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and how much of that did you understand? >> we'll have the teacher from the peanuts. why one city wants to take the happy out of happy hour? come on, people, big government keeps getting b bigger, more happy hour. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> oh. it's sunday morning, welcome. >> it's sunday morning. >> clayton: it is sunday morning. >> woo! >> we're playing house music because that's what jewel equity rocks out to. she's in for alisyn camerota. >> good morning, good to be here. >> clayton: we all didn't get an invite to the the white house correspondent's dinner. >> dave: we're waiting for our invitation, it must have been lost in the mail, but alisyn camerota did get an invitation, she'll join us later in the program and take us behind tcurtain a little bit and why the crowd seemed so stiff. the president and jimmy kimmel seemed funny and not all the jokes got adequate laughter u it seems live the measure online, if you're reading the tweets was na president obama pretty much killed it. >> i was reading some of the excerpts, yeah, he seemed funny and he has a good sense of humor, i think, and pete ser doocy will be talking about it in a little bit and he was there as well. >> dave: he was star gazing, that's what peter was doing. what stars were there? let's give you a glimpse of big names on hand. sophia vergara from modern family, kim kardashian, as well as her mom, chris jenner. and this from what movie. >> the artist. >> dave:. >> and charlize theron. >> i would think that george clooney would be the lead. >> you're so naive. only kidding. >> dave: knew gingrich was there as well as calista and rick santorum. there was a "glee" star. and rick santorum was the butt of several jokes as was chris christie and lindsay lohan was there, the butt of a few jokes. the guest of gretta, i believe. so gretta brought her, must have been uncomfortable next to her, getting some jokes. >> sorry to interrupt you when the osbournes first came out. ten years ago, hit it big and they he were controversial. and gretta brought. >> controversial. >> and gretta brought the osbournes, sharon and, ooh, a scandal. >> and gretta doesn't mind sitting next to them. >> here is the president killing it, great jokes and had the room laughing like crazy, take a listen. >> congress and i have certainly had our differences yet i try to be civil and not take any cheap shots and that's why i want to especially thank all the members who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws to be here tonight. great to be here this evening in the vast magnificent hilton ballroom, or what mitt romney would call a little fixer upper. and look at this party, you've got men in tuxes, women in gowns, fine wine, first class entertainment, i was relieved to learn this was not a gsa conference. which reminds me of an old staying what's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull. a pit bull is delicious (laughter) >> that's pretty rough. but i can take it. because my stepfather always told me it's a boy eat dog world out there. and in my first term, i sang al green. in my second term i'm going with young jeezy. in my first term we passed health care reform, in my second term i guess i'll pass it again. i really to enjoy attending these materials, in fact i have a lot more material prepared, but i have to get the secret service home in time for their new curfew. you knew that was coming. >> clayton: a lot of good material lately because this campaign people argue it's been more about the dogs and eating dogs and dogs on top of cars than real substance so of course you had the service secret, the gsa commentary and the dog and a dig in there on mitt romney at one point j nothing on rick perry and herman cain, i thought they provided a fair amount of material. >> clayton: you've got newt. >> you can start of seeing the president tell the first part of the joke. en see where it was going. it was so obvious, of course, you've got the gsa and secret service. >> good job as timing. he could have rushed right through it and on that dog joke, he could have like just gotten nervous and rushed through it, but he let it hawning there and everyone is slowly started to rumble, and people started to laugh after like ten seconds and it did seem, when they showed the shots of the crowd it was like-- >> in particular after jimkey kimmel's jokes, they seemed to fall flat although they read to us very funny. here is jimmy kimmel, the man of the hour. >> i know you won't be able to love at my jokes about the secret service, koofr your ease if that's physically possible. i have a lot of jokes about the secret service and i told them for $800 i wouldn't tell them, but they only offered 30. so, i want to thank the washington hilton for hosting us tonight. president obama want today move to the kennedy center, but the republicans wanted it at the hilton and they compromised and here we are at the hilton. mr. president. you remember when the country rallied around you in hopes of a better tomorrow? at that was hilarious. that was your best one yet. but honestly, it's a thrill for me to be here with the president, an on who i think has done his best to guide us through difficult times and paid a heavy price for it. there's a term for president obama, probably not two terms, but even some of your fellow democrats think you're a pushover. they'd like you to stick to your guns and even if you don't have any ask issuing holder to get some for u what a collection of people. members of the media, politicians, corporate executives, advertisers, lobbyists and celebrities, everything that's wrong with america is here in this room tonight that's great. when we were reading it this morning did $. >> there was a guy lucky tough enough to be in the room last night joining us with behind the scenes details of that dinner, peter doocy, this morning, good morning. >> and a curious response, it seemed that the jokes looked flat, there were stuffed shirts and they were nervous. >> i think the jokes why good from the president and jimmy kimmel, the order you played them in. the president went first and then jimmy kimmel came in and you want to take the pulse of the room. the president had a line throw away he was setting up a joke and said something to the effect of if i get the chance for another term in office for another four years and that got a lot of applause. and so, some of the stuff where maybe, it was not so nice, some of the jokes why not so nice to democrats or republicans fell a little flat, but everybody, and it's very unusual to hear the president say, you know, make jokes about dogs and make jokes about the gsa and secret service who are all standing right there in the back keeping an eye on everybody, all of us. but, i think that for the most part. everybody thought that everything was very funny. >> i hear, peter before the president came out sort of a play on when he was caught on the mic. >> the open mic, was he, he was behind the curtain and you could hear him talking, is that what happened. >> clayton: i don't think that people saw that on the broadcast. >> right, they did a whole thing, jay carney, the white house press secretary said hey, we need someone to turn off the president's mic and the president making a joke about the kardashians and politicians and then you heard a toilet flush, like the president was in the bathroom and his microphone was on. which got a big laugh and of course, he came out and it was really, you know, before the entire event, very cool, some of the bigger stars from fox news and from hollywood stopped to talk us us in the box play. listen to this. >> where are clayton morris and dave briggs. they're my work husbands, they're holding down the fort they have crushes, julie bowen from modern family and sophia vergara and they've challenged me to get a picture. i wouldn't say it's out of my element. i'm not never the out of my he will. but with the president. >> i'm surrounded by the people from fox that i love. this is better than the-- >> they were saying it's like the prom. >> you look beautiful. >> and she did not bring me a corsage. i know. >> it's your mom. >> mother's day is coming up. >> but this year, it's the last year for a the lot of our cast who have been there from day one, so, it's a -- it's knowing that that was at the end of the season it's been incredibly emotional season, you know, because our family, you know, i don't know what's going to happen with the show, but in some way it's going to get broken up a little bit. >> on screen left you saw michael from fox news doing a good job talking to some of our guests, before and after, lots and lots of fun. >> who are you most excited to see, had a photo with some celeb. camerota. i did see, and she was by the the bureau and may get one and did see daniel day-lewis, playing abraham lincoln in a movie. in my head all i've heard about him lately he lived like lincoln for many months and last night he had a mohawk, but could not have been nicer. >> he has a mohawk. but could not have been nicer, everybody was nice. >> we'll check back to you later. there are big questions. >> go catch a nap and grab a few tylenol. >> the dirt. you want lindsay lohan dirt. >> i want to hear what's going on. >> clayton: interesting politics you thought that's probably the story and when you're waking up and learning what some of mitt romney's aides started to say and frame. all the aides we haven't heard much about are coming out of the woodwork and framing their candidate to the media. very interesting. >> dave: it's interesting when it comes to the auto bailout because mitt romney had to position himself all along that the president was wrong on the auto bailout that we should have let detroit go bankrupt the title of the op-ed. and we're hearing that the president took his position in part on mitt romney how exactly to do the auto bailout. >> in part are the key words. >> dave: his position on the bailout is exactly what president obama followed. he said look, if you want to save the auto industry, don't just write the check, what they need to do is go through a managed bankruptcy process the fact that the auto industry today are profitable because they shed costs and the reason they've shed the costs and gotten the employee labor contracts is because they went through that managed bankruptcy process, that's exactly what mitt romney told them to do. it's not exactly what mitt romney told them to do, but it is in part what mitt romney suggested. >> because remember, i mean, mitt romney throughout the campaign was going after the op-ed of the new york times, november 2008. >> and said, let detroit go bankrupt-- let detroit go bankrupt and that was the headline. >> right. >> there's little parts. >> we have sound i believe from ken miller we spoke to yesterday who was on the show and we'll get it later, but he was on the show and he lost a dealership and he said this wasn't a bankruptcy, it wasn't a bankruptcy nowhere in a bankruptcy do you give people the information and assets three months before you sign anything. and he was saying that i lost my auto dealership and that it was the government that asked us to restructure in part, but mostly, he wasn't buying what chevy was saying, which was that we needed to down side. we needed to restructure in order to save money so there's some disagreement from some of the dealerships. but it did mirror a bankruptcy in that the auto companies did, gm and chrysler did shed costs, they did down size and they lost dealerships, miller was one of them, cut the labor contracts. it did mirror a bankruptcy. and the problem was he wanted private money to come in and save the industry. many critics say there was nonement also say this and ken miller wasn't to here to defend himself. he says we bare the burden of the costs at the dealership, it wasn't chrysler, we didn't fire anyone, we put them in other spots, we didn't cut costs because we handled and the chrysler argument that they're saying money, that was his take anyway. >> speaking of mitt romney, and someone who has been thrown out there as a possible run mate, potential would be representative paul ryan. he gave the g.o.p. weekly address, and he said basically everything comes down to budget issues, all of this comes down to whether or not we have the american dream. >> and this budget growth and economic growth starting today with bold reforms to the tax code and a credible principled plan to prevent a debt crisis from ever happening. the president and his party leaders are now insisting that washington take trillions of dollars from hard working americans in an effort to lock in ever higher government spending. if we've learned anything over the last three years, it's that this approach won't work. >> what's interesting, you mention him possibly being a vp. he's going to be on the ballot whether you like it or not. whether or not he's the vp, his budget is going to be part of the campaign. president obama is going to run on it, whether or not he's the vp. this is going to be a lot about paul ryan and his version for the country and making the serious cuts. >> and president obama running against that record whether or not he's on the ticket or not. >> exactly. >> cuts medicaid and the democrats and draconian and-- >> the democrats continue to punt from making cuts, no matter who is the president. >> can we do some headlines. >> all righty. new this morning, n.a.t.o. says three service members have died in southern and eastern part of the country and separate bombings in afghanistan, killing two soldiers and the third died of non-battle related injuries. officials have not provided their nationalities or disclosed details. so far this month, 40 coalition members died in afghanistan, bringing this year's total. >> and the cards win over milwaukee and turns deadly and down there by the landing, a strong winds knocked down a tent and sports bar. the tent was outside, people were out there, obviously they didn't want to be in the rain and more than 50 miles per hour wind shattered aluminum poles at kilroy's sports bar, killed one man and wounded others. >> and the storm came absolutely out of nowhere and hit so fast, and the next reaction everyone was running under tents of course, and i saw this, everyone was under the tent sure enough next think you know it blows over. >> 100 people were treated at the scene and over a dozen taken to the hospital. meanwhile, this same storm generating baseball sized hail, causing serious damage to several cars and businesses. and check this out. look at that of the the hail crushing through windows and sky lights. wow, the way it is in missouri. and new information about a story we've been following, the new jersey teachers allegedly caught on tape bullying the autistic student is now on paid leave. here is a little bit of that disturbing tape. >> >> and as the whole thing started when ten-year-old began acting out at home. his dad was suspecting that there was possibly something going on at school and he sent him to school with a digital recorder hidden in his pocket and the teacher's aide was fired immediately and the teacher protected by tenure and denying it's her voice on the tape. talk about a great sport. trophy winning bo jackson biking across his native alabama and helping out the thousands of victims at last spring's outbreak. and after 300 miles crossed the finish line yesterday in tuscaloosa. and new york city nanny state, we've told, but this forever. could be taking the happy out of happy hour, the part of the health department's goal to reduce so-called risky alcohol use. the proposal would limit wh-- wouldn't limit when bars can serve drinks and food. but no he happy hour or no ladies night. and similar laws in other states, but new york does get hammered by a lot of folks. >> new york does get hammered, hammered all the time. >> come on. >> dave: look, new york is bizarre, you can drink at 4:30 in the morning, but you can't get a bloody mary or mimosa at 11 a.m. >> clayton: at 11 a.m. >> it's like 11 a.m. >> clayton: dave and i have looked, like indiana jones on a treasury hunt looking in this city. >> hi, maria. >> today is a cool start across the east. we're seeing temperatures below freezing and includes for you in cleveland. 29 degrees is your current temperature. not too bad for us here in new york which are the current temperature is 44 degrees, but we have some freeze warnings in effect across the northeast and new england and how chilly it is out there and unfortunately many of you have caught spring fever and planted the plants and could be looking at damage because of the cold temperatures that we've been experiencing for a long period of time in the overnight house and we've seen it coming down early this morning, about three to four inches of rain possible just today. so there is some flooding of a concern out there today. otherwise, severe weather would be tracking from the central plains into parts of illinois and also, indiana and once again, device, that does include the city of st. louis, guys. >> thanks so much, maria. >> listen to this, you saw this, all every woman is talking about in the sports world this week, and trying to pull this together. i don't know if you saw this foul ball. the famous foul ball that landed into the stands and it wasn't a fall ball, it was a ball a player tossed in. >> and so this young man. >> he's trying, and he's crying because the foul ball or tossed into the stands for him. instead went to this newlywed company, the husband or the man gave it to his son bride to be. >> clayton: the real story, but what unfolded later. >> that's the one next to them kissing? >> and michael kay is the announcer who was calling the game and he got fired up about it. listen to what he had to say. >> oh, he's crying, oh, my goodness. and he didn't get hit, he just didn't get the ball. oh, and they're actually like rubbing it in the kid's face. >>. >> oh, the couple wants an apology now. >> now what. >> from michael kay. >> they asked for an apology from michael kay they feel like they were hammered by him. >> they wrfrjts they didn't know that this kid was, drama was going on. >> i'm on their side. now why? the mom, told on a second, the mom even defended her husband, saying, my husband was shielding the the kid from them. they didn't see them. >> they were on the screen on the huge jumbotron why everyone was looking and booing. >> that couple went on the today show and they want an apology and michael kay says no, i'm the not jiedzing. >> good for you. >> dave: i'm sticking to my guns. >> way to go, michael. >>en i see what you're saying they didn't mean to be mean. >> they didn't, but do you have to ask for an apology, come on. >> there's the twit ter and scott brown from half court. wow! >> we'll look at that later on. ♪ litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. pull on those gardening glove. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. it's grow time. get one-quart perennials, four for just $10. the next generati and then countless more. how do you kill them? frontline plus. it uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks. plus another to eliminate flea eggs and larvae, annihilating the next generation of fleas. and, frontline plus works non-stop for thirty days. no wonder it's the number one choice of vets for their pets and yours. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. cleaning betr, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle, but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. ♪ >> despite many obstacles, much has changed during my time in office. four years ago i was locked in a brutal primary battle with hillary clinton. four years later she won't stop texting me from cartagena. four years ago i was a washington outsider, four years later i'm at this dinner. four years ago i looked like this. today, i look like this (laughter) >> and four years from now, i will look like this (laughter) >> and that's good. that's the president last night at the white house correspondent's dinner and great fox and friends who are there and we have more coming up this morning. >> and we'll check with alisyn camerota. meanwhile, it's time you sit down, young kids and have that graduation speech and hear those inspiring tales about how big this day is and how you're going off into the world and the wall street journal had a great piece, breaking down on what you really want to hear. if the advice were real and about the things genuinely important to you and this is the shortened version of a book on things you ought to receive. here are the things that they think ought to be included. >> i wish i would have heard this. your time at the fraternity parties was well spent. >> yeah, these people, they become your close friends and connections in life, these are the things that drive later, business partnerships. >> my friend renee and my friend marty, best two in the world from college. >> and here for me, i wish i would have heard. your worst days lie ahead and you walk out there and have your cap and gown and have children with the family and party afterwards and i think that life is so good. >> wouldn't you wish when you were giving the speech, the at 21. you're going to be 20 and-- >> periods of self-doubt and failure. >> i wish they would have said you'll be in south dakota, eating macaroni and cheese, doing the job of five people and that's really the kind of advice you need to hear. >> loving every second of it though. >> clayton: maybe that's why the next one applies to you, you married up. you married someone smarter than you, and this is what. >> juliet: oh. >> clayton: should have told us. you and i both. >> dave: i followed that to a tee. >> clayton: absolutely. >> dave: and when you're going to have that down time, a bad time in your career, it's nice to have someone smarter than you around. >> clayton: picking them up off the floor and stop meeting the mack and cheese, come with me, big boy. >> juliet: and your parents. >> dave: they want what's good for you, not what's best for you, what's good for you. the distinction is a little gray, i would agree. >> juliet: they push you torques we'd love you to be a doctor or a lawyer or. >> clayton: right. >> juliet: they don't say we want you to be president. go for the-- jo and one that says don't make the world worse. no soaring rhetoric about curing cancer. just asking you not-- >> like don't try to be great, seems solid. >> clayton: seems solid, something i've always lived by. >> dave: don't try to be-- >> are there any other things you would like to add to the list, let us know, it's a good list. also an interesting list out this morning and sort of taken off. over the past week online there's a movement afoot to get rid of some of the worst words ever in the english language, harsh to hear or they're overused and we've put together some movie clips which categorize some of the words which are being pushed to be removed. >> juliet: a word in each clip. >> we're not going to tell you, we'll play the clip and figure this out. take a listen, here is one. >> ahhh! >> tom's awesome. >> did you find that word. >> that's a tough one. >> dave: i like the word awesome. >> clayton: a couple of words on the list. >> dave: i enjoy the word awesome. >> juliet: what about totally. >> clayton: let's see from malibu, where you could use totally. >> dave: here is another clip from the word clueless and see if you can figure this. >> when i had this garden party for my father's birthday became came that like did not rsvp so i was like totally bugin' jo that word drives me nuts. >> juliet: bugin'. >> dave: like, it's a crutch. >> clayton: a great way to krut it. it's a crutch because you're struggling to find other words. pause and find. >> juliet: and for some people, they say it just nonstop, not the because they're pausing because that's something that they-- >> when they get called out about it you become aware of it. the word like this is one of dave's all-time favorite words, uses it throughout the morning. >> dave: a dozen times a day. >> clayton: dude, where is my-- what about mine? dude, what does mine say. >> sweet. >> dude, what does mine say. >> sweet. >> what about mine. >> dude. >> what does mine say? >> sweet! >>. >> dave: it's not sweet, it's dude. and i wish i could get rid of that one, i should, but i love it. i do love dude. my call my kids dude. >> clayton: back from your sports day. >> dave: all the time. slang for being clo-- >> there's no replacement for me for dude. >> juliet: in our generation, we've said that a lot. >> clayton: back a few years ago you used to watch sports, but now that you don't anymore. >> dave: dude, spent the whole night watching sports. >> juliet: and what's the one that drives people crazy from this? >> people seem to like me because i am polite and i'm rarely late. i like to eat ice cream and i really enjoy a nice pair of flats. >> can you find the word? you know what the word is flak. >> that was a bizarre one. >> juliet: i can't think at that fit in, slacks. >> clayton: we got some from twitter. literally, people use that all the time. literally. actually. epic. >> juliet: i hate that. that's an epic sale. >> clayton: another one. dave's got a couple on the list. phlegm. one mief favorite. >> dave: bling, swap, inflammable, and how do you replace inflammable. >> juliet: what? but. >> there a-- there's news reports and stuff like that, so... so.... >> to do the news dude. >> clayton: let us know what you think on ff twitter send in your most useless words. >> juliet: kind of like the headlines and a developing story now, a serious one. three sailors of dead, colliding in a yacht race. and they're searching for the fourth crew member at victims' names and nationalities not released. five sailors were killed in a similar incident a few weeks ago, slammed by a rogue wave. reporting the advanced u.s. stealth fighter jets nationed in the united arab emirates. 200 miles from the iran border. the united arab emirates nor the the united states is commenting on the report. california man, excuse me, i a rested after allegedly hitting two bicyclists with his car and fleeing. the whole thing was caught on camera, watch this. yikes. this video was taken by a camera mounted to one of the bikes and police were able to used to track down the bikers. they had minor injuries, but doing okay. wow, a california police officer respond to go an emergency delivering his own baby in the the parking lot of mcdonald's. he says he and his wife were on wear tla to the hospital and the baby decided look, not waiting any more. >> oh, my wife said it was coming out so we had to make a quick decision and pulled into the first well-lit parking lot which happened at the mcdonald's restaurant. >> clayton: i'm so jealous, you know why? don't have to worry about the hospital food, go and get a quarter pounder. >> juliet: 911 dispatcher reportedly talking him through the entire delivery process on the phone and happy to report both mom and baby are just fine. >> dave: and the big giant flower. let's talk a little sports now. you know the song, head shoulders knees and toe. that's pretty much the injuries for mvp derrick rose. injuries to his back, ankles, groin and toes, and toes. and tore his acl in the first game of the post season with the bulls up 12 just over a minute to go in their win offer the 76ers. he's out for the post season and much of next year. heart breaking loss for the bulls. defending champion dallas mavericks don't write them off. dirk nowitzki, 11 points in the final five minutes. 92-85. under four minutes to play. dirk looking good and the mavericks looked like they had a shot at this one and time running out and everybody in the arena knew who to shoot the ball and this year's likely mvp, and dallas would not get off another shot as oklahoma city, the thunder win it 99-98, durant, and meanwhile, in the nhl, it's the rangers and capitals, they were tied at one entering the third. and chris crieder, look at the speed in the black. and that puts the rangers up 2-1. and this kid, the rookie just finished up at boston college and lighting up the playoffs and brad richards would end one late and they take a 1-zip lead over the caps. and today in game one. >> right. >> dave: meanwhile, massachusetts senator scott brown brushing up on his game outside of politics, a former hoopster, check out his skills. (cheers) >> from half court, the the senator very impressive shot visiting a community center in hyannis, massachusetts. and the senator was a basketball star at tuffs. underhanded from half court. >> clayton: haven't we all done that. >> dave: haven't we all done that, no. >> clayton: standing across the yard and chuck balls into the basket. >> dave: in front of a crowd. >> clayton: i'm talking from half court. i just wanted to be a basketball star, shoot it overhand. . >> dave: that's what made it impressive to me. >> clayton: bowling, bowling for dollars? gets a bone nas for that? no he way. let's check with maria molina with a check of the forecast. >> good morning, guys, good to see you this morning. we want to talk about severe weather, hit hard yesterday over 200 reports of severe storms producing large hail, damage and winds and one with a tornado in texas and city and storms moved through st. louis and the st. clair area east of st. louis and producing winds in excess of 60 to 70 miles per hour and we're seeing that risk yet again today. along many of the same areas hit with severe weather yesterday. and texas, wichita falls up into oklahoma city and st. louis, once again looking at a risk for large hail, damaging winds and even isolated tornados, we're going to keep a close eye into this area, this afternoon and into this evening, by tomorrow, we're still looking at more severe weather possible across the central plains and south of the great lakes, to the city of louisville and columbus, ohio as we head into tomorrow. and kick off the work week, and already seeing some of that heavy rain, along the the central plains and an area of low pressure across south florida that's been dumping a lot of heavy rain over this weekend and we're still expecting additional three to four inches of rain today. so watch out for flooding and there is a flood watch out there. and across the plains, we're expecting heavy rains from oklahoma into missouri as well and guys head to the north, it's chilly in montana and chilly enough for snow, so that snow coming down today. >> oh, snow, still. >> maria, did you see the shot from scott brown, were you impressed? >> yes, that was very awesome. i don't know-- >> we're not all of the tough crowd as the athletic superstar that you were. >> clayton: liked lee he was bowling. >> juliet: should i challenge him to basketball. and ask julian phillips. >> and imagine the internet and a picture on a site for missing kids. exactly what happened to our next guest, found out he was kidnapped as a baby and sharing his amazing story next. >> it's a wild story. >> juliet: and also president obama bragging about killing osama bin laden as a campaign ad. should he be using it? a lot of people say no, lieutenant general mcnerney here to weigh in. >> suppose the navy seals had gone in and it hadn't been bin laden. with a new continuous spray wand. and a fast acting formula. so you can kill bugs inside, and keep bugs out. guaranteed. ortho home defense max. find new ways to optimizetted to heltheir cash flow.esses so you can kill bugs inside, and keep bugs out. guaranteed. so, stop in and ask for a regions cashcor analysis and see how easy it is to get your cash flow (whistles) heading in the right direction. let's talk. if you made a list of countries from around the world... ...with the best math scores. ...the united states would be on that list. in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation. let's get back to the head of the class. let's solve this. 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[ male announcer ] the new tempur simplicity beds -- surprisingly affordable and all with a 10-year warranty. to learn more or find an authorized retailer near you, visit tempur-pedic -- the most highly recommended bed in america. >> welcome back. everybody. u.s. air force officials agreeing to remove bibles from base lodging room checklist after being pressured by one atheist group having bibles placed in rooms. is the air force caving into one group's complaints? joining us is general tom mcnerney, good morning, sir. >> good morning, juliet and dave. >> you checked and said the bible is an important part of military culture, explain that? >> well n2000. 87% of the country was believed in christianity, juliet. today, it's about 76% of the american population, so, overwhelmingly, the american population is christian. now, having the bibles in the living quarters, if someone is having trouble, you know, when you move all of these type things, there are a lot of pressures. having a bible available in my opinion is very helpful. it's voluntary and he when i was in paris, they had a koran because the saudis owned the hotel, but the fact it's voluntary and whoever wants to use it, whether it's a bible or koran or whatever, so i have no problem with it, i think the air force is trying to resist from the military association of atheist free thinkers,ing trying to prevent a lawsuit. >> yeah, and that group, that group says in part, it illegally promotes religion, do you agree with that? >> absolutely not. as a matter of fact, the chief schwartz, september 11th, put out a memorandum that we're not trying to infringe on a person's religion, nor trying to violate the constitution that allows free speech and religion. so, it's a good memorandum. i think they're trying to tread the line, dave, so they get the right balance. >> general, on friday, president obama came out with a new campaign ad, it's a lightning rod right now, uses the killing of osama bin laden as a weapon, as some say, for his reelection. and steve schmidt, a spokesperson for the bush campaign in 2004, the bush campaign back then, if you recall, a video at the republican national convention and says something about the heart of a president, referring to the 9/11 attacks, the the president bush got-- he got hammered for that and steve schmidt his spokesperson says it was a courageous political decision to launch the raid where bin laden was killed and the stakes were enormous and said, kind of understands. >> and well, look, i think that the president gets full credit for approving the attack and taking osama bin laden out, juliet. there's no question about it. i think it's a little overreach to have of all people, former president clinton to do the ad, he's the one that turned down taking out bin laden when a third nation offered it up and attack him when the real ceo wanted him to. the real here he owe on the civilian side is lee on panetta, he's the one that drove them. it wasn't the secretary of state, although the defense of state helped. lein panetta and the ceo drove this and under admiral mccraven, and the joint special operations, drove it out of jalalabad, afghanistan. the real heroes are those navy seals and supporting forces that went in and made it happen. so, i think it's very dangerous to try to overreach and politicize this, because it divides the nation. >> yeah, and admiral mccraven, not getting a whole lot of credit here either. i think to your point. it's the speculating about what another man would do, where he may have gone-- or he may have lessened the impact of his own accomplishment and decision and we appreciate you weighing in on all of this, sir, lieutenant general tom mcinerney. thank you. >> thanks, dave, juliet. >> juliet: a simple name search on the internet led to a shocking truth he was really kidnapped as a baby and he had this gut feeling. joining us next to share his unbelievable story. >> dave: and part of the auto bailout, is work the the part that mitt romney suggested? that's coming from romney's top aide. we'll explore this coming u >> listen to this story. we search the internet for our own names now and then and imagine doing that and finding your picture on a site for missing children. look at this, it happened to one 35-year-old man and the search led to shocking discoveries of his past and solved one of the longest missing person's case ins u.s. history. his own. incredible story first seen in people magazine this month and now steve carter, the story behind that story joins us from philadelphia. thanks for joining us this morning. >> no problem. >> clayton: when you first went on the website and searching around and you notice that had a person that looked similar to you, what did you think? is this me? >> there was a lot of that. you look at a picture and it's almost so similar that you don't know what to do and everything with the case lined up with my situation, and so, you almost have to believe it is you. >> clayton: we're looking at the the aged progressed photo and family and friends were telling you that's you, that's you. amazing amount of technology, that's the age progressed photo. you had that hunch, why did you? >> i was adopted at age four, so, it's hard not to know you're adopted when you're talking about it and, yeah, i knew i was adopted the only question was, how did i end up in the orphanage, with hawaiian roots, something is not right and adding up. and as you started to peel the onion back and discovered that's me, that's the picture in the missing person's website, what did you do? >> you know, i they actually took my blood in february of last year and it wasn't until october until the the results came back and you know, it was confirmed that i was mark, and took me months to figure out what to do and finally i reached out to my half sister and my biological father. >> what have they said and what has been the response and the connection there with your biological family? >> they've been amazing. very supportive and it's really a slow moving process for all parties. nobody really knows, you know, what to do next and it's more of build as we go. >> clayton: unbelievable. whaeks next for you, steve. >> what's next, there's a three week period from when i went missing to when i ended up in the orphanage, trying to find out what happened then. >> clayton: please keep us up-to-date. it's an incredible story and stay with fox news as you uncover more. >> will do, thank you so much. >> clayton: thanks, steve and good luck. "fox & friends" continues in just two minutes. >> hey, everybody, good morning, it's sunday, april 29th, i'm juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota at the white house correspondent's dinner. >> what is this party? we've got men in tuxes, women in gowns, fine wine, first class entertainment. i was relieved to learn this was not a gsa conference. >> thank the washington hilton for hosting us tonight. president obama wanted to move the dinner to the kennedy center, but the republicans wanted to keep it here in the hilton and they compromised and here we are. >> juliet: all right, who got bigger laughs at the white house dinner? a professional comedian or the president? we report, you decide. >> dave: they're supposed to be the first line of defense between terrorists and america's airports, so why wouldn't air force-- airport employees need a background check? and searching for answers. >> clayton: and the auto bailout is deemed a success, and mitt romney's aides claim that the president stole his idea. and "fox & friends" hour two, starts rights now. ♪ >> hey, everybody. >> clayton: it's just you, juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota. i'm clayton morris, and dave briggs. so many good moments from the white house correspondent's dinner. >> juliet: i thought the president was really, really funny. >> dave: good comic timing. >> juliet: n.a.t.o. says that three service members have died southern and eastern part of afghanistan. separate bombings killed two soldiers while the third died of non-battle related injuries. officials still have not provided their nationalities or disclosed details at this point. so far this month, 40 coalition members have died in afghanistan. a celebration of the cardinals win over milwaukee turns deadly in st. louis, missouri. and strong winds knocked down the tent the at the sports bar. more than 50 miles per hour winds shattered an aluminum pole, holding up the tent. which is never a good thing. and at the landing area in st. louis, it caused the blast and serious hurting five others. >> the storm came out of nowhere and hit so fast and the natural reaction, everyone was running under tents of course, and then i saw this, and everyone was running underneath the tent and sure enough, the next thing you know, it blows over. >> juliet: 100 people were treated at the scene and over a dozen taken to the hospital and meanwhile, the storm generating baseball sized hail. look at that. wow, serious damage and several cars there, and businesses annal hail crashing through windows and even sky lights. and they were married to the world's most infamous terrorists, but osama bin laden's three widows now called upright citizens at least by saudi arabia. bin ladenen's wife and children living thereafter being deported from pakistan. there's no evidence to suggest they were involved in terrorism. they married a man. by the way, one of the widows who said she married bin laden because she wanted a holy warrior husband. they're upright. and she took a bullet in the leg trying to shield him from the u.s. raid that ultimately killed him, her beloved husband last april. talk about happy homecoming, a soldier returns from afghanistan with a special pro german shepard and little does he know that it's going to happen during his game of fetch. . >> come here. >> hey there. hey. hey, hey. >> oh, oh. i mean, if you're he a dog lover, you know the dog is freaking out. he's so happy. oh. >> dave: that's good stuff. they get me every time and i haven't seen the dog reunited. that's a new one. >> clayton: the kids get you, but now the dog. we have a-- coming up later. we're going to have a reunion with a chipmunk and see if that works. >> juliet: anyway. >> dave: that was rough. >> juliet: all right. >> clayton: jimmy kimmel joke. >> dave: he's not impressed by a half court shot. >> clayton: what a cat respond that way. >> what? >> hey, maria. >> hey, good morning, you guys would they respond that way. >> clayton: good question, she's coming around. thanks, maria. >> good morning, guys, today we're looking at a very cool start across the great lakes and the northeast, so cool that we actually do have some freeze advisories posted from parts of the great lakes to the northeast, so keep that in mind as you head out the door early this morning, if you're headed out. you'll need the heavier jackets and it's chilly there and some temperatures are below freezing and head out later on this afternoon and evening and strong to severe storms firing up across the plains and as well as parts of indiana and the city of st. louis could get hit yet again today with more severe weather, yesterday we had over 200 reports of severe weather and large hail and damaging winds and isolated tornado in the state of texas and we could see more of that today. a close eye on that area and otherwise, south florida you've had the pesky area of low pressure lingering in your area, producing a lot of weather, and looking at more rain right now and it will continue throughout the day today. we have a flood watch posted across south florida, three to four inches of additional rainfall are possible today. and look at the freeze advisories across michigan and outside the new york city area, and of course, temperatures below freezing could cause some damage to some crops outside or planted for spring and the temperatures will be upward 60' he is for philadelphia and still going to be better than early this morning. >> thank you, so much maria. >> maria. >> that dead silence after clayton's joke earlier, thankfully did not happen late saturday night at the white house correspondent's dinner. >> clayton: i take umbrage with that, not only because of the joke, but-- >> there was always more laughter than what we had. bad joke. >> clayton: a few that fell flat even on my chipmunk joke and the president hit it out of the part, everyone online talking about it and everyone in the room. what a good job the president did making fun of himself and everyone in the room and poking fun at his presidency, take a listen. >> congress and i had our differences, i tried to be civil and not the take any cheap shots and i especially want to thank all the members who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws to be here tonight (laughter) . great to be here this evening in the vast magnificent hilton ballroom, or what mitt romney would call a little fixer upp upper. and look at this party you've got men in tuxes, women in gowns, fine wine, first class entertainment, i was just relieved to learn this was not a gsa conference. which reminds me of an old saying, what's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? a pit bull is delicious (laughter) >> that's pretty rough. but i can take it. because my stepfather always told me it's a boy eat dog world out there. in my first term, i sang al green. in my second term i'm going with young jeezy. in my first term we passed health care reform, in my second term i guess i'll pass it again. i really do enjoin attending these dinners, in fact i had a lot mover material prepared, but i have to get the secret service home in time for their new curfew. >> dave: oh, there's the secret service in the back of the room they knew they would be targeted. >> clayton: johnnie, did you hear that. >> dave: president, pretty good comic timing, we've heard that. and delivers a joke. who is funnier, the president or jimmy kimmel? you decide. >> mr. president i know you won't be able to laugh at any of the my jokes about the secret service so cover your ears if that's physically possible (laughter) >> i do have a lot of jokes about the secret service, and i told them for $800 i wouldn't tell them, but they only offered 30, so-- i want to thank the washington hilton for hosting us tonight. you know, president obama wanted to move the dinner to the kennedy center this year, but the republicans want today keep it here at the hilton so they compromised and here we are at the hilton. mr. president, you remember, do you remember when the country rallied around you in hopes of a better tomorrow? that was hilarious. that was your best one yet (laughter) >> , but honestly, it's a thrill for me to be here with the president, a man who is, i think, done his best to guide us through difficult times and paid a heavy price for it. there's a term for guys like president obama, probably not two terms, but-- even some of your fellow democrats think you're a pushover, mr. president they would like you to stick to your guns, and if you do not have i any guns they'd like to see you ask eric holder to get some for you. this is incredible, what a collection of people, here in one room we have members of the media, politicians, corporate executives and advertisers, lobbyists and celebrities. everything that is wrong with america is here in this room tonight. >> juliet: there's nothing more stressful, i think for a lot of you agree with this for public speaking and even more so having to get out there and do a comedy routine. >> dave: in front of the commander-in-chief. >> clayton: and referenced, it's hard to tell jokes with the president staring at you the whole time. >> dave: show biz right there. >> clayton: but there were jokes, and picking on some of the journalists it's their room. they don't like, we're fine. >> juliet: you don't want to laugh too hard, you make fun of barbara walters and sitting five tables away and she's looking at you because you're the one guffawing. >> clayton: and people not buying newspapers the next morning, take a listen. >> my first time here, every news organization i guess has its own table and numerous members of the print media in attendance which reminds me of a riddle, what's black and white and red all over. nothing anymore. >> ooh. >> ooh. >> dave: the new york times and those folks probably didn't like that a whole lot. >> clayton: oh. >> juliet: that was a joke, everybody. >> clayton: you asked the question earlier, who do you think is funnier we showed you some of the best highlights, e-mail us at or ff weekend on twitter. >> and we've seen that. >> it's a tough call. >> dave: obviously, a tough call. >> juliet: and let me ask you a question, i apologize. >> dave: and we'll show you the star-studded celebrity lineup as well. not just journalists anymore, a lot of celebs at the event show you later on of the first, they're the first line of defense between terrorists and why wouldn't the tsa employees have a background security check. representative john mica, we'll ask him. >> juliet: she thought it was gone and it turned up two years later. unlikely place it was found. ♪ wouldn't you love somebody to love, you better find somebody to love ♪ when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks. campbels chunky. it's amazing what soup can do. 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[ male announcer ] fifty horsepower. fourteen-hundred pounds payload. fully independent suspension. the gator xuv 825i. own the off-road. >> more troubles with the tsa. an internal security memo from atlanta international airport revealed that workers there could start their jobs before background checks were completed. >> clayton: the tsa says the change of policy was to accommodate a backlog in the screening process. but was this the right way to handle this? joining us now is the chairman of the house committee former congressman john mica. welcome to the show. >> good to be with you, thank you. >> your first response upon hearing there's a backlog leading to screeners getting throughout without any background checks? >> well, unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. they have done this in fact, even in my own district, one of my local sheriffs reported to me, some folks with some pretty bad backgrounds he saw working at one of the the airports that he had let go, so, they haven't checked not only in the sighting, but many others that we've had reports of. >> i just saw you right before this show started on john stossel's show talking with all the issues with the tsa. this is one is crazy. employees can begin working as long as they've been fingerprinted and information submitted for background checks. we're talking workers throughout the airport, is that right. anybody can apply and get in? >> well, this is about screeners and people with some sensitive decisions, but you've got to look at the whole system. you know? it's turned into a huge bureaucracy, 65,000 people, 14,000 administrators and they're recruiting people because they don't know how to recruit folks and they're recruiting people from ads on top of pizza boxes and from signs and ads on top of discount gas pumps, that this is what you get. so, it's not very good way to run business. they need to get back in the security business and not the personnel business. >> of course, they respond to the criticism and here is what they have to say. they say to allow f a continuity of operation tsa provided with a regulatory relief and that's sound like bureaucr bureaucrat bureaucratic-ese. and watch list matching. >> juliet: down the road. >> clayton: what's your response to that? >> look at what they're doing to grandmothers, military, children and their screening process. and they're neglecting some of the most important he will pts and that's making certain that people that you put in the system, in the secure areas, mind you, you know, we need to know who these people are. it's simple. we're now town to only about three countries operate the way we do. bulgaria, poland, used to operate with the screening system, but we've got to reform it dramatically and it's very important, because it's an important responsibility. >> so, libya now, i want to be clear on that. libya now has a better screening process than we do. >> i think with a little government changeover there, they've probably reformed their screening too. they're spending money for fancy new uniforms and badges. they're he not badge personnel. now they're got beautiful flags and it's security mirage. >> juliet: thank you for joining us this morning, such an interesting special john stossel did, thank you. one of the things, you know the puffer machines, those things don't work, they were sitting in the warehouse and you had to pay $600 to destroy them for each one. >> clayton: we have he had the head of ellal airline you on the show talking about the screening process and we have a lot to learn and hopefully the congressman will get to the bottom of that. coming up on the show. she's been in the union for years and now she says she's trapped there. >> they're going to invest whatever money they invest to keep us in this and what's sad is that they're using our money to probably fight us. >> telling more about her fight to leave the union. >> he may be eight, but that doesn't stop him from taking on a robber who tried to steal his mom's purse. don't mess with him. ♪ what have you done for me lately ♪ with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaids, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or seriouallergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease a before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. go to doeshere's what you can the finaexpect from regions.ds? 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(bike bell) >> welcome back. close to one thousand social workers are trapped in what seems like a messy divorce as they look for ways out of ties with the seiu. that's one of the nation' biggest unions. the members claim that the union's structure is set to have the majority of their dues go to international unions instead of staying locally where fresno employees have been crippled by pay cuts and massive deficits. and one of the unions members fight forge a way out joins us live from fresno, california. good morning to you, candy. >> good morning, good morning, thank you for the invitation. >> dave: you and several employees like yourself are unhappy you had to take a pay cut. that came of course from the county. why do you want out of the sciu. >> there's 919 employees, they're no longer happy and why we want out. basically we're paying dues, we're paying expensive dues, close to over $700 yearly and he we don't feel that we get the right representation, we don't get the service that we're basically paying for, we feel like we're paying for insurance that when we have to submit the claims, the insurance is nowhere to be found. the representation, we want them to tell us, you know, where are the dues going? we're paying over half a million dollars a year, and we were told just last week that we're in a deficit. there's no money. when we were going to negotiation, we didn't feel like they were representing us to the level that they should have. we are one unit that got 9% wage reduction and we were the high e highe highest union and lowest powerful union and we got the worst of it and it's disappointing. >> dave: we all know that unions are forced to take cuts across the country because of local and state deficits like this. why wouldn't they let you out of the contract? you have asked out of the union, why won't they let you? >> well, we started petition, we started a petition last week and basically they're scaring the people and they say you go and get out of the union. you won't be represented. you can lose your job and basically, people are scared. what we're doing, we're trying to start this petition and have people, give them a choice, they are he' happy where they are, they'll stay. if they're not happy they'll go to, you know, the other association, but we're fighting the big giants and we're workers and barely making it after like the 9% for me was a $400, that really hurt my family budget. so, for us to say, you know, enough is enough to a union, we don't have the means to basically fight this, they're going to be be-- they told us, you know, directly, we will fight to keep you, but, the thing is that they're fighting with our dues and basically, we have no money to fight them and all we have to do, all we're doing is basically informing our co-workers, you know, you have a choice. you know, find the petition, but after that, they were scaring them into signing the petition, we need 300 people to say, yes, we want to have an election and we're just afraid that the sciu is not getting the correct information. >> they're saying they were in the middle of the voting for the county and the seiu 521 has sued the county to reverse the pay cuts because that's illegal e fresno county workers went on strike and pt county's pay cuts. and have they provided you with services in the past that do live up to the contract you initially signed? >> well, i was part of the negotiation team and when you're a part of the team they ask you not to discuss what happened at the table, but i can tell you i was not happy with the way the union conducted business. and that's all i can say because i really don't want to get in any type of trouble with the union again, i don't have representation. i don't really understand the law. and noi that, you know, if i say anything, that's, that i can basically make myself vulnerable against them. but i can tell you that i had problems before with my employers and my union was not there for me. i basically had to do my own work, file my own paper work and this is something that a lot of employees are having to do. having to represent themselves, they're having to do their own paper work and we had people demoted and terminated and the union wasn't there for you. >> dave: you're arguing that they're using your own money to fight against you, and we appreciate you coming on. >> thank you, thank you. >> dave: coming up the 9/11 master mind kalid shaikh mohammed better look out. and will and kate said i do, and if you have the wedding of the decade. how do you celebrate your anniversary? man, that's tough. good luck, will. ♪ i'm really going to miss you. my new apartment isn't that far away. it's 4.2 miles away ! with this droid razr... motorola... verizon 4g lte... video... skype. you're gonna get lost. this has gps. well, that makes me feel better. me too. i'll go get two from the back. okay. this mother's day, get the droid razr by motorola. only $99.99. the lowest price ever. verizon. ♪ >> i'm not going to attack any of the republican candidates, take mitt romney he and i actually have a lot in common. we both think of our wives as our better halves. and the polls show to an alarmingly insulting extent that the american people agree. we also both have degrees from mar va harvard. i have one, he has two, what a snob (laughter) >> and they cut to rick santorum. and i know he's in the the room and i assume they cut to him. his comment about being a college. being a snob. i'm told that santorum gave him the thumbs up after that. and self-deprecating humor always works. >> clayton: and sim ji kimmel made comments about making fun of the sweater vest, a lot of fun moments. >> dave: there were. >> juliet: the white house correspondent's dinner you get the tv people and the correspondents and so forth and a lot of celebrities and lots of laughs. peter doocy was actually there and he was there to report for us. i'm sure you did a little schmoozing. >> reporter: there to report. >> juliet: did you take any pictures of kim kardashian or charlize theron, and i saw kim kardashian and her mom, she was very nice and didn't see charli charlize. normally the president is the final speaker, but last night he was the opening act for jimmy kimmel and they both got a lot of laughs and to his credit. president obama was laughing a lot at most of the jokes, even some of the ones made at his expense ap after the dinner out in the allway, surreal see some of the the most famous people on the planet mingling with some of the most powerful and some came as guests and sat at our table and they talked how this event is different than awards show out on the west coast, listen to this. >> and coming with fox. >> coming strong, yeah. >> what is it about this weekend you like to come back year after year. >> and what are you talking about, every time. come on now. >> been good. >> and it's good we kind of made an annual trip with friends and family as well. >> you look beautiful. >> it's like going to the prom together. we're each other's date and she did not bring me a corps stanleying. i know. >> and mom. >> mother's day is coming up. >> the prom is a great way to describe it. it's the biggest night of the year here in d.c., it's like our oscars and everybody gets dress you had up and laughs along with the president and people on the right and left and unusual to see him with a stand-up comedy routine and helps him out and the the material normally would not get a laugh from an average stand-up comic, but a lot of fun as you can see and i was very lucky to get to go. >> dave: you were indeed and lucky to get a picture which you did not download. for bizarre reasons. they used to call it the nerd prom. i don't know if that works anymore. >> juliet: not really. >> dave: it's a glitz and glam celebrity fest, not just journalists. >> juliet: reese witherspoon was there and-- >> no longer a nerd prom. >> clayton: nerd. >> dave: you didn't know who was chase crawford. >> clayton: gossip girl. >> didn't know that. >> clayton: gossip girl. >> juliet: quite a handsome young man. >> juliet: and it's a teens, kids program. >> dave: that's why i like it. >> juliet: and get you some headlines. three sailors are dead, and another still missing after colliding with a much bigger ship during a yacht race, california to mexico and the u.s. coast guard searching off the coast of san diego for the fourth crew member and the victims names and nationalities not released at this time. so remember, there were five sailors killed during a similar race two weeks ago. and their yacht was slammed by a rogue wave off the coast of san francisco. this little eight-year-old kansas boy, taking parties ma in his own hands when an intruder breaks into his house. and he was on the computer when it happened. >> i seen the guy in the door, he had a shirt over his head and mom as purse was right by me and he came in and snatched it and i dropped it with my hands and then he got off. after he ran out the door i yelled, mom, your purse just got stolen. >> juliet: but the suspect didn't get very far. his dad eventually chased the man until he ran out into a busy street and he wasn't looking and got hit by a car. the robber is now in the hospital with broken leg, broken rib and a collapsed lung, yikes. karma. faith, hope and love and wedding takes on a meaning for one massachusetts couple. laura burke, her husband give her this wedding band 21 years ago and lost it and couldn't find it until nearly two years later when workers found it in a sewer. they gave it to the mayor who matched up the initial and date on the ring with the town yards. >> he came in and held out his hand and said is this yours? and i looked at it and i went, my wedding ring and promptly burst into tears. she thought she had put it on the table next to the couch and had no idea how it ended up in the sewer. was mitt romney the driving force behind the auto bailout? they say it was romney not president obama who came up with the so-called managed bankruptcy process back in 2008. the only part of the bailout he feels was successful. and he said, quote, the fact that the the auto companies today are profitable is because they've shed costs. the reason they shed those costs and have got their employee labor contracts less expensive is because they went through that managed bankruptcy process. it is exactly what mitt romney told them to do. look out khalid shaikh mohammed, ksm, an army reservist will be part of the prosecuting team. major robert mcgovern now a lawyer, is going head to head with ksm during their trial at guantanamo bay, and. >> clayton: he played four years in the nfl, including with the patriots as well so he's always been a patriot whether he's playing in that uniform or not. got to like that. played at holy cross in college and let's check with maria molina outside. it's been cold here and i guess they're having to cover up plants already and their vegetables. >> yeah, that's right. so a lot of people have been enjoying the very warm temperatures during the past several weeks it seems, already a warm spring across the northeast and unfortunately now we're seeing temperatures fluctuating to the colder side and interior portions of the northeast, very cool temperatures. take a look at buffalo, new york, 29 degrees right now. 33 in syracuse and chilly even here in new york city with the current temperature at 45, but, hey, it could be worse, you could be out in the interior portions of the northeast and that's where we have the freeze warnings that are currently in effect from pennsylvania up to new york, further west into parts of michigan and you're going to see those in effect yet again, early monday morning to the cold air, you guys, here to stay for at least one or two more days before we get a quick freeze warm-up later on this week and chilly once again and we'll keep you posted on that, otherwise bundle up across the northeast, guys, relatively chilly one. >> and we had a warm winter, i guess absolutely. >> and show during the summer. >> mother nature. >> today. >> juliet: thanks, maria. >> dave: in colorado, breckenridge, coming up on the show, a 11-year-old fight comes to an end. a world war i memorial now, a step closer to being restored in its place and we'll tell you more about the victory for veterans next. >> juliet: plus, what would you know, would you know, excuse me, what to do if a disaster struck. >> clayton: dave would be on his phone. >> juliet: and we'll show you the survival skills maybe to keep your family and yourself safe. i saw this guy in the hallway and didn't know what he was doing, i thought he was crazy, but-- >> and it's just on our show and thought it might be a disaster, he's here to help us. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em, with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds, and stops new ones for up to four 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hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira. >> welcome back. in the event of natural or man made disaster are you prepared? as in tuscaloosa, were you prepared to get through any natural disaster. >> dave: the owner of the store get out safe, frank, all types of situations you need to be prepared for anything that might happen. why? >> anything and everything. as we've seen the world, the weather is crazy, we've seen terrorism, we've seen floods, we've seen hurricanes, we've seen weather related storms. >> yeah. >> and accidents, which is your first item here be and i can think of the kids trapped on the hill top and the mountain side and you have a sleeping bag and i'm looking around in the table or updates, sleeping bags, here it is, this is an emergency sleeping bag. >> it is, and when you get in it, you're more than-- >> this fits in the palm of your hand, and you can show it on the camera. this thing actually keeps you warm. this is created by nasa, and it retains 90% of your body heat, and clayton's going to go ahead and hope that up. and i think we're going to throw him in there. he likes it hot in the studio and that's good on the microphone, too. >> clayton: let me see if i can convince my wife to switch out our comforter at home. >> and this is, no, that's the blanket. and let's put it over top of your head. >> there you go. why would you need this? >> well, here you go. in the winter time, your car breaks down as you've seen lately and people being stuck in the snow for a very long time. >> it's warm in here, that's ridiculous. >> the next thing you'll show is a water filter pump. >> this for a situation like a hurricane and a flood when the water becomes dirty? >> and this is more long-term you know, how everybody, the government is telling you to be prepared, have a bag to go. >> clayton: right. >> this is-- >> and we have some dirty water here. >> dirty water and this pump is going to filter 100 gallons of water and make it drinkable. you wouldn't want to drink it. >> get it out of a puddle. >> a river, and whatever. water is everything. if you don't have water, obviously. >> show us how it works. >> i will. have we have a cup. >> and yeah, here is one right here. >> okay. and basically-- >> and this will filter the water and clean it out. will it clean it out so much so that you could drink it afterwards? because that-- >> we're going to have you drink it. >> wait, wait, wait. >> clayton: dave is going to drink the water. you did the sleeping bag and-- >> i've got a sensitive tummy. >> since you invited me here, i'll drink it. >> dave: i'd rather that, frank. very nice of you. (laughter) >> better you than me, my friend. how was that? (laughter) >> could get it out of our fox and friends sink. >> not as bad as this, let me tell you that. >> clayton: tell us about the heater meal and take it out of your hand. >> the heater meal my wife katherine was supposed to do it here. >> she was scared after the sleeping bag. >> she didn't want to drink the water. this is a five year, this will last five years, and it's the very hearty meal, plenty of calories. and protein. and i just need-- >> and how are we going to make this. >> my wife as usual left me stranded here. >> clayton: well, you have to prepare for every disaster, frank. >> dave: life without your wife, the real disaster all of us husbands fear the most. >> i'm useless without her, to tell you the truth. aren't we all? >> we all are. and this heats up how? >> it heats up when you get it in the bag finally and you poor a little bit of water on it. >> clayton: poor a little bit of water. >> comes with three ounce bag, right there. and comes with three ounce bag of salt water, which is not here, and it activates the heater, now, in ten minutes, it's, as if it came out of an oven. >> and clayton's going to eat that at 10:05. and chase down the water well. >> and told we had a bigger table and a brought a bunch of stuff. >> in case you have a disaster, you have weather radios and food supplies, folding shovel, pocket knife and other dry meals in case after emergency, frank. >> that food there is 25 year shelf life. longer than a twinkie. >> dave: you can find it all at get out safe. thanks for being here, and no thanks, i'm sorry to your poor wife who we chased off. we appreciate it. >> my wife and kids are a big help. >> clayton: thanks. coming up on the show a 11 year fight comes to an end. a battle over a cross, honoring our military. led the veterans to tell us about that coming up. 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[ male announcer ] the new tempur simplicity beds -- surprisingly affordable and all with a 10-year warranty. to learn more or find an authorized retailer near you, visit tempur-pedic -- the most highly recommended bed in america. >> welcome back, eight minutes, seven minutes before the hour, excuse me. a land swap and 11 year fight to restore the mojave desert memorial, the cross back tt right. a veteran of foreign wars lawsuit perhaps making that. and joining us is the president and ceo of the liberty institute. very quickly, what is the significance, tell us the significance of the cross at sunrise rock. when did it get there and what's the story behind it. >> put nup 1934 by a world war i veteran and come back from the war and put up a lone cross in the middle of 1.6 million acres of desert. for the dead of all wars and had their vfw post, it's been there for, should be there now for 78 years, but there's he a lawsuit filed by aclu to have it torn down and originally, they got that order and there was a bag over it, it was disgraceful. but the supreme court reversed that, but now we've been in a fight to get it back up and we are he one step closer for a final victory for our veterans and a nail in the coffin of what aclu was trying to do. >> there was a land swap basically, give us the story behind that. >> congress when they saw the original orders they were going to tear down a national veterans memorial. they were really worried. well, there's a gentleman who came forward who owns five acres of land in that federal preserve and says i'll give my five acres if you give one acre back to the the veterans to put that up. congress thought it was a great idea and aclu says look, you're trying to do something favorable for the cross. >> of course we're trying to save a veterans memorial and that again is part of what had to be overturned at the supreme court and again, we haven't been allowed, that vandals came out and tore it down. we haven't been allowed to put up a replica of the memorial because the obama administration refused to allow us to do that until the land is in the hands of the vfw: so we're one step closer to getting that memorial back up. as soon as we get the land it's going back up exactly as it was 78 years ago. >> juliet: henry and wanda, donated the land and as soon as this happened. and by the way, you can sign a petition or donate visiting don' and the anthem can be downloaded. and kelly, please keep us up-to-date on what happens with the story. >> thank you, juliet. >> juliet: all right. it's a story we've been telling you about. a teacher on tape allegedly bullying an autistic student and she was allowed to keep her be job. they may be getting justice. we will explain top of the hour. plus, a year ago today, bill and kate said i do, and a lovely kiss that happened there on the balcony. so if you have the wedding of the decade, how do you celebrate the anniversary, the first year. ♪ ♪ i'm michael bazinet, president of creative digital imaging of bangor, maine. we have customers all over the united states. we rely on the postal service for everything that we do. the eastern maine processing facility is vital to our operation and our success. if we lose this processing facility we could lose clientele because of increased mailing times. we would have to consider layoffs as a result of that. closure of this plant will affect all of us. ♪ pull on those gardening gloves. will affect all of us. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. it's grow time. get one-quart perennials, four for just $10. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dlars into american education. that's thousands of ks learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? 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"fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ >> good sunday morning, in washington d.c., it was rg this past week that the karl rove back super pac made an issue of the president appearing on jimmy fallon and sort of his coolness and this is the one night that the white house correspondent's dinner that we don't make an issue of the president being a jokester and making cracks and you're supposed to have comic time, in front of everyone in the room, including the president and politicians. >> dave: nothing is off limits. >> juliet: the people in the media who deal with the white house, and deal with the administration and deal with government. and they all sort of go, we all head down there and we head over there to the hilton down there in washington d.c. and you just sort of schmooze and have dinner and lots of festivities. >> clayton: and here are the celebrities that were there. here are a few of the gallery. sophia vergara from "modern family," kim kardashian, kris jenner and turned into a hollywood night. >> juliet: charlize theron. >> dave: newt gingrich and calista were there. and governor christy the butt of a joke and lindsay lohan a guest of gretta van susteren and kate upton, somehow left off. and she was swimsuit, ed machinery. >> clayton: i think he was blushing in some of the the photos. and president obama was the star of the show and he opened for jimmy kimmel and usually it's the other way around. for all accounts i hit a home run. take a listen. >> my fellow americans, we gathering during a historic anniversary, last year at this time, in fact, on this very weekend, finally delivered justice to one of the world's most notorious individuals. [applause] >> congress and i have certainly had our differences and yet, i tried to be civil and not take any cheap shots and that's why, i want to, especially thing all the members who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws to be here tonight. it's great to be here this evening in the vast magnificent hilton ballroom, or what mitt romney would call a little fixer upper. you look at this party, we've got men in tuxes, women in gowns, fine wine, first class entertainment, and i'm just relieved to learn that this was not a gsa conference. reminds me of an old saying, what's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? a pit bull is delicious. that's pretty rough. but i can take it. because my stepfather always told me, it's a boy eat dog world out there. and i really do enjoy attending these dinners, in fact, i had a lot more material prepared, but i have to get the secret service home in time for their new curfew. >> juliet: i was reading some tweets with andy levy, go to andy levy, making funny comments and making jokes about a guy who is kind of take a bullet for you, be careful about that. >> and the scandal in cartagena. >> clayton: jimmy kimmel didn't let up with the secret service, with more revelations coming out on part of wrongdoing and the change to the new rules not lost on jimmy kimmel either. take a listen. >> so, mr. president, i know you won't be able to laugh at any of my folks about the secret service, so, cover your ears if that's physically possible. i do have a lot of jokes about the secret service, i told them for $800 i wouldn't tell them, but they only offered 30, so-- >> i want to thank the washington hilton for hosting us tonight. president obama wanted to move the dinner to the kennedy center this year, but the republicans wanted it here at the hilton and they compromised so here we are at the hilton. mr. president, you remember, you remember when the country rallied around you in hopes after better tomorrow? that was hilarious. but honestly, it's a thrill for me to be here with the president, a man who i think has done his best to guide us knew difficult times and paid a heavy price, there's a term for president obama, probably not two terms, but-- even some of your fellow democrats think you're a pushover, there president they'd like to you stick if your guns and if you don't have any guns like to see you ask eric holder to get some for you. this is really incredible, i mean, what a collection of people, here in one room. members of the media and politicians and corporate executives and advertisers, lobbyists and celebrities, everything that is wrong with america is here in this room tonight. >> that was great and jimmy kimmel is a professional comedian and he has rapid fire jokes and the president sort of takes his time a little bit, but they were very nuanced and did a great job i thought. >> dave: i thought a great job. >> juliet: and the president was a sport. >> dave: we'll talk to alisyn camerota who was there last night and what she thought of the two comedians and the celebs, later on in the program. a fox news alert. a brand new report, british doctor kidnapped in pakistan back in january has been found dead. doctor callel gayle was managing a red cross programs in a southwest city and he was seized by suspected islamic militants. he was beheaded and dumped on the outskirts of town and kidnappers saying they killed him because the ransom demand were not met. the n.a.t.o. says three service members have died in the southern and eastern part of afghanistan. separate bombings killed two soldiers and third died of nonbattle related injuries. they have not provided their nationality or any other details at this point. in missouri a celebration of the cardinals win over milwaukee turned deadly. happened in st. louis near the landing after strong winds knocked a tent down at a sports bar, it was outside. more than 50 miles per hour winds and flying poles through the air holding up the tent and causing it to collapse, killing one man and seriously hurting five years. >> the storm came absolutely out of nowhere and hit so fast and natural reaction everyone was running under tents and everyone underneath that tent and sure enough, next thing you know, it blows over. >> 100 people were treated at the scene there, and over a dozen taken to the hospital. meanwhile, the same storm, look at that, causing damage to cars and businesses, hail crashing through windows and even sky lights. >> new information about a story we've been following, okay, get this one. the new jersey teacher allegedly caught on tape bullying an autistic student is now on leave, paid leave. here is some of that tape to remind you. >> the whole thing started when the ten-year-old acted out at home and the father suspected the timing was interesting and something was probably wrong at school and sent him to school with a digital recorder hidden in his pocket and the teacher's aide was fired, but she's now denying it's her voice on the tape. it's very easy to figure this out. >> and it's one of the most talked about weddings in the world. one year ago today. millions of people watched prince william and a beautiful kate middleton tie the knot. and they celebrated in private with friends at london. she was fantastic that day. >> do you know who else is fantastic today not even that day, but, the gorgeous and talented maria molina, up in the weather center for the travelling rick reichmuth. >> good morning, guys, today we're looking at cool temperatures from the northeast on to the great lakes, so cool that we actually have some freeze warnings in effect out there. we'll see them in effect as we head into early monday morning because the cool temperatures aren't going anywhere soon. and as we head into parts of the plains, we're going to see strong to severe storms across the central plains and indiana and including that city of st. louis, once again, and we could be seeing more baseball sized hail and danieling winds and even an isolated tornado cannot be ruled out. we have this area of low pressure that's sitting out there, spinning moisture and heavy rain across south florida, up to three to four more inches. rain today. so that's going to be a figure issue out there, as far as the flooding goes. a quick look at freeze advisories, across portions of michigan and as far east as portions of massachusetts, a very large area that we're seeing the possibility of damage as planned and also want to remember to bring your pets indoors when you have the freeze warnings issued for your area during the overnight hours and includes cities like abilene, oklahoma city and also st. louis and portions of louisville, guys. >> thanks so much, maria. >> thank you. >> coming up on the show, some house republicans want eric holder to be held in contempt of congress, what are they looking for? we ask the congressman about that. >> take a major buzz kill. one city wants to stop happy hour. >> we'll he tell you where the nancy state is striking again. >> it's here in new york. ♪ how can you just stand there? what do you mean? your grass, man. it's famished! just two springtime feedings with scotts turf builder lawn food helps strengthen and protect your lawn from future problems. thanks scott. [ scott ] feed your lawn. feed it. >> welcome back. some house republicans putting eric holder on notice the fast and furious. >> before memorial day eric holder will either comply or he will suffer consequences and when i say consequences i mean contempt of congress. >> clayton: all right, what information are they looking for? joining us is a member of the house oversight committee, congressman, nice to have you this morning. >> thanks. >> clayton: what are you looking for? >> we're looking for the truth. what president obama said was going to happen in march of 2011. said he was going to hold somebody accountable and today this administration has not held anybody accountable from the highest level of department of justice. a dead border patrol agent, 2000 weapons missing bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms, and knowing about releasing the 2000 weapons. there are 80,000 documents out there of which they've given less than 7,000 and they need to comply with the subpoena. in this country. you can't ignore a subpoena. if you and i did that we'd go to jail or at least we should. the department of justice has not complied with in subpoena. >> even the white house says with the attorney general's office says look, we've been complying and we've been working with congress ago much as we can. handing over document after document and you guys send us letters and we respond. what do you say to that? >> no, there's 22 categories within the subpoena, 12 of those we've received zero documents, zero, and we've gotten less than 10% of what we know is out there of those 80,000 documents and then you look at the department of justice and people are getting promoted and one guy became the chief of staff. nobody's been held accountable at this point and we had a dead border patrol agency and they're putting us in a box and a position where we're almost left with no choice except to move toward contempt because they have not complied with this subpoena. >> and you saw also, 3,000 individuals killed in mexico as a result of this trafficking as well. how do you put an end to it? i mean, if you get the documents and you find out that they are stonewalling, what is it that they're trying to hide? >> well, the president said that eric holder had nothing to do with it, eric holder would lead you to believe that he's he got his finger on the pulse. but at the same time, says he knows nothing about it. but, remember, clayton, we go back and look at what happened on february 4th, 2011. the department of justice submitted a letter to senator grassley they later had to take back, they lied, full of lies, you can't just lie to congress and expect us to sit back and say, oh, it's okay, guys, don't worry about it. we want the truth. there are people at the department of justice, highest level that have not been held accountable. we have to make sure that this never ever happens again. with so many people dead, so many weapons missing, we have an obligation and a duty especially to brian terry's family to get to the bottom of this. >> i agree and you know, the leading law enforcement official in the country needs to be held to an even higher standard. thanks for waking up early with us. >> thank you, good morning. >> clayton: still ahead on the show, it's supposed to be the first line of defense, why wouldn't airport employees need a background security check? we'll find out. plus, don't leave home without these tech tools and gadgets. i'm going to show you great gadgets for travelling. you'll head to the airport, that's up next. ♪ on ourar insurance. great! at progressive, you can compare rates side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. wow! that is huge! [ disco playing ] and this is to remind you that you could save hundreds! yeah, that'll certainly stick with me. we'll take it. go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> welcome back. headlines, f-22 fighting jets stationed at a united arab emirates air base. and regional stability-- instability. the united states is not commenting on the report. hundreds of residents at an apartment complex in east london have been warned missiles could be stationed on their roof tops during this summer's olympic games. the army says they'll only be fired as a last resort to ward off terror threats. dave. >> dave: thank you, juliet. it's gadget time. the gadget guru is here, clayton morris has gizmos to travel this summer. this one has my attention, i have a massive pile of suitcase ins my attic and it's an eyesore to say the least. >> clayton: not only annoying to have the suitcases in your attic or under the bed. you want to get them out of the way. a new company, a huge hit at the travel show this year, incredibly compact. hard to believe inside this bag there's a full fledged suitcase. here is the suitcase. pull it out of the travel totes and when you're in your hotel you can put it there and a whole suitcase slides out of the bag and here are the wheels here, there you go, it's a four wheeled roller, it has four wheels and many suitcases look like that, you snap it up and it turns into a suitcase, and folds up and click and slide it back into the tote. >> fantastic and very affordable. >> clayton: a bunch of differences and colors, don't get them confused. >> dave: and they slide that under the bed. and you and i are photographers and usually the cameras are bulky like the suitcase. >> clayton: if you're travelling, and you have your iphone or you want real cameras, sony has a new one out. great because they take stunning photos like a digital slr with removable lenses, ip credibly light and throw that in your bag and pocket. >> dave: throw it in your pocket and the large ones. >> clayton: they hurt your neck. >> dave: when you're on the beach. >> clayton: want to read the kindle. >> dave: can't read your ipad. >> clayton: you don't want to bring your charger, solar charger, the front is a panel that charges for you and comes with a light. so you can read at night and powered by the sun and leave your charger back home. >> dave: you don't need the cords all over the place. >> clayton: check that out. international travel. you know it's a huge pain when you travel overseas and they have the different plug attachments for the wall and you need to make sure you have the right one. con air created one that has it built inside of it. four of them. most common, built inside one device and you can charge over usb, your iphone and other ipod device here. >> dave: and that with the charger. >> clayton: one device instead of four. >> dave: a lot of people use the ipad for everything now, it's hard to type on the key pad if you're doing something long. >> clayton: the logic came with a bluetooth keyboard. ipad stand lets he type on it and a case. you flip it down and use the magnetic strip. >> dave: genius. >> clayton: brilliant and affordable and the battery rife is incredible, it's amazing, and you don't need a laptop anymore. >> dave: it turns it into a laptop and case for only $100 i'll take that. this keep an eye on your nanny or see your kids at work. >> clayton: you're travelling at work or maybe for a long time. and watch your pet. and drop cam. high definition video. a live look right now at my son's be crib. >> dave: you're kidding. >> clayton: he's in the crib and there you can see and watch it from anywhere, watch it on your iphone, ipad, android device. >> dave: you can set up this camera on the computer. >> clayton: no, you don't need to use a computer home wi-fi network, watch your front yard. >> dave: just to check in and see how your little man is doing. >> clayton: i set one up at your house that you don't know about. >> dave: creepy, weird, a little uncomfortable. but that's $150 and drop cam, i will take one of each, please. >> clayton: it's done. if you miss any of these go to and ask me any questions on twitter@clayton morris, juliet. great gadgets. >> juliet: and i have your stuff streaming into my computer as well, dave. still ahead a glamorous night in our nation's capital and chris wallace was part of it. and dish on last night's white house correspondent's dinner and a hit and run caught on his bike camera, a good thing because it helped to get the driver off the street. details on the biking bust coming up. i bathed it in miracles. director: sighs ] cut! sorry to interrupt. when's the show? 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mood? it was different because president obama opened for jimmy kimmel and obviously some jabs at everyone pt was it uncomfortable at any moment or everyone laughing? >> no, i think, you know, the only thing worse than being mentioned at one of those things is not being mentioned. so, there's kind of a compliment if you're insulted by the president. reagan did that once to me and you know, on one hand, ooh, on the other hand you think, oh, my gosh, the president knows who i am. pan to say for the vast majority of the evening, it was just all the stars that were there and george clooney was the biggest star in the room until the president walked in, and i will say, i was seated at table right next to him, there must have been a line, you know, a hundred long of people wanting to being to go up and say hello and have their picture taken with him and he accommodated every one and he was just right and all kinds of terrific people there. and you know, i mean, i could sort of go on and on a, but it's fun. some call it the nerd prom and i certainly qualify for the first half of that and actually, that was one of obama's line, people are calling it the nerd prom. those are people that never actually got invited to their high school prom and that in my case was true. >> juliet: chris, you've been to a lot of these correspondent dinners and there's always celebrities. how have they changed over the years? were they always celebrity laden? >> no, i mean, it has been for about the last 20, 25 years, it wasn't that way at all, it used to be the white house correspondents and the big deal to see if you could get an important guest, a senator or a member of the cabinet or something like that. but, in about the mid '80s, and there were two people, two women, one was donna rice of gary hart fame and the other was fawn hall, if you remember the pretty blond who was involved in iran-contra, supposedly stuffed secret documents for oliver north, when they came and a tremendous amount of attention, then a bunch of reporters decided inside of inviting the secretary of agriculture, i think i'll invite starlets. >> and the last time the president the whole time had to be sitting there and thinking about osama bin laden's situation because as we know, now, it was unfolding during the white house correspondent's dinner last year. and here we are at the one year anniversary and today you'll sit down with john brennan, the white house counterterrorism advisor. i'm curious, how he feels about the celebration, as john mccain feels, the spiking of the football of the assassination of bin laden, and how the world has changed since that date. >> well, it's a very good question and quite frankly, must have read my questions because i intend to ask mr. brennan that. you're exactly right. the white house refused to release any pictures of the raid and in fact. they had to fight it in a lawsuit in court this week and won. and their argument was, we don't want to do anything that will incite violence against americans, particularly against our american troops overseas. and yet, it's now becoming a big part of the obama campaign. we had a web video that not only celebrated it. look, it's by obama, saying he did it, but goes beyond that and suggests that romney wouldn't. i would ask the counterterrorism officer john brennan about that. >> clayton: and happening into friday night and saturday while washington was at the dinner and you'll have joel and victoria olsteen. that's fox news sunday. check your local listings if you get a chance this morning, hopefully you will. >> thanks, guys. >> dave: thanks, chris, have a good weekend. >> juliet: let's get to some headlines. how about that. three sailors are dead and another missing after colliding with a much bigger ship after a yacht race from california to new mexico, the u.s. coast guard searching off the coast of san diego for that sports crew member and the victim's names and nationalities not released at this time and remember, two weeks ago, five sailors were killed during a similar raid when their yacht slammed by a rogue wave that happened off the coast of san francisco. the fallout continuing after the busiest airport in the country was allowing tsa air workers to start their jobs before background checks were complete. this is true, the tsa says the change in policy the at atlanta's international airport was to accommodate the bag log, apparently a computer glitch that didn't clear all of tea these applications. and florida congressman john mica joins us. >> look at what they're doing to grandmothers, military, children, and in their screening process, and they're neglecting some of the most important elements and that's making certain that people that you put in the system, in the secure areas, mind you, you know, we need to know who these people are. >> so these people will be processed, but then they won't be processed all the way, security-wise, for who knows how long. the tsa responded saying there has not been a security risk in the measured measure and new employees will undergo verification and subject to watch list matching. and these are tsa people, remember. a heroes welcome with lots of love. of these soldiers back together with their families in orlando, florida after serving one year in iraq. they were charged during the troop withdrawal. >> we were right at the border, crossing when it happened and i was part of the unit that discharged documenting that entire historic thing, it was amazi amazing. >> that's what he said, he knows me. >> and joy's husband served in the army for 22 years and that's actually where they met. she should get a free sushi dinner. we know the worst words of all time. long them one that-- >> oh! >> awesome! >> awe sclom. that's a video of dave briggs in high school, actually. >> dave: oh, bro. >> juliet: and the word awesome not so awesome after all. and at least according to a reader poll, and also showed the word slacks, dude and like, were extremely unliked and other words that made the list, literally, and these are overused annoying words, i get that actually epic, i hate that word. and phlegm. efforting. i don't get that. but. >> people overuse the word literally when they're trying to explain actually happen and. >> irregardless is not a word. highs is not a word, no, it's not a word. . >> and not an overused word molina. >> hey, dude, so like the weather is going to be totally awesome in new york on if you like it on the cool side and the 40's and freezing mark across the northeast although we're getting the sunshine popping out and seeing some of the numbers coming back up. in the 20's an hour ago, buffalo, now 34 out there. 39 currently in syracuse and burlington, vermont. above freezing as well with your current temperature at 36 degrees and because it's so cold out there during the early morning hours and we did have the freeze warnings in effect and most of those should be expiring 9 a.m. later on today and see them in effect late tonight into tomorrow morning because that cold air is here to stay for one or two more days and otherwise, further west we have the severe storms to talk about and yesterday over 200 reports of severe weather, most of them being large hail and once again today. areas across the texas panhandle, oklahoma into parts of st. louis and could see some more severe weather, large hail and damaging winds and main concerns again, guys cannot rule out an isolated tornado. >> and that's the graphic, loch ness monster. >> thanks, up next, caught on tape mowing down two bicyclists, and the video helped to bust the driver. >> we've got the details. >> the next guests parents aren't teaching life's most important lesson how to handle money. we're learning the abc's of financing. and i talk to my regularly about this, i'm going to watch my own segment. ♪ ] mom, computer's broke! where's i.t. mom? she quit. [ male announcer ] even with technology -- it's all you. that's why you've got us. get up to $200 dollars off select computers. staples that was easy. >> 8:44 eastern. quick headlines, a california man arrested after allegedly hitting two bicyclists with his car and fleeing the scene. the whole thing caught on camera mounted on one of the bikes. both cyclists doing just fine. and taking the happy out of the happy hour part of the goal to avoid so-called risky alcohol use. and already on the books in 19 other statesment sorry, guys. >> juliet: it's not going to fly in new york, no way. all right. parents, listen up, our next guest says most of you are forget to teach your children one of the most important lessons in life. how to handle money and many of you don't know exactly what. >> clayton: this is an important segment. joining us is the ceo is the money savvy. susan, great to have you this morning. >> great to be here. >> clayton: a discussion my wife and i have, and it's complicated and hard and the first tip to talk about, teaching your kids what to spend, save and donate and put some of these up on the screen and the differences between need versus want. making a list and prioritizing and setting a goal. explain that to me as a child. i can explain it to you even as an adult because we need to know the difference between needs and wants. a need is clothing, for a very young child. a want is candy, move that up to the high school years, a need is tuition, a want is probably that first car. and so, kids need to understand that there are some things that they need to live by, and there's some things they just want to add some extra frills. and then, make sure every time you go to the store, a child has something simple a piece of paper and pencil and point to everything you want. okay, let's put it on the list and gives them the opportunity to feel like they've been heard, and write it down and then they reflect. and if certain learn how to reflect, then they will learn eventually how to delay gratification. >> juliet: and you say it gives them the proper techniques. use technology and use hands on tools. leverage real world experiences. they say talk to me in technology. let's not fight it. >> clayton: you have an app, actually, use an ipod. it's called saving spree. i've downloaded it on my ipad. it's pretty simple. play games, you can practice, parents and educators here on the ipad and iphone app, too, carry it around when you're at the store. explain this for us. >> take your phone and have the proper iphone applications on there and hand it over to your child and your child will take it from there. they love that kind of stuff. first they chew on them, right and eventually they start to poke and touch and why not learn at the same time. it's the way we're teaching our kids how to read and do math, why not about money. >> juliet: there's a right time and right way to introduce allowance. you say start real allowance when kids start to learn about money in school and these are written contracts and once you start you can't stop. >> right. >> so the first lesson money, four choices for money and invented a biggie bank, a piggy bank with four tummies, for the 21st century. >> and he picked the football. >> of course i did. and four different slots. >> and four tummy, one for every choice, save, spends, invest, donate. and every dollar they approach the bank and the bank will ask them what do you want to do with the money. do you want to save it spend it donate or invest it. once you've got that very visual cue down and do it over and over and over again move into allowance, allowance is the gateway to budgeting. >> juliet: putting it in and still do, actualingly. and well, we appreciate you joining us today and what is your website? >> money savvy generation, where you can find the money savvy pig and savings free and other tools we've talked about. >> clayton: download the app in the app store, saving spree is the name of the app. great to see you this morning, great tips. >> thanks, great to see snu coming up, president obama brags about killing osama bin laden in his campaign ad. should he be using it as a campaign tool. some say no. next, a cia operative to hunted bin laden. >> clayton: a teacher fired by employers for undergoing in vitro fertilization, she's here, and father john to weigh in on that. >> the usama bin laden raid is the focus of a new ad released by president obama's reelection team and it poses the question, what would romney have done. take a look. ♪ >> it's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars, just trying to catch one person. he was referring to the the hunt for usama bin laden. so is ts an effective campaign cool or as some say a political cheap shot. joining us now former cia operative gary burnson, good to see you. >> good morning, david. >> dave: is this fair game? >> well, i think that clearly the democratic political operatives put this-- or this campaign ad together aren't history majors. they've got bill clinton talking about you've only got one chance to do this. bill clinton was given eight or nine chances and couldn't pull the trigger. any president given the option here in this particular circumstance would have pulled the trigger and i'm convinced governor romney would have made the same choice and the other problem, the obama administration is inviting examination of the decision making process and maybe took hillary clinton, david petraeus and leon panetta to get the president himself to act on this. the troubled guy standing at the window was probably leon panetta not the president. and you say almost any president would make the same decision. and any president would boast about credentials including killing the most wanted criminal in the world usama bin laden, you didn't agree with that tactic or when calls into question another man's motives, where he goes wrong. >> he goes wrong calling another man's motives into question and leon panetta, and using this as a campaign ad i think is going to back fire on the president in the end. >> dave: interesting. here we are about to mark the one year anniversary of the killing of usama bin laden and the question perhaps more important than who deserves credit for this, is how has the war on terror changed since the killing of usama bin laden? is it over? of course it's not over. you have al-qaeda a number of affiliates spawned around the world. the near term threat. 1500 man pads, man portable surface to air missiles on the loose giving loss of control of these things and libyan stock pile. these things are appearing in places outside of north africa right now. it's very, very disconcerting to think that 15,000 of these things are on the loose. it's dangerous. second thing i would be concerned about would be all the gitmo detainees that have been released. very, very high rate of recidivism. you know, i know that the official rate of recidivism is about 25%, i'll bet you closer to 40. we'll he see these guys again and again, potential conflict with iran. the iranians will continue on a nuclear path, they will likely misjudge u.s. detentions and we could wind up in conflict with them which would precipitate a number of attacks on the u.s. in the coming years. those are the three things i'm most concerned with. >> juliet: interesting stuff. we appreciate your being with us. >> thank you very much, good morning jo thank you. still ahead, florida ruling governor rick scott's proposal for drug tests for government workers unconstitutional. should people getting paid with tax dollars prove-- have to prove they're clean? we ask governor scott next. and a 11 year fight comes to an end. a battle over a cross honoring our military now over. we hear from the attorney who led the veterans to this victory. regions quick deposit lets you deposit checks right from your office. so sitting at your desk is just like going to the bank. see? i'm at the bank. now i'm in the office. at the bank. in the office. at the bank. in the office. ♪ [ malannouncer ] remember when you were a kid? you liked getting dirty an building things. there were no limits -- you could move mountains. the john deere 1 series subcompact tractor -- the way grownups move mountains. and with auto-connect implements, it's the easiest tractor to use yet. what will you create? learn more about the affordable 1 series at ask me how i've never slept better. learn more about the affordable 1 series [ male announcer ] why not talk to one of the six million people who've switched to the most highly recommended bed in america? it's not a sealy, a simmons, or a serta. ask me about my tempur-pedic. 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[ male announcer ] the new tempur simplicity beds -- surprisingly affordable and all with a 10-year warranty. to learn more or find an authorized retailer near you, visit tempur-pedic -- the most highly recommended bed in america. >> good morning, everybody, happy sunday. it is april 29th, i'm juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota, down in washington, d.c. at the white house correspondents dinner and she was last night at least. >> clayton: she's still hanging out there. >> to see if celebrities will be showing up late. is the king of comedy? president obama opens for jimmie kimmel. >> president barack obama: i enjoy attending these dinners and in fact i have more material prepared but i have to get the secret service home in time for their new curfew. >> honestly, it is a thrill to be here with the president, a man who, i think has done his best to guide us through difficult times and paid a heavy price for it. there is a term for guys like president obama, probably not two terms... >> really edgy, who got the biggest laughs? we'll report, you decide. >> dave: and a catholic school teacher was fired from her job, because she turned to ivf treatments, now she's suing, does she have a case. >> clayton: and the same kidney has been successfully transplanted twice, the donor, patients and doctor that made it happen will join us, this hour. "fox & friends," hour 4, begins, "fox & friends," hour 4, begins, right now. captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. >> clayton: welcome to "fox & friends," thank you so much for waking up with us, we'll get to the highlights of the white house correspondents dinner. in just a little bit, but, first, juliett is in this morning for alisyn. >> a "fox news alert" to start with, reports a british doctor kidnapped in pakistan in january is found dead, he was managing a red cross health program in the southwest city of quetta when he was seized by suspected islamic militant at gunpoint and he was beheaded and dumped on the o outskirts of his town and a note was left with his body, they killed him because ransom demands were not net. nato says three service members were died in the southern and eastern part of afghanistan. separate bombings killed two soldiers and the third died of nonfatal injuries. officials still have not provided their nationalities or disclosed any other details at this point. we'll update you on that. in the meantime, a celebration of the cardinals win over milwaukee turns deadly in st. louis, missouri. strong winds knocked out a tent there, it was a tent attached to a sports bar and more than 50 mile per hour winds shattered aluminum poles holding up the tent at kilroy sports bar, causing the tent to collapse, killing one and seriously hurting five others. >> the storm came out absolutely out of nowhere and everyone was running under tents and i saw everyone beneath the tent and, sure enough, next thing you know, it blows over. >> it is a really popular area during and after the games, people go down there and have drinks and 100 other people were treated at the scene and over a dozen taken to the hospital. the same storm is generating baseball-style hail. and it caused serious damage to several cars and businesses also. the hail crashing right through windows and even skylights. a landslide ends the 11-year fight to restore the veterans memorial. a federal judge signed an order to bring the cross back to sunrise rock, now it is a matter of letting the land transferred. the ceo of the liberty institute joined us earlier on "fox and friends." >> we have not been allowed to put up a replica of the actual memorial because the obama administration refused to allow us to do that until the land is in the hands of the vfw and we are now one step closer to getting the memorial back up and as soon as we get the land it is going back up exactly as it was 78 years ago. >> that was kelly shackleford, looks like... nevertheless, you can sign the petition or donate to the cause, by visiting don' those are the release. >> dave: and for the weather, maria molina in for rick reichmuth. >> your weather headlines, a cool start to the morning across the great lakes and the northeast and we are seeing freeze warnings actually in effect, out across portions of the great lakes and northeast and those will be in effect, again as we head into early monday morning because, the cold temperatures are here to stay, as we head into the work week, and otherwise you saw the images coming out of st. louis, missouri with a temperature collapse because of the damaging wind gusts and unfortunately we have, yet again a risk for strong to severe thunderstorms, from the central plains into parts of southwestern indiana, and it does include the city of st. louis again and of course if you have any outdoor plans, make sure to stay alert. you have the possibility for large hail, baseball-sized at time and damaging wind gusts and an isolated tornado cannot be ruled out, across south florida, we'll continue to see heavy rains and saturday we saw one, an area of low pressure stationary bringing in the moisture across parts of miami and into portions of fort lauderdale and a flood watch is in effect. today we can pick up an additional 3-4 inches of rain, locally higher amounts, will be possible as well, and here's already the showers and thunderstorms that have fired up across parts of oklahoma, kansas, into missouri and these will continue to bring more heavy rain across parts of oklahoma and into missouri, throughout the day today and again, the possibility for more severe weather, otherwise, it has been cool this morning across the northeast and temperatures won'ting rising much more, you guys, only in the 50s in cleveland and syracuse. >> clayton: the warm temps, not just yet. thanks. while the white house correspondents dinner... >> we weren't there. >> clayton: breaking news, because while we weren't there, last night, there were other individuals who were there, newt gingrich and calista gingrich were there and our own bret baier confirming, senior sources, that he is leaving the race. it is official, newt gingrich will announce that he is dropping out of the race on wednesday. according to our bret baier. >> dave: it is mitt romney's show and it is interesting, as we talk about that, if things go mitt romney's way, imagine him playing the role of comedian in chief. at the white house correspondent's dinner. clearly not his strength. it's a largely liberal audience, a celebrity audience and he's not hilarious. >> and it is funny you say that, the romney camp has been pushing that... >> dave: the lighter side. >> he's a fun guy. >> clayton: a prankster. president obama, really hit home runs, and, by all accounts, the news accounts, everyone in the room saying he was very, very funny and it is his timing that is so good. listen: >> president barack obama: congress and i have certainly had our differences. yet i tried not to take any cheap shots and that is why i want to especially thank all the members who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws, to be here tonight. laws. >> president barack obama: great to be here this evening in the vast, magnificent hilton ballroom, or what mitt romney would call, a little fixer-upper. [laughter]. >> president barack obama: look at this party, men in tuxes, women in gowns, fine wine, first class entertainment, i'm relieved to learn it was not a gsa conference, which reminds me of an old saying, what is the difference between a hockey management and a pit bull? a pit bull is delicious. that is pretty rough. but i can take it. because my stepfather always told me it is a boy eat dog world out there. in my first term i sang al green. in my second term, i'm going with young... and first term, health care reform, second term, i guess i'll pass it again. [applause]. >> president barack obama: i really do attending these dinners in fact i had a lot more material prepared but i have to get the secret service home in time for their new curfew. >> and, the young jeezy comment, last night... the audience... >> clayton: don't lie, he's in your iphone, i don't know who it is. >> dave: jimmie kimmel, the real act, if obama was the opening act, jimmie kimmel had laughs and the secret service was part of the routine. listen: >> mr. president, i know you will to the be able to laugh at any of my jokes about the secret service, so cover your ears, if that is possible. i do have a lot of jokes about the secret service, i told them for $800 i wouldn't tell them, but they only offered 30, so... i want to thank the washington hilton for hosting us tonight, you know, president obama wanted to move the dinner to the kennedy center, but the republicans wanted to keep it here at the hilton and they compromised and, here we are at the hilton. mr. president, you remember, remember, when the country rallied around you in hopes of a better tomorrow? that was hilarious! that was your best one yet! but, honestly, it is a thrill for me to be here with the president. a man who has done his best to guide us through visit times and paid a heavy price for it. there's a term for guys like president obama, probably not two terms, but... even some of your fellow democrats think you are a pushover and want you to stick to your guns and if you don't have any guns, they want to you ask eric holder to get some for you. this is really incredible. i mean, what a collection of people, here one room we have members of the media, politicians, corporate executives, advertisers, lobbyists and celebrities. and everything that is wrong with america is here in this room tonight. >> he was pretty good. they both went there, you know, they had those -- the dog saying with obama. >> clayton: we talked about that, it is interesting, much is made of his childhood, having eaten dog and that was talked about this week again. which, i'm surprised it came out again, but it was in his book and he made fun of that and went right after that. >> dave: i was surprised at the hockey mom comment, take it to the dog thing, and michelle was taken aback. >> clayton: you went there! >> dave: that will be the narrative moving forward, mitt romney will say he's the funny one and i'm the serious one and owning his dullness, we'll see if that is a narrative ahead, up next, on the show, florida governor rick scott wants to require all employees being paid with your tax dollars to get drug tested but the courts say that that is unconstitutional. we're talking to the governor next. >> then, one man claimed a printing error made it easy for people to cheat while playing the lottery and now he is suing. we'll tell you about it. ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em, with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds, and stops new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control. >> juliet: welcome back, 15 minutes past the hour, the vote to drug state workers was deemed unconstitutional but florida governor rick scott says he is not giving up. >> dave: he joins us from washington, d.c., at the white house correspondents dinner last night. good morning to you, governor. >> good morning, my throat is a little hoarse from talking last night, so many people were at the event and the jokes were funny and unfortunately, there were none about me. >> dave: it is a mixed bag, and, you want to be mentioned by the president but there, it is good news if you are not. the proposal deemed unconstitutional by a judge. why would a group be interested in protecting government employees? i guess when i look at this, you say, why would they object to this? because ultimately all you are protecting is a government employee's right to do drugs? what do you think of the judge's argument here? >> i don't understand it. look the private sector does it because they want the same things i want for state workers, a safe environment and an effective workforce, as a florida taxpayer, all of us want to make sure that these employees, you know, know what the rules are, they will come to work and work hard. so, it doesn't make sense, the private sector is doing it and i assume most newspapers do it, tv stations do it and most businesses do it. so why not? >> juliet: this law would require random drug testing of current state employees and the aclu of florida, the american federation of state sued last june, they said it was unconstitutional and, the executive order doesn't identify a concrete danger and that apparently was the caveat there? >> yes, look, it doesn't make sense to me why they wouldn't do it. you know, a friend of mine used to run a ski area and he said, he drug-screened and knew that you weren't -- couldn't get a job as a skier, because you are using drugs, you went and took another job but it doesn't make sense to me. private sector does it all the time. why wouldn't you as a state worker? why wouldn't you want to know if the people you are working with are not using drugs. >> dave: and you will pursue an appeal. and we want to talk about the economy and yours. down in florida, beginning to show signs of life, unemployment rate down from 9.4% to 9%, though greater than the u.s. as a whole it shows positive growth. is there anything to be learned from the federal perspective from what you are doing in florida there as the governor? >> absolutely. since i have been in office, for 16 months and in the 15 months, we have data, unemployment either went down or stayed steady every month but one and we have done really well and gone from 11.1 down to 9 and last month the biggest drop in 20 years and here's the reason why: we are thinking about what -- we want businesses to do well in florida because we know they hire people. and we have cut their taxes, 2/3 of the companies that pay taxes, business taxes in florida when i took office don't pay it anymore. we're in the process of eliminating 1100 regulations. we are making permitting processes easier and our state government, we say we want you as a business to do well, so, businesses are coming down, businesses are better in florida, and that is why they are hiring and our unemployment is dropping. >> dave: your state will be very important in the upcoming presidential election and we're hearing a lot about it when it comes to the phones vice presidential pick of mitt romney. could it be someone like senator marco rubio, even throw out the name of your former governor, jeb bush and, the most important question is there anyone who could help deliver the state of florida, someone like mitt romney or is it much ado about nothing in that regard. >> i think senator rubio or former governor bush would be great picks and i think it would be good for florida and good for the country. we need to do things at the federal level we have done in florida and can't have the highest corporate tax rates in the world and expect companies to flock to america. we have cut taxes. think about all the regulation we deal with at the federal level. we are doing just the opposite and reducing regulation and they need to do that, why our unemployment is dropping faster than the federal level and we have to do the same things federally we are doing in florida. >> juliet: finally a very important question, who was your favorite guest at the correspondents dinner, a celebrity? politician? media person? >> i enjoyed talking to a lot of people last night and... >> juliet: diplomatic answer but we asked you to throw out a specific one, sir. >> i didn't see anybody from "fox & friends," but, it would have been somebody from "fox & friends." >> dave: you missed alisyn camerota. thanks for being with us this morning, appreciate it. >> have you a great day. bye-bye. >> dave: coming up a teacher said she was fired from her job at a catholic school because she turned to ivf treatments and now is suing, father jonathan morris weighing in on this fertility fight, ahead. >> juliet: and khalid sheikh mohammed, ksm, better watch out, this guy is coming after you, when you get your day in court. >> give us the opportunity to bring fresh, local food to our community, they why we are proud to be americans. >> juliet: welcome back, a teacher claimed she was fired from her job at a catholic school because she had fertility treatments. >> for two years my supervisor had known about it, and -- because she was praying for us, so there was no warning, there was nothing, so, in my heart i had support and i was being honest about it. >> clayton: fox news contributor, father jonathan morris is here, to dive into this. she said she was fired from this catholic school because of this. what do you make of this? >> the whole point the school and diocese are making is that there is a ministerial exception, and the supreme court came down and explained in january, what that 9-0 ruling, in which a religious institution, employer, can say there are certain rules to being an employee of ours, and, they actually had that in their contract and they say you have to not only teach these things, but you also have to set an example for the students, and i don't know, the individuals, like, specifically about this case, because it is now going to court. and so they are not talking about it, but the point here is that it is important, i think for -- just as a fraternity, for example can say only guys in our fraternity, sorority, girls in our sorority, a catholic institution, can say there are certain standards for being an employee of ours. >> dave: yes, it is discrimination and we're allowed to discriminate. >> exactly that is the point. >> dave: here's what her lawyer is saying: >> we're not arguing with the church about what its doctrines are, the claim is based on the fact that employers need to respect anti-discrimination laws. we don't believe that emily fits within the ministerial exception. >> juliet: what do you make of -- >> we'll see what the courts say and the court with the minute material exception rule, a 9-0, the supreme court in january, they didn't get into the minutiae of what is a religious employee. and, so is what it is coming down -- >> she's just a teacher, she says. >> and she's not a religion teacher. >> clayton: now, it will have got into the nitty-gritty. and, before it was too vague and we have to find out what grounds you can discriminate on, over sexuality and reproductive rights and ethnicity. >> i have never seen a catholic school or religious institution getting into say i want to see everything about your private life, how are you living it but when it becomes an issue and i'm not sure how this became an issue but when it becomes an issue publicly and they say i am going to do this, for example, there was another case of a single woman, teacher, who got pregnant, and said, this is -- i'm going to get pregnant though i'm not married and not with anyone because i'll do it my own way and, she has to explain as a teacher to the kids, this is okay, because i'm choosing to do this and that becomes an issue if you are teaching in a religious school. >> clayton: its not clear how this became an issue. >> juliet: it sounds like she shared it with her supervisor, now the genesis it was brought to the public. >> we don't want religious schools, i don't think, going and saying, hey, we want to know everything about your personal private life and make sure, you are perfect. we'd have no teachers, no priests, right, but it is important for institutions to be able to say we can discriminate according to our belief system. >> dave: a precedent they'll set into interesting. >> dave: thanks for being here. >> clayton: coming up, the newest medical miracle for the first time ever the same kidney has been successfully transplanted twice, the donor, both patient and the doctor, that made it all happen will join us, you don't want to miss this. >> >> juliet: it is getting serious, members of the first ever frisbee league will join us and, father jonathan will be showing us his skills. i just nominate you, for guinea pig! an airline's job, is to take you from where you are... to where you need to be. and we're not just talking about points on a map. with a more intuitive delta website and mobile app... and the most wifi equipped planes. we let you be everywhere at once. innovations like these are extending our reach so you can extend yours. and now, even at 30,000 feet you can still touch the ground. avoid bad.fats. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like naturalrains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. for multi grain flakes tt are anxcellent source of fiber try great grains banana nut crunch and cranberry almond crunch. ♪ >> president barack obama: four years ago i was a washington outsider and four years later, i'm at this dinner. four years ago i look like this... today i look like this... and four years from now, i will look like this... [laughter]. >> juliet: he had good one-liners last night, too. >> clayton: a night of glitz, glam and lots in washington, and peter doocy joins us live from washington, burning the midnight oil, hey, peter. >> reporter: and as he continued the last line of his monologue which was a stand-up comedy routine, at the expense of the secret service he said he had to wrap things up to get them home before the curfew and, a silly speech, typical of the american president and the white house correspondents, and the left and right and the guests got a big kick, and some of our guests talked to our guest, before the event. >> fourth year coming with fox. >> coming strong, yeah. >> what is it about this weekend you like to come back, year after year. >> seeing you, what are you talking about? every time? come on, now. >> it is good, we made a little annual trip with friends and now, family, i guess, as well. >> you look beautiful. >> like the prom. like we're going to the prom. >> she did not bring me a corsage. >> i know. come on. >> mom. >> i know. >> mother's day is coming up. >> reporter: and the ballroom across town at the washington hilton was, last night the center of the political and entertainment universe and it's not often you get so many people on tv, professional talkers, to sit and listen intently to anybody speak but everybody did, and, everybody laughed including the president and the first lady at a few jokes made that the their extends by jimmie kimmel, later on. guys? >> clayton: i'm curious, you sat at the same table as lindsay lohan, am i wrong about that? >> reporter: she was not at my table, she was at the greta van susteren table and i saw her and she looked great. >> dave: did you hang out, you and lindsay? >> reporter: nope, did not hang out. >> dave: kate upton... >> reporter: i did see kate upton, which was lovely. >> clayton: i've never seen a bigger smile on your face, ever. >> dave: did you ever hear the phrase, bury the lead? >> juliet: you look very very, nice peter. did you ask her for her number. >> reporter: i didn't ask, no. >> juliet: you're a good looking guy, smart, successful, i mean... the cover of "sports illustrated," big deal! >> dave: nice job, get back to sleep. >> juliet: all righty. we'll move to headlines now, and we have serious stuff to talk about. three sailors are dead and another is still missing after colliding with a much bigger ship during a yacht race from california to mexico. the u.s. coast guard is searching off the coast of san diego for a fourth crewmember. the victim's names and their nationalities are not being released at this time. you will remember, five sailors were killed during a similar race about two weeks ago. their yacht slammed by a boat -- a rogue wave off of the coast of san francisco. look out, khalid sheikh mohammed. former football star and army reservist who helped out at ground zero is now part of the team that will be prosecuting the 9/11 mastermind. major rob mcgovern is his name, and all-around american hero in every sense of the word. he played for the kansas city chiefs, the steelers, the new england patriots, before serving as an active duty lawyer for the army and will go head-to-head with ksm and four other suspects during the death penalty trial at guantanamo bay bay and, a friend says he'll approach the trial the way he plays football, full on, in your face and ready to argue within the rules. and tried to shut him up but this man is suing the lottery commission and the ticket distributor after finding an unusual small pinprick on the scratch off game and claims it helps retailers identify winning tickets. the state's lottery director said the $20 tickets were tampered with. >> how can you continue to let a business operate with these businesses knowing there is a flaw and there are indiscrepancies? >> juliet: the lottery commission placed the issue in the hands of the little rock police department. it looks like the rescuers even in -- rescuing times sometimes, you are looking at a paratrooper getting help from a local fire department after getting stuck in a tree top. 75 feet above the ground and it reportedly happened during a parachuting exercise at joint base lewis mccord in washington state. another paratrooper also rescued from the tree and never were hurt. and, those are your headlines, let's head out to -- looks like a sunny day at this point. maria molina, is it? >> i beautiful day, juliett. good morning to you and good morning, everyone, a beautiful day in new york. a lot of sunshine and temperatures, on the cool side to start off the day in new york city and across the rest of the northeast an warming up nicely, we'll have a lot of sunshine, so the temperatures will be creeping up, to just near or slightly below average, across the south, it is a warm day out there, 66, right now in atlanta and 71 in memphis, this morning, and 70, currently, in dallas, and as we head into the afternoon hours, those temperatures will continue to warm up and we'll be reaching the upper 80s for your high temperature in atlanta, a hotlanta day, and 86 in memphis, 85 in dallas an 89 san antonio and out there, temperatures will be about 10 degrees above what is typical for this time of the year, a high of 63 for us here, in new york stacity and, parts the midwest and keep in mind, later on today we'll see strong to severe storms firing up across central portions of the plains into parts of southwestern indiana, so this is a similar area, to what we -- the area we saw yesterday, get hit hard, by thunderstorms, including the city of st. louis where we had, unfortunately the fatality, because of the tent blown over, due to a damaging wind gust and so, large hail and damaging winds and isolated tornadoes will be possible today, once again. now we'll go to dave and clayton, who are playing frisbee. >> dave: that's right, we are playing a little frisbee though it is different than what you do with the kids in the backyard because now it is going professional. ultimate frisbee going to an all new level. >> clayton: this is new, joining us, members of the connecticut constitution, rick and chris. but, this is interesting, the first time this is going pro. and, it is fascinating, because, you actually play against each other on the team and i'm used to tossing it with the kids. they play against each other, how does it works. >> 7 on 7 on a football field and is fast-paced an exciting. >> dave: you tackle... >> it is noncontact, but it is noncontact bilike basketball is noncontact. >> dave: 16 game regular season. i went to school in boulder, colorado where frisbee is huge but for folks who don't know the game, chris, tell us about it. >> it's a continuous game. so, kind of like soccer, in that it is a lot of running, the field is pretty large, like, rick seaid, it is football fiel size, 20 yard end zone. >> clayton: what size is this goal, like a soccer goal. >> a 20 yard deep end zone and 53 yards across, like a football... >> catching and running across it. >> you are not allowed to run with the disc, once you catch it you have to come to a complete stop and advance it to the people in the field who are running. >> clayton: maria and father jonathan morris are here, skill for throwing a frizz brsbefrisb it about, tell us. >> back hand, you want to get all of your fingers on the rim of the disc. and, you want all your fingers on the rim of the disc and hold with a nice, tight, firm grip, like this and the idea is to snap your wrist. you want to... snap it forward. >> clayton: release it and i'm going to briggs here and see if i can do it. >> dave: let's see it. not bad at all. molina doesn't like the heat i bring. father john. you have to go deep for me and you've got to be waiting. >> clayton: see how deep i can get it there. a lot of fun. has anyone been hurt? >> dave: you can download the games on-line and catch them in person. >> early on the season, a couple shoulder injuries. >> dave: more on the "after the show" show, what is coming up? >> juliet: thank you very much. what a sad sight that was with those two out there. all right, a true medical miracle, two people saved with the same kidney. we're going to meet the donor, both patients and the doctor who made it happen, plus the freedom tower, a major milestone tomorrow. we'll tell you what that milestone is coming up. i'm really going to miss you. my new apartment isn't that far away. it's 4.2 miles away ! with this droid razr... motorola... verizon 4g lte... video... skype. you're gonna get lost. this has gps. well, that makes me feel better. me too. i'll go get two from the back. okay. this mother's day, get the droid razr by motorola. only $99.99. the lowest price ever. verizon. [ cellphone rings ] tuscaloosa? schenecty. des moines. ok. ok. ok. i can't always be there to weed my petunias. so now we use miracle-gro shake 'n feed plus weed prevente it feeds plants and preven weeds for up to three months. so my plants grow bigger, more beautiful, without all thweeds. guaranteed. [ cellphone rings ] with miracle-gro shake 'n feed, anyone can have a green thumb. [ cellphone rings ] everyonews with miracle-gr >> clayton: this amazing story, proof things are better the second time around, a kidney rejected by one patient, transplanted into another patient, the first time in history it has been done successfully and our next guests took part in the medical miracle, we are joined by ray and his sister and the original donor and the transplant recipient, irwin gomez and their surgery, joel leventhal of northwestern memorial hospital, welcome to "fox & friends." ray, let me start with you. it has been difficult, because you are currently waiting for another kidney and your sister was incredibly kind enough to donate her kidney, but, what happened? >> well, i have a disease that very commonly refers in transplant to kidneys, so, when it started to reoccur, they needed to remove the kidney, right away. >> clayton: and usually, what happens is they have to get rid of the kidney an they don't usually trans plant it into someone else, but, ray, you did something interesting. tell us what you did. >> they asked me if i would be killing to donate it to someone else, who is waiting for a kidney, and to me that was a no-brainer. no reason not to donate it, if it is a possible -- if it would be a possible outcome. >> clayton: it must have been a conflicting moment, my sister was incredibly kind to donate to me her kidney and do i ask my sister, is it something you want back? sarah, what were you thinking? did you ever question for a second maybe asking for it back? >> no. when i donated my kidney, they told me that i -- the one kidney would take over the function of both, so i really didn't need the kidney anymore. and it made me really happy that i was able to help someone else, though i could not help my brother. >> clayton: what happens next is, dr. joseph leventhal can possibly transplant it into irwin gomez, who is also awaiting a kidney. doctor, this is the first for this ever happening, what concerns did you have? >> it is a technically challenging procedure to take and all ready transplanted organ out and reconnect the blood supply and tube that goes to the bladder to collect the urine and put it in another individual and it took a lot of planning to how we'd approach the transplanted organ and remove it and put it into another recipient in a way it would function not just for a short time but as any other transplant should be expected to function. >> clayton: obviously you had serious concerns about this and irwin, you say the doctors didn't sugar coat it, you knew the risks while you were awaiting the kidney, what did they say and what thoughts went through your head as they were about to implant the kidney into you? >> well when i was first contacted they told me, we have an available kidney for you, but... and, they were very candid and honest about it. the nephrologist told me that the kidney is already in a patient, and has been damaged by the process the patient... >> clayton: you have been humbled by the process and we see the to thes of yphotos of y is there anything you want to say to sarah and to ray? >> i owe them, you know, eternal graduate ought to for their generosity and for considering helping a total stranger. >> clayton: a remarkable story, ray, what awaits you as you wait for the other kidney? >> well it will be probably two, maybe three more years at least before we'll be ready for another transplant but in the meantime i'll be on dialysis, and, that will keep me healthy. >> dave: we all appreciate you joining us this morning and ray, our thoughts are with you as you continue this battle but it is a medical miracle and thanks for sharing your story with us this morning. >> thank you. >> clayton: good luck to you. coming up on the show, call him the commander in comedy. >> president barack obama: four years ago i was locked in a brutal primary battle with hillary clinton. four years later, she won't stop texting me from cartajena. >> clayton: next, we dial up the satellite dish and we'll hear all about it. ♪ [ malannouncer ] remember when you were a kid? 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>> i did have a blast. it was great. it is a glamorous party and it is fun to hobnob and see the celebrities but it is really most fun to see all of our friends in d.c., that work down here. i got to see old fox friends and media friends and it is a great night and i know you guys always joke how bad i am with technology and you gave me a camera to try to take some pictures and show them to you. and i think you will be really impressed with some of my pictures. let's go through some of them. let me show you the pictures. daniel day-lewis. and, you want a picture together but, this is the best i could do. and that... >> clayton: a great shot. >> viola davis, all the way through the crowd. i have more, let me show you. >> clayton: alisyn, they have a view-finder on the camera. >> that hat, that is diane keaton. here's the thing... this is diane keaton. >> dave: take your word for it. >> that is reese witherspoon's back. >> clayton: this is beautiful. >> this is my friend, ben barnes. >> clayton: ansel adams took the photo. >> and there is dakota fanning. >> juliet: did you not think you would get in and see people's faces and you started shooting. >> this is what it looks like when my four-year-old son gets ahold of the camera. >> here's my -- i know you both asked me to try to find the modern family cast, sophia vagara and, you have a celebrity crush on them and i did one better. i got jesse tyler ferguson. >> juliet: alisyn, can i say something? you look absolutely unbelievable. you look amazing. >> not last night. you didn't look good last night. >> okay. i'm kidding, here's the good pictures, let me show you some -- i really took the bad ones, too, but here i am with the requisite kardashian shot. at the beginning of the night, there. >> clayton: you do look beautiful. >> and here are obviously all of our good friends at fox, jennifer griffin and jamie colby and uma pemmaraju and, everyone turned it on. and christine baranski, having fun with us fox folks. >> dave: and you're dying to tell us how the food was, most of us will never eat around the president. how was the food? i know that was what you are waiting for. >> it was delicious but i was interested in the dessert that you told me was going to be so great and it was. delicious chocolate mousse. i ate the whole thing. >> clayton: and during the commercial break you asked to check to see if you didn't have spinach in your teeth. did you do that in front of the president. >> i spent the better part of the night worried something green was in my teeth because i didn't have your iphone with me and peter barnes from fox business network was sitting next to me. >> juliet: e-mail us with the real scoop, if you know what i mean. >> clayton: i'm glad you had fun. >> juliet: thanks for waking up early, ali. >> my pleasure, guys. >> juliet: he goes down and has a good time. >> dave: see you next weekend. for "fox & friends" in two minutes. >> dave: that will just about do it for us, we'll waiting for invitations to next year's white house correspondents dinner. >> clayton: great to have you here this morning. >> juliet: thank you. >> clayton: and the "after the show" show we'll get even hotter and playing ultimate frisbee with these guys here. >> juliet: donovan on "fox & friends" tomorrow. see you! >> a "fox news alert," an olive branch to iran, the u.s. suggesting a deal to let the defiant government

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