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now there's a razor that swirls and swerves... ... as every blade adjusts to your curves. new venus swirl. with contour blades that have six times more flexibility. plus a flexiball. flawless shaving bones, bends, and all. new venus swirl. while there are some home disasters you can't avoid, there is one you can. septic system breakdowns effect over one million households in the u.s. each year. septic back-ups can cost about $13,000 in expense. thankfully there's rid-x. rid-x costs less than $7. and the advanced natural bacteria generates powerful enzymes which accelerate the waste digestion. use rid-x once a month, and help save yourself from disaster. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. [girl laughing] life looks great with tampax pearl. it's built-in, back-up braid helps stop leaks by channeling them back into the core, protecting you in a way no other tampon does. tampax pearl. now in pocket size for on-the-go. diane sawyer got a sneak peek at the future caitlyn jenner's closet as part of her interview that aired in april. caitlin will model a number of outfits in the "vanity fair" photo spread. >> yes, and caitlyn jenner, the debut is still the hot topic this morning. bruce the olympic athlete, the olympic hero is no more. >> so "vanity fair" released a cover photo but also some behind the scenes video of this two-day photo shoot. it will be featured in next month's issues. abc's amy robach has that story. >> very, very proud of the accomplishment. >> the first images from inside that room, the "vanity fair" photo shoot no longer bruce jenner. she is now caitlyn jenner and will be on the cover next week. jenner speaking candidly about this last step during the photo shoot with annie liebovitz. >> bruce always had to tell a lie. he was always living that lie. every day he always had a secret. from morning till night. caitlyn doesn't have secrets. >> jenner says it's been a lifelong struggle that we first learned about one-on-one with diane. >> are you a woman? >> yes, i am a woman. people look at me differently. they see you as this macho male but my heart and soul and everything that i do in life, it is part of me. >> now the former olympic champion crossing that final hurdle. >> the last few days of doing this shoot was about my life and who i am as a person. >> jenner tweeting i'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. welcome to the world, caitlyn. can't wait for you to get to know her/me. she is not throwing away her past victories. >> ate a lot of wheaties. >> still proud of the champion on the wheaties box. >> i was probably at the games because i was running away from a lot of things. very, very proud of the accomplishment. i don't want to diminish that accomplishment. >> jenner's daughter showing their support. this from khloe. caitlyn, you are beautiful. >> as soon as the "vanity fair" cover comes out, i'm free. >> amy robach abc news, new york. >> we'll have more coming up later in our show. first getting cash for your old electronics. tips for turning your old phones, computers into cash. the young mother shamed on facebook for breastfeeding at a restaurant. the online debate it started. you're watching "world news now." >> the makers of all those techie gadgets we depend on design them to be useful for a year and you have to get the upgrade and you're upset. most of us have old phones and other electronics laying all over the house. >> i have the chargers to everything. that's the worst, right? so they very well be worth a lot more than you actually think. abc's linzie janis has tips on turning that trash into cash. >> new jersey mom liz juggles 15-month-old alexa, a full-time job and a website on the side. finding time to clean is no easy feat. >> lucky for her. >> my husband is away this weekend and it's a perfect time for some spring cleaning because he's a little bit of a hoarder. >> hidden in this house, buried treasure, old gadgets that could turn into extra cash liz could use for an early father's day present for that husband. >> he needs a new computer but it's not something he feels like he would splurge on right now. >> enter joanna stern "the wall street journal's" tech guru with advice how to turn those devices into serious dough. use website's like gazelle or glide to sell your electronics even if they're damaged. plug in your device info. >> the iphone 4s. >> these sites will tell you what it's worth. she buys straight from you. >> they put the money in your account. >> while glide posts items online for others to purchase. >> it tells you when to sell. saying when to sell because the price will drop. >> tip number two, need instant cash? head to the food court. >> you can go to an ecoatm and get cash on the spot. >> $30. >> in liz's case, glide appraised the phone at $68. so she passed on the ecoatm. tip three, it pays to compare prices. >> an original ipad 64 gigs and gazelle is saying they will pay you $20 for it but glide is saying they think you should sell this for about $60 on their own site. >> between her old mac book, tablets, phonesen an digital cameras, she finds a whopping $427 worth of hidden cash, enough money to put towards her husband's new laptop. >> it's for dolly. >> and treat alexa to a new toy, too. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> i hate the charger thing the most. each if you upgrade, you would still like to use the same charger. thanks, apple. here's what they thought. you can have this back. the paste didn't seem to do much for me. eeh! thanks! yours do look really white. the whitestrips made a huge difference. but that's not fair. ha-ha. most whitening toothpastes only removes surface stains. but crest 3d white whitestrips safely removes stains beneath the enamel surface for dramatic results. no wonder whitestrips whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. they worked! yeah they did! i think i need these. crest whitestrips, the way to whiten. imagine if razors could move up and down and all around. behold, new venus® swirl™. the only razor with five contour blades and a flexiball™. to contour to your tricky places, bends and all. new venus® swirl™ leftovers. they get re-heated. re-nuked. and re-baked. even when they're done... there's stuff left over. new dawn platinum power clean. powers through tough dried-on messes in seconds. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. take zzzquil and sleep like... you haven't seen your bed in days. no, like you haven't seen a bed in weeks! zzzquil. the non habit forming sleep-aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. i will take beauty into my own hands. olay regenerist. it regenerates surface cells. new skin is revealed in only 5 days. without drastic measures. stunningly youthful. award-winning skin. from the world's #1. olay your best beautiful today you can do everything in just one click even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. a single use applicator that helps you avoid contact with germs. just click it in and recycle! to enjoy continuous clean freshness with every flush for up to one week. lysol click gel keeps it clean with one click. lysol. start healthing. all right. time for "the mix". we start with the creative advertising that makes you sleepy. i don't need it. >> no. >> i don't need advertising to make me sleepy. >> or to want coffee. >> are you a coffee drinker? >> i do tea. >> everybody needs caffeine. this is in brazil. this is creative advertising. you see it there simple enough. what they do, a advertising company. >> i don't want to watch him yuan yaun yawn. >> they have some cameras. some cameras nearby. and the more people that walk by the more the guy yawns. all right? and the point here is to make people sleepy and what they found out that 70% of the people who saw this guy yuan in the advertising yawned themselves. we've all been there. you see somebody yuan, you yuan yourself. then you had people show up later with trays of coffee and give them a dose of caffeine. this could be used to make you sleepy, to make you want coffee, to help you buy a little something. this is crazy. >> it makes me not want to the accidentally get on the subway. a yuan in slow motion. >> it makes you want to buy a cup of coffee because you think you're sleepy. >> even the scent of coffee can wake people up. did everyone else hear that yawn? so even the smell of coffee can wake you up. now there's an alarm clock called sensor wake. do you think you would be in a really good mood -- we can put, t.j., it can be sensor wake. >> you got excited there. >> like a beer scent or something. >> like a beer scent. she knows me already. >> they have coffee. the one i really like is they have the smell of a dollar so you get up. >> get out and make the money. >> that seems foul. >> no, you don't want to wake up to a foul scent. >> it will wake you up. >> it's supposed to be a pleasant experience. like bacon. i want to get bacon and eggs. >> okay. >> lobster. there's a lobster broil down stairs. you got to go. >> what would your sense? >> i don't know. i think it would have to be like pancakes. >> somebody needs to be cooking you breakfast in the next room and we're good. check this kid out. this is a soccer superstar. but he's kicking the wrong ball. he's kicking golf balls here. this is a kid. his name is addle bert toe bore gatti lopez. he's from phoenix. he specializes doing soccer shots. in this one, he's on a -- you can tell a miniature golf course, still kicking golf balls. this is better than most do with a putter. >> it's national leave the office early day today. this morning on "world news now," security failure. the alarming new report highlighting major flaws at airports' checkpoints. the undercover investigation prompting sweeping changes. we'll have full details ahead. >> shocking scene. bystanders can't help but watch and yell as this truck sinks into the harbor with somebody stuck inside. the rush to help rescue them before going completely under. >> just weeks after learning about bruce jenner's struggle with gender identity, the world now meets caitlyn jenner. new reaction this morning. how her family and friends are supporting her on this moment to us occasion. >> plus, sumo wrestling and sex ed. makes perfect sense, right? finding true love ain't easy. time for our bachelorette recap in "the skinny" on this tuesday june 2nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> okay. i'm mixed up. >> getting that all figured out. those kids reactions to the story is good. >> which story? >> the bachelorette. >> it's britt, britt is the bachelorette. it was another one, it was kaitlyn, right? who got kicked off? jack, who were the two? >> we need a bachelorette flow chart. >> who was the bachelorette that didn't make the cut? >> britt. >> britt is the one now, right? >> kaitlyn is the current. >> right all along. >> different spelling from the other caitlyn though. >> there's another kaitlyn in the news. >> yes, there is. >> so many kaitlyns this morning. good morning to you all. kayna, not kaitlyn. >> and kayna with a "k." >> kayna with a "k." >> she's going to be with us the rest of the week. good to have you back fresh off her vacation. >> vacation? t.j. is so glad to have me. we'll start with a major shake-up ordered at the tsa after an alarming report on airport security. >> abc news broke this alarming story. a report revealed dozens of failures at some of the nation's busiest airports. the acting chief being reassigned. >> undercover agents from homeland security put screeners to the test at dozens of the nation's busiest airports and they failed miserably. abc news has learned tsa screeners were beaten in 95% of those tests designed to see if mock explosives or weapons could be smuggled through airport security checkpoints. the tests were conducted by so-called red team investigators posing as passengers and using techniques terrorists might employ. according to officials briefed on the results, tsa agents failed 67 out of 70 tests with red team members repeatedly able to get potential bombs or weapons through security. >> any time there's a high rate of misses that causes concern. >> sources tell us in one test, an undercover agent was stopped after setting off an alarm at a magnetometer. but the screeners failed to detect the device taped to his back during the patdown that followed. >> the terrorists do watch and they go to school how they can learn from possible vulnerabilities. >> i'm jeh johnson. >> and homeland security jeh johnson was so frustrated when he was informed of the results, he went to tsa headquarters last week to get some answers. his staff says corrections have been made to deal with the alarming lapses. >> it's unclear what security upgrades have been ordered by johnson. some are reportedly already in place ever mindful that al qaeda and other terrorist groups are obsessed with using aviation against us. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. >> now some weather here serious fears about flooding for the morning commute right here in the northeast. heavy rain in the new york city area forced road closures. some areas received more than 5 inches in the last couple of days. there was enough standing water at a park in new jersey to use a paddle board to get around. wow. another lake. this is in newark, new jersey. flooded. it's leaving fish struggling to get back into the water where they belong. water that's deep enough for them. one guy even picked a couple up and carried them to safety. >> safety or home to the frying pan? >> it was a carp. >> okay. there we go. it was steamed then. >> along alabama's coast, you are looking at a waterspout. it was spotted churning in the gulf of mexico. a waterspout is a tornado that forms in the water. no damage was reported from that one. >> what can we expect in the day ahead? somebody's going to get more wet weather. >> somebody else has the answers for that. it's not us. justin povick has more on that. good morning, justin. >> thanks and good morning. all the heavy rain that we had yesterday still leading to some high water problems and additional flash flooding possible from philadelphia north and eastbound toward hartford and boston. southeast dodging slow-moving dangerous thunderstorms, as well. gusty winds, frequent lightning and very heavy rainfall so flash flooding is going to be a likelihood all the way southbound into florida. t.j. and kayna, back to you. >> thank you so much. a legal victory we turn to now for religious expression in the workplace. the supreme court sided with a muslim woman who did not get hired by abercrombie and fitch after wearing a headscarf to the job interview. the retailer said samantha's headscarf clashed with its dress code but the justices said employers generally have to accommodate people with religious needs. the case will now go back to the appeals court. another major decision from the court, for the first time addressing standards for speech on social media. they ruled in favor of a pennsylvania man convicted of posting violent messages on facebook topics ranging from killing his estranged wife to shooting up a school. they declined to lay out broad constitutional protects for such comments. >> authorities in south africa are trying to determine how a visit to a safari turned deadly. an american tourist mauled to death. matt gutman has the details. >> rangers at the lion park safari investigating what went wrong when a lion mauled an american tourist killing her. the unnamed woman and her guide entered the lion enclosure before 2:30 local time. >> the lady was busy taking pictures. >> the open window against explicit park rules. >> the lion sort of lunged at the car and it bit the lady through the window. our staff immediately rushed over to chase the lion away and the gentleman that was driving sustained some injuries to his arms trying to get the lion out, as well. >> hundreds of thousands visit south africa's safaris every year and lion park is one of the most popular, even hosting celebrities. advertising super up close animal views guaranteed. but sometimes the lions get a little too close. like this one. >> lock the door. >> somehow opening the door of a family's car. another growling at kids. rangers telling abc news they won't kill the attacking lion but will move it to an enclosure away from the public. matt gutman, abc news, miami. >> russian fighter jets and u.s. warship have had a close encounter in the black sea. the u.s. navy released video of incident amid claims by the russian media that the u.s. ross" was heading for russian waters and was forced away by jets. a pentagon official downplayed the encounter noting the jets were unarmed and did not have the visible weapons on their wings and pointed out that it never changed course. while we're talking about russia this morning, we have a perfect excuse to use a rare feature here on "world news now." the latest rather colorful mishap. on a russian highway. >> what feature do we have here? yes, this happened. a truck that had been carrying all that yellow paint crashed into that truck you're seeing here, leaving it covered. and its helpless driver looking like you see him there, like a yellow lego guy. >> the paint was supposed to be used for road markings. we know so well but obviously you see plenty of it on the road. didn't create any recognizable markings whatsoever. and mildly hysterical. everybody was okay and nobody was injured in the crash or anything like that. that's a really bad day at the office. can you imagine he goes home covered in yellow. >> the reason we're laughing, you know why i'm laughing? you all go ahead and put it up. we haven't used it in a month. this happened bug in the bottom. that's freaking out. >> it's rare. >> this happened. >> it's a rare feature. this happened. i like it. >> this doesn't happen enough apparently. we've got "the skinny" coming your way and that guy back there, wait, where did jack go? there he is. jack, yes, our senior give us the full recap including an update on the kiss count. but first, a woman gets a big surprise on facebook when she discovers a picture of herself while breastfeeding her child. what she had to say to the man who had a problem with her breastfeeding in public. >> the world reacts to the big reveal of caitlyn jenner. after weeks of learning about bruce's transformation the true jenner emerges and celebrities all around are saying who he looks like, who she looks like. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by tide turbo. this he washing machine said 7 minutes. now, every spin is a laugh in his face. you're in laundry limbo pal. and you're here because your machine is overwhelmed by the suds of your detergent. next time, wash with tide he turbo. he turbo smart suds collapse faster... to save up to 25 minutes a wash. is that magic? yes, turbo magic. new tide he turbo. saves up to 25 minutes a wash. ♪ ♪ approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long™. call now and request this free [decision guide]. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long™ for you. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free [decision guide] and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ get out of the car. >> get out of the car. >> yes, it sounds simple enough when you're standing somewhere else and not in that vehicle to say get out of the car. the truck is sinking as you see there. this is at the dock in santa barbara, california. the guy in the truck had been launching his boat but it was still attached to its trailer. the truck then went under. he got out at some point. the truck was pulled out of the water eventually, as well again. everybody ends up being okay. but somebody messed up here. >> i had a friend used to say you want to see something interesting, just go sit at the boat dock for a little while. you will always without a doubt see something interesting. >> pack a cooler. >> so this young mother is fighting back against breastfeeding shaming. she got all fired up about this post. a man posted a picture of her nursing her small son at a restaurant. >> this started an online discussion. abc's linsey davis picks this up for us. >> 20-year-old conner kendall was horrified to discover a picture of herself breastfeeding a baby posted on facebook by a man she claims was shaming her for doing it in public. >> shock was my initial response. >> the indiana mother was eating at a tgif friday's restaurant last wednesday morning when it was time for her 4-month-old son to nurse. >> i turned away from everybody. i didn't feel like i was that exposed. >> an unidentified man who was also eating at the restaurant snapped a photo and up loaded it to facebook. posting "i want to know if this is appropriate or inappropriate as i'm trying to eat, there are little kids around and could you at least cover your boob up?" >> it hurt my feelings that somebody would try to shame me for taking care of my child. >> the young mother was so infuriated she posted a lengthy response which has been shared online more than 63,000 times. >> i let him know that it's not okay to make me feel bad for feeding my child. i showed less than you see every day walking down the street. >> a flood of support followed on conner's facebook page with one poster saying way to turn a bad situation into a positive one and another posting way to stick up for yourself and all of us breastfeeding mamas. kendall wouldn't reveal the name of the man who posted the picture out of respect for his privacy but did tell us the man later apologized to her in a private message. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> got an apology, that's something. >> something i guess. when we come back here, it's "skinny" time. behind the scenes of the caitlyn jenner "vanity fair" photo shoot. >> our senior bachelorette analyst is here. jack is in the house. "the skinny" is next. caitlyn jenner "vanity fair" photo shoot. >> our senior bachelorette analyst is here. jack is in the house. "the skinny" is next. "the skinny" is next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. everybody has a dream. ♪ skinny, so skinny ♪ ♪ skinny, so skinny ♪ >> all right. what else would top "the skinny" other than caitlyn jenner? pretty good bet that most everyone out there now has seen this cover of the woman formerly known as bruce jenner made her debut on the cover of "vanity fair" revealing her name and that look for the first time. >> the magazine also released this behind the scenes video. a two-day photo shoot with the photographer annie leibowitz. in the video, you also hear caitlyn talking about her transition. >> bruce always had to tell a lie. he was always living that lie every day, he always had a secret from morning till night. kaitlyn doesn't have any secrets. as soon as the "vanity fair" cover comes out, i'm free." >> outpouring of reaction sparked online. caitlyn's 88-year-old mother esther told an interviewer she's beautiful. she met caitlyn a few weeks ago but says she's sticking with calling her bruce for now. >> caitlyn's children have been supportive. daughter kendall tweeting be free now, pretty bird. >> super model tyra banks reflecting the thoughts of.many who wanted to acknowledge the change tweeting "hi kaitlyn." >> the cover image reminded a lot of people of look at this, what do you think, folks, actress jessica lang. now, what you might think what does jessica lang think about that being compared to the former bruce jenner. she responded by saying that's wonderful. good for her, as well. we move along. we'll stay in the same family here. we turn to kim kardashian. a day after announcing she's pregnant with her second child, check out maternity wear. who knew. she's showing up here at the cfda fashion awards here in new york in a custom made designer outfit. >> basically a meshy dress. >> messy. >> not messy. meshy. it's a bra and underwear also. they're saying it's either studs and or buttons all over it, as well. there's a lot of questions about this outfit. the one thing we all noticed kanye, was he smiling? >> that's huge. >> we got a picture of kanye smiling. that's huge. next up, the new doings on the abc show "the bachelorette." you heard of it. we've got another kaitlyn to talk about putting her guys in uncomfortable situations. this all happened last night. >> it was pretty funny. are you a bachelorette analyst and or expert? i feel like expert. >> i'm the senior bachelorette analyst. that's what the thing on the bottom of the screen will say eventually. there you go. i'll stick with that, senior bachelor analyst. i brought the rose here just for proper sake. speaking of meshy, there was some meshy stuff on this episode last night. first of all, housekeeping stuff. kupah is gone. >> yes, that was last week. >> then they had a rose ceremony, two dudes, daniel and cory we never knew them anyway. see you. then there was this. [ screaming ] >> sumo wrestling. >> okay. >> a couple of weeks ago, i guess it was last week we had boxing. this week it was sumo wrestling. it didn't go very well. they had some strange outfits on. first they take on the japanese guys. then they took on each other. that didn't go over too well with tony. he's the healer. tony said, you know what? i've had enough of this circus. >> he quits? >> he took his heart of a warrior and his spirit of a gypsy. he's out of here. shawn b. got the rose on that date. then it was the one-on-one date. ben z. and kaitlyn had to basically escape this room. next video. it got a little weird in there. thankfully they made it to the hot tub. ben z. did well on this date. he got the rose. the next group date, this strange sex ed thing that they had to go through with the school. these were all child actors who they were talking about puberty and stuff like that, ha, ha, really funny. not really. ben h. got the rose. it was a good week for the bens. kiss count stops at the kiss count will stop at seven. >> she's moving up. >> that's a record for this season so far. seven on the kiss count. >> jack, sounds like a weird night. >> it was a strange night. we'll leave it at that. re-nuked. and re-baked. and when leftovers are done... there's always stuff left over. new dawn platinum power clean calls dibs on those. it powers through tough, dried-on messes in seconds. even 48 hour stuck-on food. so go ahead, triple that recipe! a drop of dawn and grease is gone. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ imagine if razors could move up and down and all around. behold, new venus® swirl™. the only razor with five contour blades and a flexiball™. to contour to your tricky places, bends and all. new venus® swirl™ ♪ >> what? ♪ >> what? so the disaster blockbuster "san andreas" was the number one movie over the weekend. i live in los angeles. i'm new to the area. there's been one little earthquake since i've lived there. but the thought of a big earthquake like that is terrifying. >> don't let this movie bother you. >> it sounds like i shouldn't. >> the big one is a myth. >> the myth. >> sounds like it's not so factually correct. >> we're up all nightline with abc's nick watt. >> the rock. >> oh, my god. >> rubble. and a $53 million opening weekend. okay. action, yeah. how about the science and the reality? >> the simulator here is set to 8.0. and it feels pretty real but a lot of seismologists are telling us that the movie "san andreas" isn't quite so real. >> i found fault in their fault. everything was exaggerated. >> hold on. we've got to get over. >> the number one, the san andreas fault could never kick up a tsunami because it's on land. >> the earth will literally crack open. >> number two, this fault line only rubs together never gapes wide open. >> the only faults that open up are ones that don't produce earthquakes. >> number three, the 9.6 is not feasible in california. they say 8.3 is the worst that could hammer the golden state. that's still pretty bad. number four, in a quake strong enough to crack the hoover dam, even the rock would wobble. no way could he run. >> it was great fun. i just wouldn't try to learn seismology from it. >> but she says they did get some important stuff right. >> drop, cover and hold on because your life is going to depend on it. >> that's sound advice and yes, aftershocks happen and one quake can trigger others. >> people need to know that the shaking is not over. >> and the fear spot on. >> we're going to get our daughter. i promise. >> i love you, dad. >> don't you quit on me. >> and when it comes to making people prepare for the big one, getting them scared is half the battle. "san andreas," 10 out of 10 on that front. i'm nick watt for night line in escondito, california. >> don't worry about it. you're going to be fine when you head back to l.a. >> look out for the cruise ship. it might come crashing right in here. just get under the desk. >> new york, earthquakes don't even bother us here. >> people get hit by a cab and keep good morning to you all. i'm t.j. holmes. >> i'm kayna whitworth. i'm in for reena ninan this week. here's some of our top headlines that we're following this morning on "world news now." first of all good morning to you all. i'm t.j. holmes. >> i'm kayna whitworth. i'm in for reena ninan this week. here's some of our top headlines that we're following this morning on "world news now." first of all, more rain in the forecast today for most of the east coast. it has tens of millions of people concerned about further flooding in areas that have received nearly a half a foot of rain over the last few days. the details on that straight ahead. >> rescuers searching for a survivors on a small cruise ship that sank overnight in china's yangtze river. this was during a storm. hundreds are still missing. there were about 450 aboard that ship. >> rangers at a lion safari park in south africa are trying to determine how a visit turned deadly. an american tourist was mauled and killed by a lion but the lion will not be killed. it will be moved away from the public. >> and caitlyn jenner made her debut on the cover of "vanity fair." the woman formerly known as bruce, the olympic athlete, says she's now finally free. more on reaction straight ahead. some of your top stories on this tuesday, june 2nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> all right. good to have you. >> thank you. kayna whitworth back here with us. last time you were here, we were probably still talking about rain. >> yeah. >> it seems like it will not stop. a lot of places still wet. weather tens of millions of us are dealing with along the east coast at this point. it's so bad here that parts of new jersey got another healthy dose of rain last night. not going anywhere. flooded roads, gutters with too much water to deal with. >> elizabeth herr, she starts us off with our coverage now. >> flash flooding turning roads into rivers from virginia to new york. the floodwaters even bringing traffic to a standstill in atlanta but drivers not the only ones struggling to keep up with more nature. from cattle on the move in texas to fish on sewer grates and streets in new jersey, this latest round of storms left many in awe. >> this is it the first time i've seen it. >> some using trash bags, others umbrellas most there to help officials turn the carp back to where they belong. >> one guy had a rake and he was raking them down. i had the bucket and the net. and we chased them in there. once you put them in the water, they're coming right back. >> the storms causing this bizarre scene in newark. this incredible scene across the river. this is new york's 1 world trade center getting hit by lightning. west many roads and homes were submerged but the skies finally clearing up in texas and oklahoma where more than 30 people lost their lives and many more still missing. turns out the month of may, it is now officially the wettest on record for parts of texas and oklahoma. but thankfully, june is off to a great start with no rain in the forecast all week. t. j. and kayna, back to you. >> month of may going out with a bang. you saw 1 world trade center get hit by lightning in that piece. that wasn't the only one. >> another direct hit happened right near the capitol building. you see that. >> more rain there today, as well. the rest of the forecast from justin povick at accuweather. >> thanks and good morning. while the southern plains continues to dry out, it's another wet and chilly day throughout the northeast. soaking showers, flooding downpours possible. from hartford to boston, to portland. we are going to dry things out eventually. d.c., baltimore, philadelphia will probably wait till the late evening time frame. most concern about severe weather over dakotas later on tuesday afternoon along i-94 and i-90. damaging winds large hail, isolated tornadoes from bismarck southbound to rapid city. and then as we glance in toward late week, still heavy downpour. storms in the mid-atlantic and dry again in the south plains. t.j. and kayna, back to you. justin thank you. now in drought-stricken california, whole new world here, there's more water restrictions now in effect. the aim to reduce the state's water use by 25%. some communities are hoping for more than that, maybe even 36%. homeowners who don't cut back on usage are subject to steep fines. turn now to the nsa and those controversial surveillance programs as the impasse over the expired patriot act continues the senate is hoping for passage today by making slight changes on a house bill. abc's david kerley with more on what's at stake. >> now the program that searches americans' phone records has been shut down. the bulk data program revealed by former nsa contractor edward snowden one of some of the provisions of the patriot act which expired. law enforcement is more worried about other parts which they say leave them partially blind. >> so i'm left looking for needles in a haystack where the needles are increasingly invisible to me. >> expired, roving wire taps which allow law enforcement to follow a terrorist and not just on one phone. if a suspect changes phones multiple times, the tracking continues. lone wolf tracking. investigators could track a suspect without a subpoena and now will have to go to court for each case. >> if i lose those tools, it is a huge problem. >> those tools are gone because of a political battle here on capitol hill. they should be reinstated later this week. between now and then, law enforcement says its job will be tougher. david kerley, abc news, capitol hill. >> a legal victory for religious expression in the workplace. a supreme court sided with a muslim woman who did not get hired by abercrombie and fitch after wearing a headscarf to the interview. they said it clashed with its dress code but the court said employers generally have to accommodate people with religious needs. the case will now go back to the appeals court. >> a new report finds that african-american drivers in missouri were 75% more likely to be stopped by police than by whites. the highest since the state started collecting this type of data back in 2000. the charges of racism by the police in st. county in particular touched off days of rioting in ferguson following the death of michael brown. police wrote ticket et cetera for minor infractions. >> new details on the crane. eyewitnesss say it sounded like a bomb exploded when the unit snapped from a crane plunging 30 stories to the ground. the street covered in glass, steel, even office chairs that fell out of damaged buildings. so ten people were hurt but no serious injuries have been reported. >> also, a wild car chase in houston. first the suspects weave in and out of traffic. the car had paper tags. couldn't read them. they eventually pulled the vehicle over on the left shoulder but then they jumped out of the car. two suspects. one of them just 15 years old hurdled the concrete barrier and ran across the hov and southbound lanes. they jumped off the edge of the freeway. they were later captured and arrested. >> a final good deed for the navy crew aboard the "uss carl vinson." rescuing a sailor off the coast of hawaii. the crew pulled the 70-year-old man from his crippled boat and treated him on the aircraft carrier. he had been at sea trying to make a solo trip across the pacific. the crew will return to san diego after a ten-month deployment that included air strikes against isis. >> a kentucky dad under fire after leaving his toddler alone in his truck. a bystander spotted the child strapped in his car seat in a store parking lot. the windows were down. the engine running. he then confronted the father as he returned. >> do you think that's a smart thing to to do, buddy? >> you know, if i was a bad guy, i could have probably just drove off with this. >> bet you would have gotten two in the back of the head. no disrespect. >> the driver said he was keeping an eye on the truck, his son, as well the entire time. he has not been charged. police are trying to determine exactly what happened here. >> police in southern california looking forea man who stalked actress mila kunis. stewart lynn don was being treated at a facility when he disappeared over the weekend. he's been arrested twice before, once for breaking into a home that kunis owns and also after waiting for her in the parking lot of a gym three days in a row. also, robin williams wife and children continue to battle over the late actor's estate. they've come up with a plan to divide some of his many possessions but they are still at odds over some of his personal effects, things like his slippers and t-shirts. a judge has given them till the end of july to resolve this issue. >> there is a new campaign to get the fda to approve so-called viagra for women backed by a drug developer and some women's groups. they are accusing the fda of gender bias and 257 other drugs out there to help men but they haven't approved one for women. one drug has been rejected twice. it's going to be reviewed again on thursday. a new treat for "50 shades of grey" fans. the author of the popular erotic novel announced her next book will be coming out next month. can't wait. this will be simply titled "grey." do what works. it tells a story from christian grey's point of view. the author e.l. janes is releasing the book on june 18th to coincide with christian's birthday. didn't know he had one. his point of view? did you read the books? >> i read the first one. >> does this make sense to you, his point of view? >> absolutely because the whole story is told from anastasia's point of view. if you're a fan, i think you're really excited. >> his point of view, what would be different about the story? >> probably everything. >> i feel it would be very different actually. >> maybe i won't read these. >> you ought to read the first ones. you've got a lot to read. >> all right. " 50 shades of grey," what's the next two? >> like 50 shades later. i don't know. i didn't read the other two. >> i've got some reading to do. >> we need some information on that. any reporter who has ever covered a sporting event, they win a game. sometimes some crazy things can happen case in point sunday after the texas rangers defeated the red sox. >> josh hamilton had the game-winning hit and telling a reporter about it when teammates delivered a double barreled gatorade bath. this happens, right? full credit to the reporter. there she is. that dress is a mess. she look a moment to recover. she continued the interview. the outfit is ruined. they get caught up in this. unfortunately many of the reporters. again, this is a game in the middle. >> baseball season is so long. >> it's june. this ain't the world series. don't ruin the young lady's dress for a game in june. >> she handled it like a pro though. >> yeah, but i hope they're replacing that dress. >> i'm sure she can send them the bill. baseball season is so long. >> look at this. okay. give her credit though. good job, young lady. >> we got a rare look at an elusive species coming up, the so-called primates of park avenue inside the home of glamorous stay at home. y'all got to see this. this is mara schiavocampo's piece. she was telling me about this. i couldn't believe some of the stuff she was telling me. their male partners practice of giving out bonuses to the women to their wives for doing a good job. >> okay. all right. we will take a look back at bruce jenner's transition to caitlyn. behind the scenes of the magazine shoot where she reveals herself to the world. you're watching "world news now" >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by resolve. 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[ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. i will take beauty into my own hands. olay regenerist. it regenerates surface cells. new skin is revealed in only 5 days. without drastic measures. stunningly youthful. award-winning skin. from the world's #1. olay your best beautiful start the interview with a firm handshake. ay,no! don't do that! try new head & shoulders instant relief. it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100% flake free. try new head & shoulders instant relief. for cooling relief in a snap. going to have to pick up a "vanity fair" here. the cover that introduced caitlyn jenner for the first time is still rocketing around the world. >> for the first time we're seeing the woman she always believed herself to be. brandi hitt with more. >> call me caitlyn. it's the world's first look at the new caitlyn jenner on the july cover of "vanity fair" magazine. the cover model formerly known as bruce jenner wearing makeup with long glamorous hair just two months after this exclusive interview with diane sawyer. >> are you a woman? >> yes. for all intents and purposes i am a woman. >> now telling the world on twitter i am so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. welcome to the world, caitlyn. can't wait for you to get to know her/me. for decades, this is how the world knew bruce jenner as the olympic gold medal decathlete and father on e's keeping up with the kardashians." >> i should probably be on the golf course. >> in this behind the scenes video from the photo shoot on youtube, it appears bruce has vanished. >> bruce always had to tell a lie. he was always living that lie. caitlyn doesn't have any secrets. >> it's caitlyn's life now detailed on wikipedia, quickly becoming the number one trend on twitter worldwide. kim kardashian writing about the cover, how beautiful. kendall jenner adding be free now, pretty bird. >> this magazine cover will go down in history as one of the most iconic covers we'll see in our lifetimes. i think it will be difficult to find a copy on your magazine stand this week. >> you'll be seeing a lot more of caitlin jenner. "e" says it's been following her transformation and plans on releasing a television series this summer. kayna and t.j. >> brandi hitt, thank you so much. >> coming up next here in cuba as you've never seen it before. not just the land of cigars and vintage cars. >> the art scene. havana on the verge of welcoming americans. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. havana on the verge of welcoming americans. we'll be right back we'll be right back. ÷h ♪ normal relations after decades of animosity. it the island nation so close to our shores could soon be a popular tourist destination. >> visitors will find they have a flourishing artistic life. abc's mike bickell got an early look. >> american's fascination with cuba has rarely extended past cars and cigars and while both fly on the streets of havana, they have plenty of eye-catching competition. art is everywhere in cuba. from the streets to the schools, to a few high end galleries. here at a crafts market in havana, work from dozens of local artists tower over the countless tourists that find their way to this massive warehouse. on the other side of town, select galleries represent those that have earned international attention and command sky high prices. and those looking to make a name for themselves are at the university of arts of cuba where promising young artists enjoy a free education and a chance to hone their skills and maybe one day add their name to a growing list of notable alumni. [ speaking foreign language ] >> but while the education is free, artistic freedom comes at a premium in cuba. in december, this performance artist was arrested for attempting to stage an open mic performance in the square and others detained for work openly critical of the government. some contend censorship has declined significantly in the last two decades. with fidel castro's success -- with travel relaxations with the u.s. there may soon be a new batch of art collectors headed to cuba. [ speaking foreign language ] >> mike bickell, abc news, havana. >> that's really cool. >> well, vacation and a vacation spot. >> i think a lot of americans are itching to go and have flights and things hike that like that. >> they can't wait. >> we have anthropology project that took place on the upper eastside right here in manhattan. up close and personal with some wealthy and glamorous stay at home moms. >> their gilded cages and what they have to do to earn their yearly wife bonuses. >> wow. >> what? we're talking about this one next. wow. >> what? we're talking about this one next. can your make up do this? covergirl introduces makeup with super powers. new outlast lipstick. long wear super powered by moisture. the super sizer the new mascara you twirl on to super size your lashes and your eyes. and new stay luminous foundation stay naturally luminous all day. makeup super powered. from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. thank you for calling colonial penn life insurance company. i'm glad i was able to help you today. hi, my name is jonathan lawson and i'm a customer service representative for colonial penn life insurance company. insurance can sometimes be difficult to understand, but here at colonial penn, we make it simple. alex trebek has been representing colonial penn for over ten years and is here to tell you how we do it. thanks, jonathan. i'm happy to be here with these knowledgeable colonial penn representatives. i know that customer service is a priority for them. i've been representing colonial penn for over ten years talking about their guaranteed acceptance life insurance. if you're 50 to 85 write down the toll-free number on your screen and call for free information. with this insurance, there's no medical exam, no health questions either guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. your rate will never go up and your benefit will never go down due to age. it costs just $9.95 a month per unit. that's less than 35 cents a day. call them now. you'll be glad you did. at colonial penn we've been serving our customers for over 50 years, and we have over half a million life insurance policies in force that help cover funeral costs, medical bills, credit card balances or other final expenses. we're committed to our customers. we make insurance simple! (representatives speaking) i've been the same shade of red for many years. it's time to change it up! hello, golden blonde. shift a shade with nice'n easy. for natural looking color i don't know if blonde has more fun, but i plan to find out ♪ ♪ finally this half hour, it's a good story here. "the primates of park avenue," it's the title of a new book and it reveals the lives of the rich, glamorous women of manhattan. >> up close and personal look at a pretty rare breed. abc's mara schiavocampo has the inside scoop. >> manhattan's upper eastside. multimillion dollar penthouses and meticulously dressed woman. >> look at that. >> there's a huge imperative to be thin and fit and beautiful. >> meet wednesday martin. this author and mother of two is peeling back the curtain on a specific set of women she calls glamorous stay-at-home moms. dishing on their secret life in her forthcoming memoir "primates of park avenue." she says one of the benefits to being in this tribe is a yearly wife bonus handed out by the husband. >> the wife bonus, the idea that some of these wives that their wealthy husbands were giving them a performance bonus at the end of the year like so many people get at work. tell me about that. >> this is one of the things that they described to me. what's interesting is that now, we're seeing people posting stories i get a bonus, mine's not performance based. why i'm proud of it. why i think it's retrograde. it's kind of started a conversation. >> martin first joined this exclusive world in 2004. >> like mean girls. in reading it, it felt like a high school you were describing. is that how it felt? >> we talk about power dynamics in the workplace but these dynamics exist between women of the sandbox set, as well. >> we tag along as she heads to meet one of the all-important fixtures of the tribe. her cosmetic dermatologist. >> we're going to do botox when you're ready. >> next off to fifth avenue where wednesday links with her friend barbara. >> it costs about $85,000 a year just to be beautiful enough to play ball in the worlds that i lived in and clothing is a big part of that. >> an inside look at a very unique tribe in this concrete jungle. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> $85,000 to keep up just to be beautiful and to belong in this tribe? did i hear this correctly? >> you did. >> 85 grand just to keep up maintenance to belong in the group. >> i'm thinking about my mom. she does all the yard work. she can lay wood floors. she can change the tire on the car. >> does she get a big bonus at the end of the year? tires. >> does she get a big bonus at the end of the year? this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now," flooding mess. monstrous downpours washing out 25 million americans. more is on the way and the clean-up continues in the southern plains as residents finally get a break. full forecast just ahead. >> deadly crash. two planes collide while performing a stunt sending each other plummeting into the sea below. all caught on camera. >> and no more bruce. meet caitlyn jenner. just weeks after learning the truth about bruce's lifelong struggle with gender identity, the real jenner emerges. >> caitlyn doesn't have any secrets. >> her family showing their love and full support as the world says hello to caitlyn on this tuesday, june 2nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> all right. tuesday, right? it's tuesday. had to ask. lookie, what have we got here? kayna whitworth. >> you look so excited to have me. >> we're just getting started. my excitement builds throughout the morning. >> when we saw her last, she was the bachelorette. now she's the what? >> i'm a married lady. >> a married lady. >> she ran off left us to go get married. >> thank you, jack. marriage should still be applauded in this country. >> absolutely. >> as enthusiastically as that, jack. >> good to have you back. >> it's so good to be here. i definitely brought my rain jacket. i was glad i did that. >> that was necessary. she's going to be with us all week. rain i'm sure last time you were here, we were probably talking about rain. it's that season. it's been ridiculous in some parts of the country. some of it here in the new york city area but we are certainly not alone. >> flooding fears straight across the northeast and much of the east coast. abc's linsey davis has details from a drenching monday. >> 45 million in the northeast still at risk for flash flooding. >> i don't think my tires are on the road. >> in new jersey a front loader brought in to push drivers out and these carp displaced on to a nearby road. new york giants punt er steve weatherford post ong instagram his gratitude for being alive after totaling a rental car in new jersey saying he slammed into a massive body of water as he drove home from practice after visiting with his newborn daughter. >> i don't know how many times i spun around. >> with the rain, lightning. that's new york's 1 world trade center getting struck. in georgia, rain plus clogged storm drains caused a massive backup on a major highway. in texas, a blessing of clear skies after more than 30 weather related deaths and in oklahoma, another ten people still missing. this time lapse lapse video from austin showing how quickly flash floods can engulf roads. more than 500 cows are safe thanks to an old-fashioned cattle drive near houston rescued from alligator infested floodwaters. carried by boat to dry land. >> more rain in the forecast in the northeast which is good news considering we're in a drought. too much all at once will cause flash flooding. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> let's get more details about this tuesday forecast. justin povick at accuweather. good morning. >> thanks and good morning. another wet start to the day along the interstate 95 corridor. showers are going to start to taper off in the late afternoon hours around baltimore and also d.c. north and eastbound. hartford and boston, the soaking showers continue with the threat for gusty thunderstorms and flash flooding right into the evening rush. dangerous thunderstorms and severe weather also a possibility over the northern plains including the dakotas. t.j. and kayna, back to you. >> thank you so much. breaking overnight, hundreds still missing after a small cruise ship sank overnight in china's yangtze river during a storm. crews heard sounds coming from within the partially submerged ship hours after it went down. they hear survivors yelling for help. several people have been found. about 450 people many between the ages of 50 to 80 were aboard that ship. an american held hostage by rebels in yemen has been freed. he is now in iran. the country which help arrange his ree at least three other americans lease. are still being held by the rebels battling the government in yemen. american diplomats have met secretly with the rebels in an everyday to urge a cease-fire. >> the head of homeland security ordered a major original overhaul following an alarming new report. abc news broke the story. the report is undercover agents were able to smuggle mock explosives or weapons through checkpoints in 67 out of 70 tries. >> anytime there's a high rate of misses, that causes concern. the terrorists do watch this thing. they do watch and go to school how they can learn from possible vulnerabilities. >> the acting administrator of the tsa has been demoted in the wake of that investigation. sources tell us in one instance agents failed to find a fake bomb taped to an agent's back during a patdown. >> jurors are hearing from the gunman about his mental state when he opened fire. in a videotaped conversation, james holmes tells a psychiatrist he knew the shooting was legally wrong and said he gained a unit of self worth for each of the 12 people that he killed. his attorney is using the insanity defense but the psychiatrist found he was legally sane at the time of the attack. >> three victims of a murder have been remembered at a service now. the fourth victim, the housekeeper, vera figueroa is expected to be returned to her native el salvador. with more on the funeral and the suspect, here's ryan smith. >> hundreds of friends and family grieving the loss of savvas savopoulos, his wife amy and their 10-year-old son philip killed along with their housekeeper, teenagers carrying the smallest casket. surviving family members lined up with others as hers -- the hearses carried those coffins to the cemetery. >> daron wint arrested in connection with the killing now professes his innocence says his former lawyer. >> he is resolute in the belief and i also harbor the same belief that he wouldn't kill anybody. >> the lawyer has not yet been retained by wint, has not seen the evidence nor would he comment whether wint has an alibi but challenges some of the evidence police have collected. like wint's dna found on a pizza crust found in the home. saying wint doesn't even like pizza. and he claims about the police -- >> they lied when they said he was the man in the video. >> police insist wint is running from the family's burned porsche shortly after the home was set on fire. wint once worked for savopoulos's company but left over a decade ago. >> he had nothing against the deceased man. >> after the service the family stood close together on the church steps watching their loved ones pass by one final time. ryan smith, washington. secretary of state john kerry back in boston awaiting surgery on his broken leg. he was transported to massachusetts general hospital after he returned to the u.s. on monday. the secretary is an avid cyclist but fractured his femur during a bike accident in france. the surgery to set his broken leg is set for in this morning. he will handle department business before he goes under the knife. >> another republican in the race. senator lindsey graham returned to his south carolina hometown yesterday to announce he is running for president. he told supporters he has more experience was national security than any other candidate in the race, and the way he put it, that includes you hillary. he urged a stepped up attack against is limo owe islamic militants. >> i want to be president to defeat the enemies trying to kill us not just contain them but defeat them. >> he is number nine now. the ninth candidate to enter the republican presidential race. we'll hear more from him later on "good morning america." we'll learn much more about hillary clinton's campaign themes. the democratic front-runner is delivering her first major speech in new york next week joined by bill clinton and her daughter chelsea. >> a horrifying accident just hours before an air show in italy. two aerobatic planes crash into the sea killing one pilot. the other pilot was injured and rushed to the hospital. the dead pilot found under the fuselage of his plane about a mile offshore. authorities are investigating the cause of that accident. that solar powered plane landed in japan to wait out bad weather. the solar impulse us 2 is attempting to circle the globe without a drop of fuel. it was going from china to hawaii when it was forces to make an unscheduled landing. everything is functioning perfectly but the safety of the pilot and the plane is a priority. they had to build a special place to house it because it's so big. >> that's a big sucker. >> if they're able to pull this off, this is aviation history. you know? pioneers. this is what they're essentially doing here. we turn to london now. did you see this picture? >> i think it's genius. >> brilliant. look at what commuters saw yesterday morning. commuters in london heading to work, this is what you see on a flatbed truck. you see a dead t. rex. that's what it is. >> it was driven across the london bridge and past well-known landmarks. under the white she the, they did this on purpose wanting to make it look like the t-rex had been freshly killed. it's on its way to an autopsy. >> it is a model here. but what they're doing here, this is part of a big promotional campaign by national geographic. they're putting on a show in which they do an autopsy on a t-rex. blood, guts, and all this stuff. that's the thing they're using. it was brilliant because people started using of course, twitter social media to put it out. it got the buzz going. we're talking about it here. good job, nat geo. >> i love ideas like that. anatomy of a killer. apparently, their eyes are like the size of a grapefruit. that's the tidbit i have about the anatomy of a killer. >> jurassic world is coming out now. >> i was just in kauai and hiking where they filmed that and i was waiting for one to come out of the trees yes. >> knowing you the way i know you, it sounds about right. >> coming up next here, the world meets caitlin jenner. the american icon revealing herself for the first time. how sheep is driving the experience as her family speaks out in support. >> how the to get the best bang for your buck when it comes to old devices in your junk drawer. why every day that you wait means less easy money in your pocket. check out our behind the scenes video. who is taking our pictures here? who's running our instagram account. >> i see one of you eating something all the time. >> it's the same one. are we updating this thing? keep checking it out folks, you're watching "world news now." even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. a single use applicator that helps you avoid contact with germs. just click it in and recycle! to enjoy continuous clean freshness with every flush for up to one week. lysol click gel keeps it clean with one click. lysol. start healthing. start the interview with a firm handshake. ay,no! don't do that! try new head & shoulders instant relief. it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100% flake free. try new head & shoulders instant relief. for cooling relief in a snap. now there's a razor that swirls and swerves... ... as every blade adjusts to your curves. new venus swirl. with contour blades that have six times more flexibility. plus a flexiball. flawless shaving bones, bends, and all. new venus swirl. while there are some home disasters you can't avoid, there is one you can. septic system breakdowns effect over one million households in the u.s. each year. septic back-ups can cost about $13,000 in expense. thankfully there's rid-x. rid-x costs less than $7. and the advanced natural bacteria generates powerful enzymes which accelerate the waste digestion. use rid-x once a month, and help save yourself from disaster. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. [girl laughing] life looks great with tampax pearl. it's built-in, back-up braid helps stop leaks by channeling them back into the core, protecting you in a way no other tampon does. tampax pearl. now in pocket size for on-the-go. diane sawyer got a sneak peek at the future caitlyn jenner's closet as part of her interview that aired in april. caitlin will model a number of outfits in the "vanity fair" photo spread. >> yes, and caitlyn jenner, the debut is still the hot topic this morning. bruce the olympic athlete, the olympic hero is no more. >> so "vanity fair" released a cover photo but also some behind the scenes video of this two-day photo shoot. it will be featured in next month's issues. abc's amy robach has that story. >> very, very proud of the accomplishment. >> the first images from inside that room, the "vanity fair" photo shoot no longer bruce jenner. she is now caitlyn jenner and will be on the cover next week. jenner speaking candidly about this last step during the photo shoot with annie liebovitz. >> bruce always had to tell a lie. he was always living that lie. every day he always had a secret. from morning till night. caitlyn doesn't have secrets. >> jenner says it's been a lifelong struggle that we first learned about one-on-one with diane. >> are you a woman? >> yes, i am a woman. people look at me differently. they see you as this macho male but my heart and soul and everything that i do in life, it is part of me. >> now the former olympic champion crossing that final hurdle. >> the last few days of doing this shoot was about my life and who i am as a person. >> jenner tweeting i'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. welcome to the world, caitlyn. can't wait for you to get to know her/me. she is not throwing away her past victories. >> ate a lot of wheaties. >> still proud of the champion on the wheaties box. >> i was probably at the games because i was running away from a lot of things. very, very proud of the accomplishment. i don't want to diminish that accomplishment. >> jenner's daughter showing their support. this from khloe. caitlin, you are beautiful. >> as soon as the "vanity fair" cover comes out, i'm free. >> amy robach, abc news, new york. >> we'll have more coming up later in our show. first getting cash for your old electronics. tips for turning your old phones, computers into cash. the young mother shamed on facebook for breastfeeding at a restaurant. the online debate it started. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. >> t techie gadgets we depend on design them to be useful for a year and you have to get the upgrade and you're upset. most of us have old phones and other electronics laying all over the house. >> i have the chargers to everything. that's the worst, right? so they very well be worth a lot more than you actually think. abc's linzie janis has tips on turning that trash into cash. >> new jersey mom liz juggles 15-month-old alexa, a full-time job and a website on the side. finding time to clean is no easy feat. >> lucky for her. >> my husband is away this weekend and it's a perfect time for some spring cleaning because he's a little bit of a hoarder. >> hidden in this house, buried treasure, old gadgets that could turn into extra cash liz could use for an early father's day present for that husband. >> he needs a new computer but it's not something he feels like he would splurge on right now. >> enter joanna stern "the wall street journal's" tech guru with advice how to turn those devices into serious dough. use website's like gazelle or glide to sell your electronics even if they're damaged. plug in your device info. >> the iphone 4s. >> these sites will tell you what it's worth. gazelle buys straight from you. >> they put the money in your account. >> while glide posts items online for others to purchase. >> it tells you when to sell. saying when to sell because the price will drop. >> tip number two, need instant cash? head to the food court. >> you can go to an ecoatm and get cash on the spot. >> $30. >> in liz's case, glide appraised the phone at $68. so she passed on the ecoatm. tip three, it pays to compare prices. >> an original ipad 64 gigs and gazelle is saying they will pay you $20 for it but glide is saying they think you should sell this for about $60 on their own site. >> between her old mac book, tablets, phones and digital cameras, she finds a whopping $427 worth of hidden cash, enough money to put towards her husband's new laptop. >> it's for dolly. >> and treat alexa to a new toy, too. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> i hate the charger thing the most. even if you upgrade, you would still like to use the same charger. thanks, apple. r. thanks, apple. here's what they thought. you can have this back. the paste didn't seem to do much for me. eeh! thanks! yours do look really white. the whitestrips made a huge difference. but that's not fair. ha-ha. most whitening toothpastes only removes surface stains. but crest 3d white whitestrips safely removes stains beneath the enamel surface for dramatic results. no wonder whitestrips whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. they worked! yeah they did! i think i need these. crest whitestrips, the way to whiten. imagine if razors could move up and down and all around. behold, new venus® swirl™. the only razor with five contour blades and a flexiball™. to contour to your tricky places, bends and all. new venus® swirl™ leftovers. they get re-heated. re-nuked. and re-baked. even when they're done... there's stuff left over. new dawn platinum power clean. powers through tough dried-on messes in seconds. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. take zzzquil and sleep like... you haven't seen your bed in days. no, like you haven't seen a bed in weeks! zzzquil. the non habit forming sleep-aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. i will take beauty into my own hands. olay regenerist. it regenerates surface cells. new skin is revealed in only 5 days. without drastic measures. stunningly youthful. award-winning skin. from the world's #1. olay your best beautiful today you can do everything in just one click even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. a single use applicator that helps you avoid contact with germs. just click it in and recycle! to enjoy continuous clean freshness with every flush for up to one week. lysol click gel keeps it clean with one click. lysol. start healthing. all right. time for "the mix". all right. time for "the mix". we start with the creative advertising that makes you sleepy. i don't need it. >> no. >> i don't need advertising to make me sleepy. >> or to want coffee. >> are you a coffee drinker? >> i do tea. >> everybody needs caffeine. this is in brazil. this is creative advertising. you see it there simple enough. what they do, a advertising company. >> i don't want to watch him yawn. watch him. what they did, they have some cameras -- some cameras nearby. and the more people that walk by, the more the guy yawns. all right? and the point here is to make people sleepy and what they found out that 70% of the people who saw this guy yawn in the advertising yawned themselves. we've all been there. you see somebody yawn, you yawn yourself. then you had people show up later with trays of coffee and give them a dose of caffeine. this could be used to make you sleepy, to make you want coffee, to help you buy a little something. this is crazy. >> it makes me not want to the accidentally get on the subway. a yawn in slow motion. >> it makes you want to buy a cup of coffee because you think you're sleepy. >> even the scent of coffee can wake people up. did everyone else hear that yawn? so even the smell of coffee can wake you up. now there's an alarm clock called sensor wake. do you think you would be in a really good mood -- we can put, t.j., it can be sensor wake. >> you got excited there. >> like a beer scent or something. >> like a beer scent. she knows me already. >> they have coffee. the one i really like is they have the smell of a dollar so you get up. >> get out and make the money. >> that seems foul. >> no, you don't want to wake up to a foul scent. >> it will wake you up. >> it's supposed to be a pleasant experience. like bacon. i want to get bacon and eggs. >> okay. >> lobster. there's a lobster broil down stairs. you got to go. >> what would be your scent? >> i don't know. i think it would have to be like pancakes. >> somebody needs to be cooking you breakfast in the next room and we're good. >> that is the problem. one more here. check this kid out. this is a soccer superstar. but he's kicking the wrong ball. he's kicking golf balls here. this is a kid. his name is add elbert owe bore gat owe lopez. he's from phoenix. he specializes doing soccer shots. in this one, he's on a -- you can tell a miniature golf course, still kicking golf balls. this is better than most do with a putter. qu ÷h this morning on "world news now," security failure. this morning on "world news now," security failure. the alarming new report highlighting major flaws at airports' checkpoints. the undercover investigation prompting sweeping changes. we'll have full details ahead. >> shocking scene. bystanders can't help but watch and yell as this truck sinks into the harbor with somebody stuck inside. the rush to help rescue them before going completely under. >> just weeks after learning about bruce jenner's struggle with gender identity, the world now meets caitlyn jenner. new reaction this morning. how her family and friends are supporting her on this momentous occasion. >> plus, sumo wrestling and sex ed. makes perfect sense, right? finding true love ain't easy. time for our bachelorette recap in "the skinny" on this tuesday, june 2nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> okay. i'm mixed up. >> getting that all figured out. those kids reactions to the story is good. >> which story? >> the bachelorette. >> it's britt, britt is the bachelorette. it was another one, it was kaitlyn, right? who got kicked off? jack, who were the two? >> we need a bachelorette flow chart. >> who was the bachelorette that didn't make the cut? >> britt. >> britt is the one now, right? >> kaitlyn is the current. >> right all along. >> different spelling from the other caitlyn though. >> there's another kaitlyn in the news. >> yes, there is. >> so many kaitlyns this morning. good morning to you all. kayna, not kaitlyn. >> and kayna with a "k." >> kayna with a "k." >> she's going to be with us the rest of the week. good to have you back fresh off her vacation. >> vacation? t.j. is so glad to have me. we'll start with a major shake-up ordered at the tsa after an alarming report on airport security. >> abc news broke this alarming story. a report revealed dozens of failures at some of the nation's busiest airports. the acting chief being reassigned. here now, abc's pierre thomas. >> undercover agents from homeland security put screeners to the test at dozens of the nation's busiest airports and they failed miserably. abc news has learned tsa screeners were beaten in 95% of those tests designed to see if mock explosives or weapons could be smuggled through airport security checkpoints. the tests were conducted by so-called red team investigators posing as passengers and using techniques terrorists might employ. according to officials briefed on the results, tsa agents failed 67 out of 70 tests with red team members repeatedly able to get potential bombs or weapons through security. >> any time there's a high rate of misses that causes concern. >> sources tell us in one test, an undercover agent was stopped after setting off an alarm at a magnetometer. but tsa screeners failed to detect the device taped to his back during the patdown that followed. >> the terrorists do watch and they go to school how they can learn from possible vulnerabilities. >> i'm jeh johnson. >> and homeland security jeh johnson was so frustrated when he was informed of the results, he went to tsa headquarters last week to get some answers. his staff says corrections have been made to deal with the alarming lapses. >> it's unclear what security upgrades have been ordered by johnson. some are reportedly already in place ever mindful that al qaeda and other terrorist groups are obsessed with using aviation against us. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. >> now some weather here serious fears about flooding for the morning commute right here in the northeast. heavy rain in the new york city area forced road closures. some areas received more than 5 inches in the last couple of days. there was enough standing water at a park in new jersey to use a paddle board to get around. wow. another lake. this is in newark, new jersey. flooded. it's leaving fish struggling to get back into the water where they belong. water that's deep enough for them. one guy even picked a couple up and carried them to safety. >> safety or home to the frying pan? >> it was a carp. >> okay. there we go. it was steamed then. >> along alabama's coast, you are looking at a waterspout. it was spotted churning in the gulf of mexico. a waterspout is a tornado that forms in the water. no damage was reported from that one. >> what can we expect in the day ahead? somebody's going to get more wet weather. >> somebody else has the answers for that. it's not us. justin povick has more on that. good morning, justin. >> thanks and good morning. all the heavy rain that we had yesterday still leading to some high water problems and additional flash flooding possible from philadelphia north and eastbound toward hartford and boston. southeast dodging slow-moving dangerous thunderstorms, as well. gusty winds, frequent lightning and very heavy rainfall so flash flooding is going to be a likelihood all the way southbound into florida. t.j. and kayna, back to you. >> thank you so much. a legal victory we turn to now for religious expression in the workplace. the supreme court sided with a muslim woman who did not get hired by abercrombie and fitch after wearing a headscarf to the job interview. the retailer said samantha's headscarf clashed with its dress code but the justices said employers generally have to accommodate people with religious needs. the case will now go back to the appeals court. another major decision from the supreme court, for the first time addressing standards for speech on social media. they ruled in favor of a pennsylvania man convicted of posting violent messages on facebook topics ranging from killing his estranged wife to shooting up a school. they declined to lay out broad constitutional protections for such comments. >> authorities in south africa are trying to determine how a visit to a safari turned deadly. an american tourist mauled to death. matt gutman has the details. >> rangers at the lion park safari investigating what went wrong when a lion mauled an american tourist killing her. the unnamed woman and her guide entered the lion enclosure before 2:30 local time. >> the lady was busy taking pictures. >> the open window against explicit park rules. >> the lion sort of lunged at the car and it bit the lady through the window. our staff immediately rushed over to chase the lion away and the gentleman that was driving sustained some injuries to his arms trying to get the lion out, as well. >> hundreds of thousands visit south africa's safaris every year and lion park is one of the most popular, even hosting celebrities. advertising super up close animal views guaranteed. but sometimes the lions get a little too close. like this one. >> lock the door. >> somehow opening the door of a family's car. another growling at kids. rangers telling abc news they won't kill the attacking lion but will move it to an enclosure away from the public. matt gutman, abc news, miami. >> russian fighter jets and u.s. warship have had a close encounter in the black sea. the u.s. navy released video of the incident amid claims by the russian media that the u.s. ross" was heading for russian waters and was forced away by jets. a pentagon official downplayed the encounter noting the jets were unarmed and did not have the visible weapons on their wings and pointed out that it never changed course. while we're talking about russia this morning, we have a perfect excuse to use a rare feature here on "world news now." the latest rather colorful mishap. on a russian highway. >> what feature do we have here? yes, this happened. a truck that had been carrying all that yellow paint crashed into that truck you're seeing here, leaving it covered. and its helpless driver looking like you see him there, like a yellow lego guy. >> the paint was supposed to be used for road markings. we know so well but obviously you see plenty of it on the road. didn't create any recognizable markings whatsoever. and mildly hysterical. everybody was okay and nobody was injured in the crash or anything like that. that's a really bad day at the office. can you imagine he goes home covered in yellow. >> the reason we're laughing, you know why i'm laughing? you all go ahead and put it up. we haven't used it in a month. this happened bug in the bottom. that's freaking out. >> it's rare. >> this happened. >> it's a rare feature. this happened. i like it. >> this doesn't happen enough apparently. we've got "the skinny" coming your way and that guy back there, wait, where did jack go? there he is. jack, yes, our senior bachelorette analyst give us the full recap including an update on the kiss count. but first, a woman gets a big surprise on facebook when she discovers a picture of herself while breastfeeding her child. what she had to say to the man who had a problem with her breastfeeding in public. >> the world reacts to the big reveal of caitlyn jenner. after weeks of learning about bruce's transformation the true jenner emerges and celebrities all around are saying who he looks like, who she looks like. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by tide turbo. weather brought to you by tide turbo. this he washing machine said 7 minutes. now, every spin is a laugh in his face. you're in laundry limbo pal. and you're here because your machine is overwhelmed by the suds of your detergent. next time, wash with tide he turbo. he turbo smart suds collapse faster... to save up to 25 minutes a wash. is that magic? 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"the skinny" is next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stat io ♪ skinny, so skinny ♪ >> all right. what else would top "the skinny" other than caitlyn jenner? pretty good bet that most everyone out there now has seen this cover of the woman formerly known as bruce jenner made her debut on the cover of "vanity fair" revealing her name and that look for the first time. >> the magazine also released this behind the scenes video. a two-day photo shoot with the photographer annie leibowitz. in the video, you also hear caitlyn talking about her transition. >> bruce always had to tell a lie. he was always living that lie every day, he always had a secret from morning till night. caitlyn doesn't have any secrets. as soon as the "vanity fair" cover comes out, i'm free." >> outpouring of reaction sparked online. caitlyn's 88-year-old mother esther told an interviewer she's beautiful. she met caitlyn a few weeks ago but says she's sticking with calling her bruce for now. >> caitlyn's children have been supportive. daughter kendall tweeting be free now, pretty bird. >> super model tyra banks reflecting the thoughts of.many who wanted to acknowledge the change tweeting "hi caitlyn." >> the cover image reminded a lot of people of look at this, what do you think, folks, actress jessica lange. now, what you might think what does jessica lange think about that being compared to the former bruce jenner. she responded by saying that's wonderful. good for her, as well. we move along. we'll stay in the same family here. we turn to kim kardashian. a day after announcing she's pregnant with her second child, check out maternity wear. who knew. she's showing up here at the cfda fashion awards here in new york in a custom made designer outfit. >> basically a meshy dress. >> messy. >> not messy. meshy. it's a bra and underwear also. they're saying it's either studs and or buttons all over it, as well. there's a lot of questions about this outfit. the one thing we all noticed kanye, was he smiling? >> that's huge. >> we got a picture of kanye smiling. that's huge. next up, the new doings on the abc show "the bachelorette." you heard of it. we've got another kaitlyn to talk about putting her guys in uncomfortable situations. this all happened last night. >> it was pretty funny. are you a bachelorette analyst and or expert? i feel like expert. >> i'm the senior bachelorette analyst. that's what the thing on the bottom of the screen will say eventually. there you go. i'll stick with that, senior bachelor analyst. i brought the rose here just for proper sake. speaking of meshy, there was some meshy stuff on this episode last night. first of all, housekeeping stuff. kupah is gone. >> yes, that was last week. >> then they had a rose ceremony, two dudes, daniel and cory we never knew them anyway. see you. then there was this. [ screaming ] >> sumo wrestling. >> okay. >> a couple of weeks ago, i guess it was last week we had boxing. this week it was sumo wrestling. it didn't go very well. they had some strange outfits on. first they take on the japanese guys. then they took on each other. that didn't go over too well with tony. he's the healer. tony said, you know what? i've had enough of this circus. >> he quits? >> he took his heart of a warrior and his spirit of a gypsy. he's out of here. shawn b. got the rose on that date. then it was the one-on-one date. ben z. and kaitlyn had to basically escape this room. next video. it got a little weird in there. thankfully they made it to the hot tub. ben z. did well on this date. he got the rose. the next group date, this strange sex ed thing that they had to go through with the school. these were all child actors who they were talking about puberty and stuff like that, ha, ha, really funny. not really. ben h. got the rose. it was a good week for the bens. kiss count stops at the kiss count will stop at seven. >> she's moving up. >> that's a record for this season so far. seven on the kiss count. >> jack, sounds like a weird night. >> it was a strange night. we'll leave it at that. >> jack, sounds like a weird night. >> it was a strange night. we'll leave it at that. re-nuked. and re-baked. and when leftovers are done... there's always stuff left over. new dawn platinum power clean calls dibs on those. it powers through tough, dried-on messes in seconds. even 48 hour stuck-on food. so go ahead, triple that recipe! a drop of dawn and grease is gone. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ imagine if razors could move up and down and all around. behold, new venus® swirl™. the only razor with five contour blades and a flexiball™. to contour to your tricky places, bends and all. new venus® swirl™ ♪ ♪ >> what? so the disaster blockbuster "san andreas" was the number one movie over the weekend. i live in los angeles. i'm new to the area. there's been one little earthquake since i've lived there. but the thought of a big earthquake like that is terrifying. >> don't let this movie bother you. >> it sounds like i shouldn't. >> the big one is a myth. >> the myth. >> sounds like it's not so factually correct. >> we're up all nightline with abc's nick watt. >> the rock. >> oh, my god. >> rubble. and a $53 million opening weekend. okay. action, yeah. how about the science and the reality? >> the simulator here is set to 8.0. and it feels pretty real but a lot of seismologists are telling us that the movie "san andreas" isn't quite so real. >> i found fault in their fault. everything was exaggerated. >> hold on. we've got to get over. >> the number one, the san andreas fault could never kick up a tsunami because it's on land. >> the earth will literally crack open. >> number two, this fault line only rubs together never gapes wide open. >> the only faults that open up are ones that don't produce earthquakes. >> number three, the 9.6 is not feasible in california. they say 8.3 is the worst that could hammer the golden state. that's still pretty bad. number four, in a quake strong enough to crack the hoover dam even the rock would wobble. no way could he run. >> it was great fun. i just wouldn't try to learn seismology from it. >> but she says they did get some important stuff right. >> drop, cover and hold on because your life is going to depend on it. >> that's sound advice and yes, aftershocks happen and one quake can trigger others. >> people need to know that the shaking is not over. >> and the fear spot on. >> we're going to get our daughter. i promise. >> i love you, dad. >> don't you quit on me. >> and when it comes to making people prepare for the big one, getting them scared is half the battle. "san andreas," 10 out of 10 on that front. i'm nick watt for nightline in escondito, california. >> don't worry about it. you're going to be fine when you head back to l.a. >> look out for the cruise ship. it might come crashing right in here. just get under the desk. >> new york, earthquakes don't even bother us here. >> people get hit by a cab and keep walking. ÷h making news in "america this morning," extreme weather. wave of storms pounding several states. trees toppling. roads flooding. with much more on the way today, we are tracking it all. security flaws. the tsa failing multiple tests from undercover agents. explosives and weapons easily getting through airports. homeland security overnight laying out its plan to fix it. get out of the car. >> yeah, trapped in a truck, a man trying to put his boat in the water ends up in a desperate situation, how was he able to escape? and call me caitlyn, the former bruce jenner. with long hair and in a corset. the reaction coming in overnight from celebrities, her mother and the president.

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