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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Huckabee 20141207 01:00:00

thought the most important story was the reaction of the death of a petty street criminal and it was most reported but not close to a story that is rocking your world and you probably didn t feel the tremor. the international monetary fund revealed that china s economy surpassed that of the united states and now china is now the world s largest economy. they reported on this story and it could should have caused demonstrations in our streets. we are losing our country and no one seems to notice. less than 15 years ago, the u.s. economy was three types the size of china. and americans since 1945 have grown used to having the number one economy and must have taken it for granted. get ready to the new ranking or get angry and we ll do something
about it. our current president said running up the huge debt on children and dprand children was irresponsible and unpatriotic. if so, he is the least patriotic president in history. our debt topped the 18 trillion mark. that is more than double than it took the first 43 presidents to create. his solution. keep borrowing and then give out free cell phones and paying people additional money to not work. and he wants to ignore the constitutional process of law and open america s door to cheap labor and make its harder for the american family to stay afloat or get ahead. and he thinks we ought to punish productivity of works by putting in the largest corporate tax rates. they are higher than those than france and they elected a real
socialist to be their president. and while china is building up the free market, the u.s. letses environmentalist fight to save mice and minnows and mud puddles at the expense of farmers and workers. and building trades. redistributing wealth and instead of encouraging people to earn them some. i was stunned by the level of consumerism that dominated the chinese cities and people. they are building for a robust future and as of this week, we should realize what we are are doing is not working. surely america doesn t want to learn the new chant, we are number two? it is not mere pride of being first but economic freedom to it be a military power capable of protecting our nation against any threat. and being the moral power to set the table for a lawful and just
civilization. i am not satisfied with america being number two and i sure hope you are not either. (applause) well, we sent huckabee correspondent brian reese to talk to holiday shopper ares and peek in their bags. we wanted to so where their gifts were made? christmasornaments made in china. what is more americaa than cowboy boots. where are they made? made in china. made in china. this is made in china. made in china. christmas is huge in china and made by chinese children for american children and that s what santa had in mind. american girl, take a quick look where it was made. made in china. and we came to the united
states and we could have dpn to china. american by design and made it china. that s right. but it is american by design and we charge more. yes, that s correct. oh, man. my next guest said that our government is not making it easy for manufacturers to stay in business or expand business. joining me is william marsh who owns a steel manufacturing company. i think of what happened, and the surprising turn of china being the largest economy, how surprised are you when you heard it? it is not a surprise. if you look at head winds that businesses are fighting today, it is difficult to so the economy improving. the past five years or so the growth is a nemic and the fact that the american economy is doing as well as it is
a testament to the workers. my guys work in a loud and difficult environment and they put bread on the shelf. when an american goes to the gas station. it is not for the government that we owe the goods and services that exist. it is our workers. but it is disheartening that our economy could do better if we were not pushing against the head winds. what should we do differently that make its better for the worker. the guy working on your factory floor, how does he get the next it is not just the worker, but companies and managers and workers must all be on the same team if they are going to succeed. if the company is divided, the company will fail. what do we have to do? what is the government doing wrong or right?
it is well known that america has one of the most aggressive and highest tax policy in the world. that strips companies of capitol which is necessary to grow and it is necessary to reinvest in equipment and workers. we have a overzealous regulatory burden that other countries don t face and from our perspective, if you listen to the rhetoric on the part of the political spectrum, we are told that private companies didn t create that. and we are told that private companies aren t responsible for the jobs created and you shouldn t be allowed to keep what you earn. that is disheartening to the american business. when you talk about the regulatory environment specifically. what makes it hard and what regulations in your business are characteristic and make it tough to go forward.
i have a great example. our company has an excellent safety record and we receive refunds because we are so safe. and nevertheless ocea, a dpft safety bureau came in our plant to do a hearing test. turns out the threshold level is 90 decibels. and the recording was 91 decibels. the remedy we have by government standards is a costly program. days off of work for education and testing. monitoring solutions that are expensive and the company solution that we have, tens of thousands of dollars and also in lost production, the solution that we have is a $0.01 earplug that workers put in their ear and drop the noise level by 30
decibels. it is crazy. william, it is great to have you here. thanks for being here. new york mayor bill deblasio suggested black men like his son ought to be worried about being boat up with cops. our next guest has his own concerns. stay with us. i am joil band band. mary landrieu is fighting for a fourth term against bill cassidy. cassidy is opening to expand the gop majority in the u.s. senate. fox news senior corspopdant john
robert system in baton rouge to tell us how it is going. reporter: julie, it will not be long now if mary landrieu will know she will go back to washington for six years or six weeks. we ll get the results quickly i believe. landrieu goes in the run off with a disadvantage. bill cassidy, the republican challenger has a lead in the the polls. she is battling stiff head wientds. she was first elected in known 96. and then the deep unpopularity of the president. and pulling out of the race and loving her to battle this on her own with a help of a few friends like bill and hillary clinton. she is vastly outgunned by the republican machine that swept over america on november 4th. she is outgunned in the adfront by len thousand ads in the last month. it will be a difficult campaign
for her to win. but don t count her out, she has won difficult campaigns before. and she said she would prevail in the election, but did allow if she does fail, to get a fourth term it will be her fault and no one else s, julie? i am julie bandaras. thank you for watching and back to huckabee and you are watching fox. go to fox have a great evening. you don t need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. because we do. we re exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg. isn t as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here.
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new york city police officer in the choke hold death of eric garner. the 43-year-old man who resisted arrest for selling loose cigarettes. deplaceio said centuries of racism led to motives like this and he fears his biracial concould be a victim of police brutality. we shouldn t teach our children they should be afraid of new york city police officers, because we are the ones, we, too, are fathers and mothers who go out in the streets and protecting our children, your children and all of the children from the criminal element. that s who our sons and daughters should be afraid of. we have the managing editor of above the law redline. he wrote a opinion piece for police officer for not speaking
out against expressive force. thank you for being here. thank you for having me. you wrote about it passionately, but when you so deplaceio that he is more afraid of his son being boaten up by the cops than a beaten with a crime. i am more afraid of being boat up by a cop than a victim in my neighborhood. if we don t like that answer and that to be the case, then it is it on the cops to make me not feel that way as me magically feel like the cops are my friend when i have evidence they are rntment there are more minority cops than white cops in new york. is it because of the incident you are afraid.
who says that black people are not racist against others. i think al sharpton said that and that would be my answer. you have fear because of the conflict resolution. the cops are only allowed to use deadly force if they feel threatened. there is little i can do to make a cop not feel threatened by me. walking around and living my life, i am perceived as a threat. nwouldn t you have to resist arrest. i think it is horrible what happened to garner. it was not the intent for the cops to say we ll kill and take his life. i don t think the stand orderard is comply or i will kill you. i try to comply with the police and if i get stopped.
i try to be nice to policece. if i had a harvard mouth on me one day, it shouldn t result in my death. but arrest. besides killing me. but i understand. that they didn t pull a gun or taz him and kill him. the choke hold was not helpful to him because of asthma and other things going o. but i don t think that anybody suggested that that was their intent. this is the decision about the grand jordecision. they didn t have to find that the cop intended to kill him. they had to find the cop intended to choke him which they did. the medical examiner that the choke led to his death. now it is it a question for a regular juriy to decide if that was justified or excessive
or murderous. all of the grapped jory had to do was find an entend to choke. he didn t do i of high cholesteral or choking on a ham sandwich. but from being choked by a cop. i understand. is there a difference when a cop take a person s life. like when someone t- bonus me in a car versus someone who did it intentionally. i think the from the video it is a manslaughter. i don t so intent to kill. but i would like a jury of my peers. what would i see as manslaughter they might see justified or murder. we have s public way of figuring this out. it is not a proved closed hearing where the witnesses like
the cop was not cross examined over his own attack. and people don t understand this. they so the criminal trial and understand that the defendants don t take the stand in their own defense. one of the reasons why they don t, they will be cross examined about their prior history kwh which they don t want out at trial. and so when the cop is able to testified in front of the grand jury without his prior history coming up. that is a disadvantage. and i would like to be tried as a cop. hopefully we will not have to try you. elle, i am delighted to have you here. the candor is refreshing. thank you for coming, thanks. and coming up next, we lly get a different perspective from a black police officer from flint, michigan.
and then later. president obama is forcing nuns to pay for contraceptives or pay huge finds. that is coming up next. [ hoof beats ] i wish. please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic, for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly.
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get the future of phone and the phones are free. comcast business. built for business. now reaction for the eric garner decision from the police perspective. my next guest is a police department in flint, michigan. he is a past aror and author of the book soul of the black cop . thank you for joining us. it is an honor to be here.
my previous guest is articulate and do you believe that people ought to be afraid of cops, you are a cop, should people be afraid of you in your communityoir other community? listening to what elle had to say and put in the context of the garner decision and you have the video that the world sees the police officer employing an illegal tactic and taking a life of a season, it should be a clear case where there should be a indictment and i agree with him. what we are wondering was it si racial issue or bad policing on the part of the cop that brought him down? well, sometimes it matters whether it is racial or not. police have power. and you have the power of the government acting against the citizen whether he be white or
black. the police officer is an agent of the government and then he takes a citizens life. it is an agent of the government it doesn t matter whether black or white. one of the things is his concern that cops are more interested in protecting each other than the public. is that a fair criticism? i thinkñi it is fair. there is long gown that there is a blue wall of silence within police ranks, and that also police officers work in a political environment in which if you speak out against certain activities regarding the police there could be retribution within the ranks for doing it and why most people will shy away from it, that type of activity. brian, we talk about the things that could be helpful.
i don t think anybody likes the consequences of what happened in the garner case. i can t imagine anybody seeing the tape and being horrified. it didn t matter if he is black or white. it is unsettling to watch. what can we learn and should we be doing as a society and culture and community to before the bridge between cops and citizens and blacks and whites, give us thoughts there. one there has to be accountable equally for our people. again, we look at garner situation, and i think there is a blatant case of misconduct by the police. and in the ferguson case, i felt that the young black man may certain decisions that brought about the circumstances that ended in his life being taken, and so i think we have to have accountable on all sides, from the police and from citizens, to
heal this divide. you see a big difference between what happen in staten island versus ferguson and michael brown? i do see a difference. again, there is denial on both sides of the fence. some whites may deny racism by the part of the police, and with the ferguson case, there is denial in the black community that we have a problem in the inner cities with young black males that are out of control and create negative circumstances. and so if we could maybe deal with that denial on both sides of the fence in america, perhaps we could come to a point of healing. nbrian, i hope we can do it. and i appreciate your unique perspective. and thank you for joining us. thank you for are having me. two more americans, a teacher and a journalist was murdered
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show them they re not alone. and show off a pair of depend. get a free sample at another american hostage held by radical islamist has died. luke somers was held by al-qaeda in yemen after 2013 and he was murdered after a second brave attempt to rescue him. ed is a senior fellow in the council of foreign relations and author of islamic and why i became a islamist fundmentalist and what i saw inside and why i left. . thank you for having me. i started with a comment of what hillary clinton. it was scripted and it was not
impromptu. she spoke of smart power as being emthetic with our enemies. how are you emthetic of people who cut heads off of children and put their heads on a stake. you are not. and muslims that are the vice-presidents of the extremist and so called islamic state would agree with you. there is no space for empathy and sympathy. in the mineds of the extremist is weakness of america and strength for them. so i am completely with you in not trying to be empathetic and the smart, and smart power we ought to support. if you are writing the speech for hillary clinton what would it say differently? i would not use the word empathy. but deepen the understanding in
order to beat them. understand we understand their motivation. religious and we will not beat them. we don t talk about religious ideology in the public domain in the west. on the other side they do. to understand the now form of communism, america was well equipped to defeat extremist ideology. that s where the debate should be. undercutting the strength which the be extremist had. you said something significant. it is a religious issue and you can t combat it without looking at that. we are pushed to the side and said that is politically incorrect and never bring up it is a religious passion for that.
are you blowing that by not acknowledging it is drip by radical islamist? you are right to identify it. and one of the reasons i was keen. you understand power of religion as a motivation and form of behavior. our political correctness on this front is our weakness and they poke fun of the west and having analysis paralysis. we analyst and are not blunt in saying, you represent an extreme fridge of is extremist islam. we are to defeat you. and for example, they believe in oneness of god. that is not enough because unless they have their form of government they think they are sinful. and they believe in suicide boerms that is not the end of
life but the beginning of new life. and we say they are not martyrs and they are murderers and they are going to hell. we ll not force them to think. hold on, is the message from my mosque or university campus correct or not. empowering mainstream normal muslim to hit the message in campuses and in prisones and website system where the investment should be. that is not what my government is focused on. your perspective is valuable. i hope they understand you are speaking truth in a way not many people are. please come back. i give you my word, governor. it is a delight to have you here. my latest book. god, guns and grits and gravy and releases in january. if you order on the link before
december 10th. you get a family recipes and card and put them under the tree and when the book releases. it will be shipped to the recipient. go to mike and go to the link to get the christmas edition. nask the obama care advisor said americans are too stupid to recognize the deceptions in the law. is he smart enough to dig himself out of the hole he has dug himself in? we ll find out when we come back. want to know how hard it can be. .to breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled. .copd maintenance treatment. .that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours.
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johnathon gruber will be testifying before the committee. this guy said the american people are stupid and that s why they were lied to regarding obama care. were you shocked when you heard from his own mouth these statements? yeah, we want to bring him in front of the congressional committee. he used taxpayer dollars to sdoef taxpayers and once it became law he made fun of them. this is the guy to answer the questions. what can you do and what matters can you have when he comes before the committee? i know you can ask him questions, but is there recourse? it is continuing to show how bad the law is and deception that was used to pass it. remember all of the false statements regarding obama care when they were trying to get it passed. if you like your plan you can
keep. it premiums going down and the website is going to work and it is secure. and itcontinuing pattern of these guys sdoefing the american people and the gig is up. americans know the law doesn t work and they were deceived when it was passed and now we have to put pressure so ultimately, i know it is a ways off. if we get a new president we can get rid of the law altogether. and do what needs to be done in health care. chuck schummer just before thanksgiving, coming out and publicly saying it was a bad political move and it hadn t worked out like they wanted. are democrats falling off the wayingon themselves? nchuck schummer s comments we heard those. but no, and maybe some understand they should have done it differently. but they are committed to the law because they believe in big
government. we have to show why it hurts family and why we need to get rid of it. when we watch the hearings this week and a lot of americans will want to see johnathon gruber squirm in his chair. what kind of questions are posed to him? each member the try to get what they need to get across. and what i do know is this. he was called the key player and architect of romney care and obama care and went to the white house 21 times and he was in the oval office discussing obama care and all of that took place, and now pelosi said, just some advisor and the president said he is an advisor. and amazing how they used him to pass the law and now distance themselves from the individual. there will be questions along those lines as well. if he is the architect the
bridge is falling down. thank you for being here. little sisters of the porand catholic nuns that cared for the poor in america for 150 years and the federal government said it is not a religious employer and not exempt and forcing them to provide contraceptive coverage. if they don t they will pay million in irs fines and penalties. it will be heard in denver on monday. they represent the little sisters of the porand he joins me now. josh, great to have you back on the show. thank you. here is my simple question. how can the obama administration think that the little sisters of the poor are not religious enough to meet the criteria? you know for 175 years, the little sisters of the poor cared
for the elderly, poor and dying people who don t have anywhere else to go and in the last days and care for the folks of the catholic faith and different faith and people of no faith and now the government said that is not good enough. if this kind of service inspired by their catholic faith is not religious service i don t know what it is. i was thinking knowing the little sisters of the poor if they are not religious there is not a baptist in america that has a shot. this is astonishing to me. you are going before the 10th circuit court of appeals and tell us what you hope will happen. the little sister s case is just this. the laws and constitutions of the united states do not permit the federal government to force a catholic nun to violate the
church s teaching just to go on caring for the sick and poor. that s what the federal government wants. they are requesting them to provide drugs and devices that contradict catholic church teaching or authorize their insurance company to provide it on behalf of the little sisters. neither of those things can they do in keeping with their faith and neither are consistent with the laws and constitution of the country and for me, neither are necessary. expanding access to the affordable contrait acception is a worthy goal. and the government doesn t need to force the little sisters to violate their faith to accomplish that goal. it is very clear, if the little sisters lose, we all lose. now we have the government telling us, it is okay to believe as long as it is in the context of the limits of what the government said is enough. best wishes and delighted to have you back. thank you for having me.
well, it s time to cut loose and kick off your sunday shoes. the young and talented a j ray will be joining the little rockers and we ll be performing footloose when we come back. you don t need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. because we do. we re exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg. isn t as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here. i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don t think so. well if you start putting that towards
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sleepers. de niro was in the deer hunter which featured christopher a walken. walk enwas in wedding crashers which starred bradley cooper. bradley cooper was once a guest on this show. who was interviewed by me. i play bass on the show and a.j. ray is going to perform the song foot loose. please welcome a.j. ray. great to have you here. great to be here. thank you very much. i want to say i met you in israel when your family was there with me last year. you blew me away as such a young man with your talent. how old are you? i m 15. i m a little older than that and i still tonight have the most you have. you dance, you sing. has music always been a part of your life? yes, it has. i ve been singing since i was
this tall. singing has been in my blood, it s in my family and i love it so much. there s nothing like it. how do you get the dance moves? did you teach yourself how to do that? i have a teacher back in dallas. if you want to learn some dance moves i can teach you the becausics real quick. you think in. yeah. let s see something you can teach me. okay. all right. well this simple move right here. i think we re going to do that the next time you come back. how s that? give us something to shoot for, fair enough? fair. i think we ought to rock the house. ready? yeah. all right.
louise, shake, sake whoa my, come on, come on, let s go loose, you re loose, everybody cut, everybody cut everybody cut, everybody cut foot loose. a.j. ray, wow, what energy. i m worn out completely. completely worn out. i m too old for this. no doubt about it. i ll be back with closing thoughts right after this. vo: you get used to pet odors in your car.
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Story , Death , Reaction , Petty-street-criminal , China-s , Economy , World , International-monetary-fund , Tremor , United-states , Streets , Country

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20141218 00:00:00

they don t know yet how far with this. but people are were tired already of this not having a relationship with america and now they will see an opportunity to increase business and things will come from america that will create jobs. people in cuba believe that we have so much in common with america. and with americans. and so this is certainly good for both partners we believe. cuba plays a very important role and now they are expressing how happy they are and they see america with different eyes. so it opens a new market for american producers is good for the american business with the
congressman, your thoughts as alan gross comes home and the possibility of normalization with cuba. first of all, we re always elated when an american gets to come home, so i congratulate alan gross. he got his freedom, he got to spend hannukah with his family. that s wonderful news. what is not wonderful news is that the families of the brothers to the rescue shootdown, those four wonderful american patriots, they are spending yet one more christmas without their loved ones and they died at the hands of fidel and raul castro. what is sad is that tomorrow the cuban people will wake up and they will still have no political freedom. they will have no human rights to be expected. there are no political parties that exist in cuba, that has not changed. obama has given away the store. has given everything to the castro regime. of course the regime is happy. we got nothing in return. congressman-elect carbello,
you are a new generation of cuban american. your generation, does it feel in south florida, does it feel the same way as the older generation or are they looking forward to some sort of normalization? we all wanting the same thing for the cuban people. we all want the same thing for the united states and that s a strong america that leads and a free cuba. nothing that happened today gets us closer to those goals. the president of the united states has made every american serving abroad less safe today. he s provided a blueprint for dictators throughout the world. if you want to extract unilateral concessions from the united states, all you have to do is hold an american hostage and be patient. we have given cuba everything at the president s disposal for alan gross. we re happy that he s back. we re happy that he s back. but alan gross wins today, that s a good thing. the cuban government wins. but u.s. national security loses. freedom and democracy throughout
the world lose. congresswoman, was our foreign policy with cuba working? we have this 1996 act where we have this embargo and i guess the president is trying to sort of soften up some aspects of it. i m not even sure if the law allows him to do it but that s a wh whole other debate. was our foreign policy working? you bring up a good point about him possibly breaking the law. i believe he has broken the law. there are three laws that he has violated. we re going to do an investigation about the clarity of how he got the mission to do this. but what it shows, greta, when you ask a key question, has our policy been working. well, the policy of 190 other countries who have been wheeling and dealing and going to tourist trips and doing everything with castro, they have not brought cuba any closer to freedom or democracy. so it s not that the united states policy has not worked, the other policy of engagement
has not worked. and in fact what president obama has done today, normalizing relations, that will not bring the cuban people any closer to democracy either. the one that will not change is the cuban communist dictatorial regime. these guys are not going to change. congressman-elect, i started to ask you before about men and women ine. you re in your early 30s if i remember from the last time we talked. do they feel the same way you do about it or is that more of an older generation thing as we look towards cuba? yeah, greta, i told you our generation wants the same thing that all generations living in this country want. we want to see the cuban people free. my parents were born in cuba. they had to leave. my grandfather served a political sentence, prison sentence in cuba. so we feel it in our hearts. and today we are very sad because we feel that for the
first time in this 56-year-long drama that the cuban people have lived, for the first time the person in the white house is on the wrong side of history. we want the president of the united states to stand with the cuban people. we want the president of the united states to stand with those heroes that are sitting in castro s jail today, and we want the president of the united states to stand for a strong united states that leads with a clear voice and with moral authority, and that is not what happened today. and we shouldn t be surprised, greta, because this is the same president that s at the table with the iranians. this is the same president that draws red lines and ignores them. so what happened today is alarming, but it s not surprising. thank you to both of you for joining us. thank you, greta. thank you, carlos. congressman chris van hollen has more on the government plane that lifted alan gross out of cuba after a very tough five years in prison and landed back on u.s. soil.
he joins us. nice to see you, congressman. before i get to the question about how the flight was, what did we gain out of this? what we gained is a change in policy that might finally have a chance might finally. to enpower the cuban people. what we know the policy has been a failure. what was the failure at spent of it? the failure was that by isolating and punishing cuba, you were somehow going to get a change in regime from the castros or have an opening in cuba clearly failed. what it did help do is sustain the castro regime. the castro brothers have survived eight presidents. except that we re sort of getting to the end of this biological clock with the two castros. i mean they can t last forever. they re both getting to be pretty elderly gentlemen. and cuba isn t a threat to us in any way. but we now have an opportunity to empower the cuban
people because the one thing that they re probably most afraid of is more engagement, more travel from americans, more trade, more communication, opening up the world to the cuban people. no one is talking about the castro regime changing their mind, that s not the issue. they didn t change their mind with 54 years of the failed policy we have. more engagement with the cuban people, a little more taste of free market and free ideas will, i think, encourage more demand for change from the cuban people. what was that plane ride like? did alan gross when did you first see him? we first saw him when we walked off the plane and the tarmac into a build in havana. as you can see from the pictures he s lost a lot of weight, he s very fragile. where was his wife at that time? she was the first to come in the room. that s why his face lit up. judy has been fighting for five years to bring alan home. you see that picture?
it s a great picture. i can tell you he was in great spirits. obviously even greater spirits when he got on the plane and it lifted off. he s maintained some strength, even though he s wiry and gave everybody a big bear hug. this is not new to you. he campaigned for you years ago. alan was one of the people who helped go door to door in my first campaign. after he was taken prisoner, i worked very closely with his wife, judy, and his entire team to try and make this day come about. but there were lots of ups and lots of downs you got a good phone call the night before this election, i hear. one of the things that happened is as we got over the years we were ail to get alan more privileges, including calling. it used to be once a week and then he got to be on the phone so, yes, i got a call from him in october saying best wishes in the election. so he did bring me luck. it mm-hmm been amazing after you left cuba airspace.
when they leave that airspace and enter the u.s. airspace, what a thrill that is. it was. you can see a great weight lifted. did they announce that? and he kind of said yeah, you know. so it was a great moment. it s always great to have an american home who was held overseas. congressman, thank you. i imagine it was a great trip and lots of fun. it was fun, but everyone was very, you know, on edge until we actually got alan on the plane. i don t doubt that. congressman, nice to see you. thanks. thank you. while alan gross finally got his freedom today, so did three cubans. many republicans and some democrats are calling it prisoner swap. the white house denies it s a prisoner swap. ed henry joins us live. ed, what difference if we call this a prisoner swap or not? i know the white house denies it, but what s the big deal about this? well, the deal, greta, is the white house is saying getting alan gross out was separate from the swap. they don t want to be tied up and look like there was a trade there. they re saying that cuba on a
humanitarian basis let alan gross out, then the u.s. was able to make this swap of three cuban spies, as you say, let out of american prison and then there was an intelligence asset to the u.s. government, we believe a cuban man, who was helping the u.s. from cuba thrown he was caught by the cuban authorities at some point and thrown in prison, been there for some 20 years. so that was the swap. look, that might be a distinction without a difference. all of this was happening around the same time. it was a deal between the president of the united states, the dictator from cuba. i think the big question moving forward, you ve got democrats, not just republicans but democrats like bob menendez saying they think it was a direct swap and how that might matter moving forward. will someone like bob menendez go along with formally lifting the embargo with cuba. he s saying no. while there are republicans not normally aligned with the
president, congressman plake wants to see the embargo lifted so this is scrambling the parties a little bit. ed, thank you. while some are jumping for joy, some are blasting president obama for the plans to normalize economic and diplomatic things with cuba. lindsey graham said i will do all that i can to block the use of funts to open an embassy in cuba. even senator robert menendez is not wild about president obama s plan. he said trading mr. gross for three convicted criminals sets an extremely dangerous press denting. and joining us john, what did we get out of this? we got a chance, an opportunity to turn the page. for what, though? he s talked about this going
back to 2007-2008. he d wanted to say let s get rid of the old policy and start a new policy. that wasn t possible as long as alan gross was held captive. releasing him gives you the chance for the new page but there are limits to what he can do. senator graham is going to try to hold up funding. the idea of full normalization, a lot of lift has to happen and that s where the give and take has to happen with the castro regime. you wouldn t see that at all without these first steps. susan, i m all for making friends with everybody and i think it s important everybody be friends, but the fact is that this regime, they re monsters. i mean we re not talking about the human rights violations going on in cuba right now. i d love to have a great place and everything. but they have the worst record for freedom of the press, they lock people up for political opponents. so i m not quite sure is the idea that maybe if we re a little bit nicer they re going to release prisoners and they re going to stop locking people up and all of a sudden let newspapers flourish? i think the point congressman
van hollen made is a good one. no one is expecting the castro regime to change. but no rights are going to be added to people s lives because of what happened today. but they are getting near the end of their biological clock as you said and there may be an opening in the future where people will want freedom and a freer society will evolve. but the points made today by rubio and menendez and others who are opposed to this are that this is not going to change anything. people aren t going to get more rights. they re still going to be human rights violations. whatever freedoms are provided by the u.s., the internet or travel, the cuban government will control tightly. that s a really important thing to be aware of. so essentially, john, susan is saying we re trying to get our foot in the door for when the castros die. we re trying to get ahead of the game. that s the theory, but i mean what the people who support the embargo have always said is this is our last and always leverage
point for when they re gone. that is when we want to negotiate with their successors and say you want normalization, you want greater economic interaction, then give some more freedom to your people. let them speak freely, worship freely, move freely. you got none of those things today. i don t really see there s the theory if we engage a little more, they will be inspired. i hope that s right, i fear it s not and i fear the cuban people will be owe pressed longer than they would have. i think they think the cuban people themselves will force change in the government by having more exposure. we ve had some bad luck with the arab spring where we have the expectation. it s really hard to predict what people are going to do. panel, stay with us. straight ahead, former florida governor, jeb bush, and he s a potential presidential candidate. he says the obama administration s decision to restore diplomatic ties with cuba undermines america s credibility. you ll hear more from him. plus a long-time friend of governor bush goes on the record
next. also there s developing news. sony cancelling the release of the film the interview. that s coming up too. patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. that s all i crave.e that s where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that s why i only choose nicorette. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you re a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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governor coming out one day out of the gate and skewering the president? well, jeb bush just a few weeks ago said the problem with the restrictions on cuba is that they re not tight enough and we should be tightening the screws, not loosening them. with this, this goes back to a feeling he s had for a very long time that we cannot give an inch. we cannot give anything to cuba until castro gives freedom to the people of cuba. keep in mind jeb bush s background. he moved to south florida in the early 1980s, established connections, friendships, worked closely with cuban exiles who have very strong feelings about this. oppose the castro regime. later when he got into politics he worked very hard to bring them into the gop fold in florida and he s succeeded to great extent. this became a very important part of his political base and later the gop political machine
after he left office. that said, the political climate here in florida, polls do show a shift of opinion in favor, more people wanting to see us improve relations with cuba. but you have to keep in mind those who oppose the direction that we saw the president take today are very fervent and very passionate about this. they tend to be very loyal voters and often can be single issue voters when it comes to this. we only have 20 seconds left. what does this mean having if governor bush gets in, what does that mean for senator marco rubio? it s going to be a problem for marco rubio. if this debate advances to the senate, it can elevate his profile. but keep in mind they re very much aligned in terms of how they believe with respect to this issue and in terms of donors and support with jeb bush out front. this continues to be a problem for marco rubio if he chooses to run for president. craig, thanks. all eyes on florida, of course, as always as we approach 2016 in two years now. thank you, craig.
sure thing, thank you. our next guest is the chairman of the american conservative union and he has been friends with former governor jeb bush for decades. good evening, sir. greta, good to be with you. i noticed you ve told us about the fact that governor jeb bush might run for president. you said you have mixed feelings and you go on to say but he ll be a difference maker. what did you mean by that? a difference maker meaning, look, we live in an area of gridlock, less people turn out to vote than they ever did before. more people are registering no party affiliation. folks don t seem to be happy with either party. so jeb bush, who s a conservative problem solver, is coming and saying, look, it s time we get together, we heal our nation, we move forward with a positive vision, but we ve got things to do. we ve got energy policy to put together. we ve got tax reform. we ve got to balance our budget. we ve got to deal with our
entitlements. i m going to be the candidate with ideas. i m not going to go out there with a strategist telling me precisely how to win. i m going to share my vision and i hope the american people buy into it. i hope they do. if they don t, i ll go home in peace but i m not going to be led by a group of strategists who tell me what to say, what not to say and end up in a process where i m part of this toxic environment that politics is all about today. he s just not going to do that. i can tell you, i hear the consultants in these races all the time and so i get the frustration that candidates can have with the consultants but i m curious, there s a big difference from being a great governor or great president than being a great campaigner, which office. in iowa, you ve got to go door to door, you ve got to be in kitchens, you ve got to talk to the people. some people are better talking to audiences. is he the kind that can sit in a kitchen and is he willing to do that? i ve seen jeb bush walk down a street with me in the dark of
night and stop to see a homeless man and see how he was doing. this is a different kind of candidate. one of the most caring, one of the most compassionate candidates you re going to see in the trail in your lifetime. i m curious, what s the downside for him? what s going on in his mind why he might not? it sure looks like his toe is in the water, but why might he not run? well, look, he s proud of his family. he s got one son who just won statewide office in texas. he s got another son who s by his side every day in business. he loves his daughter, loves his wife. he travels a lot but is more at home than he was before. he s dangled a bit in business, he s done well there. he gets to play golf on sundays. he s going to give up a lot of this life to try to help america get back on its feet and to heal our country, and that s a major sacrifice and he s giving up a lot to do that. does he have the fire in the belly to do that? he s the most competitive guy i ve ever met.
i ve been with him and two campaigns for his dad, three campaigns for him, two campaigns for his brother and he s the most tireless worker, most compassionate and competitive guy i ve met in the process, so he ll be ready for anything and anyone if he decides to do it. we just saw a picture of the two of you and of course i hope you ll come back because if he does get in, we ll need to talk to you a lot and find out what s going on in the governor bush campaign. thank you, sir, for joining us. my pleasure, thanks, greta. and you can see our complete interview with al cardenas. executive orders by any other name. president obama finding another way to bypass congress. that s coming up. here at fidelity, we give you the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions
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so tell me your thoughts on this. yeah, i think this is a big victory for the bad guys. i think that s the dangerous precedent in this. this was essentially a terrorist act and by sony now giving in after equivocating a little bit, you go back to the original making of this movie, if you re going to make the movie and not stand by it at the end. my colleague talked to president obama even today and the president s advice is go to the movie. obviously this was the intended effect was to squelch this movie, to make it not happen and it s worked. you know what, i ve told both of you during the break, i actually i ve been to north korea, as you know, three times. north korea looks at this they have nuclear weapons and they are so erratic, you can t even point at a picture of kim jong-un without risking going to some prison camp. i don t know why sony didn t make this a fictionalize movie about some make-believe country
because we re not dealing with normal people. we re not dealing with a normal situation. we re dealing with people who see us as complete enemies and we re trying to kill them every single day. i m noticing on social media people are joking can they make requests to producers about what kind of pictures sony can produce because it looks as though they re being dictated in terms of what they are going to put out there. i think that s the sad fact about all of this. we should not have a foreign country dictating the terms of what comes out, no matter who they are. of course we shouldn t, but we re not dealing with a full deck on this. i mean that s the problem is that, you know, this is a predictable response. if you ve ever been there, literally they think we are training seven days a week, all three of you and i m training every day to try to kill them when we re not doing any of that. but they see that and see this as such an insult, they re going to go nuts. but what does going nuts mean? this, this. are producers upset about the hacking.
it s a terrible thing to hack. look, they did a terrible if they re the ones that did it, it s a terrible thing to hack. it s a terrible thing for us to bow to the pressure. it s a terrible thing to have the terrorists act on the movie, but it s all going back to the judgment of making that movie, knowing that we were dealing with a situation that wasn t quite normal. i mean i think north korea is the most brutal regime in the world. it s run by a totalitarian psychopath. i think if hollywood had any decency, they would make a serious film detailing the brutality that is going on. that s a great idea. an i think right now i hope they re just delaying this. we don t know all the details. maybe there is some credible threat we don t know about. imagine if isis isis is actually carrying out terrorist attacks against americans. what if they threaten an american mall or football game? i know, it s terrible. they caved to pressure because they feared people would not show up on one of the most profitable days for movies.
i am not defending north korea. i m just saying it s a very dangerous situation sony got into without using good judgment to begin with. i am not defending north korea in any way. they made a movie they aren t prepared to stand behind. does it even look funny? what exactly is the joke in all of this? i think sony has a lot to explain to the american people and to the world community about the making of this movie and of course this halting and contradictory response. and all their embarrassing e-mails too. we didn t even get near their e-mails. anyway, panel, thank you. if you are outraged over president obama s use of executive action, brace yourselves for this. turn out it is not just executive orders. president obama also using something called the presidential memorandum to bypass congress. according to usa today, president obama has issued the memorandum more often than any other president. gregory courty joins us. nice to see you. we have presidential memorandums and executive orders. what s the difference?
the differences can be subtle. executive orders are what we re probably all familiar with. they re numbered. executive order 1033 or something like that. mem memorandums are called by scholars executive orders by another name. they re more regulatory in nature but very similar and both carry the same force of law. they re essentially the same then, right? they re used a little differently. but you could you could use them interchangeably? there are some areas where previous presidents have used an executive order. for example, nixon had an executive order on let s get rid of some of these federal properties we re not using and save some money. president obama did that by memorandum. so the fact is that all these things that they re doing by executive order or presidential memorandum, are there instances when they can only use one and not the other? they tend to only use
executive order but there is any restriction? if you re going to amend an executive order, you re going to use an executive order to do that. neither of these terms are defined anywhere in the law much less the constitution. so it s precedents. president obama says the truth is even with all the actions i ve taken this year, i m issuing executive orders at the lowest rate in over 100 years. he s not mentioning the presidential memorandums so i m wur wondering if that s a slippery quote. he said people didn t have a problem with george bush when he uses executive action. he uses the terms executive order and executive action somewhat interchangeably. so slippery, transparent and deceptive? i have no evidence to suggest this is a deliberate misdirection by the white house. he must know the difference between presidential memorandum and executive order. he s got to know the difference. he signs them. and when you add presidential
memorandums and executive orders together, is president obama on the low end or has he done more? he s certainly signed more presidential memoranda than others. when you call them both executive actions, he s on pace to take more than any president. the reason i ask this because as i read this, it seems that they re essentially the same thing. whether they have historically been used for different purposes or not. you can amend executive orders with executive orders. it seems when the president says i m issuing executive orders at the lowest rate in more than 100 years, he s being a little slippery because he s not mentioning the presidential memorandums which he does so much more than other presidents on the presidential memorandums. no. these are precise terms that even the president, even the president s press secretary sometimes slip up. josh earnest said he s issued an executive order on immigration. there was no such thing. the immigration executive action
that republicans are so upset about were not done by executive order, they were done by memorandum. last year when he took executive action on gun control, those were not executive orders, those are presidential memoranda. if he s going to tell the epa how to enforce the clean air act, that s done in a memorandum not an executive order. right now are democrats on a desperate search for a message for 2016? plus we re trying to solve a mystery that has to do with the release of alan gross and sergeant tahmooressi finally released from a mexican prison. celebrate what s new, the bigger, better menu at red lobster! with more of what you love! try our newest wood-grilled combination!
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it s one of those things i think that went away from that democrats didn t do a very good job of in the 2014 election. we talked about everything but the economy and that s still going to be it s still going to be a driving issue in 2016. there has to and change has to happen. we have a changing economy. there have got to be some new ideas out there about how to effect its impact on the american people. like what? how do you convince the middle class america that something good is happening? what s the message to them? it s about how we re going to adjust to it. kodak when kodak went bankrupt, it had 187,000 employees. when instagram sold itself to facebook for a billion dollars, it had 13 employees. both parties are not addressing the how technology and how fast paced we re moving forward into the future is actually
hollowing out jobs there. it s not just attacking wall street. like that s one of the things that is a go-to populist liberal you know, elizabeth warren attack wall street. wall street does need to be reformed. republicans may offer tax cuts. the tax system does need to be reformed but no one is addressing the economic consequences of where this tech economy is taking us and how do we get the american people to participate in it and whether that s job retraining, other things, but somebody has got to speak to it. but that requires a long vision. it seems to me the voters are looking more right now. can i put food on the table and pay the tuition, so that s the problem. that s right. and, you know, everybody is going to offer up really quick, simple solutions that no one believes anymore. or you ve got to take a step back and really talk to the american people with what we have to do to be competitive, to move forward and to get
people it s not the same old, same old. a lot of the ideas look, i was a ted kennedy liberal and, you know, there are a lot of populist liberal progressive economic ideas i believe in but a lot of the ideas on both sides are obsolete now. you need to take those principles but apply them to the issues that are for us right now economically and lead the american people there. joe, thanks. good to be with you. remember that outrageous convention government employees spending your tax dollars on themselves, face hotel suites and mismatched wine glasses? you didn t like that. you need to stick around for our next segment. soy buddy here is going to help me find it. here we go. woo who, woah, woah, woah. it s out there somewhere spreading the word about america s favorite potatoes: heart healthy idaho potatoes
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gsa s lavish las vegas convention, complete with photos of the gsa s regional commissioner that fancy bathtub on your dollar? well, after outrage was over the abuse of your tax dollars, omb issued stricter requirements for spending reports. makes sense, right? but listen to this. the cfo of hhs now says accurate spending reports won t help taxpayers. really? sarah westwood joins us. nice to see you. nice to be here. you wrote the article. why does hhs s cfo say that? well, what happened here is the hhs inspector general discovered millions of dollars in unreported conference funding, and in defense, pushing back on the inspector general s findings, the cfo ellen murray said the cost of. getting the right information? right would outweigh the
benefit to taxpayers. how does she figure that? how could it possibly be we don t want exact information? well, she cited difficulties in actually gathering the information and keeping track of it. and said, basically, you can either have an accurate report or a timely report, but you can t have both. okay. so why can t we at least change the time requirements a little bit? i think most taxpayers want to know whether or not they re partying on our dime again. right. it s essentially the bureaucratic answer of we can t get this data because we don t have it because these services are being provided by contractors. i read your story and it said that hhs had 140 conferences last year. that seems like a lot. i don t know why they re having all these conferences. go figure on that one. the ig, the inspector general, looked at only four of them. so out of 4 out of 140. and out of the four the ig looked at found hhs had failed to list $1.4 million. so is there a discrepancy in each of the four? yes. each conference had a discrepancy. and that 140 number that you just cited, those are just the
conferences that cost $100,000 or more. they actually have more conferences than that. and hhs actually spent $56 million on conferences alone in 2012. it s stunning, though. if you look at four conferences, if you sort of the inspector general looks at four of them and finds 100% mistakes, they have 136 more at over $100,000 a year a conference, and nobody is going to bother to look at those? right, exactly. you can only imagine that there is similar waste in all of the other conferences. and keep in mind that this was two years ago. so there was, you know, two years of additional conferences that we don t know where the money went. and the cfo at hhs doesn t see this as a problem? evidently not. it s just kind of evidence of the bureaucratic culture that leads to so much waste in our agencies today. but it s worse than bureaucratic culture. it s our money. la-di-da. why does she get to decide that? exactly. she cited the fact that there are already guidelines in place
to produce reports that have estimates. so she said that sufficient accurate reports aren t necessary. well, there is our government working for us. anyway, sarah, thank you. thank you. and coming up, after the release of american allen gross from cuba, i m not trying to solve a mystery. i ll tell you what i mean, off the record next. but here is a hint. it has to do with sergeant andrew tahmooressi. at 10:00 p.m., senators marco rubio and ted cruz talking about cuba. tonight 10:00 p.m. on hannity. people with type 2 diabetes
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you don t need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. because we do. we re exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg. isn t as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here. let s all go off the record for a minute. there is something that absolutely mystifies me. but before i tell you, let me say this. i am very happy alan gross is home. it s been five years too long. it was wrong that cuba held him in prison. so how did he get out? because president obama s administration held secret meetings in canada with cuban officials and cut a deal. then today president obama sent a government plane to pick him up. the obama administration packed that plane with members of congress. and as he landed at andrews air
force base, secretary of state john kerry was there to hug and meet mr. gross. but that s not all. president obama even placed a call to mr. gross on that plane as he flew back to the united states. and while i m absolutely thrilled he got that treatment, i m thrilled he is home where he belongs, i don t get it. i would love to know why didn t president obama help sergeant andrew tahmooressi when he was held in a mexican prison? i know a president can t help everybody. but a u.s. marine who got hit with an ied, did two tours for the u.s. in afghanistan and just made a wrong turn? not only did president obama not help, but he never called sergeant tahmooressi s mother, or even sergeant tahmooressi after he got home. maybe there is a reason, but i remain left in a big mystery. why didn t president obama help our marine? and that s my off the record comment tonight. thanks for being with us. we ll all see you again tomorrow night here at 7:00 p.m. eastern. and follow me on twitter at the handle @greta. and a reminder, go to greta check out our complete interview

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Transcripts For CNNW Debate Night In America 20161010 06:30:00

this is not an ordinary time and this is not an ordinary election. we are going to be choosing a president who will set policy for not just four or eight years, but some of the important decisions we have to make at home and around the world to energy and so much else. so there is a lot at stake. it s one of the most consequential elections we had. that s why i tried to put forth specific policies and plans. try to get it off of the personal and put it on to what it is on i want to do as president. that s why i hope people will check on that for themselves. so they can see that yes, i spent 30 years, actually a little more, working to help kids and families and i want to take that experience to the white house and do that every single day. mr. trump? well, i consider her statement about my children to be a very nice compliment. i don t know if it was meant to be a compliment, but i m proud of my children. they have done a wonderful job and they have been wonderful kids. i consider that a compliment. i will say that about hillary.
because of that tape. he spoke for 40 minutes and 10 seconds and hillary clinton spoke for 39 minutes and five seconds. almost exactly the same amount of time. you didn t hear a robust emotional apology. from donald trump, did you? the inbox from republicans, that s one of the things they are worried about. that s powerful for hillary clinton to use him saying such vulgar things about women and he didn t say anything aggressively to apologize. he didn t do that behavior and he was pressed by anderson cooper and he said and talks in the tape about assaulting women. he said he didn t do those and he apologized. nowhere near as aggressive as many republicans wanted. he went into the personal attacks of bringing bill clinton
into it. i think it will be based on where do you stand from a partisan perspective. what donald trump is doing is getting more engaged and counter punching. throwing mike pence under the bus at a time when mike pence is standing by him is an interesting dynamic and he did say that yes, he took that giant deduction so he wouldn t pay federal income taxes. you can bet that s coming to a tv ad without a doubt. that is true. back to you. let s check in with the panel of experts. i said it was a wash, but feel free to disagree. at the beginning donald trump did the opposite of what i thought he should have done. he said he was embarrassed by this. the videotape. he said it was locker room talk. he did not apologize to the
women involved and he kept saying it s words and it wasn t anything more than that. period. end of sentence. so there was nothing more than anything he already said. he had already had the press conference about bill clinton. we knew that story and when asked are you different than at the young age of 59, he said i m not proud of it and i have great respect for people, my family. hillary got him on that because she said you needed to apologize. for the rest of the debate. i think donald trump when he got over that was more disciplined, attacking hillary on the e-mail issue where she is vulnerable. i think in a sense he may have done enough. she seemed a little stilted at times and i think he may have done enough to stop the bleeding
and i m not sure minds were changed. so much has occurred over the last 48 hours and the last week that people have to digest all of this including the debate tonight to see where they stand. i want to echo one thing that dana said was the mike pence remark. he is praising a dictator who was trying to interfere with our election, period. whom his running mate said we should stand up to and putin is propping up. that struck a note. here disagrees with him. i m sure you watched the debate as we all did. we commented on the issues. we are not the same policy.
give it a broader look. much better counter puncher. i think he did poorly on that he was much more animated and much better counterpuncher i think that he did poorly on that question and he did poorly on the strange syria discussion where he got off on a rant there. which i think will leave a lot of questions and led to the mike pence question. the truth is hillary clinton has her struggles with the same issues she always struggles with, e-mails, speeches. i thought his counterpunch on
the lincoln comment was good. at the end of the day, i come to the same conclusion. i think she probably wins at some point and i don t think it changes much. just to set the stage, this has been one of the most disastrous periods for a presidential nominee in the history of the united states. from the first debate and before this debate. did he change that at all? i think he stopped the panic among most of the republicans there who were panicking. at least for now. i thought it was basically a draw which is basically a good thing for donald trump thinking that hillary clinton was going knock him out of this debate and have such a strong performance that there would be no question of where this race stood.
i don t think she had that great of a performance. he was odd pacing around and standing over here in some of those shots. i think there ll be a lot of material stylistically, for snl, she counterpunched well on the you ve been there for 30 years what have you been doing and listed all of the things she had done. children s health care, expa expanding health care. veterans and secretary of state and 400 pieces of legislation. that was a good moment for her. she dropped one of the hillary clinton new information things and the alicia machado things. with she talked about trump gobbling up illegal steel from china. to build his buildings. i bet we ll hear more about that. i believe thaefs a news week story about how two out of three buildings that are using the steel that hurts american workers. what d you think?
i think the night belonged to donald trump. we re not talking about the trump tape. he was able to pivot away and barely controlled at some point. it was a greatest hits real for the 14 million who voted for him. no hand shake at the out set. bill s infidelities and the e-mail erasure and islam and dishonesty and the media, you will hear a lot about how they reported the role of the moderators in this. i think those who voted for him got everything they wanted in their vote. did he grow? i can t see if there was any outreach. i looked carefully where i thought he could have expanded the base that he already has. not a knockout, but his night on points. where could he have expanded the base? obviously there was a muslim
american woman who spoke. there was an african american who wanted the country african american gentleman, james carter who wanted the country to be united would he be devoted to bring us together? where were the opportunities that he didn t take? he could have been more expansive on health care reform and rather than repeal and replace it with what and how and whom it would benefit. he could talk more about the reform he wants in the tax code aside from getting rid of interests for wealthy people. where he always falls down is that he goes on the attack without when a direct question is asked. what would you do about x, y or z, he deflects and goes on the attack that hillary has been here for 30 years and didn t do anything. the way you bring people into the tent is to tell them exactly what you would do for them. like taxes and health care, i
still do not think that we got much beyond obamacare is a disaster and why didn t she fix the tax code? and by the way, i think we might have heard him admit, i m not sure about this, that he did use on the $918 million debt, that he actually used that not to pay taxes. he did say. he didn t say how long but he did say he use it. i think the trump teams thinks they are reaching out to suburban, white women and college-educated women when they talk about african-americans and hispanics, he hurts his case because of his record and the way he talks about african-americans and the way that he tends to say the african-americans and not just african-americans, which is a way of referring to folks in deeply odd. i think they are doing that but i don t think there s any success in growing that tent.
the real question is, they fear he doesn t have the right temperament or command, were they assured tonight or think of him differently as a result of this performance? i agree with michael, he was speaking to the base and i think the base is probably very happy. the base is just not big enough to win the election. the demographics of the country are such i m sorry to hit this point again, george herbert walker bush and mitt romney got the same percentage of the white vote. 59%, what earned bush 136 electoral votes got mitt romney only 56. and there is the changing demographic of the country and that s why the missed opportunity was with the muslim woman and the african american man at the end. that was magnanimous. where he s doing poorly, he
needs to improve significantly, has to do with college educated white voters. he s even with college educated white men. health care and their families. there was a poll out today in your home state and your home state that had him leading among college educated voters, white voters by 20 points. this is a cohert that romney carried by 14% in 2012. that s a stunning tolerance, right? they think he s a bigot. right. that s why you hear hillary clinton, all of her ads, are about donald trump and what he said and those words, whether it s about women, whether it s about the birther controversy, those things turn off college-educated white voters. he can t undo that because he spent so much time branding himself in that way as this kind of unreconstructed alpha male and the tape only underscores that. let me say one thing about the tape. we re all talking about the debate and that s going to be our focus until 1:00 in the
morning. tomorrow morning we wake up in a world where the debate is over. we re not talking about it. we re talking about something else. i can t help but think the clinton campaign is going to make sure that that tape is everywhere from now until the election. it s about the image of the women from this point forward. four women and donald trump and that story s going to get told. college educated white women that we ve been talking about. can i just make one other point in which is it s very clear they don t like each other very much. it was kind of an irritating debate in that sense because they were firing these jibes back and forth. and what was missing from it was any invocation of people, humanity. we re in a town hall meeting. the only person that was raised i think hillary clinton raised an individual and just as in the last debate she raised an individual to weap weaponize that story against donald trump but the day-to-day struggle. health care, nobody mentioned anybody who was actually struggling with health care.
i was surprised by that. let s go back to the tape. i want to play donald trump s response when the subject of this access hollywood tape, him talking very crudely about women, seeming to boast about grabbing women, assaulting women inappropriately. here was his response. you called what you said locker room banter. you described kissing women without their consent, grabbing their genitals. that is sexual assault. you bragged you sexually assaulted women. do you understand that? no, i didn t say that at all. i don t think you understood what was said. this was locker room talk. i m not proud of it. i apologized to my family. i apologize to the american people. certainly i m not proud of it. but this is locker room talk. you know, when we have a world where you have isis chopping off heads, where you have and frankly drowning people in steel cages, where you have wars and horrible, horrible sights all
over, where you have so many bad things happening, this is like medieval times. we haven t seen anything like this, the carnage all over the world, and they look and they see. can you imagine the people that are frankly doing so well against us with isis and they look at our country and they see what s going on. yes, i m very embarrassed by it. i hate it. but it s locker room talk and it s one of those things. i will knock the hell out of isis. we re going to defeat isis. isis happened a number of years ago in a vacuum that was left so because of bad judgment. and i will tell you, i will take care of isis. so the basic response there, van, it was locker room talk but nothing compared to the horrors of isis and i m going to stop isis. i just thought that was just horrible. he rather than apologizing he minimized. and that was something that everybody here agreed he should avoid doing. and basically, if the only thing you have to say about yourself is i m not as bad as isis, i
mean, that s your defense, there s something wrong with that kind of response. [ cheers and applause ] the other thing is that you cannot underestimate the history that was made in our country. a line was crossed that i don t know has been crossed in my lifetime, maybe ever. he threatened to jail his opponent. right. he threatened to jail hillary clinton if he became president of the united states. that is something i think is a new low in american democracy. but i will say something maybe provocative. i think hillary won because donald trump kind of won. in other words, the worst possible outcome for hillary clinton could have been if she knocked him out. if she had knocked him out and forced him out of the race, you could have been in a situation where the republican party could rally, get somebody else in there. it was actually a good outcome for her. she did well enough. he did well enough. he stabilized himself. and he s going to bleed out. and she s going to be able to get across the finish line.
i m not sure we watched the same debate because read the transcript. donald trump issued three more apologies. he s now up to issuing five. that s enough for most of the american people. i m still waiting on the media to call on the apology for hillary clinton lying to the families of benghazi members when she told them their families were dead because of a video. i m still waiting for a call for that apology. but i think something very big happened tonight that is lost upon most of us. what we saw tonight was someone speak for the people against the washington elite. there are people in this country, 2/3 of the country thinks we re in the wrong direction. they re tired of being promised hope and change, which is what president obama promised millennialed, promised the american people and it did not materialize. and you saw donald trump flawlessly expose the double standards of justice when he said when he said if someone, an american citizen had done 1/5 of what you had done with your e-mails their lives would have been destroyed. and there was an audible boo from the audience because people know hillary clinton lied when
she retorted with the fact that i didn t do anything wrong with my e-mails. the audience booed because there are two standards. the washington elite get one and we the american people get another. i think that was explosive. i think the audience had trump supporters and clinton supporters and we heard both sides. but let me go into let me play some of what you re talking about and specifically, van jones, it s the moment you that referred to where he said that were he in charge of the laws she would be in jail. i didn t think i d say this but i m going to say it. and i hate to say it. but if i win, i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. there has never been anything like it. and we re going to have a special prosecutor. when i speak, i go out and speak, the people of this country are furious. in my opinion, the people that have been long-term workers at the fbi are furious.
there has never been anything like this where e-mails and you get a subpoena. you get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena you delete 33,000 e-mails. and then you acid wash them. or bleach them as you say. a very expensive process. so we re going to get a special prosecutor and we re going to look into it. because you know what? people have been their lives have been destroyed for doing 1/5 of what you ve done. and it s a disgrace. and honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. secretary clinton everything he just said is absolutely false but i m not surpris surprised. i told people that it would be impossible to be fact-checking donald all the time. i d never get to talk about anything i want to do and how we re going to really make lives better for people. so once again, go to we have literally trump. you can fact-check him in real-time. it s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. because you d be in jail.
secretary clinton [ cheers ] so jeffrey, i heard you laughing. obviously that is a crowd pleaser for trump supporters. there s no question about that. he already has trump supporters. they already support him. is that the kind of line that exemplifies the kind of temperament that those who are undecided want to hear from him? yes. and i ll tell you why. this is about as kayleigh was saying, this is about the american people versus the political class in this country. media elites, politicians, et cetera, who as he said repeatedly there, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and they never get anything done and they lie and they dissemble. and she would in fact, if she were not hillary clinton, she would be in huge trouble with these e-mails. and she would conceivably be going to jail. i mean, other people have gone to jail for these kind of problems. so what he s doing there is hitting the broad themes, one, the division between the
american people and the political class. two, her character. if you remember that famous quinnipiac poll from last year where they asked people to free-associate one-word descriptions of the candidates and for her it was dishonest and liar. you know that s kind of a bogus poll where they i mean, i think the biggest ones for trump were unflattering as well. but i take your point on the fact that she has very, very low trustworthy and honesty numbers so he was hitting this. okay, paul. the strategic context in which this debate occurs is the trump campaign in meltdown. a meltdown especially with women because of this really horrific tape where he brags about committing sexual assault. i don t think he put it to bed. you keep hearing stories that there s more tapes to come. the guy did 10 or 14 years on television and people keep saying we re going to go through these tapes. maybe they will. maybe they won t. but he certainly did nothing to put it behind him or even to inoculate against the stories to come. now, tonight s audience, i bet
you a nickel, would be much more female than male. first off more voters are female than male. but tonight we re up against qupt sunday night football. packers by the way 17-9 over the giants leading right now fourth quarter. the performance he put on, first being so bizarre about this sexual assault. in one of the answers he mentioned isis, immigration, and the economy. in one of the follow-ups he rambled on about michelle obama, sidney blumenthal, debbie wasserman schultz, bernie sanders, e-mails. that doesn t assuage any women voters. and then the style throughout the debate i kept hearing from a lot of women, they didn t like that the pacing, the stalking. yeah. the really kind of creepy behavior when he wasn t speaking. toward hillary. last time it was he got in trouble for interrupting. he did a fair amount of that again. he seemed to actually pick a lot of unwise fights with martha raddatz also. less so with anderson. this is not if i m as a super pac guy, i work for the super pac that s opposing trump and is supporting hillary. i m happy about this. if i were a trump strategist i d
say boss, we ve got a problem with women and you just made it worse. we re going to keep it there. everyone stay. we ve still got two hours. wolf, let me throw it back to you. anderson anderson. jake, thanks very much. we ve got an excellent moment right now to discuss something i d never heard in any of these debates before between two presidential candidates. and dana, let s talk a little about this. one candidate says not only is he going to put forward a special prosecutor to investigate his rival but, and this is very significant, he s going to put her in jail if he s elected president of the united states. that s pretty extraordinary. okay. not to sound too corny, but what makes this country different from countries with dictators in africa or stalin or hitler or any of those countries with dictators and totalitarian leaders is that when they took over they put their opponents in jail. to hear one presidential candidate say, even if it was a
flip comment, which it was, you re going to be in jail to another presidential candidate on the debate stage in the united states of america, stunning. just stunning. certainly is. john king. most of his strategy on these issues was clearly designed, a, listening to his alt-right advisers. this was a breitbart strategy from the predebate and the debate. if he s bleeding across the electorate, if his goal priority one is to stop the bleeding on the right, then it may have succeeded in that. if you look at state by state, if you look at the battleground states, if you look at the demographic breakdowns in the states he is losing now heading into the last 30 days. remember, the timing of this is critical. in the last 30 days there are some people already voting. more people will start voting this week. even more will start voting after that. many in the most important battleground states. 30% of the american people last tight voted early. that will probably be a little higher this time. so the election is not on november 8th. it is now for many people in the
states that matter. and if donald trump needed to shore up his conservative base, his team is very happy. he was much modern gauged than he was tonight. he was much more aggressive. he did more counterpunching. he got to some of the issues that he believes are her weaknesses but to dana s point there is that going to win you the vote of a moderate woman in the philadelphia sbushds? i think not. is it going to get you raves on zruj and breitbart and the conservative media and the other network, we all know who i m talking about, most likely. but at least he ll stop the bleeding among his own base. yes. i think that is a fair assessment that you can see in the mood and even the republicans who don t like trump. they think this is the worst possible outcome because they thought if he tanked tonight there would be pressure to get him out of the race. exactly. and now they re saying he did well enough to stay in. they don t think he can win and they think he hurts other senate and house candidates. but they think he did well enough to sustain himself without a doubt and i know that s what they think inside team trump. without a doubt they think they had a strong night. we re just hearing that eric holder apparently just said that trump s threat was like nixonian. not so much the jail threat but
the threat that if he becomes president he s going to instruct his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor. it s first of all, i believe it s kind of a misunderstanding of what is even allowed and the way that the process works. but even so, putting that aside, just the threat is something that is going to this is something that s going to have ripple effects in the days to come. i also think another giant question tonight, again, people view these things through their partisan prism but we know that hillary clinton has barack obama, michelle obama, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, joe biden, bill clinton. donald trump has mike pence. there are no other senior republicans out there. and he threw mike pence under the bus tonight. he threw his running mate under the bus tonight, who has stood by him mike pence did not defend donald trump on the specifics in the vice presidential debate. i was told that got under donald trump s skin a little bit. mike pence did stand by him this weekend. mike pence, a christian conservative whose wife i m told was horrified when she heard that tape and who talked to her husband about it, mike pence did
stand by donald trump even though he did say the language is offensive. dysfunction in the campaign in the last 30 days is dangerous. he just did put out a tweet mike, pence that s what i was looking for. going ahead and endorsing congrats to my running mate @realdonaldtrump on a big debate win. proud to stand with you as we make #make america great again. brianna keilar you ve got a special guest in the spin room. i have hillary clinton s campaign chair john podesta. and i want to get your reaction to something first. donald trump called hillary clinton the devil but he also made a threat that if he were in charge of the laws of the country that he would jail her, he would imprison her. what is the campaign s reaction? well, it s one more over-the-top statement by donald trump. and fortunately, he s not in charge of the laws of the united states and never will be. but i think that maybe he was trying to appeal to his base. what we ve seen over the last few weeks and particularly over the last few days are
republicans peeling off him in droves. so maybe all he s got left is his base. so to call her the devil is i think beneath a presidential candidate. it s one more reason yes he doesn t have the temperament to do the job of being president or being the commander in chief. the optics from the beginning of the debate were that we sea chelsea clinton not there to shake the hands of melania trump and her kids as we saw during the first debate. and then hillary clinton did not shake hands with donald trump at the beginning of the debate. that s a very clear signal she was trying to send. well, look, i think he came in here sort of pulling this stunt that he did at the beginning of this and was on the attack from the beginning. again, i think maybe he was just trying to stabilize his own base of voters even as that s shrinking. but i think that given what we saw, what we saw on the
videotape, what we re seeing now in the howard stern tapes, his she s trying to signal something. she s trying to signal that she that his behavior is doesn t really deserve the respect of a handshake at the beginning. she did shake his hand at the end. but i think that, you know, he came in tonight and even walked back whatever bit of an apology he gave for the access hollywood tape that every american now has probably seen over and over again. i know that one of the strategies coming into this was thinking that after that tape came out there were people who were newly open to hillary clinton. but the assessment seems to be that she really just rallied the base and whether or not she has really expanded it seems that she and donald trump just rallied their base. what do you say to that? i think she came in trying to answer the specific questions. this was supposed to be i think in my mind a town hall where voters got to ask specific
questions. the moderators asked a lot of the questions tonight. but the voters did get to ask questions. and i think she wanted to talk about the specific ideas, the specific plans, what she s been able to do in a bipartisan way when she was first lady, when she was senator, the children s health insurance program, the other program she talked about. but most importantly what she wanted to do to build an economy that was going to work for everyone, not just those at the top. so if n. doing that i think what she wanted to try to accomplish was to say i want to be a president for everyone and i want to have you listen to me with a positive message, an optimistic view of what america can be. in contrast i think he was dark and divisive again. john podesta with the clinton campaign. thank you so much. back to you guys. all right. thanks very much, brianna keilar. let s play a clip. this is donald trump speaking about the former president of the united states, bill clinton. i told you, that was locker
room talk. i m not proud of it. i am a person who has great respect for people, for my family, for the people of this country. and certainly i m not proud of it. but that was something that happened if you look at bill clinton, far worse. mine are words and his was action. his was what he s done to women. there s never been anybody in the history of politics in this nation that s been so abusive to women. so you can say any way you want to say it, but bill clinton was abusive to women. hillary clinton attacked those same women. and attacked them viciously. four of them are here tonight. one of the women, who is a wonderful woman, at 12 years old was raped at 12. her client, she represented, got him off. and she s seen laughing on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl who was raped. kathy shelton, that young woman, is here with us tonight.
so don t tell me about words. absolutely i apologize for those words. but it is things that people say. but what president clinton did, he was impeached. he lost his license to practice law. he had to pay an $850,000 fine to one of the women, paula jones, who s also here tonight. and i will tell you that when hillary brings up a point like that and she talks about words that i said 11 years ago i think it s disgraceful and i think she should be ashamed of herself if you want to know the truth. he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses. he gets it decide what he wants to talk about. instead of answering people s questions, talking about our agenda, laying out the plans that we have that we think can make a better life and a better country, that s his choice.
when i hear something like that, i am reminded of what my friend michelle obama advised us all. when they go low, you go high. [ cheers and applause ] she got some applause for that line but i didn t hear a robust vote of confidence, a defense of her husband in that response, because he really went after bill clinton. hillary clinton didn t mention bill clinton s behavior or actions at all. she didn t defend her actions at all. she just went after more or less donald trump essentially saying you re trying to go back and we re talking about you here. a couple of points on that. donald trump clearly tried to gin up support on the r50i9d right with his base. if you talk to conservatives, especially the all the rooilt conservative media they think these issues have been ignored or forgotten. you and i covered the white house at the time. the paula jones case, kathleen willey case, monica lewinsky impeachment that dominated our lives. i had color in my hair when that started. that was several years of our lives. they think we should still be talking about this later. and trump was trying to connect hillary clinton to that.
will that be a winning strategy in the general election? we ll see how it plays out. but clearly donald trump came here tonight saying when i m asked about me i m going to deflect to bill clinton. i do think it helped him rally conservatives. i also know from e-mail conversations with clinton campaign people anderson cooper said this is sexual assault. and what donald trump he said he didn t do it. he said he was just talking about it. he did say tonight which he did not say in that weekend night video-e didn t address whether or not it actually happened. he just said he was sorry. donald trump did say he never did those things. so he was bragging about sexually assaulting women. and he said no, it s locker room talk. the clinton people that s going to be in an ad probably by the time we get to the end of this week. with anderson cooper asking a direct question and donald trump saying it s locker room talk. it s not locker room talk. it is not locker room talk to whether you re fantasizing about it speculating about it or talking about it of groping people, sexually assaulting people. that s a crime. but i will just say, and probably getting similar notes from republicans, i just got one from a top republican who s very
skittish about donald trump saying that he did okay acknowledging the bar this is among republicans. that the bar is pretty low right now for him to kind of bring some of them back into the fold but that in the words of this republican he moved the conversation beyond the caught on tape hot mike situation. on the flip side of that i ve been hearing from some democrats who think that hillary clinton did well but wondering why didn t she put it away, wondering what could she have done differently to after the weekend that donald trump just had to just end it. just completely end his candidacy. and that she possibly could have with this debate but didn t. but you think that s in part the result of an hour before the debate he invites these women no. to come here not only to do a little joint photo opportunity with him but then to sit in the front row you mean whether she was rattled? yeah. i mean, i don t know. i didn t get the sense that she
really changed her strategy much at all. that she was going to do what she was going to do. she clearly was ready for bill clinton s name to come up in the context of these women or in any other context. and he she made the decision she wasn t going to go there. she was going to instead hit all the demographics that she thinks that donald trump has offended, whether it s the disabled or the hispanics or muslims and so forth and she was just going to pretend like the bill clinton question didn t happen. she s trying to keep what she s got. she d she s ahead right now. she s head in the moltum in the last ten days and we don t know about the weekend. we don t know how that will be processed by voters or this debate which they ll be processing at the same time. what they learned over the weekend about donald 2ru78. and now this debate. hillary clinton came saying if i protect what i have i win the election. and she was it was clear she was hoping that donald trump hurt himself with his own words and donald trump turned in a much stronger performance in terms of punching, counterpunching and getting to the issues more favorable to him. a much better job tonight than in the first debate no doubt.
our exclusive cnn/orc poll results momentarily. who won this debate? in the meantime let s go back to jake. thanks so much. appreciate it, wolf. i m back with our panel. something i want to throw out to everyone here. i ll start with this side and work over. the alicia machado moment was a throwaway line at the end of the last debate and it became a huge story because of how the clinton campaign went with it and because of donald trump s reaction. one thing i m wondering if donald trump introduced at this night s debate that we just talked about over here that might become a bigger thing for the clinton campaign and i think we can agree they re much more effective at the attacks and the commercials and with surrogates, et cetera. that is with donald trump saying if he gets elected president he s going to ask his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to put hillary clinton in jail. yeah. this is the kind of thing they do in countries not like the united states, where you lock up and jail your political opponents. this feeds into something a criticism we ve heard actually
more from conservative critics of donald trump than liberal critics of donald trump. can you imagine this man with his dem pramt and his drive for vengeance having instruments of government at his hands, the irs, et cetera. i wonder if that was a much bigger gaffe than we are making it out to be. i think it is. i think it s a huge gaffe. republicans talk about the imperial presidency and how barack obama has abused his executive powers. imagine somebody being asked to serve as attorney general if you knew that a president was going to direct prosecutions. i m not a lawyer. but i get that. and it is as dana was pointing out nixonian to a great degree. and i think that it is also un-american to a great degree. and i think that is something the clinton campaign can use and can use very fevtly. also to me when he said i d put her in jail.
remember during the convention lock her up. lock her up, lock her up. and he kind of tried to quiet it a little at the convention because he was in presidential mode. now this was a primary campaign debate to me tonight and what he was doing was rallying the base by saying lock her up effectively, which he did also, calling her a liar multiple times and the devil. multiple times. and saying he d put her in jail. and he said she had hate in her heart. i don t think that s going to play very well with voters. i think what happened was he said i m throwing out the playbook and i m going with, as you point out, i m going with the material that s worked for me when i go out there and speak to these rallies. this line of prosecuting hillary clinton is something he s used in his rallies. this is not a new idea. he just raised it to the level of a debate point here. and my guess is it will resonate well with his base and it will antagonize the people he needs
to grow who worry about the things you point out, who worry about his temperament, worry about whether he would handle the job of president in a responsible way. so you know, i think he galvanized the base again, perhaps at the expense of expanding it. it s another iteration of her argument, which is in an ad, about having him near the nuclear codes. a man you can bait with a tweet shouldn t be near the nuclear codes. and he also probably shouldn t have the instruments of the military, of the justice department. so yeah, i think that ll certainly end up in an ad. and again, it s going to turn off those moderate swing voters who want a steady person, who want somebody who is steady in terms of their temperament, in terms of their manner, in terms of their speech and approach to issues. so i think this it wasn t a plant by hillary clinton in any way. i don t think it s going to
end up in an ad because this isn t the issue she doesn t want to i don t think alleged criminality those who watched it i think it was cringeworthy for a lot of folks who watched it. jake, the two of us have ties to the philly suburbs. i still live there. you have family who are there. i ve waited, we re now a month out from the election, less if you start and think that people are already voting and i ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for the pivot or the outreach to the folks who come in from our area because if we had a nickel for every time they get invoked, even on snl, we d be wealthy individuals. it s never going to happen. i mean, this is the donald trump who got this far. i think there potentially is an emperor has no clothes thing going on around him where perhaps the people who could say to him you need to pivot won t do so for whatever reason. but this is what got him thus far and this is how he s going to ride it out. and i think that he feeds on the reaction that he gets from that base which is what keeps him
hitting but michael, maybe he felt like he took the advice of the people who were telling him to pivot and be more muted in the last debate and it didn t turn out well for him. could be. so he decided well, the hell with that, i m going to throw all that out and go back to the stuff i know works. and just to elaborate, it s not michael and i are biased because we re from philadelphia but it s not just the philly burbs we re talking about, we re talking about white college educated voters, the people in the i-4 corridor in the middle of florida, we re talking about the people in northern virginia, in the suburbs of denver. these are voters that mitt romney did well with, that john mccain did well with. still not well enough to win harrisburg, where thousands show up for donald trump. and donald trump is underperforming with them. and i know that this i m sure he will win every online poll. i know that the breitbart crowd ate this up. my question is did he win over any suburban households in philadelphia? sure. i think he can. and let me use the issue here that you were just talking about
to illustrate. talking about jailing the opponent and how this is dictators and all this kind of stuff. there is another side to this. and on a side that independent voters, the kind of folks you were talking about are very concerned about, and that is the politicization of the department of justice where you have an attorney general, eric holder, who said in that case of the black panthers group there that were at the polls in philadelphia and they were armed and they were in uniform. he said he wasn t going to do it because these are my people. again, i m sure he s winning fox news voters. that s not my point. when you talk about he said he would some fact checker is the fact check machine is going tilt right now. you re speaking against the politicization of the justice department under the obama administration. his answer was i ll tell my attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to lock her up. that s not what he said. he said i will appoint a special prosecutor to look into it.
yes. and then later in the same exchange he said if he were in charge of the government she d be in jail. as a response. i know the media doesn t get satire and humor but that was a humorous line we do. we get satire. you compare him to hitler and stalin locking people up when he said i don t think anybody mentioned hitler or stalin. but let s play it. let s play the exchange. i didn t think i d say this but i m going to say it. and i hate to say it. but if i win i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. there has never been anything like it. and we re going to have a special prosecutor. when i speak, i go out and speak, the people of this country are furious. in my opinion, the people that have been long-term workers at the fbi are furious. there has never been anything like this where e-mails and
you get a subpoena. you get a subpoena, and after getting the subpoena you delete 33,000 e-mails. and then you acid wash them or bleach them, as you would say. a very expensive process. so we re going to get a special prosecutor and we re going to look into it because you know what? people have been their lives have been destroyed for doing 1/5 of what you ve done. and it s a disgrace. and honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. secretary clinton everything he just said is absolutely false but i m not surprised. oh, really? i told people that it would be impossible to be fact-checking donald all the time. i d never get to talk about anything i want to do and how we re going to really make lives better for people. so once again, go to we have literally trump, you can fact-check him in real time. it s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. because you d be in jail.
secretary clinton. yeah. humor right there. you re saying he wasn t being serious? i m saying he used that line. it was humor to illustrate the point. and the point is as with the e-mails i mean, how many so he thought she was innocent of anything wrong with e-mails? how many stories have we seen, jake, in the last two weeks about destruction of computers, special privileges, the president president clinton gets on the plane i love you guys know i love jeffrey lord. i do. i m not joking. here we go. and i greatly appreciate this is a clearing of the throat. this is it. jake, you may want to get out of the way. but the idea that you are threatening to prosecute your opponent is as best i can tell unprecedented in american history. and i will say this. you don t appoint a prosecutor to investigate. you appoint a prosecutor to lay the groundwork to put somebody in jail. and here s the problem i have with the whole thing. but hold on a second. here s the problem i have with the whole thing. look, we do have a criminal
justice system that is unfair, that is biased, but when people like black lives matter point this out people like yourself say they re race baiting, they re racist, and turn a deaf ear. so you can t have it both ways. you can t pretend to care about a broken criminal justice system only when donald trump is scoring political points about hillary clinton and then turn your deaf ear to the cries of actual people who are suffering. and there was a big missed opportunity tonight. when that muslim woman stepped forward, donald trump could have very easily said to her, i understand what you re going through. and he did. and he didn t. he did. let me finish. we ll get the tape. we ll get the tape. he very briefly said one thing. and then he basically gave an islamophobic answer to a question about islamophobia. why do i say that? because he said you the muslims
have to report on the things that are going on. as if only the muslims have to do this. as if all of the mass shootings are done by muslims. you can say you want everyone in the country you see something say something. that s an american position. he says the muslims have a special responsibility. that s an islamophobic response. and he missed opportunity after opportunity to reach out. but don t play games with criminal justice with me. so kayleigh, let me ask you. you maintain and tell me what you think. that the first part, special prosecutor, serious, but then the other thing about because you d be in jail that was a joke. i do. and the audience laughed. so i think they clearly got the humor. but you know, to van s point about criminal justice and double standards and caring about citizens, you know who i care a lot about? petty officer christian saucier, who s sitting in a jail right now sentenced to one year in prison for taking eight photographs on a submarine to show his family and bringing back classified information home for him. christian saucier s in jail. hillary clinton did the same thing.
she s out free because the fbi, to jeffrey s point, is politicized. they re friends. four of the people sitting at this table have worked in the white house. the white house must maintain an arm s length relationship from the prosecutorial power of the justice department. and it always has. except in the nixon administration where nixon did try to politicize both the fbi and the cia. it was one of the darkest moments of our history. what trump has suggested is straight out of the dictator s handbook. and it came during the same debate when he publicly broke with his running mate who dared to question vladimir putin. now, ken vogel of politico points out, but i remember this from my own work, that in ukraine a putin puppet, viktor yanukovych, did the same thing. he became president. he was a putin puppet. he locked up his predecessor, yulia tymoshenko. this guy is laying the groundwork for exactly he wants to crack down on the first amendment against journalists. in every rally he attacks journalists. now he wants to lock up his opponent just like putin s
buddy. and even his running mate takes second fiddle to his pal putin hold that thought. coming up who won tonight s debate? what do voters think? we ll reveal the first results of our instant poll of debate watchers. and we ll get the first reaction from our focus group of undecided voters in the key battleground state of ohio. stay with us. yeah mom, the new kitchen s great. hey! if you want somethig to cook faster,
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we re here in the spin room getting reaction from all the candidates both the candidates surrogates. lots of reaction coming in. we re also standing by for the exclusive results of our cnn/orc poll of voters in ohio. we re going to get that momentarily. stand by for that. first official unofficial but poll results. scientific poll that we ve got, you re going to get those results momentarily. david chalian will be with us for that. the big question of the night, what did undecided voters think about donald trump s answer to the question about the leaked tape? pamela brown watched the debate with a group of these voters. we re about to show you what they thought. while you watch look at the bottom of your screen. if the lines go up, voters liked the answer. if the lines go down, they didn t like the answer. men s responses are in green, women in yellow. here s donald trump s response. just for the record, though, are you saying that what you
said on that bus 11 years ago, that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent? i have great respect for women. nobody has more respect for women than i do. for the record you re saying you didn t do those things? you hear these things are said and i was embarrassed by it but i have tremendous respect for women. have you ever done those things? and women have respect for me. and i will tell you no, i have not. and i will tell you that i m going to make our country safe. pamela, these voters didn t seem to like his answer. yeah, as you saw the very strong reactions from these 29 undecided voters from the ohio state university. so let s get straight to them to see what their reaction was when donald trump defended himself against that access hollywood video. what did you think, barb, when you heard what he had to say? i find it hard to believe whatever he says. he just doesn t seem to be a
truthful person. reporter: and you have two sons and you had sort of a visceral reaction to what he said in defense of that video and what he was saying in that video. what did you think? well, i just feel that everyone has placed all of the accent upon young women and how we should protect them. we are equal citizens. i would hope that my sons would not talk like he did and i have tried to raise them not to act that way. reporter: it s interesting, because he reiterated in his defense that this is locker room banter, that this is just words. what do you think, larry? did that resonate with you? no. because that s not locker room talk. and for a 59-year-old man to claim that that s locker room talk i think is offensive to the young men who are out playing sports and doing the right thing. to me, it s pure and simple, sexual assault. and he should be held accountable for his thinking and actions of sexual assault.
so to you that is not just locker room banter? that s not. not at 59 years old, especially. i don t know any 59-year-olds who are in locker rooms. i just want to get quickly a show of hands. who thought that donald trump did enough to put that controversy surrounding the tape behind him? raise your hand if you think he did enough tonight in defense. okay. and there were some positive reactions when hillary clinton actually spoke after donald trump defended himself against that video. let s take a listen to what she had to say during the debate. this is who donald trump is and the question for us, the question our country must answer is that this is not who we are. that s why, to go back to your question, i want to send a message. we all should. to every boy and girl and indeed to the entire world that america already is great but we are great because we are good.
so i want to ask you, what was it about hillary clinton s argument that resonated with you following donald trump s defense of the video? she stated that america is already great and i tend to agree with that. though we are slow in progressing in a number of areas, we are progressing and we need to continue the momentum. what about you? what did you think about hillary clinton s argument, the way that she reacted, particularly when he brought up bill clinton s past and the allegations against him? what did you think? i think that she tried to clarify that they weren t the same, that what donald trump had done was she had talked about her children and other people s children and daughters and that it just it was uncalled for and he should not have done it and didn t feel that his apology was sincere. and it s interesting because she largely sort of stayed away from going there. do you think that was a smart move? raise your hand if you think
that was a smart move. and raise your hand if you think it was a smart move for donald trump to bring that up, if that was fair game. why do you think that? well, i think, you know, if everything is out on the table, then everything is fair game. is it apples to apples, absolutely not. but i don t think in these debates it just doesn t ever seem like anything s off the table. i m going to get a show of hands now. the big question, who do you think won this debate? hillary clinton. raise your hand if you think hillary clinton won tonight s debate. okay. raise your hand if you think donald trump won this debate. okay. so clearly there are some of you who thought this was a draw. raise your hand if you think tonight s debate was a draw. all right. there you go. there you have it, wolf. mixed response. coming up, we re going to talk about what they thought and who they are going to vote for, these undecided voters, if any of them cemented their vote after tonight s debate. you won t want to miss that. hillary clinton is now speaking to reporters aboard her aircraft. i want to listen in.
go back and lean up against my stool but he was very present. we re going to take off. then we re going to bring you - you . [ inaudible question ]. nothing surprises me about him really, dan. i was surprised by the absolute avalanche of falsehoods. i mean, i really find it almost unimaginable that someone can stand and just tell, you know, a falsehood after falsehood. you all remember politifact said he was the most untruthful candidate they d ever evaluated. and we sort of did the numbers. i think they said he was like 70% untruthful. and so i think he exceeded that percentage tonight. how did president clinton anyway, thank you, guys. we ll come back in a few minutes.
there she is. hillary clinton going to the back of her plane to speak to reporters, making some tough statements once again against donald trump. we have the results now of our instant poll. we ve been waiting for this. david chalian, our political director. give us the results. wolf, as you know, we did a pofl debate watchers. this is not a national poll of all voters. this is a poll of debate watchers and just like we saw in the first debate and the vice presidential debate, the audience skews a little more democratic. debate watchers are a little more democratic than we would see in a national poll overall. having said that, who won the debate? according to the debate watchers we polled, hillary clinton won the debate. 57% to 34% for donald trump. that s not as big of a victory as she got in our poll in the first debate but it is a clear victory here. but talk about besting expectations. take a look at this. did donald trump best expectations, did he do better
than you thought he would do? 63% of debate watchers said donald trump did better than they expected. only 21% say that he did worse and 15% say he did the same as they expected. how about hillary clinton s expectation game? take a look at these numbers. did hillary clinton do better or worse than you expected? 39% say she did better. 26% said she did worse and 34% said she did about the same. hillary clinton the winner in this poll of who won the debate. but donald trump significantly overperforming expectations. but the polls show that she did win this debate. let s get immediate reaction from kellyanne conway, the trump campaign manager who is with us. what s your reaction to that? my reaction is that i m glad that people think that 60% according to your online poll believe that hillary clinton either did worse or the same as they expected. it showed she wasn t very well prepared for tonight s debate. and that really surprises me. because if she s anything she s, you know, very wonky. she s very pedantic, lawyerly in her responses.
i would have thought she d be better prepared for this debate. ail heard all week, wolf, is that the town hall format is really great for her. whereas we know it s our sweet spot because donald trump is out there every single day engaging with voters. he loves that. he s at the rallies. he s at the smaller forum round tables. he s at his own town halls. he clearly won the debate tonight why? because if you watched anybody s shows this whole weekend we ve just been left for dead, it s all over, why even show up, will there be a debate, are people jumping ship. he came here to play tonight and he came here to take the case right to hillary clinton and to show americans this race is still what it s always been. past versus future. politician versus successful businessman. washington insider versus disrupter. and he made that case very clearly. he did not back down. kellyanne, i want to ask you about what he said at the beginning of the debate. more than one time he referred once again to what he said on that tape as locker room talk. you re his campaign manager, the only woman at the head of that campaign. what did you think when you saw
and you heard that? truthfully, what was your reaction? my initial reaction was very close to what melania trump said. i was offended. and i think that language is offensive and disgusting. and i m also very happy that he apologized. i m glad that he holds himself excuse me. accountable. because i look at the full measure of people, what they ve said, what they ve done, dana, and how they deal with adversity that comes to him to them. and donald trump is absolutely correct. these are words compared to actions. and he made that very clear tonight that hillary clinton blaming and shaming the women in her husband s life, that is not somebody who s standing up for women. but the term locker room talk. you had the highest-ranking woman in congress, republican woman, kathy mcmorris rogers, blowing that off and saying no, no, no, this is suggesting sexual assault and that s a very unfortunate phrase and people should stop using it. why? because i know him better. and i know better. but it s what he said.
he did not say the word sexual no. it s what he implied you want to talk about sexual assault, right here in the hall i know cnn doesn t want into the view them for whatever reason. you give miss universe a big platform. but we have in the hall tonight juanita broaddrick and paula jones and kathy shelton the 12-year-old rape victim that two years before the rape shield laws were implemented in arkansas hillary clinton defending her 42-year-old rapist successfully defending him getting him a plea bargain. she was willing to blame and shame that victim as well who was 12 years old. we can talk about sexual assault but let s have a full conversation about it. this is what i know. i have to assess people based on what i see in totem. this is a man i ve been alone with many times who s never been anything but gracious and a gentleman and elevated me to the top level of his campaign the way he s elevated women in the trump organization for decades. because he respects women. let me just say that cnn at the time many, many years ago did fully litigate these two gentlemen were actually covering
the clinton white house fully, talk about and report on their stories at the time. because it is very old. and i just because you brought it up i just have to say, kellyanne how she treated them. no, no. it was real time. i just have to say because you brought it up that your boss himself back in 1998 told neil cavuto about these victims. i don t necessarily agree with his victims, talking about bill clinton. his victims are terrible. he, meaning bill clinton, is the real victim himself. he put himself in that position. and he talked about how unattractive these people are. so in 1998 we re not going to talk about paula jones because it s too old but we ll talk did what i m saying is at that time he was defending bill clinton and going after these guys and now he s changed he s gotten to know them. we took note of hillary clinton s comment on the campaign trail and actually she said all sexual assault victims deserve to be heard and believed. these are her words. she s running for president now. she wants to be the president of all people. i assume except for the ones she
thinks are deplorable and airredeemable which is tens of millions. but in fairness i know we want to talk about this because we certainly don t want to talk about tonight s campaign performance. when hillary clinton just on her plane lying that donald trump said falsehood after falsehood. i was watching the debate in real time. politifact, the fact checker said he was right about her wanting to have a 550% increase in sir refugees let me ask you another question about the debate. donald trump said he had not spoken to his vice presidential running mate mike pence about syria and he disagreed with him. we re 30 days from the american people voting. mike pence will be out there campaigning tomorrow. is the message to the american people at mike pence rallies don t believe what he says because not at all. they were talking about two different things. i just talked to governor pence not ten minutes ago. he says hello. he and mr. trump had also talked about what a great debate we ve had between tuesday night the vice presidential debate and tonight obviously donald trump winning here. in a vice presidential debate the conversation was about
humanitarian crisis. and that s what governor pence was referring to. and mr. trump said and he said the united states might have to use force. governor pence the united states might he might have to. and donald trump said tonight i disagree with that. and i haven t spoken with him. about that particular aspect of it since the debate. that is true p they ve spoken many times this week. but let me be clear. on tv on your network today cnn s jake tapper took tim kaine to account because he couldn t answer a simple question about what hillary clinton said in the e-mails about having open borders. we know she s for open borders but the only way we know it now is because we saw it in her e-mails we did hear something extraordinary from donald trump today. he said if he s elected president he will ask the justice department to name a special prosecutor to go after hillary clinton. and then he went one step further and said he would arrest her and lock her up he would put her in jail. in all of the years, i don t remember a time in american history when one candidate has said of the other candidate if
he wins the other candidate s going to jail. donald trump is channeling the frustration of a lot of americans he hears from, wolf. so many americans say i can t believe that people have been their lives have been ruined, their livelihood gone, they face jail time for doing far less than hillary clinton did hear and yet she was completely exonerated for deleting 33,000 e-mails, not turning over another 17,000. that s 50,000 right there. setting up the private server to begin with. saying that there s no classified information. fbi director comey said that s not true. i only had one device. she had many. they took a hammer to them. the story goes on and on. and it s an active investigation. in other words, just less than two weeks ago did ybut you understand the enormity of that statement. he s going to lock up his opponent if he wins. well, no, what he said is he wants to appoint a special prosecutor because he feels and he channels nearly public will here he hears all the time if we don t hear about the disasters in obama care and her failure with the russian reset
and benghazi we re always hearing about the e-mails. and he is telling he told america tonight what america has told him. the frustration that there s a different set of rules for this woman as goes for e-mails. and she i you ve got to run. i m going to put up on the screen the results of our poll. you re a professional pollster. you ll see the results. these are people who actually watched the debate and millions and millions of americans watched. who won the debate? 57% said hillary clinton won the debate. 34% said donald trump won the debate. that s the results of our cnn/orc poll. kellyanne, thanks very much for joining us. i watched a different debate, but thank you. coming up we re going to have a reality check on some of the most contentious statements we heard from the candidates tonight. and we ll reveal more results from our own poll of watchers. what was their response to trump s attempts to explain his vulgar comments caught on tape? stay with us.
welcome back. we re here in the spin room following this historic debate. we ve got a reality check, some fact checking with tom foreman and phil mattingly. tom foreman, first to you. what have you found out? wolf, attacks and insults have characterized this campaign for months now. and tonight as well. with hillary clinton saying donald trump has gone after women again and again. but it s not only women and it s not only this video that raises questions about his fitness to be our president. because he has also targeted immigrants, african-americans, latinos, people with disabilities, p.o.w.s, muslims, and so many others. that is really an enormous list of people up there. could this possibly be true? well, if you go all wait back to when he announced his candidacy, yeah, at some time or another he s either said or done something to disparage people on every one of these lists.
this was actually a very easy one to check. and her claim is true. wolf? thank you, tom. phil mattingly, you ve been doing a reality check as well. yeah, that s right. it wasn t just hillary clinton that was taking some swings tonight. donald trump rolling off a litany of attacks against bill and hillary clinton. included this one. that bill clinton lost his law license. but what president clinton did, he was impeached. he lost his license to practice law. so here s the claim, that bill clinton lost his law license. quite simply was no longer allowed to practice law. so here are the facts. in the wake of revelations that bill clinton lied during the monica lewinsky investigation the arkansas supreme court brought a disbarment lawsuit against clinton. now, clinton agreed as part of the resolution to that lawsuit the day before leaving office to a five-year suspension of his arkansas law license as part of that plea deal to put an end to the lewinsky investigation.
so where does that leave us? the verdict. it s true. on donald trump s claim that bill clinton lost his law license for five years. it s accurate. for this and all of tonight s reality checks go to wolf? cnn s coverage of the second presidential debate continues right after this.
a high one. donald trump s campaign staggered after the video where the bragged he could grab a woman s genitals. then he went to attack mode and hillary clinton responded. look, it s just not true. you didn t delete them? personal e-mails. not official. we turned over 35,000. what about the other 50,000? please allow her to respond. she didn t talk while you talked. that s true. i ll try not to in this debate because i d like to get to the questions that the people have brought here tonight to talk to us about. and get off this question. okay, donald, i know you re into big diversion tonight. anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way it is exploding and the way republicans are leaving you. the news this morning,

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Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20161216 21:00:00

structure structures in our political system, as envisioned by the founders, that sometimes they re going to disadvantage democrats, but the truth of the matter is, is that if we have a strong message, if we re speaking to what the american people care about, typically you know, the popular vote and the electoral college vote will align, and i guess part of my overall message here as i leave for the holidays is that if we looked for one explanation or one silver bullet, or one easy fix for our politics, then we re probably
initiative and school nutrition program is a greater threat to democracy than our government going after the press if they re issuing a story we don t like. i mean that s an issue that i think we ve got to wrestle with. and we will. people asked me how do you feel after the election? i say well, look, this is a clarifying moment. it s a useful reminder that voting counts, politics counts, what the president-elect is going to be doing is going to be very different than what i was doing, and i think people will be able to compare and contrast and make judgments about what worked for the american people,
listen to some of what he said there. in early september, when i saw president putin in china, i felt that the most effective way to ensure that that didn t happen was to talk to him directly, and tell him to cut it out, and there were going to be some serious consequences if if he didn t. reporter: okay, now that warning and there will be consequences, obviously that didn t stop this process of selective leaks, of continued hacks that we know from intelligence officials still continue to this day. so obviously that warning of consequences was ineffective and the president didn t really address that aspect of it, but i think what he tried to do throughout this press conference was explain his behavior, his choices in great detail, and also defend them, and we saw a defense of how he handled the hacking initially. we saw a defense of the fbi and how they acted, defense of the
timing of the release of that information, and also an extensive defense on how the u.s. has handled the situation, the absolutely wrenching situation ongoing in aleppo. listen to some of that. part of the goal here was to make sure that we did not do the work of the leakers for them by raising more and more questions about the integrity of the election right before the leck was taking place, at a time, by the way, when the president-elect himself was raising questions about the integrity of the election. reporter: so there you heard his defense of the timing, of naming russia, of the political forces involved. of course, you know, how that happened, how it all played out ultimately is the open debate that s raging right now. i mean, there has been criticism of how that happened coming not just from republicans, from democrats. so the president wanted to lay
out why they felt in fact he spelled it out in those words. he said that he felt that he did what he should have done, how his administration handled it. he feels that his administration allowed the intelligence community to do their jobs, and he kind of left it at that. he also didn t want to wade too far into other, you know, really difficult issues right now like the electors, who might not vote, cast their votes for donald trump. the criticism of the fbi and coming from democrats that that may have contributed to the outcome of the election, so there are things that, you know, as expected, he didn t want to go into too much detail on but you saw him here wanting to fully take this opportunity at length to explain his decisions and once again maybe for the last time try to make the case to the american public of why he felt he was doing, you know, the
best under the circumstances, and trying to protect them. jake? michelle kosinski at the white house thanks so much. the now to how the u.s. came to point fingers at russia. sources confirming an internal message sent from cia director john brennan that the fbi and u.s. intelligence, the national security director, as well, sorry the director of national intelligence as well as the director of the cia, all of them, including the fbi russia tried to undermine u.s. politics and this is important, this is significant, and that one of their motivations was to try to help donald trump win the election. joining me now cnn chief national security correspondent jim sciutto. jim, there has not been unanimity on what the motivation of russia was. the news that the fbi now agrees with cia director brennan, that seems significant. well it is. i think one point to make is that there was less disagreement than some reporting and then some gop lawmakers have been
saying, speaking to multiple officials both in the intelligence agencies and in law enforceme enforcement, this is what is new today. cia director john brennan feeling the need to write the entire cia staff an internal message that said the following, there is strong consensus on the scope, nature and zpent jake noted it was key of russian hacking. let me add this caveat. you never know intent for sure, that s looking into the minds of president vladimir putin and people working for him. their analysis is there were multiple intents, one undermine the political process, sow doubts here in america about the presidential election. in addition to that weaken hillary clinton through the releases of emails and internal communications and thereby help donald trump. my understanding from speaking to multiple intelligence officials is that early on, even russia may not have judged that donald trump was going to win this election, but as he
continued to improve his chances, there say perception, judgment and assessment inside the cia that they believe russia went, in effect, all-in for donald trump. again, that s their assessment with the necessary caveats that they can t know for sure but another thing here. there have been reports out there, also been charges you might say from lawmakers that the fbi and the cia are disagreeing that the cia is alone in making this assessment, that the intention may very well have been to help donald trump. in fact i m told by people on both sides of the river that, is from law enforcement and intelligence agencies that that disaxwreegreement is overblown. they find that plausible and the cia believes it has more evidence that was the the case. i ve spoken to a lot of people inside the agencies. there is enormous frustration and anger among intelligence agents and analysts and the cia, and a number of things, attacks
on them, questioning of the work that they do, charges that they are politicizing the intelligence here, going in for hillary clinton, say by making this assessment. enormous frustration there. they re trying to do their job and what you re hearing in this communication from the cia director to them, listen, we re on the same page. don t hear what you say about disagreement between us and the cia. we like what you re doing, we respect what you re doing, up necessary message. let s bring in our panel now to talk about the president s press conference, we have usa today columnist keirston powers, republican pollster kristen soltis anderson, senior political analyst david gergen, as well as david axelrod. and let me start with you, keirston. the president coming out making a strong defense of himself, of his administration, of the decisions he s made and very
specifically criticizing not just the russians, but things that donald trump, the president-elect, has said and done regarding russia. he also was pretty critical of the media as well, he felt the media didn t do their job covering the issue appropriately, that the media went overboard in covering things that he referred to was in the wikileaks emails basically sort of routine information that was embarrassing but shouldn t be getting the front page coverage that it was getting and basically saying we put the information out there and you guys didn t do enough with it and i actually agree with him on the coverage of the more salacious or silly stuff that wasn t relevant. i don t necessarily agree on the other side. i think it s the job of the people in power to make issues for people for the press to follow them and highlight them for being important, that s how things often get covered, and that s how people often know what s important. kristen, president obama citing a poll that suggests that
37% of republicans in the united states have a favorable impression of vladimir putin. i believe that s a higher favorable rating among republicans than president obama has, and his point being was that donald trump the president-elect has been cozying up for want of a better word, praising putin. we have become a very tribal nation so when people are listening to these poll questions they re responding from sort of partisan instincts. you ve seen not only improvements in the flafrt toward vladimir putin but wikileaks, where three years ago those numbers flipped p republicans slightly more positive toward wikileaks and a lot of this was in part aided by much of the discussion before the election about the need for this election to be taken seriously and treated as legitimate and now republicans, having won the election are feeling a little bit like well you told us we needed to accept these results. now we re being told this election was illegitimate.
i think that s some of the emotional response. maybe we like vladimir putin and we like wikileaks. it s not all republicans and you ll see in some of the confirmation hearings for the secretary of state, some republican senators who are opposed to what russia is doing. some of the conflicts between existing republican senators and the new president-elect potentially coming out. at one point president obama knew about these hacks and suggested of course he did. take a listen to that. the intelligence that i ve seen gives me great confidence in their assessment that the russians carried out this hack. not much happens in russia without vladimir putin. let me go to david axelrod now and david, did anything president obama say surprise you? it seemed to me that he was very aggressively linking donald trump and the russians and i don t know that that s going to
help make the case to the country, which some of whom did vote for donald trump, the president-elect that this russian hack should be taken very seriously. first of all on the previous point about the poll, i think the point he was trying to make is not that a third of the republicans are soft on putin, but the point that kristen made, which is that we have become so polarized, that even on something like putin, partisan tribal instincts kick in and you see these great shifts and what he was making the case that we shouldn t do that. i actually thought, jake, that he was trying not to be, to done thematory of donald trump, but he was making a point that trump, throughout the campaign, has or throughout this issue has minimized and dismissed this, and there s a danger in that. his overarching point it seemed to me was this was an incursion
on our national sovereignty. this is not a democratic issue or a republican issue. setting aside of what the intent or motivation was, it was an alarming intrusion on our political process by vladimir putin, and that should be a source of concern to everyone, and on this point, jim sciutto mentioned earlier how dismayed the intelligence community, i assume the fbi is about the characterization of their roles in this. i thought one important part of this press conference was the president s stout defense of those people who do that work. he was talking about the fbi and he said they work hard, they save lives. it s important for the president of the united states to stand up for our institutions, and i think the president was trying very hard to do that in this press conference. david gergen let s talk about that last point. obviously the fbi just in the last 4 hours has really been under fire by former secretary of state hillary clinton, who in a room full of donors faulted
james comey for the letter and her, what she perceives to be his interference in the election, costing her the election, and then john podesta, hillary clinton s campaign chairman, today in the washington post laying out in an op-ed how he thinks the fbi is really performing in a subpar manner and its behavior during the election was indefensible in john podesta s view. as david axelrod pointed out president obama a strong defender of the fbi today. he was a very strong defender of the fbi, and i think, jake, his whole press conference underscored just how dramatic a change we are having in american government. ever since the end of world war ii, when one president has succeeded another, the two presidents, the old one and new one almost always agree on the nature of the threat we face as americans, but disagree sometimes on the means of dealing with it.
in this case, president obama has a completely different view of the threat we face from russia than donald trump does. he lay squarely on the russia, at the russian s feet, blamed for what s happening in aleppo we wouldn t have this slaughter were it not for the russians bringing in armaments and saving assad and the question on the election and the hacking. the russians are squarely behind that and here we ve got donald trump coming in with a completely different sense of reality in effect going we want to cozy up to the russians. vladimir putin can be our friend. he s the strong man i admire. i admire him and 37% of the american people follow along with trump and say that, too. we re in new territory here on so many different fronts, and i think it makes the trump presidency not just fascinating but it also makes it, you know, very, very, makes people feel very uneasy in washington in
places like the fein and the cia, where they want to do their jobs and they fear they have a president who comes in, who is coming in, who is hostile toward them, who has a very different sense of reality and they don t know where that goes. of course, at home you might be forgiven for wondering if russia did all of this as the u.s. intelligence agencies and president obama allege russian officials did. what is the united states going to do about it? president obama did briefly address that. take a listen. i told russia to stop it, and indicated there will be consequences when they do it. our goal continues to be to send a clear message to russia or others not to do this stuff because we can do this stuff to you. clarissa ward is live in moscow. president obama saying there will be consequences for russia s actions. has moscow reacted to that
threat yet and do they worry at all, given the fact that they are so overjoyed, according to your reporting and others, with the election of donald trump? reporter: well there s been no official response yet, and i wouldn t hold your breath in terms of any major shift in the russian party line which has been this is ludicrous, this is nonsense, prove it or move on. it s indecent, was the word the kremlin spokesperson used today to describe these constant accusations but i think you also heard president obama during that press conference really illuminating the two main reasons that it is so difficult to respond to russia and to respond to president putin in particular. the first one being that naming and shaming don t work. naming russia doesn t work because russia just denies it, whether it s hacking, whether it s when the little green men first appeared in crimea, you might remember president putin initially denied there was anything going on there. shaming we ve seen clearly doesn t work as in aleppo
particularly, in that example. so there s a sense that you have a tough situation on your hands as a u.s. president, when you re trying to respond to something like this, because you can t name, you can t shame and the second difficulty becomes that because russia is engaging in what is essentially hybrid warfare, you can t really respond in a conventional way and you certainly can t respond in a public way, and unlike president vladimir putin, who doesn t really have to answer to his voters, i think the u.s. president does feel some pressure from the american people to answer to them to explain what is being done to punish russia or to retaliate or ensure something like this never happens again, and what president obama was essentially saying there is you can t really do that in this type of situation. so he then says i can t illuminate for you, i can t tell you exactly how i m going to respond and i m sure that s bound to leave some people feeling was that a weak answer, is it a copout? why won t he name president putin directly and say exactly
what s going to be done in terms of retaliation. it struck me it illustrates some of the ways in which it is so difficult to respond to the unique set of threats that russia and president putin present to the u.s. jake? clarissclarissa, let me ask h your senior international correspondent hat, somebody who has covered what s going on in syria, from the front lines, president obama said he feels responsible every time he sees images from syria, whether it s children being killed by sniper fire or anyone being slaughtered but that ultimately, he said i understand the impulse to try to do something, but then ultimately when it came to a decision and finding a decision on what to do about syria and the civil war, finding a solution that was sustainable and realistic and good for the united states, that he ended up where he ended up and he doesn t know that it s successful but he doesn t know that he would arrive at a different decision,
having covered what s going on in syria, what was your response when you heard him say that? i think my response was it s clear that president obama, that this does weigh on him heavily. he has said this a number of times, that it keeps him up at night, that he does feel some sort of responsibility. i think maybe privately he might acknowledge that there was a window at some point where the u.s. probably could have done more, where the u.s. potentially could have saved more lives, but what we ve seen the president do over and over again is try to present syria as a situation where there were only two options open to the u.s. do a little bit of not that much, which is what the u.s. ultimately went for, or go full scale boots on the ground, hundreds of thousands of troops invasion. personally, from what i have seen on the ground, from what i have heard from allies who were supporting the rebels, i do believe there was a middle
ground option, although i do not think anyone would argue that there have ever been any easy answers in syria, but certainly we ve seen president obama repeatedly try to present this as it was a choice between what we did or a full scale invasion and i still think i did the right thing by doing what we did. obviously he s interested in preserving his legacy but i think you heard there as he talked about the ways in which he s haunted by quha is happening in syria he is aware history may not be so kind t may be a stain on his legacy. david axelrod, there are no easy answers about syria, but do you accept that president obama largely tries to present this as the two choices, either not really do much of anything, which is what s going on right now, or full scale invasion, and he kind of leaves out the fact that there were other options, including more fully arming
syrian moderate rebels, creating a no fly zone, trying more emphatically to get arab nation troops on the ground there. what is your insight? first of all just knowing him as i do, when he says he anguishes over this, i know that to be true. i don t think anything influences him more than children. he said this is the first time i cried in the oval office, and whenever a child is in distress or being wronged, he s also someone who tend to ask the question then what? the question that wasn t asked when the invasion of iraq took place, so you heard him articulate it here. i don t think he was particularly defensive today. he was laying out his reasoning
and history will judge whether it was right or wrong. his reasoning this would have sucked us into a conflict that would have grown and would have enveloped us in the way the past conflict did and the country could not afford that, couldn t stand that. whether he would disagree i m sure there was a viable middle ground and that again will be debated by history but i don t think anyone should conclude that he was looking for a way not to solve this problem i think he desperately wanted to find a seclusion. you talk to people around the white house this is something that haunts them. david gergen, it does seem as though presidents and historians judge themselves harshly when it comes to inaction in situations such as this, i m thinking about
president bill clinton and rwanda. the public doesn t really have much interest getting involved in foreign wars or better or worse, often for worse when it comes to innocent lives being slaughtered. that s a very good point, jake. it s certainly true that george w. bush will be remembered far more for going into iraq than president obama remembered for staying out of syria. the syrian situation became a lot more complicated when there was a dramatic turning point when the russians got in. that made it a lot harder to look at any middle ground, and this thing has gone south ever since that happened. the russians have been blocking actions of the u.n. you would think by this time the u.n. would have teams in there to save these poor civilians and when you have the russian blocking thing you can t get anywhere. i just think that s why donald
trump represents 180-degree turn in how we think about the russians, how to respond to them and how to move ahead in the world. kristen, what tuning about president obama s response when it came to talking about aleppo? he said i cannot claim that my strategy has been successful. i appreciate that president obama is anguished as we are when we see the horrific footage and photos. anguish doesn t save the children of alep poe. there have been folks all along before russia got involved that have been saying we need to arm moderate rebels there, because now you have situations where you have cities that were first taken by isis, liberated by assad and liberated from isis, because the one good potential side was never fully supported by the u.s. so a feckless half measure led us to where we are and created a vacuum where russia was able to step in and take stronger measures.
president-elect donald trump sounds less interested in getting involved in syria and iraq than president obama was. i also think to a certain extent we don t know what would have happened if we armed the rebels. now the people can say if we just would have armed the rebels all of these great things would have happened. it could have easily gone badly. we ve armed rebels in the past and it s gone badly. we didn t know who the rebels were so we could be giving arms to potentially isis actually. the president did a painstaking step by step going through all of the different things he had to think through making this decision and it weighs heavily on him and i think he was in a really tough decision in making this call, and in a way we ll never really know whether it would have made a difference or not. kristen, kirsten, david, david, thank you so much. our breaking news coverage. congressman sean duffy, republican of wisconsin, when we come back will weigh in on
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welcome back to the lead. i m jake tapper. the russians are responsible for hacking the dnc and john podesta and that his administration laid out the facts when it released a joint statement accusing the russians of orchestrating cyber attacks against u.s. political targets. i wanted to make sure everybody understood we were playing straight, weren t trying to advantage one side or another. joining me to discuss this all republican congressman sean duffy from wisconsin, a member of president-elect trump s transition executive team. congressman thanks so much for joining us. great to be with you jake, thanks for having me on. you heard the president say russia is directly responsible for the hacks and there was no attempt before the election to spin the fact for the political ben fit of hillary clinton. what s your response?
if you remember in the middle of october trmp trrp was saying this election was going to be rigged. i ve come on cnn the election s not going to be requirigged. fair and free. president obama said to donald trump stop whining, mag the case to the american people. never did he say russia was involved in this election and now after the election the president s come out and we see leaks from the intelligence department, media reports have come out as well about russian involvement. the problem that we have is, we haven t seen any reports yet. the intelligence community hasn t come to the hill and briefed deb nunez, nor senator ron johnson, chairman of homeland security in the senate so we have great reservation how this played out and i think a key point is, one, if russia was involved, russia s hacking, i want to know that. i think the american people deserve to know that but the truth is, i agree with barack obama. we had a free and fair election, all votes that were cast were
counted and the dnc hack or the hack in to clinton clintonhilla email through john podesta, nobody cared about the attacks. this didn t drive the opinion. they looked at the economy, security and strong leadership. they didn t care that the dnc was involved helping hillary clinton over bernie sanders or some of the internal scandals and strive inside the hillary clinton campaign that came out through the podesta emails. those were nonfactors so the hack didn t impact the outcome but that they were trying, we should actually know about that and i support any investigation to find out what involvement they are trying to have. one other point, jake, russia should be pretty good at hacking and if we re going to have some influence, try to have some real influence on the election. they were miserable failures if they just did the dnc and podesta. you might be conflating the idea of hacking into voting
machines to change vote counts. that s one of the things that i think was being debated before the election, whether there would be an attempt to do that and that obviously did not happen and i think that s what president obama talked about before the election in terms of go out and make your case, but then in terms of what effect did the election, i mean i guess we don t know. hillary clinton could have gone to wisconsin after the convention, your home state and the kremlin didn t tell her not to do that. there s any number of factors that could have played a role, we re talking about 80,000 votes in three states and hillary clinton would be president-elect right now, so the idea that maybe this played a role, we ll never know but maybe it did. surely you would want to know what russia did. sounds like that s what you re saying, that congress needs to get to the bottom of it. i totally agree with that but i do think sometimes i think the media can conflate the two as well and say russia hacked and then therefore had an
influgs on the election. i can speak for my part of the state of wisconsin, and it had no bearing on the decision that the people made on who they were going to vote for. it was embarrassing stuff but not really things that drove the electorate one way or the other, in my opinion, from the voters that i saw, and again going back to president obama s statements at the beginning in the middle of october, you know, if there was hacks coming in from russia, he should have talked about that with donald trump and said you know what? there is an issue here. this election could be rigged not by the voting machines but because of russian influence and we should have had a whole vetting of that in october but if not why won t the intelligence community come to the hill and vet members of congress? why are we getting this information through leaks instead of in a secure setting on the hill? that s a head scratcher for a lot of us in congress. we look forward to them briefing you and open hearings as well. congressman duffy thanks so much, appreciate your time
thanks, jake. hillary clinton s campaign manager says the fbi s handling of the russian hacking shows something is deeply broken at the agency. does the nation s top law enforcement official agree? i ll ask attorney general loretta lynch next. y red tag sa. this thing is a beast. steel or aluminum? steel. why? science. it s gonna hold up over aluminum, big time. you can get special holiday pricing and when you find your red tag, you get thousands more cash back. that s two deals in one. two deals sound better than one. that s a for-sure thing for me. during the red tag sales event, get two deals in one. find your tag for an average total value over ninety-six hundred dollars on chevy silverado all stars. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever?
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signer attack on u.s. election systems, blames a long time grudge held by russian president vladimir putin. john podesta also took some time and blame for the sprawling hack that ensnared her candidacy. he faulted failures at the fbi and podesta called out fbi director james comey. now the fbi however is pushing back. evan perez joins me now. evan, you ve been reporting on fbi warnings of attempted hacks since the summer. how do you recall officials describing their response? jake, i think what s happening right now is members of the clinton campaign are trying to explain to their supporters how they lost this election and hillary clinton met with some of our donors and she described it this way. take a listen. we have to recognize that, as the latest reports made clear, vladimir putin himself directed the covert cyber attacks against
our electoral system, against our democracy, apparently because he has a personal beef against mimi. against me. hillary clinton s campaign manager john podesta wrote an op-ed in the washington post in addition to the fact that the fbi director sent these letters just before the election that talked about the finding of new emails, he also said that the fbi did not work hard enough to investigate the dnc hacks, certainly not as hard as they did to pursue the email investigation. they left voice mails with an i.t. staffer. jake, we ve been reporting on this since the summer and our reporting scholes the fbi one official told me they called the dnc 11 times they reached out to the dnc, they reached out to the dnc s general counsel s office, they went so far as to invite the dnc to an exercise to a briefing where they could get an idea of how these things are
done. the dnc declined. so the fbi did not do everything perfectly here but there was a little bit morrow bust response than podesta makes it out to be. some spinning coming from the dnc why this wasn t their fault. owe des ta suggested the fbi should have investigated the hacks by the russians with the same intensity and manpower that it used to investigate hillary clinton s private email server. is that a fair charge? are the cases too different to compare? they re very different. one case we re talking about the clinton and her staff being the targets of an investigation, of a criminal investigation, and then the other the dnc, they were victims of a crime. you could only go so far to encourage a victim to cooperate. if they decline there s not much more they can do. they didn t call the security company that she should have done and look at it from the point of view of the dnc, they don t necessarily want the fbi in their business. we can understand perhaps why this went this way. interesting, thank you so much.
attorney general loretta lynch oversees the entire justice department and this includes of course the fbi. earlier today i sat down with her exclusively and i asked her to respond to what poe des spod said in his op-ed in his case against the fbi. he said he s surprised to read in the new york times when the fbi discovered the russian attack in september of 2015 it failed to even send a single agent to warn senior dnc officials. instead messages were left with the dnc i.t. help desk. is that an accurate description of the outreach to the fbi did to the dnc and if so, is that sufficient? so as we ve talked about earlier this year, the investigation into the hacks of the dnc and the d triple c is an ongoing investigation, an active investigation so i m not able to comment on the specifics of how people were contacted but i can say that the fbi has
worked closely with those organizations, both to discuss what we ve learned about the hacks to gather information about them so that we can continue this investigation. whether or not you can get into specifics, is it true that there was this level of calling the dnc that doesn t sound particularly competent or doesn t sound like it had the urgency that one would think? is that basic description that podesta makes, is it accurate? i can tell you this investigation was taken seriously from the beginning. this is an incredibly serious issue. i can t comment on mr. podesta s sources or where he gets his information or why he has that view. what i can say is that he s not involved in the ongoing investigation so he wouldn t be privy to everything that would have been done or said to that. but as i said, he s entitled to his opinion, but what i m what he s not entitled to is facts. i wonder if his facts are accurate. he finds it downright infewer
yaiting nearly the exact same time no one could bother to drive ten minutes from the agency. he is suggesting without question that hillary clintonese email server got more attention from the justice department and the fbi than this hack investigation by russia, which i think it s fair to say seems fairly serious. well that s an ongoing investigation so i would say it s been taken very seriously. did the clinton email investigation get more attention than the hacks? you can t characterize it and i don t think that it is going to be helpful to try and draw equivalencies to any investigation with others to say and therefore it means that one was more or less important. because as i said, one is resolved right now. one is finished and one is very active and very ongoing, so there you see a great deal of activity still continuing. i know you can t comment on the active investigation but let me just put it this way. john podesta is out there trashing the fbi.
and he s saying that the investigation into the hacks of the dnc was substandard. that s clearly what he s saying. do you agree with that characterization? i don t. i don t. first of all, the investigation isn t even over, so i think it s impossible to characterize it in any one way or the other. again, i know where mr. podesta is on taking information. said the new york times, a big long new york times story which i m sure you read. i know also because of his involvement with the campaign he ll have a certain interest with this and a certain view of that, and so i again i allow him his opinion. everyone has a great deal of respect for him so i allow him that opinion but i disagree with that if that is the characterization he s trying to make. i think you ve got to look at every investigation separately. you ve got to look at every case separately, and you ve got to allow for the fact that the way in which someone may be contacted isn t indicative of the full relationship that they developed or the response that
they may have gotten initially from that organization as well. and you can see my entire interview with outgoing attorney general loretta lynch this sunday. i speak exclusively with former republican presidential nominee senator john mccain. see both on state of the union at 9:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn. coming up, an american hero displaying bravery. you may have never heard his name but you will hear his story next. ( ) they tell me i m wrong to want to stand alongside my, my love whoa, talkin bout my love
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vietnamese villagers died yesterday at 67. pilot hugh thompson landed the chopper on a search and destroy mission and had lawrence colburn cover him and convince members of charlie company to stop the shooting. the young men left behind elderly men and women and children who were nearly wiped out. 30 years later colburn would remember the day saying may we never forget again the heartbreak and brutality of war. rest in peace to that brave veteran. turning to our pop lead, he might have the coolest gig, bill weir travels the world to take a deeper dive into untold stories. he goes to holland generally known for its liberal progressivetal rant views but comes along a man called the dutch donald trump. maybe that s not fair, maybe it is, trying to catch a wave that
many other populations in the u.s. and europe have ridden to victory. bill, removing donald trump from this at all, tell us about this politician in the netherlands. why is he getting this reputation? well he is completely anti-islam, not the people, not muslims in particular but he thinks islam is a religion of death, it is corrosive and he is trying to limit immigration in this famously open-minded society. the dutch created that country out of mud and water and they are famously collegial, they work together but it s neighbor against neighbor as this gentleman rises in the polls. he s a favorite to become the prime minister and it s so, i really can t take trump out of, jake. okay. i happened to be there while his rise was happening here and it was such an interesting
parallel. the guys we hired to drive us around blue collar good guys are voting for him and this is part of a trend that s happening across europe, where these populist sort of anti-immigration candidates are on the rise and more and more young people actually in polls are saying living in a democracy is not as eessential as many thought in the past. fascinating and populism is rising everywhere in the west. what does it mean for the refugee and immigrant communities in places like the netherlands? you know, we met one guy from serious, tried to bribe his way across the borders, from homz, finally went through the system in netherlands, sort of an accepted member of the society trying to ingrashiate himself
there but that is the exception to the rule. his biggest flag speech we ve been too tolerant of intolerant people. if they don t want to fit into our society we don t want them but it s the pressures of assimilati assimilation. the mayor of rotterdam is a muslim from morocco. it took him 15 years to feel dutch so the sheer numbers coming up from the war in syria is creating this pressure point, even if the lowest sort of liberal open-minded societies. interesting and having to spoken to policymembers and others in europe what do you think brexit will mean for the future of eu? i think we re living through seismic times. i wanted to do a wonder list europe edition after brexit. now i want to do an american version after our election, but yeah, you know, it s the pendulum, liberal democracy seems to be on the wane, if you look at these trend lines and people becoming moreiness la in

Democrats , Truth , System , Matter , Founders , Structure-structures , People , Message , Popular-vote , Electoral-college-vote , Part , Holidays

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live Post Debate 20161020 05:00:00

that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. let s be clear about what he is saying and what that means. he s denigrating, he s talking down our democracy and i for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position. donald trump s comments tonight have already been condemned by jeff flake of arizona, lindsey graham of south carolyn a. will they reverberate by voters? we ll see. i m joined by chris of host all in with msnbc, and former chairman of the national committee, michael steal, and msnbc everybody s a political analyst any way, i shouldn t base that, everything is. he s the host of the how hewitt show, and also msnbc political analyst. who i can start with? chris we ll just go across here. this you know, there is the
i m alfred hitchcoc. he was given the third world of idea, the sort of banana republican idea heads i win, and you get prosecuted, and tales you lose and i m going to say the election is legitimate. he refused and said he ll keep us in suspense. it s not showmanship, it s dangerous his former campaign chair, paul manafort, this is the game they played in the ukraine and this is the game people who work around donald trump, played with it is election, claiming it wass was illegitimate. it s kind of frightening. michael, you re laughing. i m not laughing, chris. this is the party of abraham lincoln, the grand old party who won t accept the results of the election. it s not the party i led. this is not representative of any nominee we ve ever had in
media then you re going to he turnout in great numbers. the two hot ticks as to what michael said, if i were some enterprising reporter, din dino rossi, both of whom lost, in contested elections i think norm coleman was cheated, and din orossi. how was he cheated? they manufactured ballots after the election by the dozens. and washington state they kep kept counting, and counting, and counting until they got the number. both of them conceded at the end of the legal recount. they wanted to make the point, if it was so close this a particular state, i will fight like al gore did. he could have done that. he did not do that. he used language outside the norm. i can say that applies more broadly. it was so striking him talking about the supreme court justices and pro life, right?
most republican candidates don t just say i will point pro life justices because everyone understands that s a subtext. they say i will appoint justices who will up told the constitution, because he s basically reading austin decoff cards, he accepts the top line, i ll appoint pro life justices. i watched republican candidate after can. they don t come out and say that. in fact, hillary clinton did the same thing. that s right, but the republicans she said i had a litmus test. it is the republicans and judicial conservatives a litmus test is ipso facto,il legitimate. who said they there s no one left. he is so unembedded in any sort of fluency is he gives you the top line off the index card.
everything was airplane mode until a certain point. all the sudden, trump s language on the life issue, on late term, certain the idea of aborting a baby a few days before birth, he didn t talk about spina bifida, he didn t talk about the concerns people have when they have tests in the fifth month. he didn t talk about the clinicalcasions th clinical argument that it s bad, first of all, about this particular procedure, it s not just late term, it s a procedure. he i think he rang the bell for the pro lifers today. that s why he did it. the delivery, that procedure describing the nineth month of pregnancy is called a cesarian. it is true, he i think donald trump demonstrated that he has absolutely 0 fluency with anything to do with what happens to a woman. let s everybody judge for themselves.
in pregnancy and hillary did the opposite. was he talking about partial birth? let s take a look. if you go with what hillary is saying in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. now, you can say that that s okay and hillary can say that that s okay, but it s not okay with me. because based on what she s saying and where she s going and she s been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, on the final day, and that s not acceptable. that is not what happens in these cases and using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate. you should meet with some of the women that i ve met with, women i ve known over the course of my life. this is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make, and i do not believe the government should be making it.
okay. i think hillary clinton, apart from the values question, it was surreal, the differences between pro life and pro-choice, the real values differences and sometimes there s conflict and we have to deal with it. hillary clinton never lost focus on who she was going after, women in the suburbs. she talked about the need for gun regulation to protect toddlers. right. she s not talking about the work of marianne wright edelman. trump was working his base. he was working his base and not understanding the human bases of ideology, the idea they re going to rip a fetus at nine months before birth that is a cesarian section. he didn t understand the issue he s talking about. to chris point, he hasn t thought about it enough, to have a conversant point on it. he did that all night tonight, where hillary clinton gave her the oosition to understand empathynd talk about specific
women and demonstrate the basic knowledge of what women in the fact and what they deal with. donald trump has no empathy for women, that s the basic reason he s so far behind. he lacks basic empathy for women. including sexual assault, obviously. i m curious what you guys thought of the heller discussion. chris wallace eye w i was gla started with the court. i m impressed donald trump knows heller. i thought that s a crazy thing to be surprised by. this is the single biggest second amendment case. i heard pennsylvania when he was talking about. that s the one thing he remembered. yeah, yeah. pennsylvania, indiana. what he was talking about on the late-term abortion, the gossnell horror factory, when he was talking about very explicitly to second amendment people, what she considers
reasonable and what her court considers reasonable is not what the court considers reasonable accident and t, and the pivot to chicago made the point. it rang every bell for republican voters. the gossnell horror story, off the book, illegal illegal. completely illegal, horrific murder chamber. the guy in philly. if he would used gossnell, the way he used heller, it would have been very effective. and he did well reminding people the rigged media needs to confront the project veritas tapes. and what s that? that the dnc contractors insighti encited violence in chicago. if they are not talked about and debunked they will play into the media. do you think any credible media outlet is going to use james o keefe who dressed up as
a pretend pimp who was somebody james o keefe he may as well as be from the national inquirer. we ve seen this before. the whole thing was garbage. i want to get the contention out. if they re right if this is legitimate, what does it establish? it establishes that democratic party nominated donald trump and effectively dis that s absurd. delegitimized him early. how would they get 14 million republicans to vote for donald trump? you have to own the people who voted for this guy. in your party, your voter chose him. joy, this goes to that s the end of it. what you heard throughout the campaign particularly members of the 168, the leadership of the rnc who were concerned about the open primary process. the cross over of a lot of voters who have never voted in the republican primary, showed up miraculously in certain
states at certain times. you can look at it and dismiss it, but when you start putting together the story timeline, ju juxopposed to what s coming out let s talk about what s being stipulated. is the stipulation the democratic party engineered donald trump to be the nominee of the republican party? no, it s not. they worked actively to frame him as an extremist by provoking violence at his rallies and if you want to debunk that, you will debunk the rigged media. if you don t talk about it, you played into rigged media. are you going to try to blame democrats for people who behaved incredibly violently at trump rallies? the guy who sucker punched the black guy, you re saying democrats caused them to take those actions? i will tell them to watch the
veritas videos. this is a special edition of hard ball live from las vegas for the final presidential debate. i sat in my apartment today in a very beautiful hotel known as trump made with chinese steal. sprint? i m hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we re talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn t you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don t let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit
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i m here with my colleges. hillary clinton had a short retort tonight with donald trump after responding about putin. i don t know putin. he said nice things about me. if we got along well, that would be good. if united states and russia got along well, and went after isis that would be good. he has no respect for her, he has no respect for our president, from everything i see, has no respect for this person. that s because he d rather have a pupper as presidet as pr the united states. you re the puppet. it s pretty clear the russians have engaged in cyber attacks against the united states of america that you encourag encourag encouraged espionage against our people, and you are willing to spout the putin line, sign up for his wish list, breakup nato, do whatever he wants to do and that you continue to get help
from him because he has a very clear favorite in this race. i don t know about motive. i hate motive in politics. it s just a stupid argument, but trump makes an argument we d be better off sharing responsibilities in the middle east with russia. and putin will play a role in the assad regime, we ll be better off than this endless war, we re in the middle of with the sunni and shia. i did understand trump tonight, i believe i understood him when he said if we take back mosul, that s the shia-led government of iraq. here we have the wonderful support of and the thing king
abdulla has been afraid of all the time, and the sunis don t have isis, they re going to have some other organization. when are we going to stop believing we can take sides on the shia, who have been moraning itnist more antagonistic. is that how i heard it? it is how i heard it. hillary is just doing the usual. we re going to have no-fly zones. you can t have a flono fly zone you can t put planes in the air that s the problem. there s no full exploration of what the no-fly zone process would look like. where are these airplanes going to be based? where are they going to be based and how do they enforce it, particularly if they re russian planes involved in all of they. here s the other thing i was thinking about. how about any of the other aircraft fire? we have planes flying around over there. who are we shooting at. the enemy of my enemy is my
enemy and my friend. i think it s amazing you were able to take that melage and assembly them into an order where you could understand any i thought it was meandering. they understand trump-ism. he sort of meandered around he was trying to remember whatever the last thing he was told by kellyanne conway. he demonstrated no conversant of the issue. i was thinking back to the 2008 campaign and candidate barack obama talking about how he wanted to have a different relationship with our enemies, that he was going to be the president to sit down with our enemies and negiate a deal, to because george bush, that bad bush, didn t know how to negotiate a good deal that got us into this war and i m sitting there thinking that this is now sort of a flash back to that point. here you have trump and a lot of republicans are talking about opening up a reproach if you
will with russia, recognizing their growth and their expansion in the region. they re now a player, you ve got to play with them, and wanting to sit down and develop the relationship with them, and then you have this new establishment that s been created by obama and hillary, they re like how dare you, how dare you talk to russia. so it s just an interesting- i want to interesting. let me finish my point and i ll shut up. i m not saying that that is the right necessarily the right approach to take, but i just find that our policy in the middle east has changed to such a degree that it is 180 degrees from where it was when barack obama was talking about sitting down with the russians. let me say this and i want to start with this agreement, which is i do think the rhetoric on russia from hillary clinton is probably tactically smart, but i m worried about what it all amounts to after the election. i agree. i think we all don t want to head down the road towards
another code war ld war or war nuclear power. aren t you afraid, chris, joy, that hillary s just nestling up to a war with assad s regime? for talks in the middle east, we are 100% agreement on that. my problem with trump is his greatest passion and his most passionate answer tonight again was in his defense of vladimir putin. i think you can want what you talked about, which is a realignment, a reset, where we take seriously the idea of where putin can be helpful to us in the middle east and not have the passion to defend him and the passion to defend his government and his efficacy let me just finish this point. the other thing is, there are 17 u.s. intelligences agencies that believe in political espionage,
attempting to put their thumb on the scale for the election. it s not crazy that hillary clinton and the clinton campaign are not super psyche body that in this moment. why does he deny what s been established? why does trump lose credibility by saying this didn t come from russia? it was inexplicable. it was russia and the u.s. intelligence agencies say it was russia. it is fact checkable. the active measures by the ffb, otherwise known as wikileaks is a very dangerous cyber a pack on the united states. the argument to be made by republicans is cyber attacks against opm, cyber attacks against the department of defense, which occur every day, cyber attacks against sony pictures v n pictu
pictures have not been responded to, from the meddle in tiddle ef he proposes and i think he s very wrong that we will right this mess by dealing with russia as a great power from the zarast area, as opposed from the soviet union, it is an argument to be made and i think democrats have to deal with the fact for eight years we have not defended the infrastructure or resem believing to allow us to respond to national security. i think we re having a good debate here. thank you, hugh, and joy. you guys have to leave. we re doing a little rotation. any way, you re bringing defense and offense. we re platooning. up next, much more republican reaction, the big news donald trump made here tonight, his refusal to say he would accept the election. he s going to keep us in
suspense, again, alfred hitchco hitchcock. live from las vegas for the final presidential debate. every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is, is rigged against him. trump university gets sued for fraud and racketeering, he claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. there was even a time when he didn t get an emmy for his tv program three years in a row and he started tweeting that emmys were rigged against him. should have gotten. every time i travel, it s the moments that are most rewarding. because if you let yourself embrace them, you ll never forget them. the new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries.
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talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum i want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely sir, that i will absolutely accept the result of this election? i will look at it at the time. i m not looking at anything now. i ll look at it at the time. what i ve seen what i ve seen is so bad first of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pylon is so amazing that new york times actually wrote an article about it but they don t even care. it s so dishonest and they ve poisoned the minds of the voters, but unfortunately for them, i think the voters are seeing through it. i think they re going to see through it. we ll find out on november 8th, but i think they re going to see through it. welcome back to hardball on the most stunning moment of tonight s debate, donald trump refused commitment to accept the
results of the november election and here s what he said when moderator chris wallace pressed him further. sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the prides of this country, is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner not saying you re necessarily going to be the loser or the winner but the loser concedes to the winner and that country comes together in part for the good of the country, are you saying you re not prepared now to commit to that principle? what i m saying is i ll tell you at the time, i ll keep you in suspense. let me respond to that because that s horrifying trump s refusal in spat of wh spite of what his own running mate and daughter have said. here s mike pence. will you accept the results of the election? we will absolutely accept the results of the election. the american people will speak in an election that ll cucullm
election legitimate, on the basis of 08, when they said in both of those times, president obama was an illegitimate candidate for president, so there s elections in arrow, he s threatening to delegitimize. it is a pattern, and leads to the suggestion that robert costa will not value the election results. pretty scary stuff. it wasn t just what he said that was shocking, it was the way he said it. there was a casual contempt in donald trump s voice for 225 years of american political tradition. donald trump is a force for chaos. he always has been. if he can t taking some and win something himself, he will destroy that thing and make it impossible for other people to have it. what he s what he s really doing tonight among other things, in addition to challenging the whole system, is saying that if i can t have the
presidency, i m going to make it nate worth hillary s time to have it. that s what he s doing. and this will have global i am the global editor. this is top news around the world already. the legitimacy of the american election is something that is not only prized in america, it s prized around the world, because it s a symbol of stability and strength of the world s super power and the light of light of nations. and he s putting that under threat. let s talk about the washington post yesterday, he s a very hawkish guy. he laid out a whole speculative theory this is what vladimir putin wants. yep. he wants to have sort of a mood in this country in the various parts of the old soviet union and to break this thing up and blame the government for a corrupt election and say we were secur secured out of it he wants to get even because he thinks we
did that in the part of the of the soviet union against him. he has this dream of restoring and to blame us. you have to realize what putin s government has been doing is stoking these right-wing movements what s that group? you kip the sort of the new version of kgb, so new kgb, fsb in russia has been using all of these sort of undermining tactics to try to stoke right-wing movements all across europe and it s had a really detabd destabilizing across the continent. they did it in ukraine. i think they re trying to find democratic equality equivalence across the globes. we have problems with our elections, and their elections are joy and i were discussing this actually before, and when i
came on, chris, i stand corrected. i was right that this is about something bigger. i was wrong that it is something so small as a television network. they have much grander ambitions. who s they? steve bannon, the people behind donald trump. why do you see nijel farage, at all the spin rooms? i think they see potential for a movement that in some ways transsends our borders. how they keep it a lie by denying the results of the election? it s multipronged. this is a moment a critical moment of educated republicans who care about our democracy to put aside party and to start speaking out and i think we re starting to see the seeds of that tonight on twitter. i think we re starting to see the seeds of that with responsible republicans like
marco rubio saying of course the election is not rigged and we need to stand together something that began as a reality show spec ctacle we all a mused by it has mo morphed. arizona senator jeff flake tweeted donald trump tweeted he might not accept the election results is beyond the pail. south carolina republican senator lindsey graham, like most americans vicon fiddence in our democracy and election system, during this debate mr. trump is doing the party a great disservice. if he loses it will not be because the system is rigged, but because he failed as a candidate. ben, you wanted to correct something about we talked about earlier with regard to the rnc s position. first of all a real politic observation is what donald trump s remarks will do.
we ll ha will have the exact opposite of what he s intended. he s given the democrats a terrific get out the vote mechanism to make more democrats who are not enthusiastic about hillary clinton and will increase democratic turnout. but in terms of what we talked about earlier on the air, the rnc doing a voter fraud program, that is not true. i ve been told by the top council for both the campaign and the rnc, that rnc is abiding by the decent decrease and it is not the least bit involved in poll-watching programs. what do you think reince priebus will say, because i don t think he s spoken out yet, about trump nonaccepting? i talked to him. i caught him afterwards. he was trying to beat it out of the spin room, if you can imagine, and he was trying to convince us that this is nothing more than just a preemptive positioning that in case the
difference happens to be by about one electoral vote or something minor this is a hair-race, you know, that donald trump wants to reserve that option and he said trust me, that s all this is. then i got kellyanne conway and it was a different what i want to see is is not just reince priebus not trying to get out of the room, and lindsey graham, the usual suspects on matters trump, i want to hear fromimi mitch mcconnell, especially mitch mcconnell who considers himself a states man and somebody who respects the integrity of the system. i want to hear from them tonight. mitch mcconnell, these other going to be looking at 2018, and if donald trump, looks as if
he ll be defeated, his voters, this fashion he s whipped up on the republicans, they ll still be there in their districts and their states and the fear of them is where i think mcconnell is silent, the fear of them is why rubio and reince howard, look, the point is, is that it s important for mitch mcconnell and paul ryan to have the legitimacy of the votes accepted because they re candidates to the u.s. senate and the u.s. house in and tight races need the results. let s hear him saying. i m going to watch the and see when they do. i said that tonight i hope they do. if toomy wins a squeaker in our state, it s likely to say he one. that s right. sticking around with us for a little more, you re watching hardball live in las vegas for the final presidential debate. we thought fibers that help you stay regular
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i will stand up for families against powerful interests, against corporations, i will do everything that i can to make sure that you have good jobs with rising incomes, that your kids have good educations from preschool through college. i hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president. that was like a candidate s night in a regular debate, as if we had a regular debate tonight. welcome back to hardball live in las vegas for what was the final debate. tonight, donald trump again denied all the accounts of numerous women who have accused-im sexual misconduct and he said the clinton campaign was to blame for those women coming forward. here s trump and clinton s response. the stories are all totally false. i have to say that. and i didn t even apologize to my wife, who is sitting right here, because i didn t do
anything. i didn t know any of these women. i didn t see these women. these women, the woman on the plane, the woman i think they want either fame or her campaign did it. donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. he goes after their dignity, their self-worth, and i don t think there is a woman anywhere who doesn t know what that feels like. so we now know what donald thinks and what he says and how he acts towards women. that s who donald is. richard nixon in the old days i gave them the sword. hillary knows how to do this, she s a woman, and she just says we now know who this guy is, his soul has captured this election. we don t give hillary clinton enough credit for her expert way that she bates donald trump,
calling him donald, reminding him about the things he said about women. why does it irritate donald trump? that rich people in manhattan looked down on him, when he was a rich kid for queens he wasn t up to their snuff. i ve heard the same story of people who lived him in palm beach and makes people call him mr. trump, and this idea that he can call you by your first name, but you c t dot to him. look at chris christie, who he debates by making him call him mr. trump. and needling him. you re making he like him. there s always a group of finding a way of rejecting anybody coming up. george wallace did the same thing. it s not about race. it s about groups social circles, catillions, the palm beach crowd. george wallace said the same thing. whenever somebody said you re not you up to snuff
it bothers them. he dismissed them on the topic of women, the very top of republican strategists told me earlier today on the way in here, that thing that really damaged donald trump ultimately was not just the accusations credible accusations from all the women, but donald trump s answer, when donald trump said, essentially those women aren t good enough looking for me to want to hit on them, and this republican said that that response was what really, really damaged him damaged him and hillary baited him into it and hillary went after it tonight. they must have poll tested it because that response was as bad as the original accusation. it sounds like he s saying if you can t contest for miss universe, you re not really he was also in directly admitting it. i think one of the most notable moments for women s
perspective was that that off the cuff remark that you re a nasty woman. because it s moments like that when all american women have flashbacks to their own moments of being dismissed or insulted simply for asserting yourself or stating a position that is not controversial or even personal and it invites that kind of misogynistic response. his history s doing just that. she did but they trade a lot of stuff like that in the debate. it wasn t anything nasty woman, that was nasty woman. and the keyword, excuse my ignorance, but the keyword is woman. he s not saying you re a nasty person by saying you re a nasty woman, he s tying it to jegende and it res resinated with wo these are first-time moments. chris, there are more of them in this election by a factor of several hundred than any we ve ever covered.
there s are moments in history we wish never happened. thank you. we ll give you more next time. when we come back, what happens in vegas, doesn t stay in vegas. we re going to find out what a top vegas odds maker is saying about his presidential race, and this is hardball live from unlv with the final presidential debate.
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for one late night edition of hardball. we ve got a couple more minutes. since we re in sin city, if you will, why don t we look at the odds in this presidential election. jimmy vacaro joins me now to go over both hillary clinton and donald trump s chances. can you make any money betting on hillary now? no, you can t make it here obviously because you can t we can t take bets here. an ex-caliber. a few of the offshore places and the european places are offering insurance money to buy back half the bet if you bet on hillary because they think she s going to be the winner. right now she s a 6 to 1 favorite. when you wake up tomorrow, she ll be at the same odds everywhere. the needle didn t move anywhere. i want to give somebody some help here. you can get some money if you bet a different spread on hillary, 0 to 5, it s got to be above 0. if you go for the spread you can
make some money here. you can go for the spread if you have a lot of money because if you put up a lot of money. 6 to 1, you d have to put up $6,000 to win $1,000. say it s hillary by 10%, are you going to make some money? no, chris, it s been fluctuating greatly since the beginning of summer when the republican convention in july was, he had such a good convenience, the odds went way down. now naturally since mr. trump has stepped into some potholes in the last 30 days that has shot up at 8 to 1 in some of the books in english. ov money was bet on hillary clinton. when people make a bet that s 4 to 1 or 5 to 1, 5 1/2 to 1, what are they thinking, god s going do this for me? why does somebody think they re going to win a 6 in 1? i m the only person who
booked tyson on a 27 to 1 favorite. thousands of dollars came in on tyson and went up 42 to 1. we made a mint at the mirage that time, but remember he lost the fight. a 42 to 1 favorite lost the fight so we don t know who is going to win this election, trust me, no one knows donald needs a double off the wall to keep the game going. why don t they allow political betting? federal law, it s been that way forever and even the gaming commission, we can t even do local or state elections. it s going to be a long time after we re gone. i had one bet, that s crazy that may go either way. that does it for the live coverage tonight from las vegas. if you missed the debate, stick around, you can catch the whole final debate in its entirety right now. good night.
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Election , Democracy , Debate-stage , Anyone , Denigrating , One , Donald-trump , Somebody , Comments , Kind , Position , Nominee