew what they are real beef wah but what is concerning the woke mob in this country has so much power and influence that they can even affect the weekin governor in the state of wyoming, the most republican state in the country and somehow cores him into silencing the voice of reasoning his state.i a i have no idea, no idea who it sort of the influence here and who caused this to but if it s really scary is that if this can happen wyoming whatr is going on in the rest of theh country? the spokesperson for the governor s office said that you resigned after receiving a letter from the governor reminding you of theto policy fu medical board members toti remai objective withon duties tounds maintain the confidence of medical professionals on the board. sounds like a lot of bureaucratic nonsense. that says nothing and that is typical bureaucratic speech. i hate people that write that way. it is like cia statement. but your response to whatever that was suppose id to mean. it was difficult to read andc made no sense. he also accused me ofssib potentially having a conflict of quite frankly, that is not possible because it is the i law in the state. somthough mike violates the lawd comes before the board of medicine we enforce that no conflict of interest but we arei enforcing the law appeared s laura, what i would really like to talk about is the children if that is okay. make no mistake about it, this is not gender-affirming care we are talking about. this is gender denying care. these children have a delusion similar to anorexia. what we have learnedcan with anorexia, you don t treat ittrea with liposuction. the treatment these kids need is love and kindness and psychotherapy. they don t need surgical mutilation of hormones. only reaffirming for these children is that we love them, cherish them, and we are sur committed to making sure they are okay and they get the care that they need. we should not laura: thrae word gender s phrase, gender is so orwellian.. orwellian would be rolling in his grave, doctor, thank you. the media, are they preparing to kick joe biden to the curb? a what else might be afoot?we h a big development next. whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america s mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we re the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they re willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. laura: more post than a democrat contingency plan may be underway to swap biden from the democratic ticket. the over the weekend the new york times published s gentle fact-checked of biden s tall tales. well, they said biden might use antidotes in order to win over his audiences and appear more charming. is this charming?armi i used to drive an 18-wheeler. i wa as sort of raised in the r puerto rican community at home. i like allow for a lot of people in this audience and happen t o be the first of my family to go to college. and my uncle posey who got shot- down in new guinea. e wehe never found the body bece there are a lot of cannibals, for real comment that part ofya the community.rn laura: for real pures the new york times calls these yarns. but the fact is they catalogued them to me was not significant.c then, there is the political piece exposing how biden s closest aides were deeply n his family business dealings .te for years he shared a bookkeepe with his son, hunter my personal lawyerr with his brother jim. he had secret service investigated a chinese executive doing business with hunter.tale well, that might be another tall tale. never discussed with my sontn or my brother or anyone else o business, period! laura: jordan may ned ryans and founder of ceo majority andt sean davis, the federal spirit what is going on here? i think some of the corporate propaganda and who is pushing for stories because someone is pushing it in a coordinated fashion thinks joe biden is the real problem but that is not their real problem here are the real problem is leftist policie. they are pushing your list notor forget why they have joe biden, pure joe biden is the basebut putting on for obama s third term to beat trump and pace of the mirror on obama s third term and radical policies androja the trojan horse for leftist ideas. they are focused on joe biden as the real problem but it s thee a essence and the american people are waking up and understanding what the modern-day democraticna has become, a neo-marxist un-american party. the american people we don t agree with you o on n immigratin and we don t agree with you onsr the economy and we don t agreesi with you on your ideas or peo illusions of law and order. that is what is happening. i people are focused on the real problem pure the real problem it they want to take off joe biden and smear fresh lipstick on nasty, ugly pig of her left of american ideas. they are focused on the wrong problems and the wrongd fo solutions. laura: polling has been so bad for biden even cnn as of late can t avoid covering look atou this tremendous shift, oh, my goodness gracious, now 2024, biden s drop eight points and trump up 44%. he is losing. he is under water the israel/moss war in russia and ukraine war. donald trump seems to have an edge in this race. what is president biden doing wrong that this is the case? laura: sean, i had to cover this sooner or later you re to be we saw crowds in californiaa turning out for trump. they are lined the streets form. him. and very few trump haters at least which wakly.s shocking tos frankly, i don t know, there is a lot going on they are gettingy a little nervous about, sean.n. i think that is exactly what is going on here they are not trying to dump biden yet but if it gets to that point, they definitely will pure the bobr th race in 2002 where he was dead in the water so they swapped him out at the last minute andhey through an wrinkle altenburg.he about what they were trying to do is raise the alarm bells, hey, guys, your whole strategy of throwing trump in prison is not working anymore. it is time to panic and start changing things up because of the way things stand now, it isu not going the thing about the propaganda press and corporate media, they never tell the truth and theyow always have an agenda. i think their agenda right now is to get the regime reelectedu and they need to make sure thepp people in the white house and the people running in the white house know they are in trouble.e wi laura: ned, do you agree with that? i do agree with that but ther. problem they have is they have the scranton show good old joe from scranton and this moderate and now what the problem is if they replace joe biden without an out leftist on top of the leftist agenda, i think the gig is up in the masquerade is over.y i totally agree with sean, howre do they retain power? at some point, they will panic because joe biden grandpa dimension is amala hard seller d kamala harris is even worse. laura: floated a scenario on x, biden hit all-time low a approval rating paying dropping out would be a big wrist but threshold continuing to run is o bigger wrist the mic risk. are we there yet i don t knowm. but it s fair to ask appear to think it is that point for them in incredibly risky for them to lose this last touch stone to the old seemingly more reasonable democrat party and f that.row o they lose that and look, it is the free palestine protesters in lafayette square spray painting commander rochambeau. it is that chaos.e that is it, and the border. right, that might explain that very odd, june 22nd debate they scheduled the pier thatst might beil joe biden s last chae to prove that he still has it.wn i can t recall in memory when we had presidential debates before there was even a convention. it is very strange. laura: that is the last chance for joe. ned and shawn, thank you both. seen and unseen with raymond arroyo is next. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it s 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we ll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you ll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline and memory issues. i m trying to get a.a thought across and i can t find the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve got into my 50s i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetful, a little more brain fog. introducing neuroq, the breakthrough multi ingredient, multi action brain care supplement developed by one of the world s leading brain doctors, dr. dale bredesen. neuroq is the result of years of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. neuroq contains a key ingredient clinically shown to influence brain performance in as little as seven days. and within just two months a combination of ingredients found in neuroq has been shown to help improve memory focus and concentration. we ve all seen other brain supplements that only focus on one or two factors, but neuroq is different. it s the multi ingredient multi action formula that helps fuel, boost, renew and protect your brain for more comprehensive brain care and noticeable results. in an internal study, 4 out of 5 neuroq users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i would say within a week s time i was able to. think clearer was the first thing. i can see that there is an improvement just in the tasks i have to do around the house. once i started taking neuroq, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus and getting things done. as well as my memory and recall. call or go online now to find out how you can try neuroq for $49.95 plus get free shipping. act now and you ll also receive neuroq s fast dissolving sleep now oral strips, to boost brain recovery while you sleep. laura: time laura: it is time fordlin seen and unseen where we revealedes the stories behind te headlines.ntri raymond arroyo. biden is said to take part in a big fund-raiser this weekend. ti the slabs will lift him up your jimmy kimmel, george connie, julia roberts command more. lore, dire warnings aregs coming from hollywood like this. ro how do you feel about the specter of the second trump administration? ie will move. w ili can t live in this country f he became president. understand why people are not taking him seriously. i think hitler i would rather push in our life and be stopped by that is what the choice will be in 2024.. a response to all of this,a, ricky drop this over the weekend. as a celebrity, science andor politics, trust me when i tellot you you should vote for. if you don t vote the right wayh a hate crime and it makes me sad and angry, and i will leave the country. and you don t want that. laura: they never leave the country. if only they leave the country. please leave. you can t bully and harangue people into a political conformity, laura. it is only news if suddenly sean foyt said i m supportingg bi joe biden. that is news but theselebr celebrities have always been in his corner reporting oppositionh to the candidate here that is hardly news and i think he is right. laura: they are not affected by biden s policies. they floated of adverse effects of the policy so they are totally fine . i want to talk about caitlin clark i know a lot of people are interested in thee story. she is probably thpre most important player in the nba. period she left off the olympicc team and reacted with enormous grace though appearance because she had great poise and humility and took it in stride. her record is not perfect andscr the pro, 14th in scoring, but still i tend to agree withs. stephen a. smith on this. this girls box office! i said a rise in tide, but whate you do, especially if team usa and you re trying to be globalized, it is an opportunitn to globalize the wnbita brand! you don t sit up there and pass on caitlin clark! it is stupid, team usa, it was a dumb decision! well, look, she still has aau shot. chelsea gray with a leg injury and if she she gets out of that roster, there might be room for caitlin clark. but it does seem they missed an opportunity for marketing and publicity in a big way. but she has time he or she is young. laura: my free said though my friend said rookie larry johnson and larry bird, it all works out. i have to say that i haven t followed the wnba that closely but she should probably be on the team.. what else? the number for joe biden amongjo black voters is a rolling tragedy and trump s best performance in black voters in 60 years for republicans. some polls say 63%, a drop from 91% in 2020. part of this is attributable for trump making attributes to blacks in the bronx appeared to try to turn the tide, trump s june s juneteenth concert june 10th at the white house. patti labelle, gladys knight, as we like to say new orleans, the essence festival. i don t know why you need aou campaign and basically aaign campaign event being sponsored by the taxpayer. a comedian roy would open the festivities this way. we get thfestatche day off jt that is right. we get the day off june 19th. i don t know about some of y all, but i think we need ai week off.thk i m not here to tell you thank you for what you did, but a week i don t know if you ve been black before, but there are some stressful days. when you are black, i need a week. speed he ran through hit list accomplishment of winning over black voters. i don t think this helps. . forura: it is late that is it for us.foll follow us on social media and thank you for watching. it is my son 16th birthday today. that is what hy soe looked liken i saw him for the first time.r h and that is what he looks like now. a madelei carley: a fox and friends first exclusive, father of the missionary couple murdered by gangs in haiti are speaking out for the first time in an

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CNN This Morning

With the normal republicans or does he just kind of let them be so my new in the coverage of his campaign, i just it s also the interesting like ark of the never-trumper is like most people started like, okay, i ll vote for trump and then slowly progress to never-trumper as these people reverse engineered it, and to jd vance thank started at a never-trumper and the work the things he continued to do that was worse and worse he was like, oh, yeah. okay. i m good with that yeah. but you have to understand something about the republican psychology here, which is that many of them are not marco rubio codes normally does is it doesn t matter what he says. he s a pre-trump politician. that for a lot of voters who are really uncomfortable where the republican party has gone under trump is kinda like, okay, that makes me feel better even when what he says now is very much in line with trump all right, i want to turn out of this because there is a critical group of voters. this election cycle that we re constantly talking about, and

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BBC News

Wrongdoing and describes the no confidence vote as a desperate gimmick staged by campaigning conservatives. the welsh senedd conservative leaders that he had lost the confidence of the people of wales. confidence of the people of wales. why would bbc in myanmar. in the west of the country. the soldiers were looking for supporters of the ark and army, who inflicted serious defeats on the army. the ruling military counsel has denied the accusations. let s bring in the bbc s thou seathwaite southeast asia correspondentjonathan head. correspondent jonathan head. what correspondentjonathan head. what more can you tell us?

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