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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20171214

republicans reach a tentative deal on taxes and my take on the alabama speciality. special election. and anderson cooper s dog ate his home work. first opening monologue. the fallout continues on new examples of political bias can from the defendapartment of jus and the fbi. fox news has some of the text messages between peter strzok and his fbi lawyer girlfriend. they are full of trump bashing. we will show you the actual message in a minute. the massive conflicts of interest, the political prejudice being exposed in america s justice system has republican lawmakers demanding answer. they questioned the rod rosenstein on capitol hill earlier today. this is a classic. take a look. we are begining to better understand the magnitude of this insider bias on mr. mueller s team. first we have fbi agent peter strzok and fbi lawyer lisa paige showing extreme bias against president trump. what happens when the people who are supposed to cure the conflict of interest have even greater conflicts of interest than those they are replacing? that s not a rhetorical case. we would not sit peter strzok on a jury knowing what we know now. why didn t we know it ahead of time? how with a straight face can you say that this group of democrat partisans are unbiassed and will give president trump a fair shake? this is unbelievable! i am hear to tell you, mr. rosenstein, the public trust in this whole thing is gone. you have two things can you do. you are the guy in charge. you picked mueller. you wrote the memo saying why you needed to fire comey. you are the guy in charge. you can disband the mueller special prosecutor and appoint a second special council to look into peter strzok. sean: you heard it here first. we have been doing this for mongst. months. rosenstein remained defiant and defending mueller and his team of clinton lovers and trump haters. watch this. it s important to recognize when we talk about political affiliation, the issue of bias is something different. i discussed this with director mueller. we have a lot of experience managing employees with political opinions. it s our responsibility to make sure those opinions do not influence their actions. i believe that direct mueller understands that and he is running that office appropriately. recognizing that people have political views but ensuring they are not a factor in how they conduct himself. i don t know what the president meant by. that the special counsel investigation is not a witch hunt. sean: there is only one opinion. it s pro-hillary and anti-trump. a mountain of evidence showing the bias among mueller s investigators but rosenstein pretending like he doesn t see it. what is happening? this is a direct threat to the rule of law in this country. rosenstein is aiding and abetting that threat. if he had any sort of moral compass he would shutdown mueller. as for mueller s team a quick overview. they have given piles of cash, over 50 grand in total to democrats including barack obama and hillary clinton. only one donateed to a republican. none gave any money to donald trump. one of mueller s top investigators worked closely with eric holder and represented the clinton foundation during the 2015 racketeering case. then there is mueller s top prosecutor. he oversaw that controversial obstruction of justice case. remember enron? it destroyed the company. they were put out of business. tens of thousands of people lost their jobs. in 2005 the supreme court overturned his conviction 9-0. as part of the enron investigation, he sent 4 people to jail and that was all overturned. wiseman has been accused of doing anything to secure a conviction. withholding evidence and intimidating witnesses. last week why you last week they released an email. yates refused to enforce the travel ban. wiseman attended hillary clinton s election night party. and then the trump hater peter strzok. fox news has obtained the message between strzok and his girlfriends. here s the back story. this guy strzok used to be a top counter intelligent official before being demoted and signed the document that started the entire russian and trump investigation. strzok s team was assigned to handle the anti-trump dossier. get this, he oversaw the interview of former national security advisor michael flynn and played a major role in the clinton email investigation. sat in on hillary s fbi interview and also at the interviews of clinton s top aides. strzok is the guy that changed the exoneration before investigation james comey. he changed the terminology from negligence to carelessness. that let hillary clinton off the hook. strzok is at the center of everything. that s why these text messages are so disturbing. let s look at this exchange. paige the girlfriend writes trump is a loathsomee human and: later strzok wrote: in june strzok wrote: wow! in july, page texted: ? august page wrote: strzok even bashed trump supporters. writing: sean: in october strzok sent this message: message pay close attention to. it s raising important questions we need answers to. in august of 2016, strzok texted: sean: fox news believes that andy, would be the deputy fbi director andy mccabe. his wife took donations from democracy. there is also this text exchange. we edited out the middle part that was a web link. page writes: sean: why is the insurance policy and why is andy the deputy fbi director involved in this? the wall street journal reported that the meeting with mccabe took place as the fbi launched a counter-intelligence probe into possible trump and russian connections. july is when steele briefed the fbi about the fake news dossier. another huge question: how were these text messages discovered? after reading all of those. how can rod rosenstein go before congress today and conclude that special counsel is fair and unbiased? and fusion gps, they confirmed that nellie ohr the wife of the doj official bruce ohr worked for fusion gps. fusion gps also confirmed that nellie ohr worked on trump opposition research. we found out that bruce ohr met with the former british spy that paid for the russian lies to influence the election. steele put together the fake news anti-trump, russian dossier with phoney information. bruce ohr met with glenn simpson. the co-founder of fusion gps. guess what? ohr s office was only four-doors down from rosenstein s. wow. everything we just explained shows that there are inexcusable conflicts of interest. there are clear, abusive biases at the doj and the fbi and robert mueller s team. to be clear, this has nothing to do with rank-and-file hard working law enforcement agents. this is the select few people at the top who think they are above the law and think they know better than you. what in god s name is robert mueller doing? it s one giant, huge, massive web of corruption. it s all aimed at taking down the elected president of the united states. what he is doing is immoral and unethical and at some point we will find real illegal activity. joining us now a former deputy assistant and florida attorney general pam. pam, thoughts? oh, sean, if we were watching this on a motive, i don t think anyone would believe it. what fox uncovered. first all of these people need to be wiped off the case and start over. there is no question about that. i will say this every time. there are so many great men and women in our federal government. this is out of control. i think sanchez asked great questions today. and rod rosenstein, i have dealt with him. i had ethical dealings with rod. he said it s the responsibility to be sure influence sean: what else do we need? to get all of these other people off the case. i think he is ethical. i think these people need to be removed. [overlapping talking]. sean: he think mueller is doing a good job. i think we need to hold on and see what happens. i am not defending mueller. i am not defending rosenstein. what i am saying is given everything you exposed, given the hard hitting questions today he got in congress. let s see what happens now. all of these people need to be wiped out. there are plenty of good people out there who can handle a case who have no influence. they haven t given to either party. 8 out of the 16 people not only donateed to democrats but very active in the anti-trump movement. they all need to be gone. if they are talking about mccabe there could be crimmial issues. sean: dr. sebastian gorka, how do we interrupt the insurance policy they discussed with who we think is andrew mccabe? is the insurance policy we will just go after trump and manufacture trump and russian collusion and that will be in the means to take out the elected president? we are smarter than everybody else that voted for donald trump. i only interrupt what individual words in the text messages mean. we have enough evidence already. i have to disagree with pam. you talk about replacing individuals. it s about dissolving this team. this team, mueller s team is manned by members of hillary clinton s resistant movement. there is a reason that lady justice is blindfolded. in this case she took the blindfold off and using that sword to attack the president. where is peter strzok today? the second these text messages came out, the director should have gone up to strzok and taken his gun and badge and fired him from law enforcement. he is in the hr-department of the bureau. think about what you can do in that department. he is massaging documents? is he hiding the political identities of other people investigating the president? this is not political bias. this is corruption at the highest level of law enforcement. sean: how can they look at the team of clinton lovers, trump haters, the unethical behavior of wiseman. and we hear that there is no way trump gets elected, but i am afraid we can t take that risk. it s like an insurance policy in case you die before you are 40. deep state powerful operatives, plotting and planing to undermine an election. tell me why i am wrong, pam bondi. no, sebastian gorka, you used much better words than i. they need to be dissolved. i am holding out hope that rod rosenstein [overlapping talking] sean: why didn t see? i can tell you. i hope he sees it. i hope they are being dissolved. they agree with that. sean: comey and strzok exonerated hillary clinton on the email server investigation before the investigation. that sounds like obstruction to me. they are interrupt. comey is interrupt. they are corrupt. comey is corrupt. strzok is corrupt. comey will skate along trying to make everybody happy. he won t change the corrupt nation of this team. mueller is a vietnam vet but maybe he is tone deaf. you can t have 10 people that are in the tank for hillary investigate the republican president who defeated hillary. sean: i will give you another example. what about the dossier? four doors down from rosenstein is bruce ohr meeting with fusion gps as this is going on. his wife is doing anti-trump research for them. four doors down. trump and russian collusion? how about hillary paying for russian lies used in the campaign to influence the american people. is that collusion? pam? absolutely. you can t blame rosenstein just because his office is four doors down. i am not defending him. i hope he will do the right thing. i know him. i have worked with him. all of these people need to be dissolved off of this investigation. he said we will see something soon. i am hopeful we will be seeing that because he is supervising mueller. sean: this is worst than watergate. i agree. sean: massive web of corruption. it s watergate on human growth hormone and steroids. and you have to untangle. sean: and the media is still lockdown into a one year investigation with zero evidence. i doubt we would have today s hearing without you, sean. sean: it s literally a small group and all of you. thank you. harvard law professor alan dershowitz will talk about rosenstein s testimony and peter strzok s anti-trump text messages. my thoughts on the special election in alabama. you don t hear this anywhere else. and also cnn s anderson cooper. the dogate his home work. (vo) the best gifts come with a special box. purchase $999 or more at helzberg diamonds and get an xbox one s, with 3 months of xbox game pass and xbox live gold. at helzberg diamonds. while supplies last. sean: welcome back to hannity. with reaction to my opening monologue, rod rosenstein s testimony on capitol hill and the corruption within mueller special counsel and author of the book trumped up. harvard law school professor alan dershowitz is back with us. your reaction to the hearing and to these email exchange. the depth in terms of this one guy strzok. that happens into almost everything we have discussed for a year. does the fbi not have any other employees? it seems like he is it. first happy hanukkah and a merry christmas. this is a terrible problem. it s a very serious problem. it s a problem not only of perception of bias but the reality of bias here. any defendant who gets indicted by the mueller group will be able to challenge their indictment in court. mueller will say, look, our statutes prohibit me from considering political affiliation. i just hired the best people. they are all democrats who supported clinton. but bias within a political affiliation. these folks who wrote these emails should have rescued themselves. they have a strong bias just like ruth bader ginsberg has a strong bias against president trump and i hope she will recuse herself in any case involving the president. should there be a special counsel? no, because i don t see evidence of crimes. mueller should appoint an ethices consultant like a former head of the fbi to come in and do a complete evaluation of the staff. sean: isn t that pathetic that he needs this. you know wiseman he doesn t belong on that team. you argued before the supreme court. yes. it s a very good question. andrew has a reputation of being an excellent and very tough, zealous lawyer. i didn t know anything about his political affiliation. i had a case against him not so long ago. he is very, very good. he never should have sent that email congratulating sally yates. [overlapping talking] sean: how about withholding evidence? in other cases using beyond aggressive tactics. i agree with you. as a civil liberties lawyer, i am appalled when they withhold evidence democrats or republicans. some are emails are saying they would do anything to get rid of this president and that s a bias. sean: this one particular text message. there are own 10,000. i believe they are talking about mccabe. i have not confirmed that. there is no way trump gets elected if we follow that path. i am afraid we can t take that risk. it s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you are 40. that s chilling to me. it is. there has to be an investigation of that. i don t want criminal investigations. we should start with ethices investigations. i suggested a non-partisan commission like the 9-11 commission. when you start with a special counsel you are immediately saying there must be a crime here. i think that s wrong on both sides. i am opposed to the republican s call for a special counsel. get the criminalization out of our system and just look to learn the truth. we have to find out everything we can about any bias in the mueller probe or it will be subject to challenge by any crimmial defendant indicted. sean: people want to have fun on twitter. i challenged him to a debate. he said maybe in may. let s have a debate now. sean: i will give you two seats on my set. it will be an open debate and i will stay out of it for the full hour. i accept. sean: coming up next my thoughts, the media is so wrong on what happened last night in alabama s special election. what the media will never tell you. kellyanne conway is here tonight. and later anderson cooper s dog ate his home work. it s profound. sean: last night doug jones defeated roy moores. the media doesn t want you to understand but i will tell you. it s so obvious if you know what is really going on. that s tonight s mini-monologue. right now because president trump is so hated by the left, the destroy trump mainstream media, they blame trump for roy moore s loss. this is predictable. they blame him for everything. i told you this before. i lived in alabama. i had a great number of years there. i have known congressman mo brooks since 1990. when the primary race to fill jeff sessions s open seat was there i embraced mo brooks. this is what i said on my radio show. mo brooks i have known for 27 years and endorsed him and his candidacy. sean: if mo brooks was on the election yesterday, he would have won the election by 20 points easily. it wasn t trump. mitch mcconnell and the d.c. establishment inserted themselves into this race. they never wanted mo brooks to be the next senator from alabama. they looked at brooks as another ted cruz. a conservative voice that would fight the d.c. swamp, be against the establishment. so mitch and company poured in million dollars to support the establishment candidate luther strange who has ethical issues. that s another night. mo brooks came in 3rd. didn t qualify for the run off primary election. the people of alabama were not happy with mitch mcconnell s interference. when it came down to luther strange versus roy moore, the people of alabama voted for the anti-establishment candidate. roy moore has always been controversial. in 2012 he run the race for chief justice on the alabama court. only won 52% of the vote. that was before like in this case all of these accusations of misconduct were levelled against judge moore. it s not surprising that alabama elected a democrat to the u.s. senate for the first time in over 20 years. the morning after when i look at who is to blame for this embarrassing loss. it is not president trump. that s the lazy, knee jerk, mainstream media explanation. roy moore has himself to blame in many ways. ran a terrible campaign. was not on the campaign trail a lot in the last week and had to deal with all of those allegations. when i interviewed roy moore, when the accusations first surfaced, i made it clear i was shocked by some of his answers. we called him out on that. i figured he said he didn t know the woman. the woman claimed he wrote in the year book. i claimed forensics would decide thiseracy. this race. i talked to an expert said with 100% certainty he could tell if it was roy moore s hand writing. i have no idea why the analysis didn t happen. the campaign was botched from the get go. in 2 years the people of alabama will get another chance to make their voices heard. i assume they would have better candidates. mo brooks would be the best one. we wish him well. he announced he had prostate cancer but curable. the media are making this a democratic victory to be a major repudiation of donald trump. look at the over the top coverage from last night alone. watch this. doug jones campaign is biting their nails. now thinking this can work with us. 72% jefferson county. excited across the room there. look at this. wow! all of a sudden doug jones is taking the lead. the outcome many people thought was impossible. an earthquake in a lot of ways. i think we will look back on this as part of a continuum and a significant night not just for the democratic party but this country. thank you. you just put things into relief and context. abandon the candidate. this annoys me. i don t interrupt you and do you this constantly. i am so through with your smirking and laughing. make a point. i made my point. okay. that s a little bit different than how they reacted back on november 8th and president trump won. remember this. america is crying tonight. i am not sure how much of america, but a very, very significant portion. i mean literally crying. this is a sadness. it s a mourning moment for those people. it is a moment filled with fear. our country is about to face some serious crieses. your country needs you. you have a son in the marine corp and you don t trust the commander and chief. this was a white lash against a changing country. it was a white lash against a black president in part. sean: there is the glaring do you believe standard. media research center said 90% of the coverage on the 3 big networks, abc, nbc and cbs about president trump, 90% negative. despite all of that the president continues to stay focussed and is working hard and pushing his agenda through. the economy is soaring. we look much better on the world stage. today he made his argument in support of the gop tax plan finished. many americans will get money back. joining us with reaction counsel to the president kellyanne conway. i was doing all of trump s accomplishments. ding, ding, ding. the media doesn t cover that. all of the regulations. this is a corporate tax cut that is massive. middle-class tax cut. this is a big deal and energy independence. millions of jobs will be created on an already recovering economy. today was one of the most exciting days since we have been here this year. you can see it. you can feel it. the president was excited to host five families who send his invitation to go up to the podium in front of live tv cameras and tell their stories unscripted. they thought long and hard about what they would do with extra money in their pocket. there was a one way ticket of money going to washington and this president is stopping it. some families will invest it in children s education. some in home rennovations. others say they would give it to folks in need. the anticipation alone are reducing that corporate rate and bringing those jobs back from overseas. a centerpiece of president trump s economic pledge to this nation. the anticipation has meant 17 year high in consumer confidence. yesterday we saw small business groups coming out with their measurements. they have never seen anything like it. we are on the verge of passing historic tax reform. the president said people would see the difference in their paychecks in february. when you file taxes on april 15th, you will have seen the difference in the paychecks. he is the paycheck president. sean: you saw what happened with rosenstein. you heard me layout the narrative with peter strzok and his girlfriend. the dossier. then you have bruce ohr and his wife. fusion gps. hillary bought and paid for russian propaganda that influenced the election. you put all of this together and look at where we are, where are on you all of this? is this the most corrupt i have ever seen things at the top. they are working overtime to hurt this president day in and out. the president made very clear many times that he has a great deal of faith in the rank-and-file at the fbi and intelligence agencies and maybe of the hard working men and women in his government. at the same time, he wants investigations to be independent and fair and accountable. americans have a right to feel disturbed with that they see in text messages and in terms of people s political motivations. i am glad the information and evidence is getting out there. from my perspective in the white house, it shows the split screen what have is going on. you see all of that. this investigation about 2016 and we are back to the clinton campaign. we can t get rid of them. i would love to. you see the split screen. the president trump standing on the verge of tax reform he is also doing something else tomorrow. he will talk about massive deregulation. sean: that s huge. he promised 2 regulations out and he is way ahead of that. sean: kellyanne conway, merry christmas. you can say merry christmas. merry christmas! happy hanukkah. sean: amen. when we come back, cnn s anderson cooper his dog ate his home work. you can t make this up. we will let you decide straight ahead. it all starts with a wish. the lincoln wish list event is here. sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complementary first months payment. sean: welcome back to hannity. joining us fox news contributor tomi lahren and i want to you put your legal hat on for a second. i am stunned. this is bigger by far than anything that came up in watergate. it s clear there was a conspiracy by the fbi and the department of justice to elect hillary clinton and defeat donald trump. when it did not work. they launched plan-b, a broadulent investigation into president a fraudulent investigation into president trump. all of these guys are thick as thieves. they conspired to unseat the president and undo the election. plan-a was exonerate hillary clinton. that didn t work. plan-b was to sean: they exonerated without an investigation. but it did not get her the presidency which was the goal. the emails prove. the most telling email is the email in which strzok s lover says you were meant to be in this position, to save the country. to save the republic. sean: he was part of it? totally. sean: tomi lahren, we cover a lot of corruption. i love the fbi and law enforcement. i am thankful we have the powerful tools of intelligence. you are younger than gregg jarrett and i. you have to be worried about the future of this country for your generation and future generations if the rule of law is thwarted like this. well, absolutely. the question is not if there is political bias or if they are trying to destroy president trump. it s why. why taking down this president who is doing great things for the american people. actually making real change. why are you trying so hard to take him down? i find it sick and disgusting. these are all great questions. it was a myth that collusion in a political campaign is a crime. it s not. there is no evidence that president trump engaged in colaperation with the russian. this was all invented by the fbi and the justice department because they hated trump and loved hillary clinton. they were trying to elect her and defeat him. when it didn t work, they went to plan-b. say there is a crime and then surf for a crime. search for a crime. was there collusion in the transition? no. sean: the dossier was used for the predicate for that. tomi lahren, all of this information is ignored by the mainstream media. of course it is. what frustrates me, look how much we are spending for this independent investigation. that s our hard earned dollars being spent on this crap. that should anger every american whether you are a republican or democrat or what recall you are. what color you are. sean: good to see you both. when we come back anderson cooper in hot water. his dog ate his homework. am tot. am tot. and non-24 can make me show up too early. or too late. or make me feel like i m not really there. talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. we35 mules,ur doors with 70 mega-watts, and an ice plant. but we brought power to the people- redefining what that meant from one era to the next. over 90 years later, we continue to build as america s 3rd largest investor in infrastructure. we don t just help power the american dream. we re part of it. (vo) take home something in for $999 or more,ds box and you also take home an xbox one s, with a terrific bundle! now, that s thinking outside the box! at helzberg diamonds. while supplies last. sean: cnn s anderson cooper had explaining to do today. this tweet from cooper s twitter account responding to the president s tweet about the alabama senate race: oh, really, you endorsed him, you tool. pathetic loser. cnn is claiming cooper didn t send that tweet. instead said cooper s assistant left cooper s phone unlocked and someone stole it tweeted that. laura ingraham is standing by. laura: was it on an elli elliptical machine. sean: i do boxing and street martial arts. now how i train. i don t run on a stupid machine bored out of my mind. laura: i have seen your hand broken from mixed martial arts. sean: this is the latest. i snapped it when i hit somebody. it s fun. laura: i am afraid of you.

Alabama , United-states , United-kingdom , Washington , Florida , Vietnam , Republic-of , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , Jefferson-county , Capitol-hill , Russia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20190202

an apology. i m deeply sorry. i cannot change the decisions i made nor can i undo the harm my behavior caused then and today, but i accept responsibility for my past actions. arthel: garrett tenney is live in richmond with the very latest. garrett. reporter: in that video he doubled down on his previous statement in which he acknowledged that he was in the yearbook picture wearing a costume he described as racist and offensive. he said i m deeply sorry for the decision i made to appear as i did in the photo and for the hurt that decision caused then and now. today, though, he has been trying to walk back those comments, reaching out to virginia democrats, telling them he doesn t think that he was in the picture and that he doesn t want to resign until he knows for sure. the democratic party of virginia has made up its mind. this morning they said in part we stand with democrats across virginia and the country calling for him to immediately resign. he no longer has our confidence, nor our support. he must end this chapter immediately and step down. this is in addition to a growing wave of calls for him to resign. joe biden, corey booker, kamala harris and kirste kirsten gil s well. arthel: garrett, thank you very much. eric: for more on this, let s bring in lee zeldin of long island, new york. your reaction to the photo and what would you call on the governor to do about half an hour from now? the governor needs to resign. it s crazy to think he may be trying to walk this back at this point like he doesn t know whether or not that s him in the photo. makes you wonder how many other photos are out there that he might be confusing this with. but this has no place in politics and he s had a really bad week. this isn t the only thing this week. it shouldn t be lost that he was advocating for infants to be killed after birth, just before this photo came out. so there are many different reasons why he needs to go away and not be the governor of virginia, the great state of virginia. eric: there s a lot of controversy on that in terms of the status of that but in terms of the photo, it s on his yearbook page. you ve got black face, you have a kkk costume. this is 1984, it s not 1954 or 1934. and now he says gee, i don t remember if it was me or not. would you remember, do you remember what was on your yearbook photo, congressman? i do. and i also know that there s no way that i would have ever been in a photo like that. so the fact that he s not sure waking up the next day i think is more about him trying to save his political career. it s racist. it s not funny. it s classless. by the way, i don t know which faculty member in 1984 was responsible for putting the yearbook together but why did that adult allow that to get in there? eric: i was the yearbook editor at my high school. you ve got a faculty advisor that looks over this stuff. what does that say about the culture or what was acceptable at some point at that time, no matter how offensive, insulting aninsultingand outrageous it ist something like that could be in a yearbook of medical students. you were talking about the top of the top and yet that that s allowed to be published and sit there for the last many decades. if you re at a party, you re doing it because you think this is funny, that you re showing a certain amount of sense of humor and charm. you re engaging. you re the cool kid in the crowd. so there is that party and then the fact that this person many years later would be running for governor of virginia, and after the remarks that he made for this to get into that yearbook, again, i don t know how that even made its way into print, but it says a lot about the culture then. you fast forward to 2018, 2019 now that we re in, we don t have a tolerance for that today and it s important to send a message to other people whether they live in virginia or any other part of the country, that this does not represent acceptable leadership in government. and we re going to come down on racism. we ll come down on white supremacy. we ll come down on the kkk. we have a growing amount of anti-semitism in our country. so racism in so many different forms, it s important for us to crush. we can t be tolerant of it. we can t elevate it. we can t accept it. we can t empower it. we need to crush it. eric: does he make it worse if he does not resign, if he puts up a fight, the black legislative caucus says this is disgusting and offensive, it s time for him to resign. the virginia house democratic caucus says he must resign. does this make it worse if he steps up to that podium you see in the governor s mansion and says he s going to fight this out for some reason and it s not him? would that just exacerbate the issue? if the governor doesn t resign he s delaying the inevitable. every once in a while a story that comes out on a friday is actually still a story on monday. this is something he won t be able to just soldier through the weekend and think the rest of us will forget about it on monday. he s done. and ithere was a lot ofpeople ia who probably wanted him to resign as soon as he started advocating for a policy where you re murdering an infant after it s born. for that to come out a day later, he s losing people on all sides of different issues, so he s not going to survive it. the best thing for his state is for him to step aside and to allow the state to move forward, for the country to move forward and to allow the strong message to be sent to any medical school student who is out there now who understands that a picture taken is one that you post it up on your instagram or snapchat or facebook, it s going to be out there for a while and it s going to impact your future. so this sends a message to kids too. my daughters are 12. they need to learn a lesson of what not to do, what not to post. he made a mistake and he s getting burned for it. he had a really bad week for multiple reasons. he would be delaying the inevitable. eric: sometimes it doesn t seem there s impropriety anymore or boundaries. thank you, congressman. we ll bring you the governor s reaction about 20 minutes from now, see what he says we have another developing story. arthel: president trump taking a break from washington and spending the weekend at mar-a-lago in palm beach. the political battles of the nation s capital are never far behind. the president and congressional democrats at odds over funding for a border wall. as a bipartisan committee tries to hammer out a deal, president trump implying that declaring a national emergency could be an option. it s being built. some of it s already been completed. in san diego, it s been completed. it s beautiful, brand-new. we have other wall that s under construction and we re giving out a lot of contracts. we re building the wall. it s getting built one way or the other. arthel: let s go to allison barber live in west palm beach with the lat latest. reporter: president trump finishing up his morning, his afternoon of golfing with jack nicklaus and tiger woods. they golfed at trump national golf club in jupiter, florida, 20 minutes away from where we are here and where the president typically golfs in the airof arf west palm beach. this is the president s first visit since thanksgiving. he was expected to come here, to spend time here with his family during christmas. he canceled that trip due to the shutdown. president trump talked a lot about this idea of whether or not he will end up h eventually declaring a national emergency when it comes to discussions involving the border wall. he hinted to reporters this week that perhaps that sort of announcement, that decision could be made during his state of the union address. are you saying now you expect to declare a national emergency? i don t want to say. you ll hear the state of the union and you ll see what happens after the state of the union. i think there s a good chance we ll have to do that. reporter: the president has talked about those negotiations that we know have been happening on capitol hill. the bipartisan conference committee where you have lawmakers on the left and right coming together to try to negotiate a border security package by february 15th. a seen i don t remember administration official who actually briefed reporters on the president s plans for his state of the union yo address wouldn t comment when asked specifically whether the president plans to declare a national emergency during the state of the union address. a senate aide told me they think mr. trump will set the table for a declaration but not pull the trigger until after february 18th. the president says in interviews he feels like the negotiations on capitol hill so far are proving to be a waste of time but right now it seems to be a wait and see on what he will decide in terms of a national declaration but increasingly we ve heard the president hint more and more that not only is he prepared to do that, but he s expecting to do it as well. arresarthel. arthel: thank you for the update. eric: if the president declares a national emergency it could force senate republicans into an awkward vote. david duker wrote about. senate republicans could be forced to choose between congressional power and crossing the white house. the california democrat could put a binding resolution of disapproval on the house floor to counter trump should he claim constitutional powers to build a border wall. congressman, would a resolution of disapproval, if the house passed that, would that stop the president cold or would he then like could h he veto it? how would that work? i would expect it possibly passing the house. i wouldn t expect it to pass the senate. i do know as far as house democrats go, that many democrats over the course of the last few weeks have said during the shutdown, they said why don t we sit down and work it out. right before the shutdown ended, you had steny hoyer on and he said he was in favor of increased funding for our physician i physical border or . there are dozens of other house democrats that echoed it. eric: do you think it s moving that way? i think that nancy pelosi isn t speaking for a unanimous conference when she says that her party is for not giving more than $1 to president trump. that actually is not what i have heard from many of my colleagues, one on one. but also dozens of them now have stated it publicly. now, if the president was to issue a national emergency, it s not plan a. what plan a is and should be is for congress to do its darn job with its deadline coming up next week. we ll see what he says on tuesday. i really would caution anyone who thinks that nancy pelosi is speaking for all congressional democrats when she says her party doesn t want it, i ve heard from many who are in favor of cutting a deal where there s increased money to strengthen the physician i physical physil border. eric: if they don t agree do you think the president should declare a national emergency to get it done? he may not have a choice. the one thing that is certainly everyone s been talking about and should be aware of, that someone s going to file a court challenge right away and it will be tied up in court. just because the president declares a national emergency doesn t mean that that is such a clear path as well. it still remains at that point for option a, for congress to do its job. it s what my constituents want. it s what our country wants. we see the migrant caravans, to stop illegal immigration and all the reasons about things that are crossing that shouldn t. human trafficking, drugs trafficking, arms trafficking, sex trafficking, we need it for national security. i believe there are a lot of congressional democrats who would agree and would vote for it. hopefully they do the right thing between now and next week. the president is showing he s willing to do what he needs to, to protect our country and national security is job number one, constitutionally, for our federal government. eric: you talk about the democrats. this is the omb letter. i ask naiver on everyone this q. it would fund a total construction of approximately 234 miles of new physical barrier. congressman, can you explain this? back in 2006 the secure america act, secure fence act, the democrats he voted for that and that put 654 miles offense barrier tha that s there now one border. the same democrats in some cases are against putting one-third of that, 234 miles, that not just the president wants, it s what the border patrol wants, the experts say should be in laredo, yuma and the rio grande. can you explain why so many democrats are against putting a physical barrier right now where the experts say they need to put them when they were so willing to fund even more of a fence back in 2006? they don t want it because president trump wants it and whether it s the feelings that they have for president trump or the ill feelings they have towards all the americans that voted for president trump, that is all that changed. but senator schumer voted for it. president obama. senator clinton. a lot of these democrats put that over the top. it was a bipartisan bill. by the way, just last year, last fiscal year, you had democrats, house and senate from all coast to coast, all across the country, voting for an appropriations package with money to be used to strengthen the physical border. part of the project includes a steel fence. so that all that s changed sint year, we had the shutdown and the president has made it more clearly known that this is something that he wants but as you point out, it s not just him. these are experts saying we need it in order to have operational control of our border. yes, let s have the technology, we need it, the drones, that s how we re identifying tunnels because of the increased technology. let s give border patrol agents all the resources they need and have more immigration judges and humanitarian aid, it s all part of the practice. when the democrats try to reduce it to a sound bite and saying we don t agree with a wall from sea to shining sea, as you point out, that s not what president trump is proposing. s he s proposing a couple hundred plus miles where we have a vulnerability that we need to keep americans safe. it s one they should support, taking their oath seriously and i hope they do. i don t know if they will because they hate president trump that much. eric: we ll see what happens out of the conference committee, there it is, physical barrier, 234 miles, we ll see what happens over the next two weeks. congressman, good to see you. thank you. arthel: we are awaiting a statement from virginia s governor. he will address the media just minutes from now on that controversial photo. we ll bring you those remarks as soon as they begin. echos of the cold war as the u.s. and russia pull out of a decades-old nuclear treaty. is a new arms race in the works? you have to have everybody adhere to it and you have a certain side that almost pre tends it doesn t exist. pretends it doesn t exist. introducing the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what s in your wallet? this is moving day with the best in-home wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. and this is moving day with reliable service appointments in a two-hour window so you re up and running in no time. show me decorating shows. this is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. simple. easy. awesome. stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. unless we re going to having we all agree to, we can t be put at the disadvantage of going by a treaty, limiting what we do, when somebody else doesn t go by that treaty. eric: that s president trump on with drawing from the key nuclear treaty with russia, the president saying it is russia that breached the inf treaty for the last decade. vladimir putin is following suit, saying his country will also pull out of the treaty that bans intermediate range nuclear weapons, some fearing this could lead to a new arms race. jillian turner has more from washington. reporter: the u.s. is officially suspending the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty with russia. it s been in effect for decades. administration officials believe russia has been violating the spirit and text of the terms for over a decade. the secretary of state now saying enough, enough. we provided russia an ample window of time to mend its ways for russia to honor its commitment. tomorrow that time runs out. russia refused to take any steps to return real and verifiable compliance. reporter: president trump agrees. he s optimistic about the potential for some real deal di blow massey. i hope diplomacy. i hope we re able to get everybody in a big and beautiful room and do a new treaty that would be better. reporter: at issue now are new russian cruise missiles. the trump administration says in order to come back into compliance, russia would have to destroy its arsenal. national security experts say when it comes to russia complying with the treaty now, there s a lot of hope but no chance. vladimir putin is weighing in publicly today. sources tell fox news that he sounds like he s jonessing for an arms race. american partners stated they stopped their participation in the inf treaty and we stop. reporter: the u.s. warned russia they were in violation of the treaty in 2013. they ve alway always insisted te been in compliance. they ve never budged. officials are worried about u.s./military relations with china. china has never been a party to the inf treaty though president trump hinted in the past he might be interested in adding countries to any new missile agreement that emerges. if china were brought into the fold, security forces tell fox news it s got about 1,000 missiles in the arsenal that would be in violation. eric: jil jillian, thanks so . arthel: we bring in retired captain chuck nash. let s walk this step by step, if you would. first of all, this would not happen immediately, this would be in the next six months. would this be the right move by the trump administration to pull out of the treaty and what s the benefit to the u.s.? well, the russians were already cheating on the treaty anyway. we re the ones that are living up to the standards of it. so it s kind of silly to do it on a one way thing. so yes, i think it is the right thing to do, which is put the russians on notice. we re giving them six months to get back into compliance. they ve been out of compliance for a long time. the obama administration knew that this was happening. they didn t have a plan on how to deal with it. so they kept it actually from the public. it was released later and now the trump administration like they re doing with the chinese, with trade agreements and intellectual property theft, we re saying enough is enough, we re changing, we re going back to the days when the united states stood up for its interests and those of its allies. arthel: i want to play more sound from president putin. okay. russia won t deploy short range and intermediate range we pons if it appears neither in europe nor in other regions of the world unless similar american made we pons appea upon those regions. all proposal are on the table as before. doors for the talks are open. at the same time, i m asking both bodies not to initiate any talks on this issue. let s wait until our partners to have an equitable dialogue with us. arthel: you said putin has been in violation of the inf treaty. you ll remind us for how long. let s talk about president putin s strategy behind pulling out now. is there more than just reaction to the u.s. withdrawal come six months from now and really as you pointed out other administrations tried this, as you said, that they didn t make it too public because putin didn t comply. what makes you think he will comply now? well, because we re going to back out of the treaty if he doesn t which means the united states is rebuilding its nuclear arsenal and we had plans to put ground launched cruise missiles into belgium, the u.k., germany and italy and we stopped and trashed those missiles, stopped the development, and when that happened there were over 2600 missiles between both countries that were destroyed. now the russians have for the last decade been rebuilding their military, getting rid of their old, objects lieutenant stuff and focusing on high leverage weapons. they reintroduced these things. our intelligence and the intelligence of the nato countries has shown that they ve not only developed these weapons, they ve already deployed battalions of them. so putin s first point in your last sound is total nonsense. they ve already deployed it. the second thing is, talk, talk, talk. everybody s been talking for over a decade. it s not worked. that s it. time for action and president trump has put his foot down and said that s it. we re going to pull out if you don t get back in compliance. arthel: meanwhile, china is not beholden to any treaty to curtail their nuclear arsenal. how might they assess this or take advantage of it? well, i think they re going to look at it and there are four laws of thermo dynamics. jokingly, there s a fifth. that is, if the heat s on somebody else, it isn t on me. right now china is probably looking at this, thinking the u.s. and the russians, they re going head to head on this deal. nato s involved. in fact, nato, arthel, came out and made a statement and said they fully hold the russians responsible for this issue. so the west has agreed, working against what the russians are trying to do and in the meantime the chinese continue to build out islands and expand into the south china sea. arthel: quickly if you could. you know that the president is wanting to revise or come up with a new treaty that would require china, iran, north korea, india, pakistan, to sign up. so it would no longer just be the u.s. and russia. really, what s the likelihood of that happening? i don t think the chinese are going to do it. they ve already invested in a new generation of weapons. they want to continue to hold taiwan at threat on taiwan and other areas in the region. so they re not likely to do it. it s not in their interest. arthel: okay. we ll be watching this closely over the next six months. captain nash, thank you. my pleasure, arthel. eric: thousands of central american migrants are on their last leg of their journey through mexico. and now again just days away from reaching the u.s. border. we re live on the ground in mexico with the latest on their journey. plus, we re awaitin awaiting ren a few moments from now from ralph northam over the controversy over the racially offensive photo from his college yearbook. we ll see what the governor will say, whether he will step down or not and fight allegations against him. he seems to have reversed himself over the last 24 hours. we ll bring you the latest. not having a good breakfast can make you feel like your day never started. get going with carnation breakfast essentials®. it has protein, plus 21 vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d, to help your family be their best. carnation breakfast essentials®. stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate i switched to stimulant-free miralax for my constipation. to help your family be their best. the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn t cause harsh side effects. that s why i choose miralax. look for the pink cap. i was tirso to money down the rent drain, after watching the admiral and at that point i just made up my mind, i said i m calling newday usa tomorrow. 70 more dollars over my rent, i m actually owning my own 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brand accepted by the ada. oral-b. brush like a pro. arthel: virginia governor ralph northam will be making a statement moments from now on the racially offensive photos from a yearbook. protesters are demanding that the governor step down as he faces a wave of criticism. we re waiting for those remarks to begin. we ll bring them to you as soon as they start. right now, we re going to bring in the panel, antoine searight, the founder and ceo of blueprint strategy, a democratic strategist and former senior advisor to hillary clinton and eric beach is the chairman of great america alliance and republican strategist, you are, eric. you know when the governor starts we ll interrupt you. let s start here. antoine, look, at first governor northam wouldn t say which costume he was wearing. now he s saying he dhiengt he wadoanlt thinghe was he doese was in the picture. what s your reaction. i think it s a distraction from the larger issues going on right now in the country. we are weeks away from a possible another government shutdown. we re weeks away from a big debt ceiling debate, not to mention the president s state of the union address. this is a distraction for us as democrats. it s unfortunate because these things happen on the republican side and we call them out for it. i think we have to hold ourselves as democrats to the same standard and lead by example. arthel: eric, how do you think this? i can t remember a republican member. i remember robert byrd who served in the senate for over 0 years who was in the kkk. i can t remember a republican who allegedly had a picture taken with a white space. you had a secretary of state resign in florida. this is about a party who continues to take part in race baiting and identity politics. arthel: how is this race baiting? hold on. one second. one at a time, please. so antoine, the democratic party and the media arthel: hang on, guys. eric, continue your thought and then antoine, you react to it. again, it s a larger i agree with an dan, it antoine,r than the governor of virginia. it s about party that continueo practice identity politics. how are they going to respond when a democrat lawmaker who is head of a state is allegedly under attack? i think this is going to highlight some of the inaccuracies of the democrats and many in the media have portrayed to republicans, especially trump and his supporters over the last two years. now you sound absolutely ridiculous. you just had the republican secretary of state in florida resign just days ago because of his black face. you had a president of the united states who tweets and on a regular basis don t tell me this is a larger problem for democrats because it s not. at the end of the day you see democrats calling out one of our own for his actions unlike what happened in charlottesville where republicans were playing dodge wall and didn t want to call the republican out for this issue. you sound hypocrite call and talking about of both sides of your mouth. arthel: for those of you listening on radio or satellite, we re waiting for governor ralph northam there in virginia to come out and address the media about those controversial statements, photos that he allegedly took while in medical school in 1984. antoine, back to you. he was the lieutenant governor for four years. he won the primary election in june 2017, then he won the general election in may 2017 in a race with the highest voter turnout in virginia in 20 years. clearly, northam has had the support of majority of virginnans. will he retain that support after this? i do not you see plain as day, you see groups from national groups to local groups calling for his resignation and i don t know how we prove that it was not him in the photo. if it s not, why would he be on the page with the photo, if it s not him. if you look at i think his nickname in the year book, it was coon-something. this is a larger problem by itself. i m thankful you see democrats calling this out for what it is and addressing the issue from naacp t elected officials, even the former governor of virginia. i hope the governor steps up to the plate and does what s right for the party and for the country. arthel: you understand it s been very clear that democratic leaders, supporters who used to be supporters of northam, they re saying this is not right, you should step down. so if governor northam does not resign, how can he make this right, eric? well, i don t know how he can make it right. look, i think for the betterment of not just his party but the country, should step down. i don t expect him to. when you attain that kind of power, people forget. the democrats who are calling for him to step down now, were behind his negative campaign. it was identity politics at the finest. that s not true. take a look at it. he owes ja gilespie an apology. he called him a racist. arthel: one at a time. it was a decisive issue, how he won. it s going to be interesting what s going to happen with him. it s not just the democratic party. it s a lot in the media, how they ve been covering this president and supporters without concrete proof when you used the word raceism an racism and it sr by this picture and his past that he at least it s not very clear, but he allegedly participated in this. he should step down. more importantly, how will the democrats and many in the media who have been hypocrite call without any proof, how will that respond. arthel: antoine, i m trying to connect those dots that eric just laid out there and i m having trouble. can you help me? i m lost for words. i think eric may be lost in thought. i m trying to figure out how can he not democrats and republicans agree arthel: all right, guys, here is governor northam right now. let s listen. good afternoon. thank you all for being here. i m pleased to be joined by my wife, pam. pam, thank you for being here as well. there has been much public discussion about racist and offensive materials that appear on my page of the 1984 eastern virginia medical school yearbook and i believe it s important for virginnans to hear directly from me and for me to answer as many questions as are necessary about these circumstances. with that in mind, i would like to read a statement about these events and then i will be glad to take your questions. yesterday i took responsibility for content that appeared on my page in the eastern virginia medical school yea yearbook thas clearly racist and offensive. i am not and will not excuse the content of the photo. it was offensive, racist, and spikable. despicable. when my staff showed me the photo in question yesterday, i was seeing it for the first time. i did not purchase the yearbook and i was unaware of what was on my page. when i was confronted with the images yesterday, i was appalled that they appeared on my page but i believed then and now that i a am not either of the peoplen that photo. i stand by my statement of apology to the many virginnans who were hurt by seeing this content on a yearbook page that belongs to me. it is disgusting. it is offensive. it is racist. and it was my responsibility to recognize and prevent it from being published in the first place. i recognize that many people will find this difficult to believe. the photo appears with others i submitted on a page with my name on it. even in my own statement yesterday, i conceded that, based on the evidence presented to me at the time. the most likely explanation that it was indeed me in the photo in the hour since i made my statement yesterday, i reflected with my family and classmates from the time and affirmed my conclusion that i am not the person in that photo. while i did not appear in the photo, i am not surprised by its appearance in the evms yearbook. in the place and time where i grew up, many actions that we rightfully recognize as abhour rent today were commonplace. my belief that i did not wear that costume or attend that party stems in part from my clear memory of other mistakes i made in the same period of my life. that same year, i did participate in a dance contest in san antonio in which i darkened my face as part of a michael jackson costume. i look back now and regret that i did not understand the harmful legacy of an action like that. it is because my memory of that episode is so vivid that i truly do not believe i am in the picture in my yearbook. you remember these things. as i began my career and met my wife pam, i also began to develop a stronger understanding of this country s history and the harm that certain actions and attitudes caused. that does not excuse my behaviors up to that point. but it did offer me an opportunity to change and to grow and i took it. i pursued my career as a soldier, a physician, and as a public servant because i wanted to help people. the experiences i had in each of those chapters and the people i met along the way helped me form a set of values that defined the person i am now and the way i aspire to lead this commonwealth as your governor. in some ways, my personal history mirrors that of this commonwealth. there are actions and behaviors in my past that were hurtful. but like virginia, i have also made significant progress in how i approach these issues. i am far from perfect and i can always strive to do more. but i have devoted my entire life, my career in the army, as a pediatrician and in public service, to making life better for all people no matter who they are. today, i am not ready to ask virginnans to grant he me their forgiveness for my past actions. i also do not fully expect they will immediately believe my account of these h events. right now, i am simply asking for the opportunity to demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that the person i was is not the man i am today. i am asking for the opportunity to earn your forgiveness. if i were to listen to the voices calling on me to resign my office today, i could spare myself from the difficult path that lies ahead. i could avoid an honest conversation about harmful actions from my past. i cannot in good conscience choose the path that would be easier for me in an effort to duck my responsibility to reconcile. i took an oath to uphold this office and serve the people of this commonwealth to the best of my ability, as long as i believe i can effectively fulfill that task, i intend to continue doing the business of virginia. i believe this moment can be the first small step to open a discussion about these difficult issues and how they contribute to the greater racism and discrimination that defines so much of our history. this very house stands as a monument to the dark and complicated history of this commonwealth. these walls are adorned with portraits of men and women who owned slaves, actively on presseactive on pressedpeople on and women who stood tall add advanced issues of this country in that discussion it will not be my role to speak to virginiaans about these issues. my responsibility is to listen, to learn, and to continue to grow as a man and as a leader. i am ready for an honest conversation about racial injustice and the need for real reconciliation, real justice, and real equality. i believe the agenda this administration is pursuing clearly demonstrates the progress both i and our commonwealth have made since the darkest chapters of our history. i promise to fight for a virginia that works better for all people and our commitment to economic justice, access to health care, criminal justice reform, educational equity, and a clean environment reflect those priorities. as this conversation moves forward, i want to hear from virginiaans, from every walk of life, about how we can fight even harder to build the virginia that they deserve. before i take questions, i want to take this opportunity to apologize to the many people who have been hurt by this episode and mistakes that i have made in the past. i m ready to earn your forgiveness and i m ready to begin today. thank you and i look forward to your questions. yes, sir. you re saying that you had no idea that this photo was before it surfaced 24 hours ago. the photo in the evms yearbook? yes. that s correct. i was in the united states army while i was in mode cal medical. i knew where i was going upon graduation from medical school. i was doing rotations out of the state. i had nothing to do with the preparation of the yearbook, nor did i buy one and so this was the first time yesterday evening was the first time i saw this photo. it was shocking and it was horrific. how do you account for one of your nicknames listed in the yearbook in 1981, coonman. my main nickname in high school and college was goose. when my voice was changing i would change in octave. there were two individuals that i can recollect, they were ayear ahead of me, that called me coonman. i don t know their motives or intent. i know who they are. that was the extent of that. it ended up in the yearbook and i regret that. before you spoke, you had almost the entire democratic establishment calling for your resignation, saying what s your response to that? i think we ve done a great job over the last year. we worked on a lot of the challenges that i just outlined. this has hurt a lot of people. it s hurt a lot of people in our party. i suspect it s hurt people in the opposing party and it s hurt virginiaans and i want to assure everybody, number one, that that is not my picture. that is not my person on that picture in the yearbook. we will continue to lead. we will continue to talk about the issues that are important. but we also will have a conversation as we move forward about trust and i have been a man of honor as you know, i was the president of the honor cord at vmi. i ask my colleagues, i ask virginiainans to accept my word, to realize i made mistakes in the past and offer forgiveness. you talk about some incidents in san antonio that made you realize you may have actually been in black face at some time. yes. do you remember what year that was and what context? i remember exactly. it was in 1984 which was my first year in san antonio, upon graduation from medical school. you were in the military at the time. i was. had you ever posed in a kkk - absolutely not. who are the people in the photo? absolutely not. there is no way that i have ever been in a kkk uniform. i am not the person in that uniform and i am not the person to the right. you talk about believing that you were given an opportunity to be an effective leader in the commonwealth. how much time do you think you have to prove that? it s a great question. we ll move forward from today. we ll take one day at a time. obviously we ll have discussions with our caucuses, with the republican caucuses, with the people of virginia. as long as i feel that i can lead, i will continue to do that. if i reach a point where i am not comfortable with that, then objecjustlyobviously we will sid have that discussion. how can you win over the support of your own party at this point? how do you bring them back? a lot of it is communication and it starts today. i ve obviously been talking to a lot of my colleagues. but it really starts today i think to correct the record and to let them know that i am not the person in that photo that caused this stir yesterday. i have made mistakes in my past as i admitted, but i m a person of my word. i will continue to work closely. i have great friends on both sides of the aisle and as i said earlier, this has been hurtful. and that s why i reached out last night and called people and apologized. but i will continue to work as hard as i can to maintain their faith in me, to maintain my ability to lead and we will all hopefully work together and move forward. bonnie, over here. at your inag inaugeration, yr minister praised, we have it on the record, that you would always seek wise counsel. that was part of the praise. and that god would guide your thoughts and your steps. absolutely. can you tell us who you sought for wise counsel for this incident today? well and higher power guiding you? there is no question. i am a strong believer in god. i m a member of first baptist church in kateville, virginia, my pastor reverend jones is here with us today. obviously, one of the ways i have been able to i believe govern successfully is to listen. i have a great cabinet. i have great relationships with people on both sides of the aisle. i am very secure in where i believe we need to take virginia. and so as we have moved through this last 24 hours, i have spoken and consulted a lot of people. i have prayed about this and i will continue to pray and obviously i couldn t stand here without the support of my wife, pam. governor, some democrats have said it s selfish of you to continue in office, to work out your own situation here at their expense during an election year when they have hopes of making gains in the legislature. can you talk about that and what you would say to them? greg, i think the first thing and why i felt so strongly about this statement and being here today is to set the record straight. and this started last night. we re now about 24 hours into this. it started with me being presented a picture from a yearbook that i had never seen before that was horrific. and i reached out and apologized to my colleagues. i released two statements, as you know. and all i can do is what i ve always done and that s to be honest, to really be able to listen, to be open with people. i think to the previous question, greg, i plan to continue to lead. if we get to the point where we feel that we re not effective, that we re not efficient, not only for our caucuses but the commonwealth of virginia, then we will revisit this and make decisions. [ indiscernible ] the answer to your last question is no, he hasn t. justin and i have a very, very close relationship. he is a wonderful person. he is doing a great job as lieutenant governor. i have spoken to him in person for a good period of time yesterday afternoon, after the story broke, and i believe at least three times by phone have kept him apprised of what is going on. he has been very supportive and he will continue to be supportive. he is a wonderful person and you know the people of virginia elect the lieutenant govern r nor, put faith in a lieutenant governor in the event they need to take over as governor. he ll be ready to do that. you said you would recall [ indiscernible ] why do you remember that incident so vividly and not this one? the reason that i so vividly don t remember this one, because it didn t happen. why would you take credit or apologize for appearing in the photo? well, that s where i think we need clarification. i take credit for recognizing that this was a horrific photo that was on my page with my name, ralph northam above. i looked at it. my first impression, actually this couldn t be me. but there was so much hurt that i was feeling, people were calling, so i reached out and apologized to people for this very picture being on my page. and i have continued to discuss that as we have gone forward. and what has happened is that last night i finally had a chance to sit down and look at the photograph in detail. it is definitely not me. i can tell by looking at it. i have had friends also look at it and tell me it s not me. i have also had a classmate who i discussed with this morning, we talked about this situation, and i said is there a possibility you think that someone could have put a photo on the wrong page? she said it happened on numerous pages in this very yearbook. so i don t i still don t have a copy of the yearbook. we are in the process of obtaining that. we re going to look through. we re going to continue to gather evidence in the coming days and i think all of you will be reassured to see that i am not in that photograph. governor, you said at the san antonio party you darkened your face. were you in black face? i wasn t. i ll tell you exactly what i did, allen. i dressed up in a what s his name? michael jackson. excuse me. that s why i have pam with me. i had the shoes. i had a glove and i used a little bit of shoe polish to put on my cheeks and the reason i used a very little bit is because i don t know if anybody s ever tried that but you can t get shoe polish off. but it was a dance contest. i had always liked michael jackson. i actually won the contest because i had learned how to do the moon walk. but then let me tell you what happened, allen. i have a very close friend who was my assistant during the campaign. i don t think he would mind me telling you his name. his name is seth. and during some of our long rides around the commonwealth, the issue of black-facing camp up and he really did a good job communicating to me why that s so offensive. and it was actually during that conversation i said you know, seth, i put some polish on my face. i competed in a dance contest, dressed up as michael jackson and i said i assume you probably would think that s offensive. he said i would. i said you know what, seth, i appreciate you being open with me. i apologize for what i ve done in the past and i can promise you i ll never do that again in the future. we talked to some other students who said they always submitted their photos for the yearbook. there are four pictures on your page. did you choose all four of them? did you choose three of them? and you re saying the last one is not you? are you saying the last photo there are three photos. i think there are three photos. one of me standing in front of a car i restored. one kneeling like on a farm setting and one a more formal picture. i did submit those. where this other picture came from, i don t know. and i m not going to sit here and high poo h hypothesize or sw it happened. i can imagine if there are a number of photos laid out on a table and someone is pasting those on page after page, that one could get mistakenly put on the wrong page. and as i said earlier, this has happened numerous times in this particular and i suspect that s what happened in this case. yesterday you were accepting responsibility andless than

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congress. for some reason we think that spending your money is most productive thing we do. lisa: you are telling me. rather than thinking about was it well-spent. lisa: that s a good question. harris: let s get to it. it s going to be a feisty hour. both democrats and republicans reacting after president trump said he might take information and contact the fbi if a foreign actor offered him dirt on an opponent. i think maybe you do both. i think you might want to listen. there is nothing wrong with listening. if somebody called from a country, norway, we have information on your opponent, oh, i think i would want to hear it. they have information. i think i would take it. harris: 2020 democrats immediately weighing in including former vice president joe biden and senators elizabeth warren and kamala harris. biden and harris calling the president a quote threat to our national security, end quote. here is former congressman beto o rourke saying this builds the case for impeachment. i think the president s answer underscores the process of moving forward with impeachment. if we fail to do that it sets the precedent this is okay to do. that s the message that the president is taking from congress inaction. harris: and the house speaker nancy pelosi again today accusing president trump of a criminal cover-up. but deflecting several times when asked just moments ago about impeachment. as you go down this path to seek the truth for the american people. and to hold the president accountable it has nothing to do with politics or any campaigns. it has everything to do, if i may, excuse me, answer your question, everything to do is patriotism. not partisanship. what we want to do is have a methodical approach to the path that we are on and this will be included in that and no one is above the law. harris: meanwhile, president trump today pushed back on democrats criticism by tweeting this: in senator mark warren spoke at length and great detail about extremely negative information on me with the talented entertainer purporting to be a russian operative, did he immediately call the fbi? no. well then representative adam schiff took calls from another person, also very successfully purporting to be a russian operative, did he call the fbi or even think to call the fbi? no. other really bad people spied on my campaign. this is the biggest and worst political scandal in the history of the united states of america. sad. then a short time ago senator warren responded to the president saying no member of congress warner, excuse me, no member of congress would accept a foreign dearth on an opponent and denied any knowledge of what the president is talking about. watch. i don t have any idea. i think is he talking about actually something that happened with mr. schiff, but i would say this. when i had contact with someone that s been reported, first thing i did of course i contacted the fbi. that san insult to members of congress in both political parties. the truth is, anyone without common sense realizes if a foreign entity tries to interfere, your first obligation is to contact law enforcement. harris: so now we are going back, congressman, back and forth over whether or not senator warner or anybody else has contacted the fbi when they also had maybe done something untoward or was it? i don t know. well, maybe i can make this problem a little bigger. think about the amount of time that you have seen this president s tax returns leaked by the press. by definition, he didn t release them. somebody criminally released his private information. and the press ran with it as though it was legitimate news. now, that means that the press had a meeting with somebody who said i have got the guy s tax records. okay. i have got something i shouldn t have and i m going to make it available to you. i think this is the ultimate and the height of hypocrisy for people in and out of politics to claim that you don t take a meeting where somebody says i have got meaningful information. it is so far from take a meeting to where we really should be talking, which is pay for a fake dossier, pay for somebody to bring something in, or encourage somebody to go commit a crime. that s where the line is drawn and that s where we should be condemning, we shouldn t allow this stuff to be acted on by the fbi and the cia, which is what happened with hillary clinton. can i just push back on that a little bit. i think it s different for journalists who are contacted who are seeking out sources versus a politician, particularly someone who could be the leader of the free world who could potentially promise some sort of favor and that person could gain influence by giving them information. i think the president would have been much smarter to say the response he had used earlier which is i don t need dhifnsd opposition resource and i wouldn t go to a foreign power looking for it. hopefully what everyone would learn from all of this is you don t go into a cease pool like parts of eastern europe particularly russia looking for opposition research because it is a path to hell. absolutely he should have answered it the way you should always answer george stephanopoulos which is i m not going to answer your hypothetical which means you don t answer any questions. but, let s go back again to the press. that opp research will be taken by the press and will be run with. okay. the reality is, in the normal course of politics, when people get dirt, they give it to the press. okay. so whether it goes through a campaign, through a lawyer or through the original source, the fact is opposition research, every politician who is now crying he would never do this would love nothing more than the press running with it and the press will run with it. i think the important thing is we are losing track of what is going on right now. the attorney general is looking into whether or not foreign intelligence was asked for, paid for and weaponized against this president and the campaign. that s the part that really we know it happened. and we want to know who was involved in it. harris: so, leslie, when you look at senator warner and what he is talking about apparently an actor who said he was an russian operative i m not sure what that conversation was we did learn that he did in fact go to the fbi. do you expect there are others on the hill that might have some of this in their political luggage. i think both democrat and republican do. i think we would be naive, right, astins to think otherwise. there is some gray areas here. when you look at the constitution, when you look at the law, they are clear when you are talking about a foreign entity. a foreign government, when you are talking about money, some on my side of the aisle will argue that christopher steele for decades was a respected informant by our government, by the british government and other allies. kennedy: ponder intelligence by someone like christopher steele. it s a gray area. charcoal is what it is. here s the thing. so nancy pelosi and her weekly address is talking about putting in to law a duty to report legislation so that campaigns do not solicit or work with foreign governments and access to sort of information, right? i would agree with that that there is an equal application, companies codified into law. so campaigns are dissuaded to try to do anything like that in the future. but what i find infuriating is the fact that she had the ewe does city to go up there and criticize president trump. as we have acknowledged on this couch it was hillary clinton and the dnc that were paying christopher steele, literally paying russian officials that were tied to the kremlin for information via christopher steele, fusion gps, additionally it was routerred that a dnc official had been met with ukraine at the ukrainian embassy seeking information about paul manafort and trying to get ukraine to elicit ukraine s involvement. a top ukrainian prosecutor recently announced an investigation into ukraine s law enforcement for leaking paul manafort s information to try to help hillary clinton and harm the trump campaign. so there is a lot of hypocrisy here. i m all for equal application, which is why some legislation should be taken up, but let s at least be honest about what went down. harris: i see you nodding before i come to you, congressman, senator graham was asked about the comment followed by senator warner here in this clip. let s watch. a foreign government comes to you as a public official, and offers to help your campaign, giving you anything of value, whether it be money or information on your opponent, the right answer is no. and i m hoping some of my democratic colleagues will take more seriously the fact that christopher steele was a foreign agent. paid for by the democratic party to gather dirt on trump. document unverified used to get a warrant. that s why i m so upset on that. on a going forward basis, if there are foreign agents trying to intervene in our election, there ought to be an affirmative obligation for any presidential candidate to report to the fbi. harris: i want to make it very clear because it s interesting to hear warner there. he was asked they were both asked specifically about applying the same rules to the clinton campaign. and the hiring of that british spy christopher steele whom you mentioned, lisa, who assembled the anti-trump dossier. so if the shoe were on the other foot and we know that it was based on what you have just laid out, your response? well, i mean, the soliciting, asking a foreign government to spy clearly should be criminal, if it isn t already. and it should be prosecuted. and that s why the attorney general is looking at it. the idea that we should have a requirement for political campaigns if they become aware of any foreign activity, reporting it is a good one. and i think that s one of those bipartisan ah-ha moments is only good thing coming out of the 2016 election. harris: leslie, i see you are nodding. yeah, actually i think the three of us agree on this. lisa: beautiful moment. less les. singing kum ba yah. when the president said norway i had to chuckle. norway? we are not worried about norway. we are worried about china russia and north korea. not worried about britain either but christopher steele was a conduit. lisa: if we are worried about influence, we should be concerned about individuals who are doing lobbying on behalf of foreign governments. again, that something has not been equally applied by law. you look at mueller going after paul manafort. violated all the time. lisa: it s violated all the time and typically not enforced. let s look at something like that. congress should beef that up law. strength it. which is an area where the three of us agree. lisa: we are in agreement today. because we are in a different time. we have seen what s happened. look, it is not a partisan issue that nobody in this country wants a foreign government, especially russia, interfering in our elections. honestly, even if it were to benefit my then candidate for president hillary clinton i don t want harris: if that s the case, why is it that the first 45 pages or so of the mueller report you don t see democrats with their hair on fire alongside of republicans saying we have got to really drill in for how easy it was for russia to mess with us and continue to divide us. no, they are concerned about something else in that whole thing. and if they really wanted to, they would walk down the halls at the doj and read that 98.5% unredacted version of the mueller report. we need to know what they did. the americans can read it in pdf form online. look at the way things are and how certain countries have talked about our current foreign policy, it seems as though very sketchy actors, china and iran would love for joe biden to be president. why wouldn t they interfere in the election and deliver opposition research? i don t think russia is our prime concern the way they were in 2016. and i think our country has to do a much better job of, you know, really dealing with cyber security. and i don t think either party is being responsible. i do. harris: one thing that mueller report gives us about russia is our most recent example of it and how they gotten away it. russians have gotten away with being bad actors for a period of time. putin kills his adversary and the camera there in the shadow of the kremlin just happens to be out. that s the reality of russia. and that kind of an adversary is a little different because they don t obey any of the international rules that most countries do. but i think we are getting to a moment where republicans and democrats in the house and the senate are going to have to begin to look at real legislation in the way of some campaign reform having to look at the executive branch to enforce the misinformation that comes from any number of campaigns and lastly, if i have got a second left, they have to close some of the loopholes, you know, foreign countries, when you register to speak on behalf of them, you have to register and you said that s ignored. when you hire law firms and those law firms just happen to do fundraisers for politicians, there is no reporting. there is huge loopholes today of foreign money in washington that has to be closed. harris: interesting. great to have you here. lisa: amen. harris: president trump giving air force one a makeover. can anything get done in this divided washington like even a plane? new report suggests attorney general william barr is setting his sights on the cia and his review of the russia probe amid it. who this may tell us about where the investigation of the investigators is headed. stay with us. wow! that s ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it s a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i m tryin ! keep it up. you ll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. the first survivor of ais out there.sease and the alzheimer s association is going to make it happen. but we won t get there without you. visit to join the fight. i felt i couldn t be at my best wifor my family. c, in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured and left those doubts behind. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all common types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test if you ve had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you ve had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems, hiv-1, or other medical conditions, and all medicines you take including herbal supplements. don t take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin, or if you ve had certain liver problems. common side effects include headache and tiredness. with hep c behind me, i feel free. .fearless. .and there s no looking back, because i am cured. talk to your doctor about mavyret. but dad, you ve got allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won t go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? 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[ grumbling ] all: sausages! mmm, mmmm. bon appetite. make time for what matters. pause your wifi with xfinity xfi and see the secret life of pets 2 in theaters. this is a fox news alert. investigation of the investigators. the new york times is reporting doj officials want to cuisinier cia officers about their finding on russian election interference. ag william barr opened an investigation into the origins of the russia probe last month. the times reporting barr wants to know more about the sources the cia used in reaching its conclusions about russian medaling. john durham in charge of the doj review reportedly wants to interview a specific cia officer who worked at the office s counter agency center which would have been conduit of info between the cia and fbi. this is not a criminal investigation but any evidence of wrongdoing could lead to foraminal charges. last month former trump campaign aide george papadopoulos said he thought the cia tried to extract information from him about possible campaign ties to moscow. also last month former cia director john brennan addressed cia cooperation with the fbi probe and the suggestion that any u.s. intelligence agency, let alone the cia spies on americans. brennan. does cia spy? yes. do we spy against foreign adversaries? yes. do we spy against domestic individuals? no, we do not. we work very closely with the fbi. and when the russians were trying to interfere in that election and to change the outcome of it in their favor, we cia and fbi worked very collaboratively so that we could have that ability to see what the russians were doing and who they were working with. kennedy: all right. so are they nervous? what do you think? they need to be nervous. the slaw very specific about no us espionage. no u.s. surveillance. and when you make the handoff from looking at, let s say a russian overseas to looking at a russian who simply flying in on air flight, you have to do a handoff, and the law russ very specific it. s it is an area where it looks like the gray area may have turned to what you called charcoal. kennedy: yes. can you certainly scoop up a lot more information about individuals who are talking about the person is on that arrow flight. so that is a problem with our surveillance mechanisms in this country. another problem might be for joe biden. because, if they do find that there was wrongdoing at the fda fbi and the cia during the obama administration, joe is going to have some splaining to do. true. buff i don t think they are going to find that. so confident? well because we had a bipartisan senate intelligence committee that interviewed a number of cia individuals allegedly the one or two that the department of justice wants to talk to. they didn t find any problem with their work. they didn t find any problem with the connection with russia and with the inquiry stemmed from. and i think department of justice is going to find the same. to your point. as mark warner went over to europe and interviewed foreign agents to do that i m sorry, did we say we don t do that? with regard to discomfort is what i think it is. i think they are uncomfortable having a federal prosecutorial agency question and in a sense, perhaps even undermine the analytical work of the cia. i have to say to me a little tongue in cheek, we are questioning whether the cia is spying yes, they spy. and they are spies. but did they spy on a domestic level and that would be an issue. kennedy: no. they hand that off to the fbi. that was pretty blatant in some of the text messages exchanged between peter strzok and lisa page and, you know, the insurance policy was clearly driven by the desire to stop president trump and using any flying apparatus they had to in order to do that. lisa: exactly we have to get to the bottom of informs stephan halper and azra turk. we need to get to the bottom of information like that. does anyone actually believe anything that john brennan says? he was called out in 2014 inspector general report for the cia spying on the senate intel committee. and not only that. senator feinstein specifically. exactly. and at that time they had no problem using the word spying as well. additionally, that report also found that cia officials sent a referral, criminal referral to the justice department based off of false information as well. this was under john brennan s leadership which he ultimately apologized for but originally lied about. so why would anyone believe him? why would anyone believe him about not spying on american citizens as we have just established that they spy on the senate intel committee? they spied and now they are lying and why are we supposed to believe john brennan when he has exposed his own hypocrisy. liar, liar. and he is so politicized now. he really he could be an agent for the democrat party. i know you want to take. this i yield my time to you. i will be brief. one of the important reasons the attorney general has to do this investigation is as you know, often people go to jail for lying to the fbi. well, if you are a cia operative and you knowingly give false information and cause the cia or the fbi to get the court to do things, you are in fact having done that it s very possible that although you may lie for a living as a cia undercover agent, if you lie to the fbi, if you lie to the department of justice, or misrepresent facts, you ve committed a crime. i know they are working together, is there still that tension between the cia and fbi? any time. remember david petraeus? well, yeah. that s a different history. any time you are an entity that is caught doing something wrong, and you say how did i make this mistake, the department of justice went through an inordinate amount of looking at the trump campaign for collusion when there wasn t any. so what you really have is you have an agency trying to figure out how they were mislead and they would just asoon look externally as internally. they need to do both. and point fingers at the other agents. they are all spying on us. that s washington. the democratic national committee facing growing push back over rules to qualify for the first 2020 debate. now one candidate demanding to be let on the stage plus a new poll out of nevada finds democrats joe biden by a wide margin. the former vp trailing senator elizabeth warren and bernie sanders among very liberal voters. what all this says about the dem s base and the party s chances in 2020, that s next. wo with aimovig. a preventive treatment for migraine in adults that reduces the number of monthly migraine days. for some, that number can be cut in half or more. don t take aimovig if you re allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. aim to be there more. talk to your doctor about aimovig. taking care of your family and home takes a lot of money. the mortgage, the bills, credit cards, home improvements. it all takes cash. getting that cash is just a phone call away. call newday usa. the newday usa 100 va loan lets you take out an average of 54,000 dollars to pay debts or put in the bank and it lowers your payments over 600 dollars a month. and because newday usa has been granted automatic authority by the va they can close your loan in 30 days or less. they even do all the va paperwork for you. helping veterans get the financial peace of mind they deserve. that s what newday usa is all about. at newday usa veterans can buy a home with no down payment. at newday, your service is your down payment. bkbut prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. instate-of-the-artn technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $359/month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. look limu. a civilian buying a new let s go. limu s right. liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh. yeah, i ve been a customer for years. huh. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. harris: just an hour ago the deadline passed for 2020 democratic candidates to certify that they met the dnc threshold to qualify for the first debate in miami. and as we were expecting a dnc announcement on who is in. this is a new monmouth university poll you should know about of democratic voters in nevada showing joe biden with a huge lead among likely caucus goers, senator elizabeth warren in second place and senator bernie sanders following. right now montana governor steve bullock has not qualified for the debate stage answered is criticizing the dnc over it. bullock in an op-ed wrote. this. i am the only democratic candidate in the field who has won a trump state. i m also the only candidate in the race who has been governor of a state with a republican controlled legislature and passed major progressive victory. if we re going to take back the places we lost and do the hard work to get our country back on track we cannot let the dnc s new rules exclude the perspectives of leaders who have done this before. end quote. you know, the dnc has fiddled before we know that with bernie sanders. is that what is happening now or something else? i think they are dealing with the fact that they couldn t find a venue with a large enough stage. they had to cut somebody. you know, we faced this four years ago when we had 17 on a stage and two platforms. i feel bad for the montana governor. everything he said was absolutely correct. there is only one problem, he was late. if he had gotten in six months ago, he likely would have made the cut or at least he would have known he wasn t going to make the cut. when you get in late in politics, you pay a price for it. he was first? john was first and the only business candidate in the whole field. he is funding his own campaign and he bet me $10,000 on my show that he would lose the race. i don t think he realized it at the time but it s a great bet. i told him him i would give him $100,000 if he wins. my money is pretty safe. get $10,000 if he doesn t. oh give it to your charity. the charity is the kennedy foundation. [laughter] but, you know. 501 c what? ftz. some people and everyone knew this was going to be a crowded field. if this was your year, you picked the wrong year unless you are a phenomenally interesting candidate or someone who ran in 2016. harris: they all think they re phenomenally interesting. the problem is there aren t too many voters that people people like john delaney and steve ford is interesting. my neighbor spam very nice but i don t think she is going to be president. harris: pam is wonderful. she is. harris: can i ask a basic question between what is the difference between 21, 22 and 24? i know you are joking about an interview. hard to take it any way. crop it at 10 and then make the two platforms as we saw with the lead-up to the republican debate? i actually think in any race, three or four people on the stage is about as many as can be in a real debate. harris: don t even crop it at 10? you are still playing the 5 minute. need a whole week to air the debate. you know what you are talking about right now with 10. 10 each, you are talking about 12 minutes without a monitor interrupting. 12 minutes for each individual. and then when you have the way they are doing it right now with the first couple of sets of debates you did in 2015. like did you adult table 10 and 10 on stage. kennedy: it s not the 10 most popular and 10 unpopular. additionally if you have no standards then quite anyone could get in the race. i could throw in my hat for the democratic presidential nomination. you have to have some standards. i will caution one thing about the nevada poll. caucuses are hard to poll. if you go balk to the iowa caucus. every poll there is 13 polls that had president trump winning. senator ted cruz ended up winning the iowa caucus. reason being is to do it right you purchase a caucus list from the state party which is enormously expensive. most of these media polls don t want to do that and spend the cash which is why they tend to be off. when you look at polls like iowa and nevada just keep that in mind. harris: one thing we will have to get next time why elizabeth warren has jumped over bernie sanders second place. i have an answer. harris: during the commercial. the native american vote. oh. [laughter] harris: the stage is now being set arizona for tonight s first fox news or fox news town hall not the first with 2020 democratic candidate julian castro. former housing and urban development secretary under president obama. our own bret baier and martha mccallum will be moderating that it begins tonight at 6:30 p.m. eastern. pop your corn, your night is made. made. kennedy: take that beto. harris: big golf day as the players tee off for u.s. open on pebble beach on fox. and later a tremendous three some as they are calling it to keep an eye on woods, spieth, rose. we love it here on the couch. we are a little jelly of our own melissa francis who is there in the midst of all the action and i don t mean the kind you spread on your bread. hey, melissa. holly boondoggle. harris, i don t know how i arranged this but this is gorgeous. it is unbelievable. you are right. that three some teeing off at 5:00 eastern, that is made for television. everybody is going to be watching the chatter going on between them. the competition, tiger woods leading that group. this is must-watch tv. later at 4:00 p.m. on the fox business, another thing have you got to watch, rory mcilroy, everyone has their eyes on him. is he wearing this thing called the whoop band it is the fit bit for professionals if you are really serious. we will have the ceo of that company on what that offers. also, companies are buying that for their employees who work outside to keep track of their heart rate. their fitness, to make sure they are not overtaxed. there is some very cool stories here beyond the gulf, which is epic, this course is gorgeous. the conditions are perfect. tiger woods so exciting coming off that win at the masters. he is going out with the younger guys. we will see it. i am so thrilled to be here. there is so much to watch. hairs airlines can i ask you a quick question? you and i when we sit next to each other sometimes we talk about this stuff. jordan spieth and justin rose, obviously they are great in their own right but they are playing with tiger woods today. what are those crowds like right now? i saw a practice round and you could barely see tiger? no, people are pouring. in it is a beautiful setting. it s amazing that can you get a group so big to be quiet. everyone is quiet. harris: just like here on outnumbered. so much excitement on the air. to put those guys together i will be right at the front of the pack. when you watch it on fox look for me in the pink sweater. i m so fired up. amazing few days of golf here. i can t wait. i don t know how i got this assignment. i m pinching myself. harris: glad you could bring us the action ahead of it all. they tee off at are 5:00 p.m. eastern. 5:00 p.m. eastern time is when you will see tiger and the gang go off today. it continues all throughout the weekend. all through father s day. this is a huge tournament. the u.s. open. it s the one that s designed to be the toughest. i mean, you know, its hat longest fairways, they make it very narrow and grow the grass very high on the side. it s supposed to really tax the players and show off their very best game. you also have phil mickelson out here as well. this is the only one of the grand slams he hasn t won. so there is a lot of things going on here it s going to be fabulous. i can t wait. come join me. harris: thank you. unless you are watching fnc or fbn you won t want to miss a minute of the u.s. open. it s at the gorgeous pebble beach as you saw. and you can catch all of it on the big fox network or fox sports 1. fs1 and check local listing for time. what a great day. the house oversight committee voting to hold attorney general william barr and commerce secretary wilbur ross in contempt, civil contempt they call it. contempt light, i guess. over a change what s next? a tug-of-war between democrats and the president? tensions high as the house oversight committee votes to hold attorney general william barr and commerce secretary wilbur ross in contempt of commerce. this after the two ignored subpoenas seeking information about the administration s motives and adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census. the committee s decision came just hours after president trump exerted executive privilege over documents house democrats had subpoenaed. while republicans blasted that subpoena, democrats say new information raises serious questions. listen. there are recently unearthed documents from the architect of republican gerrymandering and individual named mr. fuller who said by placing the citizenship question on the census, you depress the count of minorities, okay? and you advantage through the gerrymandering process republicans. and this is absolutely unacceptable. this is not what the census was designed to do. lisa: the president firing back on twitter saying house committee now plays the seldom used contempt card on our great ag and secretary of commerce. this time on the census. dems play a much tougher game than the republicans did when they had the house majority. republicans will remember. this has already been argued before the u.s. supreme court but the house doesn t want to wait. the supreme court is expected to weigh in on the census debate by the end of the month. congressman, i m going to ask you, when you were chairman of the oversight committee you held attorney general eric holder in contempt. why is this different? is it different? well, because he was giving us no for an answer. he was refusing to give us information directly related to lies that had been perpetrated against congress, against the u.s. senate in that case. he was refusing to give us information that was responsive. we ultimately held him in contempt. went to court. a judge appointed by president obama ordered them to turn over many, many documents. thousands of documents. many of which they had denied even existed. in this case the attorney general is turning over documents. he is tucker over virtually everything they have asked for as did the department of commerce, so, you know, they are holding him in contempt while taking yes for an answer. we held eric holder in contempt because no was the only answer he could give us. kennedy: can i ask quickly about that so obviously the former attorney general was stonewalling you is william barr having a conversation with the judiciary committee? he is continuing to provide any documents he can provide in camera of some other documents. i mean, ultimately, the president has a right to have certain correspondence, what they call the deliberative process withheld. and that s where they are saying welling, we don t recognize that right. well, we would all like to say we don t recognize it, but it s been held by the court, the deliberative process has been held by the court to be essential to a president and his administration making decisions. so it s one where they know they are not going to win, as a matter of fact, what they know is the supreme court is going to make this entire process moot in a couple of weeks. going to that point because the other side of this debate is the citizenship question on the census. it s been asked before. the census bureau also asked the question on the american community survey. so, why is this even controversial? it is controversial. lisa: why? it is very controversial. first of all, you have individuals who are citizens and certainly noncitizens who aren t going to answer. and when we don t have a proper count of how many people are in this country, it effects everything. it doesn t just affect our political process. it doesn t just effect money for federal funding or states. it effects medicine it. effects medication. it effects the police force. harris: let me slide in with a quick question. so what you are telling me is you are going to have people who are here illegally that would not answer that particular question? absolutely. harris: you can answer the rest of the census but you can t lie. if they don t answer we don t get that information. do you think they are giving us that information. do you think they are checking boxes and saying i m here illegally gha. if you are not asking the question they don t have the answer. if they don t answer it, what s the difference as long as they don t lie. they are not going to. and they are not going to answer the census at all and there will be plenty of people that are citizens in lieu states that aren t going to answer it. kennedy: i guess my issue is i don t have a problem asking it on a census document. that s an appropriate place to ask it. my issue is with the motivation and if there are people offer the question keeps minorities from being counted. that s problem mat tech your side has to do a better of explicitly showing that and not claiming that might be the case. president trump giving well, it s also been asked before. president trump giving a sneak peek on what his historic makeover of air force one would look like. next why democrats have a problem with this as well. stay with us. there is a new air force one and i m doing that for other presidents. not for me. n, own a home, and need money for your family? newday usa can help. by re-financing up to 100 percent of your home s value you could take out 50,000 dollars or more. you could use that money to pay credit card debt and other expenses, plan for retirement, and get back on your feet financially. and don t let less than perfect credit hold you back. even if you ve been turned down for a va loan by your bank, call newday usa. they ve been given automatic authority by the va they can often help veterans when other lenders won t. need money for your family? call newday usa right now and use the va home loan benefit you ve earned and deserve. at newday usa veterans can buy a home with no down payment. at newday, your service is your down payment. that s ensure max protein, fgñi with high protein and 1 gram sugar. it s a sit-up, banana! bend at the waist! i m tryin ! keep it up. you ll get there. whoa-hoa-hoa! 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. ensure max protein. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. and i just didn t listen. until i almost lost my life. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously. a there is your new air force one. i m doing this for other presidents not for me. you know it s a much bigger plane. bigger wing span. in fact, we added things. and i got 1.6 billion off the price. acknowledging. that of course president trump giving a sneak preview of his proposed redesign of air force 1 which would swath the white and blue paint job to red, white and blue. democrats said not so fast because they hate freedom. requiring congressional approval for all changes. republicans saying the democrats are doing this to poke at the president. democrats say congress, too, should have a say in how air force one looks. so there. a final decision on the plane s paint color and design isn t due until 2021. it may not be changed if the president fails in his re-election bid next year. so, what do you think about this kerfluffle? it s just exactly that you know, years ago when we took the 707 out to california to give it to mrs. reagan for the reagan library. the air force had just repainted that air force. the only problem was when this aircraft arrived freshly painted it was the wrong design because that 707 had seen a paint change between reagan s time and bill clinton s time these kind of changes are ryu teen. the colors, patterns and so on idea there would be a change especially when you have a much larger aircraft is. if you don t do important things do you petty things. exactly. this congress has not done anything importantly lately. you have represented the southern district of california. we fixed the immigration crisis. that s great. no. if we re going to say the democrats don t want to be patriotic or american neither does the house armed services committee. because they actually voted to restrict the president s choices. there is a reason for it. what is the reason? bigger plane, additional paint, additional weight. so there is actually a reason for it. there is always a reasonable. everyone comes one a reason. everyone has got a rationalization for something. wait until congressman want to get on that plane to ride to their district and the additional weight is a problem. look at those big beautiful majestic jets. they look glorious in all their beauty. as a taxpayer i care more about the fact he was able to negotiate down the contract from boeing saved us $1.5 billion. i care more about that than the color of the jet. this is netty. congress has best interest to focus on more important issues. most americans watching right now would think this is pretty lame. i think we agree on that. we have had a lot of agreement. kennedy: fly on air force one? well, if you mean after the two terms of president trump? you think he will win the election. it will be president pence. a hoosier. how much money are we betting on that? kennedy, get on in on this one tooncht we came in congress together. you give me 10,000. if he doesn t win you give me 100,000. it s a win-win for everybody. for the kennedy foundation. for the kennedy foundation. keep those cards and letters coming. make them tout casual if you want. or to pam. pam would probably give me the money she is that nice. i like the color of your dress. i think air force one. it was inspired by this dress. i think so. kennedy: not a lot of people know that george stephanopoulos does now. fade to that cover. it will never fade nor does freedom. we have more outnumbered in just a moment. stay right here. and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ready to treat differently with a pill? otezla. show more of you. ready to treat differently with a pill? the first survivor of ais out there.sease and the alzheimer s association is going to make it happen. but we won t get there without you. visit to join the fight. ke7bd contend thanks so much to darrell issa did all this political chitchat make you long for public life once again? no, no. it makes me happy to be on the couch. kennedy: that s right. the curvey couch. all right. it is the only place to be. thank you so much. great to see you. and we will see you back here at noon eastern tomorrow when outnumbered returns. right now, here s harris. harris: we begin with a fox news alert. another death of an american in the dominican republic as we go outnumbered overtime. i m harris faulkner. fox news has learned the brother of shark tank judge barbara corcoran was found dead in his hotel room in the dominican republic in april making him now the 7th american to die there in just the last 12 months that we know about. the fbi and the centers for disease control and protection are helping local authorities investigate all of these deaths. steve harrigan is live from the d.r. where he also have details on another story we are monitoring and that is sunday night shooting ambush of red sox legend david ortiz at a popular night spot in santo domingo. a lot happening in the d.r.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240610

down uniform on plus the mask. she said you are going to be in the shot. she said what shot you? are going to stand there and hold the plattedder of calimari. i was wondering how we were going to hold this thing or prop it up. we are going to put you in the shot. i did. from there it became iconic. the rest is history. carley: their seconds until fox & friends. i didn t know this before calimari is rhode island s official appetizer. really quickly, what s the best way to serve it? nice and crispy with pepper, hot pepper rings, garlic and olive oil and a little bit of aregular know basil. carley: just the way we like it. do you approve? todd: oh, man, i m going to run out right now. carley: chef, thank you very much. have great day. thank you. you too. carley: sounds delicious. fox & friends starts right now. have a great day. steve: all right. thank you, carley and todd. welcome aboard, folks. #:00 in new york city. monday, june 10th already, and this is fox & friends. bed it all on red. trump rallies voters in sin city, vegas. feeling confident about the production chances out there in november. now we have a lot of democrats coming over, because really we are the party of common sense. we are a party of common sense. ainsley: plus all rise. hunter biden s federal gun trial resumes today at 8:15. will he take the stand? gregg jarrett weighs in just ahead. brian: going to talk on a raging bull. lawrence: a rodeo spirals out of control. brian: where are the clowns? shouldn t clowns be stopping that? lawrence: they jump in the stands. brian: don t make excuses. if you are running clown you got to stop them. that bull was running from the clown. some people are scared of clowns. ainsley: people were really injured though, weren t they? steve: going to find out. brian: i can t wait it s a cliffhanger. nothing happens until i read the tease. you guys can t do anything unless i read. lawrence: you have the power. steve: please read. brian: fox & friends begins right now, remember mornings are better with friends. get dressed. steve: okay. meanwhile, folks, let s start with this former president donald trump hit las vegas yesterday to hold his first campaign rally since his new york city criminal conviction. ainsley: and is he looking to continue building support in nevada with a key swing state primaries set for tomorrow. brian: is he up in almost all the polls there madeleine rivera joins us now. maddie? good morning, guys. capped off his western swing after raising millions of dollars in california he rallied voters in the sweltering heat railing against his conviction and touting his poll numbers in nevada. they indicted me over nothing. they opened up a whole new box and then i got indicted again and again and again. i i was never indicted. in this tiny period of time i was like a ping-pong pal o. is ball. fox news poll show donald trump meeting trump in a head-to-head matchup. in the margin of error. won t charge taxes on tips which is a major source of income for the las vegas. the colorado union represents the 60,000 hospitality workers says really is needed but that nevada workers know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises. trump also denounced the border policies particularly important issue for voters in the state. and though he didn t mention it on stage, trump went on x to endorse sam brown the leading candidate in the g.o.p. senate primary race. trump called the purple heart recipient a fearless american patriot who has pure grit and courage to take on enemies both foreign and domestic. the winner of the race will take on i object couple bent democratic senator jacqui rosen in november. lawrence, steve, ainsley and brian. steve: all right, madeleine, thank you very much. ainsley: no tax on tips is huge. i was in the service industry. imagine not having to pay taxes on your tips. steve: absolutely. that is great. particularly given the fact that the culinary union is so big out there. i just looked it up. any change in tip taxes would require an october 6 conditioning. the plan would be for donald trump when elected he would ask congress to do something about it. keep in mind one of the top things they got to do next year. the donald trump tax cuts package from 2017 will expire next year and this could be part of it. brian: if you are a member of congress who wants to go against that? i mean, i got to say, i m impressed with the balance of the comedy at his rally as well as actually proposing policy initiatives. because, i think this is something that helps the working class immediately. day bun one. and if you remember the biden administration introduce the those new irs agents to find the pfine thepeople cutting the taxs skipping out with the tips. seeing the contrast between the two campaigns. i think this wins more voters. brian: what a few days he has h he was out in silicon valley. raised $12 million. with people that i didn t think liked him. silicon valley crowd pretty much the one that said we re going to correct what happened in 2016. did better on social media than hillary. do everything possible to destroy you in 2020. and we watched what the twitter files emerge. now you have senator j.d. vance set up a fundraiser out there and goes to newport beach on saturday. thousands lined up on the streets and went n front of 3,000. and then he had this fundraiser. and on the bay. the boats were on the outside of newport. then he goes over to vegas and finishes up and flies home. still a big gap of 36 million between the two campaigns. the president the former president is closing the gap. the big story is, i think that virginia, new hampshire, he is up in deed heat. nevada, and arizona four or five points the president is up. so he has got to feel good about where is he at right now. ainsley: he went after biden s border. he said something that broke a lot of news over the weekend but he said he wants president biden to take a drug test before the debate in about two and a half weeks. he said i will take one. he needs to take one. he said. is he not old. is he incompetent. brian: right. his age is not the problem. lawrence: whether it s the drug test or just explaining to the american people ups and downs of the president. one dain shuffling off the stage can t walk the full route overseas and suddenly able to be jacked up for a state of the union. two days later is he back to the same old same old. i don t know if it s a drug test or just explaining how is the president alert sometimes and sometimes not so much. brian: do with the nfl and major league baseball we find out what drugs he had are on. usually help your performance. why can t we find out the president. ainsley: might just be a mountain dew. red bull. steve: why is there so much pep in his step. lawrence: exactly. steve: maybe on those cheery days maybe the president starts his day watching fox & friends. just saying. brian: looked himself up in the morning. v.p. short list except for more reports about frontrunners, rubio, j.d. vance and governor doug burgum and i also put in some classes some cases tom cotton. i also would say this is pretty clear. he very much likes doug burgum around him. especially when it comes. ainsley: he will definitely get some sort of job. brian: i hear the wives get along. ainsley: so successful a billionaire. self-made man i believe. steve: people are talking about the vice president because, that particular post because last week the former president said maybe i will announce that person, whoever that is at the rnc, which, you know, that makes a lot of sense because then it makes it a little more exciting who will it be. matt joaquin a republican strategist had this to fox news digital talking about the frontrunner behind the scenes. it turns out he says it s marco rubio. describes him this way an effective, disciplined communicator who rarely makes mistakes while demonstrating his ability to win a slightly higher percentage of white voters in 2022 than trump did in florida in 2020. marco rubio also appeals to the suburban and independent voters that will be key to trump s success and is the only contender from a true battleground state. trump would balance out his ticket by picking rubio for vice president which cannot be said from some of the other options these reasons is why many fear the selection of marco rubio the most. and do you know what? going back to new hampshire primary i heard from some of the top insiders marco rubio was their favorite. one of the reasons is first of all he is one of those guys who could be president on day one. if need be, hispanic, can speak spanish. given the fact that republicans have not had many good answers about abortion. the insiders really like marco rubio s approach to abortion and pro-life. lawrence: he has a few things going for him when it comes to the former president s side. he took a punch from him back in 2016. brian: gave some, too. a lot of video. ainsley: staunch allies. lawrence: he endorsed him over his governor ron desantis at the time. from what i hear the former president doesn t look too kindly of the people who decided to challenge him in this past election because he thought it was a forgone conclusion. the second thing is, he defends him on all the sunday shows. and is he not just defending him. he does it effectively. he punches back. they try to get him on his heels and he doesn t get on those heels much often also foreign policy. elephant in the room he is hispanic. second minority group that the democrats are concerned about, whether it s black voters is hispanic voters. he has a lot going for him but one thing totally right now is to steve s point. he can be president. and we would love to see him go against kamala harris in a debate. ainsley: he would have to move to washington, d.c. he is a senator. so he could do that because you can t have a vp and president. steve: from the same state. ainsley: only one on that list that speaks a second language. he would reach the hispanic voters. is he a familiar face. one g.o.p. strategist who was anonymous said in an article said strongest voice in the senate for the american first agenda. is he excellent on tv. he never messes up. he says trump latino base and solid safe pick in a lot of upsides. brian: all three of you are wrong on everything. no, i would just say that s true, too. tom cotton is extremely strong. ainsley: is he great. the whole list is good. brian: he could be secretary of defense. burgum number two or energy. all be in there tim scott really strong. tim scott is doing something else that j.d. vance is doing. formed a super pac. trying to tie up the black vote. actually raising money with a super pac for trump. so i think that also adds a lot. people are sincerely on board in 2016 they weren t. in 202024 president has machine going. ainsley: byron donds is on the list. is he strong. steve: also florida, that s a problem. he is going to have a future in politics. steve: one other note about marco rubio. because he and the president are florida residents. they have behind the scenes worked out a plan where he could he could go to another state. could be a battleground state where marco rubio moved to i m not going to say two states i heard but he would help put those in the trump column. brian: do you want senate race. j.d. vance had a very tough race fill to see the. do you want to open up a ohio race? do you want to open up a florida race? steve: he is on the show today. lawrence: i will say a final point there was all this talk about confusion within the republican party. it looks like nikki haley, to other folks that challenged. the parties is coming together. so, again, the process worked. people got challenged. brian: i do think nikki haley s people have got to be addressed. she getting a lot of votes in every state still. i think they should come forward. the other thing is j.d. vance s foreign policy scares me. very smart. i appreciate his service. he tends to go isolationist. i don t think that s what we need as a country. steve: all right. meanwhile, let s talk, brian something we need as a country. we need a strong border. brian: some would say. steve: we haven t had it for a while. of course now the president is taking executive action. he has got crazy numbers. nobody quite understands what they are doing. it still seems like thousands are coming across every day. the department of homeland security secretary mayorkas was on with martha raddatz yesterday and essentially mayorkas was kind of taking a victory lap where it s like, hey, finally we are taking action because republicans wouldn t do anything. martha called him on it. listen to this. i want to go back to an interview i did with you in march 2021, two months into your tenure as dhs secretary. you seemed totally confident then that you that under control. let s listen to what you told me. we have seen large numbers of migration in the past. we know how to address it. we have a plan. we are executing on our plan. and we will succeed. one thing that is also clear it takes time. it s tough. but we can do it. this is what we do and we will accomplish our mission. we will succeed. three years ago. since then 6.5 million migrants have been apprehended along the southern border. it would be very hard to call this a success. martha, remember something that immigration, migration is a dynamic phenomenon. it is something that we alone are it s not just us who is experiencing it. throughout the region and throughout the world. brian: they are all fed up. they know he has been flat out lying the whole time. they know the reversal of the exordz did on the president. lack of enforcement even when title 42 was in place. now they want to blame the legislation. do you remember the genesis of the legislation that was bipartisan led by senator lankford on the right. he wanted foreign aid money. the republicans came back and said yeah, you want foreign aid money, first, do the border. they started negotiating. if it wasn t for the reluctance of republicans to sign off on the foreign aid money and putting the border in there, the president had no interest in legislation. even the legislation that he put out there in year one. he never talked about it. he had a republican. he had a democratic senate. and democratic house. he evidently put out his border policy legislation. no one even looked at it. and his own party didn t want it. lawrence: i got to be honest. i know why we cover this of another network finally pushing back. but it s really knowing that we have to celebrate them doing the bear minimum. i mean, they have four years of numbers to reflect on each year it s gone up. and they don t push the administration on it. they wait until elections year where all the toll polls are showing the tone of the person people have changed. then they start pushing back. i hope that in the future some of these reporters do this along the journey instead of waiting until the issue has reached the height, 10 year high i think that s what it is. and hopefully we can get policy changes in the future. can t wait until just election year. ainsley: internal memo from border patrol that was released obtained by fox. it instructs agents in san diego to release single adults from the eastern hemisphere countries. most of the eastern hemisphere countries. they are considered hard or very hard to remove. that was after biden s exdetective order. steve: things really aren t changing much. brian: 62% of the country in support of mass deportation. keep putting down trump s idea. 63%. that s how much has changed. lawrence: from democratic and independent voters. hunter biden s gun trial continues this morning at 8:15 owner. 15eastern. we are waiting to see if the defense calls the first son to testify. ainsley: rich edson outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. hey,rich, what s the latest? good morning. on friday lead defense attorney abbe lowell overheard saying he was going to take the weekend to decide if hunter biden was going to get called to the stand. that answer is due in a couple of hours when court reconvenes here. i will figure out if we are going to see hunter take the stand. if he does not. decides against taking the stand. this could all happen very, very quickly. we could get into closing arguments and jury deliberations by this afternoon. if hunter does testify, prosecutors have indicated they may put on rebuttal witnesses, that would extend this trial further. last week and it was the defense calling hunter s daughter naomi. she delivered emotional testimony about how during the summer of 2018, she said her father was the clearest she had seen him since her uncle beau died in 2015. father used text messages, bank records, ex-girlfriend, sister-in-law who he was in a relationship with to paint a picture of rampant drug use when he purchased and possessed that firearm and allegedly swore on a form that he was not a drug user. hunter s lawyer have drawn testimony that dunn actually saw him use crack in october 2018 those the month he bought the firearm. the prosecution introduced text messages, one the day after he bought that gun. hohallie biden his sister-in-law meeting a dealer named mookie. day after that he texted hallie he was smoking crack. hunter s attorneys maintain he may not have wanted hallie to know where he was so he lied to her over texts. introduced that infamous laptop into evidence. fbi agent testified that it did not appear to be tampered with after hunter dropped it off at computer repair shop. all that last week. see where this heads in a couple hours from now and whether hunter biden or any other witnesses for the defense will take the stand. back to you. steve: it s a deliver langer. thank you very much. we know either today hunter is going to take the stand or not. and we could have closing arguments. we know that jill biden is probably going to be in the courtroom. because she remember, she flew from france to be in the courtroom on friday and then flew back to france for that state dinner. but, the curious thing, the x-factor is this. joe biden, the president is in delaware today. which makes no sense. he flew from france to delaware. ainsley: what are you saying? steve: here s the thing he has a juneteenth concert tonight at the white house. why did he go to delaware today? can you imagine if the president of the united states sat in the courtroom during closing arguments today? would that have an impact on the jury? ainsley: does he have anything on the calendar? steve: not one thing, ainsley. not one thing. lawrence: do you think it would be appropriate, steve for him to do that? steve: it s his son. with yeah, why not? but obviously this is a message that will be sent to the jury. ainsley: the president of the united states and first lady walk into his son s trial. steve: right. ainsley: and jury sees them that s pretty powerful. steve: think about it. she has been doing every day so secret service knows how that room works. it s secure. lawrence: the special counsel, the president is still his boss in theory the president can fire the special counsel. we just got take all of that. son and boss. brian: politically he doesn t benefit from it. steve: no. brian: we will see. turn to ainsley you have something special to read out loud. the u.s. is calling for the u.n. security council to vote or the proposed gaza cease-fire deal that s currently on the table. it comes after long time israeli war cabinet member benny gantz unexpectedly resigned from his position yesterday. meanwhile, have a democratic video released by the idf shows the moment israeli troops were able to secure two hostages in that daring helicopter rescue out of gaza over the weekend. gary congressman mike collins revealing one of his staffers and a friend were attacked in washington, d.c. over the weekend. he says the suspect stole a watch. collins says in mart pour nation s capital a war zone because of pro-criminal policies pedaled by d.c. s government. police posting this photo of the suspect s car saying they believe it was involved in several armed robberies across the city. wnba star caitlin clark is taking the high rode after she was snubbed from the team u.s.a. s olympic basketball roster. no disappointment. gives you something to work for. you know, it s a dream. hopefully one day i can be there. i think it s a little more motivation. you remember that. and you know, hopefully in four years, when four years comes back around i can be there. ainsley: clark says team officials told her about the decision before the news got out. four people were hurt when a bull broke loose and jumped into the stands during a rodeo in oregon on saturday. take a look. oh. oh my god. open the gate. open the gate. officials say the bull walls heading back to holding pen when it made a beeline for the fence leaping over the crowd. handlers were able to get things back over control in a few minutes. incredibly everyone is expected to be okay. all right. so they were injured but they are going to be fine. steve: well, who knew that a bull could jump like that. lawrence: that happens occasionally. i m just curious what brian, as a yankee would do is if something. brian: i would look for a child to hold up in front of me no, i m kidding. i would definitely put my hand up. wait for him to come to me, grab him around the head and try to hold him until some clown could bail me out. lawrence: brian, do you know what color not to wear at a rodeo? brian: would it be red? lawrence: very good. brian: that s why i m not a bulls fan. ainsley: have you all been to cabo. there was that bull that was loose on the beach. the lady was not wearing red. trying to feed the bull and it attacked her. steve: keep in mind. there are tens of thousands of people every year who go to papatch leona spain to run in front of the bull wear the rednecker chiefs. brian: if i could quote the president, don t. [laughter] steve: it doesn t work. brian: meanwhile, president biden, once again, mixing up two very different countries. i mean the idea we had wait all those months just to get the money for iraq? brian: congressman ryan. lawrence: congress ryan zinke. brian: sorry. ainsley: brian, don t. brian: don t. nice to see you, congressman. mr. secretary. i get around (male vo) kate made progress with her mental health, but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. summer is in full effect we are continuing to see that really warm air moving across the country. forecasted highs today. a whole lot of green out there. some of that could be severe weather. really highlighting an area across the northern plains. there is a stretch where you could see severe weather all the way down into texas. it s that red bullseye where you see the highest risk of big severe thunderstorms and isolated tornado his or her or there. and next couple of days and this is taking it through the week. florida is going to get round after round after round of rain. florida is going to be an issue for the sunshine state. brian, tossing it over to you. brian: thanks,adam. former president trump laying out his vision for america in battleground nevada on sunday. saying common sense trans sends all party afill united states. democrats are coming over. we are the party of common sense. we are a party of common sense. we want to have that strong military. we have to. i totally rebuilt the military. all of the things that we did, that s what they want this as the new york times piece tries to warn stronger border, more manufacturing jobs, law and order and end to foreign wars no. joke. that s supposed to scare people. joining us now his thoughts former cabinet secretary for president trump and now congressman in montana ryan zinke. great to see. great to be with you. i think they forget this is a movement. it s more than just a candidate. this is a movement because america is not where the biden administration is on almost any issue. what is interesting is. brian: so common sense works? you are not even talking conservative? and do what you say you are going to do. a promise made should be a promise kept. in the white house, when i walked. in steve bannon had an office just off the side there was a long list of things that president trump promised during the campaign. and this huge whiteboard was there and every time the president would accomplish one, that went off the board and this is what we are working on. and what you are seeing in this article yeah, we want a secure border. you know what he? also understands service industry. he says, you know what? let s not tax service industry tips. he gets it. if you are in the service industry. look, it s tough. not taxing tips. yeah, this is exactly what we need to do. common sense. you know, to feed the economy. brian: just so interesting because he ran in 2016 and 2020. the issues are coming full circle. when he is talking about law and order. putting federal troops into poorltd and talking about some of the unrest in the streets. like what are you doing you? are crazy. now they are saying coming. at the border, of course we need build a wall. of course we need control. of course we don t want 8 million people here that we don t know. and of course we want to have a strong military. it s rather than what do conservatives and liberals think. why like bill maher and jon stewart said what happened to logic and james carville, too. other thing i want to bring up foreign policy, you fight wars as well as representatives now in congress. the 39 of the united states overseas, went after republicans. which many presidents never would do. but here s what he said and here s what he got confused. the idea that we have become semiisolationists now that some are talking about. the idea we had to wait all those months just to get the money for iraq and because we i mean, it just it s just it s not who we are. it s not who america is. brian: see iraq and iran. very rare iraq and ukraine. when you talk about isolationism. you talk about the biden administration. start with afghanistan. no plan in ukraine. $130 billion, we have no plan. israel on fire. first time that direct strike from iran. we are talking icbm launch. direct strike. we do nothing but shoot them down. and of course you had isolationists our allies don t trust us and our enemies don t fear us. that isolates the u.s. brian: you guys wrote a check for $65 billion and you said get them equipment. did you that. none of the equipment has arrived. he wants to focus on the delay in congress. that s fine. that ship has sailed. the real issue is where s the stuff? where is the training of the f-16 pilots? where are the f 16s? it s been a year and a half. how long does it take to deliver something that was on pallets ready do go. and withholds ammunition from israel. still doing it. right? it is willful or incompetence, i m thinking it s a little bit of both. look at our foreign policy in the middle east. and this administration, many of them were obama retreads, have an affinity towards iran. it s almost at the state department has been compromised. because inside there is this sympathy and support of iran from the sanctions and now this action. i think america is figuring it out. brian: many people at the state department don t like the country. that s been the case for a long time. congressman, i will talk to you more on radio if that s okay. i look forward to it. brian: good to see you and good luck with your re-election. ryan and five seals in congress we are going to get seven. brian: let s see it. congressman, thank you so much. go over to carley who i know you are a fan of. carley: i m fan of his and yours, too brian. brian: thank you. carley: more news to get. to say happening today, officials are surveying the now fully cleared shipping channel at the site where the francis scott key bridge collapsed. they will be inspecting under the water to make sure it s safe for the channels to reopen. operations started about an hour ago after it reopens crews will still be working to remove more debris from outside the channel throughout the month. it s a huge job ongoing now. home surveillance video capturing a fire spreading close to a home in cots dale, arizona. look at that this happened before firefighters were age to put it out. the homens owner says she was watching the live feed in horror after flames sparked in a neighboring to move towards her house. firefighters put out the blaze after neighbors tried extinguishing it themselves. officials say the fire was accidently sparked by nearby construction workers who were putting up a fence. friends and colleagues of jailed wall street journal reporter evan gershkovich gathering in brooklyn yesterday, holding a barbecue to raise awareness of his 14 months in russian prison. great reporter, great friends. and he should be here barbecuing with us right now. evan loves mixing different groups of people. that s what we have done here. we have the wall street journal reporters, we have friends of evan s from high school and college. just to keep him just spare a thought for him because it s going to be a tough summer for him in prison. and we want people to and we wanted him to know that people are rooting for him. carley: gershkovich is scheduled to appear back in russian court at the end of this month. those are the headlines, brian, over to you. brian: if president trump wins is he going to make that a priority he said. thank you so much. hunter biden s federal gun trial resumes we will wait to see if he actually takes the stand. gregg jarrett on the impact that will have. that s his picture. 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[stomach noises] gas. or abdominal discomfort. help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it s time to try align. steve: welcome back. in about 90 minutes, hunter biden s federal gun trial set to resume in delaware. the second week kicking off as we wait to see if hunter himself will testify. joining us now is fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. greg, good morning to you. gregg: good morning, steve. steve: so, what are the possibilities that hunter biden, after all that damaging testimony is going to say, you know what? i want to sit down and explain it all? gregg: yeah. i think it s close to zero percent. he would get shredded on cross-examination. and open the door more rebuttal witnesses who would make him look even more guilty. his problem is there s no defending the indefensible. the evidence is overwhelming e lied. he incriminated himself on the laptop. and his own book. witnesses confirm the lie. remember, prosecutors, steve, don t have to prove that he was addicted on the day of the purchase. only the general time frame. they have done that easily. so in a normal case, this would be a hasty conviction. but, you know, it s delaware. it s the biden s personal thiefdom and a friendly jury. steve: that s right. as we said during the trump trial it just takes one because and we remember from jury picking. every person on this jury said, yeah, i know somebody who was addicted to drugs or alcohol or something like that. so, there is a sympathetic, you know, under current there along with the fact there could be jury nullification. oh, let s not do that. gregg: yeah, his main defense is really quite desperate that he was so addicted that he was in denial about his addiction, therefore, didn t knowingly lie. but, the law being addled by drugs is not a defense, which means, as you point out, steve, his real defense is a combination of sympathy for a recovering addict and jury nullification, ignore the facts, disregard the law. it doesn t matter that the supreme court has said, you know, juries have no right to negate the law. they do it anyway. because the secrecy of deliberations protects them. they can do as they please and not explain it. steve: you know, the other thing that we don t know exactly what the impact has been, but, the first lady has been in the front row every day of the trial. today, the president of the united states is in delaware. he s got nothing on his schedule until 5:00 or 6:00 tonight. he flies back to the white house for a juneteenth concert. can you imagine if the president of the united states showed up during closing arguments and jury instructions what message that would send to the pima jury box who, in that state, 60% of them voted for joe biden. bidens have long and disgraceful record of influence peddling, maybe it extends to trying to unduly influence a jury with joe suddenly showing up. that s risky and fool hearty. would like like such an overt act to try to send a visual message to the jurors mae hey, i m the president. this is my state, you owe it to me. i think that my boomerang against him. but, you know. if nothing else, steve. this trial has blown the lid off the lie that the laptop was stolen or russian disinformation. first witness put that one to rest. steve: see what happens in 90 minutes it all kicks off. greg, thank you very much. gregg: okay. thanks. steve: meanwhile on this monday a stunning new report revealing how bad pandemic learning loss was for our kids. dr. marc siegel says it s time for parents to take action because it s medical monday. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. uh-huh. uh-huh. or mr. tackled the inbox so it s room service time at a radisson hotel! ohh, effervescent. uh, excuse me! sorry, can i just uh. oh, selfie? yeah. c mon on in! oh! ah, no. i just wanted to order. ohhh. uh, coming into the bar. book direct at where travels come true. gonna write this down right quick. innovation in health care means nothing if no one can afford it. at evernorth, we re helping to unlock barriers. using our 35 plus years of pharmacy benefits management experience to save businesses billions while boosting medication adherence. helping plan sponsors and their members be at their best. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you ll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it ll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. ainsley: america s children continue to feel the impact of learning loss brought on by the pandemic. according to a new survey, 9 #% of elementary school teachers say their students are struggling more with listening and following directions compared to five years ago. 85 percent said the same about peer interaction and 77 percent said about using basic classroom supplies. joining us now is fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel, hey, dr. siegel. marc: hi, ainsley good to be with you. good morning. ainsley: makes parents very nervous what do we do? dr. siegel: sealing this an education week survey as you showed it s frightening. the word listening, sharing, socialization. can you imagine of a kid and we are talking about kids from pre-k up to 3rd grade don t know how to listen and the vast majority of teachers, that s how you learn is by listening. and this is really disturbing. now, the cdc has also shown that we are at 11% of kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ainsley. all-time high. you said what do you do about it. you are already doing it with your daughter. let me tell you what do you about it. you make it family-based. you take it out of the classroom and back into the family and you try to limit the amount of screen time and social media use and internet use that your kids have. because, other surveys show and other studies show it s directly correlated with anxiety and the inability to learn. ainsley: yeah. have you seen a difference in what children are faced with nowadays? i feel like every parent is worried we are all hiring tutors to help our kids in second and third grade. we are trying to give them i remember one teacher told me if you want your child to listen more. you need to give them a 1, 2, 3, like brush your honor teeth, go be pick out your books, put on your pajamas, like they are good with a list. i feel like our parents never worried about this kind of thing. they let us grow up. that s really a good point. that s a really good lesson you just said how you have to get back to basics with your kids. do you know why? it isn t just schools the way i just said. it s also that during the pandemic, over 3 years. kids were isolated. and they were on their iphones at a very young age. i mean before the age of five. and they were home and they were shut down our schools were closed. so the basics play time. i think you learn more in play time by the way than you actually learn sitting in a class sometimes. that was shut down. there wasn t physical education. that was shut down. fear of spreading the virus. when it comes to public health. have you got to look at the consequences and the costs of what you are doing. we saw this happening early on. kids wearing masks can t read other kids faces. can t read the teachers faces. you are right. you have to get back to basics with your child. and you have to be calm and soothing and caring and loving and love will get us through. this we have a long way to go. we have to overcome math and reading scores are way down as well. ainsley: i know. math has dropped 7 points after the pandemic and reading dropped 5 points after the pandemic. dr. siegel, thank you so much. dr. siegel: great to see you, ainsley. ainsley: you too. let s throw it over to carley she had a business addition of fox and trends. carley: scenes like this are apparently becoming more common in the workplace. i m saying pam. i m sorry, who is this gentleman sitting behind you. hello, misled. i m dale, i m vernon s stepbrother. i think i might be able to help with the panel, pam dilemma. carley: that will be great. a quarter of gen z job seekers are involving their parents in the interview process. 31% had a parent join them for their in person interview. if you believe that. 29% had them join a virtual interview. there is also this, blue collar workers are going viral. the wall street journal says it s because, quote: gen z plumbers and construction workers are making blue collar cool. in today s episode we got a little kitchen going on. and i felt the sense of drano and fish sauce hit my nostrils. trend setter, league of my own it don t get better. carley: i get it. according to the wall street journal, there were more than half a million posts using #blue collar on tiktok in just the first four months of this year. 64% increase compared to 2023. blue collar is cool, guys. steve: that s right. and somewhere mike rowe is saying i told you that. carley: yeah, right? steve: thing about these people are show thawing can actually do stuff if you put your phone down for one minute. carley: only thing about that is you put the phone down to do this stuff but you are recording the thing you are doing on your phone. so the phone is still a part of it. but i also think that a reason why this blue collar is cool shows real america. people are into it. lawrence: also, you don t have to go to college and you don t need all that debt and we don t have to pay for it. carley: not paying a student loan so cool. ainsley: become the electrician you own the company. lawrence: pass it down to your kids. ainsley: your name is on the truck. brian: i would love a situation where you do both. you learn a trade and you go to school. i would love to see both. ainsley: i agree with that i like a college education. brian: fix something. steve: learn a lot today on fox & friends. look who coming ahead. stay with us, folks. brian: yeah. they look nice. really nice i can guarantee the smooth writing, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn t have a dark side? 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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240609

Threw a party. guests got a tour of different spots at the zoo, learned about the history of the animals, but it was an extra special day for one four year old. this is amelia. there she is. she was the 95th person to enter the zoo today, so she was selected to name one of the zoo s endangered animals. that s really cool. and just like her, you. yes, you can also name an endangered animal if you visit the zoo on any weekend in june and you are the 95th, visit. oh very cool. breaking news tonight, the daring military rescue of four hostages from gaza, now safely back with family. new images of the mission from above. hostages rushed to safety by helicopter. the moments they returned to israel caught on camera. and the emotional reunions with loved ones. we have new details on how they were found as the israelis celebrate across the country, and families speak out. thank youd the emotional . for bringing my son home to me. what it means for the u.s. cease-fire proposal as france welcomes president biden with a massive parade. one of america s pioneering astronauts who took this famous photo has died while flying a small plane. the crash caught on camera. the investigation now into what went wrong. three people injured in shark attacks just miles apart. while in hawaii, another attack. a landslide caught on camera, taking out a critical wyoming highway. basketball bombshell, superstar caitlin clark will not be on the u.s. olympics team. you re trying to grow the game of women s basketball, you would not do this. why was she benched? and move over lassie, the amazing story of this truck that crashed down a ravine and the dog that ran four miles to save its owner. announcer: this is nbc nightly news with jose diaz-balart. good evening. there is joy and relief across israel tonight. four hostages who were kidnapped by hamas 245 days ago are now free. this is the moment they returned home, raising their hands in celebration. they were then quickly reunited with family. one of the hostages noa argamani, that s her there seared into the public by this image, now, there is this image, her and her dad, together again. embracing, the daring rescue operation played out in broad daylight. the israeli military releasing these images and while the mission was a success it came at a heavy price with authorities in gaza saying more than 200 were killed as part of the operation. and 120 israelis are still being held hostage. we have two reports tonight, and we begin with raf sanchez in israel. reporter: her screams were heard around the world, noa argamani hands outstretched in terror before disappearing into gaza. tonight, 245 long days later, noa safe and smiling. telling israel s president, i m so happy to be here. she and three other hostages, almog meir jan, shlomi ziv, and andrei kozlov in good health after they were rescued by israeli special forces in a daylight raid in central gaza. this operation required ingenuity and courage of the highest degree. reporter: commandos storming two civilian apartments, finding noa in one, the men in the other. radioing, we have the diamonds when the rescue was complete. a helicopter waiting for noa on the beach in northern gaza. ready to fly her home to safety. and into the embrace of her father yakov. celebrating his birthday with one arm around his only child. the other over one of her rescuers. we first met yakov on october 8. his world crumbling 24 hours after his daughter s kidnapping. tonight, he tells us, i m feeling wonderful. noa s friends at her side. she s amazing. she s strong. she s laughing and smiling and what was the first thing you said to her. just a big hug. and so glad that she s here. reporter: almog all smiles as he hugs friends and relatives and then unable to hold back the tears. while andrei stunned to see the prime minister. and shlomi speaking to his wife for the first time in eight months. in tel aviv, this lifeguard announcing the news of the rescue to a cheering beach. but in gaza tonight, searing grief, the health ministry saying at least 210 people killed by israeli forces during the raid, many of them women and children. this woman says she lost two cousins. they didn t commit any sins, she says. israel s military says it called in targeted strikes to cover the commando s retreat, and joy in israel tinged with sadness as 120 other hostages remain in captivity, including noa s boyfriend avi who was kidnapped alongside her on october 7th while her mother leora is dying of brain cancer. but tonight, her final wish, to see her daughter again fulfilled. and raf joins us now from tel aviv. raf, what does this rescue operation mean for the 120 hostages still being held? reporter: jose, israel s military is acknowledging it won t be able to rescue all of the remaining hostages while hamas is saying today s raid will have a, quote, negative impact on those still in captivity. jose. raf sanchez, thank you. in france today, president biden reacting to news of the hostage release, doubling down on the u.s. commitment to a cease-fire deal. kelly o donnell reports from paris. reporter: standing alongside emanuel macron, president biden today welcomed the rescue of israeli hostages. we won t stop working until all of the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached, that is essential to happen. reporter: macron added his support for the u.s.-backed cease-fire proposal. that israel has questions about, and hamas has yet to accept. neither leader discussed publicly today tensions with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. over the military operation inside gaza, causing civilian deaths and widespread hunger. outside the white house today demonstrations calling for a permanent cease-fire, and release of palestinian prisoners. those protests a sharp contrast to the pageantry of the french state visit. paid respects at the tomb the leaders also paid respects at the tomb of france s unknown soldier. and the home of the brave reporter: a visit that signifies this alliance as president biden spoke today about france as america s oldest friend. much of this visit emphasized strong alliances. we stand as one, our countries are stronger, and literally the world is safer. back now with kelly o donnell traveling with the president in paris. and kelly, what s the latest on the white house s efforts to reach a cease-fire deal? reporter: today, the president s national security adviser pointed out in a statement that that deal has been endorsed by a number of countries, from europe to the middle east. including 16 that have citizens among the remaining hostages. jose? kelly o donnell in paris, thank you. legendary astronaut bill anders who took what is widely considered the most famous photo of our planet has died in a plane crash. his final moments caught on camera as the aircraft he was piloting nose-dived into the water off the coast of washington state. dana griffin reports. a warning for you, some may find the video disturbing. reporter: tonight an ntsb and faa investigation is under way into the single-engine two seater plane crash that killed famed nasa astronaut and former air force major general bill anders. a couple watching wildlife off the coast of san juan county, washington capturing this moment, the 90-year-old pilot, the only person on board, taking a nose-dive. it was inverted, went into this barrel roll loop thing. tried to pull up before it hit the water but it was too low. reporter: the plane crashes into the water, bursting into flames. hours later, anders body is pulled from the water. in 2018 anders talked with nbc s harry smith about his career. probably the world s best fighter pilot. but we don t talk about that. reporter: before astronauts could set foot on the moon the apollo 8 crew first had to prove they could fly round the moon and back. wow, that s pretty. reporter: and it was the photo he took dubbed earth rise that became a part of history. when the earth came up over the lunar horizon, that s when it really impressed me as to how much more delicate the earth was, and colorful. reporter: his family saying in a statement they are devastated. he was a great pilot. he will be missed. nasa administrator senator bill nelson writing on x, anders offered to humanity, among the deepest of gifts, he traveled to the threshold of the moon, and helped all of us see something else, ourselves. i ll keep flying as long as i can crawl in the airplane. reporter: a love of flying and a legacy that went beyond the earth. dana griffin, nbc news. a catastrophe is unfolding in wyoming, take a look at this. it s an astonishing caught-on-camera landslide that erased part of a critical highway. it happened on the popular teton pass outside jackson connecting parts of wyoming with idaho. that stretch is considered a major artery for tourism, commuters and deliveries. there has been a wave of shark attacks in the last 24 hours. two of them just miles apart. two people were seriously injured in those attacks. authorities now trying to determine if they re connected. marissa parra reports from florida.ptured by a florida sp reporter: video captured by a florida spear fisherman showing close encounters of the shark kind, filmed on the same day the beaches nearby him in walton countyflorida closed after back-to-back shark attacks within miles in one day. you don t ever think it s going to happen. it s like crazy. reporter: on friday before 1:30 p.m. a woman swimming near a sand bar, bit in her mid-section. and arm. then half an hour away, two teenage girls seen fighting for their lives after a shark attack. when i looked back over my left shoulder, i saw the water filled with blood. reporter: two doctors visiting florida on vacation saw the scene unfold and jumped in to help. we were able to apply tourniquets and apply pressure, and get the response. it was a team effort. reporter: it s unclear whether it was the same shark in both attacks. extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon within four miles of one another. reporter: statistically speaking attacks by sharks on humans are rare, but friday s florida shark attacks come on the same day that attack reported out of hawaii and after last week s attack in galveston, texas, when a 19-year-old had to fight a five-footer off with her hands. as soon as the shark attacked me my body just naturally started punching it, and it was in the face. i did that. and then it ended up swimming away. going about knee deep. reporter: in florida, walton county officials assess next steps, warning flags line the beaches. is it safe for people to go in the water today? safe is a relative term but i don t think people should be hysterical or paralyzed. only insofar as they need to be aware of their surroundings and look out for each other. marissa is on the beach in florida where one of these attacks occurred. are there any extra precautions being taken there today? reporter: well, jose, authorities say they are watching the shoreline from the land, the sea, the air and they said today they have observed a, quote, notable presence of sharks in the area, specifically bull sharks. but they remind beach goers that sharks are always present here in the gulf. jose? marissa parra in walton county, thank you. still ahead tonight, life-saving money lost. the millions raised for organ transplant patients now gone. where did it go? also, the stunning new olympic outrage over caitlin clark. look at this beautiful step-back. caitlin clark. but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. 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[ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. and did we mention, it really, outdoor time is me time. i hear that. that s why we protect all your vehicles here. but hey.nothing wrong with sticking it to the boss. ooooh, flo, you gonna take that? why would that concern me? because you re.the. aren t you the..? huh.we never actually discussed hierarchy. ok, why don t we just stick to letting dave know how much he can save when he bundles his home or auto with his boat or rv. wait, i thought jamie was the boss. [ laughter ] it s funny because i m not boss material! it s started. it s. the side hug. tween milestones like this may start at age 9. hpv vaccination a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you re welcome! now, as the “dad cab”, it s my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help protect them in the next. ask their doctor today about hpv vaccination. an organization that promised to help extremely ill patients get the life-saving surgeries they desperately need has now abandoned them, and those patients are now not only fighting for their lives, but for the money they say they re owed. zinhle essamuah reports. reporter: kathy earnest needed a double lung transplant. i just knew i couldn t walk from here to there without gasping for air. reporter: for years she used a well-known charity to raise nearly $13,000 for her medical expenses without issue. but, in april, she checked her account, and the money was gone. and i went, huh? what? reporter: you didn t know they had shut down? no. reporter: the non-profit national foundation for transplants or nft had abruptly closed. donna sinclair says she lost $11,000 raised with nft for treatment, following her double lung transplant. how does that feel? horrible, horrible. reporter: her daughter christina norris started a facebook group for dozens of other patients. the national foundation for transplants reporter: nft was in business for decades, helping patients raise funds for organ transplant procedures. nbc news reached out to several leaders of the company, and ultimately received this statement. saying in part, closure was a difficult, but necessary decision. citing economic strain post-pandemic, health care inflation, and rising operational costs. but, they dispute patients claims that the money raised was earmarked for specific individuals. they did use a very, you know, particular choice of words when they say nft also creates and maintains a personal online fund-raising page for each patient. what stands out to you about it? that it s personal to that patient, not a general fund to help patients like this patient. reporter: and it s not just the monetary loss. it s about the prospect of losing life all together. if i don t get a kidney, then i can die. you say that very matter of fact, but i imagine that s hard to hold. it is. reporter: eric o brien and his wife pam spoke to us from his hospital bed, where he s facing dialysis complications. he lost over $4,000 when nft closed. without this money you can t get on the transplant list? no. reporter: as for donna sinclair, a boston philanthropist wrote her a check for the $11,000 she lost. i felt, now i have hope. reporter: because you d lost it. yeah, i did. my baby. reporter: but she s worried for others, like kathy earnest who is now in organ failure and may not get funding in time. you have a lot of life to live. i do. and, you know, i m i m still functional, you know, and i don t want to be non-functional like i was before. reporter: zinhle essamuah, nbc news, boston, massachusetts. when we come back, basketball bombshell, the big olympic news about caitlin clark. c news about caitlin clark. s stomace voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don t take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won t go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. welcome to the wayborhood. with wayfair,. finding your style is fun. 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[ music stops ] i m sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don t see you. -oh, come on. this one s perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times. um-hum. they re not sitting. -and it rocks. you need to sit down. wayfair. every style. every home. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don t take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. back with the dog rescue story that sounds like something out of an old episode of lassie, take a look at the truck there, see it on the creek? the driver crashed it over an embankment in oregon, but get this, while he was trapped his dog named blue was with him, but then ran about four miles through rough terrain to alert family members at a nearby campsite that something was wrong. they then alerted officials, who finally found the man alive, and used pulleys to hoist him to safety. fans of superstar caitlin clark are outraged tonight following reports she will not be on the women s olympic basketball team. jesse kirsch has more. clark, the step-back three, just below the logo, drills it. reporter: fresh off one of her best wnba performances yet. back-to-back triples reporter: caitlin clark is apparently not playing up to the olympic standard, her name expected to be left off of team usa s paris roster. if you re trying to grow the game of women s basketball, you would not do this. reporter: the revelation first reported by the athletic, ignited debate. call congress, the president. reporter: usa basketball says we have not made any official announcement yet, but a source familiar with the decision tells nbc news the 12 player roster includes seasoned pros, like brittney griner and diana taurasi, excluding clark and other young stars, like fellow rookie angel reese. carter and clark. reporter: the news comes just days after this controversial foul sent clark to the floor, fueling debate about how the biggest name in women s basketball has been received since turning pro. does this mean now that they ll have fewer viewers? probably. i think the u.s. team has chosen not to be a prisoner of the moment. reporter: the american women have won seven straight gold medals and are favored in paris but some fans argue clark would be an asset not just for her country but for the sport at large. if caitlin clark was on this roster, the ratings would be bigger than the men s event. reporter: so far clark has not commented on the olympic snub but she told nbc s stephanie gosk this in april. you always want to be an olympic gold medalist. i know how special it is to represent usa across your chest. being able to do that at the highest level would certainly a be a dream come true. reporter: a dream that for now will apparently have to wait. jesse kirsch, nbc news. coming up next, there s good news tonight. the state troopers making sure this graduate will never walk alone. er w al what causes a curve down there? who can treat this? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie s disease, or pd. you re not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there s a right way to. stop! and the speed limit definitely isn t. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you re in good hands with allstate i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well jardiance! it s a little pill with a big story to tell i take once-daily jardiance at each day s start! as time went on it was easy to see i m lowering my a1c! jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell! there s good news tonight, so often the good news doesn t get as much attention as the bad. so, every saturday we highlight the many people who spread joy and love. this is just some of those stories this week. [ cheers and applause ]. talk about a special delivery. that s beloved u.p.s. driver ricky mcwood, retiring after 42 years on the i ll miss you guys more. thank you, thank you. reporter: neighbors on his route in missouri, celebrating him, so grateful for his decades-long dead ration. they can make or break us. and these people have made me. [ cheers and applause ]. and, there were these cheers for kalee manueles. she had to miss her own high school graduation because of a recent leukemia diagnosis. so, staff at texas health harris methodist hospital threw her a party to mark the milestone. it s a moment kalee and her mom brandy will always cherish. it was a beautiful moment. and i was very grateful. to each and every one of them who put that together for her. they all just started cheering for me. i felt so empowered in that moment. [ cheers and applause ]. ethan michael walker. when ethan walker got his diploma from grosbeck high school near waco he was surprised with his very own cheering section. take a look. more than a dozen texas state troopers showed up to support him. after ethan s own trooper dad died in the line of duty. for ethan, these folks are now family, walking him through life s big moments. and here s a little boy who s getting a new lease on life thanks to his preschool teacher. she s a perfect match. are you serious? yeah. this is the moment teresa fisher showed up with a life-saving surprise for ezra and his mom karen. i have a delivery for you. she has a liver for you. ezra, who s had health issues all his little life, needs a new liver. i m going to share my liver with you, buddy. and ms. carissa told them she s donating part of her own. how do you, karen, thank carissa? there aren t words. i can t. there s no way to express our gratitude, and we cry, and we laugh, and we smile, it s just incredible. an incredible act of kindness, making a huge impact for the rest of his life. what kind of person would do that? what kind of person are you, carissa, why would you do this? i am a helper, and knowing him was just a huge bonus for us, and so it s going to be nice to be able to see him grow up and he can make another difference in the world somehow. and ezra is expected to get that liver surgery some time this summer. that s nbc nightly news for this saturday, i m jose diaz-balart, thank you for the privilege of your time and good night. from cisco an update on how they re doing tonight. plus, a longtime bar that was threatened by the flames. a major step forward in a project to link the south bay s light rail to the bart system. see the colorful, groundbreaking ceremony in just a few moments. but first, four hostages are finally free after being held for eight months in gaza after a brutal battle between israel and hamas. reaction tonight in the bay area . the news at six starts right now. thanks for joining us. i m terry mcsweeney and i m gia vang. we are going to start with that fire in san francisco that created a scare in the outer

Hostages , Family , Breaking-news-tonight , Images , Mission , Safety , Central-gaza , Helicopter , Four , Person , Phenomenon , Superman