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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20130313

2,000 years. vice president biden will lead the u.s. delegation to the vatican for the formal ceremony making the pope s installation. pope francis is the first pope from the americas. he s the first to take his papal name from st. francis. the friar who more than 800 years ago took a vow of poverty and devoted his life to helping the poor and the sick. in fact, pope francis is known as a humble man of simple habits. the ap says he often rode the public bus to work, cooked his own meals, and often visited poor neighborhoods. francis is also the first pope to come from the jets with order, an order with a long tradition in work and civil rights in this country. this new pope has a unique ability to focus the world s attention on the sick and the poor. the wrongs we inflict on each other and the rights we hold as human beings. let us pray for his success. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. hope for the pope. let s play hardball. good evening. i m chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with the election of a new pope. it brings with it a great hope and not just for catholics. promises a progressive church. he s a jesuit. francis i is a jesuit from argentina. he s known for throwing off the trappings and the perks of power. living in a small apartment. taking the bus to work. the new pope has said things about capitalism and its failure to deliver economic justice that could drive the right wing nuts. he s the living illustration for what i ve learned of the belief free markets need to be offset by an active social justice toward those in need. this is the catholic church that looks out for the poor, that distances itself from power and wealth, that is skeptical that capitalism will raise all. that the poor can count on the wealth of the rich to trickle down to the people living in the barrios. big surprise in rome tonight. the cardinals picked a jesuit. someone from the americas. someone who identifies with the poor. and those who don t get a break from sharp-elbowed capitalism. i find this fascinating and enormously surprising. francis i. i like him already. we re going to have a big tussle here, by the way, later in this half hour by a pair of political heavyweights, robert gibbs for the dems and steve schmidt for the republicans. but let s start with the politics and drama of the stunning election in the vatican. my guests are mike barnicle and george weigel, nbc news vatican analyst. i want to start with mike. as a fellow american generalist and a catholic, what is your how surprised were you by picking this guy known for social justice and for humility and for really looking out for the little people to use the phrase we often use? well, you know, chris, i was i was actually stunned by two things. and one i had forgotten. i had forgotten about the theater of the church. the explosion of people in st. peter s square. the universality of the church. the fact that not everyone in st. peter s square was catholic. and the fact that the curia, college of cardinals, selected a jesuit as our next pope to me was very surprising. and very encouraging, actually. despite the fact he s 76 years of age, a little older than i think a lot of american catholics expected the next pope to be in terms of age, he is a jesuit. and in terms of what the jesuits are and what they profess, the faith that they have, the faith that they preach, the faith that they practice, social justice. economic justice. not hiding from the realities of economic inequality. not only in argentina and latin america but around the world. specifically in the united states. i think the pope s voice is going to be a strong one. he s going to put an oar in that water. he s going to be rowing against the current that exists right now. but he is the pope and his voice will be heard. i m very encouraged by that aspect of his papacy. george, thanks for coming on. you re the expert. i really liked him immediately. that first impression, the guy, just little things. the way he was not taking instruction from the people who were choreographing him. he said, give me this now. do this now. he seemed to be calling the shots right from the get-go. maybe that s an overinterpretation, but it s the way i saw it tonight. no, i think that s right, chris. i spent an hour with cardinal bergoglio in buenos aires last may. the first thing that needs to be said about this man is that he s a true man of god. this is someone with a very deep and rich spiritual life. he is all that you are saying about his humility, his simplicity. i would not jump to any conclusions about his politics. he s been very critical of the government in argentina. he is also a jesuit who is something of a contradiction within the jesuit order. he was the provincial of the jesuits in argentina. he was a man of what i would call dynamic orthodoxsy. that did not sit too well with many of his more left leaning colleagues. he was sent off to teach chemistry at a jesuit high school in northern argentina. from which he was rescued by john paul ii. and that s the next thing that needs to be said here. this is a j.p. ii guy. this is a man very much formed by the pontificate of john paul ii who loved him to pieces. i think we re going to see a little bit more of that in this pontificate as it goes forward. the name francis is obviously very suggestive of a church of real compassion for the underdog. which doesn t necessarily translate into any particular political or economic program. but does suggest that this guy is going to take a little bit of the baroque gilding off of the papacy. michael, back to you. first of all, let s start with the notion here that the encyclical of looking out for skepticism towards capitalism. when i read that in his brief life description here, i was taken with the fact that he i know he may not be a dorothy day catholic. but he may well be someone who does have that usual church suspicion of capitalism. a lot of our popes have had that suspicion through the 20th century. they re not ayn rand people. they don t buy the marketplaces, the great arbiter of what s good in the world. you know, off of the and we ve only known the pope now in terms of him being pope, what, two hours. but he is remindful, at least to me, of an argentinian virgin of cardinal o malley from boston. yeah. he s filled with humility. i agree with george. i think we don t want to misread or misinterpret or interpret too early his politics. but the fact is that he does stand for social justice. he is a jesuit. and we have not and he stands on behalf of victims. victims of all sorts of things. victims of economic injustice. victims of social inequality. victims of racial inequality. and even sexual inequality. he has, i think, addressed that in part. not, i think, many american catholics hoping for a more progressive view of catholicism are going to be disappointed. but we re going to let this play out. we re going to hear this man speak. i was greatly encouraged by one small thing that happened this afternoon. in that he asked for silent prayer. he didn t stand and issue his own prayer. he asked for silent prayer. we had the millions of people there in st. peter s square and perhaps around the world watching invoking their own silent prayer. let me go to george on the jesuits. i m a jesuit trained guy with the holy cross. i love the guys of georgetown, the priests over there that are still there. we re losing a lot of jesuits. we don t have as many as we used to have. they re thoughtful. they re intellectual. they re deeply religious. but they sort of are in their own ways fascinating people. and because they chose this life. yeah. chris, a couple of things. first, let s just go back a second to something mike said. one of the other things that cardinal bergoglio has steadfastly resisted is the creeping left-wing authoritarianism of the kirchner government in argentina. i tried to send him a book as a gift after i came back from meeting him last may. the book came back a month later addressee unknown. i sent the book to him through a private source. he then sent me a note saying, i m sorry for the inconvenience. but i m sure you understand. what did you make of that? which, indeed, i did. well, his mail was being intercepted by the government, obviously. on the point of his jesuit background, this is a classic, old school jesuit. a man of serious intellectual discipline and capacity. a man of real spiritual discipline. we ve talked about already what a humble guy he is. how simply he lives. he used to take the tram to work in buenos aires. rubbing elbows with the folks. that s who he is. there s no put-on about that. so i think there s going to be a real simplification of papal style here. and that s no bad thing in a church close to 65% of which now lives in the global south. that s a pope that those people can relate to. his first big public test will come this summer when he goes to brazil for world youth day. i think he ll be a smashing success there. it ll be an enormous celebration of catholicism in latin america. but let s also remember, this is a guy of the western hemisphere. the papacy has crossed the atlantic. that s a threshold point for the catholic church, and it s something that all of us, i think, on both sides of the rio grande can take a lot of satisfaction in. mike, let s talk about the politics of moving to our hemisphere. to the americas. first pope obviously in 2,000 years from the americas. an italian father. definitely a latino. he comes from that part of the world. i was thinking in this country if you re puerto rican or cuban or mexican-american or come here from guatemala or colombia like so many do, you must be thinking pretty big about yourself right now that you ve got somebody like you with a spanish background, spanish accent, in fact, you ve got somebody like you from that part of the world as the leader of the entire biggest church in the world. sure. and there s another element, too, chris, in addition to that that you just pointed out. it is this, i think. if you view the church as a corporation, and part of the church is a corporation, and if you view the college of cardinals or the curia as the board of directors, and in a sense they are the board of directors, they selected a guy from one of the growth industries in that corporation, latin america. i mean, the huge burgeoning catholic population. the growth of the catholic church in latin america, places like africa and the philippines. far outpaces the growth rather than the deterioration in growth of catholicism in places like europe and north america because of what s happened in the united states over the last 10 or 12 years. so it s progress in terms of moving the product forward. in terms of growing the product. i ve got the word the vice president is going to be sent over. not the president. that s too bad. joe biden will be a perfect emissary for the country as well as the president. thank you, all. george weigel, as always, great to have you on msnbc at this time, of course, you are the best. mike barnicle, as always, we think very similarly, therefore brilliantly. back to politics. republicans say they learned the lesson of the 2012 election. so why are they talking about repealing obama care? why are they issues budgets that are more regressive than last year s loser? why are they refusing to confirm president obama s nominees? why do they vote unanimously against any gun control including background checks? in short, why are they doing exactly the things that got them clobbered in november? could it be that they care more about tearing obama down than getting themselves up? plus, the butler did it. or the bartender. actually the man who made the infamous romney 47% tape has come forward. he s going to show himself tonight on ed schultz. he s going to be ed schultz s guest tonight. we re going to talk to ed about that and the surprising reason the bartender made the tape. i don t think it s that surprising. whether he realized he was holding on to political dine night. i think all of those are true. anyway. the senate panel heard grim and disturbing testimony about prevalence of sexual assaults in our own u.s. military. this is bad stuff. the thousands of cases, only a tiny percentage actually acted on. senator kirsten gillibrand says it s time to change that. she joins us later on hardball right here. let me finish tonight, a big surprise the vatican, a pope committed to social justice. that s hardball, the place for politics. a kite, a breeze, a dunk of grilled cheese. catches and throws, and spaghettio s. a wand, some wings, soup with good things. sidewalks and doodles and wholesome noodles. puddles and pails and yes, puppy dog tails. for a lunch like this, there s a hug and a kiss. because that s what happy kids are made of. campbell s. it s amazing what soup can do. [ female announcer ] stress sweat is different than ordinary sweat. it smells worse. get 4x the protection against stress sweat. introducing new secret clinical strength stress response scent. those voter i.d. laws are keeping likely democrats from casting ballots. that s the conclusion of a new study that finds that voter id laws disproportionately hurt younger, minority voters. the study found two-thirds of young african-american voters, were asked to show i.d. before voting compared to 40% of young white voters. compared with their white counterparts, significantly more of those african-americans and latinos said their lack of an i.d. kept them from trying to vote in the first place. the study was conducted by researches for the university of chicago and washington u. out in st. louis. a talking train. this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it s carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. after all, what s the point of talking if you don t have something important to say? welcome back to hardball. the differences between president obama and republicans shows no sign of snare rowing. zero republicans voted to advance the seemingly easiest piece of gun legislation, a background check, zero. no new taxes under any circumstances. yesterday paul reid offered a budget that zeroes out the president s health care plan. texas senator ted cruz even proposed a plan to defund obama care himself. with polls showing the president s approval rating dropping, a washington post poll put it at 50%, 5 points from a month ago, republicans have decided to stick to their own playbook, obstruct everywhere, hope some of the mud that covers them sticks to the president. steve schmidt is former senior adviser to the mccain/palin 08 presidential campaign and senior strategist on the bush/cheney 04 presidential campaign. robert gibbs was senior adviser for president obama s 2012 re-election campaign and served as white house press secretary. of course, both are now msnbc colleagues. in fact, analysts as well. thank you. steve, i want to start by throwing some dirt ball at you. i don t know how you re going to catch this one. yes. as we ve all watched for the last two or three months now since the horror at newtown, connecticut, where all those 6 and 7-year-old kids were slaughtered, basically, we ve all watched to see what the government s going to do about that. and now we learn the republican senators, to a man, to a woman, i suppose, have voted against not only they re not going to do assault rifles, not going to do the magazines limiting them to ten rounds or whatever, they re not even going to cast one single republican senate vote for stronger background checks. how can your party be completely against gun safety? well, it s an issue that i think a lot of democrats also, chris, are toeing the nra line on. you know, my personal view is that if i was [ inaudible ] i would vote for background checks. i think it s fair to say the national rifle association may be the most powerful group in washington. those republican senators i think are making votes based on their political vulnerabilities or their perceived vulnerabilities in a republican primary. they don t want to lose the a rating. they don t want to come under attack from the gun lobby. what is that about, robert gibbs? who s the boss? like on the tv show. who s the boss? is la pierre the boss or the republican party its own boss? i think you ve got republican congressmen that are far more concerned about a primary challenge than they are anybody these are august u.s. senators, in for six-year terms. they re supposed to be the guys in robes that think deliberately, big picture. they won t touch anything on gun safety. i think, look, this is going to be an interesting issue because i think it has been for a while. the public supports this at 92%. if something the public supports 92% can t get through congress i think it does give you a sense of the real structural problems that we have in terms of gridlock. something that is but they don t let me go back to steve. your party doesn t even want to catch the nuts. i mean, it s one thing to say everybody has a right to own a gun. and can be completely pure about it. the second amendment means carry anything you want if you can carry it. but the idea that people have a right to buy a gun if they ve got problems. they re criminals, they re wife-beaters, they ve got mental, emotional problems that are clearly on the books. they ve been ordered by courts to do things like spend time inside. and they still can call up and say, give me the best gun you got with the most rounds and the fastest i can shoot. i mean, why would a republican want to have that position? everybody that wants a gun should get one under any circumstance no matter what the condition of their head or their emotions or their criminal record? there are there are millions and millions of republican voters out there, chris, who don t share that position. people who support the second amendment believe you have a right to keep and bear arms. that s constitutionally prescribed. that doesn t mean that the government doesn t have the ability to regulate at some level the purchase of guns and make sure that guns don t wind up in the hands of people who shouldn t have guns. so i think when you see the republican senators make the vote that they made, they re not just on the wrong side of public opinion, they re on the wrong side of public opinion when you just look at nra members and you just look at republican voters. so this is speaking to the power of the lobby in washington, d.c. and it s another example of which there are many out there of political timidity. today one guy who doesn t have any timidity, i wish he had a little more, texas senator ted cruz. he offered a plan just not only to get rid of it, make sure it doesn t get any care, obama care, he wants it defunded, certified as the law of the land. let s listen to senator cruz make his case to eliminate the president s health care plan. in my view, obama care should be repealed in its entirety. and that was the very first bill i introduced in the u.s. senate. but at a minimum, in my judgment, obama care should not be funded and implemented at a time when our economy is gasping for breath. in other words, don t get rid of the military. just don t spend a nickel on it. their guy is basically saying in this sort of strange orwellian way, we re going to get rid of it by just not funding it. it s the minimum we can do. that guy has well, he s just something else. let s make sure that we don t use ted cruz as a barometer for much in washington. he reminds me of the japanese soldier that we found on the philippines years after world war ii ended still in his cave ready to go to war. the courts decided the issue of health care. the election decided the issue of health care. it s the law of the land. and i think it is like i said, let s not use him as a barometer on this. because i think the same people in the republican party understand that although they may not like it, it s the law of the land and it s going to move forward. steve, where are you on this? do you think it s a settled deal? i think it is. i d like to think it is. it is a settled deal. look, i m not an obama care supporter. i think most republicans are not. i think that there will have to be reforms to it as time goes on. but the problem with what ted cruz is doing, although it might be good politics for ted cruz and his standing in the faction of the republican party that he represents, is it keeps us permanently looking backwards on an issue that robert just described that s been settled by the supreme court, that s been settled by the last election. so the issue going forward is how do we project a message that the american people will find appealing. how do we get back on track after having lost the popular vote in five out of the last six elections. when you keep focused on the past the way that ted cruz is doing, it keeps you from moving forward. it s just bad politics. just to give you a chance to take something, take a popular position, taxes. it seems to me that your party has made it very hard for the president, they ve dug in on taxes. their position is they have already given at the office, in other words, they gave the 1%, that s it. by the way, here s mitch mcconnell talking on that one. here he is. there is no revenue solution to that, i would say to you. it has to be done by making the eligibility for entitlements fit the demographics of america today and tomorrow. the only way to straighten america out is to fix the entitlement issue. well, today president obama said that kind of inflexibility, refuse to even look at taxes, could scotch any deal. let s listen to the president respond to that. ultimately it may be that the differences are just too wide. if their position is we can t do any revenue or we can only do revenue if we gut medicare or gut social security or gut medicaid, if that s the position, then we re probably not going to be able to get a deal. so is that speaking for the president let me go back to steve. i said i would give you the first shot here. if the deal is you got to raise revenues up to a trillion dollars through reform or whatever, is there not going to be a deal? because republicans don t look like they re going to go for it. look, i think there s been a number of senators that said they are open to a grand bargain if fundamentally what everyone agrees an inherently uncompetitive tax code that makes the country uncompetitive, that s the drag on the economy. the top rates are now 39%. i m not sure how much higher people want them to go. why think that 40 cents on the dollar isn t your fair share? when mitch mcconnell is talking about the demographic realities of the country, he s correct. we need to reform these programs in order for them to stay. any time the republicans talk about reform and the president responds in the context of this is gutting the programs, i don t think that that creates an environment where you can have a commonsense debate on these issues. i agree with you on that. when the president came back and whipped back at you guys and said i m not going to gut these programs, like saying i m not going to touch them. anyway, thank you. steve schmidt, i noticed you re in the higher economic brackets. i noticed that new sensitivity to the 39% i hadn t seen from you before. the south carolina republican lawmaker who says expanding medicaid is a good idea, then voted against it because it s good politics to oppose the black guy in the white house. 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[ it is tough to see how that speech would do anything to sway votes. gruenhaggen made a failed attempt at banning same-sex marriage through an amendment last year. south kaerl s republican-led state house voted yesterday to reject a proposed expansion of medicaid. here s something to note. in january one of the republican lawmakers chris crawford talked to a local newspaper. represent chris crawford, republican from florence and emergency room doctor, supports the expansion but expected the republican caucus to vote as a bloc against the medicaid expanse. politics are going to overwhelm the policy. it is good politics to pose the black guy in the white house right now, especially for the republican party. he s on the record with that one. any guesses which way crawford went in yesterday s note? despite the benefits of expanding medicaid to hospitals and patients crawford went with as he described it, good politics, voted against it. right now we know the answer to one of the biggest mysteries of the 2012 election. it was the bartender. the bartender who recorded mitt romney s infamous 47% comments. he s come forward now. he s ed schultz s guest tonight. ed joins us next. you re watching hardball. le a] you are a business pro. executor of efficiency. you can spot an amateur from a mile away. while going shoeless and metal-free in seconds. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle.and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. now this.will work. [ male announcer ] just like you, business pro. just like you. go national. go like a pro. we re dedicated to getting you back on track from identity theft. to protect you from being a victim in the first place, we have specialists for that, too. [ alarm blaring ] [ lasers zapping ] yep. we make a pretty good team. [ male announcer ] call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. hello, i m betty nguyen. jodi arias faced aggressive questioning on the stand today about gaps in her memory on the day her boyfriend was killed in 2008. arias is charged with first degree murder. she says it was self-defense. a barge struck a gas pipeline earlier off the coast of new orleans, sparking a massive the blaze that you see here. four people were injured. florida s lieutenant governor has resigned amid a probe of a former client. jennifer carroll s pr firm represent a charity which authorities say was a front for illegal gambling. now it s back to hardball. there are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. all right? there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe they re entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. and so my job is not to worry about those people. i ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. welcome back to hardball. with those words mitt romney pretty much sealed his image as the candidate of the top 1% in this country and the callous he showed for those comments, 47% did more than anybody else is, most believe, to derail his presidential campaign. the comments were taped at a florida fund-raiser last may. until now, until tonight, one thing has remained a mystery, who shot the video and what was the motivation for releasing it? tonight we find out. my colleague ed schultz has an exclusive interview with the man herein the tape. turns out he was a barn tender at the party. i thought he was one of the caterers. he he ultimately decided to release the tape because he wanted to hear what the candidate for president was willing to say behind closed doors. take a look. i simply wanted his words to go out and everybody could make a judgment based on his words and his words alone. the guy was running for the presidency. and these were his core beliefs. and i think, you know, everybody can judge whether, you know, that s appropriate or not, or they believe the same things he does. but i felt that an obligation to expose the things that he was saying. ed, thank you for joining us. good luck tonight. i think a lot of people will be watching. i just want to ask you, next time somebody has a fund-raiser at some swank hotel or something, they re going to clear that room of anything that looks like a recording device. this thing looks like it was set up on a table, behind some flowers. was it covered up so people couldn t see it? it looks like, ifi do notice, it s all framed by stuff around it. where was it, do you know? chris, it was just about 20 yards from mitt romney. it was sitting right on the table. and it was not an effort to do anything politically, it was just a worker, a wage earner, who said, hey, i m going to be kind of close to one of two guys who s going to be president of the united states, i want to get this on tape just so i have it as a souvenir. and so he started recording it. when he found out what was unfolding, you know, he was totally at odds with what was being said. and thought that it didn t match up with anything mitt romney was saying out in public. and he thought it was a serious injustice that was going to be done on the american people. and he thought that he had to bring it forward. he tells that story tonight. he talks about the anguish that he went through in deciding what to do with it, how to do it, how he used the social network, and how all of a sudden he was cast in the thick of it when the president of the united states used that material in the second and most crucial debate. it s really an amazing story. ed, your interview with him, you asked him why he decided to release the take. let s take a listen to his response. how big a decision was it for you to release the tape and to go through all of this? it was it was it was tough. and i debated for a little while. and, you know, but in the end i i really felt like it had to be put out. i felt i owed it to the people that couldn t afford to be there themselves to hear what he really thought. you know, you and i are intuitive guys. we try to figure out these things. from the first day you probably figured it was somebody wasn t one of the people paid 10,000 bucks to go in there. they weren t going to screw the guy they were applauding. it was a worker. one of the caterers. had a point of view, perhaps, but definitely had the access to do it. nobody else would want to do it. what do you think the atmospherics were like between the workers as you refer to them as, appropriately so, and the fat cats? was there a sense of oh, my god, these people are sucking this up? they re loving this stuff? they love that 47% attitude. what s interesting, he was not the only one in the room with a camera. in fact, there was no restriction whatsoever. it was in a private home. people were taking pictures. people were doing what they do with their cameras. he just set it right there on the counter there and let it do all the work. then he realized what he had. that s when, of course, the story started to unfold and personally it is quite a journey for the guy. you know, he could have gone obviously on 60 minutes. they ve been after him. every news magazine in the country s been after him. but this is a pure guy. he didn t sell himself out. he wasn t trying to get a bang for a buck. he didn t want to inject himself into the election cycle. he knew what he had. but he knew he had to get the story out to the american people because he thought there were some serious discrepancies in mitt romney and what he was all about. and he will tell the story tonight on what really tripped his trigger as to why he had to do this and what he thought was the serious, serious injustice being played out. romney was asked about that 47% comment on fox earlier this month. let s take a look at what he said then so many months later. let s watch. it was a very unfortunate statement that i made. it s not what i meant. i didn t express myself as i wished i would have. you know, when you speak in private, you don t spend as much time thinking about how something could be twisted and distorted and can come out wrong and be used. but, you know, i did, and it was very harmful. what i said is not what i believe. wow. it s not right wing, left wing, upper class, rich screwing people. it s political confidence. that guy should never have been president of the united states. first of all, everything he said there was not true. what did he mean to say, 46%? what was this error he committed? he deliberately in fact, listening to the tape again, ed, i know you listened to it again. i just is clear how he thought about it. how he meant this is my crowd. these are the people that are going to vote for me. this other crowd i need you more than ever because this other crowd of people who depend on some of these programs aren t going to vote for me. so i need you even more. it was a pitch is what it was. there s no question about it. that interview, that clip that you just played was the turning point. that was the tipping point. that s when this man decided that he was going to go public. and he chose my venue, the ed show, because we advocate for workers. we ve been doing that since the day i was going to ask you about your trade craft and how you got this get. it s just he came to you and he said this is my guy, you know, as simple as that? chris, as you well know we all work on interviews. some you get, some you don t. i met this man during the inauguration. he knew who i was. he saw our show in freeport, illinois. he knew what we were all about, what we were fighting for. we were the show that was out there as many others telling the story about income inequality and how workers in this country are getting shafted by the people who were sitting in that room. it was mitt romney s story that motivated him to do this. do you realize covering politics the way we do that that it depends if it s on tape or not? i was thinking of nixon s comments about jewish people and everything else wasn t on tape he would still be president for eight years. if that george allen hasn t said macaca to that kid with the cell phone he would still be the senator. if obama hadn t said what he should have never said to the rich people in san francisco about clinging to guns and religion he would have been better off. it s fascinating how new technology, as you say, the social networking is really democratizing things for both sides. he wanted to make sure it was organic. he wanted to make sure the american people knew he wasn t going to be profiting off this. that this was a real deal, that people needed to know, and he wanted to go in the grassroots and let it grow from there. the big thing, i am i was so struck by the nobility of this man and the character of this man and how how untarnished how unvarnished he was. he was not tarnished politically in any way, shape or form. and he talks about that tonight. this was not a get moment. this was something he fell into. and it evolved into a political game changer. i don t think fundraisers are ever going to be the same again. no, i don t understand. i think the secrecy, the privacy, is gone. anyway. i hope everyone sticks around after my show tonight and watches your show. ed schultz with the big get tonight. we ll be watching your exclusive interview as i said tonight at 8:00 on the ed show. up next, disturbing testimony on capitol hill about the prevalence of sexual assault including rape in the u.s. military between people in the uniforms. do you believe it? both serving their country. one raping the other. this is hardball, the place for politics. i m here in your home, having a pretty spectacular tuesday. but i don t notice the loose rug at the top of your stairs. and that s about to become an issue for me. and if you got the wrong home insurance coverage, my medical bills could get expensive. so get allstate. [ dennis ] good hands. good home. make sure you have the right home protection. talk to an allstate agent. bob will retire when he s 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he s not. he s an architect with two kids and a mortgage. luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age. it s not rocket science. it s just common sense. from td ameritrade. it s just common sense. if youthen this willbrids arbe a nice surprise. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v and we haven t even mentioned. c-max also gets better mpg. say hi to the super fuel efficient ford c-max hybrid. the most endangered governor in the country may just be republican governor tom corbett of pennsylvania. two new polls out show him under water in favorability, trailing potential democratic components in the 2014 election. let s check the hardball scoreboard. challenging u.s. congresswoman allison schwartz. schwartz up by three. 42-39. in a new poll schwartz leads by 11. 45-34. it s still early. the corbett/schwartz matchup going to be one of the big ones to watch in the months ahead. 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[ freeman ] go open a new world, with visa prepaid. more people go with visa. pop goes the world [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with tide pods. just one pac has the stain removal power of 6 caps of the bargain brand. pop in. stand out. of 6 caps of the bargain brand. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet. dragon is captured. is connecting today s leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. i was raped during military service and during my first assignment. that was 1988. i was 18 years old. i removed myself from training and immediately sought out the assistance from an army chaplain who told me, among other things, that the rape was god s will. during my tour on the uss frank cable i was raped by a superior noncommissioned officer. we re back. that was disturbing and emotional testimony earlier today at the united states senate armed service subcommittee hearing on sexual assault in the military. many may think that only women are the victims of sexual assault in the military, but often men are as well, as we just heard. as you saw in that clip, some 3,000 sexual assault cases were reported in 2011. but the defense department estimates the number of actual incidents is six times that, closer to 19,000. now defense secretary chuck hagel is ordering a review of rules to give commanders the authority to overturn sexual assault convictions by military juries. kirsten gillibrand and anu bhagwadi. and uses perhaps, people under him or under her, as sexual opportunities that they can exploit because of their command situation, is this something that is new? or is it just newly understood? it s not new, that s for sure. chris, we have the greatest military in the world and i m grateful for the courage of those who served. but in these instances, we re talking about predators. they re criminals who are targeting their victims and we re talking about 19,000 sexual assaults and rapes each year. more than half against men. and of that, only 2,400 are actually reported. of that, only 240 go to trial. of that, only about 190 are actually convicted. so you re talking about 1 in 100 convictions for these kinds of crimes. and what we re looking for in this hearing is we re looking for a way to make sure that justice is served. because we have to change the dynamics, we have did change the culture, we have to make it possible for men and women who are victims to actually report these cases so we can have conviction rates increase and have more accountability. thank you for joining us. give me a sense of what it s like, the atmosphere. is it injustice? is it just big-shot men lording it over women and covering up for bad, in fact criminal, behavior? i think military culture is about a generation behind where civilian culture is on issues of rape, sexual harassment, sexual assault in the workplace. when you have an insular system that isolates servicemembers from outside forms of redress that really intimidates the survivor, even i would say in a bigger way than even civilian victims, because you re often operating within your chain of commands. it s a hierarchal system in which you re intimidated oftentimes by those who outrank you. the vast majority of these 19,000 victims are junior enlisted. just over half of them are male so it s not a women s issue. universally, we know victims feel they are not getting their fair shot at justice. they re either retaliated against by false diagnoses like personality disorders, drummed out of the military, while their senior perpetrator is promoted, given command, maybe transferred out of the unit without any form of why? can you give me the motive? explain it to the outside who haven t been in the military. why would they cover up i don t mean whistling at a girl or something that might be bad behavior, gross behavior, but not criminal. let s talk about criminal cases where somebody s physically assaulted or raped. why would anybody cover that up? physical assault is a criminal matter, it s a serious criminal matter, they put you in jails if you do it in civilian life. why do they cover up that part of it? that s what i don t get. that s a great question and i think that needs to be asked directly to the military. i saw it myself as a company commander where my senior commanders swept these cases under the rug, rape cases, sexual assault cases, sexual harassment cases, routinely under the rug. i think it s self-protection, there s careerism in the officer ranks, there s a huge desire to protect oneself and move on. i love the marines, the military is a great military, but we have a serious problem with the treatment of women in particular. and also rape mythology, victim blaming, which we see throughout society as well, but in that insulated system where you really have nowhere to go, you can t quit your job, you re really stuck with the outcome the commander provides. let me get back to the senator about corrections. it s a culture, it s hard to deal with a culture, you set rules and teach people as they get trained first of all, i have to tell you, i don t get it. a rape is a rape. used to be a capital crime in part of the united states. you don t kid around, cover up, you don t do business with them. why would anybody say that s the old boy and protect a person who s committed almost a capital crime? why would you protect a guy like that? one thing we re trying to change is there s this thing called a convening authority, be a general up the chain of command who has the decision-making authority to decide whether an allegation goes forward to an investigation and to a trial. and our view is that general, that commanding officer, isn t necessarily trained in rape, isn t trained in legal theory, isn t trained in prosecutorial discretion. so that convening authority is creating a, let s just say, it s a narrowing aspect where not enough cases are actually proceeding. and then, even worse than that we have an example of this, where the convening authority had the opportunity to look at a jury s verdict that had convicted this perpetrator and actually overturned it. not having reviewed the evidence. not having heard the testimony. just looking at some clemency letters. it s disgraceful if you can have a system where there s no accountability. one last question. what percentage of men in the military or women are evil in this regard? 10%? 1 of 10? or worse than that? 1 of 100? i would say it s a very small percentage. the point is though that they re serial predators. you don t just rape once, you often rape several times, and the lack of accountability just encourages these serial predators. well said. thank you for that information. we re going to have to see something get done. senator, we trust you to get something done. kristen gillibrand from new york, thank you. i know you re a victim as well. when we return let me finish with a big surprise out of the vatican. a pope committed to social justice. this is going to be great, i think. you re watching hardball, the place for politics. right. but the most important feature of all is. the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. and with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what s this button do? 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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130315

now facing mechanical problems ending the vacations of thousands of passengers. nbc s gabe gutierrez is in miami with the latest. gabe, good morning. reporter: savannah good morning. this latest incident involves carnival s legend a day after the dream reported problems. carnival says no passengers are in any danger and this is all happening just a few days after the company s ceo promised a comprehensive investigation of its fleet following last month s triumph disaster. problems aboard two carnival ships in two days. the carnival legend slowed down overnight by a technical issue. with its propulsion system in hon duress. its visit to grand cayman now canceled as it slowly heads back to tampa. this as 5700 passengers and crew of the carnival dream are waking up in st. maarten. their vacations also cut short. things break down, they can t help it. reporter: on wednesday while in port the crew discovered a problem with the ship s backup emergency diesel generator. carnival says the docked ship never lost power and elevators and at least one restroom stopped working for a few hours. the dream was on the last leg of a seven-day cruise that started in port canaveral with stops in nassau, st. thomas and st. maarten. now passengers will be headed home for on flights paid by carnival. the company extended their sincere apologies. they ve been great. there s no trouble. it s like a regular port day. no trouble. reporter: some passengers cracked jokes on twitter, how dare they strand us on a tropical island. others were not amused. carnival better step up to the plate because it s not looking good for them. reporter: a much less dire situation for carnival last month when 4,200 passengers were stranded in the gulf of mexico for five days, no power, no working toilets and no running water. experts wonder how customers will react to the recent problems. for the industry as a whole it puts a black eye on it. reporter: the carnival dream has canceled its next cruise tomorrow, and the legend has cut its trip short. carnival is offering passengers a partial refund and half off a future crews. gabe, thank you very much. we appreciate it. now to another breaking story overnight, ohio senator rob portman, a key republican and one of mitt romney s close confidants, reversing his stand on same-sex marriage. this as governor romney returns to the spotlight today, addressing a major gathering of conservative leaders. nbc s peter alexander covered the romney campaign, good morning. good morning to you. senator rob portman is growing a list of republicans supporting gay marriage. saying he now has what he called a new perspective as a dad learning that his college-age son is gay. his change of position comes a week before the supreme court is going to hear oral arguments over a 1996 federal law, that law asserts that gay marriage is not legal and it s a measure that portman himself co-sponsored at the time. i see the romney/ryan team going all the way to the white house! reporter: for the prominent ohio conservative, senator rob portman who was a fixture at one time considered a favorite to become mitt romney s running mate it s a dramatic reversal on gay marriage. i ve come to the conclusion for me personally i think this is something that we should allow people to do, to get married and to have the joy and the stability of marriage that i ve had for over 26 years. i want all three of my kids to have it, including our son, who is gay. reporter: portman has voted against same-sex marriage many times in the past. today mitt romney marches back into the political spotlight, his remarks at an annual conference for conservatives marking romney s first public speech since he exited the stage last fall. since then we ve seen rare glimpses of the former republican nominee. move on. i don t spend my life looking back. reporter: these days he s enjoying more time with his grandkids and just this week celebrated his 66th birthday. his oldest son tagg says he doesn t want to be back, he s done. he wants to show conservatives across the spectrum he s not in hibernation, that this defeat last november has not devastated him. reporter: the republican party faces an identity crisis with no clear leader and no clear path to widening its appeal. among those vying for conservative support thursday, florida senator marco rubio who insisted americans should be able to respectfully disagree about gay marriage. just because i believe that states should have the right to define marriage in a traditional way does not make me a bigot. reporter: governor romney is not the only high profile speaker on tap today, matt. also taking the stage jeb bush, donald trump, paul ryan. if you need any more evidence of the divide that exists in the republican party consider this, one of the most popular figures in the party, new jersey governor chris christie, a guy who praised president obama s response to hurricane sandy last fall, was not invited. all right, peter alexander in washington. peter, thank you very much. to the vatican where pope francis is addressing his cardinals as he settles into his role as leader of the vatican church. natalie is at the vatican, good morning to you. good morning to you, savannah. well in style and substance we re seeing a new tone already for the papacy. a message of simplicity, shunning wealth, and a message of humility. in his meeting with the cardinals this morning, pope francis was getting off the throne and just stumbled there, proving he is human, and proving that he is not perfect. in his first mass before them thursday, according to reports, the pope refused to even deliver the homily that was prepared for him and instead chose to preach off the cuff using his own words, and not from the papal throne but from the pulpit like a regular parish priest. in clementine hall at vatican city this morning the college of cardinals had an audience with their new boss, pope francis met with the group who elected him less than 48 hours ago along with those cardinals not allowed to vote because of an age restriction, 80 and over. tomorrow the pope meets the world press where he s expected to outline his vision for the church, one sure to include his deep concern for the poor. pope francis, coming out of latin america, is very much impassioned by a desire to make the church present to people in the suffering. reporter: in buenos aires where he spent most of his life archbishop bergoglio is beloved in the poor neighborhoods where he ministered. translator: everyone who comes to the church has a picture with him. pictures of their confirmation, first commune yub, pictures when he came to visit. reporter: there is debate over his record when he was a priest 30 years ago during argentina s dirty war. some human rights activists say he failed to confront the military dictatorship that kidnapped and killed thousands of its opponents. known for his humility he avoided the luxuries afforded a cardinal, opting to catch a bus or ride the subway, instead of a chauffeur-driven car. that didn t change after he was elected pope. we walked out of the sistine chapel and there s the car, which had been used for about 12 days. i thought, well, we re back to normal, and they have the little pullmans to take him to saint marta s. so he got on that. he said that s okay i m going with the cardinals. it was beautiful. reporter: in argentina they call francis the slum pope because he was known to visit the most dangerous parts to preach to the poor and considered to be one of their own. meanwhile on sunday, from that window right there, outside the papal study, pope francis will deliver his first noon blessing before the thousands who will be here in st. peter s square. and as he will do from now on every sunday, as long as he is here at the vatican. savannah? natalie morales at the vatic vatican. thanks so much. i m going to head to the vatican for the pope s official installation. i ll do that early next week and we ll have complete coverage next tuesday right here on today. tamron hall is here for natalie with the other top stories. good morning, everyone. a terrifying accident overnight in downtown miami where a massive l.e.d. screen collapsed on workers, injuring at least two people, that screen was part of the stage for the ultramusic festival set to begin today. ahead of his trip to the middle east, the president spoke to an israeli tv station detailing his position on iran and nuclear weapons. now we think it would take over a year or so for iran to actually develop a nuclear weapon, but obviously we don t want to cut it too close. president obama said all options are on the table to keep nuclear weapons out of iran s arsenal. in the meantime he said that the u.s. will keep the toughest sanctions in place on iran s economy. a subatomic particle discovered last summer is looking like an elusive higgs boson. on thursday the scientists made the breakthrough announcement about the so-called god particle that experts say gives mass to all other particles in the universe. particles were detected during experiments in the large hadron collider on the swiss/french border. no budget break-through after the president met with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle but parties are scrambling to avert a government shutdown later this month. meanwhile, democrats have unveiled their budget blueprint that could see a full senate vote next week. a full speed ahead on the tsa s plan to allow small knives on board. passenger planes. the agency head told the house homeland security committee on thursday that he is, in fact, standing by that proposal, despite growing backlash. now to wall street. cnbc s mary thompson has the latest from the new york stock exchange on this friday. good morning to you, mary. good morning, tamron. blistering senate report accuses jpmorgan of misleading investigators and regular laiders about a $6.2 billion trading loss. former executives testify before congress today. a study by the urban institute says that people under 40 have saved less money than their parents did at the same age, suggesting they could face a tougher retirement. and the dow makes it eight in a row, eight straight record highs. tamron, back to you. thank you very much. a search is under way in sioux falls, south dakota, for two people who apparently jumped into the freezing waters to save a 6-year-old boy. rescue crews battled the river currents and thick foam that made visibility difficult. that boy is now safe at home with his mother. and you have to be pretty cool to rock out with the former leader of the free world. take a look, check it out, bill clinton stopped by madison square garden last night, look closely, there, to hang with louisville cardinals after they beat villanova 74-55. that s sophomore shane brennan having fun with the 42nd president of the united states, giving him at some point bunny ears, never even before on television, and posted these pictures on instagram. i m sure he has a ton of followers now on instagram as a result. it is 7:14, back to matt, savannah and al. that is a super cool story. this god particle thing. i had a few questions on that, actually. explain again how the big boson particle is interacting with the other mass in the universe? the scientist in my pocket is jumping out, i ll confirm with him. but how spectacular is that? when you read about the discovery and read try to explain you read the whole article and go on youtube there s this whole article on what is higgs boson and this gentleman who s got the maps, and the let s just say it s interesting. all right, tamron, thank you. mr. roker. i got no colliders for you. you but we have basically the clipper that s coming across, going to collide with snowflakes and bringing snow from bismarck down into minneapolis, chicago as well, basically looking three to six inches of snow and out west we re looking at fog along the california coast, with temperatures in the 60s as you .ove inland we re going to see rising up into the upper 80s to low 90s into the southwest. we ll get to your local forecast right after this message. use only natural ingredients. make something original. genuine. real. so peel it open. stir it up. and raise a cup to the real. you made it to friday, a beautiful weekend chasing us. much-needed rain back in the forecast. i m meteorologist, christina loren. a live look at san jose. a little hazy here. happy to report good air quality all across the bay area. we are going to be comfortable in the heat of the day. 69, san francisco. 76 degrees in places like fairfield. getting into the weekend, staying steady. and that s your latest weather. we have a heart warming study this morning brought to our attention by our nbc station in atlanta, wxia. a 9-year-old boy and his ten-year-old friend are being hailed as heroes. a. a 9-year-old boy and his 10-year-old friend are being held heroes this morning after helping a mother save her young son. susannah was sitting in her living room when she noticed something was wrong with her son. he seemed non-responsive to my smile so at that point i put my finger under his nose and realized he wasn t breathing. rome ran outside for help and found 9-year-old rocky hurt and 10-year-old ethan wilson across the street. we were out there playing football and somebody yelled called 911. back inside rome panicked. i was continuing to scream, not knowing what to do, and then rocky runs in, who i d never met, and he s standing behind me. reporter: rome says she splashed water on the baby s face and began to do cpr when the boys stopped her. and i just said, this cpr, you re not doing it correctly. i told her to push on the baby s chest five to ten times with only two fingers, tilt back the baby s head. plug the nose. plug the nose. and breathe into the mouth. the baby s mouth. he said it so confidently i listened to him right away. within seconds the baby responded, a short time after, paramedics arrived. because baby isaiah, he like screamed and i told her that s a good sign because the baby is breathing. reporter: the boys said they ve been friends since they were toddlers learned how to do cpr two months ago from signs posted in their school cafeteria. we wanted to know in case it happened but we never knew we d have to do that. in our lives. if rocky hadn t been outside playing right then i definitely wouldn t have him sitting in my lap right now, so. pretty amazing. now here s matt. savannah, thanks. we ve got proof this morning of the power of the internet and something many of you have heard of. a website called kick-starter. the creator of the canceled tv show veronica mars put out a call to raise money to fund a movie version and the donations are still pouring in. tamron is back with that story. this is the largest project in the history of kickstarter, raising more than $2 million in ten hours. this morning the total is now well over $3 million, and veronica mars fans appear to be well on their way to seeing their favorite show on the big screen. when show creator rob thomas wanted to make a movie version of the now canceled tv show veronica mars he didn t go to a studio to raise money, he went straight to the fans. and boy did they respond. oh my god, $3 million! it all started when he suggested to star kristen bell that they try the crowd founding web site kick-starter who reach loyal fans who were always asking whether they make a movie. i d say we have the fans fund the movie. if we reach our fund-raising goal we ll shoot the movie this summer. fans were quick to respond, contributing an average of $50 apiece. but what did they get? $2500 they could spend the day on the set being an extra with veronica mars. for $400 they ll personalize your voicemail or follow you on twitter. one person paid $10,000 to have a speaking role in the movie. i play a waiter, it s a really a renaissance. a renaissance that bypasses studios. other kick-start projects include indy record albums and fashion like the griz coat. projects that make fans truly invested. this could be a model employed over and over. i think hollywood is looking at us as sort of a guinea pig. veronica, honey, could i see you in the kitchen? this show is over. we ve been off the air for years now. six years. to be exact. the veronica mars tv show lasted just three seasons and ended in 2007. we ve got something that was a cult hit. a cult hit with fans now willing to pay for more than just a ticket for the chance to see their show up on the big screen. some more than 49,000 have already contributed to the campaign, it still has 28 days to go but beyond veronica mars this kickstarter thing is exciting because you can fund all of these independent projects. pretty cool. i like it. that s great. coming up, a powerful new voice in the debate over striking a balance between your career and your family. woman who rose to the top of wall street opens up about her regrets in an exclusive interview. why sleeping on the job is now a good thing. we ll try out this pod that lets you nap at the office. an idea whose time has come. first this is today on nbc. te coming up, justin peeber s recent outburst that have parents of his young fans concerned. and new trend better after l news. oh, who doesn t want that? ohh, i lost count. what cha doing, richard? how does grandpa do it? do what, richard? how does he get so many strawberries in a jar? you ll figure it out. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that if you want jam to taste irresistible it has to be packed with lots of delicious fruit. i don t even know how he gets peaches in there. [ male announcer ] for five generations, with a name like smucker s, it has to be good. you re always on, so we re always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we ll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it s gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don t have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. from the effects of acid erosion. listen up. every year hundreds of promising cancer studies go unfunded. let s make sure that no research is silenced. let s make noise. and let s help the american cancer society finish the fight. one year ago tomorrow, lasse sierra lamar disappeared. we had a chance to talk to her mother who says no one is giving up. there hasn t been anything to indicate. her body hasn t been found. as far as i am concerned, i, as a parent, i am not giving up. there is no real resolution at this point. two separate events will be going on to honor her. there will be a balloon release in morgan hill. at 1:00 in fremont, there will be a fund-raiser. christina loren, looks like nice weather. we are going to see some comfortable temperatures. a live look over oakland. gorgeous start to the day. a really nice day. beautiful sunset on the way at 7:30. 46 degrees to start in livermore. 45 degrees in sunnyvale. you are at 45 in napa. comfortable conditions. not too cold. by noon, upper 60s. low 70s. we are going to wrap up the day at 75 degrees. here in san jose, comfortable weekend. this is the rush-hour drive through the south bay. underneath the 887 interchange. on the maps, we don t have the beautiful sunrise but we do have the red to illustrate that section. 87 and 101, minor slowing. typical congestion at 85, turns green again. speeds close to the limits. we are looking southbound 880 coming out of hayward and in towards fremont. smooth drive. speeds in the upper 50s. lights on. minor backup at the bay bridge. smooth incline and freeway. back to you. thank you very much. another local update in one half hour from now. in the meantime, the today show rolls on. hope to see you later. it s kind of a show band. okay. not the orange? this isn t the orange marching band. they are from kir sues, syracuse, university. they are called 7:30 on this friday morning, the 15th of march 2013, that was the scene yesterday on our plaza. we had a surprise appearance by this band and now fast forward 24 hours. that s right, you do not try to trump the folks at vcu, syracuse did well yesterday. the folks at vcu i believe part of the atlantic 10 actually rented a double-decker bus and brought their band to our plaza this morning, and actually, al, who was the friend of syracuse yesterday, was now among the faithful of vcu, al? that s right. these are the vcu showband and they are going to be taking to the big ten, the big east tournament later today, as they are up here and they are ready to play. i don t know what s going to happen on monday, but i can tell you, yeah, this is how they roll! think we have mayor started something. honestly, we did not plan this. this bus rolled up and we noticed it four minutes ago. come on, ohio university, you can get yours here in time for monday. my alma mater. university of arizona, are we really going to start this? al, thanks very much. we ll check those guys out in a little while. also coming up in this half hour. a special pod being installed in a growing number of offices around the country so employees can actually take a little bit of a nap during business hours. unless there s a marching band. unless there s a marching band. that s right. coming up, why it could hold the key to your most productive day of the work week ever. erica hill, you are not the first person in that pod. just saying. also ahead. justin bieber lashing out at critics of his recent behavior. he has a lot of fans talking. we will check in on that. what did you register for when you got married, china, pots, pans? a coffee pot? what about a fish tank or car parts? we will show you how some couples are taking things to a whole new level. let s begin with more fuel in the heated debate over work and family, dropped by one of the big power players on wall street. in a moving op-ed in the new york times former lehman brothers cfo erin callan opens up the regret she feels for putting her career ahead of her personal life, the opposite of what you re hearing from other top women in business right now. nbc ann curry spoke with calan exclusively. reporter: erin callan is a surprising new voice in the growing national discussion about women at work. lean in. take a seat at the table. tell people you want to lead, whatever it might be but just be aware of what may come from that. reporter: she was one once one of the most powerful women on wall street. cfo of lehman brothers. she completely disappeared from the public eye after the bank s demise and says she still can t discuss it for legal reasons. in this exclusive interview she s adding her voice to the ideas of sheryl sandberg like in this piece. do not lean back, lean in. put your foot on that gas pedal and keep it there until the day you have to make a decision, and then make a decision. reporter: was there something in the message that sheryl sandberg was sending out that sparked you to want to speak out now? yes, and also in terms of some of the reaction to that message, and i would probably look at myself as someone who lived that message, and i did achieve great success in my career. i m just trying to provide a bit of what i ll call a warning label that, hey, there s something else to think about as you re leaning in, so to speak. reporter: you have leaned in. i leaned in far, very far. i had many young women over time that i ve tried to give advice to, guidance to, and i would always be very honest and say don t do it like me. reporter: you mentioned consequences. what are they? a lot of things during my career that i missed out on, you know? events, relationships with people, birthday parties, just spending time with friends and family and enjoying it, and enjoying myself. there was a big thing i missed out on which is i didn t have children. didn t have children. reporter: now 47, erin callan is trying to have children and offering a life lesson she wishes someone had offered her. i wanted to be a little bit sort of a cautionary tale, like you can achieve, you can accomplish, you can have an amazing career with great success, even in a male dominated field that i did, but be careful what you wish for and the choices that you make. that was ann curry reporting. you can see more of ann s story on rock center with brian williams tonight 10:00/9:00 central time here on nbc. so much discussion it seems in the last couple months about this difficulty people are having, men and women, in finding balance between work and life. and it actually new research shows this is not a problem exclusive to women. lot of dads are confessing to feeling some guilt about not spending enough time at home. we ll have results of the research to talk about. almost 50% of fathers say they feel guilty not spending enough time with their children so they ll talk about how you could perhaps alleviate that guilt. we head outside to al and his band for a check of the weather. actually the band had to leave and i misspoke, the vcu peppers are from the atlantic ten, the atlantic ten so not the big east, atlantic ten. let s take a look at your weather as we look ahead for today. look at these temperatures, afternoon temperatures, teens and 20s in the northern plains but look at how hot it s going to be in the mid plains from texas into oklahoma, kansas, temperatures will be in the 80s and 90s, even the 70s. sadly though in the same area is where we re looking at extreme to exceptional drought. we re already starting the warm weather season way behind as far as the drought is concerned, so this does not look like another good year, hopefully not as bad as last year but it s on track to be that way. clipper bringing snow from the dakotas into upstate new york. record highs in the center of the country, beautiful weather along the mid-atlantic coast. rip currents continue along the east coast of florida and gorgeous day aening 7:36. taking a live look over san francisco. really cool picture here. you can actually see the sun breaking through the clouds and shining a spotlight on the trance america pyramid. aeautiful day shaping up. as we head throughout the day. 75 degrees on the way. happy friday, livermore. 75 in santa teresa and 78 for gilroy. meanwhile, along the coast, a little bit cooler. 69 in san francisco. 70 in oakland today. getting into the weekend, comfortable and we need the rain. on its way tuesday into wednesday of next week. and a good group of kids, kids who care incorporated, musical theater in ft. worth, thank you for coming down. nice to see you guys. all right, let s head back inside with savannah. all right, al, thanks. teen superstar justin bieber is in the headlines after responding to some recent criticism about his behavior. nbc s mara schiavocampo has more. in the last few months the 19-year-old s squeaky clean image has taken a hit. let me talk to you, if i was your boyfriend, i d never let you go are a rough few months of negative press, 19-year-old justin bieber had a lengthy instagram rant, everyone in my team has been telling me keep the press happy but i m tired of all the lies in the countless press right now. if anyone believes i need rehab that s their stupidity. a wild night in london after his 19th birthday sporting a gas mask, getting booed by fans for starting a concert two hours late and on stage health scare followed by a shirtless night at the hospital and a near scuffle with pop ra with paparazzi. i honestly don t care if you don t believe in me because i believe in me and look where that s gotten me so far. at 19 his behavior is not that untypical from your college freshmen. jen cortez worries about the impact his latest behavior could have on her 12-year-old daughter elizabeth. as a mom i m concerned, i m afraid that he will go slowly down a path that he won t get out of perhaps. his recent behavior has affected me a little, but it won t make me stop liking him. reporter: like bieber s fans, his critics are unlikely to go away but the pop star seems determined to persevere. i m human. i m gonna make mistake, i m gonna grow and get better from them. following his online rant, bieber performed a concert in madrid that went off without a hitch. he moves on to the rest of the european leg of his tour doing what he does best, performing. thank you so much. still ahead some of the most talented young people in the country, we ll introduce you to today s stars of tomorrow. up next, would a nap at work improve your productivity? erica hill says oh yes. choose university of phoenix.o our average class size is only 14 students. our financial tools help you make smart choices about how to pay for school. our faculty have, on average, over 16 years of field experiene. we ll help you build a personal career plan. we build programs based on what employers are looking for. our football team, is always undefeated. and leading companies are interested in our graduates. we ll even help you decorate your new office. ok. let s get to work. yeah, he s a liquid gold digger. babe how about you make me some of that velveeta cheesy broccoli soup i love so much? oh and you re so pretty. 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[ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective. so trusted. so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that s beautiful. neutrogena®. we re back now at :43, it s note a secret. lot of americans struggle to get enough sleep and now some businesses think they may have come up with the answer. it is the office nap. erica hill is here with a story that has my undivided attention. investigative journalism, making sure what i m talking about. this is the energy pod, a chair designed for the power nap. instead of the afternoon coffee or getting up for a walk you could find yourself catching a see s ta in this. i m refreshed! i finally found a way to sleep in my office! under the desk. eh? reporter: maybe george costanza was on to something. i lie on my back, tuck in the chair, i m invisible. reporter: in nationwide planning there are 20 workers and a nap room. we come up to the rejuvenation center to put a positive spin on it. people associate napping with laziness. reporter: james pushed this pocket of zen and company execs noticed a payoff, more productive, happier employees. as time goes on you will get used to it and 10 to 15 minutes will do you very well. the nap for me allows me to really approach the second half of the day with a lot more force. we all get sleepy in the midafternoon and it looks like our body clocks are winding down a little bit then. reporter: 43% of americans say they don t get enough zs, and while a power nap can t replace a solid night of rest, it certainly doesn t hurt. if you need an extra two hours sleep, getting half an hour is good, and it helps. reporter: enter the power nap. sleep makes us more productive, more creative, less stressed and much healthier and happier. reporter: arianna huffington has become a major sleep advocate. five years ago the huffington post founder and president fainted from exhaustion, ended up with stitches, a broken cheekbone and a new appreciation for rest. how i grew up, thinking that, you know, if you work around the clock, you re going to be more effective, and i realized that s not true. reporter: lack of sleep makes it harder to focus and to function. this is the one i like. reporter: so there are two nap rooms for the more than 400 workers in huffington s new york office with a third on the way. 20 minutes off the computer, on the couch, makes all the difference in the world to me. i firmly believe that napping breaks will become the new coffee break. to make the most of your nap time, do it in a cool, dark room and limit yourself to 20 or 30 minutes, otherwise your sleep is too deep. this is a very high-end solution, these range between $8,900 and over $12,000. whoa. it can really relax you but if you re going to the cool, dark room the first company we went to with 20 people the employees banded together, painted the room themselves, somebody donated that recliner and that works perfectly, too. does this fully recline? yes. i think you can put sound on. music in it, that s right. i like the storm trooper look. it is cool. very nice. they give the nobel prize out for the wrong thing. this is what you give out the nobel prize for. there s a little collider in there. coming up, the wedding registry gets an extreme makeover. hub cabs anyone? right after this. how do we take an unpolished room and make it shine? we get doing. .with a store full of ways to get it done. we can all throw on our work clothes. .and throw out any doubt. because right now s the time to take those rooms from. . think i can do this? to. . let me show you what i just did. more saving. more doing. that s the power of the home depot. outsmart your budget with this pergo presto flooring, just $1.88 a square foot. nah, i m good. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. that s why we removed high fructose corn syrup from yoplait light and original. anything else we can do, let us know. but let s keep it to yogurt because we shouldn t really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good. [ kids ] yeah! ok. if you saved enough money, what would you do with it? i would buy an island made out of candy. an island made out of candy? it would be like sand full of sugar. sand full of sugar? the water could be made out of like soda, and when you take a shower it could be made out of like hot fudge. ooooo. what about the animals? what would they be made out of? um, i m assuming they d be made out of candy? [ male announcer ] it s not complicated. saving is better. switch to at&t and your family can save up to 100 dollars a month with mobile share. like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. freshly prepared by real cooks. t-5.4. taste why fresh is better. 3. and now for a limited time 2.1. you can try an 8-piece meal, 2 large sides and 4 biscuits all for just $15.99. [ man ] mission accomplished. introducing nexxus youth renewal. now, visibly combat 8 signs of aging hair. our breakthrough nexxus youth renewal elixir replenishes and revitalizes. for vibrant, youthful-looking hair in 7 days. [ woman ] now, timeless beauty lives on. [ male announcer ] combat 8 signs of aging hair. nexxus youth renewal. raise your standard. and when the daylight comes i ll have to go wedding registries are traditional as weddings themselves. couples are now asking things far from the norm. jenna wolfe joins us. you me, not married, that was english. picking out the perfect gift the easiest way is off the registry, china, glassware, maybe a juicer if you re adventurous. these days more couples are thinking way, way outside the box. stick a car part, any car part, windows, wipers, dashboards or doors, all part of a new kind of wish list for the happy couple. it s kind of crazy. very crazy. reporter: crazy or not, brandi and michael said why not when they saw this dodge dart commercial. a website that works like a wedding rental stree but for a car. reporter: a few clicks later the car went to the registry. your best friend will logon and maybe buy you a steering wheel and maybe a friend buy you the muffler and they put the parts together? you start with the basic car, you pick the color and the features like fog lights or steering wheel and it starts racking up your price. reporter: if racking up wedding wheels isn t your thing not to worry, you can dream big. these days it s a brave new world when it comes to wedding registries and brave as in just about anything s possible. now the flood gates are open, you can add absolutely anything from any store on the planet. reporter: ditch the dishes. good-bye glassware and say ciao to the china. bucking tradition is gaining traction and nancy lee of sees it all. we see robots, fish tanks and things that traditionally anybody would look at it and say whoa that s whacky for a bridal registry. the robot and the fish tank which doubles for a toilet. kegerator beer keg, a submarine or think really big like a private island. whacky wedding registries are not a passing fad. one couple s whacky is another couple s desires. reporter: as for michael and brandy the big day is a few months down the road and on the road is exactly where they d like to be. kind of neat. yeah. reporter: build your own car and your friends pay for it. it s awesome. one of the hottest trends is good old-fashioned cash, it s easy, practical and a piece of cake to wrap. there s not many choices. i like the car idea. i like that a lot. coming up, today s stars of tomorrow but first a check of your local news. i got it made i got it made fresh at subway® breakfast made the way i say i got it made, i got it made i got it made i got it made fresh at subway® breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] get breakfast made the way you say. like your very own sunrise subway melt™ with turkey, bacon and black forest ham. want chipotle southwest sauce, toasty flatbread? you so got it made. at subway® at the petsmart spring savings sale. save up to 25% on thousands of items, and save up to $4 on nature s recipe® dog food bags. plus, get 8 cans of nature s recipe® dog food for just $12! at petsmart®. [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like 8 grams of whole grains in quaker chewy bars. today is going to be epic. quaker up. i m still claritin clear ! i ve been claritin clear for 12 days ! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one clinically-proven claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days ! 17 days ! i m still claritin clear ! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. take the claritin clear challenge: get continuous, non-drowsy allergy relief or your money back. go to for details. ( birds chirping ) exceptionally smooth with a harmonious blend of flavor and aroma. green mountain coffee for your keurig brewer. brew a better day. it is 7:56. good morning. i m jon kelley. san francisco police involved in a confrontation with a suspect. it happened earlier this morning. somebody vandalized a taxi cab near jackson and buchanon. that person jumped into the driver s seat and drove off with the cap. the suspect reportedly rammed their police car. that driver was able to take off but was later found near fort mason. at this hour, no word if the officer or the driver were injured. we would like to call it feel-good friday around here. christina loren adding some good vibrations with another beautiful forecast. really, a feel good friday. a beautiful day shaping up. i want to show you this live picture as the tranceamerica pyramid illuminated by a break of sun. it is also partly to mostly cloudy. 75 for livermore. high pressure still in control. 74, san jose. 69 degrees today in san francisco. we need the rain. yeah, our pattern is going to change if we head through tuesday and wednesday. we bring in the showers. we should clear up thursday. maybe picking up an inch of rain in the north bay. good morning. it looks bad. this is oakland. so folks familiar with the travel past the coliseum on the northbound side, it is not really that bad. it is a little slow from san leandro past the coliseum. the map shows you the same situation for the same zone for 580. this is about as bad as it is probably going to get over the next half hour to 45 minutes. we will see traffic start to ease up again if it is a friday pattern. east shore, a nice drive. the toll plaza metering lights are on. the fast-track doesn t have a problem. they may turn the metering lights off. it looks smooth. we will have another local update one half hour from now. enjoy your weekend! i ll talk to you soon. we re back now, 8:00 on a friday morning, it s the 15th day of march, 2013. we ve still got the music behind us from the vcu band of the atlantic ten. they rented a bus and they re back with us here on the plaza, we re listening to the music and the energy, good to have them with us out on the plaza, i m matt lauer along with savannah guthrie and al roker. i can t hear you. we ll have the battle of the bands i think. that would be great. i like it. i really do, i think it s great. we should invite all the bands from all the universities to stop by one day, only let s do it one day at a time. exactly. coming up in this half hour, in the last half hour we heard from a top wall street executive, a former wall street executive who was talking about the difficulty of balancing life and work, not just an issue that women deal with. more and more men are saying that they are feeling daddy guilt, about 50% of fathers say they don t spend enough time with their children. what can you do about it if you re feeling it? we are devoting our entire 8:30 half hour to today s stars of tomorrow. we put out the call for the best talent in the nation in the under 15 set and boy did you answer. we have a painter, musician, a baker. we ll meet all of them, coming up. and from what s hot on tv to the hottest fashions, the hottest movies, everything you need to know to get ready for your weekend with what s new, what s up, what s in, and let me just take back something i said a second ago i m not sure we should have a band here every day, or if we do, we should have a volume control. i think every day. i love this! thanks to vcu. let s go inside. tamron hall is at the news desk while natalie is at the vatican. thank you, good morning everyone. passengers from two separate carnival cruise line ships are having their vacations disrupted. the carnival legend is skipping its scheduled stop in grand cayman and heading back to its port of tampa because of what carnival calls a technical issue affecting the ship s sailing speed. and thursday dream passengers learned they d be flying, not driving, after triumph was stranded for five days out in the gulf of mexico. we re getting a look at pope francis meeting with the college of cardinals including the men who cast votes at the conclave and senior members who were too old to vote. we a brief stumble while rising from his seat. pope francis urged the cardinals never to give in to pessimism, to that bitterness that the devil places before us every day. the state of michigan has hired an emergency manager to troilt from the brink of financial collapse. kevin orr is a financial expert who worked on the chrysler turn around. detroit has more than $14 billion in long-term debt. detroit is the largest city in the country to fall under state financial oversight. a reuters journalist is facing charges he conspired with hackers to face a story on los angeles times website. matthew keys is accused of providing hacking anonymous with login information to the company s computer system in 2010. the tribune company owns the l.a. times and sacramento tv station that fired keys months before the alleged incident. reuters is not commenting on keys current employment status but the 26-year-old tweeted last night that he s fine and will be back to business on friday. for a look at what s trending today what has you talking online, facebook may be turning to hashtags in its escalating rivalry with twitter. the network will reportedly roll out hashtags made popular on twitter. hashtags provide a way to group messages around a common theme or topic. duchess of cambridge kate middleton s nose is a top search on women paying as much as $7,000 to have their own version of the royal nose, they find it regal, refined and strong, not upturned and pinched like a pop star. and seeing is believing, yes, take a look. that is a dog in pink, pretty in pink should i say. this video from china takes the online walking dog craze to an amusing or some of you might think disturbing level. how long does that dog walk like that? it is 8:05, back to matt, savannah and al. what do you think? that s cute. we have something truly extraordinary this morning, do we not? now that we ve got a new pope in rome and that installation mass will be tuesday we have some guy who claims he was the first runner up in the voting right here. and next to him is the second runner up. and third. and sister congeniality. that s great. sorry it didn t work out for you but it s good to have you here. home of the cardinals. exclusive to everybody. mr. roker? so much for the secrecy of the conclave. it s all been blown unfortunately. all right, that s what s going on the country. here s what s happ 8:05 now taking a live look at live clouds. just a beautiful green shot of the rolling hills here. and st. patrick s day weekend, so very fitting. today, 74 in san jose. 69 in san francisco. 70 degrees in oakland this weekend. holding on to the 70s. that will continue into monday and then the rain arrives tuesday into wednesday. temperatures drop off. we should clear you out, though, by late thursday. hope you have a great weekend. and that s your latest weather. all right, al, thank you so much. coming up next, daddy guilt on the rise, why more men are struggling with that work life balance. and then today s top clicks the hottest online videos of the week and the stars of tomorrow show off their fourth down coach, what do we do? tell you what we. i want you to go out on the field and look for anything with an o . we will win this for mother russia! coach, eat a snickers®. why s that, chief? you get a little loopy when you re hungry. better? better. now let s go for it! [ male announcer ] you re not you when you re hungry®. snickers® satisfies. [ male announcer ] you re not you when you re hungry®. attention. uh, everybody can i get your attention please? right now two out of three people are surviving cancer. we shouldn t be silent until that s three out of three. let s help the american cancer society finish the fight. come on. [ telephone rings ] hello. [ man ] jen, there are a lot of beauty brands that want you to represent them. really, who? no. they add too much fragrance. no, they make you wear pink. are you kidding? no. nah. [ telephone rings ] no. not my style. no. [ cellphone rings ] [ man ] you might like this one. aveeno®. aveeno®. let me think about it. [ male announcer ] the beautiful jennifer aniston now for aveeno®. triple berry, and strawberry shortcake coffees? it s beginning to taste a lot like spring. try dunkin donuts spring flavors. pick some up where you buy groceries before they re gone. america runs on dunkin . you re always on, so we re always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we ll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. you see the mini ion my chest? funny, yes? no. i m huge. flavor? i m bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. [ male announcer ] the machines are on the move. they re curious. because they ve heard that there are new machines brilliant ones and they re coming to see for themselves. machines with the technology, the scale and the ability to communicate to make the world work better. and now all the machines want in. 8:09, there s been a lot of talk about women and the struggle to have it all but new research shows that more and more men are wrestling with that as well and it s leading to a dramatic change in the family dynamic. you want a relay huh? the all-american family of the past, dad goes to work and mom stays home and raises the kids. bye, dear. back then, everyone seemed balanced and happy. what s for dinner? enter mr. mom. last night i asked joe to put his shoes away. he told me you have arms, do it yourself. reporter: now more and more moms in the workplace, traditional gender roles are converging acording to a new pew research report. in terms of the roles of moms and dads at work and at home, we do see a convergence, dads taking on more housework and child care responsibilities. reporter: and dads are now getting a taste of the struggle over work/life balance. nearly 50% of fathers reported having difficulty finding the right mix. and then there s daddy guilt, while only 23% of moms say they re not spending enough time with their kids, 46% of dads want more time at home. frankly, in the impact surveys, dads don t always even get asked these questions. it s usually how are moms managing it all, but dads expressed in our survey it s not easy for them to juggle these things. so what s a guilt-ridden dad to do? hal runkel is author of scream free parenting and therapist, and go the blank to sleep and chris, good morning, nice to see you. father, father, father, correct. 43% of dads feeling guilt they re not spending enough time with their children. should we be guilty? i don t think guilt is the right response. you should be feeling conflict. women have been feeling conflict for a long time saying hey well now you get to feel what we ve been feeling for a long time. how do you think it would compare if the survey were taken 20 years ago? i think the bar is set low for fathers. if i go out in public with my kid and she happens to be wearing watching socks i m father of the year, i get free parenting advice from strangers on the street. mothers there s a high level of confidence expected from the public. we have to overcome the bumbling father. if you re a dad and feeling guilty should you tell your kids, should you express it to your kids or is that something you keep private? i don t think you can keep it private. i think it shows through your actions. i think feeling guilty is just another way of improving yourself, making yourself work harder, and being a better dad. when you deal with dads, do you encourage them to express it or do you think it hurts the family dynamic and how do the kids feel about it in. i ll tell you a story, i travel for a living so i missed a recital and i asked my daughter and told her, you know what, i m sorry i missed it, i wish i could have been there. she s like what? i wish i no, you don t, you chose to be at work. don t you tell us to take responsibility for our own decisions? yes. so you chose to be at work. i m not upset about that but own up to your own choices. sometimes it s not we choose to be at work, we have to be at work. i think it s still a choice. i think the key is that when you are there you ve got to be fully present. my daughter certainly tells me when i am splitting my attention between her and my cell phone and my computer. i might not be there all the time, i might be on the road but when i am there i try to let her know that it s about connecting. and i think that we are, society expects dads to keep the same role that we had 20 years ago of always working, working, working, and when we take that extra step to be there, to be more active and i think it s more surprising and so we know where we might be just dads just every day we re trying to do that extra step. and adam makes a good point. what i found in my life is that it takes very little time to make a big difference in terms of them thinking you are right there with them. but if you re motivated by guilt then it s harder to fully be present. guilt is a good motivation to get things started but it s not a lasting motivation. we re talking about conflict, you re trying to do a lot of great things with a finite resource, time. you re going to experience conflict. if you feel guilty because you haven t spent enough time, fine. if you re feeling conflict because you re trying to do great things with a finite resource, welcome to adulthood. clear subject on the minds of half the fathers in the country. thanks, guys, appreciate it. coming up, what s new, what s up, necessawhat he s in hottest lines for the spring. so let s break down this play. charles? uh, charles couldn t make it. his single miles card blacked him out here and here. he should have used. the capital one venture card. he s coming to us from home. hey fellas. hey baby, you want mama to iron your undies? nice tightie whities. i didn t know mrs. barkley made quilts. really? looks like a circus tent. is that the best you got? now if you put this, with this, you have a sailboat. what s in your wallet? you have a sailboat. you ll really dig the savings at the petsmart spring savings sale. save up to 25% on thousands of items, and save $3 on nutro® natural choice® dog food. at petsmart®. happiness in store.™ the cheese judges awarded cracker barrel a gold for cheddar. after tasting wheels, wedges, and bricks of cheese. our rich, full flavor was considered. the champion of cheese. cracker barrel. it s cheddar, perfected. yeah we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. and i relieve nasal congestion. overachiever. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn t. i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it s so safe, right? yeah. yeah. i know what you ve heard iihs top safety pick for $159 a month but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can t have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone s going to want one. let s get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there s no better time to get a jetta. that s the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. back now at 8:17 with what s new, what s up and what s in. everything you need to get ready for the weekend from our team of folks in the know. let s kick things off with what s new in the world of entertainment. ramin, good to see you. good morning, matt. we have a lot of childhood stars growing up and we start with abigail breslin in the call over the weekend. she was 10 when she was nominated for little miss sunshine. she s 16 now and plays a high school teenager who goes to the mall and gets abducted by this weirdo creepy creek and halle berry is on the other end of the 911 line and it s a thriller. this is a big leap here a couple of disney stars, vanessa hudgens and selena gomez. this was explicit, almost rated nc-17, both women are in their 20s, trying to grow up, they go on spring break and meet james franco this gold toothed character but parents need to be cautioned because there s a lot of sex, nudity, drug use and violence. how do you think the audience will feel about the leap the two ladies are making? i think audiences should stay home and see their next press. elsa fanning, sister of dakota fanning, a new movie coming out. she was in we bought a zoo and playing a london teenager coming of story in limited release. savannah? what s up, jennifer paros is a reporter for us weekly. good to see you.. miley cyrus and liam hemsworth, getting married but trouble in paradise? they might be on the rocks. liam was spotted in australia last week, miley spotted without her engagement twice as well last week. nothing confirmed yet. obviously something is going on since people are talking about it but of course we re hoping this pair works. good news for michael buble, expect ant father. expecting a baby boy with his wife, just about to celebrate their two-year anniversary. funny they found out they were having a baby the day pope francis was announced and his wife is argentinean. great week. new pope, new baby, exciting stuff. fans of jersey shore rejoice there is a reunion coming. it s nice to see the reunion isn t for them to party it up, it s actually to thank volunteers helping out in rebuilding from hurricane sandy so they ll have a huge concert in atlantic city so it should be fun, seaside heights, definitely a place this group met and fell in love with each other and became famous so obviously was a hard-hit area of the jersey shore. the shore put them on the map, good for them to repay the favor. this next one i m fascinated by, robert redford a new documentary where he revisits all the presidents men. a huge hit from the 1970s and should be interesting to see that he s coming out with the two-hour documentary, jon stewart, tom brokaw, lists of 25 other people who are participating in this. pretty cool. how did justin timberlake week go on fallon? timberweek great success. it was the first time ever he appeared five times on any late night show so happy for justin timberlake. he has had a huge year so far. jennifer paris from us weekly good to have you. here s tamron. finally what s in and trending in the world of fashion and beauty, lori bergamato good morning. good morning. florals are the hot thing for spring. everything is blooming florals, tamron. we have a dress, head to toe floral, that s from maggie london and just use it as an accent to lighten up your spring wardrobe, h&m, loft, the gap, affordable, accessible places, pair it with some neutral. my favorite color green is in. green is the color of the year but not just emerald green, it s mint and hunter greens, not just for st. patrick s day. all season long, so we have a bag from kohl s, $35, charming charley and even jewelry which is huge. everybody at lucky and here at today was going nuts over this watch, it s from shop op, under $100. you can get fun, adordable things, that mint cuff under $30 at bauble bar. you are wearing an ankle strap. i wanted to dispel the fashion myth that ankle straps make you look hot. you want it less than an inch, banana republic, the ankle stress is less than an inch. and makeup? all about a hot bright pink lip, find them at the drugstore, that s sephora and brightens everything up. guys over to you. tamron thank you. top clicks, you vote for your favorite viral video of the week. willie, what do you have today? the reigning champ being mentioned in the same breath as the great yankee team, bill russell s celtic dynasty, march madden, ucla team under john wooden for a fourth week in a row it is gangnam, baby. you see why it s still there, it never gets old. baby amiah dominating and for the past month the question is, can she be dethroned? i don t see anything on the horizon. i ve been looking through the notes. here are the challengers this week, 24-year-old alex permin, thought he d won $50,000 at the missouri valley conference basketball tournament p a lay-up, free-throw, three-pointer and half court shot in the space of 24 seconds. he makes the lay-up, makes the free-throw but you notice he skipped the three-pointer, goes right to half court. you heard somebody yell what about the three. boom. he celebrates, the officials say wait a minute you didn t take the three-pointer no dice. truth is he wouldn t have time to make all four shots but the conference will let him come back for life to that tournament as a fan. okay. but it s a feel bad story so i don t think it can knock off the kid. what else you got? this is the only one that has a shot, beckham, an online sensation for snoring like a duck. not just any duck but donald duck. do we think they augmented the audio? i m nervous about that. i m glad you re the one who said it. i m always the cynic. just wondering. you bring the dog in and re-enact it? how do you find it out? can you win the contest when you shoot a video that badly? come on, you got to widen that out. all right, mr. cranky pants. you think it s a fraud. i didn t say it was a fraud. you implied. film critic here. click number four he was here in our studio wednesday, michael poll ac, of the sensational vanderbilt university a freshman who bravely asked his idol, billy joel if he could join him on stage and play. i was wondering if i could play with you. okay. i m in a new york state of mind wow. that kid is great. all over the web this week so here are your choices, gangnam baby, basketball hit and miss, the snoring dog a billy joel dream come good morning to you. it s 8:26. a former san francisco crime lab technician accused of stealing cocaine is expected to change her plea today. she is expected to plead guilty today to a lesser charge of misdemeanor cocaine possession. both trials previously ended in hung juries. arrests in 2010 forced the district attorney to drop hundreds of cases. let s check the morning commute now with mike on this friday. it looks horrible. but, really, this is the peak of the commute through this corridor. the match will show you, both 885 and 580 just starting to ease as they hit their peak just after 8:15 this morning. we re seeing speeds start to ease now. the metering lights have been turned off at the bay bridge toll plaza. towards 680, we had a stall in lanes north of highway 884. things have just cleared and cleared as far as those speeds go, as well. south 880 through fremont, a typical flow of traffic south of the dumb bow. northbound, easing up a bit into this morning s commute. 87, they just cleared. thank you very much and thank you for joining us, as well. we ll have another local news update for you. :30 now on this friday morning, it is the 15th of march, 2013 and who could forget that, that is the terrifying scene that played out live on today in 2008, dare devil nick walenda high above the streets of newark, new jersey, setting the world record for the longest and highest bike ride on a high wire. he ll announce his next death-defying stunt he has planned. the band just struck up in the plaza, you asked for it, you got it, al roker, tamron hall in for natalie morales and matt lauer with us. we look forward to hearing what nick has up his sleeve. no question. and up our sleeve for the next half hour today s stars of tomorrow, we ll dedicate the whole half hour to some of the best talent out there. we asked to you contact us and send us information about your favorite young artists out there and boy did you respond. our stars age in range from 10 to 16, their skills cover everything from baking to fashion design. they re going to show us what they can do in just a moment. first let s take a look at some of our favorite stars of tomorrow entries. we were blown away by all the talent, hua hoops, puppets. painters, and pint-sized athletes. with moves like jagger to the modern day mick jagger, an overwhelming number of submissions. wannabe singing stars. don t stop believing. reporter: covers of piano man. sing us the song you re the piano man. reporter: adele, pink. all talented kids reaching for the stars. and somebody watched every single submission. not us, though, we re going to watch the top four, coming up. that s right. okay, let s get a check of the weather. yes. it s that time. let s go down to miami, it s chilly here. let s head down to miami, shall we? that looks nice our friends from wtvj showing us how nice it is down there in miami beach. remember jackie gleason in come on up ? as far as your weather our pick city happens to be savannah, georgia, for savannah guthrie, wsaz news channel 3, they got a big st. patrick s day parade coming up there. speaking of st. patrick s day look at the difference in minneapolis a year ago it was 80 degrees. this year it will be 28 degrees, a 52-degree difference, and in chicago, it was 82 degrees a year ago. this year 33, almost 50 degrees below normal from what they had last year. check out what s happening as far as today s weather is concerned, clipper bringing snow across the great lakes on into new england. look for rain in the pacific northwest, record highs in the central plains, plenty of sunshine along the gulf coast, rip currents along the eastern coast 8:33. you made it to friday. taking a live look over a hazy sky over san jose. happy to report we re still until the good air quality department and that will be the case all weekend long. beautiful conditions, beautiful temperatures. you won t notice the winds picking up today, mostly between 60 1k3 75 degrees. liver motor, 75 today. na napa, weekend looks great. not getting outdoors inspect check out the giants. right here, 3:00 p.m. nbc bay area. got some nice friends from chicago, what s your name? isma. zurek. rihanna. having a good time in new york? yes. to savannah guthrie. coming up our very first star of tomorrow but first this is today on nbc. we re back now 8:36 with a kick off of today s stars of tomorrow. we searched the country for young talent and we were overwhelmed by the response. our first finalist is maria sarah from indiana, just 14 years old. she sings, writes her own lyrics and music, plays the piano, mandolin and guitar. good morning. good morning. i understand you were a baby in a baby seat and belting out songs back then. i started singing when i was 2. do you still get nervous when you perform or are you kind of an old pro? sometimes i do but i think it s a lot of fun. i mention you write your own music and lyrics. the song is called broken dreams so what is that about? it s about the japan tsunami and it s called broken dreams. i can t wait to hear it. you re a delightful young lady. ladies and gentlemen, maria sarah. longing for the window it s singing about life wishing things were new that they need the same everything washed away she s got to find strength to live again, asking where does she begin her world has changed, in a moment it all changed she ain t got no time for faces or throwing coins in a wishing well she s picking up the pieces all she has now is her memories of what used to be she s picking up the pieces of a broken dream, of a broken dream now it comes rolling in, it can t be real, it has to end the reality is agony she ain t got no time for faces or throwing coins in a wishing well she s picking up the pieces of a broken dream, of a broken dream [ applause ] way to go, maria. that was beautiful. thank you. fantastic. i know you live in indiana, i think i mentioned that. yes. but you take trips once a month go down to nashville? i do vocal lessons, i recorded my first album there. it s a lot of fun. what is your dream? to be successful in music to be happy and to make other people happy with my music. you re well on your way. maria, great to meet you. thank you so much, maria sarah. up next a talented 10-year-old painter gets his chance to shine but first this is today on nbc. back at 8:42 with more of today s stars of tomorrow. our next finalist found his gift at an exceptionally young age. he s just 10 years old. and today contributing correspondent jenna bush hager got a preview. i did, good morning josh and savannah. josh doesn t sing or dance, he paints. i recently caught up with the young artist at his home studio in massachusetts. a lighthouse may just be a lighthouse to most of us. but to josh chase, it s an inspiring seascape. paths of color made with a small hand and a big imagination. well, one thing about painting is to do the brush stroke you need to pretend you re a giant reaching in. reporter: the 10-year-old boston native began painting only nine months ago. this would be good for the bathroom. i asked if i could paint at home with my mom. she said i couldn t paint anywhere with carpet and my house has a lot of carpet. so. reporter: he takes an art lesson once a week and works entirely in oils. josh, tell me when you first realized you loved art. well, i like arts and crafts. i really don t know, i bet it was when i was little in preschool. reporter: his first masterpiece, a gift to his dad, philip, for father s day. i was just really amazed. my grandpa, when he saw it, he thought it was a paint by numbers. he thought it was a paint by number? yeah. what did you tell him? i told him it s not, it was just a blank canvas. from van gogh to monet he s inspired by the masters, but a true inspiration 80 years his senior. did you find that picture somewhere else and decided you wanted to recreate it? it was in a book of ray allen s paintings and i thought it was cool. if you could meet any artist in the world who would you want to meet? raelis. raelis is known around the world for his beautiful depictions of nature, 91 years young he paints from his home in martha s vinyard. you have a ton of brushes. ray and josh met this week for the first time at ray s studio. i think it s remarkable what he s done with oil painting at 10 years old. reporter: two painters, decades apart, brought to the by their love of the art. when you squint your eyes at it, it s sort of a light blue, right? i was lucky enough to get a short lesson from josh and i ll tell you oil painting is very unforgiving, it s tough. it is and josh chase is here. we are so impressed. why did you decide to start painting and to figure out you re pretty good at it? yes, i decided painting because i like a lot of different arts and crafts and i thought painting would be fun and i found oil paints and started doing them and i really like them. we have a bunch here. is there one that s your favorite that you want to show us? yeah, i like this one, my brother. it looks just like your brother, i have to say. yeah. it s not as good close up but farther back it s good. looks good to us. was it pretty cool to meet your hero, ray ellis? it was fun, his studio is cool and his paintings are awesome. this one you re inspired by ray ellis with this one. this is my first one so i was looking through books. i didn t really know a lot of the painters, and then i saw this one and i thought the trees in the background were cool and the house and the little person in the yard. this is the one you gave to your dad, right? yeah. what did he say when he got it? he was amazed and then my grandpa saw it and he thought it was a paint-by-number. all talent. josh chase thank you so much. we re so impressed. good luck to you. okay. here s tamron. all right, savannah. most teen girls are worried about school, boys and their friends, but our next star of tomorrow is busy building a fashion empire, meet 16-year-old courtney allegra, here alongside very well established fashion designer rachel roy. good morning, ladies. good to see you. good morning. thank you. i m sporting one of courtney s designs, a vest and skirt. you have 50 pieces in your collection and started designing at the age of 12. yes. let me bring out some of your collection here. i instantly thought rihanna, funky, edgy, downtown. classy but at the same time fun. as you see the neon it s an a-line shape and it shows enough of your leg but also the balmer jacket is cropped so it s slimming and super cute. turn around in the bomber jacket, you have the name on the back of this jacket with the yellow. it s so cute. courtney allegra. where did you find your inspiration? i found my inspiration everywhere, traveling, different movies even. wow. and rachel, you ve been in the business a long time. i have. you started out young as well. not as this storied lady. what does she have? she has an idea and she implemented it and not many people do that. a lot of us have an idea but we re not willing to work it all the way through. so for her to take a sketch and then go find the fabric, and then find the pattern, and get it made. you know that just shows her dead significance and choosing a passion doesn t feel like work as much. how do you balance it with school and the other things that 16-year-olds do. you re a normal 16-year-old girl. i m busy, i have no social life anymore but i really love doing it so i m going to stick to it. it s your dedication and passion. what about her brand? how does she develop the courtney allegra brand? she s doing so well. we actually spent some time together yesterday and i really got to learn a lot more about her. but what i would say, and probably the best advise that i got when i first was starting out is to really have a point of view. to defend it. to define it. and to stick to it no matter what is going on. what trends are going on. really know who you re designing for. and what i love you already have e-commerce. she s got a website. she has her own website and you re always going to have a customer if you have your own website. you don t have to depend on others and that s key as well. that s great advice any person can take but especially kids out there. you re working on which collection now? i m working on, as you see the neon is spring and then the other two are pre-fall. oh, into pre-fall. congratulations. i love this outfit. thank you. it s rockin . thank you courtney and rachel. up next a star of tomorrow from the world of baking, yes, baking, but first, this is today on nbc. back at 8:50, 13-year-old lila patin, the creator of her own online cupcake business called lilja is here along with her mom, monica. good morning to you. good morning. how did you know you have this passion for baking? my grandma would bring treats when she came to visit and i wanted to make treats just like that so i developed a passion for baking. you re selling 30 dozen cupcakes a month. are you surprised at her success, monica? not at all, no. she is just a very driven child, we re very proud of her. a talented one. the first one is fascinating a mexicali jalapeno jelly with an avocado buttercream. yes. the afrivocado jelly is a recip you can put on cream cheese or crackers. you take the core and core the cupcake. you want to try it? i ll give it a try, pull that out like that. and squeeze that in. is this a sweet spicy thing? yes it s very savory. then you have your icing here. swirl that on like that. very nice just like that, and you ve got something that s perfect for st. patrick s day. the dubliner, it is a chocolate cup take with stout in it and then irish cream frosting. how did you come up with this combination? my dad, he s irish and he said you need to make a cupcake for all the irish people out there so i did. and monica you re okay with her handling beer and bailey s irish cream? yes, i buy all the ingredients for her. that s fantastic. that is really great. perfect for irish eyes, they ll be smiling. what s the last one? this is a lilja original, and it has a lemon buttercream, a vanilla cake and raspberry filling. are you hoping to be one of those cup take war type people open up your own cupcake shop? i m hoping to win cupcake wars. you want to be on cupcake wars. maybe they ll do cupcake wars jr. that would be awesome. you want to move and take baking courses? i want to focus more on business so if i ever do lose my passion for baking i can do another business. i don t see that happening. no. not with what you created, that is fantastic. hi, delicious. what is your favorite, what should we try? the lilja s, that s very good. monica, how difficult is it to have such a talented daughter in the kitchen? you feel a little competition there? no, because i ve never been a baker. works out. where did she get her baking talent from? i think my mom, definitely not from me. the family is supportive. her older brother and sister are the official taste testers and my husband and i are the delivery drivers. what s going to happen when she s doing 30 dozen cupcakes a month, if this explodes much bigger? we re hoping to get into a storefront, and congratulations to all of our stars of tomorrow. first let s take a friday flashback look at how our week unfolded here on today. all eyes are on the vatican this morning where the cardinals are just hours away from taking their first vote in the process of selecting the next pope. the black smoke signaling that the cardinals had taken two votes this morning as expected, and both votes were inconclusive. the surprise and thrilled reaction from catholics around the world with the election of the argentinean cardinal francis bore goal yo. a black hawk helicopter went down. bringing to a number of 12 american deaths in afghanistan. are you hopeful? sure, sure, more than hopeful, savannah, i have an intention to live each day s moment fully, like right now all there is is savannah and val. the amazing david copperfield showing us one of the illusions that made him a living legend. come on! magic monday on today. future today show host. so glad you made it all right. okay, suddenly not the coolest person anymore. oh! ooh! jirard butler welcome back, good to see you. and the duggars have taken over t is filled to capacity which is always is. woo-wee. some folks like to get away, take a holiday from the neighborhood playing before billy joel. we have nicole paluzzo, aka snooki. i got a chance to try out, my gosh it was crazy, a dream come true. this is going to be great. i like it! i do, too! good friday morning to you. the search has resumed for a scotts valley man. canine units will be used today to try to find 29-year-old matthew abraham. he was last seen at his home on doby lane. he recently suffered a head injury and they re worried. let s check the forecast now with meteorologist christina loren, and a nice day ahead. beautiful day and a beautiful weekend, which is great news because it s st. paddy s day on sunday. the parade is actually on saturday, so keep that in mind. 75 degrees. 67 at the coast. we need the rain at this point. it is on the way. tuesday into wednesday, most expected on wednesday. shop like a fashionista. today i got these amazing designer heels. save like a maxxinista. what to get rid of this time? designer brands at t.j. prices. t.j.maxx. welcome to today on this friday morning, march the 15th, 2013, it is the ides of march. pictures, the babies. we hope the ides of march turns out better for you an julius caesar. inside studio 1a i m willie geist along with al roker and prince s favorite tamron hall. what do you say that? it s a compliment. natalie morales is at the vatican. we re getting take three more joe biden, being biden, yesterday the white house launched a new series on its website an audio series called being biden which is a glimpse into the world of the vice president. basically what he s going to do is take a still photograph from time to time and explain it, give the back story, tell what he was thinking, who are the people in that photograph, his first one he says he wanted to give, start the audio series to give a closer look inside the life of the white house and the presidency, so we re going to get a lot of back story and a lot of joe biden. i can t get enough joe biden. you re biden s favorite anchor/meteorologist. yes he wrote a theme song for me. you want to hear it, here it goes. so what do you think, what is being biden? you know what? i think right now it s probably going to be kind of tame because vice president biden doesn t want to scare anybody but then i think as things go along and the white house stops paying attention he s going to let loose. we ll get the full biden which we hope looks something like this, remember from january? you ve got a million-dollar smile. there s a lot to smile about. i want you next to me, i want to you next to me. need any help working on your pecs, let me know. holy mackerel. holy mackerel! it was really off that clip that in january there was a formal petition posted to to give the vice president his own show, it was on parks and rec, the ideal man had the brains of george clooney and body of joe biden. i love the touch of the face that he does, rub the face. how did that go? there it is. doesn t feel the same, biden does it better. no, no, no. so more joe biden by popular demand. our take two, this is veronica mars movie on kickstarter, it s a film based on a tv show a few years ago that was canceled in 2007 after three seasons but has a big cult following so on the website kickstarter fans contributed $2 million in less than 12 hours. as of this morning, we re over $3 million and still with 28 more days to go. what do they get for that? kickstarter is not an investment. you re just backing it. in return you get things like a walk-on part in the film or kristen bell will kickstarter i have an account, a hair stylist focuses on women with alopecia, lost their hair in breast cancer treatment i made a donation and if she reaches her amount by that goal date my money goes to her but if she doesn t the money goes back to you. it gives people a chance to invest in the media and you can invest in movies. a lot of documentary films are made this way, iphone apps. it s my new favorite thing. i really like this. there s a place on the site to fund tamron s soundtrack for her show. wow, it all comes back to starts with prince and my mom used to do that, what is that buzzing here? buzz, buzz. go away. we worked that out, we ll move on to our take three. what have you got? a big one. talking men and lying. tamron we need you. men s health is breaking down men and their tendency to lie. the truth about lying, men come forward, men objectively lie more often than women. they found in this study of 1,092 average men knno we don t told 1,092 lies and most men think they know when their woman is lying. 63% are confident know when their wife or girlfriend is telling a lie which may be more naivet. the most they lie about is their height and women it s their weight. makes sense. and the fourth finding watch out, single ladies, one in two men have lied on a first date. hmm. so al, are you like a white liar or i will admit i uh-oh. that s a tell when you tap your face that it s lying. or i could just itch. anyway i m telling. i used to lie a lot about what i ate. nobody knew you felt you would be judged. that makes sense as well. i think men lie more to cover their tails and women lie more to make people feel bet sore if your friend says do i look good in this dress you ll say yes and men lie because when you were boys, who knocked over something, who did that, not me. but i was think being this last night, i think women really don t care if men lie more as long as it s not the man in their life. i don t care what you two do but as long as the man in my life, wink, isn t lying to me. good to know, al, we can just lie to her face on a daily basis. you do, you tell me you like me. we love you! i was fishing for a comment. oh, do your wives know when you re lying. i would not have asked you that question because i didn t want to get you in trouble but does your wife know? i think so. what is your tell in. i don t lie on big things. i m a white liar. if i m left with the children, 5-year-old and 3-year-old, she ll come home and say did you give them a bath, i go yes and george comes out with pea nunut butter in his hair and says george, did you take a bath, he goes no. sells me out. does your wife know? absolutely. how? because it s my mouth moving. you guys have been married so long though. so can you go back in your mind and think did you lie on the first or second date with your wife? no. that s a lie. i m sure i did about something. i don t know what. no. that s what the study said that men lie on the first or second date. okay, no the all, did it say 100% of all men? well, you said when your mouth is moving you are lying, so. it was a joke. again, so the tension today is here. people tweet, my feelings are a little hurt because people said that i was mean to you guys yesterday. not true at all. i don t believe that. i thought that i m the guest in your home, and i should have chocolate, flowers, gifts, candy. we bought you some. you are part of the family. you re here. but i ll lie and say i am a guest. do you think i lie? there s no question about it. absolutely, every day especially right around 2:00. for about 60 minutes. it isn t msnbc. whoa! i would never bite the hand that feeds me. not much. hard to read the news with the glove in your mouth. it was humor. it was a joke and it s one block, quote me, i will deny it. other than me suffering these poor people on the carnival cruise, they are suffering, passengers if you can believe this from two separate carnival cruise line ships are having their vacation disrupted. carnival is calling technical issues that affect the ship s sailing speed and get this on thursday, from the carnival dream they learned they would be flying, not sailing home, because of an on board generator problem. the headaches come one month after the carnival triumph was stranded without power for five days in the gulf of mexico. we re getting a better look at the man chosen to head the roman catholic church. pope francis met with the college of cardinals including the men who cast votes at the conclave and senior members who were too old to vote, a brief stumble, look at the video, when he was rising from his seat, he recovered. his plan is to urge the cardinals never to give in to the pessimism to that bitterness that the devil places before us every day. full speed ahead on the tsa s plan to allow small knives on airplanes. he is standing by that proposal despite growing backlash. a terrifying accident overnight in town town miami where a massive l.e.d. screen collapsed on workers, injuring two people, the screen was part of the stage for the isn t that incredible ultramusic festival set to begin today. the subatomic particle looking like the elusive higgs boson. look at scientist s reaction to the so-called god particle that experts say gives mass to all other particles in the universe. it was detected on the hedron collider on the swiss french border. kate moss turned up the heat shall i say, moss who famously doesn t like to speak in public arranged to read passaging from 50 shades of grey. i place my arms on his upper arms and he growns as i squeeze tightly. whoa! kate moss, everybody! and now for a re-enactment, as i squeeze tightly. ow, ow, ow! kate promised to do the reading if listeners pledged 200,000 pounds. you sound like katherine hepburn, not kate moss. that s your update. that doesn t sound like kate moss? the lilies, the ka callalill. she should read more often. msnbc president phil griffin is now on the phone and just wanted a word with you. phil, i was kidding. look at the weather and show you what s going on. this is the place for politics i love you. we have a clipper coming across the plains states headed toward the great lakes, going to bring maybe three to six inches of snow, not a big problem from the dakotas on down into central michigan and we ve got a lot of fog along the southern california coast, san diego, oceanside, l.a., temperatures only in the 60s but then you get away from the water, get into the twes, temperatures are going to be into the 90s anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees above normal, texas, oklahoma, on into kansas, missouri, looking at above normal 9:11, happy friday. take a live look at sinole. we have rain on the way to keep these hills nice and green. mostly cloudy conditions out there. 77 in fairfield and 69 degrees in san francisco as we head into your st. patrick s day weekend. great weather continues. if you don t want to head out and about for the festivities, text the giant here on the nbc bay area at 3:00 p.m. and that s your latest weather. now to the rubber band chair for our bonus take, a chair made of 65,000 rubber bands, constructed by preston moehler at appalachian state university, he won $3,000, took 336 hours, three feet tall, it weighs 35 pounds. tamron would you mind taking a seat. boing! thought i d bounce back. lean back because it gives for you. it s actually comfy. a little more, a little more, hold on. easy. how is it? do we like it? i love it. i think this is so cool. i could see this in a funky apartment, something very modern. congratulations. guy went through a bunch of stationary shops in four different towns and spent about 200 bucks and put it together, 65,000 of them. physician fifty shades of grey and my kate moss accent. i hope it gets better. as i grabbed his arm and i caressed it. no. up next the expecting elaria baldwin, wife of alec baldwin on having a fit pregnancy. we re pregnant! what? we re pregnant! we re pregnant? yeah! you re going to be a mom! you re going to be a dad! there s a little baby in there? there s a human being growing inside your stomach? yeah! now what? i don t know? what? introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust. of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. when it comes to fresh taste, philadelphia sets the standard. [ sneezing ] she may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®. powerful allergy relief for adults and kids six years and older. zyrtec®. love the air. [ gasps ] the door s open! let s make a break for it! [ all cheering ] single file! single file! ooh-hoo, i can t wait to clean something besides the shower. yeah, we ll show em. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles powerful foam penetrates and lifts tough grime and kills 99.9% of bacteria, so cleaning the whole bathroom is easier. i should have let you out sooner. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles. we work hard so you don t have to. all over the bathroom. [ female announcer ] sc johnson, a family company. to get your family together for breakfast. [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] in fact, they might work too well. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. he opened up jake s very private world. at first, jake s family thought they saved ziggy, but his connection with jake has been a lifesaver. for a love this strong, his family only feeds him iams. compared to other leading brands, it has 50% more animal protein. .to help keep ziggy s body as strong as a love that reaches further than anyone s words. iams. keep love strong. hilaria baldwin covers fitness, fashion, celebrity and the news. if her name sounds familiar, she s married to alec baldwin and is pregnant with her first child and we know it s a girl. she s here for tips for a fit and healthy pregnancy. good to see you.. congratulations. this is your first baby. this is my first baby. what made you decide to reveal the sex of the baby? somebody said to me it s going to be a surprise at some point so why not have the surprise be sooner and i find it s not something i want to keep a secret. it s not a bad thing to keep and we get to openly buy pink things. and that s awesome. i m sure alec is enjoying that being a dad and another girl in his life. is he over the moon? he is over the moon. we have two girl dogs, he has ireland, who is his daughter she s almost 18. stunningly beautiful. gorgeous. he s outnumbered by the women. a lot offest gen in the house. how does he hand tell? very well. will he reveal your due date? it s going to be late, late summer we ll say. for you, being fitness and focused on health and lifestyle, what was the first thing you wanted to do upon learning that you were pregnant? i wanted to sleep a lot. i love that. i wanted to sleep. your body makes you do what you re supposed to do. my body made me sleep right away. i had to eat more than i was eating. i had to chill out my exercise quite a bit. how often were you exercising prior to? my job is exercising. daily. it s daily and it s a lot of hours during the day. i love running. i love swimming. i love doing studio 57, i love doing yoga so i have an entire day where i m really active and when you re pregnant that s just not in the cards. so i mean it s important to still stay fit but. show us some of the yoga stretches with women you have to focus on your hips. alec looks fantastic. yes. i don t want to ask how much he s lost but this has to be the inspiration of you. he s your best work so far other than the baby? it s a combination. you can t change somebody else. they have to want to change themselves but at the same time he i guess it was an influence. i m sure you re very proud. i am very proud. i m going to show you a couple of postures that are really great, if you re pregnant, at home. i ll sit down. i can t do the stretch but sit down. you re extending one leg out and this is great for opening up your hips and releasing your lower back. i don t know about you but i get a lot of really bad back pain i m squaring myself off over the extended leg and walk myself forward. if i have a bigger belly than i have right now i don t have to rotate as much and lean forward slightly. if i am a little bit more flexible i can lean down all the way. you can do this, all day? daily, you can hold it for a minute if you want. just listen to your body. the other one i love doing right before bed i lie down on my back and between 20 and 30 weeks it s not safe to completely lie on your back. earlier for some pregnancies and your doctor will tell you but i butterfly my knees open and lying propped up on pillows. as i great more pregnant there will be more pillows. this is great because it opens up your hip for birth. i ll get up and we ll go to the food. i did it. okay, real quick, morning sickness we talked about kate middleton having morning sickness. what do you advice for people? i had quite a bit of morning sickness and i took ginger and i boiled it with a lot of lemon, and occasionally honey, depending on how i felt, if i was queasy i didn t put the honey in. this is a great thing. hilaria, thank you, congratulations to you and alec and thank you for coming on the set. while they re talking about staying sick we ll help you plan a healthy diabetic friendly menu right after this. this ginger smells amazing, that s soothing in itself. start with the best. use only natural ingredients. make something original. genuine. real. so peel it open. stir it up. and raise a cup to the real. l oreal introduces a most exclusive haircolor. just in from paris. the preference paris couture collection. spectacular new shades, designed by christophe robin, l oreal s master colorist. each shade sparkles with brilliant tones.layers of shine. a blonde with rose gold lights. iced golden brown with amber tones. luscious rich merlot red. and preference defies fading. up to 8 weeks. the preference paris couture collection. the latest of 50 luxurious shades. find yours.from l oreal paris. because you re worth it. listen up. each year hundreds of promising research studies go unfunded. for breast cancer. for lung cancer. every cancer. the american cancer society has been behind nearly every breakthrough in resent history. but there is still more work to do. so let s make sure that no research is silenced. let s make noise. let s make noise. yeah! and let s finish the fight. bury yourself in the flavorfall of sweet icing and filling. [ hounds calling ] call off the hounds, rescue is unnecessary! pillsbury toaster strudel. [ whisper ] the snow day of breakfasts. mr. wiggles and curling irons. for the little mishaps you feel, use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster neosporin. also try neosporin eczema essentials. neosporin. oh so red? oh so not right for this. ok... chickadee, my chickadee? hmmmm aqua ocean? no. that s it! yes! let s go to lowe s. valspar signature hi-def has amazing quality. just one coat. i like it i just. you can t change color like we do. valspar has the love your color guarantee. if i don t love it, i get another color free. i m thinking more this. yowza! valspar signature, look for it only at lowe s. yeessss? where you hidin your moist wipes? oh, i don t need em. really? what are you doing? oh, just getting clean with no water. kinda like using t.p. with no moist wipes. hmm. point taken. thank you. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine now with a touch of cotton. test your cleaning logic at coming up, how to treat adult acne. but first your local news and weather. you are the pig to her bnketla. that s not breakdancing, that s break-up dancing. don t give up on us america, we re not done yet! now two must dance as one. you won t run into the top ten appliance brands just anywhere. only sears carries them all. and only sears delivers them all with $70 in shop your way points. this is sears. than a whole box of this other stuff. and that much freshness is gonna take some getting used to. [ sniffing ] yep. it s amazing what a single scoop of gain freshness can do. good morning to you. 9:26. new details about a former soldier who killed two santa cruz police officers last month. an army spokesman says there was not enough evidence to prosecute jamie gulea on two rape charges he faced in 2006 while serving in the military. the army dropped the case after fingerprints and dna did not point to goolet. goolet was under investigation for sexual harassment when he shot and killed two officers in 2006. goolet shot and kildz himself in a shoot-out with police that very same day. a 3-year-old is now in protective custody after being found living in a home filled with trash, used needles and piles of human waste. it happened in ma defendaedesto. two men are now under arrest. they were squatters who moved into a home on west union avenue after the owner died. they re now charged with child endangerment and the house is boarded up. we re going to take a quick break but we ll have a look at the forecast and a morning commute right after this. welcome back. taking a live look, hazy conditions over the bay bridge, but we have beautiful blue skies out there. partly cloudy conditions. that will be the case throughout the day today. beautiful warmth, as well. 75 degrees in livermore. 68 degrees on the way to gilroy. the only thing you have to beware of on these ides of march are the winds. the rain moves in tuesday and thursday into next week. we need it at this point. let s check your drive. mike. good morning. we re looking over here towards the slowdown which continues for northbound 880 up past the coliseum. the earlier crash at 29th has cleared from the roadway. you no things are quickly recovering and 580 is no longer an issue. we hit the peak of the commute about 40 years ago. we see eastbound 24 heading out of oakland and in towards arenda. heading in towards berkeley and the caldecott tunnel. slowdown through san mateo, but a quick look at the pal a lot alto shows no problems there. have a great friday. it s rumored that lady gaga and her boyfriend are planning to get married this summer. in fact just today i saw her at a deli pibi inpicking out her d. it was beautiful. the infamous meat dress. jimmy fallon. it is timber week, one more night of timberlake on fallon. i m willie geist along with al and tam ran hall, natalie is at vatican city and weekend today s heery ka hill. more than a quarter million americans suffer diabetes, we have healthy but delicious diabetic friendly meals. plus live champion synchronized skaters, we ve been watching them rehearse. 20 of them doing the exact same thing on ice. all dedicated to sterling hayden. we ll have a live performance coming up in a few minutes. first erica has a look at weekend today. we are preparing a fine weekd of today show fare for you. we ll be live at the vatican, the pope is leading a public prayer on sunday and lester is making his way back here from the vatican and bringing us postcards from rome from the city s really incredible coffee to a harrowing ride through roman streets, that he did survive, but there were some moments where it was touch and go so he ll bring us that as well. plus we ve been talking about tomorrow s stars this morning on today. this little guy may be the next tiger woods. whoa. how about that? got the celebration down. probably not surprising, he s internet sensation. ooh, nice. he s big off the tee, too. wow. look at that swing and the intensity. i love the clubs. they re like four sizes too big. if you want to come in for lessons his rates are fairly reasonable. beyonce is here this weekend. what? that s huge. i m surprised you didn t lead with that. the world s smallest dog, celebrating her birthday. where else? here. she s shaking it like beyonce, wagging it a little bit. tiger woods was on the mike douglas show when he was 2 years old. maybe this is his home on the today show. he was here on the today show when he was 4. look forward to that. see you then. al, how about a check of the weather. let s show you what we ve got for your weekend ahead, we ve got some rain along the mid-atlantic coast into the appalachians, pacific northwest looking at rain, frigid along the plains, sunny and hot from texas into the southwest, mild and sunny, gulf coast into the southeast, then on st. patrick s day we re looking for some rain, wearing the green, stretching from the that s an accent, tamron. kate moss? getting close there but no. kate o moss. sunny and warm from texas on into 9:33. you made it to friday. congratulations. we ve got a beautiful weekend shaping up start, a live picture of the golden gate bridge. you can see the camera shaking a little bit. those winds are mixing up our atmosphere. 75 degrees for livermore. 68 degrees in gillroy. 70 in red wood city. right here in san jose, a comfortable 74 degrees. getting into the weekend, beautiful conditions persist. we need the rain. rights on the way tuesday into wednesday, clearing by thursday. that s your latest weather. that s your latest weather. willie? announcer: tooled s health is brought to you by polident. use polident every day. thanks this morning on today s health treating adult acne. here to talk about how to treat it in adults is dermatologist dr. deborah wattenberg. good morning, goed to see you. this is a pretty big problem for adults. more than 18 million people suffer from acne and more than 50% of adult women complain about their acne. the biggest difference between adult and teenage acne is its location. for adults it tends to be on the jawline and on the chin and on the neck so it changes quite a bit from teenage acne. what about our lifestyle contributes to acne? we used to hear the wife s tales not eating chocolate when we were teenagers. what is the truth with that? diet, there s scientific evidence to show that people who eat a diet high glycemic index, things high in refined sugars, carbohydrates, dairy, those products are aggravating acne and making acne worse so there s not enough science to do a complete elimination diet but i recommend a healthy diet because the sugar and not necessarily the cocoa but the sugar is causing acne. the other thing is lots of stress. it releases cortisol which causes acne in a lot of people as well. we re going to talk about some of the more conventional treatments. there s high tech light therapy you re excited about. the light therapy is a great addition to treatment for acne. there s one called pdt or photo dynamic therapy i m particularly excited about and in this machine they show a blue light in conjunction with a chemical to get applied on to the skin. the chemical gets driven into the skin, and causes the sebaceous glands and oil glands, and it works well. the before and afters you can see the improvement in someone s skin remarkably allowing them not to need antibiotics. any risks people should think is about? there are risks associated with it, mild arithema, dryness, sun senseivity and there s another machine called the isolase which is high tech as well and that actually sucks the blackheads and the whiteheads out of the skin, it s a pore purification system and this machine flashes broadband light onto the skin and cleans the skin, removes the bacteria and improves the acne. cool technology, costs you between $200 and $600 a session. it depends on the number of sessions you need and the amount of treatments you re going to get. let s go through some of the basics here. this is stuff you can find in a drugsto drugstore. people with acne need cleansers, topical products and the key thing is to look for ingredients so you want to use products that contain salycylic acid and retinol but you want them mixed with products not so irritating. for the adult female worried about drying out their skin products that contain glycerin, soy, green tea, anti-oxidants that help the skin. looking at the prescription stuff, how long should you try this stuff before you jump to prescription? i recommend at least six weeks, acne is not a quick fix and you need to be able to use the product for some period of time, 6 to 12 weeks f you re not seeing improvement, see your dermatologist. there are a lot of prescription items available and you might need something more targeted to your problem rather than using these over-the-counter. exciting stuff for people, dr. deborah wassenberg good to see you. good to see you. coming up, delicious diabetic friendly recipes, that s next after this. to clean a denture. but dentures are very different to real teeth. they re about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can grow and multiply. polident is specifically designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that s why dentists recommend polident. [ male announcer ] polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. to get your family together for breakfast. [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] in fact, they might work too well. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. [ male announcer ] why do more emergency workers everywhere trust duracell.?? duralock power preserve. locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. now.guaranteed. duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. [ nyquil bottle ] just reading your label. relieve nasal congestion? sure don t you? [ nyquil bottle ] dude! [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn t. relieves nasal congestion. we re pregnant! honey! what? we re pregnant! we re pregnant? yeah! you re going to be a mom! you re going to be a dad! there s a little baby in there? there s a human being growing inside your stomach? yeah! now what? i don t know? what? introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust. you re always on, so we re always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we ll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. you see the mini ion my chest? funny, yes? no. there s nothing mini about me. i m huge. ahem. any hoo. even my wrapper has a wrapper. flavor? i m bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. quality like this. (muffled):.doesn t come everyday. well technically it does because i m in the grocery but. ooh, how you doin ? rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. in today s kitchen diabetic friendly meals. according to the cdc, diabetes affects one in ten americans. well, australian chef michael moore was diagnosed with it when he was 35 years old. he suffered a stroke, he survived, his new book is blood sugar, the family. chef michael good to meet you. great to meet you. you changed your life and on this mission in a sense to create food that tastes good and by the way it s healthy. exactly. the marketplace is full of information about what you should and shouldn t eat, often contradictory, so i thought if we treat it with food and flavor you want to eat, maybe the strike rate will be higher. so far people are responding really well. we re starting off with a rib eye with a pickled chili relish. i love bone-in rib eye. it s great and if you can pick grass fed meat it has more omega threes and helps the dry effect as well. little bit of salt intake, important to keep your blood pressure down. while this is cooking how long on each side? only takes two or three minutes. it s your personal preference. now you re toasting what? mustard seed and we make a simple pickle, red wine vinegar, onions, slice of lemon, a little bit of a squeeze that goes in there and some water. that smells good. that is your basic pickle that will come up to the boil and move along quickly, it s perfectly organized here. this is the best place in the world to do a cooking segment, let me tell you. my staff is better than any kitchen. into that goes the chilies. the medium sized red chilies aren t too hot. if you like it spicy put the smaller chilies in there. you re using super fine sugar. you need a little bit of sugar when you eat this, there s a small amount of it but the sugar has sort of a complexity that makes the pickle come together as a pickle. agave nectar i use a lot in cooking but they don t make the pickle form the way it should so sure sugar is a powerful commodity. once it comes back to the boil let it sit there for about an hour, let it cool in liquid, drain the liquid off and you end up with this. what do we have? agave nectar, which is low glycemic index. and that s the key to that and a little bit of the let s bring that back here. okay, let s go around. and so you re going to slice up the bone-in. yes. you can put the pickle into jars if you want. how long will that keep? a jar like that i keep it in my fridge a couple of weeks. the ribeye. it s perfect. a little bit medium thaone. um-hum. you slice that nice and thin. you serve this on top? this is this beautiful mustard frill leaves. let me put the chili on first. while we re going you ve got sweet potato fries. they are the best of a bad thing. sweet potatoes if you re going to have a steak and fries and the idea is that the food, you don t realize it s healthy. for dessert you have a biked apple upside down pudding. made with a ricotta base. delightful flavor. fresh horse radish. and a healthy meal that will taste great. and even a glass of red wine to go with that. chef michael moore thank you so much. the book is blood sugar the family. coming up champion synchronized ice skaters live next. i m here with daphne oz, a model of healthy habits. so daphene, do you eat activia. i do it s always in my fridge. and you know activia isn t just for minor digestive issues. exactly, it s also important for my overall well being because it helps regulate my digestive system. and when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside! whether at work, with friends, on a special night, or just enjoying an activia. shine from the inside out with activia. dannon blast of cold feels nice. why don t you use bengay zero degrees? it s the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that s chilly! [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. [thto fight chronic. osteoarthritis pain.. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. go olive garden s 2 for $25! unlimited soup or salad. choose an appetizer to share. then two delicious entrees. like new tuscan garlic chicken. three courses, two people, just $25. go olive garden! yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] they re magically delicious yeah, he s a liquid gold digger. babe how about you make me some of that velveeta cheesy broccoli soup i love so much? oh and you re so pretty. [ cries ] [ male announcer ] liquid gold diggers love liquid gold. today at the rink is brought to you by smuckers. with a name like smucker s, it has to be good. i like the way you move the reigning u.s. national champs in women s synced ice skating, the haydenettes, jenna longo and hannah he will puck, good morning. the championship in boston in your backyard, is that home ice advantage? i would say it s home ice advantage, we re excited to be competing in boston and again at a world championship and hoping to bring home the gold this year. hannah we ve been watching you practice out here. it s a beautiful sport. what makes it different than figure skating or ice dancing? it s different because it s a combination sport, we incorporate all the different types of figure skating into synchronized skating so the pairs and the lift and the ice dance and different intricate footwork and such. 20 members of the team. 20 members. all synchronized. all synchronized. fabulous, i love it. you can t afford to have anybody have a bad day. and we practice hard to make sure we have great consistency on the ice. what do you make of tamron hall s figure skating, is this appropriate, the way to go? i wasn t ready. i m even ashing it s so cold. we can t wait to see you perform. and the haydenettes! doing their thing. you can feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it because you want to be loved the heartbeat tell me can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it can you feel it coming down, can you feel it in your bones, can you feel it can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it don t stop til you get enough people always told me be careful what you do, don t go around breaking young girls hearts but you came and found me with the smell of sweet perfume she called me to her room, hey, hey billie jean is not my lover [ applause ] that was incredible, the haydenettes performing to michael jackson melodies, fantastic. back in a moment. this is today on nbc! we want to thank one more time the fantastic haydenettes. good look at the world s, ladies. they won t say it but we will, they are the favorites. coming back, bobby flay, everybody will be here. hoda and kathie lee up after your local news and weather. (sir can-a-lot) good day, ma lady. i am sir can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (male announcer) break the monotony. visit good morning to you. it is 9:56. today is deadline day, the fate of city college of san francisco s now in the hands of the accreditation panel. today is the day all 14 accreditation deficiencies identified by inspectors last summer were supposed to be fixed. not all were, but the administration hope their recent reports about how they are going about making the proposed changes will help accreditation to keep the college open. inspectors will now visit ccfs early next month and the panel has 45 days to make a decision. meteorologist christine lorenz is standing by with a look at our weekend forecast. we have a gorgeous day and a gorgeous weekend to get through before the rain moves in. 78 degrees in gillroy. 75 on the east shore in fremont. if you are celebrating st. patrick s day, showers moving in late tuesday into wednesday. by thursday, we ll clear you out, but we re expecting maybe an inch of rain up in the north bay. folks, we re looking at the san mateo bridge. the hayward loop tonight at 8:00 p.m., check out the details on facebook. i have reroutes through downtown hayward. over on the peninsula, the southbound 101 continues the slow drive heading down towards the san mateo and the san mateo bridge. northbound, we see some slowing through mountain view. no big surprises. also on the 101 past the airport, we re seeing 880 also with some late slowing, but that is starting to clear up over the last five minutes. but bay bridge has been cleared. back to you. okay, mike, thank you so much. we ll be back in 30 minutes with our next update. hey, everybody, how are you? it s try-day friday, march 15th. it is, already? a very exciting day. you and i later today are going to be shooting another cover. we can t reveal what it is. it s top secret. we ve already said it. new york city no, don t reveal it. don t. i won t say a word. it s top secret. we re going to go down to florida and shoot it. we re going to have jars of clay at my house for a concert. are you staying with me? of course i am. there will be music and wine will be flowing. happy st. patrick s day. in honor of that we re having beer. we want to wish everybody a very happy st. patrick s day. can we break into song? not really. i met a sweet lassie on my way to blarney she told me she came from the county of cork she showed me the way to her house and back next thing you know we were greeting the stork hey diddle diddle come tell me the tales we changed the lyrics for the show. laughing and love everlasting and all the sweet lover who is came here before hey, hey, they laughed and they cried pray, pray, they lived and they died the forests of guinness i ll mind my own business and try to forget the sweet lassie from cork please, keep it down. i know what an ihoda day feels like for you. thank you, thank you, i got it. there s a difference. i voted so i get paid for it. it s time to get your weekend grooming on guys, and that means we re talking about your weekend grooming. not just your nails. this is more important than my song which i m about to reprieve? yes. we re talking about taking care of your grooming. so pour me a guinness i ll get down to bidness there you go! do i get paid twice? anyway, took a look at what women do downairs and how they groom. okay. there are certain people who do different things, for those who vajazzle. and you know who you are. sara i m sorry you have to hear this. vajazzling is putting jewels and things downstairs. why? i don t know. how does anybody get pregnant before there was vajazzling. how did anybody find anything attractive down there until we started shaving and dyeing and vajazzling and mowing. how did anybody find anybody attractive? think about it, hoda, we ve been on the planet about six billion years. somebody didn t have nothing going on. if those people like a landing trip that s just a thought. what? i have friends who like landing strips and some of you are in this room right now and had is wrong. why is it wrong? is a guy supposed to make like hey, coming in for a landing i mean, come on. dude, what s a landing strip? they re idiots. and they shouldn t be having sex if they if you have a landing strip, you re the kind of girl who never has to pay for a date and you only wear a thong and you ll only attempt things you know you re going to be successful at. if you do bald, you never do anything halfway. no, you do it all the way. your dishwasher is perfect. you re ocd. this sounds like you. that s why i know this is bull, because that is not me. if you don t do a thing down there how about you how about you just do what s necessary. you probably have strong convictions, you don t own a flat iron. not true. you sing joni mitchell in the shower and you order your steaks bloody. no. so that s 50%. what? that s 50%. i think this is a two out of four? hoda. i met a sweet lassie don t make me break into that song, hoda-woman. you mentioned four things that a person who does that is, and two of them were true and two of them weren t. in my mind, that s 50%, accurate. okay. anyway, it s which one are you, missy? i m the landing strip. woo! woo! see, seen any 747s recently? you asked and i answered. oh, my gosh. anyway, let s go to try-day friday, because i no, i want to have a little more fun with this. no, we are done with that. hoda just told the whole world she has a landing strip. these things live on in infamy, hoda. it actually it didn t hit me until you repeated it again. okay, anyway. wow, you think you know somebody ooh! is that a new landing strip or an old one? nobody likes old landing strips. no, everything is new. so let s move on. love is in the air everything old is new again apparently, this is where you meet men, at the airports, it s called hub-a-luv, in the airports. maybe you need a pilot. you have to stop. here are the top five airports to meet people in case you are wondering philadelphia international airport is the number five place to meet men. number four is boston s logan airport. that s a good one. okay. and newark international is number three. and with all of those problems in security. you know why it is, because there s lots of delays and lots of time to meet people. number two is miami international. and the number one airport for meeting men is the orlando international. i believe it s number one because a it has a lot of restaurants and bars and two on the premise that there s a hyatt hotel inside the main terminal. what s that supposed to mean? i don t know, i didn t get that far. oh, because if you meet you can just go to the hyatt and somebody can land on your strip. apparently. this is where children go, this is orlando, okay? this is where there s sea world and disney world and universal and you know. please, people. think about that. all right. so anyway the best beaches i ll never look at you the same. what do you do? i just told you? whatever is required. what does that mean? it means what it means. it only matters to the person that has access. and you don t have access. you re not my type. what is, of the four, which one are you? break it down. i told you. it doesn t make any sense. you re the last one? no, not that. you re the nongroomer you re the nongroomer. that believes whatever god created on this planet you don t groom. is beautiful. wow. sometimes gardens need tending. we can t however this chat is not usable. it doesn t mean it s not still a garden, okay? let s look i finally got a rise out of which one are you? we haven t asked young one over here. which one are you? hardwood floor. all right? hardwood floor. bare. what about bobbie, what are you? bobbie bobbie bobbie? you embarrassed me enough, i can t. we can t use it. it s time for my friday funny! okay. you owe us, bobbie. karen crawford, three sisters, 92, 94, and 96, hoda-landing strip, lived together in a house. one night, the 96-year-old draws a bath. she dips her foot in and pauses. then she yells down the stairs, was i getting in the bath or out? the 94-year-old hollers back i don t know, i ll come up and check. she starts up the stairs and pauses. then she yells was i going up the stairs or down? while this is going on, the 92-year-old was sitting at the kitchen table having tea and listens to her sisters. she shakes her head and says, i sure hope i don t get that forgetful. and she knocks on the table for good measure and then she yells i ll be up as soon as i answer the door! that was a great one. we have another go at bobbie. bobbie! bobbie s buzz. i have things that you never thought you needed. really? so how many times have you been on the computer and you want to show your friends a picture of something? never. now you just can now twist yes. so thanks to laptop suzy. $30. this is a great little laptop for your laptop. then we have these that are called petal panties. this he is are made, they re called bicycle lingerie. there s a little extra padding in the landing strip area. so when you go to spinning class or on the bike, it kind of hurts. sometimes you get i don t even know what s going on there. so then i m moving on. so then how many times do you get out of the shower and you go to wrap the towel oh, i look it when you do this. these are from spoon sisters, one of my favorite websites. and they have all of these great things, this is called the towel topper. so if you just hang this strip in your bathroom on the door, it will keep the towel up. strip? i thought that s ha she said. there might be another use for that as well. what else? then if you decide that you are starving, you can actually turn your pen into a utensil. i would love that. with these dine spoons. and this is the best thing, you guys, bobbie brought this up. i don t have a shredder, i don t know. so i rip bills in half and pray no one sees them. and then i pour spaghetti sauce on them. this is an i.d. blocker, that you can stamp on your bills over and over. do you use it? i just got it. will you use it? i don t know. everything is online, you can learn how to win this on our website. bobbie, we love you. bobbie, you re not going to tell us what you are? i can t, no. please, go away. coming up, we re going to tell you how you can cope and thrive when you re facing big life challenges like bobbie just did, right after this. [ male announcer ] time won t stop you from feeling beautiful. introducing nexxus youth renewal. now, visibly combat 8 signs of aging hair. our breakthrough nexxus youth renewal elixir replenishes and revitalizes. for vibrant, youthful-looking hair in 7 days. [ woman ] now, timeless beauty lives on. [ male announcer ] combat 8 signs of aging hair. nexxus youth renewal. raise your standard. [ male announcer ] combat 8 signs of aging hair. one square inch of deliciously smooth chocolate in creamy milk. or rich dark. incredible indulgence. one square inch of bliss. hershey s bliss. discover the power of l oreal s volumizing fibers. voluminous false fiber lashes mascara. dramatic volume from every angle. lashes are. volumized, lengthened. dimensionalized, curved! l oreal s voluminous false fiber lashes mascara. just to tell you our products get the job done. instead.we give you things you can really use like a free month of huluplus. when you join scott shared values. sign up at please, no pictures. in-wash scent boosters, here with my favorite new intern, jimmy. mmm! fresh! and it s been in the closet for 12 weeks! unbelievable! unstopables! follow jimmy on youtube. it s not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word. if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze. you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts. well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn t start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. whether it s going through a divorce, having a baby or losing your job we re all faced changes that can turn our world upside-down. how do you thrive when faced with a life-altering event. career coach had a premature baby while on vacation. that game-changer forced her and her family to temporarily relocate to another state. and cally yost is an author of the new book called tweak it make what matters to you happen every day. tweak it. like that. sometimes there is this, tell us about your life change. you were on vacation and i m a new yorker. we were down visiting my in-laws and we ve done the florida keys, actually. florida keys retreat every year. i m having a baby, so i want to go early. how far along were you in your pregnancy? 27 weeks. we got down to florida, we were planning to stay 10-12 days and three, four days in i started to have complications. and i went to a hospital in miami and they said, you re not going anywhere and another few days i had the baby. now the baby is 2 years old and thriving. thank god. those have been tough years. i m sure. the difficult stuff a big change. and he fit in my hand. he fit right here. and when there s a big, big life change like she had, there s some, there are certain things that obviously your world gets turned inside out. it s hard to find any normalcy, isn t it? yes. in fact what maggie and her husband, craig, figured out is when you go through a big change like that unexpectedly, you have to become your own advocate and you really look to the routine that gets you through. so how do you put control around something that feels like chaos in a big life transition. you want to focus on the small every day successes or tweaks, that build a foundation of well being and order. so you want to you want to harness the power of the smau things to get through the big things. what did you do? what kind of things kind of helped you along. cally was the first person i called after everybody in our family. we re going to be here for a while. did they tell you you ll be in for a long haul. they said his due date, which was three months. my husband and i both freelance so we could work, but i had a radio show. and cally said, can you do it remotely. i went back two weeks after i had the baby and some people were shocked by that. for me as cally said, it restored some sort of normalcy to the routine and it gave me something else to focus on. because having a baby in that situation is so intense and you re not in control, there s nurses and doctors in control. it made a difference, that kind of tweak to do the show. sometimes if you take your eye off the main problem you re not paying attention to it, sometimes the little things, to make you feel a little stronger. you carve out those small actions so look at the areas in your life that are meaningful to you right now. and then break those into activities and actions that you can put into the next seven days. so for example, with maggie, she wanted to focus on her job and so she looked at how she could do her radio show remotely and be there for her son. and the small action she took was find a radio boost she could transmit from. and also she has an agnel that she put in mercer s crib, so she could be with him, but not when she couldn t actually physically be there. that s psychologically it made a huge difference, you re still holding onto it, so obviously it meant a lot. to go through that situation with the first child, you want to be there 24/7 and i think my husband and i would have slept next to his crib if we could. but this helped. people going through divorce, are there some abcs? yes. the first is again break it into small tweaks you can put in the next seven-day period and keep a calendar, all of your to-dos in one place, we tend to keep our work and our personal calendar separate. keep what you want to do at work, in your personal life, your family all in one place, you can see a map of what you re trying to accomplish. don t beat yourself up if you don t accomplish all of them. just reflect and know what you need and then keep doing it. okay. ladies. mercer is doing great? yes. god bless. hoda and i are in the hot seat. i m not enjoying this show at all. there s sara warming up the crowd. for the treatment of mild to moderate alzheimer s disease is exelon patch. now with more treatment options, exelon patch may improve overall function and cognition. your loved one can get a free 30-day trial. and you can have access to nurses. it does not change how the disease progresses. hospitalization, and rarely death, have been reported from wearing more than one patch at a time. the most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fall, loss of appetite or weight, application site redness, and urinary tract infection. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases or if patients weigh less than 110 pounds. people at risk for stomach ulcers who take certain other medicines should talk to their doctor as serious stomach problems such as bleeding may worsen. patients may experience slow heart rate. free trial offer for them. nurses to talk to for you. visit visit dannon oikos non-fat yogurt sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true. such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein. of regular low-fat yogurt. mmm dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt dannon [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. sometimes all you need is the wow. sometimes all you need is the smooth creamy taste of werther s original caramel to remind you that you re someone very special. now discover caramel apple filled werther s original. there s a lot i had to do. watch my diet. stay active. start insulin. today, i learned there s something i don t have to do anymore. my doctor said that with novolog® flexpen, i don t have to use a syringe and a vial or carry a cooler. flexpen® comes prefilled with fast-acting insulin used to help control high blood sugar when you eat. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. no drawing from a vial. you should eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injecting novolog® (insulin aspart [rdna origin] injection). do not use if your blood sugar is too low, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your health care provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions and low potassium in your blood. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay cost at ask your health care provider about novolog® flexpen today time for three two one live, sara is hanging out with the crowd over at the nbc experience store. it s a pretty rowdy crowd. first up, jennifer from texas. now that it s warmer in the city, what are some fun things to do? i like anything outside, i love central park. if you take a stroll through there and see everything. i love the city, little italy. all of the places when he they get warm is beautiful. the high line is new and a lot of fun. it s a good time to go down and explore some of the little neighborhoods, that are downtown, that are completely, you can t believe you re still in manhattan. you ve gone from the upper west side or harlem down there and it s like many, many little different worlds. now we have a spring break question and can i tell you? for st. patrick s day, you ve got to go to neery s and have corned beef and cabbage. you look too young to drink, so don t do that. what s your favorite spot? your spring break spot and memory? well hoda likes to take her landing strip to stop it, i m going to stop bringing it up. that s the end of that discussion. where do you go? i m not answering that. i don t remember spring break, how about that? i used to go to bible camp during my spring break. and sexy lingerie coming up. rv covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it [ loud r&b on car radio ] i m going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that s progressive. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you can t get more italian. it s on. let s roll. i know just where they are.. youthcode dark spot correcting skincare from l oreal paris addresses key discoloration issues 86% of women saw less dark spots. treat dark spots youth code from l oréal paris chewy inside. crunch n chew. with a crunchy candy shell. untamed fruit flavor. jolly rancher crunch n chew. so it can feel like you re using nothing at all. but neosporin® eczema essentials™ is different. its multi-action formula restores visibly healthier skin in 3 days. neosporin® eczema essentials™. it is 10:26 now. good morning. i m marla. the search is under way for a man who recently suffered a head injury. we spoke to the santa cruz rescue saying they will bring in canine units to help search for matthew abraham. his family says when they last saw him, he was talking about the observation deck and hiking trails above ucsc. abraham apparently hurt his head after a fall during a bike ride last weekend. coming up after the break, we ll check the forecast and look at the roads. welcome back. the time now is 10:28. taking a live look over san francisco, cameras shaking a little bit. as winds pick up, that will be the case for today. you ll notice plenty of mid and high clouds out there. as we head throughout the day today, temperatures will be comfortable and on the cloudy size. 69 in san francisco. and a great looking st. patrick s day weekend before the rain arrives. we ll time that out for you today at 11:00. but first, we want to check your drive with mike. good morning. the drive is just across the san mateo bridge. we ll have that reconfiguration in haifward. if you need more information on that, check out my facebook page. here 880 moves nicely, as well. we had a tough morning for a short period of time. now it s clear across the dale and to the toll palazzo yeah. westbound 80, they had a few cars through berkeley. moving at the limit. no problem. just low clouds and haze. visibility for the drive, just fine. thanks. we ll have more of the day s top stories coming up in 30 minutes. . back on this try-day friday, with more of today. sandy beaches, warm waters and tropical drinks beckon thousands of college students to spring break. but you also want them to play it safe. here with advice and gadgets all of us can use before we pack our bags is the safety chick, kathleen baity, the author of college safety 101 miss independence guide to empowerment, confidence and staying safe. what s more important than now, when everybody is packing their bags. absolutely. good to see you, kathleen. a lot of things kids do and grown-ups do is tweet or facebook or instagram, i m getting there, i m here. and the problem with that is thieves, criminals know that people are out of town, for long periods of time. i can t tell you the number of people i ve heard of that have had their houses, come home to their houses being completely cleaned out. because the neighbors or people casing the neighborhood saw they were going to be gone. so don t do that. no. let s talk about must-have apps. for college kids or anyone going away. one of the first ones is called emergency-see. this is one of the best safety apps i ve seen out there. and the reason is, there s a lot of tracking. what s happening? what s happening is if i am in danger and this is on my cell phone, i hit a button and it goes to my emergency contacts by text and email and it immediately starts streaming video live video, live audio of where i am and it starts gps tracking me so that help is on the way. and there s a million clues on that screen as well. exactly. and that s the thing, there aren t any other apps out there that i know of that do the immediate streaming. it s so vital, time is of the essence. talk about ice standard. i love the concept as we all do, of putting your emergency contacts under your phone under the acronym i.c.e. this is an app you can put object your lock screen and see the color coding at the top. so as you scroll through, you fill in what your, your i m allergic to coating, so mine goes from red, from green to yellow to red. yellow is a health issue red is stop and this is for first responders. again, time is of the essence, they want to know what they re dealing with. there s an app that you like for foreign travel. this is m-passport. the great thing about it is whatever foreign country you re in, this tells you, via gps where the closest emergency room is, pharmacy, all that and they re vetted, they re not just random. now all of these apps are great. but if your phone is not charged, and it happen as lot when you go overseas hello, hoda. this is one of the great phone chargers. it s made by luna, and game day has them. and it charges your cell phone three times. especially with the iphone 5. those batteries drain quicker. this for sure charges your batteries three times. which for most of the other chargers, they re not as strong. tell us about if you re worried about peeping toms in your room. we all remember the erin andrews issue, right? yes. and this is a peephole reverse viewer. $12 on the internet. what happens? i can look through here and see into your room. privacy logic came up with a great, they re peephole covers. well, a towel on your door. tape doesn t always stick. these are $9.99, they come in a two-pack, you can pop them on and take them off. hotel doors aren t safe. what s a way to make sure you stay locked in. the locks are flimsy. these are door wedge alarms that you can put under your door that makes the door hard to open and it has a 120-decibel alarm to notify you. those are all on your website? yes. she s like the female james bond. thank you. get your sexy back if you ve lost it. lingerie for every body. do i know you? i m jay, and you re not nearly as old looking as these other ladies. oh, well thank you. [ chuckles ] bernice! he s a liquid gold digger. oh! he preys on women who cook with velveeta. be quiet helen. uh! [ male announcer ] liquid gold diggers love liquid gold. so this year, make the most of it. fly like you ve never been grounded. scream like you ve never been shushed. let go like you have nothing to lose. and hold on to what matters most. it s your vacation. don t just take it. mean it. universal orlando. vacation like you mean it. [ marcy ] it s like memory foam. [ female announcer ] the only pad made from a revolutionary material. [ erina ] it totally fits to your body. [ female announcer ] it s incredible protection, you ll barely feel it. always infinity. tell us what you think. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it s the honey, it makes it taste so. well, would you look at the time. what s the rush? be happy. be healthy. we don t spend money inventing phrases like triple jumbo giant roll to tell you scott 1000 has 1,000 sheets. instead, we give you deals and rewards when you join scott shared values. sign up at see. 1000. sign up at sometimes all you need is the wow. sometimes all you need is the smooth creamy taste of werther s original caramel to remind you that you re someone very special. now discover caramel apple filled werther s original. on today s style, getting your sexy on, from having children to losing weight, to getting older, the changes in your body can make shopping for lingerie very intimidating. but style expert jenae luchiani can tell anyone how to dress. you take six real women who have been through body changes. exactly, all these points in life where you feel like, i can t wear that or i don t feel sexy for my husband, we re going to totally transform these ladies today into sex vixens. let s bring out kelly. kelly recently had a baby. and there s the proof. this is her third. every woman in america will hate her right now. but you know, she still feels like she has a little bit of a belly, like most new moms do. so we want to sort of mask that. by having the brown stripe, the seam hit just under her bust, it draws the attention to her narrowest part and the all-over leopard print with the skinny shimmies, is slenderizing. noby looks at your belly, they look at your baby. that s a great tip. thank you so much. next up is paulina, she s eight months pregnant. not feeling so sexy. that s adorable. you re eight months pregnant, that s unbelievable. well, she s eight months pregnant and so part of the problem obviously she looks amazing, part of the problem is that she says she always has very sore breasts. which a lot of pregnant women have. wait until she starts nursing. so i encorporated this barely there push-up bra, so she s getting a boost into her longry look with this adorable romper from jcpenney and some nice fuzzy uggs australian slippers. she s young, fun, flirty. happy baby to you, sweetheart. next out, rachel. we should point out rachel lost 50 pounds, here s her before picture. rachel, look at you now, girl. look at that new body. she got it going on. tell us about her. anybody that knows me knows i love a corset. there s nothing that will make you look better than a corset. i took a full yummy tummy slip and a frederick s of hollywood corset over it. shows you that corset doesn t have to be all about teddys, you can work with different things. she really gives her that the ho hourglass shape. did sure does. annie is next, she also lost a lot of weight. look at annie s before picture. wow, annie looking good. believe it or not, i m going to out you here, she has a 21-year-old son. she does not look like that. annie looks unbelievable. she wanted something that was really comfortable. sort of like a nightie. i gave her this little chemise from tj maxx, masking a multitude of sins. i don t think she has any sins. let s bring crystal out. she s over 50, not sure what s appropriate. but we think we ve found it. it looks great. well crystal works in a suit all day long and she doesn t have a lot of time when she gets home to change so i put her in this sexy bra from bali that she st sort of unwraps, throws on the nice silky robe and she s good to go. great for ladies over 50, to show off those legs. cover up the arms and show off the legs. and last out kayla. full figured and sexy, tell us about her outfit. well kayla, she is full-figured and lovers the skin she s in. she loves to rock her figure. nothing sexier than confidence. showing a little bit of cleavage. actually showing off quite a bit. yes. great legs, nice cleavage, she s good to go. let s bring all of our ladies out. thank you, jenae. don t ever gripe about grout again. budget friendly solutions for fixing your bathroom tile right after this. exclusive haircolor. just in from paris. the preference paris couture collection. spectacular new shades, designed by christophe robin, l oreal s master colorist. each shade sparkles with brilliant tones.layers of shine. a blonde with rose gold lights. iced golden brown with amber tones. luscious rich merlot red. and preference defies fading. up to 8 weeks. the preference paris couture collection. the latest of 50 luxurious shades. find yours.from l oreal paris. because you re worth it. dannon oikos non-fat yogurt sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true. such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein. of regular low-fat yogurt. mmm dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt dannon and be good for your face? [ female announcer ] now there s new neutrogena® naturals acne cleanser. acne medicine from the wintergreen leaf treats breakouts. no parabens or harsh sulfates. for naturally clear skin. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® naturals. for naturally clear skin. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise. time for today s home and tackling terrible tile. with amazing low-budget solutions that won t break the bank or your back. frank fontana is the author of frank fontana s dirty little secrets of design. let s talk about cleaning the tile. so you know, grout issues are everybody s pain in the butt. if you didn t do it right, which what i mean by that is sealing your grout with a sealer like this. you just put it in the grout lines, it stops you getting to this point which is the cleaning process. i ve got three ecofriendly options and one an industrial. if you want to grab the goggles and steam involved it hurts her hair. hot and strong you see that? it instantly gets into the grout line, pull it is right up. and it doesn t cost you much. you can get one of these for around $50. that will work for old grout? because it gets so hot. if not you put a little bit of this on, a mixture of white vinegar and water. good old vinegar. you spray it down if it works. we believe you, frank. scrub it down, you can get into the grout lines and hit it with a steamer. if none of that works, go industrial with something like this from magic, it s a grout cleaner. spray it on, scrub it, let it sit for a couple of minutes, it will get out most of the grout issues. can you regrout over it? it s clean at that point. but if you can t get it out, frank. if they do, they sell grout paint. it s a pen that goes right in the middle of it. problem solved. there you go. is that difficult? no, i had another solution for you, which is no grout, kathie lee. if you re doing the kitchen over and you have an opportunity to start fresh and you don t ever want to deal with grout issues ever again. kill it, do a little bead of silicone, bump your tiles together just like this. right up against each other. i don t recommend it without doing a tiny bead. but use white caulk and it will look beautiful. you can caulk after that? or use one of those sealers. but i don t recommend it. that s what hoda would do. and your tile is chipped, just keep going with it. it s all scratched up? this happens from time to time. and you don t want to throw out your whole bathroom. with porcelain chip fix from magic, you can mitch this two-part epoxy together. it s like white-out for your tile, you paint it on. and then what? and it slowly fills in the lines. you have to reapply. now if you ve got a sink issue, porcelain sinks, you can use this to fix the chips in here and this product here which is a refinishing kit from magic. spray it right on, it s an epoxy, you mix it together, once it seals, it looks brand new, under $35. finally girls it s women, actually. ladies. we re fine. careful. you sure you don t want to talk about no. shower wall behind you, check it out. if you didn t want a demo, you don t want to break your back. i ve got the solution, it s called milestone. i ll show you how to use it. milestone can go over any surface, especially tile. you seal it with a waterproof sealer. it s going to be gunky, smelly and loud. while you re doing this, we re going to have to say good-bye. i know that you are smooth and that s what i prefer. as we head out to st. patrick s day a performance by celtic thunder, first, this is today on nbc. is announcer: the toyota concert series on today brought to you by toyota. we re celebrating st. patrick s day with celtic thunder, their cd debuted as number one. here are george donaldson, emmet cahill, neal burn and ryan kelly and colm keegan singing turninging away. have an awesome weekend, everybody. bye! on the water we have walked like a fearless child what was battered we unlocked revealing wonders wild and in search of confirmation we have jumped into the fire and scrambled with our burning feet to uncontrolled desire in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivious our hearts so raw and clear are turning away turning away from here there s a bell possible the hill from our ancient past where an agent standing still holding strong and fast and though they try to tame us and carve it into stone words cannot extinguish it however hard they re thrown in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivious our hearts so raw and clear are turning away turning away from here while our cattle they have worked with their highland dreams they have nourished in the mountain stream and in searching for acceptance they have given it away only the children of our children know the price they have to pay and in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivion our hearts so raw and dear are turning away turning away from here and in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivion our hearts so raw and clear are turning away turning away from here and in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivion our hearts so raw and clear are turning away turning away from here are turning away turning away from here [ applause ] . accused of having images of child pornography on his home computers, parents in san jose. today we ll get clarification on exactly where he taught.í#togno. a gorgeous day shaping up. christina loren join us us in just a few with your st. paddy s day forecast. good morning and thanks for being with us. i m marla tellez. and i m john kelly. we have new details surrounding a south bay substitute teacher accused of possessing child pornography. that teacher now in the hospital on psychiatric hold after allegedly trying to kill himself. this as the school district continues searching for answers. nbc s christie smith joining us from san jose. christie, we could soon learn exactly where this man taught, correct? that s what we re hering today. i spoke with the superintendent here at the school district and he tells me he s been fielding calls all morning. of course parents very concern about this substitute teacher. now, accused of having child pornography. he was taught here as recently

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW MediaBuzz 20131111

you feel that? did nbc s political director do the job on let the president escape with are month spin? 60 minutes apologizes for a mistake on the fatal attack at benghazi. we were wrong. we made a mistake. how did that happen? we will look at what happened. the pundits are swooning over chris christie after the big re-election. he is all over the sunday snows and on the cover of time. can the romance last? this is media buzz. we have a lot of hot issues on the program. we will read some of our tweets at the end of the report. a report on 60 minutes, is a huge black eye after a security contractor said he scale add 12 wall that was overone with al-qaeda fighters. one guy saw me and he shouted, i could not believe he had seen me because it was so dark. he started walking toward me. as he came closer? i hit him with the butt of the rifle in the face. he went down. he dropped? like a stone. was his face smashed? as the washington post reports, he had filed a report to his boss saying he could not get near the compound on the night of the attack. and now he says he lied in the report telling the daily beast he did not want the supervisor to know he disobeyed orders. the reporter defended this saying the program should have disclosed he where a book being published by a division of cbs. but on friday, 60 minutes said they would run a correction the. nobody likes to admit they made a mistake. if you do, you have to stand up and take responsibility and you have to say you were wrong. in this case, we were wrong. we made a mistake. what happened? new york times reported that davies told the f.b.i. he did not go to the compound directly his account to 60 minutes. now we know that he told the f.b.i. a different story than what he told us. that was the moment for us when we realized we no longer had confidence in our source and we were wrong to put him on air and we apologized to owe viewers. joining us is fox news contributor who writes the top twitter column for we have contributing editor at member conservative magazine , and dana milbank. what did they do? they stonewalled and did not open their mouth. it always leads to more questions from the media as the media should know, however, they bet all their marble on a guy who lied to them. they said they had systems in place to do it. the apology was rockstar. given the response of the beach benghazi story, the credibility of the witness has collapsed. how bad? a bad mistake. they had the book publisher from the same division so they knew they would make a lot of money but also what needs to be told is the story of the pressure that the independent groups like media matters but on 60 minutes. hillary clinton pushing back on everything on benghazi including questions of the timeline of the night and where the mohammed video came from, those questions are being stopped by an enormous amount of pressure from independent groups on behalf of hillary clinton. if the story was wrong as it appears, isn t the prior pressure warranted? yes, any story that any network or journalist does, that gets the coverage. when they apologized and the chairman of cbs news and also the executive producer of 60 minutes, he said we have to own this and said it is a black eye and he said this is as big a mistake as ever has been made on 60 minutes. how do they put this on the airbased on one guy writing a book who told his boss he wasn t there that night? well, they put a lot of credibility in one person which we know is dangerous. one someone goes to such length over a long period of time, you can have more confidence in that person. there is a lot of issues here internally, whether 60 minutes has enough of a relationship with the news division. there are people in cbs who probably could have done something to prevent this in the first place. this is really a case as jim would agree, of the conservative mainstream media getting the story wrong. i have to take you on about this. i disagree. i think 60 minutes is the gold standard for news and jeff is an amazing producer and has worked his way up. laura started in 2002 and has put herself in harm s way. i m not saying mistakes weren t made but i think to say that someone in the news division could have seen this is offing. there a phenomenon of group think, when you are convinced the story is real, all the evidence that could disconfirm the belief is ignored. there are more resources cbs could have brought to bear which could have been used. fox news producer spoke to the source several times but stopped talking to the guy when he asked for money. fox said it stands by the benghazi reporting and it is an important story. to wrap this up it was 60 minutes that, too, had the dan rather george bush national guard story. is this in the same class? actually, a former cbs news reporter was quoted by reporter of washington post saying it is not as big a deal. what made that powerful was that rather was obsessed with destroying the bush family. this is just, look, cbs took a little while to admit the mistake but in three or four days they owned it. though apologized. as cbs said it will be a blip. he said you have to say you were wrong and in this case we are wrong. that kind of apology give you a lot credibility. better apology because unlike the case of dan rather who was ordered to apologize, everyone now at 60 minutes recognizes it was a screwup. president obama is under a lot of pressure over the health carol out in his famous promise if you like your plan you can keep it sat down with nbc report other. do you feel like you owe the folks an apology for misleading them, they feel mislead the you have seen the anger. i reyet regret very much what we intended to do we were not as clear as we need to be the i am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurance they got from me. the president went to a guy with msnbc and how did he do? it was a semi apology. he asked some tough questions about health and human services secretary sebelius and about the website, did you know certain things? when did you know it? he bobbed on that. he mentioned a chicago tribune columnist who called the president ally arrest. that is from the hometown tribune. he said a lot of liberals were not happy. my point is that this is a 25 minute interview and we saw clips from the interview and the of supers are done very differently when they are not live than a live interview. you have much more time. they both looked more conversational than you would in a confrontational interview. jim, this was big news but not so much in the new york times as it was else y. new york times had tried to spin it for the president saying he misspoke. that was the editorial. that is the flag ship of liberalism. four days before on the front page, millions eligible for free policies. i thought the few of the mat not to put that story on page as most newspapers did, was either a misjudgment or denial. do you agree? i would. the back story was, look, sebelius is not equipped for the job and the president, six weeks into it the gold standard for presidential apology is john f. kennedy in 1961 after the bay of pigs he went on tv and said i am the responsible officer of this government. period. that the 308s the polls went up after that. the apology looks forced. it did not seem sincere. but the larger picture, maybe the instance with new york times this president has been pummeled for three or three weeks by the we media. it has been relentless. between that and the cbs story that turned out to be false going after the administration on benghazi, we should be sitting back and say, wait, what is this about the liberal mainstream media? aren t you one of those people in the media? absolutely. and people on your side, they are not lying the president s apology because he never said, yes i misled the country or i m sorry. he talked about impact of his words. it is about hundreds of thousands of people, 3.5 million, being kicked off the insurance rolls by plans they thought they could keep. lot of journalists and thinkers on the left are feeling that they were lied to and this administration knew this was not going to be the case. maybe the people did not investigate that enough at the time. there is a lot of anger now that they were sold a bill of goods. it is the insurance company s fault. i thought you were going to praise dana for his candor. when we come back, the media going gaga. what is behind this romance? and bob woodward on his strained relations with the white house. when chris christie won a land slide re-election this week, the pundits were immediately talking him up. i think chris christie is an ined cancerble candidate. the guy who rose above politics, the guy who was willing to work with president obama. there s a coronation going on today for chris christie. and today, the new jersey governor not exactly in hiding, hitting four sunday morning shows. are you a moderate or a conservative? david, listen, i don t get into these labels. that s the washington, d.c. game and what all those men and women down there play. governor, what do you think of ted cruz and rand paul? what i m not going to get into the washington, d.c. game that you re trying to get me into. i think we ve established he s not going to play the washington, d.c. game. there s about 12 other references to that. is christie getting press in part because mainstream reporters like his views better was as opposed to ted cruz? i did win a big victory in a media intense state. but i think you re on to something, and that is the media, i predict, will love christie, find his interesting, and then at the moment where he actually gets if he gets the nomination against hillary clinton, they ll say, enough, we were happy to use him as a hammer on the conservatives, ted cruz and whoever, but now that it s christie versus hillary, you re going to go with hellry. so you re predicting a turn in the right. a couple years to go. and he gives access. he goes on sunday shows. he held a press conference this week, went on for an hour, it could have gone on for four. that s so different than mitt romney who is like talking to the reporters is talking to the dentist. well, i m not going to get into this washington game, but i will say you re off the show. people find christie refreshing because whether he is or not, he sounds like a truth teller. this is the build up phase for christie. there will be a knockdown phase. it s the same thing that happened with hillary clinton. puffed up and knocked down. the media build up chakt areas, marco rubio earlier, only build them up to knock them down. why are journalists swooning over this governor? because he s not sitting in a studio and says those scripted answers, although you did hear him say the same thing over and over again. he was much more cautious. he was. he needed a cup of coffee. by tend of his fourth interview, he had more momentum. but here is guy who will say when he s on an interview, sit your rear-end down. you re going to get thrown in jail. he just talks like a tough guy and that is refreshing for journalists. how about this time cover? there s been a lot of talk about it holding up. the elephant in the room. ridiculous. ridiculous? ridiculous. you were offended by this? here is a guy you re setting up to be president of the united states and you make a fat joke about him on the cover of time magazine? it s just to create buzz, sell magazines. on the inside, he said and guess what? he s a workhouse with a temper and a tongue, a guy that loves his mother and gets it done. but it was a cheap shot. time is into selling magazines. and guess who else wasn t terribly ovened by it. who cares? i mean, seriously, i m on the cover of time magazine, you know? it is certainly not the first weight joke that has been thrown my way over the course of the last four years, chris. did you get that? who cares? i will say this. that time magazine cover reminds me of a recent newsweek which did ever more and more outrageous covers as it was circling the drain into oblivion. i think they were trying to be as provocative as pbl.that s a little bit irresponsible. will there be more and more stories if christie becomes more of a player about his weight and about his temperament? i think we all think it s charming now that he wags his finger. mccain went through this, too, will he say gee, does he have the temperament to sit in the oval office? and christie makes mccain look like milk toast. i think there will be more questions about that and about his weight where people are saying, is this guy healthy enough to be in the oval office? health is an issue. but he s also getting thinner. he had the secret lap band surgery which turned out not to be so secret. all right. thanks very much for joining us on sunday. still ahead, my sit down with bob woodward. but up next, rand paul blames msnbc s rachel maddow as he responds to allegations of msnbc s rachel maddow had a contentious interview with rand paul and she s bl been at it again accusing the senator of lifting lines from a movie no one has heard of. in the not too distance future, engistics is common and that line appears almost verbatim in the wikipedia entry. paul dismissed that and a second allegation involving wikipedia as a technical matter, criticized maddow and he let loose on abc s this week. do you concede at least this is pretty sloppy? the footnote police have been dogging me for the last week. i will admit that. and i will admit sometimes we haven t footnoted things properly. i take it as an insult and say people cannot call me dishonest, misleading or misrepresenting. i have never intentionally done so. if dueling were illegal, but i think i m being targeted by hacks and haters. but then another issue, the website washington times reporting that some of the language had been verbatim lifted from the week magazine. mandatory sentencing began in response to a growing endemic. america s prison population has tripled to 2.4 million. america now jails a country, including china and iran, at a staggering cost of $08 billion a year. here is what senator rand wrote. america s prison population has quadrupled to 2.4 million. america now jails a higher percentage of its citizens than any other country, including china and iran at the staggering cost of $80 billion a year. the senator told national review that if he were a journalism teacher for taking the coverage of msnbc and the associated press, he would have failed them. the plagiarism was real and attacking the media doesn t change that. send me a tweet at this hour about our show. ahead on media buzz, bob woodward on his latest crash with the white house, his view of the obama care mess and his relationship with jeff bezos. that s next on media buzz. weap. now back to media buzz. bob woodward has reported on every president since richard nixon. now the editor has been clashing with the obama white house. how does its handling of the media compare to previous administrations? i spoke to him earlier here in studio one. bob woodward, welcome. thank you. you concluded in your book the price of politics that president obama had failed to lead. now we re hearing that he failed to lead on nsa foreign surveillance, didn t know the details, we re hearing that he failed to lead on the obama carolout, has it taken the media too long to reach this analysis? well, you ve got to be empirical about it. and that s not to take the republicans off the hook for all the budget problems. but the president has to find a way to work his will. as you recount all of this, and as i do, you see that the president is the one who calls people to the white house. they don t call him to the congress. and but it s more he has the hammer. you as an author had to reach a conclusion. and some people criticize you for that. i understand even today some in the white house are not that happy with bob bood woodward s reporting. yeah. they said i started it. started what? started this idea of he s got to lead. and he s too passive at times on these budget issues. is this white house telling you that s not accurate? are they angry? are they blaming you for this? as you know, no one likes to be criticized and called out. but they deal with reporters. i think the temperature is going up right now. there is more .more criticism on the president s comments on obama care, that, you know, if you like it, you ll keep it. and somebody has found 29 times that he said that and i ve seen it at least 29 times on the air. but on that point, you were on meet the press with david, no longer works in the white house, and he wouldn t quite concede that that was a mistake, the president used the wrong language. it almost seems like the press is trying to pull out of this administration. it s an admission that this was, at the very least, misleading and they don t want to go there. no, they don t. and on that show and it s been said a number of times, going back to 2009 when the president made a mistake on one of the cabinet nominations, he came out, went public and said i screwed up. end of quote. and i think they should do that. this obviously is a miscalculation or a screw-up and it s not correct and i think it s right for the media to kind of say, let s straighten this out. you know, millions of people are going to have to decide on their health care insurance and if the becomes a political football, oh, you can do this, no, you can t do that, it only adds to the confusion. and i think that s not in the interest of the president. i think it s possible they can if it fix this and work it out. i would say the tone of the coverage has turned much more aggressive. you see it in the jay carney briefings, in the coverage of the obama carolout. but a lot of people think too passive until now. i ve never been too passive in writing about the president. no one is saying you. but i think it is true. look, the message, managers in the white house have great sway with reporters. as you know, the people who run the daily beat have to write three or four stories or broadcasts all day .they need somebody they can talk to in the white house. and if the white house doesn t like what they re doing, the phone calls aren t returned and somebody can t really do their job in a way that they need to. is this white house more intimidating or as intimidating as some of the past administrations that have played hard ball with the press? no. look, they all play hardball that s their job. but we are in this situation now where with the cable news coverage and the internet and the impatience and speed driving everything, give it to me now, give me the sound bites that, you know, you ve got to live in that world. i don t, quite frankly, and try to spend a year or more on something and get the detail and the notes and the memos that really explain what they re saying to each other in the process. and i think when you examine that, it makes your head hurt, that this isn t a government that s working. you touched on something important about journalism, which is that journalism is increasingly moving online, what works online are blog posts and lists and tweets, reading along investigative report on the internet can be a slog. so does that make it harder? you have in a position where you can write books and take your time. does that make it harder to do this in-depth work in this era of, as you say, give it to me now? yeah, it does. and you can work for months on things or even a year and it goes up in the ether. and you may get more attention by something you say on television or something you say on the tweet. so it s a different world, but we re going to keep doing the in-depth work and, you know, the president is going to get a fair shake. i mean, i think on the last round of budget talks, the republicans and the shutdown, the republicans really did try to blackmail and as they had earlier. you can t have a negotiation where somebody says, you know, i m going to extract things from you as speaker boehner did, that i would not normally get by holding the debt ceiling hostage. some of the president s detractors compare every scandal to watergate, with which you are familiar with. irs was worth that watergate. it was said yesterday obama care is worse than watergate. wa do you make of those comparisons? it s like all these people walking around washington who are going to be president and never exactly made it. you can t predict and it depends on the information. even watergate wasn t watergate originally. it took many months for the magnitude of the crimes to be revealed. in other words, it wasn t like it exploded on day one. it took two years, two months before nixon resigned. so, you know, little patience. but i think we need to be in a really aggressive mode and look at these things. take obama care now. yeah, you need to look at the government, but you know what the big issue is? the insurance companies. what s going on? how are they looking at this? i tell you, they know how to measure profits and they re that s the lens through which they re seeing this. so we better look at the insurance companies as hard as we ve looked at the white house. what about syria? there was a time when that dominated the news and the president looked like he was going war and then he went the diplomatic route. and we ve kind of moved on. did the media suffer from add? yeah, of course we do. and but you have to deal with what s porcht now and what happened in syria. put it on hold. there are negotiations going on trying to in actual apparently i emphasize apparently destruction of chemical weapons and we went from we re going to have a tax to we re going to go to congress to now it s in the hands of vladimir putin. you ve been spending more time lately at the washington post, i am told, and you ve been there as long as i ve known you and we once worked at the same paper. that is in part because of the new owner, jeff pezos. what is your relationship with him? do you think he has not just the bank book, but the web smarts to revitalize the franchise? i ve known him for years. i think cease serious, had discussions with him. he believes in an independent newspaper and i think it s great that the post picked him to sell to. i think it s truly sad that it has to happen, but you need somebody with that much money to rely on stockholders. i m not you know, i have the little corner i see. i trust him. i think people at the washington post trust him to hold you know, it s a stewardship of a newspaper is not just, you know, some product that goes out there. it s a public trust. yes. it s more than that, actually. recently in spending more time at the newspaper, you are trying to do what? i m trying to help with stories, work on stories, i ve done some stories, working on things. again, we are in the world where i don t think we know enough about what is really going on in government. government is hidden in secretive. i think we should have that we re going to have secret government and i often quote the judge who said that democracies die in darkness. so let s hope we don t have darkness. let s hope we have a really tough press that goes in there and doesn t give up on all of these questions. and your grand salary at the newspaper is? oh, $25 a month. but i make money from books and i think you should ask bezos for a raise. no. he told me that he thought it was worth every dollar. bob woodward, thanks very much for joining us. after the break, twitter goes public. is it really worth all those billions? and does it provide an accurate snapshot of public opinion? that s next in our digital download. twitter went public this week, a far more successful debut than the rollout for facebook. wall street now valuing twitter as more than $30 billion, this for a company that didn t exist eight years ago and is now worth more than time warner, yahoo! general dynamics or general mills. these ipos drive me crazy. if you re connected to the company or one of the big brokerages, you can get in early and make all this money and everybody else is out of luck by the time they get in. all this money, $60 million went to the underwriters. the founders, jack dorsey and ed williams are now billionaires and there are 1600 more mill heirs living in silicone valley. but those are deserved. those are the rank and file engineers who have been working there tails off or their wings off, i guess. but is this company i mean, $30 billion, worth more than companies that actually make things? it seems to me like it s maybe and i love twitter, but maybe it s a little overvalued by the market? well, of course it s overvalued. but actually, if you look at the numbers, they could have made more and they chose not to. they sold 70 on million shares at $26 a share. they could have sold them at $41 a share. but they didn t want to be facebook. they didn t want to have the problems that facebook had. but even at this valuation, it seems to me like twitter has to make a lot of profits, it has to grow far more quickly than it has to now, and thaits that s going to be difficult. as much as journalists love it, a lot of on people are puzzled by it. what is it? it doesn t feel like something that s central to their lives. i was talking to someone in silicone valley and they said to me twitter has to go from being a product, something that you use, to a business. and the problem is that the business doesn t exist. they don t have enough revenue streams at this point in their early development. they only have $500 million of profit. . i want to mention this new pugh study which found twitter is not a good poll of public opinion. that skews the value of figuring out what s trending there. right. and the value, it turns out, really isn t there when it comes to public opinion. ron paul this is what the pugh study says easily won the twitter primary. easily won it? he got clobbered. he said 55% of the conversation about him was positive, 16% was negative. sglafr the newtown tragedy, 64% of the conversation supported stricter gun controls and that was not reflected in the rest of the country. so we have to take it with a grain of salt. it s still a valuable portal into what people are saying. one in ten people in the united states get their news through twitter. it has to be more than that for this to continue to be a viable company. but tech engineers right now in san francisco, if you want to start a company, ride the ipo twitter wave. it s a good time. people are going to invest. what s your sense of who is on twitter based on the what you re writing? i find a lot of politicians are on, a lot of journalists, a lot of pundits, a lot of people who hate other people. a lot of snark right now. but i would love for you to tell me, are you using twitter? how do you use twitter? do you find it a valuable tool? if you don t, twit er is going to have a very hard time moving forward. ahead on media buzz, a toronto newspaper paid for that chilling video the city s crack mayor ranting about killing someone. did that cross the line? test test politicians are vulnerable in this video age. toronto mayorford has gone viral for some truly bizarre behavior. for months he denied what was reported that their journalist had seen a video of the mayor smoking crack cocaine. after police obtained the video ford add milted he had, in fact, smoked crack and said reporters hadn t asked the question the right way or something. he was apologizing the other day after toronto star had a video of this strange and disturbing rant. we wore out the bleep button. star paid $5,000 from a source from another computer. the rival refused to pay. purchasing the video was like purchasing book excerpt and not paying the source for information. that s a stretch. hard to argue this glimpse of a mayor out of control wasn t news worthy for the people of toronto. still to come, tweet, espn, nfl bullying and fox news journalist heads to court to protect her confidential sources in a big murder case. [ grunts softly ] [ ding ] i sense you ve overpacked, your stomach. try pepto to-go. it s pepto-bismol that fits in your pocket. relief can be yours, but your peanuts. are mine. here are a few of your top tweets on 60 minutes apologizing for benghazi story. glad they were shamed into it by the truth. hole be fired? cbs prattles about accountability. do it once, i can t trust you never again. they know he s in the eyes of the tea party. he ll demoralize base in an election and be a pushover for hillary. they told mccain they loved him until the elections, then they gave him an obama wedgie. fox news reporter janna winter is heading to new york s state court to protect confidential sources. her reporting on aurora. she broke the story james holmes sent his psychiatrist a notebook before going on the rampage that left a dozen people dead last year. winter who lost a lower court ruling in the case is arguing new york with its strong shield law for journalists should quash the subpoena requested by holmes team. what i find unconscionable an accused mass murderer could put her in prison for doing her job. a tip of the hat to espn for an important story that led to suspension of incognito for bullying another player jonathan martin. identified incognito in multiple incidents over the past two seasons involving martin and other players. sports network also disclosed incognito left his teammates vile and racist messages including n word. he regrets racist slurs. espn has lucrative contracts but it didn t stop them. good for them. what was fascinating about the story. we had a lot about bullying, cyber bullying, the guy that left the team, martin, 300 pounds. he s a lineman. i talk to my children about bullying and they hear it in school ad nauseam. to watch this unfold is sad. it doesn t end in grade school. bullying can take place anywhere. anybody can be a victim. while there s more to learn about the story, again, tip of the hat to espn for cracking this case. you wonder what s more to it. that s it for this edition of media buzz, lets continue the conversation on twitter. give us a like on facebook, we re on there every day responding to questions. check out the home page. e-mail us, back next sunday morning 11:00 eas it is money die november 11th. a typhoon kills an estimated 10,000 people. we will have the latest on the rescue and recovery effort on the ground. days after coasting to a second term win, new jersey govern northerly chris christie goes on an all out media blitz. what he had to say about the obamacare debacle and his 2016 bid for the presidency. bully p controversy turning into a he said she sai he sai. jonathan martin is just as much to blame for the case. good morning. you are watching fox and friends first on this monday morning. i am ainsley earhardt. i am heather childers. thank you to all of you veterans out there. we appreciate your service. fox news alert while you were sleeping a weakened typhoon made land fall in northern vietnam after bumbpummelling the philippines. more than 600,000 people have been evacuated there and it means six deaths were reported. new ariel video shows the trail of devastation left behind in the philippines. you can see houses and buildings completely leveled, more than 10,000 people are feared dead. four people believed to be americans died meantime in a small plane crash in the bahamas. the plane crashed in the water minutes after takeoff from it the ground off the grand bahama island. they say the aircraft was destroyed. the pilot radioed saying the there were engine problems. more about the death of an animal sanctuary worker in oregon. the wild

Vietnam , Republic-of , New-york , United-states , Philippines , New-jersey , Iran , China , Syria , Oregon , Toronto , Ontario

Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20131111

devastation in the philippines. right now, there is a humanitarian crisis of gigantic proportions, with thousands feared dead. nbc s ian williams joins us live from manila with the latest. good morning. reporter: we re still trying to get together the precise information about what happened down there. we do know that the devastation has been widespread. but rescue workers are still trying to get to some of the more isolated communities, where communication is still down. where roads are blocked. they have reached a major city on the coast that was battered when the typhoon came ashore. the local authorities estimate that perhaps 10,000 people died. it s hard to say for sure. the official death toll is just over 250. but that s certain to rise, as officials and rescue workers reach some of the outlying areas. the destruction has been massive. cutting aswath across the philippines. a large area of the coast has almost been wiped clean. supplies are beginning to arrive. hundreds of soldiers are there to stop the widespread looting that we understand is taking place. one small bit of good news was the birth of a baby at the airport, among those waiting to get out, which did provide a little of good cheer to those people who have suffered so badly. watter is short. food is short. so are medical supplies. there s an enormous amount needed will. ian williams, we appreciate it. thank you. the reaction from washington has been swift. and nbc s tracie potts is there with that part of the story. we saw the first usa aid plane is heading towards the headest-hit area. reporter: exactly. a lot of the supplies that are so desplatly needed are on the way. the u.s. sending in food. that should last 35,000 people for 5 days. we re sending $100,000 to assist with the efforts there. and we re told that a couple of surveillance planes that had been stationed in japan will be heading down to assist with the research and rescue effort there, along with what will end up being about 90 marines and sailors helping with that effort. back here at home. food and donations. and money. filipinos make up the second-largest group of asians in the united states. we saw this coast-to-coast. a 5k run in new york. another in l.a. prayers and donations at churches and communities all over the country. and they ll continue. thank you. the typhoon and its aftermath is gripping the entire world. at the vatican sunday, pope francis led tens of thousands in silent prayer for the typhoon victims. afterwards, he assured those in the region he was close to them. if you would like to help out in the relief effort, go to the world news section of our website at nbc moving at the bahamas and the investigation into a single-engine plane crash. a cirrus 22 had just taken off from grand bahama island. the plane radioed it was having engine problems. it crashed in the waters a few miles away. all four victims are believed to be americans on a sightseeing tour. did you see anything fall from the sky last night? this european research satellite plunged through earth s atmosphere sunday. but it disintegrated and caused no known damage. it crossed over the eastern indian ocean and antarctica. it should have scattered 500 pounds of debris over an area spanning hundreds of miles. its fuel ran out last month. today, the nation pauses to thank the veterans who fought for our freedoms. businesses are offering freebies galore. veterans can head to denny s. starbucks will pour you and your spouse a free cup of joe. and head to the national parks free of charge. walk into great clips for a free cut. or go to california pizza kitchen where any pizza on the menu is free. golden corral is offering a free dinner and drink. and go to red robben for a free burger. let s get the latest in sports from betty nguyen. we begin with the saints dominating the cowboys. drew brees finds marques cols n colston. and brees to darren sproles. brees piles on with this long pass to kenny stills. and another saints touchdown. saints win over the cowboys, 49-17. the lions with a big-time win over the bears. game tied 7-7 in the second. just seconds left. jay cutler s throw for the t.d. is tipped by suh. for a second touchdown of the game. and the lions win 21-19. and in green bay, the packers whipped out aaron rodgers fall. more division rivalries, the bengals with the luckiest hail mary pass of the season to force overtime right there. but the ravens win, with a 46-yard field goal by kicker justin tucker. better late than never. the jaguars pulled off the tennessee titans. and get their first win of the season. denver broncos over the chargers, 28-20. peyton manning had three touchdown passes. he hurt his leg. he ll get an mri today. major upsets to tell you about. the rams demolish the colts. rams win 38-8. and the panthers beat the 49ers with their dominating defense, winning 10-9. this was the fifth-straight win for carolina. finally, soapbox road racing. red bull at it again in argentina, with this crazy car race. 40 contestants barrel down a closed road in handmade cars, decked out in outrageous costumes. i m not sure what that one was exactly. no idea. bill is here with your veterans day forecast. good morning. the pictures of the supertyphoon is just as bad as we feared. vietnam wasn t hit even a quarter or even an eighth or a tenth as hard as the philippines were. by the time it got there was weaker. there is a tropical depression about to move through the philippines. it could add some rain any inclimate weather. people are outside, don t have shelters. try to get ships and planes in there were relief. that s not going to help things. here in the lower 48, the only story is going to be the cold. the windchill right now, negative one in fargo. those temperatures are plunging in minneapolis. all of the cold air will make all of the eastern u.s. over the next 48 hours. there s a shot of snow across minnesota this morning. we will see snowflakes later tonight. even washington, d.c. could see a couple of snowflakes on your tuesday. that s the only story out there. bundle up. straight ahead, america s lost appreciation for military men and women along with their families. colonel jack jacobs weighs in next. how are things with the new guy? all we do is go out to dinner. that s it? i mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great.what? he s using you. he probably has a citi thankyou card and gets 2x the points at restaurants. so he s just racking up points with me. some people. ugh! no, i ve got it. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out and entertainment, with no annual apply, go to just in time for veterans day, a special homecoming at the unc virginia football game. during halftime, first class shawn ziegler s wife and four kids were expecting an overseas video greeting. instead, they got this, the real thing. he s retiring from the navy after 20 years of service. on this veterans day, the nation pauses to thank those who have fought and sacrificed for their freedom. joining us from los angeles, jake jacobs, a medal of honor recipient. colonel jacobs, good morning. thank you so much for joining us on veterans day. thank you for waking up early with us. thanks for having me on. you served in vietnam and received a congressional medal of honor. you recently went back. and many veterans return to the battlefield to find peace. is that what you found when you returned? i found a dramatically changed vietnam. in saigon, for example, which had been rather seedy, even before colonial days, the city was awash with mercedes, rolex stores, all for the international clients, business people who come to develop business with vietnam. 3 1/2 hours south of saigon, where i fought, we went by van. and found i found a vietnam that had not changed at all. the rural part of vietnam looked pretty much the same as it had more than 40 years ago when i fought there. the odd thing was that it didn t feel the same. principally because nobody was shooting at me. but the paths and the roads were all full of people. the place looked the same as it had over 40 years ago. what was that feeling like? describe what you felt when you returned. a great feeling of displacement. your heart and your eyes are supposed to see the same thing. but they didn t in this case. and my recollection of the place was a very unpleasant one. what i saw was not particularly unpleasant. i got an opportunity to meet with the commander. the enemy commander, who at the time, in 1968, was a vietcong district chief. they had a spy in the chief s office. they knew we were coming. they had three days to prepare and launched an ambush where we lost lots of soldiers and so did they. he and i talked at great length about the battle. i got a lot of answers to questions. he verified what i suspected. it was an interesting meeting. at the end, he said, you know, in vietnamese, he said, we have peace and we re friends. and i said, we certainly have peace. there s a lot of business going on here between the united states and vietnam. but friends, i m not so sure. an amazing story, jack. jack, i wanted to ask you if you think enough is being done to support the veteran population in the u.s. there s issues with unemployment, homelessness, even issues with the care that s been provided at v.a. hospitals. what more do you think the department of veteran affairs can be doing? well, they re working hard to do what they can. their problem is they have an antiquated i.t. system. they re having a hard time dealing with the huge influx of veterans who are making demands on the system. i think it s going to be quite some time before they finally get their house in order. something that s been long overdue. but the secretary of veterans affairs, himself a decorated and wounded combat veteran, knows what to be done. and is working hard to make sure we deliver. a lot of the things that veterans need, they don t need right away. 20 years from now, when the veterans of the current conflicts start to develop the problems that are the result of the conflicts, they re going to show up at the department of veterans affairs, requiring treatment. and we better be ready for it. thank you so much for your service. we need to thank others for their service today on this veterans day. it s so nice to see you this morning. thanks for having me on. for resources for veterans, head to the web. nbc more women in america getting ahold of big guns. and it might not be what you think. plus, chris christie made the sunday show rounds. but does he make the case of what republicans must do to connect? [ man ] adventure, it means taking chances. it means trying something new. [ woman ] that uncertainty of what s to come. he was a matted messiley in a small cage. ng day. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie s list, i don t know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie s list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie s list. join today at before william hughes fought in vietnam. and john hughes jumped into normandy. and john anderson hughes served in world war i. and before robert hughes joined the spanish-american war. there were families connected to the belief that freedom was worth fighting for. we re proud to help veterans and their families succeed here at home. welcome back. stories making news this morning now. suspended miami dolphins guard richie incognito said jonathan martin sent him a threatening text message. but he knew it was a joke. he told fox sports he does not bullying martin. if you go by just the knucklehead stuff i ve done in the past, we re sitting in your home and you re thinking, this guy s a loose canon. in guy s a terrible person. this guy s a racist. that couldn t be farther from the truth. if i was a racist and i was bullying john martin, this locker room would have said, we saw this and that. he regrets the language he used with martin and he would apologize. gasoline prices in the u.s. have dropped 15 cents a gallon over the past three weeks. home prices are on the rice in all 50 states. led by the top five. michigan is number five, with 11.9% year over year gains. followed by georgia and arizona. california at 22.5%. and nevada, topping that list at 25.3% year over year gains. new jersey governor chris christie made the rounds at the sunday talk shows as speculation runs high about whether he will run for president in 2016. on meet the press, christie said there are ways to expand the reach of the republican party to black and hispanic communities. you go and you show up and you listen. and you start to make your argument about your policies. i think the results of the elections show, that s the kind of engagement we need as republicans all across the country. the start of hunting season means more women are going out in the woods with guns. the census bureau says women make up 11% of the nation s 13.7 million hunters. which is actually up from 9% in 2006. oh. coming up, washington post reporter david nakamura joins us to discuss the day s stories. [ molly ] honey. whoa! sweet mother of softness. paws off pal. just one squeeze? just enjoy it with your eyes. [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra soft is so soft, you don t even have to squeeze it to believe it. for the first time, you can actually see the softness with our new comfort cushions. new charmin ultra soft is still so much softer and more absorbent, you can use up to four times less. i believe it, but i still gotta squeeze it. [ female announcer ] used by more plumbers, charmin is now clog-free or it s free. thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i ll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don t want you to pay for this. it s not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it s her treat. what about a tip? oh, here s one. get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. welcome back. joining me from washington for our first look at politics, washington post reporter david nakamura. it s nice to see you this morning. hi, veronica. after a big win in new jersey, governor chris christie was doing rounds on the sunday talk shows. he was dodging questions about his conservatism. is he conserve enough for a republican presidential primary? that might be difficult. and it will be interesting to see over the next two or three yores how christie plays on big, national issues. he ll be asked to weigh in all the time now. he likes to have this bipartisan appeal. he made a point after winning re-election. look at the big margins i ran up in a blue state. people in washington need to look at what we re doing here in new jersey. he has that. on the other hand, he s asked yesterday about immigration reform. he supports some sort of reform. on issues like that and others that are controversial and conservative voters are going to be looking for their party to take a hard line on this. he s going to have trouble. and he may weigh in on issues. and shift a little more to the right if he s getting more serious in a couple years about making a run. you need to do that in a primary. another question, he says he s focused on new jersey. how focused can he be on his day job with all of the constant media attention about his future? he s a good position. he s running the state. he s popular. he ran up a big election. there s a major issue, like hurricane sandy. that would allow a big spotlight on him. and he can focus on his state and did what what s important for the people. he has a built-in spotlight. he s in the eastern corridor between washington and new york. people will be there doing stories is christie running. he s the president of the national republican governors association. he has a big platform. and he wants to use it to help his state and to help his political fortunes. and that s going to be quickly. for him, he s probably in the best position possible. you ve been on the road traveling with the president for the last few days as he talks about obama care. he was in louisiana, where he called out governor jindal for failing to expand medicaid. he is one that decided to opt out of medicaid. explain what is happening here. and explain how this has affected people. the white house is making the point, we re working on this website. but here s another piece of the affordable care act that these governors can take advantage of. the supreme court ruled it s up to the states to take advantage of this provision if in the health care law that allows them to provide more medicaid benefits to more folks. the president said, you have to do it here in new orleans, would take 200,000 more people. so, the president s making that point everywhere he goes now. thank you so much. nice to see you. this is first look. stay tuned because way too early starts right now. the wind was coming at me. it was just really eerie because it would pick up and gust. so strong a burst you couldn t stand up. most people that i saw got in trouble with the storm surge. a combination of the wind and water coming at you was way too much. the images and anecdotes continue to pour in. we will have a live report from the capital of manila. what might save the u.s. postal service? how about amazon? the retail giant will cut a deal so some of you can get packages on sundays. and miley making news again. something she does stage on europe doesn t make air by the time it gets broadcast in the u.s. except, we have the original tape. we ll show it to you in the cooler. this is way too early. good morning, everybody. monday, november 11th. we some record-breaking performances in sunday night football. hope you had mark ingram with drew brees on your fantasy team. we start with the devastation of the supertyphoon in the philippines. the relief flight arrived. the c-130 was loaded with bottles of water, marines and sailors helping with search and rescue operations. it s difficult to assess the damage and the death toll. as many as

Haiti , New-york , United-states , Miami , Florida , Vietnam , Republic-of , Louisiana , Japan , Philippines , Nevada , Argentina

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20130311

thyou eat weiyou lose it s a great plan. until you get hungry. that s the time to take slimful. one tasty 90-calorie slimful and a glass of water satisfies hunger for hours making it easier to eat smaller meals, and resist snacking. your friends might think you found the secret to losing weight. but it s no secret. it s slimful. eating less is a beautiful thing. (male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news at the4 starts now. good morning. it is monday march 11th. taking a look outside at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. good morning everyone i am james fletcher. and i am anny hong . here is erica with a look at warm did we get yesterday? and how long will we get today? it was cooler along the coastline. maybe we will warm up to degrees. if you like yesterday would like to day. we are relatively clear. we have coastal clouds of routes and a tail. into the afternoon it will be sunny and warm. similar to what we enjoyed yesterday s. temperatures in the 60s and 70s. later tonight clear skies for everyone and light wind in the forecast. looking at temperatures currently. upper 30 s santa rosa. 40 in napa. 48 out of the door in oakland. futurecast 4 tracking temperatures. by 12 mainly 60s for just about everyone. we could see upper 50s coast side. maybe lingering clouds heading into your afternoon highs temperatures will wrap up. the yellow on your screen indicates temperatures in the 70s. by 8:00 p.m. in the fifties for everyone. your afternoon highs fairfield 72. 73 in antioch. low seventies for oakland and napa. downtown san francisco 64 degrees. 61 in daly city. your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows wednesday could be the warmest day of the week. we will continue with the warming trend. temperatures getting close to the 80 degree mark. clear skies throughout the week. we have the potential for a slight a shower as we start off your weekend. i will have more details in my next report. in the meantime that traffic desk no hot spots. a live look outside at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. no special traffic advisory to alert you to. all is well coming from all three of the approaches. san mateo bridge looking the the drive 12-13 minutes. south bound 101, the golden gate bridge no accidents as you work your way out of marin county. james. thank you erica. san francisco police are investigating the death of a man who was found in an elevator shaft at the montgomery bart station. it happened last night around 930. police responded to a called a person stuck in an elevator at the bart station. authorities managed to get that man out when they discovered another body in the shaft. it is unclear how the man got into the elevator shaft or how long he had been there. police foubelieve he could have been sleeping on top of the elevator when he was closed. we will have a live report coming of the 430. a shooting has oakland police turning to the public for help. the parties are working on tracking down the suspect shot and killed a san francisco man early yesterday morning. kron fours scott rates walked us through what happened. i am told the shooting have been a block away from the oakland police department. at the intersection of ninth and clay. it started at around 3:00 in the morning when officers responded for a call of a shot fired. when they arrived they found the man that had been shot multiple times walking here on the intersection before collapsing. investigators believe it was an occupant and another car that shot at the man as it was driving in his car. he got out and was taken to the hospital where he died. we know he was a 37 year old man from san francisco. police are not releasing his name. i checked with the oakland pd they are hoping some kind of witness will come forward and give them information that will help them solve the case. they are offering a $10,000 reward for information. reporting in oakland scott rates kron 4 news. a big payoff thanks to voters in san jose. today the city s minimum wage will go up $2 to $10 an hour. that goes for both part-time and full-time employes. it also includes those working for tips. kron fours phillipe d jegal shows us how it all adds up. with minimum wage going up to $10 that will change. the person making $10 an hour multiplied by six hours and a date = $60 per day. multiplying that by 5 days per week = $300 multiplied that by 3.33 weeks in a month that will be about $1,299 multiplied that in years you are making about $15,588. that is an increase of $3,000 per year. city councilman said that is good for employes but in the long run could have a negative impact on small businesses. a $3,000 raise for 10 employes is a $30,000 hit to a business bottom- line. a hit some businesses cannot afford. we recognize that for many small businesses to increase the minimum wage will be a significant challenge. we are doing what we can to help them through tax amnesties third efforts through start up san jose to wait permits to enable small businesses to use in storefronts. in san jose and jhillipe djgal kron 4 news. san francisco has the highest minimum wage at $10.55 an hour. san jose is a $10 even. just in to kron 4 news room, the united states and south korea have begun their annual military exercises after threats from north korea became more prominent. the latest exercise is all under the shadow of north korea s army declaring armistice agreement invalid. it is the agreement that ended the korean war in 1953. no. 3 a prisoner of war that could carry out stacks is the nine states and south korea. for the time is4:06 . a quick break. first they live look at the san mateo bridge. we are expecting another one day. a beautiful monday. more details on your forecast when we come back. well, well, well. growing up, we didn t have u-verse. we couldn t record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that s all we watched. and we liked it! today s kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. ( male announcer): now here s stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly no matter how many times you post drivers are still going to ignore them unless the sign reads free money. i have proven that fact time and time again. now if you do not know is not one but to no turn on red signs in alameda you may as a surprise. out amid a police are not issuing tickets to anyone who ignores those lines. or just flat out claims they did not see them. just in case you have been falling back on january 9, 2013 the city of alameda put up this time that was pretty much not noticed by too many drivers. now if you go to the very same intersection you will see a couple of changes. first the original note turn on red sign has been moved here and been replaced by this larger no turn on red sign not to mention 100 ft. away a sign reading changed traffic conditions ahead to alert drivers. for some it is business as usual. honestly it was so bad if police officers pulled over drive for ignoring the sign more violators would appear. like this truck. it appeared the driver may have missed getting a ticket except, it looks like we will need more cops. the lady in front of me was making hand gestures toward the person trying to cross. she wave does. i was not paying attention. i was looking at what the lady was the one that got confused. is the element of police here all day their hands will grow tired from writing tickets. in alameda stanley roberts kron 4 news. the san francisco exploratory a celebrated preopening festival this weekend. take a look at one of the highlights from yesterday s evening. the on the move festival celebrates the historic location change for the exploratory empiric the event included art cars, sidewalk cafes, and marching bands. the special fund out was at pier 15 where its new location will be the fiery octopus was, of course, part of the grand finale. the museum s opening day at pier 15 is on april 17th. we will take that as a quick break on this monday morning. a live look from our roof camera. more details on the forecast and the warm up coming this way. i am talking near 80. we will let you know when when we come back. =dj we are back. at 4:14. getting the latest on the forecast. as anny mentioned. we have quite the warm-up. wednesday is expected to be the warmest day. we could see low 80s. it will be very warm and and and and cool on the coastline. cloud cover and potential upper 50s. that is something we will monitor. looking at current conditions low 40 s for concord. war is in oakland. 47 in downtown san francisco. looking at future cast 4 tracking the number spirit if you like yesterday it would like to day. similar conditions which could be a couple of degrees warmer. looking at 12:00. the green on your screen indicates temperatures in the 60s. holding on to upper 50s are around the immediate coast line. setting the clock into motion by 2:00 p.m. for all the yellow stars tefillin indicating temperatures in the seventies look for to clear skies plenty of clear skies by 8:00 p.m. temperatures on the outside light blue indicating everyone in the 50s. afternoon highs fremont 68. 724 milpitas. 72 expected for campbell. plenty of seventies in the east bay. 724 fairfield. 70 in pittsburgh and antioch. 72 and pleasanton. mid-60 s for downtown san francisco s seventies expected for nava to . berkeley at 68. lmainly clear around the bay area patchy low clouds around the san mateo coastline. dry weather for the next several days. your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows we continue to gain a couple of degrees every day with temperatures and acting out a round wednesday. thursday and friday looking good temperatures in the 70s. there will be a cold down transitioning into the weekend. 10 percent chance of showers on saturday. cooler on sunday. when the condition of the forecast. big changes. unsettled weather could come as early as next week. we will continue to monitor to your forecast. in the meantime looking at traffic. checking with the chp no accidents to report. we are hot spot free. including the bay bridge. no problems, no wait at the pay gates. san mateo bridge looking good in both directions of highway 92. patchy low clouds not affecting your ride. south bound 101, the golden gate drive time 50 23 minutes from navato into the city. west bound for a clear shot for the caldecott tunnel. looking at least a freeways. the nimitz is accident free. no slowdowns. for interstate 580 . n national news, six teenagers were killed in an early morning accident in northeast ohio. investigators say there s u v swerved off the road yesterday morning hit a guard rail and flipped. before finally landing in a nearby pond. you are looking at video of the aftermath. according to the ohio state highway patrol to people manage to survive the accident. the accident occurred just south of mourn. 60 mi. east of cleveland near the pennsylvania state border. the course is a growing for the t s a to changed decision to allow small knives onto airplanes. as andrew spencer reports, first it wasofficials and flight attendants, now lawmakers are joining the fray. a new york centsenator joining those critical of knives on planes. knives are dangers they have not become any less dangerous 9¢ 11. starting next month passengers will be able to carry on golf clubs, bats, and ski equipment. the key factor for me is that may detract us, may detract us from that item that could be catastrophic for failure to an aircraft. some airline officials and federal air marshals and not so fast. the flight attendants union said the policy will evangelize of all flight attendants and the passengers. you can t even bring a couple of coffee in many cases onto an airplane and here we are allowing small guys. under the new guidelines knives with blades less than 2.36 in. long and a half inch wide would allow. they must have a retractable blade the dust of locked into place. you do not have to be out or einstein to know these items and dangers. 8 knife like this can be used to herd flight attendants, to her passengers. it turns out the night the senator held up one sold an office supply stores will not be allowed under the new policy. the kind of confusion that could lie ahead for both tea as a screeners in air travelers. i andrew spencer reporting. to crack down of the size of sugary soft drinks is beginning to take shape on tables. new york city s ban on large show renderings go into effect tomorrow. it limits restaurants and stores selling sodas and some other beverages more than 16 ounces. some restaurants or smaller glasses. duncan doughnut shops are telling customers they will have to sweeten a flavor their own coffee. coca-cola has printed posters explaining the new rules. mayor michael blumberg says this lot better than his city. there is portion control with software manufacturers. they are trying to maximize their profits and government is trying to inform you that if you are overweight and had these in the cal ripken keep eating that your help will suffer and will not live a healthy life. convenience stores, vending machines and some news stance will be exempt from the new law. in other health news new studies show the toll that stress and take on the hard. researchers have found higher rates of cardiac problems and veterans would post traumatic stress disorder, in new orleans residents six years after hurricane katrina and in greeks struggling through the country s financial turmoil. doctors say the disasters and prolonged stress can raise fight or flight hormones that affect things like blood pressure and blood sugar which makes heart trouble more likely. those would p t s d war likely to develop our trespasse heart risk factors sus high blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. lawyer for oscar a pistorius has filed an appeal in its south african court against the bill restrictions imposed on olympian. the lawyer argued that evidence showed that the double amputee athletes is not a flight risk and should have the option of traveling outside of south africa as loud as he has official permission. he was released on bail back on february 22nd. he was arrested on charges of murdering his girlfriend on valentine s day. and indian senior police officials as a man accused and a delhi gang rape has committed suicide in jail. the officials said rams sin gh was on trial on murder and rape charges. he was accused of driving the bus on which a 23 year olds to was raped and fatally assaulted by a group of six men in december. the assault horrified indians and set off a national protest calling for better protection of women. today marks the second anniversary of the devastating earthquake that triggered a tsunami in japan. nearly 16,000 people died as a result of the disaster. this is the same or white and tsunami that triggered a massive meltdown at the nuclear power plant. the meltdown force balance of people to abandon their homes in order to escape the dangerous levels of radiation. we will be back with good morning. 4:24 is the time. moviegoers or off to see the wizard this weekend. while justin timber lake make the magic of his own on saturday live. christina mutchler has the details in today s hollywood minute. in its second week and there s jack the giant player picked up $10.2 million. still in the top three after more than a month in theater s identity thief rose $6.3 million. justin timber lake brought viewers back to saturday night live as host and musical guest. it gave the show the highest ratings and more than a year. it is the fifth time hosting landed him in the exclusive pie town club. including alec baldwin, tom hanks, steve martin, and chevy chase it i just realize i m standing next to the three amigos. motley crew lead singer was in surgery. the band cut short a show in austria. on twitter it was said he went straight to the hospital. his manager said he has that problem with kidney stones. for hollywood minute i am christina mutchler. i missed that. i will have to look for the quick spirit i heard bet jay kee made a jab at kanye west in his song. we will be back with more in a minute. here is our roof camera. the week ahead will be nice and warm come wednesday. how warm? there will be nice and warm come wednesday. how warm? there thyou eat weiyou lose it s a great plan. until you get hungry. that s the time to take slimful. one tasty 90-calorie slimful and a glass of water satisfies hunger for hours making it easier to eat smaller meals, and resist snacking. your friends might think you found the secret to losing weight. but it s no secret. it s slimful. eating less is a beautiful thing. we are back. if is 4:30. our developing story comes out of san francisco where a body has been found in the montgomery street bart station. kron fours will tran at the scene as more details for this morning. good morning will. good morning james. here is video of investigators at the bart station around 930. someone was stuck in the elevator going up. that person a crunch outside of the elevator. that turned out to be a body. investigators try to determine how the body got onto the elevator to get hit by the rising elevator possibly crushed in the shaft itself. at this point no name was given. they did find some items on top of the elevator. they want to find out if those items lolled to the person was killed and whether that person was sleeping on top of the elevator in the first place. when the person hit up on the elevator closets to crush the person. bart should not have any problems this morning. to getting around san francisco. the time man s 4:30 . we are also tracking your forecast and the warm temperatures. good morning erica. good morning anny. it is a gorgeous car to the morning. we will continue to see a fabulous day ahead. taking a look at your head lines. it is chilly in the north bay. we have clear skies except for the san mateo coastline as we head into tomorrow morning continues. low to mid 70 s. the warmest day is expected to be wednesday we re talking potentially low 80s. this will cool down with the potential for showers and to the weekend. current temperatures in the 30 s for vallejo santa rosa. 39 in navato it 45 in hayward. we will see plenty of 60s and squeezing out seventies inland. livermore 71. 69 expected for vallejo. 69 in san mateo. 71 for san maredwood city and sunnyvale. satellite and radar shows mainly clear skies around the bay area. we have low clouds streaming along the san mateo coastline. that will last until mid morning. after that nothing but clear skies and sunshine. your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast highlights wednesday at the warmest day of the week. settled weather. temperatures above average for the west of the work week. a bit cooler into sadness sunday a 10 percent chance for showers. some winds in the forecast for sunday. looking at the extended models the next best opportunity for rain here in the bay area is probably on monday. that is out of the scope of the 7 day forecast. we will have more details on kron 4. taking a look at traffic. still hot spot free. a bridge check to get you out of the door. a live look at the approach the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic streaming into san francisco. you can see the twinkling lights in the rearview mirror. no metering lights to deal with. the drive under 10 minutes from the foot of the maize moving into a fremont street this morning. at the san mateo bridge no problems. traffic moving well in the west bound direction toward foster city. south bound 101 looking good for those of you commuting of the north bay. thank you erica. police and oakland are searching for a witness to a fatal shooting that left a san francisco man dead. it happened early yesterday morning in the area of night and clay streets. when police arrived they found a 37 year-old san francisco resident on the ground suffered from multiple gunshot wounds. the victim later died at the scene. no arrests have been made. police are asking anyone with informations to contact the oakland police department. people working in san jose will see their minimum- wage go up to date. workers will be getting $2 more. bringing minimum-wage up to $10 an hour. city councilman sam liccardo says that is good for employes. but in the long run, it could have a negative impact on small businesses. we will continue to do what we can to help support small businesses. we recognize this challentransition could be challenging. this increase goes for both part-time and full-time employes. also includes those working on tips. we re taking a look at minimum wage around the bay area. the state set the bar at $8 an hour. meanwhile san francisco has the highest minimum wage in the country at $10.50. and now san jose checked in at $10 an hour. starting tomorrow, 115 cardinals at the vatican will began selecting a new pope . yesterday s, the card will celebrate mass at local parishes were police packed churches and took photos. in one church, the pariish priest introduced boston cardinal shaun o malley as the cardinal he hopes will become the next pope. here at st. mary s cathedral press were lifted up for a replacement for pope benedictus. the catholic faith will continue to maintain their beliefs and traditions. we need someone to protect that. and not to adhere to pop culture and modern society. we are looking for a more traditional, conservative pope similar to john paul the second. others are praying for a leader who will shake things up. i wish the priest would be able to be merry. with many empty seats among the accused there is a growing desire for pope who can draw in a new believers. i think we need to reach out to more people. a pope that is willing to travel and show his face. i think people are looking for a poep that is reliable. the next positive should be a vote that could help the church evolve. been taking into consideration the changing world. everyone has their own yearnings. we have to satisfy everybody in their hearts and souls. maureen kelly kron 4 news. a live look at the golden gate bridge. traffic is nonexistent now. looking at clear skies. more details on your forecast. there is one car. will be back with a look at your gas prices would return. we are back. 4:39 is the time. the average u.s. price of a gallon of gasoline has dropped 6¢ over the past two weeks. it is the first decrease in gas prices since last december. the national average is war in sitting at $3.96 for regular down the gas. in california, on the state average of about 17¢. in san francisco $4.22. in oakland for about 11¢. in san jose $4.12. wedding site the says bride and groom spend more money to get married last year than they have since the start of the economic turndodownturn. more than 17,000 couples were survey. in the side says the average wedding bill was more than $28,000. the spending increase in almost every category for photographers and deejays to invitations. couples and man hadn t spent the most averaging nearly 77000 alaskans were the most frugal. if your thinking of a spring break get away from a whole family, time is running out to book flights and hotels there it is best if you re hoping to snag a deal. karin kayfuh has family friendly tips. family friendly resort of the bahamas, europe, and london still an off season. it is a popular season for cruises. with the recent drop of the trial dudoing will to discourage booking. it is one of the most popular vacation people are taking advantage of the deals they can find. in most parts of the country there s in detail in the winter weather. travelers should plan for a possible disruption. if you re planning on heading somewhere to a warm weather destination you want to prepare yourself for any connection that may cause trouble. or any facility that may have everything you need for 44 rows. i am karin kayfuh kron 4 news. still ahead, we re seeing a dry spell on the bay area. we will be facing drought conditions in the future? we will check in with the national weather service expert on the kron 4 morning news continues. [ female announcer ] the one for all. mcdonald s dollar menu, home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love. .and other amazing tastes, for just a dollar each. like the bold hot n spicy mcchicken, and the new grilled onion cheddar burger topped with caramelized onions and melted white cheddar. everyday, as always, there s a lot to love for a little on mcdonald s dollar menu. 4:44 is the time. kron fours charles clifford has details on a dry spell. san jose state professor and meteorologist jan knoll. with the third driest january and february we have seen going back 1850. a high-pressure weather pattern has become locked in over california keeping most of the wet weather far to the north. the jet stream is taking this contract up around area of high pressure. it is going up overproduced columbia and dropping into the middle of the country. california normally gets the majority of its rainfall between november 1st and the end of april. season november and december were ready. january, february, and the first week of march have been dry. fallen off below normal for rain fall. it is still too early to know if californians will face drought conditions in the summer. last year was below normal. this year would fall into one of the drier years. water managers are looking at this with a cautious eye. we are already nearing the end of the rain fall season. we need to manage the resources were carefully that if we had twice the amount of rainfall. in saratoga charles clifford kron 4 news. sadly to say i don t think there s much rain and forecasts. good morning james i have looked at the extended models. maybe monday we have a slight chance for rain. it is only looking like a 10 percent chance and that is on saturday. high-pressure firmly in control. warmer weather clear skies and sunshine. as of now temperatures in the 40 s. 45 in oakland. 46 in san carlos. futurecast 4 tracking numbers. by 12:00 widespread green on your screen. by 2:00 p.m. we will all. the yellow indicating seventies for the inland, north bay, as out bay areas. by 8:00 p.m. temperatures in the 50s. we will be mild later tonight, clear skies, light winds. breaking down afternoon highs. if you like yesterday s you will like to day. some communities could be as much as 2-3 degrees warmer. 68 in fremont. 70 expected then out of you. palo alto 74. to the east bay. danville 73. mid-60 s for downtown san francisco. low seventies in navato berkeley 68. 69 in san mateo. 61 in ocean beach. satellite and radar picture shows we are mainly clear over the bay area. patchy, low clouds hugging the san mateo coastline. that will continue until mid morning. after that sunshine. a beautiful day in store. we will continue with the warming trend. wednesday expected to be the warmest day of the week. flirting with the 80 degree mark. it will feel like summertime. thursday, friday temperatures a bit cooler. afternoon highs in the low seventies. possible showers saturday a 10 percent chance. a good time to leave the house for work or school. traffic building at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza accidents to report. the meter lights not active. the san mateo drive 12-13 minutes. south bound 101, the golden gate no problems as you work your way out of marin county. looking at traffic maps green on your screen. the drive 23 minutes from navato into san francisco. no delays for the bayshore freeway in interstate 280 . good to go if you re taking a.c. transit, bart, or h train number one. the time is 4:41 . redwood city council members will vote tonight on ordinance banning single use plastic bags within the city. if adopted, the ordinance would go into effect on their 25th that would ban the use of plastic bags by all retailers except restaurants and not profits. like other bands, businesses will also be required to change 10¢-a- charge 10¢ per bag. the fee would go up to 25¢ in 2015. redwood city residents use an estimated 42 million plastic bags each year, with only a small percentage being recycled. the majority of plastic bags end up in a landfill or in parks, creaks and other waterways, according to the county. a former vallejo special education teacher has been found guilty of raping and impregnating his developmentally disabled student aid. jerry johnson of velcro is facing up to 11 years in prison. johnson s attorney claims that the two had consensual relationship and it was perfectly legal. but prosecutors say the 20 year-old victim has the intellect of a seven year- old and is capable of consenting the victim s mother discovered that her daughter was pregnant back in 2011 and the child is now 40 months old. johnson will appear in court and april for his sentencing. a fresno animal sanctuary where a landlion killed a 24 year-old intern reopen to the public. the park closed after diana hanson was fatally attacked by a 550 lb. male lion on wednesday. following a moment of silence in memory of hanson, the park return to its normal operations. investigators believe the of lion known as cous cous lifted the door partially closed beating case and attacked the intern. a statement from hansen s mother was registered at the reopening of the part. i am using this moment to reinforce the importance of the mission project survival cats haven. i receive daily pictures of diana during her time at cat haven and have never seen her happier and the glow of her face was amazing. hanson s relatives say they believe her death was an accident. and as a protocol followed at cat haven. the five-year old lion was fatally shot after it cannot be coaxed away from hanson body. in bay area sports sandals a sharks were in colorado looking to pick up the win against the avalanche. unfortunately for the sharks they fell short of our time losing 3-2. patrick marleau made a little bit of history. by scoring seven of its first call. he reached career goal number 400. despite the record-setting day the sharks have lost three straight games. next up the sharks had to sightless for redemption game against the blues to the sharks lost to on saturday. oakland a s starting pitcher brett anderson entered his back and had to leave a spring training game against the arizona diamondbacks. anderson only faced two batters before he strained a muscle in his upper right back. after consulting with manager bob melvin and the tentacles that, anderson left the game. the oakland a s and of winning anyway seven to five. the san francisco giant world series trophy tour continues with stops in bay area today. the trophies from the giants 2010 and 2012 titles first will be on display from 2 to 4:00 p.m. in south san francisco of the joseph fernekes building. and from 6 to 8:00 p.m. it will head to several where they will be displayed at the veterans more recreation center. the event is free and open to the public. later this week, the trophies will be continue to travel around the bay area with stops in hayward, walnut creek in east palo alto. at quick programming note coming up at three a daytime exclusive. hollywood legend valerie best known for rhoda on the mary tyler moore show since down with the doctors on our first tv interview after being diagnosed with brain cancer. diagnosed with brain cancer. she s thyou eat weiyou lose it s a great plan. until you get hungry. that s the time to take slimful. one tasty 90-calorie slimful and a glass of water satisfies hunger for hours making it easier to eat smaller meals, and resist snacking. your friends might think you found the secret to losing weight. but it s no secret. it s slimful. eating less is a beautiful thing. good. no, not good. he s a vegetarian and he s going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don t stress. we can figure this out. [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. tell you about a new medical website designed especially for older folks. website you say! i can t work on computers, they re not senior-friendly. blah, blah, blah. but the national institutes of health fixed all that. now you can make the type bigger, increase contrast, even make it talk to you. just go to and get the best medical information available anywhere. nih built with you in mind. we are back at 4:56. here s your 7 day around the forecast. warming up to wednesday where was it a potential 78-80 degrees. it will be nice and mild for the rest of the week heading into the weekend. we will get a complete look at the forecast with erica coming up in a bit. that possibly be the new record. also tale look at the weekend box office numbers. disney s cause a great and powerful are an estimated 80.3 million in its opening weekend. the film stars and james franco as the wizard and > coming up on the kron 4 morning news san francisco police are investigating a body found at the montgomery street bart station. police leave the man was sleeping on top of an elevator when he was crushed to death. more details on the investigation coming up. and construction crews on the news and the bay bridge reaching a new milestone this weekend. now the bridges closer to getting ready to open to the public on labor day. plus we re watching bay area weather and traffic this morning. will be checking in with erica let s look at our forecast, as well as robyn, who was watching our morning commute on this monday morning. we will be right back. it is 5:00 top stores were following on this monday morning march 11th. we began with developing story out of san francisco were body was found in the montgomery street bart station. kron fours will tran live at the scene with details. and north korea declared a truce that ended the korean war invalid or details ahead. people working in one south bay city was in their middle way to go up to day bring it to dollars above the state average. i hope the warmer weather makes up for it. it looks like temperatures will be warmer than yesterday. waking up to clear skies. patchy low clouds along the san mateo coastline. into the afternoon 60s and 70s for everyone. a clear evening in store for us. temperatures will peak around wednesday. full details in your extended forecast in just a couple minutes. good morning robin. good morning erica. is right around the bay. traffic heading across the san mateo bridge is all reported westbound 92 of the high-rise section. bridge crews are on thing working to get that cleared. a live look in the west bound direction on the right hand of your screen going just fine. it is a quick 11 minute trip from hayward to foster city. i will have a full traffic check coming up in a bit. james. we began with a developing story out of san francisco were body was found in the montgomery street bart station. kron fours will tran has been following the latest on that bart station. will good morning. good morning james right behind me is the montgomery station. if you rely on bart to get around you will not have any problems at the montgomery station is open for business as all the other stations are in downtown san francisco. here is video we got last night. investigators arrived on the scene after getting reports that a man was crushed by elevator. according to investigators there was a man that got into the elevator, hit the button to go up, that is when they heard a crunch. the crunch was a body possibly someone sleeping on top of the elevator ticket when it went up he was crushed in the shaft. the paramedics as well as the authorities rushed here they had to remove him. he died at the same. at this point they do not have his name or white was here. they did find items on top of the elevator they re not sure if they belong to him or if there is any form of identification. we know the place is open for business. i will try to get more information from bart police as well as from the san francisco police department on exactly what cost, and what happened in this incident. thank you will. people working in san jose will see their minimum wage go up to date. workers will be getting $2 more bring it up to $10 an hour. city councilman sam, loccarso says that is good for employes. but in the long run, it could have a negative impact on businesses. the increase in minimum wage will be significant for small businesses. it will be a challenge. we are trying to help them through tax amnesties through efforts like start up san jose and wave permit fees to enable small businesses to move it into a store front. we recognize the transition could be challenging for many of them. this increase goes into effect for both parts and full-time employes. it also includes those working with tips. taking a look at minimum wages from the bay area. the state set the bar at $8 an hour. meanwhile san francisco has the highest minimum wage in the country at $10.50. and now san jose checks in at $10 an hour. police and oakland are searching for a witness to eight fatal shooting that left a san francisco man dead. it happened early yesterday morning in the area of night and clay streets. police arrived they found a 37 year-old san francisco resident on the ground suffered from multiple gunshot wounds. the victim later died at the scene. no arrests have been made. police are asking anyone with the permission to contact the oakland police department. just in to kron 4. the united states and south korea have begun their annual military exercises after threats from north korea became more prominent. the latest exercises fall under the shadow of north korea s army declaring the armistice agreement invalid. it is the agreement that ended the career of war in 1953. north korea a previously war it would carry out strikes against the united states and south korea. we have seen the threat step up in recent weeks. thank you mark. cardinals at the vatican are gathering for their final day of talks before the conclave to elect a new pope starts tomorrow. several cardinals are signed up to speak at today s closed-door session, an indication that they still have plenty to discuss, including whether the catholic church is a manager pope to clean up the vatican s messy bureaucracy. some worshipers at st. mary s cathedral in san francisco over the weekend are hoping that the next door of the catholic faithful continue to maintain a jubilees and traditions. i am looking for a more traditional, conservative pope similar to john paul the second and paope benedictus. many catholics are hoping that the new pope will draw in new believers. what others hope the next pontiff be someone who could help lead the church into the 21st century. lawmakers are now joining in on the criticism for the transportation security administration to change its decision to allow small knives on the airplanes. starting next month, passengers will be allowed to carry on toy bats, golf clubs, ski poles and other sports equipment. last week the t s h. c said the changes would put the agency in compliance with po policies world wide keys critters falcons on explosives. new york sentencsenator chuck schumer sas these changes are a bad idea. nights are dangers. he is saying nice are dangers and that we should not allow smaller nice as exceptions. the policy says you cannot have box cutters are read the blades. the t s a is said to implement the new guidelines apple took it. is 507 let us take a break and go outside. a live look at the bay bridge approach. robyn will do is talk about your commute. erica will have a look at the forecast as well. [ telephone ringing ] [ sighs ] [ ringing continues, dog barks ] [ male announcer ] staples makes it easier to get everything your business needs. [ dog whimpers ] even paper towels. and now get a scott mega roll paper towel 6 pack for $4.99. staples. that was easy. welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. word of a drive by such shooting in a northwest the see this morning. at least a dozen people were injured. authorities said that around 2:00 a.m., someone in an older blue bmw opened fire on a crowd of people outside the apartment building and the plunge block of north capitol street. three women for men were being treated at area hospitals, but the number of injured might increase due to the chaotic nature of the crime scene, and more people could show up at local hospitals. there is no word on the condition of the five additional victims. a former vallejo special- education teacher has been found guilty of raping and impregnating is developmentally disabled student aid. jerry johnson of velcro is facing up to 11 years in prison. johnson s attorney claims as to vatican s central relationship and it was perfectly legal. but prosecutors say the 20 year- old victim has the intellect of a seven year-old at is in capable of consenting. the victim smother discover that our daughter was pregnant back into about 11 and the child is not 14 months old. johnson will next appear in court in april for his sentencing. construction crews have begun working on the next major step in opening the new constructiobay bridge. 136 truckloads of cement or delivered saturday morning to pour concrete on the final piece of bridge and deck. dozens of workers to work well into the afternoon to small the concrete over steel work. with the construction of the dead nearly complete, there are only a few visible milestones left before the bridge opens labor day weekend. this is really the last piece of the east or west bound deck that need to report. other work to be completed in the next five months include removing this baffling from the towers, painting the bridge, installing of electricity and barrier rails. the san francisco exploratory uncelebrated preopening festival this weekend. take a look at one of the highlights from yesterday s evening. the flame throwing octopus. the on the move festival celebrates the historic location change for the exploratory in. the event includes art cars, sidewalk cafes and marching bands. the special fund valley was at pier 15 where it s new location will be. a fiery octopus was, of course, part of the grand finale. the museum s opening day at pier 15 is on apple 70. that is impressive! 550 in the the time you about with more. looking at our cemetery ridge cam traffic is looking good currently in san mateo is 43 degrees. the high will be 69 this afternoon. you have not seen [ teen ] times are good, aren t they, kids? it s nice having u-verse, isn t it? see back in my day, we didn t have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room. that s where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn t just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with qualifying bundles. [ male announcer ] just to tell you our productsy get the job done.ities instead.we give you things you can really use like a free month of huluplus. when you join scott shared values. sign up at please, no pictures. welcome back. it is 516. we re starting a warming trend. wednesday will be the warmest day of the weak close to that a degree mark. looking at some of the records i do not think we will break or 70. that is because 2004 was a warm year for the bay area. we sought temperatures climbing into the mid 80s. i did not think we will see that this week. it will be fabulous. it will be warm. starting off the moment with not to bad conditions. upper 30 s in livermore. 42 in concord. 43 in downtown san francisco. tracking the number throughout the day. by lunchtime of o clock 60s for just about everyone. in the 70s are going to make their presence known as we head into your afternoon. 2:00 p.m. expect low seventies for the delta, livermore valley, in the south bay, and north a spots. mild weather by 8:00 p.m. tonight. to the judge will be widespread in the 50s. your afternoon highs. 72 expect for milpitas. 71 expected and sunnyvale. temperatures similar to what we enjoyed yesterday. may be warmer. 73 in antioch. 67 for castro valley. mid 60s for downtown san francisco. upper 60s in berkeley. napa at 73. lows 60s heading to ocean beach. satellite and radar shows clear conditions for most of the bay area. patty, low clouds along the san mateo coastline. it will clear a by midmorning. sunshine of the skies. your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows warmer weather on the way. a change in the forecast a shower possible. tempers the chances we had to saturday. summit will be slightly cooler. we will attack wins on to the forecast. looking at the expanded models the next opportunity for real rain is probably next monday. 518 sx the morning commute with robyn. thank you. good morning erica. no major hot spots a good time to hit the road. looking at traffic into san francisco a light commute the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. but a minute drive time at it from the oakland maze into downtown san francisco. an earlier stall on the san mateo bridge westbound 92 of a high-rise section. that was cleared nothing in your way. on the right-hand side of your screen in the west bound direction we have more cars on the road heading from hayward to foster city. drive time a 11 minutes from hayward to foster city. the ride on 101 working your way across the golden gate bridge, light traffic in both directions both into and out of san francisco. heading to the south bay of south bay freeway checking in trouble-free. if you plan on heading to the airport 101, 280, 85, 87 nice and light. thank you robyn. following developing stories. one of the man accused in the delhi gang rape has commit suicide in jail. the official says ram singh was on trial on murder and rape charges. he was accused of driving the bus o march 23rd the bus on whih a 23 rose to was written fatally assaulted by gross six men in december. this all more fight in the instance of national protests calling for better protection for women. lawyers for oscar pistorius has filed an appeal in a south african court against the bill restrictions imposed on the olympian. the lawyer argued the evidence showed that the the celebrity athlete is not a flight risk and should have the option of traveling outside of south amerand africa as long as he have official permission. he was released on bail back on february 22nd. he was arrested on charges of murdering his girlfriend on valentine s day. defense secretary choke hagel at the elbows and on line appears to show the bodies of some of the seventh were not deducted from north nigeria later killed by islamic extremists. the video matched still images released earlier by the islamic extremist groups ansaru when it claimed the killings. european diplomats confirmed the house does for greece, italy, lebanon and britain had been killed after their adoption in february. nigerian authorities have been silent about the killings. today marks the second anniversary of the devastating earthquake that triggered a tsunami in japan. nearly 16,000 people died as a result of the disaster. this is the same earthquake and sonometer in a massive meltdown at the the clear plan in japan. the meltdown for spousal people to abandon their homes in order to escape the dangerous levels of radiation. six teenagers or killed in an early morning accident in northeast ohio. investigators say there s u v swerved off the road yesterday morning hit a guard rail and slipped. before finally landing in a nearby pond. you are looking at video of the aftermath. according to the ohio state fire patrol to people manage to survive the accident. that s an occured just south of war, 60 mi. east of cleveland near the pennsylvania state water. will be back with more on the kron 4 morning news. you sig sned up weeks ago sun slight says get up and mountaunin-grown aroma cominmg through a n aew challenge waits for you jumpuin in to something ne you roueally llsee all you can do th te best part of wakin is ifolgers in your cup welcome back. it appears the charges against rapper mc hammer have been dropped. hamer was arrested in the east bay a double and shopping center two weeks ago and was charged for resisting an officer. friday night, he took to twitter to announce that the charges have been dropped. the 50 year-old was arrested on february 21st following a verbal altercation with an officer who pulled him over. following the arrest, never accuse the officers of racial profiling alleging the officer had asked him if he was on probation or parole. @ developing story to kron 4 live pictures out of houston the international airport a delta commuter jet slid off the runway this morning. we saw the passengers get off. we re getting word that possibly to the passengers are injured here. we will follow the latest with live pictures of houston. just a few moments ago we had a small jet and commuter jet, delta sliding off the runway. most passengers getting off the plane and walking over to the bus. we re getting reports of two people being injured. i will update you as soon as i did more formation. thank you mark. the san francisco giants world trophy tour continues with stops in the bay area today. the trophy from the giants 2010 and 2012 titles first will be on display from 2 to 4:00 p.m. in south san francisco at the joseph fernekes building. and from 6 to 8:00 p.m. it will head to san bruno where there will be displayed at the veterans more recreation center. the event is free and open to the public. later this week, the trophies will continue to travel around bay area with stops at hayward, walnut creek it is doubtful. a live look from our roof at van ness ave. it is darker in the morning and sunny area leaving. that is the way it goes now with spring moving forward. welcome back there it is 530. a quick look the traffic is not bad. whether wise this week is fantastic. good morning erica. good morning james a gorgeous day. blue sky sunshine. looking at afternoon highs. 71 and santa rosa. low seventies for oakland. mid-60 s for downtown san francisco. warmer weather continues with debitors massing out around wednesday. full details on the extended forecast in a bit. good morning. we do have some slow traffic on 580 as yet westbound out a trace it through the altamonte and to livermore. no accidents slow you down this is a slow commute traffic. it is filling in for 205 livermore heading to 680. that is a 30 minute drive time overall not bad. road work on northbound 680 heading to fremont between mission boulevard south and vargas. all lanes a close except for the right lane. scheduled to wrap up at 6:00. traffic looking good. north and south bound between san jose f. sinole . the time is 530 a developing story in san francisco were body was found in the montgomery street bart station. kron fours will tran is at the scene with details. the body was found in the elevator shaft. if you rely on bart you would not have problems the montgomery station as well as all the other stations are open for business. here is video that we got after police arrived around 940 last night. what happened, a man got into the elevator he hit the button to go up. he hears a crunch on the way up. the crowd turns out to be a man found in the elevator shaft. it took the authorities of more than two hours to remove the man from the shaft. at this point they do not know how he got there. they do not know his name. this is a big mystery.from the san francisco police department a bit later. as far as bart the commuters are coming in asking if everything is ok. the answer is yes. what are they telling you. is there any public way to get into the shaft? is there in assets that workers all about? they did not know it is a mystery. that is one of the things that will look into. how can this man possibly get into the elevator or on top of the elevator? if something needs to be done they will address it and maybe make it more difficult to get there. they did find some belongings on top of the elevator. at this point they do not know if he fell on top of it, if it belonged to him, or if he was sleeping there. thank you will. mark. developing stories we began out of afghanistan. afghan officials say u.s. troops shot and killed two afghan civilians as the truck was approaching and american convoy. the victims in today s incident was employes of the company the repairs police vehicles. u.s. forces spokesman said the vehicle failed to heed instructions to stop as it came close to the convoy out of the afghan capital, kabul, and so as to the appropriate measure to protect themselves. watching wall street after the dow closed up almost 68 points on friday to head a new all- time high for the fourth straight day. the dow sitting at 14,397. the stock market logged its sixth straight game friday at the the government reported a surge in february hiring. dow jones industrial average s&p 500, and nasdaq in the past week of more than 2%. all three major indexes are already up between 7% and 10 percent so far this year. during the past three months, google declined to just over 20 percent to around $830 a share while apple has dropped nearly 20% to $430 a share. the stock peaked at $7.50 a share in late september. and what analysts think google stock could go up to $1,000 per share. and fresno animal sanctuary where a lion killed a 24 year-old intern reopen to the public. the park closed after diana hanson was fatally attacked by 550 lb. male lion on wednesday. following a moment of silence in memory of hanson, the park returned to its normal operation. investigators believe the lion known as cous cous with the the door of a partially closed beating case and attacked hanson. a statement from her mother was registered at the reopening of the part. she says, i am living every mother s worst nightmare in losing its shares child. i am pleased that cat haven is reopening i share in the star of and the loss of cous cous . it is my desire they continue their mission in setting beloved creatures. i have refrained from making a public statement i am using this moment to reinforce the importance of the mission of five checks of i will fax a fifth. i receive pictures from diana during our time at cat haven and have never seen are happy of and the gold our face was amazing. hanson s residenrelatively curve that was an accident and that safety protocols for follow. the lion was shot after it could not be coaxed away from antibody. redwood city council members will vote tonight on an ordinance banning single use plastic bags within the city. if adopted, the ordinance would go into effect on april 25th and would ban the use of plastic bags by all retailers except restaurants and not profits. like other bands, businesses would be required to charge 10¢ per bag. the fee would go up to 25¢ in 2015. redwood city residents use an estimated 42 million plastic bags each year, with only a small percentage being recycled. the majority of plastic bags and up in a landfill or in parks, creeks and other waterways, according to the county. the average u.s. price of a gallon of gasoline has dropped 6¢ over the past two weeks. it is the first decrease in gas prices since late december. the national average is morning @ $3.96. in california the state average $4.17. in san francisco $4.22. in oakland for about 11¢. in san jose for house and mom, i invited justin overnd for lunch. good. no, not good. he s a vegetarian and he s going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don t stress. we can figure this out. [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. mcdonald s dollar menu, home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love. and now love two more tastes, the bold hot n spicy mcchicken, and the irresistible new grilled onion cheddar. each just a dollar. and the irresistible new grilled onion cheddar. watch this mallon brothers alakazam! [ male announcer ] staples has always made getting office supplies easy. another laptop? don t ask. disappear! abracadabra! alakazam! [ male announcer ] and now we re making it easier to get everything for your business. and for my greatest trick! enough! [ male announcer ] because whatever you need, we ll have it or find it, and get it to you fast. staples. that was easy. welcome back, the san jose sharks were in colorado looking to pick up the win against avalanched. unfortunately for the sharks they fell in overtime. lost losing 3 to 2, patrick marleau made a little bit of history.y by scoring san jose s first though. patrick marleau reach career gold #400. logan couture tis the game at 2 with just three minutes left in regulation and a heart breaking overtime loss. that have avalanche score with. three s it is left in overtime, sharp struck their second straight game in overtime and the third straight loss. next up is charge had to st. louis for redemption game against the blues. to the sharks last two on saturday. tiger woods is hitting his stride on the way to making his 17th world golf championship title. what was in full control never letting anyone get close to the interest three shots as the wbc cadillac championship game came to a close. was the edge with 27 birdies on his way to winning the tournament with a one under 71. check out this blues billboard boo in georgia. on top of the public health message from light and healthy douglas coalition, that warrants underage drinking is a big deal and adds, do not provide alcohol to minors. just below that mess is however, was another billboard promoting from royal crown royal maple finished whiskey. county health officials were of course upset by this and notifiable but billboard company and removing the liquor at peace that. the crown royal billboard was taken down saturday. in a statement, the company said it was never its intention to put the ad near the public service announcement. a quick look at some other top stories we re following, san francisco police are investigating the death of a man who was found in an elevator shaft at the montgomery bart station. it happened around 9:30 p.m. last night. it is unclear how the man got in the elevator shaft or how long he had been there. police believe he had been sleeping on top of the elevator and was crushed. people working in san jose will see their minimum-wage go up today. workers will be getting $2 more bringing it to $10 an hour. this increase goes for both part- time and full-time employees. it also includes those working on tips. temperatures are generally in the 60s for this time of year. for those of you who think we will not break or set any records, i have been looking at some of us is that statistics. temperatures dropped out in the mid 80s. i do not think we will see that over the next couple of days but it will still be fantastic and warm. it will feel like summer time and hot spring as we head into your wednesday. cooler weather is expected this weekend with a possibility for some rain. we will discuss all the changes coming up in your seven day were cast. you have to bundle up right now, we re in the upper 30 santa rosa and novato. 42 out the door in sunnyvale. future cast four tracking temperatures throughout the day, by 12 we will hold on to some upper 50s along the coastline. most of the bay area is well into the 60s. 70s will start to fill and by 2:00 p.m. today. clear skies and sunshine, clouds along the coastline will start to taper off. 8:00 p.m. tonight, temperatures are mild side. afternoon highs 73 amandine valley. most locations are spot on compared to yesterday. some spots are a tad bit warmer. 69 high of vallejo, 62 walnut creek, up mid 50s downtown san francisco. satellite and radar so clear skies of the most part, by mid morning causal start to clear out with high pressure firmly in control. we re looking forward to a warming trend. 7 day around the bay forecast shows the weather, fantastic conditions, beautiful weather for the rest of the work week. more and the way of cloud cover as we head into your saturday. 10 percent chance of rain for most of the bay area. cooler weather, when the conditions as we head into your sunday. 5:48 a.m. and here is rabin with traffic. traffic added into san francisco, more cars on the road. a little bit of a back up, but nothing bad or blocking headed into san francisco. if you have fasttrack you will save some time. those plans are nice and smooth. it is already backing up towards the end of the bart parking lot. 10 minutes from berkeley and two san francisco. a stall on the san mateo bridge was quickly cleared. more commuters on the road now however and it has westbound. it is still a quick easy 11 minutes between hayward and foster city. the 1 01, no problems in the north bay. same for the commute out of san francisco, a quick trip between about and downtown. once close by, as those commute for now. westbound 580 is already falling for before to 05 headed to the of the mob. pockets of slow, when she gets a livermore another slow pocket of traffic as well as 686. 580 westbound is backing up as you head to westbound on the altamont. despite ample small storms across the state over the past few weeks, 2013 it has been pretty dry so far. it appears that high pressure weather pattern has become locked and over california, keeping most of the wet weather far to the north. california normally gets a majority of its rainfall between november 1st in the end of april. this the visit, november and december where very rainy in january, february and march have been very dry and overall we are on track to have a below normal amount of rainfall for the year. however, it is still too early to know if californians will face drought conditions next summer. last year was sort of normal, this year will fall into one of the drier years. water managers are looking at this with a very conscious i now. they are already nearing the end of the season. we need to manage these resources a lot more carefully if we had twice the amount of rainfall. all the storms in the middle of the country over british columbia have dropped in the middle of the country and then down and gone right around california. new studies show the toll that stress can take all my heart. researchers have found higher rates of a caddy at cardiac problems in several groups of people. veterans of posttraumatic stress disorder, new orleans residents six years after hurricane katrina and and greeks struggling through that country s financial turmoil. doctors say the disasters and prolonged stress can raise fight or flight hormones that affect things like blood pressure and blood sugar which make heart trouble more likely. those would be key as the were more likely to develop heart risk factors such as high blood sugar, cholesterol and low blood pressure. wedding site of and not die, says brides and grooms spend more money to get married last year that have since the start of the economic downturn. more than 17,000 couples were survey. the size as the average wedding bells more than $28,000. the spending increase in almost every category from photographers and deejay s to lamentations. couples in manhattan s but the most, averaging nearly 77,000 and alaskans were the most frugal. moviegoers were off to see the wizard this weekend. higoz the great and powerful live up to its name at the box office. disney s they take on the story of oz hundred up $8.3 million in ticket sales. that is the best they believe is so far, and the third largest march opening in history. in its second week in theaters, that the giants player picked up another $10.2 million. still in the top three after more than a month in theaters, identities rose $6.3 million. been shn opping so smart, cash back with your freedom card gettietng cash back on what? close shave and haircut fan f for the ceiling. you re gonna cool off that hoooounddd! tonigonht you gotta get your ch back, on new slacks. use fre fedom on lunch with ja. everybody get! everybody get! get geyour cash back. chase asfreedom. will come back, watching a story out of houston, the small airport at his downtown. a commuter jet slid off the runway. the jet came in for a landing, camera on the turn around and slid into the grass here. there were 70 people on board, all are off the plane. there is word of two possible minor injuries. we will follow the latest on this developing story, out [ teen ] times are good, aren t they, kids? it s nice having u-verse, isn t it? see back in my day, we didn t have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room. that s where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn t just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good.

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