Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240710 : vima

MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show July 10, 2024

The main message are for us to prepare ourselves. You know, i had no idea. I thought i knew. I thought i knew about these things. I did not know. The ets, the aliens and what they did, i didnt know. They are preparing us for the end of the world. Theyre, i think, going to cause the end of the world . I dont know if thats supposed to be good. The aliens, these cute little deflated pillsbury dough boys aliens, theyre hidden right out in the open. That was a movie do we call these things a movie . That was a film that was released in 2019 at least 2019 when it was posted online. The same filmmaker also made this the year before. Now, in this, you will recognize some of the same dudes from the other movie. But in this movie they have different haircuts and they have different purported expertise. No tire tracks and no footprints. The germans had a settlement on the moon. They had a settlement on mars. And they were doing this as early as 1939. Between the age of 16 and 17 years old, i was transported to the moon. And after 20 years, i was ageregressed back in time and then returned to civilian life. This money is going into underground Military Bases and secret Space Programs with Technology Far beyond what many of us could even realize. At some point, this is all going to break open. The more you get involved, the more compromised you become. They may actually kill you. Did you see the giant skulls . The skulls of giants there at the end . The giants who were also maybe old rich dutch people who got their portraits painted. I know. Huh, huh, huh . You ever seen those together . And if you put those next to a turnip, ill tell you what. It turns out the giants may have done 9 11 and i think shot jfk. It was the giants or it was the aliens that did that. Maybe the giants got killed by the aliens after they shot jfk. Honestly, its hard to figure out. I will tell you, as this filmmaker has evolved over time, his aliens have gotten better looking. Theyve gotten more stylish, kind of cooler. Can we say his aliens are getting more hip over time as his movies about him evolve. They are certainly svelter in the mans later work, to be sure. I mention this and i introduce you to this filmmakers work because for the future of Oour Republic and one of our two major governing parties, its important to know that that guy, the aliens did 9 11 guy, has a new movie coming out this week. His 2018 movie was Nazis In Space and aliens killed jfk. His 2019 movie was aliens are eating our dna and free masons and watch out. And here comes the end of the world, but dont worry, the aliens are very peaceful seeming and theyll be cool with you if you watch these movies. Those were his previous works. His new movie which comes out this week is about the arizona audit, the socalled audit of the arizona president ial election result arranged by republicans in the state legislature. That is the subject of his next movie. He appears to be sort of the authorized documentarian of the audit. The movie does feature all the big players. The opening scene in the trailer for the film is ken bennet, the Arizona Republican official who has served all this time as the spokesman for the audit. There he is talking to the nazis on the moon, aliens did 9 11 filmmaker. Look at the background. Hes at the site of the arizona Recount Audit Thing at that arena in phoenix talking to the aliens did 9 11 filmmaker about the arizona recount. The movie also includes lots of footage and testimony from the guy who writes Treasure Hunting And Big Claim To Fame was creating a Bar Code Scanner shaped like a house cat. He claims to have secret technology he cant disclose to you which he called kinematic artifact detection. It is secret, but it is supposedly being applied to all of arizonas federal election ballots to prove to prove to prove that donald trump must have secretly won. Ask the secret cat scanner. The movie also includes, apparently, the ceo, maybe also the sole employee of cyber ninjas. Thats the firm, the guy, whos actually running whatever it is the republicans are doing with the federal election ballots in arizona. His name is doug logan, the ceo of cyber ninjas. He was shadowed out visually in the original trailer for the movie, but they used his voice. When local reporters in arizona recognized his voice, the filmmakers recut the trailer to make doug logans voice digitally altered. Then when everybody laughed at them for doing that they issued a third version of the trailer, this one with doug logans vision cut out entirely. But if you think you are ready to learn the truth about the 2020 Arizona Election results and you specifically want to learn that truth from the guy who finally figured out that it must have been aliens who did 9 11 and wow jfk too and watch out they might steal you and take you to the moon for 20 years, if thats the guy you want to learn the truth from about the arizona president ial election in 2020, he had some big news for you this week. You will not be shocked to learn that he announced this news on a Telegram Channel thats for followers of the qanon conspiracy theory. But thats where he made the announcement. You guys, you guys, his new movie is ready. He did the aliens movie in 2018. Did the different aliens movie in 2019. But his 2021 movie is ready. Its apparently shot on site at the Election Audit in phoenix. It is premiering at a church in phoenix this weekend, which i think means its time to the end of the arizona socalled audit. Whatever theyre doing at the audit is supposed to be wrapped up. And the big culminating event will be the screening of the official documentary of what happened in arizona and how the arizona audit will expose the trump truth of the the reason we know about any of this is because really good reporters, dogged reporters, at the arizona mirror, the Arizona Republic and local tv stations in phoenix and the arizona watch have been documenting this stuff for posterity. You otherwise wouldnt believe it. But a significant portion of the country, a majority of Republican Voters across the country say they believe that donald trump actually won reelection or at least that there was significant fraud and there were many irregularities in the last election. And when majorities of Republican Voters tell pollsters that, what they are thinking of is this socalled audit in arizona, right . Theres a recount there, right . And it sounds like theyre turning up stuff thats really, really bad. Well, now from the guy who brought you the movie on the left about the secret Space Program growing aliens deep inside the earth, were about to get what i guess is the authorized Documentary Expose of the arizona thing, including the support and involvement of the republican officials and contractors who are running it. And it would be hilarious it still is kind of hilarious, except for the part where this is the basis for republicans in huge numbers now saying that the last election was distorted and corrupted by massive fraud. And so nobody can have any faith in the election outcome. And therefore republican controlled legislatures across the country must dramatically restrict Voting Rights and change the administration of elections so we never have another election like 2020 again. I mean, it will also be the predicate for whatevers going to happen in our country in august when arizona says theyre going to release their findings after whatever it is the qanon cyber ninjas people did to the ballots and Voting Machines in arizona, their report on the socalled audit will be ready in late july or early august. And august is when trump says he will be reinstated as president. He expects in august to be reinstated as president , presumably, he believes, on the basis of what arizona is going to say they found in this thing that they set up in this local arena and had documented by the nazis on mars guy. This just doesnt seem like a healthful way for a mature democracy to handle the transition of power, you know . And it you know, maybe it all seems like Fun And Games until an angry armed mob storms your National Capitol to stop the Election Results from being certified. Or someone reporting to the protrump faction in your state Legislature Starts banging on your door demanding to know who you voted for, threatening that you seem like the kind of person or this seems like the kind of address that feels a little shady to them and is going to be reported as fraud. The watchdog group, american oversight, this week obtained a bunch of documents from the Arizona Republican who is set up and have administered the socalled audit there. Among the documents they obtained was this one. Reporting back, apparently, on a doortodoor canvas, quote, by a citizens nonpartisan grassroots project. They say they went doortodoor in Maricopa County and pima county, arizona, knocking on peoples doors asking who lived there and then asking about their vote in the president ial election in november. And then reporting up to Arizona Republicans that literally most of the addresses they went to seemed like likely fraudsters. 52 of those canvassed addresses required an affidavit for an irregularity. 52 . Really . A majority of households in arizona are seen as needing affidavits because of irregularities as reported by Volunteer Citizen Canvassers . This tracks with news we saw a week ago in the Arizona Republic, quote, people are knocking on the doors of county residents in arizona and asking how they voted in the last election, while falsely claiming to represent the county recorders office. According to Sheriffs Office officials. The mysterious doortodoor survey has alarmed local officials. It comes after the u. S. Department of justice warned Arizona Senate republicans against plans to canvass voters homes as part of an unprecedented review of novembers election. In fact, that warning is true. In may, the u. S. Justice department, a senior u. S. Justice Department Official wrote to Arizona Republicans warning them about what they were doing with the socalled audit, warning them ability strict federal laws that govern the handling of ballots and Voting Machines after a federal election. Arizona republicans blew that off and kept doing exactly what they had been doing before, which means the Justice Department apparently didnt mean what they said in that letter because they never followed up or took any visible action, despite the implied threat in that letter. But the Justice Departments letter to arizona also explicitly warned Arizona Republicans about what had been their stated plans, to go bang on peoples doors, to ask them about their vote in the president ial election. After doj sent that Letter Warning about the mishandling of ballots and Voting Machines, warning about plans to go doortodoor, Arizona Republicans responded to that part of it saying they didnt have plans to do the doortodoor stuff anyway. In this records request, thanks to american oversight, we know that happened. I mean, what Arizona Republicans have reported to them from these volunteer canvassers is that it was thousands of arizonans who got knocks on their door with random People Holding clipboards trying to appear like official something demanding to know about their vote in the president ial election. It happened in Maricopa County, it happened in pima county. It happened in yavapai county. The Justice Department explicitly warned arizona about doing this, warned Arizona Republicans because its against the federal law that prohibits intimidating voters in this way. They got the warning. They apparently did it anyway in three counties. Thousands of households. Is the Justice Department going to do anything about that other than their stern warning they sent in may followed up with no action in response . Anyone . Hello . Is this thing on . We dont know what, if anything, the white house and the Biden Administration, more broadly, plans to do to try to defend Voting Rights and to protect election processes against this unprecedented and still rising tide of pressure from republicancontrolled legislatures and republican state houses around the country. Today a reporter for vice news says she asked the Number Two Senate democrat, dick durbin, what would happen next after republicans filibustered the Voting Rights bill in the senate today. Elizabeth landers wrote, when Senator Durbin responded, quote, im not sure, meaning im not sure what will happen next. He then hinted that President Biden is, quote, doing lite of things that havent been announced publicly. Before too long, white house chief of staff Ron Klain Retweeted that, pointedly, literally with a little pointing emoji, seeming to endorse the idea that there may be actions President Biden himself or the Biden Administration more broadly is taking on this issue that we cant yet see. Okay. Im intrigued. Im looking forward to finding out about that. But whether its potentially Justice Department action to enforce federal laws around the handling of ballots and not intimidating voters or whether its Something Else theyve got in mind, when it comes to the law, when it comes to the path of legislation, it did hit that big expected speed bump today thanks to Democrats Unwillingness to reform the Filibuster Rules in the face of republican willingness to use the filibuster against absolutely everything, even Voting Rights. All 50 republican senators voted today that there should not even be a debate on the Voting Rights bill, the for the people act. That also meant that republicans didnt even consent to consider to even talking about a different version of the bill, like for example the significantly reduced iteration of the bill proposed by Conservative Democratic senator joe manchin of west virginia. Senator manchin has been the focus of so much attention on this issue because of the peculiar angle he took on this thing. It wasnt just that manchin said he didnt want to vote for a Voting Rights bill unless it had republican support. He said that, but he also expressed this relentless and sort of inexplicable optimism that some republicans would support Voting Rights in the end. When he wrote his oped in his Hometown Paper recently expressing his opposition to any Voting Rights bill that didnt have republican support, that was sort of an implicit criticism of his democratic colleagues in the senate for writing a Voting Rights bill that no republican senator could support. Senator manchin put his theory to the test though. He wrote his own version of the Voting Rights bill, showing his concept of the kind of bill he felt republicans rightfully should support and should be expected to support on Voting Rights. Senator manchin drew up his own proposal, what he thought should get republican votes. The republican leader in the senate, Mitch Mcconnell, responded by calling the proposed bill, quote, rotten. And then today republican senators, all 50 republican senators, voted to not even consider what joe manchin put forward. So, does this change Senator Manchins mind about any of this . Does it shift his idea that no Voting Rights bill should pass if it doesnt have republican votes . Now that he sees the way that republicans are approaching this issue in terms of deciding what theyre going to vote for, what theyre going to vote to debate, what theyre going to vote to hear, does this change his mind about whether or not a Voting Rights bill must have republican votes if it is going to be a legitimate approach to this issue that deserves his support . We dont know. Senators leave at the end of this week to go home for a twoweeklong oh july 4th recess. What senators hear from their constituents when theyre at home about the importance of Voting Rights, that may be determinative here as to whether this is now over or whether there might be a next step. At home in phoenix, arizona, today this was the scene at the offices of democratic senator kyrsten sinema. She is the other Conservative Democrat whos been a holdout on this issue. Also insisting since republicans ought to support Voting Rights, democrats should give up on it if they dont. I know, i know, i know. And her constituents clearly know. In addition to these visits at her office today, senator sinema is also facing ads like these ones running on arizona tv stations just blasting her for not being willing to get it done, for not standing up for Voting Rights. Now, i dont know how this is going to end, but i do know that republicans in the states are going maximalist with their position on this issue. To the point where they literally arent ashamed to have the dude who makes movies about nazis on the moon and aliens doing 9 11 becoming the official documentarian for their effort to promote Election Fraud narrative to bolster not only disrespect for election Broad Strokes but specifically to bolster republican efforts in all republicancontrolled states now to rescind Voting Rights. And make voting harder. They are going for a maximalist convention here. Senate republicans in washington know that as long as the filibuster is there, democrats have no options in terms of backing up Voting Rights. Clear on that the Republican Party being clear on that in terms of whether theres going to be federal protection for Voting Rights clears the field for republicans in the states to go maximalist and shamelessly as far as they can on this issue. To make voting as restricted as possible, to target Voting Restrictions and the administration of elections in a way that is maximally partisan to their advantage. And so they proceed. Unless democrats can figure out, can get their heads around the fact that this is what theyre up against and fight the this same kind of fight on the same kind of terms. Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar is an original cosponsor of the Voting Rights bill that stalled today in the senate. She said her next move is to take the show on the road. She said shes going to start doing Field Hearings in the states documenting stakes and taking it to places where the feig is being waged. Senator klobuchar joins us next. Stay with us. King at its best taking metamucil everyday can help. Metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. It also helps lower cholesterol and slows Sugar Absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. So you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. Support your daily digestive health. And try metamucil fiber thins. A great tasting and easy way to start your day. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. Call Coventry Direct to learn more. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. Our friends sold their policy to help pay for their medical bills and that got me thinking. 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