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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20140527 00:00:00

unsupervised kids tonight, we will continue the debate. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. hi, i m bill o reilly. thanks for watching tonight. as we present a very special talking points edition of the factor. we begin with the american left. and capitalism. with president obama s job approval numbers falling, and the democratic party having trouble in an election year, you would think that committed liberalns americans would low key it a bit, you would think. but, no, they are upping the rhetoric, especially the anti-capitalism stuff. hillary clinton is widely seen to be the democratic
nominee in 2016 for president. she portrays herself as a moderate. that s not good enough for on the far left.llar does hillary clinton sound to you like the right person for this moment? in a time when corporations have hijacked our politics, enabling them to reap all the profit without any compunction to do right by their workers. as someonee who sat on the anti-rabid board of wal-mart for six years, the rightto person to restore workers rights in a time when we re still reeling from a global financial disaster brought on by full hearty bank deregulation is someone who who recently took $400,000 to give two speeches at goldmanhe sachs the person we need tost rest control of the asylum back from the banking inmates? now that anti-capitalistic commentary is the far left signature issue. talking points believes there must bemu oversight on banks andd big business to to do the right thing is foolish and naive.
if you don t believe me read a little teddy roosevelt. many on the left want to t dismantle the entire corporate system. and we are seeing the se consequences of that in thences obama administration. now, entering his sixth yearar in office, the president hasent not been a friend tote corporate america. he advocates high taxes topa pay for an entitlement culture. business knows that and has not expanded, preferring to hoard profits or keep themse overseas where theyas cannot be taxed. that s why the job situation and income for working americans is stagnant.good for every good job available, there are plenty of applicants, therefore, salaries are suppressed. the government can provide well-paying jobs on a mass scale. it cannot. and every country that has tried that has failed. 90 miles off the coast of florida look what happen in cuba. that should be affluent country but communism has
killed the country. hillary clinton must fight zealot tri on the left. she will defeat it she will get the nomination and mrs. clinton will run as a moderate democrat promising to reform some of president obama s ante business policies. that s what she will do. and that s the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction, joining us from washington, ellen who worked for president obama s 2012 campaign. and with us in the studio dr. screeny. who teaches political science. where am i going wrong, doctor? i think you are on to something here. i think in my mind this speaks to enormous division and increasing division in the democratic party. so you look and you see the attacks this hillary is getting from the left and not a surprise but i think many people predict that wall street for 2016 will be her achilles hill heel in the same way the iraq war was in 2008. something she will have a fight. if she becomes nominee and elected many on this kind of new left progressive left fear that she is going to be too close it wall street and
continue her husband s moderate policy. that s a given. i don t think hillary clinton although they made a big show of being with de blasio who is about as far as left as you get and they were all raw raw and the mayor of new york wants to confiscate everything, i m not quite sure how much. but i have got my bike chained six times. so i bet you have a nice bike too. dr. there is a division in the democratic party like the republican party like the paper people and moderate republicans. growing division between the so-called progressive ring and moderate ring, do you see it that way? i don t see that division historically as you guys see it i see a rhetorical concern, i think about whether hillary clinton is talking to the right people, hearing the right ideas. what are the right ideas? tell me what s right and what s wrong? look, obviously the far left
has articulated by ms. ball, the commentator that we use to set it up. believes that hillary clinton is a tool, a shrill, taking money from goldman sachs, 200,000 for two speeches. that s more than i get. that s outrageous. okay? and so they don t want her. they want elizabeth warren. they want this socialist up in massachusetts. that s who they want. maybe what they want is to have elizabeth warren s voice represented in hillary clinton s campaign. i think there is a great unanimity among democrats that hillary clinton would be a great candidate and we would love to have her. i think the concern about whether she is talking to bankers or not is not really real because i don t think that there is any ms. ball said we don t want her. i don t want her. flat out said it and you do you believe as ms. quawl does, is there a division? is it getting to be a brawl type thing or is it oh we just disagree? i think it s a division
now. my feeling and my sense is it is going to grow because historically that s what happens with political parties in the united states. parties become begin and become divided. i think we are seeing that and i think bill de blasio s election here in new york city who is now the leading progressive in the country and somebody who we know has been close to the clintons but there is this kind of growing sense that. yeah, but she can t run on de blasio nationwide. and let me tell you this ms. qualls. hillary clinton has got to pull back from president obama. because he got a 19% decline in median income for working americans under obama administration. do you have a big burgeoning stock market that only gets fat cats like me. it doesn t benefit the worker people, union people. and you have this unbelievable unemployment problem because the private industry is saying you know, we are north going to expand. we don t like obama care. we don t like the high corporate tax. we are going it keep all our money in luxenburg, we are not going to bring it back. hillary clinton is going to have to walk back all of that stuff.
you know that. well, bill, you, me, and hillary clinton probably all agree that the minimum wage should be increased. i do. but that s small ball. the big thing is jobs that pay well. but we all agree that wall street needed some reforms after the giant meltdown. i haven t geraldo hillary clinton say there is anything that shield roll back in wall street reform. i think it s rhetorical thing. it s a shot across the bough from the left. i don t think it s a real concern. i mean, it is an unsustainable argument that hillary clinton hasn t worked her entire public life to create more opportunity and access to opportunity. i appreciate you ladies coming on. it s a very interesting and important topic. here is what is sustainable. hillarycan t run on the obama economy unless there is a miracle in the last three years. she is not going to repudiate it because there are elements that she agrees with. we will see her walk a moderate line. positive signs from the obama economy you have got
to commit. deficit is down, unemployment is down. there are positive signs. i agree with you not all is perfect. you have seen the polls, doctor, lately? have you seen the economic pulls? i have seen the pick polls. you and your little progressive friends may think there is positives but, don t have much time on but, don t have much time on obamacare: next on are my name is jenny, and i quit smoking with chantix. but, don t have much time on obamacare: next on are before chantix, i tried to quit. probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it s a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. that helped me quit smoking. some people had changes in behavior,
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(woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but. i m sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. honestly, the off-season isn t i ve got a lot to do. that s why i got my surface. it s great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it s got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it s just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! captain: and here s a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins.
a crusade. there cosmtion comes a time when people with values simply have to stand up. think nazi, germany. most of those people did not believe in what hitler was doing. yep. exactly. but did they speak up? nope. did they stand up for what they believed? they did not. and you saw what happened. and if you believe that the same thing can t happen again, you are very wrong. and joining us now from virginia beach is dr. carson. if you mention nazis you know you are going to get hammered. what you said there at the end there intrigued me a bit. you said if you believe it can t happen again see i didn t believe that naziism could happen in the u.s.a. i don t think it could happen nor could communism happen here. do you disagree with me? well, i believe that what can happen is if people do not speak up for what they
believe, they can be trampled. their rights can be trampled to various and sundry degrees. now, of course, the objective of many on the left is to take a single word that you are not supposed to say. you can t say nazis and slavery, that s political correctness as you well know. i do not believe in that. i think it s a bunch of crap and it doesn t really belong in the american system where we have freedom of speech and freedom of expression. you don t regr using the buzz word nazi. what you pointed to historically is correct. what you said is absolutely correct the germans were not members of the nazi party. they sat on their butts and they allowed the fanatics to take over that could not happen here because of our system in checks and balances. but, i think what you are worried about it is the obama administration s policies in general taking root.
is that what you are worried about? there are a couple of things that i m worried about. i m worried about the fact that the pop police is being silent and is not expressing what they believe because they are afraid. they have been intimidated. by whom? by the government. how? by the government and by the media, by the p.c. police. you say something, all of a sudden like this is a perfect example. you know, you are using an example of how people would not speak up. they try to turn the argument away from that because they know it s true. they know what i m saying is true. but, rather than talk about that, they want to divert the issue to something else. you couple that with the fact that our congress needs to be a little more courageous because the reason we have a divided government is if one branch of the government gets a little bit over exuberant they need to reign them. in we need courage there to do that. politicians encourage, we are not seeing you
know but, look, the last time well, maybe not the last time in the fall you said, look, you you were bothered by the irs to an extent that you felt they were trying to intimidate you; is that correct? yeah. i don t think it is cointhe government agency that you can point to in your life, dr. carson s life that you believe was put upon you to shut you up. and it s not just me. we we now have a government that is trying to take over the healthcare of the pop pop pop pop pop why would you put the irs over something so massive. they are the enforcement agency of fines. they because it was ruled
a tax by the supreme court foolishly, so somebody has to enforce the taxation element and that s the irs. so, on paper, it makes sense. but you heard the president of the united states tell me, your humble correspondent there is not a smidgen of corruption in the irs. you heard that. right. we heard that and that, to me, is it strains credulity that he actually believes that but that we let people get away with it this is what bothers me. the fact that the congress doesn t stand up and say no, you may not implement this program because the a major portion of it is still under investigation. and we are not done with that. we don t do that in regular life. we don t take somebody who is under suspicion and put them in charge of something major like that. we have to just start doing things that are logical and that make sense again. all right,
helping young americans at risk is a powerful talking points you do not want to miss. later, the action from obama s senior advisor valerie jarrett. it requires accountability and people to step up to the plate and work hard and stay in school and excel and dream. but it also requires a community around them to provide a safety net. ck pain. .and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve. .for all day relief. start your engines fueling the american spirit. can you hear it? no matter when, no matter where, marathon will take you there.
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announcement and i was happy to attend. the initiative is very well intentioned. but some specific things must be done. first, you got to teach children at risk to read. if that takes one-on-one tutoring that s what has to happen. two, you have to provide mentors to individual children that the teachers pinpoint who lack guidance at home. there should be a volunteer program for mentors in every city and town in this country. three. high profile americans including the president and first lady must go on television and the net to warn, to warn young people having babies outside of marriage and bringing children into this world without resources is cruel. it s cruel has to be a campaign, a persuasion so young americans wise up. also, there has to be peer pressure not to get pregnant unless you are in a stable situation. are we all understanding
that? right now there is no peer pressure. that has to change. fourth, the initiative has to get local business people to hire kids for summer jobs and internships. children must know about the work place and what is expected there. and, finally, the american law enforcement has to engage children at risk to convince them they are not the enemy. if those five things are part of the my brother s keeper initiative, i can guarantee you america will begin to turn the terrible situation around. but, if people continue not to make judgments about bad parents, disorderly children, chaos in the family unit, we continue to make excuses for all that, problem is only going to get worse. hopefully today the white house made the first step and i believe that american business, law enforcement and we, the people, will step up to help the kids at risk.ea i really believe that andth that s the memo. top story tonight. reaction. senior advisor valerie
jarrett. i was pleased you invited me to this.s. people were fainting when i walked in. we were delighted to have you. look, the president mentioned in his remarks a culture of cynicism on the a streets. nicism on the streets. not just blacks but it s the poor and the hard core, what they call gangstas. you know what i m talking about, right? there is a culture of cynicism like we can t make it. we re not going to be art pa of this. we re going to sell drugs and we are going to do what you we want. have you got to get in the afte. we all have a role we play here. this is not a big government program. the government s role is minor. it requires accountability. it requires people to step up to the plate. and work hard. and stay in school. and excel and dream. but it also requires a community around them to provide a safety net. the president talks about his own childhood he wasn t
sitting in school. he was very some guidance. he had a lot of guidance. what he says he wants for all of our children is to have that safety net. but he also told them, look, boys, you aring if to have to work hard and you are going to have to act responsibly. have to attack the fundamental disease if you want to cure it now, i submit to you that you are going to have to get people like jay-z, all right, kanye west, all of these gangsta rappers to knock it off. that s number one. i think what these boys need is positive role models as you said. listen to me, listen to you c johnson there today he is a good guy. you have a bunch of these guys and a barrage, barrage, barrage and make it uncomfortable to have a baby out of wedlock. make it uncomfortable to sell drugs. you have got to reverse
move, exercise. i want michelle obama to come on this program, right here and i want michelle obama look into the cam randstop say you teenage girls you stop having sex, you stop getting pregnant. this is wrong. i want her to do this right here. it s better iff she isassr actually sitting down in the classroom with the girls, inviting them to the white house. sharing her. that only reaches a few though. i believe that anything doe she does gets covered by the press. can i give you a compliment? you i believe that mymy brother s keeper program is going to work, okay.ok i think it s going to work. but it will work a lot faster and you will save a lot more lives if you incorporate what i m telling you tonight. you do you know, bill, what i really like is the fact that you are passionate about. this i care. i m a were fer teacher. i had them in my class 40 years ago. the situation has justhil gotten worse. it has. that s why we have to change the trajectory. wee appreciate you coming in tonight. it s a pleasure to beoni here. really? i m having fun.
there you go. i am. white house correspondent ed henry will weigh in on the the my brother s keeper program. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. at od, whatever business you re in, that s the business we re in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business.
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enroute back to the vatican after a trip to the holy land. before departing today the pontiff honored holocaust victims by kissing the hands of several survivors. the ukraine s president elect wants to talks with moscow and end a pro-rugs insurgency in the eastern part of the country. porchenko promising to open a dialogue. he also said he would not negotiate with terrorists, rebels are calling his election illegitimate. i m kelly wright, now back it to a special o reilly factor. big things. number one, did anything stand out for you? what stood out for me is that the seeds of today were started a year ago this month in chicago is at an event with the president where he was highlighting a
program called becoming a man which is sort of an after school sports program in chicago. the president was visibly moved there after meeting with some of the young people who are part of that program. some of those folks were back here today from chicago at the white house. and what stuck out for me then and now was that the president wasn t just sitting there saying i m going it help people and set an example by talking about how great i am. he talked about his failures and whether you are an anchorman or president talking to kids like this. the president opening up about how he basically didn t know his father. that he used drugs. saying things you don t hear a president say could be more effective with these kids by saying look that doesn t mean you are dead end. you could wind up becoming president and becoming anchormen. those messages are all positive. the i chided him in the
super bowl sunday interview. i remember. i said come on, when are you going to get off it and start do something big. got into the door today. what i m trying to get across to the nation to valerie jarrett has got to be more personal than that the president can visit kids did at the white house. you can t visit with all kids. you can go on the television and the net and look into the cameraened a say don t g to hurt you. it s not fair to the baby. that s that s what has to be done. got to get pinhead rappers and get these people idolized to start to get that message out that was not included in the initiative broader economic issues not just about this issue inive. make sure the broader economic policies helping people not just of color but helping people all around the country if you look at it just african-american youth unemployment right now
is something like 26% in this country. the president has been in office for five years. you can talk about these initiatives. they may make a difference. but the broader economic policies that the president is pushing, that he is fighting it out with the republicans on the hill, those have a huge impact as well. when you have got 26% african-american youth unemployment, i think it s about 15% for hispanic youth unemployment, obviously broader unemployment is bad for people, white, asian, black, you name it but when you look at those kind of numbers there are a lot of policies that need to be put in place. the reason the numbers are there a lot of these kids can t read and speak. that s why we have to get back down to hey, if by the 3rd grade you can t read, it s one-on-one. have you got to teach them to next up, is hip hop harmful to america s youth? girl you like girl you like
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it s a good initiative as we discussed with the president s senior advisor valerie jarrett. if you missed the interview ing the entertainment factor. these are effecting unsupervised children of all colors. makes billions putting out stuff like this. i fought so hard [bleep] now, if you can t see that unsupervised children might be harmed by that kind of stuff, then you are not responsible person. period. in order to help children at risk, the american society has got to convince them to
stop destructive behavior. like using drugs. committing violence, getting enablers to showof apologists d themselves. the fact that this per pettation of young black men, whether you are famous or not famous whether you are a thug or a gangster because, what, because you listen to rap music, rap music is the reflection of our society. o reilly is uncomfortable with this culture. that s understandable. he did not come from this culture. that culture has some validities, if you will. sure. validities. the overall effect of base entertainment is corruption of impressionable children but will never ever get the far left and many in the entertainment industry to admit that the uber left will not make judgments. the industry simply wants to make money. i enormous.
the my brother s keeper initiative is a very positive thing for this country. but unless it is coupled with a change in the entertainment culture, it will not reach nearly as many children as it should. and that s the memo. now for the top story underminig black america and what we can do about it here in the studio kevin powell, president of the b.k. nation. b.s. nation standing for building knowledge. where have i gone wrong. i think the issue is not that i myself hip hop culture for 30 years has said some of the things that you are s what you just saw. for adults, as i say, i don t care. i mean, you are an adult,
you want this, that s fine with me. i have no problem. but 12 and it s corrupt. i mean, this is a culture of failure. it is dogging black america. i think you are right to call it out. but you know what happens is the critics as you say come out and they say oh, if yo are g talking about black women as hos and bitches. horrible. bad schools, all the environmental barriers to their success and attitude. how do you respond to that? but nothing about building a family. you know, the problem with people like mr. williams is that not only does he not know anything about hip hop culture and its history. oh, stop. actually you don t. because i have never seen you involved with anything to do with hip hop.
wait, let him talk. the same thing you are saying now in 2014 mr. williams was said about hip hop when it was balanced in culture in the 198 os and 90s. we saw a diversity of voices same people attacking hip hop. even if you took hip hop out of the equation, poor schools, lack of economic opportunities still be out there. this morning i started my day in brownsville brooklyn. i have a firm in look britain one of the poorest communities in america. these kids are dealing with systemic problem. this initiative is designed to at least bring yesterday said there was a culture of cynicism in these precincts that young men who get into trouble, generally speaking. i think this applies to girls too. they don t want that s not whm saying. what i m saying. even if you listen to hip hop and its totality from the very beginning to the president. is actually as american as
apple pie. they are talking about everything else we see in america. talking about it in a way that alienates the system. you can t get a job if you walk in to ibm and use that kind of a presentation. you can t. but what i m say talking, sir, with all due respect first of all we who are having this hip hop culture and the industry that you referenced at the top of the show. we agree about the problems with the industry. it s the ceos who put out this. i m putting the rap yawn is putting the rap on jay-z beyonce and so on. why are you accusing the rap people. basically they used to do ministerial shows with they have black people standing up and doing a minstrel show. the big market for this is white people. it s a white male teen fantasy, they get to use the n word and v. all the sexual references and nasty words. violence. and you asked me to let you finish. give the last words. let me tell you i grew up
in brooklyn i come up from crown heights. i grew up in that situation. i have got to tell you when you are saying to young people you can t succeed in the system which is what the president and bill o reilly just said, that is corrupt. that is corrosive to the way (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (m) that s a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman).oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but. i m sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. and the award goes to ceramics house.
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involved. and that will be tough to nail down. what we do know is ambassador stevens traveled to the backwater of benghazi despite the fact it was a dangerous place. organized terrorists knew the ambassador s location causing damage but no one would give the order for the u.s. military to move into libya. no one. thus four americans killed and subsequently, no terrorist have been held accountable. some say fault lies with hillary clinton, then secretary of state. she was running the world and didn t have her attention on libya, why should she? mrs. clinton had her hands full. to blame her for the attack in libya, not fair. yes, security was bad and the state department was warned. but those things are usually handled by others, not the secretary of state. however, after the attack, now hillary clinton should have
stepped up and explained the situation. instead, she herself referred to an anti muslim video as insighting the violence. she went along with what the ocbama administration was puttig out there. that was wrong and that s on her. the key question right now is did president obama himself actually come up with the false narrative? no committee will get that defined unless a guy like john dean steps up. his testimony took the president down. so the congressional committee will uncover some facts but unless a white house insider comes forward, the president will not likely be effected. there is a second scandal surrounding benghazi, some in congress don t want to know the truth, just like vice president gerald ford during watergate. they are in denial. the president was in the process of negotiating with the soviet union. the president was trying to handle the war in vietnam.
i m sure he turned to those running the reelection campaign and said i have these major matters that involve the national security and well being of the american people and you run the campaign, and therefore i m convinced he had nothing whatsoever to do with watergate. it is erie the same kind of stuff being said today about benghazi. diversion benghazi, benghazi, why aren t we talking about something else? we ve already had thousands and thousands of pages of testimony, four committees in the house, two bipartisan committees in the senate. this is a waste of taxpayer money. again, supporters of the president simply want to know. now, as far as the irs scandal is concerned, the one woman who can break the case has been held in contempt of congress, as you know. if a federal grand jury is convened, ms. learner could be
charged with a crime. that is the only way, the only way she might tell the world what happened, if she can make some kind of deal. just one man will make that decision, the u.s. attorney for the district of colombia. it s up to him alone to call for a grand jury. he works for eric holder and appointed by president obama. so talking points does not expect ms. learner to face a criminal proceeding. did the white house actually order the irs to target conservative groups? the president denied it to me on super bowl sunday. we re not likely to get to the bottom of this because the system is flawed. you cannot make learner talk for political reasons and it s the law. a muslim terrorist group kidnapped 300 girls 16 to 18 year ols old. the problem is not getting any better. there are scores of islamic
groups terrorizing civilians all over the world, yet, what are the muslim nations doing? very little. there should be a summit organizing against them and if you speak out, you re a bigot, a terrible person. most muslims are good people but a substantial minority cause trouble, syria, iran, openly kill civilians with little repercussion and another problem that seems to have no solution. kidnapping little girls? i mean, that s enough. brit hue may disagree with me about hillary clinton and benghazi. he will be here. our fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. our fiber. they re delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips.
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i don t disagree with you at all about the prospect she may have something to do with a coverup and i think you may well be right that she really can t be blamed except in the broadest sense for the incident itself, except there are things about that we don t know. we don t really know why chris stephens was there. we don t really know why the u.s. had that compound setup in benghazi. there are a number of things we don t know. i m not saying that they implicated her in someway. you know mrs. clinton, correct? personally you know her? yes, i ve known her for years. i didn t know her that well. i did one interview, spent a little bit of time. you correct me if i m wrong because you ve known her for years. she s not a micro manager kind of person. she s the front person. all right? that got sent all over the world, constantly on the go, doing, i don t know what she was doing half the time. couldn t really figure it out.
i can t imagine hillary clinton sit there and saying gee, what is going on in benghazi today. bill, we do know what that mission was there and what the ambassador was doing. we ll have a better idea it seems almost impossible that hillary clinton would be paying attention to benghazi no matter how many warnings the state department got, they don t go to her, they go to other people. i just can t see it. is it wrong, remember watergate, the third rate burglary. that was the first. it was almost like the democrats today. it was almost like nancy pelosi, all most the same. third rate burglary. all right? doesn t matter, these guys, the plumbers broke into the watergate to try to find stuff about the democratic campaign. that s what we heard. we heard it and heard it and heard it. that s exactly what we re hearing.
this isn t a big deal. isn t it erie? it s almost exactly the same. it s the same in both cases we had a coverup. bill, before we make watergate comparisons, it s worth remembering that nearly 70 people were accused in the end of crimes in watergate and i think 48 or so were convicted. so we re a long way from talking about that. we re not a long way from how the politicians are reacting. we re right there, and when you re talking about a watergate break in for political intelligence, which it was, as opposed to an american ambassador being murdered, which story is more important? there is so much we know and can t say. watergate turned out to be a crime wave and until we see something that indicates something on that scale, i just think that watergate comparisons are best left on the shelf. i disagree respectfully.

Kids , Debate , Factor , Caution , No-spin-zone , President-obama , Left , Billo-reilly , The-american , Democratic-party , Thanks , Talking-points-edition

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20161104 02:00:00

in heiglight of the fact that everything you just said donald trump said wasn t going to happen. it is the most under-reported story related to the campaign but not directly in the campaign. each day we see something new that was kind of unimaginable weeks ago. he says the u.s. military is a disaster, that operation is a disaster, he half believes that mosul is part of syria. thank you, rachel. today, the wife of the biggest cyber bully in the world said that if you make her first lady of the united states, she will work hard to stop cyber bullying. annemarie cox will join us with her reaction to melania trump s speech today. but first, we have a new electoral college projection. and that projection indicates that the next president of the united states will not have a first lady. this isn t a joke.
this isn t survivor. this isn t the bachelorette. this counts. say whoa. if donald trump were to win this election, we would have a commander in chief who is completely out of his depth. ah, this and that, oh, give me a break. donald trump is temperamentally unfit. best thing i have is my temperament. now he knows we can see and hear him, right? i think the gig is up. we have to find a better way to talk to each other. to respect each other. these people are stupid. they re stupid people. come on, man! i promise you, i will never enter a bicycle race. stay on point, donald, stay on point. we need to teach our youth american values. kindness. honesty, respect. stupid people, remember that. sometimes the tentation is to tune it out, and you want to
just focus on the cubs winning the world series. [cheers and applause] and who knows, maybe we ll see even more history made in a few days. this is the last word on campaign 2016. with just four campaign days left now before the presidential election, american voters have probably already decided who the next president of the united states will be. most of the models repeatedly used to predict the winner are predicting a win for hillary clinton. on this program, we presented the moody s analytics model this week that uses economic factors as well as political factors to predict a winner. that shows hillary clinton winning 332 electoral votes to donald trump s 206 electoral votes. larry sabato, the director of the university of virginia center for politics is now ready with his numbers. joining us now, larry sabato.
this is not your final projection, because, there s a couple is states you re still thinking about, but give us your count as of tonight. yes, lawrence, we ll update on monday, but right now we think that clinton has 293 electoral votes. she will, we believe, win nevada, despite some of the late polling that has her behind there. we think she s ahead in north carolina. and as long as democrats can manage to get out more the african-american vote, and they re working hard on that, she will win north carolina. our big toss-up, in fact the only toss-up state is florida. you could argue new hampshire is a toss-up state. there are only four electoral votes there and 29 in florida. florida has flummoxed us so far. but 293 is a respectable total. if she wins florida, she ll go
clinton among latinos, latino decisions have excellent new data on this showing that clinton is getting a larger percentage of latinos than brau barack obama did. he got 21%. she s getting 79%, donald trump is in the teens. gee, i wonder why. that is a big, big gain for hillary clinton. the electorate s never static, and different pieces move in different directions every four years, but over all, i think people who are saying hillary clinton is collapsing and the blue wall is falling, you know, it s chicken little all over again. and quickly, larry on the senate, if hillary clinton, if your projection s right, hillary clinton s going to be the next president. is she going to be able to get a supreme court nominee through the next united states senate? well, she needs, she needs 50 democratic senators plus tim
donald trump s temperament. i m also honored to have the greatest temperament that anybody has, because we know how to win. she spends $1 billion. she spends so much money, i see these ads. people that know me, say how can they say that? you know, we have a temperament, we have a certain temperament. it s a temperament of knowing how to win. donald stood on a stage and said, and i quote, i m honored to have the greatest temperament that anyone s ever had. now he, he knows we can see and hear him, right? this is someone who at another rally yesterday actually said out loud to himself, stay on point, donald. stay on point. his campaign probably put that in the teleprompter. stay on point, donald, stay on point. and joining the discussion
now, elysse jordan. former adviser to rand paul s presidential campaign. and also with us, steve mcmahon, a democratic strategist and the ceo and co-founder of purple strategies. elysse, it still seems for the clinton campaign, the best material for hillary clinton every day is whatever donald trump just said. that s why this week has been damaging to her. so much attention has been focussed on the fbi and the e-mail server. if she can get back to pointing out to what ridiculous things donald trump is saying, his message the entire campaign, she s in much firmer, better territory. steve mcmahon, you ve been, i was going to say you ve been in campaigns like this. i take it back. no one s ever been in a campaign like this. but you ve certainly been there where there s four campaign days left. obviously hillary clinton likes keeping the focus on what donald
funny to basically not pay somebody who s done work for him and say go ahead and sue me, because i ve got more money than you and you can t do anything about it. larry sabato, is that approach based on voter analysis, that that is what is working with voters? talking about donald trump s temperament and character? oh, absolutely. this has come through for months, even before the conventions. and it s just as true today as it was then. the two big factors, they don t think he has the temperament to sit in the oval office and make critical decisions, and they don t think he s qualified in terms of experience and background, to deal with complex public policy issues. the more those two things can be stressed, the better for democrats, and president obama had a marvelous term there. uniquely unqualified. and, again, i think most people would agree with that, just based on the facts.
all right, let s look at the latest clinton campaign ad that goes straight at this. i d wbr id= wbr7279 /> look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers. he s a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren t captur captured, okay? you got to look at this guy, oh, i don t remember. i would bomb the [ bleep ] out of them. i love war in a certain way. elysse, i think about people like you and steve wishing you could be in the room working on ads against donald trump, because they just serve up the, donald trump serves up that material. it is a gift that keeps giving when it comes to ads. but back to this temperament issue that we re talking about and how clinton and president obama are trying to stress this on the campaign trail this week, /b>
out of all the focus groups that i ve sat in during this campaign season, temperament was the absolute, number one issue that undecided voters mentioned wbr-id= wbr7899 /> when it came to pulling the trigger for donald trump. they re simply worried not only what he would do domestically been internationally, it s okay if he s a wrecking ball domestically, but internationally, they are really concerned. so this is definitely her closing argument. so steve mcmahon, never mind the supreme court in the last four days of the campaign, would you suggest they ignore issues, just go straight at donald trump the character? absolutely. she s got a 40 or 45-point edge on this trait which voters think is very important to a president, and i ve sat in focus groups too and saw the same thing. voters are very worried about donald trump. they sort of like that he wants to change washington, they would like a change and broken glass
there, but they don t want that in the middle east or places where it s dangerous and scary. they want a balanced, experienced leader who s not going to get us into a war. steve mcmahon, elysse jordan, larry sabato, thank you for joining us. thank you. coming up, melania trump s speech today was accompanied by the most inappropriate music ever used by the trump campaign or any campaign in the history of campaigns. in the history of music. annemarie cox will give us her take on that speech. and former speechwriter for president george w. bush david from will join us to explain why he voted today for hillary clinton for president. one of millions of orders on this company s servers. accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. but with cyber threats on the rise,
today, the microphone, i should say, but it was not for that press conference that donald trump promised since weeks ago in which melania trump would produce all her immigration records and prove to us her legality. instead, it was a speech accompanied by the most inappropriate music in the history of the campaign. annemarie cox will join us next and we ll bring you some of that speech. well this here s a load-bearing wall. we ll go ahead and rip that out. that ll cause a lot of problems. hmm. totally unnecessary and it triples the budget. we ll be totally behind schedule, right? (laughschedules. schedules. great, okay. wouldn t it be great if everyone said what they meant?
the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. age of aquarius
aquarius aquarius sympathy and trust abounding okay, that was weird. that is the most inappropriate piece of introductory music ever used at a campaign event. the last line of the lyric you just heard, sympathy and trust abounding . and then, for some inexplicable reason, the lyrics stop, the music continues, but the lyrics aren t there. they just stop. and the very next line, the lyrics that just don t happen, the next line is no more falsehoods or derisions.
now it just can t be possible that the trump campaign, the campaign of falsehoods and derisions, was self-aware enough to realize that they just couldn t play that lyric today. it couldn t be that, because if the trump campaign was so self-aware, then they would never have chosen a hit song from the 1968 broadway musical hair. it was the first nude musical. for the most part, they were dressed in the hippy costuming of the day. it was a story of dropping out, and dropping acid and free love and celebration of the hippy lifestyle. aimed at donald trump s age, graduated a month after hair opened on fraud way, but it definitely wa lly wasn t donalds kind of show. it was about, as the lyrics said, harmony and understanding,
sympathy and trust abounding. no more falsehoods or derisions. golden living dreams of visions mystic crystal revelation and the mind s true liberation. the music and the cultural world of people graduating from college in 1968 in donald trump s year, that year was deaf identified between the hippies singing about love and understanding and the mind s true revelation and elvis, unrepentant, 1950s rock and roll. so melania trump made her entrance to a song that stands against everything the trump campaign stands for. no more falsehoods or derisions. and oddly, melania trump s speech was about falsehoods and derisions. making her the first trump ever
to take a stand against falsehoods and derisions. as we know, now social media is a centerpiece of our lives. it can be a useful tool for connection and communication. it can ease isolation that so many people feel in the modern world. technology has changed our universe. but, like anything that is powerful, it can have a bad side. we have seen this already. as adults, many of us are able to handle mean words, even lies. children and teenagers can be fragile. they are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. this makes their life hard and can force them to hide and
retreat. our culture has gotten too mean and too rough. especially to children and teenagers. made to feel less in looks and intelligence. so, the wife of the world s biggest, wildest, most out of control cyber bully, wants to assume the position of first lady so she can stop cyber bullying. no. this is not a self-aware campaign. four years ago, melania trump s husband tweeted this. cher, i don t wear a rug, it s mine, and i promise not to talk about your massive plastic surgeries that didn t work. melania trump s husband also tweeted this, ariana huffington is unattractive both yinside an out. i understand why her husband left her for a man. and he made a comment on the
fact that women were serving in the military. 26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military, on only 238 convictions. what did these geniuses expect? how much money is the extremely unattractive both inside and out, ariana huffington paying her ex-husband for the use of his name. if hillary clinton can t satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy america. donald trump has tweeted that megyn kelly is a bimbo, attacked bette midler s attractiveness on twitter and said utterly poisonous things about rosie o donnell, time and time again here, and i was the person donald trump threatened to sue
on twitter, he s attacked this show, saying it s unwatchable and first predicted the cancellation of this show five years ago, it was going to happen at any moment back then. also on twitter, donald trump has called me a poor journalist, stupid, a very dumb guy, the dumbest political commentator on television and the dumbest man on tv. today donald trump tweeted about watching his wife s speech, but he didn t say anything, anything about her condemnation of cyber bullying. joining us now, annemarie cox, senior political news correspondent for mtv news. i was looking at the trump hits on me, i have to confess, all of which made me laugh. and i thought he never goes after guys looks. he only does the looks thing with women. and then i found this one. lawrence, this is from several years ago. lawrence will soon be off tv, bad ratings, he has a face made
for radio. so he has gone after, at least one guy, on looks. yeah, he s mocked krischri c too. he does save his real venom for women. that is true. and, you know, so i was working under a theory for a while that melania was an silon, because she has that weird thing where her eyes go back and forth, and she looks somewhat alien. but an android s circuits would fry, only a truly delusional human being could give a speech like she gave and survive it. a computer couldn t handle it. you ve shown a hlot of the iron. but to go a step further beyond
trump himself doing the bullying, what about attacking people of the jewish faith who have covered him and they ve sent people into hiding and remember the journalist that wrote a profile of melania and was deluged with anti-semitic remark, and the campaign and melania herself refused to say anything about it. it s one of those speeches where it makes you wonder, do these people ever talk to each other. it was all that portion of it was well-written. those were all good ideas, very well-considered stuff. but donald trump is just the most glaring, you know, violator of everything melania trump talked about today. right, you know, i always thought it was a little bit a shade that laura bush chose literacy as her cause when bush was president. i thought that was pretty
clever. but this is at another level. if this is self-aware subtweeting, it s like sticking the knife in. i don t, you know, it s hard to critique, you know, the families, right? i think everyone wants to not go to hard on the families of candidates. you know, a lot of us say things like this person didn t sign up for th. but i ve been thinking. we don t know what melania signed up for. trump has said there s a prenuptial agreement. i imagine it s pretty long. she literally signed up for this. she definitely did literally sign something. i think when the families are trying to elect the most dangerous candidate in the history of the country, we ve got a whole set of what s relevant and what isn t. and when she s trying to make the argument that somehow the donald that she knows is different than the one we know, we ve seen no evidence of that. this is a case where we actually
have evidence of what he s like when he doesn t think the cameras are on, right? and it s pretty consistent, actually. like that s the thing that s sort of amazing, right? there s no hidden depths to hem. there s no other side of donald trump. hi like he s exactly the jerk you think he is. and what matters is who a president is going to be publicly. this is who he is publicly. and the temperament argument that all the hillary surrogates is making is a powerful one. we d like to live in a country where we re having our des agreements about policy, but in the end, it really is about temperament when we elect a president, because there s not going to be, we can t predict every policy problem that comes forward. we can t predict everything that will happen in the world. at some point, it will be the president at his or her desk making the decision about
millions of lives of people. we have to have faith that that decision is going to be made, not in anger, not off the handle and not off of personal pique. thank you, ana marie. thank you. up next, david from has announced that he is voting for hillary clinton for president. the former speechwriter for george w. bush will join us with his reasons. is is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis.
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you look awful. oh, sweetie, what happened? girl: me? my friend becky got to talk to this super-cute boy, and i tried to act like i wasn t jealous, but i so totally was, and then, out of nowhere, this concrete barrier just popped up. maybe it was a semi. you mean you were driving? yeah. i mean, i know the whole eyes on the road thing. but this was a super important text. maybe you have to know becky. texting? great. but it was only, like, 5 seconds, and i m a really, really fast texter, so it wasn t even a big deal. actually, has she texted me back yet? [squishing sound] wow, i get, like, no bars in this place. i wonder if they have wi-fi here. doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, it s been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it s still recommended today. use as directed
when republican governor and former candidate john kasich voted in the battle ground state of ohio, he ducked the real choice of hillary clinton versus donald trump for president. governor kasich could not bring himself to vote for donald trump, and he couldn t bring himself to vote for hillary clinton, so he wrote in a vote for john mccain. david from accepted the real choice and announced today that he voted for hillary clinton. he wrote in an oped for the flaentsic, i have no illusions about hillary clinton. she is a patriot and will uphold the sovereignty of the united states. why didn t you write in john mccain? and what do you say to republicans who are thinking about writing in john mccain or something else? well, i wrote, the article i wrote for the atlantic
immediately before made the best case i could from a conservative point of view for donald trump, hillary clinton and a protest candidate. i feel like you have to face your choices. the absentee ballot which i septembe sent, stayed in my box about four days. when did you send it? about a week ago. but i would say, i m not one who is greatly swayed by endorsements, but vladimir putin s, that cut a lot of weight with me. that would be the thing in the end that weighed the heaviest on you, which one does vladimir putin really want? the first is, i do think we are seeing an attempt to manipulate an american election by an unfriendly foreign power,
and it s really important that that unfriendly power get the strongest signal that this isn t acceptable. in the second thing, i do think hillary clinton, i mean, clintons, i ve got a lot of critiques of the clinton foundation. i do think they bend the law. but hillary clinton accepts the concept of legality, she accepts that courts are asupreme and hls should be followed. and those pay sibasic rules. the system that we have is one that protects my rights under a president i don t approve of and tomorrow will do the same for you. and what people have in common is their commitment to those shared rules. and if you have a challenger to show shar those shearared rules, that s
unacceptable. are you having conversations with a number of your republican friends who are having the same problem that you are? there are a lot of shy clinton voters. i know marriages where they re both republicans, but women find this an easier step than the men do. i know a lot of republicans making a protest vote, and i don t complain about that. there are people who say my vote an expression and people who say my vote an instrument. i believe it is an instrument, not an expression. thank you very much. coming up, trump campaign is worried about getting out to vote, but are they telling the truth about that? that s in tonight s war room wi with mike murphy. [ piercing sound ]
good luck! so, it turns out buzzed driving and drunk driving, they re the same thing and it costs around $10,000. so not worth it. did you get your e-mail from donald trump begging for money? he s sending out e-mails to
finance his get out to vote operation. but donald trump doesn t have a get out to vote operation. what s up with that? that s coming up. but first, here s how it looked today on the campaign trail. one way or another come this january, america is going to have a new president. if hers is a track record, if hers is experience, i want no experience. look what that experience has got us. please remember, that before he was a presidential candidate, he was a leader of the so-called birther movement. if he doesn t respect all americans, how can we trust him to serve all americans? we re all aware that hillary clinton has a problem with the truth. even among politicians, and that does not make her unique in the swamp that is washington. but hillary stands out. she s a very dishonest person, probably the most dishonest person ever to run for the office of president.
anybody who is upset about a saturday night live skit you don t want in crge of nuclear weapons. make america great again is not just some slogan. it is what has been in his heart since the day i met him. he has spent this entire campaign offering a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters. who you are, what you are, does not change after you occupy the oval office. all it does is magnify who you are. all it does is 1450i7b a spot height on who you are. and runn, anywhere in the planet. wherever there s a phone, you ve got a bank, and we could never do that before. the cloud gave us a single platform to reach across our entire organization. it helps us communicate better. we use the microsoft cloud s advanced analytics tools to track down cybercriminals. this cloud helps transform business.
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septembersent an e-mail to supporters this week asking them for money pause, we are currently executing a highly costly early voting push and get out to vote operation to ensure identified trump voters make it to the polls before election day. and this picture was tweeted with this caption, expensive early vote and get out to vote operation. that clearly doesn t exist. what grifters, con man. with four days left for the presidential war rooms, joining us tonight is mike murphy, republican campaign strategist and the host of the pod cast, radio free gop. so i have friends getting these trump e-mails, begging for money. this one you say is more fraud length thfraudu lent than most, because there isn t even a get out to vote
push? i m the sheriff of corrupt town. but this one was particularly egregious. you can argue, there s a fig leaf. it s the joint fund raising committee between the rnc, and they do do generic things, but the e-mail implies, the technique they use is from kellyanne conway, and the idea they need money for this big tv system, which the campaign doesn t have. the rnc has some of it, that s why they d argue there was a whip of truth. it was misleading. make a trump appeal. that s fine, but let s not pretend there s somet that doesn t exis it still cracks me up that the guy is asking for money. why ask for money? why not pump all that trump money that was supposed to come in. that s a promise we heard for a long time.
and he s put some money in, but not nearly what he said he would, but that s no surprise with trump. he will end up spending less than mike bloomberg did to get elected mayor of new york city. here s the count on field offices. hillary clinton has more field offices in 41 states, chug in every battleground state than donald trump has. here are the states where donald trump has more field offices han hillary clinton. arizona, south dakota, arkansas and mississippi. and arizona s the only one of those that s even in play. yeah, there s no trump field operation by real campaign standards. there s generic stuff the rnc is doing to help congressional races. but trump is doing none of the enhanced things that a normal presidential campaign would do. they re doing much of anything that a normal presidential
campaign would do. there s no real serious policy staff. the list goes on and on. trump is like the ice kcapades. it is this concert tour, and we ll see how that pays off on election day. i think with all the noise about how it s too close to call and all that, i m making bets, i think trump s going down. walk us through your bet. on election night, which chips do you expect to see falling on the east coast? do you think in the early closings we ll see florida go for hillary clinton? i actually believe hillary is going to carry florida. i could be wrong, but even if trump wins ohio where he s a little stronger than florida and loses florida, let s give him both. and even if he were to win north carolina which has more republican proclivitieproclivit still has to make it up other places i don t think he can. i don t think he s going to poll
the inside strait. and i think hillary clinton s going to win nevada. i know florida pretty well, and i won t have to see a lot of returns to make a pretty informed guesstimate on that state. i think some of that election night drama will be less than people are expecting right now. what do you make of the survey that s come out of the early voting in florida that shows a very large crossover of republicans, 28% of republicans in the early vote going to hillary clinton? my guess is that number s a little high, but i think the point it makes is true. the parties always do this. more republicans bas on party registration have voted early than democrats, but the margin s less, you know, there s all these comparative stats, but i think trump is going to underperform with republicans.
normally you get 95% when you win. i think trump s republican number will be in the 80 s somewhere. so one of his many problems is, not all these republican votes by registration are actually trump votes. i don t know if it will be 28 to hillary, but i wouldn t be surprised if it s in the high teens, which is twice what it should be in a winning republican model. mike murphy, it s great to get your last word on this campaign as we approach tuesday, really appreciate. thanks, mike. thanks, lawrence. coming up next, the lawyer who fought the voter i.d. law in north carolina. indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea! here s pepto bismol! ah. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea! why don t you let me. and me. help you out?
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that airline credit card yout? have. it could be better. it s time to shake things up. with the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. seriously, think of all the things you buy. this why you asked me to coffee? well yeah. but also to catch-up. what s in your wallet?
they say some 6,700 people have been purged. a federal judge reinstated those purged voters rights, calling the way that they were removed, quote, insane. that was the judge s word. insane. and the judge said it was out of the jim crow era. while democratic turnout for early voting is outpacing republican turnout in north carolina so far, black voter turnout is down 16% from 2012 and some activists say that that is due to that kind of voter suppression. the justice department plans to monitor voting in four counties in north carolina next tuesday. joining us now, penda haire. can you tell me what the judgment found to be insane?
i ve heard a lot of judges speaking and writing from the bench. that s a word you don t hear very often. let me say first, lawrence, that the judge has not yet issued her final decision, but she did make some comments from the bench. what she found to be insane was that private people mailed pieces of mail to voters in the county, and then they took returned mail to the county and asked the county board of elections to purge those voters from the roles. and the counties actually did so on the behest of these private vigilantes. and more than 400 voters were purged in one county, and over 60 in another county, and in the larger county, it was thousands of voters who were purged. and a lot of this was done right up until election day. . there s another hearing to purge more voters on monday in one of these counties.
current polling shows hillary clinton leading donald trump 47-44 in north carolina. let s listen to the way president obama described this situation. grace bell lived in belhaven north carolina her entire life. all 100 years of her life. just a few weeks ago republicans challenged her voter registration status. and tried to remove her from the voter rolls. now grace got her voter regge administration reinstated. and you better believe she s going to vote. but this 100-year old woman wasn t alone in being targeted. the list was two-thirds black and democratic. that didn t happen by accident. and is that a pretty fair description of what s going on? yes. mrs. grace bell harditsson plai
brought. she s voted 23 elections in a role and was at risk of being purged. she got the challenge withdrawn after the north carolina naacp learned about her sorry and made it public. and many, many others in her county are not so lucky and are still subject to having their vote taken away unless the federal judge rules, which we believe will happen fairly quickly. if someone has trouble voting in north carolina, what should they do? well, they should insist on voting. and if the election officials will not give them a regular ballot, they should ask for a provisional ballot and make sure they are given the provisional ballot. and then after the election, the

Campaign , Donald-trump , Everything , Wasn-t , Fact , Story , Something , Heiglight , Operation , Rachel , World , Part

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Greg Gutfeld Show 20170108 03:00:00

greg: thanks, joe. that s the smartest thing you have said in eight years. [applause] [applause] greg: all right, the u.s. intel report released friday directly accuse russian president vladimir putin of ordering a campaign to influence the election. i wish they told us this thursday we could have skipped listening to this. first we cannot say they did not change in the vote tallies or anything of that sort. we have no way of gauging the impact that certainly the intelligence community can t gauge the impact it had on choices the electorate made. greg: what is with this guy over here? it s like he just saw one of my nudes on snapchat. [laughter]
this is serious. and it s on tv. friday president-elect trump met with experts to discuss the findings. what does russia really to? for one, they had to john podesta s e-mail. how did they do it? first they found one of his passwords. what was one of his passwords? password. [laughter] this may be the greatest achievement in espionage history. right behind the time i pilfered lou dobbs locker combination. i stole this gym shorts. i am wearing that now. but it makes you wonder how secure podesta s other sensitive material is. where does he keep the pin number of his debit card? is written on the back of the card with the words pin number for my debit card? does he hide his apartment keys under his welcome mat or is it under flowerpot near the front door or maybe get this, it s inside a fake rock. dude, if it s the only rock on
your porch and there are no other rocks around we know it s not a rock. anyway the russians did other things too. did john podesta click on a fake link? the conclusion, the russians hack is somehow got to julien assange great remember him? greg: assange kamikaze pro-trump and he is blonde. why isn t he outnumbered? [laughter] assange once hated by the right is now hugged by them. i ve got to tell you is confusing to see writing who wanted to see assange hanks wanting to hang with him. the shift from a cold war to a
hot romance is so confusing to me it s like coming home and finding out that dad left mom for her brother. but this is what worries me. forget hacking. that s nothing great right now we have no deterrence against those who might want to destroy us. how do we make sure that no one tries to attack our power grid which would shut down all electricity and he could be broke, sick and starving in days. america would turn into lord of the flies or worse, charlotte s web . a cyber attack is the first effective neutron bomb killing all of us but leaving everything standing. to worry about fishing now about fishing out psych on september 10, 2001 fretting about legroom on airliners. you miss the big picture here. to stop such attacks we need a real deterrent. my solution? treat such attacks likeville terry once. that way the trigger is never pulled. america needs to announce a recall new cabal offensive.
know and you got feel it. assange, putin and by the way i don t believe in government anymore. i just don t believe them. here, here. [applause] greg: you would rather believe a former kgb dude? i don t believe in either. leave nothing, everything is meaningless and truthfully who will ever know? greg: you have been watching too much x-files. i ve been doing too much thinking independently. greg: stop doing that. this is my show and i want you to re-with me. that would be interesting television. greg: terry you have answered no questions. it is a victory for him. greg: what do you make about my prescription, the idea that we should nuke people that mess with our power grid?
isn t a power grid just like owning a country? the question is worded or would it not affect netflix? to me that s what breaks down to. but i want to pull out a thread of what terry mentioned because this whole conversation and not to be a bummer. greg: is what you do. is why you pay me so much money. nothing come but anyway the whole conversation lately is a tone of the american conversation about the american government. it s awful and it makes me really sad because people will say i m an elitist because i was part of the government. i worked at the white house. fine come you can say that if you want but there s nothing glamorous about being a civil servant and working for the national security council and making $35,000 a year and working 24 hours a day. what i will say it is some of the best and brightest minds that we have got in this country are in the united states government in our intelligence
community and some of these people put their lives on the line every single day. greg: what you are saying is basically you get the sense that people that are risking their lives for intelligence are being badmouth. you find that? their 17 agencies now and 50,000 people getting security clearance now. gotten too big. post-9/11 everybody is scared. the washington post is a tremendous piece on how big it is and how unaccountable it is and how much redundancy there is. i would encourage you to read this. who are they responsible to? we don t even know if they d do. greg: i don t even read what s on the bottle. i would add a ransom note. greg: do you think this is a big deal? i wonder what the government has, you look at biden. i love biden. i bought a reverse mortgage from him.
[laughter] greg: it literally was rehearsed. is a great guy but the republicans during nixon s day broke into watergate and that was a simpler time when democrats were stealing that i m not sure what you get podesta s gmail account. i m not sure there s much value there. greg: you have the greatest recipe for risotto. you have got big elites threatening to go after everybody with a verified account on twitter. did you see that today? how does feel but feel free to defend how wonderful the solace. are you glad you were not verified? i am verified. family, friends i offer a lot about my life on twitter just willingly. too much just willingly but that doesn t really bother me. greg: what bothers you then? everything bothers me a little but it doesn t bother me
more than the fact greg: in the subject matter we are focused on, what bothers you? that does not bother me at all. the government without wikileaks and snowden and assange, they would have absolutely nobody to be held accountable to. nobody else is doing it. greg: the american people. wikileaks was supposed to target target. they started firing on us. tmz access hollywood wikileaks. journalism is dead in america so long with these guys. julia s point special forces guy in tuck kept me alive and we also find out that you know the military and the intelligence apparatus in many cases the middle east was cooking the books and not telling the right thing of what was going on all for political reasons.
be a hawk and go after the stuff. you just don t want to defend it i do want to defend it but the thing is the government, their job is to protect the rights but they can t do that by violating our rights. it s the same problem. and order have rights you have to protect the country first. do you want the nsa in your bedroom sitting under your bed? you would be safer i guess. you were giving up a certain amount of basic freedom which is what makes this country so great. there have to be limits and if they want to change it back to change the constitution. it s not me talking, change the constitution. greg: a shocking hate crime streamed on facebook. we ll discuss the disgusting crime nexus. so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day?
aleve, live whole not part. painter: you want this color over the whole house? tawell, the only place youn, need go.oll?
held a white man at my point and told him to curse to present like. perhaps even just as troubling the suspect could be heard on the video saying they wanted to go viral. a horrible crime made worse by the fact that the teens posted on facebook apparently thinking that torturing disabled people is perfectly acceptable behavior. we don t know anybody that call the cops after watching it. absolutely disgusting. [applause] it s good to see you. you are about to go on russell i assume. i had to leave to talk about the story because it s so important to me. thank you for giving me the time. first of all first and foremost this is 100% a hate crime so there is no allegedly if this is a hate crime on so many levels. the fact of the special-needs man didn t understand was going on and was being brutally
attacked was to meet disgusting. watching it i got choked up watching it and i ve seen a lot of things in this world. it was difficult to watch for. noticing that was tough for me is america as a whole, nobody on facebook i was watching did anything about it. think those people are just as response of all. another thing if somebody puts up a questionable picture on facebook take it down within minutes of there has to be something for facebook to look at to stop these things from happening. the bigger picture, the fake news stories, the hoaxes and the liberal media pushing all the fake attacks. congratulation guys come here are the fruits of your labor. using this for leverage when they were attacking them because they dropped an expletive about donald trump s suddenly their behavior was justified because suddenly the other side is doing it to them. it s disgusting. they are taking any credit for it and even the news coverage was disgusting.
hate crime stuff you start getting into the emotional interpretation of it. who is deciding if it s hate? you have for idiots and it was racial and it was hate but it was a crime so hammer them for that. what i think of this hate crime stuff that could be a double aged blade a double-edged blade. greg: there were people that were afraid of how to categorize it rather than talk about on cable news. all the debate was about that and then you have these people say what maybe it s not that big of a deal because they knew each other. they hung out. rome emanuel makes a big proclamation, sanctuary city. 4000 people shot and they bring people in from aleppo and people in syria are like, we are good. you all try to get that worked
out and they will come. greg: what about the millions of people who have broken families who don t do this stuff? it s that too but i was just thinking while i was hosting to everyone talk it a little bit mirrors the argument, not the argument that the dialogue and debate about when you label something terrorism verses not. people are very, human nature it makes people very eager to deal the classifier categorize these horrible things that happen in the world which is fine. that s as it should be but because i think what happens is once you put a label on something it makes us erroneously believe that we get it. it s like ocoee can probably figure out how to respond to this if we understand first what it is so in a little sense i push back a tiny dent in the sense that and i don t even know what a hate crime means. i couldn t tell you that. aren t all crimes hate crimes?
you punish acts come you don t punish thoughts. what crime does is whence the two. for example you do it in your head already. for example if you are reading the near post and you read about a 25-year-old guy who mugs and 85 euros woman you got that guy should be fried by the theme of the 30-year-old man you see it as a mugging so in your own way you ve categorize crimes differently but that s what we do pay judges should just throw the book at everybody. seeing that the criminal justice system mirrors that in the sense that the court battles epic amounts of time trying to figure out a motive that will distinguish like if there is premeditation that takes it from first agree to capital. it s a platform that they want sometimes to get a message across. greg: up next comic you will need tour did. he can t stop tweeting and we can t stop talking about the tweeting. so good.
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planned via tac. the fbi said they are not ruling out terrorism at this point. seaworld san diego s killer whale show is ending tomorrow this comes after years of criticism and a drop in attendance. park says it will unveil new attractions the summer called orca and counter. we ll show how the killer whales eat and live in a more natural environment. seaworld says its parks in our land in san antonio will and their killer whale show by 2019. i m jackie, now back to the the greg gutfeld show fry your headlines log onto greg: can no one beat the power of his tweets? the new year started with senate democratic leader charles schumer whoever that is, saying this. making america great again requires more than 140 characters per issue.
with all due respect, america cannot afford a twitter presidency. greg: we can t afford you. go away, go away. retire. trump is challenged except that i m perceived to tweet and when. getting four to drop plans to build a planet in mexico check. threatening jam with massive taxes if they keep making the chevy cruising mexico, check. calling out china for not helping with north korea, check their jamming house republicans so badly they dropped their plan and cut the office, check. bonus points for taking the glory from house who want to be the ones to shame the republicans and just for kicks how much better his apprentice ratings were compared to arnold s? check. [applause] been calling chuck schumer the head clown.
check. finally saying the greg gutfeld show is the greatest show ever. [applause] are right, he did really say that. it is official. an ex-president tweets more than obama golf s. here s the thing commentary. we may have the most transparent president ever because he is tweeting his brain. i don t know if we want all of this. it s too much information. greg: maybe it s good because he will get in less trouble. it s like therapy. i m a glass half-full guy. greg: why did i interest you? you shouldn t because i have no attention span.
schumer i think the hate the fact they so affected. said we can t have 140 character present. this basically twitter that but it was in front of congress which nobody watches. i agree with you. i feel like trump has got such a great chance to do great things. sometimes i just want to hear it. greg: you have to take the good with the bad. julia what if they come up with a fake twitter account like a fully fake blackberry for him he goes into this twitter falls where they all live. i don t think he actually reads. he proofreads them. greg: he doesn t go back to twitter to see how many legs he gets big as he is president. you don t need to read tweets when your president. that they ll probably give him a weekly summary like here s how you did on twitter. nobody cares about his follower
accounts. greg: katy perry has more. today sean spicer is the new white house soon-to-be press secretary confirmed to the wall street journal. didn t get to see those tweets before he sends them and he doesn t think that s going to change when he is president. that s interesting. greg: that s good. the thing is china said to him we don t like your tweeting. that s going to make them tweet more. i think it s reverse psychology. it s a brave new world. fdr had the fireside chats. he s a 7-year-old man. greg: that s the weirdest thing. they can hack into and get back to the original story. nfl, goodell hacked to the twitter account and said he was dead.
we knew he wasn t dead because they would have a three-game suspension for whoever killed him. it is a new world and 2020, who knows it may be kanye versus carrot top perhaps. greg: carrot top has some good ideas. you should get snapchat and then he does now to keep it to 140 characters. greg: i m thinking about carrot top. trump is the first orange haired president. top like he has opened the door for carrot top. this is all very greg: you don t even enter statements anymore. this is going to be very tough for trump, all this backlash because i know he loves tweeting but he also values the pinions of china and amy schumer s uncle when deciding how to run his administration. it doesn t matter. think trump should come down on the tweeting but i should come
down the tweeting. i love to be able to tweet china and get them all mad. that gives me a little was just a think about it. i don t know who that is but i most certainly understand why. she is like 25 pitch he can help it. i would rather have my youth. greg: have you seen the movie with captain phillip s? it s his daughter. it s true. greg: captain phillips was the guy he landed the plane on the water. no, that s silly. greg: no it s not. this is not the news. we should all cut back on tweeting. you know when he got caught smoking cigarettes and your mom and dad he never smoked again until you became an adult.
he tweet your heart out, thousand weeks in a row and get it out and you would be done. you will never be done. keep telling him not to these going to keep on going. greg: i think you are talking about yourself. i am. that s the weirdest thing i ve ever heard. there was a bugs bunny cartoon. greg: coming up the inauguration is two weeks away. who is performing? personally i would like to see mel torme but he died in 1999 and we can t have everything, can we? [applause] i ve been on my feel all day. i m bushed! yea me too. excuse me.coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they re proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized .all day long.
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the big question remains who will be performing? not me, spring the ankle and also so far it seems the mormon tabernacle choir will be there. they are my favorite tabernacle choir. [laughter] also jackie o. banco a 16-year-old singer and former contestant on america s got talent. record sales have increased since the announcement which trump didn t let go and that s tweeting again sales have skyrocketed after announcing her a digression performance. some people just don t understand the movement. i do, that s why i m a addicted to ex-lax. finally the rockets will be there. many of the dancers who i know refused at first but madison square garden executive chairman james dolan note demonstrates performing at any presidential migration is an honor. meanwhile president obama showed off is cool kid friends at his
white house dash cam is fine when pittman to guests at the event for beyoncé, jay-z, bruce springsteen, paul mccartney your member him from wings. osher and eddie vedder. here is that the better preparing for the gig. he really is an american talent. my suggestion is a long time ago we did a segment on the super bowl halftime saying they should have high school marching bands. they should reverse this whole celebrity thing and make it anti-celebrity. america must be the star, america. i couldn t agree more gray, we were young lets the 70s and 80s. he was performing at the not
ration? s. greg: i think jimmy carter had roy clark. and not that were clark just another roy clark. didn t janice jackson have a super bowl paste they came off? super bowl. greg: it right. i mentioned the super bowl. [applause] greg: okay kids, let s stick stick to the topic here. all these showing up a psychic convulsion of the cool kids. we couldn t affect the election so now they re going to have a big party and say we don t care that nobody listen to us. it s a thing in hollywood. so most mccarthyism. greg: james macarthur you as a my college. that s new year s eve.
all of them were going to move to canada or europe or something like that. they change their mind. they don t want to learn the metric system to be honest with you. they hate trump that the metric system is pretty difficult. greg: that s why never caught on over here. is out of question? what am i supposed to do with that? greg: you are supposed to do what you always do, that s really interesting greg but. that s what everyone does on fox. say exactly greg. exactly great, it makes me feel very. building on top of what you just said it is anybody really cares who performs at the inauguration and is there anybody that they really cares that some of these rockettes are like i m not going to do it. then fine, don t do it, who cares. i m pretty sure people have been managing to be the person
without about a bunch of kicking ladies helping them along the way to get started and i m sure he can do it again. he is desperate for influence. when you re a kid in the babysitter gets their and you start screaming, they are the kids that are continuing to scream when the mom is happily down the street. no one can hear you come it doesn t matter, get over it. greg: maybe the rockets wanted to be part of obama s legacy. [laughter] up next the story so unbelievable you could think americans - 83% try to eat healthy.
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and best overall brand. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. i mess around in the garage. i want to pay more to file my taxes. i want my tax software to charge me at the last second. paying $60 to file my taxes was the highlight of my day. and you just saw footage of me flipping burgers. want to charge me extra to itemize my deductions? no problem. i literally have too much money. said no one ever. file for free with credit karma tax. free to start, free to finish. a big tax company needs that $50 way more than me.
craig: the university of wisconsin is home of the mighty spinsters is offering a program that aims to quote explore masculinity and the definitions of it. we don t know what that means. does the men s project the name of my favor bar downtown program apparently encouraged them to reflect on how their manliness impacts others. explain to organize his quote that dialogue among men a sense of security and vulnerability throughout the program. in other words, there goes their sex lives. think we have a tape of the first group of men going through the program. greg: i hope i m doing that when i m 70.
what do you make of that complex necessary? that s the problem, things like that. emory had a big issue in atlanta amorese a liberal school and cost a lot of money. i don t trust the college of their football team. greg: julia if these courses continue the country will go even further in that direction of screw you, where does. i think i m going to cede all my time on this question back to you, greg. you are so manly. greg: why thank you. did you hear that? by the way carrie, a guys name. by the way first of all when i was a kid i did get called, that s a girl s name and it really bothered me.
i have a different take on this. the guys who were signing up for this i m not so sure it s a good little boy. they re like the men who walk around brooklyn with the t-shirt. they re not doing that for women. they are doing it to be sensitive and get women. pat: the whole idea of empowering is to get women into bed. i have examined my masculinity, so you know. it s not about anything but trying to be like i m the sensitive one so go home with me. i m a good guy. the best way to tell a guys that good guy is if he says i m a good guy. that s how you know. greg: what if a guy comes up to you and says i m a bad guy? nobody says that. greg: people do that. do you want a drink, that s a normal guy. greg: wow that s strange. i don t know where to go with that.
masculinity if they had chapters or segments where they went over the number of men who died building things like the campuses that they are at or mainly construction workers who are men. some of them were injured in some of them died building bridges and if you look at the brooklyn bridge to see him and people died building that. you know your society has arrived when this is what you are worried about. we can t get any better than this. greg: and i can t get any better than this. men are supposed to be gross. greg: that s true. final thoughts, coming up next. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads. here. here. or here. today, there s another option. drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity,
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moves to monday night. also saturday january 28, join me for an event called short stories by short people. that s the warner theatre in washington d.c. you can get your tickets at we are almost out of time. if you wanted to say all show but didn t have a chance to say it, here s your chance, right now. you know how ron and i met? i actually accused him of stealing one of my jokes, a joke he came up with first. thank you for being the big man. i told him i was going to bring that up. america, give trump a chance. i know he looks like a lookout from a parlor from staten island and you hate them, but he s gonna shake things up. here s the alien air who made his daughter fly jetblue coach. i think that s a good thing. i look forward to it.
i right humor so it s gonna be a good couple years. i just want to wish my cousin brendan who s like my brother, get well soon. i love you more than anything pretty the best. very well. i hope he s doing okay. he is doing very well. jillian how are you doing. i m good. how are you. i didn t even have a chance to get checked in with you. i try to avoid you at all cost. who is this tucker carlson. he just showed up like out of nowhere. did you want to plug anything, is there anything interesting you want to say. i just want to go home. how honest can you get. oh my goodness. cat. okay so, i like the way men look in skinny jeans, but i don t like don t like the kind of man that wears skinny gins. so i like the pants on the man but i don t like the man in the pants, and i m i m wondering if this is a pants person dichotomy that s going to keep me single

Greg , Thing , Applause , Us- , Thanks , Intel , Joe , Eight , Kellyanne-conway , Election , Campaign , Russian

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170111 06:00:00

the speech is expected to last about 35 minutes, after which, we ll talk with our panel and bring you highlights from his remarks, but we obviously will bring president obama in full, we expect him to come out in the next minute or so. this is something george washington we were talking about was the first president, obviously who chose to give a farewell address. right, when he did it, he did it because there was no such thing as a two-term president. he could have been president for years and years and years, and he wanted to make clear to america that we didn t have a king anymore. sounds like we could be seeing the president? oh, maybe not. [ applause ] certainly sounded like the music coming out, but that was the purpose of that is to say, look, we are a democracy, we are not a monarchy. so that s where the tradition started. let s listen in.
ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the 44th president of the united states, barack obama. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]
hello, chicago! [cheers and applause] it s good to be home! [cheers and applause] thank you, everybody. thank you! thank you. thank you! [cheers and applause] thank you so much. thank you, thank you. thank you. it s good to be home. thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you. thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you. thank you. we re on live tv here, i got to move.
i was in my early 20s. and i was still trying to figure out who i was. still searching for a purpose in my life. and it was a neighborhood not far from here where i began working with church groups in the shadows of closed steel mills. it was on these streets where i witnessed the power of faith. and the quiet dignity of working people in the face of struggle. and loss. [ crowd chants four more years ] i can t do that. this is where i learned that change only happens when ordinary people get involved and they get engaged, and they come together to demand it.
after eight years as your president, i still believe that. and it s not just my belief. it s the beating heart of our american idea. our bold experiment in self-governing. it s a conviction that we are all created equal. endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. it s the insistence that these rights, while self-evident have never been self-executed. that we, the people, through the instrument of our democracy can form a more perfect union. what a radical idea. a great gift that our founders gave to us.
the freedom to chase our individual dreams through our sweat and toil and imagination and the imperative to strive together as well, to achieve a common good, a greater good. for 240 years, our nation s call to citizenship has given work and purpose to each new generation. it s what led patriots to choose republic over tyranny. pioneers to trek west. slaves to brave that makeshift railroad to freedom. it s what pulled immigrants and refugees across oceans and the rio grande. it s what pushed women to reach for the ballot. [cheers and applause] it s what powered workers to organize. it s why gis gave their lives on omaha beach and iwo jima, iraq and afghanistan. and why men and women from selma
to stonewall were prepared to give theirs as well. [cheers and applause] so, so that s what we mean when we say america s exceptional. not that our nation s been flawless from the start, but that we have shown the capacity to change. and make life better for those who follow. yes, our progress has been uneven. the work of democracy has always been hard. it s always been contentious. sometimes it s been bloody. for every two steps forward, it often feels we take one step back.
but the long sweep of america has been defined by forward motion. a constant widening of our founding creed to embrace all, and not just some. [cheers and applause] if i had told you eight years ago that america would reverse the great recession, reboot our auto industry, and unleash the longest stretch of job creation in our history [cheers and applause] if i had told you that we would open up a new chapter with the cuban people, shut down iran s nuclear weapons program without
firing a shot [cheers and applause] take out the mastermind of 9/11 [cheers and applause] if i had told you that we would win marriage equality and secure the right to health insurance [cheers and applause] for another 20 million of our fellow citizens [cheers and applause] if i had told you all that, you might have said our sights were set a little too high. but that s what we did. [cheers and applause] that s what you did. you were the change. the answer to people s hopes, and because of you, by almost every measure, america s a better, stronger place than it was when we started. [cheers and applause]
in ten days, the world will witness a hallmark of our democracy. [ crowd boos ] no, no, no. the peaceful transfer of power from one freely-elected president to the next. [ applause ] i committed to president-elect trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest-possible transition, just as president bush did for me. [ applause ] because it s up to all of us to make sure our government can help us meet the many challenges we still face. we have what we need to do so.
we have everything we need to meet those challenges. after all, we remain the wealthiest, most powerful and most respected nation on earth. our youth, our drive, our diversity and openness, our boundless capacity for risk and reinvention means that the future should be ours. but that potential will only be realized if our democracy works. only if our politics better reflects the decency of our people. [ applause ] only if all of us, regardless of party affiliation or particular interests help restore the sense of common purpose that we so badly need right now. that s what i want to focus on
tonight, the state of our democracy. i understand democracy does not require uniformity. our founders argued. they quarrelled. eventually, they compromised. they expected us to do the same. but they knew [cheers and applause] that democracy does require a basic sense of solidarity. the idea that for all our outward differences we re all in this together, that we rise or fall as one. [ applause ] there have been moments throughout our history that threatened that solidarity.
and the beginning of this century has been one of those times. a shrinking world, growing inequality, demographic change and the spectre of terrorism. these forces haven t just tested our security and prosperity, but are testing our democracy as well. and how we meet these challenges to our democracy will determine our ability to educate our kids and create good jobs and protect our homeland. in other words, it will determine our future. to begin with, our democracy won t work without a sense that everyone has economic opportunity. and the good news is that today the economy is growing again, wages, incomes, home values and retirement accounts are all rising again. poverty is falling again.
[ applause ] the wealthy are paying a fairer share of taxes, even as the stock market shatters records, the unemployment rate is near a ten-year low, the uninsured rate has never, ever been lower. [cheers and applause] health care costs are rising at the slowest rate in 50 years, and i ve said, and i mean it. if anyone can put together a plan that is demonstrably better than our health care system that covers as many people at less cost, i will publicly support it. [cheers and applause] because that, after all, is why we serve.
not to score points or take credit. but to make people s lives better. but for all the real progress that we ve made, we know it s not enough. our economy doesn t work as well or grow as fast when a few prosper at the expense of a growing middle class, and ladders for those who want to get into the middle class. that s the economic argument. but stark inequality is also corrosive to our democratic idea. well, the top 1% has amassed a bigger share of wealth and income, too many of our families in inner cities and in rural counties have been left behind. the laid-off factory workers, the waitress or health care
worker who s just barely getting by and struggling to pay the bills, convinced that the game is fixed against them, that the government only serves the interest of the powerful. that s a recipe for more cynicism and polarization in our politics. there are no quick fixes to this long-term trend. i agree, our trade should be fair and not just free. but the next wave of economic dislocations won t come from overseas. it will come from the relentless pace of automation that makes a lot of good, middle class jobs obsolete. and so we re going to have to forge a new social compact to guarantee all our kids the education they need. [ applause ] to give workers the power to unionize for better wages. to update the social safety net to reflect the way we live now. and make more reforms to the tax code so our corporations and individuals who reap the most in
this new economy don t avoid their obligations to the country that s made their very success possible. [cheers and applause] we can argue about how to best achieve these goals. but we can t be complacent about the goals themselves. for, if we don t create opportunity for all people, the disaffection and division that has stalled our progress will only sharpen in years to come. there s a second threat to our democracy, and this one is as old as our nation itself. after my election, there was talk of a post-racial america. and such a vision, however well intended, was never realistic.
race remains a potent and often divisive force in our society. now, i ve lived long enough to know that race relations are better than they were ten or 20 or 30 years ago, no matter what some folks say. you can see it [ applause ] not just in statistics, you see it in the attitudes of young americans across the political spectrum. but we re not where we need to be. and all of us have more work to do. if every economic issue is framed as a struggle between a hard-working white middle class and an undeserving minority, then workers of all shades are going to be left fighting for scraps while the wealthy withdraw further into their private enclaves.
[cheers and applause] if we re unwilling to invest in the children of immigrants just because they don t look like us, we will diminish the prospects of our own children, because those brown kids will represent a larger and larger share of america s workforce. [cheers and applause] and we have shown that our economy doesn t have to be a zero-sum game. last year, incomes rose for all races, all age groups. for men and for women. so, if we re going to be serious about race going forward, we
need to uphold laws against discrimination in hiring and in housing and in education and in the criminal justice system. that is what our constitution and our highest ideals require. [ applause ] but laws alone won t be enough. hearts must change. they won t change overnight. social attitudes oftentimes take generations to change. but if our democracy is to work the way it should in this increasingly diverse nation, then each one of us need to try to heed the advice of a great character in american fiction, atticus finch who said you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. until you climb into his skin. and walk around in it. from blacks and other minority
groups, that means tying our own, very real struggles for justice, to the challenges that a lot of people in this country face. not only the refugee or the immigrant or the rural poor or the transgender american, but also the middle-aged white guy, who, from the outside, may seem like he s got advantages, but has seen his world upended by economic and cultural and technological change. we have to pay attention and listen. [ applause ] for white americans, it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and jim crow didn t
suddenly vanish in the 60s. [cheers and applause] that when minority groups voice discontent, they re not just engaging in reverse racism or practicing political correctness. when they wage peaceful protest, they re not demanding special treatment but the equal treatment that our founders promised. [cheers and applause] for native-born americans, for native-born americans, it means reminding ourselves that the stereotypes about immigrants today were said almost word for word about the irish. and italians and poles, who it was said were going to destroy the fundamental character of america. and as it turned out, america wasn t weakened by the presence
of these newcomers, these newcomers embraced this nation s creed, and this nation was strengthened. so [ applause ] regardless of the station that we occupy, we all have to try harder. we all have to start with the premise that each of our fellow citizens loves this country just as much as we do. that they value hard work and family, just like we do. that their children are just as curious and hopeful and worthy of love as our own. [ applause ] and that s not easy to do. for too many of us, it s become safer to retreat into our own bubbles.
whether in our neighborhoods or on college campuses or places of worship or especially, our social media feeds. surrounded by people who look like us and share the same political outlook and never challenge our assumptions. in the rise of naked partisanship and increasing economics, all this makes this great sorting seem natural, even inevitable. increasingly we become so comfortable in our bubbles, instead of basing our opinions on the evidence that is out there. [ applause ]
and this trend represents a third threat to our democracy. look, politics is a battle of ideas. that s how our democracy was designed. in the course of a healthy debate we prioritize different goals and the different means of reaching them. but without some common baseline of facts, without a willingness to admit new information and concede that your opponent might be making a fair point and that science and reason matter, then we re going to keep talking past each other. [cheers and applause] and will make common ground and compromise impossible. and isn t that part of what so often makes politics
disspiriting? how can elected officials rage about deficits when we propose to spend money on preschool for kids but not when we re cutting taxes for corporations? how do we excuse ethical lapses in our own party but pounce when the other party does the same thing? it s not just dishonest, this selective sorting of the facts, it s self-defeating. because, as my mom used to tell me, reality has a way of catching up with you. [ applause ] take the challenge of climate change. in just eight years, we ve halved our dependence on foreign oil, we ve led the agreement that has the promise to save this planet. [cheers and applause]
but without bolder action, our children won t have time to debate the existence of climate change. they ll be busy dealing with its effects. more environmental disasters, more economic disruptions, waves of climate refugees seeking sanctuary. and we can and should argue about the best approach to solve the problem. but to simply deny the problem, not only betrays future generations, it betrays the essential spirit of this country, the essential spirit of innovation and practical problem-solving that guided our founders. [cheers and applause] it is that spirit, it is that spirit born of the enlightenment that made us an economic powerhouse.
the spirit that took flight at kitty hawk and cape canaveral, the spirit that cures disease and put a computer in every pocket. it s that spirit, a faith in reason and enterprise and the primacy of right over might that allowed us to resist the lure of fascism and tyranny during the great depression. that allowed us to build a post-world war ii order with other democracies. an order based not just on military power or national affiliations but built on principles. the rule of law. human rights. freedom of religion and speech and assembly and an independent press. [ applause ]
that order is now being challenged. first, by violent fanatics who claim to speak for islam, more recently by autocrats and foreign capitals who see free markets and open democracies and civil society itself as a threat to their power. the peril each poses to our democracy is more far-reaching than a car bomb or a missile. they represent the fear of change. the fear of people who look or speak or pray differently. a contempt for the rule of law that holds leaders accountable. an intolerance of dissent and free thought.
a belief that the sword or the gun or the bomb or the propaganda machine is the ultimate arbiter of what s true and what s right. because of the extraordinary courage of our men and women in uniform, because of our intelligence officers and law enforcement and diplomats who support our troops [ applause ] no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland these past eight years. [ applause ] and although boston and orlando and san bernardino and ft. hood remind us of how dangerous radicalization can be, our law enforcement agencies are more effective and vigilant than ever. we have taken out tens of thousands of terrorists,
including bin laden. [cheers and applause] the global coalition we re leading against isil has taken out their leaders and taken away about half their territory. isil will be destroyed, and no one who threatens america will ever be safe. [cheers and applause] and all who serve or have served, it has been the honor of my lifetime to be your commander in chief. [cheers and applause] and we all owe you a deep debt of gratitude. [cheers and applause] but protecting our way of life, that s not just the job of our military. democracy can buckle when it
gives in to fear. so just as we, as citizens, must remain vigilant against external aggression, we must guard against a weakening of the values that make us who we are. [ applause ] and that s why, for the past eight years i ve worked to put the fight against terrorism on a firmer legal footing. that s why we ve ended torture, worked to close gitmo, worked to protect privacy and civil liberties. that s why i reject discrimination against muslim americans [cheers and applause] who are just as patriotic as we are. [cheers and applause]
that s why, that s why we cannot withdraw, that s why we cannot withdraw from big global fights to expand democracy and human rights and women s rights and lgbt rights. no matter how imperfect our efforts. no matter how expedient ignoring such values may seem, that s part of defending america. for the fight against extremism and intolerance and sectarianism and chauvinism are of a piece with the night against authoritarianism and nationalist aggression. if the scope of freedom and
respect for the rule of law shrinks around the world, the likelihood of war within and between nations increases. and our own freedoms will eventually be threatened. so let s be vigilant, but not afraid. [ applause ] isil will try to kill innocent people. but they cannot defeat america unless we betray our constitution and our principles in the fight. [ applause ] rivals like russia or china cannot match our influence around the world, unless we give up what we stand for. and turn ourselves into just another big country that bullies smaller neighbors. which brings me to my final point. our democracy, our democracy is threatened whenever we take it
for granted. [ applause ] all of us, regardless of party, should be throwing ourselves into the task of rebuilding our democratic institutions. [ applause ] when voting rates in america are some of the lowest among advanced democracies, we should be making it easier, not harder to vote. [cheers and applause] when, when trust in our institutions is low, we should reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics and insist on the principles of transparency and ethics in public service.
when congress is dysfunctional, we should draw our congressional districts to encourage politicians to cater to common sense and not rigid extremes. [cheers and applause] but remember, none of this happens on its own. all of this depends on our participation. on each of us accepting the responsibility of citizenship. regardless of which way the pendulum of power happens to be swinging. our constitution is a remarkable, beautiful gift. but it s really just a piece of parchment. it has no power on its own. we, the people, give it power.
[cheers and applause] we, the people, give it meaning. with our participation and with the choices that we make. and the alliances that we forge. whether or not we stand up for our freedoms, whether or not we respect and enforce the rule of law. that s up to us. america s no fragile thing. but the gains of our long journey to freedom are not assured. in his own farewell address, george washington wrote that self-government is the underpinning of our safety, prosperity and liberty. but from different causes and from different quarters much pains will be taken to weaken in your minds the conviction of this truth. and so we have to preserve this truth with jealous anxiety that
we should reject the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest or to enfeeble the sacred ties that make us one. [cheers and applause] america, we weaken those ties when we allow our political dialog to become so corrosive that people of good character aren t even willing to enter into public service. so coarse with rancor that americans with whom we disagree are seen not just as misguided but as malevolent. we weaken the whole system when we write off the whole system as corrupt.
and without examining our own role in electing them. [cheers and applause] it falls to each of us to be those anxious, jealous guardians of our democracy. to embrace the joyous task we ve been given. to continually try to improve this great nation of ours. because, for all our outward differences, we in fact all share the same proud title, the most important officer of
democracy, citizen. [ applause ] citizen. so, you see, that s what our democracy demands. it needs you. not just when there s an election. not just when your own narrow interest is at stake, but over the full span of a lifetime. if you re tired of arguing with strangers on the internet, try talking with one of them in real life. [cheers and applause] if something needs fixing, then lace up your shoes, and do some organizing.
[cheers and applause] if you re disappointed by your elected officials, grab a clipboard, get some signatures, and run for office yourself. [cheers and applause] show up. dive in. stay at it. sometimes you ll win. sometimes you ll lose. presuming a reservoir of goodness in other people, that can be a risk. and there will be times when the process will disappoint you. but for those of us fortunate enough to have been part of this work and to see it up close, let me tell you, it can energize and inspire. and more often than not, your faith in america and in
americans will be confirmed. mine sure has been. over the course of these eight years, i ve seen the hopeful faces of young graduates and our newest military officers. i have mourned with grieving families, searching for answers, and found grace in a charleston church. i ve seen our scientists help a paralyzed man regain his sense of touch. i ve seen wounded warriors who at points were given up for dead walk again. i ve seen our doctors and volunteers rebuild after earthquakes and stop pandemics in their tracks. i ve seen the youngest of children remind us through their actions and through their
generosity of our obligations to care for refugees. or work for peace. and above all, to look out for each other. [ applause ] so that faith that i placed all those years ago, not far from here, in the power of ordinary americans to bring about change, that faith has been rewarded in ways i could not have possibly imagined. and i hope your faith has too. some of you here tonight who are watching at home, you were there with us in 2004, in 2008. 2012. [cheers and applause] maybe you still can t believe we pulled this whole thing off. let me tell you, you re not the only ones.
michelle [cheers and applause] michelle robinson, girl of the south side. for the past 25 years, you have not only been my wife and mother of my children. you have been my best friend.
you took on a role you didn t ask for. and made it your own with grace and grit and style and good humor. you made the white house a place that belongs to everybody. and the new generation sets its sights higher because it has you as a role model. so you have made me proud. and you have made the country
proud. malia and sasha, under the strangest of circumstances you have become two amazing young women. you are smart and beautiful, but more importantly you are kind and you are thoughtful and you are full of passion. you wore the burden of years in the spotlight so easily. of all that i have done in my life i am most proud to be your dad.
to joe biden the scrappy kid from scranton, who became delaware s favorite son. you were the first decision i made as a nominee. and it was the best. not just because you have been a great vice president. but because in the bargain i gained a brother. and we love you and jill like family and your friendship has been one of the great joys of our lives.
to my remarkable staff. for eight years and for jefferssome of you a whole lot more, i have drawn from your energy and every day i try to reflect back what you displayed. heart, and character. and idealism. i ve watched you grow up. get married, have kids. start incredible new journeys of your own. even when times got tough and frustrating you never let washington get the better of you. you guarded against cynicism. and the only thing that makes me prouder than all the good that we ve done is the thought that all the amazing things you are going to achieve from here.
and all of you out there, every organizer who moved to an unfamiliar town, every kind family who welcomed them in. every volunteer who knocked on doors, every young person who cast a ballot for the first time, every american who lived and breathed the hard work of change you are the best supporters and organizers anybody could ever hope for and i will be forever grateful. because you did change the world. you did. and that is why i leave this stage tonight even more optimistic about this country than when we started. because i know our work has not only helped so many americans, it has inspired so many americans. especially so many young people out there.
to believe that you can make a difference. to hitch your wagon to something bigger than yourself. let me tell you, this generation coming up, unselfish, altruistic, creative, patriotic. i have seen you in every corner of the country. you believe in a fair and just and inclusive america. you know that constant change has been america s hallmark. that it s not something to fear but something to embrace. you are willing to carry this hard work of democracy forward. you will soon outnumber all of us. and i believe as a result, the future is in good hands. my fellow americans, it has been the honor of my life to serve
you. i won t stop. in fact, i will be right there with you as a citizen for all of my remaining days. but for now, whether you are young or whether you are young at heart i do have one final ask of you as your president. the same thing i asked when you took a chance on me eight years ago. i am asking you to believe not in my ability to bring about change but in yours. i am asking you to hold fast to that faith, written into our founding documents. that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists, and that song for those who marched by justice, and the creed
reaffirmed by those who were in battle. a creed by every american whose story has not yet been written. yes, we did, yes, we can, yes, we will. may god continue to bless the united states of america. thank you.

President-obama , Speech , Remarks , Panel , Which , 35 , President , Farewell-address , Something , It , George-washington , Applause

Transcripts For MSNBCW NBC News Special 2016 Presidential Debate 2 20161010 06:00:00

that sometimes sets americans against one another and instead make big goals and i ve set forth some big goal, getting the economy to work for everyone, not just those at the top. making sure we have the best education system from preschool to college and making it affordable and so much else. if we set those goals and go together to try to achieve them, there s nothing in my opinion that america can t do. so that s why i hope that we will come together in this campaign. obviously, i m hoing to earn your vote, hoping to be b elected in november and i can promise you, i will work with every american. i want to be the president for all americans. regardless of your political beliefs, where you come from, what you look like, your religion. i want us heal our country and bring it together. our children and grandchildren deserve. thank you. you have two minutes.
well, i actually agree with that. i agree with everything she said. i began this campaign because i was so tired of seeing such foolish things happen to our country. this is a great country. a great land. i ve gotten to know the people of the country over the last year and a half that i ve been doing this as a politician. i cannot believe i m saying that about myself, but i guess i have been a politician and my whole concept was to make america great again. when i watch the deal being made, some horrible things like obamacare, health insurance and health care is going up my numbers that are astronomical, 68%, 71%, when i look at the iran deal and how bad a deal it is for us. it s a one sided transaction. where we re giving back $150 billion to a terrorist state really the number one terror
state, we ve made them a strong country from really a very weak country from just three years ago. when i look at all of the things that i see in all of the potential that our country has, we have such tremendous potential. whether it s in business and trade, where we re doing so badly. last year, we had almost $800 billion trade deficit. other words, trading with other countries. we had an $800 billion deficit. it s hard to believe. inconceivable. we re going the make great deals. have a strong border m going to bring back law and order. just today. policemen was shot. two. killed. and this is happening on a weekly basis. we have to bring back respect to law enforcement. at the the same time, we need the take care of people on both sides. we need justice. but i want to do things that haven t been done, including fixing and making inner cities better for african-american sit sebs and for the latinos,
hispanics and i look forward to doing make america great again. thank you, mr. trump. the question from patrice was are you both modeling president obamative and appropriate behaviors for today s youth. we refed a lot of questions about the tape released on friday. you called what you said locker room banter, kissing women without consent, grabbing their genitals. that is sexual assault. you bragged that you have sexually assaulted women. i don t think you understood. this was locker room talk. i m not proud of it. i apologize to my family. to the american people. certainly i m not proud of it. but this is locker room talk. when we have a world where you have isis chopping off heads, where you have frankly drowning people in steel cages, wars and horrible, horrible sights all over, so many bad things happening.
we haven t seen anything like this. the carnage all over the world. can you imagine the people that are frankly doing so well against us with isis. and they look at our country and see what s going on. yes, i m very embarrassed by it. i hate it. but it s locker room talk and it s one of those things. i will knock the hell out of isis. we re going to defeat isis. isis happened a number of years ago in a vacuum left because of bad judgment and i will tell you, i will take care of isis. so, mr. trump get on to much more important things and much bigger things. for the record, are you saying what you said on the bus 11 years ago that you did not kiss women without consent or grope women without consent. i have great respect for women. nobody has more respect for women than i do. so, you re saying you never did that. i said things that frankly, you hear these things. and i was embarrassed by it.
but i have tremendous respect for women. have you ever done those thing sns. no, i have not. i will tell you, that i m going the make our country safe. we re going to have borders in our country, which we don t know. people are pouring into our country and coming in from the middle east and other places. we re going to make america safe again. make america great again, but safe again. and we re going to make america wealthy again because if you don t do that, it just, it soupds harsh to say, but we have to i would build up the wealth. thank you, mr. trump. other naxs are taking our jobs and wealth. secretary clinton, do you want to respond? well, like everyone else, i spent a lot of time thinking over the last 48 hour about what we heard and saw. you know, with prior republican nominees, for president, i disagreed with them. politics, policies, principles. but i never questioned their fitness to serve.
donald trump is different. i said starting back in june, that he was not fit to be president and commander in chief. and many republicans and independents have said the same thing. what we all saw and heard on friday was donald talking about women. what he thinks about women. what he does to women. and he has said that the video doesn t represent who he is. but i think it s clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly what he is. because we ve seen this throughout the campaign. we have seen him insult women. we ve seen him rate women. on their appearance. ranking them from one to ten. we ve seen him embarrass women on tv and on twitter.
we saw him after the first debate spend nearly a week denigrating a former miss universe in the harshest, most personal terms, so, yes, this is who donald trump is. but it s not only women and it s not only this video that raises questions about his fitness to be our president. because he has also targeted immigrants, african-americans, latinos, people are ddisability muslims and others, so, this is who donald trump is and the question for us, the question our country must answer is that this is not who we are. that s why to go back to your question, i want to send a message we all should. to every boy and girl and indeed to the entire world.
that america is great and we are great because we are good and we will respect one another. and we will work with one another and we will celebrate our diversity. these are very important values to me because this is the america that i know and love. and i can pledge to you tonight that this is the america that i will serve if i m so fortunate enough to become your president. and we want to get to some questions am i allowed to respond to that? yes. it s just words, folks. just words. those words i ve been hearing them for many years. i heard them when they were running for the senate. in new york. where hillary was going to bring back jobs to upstate new york and she faileded. i ve heard them where hilly is constantly talking about the inner cities of our country, which are a disaster. educationwise. jobwise.
safetiwise. in every way possibleful i m going to help the african-americans, help the latinos hispanics. i am going to help the inner cities. she s done a terrible job for the african-americans. she wants their votened does nothing and then comes back four years later. we saw that firsthand when the united states senator. she campaigned where the mr. trump, mr. trump i want to get to audience questions and online questions. so, she s allowed to do that, but i m not allowed to respond. sounds fair. this tape is generating intense interest. in just 48 hour, it s become the single most talked about story of the entire 2016 lech on facebook with millions and millions of people discussing it on social met network. as we said, we want to bring in questions from voters around country via social media and our first on this topic, jeff from ohio asks on facebook, trump
says the campaign has changed him. when did that happen? so, mr. trump, let me add to that. when you walked off that bus at age 59, were you a different man or did that behavior continue until just recently? and you have two minutes for this. zwl that was locker room talk. i m not proud of it. i am a person who has great respect for people, for my family, for the people of this country. and certainly, i m not proud of it but that was something that happened. if you look at bill clinton, far worse, mine are word, his was action. his was he has done to women. never been anybody in theory of politics in this nation that s been so abusive to women, so you can say any way you want to say it, but bill clinton was abusive to women. hillary clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously. four of them here tonight.
one of the women who is a wonderful woman at 12 years old, was raped at 12. her client, she represented got him off and she s seen laughing at the girl who was raped. she is here with us tonight, so, don t tell me about words. aam absolutely, i apologize for those words. but it is things that people say, but what president clinton did, he was impeached, lost his license to practice law. he had to pay an $850,000 fine. to one of the women. paula jones, who s also here tonight. and i will tell you that when hillary brings up a point like that and talks about words that i said 11 years ago, i think it s disgraceful and i think she should be ashamed of herself, if you want to know the truth.
can we please hold the applause. secretary clinton. first, let me say so much of what he just said is not right, but he gets to run his campaign any way he chooses. he gets to decide what hemts to talk about. instead of answering people s questions, laying out the plaps we have than make a better life and a better country. that s his choice. when i hear something like that, i am reminded of what my friend, michelle obama, advised us all. when they go low, you go high. and look, if this were just about one video, maybe what he s saying tonight would be understandable, but everyone can draw their own conclusions at this point about whether or not the man in video or on the stage
respects women. but he never apologizes for anything to win. he never apologized to mr. and main street kahnt gold star family, whose ston died in the line of duty in remark and donald insulted and attacked them for weeks over their religion. he never apologized to the distinguished federal judge who was born in indiana, but donald said he couldn t be trusted to be a judge because his parents were quote mexican. he never apologized to the reporter that he mimicked and mocked on national television. and our children were watching. and he never apologized for the racist lie that president obama was not born in the united
states of america. he owes the president an apology. he owes our country and apology and he needs to take responsibility for his actions and words. well, you owe the president an apology because as you know very well, your campaign sidney blumenthal, another real winner that you have and he s the one that got this started along with your campaign manager and they were on television just two weeks ago, she was, saying exactly that. so, you really owe him an apology. you re the one that sent the pictures around your campaign. sent the pictures around with president obama, long before i was involved. number two, michelle obama. i ve gotten to see the commercials that they did on you. and i ve gotten to see some of the most vicious commercials i ve ever seen of michelle obama talking about you, hillary. so, you talk about friend, go back and take a look at those commercials.
a race where you lost fair and square. unlike the bernie sanders race, where you won, but not fair and square, in my opinion. all you have to do is take a look at wick ki leaks and see what they say about sanders and see what wasserman schultz had in mind. never had a chance. i was so surprised to see him sign on with the devil, but when you talk about apology, i think the one you should really be apologizing for and this thing you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 e-mails that you deleted and that you acid washed and then the two boxes of e-mails and other things last week taken from an office and are now missing. i ll tell you whark i didn t think i d say this and i m going to say it and hate to say its. if i win, i m going to instruct the attorney general to get a
special prosecutor to look into your situation because there s never been so many lies, so much deception. never been anything like it and we re going to have a special prosecutor. when i speak, i go out and speak, the people of this country are furious. in my opinion, the people that have been long-term workers at the fbi are furious. there has never been anything like this, where e-mails and you get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena, you delete 33,000 e-mails and then acid watch them or bleach them. a very expensive process, so we re going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one fifth of what you ve done. and it s a disgrace and honestly, you ought to be ashamed. let me just talk abts e-mails because everything he just said is absolutely false. but i m not surprised.
and the first debate, and the audience needs to calm down here. i told people it would be impossible be fact checking dolgd all the the time. i d never get to talk about anything i want to do or how we re going to make lives better for people. so go to hillary you can fact check him in realtime, last time at the first debate, we had millions of people fact checking, so expect we ll have millions more fact checking. it s just awfully good that someone with the temperment of donald trump is not in charnlg of the law of our country. because you d be in jail. we want to remind the audience to please not talk out loud. please do not applaud. you re just wasting time. you ve said your handing of
your e-mails was a mistake. you disagreed with james comey, calling it quote extremely careless. the fbi said there were 110 e-mails. eight of which were top secret and it was possible hostile actors did gain access. you don t call that extremely careless? i ll repeat it because i want everyone to hear it. that was a mistake and i take responsibility. for using a personal e-mail account. obviously, if i were to do it over again, i would not. i m not making any excuses. it was a mistake. and i am very sorry about that. but i think it s also important to point out where there are some misleading accusations from critics and others. after a year long investigation, there is no evidence that anyone hacked the server i was using
and no evidence that anyone can point to at all anyone who says otherwise has no basis. that any classified material ended up in the wrong hands. i take classified materials very soorsly and always have when i was on the senate armed services committee, i was privy to a lot of classified material. obviously, as secretary of state, i had some of the most important secrets that we possess such as going after bin laden so i am very committed to taking classified information seriously. there is no evidence that any classified information ended up in the wrong hands. and yet, she didn t know the word the letter c on a document. right? she didn t even know what that letter meant. you know, it s amazing. i m watching hillary go over facts.
and she s going after fact after fact and lying again. because she said she you know, what she dwid the e-mail was fine. you think it was fine? i don t think so. she said that 33,000 e-mails had to do with her daughter s wedding, number one and a yoga class. maybe we ll give three or four or five. 33,000 e-mails deleted and now, she s saying there wasn t anything wrong more importantly, that was after getting the subpoena. got it from the united states congress and i ll p honest, i am so disappointed in congressmen. including republicans. for allowing this to happen. our justice department, where our husband goes on to the back of a plane for 39 minutes, talks to the attorney general, days before a ruling is going to be made on her case, but for you to say that there was nothing wrong with you deleting 39,000 e-mails, again, you should be ashamed of yourself. what you did and this is after
getting a subpoena from the united states congress. we have to move on. secretary clinton, you can respond. we want to give the audience a chance here. let alone after getting a subpoena from the united states government. clinton, you can respond. we have to move on to an audience question. look, it s just not true, so please you didn t delete them? allow her to respond, please. 33,000. not, well, we turned over 35 thourk, so what about the other 15,000? please allow her to respond. she didn t talk while you talked. yes, that s true, i didn t. in the first debate and i m going to try not to in this debate because i d like to get to the questions. get off this question. okay, donlgd, i know you re into big diversion tonight, anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way it s exploding and the way republicans are leaving you. see what happens the issues that people care about tonight.
we have a question from ken. about hello care. i d like to know why aren t you bringing up the e-mails? it hasn t been finished. ken has a question. nice to one on three. thank you. affordable care act known as obamacare, it is not affordable. premiums have gone up. deductibles have gone up. copays have gone up. prescriptions have gone up and the coverage has gone down. what will you do to bring the cost down, and make coverage better? that first one goes to secretary clinton because you started out the last one to the audience. he wants to start. he can start. go ahead, donald. no, i m a gentlemen, go ahead. secretary clinton. zpl well, i think he was abt to say he s going to solve it by repealing it and getting rid of the affordable care act and i m
going to fix it. because i agree with you. premiums have gotten too high. copay, deductibles, prims drug costs and i ve laid out a series of anchors we can take to try to get thoez coses down. here s what i don t want people to forget when we talk about rainging in the cost. when the affordable care act passeded, it wasn t just a tha 20 million got insurance who didn t have it before. that was a good thing. i meet these people all the time and they tell in what a difference it meant having that. but efrk else, the 170 million of of us who goat get insurance through our employees, got big benefits. number one, insurance companies can t deny you coverage because of a preexisting condition. number two, no lifetime limits. which is a big deal in you have serious hello problems. number three, women can t be
charged more than men for health insurance, which is the way it used to be. number four, if you re under 26, and your parents have a policy, you can be on at policy until the 26. so i want very much to save what works and is good about the affordable care act, but we ve got to get costs down. we ve got to provide additional help to small businesses. to know that they can afford to provide health insurance. but if we repeal it as donald has proposed and start over again, all of those benefits are lost to everybody. not just people who get their health insurance on the exchange. and then we would have to start all over again. right now, we are at 90% health insurance coverage. that s highest we ve ever been in our country. zpl your time s aup. i want us to get 100% and keep costs down and quality up.
you have two minutes. it is such a great question and maybe the question i get almost more than anything else. outside of defense. obamacare is a disaster. you know it. we all know it. it s going up at numbers that nobody s seen worldwide. nobody s ever seen numbers like this for health care. only gets worse. in 17, implodes by itself. their method of fixing it is to go back and ask congress for more and more money. we have almost $20 trillion in debt. obamacare will never work. it s very bad. very bad health insurance. far too expensive. and not only expensive for the person that has it, unbelievably expensive for our country. one of the biggest line items very shortly. we have to repeal it. and replace it. with something absolutely much less expensive. and something that works.
where your plan can actually be tailored. we have to get rid of the lains around the state. artificial lines, where we stop insurance companies from coming in and competing because they want and president obama and whoever was working on it, they want to leave those lines because that gives the insurance companies essentially monopolies. we want competition. you ll have the finest health care plan there is. she wants to go to a single payer plan, which would be a disaster. somewhat similar to canada. if you ve noticed the canadians, when they need a big operation, they come into the united states in many cases, because their system is so slow. it s catastrophic in certain ways. but she wants to go to single payer, which means the government basically rules everything. hillary clinton has been after this for years. obamacare was the fist step. obamacare is a total zas e and not only are your rates going up by numbers nobody s believed,
but your deductibles are going up so unless you get hit be by a truck, you re never going to be able to use it. it is a disastrous plan and has to be repealed. and replaced. your husband called obamacare quote, the craziest thing in the world. small business owners are getting killed, coverage is cut in half. was he mistaken or simply telling the truth. he claire iffed and it s clear. look, we are in a situation in our country, where if we were to startal over again, we might come up with a different system. but we have an employer based system. that s where the vast majority of people get their health care. and the affordable care act was meant to try to fill the gap between people who were too poor and couldn t put together any resources to afford health care, namely, people on medicaid. obviously, medicare, which is a single payer system. which takes care of our eilidh rly and does a great job doing
it, by the way, aend then all of the people who were employeed. but people who were working, but didn t have the money to afford insurance and didn t have anybody, an employer, anybody else to help them. that was the slot that the obama care approach was to take. and like i say, 20 million people now have health insurance. so, if we just rip it up and throw it away, what donald s not telling you is we just turn it back to the insurance companies the way it used to be and that means the insurance companies get to do pretty much whatever they want, including saying look, sorry, you ve got die beat, you had cancer, your child hads asthma. you may not be able to have insurance because you can t afford it, so let s fix what s broken about it, but let s not throw it away and give it back to the insurance companies. that s not going to work. mr. trump first of all, hillary, everything s broken about it. everything. number two, bernie sanders said hillary clinton has very bad judgment.
this is a perfect example of it. mr., you ve said you want to end obamacare and make coverage accessible for people with preexisting conditions. how do you force insurance companies to do that if you re no longer mandating what does that mean? i ll tell you. you re going to have plans that are so good because we re going to have some competition. once we break out the lines and allow the competition to come. are you going to have a mandate that americans have to have health insurance? president obama by keeping those ryan lines and it was almost gone until just right toward the end of the passage of obamacare, which was a froud. you know that, because jonathan grouper, the architect of obamacare, said it was a great lie. it was big lie. president obama said you keep your plan, the whole thing was a froud and it doesn t work. when we get rid of those lines,
you have competition and we ll be able to keep preexisting and help people that can t get, don t have money because we are going to have people protected. and republicans feel this way. believe it or not and strongly this way. we re going to block grant. into the states. block grant into medicaid. so we will be able to take care of people without the necessary funds to take care of themselves. thank you. now a question for both candidates. there are 3.3 muslims in the united states and i m one of them. you ve mentioned working with muslim nations, but with islamophobia on the rise, how will you help people like me deal with the consequences of being a threat to the country after the election is over. mr. trump. you re right about islamophobia and that s a shape. one thing we have to do is we have to make sure that because
there is a problem. whether we like it or not and we could be very politically correct, but whether we like it or not, there is a problem and we have to be sure that muslims come in and report when they see something going on. when they see hatred going op, they have to report it. in san bernardino, many people saw the bombs all over the apartment of the two people that killed 14 and wounded many, many people. horribly wounded. never be the same. muslims have to report the problems when they see them. and you know, there s always a reason for everything. if they don t do that, it s a very difficult situation for our country because you look at orlando. and you look at san bernardino and the world trade center. look at paris. the horrible, these are radical islamic terrorists. and she won t even mention the word and nor will president obama. he won t use the term radical islamic terrorism.
now, to solve the problem, you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least say the name. she won t say the name and president obama won t say the name. but the name is there. it s radical islamic terror and before you solve it, you have to say the name. secretary clinton. thank you for asking. your question and i ve heard this question from a lot of muslim americans across u our country. because unfortunately, there s been a lot of very devicive, dark things said about muslims. and even someone like the young man who sacrificed himself defending our country from the united states army has been subject to attack by donald. i want to say just a couple of things. first, we ve had muslims in america since george washington. and we ve had many successful muslims.
we just lost a particular well-known one with mohammed ali. my vision of america is an america where everyone has a place. if you re willing to work hard, you do your part, you contribute to the community. that s what america is. that s what we want america to be for our children and grandchildren. it s also very short sided and even dangerous. to be engaging in the kind of rhetoric that donald has about muslims. we need american muslims to be part of our eyes and ears on our front lines. i ve worked with a lot of different muslim groups around america. i ve met with a lot of them an heard how important it is for them to feel they are wanted and included and part of our country, part of our homeland security and that s what i want to see. it s also important i intend to defeat isis. to do so, in a coalition with majority muslim nations.
right now, a lot of those nations are hearing what dolgd says and wondering why should we cooperate with the americans and this is a gift to isis and the terrorists. violent jihadist terrorist. we are not at war with islam. and it is a mistake and it plays into the hands of the terrorists to act as though we are. so, i want a country where citizens like you and your family are just as welcome as anyone else. thank you, secretary clinton. mr. trump, in december, you said this. donald j. trump is call for a total an complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until we can figure out what the hell is going on. we have no choice. we have no choice. your running mate said this week that the muslim ban position. is that correct? and if it is, was it a mistake to have a religious test?
first of all, captain kahn is an american hero and if i were president at this time, he would be alive today because unlike her, who voted for the war without knowing what she was doing, i would not have had our people in iraq. iraq was disaster. so, he would have been alive today. the muslim ban is something that in some form has morphed into a extreme vetting. from certain areas of the world. hillary clinton wants to allow and why did it morph into that? answer the question. do you still believe i do. why don t you interrupt her? would you please ek plain whether or not the ban still stands? it s called extreme vetting. we are going to areas like syria. where they re coming in by the tens of thousands because of barack obama. and hillary clinton wants to
allow a 550% increase over obama. people are coming into our country like we have no idea who they are. where they are from. what their feeling about our country is and she wants 550% more. this is going to be the great trojan horse of all time. i believe in building safe zones, in having other people pay for them as an example, the gulf states who are not carrying their weight, but have nothing but money, and take care of peechl but i don t want to have with all t problems this country has and all of the problems that you see going on, hundreds of thousands of people coming in from syria when we know nothing about them. we know nothing about their values and we know nothing about their love for our country. and secretary clinton, let me ask you about that. because you have asked for an increase from ten to 65,000 syrian refugees. we know you want tougher vetting. that s not a perfect system.
so, why take the risk of having those refugees come in to the country? first of all, i will not let anyone into our country that i think poses a risk to us. but there are a lot of refugees, women and children, think of that picture we all saw of that 4-year-old boy with the blood on his forehead because he had been bombed by the russian and syrian air forces. there are children suffering in this catastrophic war. largely i believe because of russian aggression. and we need to do our part. we by no means are carrying anywhere near the load that europe and others are. but we will have vetting that is as tough as it needs to be from our professionals, our intelligence experts and others. but it is important for us as a policy, you know, not to say as
donald has said, we re going to ban people based on a religion. how do you do that? we are a country founded on religious freedom and liberty. how do we do what he has advocated without causing great distress within our own county truchl are we going to have religious tests? when people fly into our country? and how do we expect to be able to implement those? so, i thought that what he said was extremely unwise. and even dangerous. and indeed, you can look at the problem began da on a lot of the terrorists sites and what donald trump says about muslims is used to recruit fighters. because they want to create a war between us. and the final thing i would say, this is the tenth or 12th he s denied being for the war in iraq.
we have it on tape. the entire press. she just went about 25 second over her time. could i just respond to this, please? very quickly, please. hillary clinton in terms of having people come into our country, we have many criminal illegal aliens, when we want to send them back to their country, their country says we don t want them. in some cases, they re murders and they don t want them. hillary clinton, when she was secretary of state, said that s okay, we can t force it. let me tell you, i m going to force them right back into their country. their murderers and some very bad people. when bernie sanders said she had bad judgment, she has really bad
judgment because we are letting people into this country that are going to cause problems and crime like you ve never seen. we re letting drugs pour through our southern border at a record clip and it shouldn t be allowed to happen. i.c.e. just endorsed me. 16,500 just endorsed me and they endorsed me because i understand the border. she doesn t. she wants amnesty for everybody. come right in. come right over. it s a horrible thing she s doing. she s got bad judgment. and honestly, so bad that she should never be president of the united states. that, i can tell you. i want to move op. this next question from the public through the bipartisan open debate, where americans submitted questions that generated millions of votes. it violas reported excerpts of secretary clinton s paid
speeches, which she has refused to release and one line, in which you say you need both a public and private position on certain issues. so, two, from virginia asks is it okay for politicians to be two faced. is it acceptable for a politician to have a private stance. right, as i recall, that was something i said about abraham link pen and after having seen the wonderful steven spielberg movie called lincoln. it was a master class watching president lincoln get the congress to approve the 13th amend. it was principled and strategic. i was making the point that it is hard sometimes to get the congress to do what you want to
do. to keep working at it. and yes, president lincoln was trying to quoins convince some people to use some arguments. that was a great i thought a great display of presidential leadership. but you know, let s talk about what s really going on because what s really going on because our intelligence community said the kremlin, meaning putin and the russian government, our directing the attacks, the hacking, on american accounts to influence our election. other sites, where the russians hack information. we don t know if it s accurate information an then they put it out. we have never in the history of our country been in a situation where an adversary, a foreign
power, is working so hard to influence the outcome of the election. and believe me, they re not doing it to get elected. they re doing it to try to influence the election for donald trump. now, maybe because he has praised putin, maybe because he says he agrees with a lot of what putin wants to do, maybe because he wants to do business in moscow, i don t know the reasons. but we deserve answers. we should demand that will donald release all of his tax returns so that people can see what are the entanglements and the financial relationships. we re going to get to that later. secretary, clinton, you re out of time. i think i should respond because so ridiculous. now she s blaming she got caught in a total lie. her papers later. things wikileaks that just came out. she lied. now she s blaming the lie on the late great abe lap lincoln.
that s one that i haven t okay, honest abe never lied. that s the good thing. that s the big difference between abraham lincoln and you. that s a big, big difference we re talking about some difference. but as far as other elements of what she was saying, i don t know putin. i think it would be great if we got along with russia because we could fight isis together as an example. but i don t know putin. i notice anytime anything wrong happens, they like to say the russians she doesn t know if it s the russians doing the hacking. maybe there is no hacking. but they always blame russia and the reason is because they think they re trying to tarnish me with russia. i know about russia but i know nothing about the inner workings of russia. i have no businesses. i have no loans from russia. i have a very, very great balance sheet, so great when i did the old post office on pennsylvania avenue, the united states government, because of my balance sheet which they actually know very well, chose me to do the old post office
between the white house and congress, chose me to do the old post office. one of the primary area things, perhaps the primary thing was balance sheet. but i have no loans with russia. you could go to the united states government and they would probably tell you that because they know my sheet very well in order to get that development. i had to have. now thetachs are very simple thing. first of all, i pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. many of her friends took bigger deductions, warren buffett took a massive desuction, soros took a massive desuction. many of the people giving her all this money that she can do many more commercials from me took massive deductions. i pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes, about you, but as soon as my re routine audit is finished i ll release my returns. we have a question from spencer moss.
spencer? good evening. my question is, what specific tax provisions will you change to insure the wealthiest americans pay their fair share intachs oo. one thing i would do is get rid of carried interest. one of the greatest provisions for people like me, i give up a lot when i run because i knock out the tax code. she could have done this be years ago. she s a she was a united states senator. she complains that donald trump took advantage of the tax code. well, why didn t she changing it? why didn t you change it when you were a senator? the reason you didn t is all your friends take the same advantage that i do. you have provisions in the tax code that frankly we could change. but you wouldn t change it because all of these people give you the money so you can take negative ads on donald trump. but and i say that about a lot of things. i ve heard hillary complaining about so many different things over the years. i wish you would have done this. for 30 years, she s been doing this stuff.
she never changed and she never will change. we re getting rid of carried interest provisions. i m lowering taxes actually because i think it s so important for corporations because we have corporations leaving massive corporations and little ones, little ones can t form. we re getting rid of regulations which goes hand in hand with the lowering of the taxes. we re bringing the tax rate down from 35% to 15%. we re cuttingtachs for the middle class. i will tell you we are cutting them big league for the middle class. i will tell you, hillary clinton is raising your taxes, folks. you can look at me. she s raising your taxes really high. and what that s going to do is a disaster for the country. but she is raising your taxes and i m lowering your taxes. that in itself is a big difference. we are going to be thriving again. we have no growth in this country. if china has a gdp of 7%, it s like a national catastrophe. we re down to 1%.
and that s like no growth. we re going lower in my opinion. and a lot of it has to do with the fact that our taxes are so high. just about the highest in the world. and i m bringing them down to one of the lower in the world. and i think it s so important, one of the most important things we can do. but she is raising everybody s taxes massively. secretary clinton, you have two minutes. the question is, what specific tax provisions will you change to ensure the wealthiest americans pay their fair share of taxes. well, everything you ve heard everywhere donald just now is not true. i m sorry i have to keep saying this, but he lives in an alternative reality. it is sort of amusing to hear somebody who hasn t paid federal income taxes in maybe 20 years talking about what he s going to do. i ll tell you what he s going to do. his plan will give the wealthy and corporations the biggest tax cuts they ve ever had. more than the bush tax cuts by at least a factor of two. donald always takes care of donald and people like donald and this would be a massive
gift. and indeed, the way that he talks about his tax cuts would end up raising taxes on middle class families, millions of middle class families. here s what i want to do. i have said nobody who makes less than $250,000 a year, and that s the vast majority of americans as you know, will have their taxes raised because we ve got to go where the money is. the money is with people who have taken advantage of every single break in the tax code. yes, when i was a senator, i did vote to close corporate loopholes. i voted to close, i think one of the loopholes he took advantage of when he claimed a billion dollar loss that enabled him to avoid paying taxes. i want to have a tax on people who are making a million dollars called the buffett rule. yes, warren buffett has gone out and said somebody like him should not be paying a lower tax rate than his secretary. i want a surcharge on income above $5 million.
i want to invest in you. i want to invest in hard-working families. i think it s been unfortunate but it s happened since the great recession, the gains have all gone to the top. we need to reverse that. people like donald who paid zero in taxes, zero for our vets, zero for our military, zero r health and education, that is wrong. and we re going to make sure that nobody, no corporation, and no individual can get away without paying his fair share to support our country. mr. trump, i want to give you the chance to respond. i want to tell viewers. in the last month,tachs were the number one issue on facebook for the first time in the campaign. the new york times published three pages of your 1995 tax returns. you claimed a $916 million loss which means you could have avoided paying personal income taxes for years. you said you pay property taxes, real estate taxes.
you have not answered a simple question. did you use the loss to avoid paying personal federal income taxes? of course i do. so do all of her donors or most of her donors. i know many of her donors. they took massive tax write-offs. have you paid personal federal tax? a lot of my write-off was depreciation and that hillary as a senator allowed. the people that give her all this money want it. i understand it the tax code better than anybody that s run for president. hillary clinton, it s extremeply complex. hockey has friends that want the carried interest provision which is very important to wall street people. but they really want the carried interest provision. which i believe hillary s leaving. very interesting why she s leaving carried interest. number one, i pay tremendous numbers of taxes. i absolutely used it. so did warren buffett and so did george soros and so did many of
the other people that hillary is getting money from. now, i won t mention their names because they re rich but they re not famous. we don t make them famous. can you say how many years you have avoided paying personal federal income taxes? no, but i pay tax and pay federal tax, too. i have a write-off, a lot of it is depreciation. it s a wonderful charge. if she had a problem for 30 years, she s been doing this, anderson. i say it all the time. she talks about health care. why didn t she do something about it? she talks about taxes. she doesn t do anything about anything other than talk. with her, it s all talk and no action. in the past. and again, bernie sanders, it s really bad judgment. she has made bad judgment not only on taxes, she s made bad judgments on libya, on syria. on iraq. i mean, her and obama, whether you like it or not, the way they
got out of iraq, the vacuum they ve left, that s why isis formed in the first place. they started from that little area and now they re in 32 different nations, hillary. congratulations. great job. i want you to be able to respond, secretary clinton. well, here we go again. i ve been in favor of getting rid of carried interest for years. starting when i was a senator from new york. but that s not the point here. why didn t you do it? why didn t you do it. because i was a senator with a republican president. i will be the president. you could have done it if you were an effective that s exactly right. if you were an effective senator, could you have done it. but you were not an effective senator. please allow her to respond. she didn t interrupt you. under our constitution, presidents have something called veto power. look, he has now said repeatedly 30 years this and 30 years that. so let me talk about my 30 years in public service. i m very glad to do so. 8 million kids, every year, have
health insurance because when i was first lady, i worked with democrats and republicans to create the children s health insurance program. hundreds of thousands of kids now have a chance to be adopted because i worked to change our adoption and foster care system. after 9/11, i went to work with republican mayor, governor and president to rebuild new york and to get health care for our first responders who were suffering because they had run toward danger and gotten sickened by it. hundreds of thousands of national guard and reserve members have health care because of work that i did. and children vsh safer medicines because i was able to pass a law that required the dosing to be more carefully done. when i was secretary of state, i went around the world advocating for our country but also advocating for women s rights to make sure that women had a decent chance to have a better life. and negotiated a treaty with
russia to lower nuclear weapons. 400 pieces of legislation have my name on it as a sponsor or cosponsor when i was a senator for eight years. i worked very hard and was very proud to be re-elected in new york by an even bigger margin than i had been elected the first time. and as president, i will take that work, that bipartisan work, that finding common ground because you have to be able to get along with people to get things done in washington. thank you, secretary. i ve proven that i can and for 30 years, i ve produced results for people. thank you, secretary. we re going to move on to syria. both of you have mentioned that. she said a lot of things that were false. i think we should be allowed. mr. trump, this is about the audience. she s been a disaster as a senator. we re going to move on. the heart breaking video of a 5-year-old syrian boy sitting in an ambulance after being pulled from the rubble after an air striking in aleppo focused the world s attention on the horrors
of the war in syria with 136 million views of on facebook alone. but there are much worsives coming out of aleppo every day now where in the past few weeks alone, 400 people have been killed, at least 100 of them children. days ago, the state department called for a war crimes investigation of the syrian regime of bashar al assad and russia for their bombardment of aleppo. this next question comes through social media through facebook. diane from pennsylvania asks, if you were president what would you do about syria and the humanitarian crisis in aleppo? isn t it a lot like the holocaust when the u.s. waited too long before we helped? secretary clinton, we ll begin with your two minutes. well, the situation in syria is catastrophic. and every day that goes by, we see the results of the regime by as sad in partnership with the iranians on the grounds, the
russians in the air bombarding places in particular aleppo where there are hundreds of thousands of people probably about 250,000 still left. and there is a determined effort by the russian air force to destroy aleppo in order to eliminate the last of the syrian rebels who are really holding out against the assad regime. russia hasn t paid any attention to isis. they re interested in keeping assad in power. so i when i was secretary of state, advocated and i advocate today a no-fly zone and safe zones. we need to some leverage with the russians because they are not going to come to the negotiating table for a diplomatic resolution unless there is some leverage over them. and we have to work more closely with our partners and allies on the ground.
but i want to emphasize that what is at stake here is the ambitions and the aggressiveness of russia. russia has decided that it s all in in syria. and they ve also decided who they want to see become president of the united states too, and it s not me. i ve stood up to russia. i ve taken on putin and others and i would do that as president. i think wherever we can cooperate with russia, that s fine. and i did as secretary of state. that s how we got a treaty reducing nuclear weapons. it s how we got the sanctions on iran that put a lid on the iranian nuclear program without firing a single shot. so i would go to the negotiating table with more leverage than we have now but i do support the effort to investigate for crimes, war crimes committed by the syrians and the russians and try to hold them accountable. thank you, secretary clinton. first of all, she s there
with the so-called line in the sand which. no, i wasn t. i was gone. i hate to interrupt you but at some point we needed to do some fact checking. you were in contact with the white house and perhaps sadly, obama probably still listened to you. i don t think he would listen to you very much anymore. obama draws the line in the sand. it was laughed at all over the world what happened. now, with that being said, she talks tough against russia. but our nuclear program has fallen way behind and they ve gone wild with their nuclear program. not good. our government shouldn t have allowed that to happen. russia is new in terms of nuclear. we are old. we re tired. we re exhausted in terms of nuclear. a very bad thing. she talks tough, she talks really tough against putin. and against assad. she talks in favor of the rebels. she doesn t even know who they are. every time we take rebels, whether it s in iraq or anywhere
else, we re arming people, and you know what happens? they end up being worse than the people. look what she did in libya with gadhafi. gadhafi s out. it s a mess. isis has a good clunk of their oil. i m sure you probably have heard that. it was a disaster. the fact is almost everything she s done in foreign policy has been a mistake and it s been a disaster. but if you look at russia, just take a look at russia, and look at what they did this week where i agree, she wasn t there but possibly she s consulted. we sign a peace treaty. everyone s excited. what russia did with assad and with iran who you made very powerful with the dumbest deal i ve ever seen, the iran deal with the $1.7 billion in cash which is enough to fill up this room. but look at adil. iran now and russia are now against us. so she wants to fight. she wants to fight for rebels. there s only one problem. you don t even know who the
rebels are. mr. trump it, your two minutes is up. one thing i have to say. i don t like assad at all but assad is killing isis. russia is killing isis. and iran is killing isis. and those three have now lined up because of our weak foreign policy. mr. trump, let me repeat the question. if you were president, what would you do about syria and the humanitarian crisis in aleppo? i want to remind you what your running mate said. he said prove vocations by russia need to be met with american strength and if russia continues to be involved in air strikes along with the syrian government forces of assad, the united states of america should be prepared to use military force to strike the military targets of the assad regime. okay. he and i haven t spoken and i disagree. you disagree with your running mate. right now, syria is fighting isis.
we have people that want to fight both at the same time. but syria is no longer syria. syria is russia and iran who she made strong and kerry and obama made into a very powerful nation and very rich nation, very, very quickly. very, very quickly. i believe we have to get isis. we have to worry about isis before we can get too much more involved. she had a chance to do something with syria. they had a chance. that was the line. what do you think will happen if aleppo falls. it is a disaster. what do you think will happen if it falls? i think it basically has fallen. let me tell you something. you take a look at mosul. the biggest problem i have with the stupidity of our foreign policy, we have mosul. we have flouncements coming out of washington and iraq, we will be attacking mosul in three or four weeks. all of these bad leaders from isis are leaving mosul. why can t they do it quietly.
why can t they do the attack, make it a sneak attack and after the attack is made, inform the american public that we ve knocked out the leaders, we ve had a tremendous success. people leave. why do they have to say we re going to be attacking mosul within the next four to six weeks which is what they re saying. how stupid is our country. there are sometimes reasons the military does that. psychological warfare. i can t think of any. i m pretty good at it. we have general flynn. i have 200 generals and admiral who s endorse me. i have 21 congressional medal of honor recipients who endorse me. we talk about it all the time. they understand, why can t they do something secretively where they go in and they knock out the leadership. how why would these people stay there? i ve been reading now. tell me what your strategy is. for weeks about mosul, it s the harbor between raqqah and mosul, this is where they think
the isis leaders would be. they re gone. because everybody s talking about how iraq which is us with our leadership goes into fight mosul. now, with these 200 admirals and generals, they can t believe it. all i say is this. general george patton, general douglas mcauthur are spinning in their grave as the stupidity of what we re doing in the middle east. secretary clinton, you want assad to go. you advocated arming rebels. it looks like that may be too late for aleppo. you talk about diplomatic efforts. those have failed. cease fires have failed. would you introduce the threat of u.s. military force beyond a no-fly zone against the assad regime to back up diplomacy? i would not use american ground forces in syria. i think that would be a very serious mistake. i don t think american troops should be holding territory
which is what they would have to do as an occupying force. i don t think that is a smart strategy. i do think the use of special forces which we re using, the use of enablers and trainers in iraq which has had some positive effects are very much in our interests and so i do support what is happening, but let me just. what would you do differently than president obama is doing? martha, i hope by the time everything. i hope by the time i am president, that we will have pushed isis out of iraq. i do think that there is a good chance that we can take mosul. and you know, donald says he knows more about isis than the generals. no, he doesn t. there are a lot of very important planning going on and some of it is to signal to the sunnis in the area as well as kurdish peshmerga fighters that we all need to be in this.
that takes a lot of planning and preparation. i would go after baghdadi. i would specifically target baghdadi because i think our targeting of al qaeda leaders and i was involved in a lot of the those operations, highly classified ones, made a difference. that could help. i would also consider arming the kurds. the kurds have been our best partners in syria as well as iraq. and i know there s a lot of concern about that in some circles but i think they should have the equipment they need so that kurdish and arab fighters on the ground are the principal way that we take raqqah after pushing isis out of iraq. thank you very much. it s funny she went over a minute over and you don t stop her. when i go one second over you have many answers. it s very interesting. a question from james carter. mr. carter?
my question is, do you believe you can be a devoted president to all the people in the united states? that question begins for mr. trump. absolutely. i mean, she calls our people deplorable. a large group and irredeemable. i will be a president for all of our people. and i ll be a president that will turn our inner cities around and will give strength to people and will give economics to people and will bring jobs back because nafta signed by her husband is perhaps the greatest disaster trade deal in the history of the world. not in this country. it stripped us of manufacturing jobs. we lost our jobs. we lost our money. we lost our plants. it is a disaster. now she wants to sign tpp even though now she says she s for it. she called it the gold standard.
she lied. it turned out she did say the gold standard and she said she didn t say it. they actually said that she lied and she lied. but she s lied about a lot of things. i would be a president for all of the people. african-americans, the inner cities. devastating what s happening to our inner cities. she s been talking about it for years. as usual, she talks about it, nothing happens. she doesn t get it done. same with the latino americans. the hispanic americans. the same exact thing. they talk, they don t get it done. you go into the inner cities and you see it s 45% poverty. african-americans now 45% poverty in the inner cities. the education is a disaster. jobs are essentially nonexistent. i mean, it s you know, and i ve been saying big speeches where i have 20,000 and 30,000 people, what do you have to lose? it can t get any worse.
she s been talking about the inner cities for 25 years. nothing s going to ever happen. let me tell you, if she s president of the united states, nothing s going to happen. it s going to be talk. all of her friends the taxes we were talking about, and i would just get it by osmosis. she s not doing me any favors. by doing all the others favors, she s doing me favors. she s all talk. it doesn t get done. look at her senate run, take a look at upstate new york. your two minutes is up. you have two minutes, secretary clinton. well, 67% of the people voted to re-elect me when i ran for my second term. and i was very proud and very humbled by that. mr. carter, i have tried my entire life to do what i can to support children and families. you know, right out of law school, i went to work for the children s defense fund. donald talks a lot about you know, the 30 years i ve been in public service.
i m proud of that. you know, i started off as a young lawyer working against discrimination against african-american children in schools and in the criminal justice system. i worked to make sure that kids with disabilities could get a public education. something that i care very much about. i have worked with latinos, one of my first jobs in politics was down in south texas registering latino citizens to be able to vote. so i have a deep devotion to use your absolutely correct word. to making sure that an every american feels like he or she has a place in our country. and i think when you look at the letters that i get, a lot of people are worried that maybe they wouldn t have a place in donald trump s america. they write me and one woman wrote me about her son felix. she adopted him from ethiopia. he s 10 years old now.
this is the only one country he s known. he listens to donald on tv and said to miss mother, will he send me back to ethiopia if he gets elected. children liston what is being said, to go back to the very, very first question. and there s a lot of fear in fact, teachers and parents are calling it the trump effect. bull ying is up. a lot of people are feeling uneasy, a lot of kids are expressing their concerns. so first and foremost, i will do everything i can to reach out to everybody. democrats, republicans, independents, people across our country. if you don t vote for me, i still want to be your president. i want to be the best president i can be for every american. your two minutes is up. i want to follow up on something donald trump actually said to you, a comment you made last month. you said that half his supporters are deplorables, racist, xenophobic, islammophobic. you later said you regretted saying half. you didn t express regret for using the term deplorables.
how can you unite a country if you ve written off tens of millions of americans. within hours i said i was sorry about the way i talked about that. my argument is not with his supporters. it s with him and with the hateful and divisive campaign he has run and the inciting of violence at his rallies and the very brutal kinds of comments about not just women, but all-americans. all kinds of americans. and what he has said about african-americans and latinos, about muslims, about p.o.w.s, about immigrants, about people with disabilities, he s never apologized for. and so, i do think that a lot of the tone and tenor that he has said, i m proud of the campaign that bernie sanders and i ran. we ran a campaign based on issues, not insults. he is supporting me 100%. thank you.
because we talked about what we wanted to do. we might have had some differences and we had a lot of debates but we believed that we could make the country better. i was proud of that. i give you a minute. we have a divided nation. we have a very divided nation. you look at charlotte. you look at baltimore. you look at the violence that s taking place in the inner cities, chicago, you take a look at washington, d.c. we have an increases in murder within our cities. the biggest in 45 years. we have a divided nation because people like her, and believe me, she has tremendous hate in her heart. and when she said deplorables, she meant it. and when she said irredeemable, they re irredeemable, you didn t mention that, but when she said they re irredeemable, that might have even been worse. she said some of them. she s got tremendous hatred. and this country cannot take another four years of barack obama and that s what you re getting with h.
mr. trump, let me follow up with you. in 2008, wrote in one of your books the most important characteristic of a good leader is discipline. you said if a leader doesn t have it he or she won t be one for very long. in the days after the first debate, you sent out a series of tweets from 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. including one that told people to check out a sex tape. is that discipline. it was just take a look at the person she built up to be this wonderful girl scout who was no girl scout. just so you understand, when she said 3:00 in the morning, take a look at benghazi. she said who is going to answer it the call at 3:00 in the morning. guess what, she didn t answer because when ambassador stevens. the question is, is that the discipline of a good leader. 600 times. she said she was awake at 3:00 in the morning and she also sent a tweet out at 3:00 in the morning. she said she ll be awake. guess what happened. ambassador stevens, ambassador stevens sent 600 requests for help.
and the only one she talked to was sidney blumenthal who is her friend and not a good guy by the way. so you know, she shouldn t be talking about that. now, it tweeting happens to be a modern day form of communication. i mean, you can like it or not like it. i have between facebook and twitter, i have almost 25 million people. it s a very effective wa communication. so you can put it down, but it is a very effective form of communication. i m not unproud of it to be honest with you. secretary clinton, does mr. trump have the discipline to be a good leader no. i m shocked to hear that. well, it s not only my opinion. it s the opinion of many others. national security experts, republicans, former republican members of congress. but it s in part because those of us who have had the great privilege of seeing this job up close and know how difficult it is and it s not just because i
watched my husband take a $300 billion deficit and turn it into a $200 billion surplus and 23 million new jobs were created and incomes went up for everybody. everybody. african-american incomes went up 33%. and it s not just because i worked with george w. bush after 9/11. and i was very proud that when i told him what the city needed, what we needed to recover, he said you ve got it and he never wavered. he stuck with me. and i have worked and i admire president obama. he inherited the worst financial crisis since the great depression. that was a terrible time for our country. we have to move along. 9 million people lost their jobs. 5 million homes were lost and $13 trillion in family wealth was wiped out. we are back on the right track. he would send us back into recession with his tax plans. secretary clinton, we are moving to an audience question. we re almost out of time. we have the closest growth
since 1929. we re moving on to another question. our country has the slowest growth. we want to get to the audience. thank you very much both of you. we have another audience question. beth miller has a question for both candidates. good evening. perhaps the most important aspect of this election is the supreme court justice. what would you prioritize as the most important aspect of selecting a supreme court justice? we begin with your two minutes, secretary clinton. you re right. this is one of the most important issues in this election. i want to appoint supreme court justices who understand the way the world really works. who have real life experience, who have not just been in a big law firm and maybe clerks for a judge and then gotten on the bench. maybe they tried some more cases. they actually understand what people are up against because i
think the current court has gone in the wrong direction. and so i would want to see the supreme court reverse citizens united. and get dark unaccountable money out of our politics. donald doesn t agree with that. i would like the supreme court to understand that voting rights are still a big problem in many parts of our country. that we don t always do everything we can to making it possible for people of color and older people and young people to be able to exercise their franchise. i want a supreme court that will stick with roe v. wade and a woman s right to choose and i want a supreme court that will stick with marriage equality. now, donald has put forth the names of some people that he would consider. and among the ones that he has suggested are people who would reverse roe versus wade and reverse marriage equality. i think that would be a terrible mistake and would take us backwards. i want a supreme court that doesn t always side with corporate interests.
i want a supreme court that understands because you re wealthy and you can give more money to something doesn t mean you have any more rights than anybody else. so i have very clear views about what i want to see to tend to change the balance on the supreme court, and i regret deeply that the senate has not done its job and they have not permitted a vote on the person that president obama, a highly qualified person, they ve not given him a vote to be able to be have the full complement of nine supreme court justices. i think that was a dereliction of duty. i hope that they will see their way to doing it, but if i am an so fortunate enough as to be president, il immediately lid move to make sure that we fill that. we have nine justices on behalf of our people. you re out of time. mr. trump? justice scalia, great judge. died recently. and we have a vacancy.
i am looking to appoint judges very much in the mold of justice scalia. i m looking for judges, and i ve actually picked 20 of them. so that people would see highly respected, highly thought of, and actually very beautifully reviewed by just about everybody. but people that will respect the constitution of the united states. and i think that this is so important. also, the second amendment which is totally under siege by people like hillary clinton. they ll respect the second amendment. and what it stands for, what it represents. so important to me. hillary mentioned something about contributions just so you understand. i will have in my race more than $100 million put in of my money, meaning i m not taking all of this big money from all of these different corporations like she s doing. what i ask is this. i m putting in more by the time it s finished, i ll have more
than $100 million invested. pretty much self-funding. we re raising money for the republican party and we re doing tremendously on the small donations. $61 average or so. i ask hillary, why doesn t she make $250 million by being in office? she used the power of her office to make a lot of money. why isn t she funding not for $100 million but why don t you put $10 million or $20 million or $25 million into your own campaign? it s $30 million less for special interests that will tell you exactly what to do and it would be a nice sign to the american public. why aren t you putting some money in. you ve made a lot of it because of the fact you ve been in office. made a lot of it while you were secretary of state. why aren t you putting money into your own campaign, i m curious. we re going to get on to one more question. the question was about the supreme court. i want to quickly say, i respect the second amendment. but i believe there should be comprehensive background
collection and we should close the gun show loophole and closs the online loophole. we have one more question, mrs. clinton. we have one more question from ken bone about energy policy. ken? what steps will your energy policy take to meet our energy needs? while at the same time, reminding environmentally friendly and minimizing it job loss for fossil power plant workers? mr. trump. i think it s such a great question because energy is under siege by the obama administration. under absolutely siege. the epa, environmental protection agency, is killing these energy companies. and foreign companies are now coming in buying our buying so many of our different plants and then rejigering the plant so that they can take care of their oil. we are killing, absolutely killing our energy business in this country. i m all for alternative forms of energy including wind, including

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