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Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Wagner Tonight 20240613

hamas in gaza. i can t thank you enough for making time for us. we re all thinking about you and your family. thank you very much. and we pray for the safe return of all of the hostages as soon as possible. this is a humanitarian issue. this is not some political issue, and people trying to make this a political issue, especially, the government trying to make this political. no, this is a humanitarian crisis. and everything should be done to get them back as soon as possible. thank you very much. that is all in on this wednesday night. alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening, alex. 250 days, just unbelievable this is where we are. thank you, my friend, as always. so i want to start with a story that in any other universe would have absolutely nothing to do with politics or anything even approximating controversy. the kind of news we all used to read or hear and accept. but in the post-trump era, this kind of news has become a sort of conservative litmus test with potentially disastrous consequences for the health and the well being of thousands and thousands of americans. i am talking about bird flu. i know. stay with me here. if you have been following the news recently, you may have seen that the u.s. is currently dealing with an outbreak of bird flu. bird flu has spread to at least 80 cattle herds across over five states. and because of that outbreak, the fda, the food and drug administration, has issued guidance for how to stay safe and avoid exposure, including warning americans against drinking raw milk. that s because raw milk has the potential to spread animal borne diseases from one species to another. this is pretty straight forward, noncontroversial scientific advice, don t drink raw milk. it s noncontroversial except if you are a conservative who follows the influential, pro-trump youth organization turning points usa. milk is good for you, but here s what the american dairy farmers association or whatever isn t going to tell you is that that pasture rised milk crap, you might as well be drinking water. it does nothing. it s not healthy. ideally, you need to be drinking raw milk. that was alex clark a turning point usa host, and one of the chief proponents of drinking raw milk. miss clark is such a raw milk enthusiast she tells her followers to drink raw milk while pregnant, something that you absolutely not do under any circumstances. and in response to the fda s warning about drinking raw milk during a bird flu outbreak, alex clark told her nearly 200,000 followers on social media, f the fda, legalize raw milk. this issue so animates conservatives that turning point usa is currently selling $35 t-shirts on their website promoting raw milk. now, if this seems like an echo of the anti-vax, anti-fauci, anti-science movement embraced by a ton of conservatives and therefore put a lot of that put a lot of this country at risk, well that is because it is. it is precisely the kind of extreme, own the libs, reality be position that is a hall mark of turning point usa under charlie kirk. charlie kirk and turning point usa have been an influential part of maga land since donald trump was elected in 2016. in recent year, kirk and his organization have become more outspoken about their beliefs, including kirk s embrace of christian nationalism. in addition to running what appears to be a raw milk propaganda outfit, charlie kirk is also a supporter of something known as the seven mountains mandate a philosophy that calls for conservative christians to take over the government. and kirk has started speaking openly about how he wants donald trump to be the champion of that cause. finally, we have a president that understands the seven mountains of cultural influence. finally we have a president that understands the significance of standing, yes, i m going to use a term, in solidarity with the grassroots activists of our country. across the republican party, christian conservatives are becoming more and more emboldened about making america a christian nation under trump, even as trump himself continues to exhibit some very unchristian behavior on a near daily basis. this was donald trump a week ago at a campaign event inside a phoenix mega church. so they come up with this order i won t say it because i don t like using the word [ bleep ] in front of these beautiful children, so i won t say it. i will not say it. but this thing allows millions of people bleep [ bleep ] donald trump swearing in a house of god and then getting the crowd to swear with him in front of children. we ve seen the same thing from trump s allies. here was rudy giuliani speaking at the pro-trump christian reawaken tour just last week. i ve got two prosecutors, fani the i m sorry. fani willis. fani. it s not fanny, and i m not calling her fani. i could drop the part if she d quit and go away. classy. all of this is part of trump s unspoken agreement with the christian far right. they let trump and his allies break the rules and be vulgar and be blasphemous with the expectation that they will refashion american life according to their christian values. may not be a bad bet either. here was trump just this week speaking to a conservative christian organization that believes all abortion is, quote, child sacrifice. you re going to make a comeback like just about no other group. i know what s happening. i know where you re coming from and where you re going. and i ll be with you side by side. you re going to make a comeback and i ll be with you side by side. even as donald trump refuses to give straight answers about where he stands on things like a national abortion ban or contraception, conservative christian groups understand what trump will do for them. it s not that much of a mystery. and part of their confidence here that an extreme christian nationalist agenda is within their grasp, part of their confidence is because these groups don t have to rely on just trump alone. they can count on trump s most powerful ally in the fight for christian dominion, the conservative majority of on the united states supreme court. just this week we heard supreme court justice samuel alito tell a progressive activist that he believes we need to return america to a place of godliness. as elizabeth and lisa write in a new analysis for the new york time, while justice alito is hardly openly championing these views, he is embracing language and symbolism that line up with a much broader movement pushing back against the declining power of christianity as a majority religion in america. the movement s rise has been evident across the country since mr. trump lost re-election in 2020. justice alito and his fellow conservative justices have already delivered for christian right with their dobbs decision, striking down roe v. wade, and soon they will have a chance to do so again. the supreme court is about to rule on two major cases of considerable significance to the christian right. one will determine whether access to the most common form of abortion in this country is significantly restricted or not and another will determine whether doctors in emergency rooms can deny pregnant women medically necessary abortions. how the court rules on these issues could tell us just how much power the christian nationalist movement has gained in this country and how close they are to victory. joining me now are lisa, the national political correspondent for the new york times , she is also the author of the fall of roe: the rise of new america, and with me is mark joseph stern, senior writer who covers the courts and law at slater mag sooeven. thank you both for joining me. lisa, let me start with the piece you have out today in the times. an array of conservative, including anti-abortion activists, church leader, and conservative state legislators has openly embraced the idea that american democracy needs to be grounded in christian values and guarded against the rise of secular culture. i don t think it s an exaggeration to suggest that strain of conservatism now seems to dominate the supreme court as well. do you think that s far off? look, part of what we document in our book, the fall of roe and the rise of a new america, is that latter part of the title, the rise of a new america. what that is about is the radicalization of conservative christians. and we ve seen some of that cooling out of these tapes from the court, but you know, i wanted to draw your viewers attention to another story today, which was that the southern baptist convention, which represents the largest protestant denomination in the country, 13 million church goer, came out and said they oppose ivf. this is a fairly radical statement for that group, and we re seeing this return to these christian conservative cultural values from the churches all the way up to alito s statements at the court. so i do think what we re watching is this shift in american power. we don t know where it s going to go, but we have a template for success for this movement, and that, of course, is the fall of roe. and how that network of conservative christian activists and lawyers were able to take down that legal precedent may be a way that they can then move on to tackle these other things they are opposed to like, as we learned today, ivf. yeah, i mean, i do when we talk about shifting the window, moving the goal post on the field, it feels like the activists on the far right are signalling to the alitos of the world, this is where we re at, see if you get here. mark, i want to talk about alito s evolution here, because he wasn t always either this explicit or radicalized when he joined the court. can you talk about his progression to where he is now? yeah, i think a crude but accurate term to describe alito is maga pilled. during donald trump s rise and presidency, alito really let his christian nationalist flag fly and xan to embrace not only the rhetoric but also the substance of this far right christian supremacy and this idea that christianity is rooted in the constitution, that we are a christian nation, and that courts have some kind of obligation to protect and, indeed, elevate christianity above not just other religions but above secular society. and he went on a little bit of a talking tour earlier this decade where he decried the new moral code of secularism that promoted reproductive freedom and lgbtq equality and said that it was an existential threat to christianity. and all of this is reflected very much in his decisions, decisions like one a few years ago where he tried to let pharmacists deny plan b to patients to whom it was prescribed. not, you know, any kind of actual abortion drug but just plan b. and decisions like hobby lobby where he s allowed corporations to restrict employee s access to birth control. and these abortion cases, most notably dobbs as lisa documented, sam alito was always going to be the man to write that opinion overruling roe v. wade. in the coming days and weeks, we re going to get these decisions on abortion, especially involving the abortion pill. and i think alito is quite likely to stick his neck out in that decision and write about how he believes medication abortion is unlawful under existing federal law, under the comstock act of 1873. this is a radicalized justice, very much maximizing his impact by staking out the positions that activists in the grassroots want him to take, legitimizing them and shifting the window and eventually, he hope, transforming them into the law of the land. yeah, i mean, it s quite obvious that the dna of the christian conservative warrior class has imprinted itself upon the supreme court, but lisa, when we talk about the relationship in politics between, for example, donald trump and his pro-maga coalition and the conservative christian warrior class, i wond every if trumpism hasn t imprinted on them. i m thinking about those two pieces of sound where donald trump is in a church, a big church, and the call and response is the word bs. it s a family program, so i m not going to say the actual word. and rudy giuliani is calling taney willis, the d.a. the fulton county, one of the most vulgar things you can call a woman, with distinct racist undertones. this seems to be a new brand of, i guess, christianity, if you want to call it that, in the age of trump. yeah, look, the church has changed politics. but politics has changed the church too. and church, especially conservative evangelical and catholic church, have grown so much more political. as we show in our book the fall of roe, they made this deal with president trump. he promised them in 2016 in iowa christianity will have power, and conservative christians jumped on the trump train, and it ended up being a bullet train for them. they got three justices on the supreme court, and the deal was set. and now they ve been with him for eight years, and it doesn t for conservative christians, they re with him. he can moderate his tone on abortion, say he wouldn t sign a 15-week federal ban, and they re still probably going to stick with him. they are fully bought in and part of this maga movement, and the two are operating together. now, you know, donald trump is in a different position, because the politics of abortion have changed so radically. he senses the toxicity there, which is why you ve seen him come out and say it should be returned to the state, that he supports exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother, so that dance has gotten more complicated for him politically, but there s not a sense that he s worried about losing this group that s really become a central core of his movement and his base of support. well, yeah, and i i mean, one wonder where is the guardrails are in any of it. i mean, the republican party has effectively pledged fealty to everything trump represents, christian warrior class and all, and then on the supreme court, mark, how much of a counterweight is someone like john roberts of brett kavanaugh, does the attempt at counterweighing happen on the supreme court? they are a very feeble counterweight when they choose to be one at all. all three of trump s appointees generally vote in lock step with what the republican party wants. trump has, of course, taken over the party, so it is very much his court. and i think it s really disturbing, especially, to look at some of these decisions that do involve extreme circumstances of tragic medical mishaps where wrim in dire of need of abortion, right, this is one of the big cases this term. states are saying these women cannot get abortions that they have to get sepsis, they have to begin hemorrhaging, they have to be dying before they can get abortions. well, republican politicians lined up to agree with those laws and to support those laws of the supreme court you had a ton of republican state attorneys general and republican governors lining up to say we do think woman should be forced to the brink of death before they can get emergency abortions. i think the supreme court will likely agree with them and continue to force these women into these horrible circumstances. and trump is savvy enough not to say anything at it, because he knows he s got his foot soldiers in the judiciary doing the work for him. he s got his guys on the bench who are ready to uphold the most draconian abortion bans imaginable, and he doesn t have to say anything. and just by remaining silent and not speaking out and condemning these ban, he knows he can keep the christian right very much on his side. and that is the whole genius of the strategy behind capturing the courts. you get these justices and judges on the bench for decades, they will do your bidding, they will uphold your extreme law, they will uphold your draconian policies, and most voter, unfortunately, don t draw those lines between the judges and the presidents that appointed them and the parties those presidents belong to, so they get away with this stuff. that s the story of trumpism in the judiciary. a story where there s no accountability. lisa and mark joseph stern, thank you for your time tonight. coming up, the gaslighting continues as republicans vote to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress. but first, new secret recordings have given us insight into the real thoughts of samuel alito and his wife ma that are ann. i m going to speak to the neighbor at the center of a verbal altercations with the alitos outside her home and made the story about her flags a national scandal. that s next. t her flags national scandal that s next. children are the greatest joy and our best hope for a better future. friends, they are the future. but did you know that millions of kids right here in our own backyard are facing hunger every day without healthy food? it s harder to grow, to thrive, to feel their best. the impact when children don t have enough to eat is tremendous because 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helping kids build a brighter future for themselves. thank you. families are struggling to make ends meet. these are hard times, but together we can help connect america s kids with meals. so please call now or go online to give. thank you. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. after the new york times reported that two flags associated with the january 6th insurrection had flown at the homes of supreme court justice samuel alito, the justice defended himself in a letter by putting the blame squarely on his wife, martha-ann alito. i was not familiar with the appeal to heaven flag when my wife flew it. i was not aware of any connection between the historic flag and the stop the steal movement and neither was my wife. she did not fly it to associate herself with that or any other group. but audio of martha-ann alito released this week by undercover progressive activist lauren windsor paints a decidedly different picture of mrs. alito s flag collection and why she flew them. you know what i want. i want a sacred heart of jesus flag, because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly. and he s like, oh, please don t put up flag. i said, i won t do it, because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up, and i m going to send them a message every day. maybe every week i ll be changing the flags. they ll be all kinds. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag. it s white and has yellow and orange flames around it. and in the mid sl the word vergagna. in italian it means shame. joining me now is emily, the former neighbor of supreme court justice samuel alito. emily, thank you for joining us tonight. i m eager to hear your reaction to this audio that was released. and we played that specific clip there because it really sounds like mrs. alito is intentional when she flies these flags and that there is absolutely a political point of view she is trying to communicate. what did you make of that audio? absolutely. well, fist of all, thank you so much for having me tonight. it s a pleasure to be here. and to hear her talk about the flags in that way just solidifies what we all know is that they re meant to display a particular message. she mentions the being upset by the pride flag and wanting to fly a sacred heart of jesus flag. well, that flag specifically means anti-lgbtq, anti-pride, so it s very clear what she s doing with the flag. and that just proves us all right that in his statement he s lying where he says we didn t have any reasoning behind it. we don t know what it mean, et cetera. yeah, well, she wasn t trying to be part of a movement or group. i think that that s definitely questionable given fact that she s absolutely flying these flags in response to certain groups. yes, yes. emily, i got to ask you, because she s so animated when she talks about this flag she d like to make that says vergogna, which means shame in italian, it brought back to mind your account of the alitos, according to the new york times , when mrs. alito confronted you, you said something like how dare you behave this way. you ve been harassing us over signs. you represent the highest court in the land. shame on you. the concept of shame really seems to animate her, and i wonder if you could talk more about your interaction with her when the word shame and the concept of shame was discussed. yes. well, that so that interaction, the one that happened on february 15th, the one that they re using as an excuse for why they flew the upside down american flag, which we know doesn t make sense because the flag was up weeks before that. what do i make of it? it s just it was such an intense interaction, and it was about the third time that this has happened, each time escalating more and more. and yeah, i meant it, shame on you for behaving this way. because you do represent the highest court in the land. and that was more intended towards him who was there as well and did not step in. can you talk a little bit about the relationship between the alitos, as you saw it. i mean, he was present for some of these interactions, if you want to call that, and i was there s part of the undercover interview or the undercover audio that we heard where martha-ann alito talks about her plan for gaining seeking justice for all that has befallen her and her husband. let s take a listen to that sound. it s okay because if they come back to me, i ll get them. i m going to be liberated, and i m going to get them. what do you mean by get them? there s a five-year defamation statute of limitations. i don t know who you mean. the media. so martha-ann alito has a plan here. she s mapped it out, five-year statute of limitations for defamation. the question is, is that justice alito s plan? and that begs the question, what is the relationship between these two people, to you think what she says is tacitly endorsed by him, or is that overestimating, you know, her import in terms of a family strategy? yes. you know, i don t think it s for me or anybody else to say that or to pass any judgement on their relationship. all i witnessed was her, you know, behaving in that way and him not stepping in. and what i really just want to point out is that there s no way that he didn t know those flags were flying at his house. and in those same recordings, in his own words he is unable to be impartial. he says that there are two sides and one side must win and he s basically saying that he sits on one side and he says that he can t negotiate with the other side. he can t split the difference, as he put it. and that is a giant red flag. and at this point, we ve moved past the idea of him just recusing and we ve reached the point in the general consensus that it must be removal at this point. i think we re a ways from that, but i do, i mean, i have to ask you, because this is a woman who verbally there were verbal confrontations, i believe she spat at your car at one point. yeah. there s a point in this audio where she says i m german from germany, my heritage is german, you come after me, i m going to give it back to you. in the context of these interactions with her, how did you hear that part of the audio? i think as most people who heard it it was absolutely chilling. and terrifying that people in such a high position of power are saying such threatening and scary things. now, i can t presume to know what she meant by that, but i think a lot of people are assuming kind of the same things. and none of it is good. and we really need to do something to hold this court accountable. this is mostly about his inability to be impartial, and that is his bare minimum job description, and he has said on tape that he can t do that. emily baden, at the center of a national controversy, really appreciate you taking the time to join us tonight. thank you. thank you so much. thank you. still to come this evening, a response to the story we did last night about an apparently coordinated effort to spin a negative story about president biden across a vast network of local tv stations. stick around to hear what the network has to say for itself on that. plus, former obama advisor dan pfeiffer has thoughts on how to take on republicans like house speak mike johnson when they try to rewrite reality. that s next. they try to rewrite reality. that s next. you 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without you. call or go online now. visit and give $19 a month. just $0.63 a day. 98% of donations go directly to help millions of children facing hunger from coast to coast and in your own community. and when you use your credit card, you ll receive this exclusive canvas grocery bag to show you re a part of a movement working together to ensure that everyone has the food and resources we all need to thrive. if you re hungry, you know, if they got it feed you. people just got to realize, you know, places like this do exist, they will help you. please call now or make your monthly donation at working together, we can end hunger in america. we re trying to save the planet with nuggets. because we need the planet. and we also need nuggets. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. it s a weird week for republicans to claim that the justice system has been weaponized against them, given the fact that president biden s own son was convicted yesterday of three gun felony charges brought by the federal government in a case that was heard by a trump-appointed judge and decided upon by a jury of biden s peers, but that didn t stop them. this afternoon house republicans fanned the flame of a weaponized government conspiracy by voting to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress. the alleged reason for the contempt vote was the justice department s refusal to comply with a congressional subpoena to hand over audio tapes of an interview president biden did with special counsel robert hur. now, to be clear, the justice department has already released a full transcript of that interview, and officials argue that releasing the audio could endanger future investigations. but refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena, hmm, republicans managed to be outraged about that despite the fact that multiple republicans, including congressman jim jordan, who is leading the fight here against merrick garland, multiple republicans have literally defied congressional subpoenas themselves. when speaker of the house mike johnson was asked about that hypocrisy today, this was his response. you talk about apples to oranges, there couldn t be a more clear contrast between that and what we re talking about here. hmm, joining me now is dan pfeiffer, former senior advisor to president obama and cohost of pod save america. thank you for being here. i don t know, is it an apples to oranges comparison or an apples to apples comparison. it seems pretty apples to apples to me. you have members of congress, someone refusing to comply with a subpoena from congress, so yeah, it s apples to apples. the reality is that the headline merrick garland held in contempt of congress is a big, juicy headline for republicans to make hay over. and i wonder how you think democrats and people interested in preserving, i don t know, some shred of democracy, can answer that with a fairly nuanced discussion about subpoenas and why the hur audio would not make sense for future prosecutions. i don t think we have to get into the details of that. that s the conversation they want us to have. the conversation they don t want to have is why republican plans would do nothing to lower prices or higher wages. what they are planning on doing is how they can pass a tax cut for corporations and the wealthy. it will add $3 trillion to the deficit. they re trying to distract from the things that matter to people and their own popular agenda. we sdroebt to play that game as democrats. let me follow up on that, that gets to the central question of this entire campaign as it concerns joe biden, which is how much should he be talking about the sort of institutional threats posed by donald trump, institutional threats to our system of justice, to our democracy, to the voting system, and how much should he talk about, what you say, the bread and butter issue, the economy, inflation, et cetera, you seem to be landing quite clearly in camp b, don t focus on the institutional threats, is that fair? there s no such thing as a single-issue campaign for president. right. it s about a lot. now, it is very clear that most voters by pretty large margins say the economy and inflation are the single most important issue that s going to decide their vote. it s also true that three quarters of voters say that the they are unhappy with the economy and that donald trump has a big advantage on the economy. we have to narrow that gap. that doesn t mean we shouldn t talk about abortion and freedom and the threats that donald trump has. because what ties together donald trump s positions where he wants to cut social security, medicare, cut taxes for the wealthy, repeal the affordable care act, repeal abortion, is maga extremism. that s how i think we should frame it. i do wonder where you think the most movable voters are, right? because the economic stuff is plain to see. it s not a mystery, right? inflation is coming down. the joblessness rate, all of it, and it hasn t sunk in. whereas, i m not necessarily arguing for this, but the polling that we got, i think it was this week, an ap/norc poll, approval of donald trump s conviction nationwide, 15% of republicans approve of his conviction. those seem like the ghost of nikki haley s supporters. and i wonder if you think, you know, given freshness of this story and the fact that people are responding to it, whether there s to blunt about it, gold in them there hills for the democrats and the biden campaign. oh, sure. this is the anti-donald trump coalition is the biggest political coalition in america. but it s very diverse, right? you have voters who are biden voters who are upset about the economy. you have people who are biden voters who are upset about what s happening in gaza. you have trump voter who is may be upset former trump voters. so you have a lot of messages to a lot of people. what we know is there is a sufficient group of people who are deeply concerned about the idea i know this sounds crazy but deeply concerned idea that we should not have a convicted felon as president of the united states. i hope the president takes advantage of this during the debate in two weeks and brings it up. we have to make a full throated, proud, unafraid case against donald trump. that s going to talk about raising prices and cutting taxes for rich people, the threat he poses to freedoms like abortion, contraception, and the threat he poses to all of our freedoms because of the way he wants to govern what he did to try to pull the wool over voter s eyes in 2016 whshgs he got caught for and convicted for, tells a story about the kind of president donald trump would be and we shouldn t shy away from that. given the things we talk about, you know donald trump s going to bring up, well, we think he would bring up hunter biden. there s another trial in california, i believe, in september. should biden be talking about that? playbook suggests this is an opportunity to show empathy and connect with people who have faced hardship that in their own lives and families. what do you think about that? well, this is obviously deeply personal and deeply painful situation for the president, right? he had this is it s obvious every time he s ever been forced to talk about it. in all of the reporting you read, this is something that s very hard for him, of course it is. all this tragedy in his family, dealing with addiction, having to witness that. there s no question donald trump s going to bring it up in the debate. he did it in 2020 to try to rattle biden s case. i think if he can talk about this from the perspective of a father who loves his son, much like the statement that he and the first lady put out after the conviction, that hug he gave his son afterwards that he returned home to give, to show that side of joe biden, i think that is powerful. because the essential truth of joe biden is that he is a deeply empathetic person who is running for president because he cares about everyone else. and he can show that in that moment if that comes. and i think that s the way to do it and the way i think he would do it. i mean, his empathy, i think, does distinguish him from the other person who s going to be across the stage from him. dan pfeiffer, my friend, thank you for making the time tonight, buddy. thank you. coming up, some really good news this week. violent crime is way, way down across the country, but you couldn t be faulted for believing the very opposite, especially if you like watching certain local news stations. we re going to have more on that right after the break. on that right after the break. whoa! how d you get your teeth so white? you gotta use the right toothpaste! dr. c?! not all toothpastes whiten the same. crest 3d white removes 100% more stains for a noticeably whiter smile. new personal best. crest. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places 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and conservative media like fox news, you probably think we are in the middle of a massive crime wave. we are not. this week we got new fbi crime statistics showing that in the fist quarter of this year, crime is yet again down across the board. overall violent crime down 15% from last year. murders down 26%. by every national metric, crime is down. regardless of the facts here, fox is still going big on crime. the organization media matters counted 304 reports about crime on fox in just the first two months of this year alone. the last time the fbi released crime data, back in march, crime data that again showed another drop in crime across the board, fox gave that data approximately two minutes of air time in the first two weeks after the data came out. fox only mentioned the declining crime rate seven times in those two week, and one of those mentions was this one. new data from the fbi claims that the u.s. crime rate is dropping. let s look at this graph while i stab you. given how much elected republicans and national conservative media are pushing the narrative of a staggering crime wave despite the facts, it sort of makes sense that republicans believe there is a rise in crime when really there isn t. but the thing is, it s not just republicans who believe that. recent polling from gallup shows that 77% of all americans believe there is more crime in the u.s. today than there was a year ago. despite, again, the opposite being true. crime went down this year and crime went down the year before. we are in the opposite of a crime wave. so what gives? why do so many americans think that crime is up? well, there are probably a lot of reasons, but there is one reason that does not get enough attention, local news. in 2019, one of seattle s local tv news stations, komo news, put out this documentary entitled seattle is dying. it depicts seattle as a city in decline because of rampant crime and homelessness. the seattle times newspaper was quick to refute the documentary s assertion that seattle was dying, pointing out that both property crime and violent crime have been dropping in seattle for decades, and komo news isn t some independent, whacky outlet, it is part of the sinclair broadcast network, a network of nearly 200 local tv stations. as the washington post put it, sinclair s recipe for tv news is crime, homelessness, and illegal drugs. journalist anne nelson told the washington post , sinclair plays up crime stories in a way that is disproportionate to their statistical presence. or as david told the post, it s a fox news wannabe. that s their model a political tool rather than a journalistic platform. but unlike what people hear from fox news or donald trump, viewers may not necessarily have their radars up when it comes to information they are getting from the local news stations that give them the weather. s stations that give them the weather sinclair broadcast group. a story about how dozens of their anchors from across the country all read the exact same script and this one was pt questioning president biden s mental fitness. sinclair has since given us their response. we are going to get to that, coming up next. . millions of children are fighting to survive due to inequality, conflict, poverty and the climate crisis. save the children® is working alongside communities to provide a better life for children. and there s a way you can help. please call or go online to give just $10 a month. only $0.33 a day. we urgently need 1000 new monthly donors in the next 30 days to help the children we support around the world. you can help provide food, medicine, care and protection, plus so much more that a child needs by calling right now and giving just $10 a month. all we need are 1000 monthly donors in the next 30 days. please call or go online now with your monthly gift of just $10. thanks to generous government grants, every dollar you give can have up to ten times the impact. and when you call with your credit card, we will send you this save the children® tote bag as a thank you for your support. your small monthly donation of just $10 could be the reason a child in crisis survives. please call or go online to to help save lives today. we have some new developments in a story we covered last night. the newsletters public notice and popular information first brought to attention anchors at dozens of local tv news stations who have been reading the same controversial script about president joe biden based on a widely criticized wall street journal article. have a listen. the wall street journal calling into question the mental fitness of president joe biden. as national correspondent matt galka tells us, the issue could be an election decider. the issue could be an election decider. the stations have one thing in common. they are owned by the conservative leading sinclair broadcast group and tonight we have a statement from sinclair denying wrongdoing or bias. here is a quote. the allegation sinclair is deceiving its audience are spreading misinformation is outrageous. our goal is to buy the accurate and timely coverage. any insinuation otherwise is unfounded and undermines the integrity and hard work of our teams. joining me now is the founder and author of the popular information newsletter. he is one of two reporters who broke the story. thank you for joining me. let me first get your response to sinclair s response. well, i think it was interesting that they ignored really the key issue, which is that they are amplifying and requiring dozens of local, trusted local news broadcasts, to amplify this very shoddy story by the wall street journal questioning biden s mental fitness based on really kevin mccarthy, the only on the record source. so they did not really address that. i think they are unhappy with the fact their tactics are being exposed. this is a problem they have had in the past of sending these very biased scripts to all of their affiliates and having them read them verbatim. can you talk about when you say they were forced to read these. sinclair as part of its defense says giving out scripts is common practice to affiliates and basically there is nothing to see here. from your reporting, what you understand about the pressure, if any, these local anchors are given to read this stuff verbatim? this is been well-established that sinclair, which has 186 affiliates it owns or controls, sends must runs segments that are produced out of their national office. actually after trump was elected in 2016 they hired one of his spokespeople, boris epshteyn as their national correspondent and then would have him do commentary which they required all of these stations to run. so it is true, there are affiliates that have relationships with different services. cnn operates one. there are a bunch of different ones. they will send along scripts, but that is something optional for them to do. this is the corporate parent requiring these affiliates which have all sorts of branding, abc, nbc, everybody, locks, and really pushing very hard right content in a way that is not transparent. the owner of sinclair broadcasting is a gentleman named david smith. he also purchased the baltimore sun not that long ago and i want to read for viewers who are unfamiliar with what has happened. the union representing the newspaper sternal essay monday that the articles do not meet standards. including a one-sided story about immigration policies and an op-ed by the co-owner likening the transgender movement to a cancer. in addition journalists say stories under their names have been changed without their permission and they have been reusing reporting from one of the 185 local tv stations owned by the sinclair broadcast group. this is a feedback loop, it sounds like. what do you know if the editorial practices under david smith? i think he has established himself as a right-wing operative. he has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to right- wing groups and famously he met with donald trump in 2016. jared kushner helped cut a deal where they would get access in exchange for not fact checking. david smith himself said we are here to deliver your message, so it is a very partisan operator, but he is really pulling the strings behind local affiliate neck works affiliate networks that unfortunately viewers may not know what is going on. over 185 tv stations, plus the baltimore sun. judd legum, thanks for your time. that is our show for tonight. now it is time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. . good evening, alex. sheldon whitehouse is joining us to talk about the supreme court. alex, i was fascinated to hear your interview with the alito neighbor

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240612

the more i want to hearou more about judge judges a, teacher and send picks bill from virginia joe thought it was junee 10th, so he thre10w a party. aaron from mendon louisianagh . i thought biden was raised in a black churchn with that rhythm. he was dug it fresh, wasn t great either. john from louisiana you can wear a pink tie but can t drinka with a straw. wowtraw whi, you got me. that s all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. and always remember, i m waters and this is world i. and welcome to hannity tonight, total, complete history on the lef hysteri theto left-wing conspiracy theorist rachel maddow. she is now claiming she may be put in a camp if donald she c trump is elected. aoc saying trump will throw in jail. the left is losing their minds, but we thei already knew that. they maybe never noticeonly that it s only trump people that get charged, harassed and actually put in jai te th getarged hal and s. anyway, far left back, merrick garland is calling trump s criticism of his weaponized department of justice, quote,say dangerous for people s safety. we will address us tonight later in the show. and the president of your great country, the united states of america, our great country is fear mongering about ther ne second amendment and calling for new gun restrictions jusguna on very day. his very own son iy his convicted of three felony gun charges. but tonight, don t get distracted. please, please pay very close tot i m aboutwha to say, because if you re listening to the media and the pundits and democratic hacks, they havendits no clue about what really happened in this hunter biden. none at all. it s deep. it is profound. what has.s happened. the major story that they are not talking or tellingyou ab you about from hunter biden s trial is not the conviction on gun crimes. now, it s important. s that s low hanging fruit. the evidence in this case was overwhelminglow hang, was incontrovertible. and unlike donald trump, he had refaird venue trial judge with real charges, not onesal wered o made up that you didn t even know about. the critical development even km this trial is one huge single pie of evidence entered into the official record byr u. your government, and that s hunter biden s very reals.. not only did the u.s. federal dd government confirmop i that hunter s laptop is real, they confirmed that its contents are real and the contents have not been tamperedi with by anybody. in other words, you weren to, on a very high level just before an election by numerous people and entire institutions . you were lied to by hunter biden himself. you were lied to by his father, your president, joe biden. you were lied to bliy nbc. fake news, cnn, npr. well, let s just say prettyb th much everybody in the media mob, the list is far too long to mention l. you were lied to by america s 51 former intel so-called experts, the ones that signey d off on a letter insinuating that the laptop was most likelst all the earmarks of russian disinformation. meanwhile, notrks single one of them ever did anything to investigate that claim,f examined the contents of the laptop. t you were lied to by clapper,bren you lied to by brennanna. nt you were lied to by your own government. what do they all have in common? they all wanted joe biden to win by any means necessary. and it s worse than a rep that according to a report, john solomon, the fbori, the doj knew that the laptop was reawl since before the 2020 election. but instead of doing the right, honorable and honest thing and telling the american people the truth, the federal amer there was out t the pre bunking the laptop story with big tech executives. ding remember, in the months leading up to the 2020 election,o theeke the fbi was having weekly meetings. they were warning big tech companies they may all be victims of a foreign disinformation compani campaign about the election and that misinform asia may be aboutn an joe biden and hunter biden and gets worse. they knew rudy giuliani s attorney had a copy of hunter s very real laptop. they kne thew odds were very high that it would leak beforewo the electionul, and they knew it eould likely destroy any chanc that biden had to win the election. and then they had to actin the t the new york post broke the story. when faceboohek and asked the fe specifically id f this is what you were warning us about, was the laptop misinformation? n should they refuse to confirmo the truth, leavingco those companies free to then censor very real the very real laptopsn story. and that s what they did i mean, you couldn t even send a private message with a link to the send new york post . big tech, the media mob,yoe gobbhappily gobbled up their fbi. doj probe. led upbiden contribution misinformation. by the way, if who was involveda bragg s district, they probably would be charged with a traffic violatiolvinstrictn. and ultimately, they use this as the basis to censor the most important information in the final weeks before the 2020ks presidential election, all because they wanted their guy to win. this is beyond ty wa egregious election interference. and frankly, iterferenf it s cr, it should be criminal. but tonight, none of these liars have an ounce of remorse. none of them have ann y regretoc for them, it was all a meansm ae to an end. they wantes tod trump out. n prt they wanted joe biden protected from scandal at all costecs. be and you better believe the contents of that laptop wereve sthat lap and are today r joe biden as well as hunter biden. forget the salacious photos of drug use in, the in theostiu firearms, the real scandaltil is surrounds the so-called biden brand. ar the bw, if you look at the lr and then other information acquired by the house waysinform and means committee, the judiciary committee,he the house oversight committee, you look at texts and emails, other fileus s, zero experience. hunter wasn t raking in cash from some of our top geopolitical foes and dictators and despots around the world becaus d die of his keen intellect. instead, the laptop appears to show that hinstead e was liky selling access to the biden brand and the big was apparently eager to participate in spite of publicly eager othe. now hunter implicates his own father numerous times in that very real laptop. remember devon archer? tony bobulinski also debunked joe s that he never once, not one time ever spoke to his son,t brother or anybody for that matter, about their foreign business dealings. ut businesaccording to testimone the house oversight committee, from thehe participated in meets with hunter s foreign partners by phone. he dined with others at cafe milano. and that s not in 2017, you might recalll th the whatsapp message published by the i house ways and means committee. hunter, allegedly writing to a chinese e associate with their oil and energy conglomerate. i am sitting here with my father and i d like to understand whyt that commitment has not been fulfilled. i will make certain betweelledne the man sitting next to me snd the every person he know and ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not followinlg my direction.i am i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father a few days later, magically, according to the committee l. $5 million wired to a bankllio account associated with hunter biden and other texts. other emails hunter allegedly talked about forking over half of his income to pops. another email talks about the big guy, 10% for him, you know,s allocating 10% as a cut in of 1 to 1 of hunter s deals. but hunter, now a convictedun liar, says he never intendedteon to cut his father in on the deal. meanwhile, accordinge deal to ae text from the laptop uncovered by the new york post d york ,r even paid for his dad s bills for more than a decade. g his hunter even reportedly claimed that his father was using up, wae most of the lines of credit on his wells fargo accounn hit. d and based on the contents of hunter s very real laptopon t it appears that biden was participating in his son s business bidenwas pa deals whily benefiting financially. remember the from hunter s main business partner, devon archer, who saidartner joe participatedp to 20 phone calls with hunter and his foreign business associates? oh, i thought he d never talk business with hunter orbrothe his brother or anybody. think about thisr hink. donald trump was convicted onp 34 so-called felony charges. upcharge misdemeanors pass the statute of limitation fines for allegedly mislabeling a legal document as a legal expense. trump ordered to pay hundreds millions of dollars because of a far left new york judged on unilaterally deciding in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, that mar a lago is only worth $18 million. this, despite you have little lock lots. oh, 1/10, 1/20 the size of martn a lago. they gtso for $150 millionst and that s just dirt. and yet the no. one is above the law culte left on the left. they don t seem to care that joe biden, now the president of our countryha,b possibly selling access to the highest levels of our government, to people in china and kazakhstan and ukraine and russiax in rus. this is all evidence the fbi and garland s doj had for over four years and never, ever investigated any of it. and they knew all of it was true. this is what a weaponized and politicized department of justice looks like.o nees according to the johnson grassley senate investigation, quoteonigatio hur biden received $3.5 million fro in a wire transfer from illinois, a battalioe win of the wife of the former mayor of moscow. she was the former first lady of moscow. if the reports are true and the evidence is accurate, money went from russia to hunter to joe. r hunteone way or another. so where s the russia russia hysteria? on the left, devon archer claiming she invested over 100 million more dollars than a real estate venture. whernvested thae the frenzied e on most dnc fake news and thesht new york times , washington post, abc, nbc, cbons. they had no problem peddling the phony russian misinformation and dirty dossier that hillary paid for to smear trump andd fo secure nt one but four pfizer warrants. where p s their of the contents of hunter s very real laptop and the findings the senate and house committees? or is joe biden above the law? is hunter s gun convictiong a red herring? one of hunter biden s ex-business associates1 of, fox news digital that the gun trial was, quote, a distraction from the main event with their influence peddling. he continuededdlinhe , i am convincedthe en the entire justice system is just an institution of people with agendas, not anfw institution of laws. keep in mind the doj prosecutord tasked with investigating hunter david weiss w, he letimio the statute of limitations run out on the most serious allegation hes, which could have connected hunter s business to thconnectee big guy himself. sadly, the doj is not looking out for you. their primary concern seems to revolve around protecting weak democrats from scrutiny, helping to elect joe biden while waging lawfare against donald trump. and needless to say, massive reform and accountability massym is needed in washington and in the swamp. and by the way, starting in september, early voting begins in 146 days. it s election day. only you 146s can fix it. here with reaction, fox news contributor jonathan turlean tuh we got over the case. to me, the evidence was overwhelming incontrovertible. what about this real big storyhs to me, which is now we that they ve known from the beginning that the laptop begias rea. all these people lied. the 50 t one intel agents. you know what i guess at the direction of wink and tony blinken, you know, out there, they knew nothing about the laptop. t hu they all lied. joe biden lied. hunter lied. everybody liediden. the media lied. big tech lied. they censored the story. and that helped joe in 2016. i think i m sorry. ndin 2020. i think alvin bragg would r call that an fec violation. eco jonathan. oh, well, you know, i think that is the interesting takeaway with this strange shrug that the media gave the introduction of the laptop in the trial. the laptophas us wha establishel fbi agent as reaisl and authentc . and so the media said, okay, well, that evidence was now usede wa. he they forget all of the other files on their laptop. if the laptoon thep is authentif those files are real, then you have these detailed accounts of a multimillion dollar influence peddlingn operation run by the biden family. ruthose would also be authentic. but the media justt simply doesn t want to go there. and that s part of the problem of the what the house committees have faced. you know, when i testified ittees h, aring the biden impeachment hearing, i said that there was ample evidence theence to do an impeat inquiry. evdidn t prejudge the evidence . but at every stage,age the democrats have opposed inquiriedemos into the presidend role, the president s knowledge and a lot of these files on the laptop. and that s not likely to change after this trial. merrick garland is scorching trump and his allies for h attacks on the justicein department. he says it s dangerous for people s safety. wellit sfor peopafety., first ot to protect every government official. let me be very clear. and i veevery government said ts occasions on this show. however, criticism and of speech are very different. and the idea that his dot inj and his fbi knew aboutju the laptop being reasticl and ty have an investigator for four years, i think he s got andy investand we ll go into ml later. and i have a message for him. he s got a lot of explaining to do. just like what does he think wha a letitia james and alvin bragg running on oonn a platform to gt one man, one organization, one family? i wouln d think he might speak out against that, but he hasn t. . well well, i think that garland s an unavoidable test of principle. ey sen the three house committees sent him referrals of perjuryals by hunter biden and his uncle before congress. those referrals are verye re compelling. i don t seeferral how there h a case to be made that those answers were anythin g than false. now, the department of justice was on aw hair trigger due to indict trump officials. the question is whether merrickn garland, as people expect, a will scuttle any prosecution for perjury. pros so this is that other shoe dropping? yes. this laptop was authenticated. yes. th. e files are real but after that, hunter biden, coter they review those those files, he testified in congress and they rnge chart there,s the congress believes and there s a good basis for that belie f that he committed, knowing perjury. these were questions that he knew were coming and he gave false answers according to these committees. so what is merrick garland going to d wilo about it? it s not time to write another op ed. it s time to show that he s t going to do nothing. e anothehe s judge engoron is a merchan, is b and merrick garland is c, and i haven t been wrong yet. i hope you re right and i m wrong. i don t think he ll lift a fingerthin. i think this is what thi weaponization of hope. you re wrong, too. yeah, me too. but i m not. i m just. i d bet everything i have. no, i m not, professor. you c ayou give me an f if iw all right. joining us now. thank you, professor. joining us now, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, harvard law professo gr alan dershowitz, just the news founder, .com asunder john solomon, editor in chief as well. john, let me start with the news. you brokl jo me e a of this new. when did the fbi know that thise was a very real laptop?bi and isn t that the big takeaway in this story, not the conviction e stor? um, yeah. as i reported in 2020 on your show and as the irs whistleblowers later confirmed ,the fbi corroboratedhe the laptop in its entirety by march of 2020 to 2026, eight months before the 51 so-called intelligence analystsn it russian disinformation, when they called it russian disinformationceian disi, i cale law enforcement and they told me no, we corroboratedw it so the fbi was telling people, if you re willing to make a phoneel call back in the fall of 2020 that this laptop was rea l. and it s a shame that 51 men and women signed their name to a letter knowingly trying to mislead the american people days before an election when a single phone call, they allhey d had security cardh they could have called the fbi. they chose not to. they chose to mislead not the american people in the most awful waeay. and why was the fbi, professor dershowitz, why were they meeting weekly with biga tech in the months leading up to the 2020 election? and why when twitter and facebook requested an answer as to whether or not this new york post story was real or what they wereg being warned about, misinformation about hunter and about joe biderned abon n, why didn t they tell them the truth that john solomon rightly reported in march of 2020 that they fully knew about? and by the way, what do you call that? well, you call it fraud. you call it exactly. d trum alvin bragg charged trump with a that is making false statements in an attempt to influenceg fa n election. look, there are only two choices. th the american constitution is going to survive, either we need a ceasefire now and say, n look, all right, there s been a conviction of a biden there s been a conviction of anvictionn. let s stop this weaponization. let s call off all these caseshn that are now pending all overovt the countrhey. trump people are going off to jail, stays are being denied bannon and others. let s call that off. either f either that or. let s have absolutely equal treatment. let s go after people wholectio have committed election fraud by denyingn american publicno the right to know the truth about. wait a minute. yeah, what would that include? the 51 intel people? would that include joe biden? would that include what is it really comparable to say that joe biden, if he lied the american people about being involved in these foreign business dealse ollo and he wasd being paid by hunter and he was calling into meeting bs, hunters foreign business partners, and he leveraged the billion dollarpas burisma, so his son cn continue to get paid millions for a job in which he had no admirience at a time he admits he was addicted to drugs. tell me why that shouldn t be prosecutes ad d and how is that law fair? that seems like that sounds like equal justice. apply to him j to that doesn t sound like a made up crime, like the trump case. well, if you take seriously the charges that brad brought against trump, one of whic brah is that he tried to mislead the voting public by not telling them about an affair which would have had ng tho effl on the election whatsoever. if you take that to its logical, extremeec t, then you e to look to see whether anybody among the 51 people, among even the president of the united states, may have written something on a for hm that would give rise to exactly the same allegation that a fraudulent a statement was made in order to commit another crime. the other crime would be, according to bragg.d , to somehw defraud the american people to voting for somebod yy they would otherwise not vote for. you have to have a single standard you hav . let s go, greg, to the issue of the money. hunter implicates in this very real laptop, his own father. half my income goes to pops. pp 10% for the big guy. that s all in the laptop. that is very rea bl. f now, paying for pops home repairs that thahot complained bitterly about. it seems like joe not only lied to the american people but benefited from the lietion a and then also took action as vice president by leveragingl $1,000,000,000 to ukraine and loan guaranteela s. and the net result of that is son continue to get paid for rworkesul that he had no expere in. by his own admission, at a time whenhad nos ow was addicted to . by his own admission. you re right, the bidens are still getting away. sean with their most serious in crimes, corrupt foreign influence peddling thanks to the protection racket run by joe biden s doj. so it was so revolting today- do to watch david weiss take a victory lap in fronth of camerasthem this is the guy who struck this sleazy deal tor let hunter biden skate and only when it imploded was weiss whee forced kicking and screaming to prosecute it. running but he s still running interference. he charged hunter with evading taxes on tens of millions in overseass pay to play schemes, but not the enrichment schemes themselves, which are far greater crimes. the sellingment schves out os don t forget it was weiss who let the statute of limitations expire and manytr of those crimes, while he and the doj secretly scuttled the investigation to shield joe biden, i tell you, is not yu done yet. and t be surprised i he f and garland conjure up another sweetheart plea deal for hunte r on the eve of the trial to avoid embarrassing evidenceo of joe s corruption coming to light right before the upcomingto election. agreed it ll happen, i think. and last question. some the real country with that, john, they knew about this laptop for four years and they haven t lifted a finger. liger.they knew that joe lied te country. they knew that he benefited, didn t they? yep. yeah. .and in 2016, they got 3.39 million documents from hunter biden, his business partners. they knew everything, including more than is on the laptop . on monday, you re going to see a whole bunch of new documents. we re going to make public bu di them in 2016. oh, wow. unbelievable. y thank you all. appreciate it. that s the big takeaway. big takethe media won t talk abk when we come back. talk about bad timing. earlieabout bar today, biden spr gun safety group only hourous after hunter s conviction for gun crimes. we ve got the lowlights and devine pam bondi react straight ahead. four, five star backyards, yellow with brand pressure treated pine. if it doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t it to dog food in the fridge. it s not dog food. it s freshpet. real meat, real veggies, real real meat, real veggies, real weird. it was bad luck anyway. sleepy headaches, dry skin. you re probably dehydratedand wa liquid labs, rapid hydration. bsit s packed with all five essential electrolytes. take amazing and way less sugar sports drinks. rehydrate and feel better with liquid laughs. gab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today nail fungus is nasty up to now starts improving the appearance of fungus damaged toenails in just two days. it s clinically proven formula penetrates the nail for results you can see quickly opti nail give fungus toenails a makeover, a heart attack. do they have life insurance ? 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maybe an uncle buzzy moment.t th the cannibal guy. take a look. i mean, yes and no. it s hard because i ve gotten those phon ae calls to saying i lost a son or daughter, a wife. i know what it s like. we rs wee not stopping there.ncg it s time once againai to do. ie i did when i was a senator. ban assault weapons. he said, what do you mean i need that done? i said. guess what? if you need 12 to 100 bullets in a gun in a magazine, you re the lousiest shot i ve ever heard. our traditions told the nraet convention recently he s proud that, quote, i did nothing i on guns when i was president. and by doing nothing, he mad e the situation considerably worse. how much you hear this phrase? the blood of liberty. wash it. don t give me a break. so, i mean, seriously. and by the way, if they want to think that is to take on government, if we get out of line, which they re talking again about, well, guess what?le they need f-150s. they don t need a rifle. folks, look, this is crazywht what we re talkinghe about. and president obama, then vice president biden, they did nothing to stop violence, gun violence in chicago and other big citiesgu. anyway, here with reaction to the day s news. miranda devine of the new york post and former florida attorney general pam formi. t well, the laptop from you our emma joe morris. you guys were right the whole time. the verd and to me, the verdict is it was the right verdict. the evidence was overwhelming. rdicelmingthe bigger story is te government introducing that laptop into evidence. and that means all the other contents in that laptop are now meaningful as it relates to the law. and joe and hunter biden, would you agree? absolutely. and the fact that thutely ine joe biden, the biden campaign, the cia the fbi, those 51 former intelligence officialoss went to such lengtht to lie about the laptop. big tech sense that the new york post , when we wrote about the laptop and, the contents of it. what that shows you is that they were abso absolutely terrified about the contents of the laptop becausse knew that it would be so damaging to joe biden that it would wreck his campaign and they successfully managed to suppress the story. and as you sait theyd earlier, that amounted to election interference. and that is why none of those 51 you saw james clapper the other day, you ve seen others of them, they all refused to admit that they lied, that if they were wrong, that they had zero evidence that it was russian disinformation, they knew it wasn t russian disinformation. the fbi had had the laptop-known since december 2019. it was well known within intelligence community that that information was realty . and yet, if they admit that they knew it wasn t russian disinformationw it, then they are admitting that they were part of an election interference, a coup, really, to ensure that president donald wp didn t win a second term. it really comes down to that, doesn t now that we know all of this, pam bondi, we also the merrick garland doj, the fbi, they ve all known thiss for four years. there s a lot of othertion information damning information on that laptop. imeimplicates joe, it implicatp hunter, it implicates the brother, it implicates all these othed e other people. they ve had this evidence. they haven t done a thing with thiy haven s evidence. what s your reaction to that? which to me is the much bigger story here? it sure is, sean.. and i m glad i am glad they got a conviction on this, because now they caney use the gunthe t conviction in the tax charges. the only charges that aret ag currently left against hunter biden because the case is in 2014 and 2015. of course, 14 and 2 the statuteof limit of limitations had run. they let it run about dealiny gt with agents. the cases that could most likely implicate cou james biden, joe biden, the entire biden family. they those run. but now they re faced with the tax chargebut s. e if let s see what happens. let s see if there s not a plea deal. i think there probably will beaa at this point because of this conviction. but yeah, thanks to miranda, thanks to great reporting, everyone now knows that the laptopryon from, as she says,ng is real and everything on it is real, including all the her garland evidence that. could be great for prosecutors. well, what about garland? he s had this information, this damning information. they all knew that joe lied about. i never talk to my son, my brother or anybody about the foreign business deals. and what about leveraging $1,000,000,000? so a son continues to get paid. s soontinueswhat about the moneh they re getting from a former russian oligarch. what about meeting that oligarch in café milano? what about calling into all the meetings? what about the millions of dollars the family s raking n in? ponta has no experience in energy. oil, gas, coal. ukrainenergye or china. how does he make it all that money while he s addicted to drugsoney? that s exactly right. pnd remember, president trum asked that simple question of president zelenskyy and look what happened. o they tried to impeach him over it. and president trump was, ril alon right all along. yeah. merrick garland is our chief law enforcement officer in this entire country. you know, we talk about the weaponization of the fbi,an the cia, atf, now the irs. well it all starts at the top with merrick garland. he has to respond to this. he has to be held accountable. this is way too important. the american people and our justice system is at stake e . well, miranda, maybe now maybe you re book laptop from will litt bestseller agaik n, and people can now look a little more deeply now that finally the government four years later has confirmed that which have you and emma jo and others reported way back whey back wn. all right, thank you. straight ahead, merrick garland attacking republicans for daring to question the left s lawfare against trump. we re going to tell you what he said. lara trump reacts straight ahead. stay with us. do you have too much body fat? 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take a look. a look.i will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate h president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe that the president of thesghts e united states can be indicted for criminal offenses. you feel embarrassed to my namen personally? yes. we need to focusam. ed t on donald trump and his abuses. we need to follow his mone dy. n we need to find out wherela he s laundered money. we neeundemoned to find out wher not he s engaged in conspiracy. it s important that everyone that the daysare of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to goingnd ine the office of attorney general every daey gy defending your rit and then going home. there s a platform. go after one man,d ap one organization, one family. or doeplrs merrick garland. think it was appropriate for the manhattan district attorney album brag to run on this campaign promise. i know a lot of peoplear are wondering, whoever has this joe wondthis jobb. are they going to convict the donald trump? but that is the number one issue the times calls brag s a talented prosecutor whose successful suit of the trump foundation couldnted pro b be invaluable experience for the investigation. he ll take over valu as the chief deputy attorney general in new york state. i oversaweputy atey some ofia the office s biggest cases from exposing illegal behavio or by the trump foundation. we know there s a trump investigation. i have investigated trump andint his children and held them accountable for their misconductchildren with te trump foundation. i also sued the trump administration more thanimes 100 times. we know that the d.a.ting is investigating when i was the ag s office, i sue trump over 100 times forsc his administration s misconducot and brought a case against the trump foundation that held foe. ntablgainst t one more question. according to a whistleblower testimony the fbi they ve known since late 2019 on his laptop was real. so why? sohow has merrick garlandnd weaponized, politicized weapetment of justic investigated the contents of this very real laptop? s ofwhy was garland s fbi meetii with big tech companies warning themig that they may be targetel for misinformation campaigns and they may be about joe and hunter biden? and when askedjoe d by twitter and facebook after the new york post story broke, if the laptoph story was real, why didn t the fbi confirm what thehey knew to be true that it was real? here was reaction. rnc co-chair lara trump. a lot of questions they kneump.w it was real. all garland knew it was real. now that we all know it s realke . we know that joe lied at the highest level and joe was involved. all these foreign business deals and the millions of dollars they rake id in, including taking direct action by withholding moneyin. so a prosecutor investigating the company is seen as a business worth and millionsm mil with no experience continues to pay in millions. h noso all of that s true. laura and garland hasn t liftedo a finger. if it was your father in law. or you our eric or don, wou i m pretty sure they d go afterh all ofey you. yeah, i was going to say, just go after donald trump. when in doubt, that sort of they re their motto that they, of course, always have. it is reall whichy incredibl sean, to see what has gone on and the fact that you have merrick actually complaining about the american citizens voicing, their concerns for a very clearly biased justice shoulde c be concerning to him because he s the attorney generaer l of the united states. we can t live in a country if we do not trusunited se ttions our foundational institutions like this. and peopleli are terrified right now. everybody knows what this triay knl with biden was about. this is about smoke and mirrors. this is the red herrinit s abou this is a distraction from what you ve talked about the entire show which is that it s not just criminality we re worried about with the biden. it s national security. we re concerned about we need to know as american citizens that when joe biden, as president of, the unitedt of states is making decisions for this country, he s madethey m decisions based on what s best for the american people and noat what s best for the bank account of the biden family. and by the waythe bank, sean, bd on how the last three and a half years have been going, we should really question what has been going on there. and as a family member of the trump family, it is it the whole thing is kind of wild for me to watch. if you think back, sean, to when donald trump won 6 the election in 2016, think about what our family business was. we were a private company that had real estate and golfe n courses around the world. we were in international business originally, yet w what did we do? we said, you know what? when he won, we re not going the to do any new international business deals. the opposite of that happened internat biden became vice vic president of the united states. that s when the bideidenn familo got into international business. we went so far ainternational so as to pay back the united states treasury every penn be u.y that we got from any foreign dignitary that spent money at a trump property. of course, we got no credit for that, but we didn t even want the faintest of impropriety. and yet look at the way they have gone after donald trump for literally anything they could find. for trovean peoplrep with this laptop. the american people are demand transparency. again, it s about our national security aga. want we deserve to know. but i want to tell people out there how you caon actually mak, a difference, how you can rectify this. it comes on novemberu can rect h of this year. it comes the first day of early votingfirs in your state. get out and vote in thisn election. this eioour country depends on . the future of america certainly depends on iict. hing we cannot allow these things to stand. we need to get to the bottom of this stand . save we need to save our country. but you got to get out and vote. to gei agree. ean: e and early voting, by the way, starts in septembear r. some in september, in some states. i hope people keep that in min dget ov and get over your reluctance and resistance to voting early d . i know you re working hard on legal ballot harvesting knowg hard wanully surpass democratic efforts, but if you want to change it, garland s not going to changngen he s weaponized the department of justice. it will remain that wa e theyino and probably get worse if, god forbid, he was reelected. all righrs it. trump thank you. when we come back, with biden s campaign flailin g, the leftto sca is once again resorting to scare tactics. anere do you hearer? oh, aoc and conspiracy theorist nick straw and their rachel maddow with their tinfoil hats are saying. straight ahead. we ll tell you about four five star backyards, yellow wood, brand pressure treated pine. if it doesn t have this yellow tag, you don t want it. why should every man try ageless mail, max? because it has ksm 66 ashwagandha shown to help increase testosterone improve results at the gym, reduce the dad bod and fight the effects of stress. and it has knox perform to boost nitric oxide production. and that could be handy in the gym and in the bedroom. no wonder it s a best selling testosterone booster. get to walmart to try ageless male max and be the man you want to be. tens of millions of rooms across america are failing wearing out decades early and leaking oftentimes without you knowing about it, causing tremendous damage. here s how you know you have a problem with your roof black streaking. your roof looks rough or granules shedding off any of your gutters or showing up in your driveway. your roof is wearing out too fast and it s going to cost you a bundle. roof match makes your roof like new by and rejuvenating it. so give us a call and we ll give you a free assessment to see if your roof qualifies. there are certain areas in american history that define us where fortunes were made. rules were broken, and legends they were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawmen. howdy, bob. and businesses can hear some. some are heroes, some are villains. and that s where the fun begins. let s trainer lewis marsh says this is outlaws and lawmen now streaming on fox nation. check it out is my work from cozy. grab yourself a or is this dog food in your fridge? 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yeah, it s crazy talk. i mean, these ladies are insane with the things that they re saying. and it proves once again are that the left will use fear to control people. they will use fearpeople, promoe their agenda. donald trump has been very clear that his onln y revenge that he will get on november 5th is america s success. shelall wants is america to be great again and to be successful. and people have more money in their pocketsn an and families to be able to affordo able their groceries and fill their cars with ga ts. he wa so he s been very clear that he just wants america to be all itat it nts ever been on its greatest days. and for them to say that kind of stuff is sos st days. compley irresponsible that i hope that every single american getse the chance to hear them say that because they know for a fact the that not true.e sa and they re saying it just to scare them and they re saying it to controlyi them. now we have as many as eight people that might have isis ties captured at the border, tens of thousands from china, russia ured, iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, yemen, kazakhstan . on the economy, two thirds of the middle class. fox businessds o reporting saynl of americans say they re struggling financially and financial gasping for air. add to that more than 25% of americans admit to skipping meals due to a skyrocketing grocery costs that they reare pi paying. those are the things that americans now are caring about thatingsare ca you know, s lie and tell us everything s fine. at the end of the day, isn t going to be what america votesaa on. that s what every single american that i ve talked to in the laswhat eve at i vt 6 to 7 months. that s the only thing on their mind at the top of their min7 nd is how is my family i being impacted by joe biden s administration? they feel it every day. just got back from wisconsin, spent a couple of days there talkink from dayg a lot of folks, a lot of independents, a lot of women, and talking to differentto groups and will be in michigan as well. these are states where people are making up their mind for donald trump because they know that he makes their life better and he lets rs make decisions and have personal responsibility for d the omilies and doesn t to take more money out of their pockets. he wants to help them be more successful. so he wantso be the economy and int are still big issues in this countrily. that s what families are feeling and they recognize that the biden administration is just attacking donald trump because that s the only that the left has, is they have fear and attacks and they ll even weaponizevefea our judicial system in order to do their agenda. i would argue the reason the red wave didn t occur in 22 is, is abortion will americansoa . because democrats will demagogue it? will its emagoguewillt be successful? they re going to try to use that in every single state and they ll try to use it against donald trump, againstt his supporters. i think what is important for us is for us to recognizisfor uy is that that that issue, people want to know where we re at. we talk all the time about the fact that this decision is at the state level. every state will look different and that s the way it is. the people will decide what their laws look likeir law and that we as leaders don t get to dictate that that s not our jos b. and the states will decide and abortion will be legal in the united states no matter how many times they lie about it, which is what they re going to do, because that s about all they got. they can t run on on. are you better off than you were four years ago? governor, thank you. more. more. hanay usa at we believe,ng a at new day, usa. loa we have a noble purpose. we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing alone. we want to do whatever is we want to do whatever is best for the individuaca s person. we want to be knownd they and we want to be knownd they and as america s t veterans and active duty service people. service people. we re the ones that are there to help them. there to help them. people are doing giving difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now. their lives right now. toda that we have here in this country. they re willing to do for you, for me and for our family. so for us at new day to the so for us at new day to the opportunity to turn around snd help those people at thi point in time, it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans a men tell us when they use just four menld to eliminate gray. there s a great before there s a great before and afteest. then there sts the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. your best. and that s why more men choosea. for men. after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental declini e memory issues. i m trying to get a thought across, and ing likei can t find the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve gottene braint fifties, i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetfulti actil, more brain f introducing neuro cue. the breakthroughbr ingredientoq multi action brain care supplement developedthresearch e of the world s leading brain doctors, dr. dale bredeson. doctors, dr. dale bredeson. cue is the result of yearsedient of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. better. neural cue clinically shown to influence clinically shown to influence brain performancroe as littlen. as seven days. and within just two months, a combination of ingredients found in neural cue has been found in neural cue has been shown to help improve memorycus focus and concentration. we ve all seen otheoq is dirf supplements that only focus on one or two factors,ue and pr but neuro cue is different. it s a multi ingredient, multi action for mo formula that helpl boost, renew and protect your. for more comprehensive brain sas abl in an internal study four oue t of five neuro cue users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. first thi would say within a we. first thi would say within a we. time i was able to think the first thing. i can see that there is anomn i can see that there is anomn improvemeng to do around the house. once i starteabd taking her out, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly, and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental online clarity and focus and getting things done as well as my memory and recall ll als call or go online now to find out how you can try to find out how you can try neural q four 4995 plus g at now and you ll also receive neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep. go to dry income or call 1-800- 4750898. that s 1-800- 4750898. order now our military has been infested by a woke revolution in the military. i think we grew up and you left your politics at the door. it s difficult to overstate the vision that is being sown into our military. it s about our sovereignty. it s about our liberty. it s about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war on warrior s streaming now only on fox nation. if you re an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend return. break out your leg warmers, wine and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop culture trivia 83 show streaming now on fox nation, america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time wly that e have left this . please set your dvr. why? so you never, everse, ever misss an episode of hannity monday through fridaye of, nine easter. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why because greg.feld gutfeld well, actually sitting by with the idea to put a smile on your face, he s next. have a great night. ye

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240612

won t necessarily explode under donald trump. neil: we will see. thank you very much. da i m dannaa perino with judges jenny and,e richard fowler, jee watters and greg gutfeld 5:00 in new york city and this is the 5. brand-new images of president biden from moments ago embracing his now convicted sun. the president blew up his entire schedule rushing to delaware to be with them underbite and wase found guilty ocon all 3 counts d his gun trail the verdictk sending shockwaves for at the white house.ka even canceling theri press brieg something sh.e rarely does. but and turf faces up to 25 years in prison unlikely ghenkelyt diskei the maxirsm as it says first sentencepene all happening as je jeanine will tell you and thers first ladyt jill biden wasn t physically in the court yet to hear it being read aloud. she arrived just afterwards. president biden said he will respect his son s conviction buy talk about. irony after the tril revealed the revolver was dumped into a trash trashcan he spoke at an violence prevention summit where he called for harsher gun-control laws and for americans to safely store their firearms. it s time we establish universal background checks.ches requiring this dave safe storage of firearms.e we neelod locks on those guns. who in god s name needs a magazinemaga told 200 shows.if if you y need 1200 bullets a gun you are the lousy a shot of ever seen. if you want to take on government for get out of line l you need f-15s not a rifle. 1 of the jurors spoke out aboutn the historic ts,o liberation saying the biden name did not play a role. we treated him just like heen was anybody else. he broke the law and that s how it goes a didn t a factor in my decision. was not politically motivated. politics played no part in thisf just to be haven t heard from you today i like to get your thoughts. give me a boost of confidee in the system although they have a lot of work to do to get me back like watching an eagles game and the referees for 20 flags in the first half finally throw 1 flag on the other team okay stone not a fair game remember the biden prosecutors tried to sweep it under the rug last year have the guy not go to jail little devil lifetime immunity until the judge was like say what now he might have to serve prison might have to serve prison on this and taxes he should listen to nancy reagan say no to drugs a lot of the foreigners targeted hunter bidet not just because he was the sunc of aau president but because he was a crackhead and he s been compromised by the chinese theia russiansns romanians mexicans pretty much everybody wanted a piece ane d because he was an addict he was willing to take risks do things you would h normally do as he needed money for our the but also money for his habit and he lived in a world of spies, suspicious wires sects trafficking diamondsmond burner phones wiretaps he was on an 8 year luckily he didn llt kill himselg likely hune didn t have the gun picked up by a kid who shot himself likely theelf. gun wasnt used in a murder and had the gun go back to him. but for a long time this guy it was like an orgy of opportunists he was using his dad his dad waa using him the chinese was using him he was using the chinese and the cia and fbi were using him to spy on the chinese. he s never had any consequencess his entire life. yet a discharge in auditch honourable discharge aarn administrative 1 is pot for coke and new jersey that 1 went under the rug all of r a sudden people are interested istn his art it the first time he s ever had toa pay the consequences couldn ta come awot a worse time his pole numbers are terrible freezing up at june, trump is a raising ofhe the sugar brothers tapped out he hasn t even seen his daughter happy father s day biden this is what happens when you raise au a sun like this you have to raise virtuous young men are also they re going to come back and y bite you that isou the lesson he you think they ll do jail time. under the federal guidelinese there s no requirementre the juo imposed jail timure of course ig up to the judge i think the judge will take into consideration that in a case is direct and clear as this wase that he could have responsibility and showedrs remorse ane,d pled guilty he gotten in the sentencing guidelines he g could ve gotten ota few extra points for doing that notpuni suggesting is being punished foe going to trial the could ve gota a benefit i think it s a lesson in a couple of things. a lesson to abby lowell who is an excellent attorney as we allt of said whoso overplayedor his the jury was insulted for the first time we heard maybe was really an alcohol addict mao be at crack addict and maybe te text is about him meeting another girl and not a druggie to buy more crack cocaine and maybe it was at the 711 to buy coffee and a doughnut.dn t maybe he really didn t know he was an addict the curious thing is the statement issued afteron his conviction was that recovery is possible by the grace of god i try to experience a gift 1 day at a time admitting he s an addict aass the girlfriend saide knew what s you re an addict sober or not you are always anar addict joe giving a statement early on s right after the conviction saved him from having to address it at the speech and at this gonna event but there are certain things being hypocritical need to keep guns out of dangerous hands well your son had a car and his girlfrienb opted out in the garbage can block away from a school and he says we need to make sure gun storage is a priority this is a family of hypocrisy on 1 hande they show united front in the courthouse every day even starting with jury selection being a family joined togetherer to support hunter and yet they were dysfunctional family at best givensf the facunt so manyf the people affected by what hunter biden did and this a jury of ordinary people of delaware were not intimidated by that family and recognize d it was a clear-cut case and that nobody is above the law. greg give you the talking about the momeng:t je claims you don t need arrival because we ve got an f-15 that s t the first or second time he said this just either proofto nobody hasld told him it s a bad idea to boast you can bomb americans redid and he doesn t retain the information he says s we ve got f-15s you don t need a rifle is not about need it s about the right to self defense may be built into that there is a timeto yet to go up against ao corrupt government in his word a government out of line the sameo people whopl smear trump as authoritarian trump nevertr boasted abouumt bombing you 2 americans and remember these are the guys who call january 6 when insurrection and nowy they re saying6t you at don t. f he shouldn tan be president of e taylors with anti- club. hunters going to jail sue joee doesn t have tcoo any comes outd will be rewarded for his loyaltl like ioyt made man in a crimema family it s a distraction n from the influence peddling and kickbacknflus it s not the chare that makes me failed i know hesn is any responsible sky s ball as has been played out as a charge i m comfortable with to me this is about the second amendment you don t lose your first amendment if you lose drugs so why do you lose the second amendmen t it s a preconditional onallaw it s an authority of law which displaces the lower laws when they come in the conflict like now. obviously the lat w waifs broket if it s unconstitutional then it s unconstitutional the only option if you are in recovery as he pointed out as a lifelong addict the only option in recovery let s say you are a wounded veteran needs pain killers are in recovery for t years you have to land the application does objection is subjectiveecti it s predictive assuming you re going to do something bad which we don t do with alcohol we don t make thes projective edge judgements whean people by alcohol which is weigh worse in terms of physical harm. this is it feels good to see tho other side of this but i do fear this law makes it okay to justify disarming a sober citizen based exclusively on past drug use and that is unjust based on the second amendment because there is nothing inso there about that that s my thought richarmy td final wart?c last weekha dissipated in juy duty for a couple days and. you got rejected? i did rej what i learned froe people i met there they weree regular people atht the take the day off work.mi they wertte committed to the process they answered questions fairly and honestly and to thel point of jesse if you have more confidence in the system i washe reassured it works there was 60h of us part of the process what you saw today were 12 people who come to make a decision a couple weeks ago and they are trying to get it right. so anybody who disparages everybody as every day citizens are going to the process don tai do that these are everyday americans participating in thei responsibility as a voter andd s citizen they made the righted decision because that ts what they are supposed to do that wea will seepp what happens barringn appeal you will have some kind of punishment and at some point to remember what like i said yesterday s not running for office he s not at the biden administration or dnc or biting campaignly t. you some buddies been for a lot of traumasli that we have to see what happens. that s the kehay thing like yesterday this is about hunter it supposed to be about joe. this case was about hunter. i m agreeing with you.ll i will end there. there is agreement on the e also coming up the media using the hunter biden verdictgh to hammer donald trump. i m your inner child. get in. [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. 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as you get ironclad evidence like damning text likemessages to drug dealers a y real laptop and solid witnesses like his sister-in-law turned ex-lover. the liberal press still trying to compare it to the hush money mess alvin bragg cooked up against trump. it s a good day by the for the american system. it flies in the face of everything the former presidentn has been pushing to underming,ed the justice systemer we knowha biden s come out strongly against you imagineat donald trump saying the words i will accept the outcome of the case andct continue t to respect the judicl process.. what you are seeing today in connection new with the trump criminal case is jurors doing their job. the doj follows the fact of the law without regard to who is subject to those facts of the lae outside of his last nametr being bideian i don t think the trial ever occurs. richard they had half a dozen whistleblowers saying that every timesayi they tried to follow tt facts they got shut down by the biden administration. i will say this because therh is something great said lastdo thing with t that s where bringp because there ar he politics thd have to do with the case mind you a guilty verdict is a guilty verdict. it. the interesting pivot you seee folks onfo the ratemaking about talking about the biden family, let s movele away from hunter s mobecause his interesting bede pillows that youyo have to navigate this case leans directly into the second amendment and the idea on the form we talked about as theyus have a gun y. has had in the first circuit in 2023 whereus they found it was unconstitutional the questionti was unconstitutionalon. for people in the rate they havo to evaluat te looking hard on ts particular case the second amendment. that s why after the decisiontr was passedum the trump campaigny issued a statement he retracted it put it back out because they re trying to figure how to imagine but also they know ifo you goha to hartigan s huntere biden like they did in 2020 and 2022 it doesn t choke with the electorate as both times they win. the apparent red wave didn t show up so the idea of attacking hunter and just going after hime doesn t seem temo be as effectie as effective as are pelicans think theys are so the question is how we navigate this.ho somebody who identifies as being on the right mapping no all navigating this difficult moment. judge jeanine the pivot they are the people on the radar making to me it just seems like this was a fraction of the crimes on the laptop . so disingenuous richard givei me a breakng it was the bidenidn white house the biden departmen of justicede that had this case from 2018 allowed the statute of limitations to run so biden t be accountable for the worst tax violations in the worst tax crimes connected toec end hites father was vice fathpresident and when he was getting money all over the world which was funneled to everybodye sitting in f the front seed of that courtroom you want to know why they are so unified that sie where the cash came in. so don t give me this judge system work for him saying give me precedent give me some idea on why somebody should be given immunity in perpetuity because his name is hunter biden and they said we ve never done it before us lets not be so holy year than the saying the system g thworks. guy would ve been skating without the judge skating every year the life the first time justice has visited upon a man because of him because of him they lost faith in the this and the social a justice nonsense om out the,e system works now in te system is covered up for this guy for decades.arge the charges would you like them or not our real this pony p to choose from what aboutom trump s charges yet the fashioning create them everybody admitted it was unprecedented aa first of its kind never done before they doing it for a president who is the leading candidate in the election not only is a corrupted selection interference is not about equal justice the it s lopsided a joke is in there i won t make it but screw this antimony is phoniesid these were the lying teabags who claim the laptop was fake so if they re false narrative had prevailed which they wantedre there wouldn t bee wn this verdt to idle then no claim proof of equal justice didn t come downin because of you happened in spite of you this guy got away with a lot for a long time and only stopped becaus oe thernle was to much to ignore.o dana?ig they re trained to see these case were the same applets it s the apples they are apples to cucumbers they aren t the same we sat here for about 6 weeks and to dissect every single worh when thee cnn contributors sayg this wasn t right so that 1 is likely to continue. with 3 weeks not even that.ta i think thoselk talking heads are they not embarrassed and angry at the 51 national security advisors who lied to them and said the hunter biden laptop was disinformation they keep having them on their shows and the actual story in regardst to theop trail was the laptop ws real fear any of those journalists are talking heads i would never talk to those guys agaiwhn so last 2 hear from me next hollywood s most: up challenging project yet convinco voters tjeo back the guy whose brains are shut e guy who down in public judge jeanine: hollywood heavyweights about to spend millions to repackage the oldest they re repackaging the oldest president as hrye in history a d no amount of tinsel down magic can fix this the president turning into brain freeze biden at the white house juneteenth event.whit they are all ghosts try and take it back. taking away your freedoms makinr it harder for black people devote banning books about black experienceieve. it comes as hollywood veterans launch a super back spending $25 million to shore up the youth of the problem the group is hiring millennial generation z writers and producers from shows likene saturday night live anrad parksp and recreation to helpar craft o biting content. as you responded to the. it was the first time i saw w the tape losing control of his mouth.ntro it is frightening that he is the leader of the free world not even making hypotheticals like oh, my god is going to do thisdt or that the promise now with your own eyes you can see he cannot be president. they need a new category for the oscars best reanimation of the corpse what we re seeing right now is not good.eft left me speechless it s artless to do richard i want to go to you on this. joe biden standing at juneteenth i don t know why he did that supposed to be june 19th but what do i know he is the 1 who f said if you don t vote for me w you ain t black. wellel he s got no rhythm or nothing it s a startled responsa or a freezing phenomenon indicative of cognitive declineh mimic asar possibly as a rhythmy a lot of people don t listen too kirk franklin on sunday morning. that s okay i think what si interesting here rate as we think about young people and how they will vote in this election they recently found the number 1 issue for young people is gun violence president spoke earlieu today about that what we found is recent fbi report came out seeing crime is down 26%. we are looking at a man decomposing wait a minute greg as 11,000 finding the murderer rate is down 26% the justme department also announcentd they haven t dated in convicted 500 gun traffickers. c i could do that in 1 countygo the biden administration also hireutd 3700 police officers ths they should be allowed her on t because that s whahat young voth care the truth imes americans don feel ido want to go back to thit with such desperation they brought in steven spielberg to help on the normandy speech the cringe content you get from the young people seeing joe biden, can yocau change that?othe remember the other day he was in france and he bends over like that everybody i know under 40 text me and asked if joe biden pooped his pants it doesn t matter anymore what they tell young americans you see joe biden looks like he pooped young americans see that and it s over what doesn t 80-year-old white man from delaware look like at a party that guy can t find the beat doesn t know how to clap frozen like on solo he s tiredie he was just in europe his son s trial is on and he s just not cut out for that looks like he u just fulfilling the duty and you can tell that he is embarrassed and heiresses more whole countries embarrassed. the truth is there are 81-year-old men with all due respect to congested up this guy it s not even about. mick jagger 6 months younger than biden. he s just not presentn.. i would say here s the thing father time is undefeated and what i find alarming is there s onlyd al 1 person in power a por in a government you can make the national security decisions we d thneed they have to be made oe triggers notice and i don t feel watching in the last several months m particular the last 3 weeks you can have confidence w that it would happen for y examples commander-in-chief chief of staff the military national security of either a i say this is happening right now what you want us to do are you confident?be confident that he would be able to do that i wanted to be able to do that i feel a lot of empathy for him. and i worry for him, about him i don t want to be mad at him i love the fact that people want i to help spielberg great state step uepp you re dealing with facts thatin are not going to get better for the next couple of years. and yet to think really hard about this and the democratsthis really need to think about thiss i m not the only 1 saying that somebody as a former republican you can look at left-leaning people right now who feel b permission has beeeen granted th suggest there could be something like a contested convention in i augustn because it s very worrisome. i think they going to useuy i that guy in the sequence dressed. ahead liberal lunacy is rachel maddow and aoc.el m donald trump is going to throw them in camps. 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first put themselves in jail i don t have that the toy 60 an election i would overturn the roe v. wade and now there are 21 states who have banned a woman s right to reproductive health and you should bring up that right now.righ has answer that question? if you are in kansas and kentucky giving their right to reproductive health saying it will put you in prison.ic the trump ihas a man of his word as the solution if you re an angry democrat and abortion that s what they said up next generations he ditching dating paddleboard yoga g apps for it s odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i m glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. force factor total beets is the number one beets brand in america. that s why friends and family recommend total beets. now you can find total beets blood pressure chews at walmart so you can boost nitric oxide, support blood pressure and improve heart health. rush to walmart and find total beets. richard: gen generation z ditching dating apps for in person events it s % increased by 42% from 2023 and0- the company ceo claims to doing things like paddleboard yoga. i don t want to date anyone who makes come bucha that s discussing. i think getting back out there is good for your mental health people it s good.. all of it is great but i would never date a guy who did that. it s interesting becauset there aren t thamat many barsda anymore antid dating apps ande removed thrie risk from social interaction. you don t feel that when yout used tbuo have when you re meetg people is alou ul about the superficiaonl height salary ageo i m not six-foot tall but as a 9.7 i get an extra .3 by workinr on my charming charismisa to yo point aboutht come bucha like freehand glassblowing and i have a serious question 7 you pick a girl and some to go straight over and another question arear you allowed toe put your salarf when you rile dating at profilet why would you do that? say no more jesse.or greg is right. s got sit day a limber out there when yoube are datingcaus because then you get flaccid with your reflexes all of aen sudden the y guy steals your gil and you re in the bathroom. i thank you need to do some backyard beekeeping. judge jeanine? what really it s like young kids are getting involved in plumbing they don t call a plumber they look at it themselves the problem is if you ve got all these dating app everybody is lyingev about somethin sg why not just allow e your instincts andye your eyebas to figure something out for you they areph called pheromones. smell of. most time for us to go. 1 more thing is up next. ctrifie. 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yeah. look how beautiful they look. not as distinguished , but quite accurate. tonight, jesse watters, frontline. spea. ng of accuracy judge jeanine pirro, james comer, kayleigh mcenany and vic rhymes with steak tonight at eight. all right, great. all righ t. tonight, we ve got a great show, 10 p.m. natalie campagna ,michael loft. it s kat tap tyra s. watch it oe r die. it s. let s do this. . dennis. and while. oh, yeah. all right, so we re goinge. to play the sound, and thenu i ll stop it, and then we ll replay it after you guys gasp. play the sounds. all right, richard, your cash. dear, dear. seal. seal a baby otter.y ot oh. let s roll and find out who s f correcint. oh, wow. est at thase: isti baby? sea otter. oh, we had $20,000. wow. i believe i was. thank you. you said that was the dallas zos zoo avo, by the way. they ve seen. my gosh. how do you think that is? one impressive. okay, so this giraffe had a tall order for his birthdatal treat the lady who lives at the oakland zoo spent his fourthg fo birthday bobbing for yams. the yams were hoisted perfectly to mouth height for the 15 foots tall birthday boy. zawadi also tips the scales at 1300 pounds, which surprisingly makes him one of the thinnest in the herd. and then i know jesse toldtold , but i ll tell you again. i m going to be on jesse watters primetime. she ll be hoisting yams to mouth. yes, that s right. i want dan to show you this dy because these kids, golden retriever, he loves to play cards. he loves cards uffle th. so she s going to shuffle the cards for him. he s like, let s go. let s play car ehed. and she gets really excited when he sees that. i don t even know this dog s name. oh, and also, if you hadn t heard, judge jeanine will be on jesse white . it s got to have something to promote. richar. d. g to we all travel a lot, but there s nothing more annoying than having to unexpectedl uneyy check yourg because it s a little bit oversize open happened. to this. guy on his flight from london to spain. he was determined to provee hi that his bag was small enoughy- to fit in the carry on. so he jammedon, he it into the luggage size or thing there. too bad itit stuck. got stuck. and so he had to turn itt. over to pry his bag and i feel it for him becauset n i know what that feels like. how did it end? he eventually got hit to turn it upsidd?rd: he h e down. ine is and i also want to let you know that judge jeanine is goingbese watte to call. a fl there she is. and it s a full bag. if anybody wants another checkay and look at my bus straight here. so it looks likene. can t h you can t hold this with one arm. let s trd y straight out. no, straight out. so i told you it first came o out. i thought in myn mind, newton, but it didn t do anyou of the women on the show, huh?fh why straight?y bu be careful with my posturest. . i like gus s bling. i think that s pretty good. that icloss. nine: do men close, though?ne if you didn t know that he s got a necklace on.have g all right, that s it for us. everyone, i m tired of us. have a great night, everybody. we ll see you tomorrow. we ll be here later. welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. hunter biden convicted of twounts o counts of lying on a form. the combination of gun as and drugs made his conduct dangerous. sno one in this count

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240611

a.j. way billings, montana. i thought we were supposed to swim away from the shark. noim awaw we have to punch the . which one is it now? you punch first, then you swim y away. i m telling you, an expert told me that s the wa.y to get out alive. scott from oceanside, california if biden refuses to leave the white house, it will be because he can t find his warefusey. maybe maybe he doesn t know he loses. k. fainiaom chester, virgini biden will be at the beach. it s jill who won t leav will bh the white house. oh, jill. drte house. biden. excuse me. that s all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. and always remember, i m waters and this is my world. and i woke up to. hannity and tonight, here- are six words in the english language that every democrat they love, lov englie to recites quote, no one is above the law. no nw if you turn on fake news, cnn media and see you re going to hear that phrase a lot, but only when you re talking about trump or other republican k abs when someone on the left commits a crime. that ss a crim a very differents for example, over the weekend, you had riotertoryexample,s drep as islamic extremists vandalizing historic monuments ,let s say assaulting law enforcement, hurling projectileumentss at a park rand no consequences. lookrits they were trying to han an insurrection. there were no arrests, fines, n no dramatic pleas on the left for anyone to be held accountabldramatic lefe. we ll have a full report and more video of this repotnd s disgusting riol with a message for thoseose wh who are mad at israel for and quite heroically freeing four hostages in gaza. and another message for fake news, cnn, which seem to think that the israeli hostages were simplyh released, know they wee rescued. but first, we turn our attentio.wen to some of the most shameless and morally corrupt people it n america.ld that would be the bidens, many in the mob, the media. they love to point. oute to that hunter biden s ongoing trial is an exampl oute that a biden can face justice. but in reality, hunter s is but a perfect example of the t will goour governmen to allegedly to protect the son of a prominent democrat.know a now, according to the very real contents hunter s very real laptop, the president s son engaged a life of crime for many years. the evidence seems transparentai ,overwhelming, but you decide it was on a massive scale. remember the fallout of the 20 2051 intel experts signing a off on a letter claiming the laptop had all the p s of russiandisi disinformation. this after three years of liesni being peddled over and over again, the russia hoax by the mediover agaa mob, all of it a , all of it based on a dirty dossier. lying the dossier becomes the basis of lying to face the courtss for four separate times, three of tir honored by mr. highe himself, james comey. in reality, the so-called expert.s were spreading disinformation. all they knew about the laptop was nothinformatioaboug. wan they only knew they wanted joe biden to win. you think they d apologize . don t hold your breath. now that the laptop is official evidence at hunter s gun trial.s well, fox news digital reached n inteto theew all 51 intel expers who signed on to the letter and most had no regrets at alld whatsoever. they gotno what they wanted. they helped joe biden get the election in 2020. some even claiming that it was the patrioti.c thing to do.c thn a means to an end. anyway, of course, joe biden b is now president. the evidence of the alleged wrongdoing. on that laptop is shocking. you have rampant drug use, hundreds of thousandsan of dollars seemingly. i can t say for sure spent soliciting, purported tax evasion on millions of dollars in income that needs to be investigatedthat n, refusing tox file tax returns in certain years along with the possibility should be investigated. money laundering. the possibility of fara violations tietied td his own f. many americans can rightly sympathize. sure many, with hunter s addictions and personal struggles, but not the millionsaddi of millions of millions made with businesses in whichitcheric he admits he had zero experience at all. or all the shady actions of hisn father s department of justice, whicish is politicized and weaponized. according to the new york times , the doj prosecutor that s tasked with investigating hunter, this guy, david weiss, remember he s going to sweep the whole thing planned under the rug. no charges at all.ll after purposely the statute of limitations run out on some of the most seriouoms tax chargs from the burisma years. plan a well got ruined by two brave irs whistleblowers on,k tt two plan b, that was the sweetheart plea deal that looped a temporary gun charge and with a few minor tax violations. no jail time. sadly, plan b was ruineduse because. the judge actually read the plea deal and started askingread t real questions aboe totally, completely abd nature of the deal. and now we re on to plan c. welli we pla, years of investig. let s make this guy the special prosecutor. let vestigat guy thes go into ad in delaware in a courthouse there, and hope foe inr the.s the jury has officially beguns their deliberations. you know, any outcome won t surprise me, including an outright acquittal cquittal or a hungg jury jury. but they ll decide if hunter is guilty on the three felony charges. count one accuses hunter of lyingthree felolous hun on an and purchasing a gun, swearing that he was not addicted to drugs. count two accuses hunter of lying to the gun dealer. count three alleges that hunter illegally possessed the guned t while addicted to drugs or actively using drugsdr . t the evidence seems to me overwhelming based on evidence from the trial ased o. r one day after buying the gun, hunter texted his girlfriend hue he was waiting for his dealer. the next day, hunter textedcrac his girlfriend, he s smoking crack. so let s be cleaso be clear. hs these allegations are not a joke. sou biden, his fellow democrat ,don t they love to lecture you about gun control? fac in fact, president biden is now proposing tighter regulationents surrounding lawful gun ownership and steep penaltiesars for anyone who dares to step out of line. ou son on trial. but gun crimes. but if this is the only trial the hunter faces, this will only prove that biden s, s as we have been telling you, is politicized and weaponized. the judge instructed the jury to ignore hunter s ties to thee first family. but let s be clear. only because of those ties that hunter now is only facing gun charges in the biden friendly venue of delaware. he s not getting the donaldp go trump treatment like trump got in new york with a valuation of mar a lago at a mere $18 million in a case that involved, well, valuations the judge in that civil trial was more guilty of valuationaudn fraud than anything they accused donald trump of. and then, of coursg th e, have the case of alvin bragg. misdemeanor statute t of limitations expired upcharge it to a felony electioa felonyng but don t even tell trump what you re charging him with. you , more importantly, about the bidens. , oligarchs.ign oh why did they pay hunter biden millions of millionsing to of dollars, according to the johnson grassley senate report. johnwhat services was he capable of providing if he was admittedly addicted to drugs at the time? now, if he was lobbyingf on behalhef of a foreign entity, why didn t he register r with fara? isn t that required by law?re and why did hunter and the entire biden family use over 20 shell corporationes, according to the house oversight committee? were those accounts used actually used to funnel foreign funds to different members of the familtow y? hmm. interesting questions. right. did the big gu y benefit from hunter s foreign deals in any way? according to the laptop, that apparently is very real. all ths very re guy had 10% pute for him and hunter complainedst- bitterly about giving half his income to pops and complained about, paying for pops as home repairs. why did the big guy lie to you? every one of you watching this show about meeting with his son s business associates, remember, joe said overme eve and over, he never one time ever spoke to his son. brother, anybody about theses fo foreign business deals. devon archerre said he recallse bi joe biden calling into at least 20 meeting s with and theses fore foreign business partners. and what about burismasiness, the ukrainian energy giant? hunter admits no experience in oil, gas, coal, ukraine when he goes on good morning the america, but then gets paid millions to sit on that company s board d. and th and then joe, you might recall, braggeencalld about leveragings a billion of your dollars to get the ukrainiantoe ukrain m investigating this company and his son firepahis son d, brt getting it all done within 6 hours. the resultt gettin of that firig hunter continues to get paid four zero experience. never mind the chinese energy conglomerate cfc. we ll save that for another day. as you can tak see, hunter s gue trial is really just the tip of the iceberg. frankl of they, i would call itw hanging fruit when it comes to hunter and just below the surfac e. y pict it s not a pretty picture. make no mistake, when a family can ostracizuran no miste ize tn five-year-old granddaughter and ignore her until shamed by maureen dowd at the new york times and then neverl even follow up to talk to helor meet with her, include her. it s pretty safe to assume the worst. but of course, everyone, including hunter, they were innocenthunt until proven guilty in a court of law. right. so tonight, we continuighte a to await the verdict out of delaware. not exactly an unfriendly venuen for biden. here with reaction, we have fox news contributorn. e on jonathan turley john. and let s get your take on the case as an outside observer following it as closely as you. i felt the evidence was you , incontrovertible. i thought i actually was well, i actually was pretty impressed with the prosecution in this casey impres in, the case that t eventually did put on, but only because they were forcedy we to. well, the prosecution did an admirable job. i mean they were right on it. v they had a very tight case. what was most impressivede is that abbe lowell, the defense counsefense l, put p a series of defensese that collapsed within two days. the prosecutor just methodically. s method destroyed all of these claims. and in a normal case, that jury would have been out for an hour, come back with a conviction. i mean, this is very obviouslyss an offense that was committed, but that s not what the realffee is. i mean, these as implausible as these arguments are, they re really placeholders. the defense playing to a delaware jury. this is biden town. thisware jurden town is wilming this is where the home of thefay biden family resides. and i think they re hoping for a jury nullification.. and to add to that i s a certain degree of sympathy for someone who had a tragic fightso w with with drug addiction. so we ll see what happens tomorrowlltomorr. ment there s no question in my view that the government stuck the landing here. they prove the case. the question is whether they cane the caestion get the y to consider the evidence and not justt wh who the defendt is. what do you think the most? and i thin youk, i do respect abby as an attorney. i think the one thing hunter does have goin e ong for him is abbe lowell. and i would argue there are noto many great attorneys in d.c., but he is a good attorney for sureat. ght and i thought he did as effective a job as he couldwe considering the hand that he was dealt, which was awful. with that said, do you think he was able to cast doubt in any area that sticks out in your mindha? no, no, i you know, the argument that was made by abby starting out was maybe brmeone else checked out box and they brought this mr. cleveland forward who just blew that out of the water and said, i stood there, watched him check that box and the otherg to boxes and told him to take his time, which he dids time. of then said, well, he was really sort of rushed into buy buyingin gun and cleveland saide no. he came in intendingnding to toy a gun. and then there was this ludicrous argument that hed thes sort of immaculate period of sobriety or, at least he was just drinking, not using drugs v . and the government destroyed it and showed a texent it the veryr day where he s trying to meet mookie to score more drugs.t and the day after that, sayingg that he s doing crack in a car.m and he had witnesses come forward to say that when they saw the crackayt , he doint every 20 minutes. so none of these thing livs survived within two days. but again, that s not to do with me unless i m sure the prosecutor. i m sorry, sylvester. i apologize. i thought you were finished. do a, you agree with me that theorta real important issues that people shouldntat be concernedriou about, then this is a serious ss issue that the crime aspect him and charging him here. but i think the more serious issues involve how much moneyy that this that hunter was heking without experience at a time he s addicted to drugs seemingly offering no services that we can identify as of now . no, that s exactly right. blewknow what s, amazing about this case is that it blew away their own defenser own desr that the media has been repeating for years. they ve been suggesting that hunte r biden really was this incredibly competent in demand. businessman and international expert in his book and in this a trial, it s clear that he was addicted and having a very difficult time managing moste. basic parts of his life. but he was getting millions from these companies wasons. yeah.. all right. jonathan turley, professor, ank you for joinin g us. for now, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. harvard law professoing us, for alan dershowitz. professor, you re actually on a satellite tonight, as i, zo don t have you on your little zoom thing. it s great to see you a little bit more clearly. we ll start with you tonight. let s get your taker take on the case. do you agree with the last question i asked professor o and turley, which is about, you know, this is low hangingw, fruit as far as i m concerned, considering the millions of millione s of dollars that they brought into this family at a time he s addicted to drugs and at, you know, with no experiencend, admittedl. in an interview on good morning america. look, the best thing that could possibly happet thinn to, donald trump, is if hunter biden gets acquitted because. en i the evidence against hunter biden is so much, so much more compellinh moreg. the legal issue is so much more compelling than anything against trump.t this and it will prove beyond any doubt that this is all about wherall abe the trial wasc conducted, that if you re trump and you tried in new yortehak, i it s automatic guilt. and if you re biden and you re triec guilif you rd in delawarea different verdict. so the best thing that could possibly happen, trump, is the acquittal of biden. based on all of this evidence. c it would also be aa. good thing for the for america. it would it would uncover and disclose the horrible crimi double standard that our criminal justice system is going throughnaicstem i. maybe we could get some reform. maybe we can do something about it right now. our criminal justice system jug of the world.h and i feel just so horribleable about. it i ve devoted six years of my life to trying to defend tars of and explain a legal system based on neutral principle is g that legal system is gone. the trump case destroyed destro. and if there were an acquittal in this case, at least it would expose it itt. now, there may be a conviction in this case because the evidence is so overwhelmingn that won t hurt donald trump. but if there were an acquittal, it would help donaldalt bu wer t trump enormously in the court of public opinion. pu that the acquievef new york verdict was justified. if there s an acquittal in this casen th, there s such a difference in terms of the venue, it seems. diff greg, that if you want equc justice and equal application of our lawatios and you want constitutional order, it s all going to depend on the venue.t l it s all going to depend on whether how politicizedprosec weaponized the prosecutor may be and how abusively biasede the judge can be. mm-hmm. a yeah, it blows a hole in thes notion constitu usually of an impartial jury. but here are the facts here.e so simple. the law is clear. the evidence of guilt overwhelmingthidence o the argut that hunter was in denial about is addiction. so that somehow forgives his lie. that is so. but look, if a hometown jury is already in your back pocket, then jonathan s right. sympathy and jury mightnotifi actually work. and it doesn t matteca r that jurors are not allowed to negate the law. they do it anyway sometimessecrc because secrecy them.pleaseions they could do as they please without consequence. having said that, prosecutors do have an advantage. ,they don t have to prove that hunter was high on drugs or addicted. ought the day bought the gunth only during the general timeframe, and that was proventt conclusively through text messages, photograph s, oo witnesses, his own words from the book he wrote. hunteotr, it turns out, was the best witness against hunter tohich is precisely why he chose not to testify. e been he would have beenly completely shredded on cross-examination shredcrossi all right. predictions. professor dershowitz essor de? well, i think the evidence a coo overwhelming there could be a conviction, but i wouldn t be surprised if we sawbut jury nullification. remember, jury nullification cuts both ways. what happenee saation.d in new n jury nullification. the jury found an innocen nev person who committed no crime whatsoever, guilty becauseerth of the judge s instruction. and because the prosecutor made up a case that was juryon nullification with the judge nullification. this very well be a casecase o of jury nullification as well. ry prediction. gregg jarrett well, this hase beenen a no nonsense honest judge, a federal judge hugeon difference between this judge and machine. s foll if the jurors follow theirth duty as theyey mus there will be a conviction. all right. i noll rightt know outcome, be t juilty verdict, acquittal, a hung jury. nothing will surprise me here, but we ll see. surall right. we thank you appreciate it. when we come back, thingsmes ar are so i mean, so bad for democrats. you ve got prominent democrats, even a prominent election forecaster are floatinge id the idea that biden should drop out of the rac e. our friend james carville is losing his mind. arm e go, out the latest on him and much more as hannity continuears. i try to put my arm around any event that i can. absolutely. absolutely. at new day, usa, that what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. i think of 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for public policy, public service or being involved in the public squaren th is quite dishearteni. and i can understand that on one level, i may not talk term and a lot of things are nos art working for them, and i feel like the two guymean ms that dol mean much to him and i am really afraid that we re goingnl to lose a generation of young people. democrats use it losing their core coalition of party, young people, african-americans, hispanic-americans -. earlier today, election forecaster nate silver echoed comments saying democrats be would have been better off e would if biden had stepped d . yesterday, the new york times even publishinyestg a piece lon highlighting biden s long list of bizarre lies, including his claim that he used to driveh an 18-wheeler, that he was the first in his family to go to collegeo . that is uncle. he was eaten by cannibals. he receiven byd appointment to e naval academy from his future senate fro. he got involved with the civil rights movement at the ageinvold of 15. e we know that s a lie. he was arrested on a front porch with aarrestt family durg desegregation at a local neighborhood and that he never earned $400,000 in a year. well, now, of course, the newco york timesursek of various points, they kind of downplay these blatant lies as hyperbole or exaggeration and ones. and those are the ones they included. that s all the tip of the iceber.e g. cause take a look at your screenwe because we re scrolling more that biden has told over the years. by the wayby the, the new york s you re very, very welcome to use our farst o more comprehensive list of joe biden lies. biden lies you ever decide to an your corrupt and abusive bias? h and by the way, you can eventhat give me attribution. youoh, and joe did partner with that friend of his that mentor of his. that s right. the former klansman, robert byrd, to stop bussing and the integration of publicf schools. remember, joey said he didn t want public school ramembs to become racial jungles. they might want to cover that, too. th mightand as biden struggles e to mount, trump is not slowingtl down at all. his vp search is allegedly in full swing. earcbiden s desperate electione year border crackdown is alreadyear wate failing as i continue to flood over the border, whic h sources nowh saying 10,000 were apprehended on thursday alons knuckle, fours the limit at which biden said procould stop processing claims. in other words, it was asylum all smoke and mirrors als, noteo real. here with reaction, harris poll chair mark pen. n, the host of tomi lahren, is fearless. there s no such thing as a fearful tomi lahren. anyway, on outkick. tomi lahren. tomi, let s get your take. it s a long list of people now. it s james carville. i won t speak for mark penn. let i ll let him speak for himself. but it s van jones. it s david axelrod. is maureen dowd, nate silver. norod,w joining the chorus?you you have been saying, do you still believe 140 days out,o you think they re going to replace biden? i absolutely believe they re going to replace biden. i believe it s going to happen either at the or shortly thereafter. i think the democrats are far to s oro strategic and they re far too used to winninger and they enjoyefor winning far t much to take a risk with joe biden. and i knowe bide they took a rik in 2020. but when we look back ate lo and the debates in 2020 and we look at when he was newly elected, he was in fahen her better shapa than he is now, and he was slipping then. son th h i don t think they cani possibly take that risk. i do believe they re going to swablwho belip out. tha i also think that when it comes to this first debate, we need to actually raise our expectations of joe, because us counting it as aiseui he s able to sit upright and complete his sentence is givino stepg him far too much credit because then he ll claim a victory just like he did aften her the state of the union because he was able to get through it in one piece. so we have tioo raiseo ra our expectations of biden. and we also have to put the onuse oude on the democrat a and not just the messenger, but the actual messagecrat a. d because if and when they do swap out biden, we have to be ready on the republican siden and we cannot be caught flat footed if they bring gavin newsom in anottedd he s a shiny new toy. we can t let that happen. we thas, egy of the democrat i don t think we got that.n: i think it s more likel i dot be whitmer if they have the ability to bypass vice b president. mark, can anybody really conclude anythinmark, g? smart democrats like yourself, you really don t want biden, do you? well, i think i ll i ll defer that one per se. but look, i didn t think he wasd goinidn g to run. he decided to run. thesyou know what swept the democratic primaries? these are his delegatee hes. it s his convention. the idea that he s not going i to be the nominee i think is ara fantasy. i think the party is around hiri . i don t know why james said what he said. it s not really particularly tyi oint. useful at this point. i l the only thing i ll say is this the base. mark, you know why he saidid what he said? vengeance. a little riskyha. you know why he said it was. it s a sign that it s obvious this guy is a mumbling and bumbling, stumbling, bumbling. you know, he could barely sentences together. however, i do take tommy swever, admonition really seriously. i think we ll see the return up of jacked up joe.wh whatever joe drankatev eight tak before the state of the union. maybe it was just red bull and caffeine pills. i don t know. whatever it was, that was note m the normal joe. we never saw it before and we haven t seen it since. but we will see it fornce. the. now, there are some even saying, mark, that donald jus trump might be wise to just pass on the first debate. wait till he s nominatede firs,n debate. and what would you say to thawhat wt? h oh, i d say he accepted it. he it in the lion s den. ifif i were donald trump, i would have done some betterin negotiating here, but i don t think he can back ougt without really looking cowardly. and i think biden has, you know, said he s going to meet the challenge. i thinow, saidk it s big test wt he is whether you think he s jacked up or noher yot. dt if he can get through that debate, he ll lift his campaign. and if he can theampaign ant, - that might actually be in some jeopardy. they might have actually, joe, might have done donald trump a favo mr and i say this affectionately, tommy, by insistingg that that when itm his turn to speak, that they mute his microphone becausk the think that was a mistake in the first debate in 2020. your reaction? well, i would hope with a i w lot of things foouldr that firsd debate. obviously, it s stacked against donald trump and we know that. but i thin agak donald trump han incredible opportunity in this first debate to act more presidentiaortunityirst den he s ever acted in his entire life. push everything on joe and joe pushs agenda and his failed policies, which is the democrat failed and policies and agenda. de donald trump just sits back and he lets talk himself into a corner, then donald trump will win that first debate. he just has to restrain himself, which i believeave to he do i . pull it in, act t as presidentit and dignified as possible, n and he will win against joe biden and his failed policies. he simply can t stand on thosebn . and quite frankly, he can t stand at all. all right. t ask you this. if, in fact, joe, for whatever mark penn went out, tom is convinced mar it wouldt be gavin newsom. i m not sure. i don t think it would be gavin. that s just my guess. i have no inside knowledgethat except that he told me over ove and over and over and over again when i interviewed himt do and in the debate with governor desantis, that he wouldn t do it. okayokay. so i think the most lk person, if it s notharris president harris, would be governor whitme wor whitmr. that s my take. people have floated the name jo michelle e obama. i don t think she s up to the. job myself. would be the most likelywh democrat? who would you pick if you had to choose somebody? well, again, you have to go through the history here. these delegates were nominated for this ticket. harris, i think would be the likely nominee if for some reason, any reasone hims joe biden had to remove himself, you could bet on thate as almost a certainty you think would be kamala harrisy feat. yes, absolutely. all right. is on well, bet the game s on.t i don t know what you guys want to. bet. but, you know, feel free, you know, off ai yr. when w thank you both. all right. when we come back. all right. foack ghr israeli hostages, thak god held by hamas terrorists october the seventh. they were rescued duringai what was a daring raid this week. and we have the video of it. but your vic we ho e is making sure to appease her far left base rather than praising those involved in the heroic raid. ha and we ll tell you what the left als also said about ths heroic moment. moyof think they would be happ the hostages were freed. the people that were involve thd in taking them, yes, some of them died. but every death that has taken place since october seven. blood is on hamas s hands th next. artificial intelligence is transforming agriculture, advancing life saving health care, and strengthening small businesses. this game changing technology is supporting every sector of america s economy. today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology. but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. our leaders in congress need to stand up for innovation and protect america s competitive edge. he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know you got to get it. check out selectquote. trust me, the peace of mind. it s worth it. life insurance is too important to put off another day. that s why selectquote makes getting 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watch. listen. get latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening this. arin past weekend during a daring raid as israel rescued hostages taken during the october seven terrorist attack. the idf just released video of this very dangerousy da operation. take a look at thisngerous. we had recorded a catch phrase that said and they indeed said listening to the in me. yes, yes, yes, yes. a very courageous, serious, but complex military operation. but over there in fake news, cnn one banner called the, quote, a hostage release. no, that would be a rescue. keep in mind, that is a networka that s supposed to hosto the upcoming presidential debate. host the fake jake tapper and dana bash really be objective or trusted? no, they re liberal talkir show hosts. they re not journalists, as they claim to be. alsoeral ot, vice president harris. oh, she mourned the palestinians, quote, tragicallyt ha killed duringn an the raid and call for an end to the war. playino thg, of course, to her extremist left-wing base which showed in full force thishi weekend in front of the white house and promptlyin fro started vandalizing monuments and lafayette square, reportedlyyette sq at police ant service and demanding the elimination of the state of israel. now, secret service agents, you know were told to kill themselves and there was a lot of f the police s release fromof some of these radicals. and by way, they were forced fro to retreat from the insane mob. anyway, herethe in reaction. r former senior aide to presidentr trump stephe sn miller. and from the lawfare project,pr brooke goldsteinoject is us. you know, the people that aresi responsible fobler the murder of 1200, brooke, the people that took all of these israelisi and americans hostage and israel bravely is risking lives to go saved is the liveseh of people. i argue that every death of every palestinian that blood is on the hand is of hamas, that that started this war, esea that killed these israelis. the worst terror attack in their history. and it s miraculous that they got thesn histor mire four host. and that would be called a rescue, not a release. your reaction? well, sean it s great to beo be here with you again tonight. and i want to say that you re ab are absolutely correct. under the laws of armed conflict , it is hamas, a terrorist group that is responsible for the death of civilians, both israeli civilians and palestiniaans bothaelin civ. but you have to ask yourself, knowing what is happeningwhat in this war right now, at what point under the laws of armer td conflict do you lose your civilian status? t wa because let us not forget that it wa00s over 2000 and gaza civilians that broke into israel on october the seventh. it was the gazan civilians along with hamas that tortured that that murdered that burned israeli civilian babies alive. it was gazan civilians that then took israeli civilianit gars as hosts that kept them, tortured them were paid by hamas to keep them, raise them as . at what point do you lose your civilian status, being a civilian is not an affirmative defense to murder civilians or r do murder other civilians. and you best be sureothers c tho matter what you call yourself, if you kidnap and murder israeli civilians, the idf will rightly hols thd accountabt and, you know, it s sort of like that that coastal elitist, you know, hollywood leftists, george clooney and his wife literally wanting bg bibi netanyahu to be brought up on war crimes as he s literally trying to defend his own country from radical islamic terrorists radic. al you know how people lack that moral clarity. stephen miller i will nevestepha for the life of me understanndd israel has the right to self-determination to defend their country from a group that has in their charter a call israel s destruction that would have been 40,0000 ded dead americans in a day based on their populationn. and then you have, you know, jack actors likegoing george clooney and his wife going after the prime prime mint for trying to preserve their country. really? well, you knowally, is your morl compass, mr. clooney. although mr. i m being a bito too polite. here isn there isn t one, sean. there s no moral compasss no moe the radical left in this country has decided that it s on the side of hamas. it s as simple as that. hamas is a genocidal terroristte organizationrror. one of the most evil, vile, repugnant, repulsive organizations alive today, or any point in the history of humanity. they, as has been discussed, they , they butcher, wome murder, they tortur coue t enslave women and children, barbarians. but joe biden, us democrat parte y is now playing fore pr the pro hamas vote in this this country. they re playing for whatever sliver of voters in this country they thinkslivft is sympathetic to hamas. now, that s morally to hs morall. but i would also sayi wo it s politically idiotichamas because for every pro-hamas site in this country thi, theres 20 voters, 30 voters who are as horrified and, as appalled te by the atrocities of hamas i e are on this panel tonight. i believe joe biden will pay a dearbeliev pay price for cozyp to that segment of thete us electorate. e this is one of the saddest moments in us histor that n did he abdicate america s rolee on the world stage as theus leader of the cause of libertyan and freedod freem but then he ao surrendered in the war against islamic terrorism by saying, we re not going to help israel defend against those people that attacked them on october 7th. you know, just just the perfect to raise money with george clooney and his wife. thanoney a his wifk you both.p t appreciate it. coming up, donald trump,he biy in thea, thell state of virginia, the commonwealth, well, the blue statecommon red in nov. we ll ask governor glenn youngkin. and later, biden hosted a juneteenth event at the white house tonight. yeah, it appeared to be a little late for joe to stay up. yeahyou got th, he got the tapec you don t want to miss it.ti straight ahead. the ve i look back with greatet satisfaction on my 32 yearsposii on active duty. i understand the veteran i understand the veteran mentalitoning these are peoplee who have served. they ve been in leadership positions. positions. financial helpthey re willing tt their life on the line if necessary. and tfor a handout. and say, i need some financial help at this point in time. oing to they re looking for a h. they re looking for our little hand up. hand up. my team at new day usa is going to do everything we possibly to do everything we possibly can to make sure gets that loan. no one takes care of veterans liken ists hav new . of veterans liken ists hav new . after 30 years of research, brain scientistsy to say have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline and memory issues. i m trying to get a thoughtli across and ike i w can t find the right way to say it. a lid as got into, 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huge. according to the latest fox poll in the commonwealth of virginia. donald trump.n, joe biden. this is a second poll in a row a tied at 48%. o remember, this is the place joe biden won by ten points in 2020. the same poll shows trump winning 25% of black voters in the commonwealth of virginia right now.n repu can republicans considerbl virginia in playrginia come novb joining us with moreer, virginia governor glennh youngkin.t gahe governor, listen, your victory reallyer shocked the world man in many ways because a lot of people, like myself include d ,thought that virginia had gone solidly blue, that northern virginia, thata h- too many d.c. employees that were going to vote for the bureaucracrey. and it became that much more difficult of a state to win. to wiis this state in play forf donald trump? sean? it is i believe it is. and that s exactly what the polls are showing us. just like georgia and pennsylvania and wisconsin. michigan, nevada and arizona, those battlegrounda an states ae seeing the exact same kind of statement that virginians are make. and they want a strong america. they want an america that ha was economic strength, not the biden generated economy. no unleashed inflation. they want an america that has national security, not the indecisive, weak america that joe biden has created. they want an america that has a secure border, not one that has terrorist and illegal immigrants and fentanyl flowing over every day. i i mean, we see it in virginia. we literally have five virginians dying on average from fentanyl overdose. and we hadeinians d i two illegl immigrants crash the gates at quantico in a box truck recently. and they want an america that has energy . we are so tired. i can hear it every single day of being told that you have to buy. and even if you live e b in california, but not in virginia anymore because we declared our independenc ivirgir that in fact you and you have, 0 to pay 20, 30, 40% more for a gallon of gas because of the biden failed energy policy. they want trump back in the amei white house because he built a strong america. and that sca exactly what we ve seen in virginia over the course of the last couple of years , commonsense conservative policy works. we ve unleashed a riunleashep ey in virginia, and i think they want to see it on a national level. yean thins, virginia is in we got five months of hard work . but i m telling you, when they put that when they put the records of president trump againss oft president bidi i believe that virginians and american ts are going to fid themselves pulling the lever for president trump. so when i was with presidentr trump last week and i did an asterview with himeseekend, youe came up and he asked me ifke i spoke to you off, and i said, well, occasionally you we you k, we have we have spoken. and you come on the show. , tell and he said, when you talk to him, tell him i m going to give him a call goito g. i want to thoughts on virginia. so i would say expect the callmt from president trump. i don t know. i m just a mere messenger. right. you know, what about northern virginia? because that alwayr.s scares me, because there are so many dark bureaucrats that live in the commonwealth of, virginia, that work in d.c. and how big ah percentage of the vote is that going to end up being for the commonwealthating the ? well, in order to win virginia like we did in 2021,e you have to lose northern virginia less badly. and what we did, of course, was wen the hispanic vote, we won the asian vote, we won oen the independendent vt vote. people are ready for change. and in 2021, they were readywe to see parents put back at the head of the table, controlof of control of their children s lives. they were tire t children sd oft taking all of their hard earned money and putting it in government cofferrned mones,g in their pocket. they wanted a chance to build their livethey wands the way thd to build them and not being told what to do all the timeo . mandated masks and oh, by the way, mandate what kind of ca or. you drive. this is virginia. and of course, i think thithisv is america. and therefore, the plan to win virginiathan t is, of course, to lose northern virginia. less bad, but to get over 40% nt of the vote and then knock it out in the rest of the state. di and that s exactly what we did in 2021. and when you looand when youk am trump s strength across virginia, that s exactly what he ca ginia thn. let me ask you a finalr fi question. if donald trump annald i knowou your name hasn t been out there prominently, but if donald trump called not you, asked you toun run with him, what would you say,m governor? well, well, first, i would be honored and humblede . he rep tell him that there is a ton of talent in the republican party today, everyw and i ve seen them everywhere. and it s my job to finismyh winv my finish my time as governor and help him win virginia. irwhat tell you what.ha we ve got to make sure weve t get donald trump back in the white house because donat withstand another four years of joe biden. is that a hard no, sean,r hear that that is that is a a realistic view of the fact that there s so much talentha that i think he can have a great choice and fin d lots of people i think i can ask this would be honored but indert understand. all righand. t governor, alwayswhen great to have you on the program. when we come back, the white w u house hold the juneteenth event tonight. they didn t go well for joe. straight aheadll o, the thinking is starting the writing clock. usa today, the wall street journal and entertainment weekly hailed the black writers on june 21st. one of the biggest films of the summer arrived the many nice little i like you guys. you re in a nice. how many staff ladies did you win? they said seven. felt like one. he keeps writing. he s going to die one way or another. you re crazy. we are on desire, but characters on this is war war. the black writers meeting are only in 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doctors even recommend it during pregnancy and after surgery, goalies increases water in the stool, making it softer so it s easier to go. no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining. kohli repair has the beltway lawmakers have announced bipartisan legislation from the breaking news the country to the global events shaping our world. we ll bring you there and have a live report, special report with britt baer weeknights on fox news channel america is watching. earlier tonight, biden hosted a juneteenth celebratio sean:n at the whiti house and big surprise, it didn t go well. throughout the event biden stood awkwardly still, while other attendees were singin werg and dancing before later clapping along completely out of rhythbeforem with everyoe around him. and when he did speak, it only got worse. he d g a look. she not lost. she knows. so long as i that night. r be our freedom can never be secured. these black soldiers were a link in the distinguished line of patriots, enslaved and free, who risked their live s in every war. since the founding. the founding of our ideals. we don t know fully what american soil is. mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumblinging, and incoherent. n now, in fairness, this was around 9 p.m. eastern, which is well past joey s bedtime. i m sure bedtime he s going to g well tonight after that vigorous showing. plea s all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, eveyourr ever h an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not and your hearts be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilutfelde on your face. have a great nigh

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Five 20240608

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div class= gutr > but most of the time iff you just leave them alone, they l leavel be fine and you are reassuring. now, you were so nice e on.m thank you so much. great to see you. great to see you. gu,k you. oh, boy. it was a very emotional day fort the ingram, my oldest and my only daughter, maria. mycaroline graduated high school today. can you believe it? it was a beautiful ceremonhay, h and like all parents all the time, i m saying where did the time go?d she was three years old,co 2 seconds ago, and now she s off to texasnds ag for coi soon. and i m going to be an absolute wreck. you re all going to have to help mente wreck it give me some advice. but we re all so proud of the so aren that she s become. she loves the lord. she loves her family and hershe friendlove s. and, boy, do we love maria.a. that s it for us tonight. it s americas at now and foreveu enjoy your weekend. see him monday. jessi s next next. there. greg how did you get that done? g at five and why? why jersey?nt and then jus t the five feet back. and welcome to the five week back. we[applausthe five live in lancaster for what a way kick off this summer with this amazing crowd. i to give a shout out to t-mobile and empire retirement for sponsoringwe right guys i think we found our our people i mean jane cannot believe you pulled this out. this was all your idea, by the y. you thank you. we have a lot of fans, the jersey shore, and it s good tnso be first time.eanine: yeah, it s my first time. and i got to tell you, dana, i m following you from now on everyevery we now about greg that it s great to be here to work. yes. finally i get to casual i met got an actuaal casual friday you might you know this is for pride month. oh yeah thanksr the guys. all right, you know what? we honor them. we honorana: we you as well. vt so it wouldn t be a short visit without hitting up that boardwalkwithou behind us. and who better to guide us than the king of new jersey himself? the jersey shoreimself, , mike e situation sorrentino. we met him earlier. check it out stion swe met ou i got the crew, me, the judge, we ve got jesse watters. great. got that. we ve lost him somewhere. is too i can t find him. he s too short to ride the ride, so we don t knowo thea where he is right now. but we ll get there. but i m so glad that you came to the jersey shore. no tw, i ve never been here. tell me about it. this is point pleasant beach boardwalre, tellk. and this is all families. it s fun. what exactly were you going n. be doing toda at arey? ot well, as you can imagine,t thin i wanted to show you lots of different things, but i neededgseede to do my research i had to find this an expert, of course. but the bestexi go. t th do you want to meet him? let s go back. the situation thank you so much for meeting. like i said. how ar how s everything? what s up? everything. hi. how are you, love? here, come on. hi, how are you? well, guys, we a little bitsitut of a situation on our hands. in fact, we have a food situation. io follow. let s go.i lo yeah, this way. i love the chicken tendersve. all right, what do weve h have here, guys? l staples that would come when you come to the you c jersey shoreom. fried my gosh, we have fried oreos. we ore have pizzosa, have chickn tenders. chicken tenders. get here. here s i m going to because it s not one of those trendy stairs and he s got to stand. his shares, chairs, protein jes jersey, stand up. can we get some diese: ys, c? thank you. yes. yeah. thank caroline.caroli johnny. thank you. jesse. jesse.f the strawneank you. you got good hair. thank you very much. i ll be honest, he could probably on the jersey shore. heit y and i get my haircut like,ouy you know, your hair looks great. i think we rour haate fueled upt right now, but i think it s time to step it up a notch. wellep i, jea we got some games. all right, let s go. let night,s go right here. right we have basketball and we her have football right next to it. i think we should probably have a little competition. oh, jesse. oh, my god. no warmups. oh, okay. oh, gosh. you get. all right. you just got it. it. have yout. have you ever done the hippos? i have. let s go. js go.. yeah. yeah. great. that s impossible. what time is that? it s tee shirts shirts. ! ready? . tee shirt yeah. yes, i know. this is the place to come. oh i, yeah. show us around the tee shirt. yes. what about gre judgeg? you get well, i found greg for d myself. i m going to go with this nices blue, but look what i got for greg. oh, are you ready?we because now that we gotsh our t-shirts covered, there irtt only one thing left for us to accomplish. what do we gotplish. ? we have rights. oh, hey, ready, guys? all right, ready? okay, now. you all right, guys, are you readytu for a situation? it s time for some rightation?? do it. wait a minute. we ve got the five. we haven t even prepped ye the i can t prepare. i ve got our folders. i ve got the checklist. b eight blocks. jesse, the. bll ta okayyour a seat situation. stop. it is your fault having in the building. all right, let s folde go. oh, my god. what s happening? oh oh, all right, guys, that win be complete at the jersey shore without takingoto. photo. a squad photo. let s go. ie. his selfi it s a great time indeed. and thank you, mike, the situation for being there. his book is just out . had him on his show. that s right. we got reality check. making the bes the rea t his situation. you see what he did there. little play on words. mike was greats beard but danat a shot underhand in the basket and judge jeanine set an all time record for the hungry. hungryl-time? 30, 30, 33, hungry hippo 32. l she said 32 to greg. i got you a t-shirt. g, i g hope iott fits the cute little one for you here at the jersey shore. that s beautiful the and i love that. but you know what? i n i look because whe at this situation and i see that he s gotten old. gotten t meanthat i m really o. i mean, remember, i mean, they ve gone from cocaine to calling skippy s from stds, ira, from beer to by focals.o y yes.ha do you have any more? now? you could probably keep itfor th going. you re the only one that prepared for the show, all right. no, i know harold. i know. you couldn t come to us. come with us to the t-shirt shopouldn t to. so i got you a t-shirt. it s called rock the boat, which is what you do wear all of it. i love rock and rol, harol lt was a great time. and then this is a lot of good, clean fun. harold, you could bring your kids. i got to telyours. i got to l you.first ti it s my first timee sh on the shore, and i didn t realize the people were this good. going to come back? yeah, boards are going to come back. so thank you. all right, well, let s. get little bit of news. up next, inflation causing a summer concert. cool su down with a major artist like jennifer lopez, even s amiding their tour reports of poor ticket sales as the average ticket cost at thskyward. e yo rockets hardest hit. jesse watters. are you sad jennifer lopez isn t goinnifeg to have a concel yeah j.lo and i go way back. she s with ben now and i m not t that upset about it. th our timee coul together. but i heard because she couldn t sell out in vegas. that sdn tn vega reason she s ni the tour. so i don t know if it s bad inflatios bideation, bn, but i years ago, all concerts were free because you just hajust hdo to a trump rally and they let you in. that s true. herald dan that s what do you think the economy is this sort of reflection of the economy? i don t know. on oi think there s so many man concerts and so many options that peopld optione have. you have all the festivals, you have individual concerts. so at some point there is a finite wallet. and i think that the way that the market works supply and demand, that s exactly what i m talking about saying that s what greg told me to sa. s whatyt on t . we got on the show. greg, what do you think? i mean, i don t know about concertshew. dana:. they ve changed a it s an excuse. the only reason why they cancele it d j-lo s tour wt they couldn t find a stadium big enough fortadium b her . thank you. hey, it s jersey. yeah. here s the deal. under america under joe biden has become a neighborhoojo ad that pricing everyone out. the only peopleev, the only people who can afford house in america are the rich or foreign rich coming here ords hedge funders buying up tons of houses else is screwed. by the way, inflation isn tting just affecting prices. it s also immigration. he s inflaterices. it immigrati. he s inflated crime, right? he s also inflated government control. ed goverentright by by targeting political opposition. and suppressing political speech. an pressin when you think it s h it s not just the price of food, it s the coste pric, your freedoms and the price of being an american, we ll be right back. we should buy. before we do, let s get a check in tonight. eager face heralds. of the he s got a cute face. so one of the things we know isi got hindm out today is kindf yo of expensive if you re buying toys for the kids. yeahare i was looking at that. i mean, even buying beach are simple things. t-shirts are expensive. is, y and the truth is that, you know, people don t want to payople don w inflated priceo to some of these concerts and know only the really good ones now are getting out of state. a stadiu ing a stm of fans. going so going forward, i mean, you rather watch it on tv or, you know, watch it like, like? s it what s your name? who does the concerts in the movie theater? taylor swift. taylor swift. theater danyou can watch insg $5,000 or $10,000 for a ticket, watch it on television. i would love that, because then i can press and go to the bathroom. all right, let s move a muscle, america. there s more summebathroom.move huge surprises and guests ahead to come on the vibes beach bash live from martell s tiki bar. up next, get ready for the f tiki trash trump aaigniv talk. donald trump and joe biden trading insults. we have moreoe right after bidel wek. reats. wek. reats. we ve never spoken, but you ve told us many things that love stargazing, hate, parallel parking and. occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus esv didn t begin in the studio. it began with you. you know what s crazy? this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. groceries are expensive. i thought i was in trouble i thought i was in trouble ther you are. and doug limbaugh. someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let s chief doug. oh, wow. i thought you were right behind . me? only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. every delivery man, ever family. rem[bber when i said we need rem[bber when i said we need to screen footr? was that after i texted was that after i texted the screen was now 45? because i said, oh, the guard be there. where did you come from? yep. with me. you cat my wayn at home. at s e just talk to your provider. just talk to your provider. well, stream of call the carffs. and. do it my way.egative cologuard is a one of a kind way to screen for. that s effective and noninvasive is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive or negative results may occur. ask you provider for me, cologuard. most guys get serious airbags as they get older, but most guys don t do anything about it because most guys don t really understand skin care. they think it s too expensive and they don t believe that anything actually works. but here s the thing. most guys are wrong because there are actually a few ways to your air bags. and one of the easiest articles six and one face cream actually works really well, and most guys actually can afford it because it s six and one formula means you re getting six products at 2 to 1. just wash your and then massage in particle for 30 seconds. and before you know it, you re looking younger. then well, most guys but forget about most guys just be you got a younger version of you you can order right now it s part of medcom. we ve got free shipping in the united states plus a 30 day money back guarantee. biden s border move. new economic data. how do the voters these so we are american made from beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. i got you john star sure we are having a blast at the at ma jersey shore at martell s tiki bar. rtikinow let s go to some polit. joth three more weeks until first debate, joe biden and donald trump are trading insults and letting the trash talk fly. trasp your opponent, donald trump. he has said of your executive your, he s pretending to finally do something about the border. but it s all about show says wee have a debate coming up. biden s executive order is weak . d pathetic is he describing himself as weak, empathetic? r this are you ready for this debate? yes. ye yess. president trump is hammeringbidn on the border crisis. we are so t weahek. the borders now. we were so strong. this guy goes to the beach he b all theathe. er wat you ever watch him in a bathingh suit? somebody told him he looks good. suit told hioh, joe, you look ga bathing suit. you know, you re 82 years old. you look he can t liftu ge the chair. the chair weighs about three. you knowhair., chairs, aluminum, hollow, aluminum. they weigh like they re builtm, for old people to lift and for children to lift. he can t lift. and that guilty verdict is not keeping trump down. new polling shows the formers t president is beating sleepy biden in arizona and florida and it s a dead heat in thegini. blue state of virginia. all right. so seeing as donald trump, harold is beating all those states, beating biden, do you think that biden is right when he says that donald trump is weak and pathetic? i hope that they are able to get to talking about the issuest at some point. i think they re major s between the two of them on trade. there s major differences on the economy. that deb i m interested in that debate for a lot of reasons. perhaps most important question is to get specifics on how do you lower food costs, how do you lower gas costs. mr. president, how do you thinkt should deal with reproductive rights for women across the countrcrosy. views i want both of them to be able to share their views and let the country choose. do think in a poll you just puts up a judge, jeanine, the fact there s only a four point difference in florida is really ann florid thing to me.esiden i thought president trump would be a far bigget p r in florida. this race is a 5050 race. this june 27 debate i thinkit will tip things a little bit in favor of whomever america thinks won that debate and then we ll all be lookinallg forward to the second one in a t august and maybe even a third one in september. wellhird you know, dana, you ret one who s great with all the numbers in the polls. what do you thin tk about what harold said? i think it s pretty interesting that virginia is tieaid?udge jek partly that s because governor glenn youngkin has revitalized the republicantalize party in virginia and he s also achieved results. and so people are at that. but i also think that that northern part of virginia makes it fool s gold for republicans sometimes. however, if biden having to spend money in virginia, that he s not able to spend all that money elsewhere. right. so that getsney else so that ti. the other thing is, is that biden cannot hold a news cycle ,he can t win a news cycle. he can go to france. he can t win a news cyclrance a and, you know, abc news did this big interview with him. they went that when he interviewed with zelenskyy, they go over, do a big interview with biden. it makes no news. it doesn t even make this intervieo news, doesw. make and friends with biden didn t even make the front page of their website. so i think in the lead up between now and the debate, wine trump is going to try to figure out a way to win every news cycle like he hacycle, ls been and that gets you that like hype, like leading up to theyo mike tysong up to . ake paul what s his name? jake paul, thank god. i was going to say john paul g but it was a pope. yes. okay. i like that you re going to have to hype it up and get ready. so i think this is the ramp up to that. hyper that is the rabut biden can t win aw cycle. you know, jesse, one of the things that donald trump has done is he has really criticizrumpe joe biden in this alleged securing the border executivise order. you know, do you think that the public is buying that jo te biden is securing the border with 1.8 million can still come 1. year. absolutely not. and if i m trump at the debate stage and hep at thestage me wy joe, the taliban told you whatw to do. i d say the the cartels telldo. you whatels tell do. you a i d say aoc boss is you around joe biden you re the weakest president we ve ever had in the history of the united states of americain the h. ol these border control policies that he just initiatedd they change the definition of fear. so you don t even have to safear y get scared in order to get asylum if you re just silentat as they interpret that as being scared and they let anou com and herald. this is not a 5050 race. joe biden is losing every single battleground state. and if you re tied in virginiiea, this is lookingnl like an absolute landslide. ide. he s four points ahead in florida, though, four points ahead in florida. he s up in all of the rust belt states that he needs to win up h in the sunbelt. he s up and he s going to win nevada. and now donald t trump is pickig off joe biden s base with young people, blacksbiden sp, hispanii joe biden s on the defensive big time. and donald trump is raisinden g boatloads of money. so now they re even in the word chess. think it s over? harold, you might as well just quit. you know you migh what, greg? do you know that theknow trump campaign raised $300milli million in may? take that one, harold, too. but in addition to that, i love ,though, harold. but in addition to that, greg, hoperuth is the democrats that the convicted felon moniker would put an f to donal trump. it doesn t mean a darn thing. ct well, i think they forgetthat s the mistake that the democrats have made is they ve abdicatedrc their as the victim. they were the victim party. they just madetheir the victim. what i think about this, ree we it s three weeks till the debate. ekwhat that in biden years. this guy is declining so fast. f ukrainase is sending him aid. but you know what? there s a there is a sense of existential dread among the democrats because they realize that america has gone from wanting change to deciding for change. it s like when you were a younge gu.y and you were dating a girl and you were selfish and uncaring she wanted to leave you. but then when she decide d was going to leave you, thenro you make the promises. thenmises. you you re going to change. then you say, oh, i m going to be differen tt. me, i don t leave me. please don t leave me. i ll chang le that, america. what the democrats have noticed is that their decision has been made. the americans want changein and they re looking at trump in a different way. thererene some people that arent crazy about him, but they realize biden is a bigger risk to the country than donald trump is a risk to your feelings. jeanine all right. all right. and a girl never left you, did she. nev a girl would never leave. coming up next, the medi leaame is totally in the bag forise ba the democrats. wait until you seeg for th whatt wing clown jimmy kimmel is leg to biden? 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yeah, yeah, yeah. you also get asked, look, the republicans don t play it square. why do you play square? it s like you re playingou with somebody who you know won t pass. h someonn tgo, won t follow anye rules. and how do you ever make any progress if? e rule they re not following the rules of the jail. you knows?ve got tnd them . they remove boxing the referee, the jail. nd and legendary democratic strategist james carville says the media needs to get tougher on president biden s opponent, formers president trump i don t have anything against slanted dt coverage. i really don t. i would have something against it. on the other most other timeshir in american history, but not right noy,right now. objectivity. [b of a teamo have in this country right now is we are going to have a constitution are we no atitut so, greg, your thoughts? jimmy kimmel and even the things that carville is saying is saying about president trump. but most important, we think and, jimmy kimmelabout ji what he s doing for the biden campaign. it s pretty strange to see, even though his show isn t watched by anybody, he s stillhi late night show host. could you imagine, jimmy, johnny carson, david letterman, jay leno, any of those people actually sending out a fundraising email? i mean, and also kimmel used to be host of the man show where he interviewed women in bikinis on trampolines. so he went from like t drooling over women on trampolines to shilling for a drooling man on a stretcher. it s strange, though. it is weird. it ihis old job of telling jokes is now being replaced bitfo by shilling for politicians. that s not his job. don t know how abc is okay with that. dana, you caw abc isn pick up ob if you want. but what about the carville point? he think he isout ? e is he right that there s there s that the media he believes is not questioning g trump enough? is that something that you feel thing th? at but i find that odd becauseesidn president trump is thet only talking to the media all the time. and even under a gag ordertime,a he talks more to the media than joe biden does. the josmore te hasn t even donen interview with the new york times . so i think that that is a little bitew york times , so to speak, besides the media. they just decide to write whatever they want about without even checking. and then the democrats freaked ou t. there was a story written by news reporters, the wall street journalrters of with 45ft different sources, all saying that joe biden has lost a step and they have it and the media goes nuts and they attaca goesk the reporters, instead of saying, yeah, we have a problem, i do think jimmy kimmel is kind of giving up on getting ratings because any of those previous comedians that gregg mentioned, they would have been reaching sato trump campaign and they would have said, let sid go, let s have him let s have you on my show. and i think trump would do it absolutely. and that way, that s how you get ratings. that s to me, i feel like just given uppitow and going. but the biden team seems to want to recreate what hillary clinton tried in 2016 with their raw campaign . i m going to let it roar. right. and so she s got all the celebritie aign, th s and didn t work.s bi but it s biden s safest place. like he doesn t want to go in en events in new hampshire, evenle because only 30 people showed up in new jersey pointed out 12 of them were staffers. soe staf i find that all a littt odd. i do wish that more of them would do in-dept h interviews.nd i think that biden s sitting down and doing the time magazine interview time magaz,e everybody should read that for themselves. d and theld be rea transcript, audio should be released. got your thought releass and your you thi thoughts on whether or not president trump, you think he would acceptmy kim jimmy kimmel invitation to debate joe biden in a late night settingme like that? donald trump would go into the lion s and poke the lion. he s willing to go anywhere atn, any time. eddie howe okay, sohis wo jimmy kimmel s the least of his worries. but i got to telbut i ve gotl ye you hear carville say something liy thisare goobjectivit country now is either we re going to have a constitution or we re noine t, which i think is really incredible, given the fact that the democrat were the ones who suppressed free speech, who suppress the firstme amendment during the 2020 election, whennt anthony blinken got 52 so-called intel, cee guys took him out and say the laptop, which is now a central piece in a criminall case against hunter biden, wascs russian disinformation. democr the democrats should not talk deout the constitutionat t becae they re the ones who ve been destroying it at every stestp. n i have a slightly different opinion about that. but jesse, what art jesse,e your about this? well, because joe biden needs a lo about te joe t more e donald trump does. joe biden needs kimmel. s.he bill clinton, he needs barack obama. he needs clooney to raise money. donald trump can throw a fundraiser mp can t and, raise 50 million just by himself. and if we were at fox and greg tried to throw a fundraiser for donald trump, wow, they de four have to call the show the four. i mean, he would be out of here. so. be they would never allow tha. and then for carville to say that they need to be tougher, how much more tougher can the medihre tough meda be on tr? they re trying to throw him in prison. they re trying to call himstrip a racist. they re trying to strip him off the ballot. so i don thim off so i know what more they can do. but whatever they re doing is working because s up i he s in all the polls and now he s raising more money d he s going to cruiseraisoned to reelection. harold, quick question. the judge has said that she thinks there shouluick ques sair debate. you think he should have three debates, but he s dead? atesi think the third debate sha be on fox news. how aboutbo that? we debate coming up., jess jesse, grae,b your speedo becaue the five is hitting the beach. when we come back, live from . he job r shore why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel at once? i like to do things myself. i can t trust anything else to do the job right track kayak ,search one and done. ashley is having a stars and stripes preview shop early for hot buys. now only 799 and take advantage of recliner deals right in time for father s plus pay 0% interest for five years with no imag only at ashley.od fre imagine a future where plastic is not wasteshd, but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food to and our planet cleaner to help us get there, america s plastic makers are investing billions makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovativepen. products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. can happen. we are people living a-fib and over 400,000 of usle have left blood thinners behine. for life. for life. we ve cut our stroke ris and said goodbye to our bleeding worry with the watchman implant. we may be getting older, we may be getting older, but we ve never squeezed more of life and we are just getting starte d. join us at watch watch men. it s one time for a lifetime. who launches a makeup brand in their sixties? 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1995 and fearless takes. you should take a drink before this. actually. i m serious. a place where we look to the future. i was determined. be out there and toast to our past. join me and force scene stealing hacks for a history of the world in six glasses. this fox nation where all of america s stories are told. so are you in. sign up and start streaming today today. wel all right. welcome back to the five summer ba, everybody. we re down here at point pleasant beach on the boardwalpl and the summer is almost in full swing. mostortant, eimportant thing s the lifeguards are the real heroes are the. here the summer. and we got one here. we got brian. what s up,e got brat s? brian? hi. nice to meet you. my name is brian. welcome to point pleasant. i m the chief lifeguarpointeasad at jenkinson s and i just wanted to go over some ocean safety with you guysr some we kick off the summer. now, i say now our second most important tool meguard as a lif is this right here? it s our whistle. so i got you guys some whistleiw . oh, you ve got something here. i want you to try some. these are nice. here w.e go. here we s now, give. you know, we re just not out w of the box. all right, here s what i m going to do. i want to see your bags in new york. i want to see. your best whistle on the count of three. one, two best whistl, three. all right. pretty good. not bad. i want you t preo createl over a little seal right here with your tongue, like you re spitting out sunflowe wir like this.un flowerit s much better. much better. it s very good. very. all right, so our next most important tool right here is our rescue torpedo. so we rehere i torpedo actuallye jesse help. help and be my victim as i dentist. important toolth. well, i didn t say that,gl but yes, it s got to go right overe over here. and he s going to be the victim and i m going to demonstrate a torpedo rescue. obviousle aedo uey this will bee water today. we re on the beach. it was all right. okay. i ain t gonna be all right. so you can give me that. you need that fun fact. e h.speed.nicknamemy my nicknams here. you just got to face me. he s a victim.victim gets tool. all right, all right. very simply, i m going. dan tb a strap of the torpedo once i identify a drowning victim to getarms hands and arms are gg to come through, i m going to put it across my chesg t. . okay? i the torch is going to come out to the side. it as i down, i throw mt as enter the water to not get tangled. i swim, swim, swimtangled, swi. once i get five yards out, i get a hand on my handlete. i put it in front of jesse. i say, don t grab me, grab this float, because we don t want a panicking victim to drown the the lifeguard in the process. what if i want to grab you? well, we ll talk about that late be r. i m a married man, jesse. all right, so i put my arm i am, right and then g i start stroke came to kick until we get to safetyet. just like that now. well done, boy. i get brown around him. okaylause.u very. thank you very much. now, have you noticed i? brought three torpedoes here. so i d like you guys to give this a tryhis . ctim so i ll be a victim.judge je and i want maybe judge jeanine and dana. could you guys can y be victims and see if the guys can try to rescue you? we d love to tryyod love t that. okay. i guess. do we have to choose which one we want to rescue? it s totallywhich on res to you totally up to you. all right, try. up to y a drowning. victim. you re going to grab that strap. you re going to put it over your shoulde going strr.ap i so it s across your chest. i m drowning. soross not too that s better. now you re going to come. you re going to throw it out? grabfor any of the side of you . right. you re going to hand me the tour. say, don t grab me, grab this floais. t this. dana. that s okay. and now you re going to start showin ag the back to fantastic. greg, you let me drown. sorry. gy. awnkay. i have a question. sure. you guys have diy policies fo. lifeguard guys have d i ve noticed a lack of diversity. no plus size lifeguards. ll you noticed this? i was actually thinner in my yo but not £2ed tha that i know about situation. but it s awesomet. that you guyn are up here. we really. how many times a year would you have to do one of these? last year wetorpedoe had 590 orr rescues. yeah, not me personally, but i di d learn how to so so how many lifeguards do you have here? have about 100. ove a little over 100 lifeguards. wow. well, over my beacr 10h, 15 lifeguard stands. and this is one of the busiest in the jersey shore. we re very crowded, very busy. wow. all right. now, janine, he s not going to you mouth to mouth no matter how much you say nmouth-too i gt harold, and he saved me. he decides who decides who to b save. like you re all at the beach. there s you see somebodyeach,set there? is there like a taking turns thing? no. aarere sittin g with your partner, you would identify someone who s in trouble. but what if you re on lunch? what if you re having lunch and there s somebody there? you know, it s like you re. you re on your break. yeah. during lunch break, somebody goes off and somebody else comes on. we rotate on, rotateebod off. keep everybody fresh. yeah. all right. well, thank you guys very muchgr . we got fan mail.t fa next thing. you guys, that was fish in the i don t care if we ever come that. on i love fishing one day and now through june 14th save 10% on that favorite gift specia l day gift cards bass pro chefs and cabela s. these bills are crazy. she has no idea all o she s sitting on a goldmine. well, she doesn t knowr if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more. she ca n all or part of it to coventry for cash, even a term policy, even term goldm policy. even our policyine. call. find out if you re sitting on a gold mine. call coventry direct today at 804 nine six 9200 or visit coventry direct, icom. most guys get serious airbags as they get older, but most guys don t do anything about it because guys don t really understand skin care. they it s too expensive and they don t believe that anything actually works. but here s the thing most guys are wrong because there are actually a few ways to reduce air bags. and one of the easiest particles, six and one face cream actually works really well. and most guys actually can afford it because it s six and one formula means you re getting six products packed into one. just wash your face and then massage and particle for 30 seconds. before you know it, you re looking younger than, well, most guys. but forget about most guys. just be you got a younger version of you you can order right now as part of medcom. we ve got shipping in the united states plus a 30 day money back guarantee. tonight, calling out the president. elise stefanik breaks down a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! so we are american made from beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com you it is a fan mail friday live from martell s tiki bar at the jersey shore. mathe first question is a doozyn all right. this is from zac iozy!h. you are traveling with a friend. you get picked for a freyou gee upgrade to first class. do you leave your friend or significant other behind and take the upgrader be? we already know what jess is going to say, so let s . t him out of the way jesse, you would abandon your own child for first class yo it s a friendil, you definitely take the upgrade. taket s a spouse, you definitely take the upgrade . judge what would say greg: yoy you know, i initially thought i would probably do it, but you know what, if i had a friend who wasn t normally in first fi i would give it to my friend, i really would. liar. so i m i know i his maker s in and liberal but harold. yes, harold. you only fly private so thisso makes no sense to you. you limousine liberas no sl. you make me sick to my stomach. i ve beeoln give ud: ip my prive and my first class. any friend, any any prime member. every time, every time. dan all right, dana, i don t knoa:w who these people are. i m definitely takine pegth the upgrade. you re taking the upgrade. does it really matter? you just kind of go into the baggage compartmene upgradd yeah, i mean, that s. i always get upgraded. yes, exactly i. all right. second question. this is a great question. a greawhat tv show was canceledo early that you would like to see come back. jesse, would it be the o rileybh ? we had a good a goo greg i would say live pd. i love live pd. e go they canceled it during the summer of love and they got to bring iringt back. watch dana i watched the show on netflix from australia called offspring so good,en sea but there were only seven seasons and it really could have gone longerso. me wow, she picked one from australia. harold todd the i like idris elba. i thought when they canceled , i wish wer a few had a few more. and diff rent strokes are different for different folks. judge there s a show called lioness that harold is cominness g back to back. so my wish has been granted. you know what? i thinnted. you knok they shoulr baywatch. oh, don t even go there. read back all the originals b with new implants, huh? and it could be at the billy jest at the village. the village is lake. w oh, god.e with the alligators. yes, exactly. you have to fight. what was the what was your reaction when you first saw yourself on television, y gh dana? oh, my gosh. i do remember one time they playe, i doer one td back a and i blink a lot, way too muchl . you re like a hostage sending a message. yeahik. you re doing morse code right now. please get me out. help me. helpmorse code rig.ana: hel me.g dge. i remember the first time i wase on it was the today show, and the driver got los dt. so there was no hair or no makeup. i looked like nightmare.t fo i didn t come out for, like, a week after that.d? oh, carol, i like that look, i had a bad hairstyle. i had a part in my head. and i remember that part i had i to get rid of that doggone thing. yeah, terrible. that was a good move on your part. thanible. k you, sir. thank you, sir. see what i did there? all right, there jesse. so i was 13 and they interviewed me during the milli vanilli scandal. s wow. and i was at aat a f footlocker in philly. , i sa and so they interviewed me. i said my piece, and i told goin i m going to be watch, on tv tonight. mom and dad, you got to watch. and then we waited for the anden they showed me. my vthen a old lady s voice wans dubbed over my voice like milli vanilli. wow. li one of the first time i saw myself on tv, i thought, wow, who this good looking guy? of course you did. yeah. all right, we have time for another. okay. what s okay the worst thing to heat up in an office? a break room, microwavbreak roeh and don t say jesse s hair, dana. dana: fish,iously but i m going to give you another tip. if you ever cook cauliflower in a microwave and burn it, you will be to another country.e judge that you shouldn t put in a microwave in the office. yeah, i don t know. i don t cook in the microwave in the officthe ofe. somebody else does it. jud i don t go, i don t go in that room. fihawhat would you like what el. that i know what s fish smells bad. what else is new. new jesse. indian food. gy. oh, boy. oh but bull. oh, let s go.! brandon. way, way to get out of troublesl . i was close. harold, did i ask? you already know d, i think any food that is cooked by someone who can t cook is always smell y when it when you got to read it. that s why the judge cooks well. cooks well datad so want to have that? no. a way. you re in the green room. somebody comes in and reheat their lunch because they have to eat lunch. their broccoli, brussels sprouts. right. terrible, horrible, horriblee.l. and shakes. yeah. who does that kill gre? ge jei me? oh, he lives. m closet. ore thin, pour one more things up next. why? i don t get that . let s get the rest of these plants organicve ever . soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best gardenlow you i har had. good soil and you get good results. this will blow you this will blow you it s the martha stewar t of. call the guard. cologuard. cologuard screened for negat colon cancer at home like you want either maivy occur.n. y cologuard is for people 45 plus at average risk, not high ris k. false, positive and negative results may occur. std . ha don save up to 25%t on moving book and see my positive and trusted with over 6 million moves. don t wait. use promo code 25 now to save. look at popcom today i m excited to announce we re having a huge mypillow spring. and here s a few examples by one of our my people 2.0 yeah. get another mypillow 2.0. absolutely free meet cooling technology. the best pillow ever just got even better. and this just in nine brand new colors and styles of percale bed sheets. they re made with the finest long staple cotton. and now you can save 50% or more. now it s as low as 2498. and for the first time this year, i m bringing out my slippers and sandals for as low as $25 up here. so go to mypillow ecommerce, call the number on your screen, use your promo code to get your my two point odds. buy one, get one free percale sheets as low as 2498. my slippers and sandals as low as $25 up here and for a limited time when you are $75 or more, your entire order ships free. i m matthew. i m melissa and we started product cleaning products. for most of my life, i ve worn a black t-shirt and mostly they re too short, too baggy or inconsistent. using my of apparel experience, we set out to make the world s best fitting t-shirt since day one. our fresh clean tees were made to offer a flattering fit for all body types and not break the bank. unleash your confidence at fresh clean threads dot biggest benefit honestly has been with my skin skin was more hydrated, more radiant is the best superfood that you can taste has all the essential nutrients you need for your skin, your gut energy focused mood performance. my hair has gotten so much thicker ever since taking this . i used to have a probiotic the green juice that replaced it all with, this arm of colostrum. it is amazing, but you got to take it. you want try it right arm recommend. were you stationed working or living at camp lagoon between 1953 and 1987. if you or a loved one have suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement ranging from 100,000 to $550000 without a court filing. morgan and morgan is already helping over 15,000 veterans and their families in the fight towards justice. for more information, call the number on your screen visit ww dot camp is you an injury icon a heart attack do they have insurance? 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you know what? i bet he s read your. i don t think he s ever read a book. all right, let s come on, let s go. i like mike. the situation right there. greg. he a: we lo y hugged and thank you for having us. martell s tiki bar. all right for us .t,so

Boy , Most , Iff , They-l-leavel , K-you , E-on-m , Oldest , Day-fort-the-ingram , Gu , News , Person , Newscaster

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240608

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div class= gutr > start. your journey with balance of nature supplements make a splash in the summer with balance of nature. get 35% off, plus a free fiber and spice supplement with first order as a preferred customer with free shipping and money back guarantee, go to the balance of nature .com or call 1-800- 2468751. and get this special offer by using discount code. fox news carry the free fiber in spice offer ends today. well it s time to make another connection a game show legend return break out here leg wine coolers and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties pop culture trivia today eighties quiz show streaming now on fox nation. america is streamingk you right time takes the kennedy tyler fisher cat. it s our show, my dear as muchtn as i like i m laura ingram thism is the ingraham angle from washington tonight wasn toni als thanks so much for joining us. well you thought it was over but not a potentially yor huge development in trump s new york. but first, they can t stop him. that s the focus of tonight s angle. five months from election inues toshe list of democrat failures continues to grow by the day. now it s friday, so let sonds have fun and quickly categorize them in chronological order. der.first, the biden team and tr press homies thought they could use jan six to intimidate trump supporters and scare away all the independents. history is watching, just like history watched three years ago on january 6th when insurrection storm. this stormed very capital and pe a dagger to the throat of american democracy. dagger the threat of a total flop. trump left office. january 20th if he didn t remember, and an insurrectio if the u.s. government without weapons. is that what? oh, okay. democrawell, then, of course, democrats using january 6, peacm thought a second impeachment trial would do him in. enulbut few paid much attention, according to the reuters ipsos poll. fewefewer onr than one in five d they watched multiple hours jus of testimony and most 55% have seen just clips or no excerpts at all. woops. then there wer te the efforts to remove trump from the ballot. well, we knothatw where that all ended up overturned by the supremes. n s greagreat defenders of demoy were goose egg nine zerowerful. and trump. he only grew more powerful . f of they also ended up unleashingntn a barrage of indictments and civil suits lawfare, spending tens of millions of dollars t in taxpayer money on cases in georgia, d.c., a new york that they thought would help biden because trump would be seen as a bad guy a crook and that he d just end up bleeding suppor he ist he is facing multiple charges, multiplments,e. and they still expect to get at least another indictment, possibly two every time there are more charges. every time there is anothero up indictment. his poll numbers actually go up, as does his fundraiser as d but while jack forney and alvin and the rest of woe bideann apparat chipmunks were doing their dirty work, inflatioion stayn too high. and as americans struggled to pay for gast basi food and jt basic necessities, they saw waveeas of stream across our southern border, wrecking , eatities, eating our resources and committing crimes. when yon you receive immigra, you have to check them. you have to know who arehow ar the how you re going to receive people that you don t know who. thenar you don t have an ideoloy and you don t have any idea if they were in prison. had the white house didn t care, though. they had no democrat votervoter but the polls kept slidingth foy biden. but they really thought they really thought a guilty verdict in that hush money cas e would do the trick. he believes that they a one year ter.m in prison. s be and that is because whencaspend you spend a year prison in new york or under you serve in rikers island, he absolutely deserves jail time because co is an ongoing threat to society and, to ouril community, to dope. one problem biden s polls are still terrible and trump mor. strong and the more desperate the democrats are, it turns out, the dumber their ideas are getting. now, someone probably in th e biden campaign believed that if they could get the press on board, americans would watch list to joe biden and normandy and think, wowan he s really reaganesque. and today d todas unintentionaly hilarious headline is from political playbook. biden storms the beach for democracy, but biden storms. re well, sort of, because with him, it s the forecast is mory toe to be mostly cloudyo with a chance of afternoon confusion by sending biden to normandy. the only thingced convinced americans of was that he should preft home watching jeopardy with a warm blanket across his lap, preferably a plaid one. now, the bottom line is none of their attacks and none of their attempted biden pivots rebranding. i mean, none of it has worked. the poll ne of its are simply mind blowing. and arizona and nevada. trump is uy p by five. but most shocking of all is virginia, a state that biden won by ten points, which is now, tied 48 to 48. come on, virginia, save telli yourself the once credible democrat party. ngyi m you. creted they deserve everything they re getting here. remember, they ceded their influence to the far left. they cater to theme on issues, the trans push and all that. and on the border. and now they re all sinking. and how to think that aum campaign to destroy trump would somehop woulw make bad policies that produce bad results. populapular?r before he died.ima radio legend and mugy friend rut limbaugh predicted much of this. i knop gonew they desperatela trump gone, and i know that they desperatelnt iy it, ma codified that trump cannot runke agai mistan because make no mis they remain scared to death of you trump and. they remain scared to death of trump no matter what they ve thd. tried they can t separate you from trump, and more importantly, they can t separate you from sep the ideas. they can t separate you from gre maga. they can t separate you from makeat america great again.noug, god, we miss them. and sure enough, trump is crushing fundraising goals, raking in nearly $300 million in may from over 2 million liber donations. and there are even signs of life in liberalal l lala lan. silicon valley investor david saks hosted a fundraiser r here last night in san francisco. ani and gavinlos newsom s home. that s progress. and that s.joinin the angle.ntur joining me now is david sacks, kraft ventures co-founder, co-hoser co-t of the all in podcast. david, now prett it s pretty in-your-face to host trump in one of the bluest cities in the united states. and this was scene outside of the fundraiser, only a smattering of anti-trump protestersg ofi-trump. so what was the turnout like inside? azing, the turnout was amazing, laura. you know, we. originally triedd up to raise $5 million for president trump and we ended up raising 12 million. e hae a hundred. lik people there. every seat was taken. we literally couldn t fit one more person in the house completely sold out. and by the way, those protesters who were outsid.eoplw those were actually pro-trump demonstrators. there were hundreds of peoplhode who turned out along the motorcade for trump to basicallallyy wave signs in favr of him. the number of people who actually wer oe protesting against trump there was maybe, you know, a couple of dozends o versus hundreds of people who are pro-trump. so even out on the streets was a tremendous enthusiasm gap. and if that s what s happening in liberaltrasm gap. san franci, what does that tell you about what s happening throughout the country? now, what is silicorossn valw and a couple of these guys i know we re from silicon valley. what do they hope for e for their support? honestly, it s not that transactional or, there is, it s not like there sj some sort of overt quid pro quo. most of these people just reallyreally they wa love amerit they want to see america doing better. now, in termryuts of whatden ad the industry cares about, the industry wants to be able to innovate and bidenit s b administration has been very hostile towards innovation that s beeeeextremelhostiln exte towards the crypto industry. it s already trying to overregulate ai. it s basically put the kibosh on any m&a. and so i do think that thee industry would like to haveashig more pro-innovation policies coming out of washingtontothis e and that does lead to support for president trump. but again, it s not anything transactional. it reallgy is about having a better administration in washington. now, what message does i what happened last night? i know he was alsow he in l.a.,- a west coast swing. but what is message is thisvy have is it sending to other heavy hitters and you and i know them who are maybe nikki haley fans or otheley fansr thet really uncomfortable with trump. does this brinm moreg them overi make them more likely to support him? i thins tk so.wh i think this is going to melt the ice. i mean, look, i know there s alreadpporterse out therehe who are already trump supporters and they re just afraid to stick their their neck s out. i mean, that s the reality of the situation because they re afraid of getting are afraid of cancel culture. they re afraid of of punishment . and they re afraid becauseid the biden administrationf puni l political prosecutions and political investigations. sove t people have reasons to bu nervous about expressing their support for trump. but with each incremental person who sticks their neck re it, makesink,akes the rest of them feel more comfortable doing it. and you re seein a g think a cascade starting to happen now where more and more people are goingoing tog come out for . and to that point, david, i ve been urging them not ral to just fundraise in california, but to do a rall iy in california. t i would think the central out valleyside would get a little outside, you know, san francisco or imperialalley. valley, get into an area wherek are more working class people. i think people need heartradt this message beyond justioink ev the traditionaenl states and i think even if it you know, even if you can t win california cal yet, i think it helps the entire party apparatus to see himthere. ther. yeah, absolutely. i mean, trump has immense supporgt, blue collar workers, middle class workers throughout californiathroughoe whol. he does throughout the whole country. and there is absolutely a receptive audience for trump.a trump we saw that even in san francisco. again, the enthusiasm for trump wa. itves it was really a loved fest. we were sold outth and the protesters couldn t really amount to anything, though the liberal publications had been sort of egging themg to come out all week o and nothing materialized. so there s a tremendoufs amount of enthusiasm for trump in california. well, what are they cheerin g at this point? more decline in san francisco. i mean, it makes no sensy eks that he s your only hope at this point. david. great to see you tonight f. m in thanks for coming on. take trump off the ballot. put him in jail now. just forget actual reporting. we need slanted should more slanted coverageh.. and i think we got to recognizet the threat that this guy in the maga, not just him, the entire maga movement from oneto and trump on down is a serious it s a clear seriousconsti and present danger to the existence of the constitutioed n. our state. and i mean democrats don t even believe in the constitution. trythe nejames nice try, thoug. and the new york congressional candidate is insisting on mega deprogramming project. even if we were to have liresounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like putting it all back together again after we ve gone this maga nightmare and basically would you that sounds like a rather a reeducation camp. ri think we really want to call it that. i m sure we can find another wa y to phrase it. this is why these have people love china. we already have reeducation camps are called the public schools. joining mejoining vivek now, vivek ramaswamy, former gop presidential candidate vivekviv that really does say it all slanted and reeducation camps. that s it. l this is orwellian. but the best part of this, laura, is theythey don guessin . guessing, i guess they gave as to what they re actually doing. contromedianl media, control. te every other institution, reeducate the masses . and then she catches her mistake and says that that s not exactly what we want to call ieian movet, whiche orwellian move at the end of this. but the good news is the american people are seeingg thr, through this, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shamamericane me.stemat ic americans understand that they have been lied to systematicall then y on the e of the last election, from everything about the origin of covid 19. during that to the one hunter biden laptop story suppressedg the eve of the 2020 election, people are seeing through the lies they ve been toldth . i don t think those tricks are going to quite work the same way this time arouns g which is good news for us. and i mentioned the attempt to make biden reaganesque in normandy, whichn as someone who worked in the reagan administration, i just scream laughingi sc laughin when i heae but biden spent the dayspent grovelinthg to zelenskyy and basically throwing americans who are hesitantin about spending another hundred billion dollars. they re under the bus. this i. ttch. i apologize for the first weeks of not knowing what s going as a funding. and because we had trouble getting the bill that we had to pas ms, had the money in itve from some of our very conservative members m wer who holding up the fake. he acts likmoe monee our mont and the money they print and borrow belongs to.owin zelenskyy that s right. i mean, he s bowing to aif h new kind of idol, and if he wants to imitate reagan, look, peace through strength, different from peace through frailty and weakness, which is what biden s actually exhibitinfrailtied wetr the reality is that we have been forking over more moneye moneaine t to ukrait actually have, even accounting for how it s been spent in the s first place. so i think the apology, with all due respect, laura, need s to be running in the other direction, to say that we apologize for not being able to teloul you how your first hundred billion dollars was spent. and instead we have the us presidentsis is th on, his k. this is the problem with the american culture. boder the leadership of bide and the democrats is that we re taught to apologize for who we are. bothn th at home and on the glo stage to flog ourselves forothe actually helpingies we other countries. we re helping enough of that. we are done with this cultur oev of apologies, and i think weiv need to revive that sense of americafn exceptionalism that the actual ronald reagan stood for and that i think donald trump stands for unapologetically today. and you know t a lot what, a lot of people are hungry for it. we re done apologizing for our identity , for engagings sl in this self-loathing. i think that phase and that clou pashed slowly passing acros the country. laura and americans are hungr actually hungry for being proud of who we are again. that in well, i think that when you listen really carefully to biden and unfortunately, we all had to listen to him ov is sure soundsrussia like they re getting ready for war with russi sounda. t it sounds like it s the, you know, rallying everyone not to defenainet tod, but to go onn offensive push inside russia to defeat putin. and regimi guess, do regime che and if that s what they re planning, they better tell the voters now before election day. but it certainly sounds like this is wherwh headed.e they re. well, victoria nuland may not be in the building anymore,d but that s still the same spirit that pervades the current state departmentthit and beyond. and this is part of the reason, laura, why you have never heard articulate articuthisd what exactly is a goal of this war in the first place. there as not been a war goaln a that s been articulated in part becas the whoe stri are pulling the strings to count for regime change as the ultimate goalngs accore that they re playing for. you ve got to be careful what you wish for if you re actually going to root for regime change in russia, you think what succeeds putin is going to be betteime.ter thae what you have right now. we ve played this game before. it does not en well.d. this road does not end in aa res place that advances american interestson. g and i think a reasonable deal to bring this to resolution is the w right way to go. and sadly, when i said that a year ago, people thought th controversial. unfortunately, the facts have vindicated that view. in the meantime me.e, we have no clear answer of what the next hundred billion dollars is going to do. and laurai think you re right, laura, smoking out a more subversive intentione we ne here that i think we need to step to the side of now, reagan was peace through strength , h weak their war through weakness. vivek, thank you so much. bu verall team biden says they d a really hot jobs report, but who s really getting hired? hmm. thinthink thrderk border next. o imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but insteadod remade over and over intod ou the things that keepr our food fresher, our families safer,to t and our planet cleaner to help us get there. america s plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovativec products and new recycling technologies for sustainable changean. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. for years i ve been sharing how creperie has helped my skin look smoother, firmer and younger. and now the system i ve loved for almost a decade is even better. now you can transform your skin from this to this with new crepe erase ultra crepe grease really works. that s why real women have given thousands of rave reviews. it s the 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in may than numbe economists had expected. these are incredible numbers. rs problem , yoone problem here, ys the skirt a bit on the reportth and you see some disturbing trends. the job growth, the 272,000ther that the new york times and others are crowing about today comes with a higher unemployment rate. it went up t to 4%, fewer full time workers and more holdingp i multiple jobs because they just have to. now, let sg digging deeper. the number of foreign born workers, illegals jumped 414,000 while native borne bo workers dropped 663,000. on cue, though, politicoo tried help the biden team deflect that story. someone named amarme moosa frome the biden reelection squad called the foreign versus native born jobs comparison racist nativist attacks. now, how weak is that? a tight labor market, one that s not saturated by illegals is actually the best thing for minorities and others, because thens be was are not suppressed. and this graph captures how americans are literally being replaced in the job. but look, why is anyone surprised the biden regime doesn why ist in americans firs, they ve proven that becaus fe all citizens of the world and they will always and i mean salways immigrants, legal or, ea illegal, first. joining me now, sean duffy, co-hosyt, the bottom line on fox business, and ben domenech, editor at large of the spectator. both are fox news contributors. now, sean, i. they keep going back and take another bite at thtake anoeo su biden-nomics apple thinking that it will translate intok? support, i guess, among independent voters. is thi have s going to work soos they have to be shocked that the american voter still is concerned about economyere so as the number one issue and inflation as the number one issue. if these numbers were so but to your point, laura, these are these are part time jobs that are being created that are going to foreign born, legal or illegal workerkers. as. the american workers are losing jobs. and in the household surved thi. mentioned this as well, there s been a loss of 408,000 so there are less jobs out there. workinbut more people working two jobs, which is why. and in virgini,a, the race is tied at 48 to 48 betweenrump donald trump and, joe biden and why donald trump is winning or improving his numberscause th with hispanics, blackses and young young americans underj the age of 30, because these are the issues they care about. ans ane not getting the jobsob and they can t buy homes because of joe biden s stupid spending and hig h rates and inflation. and now ben biden s chiefy to economic adviser was on fox today touting the of this labor market. as we we have one of the most persistently strong labors markets this country has ever seen. not only i ls labor marketrg amntinually offering up large numbers of good jobs for working americans, we re alslso wages beat prices. ben wages are beating a prices. i don t know a singl sine who fs that way tonight. do you? me i can t. i can t believe. you want me to respondbern to someone as stupid as jared bernsteistruel to n? i thi you re cruel to me, lara. i m sorry, but loonke shouldk, the things that i think we should actually appreciate about this is thatthat some of the thing that we should understand is that a lot of this is happeningifk by. if you look back at may of last year to today, you have 2.8 million, 2.6 million, something somewhere in that range. created 1.1 million of thosetho jobs are in health services,u social services. you know, anotheknowr 400 pluse thousand to 600,000 of them are government jobs. so what does that mean? it means that they re directlyie ,indirectly funded by the taxpayer, essentially because, o joe biden doesn t know how to create a thriving economn doesnl in which people can get good jobs. good job your moneymaking to hire a bunch of people, making them both dependent on taxpayer funds and equivalently dependenton th. the democratic party, which is going to flow all of keep to, their jobs, keep them employed, etc.. and that s something that is happening by design. they want to dramatically increase the number of peoplasee who are dependent on taxpayer funding for their jobs . and that s not and that s not by accident. that is intentional. rchan this is all been intentional. sean judge merchan from trump fs new york hush money trial sentro a letter to both prosecution and the defense notifying them about a comment that leftfacebo on the new york state unified court systems facebook page app that is from the day before the trump verdict. and it said, my cousin is aonvi juror and says trump is gettince convicted. thank you, folks, for all your hard work. now, sean, we have noten confirmed right who left that commenant, but any thoughts? but this story continues to be this this the verdict. everything is strange with the former president. but, yeah, there s got to bent b investigation, not just probably by the judge, but also by the donald trump teamhe eam.. s some find out was this just some rando who didn t know anybody that posted on the sitoe ? was this actually a cousin of a juror? juror.t, if any,t information flowed to that juror and what impact does this have on their verdics thatt. sn that only time will tell. but again, strange, stranggeeh e case. as can i make one last point? i disagree with ben on the last questionquestion t. by design, they think they can be the old soviet union. soen they want government jobs, government led economies, but they thinktheys goin that sg to work and drive the private sector. we know wherever i that tried, it s called socialism or communism. it always fails. so aeconom they re trying to juo economy not by free enterprise, it a state run economies.bu and it never works. so i personally agret noe with , ben, but not fully. well, we ll see if they trye to play around with the interest rates. is the last gasp her ande right. sean and ben, thank you. all right. coming up, how democrats just gave a slap in the face to a thn police officer s family. he was killed in the line the of duty. plus, hunter biden may be gearing utand.p to. take the stand. a live report next. we partners, we brothers and we friends. how are you doing? what is it? it s your new best. bueller. bueller. let s get like. like moves pretty fast. you don t stop and look around once in a while. you could miss it. our military has been by a woke revolution. the military, i think we grew up. and you left your politics at the door. it s difficult to overstate the vision that is being sown into our military, about our sovereignty. it s about our liberty. it s about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war on warriors streaming now only on fox nation. if you re an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy? surprisingly ageless skin is meaningful. beauty supreme. created by french anti-ageing 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latest news and news headlines on sirius xm anytime anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. news is hunter biden about to take the stand in his trial? davifox news justice correspondent david span is here with all the details. david. laura, abbe lowell hunter, o makebiden s attorney, has a ba decision to make whether or not to put the president s son one g the stand. he said today in court that he was done presenting witnesses. wid the judge the only witness that he would present potentially would be hunte mr biden. on monday, he said he ll make his decision this weekend. n emotmeanwhile, an emotionally charged day in court with the eldesttaking t daughter of huntr biden taking the stand. her name is naomshe is ai biden. she s an attorney as well. she took the stand in defense of heru ser father. you see her leaving with the black blazer and the sunglassesh on. as i said, she s hunter s oldest daughter. diedr his sistero who died as an infant in thatg car crash in delaware in 1972, along with hunter s mother, neilia. now, naomi hunter s daughter painted a picture of a clear minded, hopeful hunter biden when she saw him in late summer 2018. laura, this was weeks before he allegedly b on a federal gunnaomi form in october 2018. naomn wai she was uncomfortableo on the stand. she answered in a soft voice. shus.e said was nervous and she said she was well aware her dad was addicted to drug, s, said, quote, things got bad after my uncle died, end quote. tecalledshe recalled talking abu biden, the late beau biden. dad k ealls trying to se her dad in new york in october 2018, but did see him laterll that month and said that he seemed good. now, the first lady,was the to r was there today. she was there monday, tuesday, wednesdangy on yesterday. she was attending d-day eventsyk in france only to fly back to wilmington to sit in court today. she s turning back around to go back to france for a state dinner with he r husband and thelmingt french president and his wife tomorrow. then she s cominonnday.g to wiln on sunday. quite a schedule there. now, abbw, abbe foce focused hr on this gun form. that s hunte gun form that huntr biden filled out. you see his name. he argued that different itemsts were put on the formt or at different times, including hunter s signature was notigin originally on there. hunter had to sign it later. bottom line, hunter biden testifies we could see a day, but he s really openingcs himself up with cross-examination. if he does nots-ation. testify, will likely move right into closing arguments. jury instructionjurytructions, y could get this case and render a verdict by monday afternoo atn at the earliest. laura. wow. david, thank you so much. all right. they deny it, but democrats really d s reallyo despise lawor enforcement. and this next segment is oneesd more confirmation of that. thousands gathered on wednesday to mourn the loss of connecticut state trooper kiron pelletiekentuckyr, who wad in a hit and run duringll a traffic stop just last weea t to honor his memory, a town council member in,blue lin wethersfield, connecticut, suggested flying the thin blue line flag., but democrat members refused, citing concerns of racism.dia, w ik i quickly went on to the wikipedia. wikipedia s indicating the thin blue line symbol to be used by thelives ma lives matter movt since 2014. it says here it s become emblematic of white nationalist, neo-nazi and all right movementd neo-hites in.atd the united states, particularly just displayed by attendee tsf h of the unite the right rally in 2017 and the january 6 storming of the capitol. e well, what they did instead watowns order flags outside town hall to be flown at half mast. thnow the american flag and thew pride flag. joining me now is briana kimbrough, one of the republicans on the town counci ted inl voted in favorn blue of flying the thin blue line flag. councilwoman, aside from fac the fact that your colleague that on wikipedia for all of his historical knowledge, what does this tell connecticut voters, frankly, voters everywhere about what democrats reallysreally t of the police?e, well, i i honestly, it shows that more and more republicanssi are representing views of the majority. and sometimes takes situations like this to bring that out. i flabbergasted, you know, not sitting on the council. we did notate it it to go in ths direction at all. and honestly, what was cited was extreme, in my opinion. so it was very unfortunate, especially in a time when the entireas state was mourning the loss of trooper first class aaron pelletier. well, i grew up in glastonbury. my aunt in wethersfield, so. i know the area very well. and connecticut t iss always kid of a quirky political state, t it was always very pro police, first responders, you know , honorings their service. and this democrat party has gotten s o bollixed up and floyd riots all that so that they wikipedia says, wow, that s long since, what, 2017 is honoring the fallen officers ,those who are injured.e and that s a threat. but the pride flag gets to befl flowow n half mast. i mean, i m sure a lot of people don t want that flown at half mast, right? no, absolutely. and i think that know not only the wikipedia reference, but the comments were doubled down in news interviews and ate the pride ceremony saying that it was out of respect, that it was at half mast forl the fallen officer. so, againy , i will say, though, that the outpouring from wethersfield and from the statsee has been largely in favor of the thin blue line flag. i did want to make a note of that because that has been incredibly encouraging to see. and what i say, brianna, is that connecticut needs to vote to save itself, save its manufacturing, save its economy, save its safety. and one of the council members, mickey derek ,ba said unfortunately, our town has far too many people with bad intentions. of tsome of them are willing e the death of a state trooper just to gain some politicaine p. points apparently at attacking you. yha doingt what you re doinge or you re trying to make political pointsn,? ain, all yeah, i mean, absolutely not. again, all republican, all tn a the councilors who brought this have law enforcement familiemy my father in law served for over 30 years. thethe other two councilors, their father served for over 30 years. and the honest was to justth honor and respect the fallen officer in the way that we felt fit best for the situation. t wawe asked for one daynythin in addition to what was already being flown, not take anything down that postpone any ceremony. just in addition. eve so i honor the fact that that even said is is very disturbing. they re saying it s a processing issueed 30 dayso pr. we need 30 days to process a request that just i mean, come doesn on. that doesn t even pass the straight face test. but that s what they re arguing here. councilwomane test thank n, you s thanko much y. we ll be following this. and coming up, we ll recap tumultuous morning in france. plus, i grant raymond three wishes. it s frida sy friday follies with raymond is next. artificial intelligence is agriculture advancing life saving health care and strengthen these small businesses. this game changing technology is supporting every sector of america s economy. today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology. but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. in technology. our leaders in congress to stand up for innovation and protect america s competitiv t to enje edge. tracl we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck patio too hot to enjoy. now, thanks to our new sun set ,a retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shadet instae in just 60 second. the sun setterfor and wesform get instant protection from livis and. sun glare. for pricing starting at less for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform living space 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you. call now and order. it is friday. and that means it s time forx ne friday follies. and for that, we turn to foxwsg, contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond, as we mentioned earlie wmentior, bided another pretty rough day yea in normandy. yeah. laura, that that speech at point to hark was choppier than the actual surf on d-day. and thand there were almost as y bombs, the cliffs and, mines planted on the beach by field marshal romneyy , rommel,rgeant sergeant leonard. well, sergeant leonard, that s what the rangers and put up pump point. ma is honywasked hard many ways we re asked to walk away. insti how many instincts are to a walk away. the most naturalwa instinct is o walk away. well, walking awaytura is natural instinct, laura. until biden tries to do it, laura, why does he never know which way to go? do i go i left? do i go right? you you know, when john kerry is staring at yoh just au with t a look of shock, something is very wron g. rry. although mayer looked like he was melting out there, top gear. i well, i could see the melting pot on page. biden also held a press avail with ukrainian president zelensky wity, and his note cards took center stage. yeah, you know, as iple said yesterday, creative people have been incredibly brave, never giving up, never say never, never even yielding. and, you know, you haven td bowed down. you haven t yieldeatd at all. you continue to fight in a way that is is this remarkable, just remarkable. and once we got to national security bill passed, that was political fruition. tony blinken, looks like he s going to crack in halnyf. - he looks terrible. it s like ready to jump in, right? he s like, o th, hubba, hubba, hubba. please don t talk any moment. cost tnuse the america taxpayers $225 million, which he announced today a in aidoney to ukraine. this is just unbelievable. money growrowsn s trees or the apprentice. now, one of the two cards. ge i am feeling very f generoueg to you tonight, so i am wishe granting you three wishes, aren t sweet. my first wish is that that those host. i didn t bring the lamp today. i figure you could. you could improvise. but lookmy firstish is my firstt those hosting the miss usath pageant would actually crown misses. the other day, the winner of the miss maryland pageant was a biological malt wae. a the u.s., laura baileys and kelly is now a miss contender. the trans beauty contestant is not eveiseven then the first biological male to compete. miss nevada crossed that barrier in 2021. why don t they jusll it call it the person usa pageant at this point? well, againi guess i guess s is what women want. this is this is women, though they came a long way to have their own space, their competitions. and i guess that s jusust t t it s it s this is insane. well, all right. we re going to talk what s your second wife? remember during the trump trial, for weeks and weeks, we were subjected to those deformed sketches that seemed to be created by a toddler with a crayon? look it looks like you joined the cast of planet of the apes. well, i wish trump would have had hunter biden s sketch artist, who appears to be norman b rockwell. look at the flattering lines, the details of these drawings. i mean, hunter biden, make it look so good. laura, can you answer ca of th? me is can we get rid of the court? sketch artis?t is this 1812? the can t they just have a photographer come in and letsit the judge approve the photos and release them? why do we need a sketch artist sitting there with gray hair in norman rockwell? but he looks like it s a throw. it looks like it s a throwback to to like my three sons or something, right? oh, looks so polished. oh, it s not that one. but th t e other one. i don t need to look at the nice line on his nose. it s a dick tracy. it s like a tracy moment. i don t know. he looks like a matinee idol. my third wish concerns the plusl plus size influencer, jaylin chaney. we discussed her las t when shene urged the airlines to give free seats to obese passengertos. this would be like delta granting private bathrooms to those with crohn deltas dis. but i digress. the influencer now has a new n sht. r she s upset that rideshare companies like uber and lyft don n t havet seatbelt extenderr her. so on tik-tok, she wants the tm reimburse the drivers for plus size belt extendert extes. e i wish she would just call thinc override next. ps they can accommodate wide loads and the straps come with every model com every. . tand why raymond, i don t understand why. thinks they re a victim. you re not a victim. you re a strong person. you can do it. this is completely. raymond. thank you. your three wishes, grant, have a great arachnophobia. spi beware. all right. flying spiders. you know how afraid of them i am. could wenow ho soon coming to a city near you. and that s next. you know what s crazy? that this is better than cooking at home, you know? i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. okay, groceries are 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me on social media. you watch the show. you knowme o media , i am terrified of insects, especially zeropecil spiders that well, they re now spreading, making their way uplp . the east coast. i hope they re skipping over the d.c. are theast.a. these things are huge. of upthesesleg span to four inches. and one is apparently here right along with andy davis, ecologist at the university of georgia s autumn school of ecology. andy, it s nice to see you.the i the cicadas, this year, we re going to be the worstcar tog have to deal with. but now i.but no i understand your spider friends are back. yes. thanks. thanks for having me back. you know, it s weird how these zero spiders seem to get in the newsd s all the time they re they re a bit of a media sensation, are they? mediaion.well, tell us, do youv have one with you or that? my staff just teasing me about that. was si, i do, yes. you know, but first, you need to know that a t this stage are of their life teasing, they are very, very small and.a grai so think of a grain of riceth with some legs. so i have one right here h in this little jar. and so small you can barely see it. but okay, so it s not veryhat so dramatic. look, container heret very d ann set it up on my microscope right behind? me so you can see it. there is. c and so you can see that itt looks like a little tiny spiderr right now. it s very small size of a grain of ricsmall,of ae. the e at the end of the summer, there will be a sort of spider size. that s when everybodnd for arts to see these for real. and do they fall off trees? i is that just an urban legend?an i mean, do they jump off treesss ? they jump off bushes. where are they jumping? not really, no. they re very jumping not sedet like any other spider. they ll set up a webentary i and they ll be in that web for three or four months. and you ca b for thn walk by them the and they won t bother you if you don t bother them. nowill notr w, you walk through, you know, you ll get a face full of we facb and, then, you know, then they ll be some on ying, wait, wait. but when they land on you, which i so every time i walk in the woodsal with my dogs andi do that a lot. yeah. i seem to walk through these webs. i don t know anyone ever walks. that seems to always happen cor to me. and i scream. of course, i m trying to throw the web off, but ise ai throwf f the spider ends up on yourr an person, will it bite you or will it it just crawl? oh, my god, i would die. it migh yeah, it might. and so how great. you would have to really tussle with it a lot for it to bite you, because really becard thatte shy as a spide and i ve actually tested that in my labn my and. what i get from what i ve heard, their bite is kind of like a bee stinerebisg. and so it s not going to killli you. you know, you won t likeke it b but most of the time iff you just leave them alone, they l leavel be fine and you are reassuring. now, you were so nice e on.m thank you so much. great to see you. great to see you. gu,k you. oh, boy. it was a very emotional day fort the ingram, my oldest and my only daughter, maria. mycaroline graduated high school today. can you believe it? it was a beautiful ceremonhay, h and like all parents all the time, i m saying where did the time go?d she was three years old,co 2 seconds ago, and now she s off to texasnds ag for coi soon. and i m going to be an absolute wreck. you re all going to have to help mente wreck it give me some advice. but we re all so proud of the so aren that she s become. she loves the lord. she loves her family and hershe friendlove s. and, boy, do we love maria.a. that s it for us tonight. it s americas at now and foreveu enjoy your weekend. see him monday. jessi s next next.

Trump , America , Thanks , New-york , Focus , Angle , Development , Order , Shipping , Balance , Nature , Money-back-guarantee


More money than they wanted. and they reall my like me. r i will tell you, they really like me. no democrat did that. but when you look at the things i did, criminal justice reform,r i got criminal justice reform. obama couldn t get it. nobody get it. d i ve done more for black people and anybody since for abraham lincoln. and they understand it. they really understand it. and theythey u, th had the bestb numbers they ve ever had. they had the best job number. s they ve ever had during the trump administration. i mean, let me ask a couple merrick garland to us, by the way, for hispanics, also hispanic f. i think i m above 50%. this is, you know, to somebodyct watching this for what is so, good, about 50%. are do republicans are down at eight and 9%. i think i m going to maybe winim the hispanic population. we had a poll ou wt today that african american, 32% for trump, 32%. romney got like i think i m a 32%. and i think it s going to grow. look gonna, biden is a stiff.

Money , Things , Democratic-party , Nobody , Obama , Ri-got-criminal-justice-reform , Criminal-justice-reform , Ri , People , Numbers , Job-number , Bestb

Jesse Watters Primetime

Battleground states nevada, arizona and florida.and he and he s tied with biden in blue state, virgini s ba. wow. democrats are just trying ckfirep the script because the trump verdict backfired. they re saying, oh, yeah, you re thed. are say one who was to lock up your political opponents, but they retical open the bloodthirsty ones. listen, it ll be a couple of years until the door slams on trump. by that point, eithes slr he ll be president and trying to take a wrecking ball to the system coy he can, or he ll be atiple multiple defendant. i m nodet sure if in a perfect world where where you were just perdeciding what s best for thr you know, the country, that you would do it this way. but he s got if he doesn t win an appreciable chancn appre of dying in prison. that was a former federal prosecutor telling al frankenwol he d like to see trump die in prison again. not a crazo y homeless guy. f that s a former federaorl prosecutor sharing his prison fetish, rage gags, mug shots,

Democrats , Verdict , Saying , Nevada , Thed , Script , Biden-in-blue-state , Virgini-s-ba , Arizona , One , System , Point

Transcripts For MSNBC Ana Cabrera Reports 20240607-1620

The defense witnesses. the defense attorney abbe lowell indicating that he would call naomi biden. she used the car that the gun was found in on the day prior to it being discovered. we may hear from one of the president s brothers who is a mentor of sorts to hunter biden, suggesting the need potentially here forsome character witness as well. one of the questions is will we hear from hunter biden himself. that has not been ruled out f. we do, that would be on monday before we could hear closing arguments from both sides as this case moves to the finish line. quickly, president biden was asked about the possibility of pardoning his son yesterday. what did he say? reporter: yeah, as we see the president obviously undergoing his significant overseas trip. we know he s been very focused still asking aides for updates about his son s trial at home. as the president of the united states, he does have the pardon power. he could spare his son of this, and he was asked whether he might do that in that interview. let s listen to his answer. as we sit here in normandy,

Joe-biden , One , Gun , Naomi-biden , Defense-witnesses , Abbe-lowell , Brothers , Car , Ana , Hunter-biden , Questions , Character-witness

Jesse Watters Primetime

Biden? gentlemen what s yours? struggling. a set? concerned. rob? senile. patriotic soon i ll say senile to. old. jesse: hosted of the adjectives of the campaign, loses in a landside. democrat is to whisper about biden now they re dropping f. bombs. i cannot say enough, i would ve voted for his head in a jar of blue liquid over donald trump but that does not mean that i m not first of all, i think it s a moot point at this point. is going to win this? student biden? yes! jesse: after the conviction biden went down to auto points in the polls, the vertigo fired at the campaign hasn t had a single ad calling to trump a convicted felon.

Joe-biden , Set , Ssenile , Struggling , Concerned , Rob , Jesse-watters-primetime , Hasn-t , Democrats , Old , Adjectives , Landside