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Transcripts For CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings 20130314

seniors will be left to negotiate their premiums with insurance companies and prescription drug programs. they will be unable to afford those premiums. they will get sick and sicker and be forced to go into the hospital. hospital costs will go up. hospital costs cannot be recovered. folks like my 74-year-old mother who returned home from the hospital today will be unable to negotiate the necessary therapeutic care to reduce her overall cost in health care system and have any quality of life. i urge your support for this amendment and thank my colleague for bringing it forward. and yield my time back. mr. chairman, the issue here is very simply, some of you have not yet lived long enough to have your parents get really old. all of us who have had a parent reece derrek a s or 90 s, know that what they want is a guarantee uncertainty have had a parent reach their 80 s or 90 s. jimmy, please come over here and help me figure out which drug plan i should get into. she had 26 different drug plans laying there on the table and could not figure out, at 86, which one was the best for her. now what you are saying to seniors, you are thinking in terms of 65-year-old son who just quit boat woodworking and boeing as an engineer and is retiring. you ve got to think about the old people who get to the place where their mental functions are not the same, and you are saying to them, here is your browser, sweetheart. why don t you go out and find an insurance company that will take you? no insurance company wants an 86-year-old woman. my father died at 93. that is why we have to adopt this amendment. i yield myself 10 minutes, because i really want to get into this one. [laughter] welcome back to the committee, mr. mcdermott. mr. mcdermott and i are very familiar with one another. we serve on the ways and means committee together. this is my 11th budget committee markup. i have seen it all. one of the things i have learned this, when your adversary has to so grossly distort your proposal to try to make an argument, you know you are winning. when they shadowbox a proposal that did not exist to try to make their political point, you know your winning your argument. for those who were not tuning in to this so keenly, you will hear them say voucher or premium support, whatever, the same thing. not true. here is what a voucher is. you go to your mailbox, you get a check, you put money on it, like a school choice of doctor, and then go buy something. that is not what premium support is. what is premium support? we all have premium support because we are federal employees. medicare part b, the drug benefit, is premium support. you have a list of guaranteed coverage options from medicare. guaranteed. cannot be denied. no matter who you are, you get it. nobody can turn you down. you choose from a list of guaranteed coverage options that have to be equivalent with traditional medicare. and then you pick the plan that you want, and then medicare mailed the check to your plan to subsidize your premium. if you are poor, you get 100% coverage. all of your out of pocket costs. as you get sicker, like a person s elderly parent, the 65- year-old boeing engineer is pretty healthy. the 88-year-old is not so healthy. if you are a wealthy person, we do not subsidize you as much. because you are welcome. you can afford more out of pocket cost for your premium. if you are a middle income sr., premium support is equivalent to what you have today. it says there will be at least two guaranteed coverage options that you can afford with the premium support you are getting. now, is this some crazy, right wing idea? actually, we got the idea from democrats. it is an idea that came out of a democratic thing called the brookings institute. it is the only bipartisan idea that has yet to be offered to actually save and strengthen medicare. now, here s the problem. medicare is going broke. we can say how much we love this program as much as we want, but if you don t have an answer from preventing this program from going bankrupt, then you are complicity with its demise. in 2023, the trust fund is bankrupt. tens of truman s of dollars of unfunded liability on this program, promises our government is making to seniors which our government has no need no means to pay. we want to put the senior citizen in charge. we want her to be able to pick benefits that meet our needs, and she wants to stay in the traditional medicare program, she can do that. more for the poor and sick, less for the wealthy. as far as ending medicare as we know it, every democrat on this committee who is in a second term or hire who voted for obamacare ended medicare as we know it. every freshman who says they are in favor of obamacare it is for ending medicare as we know it. because obamacare ended medicare as we know it. now we had this exchange to the wall through about the cap, about the gdp plus by. i should have clarified a little further. under obamacare, there s a hard cap on the program. it applies to current seniors, to the current program. the independent panel advisory board of unelected bureaucrats, they decide how and where to cut medicare, how to price control medicare to conform to the cap. that affects current seniors, therefore ending medicare as we now know it. our proposal does not put that cap on current seniors. let s medicare grow at its current rate so the guarantee of medicare is actually there for those at or near retirement. for those people born before 1958, there is no ipad cap. there is no cap on those seniors. what we are saying is for those of us who are younger, it is not going to be there for us if we go down the path we are on. when we become medicare eligible, that is when that cap kicks in. the only reason there is a cap is because the cbo tells us they don t have the tools to measure competitive bidding. i think we have one great piece of evidence. competitive bidding in a premium support system has been tried. medicare part b, medicare program. guess what happened? we debated this issue back in 2003. this all came in 40% below their original cost projection. name me another big government program that was created that came in 41% a low-cost production. this one. why? choice and competition. if your provider of your drug benefit does not do a good job for you, does not deliver the service and benefits and the prices you like, you can fire that provider and hire another one. and know this, so they compete against each other for our business. joyce and competition. it is not 15 your cats reject not 15 bureaucrats rationing. they did not believe in choice and competition. they said let s lock these premiums where they are. it brought the premiums down by a third. we know this works because we have tried it already. it is the only idea that democrats and republicans will be able to work together to save this program. is the guarantee program. not just for current seniors but for future seniors who right now under the status quo will not have medicare. this is the deal. we ve got to get beyond the name calling. we ve got to get beyond the demagoguery of this issue to solve this problem. we all know that medicare is the primary driver of our debt in the future. we all know that this program is one of the most important programs that the government has. it offers health security to our nation s senior citizens. name me a person that does not agree with that mission. there is not one year. the question is not whether or not we should have a guarantee of health security for our senior citizens in america. we all agree with that. the question is, how we achieve that? had a we achieve it given that this incredibly important program it helps my family. a program that we need to keep. the question is, how do we save it? had restrengthen at? what lessons can we learn from the 20th century that were to apply to the 21st century? that is what we are doing here. when we want to use this as a cudgel against each other in the next election, all we end up doing is kicking the can down the road and getting nothing done. here is the problem. every year we delay, every year we demagogue, every year we do nothing to say this program, the hole gets that much deeper. seniors are put that much more in jeopardy. that is why this amendment needs to be defeated. it does not do justice to the truth, it does not do justice to our senior citizens, who deserve an intact program. it does not do justice to the younger people who are working in america day today, hoping this will be there for them when we know it will not be. that is why this amendment needs to be rejected, and hopefully one day, we can actually come together, like i have with some other democrats, to fix this thing before it unravels before. i will yield back the remainder of my time. the gentleman from washington is recognized. thank you, mr. mcdermott. obamacare, we know, extended the life of the medicare part a trust fund. you must know that to come despite all the rhetoric last fall. there s a fundamental difference between premium support and vouchers. premium support is what members of congress have. premium support is what federal employees have. it is a fair share formula. as health care goes up, costs go up, you are guaranteed a fixed percentage of support. a whole way this works in terms of reducing the deficit is to detach the value of your voucher from the escalating cost. if we have extra time, i would like a couple more seconds. the reality is the same with prescription drug plans. it is a fixed percentage. you detach it entirely, that is why cbo scored the plan the way it did. we have to be fair to everyone else. we have more amendments coming. i am happy to do that. believe me, i would like to continue this debate. i enjoy this debate. i would. the question is on agreeing with the amendment offered by the gentleman from washington. all those in favor say aye. the noes have it. the clerk will call the roll. mr. bryce no. mr. barakat no. mr. campbell no. mr. talbert no. mr. colbert no. mr. clinton no. ms. black no. mr. flores no. oodall no. ms. blackburn no. ms. hartzler no. mr. messer no. mr. rice no. mr. williams no. mr. duffy no. .r. van hollanen aye mr. ryan aye. ms. castor aye. mr. mcdermott aye. ms. lee aye. mr. jefferies aye. mr. hoffman aye. mr. blumenauer aye. mr. schrader aye. mr. chairman no. mr. chairman, on that boat, the ayes are 17, noes 22. the amendment is not agreed to. are there other amendments? amendment no. 9. mr. chairman, an amendment offered by ms. lee related to overseas contingency operation fun. the gentle lady is recognized for nine minutes. thank you very much, mr. chairman. this amendment will in the uncontrolled spending to fund our overseas operations, which really has little or oversight or accountability. just last week, i met with special investigator excuse me, and special inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction and reviewed his detailed report on waste, fraud, and abuse going on in afghanistan. i know of you know of the report of taxpayer dollars this appearing in cash coming in suitcases. no one really knows how many millions of dollars really have been stolen from the american taxpayer. my amendment cuts $338 billion over 10 years from the overseas contingency operations account and reallocate those funds to other accounts that helps homeless veterans and prevent cuts to other domestic priorities. we have been funding the wars in iraq and afghanistan for 12 long years, using all budget supplementals and contingency appropriations. this of budget accounting has been used to simply shift so- called savings in the base budget over to the lbgo with really no real reduction. we have not faced the true cost of a $1.40 trillion in at war spending. it is time to say enough is enough. the bloated pentagon budget needs to be modernized. we need to end outdated cold war and our weapons programs and we need to audit the pentagon. without financial oversight of the largest federal agency, we like the most basic knowledge about how our dollars are being spent or misspent, and for what purpose. my amendment matches the funding levels with the administration clearly stated goals in afghanistan. while many of us want to see our troops come home sooner than the timetable that the administration has set forth, now is the time to end this accounting loophole that has allowed the pentagon to hide the true cost of having i urge a yes vote on this amendment and i will yield two minutes to the ranking member, mr. van hollen. we are still debating medicare over here. i want to emphasize a couple of points here. with respect to fiscal year 2014 level that is in a republican budget with the overseas contingency operations is above the level necessary. what is being done here, really, is trying to hide the excess spending in the defense department s bike slicing up your overseas contingency account. on the one hand, you are saying we found savings in the defense department. they are not subject to the sequester, like everything else that is subject to double the sequester. it is not really at budget control act levels. will yield, just for a second? is in the sequester. the reason we don t have the president s budget, so we don t know what his budget request for the war is. is the thing we do know. the president has said that between now and the end of this year, there ll be 30 up thousand fewer troops in afghanistan. what we do know is that the congressional budget office projection for this is much lower than what you put in your budget. so the reality is, what you are doing is plussing up defense spending by adding more money to the overseas contingency account. what ms. lee is saying is, don t play that game. don t try and pretend you are containing costs in the defense department while you are off loading them by putting extra funds in the overseas contingency account. let s take those guns and use them for veterans and other purposes she has. this is the game i think we are going to see in the days ahead, as there is more pressure on the defense department budget, even though it is not the sequester, people will try to push more money into the so- called overseas contingency operation, even as our troops are scheduled to be out of afghanistan by the end of 2014, and we see a significant drawdown this year. this is savings very well spent, and i want to thank ms. lee for offering the amendment. i yield 1.5 minutes to mr. blumenauer of oregon. you say you are bringing us into focus here. other things you mentioned there, we just kind of shrug off things that in any other area would command our respect. an f-35 seven years behind schedule and over budget. two-thirds of a trillion dollars over the next 10 years our nuclear arsenal that is multiple times more than would ever be needed to deter any country, and having not one, not to, but three redundant delivery systems, and we are now starting the next round of submarine acquisitions, allegedly at $5 billion of peace. we have never come to grips with the costs and consequences of an all volunteer army. either to scale it or to raise money to spend to pay for it. i appreciate your advancing this. i hope this may be an area for some serious discussion in this congress, because if we don t get our arms around pentagon spending, something that cannot even be audited, with example after example that would not be tolerated in any other area of governor, and we kind of shrug and rutan. i think it is time for that to stop. we just kind of shrug and move on. i appreciate your bringing this amendment forward. we had staff talk to us earlier that one of the worst aspects of this budget is that it balances the defense needs on the backs of our children and those that are most vulnerable. what we do here, very clearly, and was stated republican staff, they double down on the domestic discretionary cuts to keep their defense budget up at the budget control act levels. i have no problem trying to help our warriors, but what about helping them when they come home? the tail on this war is going to be huge, folks. i don t think it is fair to balance the current dod budget that is grossly bloated the biggest band in this country is in the army. schools built overseas for elementary kids, $70 million. how much debt it does it cost schools?guys i would urge that we switch some of the money like the amendment suggests into helping our veterans that are coming home. they need our help for the next 20 or 30 years. let me just close by noting that it was the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, admiral mike mullen, who said that the oco account allows the pentagon to make what it calls the tough trade. we simply cannot continue to increase funding for the pentagon without demanding the pentagon pass a clean audit immediately. also we bus stop this method of funding are wars with limitless blank checks and we should repeal the authorization of the use of military force that in many instances now has been justified as a legal justification for the use of drones, and this authorization has always also funded the oco. so i urge a yes vote on this a minute and i think the committee needs to move forward because this is a very urgent, critical issue, and the american public needs to really recognize that billions of dollars have also been stolen in cash in suitcases, that we never will know how much or were that money has gone. i believe we all support our veterans and want to do the best we can to help them make sure when they come home and not all have jobs but they have the services they need. the funds that this amendment is proposing to increase is duplicative and under subscribe. the fact is that the va already has three housing programs for homeless vets, in addition to the program the lady is talking about. let me tell you just a little bit about the three programs which currently are funding. we have a homeless providers grant and per diem program. it helps public and nonprofit organizations establish and operate supportive housing and service centers for homeless vets. in 2013, we paid $235 million for this program. the second program along these lines is acquired property sells for homeless providers program. this makes va foreclosed properties available for sale to homeless provider organizations added 20%-50% discount. a third program is the supportive services for veterans families program. this provides grants and technical assistance to community-based nonprofit organizations to help bats and their families stay in their homes. we find this fy 13 at $100 million, fy14 projected at $300 million. not only is the hud program that the amendment is addressing duplicative, it is also underutilized. as of january of this year, there were 2563 unused vouchers that are not being used in this program. so there is not a need for the additional funding for these programs. secondly, this amendment is based on a couple of wrong assumptions. one of those assumptions is regarding the phantom savings that she claims from the overseas contingency fund. the cuts are based on spending that will not occur. it is a spending reduction in the projected increase from the cbo cost projection. basically, this is where they are taking the current funds being spent and overseas contingency operations in afghanistan is year, and they are extending those out for 10 years, when we know the president has said there will not be a full engagement that there is today. it would be just like budgeting if you had a family member who bought a car, and then have the cbo come in and say because in february you bought a car, then every month during the coming year, that family is going to buy another car, and just because they decide not to buy a car, that families saving all that money and they can spend that over here. the fact is, the family was never going to buy the car to begin with, and there is no real savings. that is what this amendment is based on, the phantom savings here. so there is not the money as far as the savings goes. the second wrong assumption is that we do not need to use some funds and still have some in place for the war. is a radical departure from the commitment we all made after september 11 to provide these resources to our men and women nevethere. the president has indicated will have a continuing non-combat presence in order to promote stability and to prevent the kind of backsliding that allowed for the rise of the taliban. it is at fantasy that as of september 2014, we will still have 30,000 troops deployed in afghanistan, and at the end of that we don t need any bunning at all. we do need funding to make sure our men and women will continue to be safe. the dot has already had cut. there is a $78 billion of the efficiencies and cuts under secretary gates that have occurred already, and then the first part of the budget control act/$487 billion over the next 10 years. this year we are experiencing a $43 billion additional cut with the sequestered. if our budget is not passed, there will be a total of additional $500 billion cut from a national defense. that is almost a trillion dollars from our national defense. we cannot sustain that as a country. there is only a few things we are supposed to be doing here in congress, and one of them is to provide for the common defense. the fact is, the department of defense only represents 20% of our budget. under this latest proposal, we are once again going to cut our national defense, that will harm our national security. the secretary of defense, leon panetta, has said that if it sequestration is not ended in the national defense arena, it will hollow out our forces. some examples that take place, if the budget is not passed, there would be 100,000 fewer soldiers and marines. the navy will likely have to mothball ships. there would be elimination of 250 fighter aircraft and higher fees for military health care. we need to prioritize our national defense and not cut it for a program that is already fully funded and underutilized. i urge my colleagues to reject this amendment, to keep our priority is a country for common defense. i yield to the gentleman from california. i thank the delayed for yielding to me. first let s all agree we are not going to cut funding for veterans. all of us on both sides of the aisle support veterans benefits and will continue to do so. you ought to be very happy, we are cutting defense spending. probably more than a lot of us are comfortable cutting it. we are flying bombers that are older than some of your grandfather s. we have we have been flying b-52 s until they are 90 years old. we are at the lowest ship level since the spanish-american war. we are dropping marines. we are dropping army personnel. i am afraid we are going down pat that i am uncomfortable with. but that is a decision that is made collectively by all of us here. we are going to do that. we are cutting defense and that is part of the process we are going through. but this amendment would hamstring the united states ability to conduct operation afghanistan. it is irresponsible to decrease funding for troops that are in combat right now. this is not a workable alternative. the goal of this amendment is to expedite the withdrawal from afghanistan. that means we should not simply cut off funding. that means a separate policy debate should not be part of this budget process. the president of the united states has determined the troops would be withdrawn by 2014. we will have a residual force. that is not for this budget committee to decide. i would hope that we could strongly defeat this amendment and back your president in his support of the withdrawal of afghanistan in 2014. i yield back the balance of my time i yield to the gentle lady from indiana. i guess wanted to add my concern about this amendment as well. we have sat every week and listen to readings in hearings about what is happening with our national defense, our responsibility in afghanistan. it is essential to allow the department of defense to plan for the future. two weeks ago, general james mattis testified and said that budget ambiguity is starting to drive our strategy. what would use most to some degree of budget predictability. will we start having these conversations about in danger in our national security, we get into the arena of politicizing what should not be political, our support for our men and women in harm s way. that should not wonder if their funding is going to be cut to expand duplicative projects at home. i would just like to close and save this has some duplicative spending our program that has adequate funding now for our veterans, whom we all support. uses phantom savings and cut third offense further at a time of war and jeopardize is our men and women in uniform who are keeping us save endangered places around the world. will the gentle lady yield the remainder of her time? our president has not submitted his budget yet, so we don t know what the afghanistan number is. the gentle lady is recognized to close. let me just indicate that this amendment leaves $70 billion in the overseas contingency operation for 2014, which is what the cbo estimated was needed to deploy personnel, which would be 30,000. secondly, let me just mention that 12 years of funding operations in afghanistan and three special appropriations that are exempt from budget limits, we need to stop that. we did not meet a plan for the future by putting aside money in accounts that may or may not ever be necessary. we need to recognize also, and this is a shame and disgrace that we have over 62,000 homeless veterans on any given night in 2012. the veterans program is an important program. the housing program by hud is not exempt from sequestere. this would at least three of those resources to ensure that homeless veterans get the assistance they need. we need to get this budget with the pentagon in line with the reality is of what we are dealing with in terms of strong national security and some transparency, so that the american public will understand that these words have been funded of budget, and it is time to stop. the question is on agreeing to the amendment from the general lady the gentle lady from california. a roll-call vote is requested. mr. price no. mr. garrett no. mr. campbell no. mr. calvert no. mr. kohl no. mr. mecklin talk mr. mcclintock no. ms. black no. mr. flores no. mr. woodall no. ms. blackburn no. mr. nunnelee no. ms. hartzler no. mr. messer no. mr. wright no. mr. williams no. mr. duffy no. mr. van hollen aye. ms. schwartz. mr. ryan aye. ms. moore. mr. mcdermott. ms. lee aye. mr. cicciline aye. mr. jefferies aye. mr. hudson aye. mr. blumenauer aye. mr. schrader aye. ms. moore aye. mr. mcdermott aye. mr. chairman no. mr. chairman, on that boat the ayes are 16, the noes 22. are there other amendments? it is closed, i apologize. had he been present, you would have voted aye. i apologize. mr. blumenauer? the clerk will report the amendment. let s ask unanimous consent that the role of the previous vote be open and record the vote as aye. mr. blumenauer has an amendment at the desk. mr. chairman, an amendment offered by mr. blumenauer, an amendment related to transportation. thank you, mr. chairman. we have had some spirited debate about the national budget deficit. one area that we really have not addressed is a threat, i think, that is affecting all of our communities. i think each of us have heard about it. that is the infrastructure deficit. it is no secret that the american society of civil engineers has been doing its by- your scorecard of the status of america s infrastructure. it finds it is repeatedly declining. over $1.50 trillion that is required just to bring things up to standard. we have a massive problem. the president mentioned in the state of the union 70,000 structurally deficient bridges. we have every day in america, people who are strangling in congestion. we are falling behind what is happening in the other parts of the world in terms of having a modern, connected, efficient transportation system. the only way we have been able to survive in the last three or four years has been by transferring in the general fund resources, and infusion from the recovery act. we had a little legislative sleight of hand, but as we discussed earlier with your staff, we will see about a third reduction if we are moving forward with this budget blueprint. even at current levels, which is going to require something on the order of $18 billion just to keep us at inadequate current levels, we are struggling. what i am proposing is that is interesting, we ve got some great policy statements in the back of the budget here. i don t necessarily agree with everything that is there. i would feel better if there were some sort of policy statement about infrastructure. i appreciate your chairman appreciate your willingness of the committee, after we get through this excitement, to have a hearing at some point in the foreseeable future where the committee can hear from people who are involved in trying to maintain transportation systems, sewer, water, the whole range of areas that are seriously under us all. but now, i would recommend that we at least use some of that magic fairy dust that ways and means is going to use to be able to eliminate the alternative minimum tax, be able to lower the top rate to 25%. you go through the areas that are outlined here on page 73, whatever that magic ways and means very dust is that allows us to do these magical things, let s do the same and at least at a minimum be able to maintain and increase in the budget authority and the outlays for the function for hundred so that we can continue at least at the current, inadequate level, rather than see a reduction of about one-third. i think this is an important policy statement for the committee in advance of what i hope is a serious conversation about what is a crisis for many people in the country. ironically, i think most of us would agree infrastructure investment is the quickest way to provide family wage jobs and improve the economy in every one of our districts, in every state in the union. i would turn, if i could, to my colleague, mr. polcan, who has some of the rations. i am glad you brought this amendment forward, mr. blumenauer. when i was on the joint committee on finance, we were the only committee in the country that had to approve every single dollar that came through from the recovery dollars. in our state, every single dollar came to our committee. i got to see exactly where those investment dollars went to our transportation projects. we had a report at the time from the road building and vertical construction industry, not your most left-wing organization, that said 54,000 jobs were saved or created in wisconsin because of that investment in infrastructure. i remember sitting in this very room and i asked dr. elmendorf that same question. i said is it true, and he set up to 3.3 million jobs were saved or created because of those recovery dollars. i can tell you in wisconsin, we saw the benefit. it came from the private sector. we saw the benefit for small businesses the infrastructure that needed that repair. we saw people immediately working thanks to those dollars. this is exactly what we need to be doing right now in the economy, not squeezing jobs by investing in infrastructure, getting the benefit of those investments in terms of jobs right now and the infrastructure in the future. i thank the gentleman for yielding. this amendment really is about rebuilding america. we do report card every year on america s infrastructure. in every category, roads, bridges, ports, are grades for failing. it was not republican or democratic issue. we need to invest in rebuilding our country. there are three reasons we should do it now. number one, it is cost- efficient. the longer we wait, the more expensive it becomes, like deferred maintenance on your car. does not get cheaper, it s more expensive. now is the most cost-effective time to do it. second, it is critical to rebuilding our economy that we be in a position to have an infrastructure that supports our economy, that can move goods and services and information to compete in the 21st century. third, it is a public sector challenge. to figure what happened in new orleans, what happened with the minnesota bridge that collapsed. this will continue if we don t address this issue. there s lots of debate about the proper role of government. we all agree that public infrastructure is at the core of one of government s most important responsibilities. it is not the case that people pitching in to fix a bridge or hold a bake sale to extend rail service. this is an opportunity to invest in something that will put people back to work and help rebuild our economy so we have a platform to move goods and services to compete successfully. fundamentally the men and presents a choice to invest in rebuilding america. i urge you to support rebuilding america and support this amendment. i thank the gentleman for yielding. i appreciate your comments and the opportunity to put this before the committee. historically, rebuilding and renewing america and investing in infrastructure used to be a bipartisan objective. i hope in this congress before we are done that there may be a way for us to rekindle the spirit and be able to zero in on it. all of the work that would be done here is overwhelmingly done by the private sector. your contractors, your local craftspeople. a huge investment in small business. even the large contracts are broken up and subcontracted out. it has a multiplier effect is dramatic and will help get the economy moving, and they are overwhelmingly family wage jobs did in has a broad economic impact and leverages other investments. these are opportunities to be able to jump-start project, to be able to force those partnerships, attract other infrastructure investments. i would hope that you would at least approve this amendment that would establish that we are not going to have a one-third reduction with the adoption of this budget, should it be somehow enacted. the time for the gentleman has expired. i have several folks that are going to speak to this as well. the budget itself does not recommend a one-third reduction. we will use the highway trust fund and set up a bill next year. by next year we will need a process in place the same as we had last year to set up a separate account and offset and additional funding, which we assume we will. there is a place to be able to put that funding so we have a reserve account set up and ready for us. this budget itself does not said how much we are going to spend. it just sets up a process for that spending in future days to be able to reject i was a member of the committee last year and walked through the process. i was very engaged in the conference committee. there are some areas we wanted as far as moving the ball and making construction less expensive, and there were some areas that are more challenging. this is an issue that does have to be resolved in the days ahead. we are both very passionate advocates for the infrastructure and transportation will have as a nation. i would like to yield two minutes to mr. mecklin thought. it used to be that to mr. mcclintock. our friends on the left began raiding highway funds for purposes unrelated to our highways. for bike trails and museums and mass transit subsidies, bridges to know where, outrageously expensive bullet trains, and on and on. now with a highway trust fund running a deficit because of these raids, we are told we just have to raise taxes. well, we need new highway capacity. here is a radical idea. maybe we ought to stop stealing our highway funds and diverting them for purposes unrelated to our highways. maybe we ought to protect our highway funds for highway use. if there is still a need, the proper way to finance the highways is through highway taxes on consumers, so we can get accurate price signals of how much the commute cost every day, and not raise a general tax on job producers. it destroys jobs, it does not create them. remember what i said earlier. the government cannot inject a single dollar into the economy that it does not first take out of the same economy. what we don t see as clearly are the jobs that are destroyed or prevented from performing as the government first takes that dollar out of the economy. we see those lost jobs and chronic unemployment and a stagnating economy. the government cannot create wealth. can transfer jobs from the productive sector to the government sector by taxing one and spending on the other. it can transfer jobs from one part of the productive sector by taxing and transfer them to another part by subsidizing it. but it cannot create jobs. these policies are causing enormous damage to our economy, and i wish you folks would stop it. [laughter] we are running close on time. mr. williams, for two minutes. thank you. nobody agrees more than me. i am in the transportation business. we need good infrastructure. however, this a man and raises taxes, and that is a bad idea. i am job creator for 41 years. you don t create jobs by raising taxes on small businesses and workers. employees actually root for their business to make a profit, so they can one day realize the same dreams they visualize others have. 80% of jobs in this country are created by small businesses. if the democratic plan works, tax, tax, tax. why do we have 7.8% unemployment? it just does not work. in an economy of bailouts, tax increases, class warfare, regulation and a tax on small business employees, it is not an economy. we need to find a better way, we need opportunities to give us a chance to build back our infrastructure, but not through high taxation burden on small business and employees. i yield back. mr. blumenauer, i appreciate your bringing this up. it is an important topic and i think you laid it out pretty well. americans want to drive on good roads and have an infrastructure system that can move goods and services about the country as inexpensive as possible. they just seem reluctant to pay for it. their elected officials seemed reluctant to charge for it. therefore we end up with this tension that is in place, where we need to improve our infrastructure, but we don t know how to pay for it. i am not certain that your amendment is the best way to do it, but i am certain that something needs to be done. as the vice chair of the subcommittee, i would agree, something has to be done. the language in your bill concerns me a little bed. you want to pay for it concerns kilobit. you want to eliminate egregious tax breaks that was put in by a democrat led congress and signed by democrat president. it was not egregious then because the idea behind it was to create jobs. then removing loopholes on the international corporate tax system. what i would suggest is that what is egregious is our tax system. we need to let ways and means do their work. try to figure out the solution to this, mr. blumenauer, is a top priority. i think the best place to deal with it is that the authorizing committee of transportation and infrastructure. with that i yield back. mr. ryan, are you still ready with that 15 seconds? he was talking about the productive and the unproductive sector. when we are talking about police and fire and teachers and the military, the insinuation is that somehow they are not productive because they are not in the private sector. i just think we need to be careful, because there is a level tone of disrespect their that diminishes their service to our country. i yield back. there you go again. why do the democrats have to set up straw men because they cannot attack the real issue? the implication is that when government takes money out of the earnings people make in the private sector by creating and exchanging goods and services, those jobs the government creates a taking that money out of the productive sector only last as long as the dollars last. as soon as the dollars are gone, those jobs are gone. solyndra was supposed to create 1100 new jobs. it did, and then it cost taxpayers a half billion dollars. when the money ran out, the jobs were gone. now we are a half billion dollars for the behind, and those folks are unemployed. but there is a unique challenge as we deal with transportation that is difficult for us. you say let s just continue to add more money, or you can ask, why does it cost so much? you begin to get to the driving force of that. if we are doing something in the federal government that actually increases the costs, we ve got to shut that down. if there is some way an individual state or contractor can do it better, cheaper, last longer, we should explore that. there are several research studies to determine how we can make surfaces last longer. how can we make this function better? there is an ongoing argument, how we fund it this long term? i have no issue with us talking about this, and we should talk about it. the issue is, who handles this best? should the federal government s at what point does a federal connection end and the state connection takeover? inherently, states usually make those decisions less expensively. 80% of construction projects in oklahoma fall in the category of exclusion. they are coming in seven months faster now. let s try to bring down the cost. let s get out of the way. i yield back. i was disappointed to hear my friend from california attacking ronald reagan who established the 80-20 split for transit, recognizing that transit, cycling, getting people walking often is the quickest and cheapest way to get highway capacity. that was ronald reagan that established that. you tried in the last budget to mug transit and the alternatives and it blew up the in your face. you could not bring that bill to the floor. i suggest we look at putting resources there. yo directu could the ways and means committee. you directed the way and means committee. that is where the money comes from. i suggest that fairy dust that they are going to get rid of the atm and matt lee have a revenue neutral, let s have that on the infrastructure. i hope we can have a more spirited conversation but we can stop by start are not cutting it by a third with the adoption of this budget from mark. hopefully we can get rid of all the very best. of all the fairy dust. the roman from oregon all those in favor say aye the gentleman from oregon, all those in favor say aye. nay? [roll call] aha the wayes are - ayes are 17, the nos are 22. the the hamas and agreed to. the amendment is not agreed to. the consent i am asking for is to knock the time for tier 2 amendments to 10 minutes each. the amendment for mr. jefferies will stay at this 15 minute levels. without objection, so ordered. tier 2. all but one are 10 minutes. 4 then 5 then 1. 1 with the close. who has an amendment? mr. chairman, i have an amendment. an amendment offered by mr. cicilline relating to education. one of the most important investments we can make as a nation is in the education of our children. as we make choices in this budget and set priorities, if we fail to address the needs of our learners and those seeking higher education, we do so at our own peril. in the challenges we face today will pale in the comparison to the crisis we will face if we fail to short americans of the education, training and skills necessary. by 2018, more than 60% of jobs will require some post secondary education and training. by 2018, we will need 22 million new college graduates will fall short by several million carry with more jobs requiring some level of post secondary study or training, it is clear now more than ever that education is one of the biggest keys to economic growth. our students have the knowledge and skills necessary to keep america out globally competitive yet we have a budget proposal that cuts $168 billion out of mandatory higher education funding over 10 years. congress is that the 2010 pay for the increase in grants. the maximum pell grant of recover less than one-third of the cost of attending public for your college spirit the lowest since the start of the program. freezing it for 10 years with lower it even further to 17% of college costs. the program bears the name of its champion, the great late senator claiborne. he said the strength of the united states is not the weapons of mass destruction that we have but the sum total of the education and character of our people. the proposal before us this honor is not just his profound work a legacy but with unnecessarily would unnecessarily harm thousands of students who rely on progress to access jobs in today s economy. i urge my colleagues to support this amendment. i yield to my distinguished colleague from pennsylvania. thank you. i am pleased to add my support to this amendment. we have had some discussion about education already this evening. education is key to succeeding in a competitive 21st century, the job market. that is true for all of our kids. you don t have a good education, you cannot be able to compete in the current marketplace. this republican budget has cuts on top of cuts. it will slash millions from early talk of education. at the pennsylvania, we have seen our state cut a billion dollars out of education. we cannot do with less. it will be very harmful to our state. the elimination of headstart we know education matters so much. we simply cannot cut our way to prosperity, or to a skilled workforce. we cannot cut our way to better schools, college affordability or greater opportunity for our children. many of us would not be here today without great education. we have to make one of our priorities access to quality public education. we cannot walk away from that. i yield back and fully support this amendment. thank you. mr. nunnelee is recognized. thank you, mr. chairman mr. chairman.asu since 2008 will be spent $38 billion on this program, it has almost doubled, adding $52 billion in 2009 and anorhter $10 billion in 2010. there are sterile there are still far too many children reading under grade level. my sister says every time washington put more money in the program, we add more bureaucracy. my sister told me it is not worth the extra money for all the time i have to spend complying with washington paper work. she said the best we could do is get out of her hair. with that, i would like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from indiana. thank you. i hear a lot of consensus. we all love kids and leave the next generation of americans should have great opportunities. love kids and belive the next generation of americans should have great opportunities. this budget resolution will and greece will increase the function in fiscal year 2014 by $1 billion. we will spend about $16 billion more in the last year of the budget on education than the first year. we are spending more but we have to slow the rate of growth. americans understand that despite the best of our intentions, we have to understand behalf to stop spending money we do not have. this but distorts the process. i yield back. this budget starts that process. i yield back. thank you. one thing that has struck me today is that the folks who might travel or own jets, aircraft, somehow we get some kind of satisfaction at the same they do not pay their fair share and if they just did more, we could pay for all these programs these amendments subscribe to. i want to put a different face on that. a real face on who we hurt when we say these ridiculous things. there they are. this is dan and andy montgomery. do they look like globetrotting millionaires to you? one way we know they re not millionaires is, look at how happy they are. they are small business owners from indiana. they own an fbo, a fixed base operator. they serve planes of all shapes and sizes. 13,000 privately owned landing facilities nationwide. they service plays that are critical to agriculture, fishing, forestry, that allow us to volunteer. we fly children and adults in needed medical care on non emergency missions. i have gotten fuel there. i visited with the perdue students who ran the fast the first desk. i wonder if they stopped at 50 for obamacare reasons. they help grow our economy. i simply say when we demagoguing the jet tax loophole and those who might benefit from a simple business depreciation schedule, you might think about the real face of general of the asian general aviation and the people who work in it and the people we heard. mr. chairman, we yield back the balance of our time. thank you, mr. chairman. justice by quickly to the claim that it acts that it adds, that puts at risk education funding in particular. when you raise one the mets one amount then put these educational programs in great peril. there is enormous pressure because of shrinking funding for education priorities, making it even more important that the federal government be there to support states, cities and towns. and prevent we ll get in education services. this amendment will add funding to support to prevent cuts to programs like head start, after- school programs and pell grants. this is the rights of the priorities for our country. it is important we make this investment for the success of our young people. the time to the dedham has expired. the time for the gentleman has expired. those in favor say aye. those opposed say no. nos have it. the clerk will acll the rol will call the roll. [roll call] her also was on that vote. anybody else? on that vote, 17 to 22. the ahmadinejad agreed to. the amendment is not agreed to. we have just come to a sequester where we have seen the new hampshire cut by 8%. the uncertainty of the lack of funding, it is hurting basic research and the work we do at nih and facilities across the country. there is no other way. it is a large source of medical resources medical research and has improved health and cured disease, improved the quality of life. i cannot imagine there is anyone in this room or country that has not been touched by the work that scientists do at nih. we talk about this from groups that talk to us about cures and possibilities but this is about the whole of cures and treatments and devices that america has brought to the world. it is not sustain if we continue to cut it. that is what this budget would do. in pennsylvania, we are proud to have a number of research institutions funded by new hampshire funded by nih. it is an economic driver. as a porter for many of us. in of philadelphia that is important for many of oz. many of us. biotech companies are spun off from this. if you stop the beginning of that pop line that pipe line, you are cutting off opportunities. to fix that, this amendment lose $3 billion from the overseas contingency account. does not raise taxes. $3 billion and move it to medical research so we do not lose this opportunity. i want to offer the opportunity for two colleagues to add their words of support. thank you very much. native american tribes recognized that a tribe is going to die when they eat the seed corn because there is nothing to plant in the spring. this is the seed corn of our society . in 1998 to 2003, the senate republic and moved to double the money going to nih. what we are doing here in the midst of all of this is cutting it away. pip you don t fill a eline, when there is no money for research, you are and in the pipeline that will continue the medical advances that have led this country. other countries are making investments. we are not. that is why this $3 billion is very important. the time has expired. i would like to recognize ms. blackburn for five minutes. thank you, mr. chairman. i have to agree that the uncertainty that surrounds the budgeting process is hurting medical research. that is why we have fought every year to make certain a budget passed and signed into law. we hope that this year, it will happen. i do want to give you a assurance because this budget assumes no reductions in nih funding. it reflects the strong support for the nih coordination to invest in basic mike invest in basic biomedical research to uncover new lawless that can lead to better health and disease chores for everyone. i join you in wanting to see those cures. i lost a mother in law to alzheimer s. my dad just died january 30. i would give every cent i ve got to cure this. but what we have to realize is that while we want them to do that, we don t micro manage nih s buget. crs says congress except the parties established through the complex process of weighing scientific opportunity in public health needs. nih has 27 as it used in centers that fund research across a wide array has 22 centers that fund research across a wide array. in these tough budget times, every agency that supports public health and research collectively must work to ensure that all resources are spent in the most effective manner to avoid waste and duplication. if we coordinate the activity [indiscernible] we want to make sure nih spends its money well but the of the risers face a lot of problems with the nih but the aut horizers face a lot of problems with the nih. it is important we work with them to hold hearings and shame nih into doing a better job of prioritizing their funds. i appreciate your comments. i want to talk about funding for nih. we strongly support funding. his budget assumes the reductions whatsoever in nih this budget assumes no reductions whatsoever in nih. house republicans balked increase funding house republicans fought to increase funding. this budget committee is not where those levels are decided. the processes we go through is where that funding level will be decided. i think the amendment may be well-intentioned but is not appropriate to be included in this budget at this time. i encourage rejection of the amendment and yield back. thank you. a minute cyclos. thank you. a minute to close. thank you. when the whole when there is a cut in the whole function, it could be a sign. if we want to make sure we are going to protect n.i.h., let s add this money back of the cost to the sequester. that is what i m suggesting. we agree on this. you go home and hears stories. it is about our families and our future. i know scientist at nih. my brother is a scientist at nih. he has cured a disease that hits young adults. this bill my amendment does nothing to say where the funding goes. i agree we should leave it up to nih to decide how it is distributed but let s this but let s agree on this. time for the gentle lady has expired. all this those in favor say aye. those oppose say no. the no s have it. [roll call] are there any others who wish to vote? on that vote, the ayes are 17, nos 22. the amendment is not agreed to. does anybody else have an amendment? mr. jefferies. the staff will hand out copies. this is a 15, correct? an amendment offered by mr. jefferies related to interest rate student loan interest rates. that gentleman is recognized. this is designed to increase the student loan interest rate to 6.8% scheduled to take place. it will be for the increase until june of 2014. it iwll defer the increased until june of 2014. 70 million students are at risk of their interest rates bubbling 17 million students are at risk of their interest rates doubling. i am hopeful the same level of interest in the debt crisis that confronts college students and graduates will exist today. the price of education keeps going up. the financial aid available keeps going down. this budget will make a bad situation worse by cutting $168 billion over a 10 year period in mandatory higher education funding. reductions in financial aid and a distressed economy steve loan debt now exceeds more than one dollar trillion student loan debt now exceeds more than $1 trillion. it is a staggering amount that will inhibit the ability of recent college graduates to purchase a home, start a family, and pursue the american dream. ifthe objective of this proposed budget is designed to create a pth to path to prosperity, we must reduce the burden of excessive student loan debt that our young people are experiencing. it is a debt burden that is stifling. by voting for this amendment, we can help breath life back into the american dream for more than 7 million college students. i yield to the gentle lady from pennsylvania. thank you. thank you for offering this amendment. the issue of student debt is at a sick is a significant one. it is putting young people at a huge disadvantage if they can get through college. then they finish and have a tremendous amount of debt. we have tuition and fees [indiscernible] they are about $12,000 for public four year, over $32,000 for a private university. a ford higher education, more than 70% to afford higher education in pennsylvania, more than 70% of students take out loans. pell grants make a big difference. cutting programs really disadvantages are students and their families cuting ptin pl grants really disadvantages our students and their families. let s do what is right for businesses, families and the next-generation and make sure they can afford to go to college and borrow the money the hey need. i will resist the temptation to compare the cost we are adding to the burden of students to the benefits we are giving to the grantwood family from indiana but i will talk about the reality of what is happening in this country. the government is lending money to city group and bank of america and morgan stanley at zero interest rates. they are taking that money and lending it to their best clients at 3%. what we re talking about today is saying we are not going to take that same benefit with the students to borrow money in this country to advance themselves and get an education. we are going to charge them double what they are paying now, even though it is costing us nothing. we are already making money. and we are going to charge this to those who arrested loans to continue to make loans as 0% to the largest banks in this country and corporations. this is a question of equity fairness and compassion for the people we should be helping the most. i support the amendment. i thank the gentleman from new york and i urge my colleagues to support this amendment. the plan before us makes serious deep cuts in pell grant programs are reducing benefits and eligibility. so many middle-class families are struggling to send their families to college. this reflects the wrong priorities. forcing steven to take out more loans to pay for college forcing students to take out more loans to pay for college [indiscernible] this does not reflect our values as a country. i urge my colleagues to support mr. jefferies amendment. it invest in our nation s future and is fully paid for. thank you. the gentleman from virginia as recognized for seven and a half minutes. millions of americans who have needed and benefited from stallone s from student loans, making college accessible and affordable for every american is a shared american values. it is a commitment that is deeply reflected in the budget we have presented. it is important we be mindful of and aware of the range of payment options that didn t have. they can take payments out as far as 30 years. there is a mechanism by which students can look at their income as they get out and graduate. it is an income based method of determining how much they will have to pay. it will be helpful to hear the prospective offered by my colleagues. this one is particularly irritating. a few short years ago, 80% of the student loans into this country were in the private sector. students have loans at significantly lower rates than they are now. our friends on the other side of the aisle said we have a better idea. we want the government to control all of these things and we want the government to have a set, fixed rate of interest so the government can take more money from students and parents for their education. they set it at 6.8% then loaded for a couple years so the shock of the increase in the interest is not too great. it the private sector were allowed to be where it was, now it is basically shut out, the loan rate would be less than 3.4%. ask yourself why it is 3.4% right now. because washington said that is what it must be. what a wasteful process that we have right now for students. it does not make any sense at all. to march in on your white horse and say we have to keep it at 3.4% how about if you let the thing work for students, parents, and families out there? the rate would be significantly less than 3.4%. the energy and work force committee had a hearing on it today. i am hopeful they will come forward with legislation that will allow it to return to controlled by its critics and their parents. by studtents and their parents. i yield back. thank you. i appreciate some of the earlier comments. as we go through this debate, i want to make one thing clear the number one threat to young america is this president s terrible economy. as we go court, we need to remember there is one fact we cannot escape as we go forward, we need to remember there is one fact the cannot escape over half of recent college graduates are unemployed or underemployed as a result of those policies. another great threat to the young people in this country is the national debt we are piling on them every year. does pass the bill out of this chamber, most voted for it we just passed a bill out of this chamber, most voted for it. as others have said, we need to get politicians out of the business of setting interest rates. some laughed when it was said earlier but history shows that when the market controls these rates, the rates are lower. as the best we can do for young people. i yield back. i would like to start off differently. i have 75,000 college students in mike hd. the biggest impediment is the lack of jobs because of the obama economy. if we want to create an environment where they can pay their loans off, why don t we face focus on helping their future but not leaving it full federal debt? but protecting medicare for the long run and by protecting medicare for the long run? we do not need any more corporate welfare. we do not need the federal government taking over other people s businesses to seize the student loan program. the members of congress, there are not many people smart enough to say [indiscernible] call rates would be lowered if we had not had the special government try to take over business and set rates. let s turn this back over to the private sector. we can do it the right way and adopt the budget as we have proposed it so we can put these men and women to work and save their medicare and not leave them with a budget that is unbalanecd beyond ten years. what , as graduates want more than anything else is a job when they come out what college graduates want more than is a job when they come out. one thing holding up. i hope you will work with us on keeping tuition affordable. i yield back greater than mr. jefferies is there is a range of options currently available to college students. this budget which did away the overwhelming majority of the protections currently in place, including the income contingent repayment program you referenced. the notion that interest rates would be lowered in 3.4%, there is no evidence based in reality to suggest that would be the case. it would be unreasonable for us to put the future of american workers, college students, in the hands of the same financial institutions that resulted in the collapse of the economy and one that saddeld us with $22 trillion in economic loss. we should continue to invest in our students. we should pursue relief as relates to that measure. the time is expired. on the green to the amendment offered by the gentleman from new york. those in favor say aye on agreeing to the amendment offered by the gentleman from new york. those in favor say aye. those ioppose say no. the nos have it. [roll call] the car will report. on that vote, the ayes are 17, nos 22. the amendment is not agreed to. we have reached consensus on time limits for tier 3. we would like to move it down to 5 minutes with the exception of #23 offered by mrs. lee. we are working on coming to an agreement on a possible language. on no. 24, 28, they are amendments be believe will have unanimous support. those would not take the full five minutes. so the majority has agreed to sacrifice half a minute. there will be three minutes and two minutes on our side for the total of five. without objection, so ordered. you can have a full time but we will not take all the time. do you have an amendment? the staff will submit copies. mr. chairman, an amendment relating to the consumer financial protection bureau. the gentleman is recognized for four minutes. thank you. this amendment will change the resolution to include language supporting the work of the new consumer financial protection bureau and its financial structure. criticallywork is important in the aftermath of the financial crisis. we need to protect investors, consumers and guard against the problems that helped send our economy into the deepest recession in generations. d cfpb is proving it is up to this important task the cfpb is proving it is up to this important task. that is more than the bureau s entire annual budget. 6 million americans have received a refund based on these actions appeared the american people have declared to their actions that they support the bureau in its mission. mortgages, credit cards, protestant loans, checking accounts and credit reporting agencies they are taking steps to issue rules to rein in the mortgage industry. an ability to repay will to protect consumers from irresponsible lenders, establishing strong protections for homeowners facing foreclosures and the rule preventing lenders from steering consumers into risky mortgages. your colleagues in the senate pledged not to confirm the president s nominee, richard cordray. the election is not over. we are still waiting for the results, apparently. maybe we should not be here. last year as a result the reconciliation, the house approved legislation to undermine the cfpb s budget for once budget. for once, woul dyou please h elp the little guy. i looked on page 52 of the irresponsible and balanced budget narrative and how it was like the nightmare on wall street. to realize that the too big to fail banks were going to re- emerge, we have an orderly liquidation facility in dodd frank. i see all my buddies on the top row who were on the financial- services committee, you know you did not let us assess the fees in advance so the government would have to come. we had death panels to kill these too big to fail banks. it s like freddy. they er back again they re back again. i yield back. we have a great candidate here many senators have complemented. richard cordray has a great relationship with the senators in ohio. this is a perfect opportunity to put a well qualified person in there to keep an eye on us by behalf of the consumers. i would like to lend my support to this amendment. best of luck to mr. courter a. best of luck to mr. cordray. thank you. dodd frank basically gave the cfpb director the sole authority to command over 1000 bureaucrats, spend millions of dollars with no restriction and a congressional oversight and decide what financial products we can have or not have. basically it says to take away from consumers their choice, their decision making process, not enhance it. the cfpb says consumers, you will have a limitation as to what financial products will now be available to you in the future. the number of products on the marketplace will be less. how does it do all this ? by putting 1000 eurocrats in front of the consumer. 1000 bureaucrats in front of the consumer. it says you can t offer a product unless to offer it to everyone. that is what this legislation would also do year, creating another pfennig a crisis. who is given all this? in lokke welcome overpaid people. the president says you are rich if you make over to let a thousand dollars a lot of overpaid people. the president says you are risch if you make over $200,000. our internships, we don t pay ours. they get thousands working at cfpb. there is no congressional oversight because of dodd frank. they took away from the senate s the confirmation progress. it is a terrible program. we should vote against this amendment. we all want to be treated fairly and transparency when dealing with banks. when you look at the cfpb, when they make rules, they look at consumer protection. when they make those rules, a provision allows for those rules to be overturned by the fsoc. that rule can be overturned if it would create systemic risk in our financial industry. here you haven t lost the banks here you have big wall steret banks that could claim the rule could impact them negatively and they wanted overturned. if you are a small community bank or credit union, you can t this rule isd say going to affect me negatively. in essence, you have left the small banks and credit unions voiceless to have a say. that is wrong. if you look at the ability to have oversight over the committee, we don t fund it. our appropriations process as one of the best ways we have oversight. this committee is funded by the federal reserve which does that give us any opportunity to step in and look at what they re doing. their entrance making $40,000 a summer. this is outrageous there are interns making $40,000 a summer. this is outrageous. i yield back. 5 seconds. i would happily zero out the budget. i would happily we directed toward indian health care redirect it toward indian health care. [laughter] dimity support right now for my democratic colleagues for richard cordray there might be support right now for my democratic colleagues for richard cordray. time has expired. the gentleman from new jersey has a minute to close. of a degree i would i agree with you 100%. hopefully that is the direction we re going in. this is a one agency, that is not the job of the consumer protection agency that is the job of other agencies. they have not done their jobs. the major reasons we had problems in the economy in 2007 and 2008, it was not police, firefighters, teachers, it wasnd the reason. it wasn t the reason we invested too much money in the infrastructure. both sides of the aisle say we did not invest enough. this is because it was unregulated, is what we re talking about. i ask you to consider it. the deviation the gentleman s time has expired. all those in favor say aye. those opposed say no. the noes have it. i m not going to ask for a vote. when you look at this you know, let me say this. i will only take 40ing seconds. 40 seconds. let me say this to you. i don t particularly like any of your bill on this budget. we have gathered that. but, i respect your intellect so don t denigrate what i m saying. i only say what i mean. but what i m saying is there is no deviation in the vote. just wait. we re getting to this in a few moments. come on. that is we there are other amendments at the desk. who is next? thank you, mr. chair. i hope the deviation begins with number 15. perhaps not. mr. chairman on the amendment offered in relation to the department of energy. the gentleman is recognized. thank you. i want to support funding to support clean energy through two programs. the first is renewable energy known as e.e.r.e. the next is arpe. they save money for businesses and consumers and they create jobs. if we re interested in winning the future we need to make these type of forward-looking programs a priority. thanks to investments in renewable energy we have almost doubled the renewable energy since 2008. they power more than 12 million homes in the united states. the more we invest the better the technology gets and the moore affordable clean energy becomes. when it comes to these programs i have an example of what it can do from my district in northern california. a university received funding for the hydrogen transportation project and the goal was to demonstrate a completely clean renewable system for the valley region of southern california. the funding from the program leveraged state funds to meet the $4 million project costs. the first fuel solar car drove in 2008. shortly after the first fueling hydrogen fueling station. the first commercially available cars are starting to roll of the manufacturing lines of major car makers. they are going on sale in europe because they their fueling infrastructure is ahead of ours. these vehicles have enhanced efficiency that is equivalent to 60 miles a gallon and they refuel in minutes. they could revolutionize vehicle travel. for the second program, it targets high impact energy technology that drives innovation and private investment. technical achievements have spurred millions of dollars and private sector funding to a number of projects. these are investments that also mean jobs. a rerent report shows that communities across the country have announced clean energy project are expected to create 110,000 new clean energy jobs. america should be leading the world in clean energy. if we continue to staver the funding, starve the funding, we ll be following the rest of the world. i now yield. there are certain things that are going on in this country right now that are very optimistic and are making real progress and changing the dynamics of our economy and the way we do things. one of them is in the energy field. i will just mention quickly, the situation with serious energy, which developped a process using american recovery act funds to recycle window panes. they replaced all the windows in the empire state building, an 18-month project that cost $20 million and paid for itself in three years. they will save from now and into the future 40% of the energy bill. this is the kind of progress that could be made if we make a commitment to fund these types of programs. that was federal money that helped to complete the technology that helped in this advancement, which will change the way we consume energy in this country. we need to support these programs and i urge the adoption of these programs into the amendment. your time has expired. thank you, mr. chairman. these are exactly the kind of optimistic forecasts we heard for other companies and got massive taxpayer subsidies and they all failed. it squandered bills of dollars of taxpayer money. we need to ask ourself if these technologies are so promising, why are adventure capitalist are not putting in their own money. no one in their right mind is willing to make their own money and so the result is to take money that would flow into promising technologies and put it into these. this misallocation of resources destroys jobs in other words to create jobs in the subsidized ones it reduces our potential and destroying wealth instead of creating it. politicians like to show up at ribbon cuttings and press releases when these alternative businesses open. but they fall strangely silent when the businesses collapse and take billions of our taxpayer dollars with them. with that i will yield my time. my own roofing company was involved in. we did a lost clean solar energy. i have to tell you it is frustrating as a business guy to find ourselves in a potion where we have to compete with a government subsidized business at the expense of our own business. then to find out those government funded businesses go bankrupt at the very time competing unfairly with the unis upcy diesed business that is likely to go bankrupt. it is this type of tail wagging the dog approach to energy that the department of energy s budget has gone up and up and up. they continue to invest a lot of money in very low efficiency and low productive ty energy sources at the expense of high productive energy sources. it is the exact process that makes this thing get turned upside down. we have the most cost-effective energy system and energy grid in the world. it seems the more the government gets involved in it the less likely that is to continue. i see you shaking your head over there. i don t know how many of you installed the solar power plant but i have. i know what goes on in this business. since 1970 they have been doing this and they still don t have the efficiencies up where they think it ought to be. i urge people to vote no on this. i yield back. ladies and gentlemen, i have personal experience with this. i did it because i could afford it and i m a geek and i thought it would be fun too to try to do it. you know what, it is a terrible investment. it will never be a return on capital. it makes me feel good. but i will never get the money back for it. why in the world if it will never work as an investment that we will impose that cost on the u.s. taxpayer? why would we oppose that cost on the payer and the utility bills? we shouldn t. that is not our job. it is not our job for the corporate welfare and pick winners and losers. he went through some of the names. he talked about some of the companies. the total taxpayer losses from this little experiment has been $1.9 billion. why do we want to repeat that again? that is not fair to the taxpayer. that is not fair to the rate payer. the private sector will help develop the technologies that are ready for prime time from a technology standpoint. we ll produce more jobs that way than hiring 1,000 people and wasting billions of dollars and then laying them back off. that does not make sense to me. the time has expired. as enjoyable as that was, the time is expired. mr. huffman has a minute to close. thank you, mr. chair. it is interesting to see hear my colleagues express concern about keeping government funding out of the industries. if they brought that to the gas and oil industries we might find some common ground in this budget. unfortunately, that is reserved for clean, renewable energy and that is the problem. we ve heard about the companies and the varies projects that did not pan out and the statement has been made incorrectly that this project led more losses and anticipated that is false. the investment of the programs has outperformed. i would chalk this up as a success story in this particular area. colleague, you say that you want to create jobs, that you want america to be energy independent and compete globally. cutting projects like this is a great way to do that. it is one where time. i want a yes vote on this amendment. those in favor say aye. those opposed say no. the opinion of the chair the noes have it. do you want to record a vote. the clerk will call the roll. [roll call] any members who have yet to vote or want to change their vote? mr. chairman, the ayes are 17 and no is 22. the amendment is not agreed to. are there other amendments? thank you, mr. chairman. the clerk will report the amendment and please distribute to amendment. the amendment relating to taxes. you are recognized for four minutes. thank you, mr. chairman. let s reduce the deficit by ending tax breaks for special interests and millionaires. this amendment started in 2014 could raise $275 billion over the next 10 years. for example, we can end tax breaks like special depreciation for corporate jets. there is no reason why they can depreciate their corporate jet at a faster rate than airlines can depreciate their commercial jets. a nice perk, this reduction will cost the teaches almost $4 billion over the next few years. this is just one among many we need to close. this amendment will end tax subsidies to big oil companies. the figure five, b.p., exxon, shell, easterns made $1 trillion in net profits over the last 10 years. conservative groups have urged for the repeal as well. with oil at $90 or more per barrel oil companies don t need government handouts to encourage them to drill more. the big five c.e.o.s have told us this much and speaker boehner has said the same thing. this quote is from the national journal. it was not an issue for large companies who need subsidies to indice us to looking for and producing more oil. my point of view, with high oil prices such subsidies are unnecessary. i will also quote exxon s c.e.o. who was quoted on fox news in 2005. let me be clear, i m not asking for any insin tives from washington. i incentives from washington. i never have and i will never. i would like to quote john boehner from 2011. regarding multibillion-dollar tax subsidies. there is certainly something we should be looking at. we re at a time where the federal government is short on revenues. they ought to pay their fair share. that is speaker john boehner. in the interest of time, i m going to foe go pointing out the other elements of this amendment to close tax loopholes so what i ask colleagues, is we go ahead and support this amendment and score this as savings toward lowering the deficit. thank you and i yield my time. ok. thank you, mr. chairman. 12 hours ago we started this exercise and we ve seen one proposal after another that would raise taxes. it seems to me that is based on the assumption that when these people have money they put it in a rocket ship and send it off to neptune. so the best thing the government can do is grab a little bit of money before it leaves the planet. that is not what happens. these people are farmers and ranchers, these are small businesss. even these large corporations, they take their money and they reinvest it. they buy equipment, they hire new people, and the additional income that will come into the united states treasury because of the added purchases, because of the new hires will far exceed whatever amount we could grab in extra taxes. our revenue is at an all-time high. washington does not have a revenue problem. we have a spending problem. cy would like to yield to the gentleman from south carolina. i want to remind people this is a budget not a tax bill. i m confident that in tax reform that the tax reform this bill calls for, many if not all tax provisions would be removed and the savings used to lower tax rates to make american businesses more competitive and mutt for middle-class families back to work. we raised taxes two months ago. i ve been a tax lawyer for 25 years and the frequency of the tax increases is absurd. americans and american businesses need certainty and stabe ability. the stability. the president says we need to pay a little bit more in a 15% in the tax rates, under the fiscal cliff deals. these little bit more is adding up. those provisions provide jobs to the middle-class families are taxed at individual rates. these job creators are bearg these costs and these have consequences and it will cause businesses to fail, businesses to move outside of our borders and more american jobs will be lost. i yield back my time. i would like to yield to the gentleman from texas. i want to ask a question. what is the wrong with being a millionaire? when you do that you become a job creator. you become a taxpayer. it is called the dream. people buy things when they have success. they put more money in the system. trying to improve cash flow on the top 5% of taxpayers is wrong. it slows down the growth and it slows down the entrepreneural spirit. if everything worked lie you did, why are we at 7.8% unemployment. why 15% under employment. why do we have 15% we don t hear about apple? why do we talk about raising the minimum wage and lowering the maximum wage? i haven t figured that poupt when you talk about average then you quickly become average. if you re a pilot you know what cavu means. that is what america should be about. let s lower taxes for all people. let s kurt regulation for all people. let s have america play offense instead of defense. i yield back. we yield back the rest of our time. the gentleman yields his time. the gentleman from california is recognized for a minute to close. thank you. i appreciate the question about what is wrong with millionaires? i appreciate job creators. i used to own a business and i was proud of the fact that many families fed their families because i was tough enough, crazy enough, or dumb enough to work 100 hours a week. all i m talking about is an element of fairness. these loopholes are not being taken advantage of by blue color families who work 60 hours a week. these are benefitting the largest corporations and the biggest millionaires on the planet. one of them has to do with preventing people from being able to take their money offshore. if you re going to do business in this great country and take advantage of the infrastructure you need to play fair like everybody else. thank you. in time. the question is greig to the amendment offered by the gentleman from california. those say aye, those say no. a recorded vote is requested. the clerk will call the roll. [roll call] any other members wishing to vote? on that vote ayes are 17 and the noes are 22. the amendment is not agreed to. are there other ands? the clerk will distribute the capes. an amendment offered in relating to long-term deficit reduction. the gentleman is recognized for four minutes. thank you very much. well, we have an opportunity for bipartisan here. this modest sense of the house, hopefully falls in line with what is mentioned in this budget. my goal is to set the stage hopefully for a longer term discussion. we ll pass our budget here, the senate will pass their budget there. hopefully, we ll have an opportunity to have some agreement, not only will we pass a budget out of each chamber but also a unified budget for the united states congress and for men and women of this country. to that end, i know my colleagues on the other side of the aisle had a visit from the president today. i think he s serious about trying to figure this out. at the end of the day, we know and we talked about it earlier. we did deaf it is reduction earlier. i did not like all of it and you did want like all of it. we got a lot of savings, a lot of spending cuts, a little bit of revenue. we swallowed hard to do it. we had to work hard to do to pass those measures. what is remaybing is to deal with the biggest cost drivers and the biggest issues we have in the terms of our tax system. i looked at the tax reform system that the chairman has here. it looks good. on the business side of things and the lower income people, where i differ slightly but my amendment doesn t say it can t be revenue neutral but i think we should put revenue on the table. my amendment, if you look at the back package says it could raise net revenue by limiting the same things that you have outlined here in our package. that does not mean we will get all what i like or what you like. it also calls out on that same just above that addressing long-term cost drivers putting mandatory health care programs on a sustainable path. you do it one way here and i would suggest that we get to a bipartisan discussion and do it in a way that both of us swallow hard and make tough decisions. there is other ways to do it, health care reforms, i respectfully disagree with the chair a little bit. there are several health care programs out there. bowles simpson has theirs and there is another one that has quality transparency and cost sharing by the beneficiaries in a means tested way. i think we need to look at this carefully, the benchmarks are pretty much in line with where we re going. we can have the discussion on how far to go, how soon to balance. but i would like to have the opportunity to have that bipartisan framework other the next few months. i hope this set sts stage. i yield back. gentleman from south carolina is recognized for five minutes. thank you, mr. chairman. i want to start out when you refer to a balanced approach. when we refer to a balanced budget we re talking about spending not more than we take in. when you say balanced you re talking about a tax increase. that is a code word for tax increase. the federal government does not have a revenue problem it has a spending problem. it will return to his 40 year historic average by next year. it further projects revenue will be a full percentage point higher and it will stay at that level there after even with no further changes. in other words, the federal government is on track to take in more money from american taxpayers than it has in the past yet we re still on track to run massive deficits. clearly spending is a problem. it is obvious that trying to chase washington s higher spending with higher taxes will not solve our problems. it will make them worse. it will stifle the economy because high taxes destroys the incentive to work. it will make them worse because high taxes make our businesses less competitive and cause more american jobs to go overseas. it is a shame to lose american jobs overseas because of the lower wages. it is tragic to lose american jobs because our government costs more. the american people don t need washington to take even more of their hard-earned money through tax increases. i urge my colleagues to vote no on this amendment. i yield 10 minutes to mr. duffy. i don t know if i can take 10 minutes. in your amendment, you offer a reduction of deficits. i think this is a great moment of honesty and truth coming from the democrat side. you re telling us you never, ever, ever, want to balance a budget. you re telling us that you want to stick the next generation with almost $17 trillion that we borrowed today and the trillions we re going borrow from this point forward. you never intend on paying it back. i think this shines a light on the fact that the little girls that are in my daughter s preschool class, the little ones that are learning their alphabet and their numbers. they are the once you re going to ask to pay all of this back. those little girls that are voiceless right now. they don t have a voice here. those little girls, they are vulnerable. they are the viments of this policy. victims of this policy. it is not good fluff to say we want to reduce the deficit. let s pay it off. let s work together to get to a point where we can balance it. but we re for balanced budgets but you re talking about a balanced approach that never balances. you go up 10 years and you will borrow money. 50 years, all you democrats say let s borrow money from places like china. 200 years from now let s still borrow. this is not sustainable. we deserve better. our kids deserve better. let s find a balanced approach that truly balances the budget. i think my friend for trying to find bipartisanship. i ve been here two years but i showed up revenues were just over 15% of g.d.p. with this budget that the chairman has proposed revenues go above 19% of g.d.p. that is a 20% increase in the scope of revenues in this country. talking about finding both sides of the ledger, we ve been working on the revenue side. i happen to agree with my friend from wisconsin. before we can have an honest discussion here the american people have to understand where we re headed. i don t think when people hear balanced approach they hear debt rising as far as the eye can see. i don t think that there is a family in america that thinks it is ok to freeze their debts and never, ever pay them back. if i m wrong about that, i need to be educated. i think a lot of my colleagues need to be educated because we can t get to this starting point of coming together when some of us want to pay back all of our debt we want to begin paying it back within the next 10 years. others of us, believe it is a fiscally sustainable policy to continue to let debt rise again, not just for a decade, not two decades but as far as the eye can see. i yield back. time has expired. i appreciate the discussion. i think you guys are, unfortunately, not reading the amendment in the way as it is intended or written. the debt would go down over a peed of time there ising in here that says deficit reduction doesn t get to a balanced budget. i would disagree with you if you re going to try to do it in 10 years you re going to stall out the recovery and throw us back into recession. i think that the idea that the revenue goes up to almost 19% is probably ok. i recognize you re willingness to do that. i can tell you that through tax reform that reduces rates for corporation and lower middle-income americans, it is not popular. i appreciate your input but i think this is the way to get bipartisan agreement. i yield back. the question is agreeing to the amendment from the gentleman from oregon. say aye in favor. those opposed say no. the noes have it. the clerk will call roll. [roll call] any other members wish to change their vote? on that vote the ayes are 17 and the nos are 22. the amendment is not agreed to. now we re heading into the tier three. we re doing five minutes expect for number 23, i believe. do you have an amendment? yes. can i ask a question? can we reserve 30 seconds to close? so the clerk will designate the amendment and please distribute copies. an amendment offered in relation to social security. colleagues, this is a simple amendment to express the sense of the house that we do not support the privatization of social security. as members know, social security has established more than 77 years ago. it is more than just a prom but it is a promise that program but it is a promise. privatization of social security would expose it to the stock market and put the retirement of our seniors in the hands of wall street, whose gambled helped to bring the economic system to its knees years ago. we cannot trust our millions of seniors into the same hands. this amendment expresses the sense of the house 37 i urge my colleagues house. i urge my colleagues to accept this amendment and i yield my time. we have tried to frame a law that will give some measure of protection to the average citizen and to his family against a loss of a job and poverty of old age, f.d.r., 1935. social security has nothing to do with the deficit, ronald reagan. i agree with both of these two presidents. the people of america deserve retirement security that is stable and certain. we must, therefore, reject any effort to privatize social supreme court and police the future of our social security and place the future of our seniors in the hands of wall street. will the your time has expired and you re recognized for two minutes. i appreciate the gentleman from rhode island. our budget does not touch social security. it leaves it the way it is. i appreciate you don t want private accounts in there. they are not in there. you say, well, we re nozz raising retirementage either. we re not cutting it in half. there s a hundred thousand things we re not doing because we re not changing it. it is in a deficit, it is going to get worse. we will have to deal with it. that s the conversation we re going to have v to have on what is the best way to fix and reform social security in other words to ensure its long-term health and stability. that conversation is not part of this budge. we re leaving social security alone. i also want to mention in case this is my last chance to mention something. last year in this markup, my friends on the other side of the aisle used what do you call it here? eliminating tax subsidies for corporate jets all that kind of stuff. you used that same tax increases nine times. you used them to pay them for nine different spending bills in the last markup we had. you re only at eight so far. if we can get one or two more in you can use the same dollars of tax to use spend $10 of spending this year because you only used nine. there is not a provision in this budget for a trigger that sets off the process to talk about social security. it is not in there but it sets out a process. our voice should be heard. i want to yield the balance of my closing to mr. mcdermott. in n this day that we selected a new pope i think a pledge of social security would be in order. we ve been worshiping in the church of free enterprise system in the alter of the market all day long. all i hear is the market does everything. we know what the market does and we ve seen i came in the savings and loan crisis and i lived through the banking crisis. you ought to be willing to pledge not to put social security money in the hands of any banker whatsoever. i don t want to shut you down because i enjoyed that. the amendment offered by the gentleman from rhode island. those in favor say aye. those opposed say no. the noes have it. does the gentleman ask for a recorded vote? the clerk will call the roll. [roll call] any other members who have not been recorded that wish to be recorded? the clerk will report. the ayes are 17 and the nos are 22. the amendment is not agreed to. i believe mr. cardenas has one. mr. chairman, in an amendment relating to taxes. gentleman, is recognized for two minutes. thank you very much, mr. chairman. let s commit to preserve the mortgage interest for the middle-class. you will see how many middle-class americans take advantage of this deduction. it is the largest deduction utilized by blue color working families in the country. this is the investigate wea to the american dream of gateway to the american dream. i think it is important for us to understand that the housing industry is struggling with a 21% unemployment rate among construction workers. it is an economic engine that is in every forecast when we talk about the progress or not of the economy of this country. take this deduction away from the american working families and we postpone our economic recover precipitate colleagues, i appeal to my republican colleagues to support this amendment. isn t your motto, i ve never seen a tax reduction i don t like? let s all support this. thank you. i yield my time. you re recognized for two minutes. thank you. let s be clear. the budget is slipet on the issue of mortgage rate deduction. the ways and means committee will be marking up bill over the next couple of months. this is exactly how reform won t happen if we begin picking winners or lossers in this committee. the post important aspects on a budget that we present today are one of the most important things is the progrowth tax reform that we ll be promoting through the ways and means committee. there are more than 6 hush credits our deductions in our tax code totaling over $1 trillion. the ways and means committee will be evaluating this. i would inform our colleagues here and anybody else listening, that the ways and means committee has put together working groups on all of the items that relate to tax reform and this is one of them. if you have information you would like to share with the committee we would be happy to take that information and refer it to the committee so i would urge rejection to the amendment and yield back. you re recognized for a minute to close. i appreciate that statement but i don t understand the perspective. earlier colleagues you were defending people who tend to be millionaires who have tax deductions within the current code and you asked the question what do some of us have against millionaires? i will say again, i don t have against millionaires. the question is what do you have against the middle-class? the people who take advantage of this the most is the middle-class. every single person who has ever run for office in this country talks about the american dream, included in that american dream is homeownership. this is the biggest deduction that any middle-class family ever takes when they do their taxes every single year. i m hoping you can support it. yes, ways and means eastern committees might handle this but there is nothing wrong with us making a statement and moving forward. the time has expired. all those in favor say aye. those opposed say no. in the opinion of the chair the noes have it. is the gentleman asking for a vote? yes. the clerk will call the roll. [interrogatory call] [roll call] anybody else wish to vote or change their vote? on that vote the ayes are 17 and the noes are 22. the amendment is not agreed to. i believe the gentleman from california has an amendment. thank you. this one we re going to do seven minutes, i guess. ok, so ok. ok. thank you, mr. chairman. the clerk will designate the amendment and distribute copies. an amendment offered is related to poverty. this amendment basically would lay out the sense to this committee that we want to eliminate poverty by cutting it in half in 10 years. we passed a bipartisan resolution in 2008 that said we have as a goal to cut poverty in half over the next 10 years. this takes that goal and this congress to the next step to develop a plan. as i go through this, one of the issues and i want to thank you and your staff for working with us on this. i think it is important to recognize as we look at this resolution and the budget, we see the federal safety net programs that have allowed for pathways out of poverty and many of these programs are being december decimated right now. they are the earned income tax credit, the child tax cret it, the supplement nutritional program, the school lunch programs, adequate housing and health care also provide path ways out of poverty. i think we fundamental agree, i don t think anyone here would disagree that we want to eliminate poverty. we have to figure out our strategy on how to do that. our strategy should not be should not allow for deep and sustained and brood cuts that would help broad cuts that would help us. as this moves to the floor we can continue our discussions. but at this point, i would like to yield a minute and half to the ranking member, mr. van hollen. thank you. i want to thank you leading the discussion within the democratic caucus in ways we can reduce poverty in this country. i hope it does become a bipartisan conversation. i think we all have an obligation to look for ways that we can help people with upper mobility and help people reach their full potential. that is what this is about to accomplish that. it points out some of the programs that have been effective to keep people from falling through safety net. unfortunately, programs that are shredded in many ways within this budget in the name to save those programs. the tax credit is the perfect example. president reagan talked about how that was the most effective programs ever. making sure that people who were working full time earned a living wage. i hope, mr. chairman, we can reach a bipartisan agreement on this. you re recognized for three minutes. i find they agree with you and what you shared this evening. specially the noble and worthy and honorable pursuit of reducing poverty in america. this is a shared value. the disparity that exists in america today at almost every level, economic income, household wealth, that troubles me and it troubles my conference. i think it troubles all of us here. where i come to a stop, i read this in the short time we to do look at it here. what you said earlier, this basic premises with our budget is in working against reducing poverty. i respectfully don t agree with that. we need to unleash the greatest engine that america has ever known. we need to provide certainty in our budget. this budget does that. it is the certainty that we need for the american entrepreneur to grow and develop our economy. i respectfully disagree with you tonight. i will be urging my colleagues to vote no and i will yield the remainder of my time to chairman ryan. we tried to get agreement on the language. we didn t quite get there. we share the goal, clearly. sometimes we differ on the means to the end. our goal with this budget and with our policies is to rethink our war on poverty because it is not working. we have 46 million people in poverty. what we want to do is look at the ideas that worked, not keep funding programs that aren t working because we want to break the cycle of poverty. we want to go to root causes of poverty. show perhaps we ll never agree to the means in reducing poverty but one of the concerns i have with the language is it implies that the primary role is governmental. i believe that civil society and a strong private sector economy is foundational and the to fighting poverty. at what i would like to do is work with the gentle lady to get on the right kind of language that captures sentiment from both sides of the aisle. this is something we have to put our heads together as republicans and democrats because it is not working. continuing failed policies will simply mean we will get the same failed results. we can do better than this. we have seen examples of the reforms until the past that have actually worked to reduce poverty. let s look at those examples, play on those results and apply those lessons of the programs we have today. in the meantime, i do not think this is written in the way we can support it. thank you, mr. chairman. the programs listed in this amendment are proven to rate they work, they keep people out of poverty. however we approach this, we have to remember that our federal government, our national government should be a government that provides a safety net for the common good. oftentimes people need a bridge over troubled waters. these programs have provided for that bridge. income inequality continues to grow. we know the primary path with out of poverty is a job. we have to protect the safety net which has been decimated in this budget and figure out how we can raise revenue increased investments in job creation. 48 million people living in poverty want a job, they want to work. out of this hearing, i hope we can debate about that. all of us see this as a moral issue. we have to address it. thank you again. the question on agreeing to the amendment offered from the gentle lady by california generally the from california. those in favor say aye. those oppose say no. roll call vote requested. [roll call] on that vote, the ayes were 17, the nos 22. the amendment is not agreed to. ms. moore has an amendment. the clerk will designate the amendment and the staff will distribute copies. an amendment offered related to should be jay to child- support related to child support. in teh absence of an entitlement for welfare, there are limits of dollars of chao support that is old. often local and county agencies collect child-support and hold these moneys for administrative fees. the best way to support her children in this environment is to allow this money to be passed through 100% to the parent. it increases connection with the absent parent and provides much- needed support for children. i would yield now to my good friend from wisconsin, the chairman. the only regret i have is this has not been fixed by now. [laughter] gwen and i are familiar because we have this in wisconsin. if a father is making his child- support payments, they should go to the kick. he should not lop off a big percentage of the two bureaucracy. if he does so, he doesn t give it to the kids. so there s no reason why we should have the government skim child support payments off of it all other s support payments to children. this is something we have always agreed on. we should get this done for once. reclaim my time. do you know anybody on the ways and means committee? [laughter] we do. we support the amendment. we need to get on this. i yelled back. i yield back. those in favor say aye. those oppose say no. the ayes have it, the amendment is agreed to. amendment. the clerk will designate and the staff will distribute copies. an amendment offered relating to native american health. the gentle lady is recognized for two minutes. thank you. this amendment will prevent a debilitating cuts to indian health services. ihf provides closely competent personal, physical, mental and spiritual health for native americans who live on or close to reservations. the chairman s budget is misguided. the proposed cuts to ihs jeopardize the health care of more than 2 million americans. cuts will exacerbate the last the lack health care for the americans resulting in premature death and lower quality of life. the american indian population suffer disproportionately from a number of health problems, including diabetes, suicide, alcohol abuse, a cancer and maternal health. the americans have a life expectancy 4.1 years less than the u.s. population among all races. the ryan budget will be detrimental to health care and devastating to local economy of local native american communities which already suffer from economic problems. members of the committee, mr. chairman, cuts to indian health services is a violation of the commitment we made to sovereign nations. on top of the cuts will experience for medicare and medicaid. i ask for your support and i yield to the gentleman from wisconsin. will the lady yield? the gentleman from oklahoma as recognize. i want to thank the gentle lady in those offered the amendment. they are focusing on a real problem. i will not repeat her statistics but indians have a shorter life span than any other group within the country. they see health care providers less frequently than any group of americans. funding is a big part of the problem. let me rattle off some numbers from ihs. the average american gets six to $900 worth of health care a year. the average person on medicare, about 11,000. the average federal prisoner, about $51. the average native american, $2,700. the problem is neither this house nor the ryan budget. in fiscal year 2011, we increased the spending above what the president had requested and my friends on the other side of the aisle adapted when they were in the majority. it did the fiscal year 2013 operating under the rhine budget, we exceeded what the president requested operating under the fiscal year 2013, we exceeded what the president requested. this was a bipartisan achievement. i want to thank jim moran and betty mccollum and betty mcullough. every yaer the senate year, the senate fights tooth and nail to cut indian health care. who is stopping is the senate controlled by the democratic party, particularly the appropriations committee that puts less emphasis on this than any other body in government. with all due respect, i would be happy to work on increasing funding. i have done it. time for the gentleman has expired. the gentle lady gets a minute to close. thank you. thank you for reiterating the problem so eloquently and pointing out the disparity not only in funding but in the health status of native americans across this country. the authorization for indian health services, it also relies on medicare and medicaid. those programs are impacted in a negative fashion by the rhineland and does nothing to get us to funding ihs are impacted in a negative fashion and do nothing to get us to funding ihs. thank you very much. i yield back. the time has expired. those in favor say aye. those oppose say no. the nos have it. roll call vote is requested. [roll call] the clerk will report. the ayes are 16, the nos are 22. the amendment is not agreed to. we have one more. mr. schrader. thank you, mr. chair. this is a straightforward. an amendment offered relating to rural schools. this amendment recognizes that rural america has been not only in a recession but a depression. the rest of the country has enjoyed some good growth from time to time. a lot of our forest land is no longer harvest double harvestable for a variety of reasons. there are not going to be part of any dot com, they will not enjoy some of high-tech stuff we re talking about. they need real help. this is a deficit neutral reserve fund. we have had this fund available for previous two budgets. we are trying to codify it in this budget. with that i will yield. thank you for offering this amendment. this is something i concur with. we have included it in the past budgets. there is a town that is about to lose their school district. about 90% of the county is in a national forest. this will allow harvesting to help make sure that school states open. use the school, you lose the community. we do not need to lose any moral communities you lose the school, you lose the community. we do not need to lose any more rural committees. on agreeing to the amendment, those in favor say aye. those oppose say no. the ayes have it. we end on an aye vote. that is a good way to end. [laughter] we have a few more. all right. i recognize that gentleman from georgia very i move on the budget aggregates and other appropriate manner. those in favor say aye. those oppose say no. the ayes have it. pursuant to the committee ruled 9, i now call [indiscernible] i recognized the member from the order for a motion to order the resolution. i move the committee ordered the concurrent resolution with the recommendation the resolution do pass. the question is on ordering the current resolution to be favorably reported to the house. those in favor say aye. those oppose say no. the ayes have it. the clerk will call the roll. [roll call] anybody wished to change their votes? the clerk will report, . the ayes being 22, nos being 17, the ayes have it. i note that a corum is present. i ask to file the minority views. so ordered. i recognize the member from georgia. without objection, so ordered. i ask consent staff be authorized to make technical corrections prior to the filing of the resolution. without objection, so ordered. there we have it. this concludes that business of the house budget committee today and we were done by midnight. the committee is adjourned. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] this morning at 10:00 eastern, 13 hours ago, the committee voted 22 to 17 along party lines. they are expected to debate the legislation next week. only two amendments were approved. the senate budget committee will continue work on the budget proposal at 9:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow on c-span3. the bill is slated to reach the senate floor next week. you can see highlights of the house budget committee markup here on c-span or any time at our website on the next washington journal, congressman richard hudson of north carolina. on new tsa rules allowing passengers to carry small knives. then senator burny sanders of vermont bernie sanders of vermont. and history of u.s. pakistan relations. washington journal, every morning at 7:00 eastern here on c-span. the fact is we are all getting older together and we are not the same to the two rates have dropped dramatically. we are having an inverted pyramid. slow growing developing countries have had for decades lower fertility rates. japan and europe and russia. now china is feeling the impact of its one child policy. we are better off than the rest of the developed world but our fertility rate has dropped to 1.8, the lowest in recorded history. we have tried and true way to deal with this demographic time bomb. demography does not have to be destiny if you change course. the path we can take is to allow for a strategic reform of our immigration laws so we can bring young aspirational people that will rebuild the demographic pyramid to make our entitlement system secure and jump-start our economy in a way that will create an uplifting of our hopes and dreams but also directly impact economic growth. u.s. economic growth in immigration policy. florida former governor jeb bush. part of book tv this began to regret president obama was on capitol hill wednesday, meeting with house republicans. he met with senate democrats earlier this week and will meet with senate republicans and house democrats tomorrow. following the meeting with the president, house republicans spoke to the press. john boehner said the tone was good but there was no sign of an agreement on how to balance the federal budget. this is about 10 minutes. while we wait for the name of the pope, we had the it was important today to have president obama come to the house republican conference. it was a pleasure to welcome him and to have a dialogue with him about the important issues facing this country. the american people want us, they want congress and the president to work together to address these challenges. that is what i hope we started today. we had a discussion about important issues like balancing the budget. we will be putting forward our budget into balance within 10 years shortly. we talked about energy, the importance of energy independence for this country. as well as a plan to which a plan for social security and medicare and making sure we keep our promises to our seniors and the next generation. this is not just about numbers and charts and graphs. this discussion is about american people. it is about moms, dads, kids, college studebts, seniors, and making america better for them. the senate is working on their budget. the house is working on our budget. the president and house republicans are meeting. this is of progress in the right direction. this is how it is supposed to work. it is my hope we can continue to come together to do what is good and right for america. good afternoon, everyone. i want to thank the president for coming to the capitol today to visit with our members. i thought we had a frank and candid exchange of ideas. i think it was productive. however, there are some real differences between our two parties issues like jobs, balancing the budget. and what do we do to get our economy moving again. republicans want to balance the budget, the president does not carry the protestants want to resolve our long-term debt problem. the president does not. we want to unlock our energy resources to put more americans back to work. the president does not. but having said that, today was a good start. i hope these kinds of discussions can continue, even though we have real differences, our job is to find common ground to do the work the american people sent us here today. here to do. i too am glad we have the opportunity to meet the president and he spoke to our conference. my take away was there are some real differences between us and the president in terms of how we go about how we go forward in this country. i also know there is a lot in common. we moved twice to try to replace existing sequester and many provisions in the bill would put forward came from the president s own proposal. and those are some of the things we have in common. it is like low hanging fruit. we should be able to pick those up and do them together. if the president wants to let our unwillingness to raise taxes get in the way, then we will not be able to set the differences aside and focus on what we agree on. my take away was that. i hope the president is sincere in saying that he was to work with us. like any normal existence with people, you set aside differences and you find where you can work together. that is what we should be doing. if we can have days like that where we are serious and trying to say we want to work together and do something, i think it can help people. in the end, this is all about the people of the country. those out of work, it is about trying to get our fiscal situation straightened and to affect government policies of people can have their life work again. it was the the president came. it is something that should happen many times before. today also stressed the real differences about us. we talked about balancing the budget. the president does see different challenges than the view we have the budget and the way he views it. i hope today was a star. time will only tell if this continues to move forward i hope today was a start. time only tell of this continues to move forward. there needs to be cut and their need to be revenues. he received a great amount of revenue. now we are looking for reforms to reform our tax code and the budget so we can balance it in 10 years. we will move forward, when can we see his budget? we are marking hours of now. we can vote on next week. laying out a budget will be the first sign of what today was a movement in a different direction for the administration. sign of and whether today was a movement in a different direction for the administration. reminded me of a story from the battleground over 200 years ago when a man in civilian clothes and rode up and saw some war weary soldiers and building a tranche building a trench. the section leader yeled orders at them and ask the leader why aren t you in the trench with your men? he said because i am the leader. the man in civilian clothes got in the trench and dug until it was complete and has the was thanking the soldiers, the elader recognized this civilian the leader recognized this civilian as general george washington. that is real leadership. today we have a battle here in washington to help the american people and to save our country. people are hurting. they are out of work, they re suffering. they cannot pay their bills. we are anxious to see whether today s events will produce a leader that will get off the high horse, stop the campaign into a nest in the trenches and stay until the digging is done. the welcome the president here. he is welcome anytime. we welcome the president here. he is welcome any time. there are a lot of the sick issues we disagree on. it can also identify areas we do agree on. our main focus was to identify the areas we agree on and do those. the president seemed today seemed to say you also have to do some of mine. our focus is stil the same. why can t we do the areas we agree on. let s move forward on the things we do agree on. we also try to focus in on a balanced budget and asked the president to agree with us that there is a great game to the american people and our economy if we can balance the budget. we may disagree on how we get there but to me at least set a goal that a balanced budget is important there but can we at least se t a goal that announced but it is important. we should be able to agree that as a good thing to do for the nation. good afternoon. i m grateful to have been in a conversation with the president and to have a chance to talk about a balanced budget. in indiana, hoosiers sit around the table and they have to make their budget to work. they have to make tough decisions. when i go to the grocery store in my district, i can tell you that for the millions of women in this country that are the hats of their households, that is why we need to have a balanced budget. that is why it is important we have a conversation with the president to say we need a balanced budget that includes making interest payments, during the things we do as americans. when they make a mortgage payment, i pay the interest. is somebody is making credit card payment, they make the interest as well. i urge the president today to continue to join us in our pursuit to provide a balanced budget for the sake of people, not for the sake of rhetoric or for the women and men working so hard and are so dependent on a bipartisan effort here. a couple of questions. for americans hungry for a sign of the two sides can work together, was the most encouraging thing that came out of the meeting? what the tone of the meeting was very respectful. the news just came out of the first south american pope. what are your thoughts? congratulations. [laughter] no thoughts about a south american pope? that s historical. i am happy they were able to come to a choice as quickly as they did. reaching out beyond the traditional continent of our church is another big step and to the right direction for the church. you are going to pass a budget next week. the president earlier today lamented that in looking at the ryan budget, he thought there may not be common ground for you to reach a grand bargain on the next $2 trillion. i wonder how you see that in the context of the last election. how should people view this discussion between you all on the president, when even he thinks there may not be common ground? biya the very serious spending problem in washington. we have a very serious spending problem in washington. we still have a nearly $1 trillion budget deficit. we have a spending problem. we have to attack the spending. the president understands we have some long-term spending that we need to deal with. but he will hold hostage the fact that he wants to raise taxes on the american people again. that will not get very far. we al know what all know what needs to be done. can you be more specific about was productive about the meeting? the president has not said anything he has not reset before? i have heard it before. i thought was good for all of our members to hear it said they have an understanding of where he is coming from. we have big problems in our country. they need to be addressed. we are willing to get them addressed. i hope the president continues as our reach. thanks. on the next washington journal, congressman richard hudson, the chairman of the homeland security transportation subcommittee, on the new tsa rules allow passengers to carry small knives. then a talk about the 2014 budget proposal released tuesday by patty murray. we hear from the former pakistani ambassador to the u.s. on the history of u.s.-pakistan relations. washington journal takes your calls, emails and tweets every morning starting at 7:00 eastern on c-span to regret the senate budget committee will continue tomorrow morning on c-span. the senate budget committee will continue tomorrow morning on c-span3. if republicans are paying as much attention as i am and you are, there is a political community probably about 10 million people. the people that watched speech th c-span, meet the f pressmeetx news, cnn, they really care about politics allot. the people that watch c-span, meet the press, fox news, c nn. they really care about politics a lot. background noise comes to the mainstream kimedia. most of doesn t reach those people. fox gets great ratings. bill reilly bill o reilly s show gets 2 million people in night. that is not the elected. more with a political commentator fred barnes sunday night at 8:00 on q &a. the house budget committee marked up the house republican s 2014 but the plant. chairman paul ryan reducing spending by $5.70 chilean. up next, opening statements from german ryan and ranking member van hollen. it is an hour and 45 minutes. i want to start by thanking the members of this committee. writing a budget is a tough job. you have to make choices. but everybody pitched in this year and i am grateful for the help from members of our committee. we sat around assembling a balanced budget. i am also grateful to ranking member van hollen. this committee has a long tradition of bipartisan cooperation which he and his staff have continued. we have various spirited debate on the issues we do not agree on. i know we will have a spirited debates in the hours ahead but we will hold these debates in this spirit of goodwill and we should. we owe it to the country. after years of trillion dollar deficit, we owe the american people irresponsible, balanced budget. for the third year in a row, we will deliver it. how do we do it? we stop spending money we do not have. historically we have paid less than one-fifth of our income attacked the federal government each year. the government has spent much more. so we matte spending with income. we match spending with income. as a result, we spent $4.60 trillion less over the next 10 years. over every families to live within a budget, the federal government should do the same. it is a reasonable goal. look at where we are and where we re going. today our national debt is bigger than our entire economy. unless we change course, we will add another $9 trillion over the next 10 years to our national debt. that will weigh down our country and our economy like an anger. at some point, lenders will lose [indiscernible] and demand higher interest rates. as interest rates rise, debt payments will overwhelm all other items in the budget. the debt will overwhelm the economy. our finances will collapse three the safety net will unravel her the most vulnerable, as his supper is the most that is who suffers the most. i look back at 2008 like it was yesterday and i remember seeing all that was happening in front of our eyes. i remember panic to meetings with the treasury secretary. looking back we can see what happened at the moment, it was a crisis that hit us by surprise. look what happened in the meantime. the trillions of dollars lost in the debt added. the millions left of the work. the pair will that have gone empty. look at the lives that have been displaced. the pay rolls that have gone empty. look at the lives that have been displaced. we have a moral obligation to prevent it from happening in the first place. by 2023, we will collect twice as much revenue as we did last year. the cbo says the deficit will be nearly $1 trillion in that year. clearly spending is the problem. it is more than an economic problem. by living beyond our means, we are stealing from our children. it is selfish, it is wrong. and it has to stop. we not only balance the budget in 10 years, but putting the right reforms in place, we pay down our debt. the less we owe to foreign creditors, the more of our own future we will control the truth is our debt is a sign of overreach. it is a sign government is doing too much. when government does to much, it does not do anything well. so it is only common sense to balance the budget because the returns of government to its proper limits in focus. we believe there is an important poll for role for the federal parliament. we want the government to do its functions well. when the government does to much, it s spread itself too thin. it does not do anything very well. by balancing a budget in 10 years, we will promote a healthier economy and help create jobs. cbo says it would increase gross national product by 1.7% of its by 2023 by 1.7 percentage points by 2013. our but it will provide economic security for families. it will guarantee return it for seniors and expand opportunity for the young. escalating to the loans, a bad economy, no chance of getting a good paint job to pay those loans back. they deserve better than this. this budget will restore fair play to the marketplace. we want to get out of the business of cronyism, which both parties have fallen victim to. we want fair play for everybody in the marketplace. it will keep our country say. as part of our plan, the cut wasteful spending. i know some of my friends on the other side will object but let s put this into perspective. on the current path, we will spend $46 trillion over the next 10 years. under our proposal, we would spend $41 trillion over the next 10 years. on our current path, we ll be increasing spending by an average of 5% each year. under our proposal, we will increase spending by an average of 3.4% each year. because the economy will grow faster than spending, the budget will balance by 2023 and the debt held by the public will drop to over half the size of our economy. a far more amenable level. the most important question is why the dallas the budget. but it is nothing more than a means to the an end. a budget is nothing more than a means to an end. i did not look at this issue like an accountant. i look at it as a citizen, has been, a dad. it is not fair to take more from hard-working families. and what medicare to be there for my kids just like it there for my mom today. but medicare is going broke. if we want to keep our promises, we have to strengthen this program. i understand that everybody shares our view. i respect that difference of opinion. all i ask is that you join in the effort. if you do not like our plan, all for your own. we may not agree on how to balance the budget but we should agree on the need to balance the budget. a balanced budget is a reasonable goal. a balanced plan that never balances is not balanced. saw a court to our discussion today so i look forward to our discussion today. it does not do justice to our economy. it is not fair to the people depending on this critical safety net programs. with that, i want to yield to the ranking member, mr. van hollen. thank you, mr. chairman. i want to thank all the members of the committee as we gather here at what is an important moment for our country. thanks to the ingenuity and resilience of the american people and the emergency actions taken by the present sick by the president, we are continuing to recover from the worst recession since the great depression thanks to the ingenuity and resilience of the american people and the emergency actions taken by the president, we are continuing to recover from the worst recession since the great depression. we must reduce our deficits and stabilize the debt but we should do that in a way that immediately reduces the jobs deficit. rather than a budget that immediately makes that job deficit worse. unfortunately, this republican budget fails that the very simple task. the nonpartisan, independent congressional budget office has shown the approach taken in this budget will result in 750,000 fewer american jobs by the end of this calendar year. it will reduce economic growth this calendar year by one third. we cannot afford to do that. in analysis yesterday by the economic policy institute, by 2014, it will cost as 2 million jobs. the issue is not whether we should steadily reduce our long- term deficits but how we do it. we believe our budgets should be good friends for economic growth. we believe we should share responsibility for reducing the deficit, rather than providing tax breaks for the very wealthy while balancing the budget on the backs of the middle-class, on the backs of our kids education and by violating our commitments to seniors. this republican budget once again takes and it theological, uncompromising approach to addressing that budget challenge. last year we were told the president to let some give would give the american people opportunity to choose between two fundamentally different approaches to this challenge. one lopsided, one balance. they voted and they chose to reject the lopsided approach reflected in this budget. the american people rejected the idea that we will give additional tax cuts to the wealthiest americans at the expense of middle class taxpayers a commitment to our seniors and violet vestments in our kids education, in scientific research and infrastructure, that car buyers are economy. invest with him helped make the united states and will power economic health investments that have helped make the united states and economic powerhouse. the budget calls for dropping the tax rate from 39% to 25% tariff cutting the rate for millionaires by more than one- third of holding all other avenues all of the revenues. they showed it would raise the income tax burden on individuals making $200,000 a year. this budget proposal which provides a bigger tax cuts to millionairess will raise the tax burden on middle income families by an average of $2,000. at the same time, it does not close one single special interest tax loophole for the purpose of reducing the deficit. not one dime from ending special breaks for big oil companies or hedge fund managers. law providing this windfall to the wealthy, the proposal while providing this windfall to the wealth in the proposal [indiscernible] it more than double to rbd sequester cuts in non-defense discretionary. those are the funds that provide for import and investment that help our economy grow. shortchanging that will result in national decline. this plan also violates our commitments to our seniors. it reopens the prescription drug doughnut hole, beginning to pile large additional bills onto seniors with high prescription drug costs to read it takes a wrecking ball to medicaid. two thirds of those funds go to seniors and individuals with disabilities. for everyone under 55 who has been paying all their life into medicare insurance, they will not receive about a voucher that declines in the value relative to rising health care costs. leaving them to eat the difference. let s look at how this budget gets its political target of balance in 10 years. it uses all the revenues generated by the new hire tax rates on individuals with incomes individuals $400,000 a year. it is ironic that after hearing for so many years that new revenue could not make a measurable difference in reducing our deficit, that revenue is essential to bring in this political target to ballots in 10 years. this budget would not balance without obamacare. it is wrong to say this but it bounces in 10 years and repeals obamacare. does but it does eliminate the imported benefits and patient protections this budget does eliminate the important benefits and pay some protections in obamacare. it will eliminate the benefits or tax credits to afford health care in the exchanges. it will eliminate tax credits for small businesses. but it keeps the rest. it keeps all the parts the reduce the deficit the parts that reduce the deficit. we were told last fall than those savings would result of the dow hospitals shutting down, nursing homes shutting down in a parade of other horrible consequences. those scare tactics were not true then and they re not true today. that is what all those says all those savings are included in this budget for us today. remember all the tax revenues in obamacare? those higher income individuals and in industries that will benefit from obamacare expanding coverage all those taxes and revenues are includedare includn budget. in fact, a dirty little secret is this budget would not balance if not for the medicare savings and revenues, in obamacare. look at this chart here. in the 10th year, when it claims to hit balance, $400 billion is from obamacare. another $100 billion from that is from the tax revenue agreement in january. half of one trellised $1 trillion is from obamacare. i want to finally point out one serious consequence of high of trying to have it both ways with obamacare in this country thereby eliminating the obamacare benefits while obtaining the savings and revenue, you will severely undermine the health care system. many hospitals and other providers will go belly up under that. that formula, taking what you want and discarding what you do not, is a recipe for chaos. the election is over. the american people reject the uncompromising approach in this budget. next week, democrats in the house will present an alternative budget that meets the priorities in a balanced way. i hope as we move through the budget process over the next months, we will make the hard twits is necessary to make a balanced agreement that is good for the country, one that does accelerate economic growth now and in the future. thank you. before i yield, i want to make a couple points for the record. you have to use the base line you get from the cbo. does the baseline raise the revenues because of current law? yes. what we say is get rid of the ugly tax code with all the obamacare tax increases and such. with the talks tax rate going up on small businesses, you replace all of that with the obamacare cat taxes with a better tax system. and get rid of loopholes to a lower rate. that is what tax reform is. with respect to the spending issues, the medicare provision, here is what obamacare does. it takes $716 billion from medicare to spend on obamacare. we and the rate of the program so all of those dollars go to extending the dollars of obamacare. we have witnessed testimony after testimony, whether it was cbo or cms, tell us you cannot spend the same dollar price. we say do not take that money from medicare and put it in obamacare. goes towards medicare. one more point. we have learned through the past that price controls are not working. we put reserve funds in our budgets to address these inadequacies. last year, a reserve fund. you come up with money to save in other places and present prevent from getting cut. they did that and they did not get cut. we sent up the same process for other medicare providers from that that we believe those price controls will damage. this has not been held out yet. all of these changes have not occurred yet. we want to see what happens. some of the providers asked for this to happen as they supported it. we are setting up the same kind of process to make sure all the medicare dollars can be addressed if we have network problems, just like we addressed the point is this. we do not like the president s healthcare law. we think it will do great damage to health care. we proposed to repeal it but replace it. our medicare plan is a lot better than 15 people telling seniors what they can and cannot have. this will be a long debate today. i look forward to it. i would like to yield two minutes on the importance of actually doing a budget. thank you. a budget is about priorities. there are priorities the american people overwhelmingly support. some include getting federal spending zero at under control. danny the economy moving again. getting our debt crisis under control so we may preserve the american dream. these are precisely the priorities that are incorporated in our house republican budget. american families know the federal of rigid federal government should not be spending more than it has. the budgets that have been proposed by the president in the past have never gotten a balance. the president missed the legal deadline of february 4 to send in a budget. past experience tells us when he gets around to it, it will likely not balance, either. american families cannot live this way and neither should the federal government. democrats have not adopted a budget in four years. we look for to see in that budget. the test is to see whether or not they can pass that budget out of their own committee and chamber. we re which it will enough democrats be willing to endorse a plan with more so washington can spend more? that is not working. the house republican plan puts an end to special-interest deals. the house republican plan will create a healthier economy. more american families will realize their dreams. a path to prosperity ensures we are honoring our commitments to america posses priorities. the republicans care for the poor and the sec by report and the sec. and the sick. i am proud to join my colleagues in this plan. two minutes to the john in new jersey. thank you. the static status quo is unacceptable. our budget stops the spending money we do not have and advances common-sense changes to strengthen our nation. this budget will finally restore an open america for business again. to say democrats have failed to lead would be a drastic understatement. every second grader in this country is on the hook for nearly $53,000 of national debt. the president and the senate democrats continue to overspend every day, increasing that burden on their children. there is a cost to debt, and that is interest. senate senate democrats have not been in the debate, failing to pass a budget for 1400 a spirit with the president, back on february 4, by law, his budget was due. now, guess what? we are still waiting for it. to budget isilure unacceptable and unconscionable. every family in america understands the necessity of a balanced budget. the president and senate senate democrats could learn. families do not have the luxury of waiting for the next election cycle. neither does washington. it is time for responsible irresponsible action. for responsible action. you talk about why it is necessary to tackle the debt crisis. i would like to yield two minutes to the senior kemp senior member of the committee. any of you have ever been to spain? i have. nice, hard-working people. great food. at one time, it was a very prosperous and growing economy. spain does not have a prosperous economy today. half of all people under 25 years old cannot find a job. people on government provided health care go and because they have had to cut back hours of service and operation, people cannot get the health care they need when they need it. why did this happen? they did what we should not do. they spent too much, borrowed too much, and let it go on until they had a debt crisis. when that hit, they had to make corrections in all of this stuff overnight. now, they have this economy. we cannot let that happen here. balancing this budget is not about making cpas like me feel good. it is about not having what happens in spain or greece or japan. this is not speculation. what has happened is out there and we can see it. a balanced budget is about creating prosperity. it is about creating jobs, having the health-care promises we have made to the people something we can fulfill. under which our young people can find a job. under which people can prosper and live the american dream. that is why balancing the budget is so important. two minutes from for the gentleman from california. thank you. i am generally an optimist. our growing debt crisis gives me and should give all americans real concerns about our future prosperity. all you have to do is calculate the complex fiscal challenges before us. truly understand the consequences for american families if we fail to act. during the clinton years, spending per capita was $8,175. testing for inflation, spending per capita during obama s tenure has been $11,822, a 45% increase. have the american people benefited from the increased spending? we ask 46 millions million americans living in poverty, they would say no. 24.42%. as we have seen with european nations, there seems to be a tipping point in the spending to gdp ratio. we are very close. what effect does this level of debt have on our economy? the unemployment rate is 26%. this is real stuff. it is not going away. this budget puts the brakes on non sustainable spending levels and will allow our economy to grow. balanced budget by reducing the rate of spending, increase is not a radical ideal, but it is possible. i look forward to today s debate. the american people deserve their president and election and elected officials to have a comprehensive and frank discussion. no question today. we know we face at a historic challenge. the debt is expanding rapidly. neither the president nor our friends on the other side of the aisle have offered a solution. if you look at the budgets we have seen and the budgets we fully expect to see, there are only three things in them certain. the first is ever higher taxes. the second is ever larger government, bigger, bigger, bigger. finally, expanding debt. and budgets that never come into balance. the republican plan offers something novel, a budget that actually bounces in 10 years. in the following decade, it begins to fade down the enormous debt and we wrap up. that is the solution we ought to take. not a radical budget. it still allows for increases in spending over the next decade. 3.4% every year. most americans would like to have a race that size. but it comes into balance. if our friends will work with us, i think we will achieve that. the choice is clear and the time is now. the american people expect us to act. i yield back. you.hank i would like to expand to the german from california. thank you. this budget reflects a great struggle between american families and their governor over whether they or the government can best spent the money they have earned. it is that simple. this budget bands the struggle slowly back in favor of the families by returning to them the freedom to spend more of their own money and make more of their own decisions. every billion dollars spent in washington, $9 is taken from the average family. it is about time we started thinking about these norris in family-sized terms. ultimately, the numbers have a very real impact on those families who are struggling to balance their own budget. set their own priorities, and look at their own. only what a government spends, either now or in the future. today, we passed out more than one-third of a cost to our children and financed the remainder through a tax system in which politicians pick winners and losers through an unfair and distorted tax code. this would do away with those distortions that ship capital away from economic expansion in into the service of political objectives. this budget calls for flattening and lowering tax rates than to insure no american family plays a quarter of earnings to the federal government. pays a quarter of earnings to the federal government parent. in short, freedom works. it is time we put it and america back to work. this budget does not. thank you. i would like to yield. thank you. families balance their budgets each and every year. we believe washington should do the same. to balance the budget, we need spending cuts and economic growth. balancing your budget is not extreme. it is common sense. most of us would agree with that. after four straight years, there are still about 23 million americans looking for work and the economy is barely growing fast enough to keep pace with the increase of population. it is time we take a look at our spending. if government spending were really the key to growth, we would be in the midst of an economic boom. clearly, that is not the case. another huge obstacle to our growth rate now is the complicated tax code. it would be interesting to note every year, americans spend about 6 billion hours and $160 billion filing tax returns. the tax code is ripe for reform. it is a bipartisan consensus in favor of lowering tax rates and running the base and broadening the base. the purpose of tax reform is not to take more money just to spend more, but to create jobs and increase wages for working families and promote upward mobility. i look forward to working with my colleagues here on the budget committee to advance and do a comprehensive tax reform. two minutes to the gentleman from oklahoma. a pleasure to have the opportunity to sit and have this conversation about the future of the nation. it is very important back home. we understand words have meeting. meaning. if we think certain people if we raise taxes on certain people we do not like or make it so every family can succeed. this has meaning last home. a family had a conversation. they said we need tax reform and have stability. they are a small family owned truck company. one request was, can we simplify and stabilize our tax code so we have predictability to look at it in the long term. it s not big multinational corporations. this is a family-owned trucking company. it is the same thing with a small manufacturing company. they have manufacturing and it provides energy supplies to companies all of the world. one big request is some kind of stability in our tax code. we have the highest tax rate for businesses in the world. it makes it difficult for businesses to complete globally. we live in a global economy but we ignore global realities of where we are in our tax code. it is important we fix that. it is important we fix our code not just to grab more revenue from the american people, but to increase american economic activity. we lose track of the fact that this year is now forecast to be the highest amount of revenue coming into the federal treasury in history. no other year receiving more money into the treasury than this year. this is a moment for us to look seriously at our spending. let s look at families and family owned businesses. next, i would like to yield to wisconsin to talk about how the budget is designed to provide upward mobility and give the states the tools they need to craft these programs to help those closest to them in need. thank you. i appreciate the opportunity to talk about something i am passionate about. that is our nation s core. i would like to make one response about some of the comments earlier. there are a lot of misperceptions. a lot. i heard earlier because president obama was reelected, that was a rejection of the budget here. when i glanced to my left, i see mr. ryan in the chairman s seat and the same americans put you back in place. it is not necessarily a rejection of what we are trying to do here. i would like to speak about another misperception among the american people that conservatives necessarily really do not care much about the court. the idea of taking care of the poor is to throw a lot of additional money at them. money is not the solution here. we do not help a starving child by creating policies that keep the starving child s father or mother out of work. this budget does the very types of things that will help create and spur economic growth to put that family member back to work , to pull the child out of poverty and to give the mom and dad the self-respect and dignity of a job they so rightly deserve in our economy. we do it by the very types of things we have heard in this room that claim do not happen in this budget. we stopped capitalism and reduce and get rid of loopholes for corporations. that is often the discussion about capitalism and whether we support it. i d support capitol s and. i do not support phonies and. republicans can find agreement on that. to the degree that we take a look at what we can do, not necessarily throwing money at it. throwing money at it does not often get the result. to the degree we can find a way to come together in this room and in this chamber, to come together with a logical, clear thinking solution to put americans back to work is the fastest way to end child poverty in this country. it is a goal i really feel that both sides want to see happen. our differences are not that we do not want children to have food. or poor people to eat. our difference is how we get to that. i think this budget takes us the fastest way to a permanent record permanent cure. i want to thank you for your leadership and commitment to produce a budget that balances in 10 years. that is an excellent accomplishment. i know many of us are pleased to be a part of it. i look forward to its passage. the solutions this budget has are built on the premise that every american family understands. we cannot keep spending money we do not have. even under this budget, the federal budget will spend $41 trillion over the next 10 years. i know i certainly cannot visualize what that looks like. it is a lot of money. we have to be good stewards of that kind of money. we should be asking, are these programs working. one thing that is not working in america today is medicaid. recipients are having a trouble finding doctors. medicaid pays half of what a doctor can give for his or her services in the private sector. the result, the health outcomes, are poor. studies suggested there were 13 more 30% more likely than those without insurance at all to die. who is proud of that? the program is also pushing our states closer and closer to the brink of fiscal collapse. states spend more on medicaid than any other expense. obamacare is only making the problem worse. we should look at what reforms are working on the ground. i point to two states, rhode island in indiana. rhode island, the flexibility, they agreed to cap medicaid expenses for five years. they put recipients in a managed-care program and it is working. in indiana, we were able to cover 40,000 more people in the help healthy indiana program. let s put these funds to the state. get the federal government out of the way and let s follow the examples of rhode island, indiana, and many other states with ways to make the program work. we can do what was suggested and help those who need it. i yield back. i am emphasizing how this budget focuses on establishing a secure retirement for our seniors by saving the medicaid program. thank you. as pleased as i am this is a budget that takes on challenges we agree have to be taken on. that is a survey they took a few years back where they found that more college-aged americans believed they would see a ufo than a social security check. as you know, the program is in march from their shape in much stronger shape. there is a real concern about what the future of the program is and every single of the member of the body knows if we fail to take on that challenge, the program will be destroyed. this budget goes into that challenge knowing troy s can make all the difference in the world. getting my mom and dad involved in part of the solution could make all the difference in the world. it is absolutely time to stop measuring our success by how much we put into a profit a prospect and begin measuring it by what we are getting out of the process. the challenge it talked about for medicaid patients, it is becoming true in the medicare segment of the population, as well. it does not matter what kind of car you give to the american citizens if they cannot find a health-care provider willing to take it, they have no access to care. kicking the can down the road has been popular for decades upon decades. the committee has taken on the challenge of addressing it, solving it, and taking it off the list of american seniors more than any other body in this town, i am grateful to fail to reform the medicare system is to destroy it. we cannot allow that to happen. i yield back. thank you. a similar theme was echoed by a woman who came to us. thank you. i have to tell you i was driving here and i noticed white smoke going over the senate side. [laughter] i was thrilled to see they will present a budget. very different from the work we have done. and because of your leadership, again, we are going to present a budget that is fiscally sound and responsible. i am pleased to see pleased to support this proposal and continue working on it i thank you for your leadership. we all know the best way to get this country on the path to prosperity is to pass a budget that will balance. our plan extends opportunity for all americans. it attacks and strengthens medicare. something that is vital to be done for future generations and current seniors, that is something i want to talk about. i visited last week in my district with a young couple. they are just 30 out. they are buying their first from. they are expecting their first child. every two weeks, they are watching money come out of their paychecks for medicare and social security. the federal government has first right of refusal on their paycheck. the question to me is, are we ever going to see another dime of that money? the priorities in life have changed. they are beginning to think long term. when we hear these attacks on those of us who want to step forward and do what is necessary to stabilize, save, and to extend the program, we have to wonder how credible those are when there is no credible alternative on how you would go about stabilizing. i thank you for the work you have done on this and requiring the president to work together with congress to forge a solution on social security and to realize we have to take into account our current seniors, and our future participants in the medicare and social security programs. i yield back the balance of my time. thank you. i yield two minutes to the gym and from mississippi. that is what a new member does. thank you. two decades ago, i lost my job in a corporate merger. after a couple of days of moping around and feeling sorry for myself, my wife and i got up one morning and we sat around the kitchen table. we took out a sheet of notebook table and on one side, we wrote down what we had coming in and on the other side, we wrote down how we would spend it. i would be less than honest if it if i did not tell you we shed some tears that morning. we tried to separate those things that were important with those things that were vital. there are families sitting around their kitchen tables this morning making making those same tough decisions and shedding those tears. they have every reason to expect their government and washington to do the same thing. nowhere is that more important than in the medicare system. we have been told medicare is more broke in 12 years. that is not acceptable. this budget addresses the problem. we can sit around and hope things get better, but i would suggest to you that hope makes a good campaign slogan but it is not a responsible approach to budget. this budget strengthens medicare for current generations and recipients and it saves medicare for the next generation. i yield back. thank you. next, on the store in fairness, one of the cornerstone objectives of the budget, i would like to yield to texas. thank you. today, we are marking up a responsible plan to balance the budget. the plan will hold washington accountable to fix our broken tax code and repair the safety net, expand opportunities for american families, and create a more accountable and efficient and effective government. the budget will help promote a path to energy security by increasing opportunities to america s abundant energy resources garrett this budget will stop the unfair use of funding from hard-working americans. as a job creator and a cpa, i have seen firsthand how domestic american energy production can be a valuable component in creating jobs and fixing fixing our nation s balance. the u.s. has combined recoverable and natural gas, oil, and that is the largest in the earth, larger than russia, saudi arabia, or china. today, the united states is known as black the saudi arabia of natural gas. the chart on the screen, if we can bring it up, illustrates how we can bring revenues by hundreds of billions of dollars by not enacting punitive taxes and by expanding exploration for energy on federal lands and oceans. the loss potential is also $200 billion. you could say there is a trillion dollar gap between the two numbers. this administration wastefully invests in corporate welfare programs like cylinder. they have several brothers and sisters. this is not fair. think about the education or basic research. it could have been funded if this taxpayer money had not been squandered on the president s capitalism and welfare. this budget will restore fairness, which the american people want, by encouraging robust competition. it will end kickbacks and corporate welfare to industries. it will promote policies for reliable, low-cost energy. for example, by approving the keystone pipeline and allowing for the opening of federal land to american energy production, this budget moves our country toward the goals of american energy security, economic growth, national security, more jobs, and better paychecks for american families. thank you. two minutes to the gentleman from indiana. thank you. families sit around their kitchen tables, finding a way to keep a budget. this principle yields business sense and it has households living within their means to yield success. in indiana, we make tough choices. we balance our budgets. the federal government continues to enable government spending that is bankrupting our children s future. american families hold the president and congress accountable and expect washington to come to gather and produce a serious plan. the budget before us today puts our nation on a sustainable course. it puts an end to the obama administration tosses roadblock to energy development and pave the way for projects like my colleague just mentioned, the keystone pipeline, which will generate more than 130,000 jobs, boost our economy, and bring down energy costs. the budget also promotes economic growth, job creation, supports research and development in the energy sector, and moves america to a more energy independent state. it expands oil and gas development, which could generate a half a million new jobs and $14.40 trillion in increased economic and art activity. by preventing or delaying domestic energy exploration, the obama administration has driven jobs overseas. in this budget, the house republicans in the subsidies, support for this budget translates into a response will plan to grow our economy and create jobs. i yield back my time. i would like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from indiana. thank you. what we are doing here today, people in america are hurting. to many parents have come hold come home and told their children they do not have a job. washington has refused to make the tough choices necessary to jump-start a healthy economy to create jobs and opportunity for every american. we hear a lot from the other side of the aisle about a balanced approach. there is not much balanced about a budget that does not balanced. beyond that, if the american people understand our approach, they would understand it is very balanced, despite the rhetoric on the other side, this budget does not cut spending. our budget controls spending. schists spending. given the rhetoric on the other side, our constituents might be surprised to learn spending actually increases under the budget resolution. spending rose much more slowly under our budget than under the existing base line. our budget saves the american taxpayer to buy dollars trillion. even with our budget, spending is 40% higher in 10 years than it is now. despite dire warnings about cuts, spending will increase by 3.5%. only in washington is spending more money than the previous year called a cut. spending controls and reforms called for are steps to foster a healthier and more secure economy. it is not rocket science. is the kind of common sense americans apply every day. i am proud to support this budget. i look forward to working with others on the committee as we move forward. thank you. two minutes to the jam and from south carolina. thank you. i want to start up start out by saying i agree with our president. the senator said we had a moral imperative to control our deficit. the best way to shrink our deficit is to grow our economy. to grow good paying jobs and put hard-working americans back to work. unemployment remains stubbornly high. we have seen the enemy and he is us. our bloated and inefficient federal government does not promote but stifles progress. it makes us less competitive in the world. we are not being beaten by our competitors worldwide. we are beating ourselves. through excessive taxation and regulation, the federal government stifles economic growth and shifts more and more american jobs overseas every year. on a regulation in energy throughout the middle class, higher fuel costs, slows our path to a national energy independence, and costs hundreds of thousands of new american jobs in the energy industry. banks are a primary source of capital for middle-class families and small businesses. the added burden of the dodd- frank regulations, hamstrings our bank at a time when small businesses and middle-class families need them the most. it does nothing to prevent large institutions from becoming too big to fail. it will lead to the disappearance of many small minds as they cannot afford the extra costs of complying with massive additional regulation. the president has repeatedly said we need to streamline excessive regulation. dodd-frank and the patient protection act at tens of thousands of pages of additional and they are still being drafted three years later. it is time for the action to max match the rhetoric. let s get government out of the way and get our economy moving and put hard-working americans back to work. i yield the rest of my time. thank you. on the need to talk about how this budget affects the primary responsibility of federal government and national security, i would like to yield two minutes. thank you. it is a privilege to serve the second congressional district largely because of the risk i know for certain our fiscal trajectory prevents presents to this great country. it requires of us to make a very difficult decisions and set the right priorities. i am so proud of our budget. we have set the right party to protect american people. the house budget resolution we are here to discuss today cost $560 billion. the amount is fully consistent with the needs we have to fully fund our united states military. at the hearing on february 13 of 2013, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said this. what do you want our military to do? if we cannot give another dollar? we set our priorities and this budget restores defense spending to before sequester levels. it retains the discretionary caps that were originally established under the budget control act. what does all this mean? it means we have fully funded our military. we have set the right party spirit we will meet the obligations we have. not as a member of one party or another, but just as fellow americans. i appreciate your leadership. i appreciate how you have been tackling our nation s most difficult challenges with respect to our budget. thank you and i yield back. on a similar theme, two minutes to the gym from missouri. thank you very there is no greater priority of congress and to provide for the defense. this does that. we provide for the safety of our citizens from threats, home and abroad. while defending the terrorists, or deterring the perforation of weapons of plot a proliferation of weapons, this budget provides the best equipment, the best training, and the best compensation for continued success. the budget provides $560 billion in funding. over the next decade, it provides over $6 billion to fund our national defense. the budget will reflect the fact that our national security is our top priority. it does it by replacing the owners cuts in sequestration. it is important that we do prioritize our national defense. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff also said our current security challenges are more complex than those we face following words in korea, vietnam, and the cold war. there is no foreseeable peace dividend on our horizon. the threats of our country have changed since the cold war. they have not disappeared. to sustain a force capable of meeting the challenges we face, we must stop making arbitrary cuts to our national defense. when the sequester took place, it cut $43 billion from fiscal year 2013. it will cut $500 billion over the next 10 years. defense makes up 20% of the budget. receives 50% of the cuts. our budget replaces sequester cuts for national defense and gets priorities right as a nation. it also fully funds the support to the commitment we have made for our veterans for their selfless military service. promises made should be promises kept. our budget does that. thank you. thank you. i like to yield for the purpose of discussing why a balanced budget is important. two minutes to determine from texas. thank you. i would like to echo what many have said today. thank you for putting together a smart, responsible budget right for america and business owners and families. this plan is cold, rational, and balanced. i am a small business owner. i have owned and operated my business for over 41 years. i still operate it. i have more private sector experience than governments experience. i can say this budget will put people back to work and reverse the obama economy that is killing jobs about our country. we have to have a balanced budget. i have to balance my budget. everybody in american in america has to balance their family or businesses budget not every tenure, but every single day. if reverent 10 years. , but every single day. but the path of prosperity requires us to make tough decisions. that is why we are here today. if we apply those principles, we will ensure america s best days ahead are ahead and we will stay the most powerful country militarily and economically. by cutting waste and not spending money we do not have, the government can become a team player. by lowering taxes, we will increase income and unemployment will be lower. by balancing the budget, we will help the economy rebuild itself. balancing america s books is greater than one person and one committee. i am used to looking at numbers and making good business decisions that benefit my business, customers, and my employees. i know a plan to an hour the people rather than the government is a plan that will work. it will give families and business owners across the country the opportunity, freedom, and ability to grow and thrive and realize the american dream and not the american scheme. it is the american people who will get us out of this mess, and not the federal government. economic security for families means a balanced budget, lower taxes, and in texas, we would say, let s just do it. thank you. two minutes to the gentleman from wisconsin. thank you. i am honored to be here today supporting the budget that puts america on a pathway and trajectory to balancing our budget. you listen to house and senate democrats. you hear them talk about a balanced approach to our budget. the approach is not balanced. and their approach never leads up leaves us with a balanced budget. that is not acceptable. 20 years with their proposal, you never balance the budget. 50 years, they still are money appeared 100 years from now, they will still have us our money from china. the ranking member talks about republicans having an eye having a not compromising approach. we have no one to compromise with. if they would put a balanced budget down, we could negotiate a pact with forward for america. they will not do the hard work, they may not like our approach, but they could tell us they re great approach, then both sides could come together and find agreement. if they will not give us a proposal, there is no room for negotiation. that is a problem. you look around this room, and i do not think anyone of us here will pay $1 back of what we know today. the $1 trillion the bar of this year and next, none of us are going to pay 1 cent of that back if we stay on the current course. we have to look to our kindergarteners and first graders, little toddlers in america. we will ask them to pay back this massive debt bank and deficits. that is not acceptable. the true cost of the debt, we talk about it being $225 billion. if we stop the printing presses and stopped buying our debt, you will see interest rates rise. it would go to $400 billion a year. this is not sustainable. we have to put america on the pathway to balance. let s get it done. let me summarize some of the points and themes we will hear today. we had an election and why do not just move on? well, look, our speaker offered revenue increases in negotiations through tax reform. what happened? we get tax increases. we got the fiscal cliff. it raised our revenues. it did it through job killing tax increases. what is the reality we are bending to? we accept that these tax increases are in law. they have started and they are there. we are saying, we can hit these same numbers without hurting the economy and without costing jobs through fundamental tax reform. that is what we are saying. get rid of these jobs. get rid of the high tax rates and small businesses through tax reform. another point i think the ranking member will keep mentioning, medicare. and the medicare savings used for obamacare. two points. if you take the money from medicare to spend on obamacare, it does not go to medicare. we are saying, do not spend it on obamacare. make sure it goes to spending on the solvency of medicare. a number of groups in writing obamacare, supporting the legislation, said they could do more with less, but not all providers said that. we really do not know the answer to the puzzle because most of the cuts have not occurred yet. the tax increases are already in law and have already started. all the provider changes in the medicare network, and i have been on the oversight committee for 13 years. they have not even begun yet. we have not sorted through what will happen to providers. that is why we set up a mechanism to address the issues as they come in. some providers said they can do more with less. some said they could not. we will have to figure that out so the medicare provider network is strong and we are not turning people away and we can do it on a deficit-neutral basis to make sure physicians do not draw patients when they get a cut, which we prevented from happening. look, a budget is about making choices. if we do not get the budget balance, it will hurt our economy today. we should stop thinking about all of our efforts, whether it is fighting poverty or provide seniors guaranteed health care. we should stop thinking about it by how much money we throw at problems. why do we measure outputs? are we helping people? are we getting people out of poverty? are we giving seniors the actual security of knowing their retirement is secure or not? these are the kinds of questions you need to ask. i have got to tell you, it is not about making expenses and revenues match. it is about improving people s lives, growing the economy, restoring opportunity. we have a new budget process, meaning the senate is actually doing a budget. we hope at the end of the day, we are still talking to each other and we can get a down payment on the problem. we may not see eye to eye, but thankfully they are doing something so we can have a process in seas on c-span, in public view, so we can get a down payment on the problem. we know the debt crisis will turn this country into something we never intended it to be. i would like to yield the rest of the time. thank you. we agree on one thing. the numbers that appear we believe the but the numbers will have a negative impact on families, kids, opportunity to get a good education, and the jobs situation right now. i will yield 10 minutes to go into detail about how this particular republican budget will hurt jobs and our global economic competitors. thank you. there is one thing i think we all agree on. ultimately, the pathway to fiscal health is a growing and vibrant economy. we have very different perspectives on what we in washington can do to make sure our economy grows. i would characterize the republican side as being one of cutting the role of government in our economy and ours is different. not too long ago, we had a white house business round table where we had 35 business leaders from across the community, all political sides, and here is what they said they thought washington government should be doing to help expand the economy. these are answers straight off the transcript. in the order they were mentioned. support entrepreneurs by having a more transparent process. spend more on research and development. provide more english as a second language programs. invest in community colleges to better prepare citizens for the work force. help bring more capital to small businesses. provide incentives to maintain a highly skilled workforce. stop cutting education. train students in advanced manufacturing. improve literacy initiatives. support child care programs, making it easier for adults to go back to school. fix no child left behind. that is three payments of pages of feedback. no mention of cutting spending and taxes for the wealthy, drowning wealthy and drowning government in a bathtub. these are business leaders trying to function every day to make our economy grow. they want washington s help, not its avoidance. this is where the ryan republican budget is a dismal failure. all of the things our businesses are crying out for, the rhine budget would be emphasized ryan budget would deemphasize. it is the enemy of growth. i submit the revenue, my business leaders in kentucky. with that, i would yield to my colleagues in florida. i thank my good friend from kentucky. colleagues, this republican budget should come with a warning label american jobs at risk. because the republican budget will lead to large job losses and harm economic growth just at the time when the economy is improving for some many of our neighbors and businesses back home. republicans continue to turn a blind eye to the economic fact that more people working across america and lower unemployment reduces the deficit. economists, including the congressional budget office director right here in this room, advise that putting americans back to work is the fastest and most effective way to reduce the debt and deficit. it is inexplicable that republicans propose to eliminate jobs in construction, education, scientific research, and keep the burden on middle-class families. this is a very poor reading of the situation that american families are in today. the republican budget undermines the republican budget undermines what makes america

Vietnam , Republic-of , Dedham , Wisconsin , United-states , Vermont , China , California , Russia , Washington , District-of-columbia , South-carolina

Transcripts For CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings 20130314

all americans. it attacks and strengthens medicare. something that is vital to be done for future generations and current seniors, that is something i want to talk about. i visited last week in my district with a young couple. they are just starting out. they are buying their first home. they are expecting their first child. every two weeks, they are watching money come out of their paychecks for medicare and social security. the federal government has first right of refusal on their paycheck. their question to me is, are we ever going to see another dime of that money? the priorities in life have changed. they are beginning to think long term. when we hear these attacks on those of us who want to step forward and do what is necessary to stabilize, save, and to extend the program, we have to wonder how credible those are when there is no credible alternative on how you would go about stabilizing. i thank you for the work you have done on this and requiring the president to work together with congress to forge a solution on social security and to realize we have to take into account our current seniors, and our future participants in the medicare and social security programs. i yield back the balance of my time. thank you. i yield two minutes to the gym the gym gentlman from mississippi. that is what a new member does. thank you. two decades ago, i lost my job in a corporate merger. after a couple of days of moping around and feeling sorry for myself, my wife and i got up one morning and we sat around the kitchen table. we took out a sheet of notebook paper and on one side, we wrote down what we had coming in and on the other side, we wrote down how we would spend it. i would be less than honest if it if i did not tell you we shed some tears that morning. we tried to separate those things that were important with those things that were vital. there are families sitting around their kitchen tables this morning making making those same tough decisions and shedding those tears. they have every reason to expect their government and washington to do the same thing. nowhere is that more important than in the medicare system. we have been told medicare is going broke in 12 years. that is not acceptable. this budget addresses the problem. we can sit around and hope things get better, but i would suggest to you that hope makes a good campaign slogan but it is not a responsible approach to budget. this budget strengthens medicare for current generations and recipients and it saves medicare for the next generation. i yield back. thank you. next, on restoring fairness, one of the cornerstone objectives of the budget, i would like to yield to texas. thank you. today, we are marking up a responsible plan to balance the budget. the plan will hold washington accountable to fix our broken tax code and repair the safety net, expand opportunities for american families, and create a more accountable and efficient and effective government. the budget will help promote a path to energy security by increasing opportunities to expand production of america s abundant energy resources and this budget will stop the unfair use of funding from hard- working americans. as a job creator and a cpa, i have seen firsthand how domestic american energy production can be a valuable component in creating jobs and fixing our nation s balance. the u.s. has combined recoverable and natural gas, oil, and coal and that is the largest in the earth, larger than russia, saudi arabia, or china. today, the united states is known as the saudi arabia of natural gas. the chart on the screen, if we can bring it up, illustrates how we can bring revenues by hundreds of billions of dollars by not enacting punitive taxes and by expanding exploration for energy on federal lands and oceans. the loss potential is also $200 billion. you could say there is a trillion dollar gap between the two numbers. this administration wastefully invests in corporate welfare programs like solyndra. solynda has several brothers and sisters. this is not fair. think about the stem education or basic research. it could have been funded if this taxpayer money had not been squandered on the president s capitalism and welfare. this budget will restore fairness, which the american people want, by encouraging robust competition. it will end kickbacks and corporate welfare to industries. it will promote policies for reliable, low-cost energy. for example, by approving the keystone pipeline and allowing for the opening of federal land to american energy production, this budget moves our country toward the goals of american energy security, economic growth, national security, more jobs, and better paychecks for american families. thank you. two minutes to the gentleman from indiana. thank you. families sit around their kitchen tables, finding a way to keep a budget. this principle yields business sense and it has households living within their means to yield success. in indiana, we make tough choices. we balance our budgets. the federal government continues to enable government spending that is bankrupting our children s future. american families hold the president and congress accountable and expect washington to come to gather and produce a serious plan. the budget before us today puts our nation on a sustainable course. it puts an end to the obama administration tosses roadblock to energy development and pave the way for projects like my colleague just mentioned, the keystone pipeline, which will generate more than 130,000 jobs, boost our economy, and bring down energy costs. the budget also promotes economic growth, job creation, supports research and development in the energy sector, and moves america to a more energy independent state. it expands oil and gas development, which could generate a half a million new jobs and $14.40 trillion in increased economic activity. by preventing or delaying domestic energy exploration, the obama administration has driven jobs overseas. in this budget, the house republicans in the subsidies, support for this budget translates into a response will plan to grow our economy and create jobs. i yield back my time. i would like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from indiana. thank you. what we are doing here today, people in america are hurting. too many parents have come home and tell their children they do not have a job. washington has refused to make the tough choices necessary to jump-start a healthy economy to create jobs and opportunity for every american. we hear a lot from the other side of the aisle about a balanced approach. there is not much balanced about a budget that does not balanced. beyond that, if the american people understand our approach, they would understand it is very balanced, despite the rhetoric on the other side, this budget does not cut spending. our budget controls spending. it shifts spending. given the rhetoric on the other side, our constituents might be surprised to learn spending actually increases under the budget resolution. spending grows much more slowly under our budget than under the existing base line. our budget saves the american taxpayer $5 trillion. even with our budget, spending is 40% higher in 10 years than it is now. despite dire warnings about cuts, spending will increase by 3.5%. only in washington is spending more money than the previous year called a cut. spending controls and reforms called for are steps to foster a healthier and more secure economy. it is not rocket science. that is the kind of common sense americans apply every day. i am proud to support this budget. i look forward to working with others on the committee as we move forward. thank you. two minutes to the gentleman from south carolina. thank you. i want to start out by saying i agree with our president. the senator said we had a moral imperative to control our deficit. the best way to shrink our deficit is to grow our economy. to grow good paying jobs and put hard-working americans back to work. unemployment remains stubbornly high. we have seen the enemy and he is us. our bloated and inefficient federal government does not promote but stifles progress. it makes us less competitive in the world. we are not being beaten by our competitors worldwide. we are beating ourselves. through excessive taxation and regulation, the federal government stifles economic growth and shifts more and more american jobs overseas every year. on a regulation in energy robs the middle class through higher fuel costs, slows our path to a national energy independence, and costs hundreds of thousands of new american jobs in the energy industry. small banks are a primary source of capital for middle-class families and small businesses. the added burden of the dodd- frank regulations, hamstrings our banks at a time when small businesses and middle-class families need them the most. it does nothing to prevent large institutions from becoming too big to fail. it will lead to the disappearance of many small banks as they cannot afford the extra costs of complying with massive additional regulation. the president has repeatedly said we need to streamline excessive regulation. dodd-frank and the patient protection act at tens of thousands of pages of additional and they are still being drafted three years later. it is time for the action to match the rhetoric. let s get government out of the way and get our economy moving and put hard-working americans back to work. i yield the rest of my time. thank you. on the need to talk about how this budget protects the primary responsibility of federal government and national security, i would like to yield two minutes. thank you. it is a privilege to serve the second congressional district of virginia largely because of the risk i know for certain our fiscal trajectory prevents presents to this great country. it requires of us to make a very difficult decisions and set the right priorities. i am so proud of our budget. we have set the right party to to priority to protect american people. the house budget resolution we are here to discuss today cost $560 billion. the amount is fully consistent with the needs we have to fully fund our united states military. at the house hearing on february 13 of 2013, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said this. what do you want our military to do? if we cannot give another dollar? we set our priorities and this budget restores defense spending to before sequester levels. it retains the discretionary caps that were originally established under the budget control act. what does all this mean? it means we have fully funded our military. we have set the right priority, we will meet the obligations we have. not as a member of one party or another, but just as fellow americans. i appreciate your leadership. i appreciate how you have been tackling our nation s most difficult challenges with respect to our budget. thank you and i yield back. on a similar theme, two minutes to the gentlelady from missouri. thank you. there is no greater priority of congress and to provide for the defense. this does that. we provide for the safety of our citizens from threats, home and abroad. while defending the terrorists, or deterring the proliferation of weapons, this budget provides the best equipment, the best training, and the best compensation for continued success. the budget provides $560 billion in funding. over the next decade, it provides over $6 trillion to fund our national defense. the budget will reflect the fact that our national security is our top priority. it does it by replacing the owners cuts in sequestration. it is important that we do prioritize our national defense. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff also said our current security challenges are more complex than those we face following wars in korea, vietnam, and the cold war. there is no foreseeable peace dividend on our horizon. the threats of our country have changed since the cold war. they have not disappeared. to sustain a force capable of meeting the challenges we face, we must stop making arbitrary cuts to our national defense. when the sequester took place, it cut $43 billion from fiscal year 2013. it will cut $500 billion over the next 10 years. defense makes up 20% of the budget. it receives 50% of the cuts. our budget replaces sequester cuts for national defense and gets priorities right as a nation. it also fully funds the support to the commitment we have made for our veterans for their selfless military service. promises made should be promises kept. our budget does that. thank you. thank you. i like to yield for the purpose of discussing why a balanced budget is important. two minutes to the gentleman from texas. thank you. i would like to echo what many have said today. thank you for putting together a smart, responsible budget right for america and business owners and families. this plan is bold, rational, and balanced. i am a small business owner. i have owned and operated my business for over 41 years. i still operate it. i have more private sector experience than governments experience. i can say this budget will put people back to work and reverse the obama economy that is killing jobs about our country. we have to have a balanced budget. i have to balance my budget. everybody in america has to balance their family or businesses budget not every 10 years, but every single day. the path of prosperity requires us to make tough decisions. that is why we are here today. if we apply those principles, we will ensure america s best days ahead and we will stay the most powerful country militarily and economically. by cutting waste and not spending money we do not have, the government can become a team player. by lowering taxes, we will increase income and unemployment will be lower. by balancing the budget, we will help the economy rebuild itself. balancing america s books is greater than one person and one committee. i am used to looking at numbers and making good business decisions that benefit my business, customers, and my employees. i know a plan to an hour the people rather than the government is a plan that will work. it will give families and business owners across the country the opportunity, freedom, and ability to grow and thrive and realize the american dream and not the american scheme. it is the american people who will get us out of this mess, and not the federal government. economic security for families means a balanced budget, lower taxes, and in texas, we would say, let s just do it. thank you. two minutes to the gentleman from wisconsin. thank you. i am honored to be here today supporting the budget that puts america on a pathway and trajectory to balancing our budget. you listen to house and senate democrats. you hear them talk about a balanced approach to our budget. their approach is not balanced. and their approach never leads us with a balanced budget. that is not acceptable. 20 years with their proposal, you never balance the budget. 50 years, they still are borrowing money. 100 years from now, they will still have us our money from china. the ranking member talks about republicans having an uncompromising approach. we have no one to compromise with. if they would put a balanced budget down, we could negotiate a path with forward for america. they will not do the hard work, they may not like our approach, but they could tell us they re great approach, then both sides could come together and find agreement. if they will not give us a proposal, there is no room for negotiation. that is a problem. you look around this room, and i do not think anyone of us here will pay $1 back of what we owe today. the $1 trillion the bar of this year and next, none of us are going to pay 1 cent of that back if we stay on the current course. we have to look to our kindergarteners and first graders, little toddlers in america. we will ask them to pay back this massive debt bank and deficits. that is not acceptable. the true cost of the debt, we talk about it being $225 billion. if we stop the printing presses and stopped buying our debt, you will see interest rates rise. it would go to $400 billion a year. this is not sustainable. we have to put america on the pathway to balance. let s get it done. let me summarize some of the points and themes we will hear today. we had an election and why do you not just move on? well, look, our speaker offered revenue increases in negotiations through tax reform. what happened? we get tax increases. we got the fiscal cliff. it raised our revenues. it did it through job killing tax increases. what is the reality we are bending to? we accept that these tax increases are in law. they have started and they are there. we are saying, we can hit these same numbers without hurting the economy and without costing jobs through fundamental tax reform. that is what we are saying. get rid of these jobs. jobs job killing tax increases. get rid of the high tax rates and small businesses through tax reform. another point i think the ranking member will keep mentioning, medicare. and the medicare savings used for obamacare. two points. if you take the money from medicare to spend on obamacare, it does not go to medicare. we are saying, do not spend it on obamacare. make sure it goes to spending on the solvency of medicare. a number of groups in writing obamacare, supporting the legislation, said they could do more with less, but not all providers said that. we really do not know the answer to the puzzle because most of the cuts have not occurred yet. the tax increases are already in law and have already started. all the provider changes in the medicare network, and i have been on the oversight committee for 13 years. they have not even begun yet. we have not sorted through what will happen to providers. that is why we set up a mechanism to address the issues as they come in. some providers said they can do more with less. some said they could not. we will have to figure that out so the medicare provider network is strong and we are not turning people away and we can do it on a deficit-neutral basis to make sure physicians do not draw patients when they get a cut, which we prevented from happening. look, a budget is about making choices. if we do not get the budget balanced, it will hurt our economy today. we should stop thinking about all of our efforts, whether it is fighting poverty or provide seniors guaranteed health care. we should stop thinking about it by how much money we throw at problems. why don t we measure outputs? are we helping people? are we getting people out of poverty? are we giving seniors the actual security of knowing their retirement is secure or not? these are the kinds of questions you need to ask. i have got to tell you, it is not about making expenses and revenues match. it is about improving people s lives, growing the economy, restoring opportunity. we have a new budget process, meaning the senate is actually doing a budget. we hope at the end of the day, we are still talking to each other and we can get a down payment on the problem. we may not see eye to eye, but thankfully they are doing something so we can have a process on c-span, in public view, so we can get a down payment on the problem. we know the debt crisis will turn this country into something we never intended it to be. i would like to yield the rest of the time. thank you. we agree on one thing. the numbers that appear in this budgets have a real impact we believe the but the numbers will have a negative impact on families, kids, opportunity to get a good education, and the jobs situation right now. i will yield 10 minutes to go into detail about how this particular republican budget will hurt jobs and our global economic competitors. thank you. there is one thing i think we all agree on. ultimately, the pathway to fiscal health is a growing and vibrant economy. we have very different perspectives on what we in washington can do to make sure our economy grows. i would characterize the republican side as being one of cutting the role of government in our economy and ours is different. not too long ago, we had a white house business round table where we had 35 business leaders from across the community, all political sides, and here is what they said they thought washington government should be doing to help expand the economy. these are answers straight off the transcript. in the order they were mentioned. support entrepreneurs by having a more transparent grants process. spend more on research and development. provide more english as a second language programs. invest in community colleges to better prepare citizens for the work force. help bring more capital to small businesses. provide incentives to maintain a highly skilled workforce. stop cutting education. train students in advanced manufacturing. improve literacy initiatives. support child care programs, making it easier for adults to go back to school. fix no child left behind. that is three pages of feedback. no mention of cutting spending and taxes for the wealthy, drowning wealthy and drowning government in a bathtub. these are business leaders trying to function every day to make our economy grow. they want washington s help, not its avoidance. this is where the ryan republican budget is a dismal failure. all of the things our businesses are crying out for, the rhine budget would be emphasized ryan budget would deemphasize. it is the enemy of growth. i submit for evidence my business leaders in kentucky. with that, i would yield to my colleague in florida. i thank my good friend from kentucky. colleagues, this republican budget should come with a warning label american jobs at risk. because the republican budget will lead to large job losses and harm economic growth just at the time when the economy is improving for some many of our neighbors and businesses back home. republicans continue to turn a blind eye to the economic fact that more people working across america and lower unemployment reduces the deficit. economists, including the congressional budget office director right here in this room, advise that putting americans back to work is the fastest and most effective way to reduce the debt and deficit. it is inexplicable that republicans propose to eliminate jobs in construction, education, scientific research, and keep the burden on middle-class families. this is a very poor reading of the situation that american families are in today. the republican budget undermines what makes america great, what makes america strong. like education, the ability to attend college, research and development and clean energy, these are the keys to economic growth and opportunity. do not hand the keys to the republicans in congress because they will throw them out. experts predict this budget will result in 2 million fewer american jobs next year alone. that is on top of the 750,000 jobs lost due to be sequester that the republicans will not replace. american families and businesses still face headwinds in this economic recovery. unemployment remains unacceptably high. here are a few examples. this republican budget slashes ability of students to attend college. it eliminates pell grants for students and provides a harsh squeeze for millions more. the key to a good job and opportunity is that college degree. but republicans turned a blind eye to the fact that college costs continues to escalate. they will say pell grants are much harder to come by in america. research shrinks under the republican project. this includes alzheimer s, cancer, and aids. we rely on those dollars for jobs at the university and research and businesses that are growing and innovation. the heart of american ingenuity over our history has been in manufacturing and the ability to build bridges, roads, railroads, and community. it attracts private investment. the government dollars we provide for transportation and infrastructure are multiplied exponentially. it attracts private investment. but in the face of the desire to build and grow, republicans cut such investment by 32%. the republican budget is not consistent with american values. it is not fiscally responsible. it puts american jobs at risk. it ignores the fact that job creation and economic growth are the most effective ways to reduce that debt and the deficit. it is a plan for economic weakness. it is a receding vision of american greatness and innovation. it is a harsh vision for our great country. i yield back to my colleague. i yield two and a half minutes. thank you. i own a business. i understand the tough choices needed to balance a budget. i understand the tough choices it takes to grow jobs. i have to say you re not making tough choices when you produce a budget that hurts middle-class families and slashes programs for the neediest citizens. you re making a dangerous choice that will have real impacts on families across the nation. the economic policy institute found that the gop budget plan release to date will result in two american jobs next year alone and stalled economic recovery. that is on top of sequester cuts in jobs we will see this year. the biggest threat to our long- term economic security at this time is not the deficit. it is the economy. it is the lack of jobs. it is a future where the u.s. cannot compete with its global peers. this will bring us closer to that scenario. chairman ryan and i share rock county, wisconsin. this is a blue-collar county where people are proud of the work they do and they want to be working. but they are struggling. four years ago, 2000 employees lost their jobs. a company announced they were shutting down. we do not help them or america when we keep tax incentives for companies to ship jobs overseas instead of incentivizing companies to hire in wisconsin and in america. we do not help them when we cut programs and raise taxes on the middle class so we can lower the tax rates for the top earners in this country. that seems to be what we received in the budget that is on our desk today. budget should reflect values. what we need to do is focus on economic growth and how to get the people of america back to work. we need a real path to prosperity. when we invest in infrastructure, research, development, small business loans, we can increase competitiveness globally and support small business owners and create jobs. i want to work with all my colleagues on the budget committee on a balanced budget that focuses on job growth and can responsibly reduce the deficit. instead of resorting to recycled policies that have been rejected by republican congress, we need to focus on ways we can work together to move our economy forward. i yield back the balance of my time. in conclusion, we know that to generate a strong environment economy, we need to invest and not cut. the ryan budget cuts in all the wrong places. i yield back. thank you. i yield myself five minutes to discuss the implications of the ryan republican budget on medicare. the federal budget is a priority. there is quite a contrast for the way we would implement our priorities and what our values are. a budget should be responsible and reduce the deficit. it should make investments to grow the economy. it is also an obligation to seniors and our future. the republican budget fails to meet all those challenges. it undermines commitments and shifts the financial burden to middle class americans. it fails to make the investments in education and infrastructure necessary to ensure competitiveness, opportunity, and economic growth. and yes, it fails to meet obligations. they talk about how much their parents need and use medicare. they know they are paying into the medicare now. but the republican budget ends the medicare guarantee for seniors. they want to shift the costs of health care to seniors and their families. many seniors and disabled americans count on medicare. medicare is a promise to all seniors in this country. house republicans are yet again proposing to break that promise. republicans plan to end the day day medicare as we know it. there is a wide array of choices in medicare. over 90% of physicians participate in medicare and seniors a choice of their doctors and medicare advantage a new delivery models and seniors value those choices and access to doctors. the republican budget hands over those choices to insurance companies. we are working hard to engage in new ways to reduce the costs of health care under medicare, we are seeing a lower rate of increase in medicare. what the republican budget would do is raise the health and safety and financial security of our seniors by undermining those innovations and cutting costs in medicare. baby boomers are coming into medicare. 10,000 new ones per day. we want to make sure we demand efficiency and quality. we have to do it the right way. let s do that. let s reject the republican budget and make sure we have a balanced approach in these commitments. we need to meet our obligations to seniors and not through a voucher program, but finding a way to sustain the commitment we have made. with that, i will yield to my colleague from california to also speak about how important medicare is to seniors. one and a half minutes. thank you. excuse my voice. i m recovering from a cold. thank you for your unwavering leadership and protect in seniors. there are bush policies i cannot forget. in 2005, there was a rising tide of poverty under failed economic policies. millions of americans are still struggling to recover from the massive financial crisis this administration inherited. republican budget extends and even expand these terrible economic failures of the bush administration. but under the clinton administration, they brought in revenue with higher taxes. we created more jobs. we balance the budget. we have the revenue we need to maintain a stronger safety net. in stark contrast, this republican budget protects the wealthy and the powerful while gutting medicare and medicaid and the safety net for children and seniors and the disabled and the vulnerable. this budget would put seniors at the mercy of private insurance companies and dramatically increasing their healthcare costs and limits in the choice of others. this budget comes at a time when congress has cut spending by 1.5 trillion dollars and an additional $85 billion cuts in the sequester. even though programs have a child tax credit and medicaid support families and promote economic recovery, this republican budget continues the misguided effort to punish the poor, vulnerable, and senior citizens. we want to create jobs and opportunities for everyone, but we cannot shred the safety net for our seniors as this budget does. it threatens to shatter our fragile recovery while recanting pentagon protecting pentagon spending. they encourage corporations to send american jobs offshore. i think we all agree that a budget is a moral document, or at least it should be a moral document. i have in my hand a letter from a little girl. she wrote to me. she is six years old. she lives in oakland, california. she has a simple message for our committee. she says, please help hungry children. it is the true measure of our nation of how we treat our poor, seniors, and especially children like this little girl. she gets it. if there is one hungry child in america, this committee, this budget has failed to do its job. this budget will not only help help not help hungry people, but that more people at risk of being hungry. it ll put seniors at risk. this is not who we are. thank you. now to talk about how this budget protects special interests at the expense of the middle class, i will recognize congressman for five minutes. thank you. this should be a discussion we are focusing on areas of agreement and progress. healthcare reform not only i m pleased that the chairman has agreed that we will have a hearing later in the year dealing with the infrastructure deficit that this country faces. as i go through the material, i see not one word that references infrastructure and its opportunities. we are seeing a relentless assault on the middle class. if enacted, it would costs 2 million jobs, 750,000 middle- class jobs. it would freeze things like pell grants and eliminating you can listen to your own state universities and community colleges. incorporated in this is the ongoing tax shuffle that we have been dealing with for the last couple of years. there is no hint of how there will be tax loopholes cut that would provide for a 25% top rate. we have been listening to that for years with the centerpiece of a presidential campaign that at least one of us was involved with. no one gave a sense of how that would be possible without dramatic reduction but the middle class depends on like a home interests tax reduction. we have been reluctant to see people close special interest provisions. we have tried repeatedly to deal with the oil and gas subsidies of 100 years that long ago ceased to be an incentive to produce oil and is merely a tax to their bottom line. i look forward to an opportunity for the democrats to offer their alternative. in the meantime, we get to hear from my colleagues. thank you. i agree with my friend from oregon. the tax code is overly complex. it has hundreds of tax breaks that not only distort economic behavior for investors, but also do that for consumers as well. you can see from chart 18 that these tax expenditures amount to a lot of money. over $1.1 trillion per year just shy of the amount of all discretionary spending, including defense. many of these tax breaks are simply wasteful spending through the tax code. how else can you characterize special tax breaks for corporate jets and big oil? it is a shame that challenging this wasteful tax spending seems to break down along party lines. i have no doubt that it is tax breaks were for social spending programs, my republican friends would be howling about government waste and corruption. but these tax giveaways for some of the wealthiest and most powerful in this country seem to be of no concern. one of the most egregious examples is the special tax preference that this budget gives to oil companies. these are companies that have profited over $1 trillion in profits over the last 10 years. you can see it from chart 17. those profits are aided by a couple of billion dollars that they receive annually courtesy of our tax code. exxon and shell were ranked as the top profiting companies last year. they were not helping the average american by providing more jobs or providing lower prices at the pump. four of the five companies shed a total of 15,200 jobs over the previous five years. there s no doubt about it that big oil has been making big profits while gouging consumers with big gas prices and pocketing the tax breaks, yet they get a big tax under this republican budget. you can call it the path to prosperity, but it is really the path to prosperity for big oil and the road to perdition for the rest of us. there are better ways to spend tax dollars. subsidizing big oil takes our country in the wrong direction on energy policy. we should not increase dependence on fossil fuel that is expensive. there s nothing is fully responsible about climate change denial or pursuing tax and energy policies that maximize profits for big oil while pushing the costs off on children and future generations. i yield the balance of my time. thank you. we should talk about ways we can do a better job. i yield 10 minutes. i yield myself two and a half minutes. the highest priority for democrats on this committee since we inherited this economic crisis that is creating jobs last month we got good news. the economy created 236,000 jobs in february. the unemployment rate dropped to 7.7%. that is the lowest since 2008. can we please put the slide on the monitors? there you have it. the unemployment rate what it could be and should be. it has been the story of our recovery. what are the consequences of not having enough police, firefighters? teachers? as you can see from this slide on the monitor, according to the household survey, there are 950,000 fewer people employed by state, local, and federal governments since 2009. you have never put before the american people what the consequences are of the layoffs. shame on you. these are not the faceless government bureaucrats the other side likes to demonize. the are the teachers in your children s classrooms and the cops and the firefighters keeping your communities safe. that is why this is fundamentally flawed. what happened? we lost 8 million jobs. why are we doing this again? why? look at what is happening in europe with austerity. the way debt has been described on this panel is totally, totally unrealistic. why in god s name would be one to follow down the path of europe? that is the only place this roadmap will take us. creating economic growth by investing in our country is the best way to reduce our deficit. the first thing we need to do is replace the looming sequester. that is 750,000 jobs. our ranking member was offered an amendment to eliminate the shortsighted way. we must invest in job creation. with that, i will yield 2.5 minutes to the gentleman from rhode island. i thank the gentleman from new jersey. the single most effective way to bring prosperity and well-being to our country is to get people back to work. rhode island has been hit by the economic downturn. we have the highest unemployment rate in the country. we understand the importance of developing a budget proposal that creates new opportunities for middle-class families. if we are serious about keeping our economic recovery going, we need a budget that supports small businesses and is everything possible to help them succeed. we need to make things in america. we need to start exporting american goods and not jobs. there is a serious legislative effort to give manufacturers and businesses the tools they need to compete in the global economy. then make it in america manufacturing act would help build partnerships in our states and regions to ensure they are getting the target resources they need to retrain workers and compete in the marketplace of the 21st century. it will help businesses and communities and support american workers. we need to make sure companies have incentives to create jobs in the united states rather than moving them to other countries as our current tax code provides. that is why we support the bring jobs home act. it will end tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas and create incentives to keep jobs in the united states. many continue to struggle in this economic recovery. we need to rebuild the housing sector and ensuring that we have the roads, bridges, schools that will make american businesses more competitive and allow communities to thrive. these are the priorities that are not reflected in the budget that we have before us today. they are sensible and urgent priorities that democrats will continue to fight for. i yield back the balance of my time. two minutes to the representative from new mexico. i thank my colleagues from new jersey and rhode island. i m concerned about this impact on jobs. it is both arbitrary and harmful to middle-class families, the disabled, and seniors. this is a plan to disparity and not to prosperity. it will crush economic growth and costs jobs. the ryan budget will result in 2 million fewer american jobs in 2014 alone. this is on top of the 750,000 jobs we will lose in the sequester. the bureau of labor statistics study says the health sector will be a leader in job growth throughout the rest of this decade. the health sector will create 4.3 million jobs by 2020. a 30% increase while the rest of the economy creates jobs at 13% rate. simply put, healthcare services and delivery is where jobs are. unfortunately, republicans in this congress will put job growth in jeopardy. the policy priorities estimates that the ryan budget will cut $2.5 trillion from health care by 2023. it does so by turning medicare into a voucher program. this forces health care providers to cut jobs and reduce services or their patients. with an aging population, we can be investing in critical infrastructure like the health care system and not cutting. we can have positive job growth and create jobs this year with basic investments. this bill repeals affordable care act, but it is still the law of the land. there can be assistance that help small businesses and individuals select any role in health care plans. this infrastructure investments create jobs we need. in new mexico alone, it will reverse the negative job growth. the ryan proposal is bad policy. it harms the most portable citizens and is a job killer. i yield back. coming up at noon eastern, the u.s. house for job training programs. at 10:00, the senate continues on a resolution. at 9:00 eastern on c-span three, the senate budget committee shows the 2014 budget proposal. and in 45 minutes, congressman richard hutchins of carolina on the new tsa rules, allowing passengers to carry small knives on air craft. knives on air craft.

Vietnam , Republic-of , Rock-county , Wisconsin , United-states , Missouri , Texas , Kentucky , China , Florida , Rhode-island , California

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 600PM 20130313

but don t know yet whether a claim of child abuse bus at the school will rise to the level of a criminal prosecution. they ll march forth a mother came into to report allegations of some po ten ashl bus occurring at the preschool. involving her daughter. the mother told investigators a former teacher bound the mother s 2-year-old with tape because the little girl refused to take a nap. an investigator from state department of social services wrote in his report that the girl was bound at the ankles and wrists with tape. and made to sit on a cot. we re devastated and shorked this, is horrible. we deplore it. and we re seeking to do our best to care for everybody in the middle of this happening. according to the state she took a photo of the girl on her cell phone. the incident happened months ago. it only came to light when the former teacher showed the photo to other staff members including the child s mother. parents say they re concerned but wants to hear how the school plans to make sure it never happens again. i m sure they re going to make the changes so we re almost done with the year we re not going pull our son out. but i feel for the child and parents. several other parents contacted abc 7 nous say the incident is being overblown that those who have seen the photos say little tape was used and it was intends as a joke. we cannot reach the teacher at the center of this, the former teacher. we did try to reach her but we could not. in oakland a 13-year-old boy is being treated for what police are describing as a serious gunshot wound. he told them he was shot at 7:30 this morning on 66th avenue but refuses to explain why it took two hours before someone dropped him off at the hospital. a gas line fire was quickly brought under control in berkeley this afternoon. this shows how unpredictable flames were. the blaze ignited when a worker dug into the line with a shovel. a parked truck was damaged. cruise capped the leak just before 4:00 today. we re learning more tonight about the man accused of driving drunk and causing a deadly crash saturday night. the 28-year-old made his first court appearance in redwood city today, facing several charges including vehicular manslaughter. prosecuters say i side swiped a car, killing three people inside. macedo s blood level level was mer than twice of the legal limit. it was from a sample taken two hours after the time of driving meaning that his blood level was higher at the time of the driving. he was getting away from another accident at this time of the crash. an oakland man imprisoned for 14 years for a sex crime did he not commit says he s not angry and just wants to move forward with his life. abc 7 news spoke with johnny williams today at the oftss of the innocence project. some people took interest in me and see what the truth was. i put the truth out there. i feel blessed. god blessed me. johnny williams credits a strong faith for keeping hope as live. in 169998 williams was arrested for sexual assaulting a 9-year-old girl when she was talking to walking to school. the girl told her mother she heard at tacker say his name was johnny. someone in the family knew johnny from the neighborhood. they heard the name and jumped to a conclusion it was johnny williams. during trial, the girl testified williams was her attacker. he was sent to prison in san diego. 14 years there he said was a living hell but the spirit dmot be defeated. i read my books and bible skpefrg. it kept me positive. and kept me focused on what reality was. one day he learned about the innocence pro jechblgt. i ve seen people on tv and everything. i ve seen what he s doing for other people. staying very to write them. this is the letter that touched the staff. williams says he was innocent, please help. i m not lying. lawyers for the project received auj saigs to test the girl s clothing for evidence. they found sperm on the tee shirt that did not watch williams dna. prosecutors concluded that williams was not guilty. i ve never been mad about this, i knew if i stayed true, my beliefs and god, you know, sooner or later the truth should come out. williams says he bears no animosity towards the girl. he wants police to find her real attacker. williams says he wants to go to school, find a job and spent time with his family. vic lee abc 7 news. another case of mistaken identity and an accountant is suing after he was wrongly named one of oakland s most-wanted criminals. he went to police totem them it was a mistake only to get thrown in jail. van says he stayed on the most-wanted list for six months. i was fighting for my life at that moment and it changed my life. like i was going on with my daily life. work. suddenly, you know i was putd on all over the tv, the internet. and i was scared and nervous. neither police nor city attorney would give us a comment today. just when san jose finally has its budget in order a state agency may throw out the public employee pension reform many credit for the balanced budget. voters approve measure b last june. abc 7 news reporter david louie has the story. the first battle was at the ballot box should san jose impose pension reform on workers. it pass bid 70% of the vote last june but tho now an agency issued a complaint against a city that it didn t bargain in good faith before putting issue on the ballot. it will be a trial. there will be witnesses under oath. documents and argue fumts. a judge will issue a decision. the units are happy the state agency issued four complaints supporting the firefighters, two engineering units and staff. the mayor thinks complaints have no merit. we met and confered for months on end so we have done a great deal of negotiations i think when facts are looked at that will indlud it was in good faith. the city has seen obligations grow reaching almost $200 million and rising. deficits triggered cut backs in service and staff. unions argue they tried to help and said residents paid a price. we re suffering longer response times. our citizens getting less services, rates skyrocketing. homicide rates rising. the process does call for two sides to attempt to settle. labor unions remain stribl sit down at any point in time with the city negotiators to meet and bargain over reforms. the resolution of the case may not happen until the end of the year after an administrative judge listens to both sides in this dispute. still ahead here tonight at 6:00 economics of the america s cup yacht race will tlb a payoff? or will san francisco get stuck with a tab? new tonight surfers filed suit over access to a bay area beach why they have their sites set on a local billionaire. live doppler 7 hd, clear skies and continues to warm up. will it hit 80 degrees? the answer coming up. and what a bay area town might look like if it adopts the name of a dating web site. america s cup coming to san francisco this summer as you know. supporters claim the benefits will be enormous. abc 7 news says avalos is calling for a public hearing tomorrow, mark? as you know john avalos represents the 11th district and is asking why should the city spend public money to help out an event that is sponsored by a billionaire? it was overtyped and doing yacht races for 1% are they things that support the best interests of people in san francisco? unclear. he says the city shouldn t spend a time on time on a yacht place. we have tree that s need maintenance. he says whatever money is spent will be going to the fat cats. i think it s a big ben fit for people and not for every day people. that is my concern. the manager says that short site whtd biggest industry is tourism. people working in hotels come from the city or bay area a lot of service services certainly aren t the fat cats they re seeing benefits from people coming down to the water front. martin says the estimate is a little north of $780 million. and worst case, thesy may be on the hook for $3.5 million next penses. in this district we asked for their money opinion autos do you thits something the city should spent money on? do you think it helps this neighborhood? no. no. just as many said the city would benefit. with all of the publicity, i think so. yes. i don t see why not. you snow. it s something that the whole city can get excited about. so like any major event. the economic benefits city is going get, i think reports is $780 million, i mean why isn t this a great story? i can tell from you covering several american cups there is an economic benefit. also i can tell you there is a great economic benefit for watching how public money is spent. mark thank you very much. a fight is underway to reopen access to a popular stretch of beach in half moon bay. the surf rider foundation filed a lieu suit against the owners of the property at martins beach in the hope it will help reopen the road. a venture capitolist purchased a property in 2008. the owner put a gate on the only road to the martin beach ask hired a guard to watch it from our point of view this would be no different than someone buying up houses around golden gate park and putting a fence there. surfers jump thed the gate today. the lawsuit says owners of martin beach violated the coastal act by not obtaining permits for the investigate. the attorney says we are anxious to have a court decide rights and obligations of the parties. if you make it to the beach. yes. there is some pretty decent weather out there. despite fog, mild weather is inviting. let s take a look at how pleasant things are now. clear skies over land areas. some areas of thin patchy fog along the coastline. some coastal locations did see a little bit of sunshine. we are swre lots of sunshine now if you look at western skies. readings 63 across the bay ask oakland. half moon bay, cool spot at 54 degrees, another live view from our mount tam camera. lots of sunshine here. wispy high clouds, temperatures 69 degrees in santa rosa. 71 napa. 74 in gill roi. these are the forecast features, areas of fog again tonight some of it will push inland across the bay. high temperatures near 80 into mildest locations and little change throughout the weekend into half of the weekend. satellite image and animation shows high pressure the dominant feature at the moment. that will continue throughout the week. jet stream dree flekted well north guiding weather disturbances up into that direction. the pattern lasts throughout the weekend. the mild weather starts to taper off a little bit sunday but rehane mainz dry. overnight, wide spread fog across the bay and inland. 50 at richmond. 51 san francisco. will be mild overnight most of the bay area. here is how it looks at 5:00 in the morning. it won t be wide spread fog and reduced visibility in locations for morning commuters. fog burns back by mid day. writ lingers highs reach into 50s. other loxz getting more sunshine. highs in the 60s and 70s around the bay and 70s to about 80s into warmest inland spots including the south bay. 68 downtown san frachblt 63 in the sunset district tomorrow, 79 in cal stoga. 72 in san leeand dro. upper 70s to 80s at livermore and brentwood. here is the accu-weather forecast. this weather lasts through saturday. will just see temperatures tapering off sunday, monday. sunday is st. patrick s day. a baste cool down. thank you very much. and coming up next, a note of diskortd at the san francisco symphony. a free concert call as tension to their l salaries ychl they want more. an apf for the car tee tailz on the devil s slide project. abc 7 news learn that had caltrans set march 25th as a ribbon cutting ceremony for the high 1 tunnel. what isn t certain is when the bypass will open to traffic. construction on the twin tunnels began eight years ago to aleave yale yait traffic. the final tab is expected to be over $300 million. musicians in san francisco symphony voted to authorize a strike if progress isn t made with the city on a new contract. is a string quartet to bring attention to the dispute. musicians paid 165,000s aids year with 10 weeks paid vacation. they say they are underpaid compared to their counter parts in other cities. there has been inflation in the california economy and wages are $7500 less than our leading peers. we re hopeful we can reach an agreement that recognizes that. moving our organization forward. the symphony says it s offer will keep the or chess tra among top three nationwide. musicians sate offer is not enough therk say the symphony can afford more with an endowment nearing $300 million. a dating web site is not giving up hope of giving the town of woodside to change its name to sugar this looks how the street signs might look. sugar daddy is willing to pay fr a 10 year name change commitment. they chose woodside because of the wealth and potential for having datable sugar daddies. the city laughed off the idea but company will deliver it s onoffer tonight at the city council meeting that starts at 7:30. we shall see. qle. yes. coming up next at 6:00 hopes and dreams of bay area catholics as a conclave of cardinals begins to pick a pope. how the vote prog ses looks. in sacramento california environmental quality act protected natural resources of the state for decades some say it s time to stop abuse autos a rover on mars answers a key question about the red planet. does it have the right ingredients to support live? stay with us. a column of smoke is emitted from a stove pipe at the sistine chapel at the vatican a clear sign to the world a selection has not yet been mai.d indications are that it may take longer. the conclave will follow a fairly set ritual, holding a mass, and a prayer session twice daily before each vote. this is a live picture from the vatican, eight hours ahead of us. voting begins at roughly 1:30 in the morning and just before noon our time f they can t seltel by thursday, they will take a one day break. abc 7 news is live with more on the hopes of local catholic autos you ve heard people say this where before. what the catholic church needs is jesus with an mba, meaning they need a pope to restore order to the vatican and someone, a pope willing to lead the vatican and preach like pope john paul ii. praying while on their knees is a tradition among parishioners of this church in east san jose. many of them prayed today for the man who will lead catholics around the world. that is going to help us, everybody. she says she s praying for the cardinals responsible for selecting the pope. they ll do their best to select the pope to lead for the whole nation and whole world. during the conclave, the cardinals wear red. today, each took an oath to obey rules of the process, continuing tomorrow, since today, they failed to reach a two thirds majority. george is with the san francisco archdiocese. some say we need a pope with a personality that can go out and travel and what that sort of thing. followers say they want someone who can restore confidence in the church. i believe that they still have some possible changes, you know? positive changes in concilo it mean as sem bli in spanish. he hopes the pope will bring transparency to the vatican. and you can see cardinals come in different shapes and sizes not knowing who will be elected the vatican is prepared and will have the robe placed on the pope. they have three different robes, in different sizes. small, medium and large. also pope benedict was the first pontiff to have a twitter account of course. you can bet the next pope will follow. there is no shortage of speculation as to who cardinals will choose. insider s speculate the cardinal electors could have a.nouns choices thursday and maybe dri fri. just how long it lasts could be a key indicator as to who is being considered for this job. shorter means probably an italian or someone who everyone knows and who is known to them and who is a choice. a longer conclave would mean someone not as well known and maybe a dark horse. farther martin believes it is unlikely an american will be selected other cardinals objected to the idea of someone from the world s super power holding a top spot in the catholic church. there is a effort to change a california law credited with saving threatened species. the concern sthait makes things too hard for jerls. the environmentalists credit the california environmental quality act known for saving nesting areas of threatened peregrine falcons and hawks. awill youing developers to identify projects and how they ll be mitigated. environmental and labor groups joined forces to protdest change autos today our air is clean yes, water, purer. our trees are greener because the quality of our progress has been the deciding factor. critics say the law delays or kills projects this, sets up a showdown between unions and the governor. all are usually on the same side on most issues to end what you calls obsessive lawsuits. our approach needs to be based on concities accident standards that cut dealize caltrans reports after proij jekts in california takes 17 years to complete because delays often blamed on lawsuits. also impeding reconstruction of the hol hollywood bowl two years when a group wanted to safety structure. litigation is in cases a killer. it costs jobs. this activist opposes changes because it one way to stop develop grerz getting wrich out regard to neighbors they hurt. low income communities of color this is a very important tool. we tend to have worst health outcomes in california. striking a balance that keeps environmentalists, develop jerz residents happy won t be easy. coming up next the driving assistant. this is unbelievable. this is unbelievable. how it can change the wayright r problem. ok. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. smart phone app this is cool. called automatic drive assistant debutted today. it could change the way you drive and save you money. this is unbelievable it keeps track of driving and where you parked. it could change the way you relate to your car. the new app is called a drive assistant and it s made by a company called automatic. here is the web site. and here is the app. and here is where the magic begins. with beeps it tells you it s working so co-voler developer takes us out for a test drive its reading information such as your velocity. and some data. and it s streaming for the phone. keeps track of your drive toog. watch as it breaks hard on purpose. that was a brake i took too hard. it s just a reminder that you know, watch where you re going. take a easy brake next time. it beeps if you accelerate too fast, too. once you park it remembers where the car is located and shows ultraexact route you took and how much it costs to you drive it. this is from san jose to san francisco. i know that because the cost of this knows where you have stopped in a gas station at that station it keeps track of mileage for every trip and what you should have received according to the epaf check engine light goes on, it goes on here in the app. it tells you what is wrong with the car, and if it s a little jorks how you can fix it. now, i ve fixed the problem. i m going to turn it off. it knows you and shows you location of local mechanics. it calls 911 and three family members if you ve been in a crash. the cost of the automatic is $69.95 and there is no monthly fee. wow. it could make a difference. save you money. absolutely. sure. thank you. coming up next a discovery from nasa rover on mars. new signs the red planet might have the r nasa announced a break through in the search fr live on mars and some research was done here in the bay area. more now from mountain view. it s been seven months since the rover landed on mars as depicted in this animation. now, for the first time, scientists have used the tiny drill. and discovered what is beneath the surface isn t red. when we drill just inches down into the ground, the ground went from red to gray. amazing. more is mazing is what the onboard x ray found. a near neutral environment and slightly salty liquid water. all needed to support live. in a announcement nasa scientists showed off the findings that 3.5 billion years ago mars likely had an environment sim tloor present day earth that could have supported live. showed not only water but fresh enough that microbes would have a easy live of living there eefdz live on mars would have been possible. scientists have their work cut out for them to figure out if that life ever existed. this is sam, sample on mars. after an x ray, sam cooks them. we cook the sample to high temperatures over a thousand degrees. and as we cook it we smell the gases that come off. scientists say the clay they did find in the digging is in the right place. i m excited about this. this is to offer a ticket to mars. i d land here, just taking a deeper drill and go bayway down. they have a lot more work to do with curiosity. this is a big step. abc 7 news. just incredible stuff. for all tweeting rover has done from mars waits given the social media award today in austin, texas. they have a million twitter fans. wow. tonight is the night if you want to take a look at the comet as it passes by. m this is pretty amazing now, it s our turn. your best chance about an hour from now 30 minutes after the sun goes down. look west it will be 10 degree as above the horizon and left of the crescent moon. it will be visible for weeks still to come. very exciting. yes. let s talk about the weather forecast. it s looking nice and warm today, high temperatures soaring into 70s. highs 78 in lofr dale. 77 clear lake. mid-70s into other locations. and mild weather continues. a little bit of fog, clear skies else wr. sunny skies, mild conditions, 80 degrees in chico. 83 los angeles. here in the bay area, highs into mid to upper 70s up to about 80s in inland spots that is the accu-weather forecast. we re going to have this mild weather through saturday with highs into upper 70s tapering off on sunday which is st. patrick s day. by tuesday some clouds and a bit of a cool down. rain or shine, for tweets and weather forecasts. you can tweet with your favorite team and weather. here is a tweet right now. it is. as are you. thank you. sports now. yes. larry beil is here, raiders talking about business tonight. there is a lot of stuff going on in the nfl. raiders cut big names. say goodbye to two favorites. is nfl new calendar year began today and raiders cut two former first round picks make no mistake. these are not the raiders anymore. the silver and black cut darious hayward bay. he had 41 receptions but he never developed into the player that the raiders were hoping for for first round pick. also cut michael hough. he played corner back as well as safety and what he s been released. they ve lost tight end dell lany walker go together tennessee titans. walker a valuable contributor and on special teams. this is toing to be a loss for the niners, deshawn goldson said hez interested in a long term deal to remain with 49ers. bolden found out he had been traded while on a plane to africa. he goes from one harbaugh brother to another. for me it s initial shock. because i i had no clue ways going to be traded. how many times have you heard athletes say they re going come back to get their degree? an nba hall of fame jer doing that and more in berkeley. isaiah thomas is back in school at cal. he s 10 credits short of completing a masters in ed oox being in the classroom again at this age opposed to when i was 19 is different. he left indiana after a so far more year promised his mom he d get a degree in criminal justice. now at 51 he appreciates his education more. i like the things i m learning and see things differently now. so just being in the classroom is awesome for me, spectacular he reached out to jason kid to attend a fund-raiser on sunday for african american studies. i have seen him take classes and he loves it. it s an opportunity to catch up and also to work hartd. jason wants to get his degree. he ll continue his studies here at wall and talk to the kids about the value of education and how important it is. and that is a billinger message than scoring two points. finals of the world baseball classic will be held at at and t park. team usa hoping to be here. he s managing team usa. double to left, pass giants center fielder angel pagan. there is a sports report taught to you by orchard supply and hardware. remember he was arrested, five years $34 million signing with the browns. arrest apparently didn t hurt much. join me tonight at 9:00 a man grabs a shark, saves kids and called a hero. why did it cost him his job? then at 11:00 little mistake delaying hundreds of thousands of tax returns how to make sure yours get there with out a wait. now, kim and kourtney kardashian and adam driver. for all of us here, thanks for watching. see you at 9:00 and 11:00. this is jeopard here are today s contestants a web publisher from portland, oregon. y! re are today s contestants an education finance consultant from long beach, california. and our returning champion, a business analyst from minneapolis, minnesota. and now here is the host of jeopardy! alex trebek! thank you, johnny. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our show. drew is a five-time champion, so he will probably be in our tournament of champions next year. he has enjoyed some degree of luck, as well, because whenever he misses a final jeopardy!, his challengers miss it, also, so he winds up with not a big total, but the most money in that particular game. what s going to happen today against tish and barrett? let s start finding out. good luck. here we go. the jeopardy! round begins with these categories. y u in quotation marks. drew. let s start with on the geographic menu for $200. barrett. what is java? yes. geographic menu for $400, please. tish. what is baked alaska? right. menu for $600, please. here s jimmy with the clue. around 1910, bartender ngiam tong boon created this cocktail, now made of gin, cherry brandy, gne, and lime juice, a signature of the raffles hotel. barrett. what is a singapore sling? you got it. geographic menrenadifo. drew. u [ german accent ] what is a berliner? yes. [ normal voice ] geographic menu for $1,000, please. tish. what is hollandaise? right. how odd for $200, please.

Brentwood , California , United-states , Portland , Oregon , Germany , Oakland , Texas , Alaska , Redwood-city , Mountain-view , Minnesota

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130315

now facing mechanical problems ending the vacations of thousands of passengers. nbc s gabe gutierrez is in miami with the latest. gabe, good morning. reporter: savannah good morning. this latest incident involves carnival s legend a day after the dream reported problems. carnival says no passengers are in any danger and this is all happening just a few days after the company s ceo promised a comprehensive investigation of its fleet following last month s triumph disaster. problems aboard two carnival ships in two days. the carnival legend slowed down overnight by a technical issue. with its propulsion system in hon duress. its visit to grand cayman now canceled as it slowly heads back to tampa. this as 5700 passengers and crew of the carnival dream are waking up in st. maarten. their vacations also cut short. things break down, they can t help it. reporter: on wednesday while in port the crew discovered a problem with the ship s backup emergency diesel generator. carnival says the docked ship never lost power and elevators and at least one restroom stopped working for a few hours. the dream was on the last leg of a seven-day cruise that started in port canaveral with stops in nassau, st. thomas and st. maarten. now passengers will be headed home for on flights paid by carnival. the company extended their sincere apologies. they ve been great. there s no trouble. it s like a regular port day. no trouble. reporter: some passengers cracked jokes on twitter, how dare they strand us on a tropical island. others were not amused. carnival better step up to the plate because it s not looking good for them. reporter: a much less dire situation for carnival last month when 4,200 passengers were stranded in the gulf of mexico for five days, no power, no working toilets and no running water. experts wonder how customers will react to the recent problems. for the industry as a whole it puts a black eye on it. reporter: the carnival dream has canceled its next cruise tomorrow, and the legend has cut its trip short. carnival is offering passengers a partial refund and half off a future crews. gabe, thank you very much. we appreciate it. now to another breaking story overnight, ohio senator rob portman, a key republican and one of mitt romney s close confidants, reversing his stand on same-sex marriage. this as governor romney returns to the spotlight today, addressing a major gathering of conservative leaders. nbc s peter alexander covered the romney campaign, good morning. good morning to you. senator rob portman is growing a list of republicans supporting gay marriage. saying he now has what he called a new perspective as a dad learning that his college-age son is gay. his change of position comes a week before the supreme court is going to hear oral arguments over a 1996 federal law, that law asserts that gay marriage is not legal and it s a measure that portman himself co-sponsored at the time. i see the romney/ryan team going all the way to the white house! reporter: for the prominent ohio conservative, senator rob portman who was a fixture at one time considered a favorite to become mitt romney s running mate it s a dramatic reversal on gay marriage. i ve come to the conclusion for me personally i think this is something that we should allow people to do, to get married and to have the joy and the stability of marriage that i ve had for over 26 years. i want all three of my kids to have it, including our son, who is gay. reporter: portman has voted against same-sex marriage many times in the past. today mitt romney marches back into the political spotlight, his remarks at an annual conference for conservatives marking romney s first public speech since he exited the stage last fall. since then we ve seen rare glimpses of the former republican nominee. move on. i don t spend my life looking back. reporter: these days he s enjoying more time with his grandkids and just this week celebrated his 66th birthday. his oldest son tagg says he doesn t want to be back, he s done. he wants to show conservatives across the spectrum he s not in hibernation, that this defeat last november has not devastated him. reporter: the republican party faces an identity crisis with no clear leader and no clear path to widening its appeal. among those vying for conservative support thursday, florida senator marco rubio who insisted americans should be able to respectfully disagree about gay marriage. just because i believe that states should have the right to define marriage in a traditional way does not make me a bigot. reporter: governor romney is not the only high profile speaker on tap today, matt. also taking the stage jeb bush, donald trump, paul ryan. if you need any more evidence of the divide that exists in the republican party consider this, one of the most popular figures in the party, new jersey governor chris christie, a guy who praised president obama s response to hurricane sandy last fall, was not invited. all right, peter alexander in washington. peter, thank you very much. to the vatican where pope francis is addressing his cardinals as he settles into his role as leader of the vatican church. natalie is at the vatican, good morning to you. good morning to you, savannah. well in style and substance we re seeing a new tone already for the papacy. a message of simplicity, shunning wealth, and a message of humility. in his meeting with the cardinals this morning, pope francis was getting off the throne and just stumbled there, proving he is human, and proving that he is not perfect. in his first mass before them thursday, according to reports, the pope refused to even deliver the homily that was prepared for him and instead chose to preach off the cuff using his own words, and not from the papal throne but from the pulpit like a regular parish priest. in clementine hall at vatican city this morning the college of cardinals had an audience with their new boss, pope francis met with the group who elected him less than 48 hours ago along with those cardinals not allowed to vote because of an age restriction, 80 and over. tomorrow the pope meets the world press where he s expected to outline his vision for the church, one sure to include his deep concern for the poor. pope francis, coming out of latin america, is very much impassioned by a desire to make the church present to people in the suffering. reporter: in buenos aires where he spent most of his life archbishop bergoglio is beloved in the poor neighborhoods where he ministered. translator: everyone who comes to the church has a picture with him. pictures of their confirmation, first commune yub, pictures when he came to visit. reporter: there is debate over his record when he was a priest 30 years ago during argentina s dirty war. some human rights activists say he failed to confront the military dictatorship that kidnapped and killed thousands of its opponents. known for his humility he avoided the luxuries afforded a cardinal, opting to catch a bus or ride the subway, instead of a chauffeur-driven car. that didn t change after he was elected pope. we walked out of the sistine chapel and there s the car, which had been used for about 12 days. i thought, well, we re back to normal, and they have the little pullmans to take him to saint marta s. so he got on that. he said that s okay i m going with the cardinals. it was beautiful. reporter: in argentina they call francis the slum pope because he was known to visit the most dangerous parts to preach to the poor and considered to be one of their own. meanwhile on sunday, from that window right there, outside the papal study, pope francis will deliver his first noon blessing before the thousands who will be here in st. peter s square. and as he will do from now on every sunday, as long as he is here at the vatican. savannah? natalie morales at the vatic vatican. thanks so much. i m going to head to the vatican for the pope s official installation. i ll do that early next week and we ll have complete coverage next tuesday right here on today. tamron hall is here for natalie with the other top stories. good morning, everyone. a terrifying accident overnight in downtown miami where a massive l.e.d. screen collapsed on workers, injuring at least two people, that screen was part of the stage for the ultramusic festival set to begin today. ahead of his trip to the middle east, the president spoke to an israeli tv station detailing his position on iran and nuclear weapons. now we think it would take over a year or so for iran to actually develop a nuclear weapon, but obviously we don t want to cut it too close. president obama said all options are on the table to keep nuclear weapons out of iran s arsenal. in the meantime he said that the u.s. will keep the toughest sanctions in place on iran s economy. a subatomic particle discovered last summer is looking like an elusive higgs boson. on thursday the scientists made the breakthrough announcement about the so-called god particle that experts say gives mass to all other particles in the universe. particles were detected during experiments in the large hadron collider on the swiss/french border. no budget break-through after the president met with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle but parties are scrambling to avert a government shutdown later this month. meanwhile, democrats have unveiled their budget blueprint that could see a full senate vote next week. a full speed ahead on the tsa s plan to allow small knives on board. passenger planes. the agency head told the house homeland security committee on thursday that he is, in fact, standing by that proposal, despite growing backlash. now to wall street. cnbc s mary thompson has the latest from the new york stock exchange on this friday. good morning to you, mary. good morning, tamron. blistering senate report accuses jpmorgan of misleading investigators and regular laiders about a $6.2 billion trading loss. former executives testify before congress today. a study by the urban institute says that people under 40 have saved less money than their parents did at the same age, suggesting they could face a tougher retirement. and the dow makes it eight in a row, eight straight record highs. tamron, back to you. thank you very much. a search is under way in sioux falls, south dakota, for two people who apparently jumped into the freezing waters to save a 6-year-old boy. rescue crews battled the river currents and thick foam that made visibility difficult. that boy is now safe at home with his mother. and you have to be pretty cool to rock out with the former leader of the free world. take a look, check it out, bill clinton stopped by madison square garden last night, look closely, there, to hang with louisville cardinals after they beat villanova 74-55. that s sophomore shane brennan having fun with the 42nd president of the united states, giving him at some point bunny ears, never even before on television, and posted these pictures on instagram. i m sure he has a ton of followers now on instagram as a result. it is 7:14, back to matt, savannah and al. that is a super cool story. this god particle thing. i had a few questions on that, actually. explain again how the big boson particle is interacting with the other mass in the universe? the scientist in my pocket is jumping out, i ll confirm with him. but how spectacular is that? when you read about the discovery and read try to explain you read the whole article and go on youtube there s this whole article on what is higgs boson and this gentleman who s got the maps, and the let s just say it s interesting. all right, tamron, thank you. mr. roker. i got no colliders for you. you but we have basically the clipper that s coming across, going to collide with snowflakes and bringing snow from bismarck down into minneapolis, chicago as well, basically looking three to six inches of snow and out west we re looking at fog along the california coast, with temperatures in the 60s as you .ove inland we re going to see rising up into the upper 80s to low 90s into the southwest. we ll get to your local forecast right after this message. use only natural ingredients. make something original. genuine. real. so peel it open. stir it up. and raise a cup to the real. you made it to friday, a beautiful weekend chasing us. much-needed rain back in the forecast. i m meteorologist, christina loren. a live look at san jose. a little hazy here. happy to report good air quality all across the bay area. we are going to be comfortable in the heat of the day. 69, san francisco. 76 degrees in places like fairfield. getting into the weekend, staying steady. and that s your latest weather. we have a heart warming study this morning brought to our attention by our nbc station in atlanta, wxia. a 9-year-old boy and his ten-year-old friend are being hailed as heroes. a. a 9-year-old boy and his 10-year-old friend are being held heroes this morning after helping a mother save her young son. susannah was sitting in her living room when she noticed something was wrong with her son. he seemed non-responsive to my smile so at that point i put my finger under his nose and realized he wasn t breathing. rome ran outside for help and found 9-year-old rocky hurt and 10-year-old ethan wilson across the street. we were out there playing football and somebody yelled called 911. back inside rome panicked. i was continuing to scream, not knowing what to do, and then rocky runs in, who i d never met, and he s standing behind me. reporter: rome says she splashed water on the baby s face and began to do cpr when the boys stopped her. and i just said, this cpr, you re not doing it correctly. i told her to push on the baby s chest five to ten times with only two fingers, tilt back the baby s head. plug the nose. plug the nose. and breathe into the mouth. the baby s mouth. he said it so confidently i listened to him right away. within seconds the baby responded, a short time after, paramedics arrived. because baby isaiah, he like screamed and i told her that s a good sign because the baby is breathing. reporter: the boys said they ve been friends since they were toddlers learned how to do cpr two months ago from signs posted in their school cafeteria. we wanted to know in case it happened but we never knew we d have to do that. in our lives. if rocky hadn t been outside playing right then i definitely wouldn t have him sitting in my lap right now, so. pretty amazing. now here s matt. savannah, thanks. we ve got proof this morning of the power of the internet and something many of you have heard of. a website called kick-starter. the creator of the canceled tv show veronica mars put out a call to raise money to fund a movie version and the donations are still pouring in. tamron is back with that story. this is the largest project in the history of kickstarter, raising more than $2 million in ten hours. this morning the total is now well over $3 million, and veronica mars fans appear to be well on their way to seeing their favorite show on the big screen. when show creator rob thomas wanted to make a movie version of the now canceled tv show veronica mars he didn t go to a studio to raise money, he went straight to the fans. and boy did they respond. oh my god, $3 million! it all started when he suggested to star kristen bell that they try the crowd founding web site kick-starter who reach loyal fans who were always asking whether they make a movie. i d say we have the fans fund the movie. if we reach our fund-raising goal we ll shoot the movie this summer. fans were quick to respond, contributing an average of $50 apiece. but what did they get? $2500 they could spend the day on the set being an extra with veronica mars. for $400 they ll personalize your voicemail or follow you on twitter. one person paid $10,000 to have a speaking role in the movie. i play a waiter, it s a really a renaissance. a renaissance that bypasses studios. other kick-start projects include indy record albums and fashion like the griz coat. projects that make fans truly invested. this could be a model employed over and over. i think hollywood is looking at us as sort of a guinea pig. veronica, honey, could i see you in the kitchen? this show is over. we ve been off the air for years now. six years. to be exact. the veronica mars tv show lasted just three seasons and ended in 2007. we ve got something that was a cult hit. a cult hit with fans now willing to pay for more than just a ticket for the chance to see their show up on the big screen. some more than 49,000 have already contributed to the campaign, it still has 28 days to go but beyond veronica mars this kickstarter thing is exciting because you can fund all of these independent projects. pretty cool. i like it. that s great. coming up, a powerful new voice in the debate over striking a balance between your career and your family. woman who rose to the top of wall street opens up about her regrets in an exclusive interview. why sleeping on the job is now a good thing. we ll try out this pod that lets you nap at the office. an idea whose time has come. first this is today on nbc. te coming up, justin peeber s recent outburst that have parents of his young fans concerned. and new trend better after l news. oh, who doesn t want that? ohh, i lost count. what cha doing, richard? how does grandpa do it? do what, richard? how does he get so many strawberries in a jar? you ll figure it out. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that if you want jam to taste irresistible it has to be packed with lots of delicious fruit. i don t even know how he gets peaches in there. [ male announcer ] for five generations, with a name like smucker s, it has to be good. you re always on, so we re always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we ll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it s gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don t have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. from the effects of acid erosion. listen up. every year hundreds of promising cancer studies go unfunded. let s make sure that no research is silenced. let s make noise. and let s help the american cancer society finish the fight. one year ago tomorrow, lasse sierra lamar disappeared. we had a chance to talk to her mother who says no one is giving up. there hasn t been anything to indicate. her body hasn t been found. as far as i am concerned, i, as a parent, i am not giving up. there is no real resolution at this point. two separate events will be going on to honor her. there will be a balloon release in morgan hill. at 1:00 in fremont, there will be a fund-raiser. christina loren, looks like nice weather. we are going to see some comfortable temperatures. a live look over oakland. gorgeous start to the day. a really nice day. beautiful sunset on the way at 7:30. 46 degrees to start in livermore. 45 degrees in sunnyvale. you are at 45 in napa. comfortable conditions. not too cold. by noon, upper 60s. low 70s. we are going to wrap up the day at 75 degrees. here in san jose, comfortable weekend. this is the rush-hour drive through the south bay. underneath the 887 interchange. on the maps, we don t have the beautiful sunrise but we do have the red to illustrate that section. 87 and 101, minor slowing. typical congestion at 85, turns green again. speeds close to the limits. we are looking southbound 880 coming out of hayward and in towards fremont. smooth drive. speeds in the upper 50s. lights on. minor backup at the bay bridge. smooth incline and freeway. back to you. thank you very much. another local update in one half hour from now. in the meantime, the today show rolls on. hope to see you later. it s kind of a show band. okay. not the orange? this isn t the orange marching band. they are from kir sues, syracuse, university. they are called 7:30 on this friday morning, the 15th of march 2013, that was the scene yesterday on our plaza. we had a surprise appearance by this band and now fast forward 24 hours. that s right, you do not try to trump the folks at vcu, syracuse did well yesterday. the folks at vcu i believe part of the atlantic 10 actually rented a double-decker bus and brought their band to our plaza this morning, and actually, al, who was the friend of syracuse yesterday, was now among the faithful of vcu, al? that s right. these are the vcu showband and they are going to be taking to the big ten, the big east tournament later today, as they are up here and they are ready to play. i don t know what s going to happen on monday, but i can tell you, yeah, this is how they roll! think we have mayor started something. honestly, we did not plan this. this bus rolled up and we noticed it four minutes ago. come on, ohio university, you can get yours here in time for monday. my alma mater. university of arizona, are we really going to start this? al, thanks very much. we ll check those guys out in a little while. also coming up in this half hour. a special pod being installed in a growing number of offices around the country so employees can actually take a little bit of a nap during business hours. unless there s a marching band. unless there s a marching band. that s right. coming up, why it could hold the key to your most productive day of the work week ever. erica hill, you are not the first person in that pod. just saying. also ahead. justin bieber lashing out at critics of his recent behavior. he has a lot of fans talking. we will check in on that. what did you register for when you got married, china, pots, pans? a coffee pot? what about a fish tank or car parts? we will show you how some couples are taking things to a whole new level. let s begin with more fuel in the heated debate over work and family, dropped by one of the big power players on wall street. in a moving op-ed in the new york times former lehman brothers cfo erin callan opens up the regret she feels for putting her career ahead of her personal life, the opposite of what you re hearing from other top women in business right now. nbc ann curry spoke with calan exclusively. reporter: erin callan is a surprising new voice in the growing national discussion about women at work. lean in. take a seat at the table. tell people you want to lead, whatever it might be but just be aware of what may come from that. reporter: she was one once one of the most powerful women on wall street. cfo of lehman brothers. she completely disappeared from the public eye after the bank s demise and says she still can t discuss it for legal reasons. in this exclusive interview she s adding her voice to the ideas of sheryl sandberg like in this piece. do not lean back, lean in. put your foot on that gas pedal and keep it there until the day you have to make a decision, and then make a decision. reporter: was there something in the message that sheryl sandberg was sending out that sparked you to want to speak out now? yes, and also in terms of some of the reaction to that message, and i would probably look at myself as someone who lived that message, and i did achieve great success in my career. i m just trying to provide a bit of what i ll call a warning label that, hey, there s something else to think about as you re leaning in, so to speak. reporter: you have leaned in. i leaned in far, very far. i had many young women over time that i ve tried to give advice to, guidance to, and i would always be very honest and say don t do it like me. reporter: you mentioned consequences. what are they? a lot of things during my career that i missed out on, you know? events, relationships with people, birthday parties, just spending time with friends and family and enjoying it, and enjoying myself. there was a big thing i missed out on which is i didn t have children. didn t have children. reporter: now 47, erin callan is trying to have children and offering a life lesson she wishes someone had offered her. i wanted to be a little bit sort of a cautionary tale, like you can achieve, you can accomplish, you can have an amazing career with great success, even in a male dominated field that i did, but be careful what you wish for and the choices that you make. that was ann curry reporting. you can see more of ann s story on rock center with brian williams tonight 10:00/9:00 central time here on nbc. so much discussion it seems in the last couple months about this difficulty people are having, men and women, in finding balance between work and life. and it actually new research shows this is not a problem exclusive to women. lot of dads are confessing to feeling some guilt about not spending enough time at home. we ll have results of the research to talk about. almost 50% of fathers say they feel guilty not spending enough time with their children so they ll talk about how you could perhaps alleviate that guilt. we head outside to al and his band for a check of the weather. actually the band had to leave and i misspoke, the vcu peppers are from the atlantic ten, the atlantic ten so not the big east, atlantic ten. let s take a look at your weather as we look ahead for today. look at these temperatures, afternoon temperatures, teens and 20s in the northern plains but look at how hot it s going to be in the mid plains from texas into oklahoma, kansas, temperatures will be in the 80s and 90s, even the 70s. sadly though in the same area is where we re looking at extreme to exceptional drought. we re already starting the warm weather season way behind as far as the drought is concerned, so this does not look like another good year, hopefully not as bad as last year but it s on track to be that way. clipper bringing snow from the dakotas into upstate new york. record highs in the center of the country, beautiful weather along the mid-atlantic coast. rip currents continue along the east coast of florida and gorgeous day aening 7:36. taking a live look over san francisco. really cool picture here. you can actually see the sun breaking through the clouds and shining a spotlight on the trance america pyramid. aeautiful day shaping up. as we head throughout the day. 75 degrees on the way. happy friday, livermore. 75 in santa teresa and 78 for gilroy. meanwhile, along the coast, a little bit cooler. 69 in san francisco. 70 in oakland today. getting into the weekend, comfortable and we need the rain. on its way tuesday into wednesday of next week. and a good group of kids, kids who care incorporated, musical theater in ft. worth, thank you for coming down. nice to see you guys. all right, let s head back inside with savannah. all right, al, thanks. teen superstar justin bieber is in the headlines after responding to some recent criticism about his behavior. nbc s mara schiavocampo has more. in the last few months the 19-year-old s squeaky clean image has taken a hit. let me talk to you, if i was your boyfriend, i d never let you go are a rough few months of negative press, 19-year-old justin bieber had a lengthy instagram rant, everyone in my team has been telling me keep the press happy but i m tired of all the lies in the countless press right now. if anyone believes i need rehab that s their stupidity. a wild night in london after his 19th birthday sporting a gas mask, getting booed by fans for starting a concert two hours late and on stage health scare followed by a shirtless night at the hospital and a near scuffle with pop ra with paparazzi. i honestly don t care if you don t believe in me because i believe in me and look where that s gotten me so far. at 19 his behavior is not that untypical from your college freshmen. jen cortez worries about the impact his latest behavior could have on her 12-year-old daughter elizabeth. as a mom i m concerned, i m afraid that he will go slowly down a path that he won t get out of perhaps. his recent behavior has affected me a little, but it won t make me stop liking him. reporter: like bieber s fans, his critics are unlikely to go away but the pop star seems determined to persevere. i m human. i m gonna make mistake, i m gonna grow and get better from them. following his online rant, bieber performed a concert in madrid that went off without a hitch. he moves on to the rest of the european leg of his tour doing what he does best, performing. thank you so much. still ahead some of the most talented young people in the country, we ll introduce you to today s stars of tomorrow. up next, would a nap at work improve your productivity? erica hill says oh yes. choose university of phoenix.o our average class size is only 14 students. our financial tools help you make smart choices about how to pay for school. our faculty have, on average, over 16 years of field experiene. we ll help you build a personal career plan. we build programs based on what employers are looking for. our football team, is always undefeated. and leading companies are interested in our graduates. we ll even help you decorate your new office. ok. let s get to work. yeah, he s a liquid gold digger. babe how about you make me some of that velveeta cheesy broccoli soup i love so much? oh and you re so pretty. 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[ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective. so trusted. so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that s beautiful. neutrogena®. we re back now at :43, it s note a secret. lot of americans struggle to get enough sleep and now some businesses think they may have come up with the answer. it is the office nap. erica hill is here with a story that has my undivided attention. investigative journalism, making sure what i m talking about. this is the energy pod, a chair designed for the power nap. instead of the afternoon coffee or getting up for a walk you could find yourself catching a see s ta in this. i m refreshed! i finally found a way to sleep in my office! under the desk. eh? reporter: maybe george costanza was on to something. i lie on my back, tuck in the chair, i m invisible. reporter: in nationwide planning there are 20 workers and a nap room. we come up to the rejuvenation center to put a positive spin on it. people associate napping with laziness. reporter: james pushed this pocket of zen and company execs noticed a payoff, more productive, happier employees. as time goes on you will get used to it and 10 to 15 minutes will do you very well. the nap for me allows me to really approach the second half of the day with a lot more force. we all get sleepy in the midafternoon and it looks like our body clocks are winding down a little bit then. reporter: 43% of americans say they don t get enough zs, and while a power nap can t replace a solid night of rest, it certainly doesn t hurt. if you need an extra two hours sleep, getting half an hour is good, and it helps. reporter: enter the power nap. sleep makes us more productive, more creative, less stressed and much healthier and happier. reporter: arianna huffington has become a major sleep advocate. five years ago the huffington post founder and president fainted from exhaustion, ended up with stitches, a broken cheekbone and a new appreciation for rest. how i grew up, thinking that, you know, if you work around the clock, you re going to be more effective, and i realized that s not true. reporter: lack of sleep makes it harder to focus and to function. this is the one i like. reporter: so there are two nap rooms for the more than 400 workers in huffington s new york office with a third on the way. 20 minutes off the computer, on the couch, makes all the difference in the world to me. i firmly believe that napping breaks will become the new coffee break. to make the most of your nap time, do it in a cool, dark room and limit yourself to 20 or 30 minutes, otherwise your sleep is too deep. this is a very high-end solution, these range between $8,900 and over $12,000. whoa. it can really relax you but if you re going to the cool, dark room the first company we went to with 20 people the employees banded together, painted the room themselves, somebody donated that recliner and that works perfectly, too. does this fully recline? yes. i think you can put sound on. music in it, that s right. i like the storm trooper look. it is cool. very nice. they give the nobel prize out for the wrong thing. this is what you give out the nobel prize for. there s a little collider in there. coming up, the wedding registry gets an extreme makeover. hub cabs anyone? right after this. how do we take an unpolished room and make it shine? we get doing. .with a store full of ways to get it done. we can all throw on our work clothes. .and throw out any doubt. because right now s the time to take those rooms from. . think i can do this? to. . let me show you what i just did. more saving. more doing. that s the power of the home depot. outsmart your budget with this pergo presto flooring, just $1.88 a square foot. nah, i m good. [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. that s why we removed high fructose corn syrup from yoplait light and original. anything else we can do, let us know. but let s keep it to yogurt because we shouldn t really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good. [ kids ] yeah! ok. if you saved enough money, what would you do with it? i would buy an island made out of candy. an island made out of candy? it would be like sand full of sugar. sand full of sugar? the water could be made out of like soda, and when you take a shower it could be made out of like hot fudge. ooooo. what about the animals? what would they be made out of? um, i m assuming they d be made out of candy? [ male announcer ] it s not complicated. saving is better. switch to at&t and your family can save up to 100 dollars a month with mobile share. like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. freshly prepared by real cooks. t-5.4. taste why fresh is better. 3. and now for a limited time 2.1. you can try an 8-piece meal, 2 large sides and 4 biscuits all for just $15.99. [ man ] mission accomplished. introducing nexxus youth renewal. now, visibly combat 8 signs of aging hair. our breakthrough nexxus youth renewal elixir replenishes and revitalizes. for vibrant, youthful-looking hair in 7 days. [ woman ] now, timeless beauty lives on. [ male announcer ] combat 8 signs of aging hair. nexxus youth renewal. raise your standard. and when the daylight comes i ll have to go wedding registries are traditional as weddings themselves. couples are now asking things far from the norm. jenna wolfe joins us. you me, not married, that was english. picking out the perfect gift the easiest way is off the registry, china, glassware, maybe a juicer if you re adventurous. these days more couples are thinking way, way outside the box. stick a car part, any car part, windows, wipers, dashboards or doors, all part of a new kind of wish list for the happy couple. it s kind of crazy. very crazy. reporter: crazy or not, brandi and michael said why not when they saw this dodge dart commercial. a website that works like a wedding rental stree but for a car. reporter: a few clicks later the car went to the registry. your best friend will logon and maybe buy you a steering wheel and maybe a friend buy you the muffler and they put the parts together? you start with the basic car, you pick the color and the features like fog lights or steering wheel and it starts racking up your price. reporter: if racking up wedding wheels isn t your thing not to worry, you can dream big. these days it s a brave new world when it comes to wedding registries and brave as in just about anything s possible. now the flood gates are open, you can add absolutely anything from any store on the planet. reporter: ditch the dishes. good-bye glassware and say ciao to the china. bucking tradition is gaining traction and nancy lee of sees it all. we see robots, fish tanks and things that traditionally anybody would look at it and say whoa that s whacky for a bridal registry. the robot and the fish tank which doubles for a toilet. kegerator beer keg, a submarine or think really big like a private island. whacky wedding registries are not a passing fad. one couple s whacky is another couple s desires. reporter: as for michael and brandy the big day is a few months down the road and on the road is exactly where they d like to be. kind of neat. yeah. reporter: build your own car and your friends pay for it. it s awesome. one of the hottest trends is good old-fashioned cash, it s easy, practical and a piece of cake to wrap. there s not many choices. i like the car idea. i like that a lot. coming up, today s stars of tomorrow but first a check of your local news. i got it made i got it made fresh at subway® breakfast made the way i say i got it made, i got it made i got it made i got it made fresh at subway® breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] get breakfast made the way you say. like your very own sunrise subway melt™ with turkey, bacon and black forest ham. want chipotle southwest sauce, toasty flatbread? you so got it made. at subway® at the petsmart spring savings sale. save up to 25% on thousands of items, and save up to $4 on nature s recipe® dog food bags. plus, get 8 cans of nature s recipe® dog food for just $12! at petsmart®. [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like 8 grams of whole grains in quaker chewy bars. today is going to be epic. quaker up. i m still claritin clear ! i ve been claritin clear for 12 days ! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one clinically-proven claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days ! 17 days ! i m still claritin clear ! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. take the claritin clear challenge: get continuous, non-drowsy allergy relief or your money back. go to for details. ( birds chirping ) exceptionally smooth with a harmonious blend of flavor and aroma. green mountain coffee for your keurig brewer. brew a better day. it is 7:56. good morning. i m jon kelley. san francisco police involved in a confrontation with a suspect. it happened earlier this morning. somebody vandalized a taxi cab near jackson and buchanon. that person jumped into the driver s seat and drove off with the cap. the suspect reportedly rammed their police car. that driver was able to take off but was later found near fort mason. at this hour, no word if the officer or the driver were injured. we would like to call it feel-good friday around here. christina loren adding some good vibrations with another beautiful forecast. really, a feel good friday. a beautiful day shaping up. i want to show you this live picture as the tranceamerica pyramid illuminated by a break of sun. it is also partly to mostly cloudy. 75 for livermore. high pressure still in control. 74, san jose. 69 degrees today in san francisco. we need the rain. yeah, our pattern is going to change if we head through tuesday and wednesday. we bring in the showers. we should clear up thursday. maybe picking up an inch of rain in the north bay. good morning. it looks bad. this is oakland. so folks familiar with the travel past the coliseum on the northbound side, it is not really that bad. it is a little slow from san leandro past the coliseum. the map shows you the same situation for the same zone for 580. this is about as bad as it is probably going to get over the next half hour to 45 minutes. we will see traffic start to ease up again if it is a friday pattern. east shore, a nice drive. the toll plaza metering lights are on. the fast-track doesn t have a problem. they may turn the metering lights off. it looks smooth. we will have another local update one half hour from now. enjoy your weekend! i ll talk to you soon. we re back now, 8:00 on a friday morning, it s the 15th day of march, 2013. we ve still got the music behind us from the vcu band of the atlantic ten. they rented a bus and they re back with us here on the plaza, we re listening to the music and the energy, good to have them with us out on the plaza, i m matt lauer along with savannah guthrie and al roker. i can t hear you. we ll have the battle of the bands i think. that would be great. i like it. i really do, i think it s great. we should invite all the bands from all the universities to stop by one day, only let s do it one day at a time. exactly. coming up in this half hour, in the last half hour we heard from a top wall street executive, a former wall street executive who was talking about the difficulty of balancing life and work, not just an issue that women deal with. more and more men are saying that they are feeling daddy guilt, about 50% of fathers say they don t spend enough time with their children. what can you do about it if you re feeling it? we are devoting our entire 8:30 half hour to today s stars of tomorrow. we put out the call for the best talent in the nation in the under 15 set and boy did you answer. we have a painter, musician, a baker. we ll meet all of them, coming up. and from what s hot on tv to the hottest fashions, the hottest movies, everything you need to know to get ready for your weekend with what s new, what s up, what s in, and let me just take back something i said a second ago i m not sure we should have a band here every day, or if we do, we should have a volume control. i think every day. i love this! thanks to vcu. let s go inside. tamron hall is at the news desk while natalie is at the vatican. thank you, good morning everyone. passengers from two separate carnival cruise line ships are having their vacations disrupted. the carnival legend is skipping its scheduled stop in grand cayman and heading back to its port of tampa because of what carnival calls a technical issue affecting the ship s sailing speed. and thursday dream passengers learned they d be flying, not driving, after triumph was stranded for five days out in the gulf of mexico. we re getting a look at pope francis meeting with the college of cardinals including the men who cast votes at the conclave and senior members who were too old to vote. we a brief stumble while rising from his seat. pope francis urged the cardinals never to give in to pessimism, to that bitterness that the devil places before us every day. the state of michigan has hired an emergency manager to troilt from the brink of financial collapse. kevin orr is a financial expert who worked on the chrysler turn around. detroit has more than $14 billion in long-term debt. detroit is the largest city in the country to fall under state financial oversight. a reuters journalist is facing charges he conspired with hackers to face a story on los angeles times website. matthew keys is accused of providing hacking anonymous with login information to the company s computer system in 2010. the tribune company owns the l.a. times and sacramento tv station that fired keys months before the alleged incident. reuters is not commenting on keys current employment status but the 26-year-old tweeted last night that he s fine and will be back to business on friday. for a look at what s trending today what has you talking online, facebook may be turning to hashtags in its escalating rivalry with twitter. the network will reportedly roll out hashtags made popular on twitter. hashtags provide a way to group messages around a common theme or topic. duchess of cambridge kate middleton s nose is a top search on women paying as much as $7,000 to have their own version of the royal nose, they find it regal, refined and strong, not upturned and pinched like a pop star. and seeing is believing, yes, take a look. that is a dog in pink, pretty in pink should i say. this video from china takes the online walking dog craze to an amusing or some of you might think disturbing level. how long does that dog walk like that? it is 8:05, back to matt, savannah and al. what do you think? that s cute. we have something truly extraordinary this morning, do we not? now that we ve got a new pope in rome and that installation mass will be tuesday we have some guy who claims he was the first runner up in the voting right here. and next to him is the second runner up. and third. and sister congeniality. that s great. sorry it didn t work out for you but it s good to have you here. home of the cardinals. exclusive to everybody. mr. roker? so much for the secrecy of the conclave. it s all been blown unfortunately. all right, that s what s going on the country. here s what s happ 8:05 now taking a live look at live clouds. just a beautiful green shot of the rolling hills here. and st. patrick s day weekend, so very fitting. today, 74 in san jose. 69 in san francisco. 70 degrees in oakland this weekend. holding on to the 70s. that will continue into monday and then the rain arrives tuesday into wednesday. temperatures drop off. we should clear you out, though, by late thursday. hope you have a great weekend. and that s your latest weather. all right, al, thank you so much. coming up next, daddy guilt on the rise, why more men are struggling with that work life balance. and then today s top clicks the hottest online videos of the week and the stars of tomorrow show off their fourth down coach, what do we do? tell you what we. i want you to go out on the field and look for anything with an o . we will win this for mother russia! coach, eat a snickers®. why s that, chief? you get a little loopy when you re hungry. better? better. now let s go for it! [ male announcer ] you re not you when you re hungry®. snickers® satisfies. [ male announcer ] you re not you when you re hungry®. attention. uh, everybody can i get your attention please? right now two out of three people are surviving cancer. we shouldn t be silent until that s three out of three. let s help the american cancer society finish the fight. come on. [ telephone rings ] hello. [ man ] jen, there are a lot of beauty brands that want you to represent them. really, who? no. they add too much fragrance. no, they make you wear pink. are you kidding? no. nah. [ telephone rings ] no. not my style. no. [ cellphone rings ] [ man ] you might like this one. aveeno®. aveeno®. let me think about it. [ male announcer ] the beautiful jennifer aniston now for aveeno®. triple berry, and strawberry shortcake coffees? it s beginning to taste a lot like spring. try dunkin donuts spring flavors. pick some up where you buy groceries before they re gone. america runs on dunkin . you re always on, so we re always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we ll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. you see the mini ion my chest? funny, yes? no. i m huge. flavor? i m bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. [ male announcer ] the machines are on the move. they re curious. because they ve heard that there are new machines brilliant ones and they re coming to see for themselves. machines with the technology, the scale and the ability to communicate to make the world work better. and now all the machines want in. 8:09, there s been a lot of talk about women and the struggle to have it all but new research shows that more and more men are wrestling with that as well and it s leading to a dramatic change in the family dynamic. you want a relay huh? the all-american family of the past, dad goes to work and mom stays home and raises the kids. bye, dear. back then, everyone seemed balanced and happy. what s for dinner? enter mr. mom. last night i asked joe to put his shoes away. he told me you have arms, do it yourself. reporter: now more and more moms in the workplace, traditional gender roles are converging acording to a new pew research report. in terms of the roles of moms and dads at work and at home, we do see a convergence, dads taking on more housework and child care responsibilities. reporter: and dads are now getting a taste of the struggle over work/life balance. nearly 50% of fathers reported having difficulty finding the right mix. and then there s daddy guilt, while only 23% of moms say they re not spending enough time with their kids, 46% of dads want more time at home. frankly, in the impact surveys, dads don t always even get asked these questions. it s usually how are moms managing it all, but dads expressed in our survey it s not easy for them to juggle these things. so what s a guilt-ridden dad to do? hal runkel is author of scream free parenting and therapist, and go the blank to sleep and chris, good morning, nice to see you. father, father, father, correct. 43% of dads feeling guilt they re not spending enough time with their children. should we be guilty? i don t think guilt is the right response. you should be feeling conflict. women have been feeling conflict for a long time saying hey well now you get to feel what we ve been feeling for a long time. how do you think it would compare if the survey were taken 20 years ago? i think the bar is set low for fathers. if i go out in public with my kid and she happens to be wearing watching socks i m father of the year, i get free parenting advice from strangers on the street. mothers there s a high level of confidence expected from the public. we have to overcome the bumbling father. if you re a dad and feeling guilty should you tell your kids, should you express it to your kids or is that something you keep private? i don t think you can keep it private. i think it shows through your actions. i think feeling guilty is just another way of improving yourself, making yourself work harder, and being a better dad. when you deal with dads, do you encourage them to express it or do you think it hurts the family dynamic and how do the kids feel about it in. i ll tell you a story, i travel for a living so i missed a recital and i asked my daughter and told her, you know what, i m sorry i missed it, i wish i could have been there. she s like what? i wish i no, you don t, you chose to be at work. don t you tell us to take responsibility for our own decisions? yes. so you chose to be at work. i m not upset about that but own up to your own choices. sometimes it s not we choose to be at work, we have to be at work. i think it s still a choice. i think the key is that when you are there you ve got to be fully present. my daughter certainly tells me when i am splitting my attention between her and my cell phone and my computer. i might not be there all the time, i might be on the road but when i am there i try to let her know that it s about connecting. and i think that we are, society expects dads to keep the same role that we had 20 years ago of always working, working, working, and when we take that extra step to be there, to be more active and i think it s more surprising and so we know where we might be just dads just every day we re trying to do that extra step. and adam makes a good point. what i found in my life is that it takes very little time to make a big difference in terms of them thinking you are right there with them. but if you re motivated by guilt then it s harder to fully be present. guilt is a good motivation to get things started but it s not a lasting motivation. we re talking about conflict, you re trying to do a lot of great things with a finite resource, time. you re going to experience conflict. if you feel guilty because you haven t spent enough time, fine. if you re feeling conflict because you re trying to do great things with a finite resource, welcome to adulthood. clear subject on the minds of half the fathers in the country. thanks, guys, appreciate it. coming up, what s new, what s up, necessawhat he s in hottest lines for the spring. so let s break down this play. charles? uh, charles couldn t make it. his single miles card blacked him out here and here. he should have used. the capital one venture card. he s coming to us from home. hey fellas. hey baby, you want mama to iron your undies? nice tightie whities. i didn t know mrs. barkley made quilts. really? looks like a circus tent. is that the best you got? now if you put this, with this, you have a sailboat. what s in your wallet? you have a sailboat. you ll really dig the savings at the petsmart spring savings sale. save up to 25% on thousands of items, and save $3 on nutro® natural choice® dog food. at petsmart®. happiness in store.™ the cheese judges awarded cracker barrel a gold for cheddar. after tasting wheels, wedges, and bricks of cheese. our rich, full flavor was considered. the champion of cheese. cracker barrel. it s cheddar, perfected. yeah we both relieve coughs, sneezing, aches, fevers. and i relieve nasal congestion. overachiever. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn t. i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it s so safe, right? yeah. yeah. i know what you ve heard iihs top safety pick for $159 a month but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can t have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone s going to want one. let s get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there s no better time to get a jetta. that s the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. back now at 8:17 with what s new, what s up and what s in. everything you need to get ready for the weekend from our team of folks in the know. let s kick things off with what s new in the world of entertainment. ramin, good to see you. good morning, matt. we have a lot of childhood stars growing up and we start with abigail breslin in the call over the weekend. she was 10 when she was nominated for little miss sunshine. she s 16 now and plays a high school teenager who goes to the mall and gets abducted by this weirdo creepy creek and halle berry is on the other end of the 911 line and it s a thriller. this is a big leap here a couple of disney stars, vanessa hudgens and selena gomez. this was explicit, almost rated nc-17, both women are in their 20s, trying to grow up, they go on spring break and meet james franco this gold toothed character but parents need to be cautioned because there s a lot of sex, nudity, drug use and violence. how do you think the audience will feel about the leap the two ladies are making? i think audiences should stay home and see their next press. elsa fanning, sister of dakota fanning, a new movie coming out. she was in we bought a zoo and playing a london teenager coming of story in limited release. savannah? what s up, jennifer paros is a reporter for us weekly. good to see you.. miley cyrus and liam hemsworth, getting married but trouble in paradise? they might be on the rocks. liam was spotted in australia last week, miley spotted without her engagement twice as well last week. nothing confirmed yet. obviously something is going on since people are talking about it but of course we re hoping this pair works. good news for michael buble, expect ant father. expecting a baby boy with his wife, just about to celebrate their two-year anniversary. funny they found out they were having a baby the day pope francis was announced and his wife is argentinean. great week. new pope, new baby, exciting stuff. fans of jersey shore rejoice there is a reunion coming. it s nice to see the reunion isn t for them to party it up, it s actually to thank volunteers helping out in rebuilding from hurricane sandy so they ll have a huge concert in atlantic city so it should be fun, seaside heights, definitely a place this group met and fell in love with each other and became famous so obviously was a hard-hit area of the jersey shore. the shore put them on the map, good for them to repay the favor. this next one i m fascinated by, robert redford a new documentary where he revisits all the presidents men. a huge hit from the 1970s and should be interesting to see that he s coming out with the two-hour documentary, jon stewart, tom brokaw, lists of 25 other people who are participating in this. pretty cool. how did justin timberlake week go on fallon? timberweek great success. it was the first time ever he appeared five times on any late night show so happy for justin timberlake. he has had a huge year so far. jennifer paris from us weekly good to have you. here s tamron. finally what s in and trending in the world of fashion and beauty, lori bergamato good morning. good morning. florals are the hot thing for spring. everything is blooming florals, tamron. we have a dress, head to toe floral, that s from maggie london and just use it as an accent to lighten up your spring wardrobe, h&m, loft, the gap, affordable, accessible places, pair it with some neutral. my favorite color green is in. green is the color of the year but not just emerald green, it s mint and hunter greens, not just for st. patrick s day. all season long, so we have a bag from kohl s, $35, charming charley and even jewelry which is huge. everybody at lucky and here at today was going nuts over this watch, it s from shop op, under $100. you can get fun, adordable things, that mint cuff under $30 at bauble bar. you are wearing an ankle strap. i wanted to dispel the fashion myth that ankle straps make you look hot. you want it less than an inch, banana republic, the ankle stress is less than an inch. and makeup? all about a hot bright pink lip, find them at the drugstore, that s sephora and brightens everything up. guys over to you. tamron thank you. top clicks, you vote for your favorite viral video of the week. willie, what do you have today? the reigning champ being mentioned in the same breath as the great yankee team, bill russell s celtic dynasty, march madden, ucla team under john wooden for a fourth week in a row it is gangnam, baby. you see why it s still there, it never gets old. baby amiah dominating and for the past month the question is, can she be dethroned? i don t see anything on the horizon. i ve been looking through the notes. here are the challengers this week, 24-year-old alex permin, thought he d won $50,000 at the missouri valley conference basketball tournament p a lay-up, free-throw, three-pointer and half court shot in the space of 24 seconds. he makes the lay-up, makes the free-throw but you notice he skipped the three-pointer, goes right to half court. you heard somebody yell what about the three. boom. he celebrates, the officials say wait a minute you didn t take the three-pointer no dice. truth is he wouldn t have time to make all four shots but the conference will let him come back for life to that tournament as a fan. okay. but it s a feel bad story so i don t think it can knock off the kid. what else you got? this is the only one that has a shot, beckham, an online sensation for snoring like a duck. not just any duck but donald duck. do we think they augmented the audio? i m nervous about that. i m glad you re the one who said it. i m always the cynic. just wondering. you bring the dog in and re-enact it? how do you find it out? can you win the contest when you shoot a video that badly? come on, you got to widen that out. all right, mr. cranky pants. you think it s a fraud. i didn t say it was a fraud. you implied. film critic here. click number four he was here in our studio wednesday, michael poll ac, of the sensational vanderbilt university a freshman who bravely asked his idol, billy joel if he could join him on stage and play. i was wondering if i could play with you. okay. i m in a new york state of mind wow. that kid is great. all over the web this week so here are your choices, gangnam baby, basketball hit and miss, the snoring dog a billy joel dream come good morning to you. it s 8:26. a former san francisco crime lab technician accused of stealing cocaine is expected to change her plea today. she is expected to plead guilty today to a lesser charge of misdemeanor cocaine possession. both trials previously ended in hung juries. arrests in 2010 forced the district attorney to drop hundreds of cases. let s check the morning commute now with mike on this friday. it looks horrible. but, really, this is the peak of the commute through this corridor. the match will show you, both 885 and 580 just starting to ease as they hit their peak just after 8:15 this morning. we re seeing speeds start to ease now. the metering lights have been turned off at the bay bridge toll plaza. towards 680, we had a stall in lanes north of highway 884. things have just cleared and cleared as far as those speeds go, as well. south 880 through fremont, a typical flow of traffic south of the dumb bow. northbound, easing up a bit into this morning s commute. 87, they just cleared. thank you very much and thank you for joining us, as well. we ll have another local news update for you. :30 now on this friday morning, it is the 15th of march, 2013 and who could forget that, that is the terrifying scene that played out live on today in 2008, dare devil nick walenda high above the streets of newark, new jersey, setting the world record for the longest and highest bike ride on a high wire. he ll announce his next death-defying stunt he has planned. the band just struck up in the plaza, you asked for it, you got it, al roker, tamron hall in for natalie morales and matt lauer with us. we look forward to hearing what nick has up his sleeve. no question. and up our sleeve for the next half hour today s stars of tomorrow, we ll dedicate the whole half hour to some of the best talent out there. we asked to you contact us and send us information about your favorite young artists out there and boy did you respond. our stars age in range from 10 to 16, their skills cover everything from baking to fashion design. they re going to show us what they can do in just a moment. first let s take a look at some of our favorite stars of tomorrow entries. we were blown away by all the talent, hua hoops, puppets. painters, and pint-sized athletes. with moves like jagger to the modern day mick jagger, an overwhelming number of submissions. wannabe singing stars. don t stop believing. reporter: covers of piano man. sing us the song you re the piano man. reporter: adele, pink. all talented kids reaching for the stars. and somebody watched every single submission. not us, though, we re going to watch the top four, coming up. that s right. okay, let s get a check of the weather. yes. it s that time. let s go down to miami, it s chilly here. let s head down to miami, shall we? that looks nice our friends from wtvj showing us how nice it is down there in miami beach. remember jackie gleason in come on up ? as far as your weather our pick city happens to be savannah, georgia, for savannah guthrie, wsaz news channel 3, they got a big st. patrick s day parade coming up there. speaking of st. patrick s day look at the difference in minneapolis a year ago it was 80 degrees. this year it will be 28 degrees, a 52-degree difference, and in chicago, it was 82 degrees a year ago. this year 33, almost 50 degrees below normal from what they had last year. check out what s happening as far as today s weather is concerned, clipper bringing snow across the great lakes on into new england. look for rain in the pacific northwest, record highs in the central plains, plenty of sunshine along the gulf coast, rip currents along the eastern coast 8:33. you made it to friday. taking a live look over a hazy sky over san jose. happy to report we re still until the good air quality department and that will be the case all weekend long. beautiful conditions, beautiful temperatures. you won t notice the winds picking up today, mostly between 60 1k3 75 degrees. liver motor, 75 today. na napa, weekend looks great. not getting outdoors inspect check out the giants. right here, 3:00 p.m. nbc bay area. got some nice friends from chicago, what s your name? isma. zurek. rihanna. having a good time in new york? yes. to savannah guthrie. coming up our very first star of tomorrow but first this is today on nbc. we re back now 8:36 with a kick off of today s stars of tomorrow. we searched the country for young talent and we were overwhelmed by the response. our first finalist is maria sarah from indiana, just 14 years old. she sings, writes her own lyrics and music, plays the piano, mandolin and guitar. good morning. good morning. i understand you were a baby in a baby seat and belting out songs back then. i started singing when i was 2. do you still get nervous when you perform or are you kind of an old pro? sometimes i do but i think it s a lot of fun. i mention you write your own music and lyrics. the song is called broken dreams so what is that about? it s about the japan tsunami and it s called broken dreams. i can t wait to hear it. you re a delightful young lady. ladies and gentlemen, maria sarah. longing for the window it s singing about life wishing things were new that they need the same everything washed away she s got to find strength to live again, asking where does she begin her world has changed, in a moment it all changed she ain t got no time for faces or throwing coins in a wishing well she s picking up the pieces all she has now is her memories of what used to be she s picking up the pieces of a broken dream, of a broken dream now it comes rolling in, it can t be real, it has to end the reality is agony she ain t got no time for faces or throwing coins in a wishing well she s picking up the pieces of a broken dream, of a broken dream [ applause ] way to go, maria. that was beautiful. thank you. fantastic. i know you live in indiana, i think i mentioned that. yes. but you take trips once a month go down to nashville? i do vocal lessons, i recorded my first album there. it s a lot of fun. what is your dream? to be successful in music to be happy and to make other people happy with my music. you re well on your way. maria, great to meet you. thank you so much, maria sarah. up next a talented 10-year-old painter gets his chance to shine but first this is today on nbc. back at 8:42 with more of today s stars of tomorrow. our next finalist found his gift at an exceptionally young age. he s just 10 years old. and today contributing correspondent jenna bush hager got a preview. i did, good morning josh and savannah. josh doesn t sing or dance, he paints. i recently caught up with the young artist at his home studio in massachusetts. a lighthouse may just be a lighthouse to most of us. but to josh chase, it s an inspiring seascape. paths of color made with a small hand and a big imagination. well, one thing about painting is to do the brush stroke you need to pretend you re a giant reaching in. reporter: the 10-year-old boston native began painting only nine months ago. this would be good for the bathroom. i asked if i could paint at home with my mom. she said i couldn t paint anywhere with carpet and my house has a lot of carpet. so. reporter: he takes an art lesson once a week and works entirely in oils. josh, tell me when you first realized you loved art. well, i like arts and crafts. i really don t know, i bet it was when i was little in preschool. reporter: his first masterpiece, a gift to his dad, philip, for father s day. i was just really amazed. my grandpa, when he saw it, he thought it was a paint by numbers. he thought it was a paint by number? yeah. what did you tell him? i told him it s not, it was just a blank canvas. from van gogh to monet he s inspired by the masters, but a true inspiration 80 years his senior. did you find that picture somewhere else and decided you wanted to recreate it? it was in a book of ray allen s paintings and i thought it was cool. if you could meet any artist in the world who would you want to meet? raelis. raelis is known around the world for his beautiful depictions of nature, 91 years young he paints from his home in martha s vinyard. you have a ton of brushes. ray and josh met this week for the first time at ray s studio. i think it s remarkable what he s done with oil painting at 10 years old. reporter: two painters, decades apart, brought to the by their love of the art. when you squint your eyes at it, it s sort of a light blue, right? i was lucky enough to get a short lesson from josh and i ll tell you oil painting is very unforgiving, it s tough. it is and josh chase is here. we are so impressed. why did you decide to start painting and to figure out you re pretty good at it? yes, i decided painting because i like a lot of different arts and crafts and i thought painting would be fun and i found oil paints and started doing them and i really like them. we have a bunch here. is there one that s your favorite that you want to show us? yeah, i like this one, my brother. it looks just like your brother, i have to say. yeah. it s not as good close up but farther back it s good. looks good to us. was it pretty cool to meet your hero, ray ellis? it was fun, his studio is cool and his paintings are awesome. this one you re inspired by ray ellis with this one. this is my first one so i was looking through books. i didn t really know a lot of the painters, and then i saw this one and i thought the trees in the background were cool and the house and the little person in the yard. this is the one you gave to your dad, right? yeah. what did he say when he got it? he was amazed and then my grandpa saw it and he thought it was a paint-by-number. all talent. josh chase thank you so much. we re so impressed. good luck to you. okay. here s tamron. all right, savannah. most teen girls are worried about school, boys and their friends, but our next star of tomorrow is busy building a fashion empire, meet 16-year-old courtney allegra, here alongside very well established fashion designer rachel roy. good morning, ladies. good to see you. good morning. thank you. i m sporting one of courtney s designs, a vest and skirt. you have 50 pieces in your collection and started designing at the age of 12. yes. let me bring out some of your collection here. i instantly thought rihanna, funky, edgy, downtown. classy but at the same time fun. as you see the neon it s an a-line shape and it shows enough of your leg but also the balmer jacket is cropped so it s slimming and super cute. turn around in the bomber jacket, you have the name on the back of this jacket with the yellow. it s so cute. courtney allegra. where did you find your inspiration? i found my inspiration everywhere, traveling, different movies even. wow. and rachel, you ve been in the business a long time. i have. you started out young as well. not as this storied lady. what does she have? she has an idea and she implemented it and not many people do that. a lot of us have an idea but we re not willing to work it all the way through. so for her to take a sketch and then go find the fabric, and then find the pattern, and get it made. you know that just shows her dead significance and choosing a passion doesn t feel like work as much. how do you balance it with school and the other things that 16-year-olds do. you re a normal 16-year-old girl. i m busy, i have no social life anymore but i really love doing it so i m going to stick to it. it s your dedication and passion. what about her brand? how does she develop the courtney allegra brand? she s doing so well. we actually spent some time together yesterday and i really got to learn a lot more about her. but what i would say, and probably the best advise that i got when i first was starting out is to really have a point of view. to defend it. to define it. and to stick to it no matter what is going on. what trends are going on. really know who you re designing for. and what i love you already have e-commerce. she s got a website. she has her own website and you re always going to have a customer if you have your own website. you don t have to depend on others and that s key as well. that s great advice any person can take but especially kids out there. you re working on which collection now? i m working on, as you see the neon is spring and then the other two are pre-fall. oh, into pre-fall. congratulations. i love this outfit. thank you. it s rockin . thank you courtney and rachel. up next a star of tomorrow from the world of baking, yes, baking, but first, this is today on nbc. back at 8:50, 13-year-old lila patin, the creator of her own online cupcake business called lilja is here along with her mom, monica. good morning to you. good morning. how did you know you have this passion for baking? my grandma would bring treats when she came to visit and i wanted to make treats just like that so i developed a passion for baking. you re selling 30 dozen cupcakes a month. are you surprised at her success, monica? not at all, no. she is just a very driven child, we re very proud of her. a talented one. the first one is fascinating a mexicali jalapeno jelly with an avocado buttercream. yes. the afrivocado jelly is a recip you can put on cream cheese or crackers. you take the core and core the cupcake. you want to try it? i ll give it a try, pull that out like that. and squeeze that in. is this a sweet spicy thing? yes it s very savory. then you have your icing here. swirl that on like that. very nice just like that, and you ve got something that s perfect for st. patrick s day. the dubliner, it is a chocolate cup take with stout in it and then irish cream frosting. how did you come up with this combination? my dad, he s irish and he said you need to make a cupcake for all the irish people out there so i did. and monica you re okay with her handling beer and bailey s irish cream? yes, i buy all the ingredients for her. that s fantastic. that is really great. perfect for irish eyes, they ll be smiling. what s the last one? this is a lilja original, and it has a lemon buttercream, a vanilla cake and raspberry filling. are you hoping to be one of those cup take war type people open up your own cupcake shop? i m hoping to win cupcake wars. you want to be on cupcake wars. maybe they ll do cupcake wars jr. that would be awesome. you want to move and take baking courses? i want to focus more on business so if i ever do lose my passion for baking i can do another business. i don t see that happening. no. not with what you created, that is fantastic. hi, delicious. what is your favorite, what should we try? the lilja s, that s very good. monica, how difficult is it to have such a talented daughter in the kitchen? you feel a little competition there? no, because i ve never been a baker. works out. where did she get her baking talent from? i think my mom, definitely not from me. the family is supportive. her older brother and sister are the official taste testers and my husband and i are the delivery drivers. what s going to happen when she s doing 30 dozen cupcakes a month, if this explodes much bigger? we re hoping to get into a storefront, and congratulations to all of our stars of tomorrow. first let s take a friday flashback look at how our week unfolded here on today. all eyes are on the vatican this morning where the cardinals are just hours away from taking their first vote in the process of selecting the next pope. the black smoke signaling that the cardinals had taken two votes this morning as expected, and both votes were inconclusive. the surprise and thrilled reaction from catholics around the world with the election of the argentinean cardinal francis bore goal yo. a black hawk helicopter went down. bringing to a number of 12 american deaths in afghanistan. are you hopeful? sure, sure, more than hopeful, savannah, i have an intention to live each day s moment fully, like right now all there is is savannah and val. the amazing david copperfield showing us one of the illusions that made him a living legend. come on! magic monday on today. future today show host. so glad you made it all right. okay, suddenly not the coolest person anymore. oh! ooh! jirard butler welcome back, good to see you. and the duggars have taken over t is filled to capacity which is always is. woo-wee. some folks like to get away, take a holiday from the neighborhood playing before billy joel. we have nicole paluzzo, aka snooki. i got a chance to try out, my gosh it was crazy, a dream come true. this is going to be great. i like it! i do, too! good friday morning to you. the search has resumed for a scotts valley man. canine units will be used today to try to find 29-year-old matthew abraham. he was last seen at his home on doby lane. he recently suffered a head injury and they re worried. let s check the forecast now with meteorologist christina loren, and a nice day ahead. beautiful day and a beautiful weekend, which is great news because it s st. paddy s day on sunday. the parade is actually on saturday, so keep that in mind. 75 degrees. 67 at the coast. we need the rain at this point. it is on the way. tuesday into wednesday, most expected on wednesday. shop like a fashionista. today i got these amazing designer heels. save like a maxxinista. what to get rid of this time? designer brands at t.j. prices. t.j.maxx. welcome to today on this friday morning, march the 15th, 2013, it is the ides of march. pictures, the babies. we hope the ides of march turns out better for you an julius caesar. inside studio 1a i m willie geist along with al roker and prince s favorite tamron hall. what do you say that? it s a compliment. natalie morales is at the vatican. we re getting take three more joe biden, being biden, yesterday the white house launched a new series on its website an audio series called being biden which is a glimpse into the world of the vice president. basically what he s going to do is take a still photograph from time to time and explain it, give the back story, tell what he was thinking, who are the people in that photograph, his first one he says he wanted to give, start the audio series to give a closer look inside the life of the white house and the presidency, so we re going to get a lot of back story and a lot of joe biden. i can t get enough joe biden. you re biden s favorite anchor/meteorologist. yes he wrote a theme song for me. you want to hear it, here it goes. so what do you think, what is being biden? you know what? i think right now it s probably going to be kind of tame because vice president biden doesn t want to scare anybody but then i think as things go along and the white house stops paying attention he s going to let loose. we ll get the full biden which we hope looks something like this, remember from january? you ve got a million-dollar smile. there s a lot to smile about. i want you next to me, i want to you next to me. need any help working on your pecs, let me know. holy mackerel. holy mackerel! it was really off that clip that in january there was a formal petition posted to to give the vice president his own show, it was on parks and rec, the ideal man had the brains of george clooney and body of joe biden. i love the touch of the face that he does, rub the face. how did that go? there it is. doesn t feel the same, biden does it better. no, no, no. so more joe biden by popular demand. our take two, this is veronica mars movie on kickstarter, it s a film based on a tv show a few years ago that was canceled in 2007 after three seasons but has a big cult following so on the website kickstarter fans contributed $2 million in less than 12 hours. as of this morning, we re over $3 million and still with 28 more days to go. what do they get for that? kickstarter is not an investment. you re just backing it. in return you get things like a walk-on part in the film or kristen bell will kickstarter i have an account, a hair stylist focuses on women with alopecia, lost their hair in breast cancer treatment i made a donation and if she reaches her amount by that goal date my money goes to her but if she doesn t the money goes back to you. it gives people a chance to invest in the media and you can invest in movies. a lot of documentary films are made this way, iphone apps. it s my new favorite thing. i really like this. there s a place on the site to fund tamron s soundtrack for her show. wow, it all comes back to starts with prince and my mom used to do that, what is that buzzing here? buzz, buzz. go away. we worked that out, we ll move on to our take three. what have you got? a big one. talking men and lying. tamron we need you. men s health is breaking down men and their tendency to lie. the truth about lying, men come forward, men objectively lie more often than women. they found in this study of 1,092 average men knno we don t told 1,092 lies and most men think they know when their woman is lying. 63% are confident know when their wife or girlfriend is telling a lie which may be more naivet. the most they lie about is their height and women it s their weight. makes sense. and the fourth finding watch out, single ladies, one in two men have lied on a first date. hmm. so al, are you like a white liar or i will admit i uh-oh. that s a tell when you tap your face that it s lying. or i could just itch. anyway i m telling. i used to lie a lot about what i ate. nobody knew you felt you would be judged. that makes sense as well. i think men lie more to cover their tails and women lie more to make people feel bet sore if your friend says do i look good in this dress you ll say yes and men lie because when you were boys, who knocked over something, who did that, not me. but i was think being this last night, i think women really don t care if men lie more as long as it s not the man in their life. i don t care what you two do but as long as the man in my life, wink, isn t lying to me. good to know, al, we can just lie to her face on a daily basis. you do, you tell me you like me. we love you! i was fishing for a comment. oh, do your wives know when you re lying. i would not have asked you that question because i didn t want to get you in trouble but does your wife know? i think so. what is your tell in. i don t lie on big things. i m a white liar. if i m left with the children, 5-year-old and 3-year-old, she ll come home and say did you give them a bath, i go yes and george comes out with pea nunut butter in his hair and says george, did you take a bath, he goes no. sells me out. does your wife know? absolutely. how? because it s my mouth moving. you guys have been married so long though. so can you go back in your mind and think did you lie on the first or second date with your wife? no. that s a lie. i m sure i did about something. i don t know what. no. that s what the study said that men lie on the first or second date. okay, no the all, did it say 100% of all men? well, you said when your mouth is moving you are lying, so. it was a joke. again, so the tension today is here. people tweet, my feelings are a little hurt because people said that i was mean to you guys yesterday. not true at all. i don t believe that. i thought that i m the guest in your home, and i should have chocolate, flowers, gifts, candy. we bought you some. you are part of the family. you re here. but i ll lie and say i am a guest. do you think i lie? there s no question about it. absolutely, every day especially right around 2:00. for about 60 minutes. it isn t msnbc. whoa! i would never bite the hand that feeds me. not much. hard to read the news with the glove in your mouth. it was humor. it was a joke and it s one block, quote me, i will deny it. other than me suffering these poor people on the carnival cruise, they are suffering, passengers if you can believe this from two separate carnival cruise line ships are having their vacation disrupted. carnival is calling technical issues that affect the ship s sailing speed and get this on thursday, from the carnival dream they learned they would be flying, not sailing home, because of an on board generator problem. the headaches come one month after the carnival triumph was stranded without power for five days in the gulf of mexico. we re getting a better look at the man chosen to head the roman catholic church. pope francis met with the college of cardinals including the men who cast votes at the conclave and senior members who were too old to vote, a brief stumble, look at the video, when he was rising from his seat, he recovered. his plan is to urge the cardinals never to give in to the pessimism to that bitterness that the devil places before us every day. full speed ahead on the tsa s plan to allow small knives on airplanes. he is standing by that proposal despite growing backlash. a terrifying accident overnight in town town miami where a massive l.e.d. screen collapsed on workers, injuring two people, the screen was part of the stage for the isn t that incredible ultramusic festival set to begin today. the subatomic particle looking like the elusive higgs boson. look at scientist s reaction to the so-called god particle that experts say gives mass to all other particles in the universe. it was detected on the hedron collider on the swiss french border. kate moss turned up the heat shall i say, moss who famously doesn t like to speak in public arranged to read passaging from 50 shades of grey. i place my arms on his upper arms and he growns as i squeeze tightly. whoa! kate moss, everybody! and now for a re-enactment, as i squeeze tightly. ow, ow, ow! kate promised to do the reading if listeners pledged 200,000 pounds. you sound like katherine hepburn, not kate moss. that s your update. that doesn t sound like kate moss? the lilies, the ka callalill. she should read more often. msnbc president phil griffin is now on the phone and just wanted a word with you. phil, i was kidding. look at the weather and show you what s going on. this is the place for politics i love you. we have a clipper coming across the plains states headed toward the great lakes, going to bring maybe three to six inches of snow, not a big problem from the dakotas on down into central michigan and we ve got a lot of fog along the southern california coast, san diego, oceanside, l.a., temperatures only in the 60s but then you get away from the water, get into the twes, temperatures are going to be into the 90s anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees above normal, texas, oklahoma, on into kansas, missouri, looking at above normal 9:11, happy friday. take a live look at sinole. we have rain on the way to keep these hills nice and green. mostly cloudy conditions out there. 77 in fairfield and 69 degrees in san francisco as we head into your st. patrick s day weekend. great weather continues. if you don t want to head out and about for the festivities, text the giant here on the nbc bay area at 3:00 p.m. and that s your latest weather. now to the rubber band chair for our bonus take, a chair made of 65,000 rubber bands, constructed by preston moehler at appalachian state university, he won $3,000, took 336 hours, three feet tall, it weighs 35 pounds. tamron would you mind taking a seat. boing! thought i d bounce back. lean back because it gives for you. it s actually comfy. a little more, a little more, hold on. easy. how is it? do we like it? i love it. i think this is so cool. i could see this in a funky apartment, something very modern. congratulations. guy went through a bunch of stationary shops in four different towns and spent about 200 bucks and put it together, 65,000 of them. physician fifty shades of grey and my kate moss accent. i hope it gets better. as i grabbed his arm and i caressed it. no. up next the expecting elaria baldwin, wife of alec baldwin on having a fit pregnancy. we re pregnant! what? we re pregnant! we re pregnant? yeah! you re going to be a mom! you re going to be a dad! there s a little baby in there? there s a human being growing inside your stomach? yeah! now what? i don t know? what? introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust. of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. when it comes to fresh taste, philadelphia sets the standard. [ sneezing ] she may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®. powerful allergy relief for adults and kids six years and older. zyrtec®. love the air. [ gasps ] the door s open! let s make a break for it! [ all cheering ] single file! single file! ooh-hoo, i can t wait to clean something besides the shower. yeah, we ll show em. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles powerful foam penetrates and lifts tough grime and kills 99.9% of bacteria, so cleaning the whole bathroom is easier. i should have let you out sooner. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles. we work hard so you don t have to. all over the bathroom. [ female announcer ] sc johnson, a family company. to get your family together for breakfast. [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] in fact, they might work too well. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. he opened up jake s very private world. at first, jake s family thought they saved ziggy, but his connection with jake has been a lifesaver. for a love this strong, his family only feeds him iams. compared to other leading brands, it has 50% more animal protein. .to help keep ziggy s body as strong as a love that reaches further than anyone s words. iams. keep love strong. hilaria baldwin covers fitness, fashion, celebrity and the news. if her name sounds familiar, she s married to alec baldwin and is pregnant with her first child and we know it s a girl. she s here for tips for a fit and healthy pregnancy. good to see you.. congratulations. this is your first baby. this is my first baby. what made you decide to reveal the sex of the baby? somebody said to me it s going to be a surprise at some point so why not have the surprise be sooner and i find it s not something i want to keep a secret. it s not a bad thing to keep and we get to openly buy pink things. and that s awesome. i m sure alec is enjoying that being a dad and another girl in his life. is he over the moon? he is over the moon. we have two girl dogs, he has ireland, who is his daughter she s almost 18. stunningly beautiful. gorgeous. he s outnumbered by the women. a lot offest gen in the house. how does he hand tell? very well. will he reveal your due date? it s going to be late, late summer we ll say. for you, being fitness and focused on health and lifestyle, what was the first thing you wanted to do upon learning that you were pregnant? i wanted to sleep a lot. i love that. i wanted to sleep. your body makes you do what you re supposed to do. my body made me sleep right away. i had to eat more than i was eating. i had to chill out my exercise quite a bit. how often were you exercising prior to? my job is exercising. daily. it s daily and it s a lot of hours during the day. i love running. i love swimming. i love doing studio 57, i love doing yoga so i have an entire day where i m really active and when you re pregnant that s just not in the cards. so i mean it s important to still stay fit but. show us some of the yoga stretches with women you have to focus on your hips. alec looks fantastic. yes. i don t want to ask how much he s lost but this has to be the inspiration of you. he s your best work so far other than the baby? it s a combination. you can t change somebody else. they have to want to change themselves but at the same time he i guess it was an influence. i m sure you re very proud. i am very proud. i m going to show you a couple of postures that are really great, if you re pregnant, at home. i ll sit down. i can t do the stretch but sit down. you re extending one leg out and this is great for opening up your hips and releasing your lower back. i don t know about you but i get a lot of really bad back pain i m squaring myself off over the extended leg and walk myself forward. if i have a bigger belly than i have right now i don t have to rotate as much and lean forward slightly. if i am a little bit more flexible i can lean down all the way. you can do this, all day? daily, you can hold it for a minute if you want. just listen to your body. the other one i love doing right before bed i lie down on my back and between 20 and 30 weeks it s not safe to completely lie on your back. earlier for some pregnancies and your doctor will tell you but i butterfly my knees open and lying propped up on pillows. as i great more pregnant there will be more pillows. this is great because it opens up your hip for birth. i ll get up and we ll go to the food. i did it. okay, real quick, morning sickness we talked about kate middleton having morning sickness. what do you advice for people? i had quite a bit of morning sickness and i took ginger and i boiled it with a lot of lemon, and occasionally honey, depending on how i felt, if i was queasy i didn t put the honey in. this is a great thing. hilaria, thank you, congratulations to you and alec and thank you for coming on the set. while they re talking about staying sick we ll help you plan a healthy diabetic friendly menu right after this. this ginger smells amazing, that s soothing in itself. start with the best. use only natural ingredients. make something original. genuine. real. so peel it open. stir it up. and raise a cup to the real. l oreal introduces a most exclusive haircolor. just in from paris. the preference paris couture collection. spectacular new shades, designed by christophe robin, l oreal s master colorist. each shade sparkles with brilliant tones.layers of shine. a blonde with rose gold lights. iced golden brown with amber tones. luscious rich merlot red. and preference defies fading. up to 8 weeks. the preference paris couture collection. the latest of 50 luxurious shades. find yours.from l oreal paris. because you re worth it. listen up. each year hundreds of promising research studies go unfunded. for breast cancer. for lung cancer. every cancer. the american cancer society has been behind nearly every breakthrough in resent history. but there is still more work to do. so let s make sure that no research is silenced. let s make noise. let s make noise. yeah! and let s finish the fight. bury yourself in the flavorfall of sweet icing and filling. [ hounds calling ] call off the hounds, rescue is unnecessary! pillsbury toaster strudel. [ whisper ] the snow day of breakfasts. mr. wiggles and curling irons. for the little mishaps you feel, use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster neosporin. also try neosporin eczema essentials. neosporin. oh so red? oh so not right for this. ok... chickadee, my chickadee? hmmmm aqua ocean? no. that s it! yes! let s go to lowe s. valspar signature hi-def has amazing quality. just one coat. i like it i just. you can t change color like we do. valspar has the love your color guarantee. if i don t love it, i get another color free. i m thinking more this. yowza! valspar signature, look for it only at lowe s. yeessss? where you hidin your moist wipes? oh, i don t need em. really? what are you doing? oh, just getting clean with no water. kinda like using t.p. with no moist wipes. hmm. point taken. thank you. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine now with a touch of cotton. test your cleaning logic at coming up, how to treat adult acne. but first your local news and weather. you are the pig to her bnketla. that s not breakdancing, that s break-up dancing. don t give up on us america, we re not done yet! now two must dance as one. you won t run into the top ten appliance brands just anywhere. only sears carries them all. and only sears delivers them all with $70 in shop your way points. this is sears. than a whole box of this other stuff. and that much freshness is gonna take some getting used to. [ sniffing ] yep. it s amazing what a single scoop of gain freshness can do. good morning to you. 9:26. new details about a former soldier who killed two santa cruz police officers last month. an army spokesman says there was not enough evidence to prosecute jamie gulea on two rape charges he faced in 2006 while serving in the military. the army dropped the case after fingerprints and dna did not point to goolet. goolet was under investigation for sexual harassment when he shot and killed two officers in 2006. goolet shot and kildz himself in a shoot-out with police that very same day. a 3-year-old is now in protective custody after being found living in a home filled with trash, used needles and piles of human waste. it happened in ma defendaedesto. two men are now under arrest. they were squatters who moved into a home on west union avenue after the owner died. they re now charged with child endangerment and the house is boarded up. we re going to take a quick break but we ll have a look at the forecast and a morning commute right after this. welcome back. taking a live look, hazy conditions over the bay bridge, but we have beautiful blue skies out there. partly cloudy conditions. that will be the case throughout the day today. beautiful warmth, as well. 75 degrees in livermore. 68 degrees on the way to gilroy. the only thing you have to beware of on these ides of march are the winds. the rain moves in tuesday and thursday into next week. we need it at this point. let s check your drive. mike. good morning. we re looking over here towards the slowdown which continues for northbound 880 up past the coliseum. the earlier crash at 29th has cleared from the roadway. you no things are quickly recovering and 580 is no longer an issue. we hit the peak of the commute about 40 years ago. we see eastbound 24 heading out of oakland and in towards arenda. heading in towards berkeley and the caldecott tunnel. slowdown through san mateo, but a quick look at the pal a lot alto shows no problems there. have a great friday. it s rumored that lady gaga and her boyfriend are planning to get married this summer. in fact just today i saw her at a deli pibi inpicking out her d. it was beautiful. the infamous meat dress. jimmy fallon. it is timber week, one more night of timberlake on fallon. i m willie geist along with al and tam ran hall, natalie is at vatican city and weekend today s heery ka hill. more than a quarter million americans suffer diabetes, we have healthy but delicious diabetic friendly meals. plus live champion synchronized skaters, we ve been watching them rehearse. 20 of them doing the exact same thing on ice. all dedicated to sterling hayden. we ll have a live performance coming up in a few minutes. first erica has a look at weekend today. we are preparing a fine weekd of today show fare for you. we ll be live at the vatican, the pope is leading a public prayer on sunday and lester is making his way back here from the vatican and bringing us postcards from rome from the city s really incredible coffee to a harrowing ride through roman streets, that he did survive, but there were some moments where it was touch and go so he ll bring us that as well. plus we ve been talking about tomorrow s stars this morning on today. this little guy may be the next tiger woods. whoa. how about that? got the celebration down. probably not surprising, he s internet sensation. ooh, nice. he s big off the tee, too. wow. look at that swing and the intensity. i love the clubs. they re like four sizes too big. if you want to come in for lessons his rates are fairly reasonable. beyonce is here this weekend. what? that s huge. i m surprised you didn t lead with that. the world s smallest dog, celebrating her birthday. where else? here. she s shaking it like beyonce, wagging it a little bit. tiger woods was on the mike douglas show when he was 2 years old. maybe this is his home on the today show. he was here on the today show when he was 4. look forward to that. see you then. al, how about a check of the weather. let s show you what we ve got for your weekend ahead, we ve got some rain along the mid-atlantic coast into the appalachians, pacific northwest looking at rain, frigid along the plains, sunny and hot from texas into the southwest, mild and sunny, gulf coast into the southeast, then on st. patrick s day we re looking for some rain, wearing the green, stretching from the that s an accent, tamron. kate moss? getting close there but no. kate o moss. sunny and warm from texas on into 9:33. you made it to friday. congratulations. we ve got a beautiful weekend shaping up start, a live picture of the golden gate bridge. you can see the camera shaking a little bit. those winds are mixing up our atmosphere. 75 degrees for livermore. 68 degrees in gillroy. 70 in red wood city. right here in san jose, a comfortable 74 degrees. getting into the weekend, beautiful conditions persist. we need the rain. rights on the way tuesday into wednesday, clearing by thursday. that s your latest weather. that s your latest weather. willie? announcer: tooled s health is brought to you by polident. use polident every day. thanks this morning on today s health treating adult acne. here to talk about how to treat it in adults is dermatologist dr. deborah wattenberg. good morning, goed to see you. this is a pretty big problem for adults. more than 18 million people suffer from acne and more than 50% of adult women complain about their acne. the biggest difference between adult and teenage acne is its location. for adults it tends to be on the jawline and on the chin and on the neck so it changes quite a bit from teenage acne. what about our lifestyle contributes to acne? we used to hear the wife s tales not eating chocolate when we were teenagers. what is the truth with that? diet, there s scientific evidence to show that people who eat a diet high glycemic index, things high in refined sugars, carbohydrates, dairy, those products are aggravating acne and making acne worse so there s not enough science to do a complete elimination diet but i recommend a healthy diet because the sugar and not necessarily the cocoa but the sugar is causing acne. the other thing is lots of stress. it releases cortisol which causes acne in a lot of people as well. we re going to talk about some of the more conventional treatments. there s high tech light therapy you re excited about. the light therapy is a great addition to treatment for acne. there s one called pdt or photo dynamic therapy i m particularly excited about and in this machine they show a blue light in conjunction with a chemical to get applied on to the skin. the chemical gets driven into the skin, and causes the sebaceous glands and oil glands, and it works well. the before and afters you can see the improvement in someone s skin remarkably allowing them not to need antibiotics. any risks people should think is about? there are risks associated with it, mild arithema, dryness, sun senseivity and there s another machine called the isolase which is high tech as well and that actually sucks the blackheads and the whiteheads out of the skin, it s a pore purification system and this machine flashes broadband light onto the skin and cleans the skin, removes the bacteria and improves the acne. cool technology, costs you between $200 and $600 a session. it depends on the number of sessions you need and the amount of treatments you re going to get. let s go through some of the basics here. this is stuff you can find in a drugsto drugstore. people with acne need cleansers, topical products and the key thing is to look for ingredients so you want to use products that contain salycylic acid and retinol but you want them mixed with products not so irritating. for the adult female worried about drying out their skin products that contain glycerin, soy, green tea, anti-oxidants that help the skin. looking at the prescription stuff, how long should you try this stuff before you jump to prescription? i recommend at least six weeks, acne is not a quick fix and you need to be able to use the product for some period of time, 6 to 12 weeks f you re not seeing improvement, see your dermatologist. there are a lot of prescription items available and you might need something more targeted to your problem rather than using these over-the-counter. exciting stuff for people, dr. deborah wassenberg good to see you. good to see you. coming up, delicious diabetic friendly recipes, that s next after this. to clean a denture. but dentures are very different to real teeth. they re about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can grow and multiply. polident is specifically designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that s why dentists recommend polident. [ male announcer ] polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. to get your family together for breakfast. [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] in fact, they might work too well. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. [ male announcer ] why do more emergency workers everywhere trust duracell.?? duralock power preserve. locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. now.guaranteed. duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. [ nyquil bottle ] just reading your label. relieve nasal congestion? sure don t you? [ nyquil bottle ] dude! [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn t. relieves nasal congestion. we re pregnant! honey! what? we re pregnant! we re pregnant? yeah! you re going to be a mom! you re going to be a dad! there s a little baby in there? there s a human being growing inside your stomach? yeah! now what? i don t know? what? introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust. you re always on, so we re always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we ll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. you see the mini ion my chest? funny, yes? no. there s nothing mini about me. i m huge. ahem. any hoo. even my wrapper has a wrapper. flavor? i m bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. quality like this. (muffled):.doesn t come everyday. well technically it does because i m in the grocery but. ooh, how you doin ? rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. in today s kitchen diabetic friendly meals. according to the cdc, diabetes affects one in ten americans. well, australian chef michael moore was diagnosed with it when he was 35 years old. he suffered a stroke, he survived, his new book is blood sugar, the family. chef michael good to meet you. great to meet you. you changed your life and on this mission in a sense to create food that tastes good and by the way it s healthy. exactly. the marketplace is full of information about what you should and shouldn t eat, often contradictory, so i thought if we treat it with food and flavor you want to eat, maybe the strike rate will be higher. so far people are responding really well. we re starting off with a rib eye with a pickled chili relish. i love bone-in rib eye. it s great and if you can pick grass fed meat it has more omega threes and helps the dry effect as well. little bit of salt intake, important to keep your blood pressure down. while this is cooking how long on each side? only takes two or three minutes. it s your personal preference. now you re toasting what? mustard seed and we make a simple pickle, red wine vinegar, onions, slice of lemon, a little bit of a squeeze that goes in there and some water. that smells good. that is your basic pickle that will come up to the boil and move along quickly, it s perfectly organized here. this is the best place in the world to do a cooking segment, let me tell you. my staff is better than any kitchen. into that goes the chilies. the medium sized red chilies aren t too hot. if you like it spicy put the smaller chilies in there. you re using super fine sugar. you need a little bit of sugar when you eat this, there s a small amount of it but the sugar has sort of a complexity that makes the pickle come together as a pickle. agave nectar i use a lot in cooking but they don t make the pickle form the way it should so sure sugar is a powerful commodity. once it comes back to the boil let it sit there for about an hour, let it cool in liquid, drain the liquid off and you end up with this. what do we have? agave nectar, which is low glycemic index. and that s the key to that and a little bit of the let s bring that back here. okay, let s go around. and so you re going to slice up the bone-in. yes. you can put the pickle into jars if you want. how long will that keep? a jar like that i keep it in my fridge a couple of weeks. the ribeye. it s perfect. a little bit medium thaone. um-hum. you slice that nice and thin. you serve this on top? this is this beautiful mustard frill leaves. let me put the chili on first. while we re going you ve got sweet potato fries. they are the best of a bad thing. sweet potatoes if you re going to have a steak and fries and the idea is that the food, you don t realize it s healthy. for dessert you have a biked apple upside down pudding. made with a ricotta base. delightful flavor. fresh horse radish. and a healthy meal that will taste great. and even a glass of red wine to go with that. chef michael moore thank you so much. the book is blood sugar the family. coming up champion synchronized ice skaters live next. i m here with daphne oz, a model of healthy habits. so daphene, do you eat activia. i do it s always in my fridge. and you know activia isn t just for minor digestive issues. exactly, it s also important for my overall well being because it helps regulate my digestive system. and when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside! whether at work, with friends, on a special night, or just enjoying an activia. shine from the inside out with activia. dannon blast of cold feels nice. why don t you use bengay zero degrees? it s the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that s chilly! [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. [thto fight chronic. osteoarthritis pain.. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. go olive garden s 2 for $25! unlimited soup or salad. choose an appetizer to share. then two delicious entrees. like new tuscan garlic chicken. three courses, two people, just $25. go olive garden! yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] they re magically delicious yeah, he s a liquid gold digger. babe how about you make me some of that velveeta cheesy broccoli soup i love so much? oh and you re so pretty. [ cries ] [ male announcer ] liquid gold diggers love liquid gold. today at the rink is brought to you by smuckers. with a name like smucker s, it has to be good. i like the way you move the reigning u.s. national champs in women s synced ice skating, the haydenettes, jenna longo and hannah he will puck, good morning. the championship in boston in your backyard, is that home ice advantage? i would say it s home ice advantage, we re excited to be competing in boston and again at a world championship and hoping to bring home the gold this year. hannah we ve been watching you practice out here. it s a beautiful sport. what makes it different than figure skating or ice dancing? it s different because it s a combination sport, we incorporate all the different types of figure skating into synchronized skating so the pairs and the lift and the ice dance and different intricate footwork and such. 20 members of the team. 20 members. all synchronized. all synchronized. fabulous, i love it. you can t afford to have anybody have a bad day. and we practice hard to make sure we have great consistency on the ice. what do you make of tamron hall s figure skating, is this appropriate, the way to go? i wasn t ready. i m even ashing it s so cold. we can t wait to see you perform. and the haydenettes! doing their thing. you can feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it because you want to be loved the heartbeat tell me can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it can you feel it coming down, can you feel it in your bones, can you feel it can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it don t stop til you get enough people always told me be careful what you do, don t go around breaking young girls hearts but you came and found me with the smell of sweet perfume she called me to her room, hey, hey billie jean is not my lover [ applause ] that was incredible, the haydenettes performing to michael jackson melodies, fantastic. back in a moment. this is today on nbc! we want to thank one more time the fantastic haydenettes. good look at the world s, ladies. they won t say it but we will, they are the favorites. coming back, bobby flay, everybody will be here. hoda and kathie lee up after your local news and weather. (sir can-a-lot) good day, ma lady. i am sir can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (male announcer) break the monotony. visit good morning to you. it is 9:56. today is deadline day, the fate of city college of san francisco s now in the hands of the accreditation panel. today is the day all 14 accreditation deficiencies identified by inspectors last summer were supposed to be fixed. not all were, but the administration hope their recent reports about how they are going about making the proposed changes will help accreditation to keep the college open. inspectors will now visit ccfs early next month and the panel has 45 days to make a decision. meteorologist christine lorenz is standing by with a look at our weekend forecast. we have a gorgeous day and a gorgeous weekend to get through before the rain moves in. 78 degrees in gillroy. 75 on the east shore in fremont. if you are celebrating st. patrick s day, showers moving in late tuesday into wednesday. by thursday, we ll clear you out, but we re expecting maybe an inch of rain up in the north bay. folks, we re looking at the san mateo bridge. the hayward loop tonight at 8:00 p.m., check out the details on facebook. i have reroutes through downtown hayward. over on the peninsula, the southbound 101 continues the slow drive heading down towards the san mateo and the san mateo bridge. northbound, we see some slowing through mountain view. no big surprises. also on the 101 past the airport, we re seeing 880 also with some late slowing, but that is starting to clear up over the last five minutes. but bay bridge has been cleared. back to you. okay, mike, thank you so much. we ll be back in 30 minutes with our next update. hey, everybody, how are you? it s try-day friday, march 15th. it is, already? a very exciting day. you and i later today are going to be shooting another cover. we can t reveal what it is. it s top secret. we ve already said it. new york city no, don t reveal it. don t. i won t say a word. it s top secret. we re going to go down to florida and shoot it. we re going to have jars of clay at my house for a concert. are you staying with me? of course i am. there will be music and wine will be flowing. happy st. patrick s day. in honor of that we re having beer. we want to wish everybody a very happy st. patrick s day. can we break into song? not really. i met a sweet lassie on my way to blarney she told me she came from the county of cork she showed me the way to her house and back next thing you know we were greeting the stork hey diddle diddle come tell me the tales we changed the lyrics for the show. laughing and love everlasting and all the sweet lover who is came here before hey, hey, they laughed and they cried pray, pray, they lived and they died the forests of guinness i ll mind my own business and try to forget the sweet lassie from cork please, keep it down. i know what an ihoda day feels like for you. thank you, thank you, i got it. there s a difference. i voted so i get paid for it. it s time to get your weekend grooming on guys, and that means we re talking about your weekend grooming. not just your nails. this is more important than my song which i m about to reprieve? yes. we re talking about taking care of your grooming. so pour me a guinness i ll get down to bidness there you go! do i get paid twice? anyway, took a look at what women do downairs and how they groom. okay. there are certain people who do different things, for those who vajazzle. and you know who you are. sara i m sorry you have to hear this. vajazzling is putting jewels and things downstairs. why? i don t know. how does anybody get pregnant before there was vajazzling. how did anybody find anything attractive down there until we started shaving and dyeing and vajazzling and mowing. how did anybody find anybody attractive? think about it, hoda, we ve been on the planet about six billion years. somebody didn t have nothing going on. if those people like a landing trip that s just a thought. what? i have friends who like landing strips and some of you are in this room right now and had is wrong. why is it wrong? is a guy supposed to make like hey, coming in for a landing i mean, come on. dude, what s a landing strip? they re idiots. and they shouldn t be having sex if they if you have a landing strip, you re the kind of girl who never has to pay for a date and you only wear a thong and you ll only attempt things you know you re going to be successful at. if you do bald, you never do anything halfway. no, you do it all the way. your dishwasher is perfect. you re ocd. this sounds like you. that s why i know this is bull, because that is not me. if you don t do a thing down there how about you how about you just do what s necessary. you probably have strong convictions, you don t own a flat iron. not true. you sing joni mitchell in the shower and you order your steaks bloody. no. so that s 50%. what? that s 50%. i think this is a two out of four? hoda. i met a sweet lassie don t make me break into that song, hoda-woman. you mentioned four things that a person who does that is, and two of them were true and two of them weren t. in my mind, that s 50%, accurate. okay. anyway, it s which one are you, missy? i m the landing strip. woo! woo! see, seen any 747s recently? you asked and i answered. oh, my gosh. anyway, let s go to try-day friday, because i no, i want to have a little more fun with this. no, we are done with that. hoda just told the whole world she has a landing strip. these things live on in infamy, hoda. it actually it didn t hit me until you repeated it again. okay, anyway. wow, you think you know somebody ooh! is that a new landing strip or an old one? nobody likes old landing strips. no, everything is new. so let s move on. love is in the air everything old is new again apparently, this is where you meet men, at the airports, it s called hub-a-luv, in the airports. maybe you need a pilot. you have to stop. here are the top five airports to meet people in case you are wondering philadelphia international airport is the number five place to meet men. number four is boston s logan airport. that s a good one. okay. and newark international is number three. and with all of those problems in security. you know why it is, because there s lots of delays and lots of time to meet people. number two is miami international. and the number one airport for meeting men is the orlando international. i believe it s number one because a it has a lot of restaurants and bars and two on the premise that there s a hyatt hotel inside the main terminal. what s that supposed to mean? i don t know, i didn t get that far. oh, because if you meet you can just go to the hyatt and somebody can land on your strip. apparently. this is where children go, this is orlando, okay? this is where there s sea world and disney world and universal and you know. please, people. think about that. all right. so anyway the best beaches i ll never look at you the same. what do you do? i just told you? whatever is required. what does that mean? it means what it means. it only matters to the person that has access. and you don t have access. you re not my type. what is, of the four, which one are you? break it down. i told you. it doesn t make any sense. you re the last one? no, not that. you re the nongroomer you re the nongroomer. that believes whatever god created on this planet you don t groom. is beautiful. wow. sometimes gardens need tending. we can t however this chat is not usable. it doesn t mean it s not still a garden, okay? let s look i finally got a rise out of which one are you? we haven t asked young one over here. which one are you? hardwood floor. all right? hardwood floor. bare. what about bobbie, what are you? bobbie bobbie bobbie? you embarrassed me enough, i can t. we can t use it. it s time for my friday funny! okay. you owe us, bobbie. karen crawford, three sisters, 92, 94, and 96, hoda-landing strip, lived together in a house. one night, the 96-year-old draws a bath. she dips her foot in and pauses. then she yells down the stairs, was i getting in the bath or out? the 94-year-old hollers back i don t know, i ll come up and check. she starts up the stairs and pauses. then she yells was i going up the stairs or down? while this is going on, the 92-year-old was sitting at the kitchen table having tea and listens to her sisters. she shakes her head and says, i sure hope i don t get that forgetful. and she knocks on the table for good measure and then she yells i ll be up as soon as i answer the door! that was a great one. we have another go at bobbie. bobbie! bobbie s buzz. i have things that you never thought you needed. really? so how many times have you been on the computer and you want to show your friends a picture of something? never. now you just can now twist yes. so thanks to laptop suzy. $30. this is a great little laptop for your laptop. then we have these that are called petal panties. this he is are made, they re called bicycle lingerie. there s a little extra padding in the landing strip area. so when you go to spinning class or on the bike, it kind of hurts. sometimes you get i don t even know what s going on there. so then i m moving on. so then how many times do you get out of the shower and you go to wrap the towel oh, i look it when you do this. these are from spoon sisters, one of my favorite websites. and they have all of these great things, this is called the towel topper. so if you just hang this strip in your bathroom on the door, it will keep the towel up. strip? i thought that s ha she said. there might be another use for that as well. what else? then if you decide that you are starving, you can actually turn your pen into a utensil. i would love that. with these dine spoons. and this is the best thing, you guys, bobbie brought this up. i don t have a shredder, i don t know. so i rip bills in half and pray no one sees them. and then i pour spaghetti sauce on them. this is an i.d. blocker, that you can stamp on your bills over and over. do you use it? i just got it. will you use it? i don t know. everything is online, you can learn how to win this on our website. bobbie, we love you. bobbie, you re not going to tell us what you are? i can t, no. please, go away. coming up, we re going to tell you how you can cope and thrive when you re facing big life challenges like bobbie just did, right after this. [ male announcer ] time won t stop you from feeling beautiful. introducing nexxus youth renewal. now, visibly combat 8 signs of aging hair. our breakthrough nexxus youth renewal elixir replenishes and revitalizes. for vibrant, youthful-looking hair in 7 days. [ woman ] now, timeless beauty lives on. [ male announcer ] combat 8 signs of aging hair. nexxus youth renewal. raise your standard. [ male announcer ] combat 8 signs of aging hair. one square inch of deliciously smooth chocolate in creamy milk. or rich dark. incredible indulgence. one square inch of bliss. hershey s bliss. discover the power of l oreal s volumizing fibers. voluminous false fiber lashes mascara. dramatic volume from every angle. lashes are. volumized, lengthened. dimensionalized, curved! l oreal s voluminous false fiber lashes mascara. just to tell you our products get the job done. instead.we give you things you can really use like a free month of huluplus. when you join scott shared values. sign up at please, no pictures. in-wash scent boosters, here with my favorite new intern, jimmy. mmm! fresh! and it s been in the closet for 12 weeks! unbelievable! unstopables! follow jimmy on youtube. it s not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word. if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze. you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts. well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn t start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. whether it s going through a divorce, having a baby or losing your job we re all faced changes that can turn our world upside-down. how do you thrive when faced with a life-altering event. career coach had a premature baby while on vacation. that game-changer forced her and her family to temporarily relocate to another state. and cally yost is an author of the new book called tweak it make what matters to you happen every day. tweak it. like that. sometimes there is this, tell us about your life change. you were on vacation and i m a new yorker. we were down visiting my in-laws and we ve done the florida keys, actually. florida keys retreat every year. i m having a baby, so i want to go early. how far along were you in your pregnancy? 27 weeks. we got down to florida, we were planning to stay 10-12 days and three, four days in i started to have complications. and i went to a hospital in miami and they said, you re not going anywhere and another few days i had the baby. now the baby is 2 years old and thriving. thank god. those have been tough years. i m sure. the difficult stuff a big change. and he fit in my hand. he fit right here. and when there s a big, big life change like she had, there s some, there are certain things that obviously your world gets turned inside out. it s hard to find any normalcy, isn t it? yes. in fact what maggie and her husband, craig, figured out is when you go through a big change like that unexpectedly, you have to become your own advocate and you really look to the routine that gets you through. so how do you put control around something that feels like chaos in a big life transition. you want to focus on the small every day successes or tweaks, that build a foundation of well being and order. so you want to you want to harness the power of the smau things to get through the big things. what did you do? what kind of things kind of helped you along. cally was the first person i called after everybody in our family. we re going to be here for a while. did they tell you you ll be in for a long haul. they said his due date, which was three months. my husband and i both freelance so we could work, but i had a radio show. and cally said, can you do it remotely. i went back two weeks after i had the baby and some people were shocked by that. for me as cally said, it restored some sort of normalcy to the routine and it gave me something else to focus on. because having a baby in that situation is so intense and you re not in control, there s nurses and doctors in control. it made a difference, that kind of tweak to do the show. sometimes if you take your eye off the main problem you re not paying attention to it, sometimes the little things, to make you feel a little stronger. you carve out those small actions so look at the areas in your life that are meaningful to you right now. and then break those into activities and actions that you can put into the next seven days. so for example, with maggie, she wanted to focus on her job and so she looked at how she could do her radio show remotely and be there for her son. and the small action she took was find a radio boost she could transmit from. and also she has an agnel that she put in mercer s crib, so she could be with him, but not when she couldn t actually physically be there. that s psychologically it made a huge difference, you re still holding onto it, so obviously it meant a lot. to go through that situation with the first child, you want to be there 24/7 and i think my husband and i would have slept next to his crib if we could. but this helped. people going through divorce, are there some abcs? yes. the first is again break it into small tweaks you can put in the next seven-day period and keep a calendar, all of your to-dos in one place, we tend to keep our work and our personal calendar separate. keep what you want to do at work, in your personal life, your family all in one place, you can see a map of what you re trying to accomplish. don t beat yourself up if you don t accomplish all of them. just reflect and know what you need and then keep doing it. okay. ladies. mercer is doing great? yes. god bless. hoda and i are in the hot seat. i m not enjoying this show at all. there s sara warming up the crowd. for the treatment of mild to moderate alzheimer s disease is exelon patch. now with more treatment options, exelon patch may improve overall function and cognition. your loved one can get a free 30-day trial. and you can have access to nurses. it does not change how the disease progresses. hospitalization, and rarely death, have been reported from wearing more than one patch at a time. the most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fall, loss of appetite or weight, application site redness, and urinary tract infection. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases or if patients weigh less than 110 pounds. people at risk for stomach ulcers who take certain other medicines should talk to their doctor as serious stomach problems such as bleeding may worsen. patients may experience slow heart rate. free trial offer for them. nurses to talk to for you. visit visit dannon oikos non-fat yogurt sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true. such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein. of regular low-fat yogurt. mmm dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt dannon [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. sometimes all you need is the wow. sometimes all you need is the smooth creamy taste of werther s original caramel to remind you that you re someone very special. now discover caramel apple filled werther s original. there s a lot i had to do. watch my diet. stay active. start insulin. today, i learned there s something i don t have to do anymore. my doctor said that with novolog® flexpen, i don t have to use a syringe and a vial or carry a cooler. flexpen® comes prefilled with fast-acting insulin used to help control high blood sugar when you eat. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. no drawing from a vial. you should eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injecting novolog® (insulin aspart [rdna origin] injection). do not use if your blood sugar is too low, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your health care provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions and low potassium in your blood. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay cost at ask your health care provider about novolog® flexpen today time for three two one live, sara is hanging out with the crowd over at the nbc experience store. it s a pretty rowdy crowd. first up, jennifer from texas. now that it s warmer in the city, what are some fun things to do? i like anything outside, i love central park. if you take a stroll through there and see everything. i love the city, little italy. all of the places when he they get warm is beautiful. the high line is new and a lot of fun. it s a good time to go down and explore some of the little neighborhoods, that are downtown, that are completely, you can t believe you re still in manhattan. you ve gone from the upper west side or harlem down there and it s like many, many little different worlds. now we have a spring break question and can i tell you? for st. patrick s day, you ve got to go to neery s and have corned beef and cabbage. you look too young to drink, so don t do that. what s your favorite spot? your spring break spot and memory? well hoda likes to take her landing strip to stop it, i m going to stop bringing it up. that s the end of that discussion. where do you go? i m not answering that. i don t remember spring break, how about that? i used to go to bible camp during my spring break. and sexy lingerie coming up. rv covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it [ loud r&b on car radio ] i m going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that s progressive. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you can t get more italian. it s on. let s roll. i know just where they are.. youthcode dark spot correcting skincare from l oreal paris addresses key discoloration issues 86% of women saw less dark spots. treat dark spots youth code from l oréal paris chewy inside. crunch n chew. with a crunchy candy shell. untamed fruit flavor. jolly rancher crunch n chew. so it can feel like you re using nothing at all. but neosporin® eczema essentials™ is different. its multi-action formula restores visibly healthier skin in 3 days. neosporin® eczema essentials™. it is 10:26 now. good morning. i m marla. the search is under way for a man who recently suffered a head injury. we spoke to the santa cruz rescue saying they will bring in canine units to help search for matthew abraham. his family says when they last saw him, he was talking about the observation deck and hiking trails above ucsc. abraham apparently hurt his head after a fall during a bike ride last weekend. coming up after the break, we ll check the forecast and look at the roads. welcome back. the time now is 10:28. taking a live look over san francisco, cameras shaking a little bit. as winds pick up, that will be the case for today. you ll notice plenty of mid and high clouds out there. as we head throughout the day today, temperatures will be comfortable and on the cloudy size. 69 in san francisco. and a great looking st. patrick s day weekend before the rain arrives. we ll time that out for you today at 11:00. but first, we want to check your drive with mike. good morning. the drive is just across the san mateo bridge. we ll have that reconfiguration in haifward. if you need more information on that, check out my facebook page. here 880 moves nicely, as well. we had a tough morning for a short period of time. now it s clear across the dale and to the toll palazzo yeah. westbound 80, they had a few cars through berkeley. moving at the limit. no problem. just low clouds and haze. visibility for the drive, just fine. thanks. we ll have more of the day s top stories coming up in 30 minutes. . back on this try-day friday, with more of today. sandy beaches, warm waters and tropical drinks beckon thousands of college students to spring break. but you also want them to play it safe. here with advice and gadgets all of us can use before we pack our bags is the safety chick, kathleen baity, the author of college safety 101 miss independence guide to empowerment, confidence and staying safe. what s more important than now, when everybody is packing their bags. absolutely. good to see you, kathleen. a lot of things kids do and grown-ups do is tweet or facebook or instagram, i m getting there, i m here. and the problem with that is thieves, criminals know that people are out of town, for long periods of time. i can t tell you the number of people i ve heard of that have had their houses, come home to their houses being completely cleaned out. because the neighbors or people casing the neighborhood saw they were going to be gone. so don t do that. no. let s talk about must-have apps. for college kids or anyone going away. one of the first ones is called emergency-see. this is one of the best safety apps i ve seen out there. and the reason is, there s a lot of tracking. what s happening? what s happening is if i am in danger and this is on my cell phone, i hit a button and it goes to my emergency contacts by text and email and it immediately starts streaming video live video, live audio of where i am and it starts gps tracking me so that help is on the way. and there s a million clues on that screen as well. exactly. and that s the thing, there aren t any other apps out there that i know of that do the immediate streaming. it s so vital, time is of the essence. talk about ice standard. i love the concept as we all do, of putting your emergency contacts under your phone under the acronym i.c.e. this is an app you can put object your lock screen and see the color coding at the top. so as you scroll through, you fill in what your, your i m allergic to coating, so mine goes from red, from green to yellow to red. yellow is a health issue red is stop and this is for first responders. again, time is of the essence, they want to know what they re dealing with. there s an app that you like for foreign travel. this is m-passport. the great thing about it is whatever foreign country you re in, this tells you, via gps where the closest emergency room is, pharmacy, all that and they re vetted, they re not just random. now all of these apps are great. but if your phone is not charged, and it happen as lot when you go overseas hello, hoda. this is one of the great phone chargers. it s made by luna, and game day has them. and it charges your cell phone three times. especially with the iphone 5. those batteries drain quicker. this for sure charges your batteries three times. which for most of the other chargers, they re not as strong. tell us about if you re worried about peeping toms in your room. we all remember the erin andrews issue, right? yes. and this is a peephole reverse viewer. $12 on the internet. what happens? i can look through here and see into your room. privacy logic came up with a great, they re peephole covers. well, a towel on your door. tape doesn t always stick. these are $9.99, they come in a two-pack, you can pop them on and take them off. hotel doors aren t safe. what s a way to make sure you stay locked in. the locks are flimsy. these are door wedge alarms that you can put under your door that makes the door hard to open and it has a 120-decibel alarm to notify you. those are all on your website? yes. she s like the female james bond. thank you. get your sexy back if you ve lost it. lingerie for every body. do i know you? i m jay, and you re not nearly as old looking as these other ladies. oh, well thank you. [ chuckles ] bernice! he s a liquid gold digger. oh! he preys on women who cook with velveeta. be quiet helen. uh! [ male announcer ] liquid gold diggers love liquid gold. so this year, make the most of it. fly like you ve never been grounded. scream like you ve never been shushed. let go like you have nothing to lose. and hold on to what matters most. it s your vacation. don t just take it. mean it. universal orlando. vacation like you mean it. [ marcy ] it s like memory foam. [ female announcer ] the only pad made from a revolutionary material. [ erina ] it totally fits to your body. [ female announcer ] it s incredible protection, you ll barely feel it. always infinity. tell us what you think. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it s the honey, it makes it taste so. well, would you look at the time. what s the rush? be happy. be healthy. we don t spend money inventing phrases like triple jumbo giant roll to tell you scott 1000 has 1,000 sheets. instead, we give you deals and rewards when you join scott shared values. sign up at see. 1000. sign up at sometimes all you need is the wow. sometimes all you need is the smooth creamy taste of werther s original caramel to remind you that you re someone very special. now discover caramel apple filled werther s original. on today s style, getting your sexy on, from having children to losing weight, to getting older, the changes in your body can make shopping for lingerie very intimidating. but style expert jenae luchiani can tell anyone how to dress. you take six real women who have been through body changes. exactly, all these points in life where you feel like, i can t wear that or i don t feel sexy for my husband, we re going to totally transform these ladies today into sex vixens. let s bring out kelly. kelly recently had a baby. and there s the proof. this is her third. every woman in america will hate her right now. but you know, she still feels like she has a little bit of a belly, like most new moms do. so we want to sort of mask that. by having the brown stripe, the seam hit just under her bust, it draws the attention to her narrowest part and the all-over leopard print with the skinny shimmies, is slenderizing. noby looks at your belly, they look at your baby. that s a great tip. thank you so much. next up is paulina, she s eight months pregnant. not feeling so sexy. that s adorable. you re eight months pregnant, that s unbelievable. well, she s eight months pregnant and so part of the problem obviously she looks amazing, part of the problem is that she says she always has very sore breasts. which a lot of pregnant women have. wait until she starts nursing. so i encorporated this barely there push-up bra, so she s getting a boost into her longry look with this adorable romper from jcpenney and some nice fuzzy uggs australian slippers. she s young, fun, flirty. happy baby to you, sweetheart. next out, rachel. we should point out rachel lost 50 pounds, here s her before picture. rachel, look at you now, girl. look at that new body. she got it going on. tell us about her. anybody that knows me knows i love a corset. there s nothing that will make you look better than a corset. i took a full yummy tummy slip and a frederick s of hollywood corset over it. shows you that corset doesn t have to be all about teddys, you can work with different things. she really gives her that the ho hourglass shape. did sure does. annie is next, she also lost a lot of weight. look at annie s before picture. wow, annie looking good. believe it or not, i m going to out you here, she has a 21-year-old son. she does not look like that. annie looks unbelievable. she wanted something that was really comfortable. sort of like a nightie. i gave her this little chemise from tj maxx, masking a multitude of sins. i don t think she has any sins. let s bring crystal out. she s over 50, not sure what s appropriate. but we think we ve found it. it looks great. well crystal works in a suit all day long and she doesn t have a lot of time when she gets home to change so i put her in this sexy bra from bali that she st sort of unwraps, throws on the nice silky robe and she s good to go. great for ladies over 50, to show off those legs. cover up the arms and show off the legs. and last out kayla. full figured and sexy, tell us about her outfit. well kayla, she is full-figured and lovers the skin she s in. she loves to rock her figure. nothing sexier than confidence. showing a little bit of cleavage. actually showing off quite a bit. yes. great legs, nice cleavage, she s good to go. let s bring all of our ladies out. thank you, jenae. don t ever gripe about grout again. budget friendly solutions for fixing your bathroom tile right after this. exclusive haircolor. just in from paris. the preference paris couture collection. spectacular new shades, designed by christophe robin, l oreal s master colorist. each shade sparkles with brilliant tones.layers of shine. a blonde with rose gold lights. iced golden brown with amber tones. luscious rich merlot red. and preference defies fading. up to 8 weeks. the preference paris couture collection. the latest of 50 luxurious shades. find yours.from l oreal paris. because you re worth it. dannon oikos non-fat yogurt sounds too good to be true. there are things that are too good to be true. such as dannon oikos. thick, creamy, with 0% fat and twice the protein. of regular low-fat yogurt. mmm dannon oikos greek non-fat yogurt dannon and be good for your face? [ female announcer ] now there s new neutrogena® naturals acne cleanser. acne medicine from the wintergreen leaf treats breakouts. no parabens or harsh sulfates. for naturally clear skin. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® naturals. for naturally clear skin. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise. time for today s home and tackling terrible tile. with amazing low-budget solutions that won t break the bank or your back. frank fontana is the author of frank fontana s dirty little secrets of design. let s talk about cleaning the tile. so you know, grout issues are everybody s pain in the butt. if you didn t do it right, which what i mean by that is sealing your grout with a sealer like this. you just put it in the grout lines, it stops you getting to this point which is the cleaning process. i ve got three ecofriendly options and one an industrial. if you want to grab the goggles and steam involved it hurts her hair. hot and strong you see that? it instantly gets into the grout line, pull it is right up. and it doesn t cost you much. you can get one of these for around $50. that will work for old grout? because it gets so hot. if not you put a little bit of this on, a mixture of white vinegar and water. good old vinegar. you spray it down if it works. we believe you, frank. scrub it down, you can get into the grout lines and hit it with a steamer. if none of that works, go industrial with something like this from magic, it s a grout cleaner. spray it on, scrub it, let it sit for a couple of minutes, it will get out most of the grout issues. can you regrout over it? it s clean at that point. but if you can t get it out, frank. if they do, they sell grout paint. it s a pen that goes right in the middle of it. problem solved. there you go. is that difficult? no, i had another solution for you, which is no grout, kathie lee. if you re doing the kitchen over and you have an opportunity to start fresh and you don t ever want to deal with grout issues ever again. kill it, do a little bead of silicone, bump your tiles together just like this. right up against each other. i don t recommend it without doing a tiny bead. but use white caulk and it will look beautiful. you can caulk after that? or use one of those sealers. but i don t recommend it. that s what hoda would do. and your tile is chipped, just keep going with it. it s all scratched up? this happens from time to time. and you don t want to throw out your whole bathroom. with porcelain chip fix from magic, you can mitch this two-part epoxy together. it s like white-out for your tile, you paint it on. and then what? and it slowly fills in the lines. you have to reapply. now if you ve got a sink issue, porcelain sinks, you can use this to fix the chips in here and this product here which is a refinishing kit from magic. spray it right on, it s an epoxy, you mix it together, once it seals, it looks brand new, under $35. finally girls it s women, actually. ladies. we re fine. careful. you sure you don t want to talk about no. shower wall behind you, check it out. if you didn t want a demo, you don t want to break your back. i ve got the solution, it s called milestone. i ll show you how to use it. milestone can go over any surface, especially tile. you seal it with a waterproof sealer. it s going to be gunky, smelly and loud. while you re doing this, we re going to have to say good-bye. i know that you are smooth and that s what i prefer. as we head out to st. patrick s day a performance by celtic thunder, first, this is today on nbc. is announcer: the toyota concert series on today brought to you by toyota. we re celebrating st. patrick s day with celtic thunder, their cd debuted as number one. here are george donaldson, emmet cahill, neal burn and ryan kelly and colm keegan singing turninging away. have an awesome weekend, everybody. bye! on the water we have walked like a fearless child what was battered we unlocked revealing wonders wild and in search of confirmation we have jumped into the fire and scrambled with our burning feet to uncontrolled desire in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivious our hearts so raw and clear are turning away turning away from here there s a bell possible the hill from our ancient past where an agent standing still holding strong and fast and though they try to tame us and carve it into stone words cannot extinguish it however hard they re thrown in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivious our hearts so raw and clear are turning away turning away from here while our cattle they have worked with their highland dreams they have nourished in the mountain stream and in searching for acceptance they have given it away only the children of our children know the price they have to pay and in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivion our hearts so raw and dear are turning away turning away from here and in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivion our hearts so raw and clear are turning away turning away from here and in darkness we do what we can in daylight we re oblivion our hearts so raw and clear are turning away turning away from here are turning away turning away from here [ applause ] . accused of having images of child pornography on his home computers, parents in san jose. today we ll get clarification on exactly where he taught.í#togno. a gorgeous day shaping up. christina loren join us us in just a few with your st. paddy s day forecast. good morning and thanks for being with us. i m marla tellez. and i m john kelly. we have new details surrounding a south bay substitute teacher accused of possessing child pornography. that teacher now in the hospital on psychiatric hold after allegedly trying to kill himself. this as the school district continues searching for answers. nbc s christie smith joining us from san jose. christie, we could soon learn exactly where this man taught, correct? that s what we re hering today. i spoke with the superintendent here at the school district and he tells me he s been fielding calls all morning. of course parents very concern about this substitute teacher. now, accused of having child pornography. he was taught here as recently

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Transcripts For KICU First Business 20130314

lower. samsung is expected to call up its new galaxy 4 today in a big reveal at new york s radio city music hall. and amazon cuts the price of its largest kindle fire to $269. and 2:00 eastern is the new statement time for the rate announcement coming from the fed. it starts next week. there is the opening bell for our trader talk. todd horwitz of the adam mesh group joins us now. todd, i am wondering, how are we going to know the difference between a pause in the market and a really true pullback? > > first of all, good morning, thanks for having me on. what you are going to see is, right now the market has been limping higher every day. march came in like a bull and continues to go higher. but you have seen the last couple days, we have escaped with highs. what you are going to see is a change in news. when the bad news, which has been swept under the carpet here for six months, starts to take effect and give the market some reason to sell, that will be when you will be able to tell that we are actually going to start to correct a little bit. but right now, there is still an underlying bid in the market, and right now bad news is still being ignored, and good news is being celebrated, so we are managing to push higher on a regular basis. > about that news, yesterday the retail news was better than expected. what is your reaction? > > i thought it was good, but you see, the market is now starting to price perfection in. if you go back a few days, we had a good unemployment number we had a good retail number, but the market has had more of a muted response - although it is higher, it is not excitingly higher, and i think the next real excitement will be when news misses and we actually pay attention to the bad news, and then we will start to get a little bit of a sell-off. > what is your trade on oil? all bets are on that we are going to see an increase in natural gas and oil production coming from the united states. > > first of all, since we are now a net exporter of oil and we have plenty of supply here i think oil is a sell. i think it is going to go lower. it doesn t mean that we won t have some periodic bounces here and there but i think $93 is a good level you can focus on as a temporary top, which it hit yesterday. i think that we are probably going to go down into the mid-$80 level here sometime soon. > thank you. always a pleasure to have you on the show. > > thank you so much. with cyber attacks a top security concern president obama is warning corporate america of the threat. corporate leaders have met with the president to address cyber security. jp morgan ceo jamie dimon, along with ceos from at&t, honeywell and northrop grumman, met at the white house yesterday. on abc news, president obama assured, there are ways that we can harden our critical infrastructure and financial sector. the great divide continues between republicans and democrats, although house speaker john boehner is calling president obama s visit to capitol hill a good start to solving the nation s financial troubles. congressman boehner called the discussions frank and productive, as the president met with gop lawmakers behind closed doors yesterday. white house officials say mr. obama stressed the need to build trust between the two parties. the president also still believes there s an opportunity to reach a grand bargain on tax increases and spending cuts. meanwhile, europe is also facing budget friction. this week, members of the european parliament voted against a seven-year budget submitted last month by eu governments. the parliament is asking for more spending on economic growth and more flexibility to move money within the budget. now european government officials and parliament must head back to the drawing board. officials want to finalize the budget by summer. jp morgan chase ceo jamie dimon is not expected to testify on capitol hill this week about the so-called london whale trade. instead, the former chief investment officer, ina drew is scheduled to talk, along with other executives. drew was in charge of the uk-based trader known as the london whale for his massive trading positions. the trades caused the bank to lose at least $6 billion last year. a senate subcommittee led by michigan democrat carl levin is investigating the bad trades. the founder of fisker automotive is speeding away from the company. henrik fisker plans to leave the auto-maker due to major disagreements with company management. fisker automotive issued a statement that the loss will not impact the company s plans for the road ahead. but at more than $100,000 each, the electric car maker has sold fewer than 2,000 cars since 2011. fisker automotive is reportedly seeking financing to build a new plug-in model. nissan is recalling some of its top selling cars because of faulty airbags. the altima, sentra, pathfinder, leaf and infiniti jx35 models are on the list. the cars may have sensors that are unable to detect if a passenger is in the car so the air bag may not delpoy. capital investment in the manufacturing sector continues to grow this year, boosted by brisk sales in the auto industry. our cover story explores whether investment in equipment also means jobs. within the past year, national tool and manufacturing added six new machines to its metal fabricating business. demand is up for steel shaped into molds used to make auto parts, medical equipment and laptop computers. some products have been brought back onshore. we just did a mold base for dell computer in austin. they bought from us last in 2001. this suburban chicago firm employs 48 people. i started out when i was 19. my dad was an iron worker. but the new computer-controlled horizontal mill dewitt operates like the five other new machines here, is different and did not take long to figure out. i could teach a guy in an hour on this machine. it s a good machine. it s three times faster and cleaner than the water- and stone-based grinder it replaces. it s also easier to operate, and that is how some companies are dealing with the skills gap. companies are buying machines that are easier to work with. in that sense, it s a jobless recovery. > > if you didn t have a skills gap here, would you have bought these machines? no. in fact, two million dollars of capital investment now allows one worker at national tool to oversee three machines. in the last year, the company s hired three people and has openings for two more, and that s all because the more computized these machines are, the more similar they become. this one, we had three days training on it because it s close to the other ones, similar. while automation has increased production as much as 30% on some projects, the company is also cross-training its machinists to cover where floaters cannot fill in, and when all else fails, looks for aptitude and attitude - that combination of ability and willingness to wear many hats proficiently. the sun may be setting on the world s largest manufacturer of solar panels. suntech power reportedly is just about out of cash and on the verge of a takeover by the chinese government. the company is closing its only u.s. solar plant, located in good year, arizona, to cut costs. suntech is based in china and is weighed down by u.s. import tariffs, plus a global glut of panels. the stock trades under a dollar. some student loan rates could double. without action from congress, rates will increase to 6.8% from the current 3.4% starting july 1st. last year congress voted against an increase, but extended it for just one year. now lawmakers must decide whether to extend rates again. the lower rates saved each student an estimated thousand dollars on borrowing costs last year. a bumper crop may be in store for farmers this summer. a slew of snowy winter storms along with improving spring weather patterns could deliver more moisture from the mississippi valley to the atlantic coastal plains. the u.s. ag department predicts a record crop in corn and soybeans. jack scoville of price futures group is watching the trading patterns from the grains pits of cme group. overall, unless there s a sharp drop-off in demand especially on the soybean side on export or corn side for the domestic we should see the bull spreads pretty much work. meantime, indiana farmers have recieved a record $1 billion in crop insurance following last year s drought. collectors items are gaining value. according to a collector s index, all nine categories of popular collector s items increased in value over the past decade. classic cars had the biggest gains, while, coins, stamps art, wine and jewlry also became more valuable. analysts note without expertise, investing in collectibles can be a challenge. still to come, a look at the films gearing up to compete with the great and powerful oz. that s later on. but first, spring fling: why the housing market is ready to sprout in the months to come. that s next with bill moller. home sales, home prices home construction - all three of these lagging indicators now are markedly improving, and that s a sure sign that the overall economy is doing the same, though it still has a long way to go. in fact, more homes could be sold this spring than in years. earl lee is president of prudential real estate affiliates. mr. lee, i know your company has done a little survey about all this. what did you find? > > one of the things we found was that home ownership is still a very important part of the american dream. in fact, 96% of our respondents replied it is a very essential part of what they are looking for in their lives. i think one of the reasons why that is really important is i think if we go back several years, there was a lot of information out there that we were going to become a nation of renters. and that obviously is not true based on our survey. > people certainly want to buy but economically, is buying a home still affordable? i know interest rates are down and so are home prices, but a lot of people aren t making as much money as they used to. > > that is true. i would say to you it depends on which sector. it also says that all real estate is local. clearly in markets that have been severely depressed, like phoenix, las vegas, south florida, those markets are aggressively moving forward, and we re having a lot of people wanting to buy houses in those marketplaces. i live in southern california. that market has turned around very dramatically. in orange county, california, for instance the average months of remaining inventory are less than two, which says that all the houses that are on the market will be sold in less than two months. > and i see there are even bidding wars in some markets too. with winter s pent-up demand, is this likely to be a pretty strong spring? you certainly found that out. how big might this be? > > i think this is probably going to be a very strong spring compared to what we have had in recent years. one of the things that is driving this market, obviously, is the change in the economy. the economy is getting a lot better. but i think the demographics out there are things that are really driving this market. our country over the last 10 years has grown by 30 million people. yet because of some of the economic situations, a lot of people have been on the sidelines. i think people are now looking to see as the economy starts to stabilize for them, their own personal situation stabilizes, they are starting to look to see how they can get back into the homeowner market. > earl lee. thank you so much for talking with us. > > thank you very much. thank you bill. in other news from the housing sector, the number of people applying for mortgages last week fell 4.3% as mortgage rates on the 30-year fixed bounced to 3.67% and the 15-year climbed to 3.01%. also, as house-hunting moves into the critical spring season lenders are said to be approving more low-down payments. fannie mae reportedly is buying loans with as little at 3% down payment. but those loans do require private mortgage insurance. coming up in movies and money a look at the post- oz box office win. plus, what film studios have in store to compete with the disney hit. that s next. disney is already halfway to making up the $300 million spent on making and promoting oz the great and powerful. the film took in $150 million worldwide over the weekend. in the u.s. alone, the film stormed the box office, with $80 million in ticket sales. oz was followed by jack the giant slayer, identity thief, dead man down and snitch. bill moller is back with what s coming next to a theater near you: > all right, erik, let s start with the animated one: the croods? what does that mean? > > the croods, i m sure it s sort of a take on the crudity of the family - it s a caveman family. it s opening in a couple weeks after oz, so we are going to see if families are ready to take their kids back for an animated film rather than sort of the live-action thing that oz was. > now we have a lot of science fiction/horror coming up in the coming months. > > we have the evil dead remake, speaking of oz. the evil dead was the film that put sam raimi on the map some years ago, and this is a re- imagining a remake, of his 1983 [198 horror classic that is getting a lot of buzz in the horror community. it was originally rated nc-17, so i don t know exactly the spill- over appeal that s going to get to people maybe like yourself bill, i am sure you are not going to go see evil dead. but i think the fans are really going to show up for it. i think it has a chance to be a nice horror hit in april. > the host. now, does this have some overtures from the twilight series? > > it was written by stephenie meyer, who wrote the twilight books, so this is her latest opus. it is kind of an alien body snatchers-type movie. not hearing very good buzz about it but, maybe the twilight fans if they were on board for her books then, maybe they will be on board for this movie as well. > tom cruise still at work. > > yeah. jack reacher not a great hit for him this past december, but he s got a big science fiction movie coming out called oblivion. it opens just a couple weeks before the summer season gets into gear with iron man 3, so it doesn t have a whole lot of time to sort of make a bunch of money, but it has a chance to be sort of a decent april hit. i am not expecting huge dollars though. > paramount, their logo is the rock, the big mountain, and they are putting two movies around this one guy, the rock. > > dwayne johnson, yeah. first at the end of march you have g.i. joe: retaliation, which is a film that was originally supposed to open last june and just a couple weeks beforehand it was pulled off the release schedule. there were some rumors that they wanted to add more channing tatum to the movie, some rumors saying that the buzz was really bad so they pushed it off the schedule. now it is coming out in march. the first g.i. joe film, the rise of cobra, did very well for paramount. now they have dwayne johnson in this one, who was dubbed franchise viagra by some people, because he has been put in a lot of sequels that have done very well. and also this movie pain & gain that michael bay directed comes out at the end of april, him pairing up with mark walberg in this true story of some muscle- bound guys who pull off a kidnapping. so that is a big action comedy sort of set-piece type movie, so. > i have found anything with michael bay i stay away from. these are ponderously long movies, whether it s the transformers flicks or pearl harbor. i can t stomach it. > > this is a little different approach for him. i am sure it is going to be loud and noisy and it s going to have a lot of bang and whatnot. but mark walberg and the rock are two very charismatic performers, and i think the two of them together might sort of make this a little more tolerable for the people who are not onboard with michael bay stuff. > all right. erik childress thanks. > > thank you. thanks guys. just ahead, a trade that hopefully won t leave you blushing. chart talk is next. matt cavanaugh of cmz trading joins us now for a look at a cosmetics stock. and actually, you see a decent trade on this one. let s take a look at ulta. what do you see in the charts? let s start there. > > well, this is a stock that has had a lot of difficulty recently as the market has been rising. it s a stock we ve talked about before, and it has really been kind of range- bound. so what i see in the charts here is i see support for ulta right around $84, $83, $85, somewhere in that range. the stock is roughly $87, $88 right now before earnings, so i think that just taking a brief look at it it looks like there is a good chance to maybe dip your toe into the long side here. > is this a quick trade? earnings are coming out tonight after the close. > > you know, it would be one that i would make, but i would make sure to have defined risk/reward ratios on it. and what i mean by that is the stock looks like it is fairly expensive. it has been a growth story, but it has really had trouble the last few months. their cfo resigned, their ceo resigned, there were some downgrades. so what they did is they pre-released their earnings, and they actually look pretty good to me. so i think if the company can give any sort of clarity about what kind of leadership they have going forward and what their plans are, this stock could really pop here. > i notice there was some call buying, but anything is subject to happen here. thank you very much matt. have a good day. > > thank you. that does it for now. we hope you will join us tomorrow as our traders go unplugged to cover how to make money on commodites as that market calms down. from all of us at first business, have a great day.

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