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>> look for the stickers on the cantaloupes. ask if they are from indiana. very interesting. such a dry summer, so many crops are suffering and there was a bumper crop of cantaloupes. you can't win for losing. >> one of the ways to prevent it is to wash the layer of skin. >> the outside layer. >> yeah, the outside layer, because it's so porous, it's a haven for the bacteria to stick. but one expert said it's almost impossible for consumers to adequately wash cantaloupes at home, because what's happening is when you cut it, the knife is transferring the bacteria right into the meat of the melon. so not good for the cantaloupe industry right now. more than 250,000 suvs made by gm are being recalled because of a fire risk. chemicals used to clear ice from roads could cause power windows to lock. anyone hitting the road is familiar with that pumped up feeling as in prices pumping up. the average gallon is three cents higher than it was last week. it's 27 cents up from last month. the reason why, from abc's ron claiborne. >> reporter: some states are seeing record spikes in the price at the pump. in california, an average of $4.10 a gallon. up 27 cents in just two weeks. in oregon, the price of a gallon up 29 cents. it is the peak summer driving season. but that alone doesn't account for what's happening. added to the mix, refinery problems and aging pipelines breaking down. high ethanol prices and tensions in the middle east. >> even if you're not living in the great lakes or west coast, you're seeing rising prices. >> reporter: with one eye on the pump and the other on the political calendar, the obama administration says the option of the release of oil from the strategic reserve is on the table. so what can you do to soften the blow of skyrocketing gas prices other than driving slower or less, not much right now. >> i don't think we're driving as much and doing a much. >> reporter: but things should get better soon. experts say the gas prices should come down in the next two or three weeks because in mid september, production begins to switch over from the higher priced summer blend of gas to the lower priced winter blend. that's when motorists should see the prices begin to recede at the gas pump. ron claiborne, abc news, new york. >> you've got your regular blend, your dark blend. >> it's like coffee. the dark roast, please. >> are we going to starbucks or the gas station here? but the summer blend fights air pollution. these gas prices, these stories that we do, i kind of find -- i don't want to say ludicrous, but i did a story in july, it was that holiday week of july fourth and gas prices were going down. we were anticipating another 50 cent reduction by the time halloween hit. >> how different it changes, right? >> it's impossible to get a true read on this. >> it's quite an inexact science. >> there's a lot of apps that you can download to tell you the cheapest gas in your area. as we came on the area, diana nyad was said to be looking good according to her twitter feed. >> she's attempting to swim 103 miles from cuba to the florida keys. they say she's comfortable, confident and steady in the water. >> she had suffered four jellyfish stings last night, but is enjoying calm seas and little wind. >> she said today is more like swimming. last night was like survival. you mentioned the stings. multiple on her lips, forehead, neck, some of them from the box jellyfish. no, thank you. >> and those waters are shark infested. she's a tough lady. we're sitting here reading the news. she's out there right now dealing with it. good luck to her. coming up, the florida teacher who used hot sauce as a discipline. a strange twist from the courtroom to the classroom. >> guess you can't say, hot for teacher, right? and a remarkable voyage for the country's oldest warship. you're watching "world news now." [ male announcer ] we did a febreze experiment with the azerbaijani wrestling team. ♪ can febreze air effects defeat the smelly air in their gym for good? [ man ] what can you smell? [ inhales deeply ] a lot of flowers. it's on the zingy side of floral. potpourri factory, maybe. you can take off your blindfolds now. oh my gosh. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] success. victory over odors, for good, both here and in your home. febreze. breathe happy. victory over odors, for good, both here and in your home. hey, i got a leak ! yoo hoo ! wait a minute, come back ! um, miss ? up here! right. like 85% of us, you have hard water stains and that cleaner's gonna cut it. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. because lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must. >>former marine was taken into custody by the fbi over comments he made on his cebook page. his posts include, the revolution is about to start. another says, sharpen up my ax. i'm here to sever heads. he posted messages saying the u.s. government was responsible for 9/11. >> why do you think he would make those kind of comments? >> because nobody es would and this country needs a hero. >> reporter: do you think those comments were the right way to go about it? >> absolutely. >> his friends claim they're not getting information on his condition. an orlando teach could soon. she was fired over allegations she poured hot sauce on crayons and made an autistic student eat it. she admits dousing it, but did it to prevent the child from eating it. >> i think she made a bad judgment in the way she went about it, but her purpose was good. >> that's ridiculous. maybe she shouldn't work with children, find another career. >> a judge has now issued an order recommending the district reinstate her job. she could be back in the classroom in a matter of weeks. >> that's remarkable. the school spent more than $50,000 in attorney fees litigate thing case. >> san alaska mother of six was found guilty of child abuse because she forced her son to drink hot sauce and take cold showers. >> clearly the woman had a very tough job, but yeah, it just doesn't seem like the right way to handle a tough job, right? >> you can see she wants to prevent the child from eating the crayons. just remove them from the situation. >> that might be a good idea. coming up, details from hollywood about the well known director from the movie "top gun." >> and nbc, the peacock goes into damage control over comments made on the "today" show. we have the reaction next in the skinny. ♪ we began on a sad and tragic note. the director of "top gun" and several other movies, "beverly hills cop ii," tony scott took his own life, according to the daily breeze. he climbed the fence on the south side and jumped off without hesitation around 12:30 p.m. on sunday. the newspaper reported he left a suicide note inside his black toyota which was parked on the bridge's east bound lanes. again, this happened in san pedro, california. one of our producers, jack sheehan, had something to say about him. may were a premiere sponsor for the fireflies tour, which raised tons of money for leukemia research. but tony scott taking his own life sunday afternoon out in california. >> let's talk about nbc. they appear to be still in damage control about the quip that won't go away that came out last weekend. if you didn't see it real quick, matt lauer was on the broadcast referring to an olympic rowing tradition, and al roker weighed in himself. take a listen. >> the tradition here in new york is you throw her in the hudson river. congratulations. >> thank you. >> great to see you here in new york. >> which is different than our tradition which is throw one of us under the bus. >> mr. roker! >> mr. roker. it sounds very plausible, but according to an nbc spesperson, she insists that had nothing to do with ann curry. she noted that the phrase is frequently used. they check tapes and found the expression "thrown under the bus" was used 27 times in the last two years. nbc is clearly concerned about the fallout and in another not so pleasant reference to this, apparently there's been a backlash against matt lauer. apparently some of the producers of the show hate matt lauer. this is a quote. there are several producers that have been with the "today" show over ten years and matt lauer is now hated by them because they feel he's responsible for ann curry being fired. matt has been known to act like a real diva. so stay tuned on this one. >> all of us are dysfunctional. all of us networks are disfunctional. hope solo, who is the goalie for the u.s. women's national team is making some egregious claims against max from "dancing with the stars." she's saying he was physically and verbally aggressive, off nasty, swearing at me and being critical. he manhandled me, and she said, at one point he left a red hand print on her stomach because he slapped her so hard. >> he says it's ridiculous. >> all right. thanks for joining us. but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare 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oldest warship. >> the "uss constitution" set sail to commemorate her victory during the war of 1812. >> reporter: for only the second time in 113 years, the "uss constitution" set sail under her open power. the world's oldest commissioned warship still afloat was tugged from boston harbor towards open water. watched by thousands on shore and aboard pleasure craft. some 200 sailors helped unfurl the three huge sails. the winds had to be perfect. at least 5 miles per hour, but less than 15 so that the hull would not be stressed too much. the commander has been working with the crew for a year and a half, focusing the straining onseting the historic sails. >> the ship is in remarkable condition. she's almost 215 years old, so you don't take anything slightly. >> reporter: what makes the voyage more remarkable, here in new york city, this ship is 100 years longer but can no longer sail because it's in such bad condition. tourists aren't allowed on board. it's where the ship got its famous nickname when an 18-pound cannon ball bounced off its sides, causing a sailor to shout -- >> captain, the sides are made of iron. >> reporter: old ironsides was tugged back to its berth in boston harbor where officials hope tourists can enjoy it for another 100 years. >> oh, my word. >> love that stuff. >> it was first launched in 1797. quick math? >> old. >> 250 years. >> check it out, it's the love boat. i look like i'm swabbing the debt with that outfit on. >> we need to sail to treasure island. sail away. >> fantasy island would be better. >> thanks for joining us, everybody. this morning on "world news now," your voice, your vote. the presidential campaign's fight over medicare and how it's dividing voters. >> with the latest polls showing president obama and mitt romney neck and neck, could be a make or break issue. it's monday, august 20th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." good monday morning. i'm paula farris. only four days until friday. >> four days and counting. >> rob is coming back from paris tomorrow. >> rested and raring to go. >> but it's been great to have you here. >> great to be here. i am john muller. we begin with politics. a skinny dipping scandal involving republicans and a missouri lawmaker who made controversial comments about abortion and rape. >> and the man who got him stuck in that deep hole out in the middle of nowhere. how a lost shoe led to this strange ordeal and who happened to hear his calls for help. later this half hour, unwelcome visitors in your home. if you've had mice or bugs move in, it could be worse. this home was overrun by baboons. >> not cockroaches, not nice >> baboons. and the homeowner had a solution. we'll tell you about that. >> they're just taking over in the kitchen there. but first, the next major event in the race to the white house begins one week from today. it's the republican national convention. >> getting all ready in tampa where they'll nominate the romney-ryan ticket and there's word ant who will get the party going. david curly has more. >> reporter: republican sources tell abc news that they're planning to open their convention in tampa with mitt romney's partner, his wife, ann romney, who has been taking the mike more often. >> we're not going to take it anymore. we're taking the white house back. >> reporter: ann romney was with her husband sunday as they attended church in new hampshire. the current resident of the white house walked to church with his family. while they were all praying, thei surrogates were talking about one thing -- >> medicare. >> medicare. >> medicare. >> reporter: why so much chatter about medicare before the convention? because for the first time in a long time, republicans have a hammer. the president's plan to use $700 billion from medicare to help pay for health care reform. there was ryan with his mom in front of florida seniors. >> medicare should not be used as a piggy bank for obama care. medicare should be the promise that is made to our current seniors, period, end of story. >> reporter: many democrats and even some republicans have questioned this strategy. why concentrate on medicare? the president seems to have an answer. >> i guess they figure the best defense is to try to go on offense. >> reporter: they do. and romney's top spokesman thinks it's working. >> this is the first election cycle i can remember in a long time where democrats are on the defensive because of medicare. >> reporter: going on offense, attempting to neutralize concerns about paul ryan, all before the convention a little more than a week away. >> they want to go there their toes and then pivot from that offense onto the broader argument, which is this is a referendum on president obama's handling of the economy. >> reporter: romney's week before the convention includes a stop in new orleans. the president is back on the trail, as well. stops midweek in ohio and nevada. expect to hear that word again, medicare. david curly, abc news, the white house. >> the president said it best. the best defense is a good offense and that's really what the republicans are doing. >> the republicans turned it right around and have gone on the offensive. i think they're almost shell shocked. wait a minute, that was our argument. >> ann romney will open up the republican national convention. then the democratic national convention is going to be at bank of america stadium, home to the carolina panthers. some names are coming out as to who will be speaking. rahm emanuel, the chicago mayor, former white house chief of staff. hearing senator john kerry will be there, as well. and a guy they're calling the latino obama, san antonio mayor julian castro will deliver the keynote address on tuesday, the first day of the convention. >> and looking forward to governor chris christie's speech. he says he's raring to go. i betcha it's going to be theater, for sure. >> even if you're not a fan of him, i think there's going to be an entertainment factor there. >> it's going to be good. we have learned that the fbi investigated an incident involving some republican congressmen while on a trip to israel last summer. more than 20 people took part in a late-night swim in the sea of galilee. one member of the group swam in the nude, in his birthday suit. most had been drinking. several said they did it because of the religious significance. the fbi found no wrong doing, but eric cantor had harsh words for the group the next morning. >> i have no problem with under the cover of darkness disrobing and swimming in the sea. i don't think it's really all that -- i was trying to act like william shatner. i really have no problem with it. unless they were carrying on and acting like frat boys. the fact that they were naked in the water at night -- >> not all of them were naked. >> one guy apparently. >> he says a year ago my wife brook and i joined colleagues and after dinner, we entered a very brief dive into the sea and regrettably i jumped in without a swimsuit. here we go. some comments about abortion from a mississippi congressman causing some outrage this morning. republican representative todd akin is running for senate. he was asked about abortion. yesterday during an interview on a st. louis television station, he had this to say. >> if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down. but let's assume maybe that didn't work or something. i think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist. >> okay. afterward, he admitted that he misspoke there and expressed empathy for rape victims but did not retreat from his stance. the first lady will be in suburb milwaukee today to meet with family members of those killed and wounded in the temple shooting. the son of the slain temple president has a message. he wants mrs. obama to share it with the president. >> don't call them the broader community in america or the broader family. they are the american family. and maybe she can carry that message home to him and he comes back and says, okay, i understand now. >> other members of the sikh temple say they hope the first lady spreads the word they are a harmless and nonviolent community. in china, a woman who confessed to murdering an english businessman has been sentenced to death, but percent ten -- her sentence was suspended. they say she killed the man when he threatened her son over a business dispute. also, several took to the spreet angered by a territorial dispute with japan. china and japan claim a group of islands surrounded by rich fishing grounds. the obama administration is staying out of the situation involving wiki leaks founder julian assange. he's holed up in the embassy in london. >> reporter: breaking his silence for the first time in two months -- >> i am here today because i cannot be there with you today. >> reporter: julian assange spoke from the balcony of the ecuadorian embassy where he sought refuge for extradition. >> thank you for your resolve. >> reporter: in a speech, he thanked ecuador's president for granting him political asylum and launched into a diatribe against the united states and the investigation into secrets made public by his website. >> i ask president obama to do the right thing. the united states must renounce its witch hunt against wiki leaks. >> reporter: and then a message about bradley manning, the u.s. soldier accused of leaking classified documents to assange's organization. >> reporter: if bradley manning did as he is accused, he is a hero. >> reporter: he made no mention of the sex crimes allegation, something he's always denied. even though he has diplomatic immunity when he's in the embassy, british authorities say they'll arrest him if he tries to escape. and as one official put it, assange can hide but he can't run. in northern california, thousands of people rushed to evacuate their homes ahead of raging wildfires there. a thousand firefighters are battling the blaze. this is one of several across the state that was largely sparked by lightning. >> fires in washington and utah and idaho. i think eight states have 14 major fires. here's a look at your weather. cooler along the pacific coast. monsoons in the rockies. thunderstorms from new orleans to the carolinas. afternoon showers from the great lakes into the northeast. >> mostly 80s along the east coa coast. 70s from indianapolis to fargo. on to sports. of the billions who have ever attended a major league baseball game, raise your hand, a majority of us have not witnessed a perfect game. that's what makes this all the more amazing. >> this is awesome. meet 9-year-old body dockle. his first game back in april, he watched a perfect game. then at his second game ever, body was there at the game where felix hernandez threw a perfect game. 2 for 2. that's a remarkable stat. it's mind bogglingly -- it's like winning mega millions times ten. >> it's like one of the rarest weather patterns and it happened 23 times this year. >> only 23 perfect games in major league history and he's seen two of them. >> can he purchase a lottery ticket? >> i think you have to be 18. have him pick the numbers. he's got the shining. >> that's crazy. i witnessed mark buehrle's perfect game. >> you were there? >> on tv. coming up, a man deep in trouble, miles from anywhere who happened to hear calls for help. and house guests that refuse to leave. you're watching "world news now." it's time to change the way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is hydrogen peroxide. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. welcome back. in california, a quest to retrieve a lost shoe left a man stuck inside a concrete hole for almost 24 hours. >> rescuers got him out, but it wasn't easy. they never would have been able to help if not for some horseback riders who happened to be in the right place at the right time. abc's ron claiborne reports. >> reporter: you can hear the screams. the man finally on the verge of freedom. 24 hours before he somehow ended up down here, inside this irrigation sump. >> we've got a 45-year-old male, he's fallen into an irrigation sump. >> reporter: in over his head, no room to move, the man was stuck. >> he's been in there approaching 24 hours. >> reporter: this hole, about 30 miles from the nearest town. some horse back riders passing nearby heard his screamed and called for help. as the temperatures neared 100 degrees, rescuers worked into the night to free him. >> we'll try to get him out into a standing position. >> reporter: watch as a harness was lowered into the hole. the man inside was able to grasp it and they slowly began to pull him to safety. but as hwas ihe fro freedom, she got stuck, unable to seeze through. so the rescuers pulled out a jackhammer and made the hole even bigger. finally, the man was free. shaken, but alive. ron claiborne, abc news, new york. >> unbelievable. just suffering minor injuries. >> thank god those horseback riders heard him scream. >> so he drops his shoe and trto retrieve the shoe? >> doesn seem like a good idea, does it? >> no. thankfully he's okay. >> something falls in the well, move on. still to come, opening up the door to a nice home to some wild baboons. >> why someone thought it was a good idea. you're watching "world news now." ♪ welcome back, everybody. a town with a pest problem found a unique way to capitalize on its misfortune. the problem, baboons. >> the solution, make them feel at home, apparently. >> reporter: welcome to pringl ebay, south africa. a sleepy coastal town that has a baboon problem. everywhere you look, there's another 50 pound monkey with two inch teeth, and the intelligence of a 4-year-old. elijah larue is fascinated how these creatures interact in the world and how they react to all the humans moving into their neighborhood. >> you have a 50-50 split in town. you have those people that love them and say they were here first. we are just visitors. we should just let them be. and then you have the people that really hate them. >> reporter: months back, a hotel owner made an interesting proposition. after years of trying to keep them out, he suggested letting them in, to gain better understanding and help homeowners cope. so he offered up a bungalow. national geographic rigged with cameras and a primal reality tv show was born. >> the door looks too difficult. but the baboon jumped up on top of the fridge. there's always trial and error. they'll figure out a way. >> reporter: unlike some chimps, baboons don't use tools. but a team set up a number of challenges, like a vending machine that would dispense fruit. most spent hours trying to eat the machine. and a fruit basket provided some of the best entertainment value. was it a valuable project? >> i've saw things i never seen before. we always try to keep them away, we never as scientists encourage human-baboon interaction. >> reporter: what is it about baboons that fascinate you? >> it's the fact that i recognize how much of their behavior, it's the connection i feel with them. >> frat party. >> they're upset that national geographic lured the baboons into the home, because they've tried for so many years to keep them out of their homes. >> you look at them, they're big animals. but you apparently aren't scared. look at you. >> no fear. send me down there. i'll take that climate head on. >> i'll be the cameraman. we'll have lots of fun. it's time to change the way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is hydrogen peroxide. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. it's time for the mix, everybody. you know that book "1984" with george orwell? it might be 1984 so to speak. one of the last bastions of privacy about to be invaded. two brothers want to put advertising on a roll of toilet paper. sometimes they'll even have coupon codes that can be read by the cell phone. talk about a captive audience, paula. nothing better to do. >> will the ink smear on your skin? >> good question. >> get into your blood stream? >> i would think they figured out a way that's not going to happen. okay, from the toilet stall to the zoo. how is that for a transition? adorable little interchange at the oregon zoo between an elephant and sea lion. they took this elephant out on her daily walk and she went over to where the sea lions are and stuck her trunk over. and one of the sea lions -- isn't that just adorable? the little elephant reaches up her trunk and then it looks like gus tries to tickle her. check out this one. talk about a picture saying a thousand words. a brazilian man had an unfortunate accident. an iron bar pierced his skull. the 24-year-old construction worker survived after this fell and pierced his head. >> that's a lot of piercing. >> they took him to the operating room and the doctor decided to pull it out. he was conscious, showed no negative consequences after the operation. that is awesome. >> can i just say one word? mommy. >> no kidding. >> ouch. so for once it pays you gentlemen to be wrong. or ladies, we're all wrong at some point. this happened in massachusetts. a man gets the wrong lottery ticket, and it turns out to be a winner. he wins $1 million. he asked for a $5 blue ice 7 ticket. and instead was given a sizzling 7. but he just rolled with it and won $1 million. took the cashout option, this morning on "world news now," burning up. the fierce fire night across eight states and the homeowners being forced out right now. and why this year's fire season seems so much more severe than in years past. it is monday, august 20. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." good monday morning. i'm paulfarris. hope you had a weekend, everybody, and by that a good weekend. >> yes. did you have a good weekend? >> i had a great weekend. >> had a great weekend here working abc news. i'm john muller in for rob nelson. no rest for firefighters in several western states. in an abc news exclusive, inside afghanistan. we're going to take you to one of the most dangerous places and explain why the military's biggest threat is no longer the battlefield. >> ten deaths in the last two weeks. >> and you don't know who to trust. also this morning, the freak accident on the nascar track. the driver who is counting his blessings after his car literally could have been sliced in two. mark martin coming within inches of being impaled and it somehow missed the gas fuel tank. so he's counting his blessings today. and later this half hour, the young woman who videotaped her own ordeal while trapped on a mountain. her serious injury and her remarkable story. but first, the summer of extreme heat and raging wildfires is nowhere near over. forcing thousands of folks to evacuate their homes with very little warning. this morning, 41 maj orwildfires are burning across eight western states. ginger has all of the details. >> reporter: the inferno out west has refused to let up. 6. 5 million acres have already been lost across the nation. this is more than all of last year. in northern california, thousands of evacuations are under way. the fire truly wild and running rampant. officials say it's completely uncontained. now threatening at least 3,500 homes. zachary pritchard's home is gone. while evacuating, the wildfi caught up and singed his arm. >> fire everywhere. it was on all sides of you. >> reporter: in idaho, more than a thousand firefighters are battling to save the town of southerville. that fire has chewed away at 88,000 acres. 350 homes were evacuated there. families scrambling to pack up and move out. >> everybody is afraid. our nerves are shot. >> reporter: the biggest problem, smoke. thick clouds have taken visibility down to less than ten feet in some spots, slowing firefighters. in washington, firefighters are finally getting a handle on the flames there, even though some worry the weather could whip it up again. >> we have the potential for dry lightning. erratic winds. >> reporter: some returning home to find little left. >> it's like a death in the family. >> reporter: red flag warnings and fire watches are posted for the beginning of this week. that means weather conditions will not be helping fifiters. gingerzee, abc news, new york. >> thousands of people fleeing their homes. >> eight western states involved in this, washington, idaho, utah, and this particular area of northern california, about 170 miles north of sacramento. this is -- there's no containment here. say they in this area, they don't know the cause in the other states, but right here they believe it was caused by lightning strikes, which right now is just turning deadly because it's so dry. >> let's hope they get a little luck from mother nature out there. the dallas area is getting a second coating of pesticides tonight aimed at stopping the west nile epidemic. the first round of spraying covered more than 300,000 acres. even though flames had been grounded because of stormy weather. officials say the heavy rain helped flush out the mosquito larvae. west nile has killed ten people and infected more than 200 in dallas county. 43 other states also dealing with west nile. in syria's largest city, it remains to be seen if a cease-fire will remain in place. resints of aleppo searched for victims and the syrian president made a re public appearance. it was his first since last month. the surge of deadly attacks on american troops by afghans that they are there to train has claimed another victim. the violence is eroding trust, especially when the u.s. troops are outnumbered and outgunned by their afghan partners. >> reporter: weet off for a regiono dangeus tha jt last month, we were ambushed here by the taliban. >> what you hear, that's the afghan army. they are lead thing fight and theyre the ones returning the fire. but increasingly the biggest threat is no longer on the battlefield. with yet another afghan police officer turning his weapon on u.s. forces, afghan seem to be less friend than foe. it's a growing danger at bases like this where they live side by side. we're on our way to meet the afghan commander on the base. he's giving us permission to tape a private briefing to going. us on how the mission is inside the afghan commander is furious. his soldiers haven't returned and he doesn't know where they are. captain marcus morgan is left to face that anger all alone. the only american in a room filled with afghans who are armed. this is how most insider attacks take place. what is it like walking into a room like that as the only american? >> as you develop these personal relationships and work with the afghan counterparts, you learn personalities and it becomes a much more comfortable situation. >> reporter: that comfort has now been shattered. u.s. troops are ordered to carry loaded weapons at all times. a reminder that the taliban can also be in the same room. >> wow. as if the job they're doing is not complicated enough, to not know if the guy next to you is the enemy. >> you heard him say they are now ordered to carry a loaded weapon at all times. so far, ten u.s. deaths in the past two weeks, afghan forces turning on american forces. they don't believe this one in particular is linked to the taliban, because the shooter is from a village that is nobody to despise the taliban. >> interesting. the new zealand coalition that's there is going to pull out a little earlier after deaths they suffered over the weekend in afghanistan and the afghan forces that we just saw there are scheduled to take over in 2014. >> uh-huh. a tragic story coming from los angeles. tony scott, director of "top gun" has jumped to his death. in addition to "top gun" he directedays of thunder" and "crimson tide" among my others. he was the younger brother ridly scott. he was 68 years old. a frightening crash ended one nascar driver's day at a michigan international speedway. check out number 55. that's mark martin sliding down pit road. his car basically impaled right behind the driver's seat. martin somehow walked away up hurt. he called it a freak accident. he is so lucky that it was not worse, because as we mentioned earlier, it just came inches from hitting the gas tank. >> look what a great job he does holding the wheel at certain spots. it could have ended worse. >> by the way, michigan international speedway, just down the road from my hometown, jackson, michigan. >> we are on a roll with michigan. we worked michigan in the broadcast just about every day. >> i told you the department of tourism is paying me, right? >> i want to get on the payroll. moving along. they don't want the olympic spirit to fade away just yet, at least in rio. the mayor along with the religious and ompic officials brought the olympic flag to the statue of christ the redeemer. rio has about 200 major construction and infrastructure projects to do in the next four years. 200! >> how great did that picture look? >> amazing. hallelujah. a bit closer to home. they just have too much fun down there in the florida keys. the newest ample, the weekend's anything floats rigatto. >> the only restriction is the boats had to be constructed of household items.ittle alligator. >> some were more seaworthy than others but everyone had a good time. >> you saw the inflatable pool alligator they used. plastic toys, bubble wrap, foam, empty bleach containers. what would i use from my house? >> i have no idea. it takes some thought. >> i would use my kid's life preservers. coming up, making a dream come true. a little girl's passion tns into a realit andaptured on camera involving this, yeah, woman stuck, scared and injured. her uncanny comments and her rescue is all coming up on "world news now." ♪ [ dog barking ] ♪ [ female announcer ] life is full of little tests, but your basic paper towel can handle them. especially if that towel is bounty basic. the towel that's durable and scrubbable. in this lab demo, bounty basic is stronger than the leading bargain brand. everyday life. bring it with bounty basic. affordably priced. tested by everyday life. and try bounty napkins. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral to see a specialist. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. lysol no mess automatic toilet bowl cleaner cleans your toilet and freshens your bathroom with every flush. so it's always at its freshest. available in a range of fresh scents. ♪ documented her terrifying ordeal on video and then uploaded it to youtube. >> what a brave girl. now that the video of her stranded on a mountain with a broken leg has gone viral, we have this story from denver. >> reporter: 21-year-old lexi deforest was criming with her boyfriend when -- >> i probably just shouldn't have jumped those trenches. it's something i'm not good at. >> reporter: she tumbled eight feet down, ending up stuck at the bottom of a dark trench, injured and alone. >> you know what i was thinking? like how close is the nearest anything? >> reporter: with the sun setting, the college student begins documents her ordeal in this video diary. >> i'm not going to tell you how scared i am of bearing right now. >> reporter: showing the camera her ankle, twisted so bad, we're only going to show it to you this one time. >> this is me moving my foot. the pain has started. at first i didn't feel it. it was kind of funny. i didn't think it was real. >> reporter: yet she manages to keep her calm. >> i'm really scared, but in like the calmest, coolest sense. >> reporter: all of it like a scene out of the movie "127 hours." >> this marks 24 hours since i'm stuck. >> reporter: in the meantime, her boyfriend eric henry went for help, leaving behind a til of glow sticks to find his way back. >> i knew i nd eedeto hurry. >> rorter: she tries to flag henry down, screaming for help. finally he finds her. >> you found me. >> reporter: two surgeries later, she's healing. >> the moral of the story, you can surprise yourself in the face of fear. >> reporter: thankful to doctors and the boyfriend who raised to her rescue. >> all he cared about was getting me to safety. it was amazing. >> tough cookie. >> i would imagine that video journal helped keep her calm because it gave her something to do. >> did you see that ankle? >> yeah. and i'm glad we only showed it once. >> not only was she calm, cool and rational, but she was perky. i mean, wow. >> i wonder if the adrenaline kicked in for her. >> you know what? i wouldn't be surprised. >> she was supposed to go to prague to study abroad. she actually starts the fall semester classes today. >> 162,000 youtube hits and counting. >> i'm sure that number has skyrocketed. still ahead, a little girl's birthday wish changes an entire community thousands of miles away. >> this is an emotional story how a mother helped her daughter's dream come true. you're watching "world news now." a little girl's final wish has brought much-needed help to an entire region. >> for her ninth birthday, rachel didn't want presents. she asked for donations to provide water to those who didn't have it. abc's david muir has this ory. >> reporter: we've reported here on that one wish that rachel had for her ninth birthday. like so many little girls, she loved taylor swift, but she wasn't asking for gifts. instead, she was asking her parents, grand parents for donations. >> she wanted to help 15 people get clean water. >> reporter: her goal to help just 15 people. she would have to raise $300. she almost got there, raising $220, telling her mother she would try harder next year. but weeks after she turned 9, rachel was tikilled in a car accident. >> she was a very unique girl. her heart was bigger than this room. >> reporter: soon, the country would learn of that heart. her story spreading coast to coast. soon after more than 22,000 people had given hundreds of thousands. her mother, samantha, telling us of a dream come true in honor of her daughter. >> she wanted to help other people and now she is helping a lot more than she could have imagined. >> reporter: charity water could send that money to northern ethiopia. and on the one-year anniversary of her death, her mother was invited to ethiopia to see what her daughter's one wish accomplished. >> it's 6:00 in the morning and we're about to see stop of rachel's wells. >> reporter: walking a path, the machinery now digging the wells. >> i am rachel's grandfather. i wish rachel could be here today. she would think this is the neatest thing she's ever seen. >> reporter: the faucets running, the giant smiles. >> i really appreciate everyone's love. i'm so happy. >> reporter: 9-year-old rachel had just wanted to help 15 people. now 60,000 people in more than 100 villages will drink clean water. david muir, abc news, new york. >> what an amazing kid. >> just 9 years old, and already has a heard of gold. >> let me read you another anecdote. her photo was nested in a marble fixture in that village. it will serve as a reminder of that mother's loss and that child's dream brought this water there. >> they wrote poems about her. they gave her mom notes and another community sectioned off a plot of land and they called it p elark and invited her mom and grandparents to pla trees. >> so inspiring. still to come, the number one movie at the box office. >> we'll be right back. like acadia national park. there is nothing like the parks this time of year. the falling leaves, the crisp air, the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. yeah, when i smell all those things, i know fall is in the air. the fall collection brought to you by air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick. what do you do when you can no longer get around like you used to? 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>> a brief plot description. stallone and his team are enlisted by a cia agent played by bruce willis for a seemingly ea job. they're put into enemy territory against an unexpected threat and i believe that threat is jean claude vandam. >> sylvester stallone looking pretty bad. >> absolutely. >> this is a guy movie. i'll just be honest. i've got about this much interest in seeing it. >> plot wise, i do too. >> i'll take my husband, maybe. >> i dare say it would be a good rental. >> we want to know why you're up now? we want you to tweet us some pictures why you're watching. make sure you use the hash tag. we've got some great picks. >> keep it pg so we can show it on tv. >> maybe pg-13. this morning on "world news now, the out of control fires burning through several states. >> one major fire in washington state has been burning for a week and it's taking its toll on property openers and firefighters. it's monday, august 20. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." good monday morning. i'm john muller in for rob nelson. great to be back. >> and i'm paula farris. we're going to update you on the dangerous situation out in the west in a moment. then food safety advocates are upset and demanding answers about tainted cantaloupes. this is the second season in a row that melons made it to the market with fatal strains of salmonella and they say this could have been prevented. also this morning, a disturbing follow up from orlando about a teacher who used hot sauce to control student's behaviors. why she did it, what a judge says and the rest of the story which might have you scratching your head. >> i'm doing more than sctching my head right now. >> what are you scratching? >> i'm completely -- and later, let's change gears. some heartbreaking news about the man who directed the movie "top gun" and some other major films. it's a developing story all coming up. this is going to break your heart. >> we're going to start out with the major wildfires burning out west. the newest one in northern calirnia has forced tens of thousands to evacuate. >> a thousand firefighters are battling to save them, but for some, it's already too late. this fire is one of several across the state that was likely sparked by lightning, which seems to be a rampant theme right now, dry conditions, lightning strikes and next thing you know, you've got a wildfire. there are red flag warnings in southwest idaho today with the threat on lightning. it's making it fight a fire that's forced hundreds from their homes. thick smoke reducing viz difficult to as little as ten feet. crew in washington state begin their second week on the fire lines today. if the weather cooperates, they expect to get the wildfire under control by nightfall. but as mark miller reports, they cannot take anything for grant it. >> driving to work in the this morning, it's like we're driving into hell. >> reporter: then up on the mountain, they work in hell. but you won't hear a single complaint, because they are all that stands between the fire and the homes below. >> we're the guardian angels coming in to destroy that fire. >> reporter: while these crews are proud of how much of the fire they have destroyed so far, there is no time for congratulations. i want you to take a look at this section of theaylor bridge fire. i know what you're thinking. that is over, no more danger. but you would be wrong. all it takes at this point is the smallest of embers from a little spot fire to drift into the wind, off to a place that has not yet burned. and all of a sudden you have a new wildfire. >> when the tree torches and burns, you get these embers that come down. >> reporter: that's when they sent dan in with his big machine to clear away a line of brush to stop the advance of any new flames. but sometimes the flames sneak up on dan. >> we can't control where the spots go. >> reporter: our firefighters will remain vigilant. they know people are counting on them. >> it's so incredible that something that you never expected can just come in the blink of an eye and take everything away from you. >> reporter: you can see how strongly these winds are picking up, which makes it more likely we can see a spot fire crop up. for abc news, i'm mark miller. >> aerial spraying is on again in the dallas area as officials struggle to curb the west nile virus. planes had been grounded saturday night as storms rolled in. they were back in the skies last night. more than 300,000 acres covered. the storms in dallas washed away some of the mosquito larvae but two men were swept away in swollen creeks. four inches of rain brought down the roof of a health center and triggered flash flooding. here's your monday forecast. cooling down across the plains. thunderstorms and flash flooding from the central rockies to the texas panhandle. scattered showers around chicago, detroit, cleveland and pittsburgh. a drizzle from new york to d.c. and we are going to find thunderstorms in the south. >> 80s from new orleans to new york. 70s in the midwest. 106 in phoenix. bags of lettuce are being recalled. they were shipped to 19 states. puerto rico as well as canada. look for packages with a best buy date of august 19. the lettuce, you want to return it to the stores and you don't want to eat it, even though no illnesses have yet to be reported by that lettuce. new anger about the latest salmonella outbreak in cantaloupes. so far two people have died, over 140 have fallen ill in this outbreak. advocates are criticizing the fda for delays in putting out new rules and regulations which they say were authorized in legislation passed two years ago and say must have of it could have been prevented. last year, 30 people died from salmonella due to the and 146 were >> look for the stickers on the cantaloupes. if they're taken off, ask the store are these from indiana? very interesting. such a dry summer, so many crops are suffering and there was a bumper crop of cantaloupes. like you can't win for losing. >> one of the ways they say you can prevent it is to really wash the layer of skin. >> you would think so. >> the outside layer, and they say because it's so porous, it's a haven for the bacteria to stick. but one expert said it's almost impossible for consumers to adequately wash cantaloupes at home, because what's happening is when you cut it, the knife is transferring the bacteria into the meat of the melon. not good for the cantaloupe industry right now. more than 250,000 suvs made by gm are being recalled because of a fire risk. the suvs sold from 2006 and 2007 are on the recall list. chemicals used to clear ice from road can cause switches to short circuit. 28 fires have been reported. anyone hitting the road is familiar with that pumped up feeling as in prices pumping up. the average gallon right now is three cents higher than last week. 27 cents up from last month. >> reporter: some states are seeing record prices. in california, an average of $4.10. in oregon, the price of a gallon up 29 cents. it is the peak summer driving season when high demand push up proiss. added to the mix, aging pipelines breaking down, high ethanol prices because of the drought and tensions in the middle east. >> we've seen different disrussians, west coast, great lakes. even if you're not living in the great lakes or west coast, you're still seeing rising prices. >> reporter: with one eye on the pump and the other on the political calendar, the obama administration says the option of the release of oil from the nation's strategic reserve is on the table. what can you do to soften the blow of rising prices, other than driving slower or less, not much right now. >> i don't think we're driving as much as doing as much. >> reporter: things should get better, soon. experts say the prices should start coming down in the next two or three weeks. that's because in mid september, production begins to switch over from the higher priced summer blend of gas to the lower priced winter blend. that's when motorists should see the prices begin to recede at the gas pump. ron claiborne, abc news, new york. >> you've got your regular blend, your dark blend. >> sounds like coffee. dark roast, please. the eap roast, please >> the summer blend fights air pollution. >> which is a good thing. >> but you know what? these gas prices, these stories that we do, i kind of find -- i don't want to say ludicrous, but i did a story back in july, it was the holiday week of july fourth and gas prices were going down. we were anticipating another 50 cent reduction by the time halloween hits. >> how different it changes, right? >> it's impossible to get a true read on this. >> it's quite an inexact science. >> there's a lot of apps that you can download that tell you where the cheapest gas is. as we came on the air this morning, swimmer diana is attempting to swim from cuba to the florida keys. >> those aboard a support ship say she's comfortable, confident and steady in the water. >> she suffered four jelly fish stings last night but is now enjoying calm seas and very little wind. >> she said last night was like survival. you mentioned the stings, multiple on her lips, forehead, neck. >> because all those waters are shark infested and it almost makes the jelly official stings warm and fuzzy, right? >> not really. she's a tough lady. good luck to her. coming up, the florida teacher who used hot sauce as a discipline. a strange twist from the courtroom to the classroom. >> guess you can't think hot for teacher, right? and a remarkable voyage for the country's oldest warship. you're watching "world news now." warship. you're watching "world news now." [ male announcer ] we did a febreze experiment with the azerbaijani wrestling team. ♪ can febreze air effects defeat the smelly air in their gym for good? [ man ] what can you smell? [ inhales deeply ] a lot of flowers. it's on the zingy side of floral. potpourri factory, maybe. you can take off your blindfolds now. oh my gosh. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] success. victory over odors, for good, both here and in your home. febreze. breathe happy. victory over odors, for good, both here and in your home. hey, i got a leak ! yoo hoo ! wait a minute, come back ! um, miss ? up here! right. like 85% of us, you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, you need something powerful. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. because lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must. a former marine was taken into custody by the fbi over comments he made on his facebook page. brandon's posts include this -- "the revolution is about to start." another says, sharpen up my ax. i'm here to sever heads. he posted messages saying the u.s. government was responsible for 9/11. >> reporter: why do you think he would make those kind of comments? >> because nobody else would and this country needs a hero. >> reporter: do you think those comments were the right way to go about it? >> absolutely. >> he's from richmond, virginia, he's being held in a clinic where his family and friends led a rally. they came they're not getting information on his condition. an orlando teach could soon be back on the job. lillian goemtz was a special ed teacher and was fired after allegations that she poured hot sauce on crayons and play dough and then made an autistic student eat it. she admits dousing it, but did it to prevent the child from eating it. >> i think she made a bad judgment in the way she went about it, but her purpose was good. >> that's ridiculous. maybe she shouldn't work with children, find another career. >> a judge has now issued an order recommending the district reinstate her job. she could be back in the classroom in a matter of weeks. >> that's remarkable. the school spent more than $50,000 in attorney fees litigating this case. >> she's not going to receive back pay, though. this isn't the first time we seen an incident with hot sauce. an alaska mother of six was found guilty of child abuse because she forced her son to drink hot sauce and take cold showers. this was all documented on the "dr. phil show." >> clearly the woman had a very tough job, but yeah, it just doesn't seem like the right way to handle a tough job, right? >> you can see she wants to prevent the child from eating the crayons. just remove situation. >> that might be a good idea. coming up, details from hollywood about the well known director from the movie "top gun." >> and nbc, the peacock goes into damage control over comments made on the "today" show. we have the reaction next in the skinny. "today" show. we have the reaction next in the skinny. ♪ welcome back, everyone. we began on a sad and tragic note. the director of "top gun" and several other movies, "beverly hills cop ii," tony scott took his own life, according to the daily breeze. he climbed the fence on the south side of the bridge and jumped off without hesitation around 12:30 p.m. on sunday. the newspaper reported he left a suicide note inside his black toyota which was parked on the bridge's east bound lanes. again, this happened in san pedro, california. one of our producers, jack sheehan, had something to say about him. he was a founding member of rsa films, along with his brother. they were a premiere sponsor fo the fireflies tour, which raised tons of money for leukemia research. but tony scott taking his own life sunday afternoon out in california. >> let's talk about nbc. they appear to be still in damage control about the quip that won't go away. the al roker quip that came out last weekend. if you didn't see it real quick, matt lauer was on the broadcast referring to an olympic rowing tradition, and al roker weighed with a tradition of his own that seemed like a veiled reference to ann curry getting taken off the show. take a listen. >> the tradition here in new york is you throw her in the hudson river. congratulations. >> thank you. >> great to see you here in new york. >> which is different than our tradition which is throw one of us under the bus. that's another story. >> mr. roker! >> mr. roker. it sounds very plausible, but according to an nbc spokesperson, she insists that had nothing to do with ann curry. she said in a statement, noting that the phrase is frequently used around the show. they checked tapes and found the expression "thrown under the bus" was used 27 times in the last two years. nbc is clearly concerned about the fallout and in another not so pleasant reference to this, apparently there's been a backlash against matt lauer. at least according to let me read you a quote. apparently some of the producers of the show hate matt lauer. this is a quote. there are several producers that have been with the "today" show for a very lock -- long time, over ten years and matt lauer is now hated by them because they feel he's responsible for ann curry being fired. matt has been known to act like a real diva. that's among the quotes. so stay tuned on this one. >> all of us are dysfunctional. all of us networks are dysfunctional. >> if you guys had even the slightest clue, yes. hope solo, who is the goalie for the u.s. women's national team, the gold medal team is making some egregious claims against max from "dancing with the stars." she's saying he was physically and verbally aggressive, off nasty, swearing at me and being critical. he manhandled me, and she said, at one point he left a red hand print on her stomach because he slapped her so hard. >> or was it tough love? he says those comments are ridiculous. right. thanks for joining us. but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs... you'll be able choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. so don't wait. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. it's something you smell. lysol no mess automatic toilet bowl cleaner not only cleans your toilet with every flush, but also freshens your entire bathroom. so even in between deep cleans, it's as fresh as any room in your home. available in spring waterfall™, citrus, and lavender fields™ scents. for tips on a healthy home, visit hey, insomniacs, you're watching "world news now." >> sleep is overrated. ♪ ♪ome sail ay with me finally, why don't you come sail away with us. what is our ship called? >> you read and i'll find it. oh, that. >> insoniyacht. >> a rare voyage for the nation's oldest warship. >> the "uss constitution" set sail to commemorate her victory during the war of 1812. >> reporter: for only the second time in 113 years, the "uss constitution" set sail under her own power. the world's oldest commissioned warship still afloat was tugged from boston harbor towards open water. watched by thousands on shore and aboard pleasure craft. some 200 sailors helped unfurl the ship's three huge sails. the winds had to be perfect. at least 5 miles per hour, but less than 15 so that the hull would not be stressed too much. the commander has been working with the crew for a year and a half, focusing the training on setting the historic sails. >> the ship is in remarkable condition. she's almost 215 years old, so you don't take anything lightly with her. >> reporter: what makes the voyage more remarkable, here in new york city, this similar styled ship is 100 years younger but can no longer sail because it's in such bad condition. tourists aren't allowed on board. the sail commemorates the 200 year victory over the british ship in the war of 1812. it's where the ship got its famous nickname when an 18-pound cannon ball bounced off its sides, causing a sailor to shout -- >> captain, the sides are made of iron. >> reporter: after the successful 17-minute sail at more than 2 miles an hour, old iron sides was tugged back to its berth in boston harbor where officials hope tourists can enjoy it for another 100 years. >> oh, my word. >> love that stuff. >> it was first launched in 1797. quick math? old. >> old. >> 250 years. >> check it out, it's the love boat. i look like i'm swabbing the deck with that outfit on. i think you're the boss. >> i am the boss. we need to sail to treasure island. sail away. >> fantasy island would be better. >> thanks for joining us, everybody. everybody.

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