Transcripts For DW Shift - Living In The Digital Age 20180803 21:15:00

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one headline before we leave you in zimbabwe the opposition movement for democratic change has rejected the results of the country's presidential election as later nelson chamisa said his party will challenge the outcome in cork president emerson mangala meanwhile also said he wanted a free and fair election. that's your news rap i'm sara harman in berlin thanks for watching have a great weekend i'll see if that. would . lead. germany street by street. the most colorful. the longest. the most traditional. minded all educate me time.
check him with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com movement in fighting for the case to take you seriously in the world of work here's what's coming up women's tone. for your women smart bombs smart state religion brain prison really dangerous times are for w. me for my. shifts of living in the digital world coming up. learning what you choose relaxing on instagram. and life projections and dancers. the first innovate.
technology. up with the kids causing a stir in t.v. and social media it's a russian language show produced on the platform created for three d. games. an alternative take on geopolitics donald trump and kim jong on. three of various global leaders starring in the enemy. nick. what also sets the three d. show apart is that it's created in the unity game development environment. the animated characters are played by real life actors filmed with motion capture bush who. was. going to. let you. know. the program is produced for d w in the capital
it's been broadcast since november twenty seventeen with a new episode appearing every week and all new production technique makes it all possible. because our most valuable thing here so we use this engine to make things faster to be able to do well of things as fast as we can and show the results in a really nice and quality way. the time pressure is intense each episode script is developed over the course of the week then it's straight into the recording studio . not everyone wants to be filmed during their work for the satirical show some of the voice artists have russian clients too and they fear a backlash for being critical of the kremlin. but this group has both speaking and singing parts. meanwhile five three d. artists compose new backdrops and props for the latest video. this time they need
to add a bomb it might also be hats. objects are added or changed by drag and drop with the unity game development engine which has previously been used to program hip games like super mario run angry birds and monument valley. it was the left in creative producer who came up with the idea of using the game platform as a three d. studio he prefers to remain anonymous. we create twelve minutes of free. every week. without unity it would be impossible even for a big studio. the developers have also draw inspiration from well known music videos and movies here vladimir putin wraps along the coast in similar style to despots. and the terminator seems to have had a russian grandmother. in. motion capture is used to film the movements this special suit has forty two markers to
capture all the actors movements and gestures. two dozen cameras are used to create a full three d. picture. that makes it possible to reposition the resulting figures later. it's not unusual challenge for the actors. it's usually different from being on stage in the theater you put on the suit and i become one with the role for example the trumpets putting on a really rough voice. hey you. all. self larger my body more massive so basically this is the pure arts of acting. for. a dedicated expert oversees the facial gestures he uses his fingers to position the mouth and set the right expression at the end all the individual parts are put together for one scene i ran there about twenty. five different cameras
from different. cuts. the action. the speedy rendering process is a huge advantage success in both t.v. and social media suggests a promising future for the satire with millions of facebook you tube views. the show is broadcast on a range of channels around the world. shifts . of the future. and the networkers digital innovators committed to special projects today in i.t. consultants. to make the world a little better as a digital technology. project. to identify malnutrition
was first utilized in india. if you go to a slum in mumbai you might see a six person family sleeping eating and living in a tiny space with no sanitation and just three toilets for eight thousand people. that's when you know something has to be done an estimated eight hundred fifteen million people around the world don't have enough to eat the nutrition can rapidly become life threatening for children in particular the diagnosis normally requires lengthy on the ground monitoring medical stuff. as possible no specialist knowledge required it use a smart phone sensors to create a true the model of the patient it then evaluates key parameters and compares the readings with standard values. as attracted interest including the republican digital convention. experience actually.
we need to bring. sustainable development together to. develop solutions his contribution to the child's growth monitor up. and down remotes learning overcrowded classrooms and lecture halls are a common problem. in cologne students are learning from home via video the concept is called flipped classroom. in these new video of the i'm no one's despondent. if . you mark lectures on you tube watching barney is a professor at colognes technical university his area of expertise materials technology and synthetic he likes to use the summer break to carry on teaching. and it's just listening or sharing knowledge is something we can do elsewhere. so the time we actually have together here at the university can be used for interaction.
the concept means that students can decide for themselves when and at what pace they learn in the first it's useful to be able to pause the video exactly at the moment you don't understand something fully so you can. give it some thought it's. the videos or at most fifteen minutes long we're search shows the brain can't process new information for longer than that best of all students have been passing their exams since the lectures were put on line. oh. yeah a growing number of teachers are trying out the new format twelve year old sophia is watching a math video at home and bavaria she doesn't have much time to learn the new material. it's great because you can always really watch the video if you don't understand something. the new material from the video is then discussed in the classroom with
topics: Innovative Technology: The Political Satire Zapovednik; Fighting Hunger One App at a Time: Markus Matiaschek; Studying 4.0 - Teaching on Youtube;...
a major power in the middle east. airlines influence continues to grow politically economically and above all militarily. does iran truly want peace. the countries of homes have their doubts to isolate. iran from theocracy the current. august fifth on g.w. . cuts. hello and welcome to focus on europe with me peter craven and europe is in the grip of a devastating heatwave it's been scorching farmland and triggering wildfires its worst hit so far is greece which has seen what's being described as europe's deadliest

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