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basketball coach bernie fine last night. a third man now says that fine molested him when he was a boy. also in a phone recording from nine years ago aired on espn fine's wife, laurie, says she knew, quote, everything that went on. we're expecting to hear from a family of a florida a&m student who died in a suspected hazing incident. they plan to announce a lawsuit against the school. robert champion was a drum major with the university's award winning marching band. 30 band members were suspended this semester because of possible involvement in hazing. big day for democracy in egypt. polling centers were overflowing today. the country's first election since the arab spring revolution. the vote comes after a bloody week of protest in the streets of cairo. defying expectations of more violence, egyptians peacefully waited in line for hours for their chance to cast a ballot. for many it was a very emotional moment. >> i feel good. i feel my vote will change egypt. to a better future. three american students arrested in cairo last week during the protests are finally back home in the u.s. the young men were studying in egypt when they were accused of throwing moltov cocktails. they explain what it was like to be held at gun point. >> i honestly believe that if they chose to apprehend us because we were obviously foreigners. basically the color of our skin and our eyes. we were the only ones that i saw in the area that appeared to be foreigners. we were just standing on the street. >> eight hours after a deadline to vacate los angeles city hall park, occupy protesters not going anywhere. despite hundreds of police officers in riot gear. more than a thousand protesters are defying the order to pack up and leave. so far demonstrations have been peaceful. more bad blood between pakistan and the u.s. 24 pakistani soldiers were killed this weekend near the country's border with afghanistan. now pakistan's prime minister is getting the u.s. this warning. >> business as usual will not be there, therefore, we have to have something bigger so that to satisfy my nation, the entire country. in eastern ohio the bodies of three men have been found in shallow graves. now police believe they were killed after answering a craigslist ad for a job on a cattle farm. they're holding two suspects, a 16-year-old boy and a man. they were tipped off after a fourth victim was shot in the arm and escaped. prince, duke, now people are calling william a hero. he co-piloted a helicopter that plucked two ship wrecked sailors from a life raft in the irish sea. there are others still missing, however. we're going to have a live report. those details from london. now the explosive developments. at syracuse university, a third man has now come forward claiming that go assistant basketball coach bernie fine molested him when he was 13 years old. now that prompted syracuse to fire fine last night. also fine's wife now appears to acknowledge her husband is a pedophile. this in a 2002 phone recording aired by espn. here laurie fine talks with another accuser, bobby davis, who secretly taped the call. >> i know everything that went on. i know everything that went on with him. bernie has issues, maybe that he's not aware of, but he has issues. and you trusted somebody you shouldn't have trusted. >> yeah. >> bernie is also in denial. i think that he did the things he did, but he's somehow through his own mental telepathy has erased them from his mind. he needs male companionship that i can't give him. he's not interested in me or vice versa. i care about you and i didn't want to see you treated that way. if it was another girl it would be easy for me to step in. you know what you're up against. when it's another guy, you can't compete with that. >> deborah is joining us from syracuse campus in new york. deb, first of all, let's deal with this tape. it's quite disturbing if all of this is true that she actually knew this was going on. this was something that was made nine years ago. do we know if either the university or police knew about this tape? >> well, police never knew about the tape simply because it was made after the initial charges. we want to bring you up to date. i just got off the phone with the nephew of laurie fine and he tells me that she's going to issue a statement sometime today. she believes that this tape is doctored, that it was tampered with. in fact she says apparently there were 200 minutes of tape. bobby davis used to call and threaten her about releasing all these minutes of tape. what you hear is a very small portion of that. expected to hear from her or at least the family at some point later today. the timing of all of this is really, really important because the tape was made after the accuser was told that the statute of limitations had run out. it was also made at the end of what he says was a decade long of abuse by bernie fine. even though the coach's wife in that tape seems to acknowledge that she was aware that this abuse was going on. in fact, the sports network and the local paper who had the copy of this tape, they sat on t. they never released it. police were unaware that it existed. the university when they investigated charges back in 2005, they also were unaware that it existed. think about how fast it all happened. once that tape did come out, he was fired within hours, suzanne. >> deb, do we know, just to be clear here, the wife is going to come out with a statement later today essentially saying that she did not know that this sexual abuse was going on in their home? is that correct? >> what the nephew tells us is that she will likely say that there were 200 minutes of tape, that bobby davis was threatening her to go public with this and that in fact what is on air, the family believes, was in fact doctored, that it's an edited version. they believe that if you listen to it closely there are pitch differences and that you can sort of hear that it may have been spliced. you're listening to t. you can make that determination. that's what the family is saying now. >> deb, we know that the police searched the fine home. do we know what they found? >> we don't. the reason they were able to search the home is they did listen to the third accuser and found at least his allegations credible enough so that they were able to get a search warrant. the search warrant is under seal so we don't quite know exactly what they were looking for. eye witnesses say they did confiscate a file cabinet. in these types of cases what you get, federal authorities will start looking for things like child pornography, they'll look for tapes, anything that could link bernie fine to if not direct abuse, child pornography. suzanne? >> all right. deborah, thank you so much. coming up in about 30 minutes, i'll talk with the woman who says she was married to a pedophile and never knew it. then in the next hour of "cnn newsroom" we'll play the entire conversation between laurie fine and bobby davis as it aired on espn. here's a rundown of some of the stories. first the family of an a&m drum major who died. plans to sue over alleged hazing. they'll hold a news conference. then about a dozen total strangers rushed to save a woman pinned under a truck. prince william to the rescue. the future king of england co-pilots a helicopter pulling ship wrecked sailors from the sea. zero and liftoff of the atlas 5. nasa sends its curiosity rover blasting off to the red planet. head & shoulders:r ] seven benefits. every bottle. a network of possibilities... ♪ in here, pets never get lost. ♪ in here, every continent fits in one room. it was fun. we played football outside. why are you sitting in the dark? [ male announcer ] in here, you're never away from home. it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. at&t. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation, because it offers a superior level of protection and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. time to go cross-country for a few stories our affiliates are covering. a woman was pinned under this pickup truck after it rolled over on a highway near san diego. about a dozen people rushed to help and lifted the truck up to get her out. she and one other person survived. the driver of the truck died. so this texas restaurant owner says he's playing guitar on the roof of his restaurant for the rest of the year. he's also living up there. he says he is a doing it to bring in customers because he can't afford advertising. right now he thinks he'll have to close at the end of december. some folks got a big wet kiss from a sea lion at the buffalo zoo. visitors payed to pose for holiday photos. the zoo says he's one of the most popular animals there. and we are doing a quick check of the dow right now. it has surged 302 points. that is right following reports of strong black friday weekend sales. going to check in live at the new york stock exchange. you can thank yourself and those big-time shopping trips for this fantastic market today. looking at sales climbed more than 6% over last year's four-day holiday weekend. we are going to cut that off there. go to the floor. a&m news conference that is taking place now. the family of the young band drum major who was killed in an alleged hazing incident. let's go there live. >> hazing has been covered up for generations. it is time now that we expose the truth, eradicate the root of this culture and come up with creative remedies on how to continue the excellence of the band without hazing. we welcome any questions you have regarding the lawsuit and any claims. would love to talk about robert who was an outstanding individual, a man of compassion, caring, a man who loved music. it's unfortunately that music or the famu band took his life. >> what evidence do you have that his death is a result of hazing. >> we are not at liberty to discuss the specific facts of the case. no one really cared. there is evidence. i am very confident there is evidence. the school's fired the band director. there is evidence of prior instances of hazing. there is evidence of a culture, a pervasive culture of hazing at famu. everything points to that this, robert's death, involved hazing. >> do you know what the actual cause of death was? >> the medical examiner has not released the actual cause, in fact, of robert's death, but from the facts that we've learned thus far, they point to the fact that hazing was a cause of robert champion's death. it was under famu's watch. >> when you say hazing caused it, what happened? how can you say that hazing snapped can you tell us what may have happened? >> i think you can reflect on the comments by law enforcement in orlando. comments made by the president at famu. comments made by the band director at famu who confirmed there was a history, culture of hazing in the band. so everything's consistent. everything points to hazing. it's just at such an early stage in this action, we cannot confirm specific facts, details. i cannot delineate exactly what happened, but we have a very strong inclination and idea based on various stories we're getting from many people who may or may not have witnessed the event. >> who are you naming in the suit? >> at this time we cannot speak to the scope of the lawsuit. we're still learning. it's growing by the day. i can tell you that famu will be named in it. >> will there be individuals like the band director, anybody like that? >> it may very possibly be. again, we're not alleging that this act falls on the shoulder of the band director. i know the band director was fired. it is a culture. this doesn't rest on any one person's shoulders. we want to eradicate a culture of hazing so that this does not happen again. that's why the family is here now speaking to the press. they want to create a culture conducive to people feeling comfortable coming forward. haze something a culture of don't ask-don't tell. the family's message today is please tell. a lot of students think they may rough me up a little bit. i just want to be accepted. i want to be able to progress, matriculate through an organization. so they trust the people in an organization that they may rough them up a little bit but they're not going to kill them. we're here today to say you can die. you can die. if you're being hazed, either get out of the situation or say something. we implore you to say something. >> mr. and mrs. champion, what did robert tell you about the time in the band? did you know that he had been the subject of hazing? >> the culture of hazing is don't ask-don't tell. that is the culture of it. naturally he wouldn't talk about hazing. i'm certain he's talked to them about his experience in the band. >> that's right. his experience in the band, he loved the band. i always called him mr. band. his experience in the band was in his word, great. robert was happy. he loved the band. every band he's been in he's loved performing in the band. there was no moment that he would come and say, i don't like that. that was his life. you couldn't take him out of that band. >> that's not the question. >> absolutely. so much so the first hearing of my son patsing, i almost couldn't believe it. i thought it was some kind of mean joke. you think you're dreaming and you're going to wake up. he was scheduled to come home wednesday so you're still thinking, this can't be true. at the same time, he's away from me. he's away at school. it's still like a distant thing. i'm still thinking maybe it's the wrong kid. maybe it's somebody else's. the whole thing has been very, very stressful for the family. >> robert just called and said he was coming home for thanksgiving. the family anticipated his return to atlanta. they had no idea that he would be coming to the funeral parlor when he came back. that's not what you send your kid to college for. >> there's been a lot of attention to hazing in fraternities and sororities. >> absolutely. again, i can't speak to every university. it's certainly been a culture that has been protected at famu. >> we heard from your attorney about why you are doing what you're doing, why you're coming forward. maybe in your own words you can tell us why you're talking to us today, why file this lawsuit. >> it's the same things he's already indicated. it needs to stop. we want it to stop. my husband and i talked dearly about this. we want to put it out there to let people know you have to make a change. this needs to stop. no one wants to be standing in our shoes. no one wants to hear on a phone call that your son collapsed and died, over the phone. i'm four, five hours away and i can't be there for my son. i didn't know where he was. i'm thinking he's performing, getting on the bugs, going back to school. he's headed home. so my thing is to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else. let people know this is real. it is real. when you're coming to this hazing, someone can seriously get hurt. my son is a great example. he's not with me. i'd love to have my son. come thanksgiving morning which is something we have done ever since i can remember. if we were not at a parade, we was in front of a tv looking at a parade. as big as he is. he's as tall as my husband. he would run in the room and jump on the bed and we'd sit down and look at the parade together. after we look at the parade it was always after they had the florida classic, we'd go to the computers, pull up famu band performance and pull up other performances and compare them. he always trusted my judgment d. we do really good or did we not? i would always be honest. those moments i didn't get. it was hard thanksgiving because that's something we've always done. for thanksgiving and christmas, it was always about parade. >> can you talk to us about your son too? >> my son meant the world to me. he was my oldest son, and we had a good relationship, a father and son relationship. nowadays a lot of kids don't know their parents, but i knew my son. my son knew me. we had a relationship. tell me anything that you need to talk about. i always try to leave a place where something would come up, you need your car fixed, robert, you need to ask me anything you need to ask me, tell me anything you need to tell me, i'm here for you, just give me a call. the last time i talked to my son was thursday night before the game. i said, robert, how are you doing? dad, i'm doing good. i'm practicing and going to work. i said, son, just hang in there. you're going to get where you're going to go. so we have a relationship. i feel blessed to have two daughters. he's my only son. when your only son had to come back home like he came home because he wasn't doing anything, wasn't out robbing somebody, stealing, whatever, he was going to school to try to do things that make his life better, other people's life better. it's hard. it's a hard thing when you know that your son is trying to do good, trying to do right, trying to be attributing to life, to people, to have his life taken like that. it's hard. >> can you tell us about his career. i know he's older. had he started college late? had he graduated already? >> he started college a year after he had graduated from high school. he had to get his grades back up. he had to sit out to get his grades up to where he should be. >> robert was working through college. he was putting himself through college in addition to the sacrifices his family made. this is a guy who was taking classes, who was a leader in the band, committed to the band, and who was also working to support himself in addition to what his family was doing for him. this only compounds the problem that this family has sacrificed so much. he sacrificed so much not only to be in the band at famu, you are at the penultimate of your career in being a drum major and that ultimately costs you your life. >> that was his first glimpse of a parade that i can remember. i would always carry the kids to the parade that we have in downtown atlanta. his first glimpse of that parade is what started his love for music. then from there, like i said, he started in the fifth grade. the first instrument he picked up was the clarinet. from there in middle school he joined the middle school, which is chapel hill middle school in the band. it wasn't until he got to chapel hill middle school that he actually started to blossom with his music. mrs. brown, which was the band teacher at that tierges saw the talent in him. what she did was have him direct the orchestra. have him in front warming up the band. he got to the eighth grade, that was his first performance with southwest decalb high school. he marched and went to the very first game performance with southwest decalb. that boy came home and he said, momma, i'm going to be the youngest drum major at the high school. >> you're listening to the parents of robert champion talking about just the shock of their son dieing tragically. suddenly through an alleged hazing incident and also from the attorney who says they're now going to be filing a lawsuit against the university, florida a&m's marching band who has a 4is history of hazing problems. according to the tallahassee democrat, the police chief says his agency is investigating at least two other possible hazing incidents that occurred this semester. now 30 band members were suspended as a result of those allegations. the paper says in 2004 a band member was awarded $1.8 million for the beating that he took as a freshman trumpet player. the student was beaten so hard with a paddle board during initiation that he suffered kidney failure. even a former band director of 50 years told the paper that hazing has been a problem at the school since the 1950s. now past band members told the paper that hazing has been long a part of the band's culture. next hour i'm going to talk to a psychologist about the psychology of hazing. it is a problem. we've heard about it with sororities, fraternities. why does it get so violent? here's a rundown of some of the stories. up next, nasa's mission to find out if there's life on mars. curiosity rover blasting its way towards the red planet. u.s. relations with pakistan taking another ugly turn. more on the fallout from a nato air strike that killed 24 pakistani soldiers. later, sailors stranded at sea after their cargo ship cap sizes off the coast of wales. the future king of england comes swoopg in on a rescue helicopter. major developments in the middle east. over the weekend the arab league slapped steep economic sanctions on syria for refusing to stop the violence against the protesters. the bloodshed continues. the u.n. estimates that more than 3500 people have died against demonstrations of the government. in yemin the president has agreed to step down. he handed over power to his vice president. still unclear whether or not he's really gone for good or if his departure will calm all the protests. in libya, a dictator is dead but a new government now struggling to be born. major challenges face this country. it is still split along tribal lines. in bahrain. police have been torturing protesters at demonstrations. weeks of deadly demonstrations. after that it is election day for egypt. an egyptian american journalist knows firsthand how important the vote is. she also knows about the violence that has been taking place in egypt. she just lived through a violent run-in with police herself. she said she was arrested, beaten, sexually assaulted while at those protests. she joins us now. mona, it is good to see you safe back in new york. tell us what happens next. are you able to go after the men who allegedly did this to you. >> i can't identify them because it was dark and there was about four or five of them horn beating me and sexually assaulting me. i have copies of my x-ray and medical report. i am consulting with human rights activists and a feminist group on the ground in egypt who are documenting cases of abuse. the feminist group is especially focusing on sexual violence against women perpetrated by the police, in my case the riot police, and also the military. in march the military subjected several female activists to so-called virginity tests. so i'm taking part in this nationwide attempt to hold the military and the security forces to account for the violence they're unleashing on thousands of egyptians. >> mona, how do you do that? how do you go about doing that? that seems to be a tremendous task here. do you file lawsuits? do you file charges? how do you do that? >> both. every avenue available. as i said, this feminist movement is connecting cases and building it through the testimony that they're taking. the human rights attorneys that i'm talk to go have a long and courageous noehistory of holdin them to account. our revolution in egypt began on january 25th. one of the reasons was to protest police brutalitiy. that clearly continues. in order for it to continue we have to tell the security forces and the military we won't be silenced. >> how do you make sure that part of this revolution is advocating the rights for women? there is a role for women in this new egyptian government. >> we do it exactly by speaking out. this feminist movement i mentioned has been helping female candidates across egypt prepare for the parliamentary elections today. they're the first since the revolution happened on january 25 9. through speaking out. i was on egyptian television on a popular show and the fact that i was on that show speaking in arabic and speaking about the sexual assault that i faced, i think what that does is it tells a lot of egyptian women out there that the shame belongs to the security forces who did this to me and not me. there are so many other people who are also speaking out. in that speaking out we say very clearly that this revolution will not succeed unless women are part and parcel of it. we have been there from the very beginning. >> tell us what this vote, election means to you today. >> this election is the first one since hosni mubarak was forced to step down. it's not going to be perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it's the first of many elections through which we will finally rebuild egypt. there are many parties who are not ready to take part in this election. the islamists were the most ready. the challenge is to continue to improve on the elections in the future. continue to get people both politically, socially and culturally involved so that whether these elections are perfect or not, i don't think they will be, four or five years down the road the elections will get better. the most important thing for me is today so many egyptians felt engaged. people are lining up, very happy to be part of this process of making our revolution succeed. it's time for you to step aside. >> mona, thank you. good to see you. good to see you're safe and well. best to your recovery. pakistan is shutting down vital supply lines to afghanistan today. nato troops are bracing for revenge attacks. an air strike over the weekend killed 24 pakistan soldiers. antiamerican anger spilled over in the streets as men were buried yesterday. there's still confusion right now over who fired first and what was nato's target. now stern warning from pakistan's prime minister that the deaths are not going to be taken lightly. reza sayah, he's live in islam ma bad. you had an exclusive sitdown. p with pakistan's prime minister. what is he saying? >> the warning to washington by the prime minister is that the u.s.-pakistani relationship is in jeopardy. it's no longer going to be business as usual. they're reassessing its partnership with the u.s. because this is a relationship that's fast losing support in the pakistani public. >> is your prediction that this relationship will continue with washington? >> that can continue on mutual respect and mutual interest. >> are you getting that respect. >> at the moment, not? >> you're not getting that respect? >> if i can't protect the sovereignty of my country, how can we say it's mutual respect and mutual interest? >> reporter: this was clearly a prime minister that was angry after this incident. we should also note that he was very diplomatic delivering measured statements. i don't want relations to end, but there must be changes. he wasn't very clear on what those changes should be. he said that's going to be up to pakistan's parliament. >> we know that this is hardly the first time that the u.s. and pakistan have not seen eye to eye on these things. most notably there was incredible tension and anger that erupted after the u.s. raid in pakistan that killed owe sam ma bin ladin. what is the mood there? what is the sense of feelings towards americans today? >> well, it's anger. recent polls showed before this incident that support for the u.s. government was near single digits. this only makes things worse. that's the challenge for this prime minister. he has to address the antiamerican sentiment and the public. he has to see whether it's worth salvaging a critical relationship. it's a tough position. in the past these two countries have managed to overcome obstacles. indications are that they're going to overcome this one as well, but it's going to be interesting to see how they do it. >> thank you very much. on to another story. if there was ever life on mars, nasa hopes they'll be able to tell us about it. they blasted off to the red planet this weekend. i'm getting an upgrade. 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[ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. chad myers joining us to talk about curiosity rover that blasted off to mars this weekend. cool stuff. >> it was awesome. i don't think everybody saw it. we want to run it again. the liftoff was flawless. it was perfect. the skies were great. this was what we were watching. i was listening to it on sirius xm. i'm glad i could play this again. flawless launch. on its way now. tens of thousands of miles per hour on its way now to mars. that was the easy part. >> what happens next? >> what happens next? it becomes an extremely complicated landing. you know how usually parashouts come out, things bounce up and down? this thing has parashurkts rockets, lowering -- take this. as it comes down, lands on the ground. the rockets hold up the air crane. then it lands to the ground. it will start to walk around. the coolest part is what it does when it walks around. it has a drill. they know that there's no life on the surface. they can't find it. those rovers have been there a long time. they will bring the dirt into itself and analyze and see if there's ever been life on mars. there's no martians walking around. could something have lived a billion years ago? there could be water below the surface. we don't know. this will tell us below the surface what mars looks like. >> tell us about the winter storm warnings, watches. kind of weird for november in the south, yes? >> it is weird. let me walk over here. i'll show you exactly. i don't have a whole lot of time. we are seeing a bunch of snow this afternoon, tonight. going to develop from memphis, back towards nashville. in northern mississippi and alabama. you could see 2 to 4 inches of snow. it's going to be 34 degrees. beautiful in the sky. on the roads it will melt. stick on the grass. newt gingrich surging in popularity now. i'll tell you about the endorsement that he got in new hampshire that could be bad news for the romney campaign. oup. after 16 terms in the house, barney frank says he's not going to be seeking re-election. live from the political desk in washington to talk about this and more. joe, obviously the conservatives, they're not losing any sleep over this. he was an enemy of the conservatives. what does this mean? he is a larger than life political figure? >> he certainly is. you and i know, suzanne, he is the frank of dodd-frank which is that banking reform bill that republicans love to hate. they've been talking about that so much on the campaign trail. a controversial figure. he is expected to announce his retirement today. been in congress for 16 terms. known for all kinds of things. house financial services committee. one of the first openly gay members of congress, among other things. dodd-frank is the kind of bill that people have talked about again and again and again. even the presidential candidates, they've talked about it. so whatever his reasons, hopefully we'll know about 1:00 eastern time today why congressman barney frank who was the chairman of the house financial services committee, now the ranking democrat on the house financial services committee. a long career here in washington. also known by many, many people as just about one of the smartest members of congress on capitol hill, suzanne. >> we know that there's another big political player from the bay state. mitt romney getting ripped by a new ad. >> at first you've got to say, if you were wondering which candidate the democrats think they'll be facing off against in november, take a good, hard look at mitt romney. democrats have been looking at him. in a manner of speaking they've put some money on t. they've got a 30-second ad that will be running in battle ground states, ohio, north carolina, pennsylvania. washington dc definitely going after the low hanging fruit right now, if you will, pointing out the apparent contradictions in mitt romney's record things like abortion, health care that can be viewed as flip-flops. do we want to take a listen or move on? >> go ahead. we're moving on. >> we're going to move on. you get the idea though. we'll see a lot more of that. democrats will continue to press away on mitt romney as long as they think he's the guy they'll be facing in november. >> tell us a little bit about gingrich. he's having a pretty good week so far. >> a lot of people thought he was finished and now he's got the endorsement of the new hampshire union leader newspaper. even former president bill clinton, a democrat, has had nice things to say about gingrich that's not exactly supposed to help him in a republican primary. for his part gingrich is taking a moment on top of the polls to try to differentiate himself from mitt romney pointing out he's a lot more conservative than romney which i think is something everybody knows. interesting to see what happens when we finally get to the point where the votes are actually cast but right now plenty to talk about. >> always plenty to talk b. good to see you, joe. for the latest political news you know where to go, child sex abuse scandal at penn state and now syracuse. should or could the wives have suspected something? 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>> well, in our case, most of the abuses that did occur were not under our roof. he had compartmentalized the entire situation so he'd set up this perfect family of four and the abuse would take place outside of the family and/or in many cases outside of the country. >> you say he went on trips where he was able to carry out these sexual crimes. did he ever have access to children in your home? >> oh, absolutely. i mean he was a parent and so our children at the time of his arrest were 8 and 10 years old. he absolutely had access not only to our children but to or friends' children. which is one of the most disturbing things in hindsight. >> because you had suspected that perhaps he might have abused your own children? >> well, when you go from not having any idea to an fbi agent explaining to you what your ex-husband's being arrested for, your first thought is, oh, my gosh, what has he done to my children? oh, my gosh, what has he done to the children who were visiting you know, every time they were under our roof and then later, his roof, the children that he had volunteered with at the children he volunteered with, his church ministry work, his volunteer work, the children he had volunteered with at the school carnivals. all those things eat at you when you find out and/or realize what's happening here. >> darlene, help us understand how it is that this could happen. were there any signs in hindsight that you think about, this doesn't feel right, it doesn't sound right, this isn't making sense with what my husband is saying and telling me, and then later you find out what he actually did? >> yes and no. that's a tough question to answer. i get asked that quite a bit, as you can imagine, especially in the last seven years. i think the hardest thing is -- hindsight is 20-20 but only to a certain extent. i feel like that unless -- in terms of identifying somebody unekwe kwi unekwiv kablly that you know, you have to witness it. but are there red flags that somebody is a pedophile? absolutely. but when you look at what the red flags are? some of those things are something that make you absolutely endearing. if a man comes to a young woman and says i volunteer for this and that agency, i love giving back to the community and i loving helping children, i love mentoring, i love -- that's not necessarily, while that might be listed as a red flag of somebody who is a pedophile, that in and of itself doesn't make somebody a pedophile. there are some wonderful men out there who volunteer with children who are not pedophiles. >> so you didn't see any red flags with your husband in his situation. >> no. even in hindsight, my mistake would have been not to add up the red flags, if you will -- not red flags that he was pedophile but red flags that there were problems in the marriage and i think when there are problems within a marriage oftentimes a couple tends to detach or co-exist within the same home while they're trying to figure out working through the issues. but in behihindsight, there tru weren't. he volunteered for children. he was charismatic. when they went on a campout with the kids, he loved hanging out with the kids and entertaining them while the other dads cooked. yes, he did. did he travel quite a bit? yes, he did. and he had great explanations for all those that actually -- >> i'm sorry, we lost darlene there, telling her own story about the situation with her husband of ten years, now her ex-husband who was accused and convicted of pedophilia. top of the hour, i'm suzanne malveaux. want to get you up to speed. the family of a student allegedly killed in a hazing incident at florida a and m university say they are now suing the school. robert champion was a drum major with the school's famous marching 100. his parents spoke about their only son during a news conference just in past hour. >> no one wants to be standing in our shoes. no one wants to hear on a phone call that your son collapsed and died over the phone. >> big day for democracy in egypt. polling centers were overflowing today in the country's first election since the arab spring revolution. now this vote comes after a bloody week of protests in the streets of cairo. but defying expectations of more violence, egyptians peacefully waited in line for hours for their chance to cast a ballot. for many it was an emotional moment. >> i feel good. i feel my vote will change egypt. to a better future. more bad blood between pakistan and the united states. 24 pakistani soldiers were killed this weekend in a nato attack near the country's border with afghanistan. in an exclusive interview with cnn, pakistpakistan's prime min is giving the u.s. this warning. >> business as usual will not be there. therefore, we have to have something bigger to satisfy my nation, the entire country. the president of afghanistan is going to meet with judicial officials on thursday to talk about an imprisoned rape victim. this woman was raped and impregnated by her cousin's husband. she was then sentenced to prison time for breaking adultery laws. almost 5,000 people have petitioned now for her release. it is lunch time for workers on the east coast. many are planning to spend their lunch hour filling up online shopping carts on cyber mourned. that's right. but before you hit the "buy" button, you may want to wait for some better deals. karina huber joins us from the new york stock exchange. so set the record straight here. today might not be the best day for a good deal? >> right. especially when it comes to electronics, suzanne. it really may not be the best day. we look at that's a website that predicts electronics prices. they say about prices on tablets -- which are selling like hotcakes over this holiday season. if you are looking for the ipad 2, they say buy it now. apple has no problem selling its products so prices aren't likely to change. if you've been eyeing the samsung galaxy, they say you should wait. the price will probably drop by $30 over the next two weeks. the same deal with the toshiba thrive. the acor iconia is predicted to jump by $100 so that's got a buy rating today. today is the day for tvs especially under 50 inches. lower-end digital cameras may be great buys today but wait for the more expensive ones' prices to drop. >> how about other stuff? how do you know if you are getting the best deal? >> that's the million dollar question. the truth is it is hard to know. especially for items like hou housewares and jewelry. analysts say clothing may be the best deal going now. the thing is we've seen growing popularity of flash sales, online sales that last for very short periods of time. for example, things you see on guiltgroup or rulala. in this tough economy, deals with change literally by the minute. >> any tips for online shoppers today? >> all right, well i can give you two big ones. first, shop around. retailers of course are going to put pressure to beat the clock with those flash deals. but take your time. make sure you are getting the best price out there. if you lose out on the flash deal, another one is likely to come around. secondly, if you are paying for shipping, there is something around with that picture. they should be wiping away shipping fees today. make sure you get that. that's definitely a deal breaker. here's a rundown of some of the stories ahead this hour. first, a warning for those hoping to get away with a little cyber monday shopping while on the company clock. yeah, my guess is it is going to show you how you are being actually watched while you do that. then, drawing the line on a dangerous right of passage. we are looking into the psychology of hazing. also, we'll play you the disturbing conversation bernie fine's wife has with an alleged sex abuse victim. plus -- >> this crime seems to be to many the perfect crime and it is just incredibly interesting that this guy, the only unsolved skyjacking in u.s. aviation history, is unknown. >> see if they learned anything new at the first-ever d.b. cooper symposium. 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[ male announcer ] shopping for medicare coverage? the annual enrollment period ends december 7th. now is the time to take action. call unitedhealthcare medicare solutions today. the parents after 26-year-old college student are suing florida a&m university after he died following allegations of hazing. right now there is no official cause of death for robert champion. but the parents say they are concerned about a culture of cover-up when it comes to hazing. the university's marching band. champion was a drum major who was seen throwing up and out of breath after an out-of-town game. we've heard so many cases of sororities, fraternities through years, hazing even in high schools. what is it about hazing that attracts so many young folks? joining us, psychologist jeff gardere and jeff, first of all, we should point out, hazing has gone on for centuries. it is dangerous. it is sometimes a fatal practice. it is not -- not just men but men and women, black, white, you name it, all kinds of universities and students that participate in this. why does it persist, do you think? >> well, it persists because hazing is something that comes very natural to many of the places that you talked about, including the military, especially in the colleges, and it is, as a term that you used earlier, people see it as a right of passage. it's a way to put discipline out there for someone who wants to become part of a bigger group. it's a way to establish hierarchy and it is a way to become part of that group and then later on that person who has been hazed feel, i will do unto others what has been done unto me. hazing by itself, if it is supervised, can be an academic hazing, it can be a hazing that may not be so dangerous. where it becomes a problem of course is where it becomes physical and now we are finding it's also become very sexual. >> why is it tolerated by so many administrations and universities and groups that kind of -- the leaders of these groups look the other way? >> well, because it is part of the culture. we know for example now with marching bands perhaps but we've always known with team sports, with fraternities and sororities, it is part of that culture. it's part of a tradition. and for a lot of these cases of dangerous hazing that we hear of, there is hazing that in many ways has not been dangerous. it can be at times demeaning, but it is part of the way to become part of this group, part of a fraternity or a sorority, and things don't always go awry. that's why it continues. now administrators look the other way because their heads are in the sand. a lot of times when they know dangerous hazing is going on, they don't want to believe it, they think it is part of this right of passage. but it is absolutely wrong and it should not be happening. >> well, jeff, is there an alternative to hazing that might be equally attract i have to young people? >> absolutely. i'm a member of alpha phi alpha fraternity. this is not a commercial for them in any way been but back in the day when i was joining that from ternt fraternity i did not experience any hazing in fact. there was a protocol set up where we were required to do hours in the library and bring up our grades to a certain point where then we could become part of that from ternt. that's what i'd like to see a lot of more of these universities do. find more productive positive ways to get people to be part of that group to qualify for the group, not of demeaning them and tearing them down. because if you have that per nalt where that person is not strong enough, it can deskri them psychologically. certainly we have a seen it physically and sexually. >> jeff, what is it about testing someone, taking it to the extremes that is so appealing to some in forming groups and eurobonds? >> well, with a we see is that there are certain players that are involved. of course, we have the victim. we have the perpetrator. but we also have the people who stand by and watch. we call these people the bystanders. and they seem to give more power to the hazing because they become silent or they may egg on the person who's hazing. so this becomes sort of like a spectacle to the other people around and people take some joy in it, though they should not be doing that in any way. so by just being silent or by egging it on, it becomes this spectacle that people are enjoying perhaps a little bit too much. so therefore, bystanders need to step up and say, stop with this, it's too much, you're demeaning the person too much. of course the authority figures need to be much more in charge and establish rules for safety. >> all right, jeff, thank you so much for your perspective. obviously jeff will be back shortly to talk about another subject -- the wives of pedophiles and how they deal or don't deal with the horrible discovery of their husbands. also, the full recorded telephone conversation between the wife of fired syracuse coach bernie fine and one of the men who accuses fine of molesting him. after weeks of violence, a peaceful election today in egypt. but how long is it going to last? we'll get a report from cairo. so 12 seconds ago. we should get him a present. thanks for the gift basket. you're welcome. you're welcome. did you see hr just sent out new... rules? cause you're currently in violation of 6 of them. oh yeah, baby? ...and 7. did you guys hear that fred is leaving? so 30 seconds ago. [ noisemakers blow ] [ both ] we'll miss you! oh, facecake! there's some leftover cake. [ male announcer ] the new htc vivid. stay a step ahead with at&t 4g lte, with speeds up to 10x faster than 3g. ♪ your new progresso rich & hearty steak burger soup. [ dad ] i love this new soup. it's his two favorite things in one... burgers and soup. did you hear him honey? burgers and soup. love you. they're cute. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. it is a big vote, even bigger questions today about the future of egypt. ivan watson is in cairo for the first election there since hoseny mubarak was forced out of power. >> reporter: hundreds of people are waiting patiently in line at this cairo polling station. in fact, the line of women voters stretches all wait around the block. and most of the people we've talked to here are saying this is the first time they've ever participated in an egyptian election. >> i've never voted before. because you know, we didn't have such, you know, awareness. and we didn't have this faith in fair elections and fair voting. that's why. >> why didn't you vote before? there were other elections. >> yeah. no. because i am really know that my vote or my voice hasn't any important. >> under mubarak. >> yes -- no, under mubarak, under sadat. it is free, it is good election. >> reporter: voters here say there are more than 100 candidates that they can pick from at this polling station. that's a big change from the era of hoseny mubarak when the ruling political party frequently bussed in voters to cast ballots in favor of that party. but there are also already allegations of voting irregularities. for instance, people are distributing pamphlets for different candidates at the polling station and even advertising with posters right outside the entrance of the station. ivan watson, cnn, cairo. take a quick look at the stock market. the dow jones now up about 311 -- 310 points. keeping a close eye on that. the dow jones industrials up 310 points. bernie fine, fired by syracuse university. coming up, his wife's own words about allegations her husband is a pedophile. you're going to hear an alleged victim's secretly recorded phone call in its entirety. here's what we are working on this hour. first, secret recordings of a conversation between a man who says he was abused ber sy syrac basketball coach and the coach's wife and she says she knew everything. then if you are shopping for sign he monday sales at work right now, be warned. employers may be spying on you. later, investigators from all over are meeting to talk about the only unsolved skyjacking in u.s. history. the case of d.b. cooper. long-time assistant basketball coach at syracuse university is out of a job. a third man now claims that bernie fine molested him when he was a boy. now fine's wife, lori, heard a secretly recorded telephone call in 2002 discussing her husband with a man who says he is a victim as well. this was how it airs on espn. >> reporter: bobby davis says he knew of one person who could validate that he was being sexually abused by bernie fine -- that person was fine's wife, lori fine. >> hello. >> laurie? >> yes. >> hi, bobby. how are you? >> reporter: davis says that in october 2002, he recorded a phone conversation with laurie fine without her knowledge. a legal act based on the location of both parties. during the call, fine, seen here in hidden camera video from 2003, discussed the alleged sexual molestation of davis by her husband, syracuse associate head basketball coach bernie fine. >> what did you want you to do? you can be honest with me. >> what, he wants you to grab him? >> he try to make me grab -- >> but you never had any oral sex with him. >> no. i think he would want to -- >> oh, of course he would! why wouldn't he? >> reporter: after bringing hess allegations against bernie fine to a syracuse police detective in 2002 and getting nowhere, davis says he was determined to confirm his story. he says he hoped laurie fine would disclose on tape the details of her own knowledge of the abuse he says started when he was 12 and continued for more than a decade. >> so what were you hoping to accomplish by recording it? >> laurie was a person that i talked to a lot about the situation as i got older. and she was there a lot of the times and seen a lot of things that were going on, you know, when bernie would come down the basement in his house at night and when i was laying down there and she had to see him every night do that. but laurie was the only one else that knew about what was going on and saw things that were happening with her own eyes and that we talked about it. >> i know everything that went on with him. bernie has issues. maybe that he's not aware of, but he has issues. and you trusted somebody you shouldn't be trusted with. bernie is in denial. i think that he did the things that he did. but he's somehow through his own mental ability erased this from his mind. >> reporter: it began at the fine's home beginning in the seventh grade and at one point had his own room in their basement, says laurie fine told him that she was aware that her husband was seshxual abusing hi. >> you think i'm the only one he's done that to? >> no. i think there might have been others, but it was geared to, there was something about you. >> one time she told me about an instance where she saw him through the basement window and she left like the blinds open a little bit one night and she's acting like she's taking the garbage out but she watched through the window. >> what did she see? >> bernie grabbing me and touching me. she said the next day, bobby -- this is when i was a little bit older, probably like a junior in high school. you got to step up to him. you got to say something. you got to be a man. >> reporter: during the phone call davis explained to laurie fine that when he was about 27 years old in the late '90s, he asked bernie fine for $5,000 to help pay off some student loans. >> when he gave you the money what did he want for it? he wanted to do you? >> he wanted to do me. he wanted me to touch him. he tried to make me touch him and a couple times he grabbed my hand. you want this money -- >> right. he's a nasty attitude. it is about the [ bleep ]. i'm just telling you for your own good you're better just staying away from him. >> reporter: during the call laurie fine suggested to davis what her husband should do with his need for male companionship. >> you know what? go to a place where there's gay boys, find yourself a gay boy, you know, get your rocks off, have it be over with. you know, he needs a champion. i gacan't give it to him. >> reporter: at one point laurie fine seems to say that he wasn't the oinly boy in the fine's household who betrayed his trust. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. it could be very abrasive. if the surface gets abraded, it's just the environment that bacteria likes to nestle into and they can cause the odor. your denture needs to be cleaned gently on a daily basis. i like to recommend polident, it kills the bacteria without causing any abrasion. when my patients follow my instructions, their dentures 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yes. >> intercourse with her? >> yes. >> does bernie fine know about that? >> i did tell bernie. is as i got older. not when i was a kid. i thought he was going to kill me. but i had to tell him and i felt like i told him about it, what was going on with me and laurie and it didn't phase him one bit, honestly. >> reporter: later in the call laurie fine tells davis she wanted to come to his defense but she just wasn't capable of it. >> because i care about you and i didn't want to see you be defeated that way and it is hard for -- if i was another girl it would be easy for me because you know what you're up against here. if this is some guy, you can't compete with it. it was just wrong and you were a kid. are you man now but were you a kid then. >> this is about a kid who was abused and adults who didn't help, who didn't step in, who in fact sort of allowed it, created a space for it to go on. >> reporter: danielle roach who has been friends with davis since the second grade, says that as a teenager she served as the fine's baby-sitter for about three years. recently, roach listened to the conversation again. davis first played the call for her after recording it in 2002. >> this tape tells me that lauri knew and watched it go on knowing that it was going on in her home for a long time. >> reporter: roach, who is now a mother herself, says she cannot imagine how any mother could know sexual abuse was happening in her home and not act. >> it is amazing that she can say some of the things she says to bobby but couldn't pick up a phone and said maybe this isn't the place for your kid, maybe he shouldn't be here. >> reporter: at the time, davis says he questioned whether anyone would ever believe his story. yet lauri fine tells him she's already warned her husband, one day his alleged molestation of davis might become public. >> i said to him, you know, bobby and i talked. i know some things about you that if you keep pushing are going to be let out. he didn't even flinch. he said let him go. he thinks that i think he thinks he's above the law. >> so a family member tells cnn that lauri fine is going to have more to say about this recording later today. but it seems apparent from the tape that she knew what was going on, looked the other way, clinical psychologist jeff gardere joins us again from new york. first of all, jeff, i mean this story is disturbing on so many levels. i guess this kind of thing does go on this some households. but can you explain to us -- help us understand first of all how it is that his wife, lauri fine, could let this go on if you believe this phone conversation. what is the thinking behind that? >> i think what may be going on here and what i am picking up from the phone conversations, this was a marriage that was totally unhealthy, it was probably destroyed. she appeared to be disgusted by his behavior, disgusted by him, seems like they were living in the same household but certainly not sharing a bed the way that a husband and wife would share a bed and in some ways we talk about this whole idea, suzanne, of identified with the aggressor. this appears to be a woman, laurie fine, who was identifying with the victim. also in some ways saw herself powerless, kind of became an ally, certainly to the point, if it's true, where they started sharing a bed, her and bobby davis, and that certainly was not healthy in any way and didn't help the situation. >> well, she seems to blame the alleged victim in this case, bobby davis, for being naive and trusting the wrong guy. is she just rationalizing this? what is behind that? >> a lot of it is rationalization. there is a term we use in psychology called cognitive dissonance. that's where there are two poe po -- opposing thoughts that take a home in your mind. we see a wife in a case like this sees her husband as being this wonderful guy, this person that she loves, that she married, but on the other hand, suspects or may know subconsciously that there's something very wrong and that he's a pedophile. so the only way that she can live with these two opposing thoughts is by either being in denial, by minimizing what's going on, or distancing herself as much as possible an we see that in this particular case if these allegations are true, that she's distanced herself from her husband bernie fine and now appears to want to come out and talk about this but i wonder if she will take responsibility for her own dysfunctional behaviors and doing in some ways what the aggressor has done where she's identifying with bernie and done the same thing to this young man. >> does she get anything out of this by allowing this to happen in her home? >> yes. she gets to live, she gets to share the home, she gets the benefits of the home, and she gets to not have to face her own incredible fears that she married a monster in some ways enabled that, was a person who just watched all of this happen and perhaps could have done much more. so therefore she doesn't have to accept responsibility, ultimate responsibility fob her own behavior in some ways watching a husband doing these things and not going to the police, much, much earlier on when this was allegedly going on. >> explain to us how she could in watching this behavior occur -- we believe he was 12 at the time that they -- that the sexual abuse began here but she has a relationship with him when he's 18. was she just as guilty in terms of just keeping him around for their pleasure? >> well, i guess we can make that judgment and it is easy to make that judgment. we don't really know. we're theorizing must have been going on in the mind of this woman. we don't know what was happening in the marriage. was it an abusive relationship? we really don't know. certainly as an adult she should have taken responsibility. in some ways she has become a mandated reporter, if you will, in that she allegedly saw her husband acting out sexually towards a child. there is no excuse for not bringing that to light and bringing that to the police. but of course, being married to that person and having an established life and turning that upside down by coming forward is something that a lot of people fear who are in this kind of a marriage. >> jeff, she does seem to offer an excuse in this conversation when she says perhaps it would have been different if she caught him with a girl, a young girl, a 12-year-old girl, as opposed to a 12-year-old boy. why is she making this distinction and treating this differently because it was a boy who he was with and not a girl. >> we see this with many women who are married to pedophiles and pedophiles who go after the same sex who go after boys. basically what she's saying is i don't know what to do with this. if this were a young girl, if this were a teenager, then i can address his philandering, his messing around, but this is a guy who i thought was heterosexual, who i married to be in a heterosexual relationship, and so i can't understand his sexuality, i can't understand his acting out with little boys. this is just too much for my mind to mafathom. i don't know how to compete, i don't know what to do. >> why wasn't she able to see that young boy as a child? i don't get that. >> i think what may have been going on is that this is a woman who had to minimize, who was in denial. so in many ways saw this young man or maybe other young men as play things, as toys, as individuals that she didn't have a real relationship with. her relationship was with her husband and this is what her husband was doing. think about this, suzanne. if she started identifying with had this little boy when he was a little boy at the time, then she would have to take responsibility and come forward as far as the legality and as far as going to the police. by minimizing him, pushing away what her husband was doing, then she had that psychological safety. >> it's just so disturbing and bizarre. thank you for helping us try to understand some of this. we should also remind viewers that laurie fine -- that there will be a statement at least a relative says there is going to be a statement from laurie fine about these tapes and this phone conversation that we've been listening to that she will address some of the things that have come up in this record conversation. we'll be looking out for that as well. >> absolutely. >> thank you, jeff. is your boss watching while you shop at work? there are more companies monitoring holiday shopping while on the job. if you're planning to shop for some cyber monday deals while you were at work, watch out. big brother could be watching you. turns out that according to recent survey, 60% of chief information officers say their companies block access to online shopping sites. up 48% from last year. joining me is john abell with john, first of course, people shop, sometimes at work, they're not supposed to. why are companies blocking for of these sites. >> one second. all right. one click. i'm in. look, it is kind of silly. it is good for the economy for god's sake and they can't block everything. they might try to block sort of the big names that we know, amazon, ebay, those places but everyone has a shopping cart on the internet. it is a losing battle. >> do you think it is an invasion of privacy? >> well, you're at work and they own the equipment. they can sort of try and do whatever they want. the bigger problem is what people always do, they sort of waste time at the water cooler or make personal calls, e-mail, they do social networking every day other than cyber monday. as i say, they can try and do it but it is not a great idea. it is bad for morale. et cetera. so why bother? people have smartphones. they could do amazon one click like he was pretending to do a moment ago. >> many employers are tracking how the sites are used. how do they actually track online shopping? >> if you own the computer and you own the history, browsing history and stuff like that, it is not hard to do. it is exactly what web browsers do, they track your history and so all they have to do and look and see where you've been. there's lots of ways to do this. it is sort after pointless enterprise because it is going to go away. people are going to do this a anyway and they're not going to like you. it is one day of the year, let it go. >> how do you avoid getting on your company's naughty list if you are doing some of the shopping? >> you can bring your own computer, tablet or smartphone. can you do it in the hallway or in the parking lot. could you do it on your breaks that you're allowed to have, your lunch hour. so it's true that the employee can also sort of play nice with the employer and do it when they could. there is a bigger picture here. according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics, productivity for the american worker has been greater for the past ten years or so which is really the sweet era of e-commerce than it was for the previous quarter of a century, basically before the internet. comparable to the post-war boom. so the notion that the internet is sort of sucking away dollars from small and big business is kind of wrong. it is really created a huge economy, real opportunities. so put it in perspective. play nice. don't antagonize your boss, but bosses, don't antagonize your employees. >> john, thank you. happy shopping. as soon as you walk into some big stores, the retail machine kicks in to try to get your money. christine romans spoke with a marketing insider who had pointers to help you hang on to some of that cash. >> it is hard to escape the grip companies have on us particularly if we don't even know what's happening, martin. how do they get us? give us some of the secrets. >> well, it happens everywhere. just think about this. when you walk in to a retail store, like a supermarket, did you note that if we walk counterclockwise throughout the store we actually spend 7% more? not only that, we actually are seeing now the supermarkets are putting in speed bumps into the floor so the tiles start to vibrate slightly. it makes us slow down and as we do that we spend 6% more. and not only that, we also know now that the type of music they're using in the retail store actually makes us spend more money. so actually every signal we are exposed for every second has one single agenda -- to make us spend more. >> it is like being in a vegas cass foe where there are no windows and no clocks and the light is just perfect -- except it is the supermarket and they are trying to make you reach into your pocket and spend more money! next time we go shopping, what can we do differently not to fall for it? >> the basic advice is not to bring your kids with you. we know today if you bring your kids with you you'll pent 26% more. another good advice but it works very well -- use your music player or your iphone and play some music really high-written music because that makes you rush out of the supermarket very quickly. another advice -- always use big dollar notes. $100 bills or $50 notes because that actually makes you spend less because of the denomination effect. the idea is very simple. it is the less money you spend, well, typically it is directly correlated with the higher bills you had in your pocket. americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ gives you the lowest plan premium in the country... so you can focus on what really matters. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. so you can focus on what really matters. ♪ sen♪ co-signed her credit card - "buy books, not beer!" ♪ ♪ut the second at she shut the door ♪ ♪ girl 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may issue a statement if they think that's necessary. now translated that suggests that president karzai here has heard the appeals, has received the petition of nearly 5,000 names collected over the internet and a plea for clemency from her lawyer and is now looking personally at the case. hopes high certainly amongst her legal team. that may change her plight. remember, she still has another year left to serve out her sentence. prosecutors deciding although the adultery she served in jail wasn't serious enough for her to serve out the full 12 years, they want her kept in jail for a little bit longer because she hadn't reported that crime fast enough. tonight despite the intervention she does remain in jail with her daughter. >> she's being punished for what he did. what about the guy who attacked her? what is his fate? >> he's in jail now. number of years left to serve on his sentence. we actually spoke to him a while back off camera and he sees the whole scene quite differently. he says he never actually had sexual contact with her. there was no rape and says actually the main threat against her at this point is from her own family who he believes may kill her after the dishonor she's brought. obviously that's something her family completely deny. a very different picture for him though, he is still in jail and has also heard the suggestion that they should marry to legitimize her child. a very disturbing story, suzanne. >> indeed very disturbing. is this something that's common in some places? >> reporter: i could only speak to what remarkably we heard from afghan prosecutors when we asked about this case. they said they couldn't immediately tell us about her case because she wasn't really on their radar. it was a relatively common thing to happen in afghanistan. women jailed for adultery or some kind of moral crime after in fact they say they've been sexually assaulted. certainly this appears to be what happened in this case so certainly, yes, human rights activists here, even somebody who spoke from the united nations deeply concerned about how prosecutors treat women, how they apply the law. reforms in the law here to try and give women a better chance when faced with terrible yore deals like this but still great concerns that things aren't really moving fast enough towards reform. >> all right, nick paton walsh, we appreciate it. thank you, nick. time to go cross-country. a woman was pinned under this pick-up truck after it rolled over on a highway near san diego. about a dozen people rushed to help, then lifted the truck to get her out. she and one other person survived. the driver of the truck died. ♪ so this texas restaurant owner says he's playing guitar on the roof of his restaurant for the rest of the year. he's also living up there. says he's doing it to bring in customers because he can't afford advertising. right now he thinks he'll have to close at the end of december. some people got a big wet kiss from a sea lion at the buffalo zoo. check it out. visitors payed to pose for holiday photos with this sea lion over the weekend. the zoo says he's one of the most popular animals at the zoo there. >> dozens of investigators who have been stumped by the case of d.b. cooper are putting their heads together now. cooper parachuted out of a plane with ransom money 40 years ago. the summit would bring new revelations to that infamous i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses... not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. wants to go to a live event. congressman barney frank who is announcing that he will not seek re-election for 2012. let's listen in. >> i have gone through some changes here. last year, particularly around the time of the signing of the financial reform bill, i tentatively decided i was going to make this my last term. i spent a very busy and somewhat stressful four years with the financial crisis, first dealing with the crisis, and then dealing with the legislation to make it less likely that we were going to have another one. i then had, as is appropriate, a very spirited campaign for re-election. and my view was that i could do my job best fighting for the public policies i care about by making this my last term. and then funny thing happened on the way to retirement -- a very conservative republican majority took over the house. at that point it seemed to me that some of the things i had fought hardest for could be in jeopardy. financial reform, which i anticipated the conservative republicans who are running the house would try to undermine, and additionally, i was afraid that given the need to do deficit reduction, this very conservative majority would seek to block any increase in taxation on the wealthiest people and would seek to protect the military from any spending cuts so that the necessary deficit reduction would fall disproportionately on social security, medicare and other programs that enhance the quality of our lives here at home. and i thought that if i were to announce in december that i was a lame duck, that that would weaken my chances of having influence. ordinarily, i would not have announced as early as i did, but we are doing redistricti ining r did redistricting and the legislative leadership and my colleagues all said, look, it is important for you to tell everybody, all of us, whether you plan to run or not. and so i gave my initial view. and i was planning to run again. and then the congressional redistricting came and this decision was precipitated by congressional redistricting, not entirely caused by it. i'm been ambivalent about running, not because i don't continue to think the job is important, but because there are other things i'd like to do in my life before my career's over. i was a fledgling academic. i think i have the longest uncompleted ph.d thesis in harvard history haunting me and there are a lot of things i would like to do. some people are able to write and also pursue an active life. i am easily distracted by -- i started writing this statement, a blank page, but i want to be eau current. the blank screen. i want to take the time to write and write about some serious issues. >> congressman barney frank announcing that he is not going to run again for election in 2012, a 16-term congressman. let's bring in joe johns for a little perspective on what this means. he's been a really significant political figure in washington and massachusetts for quite some time. >> reporter: that's true. it is funny when you hear him talking about having the longest incomplete ph.d thesis in the history of harvard, one of things that you have to say about him, and i mean and take away all that stuff about redistricting and his reasons for coming, his reasons for going, this guy is a teacher and i think he is a teacher at heart in many ways. and that has sort of aggravated people on capitol hill, at the same time it's really brought his laurels. the fact is that whenever you talk to barney frank, when you walk away, he may insult you, he may anger, he may make you feel proud depending on your political inclination, but he will leave you with a sense that you learned something from what he said. and that's what he's done on capitol hill. most recently in his iteration as the chairman of

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Advertising , Zoo , Folks , Sea Lion , Visitors , Holiday Photos , Animals , Buffalo Zoo , Big Wet Kiss , Sales , Reports , Points , Check , Dow , New York Stock Exchange , Black Friday , 302 , Market , Floor , Shopping Trips , Four , 6 , Place , Band , Let S Go , Generations , The Band S Culture , Truth , Root , Excellence , Remedies , Music , Compassion , Questions , Individual , Claims , Caring , Life On Mars , Case , Death , Evidence , Result , No One , Liberty , Band Director , Everything Points , This , Instances , Cause , Medical Examiner , Comments , President , Law Enforcement , At Famu , Orlando , History , Action , Stage , Idea , Event , Inclination , Suit , Individuals , Scope , Anybody , Jail Wasn T , Shoulder , Shoulders , Haze Something A Culture Of Don T , Ask Don T Tell , The Press , Lot , Bit , Organization , Progress , Message , Matriculate , Situation , Champion , Mr , Mrs , Hazed , Either , Experience , Culture , Subject , Him , Word , You Couldn T , Question , Hearing , Kind , Joke , My Son Patsing , Thing , Kid , Can T , Return , Coming Home , Downtown Atlanta , College , Sororities , Fraternities , Funeral Parlor , Attention , Attorney , Doing , Words , Change , Needs , Phone Call , Son , Wants , Shoes , Standing , Five , Back To School , Performing , Bugs , Someone , Example , Anyone Else , Parade , Front , Tv , Bed , Band Performance , Judgment , Computers , Performances , Pull Up Famu , Florida Classic , Thanksgiving , Moments I Didn T Get , Worth Salvaging A Critical Relationship , World , Father , Kids , Parents , Car , Game , Call , Dad , Daughters , Whatever , Wasn T Out Robbing Somebody , Good , Life , Career , College A , Grades , High School , Problem , Addition , Leader , Classes , Glimpse , Grade , Instrument , Love , Clarinet , Middle School , It Wasn T , Chapel Hill , Brown , Eighth Grade , Band Teacher , Talent , Orchestra , Tierges Saw , Performance , Game Performance , Southwest Decalb High School , Southwest Decalb , Talking , Momma , Shock , Son Dieing , Marching Band , Hazing Problems , 4 , Agency , Incidents , Band Member , Police Chief , Tallahassee Democrat , 2004 , Beating , Kidney Failure , Paddle Board , Freshman Trumpet Player , 8 Million , 1 8 Million , Part , Psychologist , 50 , 1950 , Psychology , More , Relations , Nato , Fallout , Up Next , Turn , Air Strike , Rescue Helicopter , Coast , Cargo Ship Cap , Wales , Swoopg , Weekend , Syria , Sanctions , Middle East , Arab League , Yemin , Government , Bloodshed , U N , 3500 , Power , Vice President , Dictator , Departure , Libya , Challenges , Lines , Bahrain , Egyptian American , Election Day , Beaten , Back , Mona , What Happens Next , Group , Ground , Human Rights Activists , X Ray , Copies , Women , Riot Police , Activists , Virginity Tests , Security Forces , On Thousands Of Egyptians , Attempt , Both , Feminist Movement , Lawsuits , Task , Avenue , Human Rights Attorneys , Testimony , Holdin , Courageous Noehistory , Reasons , January 25th , Police Brutalitiy , 25 , Candidates , Rights , Role , Elections , Show , Television , January 25 , 9 , Sexual Assault , Shame , Hosni Mubarak , Parcel , First , Parties , Stretch , Imagination , Islamists , Challenge , Revolution , Road , Process , It S Time , Recovery , Supply Lines , Streets , Confusion , Revenge Attacks , Troops , Antiamerican Anger , Deaths , Sitdown , Reza Sayah , Target , Islam Ma Bad , Relationship , Washington , P , Partnership , Support , Prediction , Jeopardy , Respect , Interest , Call Davis , Incident , Sovereignty , Time , He Wasn T , Changes , Statements , Parliament , Mood , Tension , Raid , Bin Ladin , Sam Ma , Eye To , Polls , Sense , Feelings , Danger , Digits , Countries , Sentiment , Position , Antiamerican , Story , Indications , Obstacles , Well , Pro , Upgrade , Rentals , Go National , Business Pro , Nationalcar Com , Next , Joints , Psoriatic Arthritis , The World , On Enbrel , Infections , Spain , Immune System , Rheumatologist , Ability , Events , Symptoms , Doctor , Tuberculosis , Region , Infection , Nervous System , Blood Disorders , Cancers , Lymphoma , Flu , Job Girls , Heart Failure , Bleeding , Hepatitis B , Cuts , Have , Fever , Paleness , Bruising , Sores , Everybody Saw It , Cool Stuff , Chad Myers , Sirius Xm , Skies , Launch , Landing , Tens Of Thousands , Rockets , Come Out , Air Crane , Down , Surface , Rovers , Drill , Dirt , Martians Walking , A Billion , Winter Storm Warnings , Watches , South , Water , Snow , Bunch , Northern Mississippi , Memphis , Nashville , Alabama , Popularity , Endorsement , Newt Gingrich , Roads , Sky , Grass , Stick , New Hampshire , 34 , Mitt Romney , News , Campaign , Oup , Terms , House , Conservatives , Joe , Desk , Re Election , Sleep , Enemy , Figure , Republicans , Dodd Frank , Frank , Banking Reform Bill , Congress , Kinds , House Financial Services Committee , Retirement , Campaign Trail , Members , Bill , 1 , 00 , Democrat , Many , Massachusetts , Player , Capitol Hill , Money , Candidate , Manner , Battle Ground States , Running , Hanging Fruit , Contradictions , Washington Dc , Pennsylvania , Ohio , North Carolina , Health Care , Listen , Abortion , Flip Flops , Bill Clinton , New Hampshire Union Leader , Conservative , Gingrich , Primary , Top , Everybody , Republican , Cnnpolitics Com , Votes , B Good , Child Sex Abuse Scandal , Wives , Care , Penn State , Subaru Owners , Help , Charities , Love Event , Share , Choice , Subaru , 250 , 20 Million , 0 Million Dollars , Killer Audio , Hd Webcam , Lids , Intel Core I5 , Moves , Court , Smart , Nobody , Dell Com , Potato , Products , I Love You , Pieces , Savings , Oh My Gosh , Visit Dell Com , Soup , Cover , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Progresso , Piece , Aarp , Pay , Information , Kit , Insurance , What Medicare Doesn T , Thousands , Medicare , Insurance Company , Out Of Pocket Expenses , Unitedhealthcare , Medicare Guide , 65 , Card , Hospital , Number , Screen , Networks , Referrals , Potential , What Medicare Doesn T Pay , Rate Quote , Child Sex Abuse , Jerry Sandusky , Behavior , Book , The Predator Next Door , Darlene Ellison In Dallas , Pedophiles , Column , Beast , Wiv , Ten , Sexual Abuse , Boys , Ex Husband , Most , Abuses , Predator Behavior , Fbi , Children , Trips , Crimes , Parent , Hindsight , Friends , Access , Arrest , 8 , 10 , Being , Church Ministry Work , Thought , Agent , Volunteer Work , School Carnivals , Doesn T Feel Right , Doesn T Sound Right , Darlene , Isn T Making Sense , Signs , Yes , 20 , Extent , Somebody Unekwe , Kwi Unekwiv Kablly , Flags , Community , Red Flag , Mentoring , Mistake , Marriage , Problems , Couple , There Tru Weren T , Campout , Behihindsight , Explanations , Dads , Pedophilia , Speed , The School S Famous Marching 100 , 100 , Overflowing , Attack , Cnn , Interview , Pakistpakistan , Min , Officials , Rape Victim , Adultery Laws , Workers , Cousin , Release , East Coast , 5000 , Deals , Planning , Cyber , Shopping Carts , Uy Button , Karina Huber , Record , Prices , Website , Electronics , Electronics Prices , Decide Com , Price , Apple , Tablets , Holiday Season , Hotcakes , Ipad 2 , Samsung Galaxy , Acor Iconia , Toshiba Thrive , 0 , Today Is The Day , Cameras , Rating , Buys , Dollar Question , Clothing , Hou Housewares , Jewelry , Items , Analysts , Economy , Flash Sales , Guiltgroup , Rulala , Course , Right , Pressure , Retailers , Tips , Clock , Flash , Picture , Fees , Shipping , Wiping , Flash Deal , Shopping , Guess , Deal Breaker , Company Clock , Crime , Passage , Sex Abuse Victim , Dandruff , Aviation History , Skyjacking , D B , Cooper Symposium , Use , Neutrogena , T Gel Shampoo , Bank , Dime , Rally , Stranger , Nonsense , Ally Bank , Everyone , Aleve , Holiday , Gift , Pills , Coverage , Call Unitedhealthcare Medicare Solutions Today , December 7th , College Student , 26 , Cover Up , Breath , Jeff , Jeff Gardere , High Schools , Universities , Practice , Black , Men And Women , White , Term , Places , Colleges , Discipline , Feel , Hierarchy , Groups , Leaders , Administrations , Marching Bands , Team Sports , Tradition , Ways , Administrators , Fraternity , Sorority , Times Demeaning , Times , Heads , Sand , Alternative , Commercial , Member , Ternt Fraternity , Alpha Phi Fraternity , Protocol , Library , Nalt , Enough , Testing Someone , Players , We , Eurobonds , Extremes , Bystanders , Sort , Stand By , Perpetrator , Spectacle , Joy , Egging , Perspective , Safety , Charge , Figures , Say , Authority , Rules , Husbands , Telephone Conversation , Discovery , Thanks , Gift Basket , Cairo , 12 , Violation , Office Rules , Baby , Oh Yeah , Fred , Noisemakers Blow , Leftover Cake , Facecake , Htc Vivid , Speeds , Step , 4g Lte , 3g , 3 , Hearty Steak Burger Soup , Progresso Rich , Burgers , Ivan Watson , Hoseny Mubarak , Polling Station , Voters , Block , Awareness , Faith , Voting , Hasn T , Mubarak , Under Sadat , Instance , Party , Ballots , Pamphlets , Favor , Voting Irregularities , Hoseny , Station , Stock Market , Look , Posters , Entrance , Eye , Coming Up , 310 , 311 , Entirety , Basketball Coach , Recordings , Ber Sy Syrac , Monday Sales , Meeting , Investigators , Employers , Cooper , Assistant Basketball Coach , Telephone Call , Heard A , Hi , October 2002 , Phone Conversation , Knowledge , Hidden Camera , Location , Molestation , Oral Sex , Police Detective , Wouldn , Nowhere , Hess , Basement , Saw , Else , Shouldn T , Blinds , Basement Window , Window , Garbage , Reporter , Junior , Student Loans , 90 , 27 , 000 , Hand , Attitude , Bleep , Need , Rocks , Household , Trust , Oinly , Environment , Polident , Bacteria , Patients , Instructions , Denture , Basis , Abrasion , Odor , Dentures , Mouth , Smiling , O0 C1 , Motorcycle Insurance , Bikes , Riders , Number One , Progressive , Pack , Mark Schwartz , Adult , Business Doing , Screw , 18 , Yore , Intercourse , Tell Bernie , Defense , It Didn T Phase , Wasn T , Adults , Didn T Help , Danielle Roach , Teenager , Go On , Space , Baby Sitter , Didn T Step In , Lauri Fine , Mother , Bobby But Couldn T , Isn T , One Day , Anyone , Family Member , Above The Law , Households , Levels , Thinking , Phone Conversations , Aggressor , Rationalization , We Use , Cognitive Dissonance , Thoughts , Poe Po , What S Going On , Responsibility , Distancing , Behaviors , Monster , Fears , Pleasure , Don T Know , Child , Excuse , Distinction , Young Girl , Sex , Saying , Philandering , Acting , Sexuality , His Messing Around , Mafathom , Toys , Try , Legality , Relative , Viewers , Companies , Boss , Holiday Shopping , Work , Chief Information Officers , Survey , Big Brother , 60 , Sites , John Abell , Wired Com , 48 , Second , Click , Sake , Silly , God , Internet , Names , Amazon , Battle , Shopping Cart , Ebay , Social Networking , Calls , Invasion , Water Cooler , Privacy , Equipment , E Mail , Smartphones , Morale , Et Cetera , Computer , Web Browsers , Tracking , Lots , Enterprise , Company , List , Play , Parking Lot , Breaks , Employee , Smartphone , Tablet , Hallway , Worker , Productivity , Employer , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Notion , E Commerce , Boom , Wrong , Don T Antagonize , Bosses , Big Business , Opportunities , Stores , Employees , Retail Machine , Christine Romans , Marketing Insider , Pointers , Grip Companies , Everywhere , Cash , Happening , Secrets , Martin , Supermarket , Retail Store , Store , Supermarkets , Tiles , Speed Bumps , Type , Clocks , Agenda , Windows , Vegas Cass Foe , Advice , Pocket , Flight , Music Player , Iphone , Bills , Dollar Notes , Notes , Denomination Effect , Bailout , Clients , Millions , Ameriprise Financial , 1894 , Future , Strength , Heart , Global Financial Leader , Plan , Premium , Call Humana , 4003 , 808 , 1 800 808 4003 , 800 , Pizza Party , Makeup Store , Credit Card , Makeup , Dorm Floor , Buy Books , Credit Score , Door , Ut The Second , Sen Co Signed , Hard Times , Spring Break , Daddy , Mom , Ticket , Mexico , Dot Com , Hamid Karzai , Prison , Chances , Nick Paton Walsh , Bending , International Outrage , Kabul , Palace , Judiciary , Issue , Petition , Appeals , Prosecutors , Sentence , Plea , Team , Clemency , Lawyer , Hopes , Plight , Jail , Adultery , Intervention , Hadn T , She , Camera , Fate , Daughter , Contact , Rape , Scene , Dishonor , Threat , Suggestion , Human Rights , Radar , Law , Reforms , Reform , Concerns , Nick , Pick Up Truck , Plane , Dozens , Summit , Ransom , Cooper Parachuted Out , 40 , Doesn T Cover Everything , Medicare Supplement , Revelations , Medicare Card , B Expenses , 80 , 2012 , Seat , Co Author , Dodd Frank Federal Regulation Bill , Collapse , Bill Put , Gig , Reminder , Update ,

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