Transcripts For WMAR ABC News Good Morning America 20110915

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the couple who had no idea they captured themselves on their web cam, flirting and making fun of themselves while they try to cap a picture. meet burt and esther, candid internet superstars. bruce and esther. boy, are they one fun couple. they are fantastic. love that monkey face. >> they didn't know it was being taped. they did allow it to go on youtube. we're going to need a good laugh later this morning. wait until you meet them. they are delightful. let's get right to what may be a break in the case of what really happened to young mom, susan powell. she disappeared in late 2009, leaving behind two small boys and her husband. abc's abbie boudreau is in salt lake city with the latest. good morning, abbie. >> reporter: good morning, robin. for nearly two years, the search for susan powell has puzzled investigators, leaving them with few answers. finally, a possible break in the case. yesterday afternoon, a police search in the desert found human bones. >> our cadaver dogs were out searching, were out looking. and did come across human remains. >> reporter: the discovery made here, in the rugged area near topaz mountain, a popular campsite, 30 miles away from the one josh powell says he took his children to that snowy, winter night, when his wife mysteriously disappeared. >> it does bother me that it's in the same general area. and the more i learn about the location, the more it bothers me. >> reporter: josh powell hasn't been charged in his wife's disappearance. but police say he remains the only person of interest in the investigation. >> we have a lot of things that need to be resolved. and unfortunately, we're just not -- he's not complying. >> i believe the police are doing as good a job with the investigation. and they're going to get to the truth, with or without his help. >> reporter: in the past month, police have stepped up their efforts, searching abandoned mines in the nevada desert. and serving a search warrant at josh powell's washington state home. police say they cannot be sure whether the human bones they discovered belonged to susan. and haven't yet determined how old they are. josh powell responded to the news with this statement, with very little information available to the public, we can only hope that additional information is released quickly, to minimize heartache to those of us who love susan. in the meantime, we continue to hope for susan's safe return. as for susan's father, he will keep waiting and hoping. >> this has not been identified as her remains yet. she could still be out there, maybe alive. >> reporter: now, the area where the bones were found is a popular place for people to hunt for rocks and gem stones. but josh powell tells us, he has never been there. robin? >> all right, abbie. thank you very much. we're going to turn, now, to josh elliott, for the other top stories. good morning, josh. >> good morning to all of you. we're going to begin with a massive recall that you could have on your breakfast table right now. cantaloupe. people from arizona to new york are being warned of a possible link between the melons and a deadly outbreak of listeria. the bacterial infection. the cantaloupes in question were shipped to 17 different states from a company called jensen farms in colorado. two people have died thus far. nearly two dozen have been infected. and the busiest u.s. border crossing has finally reopened this morning after this frightening scaffolding collapse. beams and concrete debris rained down on several cars. injuring 11 people at the crassing between san diego and te w tijuana. backups were huge. an astounding story from the world of finance this morning. it appears that one man, a rogue trader, is responsible for a $2 billion loss at ubs investment bank. a man was arrested in london today, in connection with the unauthorized trades. the loss, so massive, it could actually push the bank into the red this quarter. today, a 23-year-old from kentucky will become the first living marine awarded the medal of honor for actions in iraq or afghanistan. dakota meyer shared a beer with president obama at the white house wednesday. back in 2009 in afghanistan, meyer ran through gunfire 5 times to save 36 of his comrades trapped by enemy fire and killed 8 insurgents along the way. finally, what was that mysterious sight in the skies over the southwest last night. thousands of people spotted a bright streak from phoenix to l.a. experts say it was either a meteor or a piece of an asteroid that likely burned out before hitting the ground. >> or was it? >> seriously. >> it was red, though. >> it was. >> josh, thanks. now, to politics. and gop front-runner, rick perry, the texas governor, here in new york last night to court donald trump. and did he close the deal? abc's john berman has the story. >> reporter: rick perry and donald trump walked out of his tower with nary a word. it's a meeting that speaks volumes in itself. just a few months ago, trump sat atop republican polls. now, it's all perry. earlier, the texas governor discussed what he wanted out of the gettogether. >> we're going to be talking about, you know, how to create jobs in america. donald trump's pretty good about creating jobs. and i got to think donald's got some advice for me. >> reporter: the two dined at the pricey four-star jean georges. >> he knows his restaurant. >> reporter: a far cry from the slices of pizza he shared with sarah palin a few months ago. perry spent much of the day in virginia, a key swing state. and provided key information about his mediocre grades. >> i'm very proud to stand before you today and tell you i graduated in the top ten in my graduating class. of 13. >> reporter: the day also had perry with some important friends. a fund-raiser with virginia governor, bob mcdonald, who has yet to endorse. but the endorsement race is clearly on. for "good morning america," john berman, abc news, new york. for more, we're joined live, now, by the chairman of the national committee. thanks for coming in this morning. >> good morning, george. >> a great good morning. let's start out with trump and perry. trump came away very impressed with rick perry, he said. but he still wanted to wait and see what sarah palin would do. is she becoming a distraction in this race? >> i don't think so. i think this is what's happening. we're going to have a rigorous primary on our side of the aisle. that's what people are looking for. we're done with staged speeches. i'm not sure. your guess is as good as mine. i'm happy with where we're heading right now in the field and the republican primary. i think that the american people are ready for a change in direction. our country's in the ditch. i think this president has put us there. and i think it's time that we get real and put authentic people back in the white house that want to make a difference. >> rick perry took a lot of shots on that cnn debate, including on the issue of mandating the hpv vaccination on schoolgirls. was that a fair shot? >> there's going to be a lot of shots in the primaries. you know, i've been through that in wisconsin. i think people, obviously -- barack obama and hillary clinton went through that all the way through june. and look what it got them. it was actually very good for them. having a primary, having a debate on our side on how to get america back on track. and really effect change for the good in this country is something that the american people are starving for. >> is that crony capitalism? >> i'm not going to debate that. i'm not going to referee that issue. i'm the chairman of the republican national committee. i can't take sides. but what i can do is make sure we make barack obama a one-term president and save our country economically. >> the number one issue is jobs, as you suggest. the president came out with his jobs plan. pretty clear from the republican leaders in congress, that it's dead on arrival. speaker boehner will have his plan today. we know the white house is prepared to have president obama play harry truman in 1948, run against a do-nothing congress. congress' approval ratings are lower than the president's. are you worried about that? >> i'm not worried about it. at the end of the day, the fish rots at the head, as you know. >> the president is rotting? >> i'll tell you what, i don't think this president's led. i think he's frustrated even his own base. you saw that in new york, just two nights ago, when even democrats are saying, look. we don't like the direction that even barack obama is taking this country. and he's going to have to answer to that. so, i don't think that that's an issue. i think that what americans are starving for are not necessarily all republican answers or all democrat answers. but what republicans are starving for is real, authentic people to serve this country. >> -- to get something done this year on jobs? >> i think that the republicans in the house have tried to get things done on jobs. i mean, we passed cut and cap and balance. we passed the budget. the democrats haven't been able to pass the budget. the president promised to cut the deficit in half by his first term. what did he do? he introduced the biggest structural deficit in the history of america. and guess what? not one single democrat in the united states senate voted for the president's plan. i have to tell you, he's taken this country off the rails. and the american people know it. >> republicans are getting more satisfied with the presidential field. but a lot is still holding back. you have heard the talk here in new york, across the country. a lot in the establish think, we want another candidate in the race. a lot of talk about new jersey governor, chris christie. is there time for him to get in? and do you think he should? >> there's time for a lot of people to get in. bill clinton joined the race in october the year before the election. and i was a chairman in wisconsin at a time when ron johnson announced his candidacy eight months before an election. i'm also very satisfied with where the field is at in the republican side of the aisle. and i think that it's time to start the debate on how to get america back on the rails and save ourselves economically. and make barack obama a one-term president. >> mr. chairman, thank you very much. >> you bet. >> robin? >> all right, george. cantaloupes are not the only thing people are questioning the safety of this morning. the fda and some of the popular apple juice brands are defending the safety of their product after "the dr. oz show" raised questions about the level of arsenic in apple juice. dr. richard besser joins us with a look at this controversy. >> that's right, robin. dr. oz is telling parents to check their pantries and read their juice labels after independent testing found high levels in apple juice. but some like gerber, mott's and juicy juice are fighting back, saying their product meets safety standards set by the fda. so, we decided to do some of our own fact-checking. >> some of the best brands in america have arsenic in their apple juice. >> reporter: he called it the most shocking investigation yet. >> what is going on? >> reporter: on his show, dr. mehmet oz took on the apple juice industry, warning parents that the very juice they were giving their kids contained dangerous levels of arsenic. >> unregulated arsenic in apple juice in america is unacceptable. >> i give my boys apple juice frequent frequently. i was shocked. i never heard of this before. >> i'm the guy administering poison to my own children? no. this is ridiculous. >> that's how i feel, too. >> reporter: when it comes to arsenic, what matters is what kind and how much. arsenic is everywhere. we breathe it. it's in our soil. it's found in foods we eat and things we drink. here's what you need to know. there's two ferms of arsenic. one that's harmful and one that's not. the kind in apple juice is the kind that's not harmful. the oz show didn't test individually. >> inorganic is toxic. we don't know from the samples which it was. >> reporter: the fda sent a letter to the oz show five days before the show was to air, warning them airing the show would be irresponsible and misleading because the testing was based solely on tests for total arsenic. and days later, sent a second letter. stating the fda and nestle did their own testing on the nestle/gerber brand apple juice. >> we were stunned that someone would go out, buy 50 samples of juice and send it to 1 lab and get 1 result. to us, it defies logic. >> reporter: the bottom line, is apple juice safe? >> apple juice is safe. i have six children. i have no problem with them drinking apple juice. >> reporter: the juice product association says reports about arsenic in apple juice are misleading and may needlessly cause concern among consumers. we've heard of one school that's pulled apple juice out of the cafeteria. >> they've done this. all right, rich. dr. mehmet oz joins us live from washington. good enough to join us here. thank you, dr. oz. and dr. besser will stay and join our discussion. i will get to you in a moment, dr. oz. rich, just weigh in on all this. >> mehmet, i'm very upset about this. i think this was extremely irresponsible. putting out this kind of a health warning, manufacturing a health crisis, based on faulty, incomplete data. this fear-mongering, it reminds me of yelling fire in a movie theater. i'm very annoyed about this. >> dr. oz, do you stand by your results? and how do you respond to what rich just said? >> i'm not fear-mongering. we did our homework on this, rich. we spent a lot of time making sure we got our numbers right. let me go through this quickly. we had concerns about arsenic in apple juice. not because we thought about it. other groups, independent of ours, over the last three years have been publishing reports about this. i have to address some of the claims you're making. you claim that most of the arsenic in apple juice is of the organic type. that's not true. the only pure juice study i looked at that evaluated high levels of arsenic that was published by the university of arizona in 2009, showed that most of the arsenic was of the inorganic -- >> i have to interrupt you there. how can you go on the air and publish arsenic results without breaking it down into total -- inorganic and organic. in the dangerous kind and the kind that's not dangerous? any food lab that does testing does total first. and then looks to see is it harmful? how can you tell people it's harmful without ding the tests? and how can you do testing in one lab, without getting the results confirmed by other labs? no good scientist would ever do that kind of work. >> i disagree, rich. we looked at total arsenic levels. that's what the fda looks at and the epa initially. your assumption that organic arsenic is safe is not true. organic arsenic has been looked at in fish. in those species, it does seem to be safe. but there's been a lot of debate. and the body converts inorganic arsenic, into arsenic forms that are very toxic. eat's mitt leading to claim that to claim that organic arsenic is safe. there's been a shift in our food supply for apple juice. i'm a big supporter of apple juice. i talked about it on my show. i continue to give it to my kids. i want to be clear about this. nobody is dying from acute toxicity of arsenic. the levels we're talking about are much lower than that. my concern is long-term effects over years of kids getting arsenic levels higher than we can tolerate. the fda and epa have been reducing the level of arsenic that's safe for us. >> mehmet, you're still implying that drinking apple juice is exposing children to toxic arsenic. and you haven't done that test. that's wrong. that's fear-mongering. you're telling parents they are poisoning their children. and you have absolutely no evidence of doing that. you haven't done the right tests when other labs have tested the samples you tested, they found levels lower than you found. how can you say there's an issue with that? >> rich, we got the study, the results from the fda, who, by the way. we initially reached out to the juice manufacturers association, the juice companies in the fda, no one would participate in the discussion. now, they want to talk about it. >> did you read the letters they sent to you? the letters that are on their website? >> i did read the letters. those letters are on our website. we published the entire dialogue. when we asked the fda on information on how they determine the safe levels of arsenic in apples, they told us to file the freedom of information act. when we got the data from the fda arguing our numbers were erroneous, we retested -- >> in the same laboratory. >> we had a separate group. this laboratory tests commercial samples. they work with the fda on the samples. it's not a run of the mill lab. we had another group, independent of us. >> bottom line -- are you still telling parents that their children are being poisoned by apple juice and they shouldn't drink that? are you standing behind the claim that apple juice -- >> i never said that. rich, i never said that. what i said was, we, the american public, has a right to know there are concerns because 60% of the apples in our apple juice come from overseas. we take great care in this country to ban arsenic in pesticides to protect our people. we're getting apples from countries where they don't have those rules. we had enough samples to raise concerns. three other groups had the same type of results. we want to have the conversation. and we've been trying to make this conversation happen. we get folks talking to you and i for clarity on this issue. one, quick bottom line. i would not take apple juice out of my kids' container right now. i have four kids. we need to be clear on what level is acceptable. we should not allow more arsenic in our apple juice than we allow in our drinking water. >> you brought up water. mehmet, you're right. we have started a conversation here. and we appreciate your willingness to come on and talk to us live about it. and i'm sure it's a conversation that we're going to continue. you guys went to school together. >> that's right. we have to get to local weather. but thank you to both. local weather. sorry, sam. we'll get to you next half hour. coming up, the hottest couple on the internet. bruce and esther. and the salahis, what really happened? 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look in the mirror. do you have the name on the back of yours? we'll -- you know your name is on the back of yours, too, george. >> i never turned it over. >> uh-huh. >> is it removed, though? >> sometimes it crosses the line to obsession. >> it does. >> we'll get into that. >> we will get into that. but first, the white house party-crashers are in the news. michaele and tareq salahi are in the news. but this time, it started with tareq said his wife had been kidnapped. andrea canning has been following this tale. and everybody was saying this must be a publicity stunt. >> reporter: we're not sure what this is, george. this is bizarre. the sheriff's office in virginia say they received numerous calls by michaele salahi over the last year. perhaps signs that the couple was having problems not captured by the reality cameras. tareq salahi said he was convinced his wife was in danger and he could do nothing about it. but the police say there's nothing for them to do in this case. they are perhaps the most infamous party-crashers in the world. >> mr. and mrs. salahi. >> reporter: slipping past secret service at the 2009 state dinner. the jaw-dropping antics only continued on "the real housewives of d.c. ." >> an alleged kidnapping plot, apparently unfolding into the tale of an unhappy wife, running off with the guitarist of the band journey. it all started tuesday with a desperate tweet. tareq salahi claiming his wife had been kidnapped. he said he had last seen michaele on sunday morning. she was getting her hair done but never showed up at the salon. he got a call from an oregon cell phone number. and she sounded peculiar. >> somebody was right there. something was wrong. i could tell. >> reporter: after waiting hours for her to return home, he reported her missing to police. >> she's trapped in a police where somebody's holding her. >> after midnight, or early this morning, my deputy spoke to her. and she was fine. ♪ just a small town girl >> reporter: then news that she does not kidnapped at all. but in memphis with this man, neil sean, seen here performing with his band, journey. ♪ don't stop believing >> reporter: the couple tweeted this photo of themselves backstage with the band. and sean just last week. >> hi. i'm sheer with neil sean of journey, the legendary rock star. >> reporter: and there's video posted on tmz. michaele and neil partying at her winery last year. >> she told me he was one of the loves of her life. >> reporter: diane dimond wrote a book about the couple. >> she told me she had enough. she was going to leave. >> reporter: the salahis have had very public financial problems. this weekend, their winery is being auctioned off at a bankruptcy sale. and there could be more problems for these people. the fbi is getting involved. doesn't appear that he was lying. but you never know. >> that would be a crime. let's bring in mr. salahi's lawy lawyer, david salyek. tell us how he's doing. and what happened here? >> well, first tareq is devastated. but he's relieved to know that michaele is safe and is okay. that was the first concern yesterday. i've known tareq and michaele for many years. and tareq and michaele are late for everything. when she didn't show up for several hours, tareq got concerned. and thus the call to county law enforcement. your slot mentioned there were numerous calls from the salahis to the sheriff's department. not one of them involved any domestic issue whatsoever. they had been about online threats that tareq and michaele had been receiving through facebook. >> that's why he thought she might have been kidnapped? >> yes. and there's an investigation going on recording threats they received online. >> you're confident there won't be a potential prosecution for filing false statements with the fbi? >> absolutely. i met with the fbi. they concluded the case. it was amazing to watch how fast the federal government could find someone in this country and put hands on them, eyes on them, and confirm their whereabouts. >> what's next for the salahis? >> well, that would be into an area of law that i will be conflicted out of possibly. >> how about personally? >> well, personally, it's time to pick up and move on. a domestic attorney and that's what people do. when this domestic situation arises. >> so, they're getting divorced? >> i think that's premature. >> okay. >> i believe, if there's an opportunity for reconciliation, that that's something they can and ought to explore. >> and is that what your client wants? >> i believe as of yesterday, he is so devastated, there's not a goal, other than trying to figure out what is going on at this time. >> okay. well, mr. silek, thanks for sharing that with us this morning. >> thank you. have a good day. it's time for the weather and sam. good morning, sam. >> hi. how are you this morning? >> how are you? >> i'm good. nice to see you. we're going to talk about weather this morning. the cold shot of air. in a year that's been extreme with the heat and the dry and the storms, in comes an extreme shot of cold air. these numbers in the northern part of the country are in the teens and 20s already. and the cold air drops to the south. this cold front will make it all the way down to the gulf coast. dallas, going to 79. you haven't been below 80 degrees since may. memphis at 71. chicago at 58. washington, d.c. at 75 degrees. here comes some cold rain, as well. so, this is about half inch of rain in midland/odessa, texas, yesterday. that's more rain than they had all year. and there's another opportunity in the red spot zones to get an inch or two inches of rain. in west texas, could pick up a light shower. the colder air, the big story in the middle of the country. cool temperatures. san francisco ab just a little look at the weather. the 7:0 edition. robin? >> george? >> wow. >> if you're late joining us, sam was not able to be with us the first half hour. >> we're so glad you're back. burt and ether are coming up. turn it on. power it up. ignite your youth gene now. introducing anew genics. an avon breakthrough, 10 years in the making. our first to use youth gene science. unleases your youth potential and helps undo up to 10 years from the look of skin. clarity and firmness...reborn. and wrinkles? transformed. the power is yours now. with anew genics, only from avon. visit to find a representative today. we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. it's 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. that's 1% cash back on oscar. ...tony. oscar! 2% back on whatever she'll eat. 3% back on filling up this baby. 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[ male announcer ] swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. we could use this story about now. let's face it. we've all struggled to hook up gadgets and computers. esther became a dy's watching. internet sensation, after accidentally recording themselves with their brand-new web cam. meet the new viral video superstars. >> i don't know if i'm recording. shucks. >> reporter: 89-year-old bruce, and 79-year-old esther huffman. >> maybe it recorded us. >> reporter: but the dynamic duo are recorded on their brand-new web cam. >> take a series of photos. did it capture? >> reporter: trying unsuccessfully to take a snapshot. >> why won't it take a picture? >> reporter: what it captured instead, is three minutes of funny faces. serenading. ♪ hello my darling >> reporter: laughing. and even some flirting. >> see how pretty your hair is? >> reporter: when esther tried to remember what her granddaughter had taught her. >> i tell her, there's too many things. she tries to teach me so much. >> reporter: bruce waited patiently. >> pardon me. >> reporter: ready for his close-up. >> i did it before by accident. >> you're like me. you do more things by accident than most people do on purpose. >> reporter: when their granddaughter discovered the video, she posted it on youtube, bringing delight to many. ♪ >> reporter: and instant fame to bruce and esther. >> i don't know how to do this. >> whatever you do, you do fine. >> uh-huh. >> you'll learn. it'll take time. and joining us now, bruce and esther huffman. i'll tell you what, just seeing the outtakes of you two preparing for the segment is hysteric in itself. tell us what life has been like now that you're an internet sensation? >> how is it like? i guess if 1.6 means we're a sensation, we accept it. how about you, esther? >> that's okay. yeah. >> okay. >> esther -- >> kind of like andy warhol. having our 15 minutes of fame. >> baby, you're getting the most out of this 15 minutes. and it's making us laugh. that's exactly what we need at this point. but, esther, did you know what youtube was? >> when we what? >> did you have any idea about youtube? when your granddaughter said she would post it on youtube with your blessing. >> i never used it before. >> i said something about, there's you and there's the tube. that's a youtube. that's all we knew. >> you know what? what you all were saying, which is so true, that we all, in this country, need a good laugh. and you all have been great sports about this, haven't you? and you've wanted to lift people's spirits, haven't you? >> amen. >> sure have. >> we like that. >> we're the happy house. >> you were doing a little flirting. you've been married about 7, 7 1/2 years. >> 92 months. >> almost 92 months, yeah. we celebrate every month because it's just something special. >> you were saying that your husband has been, you know, pretty popular around town, esther. >> yeah. >> so, what are folks there saying about you guys? >> i went down for -- pickup some lunch yesterday. and everybody was applauding. i thought, my goodness. i never -- >> i would like to say, i've had an avalanche of calls. i think i heard from my doctor and my -- somebody i owe money to. so far. >> and our ministers, too. >> the ministers called. >> i don't know if we're going to be excommunicated because of that part in the video that was a little risque. >> well, bruce and esther, thank you for lifting our spirits. bruce, you're quite a singer. why don't you serenade us as we say good-bye. ♪ blue skies smiling at me everybody. ♪ nothing but blue skies do we see blue birds ♪ ♪ singing a song nothing but blue skies ♪ ♪ all day long >> that's it. >> burt and esther huffman, ladies and gentlemen. you are delightful. have a wonderful, wonderful day. >> thank you very much. >> they are the happy huffmans. and they are the toast of minville, oregon. >> they are not getting excommunicated. they're happily married. >> thank you so the huffmans. coming up, hacked. the nude photos of hollywood's hottest stars leaked online. now, the fbi is involved. i love this time of year but my nose doesn't. it gets stuffed up and that means i stay up all night. good mornings? not likely! i've tried the pills, the sprays even some home remedies. then i tried something new. 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[ cheers and applause ] a lot of happy people out on military island this morning. playing a little michael jackson. there's a serious problem. people who look in the mirror too much. it's an obsession. they don't like what they see. but they can't stop doing it. we'll take a look at that coming up. >> that's coming up. and superdrink. we were just talking about this. why so many people are crazy for coconut water. our "gma" special contributor, melissa rycroft put it to the test, drank it for the first time. we're going to take you inside some of the most luxurious homes new york has to offer. we're on the trail of top realtors. really gorgeous spots. first, let's get some news from josh. >> we're spinning some tunes right there. terrific. we're going to begin with the number one issue in the country, jobs, this morning. house speaker john boehner is unveiling his plan to get americans back to work. it focuses on streamlining the tax code without tax increases and eliminating what he calls harmful regulations. boehner says there is common ground between his plan and the president's. but says president obama must be open to more republican ideas. and another partial shutdown of the faa is looming unless congress approves more funding before the end of the week. the procedural issue in the senate cannot be worked out, thousands of employees could be out of work. and the government could lose up to 30 million a day in uncollected taxes. meanwhile, those two american hikers held in iran for more than two years may have to wait just a bit longer for their freedom. there are new objections being raised inside iran today that could delay their release. abc's jim sciutto is watching developments in nearby oman. jim? >> reporter: josh, officials in iran this morning raising new objections to the hikers' release. and putting up new obstacles, including on the payment of the $1 million bail. there is enormous anticipation here in oman, where josh fattal and shane bauer are expected to make their first stop outside of iran. the omani government says they sent a plane to iran to take them to their freedom, just as it did one year ago today, when fellow hiker sara shourd was freed. this does not mean their release will not happen. it just shows how extremely delicate the situation is making it a reality. josh? >> jim sciutto on that. and new tests are being done on human remains to see if they are those of susan powell, the missing mother since 2009. the bones were found in the utah desert wednesday. her father says he doubts they are his daughter's. and racy photos of some of hollywood's hottest young stars are burning up the internet this morning. it looks as though dozens of celebrities have fallen victim to hackers who tapped into their cell phones and e-mail, while exposing a side of them not meant for the public eye. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: google scarlett johansson naked, and you'll now easily find two private pictures she apparently took of herself. the 26-year-old star appears to be the latest victim of a celebrity phone hacking scandal. >> attention hollywood. >> reporter: the hacker group posted in this anonymous notice on youtube. >> we do not forget. >> reporter: the list of celebrity victims according to tmz is as many as 50 people. among them, miley cyrus, demi lovato, and vanessa hudgens. the fbi is investigating a person or groups responsible. >> it may take the fbi a while to track this down. but they'll eventually get to it. and perhaps are maybe on the trail at this moment. >> reporter: the hackers posted four krascy photos yesterday. apparently from actress mila kunis' cell phone, including one of her "friends with benefits" co-star, justin timberlake, shirtless. >> if i haven't changed my password, i'd be doing that. >> reporter: computer security experts say hacking cell phones is a common enough crime. >> 10% of people globally experience some kind of cyber crime that involves their cell phone. >> reporter: but for these celebrities, private cell phone photos could cause public embarrassment. for "good morning america," david wright, abc news, hollywood. >> thank you, david. and some breaking news this morning. we're just getting images of a deadly fire aboard a cruise ship off the coast of norway. two people have been killed. four people remain missing. now, the ship owned by a norwegian company, did return to port. no word yet on what started the fire. but clouds of black smoke, as you can see, billowing out of the ship. rescue crews did evacuate everyone. it's unclear if americans are among the victims. we'll be following this story all morning long. meanwhile, here's diane sawyer with a preview of tonight's "world news." diane? >> good morning to you, josh. so, this is for everyone watching. if you want to make more money, want a better job, even in this economy, tonight, the most powerful woman at facebook has real strategies, real solutions, for you. and it's on "world news." hope you'll watch. finally, hard to imagine. this is cruel. you get your newspaper. you check your lottery numbers. and they match. and you don't get a red cent. it's what happened to a california woman. her numbers for the $54 million megamillions jackpot -- she matched the numbers, george. they matched. of course, she started to scream. >> what happened? >> and cry. her son thought she was having a -- she -- the paper had run the wrong numbers. >> oh. >> they ran a correction the next day. >> that doesn't help. >> it's gutting. what would you do? what would you do if you found out? >> i couldn't even -- >> exactly. >> thought she won the big one. >> she did. the numbers matched. for 24 hours, she was a multimillionaire. >> i would call bruce huffman and esther. that's who i would call. bruce and esther huffman. that's who i would call. what about you, lara? >> i would be devastated. "pop news" today. good news for "dirty dancing" fans. you can have the time of your life on facebook, with the "dirty dancing" themed online game. players can download songs from the soundtrack, choreograph dance routines. and so much more. so, why now? well, "dirty dancing's" facebook page is hugely popular, with almost 11 million fans and growing. as we reported, a remake of the 1987 classic is in the works. is it true? could it be true? cameron diaz and a-rod, are they done for good? after seeing them frolic in bathing suits and seeing them workout together, it is true. scottie is giving high-fives to everyone. scottie, please. the magazine has a source that quotes, she's busy with her career. he's had injuries and wants to focus on his game. they're dedicated professionals. now, he can focus on the playoffs with another newly single yankee, derek jeter. and not her, either. up next, it happens to all of us. you're out doing errands. and nature calls. no bathroom in sight. now, there's an app for that. it's an app called clue, a combination of words by community and lou. it sends them a message asking them if you can use their restroom. it's a clever idea. but many are saying get a clue. they're not letting strangers or acquaintances pop by to use their toilet. and that's what's happening in the world of "pop news." i know. i know. >> i would just, like, call a friend in the neighborhood, instead of paying for an app, perhaps. just perhaps. >> you know what? they just reminded me. i'm so excited about that one. i forgot about the cat. we've been teasing the cat. >> that's true. the lost cat. this is an adventurous cat named willow. she went missing from a boulder, colorado, home. she was found here in new york city. the family had given up hope. they thought she was long since killed by a wild animal. they were shocked when willow was walking around the streets of manhattan. they were reunited thanks to a microchip in willow. no one will ever know how she ended up 1,800 miles away from home. we do know she will make the return trip by plane. reunited and it feels so good. now, that really is the end of pop news. >> all right, lara. even sam said that, too when he saw willow for the first time. she's been sad, right, sam? >> i don't know much about willow's story. that cat did not walk. how do we say it politely? well-fed. where are you guys from? >> joplin, missouri. >> a town we were just in. how is joplin doing? >> really good. >> awesome. >> really well. >> things are looking better than when we were there. >> a lot better. and plenty of great spirits. it's incredible. >> we remember the folks there because they were amazing to us. let's get to the boards. one or two things to talk about. we're looking at raleigh. tvd is the station that tells us everything about raleigh. at 92 degrees today. then, dropping to maybe 60 degrees the next day. it is rare for you to lose 30 degrees in temperature that quickly. we're about to do it with this cold front. look at raleigh going down into the 60s. so will a lot of places on the eastern seaboard. boston, and d.c. and new york are on the warm side today. the cool air is going to drop you down for the weekend. that chilly air is coming >> and we're live in sometimes square. lara? >> thank you, sam. great crowd out there. here's a look at what we have coming up on the "gma morning menu." when looking in the mirror, you can't look away. you're obsessed with your appearance. and crazy for coconuts. every star is drinking up coconut water. is it really good for you or not? and hot property. inside some of new york's most exclusive digs. all that and more coming up on "gma." 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talk to your doctor... and go to for a free 30-capsule trial offer. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. these are our ocean spray sparkling juice drinks in cranberry and pomegranate blueberry. they have bubbles and come in these really cool cans. it's real fruit juice, crisp sparkling water, and no added sugar. comes in diet, too. it's refreshing, tasty -- the whole family will love it. you want one? i'll wait a bit. all right. mmm. refreshing. real juice. real bubbly. find it in the juice aisle. things like fresh fruit, fruit juices, have acids that can soften our enamel. once you've lost your enamel it's gone for good. pronamel iso-active is different, it's new, it's a toothpaste in a can. it starts off as a gel, transforms into a foam and actually surrounds your teeth and gets into all those nooks and crannies. dentists recommend pronamel. pronamel iso-active rehardens enamel and helps protect against the effects of acid erosion. . hours spent staring into the mirror wasn't mean -- some people are seeing monsters when they look in the mirror. and they're doing it for hours at a time. looking at eugene, several words come to mind. good-looking, handsome. a younger version of mario lopez or ralph macchio. but until recently, eugene saw anything but hollywood good looks when he studied himself in the mirror. what he saw, he says, was straight out of a horror film. >> i thought i was very, very ugly. if i looked at the mirror, i wouldn't be able to stop looking at myself. i was desperate to fix myself and hide something. i would stare for hours at times, when i couldn't tear myself away. >> reporter: eugene's self-loathing was so strong, he started missing school. first, a few days. then, weeks at a time. at his lowest, he attempted taking his life. in an attempt to look presentable, he showered up to five times a day. even purchased cosmetics to mask his nose. he hated all of it. his eyes. >> they're too small. >> reporter: his nose. >> my nose was way too wide. >> reporter: his skin. >> my skin was sagging. i had wrinkles. i thought about getting botox. >> reporter: what eugene suffers from is body dismosquic disorder, or bdd, a person who doesn't see what the rest of us see awhen he or she looks in th mirror. >> when bdd is severe, it can ruin a person's life. people with this disorder think they're so ugly, they just don't want to leave the house. i've seen people with bdd who have not left their house in five or six years. >> reporter: it's believed as many as 5 million americans are affected by the condition, which begs the question, if bdd is so widespread, why isn't it a household name? according to bdd expert, dr. katherine phillips, it's because of the shame associated with the condition. >> it's a very secret disorder. many people with body dismosquic disorder, are worried people are going to think share vain. and the reality is, bdd is not vanity. >> reporter: chronic signs is the urge to look in the mirror all the time. the urge to change clothings multiple times a day. and an addiction totic procedures. it's believed several celebrities have suffered from the condition, including pop icon, michael jackson, though it's never been verified. heather davis says being teased pushed her from being self-conscious into the harrowing world of bdd. what began for concern for her skin turned into an obsession. with heather unable to turn away from the mirror. sometimes she stared for five hours in a single day. >> it affects your family, your friends, because they really don't know what's going on. you know? i didn't go out. didn't really socialize. it was like i was locked inside my body. >> reporter: then, came paranoia. >> reporte >> if i had a small flaw or anything out of the ordinary on my face, it would look gigantic to me. if i went to the mall or anywhere, it would seem like everyone was looking at it and focusing in on me. >> reporter: a diagnosis of body dismo dismorphic disease. at 36, she has a boyfriend. a job and a circle of friends. but bdd, she says, remains a dark cloud, always looming. >> some days, i do have bad days, where i think i look terrible. i don't want to really leave the house. but i do. that's the difference now. >> reporter: there is no cure for bdd. but researchers say with proper diagnosis and treatment, bdd patients can live normal, productive lives. as for eugene, after being diagnosed last year, he says he's beginning to feel better. he's in treatment, applying to colleges and says, at last, he's ready to take on the world. one step, and one mirror at a time. >> i'm going out more. talking to friends. before, i was 95% convinced i'm hideous. now, i'm 45% sure i'm hideous. and eventually, maybe that will become zero. >> we hope so. and researchers are learning more and more about body dismorphic disorder. and one thing they believe, is the earlier it's caught, the better the prognosis. parents are encouraged to be watching if they're children are obsessed with their looks. robin? >> thank you, lara. coconut water is one of the hottest products on the market right now. it's being touted as a natural alternative to sports drinks. "gma" special correspondent, melissa rycroft, hit the streets and the gym to investigate the coconut craze. you got in a little yoga, too, didn't you, melissa? >> just a little bit. hi, robin. coconut water is being described as the natural way to rehydrate after a workout. and it's becoming increasingly popular. but are the health benefits worth the hype? ♪ coconut water >> reporter: once only found in in tropical paradise, coconut water is now a worldwide sensation. low in calories and sugar. and great for hydration. it's the hot, new drink of choice. this woman drinks up to a liter a day. >> it's just refreshing. it's not too sweet. just really good. >> reporter: celebrities have been seen with the drink. even madonna has invested in cocoa. rihanna is the product's fresh, new face. but is it cracked up to what it's meant to be? you might want to look at the labels. take this 17-ounce vita coco drink. if you drink 4 of them a day, it's 360 calories. and some of the waters have fruit juice mixed in, which can add 10 to 30 calories a drink. >> something to be aware of, if you're watching your weight. >> reporter: don't be fooled by serving side. this can says it's 76 calories. but the can is two servings. that's 152 calories for the whole can. finally, if you're a hard-core athlete, you might be better off rehydrating with a sports drink. coconut water is low in carbohydrates and sodium, which is essential after intense training. but there's a lot of fans and a lot of money spent, in what's a multimillion dollar industry. boasting $350 million in sales. the water is particularly popular with health nuts. >> got my coconut water. >> reporter: some call it natural gatorade. >> coconut water has electrolytes. has sodium, potassium and magnesium, which help replenish the body and refill hydration. you will see coconut water in a lot of trendy type of areas. with yoga, sports. >> reporter: in fact, some conscious yoga studios, from new york to l.a., are getting in on the action. l.a.'s bikram gym downtown, has been selling it for years. >> we got 17 in today. and in three days, all of the cases will be gone. >> reporter: the hydration properties are important because bikram yoga is done in 105-degree heat. this is my first hot yoga class and my first time trying coconut water. cheers. and it wasn't exactly what i was expecting. it's different. maybe it takes a few times before -- it tastes like coconut, though. it's not the taste that keeps sara drinking from the nut. >> i like to go out and drink. so, it helps me when i have hangover. and also good for skin, digestion and all that. >> reporter: today, her fridge is stocked full of coconut water. a $28 a week habit. but will this trend continue? i guess we'll see. but vita coco had a statement. it's an ideal beverage for consumers with an active lifestyle seeking natural hydration. while we know our consumers drink our product regularly, moderation is important. and we recommend no more than two to three 8.5-ounce servings per day. i do have to say, taste, probably not my favorite. i think it has to grow on you. but i'm anxious. i think you guys have some of the coconut water in your office over there. i'd like to see what you guys think of it. >> did you have it? i like it with a little pineapple in it. i don't know if you tried that. >> here we go. a little pineapple. >> i didn't know that was an option. >> it is. >> the first time i tried it. >> really? >> bottoms up. >> i drink a lot of it. but i like it. >> it's good for hydration. >> what else is good for hydration. >> i like that. >> you should try the pineapple. >> we could drink water for hydration. >> yeah. i do that bikram yoga. and everybody at the studio does use it. >> big on the tennis courts. >> i really didn't. >> i'm a fan. i like it with pineapple. i use it after the gym. >> melissa, you had pulp in yours? >> well, the one i got had pulp in it, which might have been the shock value when i tasted it. but i'm willing to keep trying. a lot of people swear by it. >> all right. thanks, melissa. have a great day. let us know what you think at home. cheers, everybody. >> cheers, robin. we'll go to a behind-the-scenes look at jennifer lopez's new video. next. my skin, and i dare you... i dare you to look as good as i do. >> announcer: you get now maryland's most powerful doppler ray dan and forecast certified most being a ret by weatherra. it's going to be an interesting day. highs going to this morning because maryland's most powerful doppler highlighting showers popping up carroll county and southern p.a. and to the west. thunder and lightning with the storms. and that's the cold front. it will come swinging through and may not look that impressive and may not be the impressive of an impact of storms but they mean business. temperatures starting to fall off. the 72 this morning in easton. 69 baltimore and 50s western maryland and three more where that came from a midday high of 74. and showers some strong storms and falling through the 60s this afternoon. bottoming out with clear skies tonight in the 40s in many spots. let's check on traffic with tanya. >> reporter: an accident reported 95 southbound at odome. let's look at the live traffic camera starting out on the beltway at frederick road we have stop and go traffic here. it will start the slowdown near rifterstown and we have slow traffic top side of the beltway at harford road. it will be slow from bel air road to charles street. jfx is slow southbound. now here's sherrie johnson with the news. thanks. today the base realignment and closure process officially closes. two ceremonies will be held this morning at aberdeen proving ground and takes place at 8:30 and there will be a salute to 7200 employees arriving in harford county. we will have full coverage the event with the jeff hager starting at 5 p.m. today. and today first lady michelle obama takes her lets move campaign to hyattsville and will make an announcement to providing healthier choice and greater varieties for families in restaurants. and a weatherupdate in 30 minute. now back to new york for "good morning america. have a great day. [ female announcer ] this is trish. trish uses aetna's personal health record to track her kids' immunizations, get lab results, see her family medical history, and when she's at the doctor's office, she uses it to remember what to ask before she leaves. it helps trish keep everyone in her clan healthy. even on the go. see for yourself, ♪ aetna. know more. get better. ♪ baby, baby move your legs ♪ ♪ dance your body that's a sneak peek behind the scenes at jennifer lopez's brand-new music video. it's the third single from her hot, new record. you can see the world premiere of the video tomorrow. only on "gma." >> that was good. also, oh, boy. it is the end of an era. after 41 years, heartbreak, marriage's medical mysteries, "all my children," going off the air. our friend, cameron mathison, will take us on a tour of pine valley, the hometown. >> just hearing the theme song. >> we grew up with it. >> we did. we did. >> i have to get outside. follow me, everybody. here we go. we like to use the new studio, that we are on the first floor with our people. come on out. follow me. heading over to see our friend, emeril lagasse. he is here joining us in the middle of times square. hi, guys. and we're going to make some dishes, fantastic for fall. all one pot. the man himself. >> my friend. >> i made it. i think i burned calories. >> that's a good thing. >> coming up. george? >> thank you, lara. now, new york is filled with multimillion-dollar penthouses with amazing views and incredible mansions. and this woman and her two daughters spend days and nights selling them. they bring us into a reality tv show a world of high-end real estate. and bianna golodryga has their story. and they have a novel about it, as well. >> reporter: a new novel, as well. george, you come from a clos close-knit family. the mom and daughters are spit fires. they are starring if their own reality tv show. it's a modern twist of "lifestyles of the rich and famous" meets all in the family." wait until you see the homes they sell. >> open your eyes. >> wow. >> reporter: they are real estate's hottest and fiercest dynamic trio. these ladies have managed to take selling new york city's most exclusive properties the the next level. >> hello. >> reporter: selling new york has transformed real estate reality tv. their show is one of hgtv's highest rated and most-watched programs. >> there are celebrities that have lived here. >> reporter: they have a slew of celebrity clients. from amy poehler, to richard gere and john travolta. but it's more than their star-infused roster that makes the show such a smashing success. perhaps it's the dynamics between these two daughters and their mother that has your eyes glued. or maybe it's just the jaw-dropping, surreal apartments they take you into. >> there's so much competition in the industry. what is it you guys have combined that makes it work? >> first of all, we work 24/7. i think three heads together are very good. i was successful without them. but they brought me to another level. >> reporter: there is that saying that business and family don't mix. you make it work. >> for us, more is more. the more we're together, the better it is. >> exactly. we spend the entire day together. we often have dinner together. and we put our kids to sleep and ear on a conference call. >> reporter: it takes two minutes within meeting them to learn how inseparable they are. we spent the day with them when they showed us new york's hottest properties. ranging from $4 million, to 24 million bucks. but it didn't all start off tailoring to the uber rich. it took years for mom michelle pryor to get here, including writing letters to warren beatty, convinced that she could find him his dream apartment. >> he called up. hi, it's warren beatty. i worked with him. that's what started me with celebrities. it was great. >> reporter: according to them, the key is treating them like normal people. the apartments they sell are ones you can only dream of owning. first, they brought us to the famed time warner building. the building itself is known around town as a celeb magnet. robin williams, jay-z, kelly ripa, all boast having homes here. >> this is the definition of a wow apartment. this is what sells an apartment the second you walk in the door. >> reporter: she is talk about the views. full view of central park on one side. and on the other -- >> the west views, all the way to the river, all the way to new jersey, if you want to look at new jersey. >> reporter: next on the list, the ladies took us downtown to the soho mews, where justin timberlake has taken over the penthouse. but the ultimate question remains. is it really possible for three strong-willed women to work together without conflict or catfights? this sounds too good to be true. are there any catfights? screaming matches? arguments? nothing? >> that's family. >> at the end of the day, if a huge deal falls apart, none of it matters. >> it's really about the family. >> reporter: as you can tell, the women were completing each other's sentences. they really are close. and the mom said she pushes her daughters to do other things, to do work. and come in to join the real estate industry if they wanted to do that. that's what they say. yeah. >> okay. we have seven house-hunting tips to get the most for your money on real estate. now, let's get the weather from sam. >> good morning, george. i was just talking to emeril. but i'll never be able to do it the way he did it. when he says what he has, one-pot wonders. you know it's good. >> we're kicking off fall. >> we are. tonight, it gets chilly. i want to take just a second. tina and tommy, where are you guys from? >> asheville, north carolina. >> let's get a close-up on these two. they've been married 25 years. i don't believe that's true. you both look 25 years old. congratulations on the wedding, too. the long 25 years.years. good 25 years. let's get to the boards. one or two things we want to talk about. we will show you our twitter pictures to give you something to smile about. oklahoma city, a gorgeous shot. let's look at the boards. where the heat and humidity is getting shoved to with the cold front. from raleigh, to savannah, to tallahassee, to miami. those are the warmest temperatures on the board. and texas has gotten or will get relief with the cold front. i'm sorry seattle and portland. it's been ice weather. but in brings a system of cool weathe >> all that weather was brought to you by pronael. stay tuned. we'll be here with a big announcement for all you fanger. ♪ i came to ask if you needed any help. >> that is our cameron mathison, his screen test for "all my children," back in 1997. that's why he had to take the shirt off. it was 1970, that abc premiered "all my children," the groundbreaking soap opera, that is going off the air next week after 41 years. cam is in l.a. to take a look back and behind the scenes. looking forward to this, cam. thanks. >> hey, robin. even in my screen test they had my shairt off. it wasn't a good sign of things to come. for years, "all my children" was one of the top-rated soaps. and it was one of the first to address social issues like birth control and abortion. for me, it played a huge role in my life for 14 years. >> four. two. two. ♪ >> want to make sure we stay in touch. >> of course, we will stay in touch. >> reporter: breaking up is hard to do. after 41 years of affairs and engagements, weddings and births. you can't live in pine valley without spending some time in the hospital. we're all in here all the time. >> isn't he beautiful? >> reporter: susan lucci watched nearly 1,000 characters come and go since 1970, when she first got hired as erica kane. she was 23. >> i want to be special. and i'm going to be. >> i love acting. it's a fresh script every day. i love playing this part. >> you're a sociopath. >> reporter: before they were stars, sarah michelle gellar. josh demille. oscar winner, melissa leo, christian slater, they all worked on "all my children." >> i still feel safer with you. >> what do you give the man who has everything? >> reporter: after kelly ripa married mark consuelos, they left the soap and she joined regis philbin. >> "all my children" is responsible for everything in my life. it was my first real professional acting job. i loved it. >> don't trash me the way you did my mom. >> reporter: this is chandler mansion. glamorous parlor entrances. they go nowhere. >> five, four, three, two, one. >> reporter: famous fans were delighted to be invited on "all my children." >> i knew your mother. >> i saw you once. >> thank you. it's so nice to hear. >> are you ready to hit the big apple and work as an actor? >> that's my plan, yes. >> reporter: this was my screen test, 14 years ago. >> there's nowhere to go but crazy. >> reporter: since the beginning, "all my children" attracted viewers by addressing social issues. >> they changed with the times, which is very good. ♪ >> i'm gay. >> you don't get aids from being with a friend. >> you see who i really am. >> reporter: but tv viewing habits have changed. >> i stopped watching "all my children" because i have to work. >> and there is also 900 channels now. there used to be three. >> reporter: when the news broke that "all my children" was going to be canceled because of low rates and high costs, the soap opera world was stunned. i really imagined in one way, kind of growing old here. >> is this hiding something? there might be other patients. >> from the moment it was announced we were canceled, everyone has been very professional. >> we're postponing the heavy emotion. in the weeks of it getting closer, it's becoming a reality. >> i am very sad. i have so many great memories. >> i feel wonderful, all the way around. >> i'll miss you. you're prettier than i am. >> no. that's not true. >> reporter: this place was definitely my home away from home. my last few moments in the penthouse. i said if i got kicked out of my house, i'd come and live here. i'll miss it. i'd take it in a heartbeat if we could continue. and now, i have been given permission to announce that i and others from "all my children" have been approached by the company, prospect park, who bought "amc" with the intention to move it online. just as soaps, we're pivotal in the transition from radio, to television. we'll be right in the thick of things again in the transition from television to the internet. exciting news. >> wow. and a lot of you have signed on to do this, cam? >> we're getting close. things are coming together. there's a few more "is" to be dotted. but it's looking good. for the fans of "all my children," it's exciting for us. and hopefully for them, as well. >> a longtime fan i have been. happy to hear about that. i love your line. there's no place to know but crazy. what a great line you had in your screen test there, cam. thanks for sharing with that. >> thank you. i wish it was an ad-lib. >> love you guys. you can go to our website to see photos of some of the biggest stars who got their start on "all my children." coming up next, emeril is cooking fall classics. it's refined my pores, it's ♪ hey good-looking what you got cooking ♪ i'm here in times square. and always a good day when emeril is here. you are so beautiful because we know we're going to eat well. and i want to start, really quickly, before we get to that. asking you about your new show. >> brand-new show. "emeril's table." >> and it's all walks of life, right? >> all walks of life. it's the hottest reservation on television, daytime. >> really? >> we have five seats at the bar, who share my cooking adventure. >> i'm sure they share it quick. your adventures are highly entertaining. >> and these are the recipes from the show. >> these are fantastic for me, as a mom and for the viewers. one-pot wonders. >> i rendered some bacon. we're going to start with chicken thighs. very economical. and i'm going to give folks a tip at home. if you buy them with the skin on, as opposed to buying them with the skin off, you save. we're going to start with all-spice. pepper. salt. you take that whisk and whisk the spices. >> okay. >> what you want to do is you want to season the chicken. >> just sprinkle? >> sprinkle it on. >> okay. >> really good. >> i know you. you don't play. >> what we're going to do, skin side down, make sure that's patted dry. we're going right into rendered bacon. and we're going to start browning this. so, now, once this starts to brown, okay, what we're going to do -- after it browns, we take the chicken out. now, what we're going to do, we're going to add onions. we're going to add fennel, which is cut up. cooking apples. granny smith, all the apples just starting to come into the marketplace right now. and, lara, if you can sprinkle that fennel seed. >> a lot or a little? >> a good pinch will do. >> i agree. >> once this cooks down, what we're going to do is start to glaze it with a little bit of apple jack or apple brandy. if you have an open flame, be sure to be careful. it will flame up if you're using an apple jack or apple brandy. once that begins to app, what we're going to do is add the cabbage into this. it starts with a lot. but then, it cooks down. we're going to reseason this. and the browned chicken, you see this right here? that's what it looks like when it's cooked down. now, what we're going to do is add the chicken in here. and add some of the cabbage and apple mixture over it. and one of the greatest things, apple cider. you take apple cider. a good couple of cups of it. >> doesn't that make it too sweet? >> no. what it is, this is real, pure, apple cider. cook it down. it gets nice and tender. it's delicious. hey, george. how are you doing, my man? >> the gang is quiet. >> the gang is quiet. >> the cabbage is delicious, emeril. >> thank you. another recipe we have, tortilla soup. i love tortilla soup. use the chicken. shred the chicken meat in there. warm tortillas. really inexpensive. you want something really good for you. that's what josh went for. chickpeas, sweet potatoes and kale. it's kind of like a stew. >> and all this, in one pot. >> one pot. yep. >> tell me about that. >> you take sweet potatoes. and you can pot boil them or cook them. then add kale. then add chickpeas. i used a canned chickpea. drain it real good. and let it cook down. >> this is the meal? >> those are the beans, sam. and the sweet potatoes. and the kale, it's really fantastic. >> complex carbohydrates. it really works. >> absolutely. and you know where to get the recipes. >> at "gma" -- >> slash, recipes. >> fall is here. we have a meal like this. fall is here. >> it's going to get cold tonight. >> emeril, thank you so much. it's really, really good. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] keurig brews more than just hot coffee. now you can brew over ice for delicious iced coffee or tea. hot or cold, keurig is the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. these are braet. the apples. >> i'll tell you right now. i'm going to talk more about that in the future. dehydrating your own chips, fruit chips, vegetable chips, is going to be the big, big trend this fall. >> very crunchy. >> right on our chicken dishes. >> you can hear about it this fall. emer emeril, thanks very much. have a great day, everyone. now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified mostable rit by weatherate -- most accurate by weatherate. we look at wide view to get a perspective of what's happening in the next couple days. 69 in baltimore latest number but look at the quick drop to the 50s and 40s. and then widespread 30s across the great lakes. in fact, 36 from green bay and pales in comparison to the 20 up towards international falls and that's the first signal of the coldest of the cold air out of canada and it modifies by the time it reaches us and that's the case this time. we are watching a impressive system sitting and spinning across eastern canada producing snow in ontario but it's this batch of rain sliding through new england and new york and pennsylvania and breaks up to the south side but that's the frontal boundary that means business. next to a push of cold air slides through over the weekend and passing to the north but at least we get a chance to tap into the much cooler weather and that's guarantee the slide in our direction today. in the process, after starting off mild we build up midday showers early afternoon and it may break up around baltimore and resurge on the delmarva behind it leftover clouds and finally break up and we will see falling temperatures and we will feel the falling temperatures this afternoon. and clear skies overnight and daybreak tomorrow temperatures into the 40s and especially inland downtown annapolis by the bay and insulating effects from the chesapeake may keep them into the 50s. but definite lay noticeable change in temperatures and high clouds mixing back in late friday and we could be mixing in the clouds on saturday with the cooler temperatures actually making you feel cooler. 74 today. sharp contrast to the warm 88 yesterday. some showers and midday storms early afternoon then we slide through the 60s and bottom out at 46 overnight and highs tomorrow and saturday in the 60s.

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