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judge in delaware to drop the gun charges, which carries 25 years behind bars. this week we are expected preliminary hearing on nine new tax charges. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. carley has the day off. house republicans want hunter to testify on capitol hill this wednesday and say they will move to hold him in contempt of congress if he doesn't show up. brooke singman will break down both cases. >> brooke: hunter's team is likely preparing the paperwork to dismiss the delaware gun charges. he is blaming republicans for his run-ins with the law now. listen. >> they are trying in most illegitimate and rationale way they are trying to destroy a presidency. it is not about me. in their most base way, they are trying to kill me, knowing it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle. >> brooke: we rarely hear from hunter himself, that interview was recorded before the latest indictments were filed. here is a breakdown of the counts. between tax charges and gun charges hunter is being looing at maximum of 42 years behind bars. here is how he was spending his money instead of paying taxes. $680's,000 on various woman and $190,000 on adult entertainment. >> it is legally justified, this is a troubled individual who has done things that are worthy of prosecution. i look forward to that case continuing. >> brooke: hunter scheduled to testify wednesday in t impeachment try. >> i think it is cruel that the president of the united states would use his son with drug problems to be the proxy for these things. i think we need to point at that. james biden received money and august bidens received money and james comer has receipts. >> brooke: hunter only agreed to be deposed publicly, jim jordan and james comer say if he refuses this session, they will move to hold nim in contempt. >> todd: the podcast was moby that made the electric music in 2000, be moy's podcast. brooke, thank you. former president donald trump will not take the stand today, trump notified court yesterday after posting on truth social. i have testified to everything and have nothing more to say other than this is a complete witch hunt, i will not testify on monday. an nyu accounting professor crit criticized -- net worth to receive preferential treatment from banks. millions of americans waking up to the threat of floored and winter weather. this is the same deadly storm system that tore through the south over the weekend. take a look at the devastation. tornados devastating middle tennessee, killing six people, including a child. this massive transformer explosion was captured on camera. >> on -- oh, my god. >> todd: thousands still without power in the hard-hit counties. temperatures took a nose dive overnight. janice dean. jd. >> janice: bringing heavy rain along the coast of northeast and interior sections of snow, we could see heavy snow and then the storm will exit the coast quickly. we have flood watches and warnings up and down the i-95 corridor. lingering showers along the coast. on the backside of this system, along with cold front, snow will pile up over interior sections and mountainous regions. by this afternoon, things calm down. we'll feel wind gusts throughout the day today and that could delay travel and we could see cancellations. we have lingering rain and snow for the northwest and rockies. otherwise good-looking forecast and we'll start to see a warm up. histo historical chance of a white christmas. we could see potential for snow on christmas day and if you live across the rockies and northeast, you are more likely to get that unlikely and dream on for parts of the south. we could get wintry weather throughout the four sekszs of the south. in the holiday season, not looking likely. new york city, better chance to get into january, february and march., for the latest and hope this system will be out of here by this afternoon. >> todd: as a child, you want a white christmas, as a parent, you have to drive in it. buffalo bills taking down the chiefs, controversial call sending players and fans into a frenzy. >> here they come again. flag at the line of scrimmage and open travis kelce over to tony. my goodness, going for a touchdown. >> todd: laundry on the field, that yellow flag was costly, we have highlights. former nascar driver launching his bid for one of the most competitive seats in congress. he will tell us issues that are driving voters to support him. ♪ ♪ meet gold bond daily healing. a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> todd: quite a day on the gridiron. the bills and chiefs. the chiefs come storming back, kansas city taking the lead on this pass to kelce and toney takes it in. called back for a penalty as that very wide receiver, former football giant toney was lined up off sides. mahomes is not happy, yelling at the refs. chiefs fall to the bills. and cowboys beat down champion philadelphia eagles. dak's squad takes the game 33-13, for the tiefrt film in forever, i'm a cowboys fan. bears hosting the lions. two trips to the -- now to met life stadium, a miracle happened yesterday, you are welcome, anthony. jets scoring three zach wilson touchdowns, new york takes down the texans 30-6. falcons duelling the buccaneers. steal one in the dirty dirty. >> mayfield and it is caught, touchdown. >> todd: buccaneers taking down the falcons to move into a tie for first place in their division. former nascar driver austin carrio launching a campaign. his seat is held by a democrat. he believes he has a message that will resonate. >> people are struggling. we have the opportunity to say that is not the case, we can go into the next decade stronger. >> todd: austin tarrio joins me now. why from the race track to the rat race of congress? >> good morning, it is good to be with you. i think we can understand working class is getting left behind. i'm running to fight for those who don't have a voice in america. special interest groups are the only ones getting ahead. this economy, people can barely afford to get ahead. radical bureaucrats are trying to tell us what kind of cars to drive. people like myself are starting to step up and speak out and fight for regular americans. >> todd: i heard border, biden and bureaucracy. >> the border is a huge issue, we are thousanding of miles away, but drugs are pouring across the border. we are losing loved ones and family members and our communities be being torn apart. so much going on across the world, we are in wars and biden administration is not strong enough. >> todd: how will your time as nascar driver translate to help the people in maine. >> i've basically ran my own business since i was 16. i have learned perseverance and my travels across the country, i see places thriving and economies people are fortunate to be able to build families up and become more wealthy and here in the second district, we are struggling and falling further behind the rest of the state and it will take somebody who is aggressive to advocate for our area. there is hope here, people are great and we are not afraid to work hard, but there is no vision. >> todd: big target republicans, jareld golden in 2022 by 6%. this race viewed as a toss-up, you are getting endorsements from mike johnson and elise stefanik, what do you make of all that support? >> the balness of congress comes down to the second district here in maine. this is the largest district east of the mississippi, every district counts, i'm honored to have those endorsements, but more important is grassroots here at home. voters will make that decision. i think jared is a great guy, but does not represent our district well. we need somebody who will fight radical policies and politicians. >> todd: you are in a gop primary. if you win that primary and you face off against jared golden, who do you want running for president on the gop side? >> we have a lot of good candidates, any republican right now would be better than joe biden. i will support the republican party no matter who the candidate is. now 2024 is an opportunity to fight back. people are speaking out and looking forward to the future. austin theriault, best of luck. seattle police searching for the suspects heard laughing after intentionally running over pedestrians. >> hit his -- yes, yes, yes. [laughter] >> todd: what is going on, we have details on two separate attacks and an illegal immigrant arrested for -- tragic, but preventable story, next. (puppies whimpering) (phone ringing) (dogs barking) - [woman] we're completely full. - it's okay, we're here to help you. (piano music begins) - hi, little guys. - [man] settle in. (van door closing) - time to meet your families! (puppies barking) (puppies sniffing) - hi there! - what should we name him? - buster! rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. >> todd: 104 idf soldiers have been killed in gaza, according to local media. six others hurt in a hezbollah attack yesterday. trey yingst has the latest. >> trey: i want to start with breaking news, a few minutes ago, hamas fired, they are targeting tel aviv. there was one direct impact and one person was light lie injured. focusing on northern gaza overnight, you can see a unit operating in the area are engaged in close-quarters contact. this brigade, 931st battalion. since the ground operation began, 104 have been killed. fierce battles continue, prime minister netanyahu had this warning for hamas. >> in recent days, hamas terrorists have been surrendering and handing themselves over to our fighters. this is the beginning of the end of hamas. i say to hamas terrorists, it is over, surrender now. >> trey: don't die for the leader of hamas, prime minister netanyahu says. pushing back from new threats against hezbollah. yesterday the chief of staff visited troops there. israel has set a deadline to put hezbollah away from the border. likely leading to further military activity in the north. there are concerns hamas and jihad could try to put pressure and increase threats against israel. >> todd: texas police have arrested an illegal immigrant in the brutal murder of elizabeth me medina. an angel mom -- whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant in 2022. this killing and the killing of your son preventable if we enforced our borders, why does the government keep allowing tragedies like this to happen? >> i would like to tell ms. medina, deepest condolences, we have another angel mom added to the list. this murder responsibility falls on mayorkas, he has bloods on his hand and should be impeached for conscious and deliberate dereliction of duty. the government is not taking notice, they don't know how many people have come in. if i may take a moment to show a few of the pictures, this is reuben, shots and killed, executed 13 years old. this is rebecca and this is ja javier, border patrol, lacy ferguson and here is sady king and here is my son, a small fraction of how many people's lives have been destroyed by this insanity. these families will forever have an empty chair at their table and just before the holidays, my heart goes out. >> todd: when you see the pictures, these people had families and these families will not have their family member ever again. we know the situation at the border is horrific. you see it rising, who knows what 2024 will bring. do you worry tragedies like yours will skyrocket as more people come into this country and that includes criminal convicts likely to do something bad again? >> i definitely do. my son was my first born and i worry everyday. i have two daughters and i wor are for them and my grandchildren. this is responsibility of our government. you're showing pictures of my two daughters and my son, it breaks my heart. this is responsibility of every american. we need to speak up and get informed, get involved, we need to fight for our country, we are losing our country. i came, my family came from a communist country and we are turning into what my family escaped from. for god's sake, pay attention, you do not want this pain before the holidays, or any time. >> todd: you are repeating what we hear all the time, we are not a communist country, it has to stop. condolences continue on the loss of your son. former canine officer fighting to take his companion with him as he moves out of town. the dog is still considered fit to fight in the force and the city is refusing to let him go. that officer is here to tell us about his fight. >> todd: seattle police releasing footage showing suspects purposely mowing down pedestrians with their car last month. watch. >> hit his -- yes, yes, yes. [laughter] >> todd: what are we doing in america? this is sick. the video from inside the car was taken by the suspects themselves, you can hear them laughing and encouraging each other running down innocent people. police have not been able to identify the victims. former ohio officer and his family are moving to a new city and want to take their canine with them. the police force is refusing to give up the dog, even rejecting the family's $10,000 offer to keep him. chad, this is an interesting story. why is this happening? walk us through the situation. >> the issue is, i want to make a family move and go to a different police department, betters our family. i offered to put together $ $10,000 of our own money just to retire igor and let him live with the only family he's known and $10 grand to set the next handler up for success. it affects everyone. the police said igor is a tool and no number could purchase him. >> todd: do you think this is out of spite for you leaving the department? >> a lot of people have been saying that and saying that the chief is making a poor decision. i can't speak for the chief of police, egg lot of people think it could be spiteful. >> todd: igor is a german shepherd and he is expected to be fit for duty for another three or four years. the city administration, including the chief has no authority to sell the dog. c chad, your response to that? >> it is unfortunate, i've been with igor almost his whole life and the fact they are saying he's not slowing down and no change. i don't know who made that dec decision, it is not true. he is almost seven, he is past his prime. his body is aching, he's worked hard and done his time. he deserves to be home with the family, be comfortable and just live the rest of his life happy. >> todd: danielle, what are amazing things igor has done not just for your husband, for a lot of people. he protects the city and has had many apprehension, he is a narcotics dog and rescued people on different occasions, he's saved chad's life. he is my husband's best friend, igor knows no onel. >> todd: there is fear that igor wouldn't fit with another family. can you speak to that? >> he has lived with us five and a half years and only listening to chad. you can train somebody else to say the commands, but igor will not respond to somebody else that way. >> todd: do you think the chief understands the bond between a conine and its handler? >> no, he does not understand the bond and i don't think he was seeking anyone's opinion in reference to canine and bond and emot emotional. >> todd: keep us posted, seems there is a resolution for everybody and we have not arrived there. it is not good for you or igmichael oher the city. thanks. democrats calling in the cal vary to save joe biden's reelection campaign. look at the screen, they are hoping hillary clinton can right the ship. cheryl casone has that and the surprising poll that has all eyes on nikki haley this morning. and biden administration is suing a california moving company, you will not believe why and you will have questions. i have questions. we'll talk to the owner next. ♪ ♪ you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. >> todd: democrats calling in hillary clinton to help bail out president biden reelection bid as poor polling is piling on the commander-in-chief. cheryl casone has details >> cheryl: biden administration bringing in hillary clinton to help campaign for president biden's campaign. holding a fundraiser event at her georgia home that brought in almost a million dollars. hillary clinton is a fundraising draw. fox news contributor charlie hurt responding to the president's trouble and says this runs deeper. watch. >> you know you are in deep trouble if you are picking up the bat phone and calling hillary clinton to help you out. interesting their thinking is he needs help among women voters. if you need help among women voters and you are a demp accurate running against donald trump, it is over. >> cheryl: biden would gather 43% of the vote and trump 47%. former south carolina governor nikki haley would also best biden 51% to 34%. the low numbers reflect economic stress and challenge americans are facing according to the pollster who conducted this latest survey for "wall street journal." >> todd: 17 points is a walter mondale number. and blatant antisemitism behavior. >> cheryl: employees blocked a jewish woman from going into a bathroom, leading to the owner firing the workers. the video has been deleted, it showed three employees standing between this older woman. they say it was civil dialogue that resulted in i situation that is unacceptable. at farley's we will not make people feel unsafe. the actors are no longer employed by farley's. once the video were out, people were upset how they were treating this older jewish woman. >> todd: this is happening throughout america and that is wrong. the biden administration suing california moving company. we had no idea we were doing anything wrong by being a movie company that hires student athletes. what's wrong with that? meathead movers joins me now. what was your reaction when you saw the feds coming after you for age diskrimination? >> we got a $15 million demand and we can't agree to go out of business. >> todd: if a 70-year-old demonstrates they can lift the same weight as a 20 year old, will you hire them? >> absolutely, we will hire anybody that can fill the job requirements. >> todd: the agency is equal employee opportunity commission, having worked as a lawyer with them, these cases go on for years and decades why do you think the eeoc for joe biden is going after you in the first place? >> i have no idea, what is interesting, there wasn't a claimant, no one raised their hand and said meathade d discriminated against me. they brought this on by themselves and it makes no sense. we're baffled. >> todd: wonder if they got prodding from the aaway. dwayne the rock johnson would be pretty good at moving boxes, how many rock workers have applied for the job? >> we would love to hire the rock. >> todd: this is a slippery slope, i could sue the n.f.l. today, serve them with lawsuit for not putting me on an n.f.l. rostering, even though no way i should be on an n.f.l. roster thchl is a slippery slope, not just for your business, for america. >> this is a threat for any job that has a physical requirement. if businesses are not able to hire based upon the scope of what is required by that employee, it put us us on shaky ground. >> todd: i am glad you mentioned no one had brought this suit against you, that strikes me as odd. we'll try to get to the bottom of this. this is bizarre and wrong. thank you, sir. "saturday night live" going viral for all the wrong reasons mocking congressional hearings on antisemitism. >> depends on the context. >> what? that can't be your answer, upenn lady. am i winning this hearing? >> todd: that is just bad all around, joe concha is not laughing, but he's next. lawrence jones and smiling after the cowboys put a whooping on the eagles. >> lawrence: you are holding it down, it is hard doing it by yourself. coming up on "fox and friends" problems piling up for hunter biden, asking a judge to dismiss gun charges and tax crime case expected this week. the lab leak theory is possible. this time biden's excovid advisor, we'll get to the truth about the origins of covid, will we? days of sniffing dogs are not over issue but today ai is turning to. jonathan turley, congressman jim banks coming up this morning on a special edition of "fox and friends." don't go anywhere. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> todd: george washington university the latest institution accused of promoting pro-palestinian and anti-semitism rhetoric. hosting a faculty panel last week declaring hamas has, quote, a right of resistance. hamas. and now harvard president clawed dean gay is being urged to follow the lead of the upenn president and resign. campus swarmed by billboards yesterday demanding should be fired over last week's disastrous house hearing. republicans are not letting it go and vowing to defund any u.s. college and university that fails to address anti-semitism on campus. >> ultimately, there needs to be a prosecution against -- again, this illegal targeting of jewish students that is happening on these college campuses who are funded with federal funds. federal funds are pouring into these universities which we're going to defund. >> todd: that, of course is, congresswoman elise stefanik. she was also the subject of this "saturday night live" cold open that mocked her line of questioning during that congressional hearing on anti-semitism last week. watch this. >> now, i'm going to start screaming questions at these women like i'm billy eickner. [laughter] anti-semitism yea or nay? >> i'm sorry, what? >> yes. yes or no calling for the genocide of jews against the code of conduct for harvard. >> well, it depends on the context. >> what? that can't be your answer. upenn lady same question, yes or no? >> well, we are serious about stopping all forms of hatred, anti-semitism, islamophobia. >> the second one. keep in mind, if you don't say yes, you are going to make me look good. am i winning this hearing? >> fox news contributor and columnist for the messengerio o. joe concha joins me now. joe,. >> saturdays night live decided mocking elise stefanik after what we witnessed from the presidents of penn and harvard was actually a good idea? this was so un-funny to watch. it was profoundly awkward to absorb. you could feel the cringe coming from the audience. i get that humor can be subjective. but who how are stefanik's questions open to satire because, what, she is a republican? when wi snl mock rashida, ilhan omar. i'm certain there is plenty of material to work with there. this used to be a show that hit both sides. darryl hammond as bill clinton and particularly during the monica lunacy scandal was funny stuff. will farrell george bush epic. the obama years snl take 8 years off and alec baldwin angry trump. awkward betrayal belonged on msnbc not nbc. what happened on college campuses like penn and harvard that calls for the genocide of jews, that the presidents of penn and harvard tried to excuse under oath, mind you, is not a road the writers of snl should have gone down. you know it's irony someone is called the wrong pronoun at harvard that's considered hate speech. but if you call for jews to be wiped off the face of the earth, your rights really need to be protected from a free speech perspective. the good news here at least, todd, is that snl is getting absolutely pulverized on social media from all sides. and at least that's encouraging. >> lauren michaels is not only the creator of snl also the executive producer. that doesn't connote ultimately how big he is there. nothing happens on that show without his explicit sign off. he is also jewish and was born on a kibbutz on what was british palestine how the heck does he let this happen? >> you have to wonder if is he in charge at this point. many decades since he has took over. i wonder fed okayed. this i guess he did. i don't know what he was thinking in terms of that. do you know what a big turning point for snl was 2016. trump wins the election. a few nights later indicate mccolin none as hillary clinton singing hallelujah with tears in her eyes. when she finished the song and says to the camera i'm not giving up and neither should you. live from new york, it's saturday night from, four years from there during the trump era. you might have had rachel it maddow and sack i didn't. it was supposed to be comedy. that's what it did best. being unpredictable is a whole ballgame. they have forgotten about that. and snl, unfortunately, is almost always profoundly predictable at this point. and it has taken a side like everything else, unfortunately, todd. >> todd: do you know how far they have fallen since 2016, joe, name the breakout star gone on to a big movie career? i'll wait. exactly. dead air. >> joe: great point. >> todd: back in the day will farrell and adam sandler. they were funny. now you are getting nothing. >> chris farley, yeah. >> todd: great insight as always. thank you for joining me on a monday and thank you for joining "fox & friends" right now. ♪

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Seat , Message , Democrat , Opportunity , Austin Tarrio , Working Class , Rat Race , Race Track , Special Interest Groups , Voice , Who Don T , Economy , Ones , Bureaucrats , Cars , Kind , Border , Issue , Bureaucracy , Drugs , Thousanding , Miles Away , Communities , Family Members , Loved Ones , Administration , Enough , Wars , Maine , Country , Business , Perseverance , Travels , 16 , Families , District , Rest , Estate , Economies , Wealthy , Somebody , Area , Hope , Endorsements , Race , Vision , Toss Up , Big Target Republicans , Jareld Golden , 2022 , Elise Stefanik , Balness , Support , Mike Johnson , District Counts , Grassroots , Important , District East Of The Mississippi , Decision , Guy , Running , Policies , Politicians , Primary , Jared Golden , Gop , Lot , Joe Biden , Candidates , Matter , Candidate , Best Of Luck , Austin Theriault , 2024 , Police , Suspects , Yes , Pedestrians , Hit His , Seattle , Immigrant , Laughter , Details , Attacks , Story , Piano Music , Okay , Hi , Oman , Phone Ringing , Dogs Barking , Little Guys , Puppies Whimpering , Puppies Sniffing , Puppies , Buster , Van Door Closing , Rsv , Vaccine , Everyone , Respiratory Disease , Make It Arexvy , 60 , Response , Muscle Pain , Immune Systems , Injection Site Pain , Reactions , Ingredients , Fatigue , Headache , Side Effects , Soldiers , Northern Gaza , Idf , 104 , Media , Breaking News , Attack , Others , Hezbollah , Trey Yingst , Hamas , Person , Impact , Tel Aviv , Light Lie Injured , Unit , Netanyahu , Contact , Battles , Battalion , Ground Operation , Brigade , 931 , Terrorists , Warning , Surrendering , Fighters , The Beginning Of End , Chief , Threats , Staff , Leader , Don T Die , Leading , North , Activity , Troops , Israel , Pressure , Concerns , Jihad , Murder , Me Medina , Elizabeth , Texas , Angel Mom , Killing , Government , Tragedies , Borders , Ms , Condolences , Murder Responsibility , Angel , Mom , List , Medina , Mayorkas , Hand , Bloods , Dereliction Of Duty , Reuben , Pictures , Notice , Shots , Few , Rebecca , Ja Javier , Lacy Ferguson , Border Patrol , Lives , King , Fraction , Insanity , Heart , Holidays , Table , Chair , Situation , Family Member , Convicts , Daughters , Born , Responsibility , Grandchildren , Family , Pay Attention , Sake , Companion , Canine Officer Fighting , Loss , Officer , City , Dog , Force , Town , Fight , Car , Seattle Police , Watch , Video , Canine , Police Force , Victims , Ohio , Offer , Chad , 10000 , 0000 , Happening , Police Department , Family Move , Igor Wouldn T , Handler , Grand , Tool , Success , 0 , 10 , Number , Department , Spite , Egg , Spiteful , Shepherd , Duty , Authority , Life , C Chad , Change , Fact , Prime , Body , Dec , Seven , Husband , Apprehension , Narcotics Dog , Best Friend , Occasions , Fit , Fear , Five , No Onel , Commands , Opinion , Anyone , Reference , Everybody , Resolution , Thanks , Cal , The City , Igmichael Oher , Hillary Clinton , Poll , Eyes , Nikki Haley , Screen , Ship , Reelection Campaign , Cheryl Casone , Questions , Company , Owner , California , Lines , Bill , Interest , A Month , Carriers , Business Mobile , Providers , Big Three , Comcast , 75 , Wall , Contracts , Term , Line Activation Fees , 5g Mobile Network , Device , 5 , Piling , Polling , Biden Reelection Bid , Commander In Chief , Biden Administration , Fundraiser Event , Fundraising Draw , Home , Georgia , A Million Dollars , A Million , Trouble , Charlie Hurt , Bat Phone , Thinking , Women Voters , Help , Demp , Cheryl , South Carolina , 47 , 43 , Numbers , Challenge , Stress , 51 , 34 , Points , Pollster , Survey , Antisemitism Behavior , Walter Mondale , Wall Street Journal , 17 , Jewish , Employees , Workers , Bathroom , Dialogue , Actors , At Farley , Farley S , Idea , Movie , Student Athletes , Reaction , Feds , Meathead Movers , Out Of Business , Demand , 5 Million , 15 Million , 70 , Job , Gold , Weight , Anybody , Employee Opportunity Commission , Agency , Requirements , Lawyer , There Wasn T A Claimant , Eeoc , Meathade D , Wonder , Aaway , Sense , Prodding , Rock Workers , Boxes , Dwayne The Rock Johnson , Slippery Slope , Lawsuit , Nfl , Thchl , Rostering , Requirement , Employee , Ground , Scope , Wrong , Suit , Bottom , Odd , Sir , Context , Anti Semitism , Hearings , Reasons , Saturday Night Live , Answer , Upenn Lady , Messengerio O Joe Concha , Lawrence , Eagles , Whooping , Lawrence Jones , Tax , Problems , Crime , Lab Leak Theory , Dogs , Covid , Excovid Advisor , Origins , Ai , Special Edition , Congressman Jim Banks , Jonathan Turley , Anywhere , Save , Mustache , Don T Go , Liberty Bibberty , Institution , Rhetoric , Faculty Panel , George Washington University , Campus , Hamas Has , Billboards , Resistance , Upenn , Quote , Dean Gay , College , House Hearing , University , Targeting , Funds , College Campuses , Universities , Students , Course , Defund , Questioning , Subject , Women , Congresswoman , Cold Open , Billy Eickner , Harvard , Genocide , Calling , Conduct , Yea , Nay , Code , Question , Eforms , Lady , Islamophobia , Hatred , Contributor , Mind , Columnist , Presidents , Saturdays Night , Humor , Cringe , Audience , Satire , Mock Rashida , Ilhan Omar , Wi , Show , Material , Bill Clinton , Darryl Hammond , Scandal , Stuff , Monica , Angry Trump , Will Farrell , Epic , George Bush , Obama , Alec Baldwin , 8 , Calls , Road , Betrayal , Oath , Writers , Mind You , Msnbc , Nbc , Someone , Free Speech Perspective , Pronoun , Rights , Face , Hate Speech , Earth , Lauren Michaels , News , Social Media , Creator , Executive Producer , Doesn T Connote , Sign Off , Kibbutz , Check , Palestine , Point , Charge , Terms , Fed Okayed , 2016 , Election , Tears , None , Song , Mccolin , Comedy , Sack , Rachel It Maddow , Snl , Ballgame , Star , Everything Else , Career , Hair , Back In The Day , Great Point , Adam Sandler , Insight , Chris Farley ,

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