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there were worries that the musudan would be launched today. in seoul, the birthday of kim jong-un's grandfather was met with anger. the missile is in place, still ready to fly. the u.s. and the south korean military say the missile and the mobile launchers have not moved since last thursday. they believe they're still fully fuel and could be launched very quickly. george? >> okay, bob. thank you. the other top stories from josh. >> news overnight of the boeing 737. the faa has ordered special inspections on more than 1,000 planes because of a problem that could cause pilots to lose control of the aircraft. at issue is a certain kind of pin that attaches part of the tail to the fuselage. the faa says the pins are at risk of corroding. the planes are not being grounded. airlines have until late next month to begin their inspections. the problem is not believed to be related to this weekend's crash of a boeing 737 that slammed into the water in bali. lisa stark joins us now with new video from the scene. good morning, lisa. >> reporter: this is the stunning cell phone video moments after impact. passengers tried to get out of the jet liner that had cracked in two. u.s. crash investigators are on their way to indonesia to help figure out why this boeing 737 smashed into the water just short of the run way at s it wa coming in for landing. >> it's particularly unusual in apparently decent weather. the plane is brand new. it's inexplicable. >> reporter: those on board say it was terrifying. no warning anything was wrong. the plane came down, there were screams as passengers rushed to get out. everyone survived. 108 passengers and crew. this man said he grabbed a life jacket and swam to shore. makeshift boats, even surfboards were yuz aed in the rescue. the airline, lion air, is the largest carrier for indonesia. it has a poor safety record. investigators have recovered the flight data recorder. josh, some analysts are speculating this crash may have been caused by a weather phenomenon like wind shear. the pilot and the copilot have passed their initial drug tests. josh? >> meanwhile, lisa while we have you. a moment ago, we mentioned the faa ordering new inspections on some 737s. what do you make of it. >> reporter: it's not related in the crash in bali. the faa wants 1,000737s in the u.s. to be inspected. it's not an emergency inspection. it's not expected to affect airline schedules. it feeds to get done. it's another headache for boeing, josh, as it struggles to get the new dreamliner jet back into service. >> indeed it is. thank you, lisa. new details this morning about the hollywood style jailbreak of a notorious gangster. authority ifs france are calling it an act of war. convicted bank robber redoine faid used explosives. hundreds of investigators are trying to find him. they believe his wife may have slipped him the explosives or they say the explosives could have been dropped from plane. and finally a serious scare overnight for tax procrastinators filing through turbo tax. the site, all of a sudden, went offline. the company tweeted it was having problems, sending millions upon millions of users into panic mode. this morning, turbo tax assures us everything is back up and running. you have until midnight tonight to file, seek an extension, or an alternative from turbo tax. a possible break if the case of the brutal murders of a texas district attorney, his wife, and one of his prosecutors. a former justice of the peace questioned in the killings is now under arrest on unrelated charges. there are clues the cases could be connected. abc's pierre thomas has the latest from washington. >> reporter: the mystery of who killed the texas prosecutors remains unsolved. today, a former county official convict of theft is under intense scrutiny. the fbi and local police are sifting through evidence this morning after descending on the home and storage unit of eric williams this weekend. the former justice of the peace has allegedly been threatening residents of kaufman, texas, by e-mail. >> my heart goes out to all the families that are affected by the tragedies. >> reporter: while he's not been named a suspect in the deaths of two prosecutors, he finds himself in the crosshairs of law enforcement. he's charged with making terrorist threats. the arrest allows authorities to search his property. a number of weapons were seized and will be compared to ballistics in the murders of mike mclellan and his wife, in march. some investigators believe williams had motive to kill the prosecutors, after they helped convict him of theft last year. this tape allegedly showed him stealing county computer equipment. he was interrogated by authorities at the time. >> you took the monitors and the memory? >> that's what i can remember. >> reporter: his reputation and krooe devastated. he's maintained innocence, openly talking about the police scrutiny. >> the police are doing the thorough job that they do. >> reporter: the evidence will prove if this is a fishing expedition or something more sinister. now to gun control. a decisive vote on background checks coming as early as tomorrow, people are scrambling. jon karl covers it from the white house. >> reporter: it was something the president mad never done before. >> i'm just a citizen. >> reporter: he turned over his address to francine wheeler, whose son, ben, was killed at sandy hook. >> please help us do something before our tragedy becomes yours. >> i'm a parent. i can do something. >> reporter: that raw emotion helped bring about the odd couple pairing of pat toomey and moderate democrat joe manchin, both members of the nra. they're proposing a bill that would expand band ground checks, rooirg them for all guns bought online and at gun shows. it may not have the support to pass the senate. >> it will be a tough fight to get the 60 votes we knee. >> reporter: the new measures wouldn't prevent mass shootings like newtown from happening. nor m senator manchin say t families admit this wouldn't have help the children of newtown. >> reporter: congress is just not eager to enact new gun laws. a fact lam booned on "saturday night live." >> this week, the senate voted 68-31 to begin debating the idea of discussing gun control. let me say that again. they have agreed to think about talking about gun control. >> that bipartisan deal was supposed to break the log jam in the senate. still a real uphill fight? >> reporter: it's not there yet. the bill's advocates acknowledge they don't have the votes yet to get the bills passed. that's why the newtown families are returning to washington this week to lobby for the remaining votes they feed. >> okay, jon karl, thank you very much. now to the fears of the deadly outbreak of bird flu that it may spread outside china. the death toll is 13. more than 60 are ill. dr. richard besser is on the ground with the latest. this disease has spread very quickly. talk about what the latest effort there is are on the ground. >> well, amy, hopes were crushed here over the weekend that it could be contained to the eastern prove vins of china. a 7-year-old girl in beijing, 749 miles away from shanghai was diagnosed with bird flu pneumonia. the virus is spreading silently. c you can't tell where it is going. last night, the chinese government invited a team of international experts to come and provide guidance. >> and dr. besser, that said this is one plane ride away from coming to the united states. what is the level of the concern here in the states? what are u.s. authorities doing about it? >> well, at this point, the virus just goes from birds to humans. if it were to mu tate and go person to person, all bets are off. and plane ride would be very dapg rouse. the u.s. has taken this very seriously. they've begun work on a vaccine. they've developed a test if case someone who goes to china becomes ill. >> thank you, dr. richard b besser. we switch gears to one of the most exciting masters in memory. a 14-year-old makes history. tiger woods almost disqualified. and adam scott becomes the first australian to win it. rob nelson has the high heights from augusta national. good morning, rob. >> reporter: hey, good morning, george. well the aussie curse here at the masters is officially over. but for tiger wood, the search for his former glory continues. [ cheers ] not even steady sunday rains could dampen and ending like this. in dramatic fashion and with two critical putts, 32-year-old adam scott became the first australian to win a masters and adding the coveted green jacket to his wardrobe. >> this was one thing in golf we hadn't been able to achieve. it's amazing that it's my destiny to be the first aussie to win. just incredible. >> reporter: incredible for fan as well. treated to a two-hole sudden death playoff against argentine angel cabrera. this may have been more stunning because of who did not walk away with the win. tiger woods, newly back on top as golf's number one-ranked player, and actively rehabilitating his image, had been the favorite. >> i played well. i doesn't make enough putts. i missed a few shots here and there. >> reporter: he's no stranger to comebacks. this time, he fell short. a now infamous ball placement violation cost him two strokes and triggered questions about his integrity and that of the masters itself. >> i don't think he choked. i think he is probably as perplexed as anyone about why he cannot summon up the magic on sundays the way he used to. >> reporter: the masters has a new champion this morning. the game of golf still has a superstar searching for redempti redemption. the 14-year-old finished eighth, has a bright future. the phew masters champion, his caddie used to be the caddie for tiger woods until he fired him two years ago. >> the next youngest was 18, right? good for him. now to the big backlash for justin bieber after the pop superstar kre that he hoped anne frank would have been a belieber in the guest book at the anne frank house. paula faris has the story. >> reporter: he's on a world tour, promoting his album, "believe." but this morning, many are indispleef over justin bieber's latest move. leaving what some are calling a tasteless comment at the anne frank museum. he spent an hour touring the museum on friday night. upon leaving, wrote this in the guest book. truly inspiring to be able to come here. anne was a great girl. hopefully, she would have been a belieber. anne frank is one of history's most recognizable jewish figures whose diary chronicled her time occurring the holocaust. the reps for bieber say he may have written that after seeing old magazines in her room with stars of her day. >> the great tragedy of anne frank was she was a regular teenage girl. >> reporter: still, the museum's facebook page has been flooded with fury. i belieb that is one of the most narcissistic thing i have read. we think he meant it well. he's only 19 years old and living in a crazy world with all girls being fans of him worldwide. that is perhaps why he wrote it down. it's perhaps best to leave it at the famous phrase, i still believe, in spite of everything, people really are good at heart. for abc news, paula faris, new york. >> i think those are important words to remember. >> he's got break out of that bubble. ginger, what do you have going on today? jt it makes you want to go watch never say never just for the s nostalgia. he was cute and young. imagine getting your record snowfall in april? 94 was closed down for the entire state of north dakota. it's cold behind it. that low up to the north and east. this one comes in. more severe weather. from southern illinois all the way to oklahoma city. your local forecast in 30 seconds. >> by the way, in bismarck, that to show total was almost a foot and half. northeast, much nicer. good stuff coming up. coming up on "gma," amanda knox back in the headlines. shocking stories about the four years she spent behind bars in italy. sflchbl and with a little help from his friend, why paul mccartney is teaming up with billy joel to protect the piano man's daughter. and coming up, stunner. paris jackson is speaking out. and a whopping debut for psy's new single. his new song going gangbusters all over the word. world. before students were flocking to bioengineering courses... before the birthplace of california became the cradle of 750 clean-tech companies... some researchers, entrepreneurs, and bankers shared a vision that helped foster an industry. that's the power of connecting minds and technology to fuel a nation's future. that's bank of america. it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! may attach and make a meal of us. and we saved a bunch using our reward points. well i'll be a monkey's uncle. and we got a hundred dollars in points from sears to use on jim's mower... hold the phone! ...and points from the grill helped pay for my dress... now you're just pulling my leg. get this, sometimes points just show up in our account. get out of town! with points from shop your way, there are more ways to save than ever at sears. oh and this bracelet... i used points to get it for free. yeah, right. and i'm married to lorenzo lamas. hola. this is how to save. this is sears. but there are foods that i had no idea had so much acid in them. my dentist said that the acid in fruit, or fruit juice, softens the enamel, so that then it can erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel to help harden that enamel so that it's not brushed away. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love. i can have the best of both worlds. new honey bunches of oatst greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. omote (alarm clock buzzer) ♪ (announcer) friskies. now serving breakfast. >> good morning, i am kristen sze. at berkeley a firefighter is recovering after being shot during an emergency call on dwight way just before 2:00 this morning. investigators say the firefighter was grazed by a bullet. the shooter has been taken into today. the suspect my have been the person crews were trying to help. >> how is the monday morning commute going? leyla gulen has trouble spots. >> good morning, at 7:25 in san ramon the crash is finally cleared southbound along 680 before crow canyon and you can see we are left with heavy backups coming out of walnut creek into danville and toward san ramon. this live picture shows the drive in the southbound direction and it is barely moving at a standstill as you make the commute down to 24. >> it is windy out there we will talk to our mete >> we have high amounts of tree pollen and moderate grass and the high amount of weed pollen outside today. live doppler 7 hd shows it is dry and the areas in tan, the north bay valleys, the coast, the bay shoreline with gusts up to 45 miles per hour possible today. our fastest wind at sfo and half moon bay is 17. can you see they will get faster this afternoon. we are in the low 40's to near 50 and on ♪ you know the voice, you've seen the dplaszs. there is psy, boy, does he have the magic touch right now. a brand-new video debuts over the weekend. "gentle man" has millions of hits around the world. we'll have all the details coming up. good morning, america. hope you had a good weekend. i hope my daughters are watching right now. they would be so impressed by you three. hold up those phones? >> we noticed perhaps we accessorize too well. all of our phones match our dresses. >> how is your phone joinidoing josh? >> does it match your tie? >> no. push in. >> i got plain old scuffed up black. >> what? >> we need to get you one. >> drop it. there it goes. >> all right, coming up, we have paul mccartney and billy joel teaming up. how sir paul is helping joel protect the pea quan know man's daughter. >> great story. we have new pictures of paris jackson, wow, looking grown up. a child no longer. she's also speaking out about a brand-new and really potentially explosive trial. it starts today. the wrongful death lawsuit for the family of michael jackson. and we're kicking off a new series. we're telling you how to get sexy for summer. the top workout secrets. that looks like fun. >> it does. we begin with the amanda knox story. two weeks to before her book hits stores, shocking details about her life emerging. good morning, neal. >> reporter: george, good morning. if the tidbits leaking out and intense interest are any indication, amanda knox's new book could be a blockbuster. inside the hundreds of pages of amanda knox's memoir, "waiting to be hear," will be claims that she was sexually harassed by guards. he would some mon her for chitchats alone in his office at night. in the book, knox reportedly expands on letters she wrote to friends obtained by british tabloids, saying the guard was fixated on the topic of sex, asking about her partners and if she would have sex with him. she is quoted at saying, i was so surprised and scandal ized. the man has since retired and denied the allegations. >> obviously, to hit on a prisoner with no power when you're man as a prison official with enormous power is very, very scary for a young woman. >> reporter: knox also reportedly writes about a female inmate who wanted to start a lesbian affair. huh how she was falsely told by officials that she was hiv positive. and her reaction to the hate campaign that fold her release. >> the defendant has been acquitted. >> reporter: her stunning release was a year and a half ago, after her conviction for the murder of her former roommate was overturned. >> my family is the most important thing to me. >> reporter: weeks ago, she learned the supreme court ordered a thank you trial. the story of her ordeal will be released as the real-life ending remains in doubt. >> within the italian people, there's still that feeling that she's a spoiled rich kid who decided to kill her roommate for kicks. this is ludicrous. >> reporter: amidst the attention, knox keeps a low profile. >> diane sawyer's exclusive prime time hour with amanda knox airs on april 30th. now to the bizarre story that has billy joel and paul mccartney teaming up. it's to protect billy joel's daughter who is being targeted by a stalker. >> reporter: joel's daughter was reportedly afraid for her life when the facebook messages kept coming in. sir paul mccartney's advice helped lead police to a suspect. ♪ notice me ♪ >> reporter: in her 2010 single, alexa ray joel may beg for someone to notice her. it now appears she's the focus of some seriously unwanted attention online. the 27-year-old daughter of singer billy joel and supermodel christie brinkley was reportedly being stalked by this woman for months. cheryl findlay is accused of using a fake facebook account to send messages of rape, assault, and murder to an unnamed victim. >> high-profile, particular lly celebrity people all get stalked. typically, through e-mail. sometimes by telephone. some rise to the level of this particular one. >> reporter: "the new york post" reports the messages had frightened her so much she refused to leave her apartment. her father hiring body guards and a british cyber security firm recommended to him by paul mccartney. when police arrested finley, they found her naked in the woods. the 40-year-old reportedly has a history of mental health issues. >> many of the celebrity stalkers are driven by delusion, a delusion that they have a relationship with a famous person or they desire one. you have to separate the vile, violent words to the ability of the person to actually carry them out. ♪ notice me >> reporter: finley faces up to five years in prison. joel is promoting her work on facebook. finley has pleaded not guilty to stalking charges. she'll face a judge in a few weeks. the joel family is not commenting on the new reports. >> you never want to take chances for that. let's get the weather from ginger. >> we had water spouts and tornadoes reported in florida. this one was a water spout, them became a tornado. took off a chunk of the roof and put it in the yard. another one in mobile bay. these people are way too close. the water spouts can do damage. if i was in that situation, i would get out of there right away. really nice, you want to not get out of here in midland, texas. 91. 87, dallas. st. louis, 71. watch where the heat starts to build. raleigh, the 80s. new york city, close to 70 on wednesday. washingt >> and this is very important this morning's "gma" pollen report, just about every coast to coast experiencing tree pollen. the hot spot, the southeast. how can find pollen levels in your neighborhood on on yahoo! coming up, stunning new pictures of paris jackson speaking out after a lawsuit over her father's death goes to trial. and we're launching our new series for getting sexy for the sum person how those can help get you in shape. wow, i've been claritin clear for 10 days! when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 12 days! 24 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. just one flea 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[ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. and we're back at 7:42 with paris jackson speaking out just hours before lawyers start questioning potential jurors in the family's lawsuit. they can targeting the concert promoter for $40 million. >> reporter: good morning, george. potential jury yors will be files in very soon and now, we're hearing from a if i recall who, until now, has had a life kept very private. paris jackson said her father wanted the one thing he nef had, a normal childhood. from the little girl who never left the house without a mask over her face to this. paris jackson is 15 and growing up right before our eyes. this morning, she's out there for the world to see. on the cover of a british magazine. paris is pop music royalty. according to the mail on sunday's event magazine, she's getting the royal treatment. the trust pace for 15 full-time staffers. from pod guards to a chef, nannies, maintenance men. all held inspect the home where they're being raised by their grandmother, kathryn. she wants to have a normal high school experience. here she is doing just that. cheerleading at her high school. tweeting out silly pictures of herself and showing off her new edgy hair cut. >> she's very much a normal teenager. she was texing her girlfriends. she goes shopping. >> reporter: she was 11 when her father died under the care of dr. conrad murray. just two weeks before the debut of his "this is it" come back concert. today, jury selection starts in a reported $40 million civil suit against the concert's promoter, aeg, who also hired conrad murray. they claim aeg put the desire for profits ahead of michael jackson's health. >> this is a tough case. to say it is aeg's fault that dr. murray did what te he did. >> reporter: paris tells the magazine she only recently took down a shrine to her father. she has no plans to follow the king of pop into show business. instead, this princess of pop wants to be a heart surgeon, saying, i want to help people, that's it. she sounds like a good kid. she says she want os to see part of her father's fortune used to restore the decaying neverland estate so sick children can go there to enjoy it. she and her brothers could be called to testify. the one person we won't hear from, dr. conrad murray. he plans to plead the fifth. >> i didn't know that about being a heart surgeon. that's nice. >> that is nice the hear. ahead in our "heat index" are we abl about to see the first openly gay male on an american sports team? and the "play of the day" worth 50 seconds of your time. go nowhere. wait a sec! i found our colors. we've made a decision. great, let's go get you set up... you need brushes... you should check out our workshops... push your color boundaries while staying well within your budget walls. i want to paint something else. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr premium plus interior paint, only at the home depot and starting at $23.46 a gallon. try our delicious new freshly made lunch pizzas on our house-baked pan crust served with soup or salad and made to order. chili's new $6 lunch break combos. more life happens here. and light 50, with just 50 calories, both with no added sugar. with so many tasty flavors, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. just blending the fruits. nowour new formula withfrom paladvanced color complex gradually builds natural looking color... that's now odor free. all new, jergens natural glow moisturizers. it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. i love to golf. ♪ [ grunts ] yowza! that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients and carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts... we are golfing now, buddy! [ grunts ] ...all morning long. i got it! for the win! uno mas! getting closer! belvita breakfast biscuits -- steady energy to do what i do all morning long. right then, here's "the play of the day." >> really, it's what happens after certain plays. i remember the first time i caught a foul ball in the stands. i can tell you every single thing about that day. z you caught one? >> two, actually. >> you still have them? >> i do. those of us that don't still have them brings us to this. you catch one, it's phenomenal. look what happens. at the a's game over the weekend. a lovely human being gives to it a dad and he gives it to his -- oh, no. you what? >> he thought he had to give it back. and now the kid's all bummed. can we please give the kid a ball. give the kid a ball! >> he thought they needed it. >> look at the brother saying, what are you -- no! >> it was nice, too. >> the dad saying, hey, thanks. look, my son, he's got a good arm. you're right. i have to tell you, that pains me. boy, that pains me. >> it will be with him forever. >> he did the right thing. >> can we get him ball, please? lots to get to, beyonce, coming up the. a "dancing with the stars" spectacular coming up. and people dancing around like kang raroos outside coming up. o. 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>> an accident at willow on-ramp to westbound 80 is closed because of an accident. it look like the traffic is very slow from hercules and it is bumper to bumper into ♪ jump around jump around [ cheers and applause ] and a great crowd out there in times square this morning. and a great song, "jump around." look what is going on out there. getting in shape for summer all week long. that is a brand-new way to do it. we're learning about it right now. good morning, everybody. great to have rachel, amy, and ginger in this morning. and a kangaroo. >> our new "gma" event this morning. it's about helping you get sexy for summer. i don't know what says sexy more than kangaroo jumping, right? come on. we'll have rachel and ginger try that out later. >> this is really happening. >> that is. >> that wasn't a run-through. >> no, that's happening. >> you know, we're on, guys. if i had those things on, i would shoot through the roof. i can't watch it. i have, you would think she was caffeinated. remember last friday, george, i discussed the bacon-flavor, the 50 best baristas competition. we thought what would bacon lattes taste like? >> it smells so good. can i just say that? >> seattle's best is letting us know. everybody get in there. >> that is so good. >> it's pretty great. >> it's good. so good. >> i love the garnish, too. >> it's really good. >> got a little breakfast bite in there. >> a bacon finish. >> and a maple flavor in there, too. >> we want to thank eileen gannon. in des moines, iowa. this was her idea. it's spiced carmel bacon with whipped cream pumpkin pie spice, bacon on top. did i mention the bacon? and a little bacon. >> and a couple more. >> did they serve this at matt damon answer supersecret wedding over the week end? actually, he was renewing his vows on the beach. a of of the "a" list of hollywood showed up. and maks is back with tony and the bad boy of "dancing with the stars" is in the ballroom tonight. we have him first live. they are awake. they're ready to go. they have their snuggie pillows. and we're going to get into all of that and much more. >> they will be live. >> maks just tweeted the only entity that could get him up at 4:30 in the morning is "gma." >> there we go. >> thank you, maks. thank you. >> all that coming up. >> they need the bacon coffee. and craziness at the mtv movie awards last night. including a shocking moment for will ferrell. we'll have that coming up. but right now, is that what i think it is? is he wearing the dennis rodman suit? >> wait until you meet his family. great moment. >> first let's get some news from josh. speaking of, we'll begin there with the continuing crisis is on the korean peninsula. the u.s. shifting its position to a degree. secretary of state john kerry says the u.s. is prepared to hold direct talks with north korea, only if the regime abandons its nuclear weapons program. kerry says north korea doesn't have to eliminate the program altogether. just stop expanding it. today, the nation begins a three-day holiday. in honor of the country's founder. there is concern it will launch a missile to mark the holiday. meanwhile, here at home, the fbi may be closing in now on the killer of two of the kprosecutos in texas and the wife of one of them. eric williams is being held on an unrelated charge of threatening the residents of kaufman, texas. investigators believe he had motive for murder because district attorney mike mclelland and his assistant d.a. helped to convict williams of theft before they were murdered, along with mclelland's wife. new video this morning. a boeing 737 crashed in the water, split in two, while trying to land in bali this weekend. investigators are looking into whether a powerful downdraft similar to wind shear may have caused the lion air crash. and a new york woman in custody this morning with stalking actor hugh jackman. he was working out at his gym, she rushed him crying and screaming that she wanted to marry him. even more frightening for jackman, she pulled what looked like a weapon out of her purse and hurled it at him. turned out to be an electric razor. police say she's approached his family in the past. and, wow, take a look at this. a remarkable performance for jackie robinson at the box office this weekend. "42" took in over $27 million. the best opening ever for a baseball film and fitting. 66 years ago today, robinson debuted for the brooklyn dodgers, presaging the country's civil rights era, breaking baseball's color barrier in the offing. and finally, a play of words. proof that what is good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gorilla. take a look. goose v. gorilla. facing off. looking ugly for the goose. until. >> no way. >> goose goes on the attack. and there comes the other goose. i'm going to guess that they had a nest nearby. this is, when you roll up on a goose protecting a nest, it doesn't matter if you're a big ape. it does not matter. goose wins every single time. you'll stay a safe distance from my goslings, big man, or woman. we don't know. but you will just -- just step it back, hot shot. the goose wins, everybody. >> mama goose wins. >> right now, the gorilla has put in for a transfer. understandably. >> that could have been "play of the day." >> it should have been. time for "pop news." rachel smith in for lara this morning. >> how do i follow that? really? >> you have big news. >> i do. let's get to it, shall we? good morning, everyone. big beyonce news. her huge world tour kicks off today in serbia. she's announcing this morning, she'll be helping goodwill collect donations and raise money when her show comes to the u.s. in june. she's teaming up with her mom and sister to help fight hunger in a campaign called miss a meal. the idea is to get people to skip a meal and donate the money you would have spent to help feed others. >> good. another announcement. this one is about one of the hottest series on tv right now, abc's "scandal." the show winning big in "tv guide's" annual fan favorites contest. it snagged the prize for best drama. it had competition like downton abbey, one of sam's favorites, and "madmen." also going home a winner, kerry washington. i love it. >> a great run. >> congratulations to all. fantastic news. and, a monday zen moment that's gone viral. the monk seal named maka. he spends his days spinning just like that. going in circles. and circles. at hawaii's aquarium. >> that's a real seal? >> it's a real seal. nice sound effects. it's fair to say they don't know why he spins. he does it often and for long periods of time. >> they don't know why. >> they don't know why. it's -- isn't that crazy? he's seven feet long or something. >> he looks really calm. >> we could all learn a thing from maka this monday morning. >> how long does he spin? >> that's terrific. >> isn't it? >> how does ginger follow that up? >> i know, right. hey, ginger, what do you have? >> oh, my goodness, the energy in times square. so wonderful. look at the sign. the art skills. and our favorite, sam champion. we miss him, of course. he would love this. >> let's give it to him. >> let's get right into the weather. he's got a little of everything on his board. we have to get to our boards. it begins with a look at a new storm. this thing going to create severe weather in the middle of the week. in parts of the plains. this could be a bad outbreak. we'll be watching for that. on the top end of it, more snow and cold. look at the numbers. denver, 41 today, 46 on wednesday, 38. oklahoma city >> we've got some beauties from arkansas saying good morning, america. and good morning, rachel. back in to you. >> thank you, ginger. good morning to you. now here's a look at what is ahead on the "gma" morning menu. matt damon renews his vows in a lavish ceremony. with hollywood's "a" list cheering him on. brand-new details ahead. chaos and craziness at the mtv movie awards. the unplanned stunt that took will ferrell by surprise. and maks is back in the ballroom. he and tony are here. first, live on "gma." good morning, guys. all that, and mark wahlberg and nick lachey are here live in times square. 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[ female announcer ] some prescriptions not eligible to earn points. restrictions apply. see website for details. and we're back now with our "gma" -- we're back with kangoos, people trying to get in shape for the summer. we'll have a lot more of that ahead. but right now, the "heat index." the latest misstep from justin bieber. we talked about that before. the global sensation from psy. and the first openly gay player in a professional team sport here in america, could be coming. here to talk about that and more, larry hackett, managing editor of "people" magazine. every week, a new bieber story. this one, a head-scratcher. he's living in a sealed world. >> someone needs to take the keyboard away and now the pen. i've been critical of team bieber and what they've been doing with him on the tour. i think he meant well. by going to the anne frank museum. to say he thought she would have been a pleeb belieber, i think,n poor taste. i have to cut the guy slack. perhaps, if you read the people that were at the museum, her enthusiasm for life. if she was alive, would she have been a fan? >> but to turn it about him. it's a tough thing to get your head around. >> and it's out there. it's written down. and again, coming where from where it's been coming from, it's just bad. bad, bad, bad. >> is anyone talking to him about this? >> where is his mom? his mom could set him straight. >> listen, he has great management. scooter braun, he made this young man who he is. he's had him for all these years. it's a combination of things are getting bigger. and he's 19 years old. happier story. matt damon. you write all about it. renewing his vows. >> here's a guy who on screen you like, and in real life, no way to not like him more. he and his wife met ten years ago. casey affleck, ben affleck, stanley tucci. the cavalcade of people going there. >> they had a civil ceremony initially, right rkts so may never really got to celebrate? >> they never got to have a proper wedding. she's a civilian, which i think people love. >> a nonhollywood type. >> she was a bar tender in miami. they met when he was making a film. they have four kids. a big weekend for psy. i confess, i have not seen the whole video. >> george, george, what have you been doing all weekend? >> is it wrong to say the song is already annoying me? >> it may not be wrong. here's the thing, nobody was asking him to do his acoustic version of the beatles. he's giving people what they want. to me, it's a little more lewd than the first one. a lot of the characters are in here. if you liked him the first time, no reason to think you won't like him the second time. you're laughing. >> it's goofy. >> more than 100,000 people in the stadium when he launched it this weekend in s reoul. >> he broke a 24-hour record for viewers. in the era of like, one-pop wonders. he made it. finally, amy, a big story tonight of "nightline." robby rogers. >> he was on the u.s. olympic soccer team. he was living with a secret. we may think it's crazy that in 2013, it's hard to come out. guess what? no other professional athletes out of the closet in this country. >> he did this a couple of weeks ago. >> he speaks openly about coming out to his family and his fans. and now, the chances of heading back into a locker room an what that will be like for him. he's a lovely young man with a lot of courage. we hope he's paving the way. there are more gay athletes out there but they're not coming out. >> on the anniversary of jackie robinson breaking into major league baseball, so important. >> so many of his friends and teammates were online when he came out. >> we have a long interview with him tonight. can't wait. next up, so many great and unexpected moments last night. many of them involving one will ferrell at the mtv movie awards. abc's linsey davis with all the wins and all the laughs. >> reporter: the mtv awards known for being outrageous. there was one stunt in particular last night that was so unpredictable, it wasn't just a shock on the people watching it. it stunned the stars and the producers of the show. >> once again, thanks, to mtv, but i -- >> reporter: what you're witnessing was never planned. actress aubrey plaza -- >> what is happening? >> reporter: drink in hand -- >> are you okay? >> reporter: bizarrely ran out on stage. the title of her movie on her chest, trying to grab the award. she was then kicked off the studio lot where the show was shot. >> aubrey plaza, everyone. >> reporter: ferrell called her stunt just a lot of liquor breath. welcome to the wacky mtv movie awards. >> it is fun and silly. doesn't take itself too seriously. >> reporter: a very pregnant kim kardashian introduced a performance by selena gomez. ♪ you don't gotta worry it's an open invitation ♪ >> reporter: the trailblazer award went to a very grateful emma watson. >> if you truly pour your heart into what you believe in, even if it makes you vulnerable, amazing things can and will happen. >> reporter: mtv generation award winner jamie foxx acknowledged his family. >> my beautiful daughter, single. >> marvel's, "the avengers." >> reporter: best movie, fight, and villain went to the avengers. bradley cooper, jennifer lawrence won best male, female, and best kiss. taylor lautner accepted the best shirtless performance wearing a fake belly. >> this is the shirtless oscar. >> reporter: rebel wilson won breakthrough performer. >> i got it, i got it. tiger wins. >> reporter: she pushed the boundariestargeting a 9-year-old oscar nominee. >> i like your little bag. it's to cute. what is inside there? oh. gee. >> reporter: this year's show was moved up from june to april to help hollywood to promote soon-to-be-released movies. like "iron man 3" and "the hunger games, catching fire." many are saying one of the biggest winners of the night, will ferrell's three-piece dollar-print suit. perhaps the site itself deserving one of those golden popcorn prizes. he is currently working on "anchorman 2." >> more ron burgundy, more. >> thank you. also burning up the "heat index." the original ballroom bad boy is back. maks returns to the "dancing with the stars" ballroom tonight. we have him and tony with us. live. looks like they've woken up. we're excited about that. we'll talk to them in a moment. but first, take a look. >> welcome to "dancing with the stars," the naked version. this is what our studio looks like without the lights, the costumes, the camera, the action. >> reporter: the ballroom is asleep. about to come alive for one of the biggest dance numbers in the show's history. look who is returning for the special night. >> everybody is back. it is going to be one of the biggest pro numbers we have ever had. celebrities, the show will be amazing. >> things never get boring around here. we have light-up bracelets. >> reporter: pro dancers from the first 15 seasons here, like one big family reunion. >> the dance floor misses you. >> aw, thank you. >> i'm glad you're back. >> yeah, me, too. >> and i'm back, too. ♪ >> reporter: the lights, cameras, music, and notice the colors slowly brighten as monday approaches. 29 dancers and over 100 costumes. a record for tonight's show. >> while the celebrities are dancing, the other celebrities hang out on this balcony supporting one another. yeah,by -- baby! go jacoby! every sunday, we have camera blocking. we work out the choreography, the first time we do it on stage with the lights. the glitz. the glamour. i miss the camaraderie with the guys and the crew. they tell us what looks good and doesn't. you like that one? >> oh, i loved it. >> there you go. what are the things you miss about camera blocking? >> nothing. >> is there where the choreography starts working itself out? >> or when somebody gets killed. >> i feel a really hot pink chick looking at us right now. >> like a sunburn. >> we're blinded right now. wow, look at you, girl. >> and you got the rhinestones underneath. >> reporter: here's a sneak peek at another big first. a dance tonight that will come out of the sky. >> one more time. can you do it again? >> no, thank you. >> all right, and joining us now are tony and maks. thanks for being with us, guys. >> it's our pleasure. >> only for you. >> maks, how does it feel to come back? after all this time? >> uh -- it's not that much time has passed. somebody actually -- i think it was one of the -- one of you -- one of your people yesterday in the interview was like, so, you know, you're back after, what has it been, like ten months? i'm like, no. it really hasn't. >> four months. >> it feels like forever without you on the floor. who will you be dancing with? >> we're doing a big pro number. it's supposed to be the -- it's -- pretty much the biggest we have done so far. >> yep, everybody is back. it's really cool. >> which lacey choreographed. so great job, lacey. i'm dancing with zendaya and val and kobe and karina. >> i'm dancing with ingo and kym and mark and aly. >> so what have you been up to since you and wynonna were eliminated? what have you been doing in the few weeks you have had to relax? >> i have been corresponding for "gma" and "extra." i had my family here. i enjoyed my time off with them. >> anything more you can tell us about the dance tonight? the biggest one ever? >> there will be a zip line, a zorro. a whole bunch of solos by the professionals. the big number we're opening with is like pretty much everybody coming together and just -- it's a big party. "dancing with the stars" is a great representation of how everybody gets along and has a good time. >> hey, tony, what's it like for you having maks back? >> it's excellent. i gotta tell you. my best buddy back. it feels like the good old times again. i have to be honest, i missed him on the dance floor. as soon as he got back, some things went back to being what it should be. >> maks -- oh, there you go. >> look at the bromance. that's so nice. >> maks, who are you handicapping this year? this season? >> zendaya. i have to say, it's going to be a strong final, i think. you know, while i was on set, i overheard some rumors that there might be a different finale this year than there used to be. i'm not allowed to reveal anymore. i think val and zendaya have an amazing chance. i'm in their corner. all the way. i think she's a phenomenal performer. and i think -- i think we're looking at the future beyonce, if i may say so myself. she's incredible. quadruple threat. she does everything. she's so focused. it's amazing. >> she's amazing. but also -- but we also have, this season is full of a lot of talent, too. kellie pickler. jacoby jones. aly. >> so much to look forward to. can't wait for the big performance on monday night. >> watch "dancing with the stars" tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central on abc. 8:00, 7:00 central on abc. >> now from abc7 news. >> today lawmakers will hear a challenge to the arena in san francisco considering legislation that would clear the way for development of pier 30 and 32. opponents say the legislation is too favorable to the warriors and skirts environmental laws. the $1 billion plan calls for waterfront hotel, shopping mall and parking structure. >> on the freeways, leyla gulen checks on the trouble spots. >> you said it, a parking lot headed into san jose along 87 beyond the julian off-ramp. there is plenty of company on the tax day but we have a crash that killed in dublin/pleasanton and this is blocking westbound 42, westbound 80 connection involving a couple of cars. it is packed headed into berkeley. kristen? >> it is windy. we >> we are back. scratchy let? watery eyes in it is pollen count. and gusty winds up to 45 miles per hour possible, and sfo is not affected yet with delays. 54 at oakland the warm spot. 47 in san francisco and 48 in san jose. mid-to-upper 50's today and blustery at the coast low-to-mid 60's for okay, so to get sexy for summer, i'm doing butt lifts in high heels. [ cheers and applause ] >> daphne oz gets sexy for summer. all week long, bringing you great tips for getting in shape for the summer. check it out. all the kangoos are getting going. rachel and ginger checking it out. how does it feel? >> i'm a fan. >> it's cool. i'm liking it. we should get you in on the act. we have diane. a gal from -- >> hi, how are you. >> great to have you here today. >> now, really, what do these do exactly? >> it's a total body workout. you get cardio, strength training with the weights with the boots on. and fun fitness. it's obviously, you're all smiling. >> three minutes. three minutes, my legs are burning. i'm winded already. >> is it great for everyone? >> great for all ages. we have shoes for little babies to grown adults. everyone, all ages, all sizes. >> and you can go to -- >> come up to see -- it's offered at locations all over the country. you can take it. >> oh. >> that's awesome. >> wow, thank you very much. >> we want to mention, we have someone in the studio who is not, what is it, kangooing. is that the verb? >> yes. >> one of hollywood's biggest stars, mark wahlberg to tell us about his new role. he's looking at us like what are those people doing and why am i here? >> what? also this morning, singer, first-time dad, nick lachey, a song from his new album, inspired by the best person in his life, his son. it's called a father's lullaby. but first, rachel here with daphne oz. >> we are. she's the best-selling author of "dorm room diet" and the co-host of "the chew." now she has a new book out tomorrow called "relish: an adventure in food, style, and everyday fun." she's showing us how she fits in a workout and a healthy breakfast in the morning before she heads out the door. oh, tack a like. as the stunning yet practical co-host on "the view" -- it's under 240 calories a sebing. >> reporter: she wants to live well, look good, feel fabulous, without going overboard. this morning, at 5:00 a.m., she's letting me in on a few of her just out of bed preshow health and beauty secrets. ten mint minutes of circuit training. your neighbors love you, too. >> and left. i always wanted to be a drill sergeant. okay, breakfast time. >> yeah zmchlt. >> ready? >> reporter: the next secret is a little fishy. not exactly what i expected at 5:30 a.m. >> cod liver oil is loaded with essential fatty acids for keeping the hair, skin, and nails moisture bound. >> it sounds so incredibly appealing. >> three, two, one. >> oh, really? >> thank you. not that bad. >> thank you. >> another boost. another delicious way to start the morning. with my avocado toast brek fans sandwich. >> reporter: harissa is a traditional paste. what are you getting from the meal? >> the complex carbs from the toast. the healthy fats from the avocado. >> i love this. out the door and on to "the chew" studio. it's 6:00 a.m. >> we have to get moving. we're late. >> let's go let's go. >> what a morning. >> silliness on the set with mario. and relishing in daphne's great secrets. >> are you ready for miss daphne oz? >> see you later. >> a lovely day with daphne. you can see "the chew" at 1:00 eastern weekdays. let's go over to ginner in for sam and a final check of the weather here. go for it. >> whoo! i'm really winded. let's get to the weather forecast. we see, mears, michigan, close to where i come from. thank you, and windthorst, texas, close to wichita false. good to see places around the nation. the day, severe weather worries in oklahoma city, joplin, branson, st. louis. large hail, isolated tornadoes. i can't breathe, i'm telling you. and a spring-like week. washington, d.c., up to 80 on thursday. that is the big picture. >> this weather report brought to you by thomas's english muff f ins. can you help me out? now we have a special guest to mark the day 66 years ago when jackie robinson became the first black player in major league baseball. in honor of jack we rie robinso, every player will wear number 42. we're joined by the star of the new movie, "42," chadwick boseman. you're number one at the box office. it's got the be really satisfying. >> it's satisfying. having a great time. >> you've been to the white house. president obama hosted a screening as well. >> that's right. that's right. it's been amazing just to -- just -- being able to have this movie be appreciated and the cultural significance of it. so so, yeah, the first lady and the president hosted two screenings. >> the movie brings home how tough things were. i want to show a scene where he's getting booed, jeered on the field. and peewee reese, his short stop comes up and talks to him. take a look. >> they can say all they want. we're just here to play ball. >> it's just a bunch of crack pots still fighting the civil war. >> well, hell, we would have won that sun of a gun if the corn stalks held out. we just ran out of ammunition. >> better luck next time, peewee. >> ain't going to be a next time, jack. all we got's right here. >> tough stuff right there. i hear you had to get in shape to play? >> we -- we did some really intense training. they gave me a -- a trainer, phil carlson, who is just an amazing conditioning coach and, um -- then i had baseball coaches. i did two-a-days. baseball practice if the morning and in the afternoon, i worked out with phil. >> and -- no pressure, but jackie robinson's widow comes up to you and says she thought in the original movie, sidney poitier was going to play him. you have to follow in the footsteps. >> no way to live up to that. i said i would work as hard as i could and do my best to honor him and give her a sense of what i knew about him already. and i said, i will research and find out as much as i can. you tell me as much as i can. >> it was so clear on the screen. you did a great job. congratulations on that and all the success. mark wahlberg live here next. well, mark wahlberg is starring in a new action comedy directed by michael bey, "pain and gain." based on a true story about body building personal trainers that learn the hard way that crime doesn't pay. >> learn a lot. it's all business now. >> how many grams of protein do you eat? >> how are you fixed for a job now? >> not good. kind of hard when row got a record. >> i know. >> don't feel real good when mickey d's tell us you you are not fit to work there. >> this is a script based on a true story that is so hard to belief that at one point, you everyone put up, this is still a true story. what did row thing when you saw the script. >> i said, there is no way this is real. i read the article that the script was based on. then i saw the documentary that was made on it. i studied the crimes. >> these are horrible crime. not only did they set out to kidnap for money, they ended up murdering people and the man who you portray is actually on death row along with a cohort. yet, when you're watching the film, we mentioned it's a comedy, there is physical and verbal humor. how important was it to make the characters likable despite the horrible crime. >> it has a lot of humor in it. we never played anything for laughs. we tried to play it as realistic as possible. you can't help but laugh, they're so outrage. for me, it was a lot of fun. you're seeing the movie through the criminals' perspective. you're inside the mind of the criminals. it's interesting pip don't think you have seen it like that before. i don't think you're rooting for them to get away. but it's a train wreck that you can't stop walking. >> you all already have great bodies. but you were beefed up to the max. you gained over 50 pounds. >> 40-something. thank god i was doing all the tests for my own supplement lines. i was able to use all the formulas. i was eating ten meels a day. >> what was the training like. old school heavy weight lifting. i'm not as young as i used to be. a lot of ailments came back. >> you have an interesting story to bring to the table. one thing that your incarceration at age 17 had a huge effect on you. did you channel some of that to play the character? >> absolutely. finally i'm using some of the real-life experience to portray characters in the films. those are things i will never forget. they're close in my mind. it's good to have real-life experience to draw on. >> your story of massic success. theirs, not. >> i think if they got incarcerated early on, they might not have made the decisions. nothing comes without hard work. >> congratulations in order. i want to say, last night, you and seth macfarlane took home an mtv movie award for best on-screen duo for "ted." is there going to be a sequel? >> yes. i had a great time working with him. it will be the first sequel i have made. it will be right after "transformers." >> how do you manage that with everything going on. and four kids? >> no night life. >> the movie is out april 26th. just ahead, nick lachey with a special song. a special audience. he's performing it live on "gma" next. ♪ i count the shadows on the wall ♪ you all remember teen idol nick lachey, don't you, from 98 degrees. it's fair to say time has passed. he's now married to vanessa minnillo, he's a first-time dad. this little guy is not his. ♪ every thought how much i feel ♪ >> reporter: back in the '90s, nick sang of love and life in pop songs that sold millions. now, almost 20 years later. ♪ with a father's lullaby >> reporter: lachey is back with a solo album that celebrates the greatest joy in his life. >> this is camden john lachey. he's almost 7 months old. yea! go, buddy. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ my only sunshine ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ >> as he squirms away. joining us now, nick lachey. you can tell. fatherhood changed you. what's it been like? >> it's awesome in every way. you think you know what is coming. you honestly have no idea. it's far better than anything i could have imagined or predicted. >> the album has eight classic lullabies. and four new ones. >> you're flooded with emotion. i thought, what better way than to get the emotions out than to put them into music, song, dedicate it to my little guy. that's what this is all about. >> we want to hear it. there's also a 98 degrees reunion tour. log on to our website for all the dae tails. now, for his little guy -- >> and all my friends here. >> "father's lullaby." nick lachey, everybody. >> thank you. ♪ remember when i was so small my first memory ♪ ♪ i would count the shadows on the wall too restless to dream ♪ ♪ my dad came in to tuck me in when i couldn't sleep ♪ ♪ and he would comfort me with this melody ♪ ♪ it's my father's lullaby, baby, you don't have to cry ♪ ♪ because it's time to close your eyes, hey, buddy ♪ note it's my father's lullaby now it's yours like it was mine ♪ ♪ but it's time to close your eyes and say good night ♪ ♪ i wonder where the time has gone as i hold your hand ♪ ♪ it seemed like only yesterday you stood where i stand ♪ ♪ now i come in to tuck you in as history repeats ♪ ♪ can i comfort you like he taught me to ♪ ♪ it's my father's lullaby baby you don't have to cry ♪ ♪ cause it's time to close your eyes and say good night with my father's lullaby ♪ ♪ now it's yours like it was mine because it's time to close your eyes ♪ ♪ and say good night cause i know that one day when daylight has gone ♪ ♪ you'll be singing these same words to your little one ♪ ♪ it's my father's lullaby, baby you don't have to cry ♪ ♪ cause it's time to close your eyes and say good night ♪ ♪ with my father's lullaby now it's yours like it was mine but it's time to close your eyes and say good night ♪ ♪ oh say good night ♪ say good night good job, guys! ♪ say good night good job, guys! [ applause ]an) 3 days of walkig to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful thanks for joining the "gma" preschool this morning. nick, great job calming them down. >> thank you. >> thank you. tomorrow on "gma," the tips you need to get sexy for summer. how will we top kangoo bouncers? >> or not, actually. meanwhile, "gma" live if three, two, one. >> now from abc7 news. >> good morning, i am kristen sze. the parents of saratoga high school student audrie pott will hold a news conference. the attorney says they will file a lawsuit over the alleged sexual assault they say low tide her suicide. three teens face felony charges for the attack at a house party last fall. we will check with mike nicco, our meteorologist. >> windy conditions today, up to 45 miles per hour at the beaches and 30 to 35 elsewhere. that is a big story. look how much cooler we are than average. the seven-day outlook is much warmer by thursday. a sig-alert on the san mateo bridge, the screen looks frozen but it is not, the westbound commute, a sig-alert involving a car and a big rig with two lanes closed. one is on. >> thank you, our announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, from the new flick "pain and gain" actor mark wahlberg. and "game of thrones" star hurricane emily. plus, randy jackson takes a turn at the co-host desk. and the latest "american idol" castoff sings for us. all next on the emmy-award winning "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and randy jackson! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] kelly: hello! randy: wow! kelly: oh my goodness. randy: wait a minute, so listen, this is a lyely crowd. i haven't seen this new studio. kelly: oh, you have not seen this studio? randy: this is amazing, the balcony. kelly: randy, are you kidding? [cheers and applause] it is monday, april 15, 2013. michael strahan is on vacation and a well deserved vacation. but don't fear, randy jackson is here! [cheers and applause] randy: that was a rhyme, don't fear, randy is here. kelly: i think about these things, it just comes out of me. what can i say? so welcome back to new york. randy: i love new york, you know i love new york. kelly: i know you do. randy: big city of dreams here. kelly: yes it is. i've got to tell you i love "american idol," i am obsessed with nicki minaj, i do a nicki minaj impersonation. randy: she goes into the accent. kelly: i'm like you are my little ladybug. [laughter] my kids are like, oh my god mom you sound just like nicki minaj. randy: you know what a laddybug kelly: are we talking about the actual laddybug? because that's what i'm talking about. randy: yes, yes. kelly: yes, i know what it is. i was like, why is that some sort of new reference to something? randy: no, we wouldn't do th

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