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thanks, greg. >> greg: you got it. >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, the u.s. strikes back hitting iran-backed proxies carrying out a series of airstrikes today in eastern syria. this, as houthi militants have shot down an american reaper drone off the coast of yemen. that follows dozens of recent attacks we have been telling you about against facilities housing u.s. troops. this is increasing. another pushback by the u.s. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin is at the pentagon tonight with the latest. good evening, jennifer. jenngood evening bret. new airstrikes against iranian targets in northeastern syria. we now have a statement from defense secretary lloyd austin, quote: today at president biden's direction, u.s. military forces conducted a self-defense strike on a facility in eastern syria used by iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps. the irgc, and affiliated groups. this strike was conducted by two u.s. f-15s against a weapons storage facility. this precision, self-defense strike is, a response to a series of attacks against u.s. personnel in iraq and syria by irgc quds force affiliates. austin went on to say the united states is fully prepared to take further, necessary measures to protect our people and our facilities. there have been more than 42 attacks by iranian proxies on u.s. troops and bases in iraq and syria since october 17th. earlier, we confirmed that houthi forces in yemen have shot down an american mq 9 reaper drone earlier today as it was flying over the red sea. this is a $32 million unmanned surveillance aircraft, which uses sophisticated cameras, sensors and radars to collect intelligence. high powered cameras detect heat and operate with little to no light. it can fly for up to 27 hours at over 25,000 feet. the iranian backed houthis, who in the past have used fa 6 surface to air missiles to down an reaper in 2019 released this footage of the downing today. on october 19th, 2023, the uss carney, which was in the red sea at the time, shot down 15 drones, four cruise missiles, that were fired during a nine hour time span by the houthis from yemen toward ilat, israel. iran has olong backed the houthis in yemen. not just iran proxies in the middle east carrying out attacks attempting to spread the conflict. today brazilian authorities arrested to suspects linked to hezbollah who were planning attacks on jewish synagogues and targets recruiting brazilians to carry out the attacks. brazilian police raided two 11 locations in two states to break up what they described as a terrorist plot. >> bret: jennifer, you spent so much time in israel and know hamas and hezbollah. we haven't seen those suicide bombers, those attacks like we have seen before. but that has to be on the mind of authorities not only in israel but around the world. >> absolutely. in fact, most likely toes kind e suicide bombings would take place in soft targets around the world where you would not expect it. the reason you are not seeing it inside israel is you have basically a wall celebrating the west bank and checkpoints stopping those kind of suicide bombs. that's why the wall was built, frankly, back during the second inat this fat da. so, certainly the israeli police, israeli security forces on high alert for any kind of attacks right now given the numbers try a tack. >> bret: jennifer griffin at the pentagon. jennifer, thank you. pressure though is increasing on israel as it prosecutes this war against hamas, hamas leadership. several of its closest allies including the u.s. now pressing for what are called humanitarian pauses to allow for the importation of necessary food, water, medicine and fuel to gaza. israeli officials say idf troops have reached the heart of gaza city. senior correspondent mike tobin is in sderot, israel tonight with the latest, good evening. mike. >> and, bret, a source tells fox the u.s., israel and qatar are talking about a pause in fighting up to three days in exchange for hostage release. absent an agreement, israel presses on with the offensive. >> amid destruction and churned up dirt, israeli forces are in the early stages of destroying the vast tunnel network nicknamed the metro under the gaza strip. at least 1 # 0 tunnel entrances located and destroyed why by combat engineers. hamas released a video with their fighters in the rubble of gaza using ak-47s to take pot shots at mechanized army. >> hamas terrorists are telling themselves there will be a cease-fire. there is no cease-fire. we continue forward. >> israel only increases combat intensity, from the air, by land, and sea. israeli military leaders claim forces are now surrounding and in the heart of gaza city: in droves, palestinians who originally refused to evacuate take advantage of the humanitarian corridor opening each day. >> we were scared. we thought they would kill us last night. we moved south. >> on foot, pushing wheelchairs and carrying their belongings, they marched south to limited safety and overwhelmed temporary housing. >> we didn't have food or drinking water. there wasn't drinking water for our children. they struck the bakeries. there is no life in gaza. >> g-7 nation growing a growing calls for humanitarian pause in the war to get aid in and people out. the group also unequivocally condemning the october 7th terror attacks. this as the u.n. secretary general says the laws of war are being violated all around staggering civilian casualties, the use of human shields and hostages. >> it's absolutely essential that all hostages are released immediately and unconditionally. >> israeli forces are so deep in gaza city, witnesses say they are less than a kilometer from the schiff if a hospital. israel's shim bet says hamas senior leaders are hiding out in hospitals especially schiff if a, hoping they won't be bombed, bret? >> mike, thank you. the biden administration is putting plenty of stock in last night's off year election wins and the results across the board. it is hoping its diplomatic efforts can come up with long-term changes in the middle east. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich has that story tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, jacqui. >> good evening, bret. we have heard increasingly loud calls from the biden administration for israel to take action against what they call extremist settlers in the west bank. and now the administration is taking things a step further. saying that after the war, gaza and the west bank should be unified under the palestinian authority. essentially a step toward a palestinian state. netanyahu's hard line government has expanded jewish settlements into the west bank. so this is a new development. but this thorny issue was in the background today as officials spotlighted the 2024 campaign. >> the way the administration sees it, democrat winners in last night's state and local elections got there through biden's values and agenda. >> voters have been clear, regardless of whether they are in a so-called red or blue state the government should not be telling a woman what to do with her body. >> officials highlighted kentucky governor andy beshear's win over republican attorney general david cameron and sunk cost of $30 million trying to tie him to biden. >> he called in a beshear-biden agenda. >> abortion messaging was the key to beshear's win according to team biden and also a reason they can forecast their own despite the president's poor polling. >> democrats today in the hand wringing knock it off. >> americans are far more divided can on biden's support of israel and war against hamas. new a.p. polling shows only 36% strongly believe the u.s. should provide aid. 40% say israel's military response has gone too far. among democrats that number is 58%. the president unmoved, officials say. >> is he all the cfrp r. concerned about back sliding in support for among key constituencies of his base. >> is he not gonna development policy options here for the united states or risk our national security interests again according to polling data. he is going to do it based on principles. >> jacqui: the white house is not admitting that biden is having a tough time to convince israelis three day pause in fighting to get hostages out. >> no. i can't confirm those reports. i can confirm that in almost every conversation we are having with the israelis right now we are talking about the benefit of humanitarian pauses. >> jacqui: we have not seen the president in person today and tomorrow he'll be in illinois talking about union jobs. but the latest developments are areas of widening disagreement between netanyahu's government and president biden's white house. bret? >> bret: jacqui heinrich live on the north lawn. jacqui, thank you. ♪ >> bret: breaking tonight, new legal problems for the president's son, his brother, and a business partner. subpoenas have now been issued. correspondent david spunt is in washington with specifics. good evening, david. >> hi, bret. house republicans are taking their biggest step yet in the investigation into not only hunter biden, but the biden family as a whole. house oversight chairman james comer announced the subpoenas just a few hours ago. comer wants hunter biden, the president's brother jim biden, and business associate rob walker to testify before congress. this all relates to the overarching investigation into what comer calls questionable business dealings involving the biden family. comer also wants testimony from sarah biden, the wife of james biden, hunter biden's wife, melissa cohen, and halle biden, the widow of beau biden, who was later romantically involved with hunter biden. financial records, the committee subpoenaed earlier this year, revealed that members of the biden family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to rob walker. hunter biden's attorney, abbe lowell said in a statement to fox news that his client is eager to appear publicly at the right time. adding: this is yet another political stunt aimed at distracting from the glaring failure of representative and his maga allies to prove a single one of their wild and now discredited conspiracies about the biden family. local earlier today wrote a letter to new house speaker mike johnson asking him to call off probes into hunter biden. the spokesman for the speaker told fox news in part president biden and the white house have repeatedly lied to the american people about his involvement and knowledge of the biden family's business dealings, receiving millions through their shell companies from foreign adversaries. now, the top democrat on the committee, jamie raskin, said after nine months, the committee did not produce any evidence of a crime, much less than impeachable crime. bret, a white house spokesman says chairman comer is once again lying to the american people. back to you. >> bret: we will stay on it all. david, thank you. former president donald trump's daughter ivanka trump took the witness stand today in the civil fraud trial against her father and adult brothers. correspondent nate foy once again outside the courthouse tonight in manhattan. good evening, nate. >> good evening, bret. ivanka trump remained poised and collected on the witness stand today. she answered questions from the state and lawyers for her father former president donald trump. she left the courthouse tonight just like she entered it this morning without speaking to reporters. a state court denied her request to avoid testifying in the trial. during her direct examination, ivanka testified she never prepared any statements of financial condition for the trump organization. she answered questions about helping secure loans to buy products as far back as 2011, which is outside the statute of limitations, she also testified she didn't recall the specifics of several emails within the statute of limitations. ivanka is no longer a co-defendant, after a state court dismissed her from the lawsuit because of the statute of limitations ran out. but, after her testimony tonight, new york attorney general letitia james spoke about her as if she was still a defendant. >> she clearly was involved in negotiating and securing loans, favorable loans for the benefit of the trump organization. mr. trump and her brothers and for herself. >> bret, former president donald trump laid out his defense on truth social today writing, quote: no victims, no defaults, conservative financial statements. 100 percent disclaimer clause, corrupt attorney general, trump-hating judge equals no case. trump's attorney alina habba says they will move for a mistrial tomorrow. >> it is very clear that they have failed to prove the essential elements of the case. >> the state rested its case today, bret. so if a mistrial is not granted, trump's lawyers will call their own witnesses to the stand to present his defense starting on monday. bret? >> bret: nate foy outside the courtroom. nate, thanks. up next, results from last night's elections, what they may mean going forward. ♪ dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. aveeno® daily moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too. aveeno® he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. >> bret: the stocks were mixed today the dow lost 40. the nasdaq was up 11. ♪ ♪ >> fox news democracy 23 because the third presidential debate takes place in almost miami tonight comes just one day after democrats did very well in off year 23 elections in a handful of states. 31 to be specific. a handful of big ones. we have fox team coverage, aishah hasnie. senior national correspondent rich edson in washington with a look at what really happened yesterday. good evening, rich. >> good evening, bret. democrats across the country are touting these results for governor, state legislatures and ballot initiatives. party officials say these 2023 elections show democrats have the winning 2024 agenda. >> i'm a little disappointed. >> governor glenn youngkin campaigned across virginia to secure the state legislature for republicans. instead, virginia voters handed democrats control of both the state house and senate. youngkin is facing questions over whether republicans overreached, especially on abortion. >> virginia is a purple state. the one thing that we know is that abortion is a really difficult topic that there is a place to come together around a reasonable limit. >> republicans propose limits on abortion after 15 weeks. youngkin says many topics went into these election results. >> abortion access is the law of the land in ohio. [cheers] >> in ohio, voters changed the state's constitution to protect abortion rights. since the supreme court ended federal abortion protections last june, voters have supported abortion rights referendums in kansas, kentucky, michigan, vermont, and california. advocates are planning for more than 10 potential ballot questions next year. >> in every state, ambitious as you can possibly be. as pro-life as you can possibly be and still win. ours to win. >> in kentucky, democrat andy beshear won re-election in the deeply conservative state after beating attorney general daniel cameron. >> well, that didn't turn out exactly how it wanted to. >> beshear hammered cameron for limiting abortion. early primary endorsement for president trump. another democrats have and will continue to highlight against republicans. >> i don't think that we're in a position of having to tie anyone to president trump because president trump is the republican party. >> the former president blamed cameron's loss on his ties to senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. cameron was a mcconnell staffer. trump's republican opponents blamed the former president. chris christie said cameron made a huge mistake, quote, selling his soul to trump. bret? >> bret: rich, thanks. five republican presidential candidates will be on the stage tonight for the third debate of the election cycle. primary side on the republican side. the frontrunner, former president donald trump will not participate again. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie is in miami to tell us what that all means. good evening, aishah. issuea.>> by all accounts sent a debate for second place. we are told that knives are going to come out tonight. candidates are prepping for a variety of topics here including national security and abortion, which, as rich just mentioned is still a fugitive issue for voters and was in last night's elections. fox news has learned that nikki haley plans to tackle it head on by focusing on the majority consensus. so like banning late term abortion. the issue obviously gave her a big bump in polling after past debates. she is hoping to take that opportunity up again tonight. her camp expecting big punches from desantis who returns to his home state tonight carrying a big endorsement by popular iowa governor kim reynolds. there is also news tonight, bret, that his biggest donor is thinking about ditching him. entrepreneur robert big low tells the financial times that he is looking at the strongest and most experienced candidate here. and that is former president trump, according to him. it comes as yet another poll now shows trump beating the president by four points if the election was held today. that from cnn. trump is valley 30 minutes away from miami in the heavy hispanic community. most miami voters that we have been talking today, bret, think trump will be the nominee i prefer trump. >> i'm an old democrat turned republican i would support trump over desantis. >> what about the debate tonight. >> i don't think they have a shot. >> we did not hear a ton of enthusiasm about president biden amongst these miami voters. i can tell you that team biden surrogates are here in town. they are going to try to contrast the president's policies with what they call the extreme maga policies. and we are also expecting, bret, a mobile billboard to insurge this venue here tonight once the debate kicks off. bret? >> bret: all right, thank you, aishah. ♪ breaking tonight actually within the last few minutes the minnesota supreme court has dismissed a lawsuit seeking to bar former president donald trump from the state's 2024 primary ballot. critics sought to disqualify him under a constitutional provision that forbids those who engaged in insurrection from holding office. justices in minnesota dodged the central question of the lawsuit on whether the former president's role in the january 6th, 2021 capitol riot qualifies they instead state law allows party to put whoever they want on the primary ballot there are other state challenges to come. up next, political analysis from democratic and republican pollsters, fair and balanced. and, later, anti-semitism and free speech on college campuses. sorry, everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday. ...was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. - oh. visit for up to a $400 reward card. okay. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. 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[broken audio] dominant issue in 2022 could well decide the presidential election in 2024 in the face of all. >> bret: going to try to work on that audio problem. you are right. it is just a key issue for democrats. and you would think, lee, that the president and the vice president are going to be out now on the trail talking abortion because, really, it's the best item they have. what do you think the prescription is for republicans at this point? >> i think that republicans really need to come up with a message that is pro-women. abortion isn't just about abortion. it's really about women feeling that they have control over their bodies, control over their decision-making and really feeling equal to men. if republicans want to win, they are going to have to have a message that says we're going to put women and babies first. here's how we are going to do it. have to have some policies support women who make the difficult decision to keep their child if they can't afford that child there are policies have to go along with it. it's just unfortunate reality that it's not quite as simple as black and white on this issue. so, the other thing that republicans are going to have to do is they need to stop using that word ban. that really killed youngkin. he tried to change it just a few days ago. americans buy and large whether you are republican or democrat vote against bans. we don't want bans on abortion. we don't want bans on books. we are a country who loves freedom especially in the republican party. eliminate that from the vocabulary as soon as possible. >> bret: there are abortions measures in 2024 already planned to be on the ballot. you have got confirmed measures maryland and new york, pending in arizona, colorado, florida, iowa, missouri, nebraska, nevada, pennsylvania, you can see a theme there and some of them, lee, are key, key states in the presidential election. and they look at the results from ohio and they look at the results from virginia, and they say that is perfect to get out the vote. >> there's no doubt about it. especially when you look there at pennsylvania, arizona, nevada, those states are so close and so important in the race. they are absolutely needed to carry any president into office. abortion is on the ballot. and if republicans don't have an answer, it's going to be a big problem for them. nikki haley in the last debate really tried to talk about a more pragmatic approach to abortion. they are going to need to focus on a message more like she did. donald trump raised this back in september when he said this is a losing issue for republicans and look at what happened to ron desantis as he put the six week ban on and he is not wrong. >> bret: i'm sure that will come up in this debate tonight. doug, if you look at the swing state polls just this week the "new york times" siena poll that came out with donald trump leading in five of six of these swing states, it seemed like it was a five alarm fire in dras democratic circles and then last night maybe wras a bucket of water that calmed things down recommendation it was little bucket but let's be clear that as important as i believe and lee believes abortion is, if we are facing inflation, the possibility of two wars going on and a presidency that is engulfed in scandal, what these polls suggest is that presidential elections usually, not always, but usually a referenda on the incumbent. and with joe biden at an approval of below 40, 37 in the gallup poll, it suggests that all is not well for my party and i would not be candid, bret, with the audience and with you if i didn't say the problem is a superior, substantial, and significant one from my party going forward that the president has yet to get his hands around. >> bret: yeah, doug, let me ask you this, this is an offyear election last night. we have seen a couple of them when trump is not on the ballot. even though democrats have tried to put him on the ballot a couple of different ways a couple of different times. do you think democrats perform better with him on the ballot or without? >> they perform better with him on the ballot because inside the party, bret, what you are hearing in response to the polls, yes, it's a five alarm fire, but the other thing you're hearing is what you have got on the screen now, with trump's favorability down at 42, you're -- and the weakness in the 2020 and in the 2022 election, still being apparent, the campaign against ultra maga, four indictments, the criminal -- i'm sorry the civil case in new york, the democrats believe that ultimately the gap we saw in the "times" poll that we seen the cnn poll can be made up with a campaign as it was in 2020 and 2022 against ultra maga policies and ultra maga president with severe ethical and legal problems. >> bret: the problem is that president biden's approval rating is very, very low, too. across the board. >> he also has ethical issues which appear to me to be getting worse. >> bret: yeah. lee and doug, we appreciate the time. thanks. >> thank you so much. >> bret: up next, free speech and anti-semitism, the reaction to the hamas war on college campuses. it's continuing. ♪ ♪ if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. the chase ink business premier card is made for sam who makes, everyday products, designed smarter. genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours. honey, i think i heard something. ok. ♪ from christmas tree mats... to floorliners... cargo liners.... no drill mud flaps... seat protectors... and more... weathertech has the perfect holiday gift. honey, is everything ok? 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[shouting] >> we will not be silenced. cease-fire now. cease-fire now. >> a tense hearing on capitol hill as pro-palestinian protesters interrupt the house judiciary committee. >> palestinian students should not be censored. >> the committee reviewing the first amendment american colleges and universities. jewish students and recent grads telling stories about harassment. one cornell undergrad distraught say she go is confronted daily by people screaming from the river to the sea. a saying that critics say advocates for the elimination of israel. >> professors and student organizations have been fueling jew hatred and spreading it across campus with disregard or potentially even with deliberate intent to incite. >> this comes as protest and rallies at campuses across the country continue. we have seen large crowds of students marching on both sides. some protests leading to violence. >> this anti-semitism is part of anti-semitism that is raging across the united states. chanting from the river to the sea] >> it's not just on college campuses, protests spilling out onto the streets of major cities. these two large rallies happening within just the past 24 hours in new york city. the justice department now investigating seven threats made against the jewish community in just the last month. including this arizona man arrested after police say he threatened to kill a local rabbi and every other jew he could find. and tonight the doj is also investigating a threat against arab-muslim community according to the antidefamation league since the october 17th terror attack on israel. there has been 400 percent spike in anti-semitic incidents across the country just compared to last year, bret. >> bret: alexis, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> bret: another tragedy tonight near the southern border. texas authorities say 8 people are dead, including two innocent americans after a human smuggler driving a vehicle full of illegal immigrants crashed head on into an suv. it happened while the smuggler was trying to evade police in batesville. everyone in both vehicles died. the president's homeland security chief took considerable fire today up on capitol hill about the border situation. chief washington correspondent mike emanuel shows us tonight. >> homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas was on capitol hill asking senators to support the white house request for $14 billion to address the border crisis. some republicans making the case it is not about money but about policy. >> either you are not qualified to manage a costco food court or you believe in open borders. and i think it's the latter. >> south carolina senator lindsey graham went after mayorkas on terrorism concerns with millions of illegally crossing the u.s. southern border. >> there is 280-something people on the terrorist watch list that we know of. where are they? >> they very well may be out of the country. >> but you don't know. there are people on the terrorist watch list and you can't tell me where they are at. >> our colleague, bill melugin reporting along the texas border shows us how state officials have responded to a mile-long island in the middle of the rio grande. a no man's land used by mexican cartels as a base to smuggle drugs, weapons, and illegal immigrants. >> this is one of the cartel structures on the mexican side of the river directly across from us. see cartel graffiti as well as it's riddled with bullet holes. here on the u.s. side you can see what the state of texas has done with the island. they have completely cleared it out. deployed raids zore wire. if any cartel gunmen want to cross illegally they have nowhere to hide. >> on capitol hill mayorkas insisted the funding package would make a difference to those on the front lines of the border crisis. >> we owe them the funding, resources, and support needed to do their dangerous and difficult jobs. >> senate republicans have unveiled their own plan to focus on security by completing the border wall and tightening up asylum rules. majority leader chuck schumer is calling it a nonstarter. bret? >> bret: mike, thanks. up next, the panel on that testimony up on capitol hill. also, the latest on the israel-hamas war and u.s. action tonight against iranian proxies. ♪ ♪ (eagle screeches) (energetic music plays) there he is! it's right there! ♪ oh, he's straight ahead. he's straight ahead. straight ahead. go go go. ♪ cover more ground in the kia sportage turbo-hybrid. kia. movement that inspires. businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help power operations for one of the world's largest racing events. mlb partners with t-mobile to advance how the game is played. and t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. now's the time to see what america's largest and fastest 5g network can do for your business. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ >> within days of taking office the biden administration removed the houthis another iranian proxy from the list of terrorist organizations. iran's proxies have attacked american positions in the middle east over 110 times since joe biden took office. >> i think we have to be very careful and thoughtful who fires the full first bullet directly from iranian forces or american forces at each other bear as huge amount of responsibility. >> bret: new u.s. strikes inside syria at facilities tied to iranian proxies. the defense secretary putting out a statement. some of it read by jen griffin earlier. the united states is fully prepared to take further necessary measures to protect our people and our facilities. we urge against any escalation. u.s. personnel will continue to conduct counter isis missions in iraq and syria. that's the defense secretary. meantime, 42 attacks on bases housing u.s. troops in the middle east since october 17th two in the last 24 hours. let's start with our panel fox news legal analyst brit hume. stef kight and correspondent of "the washington examiner." brit, these attacks keep mounting and they are tied directly to iranian proxies that are tied directly to iran. what about this latest action by the defense department? >> well, bret, the thing to remember is that a number of these attacks have occurred since our last response, which was basically blow up some ammunition dump or the equivalent in syria. and this strike looks similar, that we have made looks similar. it's, you know, a weapons depot of some kind. and, if the first time they tried that didn't deter iran and its proxies, it's not clear to me why this same kind of response will do the job. so i think it's something to worry about. you know, contrast that with donald trump, who went after absolutely afte -- soleimani afe was involved in attacks on the u.s. we will see where it goes. it's a little worrisome it may not be enough. >> bret: stef this is after the houthis in yemen tied to iran shot down $32 million u.s. drone. add that to the 42 attacks, the administration has been repeating what president biden said and that's one word "don't." but they are doing. they are not listening to "don't," it seems. >> it's true. and it's just another example of additional pressure that, you know, that president biden is facing in the middle east. it's just going to continue to get worse. he is already battling his own party's divide over what is happening in israel with hamas' terrorist attack and the fallout from that. and we are truly in an age of crisis right now. the world in crisis that the president is having to deal with on many fronts, not to mention the own domestic political situation he is facing as well. but we continue to see, you know, this escalate with something to certainly keep an eye on moving forward. >> bret: yeah. israel and brazil stopped a hezbollah attack, byron, but the concern about attacks here in the u.s. continues to rise, specifically about the southern border. here's senator graham and secretary mayorkas today. >> there is 280-something people on the terrorist watch list that we know of. where are they? >> senator, the terrorist screening data set. >> where are the people? >> the individuals, whom we encounter, that are on the terrorist screening data set. >> are they out of the country. >> are screened. >> are they out of the country or in the country. >> senator, they may very well be out of the country. >> but you don't know. >> bret: it was awkward at times, byron today. >> that was a really pathetic defense from secretary mayorkas. i mean, for a long time, since the rush at the border began, when joe biden took office, we have known that thousands, hundreds of thousands and now millions of illegal border crossers were being allowed to stay in the united states, often with very little vetting. we have also known that some untold millions of so-called got-aways and of course they had no vetting at all. so, just the fact that we know that some number on the terrorist watch list have come into the united states, that is instructive but it's not definitive. we don't know that at all. we don't know where they are. and when you saw the secretary of homeland security come in and try to say well, maybe they are out of the country, it was clear that he didn't know. and that is not homeland security. >> bret: brit, as the president continues to have trouble in the polls on a number of different fronts, including immigration, the former democratic nominee, former secretary of state, hillary clinton, appeared on "the view" today to talk about donald trump. take a listen. >> i think it would be the end of our country as we know it. well, hitler was duly elected. >> that's right. >> so all of a sudden somebody with those tendencies, dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies would be like okay, we're going to shut this down. trump is telling us what he intends to do. take him at his word. the man means to throw people in jail who disagree with him. shut down legitimate press. >> right. >> outlets, do what he can to literally undermine the rule of law in our country's values. >> bret: we haven't heard from the former president on this. wibut "the washington post" had story about trump and allies plotting revenge, justice department control in a second term is very detailed. as you can imagine, it was anonymoused sourced but had a lot of details what the plans would be in a second trump term. your reaction to what the former secretary of state said? >> brit: well, you don't have to be a big fan of donald trump to recognize that this is a question of the source of this criticism. this, after all, is the woman he beat in an election to become president. and then he was president for four years. and the things that she is hand wringing about didn't really happen. yes, he says all kinds of things and suggests all kinds of actions he is going to take. but, the thing the democratic party and its allies face now is the fact that for tens of millions of americans, life was unmistakably better when donald trump was better. they can scream and cater wall all they want about how he is going to throw us in jail and democracy as we know it. but it didn't quite happen before and there is reason to be skeptical it would under another term. >> bret: stef i only is a few seconds red alarm polls. last night was it a lifesaver for democrats or at least a breather for them. >> last night's results are certainly giving democrats room to hope moving forward that they do have a pathway to victory next year. of course, abortion kin continues to be clearly a very strong issue for democrats up and down the ballot on that issue given these latest pollings that we have seen. >> bret: i would bet yes. panel, thanks a lot >> bret: finally tonight, a special delivery for china. a sad day for animal lovers in washington. the smithsonian's national zoo had to say farewell to its three bee loved pandas. the animals were on loan from the chinese government. headed back to china first time in 23 years the panda exhibit at the zoo is empty. sad. we talk to ron dermer. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. we crammed a lot in one hour. laura ingraham has "the ingraham angle," next. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washingto

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Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Crohn S Disease , Move , Infections , Tracks , Dose , Relief , Injections , Risk , Stelara , Cancer , Doctor , Pres , Reactions , Serious , Brain Condition , Lung Inflammation , Infection , Treatment , Sores , Skin Growths , Vaccine , Tb , Sam , Ink Business , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Premier , Smarter , More , Genius , Purchases , Cash , Smart Ideas , Chase For Business , 02 5 , 5000 , 000 , Something , Honey , Seat Protectors , Cargo Liners , Holiday Gift , Drill Mud Flaps , Weathertech , Mats , Christmas Tree , Floorliners , Don T , Order , Oh Yeah , Yes , Isn T , Nuh Uh , Yeeaahhhh , Cartwheel , Protest , War , Dissent , Sign , Universities , Alexis Mcadams , Campuses , College , House Judiciary Committee , Favor , Rise , Schools , Capitol Hill , Students , Protesters , Shouting , Stories , Committee Reviewing The First Amendment American Colleges , Grads , Harassment , River , Campus , Student Organizations , Elimination , Disregard , Professors , Jew Hatred , Saying , Protests , Rallies , Sides , Intent , Violence , Crowds , Chanting , Streets , Justice , Oman , Threats , Jewish Community , Cities , Rabbi , 24 , Threat , October 17th Terror Attack , Jew , Muslim Community , Arab , Doj , Antidefamation League , Bret , Spike , Incidents , Tragedy , Border , Immigrants , Texas , Human Smuggler , Head , Vehicle , Smuggler , Suv , Homeland Security , Alejandro Mayorkas , Everyone , Situation , Mike Emanuel , Fire , Vehicles , Homeland Security Chief , Batesville , Crisis , Senators , Money , 14 Billion , 4 Billion , Costco , Lindsey Graham , Policy , Borders , Terrorism , Concerns , Latter , South Carolina , Terrorist Watch List , Southern Border , 280 , No Man S Land , State Officials , Colleague , Cartels , Reporting , Middle , Rio Grande , Texas Border Shows , Long Island , Mexican , Bill Melugin , Weapons , Island , Drugs , Structures , Bullet Holes , Cartel Graffiti , Funding , Lines , Cartel Gunmen , Funding Package , Difference , Capitol Hill Mayorkas , Raids Zore Wire , Republicans , Resources , Chuck Schumer , Jobs , Plan , Asylum Rules , Nonstarter , Border Wall , Panel , Mike , Music , Eagle Screeches , Go , Ground , Kia Sportage , Kia , Turbo Hybrid , 5g Solutions , 5 , Business , T Mobile , Racing Events , Power Operations , Grand Prix , Las Vegas , Mlb , Network , Back On The Road , Stay , 5g Network , Aaa , Gonna , I Ll Be There , Houthis Another , List , Terrorist Organizations , Positions , Bullet , 110 , Defense Secretary , Responsibility , Strikes , Amount , Bear , Escalation , Counter Isis Missions , Brit Hume , Correspondent , Washington Examiner , Stef Kight , Equivalent , Ammunition Dump , Weapons Depot , Time , Job , Soleimani Afe , Drone , 2 Million U S , Word , Example , Terrorist Attack , Fallout , Divide , Age , Fronts , Escalate , Eye , Brazil , Attack , Concern , Secretary Mayorkas , Byron Today , Senator , Individuals , Terrorist Screening Data Set , Vetting , Thousands , Brush , Hundreds Of Thousands , Border Crossers , Course , Got Aways , Brit , Secretary Of State , Trouble , Somebody , Tendencies , End , Hitler , Press , Down , Jail , Revenge , Outlets , We Haven T Heard , Rule Of Law , The Washington Post , Wibut , Second Trump Term , Lot , Plans , Details , Department , Anonymoused , Criticism , Fan , Kinds , Hand Wringing , Actions , Democracy , Alarm Polls , Lifesaver , Kin , Breather , Victory , Pathway , Room , Pollings , Thanks A Lot Bret , National Zoo , Loan , Animal , Loved Pandas , Special Delivery , Bee , China , Smithsonian , Animals , Special Report , Zoo , Sad , Ron Dermer , Laura Ingraham , Fair , Ingraham Angle , Washingto ,

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