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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240613

maybe they could do an exhibition where he does some backflip that the open. maybe nancy pelosi will do that tonight of the congressional baseball game. no that s when trump visits tomorrow. is there a lightning bolt that s going to hit the capital? trump is coming. they said populism was over, that it was over in europe. trump was over. how many times can they declare trump politically over or populism is over? they ve been wrong and wrong again. the tide is rising internationally and i think trump s return to washington, this will be quite a day. you all stay tuned for that tomorrow. speaker-01: raymond arroyo, great to have you. that s it for us tonight, follow me on social media, thank you for watching, jesse is next. welcome to jesse watters primetime . tonight,. jesse: [ inaudible ] jesse: we finally figured out what they are going to do with joe. four more years, pause. [ chanting ] jesse: arab spring break, not over yet. [ crowd noise ] shot fired. jesse: crime is down. [ laughter ] jesse: new hoax alert. plus. jake paul. [ ] jesse: politics is like a game of cards, you don t pick the cards, you play the hand you are dealt. after using up their dictator on day one card in the lock him up card, democrats are down with only two cards left to play. joe biden and come in layers. around the democrat poker table, the question is, what s the next play. the obvious answer was joe biden he won them the first poker game, why not go for a repeat? the question is, everybody sees the play coming and the biden card, no guarantee. he s lagging with debate prep, skipping out on g-7 dinners and now his conviction is hanging over his head. sources inside the white house tell the new york times biden has grown more resigned and worried than ever about what the future might hold for his son. the media is starting to question the play. the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up, you know, if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate thing, constantly in contact with his son, they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the presidents mindset. i think it s a very heavy burden and by staying in politics, by being as exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on hunter biden and i think that weighs on the president. jesse: like any poker game it s all about the odds. a prediction model gives biden a one in three chance of winning and after biden s approval rating just hit an all-time low, even the democrat numbers guru nate silver is a joe needs to drop out. or else it s a longshot. most americans they get biden is reelected, he will die in office. now the question is, do you take the risk or do you make a swap? i think a lot of voters have trepidation about whether or not joe biden will make it through a second term and so they tune out these other things. is this because they have issues about his vice president? also issues about kamala harris coming into the office, absolutely. whether that s racism, whether it s because of her track record at not being great at public policy. at someone new in? a convention would require do you think you should? we should watch for the first debate. jesse: what good does a harris candidacy do? she s less popular than biden and no one thinks she can beat trump. but she s still here because no one has told her no or maybe she just won t listen to it. i eat no for breakfast. i don t hear no. and many times in your life, you are going to here no. someone is going to many even many people will say to you, it s not your time, nobody like you has done that before, they are not ready for you. and then i love this next one, that s going to be hard work. really? jesse: democrats have a better shot of winning the white house with the guy that s about to die than with kamala harris. as machiavelli says in the prince, to maintain power you have to be prepared to act immorally when it comes necessary. that s what the democrats are preparing to do. charles cook in the national review says biden s candidacy is nothing more than a decoy biden is operating as a stand-in, a widget or a macguffin whose primary purpose is to make it to november 5th of this year without expiring. the most powerful man in the world has been transmuted into little more than a game token in a game that narrows down to this , biden must win because donald trump must not. the only way biden wins is if he s not seen as too old are too incompetent or too misguided. that means he cannot be seen as who he is. the media has to lie to you about him. the job is simple, boomerang every trump attack on biden to better the odds. for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it s clear to say mr trump s remarks are not at all coherent and these rallies. mr trump s remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. this split screen has always been there, will always be there. they are different people. jesse: it s risky when your candidate looks like this. i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] come on! i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] [ ] banning books about black experiences. [ inaudible ] jesse: so plan b, change the subject. i think you have to stop making it about gold versus not old versus bit versus unfit and it s very simple, you keep putting on the graphic fit and you show biden at the state of the union. unfit, you show trump. fit, unfit, and each one of trump s is very funny and then you go it s all fun and games until it comes to nuclear weapons. we can t have unfit. jesse: this guy might be a little old but his hand on the button is okay. this guy s hand is not on the button and i would bring it back to end of world stuff. jesse: notice how the democrats don t have a winning message. it changes every day and that tells you they are in trouble. as soon as biden is reelected, cook says that is when you will see a shift. 23 seconds after he has won, this will change and when it does the reversal will be astonishing in both speed and scope. instantly all of biden s senile ticks will be visible to all. within seconds of his inauguration got the scene will begin to cast doubts on the ability of any octogenarian to do such a demanding job and when the last weight falls, it will become clear as day that joe biden wasn t a presidential candidate, but a lumbering decoy . the media will turn in the kingmakers will go to work. hunter gets pardoned, biden gets pushed out and the torch gets past took kamala harris in the first year. whose presidency will look like this. to aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as i m concerned. if that is what one chooses. i on the other hand have chosen to live a life of public service. but i am all for you getting yours if that s what you want. we dry in. that s what those tours about jesse: every day for four years it will be a dei victory. the media will celebrate the first black the mill president and the deep state will run a lock because kamala harris is easier to control that joe, just like joe she will be a macguffin to washington s poker game and when 2028 rolls around, they can say thanks for playing, kamala. would like to introduce you to someone, maybe you ve heard of him, gavin newsom. former house speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. do you see this? i see it. year one, joe is gone, kamala is in, that s the play, that s the decoy. you know why it s so true? they ve already played it once. it was a hunter biden laptop. the first thing they did, they had it since 2019, they go out and tell people it s not real and then they told immediate you can t print this or talk about it and then once the election is over, it s real. the wall street journal did a story recently, and i told them, i watched this behind the scenes working with this president, is all the moments he s not there. i never hid from the fact and they are acting like this is a big shock. but if you follow the democrats, remember axelrod who ran obama s campaign? he started a year and a half ago trying to get him not to run. then clinton s tried to get him not to run. now they finally decided we can t get him off the ticket. kamala can win. jesse: so they have to lie to all of us about how great he is, how sharp he is, how he can outhustled the whole country just to get him over the finish line and then the switcheroo. ogc, they literally have the top people in hollywood working on it. those sunglasses. the problem is, he has to walk to the podium. he walks to the podium and everyone walks around like what are you talking about? when he starts to talk, then you are in trouble. they tried to hide him the last time and this is the play they want to do. they have to get through this last bit. jesse: when we see him swallow words or say things completely incomprehensible at these public events, or not clap to the beat, when you were behind the scenes negotiating, what did you see? he would always go with the cards. what i learned early on, he has to read from them. once he starts reading, i was would interject and he would not know what to do. then he would close it and just stop. kamala would have to start talking. so it was a player used every time. there was one time we were sitting there and he s taking us on a tour and all of a sudden he goes, you want to go out to the pool? and then jill is on the other side of the table and she goes know, they don t want to go out. he goes you don t want to go out? then he opens the door, it s wintertime, and he walks is down to the swimming pool into the changing room. and then we walked back up and he s created this little room outside the oval office to be a little office for him. president trump had it as a gift shop but clinton used for something else. [ laughter ] but he s made it an office for himself like 10 feet away from the oval office. why? jesse: like a mini office. not the grand oval office, a little cubbyhole. between you and i. all it does is have a desk in their and then it has one of those ballets when i walked in. a blue dress shirt all wrinkled. why does the president take his shirt off and there? then we come walking back and i m thinking oh my gosh, please don t show this to any other world leader. i will tell you, democrats. jesse: kevin, i can t believe you showed you the pool in the middle of winter, but not just the pool, the dressing room when he got to the dressing room, what did he say? first he got to the door and it was locked. [ laughter ] secret service comes and opens it up. i m like what are we doing? jesse: do some laps. all right. you are doing laps around him. we just mentioned hunter. and someone just floated the idea of a pardon but not who you think it would be coming from. watch this. i d like to see president trump coming out with a statement saying if hunter biden commits to a program of sobriety and inpatient or maybe outpatient, shows up got keeps his sobriety, i will partner him. i love to see president trump say that. mack not on his part, it shows humanity and flip the tables on the democrats magna minutes. i like it for this, it means trump is president. it also shows the democrats are fearful of trump to become president because they are fearful he will do what they are doing to him. and you know it s interesting, they run on bidenomics which fails because inflation, because than they run a democracy. npr did a pool of independence and by a vote of 53-42, they think the biggest threat to democracy is him having another four years. so what i think from this is it s not bad. trump shows that the greatest retribution you can do to anybody is be successful. jesse: i think that s the move. revenge is success. you want to go see the pool? [ laughter ] jesse: kevin mccarthy, thank you so much. more primetime ahead. [ ] if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what s on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[ ] [ ] jesse: biden said his executive order which i don t the border but it s been a week and thousands of illegals are still pouring through. bill melugin has more. reporter: jesse, president biden s executive order is pretty much having zero impact whatsoever in the busy san diego sector where adult men from really all around the planet continue crossing illegally nonstop with most of them released into the u.s. fox news cameras have witnessed mass illegal crossings in california several days in a row with every day in the last week averaging over 1000 illegal immigrant apprehensions down in that sector. one border patrol agent is now voicing his frustration. doesn t frustrate you when you hear the narrative like why aren t border patrol doing anything? if i don t allow them to cross, they call and complain and i m in trouble and i lose my job. reporter: meanwhile at boston international airport, the baggage claim has been turned into a shelter for a legal immigrants with hundreds camping inside the sanctuary city s airport. at san antonio airport, a reporter posted this video showing americans having to wait in a long line at tsa while illegal aliens released from dhs custody with their notice to appear paperwork had their own much faster line. we reached out to tsa for comment and they said they are preparing a statement but as of this newscast, we have not heard back from them yet. meanwhile today fox news questions democrats about eight to g augusta national s with ices ties being arrested by ice and the fbi after they were caught and released at the southern border. to me, it s just a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources for more border patrol agents and other dhs personnel to help continue to enforce the law. they have the personnel and let them go. they need more. republicans need to stop getting in the way. reporter: and just a little reminder for your viewers, democrats held the white house, the senate for the first two years did not the about the border. jesse: thank you bill. trump has been clear when he gets into office he s going to get revenge but what does that look like? my revenge will be success. and i mean that. but it s awfully hard when you see what they ve done, these people are so evil and at the same time the country can t come together. can come together. jesse: revenge through success. everybody wins, even trump s enemies. jesus told his disciples that i say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and prey for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. what would jesus do? revenge through success. some people heard the word revenge and thought trump is going to put me in gitmo. maddow, wallace, will be goldberg and aoc worried about been thrown in solitary. stelter says that s just the beginning. jail of course is an extreme part of the spectrum. imprisonment is a sub extreme part but think about irs audits, government pressure, other forms of government interference. there are a lot of pressure points and rachel maddow is not the only one thinking about this. i ve talked to the heads of news organizations, they are thinking through not in dramatic fashion, because they are afraid of going to jail but because they want to know what could trump do to use his power in a second term to punish the media. jesse: trump doesn t want to put the press in prison, he loves them. he loves them so much that he talks to them even when he should not. and the press should love him back. he made them rich and famous. during his presidency, cnn and msnbc ratings were double what they are now. deep stators got huge tv contracts. million-dollar book deals being handed out like halloween candy. today biden runs away from the press. there s mass layoffs, no book deals and cnn is losing to reruns of martin. he s coming, he s coming! [ laughter ] jesse: the media is catching a case of arrest and be. they saw what happened to trump when he got arrested, legendary mug shot, 24/7 coverage, millions of dollars in donations and they want a taste of martyrdom. they are baking trump to arrest them for attention. it s the only way anybody will know they are still famous. they want their own trials like trump. gag orders, de niro showing up. but none of that is going to happen. of trunk trump locks up all the reporters, will he joust with? but there s a different revenge path trump could take. legal scholar says there s only one way to stop the political prosecutions, prosecute democrats. only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction. without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, democrats will continue to charge future republican presidents without restraint. john is a former deputy assistant attorney general. john, what would that look like, prosecuting democrats, be specific. thank you for having me on. i have to say, that was a great article you were just reading from. jesse: thank you. what a wonderful scholar. [ laughter ] this is what it would look like. you would have to have republican das indict hunter biden or indict joe biden just in the way that blue state das have been indicting president trump. and would it be for it would be for things like corruption, fraud, bribery, because that s the only way i think you can get democrats to stop abusing the legal system, to stop breaking the norms that they have. i was listening to your introduction to the segment and look, the democrats are so scared because they have broken all of these rules. they have crossed the rubicon and now they are worried because once they ve destroyed these norms in the way they ve gone after trump, they realize republicans can turn around and do the exact same thing to them. jesse: we heard a guy at the top, a consultant to trump in 2020, say that trump should promise to pardon hunter back preemptively back as a kind of way to rise above things and flip the script on democrats. you are saying trump wins, local das go after joe and hunter and go further than that. what other avenues or areas do you think republican das or prosecutors could legitimately do in order to get accountability? well one thing they can look at his influence peddling beyond just the biden family. are there other democratic politicians who engage in the same kind of conduct? they get their brothers hired, their sisters hired, their kids hired by foreign governments, foreign corporations or even u.s. corporations. and then try to help those companies out. look, the justice department actually goes after a lot of american companies when they due exactly the same thing abroad. if you were in exon and you hired say the sun of the head of saudi arabia, he would be prosecuted like that. so why can t republican das do the same here in the united states? and look, i don t want this norm to have been broken. i wish we were not using the criminal justice system to interfere in politics, but how else could you deter democratic das from doing the same thing? if you don t, they will just keep doing it and doing it worse and worse. jesse: insider-trading could probably be an area where prosecutors would have a field day. just look at nancy pelosi, look at some of these members of congress. could the sec get involved there? it could be the sec but it could just be, and this is the thing that the democrats really started, it wasn t just the justice department, it was leading any sitting county da go after trump. there are 2500 elected das in the country and so to really establish, and this is all to rebuild the norm, to get people to stop doing this, then you would allow republican das and in say texas or florida to ask why does a democratic senator or democratic congressman go into office and then 20 years later they seem to have millions of dollars and multiple mentions like bernie sanders? jesse: so don t do what jesus would do. don t love my enemy. [ laughter ] play the long game. jesus wasn t running for president. [ laughter ] jesse: john yoo, thank you so much. new hoax alert, right back. 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[ ] arab spring break might be over by the occupiers are still at it. over 100 hamas lovers marched into ucla holding fake dead bodies in looking to set up a new campus caliphate. but this time the cops weren t having it and started arresting the ecology hotties before they could pitch their tents. watch. [ crowd noise ] [ bleep ] [ chanting ] no racist police! [ bleep ] jesse: if they can occupy campus, they occupy a subway. a horde went underground, they love tunnels, fighting with cops, vandalized trains and demanding any jews identify themselves. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ chanting ] shut it down! raise your hand if you are a zionist. this is your chance to get out. jesse: a mostly peaceful commute, unless you happen to be jewish. crime so out of control looters are back and there s not even a reason to riot. [ crowd noise ] jesse: the whole mop recorded the rampage. one arrest. in seattle where they told johnny there s no crime, there s gang shootouts in residential neighborhoods. [ gunshots ] jesse: in new york, maniacs with knives are lunging at cops. let go of the knife! give me another taser. all right, all right. jesse: and in san francisco it was just another day that ended in the letter y. [ engine roars ] jesse: a sideshow with fires, burnouts and roman candles, those are fun. blatant and outrageous crimes occurring on a daily basis coast-to-coast but biden is running for reelection so the fbi is telling you crime is down. attorney and retired nypd inspector paul moreau. the fbi comes out and says crime is way down. is that true? no. let s just break it out in a simple way from the get-go. forty% of the nations police departments don t report to the fbi with their crime numbers. what a coincidence. let s do the roll call. new york, la, chicago, baltimore, washington, dc which is federal themselves. consequently, what do they have in common? big blue cities with high crime rates and those numbers are not going into the crime reports. furthermore, the fbi has a habit of trying to extrapolate those numbers. nothing is more dull than statistics but it s interesting what they do. for instance, this quarter when joe biden is claiming violent crime is down, he s focusing on murders, murders are down the nypd and the fbi murder number for this year are different by 44%. jesse: wait a second. and it looks like the new york city number is a little higher than the fbi is telling. and by the way, they use the same definition so it s not like the devil is in the details, the same order definition, they are off by 44%. you can t trust these numbers and just consider this, the videos you just showed, most of what you just showed would not be captured in any crime numbers. jesse: why not? that was a knife attack on a police officer, we saw i believe a shoot out in a residential neighborhood. that is legitimately classified as a shooting. they probably got that for in new york for instance you have to hit someone for that to be a shooting incident. jesse: i can empty my clip but if i miss, they don t count that? that s right. [ laughter ] and look, the bottom line is, quality of life is not captured in any of the fbi numbers and if you live in the blue city, walk outside and use your eyes. and by the way, what with the arrests be for those people who were yelling about jews on the train? where the hate crimes? where are the fbi hate crimes task force and all these other none of that gets captured. jesse: zero he crimes on that subway. just a handful of arrests. it looked like a music video in san francisco with the fires and the skits. and joe biden is talking about how he s supporting law enforcement, all-pro law enforcement. the day he came to town, he went to radio city, he had five hours before that event, he did not pick up the phone and call the family. donald trump went to that wake. if you don t think america s law enforcement sees that and will vote commensurately, you are not paying attention. jesse: thank you paul. jake ball joints primetime , next. 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[ ] jesse: young voters used to be la up for democrats on election day but now they are heckling joe biden, voting trump or straight up disappeared. why is that? war, high prices, biden is 140. so the democrats came up with a new plan to win back young voters, free beer and birth control. the washington post writes, a group of democratic donors think they may have found a cure for what ails you. they want to make politics looked different, like a dance party or comedy show or just a place to chill out. sometimes there will be free beer, manicures, boot shines, rent check sweepstakes, a handout of contraceptive pills or cooling towels, whatever those are. and if the booze, birth-control and boot shines don t work, maybe hollywood marketing well. won t pack down, get it? hired millenial and gen z directors back writers and producers to help craft pro biden content that is specifically engineered does sell an octogenarian candidate to typically disillusioned and hard-to-reach voters under 30. biden paid off their school loans and they still hate him? what a waste of money. professional boxer jake paul joins me now. so jake if the democrats gave you free beer, would you vote biden? man, it will take more than that, but it does not have to do to me it does not have to do with democrat or republican, it s about which president is going to fight for us and who is going to represent us the best way possible. and that s really what the young people in america want. we won t solutions, we don t want all of this marketing, we don t want all of the the yes. this is the smartest generation. we ve had the most access to information and knowledge out of any other generation, so you can t fool us. we just want the truth and we want authenticity. jesse: what are the solutions you want for, what s the problem? man, there s a lot to name. jesse: we only have a couple minutes. that s not necessarily my area of expertise, but i know people are struggling with jobs, mortgages, too much for people to afford. inflation, prices are going up and is minimum wage rising? people are having trouble paying off and going to school, and then they are feeling like i have this college degree but what has this gotten me? i believe there s a massive problem with our food. the stuff they are putting into our bodies and allowing a grocery stores is causing massive health problems. i think there needs to be a massive conversation with a national institution of health. that s why i created it gotta try this stuff, it smells delicious, but i wanted to make it, a product that took out all the weird stuff for young men and boys across the world because it matters what we are putting in an on our bodies and so definitely there s a lot of things. jesse: wait, jake, was that just body spray? yes. this is w body spray deodorant and body wash. i ve been working on this for two years and it s available in walmart nationwide right now. jesse: you gotta send over the skincare line to primetime . we will sample it and give it a review. your brother was just with trump let s watch the clip. explain what was going on here. jesse: what was that? yeah, no, i thick my brother is having trump on his podcast and i think that s what s important to young voters, is the president showing up, speaking their mind, saying how they are going to help. my brother has invited biden onto his podcast, the last i ve heard, and let s see what happens. i ve invited biden to my fight. i want both donald trump junior and biden to come to my fight but who knows which president is actually going to show up, talk to the people, it into the weeds and meet the young voters where they are at, give them that representation and give them that voice and somebody who will fight for us. jesse: so what s the deal with the fight? i heard mike had heart problems and it was postponed. what s next? he had stomach issues. but the fight is rescheduled to november 15th. same everything, dallas, texas, at&t stadium, still historic night live on netflix. mike says he will still knock me out and i just bought a little bit of extra time. jesse: well send that body spray this way. i have to sit next to dana perino and i have to be smelling good, if you know what i mean. jake paul, everybody check him out, and the skincare line w. no relation. [ ] jesse: time for waters mack cooler. let s bring in cat and friends watters cooler legendary hot dog eating champ was banned from this year s nathan sauder david and contest after he signed a deal with a vegan wiener brand. is that fare? you sign a deal was someone, we have that here at fox. we can t just go on cnn. coral, he s freelance so he did not sign anything, he s just a guest. jesse: so carl can go on cnn. if he wanted to. but if i were joey chestnut, i would be petty. i would compete along anyway. i bring my own hotdogs and i would sit there at coney island and fill myself film myself doing it and beat everyone anyway. jesse: ute the impossible dogs. that might give them a tactical advantage. go in the crowd into it anyway. win from afar. don t get mad, get petty. jesse: wise words. next up, a mom says she charges other parents who bring their kids over for a play date. are you ready? this mom charges three dollars for a bag of goldfish, two dollars for yogurt, one dollar for three squirts of soap. one dollar. four dollars for two juice boxes, four dollars for markers, five dollars for electricity, four dollars for meat sticks, three dollars for an ice cream bar and a ten-dollar cleaning fee. she s billing the other parents for the play date at her house. i don t think this is real but for the sake of television i will pretend that i do. jesse: i ve never done that before. not without the disclaimer. i think she s a troll and it s a good thing. that makes me want to have kids so that i can have my kids friends over and then send the bill. send it over and see how they handle it. i think it would be a really good test. if somebody said what is this, what are you doing? that s how you know you have a real friend. if someone says no problem, you know that person is talking about you behind your back. jesse: you have strong moral character. i do they when a lot of people don t realize but you do. next up, kit cats with catch up is all everybody is talking about. sounds disgusting. probably is but we have to try it. you squirt yourself. are you going to eat it? your not any need it. he just put a little squirt on their. right on there it. i never have agreed to do this. jesse: i m gonna go. let s go. cheers. it s not good. jesse: not good. that s so bad. i don t like this at all. so bad. jesse: do something with it. throw it at johnny. i don t like it. jesse: well, tell me about your dog. my dog is named karl. he has and instagram and he s greg s dogs uncle. i got the stock first. jesse: so greg stole your idea? they are biologically related got is the nephew of my dog carl jesse: a family tree. of dogs. jesse: a beautiful dog. i kind of like yours better than cost. shots fired. thank you for entering the ketchup and kit kat. the spartan race, that s next. [ ] when you re in the military you re really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how s it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he s always coming over. when i go to jack s house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning and ski with my fa when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. mily, i can t put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i m still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don t mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that s probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they re going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now choose advil liqui-gels and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. jesse: the spartan race you have to see this you know what it is 5 k through mud that s a killer. under barbed wire you have to crawl. monkey bars you have to swing. rope climb there s gerrit a 75-pound barrel there. wall climb it s like an hour or 2 hours and all day event. we ll let part 2 tomorrow with video a bunch of fox people involved with the primetime tear crew was there they wanted me to do it i pretended like i didn t hear them lets do some text messages. how we from new jersey says give biden a break maybe he watches waters window and uses his will for daily ice plunges. gary from tallahassee the last time biden brought someone to a pool he wrapped a chain over there and neck mccarthy is lucky he s breathing. alan from grove city pennsylvania trump pardoning hunter blessing those who kirsten a start of healing and uniting that america needs. is that possible? donnie from eugene, oregon. it you think they would pardon eric or donald trump junior? that s a no. stewart from colorado, jesse please don t laugh at jesus he s the only 1 new has it together. i didn t laugh at jesus i laughed with jesus. and andy from albuquerque new mexico. waters what s with you read hoping for a sob gate there soft daisies sound like opera man up. jesse: it s for sporting claves get it. sean: kamal khera seats know for breakfast. what you eat for breakfast? sean is next remember that i am waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity. tonight and biden s attorney general merrick garland has rightfully been held in contempt of congress will you be held accountabl

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240612

facing a flood of cheap chinese cars, europe s expected to raise tariffs on electric vehicles today. apple investors push its value up to record highs following its foray into the world of ai. we ll look ahead to the uk s latest economic data as april s gdp data is released. will it spur a bank of england rate cut? plus, supplies are squeezed for the makers of orange juice with prices going up due to extreme weather and disease. welcome to business today. we start in europe, where china is accused of drawing upon surplus capacity to dump electric vehicles at artificially low prices into the european market. policymakers in europe and the united states claim hefty state subsidies in china allow ev manufacturers to produce cars at prices that are impossible to compete with. in the us the biden administration raised its tariff on imports of chinese battery powered cars from 25% to 100%. later today, the european commission is expected to provisionally raise duties on ev s imported from china from the standard level of 10% for third country imports to between 20% and 25%. here s some background from david waddell. there is a growing tussle between electric vehicle manufacturers in china, europe and the united states. in recent months tesla has been forced to cut the prices of its vehicles and of its self driving software. that is because it is facing stiff competition from the likes of china s biggest ev producer byd, another growing competitors. manufacturers want to start not only to their own domestic market but also explored. byd wants to sell to the united states and tesla wants to sell into china. there is human mask trying to smooth feathers on a recent trip to beijing. we see now the spectre of protectionism. china stands accused of unfairly subsidising its own producers. one way or another european consumers are faced with a choice and it includes expensive electric vehicles from the eu or cheap imports from china. i got into a report by this with bank ubs published in september, byd could produce cars at about 25% less than the legacy global carmakers. last month the us took decisive action, but meditation raised tariffs on imports of china s cars 25% to 100%. part imports of china s cars 25% to ioo%. part of a wider package of measures targeting imports from china. beijing condemned as naked protectionism. russell seems poised to take similar action. brussels. and tariffs could hurt european companies as well. for example, bmw is building its ix3 electric suv at a factory in dadong, to be exported to europe. the company also intends to import large quantities of chinese made electric minis. let s cross live now to anna marie baisden, head of autos & infrastructure research at bmi, a fitch solutions company. always good to see you. this is complicated. girly europe is fighting back as was the us. yes. we expect whatever tariffs are introduced will be something much more moderate than the us because trade is much more of a 2 way street between the ee and china than it is between china and the us. chinese imports to the us are actually very small. 100% is no good to have as much of an impact. whereas the european brands really don t want the eu to cause any kind of retaliation from china that would make it difficult for them to then export the chinese market which is still important. there are some european brands actually importing from china themselves. it has been a good balancing act for the eu.- balancing act for the eu. there seems to balancing act for the eu. there seems to be balancing act for the eu. there seems to be a balancing act for the eu. there seems to be a problem - balancing act for the eu. there seems to be a problem with i balancing act for the eu. there | seems to be a problem with the audio but let s persevere. you may want to move your microphone or something like that because we are getting a bit of interference. to say as far as europe is concerned, this is a very important relationship for europe and some key economies in europe. china is an important market. a difficult balancing act between putting tariffs on goods such as electric vehicles and not burning bridges with china. absolutely. given that we have seen growth slowing in china which is one of the reasons, you mentioned the excess capacity for the chinese brands and the fact they are looking for other nuggets to now target. still very important, especially volume terms. the biggest market out there and still important for these brands to have a foothold. in terms of demand for electric vehicles in europe, what is that looking like in the moment? it is slowing down. this is another risk from all brands, european, chinese. we have seen a move away from electric towards hybrid. that is a big change for everyone in the market. obviously with the pricing the waiters, consumers who choose electric are likely to move towards these cheaper brands and it is why we start to cbe you take on more of a stance against this now. what i euro ean stance against this now. what i european governments - stance against this now. what i european governments doing i stance against this now. what i | european governments doing to try and help their car sectors as they transition to electric vehicles? as they transition to electric vehicles? ~ . , ,., vehicles? we have seen some companies vehicles? we have seen some companies actually, vehicles? we have seen some companies actually, some - companies actually, some countries rather, state national policies won t apply to chinese brands. there is certainly a belief among automakers that the eu as a whole could do more as far as your european support. something that helps brands as much as it does punish chinese brands. ~ ., . much as it does punish chinese brands. ~ . . , brands. we will watch this s - ace. brands. we will watch this space. good brands. we will watch this space. good to brands. we will watch this space. good to talk- brands. we will watch this space. good to talk to - brands. we will watch this | space. good to talk to you, thank you for your time this morning. let s stay with news coming out of china. latest inflation numbers. consumer inflation in the worlds second biggest economy held steady at an annual rate of 0.3% in the month of may. but the concern still is about what is happening in factories. the producer price index, which measures changes in the price of industrial products, contracted one point 4% year on year that is slightly worse than expected, still a marked improvement on april s 2.5% decline. live now to louise loo, senior economist at oxford economics. lovely to see you again. what are you reading from these numbers we have had today about how china is doing? how china is doing? today s numbers how china is doing? today s numbers are how china is doing? today s numbers are broadly - how china is doing? today s numbers are broadly in - how china is doing? today s numbers are broadly in line| numbers are broadly in line with what markets are expecting. china is a low inflation environment. what that suggests is for the rest of this year, at least when it comes to prices on short, we are likely to see a little bit of a u shaped recovery, it has been bottoming out for quite a while. the numbers you mentioned are slightly better than what it was a month ago. much of that is based on for, we cannot extrapolate improvements on short and we know it locally that there are depressed discounts happening. given the weak domestic demand and brands are still trying to push out to the consumer. china is viewed as push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the factory - push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the factory of - push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the factory of the i is viewed as the factory of the world and has been for some time. what does it mean this construction we are seen? it is improvement but not significant improvement. is that because of less experts going out of china? is it because of domestic demand being weak? what is happening? domestic demand being weak? what is happening? demand has been uuite what is happening? demand has been quite weak what is happening? demand has been quite weak and what is happening? demand has been quite weak and so - what is happening? demand has been quite weak and so far- what is happening? demand has been quite weak and so far what| been quite weak and so far what has been driving the going forward as exports. we know we re heading into the peak tariff risk season for china. might potentially see tariffs coming out of eu letter today. many see more momentum behind us tariffs. i think export resiliency we have been seeing so far this year is likely to really fade away quickly. which means the company s onshore when it comes to produce a prius indices, we might see a lot more downward pressure going forward than upward recovery many are expecting. i recovery many are expecting. i was talking to anne marie about the potential you referred to of tariffs on electric vehicles put on from europe today. what impact do you think that will have in your opinion? the quantity have in your opinion? the quantity of have in your opinion? the quantity of tariffs - have in your opinion? the quantity of tariffs will - have in your opinion? tie: quantity of tariffs will be small which is good news for the chinese. it is a big market and it will prompt some level of retaliatory measures from the chinese especially on them might potentially raise tariffs, we know they are picking up tariffs on eu motor levels. when it is attracting some pushback from european carmakers. the leaders of european car manufacturers. there is a balancing act the eu leaders have 2 way up against. when it comes to some of the tariffs forcibly the end result is we might see a smaller more politically significant tariff but not so much economically damaging. but not so much economically damaging- but not so much economically damauain. , ., damaging. give your take on the latest news damaging. give your take on the latest news out damaging. give your take on the latest news out of damaging. give your take on the latest news out of china. - latest news out of china. thank you for your take. let s get some of the day s other news now. the tesla boss elon musk has been accused of making billions of dollars by selling tesla stock with insider information. the accusation is made by an institutional investor in a delaware court. mr musk and his brother solder $30 billion of tesla stock between late 2021 and the end of 2022. the lawsuit accuses him of concealing plans to buy the social media platform then known as twitter. it also claims he knew that deliveries of tesla cars had fallen far below public projections. tehre has been no comment from mr musk or tesla. two former directors of the british department store bhs have been ordered to pay at least £18 million to creditors over their role in the collapse of the retailer eight years ago. a court found that lennars henningson and dominic chandler had breached their corporate duties after the acquisition of the retailer by continuing to trade despite knowing their was no reasonable chance it could avoid insolvency. the chain was sold to their employer in 2015 for one pound, but collapsed a year later resulting in 11,000 job losses and a £571 million pensions shortfall. now yesterday we covered the launch of apple intelligence, which initially triggered a bit of a hit to the company s share price. but that s now seen a reversal as wall street digested the news. apple shares leapt sharply on tuesday to record highs, and the company s overtaken nvidia to become the world s second most valuable company a whisker away from microsoft. our north america business correspondent erin delmore has more on the story in new york. investors have been waiting for month to see how apple would embrace ai. on monday they got their answer, a partnership with openai. an chatgpt powers for theory and some enhancements like proof reading and writing help and ai generated images and emerges. it was not until tuesday that the market rewarded apple s efforts. the new ai tools are only available on one models of apple products like the iphone 15 pro. the 1a series and order will not do it neither the base model iphone 15. will not do it neither the base model iphone15. ipads and macs will have to have apple pie oratory and one chip or neuro. investors are betting consumers will upgrade the devices to take advantage of the new tools that will lead to more sales for apple. well, let s explore that more now with susannah streeter, who s head of markets and money at hargreaves lansdown. apple back at number two. no big surprise deposit it was quite interesting to see beach up quite interesting to see beach up reaction in the other direction to its ai offering. it was. apple has been late to the ai party but now there is an expectation it will take up an expectation it will take up a big spot on the dance floor. in particular the way it will help drive the integration of ai into everyday life. through this deal with openai. essentially a big upgrade to the siri assistant. expectation it will develop a very powerful digital copilot for consumers. by digital copilot for consumers. by only being available in belated models, the expectation is it will drive product sales going forward. just how much remains to be seen. how infused and willing will consumers be to get the hands on the latest new kit. we see other iterations in the past, huge demand for the latest product and we just have to see how the technology plays out. just what it can do and may be able to do in the future to really get a grip on how much demand there will be. , grip on how much demand there will be. h . ~ grip on how much demand there will be. , ., ~ ., will be. let s talk about raspberry will be. let s talk about raspberry pie will be. let s talk about raspberry pie which - will be. let s talk about - raspberry pie which viewers may not have heard of, unlike apple. it also had quite an incredible day of the market yesterday. it incredible day of the market yesterday- yesterday. it certainly did. this ipo yesterday. it certainly did. this mo of yesterday. it certainly did. this ipo of this yesterday. it certainly did. this ipo of this computerl this ipo of this computer company that creates these low cost computers really thought it shares on their debut. only treated by institutional investors but they rose 43% and this offer among retail investors was seriously oversubscribed. we have where my clients that wanted to buy the shares than actually was provided for under the terms of this offer. it really shows there is a big desire among retail investors in the uk to invest in british companies and particularly in british technology companies that it has really lifted hopes of an ipo revival in london. there are changes afoot to try and create london as more attractive place to list, the conduct authority launching this review with expectation will have this coming perhaps in the next few months. that certainly would be welcome because at the moment lots of retail investors miss out from operas like this. and would like to see these types of ipos being open to many more investors in the uk. i being open to many more investors in the uk.- being open to many more investors in the uk. i get very much. investors in the uk. i get very much- the investors in the uk. i get very much. the low investors in the uk. i get very much. the low down - investors in the uk. i get very much. the low down on - investors in the uk. i get very - much. the low down on raspberry pi, a cambridge based business. shares are up some 40% on their debut. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. as you ve been hearing here in the uk the political parties have been unveiling their election manifestos this week as voters head to the polls onjuly 1l today we ll get a better idea of the health of the uk economy when the latest growth numbers are released in around 90 minutes time. it was in recession at the end of last year and managed to eek out 0.6% grwoth in the first three months of this year. so what is the picture now? i m joined by george buckley, chief uk & euro area economist at nomura. good morning. we hope we are still going in the uk, the economy? still going in the uk, the econom ? ~ ., , economy? we are. the recovery in the first economy? we are. the recovery in the first quarter economy? we are. the recovery in the first quarter of economy? we are. the recovery in the first quarter of this - in the first quarter of this year, 0.6% is a strong quarterly rate of growth, may not sound it but on a quarter thatis not sound it but on a quarter that is very strong. have to bearin that is very strong. have to bear in mind it is coming on the back of the session, maybe not surprisingly was a bit of a balance in q1 of this year, more edges and to see where that growth rate settles. i doubt we will see 0.6% of all the way through the 2024, i suspect it will be weaker. the other thing to notice is we have not seen very back to back rises on a monthly basis in gdp and the size of the economy since 2022 but that is what we saw in the first quarter of this year. some strong numbers, i would not be surprised if we see a bit of payback in april figures today and the market, the consensus dictation is we see a very small fall in the month of april. see a very small fall in the month of april. part of that is to do with month of april. part of that is to do with the month of april. part of that is to do with the fact month of april. part of that is to do with the fact that - month of april. part of that is j to do with the fact that easter fell in march, also has been raining, orthat fell in march, also has been raining, or that affects how much we get out and spend money or do stuff or domestic demand. inflation has come down quite a bit. give us your take on how this will be read by the bank of england was that at the same time we have of this manifesto is launched this week but are promising all sorts of uk economy. it promising all sorts of uk economy- promising all sorts of uk economy. if you look the headline economy. if you look the headline rate economy. if you look the headline rate of- economy. if you look the | headline rate of inflation, economy. if you look the i headline rate of inflation, it has come down fairly materially and this is probably one of the reasons rishi sunak called the election when he data. it was no coincidence it was on the same day inflation figures were released and fell by almost a percentage point due to be to be low to use when you look at the details of the report, the services domestic generated inflation was still far too strong for what the bank of england would like to see. running at almost 6%. they have to be careful these numbers are still very high. we need to look outside of the headline numbers and into the detail to see this. the other thing is we saw labour market yesterday report very strong in the sense of wages that are still growing at an elevated pace. the bank of england won t be happy about that. i don t think there was any danger that next week we will see a rate cut, it might be delayed until later in the summer or possibly beyond. thank you for your time. now if it s not too late, it might be time to rethink your breakfast. the orange juice industry is experiencing an unprecedented price spike due to disease and extreme weather events in brazil. did you know brazil accounts for around 70% of global orangejuice production. the situation there has been exacerbated by declining production in other major orange growing regions such as florida, israel, spain and argentina. i have just the i havejust the present i have just the present to talk to about this. joining me now is kees cools, president of the international fruit and vegetable juice association. a warm welcome. what is going wrong in brazil at the moment? you already said a, two things, it is the weather. they had some unusually high temperatures in 2023. also the rain which normally helps the trees to grow and bring fruit. also the rain has been much less, 30% than usual. these are of the two weather affects that impacted growth. as you said, the more important thing is now becoming a disease that kills trees over a period of time. unfortunately, we have not been able to find any cure for it. it is a devastating disease. if you look at florida, which wants is to be one of the world s leading suppliers of orange juice and orangejuice juice and orange juice concentrate, juice and orangejuice concentrate, to give you a number, florida was harvesting some ten, 15 years ago some 242 million boxes and 95% of production has gone because of the same disease. you can imagine what it means for the global supply. imagine what it means for the globalsupply. now imagine what it means for the global supply. now it is in brazil in the biggest supplier of the markets. that is why prices have almost tripled beyond chipboard. that is a very negative effect. what impact does this have on the brazilian economy? produces 70% ofthe brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds orange brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds orange juice. - brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds orange juice. the . of the worlds orange juice. the first thing that happens is farmers will have an impact on their income because there is less to harvest, less to sell. prices are going up. that is some factor. the same goes for the processors, about three or four large processor is that turn these fresh oranges introduce and concentrate and ship around the world. definitely has a negative impact on the brazilian economy and in particular on the economy of the joyce industry and suppliers. economy of the joyce industry and suppliers- economy of the joyce industry and suppliers. when it comes to the disease and suppliers. when it comes to the disease itself, and suppliers. when it comes to the disease itself, scientists - the disease itself, scientists are busy trying to combat this? it is really devastating crops in brazil and also in florida. what is happening in terms of progress in trying to overcome this disease? in progress in trying to overcome this disease? this disease? in florida, it has been this disease? in florida, it has been going this disease? in florida, it has been going on - this disease? in florida, it has been going on for- this disease? in florida, it i has been going on for almost this disease? in florida, it - has been going on for almost 15 years and we have not found solutions. all the super size we have nowadays, we have not been able to find a cure. people are working hard. in brazil, the united states and elsewhere to go and find trees resistant to the disease. also at the same time the new weather circumstances. work is going on the cure has not been found and bombers can keep attri alive by putting extra fertiliser but in the end but is also extra costs and they cannot save the tree. the time being, we will have to consume orangejuice as is being, we will have to consume orange juice as is still there but we can also move to other juices like apple, grape, tropical. juices like apple, grape, tropical- juices like apple, grape, troical. ., ., tropical. almost out of time but thank tropical. almost out of time but thank you tropical. almost out of time but thank you for tropical. almost out of time j but thank you for explaining the situation. it sounds very challenging. that is all. hello there. it s felt quite pleasant in any strong june sunshine. but generally temperatures have been below par for this time of year and wednesday looks pretty similar to the last few days. some spells of sunshine, variable cloud and further showers mostly across eastern areas. i think there ll be fewer showers around on wednesday because this is a ridge of high pressure, will tend to kill the showers off. the winds will be lighter, but we re still got that blue hue, that cold arctic air hanging around for at least one more day before something milder starts to push in off the atlantic, but with wind and rain. so it s a chilly start to wednesday. temperatures could be in low single digits in some rural spots. these are towns and city values. a little bit of mist and fog where skies have cleared overnight, but it s here where you ll have the best of the sunshine, northern and western areas. a bit of cloud across eastern scotland, eastern england, one 01’ two showers. through the day, it ll be one of sunshine and showers, but the clouds will tend to build most of the showers eastern areas, tending to stay drier towards the west with the best of the sunshine. so it could be up to 17 or 18 degrees in the sunniest spots, but generally cool, ten to 15 or 16 celsius. and then as we move through wednesday night, any showers fade away, lengthy, clear skies. the temperatures will tumble against mist and fog developing. temperatures in rural spots dipping close to freezing in a few places. generally, though, in the towns and cities, we re looking at 4 to eight degrees. now we ll start to see some changes into thursday. we change the wind direction, we lose that cooler air, something a bit milder. but this frontal system tied into low pressure will start to bring wet and windy weather initially into northern ireland, spreading across the irish sea, into western britain and pushing its way eastward. so we start dry with some early sunshine across eastern areas and it should stay dry, i think in eastern england, eastern scotland until after dark. we change the wind direction despite more cloud around, 17 or 18 degrees. and it means thursday night will be milder. so a milder start to friday, but low pressure across the country bring stronger winds, sunshine and showers or longer spells of rain. some of these showers will be heavy and thundery, particularly across southern and western areas. but despite that, in the sunshine, it ll feel a little bit warmer, maybe 19 or 20 degrees. not much change into the weekend, low pressure dominates the scene. it ll be breezy at times. there will be showers or longer spells of rain again, some of them heavy and thundery. but in the sunnier, brighter moments, it llfeela bit warmer, 19 or 20 degrees. and another thing you ll notice, it will feel milder at night. take care. good morning. welcome to breakfast withjon kay and sally nugent. hello. it s six o clock. our headlines today. the green party launches its election manifesto, pledging to increase taxes for higher earners to transform health, housing and transport. good morning. personal finances good morning. personalfinances and our nation s finance are at the heart of this election campaign. i ve come to newcastle to find out how businesses and households are feeling, and if it can swing the vote. good morning from munich ahead of the start of football s european championship, with the hosts germany taking on scotland in the opening match of the tournament here in

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240610

as the billionaire pop star s eras tour gets underway in scotland. welcome to business today. i m sally bundock. more now on the results in europe as the bloc s parliamentary elections come to a close. as you ve been hearing, we ve seen a surge on the right across the region. we ve seen a surge to the right across the region. in france, the strong showing for marine le pen s national rally triggering a snap election in france called late yesterday by president emmanuel macron. the outcome of these elections are of significance because the politicians in the european parliament will be agreeing on the bloc s budget and economic policies and its position on trade. the european union is the world s largest trading bloc the top trading partner for 80 countries worldwide. with 27 member countries and an integrated economy, it has a combined population of around 440 million people. that s a vast consumer base for its own producers and exporters around the world. let s hear now from rebecca christie, senior fellow at bruegel. good morning to you, rebecca. first of all, your reaction to the results? first of all, your reaction to the results? the situation in france is the results? the situation in france is shocking. - the results? the situation in france is shocking. not - the results? the situation in france is shocking. notjust| france is shocking. notjust that the national rally party came in with 32% of the vote, but that it was really twice that of emmanuel macron s renaissance party and that he called snap elections so soon after, because he felt he could not govern without a new mandate. not govern without a new mandate- not govern without a new mandate. ., ., , ., ~ mandate. so, what do you think drove voters mandate. so, what do you think drove voters to mandate. so, what do you think drove voters to the drove voters to the centre right and further right? was it about economics? cost of living crisis? the fact that people are feeling worse off at the moment? it’s that people are feeling worse off at the moment? off at the moment? it s very different. off at the moment? it s very different, country off at the moment? it s very different, country by - off at the moment? it s veryl different, country by country. you do see a lot of discontent with the status quo, and a feeling of frustration. in france, that turned out, as we just discussed. in hungary, for example, viktor orban s party is facing a challenge for the first time in recent memory. in germany, the centre right christian democratic union, which is a very mainstream party, did better than people might have expected. however, olaf scholz, the current chancellor his party did worse. so we re seeing just a general sense that folks would like to do something different. going forward, when it comes to the big decisions about the budget, for example, which is really controversial how much money each country puts in the pot what does this result mean for those kind of discussions and negotiations going forward? the discussions and negotiations going forward? going forward? the new parliament going forward? the new parliament will - going forward? the new parliament will probably going forward? the new i parliament will probably be more unpredictable, or even more unpredictable, or even more unpredictable and very fractious. i would expect different alliances to form on different alliances to form on different issues. the consensus on financial regulation will be different from that on, perhaps, environmental regulation and energy regulation. again, on the budget, as you say one of the big decisions coming up is whether the eu will continue to be a bond borrower the way it has been through the pandemic. and deciding what to do with the remains of this pandemic borrowing programme and whether to have another one after 2026 will be a huge deal. will be a huge deal. we ve mentioned will be a huge deal. we ve mentioned globally - will be a huge deal. we ve mentioned globally the . will be a huge deal. we vej mentioned globally the eu will be a huge deal. we ve - mentioned globally the eu bloc is the biggest trading bloc in the world. what does this mean in terms of its global position economically? in terms of its global position economically? the eu really has to balance economically? the eu really has to balance its economically? the eu really has to balance its relationship - to balance its relationship with china and also its relationship with washington. the us, of course, has its own elections coming up later this year that will be at least as much of an effect on that will have at least as much of an effect on what s going on in europe as the eu political situation. meanwhile, with china, we are expecting in the next week or so to get some news on how the eu is going to approach automobile tariffs. all of this sets the stage for a lot of debate about how open, how much trade, how is the eu going to de risk and not de couple, as they say? because the eu cannot afford to stop trading with china, but it also wants to protect itself. fik. wants to protect itself. 0k. interesting. wants to protect itself. 0k. interesting. thank - wants to protect itself. 0k. interesting. thank you - wants to protect itself. ok. interesting. thank you for your time. good to get your take this morning. seniorfigures from germany s governing coalition have reacted angrily to a speech by the chief executive of deutsche borse, theodor vymer. in it, he railed against the country s reputation amongst investors and said germany was on the path to becoming a developing country. the speech was delivered to the bavarian economic council in april, but surfaced on social media on friday. a leading social democrat told the financial times it was more beer tent than dax listed company executive, while a green party spokeswoman tweeted her irritation on x. here are some excerpts from that speech. translation: i know half the dax peeple translation: i know half the dax people here translation: i know half the dax people here personally i translation: | know half the | dax people here personally on a first name basis. i get around a lot. i don t want to spoil it tonight, but one thing is clear. our reputation has never been as bad as it is now. economically speaking, we are on the way to becoming a developing country. we re making ourselves small in front of brussels and berlin, the entrepreneurs. yes, and the americans tell me straight to my face, stop being a public economy that sits like a rabbit in front of a snake and demands that the snake bite. become a private economy like us. the difference is now that, in the usa, they say, we don t care which old man becomes president. our migration policy i don t want to get too political is seen by everyone as completely wrong. our focus on do gooders everyone as completely wrong. ourfocus on do gooders is not shared anywhere. economic migration means that, if you have a shortage of skilled workers, you bring in people who work, who speak your language, and generate social products. but not those who collect 50% of the citizens income and send it somewhere else. let s explore all that now with russ mould, investment director at aj bell. good morning to you, russ. good morninu. good morning to you, russ. good morning- this good morning to you, russ. good morning. this is good morning to you, russ. good morning. this is really good morning to you, russ. good morning. this is really come - morning. this is really come interesting morning. this is really come interesting that morning. this is really come interesting that this - morning. this is really come interesting that this comes i morning. this is really come l interesting that this comes to the fore now off the back of these parliamentary elections in europe, where actually things worked out quite differently for germany as well and for chancellor olaf scholz. - and for chancellor olaf scholz. ., ., - and for chancellor olaf scholz. . ., ., m scholz. yeah, i had a quick look on scholz. yeah, i had a quick look on x scholz. yeah, i had a quick look on x this scholz. yeah, i had a quick look on x this morning, . look on x this morning, formerly known as twitter, and it now has 470,000 views although only 13,000 of those who ve watched it have liked it, which is interesting in itself. it does raise some big issues. germany has been through geopolitical shock because of its dependence on russian oil and gas, which it s now had to wean itself off. its economically performed pretty poorly even in the first pandemic period. even the stock market one of its major companies is going through a mire in the courts, so you can see why there s a crisis of confidence. from an investment point of view, however, the german stock market is pretty much still at an all time high. i know vymer said it sjust because german trades are trading cheaply and it s like a junkjob, but international junk job, but international investors junkjob, but international investors still think, indeed, there is still something to look for in germany. he seemed to be venting look for in germany. he seemed to be venting a look for in germany. he seemed to be venting a lot look for in germany. he seemed to be venting a lot of to be venting a lot of frustration in this speech. i have heard other economists that i ve talked to, when they ve been talking about germany, talking about the fact that the lack of investment over time, and the fact that china is now really, when it comes to the car sector in terms of electric vehicles, in particular, taking so much ground, which is germany s most important market.? ground, which is germany s most important market. . . ? ground, which is germany s most important market. . . ? important market.? yeah - and what happens important market.? yeah - and what happens to important market.? yeah - and what happens to the important market.? yeah - and what happens to the internal- what happens to the internal combustion engine for germany is a huge issue. but a lot of theissues is a huge issue. but a lot of the issues that vymer is raising energy, tax, welfare spending, immigration it s a bit of a big echo of what we re hearing in the uk general election campaign where i m sitting right now. and it looks as if the uk s going to shift to the left, whereas europe is shifting to the right. again, there s a discontent with the status quo which we re hearing about. vymer talks about how america is uccing up a lot of investment, whereas germany s finding it hard to attract it. it s interesting that, on one half, he says we need interproblemers and need a smaller state. interproblemers and need a smallerstate. on interproblemers and need a smaller state. on the other hand, he s saying we need smaller subsidies. you can t have your cake and eat it too can t have everything at once. at the same time, it s coming on social media olaf scholz s party getting the worst ever result in the european election, coming third behind the far right alternative for germany. i mean, in his party, in his coalition, there s going to be a lot of naval gazing going on now, isn t there? i think the coalition overall is this sd/liberal/green coalition seems like it s a bit frozen in inaction at the moment, finding it difficult to get anything done. again, ithink it difficult to get anything done. again, i think that s probably part of the frustration that vymer is voicing. this loss of confidence just looking at the american economy, how that continues to surge ahead, is interesting. but remember, president biden is by no means certain to win this election in november that he s fighting, and discontent with the economy and discontent with the economy and inflation are two of the biggest hot button topics there as well. there seems to be a very, very common problem one that s notjust unique to germany, despite how frustrated vymer is. germany, despite how frustrated v mer is. ,, ., ~ germany, despite how frustrated v meris. ,, ., ,, vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see you. vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see you. see vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see you. see you - vymer is. ok. russ. thank you. good to see you. see you again| good to see you. see you again soon. the global tech industry is gathering today for london tech week, with microsoft and ibm in attendance amongst investors and entrepreneurs. the event will look at the challenges of balancing ai innovation with regulation, along with the future of security and data. last month, a british firm called wayve raised over a billion dollars in funding to develop tech for self driving cars. that s the biggest known investment in a european ai company. but the most valuable ai firms are based in the us or china. last week, nvidia hit a valuation of $3 trillion. so, are london and the uk becoming more attractive for international ai investment? let s hear from one of the attendees, russ shaw, founder, tech london advocates & global tech advocates. good morning to you, russ. this is a really important event for you, in particular. given the chat a we just had with russ month old about what s happening here in europe and in london, there s so much concern about london, the london stock exchange, and how things are going for cheap. talk us through how, this week, london techis through how, this week, london tech is going to make a change? well, i ve heard that london tech week is this week. this is our 11th year doing it. it really gives a bit of a boost to the overall sector, the overall economy. you mentioned wayve our latest unicorn in terms of funding. we re going to have many companies represented this week. i think we have to step back and look at the uk tech ecosystem overall. we have over 150 tech unicorns by a number of metrics salary, the uk has the third largest tech system in the world. this week, we have nearly 45,000 attendees coming. last year, it was 30,000. we have over 100 being represented this week. there s a significant amount of interest notjust in london tech, but in uk tech overall and really getting behind this next generation of start ups and scale ups that are emerging. but we need to keep them as well, don t we? if we want to see companies really go above and beyond within the uk and across europe. it s all happening in california and in the far east, isn t it?- the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen a the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen a lot the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen a lot of - the far east, isn t it? yeah. we ve seen a lot of listings| the far east, isn t it? yeah. i we ve seen a lot of listings on the nasdaq. we see a lot of growth in asia and asia pacific. but i think we re starting to see some very good growth coming from uk scaling businesses. i knowjulia businesses. i know julia hoggett businesses. i knowjulia hoggett will be one of our speakers this week talking about what the london stock exchange is planning to do to be more welcoming to the tech uniforms that we re seeing. i think there s a whole game plan being introduced in the coming months to talk about how competitive our public markets can be. so we have to look across the spectrum to make sure, from early stage through start up through scale up through the listings, that the uk market and the european markets are as competitive as the us. there s a lot of work to be done, don t get me wrong. but i think the innovation that s going to be showcased this week during london tech week, i hope, gives a bit of a confidence boost that a lot of great creativity, dynamism and innovation is happening right here. ~ , innovation is happening right here. ~ , ., here. 0k. well, it s good to chat to you here. 0k. well, it s good to chat to you again, - here. 0k. well, it s good to chat to you again, russ. - here. 0k. well, it s good to i chat to you again, russ. thank you. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. you re with business today. i m sally bundock. india s prime minister and leader of the bjp party, narenda modi, has been sworn in again for a third term in office this time leading a minority government. that s something he is not used to. let s cross live now to archana shukla in mumbai. archana, how have the indian markets been responding to the latest developments? it s the start of a new trading week. ~ ., ,, , .,, week. well, the markets opened on a muted week. well, the markets opened on a muted scale, week. well, the markets opened on a muted scale, but week. well, the markets opened on a muted scale, but on - week. well, the markets opened on a muted scale, but on the - on a muted scale, but on the positive side. from all the wild swings that we saw last week from record highs post exit polls to tuesday, when prime minister modi s party failed to win a clear majority on its own, the shock element subsided and the markets have actually been on an upward trajectory. investors have come back and market have erased all the losses they made on tuesday almost $400 billion worth of money was lost that day, but all of those losses have been erased. as prime minister modi and his council of ministers took oath yesterday, from the list of the council of ministers, it is evident that they are looking at a policy continuity and a majority of the council of ministers come from his own bjp party. and that is something that experts say markets would be comfortable with, because that shows a sense of continuity. but the wild swings that we saw last week is something that has been of a concern. opposition parties have raised that as a question that, should leaders be making statements, forward looking statements in the market remember, prime minister modi and his home minister, ahmet shah, did say markets would be impacted. thank you. in april, nigerian film star junior pope died when the boat he was travelling in from a film set capsized. an investigation found a number of safety failings, including the fact that the boat driver wasn t certified. hannah gelbart from the bbc s what in the world podcast has been speaking to nollywood actors and producers in lagos about the industry s safety record, and what needs to change. nollywood is booming but it s got a darker side. this is a cultural centre here in lagos, and what you can see around me are some of the remnants of a huge nollywood premiere that took place here last night. it had some of the top names in nigerian cinema. nollywood is one of the biggest film industries in the world it s up industries in the world it s up there with hollywood and india s bollywood. it puts out more than 2,500 films every single year. but recently, there have been some concerns over things like health and safety in its films. in april, top nollywood actor junior pope died in a boat accident. it capsized after hitting a canoe in a river, killing five people.- hitting a canoe in a river, killing five people. send a rescue boat! rescue boat! in this clip, filmed byjunior pope the day before he died, he s clearly concerned about his safety. an investigation found multiple failures the boat wasn t registered, its driver had no licence, and only one passenger was wearing a life jacket. that s because they d brought it onboard themselves. the bbc has obtained a now deleted video clip from the producer s instagram, where she says she was told there were life jackets, and junior pope was offered one, but didn t take it. actress and screenwriter ruth kadyri was a friend of junior pope s, and she was shocked by his passing. it junior pope s, and she was shocked by his passing. it was much more shocked by his passing. it was much more painful shocked by his passing. it was much more painfulfor- shocked by his passing. it was much more painfulfor me, i much more painfulfor me, because i have been in that exact situation before. so i understood the fear, everything he must have felt, at the last minute of his life. i had to shoot an epic movie, so we couldn t use life jackets. i asked everybody on the team if everything was ok. they said yes, the canoe was fine. so i got on the boat. action, they said. they started to paddle. it tumbled into this very big river. my colleague, frankincense, grabbed me cos i can t swim and stuff like that. it s. sighs it s an experience and a day that i will never forget. actor jud dk that i will never forget. actor judy dk says that i will never forget. actor judy dk says the that i will never forget. actor judy dk says the industry i that i will never forget. actor judy dk says the industry is l judy dk says the industry is learning from its mistakes. incidents have been quite low, but right now, it s better. i think the incident was a bit of a wake up call to everybody producers, directors, actors. actors, right now, we know we have to come home. we actors, right now, we know we have to come home. have to come home. we all do crazy things have to come home. we all do crazy things for have to come home. we all do crazy things for the have to come home. we all do crazy things for the love i have to come home. we all do crazy things for the love of i crazy things for the love of this crazy things for the love of thisjoh crazy things for the love of thisjob. coming home at 3am. things thisjob. coming home at 3am. things we thisjob. coming home at 3am. things we would not normally do. things we would not normally do our things we would not normally do. ourtiming for things we would not normally do. our timing for filming things we would not normally do. ourtiming forfilming is do. our timing for filming is insane do. ourtiming forfilming is insane. the industry agents should insane. the industry agents should have proper rest days. i also should have proper rest days. i also think should have proper rest days. i also think individuals should look also think individuals should look after themselves and just fix rest look after themselves and just fix rest days for themselves. as nollywood continues to thrive, the world will now be watching how it treats people who work there. the actors guild of nigeria said in a statement, afterjunior pope s death, that it has set up a committee to look into improving safety guidelines and protocols. it s been a long time coming. but taylor swift has finally brought her record breaking eras tour to the uk. an estimated 800,000 fans will put on their friendship bracelets on will put on their friendship bracelets and get ready to experience what some are calling the concert of a lifetime. but what about the economics behind the music? here s kate moore to break it down for us. taylor swift s eras tour is a culturaljuggernaut. with a run time of 3.5 hours and over 150 shows across five continents, it s generated global headlines and unprecedented demand for tickets. the figures are quite something. it s the highest grossing tour of all time, with over $1 billion in revenue. that sjust time, with over $1 billion in revenue. that s just from the first leg of the tour. some experts believe that it could generate $2 billion by the time it finishes in december. by the end of the run, taylor will have performed to 8 million ticket holders. one concert in seattle generated seismic activity equivalent to that of activity equivalent to that of a 2.3 magnitude earthquake. that s according to a professor at western washington university. the tour has coincided with a huge uptick in the body of taylor swift s work. she s released two new studio albums and re recorded two of her older albums, 1989 and speak now. she s the first billionaire in history where songwriting is the primary source of income. all this is combined to produce what some are calling the era of swiftonomics. i m joined now by a swiftonomics academic, megan wysocki, who s designed and written a course in the discipline at the american university in washington. do tell. . .! do do tell.! do you have a lot of students studying swiftonomics? ., ,, ., swiftonomics? thank you for havin: swiftonomics? thank you for having me swiftonomics? thank you for having me on. swiftonomics? thank you for having me on. yes, - swiftonomics? thank you for having me on. yes, we i swiftonomics? thank you for having me on. yes, we do. l swiftonomics? thank you for l having me on. yes, we do. we currently have about 50 students registered for the course and a waitlist that is just as long. course and a waitlist that is just as long- course and a waitlist that is just as long. and is it - what, three years just as long. and is it - what, three years study? just as long. and is it - what, three years study? what i just as long. and is it - what, three years study? what is i just as long. and is it - what, l three years study? what is it? so it s just a single class, an elective, in the overall major of economics. elective, in the overall ma or of economics.i of economics. ok, so it s a art of of economics. ok, so it s a part of an of economics. ok, so it s a part of an economics i of economics. ok, so it s a l part of an economics degree of economics. ok, so it s a i part of an economics degree or whatever? ok. that makes more sense. sojust whatever? ok. that makes more sense. so just talk us through how she has done this. i mean, she is incredibly wealthy. climbing up the forbes rich list, etc. but it s not so much about her wealth. it s about how she has changed so much within the music industry and what artists gain in terms of their influence and power, isn t it? ., their influence and power, isn t it? . ., ., isn t it? yeah. i mean, we are truly seeing isn t it? yeah. i mean, we are truly seeing an isn t it? yeah. i mean, we are| truly seeing an unprecedented level of market power from taylor swift. i think she s a gifted businesswoman, and she s truly changed so much in the music industry from, you know, streaming services and the portion of proceeds that artists received from their streams, all the way down to ticketmaster and ticket sales. she is truly, you know has truly, you know, cornered the industry and is placing her mark on it. industry and is placing her markon it. ., , ,, mark on it. but also, it s kind of on its mark on it. but also, it s kind of on its head, mark on it. but also, it s kind of on its head, isn t mark on it. but also, it s kind of on its head, isn t it? i of on its head, isn t it? because now, the tour, or the concerts the live events are sort of off the back of huge success, which is driven within the streaming sector, isn t it, really? isn t it, really? yeah. so she s continuously i isn t it, really? yeah. so she s continuously at i isn t it, really? yeah. so| she s continuously at the height of her career. i mean, taylor swift s last tour was, i m going to say, 2017. so we ve now had nine albums since then. she s only continued to grow. really, truly, with these streaming platforms as they ve grown in popularity, grown in user size, grown in market share, we ve seen an unprecedented level of the money and power that she s gaining from these streaming services. , ., . , gaining from these streaming services. , . . services. researchers at itarclavs services. researchers at barclays looked - services. researchers at barclays looked at i services. researchers at barclays looked at how i services. researchers at i barclays looked at how much this would boost the uk economy while she is performing in the uk. she s at various venues in edinburgh at the moment. £997 million boost to the uk economy with swifties, they estimate, forking out £848 on average to see her.?! forking out £848 on average to see her -?! see her.?! yes, truly. it s astonishing, see her.?! yes, truly. it s astonishing, when - see her.?! yes, truly. it s astonishing, when you i see her. . . ?! yes, truly. it s| astonishing, when you think see her.?! yes, truly. it s i astonishing, when you think of how many people can fit into a single venue and how much money that amounts to. that s something we ll be exploring in the course, and really the point that i wanted to explore and make apparent to students is that economics all around us. we can be fans of taylor swift and fans of economics, and how these tours and shows impact everything from your tourism markets, hospitality, these labour industries, the amount of not only concertgoers to these shows, but every single person involved with putting on each and every one of these shows it s monumental. it of these shows - it s monumental.- of these shows - it s monumental. , monumental. it is indeed. and we are out monumental. it is indeed. and we are out of monumental. it is indeed. and we are out of time. monumental. it is indeed. and we are out of time. megan, i we are out of time. megan, thank you forjoining us. really interesting and fascinating. swiftonomics it s a thing! you can go and study swiftonomics. let s show you paris this morning as the sun rises: people across france are waking up people across france are waking up to the news that there ll be a snap parliamentary election just in a few weeks time. the announcement came late yesterday from president emmanuel macron. there is so much more analysis and detail on our website. stay with us here as we keep you up to date on bbc news. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. good morning, welcome to breakfast withjon kay and sally nugent. our headlines today. tributes to the much loved television presenter michael mosley after his body is found on a greek island. friends and colleagues describe him as a national treasure. a promise to recruit more gps and improve cancer survival rates. the liberal democrats put the nhs at the heart of their general election manifesto. a surge in support for the hard right in the european elections. french president emmanuel macron responds by calling a snap vote, holiday makers beware. a rise in online customer service scams targeting airline passengers. we ll show you how to spot a fake account to stay safe on social media. in sport, former liverpool and scotland centre back alan hansen is seriously ill. his club announced yesterday their former captain and three time european cup winner is currently in hospital. new laws make it compulsory to get your pet cat microchipped in england or face a fine of up to £500. no sign of some of this week, i m afraid. today part of england and wales starred wet and very windy. no sign of summer this week, i m afraid. it s monday, the 10th ofjune. our main story. tributes have been paid to the bbc broadcaster and author michael mosley, following his death whilst on holiday, at the age of 67. dr mosley disappeared whilst walking in extreme heat on the greek island of symi last wednesday, his body was later recovered

Eastern-scotland , Billionaire-pop-star-s-eras-tour , Business-today , Person , People , Military , Soldier , Army , Crowd , Troop , Uniform , Fur

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240609

thanks for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday on fox news and don t forget on social media and i everybody calm down to her, hey girl. parks across and listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. good night from new york city. it can be they republican, you can be a democrat, just don t be a [bleep]. there is. yes i agree. yes i m still not going home with you though. it s friday you know what that means. let s welcome tonight s guests. she s like the show cops on tv since the nineties often seen around half naked men kennedy! he creates more impressions then away or are others does a weight watchers meeting in flanagan s. tyler fischer. she s like hail, small white and smashes windshields. fox news contributor kat timpf. and his underwear can be used by paragliders new york times best-selling author and former nwa world heavyweight champion tyrus. greg: before we get to new stories let s do this. greg slit leftovers. greg: it s leftovers where i read the jokes we didn t use this weekend is always it s my first time reading them. if they suck we stuffed ground beef down joe machi and send them to the view asked mac has established rules to users deposed x-rated content the decision was made by his newest content executive. new york governor kathy hotel is pitching a plan for congestion driving charging drivers to enter the business district only forcing new yorkers to move unlike her face. transmitted fungal infection detected in nyc if that s the only thing it you get after visiting nyc you are doing great. to prevent shoplifting workers at tj maxx and marshalls ones are wearing body can shoppers are disappointed because it makes people find out a remote amazon tribe hooked on porn in unrelated news seashells are now accepted as payment for porn hub. the wall street journals says people are divided over whether it s okay to call without texting others report wanting people to reach out at all. very lonely alec baldwin unveiling a new tlc reality series for 2025 with the couple and their 7 children a modern-day brady bunch with alice getting shot in the face on the ev front senators blasted the governor meant for having 3 years and 7 billion dollars to make just 5 stations they plan to build 500,000 stations and at their current place it would be done by the year 16,310. a journalist for the ny times asked if joe biden should downplay his own success like asking joy behar to downplay her looks. i will take it. jennifer lopez canceled her to her citing a desire to be with her family on the news ben affleck announced he is going on tour researchers calling for limits on in-flight alcohol purchases for health those who fly spirit are free to keep sniffing glue. after british airways passengers were told to brace for landing spending hours on the tarmac james cord and interior taint his travelers they thanked the travelers for making them look forward to diana crash a new app tracks big mac prices across the u.s. to save money it has its first a vip customer. worlds loneliest man lives in a village with just a horrors a picture of him and his animal. [ cheers and applause ] we don t even try to make it look like a village just slap the 2 people together now to the news with the democrats rooted the day they tried to put trump away that liberals with a nice digestive system against the ones in future president manipulating phony charges and a conviction the pandora s box is open and trump people are thirsty for revenge a democrat law fair being to blame they can also play at that game republicans from stephen miller to steve bannon and speaker mike johnson are expressing a need for vengeance not just a fun kind where you switch mac seam waters wake with family of ferrets mike johnson promised use appropriation legislation and oversight terrain in the justice department they have gender-neutral panties in a twist over it as trump ones retribution decipher and i just just as real and dangerous mother jones trump s obsession with revenge a big poster verdict danger daily beast revenge what trump and the gop want most of all the brain trust morning joe donald trump and his alleys are looking to do this he s just hillary clinton be jailed in response and he says he will serve it up and so with that i m not sure what more people need to know given a lot of things donald trump as promised have come to pass. great work there still sorry to break the news but hillary is roaming the streets and sweat stained pantsuits menacing societies displayed all trump calls for jail a lot of his promises came to pass like building a healthy economy in border security world peace who else remember the good old days of 2019 when you re married to joe scarborough you train at the think of the past or present and perhaps the future either way i see it the greatest revenge comes november 5th after that so they focus on incentives so losers don t get eventually get mad as in mutually assured destruction let them know you are just as capable as they are improving that no 1 is above the law is not really about jailing people it s about punishing crime because like gandhi famously said don t start none won t be none. kennedy don t you think it s interesting they are quaking in their boots because they know what they deserve it they are the ones talking about revenge all the time. you reminds me of hamas being angry at the response israel had after they inflicted the worst massacres since the holocaust with an administration be incapable of retribution it s horrible for the country i like what mike johnson is saying like that they would use appropriations in every means to take stock in the justice system as they want him to make it more ethical and do that with every agency they talk about defund the police defund everything that s what small minded conservatives and libertarians wanted so they re using this moment with that i can be fine if that. i disagree rising about things overrated if you are trump out you get back how would you get back at the democrats for the several convictions. everything i did word for word. as they which was anything to make a good. 34 counts nobody is done it and they couldn t do a 22 counts as even the zodiac killer right zodiac loser the out catch me outside the yard so let them have the badge. let him have it. and with kennedy don t want to weapon eyes anything you incentivize them as is a ping-pong thing is it possible to have mutually assured destruction to end the weaponization of the justice department and they think honestly that my issue is whether branches of government levels my issue in general as when so-and-so is there as doesn t demand much on who is and what position which i believe it was politicized but if we get my focus is on how that happened. as they had that kind of power as i think that s not the answer as as should not be owned was empower the parts have just gary all right way you need to do something you need to do something or they don t stop this and the last 6 years with the coup doing what they should have a flying committing crimes or finding the crime as the bank robber steals money as they went out of their way to get them out of office that a team of hollywood directors come in to produce the january 6th thing they went above and beyond to go after them had guys that 34 counts on a crime expire did everything they could. he never did that when he was in office he went them in the doj resign and what they are afraid not revenge is count ability it s turn the other cheek and if you re doing write that would stand by you not to worry about richard bashan because i follow the law and seek the truth so come get me that that what they were saying. it s all cool if you win. [ bleeps ] that. they are worried which is why they re bringing up that word. for revenge not retarded. dang it kennedy. later in the show and first a possible vp sweating over 40 fives vetting. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i m riding, i m not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn t ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don t have to worry about anything when you re protected by america s number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren t related, so. ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. (avo) kate made progress with her mental health. .but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don t take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. as you go with austedo ask your doctor for austedo xr. austedo xr a story in 5 words. trump vp named for vetting they are vetting can fit what are your thoughts about this what he thing the presidents contemplating. democrats love having first. will harass the first indian black woman, first autistic hyena the first 1 we left the first blind bisexual bipolar, a biodegradable native american chinese trans- child of color someone like ben shapiro would be good but he d be cutting to adds everyone. hello everybody my fellow americans we are at war bonds are going off and they didn t yet to use express vp use ghost the bomb for 10% off or maybe bill burr he is funny a comedian open for him and everyone would tune in my wife is coming home where watching the view we are making it illegal for right on monday it s called bills or bills it will be 5 years in jail for every minute you watch the view i like these ideas did you see who is not on the list, kristi gnome likes like the dog got the last live that s what did it she was on the list. but then she bragged about enjoying shooting her dog do not take advice from corey lewandowski. words to live by. maybe somebody who can like maybe someday can speak to both sides of the aisle like 50-cent have you been watching all that. he was meeting with everybody that a sale my gosh i m so trad. he posted a photo of lauren bo bert and people went nuts about the photo so that he tweeted wait wait guys i took pictures of everyone all you seem to care about is lauren what did she do in a dark theater that hasn t been done i don t have chlamydia by the way lol. that s my vice president at the very least he should do the show if somebody watching knows him. greg: i m sure he d love to do the show. mr sent is that 50 or for 80. now he s never gonna do it because you did that. no no rhonda santos no nikki haley no vbac. there s no reason to vet her she s at the top of the list you not? to call her and be like you are off the list you might mess around in the forest and kennedy do the sound, please. [ cheers and applause ] make me feel that when you hear you do that as if you think this is a deflection as the people they d assign different? absolutely will do some version of the apprentice which will crescendo at the rnc in july and they re releasing a little here and there is like the beginning of the bachelor as they re never the ones he takes him to his family. interesting he s been to the governor rodeo and it bit him in the ass which is docketed on that so ideally you don t want to pick you want to pick that an soa the best person for the job you want the person brings in the most votes with he did do something like totally different somebody you know? lights quinn does light-skinned added to think harold ford junior? los. i was going to say joe mansion he s retiring and renounces the democrats static didn t he decide to go independent? he is no longer a democrat. greg: why do a make up these things to think avenue a problem could you imagine him taking some be like that like just cream in hell out of the democrat party. what about anthony if ouchi do that job. he would be on their be like you need your 50 year shot every day first shot it was really to loosen up the vein and get it ready for the second. they should have kristi gnome go to his house and dress up as a dog get them as vaccines get them as booster shots he means that only in the most comical way. remember we got mad at jesse watters because jesse watters is saying about shots and it was like i m getting threatened by people political theater. greg: do you feel vexed getting a call over a text you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don t know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you re a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i m proud of it! 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[ cheers and applause ] some are suggesting not calling before texting tonight s gutfeld debate should you text before you call our friends at the wall street journal row another fascinating piece asking the question and there are 2 camps of those who don t mind a random phone call and those who prefer a heads up text of letting you know they are going to call you. they found that while some love to get a surprise phone call others found nothing ruder it s panic inducing like there is an emergency and they are mad it s not an emergency it s my got a somebody did i just called to say high it s like then why are you calling me. yes. i hate when people call me without texting first ellicott my phone and i m like is this person going to force me to do improv right now like you re not going to tell me what this is about. it s like you call me a could be about anything at had no time to prepare but okay the worst thing you can do the actual worst thing you can do like oh tyrus is calling me right now. greg: you kids. ci feel like i ve done something wrong. nonjust kind of check and you. like hello you don t have to answer otherwise you like hello or, hey, it what s up you don t know. she hung up on me i have to text are now about it. never leave a voicemail. i called tyrus but it s on voicemail call me back. you are blocks. i think your necklace could be a belt for me. i think my necklace could be a belt for you. your question greg? greg: from the wall street journal it s a don t do you dare call me without texting first can you guess which gender wrote this don t you dare to call me without texting me what amanda write this? no because here s the deal if you call me i m probably not going to answer and if you text me you called me that i m not going to call you back at all whose life is this complicated or important to where only call me if it s an emergency. kiss my ass if i feel like calling you i will call you. that s what it is it s a polite way of saying i don t want to talk to you. please text me so i can lie to you and say i m so busy solving world problem is behind closed doors. kennedy this is ageist its older people who had land lines they call more often without texting and they should call you to stay hello. they re calling them it s to break up with them that sexy not true done so by text. like they were never alive. it s precisely that it s for the good old days done dumping them in the bay. being quick on that is to take some but he before you murder them and dump them in the bag as its a running start getting on a bicycle with 1 locomotion there for going to call you i can call you going around being like high it s me i m texting to ask if it s okay if i call you please. greg: that is the worst was ever heard. i know but that s the person who wrote this article that s the voice they have in my head. greg: and you know what this person does at least what s or twice a week maybe 3 times a week on the wall street journal they do these complaining pieces and it s why this person does this when you were flying why do they do this it s the same person you know what this person does i ll tell you what they do. these are the people who text short texts it drives me crazy like what s up what are you doing justice and 1 sentence and you go okay what s going on you can put it in 1 text that s the crime. it is a crime and we are like overly consensual now you know what i mean consented to make i can t kennedy that s what they want to do i want to go 1 step further a don t want some of me without my knowing first i think there should be in effect at called can i text right you get an alert of tyrus going know you can t text me. you use the oral legend somebody has to tell you. he went to high school first she was so cool. yes to tell somebody who has to tell like hate kennedy can you tell tyler that i want to text him 3 greg says you re a legally. thank you i will talk to greg at home. just be a man in do it we weren t doing that back in the day like i m going to send the carrier pigeon to your house to let you know there s a handwritten letter that will arrive in 300 business days just call me my pronouns are pick up. kathy? greg: what s the impression you just did what would you call that. the old time he impression this is every old-time he impression that the done here she s going around the corner. and you do that as awoke person now with that voice? i feel pretty good triggered my opponents or he who what when where and skedaddle. all right. before we go did you see craig s excited hand that. when gray gets appointee does this. watch the greg and the dance when he s excited he so excited his other hand can t catch up the clap. i want to defend myself but i can t. coming up questions and answers. [ cheers and applause you are watching mailing it in. greg: a fun question what would you build with a million legos kennedy equally maximum-security condo to house all the people he play of lego so they can t get out. greg: tyler? i would finish of the wall and nice lego portion of the wall. [ cheers and applause ] greg: why not a lego wall? it s so playful and colorful make it rainbow for pride or whatever. you could do a contract with a lego in a could get build. tyrus what would you do if a million legos what would you build? what would i build with a million legos? a statue of me. to sit in this chair right here. may be of just your leg. you keep this up while sticky in my pocket and slap you around. greg: kat what would you build with a million legos? i would step up them and get in the with my husband about who will throw them away until he did it. greg: you could build an amazing house by some land. what i would build with a million legos a lego making machine that made more legos. that way i could accelerate in the machine we keep making legos which would make another lego meet making machine and it would be self-perpetuating and i would take over the world. making a machine oh my gosh. so. go back and kill lego hitler. you can break it make bricks and stuff. greg: up flawed, applaud. bully, a bully, bully. another asked what is your main phobia and how do you manage it. let me guess tyler you don t have any phobias? my name is tyrus. greg: what did i say? tyler. i guess were 1 personnel. we did run off together. yet to be on top of a shoulders i guess. listen 1 small pervert in my life is all i can handle. you have any phobias? the campy snakes or spiders anything. no people who i don t like talking to talking to me as my phobia when somebody you just comes up to you and is like high and they keep going and going and going i never know how to end it without just screaming shut up and going away. i always see them coming. greg: i get dizzy when that happens. any time jesse watters comes into the room you know. have you talked to him. greg: who did you say i missed it? waters. greg: he doesn t talk to anybody thankfully. it s the breath problem. kat? phobia? i used to have a bad phobia of blood and guts but then i got over it. because it was chapter 5 and i looked down and there was. greg: once you can only see your blood you have to get over i wouldn t recommend. tyler any phobia? i have a fear of needles i didn t get the covid-19 vaccine because my pediatrician said i was too tiny that thing would have gone for my arm also fear of feminism for sure. when toxic massey limit masculinity comes on a date my penis goes into my stomach can i say to that great. you just did. greg: kennedy? i don t. greg: no fears? i don t have a fear of heights am not claustrophobic a fear of snakes or spiders or fire or sharks. i was at a phobia. sounds like a feminist. greg: you know i had a fear that i can t get rid of. i can t open up my eyes underwater. is that weird? 1000 percent yes. all you have to do is open them. it s weird because i don t like having because i don t like open spaces. being below the was probably weird for someone of your stature. with goggles on it freaks me out i can t even look. when i saw poseidon adventure the original i had to walk out of the theater. what happened to you when you are baptized? well, i don t remember. they talked to the preacher down. greg: we ve got to go. standup comedy from joe machi next. stay ahead of your child s moderate-to-severe eczema. and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child s skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child s eczema specialist about dupixent. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. it s laughter you came to find he s come here to blow your mind remember he s just a scared of you as you are of him. welcome comedian joe machi. hello everybody, hey, everybody, thank you, thank you well. it is great to be here i was riding the subway late at night a guy got on the train and said if you look at me again i will kill you. my friend is like what did they look like and i was like well i didn t get a good look at oh. the subway got dangerous lately ever since they got rid of consequences. like recently i had a rule where if you bring a dog on the train a has to be fully enclosed a dog carrying bags of people broke that rule i saw a guy bring in unleashed pitbull on the train so i wrote the subway authority and said if you don t start enforcing your dog rule sooner or later a baby is going to get eaten because pitbull s can be great dogs with a bad owner sometimes they eat babies. anyways the subway authority didn t write back and later on i realized that might have been my fault because i phrased it like that. it sounded like i was threatening down the baby eaten and that s not what i meant that all that s how rumors start. and that doing this weird interaction with workers watching my car at the park i know that sounds weird where he live it s all that people wash their car there filling up buckets and on this day they didn t care for the can watch the car here party gotten 20 complaints and if you ve already gotten 20 complaints putting up assigned to wash the car as it s the same reason i sold drugs at all those high schools and that should have been the end of it has that guy stupid couldn t succeed in the private sector and the the can t murder someone and that s not allowed either. and could you put a pin and that we get my joke notebook doing it in different cities and first of all it seems like i m murdering someone washing your car as an apples to oranges comparison. and breaking the apple storage comparison because it made sense to me the different popular round through. and that the subject at hand with no murdering allowed they would get the hell out of there. because you have to figure that s where most of them murderers were happening it s the best time in history to be crazy giving out awards for it for the internet recently on instagram on father s day last year a friend posted a picture of your and her dad the caption happy day the world s greatest dad they were and it was crazy pretty old. and they said no so i said why would you tell him he is the world s greatest dad on a forum he s not even on he s walking around right now doesn t even know he is the world s greatest dad. then i answer my own question it s because you are a malignant narcissist. how do you figure imagine doing something like that before social media. hey, phil i wanted to let you know it s father s day told my daddy s the world s greatest dad. that makes sense joe it s father s day that s when you tell him that. 1 more thing phil i don t even know if you like that. and the world becoming a crazy place stepping in to make sense of it all and that really backfired on bud light boycotting that beer 1 day you are a fan of bud light beer and next you deny yourself delicious taste of urine flavored alcohol. and people say how do you know what urine tastes like. and 1 time i was stung in the mouth by a jellyfish. the worst part of having somebody peon your jellyfish sting is when you find out later that s not a real cure. being bamboozled again by german tourists. thank you guys i really appreciate it. thank you all. [ cheers and applause ] thank you joe machi delightful. don t go away we will be right back. [ cheers and applause ] here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don t know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you re a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i m proud of it! [ryan laughs] [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you ll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children s research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we re going to do. this is how long it s going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can t say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing. marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you ll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we ll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it s a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people s lives. and that s a big deal. [music playing] (avo) kate made progress with her mental health. .but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don t take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. as you go with austedo ask your doctor for austedo xr. austedo xr greg: we are out of time, thank you to our guests and our studio aud

Don-t-be-a , Parks , Revenge-a-democrat , Radio-show-weekdays , Bleep , New-york-city , Hey-girl , 3 , 00 , Kennedy-don-t , Everybody , Social-media

Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240609

that s it for me. thanks for watching. tune in tomorrow where i am speaking with congressman jerry connelly. plus, senior adviser and spoke s person for president biden s campaign, adrienne elrod joins us to talk importance of border security to voters ahead of november s election tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. follow us on social media using the handle, at weekend capehart. listened every episode of our show as a podcast for free. scan the qr code on your screen to follow. but, keep it right here. a frightening film about a serial killer. robert barnsley: .he d say, when you re turning the blade, grit your teeth and really really show that you re enjoying it. we had talked about how would you kill somebody and get away with it. i had dark thoughts and shared them with the serial killer. it was supposed to be a movie, a frightening film about a serial killer. you grit your teeth and really show that you on bare enjoying it. but, was it really just pretend? eels get down on the ground and took out duct tape. i have never in my life felt fear like that. a rising young film director filming a murder, or actually committing one? he told me well, you liked dexter. when you take a step back you realize this is a real man who has been murdered. the script was darker than anyone knew. like holy mackerel. who are you, really? everyone was on the edge of their seat. and underground parking garage, you are watching a violent attack caught on tape. who was this? what is happening? or, did it happen at all? movies, like that one, are by design, deceptive. make-believe worlds, but have you noticed maybe it is all the technical doodads and digital cameras. some stories that claim to be true or not. anybody can manipulate reality, sometimes what they say is true is it. sometimes, fiction turns out to be fact, and then there are stories, just a few, and which fact and fiction fuse and that is where we are going tonight, a twilight zone world of illusion and deception and deceit. follow the howling wind north across a vast prairie through brief, brilliant summers and winters as frigid as any on earth to a metropolis canadians call the gateway to the north, the city whose police department stays very busy. this is detective bill clark. the city is edmonton, canada. today i got a call from a family whose son was killed in december. nothing in a career so strange as the case of a man who went missing and bill clark found himself in another world between fantasy and illusion. have you ever seen a case like this before? never in my life. when it started out, it seemed perfectly simple, a missing man, some guy just dropped out of sight, the kind of thing that tends to sort itself out once the so-called victim sobers up. i m not thinking much is going to come of this. after clark s decades of service in the city with the highest murder rate in canada, you can hardly blame them for getting a little picky. we don t usually go to missing person. unfortunately, for us to come out you ve got to be dead and it had better be criminal. if the patrolman doesn t know it s criminal, don t bother calling us. yeah, you got enough to do. which explains perhaps why some of the locals have taken to calling their city, deadmonton. our concern is, do we have a foul play. the missing person in this case is a man by the name of john altinger. 39, single, worked in the oil industry, liked to ride motorcycles. unlucky with women, yet, a wide circle of friends who are now telling the police altinger seem to have dropped off the face of the earth except the strange emails he was sending. i ve left with a woman, i m going to costa rica. one of the recipients of those old emails, his old friend, debra taichrob. i received several of them. i received six altogether, but in runs of three. the exact same message? hi there, i ve met a wonderful girl named jen. i m going to costa rica and i will keep in touch and call you when i get back after the holidays. johnny. almost formal, and away, suddenly like somebody you didn t really know was sending you an email. absolutely, and i was like that s really odd, it doesn t sound like john. it was odd, and even more so when another friend of altinger s received exactly the same message word for word and altinger s facebook status change from single to in a relationship. i think it was the following day, i was on msn messenger and johnny popped on mine, so i thought oh, he must not have left on his vacation yet, and it said johnny, his name, and then in quotations beside his name, who says i ve got a one- way ticket to heaven and i m never coming back. later that same day, debra got a call from the same friend who told her john altinger seems to be missing. it s surreal, you know. you don t expect your friends to go missing. soon, altinger s friends got together, unsure of what to do, really but before going to police, they decided to try to get into his condo, to see if they could find a clue what happened to get the guy in the break-in, actually. everything looked fine. nothing out of place, no sign of any struggle. the only things missing were his wallet, his keys and his red mazda coop, so it was as if he had gone out for a drive and could be back any minute. there were no answers to anything, like he just vanished out of thin air. except for those strange emails he had supposedly sent about falling in love and coaster rica, which to the cops, said clark, seemed perfectly reasonable. not hard to imagine that a lovestruck man might want to leave the snow and ice of edmonton behind and skip off to the tropics. the sky send these emails to his friends and we are going well, that strange, but maybe he did go to costa rica. stranger things have happened. you never know. that is how clark felt before he stepped through the looking glass. coming up, detective clark is about to follow john altinger s trail into a strange place of make-believe , and up-and- coming directors makeshift movie studio. it s a suspense thriller, actually. it s a short film. as soon as they called me on the phone, i got this weird chill. when dateline continues. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. you re the one that i want nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,. you re the one that i want .the monthly one-and-done you want. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. [coughing] copd isn t pretty. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. condominium, as you can see, looked like anything because breathing should be beautiful, but a crime scene. there were no signs of a struggle, no blood. it was like he just stepped out for a few minutes, could be back anytime. where was he? johnny s friends were convinced something awful had happened to him. so, day after day, they prodded the police; john altinger s condominium looked like anything but a crime scene. there were no signs of a struggle, no blood. it was like he just stepped out for a few minutes and could be back anytime. where was he? and johnny s friends were convinced something awful had happened to him, so day after day, they prodded the police and finally, seven days after johnny went missing, the cops agreed to open an investigation. we just started with the basics. i said with got to start out by finding out if we can find him first so let s find the car. since john altinger s email said he had taken off for costa rica, officers went to the airport to look for that red mazda. they searched every parking lot. it wasn t here. they come through airline passenger lists. he was not on any of them. johnny s friends, meanwhile, went back to the apartment for another look and found, stashed away among his important papers, his passport. they re going oh, not getting out of the country without your passport. seemed like he had to be within driving distance but what direction where? just as the police were contemplating that puzzle, one of altinger s friends came up with another email. this one, johnny had received from a woman he met online. janet was her name, the same woman with whom he had supposedly scampered off to costa rica. they had a date and were going out on the town the night he disappeared and because he had never been to her place, she sent him an email with directions on how to pick her up and out of an abundance of caution, he sent a copy of that email to a friend of his, just in case. i can t remember the last word of the email but he says if anything happens to me, you know where i m at, and you know, laugh out loud. it wasn t a phone number or an address, but there were detailed directions to her place, so the cops drove the root, and the directions led them to this neighborhood down this alley, and to this garage rented by a guy named mark twitchell. he happened to be, in the local arts community, local celebrity. he was making a name for himself in edmonton. he had recently made a low- budget sci-fi movie so they called him up, of course, and he readily agreed to come down and open the place up. when he got here, big surprise, someone had changed the lock. he could not get in, so with permission, officers broken, had a quick look around, and found nothing. just the same, with the changed walk in the weird coincidence of the email, there were things to figure out and mark twitchell was only too happy to tag along to the police station to help out however he could. the first thing i noticed is the padlock did not look familiar to me. twitchell explained he d been using the rented garage is a soundstage most recently for what they call a teaser, a short film designed to drum up publicity , buzz, with any luck, attract enough investor money to allow him to produce a full length feature movie. it s a suspense thriller, actually. a short film. okay, so yeah, suspense thriller? of course, he had a crew in and out of the place during filming, said mark. maybe one of them was up to something but it seemed unlikely, and none of them had ever asked to borrow the set for anything. so, if there was anything like that, if somebody needed to borrow the place or whatever, then they would let me know. they d let you know. they would ask, or something like that, so no, i don t know anything about that. anyway, he said, he had moved on for now to another project. i m working on a comedy right now which is actually a full feature, with a decent budget in the neighborhood of about 3 1/2 million. in the meantime, the garage comes studio was empty, so why would someone break into the place and then change the lock, he wondered. didn t make sense. i had a padlock previously but it wasn t the same one. it was silver on the outside with a black plastic dial in the center and this one was just all metal, so. so, you notice the different padlock on the door. mystifying, said mark. he had a bad feeling about this. a man disappears after telling police he was going to the very place his movie had been shooting. as soon as they called me on the phone, i get this weird chill. what about that woman john altinger had been flirting with online, the one who gave him directions to the garage, told him she would meet him there. the woman who signed her emails jen . does the name, jen, mean anything to you? no. we don t have a jen or anything like that. so, the name jen doesn t mean anything to you? you don t know an actress named jen? so, who was this mystery woman, jen? why in the world which she arranged to meet john altinger here in the very back yard garage and independent edmonton film crew was renting for use as a studio. how odd. especially since the movies producer director, mark twitchell, expressed exactly the same confusion as the police. he didn t get it, either. the dots did not connect. mark twitchell did not know johnny from adam and besides, there was no indication johnny ever made it to the garage at all. the close friends are the ones who have come to the police and they have nothing other than his emails. there was one thing, though, and it came from mark twitchell. he wondered if maybe somebody was being set up. it just doesn t sit right, so the first thing i started asking myself is, who all knows about what we do there and what our schedule looks like and stuff like that. is the disappearance staged somehow? if someone was being fooled, who was it, and why? was all this just some big stunt even a publicity stunt? detective bill clark was thoroughly engaged by now. he had spent a career listening to criminal spender stories. maybe you could figure out if this twitchell guy was trying to play the cops somehow. he pulled the recording of the interview. and i watch an interview, i listen to what the guy says but i m looking at body language, i m looking for signs of deceit. i remember coming out of their going you know, this mark twitchell guy interviewed really well. there were no signs of deception. he is free-flowing with the information. he has answered the questions logically. i don t see any looking away, nervousness, nothing. i see nothing. and then, when police looked into twitchell s production company, they encountered a perfectly legitimate company. more than that, actually. this was a promising effort to help edmonton get some national attention as a potential center of moviemaking. mark twitchell was very good at coming up attention and money from local investors. he was a very sharp, bright, young, articulate entrepreneur. exactly the kind of individual most of us are looking for. so, he checked out. hard-working local boy in the city of hard-working people. good parents, nice young wife, sweet little daughter, on his way to becoming a celebrity here in edmonton. detectives even got a look at the teaser film for twitchell s next projects, three and half million dollar buddy comedy. that is mark in the background playing the role of director even as he was the director, sort of a hall of mirrors type story, a movie about a movie about making a movie or something. fantasy and reality all mixed up somehow. just to cover the bases, police interviewed mark twitchell s crew members and they vouched for him completely. mark twitchell came off squeaky clean. his film company was respected, as was he, and bill clark and the edmonton police back at square one by the look of things. coming up, soon, this tough cop would catch a big break. we got a phone call from a detective. the detective says you won t believe it but this guy just told me he found a red mazda out there. the missing man s car turns up when dateline continues. urns up when dateline continues. -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. i did it my way nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. a slow network is no network for business. talk to a healthcare provider that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! bill clark:ok, i m going to get out here. keith morrison: (voiceover) bill clark is, he doesn t mind admitting it, an old school detective, of the sort that seems to exist more on the big screen than the mean streets. det. bill clark:you guys here last night? keith morrison: (voiceover) in fact, bill clark is an old-school detective, the sort that seems to exist more on the big screen than the mean streets. in fact, clark is such a throwback, the younger guys on the fourth kid him. they call him simple it s after the old hard-nosed detective on the top show, nypd blue. i still like coming to work every day. it s just part of my life. i still have the drive. i m still excited about it. in his decades on the edmonton police force, clark and scene murder take many forms, had seen the shattering effect it has on the family. you are the one the family depends on and i take that seriously. ultimately, that is in the back of your mind, that if you don t speak for the family or the dead guy, who is going to? for clark, there is no greater satisfaction than bringing in a killer. i consider myself a pitbull. you get a case and you get your teeth into it. we want to get the guy, we want to get this guy and put them away. as for the john altinger case, this wasn t even a murder, at least, not as far as anyone new yet, so clark kept himself on a tight leash . he had yet to smell blood. he must ve come to some point where you thought oh, there is definitely foul play here. no, not at all. all that they had, after all, was a missing man, johnny, who might just have driven off somewhere with her without some mystery woman named jen. certainly that would account for the fact that his red mazda coop was gone, too, but really aside from a few curious emails that might or might not make any sense, there was not much to go on, so being cops, clark and his colleagues employed standard procedure. they double back for a second look at things, like the garage johnny was apparently headed for when he vanished. we are thinking our next step logically as the garage. so, they applied for a search warrant and it was rejected. it gets turned down because we are told we have not proven there was a crime committed. so, the next step seemed simple enough. clark went to mark twitchell directly to see if he would give permission to search the garage. he goes yeah. i says i ll need you to sign a consent form. he goes no problem. they requisitioned the form, one of the detectives drove it over to mark s place to get a signature and then, the weirdest thing. i get a phone call from the detective. the detective says to me he says you won t believe it, but the guy just told me he bought a red mazda. a red mazda and didn t john altinger drive a red mazda and was in it missing? mark twitchell had not said anything about a red mazda when he came down to the police station and spoke to the detective the night before. he said he forgot. really? why would he forget i like that ? you don t want to get tunnel vision. i for homicide investigation, don t get tunnel vision so keep an open mind so i pull myself back. there is something fishy going on. clark invited twitchell to come back down to the station for a meeting at 10:30 on sunday night, and twitchell agreed. everything you do now, we are analyzing. we caught the up arrow down our scenario. the burial and up arrow for marcuse cooperative. the missing car, big down arrow. but, that s about all clark had to work with. we are just here trying to find this john fellow, john altinger. i don t know what s happened to johnny. because, once again, as the interview proceeds, the young filmmaker is the very picture of cooperation. he volunteers information, answers questions without hesitation or guile. his demeanor is expensive. even an untrained eye can see twitchell s body language is open, comfortable, and control. so, they get to the story about the red monster. he was approached, he said, a few blocks from his rented garage by an agitated man. it was the night johnny disappeared. the man seemed desperate to get rid of his car, said mark. he offered to sell it for practically nothing. he goes well, i shacked up with this really rich lady, you know, it s like a sugar mama kind of situation and she s going to take care of me and she s going to buy me a new car will we get back from a vacation regular take. and i and okay, is there like cocaine in the truck? i m trying to figure out what the catch is here. apparently, said mark, there was no catch, and nothing wrong with the car except that it had a standard transmission, which he didn t know how to drive, so he left it parked in a friend s driveway. does he live close by? yes, a couple of blocks away. is it finally a break? the detective monitoring the interview sent a patrol car to check it out and sure enough, there it was, empty, by the look of it. nothing untoward about the car. johnny is not in the car. meanwhile, bill clark left the interview room partly to regroup, but also to see how mark would act when they left him alone, and if he was rattled, he certainly didn t show it. here, he calmly placed a call to his wife. well, i tried to answer some more questions and fill them in and everything like that and it turns out that the car is, in fact, belonging to this missing guy and that it s a huge deal. that s what this whole thing is about. what in heavens name was going on? bill clark still did not have a clue. but he might in a minute, because bill clark good cop was about to become bill clark bad cop. coming up there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are involved in the disappearance of john altinger. you might be involved, but what was fact and what was fantasy? when dateline continues. when dateline continues. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more. all in one delicious, monthly, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus: the one you want for one-and-done protection. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. israel is saying they rescued four hostages during a raid in gaza. the hostages were kidnapped during the nova music festival october 7th last year. officials meanwhile say more than 200 palestinians were killed in strikes by israel nearby, marking one of the bloodiest single days seen in eight months of war. pro-palestinian protesters descended on the white house to voice their frustration with the president s handling of the israel hamas war so far. for now, back to dateline. almost 4:00 a.m. now, downtown edmonton. filmmaker mark twitchell was sitting in an interview room at the playstation tasking talking to his wife on the phone, fading a little. outside the room, detective bill clark watch twitchell, went over a few notes, prepared to switch tactics. it s already started. the game is on. it s me against him. i know it. he also knew, he was quite sure of it, that all evening, mark twitchell had been handing him a whole load of nonsense and expecting him to believe it but also, all evening, as detective clark listened carefully and contemplated his up arrows and down arrows i agreed with everything he said. this is not the time of the interview to start pushing. it was not the time to start confronting him. that would come later on. because, one of those down arrows led to a particular conclusion. mark twitchell thought clark was a dumb cop. twitchell was trying to play him. while you are reading him during that interview, he had been reading you. no doubt. he probably had made some judgments about your ability as an interviewer. what did he think of you, do you think? i think he didn t think i was that smart. i think he thought he was smarter than me and i believe that he felt that anything he told us, he could concoct to make us believe him. and of course, there is only one proper response to that. i just let him go then taken back through it. question-and-answer, standard procedure, just nail down the details now. now i m starting to see he s not remembering specific details. let s go back to your lunch. you are at lunch. would you go for lunch? don t remember. don t know where you want for lunch? no. so now, it was early morning. they had been at it for hours. they had taken a break and let mark twitchell sit by himself and perhaps stew a bit and now had time for clark to play a different role. we done the good cop routine. now my forte, the bad cop is coming in. this is what i like. this is what i relish. there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are involved in the disappearance of john altinger. no doubt in my mind at all. i? now i m going to start hammering him with what i know. the problem is, i know very little. but, now that was perfectly clear to mark twitchell that he was a suspect in the disappearance and maybe a murder, his easy camaraderie seemed to shrivel. his eyes glazed with something that looked like fear . was he truly innocent? or, was something else going on, something more in keeping with his role as a storyteller? why can t you give me the version of events that night? has i m scared. as the night dragged on, twitchell doubled something about reality seeming more like some sort of fantasy. but, in the face of all of detectives clark s accusations, mark twitchell never wavered. for nearly four hours, he answered clark s questions always polite, apparently helpful, did not as much as ask for a lawyer. a by the end of the night? i got nothing. my gut instinct at that time is that the sky is involved up to his neck in this but what exactly he s done, i don t know yet, but i m going to find out. finally, at daybreak, mark twitchell let clark know he d had enough. in my being charged? not yet. am i free to go? yes. and i will. okay. and then, as bill clark escorted mark twitchell out of the building and into the early morning dark, he ups the ante a little, told twitchell he was seizing his car . then he goes he almost stopped and pulled back and he goes well, i need to get something out of it and i says you re getting nothing. i m taking that car. and, it was then, as clark approached twitchell s car to take it to the impound yard, that he noticed mark s unusual license plate personalized dark jedi. coming up. i have never in my life felt fear like that. police find witnesses who saw something that seemed like a horror movie. it s like every nightmare you had as a child after watching a scary movie, every nightmare you ve ever had. all of a sudden it s right here. when dateline continues. here. when dateline continues. is no exception. it s time you had a proven choice to help restore what s yours. opzelura is the first and only fda-approved prescription treatment for nonsegmental vitiligo. proven to help repigment skin over time. restoring what s yours. it s possible with a steroid-free cream that you can apply yourself. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections, skin cancer, blood clots, and low blood cell counts occurred with opzelura. in people taking jak inhibitors, serious infections, increased risk of death, lymphoma, other cancers, and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. repigmentation is possible. ask your dermatologist today about starting or refilling opzelura. pursue it. you re the one that i want nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,. you re the one that i want .the monthly one-and-done you want. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it s heading no fingersticks needed. now the world s smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. keith morrison: edmonton homicide detective bill clark, ask your eczema specialist along with other members of the edmonton police service, felt a little like alice in the rabbit hole. their missing man, johnny altinger, had vanished without a trace. and there were whispers his disappearance could be part of some publicity stunt. their only suspect was an aspiring movie producer, a storyteller, who stood up to a bill clark grilling with his manners intact, even though, by this time, clark couldn t edmonton homicide detective bill clark along with other members of the edmonton police service felt a little like alice in the rabbit hole. they re missing man, john altinger, had vanished without a trace and there were whispers his disappearance could be part of some publicity stunt. their only suspect was an aspiring movie producer storyteller who stood up to a bill clark grilling with his man is intact even though by this time, clark could not shake the gut feeling that this movie director was one very bad day. i was thinking he had filmed whatever he did done to johnny. i was thinking he had killed him and filmed the murder. so, as police looked through twitchell s car and home, they had the idea they might find videotape of her murder. instead, what they discovered was an affair. twitchell had a girlfriend and when his wife found out about that, she kicked him out. but, twitchell seemed, at least to the outside world, unperturbed and instead of falling apart, he simply retreated to his childhood home and moved in with his parents and so, clark paid twitchell s dad and mom a visit. they just struck me as a parent for her son does nothing wrong where s the father wanted to hear what i had to say, and he listened but he got over it. they set up a surveillance team, 24 hour watch to keep an eye on the house and twitchell, but his behavior was anything but suspicious. he went on about his business, took meetings with investors about his movie project, even picked up a $35,000 check from his financial backer. the mark twitchell i was dealing with was articulate, in control, running his project the way you would expect any entrepreneur to be running his project. in detective clark s world of up arrows and down arrows there was one more huge up arrow in twitchell s favor. motive, or that is to say the lack of one. there was no earthly reason for twitchell to kill altinger. there was no love triangle, no rivalry, there was no robbery and to put it more simply, twitchell was not a criminal. did not have a record, had never even been arrested. why would a young, married father killed a perfect stranger? so, besides twitchell, police also focus their attention on this quiet suburban neighborhood around twitchell s rented garage studio where john altinger may have gone to see a woman he met online. they went door-to-door , had anyone seen john altinger or his car or anything suspicious? they found this couple who told a story that seemed almost lifted from a horror movie. i have never in my life felt fear like that. these two, their names are marissa and trevor, were out for an evening stroll when they stepped through the looking glass. it happened when a young man came stumbling out of this alley and collapsed in front of them. he was on the ground and it was just an instant bad feeling. he looked up and said i m being robbed. can you help me? then, as if on cue, another man. in pursuit. as i looked up the attacker almost ran into me. the attacker was wearing a dark, hooded sweatshirt and a hockey mask. it s like every nightmare you have as a child after watching a scary movie. every nightmare you ve ever had. all of a sudden, it s right here. this was no bewitching hour. it was 7:30, and early autumn sun had just begun to take on the glow of a long, northern evening. neighborhood kids were still struggling home from soccer practice. is it believable to you? yes and no, because the way that he fell, to me, looked staged. to get us to stop so they could grab us. yeah, we thought it was a set up for us. so, you did not know whether he was going to assault you or whether he was running from that guy for real. exactly. then, so trevor and marissa, the masked man retreated into the alley to this garage. that is where he stood. he stood there like he was protecting something. i was like, i m getting out of here right now. trevor and marissa left the man on the ground pleading for help like some seasoned method actor and left. when i got home, they called the police, so squad cars prowled the streets as the autumn wind light angled toward the horizon but in that quiet, nothing seemed out of place. nothing amiss. that was that until weeks later when police came back here looking for john altinger . was the guy in the alley actually johnny, not an actor, was he a real victim? one of the detectives went downtown to check on the report taken from trevor and marissa, and it didn t fit. that call was taken a week before johnny disappeared. besides, no victim ever came forward. no one claimed to have been attacked by a masked man. the whole thing sounded almost like , well, like a scene from the movie. coming up, or just maybe, a tv show about a serial killer. what attracted you to director? what i loved about the show in the books is how he was able to explore that darkside, rationalize that it s okay to kill somebody because this person deserves it in a way. and dateline continues. y. and dateline continues. but this is my story. 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(mom) my turn. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. to light under the northern sun, especially with the aid of a search warrant. as bill clark and his colleagues closed in on movie maker mark strange things come to light under the northern son, especially with the head of a search warrant. as bill clark and his colleagues closed in on moviemaker mark twitchell, they seized his office computer, found in his house, and on the computer s hard drive, they found this video that looked almost like a movie. a horror movie. no, it was not a snuff film, was not john altinger s murder caught on tape. it was raw footage of one of twitchell s tease films, the one he had told the detective about the first time he d talked to him. it s a suspense thriller, actually. it s a short film. house of cards is what twitchell was calling it. get enough people talking about this and he might persuade some investor to ante up the money for a feature-length film. in house of cards, killer poses online as a flirtatious woman to entrap her victim. in this scene, it is a philandering husband who tells his wife he s heading off to the gym. but, once he arrives at the rendezvous site, the victim is dropped with a stun baton. murdered, then cut up into little bits. imagine a cross between friday the 13th and dexter. the victim in this teaser version was played by edmonton comedian, chris hayward. so, police decided to have a little chat with mr. hayward, but when they showed up at his door, hayward, no slouch when it came to the entertainment business, thought it was a prank of some sort. i worked on reality television. it was one of the first things i got into television on. they throw you curveballs and they have writers and i didn t know. i thought somebody s making this up. this can t be true. this is not a real story. police also tracked down toronto actor robert barnsley who played the starring role of the deranged mass murderer. i was thinking great sure and fill out the short film. i like the idea of this. of course i want to try to be the killer. he seemed like a very normal guy trying to do a film. very nice, very pleasant. playing a serial killer was almost too much fun, said barnsley. it got kind of scary for i enjoyed it too much. you got to be a sadist big- time. absolutely. very fun for me to play. i rather enjoyed doing it. i was thinking my to myself, that i just think i could do this and make it believable? which, said barnsley, was exactly what director twitchell seemed to want. there s a point where i had to stab the dummy through the chest with a samurai sword and he was sitting behind the chair he d be leaning in and say okay listen, when you re turning the blade, grit your teeth and really show that you re enjoying it. wait a minute, was this all about enjoying some fantasy game, pretending to be evil? detectives surfed around twitchell s computer account and discovered a facebook relationship that was all about pretending. at about the time he started filming house of cards, twitchell befriended an animal trainer and aspiring filmmaker, a woman named renee wary. and edmonton detective flew all the way to cleveland to question her, where she, right up front about it, told him about clicking on an intriguing facebook profile, dexter morgan. there was a picture of michael c hall, the actor who portrays dexter morgan on showtime. did you think you are friending the actor himself? sure, you know. what attracted you to dexter? what i love about the show in the books is how he was able to explore that darkside and rationalize that it s okay to kill somebody because this person deserved it, in a way. we flirted back and forth and i kept asking him who are you really, tell me who you are because i want to see the man behind the mask. finally, rene s facebook friend relented. no, he was not actor michael c hall, he admitted. his name was mark twitchell. once he told me who he was, i checked them out, you know. i did a lot of research online and found out that he was legitimate and he was up-and- coming. for rene, the would-be filmmaker, this seemed like her big break. he expressed interest in me and my writing styles and my ideas. what did he like about your writing style? you never said specifically. he just said i think we have, you know, like chemistry together and how we would be able to work very well together , and that we thought a lot alike. this had to be pretty exciting. yes. soon, she was intoxicated by this online collaboration and then wonder of wonders, he offered her work on his next project, the feature-length version of his short film, a film, he told her, about a serial killer. we had talked about our hypotheticals about how to kill somebody and get away with it. he told me well, you do it like dexter because dexter shows you how to do it all the time. dark? yes, but all in fun, of course, like twitchell s playful advice on eliminating, and dexter -like fashion, one of rene s rival in romance. with both her hands wrapped in duct tape, free one arm and slit the wrist. a hunters game processing kit comes with everything you need to cut the body into nice, manageable pieces. disturbing? yes but remember, all pretense. but then, a couple of weeks later, and this is what she told the police, something happened, strange and unsettling. there was a weekend-long pause in their play talk about dexter the darkside. not a single email from her friend, mark twitchell. then, when they came in with it, an apology that also had something else keeping me busy, he wrote. i m really concerned about telling anyone because of the implications. suffice it to say i crossed the line on friday. and, i liked it. crossed the line? what did that mean? coming up. was this all part of an elaborate hoax? a staged fantasy were something truly terrifying, when dateline continues. truly terrifying, when dateline continues. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade. i m officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon what causes a curve down there? who can treat this? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie s disease, or pd. you re not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. keith morrison: (voiceover) it was choose acid prevention. halloween in edmonton, canada. halloween, a highlight in most any child s fantasy calendar, the night to be the terrible creature she it was halloween and edmonton, canada. i highlight almost any child s fennessey calendar, the night the terrible creature could never really be. mark twitchell loved halloween. spent weeks, months actually, stitching together getups, outlandish costumes. in 2008, weeks after his wife kicked him out and cops began tailing him everywhere, he decided to be ironman. built the costume in his parents garage. but, on the very witchy afternoon, hours from his planned grand entrance to a gala halloween party, as he was walking to a local coffee house to meet with potential movie investors, he was thrown to the ground by men wearing their own unique costumes. members of the s.w.a.t. team. mark twitchell was handcuffed and charged with the murder of johnny altinger. that made big headlines. police even held a press conference to announce the arrest. the reporters who had gathered were left with one juicy tidbit. we have a lot of information that he idolizes dexter. we went to his facebook page. steve was a crime reporter for the edmonton journal. he had a post that said mark twitchell is too much in common with dexter morgan and the idea that there s a man out there who is attacking strangers, innocent victims, it s almost myth. something built up by hollywood. it didn t seem like it could be real. in edmonton, the question began to circulate. had the cops been played by a clever promoter? mark twitchell is known as a prankster. people thought it was a hoax. you almost wonder whether or not he was doing it as a publicity stunt. exactly. so maybe, bill clark and the rest of the police force would wind up with red faces and not just from the cold. except, there was one little bit of news police did not announce. when they searched twitchell s car, they found a laptop and on the hard drive at that laptop, very smart detective found a deleted temporary file. a document about 40 pages long. could be described as a diary, maybe a far-fetched novel right treatment for a dexter episode. it was called sk confessions. it was a first person account written from the perspective and aspiring serial killer. i remember reading this the first day when they brought it down and i said holy mackerel, this tells us everything. except he s a professional storyteller who tells, you know, movies. they are not real. weren t you afraid you might be about to be drawn into a rabbit hole? something that might be true or not be true, it might be f&s e- absolutely. we had huge discussions about this. it read more like a work of fiction. like a story that could not possibly be true. it seems like a hoax right from the opening paragraph. this is the story of my progression into becoming a serial killer. i don t remember the exact place and time it was i decided to be a serial killer, but i remember the sensation that hit me. it was a rush of pure euphoria. there was something about exploring my dark side the greatly appealed to me. the author seemed inspired by the tv show dexter. i m a huge fan of the showtime series dexter, as you may have guessed, if you re at all familiar with the show. and a particular scene played an important role. i watched an episode of dexter where the flashback showed his father showing dexter a scan of the human brain. he identify the difference between a serial killer sprain in a normal person s brain. i was convinced that what i was was my own decision, my own path, but now i truly wondered if i had little choice at all. of genetics play a bigger role than i thought. i knew i was a psychopath further than he sociopaths because i had the perfect upbringing and no history of abuse, violence, or trauma. in sk professions, it s graphic. how the killer dispatches victims with a mental mental pipe. i thrusted in his gut. his reaction was pure hollywood. the lurch forward with the grant was dead on tv movie of the week. the little i knew at the time and the things i found, thought it was true. cops can have hunches and think what they want, but this hunches really hold up in court. sk confessions could be a make- believe story, might not be written by twitchell. it could ve been downloaded from the internet . investigators started going through sk confessions line by line, to see if they could sort out fact from fiction. and, indeed, police found details that lined up with reality. the writer in his first person account tells the reader how he used a processing kit to dismember the victim s body and police found a processing kit in twitchell s garage. the killers said he tried to burn the victim s body in an oil drum and his parents backyard. at twitchell s parents backyard, they found a burned ring on the back lawn. there was a detail about the killer getting a speeding ticket and so did twitchell about the time that johnny altinger disappeared. he joked about it about how this dumb cop didn t realize he had just killed a guy. he was now going out to celebrate and have sex with his girlfriend. the cop remembered up. it came back and we know the conversation. it was basically word for word that story told us. exactly what the sheriff told us. there was a key part of the story that could not be verified. a passage that goes on for pages about an earlier attack, but that victim got away. that part of the story read like that directly from the house of cards grip where the victim is tasered by man wearing a hockey mask and hood. it s a big part to prove it s true or not. it was a huge part. if someone had been attacked that way, you would ve heard of it. exactly. we got nothing. no call. nothing that even matches the similarity. is seem to be one part of the story that didn t make sense. they went public and released a photo of the hockey mask. that what week somebody s memory that that was me. it was a longshot, really. maybe that person did not exist. they put it out there. they waited. not for long. because, that very evening, a lonely casino security officer named gilles tetreault was puttering on his computer and saw the newspaper article online. the police appeal. they felt the blood drain from his face. that person was him. i am like, oh my god. it s the same hockey mask as i saw, that the guy was wearing. i started reading the story. oh, my god, someone got killed. that terrifying evening came crashing back into his head. it was he, gilles tetreault, who so frightened that couple out for a stroll. he picked up the phone and before long found himself in a little room with detective bill clark. in my career, it was probably the most spellbinding interview i ve ever had with a witness. now, you are about to hear that story firsthand. coming up. all of a sudden i see this man wearing this black and gold hockey mask. this guy was bigger than me. the horror story really happened. life flash before my eyes. oh, my god. my family will never see me again. again. govy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used 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[coughing] copd isn t pretty. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. ceover) when gilles tetreault joined because breathing should be beautiful, the strange developing horror movie plot up in edmonton, gilles tetreault joined the developing horror movie plot in edmonton, canada. a man with a broken heart. lonely in a new city without the wife who had left him for another life. she just wanted to move on? she fell out of love with me, i guess. that s not easy. when he came across that lovely, intelligent woman on an online dating site and she seemed to like him? well, who could resist. she looked beautiful in her profile. i believe i made the first contact. what did she say about herself? she said she was new in town and looking to meet people. i found it a coincidence. so was i kind of thing. with a view alone and looking to meet someone. i thought this is perfect. sheena was her name. she said how about dinner and a movie. she started making excuses that i couldn t pick her up at her front door. so has stayed asked him to park in an alley and comes right back entrance, through a detached garage. she would leave the garage door open and i would go through the garage to the other side, get into the yard and knock on the back door to pick her up. i didn t have to crawl under it. i just had to squat. hopeful, unsuspecting, he walked through the garage door, the store, that leads to the back patio. i touched the not and all of a sudden somebody attacked me from behind. i turned back to look to see what s going on. that is when, all of a sudden, i see this man wearing this black and gold hockey mask. this guy was much bigger than me. prodding me with a stun gun. at first gilles couldn t tell what it was this stinging at the back of his neck. but listen to this from sk confessions? pressing the baton across the back of his neck, pulled the trigger. shocked and jump but did little more than merely alert him to what was going on. i tried to make a run for it. that s when he pulled out a gun. what is that like when somebody pulls a gun on you? terrified. i didn t know what to do. oh, my god, i think i m going to die and i cannot get away. there is no way i can escape a bullet. i felt a sick feeling. i pointed it at him and all of a sudden he took me seriously. his eyes wide. then he yells, get down on the ground. put your face down and close your eyes and put your hands in the back. he took out duct tape. he ripped off a piece. that s when he covered my eyes with them. just about then, gilles tetreault decided hits come to the moment of his death. i started tearing up. it was like life flashed before my eyes. it was quite emotional. oh, my god. my family is never going to see me again. i never told anyone where i was going that day. all of a sudden, by my legs, i hear his belt jiggling. what gilles heard was the sound of handcuffs as they neared his wrists. he said he felt the attacker was undoing his belt. i thought, he is going to rape may. i better fight for my life. i would rather die my way than his way. i knew he s going to pull the gun out again. you know what? if it kills me, it kills me. gilles makes his move. i darted for the gun. grabbed the end and pushed it away from my body. but this fight is far from over. he comes after me and grabs my legs. he starts dragging me back. me e of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. hi, i m janice and i lost 172 pounds on golo. now clinically proven a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am on the inside. once i saw golo was working i felt this rush. golo really works. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? he d been lured into a garage then assaulted by a masked man gilles tetreault was in a battle for his life. had been lured into a garage and assaulted by masked man with the gun. now he is determined to turn the tables. get up and rip off the duct tape and i yell at them. i said, i can t do this. i m not going down like this. he started yelling at me. it back down on the ground. back down on the ground. i darted for the gun. grabbed the end and pushed it away from my body. he got back to his feet, having removed the duct tape. when i pointed the gun at him again, he grabbed a. it was the best feeling i felt in my life because i felt plastic when i grabbed it. immediately. who suddenly realized? it was a fake gun. i think i might ve seen a gleam that indicated he felt the gun construction a realized it was not real. i grabbed him by the arms and we re struggling all over the garage. according to sk confessions, by fighting back, had taken the story off script. overestimating the stun baton is a mistake i would not repeat. i should ve just pounded him on the back of the head while he was down until he lay unconscious on the floor. i tried to kick him. he saw me going to do that, so he actually went and swiped my leg and i almost fell down. i almost lost my shoe. i am thinking, i can t get down. if i get down on the ground, you are cooked. exactly. s adrenaline had been pumping and he was unaware how the shock from the stun baton had sapped his strength. my muscles could not move. i was so weak. he goes forward and tries to headbutt meet me. that s when he says, because you did not cooperate, this is the way it has to be. he starts punching me in the head. he stumbled back with every blow, closer and closer to the open garage door. i am letting him punch me. he punches me again. he grabs my jacket so i slipped out of my jacket and ruled under the garage door. i made it out of the garage. i start to try to run. all of a sudden, it s like my legs were paralyzed. i could not move. i fell on my face. a nightmare where you can get away from that monster. i start crawling away on this unpaved driveway. sure enough, he comes underneath the garage after me. grabs my legs and he starts dragging me back. i m thinking, oh, my god, i don t know how i will get away again. i have nothing left. there s nothing else i can do. underneath the door. au he drags me back and throw me back into the garage underneath the door. i m thinking, he does not have a hold of me anymore. this is my chance. i can maybe get away again and i roll underneath the garage door. i got back up, and in my head, i was like, there is no way i am not running this time. terrified. exhausted, gilles tetreault ran 30 or 40 feet to this pedestrian path and that s when he collapsed in front of trevor and marissa. i look up and i see a couple walking their dog. i couldn t really talk. all i could say is there s a man after me. he is trying to mug me, please, help me. they looked stunned. they didn t know what was going on. to me, felt like it was taking the masked man forever to come after me. but he came running after me. he comes close to me and i tell him them, that s the man. as i looked up, the attacker almost ran into me. once he saw the couple, he said, come on, frank. the guy was pretending they were friends. he was pretending he was going to live the mask like we were playing. then he does. he turns around and starts walking back to the garage. i stared back at them through my mask and then headed back for the cover of my layer. it was only once he arrived safe at home that gilles tried to put it together. how? what in the world just happened? who was the man behind the mask? and why had he been attacked? i decided i need to go back onto that online dating website. i want to get as much information as i can so i can give it to police. i go back on and all of a sudden, everything was gone. her profile was gone. although sent and received messages i got from the person were all gone. what is it like to be sitting alone in front of your computer with that realization in your head? it felt almost ashamed. i can t believe i got duped by this woman. i just want to put this behind me. i want to move on. and did not call the police. no, did not. i had no idea. for weeks, i had nightmares. i kept githinking, maybe this g is following me. maybe he s going to attack me again. i was terrified. i was facing him there with a gun. a month after his journey into the twilight zone, gilles tetreault was giving bill clark a videotape blow-by-blow of the assault. there s no doubt he is being truthful. the cops had real evidence that sk confessions was all true. except, it was not quite complete. it was a story without an end. the part we never had, we never had johnny. johnny altinger. the victim who it seemed did not escape from this suburban garage, still no sign of him. unless, just about then the detectives uncovered some of the, updated version of sk confessions. there was one more chapter. in which the killer leaves a clue. impossible to resist. the police take mark twitchell on a journey to the place where something evil had happened. here we are back at the killing garage. killing garage. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more. all in one delicious, monthly, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus: the one you want for one-and-done protection. i still love to surf, snowboard, or neurologic disorders. and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol s extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. i m richard lui. is real saying it rescued four hostages during a raid in gaza who had been kidnapped by hamas during the music festival october 7. officials say more than 200 palestinians were killed by airstrikes nearby. marks one of the bloodiest single days and eight months of war so far. a 3-year-old horse took the victory in the 156 running of the belmont stakes. there was no triple crown champion is over two different winners in the kentucky derby and preakness stakes. loved the tv show dexter, was so taken with the whole idea the would be movie direction or dashed director loved the tv show dexter. so taken with the whole idea that he posted this online ad, attempt to sell the script for his house of cards short film as if it were an original dexter episode. in fact, the story of his computer, the one called sk confessions is a lot like an episode of the tv show. now, here in his rented garage, police found what looked like a kill room. there was plastic sheeting. autopsy table. all matching the careful descriptions in sk confessions. what the killer could not learn from dexter s how to dispose of the body. the tv dexter lives in miami, dumps his victims in the atlantic. but, edmonton in the middle of thousands of square miles of farmland and oilfields has hundreds of miles from the ocean and that fact seem to have stymied the sk controller who up had no idea how to get rid of the remains. perhaps it never occurred to him to put the body in the trunk of a car and drive it past city limits and bury it behind some old abandoned barn. so, according to sk confessions, tried burning them. that did not work. he thought about throwing them in the saskatchewan river there one town but was afraid someone would see him. he finally decided to toss them down one of the thousands of storm drains. the diary had got to a point where he talked about dumping the body in a sewer and then it ended. by this time, clark believed that the diary was true. all of it. without a body in a case as bizarre as this one, how could any jury be sure any important parts of this sk confessions wants some fantasy from the dark side? clark confronted twitchell with the evidence hoping he would confess. this reminds me of dexter. kill room. clean sweep. you were referring to your garages a kill room. your garage was a kill room. the table is the killed table. it s where you carved him up. i will show you that later but all the blood seeps underneath. the dude dna matching. when i say the show dexter, and you ve seen the show. it s all modeled after dexter. you know that. you kind of look like the guy. i look at that picture, i saw the one on your website, you even look the same. he kills people who needs killing. these guys who get off in court. the guys get off on technicality. he kills people who needs killing. the difference here is you killed a guy who really was no harm to society. there was no response at all. the next day clark and another detective took twitchell and drove him around edmonton hoping he would give up information. what was his demeanor like? defiant. assiduous show is where the body is. will show us where johnny is and drove right here. parked in front of his parents house. after that? mark twitchell was taken to a place that was the center of his life. here we are the killing garage. the dexter garage. look familiar? we parked on top of the sewer where you d dumped the body? jog your memory. clark even took twitchell to the back of the garage, the suspect a crime scene, hoping it would trigger some level of remorse. bring back any memories? want to tell us where the body is? get this over with? okay. back in the car, another detective heard of camera starts working on twitchell. you humiliate your victim. knocked him over the head. carve him up. chop him up. this pales in comparison. twitchell said nothing, at least not in person. he had said plenty in sk confessions, if he was the author. the document was incomplete, ending in a jumble of unrecoverable computer code. com hon, we are to the point where he dumped the body and we don t know the location. a detective did a slow, methodical search through the desktop computer found in twitchell s home, and it paid up. on the computer, once deleted but now found was yet another version of sk confessions with a view tantalizing paragraphs describing the location of the victim s remains. he talks about a specific sewer. how it s off an alley in a grassy area, and an old neighborhood. he talks about telephone poles in the alley. only certain neighborhoods here have telephone poles. the older ones. that s about the time bill clark became a man obsessed. we were pulling manhole covers up. i d be with a flashlight and looking down. we would call the city crews in. nothing. enough to make a person doubt his sanity. coming up. police were about to get some help. a man that open the case. they stopped right here. a year and a half later, where did you find the body? right down there. and with vitiligo, the pursuit for your pigment is no exception. it s time you had a proven choice to help restore what s yours. opzelura is the first and only fda-approved prescription treatment for nonsegmental vitiligo. proven to help repigment skin over time. restoring what s yours. it s possible with a steroid-free cream that you can apply yourself. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections, skin cancer, blood clots, and low blood cell counts occurred with opzelura. in people taking jak inhibitors, serious infections, increased risk of death, lymphoma, other cancers, and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. repigmentation is possible. ask your dermatologist today about starting or refilling opzelura. pursue it. you re the one that i want nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,. you re the one that i want .the monthly one-and-done you want. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it s heading no fingersticks needed. now the world s smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. keith morrison: (voiceover) bill clark was one ask your eczema specialist deeply frustrated detective. for months he d been a man obsessed, bill clark was one deeply frustrated detective. for months, he d been obsessed. peering into the sewers of edmonton and search for the missing johnny altinger. then? after 1.5 years, call from the city jail, and meet wanted to talk to detectives. his name, mark twitchell. he handed over a print out of this google map. at the bottom of the page there was a handwritten note. location of johnny altinger s remains. it was one block south of his parents house and that alley. this is the alley behind the home. it matched perfectly with the description from sk confessions, and in fact, this area had been searched by police a year and a half earlier. they pulled all these sewers all the covers? all the covers. they searched each one and they found nothing. this block, this area, and they sent cameras down the lines where they go down the lines and sneak them down and found nothing. where do they stop? about where you and i are standing. a year and a half later, where did you find the body? right down there. five telephone poles down half a block from where we stopped the search. this was johnny altinger s tomb. there is a piece of trash he probably thought it would get washed away. deteriorate to a point where it would be unidentifiable or no one would look. no one would ever look. why weeks before his murder trial was set to begin did mark twitchell give up johnny altinger s body? there must ve been a reason. because of all the publicity the case generated, the judge slapped a gag order on the press, the police, everybody. which is one the first day of the trial, the disclosure that altinger s body had been uncovered catches everyone by surprise. the reporter is written a book about the case. it doesn t get more explosive than that. it was new information no one had heard before. the trial only got more bizarre is the prosecution unveiled for the first time sk confessions. sitting in the courtroom became a journey deep into the wilderness of a mind of darkness. horde details were written down. no detail was not told within this document. it sounds just like it is fiction, like a script, but when you step back you realize it s a real person. it is a real man who has been murdered. was johnny altinger murder? twitchell admitted he dumped the remains down the storm drain, he never said he murdered him. never admitted he was the author of sk confessions. detectives knew they would need more than this document to get a conviction. the quietly build a case on csi basics. take the garage. this is what it looked like during the normal light of day. and this is a photo taken from the same angle minutes later once the floor was sprayed with luminal, the chemical that makes blood glow. huge spots in the garage would indicate pooling of blood. we found a piece of a human tooth in the garage. we found blood spatter along the walls and the garage door. hundreds of spots where repeating had taken place. also? csi investigators found this gang processing kit. hunters would take it to cut up a moose or whatever they have killed. this is what he used and every single tool in the kit had our victim s dna on it. in his car, police found other hard evidence. we find a knife and there. a knife with blood. visible blood? visible blood and it matches johnny altinger. he left it in the car? and the car is a gold mine . it absolutely blows the case wide open. there are yellow sticky notes on the console. one has a map drawn from the garage to johnny altinger s apartment. he kept everything. wrote everything down. after the presentation of the hard evidence, his coworkers were called to testify. one of the first was the actor who played the victim in house of cards. on his way to court that morning, he worried. what would happen if twitchell is acquitted? i feel he would probably kill me. chris was not alone. rene was unsettled too the day she testified but for another reason altogether. i didn t want to feel judge. because? i have dark thoughts and i shared them with a serial killer. johnny altinger s friend testified. there was nervousness, for sure. and a lot of sadness that day for me. all i can do is speak for john and the person he was. a nice man. definitely. if things had not turned out the way it did, he would ve found what he was looking for in life. it was the first time she had gotten a clear look at mark twitchell . he seemed like a normal, average person off the street. that is what disturbed me. twitchell remained stonefaced even when his wife took the stand. she is crying through all of this. mark twitchell s reaction was nearly blank. when this video was shown a chord during bill clark s testimony, twitchell became unraveled. he starts to cry and tears are streaming down his face. he is getting hysterical. the judge recognized and they took a break. when it comes back after the break, mark twitchell is no better. still very upset and he is crying. he actually faces detective clark and he starts talking to him. he said i am sorry for lying to you. this is extraordinary. you never have the accused talking to one of the primary investigators in the middle of their murder trial. this was far from the strangest moment of the trial. that came in the case for the defense when the attorney called it one witness. mark twitchell. the room was packed. i think everyone was on the edge of their seat wondering what does this guy going to say? twitchell finally had an audience. when he had been waiting 2.5 years to tell. what a story it was. he said you could blend fiction and reality so closely together that everyone would be fooled. fooled. [coughing] copd isn t pretty. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. hi, i m kevin and i ve lost 152 pounds on golo. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. i decided to give golo a try. taking the release supplement i noticed a change within the first week and each month the weight just kept coming off. with golo you can keep the weight off. keith morrison: (voiceover) in mark twitchell s trial, the defense had but one witness, twitchell himself. and right from the start, he admitted in mark twitchell, they had one witness. right from the start, he admitted killing johnny altinger . then, he told the jury a story. he said what he has done is cooked up this idea that you could blend fiction and reality so closely together that the people, everyone would be fooled into thinking what is fiction is actually reality. house of cards and sk confessions said twitchell worded very the building blocks to a entertain the concept of book and film. there was more. more twisted reality. to generate publicity, he said he first needed to create an online urban legend by doing a series of harmless staged attacks identical s to those depicted in this movie and novel. so when his movie comes out and when the novel comes out, people would googled this and find out there s this urban legend that maybe the movie is real. maybe fiction is reality. he called a? multi-angle psychosis/psychosis label entertainment. sitting on the beach and there s a palm tree and a beach in front of you but when you pull back, it s not a beach but a picture of a beach. the attack on geo tetra was just a stunt. he allowed his parade to escape. and johnny altinger? that was week too just like the first one. but johnny didn t get the joke and furious there was no woman to greet him, tap twitchell with a pipe. he s got this knife on his belt and he tells the jury in his testimony that he puts his hand on the handle of the knife and just as johnny is about to come at him, his lifting the pipe over his head and mark twitchell sticks his hands out in front of him and the next thing he sees is the knife in johnny s stomach and blood is on his hands and he collapses on the floor and dies. the only inaccuracy is the initial attacker was johnny altinger and he , mark twitchell, disposed of the body and the sewer. police have their answer as to why twitchell gave up the body. it was the prologue of his elaborate tail. his defense is a brilliant idea on the surface. he actually found a way to describe an entire police investigation that incriminated him to get him off scott free. in ohio, rene was following all of this online. i watched the live blog they had, and i was screaming my head off at home. you liar. were you afraid the jury would believe him? oh, yeah. you are looking at for the one person that has that doubt. take the doubt back to the deliberation room. gilles tetreault was in course dash cart the day it was completed. i got to sit in the second row. she looked back, my mom, and saw me. i didn t know how she would feel. she turned around and looked at me. she smiled. she grabbed my hand. she said i m so happy you are still with us. that meant so much to me. what was that like? i didn t know how she would feel toward me. when she did that, it was almost another closing moment for me. not for others in the courtroom. apparently not for the jury s deliberations dragged on. the time rolled on. people are thinking maybe there is someone out there who actually does believe mark twitchell. mark twitchell was a masterful liar, maybe this ultimate fantasy would beguile the jury. then that final audience trooped back into the courtroom and gave him his last review. they found him guilty of the premeditated first-degree murder of johnny altinger . he was sentenced to life in prison. i have never been involved in an investigation in my whole career. you theorizes someone has died. there is no doubt we don t always get it right. here we knew exactly what happened to johnny. because he told you. he told us. ultimately, johnny lettuce to a . and twitchell kept writing about it. he would ve kept writing dash cart killing. i did mark twitchell murder johnny altinger? was it a thrill killing? or something even darker? i think he wanted to experience the feeling of killing and dismembering a body. i think down the road, he was going to produce a film about it . he would be a producer who would tell his cast and crew and actors how to do it and only to himself he would know he has lived it. i think that is what he wanted to do. an ohio, rene, twitchell s friend, arrived at the same disturbing theory. i think he did it for artistic reasons. artistic reasons? i think he wanted to see how someone died so he could make a better story. film it better. write about a better. in fact, mark twitchell himself offered an answer to all the people who wondered why. he was different, he wrote in his sk confessions. he simply could not feel anyone. and so, intentionally or not, he offered a dismal reason for murdering a perfect stranger. it was a single line at the end of that horror movie of his house of cards when the killer tells his wife the best way to succeed is to write what you know. this is this is someone at a park at 3:00 am. i am andrea kncanning and this is dateline. i can t believe she would meet someone at a park at 3:00 a.m. i think she knew the second she got in his car that something was wrong. a college student disappears. i d liketo

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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe Weekend 20240609

100%. judy s family says they can finally move on with their lives. there is one thing that brings them peace. you are religious. does that give you any comfort to know your mom and dad are now together? they are in a better place than we are. what would you say to judy? i will tell her that i love her and i would give her the biggest hug. that is all for this edition of dateline. thank you for watching. ank you this sunday edition of morning joe weekend. it was another fast-moving news week. here are more of the conversations you ekmight have missed. donald trump and his allies are ratcheting up their calls for revenge against democrats in response to trump s conviction in his new york city criminal trial. some examples. in a fox news interview on friday, former white house advisor stephen miller called le on republican secretary of state and attorneys general to quote, get in the game and use every facet of power to go toe to toe with democrats. florida senator marco rubio who is reportedly in the mix to be trump s running mate which would make sense given his behavior wrote on social media quote, it s time to fight fire with fire. in response to a new york times piece about recent calls for refry abuse, former white house chief strategist steve bannon echoed stephen miller telling the paper quote, there are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and ne district attorneys who need to seize the day and own this moment in history. then there is trump himself. in s an interview earlier this week he suggested hillary clinton be jailed in response to his guilty verdict. and here s what he said at his florida home yesterday in a fox news interview last night with sean hannity where you see hannity trying to get him to the right answer but no. take a listen. you can t gag a nominee. can you imagine you re running for office and you gag. you re not allowed to talk. when that happens we are no longer a democracy. and we re not going to let that happen. and i know a lot of republicans who want retribution. they want to do that we re going to see what happens. people are claiming you want retribution. people are claiming you want u what has happened to you done to democrats. would you ondo that ever? look, what s happened to me has never happened in this country before. and it has to stop because wait a minute, i want to hear that again. it has to stop. we re not going to have a country. if you re elected awhat doe that mean? define that. what i ve gone through nobody s ever gone through. i m a very legitimate person. i built a great business. focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution. that you will use the system of justice to go after your political enemies. number one, they re wrong. it onhas to stop. otherwise we re not going to have a country. look, when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them. it s easy because it s joe biden and you see all the criminality. will you pledge to restore equal justice? equal application of our laws? end this practice of weaponnization? is that a promise? you have to do it. but it s awful. look, i know you want i m asking. i don t want to look naive. what they ve done to the republican party, they want to arrest on no crime. i will do everything in my power not to let, but this tremendous criminality here. what they re doing to me if it s going to continue we re really not going to have much of a country left. okay, willie. help me out here. first of all, no criminality. this was not biden s justice department in the criminal trial in new york city. it was a yjury of donald trump peers, 12 people and alternates. just to fact check him right there. but also hannity, mr. softball, setting him up saying come on, come on, you wouldn t actually have retribution. you don t mean that. of course he s like yes, i do. just like what the documents. when hannity was like come on, you didn t actually take the documents. donald trump is kenot messing around. he promises retribution and as he even told hannity when hannity gave him a chance to semi cover it he will serve it up. so, with that, i mean i m not sure what more people need to know given a lot of things donald trump has promise have had come to pass. i m not smiling about the substance of what the president said, i m smiling with what you put your finger on which is this entire genre of interview where sean hannity embeds the answer into his question and tries to lead donald. i wish my oral exams in high school and college were like that where the teacher would just nod along and give you the answer. that s the way they do it. he said donald trump in the remarks we played before that clip he said a malot of people are saying they re going to want retribution. so he likes to separate himself but obviously he means himself and obviously sending cues to others about what should happen. again, he was charged, he was tried, he was convicted by a jury of his peers in new york. the fact that he took classified documents back to his beach club is not some imagined conspiracy against him. he did. hing we ll see what happens in that trial as it moves forward. he wants retribution against people, the justice department, the fbi who are actually bringing him to justice on things that he did or is alleged to have done. let s bring to the conversation yeah. one thing before we get to our guests. it s so interesting to me that n he says this has never happened before and that s why something needs to be done. in every case, well, i will say in the most clear cases because obviously we have to wait for the law to play out. but in the case of the documents you see the pictures. he says he took them. he says they re his. he admits to the crime. in the case of the hush money. criminal trial where 34 felony counts against donald trump came up guilty, there was evidence presented in court that backed it up. so yes, yes, mr. president, former president trump, this hasn t happened before. there hasn t been a former president who had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and then years later before a campaign was to get into full swing paid off through hush money through a fixture breaking campaign finance laws and having fraudulent business records. i mean that is not happened before. he s right, otit hasn t happene before. but it s unfortunately what happened to him because of his own actions. right. and change the suspect from subject to some imagined conspiracy that suggests the government is out to get him. let s bring in ceo of the massina group jim massina. and ran obama s 2012 reelection campaign 20successfully, of course. jim, great to see you. you often are the guy who comes in and sort of tries to calm the nerves a bit of democrats b when they get panicky. not in some polly anish way, but looking at data, looking at normals. let s talk about the fundraising that scared a lot of democrats after donald trump was convicted last week on 34 felony counts. raised a boatload of money. put that into some perspective though as compared to how the biden campaign is doing. yeah, if you look at the overall numbers biden continues to have a very healthy fundraising lead. has way more money in eathe ban i know this sounds geeky, but the truth is joe biden s money is all small donors whereas donald trump s money is from m big donors who are giving to his super pacs. that ad buying later in the campaign is more expensive. they can t get the lowest unit rate. most importantly, the one thing you can t make more of in a presidential election is time. we re 152 days out and the biden campaign has over 150 field offices staffed with paid staffers in the battleground states. donald trump has zero. so every day these people are talking to voters both their own base and these swing voters and you just can t replicate that with money. we always knew that trump was going to catch up weafter he go the nomination. he clearly had an outstanding day after his criminal conviction. it s a little cynical they raised a bunch of money after he was found guilty of 34 felony counts. it y is what it is. overall the biden campaign is doing what they need to do which is build a massive army in these battleground states. the biden campaign looking forward to that first debate as a moment to change fra joke tour of the race. we re seeing polls shift a little bit towards the president. let s owget you to weight in yesterday. this wall street journal story about the president s age. we can set aside the marriage of the journalism. there were flaws in the story we covered at length yesterday. polls suggest some americans think the president is too old for office. we know donald trump just a couple years younger. if you were still in the white house, what would your communication strategy be to simply manage the issue. fair or not it s out there. how would you suggest the white house and campaign handle it? by doing exactly what they re doing. getting him out there as much e as they can. about getting an early debate. you re exactly right. it is an issue. people have questions about it. we all remember at the state of the union he did a master performance and looked on top of his game and the polls rose then. this debate moment is really, really big for them. i can t believe donald trump is letting them have it. people expect joe biden to not be as good as donald trump. trump has set all the expectations to the top activity moon. he s this great or tore. he s this great guy. joe s sleepy joe, et cetera. joe biden goes in there and has a good debate and it s going to significantly make people think about their perceptions of this race. i think it ll be a very big moment and i think biden was very smart to ask for a debate as early as he could get it. we ll be right back with much more morning joe. ore morn. sup? -who are you? i m your inner child. get in. listen. 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they were going to fight for democracy. all these years later, 80 years later, democracy is again in peril. that s a fact. that s a fact. listening to donald trump, that s a fact we have to live with. that s a fact that americans are going to have to make up their minds about. what kind after country do we want going forward? we may hear some of that theme from president biden tomorrow at normandy when he delivers the address. he ll be there all week as you reported yesterday. he ll be at bella woods later in the week the world war i site. talking about the young men who frankly saved the world in those days, weeks and months but also about bringing it to today and the threats of democracy here. it s hard not to be almost emotional thinking about this scene with eisenhower. we ll hear from the president several times this week. his remarks tomorrow will be relatively brief. it s the next day, the friday where he goes where ronald reagan delivered his famous speech. talking about yes, the sacrifices of 80 years ago that helped save the world. but connecting it to today. the battle we re seeing in ukraine. also just the need to affirm and rebuild democracies across the globe. i m told the odds are against him invoking donald trump by name. trump will shadow this. he will draw an implicit contrast to the future that trump will bring versus the one that he would. one with allies. one with defending democracy. we know donald trump will take a different approach to the ukraine war working to be returned to office. he almost pulled autoof nato on the eve of going to helsinki. we ll hear that in grand terms from president biden in what aides tell me will be one of the most important speeches he delivers this year. one that will not on the surface be a campaign speech. yeah. we just talk about the choices. mike talking about the choices. we hear what he said about hillary clinton. we re talking about nato. donald trump trying to undermine nato. said he wanted to undermine nato. said a couple months ago he encouraged vladimir putin to invade nato countries if they didn t have sort of defense structure that he wants them to have. of course he talked about putting hillary clinton in jail. throwing political opponents in jail. his people have talked about throwing us in jail. throwing people that run this show in jail. they ve talked about throwing media companies in jail that are insufficiently loyal. he talks about executing chairmans of the joint chiefs of staff who are insufficiently politically loyal to him. he talks about terminating the constitution. he talks about using seal team six to execute political opponents and says that he would be immune from that. he had his lawyers argue that in court. go through all of it and it is extraordinary. it s extraordinary that this man is talking like an autocrat. talking like putin and that right now this race is too close to call. i think it s really worth pointing out that the difference between trump in 2020 and trump in 2024 and trump in 2016 is this time around his team and campaign are much more focused on how they would do exactly the kinds of things you ve spoken about. they ve drawn up the policy papers. they ve dug in to the workings of the american government to see how they could effectively take control of the fcc. of the doj. use the irs against political opponents of theirs. they ve been very honest about the idea of using this second administration for retribution against those people who have counted donald trump. it s sometimes easy with donald trump because we hear so many things that are out of the norm they go well, it s just another thing donald trump says. behind donald trump in 2024 is a whole infrastructure of people putting in place the plans to follow up with the kinds of things that donald trump is saying out on the campaign trail. they didn t manage to do much of it in 2016 because they weren t prepared. this time around they re making sure they are prepared. so the group republican voters against trump is launching a new billboard ad campaign looking to persuade moderate republicans and republican leaning voters in four swing states. the billboards feature former trump voters who now say they won t vote for him in the wake of his conviction last week in his new york city criminal trial. let s bring in the executive director of republican voters against trump sarah longwell. she s also a publisher and host of the focus group podcast. thank you so much for joining us. to tell us more about this campaign and what you re hearing from republican voters. question after the conviction, the political question is will voters care? and from our perspective you have to help make them care. the republicans are out there right now and they are building their own narrative. building their own echo chamber. they are all singing from the same song sheet that this was rigged, that we have a two tier justice system. we have to go on offense right now and make sure voters understand how unique, how historically unique in a desperately dark way it is to have a convicted felon running for president. so our program republican voters against trump, it hick hinges on a key theory which is you need credible messengers to speak to these vote percent. we have hundreds of people who voted for trump in the past, many voted for him twice who are explaining and there s testimonials all over our website explaining why they won t vote for trump again. but after the conviction we wanted to make sure that it stuck with people. we have watched donald trump extraordinary things have happened. like his own vice president not endorsing him. and yet it kind of just rolls off voters minds. trump s been around for a long time. we have two functional incumbents and that create as dynamic where voters aren t as tuned in in ways they might have. you have to go on offense. you have to have strong affirmative messaging to make sure things stick in the mind of voters. you can t count on the idea that voters hear conviction and walk away. you have to help them understand why this is so extraordinary. why what he defense wrong and why he s too dangerous to be in the white house. to that point about the difficulty in making things stick to trump. we live in a world where it seems like everyone s attention span is a few fleeting moments. so it s not just there s a conviction. conviction happened at the end of may. here we are the first few days of june. we re still five months to the election. how do you get it to resinate to stay in the forefront of voters minds not just now but as they head into the ballot box? this is one of the ways democrats have to figure out how they re going to do their messaging strategy. i think that oftentimes they get really fractured around messaging and have a difficult time going on offense as opposed to playing defense. so part of this is to make sure that acknowledging donald trump s conviction is a regular feature in the way that democrats are talking about him. and not just joe biden. joe biden as a messenger has a particular role i think to explain to the country what he s going to do over the next four years. but democrats need an army of surrogates who are out there making an affirmative case. going on offense. going on attack against donald trump. making sure the countriens understands. and that he s a been convicted of sexual assault and that he s been convicted for, you know, the things he did with the trump org and reminding people of january 6th. it is really, this is going to be a choice about who is the the lesser of two evils and you have to have voters understand trump is the greater of evils. liable of sexual abuse, defamation and massive fraud. and then convicted felon who is openly hell bent on revenge. that s what voters have to consider. sarah longwell. thank you for being on this morning. coming up, new reporting on how closely europe is watching the upcoming u.s. election. we ll be right back. l be right. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i ll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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( ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. november s presidential election has implications well beyond our country s borders. in a new piece entitled what europe fears details how european leaders and nato are preparing for the potential reelection of donald trump and joining us now the author of that piece staff writer at the atlantic mckay coppins. tell us what these leaders are saying. i was struck by two things. they re watching the u.s. election very closely. the state secretary in germany told me that in a year when billions of people around the world will have the opportunity to vote the one election everyone in europe cares about and is paying attention to is the american presidential election. the other thing that struck me is almost every official i spoke to believed that donald trump was going to win again. and they say that with a sense of dread in some cases bordering on panic. the word that i heard most often in these interviews was existential. if donald trump comes back, we made it through the first trump term. and it took a toll on the transatlantic relationship. but they made it through. they said if he comes back given what he s been saying about nato, given what he s been saying about russia, the war in ukraine, they re really afraid that it will be the end of nato and the beginning of a new stage of russian aggression that europe frankly isn t prepared for without america s support. so mckay, let s dive into that more. there s been from president macron of france this effort to make europe less dependent on the u.s. in terms of our military and financial strength. what other steps are he and his fellow european leaders taking to try to if you will trump proof what they re doing right now ahead of his possible return? yeah, there have been a number of efforts recently proposed. one of them as you mentioned is, you know, developing defense autonomy in europe in a way that would potentially channel funds away from nato which really does rely on america and toward the european defense alliance. there s been talk of taking the responsibility for arming ukraine, literal logistical responsibility out of america s hands and putting that in nato s hands because they don t know if a future trump administration would abandon the war or not. really the biggest change has been that a lot of european allies are spending a lot more now on their own defense. and this is one thing that, you know, trump takes credit for and i have to say a lot of the european officials i spoke to grudgingly gave him some credit for. they said trump by kind of being so vociferous about this issue that european allies aren t spending enough on defense has sort of bullied a lot of these countries into spending more, but it s come at a cost. and that cost is that these european countries while they are now spending more on collective defense, contributing more to nato, also don t trust america as a long term ally the way they have for the last 75 years. when america becomes an unpredictable power or a transactional power, that changes the entire global order in ways that i don t think we can predict right now. sure does. and we heard back in i think it was 2018, 2019 angela merkel saying we can no longer depend on the united states basically with trump because he s so erratic. we ll have to defend ourselves. it s something macron said as well. if donald trump s making them spend more money on defense because they re spending more money on defense because they know they can t count on the united states in their minds if donald trump is president of the united states. mckay writes this also, that almost every official i spoke with believed that trump is going to win. i hear that an awful lot from europe and i hear from across the world. i think claire, we should probably tell our friends not to bet too many euros or pounds on that fact because what you see on tv may not be what ends up happening at the voting booths for swing voters in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. yeah, those three states particularly where really biden has never been more than a point or two behind and in polls has been ahead. those three states are incredibly important. mckay, i wanted to ask you about what s going on in europe domestically in terms of their politics. we have seen in the united states populism and anti- immigration that has really roiled our politics here. what is happening in that front in europe? it looks from a distance that they re having some of the same issues internally within the conservative parties there. the antiimmigration, the populism. is that something that europe is also worried about? oh, no question. the fear of trump s return in europe is of a piece with the fear of a broader rise of right wing populism and nationalism. we ve seen it in the uk. italy. in germany the afd party. the far right party. there was one recent poll that found 25% of germans now identify with that party. and that s a pretty extreme party. so there s no question that throughout western democracies and really in europe especially we have seen a lot of the same forces that contributed to trump s rise. in some ways the europeans understand trump through that prism. they re saying, you know, we get it, we have our own issues here. if some of our allies have elected leaders like donald trump. it s different when it happens in america. america is not only the lynch pin of the nato alliance. it is in a lot of ways seen as kind of the big brother. european countries rely on america for security, they rely on it for leadership. they rely on america to set an example to the world for what a well functioning western democracy should look like. a lot of the anxiety about this election in europe stems from the fact that they re seeing this chaos in american democracy and wondering if the city on a hill can still be looked to as an example. and that causes a lot of alarm among our friends in europe. the new piece is online now for the atlantic. staff writer mckay coppins, thank you for writing the piece and being on the show this morning. next, former capitol police officer harry dunn will be here to talk about why he is starting a new pac to support candidates running against pro- trump republicans. trump republicans. slowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell 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you leave it all on the field. i m harry dunn and on january 6th the good guys won. they fellow officers and i fought as a team. we had each other s back. and we didn t do it for one person or one president. we did it for our country. to make sure everyone s vote counted. that s what democracy is. that no one person s voice is greater than another. when i ran for congress, hundreds of thousands of regular people stood with me and we broke records in fundraising. but our system still allows the wealthiest americans and their corrupt super pacs to support insurrectionsists and drown out our voices. our team has got to change that. we need to support candidates committed to getting money out of politics and defending our democracy from donald trump and maga extremists. nobody said it would be easy, but for our country, fur our team, we can t stop now. and former u.s. capitol police officer harry dunn joins us now. he s the author of the recent book standing my ground. thanks for being with us again this morning. you ran for congress in the state of maryland. fell a little short l but did have some money leftover from that campaign. tell us more about what you plan to do with it. thanks for having me on. always good to be on with you all. we did fall short, but the reason why i ran was to do everything i can to continue to fight for democracy. to fight to preserve our constitution. and to fight to stop maga extremists. at the very top of the ticket, donald trump. we did raise millions of dollars in a very short period of time and what that told me is that a lot of people across the country that message of our democracy, the threat of losing it. the threat of this being our potential last free and fair election resinates with a lot of people. it s at the top of peoples minds. what we ll do is continue to use that momentum to continue to go across the country. up and down the ballot. and elect democrats and stop maga republicans. also fight to continue to get big corporate money out of politics. and support those candidates that really want to do that. so harry, when you re out there, when you re out there running for congress and meeting a lot of people and talking to a lot of people. that aspect that you just mentioned the threat to democracy. when you would talk to people about the threat to democracy, how many of the people you spoke to thought it was like real? that it could happen? as opposed to no, it worries a lot of people. it worries a lot of people. because like i say, a lot of the issues that we talk about. common sense gun reform, lowering inflation. all of those things as important as they are, if we have a dictator in the white house, a dictator over democracy, what is the purpose? those issues really don t matter because the dictator gets what he wants. everybody is definitely worried. even people that voted against me tell me they are worried about our democracy. so i think it is very front and center with a lot of people. being out here on the campaign trail for president biden i m in pennsylvania right now, one of the things people are definitely worried about. it resinates with people and as people talked about, he s talking about retribution and imprisoning his political opponents. and people are really worried about that. next, actor bill pullman on his new life time movie that was ripped from the headlines as he plays alex murdaugh who was found guilty of murdering his wife and son. morning joe weekends will be right back. right back. of finding psoriasis can t filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding you don t have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don t take if you re 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the family s demise alex murdaugh. once a successful lawyer from a team with a rich history in south carolina, his trial made headlines last year when he was convicted of murdering his wife and his son and stealing millions from his legal clients while blaming an addiction to painkillers for his crimes. join us now, bill pull nba who plays alex murdaugh. good to see you. you re kind of like i was with this trial which i didn t really know a ton about it and then i tuned in late and kind of couldn t get enough of it. so when you first heard about this role what were your impressions of this guy? yeah, i realized everybody else in the world in america knew about it. i think i, you know, i didn t know if i was going to do it. kind of had to be a fast decision. but my first thing was i don t know if i want. i don t know anything about it. then you start watching something and they ve got body cam and dash cam and of course the courtroom scene. so much there. and then i realized but as i first started into it i was nauseous. i was nauseated. i thought i can t do this part. then it tripped over into i m excited to do this part. that s what i was going to ask you at some point as an actor as repulsive as the man is there s something about getting into the character and playing it that s rich for you professionally, i think. yes, yes. really you re going to enter into you ve got to put on armor about your morality and everything else and you become, you know, a jedi knight of denial which we have a few of those these days. we do. seems to be going around. i remember talking to a friend connie who said yeah, that murdaugh guy it s like old satan looked at him and went whoa, dude. like you re bad. how did you prepare for the role? not just someone who satan would say that about but someone who is so timely. who is alive. who their developments in the case as we speak. how much did you study him? how do you decide on your performance? there s a lot to look at. you can go lateral, long time. researching and looking. i had to get moving pretty quick because production thing was so fast. i think there s certain amount of things you can make yourself similar to and then because there s other things you re just doing your own interpretation. so you re trying to, you know, channel those aspects as they would occur to you rather than just mimicking him. it was also really heard because he lost a lot of weight and there were those issues and i had to go with my weight and we don t have a lot of time to shoot this movie. you capture him well. let s take a look at another clip where alex confronts his son paul about the boating accident that killed his friend. besides a dead girl and our financial ruin. stop. i am not finished. talk to me. talk to me. she was my friend. huh? i didn t mean for it to happen. i didn t mean to hurt anyone. the hurt you cause that night hasn t even yet been felt. i m ashamed. and embarrassed of you. get out of my sight. in addition to having to capture the darkness of the man you have to capture a southern accent too, bill. if you get it wrong people will let you know. and there s a lot of different accents. south carolina, but even the low country they call it. there s a lot of different accents. you can always go check it out. tough scene. it s a tough scene. oh my god. they would let for years and years i did of pulling it off. could see him just on the stand his friends saying to say i had no idea but i do know he did it. they know he was capable of it and all caught up to him. both installments are streaming now on amazon prime video, as well as on my bill pullman, great to have you with us this morning. great to be here. we ll get you back into the new york city theater. putting out a call to directors. this man. don t go away. we have a second hour of morning joe on this sunday morning. coming up right after the break. after the break. chevy trucks advanced camera technology lets you see over, under, 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(fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we re clearly different. welcome back to morning joe weekend. it is now 7:00 a.m. this sunday morning. here s more of the stories we covered this week. writing about president biden s visit to normandy this week in your latest column for the washington post , with some reflections on history, not just the invasion in normandy on d-day 80 years ago but where america was on the precipice of world war ii in terms of the division we saw in this country, not unlike what we are seeing here now. we look back at world war ii and the d-day invasion and we see this incredible national unity. everyone was polling in the same direction in this great struggle that engulfed the entire world and american society was transformed and everyone had to pitch in and there was national purpose and national unity and we forget that in the years before the war, our country arguably was as divided as it is now. it was divided over a number of things. one way it was divided was racially segregated. that continued even during the war. the units that went ashore at d- day were all white and one all- black unit that morning. of course, once they got on the beaches, they were, there was no color and i write about one soldier, a medic in the one black battalion that landed that morning. there were others who came later. he was wounded as he landed with german shrapnel, pretty serious wounds but he was well enough to set up a medical aid station on the beach and he stood there and he treated the wounded four 30 hours before he collapsed and had to be taken to a hospital ship. he survived the war, came home to a racially divided nation and was a second-class citizen until the civil rights movement triumphed and he died in 2005. it was just this week awarded posthumously the second highest honor in the army. that wasn t the only division. there were bitter divisions about whether the united states should get involved in the war. isolationism, you think it is something no, isolationism was a major strain in our politics. there were bitter divisions over franklin d roosevelt s new deal policies, which were being described as totalitarianism and communism and socialism. the rhetoric we hear now, we have heard before. the difference is there cannot be another world war ii unite us. we can t have another one of those after hiroshima and nagasaki. we simply cannot have a world war like world war ii. so, we are going to have to find a different way to get past these divisions that beset us now. we have a barely functional political system but that is what we ve got and we are going to have to find some way to make it work so that we can, we can continue because there can t be another d-day like there one, the one there was 80 years ago. as you point out in the piece, america first, the term we hear from donald trump and his supporters, coined in the years leading up to one or two. i m so glad you are pointing to the heroism of so many black men who helped to liberate the beaches and treat the wounded on d-day. the military was desegregated by president truman three years after the end of world war ii largely because of the heroism we saw. president biden will meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy a short time from now before traveling back to normandy. meanwhile, the war in gaza rages on. the leader of hamas says he will only agree to the latest cease-fire proposal if israel commits to permanently ending the war in gaza. the statement made in response to the three phase plan president biden publicly until last week. under the proposal, phase two would be an end to the war. that is a sticking point for israel. far right drivers of israel s government say the conflict can only end once hamas is eradicated. dozens of people, meanwhile, including children, were killed in an israeli airstrike at a united nations school in gaza. it happened overnight thursday. the israeli military says it was targeting a hamas compound embedded in the school. the idf claims about 30 terrorists were using the classrooms at the base. the strike, however, drawing international criticism as gaza health officials say 40 people were killed. israel so far has only released the names of 9 terrorists it says died in the attack. meanwhile, the united states says it will wait and see what information israel releases about the strike before considering any action. the state department says it expects the idf to be fully transparent. this comes as the washington post reports a u.s. made bomb was used in the strike at that school. president biden addressed israel s war with hamas during an interview with abc news yesterday in normandy. the president says he believes pre-minister benjamin netanyahu has acknowledged concerns from the white house pointing to the way israel adjusted its strategy in russia. is benjamin netanyahu listening to you ? i think he s listening to me. they were going to go into rafah fullbore, invade all of rafah can go into the city, take it out, move with full force. they haven t done that. what they have done is they have agreed to a significant agreement that if, in fact, i must accept it, look, it is being backed by egypt, being backed by the saudis, being backed by almost of the home arab world. we will see. this is a very difficult time. richard hoss, he s right about who s backing it, everyone except the two parties involved in the war to have this cease-fire come about and perhaps an end to the war. hamas says it will not agree to the terms. israel says it will not agree to anything that does not include eradicating hamas as israel puts it. where does that leave us ? it was exactly a week ago today president biden went out and announced this three phase plan and the wait was represented a week ago that it was sent to the israel s plan and the idea was to get hamas to sign on. israel backed away from it, if they ever signed onto it to begin with. hamas, as you saw, has now said it won t accept a temporary cease-fire, which is phase one of the plan. it seems to have been stillborn. what we are looking at is the other part of the news this morning. you are going to have continued israeli military operations, inevitably, no matter how careful israel is, because of co-location of hamas with civilians, you will see this kind of stories you have for people, innocent people are going to be killed, along with hamas militants. my guess is we will see this for some time. this will go on, the israeli national security advisor said military operations will continue through the end of the year. i don t see any reason to doubt that. i think the real question is whether we see an escalation of fighting as things dial down somewhat in gaza in the north between israel and hezbollah. that has been the most recent news out of israel. the idea that we are on a precipice of peace somehow, actually, the opposite is more the reality. i hate to be so depressing this morning but i think we are looking at open ended but low level war in gaza with the danger of escalation in the north in southern lebanon. coming up, ed luce of the financial times, will tell us his new piece, titled biden respects the law, trump does not and what that could mean for the election. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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everything else pales in comparison. i think that is why wall street journal, article does when it was so frustrating because of the difference between these two candidates. the moral equivalence. we talked about you can look at that article versus donald trump for getting up world war ii existed, forgetting barack obama is not still president and then also you could just do, again, the false moral equivocation between january the sixth, the riot, trump s role in that and joe biden forgiving student loan debt. we get all these false comparisons. i ve got to say one of the most maddening has been donald trump stealing nuclear secrets versus hunter biden and whatever republicans decide at the time is a great risk to america s national security because of what hunter biden did. the key point here is america s system is working, it is intact. both donald trump last week and hunter biden in wilmington for the next couple of weeks are receiving trial by jury, due process, they will have the right of appeal. i ve no idea whether hunter biden will be convicted or acquitted but i do know that he has two cases against him. the second of which, the tax case starts on september the fifth at the beginning of the general election in california. biden could at any point to stop this from happening. he s not, he s not interfering. there is no rigging coming from this president. where it is coming from is the supreme court. we will get them later this month, presumably later this month. they might prevaricate even longer. later this month, finally coming down with their ruling on what should have been an open and shut case about whether the resident has immunity for whatever he does in office, thereby ensuring trump will not be held accountable for january 6th in court before november the fifth. that is the real story going on here. the trial is in wilmington. i have no great insight to what is going to happen there but the trial in wilmington is the rule of law taking its normal course, as was the case in new york last week. what is happening in the supreme court is judicial interference in the political process. so, ed, you have the gift of being able to look at america and american politics from the distance created by your birth. you are not from here. you weren t born here. so, when you look at it and you write about it, as you did today, and you mentioned the supreme court slowing things down, making it almost impossible for a trial in the january 6th or the papers kept at mar-a-lago, a trial for most things are happening prior to election and hunter biden on trial today in wilmington, what is your sense of what would happen to the system, and the rule of law if hunter biden is acquitted and what is your sense of what other countries, other nations think and view this when they look at what is happening in america? that is a great question. it is a remarkable moment that we are having. the first conviction of a former president and the first trial of a child of a sitting president happening in the space of a few days of each other. i have no doubt if hunter biden is convicted, there is not going to be an uproar on the democratic side, there isn t going to be accusations of bigoted justice, even though the judge is trump appointed, there s no reason to believe that judge is a hatchet job kind of charge. if, however, hunter biden is acquitted, all conspiratorial hell will break loose. you mentioned the other trump trial that isn t going to happen, the one in florida, the federal trial that judge aileen canon is in charge of. she is finding extraordinary time delaying tactics, once that nobody had ever thought of. the latest is whether the special prosecutor, smith, was unconstitutionally appointed and she s going to hear arguments about that. she is finding any and every excuse, including invented ones not to hear this case. it is an extraordinary example of justice delayed being justice denied. and, i think that is what foreigners are kind of gob smacked by when they watch this. it is, you bring up judge aileen canon in florida on the documents case, which is really one of the most serious cases against donald trump and resounding as well, given all the documents were hidden at mar-a-lago and he tried to hide them again as the government was trying to get them back. and, the, it is frustrating to see what is happening. it is also the judge that we got, the judge that is, in this case, the judge that was given this case. that is the way it goes. you will not hear, unlike on fox news, that this is a weapon based justice department. you will not hear, unlike on fox news, that somehow joe biden is up to this or donald trump is up to this and somehow he s polling the strings here. you will not hear that here because this is the judge we got and that is the way it goes with the rule of law. we have lots more to get to this hour. morning joe weekend continues after a short break. break. the only migraine medication that 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nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it s on sale for father s day. but get movin , this sale is only for a limited time. are 37 countries donald trump, as a convicted felon, is not allowed to visit and another impact of these many felony convictions is he loses his license to carry a concealed weapon, which, if you think about it, it s pretty crazy a guy who s not allowed to carry a concealed weapon would be allowed to carry a nuclear weapon. it s like your parents saying you can t have a puppy but if you get good grades, we will buy you a werewolf. the judge announced next month, steve bannon will start serving his time in prison. in prison? he looks like a guy who just got out of prison. steve bannon goes to prison on july 1st. it s too bad we will all miss out on something that summer beach body. former trump advisor steve bannon has been ordered to report to prison next month. the judge ruled yesterday steve bannon must begin his four month sentence on july 1st. a stay on bearman s sentence was lifted after his appeal in the case was denied. as nbc news reports, steve bannon could still appeal the ruling. he said yesterday his team plans to appeal all the way to the supreme court. we are going to go all the way to the supreme court if we have to. i want to say something specific about the justice department. merrick garland, lisa monaco, the entire justice department, they are not going to shut up trump, they are not going to shut up navarro, they are not going to shut up brandon and they are not going to shut up maga. steve bannon was found guilty in judge aileen canon force of defining subpoenas from the january 6th select committee. let s bring in nbc legal correspondent lisa rubin. this is always been, we will hear from president trump s on this interesting moment, as a personal attack, as president biden ordering his opponents to jail, except, when you don t answer a subpoena, no matter who you are in our society, just like if you cook the books at your organization to pay off an adult film star to stay quiet before the presidential election, there are consequences. there are indeed consequences. there is some connective tissue between this and the other case you mentioned, the recent conviction of former president trump. that can connective tissue is robert castillo, steve bannon s attorney and the attorney on whose advice he says he relied in ignoring that congressional subpoena. steve bannon wanted to argue, this was the crux of his appeal, that he was entitled to reasonably rely on bob castillo s advice that he should blow off the subpoena because trump was going to invoke executive privilege. the only problem with that is twofold. one, he was repeatedly advised by trump campaign lawyers that is not, in fact, what the former president intended to do for steve bannon, in part because steve bannon had been out of government for three years. the other problem is there is a 1961 case by the d.c. circuit this is where contempt charges are concerned, it is no defense to say i relied on the advice of counsel. it was that decision that a recent d.c. circuit panel reaffirmed and it is on that basis that yesterday, judge carl nichols of the d.c. district court said, you know, sir, vista longer presents substantial questions of law. i m going to the the state of your sentence and you need to report by july 1st. will come as no surprise to anyone that donald trump took to social media to really get this, calling it, a total and complete american tragedy that the duke joe biden department of justice is it is interesting. steve bannon has said he will appeal again and looking to push off the july 1st report date. tell us what mechanism that would be. is there a chance of success? or, is he going to go in july 1st ? steve bannon does not officially work for the trump campaign. he is an informal advisor and a large maga voice. if he goes in july 1st, he will be silenced for the stretch run of the collection. that is likely true when i think it is likely, if not highly probable he will go in july 1st. let s talk about his mechanisms for appeal. he can ask for a rehearing in the d.c. circuit. he has and june 24th to make that request. in all likelihood, they are not going to respond to that request before his july 1st reporting date. he can also file a petition with the supreme court but the deadline for him doing so comes after his july 1st date. either of those options, they could reimpose a state of his sentence. and i believe it is likely they are going to? i don t. i think steve bannon will, in all probability, serve that four month sentence and be silenced in the lead up to the election. that is particularly important because steve bannon was a huge voice for maga in the lead up to, and more importantly, after the 2020 election. there is still a phone call between donald trump and steve bannon on january 6th that no one has quite explained. up next, melinda french gates announces major donations for gender equality. our conversation with one of the recipients is straight ahead. ight ahead. curry from deep. that s caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don t think so! steph, one more thing. the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i ll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what s yours. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete 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( ) start to get yourself back, with bimzelx. ask your dermatologist about bimzelx today. philanthropist melinda french gates has announced she will be donating $1 million over the next two years to support women s rights. in a guest essay for the new york times , french gates writes, in nearly 20 years as an advocate for women and girls, i ve learned that there will always be people who say it is not the right time to talk about gender equality . it is frustrating and shortsighted. decades of research on economics, well-being, and governance make it clear that investing in women and girls benefits everyone. one of the recipients of the great was the american institute for boys and men. joining us now is that organizations president, richard reeves. also with us, repressor of marketing at the nyu stern school of business, scott galloway. good to have you both. richard, i will toss to you first and ask why this grant makes sense overall for women s rights. well, i think what melinda french gates has realized is that a world of floundering men is difficult to be a will to flourishing women. we do have to rise together. and, the young men and investing in education and mental health is going to be good for women. men and women will be raising children together. there s evidence that many young men are struggling in education and mental health, especially young men and men of color above all. i think it is a recognition that the gender equality movement has to expand to include boys and men as well. coming from figure with such prominence of melinda french gates was such a strong track record of leadership, i think it sends a strong signal that we do need to include boys and men in this conversation. to your point, scott galloway, you have been a great force on this on the state of young men in america right now. explain the challenges. equality doesn t necessarily mean that each side is the same. men and women have differences. what is happening to young men is equally, potentially as disturbing. could be with you and congratulations to my friend richard reeves. this is a great american story. unfortunately, young men are paying for the advantage that me and my father received. so, there is a lack of empathy. richard turned me onto this great quote, empathy is not a zero-sum game, civil rights didn t hurt white people. to richard s point, what he s always said he s who wants more economically and emotionally viable young men? women. women, of the tract, as they are doing, especially younger men, they are more prone to nationalist content, they are more prone to misogynistic content. you know, richard, it is so fascinating. maybe five years ago, when people like scott galloway three years ago were talking about this and a lot of people through their hands up, my god, how dare you talk about boys when men have been dominant through, you know, for thousands and thousands of years. you heard those complaints. on a very personal level but so much anecdotal evidence that i suspect a lot of people here in this are young women talking to mika and me going where are the men to date, where are the men that understand the basics? and, there s this horrible choice. on one side, you do have again, all anecdotal but you have, well, i m not going to wander into that minefield what i was about to say. let s just say younger women are understanding the costs of the mail crisis right now. they are living the cost. they are living the cost of it. what is interesting, these stories you say anecdotal but it is in the evidence, it is in the data. there is a big gender gap in college today than there was in the 70s. the biggest rise in suicide rates, tragically, has been among young men. we are losing 40,000 men a year to suicide. what i discovered is, among parents if you have a boy in the k-12 education system, you kind of get this immediately. if you have a doctor in the dating market, you kind of get this immediately too. and, realizing you just can t separate these things out and it is not a betrayal of the ideals of gender equality to start dealing with issues of boys and young men. it is the application of the ideals of gender equality. it is not a zero-sum game. i think that penny is dropping. the people are realizing we cannot neglect the problems of boys and men if we want a world that is better for all of us. i was particularly interested with what ms. gates has done. i salute her for it in terms of investing also in young boys and men and i think you or richard mentioned young boys and men of color. many of us in any study has shown disproportionately are raised by single mothers. i was one of them. to help those young boys and men that are buttressed by programs like yours, and to develop them, also helps the single mothers who are trying to balance life. talk about the challenge of that and how this could be helpful. reverend, you and i said that, we were raised by superheroes. my mother was an immigrant who lived and died a secretary, raced me on her own. what the research shows is the single point of failure, if you were to reverse engineer and why men are struggling is when they lose a male role model. the second most single-parent household, which is latin for a woman heading a household alone, just behind sweden. as richard s work has pointed out, the vast majority of people in primary school education are women. a boy is twice as likely to be suspended for the same behavior in school and five times as likely if he is black boy. would you have is an entire cohort of men being raised without male influence. what is equally interesting is girls have similar outcomes in single-parent households, same college attendance, same rates of self-harm. what richards research has shown is that while boys are physically stronger, they are mentally and emotionally weaker and we need to knowledge that. we need a group of thriving gunmen. how many times have we heard people say i know it time of young single women who are great and i can t find men for them. you can t find men for them, just not any man they want. we need to level up young people in general, specifically young men. coming up, historian doris kearns goodwin on how looking at america through a historical lens can help make sense of the issues facing our country today. try today. 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talk to your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio to help you lower your cholesterol. lower. longer. leqvio® with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed. all with the world s smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at you famously said, regarding andrea clinton, lock her up. hillary clinton, i didn t say lock her up but the people said. the people said lock her up? that was your whole campaign. we remember, we were there. it is like if arby s said we never said we have the meats. the people said we have the meats. also, if you didn t say it, who is this ? they should lock her up. lock her up is right. lock up hillary. folks, i was talking about hilary swank. no baby is worth $1 million. donald trump did say lock her up many, many times. it is 6:00 a.m. as you wake up on the west coast, 9:00 a.m. here in the east, still with us, jonathan amir, joining us now, presidential historian, doris kearns goodwin. so good to have you with us. what a time. let s start with president biden making some of his most candid comments yet about former president trump s criminal conviction at a fundraiser in connecticut last night. the president called trump a convicted felon who stopped after the 2020 election. the president addressed the attacks trump and his allies have lobbed at the justice system. biden s of the former president, wants you to believe it is already. nothing could be further from the truth. it is reckless and dangerous for anyone to say it is rigged just because they don t like the outcome. biden added, the justice system is a core of american democracy and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. biden continued, here is what is becoming clearer and clearer every day. the threat trump poses in his second term would be greater than his first. this isn t the same trump that got elected in 2016. biden said, he is worse. doris, this is joe biden using the term convicted felon, a private fundraiser in connecticut, as john has been telling us, this is something we may hear more of from the biden campaign. they now officially are running against a man convicted of 34 felonies. how do you think that figures into the race ? every event affects the next event and i was going to think this project will affect how the conventions will happen. president trump has put out is we are a backward country, we are a country that is corrupt, we are a country that looks like a third world country and all of our systems are corrupt. i just don t think the american people are going to feel that way. one of the things i look at when i look at history is the backward look and the negative look as not working campaigns. i think biden understands that. when dragon was running against carter, carter talked about the malaise of the people, that it was a crisis of confidence in the people and we can comes along and says it s not the people, it s leadership that has failed and i am here to provide the leadership. the same thing happened when hoover talked about there s not much he could do about the depression because the government would weaken the people and he was going to hope we were getting through it somehow around the corner prosperity would come and fdr says it s not the people that is the problem, it is your leadership and i m going to do action. biden is on a good stand, in a certain sense, to talk about the rule of law, to talk about the country being a country that is not corrupt and to make that a contrast. i think this is going to be something, we don t know how. the debate could change everything, the conventions could change everything, events could change everything but right now, this will affect the tone of the campaign. this darkness, this dim view of the country presented by donald trump, this american carnage as he called it in his inauguration address way back. i guess it resonates with his base, it resonates with some people but the point you re making is you have to win more than your base to win an election. perhaps an optimistic message is the way to go for president biden. i think about the fact that when you are nominated, and he s about to be, you have to expand your base. i think back to 1964 in the republican convention and barry goldwater. what happens there is governor rockefeller, new york governor rockefeller, popular person in the party is trying to argue for a different platform, a civil rights platform. he gets shouted down and it all on television and it looks like the party has narrowed itself. they said in many ways, goldwater lost the election at that convention. when you do something like canceling larry hogan out, you need him, you need him in the senate and you are narrowing your party by saying you can t even say this verdict should be followed because it is a verdict that it is the rule of law. it hadn t even begun yet, he had said it before, it was a natural thing to say about our system. we have the moment you describe just from 1964. let s take a look. i would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. let me remind you also that moderation and the pursuit of justice is no virtue. doris, 1964 is really instructive. i will also say, obviously, fdr, a sense of optimism, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. the band play in happy days are here again. ronald reagan, it s morning in america. i truly believe america s greatest days lie ahead. it is always the optimism that rules the day. still ahead, legendary e street band guitarist steve van zandt on his remarkable life and career in music and show business. business. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. it s hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial 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godfather. i heard it was really great. i don t remember a thing but that s what i heard. that was a look at the new documentary titled steve van zandt, disciple. the film follows the life of the musician and actor from his humble beginnings in new jersey to the apex of his one-of-a- kind career, performing along bruce pristine and james gandolfini in the sopranos. tuning is now, stevie van zandt, also the films director. i can t wait to see this. tell us why now, why did you decide this was the moment? he chased me for how long ? a long time, 2006 and years and years of trying to get, let me do this film. i m not comfortable being the center of attention. that is just a fact. i didn t even want to be in it at first. he s not in the early cut. you have to be in the movie. it would be hard to do without him in it. there s a lot of footage out there. anyway, they worked on it for two years before i agreed to be in it. i think, look, and and, we talked about what is the purpose of this thing and it is about the work. getting the work exposed as much as we can because, you know, that is one of the things i ve always had trouble balancing that art and commerce thing. can you explain how hard is it to explain the coordination of a band? you are in a big and, in a group of guys on stage in the synchronization of the shows always amaze me, you know what someone is going to do before they do it and you do your thing. well, we really have a long time. let s face it. that helps. a bit of esp goes on after a while. in the beginning, we had to be really good before we even got in the business. we had to be good life. that really, we had very high standards, growing up in the 60s. we had to compare ourselves to the beatles and the rolling stones and the who, very high standards. a lot of history, i think, bill got into it in the film. tell us exactly that. what are some of the things we will see, people who know stevie van zandt from the states or the screen, what are they going to see, what are they going to learn from this film ? telling them the whole breath and scope of the work and career and love of rock n roll is interesting. i think people may know him from television, from his acting, or they may know him for his music but they don t know he had the first branded satellite radio station, the first streaming television show. was a producer and writer and director. they may not know that the way, the things he does for education and they may not know his record label. there s so much to stevie van zandt beyond that music and we also get to expose the story of his amazing music, his friendship with bruce, his beautiful love story with his wife. he sees all thing. and then south africa. people may not know that silvio dante helped free nelson mandela and end apartheid. it is a pretty good resume. did you ever think from watertown, massachusetts to where you are today, the envelope you had to shoot through in terms of fate and lack is incredibly small. how often do you think about that ? about every hour. no doubt, we are the luckiest generation ever and i am the luckiest guy in the luckiest generation. i m so grateful, first of all that somebody would have an interest in making a movie about me. that is incredible already. i am honored that bill and the guys really spent their time doing that. destiny plays a role. if my mother hadn t remarried, my father adopted me and brought me from boston to new jersey, you know, i would have never gotten into the new jersey scene. if david chase hadn t happened to be clicking around, he wouldn t see me in dr. rascals and i want to get that guy on my new tv show the sopranos. there s a lot of detail in my book and i think bill, bill was, the conversations we had, i haven t seen the film myself at ceramic just to see what happens. you haven t seen it ? that is all the time we have this weekend. we will see you tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. eastern for more morning joe. until then, enjoy the rest of your sunday. your sunday. good morning. it s sunday, june 9. i m alicia menendez. with michael steele and symone sanders townsend. we are following president biden on his final day in france and the appearance of his message

Thing , Family , Lives , Peace , Judy , One , 100 , Person , Photograph , Property , Window , Real-estate

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240608 02:14

Hollywood directors come in to produce the january 6th thing they went above and beyond to go after them had guys that 34 counts on a crime expire did everything they could. he never did that when he was in office he went them in the doj resign and what they are afraid not revenge is count ability it s turn the other cheek and if you re doing write that would stand by you not to worry about richard bashan because i follow the law and seek the truth so come get me that that what they were saying. it s all cool if you win.

Everything , Thing , Crime , Counts , Guys , Hollywood , Directors , 34 , 6 , January-6th , Office , Doj

Transcripts For MSNBC The Weekend 20240608

class= nosel >
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div class= gutr > oftentimes, that you have an illness. so people, they turn inward. that is the instinct. that is what brian and i are b trying to encourage people to fight against because when they do come forward, their voices are so powerful and having been in government and advocacy for so long prior to our diagnosis, i mean, our whole job for so e many years was to elevate people who were affected by policy. when that happened to us, we knew that even if we were just one voice, even if you are just one voice, being public, if you have one of these illnesses, ve can have such an impact. that is all the time we have for today. thank you for joining us the r saturday morning. we re back tomorrow at six:00 a.m. with two more hours of t morni joe weekend. we will see you then. u then good morning. it is saturday, june 8. i am alicia menendez with symone sanders-townsend and michael steele. right now, president joe biden is in paris in a crucial fight for democracy both at home and abroad. the latest on the ground in just a moment. breaking news from his rule. the military says it has rescued four hostages from gaza. we are live in the region with those details. also this morning, republican calls for retribution after the guilty verdict. they are stronger and more specific. get your coffee and settle in. welcome to the weekend . we begin this hour with breaking news. we have a busy saturday for president biden on the world stage. right now the president is in a meeting with emmanuel macron following a procession the two leaders participated in earlier this morning. they are expected to deliver remarks later this morning. this is all part of the president s trip to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the allied invasion of normandy and world war ii. throughout the visit, the president has emphasized the threat to our democracy, not just here at home but also abroad. it is as urgent as it was 80 years ago. joining us now to discuss is staff writer for the atlantic and msnbc contributor and former homeland security and counterterrorism advisor to vice president mike pence, welcome to you both. this was quite the week for president biden to stand on the global stage in a way that he did to talk about the urgency of this moment in democracy and relating it back to history. what was your take on what the president had to say and how do you think it resonated, not just with our european allies but here at home? there we go. i get it. i think he did an excellent job and he is an excellent leader on the world stage. it was critical to show that face to the world and also to americans. you know, i think michael, you know, he did have sort of that reaganesque quality and i thought it was important to talk about, you know, the people that have served in the military, the lives that have been given to freedom and that is really what is at stake here. you know, i saw some criticism on fox and other channels, why isn t he attacking trump in this moment? he never mentioned trupp. he never mentioned him by name, i don t believe. i think what he needed to say is that this is a bigger choice, bigger choice then each and every one of us, it is a choice about what do we want our future to be as a country? let s honor those lives that served. important stuff. olivia, the words of president biden were so poignant, i thought spot on, let s play a little bit of what he talked about when it comes to hardships of american democracy. this is the president in normandy, france on friday with emmanuel macron. we talk about democracy. american democracy. we often talk about the ideals of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. what we don t talk about is how hard it is, how many ways we are asked to walk away, how many instincts are to walk away, the most natural instinct is to walk away. to be selfish, to force our will upon others, to seize power and never give up. american democracy asked the hardest of things, to believe in something bigger than ourselves. does anybody think michael donald trump could have given that speech? alicia, i don t know. it is a rhetorical question. it speaks to all the reporting you have been doing, which is the impossible to watch president biden on the world stage without doing a compare and contrast, not just us, people who show up on cable news but as an american watching at home and certainly if you are an ally watching. yeah, the themes biden is sounding in the speeches and throughout these events commemorating d-day are very familiar themes from past administrations and frankly, both parties. to olivia s point, sounds like ronald reagan, george h. bush, george w. bush, not a very popular president abroad. in certain things, there has been a bipartisan consensus in this country for a long time. one of those things is the important aspect of the transatlantic relationship and the fact it is rooted in western democratic values and belief that america is supposed to align with other democracies and that alliance is a safeguard for the rest of the world and what is interesting is that speech biden gave would have been completely uncontroversial and unmemorable, you know, just a few short years ago. now it is like, you know, right in the middle of a massive domestic political debate about what role america should play in the world and what it does to its allies. that compare and contrast is really start this year. you touched on that, mckay, actually, in a great observation of your fears, the irony of the obsession with the election is that the people who decide this are not thinking about your much at all. in part, it is because many americans have not seen the need for nato in their lifetime, despite the fact that this september 11th terrorist attacks were the only time article 5 has been invoked. you touched on a very important point about disconnection. actually and ironically, something george bush 43 warned about on the heels of 9/11. we cannot forget this moment. we feel good, we are unified now, we understand we are standing in defense of our values and we are prepared to prosecute the case against terrorism but all of that is dissipated, that connection to those institutions that hold all of this together and i think biden, being there, and saying what he said was important, but you point out the fact that there is still this tension, this disconnect that needs to be reconciled between us and europe, between our role in the world and the rest of the world and how we, as americans, look at these institutions. so i was traveling throughout europe this spring and talking to european officials and diplomats and the thing that kept coming up is this real sense of uncertainty about what america is anymore, right? because for 75 years, since world war ii, your even when they disagreed with people we elected, even then they didn t really like certain administrations, they trusted in america to be a reliable ally. america was the linchpin to the nato alliance, it was going to be a generally responsible member of the global community, right? that first trump term really did damage to america s reputation and to the trust america could be relied upon. again and again, i would hear these european officials sort of ask me, what does it mean that donald trump is currently leading in the polls? what s wrong with y all? because they finally remember the u. s. that stormed the beaches of normandy, that is the your america a lot of europeans still remember and we wonder how many europeans remember that. to crystallize that point, olivia, let s listen to something liz cheney put out, called our great task. take a listen. one s country is worth dying for. democracy is worth dying for because it is the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man. all of you love liberty. all of you were willing to fight tyranny. you knew the people of your countries with were behind two. today we give thanks for all that was gained on the beaches of normandy. we remember what was lost with respect, admiration and love. this freedom and these hopes are with the heroes of dj fought and died for. america deserves a president as good and steadfast as our nation. a president of character, driven by a noble purpose, one who honors the sacrifices of our troops, not a man consumed by spite, revenge and self-pity. you don t need to say the name, olivia, to know who it is they are talking about there. yeah, you don t. at this time, it reminds me of trump saying these people are losers and every time i think about that, a president of the united states would ever say something like that, my stomach turns. watching that ad and thinking about my time during the trump administration working in national security, i think what lacked among some of the inner circles, including trump himself was a greater purpose of service and i don t think that any of these people that is in his inner circle, i am talking about his enable us and him, understand a greater calling, understand something that you belong to that is bigger than yourself and bigger than your selfishness of what these people have exhibited because most of them never did serve. they don t understand military service, they don t understand the intelligence community, they don t understand public service. i think it is a threat to not remind ourselves to what the president, as what they stand for and what they represent and what they will eventually do. a reminder, we will likely pull out of nato because those discussions were had during the trump administration. the reason the world is so concerned about what is about to happen should he return to office is because i was in those meetings when we were having serious discussions with warren hendrix, where the narrative for a daily basis, where he would say, i thought we agreed to this and it would change. we did this on venezuela. i am telling you, i covered africa for vice president pence, i sat in these discussions where there would be a commitment made and they would pull the rug out from under him. that is not how you do diplomacy. that is not how you do these diplomatic relations. they are so critical and so challenging. olivia, people at home may not appreciate fully what you are saying because literally all the thing is you do this, i will do that and we come to an agreement. people need to keep their word, that is it. not even just the idea but the fact, we often talk about it but the choice, as alicia noted, the stark choice that is before the american people could not have been made more clear today, this week, frankly, with what we saw from president biden juxtaposed with the republican nominee. the nato , 80 years ago when ad happened, nato was not established. was allied troops that came together, the world came together and took the beaches of normandy. it was that time in normandy that turned the tide to end world war ii, it led to the establishment of nato world cooperation years later and we are in a severe moment, the president talked about linking ad to what is happening in ukraine and the fight right now , i want to play that for you and see how you guys talk about it on the other side. between dictatorship and freedom, it is unending. here in europe, we see one stark example , ukraine has been invaded by a tyrant for domination. ukrainians are fighting with extraordinary courage, suffering great losses, but never backing down. the united states and nato, a coalition of more than 50 countries, standing strong with ukraine. we will not walk away. mckay, it sounds to me like the president is standing in front of the world trying to convince people, making everyone feel okay that as long as i am here, we will be standing with ukraine but as the time magazine article said about a week ago about american presidents, they must earn their mandate and we don t know if joe biden will earn his. yeah, that s right. again, going throughout europe and talking to these european officials, the thing i heard again and again was, look , the biden administration has been great. they are doing everything they can to say the right things and they are trying to reassure allies who were around during trump s administration. at the end of the day, the biden administration can only do so much. i even spoke to officials in the biden administration in washington who say we are ambassadors out there, trying to reassure allies, they got their talking points. these people in europe are smart, right? they know the promises that joe biden is making only go so far and, you know, because the outcome of the election is going to determine the future of america s approach to alliances. mckay and olivia, you will stick with us and we will continue this conversation in just a moment. now to other breaking news is our. four israeli hostages have been rescued in raleigh a a live by idf. they were kidnapped from the nova music festival on october seventh. one of those hostages , noel argo mohney, was seen in a widely circulated video at the time being taken away on a motorcycle and she cried for help and reached out for her boyfriend. we will be back with more after this. r this. e better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. music unnecessary action hero! for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. unnecessary. was that necessary? no. neither is missing your daughter s competition to do payroll. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you don t have to miss your daughter s big day. time to shine. get paycom and make the unnecessary unnecessary. what causes a curve down there? is it peyronie s disease? will it get worse? how common is it? who can i talk to? can this be treated? stop typing. start talking to a specialized urologist. because it could be peyronie s disease, or pd. it s a medical condition where there is a curve in the erection, caused by a formation of scar tissue. and an estimated 1 in 10 men may have it. but pd can be treated even without surgery. say goodbye to searching online. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a treatment plan with you. visit today. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl s has the breakthrough you ve been waiting for. now there s an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. let s go back to that breaking news we just mentioned. four israeli hostages kidnapped by hamas on october seventh have been rescued. there 245 day nightmare coming to an end. nbc news foreign correspondent ref sanchez joins us now. what are you hearing about the condition of the hostages and the next steps in the coming days and how will this come together? reporter: michael, the idea is that these four hostages freed from gaza are in good condition medically. we have seen pictures of noa argamani, the viewers will remember, that young woman being taken into gaza from the music festival on october 7th on the back of that motorcycle, her hands outstretched to her boyfriend, who was also being kidnapped. he was marched away into gaza. we have seen images of her this morning at a hospital in the greater tel aviv area. you can see her there, reuniting her with her father. it is extraordinary to think that eight months and one day after she was kidnapped, she is smiling, she is laughing. she is speaking with her family. she spoke on the phone earlier today with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was very interesting, guys, she said in that phone call, i haven t spoken in hebrew in such a long time, which suggests she was being held on her own, away from other hostages. that does appear to chime in with the report we are getting from the israeli military, detailed, obviously, still emerging. just setting the scene here, this was in the center of gaza in broad daylight at 11:00 a.m. the israeli military says hundreds of soldiers took part, there was a part from air and by sea. they say they stormed two separate buildings that we believe noa argamani was being held on her own in one of those buildings and the three male hostages were being held in a separate building. at least one israeli soldier was seriously wounded in this raid but this seems to be the single greatest success in terms of hostage rescue we have had, that is ruled has had in the course of this eight months. you will remember, guys, only three other hostages had been rescued alive up until this point. today four hostages in just a couple of hours. now you can see noa argamani on your screen. she is speaking to israeli president isaac herzog, who was telling her just how overjoyed his rule is to see her say, to see her home. there have been celebrations across this country today. the lifeguards on the beach in tel aviv announcing the news over a loudspeaker. people jumping up and cheering in front of the mediterranean on this saturday here in is ruled. we met the father of noa argamani on october 8, less than 24 hours after his daughter had been kidnapped by hamas. he is at her side right now. her mother, as far as we know at this point, is not. her mother is dying of brain cancer. for these eight months she has been telling the world her dying wish was to see her daughter once again. she is in very serious condition at another hospital in tel aviv, but we believe mother and daughter are going to be reunited later on today. noa s boyfriend, who you see in that video from october 7th being marched by a crowd of militants into gaza, remains one of the 120 hostages still being held. this is obviously a moment of joy, while this is obviously a moment of joy for noa and her family, her partner remained inside gaza, his fate unknown at this hour, as is the fate of so many of those 120 other hostages. well there is celebration here in israel, there is mourning in gaza right now because there are reports of at least 50 people killed during this israeli raid. we know there was intense bombardment by israeli aircraft, by israeli ships to cover the special forces and moved in. we don t know how many of those 50 or so killed were militants, how many of them were civilians. this is just an enormous, enormous moment here in is ruled. it is really hard to overstate the happiness here. one israeli friend told me the whole country is crying. guys? nbc, thank you so much for that report. next with olivia troye and mckay coppins will be back with us to discuss mckay s new piece about a potential special second trump term and we will discuss the news breaking out of his rule. you are watching the weekend . e weekend . 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because he was afraid his hair would become disheveled. remember, that day it was raining. he did not want to go to the cemetery because it was raining. more importantly, to his staff, his senior staff he remarked, quote, why should i go to that cemetery? it s filled with losers. and then he referred to the more than 1800 marines who lost their lives as suckers for getting killed. olivia, in the context of the work you have done in foreign- policy, what does it mean to contrast, and i think it is important for the american people to get this contrast in leadership, a man who refuses to visit the men who sacrificed themselves for freedom and democracy on foreign shores, right, because he didn t want to get his hair messed up and looked at them as suckers and losers versus a president who stands on that hollowed ground and reminds us of our call to destinies, to destiny as citizens of the world, that this fight for democracy is an important battle and we must be engaged in it together. okay, i think it is a critical reminder of what trump views value to be in a situation like this, which is himself and no one else. there is no interest in military baller. he doesn t think about the lives of these people and going into critical international situations, where you are making decisions on troops, when you are making decisions on intelligence officers and what is the next step, deliberations that are very calculated, i want americans to remember that. these are your sons, your daughters, your brothers, sisters, moms and dads and remember that there is the potential to have a president back in the oval office that will make those decisions along the way where he will have complete disregard for what it truly means when these people deploy and what happens to them. in other ways, he has no regard or respect for the fact of what it means to serve, right? that is why you end up with classified documents at mar-a- lago because he forgets that in those classified documents there are lives at risk. there our sources there. there are people there put at risk every day with the possibility of that information getting into the wrong hands because he doesn t hear and he doesn t think about things that way. he only thinks about himself. this is a leader solely focused on his own qualities which is why, by the way, he doesn t think about the alliance with nato. he doesn t think about european allies that really actually have our backs should there be a critical moment when they need them. he is thinking about dictators and his best friends are people like victoire ben, these are leaders he looks up to. that is a direct contrast between what president biden is and what former president trump is. that is what we think about and remember. i think the top line from your extensively reported piece is that the allies are watching this election understanding the existential crisis. you have the last 30 seconds, you are take away. yeah, i mean, the two things that stood out to me in all my conversations in you are, one, they are intensely focused on this election in america. everybody is paying attention. according to polling data from battleground states. the second, almost all of them believe trump is going to win. i found myself in a position saying, it is not a foregone conclusion, it is a tight race, anything could happen. scared is the best way to put it. they are scared of what will happen to the nato alliance, to european security, what it will signal to russia, to china, if donald trump comes back into office and abandons his allies. they rely on american stability and americans steadfastness for its alliances and they do not think they will get that with donald trump. so chilling. mckay coppins and olivia troye, thank you so much for getting us started. as january 6th community committee members are in jail, we will talk to the directors of the new documentary next. you are watching the weekend . i thought i was sleeping ok. but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. if you re living with hiv, imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there s no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it s two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don t receive cabenuva if you re allergic to its ingredients or if you re taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you re good to go. ask your doctor about switching. why would i use kayak to compare with cabenuva, you re good to go. hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can t trust anything else to do the job right. kayak. aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. this week, prosecutors working on january 6th cases gave us a new update. nearly 1500 defendants have now been charged for the roles in the insurrection. meanwhile, donald trump is calling for the members of the january 6th committee to be indicted. he is promising to pardon all the rioters. a new documentary shows a perspective of six people who witnessed the violence firsthand. democracy needs a ground to stand on. we have to tell the truth. if we can handle that. we are not losing the u.s. capitol today. you ready? joining us now are the directors of the documentary of the sixth , award-winning filmmakers. this is the best documentary i have ever seen. i have never watched prior to this more than five minutes of footage from january 6th. this is , this centers the people. i just want to play this piece from the documentary, a staffer who worked at the white house and congress and talks about assuming the worst. i had to assume the worst. i had to assume these people were armed. you kind of go into survival mode. i remember essentially casing the office, what can i use as a weapon? i remember feeling like, whatever is in here that is heavy is what i will have to use you know? if it comes to that. andrea, when you look at this as a complete scenario, right, from start to finish, you now have president trump out here talking about giving basically solace to those insurrectionists by pardoning them and making the case that the january 6th committee members should be indicted. when you look at what you guys captured, juxtaposed against that background, what is your reaction? what should we know that donald trump clearly doesn t know about what happened that day? thank you. what i want, i want people to know what we now know. i think that we had the luxury of being able to spend over a year plus with our team looking and scouring the footage, finding the right people, finding six people who just went to work that day to tell the story and that what we stitched together from beginning of day to the end was one of the most violent, heartbreaking, gut punching days in american history. people think they know january 6th but they don t. they don t know the scale of the violence. everyone that was in the capitol that day thought they were going to die. there was the sense of 10,000 plus people surrounding this building and breaking in. it is criminal. it was violent. i think people just saw this in pieces. they don t quite understand the mass in the scale and the threat. we are so lucky more people did not die at the end of that day. we are eternally grateful to the people that did their job that day and the next day, who served in the legislature, congress, journalism and law enforcement. we should be thankful of the fact law enforcement is being booed at and hissed, they actually did their job and protecting the lives of the lawmakers that are now turning their back on what happened that day is despicable. you know? there is a code and ethic to every single person that we profile in this film about how they do their job and thank goodness they did. the outcome could have been so much worse if they hadn t. to that point about law enforcement, here is the photographer talking about the picture he took. if they wanted to kill him, they would have killed him. the man pleaded for his life. he told people he had kids. it is kind of crazy. if i had to put a dollar on it, i would say everybody was like, blue lives matter, blue lives matter. [ bleep ] didn t matter that day. i felt for him. i have a son. i thought about what it would feel like for him if some weak happened to me, you know? this is a another human being. part of what i appreciated is that you centered the voices of those who were impacted on that day but their reflections about the crowd and who showed up and the inconsistencies around their theories of justice, sean, are laid bare. yeah. we, i think it was important for us to give a voice to the people that went through that day and what they went through and personalize it. i think it is really important. i think, with the crowd there, we also did something i think was important. we listened in our area found. you hear things in our film you don t here in our own soundbites and it talks about, he is talking about being right next to this man pleading for his life, pleading because he has kids. you also hear how he is capturing all the different things the crowd is saying, the crowd is saying, take their guns. the crowd is saying, you are going to die tonight with such conviction you can hear it in their voice that you believe it. i think people need to take this all in as a beginning of the day to the end of the day through the personal experiences of the six people that we follow and kind of decide what you think about the people that were in the crowd that day, what their intentions were and what could have happened. what could have happened, i mean, there is a part in the film where former metropolitan police chief conti talks about a phone call that he had, he was part of that with mayor bowser and literally pleading for help from the national guard. the dee was deployed to the capitol to do something to help. the capitol police call for help, the national guard, this call was just, we will play a clip because it is so hard to believe. you wonder what trump would do if he were in office again, we know what he did on january 6th. take a listen. we had a phone call that was can be by myself, the mayor, the district of columbia d.c. national guard, the u. s. capitol police chief where he essentially was pleading for assistance from the national guard. in response to that, whoever on the other side from the representatives from the defense department, the discussion then switched to talking about optics and boots on the ground and what that would look like, which, you know, in a crisis situation, i don t care what it looks like. it looks like help to me. it took hours until the national guard was approved. donald trump put that video out. when he put that video out, people finally did go home. it just really feels like he knew what he was doing. that is a big part of it for me. when you step back, what the sub story i think you guys captured here is the other stuff that was going on in the face of all of the drama and the tragedy on the hill, the stub story was the white house wasn t doing anything. there was no real effort and i think that cut really embraces that part of it. when you are putting this story line together and you are talking it through, how did you capture that? you said, this is the other side of this. we could show you, you know, donald trump and the roosevelt room sitting there watching television eating a hamburger. you know that is what is going on. you know that was the rest of the story, why the d.c. police were so animated about the lack of response from federal law enforcement at the highest level. yeah, it was a different type of film for us. we had this huge kind of forensic timeline in our office. we were looking at all the different things, all the things playing out that day and when we stepped back and we said, where is the national guard? we know that, we know what happened. i know what happens, i see the national guard, they are always around. they do what they are supposed to do. we were just scratching our heads. why are we talking about this? it was actually andrea that so we needed to do a deep dive in that and then the chief started talking about that and he said, you know, he basically said the national guard is not here and i will do it and do my duty. the capitol is under attack. i will do whatever i can. i will get local law enforcement to come and help. that is what they did. why are not people talking about this? d.c. police for for hours, especially in the tunnel, four or five hours they were underhand to hand combat. police arrest people in under 10 minutes. they are not trained to fight hand to hand combat like that, you know? you could argue that the powers that be that had the authorization to release and deploy the guard to help weren t aware of what was going on. the entire world was watching what was going on. i think that is what is so upsetting. why wait that long? that is what we felt was so important. once we realized how soon they were asked and how many hours, everybody is seeing the horrific violence going down, this all could have been stopped. you are watching it in real time as the violence increases and spins out of control. it took them 15 minutes to get there when they were deployed. 15 minutes. andrea nix fine, sean fine, fine work, good work. the sixth is available to purchase on streaming platforms, please pick it up and view it. it is important. senate republican shootdown the chance to protect access to contraceptive . next hour, the president and ceo is at the table to discuss. be sure to follow are so on social media. are handle everywhere is @theweekendmsnbc. @theweekendmsnbc. it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. you want thicker, stronger, fuller hair? 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div class= gutr > will: it s the 9 a.m. hour of fox & friends if weekend starting with a fox news alert, the israeli military rescuing four hostages alive after being held by hamas for eight months. pete: wow. plus, trump heading to the west coast today after scoring this big endorsement i just think there s no question about which of these men is cognitively, sort of more with it and intact. rachel: and summer break is here, and we have camping ideas and activities to keep your kids off screens. final hour of fox & friends weekend starts right now. i m gonna if need some whiskey glasses, cuz i don t want to see the truth rachel: [inaudible] [laughter] they re just trying to get us in a good mood. how can you not be in a good mood pete: this is chicago, by the way. will: we were having a country music argument during the break. not a argue, debate. rachel: no, it s more like will preening that he s so authentically country pete: thank you. rachel: and that that pete is just too highway country, recent country pete: i am a viewer ask and a fan of the highway on siriusxm p. it s what i m plugged into. i listen to it, i enjoy it. it introduces me will: it only hit that way with an insecure soul. rachel: i m not insecure, i come from arizona. been listening to country my whole life. will: we were play being ronnie mill if sap during the break pete: if i m, like, ronnie who? will: pete s, like, what s this? [laughter] pete: i group on michael w. smith and if chicago, the band. rachel: and he has is so embraced it will: i m trying to expand his horizons. i m not preen being pete: i think it s more of what you re saying, rachel, a little bit. he s got real knowledge though, and i respect that. he knew all the country channels on siriusxm will: garth is 55, prime is 58 [laughter] pete: the real deal. rachel: if you re impressed, please, email us. pete: nobody is. [laughter] this is the impressive, what we re about to talk about. rachel: absolutely impressive. this is a fox news alert. four israeli hostages landing in israel after they were rescued from hamas during an idf if operation in gaza earlier today. pete: all four for abducted during the assault on the nova music festival on october 7th. will: madeleine rivera joins us now. reporter: good morning, guys. that s right. after 246 days, 4 more hostages are back in israel, they are a 26-year-old, 41-year-old and 27-year-old, all of them kidnapped from the nova festival. the israeli defense forces said they are in good condition and are now undergoing more medical evaluations as they are reunited with their families. there are reports of people near the hospital cheering and celebrating their freedom, you can hear them there. and this touching moment shows one of the hostages reuniting with her father after eight long months in the hands of a hamas. a spokesperson for the idf says they conducted this rescue mission in daylight in two separate buildings deep inside gaza. israeli forces say they have been preparing for this rescue mission for if weeks and underwent intensive training. israeli president herzog saying on, and, on behalf of the entire people of israel, i thank the decision irk df, the israeli security agency, the israel police and israel s national counterterrorism unit for if an impressive and courageous rescue operation and wish for the immediate return of all of the hostages to their families. there are still 120 israeli hostages held by hamas in gaza, 433 of whom 43 of whom have been declared dead. will, pete and rachel. pete: i want to the know so much more about this. apparently, it was a hamas-controlled area, maybe even an ad a hoc area, but if they ve been training for weeks, means they have pretty solid intel. four found alive this far along, one of which is that young lady, one of the faces of rachel: yeah. who could forget that image of her on the back of that motorcycle and to see her pete: we. that s the girl from the back of the motorcycle. rachel: that s exactly her. this is a remarkable rescue. the images of her with her father, it appears to be, i think must bring a lot of joy to the entire nation. listen, this however you feel about this war, there are lots of people who have lots of feel beings about this war, these are innocent civilians. everyone should be rejoicing for them. will not just joy, but open. hope. i can imagine there s been a level of despair and resignation if after these many months. the likelihood of survival has gone down to a rachel: some of them are american, by the way. americans and and babies, children. pete: if sure. it also makes me think the israelis probably have a lot more intelligence at this point about precisely who is alive. maybe the general locations of with are they are. so when these negotiations are ongoing, we talk about it, they probably have a pretty good sense of what their really negotiating over here. thankfully, in this case that intelligence was so robust, they were you ve got to imagine hay maybe even had somebody on the inside. we ll see. we re going to get some guests, i m sure, for tomorrow morning that will unpack a lot more of this, but brave men and women going into harm s way to capture,s as you said, rachel rachel: these are innocent civilians. listen, this conflict, there have been innocent civilians on both sides, and that s why temperatures are high. lots of innocent civilians. these paris pete: there are lots of innocent civilians, but a hamas is the one that brought it rachel: i m not, i m not debating that. pete: brought it on themselves. rachel: these are beautiful images that we re getting right now of hostages that we weren t sure were alive, and thousand if we know they are and returned to the their families, and we re very joyful for that. will: well, a bit of a shift in american politic things as we approach election year 2024, and that is that donald trump is on the west coast. he s met a lot of success in not just fund raising, but in endorsements. in newport beach, california, today after silicon valley where, in a a fund raiser hosted by david sacks, raised over $12 million from silicon valley entrepreneur. and then david sacks endorsed donald trump. watch. yes. i think there s no comparison between the cognitive abilities of these two mening s. men. i think what we saw last night from president trump is he was very sharp, very on the ball. he stayed for something like four hours, he talked to everybody, everyone loved him. and at the same time, you saw biden at that a d-day event, and it looked like he couldn t keep up with whatever he was supposed to be doing there,,, so i just think there s no question about which of these men is cognitively sort of more with it and intact. pete: yeah. you might not if you re sitting at home like us saying what, why is david sacks important, or i don t really recognize him, he s got an influential podcast, he raises a lot of money, but he s representative of the center-right republican donor who was very skeptical of donald trump especially two years ago, probably never if would have conceived of being on our air talking about how he s going to host a fund raiser for him. and now he s not only hosting a fund if raiser, but with doubling the amount of money he s raising and raising real concerns about joe biden. for donald trump, that s a great sign that those types of billionaireses are weighing in on his behalf. rachel: yeah. and it s no, it s not a small thing. this was in san francisco, as you said, will. they expected to raise $5 million, they ended up with $12 million. they expected protests, and it turned out the people outside were pro-trumpers. again, not a sign that suddenly san francisco is pro-trump, but a lot of the energy on the left has been deflated because, listen, it s just not a great time in america, and people see that. he was asked, will, you know, what was it about a, you know this election that these people who might have been on the sidelines have jumped in? he said one was the regulatory environment which is can killing innovation, making it harder for entrepreneurs and investors to do their thing, but also the lawfare. this has scared a lot of people. and i know donald trump has sai, well, if it could happen to donald trump, it could happen to anyone. it s already happening. look what s happened to the pro-life protesters, elderly people who are getting the book thrown at them, getting prison time even though they ve sick. i just saw a list from the fbi, traditional catholics are still on the hate list for the fbi, traditional catholic groups. so the targeting of conservatives is still happening. with. will: yeah. you know, i ve been skeptical that after entering our third election cycle with donald trump whether or not there s anyone if left to win over, that 2024 would be more about motivation of existing bases, would joe biden s base turn out more or donald trump s? and lawfare serving to energize donald trump s base. i will tell you anecdotally knowing a few people out there the in that industry, there are a few people that are going to vote for trump for the first time in 2024. now, how much does that add a up to? i don t know. here s another one. russell brand who, by the way, used to be a huge voice on the left, has now all of a sudden not just become a voice of common sense p but now he s also endorsing donald trumpment watch. if donald trump. if you care about the moxie, if you care about freedom, i don t know how you could do anything other than than vote for donald trump for precisely the reasons that they claim you can t vote for donald trump. i m starting to think that, no, a greater threat to democracy is this kind of technological feudalism that a tells you that it cares about you and that it s protecting vulnerable people, all the while increasing censorship, increasing the funding of wars, increasing the division between ordinary americans. pete: that s when you put it that a way, will, it s a stunning turn of events. will: that s a huge swing from where he was at one time to what he s saying today. if. rachel: but with, will, this isn t about a donald trump and in this case with russell brand. i think there s a lot of people that were on that side that are now coming over, and i think a lot of it started with covid. i mean, when people started to see our government will lie to us, our government is willing to harm children in order if to advance its agenda, you know, whether that was, you know, the interests of big pharma, whether it was to get mail-in voting universal, something the democrats have wanted forever and covid provided the perfect if opportunity. i think there s a lot of that. i want to give you a quote from russell brand. i thought this was interesting. he hasn t just made a transformation politically, he s also made a religious transformation. he has been posting a lot of himself praying, praying the rosary. people speculate he s now become a catholic, but this is something that s really interesting. he said people are so cynical about the increasing interest in christianity and the return to god, but to me it s obvious. as meaning deteriorates in the modern world, as our value systems and institutions crumble, all of us become increasingly aware that there is this eerily familiar awakening and beckoning figure that a we ve all known all our lives within us and around us. of course he s talking about jesus christ. fascinating. pete: it is fascinating. in my year-long bible study, i m in e cleese whereas with tease right now which is written by king solomon, and he writes about having all the riches of the world and yet nothing new under the sun. and ultimately, you know, we are all ashes and dust. you know, nothing in this world is ultimately going to satisfy you, and i think a lot of people are in that a moment. they re looking around and saying there s got to be something bigger. and when you re fulfilled through god if or something greater than yourself, that provides that. clearly, that s been a big role in russell brand s life. rachel: that focus as everything gets crazy and we can t trust anything especially in our government, all that a matters is god and family. and i think millions and millions of people across the world are feeling that in this moment. will: we re going to turn now to your headlines. family confirming apollo 8 astronaut william anders is dead after his plane crashed after washington finish off washington s islands yesterday. ing he and his crew were the first three people to have traveled to the moon although they did not land on it, but he s known for taking this famous photo while in space. andrew s anders was 90 years old. a neighborhood in the hartford, connecticut, has formed a group to patrol their streets to fend if off violent crime. the self-defense brigade made up of around 40 legally-armed citizens voluntarily monitors the streets wearing body cameras on nights and weekends. when they are not the streets, they re monitoring the neighborhood if using drones and surveillance cameras. the group formed after there was a shooting at a church that left two men if dead. to the wnba, caitlin clark tying the record for most 3s made by a rookie, knocking down 7 at the indiana a as the indiana fever if take down the washington mist picks before a soldout crowd in d.c. katie after last night s game, so today really the first time [inaudible] for mitchell. clark, another one. [cheers and applause] will: the mist ifics trying to mount a comeback late in the fourth quarter, but clark made a free throw to ice the game, 85-83 and those are your with headlines. pete: tough shots. will: yeah. pete: those are tough shots. rachel: you know, the story about the people, you know, having to protect their own neighborhood, that s super third world. that s the kind of tough that happens in latin america. fascinating how much we ve devolved as a country, it s crazy. pete: connecticut. rachel: connecticut or el salvador which is safer are right now. el salvador s the safest country in the western hemisphere pete: at the end of a long week for me, one of the most edifying parts of talking about my book has been getting feedback from you, lots of it, over social media, text, whatever. can and one stuck out that that i got yesterday, and i ve got from people serving, and it s been almost universally positive and affirming. but i don t with get me mails from generals. i got an e that mail yesterday [laughter] rachel: you re not popular with the generals these days. president not really. this is from a retire tired army major general, and it s all redacted. i m retired and i confirmed this, by the way. retired army major general with 35 years of a certain type of experience and combat experience in our wonderful army. this chapter, chapter3, struck a chord because you codified my meal feels feelings about our senior military leadership. i served with many of our current and short-past generals. everything you wrote is spot is on. i was never a conformist. i got out in a certain year because with i wasn t promoted to three stars and thought maybe i could hop into the sweet defense industry gig. that s where i saw all of my old bosses compromised by thal a mighty dollar. everything you wrote is true, we need a new awakening and someone to stand upper for what is right. go, army. will: wow. ing that s a heck of a rachel: interesting. will: validation can, affirmation. pete: yeah. and just hearing from guys saying, you know what? my commander s reading this and he s laughing at this part, meaning agreeing with it, and, you know, spot on here. thank you for the response from so many viewers. you ve made this number one on amazon for most of the week, and you never know when you put if something like this out here k. and a lot of it has been fox & friends weekend viewers willing to indulge us and me and my two wonderful cohosts who have been willing to listen to me talk about this book for a get it now to read for the summer anywhere books are sold. rachel: i think just as you have with education, here on the military i think you have made this a campaign issue, something people are paying attention to as another benefit of changing this administration. i think i ll ask you right here, have you heard anything about the reaction of generals right now who are in service or what they predict their reaction is? if after our interview with donald trump said i now know who they aring those woke general generals o or the ones going along with the woke agenda, and he said i will fire them. what has been the reaction, what s happened since that really blockbuster moment on the interview? pete: yeah. i think a lot of them know that their time may be up in a new administration and, you know, donald trump s going to have the choice to pick a new and very different secretary of defense than lloyd austin. rachel: well, he suggested you. [laughter] pete: whoever it is, who s lloyd austin has gone along with all the woke garbage lock, stock and barrel. and and milli milley did it with him, and he doesn t like the book at all. all the other four-stars, many south america if they re focused on women and lgbt leadership issues in south america while china s gobbling up resources, totally distracted. our pentagon can get back to that with the right leadershipping and the fact that that donald trump knows that and is prepared to take that on is important because we ve got a dangerous world with, a really dangerous world. when you dig into china, will, they are building a military to take us on in 5-7 years. if not sooner. rachel: here in our hemisphere. pete: scarily. will: what institution are you going to take on next? pete: let s go. [laughter] rachel: because he already said he was going to get rid of the education department will: i told him which one to go for. california governor gab newsom s proposing a new plan to defund the police just as the state faces a surge in crime. rachel: and we talk to a former san francisco officer, next. will: california governor gavin newsom is proposing a new plan to defund the police and the state s justice system whale thl reeling from a surge in crime. the democrat s proposal includes slashing $97 million from the court system and another $10 million from law enforcement. and more than $80 million from the prison system. former san francisco police officer joel hayward joins us now to react. joel, thanks for being with us. it s pretty shocking. i think most of the nation has realized that defunding law enforcement, defunding the criminal justice system has been a massive mistake, and yet in california this is the place we re looking to save money. yeah. it s no surprise, i mean, to see this play from gavin newsom. i always say there s no bad teams, there s just bad leaders, and he continues to show up. and we see this though typically, there s always a cycle of hiring surges and then hiring freezes. it probably happens almost every decade, but right now if they ve got a massive budget deficit, and this is where they are look to cut the corners. and if you just look at areas like san francisco where i used to work, i mean, they went from an overtime budget of $25.3 million in 2023 that was projected, and it actually ended up being $81 is million. so they spent $55 million more on overtime, and they still can t curb the crime crisis. they had, like, 200 stores from downtown union square leave. productivity in san francisco is down 555, so what do you think s going to happen when they cut allocation to resources? it s just going to get worse. will: the office spokesperson for golf governor newsom is saying it will not impact public safety or release in the result in the release of inmates. cutting costs including through the deactivation of beds. you know, joel, what you kind of described there is a death spiral because part of what s happening in california is a lack of revenue because people are businesses, as you point out, but high net worth individuals and also a just regular citizens of california are moving out. we know this. idaho, arizona, texas, they re move being off the states, reducing your revenues. thousand you make it less safe to be in california, this spiral will continue. yeah. and what s happened so far? i mean, let s do this, let s increase the gas prices. i think they re, what, $8 in california? let s add a gas tax. even better, let s just take away your gas stoves. none of his solutions are working, and i just saw senator kevin kylie posted that they spent $53 million if on illegal immigrants in medicaid, and and that number is projected to be $3.8 billion in the if next year. so they re doing a lot, obviously, to fund other things like san francisco, for another example, the homeless are being offered alcohol. i mean, these are just insane policies and protocols, i mean, where we could be spending our money in a different way. and, you know, i think there s if california s going to survive, it s not going to be through law enforcement, clearly. and they re going to need to look for other disruptive solutions, and i think there s people out there will: like that? they re using drones and out creating other efficiencies with local law enforcement and creating local partnerships, private and public, and that s probably the only way you re going to see actual tangible solutions. and i think the community needs to collaborate and get together because that s the only way. law enforcement in california is not going to save you. clearly, the response times in san francisco pd, they just did a study and for an officer to respond to a violent crime, it s taking almost 10 minutes. it s the lowest in 6 years. will: that sounded like the story we just reported out of connecticut where local neighborhood watches are coming together to try to fill the gap to keep their neighborhoods safe where they weren t able to be supported in that case by law enforcement. if that s the case for california because of a lack of options, we wish you the best of luck. joel, thanks for being with us. you got it, thanks. will: hold your horses, janice dean is coming up with a preview of the 156th running of the belmont stakes live from saratoga springs. i hear you have a special guest. yes, very exciting. 6:411, is post time. we have got a bit of a freeze, i m not going to lie, we could sew some thunderstorms, but i think for race time it s going to be spectacular. the 1516th belmont takes 156th belmont stakes in share toeing baa. don t go away. i m coming at you like a dark horse. muck are you ready for, ready for, the perfect storm, perfect storm? with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. pete: that s a great graphic. looking ahead to the belmont stakes tonight, sierra leone is picked to come out on top. our next guest helps us break down the odds, let s bring in kwan misif dean who s join janice dean who who s joined by a sports expert. if. wagering expert, that s pretty cool. how d you get into something like this? i ve always been involved in sports and loved sports. i grew up on long island, so i group around belmont park and then being in miami if p it just continued, being in if college around gulf stream and hialeah. i ve always loved the horses and sports, so it s kind of a perfect confluence of events. your job is to make people money though. so tell me who your favorite pick is. i am those who follow he on my podcast and on big noon, whatever else, they know i m really not a favorite player. but here i am going to go to the favorite, sierra leone. i thought he was the best 3-year-old prior to the kentucky derby and he had a rough trip in the derby. he s had a tendency to lug out, is so today they fit him with a different bit, he s got a jockey change, chad brown, this is his home track. you ve got a shorter field, it s kind of put up or shut up for sierra a leone today. i think no more excuses. i do think he will prove he is the best 3 year. who s your long snot who s going to make the most money? i think resilience. bill mott is the train, pretty conservative, doesn t run horses he doesn t think has a chance to run. ever since adding blinker, the horse has been much more mature and focused. might be a little closer to the front of the pace today, but i think 10 to 1 or so resilience might be someone you might want to put underneath because as a handicapper, as a better, i m looking to make money. so i m going to look for resilience or maybe a seize the gray to finish second. how do you do it? to win, box em play an exacta, give me a $55 exacta a, sierra leone with resilience and seize the gray. 99 with 1 9 with 1, 2. someone s writing that down for me. how does it feel to be on this track for belmont? it s awesome. i ve been coming here for years, and it s really cool. i m a big advocate of them trying to get the breeders cup yes. so if they can pull this off for the 4-day festival, maybe they can say, come on, breeders. to get a taste before the meal opens up next month, this is great. second year for fox sports, have they been treating you well? it s been great. it s been awesome, fantastic. i love it. fox sports tonight, 6:41, but there s racing all day long. we re going to bet on some horse, oh, in about a 151 minutes. maybe we have already. maybe we have, but i haven t had a drink yet, chris. neither have i. [laughter] okay. we re going to do that right now. pete, will and rachel. pete: yeah, in 26 minutes, you re good to go. oh, it s happening. pete: nobody sets the stage better than you, janice. thank you so much. rachel: wagering expert. bill: will: big noon kickoff. rachel: i had an uncle who was a wagering expert. [laughter] pete: we all do. will: kind of hot on this story this week, there is a new stock exchange being formed in texas to take on the new york stock exchange. they plan to the take registration later this year. the wall street journal writing, new york democrats have long taken wall street for granted imposing punishing taxes and regulations. progressives in albany if recently threatened to revive a hong-dormant stock transfer tax. go ahead, make the texas exchange s day. pete: that s the wall street journal. [laughter] if. will: it s a big story, ask and i know it was big talk this week in texas. rachel: is it going to happen? will: oh, yeah. so they ve raised $120 million, and this is of interesting note, $30 million from citadel, $30 million from blackrock. now, the reasoning for this or part of the reasoning is that all these regulations in place in the new york stock exchange include requirements for board membership. is so this is a pushback on dei and esg policies. and i know in the past we ve talked a lot about blackrock s role pete: they were advocates. will: in advocating for everything sg policies. blackrock, probably like every other capitalist organization s, ultimate goal is to make money. they rode the esg wave while that was an opportunity to make money. they see now it s not, and they re putting together a new exchange to rival new york stock exchange to get around a lot of these things that have pulled companies away from if making money. and i think this is a real you know, we talk about alternative markets. this is a real, this is a real opportunity to put publicly-traded companies on the right path. pete: go, texas. rachel: really interesting development. i hadn t heard about it until you brought it up, but you re right, there s such a back lack. when we heard larry fink talk about all these policies and when it was dei or the climate stuff, he sounds so passionate about it, it s hard to believe that he s sincere in this. but, clearly will: $30 million rachel: $30 million is a lot of pete: i get what s going on here. think place that wants to be its own country has to have its own stock exchange. [laughter] rachel: this is part of pete: yes. we thought it was going to be governor will cain, it s going to be president will cain. rachel: oh, no, it s going to be president. it s so funny, we ve talked for a long time about, you know, where would we, i, the duffys, eventually end up, and we talk about the overseas, places in the country. sean has timely decided will: texas. rachel: texas. will: you ve still got to fight for texas. you ve got to fight for every. you ve got to fight for tennessee, but i to like some of the direction i think this is good for america. rachel: i do too. pete: the competition is great. will: i think you re going to see some very recognizable companies. pete: interesting. you never if even thought there was an option. one of those thing, the stock exchange is the stock exchange, it s in new york. given an alternative if your bottom line is what you re looking at, you could see a big change. rachel: think how many people are stuck in new york because of the stock exchange who who actually want to pete: oh, my goodness. rachel: fascinating. pete: look out. all right, we are three days into joe biden s crackdown at the border, so is it working? unfortunately, the answer will not surprise you. we talk to the arizona state senate president on the steps they re taking to try to limit the flow. if sing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. pete: we re back with a fox news alert, israeli hostages reuniting with their families this morning, in hospitals after a being with rescued in a daring raid from hamas during an idf operation in gaza. all four, you ll remember, were abducted during the assault on the nova music festival on october 7th. one of them is that young lady you saw being taken away on a motorcycle. madeleinely veria rivera joining us now. unfortunately, one of the officers involved has i dod, saying he was critically injured and identified as chief inspector arna a n. we re hoping to get you some photos so we can show you. this was a highly complex operation,s israeli forces have been preparing for this for weeks, it required intensive training. these hostages were found in two separate building inside of central gaza, and these hostages are 26-year-old noa, 22-year-old a a lmog with, 41-year-old shlomi and 27-year-old andri, all of them kidnapped from the festival. the israeli defense forces said they are undergoing more medical evaluations as they are reunited with their families. there are reports of people near hospital cheering and celebrating their freedom, and this is just crind, news for these families who have been waiting for 246 days for news about their loved ones, so now they are celebrating their return. so many emotional moments this morning. we received a statement from the defense minister saying our troops showed so much courage operating under heavy fire in the most complex if urban environment in gaza. i do not remember having pleated operations of this kind, of this intensity and with this level of cooperation and success is. israeli president herzog also saying on x, on behalf of the entire people of israel or, i thank the ix, the israeli id finishing, the israeli security agency and israel s counterterrorism unit for an impressive and courageous rescue operation. i wish for the immediate return of all of the hostages to their families. and remember, there are still 120 israeli hostages held in gaza, 43 of whom have been declared dead. pete? pete: wow. madeleine, thank you very much. much more on this throughout the day on the channel and, certainly, on our program tomorrow. rachel, over to you. rachel: thank you, pete. president biden s border executive order took effect this week, but illegal immigrants do not seem deterred. in the last few days the average crossings are almost 3900, barely down from 4 the 200 in april 4200. so arizona lawmakers are taking matters into their own hands, putting a texas-style november law border law on the november ballot. joining us now is the texas senate president, warren peterson. so great to have you on, senator. i guess joe biden is taking a lot of heat for what s going on, but it looks like the governor this arizona is too. tell us how citizens on the ground are feeling about this and if katie is feeling the heat as a well. well, yeah. as i go around and talk to my constituents, this is always one of the top issues if not the top issue. people are worried about the crime, the drugs, the fentanyl that s spilling in from the border. and and so the citizens are concerned. the governor has said she s concerned as well, but she, she vetoes our bills [laughter] to protect the border. so we re going around the governor. we have passed a referral out, it will go directly to the voters. they will get to decide and vote in november. it s basically just a law that mirrors federal law, that you have to come in there new, come into this country through a legal port of industry. and if you don t, then we re going to enforce the law since the federal government won t enforce the law and deter tease people these people from coming into the country illegally. rachel: you know, that executive order actually exempts unaccompanied minors from, you know, being returned back in any way. what do people in arizona think about that? because that seems like just from a humanitarian the point of view a terrible situation, really putting children in danger and making the chances that they fall into sex trafficking more likely. 100. all the energy, all the everything is now going to move to those children, the focus will be to use those children rachel: yes. as puppets for the terrorists and for these cartels. that is horrible. and biden s executive order is a joke. he s virtue signaling. it still allows a million people to come into the country illegally every year if it s enforced correctly. the number should be zero. and so it s really just, it s not going to do anything. and the fact that now it s going to be focused on children, this is, it s just setting up future atrocities. rachel: no, of course. it s horrible. again, i m so curious, like, i m not on the ground in the arizona. i m originally from there, so i m just trying to understand how katie hobbs is managing this politically. aligned with joe biden, she s done nothing to protect the board, and and now she see ises the numbers and9 that the peopld that the people of arizona want border security, how is she navigating this just politically? oh, gosh, it s, it s a disaster for her. this last week has been horrible. she was just referred to for criminal charges rachel: right. in what appears to be a pay to play with one of her favorite businesses. she, a judge just told her she s breaking the law because she wouldn t with allow us to she was nominating directors or without us confirming them. and with the border, she s failing. she talks the talk, but then when we put bills on her desk, she s not signing them, and she s taking a lot of heat for this. rachel: yeah. clearly, this open border s intentional with governor katie hobbs, she appears to be part of the effort to keep the border open and just pretend like they re doing stuff before november. it s really great of to have you on, senator. thanks for joining us. thanks for having me. rachel: you got it. coming up tomorrow on fox & friends weekend, governor doug burgum and senate tim scott. and we ll continue monitoring president biden s state visit to france as we await his statement with french president macron. we can secure our world. watch out for offers too good to be true. that s phishing! someone s trying to take advantage of you. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. we can secure our world. don t just use a password alone. mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! rachel: school is out, but as the weather gets better, it looks like more kids these days are choosing smartphones and screens over sunscreen is. [laughter] pete: and we re here with a lifestyle expert to show us how to keep your kids out and about in your own backyard and off their phones. lenore. hi. we re going camping in our backyard today. pete: i love that. we re setting up the camp campsite. we have a tent, some chairs, and i got some camping toys from learning resources. a camp set and a camp outset. roasting some mar if, mall lows and he has a land person, really fun, or he s making lantern, he s making smores. rachel: that s impressive. pete: yeah. i love this. you really can get the kids excited about a camping, and you can see some really great screen-free sun. pete: hand me that shovel or, will you, buddy? [laughter] over here we have some crafts. what i ve done is i made some rock tic tac toe, you just paint it with crayola paint, and you can make fossils. you can send the kids out on a scavenger hunt, get leaves and rocks, all kinds of textures. you flat ifen it out, press down the rock or the leave are, you let it dry overnight and you have a keepsake from your campout. and then you paint it if you want the next day. screen-free fun. this right here is the tony box. they have these tonies, you put them right on top and from the character from that story, they have this is toy story, they have cookie monster, they have paw patrol president i m hearing some music, yeah. and stories from the actual movie or show that that character is in. pete: let me give you a paw patrol. hundreds events the paw patrol one is not set up pete: oh, sorry. follow the script, pete. sorry. [laughter] i m sorry, i m sorry. but, yes, you would set it up, and it would normally work with. pete: awesome. and so now all of these screen-free activities have gotten me hungry, so you re going to love these. these are the hill shire snacks pete: i like these a lot. i ve had em. they re really just an elevated snack, salami, some delicious cheeses, really delicious and easy rachel: you could pack a picnic lunch of just give them it s kind of like char cutely without the mess. pete: i just did hot dogs. well, these are a little bit elevated. ray i love it. and then we re going to make some smores. you want to come here and make some s moressome if we ve elevated it rachel: i love this idea. some circus animal cookies. you re going to roast the marshmallows, then i opened up these little bags of the animal cookies dis,. [inaudible] [laughter] and then what you re going to do is you re basically going to make walking smores pete: oh, lie take. and like that. and you can have mess-free smore ifs. pete: you re promising me mess-free s mores? that has never occurred in my life ever. [laughter] rachel: you can actually invent that, you ll be rich. we have these, you re going to put them right in here, add some chocolate and then just let it cool for a minute so you don t burn your little hands and that s it. how fun is this? pete: you have done it for us. rachel: you always do it right. thanks. pete: all right. more fox & friends in just a moment while we consume this. pete: well, thank you for joining us all a morning long, it s gone fast. rachel: it has. tony and shelley in roma, virginia is. finish. pete: thank you very much. to do two things today. enjoy the beautiful day and then the order the warren on warrior- rachel: in time for father s day. pete: we love our viewers. thank you so much, or we ll see you tomorrow. will: see you tomorrow. measure neil: fox on top of an election less than five months away now

Pete-s , Question , More , Men , Cognitively , Endorsement , Plus , West-coast , Wow , Will , Hostages , Military

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240608

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div class= gutr > and you, you can be next. well, it s time to make another connection. a game show legend return freak out here. leg warmers wine coolers and parachute pants for the ultimate eighties. pop trivia today eighties quiz show streaming now on fox nation america is streaming. all right. unfortunately, that is all thelh time we have left this evening. and if you haven t already, please check out my new series on fox nation, outlaws and lawman. all episodeson you can stream iv binge watch it. so to you nevers ever, ever, ever miss ans an episode of hannity monday ep 9 p.m..sday in the meantime, but not your heart trouble this fridayds night. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face put. a have a great night. yes, i m still not going homeknw with it s friday, so you knows. what that means. let s welcome tonight s t. like yes, she s like the show cops on tv s. it s the nineties ben often seen around half naked men joseph saves the world podcast be he creates more than a weight watchers meeting at raymond flanagan s backyard stand up comedian tyler fisher sees like hale small white and smashes windshields new york times bes t author fox news contributor got to work and his underwear can be by paragliders. new york times best selling author comedian, world championm tyruers now before we get too ne some new stories, let s do this . greg s leftovers. yeaheg slit , it s leftovers whi i read the jokes with the news this week. and as always , it s my first time reading them, so they . well, stuffed ground down joe mackie s pants and send him to the view packs formerly known as twitter has established new rules to allow users to post content. elon musk says that decision was made by his newest content s executive, new york governor kathy hochul, is ditching a plan for congestion pricing, which would charge driversg chai to enter the city s business district. she said the plan would only force new yorkers to move . unlike her face, i feel bad c to a newly transmitted fungal infection has been detected in new york city. al infecthe only thing you get r a visit to new york city is a fungal infection. s thyou re doing great? yeah. about fungal fungal, though. to help prevent shoplifting workers at tj, max and marshall s are wearing police like body cameras. customers are furious because this increases the likelihood of someone seeing them shopping at tj and marshall s remote tribe. finally connected to the internet, only to wind upon tri hooked on be in. unrelated news, pornhub will soon start accepting seashells as payment. i m off to the beach. the wall street journal reports that people are divided peop. jo whether it s okay to call someone without texting first. others report that they just wish someone would reach out at all and ask. very lonely friend of the show, alex hilaria baldwin are unveiling their new tl c t series for 2025 with the couple plus their seven children. it s like a modern day brady bunch, but with alice getting shot in the face, like, oh, on the electric front. ev fr senators are blasting the government for havinong three years and $7 billion to complete only seven ev charging stations. the government plans to build 500,000 stations and confidently predict that at their current pace it will be completed by the year 216,000 310. that s for real, by the way. paul krugman, a journalist, the new york times, asks the question, should joe biden downplay his success? that s like asking troy baker if she should downplay or looks back. i ll take it. jennifer lopez, her tour,ting citing a desire to be with her family. ws upon hearing the news, her husband, ben affleck, announced he s going tour. researchers are calling for on in-flight alcohol purchases to protect passengers health, but they added passengers on spirit are free to keep sniffing glu e. glue. related news after a british passengers were told to brace for landing, then spent hoursce on the tarmac. fellow passenger for james cordn entertained his fellow stuck travelerjames s. british airways thanked corden for getting the passengerss thet to actually look forward to dying in a crash. a new app tracks the price of a big mac at every mcdonald s across the united states to help users save money. it s such a great idea.y the apitp already has its firsts vip customer line item and finally, the world s loneliest man lives in an abandoned village, a mountain ls with just a horse. in fact, we have picture of him and his animal, which we don t even try to make it look like sa village, you know, and he ll just slap ite to people together. and now to the news where the dems rue the day they tried to put trump away. well, now that liberals weaponize the justice system against the once future president manipulating phony charges at trial the and ahe pao conviction that pandora s box is open and trumpers opy revenge. e after all, if democrat lawfare b is to blameinge, then two can py at that game. republicans from stephen miller to steve bannon and speaker mike johnson are expressing the need for f vengeance and not just the fun kind where you switch. maxine you wig with a family wak of ferrets. mike johnson s promising to use appropriations legislation and oversight to rein in the justice department. rrain inand course, the left wia has their gender neutral. in a twist over it. the washington post quote, trump wants retribution. this eye for an eye justicend d is real and dangerous. mother jones. trump anges obsession with reve, a big post-verdict danger. daily beast revenge would trump in the gop want moste what of all? well, boo hoo and the brain trust that is morning joe ismorn shakining g their boots. donald trump and his allies are ratcheting their calls for revenge against democrats. ahillary clinton be jaileds in response to his guilty verdict. donald trump is not messing around. he promises retribution and he serve it up.p an sd o with that, i mean, i m not sure what moreve people to know, given a lot of things that donald trump has promised trump have come to pas. great work there, mary.ther sorry to break the news, hon, but hillary still roamingy the streets in sweat stained pantsuits, menacing society. despite all trump s calls for jail. so it s good that mika admits a lot of trump s promises did come to pass, like building a healthy economse toy and bordc security, world peace. who else rememberso the good old days of 2019? not mika. when you re married to joe scarborough, you try not the to think of the past or the present day. thin thes the future either.i but the way i see it, trump s greatest revenge come november 5th. after that. enough with the revenge talk.s n instead, focus on incentives so this again, don t don t get vengeful, get maventud as in mutually assured destruction. let them know you re just as capable as they are in provino g that no one is above the law. it s not really about jailing people. it s about punishing crimes. because like mahatmapeople iingi famously said, don t start. none won t be none. kennedy, a should there be payback? and b, don t you think it s interesting that they re quakinn t yosting thg their booo they know they deserve it? they re the ones talking about reveng e, the time. no. it reminds me of hamas being angry at the response that israel had after they inflicted the worst massacre since the holocaust. so although a weaponized republican administration would be capable of retribution, i think it s horribl aadministen the country. i like what mike johnson is saying. i like that they wouldson is sds use and every other means to take stocapproprik in the jue department. and i want them to squeeze the justice department and make it smaller and more ethical. and i want them to do that with every othe r agency. you know, we talked about doing defund the police. d we re like defund everything. you know, that s what small minded conservativese police den libertarians wanted. so if they re using this momengt to make sure that these institutions cannot do that again, i m fine with that . i think vengeance is a horrible idea. and this administration, if there another trump administration, they should rise above it. i do, i disagree. rising above thingst. is overrated. e tyler if you were trump,u ge how would you get back at tould the dems for this sham conviction? i mean, you knoget baw i wasr to say everything kennedy said. i ve read word for word, but, you know, i think he he wants to wear this as a badge, right? he ll he can twist anything34 cu and make it good, right? 30 four counts. greg, nobody s i done it right. nobody s done it. el chapo couldn t do it. he do it. 22 counts. he did 22 counts. al capone a failure. nine days even. excuse me. even the zodiac killer. right? i call him the zodiac loser. i ll be out in the yard. catch me outside of the yard, greg. i ll be out there. it s going to say trump s yard. so i don t think.le yeah, i think. let hi the badm have the badge. you can t beat it. you can t beat it. let him have it anyway. and then what? she said that i do agree with kennedy that you don t want to weaponize anythingntiviz but how you incentivize them when they return to power. right? it becomes this ping pong. and i guess what i m saying is, do you think about is it possible to have mutually assured destruction to end the weaponization of the justice department? huh? i mean, that didn t happen. i think that s always implied. and i think, honestly that my issue you brought up kennedy like a lot of different branches of government, levels of governmenwhether rnmentt. my issue in general with this idea of one so-and-so s there or if so-and-so was there, i don t want to say this and that demands so much on whod is in what positio mn. and i think the fact that what happened to trump, i mean, i absolutely believe was weaponization of the justice system, absolutely was was obviously politicized. but i think that if we get my focus is on like, how did that happen? right. we should not let those positions of power to have that kind of power. not like, oh, when i want my guy in there. so he can do that to your . that s not i think that s not the answer. although i understand the impulse for people who are on one of the two teams. but i really do think that the n focus should not be on who s in power, but the amount of power those positions have, because it s really, really, truly a scary thing. it is. all right, tyrus, what dosometh you think? are you you need to do something. t stop they re never going to ask. i think it s funny when people people who spent the last six years with a coup and doing everything they possibly could, stretching the law, being martyrs and lying and committing crimes to findlyind crime, are worried about revenge. als mo it s not really revenge. it s like a bank robber steals his moneney and he s sitting in the house going off the bank, comes back for this. this is wrong. yeah. them like they went out of their way to get him out of officeffic. they commit i don t know how many different fake stories or in planning stories. a a team of hollywood directors come in to produce the january 6th thing. like they went above and beyond to go after hige m they had guys who ve just 34 counts of one crime that was expired and they did everything they could. he never did that when he was he n h. now he would say hillary deserves to be locked up, but he didn t have one of his guys in the doj resign and go hop on to where shet they lives and look for a crime on her. so what, they re afraid of what joe, with them all afraid of is that it s not revenge, it s accountabilitrebilityy. and that s the things like, oh, yeah, turn the other cheek . he gets in. you understand that last six years of work is out the window. yeah. so should be. there should be an accountability buddy waiting for you for those who spent this time. because here s the deal. if you were doing it right, you would stand it. t yeah, i d have to worryt about retribution because i follow the law. i seek d bashan the. i got the truth, so come get me. come g what saying. you w they re like, hey, it s all cool if you win. yeah. ohin no, that they re worried. > they ar thee worriey d, whh is why they re bringing up the r word for revenge. oh, not, ,kennedy. coming up later in the show, standup performance from comedian joe mackie. but first, possible vp s fi are sweating over 40 vibes, vetting if you ll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld, go to com slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. bounty mega roll last longer so you can tackle something avocado, berries, butter, coffee, cream, drippy fingers, deviled eggs bo and empanadas, red and green bounty mega roll that you clean spills without runnin sug his glasses. it s been done bounty the quicker picker upper everybody wants super straight super white super straight super white teet smile new sensodyne clinical smile new sensodyne clinical awayink uct. and 24/7 sensitivity protection . i think it s a great product it s going to help a lot of patients when your home needs work. where do you go? 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what is does the whaouist do you think the president is contemplating he should dento what the democrats do, they love having the first, right? yeah. kamala, first black, the firstwa indian black woman, the first autistic. i it was so much the first down, the first one, the first and, you know, so we re going to have the first blind, bisexual, bipolar, biodegradable, nativef colo american chinese trans child of color. and it s going to be so great. but no, i he should think outside the box, you know, you know, have like a podcaster . someone s got to. ben shapiro would be a good vp. oh, yes. yeah. but i thin good but he dk he heg too ads too much. okay, everybody, my fellow americans, we are at war. bombs are going off because china got a hold of our nuclear codes. we did not protect our online data. that s why you have to use express bp, use code the bombe o for 10% off. or maybe bill burr,mb 10% he s funny. he s a comedian. yeah. open for him and everybody woul evee would tune in, right?w you know, my wife came home. she s watching the veep, right? we re makingomin illegal, right, on monday. it s called bills, right?it it s going to be five years in jail for every minute you watch the vide 5 io, that g, that s brutal. and then trump comes out i and think that. i think that would be his ideas. i likee cat. did you see who was not on the list? kristi noem looks like the dog got the last laugh. di, it s true. that s it s true. that s what did it she s was on the list. oh, of course she was on the list. but then she bragged about enjoying. bragg her dog. yes, probably a back story. not at all. do not take advice from corey lewandowski. yeah. where s oliver? yes. yeah. yeah. i think maybe he should do be someb speak, like to both sides of the aisle. like 50 cent? yeah. n wa have you been watching that? oh, my. like he, he was meeting with everybody and i just say, oh my gosh. wow. that salmy, trad, okay i m okay. and then he posted a photo with lauren boebert and then everyone went nuts only aboutt e that photo. so then he tweeted, wait, wait, guys, i took pictureso care with everyone. all you guys seem to care about is lauren. what did she do in a dark theater? hawhat ds been done. my god. hey, i don t have chlamydia, by the way. lol. that s my vice president at the very at the very least, he should do this show. oh, yeah, i think. sure watching, someone watching proby knows him. i ve asked him i haven t heard yet, but i m sure he de he loveo this show would well, mr. said yes, mr. said said 50 or 50 now i was going to do it. now what now. he s never going to do it because you just did he ve that. all right. no, vivek, no. nikki haley. no. ron desantis on this list. what stood out to you? i like byron donalds, doug burgum comes out of nowhere. tim scott. tim scott. there is tim scott. and here s the deal. you know what? no, no. haand no. doesn t need to be vetted. yeah, you know, she ll do what needs to be done. yeah. so there s no reason to vet her. she s at the top of the list. it s not like you re going l he to call her and be like, you re off the list. i m not doing that. aru know what happenedd be lik? you might mess around in the forest. you go, kennedy, do the sound. really? got it. oh, judgment oh, my god. oh, it makes me feel. ] makes me feel bad when i hear we you do that. how do you think kristi noem stanfield? oh, does it feel anything as dead? do you think this is a deflection, that these aren t the people that he s goingnt? to do something different? absolutely. yeah. i mean, he s going absol to dc some version of the apprentice, willo is going to crescend at the rnc in july. he s keeping us all guessing, waiting. he s real, releasing a little bit here and there. ang of thethe beginnin bachelor, you know, the chicks where he s making out with atthr beginning. they re never the ones he takes home to his familyver th. it s like you know that s interesting doug burgum is just a red herrineng he s been to the governor rodeo. yeah and it bit him in the, which kristi noem dog would have done that. but how about this? okay, if. if the person isn t s on the list, ideally. okay, so you don t want to pick somebodyo ideall. you don t want to necessarily pick the best person for the job. right. soa thbests in theersoan most votes, huh? what if he did do something i like totally wit different? like. like whom? somebody you know about white skin?. tatted. you mean harold ford jr close. close. i was going to say joe manchin . he s retiring and he just doubts his democrat party democratg anrenoun status. they need to decide to go independent. yes. he s no longer there. why do i make up these things? do you think maybe i haveagin a problem? but could you imagine him takinge hie be? somebody like that, just like cream in the out of the democratic party. in hewhat about fauci. he did a great job. can you do fauci? you know, you now, you know he d be on there being like you need your fifth shot every y. the first shot really was just to loosen up the vein to get it ready for the second.e dcoo we should have kristi noem go to his house, have dress up as a u dog, get him his vaccine, get him his booster shots. he means only in the most comical way. remember when he got really mad at jesse watters because jesse watters says somethinge go about shots and he was like, i m getting threatened by peopllike i me that can t dol feed. all right. do you feel that getting a calld overo a texyo t? there are certain eras in american history define us where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends they were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawmen down county by businesses come here. some were heroes. summerville. and that s where the fun begins. this dark tree in our west marsh that s reads. this is outlaws and lawmen now streaming on fox nation this is keratin debris where nail grows neonics nail gel cleans out fungus by, removing keratin debris using neonics, 90% of nails improve, get clinically proven results. neonics is made in the usa and so effective it s money back guaranteed. lift out the fungus with neonics for, clear healthy looking nails use neonics fungal nail clarifying buy neonics at walmart, rite-aid, cvs and walgreens. what makes bull and brand sheets so it s everything you can t see that makes the difference. we start with the rarest cotton on earth. then we transform it with our signature for over one under. we ve this sheet starts out soft and unlocks new levels, softness with every wash. even if you can t see the difference, you ll feel it this it with balllocaus and branch. thit ivors whs is our last ce to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today because support the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning at yale? i ate a carrot, so i ate half of yesterday. yeah, but. and this is what she ate in two days. days. one carrot sugar was elde. please pray for me. the international fellowshipneeu of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderlto jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgentlysu of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all one survival food box with all of the foods need for their diet for need for their diet for one month even people, when you call right nowy your gifts now, be doubled to help save lives. it breaks my heart to know that theref less are holocaustto survivors who suffer to this very dayornable. now with pensis of less than $2 per day,me. they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. but i believe in god. but i sometimes maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell story and i will find a match so people would understand. you know, brother, i face hunger again. please don t delay, call, cai scan or go online. noft s impw to help rush one sul food box to a holocaust t survivoro help. when you call right now, your gifts impact will jungry. this is what god wants from us. us. just if i you hear god s voice, nal o i m asking you to act nontw. do it when it s on your heart. i pray that they ll know in their final months more that they re not alone c. ideat we plan to offer retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea that they can sell their life insurance policy fovr ? 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obody dead a no, i just called to say hi,e you know, why are you callinge me? yeah. yeah, i hate when people call me without texting first. i it i look at my phone, i m like, is this person really going to force me to do improv right now? ye s yeah. like, what is. you re not going to meabout. what this is about. yeah. you know, it s like you re just going to call me. t it could be about anything. i ve had no time to prepare, but. okay, ifimare but the worst tha you can do, like, the actual worst thing you can dot is kyra s off calling you rightr now. yeah, you can see, i feel like. i feel like i ve done something wrong. yeah, no, i m just calling. i feel like hello. likee. t s lik nonju i m in trouble. i m always like, you don t know how to answer. depending on what it s about you to be likeo, hello? or like, how about we re like, hey, what s up? like, you don t know. you what, though? she just hung up on me. i got a text or. no. yeah, but guitars i want to about on the show. pirates. there s no need for. all right. yeah, we re okay. i just called times, but it s on voicemail. yeah. i don t need back. you re blue. i think your necklace could be a belt for me. you kno.ou arew what, pirate? i want?cklace i have an app for my necklace. give you a battery? or you. yeah, that s great. okay. is your. you all right? so this is the wall street journal . the title is called don r reg? t you dare call me without texting me first. can you guess whict he to gender this? don t you dare call me without texting. without te. al no, no. because here s the deal. if you cal l, i m probably not ans going to answer anyway. and then if you text me that you called me, then i m definitely not going to call you back. whose life is this complicatedul ? important to where? like, only call me if it s an emergency. kiss kiss my ass if my. if i feel like calling you, i m going to call you if i want to text you first. but that s what that is, is is it s a polite way of saying, i don t want to talk to you. exe please text me so i can lien to you and say, oh, i m so busy you g world problems right now behind closed doors, hit back later. this is kennedy. this is a just it s people who had landlines. they call more often i o without texting data. e they actually doo. call you to say hello. it s not like it s not like so young people assume that if you re calling in bits to break up with themk upha or actually o not true. you just do that by text or t would completely ignore the fact that they were never alive. yep, exactlyy welive yes, preciy that. i long for the good days where you just dump them in the bay. i don t know though. so i think the proper etiquette would still be to text someone before you murder them and dump them e ber in the bay. yeah, i think that s. that s. you don t want to get them a running start. a runninkatie. i feel like i don t, i don t run before i get on a bicycle. like, i m going to pick one form of locomotion, one form of communication. so the call, you re goineg callu you. i m not going. i m going to walk around and be like, hind beingikit s m, it s.s i m texting to ask you to zoom. am oal i goingl you ? greg: t that s the worst voice i ve ever heard. i know worst was, but that s tht the the person who wrote this article, that s the voichenend u they haven t yet read. and you know what this person does? and grading it at least once or twice a week, maybe three times a week on the wall street or wl, they do thesejourna complaining pieces and it s like, why this person does , ing this when you re flying, why does this person do that? it s the same personwh . ll you know what this person does. tyler? i ll tell you what this person does, okayt they d these are the people that text short texts. that s me. oh, my god. they tried to frame. , ,,,.e an what s up? just to say once that. yeah , yeah.n yo and it s like you re sitting there, you going like, okay, what s going on? you can put it in one text. that s the crime. that is the crime. and then what t itn crimi we re, overly consensual now. you know what i mean? consenat i meat to make eye con, i m overly consent. we are. i that s what this is about. i want to go one step further. i don t want someone textingt g without me knowing. first, i think there should be an app called cannk b i texth you get an alert a is going can i know you can t text me, you know, then you know you useo the oral legend. somebody has to tell legendl girlfriend that school. gh oh she was so cruel. but you think about this oral legend, right? t to somebody who has to tell time like, hey, kennedy, can you tell tyler that? i want to text him? tes, you re.l ta i ll talk to greg at home. just call a man. do it.were we weren t doing that back in the day. like, you know, i m going day d a carrier pigeonse to your house to let you know there s a handwritten letter that will arrive in 300 business days, you know, just call me my. pronouns are pick up kathy talking to my girl. what is the impression gre you justg: what would you call. that era old timey impression? yeah. ye timressios. time h this is every old timeessi impression ness that she goton t was coming on the corner. if she s not going one twice, can you do that as s awok? a woke person now. but that voice. well i m feeling a little bit l prettyd my pronouns are he they them who, what, when, wher e and skedaddle. oh, real quick, before we go, did you guys see greg s excited hand dancese? greg? greg gets a point. he does this all. all right, watch it back. watch the greg hand dance whenwh excited. he s so excited. his other hand can t catch up to clap. he jusd heo excis other hat. it s just. i can t. i can t defend myself on this. i all right.ons an coming up, questions and answers. and doug lima, what someone needs to customize and save hundreds in car insurance with liberty mutual lets fly chief doug.behind m oh wow. i thought you were right behind . me only pay for what you need. every delivery man we family. what is it about cindy crawford ? 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tyler i d probably finish the wall. it would be a nice lego portion of the wall right. now, why not? why not a lego wall? yeah, the woke people love like ,oh, it s so, it s so playfull and colorful. make it rainbow for pride. whatever trick them. i mean, you could do a contract with lego and that thing could get built. mirun s what would you do with a million legos? what would you build? what would i buildlllegos whbuia million legos? legos?a of me. hmm. to sit in this chair right here. you know, legos? yeah, they are leg lego. f you it up on ap wh stick in my pocket and slap you aroundin. wha kat, if you.u what would you build with a million legos wouldn t build. i would just step on them and then it would figh?tet withy husband about who s going to throw them away until he did it unt. build you could build an amazing house. amg housy some. what i was thinking. know what i would build with a million legos, a leg o machinead that made more legos. so it would accelerate and the machine would keep making legos, which would mak ine wee another lego making machine. and pretty soon it wouldbe sel be self-perpetuating. i would take over the world a lego makinrpetuatitake og mace back and killed lego hitler. yes. oh you could. you could. you could. um. n. ar. bricks and so forth. yeah . applaud, applause god. bullies bully, bully, bully all right, cosmetics. what is your main and how do you manage it? let me get tyler. you don t have any phobias. my name is tyrus perry s. d what did i say? tyler. milo. tyrusas tyler. er tyler. talk user into one person. yeahne. of a note, though. we ran off together. my son. you have to be on top of mye on shoulders. yeah. listen, one small part of myrver life is all i can handle. do you have any phobias? is because you you can be. it can t be snakes, spiders or any. oh, no, no, it s. nit s people that i don t likee talking to. talking to me is my phobia. coen somebody that you just comes upme you is like hi andd o then it it and they justi keep going and goingneve and i never know how to end it w without saying shut up and go away. soithoaming it s like, i get non i see i always see him coming. yeah. i just hate that i gre get gey every time that comes in the room, you know, i get upset. yeah. e watter, you know. you t yeah. have you talked to himald to hi who did you say it? waters? waters? t ta he does talk to anybody, though. he s pretty private to himselfo . it s the breath problem , cat phobia. but i used to have, like, actually a really bad phobia of, like, blood and guts. but then i got over it. yeah, you. you had say, was chapter five, a and it was i looked downnd and there wa s. yeah. once your blood went, you know, your own blood and guts i had choice but to get over itr i out. i wouldn t recommen d the way if you need one. tyler, do you have any phobia? i do have .a of needles, which is why i didn t get the covid vaccine. mostly because my pediatrician, i was too tiny. was togi mean, that thin have gone through my arm. yes. also, fear of feminism, for surer sure that fear, that is wn toxic masculinity up on a date,c my goes into my stomach. iul at just can i say that? i guess he did just said it.> i just said i just said kennedy. i really i really don t don t have any phobias. no fears. i not i don t have fear of heightsar i m not cla claustrophobic. i don t have a fear of snakes or spiders ohobic or fire or st i don t i really i wish i had a phobia sounds like a feminist. i mean, i had panic. yeah, you know, i do. i have i ve had a fear that if. can t get i can t open up my eye s underwater. is that weird? i thought 1,000%. yeah, it s weird. and no, it is do is open.t you know, it s weird because i don t like i don t like having things below me. i don t like open spaces. i get things. being below view is weird. i do get in your stature house. i don t know if that s agoraphobia, but like. like, like with goggles on her. with goggles on, it freaks me out. i can t eveneven look.. i can t even look. i can t even look at. that s what i wouldn t when i saw poseidon adventure, the original, i had to walk out. what happene i sdoventurd to yo. you were baptized, greg? yeah what , i don t remember the talk. the preacher down. all right, we to go.ot to go we got to go. up next, standup comedy from joe. .you. there are certain eras in american history that define us, where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends, they were born. this was an age of outlaws and, lawmen down county by businesses down here. some were heroes. some were villains. and where the fun begins. this dark tree and marsh grass this dark tree and marsh grass reads. d. this is outlaws and lawmen imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but insteadou remade over and over intod ou the things that keepr our food fresher, our families safer. us get there. america s plastianrecyclinc maks us get there. are investing billions of dollars to create innovative of dollars to create innovative products you pustions, technologies for sustainable change. because you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know? 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and i m like, i don t know. loike an get a very good lookd o at him. yeah, yeaokh subway s just gotten really dangerous lately. ever since they got rid latelof consequence. d of it s like recently i had this rule where if you bringe tr a dog on the train, it has to be fully enclosed in one of those dog carry and getha bae . but people can break in that role left and right. recently i saw a guy bring an unleashe i sad on the train. w so i wrote the subway authorityt and i said, hey, if you don t rl start enforcing your dog rule, eaoner or later a babyer going to get eaten, you know, because because people s can be greal st dogs with a great owner, with a bad owner, sometimes they eat babies. we all we all know that well ,anyway, the subway authorityhoy never wrote back. tha and later on, i realize b that may have been my fault because when i phrase it. if you don t start enforcing your dog rules, a baby s going to get that. sounded like i was threatening to eat a baby. all nd that s not i meant at all. that s how rumorthat ss start. g i m just always having these weird interactions with government workers. knwas washindinteran with wg mye park, and i know that sounds weird, but where i live, where it s all apartments, no one has hoses. people wash their car there because they can fill up bucket theiind ons now. but on this day a parksr worker didn t care for it. he said, sir, you can thtctn 20 your car here. i ve already gotten 20 complaints. and i said well, if you ve already gotten 20 complaints, she s put up a sign so you can wash your car. if there was a sign, i wouldn t be doing it. it s the same reason i stopped selling drugs in all those high schools, and that should have been the end of it. but this guty was prettyd col stupid. that s why he can t succeed in the private sectodn ther. and he actually said this. he said there s no sign that says you can t murder someone. and not allowed either. i said, can you put a pind tt in that? i want to get my joke notebook. soy joke n i can write thisdoin conversation down to make fun of you behind your back in different citieies. and i said, first of all, it seems to me like murderingyour someone or washing your car is kin card of an apples to oras comparison in that it s coming from someone that hates the expression apples to oranges, because it always made sense to me to compare different popular fruit.rough. but back to the subject at hand, if there was a signmurr that said no murdering allowedin ,i would just get the out of there. because you got to figuret that s where most of the murders were happeningofm. but this is the best time in history to be crazy. they re practically giving out awards for it because of the internet. like recentl outs for y on on ft day last year, a friend posted a picture of her and her dad frn with the caption happy father s day to the world s greatest daed and dad was pretty old. schroeder i said, hey, is your dad even on instagram? pretty old. and she said, no. and i said, why would you tellwl him he s the world s greatest dad on a forumd s ? he s not even on he s walking around right now, doesn t even knowin he s world s greatest dad . then i answered my own question. it s because you re a malignant ,she said. how do you figure? i said, imagine doing something like that before social media. hey, phil? yeah? i just want to let. you know father s day. i told my dad s world s greatest dadd . that mak well, it makes sense, joe.s it s father s day. that s the day i tell hifatherm dad, i like one more thing, phil. i mean, you know, if you like that? yeah. the world haand the s to be a cy place, but luckily, beer companies have stepped in to make sense of it all, but itl an really backfired on bud light. people started boycotting that beer. imagine that one day. you re a fan of bud light beer,y and the next dayou you re denyir yourself the delicious tasteselo of flavored alcohol. and people say, joe, how do you know what tastes like?rinet fair question. 1 time one time i was stung in theng mouth by a jellyfish jellyfish . the worst part about having someone on your jellyfish.n sting is when you find out later that s not a real cure ou you were just bamboozled again. german tourists. hey, thank you, guys. so much. i really appreciate it. thank you. thank you. thank you. than k you. thank you. joe mackie. he s delightful. don t go away. we ll be right back if you ll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. this bathrobe so musty everybody damp. everybody s damp. david s new fast acting drop in tab attracts and traps excess moisture eliminating, musty odors and body depth. we have a door that doesn t lift. so it went on and it took me just a handful of minutes. so vendors who were knowledgeable, they did high quality work. they wanted us to be happyso yoc with the work done as well. it is a beautiful garage. same g t started today at and, ecom bounty mega roll lastde so you can tackle candle tossing you can tackle candle tossing avocado berries, butter, coffe e cream, drippy fingers, deviled eggs and bananas, red and pick roll that you clean spills without running out and glasses. lessons been done bounty the quicker picker upper the best things in life come in to two scoops of ice cream two thumbs up and now by any phone when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free that s right two months free all with fast reliable nationwide coverage. make the switch today air modo inflate anything in minutes. the air modo is a portable air pump. that means you can inflate your tires wherever you are. bu gives you peace of mind at the gives you peace of mind at the push of a button. does it get air mode? 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