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about the death of her 2-year-old daughter will cost her six more days in jail and about $4,600 in fines and court fees. she was sentenced today for four years for lying to police, but with credit for time served and good behavior, the court says anthony will be freed next wednesday. the emotional debate over her acquittal on murder charges is likely to go on a lot longer than that. cnn's david mattingly is in orlando. david? >> reporter: candy, casey anthony may be getting out of the jail soon, but she may never be free of the scrutiny on her and her acquittal. casey anthony looked surprisingly relaxed, even happy, her hair normally tied up, now hanging down, revealing how long it's grown since she first went to jail over 2 years ago, but any expectations of immediate release ended quickly. >> i will sentence you to one year in the orange county jail, imposing a $1,000 fine on each count. >> with time served and credit for good behavior, anthony will spend one more week behind bars for lying. a breeze, compared to the death sentence she avoided on charges of murder. jurors coming forward now reveal an agonizing decision to acquit. jennifer ford, juror number 3, talked to abc news. >> i mean there were quite a few people when we got back after the verdict was read, we were in tears. >> reporter: ford said it was a horrible decision to have to make, that not guilty doesn't mean innocent, but ultimately she said it was the prosecution's lack of evidence that led to the jury acquitting casey anthony. >> if you're going to charge someone with murder don't you know how they killed someone or have something, when, where, why, how? those were important questions that were not answered. >> reporter: spend anonymously to petersburg times, jewel number 2 agrees, i wish to god we had more evidence, but it wasn't there, but prosecutor jeff ashton says he stands by the state's decision to pursue murder charges. >> you don't prosecute cases you don't believe in. we started this case because we believed in what we thought she did. though we respect the jury's verdict, it doesn't change how we feel about the facts. >> jose baez told abc news the prosecution's mistake was pur e pursuing the death pechblt. he also said he's afraid for anthony's safety once she's free. >> i think casey could have been anything she wanted in this world, and i think there are still plenty of things casey can do in life, and i think casey can be a productive member of society. >> reporter: when casey anthony leaves jail, there will be special precautions taken. officials say they will not reveal when, where or how she will depart their custody. candy? >> david mattingly in orlando and in the rain for us today. thank you. most people convicted of misdemeanors don't get prison time, but casey anthony isn't most people. i spoke a short while ago with our senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. jeff, thanks for joining us on this. casey anthony will get out of jail next week and go free after her not guilty verdict. can you explain to us how the judge came to, all right she has to spend another week in jail? >> what happened was she was acquitted of the serious charges, but convicted of four misdemeanors, which involved lying to the police. the judge gave her the maximum, but misdemeanors only come with a maximum of one years each. so he sentenced her to four years in prison to be served consecutive, but she's already been in prison for almost three years, and florida, like most states gives prisoners credit if they behave well in prison, as casey anthony apparently did. with those credits, she essentially has already served the equivalent of four years, so by next year she will have completed her sentence with the time she served. >> by next week? >> i'm sorry. by next week, yes. >> so he didn't really have any discretion, this was a mathematical? >> he certainly had discretion to give her less, but he gave her the max that he possibly could, but once he gave the max, the calculations about time served, good time, that's outside of his control. he couldn't sentence her to longer than next week. >> there was some sort of talk earlier in the day this was hi way of trying to protect her, that maybe the hue and cry will down down, but you think this was his way of giving her the max he possibly could give her? >> absolutely. i thought it was very moving the way the judge summarize the the false statement she made, which were so appalling. imagine. most people are frantic when they lose sight of their kid in the mall for a minute. casey anthony went month after month, deceiving the authorities about the fate of her daughter, and the judge went through that. you could tell in his low-key way how appalled he was. so he did everything he could, but this is what happens when the defense wins a kay. misdemeanors are minor crimes. so he didn't have any more discretion than he exercised to give her any more than he could. >> so what happened next wednesday? casey anthony wakes up in jail, it's her day to be set free. what happens? >> well, there will undoubtedly be arrangements made between the authorities and her lawyers to try to make it as uncircus-like as possible. presumably her lawyers mr./arranged some sort of hotel room, some sort of friend's place, so that she can go somewhere where she will at least be protected from the surge of attention. i mean, the ways of the media being the way they are, there would be a huge surge when she gets released. it will die down after a couple days, i think then she'll have to start figuring out what she's going to do with the rest of her life, which i hope involves no contact with children and somewhere outside the state of florida, because florida, you know, is too fixated on the case. >> quickly, if i could, jeffrey, the state wants casey anthony to pay for the police investigation that resulted in her saying her daughter was missing. is that actually going to happen in. >> this is civil cases are different. the criminal cases have to be resolved. the civil cases kick around for a long time. at the moment she doesn't have any money at all. there's an i.r.s. judgment against her, the i.r.s. a always first in line for money, so frankly i don't think anything will come of the civil lawsuits except the one from uncle sam, because uncle sam always gets his money. >> that much we know for sure. jeffrey toobin, thank you for your time. i appreciate it. >> okay, candy. the demise are one of the most widely red newspapers on the planet, britain's "news of the world" will shut down after sunday's issue. cnn's dan rivers joins us from london. dan, this was amazing the speed in which he made this decision, shut it down. >> it was a complete bolt from the blue, candy. the police think there may be up to 4,000 potential victims in this phone hacking scandal. they've had their messages eaves dropped upon by tabloid journalists. it is without do you the biggest scandal to have hit the british pressure. ruper murdock has closed down that paper, but this phone-hacking scandal is not over yet. it didn't take long for staff from "news in the world" to end up in the local pub. losing your job normally results in drinking a pint, and now they had a lot to reflect on. >> it was completely unexpected, and collective devastation. >> reporter: the 168-year-old tabloid is a british institution, but the phone hacking scandal had left it in a political vortex from which it couldn't escape. its owner, media mogul rupered murdock realized his entire empire was at risk. one can only imagine the conversation he had with his son james who runs the uk business. >> i feel regret, clearly the practices of certain individuals did not live up to the standards and quality of journalism that we believe in and that i believe in. >> reporter: it was the revelation that millie doweler had been targeted by journalists who eaves dropped on her cell phone messages that was the beginning of the end for the paper. hacking into cell phone messages is illegal in the uk. the scandal that the news of the world had been systematically eaves 2kr07g on people for years had been swirling around westminster, with murdoch's executives initially saying it was the work of a rogue report. >> i believe he was the only person, but the investigation continues. >> reporter: there was a lingering suspicion that executives must have sanctioned the hacking, something she always denied. she's a close friend with prime minister david cameron, an awkward fact, but that didn't stop him saying this. >> what this government is doing is making sure that the fact the public, and i feel so appalled by what has happened, murder victims, terrorist victims who have had their phones hacked is quite disgratesful. >> reporter: one thing that went spectacularly wrong for the prime minister was the decision to hire this man. he may now be facing criminal charges. this doesn't mean the scandal is over. there is still a police investigation tore faced, but on sunday, one thing will end. the "news of the world" printing presses will stop for the very last time. dan rivers, cnn, london. there is a lot of speculation about what will happens with sara brooks. one headline put it very much -- the sacrifice of one paper to save one woman. >> "news of of the world" will be shutting down, but i think it will still be making headline. frank talk at the white house, but will fellow democrats get in the way of the president's efforts to cut a deal? one of america's most wanted al qaeda leaders linked to a new and controversial terror suspect. >> announcer: this past year alone there's been a 67% spike in companies embracing the cloud-- big clouds, small ones, public, private, even hybrid. your data and apps must move easily and securely to reach many clouds, not just one. that's why the network that connects, protects, and lets your data move fearlessly through the clouds means more than ever. jack cafferty is here with "the cafferty file." >> in 2008 president obama promised to get all troops out of the iraq by the end of this year. after winning the presidency, he vowed to keep that promise. now is the deadline for military withdrawal approaches, he's apparently prepared to break that promise. gee, what a surprise. he's offering to leave 10,000 troops in iraq indefinitely. the white house says it's concerned that the planned pullout at the end of the year could spark violence and trigger militant attacks there. and don't forget all that oil. any extension of u.s. military presence depends on a formally request from the iraqi government. so far no request has been made, but the pentagon wants to give the prime minister and his government time to decide, so if they need the help, there's time to plan. the iraqi government is reportedly divided on this, and al mall can i is facing pressure from hard-line measures of the party to let the troops leave on schedule. there's about 46,000 troops in iraq right now. only about 200 are supposed to remain in country in advisory roles after the december deadline. they'll be there to train secure forces. the white house said yesterday that's still the pentagon's plan, and that time for the iraqi government to ask for our troops to stay is running out. meanwhile, there are discussions about the defendant sit caughted at least in part by the war in iraq, which has cost an estimated $1 trillion. it makes a lot of sense. here's the question -- should the u.s. leave troops in iraq past the deadline for leaving that country? go to and post a comment on my blog. candidate? >> thanks, jack. we will get back to you with those answers. thank you. the president and congressionally leaders will return to the bargaining table on sunday as they struggle to reach a deal. mr. obama says today's talks with the republicans and democrats were, quote, very constructive, but apparently didn't get the two sides any closer to an agreement. >> i want to emphasize that nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to. by i thought add leaders here came in a spirit of compromise and a spirit of wanting to solve problems on behalf of the american people. >> let's bring in kate bolduan. we don't know what they'll agree to, but we're hearing a lot about what they won't agree to. >> reporter: that's absolutely right. president obama said he's looking forward to knowing everybody's bottom lines as they go into this next meeting. -- perhaps especially among his own democrats. as congressional leaders try to broker a debt deal at the white house, reaction on capitol hill shows just how tough it will be to get a 3 to $4 trillion agreement through congress. nancy pelosi said any cuts to entitlement benefits are a no-go. >> i also want full clarity about where how democrats stand. we do not support cuts in benefits for social security and medicare. >> while he does leave the doors up, rank and file democrats were unyielding. >> now we are hearing that the most vulnerable will have to be the brunt potentially of a deal, and i join with my colleagues in the progressive caucus to say that medicare, medicaid and social security are off the table. >>ed top democrat in the senate, harry reids, has long said changes to social security should not be part of a deal. >> social security has not contributed one dime to the deficit. >> so it's off the table? >> yes. >> setting up a potential awkward moment afc it was relead a deal could include significant changes to the program. john boehner laid down the republican bottom line on taxes. >> everything is on the table except raising taxes. >> reporter: still negotiators including boehner are not talking about raising revenue in farther by closing tax loopholes and getting rid of some tax breaks. >> we believe comprehensive tax reform would make america more competitive, help create jobs in hour country, and it's something that's under discussion. >> reporter: now, the discussion continues. it's worth noting that the president is scheduled to sit down with nancy pelosi with a private meeting tomorrow. this was a previously scheduled meetings, but it takes on particularly new significant amid these negotiations. in terms of the next meeting of the larger group sunday, i'm told by multiple people familiar with the meeting they're expecting that gathering to be a long one as they start talking details. >> i bet it will. thanks so much, kate bolduan. that oil spill in the yellowstone river might be worse than first thought. and a dutch soccer team is now mourning a tragic event at its home stadium. your favorite big g from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white check. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ look at that car, well, it goes fast ♪ ♪ givin' my dad a heart attack ♪ [ friend ] that is so awesome. ♪ i love my car [ engine revving ] [ male announcer ] that first chevy, yea, it gets under your skin. ♪ mary snow is monitoring some of the other top stories in soich right now, including growing fears in montana over an oil spill. mary, what have you got? >> exxon mobil is facing more criticism over the handling of an oil spill. reuters reports that 40 landowners claim their properties have been came nated by crude oil from a ruptured pipeline. exxon says it's found oil 25 miles downstream, but the feds say they've observed crews at a distance almost ten times that far. a roof clams at a dutch stadium has left one person dead. team officials are pleading with fans to stay away. the club has been growing in popularity after winning the top dutch league last year. dominique strauss-kahn is sticking to his guns and won't plead guilty to anything, his lawyer tells cnn. the former imf chief and his defense teamed met with prosecutors for two hours yesterday. the manhattan district attorney says there are problems with the accuser's credibility. this could leave him with no choice but to dismiss the charges. you can add cussive writing to the list of things being cut from public school curriculums. indiana is the latest state to drop the requirement to teach cursive. the state prefers that schools focus on improves students ease proficiency. one criticism -- how about students sign their names if they never learn the letters. hard to imagine. >> there is, but there's always home, and i think this is wild, but you do have, you know, a parent or two at home, or maybe a grandparent with time to team cursive. thanks very much. there's new evidence that al qaeda leaders have their fingerprints. and why republican presidential candidate mitt romney is in london, and the bigger question -- do voters care? . giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm canada crowley. stories we're working on for next hour. did north korea's rush lead it to pakistan? a secret letter that might hold some clues is in the hands of a washington reporter. a court hearing this howard for jared loughner. his doctors say he's dangerous even behind bars. in bring, the popular "news of the world" is done after this sunday, but the investigation is not over, and journalists aren't the only target of investigators. you're in "the situation room." a lot of hard bargaining ahead as the president and congressional leaders try to hammer out a deal on raising the federal debt limit as the august 2nd deadline looms, most parties are firming up their bottom lines. joining me now is senator tom coburn from oklahoma. senator, i know that you have today pentagon with speaker boehner about the republican position, or at least his position going into these debt talks. what can you tell me about where you are now when it comes to the revenue side of this equation? >> well, i think speaker boehner related that everything is on the table. i think it should be. i think that's the only way we solve this problem for our country, so i think it will be a component of anything we do, but there's caveats with that, candy. reforming the tax code is one thing we need to do to allow the pent-up capital go. so i think the combination of reforming the code and stimulating the economy and revenue enhancements that come from the federal government, but also as an indirect result should be something that is part of any agreement. >> so if i understand it, you all -- the code -- that is code for you all are amenable, at least some republicans are amenable to closing the so-called tax loopholes for corporations, millionaires or whoever if there is a reform in the tax code. can you -- first of all, is that correct? and second of all, is that something you can get down between now and august 2nd? >> no, but certainly you could have a claw back in any debt limit if it didn't get done. >> explain that a little. >> what you say is you have a tentative debt limit agreement that gets canceled if this doesn't happen by a certain time, but i would be careful in terms of reaching too far. you know, just like cutting back spending too quickly can have a negative influence in terms of still lug, so can raising taxes. the big thing is how do we do this in a way that stimulates of economy and enhances it is revenue. that would take some time to work out. you can put steps in any agreement that would make that happen. otherwise the dead limit gets held up again. i don't think implementing that will be as difficult as the actual glemtation and meeting a deadline at a later time. >> and so, as i understand what you're saying, yes, you and other republicans might agree to close some of those loopholes if it were partner of tax reform, the process for which you would write into a debt ceiling deal. right. >> but remember what tax reform means. it means not only eliminating expenditures, but lowering rates. >> let me ask you, now as we understand it, the president also wants to put social security reform and medicare reform, something you've been involved in on the table. if you were to ask medicare recipients, for instance, to pay more for their co-pays, is that a tax high to you? >> no, it's not. when the law was passed they were supposed to be paying 50% of part b. >> prescription drug plan? >> no, part b, not part d -- >> sorry. >> which is your outpatient. they're paying one quarter of it, so having some implementation, especially like senator lieberman and i have sponsored bringing them to 35%, but for the wealthy, making them pay 100%. mean testing, but protecting those on the low end. >> does the same go to social security, some kind of means testing is not a tax hike? >> no, i think it's important to note, the reason up to fix social security is we'll have to borrow -- what you can do is put means testing into social security, slowly increase its age, not anybody now in the next ten years would have any true impact on them, but do that in such a way where you can make it viable for 5 years. >> can speaker boehner and minority leader mcconnell please the tea party side of the republican party as well as get a deal? is that possible? >> sure, because -- not getting an agreement, regardless of what your principles are, hurts everybody in america, including the tea party. so it is important that we, number one, send a signal to the international financial community that we have understood our problem, that we're going to get a large change in terms of what's going to be on the table, in terms of total dollars, 4 to 4.5 trillion dollars, that, by the way, is a minimum to send a signal to the international financial community, but if you don't do that, and don't pass a debt extension with that, then everybody in this country losing, plus the economy loses, so it's not just about borrowing more money. there's no question we could do all of this without enhanced revenues. we could do that, but changing the tax code actually causes the economy to grow. so we can do both and we can satisfy the demands of a diverse group of people in the, quote, tea party by solving the problem and making large strides toward downsizing the federal government. >> so, as i understand your message today, you do believe that some overall deal that would result in an increase in the debt ceiling could include some revenue enhancements or tax hikes, depending on how you want to parse those words, as long as it was accompanied by a deal to later fix tax rates in an overall tax reform. is that correct? is that where you are? >> well, not quite. what i would say is an agreement could be had is at a certain time in the future, the tax rates would be lowered, but a large number of tax expenditures would be eliminated. what we saw -- we actually have good history from the middle '80s, when speaker o'neil and president reagan did this, we actually saw four years of on average 4.9% economic growth. that's what we need right now. we need the economic growth to put people back to work. >> senator coburn, if i can get you to answer this, the chances we'll get a deal before august 2nd are -- >> i don't know. i really don't know. >> okay. that's fair. thank you so much for joining us, senator. >> thank you, candy. good talking to you. the only woman in the presidential race is advertising in iowa. michele bachmann hopes that will pay off very soon. one of the casey anthony's defense attorney address miss z mitts he was surprised. we inspect your air filter, cabin filter. there's bugs, leaves, lint, crud. you'll be breathing that. i do believe it's part of a locust. make sure your alignments good. your brakes are good. you've got all sorts different things that you check off. your fluid levels. pretty much everything you could need. it gets done. it gets done quickly. and it gets done correctly. the works fuel saver package, just $29.95 or less after rebate. only at your ford dealer. you're a doctor. you're a car doctor. maybe a car doctor. michele bachmann's primary strategy can be summed up -- win iowa. she's just released a new ad. will it work? joining us, donna brazile, a cnn contributor, and rich galen, a republican strategist and publisher of, one of the my must-reads. >> as a i was born and raised in waterloo, as a mom of five, a foster parent and former tax lawyer, now a small business job create ore, we can't keep spending money we don't have. that's why i fought against the wasteful bailout and the stimulus. i will not vote to increase the debt ceiling. iism michele bachmann, and i approved this message. you ran a campaign in iowa. is that going to work? >> well, look, she's trying to introduce herself to the voters who may not know her outside her home county, but on the other hand, i think her statement about refusing to raise the debt limit is irresponsible. she said, look, we shouldn't raise it, because it's money we didn't have to spend, you know what? we spent the money, we owe, and it will danger other economy at a time when it's very fragile. it will cost perhaps 500,000 people to lose their jobs. this is ridiculous. we could raise it and stop playing these games. >> i don't know how you all know that. you're no more an economist than i am, but i'll take your word for it. but this is an introductory ad. >> sort of the soft here's who i am. but isn't the debt ceiling kind of a winning -- >> for her it is. and until and unless rick perry gets in, i think she'll win iowa. >> she's a strong candidate with the type of caucuses in iowa, but i don't think she has a winning election. i got my facts from the u.s. chamber of commerce. >> probably from the white house. >> no, no, the u.s. chamber of commerce. look. there are people on both sides of the political divide, now lobbying lawmakers to raise the debt ceiling. they understand what's at stake. >> they're going to get it. >> can you convince me of that so i can have a summer kool-aid? >> you're not having kool-aid because you're on a diet. >> i'm not on a diet, stop it. >> you look great. i'm always amazed, because candidate obama did this, he went overseas, went to israel, to france. it's interesting to me, because they're always sold as this is to buff up their foreign policy credentials. i think really? is anyone going mitt romney's in london -- >> that was the last piece of that puzzle, right. >> right. >> but it, a, makes the danes feel good, because they get treated by rock stars if they're a major candidate, and that's a good thing. it does generate a day or two of publicity. it did as the president. that's good for him. it means they have to go in -- but i think for romney, i would have to go back and look, but i'll bet as governor of massachusetts, he went on a bunch of foreign trips, so it's not new to them, but it is part of the dance that you do early in the cycle when you don't have to be in living rooms every single day. you go overseas and make a couple days of news. >> he was over there to raise money. let's be clear. he felt short of his goal of raising $50 million for the first quarter. he went over there to try to generate some buzz. the truth be told, there's nothing wrong with going overseas. i was overseas, i've been to israel, to cuba, and god knows i'll take another trip if one comes my way, but it's an opportunity for him to polish up his credentials, get to meet some of the leaders outside the country, so it's a win/win for the country if he becomes the republican nominee. let me move you to the debt ceiling we've we've already seen from the left, hey, wait a second, we want to know what it is you're doing. this is a, to me, seems to be a high-why act for the president of the united states and speaker of the house. would you like at it that way? >> i'm one of the democrats who believe we put a lot on the table. i understand he's trying to put as many sweeteners just to get the republicans to come into the room. they're just as responsible as democrats for trying to solve the problems. it's time for people to get serious about finding common-sense solutions. the middle class, the poor, they have really taken the brunt of these cuts both at the state and federal level. the president has to put it on the table. i would hope he doesn't give away all of the cookies. >> that's very paul krugman of you, but the reality is it seems to me as having been around this, sort of feeling the disturbances in the force, that boehner, the speaker and the president, are on to something. what they're trying to do is figure out how to get enough votes. >> they had a private meeting we know very little about. >> that tells me, i think they've got a path that they think they can walk through to get us through the next 6, 8, 12, 15 months. >> but they still have to bring the conferences along. >> that's exactly right. if speaker boehner goes for revenue enhancements, can he bring along his tea party, that part of the caucus that's tea party. >> the conversation is if he needs them if nancy pelosi gets enough democrats. >> can the president bring along democrats if he puts some hikes in medicare co-pays or in social security saying wealthier people bl have to -- >> means testing. >> well -- >> he loses left. >> let's see what the details are. i don't want to play hypotheticals, but we are talking about people's lives. >> we live with limits. we go to lunch -- >> no, why put prescription drugs -- we have a lot of things to put on the table, as mr. reid talked about corporate jets, we have a lot of things to put on the table. >> i think it will be a bipartisan deal, the edges will say no, the middle will say yes. >> kumbaya. >> shalom. it is one of the most controversial questions. should the u.s. leave troops in iraq? jack cafferty have your thoughts. journalists are learning to watch their backs. we'll tell you who could be persecuting them. ♪ ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ my only sunshine ♪ you makes me happy ♪ when skies are grey ♪ you'll never know, dear ♪ how much i love you ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ [ male announcer ] as long as there are babies, they'll be chevy's to bring them home. ♪ jack joins us again with "the cafferty file." now you have some answers? >> well, we have some thoughts. i don't know if they're answers. the question of the hour -- should the u.s. leave troops in iraq past the deadline coming up at the end of the year. president obama is saying he's offering to leave 10,000 troops if the iraqi government requests it. tom writes, aren't you tired of the u.s. providing world security? this country should cease protecting the world world and time for other nations to participate they are opposing tyrants and why does the un ignore their role to provide for a secure world. marvin writes definitely not. they are quite willing and capable of killing each other without our troop, money and weaponry. wish them good luck and wid them farewell. it may be necessary to leave troops, but the majority will be brought home. no big deal. circumstances control what obama does and for me he made good decisions about the war. mel writes from texas, no. unless the leader of iraq gets on television and makes a public request to stay for a longer period of so many so that the citizens can see. donald said please don't leave any troops in iraq and ditto with afghanistan. get on with governing an america that puts its own citizens first and concentrates on bettering the home country for everybody who lives here. in case you hadn't noticed while you were wasting trillions on useless wars, america has fallen in a pit of overspending, foreclosure and unemployment. john writes the usa needs to get out of iraq as soon as possible. what is the president thinking. the huge budget mess is largely due to the wars in iraq and afghanistan. how can they think of cutting social security or medicare for our seniors and disabled citizens at the cost of these wars? i'm 60 and i feel my future is very uncertain. ter fre arizona writes how many way do i need to respond with no for my reply to be read on air? you got it done. >> i hope that makes terry happy. >> i don't care if it does or not. >> new evidence of the dangerous links between al qaeda leaders and the growing terror threat in somalia. wa can casey anthony expect when she walks out of jail next week. the security and the spectacle new information about a key al qaeda leader's connection to a controversial terror suspect. we want to go to chris lawrence. chris? >> u.s. officials are now telling us that accused terrorist has been in direct contact with known al qaeda leaders. first a name check that's the somali born man picked up and interrogated on a u.s. navy ship for about two months. he is a known american-born cleric who has been with al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. one of the biggest threats there was information gain and now we are learning not only was he in direct contact, but the two of them have been in a same place and the way he was interrogated first by military interrogators and by law enforcement officials is a new wrinkle in this war on terrorism we talked about how it's working. >> it depends on whether or not we can prosecute that individual in a u.s. court or return him to a third party country. >> what if you can't do either one of those? >> if we can't, we will release that individual. that becomes the. >> some accuse president obama of walking a fine political line with this and doing the interrogations on board to placate the right and referring the suspect with civilian court to placate the left and he made no one happy. candy? >> chris lawrence, thanks, chris. >> freedom of the press is a right we sometimes take for granted and in pakistan, journalists are learning their lives are always in danger. the threat is not from the taliban, but apparently from their own government . >> he held me like this. >> it happened in seconds. >> where did they hit you. >> punches to the gut from four attacks. a few baton whacks and the kicks to the body. >> i was thinking about -- that i'm going to die today. >> the victim of the attack was the pakistani journalist. his attackers were not street thugs they had police uniforms on and pulled him over. >> they said if you want to be a hero, we will make you a hero. >> and an example. >> it's not clear who roughed him up, but he is feeting over a string of attacks against journalists that raised a troubling question. are the spy agents? they told the british paper, the guardian he was kidnapped and beaten after he wrote a report about illegal arrests by intelligence agencies, whoever beat him a second time didn't like that they made him look bad. >> the last time, they threatened to wrap my body. under these circumstances, what can i do? >> his beating came less than three weeks after the still unsolved murder of another pakistani journalist. for years he had written stinging reports about links between mill tans in pakistan's military. according to a report, at least three officials say classified information shows pakistan's top spy agency. they ordered his killing. the human rights watch said they have prove the isi was involved and they say it is unfound and baseless. a growing number of pakastanis want answers. >> juniorisournalists have to r their lives to do their work. >> he admits he is scared for himself and his family. the beating left him shaken, always watching his back he said this is no time to back down. >> the journalists, we have to speak. we have to come out now to stop such kinds of incidents >> cnn, islamabad. >> happening now, casey anthony will go free in six days, but the raw emotions will go long beyond. the latest on the sentencing and what may lie ahead. >> the murder and terror victims, the owner of the tabloid makes an extraordinary action. with america up to its neck, the president wants a big deal on the debt, but can they reach any kind of deal before it's too late? welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm candy crowley and you are in "the situation room". >> sentencing day for casey anthony and those angry at her acquittal. she got years for the four lies she was convicted of telling investigators for credit with time served she is ordered released in just 6 days. in orlando with us, take us through today not just what happened, but the atmospherics. >> it's a very different casey anthony than on the 23rd floor today. different in her appearance. she let her hair down in many ways. she of course had hair up on a bun and in a tight ponytail going back to early may. now she it had down and on top of that she was smiling and very animating and engaging with the defense team attorneys. she clearly looked like a woman who was anticipating freedom was coming very, very soon and then began the arguments. keep in mind the reason she feels better is the fact that she was not facing potential of maybe the death penalty. she was hearing the sentence for four misdemeanors, the only thing she was going to found guilty of. it wasn't going to be a bad day for her. her attorneys said there should be one. in other words, she lied to police, yes, but it was big lye as opposed to four little lies. the judge didn't buy that and here's how the sentencing went down. >> there being no legal cause shown why this court should not impose sentence and the crimes contained in counts four, five, six and seven, i will sentence you to one year in the orange county jail and imposing a $1,000 fine on each count. all four counts to run consecutive to each other, giving you credit for the time that you have previously served. >> so in essence, the judge threw the book at her. the problem was he didn't have much of a book to throw when you are talking about misdemeanors. four years and $4,000 given the time she spent in jail. they had to work out the complicated math and good behavior. it came down to especially her being free next wednesday. that's how it worked out. >> tuesday after the acquittal, we saw lots of outrage. what was it like today? >> authorities were very fearful this that could be a day of rage when it came to people upset with the verdict. they had deputies on horseback and a police helicopter constantly hovering overhead of the courthouse. the crowds were smaller than what they had anticipate and they reflected that great divide we have seen and heard on the air and online for people who were upset at the verdict. here's how some of it went down >> caylee. caylee. caylee. caylee. >> don't buy any magazines. >> those people were in support of caylee, the young girl who died. others said their support was with casey anthony and she should go free now. one guy held up a sign saying casey, will you marry me. mixed opinions >> appreciate it. >> for more on the sentence and pending release, we are joined by legal analyst and federal prosecutors. a legal contributor for in session on trutv. casey anthony will be released next week. i guess it's possible she could sell the story and make money off of it. >> it is possible and so many people are outraged by that. i think they are thinking about the son of sam laws that was for convicted felons couldn't benefit from their crimes. remember she has been acquitted of murder. there is no question about it. if there is a market for her story and i think candy, there is. she could very well be paid not only for perhaps a book, but for television appearances and at this point i am certain she will be courted for something like that. >> i want to play you something that the prosecutor jeff ashton had to say today. >> do you believe she is a danger to society? >> only if she has more children. >> she would like to have children. she had a dream she children and considered adoption. what do you think about that? >> i would hope that she doesn't try to parent again. >> in truth, there is not much he can do. he lost in court. this is obviously -- to me it was indicative of the hard life she will have in ways. it's not i will sell a book. there a lot of people that will not like her just hearing her name. >> i think that's absolutely right. right nowshe is the most infamous woman in america, perhaps worldwide we know this case was covered all over the world. she is vilified and has been and is hated. the only other person that you can compare her situation to would be o.j. simpson. remember, candy, when he was acquitted he was followed around and ostracized. i recall when he got out, some restaurants would not even serve him and his party. while she is going to be released from prison, she is going to get informal sanctions. i think in the court of public opinion, she has been convicted. she doesn't have an easy way to go. no question about that. >> the dissection of how the jury got to where it got in the not guilty verdict, it all seems to come down to something simple. hard evidence. the lack of it. i want you to listen to jennifer ford, juror number three. >> there wasn't enough evidence. there wasn't anything strong enough to say -- i don't think anyone in america could tell us how she died. if you put the 12 jurors and say write down how caylee died, we would be guessing. >> it's cause of death that was a problem? >> how can you punish someone for something if you don't know what they did? >> sunny, it does seem to me when you talk and the implication is here, they didn't know how she died and they couldn't get to the point that they believed a murder had been committed. >> i think that's right. i have been covering this case for a long time, even before the trial. i saw that was a problem. it was a circumstantial case and i believe the prosecution knew the hoop, but they didn't necessarily give this jury the how, the where, the when, even the why was not really well-developed. there was no triggering moment they could give to the jury as to why casey anthony allegedly killed her daughter on june 16th, 2008. i think the lesson is not necessarily that the season didn't work. the lesson is that the burden of proof on the prosecution is beyond a reasonable doubt. this was a capital case. i think that's important to note. this was not a run-of-the-mill case. this was a death penalty case. if you put someone to death, you need more. you need the answers to those questions. the what, the where, the when, the how and the why. you never have to prove the motive, but that's the lesson to take away. not necessarily that the circumstantial cases can't get it. the jury got it wrong. i don't think they did. i think the system works. that's the lesson, candy. the burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt and the prosecution just didn't prove it beyond that. >> pretty basic element of the american justice system. >> that's right. >> appreciate it. >> later this hour, an interview with the defense lawyer, cheney mason and his reaction to the verdicts and a side of casey he saw that the world didn't. >> new information on a scheduled execution that made headlines. we have the details. mary? >> we are getting word that the u.s. supreme court denied a stave execution for a mexican national and convicted killer. that's despite opposition by the obama administration and many in the community. humberto garcia's last hope is with the texas governor. what makes his conviction unusual is he was not informed about the right to contact the mexican conult when he was arrested. that's a right guaranteed under a binding treaty. his fate could affect those americans traveling abroad who run into legal trouble. his execution is set for 7:00 p.m. eastern, less than an hour from now. >> thanks so much. >> will there be a deal or default. less than four weeks before the deadline for the debt ceiling. president obama brought congressional leaders to the white house. we want to go to jessica yellen. is it a deal yet? >> not yet, candy. multiple sources say at that meeting, the president unequivocally threatened to veto a short-term deal that does not raise the debt limit through 2012. instead, the president we are told was pushing for a deal that not only raised the debt ceiling, but brings significant debt reduction and gets us closer to the looping august 2nd deadline. the president delivered the news himself. no deal yet. >> i want to emphasize that nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to. the parties are still far apart on a wide range of issues they are talking about a deal to reduce the deficit up to $4 trillion over 10 years with all options on the table. the white house calls it a rare opportunity to take a meaningful stab at deficit reduction. >> we don't have a dollar target. bigness is the target. comprehensiveness and balance are our targets. >> why increase the stakes by pushing for a bigger goal with weeks to go before the deadline? the current thinking centers on this man, speaker john boehner. negotiators wondering, can he muster enough votes to get it through the house of representativ representatives. one theory is a bigger deal will help him sell the plan to conservative republicans because it contains even more deficit reduction. >> everything is on the table except raising taxes on the american people. >> congressional and white house staffs will huddle through the weekend to ma'amer out a deal. among the house republicans, spending cuts larger than the increase in the debt limit and no tax increase. some of the items democrats want, extending the payroll tax holiday and closing corporate tax loopholes and finding other ways to increase revenue. leaders mead again on sunday. candy, a bigger deal puts enemies on the table that make both sides worried. tinkering with security. to some republicans, talk now of possibly doing away with the big tax cuts to the wealth skpet estate tax that the period agreed to as part of that in december. it's a bit of a parlor game. what kind of deal will it take to get through both houses of congress. that was the big unknown and what will be worked on over the weekend and in the next days to come. it is a very tricky dance. >> it is indeed. to be continued as we say always when it comes to budget matters. thanks so much. appreciate it. a hacking scandal explodes with one of the best selling newspapers. why murdoch is shutting down news the world. a secret north korean letter written in english and a scheme to bribe top officials for sensitive nuclear secrets [ male announcer ] to the seekers of things which are one of a kind. the authentic, the rare, the hard to define. to those always searching for what's pure and what's real from we who believe we know just how you feel. haagen-dazs. from we who believe we know just how you feel. right now, go to priceline for a sneak peek at recent winning and better than ever! hotel bids to find where you n save up to 60% on hotels. * we'll even email you other people's winning bids, so you'll know what price to name. *á with new hotel bid alerts, from priceline. . jack cafferty is here with the cafferty file. the floor is yours. >> here's something that will scare you out of the summer vacation. over the past 20 years, tuition and fees at public universities jumped nearly 130% and will go up more again. the states facing grudge et crunches and some state colleges and universities being forced to raise tuition and fees higher. according to the national association of state budget officers, 25 governors proposed college funding in the states. the total five billion dollars in cuts nationwide. they are funding colleges to boost tuition by more than 20%. in arizona, the state voted the higher education funding is cut by $198 million through 2012. as a result, tuition will jump 22% at the university of arizona. 19% and 15% at northern arizona university. incoming freshmen at the university of arizona this fall will pay more than $10,000 a year, almost double what every freshman paid in 2008, just three years ago. public colleges and universities like california, washington and new hampshire will be forced to raise. federal stimulus dollars have dried up. considering the median income for middle class americans is $400 less than 20 years ago, more and more young people and their parents are digging themselves a deeper hole so they have a better shot at a lousy job market. here's the question. is the cost of higher education becoming prohibitive? go to file and post a comment on my blog. >> jack, i had a child who went to the university of arizona and i am glad my kids are grown at this point. that is amazing. >> i had two daughter who is graduateed from arizona state and it was cheaper than it is now. i don't know what parents with young kids that are 4, 5, 6 years old will be looking at in 15 or 20 years. it's frightening >> it's tough. sigh later on. >> now to a stunning revelation that could shed new light on the threat facing the united states. the father of the spak stan nuclear bomb could have paid for access to nuclear know how. >> this looks to be a high level bribe from north korea to top generals. it's laid out in a letter released by the man candy described. the aq khan. his shady history of passing nuclear secrets to the world's most dangerous raises questions about his motives it's a simple letter he is carrying, but the implications are dawning and could affect the security of millions. in stark terms, they lay out a scheme by north kaia to bribe officials for sensitive nuclear secrets. >> i was astounded. this is a north korean secret letter. >> the letter is dated july 1998, weeks after pakistan's first successful nuclear test. the father of that program is believed to have passed pakistan's nuclear secrets to libya, iran, and north korea. this appears to be from the man in charge of the military acquisitions it says $3 million have been paid to one top pakistani general a half million and three diamond and ruby sets have been given to another. then says please give the agreed do you means and components to be flown back when the plane returns after delivery of missile components. the former cia officer said it speaks to the continued vulnerabilities of pakistan's nuclear arsenal. >> pakistan is the most dangerous country in the world. it is riddled with jobs and sympathizers and groups like al qaeda and others the ultimate prize for any terrorist is september 11. >> is the letter real? the long time correspondent said he got it years ago from khan and gave the letter to the "washington post" to verify. the post and experts we spoke to said it cannot be awe thendicated with certainty. an official said it appears to be authentic, but the long-suspected military was complicit in the alleged passing of nuclear secrets. the former un weapons inspector believes the letter is real, but there reasons why it might not be. >> could he have forged the letter and if he did, what were the reasons? >> he could have foermged it. he's the origin of this. all we have is his word. the north koreans are. we have to worry that he forged this as another attempt to cast blame on others. >> allbright points out he long asserted about the government military and denied his proliferation network even existed. the officials here in washington did not return our calls and e-mails, but the two generals described in the letter as taking bribes told the post that the letter is not true and one called it a fabrication >> thanks. >> a scandal brings down one of britain's best selling newspapers, the demise of the news of the world. plus an accused art heist caught on tape >> mary snow is monitoring the other situations. >> this story is just coming in. police in michigan say seven people have been killed in two shootings there. among the victims are a child. the suspect in both is 34-year-old robert described as 6'2", 250 pounds, armed and dangerous. he was last seen in a cream colored lincoln town car. the license plate is bwk 2308 take a look at the man with a picture under his arm. that picture is a 1965 picasso drawing worth more than $200,000. it was snatched in downtown san francisco, but a camera at a nearby restaurant helped the suspect on tape. police found him and the artwork in a hotel nearby. elizabeth smart is embarking on a new career. the former kidnap victim will work as a contributor on missing persons cases. smart was kidnapped as a teenager and held for months. brian david mitchell was sentenced for in prison for the crime last may. candy? >> thanks, mary. drastic action by the owners of the scandal written in british tab light. could shutting down the news of the world stave off investigations into phone hacking? a defense attorney for casey anthony told us the first thing that came to mind when he heard the words not guilty. the debate is over. ♪ lexus hybrid drive technology is designed to optimize any fuel source on the planet. even those we don't use yet. because when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer a future-proof hybrid system. you engineer amazing. ♪ is actually finding choices the whole family will love. five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor. and it's nice for me to be able to say "yes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. gluten free. >> 7 1/2 million readers have to find another newspaper. news of the world. the biggest tab light will be shut down after sunday's edition. they are coming down a drastic step amid a scandal over the hacking into the voice mail of crime victims and terror victims and celebrities joining me is richard quest. this is a 188-year-old newspaper, the most widely read english paper in the world and it shuts down overnight the cynic in me said they are willing to shut down the investigation as well. why so quickly? >> i don't think they are aiming to shut down and they were hoping to do that. they will be seriously mace taken. the investigations will take place because they will be public inquiries set up by the british government. what this is about is this had to happen. they needed to be locked up. you can take it on the cynical level that said they are protecting. more than 30 in big major newspapers and 150 news brands and television brands and fox news you do that by getting rid television faster we heard today from his son >> this was a family that has been around the news industry. whether you love or hate the product, they have news. i have no doubt there is a fair degree of real horror of what they have discovered in the engine rooms of news of the world. they did make it clear they had to go . >> i feel regret and clearly practices of certain individuals did not live up to the standards and quality that we believe in and i believe in. and this company believes n. this company has been a great investor in journalism. a greater investor in media in general. something we believe strongly in and clearly certain activities did not live up to the standards >> the thing to remember about the news of the world is they had the impulse. more often than not turned out to be true. it was so off the charts that's why they said time out. >> protecting the brand is hugely important when your empire is so fast. we are hearing reports that thousands of people were kind of targeted to having their phone voice messages hacked. you wonder how far up it could have gone. there have to have been people at some level. >> that are is exactly what they are saying in the uk tonight. the list of thousands of names come from the guy who was the private investigator. they have these thousands of names that everyone filed they don't know how many were accessed and tacked and voice mails. to put it in perspective, we started with celebrity hacking. we then elevated to the voice mail being hacked we elevate again to bomb victims being hacked and we elevate again to the soldiers allegedly having their voice mails that led to today's result. let's not forget, murdoch's papers are all-around the world whether it's the australian or the post or the "wall street journal" on your doorstep or the times on the sunday times in the uk. it's protecting that and circling the wagons to make it clear that the practice is not the news of the world. >> they said it's appalling and unacceptable. they shut down the paper. you have to believe it is also criminal. are we looking at criminal changes for people in that newspaper? >> first of all, the nonsense they are showing they are there, but the journalists are out of work and they are spitting feathers that the woman who was head of the newspaper, the edit editor, she is the only one who is with the news international. they lose their jobs and she keeps hers the criminal proceedings will follow against certain people. we won't know until the changes are for the rest of may. the mere allegation with police for the investigation, hacking the phone from an industrial scare. what knew what and what turned a blind eye. >> we are not just talking about journalists, but the people who gave the information. >> you have got the police officer who is took the payment. you got the people who knew about them and the people who approved them this is a festering sore of colosing and corruption, the lowest level of journalistic standards and what is happening and the police action that's happening, some people will no doubt will go to prison. >> you just have a way of putting things. thanks so much for your help tonight >> a side of casey anthony the world did not see in her murder trial. >> he's a likeable person. she will reach over and clean the scraps of paper or cups off the counsel table like that's her job or something. >> an interview with a defense lawyer. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness, man: good job. where your price won't increase due to your first accident. we also offer a hassle-free lifetime repair guarantee, where the repairs made on your car are guaranteed for life or they're on us. these are just two of the valuable features you can expect from liberty mutual. plus, when you insure both your home and car with us, it could save you time and money. at liberty mutual, we help you move on with your life. so get the insurance responsible drivers like you deserve. looks really good. call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find thpolicy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? jared loughner was accused of gunning down a member of congress and other people last january. a federal appeals court will decide if he should be forcibly medicated for severe mental illness. there is a lot at stake here. >> absolutely. it's a fascinating high profile situation here. an argument that happens across the country. the question here is should a person who has been deemed mentally incompetent by a court be forced against his or her will to take medication? the ninth circuit ordered that doctors temporarily stop giving tucson shooter jared loughner anti-psychotic medication. he is unable to stand trial for the tucson shooting rampage that shot gabrielle giffords. if he is given drugs, it's possible he could be held to the point where he could stand trial. the doctor is a professor at rush university medical center in chicago >> these medications allow to come out of the grips of the illness and get on with their lives in general. it's dilutional and false beliefs and the hallucinations stop. >> they argue that he needings to be medicated for his and other people's safety. his potential for violence is obvious given the shooting raj page that lawyers have not denied he is public for. his defense team argues that they want him medicated so he can be prosecute and medicating someone against his or her about well is a violation of their rights >> this case is good public education about the difficulty of how we deal with mentally ill people in the criminal justice system. in part we are treating them, in part we are treating them as defendants and the system has never figured out precisely what the right balance is. >> the court is hearing arguments from both side this is afternoon in california. the losing side will likely appeal . >> and candy, that three-judge panel of the court of appeals is hearing arguments at this hour in southern california. we haven't heard an update on when which way they are leaning, but thing is clear the case against jared love y will be at a stop unless he gets the medication. >> interesting story. thanks so much. jack cafferty is asking is the cost of higher education prohibitive. jack has your e-mails the defense attorney for casey anthony told about the first thing that came to his mind when he heard the words not guilty. of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. i heard it came from space. they have greasy messes in space? 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[ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser kitchen scrubber. its clean is out of this world. as of next wednesday, casey ajt me in will be a free woman. the judge in her murder trial sentenced her to four year in prison, one for each conviction on four counts of lying to police. with credit for time serve and good behavior, her release date is set for july 13th. earlier cheney mason talked exclusively to jean casarez of in session on trutv. >> you sat in the courtroom and you heard that not guilty for count one. do you remember the first thing that came into your mind? >> i took a breath. i said now i can relax a little bit. we know there is no penalty phase. no death penalty. like that. then you wait to hear that not a couple more times. the greatest word in the courtroom. not . >> were you shocked? >> i wouldn't say shocked. it's a great deal of anxiety and waiting for the verdict as there always is. i'm not sure how many jury trials i have done in the last 40 years, but in the vicinity of 400. whatever the number is, i don't remember ever whether it was a minor case or other homicide cases that didn't have anxiety waiting on that jury. i had juries out a long time. one i remember was out for 12 days. you talk about building up anxiety and pressure with that. surprise? totally surprised. skeptical. not because of the jury, but because of the relentless news media conviction for casey for the past three years no matter where we went, we got the same thing. she has been vilified by news media and talking head lawyers who don't have experience and qualifications to say the things that come out of their mouth. we were up against it. so surprise, yes. pleasantly surprised. obviously. >> what did you learn about casey during the course of the trial that you department know before the trial? >> tough. she's got guts. she as tough as they come. she very smart. very alert. quick. you get to like her. she's a likeable person. she wants to reach over and clean the scraps of paper or cups off the counsel table like that's her job or something. i remember hearing some of the witnesses talk about when she was with her friends in different apartments, she was the to do the cleaning and cooking and shopping and helping everybody. that's the way she is. >> she seemed to have a lost anger in her. we saw various emotions, but the most predominant emotion i saw was anger in that courtroom. >> frequently. i can't imagine anybody not being angry with some of the testimony from people that friends or some of her family throwing her under the bus. you know, she's the one that knows it is unjustified and, yeah, that would make me pretty angry, too. and, of course, the news media every day having a couple pulgs to have a story and skew the facts far from the truth makes you angry. >> how did caylee anthony die? >> i know nothing different than what has been presented. she drowned in the pool. and there's never been anything different than that. >> do you believe that? >> yes, i believe it. there's no reason to think otherwise. >> the other side is also speaking out. prosecutor jeff ashton talked to john king on john king usa coming up at the top of the hour for our north american viewers. time now to check back with jack calf ter fee with some answers. jack? >> the cost of higher education simply becoming prohibitive because of all of the state budget cuts? state colleges and universities are having to jack up tuitions in some cases more than 20%. kay writes, as long as we have an expectation of getting a degree in four years. a lot of students young and not so long have worked their way through college over a period of many years although i would love to see tuition at a more reasonable level higher education still attainable for those who pursue their dreams with dogged determination. and in the early '60s, i was enrolled at texas university in denton, texas. my tuition was $500 a semester. the cost of education has gone up because most universities are top heavy and they need to address that issue before they address anything else. tom writes from texas, it seems that way. you're either a wall streeter, a banker, or handing out food orders through drive-up windows. georgia writes, i love that he had indication. talk about a miss no, ma'am mer. we have been duped into paying insane fees and tuitions that somehow these overrated, over funded universities turn out intelligence based on the accelerated rate of the dumbing of america over the last 30 years it's impossible to deny what a scam is being perpetrated here. the cost is not only prohibitive, it's immoral. roger in pennsylvania writes, it's still the high cost of not being educated. david writes, sure, it costs a lot more but honestly it's worth $100,000 to get my kid a degree from a competitive standpoint. what's $100,000 spread out over 40 years or so, $1400 a year? i imagine his or her degree will earn him or her more than that every year. richard it texas writes, come on, jack, even you and i know that the biggest employer was mcdonalds and the other was walmart. it doesn't take a college degree to get promoted to fries or yell clean up on aisle 12. for the jobs available in america these days a. college degree is not a requirement. if you want to read more, go to back to you, miss crowley. >> the problem, jack, is that this is something i want to do for my child and more and more it's getting to the point -- suze said, the american dream certainly should include a college education but it needs to be a college education you and your child can afford. and she talked about community colleges a lot. >> well, and the other possibility and we never emphasize this in this country are the trade schools. but i think the educational plans for any family have to include the reality of what kind of employment can the youngster look forward to gaining upon graduation from whatever institution. those choices are backing increasingly limited, at least for middle class and above. >> it's not getting any easier. jack cafferty, thank you. >> okay. see you later. for our north american viewers, john king, usa begins at the top of the hour. his guests include nancy grace and what she thinks about casey anthony walking free and the criticism of her coverage of the trial. and jeanne moos on casey anthony's new look. what's pure and what's real from we who believe we know just how you feel. haagen-dazs. is it the new forty, i don't know. i probably feel about thirty. how is it that we don't act our age? 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