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>> it is 5:00 a.m. here in the east. we begin this morning with breaking news. a deadly past 48 hours in afghanistan. new details of two attacks. an effort to derail the transition of power there. the taliban is claiming responsibility for an attack wednesday that left four americans dead, including senior members of an army brigade after an in-ssurgent detonated a suice vest. thomas kennedy and kevin griffin and walter gray were killed along with an american aid worker and afghan interpreter. and nato confirms that three u.s. service members were killed when a sgun man wearing an afghan forces uniform opened fire in the southern helmand province this morning. no claim of responsibility there yet. new details are expected and well be live at the pentagon at the bottom of the hour with more information for you. and now let's take you inside the wisconsin temple where six peoe were killed, three others wounded by a gunman on sunday. this video shot exclusively by cnn showing a stark reminder of that horrific attack, a bullet hole that punctured the door leading to the main prayer room. members say it will not be repaired. they'll keep it there forever to remind them of what happened that day. ted rowlands is live outside the temple. your camer were the only ones allowed inside and it was really moving what i've seen so far of what they were doing inside the temple, also the members gathered together. i know that you talked to some of the victims' children. give us a sense of what it was like inside and what they're saying. >> well, it was very emotional as you can imagine. people were crying, people came to pray. but there was also an upbeat sense to it. people were working to fix the temple, paint willing the temple. they replaceded t the carpet, t did replace all of -- they got rid of all of the bullet holes and there were several of them. they just kept that one bullet hole they say so that they will never forget. and talking to the people, it was amazing, you know, and you know this from being out here this week, they really are hoping that what people will take from this will be a change. and they say they really do want people to look at sikhs as a kind group of people. they say that's exactly what their religion is abo. one of the victims' family members not only addressed the victims, but also the shooter. take a listen. >> simply put, our families, his mother who left behind two beautiful boys and was the only mother, imagine losing your mother. our father, the four other victims, the people who were shot and are in the hospital, the police officer who did his job, will they are heros. they are living the american dream. the other person was a coward and at the end of the day, he should always be remembered as a coward. >> and today there will be a public memorial service here at oak creek high school, all six of the victims will be laid out in the grymnasium and they're expecting thousands of people from the community to pay their respects. >> what's so important, the sound you you just played from the son, he's someone i talked to on the phone a lot throughout this process. and the focus on the victims and not on the shooter, it's the same thing that we saw after the aurora, colorado coal shooting. people saying don't focus on the suspected shooter, remember the people. we still have three people hospitalized, would temple members, a police officer. how are they doing? >> well, lieutenant brian murphy is improving every day. will is o one of the victims is still in critical condition and having a tough time according to the hospital. but the other two are improving. >> that's good to hear. obviously our thoughts and prayers are with them today, a very important day when they'll be remembered and as you said the six bodies laid out in just a few hours. thank you. and president obama has opened up a seven point lead over mitt romney in the latest poll of registered voters. and the gop challenger's unfavorable rating is headed in the wrong direction. with less than three months to go before election day, the president 52% of the vote, romney with 45%. and here's a real concern for the romney camp. the former massachusetts governor's unfavorable rating climbed from 42% to 48% with 64% saying he favors the rich. fresh off a huge success on mars, nasa's morphius crashed and burned yesterday. no injuries were reported during that test of the cargo transport vehicle. nasa officials believe it was a hardware problem with the lander's guidance navigation control system. >> definitely doesn't look good. this just in. gas rises rise for the 12th day in a row now. now 3.67 a gallon. some really interesting developments in the case of suspect shooter james holmes. his behindset before the massacre still a mystery this morning. a judge issued no ruling on unsealing the full court record in the case against him. prosecutors agreeing with the defense team yesterday in court arguing that that full court record should stay sealed. 17 news organizations, including cnn, have asked for access to that. there was also a very strange development during the hearing. a woman had to be escorted out of the courtroom after she stood up and blurted out that she had vital information for the defense team. also holmes' landlord filed court papers yesterday to have him convicted from his once booby-trapped apartment saying he violated his lease when he alledgedly, and this is a quote, murdered numerous individuals, materially and substantially damaged the premises and booby-trapped the premises substantially damaging the property. i was standing outside that apartment, unbelievable, and it must be a legal formality that he has to file this eviction notice. >> that's what i figured. >> george zicmmerman's are planning to seek a hearing for the stand your ground defense. it if the judge agrees, key walk free. zimmer map could walk free. another development. prosecutors mistakenly releasing a photo of trayvon martin's body along with zimmerman's school records. last month, the judge ruled those items could not be seen by the public. prosecutors are now asking reporters to disregard them. and officials in louisiana want to know if an underground salt cavern is responsible for a massive sinkhole. the sinkhole is in assumption parish, it's 50 feet deep, but in one corner, it actually goes down more than 420 teeth. i've never seen one of those in person. but people had to be evacuated. jamaican sprinter usain bolt cements his olympic brilliance winning gold in the 200 meter final. jamaica actually swept the metal stand. johan blake took silver. so here the big story for team usa, do you know what it is, the women's soccer team winning its third consecutive gold medal. they beat japan 2-1 avenging their painful loss to the japanese in last year's world cup. rock on. they look so thrilled. team usa is tops in total medals. 90 with the most ghold golds, a. >> so here's what's a happening in olympic action today. the preliminaries of the men's ten meter platform diving and the men's pole vault final. also the women's final in the 5,000 meters and the men's basketball team usa taking on argentina in the semis. and this is just a great story. a history making night on the gridiron. shannon easton becoming the first female to ever owe officiate an nfl game. she was a line judge in last night's preseason game between the chargers and the packers. the league has locked out its referees and east on is one of the replacement officials. good for her. it is about time. >> there's so much media scrutiny behind this and she's so cool, calm and corrected. >> absolutely. nine past the hour. officials cranking up the atlantic hurricane forecast. seeing an active few months ahead. how many names could be knocked off the list? that number coming up next. the capital one cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus. and everyone, but her... likes 50% more cash. but, i have an idea. do you want a princess dress? yes how about some cupcakes? yes lollipop? yes! do you want an etch a sketch? yes! do you want 50% more cash? no you got talent. 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[ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] zyrtec®. love the air. join zyrtec® rewards. save up to $7 on zyrtec® products. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. what's the rush? you know, ronny... folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? i'd say happier than a bodybuilder directing traffic. he does look happy. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. welcome back to "early start." it is 13 past the hour. thanks for being with us this morning. >> predictions for this hurricane season have been revised higher. this just out. forecasters predicting more named storms this season. so we talked already this week about ernesto and another one yesterday. and now noaa has revised this higher. >> right. gordon. the numbers have been revised. and want to though you you what those are and give you an update of what's happening. named storms just to give you a perspective, on average, 12 named storms in the atlantic usually, six hurricanes and three majors, which are 111 miles per hour winds or greater than that. we've already had six named storms. but the latest figure is kind of taking it up average plus. expecting thefrom the old, 9 to up to 17. so why did they up the numbers? a few factors are looked at. we've already had six. we look at the water temperature its and also what's happening aloft in the atmosphere. check it for aggravated season. we do have above average temperatures in the atlantic basin, but we have dry sinking air at the higher levels. so one mitigates, one exacerbates, so does that take a to average a. potentially so temperature so here's the big outlook. coming off africa, 50% chance. maybe something developing. there's td number 7. so the water is warm, things are did getting active. there's the potential taking it south of puerto rico and towards jamaica by the beginning and middle of next week. closer to home, we're expecting major delays today in the northeast. so if you are flying new york, philadelphia, all the way down from washington to atlanta, big storms expected. so the earlier you go, the better off you'll be. >> thank you for that warning. >> always the case, the earlier you go, the better off. it's those last flights at night that are tough. >> that's right. breaking news in our top story this morning. it has been a deadly day for americans in afghanistan. nato says three u.s. service members died there today after a gunman wearing an afghan forces uniform opened fire in the southern helmand province. and thetal band is taking responsibility for an attack earlier this week that killed four americans when an insurgent detonated a suicide vest. we'll have a live report in about 15 minutes for you. a bullet hole in the door will serve as a grim reminder at the wisconsin sikh temple will seek people were shot to death. cnn has an exclusive look inside. tiles are being polished, drywall being repaired. only one bull let hole will be left unrepaired. it's right in the door leading into the main prayer room in memory of the victims. and goldn sachs is off the hook. e justice partment lat la nit deciding not t criminal charges agaithe ll str porhouse. this follows a two year investigation into the firm's bets against subprime morage securities that it was selling. a daring chopper rescue of an illegal immigrant stuck on a nearly vertical cliff in arizona. the man called 911 twice. before a customs and border patrol helicopter actually spotted him. he spent at least 11ours on that cliff before he could be rescued. he was taken to border patrol for processing to return to mexico. and can you blame a bear for taking a little spa vacation? that is a black bear caught on camera sunday wander around the will be bi lobby of the an gel fire resort. it nuk in through an open back door, inspected the hotel for about ten minutes and then checked himself out. >> i love that story. it's 17 past the hour. we're getting an early read on your local news making nags national headlines. an airfare win. from the new york daily news, israel's national airline says it will honor tickets that you purchased this week at discount prices after fares were cut by mistake. it was a huge miss take. it was and online pricing glitch. the mistake drastically lowered round trip airfare between new york and israel and created a run on tickets. it was for an entire three hour period. at least 5,000 tickets were purchased monday after they posted fairs for less than $400. do you know what the average cost is? $1600. they got it for $400. and they were struggling with this decision, do we, don't we, and they did the right thing. >> total bad pr move not to honor them. so they made the right choice. peyton manning fans out will, don't call him perfect peyton. that's the lead out of denver this morning. not yet. big day for peyton manning. making his first appearance with the denver broncos. it was a brief one. seemed to look like his former hall of fame self, only in a new uniform. he showed off no ill effects of the injury that he had sustained. he played one possession in that preseason opener game against the bears and got ser septemberseptembe intercepted near the end zone. first appearance in 19 months. he spent the entire 2011 season on the sidelines recovering from multiple neck injury, but last night he completed 4-7 passes for 44 yards. not bad. >> we're always talking about concussions and football. i'm worried to death about his neck. i don't want to see him get hit. for an expanded look at all our top stories, head to our blog, start. coming up, feeling worse as we get close to the fiscal cliff. we'll slain aexplain all of it including new numbers out. but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden sympts and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at one cap of downy protects $200 worth of clothes. prove it to me. ultra downy softeners protect fibers. there's no comparison. nic. downy's pretty much saving our clothes. yeah, ultra downy saves loads. downy's pretty much saving our clothes. welcome to summer road trip, huh? 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[ male announcer ] fiber one. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at it is 23 past the hour. we're minding your business this morning. how do you think the economy is doing? that is with a we asked in our fresh poll. fewer people today compared to april think the economy is starting to recover and the same think it has stabilized. 39% think the economy is actually getting worse. one thing is for sure, if congress does not deal with the so-called fiscal cliff before the end of the year, the u.s. economy will dive right back in to a recession. and that's according to the congressional budget office. poppy has been doing shaome digging on what this could mean for our kids' education and medical research. i'm stressed out about education in country. >> the fiscal cliff is two big things. the simultaneous tax hikes and also major spending cut. 8% spending cut across the board. so a lot of focus on that defense spending cut that you'd see in the first year. but half of what the cut you'd see in terms of spending in the first year is also nondefense. so the big things there are education and also health care. so congress doesn't act, you'll have $1.2 trillion cut from spending over a ten year period. let's focus on nondefense. let's focus on health first off. if you look at health research, there's a new interesting report out from research america that's a nonprofit health care advocacy group. they say if spending cuts go through, you'll get $3.6 billion in cuts in 2013 alone, that will come from the national institute of health, the cdc, fda, all the ones you see on the screen and the cdc director issued a very stark warning. he said an 8% to 10% reduction will risk costly and deadly spread of disease and failure to prevent tragic and expensive health problems. okay? also the director of the national institutes of health is saying that this would mean 2300 fewer grants, about a quarter of the new and competing grants. those go towards research, education, important things for this country. that's the health care side. let's talk about the education side. this is big for you and for every parent out there. if we see these cuts across board, that will cut about 8.5% there all education programs. education funding will drop to pre-2003 levels. as many as over 80,000 jobs could be lost. and if we have this cut, this is a across the board. so it will hit those areas that are struggling most in terms of lack of proper education. >> the innercity, it will affect the innercity in a big way because that's where we're struggling the most. so that's very scary. the cdc also with a thhat they . you can spend more money trying to fix the problem. unbelievable. one of the nation's largest veterans charities is now accused in court of ripping people off. see what happened when drew griffin tried to get answers from the man in charge. that's coming up. mid grade dark roast forest fresh full tank brain freeze cake donettes rolling hot dogs g of ice anti-freeze wash and dry diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback signup for 5% cashback at gas stations through september. it pays to discover. it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. 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[ earl ] save money with straight talk wireless. unlimited talk, text and data for only $45 a month. only at walmart. breaking news this morning. high ranking u.s. military officers are among seven americans killed in afghanistan. new polling in the race for the white house. president obama's lead over mitt romney growing. something wild in an arizona family's home. a feisty bobcat pays an unexpected visit. i suspect it was unwelcome, as well. wow. all right. welcome back to "early start." we're happy you're with us this morning. >> it's 31 past the hour. breaking news this morning out of afghanistan, a man wearing an afghan military uniform opening up fire on u.s. troops, killing three soldiers in the country's southern helmand province. this as we're learning more details about another deadly attack on wednesday where a suicide bomb attacked in eastern afghanistan left four americans dead including an aid work and senior members of an army brigade. chris lawrence joins us from the pentagon. what can you tell us? >> you never want to say any one life is worth any more than any other soldier or marine's. but based on the ranks of the people involved, this was a serious blow to the leadership of this brigade that's been working in eastern afghanistan to try to secure that area as time starts to wind down on the of a dwan war. this suicide bomber was able to kill some very senior leadership, including army major tom kennedy, air force major walter gray, and the command sergeant major tom griffin, the senior enlisted man. we're also told by sours that a colonel who was in charge of about a 4,000 man brigade was also wounded in that attack. >> you know, you mentioned the timing and i think that this is so disturbing. this comes as the u.s. is drawing down forces, getting ready for that anticipated 2014 handover of power and the big question is afghanistan ready for that. and this really brings that into question. on top of it this morning, three u.s. troops killed in afghanistan after the wednesday attack, right? >> that's right. and officials i've been speaking with say they're still trying to determine whether this was someone who was actually a part of the afghan security forces who turned on his allies on the americans, or if it was someone a taliban member perhaps who got an old uniform and hid amongst the afghan forces. i can tell you either way, it's a problem. when i was in afghanistan, you could see the casual way in which some of the afghan forces treat their uniforms laying around. it would be very, very easy for someone to get them. now, if it's an afghan force who turned, it may be even more troubling because that would be the third time in just this past week that you've had this so-called green on blue type attack. and at one point earlier this year, out of every four am llli soldiers killed in afghanistan, one out of every four was killed bay so-called friendly force. >> that's an incredible number. chris, thank you. stay on top of this will for us. >> that's an incredible number. chris, thank you. stay on top of this will for us. with less than three months until america votes, president obama's lead is growing and mitt romney's support is slipping. president obama now lead mitt romney by seven points, 52% to 45%, according to a new cnn orc national poll. cnn political editor paul steinhauser is with us now to break down all of these numbers. i got to tell you, i walked in this morning to so much paperwork of all of these polls that you are going to be breaking down for us today. so this is not all bad news for romney, this first poll that you're talking about. >> some bad, some good. this is interesting. wil the president's favorable and unfavorable numbers have not changed very much, take a look at mitt romney's numbers. his unfavorable number, 42% in july. that's gone up six points to 48% now. and among independents, that's risen even more. and it's troubling for mitt romney and maybe it has something to do with all the negative attacks by the obama campaign and other groups supporting the obama campaign. the good news for him will, he pretty much locked up the gop nomination back in april. in may, only 47% of romney voters said they were firmly strongly behind their candidate. now that is up to 56%. you can see the president's numbers remaining pretty much static. it's a snapshot of how people feel right now. the election is around three months away. people change their minds. >> this is a season of polls, as well. so every day we'll have something new. so yesterday at this hour we were talking about the veep stakes and there were three contenders. they were like these are the three to watch. portman, pawlenty and ryan. but there is now a new name and actually it seems like republicans perhaps favor him. tell us about that. >> yeah, we asked republicans nationwide and independents who lean toward the gop who they would like if it they got a choice. obviously they don't. but ta a look at the numbers. marco rubio came out on top in our poll. no clear favorite, but on the top of our list 28%, the senator from florida. chris christie the outspoken governor of new jersey and paul ryan whose name does come up a lot both at 16%. the people that we think portman and pawlenty in single digits. but a lot of this is name recognition and people just don't know rob portman or tim pawlenty that well. it they do no rubio or christie a little bit more. >> we'll see once they get fully vetted. i can't wait to see what it is. i know there is another poll, 39% of folks think the economy is actually getting worse. when you come back at 6:00, you'll dive into that, as well. paul, thank you. rebel forces withdrawing and waing for reinforcements in the blooddy struggle for roll of syria's largest city, allepo. the opposition has been taking heavy artillery fire from government troops at least 134 people killed across syria yesterday, including 47 in allepo alone and one of the nation's largest veterans charities is being sued by the state of california, the organization help hospitalized veterans is accused of engaging in fraudulent fund-raising. california's attorney general seeking to recover more than $4 million that she claims was diverted from veterans programs. >> over 65% of their revenue went to overhead and not to the programs that were intended to help these vets. and it's outrageous. they have really tugged at the heart strings of americans who want to help our veterans and instead they've had golf club memberships a and condominiums and they've been lining their pockets. according to the charity's tax records, help hospitalized veterans president michael lynch is paid an annual salary of $389,000. the state of california alleges he used donations to pay for two country club memberships at a cost of 80 grand. drew griffin tried to track him down for a comment. >> i got to ask you about the money, though. i mean, that doesn't answer any of the questions about the money that they're -- that's it? >> in its complaint, the state of california claims help hospitalized veterans used accounting gimmicks to inflate how much it spent on veteran services resulting in false filings to the irs. 38 past the hour here. an arizona animal rescue team had their hands full after a tucson woman found a bobcat inside her house. it fell through the roof into the open air solar yum. kelly jacobson heard the cat trying to escape, so she called jeff carver who had to carefully snare the frightened animal with a net. >> gives you that little adrenalin boost that's better than a double cappuccino. >> i don't like cats. >> look so trendily. right? experts say the bobcat is very young, just 10 to 12 week old. the cat will remain at the rehab center where a bobcat whethill become her foster mother. the u.s. is looking for more gold in the pool today. greg louganis will be joining us, he'll be there cheering along. he's joining us live from london next. ale announcer ] how do you define your moment? the blissful pause just before that rich sweetness touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you love and trust. splenda makes the moment yours. a living, breathing intelligence helping business, do more business. in here, opportunities are created and protected. gonna need more wool! demand is instantly recognized and securely acted on across the company. around the world. turning a new trend, into a global phenomenon. it's the at&t network -- securing a world of new opportunities. ♪ as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...but you still have to go to the gym. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank. ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow ♪ i want to try ♪ i can almost touch the sky [ male announcer ] even the planet has an olympic dream. dow is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. solutionism. the new optimism.™ ♪ this dream team usa is turning up the heat in london and looking to finish the olympics really strong. the u.s. is pulling away from the rest of the feed in the medal count. a full ten middedals ahead now china and more gold, too. usain bohusseigh hugh bolt says legend, i'm also the greatest athlete to win. i don't know if we dwre with him will, but congratulations are in order for the u.s. soccer people for bringing home the gold to avenge their loss in last year's world cup final. the u.s. team has won gold four out of five times since soccer became an olympic sport. and today the action switches back to the pool as two americans vie for the men's ten meter dive. nick mccroy and david badua alrey won for the synchronized dive. one man who will be watching very closely is diving legend greg louganis. he's a mentor for the diving team and he won gold in 1984 and 1988. did i mistroe announ tropronoun? >> yes. but i've been working with them -- nick is coming on real strong. it's really helped him be partnering with david and synchronized diving. it's elevated his level of competition. and also dave boudia was a silver medal in the championships, so we're hoping for good performances. >> they're good friends, but they're rivals in the ten meter dive. which one is america's best shot at gold do you think? >> well, it would probably have to be david boudia. he's been on the international stage a little bit loer. he's more season. he was silver medalist at the world championships last year. it's really -- they have their work cut out for them because they have china that's been really tough, very dom thant. we expected that. and then we also have tom daley from great britain where on his turf. so the crowd will be pulling for him. but there's also defending olympic champion matthew mitchum that will be in the contest, as well. there's about five contenders in there that can really be battling it out. >> well, we'll be rooting for boudia. but i read the enmeter dive is the give rent of diving off a three story balcony. and he says he didn't overcome his fear until after beijing of heights. have you been coaching him through that? >> i haven't really been coaching him through that. i leave the coaching to the coaches. i'm just athlete mentor. so i'm working with them in preparation for the olympic games, what to expect at the games, some of the practices that worked for me dealing with the mass media and the pressures that comes from outside the pool. and also when you go into space, that diving venue, there's something you feel. and i want them to interpret that feeling and sensation as inspiration and not pressure. because everybody in there wants them to succeed, even the judges. the judges want to throw a 10. but you got to give to them. >> there's a lot of pressure on these athletes, and their personal lives become an issue. how do you feel about that thousand a thousa now and how do you think they're dealing with the issue of homophobia? have we made progress? >> we've made tremendous progress. that's the reason why i'm back. the high performance director came to my house and asked how do we get you back involved. and i said ask. and he was surprised i was never asked. and so we just started working together and it's a different day and age. we have much more positive images of gay people. gay is not a lifestyle. gay is just a part of your personal identity. we have matthew mitchum who is openly gay who competes for australia. and his contention was he couldn't -- he had to be himself in order to be able to achieve the things he wanted to achieve. >> well, it is really nice to see you back and i'm giving you a lot of credit for the golds that they've won because you're mentoring both the women and the men. so condition drat lagratulation come back when we win the gold. >> i will. we have goals for the future. >> thank you very much. poppy, paback to you yoyou. three u.s. service members died after a gunman wearing an afghan military uniform opened fire in southern helmand province. the taliban is claiming responsibility for an attack wednesday that killed four americans when an insurgent it at the time natu detonated a suicide vest. three u.s. service members were killed along with an american aid worker and interpreter. the sikh temple where a gunman killed six on sunday has opened it doors again. you're looking at exclusive video taken by our cnn team on the ground there. temple members inside the main prayer area polishing tiles and the floor, mixing damaged drywall. they'll leave that one bullet hole, though, in the main door leading into the prayer room. they want to use to remember people and remember this tragedy, something of course they'll never forget. the centers for disease control says a new strain of swine flu has been found with 145 cases reported in four states. indiana has been hardest hit with 113 cases of the h3n2 injury ye variant. the cc is expectinghe number to increase. >> and a sheriff had to dodge an angry moose whose antlers got caught into a swing set. it wandered in the backyard and got tangled up in the chains. the adult moose was clearly agated, clearly in pain. he used bolt cutters and set that animal free. >> that was pretty dangerous. straight ahead, stop in the name of love. why this inflatable doll is turning heads at an intersection p we so want to share this with you. we can be on your desktop or mobile phone. do... because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter. who are these guys? 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[ female announcer ] purina cat chow indoor. and for a delicious way to help maintain a healthy weight, try new purina cat chow healthy weight. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. welcome back to "early start." it is 54 past the hour. we are taking a look at what is trending on the web. >> mars. we've been talking about it all week. we love the pictures coming back from mars curiosity, the rover totally stunning photos, 360-degree images of the red planet. >> i agree they're stunning. >> and we were saying yesterday that it looks similar in some sense to the mojave desert. these were taken on the third full day that the rover was on mars. they're the first color panorama set of photos we're getting and they show dark bands of dunes in the distance. a rim of the crater where the rover landed. the rover also took a high-def self portrait, we'll see if we can show you you that. and it shows some of the wear and tear of that seven minute landing that was treacherous, but then they executed it perfectly. it went from 13,000 miles an hour to zero. very stunning. >> like a car landing on mars. i think we have an intention getter for you. take a look at this. a grand mother in china was fed up that police weren't doing anything to slow down traffic near her home, so she decided to take matters in her own hands. she dressed an inflatable doll in longer ray aingerie and tied. she said i thought drivers would slow down if i could give them something worth looking at. >> give them something to talk about. we don't know if it worked, but i'm assuming it did. >> i was worried about traffic accidents, but we don't though. it's 56 after the hour. what nasa is saying about the failed test launch of an unmanned lunar lander. ♪ ♪ three, six, nine ♪ the goose drank wine ♪ the monkey chew tobacco on the streetcar line ♪ ♪ ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand ♪ pat it on your partner's hand ♪ ♪ right hand ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand ♪ cross it with your left arm ♪ pat your partner's left palm ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand, pat your partner's right palm ♪ [ male announcer ] it's back. the volkswagen beetle. that's the power of german engineering. [ male announcer ] it's back. the volkswagen beetle. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at but why doesn't it last? well, plaque quickly starts to grow back. [ dr. rahmany ] introducing crest pro-health clinical rinse. it actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque even at 2 months after a dental visit. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. breaking news out of afghanistan this morning. a pair of attacks killing seven americans, including three high ranking officers. bubbling up on the bayou, a mysterious sinkhole forces familieses to evacuate their homes. total determination at the olympics. refusing to let his teammates down, a u.s. track star finishes the race with a broken leg. happy friday, welcome to "early start." i'm poppy harlow in for john berman. >> that is determination, isn't it. i'm zoraida sambolin. it is 6:00 a.m. in the east. >> we begin with breaking news, it is out of afghanistan, a man wearing an afghan military uniform opened fire on u.s. troops killing three soldiers in the helmand province. this as we are learning more details about another deadly attack on wednesday where suicide bomb attack in eastern afghanistan left four americans dead, including an aid worker an senior members of an army brigade. chris lawrence is live from the pentagon. what can you tell us about this, chris? >> this is a big blow to the leadership to that brigade in eastern afghanistan. military officials have said securing eastern afghanistan on that border with pakistan is one of the primary missions that they feel they have to accomplish before all of the american troops start to come home. in this case, two suicide bombers blew themselves up just as a team of american military and civilian personnel were going into the province council's office, sort of the council that runs that part of afghanistan. this team was going in, the suicide bombers blew themselves up. two majors were killed, tom kennedy and air force major walter gray, as well as the senior enlisted man, command sergeant major keith griffin. zoraida. >> and also this morning, three u.s. troops killed in afghanistan. what can you tell us about that attack? >> that's right. right now what they are trying to determine, was this an actual afghan security force, an afghan policeman or soldier who turned on the americans or was it someone who just got the uniform? either way it's a huge problem. when i was there in afghanistan, you could see the casual way afghan troops treated uniforms leaving them around to be picked up by anyone. on the other hand, if it is a true so-called green on blue attack, it's the third time this week, just this week that the afghan forces have turned on americans. >> chris lawrence, live from the pentagon for us. thank you for those details. a cnn exclusive inside that wisconsin temple where six people died and three others wounded. this video shot by our cnn troops on the ground, a stark reminder of the attack. you're looking at the bullet hole in the door to the main prayer room. they say they will keep that there forever, to remember what happened that day. ted rowlands is live in wisconsin. ted, i know you're outside of the high school where they are going to have the memorial for the victims in just a few hours. they are going to lay the six bodies out. tell us what it was like for you personally to be inside the temple and be with family members who lost their fathers and mothers. >> reporter: well, as you can imagine, it was very emotional to be in the temple with them after it was released by the fbi. as soon as it was released as a crime scene, many people from the temple came to help repair and clean up. there were bullet holes all over the place. they have been able to clean all of those up and get rid of them. you mentioned the one there, leaving that because they never want to forget what happened. there was some discussion about leaving all of the bullet holes but it was decided that that would be too much. they just left that one. talking to them, a range of emotion, some saying our temple will never be the same. otrs were saying that it's important that it is the same and we get as soon as we can. we talked to one of the victim's sons and he talked about not only the victims but also addressed the shooter. take a listen. >> simply put, our families, his mother who left behind two beautiful boys and was the only mother -- imagine losing your mother, our father, the four other victims and people who were shot and in the hospital. the police officer that did his job, they are heroes. they are living the american dream. the other person was a coward and at the end of the day she always be remembered as a coward. >> you may have seen reverend jesse jackson was up yesterday and prayed with victim family members in the guduwara. and they play on having a private ceremony after the public ceremony at the high school. that's why they worked throughout the night last night prepare for today's ceremony. >> it stood so much, ted, the press conference the day after the shooting, one of the sikh members said when will we be allowed back inside? every family member affected that i spoke with said they have no hesitation to go back. their resolve to go back to this guduwara is even stronger. thank you for bringing us those pictures and stories. thanks, ted. >> it is five minutes past the hour. a colorado judge not ruling on unsealing the full court record in the case of james holmes, prosecutor agreeing arguing the full court record should stay sealed. 17 news organization, including cnn, want access. >> president obama widening his lead over mitt romney in the latest poll of voters and the gop looks like it's heading in the wrong direction. here are the latest numbers. the president with 52% of those favoring him. romney with 45%. here's a real concern for the romney camp. the former massachusetts governor's unfavorable rating climbing from 42 to 48%, 64% of americans saying they believe he favors the rich. after a triumphant week on mars, a bit of trouble for nasa. it's moon landing crashed and burned during an unmanned test. there were no injuries reported during the test of the cargo transport vehicle. officials believe a hardware problem with the navigation control system is to blame for that blaze. officials in louisiana want to know if an underground salt cav earn is responsible for what is called a massive sinkhole and forced people to leave their homes. it is in assumption parrish and mesh you shalls 324 feet in diameter and 50 feet deep. at one corner it's more than 420 feet deep. >> wow, mother nature in action there. predictions for this hurricane season have been readvised up. forecasters expect more named storms this season. meteorologist alexandra steele is here to break the numbers down. more and perhaps more intense? >> intensity is very tricky. a few aggravating factors and mitigating factors. we'll show you what's happening in the atmosphere. we're heading into the peak of the hurricane season. here's a look at where we stand. on average in the atlantic, we see 12 named storms and already had six thus far this season. six hurricanes on average, three majors. the numbers have been bumped up. named storms up to 17 potentially, up to 8 hurricanes, three be major. atmosphericall atmospherically, what moved that taking it to above average? two factors, water and air. above normal temperatures are there in the atlantic in the tropical atlantic. that will bump the numbers up towards more active. mitigating factors, we have dry sinking air in the upper levels of the atmosphere. does that call it a wash? it is hard to tell but it only takes one serious hurricane in 2010 we only had two hurricanes but they did a lot of damage to the u.s. >> alexandra steele, thank you very much. >> jamaican sprinter usain bolt semts his brilliance in a 200 meter final. >> and he says so himself. >> the island nation has a lot to celebrate. jamaica swept the medal stand, yohan blake and weir took bronze respectively. the women beat japan, 2-1, avenging their painful loss to the japanese in last year's world cup. >> he heard a pop and felt a snap, stopping was not an option. if you're still wondering what separates an olympic athlete from the rest of us. here it is, a pretty unbelievable story from the track in london. american mitchell finished his relay lap on a broken leg. he had 200 meters to go in the first leg and the adrenalin must have been flowing. >> it's hard to tell when it happened. >> he's running harder than i run with both legs not broken. he limped to the side to watch the americans finish the race and qualify easily for the finals. doctors confirmed he had run the last half lap about a broken left fibula. he downplayed it to reporters after but later he said, i felt it break. i heard it. i put out a little cry but the crowd was to loud i didn't hear it. i wanted to lie down. it felt like somebody literally just snapped my leg in half. >> incredible. >> now i want to rewind. >> you can't tell. he's an olympian. a woman referee for the first time in history. she's the one calling the shots. in your jeep grand cherokee. and when you do, you'll be grateful for the adaptive cruise control that automatically adjusts your speed when approaching slower traffic. and for the blind spot monitoring that helps remind you that the highway might not be as desolate... you thought. ♪ a living, breathing intelligence helping business, do more business. in here, opportunities are created and protected. gonna need more wool! demand is instantly recognized and securely acted on across the company. around the world. turning a new trend, into a global phenomenon. it's the at&t network -- securing a world of new opportunities. ♪ securing a world of new opportunities. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at happy friday, it is 14 minutes after the hour, i'm poppy harlow. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. after years of protests and lawsuits, a vofrsial mosque in tennessee is set to up. the mosque located 30 miles southeast of nashville will hold its first prayers later today before the close of the holy month of ramadan. it follows the burning of a mosque in joplin, a fire that federal agents are investigating as a possible arson. and the attack where an gunman killed six and injured others including a police officer. george, you got an exclusive look for us inside the mosque. can you tell us about it? >> reporter: zoraida, good morning. we were the first visitors allowed inside to see exclusively what it looks inside this facility. a 12,000 square foot facility. much larger than the older mosque they have outgrown. this had been a long time coming, two year time line of eve events. in 2009 it was purchased and in 2010 construction started. then a lawsuit brought on by some who feared this sight brought a risk of terrorism to the community. then you see later a county judge stepped in and stopped the permitting process. this year a federal judge ordered it to continue on. zoraida, remember, this has been the site of vandalism and arson and even a bomb threat. many members here believe that's been brought on by outside members, people outside this community determined to mischaracterize their religion. let's listen. >> that is an agenda nationwide unfortunately that islam and muslims to be not what they are but because of the act of few people, they are labeling the whole religion to be that way. it is unfortunate but it is -- >> reporter: a long time coming. the prayer service, first prayer service here at this facility will happen at 1:10 central time. and many people are anxious for that moment. >> that's a really interesting attitude from that gentleman. i talked to a woman who belongs to that mosque that is being investigated now for a suspected arson but did have an arson back in july. this was in joplin. and she said the same thing, she feels comfortable in the community and feels maybe it's coming from outside. aren't they worried whether it's coming from outside or internal that they'll be continued vandalism and threats? >> zoraida, there is an ongoing concern here. i've seen some of the e-mails that are sent to members of this mosque. a lot of hateful stuff sent here. and they are taking those things very seriously. i also spoke with people with the rutherford county sheriff's office. they are keeping close watch to ensure everyone at this mosque and throughout the community, that everyone is safe. >> we certainly wish them well. george howell, live for us. thank you very much. soledad chronicles a fight over the construction of the mosque in the heart of the bible belt. unwelcome, the muslims next door airs cnn sunday night at 8:00 eastern. >> we're following breaking news this morning. nato says three u.s. service members died today in afghanistan alone after a gunman wearing an afghan forces uniform opened fire in the helmand province and the taliban is claiming responsibility for an attack on wednesday that killed four americans when an insurge detonated a suicide vest. three u.s. service members were killed in wednesday's attack, along with an american aide worker and afghan interpreter. the west nile virus is spreading so fast in the dallas ft. worth area, a judge has declared a public health emergency. 175 people have the virus. nine people have died. state and federal health officials will meet to discuss how they are going to handle this. >> history on the gridiron last night. shannon east, become the first to o fishiate a game. the league has locked out regur referees and eastin is one of the replacements. the hat she wore will head to the haul of fame. >> you see number 98 shaking her hand. >> nice job. >> good for her. >> as we get closer to the fiscal cliff, are you more confident about the econom we're going to find out next. [] the coffee house. the lines, the cost, the hassle. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors for a fraction of the cost of the coffee house. add your flavor, with coffee-mate, from nestle. to drive a car filled with as much advanced technology as the world around it. with the available lexus enform app suite, you can use opentable to make restaurant reservations... search with bing... and listen to pandora. presenting the 2013 lexus gs, rx and the all-nees, the leading edge of the leading edge. during the golden opportunity sales event, get great values on some of our newest models. this is the pursuit of perfection. get great values on some of our newest models. [siri] sirianother busy day are you serious? [siri] yes i'm not allowed to be frivolous. ah ok, move my 4 o'clock today to tomorrow. change my 11am to 2. [siri] ok marty, i scheduled it for today. is that rick? where's rick? [siri] here's rick. oh, no that's not rick. now, how's the traffic headed downtown? [siri] here's the traffic. ah, it's terrible, terrible! driver, driver! cut across, cut across, we'll never make it downtown this way. i like you siri, you're going places. [siri] i'll try to remember that. it is 22 minutes past the hour. we are minding your business this morning. how do you think the economy is doing? that's a loaded question. that's what we asked in our fresh cnn/orc poll. fewer people compared to april think the economy is starting to recover. about the same think it has stabilized. and more people, 39%, think it is getting worse. it's hard to tell what will happen to the economy in the fall. but one thing is for sure. if congress does not deal with this so-called fiscal cliff before the end of the year, the u.s. economy will dive right back into a recession. that's according to the congressional budget office. poppy has been doing some digging on this. what could it mean for our kids education and medical research. i think it's important because we hear the word fiscal cliff and a lot of people's eyes glaze over. taxes go up and spending gets cut about 8% across the board. that means $1.2 trillion cut from federal spending over a decade, next year alone, that would be $55 billion gone from defense spending and also $55 billion from nondefense spending. what about nondefense spending? two things you need to know. health research and education. there's a new report out from a non-profit called research america and it goes through the health care cut spendings that we could see. here's what we're talking about. if we have a 7.8% cut across the board, it's going to cut big time from the national institutes of health, the cdc and fda, you see the numbers there. the cdc director came out and listen to what he said. he said and i quote, an 8 to 10% reduction will risk costly and deadly spread of disease and failures to prevent tragic and expensive health problems. that's coming from the head of the cdc. that's if they have to take the major cut. what about education? we were talking about this, zoraida. with we at all afford education cuts right now? it would mean 8.5% slashed from education spending and see federal funding drop to pre-2003 levels. it could mean up to 80,000 jobs cut. this is where it hits home for people, not just defense spending, it really hits home for people when you talk about research in terms of health care and kids' education. >> the health care, they both concern me. the health care because you end up cutting -- >> you pay later. >> in the long run. >> education, when you talk about trying to be a global leader and not educatoring your own, other countries blow us away. >> the people in washington to fix this. >> that's our soap box. we appreciate that. one of the nation's largest veterans charities, this is mind blowing, now accused in a lawsuit of ripping people off, the same people they are supposed to be helping. see what happened when drew griffin tried to get answers from the man in charge of this organization. that's coming up. male spirit present.trong it's the priceline negotiator. >>what? >>sorry. he wants you to know about priceline's new express deals. it's a faster way to get a great hotel deal without bidding. pick one with a pool, a gym, a great guest rating. >>and save big. >>thanks negotiator. wherever you are. ya, no. he's over here. >>in the refrigerator? the blissful pause just before that rich sweetness touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you lo and trust. splenda makes the moment yours. [ male announcer ] you work hard. stretch every penny. but chances are you pay a higher tax rate than him... mitt romney made twenty million dollars in two thousand ten but paid only fourteen percent in taxes... probably less than you now he has a plan that would give millionaires another tax break... and raises taxes on middle class families by up to two thousand dollars a year. mitt romney's middle class tax increase. he pays less. you pay more. in here, every powerful collaboration is backed by an equally powerful and secure cloud. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪ we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] twin attacks in afghanistan. high ranking u.s. military officers are among seven americans killed. new polling, president obama's lead over mitt romney is growing. something wild in a arizona family's home. a bobcat pays an unexpected visit. welcome back to "early start," i'm zoraida sambolin. >> i'm poppy harlow. the latest poll numbers out. president obama ahead of mitt romney by a full seven points. 52% of americans would reelect president obama. our political editor paul steinhauser joining us. let's talk about favorable. >> interesting numbers there. we conducted the poll tuesday and wednesday. any good numbers for mitt romney? yes, he locked up the gop nomination back in april. do romney voters more strongly support their candidate? yeah, they do, 56%, up nine points from back in may. obama voters favor their candidate the same number from may until now. who do you think will win the election? take a look at this number. and overwhelmingly they say almost a 2-1 margin, they think president obama will win the election. one of the troubling numbers is unfavor numbers. they are starting to rise. we've seen it in two national polls last week. >> most interesting numbers are the economy polls and how the u.s. economy is doing. they got less than three months to go. fiscal cliff, major spending cuts likely ahead and that would mean a lot of companies. we know -- they are saying a lot of companies are not hiring because they are concerned about this federal spending cut and what that's going to mean. tell us about the economic numbers out. >> the economy has been the stop issue in the minds of americans since late 2007. that has not changed. we asked how people feel about the economy. look at these numbers, brand-new out this morning. the people who say the economy is starting to recover, that number has edged down from april of 24% to 19% now. and a 6-point jump in people who say the economy is getting worse. 33% in april. 9% now. who do they think will do a better job? the president or mitt romney? americans are divided. you can see, 31% say the economy will get better if the president wins re-election and equal amount say the same if romney wins and you can see at the bottom, 22% say it will not get better at all. you've seen both candidates say i will do the better job on the economy and really making the pitch to the middle class. this election is all about the economy. >> there's only so much the president can do. it's not in the president's hands right now to solve the fiscal cliff looming crisis that we have. this is up to congress. the people and men and women we elect in washington to get the job done and it's not happening. i think it's a bit frustratering right now. because there's only so much that the president can do. >> that's one of the arguments the president and his re-election campaign are doing. they've stopped at every attempt by the republican led house of representatives. at the end of the day american voters look to the president as the person who can fix the economy, whether it's true or not. that's why so much is riding on this election. remember, congress is up for grabs, all members of the house and one third of the senate are up for re-election in november, poppy. >> interesting numbers. very important numbers. thank you, paul. >> moral of the story there, get out and vote. >> do something. >> 33 minutes past the hour. we're monitoring developments out of afghanistan. nato confirms three u.s. service members were killed when someone wearing an afghan forces uniform open fire in southern elhelmand province. >> and the taliban is claiming responsibility for a suicide attack in the kuhn ar province on wednesday. an insurgent detonated a suicide vest. one of nation's largest veterans charities is being sued by the state of california. the organization help hospitalized veterans is accused of engaging in fraudulent fund raising. they are seeking to recover $4.3 million that she claims was diverted from needy veterans. >> 65% of their revenue went to overhead and not to the programs intended to help the vets. it's outrageous. it really is. they have -- they have really tugged i think at the heart string s of americans who want o help veterans and they've had golf club memberships and condominiums and been lining their pockets. >> according to the charity's tax records, help hospitalized veterans president is paid an annual salary of $389,000. the state of california charges he used donations to pay for two country club memberships at a cost of $80,000. drew griffin tried to track him down for a comment. >> i got to ask you about the money though, i mean, that doesn't answer any of the questions about the money that they are -- that's it? >> that's it. in its complaint, the state of california claims help hospitalized veterans used bookkeeping gimmicks to inflate how much it used in veteran services. >> drew has been such a good job staying on top of veterans charity stories. >> that's not it. there will be many more. >> an arizona animal rescue team had their hands full after a tucson woman found a bobcat inside her house. it fell through the roof into an open air sole air yum. she heard the cat trying to escape. she called jeff carver who had to snare the frightened animal with a net. >> gives you that little adrenalin boost. >> i do like cats, far away from me but i do like cats. >> i'm so glad that had a happy ending. experts at the forever wild animal rehabilitation center say the bobcat is very young, 10 to 12 weeks old. the cat will remain at the rehab center where a bobcat named bisby will be her foster mother. two ton dragons with 40-foot wing spans coming to life on stage. your kids will love it. zoraida goes behind the scenes of a how to train a dragon spectacular. >> your kids? you're going to love it. to safely and responsibly providing generations of cleaner-burning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self-contained well systems. and, using state-of-the-art monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment. we're america's natural gas. 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[ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. and for a delicious way to help maintain a healthy weight, try new purina cat chow healthy weight. welcome back to "early start." the 2010 animated film, how to train your dragon was a tale of a boy who befriends a dragon and teaches his town a lesson in friendship. audiences across america can experience the fire-breathing action and characters in a new live stage show spectacular all summer long. i got a chance to see behind the scenes how they make the myth cal creatures come to life and train a dragon as well. take a look. ♪ >> this was a book and then it became a movie and now it is this. how do you go from a book to this? >> well, we had lots of stages and lots of two and a half years in the making and teams around the world trying to produce this extraordinary skills that we've managed to bring together to create this epic tale of epic creatures and flying and battles. apart from the dragons, 25 of them, and then there's a huge 60 meter wall, 180 foot, which is all kind of live projection. and this whole floor. these creatures are set within a world that can spin and turn and rotate. principle operation is done by a team up there through remote control. we're talking about you, behave please. sometimes they misbehave. >> you are in charge of special effects and i would expect most people are expecting a lot of fire. >> there should be fire. kind of like that. >> you feel the heat. >> oh, yeah, everybody will feel the heat. >> this is the gron kel, she is excited. >> you know why. she wants company, she wants -- >> can i ride gron kel? >> go for a ride around the room. >> let's do it. >> she cool. >> be good now. >> whenever they make any movement, any gesture or noise, that's all you? >> yes, everything from the head rotate, the head left right. up down, this part represents the body so i can bounce the body up and down. >> you are the dragons. >> although dan makes the great rules and there's like 100 sounds for each creature. it's a big comical moment in the show. it's a milder one. that's when he's confused. angry. >> what's your favorite part of all of this? >> probably the dragon and training with them and being with them and just how real they are and like it's so cool because i've always wanted a pet dragon. i always thought that would be awesome. >> every little boy, right? >> sure enough, i get one. >> this amazing. >> i agree with him. that was really amazing. the coolest part of this though is those that are called voodoo puppeteers. they are on there for two hours. you cannot let go of that device at all. imagine having to go to the bathroom or scratch your nose or anything of the sort. another guy comes over and will scratch his nose -- >> take it over? >> no, scratch his nose or do whatever. it's an incredible production. good for children of all ages. >> i'm going to take my 8-year-old nephew. >> you'll enjoy it. >> might be a little scared. >> it is scary for the little ones. at the end of the day, you'll have to sleep with them for a couple of nights. very cool. >> let's get a quick check on weather and the status on the drought. alexandra steele standing by. what can you tell us? >> the drought continues to intensify. latest numbers coming out today and as we look at it you can see the darker the red the worst it is. over 60% in a moderate drought and over 50% of the country in a severe drought or worse. things are getting worse for the most part. a little rain one day certainly won't impact it but we will see rain today. especially the chance in the northeast. new york, philadelphia, d.c., the threat if you are flying, strong winds and hail for about a third of the country today. back to you guys. >> have a great weekend. >> you too. >> our top stories, nato says three u.s. servicemembers died after a gunman wearing an afghan forces uniform open fire. the taliban is claiming responsibility for an attack on wednesday that killed four americans when an insurgent detonated a suicide vest in kunar province. an american aide worker and afghan interpreter as well. >> the justice department deciding not to pursue criminal charges against wall street power house following a two-year investigation into the firms bets against subprime mortgage securities which was subsequently selling to clients. officials in louisiana want to know if an underground salt cavdern is responsibility for forcing people from their homes. it measures 340 feet in diameter, 50 feet deep. one corner is goes down more than 420 fee >> that is remarkable. >> crazy. brooke baldwin and john berm an are in for "starting point". >> we're all over this breaking news in afghanistan. a man opens fire on u.s. troops, killing three. cnn is working our sources and will take you live to the peg for more. we're talking buses as in mitt romney's bus tour about to get unwanted committee. democrats plan to shadow romney around the country. this tour starts today tom per yell lo from virginia will join us live and we'll ask republicans what they think of the bus shadowing tactic. reince priebus and bill bolling joining us this morning. the curiosity rover is now for the first time giving us this 360 degree panoramic shot of the red planet. lots of color. we're going to talk to someone with goddard and he'll explain what this really means for really deep space exploration. and heart throb alert, nathan adrian and betterings talk to us about swimming and other things. c >> berman is really excited. i'm kind of excited. >> thank you, brooke. we're looking forward to it. she fought through a mystery illness and got her medal. jenny scher joining us live from london next. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. it's something you're born with. and inspires the things you choose to do. you do what you do... because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter. you tell us what you want to pay, and we give you a range of coverages to choose from. who is she? 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[ powers down ] uh-oh, flobot is broken. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. call or click today. can anybody stop team usa? our countries's athletes are blowing away everyone else in the medal competition. a full ten medals ahead of china at this point. more golds too, including another gold medal for the women's u.s. soccer team, they beat japan, the team they lost to in the world cup last year. forget about the gold when you're up against the fastest man on earth. jamaican superstar u sain bolt is the only man to ever win the olympic sprint double twice. one of the greatest stories out of these games is a gold medal win for jenn suhr. she fought through injuries and a lot of adversity to get that top spot. she's joining us now live from london. i think your story is incredible. so many congratulations to you with that gold medal shining on your neck. you vaulted 15 feet 7 inches. tough conditions, take us through your mindset to beat the russian favorite. >> entering the competition, i knew it was going to be tough when she's in there, you have to really bring your a game and i knew that. and i also knew the weather and knew that we were going to be up against rain and wind. really going into this competition, i was preparing for that. i jumped in rain and wind and all to get ready for it. those aren't ideal pole vault situations and conditions, but it work out. and really, it was just hard training that went into it. >> very smart. let's talk about where you trained. you call the place you trained in the u.s., rocky's meat locker, a worn out building and gets down to 30 degrees and train there on purpose to prepare for exactly what you had to face that day there in london. >> i do. it does have that nickname and it's a steel building and it's cold. we heat it with propane blowers. as you know, western new york is known for the snow belt. we really prepare like that. it makes you tougher and makes you have to deal with elements and conditions that you might not be used to but you learn how to dig a little bit deeper. >> this year has been quite a year for you, jen. you have celiac disease and you have to battle that, pay attention to your diet every day in terms of that. you had an achilles' injury and torn quad, all this year. how did you get through those things to get to where you are now in the games and win gold? how challenging was that? >> it was challenginchallenging. every time i seemed to get to the level where i thought i was going to have a breakthrough, that's when the injury occurred or something happened. i would be up top and ready to break through and do something i've never done before in terms of my vaulting and then an injury happens. it was hard to stay motivated and hard to stay positive in that where you just wanted to sink in depression. you have to pick yourself up. that's where my husband and coach came in with that part. able to encourage me and be there and keep me motivated. when you're hurt, it's hard to stay motivated and you really have too -- it's time, honestly, you have to be patient and do whatever you can to stay in shape. >> so much of it is mental and you brought up your husband and your coach rick. this is a heart warming story. tell us what he told you right before you made that final vault. i know it was something he never said to you in competition before. >> yes, before the whole thing, you know, i left him and i was going to go warm up and he looked at me and he said, you're going to win this one. for him to say that and having competed in so many meets and all over the place, he's never said that before. entering it, i was like, he has that faith in me and believes we have a partenership in the vault that can pull through and we can win this. >> he was absolutely right. so many congratulations, enjoy it. sa safeer this morning >> she didn't start pole vaulting until 2004. can you believe it? >> that ranks a superstar. thanks, poppy. today's best advice from bill nye the science guy, the ultimate geek coming up. network. a living, breathing intelligence teaching data how to do more for business. 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine ari'm fine.y, babe? ♪ ♪ ♪ with a subaru you can always find a way. announcer: love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ...we inspected his brakes for free. free is good. free is very good. my money. my choice. my meineke. we wrap it up as always with best advice. >> today some quick words of wisdom from very smart guy, bill nye the science guy. >> everybody you ever meet knows something you don't. >> no kidding, but it's true. he's saying listen to what anyone you encounter says because you might learn something. >> or your children because you never know where the brilliant minds are. that is it for "early start." it's been great being with you this week. >> thank you, i'm going to miss you. >> i'm sorry i forgot to say good-bye. >> brooke baldwin and john berman are up next with "starting point." >> breaking news on this friday, i'm brooke baldwin. >> and i'm john berman. soledad is off this week. three american soldiers shot dead by a man in a afghan security uniform. we're live at the pentagon with the details which are

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Community , Son , Respects , Thousands , Phone , Sound , Temple Members , Focus , Thing , Don T , Process , Coal Shooting , Colorado , Aurora , Brian Murphy , Prayers , Condition , O One , Thoughts , President Obama , Mitt Romney , Poll , Voters , Gop , Point Lead , Bodies , Challenger , Seven , President , Governor , 52 , Concern , Rating , Election Day , Vote , Direction , Romney Camp , Massachusetts , 45 , 52 , Nasa , Mars , Rich , Saying , Success , Morphius , 42 , 64 , Officials , Injuries , Hardware Problem , Test , Control System , Lander , Cargo Transport Vehicle , Navigation , Case , Developments , 12th Day , Doesn T , Row , Gas Rises , Gallon , 12 , 3 67 , James Holmes , Court , Judge , Morning , Prosecutors , Defense Team , Record , Ruling , Massacre , Mystery , Behindset , Woman , Hearing , Development , Courtroom , News Organizations , Access , 17 , Landlord , Quote , Individuals , Court Papers , Release , Booby Trapped Apartment , Premises , Property , Booby Trapped , Eviction Notice , Apartment , Formality , George Zicmmerman , Isn T It , Ground , Body , Planning , Defense , Photo , Map , Zimmerman S School Records , Zimmer , Trayvon Martin , Reporters , Items , Louisiana , Underground Salt Cavern , The Public , Sinkhole , Feet , Corner , Massive Sinkhole , Assumption Parish , 50 , Gold , Final , Usain Bolt , Teeth , Brilliance , His Olympic , Jamaican , 420 , 200 , Women S Soccer Team , Japan , Medal , Jamaica , The Big Story , Team Usa , Silver , Johan Blake , Metal Stand , 1 , 2 , Japanese , Loss , Rock On , World Cup , Men , Ghold Golds , Platform Diving , Preliminaries , Happening In Olympic Action , Men S Pole Vault Final , A , Ten , 90 , Story , Shannon Easton , Women , Argentina , Semis , Female , History Making Night On The Gridiron , Men S Basketball Team Usa , 5000 , League , Game , Chargers , Line Judge , Preseason Game , Referees , Packers , Last Night , Nfl , Media Scrutiny , Atlantic Hurricane Forecast , Nine , Rewards , Number , Names , List , Everyone , Idea , Princess , Dress , Cupcakes , Bonus , Announcer , Card , Wallet , Lollipop , Talent , Etch A Sketch , Thunk , Thanks , Engineering , Meow , Event , Mister , Feel , Quality , Autobahn , German , Volkswagen Jetta , Sneezes , Deals , Allergy Muddler , Quiet Sneeze , 2012 , Zyrtec , Hair , Claritin , Allergy , Products , Doesn T Start Working , Relief , Join Zyrtec , Try Zyrtec , 7 , 3 , , Goats , It Taste , Honey , Cholesterol , Brush , Folks , Bodybuilder Directing Traffic , Geico , Get Geico , Ronny , Car Insurance , Fifteen , 13 , Season , Storms , Hurricane Season , Forecasters , Predictions , Numbers , Higher , Update , Gordon , Noaa , Hurricanes , Majors , Atlantic , Figure , Perspective , On Average , 111 , Kind , Expecting Thefrom , 9 , Atmosphere , Temperatures , Factors , Water Temperature , Atlantic Basin , Something , Levels , Chance , Temperature , Mitigates , Outlook , Td , Africa , Things , Home , Potential , Water , Middle , Beginning , Delays , Puerto Rico , New York , Warning , Northeast , Big Storms , All The Way , To Atlanta , Washington , Philadelphia , Flights , Gunman , Suicide Vest , Thetal Band , Insurgent , Report , Sikh Temple , 15 , Look , Drywall , Death , Tiles , Whole , Bull , Memory , Unrepaired , La Nit , Firm , Investigation , Securities , Hook , Bets , Selling , Goldn Sachs , Agaithe Ll , Str Porhouse , Subprime Morage , Cliff , Arizona , Chopper Rescue , Customs , Immigrant , 911 , Bear , Processing , Spa Vacation , Helicopter , Border Patrol , Mexico , 11 , Hotel , Gel Fire Resort , Lobby , Camera Sunday , It Nuk , News , Headlines , Airfare Win , Tickets , Airline , Mistake , Discount Prices , New York Daily News , Miss , Fares , Pricing Glitch , Israel , Run , Fairs , Cost , Pr Move , Decision , Don T We , 00 , 600 , 400 , 1600 , Choice , Lead , Appearance , Peyton Manning , Big Day , Him , Peyton Manning Fans Out Will , Perfect Peyton , Denver , Uniform , Injury , Denver Broncos , Effects , Hall Of Fame Self , Possession , Preseason Opener Game , Sidelines , Bears , End Zone , Ser Septemberseptembe , 19 , 2011 , Hit , Neck Injury , Neck , Concussions , Football , 4 , 44 , Stories , Fiscal Cliff , Head , Aexplain , Early Start , Coming Up , Blog , Advair , Scene , Help , Advair Won T , Lung Function , Medications , Bronchodilator , Lung , Anti Inflammatory , Fast Acting Inhalers , Copd , Doctor , High Blood Pressure , Eye Problems , Heart Condition , Risk , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Prescription , Difficulty Breathing , Save , Refills , Advaircopd Com , Clothes , Ultra Downy , Comparison , Cap , Ultra Downy Softeners Protect Fibers , Nic , Place , Hotel Experts , Road Trip , Loads , Huh , Hotels Com , 30 , 100 , Fiber , Babe , Bars , Fraudulence , Homemade , Scrumptious , Chewy , Sandra , Gooeyness , Oatie , Railway , Edge , West , Empires , Well Today , First Trade Route , Business , Businesses , World , Jobs , Determination , Innovation , Thenewny Com , 23 , Economy , Doing , Think , Sure , Congress , 39 , Education , Kids , Poppy , Research , Recession , Congressional Budget Office , Doing Shaome Digging On , Country , Spending , Board , Spending Cut , Defense Spending Cut , Tax Hikes , 8 , Cut , Half , Terms , Health Care , Let S Focus On Nondefense , Congress Doesn T Act , 2 Trillion , 1 2 Trillion , Research America , Health , Health Research , Nonprofit Health Care Advocacy Group , Let , Director , Cuts , Cdc , Reduction , Screen , National Institute Of Health , Fda , 6 Billion , 10 , 3 6 Billion , 2013 , Health Problems , Disease , Spread , Failure , Talk , Side , Migrants , Health Care Side , Parent , Those Go Towards Research , 2300 , Education Programs , Education Funding , Dover , 2003 , 8 5 , 80000 , Areas , Innercity , Black , Way , Money , Nation , Problem , Most , Thhat , Unbelievable , Veterans , Charities , Drew Griffin , Answers , Man In Charge , Mid Grade Dark Roast Forest , Brain Freeze Cake , Wash , Gas Stations , Cashback , Flat , Ice Anti Freeze , Diesel , Cashback Signup , Jumper Cables , Sweet Honey Taste , Rolling Hot Dogs G , 5 , All Over The Place , Have A Nice Day , Right , Homicide , Truck , Lady , Impact , 80 , Difference , University Of Phoenix , Lives , City , Opportunity , Police Chief , Visit Phoenix Edu , Program , Phone Bill , My Name , Phoenix , James Craig , Data , Text , Plan , Girls , Networks , Coverage , Straight Talk , Oh Yeah , Both , Friend Request , Save Money , Phones , Walmart , Military , Ranking , Rehab Center Where A Bobcat Named Bisby , Race , Polling , Arizona Family , White House , Growing , Something Wild , Visit , 31 , Troops , Soldiers , Military Uniform Opening Up Fire , Aid Work , Suicide Bomb , Leadership , Chris Lawrence , Blow , Soldier , Ranks , Life , Army Brigade , Marine , Area , Air Force , Suicide Bomber , Tom Kennedy , Dwan War , Charge , Tom Griffin , Colonel , Sours , Man Brigade , 4000 , Timing , Handover , Drawing , Big Question , 2014 , Top , Question , Say , Part , Member , Afghan Security Forces , Allies , Uniforms , Force , Point , Green On Blue Type , Will , Stay , Friendly Force , Llli , Bay , Points , Support , America Votes , Polls , Paul Steinhauser , Paperwork , Orc , Bad , Good , Wil , Independents , Campaign , May , Nomination Back , Groups , 47 , Election , Candidate , Minds , Static , Snapshot , 56 , Name , Contenders , Stakes , Rob Portman , Tim Pawlenty , Paul Ryan , Republicans , Favorite , Chris Christie , Senator , Marco Rubio , Florida , New Jersey , 16 , 28 , Christie , Recognition , Rubio , Digits , Know , Rebel , 6 , Opposition , Government , Reinforcements , Waing , Artillery , Allepo , Blooddy Struggle For Roll Of Syria , 134 , Estate , Organization , California S , Syria , Programs , Attorney General , Revenue , Fund Raising , 65 , A Million , 4 Million , Condominiums , Vets , Heart Strings , Golf Club , Michael Lynch , Charity , Pockets , Salary , Tax Records , 389000 , 89000 , Comment , Donations , Grand , Country Club , Questions , Complaint , Claims , Accounting Gimmicks , Animal Rescue Team , Hands , Services , Filings , Irs , 38 , Wasn T Easy For Atti , House , Jeff Carver , Animal , Kelly Jacobson , Roof , Open Air Solar Yum , Adrenalin , Boost , Net , Double Cappuccino , Cats , Rehab Center , Experts , Bobcat Whethill , Greg Louganis , London , Foster Mother , Ale Announcer , Mid Sweetening Realization , Sweetness , Pause , Lips , Sweet Reward , Living , Breathing Intelligence Helping Business , Sweetener , Trust , Splenda , Company , Opportunities , Demand , Wool , Around The World , Gonna , Network , Phenomenon , At T , Trend , Gym , The One And Only , Cheerios , Heart Healthy Diet , Companies , Bank , All Of Us , Company Phone List , Communities , Highways , Fields , Serving You , Olympic Dream , Planet , Breathes , Sky , Stadium , Dream , Solutions , Dow , Solutionism , Olympic Village , Heat , Dream Team Usa , Olympics , Rest , Medal Count , Middedals , Feed , Athlete , Legend , Hugh Bolt , Usain Bohusseigh , Team , Soccer , Congratulations , Order , Times , Olympic Sport , Five , Action , Pool , Meter Dive , Nick Mccroy , David Badua Alrey , Diving Team , Mentor , Synchronized Dive , Yes , Announ Tropronoun , 1984 , 1988 , With David And Synchronized Diving , Nick , Competition , Level , Silver Medal , Shot , Performances , Friends , Championships , Rivals , Dave Boudia , Stage , Loer , World Championships , China , Work , Dom Thant , Crowd , Tom Daley , Turf , Great Britain , Matthew Mitchum , Contest , Olympic , Diving , Give Rent , Story Balcony , Heights , Fear , Enmeter Dive , Beijing , Games , Coaching , Coaches , Haven T , Athlete Mentor , Preparation , Pressures , Mass Media , Space , Diving Venue , Everybody , Sensation , Feeling , Inspiration , Judges , Athletes , Pressure , Issue , Thousa , Homophobia , Power House , Progress , Performance , Reason , Mask , Gay , Images , Lifestyle , Contention , Couldn T , Identity , Who Competes For Australia , Golds , Mentoring , Credit , Drat Lagratulation , Poppy Harlow , Goals , Paback To You Yoyou , Afghan Military Uniform , It Doors , Prayer , Floor , Door , Polishing , Cases , Course , Strain , Swine Flu , Tragedy , 145 , States , Indiana , H3n2 Injury Ye Variant , 113 , Adult Moose , Sheriff , Backyard , Dcc , Moose , Antlers , Swing Set , Chains , Spain , Bolt Cutters , Stop In The Name Of Love , Mobile Phone , Intersection P , Desktop , Inflatable Doll Is Turning Heads , Technology , It Matters , Technology Works For You , Cnn Com Tv , Hp , It Matter , Guys , Taste Buds , Clusters , Buds , Cereal , Donuts , Bacon , Waffles , Rookie , Almonds , Daily Value , Almond Slices , Crunchy Nutty Clusters , Big Apple , 43 , Everything , Purina Cat Chow , Couple , Indoors , Weight , Brakes , Pricing , 54 , Rover , Pictures , Trending , Web , Mars Curiosity , Photos , Mojave Desert , 360 , Crater , Color , Panorama , Dunes , Distance , Rim , Bands , Landing , Self Portrait , Wear , Tear , Police , Car Landing , Weren T , Intention Getter , Zero , 13000 , Traffic , Anything , Doll , Ray Aingerie , Drivers , Traffic Accidents , What , Test Launch , Lunar Lander , Unmanned , Partner , Hand , Hand Pat It , Streetcar Line Clap , Hand Right Clap , Monkey Chew Tobacco , Arm Pat , Palm Clap , Palm , Volkswagen Beetle , Plaque , Doesn T It , Crest Pro Health , Dr , Rahmany , 91 , Pair , Homes , Officers , Familieses , Bayou , Mysterious Sinkhole , Leg , Teammates , Track , Zoraida Sambolin , John Berman , Fire , Suicide Bomb Attack , Border , Emissions , Pakistan , Province , Suicide Bombers , Office , Personnel , American Military , Keith Griffin , Security Force , Policeman , Anyone , Cnn Exclusive Inside That Wisconsin Temple , Ted , High School , Memorial , Reporter , Mothers , Fathers , Fbi , Bullet , There , Crime Scene , Repair , Same , Orange , Discussion , Otrs , Emotion , Victim , Sons , Heroes , Ceremony , Last Night Prepare For Today , Guduwara , Jesse Jackson , Family Member , Shooting , The Press Conference , Resolve , Hesitation , Prosecutor , News Organization , Want Access , Looks , Heading , Rating Climbing , Bit , Trouble , Moon Landing , Blaze , Underground Salt Cav , Parrish , 324 , Alexandra Steele , Wow , Readvised Up , More , Mitigating Factors , Intensity , Average , Peak , Storms Up To , Atmosphericall Atmospherically , Tropical Atlantic , Damage , Hurricane , 2010 , Island Nation , Medal Stand , Semts , Bronze , Women Beat , Weir , Stopping , Option , Snap , Pop , Felt , American Mitchell , Relay Lap , Doctors , Americans , Finals , Easily , Legs , Left , Fibula , Cry , Flap , Somebody , Incredible , Time , She S The One , Olympian , Woman Referee , Shots , Jeep Grand Cherokee , Cruise Control , Blind Spot Monitoring , Highway , Speed , Lawsuits , Protests , Vofrsial , 14 , Mosque , Close , Burning , Joplin , Tennessee , Nashville , Carson , Agents , Visitors , George Howell , Facility , Time Line , Square Foot Facility , Long Time Coming , 12000 , Construction , Lawsuit , Events , County Judge , Terrorism , Sight , 2009 , Vandalism , Bomb Threat , Site , Muslims , Agenda , Fact , Islam , Prayer Service , Central Time , Attitude , Gentleman , Outside , E Mails , Internal , Threats , Stuff , Safe , Rutherford County Sheriff S Office , Heart , Fight , Cnn Sunday Night , Soledad , Bible Belt , Airs , Worker , Aide , Wednesday , Insurge , West Nile Virus , Virus , Worth , Dallas , 175 , Shannon East , O Fishiate , Eastin , Replacements , Fame , Haul , Hat , Regur Referees , 98 , Coffee House , Coffee Mate , Econom , Lines , Hassle , 25 , Lexus Enform , Car , Flavors , Flavor , Fraction , Nestle , Opentable , Opportunity Sales Event , Restaurant Reservations , Rx , Nees , Bing , Pandora , Lexus Gs , Siri , Values , Models , Perfection , Pursuit , Brick , Driver , Downtown , Marty , Utah , Places , Loaded Question , 22 , Digging , Taxes , Word , Eyes , Defense Spending , 5 Billion , 55 Billion , Health Care Cut Spendings , Big Time , 7 8 , Failures , Education Spending , Education Cuts , Funding , Cutting , Long Run , Countries , Leader , Mind , Soap Box , Male Spirit Present Trong It , Priceline Negotiator , Hotel Deal , Guest Rating , Big , Bidding , Thanks Negotiator , Ya , Refrigerator , Taste You Lo , Chances , Penny , Tax Rate , Twenty Million Dollars , Fourteen , Two Thousand Ten , Twenty Million , Tax Break , Tax Increase , Millionaires , Middle Class , Two Thousand , Two Thousand Dollars , Cloud , Collaboration , Ideas , Computing , Apps , Business Works Better , Strangers , Stranger , Dime , Fees , Nonsense , Rally , Ally Bank , Music Plays , Poll Numbers , Editor , Back , Margin , Economy Polls , Spending Cuts , Stop , 2007 , 33 , 24 , Re Election , Romney Wins , Amount , Class , Pitch , Candidates , Crisis , Bit Frustratering , Attempt , House Of Representatives , Arguments , Led , Riding , Grabs , Senate , Paul , Moral , Suicide Attack , Southern Elhelmand , Kuhn Ar , 4 3 Million , 3 Million , Heart String S , Golf Club Memberships , O Help , 0000 , Bookkeeping Gimmicks , Charity Stories , Air Yum , Adrenalin Boost , Ending , Forever Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center , 40 , Scenes , Generations , Energy , Dragon Spectacular , Sources , Well Systems , Drilling Thousands , State Of The Art Monitoring Technologies , Operations , Environment , Rigorous , Natural Gas , Family , Dad , Laws , The One , Control , Fidelity , Investments , America S Retirement Leader , Household , Meal , Hutchison , Best , Lucy , Friendship , How To Train Your Dragon , Film , Lesson , Town A , Audiences , Tale Of A Boy Who Befriends Dragon , Dragon , Characters , Take A Look , Summer , Myth Cal Creatures Come To Life , Book , Lots , Stages , Movie , Dragons , Skills , Teams , Making , Battles , Epic Tale Of Creatures , Foot , Creatures , Them , Projection , 60 , 180 , Team Up , Remote Control , Principle Operation , Special Effects , Gron Kel , Room , Bride , Gesture , Up Down , Noise , Movement , Creature , Sounds , Show , Rules , Training , Angry , Pet Dragon , Boy , Amazing , Nose , Guy , Voodoo Puppeteers , Device , Sort , Bathroom , Whatever , Nephew , Production , Wages , The Little Ones , Drought , Weather , Status , Check , Alexandra Steele Standing By , Red , Worse , Rain , Rain Today , Winds , Threat , Hail , Flying , D C , Weekend , Servicemembers , Third , Kunar Province , Firms Bets , Charges , Subprime Mortgage Securities , Justice , Department , Wall Street , Clients , Underground Salt Cavdern , Brooke Baldwin , Fee , John Berm , Crazy , 340 , Starting Point , Committee , Bus Tour , Peg , Buses , Democrats , Tour , Bus , Shadowing , Tom Per Yell Lo , Virginia , Degree , Tactic , Bill Bolling , Reince Priebus , Goddard , Deep Space Exploration , Heart Throb Alert , Swimming , Betterings , Nathan Adrian , Things C Cnn Com Tv , Illness , Jenny Scher , The Sky S Limit , Nothing , Naphtali Bryant , Pay , Coverages , Flobot , Robot , Small Stuff , Price , Tool , Powers Down , Progressive , Medal Competition , Medals , Sain Bolt , Soccer Team , Women S , Earth , Gold Medal Win , Adversity , Olympic Sprint , Jenn Suhr , Spot , Conditions , Mindset , Russian , Wind , Aren T Ideal Pole Vault Situations , Building , Meat Locker , Train , Purpose , Rocky , Propane Blowers , Nickname , Western New York , Snow Belt , Elements , Celiac Disease , Attention , Diet , Achilles , Quad , Jen , Breakthrough , Challenginchallenging , Vaulting , Depression , Positive , Coach , Husband , It S Time , Patient , Vault , Heart Warming Story , Shape , Partenership , Faith , Pole Vaulting , Superstar , Sa Safeer , 2004 , Beeping , Advice , It , Teaching , Bill Nye The Science Guy , The Ultimate Geek Coming Up , Whirring , Actions , Customers , Results , Stiffness , Joint Pain , Golf , Psoriatic Arthritis Hit , On Enbrel , Infections , Tuberculosis , Rheumatologist , Relieve Pain , Ability , Region , Nervous System , Infection , Flu , Blood Disorders , Cancers , Lymphoma , Have , Heart Failure , Fever , Phil , Bleeding , Bruising , Sores , Paleness , Have Beetreated , Hepatitis B , Medicine , Medicine Ari , Rheumatologists , Number One Biolog , Fine Y , Subaru , Love , My Meineke , Words , Wisdom , Kidding , Smart Guy , Being , Bullet Left , Watching , Rampage , Evacuations , Sikh Temple Open , Big Trouble , Afghan Security Uniform ,

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