Transcripts For MSNBCW Jose 20240702 :

MSNBCW Jose July 2, 2024

i'm jose diaz-balart. noon eastern, 9:00 pacific on this thanksgiving holiday. we've got breaking developments in the mideast. exactly when the hostage deal between israel and hamas will now take affect and what we learned about who will be among the 50 people first freed. a scare at the border with canada. new details about a fiery car wreck at a checkpoint that was called a, quote, surreal scene. today, tens of thousands of migrants will spend their first thanksgiving sleeping outside in tents or on the floor of police precincts. how a chicago community is stepping in to help. holiday shoppers expected to break records this season. we will break down the numbers. we begin this hour with new details in the temporary cease-fire between israel and hamas. after an apparent delay, qatari ministry spokesperson says a humanitarian pause will begin at 7:00 local time tomorrow morning. the first batch of israeli hostages will be released later that afternoon. a list of those set to be freed on both sides has been received. how many americans could be reunited with their loved ones in a matter of just hours? what we know about last night's phone call between president biden and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. before the break in fighting begins, the idf is advancing ground operations, continuing to make the case that al-shifa hospital is one of hamas' command centers. releasing a string of new videos of what it claims to be a vast network of tunnels directly underneath the complex. idf forces confirmed al-shifa's hospital director has been arrested and transferred for questioning along with other medical staff. we have a lot to get to today. i want to start with the latest reporting. joining us now from tel aviv is nbc news national correspondent david noriega and kelly o'donnell in nantucket. david, talk us through what we know and don't know about tomorrow. >> reporter: really major development in this story after a night of deep uncertainty, especially for the families of the hostages involved. we know in this first day of a four-day cease-fire, there has been a group of 13 israeli hostages that's been identified and slated for release. we know that the israeli government has begun communicating with the families of those specific 13 hostages, preparing them to receive their loved ones tomorrow. that's expected to happen around 4:00 p.m. local time. that's 9:00 a.m. eastern. the release of palestinian prisoners is supposed to happen concurrently. what we have heard from the hamas side is that there will be three palestinian prisoners released for every israeli hostage. that's 39 palestinian prisoners released tomorrow. i spoke earlier on the phone with a senior hamas official who confirmed for me that in addition to this exchange of hostages for prisoners, additionally, the red cross will be given access to visit and provide medical treatment to those israeli hostages that remain behind, that are not included in this exchange. that's very important for some of the families, for example, of adult males who can't reasonably expect loved ones to be part of the exchange. some of those hostages are sick. they need medical treatment. this will provide some amount of relief to those families who are worried about the well-being of their loved ones in gaza. >> david, this is very important. as of right now, the red cross or no other international organization has been allowed in to see or even have any kind of proof of life of any or all of those hostages being held in gaza. >> reporter: that's correct. as this deal unfolds -- this is going to happen day by day. it's a four-day cease-fire, but there's the possibility of an extension of tt. the qataris who rel this information, they are clear the dipl goal is to have four days be the beginning of an extended truce. that's the word they use. whether that happens or not, we're not sure. we are getting a different message from the israelis. netanyahu says their military campaign will continue. you are right, we should, over the next few days, get something of a picture of the condition of the israeli hostages that remain inside gaza, which is something we haven't had up until this point. >> david, israel has confirmed al-shifa's hospital director was arrested and is being questioned. it's related to evidence they claim to have about the complex serving as a hamas command center. >> reporter: that is correct. israel confirmed that information. what hamas said publically is that this arrest happened when the director of the hospital, in addition to other patients and medical staff from al-shifa were being evacuated to the southern half of gaza. this arrest, according to them, took place at the checkpoint that divides the north from the south. hamas accuses israel of committing a war crime by arresting the director of the hospital. they are not reserving their anger for the rallies. they say the u.n. failed to safeguard the medical staff in question to the point that they say they will cease cooperating with the w.h.o. as a result of what they refer to in this case as a breach of expectations. >> kelly, president biden has been so directly and specifically involved in much of this. the president spoke with prime minister netanyahu last night. what were the key takeaways there? >> reporter: some of the critical things the two leaders talked about was the importance of more work to do, because this would just be a first release of hostages. many more whose fate we don't yet know would be a part of ongoing negotiations. the importance for a pause in the fighting in order to allow humanitarian aid to come in. those kinds of broad outlines is what the u.s. says were the key takeaways of the phone call with benjamin netanyahu. just in the last couple of minutes, the president and first lady here on nantucket have gone to a fire station where they were visiting with the local firemen who are on duty and talked to the pool that travels with the president wherever he is. he said, at this point he is not prepared to talk about the hostages until this process goes forward. clearly, the president recognizes this is a fragile proposition. while an agreement has been reached and they believe it's moving forward, until it actually happens, he does not want to tip the scales in any way. the president and first lady were doing a holiday visit there to thank local first responders. they dropped off pies. as is often the case in covering the president on holiday duty or vacation duty or when he is away from the white house, the pool with him has a chance to try to ask some questions about the pressing news. from what we have learned so far from our colleagues who are in that group today, he is not wanting to weigh in on the fate of the hostages. overall, the white house is saying they are optimistic this will move forward and that there will be some positive benefit here, both in terms of families restored, americans and others, with the hostage community, and the pause that would allow for an infusion of new humanitarian resources into gaza to help the people there. >> david in tel aviv, kelly in nantucket, thank you both so very much. with us now to continue our conversation, former spokesperson for the u.s. mission to the u.n. and a former treasury department spokesperson, and also with us retired colony jack jacobs. thank you both for your time today. what should we be reading into this delay in the transfer of hostages from one side to the other? >> transferring of hostages is usually extremely complicated. that's the case -- we have seen that when it came to the release of brittney griner from russia. it's the -- logistics can be difficult and trying. all the questions of who is transferring whom, at what point, is it the same moment, who is facilitating? is the u.n. receiving them and then moving them? all those small details have to be figured out. you are dealing with two sides that deeply, deeply don't trust each other. nor would they. as a result of that, any small detail that isn't hammered out is going to lead to those gaps and will further deepen the divide of trust. that's where you need the mediators like qatar and egypt and the united states, of course, to help figure that out and help ensure that this is the -- these are the hostages being traded, this is how this is going to happen. and that it goes smoothly, because anything can go wrong. each side just isn't trusting each other. >> yeah. colonel, how do pauses help or hurt both sides in this war? >> well, if you are on the attack as israel is, you don't want a pause. any pause permits the enemy to regroup, to rearm, to refuel, get more ammunition, reposition themselves to other locations, to secondary and alternate positions to better defend and so on. if you are an attacker and you are at a disadvantage, because you need a three to one advantage if you are an attacker, in terms of numbers, but if you are an attacker, you do not want a pause militarily. you would like to see the attack continue. the greatest assistance here -- both sides are assisted by a pause -- is to the defenders in the case, hamas. the idf would prefer not to see any pause in the attack, jose. >> colonel, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu told israel's version of intelligence to target hamas leaders no matter where they are. that's an important statement. it does signal a potential willingness to go after them outside of gaza. many of the leadership of hamas is not in gaza but are living in other places. what do you read into that? >> well, obviously, if the israeli defense force and netanyahu specifically at the beginning of the war said our objective -- you can almost read into it at the beginning, it was the sole objective -- is to destroy hamas, that meant not just now but even at the very beginning, that would include going after hamas leaders wherever they happen to be. as you said, a lot of them are not in gaza or in palestinian areas at all. you can expect to see attacks on them wherever they happen to be. it's another interesting thing to remember that one of the things that complicates this prisoner exchange is the fact that israeli prisoners -- hamas holding israeli prisoners are not all in the same location. indeed, the hamas leadership, which may be elsewhere, is not entirely certain how many israelis they have underheir control or where they happen to be. that's why this exchange is going to be piecemeal at best and will probably take a long time. there may be more cease-fires going forward in order for israel to get all of its people back to the extent that any of them are still alive, jose. >> there are 50 othe nearly 240 will be released. it took five years for israe to free a soldier captured by hamas in 2006. do you think this process could make this effort quicker, or is this something we could be seeing go on for a lot longer than many expect? >> you make a very good point. i know that -- i know personally, i was happy to see this news, because in the grand scheme of things, it felt relatively soon. i know there's -- every day is too long. in the grand scheme of hostages taken and especially hostages taken by terrorist groups, typically they hang on to them for a long time and try to extract as much as they can. on one hand, you have that, the release of the 50 happened relatively soon in the grand scheme of how long these negotiations can take. we do have to note you still have just under 200 that will be remaining inside gaza under the captives of hamas holding them captive, in addition to islamic jihad. that's why netanyahu is saying the war continues. there are still hostages there. there is still the effort to defeat hamas and its military capabilities. of course, it is as much a war of deterrence as much as a war to defeat hamas. that operation doesn't end. netanyahu is clear about that. i think there's something interesting here. we have to question how much of the idf's intense operations and brutal response has played into leading to this point where you have this truce for a few days and the release of the hostages. to the israeli side, that's going to send a message of, well, if it works this time, we need to continue that in order to get the other hostages released. on the u.s. side, it provides an opportunity to say, hey, we think that you need to be more targeted in your efforts and more deliberate and surgical so you don't have these great numbers of civilian losses, because at the end of the day, that undermines israel's security in the long-term. all this to say, i think this was soon. i think that the next round -- i do think there's promise. i don't know that i would expect it to be as soon. for sure, hamas will try to keep them as leverage points. >> colonel, we found out the idf is confirming they arrested, detain and have taken in for questioning, moving him, the director of the hospital. is it common during war to detain and question hospital staff? >> it's common to detain anybody who has assisted the enemy. this is not unusual. it's difficult to envision how the head of the hospital would not know that all this activity was taking place under the hospital. it's fairly common. if you are going to conduct a military operation to collect up all the people who are involved, and you question them before you release them, if you do. >> it is great seeing you. i thank you very much for your time today. up next, we are back in 60 seconds with new details about an explosive car crash at the border checkpoint with canada. investigators think where it came from and where it was going. i would like to wish a happy thanksgiving to theodor and carmen. >> hi to my family back at home. i miss you guys. i can't wait to come home and see you guys. eumatoid arthritis. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. 17 past the hour. in niagara falls, local police are investigating wednesday's car crash at the rainbow bridge border crossing as a traffic incident. officials say two people were killed after their car slammed into a security station on the american side of the bridge. look at these pictures. this is a pretty intense fire. the fbi announced wednesday night they found no explosives in the car. they are ruling out terrorism as a motive. what's the status of the investigation here? >> reporter: just for the reference, this happened about this time yesterday. it was very quick that the fbi and customs and border patrol stepped in and were leading the investigation. it was about six hours later the fbi put out a statement saying they were turning the investigation back to local police, niagara police department because as you mentioned, they do not believe this was a terrorist event. the niagara police department just released a statement earlier this morning saying what we have heard, which is that they do not believe that this was a terrorist event. rainbow bridge, this is the bridge that leads into the connection between the united states and canada. this remains closed. this debris field is wide. as you saw, there was a lot of debris scattered. it's going to take time to not only clean that up but look through the evidence. this investigation will take time. investigators tell nbc news they think the driver was a local businessman from the buffalo area. they think that he was driving with a family member. they are not sure. they are looking whether the two did stop at a local casino and whether they did have plans to go to some sort of rock concert that same night. those are all things that they are currently investigating among others, including the biggest question of all, why did this happen? how did this happen? of course, the concerns here were so great that this could have been a terrorist event. again, they have ruled -- right now they ruled that out. they are looking into it as a traffic event. everyone is wondering, was this a medical event that happened? was there some mechanical malfunction? was this intentional? all things that hopefully we will get answers to eventually. the reaction to this, the way that we saw the fbi step in so quickly, i think, speaks to how tense everyone is and how high alert everything is. for the reference, in terms of where things stand right now, everything is back to normal in terms of transit between the two countries. there is only one small change to a local amtrak train. of course, this one crossing also. all the other crossings are back open. >> what do we know about the people killed in the crash? >> reporter: a big loss for anyone who knew them. we did ask police about that. they said that they are in the process of notifying next of kin. they will not be releasing the identities of the two people that were killed. i will add that there was one person that was injured here on scene, a customs and border patrol officer, non-life-threatening injuries. the person was taken to the hospital and released shortly after and is said to be doing okay. >> it's great seeing you. thank you so much. appreciate it. up next, if you made it to your thanksgiving destination on time and unscathed, you have won half the travel battle. going home, that could be a totally different story. this week, we asked voters on the campaign trail what they are thankful for this year. here is what ted tressler of the salvation army told us. >> i'm thankful that there are good men and women who want to serve and to make our world a better place. our country is in desperate need of good leadership. there are a lot of good people who are seeking to fill those roles. i'm happy that they want to do so. t a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. 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Related Keywords

Hamas , Israel , Affect , Hostage Deal , Developments , Noon Eastern , Jose Diaz Balart , Mideast , 9 , 00 , People , Details , Checkpoint , Border , Quote , Car Wreck , Scare , Surreal Scene , Canada , 50 , Migrants , Tens Of Thousands , Community , Season , Tents , Sleeping , Police Precincts , Holiday Shoppers , Floor , Chicago , Numbers , Cease Fire , Pause , Hostages , Delay , Batch , Qatari Ministry Spokesperson , 7 , Biden , Benjamin Netanyahu , Sides , Matter , Tens Of Millions Americans , Loved Ones , Phone Call , List , Set , Last Night , Case , Idf , Fighting , Break , Ground Operations , Al Shifa Hospital , One , Hospital Director , String , Command Centers , Videos , Network , Forces , Tunnels , Complex , Chaos , Staff , Questioning , Correspondent David Noriega , Reporting , Nbc News , Tel Aviv , Reporter , Deeply Don T , Kelly O Donnell , In Nantucket , Families , Group , Release , Story , Night , Development , Uncertainty , Four , 13 , Government , Palestinian Prisoners , Eastern , 4 , Phone , Prisoners , Side , Hostage , Three , 39 , Exchange , Addition , Official , Treatment , Access , Red Cross , Some , Part , Adult Males , Example , Inside Gaza , Amount , Relief , Well Being , Deal , Wall , Life , Organization , Kind , Proof , Information , Day By , Extension , Tt , Possibility , Qataris , Message , Truce , Military Campaign , Beginning , Goal , Word , Dipl , Something , Condition , Picture , Haven T , Point , Evidence , Command Center , Serving , Hospital , Arrest , Director , Patients , Place , Half , Danger , South , North , War Crime , Rallies , U N , Expectations , Question , Result , Breach , Much , Things , Leaders , Importance , Takeaways , Work , Prime Minister , Two , U S , Negotiations , Order , Fate , Kinds , Outlines , More , Aid , First Lady , Kelly In Nantucket , Duty , Firemen , Fire Station , Pool , Process , Agreement , Way , First Responders , Visit , Proposition , Scales , Forward , Pies , News , White House , Questions , Chance , Holiday Duty , Vacation , Colleagues , Terms , Infusion , Hostage Community , Others , Resources , Spokesperson , Mission , Conversation , Treasury Department Spokesperson , Transfer , Retired Colony , Jack Jacobs , Transferring ,

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