Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702 :

FOXNEWSW The July 2, 2024

i'm judge jeneane piroro. this is "the five." a historic day, tens of thousands of people showing their solidarity. it is a breath of fresh air after a month of vicious anti-semitic threats and pro-hamas lunacy. lawmakers and celebrities and ordinary americans banding together for the release of hostages and announcing a growing wave of anti-semitism. >> we stand with israel. >> the calls for a cease fire are outrageous. hamas wants to wipe them off of the earth. we will not let that happen. >> but that massive show of support for israel is at ods with the biden state department. a recently leaked memo signed by 100 employees accuses president biden of spreading miss information about israel's conflict with hamas and it alleges that the jewish state is involved in war crimes. it sounds like something the far-left squad would say. speaking of which those radical lawmakers were once again calling for a cease fire. >> cease fire means there is no military solution, just a diplomatic and cultural solution. >> they label us antiisrael. antisemitic, and they label us terrorists. they lie about us and they smear us. but we know the truth. >> me calling for a cease fire with my colleagues and centering humanity, i am uplifting deeply what it actually means to be jewish. >> you know, jesse, two starkly different messages that american has been witness to in the last few weeks and that is with the pro-israel, it is basically release the hostages and stop the anti-semitism. and then with the hamas group, it is basically from the river to the sea, get rid of the jews, the anti-semitism, and it is a totally different message. how do you think america is reacting to this? >> i believe the american people are behind the jewish people. you take religion out of it and it has nothing to do with that. it is right and wrong. when they say there is a d diplomatic solution, what is it? it is easy to say that. if you were hit with pearl harbor, is there a diplomatic solution to that. omar says i oppose violence. i'm not a quacker. if omar has a son, is she going to teach him if he is hit in the face to not hit back. if he does that he will have a tough life in the schoolyard. there are principals of a just war. seven principals. here they are. it has to be waged as a last report. it has to be waged by a legitimate authority. it has to be a self defense against an attack. the war has to be redress injury, a war can be just if it is fought with a chance of success, to reestablish peace, the violence used in the war must be proportionate to the injuries suffered and lastly weapons used in the war must discriminate between combatants and noncombatants. every one of those seven israel is following. every single one of them. that is a just war. we had a guest whose parents were in the holocaust and she say there's is a deep concern that if they don't do something now there could possibly be another holocaust. they talk about how jewish friends in germany were friends until one moment when they weren't. and they saw horrible injuries to jewish people and they would deny it and say that not happening. they're saying they didn't do anything. hamas didn't do anything, we didn't see it. and you're approaching another holocaust worry and that is another reason the war is just. >> greg, one of the things that van jones spoke about at the rally today, he noted the hate crimes against jews are up almost 400% in the last three weeks. and he said that many people's social media algorithms are not telling them the truth. we talked about that repeatedly, but to hear it today it has gotten to the point where i think people are starting to recognize that there is a different viewpoint based on your algorithm. >> i don't know if it matters. do the pro-hamas supporters know that they just identified the remains of a peace activist who was burned today. that would be aoc if she was at the raid. that would be any of the pro-palestinian peace activists. no one is stomping on any flags, no one is screaming at anybody. the difference between the protests is clear. you have adults peacefully focused in reality, what happened, versus a tantrum driven by an ideology. they have replaced blm for self obsessed screamers. the people marching for the jewish state have a life. the people marching for their mental state need a life in is what fills them up. the cause is irrelevant. they like to go out and hear their own voices. once again i will say you have to keep it simple. the war began on october 7th. history is history. hamas is the bad guy, israel has to respond. if they don't that is an atrocity. attacks on israel are based on an ideology and not reality. mental state versus jewish state. and the further away that hamas sympathizers get from october 7th, either through just time or rhetoric, the more likely october 7th will happen again because that is what they're hoping for. that you forget it. and it goes back to that free punch theory. they're pissed off because the jewish state is supposed to take a free punch. in the oppressor versus oppressed -- >> dana, president biden is on his way to meet with xi jinping. he could have delayed that by a few hours by going to this march where a lot of the leaders where. should he have gone? >> i asked this morning if he was invited and he and kamala harris were invited and declined to go. i think i would have advised go. just stop by and raise your hand in solidarity with johnson and jeffreys, schumer, and jo joni erenst. this would have shown agility, flexibility, and solidarity on a day when his administration from a state department and the pentagon both said that hamas is hiding underneath that hospital. i think it would have been an amazing show of force. i learned about a march on sunday. i have never wanted to go to a rally. i wanted to be there, so i had such fear of missing out. i heard from friends it was quite moving and no one wore masks, either. and people who tore down the posters, boycott jewish businesses -- that is a distinct minority. they're loud and vicious in some cases, but the majority of people support what would happen today and i really wish i had been there, with you in spirit, i think it was amazing. >> and today isis released a video calling for attacks on jewish people. what would the response to this be? >> i would hope they would agree with everything we said around the table. i think jesse, the seven principals of war are being followed by our ally, our most important ally in the middle east, and one of our most important allies on the globe. at the start of this effort response, this was a self defense effort on the part of the israelis. someone argued the 6th and 7th are being followed, but i agree with you. this started with netanyahu saying we must dismantle hamas. two, we will recover, or at least gain the release of hostages -- now what the administration is fighting for and lobbying for is a third piece which is to figure out a way for them to coexist after this war. whatever the number may be in terms of the people killed, i don't know but i know that no one likes to see innocent people killed. however, in the real politic of life, wars are messy. self defense is messy. october 7th was tragic. the reason that i give the administration more credit, and maybe dana if you thought about it this week. we have been in the white house in these rooms where the advice has been given, if the president who, it is hard to imagine people imagine that president biden is not supporting the israelis, we have aircraft carriers, billions of dollars, secretary blinken went to the region, they're thinking about what happens afterwards. the only way in a you have a sustainable two-state solution and sustainable peace is if the israelies and palestinians can live, work, and raise their kids with predictability. so i give them credit for that. the question is can you find moderate palestinians that want to do this. can you hold arab support? it is hard for me to imagine my kids are nine and eight. for the next 50 years will be watching israel try to manage gaza and the west bank. i'm not for watching that long term. i think you have to have palestinians and arab support in that region for long-term peace. >> joe biden using salty language about an obama advisor that says he is too old to win. ♪ with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcias, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, hey, john reese, jr. how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister has told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. joe biden getting testy with barack obama's mustache hit man. the president has been cursing out david axlerod suggesting that it is time for joe biden to drop out of the race. we can't say the word on tv, but let's say it rhymes with trick. the ax man trying to smooth things other with biden. >> listen, i understand, he was irritated because i raised concerns that many, many democrats have. and again mying is get out or get go. the stakes are high, he knows that, but i think he needs to take a sober look at the w landscape and yes, he is committed to moving forward, i get that, but he ought to look at what his campaign is doing and what they need to do. >> there is another data nerd that is rattling democrats, nate silver says they're taking a risk with biden and blasting joe for nom goes on the road enough. interesting, dan. is that really a big deal? i mean trump say that's stuff to your face, i mean -- >> that is called 9 a.m. on a normal day. i think they're alarmed that he thought it was necessary to say it out loued and get the discussion going. the worry for americans is real especially on national security concerns, the border, and inflation. i'm saying from a tactical standpoint, taking advantage of opportunities, he is not nimble enough to do that it is on a on a day of good versus evil, and he flew to meet with president xi. but in terms of a campaign if you are comparing 2012 obama and he is reelection against romney to biden against trump, that why he was saying you need to wake up. say say the border is closed, but yeah, the border is closed and i can't have six jobs to keep up with inflation. trump looks like he is winning in the electoral college. i think that talking about it is the further you get away from 2020 the better he looks. >> he looks great in the rearview mirror. >> so do i. >> you look great in any mirror. but he sees the obama coalition leaving joe biden and going to trump. this rainbow coalition that is brainwashed to believe that trump is evil. so he sees that as the biggest threat. and then he sees joe biden running against father time. and then he sees a campaign that doesn't exist. then you have to look at biden and think that actionle rod, he endorsed hillary, and i beat the guy that hillary lost to and i did well on the midterms and the off year. so what are you talking about? i know what i'm doing, but my sources in delaware say that biden is not really going to resign or hang it up, he is running and not being moved from that position. and you know how good my sources are. >> they are really good. i was shocked in the green room when you agreed with me that joe biden's presidency is merely a halftime between the two halves of trump one and trump two because we needed that to rest for his second term. go to the bathroom. i was shocked that you said that, verbatim, actually, i have it on tape. >> your memory is statuesque. president trump says things like this a lot. one, he is right when he says you have to get going. if in the middle of that when when he first said that, if i was on the biden campaign i would have called and said you may be right, you may be wrong, what would you be doing. give us a map on how question get going in a way that would make voters happy. i like that he has a sense of humor. he says i have been called worse things in this race. the rainbow coalition. if you don't get down to the border, you don't get the best crime fighting opportunities. offer these for ways to make people feel more security and safe. today was a good day on the economic numbers. the market responded positively. when he was in office he said our financial markets are good indicators of where the economy is. even if people are feeling better, if you don't feel safe in your community, if you believe the it will be hard. those are the kinds of things that i would be doing if i was in it the white house. to be consistent with what he said about keep going. so keep going. >> judge, joe is always going, but he never seems to know where. >> yes. >> look, i agree. axlerod is right and one of the things that the president talked about, i think it was peter deucy when the cnn said five out of six states you're behind. he said no no, those two polls are wrong, and we fact checked it with real clear politics. and the truth is that he is losing in tied in eight out of ten polls. but i think that biden needs to stop fighting with people. he has a pension to have a hot temper and profanity, i'm not convinced -- i don't think he is that different from hillary who thought she should be corniated. but the truth is that he is clueless on how to campaign. when we first get into this war, that israel is supporting a war that israel is engaging in with hamas, he is given a speech on bidenomics. he thinks they're better off and 70% think biden made them worse off. then you have the talks on climate change today. he is not connecting with ordinary people. i think there is one thing that he needs to understand and that is that he is not entitled to run again. when you have people like nate silver and david axlerod and there is a schism with obama here, he has to understand that he is replaceable. they did so much with the intel officers, the laptop, so many freebies that at some point he has to say maybe they will not continue to keep me up and spot me like they have been. so i think he ought to just face the fact that he is not doing it the right way and that he may not get what he wants. >> a teen mob beats a high schooler to death while he tries to help his best friend. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. this is franklin graham. i had a veteran one time tell me, "is there such a thing as a bucket of hope? "my bucket is getting pretty empty." and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! ♪ every mile, every memory, every song another scene ♪ >> a horrific story not getting enough tension from the media. a student trying to save his friend from bullies beaten to death by a mob outside of his high school in las vegas. jonathan lewis had been defending his smaller friend who had been robbed and thrown in a trash bin. then the crowd turned on him and 15 teenagers took turns punching and kicking him unconscious. he died after being put on life support. no arrests have been made and the boy's father is calling for more than justice from his son. >> justice is a deep, deep thing for me and there is more to it than just these kids going to prison. to me it is what is the community going to do about this? when are people going to wake up and start having some compassion for one another and have some empathy. >> judge, no arrests first. it happened on november 1st, he died november 7th. and he it november 14th. >> i called and e-mailed the municipal police department to ask them the status and ask to speak with a detective. they would not put anyone on the phone. i just got an e-mail the las vegas police department is actively investigating this incident a update will be provided when available. the father claimed that the pd has not even discussed it with him and that is amazing. this is a very reasonable father given his approach and name is on them for not at least sharing some information. look, what you have is gang violence here. they have 15 -- they're talking about possibly a hate crime given the indication of who the assaulters were. but i think this case is just an example of a bigger problem that we have. and without going into all of the he will -- legalities of it, there was no coverage on cnn or on cable. this young boy, jonathan lewis, who was 17 and was killed, wanted to go into the navy. he was an artist. he wanted to go into the navy. he was defending his friend. the mob stole from his friend who was smaller and could not defend himself. they threw his friend in a garbage can. and because he was strong and bigger than a lot of these kids, a whole gang came after him and knocked him to the ground and kicked him to death. number one, the school district of the clark county school district that has been warning about physical bullying for months, and the police in the last few months confiscated 20 guns and 52 knives from that school district. they're going to be charged with murder. i don't know if the age is 16 or 17, and they will be convicted. there is no issue of justification. but today no one wants to be a good samaritan. if you're a good samaritan like jonathan lewis, that good kid. he got thrown to the ground and kicked to death by a bunch of animals. they're not even youths, they're animals. the other thing is your daniel penny and you get charged with homicide. but if the police are not going to pick up the issue and take care of young people, and the school is apparently ignoring it, people have to defend themselves and each other. i don't know if it is worth it any nor be a good samaritan. >> greg, there does seem to be a pattern of people trying to do the right thing get criticized or become the victims themselves. >> the reason it is not getting media coverage is in the filter of oppressor versus oppressed. he is on the wrong side. sorry. we're not going to play it over and over again. he is on the wrong side. so there you go. this is more evidence that school is aprompt mating prison live. what is

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People , Way , Social Media , Boss , The Union , Leaders , Mark Wayne Mullin , Campaigns , Discourse , D , Rally , Guest , Development , Staten Island , Sean O B Brien , Everyone , Crisis , Happening , On And , Hello , Jeneane Piroro , Solidarity , Five , Tens Of Thousands , Americans , Lawmakers , Pro Hamas , Breath , Threats , Lunacy , Celebrities , Fresh Air , Hostages , Anti Semitism , Cease Fire , Release , Israel , Growing Wave , Calls , Hamas , Earth , Joe Biden Running Against , Support , Show , Memo , Biden State Department , Ods , Miss , Employees , 100 , Jewish State , Something , Information , War Crimes , Conflict , Squad , Solution , Military Solution , Fire , Antiisrael , Truth , Terrorists , Us , Colleagues , Humanity , Antisemitic , Messages , American , Jewish , Witness , Jesse , Two , Message , River , Group , Sea , Religion , Nothing , Wrong , Hit , Pearl Harbor , Son , Omar , Violence , Face , Quacker , War , Life , Self Defense , Principals , Schoolyard , Report , Authority , Seven , Peace , Attack , Chance , Success , Redress Injury , One , Injuries , Weapons , Combatants , Noncombatants , Holocaust , Parents , Concern , Friends , Weren T , Germany , Anything , Didn T , Greg , Reason , Things , Worry , Hate Crimes , Jews , Van Jones , 400 , Three , It , Point , Viewpoint , Social Media Algorithms , Peace Activist , Supporters , Algorithm , Remains , No One , Stomping , Peace Activists , Aoc , Raid , Anybody , Flags , Reality , Protests , Difference , Tantrum , Versus , Ideology , Self , Screamers , Blm , Estate , October 7th , Cause , Voices , 7 , Attacks , History , Atrocity , Bad Guy , Sympathizers , Mental State Versus Jewish , Rhetoric , Oppressor , Punch , Punch Theory , Versus Oppressed , President Xi , Lot , Where , Kamala Harris , Hand , Johnson , Jo Joni Erenst , Schumer , Jeffreys , Administration , Flexibility , Agility , Both , Hospital , Hiding , Pentagon , Force , March On Sunday , Fear , Masks , Businesses , Minority , Posters , Majority , Video Calling , Spirit , Cases , Isis , Everything , Response , Table , Globe , Israelis , Part , Self Defense Effort , Effort Response , Allies , Middle East , Someone , 6th ,

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