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deliberating a verdict could come this morning breaking this morning, a suspect arrested for stabbing for americans in china the video censored on chinese social media. new questions this morning about what happened and why health experts expressing concern that a bird flu outbreak in the united states could become a much bigger problem there are a assignor is out today. i m john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn news central happening now alive, look at the federal court in wilmington, delaware, where everyone is waiting for work when the jury now they will be resuming deliberations in hunter biden s federal gun trial. they met for only about one our yesterday. so maybe they have hours of work ahead, but word could come any moment really, the jury is weighing three felony gun charges against the president s son. that together here gray maximum penalty of 25 years if convicted, cnn s evan perez is outside the court, and then it was a big day of closing arguments yesterday. what s expected today? okay. we have the jurors reconvening this morning. as you pointed out, they they had about an hour of deliberations before the and at the de and the judge said they would just come straight back into the jury deliberation deliberation room and reconvene this morning and go through these three charges they they have a form that tells them the standards, the different elements that they have to unanimously agree on in order to reach a verdict. and those include of course the idea that 100 knowingly violated the law when he bought a firearm in october of 2018, that he knew he was addicted to drugs when he filled out that form and according to process to curators, when he lied in, be in order to be able to get through a background check those are the elements that are at the center of this. we saw the jurors yesterday after about an hour. they seem to have started forming a bond at a couple of them, walked out arm in arm as they exited, smiling. these are jurors who have been very, very attentive. they ve been taking notes during this trial over five days over really not a lot in dispute in this case. in the end, they re going to have to reach a verdict on someone who is very well known in this community. you saw the biden family come out in force for them yesterday, 33 rows of seats it s were taken up by members of the community, including an african american church that is doing a prayer service for him every morning, kate talk to me about some of the high points they came out during closing arguments and some of the final things really that the jury heard before they started deliberating yeah. look, it was a very, very tough battle really between this that the lawyers involved here, we had abbe lowell who is 100 attorney, who used a a series of presentations to list what he says. we re holes in the case on the part of the prosecution. he said these were all reasons for reasonable doubt. he also accused prosecutors of rehearsing with witnesses and he accused prosecutors also have been to nail bit noisy. naomi biden, who is a hunter biden s daughter, who testified here, one of the last witnesses and asking her whether she did rugs, something that really caused a lot of emotion from her and from her father that day. on the part of the prosecution, they said, look, hunter biden new, he was addicted to drugs. anyone who puts a crackpipe to their mouth every 15 minutes knows he s an advocate evan perez thank, you so much, kevin, as always, johnson, would this now cnn legal analyst, jennifer rodgers, counselor, we heard from evan there that the prosecution in their closing arguments may direct reference to people in the gallery which included at some points that first lady hunter biden s why biden family members in did so some people who are watching said pretty aggressively, what s your takeaway there? yeah, i was surprised at that. actually, i m not surprised that they address that he had so many supporters there, but i would have done it differently because the risk to the prosecution is that people really sympathize with hundred for biden. there s a narrow pathway for them to find him not guilty, but i think it does require them to really have sympathy for him to get there. and so i would have done it by saying you see, he has a lot of support. we all know addiction is a terrible thing. you might find yourself sympathizing with him, but your job as jurors is to follow the law you have taken an oath that requires you to put aside your sympathy and to look at the facts here. that s what i would have done instead of kinda point, they are not evidence. ignore them. i think that s handling it the wrong way because if they aren t, we don t know for sure, but if they are sympathetic to the biden family you re sort of guilty the jurors are your sort of yelling at them about that? yeah. it s not the right take. i mean, listen in order to acquit or even to hang at least some of them have to find this whole thing about did he knowingly make the false statement? and when you look at all the evidence around his use, not in those two weeks necessarily, but around that time. that s hard to do. so i do feel like the judges have the jury had to do a little bit of nullifying here in order to find him not guilty and guilting them into the sympathy is not the way to avoid that. the judge and the jury instructions seem to make pretty clear that the prosecution version of the law is the one to follow here, which is to say, we don t have to prove that hunter biden knew he was addicted the minute the pen hit the paper right there at that moment or that he was using drugs the minute the pen hit the paper at that moment that s right. and prosecutors always emphasized to use your common sense, right? someone comes out of rehab. they described themselves for years later is an addict. he knows he s an addict. use your common sense but you should find jurors walking hand in hand, eyelid courtroom. that s a little unusual. yeah, i haven t seen that before. they often do get close. they spend a lot of time together sometimes they are at odds, sometimes they re not. it s not uncommon for them to form friendships in the arm in arm, i really haven t heard before. maybe this is a particularly close group, but listen, they need to be closer at least in agreement in order to reach a unanimous verdict. so i suppose that s a good sign for prosecutors know i know people who write lifetime movies. i mean, this could be a good plot. his strange plot for the beginning of something kinda lifetime romance there. the jury is in delaware, which is a very democratic state in wilmington, which is a very biden city that binds have been there for decades it s in decades and decades yeah. how much will that play in the jury room? well, prosecutors are trying to avoid that. this is why they re saying things like, you know, ignore the famous people in the audience and the like, and the judge has told them the same, listen, you have to put aside your preconceived notions about who he is, who the families, and just focus on the law and the facts. but we of course, don t know what they really do in their own heads. and when they re discussing among themselves in the jury room. so we ll see they ve been in there for an hour plus minutes, six minutes, probably at this point, a long deliberation typically benefits the defense. i mean, the longer it goes, the more likely that it s hong it s a simple case, not very many witnesses, if they don t have a verdict today, it s bad news for the prosecutors will stand by. it could come at any moment. jennifer rodgers, thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. thanks happening now, you re sicker of state. antony blinken is in jordan putting new pressure on all parties to accept a ceasefire and hostage deal where the negotiation stand right now, this must stop what attorney general merrick garland says, republican lawmakers are doing. the he says, is dangerous for democracy d. and this why martha s vineyard is running out of pot altered james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies nuclear games. sunday at ten on cnn can the riva support your brain health? 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are they looking after one guy who may be for now safe, very i don t know ten storeys underground somewhere in gaza while the people that he purported it s represent continue to suffer and across fire of his own making or will he do what s necessary to actually move this to a better place? to help him, the suffering of people to help bring real security to israelis and palestinians alike that one guy that secretary blinken is referring to is hamas military leader yahya sinwar. and there is new reporting and the wall street journal about messages purportedly from sinwar to ceasefire negotiators. one message reading, we have the israelis, right where we want them joining us right now is retired lieutenant colonel jonathan cohen, rica. he was the spokesperson for the idf before and after the october 7 attack. can we say how him on many a time he s now a senior fellow with the foundation of defense of democracies. colonel, thank you so much for being here. i want to get to that reporting from the wall street journal with some additional contexts in just a second, but first on what we hear from secretary blinken meeting with netanyahu and he also not only said there was consensus, he said that netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment and support of this hostage and ceasefire deal, as it s laid out so far, do you think they are closer than ever before to an actual deal we ve seen steps forward and then how do you read this? i sadly don t. and i m not as positive towards the whole development. i would love to see our hostages home are 120 hostages home? and i would want to see israel defeat hamas and return safety to southern israel and improve the situation in gaza but i think that if you re sinwar is in his text messages, he he hits the nail on the head. sadly. and for months hamas has been manipulating global public opinion using international politics. the differences between washington and jerusalem, and they have basically been able to stay alive and stay out of jail using the hostages for about 345 months and that s something that i think is the core of hamas strategy to delay and delay as much as possible using the hostages and kind of try to derail israeli operations in gaza so that the war will end without israel defeating hamas. that s the zero-sum game. and i think that s sinwar doesn t really have a strong incentive they ve to go ahead and release hostages and basically end the war because that is his best tool to stay alive and to keep hamas empowering gaza. let me ask you about that. so the wall street journal reporting, cnn is not seeing the wall street journal message. the message is that the wall street journal s reporting cannot confirm the authenticity of them. still, i want to read some more of the reporting from the journal. we have the israelis right where we want them. we read. it was one message and these are messages to the negotiators of the sea, to the ceasefire negotiators is what and this is another one in one message two, hamas leaders in doha, sin more cited civilian losses and national liberation conflict thaksin places such as algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from france saying quote, these are necessary sacrifices here s the thing. if this is the case, if this is the zero sum game that you re talking about, if this is the strategy how does israel take on hamas take out hamas deal with sinwar without playing into his hands that s a good question, and i think that the israeli strategy has been so far to try to get to sinwar, get to the senior leadership of hamas so far not succeeding probably because he is hidden underground with lots of israeli hostages surrounding him as human shields and so far what israel said he hasn t been able to do is to advance fast enough and to get to sinwar and basically decide the battle it took israel many months of staging in order to finally get into rafah. there was tremendous outcry and there were protests that israel shouldn t and mustn t go into rafah. israel easing enough. and there s no humanitarian catastrophe and there s no mass casualty event which proves that is can and should do what it s doing. here is a humanitarian crisis throughout gaza now you ve definitely yes, but i m talking there s not a slaughter and not a catastrophe like people warned that there will you think some have thought hoped maybe conjectured that the rescue operation from the weekend could have changed the calculus. they re getting three men out, men that were not supposed to be in the first batch of any ceasefire negotiation can getting those hostages. do you think do you think that changes the calculations are discussing for hamas? do you think that could scare them to the table it s a very happy event, but eventually it only proves that i think it strengthens the case of getting hostages out via negotiations because i don t think that is what has the intelligence capacity or the otherwise military capacity to get more hostages out like this, because this was a top of the shelf special operations with weeks of preparation, intel tip of the spear israeli commando units i ve got in gaza job done, got the hostages out and i don t think that will sadly have the ability to do so over and over again. and i don t think that it changes the calculation and i think that iran hizballah or a much bigger threat, you know, we re focused on gaza and small details in gaza. the big deal and the big threat to regional stability is hizballah against this. well, and if you look at where alarms or sounding most in israel, it s in northern israel and its rockets and drones, et cetera. and sadly, when you re talking about where israel situated, all it s all big crisis. it s all big alarms that are sound from hamas in gaza to the neighbors around with funded and funded and supplied and supported by iran on in terms of the motivation and position of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, blinken says that he reaffirmed his support for today, but president biden told time magazine in a very recent interview, and here s how he put it. there is every reason for people to draw the conclusion that netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political gain what s your reaction to them? as an israeli, as a father two children who will soon be serving in the military. i really, really hope that isn t true. and i would like to see evidence that states the otherwise from my elected leadership. i think it s very important and what we lacked now in israel is unity and trust. we are as you rightly said, surrounded by so many enemies that are challenging or very existence. and what s the israeli public now is going through. this battle fatigue, eight months of fighting, relentless alarms and sirens and 100,000 people are evacuated from their homes. in northern israel. and the war goes on. we had four casualties reported just this morning. lots of pressure on israeli society and what s desperately needed is unity is leadership. and to take, carry israel forward in what i think will be the coming years, not months, the coming years will be very challenging you don t think president biden was so off off-base to say that? i don t know, but i really hope that israeli leadership gets its act together unifies, gets all of the parties in israeli politics that are zionist israeli, and want to live here safely and respectfully get themselves together and focus on the most important thing, which isn t political sustainability, but it is winning the war, defending israeli civilians, and making sure that israelis can go back to their homes as they lived before october the seventh jonathan can rica, so general. thank you so much for your time. thank you for having me thank you at least for us college professors are wounded after what s being described as a brutal stabbing attack in china, one person has now been arrested. what we are, we are learning this morning about that suspect, plus the new the big news from apple and you partnership with chatgpt gpt creator, openai, how the company plans to integrate ai into its products. we ll be back devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in far away lands and it s easy to think. it can t happen here if one hits home, we d be ready silent birth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn. here s to getting better with age here s the beaten these two every thursday helped fuel today with boost type protein complete nutrition, you need without the stuff you don t. so here s two now let s get started no where s your mask? 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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president on stage are two very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn and streaming on max well i knew this morning attorney general merrick garland is warning against what he calls the unfounded attacks on the department of justice that he says are putting his staff and democracy in danger. and a scathing washington post op-ed, he writes, quote, they come in the form of false claims that an apartment is politicizing its work to somehow influence the outcome of an election such claims are often made by those who are themselves attempting to politicize the department s work to influence the outcome of an election he has these attacks come in the form of threats to defund particular department investigations most recently, the special counsel s prosecution of the former president. this rare public rebuke comes as house republicans are preparing to take the next step today in charging the attorney general with contempt of congress. cnn s lauren fox is with us now from capitol hill or he doesn t mention republicans in this opposite, but it s pretty clear. are we talking about yeah, i think there is no mistake about who he is directing his frustration toward today house republicans are going to meet in the house rule host committee this afternoon to try and advance to proposals to move forward with this contempt of congress against garland. we expected the vote could come later this week. of course, speaker mike johnson can only afford to lose two republican members. that means of course that they are competent, that they have the support of their party moving ahead, but it is important to just point out what house republicans are asking for is the audio recording of span i shall counsel robert hur s interview with president joe biden. now the transcripts have been released, but this became a major topic of conversation last week when merrick garland and came before the committee, where many members brought up the fact that they want to check that transcript, that they want to hear the president in his own words. they want to see whether or not he had any pauses that was something that multiple house republicans brought up when merrick garland came before the house judiciary committee last week, we do expect back that if they can move ahead and pass this on the house floor, it would then put the power in speaker mike johnson to refer this to the attorney and washington, dc who would make a decision on whether or not to bring charges against merrick garland. we should just point out that this has been tried by several congresses in the past. nothing ever act actually came of it when it came to the attorney general, you had eric holder who was held in contempt of congress. william barr, who was held in contempt of congress but just some important contexts there as we move forward with this vote later this week, john important context to say the least, lauren fox, great to see you. thank you very much. learning new details about an attack on for americans and china. one of the victims has been identified as david zab nor p and three other instructors from iowa s cornell college were visiting a partner school when they were attacked video of the incident shows the victims on the ground after the attack. that s same video though, was quickly taken down in china right after it was posted, censored a chinese tourists was also injured in the attack and a suspect is now in custody. let s get over to mark stewart he s in the city where this attack happened. mark, what are you learning about this arrest now? right, kate? the arrest is made yesterday, but we only learn about adjust tonight. so obviously there was a gap. and the explanation from police as to what prompted the suspect the suspect simply said he somehow ran into this group of american educators and somehow this prompted this stabbings. so obviously there are a lot of gaps, a lot of holes, a lot of questions i want to show you the scene of the stabbing we were there just a few hours ago. it s about 15 you may hike from where we are right now when we arrived, any evidence of the violence had been literally washed away. there were some stains on the ground where perhaps that blood was a contrast from the images that we saw shortly after we saw these injured americans laying on the ground covered in blood. that s in addition to this, chinese tourists who stepped in to intervene to try, to try to help this park in the middle of the city is very much reminiscent of a large park you would see you in any american suburb, there are trails, there s a train that goes through it, there s a temple. we ve seen a lot of retirees. we ve seen a lot of families this appears to be a very safe place as investigators tried to fill in the gaps in all of this it also is important to look at the current environment, right now in china, for americans, there is this rise of nationalism. it s something that i ve heard in conversations with chinese folks. it s something that is on social media but yet at the same time, we are hearing these overtures for the chinese government from present fusion thing to increase these educational exchanges between universities and colleges in the united states, like that one in iowa with china. in fact, xi jinping set a goal of 50,000 american students that come study here. so this point will have to see what happened here today. the single incident of perhaps dampers that enthusiasm finally, kate, as you mentioned, a lot of these images have been scrubbed from social media. in fact, we just saw a group of people here tonight in this park, gap of it around a phone who were learning about what happened for the first time, about 24 hours after it happened, it s been away from the headlines, sensor from the headlines until very recently, case mark. thank you so much for your reporting especially given in light of that. thank you, john. right. what makes donald trump walk on eggshells or maybe who errantly is taylor swift the revealing and some say bizarre new interview. and why health officials are keeping a very close eye on the bird flu outbreak in the united states hey, mom, how many should i decorated? 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this is going to resonate with the biden campaign believes that tackling gun violence is an issue of importance to young voters, but also to voters in black and latino communities. and so part part of president biden s goal today is trying to promote was his administration has done to try to tackle gun violence, including touting the bipartisan gun safety bill that he signed into law just two years ago. biden, today s specifically will announce the justice department has charged more than 500 defendants with violating gun trafficking and illegal straw purchaser so it seemed provisions that were part of that gun safety legislation. he will be speaking to survivors of gun violence as well as volunteers and activists at everytown for gun safety is conference it s here in washington, dc. this is one of those groups that s really risen in prominence in the wake of mass shootings in this country. the president also is expected to tout the drop hop in violent crime. the fbi yesterday released some preliminary data that showed that violent crime in the first three months of the year is actually down 15%. if you take a look at the number of murders in the country those three months, that s down by 26%. president biden has praised this, saying it s good news for american families and also arguing that this isn t happening by accident, promoted voting a his own legislative and executive actions relating to this. he said, quote, my administration is putting more cops on the beat, holding violent criminals accountable, and getting illegal guns off the street. and we are doing it in partnership with communities. he added as a result, americans are safer today than when i took office. so part of what the biden can campaign, the white house are hoping the president can do today is really tried to lay out the steps that he has taken to try to address issues relating to crime and also gun violence. it tom s as he s not just looking to rally his own base on this, but you also have former president donald trump, who has sought to rally republicans around a gun initiatives. he has vowed to undo many of the efforts that biden has put into place while he is an office, while the biden campaign argues that trump would simply be beholden to the gun lobbies so both men, in their own ways really trying to use gun issues as a way to rally their basis heading into november s election. or let thank you. john so this morning, what makes donald trump nervous or who the answer might be? taylor swift? so asked about taylor swift for an upcoming book, trump says, quote, i think she s very beautiful, actually, unusually beautiful. that s according to a forthcoming book from variety coder and chief from institute with us now cnn political commentator, democratic strategist, public gala, and cnn political commentator and republican strategist. sure michael singleton and paul, there are people who look at that comment and note it s a little strange from a guy who is going to turn 78 later in the week that maybe those are the types of things that he shouldn t be observing right there. but another way of looking at it is for a guy who will say mean things about anybody. he seems to be really careful when it comes to taylor swift right? what both are true. it s an incredibly creepy, i m sorry, i know it s morning. i just threw up a little bit. my mouth. when you read those quotes today, it s just disgusting thing and mr. corruption mr. trump should pay himself hush money. you should just shut up about taylor swift and you can tell he is scared of her trump understand celebrity. he understands the power celebrity that s how he got where he is. ms swift is far more powerful as a celebrity than donald trump ever dreamed. a big and so he s clearly scared of her. and i find that wonderful and amusing, even though the comments about her appearance deeply creepy. sure. michael, i was trying to think if there was another figure who people have politicians have had to walk on eggshells around. you have to be really careful with no matter what you say or how they feel about you. and i was sick. maybe oprah when oprah went behind barak obama in 2007, 2008, everyone, hillary clinton s campaign and had to be really careful than john mccain s campaign had to be really careful. i can t really think of everyone else, anyone else that would make a politician so nervous. i mean, john, i can think of one other person and i think that would be bianna. and i have to say this because my girlfriend were kill me if i did not. one other the person that i think a lot of politicians out to be very, very careful with the lead. i think a lot of these celebrities and younger voters, attractiveness to them not only because of their music, but their lifestyles and also the way they live vicariously by the politics that they adopt is certainly a pervasive thing. if you re a politician right now, trying to win the left section, which we know will be very close and you want to galvanize young people you certainly don t want to anger them by attacking some of the individuals they look up to and i think this is the case. we re taylor swift who is an incredible songwriter. so here s someone who galvanized is not only young liberals, john, but she also galvanizes young conservatives be in a former country star who s now i want to pop music. so there s an interesting dichotomy here. but i think the former president is trying to thread the needle on. i know the biden campaign would love it to taylor swift came out in public and endorse the biden candidacy like she did in 2020. they are waiting for that to happen. i was looking at the calendar, paul, i still can t wrap my arms around the fact that there is a general election presidential debate in like two weeks and yes, it is right here on cnn. and i m not doing this to promote the debate which is, i should note right here on cnn but it just shatters everything i know about presidential campaigns in its drawings. i covered george bush in 2000 and he disappeared for days before the first debate for debate prep in it, we learn later that he d been preparing like a ton for months before should these candidates deep into debate prep for what could be the most important presidential debate any of us have ever seen oh yeah, debates do tend to freeze the campaign and our president has to go to europe for g7 meeting and if i were campaign strategies for him, i would be tearing the last three hairs out of my head. but you can use that time on air force one. so let s watch them manifest on air force one. if my old pal ron klain, president s former chief of staff is on that trip. i mean, they re doing to bake prep on the plane. no one i ve done all my adult life. no one is better at debate prep than the president s former chief of staff, ron klain. but they do need to do. and by the way, so does mr. trump and i know he doesn t like it i shouldn t say this because debates are about expectations joe biden is going to climb donald trump in that debate. incumbent presidents rarely, rarely when the first debate, because they re used to having their rings kissed, shall we say? but mr. trump has talent. he does, and he s great at these rallies but he s never won a national presidential general election debate. he had to three against hillary, two gets biden in the polling, one or two point race, he consistently loses those debates by nine to 12 points. so honest earnest, free advice to mr. trump you need to hunker down and prepare for this. mr. mr. trump and i promise you, joe biden is you just broke the major one rule of pre debate expectations, right there. you re gonna get a golf. i spoke the truth apartment. i try never to do that with you, but once in a while sure. michael, if you are the trump campaign, a. the likelihood that they follow paul s advice and donald trump goes into debate prep. if you are donald trump or if you are the trunk campaign, what kind of prep would you have him do i mean luck in 2016, he had chris christie helping them out. chris christie and entrepreneur longer friends, so i don t think you can call up chris and say, hey, come and help us but i agree with paul. presidents usually don t do well during the first debate. so this is a very unique opportunity for the former president. and i think donald trump is really effective. john, at being able to communicate very simply in a simple way rather on issues that people really care about. so if you can figure out a way to drive and hone in that skill and more focused way on actual issues. i think the former president could potentially surprise people, but you have to be disciplined in order to do so. so i was spent a couple of days, maybe a week or so practicing these things, maybe some of his best zynga s figuring out a way to be more surgical with them during that one hour debate. and let s see what happens. but this could be, and i ll say this quickly, john. i don t think trump should debate president for a second time because to pause zero point presidents don t do well during the first debate, but they usually come back and knock it out of the park during the second debate. so if i m trump, i would try to hammer this in with a victory and say, you know what, that s it. i m not interested in debating number two. paul, very quickly share michael said the issues one of the issues is crime usually is an issue every four years and these new numbers out from the fbi, violent crime, going down, murder rate dropping dramatically could be the biggest drop. on record in one year how should the buying campaign talk about this in a way that it will connect with people absolutely. and i think it all about mr. trump catering to the most extreme and joe biden, big part of the mainstream are, let s report is right. young people and people of color really support the biden gun safety genic. guess what? so do older white people in the suburbs where trump is very weak and it s a web issue. you always just talking about wedge issues. this is a web issue. it s stick stitches together the base where joe biden frankly needs a lot of help, and the suburban college-educated swing voters were biden is surprisingly strong. once a republican stronghold, biden is really strong with those suburban at college-educated voters. so it s a great issue for biden to be touting. and mr. trump by the way, who can no longer even own a gun because he s a felon. he went to the nra and he said, i will be your loyal friend and fearless champion. so that s, that s the way to posit trump is as he can own a get himself, but he is going to be owned by the nra public, alice or michel saying, great to see both you. thanks so much good to see you, jack so health experts increasingly concerned that the bird flu could turn into a much bigger problem and martha s vineyard martha s vineyard? all the vineyards off the coast of massachusetts, running out of marijuana chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta listen wherever you get your podcast check it out. six my work from anywhere cozy grab yourself a drink is this dog food in your fridge? 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or is it is it not, is it there s something else and what they think at this point is that it s doesn t necessarily appear to be more severe. it may be that they, the third person got infected in a different way. first two people may have touched the surface than touch their eyes, which is what often happens. this the third person who is a farm worker in michigan may have actually inhaled some of the virus. that s worth paying attention to what they have not seen. kate. and this is a big thing that they look out for. is there evidence then it spreads as a result of those respiratory symptoms to another human human, to human spread. and so far at this point, they have not seen that, but that s what they re looking for. in short of that, what are the other red flags that they re wanting four yeah. i think one thing is to see a look are there other mammals that are starting to get infected? there s lots of different mammals that have been infected so far. but are there other ones as well? because each time you get new mammals that are infected, especially ones that are closer and closer to humans you may, the virus may mutate into something that can more easily infect humans and they, and could potentially spread among humans. but one of the big ways to figure this out is tested sting. and kate, we talked about this a lot during the pandemic. are we doing enough testing? and the answer right now with h5n1 is that we re not, if you test a lot of people and you say, hey, there s a lot of people that are carrying the virus, but they re not getting sick that s an important message. it may mean that this is not as deadly or is making people sick as we thought testing is the key to sort of get an idea of just how widespread this is. i talked to rick bright, who s a virologist and immunologists about this specifically. and here s what he said. i really think that s a tip of the iceberg. we are not doing enough testing or the even the right kind of testing. to get a better answer to that question is really unusual that we would find just one or two cases with so much virus prevalent and so many places as such, close contact to the source, such as the infected cow or the milk supply every virologists that you ve talked to says we need to be doing more testing just like we said at the beginning of the covid pandemic. so that has to happen. and then again, looking for human to human transmission. that s where a lot of focuses it s good to see you, sanjay. thank you so much and a new episode of chasing life with sanjay gupta, the podcast available right now, jump. then there s this a dog ran for help after his owner crash to call our into a remote steep ravine and a national park in oregon. the man was traveling with his four dogs when he crashed. one of the dogs was able to get free and then walked slash, ran nearly four miles to the families camp site rescue crews, put up a pulley system to get the man who was airlifted to safety the three other dogs were found alive at the crash site. we are effort and comment kate, from them. he was waiting for that. i was like and where are we? it s really amazing how they pulled it off though in the dog. and you are giving the rescuers credit, the dog deserves all the grant dogs get credit to sorry about that, everyone. thank you so much for joining us today. this is theta do said darrell seeing a newsroom with you? the constant up next one, reading yeah, that s not good happen huge things happen happens with a3. learn more at from roger two, we there yet so many ways to save life ready, while it happy. that s 365 by whole foods market, they get it. they know how it works. and more importantly for them. i don t have any anxiety about money anymore. i don t have to work about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. if you re 62 or older and own your home, you could access your equity two approve your lifestyle, or reverse mortgage loan eliminates your monthly mortgage payments, inputs, tax-free cash in your pocket, call 808, 417880 with the best thing i ve ever done. and yes, without a doubt, just like these folks, he can show you our reverse mortgage loan uses your built-up home equity to give you a tax-free cash it s a good thing. why don t you get the facts like these folks did call right now to receive your free no obligation the asian nfo kid call 808 417880, 800 808, 417880 nothing dems my light like a migraine with nortech ott. i found relief only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don t take if allergic to nortech odi team allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time i am we all talk to a health care provider about no-tech ott from pfizer if is better with the credit god s on your side. rewards once available to the view, are now accessible to the many credit one bank get cashback or was it lives large? 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Transcripts For CNN Violent Earth 20240610

magic with nothing and even if they take everything, like for a month we re still going to find a way to put on a show to entertain the thing i ve found is people love drag if we have a chance to put on a show for you, you re going to fall in love legal battles over drag performances continue. so far, laws proposed in florida texas, tennessee, and montana had been blocked by federal judges on constitutional grounds. the states are appealing those decisions. thanks for watching the whole story. i ll see you next sunday [siren blaring] police officer: i need traffic stopped, southbound 10. steve pyne: fire has been on earth as long as plants have been on land. police officer: follow me! follow me! steve pyne: but we get a big shift when a species arrives who can start fire at will. police officer: go, go, go, go! go south! steve pyne: i think humans have been changing the earth for a long time. police officer: come down this way! come down this way! steve pyne: we ve lost the ability to understand how fire works and how it can be used to our advantage. police officer: [indistinct] the fire has jumped the road. this is bad. steve pyne: we ve mismanaged fire. now we get fires that are really off the scale, shouldn t be here, shouldn t be behaving in this way. and now we re left with these monsters. and it is remaking the world. police officer: (voice breaking) it s all bad up here, brother. it s all bad. oh, my god. [thunder crackling] welcome to violent earth. i m liev schreiber. scientists say wildfires are more frequent and burning bigger. in the past, a 50,000 or 60,000 acre fire was considered big. these days, firefighters are often dealing with fires well above 100,000 acres. according to government statistics, during the 1990s, an average of 3 million acres a year burned in the united states. since 2000, that number has more than doubled. in 2020 alone, over 10 million acres were consumed. the experts say 85% to 90% of wildfires are caused by human activity. tonight, violent earth takes a look at this roaring force of nature, starting with the mega fire that burned through paradise, california, in 2018. [police radio chatter] kory honea: the camp fire was the deadliest and most destructive fire in california s history. [shouting] john messina: it was almost 200 days since we had received any rainfall in that particular area. the wind was very dry and blowing in gusts of 70 miles an hour. kory honea: the town of paradise at the time of the camp fire was about 26,000 people. alexander maranghides: a town built in the forest. there was a lot of vegetation, topography, wind, drought. all these things contributed to make this event unfold very rapidly. police officer: go double lanes! go double lanes! and very catastrophically. kory honea: the fire was caused by a downed electrical transmission line. camp creek road was the nearest named road to the ignition. and that s why this is the camp fire. tamra fisher: oh, this is horrible. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. these poor people. i ve lived in paradise since 1979. i prepared for years for this exact moment. i knew fire was was bad. i ve always respected it. tamra is my little sister. she s raw, and she s funny. this, too, could be you. tamra was not as concerned about the wildfires as i was. and that morning, i got out of there pretty fast. tamra texted me and asked me what was happening. and i said, get out, t. get out. paradise is going to burn down. but possibly, the cell towers were starting to burn in that area. i don t believe she got my text. tamra fisher: can we please get out of here? larry laczko: tamra had her three dogs in the car with her. tamra fisher: it s 9 o clock in the morning. larry laczko: she was recording the events on her cell phone. tamra fisher: i m really scared. and i don t got that much gas! she was stressed that she was not making progress getting away from the fire. tamra fisher: come on! just go! i m so scared! [honking horn] todd abel: these fires, it s very, very intense heat. ignite a tree without flame touching it. all at once, the tree lights up sort of like a roman candle. paul hessburg: and when a wildfire is really moving fast, it can burn five to 10 football fields in a second. it s millions of hot embers that can find so many places to ignite a fire. sometimes the winds are so strong that they are tossed up to five miles. brad elder: the drier it is outside, the probability of that ember is going to stay lit and the fuel that it lands in is approaching 100%. [police radio chatter] paul hessburg: paradise, california, burned from an ember attack from a plume miles away from paradise. kory honea: this is, like, 9 o clock in the morning, and it s pitch black. given the smoke, it almost appeared as though it was the middle of the night and it was snowing. ash and embers began to rain down. john messina: the fire was moving at a football field per second. and the way it did that, of course, was by jumping ahead and starting these fires. they would immediately take hold and rapidly grow into a 100-acre, 200-acre spot fire. that was happening all through town. alexander maranghides: that resulted in the town starting to burn all at once. 30,000 people were trying to be evacuated while being overran by fire. police officer: go forward and turn around. turn around and go north. turn around and go north. [bleep] this is bad. larry laczko: a firefighter told tamra to follow him down pearson road. cindy christensen: tamra was behind them. but the traffic stopped. tamra fisher: no! [honking horn] larry laczko: everything around her was burning. tamra fisher: look at that. cars on the side burning. and nobody was moving. tamra fisher: go! it s so hot. todd abel: these fires, they can be well over 2,000 degrees. they melt metal. they melt cars. and you can hear her dogs panting in the back. [dogs whimpering] tamra fisher: ugh! and her despair. tamra fisher: what did i do? come on! paul hessburg: the increase in wildfires in the current 21st century is exponential. california is seeing its worst year ever for wildfires. canada in general right now for this fire season. 33.8 million acres have already burned. brad elder: and we generally think of fire as bad because most wildfires are dangerous. mark finney: but it s very important to try to understand really the essential role that fire has in our ecosystems and the beneficial role. steve pyne: fire is not some kind of alien visitation on the landscape. fire has been on earth as long as plants have been on land. we can go back 420 million years and find fossil charcoal. these landscapes have, in a sense, co-evolved with fire. kristen honig: fires are good for the planet. they have lots of roles in ecosystem health. brad elder: there s so many different plants and animals that respond positively to fires. paul hessburg: the varied habitats come from the byproducts of a wildfire. the forests of western north america, including the western united states, need fire. they evolved with fire. what is new is the frequency of very large fires is increasing. steve pyne: it kills people, threatens properties and towns. they re essentially uncontrollable at scale. paul hessburg: wildfires are burning at the rate of 7 to 10 million acres of the us every year. this is unprecedented. it s getting worse. paul hessburg: we expect double to triple the amount of area burned between now and 2050. well, how did that happen? [music playing] [siren blaring, police radio chatter] karen davis: i was a registered nurse at feather river hospital in paradise. we received a code black get patients out now. and the flames were unbelievable that came up the canyon. my best friend, nichole, was also a nurse at feather river hospital. we worked together. karen davis: ambulances were not able to get to us. patients had to be put in employee vehicles. dispatcher: 10-4, chief, go ahead. karen davis: after we got all the patients in vehicles, nichole and i left following each other. steve pyne: 1910 was really the founding year for the american way of firefighting. reporter: the big blowup. a wild surging firestorm started near elk city, idaho. paul hessburg: the 1910 big burn. it burned 3 million acres across three states, killed 87 people, mostly firefighters. and our awareness and our whole consciousness about fire pivoted in that moment. reporter: this is a picture of tragedy, a tragedy that happens year after year in our great american forest areas fire. fire became public enemy number one. and wildfires were to be put out at all cost. steve pyne: and at that point, we almost militarized firefighting. kyle dickman: we were really good at it. firefighters could put out 99% of fires before they grew bigger than an acre. paul hessburg: and from about 1935 to about 1985, you see not much fire burning. and it made our fire suppression look great. steve pyne: and that was a very poor judgment. well, they completely misjudged the character of the overall fire scene. paul hessburg: what s happened since the exclusion of fire is forests have gotten denser. the forests of today look nothing like they did in the 1930s. there are 10 times even more trees than that on the landscape of the historical condition. and they will burn bigger and they ll burn hotter than they burned historically. and what we didn t know in those days and we ve learned later through research is, fire is medicine on the landscape, and it s how we can live safely. and here s why that s so critical. it was the frequency of the small- and medium-sized fires that blocked the flow of very large fires. you might burn out a patch in a forest, but the bulk of the force is still standing there. mark finney: fires that just burn underneath the trees, maybe some grass, maybe some downed logs. paul hessburg: so there s power in the patchwork to regulate how big and how severe the fires got. so fires would be rarely very large. so after a century and a half without fire, fuels have built up over many large areas to powder keg conditions. but the worst part of it is, we re actually building homes in the middle of this mess. and so when we get a large fire, houses and forests literally go up in smoke. and as the climate continues to turn up the heat and dry out the landscape, what we see after 85 is that area burned increases exponentially. and it continues to increase today. fires like paradise, the camp fire. alexander maranghides: the town of paradise had not seen any fire history in the past 100-plus years. paul hessburg: they re setting new records for area burned and structures that are burned. and it s because the fires are literally uncontrollable. police officer: i copy that. [honking horn] tamra fisher: i m scared! cindy christensen: tamra was beating on her horn, screaming to go, go, go, go. tamra fisher: come on! cindy christensen: nothing was moving. larry laczko: tamra was driving a yellow volkswagen beetle. somebody shot a video from behind her showing her out of her volkswagen. that firestorm came roaring through. it was unreal. her car was on fire. she was screaming for help. tamra fisher: help! cindy christensen: tamra was on pearson road. alexander maranghides: pearson is one of the top five worst situations in all of camp fire. the fire overtakes evacuating, gridlocked traffic. everything is on fire all at once. vehicles start catching on fire. 40 abandoned vehicles in that 6/10 of a mile. and this created a very, very dangerous situation. nichole s car was trapped with me right on pearson road. nichole jolly: that tree could come down on me at any moment. this is ridiculous. and i m stuck. [bleep] tamra fisher: oh, my god. it s everywhere. in tamra s video, you could see my white truck, and you can see nichole s silver sedan. people just sitting there. nothing was moving. tamra fisher: this is a [bleep] nightmare. just come on! oh, my god. karen davis: all of a sudden, i could feel my truck drop, which meant my tires were burning. and right in the middle of that, i heard a knock on the window. nichole got out of her car because her car had caught on fire. she tried to open the door, but the handles were gone from the outside. they had melted away. so she ran off. i had no idea where she was. [music playing] craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. s greater than 100,000 acres, we term it a mega fire. some of the biggest fires are a million acres or more. big, hot fires create their own weather. suddenly, this really white cloud start developing. it was being made by the moisture being driven off by the fire down below. and in the most extreme cases, they have lightning, and they have rain. they have very strong downdrafts that can create very, very strong winds right down at the surface. paul hessburg: sometimes wildfires are so loud, associated with the wind and weather that the fire is creating, it sounds like a 747 flying overhead. tornadoes, they call them firenadoes, will happen as a consequence of these phenomenal surface wind speeds. woman: oh, my they move incredibly fast when they get up and go. and they re really quite horrific. mark finney: wildfires ignite from lots of different sources. steve pyne: before humans were around, this was almost always lightning. volcanic activity can start fires. that s a natural ignition, we often call it. steve pyne: humans probably account for 90% of the ignition in the united states and probably around the world. reporter: investigators say a wildfire near yosemite national park was started by an unattended campfire. reporter: power lines were blamed for starting 10 fires this year. violent and explosive wildfires in hawaii fueled by strong winds from a hurricane 800 miles away. reporter: maui locals have never seen anything like the firestorm that obliterated lahaina. winds of up to 80 miles an hour. erin burnett: tee dang was on vacation with her family. the flames so dangerously close that they were forced to jump into the ocean to save themselves. tee dang: it was just like a hot oven fire flaming, blowing at us. and then we started just huddling in and trying to keep our family tight so we won t get burned from the fire and then get washed away from the water. reporter: the lahaina fire is now the deadliest fire in the us in more than a century. reporter: this will rank as one of the worst disasters in american history. it s as bad as paradise, california, the deadliest fire from a few years back. larry laczko: that morning, when i turned on pearson road, i hit gridlock. we were just inching along when i came upon tamra and her burning vw beetle on the side of the road. she just opened her door. i heard tamra say, i need help putting out this fire. i told her, you need to get into my truck. but she seemed like she wanted to stay with the car. i know she had some treasured belongings. but she had to get away from that. tamra fisher: i m sorry, lucky. i m crying. karen davis: nichole got out of her car because her car was on fire. she knocked on my window. and she tried to open the door, but couldn t. so she ran off. i was dazed from the smoke. and i didn t know where she went. everybody was in a panic, just trying to survive. larry laczko: i did witness people running to a cal fire fire engine. we couldn t believe that they were outside. the temperature inside the engine at that point was probably around 150, 160 degrees. at some point, the outside of the engine probably took temperatures of 600 degrees. we started pulling people into the engine, as many as we could. but we just didn t have any more room. larry laczko: we were still trying to inch along. tamra fisher: [indistinct speech] [crying] and suddenly, out of the darkness came the headlights of a bulldozer driven by a cal fire hero, pushing burning vehicles off the side of the road beside us. john jessen: joe kennedy, he was able to get those cars out of our way and be able to open up that road and give us a means of escape. alexander maranghides: the dozer comes in, helps clear the area, and enables the first responders to escort the convoy out of harm s way. karen davis: that eventually saved our lives. i did wonder what happened to nichole. i remember it was so hot, my eyes and my throat were burning. i ran up the road. and i m closing my eyes because you can t see anything. and i touched the back of this fire engine. the firefighters looked at me, and they were like, oh my gosh. karen davis: and i later learned nichole was one of the people that ran into the fire engine. nichole jolly: the firefighters absolutely saved our lives. i waited all day for tamra. i didn t hear anything. i was so scared. if i wouldn t have had my dogs, i probably would have ran on foot. having larry open the truck door and tell me to get in and then said, bring the dogs, it was like a knight in shining armor. i got a text from somebody i didn t know, this gentleman, larry. i found out that he had saved tamra. i feel that i was in the wrong place at the right time. tamra fisher: oh, my god. karen davis: and when we finally did get through, it was like an apocalypse. tamra fisher: oh, my gosh. it s like you re seeing this destruction that you only see in, like, movies. it s gone. larry laczko: it s gone. tamra fisher: it s gone. look, that house is gone. larry laczko: yep. tamra fisher: and that house is gone. and to see that devastation, it was surreal. yeah, my sister s just right up here. it s all gone. cindy christensen: our neighborhood, our house, there was nothing left. nothing. it was decimated. we lost everything, except for the clothes on our backs. nichole holly: the flames engulfed the hospital, and the roof collapsed. kory honea: it consumed 18,000 structures. 15,000 of those structures were homes, places where people lived. karen davis: and i learned. the next road up from where we were trapped, that s where five people died trying to run from the flames. 85 people lost their lives. there s nowhere you can go in butte county where you don t run into somebody who was burned out of their home or knew somebody who perished in the fire. todd abel: all over the western united states, these fires are more intense. wildland firefighters are a big part of trying to mitigate these natural disasters. hotshots are sort of a breed of their own. kyle dickman: hotshot firefighters are crews of 20 people, men and women. desiree steed: they fight fire from the frontlines. kyle dickman: their job is to go anywhere in the country where there s a bad fire. and they ll spend as long as two weeks or three weeks on a single fire. i m a former granite mountain hotshot. it s really not a job. it s a lifestyle and career. kyle dickman: the granite mountain hotshots were a hotshot crew. came from the city of prescott, arizona. eric marsh was the superintendent of the granite mountain hotshots. a very meticulous man, very intelligent. and then there was jesse steed. desiree steed: jesse was the captain. so he was second in command. prior to that, he was also in the marine corps. he was tough, 6 4 and 220 pounds. always put his family first, his kids first. brendan mcdonough: jesse was a mentor, and he was a dad that i so desperately wanted to be like. desiree steed: he could handle all kinds of excruciating, backbreaking labor and work and actually enjoyed it. [music playing] todd abel: in arizona, june is usually kind of that month where everybody s hair on the back of your neck stands up, and we start getting higher temperatures. the relative humidity drops. the fuel moistures drop. kyle dickman: it was just perfectly primed for extreme fire behavior. todd abel: we start getting monsoon buildups, which sometimes throw out the dry lightning, which starts fires. the morning of june 30, the hotshots on the crew were woken up by a phone call. we got to go. we got a fire in yarnell. a lightning strike from a couple of days ago started multiple fires. it was about 500 acres. the reason this fire was concerning was that it was on a ridgeline above a town. todd abel: there was peeples valley to the north. and then to the south-southeast was the town of yarnell. i remember getting out of the buggy, and jesse was like, hey, grab grab extra water today. it s going to be hot. todd abel: there s different strategies in wildland firefighting. we use fixed-wing airplanes and rotor-wing helicopters to help reduce the intensity of the fire. then we can get our men and women on there, our boots on the ground i call it, to actually finish putting it out. [chainsaw buzzing] john jessen: most effective, especially when fires are larger and stuff, is removing the fuels, creating control lines. kyle dickman: what they re doing is they re taking away what the fire eats so the fire can t burn it. once you get to the edge of the fire, that s when the work really starts. yeah! ow! it s not just the backbreaking work of digging. digging, digging, digging for days on end. kyle dickman: they use chainsaws a lot. brendan mcdonough: you re removing everything for miles on end. so if that tree is 60 feet tall, you re cutting that entire tree down. it s not for the faint of heart. sometimes we do use fire to fight fires. kristen honig: using drip torches to burn the fuel in a controlled fashion so that by the time the main flaming front got there, there would be no more fuel for it to burn. and that would stop the fire s advance. todd abel: a lot of times, we ll do a lot of those firing operations at night, where we have better control over what that looks like. kyle dickman: so june 30, the yarnell hill fire is just ripping to the north. and the priority is to stop this fire on the northern edge. and we start hiking in. we were on the fire s edge. the flaming front was two to three miles long. probably had 20-, 30-foot flame lengths. kyle dickman: jesse steed asked brendan donut mcdonough to act as a lookout down in the valley below the ridgeline. brendan mcdonough: and i hiked into my lookout spot closer towards the active edge of the fire, and i m at a lower elevation. [music playing] i got the word from our fire behavior analyst that called and said, hey, we got some thunderstorm developments developing north of us. kyle dickman: thunderstorms are extremely dangerous to firefighters because they create erratic winds. and erratic winds create erratic fire behavior. todd abel: that s what changes our environment. and that s what causes our injuries and some of our fatalities. kyle dickman: it was a warning to the hotshots that by the afternoon of june 30, they could be dealing with a fire that was completely different than it was behaving in the morning. [music playing] kyle dickman: two things that firefighters pay the most attention to, fuels and weather. paul hessburg: weather is one of the ficklest parts of a wildfire. mark finney: aside from drought or dry conditions, the wind is probably responsible for the greatest variation. another aspect of the wind that makes wildfires dangerous is the shifting direction. the wind can be coming out of the west, for example, and suddenly shift to coming out of the north. todd abel: so thunderstorm developments, it ll push wind multiple directions. [lightning crackling] brad elder: we ve all been standing outside watching a front hit and suddenly get hit by this wall of wind. kyle dickman: what happens with these thunderstorms, they start to rain. brad elder: and that water is now falling, and it s pulling air with it. so we have this rush of air coming down, slamming into the ground and moving out in all directions. wherever that cell is, it could push winds from the north to the south, the south to the north. brad elder: if you don t know that s going to happen or know how it s going to shift, that s a real dangerous situation. [music playing] kyle dickman: june 30, the yarnell hill fire is just ripping to the north. kyle dickman: and the hotshots were down on the southern edge, what s called the heel of the fire, which is essentially where it started. they were just supposed to start building line up around the fire to make sure that it didn t escape. and late in the afternoon thunderstorm hit probably around, i don t know, 4:15-ish. kyle dickman: all this cool air comes rushing down, and it races out across this desert. and it hits the fire. and suddenly, the fire pivots and turns direction. it had been running north. but it turned and ran south. brendan mcdonough: that s pretty uncommon to see a fire completely shift 180 degrees. kyle dickman: and it began running straight at brendan donut mcdonough, the lookout. brendan mcdonough: captain jesse reached out because he could see where i was from up top. and so he called over the radio and said, hey, donut, i think it s about time for you to get out of there, man. move fast. and i did that. got a ride down. and so now this fire has turned around. my brother is on the complete south end, and i am on the north end, opposite ends of this fire. so the granite mountain hotshots were in what s called the blacks. the best safety zone, where fire s already burnt. kyle dickman: all they were doing is watching the burn. they can just look down and see this ominous scene. there s these black smoke. it s dark. and it s just all the colors of hell sweeping down this valley toward this town. [music playing] it became very clear that the town of yarnell was imminently threatened by this fire. we started evacuating yarnell. man: we just pulled out. yarnell is blowing up. kyle dickman: the granite mountain hotshots, they weren t doing a whole lot. they couldn t do a whole lot. so the hotshots decided to leave the safety of the black and move back toward the town of yarnell, where presumably they could do something to help the people that were soon to be threatened by the fire. and they re essentially climbing down these rocky cliffs into that canyon. and when they do, they know they re going to lose sight of the fire. they can t see the fire. and suddenly, the fire turns the corner of this ridge, pivoting and sweeping in front of them, fanning out into this flaming front. at exactly that moment, they realized that they are out of options. todd abel: it was moving so quick that there was no way that a human could outrun that fire. kyle dickman: suddenly, they come over the radio. and what he s saying is, we need help, and we need help right now. they re in trouble. brendan mcdonough: and i remember them trying to call in water. and that s when it became very frantic. kyle dickman: at that moment, nobody really knew where granite mountain was. todd abel: the last conversation i had with them was granite mountain was in the black and that they were in a good spot. no one knew that they had moved to the south end like that. they are forced to do the only thing they can do in that instance, to deploy their fire shelters. fire shelters are just these small, thin blankets that reflect heat. that s all they are. they are tents that you pitch up and you climb into. if you re deploying your fire shelter, it s a last-case scenario. that fire crew s in trouble. they re in trouble. a lot of things going through my brain at the same time of my heart being in my stomach. brendan mcdonough: the helicopter s trying to find them. and it s the smoke is just so thick. bravo 33: operations bravo 33. [music playing] kyle dickman: you have 19 firefighters standing in front of a flaming front. every firefighter on that fire, their jaws dropped and i m sure their hearts broke because they now knew that their brothers, their colleagues were in very real danger. todd abel: we launched some helicopters to try to find them. i absolutely had all kinds of hope that the crew was going to be fine. and i m just waiting on the radio and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. and i hear there s 19 confirmed. there were 19 dead bodies in the canyon. i can feel it in my heart right now and in my stomach right now talking about it. it was devastating. absolutely devastating. i remember just sobbing. every negative emotion that could be felt, i just felt in that moment. i remember walking in, and they re just everybody was crying. and we were told that they were all gone. kyle dickman: and this was the worst fire tragedy that had happened in a generation. todd abel: they were fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, the whole nine yards. they were good people. they enjoyed wildland firefighting. they had the passion for it. the fact that i can tell my children that their father died a hero has made a huge difference. they can be proud of him for everything that he did. kyle dickman: the nation was captivated by it for months. and they ended up making a hollywood movie no matter what you hear we ve got several aircraft coming to you. no matter what s going on we can t go back up there. stay together tell me when you hear the aircraft, ok? and look out for each other because you re a family. no one could be prouder of his boys than i am of you guys. and the fires that we fought when when we were young are nothing like the fires of today. they re really, really dangerous. and they re very, very threatening. todd abel: longer duration, definitely larger fires. how do you manage something like that? paul hessburg: in the western united states, the fire season is 40 to 80 days longer. in california, the fire season is nearly year-round today. steve pyne: the climate is is morphing in ways that enhance fire. it s acting as a performance enhancer. smoke has been carrying the fire problem to areas that otherwise are immune to it. reporter: smoke from those fires traveling more than 500 miles. it s philadelphia, boston, new york city, all the way to the nation s capital. paul hessburg: the air quality index just ballooned in many of these metropolitan areas. more people are being challenged by smoke-related injury to human health. reporter: wildfire smoke contains particulate matter, or pm 2.5. among the tiniest and most dangerous pollutants, it s able to infiltrate the lungs and enter the bloodstream and has been linked to conditions like asthma and heart disease. the need to do something is urgent. we have a lot of tools in the toolbox. one of them is using prescribed burning. prescribed burning is intentional burning to invite the right kind of wildfire back to the forest. there s a tremendous amount of science and skill that go into this prescribed burning. 99.8% of them stay within the line. it produces a tenth of the smoke. so the numbers are really good. steve pyne: some of these areas, we can go in, we can thin. not log, thin out. it s a kind of woody weeding. but it s the fire that matters most. if you do the thinning but don t do the fire, you re not really solving the problem. burning where you ve got residents or small communities embedded in the landscape around, very difficult. but almost certainly, they are going to burn. and if we don t do it in some way, then they re going to burn probably in the worst possible way. kyle dickman: it s like, you can pick your poison, right? like, you re either going to have prescribed fires, or you re going to have more big wildfires. [music playing] steve pyne: well, all this requires a political and social mechanism for us to come together and argue over differences in values, what we want public lands to be, how we want to do it. and we re facing the point where we simply cannot pretend that we can control all these fires as we would wish. [music playing] kyle dickman: we can only do so much to insulate ourselves from those tragedies. like, the way that the system works and the environment is changing, like, these are just they are realities. desiree steed: i want jesse to be remembered for his strength of character. he had a lot of integrity. he was a great dad, a great husband. brendan mcdonough: everyone s journey after the tragedy has been different. there s a lot to learn from it. for me, it s been giving back and, you know, paying it forward and trying to help people understand their sacrifice. karen davis, the nurse who survived the entrapment in the mega fire in paradise, california, says she lost everything in the inferno. battling the trauma from the flames, she decided to move to las vegas to be closer to her daughter and rebuild her shattered life. once there, karen continued her career in health care. she also decided to become a member of the henderson, nevada, community emergency response team, aiming to help others in future emergencies. a testament to her inner strength and resiliency. for more information on what you can do in a wildfire and how to combat the growing climate crisis, please go to i m liev schreiber. thanks for watching.

The-american-way , People , Nothing , Everything , Thing , Show , Magic , Drag-performances , Chance , Love , Battles , States

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20240610

narendra modi sworn in as the prime ministerfor a record third term. the party is just getting started as celebrations kick off around the world for pride month. welcome to the programme. it is sam welcome to the programme. it is 8am in singapore and at 2am in brussels, where we start. next exit polls suggest there have been big gains forfar right parties, in elections to the european parliament. this was the first projection for the 720 seat assembly the darker colours to the right representing those right of centre parties seem to have moved to take up more of the seats. the most headline grabbing outcome appears to have been in france, where the far right national rally party has taken more than 31% of the vote. that s more than double the coalition which supports president macron. he has responded by calling an entirely unexpected snap election. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a dangerfor our nation, but also for europe. the but also for europe. position in europe and the world. i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world of the normandy landing, and in a few weeks we welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country. so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing had happened. added to this situation is a fever which has gripped parliamentary and public debate in our country in recent years, a disorder which i know worries you, sometimes shocks you, and to which i do not intend to give in. however, today the challenges that present themselves to us, whether external dangers, climate change and the consequences, or threats to our own cohesion, it requires clarity in our debates. ambition for the country and respect for every french person. this is why, after having carried out the consultations provided for in article 12 of our constitution, i decided to put back in your hands the choice of our parliamentary future by the vote. in a few moments, i will sign the decree convening the legislative elections which will be held onjune 30th for the first round and july seventh for the second round. for the french far right, the result is one to celebrate. here s marine le pen. translation: the french have spoken and this - historic election shows that when the people vote, the people win. by giving more than 32% to the national rally, the french have just given us their highest score, all parties combined, in a0 years. it s a real emotion to see this beautiful popular force rising up throughout the country. the big question now where does this leave the european parliament? here s the president of the european comission, ursula von der leyen, who has promised to build a bastion against extremes in the eu s assembly. no majority can be formed without epp, and together, and that is important. together with others, we will build a bastion against the extremes from the left and the right. we will stop them. this is for sure. my colleague christian fraser has been in brussels, watching the results and exit polls unfold throughout the evening. he spoke to our europe editor katya adler, and started he asked what the biggest news was from the evening. the polls are closed and the finance rejection would be worked out within the 27 countries on stage. behind me, the european parliamentary president, who is about to give us the latest projections. we already know from the exit polls in these 27 countries that there has been a definitive shift to the right. in austria, the freedom party, top of the pile. geert wilders in the netherlands taking seven seats. marine le pen, a record 32% in france. the afd in germany coming second. that is one story tonight, but already this election has provided us with extraordinary news in france, where emmanuel macron, who sank to 15% of the vote, calling a snap election in the last week ofjune and the first week ofjuly. it is an enormous gamble on the back of a pretty humiliating defeat tonight in the european parliamentary elections. you can see behind me, we are about to get the latest projection, and here it is. you can see the epp, the biggest in the european parliament, is up from 176 seats to 189. big losers on the greens, 72 all the way down to 52. on the right hand side that chart, the european conservatives and reformists, up from 69, and identity and democracy, up from 49 to 58. those are the two groupings that include the populists and the hard right. there seems to be some confusion from the figures they have put up, and she did say they would continue to check the results and they will be refined through the evening, because the main polls in italy have closed just a short time ago. with 76 seats in the parliament, that will very much affect the projections they are putting out. what does this all mean at the end of the day? the big story, i suppose, aside from those rather dramatic headlines about the hard right, is that the centre and the centre right have largely held. they will control the majority of the seats. on the right, there tend to be some disparate groupings, they don t see eye to eye on issues like ukraine, for instance, giorgia meloni very much in favour of sending arms to ukraine, whereas marine le pen has been much softer on russia. it may be issue by issue where the groups on the right to try to work together, but certainly it is the centre and the centre right which will control the agenda. the question is how much will they need those parties to get some of the things through over the next five years? things like green policy, transition policy, migration and borders, the european budget still to be decided. billions of euros being put into the industrial defence strategy in europe as well. those are all big questions. of course integration and enlargement, always a thorny issue in brussels. so the impact of the shift to the right still to be worked out, i would think, in the coming months, as the parties arrange themselves in the various groupings. no question the story tonight, though, the shift to the right, and a very big backward step for the green playback the centrists. let s turn our attention to india now when arranger moody has taken the oath of office and has been sworn in for a third term as the indian prime minister. this time he will be a coalition government after his party, bjp, failed to win an office is in the general election to govern alone. thousands of guests attended the inauguration at the presidential palace, including the heads of several neighbouring nations. he was a little bit of what he had to say. translation: i little bit of what he had to say. translation:- say. translation: i will faithfully say. translation: i will faithfully and say. translation: | will. faithfully and conscientiously discharge my duties as the prime minister of the union, and that i will do right to all manner in accordance with the constitution. and the law. without fear or favour, affection or ill will. despite his victory. affection or ill will. despite his victory, why affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are - affection or ill will. despite his victory, why are these i his victory, why are these elections significant and different? here is my colleague with war. an oath that narendra modi is more than familiar with. but what follows is uncharted territory. a weakened prime minister, dependent on a coalition for the first time. there are hundreds of pictures of mr modi all over delhi today, and it s something we ve gotten used to here in india over these past ten years. his picture s been on welfare schemes, on vaccine certificates, so that doesn t seem to have changed. but what has is that while this is a win, it s a victory that feels like a defeat for brand modi. the aura of invincibility that has come to surround him has been damaged. and clues to why some voters turned away can be found here in the politically crucial state of uttar pradesh. it was considered to be a stronghold of mr modi s bjp, but it delivered the biggest shock. in a predominantly hindu village in muzaffarnagar, we met men who ve traditionally supported the bjp. but not this time, says shyam singh, who has four post graduate sons who are unemployed. translation: since four years, they have been searching - forjobs, but there are no vacancies. the government talks about development, but we can t see it happen on the ground. price rise has gone beyond limits, it s tough to put food on the table. translation: people had blind faith in modi, - but now they ve opened their eyes to the reality around them. a hindu temple opened by the prime minister ahead of the election, was expected to galvanize votes like these for the ruling party. translation: temples are a matter of faith, i but to feed ourselves, we need work. just opening temples doesn t help us. in another part of the constituency we met people from india s muslim minority who had found themselves to be the target of an overtly divisive campaign by the bjp. translation: when the results came in, we were happy - because we were worried that if they came to power with a full majority, they would make laws that would discriminate against minorities. bell ringing. a leader who s achieved an almost godlike status for his followers has been brought down to earth by the will of india s voters. for mr modi, keeping his allies together will be the test of a new skill. yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi. let s get you news from israeli aware benny gantz, one of the most senior members of the israeli war cabinet which was set up after the hamas attack in october has resigned from the group. he threatened to stand down unless he felt there was a postwar plan for gaza with a deadline set for saturday. he told reporters he was not satisfied and this is the moment he confirmed he was standing down. translation: unfortunately, netanyahu is preventing us i from approaching true victory, which is the justification for the painful, ongoing crisis. and this is why we quit the national unity government today with a heavy heart. yet we feel that it is the right decision. we are now in the midst of a campaign that will impact the fate of israel generations ahead. in order to guarantee true victory, this coming fall, when it will be the one year anniversary of this disaster, we should go for elections and reach a new government. i call on netanyahu to set a date for elections. mr netanyahu had called on benny gantz to remain in the war cabinet. he posted this message on the social media platform x. our correspondent donnison is injerusalem and put the announcement into context. well, i don t think it was a shock because he has been threatening to resign for some time. and he, in fact, was due to give a press conference yesterday and postponed that when we got news of the raid in the centre of gaza taking place. it s not going to bring down the government of benjamin netanyahu, who still maintains his majority in the knesset. but what it does do is i guess it isolates mr netanyahu a little bit at a time when he is calling for unity, and it removes a voice of experience and a more centrist voice from that war cabinet. you have to remember that the coalition cabinet is made up of, really, people with very little experience. that cannot be said of benny gantz, who is a former army chief of staff, a former defence minister, and someone with a long history in the military at a time when israel is now at war. and what it means, i think, is that those further to the right, the likes of itamar ben gvir, who is from the far right of israeli politics, are going to have more influence. and i m just seeing that mr ben gvir has requested himself that he now should be allowed to join the war cabinet. officials from the hamas run health ministry in gaza say that the israeli raid on a refugee camp on saturday which led to the rescue of four hostages led to the deaths of nearly 300 palestinians. a spokesman for the armed wing of hamas says that three hostages were also killed during the operation. we haven t been able independently to verify that claim. several hundred palestinians were also wounded in the raid. hamas accused the israelis of carrying out a massacre. that phrase was echoed by the european union s top diplomatjosep borrell, who described the deaths as another massacre of civilians . more footage has emerged of the rescue israel used helicopters to evacuate the hostages from an area around the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. the head of the hospital where they are being treated said none of them require emergency care or large procedures, but that they will need long term evaluations. being deprived of so many things for so long and living under this unbelievable stress is something that leaves its mark, both on the body and on the soul. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. you are live with bbc news. turning to the south china sea were a stand off between the philippines and china has seen tensions ratcheting up in the area. manila accused the chinese coins out of barbaric and inhumane behaviourfor and inhumane behaviour for stopping and inhumane behaviourfor stopping its navy evacuating six servicemen last month. the chinese foreign ministry accuses the philippines of lying and they see the philippines will be allowed to access these only forgives advance notice. chinese ships have repeatedly been accused of harassment of philippines ships, including firing water cannons and ramming boats. the foreign ministry honestly blame the us for tensions in the region. to understand the conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined conflict as it stands at the moment, iamjoined by conflict as it stands at the moment, i am joined by a strategic and defence studies professor at the australian national university. thank you for your time here today. how seriously are you viewing these incidents? do they have the potential to spark a wider conflict? potential to spark a wider conflict? , ., ., , conflict? there is no doubt this is the conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential - conflict? there is no doubt this is the potential to - conflict? there is no doubt. this is the potential to spark a wider conflict but it depends on the resolve of the participants in this house. the philippines is not well armed and not in a position to assert itself strongly, china has more ships operating in this area, maritime militia, coastguard and navy vessels then the combined fleets of the philippines and the us navy operating in the east asian waters, particularly the south china sea. the question that china sea. the question that china has the numbers here but this has to be put in the context of your context as well. we have what my colleague describes as the full flashpoint of east asia, the korean peninsula, the east china sea, the south china sea and taiwan. my sense is that what we see in the second is the demonstration, if you like, when china is trying to say. including in taiwan and that it is prepared to press to a point by looking to not cross a kinetic threshold, if you like, not firing any bullets or guns or missiles, looking to provoke and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps push to the limit and perhaps trigger a reaction from the philippines or the us or someone in taiwan or elsewhere in a similar circumstances to then be there one so they can say see, we are not the starters of this conflict, you guys are. my senseis conflict, you guys are. my sense is that what we see here is not so much in the west we tend to view things in terms of war and peace and we tend to view things through a lens of traditional 19th and 20th century strategists, classing the classic one, and my sense is what we see here is not so much what could be putting the metaphor in a game of chess by perhaps more appropriately described as the game of go. in the game of go you do not remove players from the board, you flip them, you cajole and persuade them, you black male and you do not give them an option other than to be flipped. my sense is this happens with the philippines. i want to pursue one another point. basing blame the us on sunday for the increase tensions are missing a move to deploy medium range missiles in the area, dragging the region into the world is full of an arms race. allies like the us and evenjapan have fledged ironclad support but what is the level of commitment if things escalate? it the level of commitment if things escalate? the level of commitment if things escalate? it is touch and no things escalate? it is touch and go because things escalate? it is touch and go because we - things escalate? it is touch and go because we know . things escalate? it is touch i and go because we know the tribunal ruling in 2016 ruled in the favour of the philippines about its exclusive economic scene but the second is more clouded, much more grey, it says this is not something that has categorically legal recognised jurisdiction falling under the philippines, it is in there, but not the territory itself. the ship that has been lodged on this shoal having troops and people living there on a semipermanent basis is designed to provide evidence of the war that he philippines can legitimately claim that probably that is not recognised. china knows that it is the grey zone and echoes what happened 12 years ago over scarborough shoal where there was a contest between the philippines and china over who could control it, and the us did not want to back the philippines over that because it was not a clear issue in terms of the jurisdiction. similarly with the second shoal today. china knows it is putting the us into a difficult position because legally the actions of the filipinos are not ones that everybody is all that sure about, backing them over, except in terms of the fact it is inside the explicit economic zone and, of course, china did not accept the tribunal ruling of 2016 asset that dashed line does not count. ironically china did sign up to the un convention of the law of the scene. it is trying to have it both ways. i am afraid that is all the time we have but thank you very much for your views on that. main political parties in the uk will also manifest this week and they are being quizzed on how they will fund some of their key pledges was that the conservatives say they can save billions on the benefits bill but labour wants to provide more prison fleeces without having to raise household taxes. here is ian watson. cheering. the main parties are preparing to launch their manifestos this week. the whole country has been longing for and waiting for this election to come. labour s promising to provide more prison places and clamp down on anti social behaviour. now the big parties know you can t pay for policies from small change, but the labour leader wasn t keen to identify spending cuts or tax rises. instead, he insisted it was all about the economy. all of our plans are fully funded and fully costed and none of them require tax rises over and above the ones that we ve already announced. what we do need to do, just to take up the challenge that s being put to us, is we do need to grow the economy. cheering. the prime minister s keen to move on from his d day misstep. today his party wasn t talking about warfare, but welfare. they ve been looking for cash for tax cuts and claim they could save £12 billion from the benefits budget by the end of the next parliament. in my area of welfare, we ve saved £7.7 billion over measures that we ve brought in over this parliament. we cut fraud and error within the welfare system, within benefits by about 10% last year and we can go still further. the lib dems have been banging the drum for investment in the nhs to the tune of billions of pounds. they say they won t raise income tax to pay for this, but other taxes are available. we said we d increase the digital services taxes on the social media giants, the likes of amazon and google as well. so i think unlike the other parties, we ve actually already begun to show very clearly where the money for our health and care policies would come from. the snp accuse the main westminster parties of being deliberately in denial about the public finances. it s important at this election that people focus on the conspiracy of silence that is going on between the labour party and the conservative party. the tories have signed up to £18 billion worth of spending cuts, according to the institute for fiscal studies. and labour, according again to the institute of fiscal studies have not demurred from those figures. the parties manifestos will provide a political sense of direction, but they may be less clear aboutjust how rocky a road lies ahead. iain watson, bbc news. that is all for now, thank you for watching. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. india s prime minister begins a third term. we ll look at the challenges he could face when pushing through economic reforms. plus. how the death of an actor in the nigerian film industry comparable to hollywood is raising safety concerns. hello and welcome to business today. i m arunoday mukharji. we will start the programme in india. narendra modi has been been sworn in as india s prime minister for a third consecutive term. however, it marks the first time his bharatiya janata party has needed allies to form a government. so will that impact mr modi s ability to push through economic reforms? priyanka kishore, the director and principal economist at research company asia decoded, gave us her take. modi is actually working with an alliance which has a lot of experience of pushing through successful reforms under the government. and they will draw upon that experience. of course, i think there will be a slowdown in decision making in certain areas and the big calls that people are expecting, that won t come through. but we will not completely see a stalling. labour reforms, i think, will be prioritised. we can debate the outcomes, but the reality many people talk about is that in the last ten years, india has seen bold economic decisions as well made by the bjp government, and many feel that has worked in a way for international investors. are you likely to see that continue?

Translation , Nations , Heads , Bit , Palace , Duties , Say , Term , Narendra-modi , Party , World , Prime-ministerfor

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Sportsday 20240610

slam title won the next two and looked on course for victory only for the spanish third seed, to find another gear. he only lost three games in the final two sets as he fulfilled what he called his childhood dream and emulated one of his heroes and compatriot rafael nadal. winning a grand slam is always special. winning your first. every grand slam. it was super special. but in roland garros, now with all of the spanish players who have won this tournament and to be able to put my name on that list is something unbelievable something unbelievable something that i dream about being in this position since i started playing tennis, since i was five or six years old. so it s a great, great feeling. he is a beast. he s an animal, for sure he is a beast. he s an animal, for sure. and the intensity that for sure. and the intensity that he for sure. and the intensity that he plays tennis at is different to other people. and he can different to other people. and he can do different to other people. and he can do so many different things he can do so many different things i he can do so many different things. i think that he changes tactic things. i think that he changes tactic a things. i think that he changes tactic a lot in the fifth set. started tactic a lot in the fifth set. started to play a lot higher and started to play a lot higher and a started to play a lot higher and a lot deeper for me to not create and a lot deeper for me to not create as and a lot deeper for me to not create as much power especially with the shadows on the court. it was slower again. but he s the court. it was slower again. but he s a the court. it was slower again. but he s a fantastic player. and but he s a fantastic player. and physically, he s fantastic. so i and physically, he s fantastic. so i have and physically, he s fantastic. so i have to look at myself and i so i have to look at myself and t have so i have to look at myself and t have to so i have to look at myself and i have to look the at the team that i have to look the at the team that i i have to look the at the team that i have and see what i can do to that i have and see what i can do to become at the same level. so for zverev the wait goes on as he tries to reach the heights that australian open championjannick sinner and carlos alcaraz have reached this year. here s our tennis correspondent russell fuller. alexander zverev is very middle aged compared to the two other, because he s 27. and hard for him mentally having lost another final over five sets to really think that he can compete with the very, very best in the game. you would suspect that he would have more opportunities. alcarez is very similar age to jannick condition sinner. winner on surfaces. seven men have done that and he s the youngest. and the only one is on the hard courts of the australian open, and there s absolutely no reason to think why he wouldn t be able to win that as well. so he is the player of the current crop of those names that we mentioned, who is most likely to be the dominant player of his era. butjust to remind him that there s some serious competition out there. in a while, it could be sinner and not carlos alcaraz who could take over as the new world men s number one. meanwhile the us open champion coco gauff and katerina siniakova won the women s doubles title with a straight sets victory over sara errani and jasmine paolini who lost the singles final on saturday. it s gauff s first doubles title at a grand slam. at the men s t20 cricket world cup, india survived a scare to beat pakistan in a thriller in new york in front of over 3a,000fans. put into bat in slippery conditions after morning rain, india struggled for runs virat kohli out for just 4. rishabh pant s aggressive 42 was imperative but their 119 all out didn t look like it would be good enough, and with muhammad rizwan setting about chasing down that total, pakistan were heading to victory, 80 for 3 with six overs left. but jasprit bumrah, spearheaded a brilliant fightback, took 3 for ia as pakistan fell short. two defeats from two for them, whilst india are on the brink of qualifying for the super 8s. the biggest positive for us was the calmness. because when we were batting in the morning, there was a lot more help. and when we started bowling, the skies opened up and the skies stopped and there wasn t a lot of lateral movement. so we had to be more consistent and more accurate. we as a unit were very calm and clear with what we wanted to do so we were happy that we could contribute and create that pressure. i knew it was going to be a really tight game because it s not an easy wicket to bat on. and sometimes, the small little attention to detail can make a massive difference. but credit to the bowlers, i thought that they did job on the whole. to be honest with you, we had that game for 35 of the 40 overs. really, we had the game. we played good cricket and did everything that we needed to. so it s a disappointing loss. elswhere, scotland comfortably beat oman by 7 wickets for their second win of the tournament. a wonderful unbeaten 61 from brandon mcmullen guided the scots to their target of 151 in under 1a overs as richie berrington s side delivered a statement win. that result means scotland currently top group b having after 3 games, they sitjust above australia who s convincing victory over england has put the the current world cup holder s chances of progressing to the super 8 s in serious doubt. our cricket correspondent henry morean was at that game in bridgetown and says england are making too many bad decisions. well, it s very easy to overreact to such things. and perhaps, if we have seen what happened in the 50 over world cup last year, it would be put down to one bad day at the office yesterday. but england are getting into a little bit of a habit now of making bold calls at the decisions of the captain and the coach that just aren t working. yesterday, they won the toss, elected to bowl first. yes, both captains said that they would have done the same thing, but it didn t pay off. there was the decision to bowl willjackson in the second over. that over went for 22 and australia were flying. you go back to the 50 over world cup and the decision to bowl in the mumbai heat against south africa proved to be a really disappointing and incorrect decision from england s point of view. so it starts to build up a bit of a pattern where the big calls are being made and england are getting them wrong and it s costing them cricket matches. but what they ve got to do quite simply against namibia and oman is to win big. they ve got to boost the net run rate and got to find a way of clawing themselves back into having some degrow of control in the group and also build a little bit of confidence, if nothing else. they d expect to build namibia and oman and beat them handsomely. the other factor is that although the time of the year, although it is boutful here in the caribbean, there is rain around. if england were to lose another rain to the weather, that would cause real problems. normal service has resumed for the formula one championship leader max vertsappen after he won a rain affected canadian grand prix. the three time world champion could only manage sixth at the monaco grand prix a fortnight ago. despite missing out on pole to george russell in montreal, the changeable conditions saw two safety cars and verstappen was able to get ahead during pitstops to take victory. in a thrilling battle behind him lando norris claimed second in his mercedez, ahead of fellow british driver, mclaren s george russell, who completed the podium. at the european athletics championships in rome, britain s dina asher smith has won gold in the women s 100 metres. she took victory in 10.99 seconds, crossing the line ahead of poland s ewa soboda and italy s zaynab dosso. it s asher smith s first major international medal since winning european 200 metres silver in 2022. i v e i ve been working really hard on my top end speed and i was really happy to, despite not getting the best start for me, being able to work it back. and that s definitely a new skill that s definitely a new skill that we ve worked really hard on. but yeah, i did. that was a bit hairy! just a little bit! but you know, made it! with the tour de france three weeks away, primoz roglic has showed his yellowjersey credentials by winning the criterium du dauphine with a gutsy ride on the final day. carlos rodriguez of the ineos grenadiers won stage 8, but matteo jorgenson who was in second place overall wasjust behind him meaning a struggling roglic had to finish within 56 seconds of the american. he made it across the line with 8 seconds to spare, to win the dauphine for the second time in his career. golf, and scottie sheffler s incredible success continues as he claimed victory at the memorial tournament. he finished just one shot ahead of colin morikawa for his 11th pga tour title. he s the first player to win 5 times in a season sincejustin thomas in 2017. meanwhile, linn grant came from 11 shots back on the final day to become the first woman to win two dp world tour titles as sebastian soderberg blew an eight shot lead in the final round of the scandinavian mixed. an extraordinary implosion from soderberg who needed par on the last to win. had this shot for bogey for a playoff but remarkably his effort lipped out making it a final round 77 and handing grant victory by one shot after her final round of 65 all the more special in her home town of helsingborg. you can get all the latest sports news at from the bbc sport app, orfrom our website that s from me and the rest of the team at the bbc sport centre, goodbye. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. live from washington, this is bbc news. emmanuel macron calls for a snap election after his alliance is defeated by the far right european parliament vote. elsewhere in the elections, voters snub the governing parties of germany, spain and belgium, the prime minister of italy and poland had cause to celebrate. benny gantz quits and demands an election. hello, i m helena humphrey. glad you could join me. france is going to the polls again. the country s president, emmanuel macron, called a snap parliamentary vote sunday night after his centrist alliance was trounced by the far right in european parliament elections. in a speech after exit polls were released, he said he could not ignore the results and he said he could not ignore the results and the dissolving parliament is an act of trust in the french people. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation but also for europe, for france s position in europe and in the world. and i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world the normandy landing, and as in a few weeks we will welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country, so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing had happened. the far right party was the winner of the eu elections

Court , Player , Team , T , Handing-grant-victory , Grand-slam , Title , Course , Seed , Spanish , Two , Person

Transcripts For FOXNEWS One Nation With Brian Kilmeade 20240609

Normandy, she s unbelievable. there is faulkner with her father, tracy simpson and vietnam, it brought tears to my eyes. he takes us was combat veteran in two theaters, is there anybody more decent pete hegseth as last week and others, who got to remind us, you sure are going to find it in the networks or read about it. the new york times and washington post, this is a very special place. i don t have to say this, i want to say this. twenty tomorrow on life, liberty and levin sunday when we have the governor of florida and america s wiseman, see you then. welcome to one nation, i am brian kilmeade. tonight on the show, dana white, ceo of ufc most successful sport entity in the world and pete hegseth, unwind what s gone wrong before it s too late but first, i want to start with t this, the polls in november and battleground states in many cases are closer but i don t get it when it comes to crowd sizes and enthusiasm it s not a competition. president biden, despite the political power of the white house, the oval office built in everyday can t seem to attract anyone outside his own campaign or perhaps his family. as an trump on the other hand control and enthusiastic crowd wherever he goes. south bronx or rallies, in the winter like conditions at wildwood, new jersey to events that aren t even his like this past weekend ufc event, the passion that surrounds him something to see. ufc ceo, donald trump and a former president. unbelievable. even joe rogan was moved into loyalty from his loyalists coming from the octagon and ufc. watch what the fighters were saying. pretty cool to have a moment there with donald trump after a win. president trump, you re the man. a travesty what they are doing to you. i ll be donating to you, my man. let s get it done. [cheering] a moment with donald trump. one candidate proving america more unobtainable, more than ever before. the other crime is turn time and time again, he wants to give you and everyone the opportunity to experience success he s had. dana white has witnessed growth firsthand. support for president trump unwavering because trump was there for him from the beginning believing in the little engine that could now known as one of america s premier sporting events, ultimate fighting championship. i had a chance to but talk about the relationship with president trump and steadfast support. part one of two parts we have tonight. the one thing that stands out is realty and the one thing appreciate about the former president, maybe future president he was there early, how much does that matter to your relationship? the mark realty is important to me he s been a good friend and he s a massive white man and it s not it was popular but trump was the guy who reached out to us when we couldn t get venues and had us come. we had our first two shows over there and when you think about it, trump here, she print here. he showed up the first fight stayed until the last. the guy who would reach out to me my entire career when things happen say congrats. he was guy who got in with another group who started to compete against us that i would never say anything negatively about trump because it is such good friend and sport. how has that grown? promoter, entrepreneur and builder, president of the no space, does he still call you? yes, i talked to him last night. we talk all the time. he s a good friend of mine. i really care about him as a person. his family, and incredible human being. i m close to him and his family and it will be that way until we die. her family shmuley boteach? connect there doing digit do which is brilliant so what s crazy is your and jared came, i think it was miami the last time, their first fight for four days, they couldn t stop texting me saying this is crazy. we have been to ever think you could go to come up with never been to anything as vanessa. maybe 300, i remember. what is your audience like the president so much? fan base and fighters, we are all aligned in life and everything and it s not that it s any real political side. [chanting] it s common sense, everybody wants the same thing. there s no difference in anybody in this room, if you let the media fiasco away, who want to make a good living in your ho house, want nice cars and kids, who want to take care of our kids. our kids to do well and go to college, everybody wants the same thing, it s not like we don t. it s just the media has created this divide in this country that needs to go away and hopefully soon it will. i know you hate the media you made that clear. thankfully for now i made the cut president s you to speak at the rnc and said defense said don t do it, you did and i was there and you killed it. we need somebody who believes in this country, we need somebody who s proud of this country and who will fight for this country. [cheering] are you glad? everybody told me not to but this is a guy thing gave us a sharp will always hit me up when good things happen at a guy i considered a friend, why what i say no? when he called me, this is what he said. he said if you don t want to do this, i completely understand but i would be honored if you speak at the rnc for me and i said i ll be there, brother. if yes to get? i ll be there. the former president wants to be the next president again, you stare and more fighters eyes than anybody else, where does he rank? number one. take any of the greatest writers of all time, trump was number one. the most resilient human being i ve ever met in my life. in what respect? why keep doing this? got a great life, why keep doing this? the one thing i can tell you and its effect, this guy loves this country and loves all americans regardless of what color, religion or whatever, he s not racist, his good human being and loves america and cares about this country. end of story. if he wasn t that type of guy, i ve never associate myself. prediction? how is he going to do in 2024? looking good, they are trying the kitchen sink and like i said most resilient human being government and keeps marching forward. a little bit more my exclusive interview with dana white later in the show including his latest mentor that could even be bigger than ufc on day one. i do threat china, communist party recruiting u.s. military pilots to train their own army to join intelligent bulletin boards this, china s liberation army pla skills and expertise of these individuals to make its own military air operations more capable any insight into western tactics, techniques and procedures not even hiding it. when they do the west into military submission, chinese nationalist across our southern border at alarming rates. 3500 crossed he legally and make the loan, this may increase over the last three years, less than 2000 in 2022. 2023 24000 plus in the same expected, if not more this year. what are they up to? to assess the stress and so much more is this nation s number one best-selling author, pete hegseth who wrote a book about the challenges here and what we are up against. the war on warriors in the now we will get to more of that in a second. to give the numbers 24000 on the southern border, what are they up to? they re not even hiding it. rolodex and money. not hiding at all. chinese communist party definitely no two individuals are and they ve left nothing happened. everyone has a social critic or, they know if you re coming and going and if you go for reasons unapproved, they know where your families living in these people are on assignment were allowed to be let go did come to the united states, what is the mission and purpose? when you mentioned habits, they are doing it in the open speaking about it starting private companies that look legit and recruit house to train but it s run by the chinese so they create shell companies to make them think they re making a little more cash. this is full-spectrum warfare from every direction. why would anybody in america air force pilots train pallets try to help out the chinese? are they aware you re not on board? this is not qb, we re just giving a speech to the chinese. this is the intel agency doing its job putting out notices and if you are approached by companies never heard of has bags of cash is not your time to cash in because you might be working for somebody working against us. they are trained on our stuff the french and british and they might be open so it s a problem you see from a senior member of the republican side ranking member of the armed services committee and says it s time for a major expansion of the military industrial complex and says we have to invest in the defense plan to make and massive need to make it a for-profit expand the base in which we can make tanks, planes. expand manufacturing you showed me this op-ed i had a chance to talk to staff yesterday just to get insight and it s ascending in the next five to seven years and opening a window where they are going to challenge us in the military capable to meet that. i want to throw money at it but if your auditing making sure money is in the right spot and modernizing to meet the threat of china, that something we have to do. the problem is we are broke vertically spend money it needs to be on the ability to defeat the communist chinese because they are coming for us eventually. the chinese and like 7% of the gdp, with got to get up to 5%. i think it s doable especially if it s for-profit industry, everybody wants patriots, our clients so we could sell them are stuck, there s a market for us. as our allies want to buy more in western europe and we do it through the american industrial base, great. your book is out, it paints an ugly picture where we are with our military but it s all simple. excerpt your book to emphasize for everyone at home. an example of a soldier i spoke to who said thursday is our leader time my platoon leader and skill level stuff for our jobs. training for transgender burning session. chain of command cannot question of someone in the unit want to change their gender. listing of the one in the dod changes to another gender. by the time they transition, three year enlistment is a because they are on medical and not available training, the entire time they hardly served a day in field artillery and i ended with look at china. will not pay for your transgender surgery. he did and obama didn t at the end but biden has broadened with. plus electric stuff, it s so divisive. we have the best and brightest right now, i love this institution but it s gone sideways and we need to fix it, trump is a big chance to fix it. we will keep you in the same thing sunday morning fox & friends . make sure you order the book and watch the show on fox nation. pete, great job. next ahead, you are welcome to watch agreement, one of the most important issues facing young voters in this election cycle it might surprise you. charles payne is here to unwind. ufc president dana white, keep it here. you re watching one nation. [crowd cheering] it may not seem like it, but this, is actually progress in play. a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we re moving forward with the houston dash. because we re moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. we hear all the time publishes for voters this election, immigration. no, it s kind. no, it s abortion but what is the biggest concern for younger americans? i m just checking, we are all in house right now? i m not the only one who runs the numbers of the date and looks of the budget and is like there s no you work hard, you get what you want. no matter how many hours putting, you get nowhere. we bought our house in 2018 and we buy it today 2024, we wouldn t be able to afford it so monthly payment in 2018 was in $2894. today that would be 6000, 776. if you didn t get fixed right now in soaring interest rates, low inventory, how you buy your first home in this impossible market? is the american dream, or should we change? joining us now to offer solutions and allies of the p park, those making money, charles payne. you ve heard this before, what you say to these people. the last guy was humble bringing a little bit. i like what he did there. the young lady was interesting because working hard looking at her age it s been listed to buy a house of this age. first and foremost, do not give up on it. they ve done terrible things with respect for flooding economy and so much money sparking inflation that does not go away. also because the federal reserve has gone involved, you got this whole thing so skewed people have locked in rates reluctant to sell. he will sell a house even if you made big money on it with 2% mortgage and traded in so you don t have a lot of sellers, no incentive for builders. the neuropathy, it s really crazy, really tough. this is going to bug her mind because we have the almost unaffordable housing market in the history of america and in the world. if you want to make housing market affordable, you can do one of three things. housing prices have come down 41%. income on average would go up 69% mortgage rates on average would have to confirm 4.3% instead of over 7% like about three and a half. which it was. not too long ago. the last one is the only one that can happen in the only way interest rates will come them is the economies will go into a deep recession so my advice to people is a couple of things. we are in this new age, work from home so the beautiful thing is you have to overprice to get jobs and consider working further from the city getting a bigger house or smaller payment. the that everyone at the bottom. right now you have to make sacrifices. a couple weeks ago, you got to get these things up. you can t have an only fans account, the public health, you can t go out for avocado toast every morning, you just can t have that. nobody ever could have it all. i said that for long time to buy my house. the little things matter, it s a mindset. say the cash so when circumstances change in the table change and become into recession and housing prices plummet in mortgage rates plummet, you will be in control. it could happen soon. 1981 average person who got the first house, 29. 2013 was 31. 2023 west 35 so that s what s frustrating people. how to bring him something new market the stock market go to texas? looks like they will launch the top texas stock market with the help of rock in citadel in 2026. how real is this? very real. what s ironic, the same week, the same couple of days the news came out, they dropped congestion pricing scheme. charge everyone to drive through the city. you already paid a ton of money and of course parking is crazy so it is ironic governor say let s hold off on congestion pricing. they are chasing businesses out of america. these are major companies and if they are getting tired of new york, don t you think other people will follow? of course because these are companies trying to attract top talent out there, smartest people out there. they have choices. when you graduate from your school in the top of your class, you may not want to go through vatican city that is expensive and a crime-ridden city so they have to make adjustments like every other business and that s why businesses have fled from california and new york, huge. using the numbers and how much it costs to rent u-haul as opposed to one going to new y york. everybody wants one. i think we should keep our eye on that and see what s happening and i see you and your company s ongoing public and keep it private, they just don t want the scrutiny and others looking over their shoulders; public became a scam in my mind the last 20 years, they ve ripped american people off by a trillion dollars. this is my personal opinion. what used to happen is 25 years ago the company would go look at $30 a share and later trading at $60 a share and everyone says look at the money. you could have sucked up and now they stay private and keep raising money privately start with some family in the first round and then another round and every time the raise money natalie, they hike the value of the company it doesn t matter how much. a company could be worth five billing and hike it to 40 billion and then go public at 80 billing. the public has caught on. if you want to go public, go public at a reasonable price because no one should buy these. thanks so much, appreciate the passion and insight and so does america. coming up on the rest of the joke the rest of my interview with dana white from the u.s. these rise relationship with joe rogan, we covered all. don t miss a minute of one nation. listen to the music. i am champion new york, which president emanuel macron rolling out the red carpet at the house president biden for a steak dinner this evening earlier in the day, the two leaders discussed wars and gaza, ukraine and more. the white house working to show it takes threat russia poses to the continent seriously. leaders today coming return of the israeli hostages rescued from the gaza strip. today once again reaching gaza through newly repaired. , crews delivering about 1 million pounds of humanitarian aid today, the. was only operational about a week before i was blown apart with high winds and large waves last month. restrictions on land crossing said fighting limited the flow of supplies to the war-torn territory now back to one nation with brian kilmeade. more not on my interview with the great dana white. he started his career as a bouncer, climbed the ladder to become one of the most successful businessman in sports around the world. president of the usc, a billion-dollar company. the company is breaking records quickly and venues around the world boosting almost 100 million supporters on social media, all platforms and or young, they understand the sport and appreciate the effort and excitement each week fighters. exciting and something like it. i love jujitsu at all, sports. even if the can t walk afterwards, to put it on for you guys. these guys always put it on for the fence connect different styles fighting against each other and i love the background stories about letters and i love getting into it. the unpredictability. every night. negative passion? travel to find out about the magic behind man that runs the autopsy. he said easily this is the number one sports league in the world and in the country. what you think about ufc when you are working here people would laugh if you thought it would overtake boxing good luck you ve taken this hard work that america, i like to shine here but i want to be a force around the world. what you do without gabi and to expand this global brand? the beautiful thing upset stay one, this will eventually be the biggest in the world because no matter color country or language you speak, we are all human and fighting is in our dna. and make sense and everybody understands and when you find a guy who s the baddest dude a woman in the world and they speak like you speak and look like you, everybody rallies around them so there isn t a fighter in the world the country we can t find a fighter from like i told you, he continues to expand, we are streaming and go to places with never been about saudi arabia for the first time working on africa. we haven t been to spain yet. i opened an institute in mexico city. some of the baddest dude to other mexicans so imagine the mexicans that will come up in the next five to ten years you build a facility fighters become? one 100%. when you think about business in the history of the world that produced trillions of dollars in revenue like boxing has in the end of the day is nothing there, we built a leak and reinvest in the sport and ufc every year. millions, tens of millions the hundreds of millions of dollars we invest into the sport to reach this vision i have. you can have a sport where you allow blows to the brainstem paralyze your opponent. he tried to stop it. and here we are today it s a global sport. we break records after work and i m pretty sure will break the record this week so when we going to venues like rolling stones and massive acts in these arenas, i love that about it. they keep saying america has gone soft, there s a lot of adrenaline in your stands and the octagon and people prom promoting, are you the anomaly? probably. i agree the world has gone soft and agree that we are not in any way, shape or form. if you say you are savage, to make a killing easier. when i grew up there was old money and in the, it was harder there s a lot of disruption now. there s never been more opportunity in my lifetime than there is right here and right now. if you are one of these young kids who has heart and grit and determination and want to win, there s never been more opportunity than right now. a 19-year-old dana white had to go, you had to have side jobs or there s no safety net. for people who have a safety net, how do you keep the hunger? different than hunger i say this all the time, the problem with people as they don t know what they want to do the rest of their life. i was lucky that i always knew what i wanted to do. it wasn t this, i wanted to be in the fight business no matter what it was and i started my way in the bottom and worked my way up but these jobs like paving roads and being a bellman, these are the jobs you have to have growing up like people tell me, he worked hard. when i get to work everyday nine to nine, you know who works hard? the guys paving roads everyday digging ditches and guys who pour concrete in roofing jobs. that s hard work so you have to have those jobs to understand what real hard work really is. i just watched you and people would be happy with that turner let alone away in. when you come to fight week you have my favorites from a number one is the fight. number two are face-offs and the press conference leading up to it. when you are a fight man, those are usually the three things. wayne is the opportunity where you get to see how mentally, physically in every way shape or form how prepared are the fighters? if the guy looks away during the face-offs or doesn t look in shape, that s when you look to see who s going to win. i think your checking out the fighters, you re looking at t them. i love this game. i love everything about it. two be able to stand in the middle every saturday between the best fighters in the world getting ready for the fight the next day is one of the coolest things you see behind us, they pay to have that experience and i pulled a young kid right there and the main event, it s like what the once-in-a-lifetime type of stuff. it is the man in me is what it is. i love you so much and i do it 23 years now so i can imagine what it s like. can was on never dig up ag again. do you remember a time when they said he dies in the ring and said in modern america, there s no place, it s too brutal. contact sports are dangerous. la crosse, boxing, mma, the list goes on 30 year history, there s never been a death or serious injury. how many sports can say. and you made it, he put a time limit and put white president, that s a lot to do with the rules you put in. is it the way it started? who want to regulated sports and we spent millions in health and safety. if you take athletes into the proper medical testing. make it as safe as you can possibly make it. the one thing that sticks with me is loyalty. i think about the story the boys wanted how joe rogan went from the guy on fear factor he looked like an athlete the whole time. i did not know he worked for y you. when we first company basin new york, i had to fly and go through and figure out what would come back and what i would throw away. will credible is because this will hear so i had to go through every single tape and one tape he had his top show and joe rogan on, the fear factor guy. you are the biggest [bleep] on the planet. what you doing? you can t assault people. you can t run up to him and hit him. this open fighting stuff and broken goes into this talking about how incredible the sport is, what these guys would do to movie stars and what they would do to boxers and stuff and i saw him and it clicked and i go, this is the guy i need, who i need to be my commentator so i reached out and we hit it off and that s it and he said wait a minute, you re telling me the sport i love the most in the world but the best seat in the house and talk about it on tv, i haven t reheated the first 13 for free and the rest is history. the biggest podcast are in the world, brady greatest commentator of all time. your latest. he sent us through the roof. can you describe it and why it works for you? the most successful thing about a part of in such a short amount of time. in 15 months it s a massive social media juggernaut and financial beast. i love it. you seem to love it. everything the people are saying is exactly what they said about the ufc in early days and plenty of people don t like it. plenty of people didn t like the ufc but there are 8 billion people in the world, believe me. enough people like it to make it incredibly successful. congratulations. thanks. can t go wrong with him. very nice and sit down and get politic time. big fight at the end of the month. i ll be back on stage, history, liberty and flask to her and i ll talk patriotic, inspirational, motivational. indianapolis june 29. towards the end of july in pennsylvania, i ll be driving there and i get a chance and go to the meeting great, i ll sign your book and take some pictures if you go for the vip treatment. next, they ll never guess what undercover spy joe biden claims to have known for 40 years. we ll take the next is tom shillue joins us on news dual. we ve always loved taking care of our home, from the gardening to any repairs that come up. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. snowboarding. snowshoeing. anyway, he was fine, but it takes longer to heal now. and we prefer to stay active. we realized some home maintenance jobs aren t worth the risk. that s when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter s patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. they gave us a free inspection, and we got our system installed that week. our leaffilter trusted pros will clean out your gutters, repair or replace your gutters, and install leaffilter, america s #1 gutter protection system. honestly, my only regret is not calling sooner. it s true, leaffilter has saved us so much time and the peace of mind. now we can focus on what we really enjoy. join millions of satisfied homeowners. get leaffilter. call 833 leaffilter today, or visit smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can t filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding you don t have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don t take if you re allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it s not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there s only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. time no, great graphics feature best cocteau. joining us now to talk about tom shillue. are you ready? i m ready. let s hear the music. first appears on news dual connective know him for over 40 years. he s not a decent man, he s a dictator acting as a dictator. forty years ago he was in new zealand. vladimir putin seen as the photographer during the years and deputy mayor. is no way he knew him 40 years ago. this could be one of those great joe biden stories. he tells great stories are apocryphal site was a double agent, he was in new zealand until name : pop and we are on the beaches. hold on. i m going to get in trouble. the 20 always says, i m going to get in trouble. a story that and never happened want to go on record, i ve never trusted giraffes. do .? we have the footage? a draft picks up taller during the wild safari right and i m not surprised. if you look at the faces, we think the drop is a cute animal that kids have in the playset, the draft with the long neck. this dress, noting, picks up 2-year-old paisley and out of the moonroof in the car. can you imagine the horror? i m prepared. when i go to the zoo, i tell my kids, stay away from the draft, they are vicious, picnics. you see the veins in the next? they are bulging. huge next. our thinking no moon works on a safari but that s different next, michigan man had a court date, he has a suspended license. he called in the car to the court date and we thought that was the big story. then we find out he didn t have a suspended license but it thickens, it turns out he never had a license to suspend, his driving without a license so now we see cory harris never should have been driving when he came for his court date, he was driving. but he didn t like, it s a clintonian defense like the meaning of is, is, you can t suspended license that never existed in the first place you have another one? look at these nuns. they were part and it s nuns gone wild. they whether habits in the water. look at this. they are having a great time, it s great the nuns are getting out. there is a sense they don t have a good time and thus not true, is that what you re trying to say? to have a great time and i could hang with them because when i go to the beach, i cover-up i m an spf guy but stuff washes off of the waterpark. even the stuff that says it s waterproof, it s not so cov cover-up, i look like a nun or muslim woman. this isn t the first time we ve seen nuns having a good time. remember this documentary? you re going to go straight to hell. connect seems like a good movie. being a nun is more fun than i could ever imagine. [laughter] i ll never go to the beach with you. thanks so much. you do a better than joe biden. don t forget to take one nation on vacation with you, send us a photo of you and i ll put you on an international audience show called one nation and there is. let us but it s handsome. one nation on vacation from north carolina, she took it to the wonderful west virginia she writes, i never leave my fox news behind. thank you, brooke. thanks for going on vacation with one nation. we re talking about cashbackin. not a game! we re talking about cashbacking. we re talking about. we re not talking about practice? no. cashbacking. word. we re talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. finally, good good news for going. they successfully launched first mission to space. commanding like 61-year-old which will more, former u.s. navy captain. before that dock, he gave an all-american speech. listen. we tell many american lives and many are waving flags of us. we know that represents unity and resilience and unified efforts with a common thread and we all know when the going gets tough as it often does, the tough get going and you have. we are honored share spaceflights with each and every one of you. some fire in the rocket and push to the heavens for the tough americans prepared to be. they go to the space station and they are there not. good to return product and we have another way to get to space. congratulations, guys. that doesn t for us. send us videos we will send you one nation legacy behind me and take us on vacation, take a picture with something you bought from us. also, one is our address. tune in sunday morning the great guest they lined up over the course of four hours governor doug burgum, running mates with donald trump. catch my radio show 9:00 to noon fastest growing in the country. brian will be with us, as well as doctor marty makary. meanwhile, fox news saturday night starts right now with the great jimmy failla. i will stay in studio.

U-s , Eyes , Tracy-simpson , Faulkner , Normandy , Tears , Veteran , Vietnam , Pete-hegseth , Others , Theaters , Networks

Transcripts For CNN CNN This Morning Weekend 20240609

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with jake tapper, we days at for on cnn wildfires i have covered a lot of them. they are fast and deadly disasters. cnn s original series, violet earth with lives schreiber takes a look at if there is a way to protect homes and families. here s a look paradise, california burned from an ember attack, from a plume miles away from paradise this is like 9:00 in the morning and its pitch black given the smoke, it almost appeared as though it was the middle of the night and it was snowing ash and embers began to rain down we re in the middle the stapes, dan here like that i don t know to say if anywhere the fire was moving at a football field per second what in the way it did that, of course, was by jumping ahead and starting these fires they would immediately take hold and rapidly grow into its hundred acre, 200 acres spotfire that was happening all through town that resulted in the town starting to burn all at once, 30,000 people were trying to be evacuated while being overran by fire. go if i were to turn around to go north this is bad the cnn original series, violet earth with lives schreiber, heirs tonight at nine eastern right here on cnn hello? everyone, and welcome to cnn this morning it is sunday, june 9. i m amara walker. i m victor blackwell. thank you for joining us. here s what we re following this morning for israelis taken hostage by hamas, are back with their families after being rescued by the idf. but the operation of free them left more than 200 palestinians did the new details about the rescue effort and the impact it could have on ongoing ceasefire talks. president biden is wrapping up his visit to france after being honored with a state dinner yesterday, what he had to say about the state of the us relationship with this oldest ally balloons carrying trash loudspeakers the layering propaganda and thousands of flash drives full of k-pop music but for tat, between two neighboring countries, plus water safety experts say the color of your child s bathing suit it could be one of the most important decisions you make. this summer. the ones you might want to avoid as next we are learning new details about the rescue of four hostages from a refugee camp in gaza. but there are questions about the israeli operation to get the hostages back, as well as the number of palestinians reportedly killed. now, the four former hostages are set to be in good medical condition this morning after more than eight months in captivity, they were taken to hospitals for medical exams and to have reunions with their families israel carried out heavy airstrikes and shelling and central gaza during this hostage operation, one witness called it, held on earth saw lots of juno s increasing bombardment started hitting everywhere i must have missed something we never witnessed before maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes while we were running away no more fell on the market i m laying on her children torn apart and scattered in the streets they wiped out nuseirat. it is hell on earth hospital officials in gaza raised the number of palestinian casualties. now to at least 200 274 palestinians killed nearly 700 injured. the idf says the number killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers from either side. we ve also learned new information about u.s. involvement in the operation. there were no as they re called, boots on the ground, but officials say us forces provided planning and intelligence support to israel well, let s be or to speak with elliott, god-given, who s been following the story from london. le, what do we know about the rescued hostages and how they are doing i m or as you said physically, according to the hospital authorities in israel, they re in pretty decent shape. the hostages and missing families forum says that they are in their words are relatively good psychological and physical state, but they are carrying out further further medical tests. and of course, after being captivity for eight months are also be more psychological tests and it will no doubt take time for them to ria climate ties back to their normal lives in terms of the hostages themselves i suppose first is noa argamani, 25-year-old young woman who became are almost the face of the october the seventh atrocities as she was filmed, being sped away on the back of a motorbike by militants pleading for her life as her boyfriend was being frog marched away by militants at the same time, she also subsequently appeared in propaganda videos put out by hamas during her captivity. obviously, a very emotional reunion for her with her father. was also her further father s birthday on saturday as well, on top of that, they ve been a number of calls from her mother other who is also a chinese citizen. her mother pleading even with president biden to do everything that he could to bring her daughter home because she s suffering from terminal brain cancer and her dying wish. she said was to see her daughter back safe and sound in israel. she s now had that wish granted in terms of the other hostages, the other three hostages, rural man, there was shlomi ziv, he s a security guard he was been living on a mosh have an agricultural settlement for 17 years with his wife, andrey kozlov at only just moved to israel a few months earlier. his family flew in from russia and then finally, there is our almog meir, jan 20 two-year-old. tragically, when the idf went to tell his father the news of his rescue, they found that his father had died on saturday itself. i m victor la. gucken. thank you. let s go now to cnn has been we d admin ben, tell us more about what we know about the operation well we. understand that the death toll at this point for that operation in the nuseirat camp in central gaza was 207 monday four with 898 wounded. that is the largest single death toll since the war began in gaza, or rather since the 10th of december. and that really underscores just how bloody this operation was. normally these operations take place under the cover of darkness it began at about 11:00 in the morning local time on a saturday where when many people were out and about shopping and whatnot. and as usual well, in gaza, there were children everywhere. the video we received from our cameramen inside the al-aqsa martyrs hospital shows there were dozens and dozens of people desperate for medical care. many of them women and children that the morgue was completely full and they would they were simply putting bodies on the ground outside the hospital, keep also keep in mind that because of the israeli operation in rafah in the southern part of the gaza strip, where according to the un, 1,100,000 people have left that area seeking safety elsewhere. many of them were in nuseirat, many of them were in central gaza when this operation went down. so there were many civilians and that explains perhaps partially why the death toll is so high amara, victor, then wiedemann in beirut. thank you, ben let s bring it now. aaron david miller, a former state department middle east negotiator and retired brigadier general mark kim. welcome to you both general, let me start with you. the latest numbers 200 274 killed multiples of that reportedly injured does that suggest to you that that s something did not go as planned or potentially there was a lack of a plan no not at all. for better or worse? i think it was intentional the way they conducted this operation probably the pandemonium that they created as part of the bombing within the nuseirat camp itself. they thought would actually make things to their advantage and it should say conducted this operation. so no, i think that they were very clear-eyed that israel is very clear-eyed about not only the tactics that they were going to be using, but also the consequence it would have as they conducted that, particularly brazen operation so when you say intentional use, am i understanding you right? that they knew that hundreds of people were going to die if the number from these medical officials in gaza is correct, and that hundreds would be injured. they knew that going in i think they took under consideration the amount of collateral damage and civilian deaths that would be caused by conducting a daylight operation in a occupied extremely busy city? yes. erin. so how does this then change the climate for the ceasefire potential? we know that the secretary of state is heading back this week into the region and the variables have changed. now with the rescue potentially emboldening netanyahu who benny gantz has not departed what now is the table set for blinken i mean, i think it validates the prime minister s narrative which i think it s unfortunate that the longer the work continues the more intelligence israelis gathering gaza, the greater the changes of the rescuing hostages. but keep in mind if you re carrying seven were now i m the eighth month of this war, nine month beginning next month. you have seven hostages were rescued hundred and 21 remain israelis believe maybe 46 were either killed on october 7. their bodies brought to gaza to trade or they died in captivity i think it does two things. number one, i think it is a certainly it was a day of hope for israelis who ve been living in sort of collective ptsd since october 7. but it puts a premium. it seems to me in a focus on hostages. and it also reminds the israelis, i think that the largest return of hostages november 105 can only come through negotiation and here s where i think there is a real problem because there are there s an irreconcilable set of objectives between israel and hamas. in this negotiation. if i were to make a prediction, i don t like doing it i think there is an opening perhaps but only for a phase one that is to say return of 2030 hostages to women, the elderly, the infirm in exchange for a six-week fire, they cease fire in return for palestinian prisoners and the surging because it ll be quiet of six weeks of quieting kazaa, which would be a win for the biden administration. i just don t see if victor right now the pathway out of this to end the war there is that increasing domestic pressure there were celebrations in the street and the afternoon at the report that these four hostages had been released and then protests in the evening calling for more and to prioritize bringing the rest of the hostages home. general to you. we know that the us offering the planning and intel support. can you be a little more specific based on like, what does that look like look, i think that there s a significant amount of intelligence that we can package in hand over to the israelis, whether it s the ince, the intelligence human, human intelligence satellite intelligence, image intelligence probably able to tap into the phone systems as well. all of those different types of intelligence sources provide more clarity to what s happening on the ground, more clarity on to the location of the hostages. and this was obviously one of those situations where probably primarily human intelligence provided by the israelis themselves located the site of the hostages. but i would suspect that the american intelligence added to engage in many cases. second, insert, third source validation of where their locations we re erin, does it matter that benny gantz has not left this war cabinet yet? he s not been effective in got the demands that he offered to netanyahu. those have not been fulfilled. how much does it matter whether he stays or goes? i mean, i think it matters, victor, but it s not determinative with respect to the knesset arithmetic. i mean, 120 seats in the israeli parliament, you need 60 plus one to govern. nothing. you have 64 and i think your strategy is very clear. the knesset goes into recess july 25th. he will not resume until a week to ten days. victor, before the us elections and i think that daniels was playing for time here. if he makes it through july 25th, we know he s coming to the united states to address congress besting churchill. there ll be the here what you ll address congress four times churchill, three on july 24. so i think benny gantz is an infix. you d like to remain in the government. he brings a sort of moderating hand, but he does not have the potential right now to bring down the government if he goes aaron david miller, general mark kim. it thank you both president joe biden as hailing the power of allies as he gets ready to wrap up his trip to france at the visit to the american in cemetery, honoring world war i troops lab report from paris. this next, plus north korea has sent more trash late and balloons to its southern neighbor how south korea plans to respond the increase in wildfires is exponential controllable with overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent slightly with we have schreiber tonight denied on cnn what the biggest companies the liver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is 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saturday at the point of the visit was to show the close partnership between the two countries on global security issues and easing of past trade tensions that later today, before today returned to the states president biden and the first lady are expected to lay a wreath at the end marne american cemetery that is a cemetery that donald trump notably skipped visiting when he was president back in 2018 a cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche, as live in perez. hi there, kayla. what else did president biden have to say about his trip good morning amara and victor last night, president biden thanked france for helping secure u.s. freedom in 17, 76 and said the us was returning the favor 170 years later at the end of world war to president biden also reiterating a mess such that he has had all week here in france that we re at an inflection point in history and that the actions that countries like the u.s. and france undertake right now will have repercussions for decades to come. now, the white house is also hoping for the president s actions to communicate in and of themselves back to american voters, back home. that is why it is so symbolic that president biden is visiting the end. martin sarah cemetery just a few hours outside of paris later today before he departs. because of what you mentioned at the top, that president trump did not visit that cemetery at the time citing weather concerns back in 2018 and coming under wide criticism for not doing that. so president biden has been trying to distinguish himself on matters where the military is concerned his campaign, releasing two ads slamming trump s record on the military and on defense concurrent with the visit this week. so this is yet another opportunity for biden to seek out an opportunity to make a contrast between himself and his gop opponent. and he s going to be doing that before he goes home later today, victor and amara okay. let s how she in paris, kayla, thank you so much. millions of americans feeling that inflation frustration could get some good news this week. and of course there was that very strong jobs report that showed more people are getting jobs. and there are higher wages will talk with the acting secretary of labor next on cnn this morning we can i voted buttons that remote kid. it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone yeah puke rainbows when taken now, adt professionally installs google nest products they re all set on this system. we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because there are places we d like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infection sections in low blood sugar. a rare 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faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? sign and make official start your will at trust and we ll dot com and make it count. this is a secret. war, secrets and spies tonight at ten on cnn closed captioning brought to you by rule or law. i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rue la at rubella you never faithful these the deals on top before their current jobs we ll get a better read on inflation on wednesday when the latest consumer price index is released. and that same day, we could find out if the fed will lower interest rates or keep them the same. and there is good news when it comes to job and wage growth. friday s jobs report was record hot the economy added you ll 172,000 jobs blasting past economists expectations of 180,000 wage growth is also up for the first time in months, but so is the unemployment rate now at 4%, i asked acting secretary of labor, julie su about it. econ was one of my worst subjects in high schools, so i m so glad i m talking to you. you re obviously much smarter than i am. if you could help make sense of these numbers. so the headline is the us added 272,000 jobs, which is way above what the economists were predicting. but the unemployment rate rose just barely. but from three-point 9% to 4% what s going on here? so what s happening is if we take a look back to where we were just three years ago before the president came into office. covid was raging. there was no national strategy to get it under control. unemployment was extremely high. people didn t know if they went to the store, if they bill to find toilet paper if you fast forward to where we are now, the president has said, from the time he came into office, we can and must build an economy in which we see real job growth and where its good jobs, right? we re working people can get ahead. and that s exactly what we have done. and so this latest jobs report, we don t just look at one month as we look at an entire trend and we ve just seen month after month jobs getting created. you ll 15 million jobs since the president came into office is 15 million more individuals getting to use their, their talent, their skill, their drive, their hunger to contribute to their communities, and to make a decent living. and when i talk about real wages being up, right, that is demonstrating that we re not just creating jobs, we re creating jobs that really allow people to make a decent living to afford the basic things in life and that s not happening by accident. none of this was inevitable. it was because of strong leadership and strong economic policies and we re just seeing the benefits now in communities across the country and will continue to do that simple way to think about it is we re not looking at a shrinking pie that needs to be divided into smaller and smaller pieces, we re looking at a much bigger pie that s being created because the president is committed to real jobs, good job growth, and the well-being of working people. so you re going to have some good news to deliver when you embark on this nationwide tour to promote good jobs, you re gonna be hitting the road hitting battleground states, very important ones like georgia, florida, michigan, pennsylvania. tell me what is a good job and who will you be targeting the employers or employees with your message? everybody. so that s exactly what this tour is about. it s good job summer. i just announced this in phoenix, arizona, where cities and unions and community-based organizations signed onto these good jobs principles and a lot of what a good job is, is fairly funded the mental, it s making sure that you have a living wage for making sure you have good benefits. so you can go to the doctor when you need to. knowing at the beginning of the work-shift that you re going to come home healthy and safe at the end of it. the right and ability to have a voice on the job to organize, to form a union and sort of basic things the write-up, retire with dignity and to see growth and opportunity so we re really laser-focused on creating those kinds of jobs in communities all across the country. whether it s rural or urban, big stays small states. and going around the country to talk to working people and their families about what having a good job means for them, what the presence investments are meaning and communities, and what some of the ongoing challenges are. so we can continue to do our best to meet them i m curious what you will tell the people who see this really hot job market and understand that that may mean that the fed s, the fed may not i actually cut interest rates to help continually cool inflation because there is this disconnect between the economic indicators which shows that the economy is on the up and up when it comes to the unemployment rate and job and wage growth. but at the end of the day, people vote about how they feel, and how will you reconcile? it s especially those who are concerned about rising food and housing costs. how will you help them reconcile their reality with these numbers? yeah. i mean, i think that s why the battle gets inflation remains one of the top priorities of our president and of our entire administration. at the same time we i think working families know that the cost of things as one part of the equation, the other part is how much you make, how much you have to spend and that s why having a good job is so important. having a good job that doesn t just let you get by, but really lets you get ahead. that s what the good job summer is all about. it s also what the president s entire investing in america agenda is all about. we want safer roads and bridges and all communities. we want every family who turns on the faucet to get clean drinking water. we want high-speed, reliable internet everywhere across the country. and we also know that those are opportunities to create good jobs in the communities that need them the most and a big thank you to acting secretary of labor, julie su for taking time to talk with me well, in a tit-for-tat exchange, south korea says it will restart loudspeaker broadcasts in border areas after north korea center more trash-filled balloons will have a live report from the north-south border. next the most anticipated moment this election and mistakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27th, nine live. i d cnn and streaming on max and less time making cocktails and more time making memories introducing cartesian premium cocktail the touch of a button and shop for dad and get $50 lot with slash dad oh, karni isolde, it s got an answer. that s what i said. god-man, saada gotten need gotten me, got jews fade. you wise old. take xyz on when she with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the edge take medication delivered right to 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korea flyers for so many years. cnn s microfilariae is in puzzle south korea, which is near the dmz as an area separates north and south korea. so you ve confirmed that the south korean response happened just a little while ago, talked to us about it well, victor, we ve been able to confirm through the south korean joints chief of staff that date for the first time in six years resumed. what s been called a propaganda broadcasts. and let me say propaganda broadcast as tamarind viktor, we re not talking about cold war old tiny stuff. we re talking about south korean soft power, loudspeakers. we have new video in early this morning of loudspeakers coming up from the roofs of about nine or ten military vehicles here in south korea. this video being shown in preparation for this exercise, what the south can do the south said that they sent a broadcast of k-pop music blared over the speakers again, south korean soft military power directed towards the north and also news reports from south korean media detailing human rights abuses from north korea perpetrated by north korean leader kim jong-un what exactly lead to this point? south korea is saying, we did this one broadcast and it s up to you. north korea, whether or not we do another one of these. again, we rewind 2:11 p.m. on saturday night. that s when we were all out. we get an alert on our phones similar to an amber alert and the united states with public safety officials saying that more trash balloons were coming from the north, 300 total, about 80 of them made their way to south korean territory. some of them landing in the heart of the megalopolis that is soul. and if we rewind a little further back to thursday of last week, that s when a north korean defector who run it s an advocacy human rights group in south korea decides to send ten balloons to their neighbors in the north, having slices of life tied to those balloons like k-pop, k-dramas and little flash drives leaflets denouncing the north korean regime. so before that balloon launch, before this, that for tat, we were for able to speak to the founder of that group. here s what he told us just before the balloon launch now me will one. we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love but to send filth and trash in return. that s an inhumane and barbaric act. so we are standing right here on pod you on the unification bridge. this is the only bridge that leads from south korea to north korea. it s the site of a few high-profile reunification between north and south koreans that are fewer and fewer in this day and age, it s notable victor and amara, where we re standing lot of military personnel, a prominent military base. we were not able to hear that propaganda broadcasts. it could have happened. miles and miles away from here. but the question is how will the north respond? well, the south just have this one broadcast or will things quietly, quiet lately simmer here on the peninsula? victor and amara back to you will see microfilariae force there. thanks so much tonight s episode of the cnn original series secrets and spies and nuclear game looks at how one russian agent put everything on the line as tensions between the u.s. and soviet union ramped up. here s a preview read or i always i think the early person, at least from the agency who really had a pretty good understanding of how the kgb worked there are no other seen the profile of a mobile phone every day it was good luck he d write these studies. everybody would read them and say, oh, that s really great work, rick and then that would be the end of it. you know, they didn t really send it anywhere the cnn original series secrets and spies, a nuclear game airs tonight. attend pm eastern right here on cnn dangerous heat is bringing sizzling temperatures to the west coast will look at how high temperatures are expected to get after the break qizan life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts, the idp disrupts cid p derails. let s be honest 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meteorologist allison chinchar is with me now. so which parts of the country are going to be sizzling? yeah, so i mean, if that s really kinda z because it s several different areas. take for example, where we have the heat alerts you ve got sundown in portions of florida, others in axis, then the southwestern states you ve got several different areas here that are going to be feeling the heat, the real focus, however, is going to be in the southwest. so areas of arizona, nevada, portions of california, although it does stretch into portions of northern california. but look at some of the records that we had on saturday, three of these were actually in florida. then we also had one in utah and one in texas. here s a look though at the next couple of days, you ll really start to see these numbers begin to shoot uptake. for example, las vegas going from 103 today to 108 on tuesday sacramental also getting back into triple-digits by tuesday, phoenix starting to see their temperatures get back into the one tens by the time we get to tuesday. here s the thing about las vegas weekend it s a hot place, especially this time of year. but even for them, this is extreme. their normal high still is not yet in the triple digits. they d be about 98 degrees, but every single one of these next seven days is expected to be in those triple digit temperatures, one area we re not really seeing the heat that s going to be where we re seeing a lot of this heavy rain. here s a look. you can see a lot of these showers across portions of southern missouri and a lot of rain has already fallen in these areas. you re talking at least three to five inches. that s why we have the potential for excessive rainfall and flooding risk, not just for missouri, but a lot of this area, even stretching back into colorado, texas, as well as new mexico oh. of course, speaking of hot summer days, a lot of us are going to want to be near a body of water, a pool here as an important warning for parents, as summer gets underway, the color of your child s swimsuit may help save them from drowning. that is according to water safety experts who say there are certain colors that are easier to spot in the pool or open water than others. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard is here with us to talk about this. i mean, this is so important and i m so glad that we re doing this so basic question, what are the safest? let s colors for your children to wear, right? well, a lot of safety experts say it s the bright neon colors like something in this color scheme, they say is the safest, most visible under the water. you want to avoid swimsuits that are light blue or white like this is a children s serp suit, something like this. this is not as visible because it blends in with them a lot are some yeah, exactly. and i did speak with a company called alive solutions. they tested different swimsuit colors to see how visible they were under the water. and they found these differences. if you look on this chart, the white suit, which is on the far right, almost disappears under the water. yeah. and those bright colors stand out the most the american lifeguard association, they said that they re happy people are now talking about this. a spokesperson for the american lifeguard association why it werneth. i spoke with them while he was patrolling beaches in florida and he said that swimsuit colors definitely mentally play a role in safety. have a listen shubi, very important to make sure that you brush your child in a bright-colored, something that stands out to me environment. the dominant colors that blend in with the ocean. more mature in or even even black. kids lie on the black line. you can t see him we want to be able to see them especially like just a crowd yeah. of course, swimsuit colors are one tool and the safety toolbox, but amerant drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages one to four. so this is so important to talk about very aware of that because my child when he was one fell in the pool, but obviously he s doing okay. yeah. so scary. that is very scary and i m listening to what your advice here. so white and black and blue probably not the best colors, but bright colors like oranges and reds and yellows and neon exactly most visible. is there anything else we can do to make sure their kids are safe? oh, absolutely. because swimsuit color, just one tool in the toolbox. it definitely enroll your child in swim lessons. of course, supervise them while they re in the water, make sure they re wearing a life jacket, and make sure that you yourself know cpr and you know what? doing case they do need help that s a good reminder. i do need to have gotten a little rusty on cpr skills and it s important because like you said, i mean, drowning is a huge cause of death for little children. yeah. and that rate has increased. it has the cdc just put out a report saying that more than 4,500 people a year die due to drowning here in the united states. and that number is higher than what we ve seen in previous years. and this involves children and adults to amara. so again, it s something that s a public health issue really, really important things to keep in mind. thank you so much for bringing that to us. jacqueline howard. absolutely victor reach for the gold or reach for the viewers. that s a decision in the us women s basketball team will have to make reportedly they re deciding whether caitlin clark s should be at the paris olympics next month? tonight on the whole story, how to drag becomes such a target for the political right? do you think drag queen story hours can? in the family-friendly? know, if they don t want to world of tolerance state should be afraid the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn, you re calling some people find it there s at an early age, others later in life are calling was to build trucks. and that s why trucks are what we do we put are everything and every truck so that 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again, but the former college phenom has been off to a little bit of a bumpy start and the pros so far, she s put up 30 points on a couple of occasions. she s also had games where she s been held the single-digits, she struggled a turnovers. she struggled with the leeks physicality, and every player on team usa does have senior level international experience. eight have played in the olympics still, only 22. clark has created an absolute frenzy of interest in women s basketball, which has already led to this tangible boost in the wnba s developed litman. her entry to the pros has come with an extremely divisive undercurrent. and this is just the latest thing that she s going to have to navigate now, as everybody figures out what the official roster will look like. yeah. i m sure we ll continue here about that and that controversy carolyn manner. good to have you. thanks so much. and thank you for spending a part of your morning with us inside politics sunday with manu raju was nice. we ll see you back here next weekend. have a good day.

Cnn , Way , Look , Families , Series , Homes , Lives-schreiber , Violet-earth , Look-paradise , Lot , Wildfires , Disasters

The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell

Arms and other material. one side of it is human courage. like churchill or perhaps zelenskyy. the other side is economic power, finding ways to convert economic power into military power. finding clever ways to convert your manufacturing into war production. seeing that it is a long term process and starting right away. what happened in operation overlord, operation neptune, the landing on d-day has to do with an enormous amount of application of economic power, and planning and administrative skill. that we needed to move

Eisenhower-wouldn-t-stop-churchill , Side , Human-courage , Material , Arms , One , Ways , Power , Military-power , Manufacturing , Term , War-production

The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell

An enormous amount of planning and administrative skill, as well as courage, as well as decisiveness. and there wasn t anyone who thought when the war was declared that we needed to move quicker than was possible. there was no sense of impatience on the people who are actually running the american response to the war? and there was also a lot more patience with allies. i think it is fair to say. and operable, we should remember as many british soldiers landed on those pieces. an awful lot of canadian soldiers landed, as well. there were cobbles with allies but there was a great deal more patience with allies in a great deal more realism with allies. i think we were a bit fairer with people who were actually in combat before we entered combat, that time around, then this time around. and you are right, there is a certain kind of impatience or a desire for things to hit the right point in the news cycle, as opposed to understanding that wars can t be won just on clichis and emotions, rushes of

People , War , Anyone , Courage , Planning , United-states , Impatience , Amount , Wasn-t , Sense , Skill , Response

CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip

The upper hand at a pivotal moment in world war ii but on d-day, more than 150,000 allied troops stormed the beaches of normandy, france the crucial moment that ultimately led to the defeat of the nazis in germany and the liberation of europe. now, just ahead of the invasion, general dwight eisenhower wrote this letter to the troops that read in part the eyes of the world are upon you. the hope and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere, march with you. he added, i have full confidence in your courage, devotion, and duty, and skill in this battle, we will accept nothing less than full victory and it was victory that they ultimately had. but there was a cost, 4,400, didn t survive that de 2,500 of them were us forces. more than 400,000 americans were killed in that war. and there s no question that the world, as we know it, is a measurably better because of their current and their sacrifice but it is that world,

D-day , France , Nazis , Defeat , Beaches , Troops , Normandy , The-upper-hand , World-war-ii , Liberation-of-europe , Germany , Allied

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240607-4920

Of what you did. today is the launch of the big help out, all about volunteering. victoria, what will be going on? volunteering. victoria, what will be auoin on? , , going on? yes, the big help out starts today. going on? yes, the big help out starts today, millions going on? yes, the big help out starts today, millions of - going on? yes, the big help out starts today, millions of things i going on? yes, the big help out i starts today, millions of things you can do starts today, millions of things you can do in starts today, millions of things you can do in your community, get out and tend can do in your community, get out and lend a can do in your community, get out and lend a hand, support your local community and lend a hand, support your local community group or get together with neighbours and friends and do a little neighbours and friends and do a little bit neighbours and friends and do a little bit. there is a the big help out little bit. there is a the big help 0ut app little bit. there is a the big help out app where you can find something local to out app where you can find something local to you out app where you can find something local to you- local to you. what difference do you see in the volunteers local to you. what difference do you see in the volunteers taking - local to you. what difference do you see in the volunteers taking part? l see in the volunteers taking part? there are so much to do with volunteering, you can make a new friend, volunteering, you can make a new friend. find volunteering, you can make a new friend, find a local community group you want friend, find a local community group you want to friend, find a local community group you want to support, get out and learn you want to support, get out and learn something new, learn a new skill, learn something new, learn a new skill, go learn something new, learn a new skill, go and support people in locat skill, go and support people in local communities that might want your support. local communities that might want your support- local communities that might want your support. quick chat to some of these guys- your support. quick chat to some of these guys. ellis, your support. quick chat to some of these guys. ellis, why your support. quick chat to some of these guys. ellis, why do your support. quick chat to some of these guys. ellis, why do you i your support. quick chat to some of these guys. ellis, why do you like i these guys. ellis, why do you like volunteering? volunteering? helping the

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