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biography of cbs news legend walter cronkite looks at his career. >> we begin with today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> breaking news in northern italy where an earthquake is causing buildings to collapse. >> italy is rocked by another deadly earthquake. centered 25 miles northwest of bologna in northern italy. an air canada flight was heading from toronto to japan when one of the engines just shut down. >> police in toronto say that falling chunks of metal from the plane may have damaged at least four cars. >> not something i expected to happen today having airplane debris fall. >> this could be mitt romney's big day at the texas primary. he could get the delegates he needs to become the gop presidential nominee. >> some think really? i mean they keep bringing up the birther issue. >> i don't agree with the people that support me and they don't all agree with what i believe in. >> expelled from countries across the world after massacre of 100 men, women and children. >> a young girl in miami is recovering after a frightening fall at a weekend carnival. >> not even a racing car could stop and get up speed to go through someone's living room. >> all that -- >> make yourself at home in a pool. >> a pocket full of money and drugs and i couldn't get any sex. >> and all that matters. >> master sergeant dave simms recorded his video hello to his family and then surprisingly came out of the dugout. >> on "cbs this morning." >> families in every place in america have a relative -- >> to hecklers out there don't mess with john mccain. >> jerk. >> on "cbs this morning." > families in every place in g." america have a relative -- out >> all of the hecklers out with j there, don't mess with john mccain. >> jerk. funded by >> welcome to "cbs this morning." northern italy was rocked by a deadly earthquake this morning. the second to hit the region in just over a week. >> this latest aftershock caused at least 15 deaths and significant damage around the city of bologna. mark phillips has the story from london. >> good morning. it's the second earthquake to hit northern italy in just over a week and it provides a lesson in just how much damage can be caused in so short a time and how many lives taken. just watch what happens when in these tents people were housed after last week's quake. one loud bang is how residents described it. the quake did more damage to buildings that had been previously damaged last week. this is an area about 25 miles north of bologna. the death toll numbers may increase as rescue teams search through the rubble. it's a sad fact that many of the most beautiful buildings in northern italy are also the most vulnerable to earthquakes and of course sadder still that they t take their toll in human life. >> thank you. after today's texas primary, the republican race for the white house will be over. voters are expected to give mitt are exp romney enough delegates to become his party's nominee. t >> instead of celebrateing, the romney campaign is fighting off a controversy over one of its supporters. bill plante is at the white house. >> reporter: good morning and good morning in the west. tonight after texas votes, it's official mitt romney will reach the 144 delegates and clinch the republican nomination. romney won't be there. he'll be in texas with one of one his more controversial there. supporters. >> how are you? >> reporter: the outcome in texas isn't in doubt so romney romney will be on the money trail money fund-raising in las vegas with donald trump who just a week ago just repeated his challenge to president obama's citizenship.enge last night when asked if he thought twice about campaigning with trump, this is how romney thought tw responded. >> i don't agree with all of the people that support me and i guess they don't all agree with everything i believe in. i need to get 50.1% or more and i'm appreciative to have the help of good people. >> reporter: the obama campaign or hit back with this web ad.ack >> i have read about him. he's an arab. >> no ma'am.d >> reporter: it shows the last republican presidential nominee debunking the rumors on obama was a and calls on romney to do the same.ans on >> reporter: neither romney or the president served in the military, they are working hard to get the military vote. milita romney issued this warning. >> the world is not safe. >> reporter: romney didn't mention president obama by name but he seemed to take a swipe at him for proposing cuts in the military. >> if we were to follow that a kind of course there would be . no one that could stand to protect us. >> reporter: arlington national president cemetery president obama made the opposite case that the country is moving in the right direction. >> we're winding down the war in afghanistan and our troops will our continue to come home. a after a decade under the dark cloud of war we can see the light of a new day on the horizon. >> reporter: this is the first election in years in which neither candidate has served in the military. a new gallup poll shows romney has a big advantage among veterans and leads the president 58% to 34% but the veterans vote is much the same way the rest of the population does and right now unemployment among veterans particularly among recent vets pis several points higher than l poin for everyone else. than for charlie, erica?lse. >> bill plante thank you. >> thank with us now, wall street journal's" columnist peggy noonan. welcome. >> good morning. >> this business about donald morning. trump.are george will over the weekend said why is he doing this? it was >> colorful words. my view is that the romney view i campaign made a mistake.omney camp here is the mistake. there was a certain freak show atmosphere to the republican here to primaries in the past six months or so. now that's kind of over.over. the show is over. mr. romney wins the nomination nom tonight. texas will put him over the top. over it's a good time for him to differentiate himself from the stranger of the republican race. >> how does he do that?o >> one way you don't do that is so i a fund-raiser with donald trump. it's surprising that he did mitt romney this. i suspct mitt romney was old thinking in the old lbj way. he once said cleaning up his language it's better to have people on the inside of the tent aiming out than outside of the ing tent aiming in. >> ronald reagan said it's not what my people believe in but what i believe in. >> reagan got into an interesting point in 1980 when a fringe group came out in robust support of him. that wasn't good for reagan. he was asked by reporters that m. these crazy people are supporting you. he said they may be supporting me but that doesn't mean i'm ting supporting them.ut t that was the end of it. was the >> this from "the washington post" today looking at nomination after texas. the republican party will have selected an unlikely standup arab in 2012 a new englander and party rooted in the south. a party fueled by hot rhetoric. a flip-flopper in a party that demands ideological purity. >> isn't that interesting? that's very well put.y wel >> how did this happen? what does he do now? >> there's a funny thing about mitt romney. his position as he espoused them in '08 and '12 were very very conservative and in line with party orthodoxy of the right of the the party.unny and yet in a funny way he comes across as a classic republican moderate. that's that's an interesting differencetween t between things people stand on t and the way they present s the themselves. >> the right didn't trust him in tr the primaries. >> well you know at the end of at the day he was the guy who was guy always starting out with 30% andilding from building from that. intervi i interviewed him the other day and he said why are you doing well right now?ing well he said i proved myself. he sai we fought in big states. we were ten points behind but we myself toughed it out and we had good campaigns and i kept emerging as the victor. and that is what there's such a strong right with strong views and if you look at the history of their nominees in the past few decades, they to tended to choose the guy they hought thought was more moderate. >> which in many ways is the guy they thought could win. i want to talk about veterans showing greater support for mitt s romney. how important will veterans be e in this race? >> i think it's 18%.rates it's less significant. what's significant is mitt romney's support among veterans that is lopsided. he doesn't carry them by five points or ten points.ts. he's up there around 20 points. do i think it's significant?nk yes. do i consider it shocking? no.king? veterans tend in their impulses ses and their very way of looking at to life to be somewhat co conservative. i don't think they ever fully erstood understood president obama. i'm not shocked. >> peggy, thank you. >> thank you. >> good to see you. egypt's historic election pr turned violent on friday. fire was set to a candidate's campaign headquarters. a u.n. special envoy, kofi annan is in damascus meeting with bashar al assad. a they are blamed for a massacre 1 on friday that killed more than 100 people mostly women and oday tha children. a u.s. official said most of the victims were executed at pointblank range including entire families. officials in canada want to know why an engine apparently fell apart on an air canada flight to japan. th that boeing 777 had to make an emergency landing in toronto on nday a monday after an engine shut down and chunks of debris fell to theth, good m ground. mor >> it's considered one of the f most popular planes out there nicknamed the triple seven. it over the skies of canada anada yesterday, something seemed to go terribly wrong. this is some of the debris ris witnesses say came hurdling oronto through the sky outside toronto on monday smashing into nearby >> it cars. >> it was so hot. you could not touch it. >> not something i expected to happen today having airplane debris fall from the sky. >> reporter: the incident is air under investigation but it appears the charred material wind flew off air canada flight one. air traffic controllers alerted the flight. found >> apparently police have found 2:0 debris. >> reporter: the plane took off just after 2:00 p.m. eastern on monday. jet the jet lost one engine shortly engine after takeoff forcing the pilot to circle around lake ontario an for an hour dumping fuel before el befor safely making an emergency landi landing at 3:53 p.m. >> we came in very fast. again, at least twice the normal speed. >> reporter: this passenger was mid air when he found out m something was wrong.nd he snapped these pictures after napped the landing. after >> we pulled off to a special area. fire crews and i'm taking pictures for my son thinking this is cute having no idea that m something fell off our plane and this we were lucky to have landed at all. >> reporter: investigators collected some of the debris monday and are also expected to tigators take a close look at the plane p itself. >> these types of failures are extremely they'll tear down those engines part by part and piece by piece sur to make sure they can understand exactly what happened during this failure. reporter: >> reporter: no injuries have been reported and air canada is canada promising a full investigation.ation. it will try to determine whether the flying debris did in fact come from that plane. the transportation safety board in canada will lead the investigation. erica and charlie? >> seth thank you. tropical depression beryl could pick up steam as it moves back toward the atlantic ocean. it's expected to move northeast toward the carolinas by tomorrow. beryl came ashore early yesterday in jacksonville. packing strong winds and dumping several inches of rain on the region. tens of thousands ss lost power. region minor flooding but no injuries congress is getting new warnings about the fiscal clip coming at the end of this year. that's when tax cuts and unemployment benefits run out and automatic budget cuts kick in unless congress takes action. former treasury secretary robert rubin writes about this. the election is economics and who can deal with the economy in the future. what impact will europe have on this and what are the dangers that it could unravel even more and leap across the pond? >> in a word charlie, think theleap acros leaders in europe have been behind the curve from the e b beginning. it's troubled right now. i think that unless they come together to provide a political o solution to current ulties, th difficulties, i think the risks are that this could get worse as time goes on and i think as as matters get worse in europe, i e think it creates a real possibility particularly there's cr a contagion of spain and italy getting involved a real possibility that could affect t the global economy including the united states and if greece were to pull out, i think probability is very high that would have serious contagion effects across the eurozone and that in turn could have serious adverse impacts to the united states and around the world. >> there is serious consideration that today more people are taking it seriously. more p >> the problem is greece is a problem from the very beginning. pr instead of addressing this at e the beginning which is what european political should have ssing done, it's gotten worse and worse and worse and they are having difficulty finding a solution of greece coming out of the i think the probability of greece leaving eurozone is probably less than 50-50. even if it stays within the euro eurozone, problems are enormous enor and that could create contagion and cause bank runs and spain and elsewhere and if that happens, i think it has in spa potential probability but not certainty of having serious negative impacts here. >> let's talk about your piece to in the journal. you talk about this the best best political environment for real fiscal action in a long time. do you really see something really concrete long-term happening?ong t >> well that's a very good question. as i say in the piece. i think there are three broad possibilities in the face of the circumstance that charlie mentioned before.ies. number one congress does would nothing. that would cause -- congressional budget office said that would lead to a recession next year.year. probability of that is low. number two, as most people thinkhat which is that dysfunctionalty in down congress they'll kick issues down the road and that will conti continue where we've been that may not have an effect but hav there's a real possibility that the markets and more importantly the economy could respond negatively to that. to and of course long-term that continues a dangerous situation. the third possibility, which i think is a realistic possibility is that two parties in congress would finally decide in face of rty difficult circumstances to reachch across party lines and reach a sound resolution of our fiscal situation which could have bu favorable effect on the economy but it has to be done the right krks way which is a ten-year program. >> the major debate will be over how to raise revenue. we hear tax the wealthy more. would that do enough? >> what i think we should do is exactly what you said. we should raise top rates to where they were under president said. clinton and under president clinton we had longest economic reside expansion in nation's history. that won't be sufficient. sufficient further measures will have to be be taken. i think bowles-simpson had the n right idea in that respect. v bowles-simpson wanted to make s and adjustments. if you take top rates back to where president clinton had, there were additional revenues then obtained by limiting some of those deductions and credits and you could get adequate revenues. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> nice to be with you. ored by >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by bp. the jury in the john >> the jury in the john edwards trial goes back to work after a lecture from the judge. we'll look at the deliberations and why the behavior of some of the jurors is becoming an issue in the case. more than a year after the tsunami in japan, disaster reaches all of the way to alaska. >> this beach we're looking at here is at least 50 miles of this. and there are hundreds and hundreds of tons of debris on this beach. >> we're back to show you what might be coming to the west coast. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by oc it's cookout season, and we honor this all-american tradition with the red, white, and blue. ocean spray cranberry, white cranberry, and blueberry juice cocktails. 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oh my goodness me. he's wanted for questioning by the l.a. sheriff's department. i know. apparently bieber had an altercation yesterday with a photographer. it's true. bieber went mel gibson on some dude's ass. he's on the lam and he's considered armed and adorable. >> armed an adorable like charlie rose. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." after a break from memoirrial day, the injury in the john edwards trial returns for its seventh day of deliberation this morning. there are questions on the deliberations and also questions on the behavior of some of the jurors. >> anna werner is covering the trial. anna what's happening? >> reporter: as you said they come back from the holiday weekend with the same burden deciding on the six felony counts of john edwards. the judge is going to start the day a little bit different today. they're discussing what was described by the judge as a juror matter. they don't know what it is because spectators were kept out of the courtroom. meanwhile there's a couple of odd things that happened. number one, one of the alternate jurors ss seemed to be flirting with edwards. others noticed. and some of them dressed alike. on thursday they wore yellow. on friday they all wore red. we don't know why, but they appear to be having a good time. meanwhile the actual jury does ot appear to be having fun. some look tense, frustrateded on what are complicated charges here. we'll be watching again today to see what happens, whether they get any closer to a verdict. charlie and erica? >> 48 hours' correspondent erin moriarty and analyst jack ford. what's going on? >> here's what you have to keep in mind. if you try cases for a living if you chronicle cases iffer a living, one of the first things you realize, you have no clue what's going on in a juror's mind. we talked about a juror smiling at someone. the first case i ever prosecuted, from the very beginning, i've got the foreman, he's nodding at me smiling, i thought, he's with me. turns out we go in. from the very first moment he said i'm voting against the prosecution. what i learned is he liked me. he didn't like my case. so you really -- you can't read into their gestures and say definitively this is what this means. >> and it's not really unusual for a federal corruption case to go this long. blagojevich's, he had two trials. the first one went 14 days and there was a mistrial. the next went ten days in deliberation. you really can't tell. the one thick i think is clear is the defense attorneys did tell the jury please do not look at our client. he may be a bad husband, but he didn't commit any crime. think obviously they didn't go right back in and convict him, so they're really taking a look at the evidence. >> jurors, i think, learned that high-profile cases, the o.j. sim simpson case. the great criticism of the trial was it was nine hours. i think jurors are working very hard. they're saying we're going to take our time whatever time is necessary. >> there is a question of these alternate jurors and showing up in the same outfits two days in a row. that seems odd. >> they are totally bored. you realize they are not included in any of the deliberations. they're sitting around day after day. they could get called in if you lost a juror, so they have to stay there. can you imagine? so they're sitting around going, okay, what are we going do tomorrow? let's all wear yellow. let's all wear red. what else are you going to do? they're there all day. it did strike me also that one of the things jurors really have to deal with in this case, here you have the u.s. government not really agreeing on whether these were illegal campaign contributions, you have the campaign contributor saying they're not illegal. they don't have to be listed on financial statements be you have the justice department to do. so what are you expectings from 12 jurors to be able to look at this very complex law. >> so that's what's taking so much time. >> they have -- interestingly they don't have to figure out the facts in this case. everybody kind of know what the facts are. they have to figure do the facts fit within the parameters of what the prosecution says the law is. as erin says you're not even getting agreement among the federal authorities which is a recipe -- again, you dmoejts what the jurors are going do. it could be there's one person but when you have one person it could be a recipe for a hung jury because people are looking at it saying if they don't agree, how can we. >> is a hung jury a victory for john edwards? >> always for the defense. your mantra is anything but a conviction. you know what? if this jury hangs, you sit down as his attorney and say why do we have do it again. you guys gave this your best shot. it didn't work. you want to find out what the numbers were. how many were leaning toward acquittal. if you have to try it another time, as a prosecutor i always felt it was better to retry a case because you knew exactly what the roadmap was and the defense was going to do. >> that happened in the blagojevich case. that's exactly what happened. they had fewer counts and they did convict him on 17 counts. they had 23 the first time around. >> we're not done talking about it yet. thanks very much. last week we showed you how the debris from the tsunami is washing up onshore. we take a look at the damage on one alaskan i land. we'll show you radioactive damage too. that's all ahead. you're watching "cbs this morning." i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips throat or tongue stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer. 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[ male announcer ] at banana boat, we test our broad spectrum sunscreen so it stays on in conditions like pool water... wind... sweat, even 100-degree heat. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. we've got you covered. living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ...could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you... ...with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra,... ...humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems,... ...serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against... ...and help stop further joint damage with humira. this morning there's new evidence of the results from the tsunami. bluefin tuna had ten times the radiation as normal. and they say the radiation from japan's fukushima nuclear plant which was crippled by the tsunami. the fish is still considered safe enough to eat. scientists say it's first time that a large migrating fish has been found to carry radiation such a long distance. >> much of the debris from the tsunami will reach the west coast in october. as we reported last week it's already hitting the shores of alaska. >> doug wentz there to show us a growing mountain of trash. >> reporter: on a clear spring day, the alaskan coast can seem glorious in its rugged isolation. take a closer look at the beach and the sense of isolation disappears. trash sit among the island. it's one of first places in america being hit by debris that was swept into the ocean by the japanese tsunami more than a year ago. chris pallister who runs annual beach clean-ups in alaska says debris commonly washes up here but never before like this. >> this beach we're looking at here is at least 50 miles of this, and there are hundreds and hundreds of tons of debris on this beach. >> reporter: when the tsunami destroyed entire villages in japan, millions of tons of debris ended up in the ocean. much of it sank quickly, close to shore. but it's estimated that 1.5 million tons remain afloat carried by wind and current, it's been making its way across the pacific ever since. the beach is littered with fishing floats and these huge chunks of urethane foam used as inslation in buildings in japan. then there's these sort liquid containers with japanese writing on them. driftwood has been washing up on the beach for centuries but this is new. >> we can tell there's more because we do monitoring projects on an annual basis. >> reporter: pal ister runs this. >> we really have poured our heart full into this and it's hard. that's all we do. this is definitely out of a building building. >> reporter: pallister says every piece of debris they pick up will be a reminder of tragedy. >> you think of the horrible destruction that people in japan suffered but it doesn't make it any easier to take here. >> reporter: when a basketball turned up on the shore it was traced back to a japanese middle school destroyed by the tsunami. alicia who found the ball is preparing to send it back. thenational oceanic oceanic & atmospheric administration is running models to determine where the wreckage from japan will end up. nancy wallace is the head of the program. >> we think there's a large area of the united states that can be affected by the debris. certainly the west coast, alaska, hawaii even british columbia and dan. >> reporter: wallace says over the next year the debris could hit washington oregon and california. >> the pacific ocean is huge so vast, and the debris dispersed throughout the ocean. it's certainly possible that the amount of debris could be higher than expected. these are estimates. >> what we're seeing is probably just a speck of what went out. >> reporter: fisherman there are plenty of reasons to eat a good breakfast. here's another one. latest research shows it could lower your risk of diabetes. that's next on ""healthwatch." 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[ woman ] for the london olympic games our town had a "brilliant" idea. support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ ♪ good old summertime is a good thing for bear. a family in los angeles took this. bear dipping and relaxing in the pool. when the bear was done he got up walked back in the woods. perhaps told his friends about the great view. probably said next time you - should come back with me. not too shaby. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> there's a lot more on walter cronkite. there's a fabulous new biography with details. >> the author douglas brinkley is here and he'll tell us why he believes cronkite's tv appearance was a fluke. first it's time for cbs "healthwatch." here's dr. holly phillips. >> good morning. in today's "healthwatch," the benefits of breakfast. we've all heard the saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day but there's more echd that it's true. a study shows eating breakfast can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes diabetes. researchers following men for 16 years. they tracked things. those who skipped breakfast on a regular basis had a 26% greater risk of developing diabetes than those who didn't. while the link isn't entirely clear, the thee isory is that breakfast helps to stabilize the blood sugar throughout the day. it can improve your mood memory, and energy levels and studies show that eating a satisfying breakfast can control weight to prevent snacking throughout the entire day. feel free to wake up and smell the coffee but have something to eat with it. i'm dr. holly phillips. >> announcer: cbs "healthwatch" brought do you by ensure. ensure is a part of your healthy diet. ensure, nutrition in charge. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. 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[ male announcer ] if your kids like movies with animals... ♪ ♪ ...action heroes... ♪ ♪ ...sing-alongs or whatever else then you and your family will love netflix. netflix lets you watch unlimited movies and tv episodes on your pc or tv via game console or other devices connected to the internet. search by age, or character, and get information that helps you make the right choices for your family. it's instant, it's unlimited. and it's only 8 bucks a month. start your free trial today. ja hey hey, gayle, what's coming up in the next hour. >> charlie, you're so excited. welcome back. we missed you. >> i missed you too. no, not really. >> i understand. i understand. it's dhas went on for nearly two decades that started with a love triangle, ended with a deadly shooting of an nfl player who troy roberts wept to see in jail and we'll have an update on that. he's been called the best golf player in america. i know that charlie's exacted that butch harmon is here and after meeting butch and his lovely wife christy understand >> time for the news headlines from cbs five. the dumbarton bridge is once again carrying commuters between fremont and menlo park. it was closed for the holiday weekend to let them do earthquake retrofit work. it reopened early this morning ahead of schedule. it is expected be close to another weekend later this year. a police investigation after firefighters found a marijuana growing operation in a house that was on fire. there was no >> let's take you live to the bay bridge where we have partnered up with ac transit to give you a live look at conditions across the upper deck. no delays, and i just checked the toll plaza and them very quiet as you work your way through there. towards the san mateo bridge we hear reports of a broken-down vehicles stuck in the lane as you approached the high rise on the westbound side of the san mateo bridge. >> you may have noticed on that transit camera, a lot of low clouds and fog. that is what we are dealing with this morning. temperatures mostly in the low 50s. 53 in oakland and 46 in santa rosa. by this afternoon we will see sunshine and warm things up to the low 60s. here's a look at this country was built by working people. the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪ ♪ from dallas texas, apparently official president kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. central standard time, 2:00 eastern standard time. some 38 minutes ago. vice president johnson has left the hospital in dallas but we do not know to where he has proceeded. presumably he will be taking the oath of office. >> and that's the way it was almost 50 years ago. if you were watching that day you will never forget walter cronkite announcing the death of president kennedy. it's 8:00. welcome back to cbs this morning. i'm gayle king. >> i'm charlie rose. walter cronkite covered that story and many more in his career, he became the most trusted man in america, now the cbs news legend is the subject of a new biography. >> "cronkite" written by news consultant doug glast brinkley who joins us with a very big book. >> good morning. >> i look at that tape and so much part of my dna i lived in turkey as a kid but the only news cast we watched when we came back to the states was walter cronkite and to read in your book it was almost a fluke he got into television. >> that's right. the big deal was radio and he was a print reporter trying to get into radio and edward r. murrow wanted to recruit him during world car ii to be the cbs voice from stalin grad he did a handshake agreement with murrow that he would go on radio but he ended up blowing murrow off and stayed with united press and then by 1950 the korean war came and cronkite thought he could be a foreign correspondent and instead he was shoved in a broom closet to do beginning television for wpoc in d.c. nobody knew if television news was going to work. it did. it took the country by storm in the eisenhower area and cronkite rose with the tide. >> when you look at this extraordinary career two things that stand out, one that, but the sense of all the election coverage as well but also the moment in which he said that -- talked about what lyndon johnson famously said. >> cronkite was for the vietnam war in '65, '66, and '67, gone in '65 and got toured and too enamored with the military machinery, the airplanes and the grenades and all, and so he came back saying we're going to win this thing we're the united states. morley safer said walter they're lying to you in '65. cronkie befriended morley they were very, very great friends, but by '68, cronkite went and really talked to the vietnamese people, talked to homeless people and refugees and soldiers on the ground and recognized not only was the war probably immoral but johnson was lying to him and he went on tv on cbs report at night, not during his half hour broadcast, and called it a stalemate and the ripple effect was gigantic ostensibly lbj said to his press secretary if i've lost cronkite i've lost middle america. my policies were not going to be effective. >> who was the walter cronkite that you introduce us to that millions of americans did not see on television? >> well, first off, he was obsessed with news reporting, as a kid he was a paperboy in kansas city he loved the wire service. one of his great skills he was like a jaguar leaping to grab those wire reports. you know you got the elbow walter to grab -- he wanted the first crack at all of those because you break news when you're doing that. the real man, he was everything everybody thinks he was, the nice -- there was nobody he didn't want to talk to a very democratic spirit. >> you said he was very curious. >> hugely. >> very curious guy. >> curious about how machines particularly worked and space he was so good at it. edward r. murrow was going after joe mccarthy in the '50s cronkite after sputnik got on military aviation and was able to do the broadcasts of alan shepard and john glenn and the moon race when he did this marathon broadcast for "apollo 11" and what's cronkite going to say when armstrong steps on the moon and there was a lot of talk about it and all he said was, my golly, i'm speechless. people loved him for that. in his private life he loved drinking, the old boy's club endless amount of friends. it's hard to get anybody that knew him that didn't like him because he didn't take himself too seriously and his wife betsy wouldn't let his ego get too big. he was grounded. kept his wristwatch on central time even when he was in new york. >> he famously visited george clooney at lake cuomo and places like that knew a lot of very famous people. >> i interviewed clooney's father who used to be the anchor man in cincinnati and clooney family, they were one of walter's closest friends, george clooney has done a number of nice things for walter including picking up tabs if he found out walter was in a restaurant, his father would tell him and he would buy the meal and also have him as you mentioned go to lake cuomo. they would go swimming together. >> you showed he was a very human being too, you said he liked drinking and talked a little bit about stripteases, there was a whole other side of walter cronkite we did not know that said he still became the most trusted man in america, how? >> because look he was dubbed that in 1972 and look at the history of the '60s, nobody trusted anybody. i mean young people were rioting and angry at their parents, everybody thought lyndon johnson and mcnamara lied nixon and agnew were liars, so the trust factor was corroded and there was walter cronkite coming in beaming, breaking through the glass in your living room telling you the news day after day. a george clooney only has to sell one movie a year you pay and watch him for two hours but cronkite had to be a steady eddie, he had to be comfortable with him in your bedroom and living room and people were. >> what was his life like after he stepped down from the anchor's desk some. >> he deeply regretted it. he did the right thing in the sense, he quit at 64. back in those days 1981 65 was the age you had to quit. we don't abide by that. >> we're glad that's over. >> you remember that was part of the deal in life. >> yeah. >> and about six months later he regretted. he had a show called "universe" smart show like "nova" on pbs, tried to run it on prime time never took off and dan rather never really wanted cronkite's persona around because he had to make it on his own. >> interesting. >> and he was frustrated professionally frustrated but enjoyed sailing all over the united states and of his yachting stories of walter cronkite are famous. >> interesting dynamic between walter cronkite and dan rather and i did not know this charlie, he was the first host of cbs in the morning show. i didn't know that. and had a puppet named charlemagne. >> on the show with him. >> yeah. >> he would talk to the puppet walter cronkite. >> i can't imagine that. >> keep in mind cronkite would be anything in the '50s to get space time. game shows, he did you were there, historical re-creations anything to make it and a former pro football player now a convicted killer says he can prove he's innocent. we'll hear what he told "48 hours" about the murder of a california millionaire. you're watching "cbs this morning." you're watching "cbs this morning." 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what if there's always an excuse why i can't? what if i can't follow through? what if i fail? shhh. there's only one voice worth listening to and that's the one saying you can do this. i'm standing here still in control of my weight with weight watchers telling you to believe in that voice. join for $1. weight watchers. believe. because it works. hello, st. louis. looking good with the arch. this morning a dramatic twist in the story that "48 hours" mystery has been covering the past two years. a california jury convicted former nfl linebacker eric naposki last july for a murder he says he did not commit. >> recently naposki asked troy roberts to visit him in prison saying he is now ready to reveal the identity of the real killer. >> i am exposing myself i am exposeing my family my children to harm. there's a murderer walking on the streets. >> reporter: eric naposki's story and ours begins nearly 20 years ago in one of the wealthiest enclaves of america. >> newport beach has it all. >> reporter: orange county prosecutor matt murphy. >> beautiful homes a lot of money in newport. >> reporter: and bill mclaughlin a wealthy business man enjoined the privileges. >> he had a boat he had a private plane, he had a beautiful bayside home. he had two beautiful daughters and a handsome young son. he had a nice lifestyle. >> reporter: mclaughlin was a divorced father of three when he got involved with his woman, the much younger nanette johnson. his daughters were horrified. >> i said dad, i don't really like her. i think she's with you for your money. >> she knew how much he was worth? >> yes. definitely. >> reporter: in spite of the warnings after about a year of dating mclaughlin proposed. >> and she told everyone she was his fiancee say. >> he had a whopper of a ring. >> reporter: he even wrote her into his will. right before christmas. >> december 15th 1994 bill mclaughlin came home from las vegas, went into the kitchen for some reason and unbeknownst to him he was about to die. the killer shot him six times. and then fled. >> reporter: detective tom voth remembers bill mclaughlin's then fiancee nanette johnson had an alibi. >> did her alibi check out? >> not completely. >> reporter: turns out nanette had a secret a big one. >> eric naposki. >> reporter: a professional football player who thought nanette was his girlfriend. >> you can only imagine it was such a shock to all of us. >> reporter: police believe eric and nanette plotted to kill mclaughlin for his money but it would take 15 years for prosecutors to have enough evidence to charge them with murder. in two separate trials eric and nanette were both convicted and that's where we thought the story would end. but it didn't. eric naposki says he's finally ready to tell the truth about what really happened and who is truly responsible for the murder of bill mclaughlin. >> i might wear handcuffs and i might be locked up but i'm no criminal. there's a person out there who actually committed a crime and today i'm going to tell the world who really did it and prove my innocence. >> sold. i've set my dvr because i'm not going to be home when you're coming on tonight so i set my dvr before i left home. this is what i don't get, troy. if you know who committed it, why would you spend a day in prison to protect someone snels. >> i asked him that same question, gayle. if i knew who the real killer was i would be screaming from the mountain tops. he said no one would believe him until he had the evidence to prove his claims. he did not get that evidence until nanette's trial after she was convicted he had thousands of pieces of discovery available to him and he was able to piece together his case. he presented us with bank transfer statements from nanette to the alleged hitman in the weeks leading up to the murder as well as phone calls between the two of them. he had the phone records. he didn't have any of this until her trial. >> he was able to gather the case while he's behind bars? >> right. >> did you believe him? whatever it is did you believe him? >> he's -- i visited him three times, been there three times and he's a complicated guy. he's straight out of central casting with the shaved head and presence, 63!'6"presence,'6" 3250 pounds. he makes a persuasive argument. last week i was in los angeles working another story where a man was wrongly convicted of murder and spent 27 years in prison and i interviewed him - when he was released. so those kinds of cases are always in the back of my mind you know. >> what does he plan to do with all of this information? >> yeah. >> his defense team is investigating, the orange county police department are investigating his claims. his sentencing has been delayed while everyone's looking into this. >> okay. >> but his defense team is considering filing a motion to vacate this conviction or a new trial. >> quick question for you, too. so the woman was the fiancee at the time. so what is the benefit to killing this man? i mean how would you have been able to get any money if they weren't married yet? >> she was written into the will. she stood to make millions of dollars. >> this person who naposki says is the real killer, you are going to reveal that information? >> firing a hollywood producer who was a business acquaintance and eric said this guy had connections and for $50,000 he killed bill mclaughlin. >> all right. >> to find out who it is we have to watch your full report. >> you tease, troy roberts. >> he told us it was a hollywood -- >> we got a little something. we're making inroads. >> we have ways of making you talk. >> you can see troy's full report "murder in the oc" on 48 hours mystery tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central on cbs. >> university of maryland orchestra, a place i know well drawing big crowds with sound tracks of -- wait for it -- video games. it's true. you're watching "cbs this morning." tracks of video games. you're watching "cbs this morning." nnou this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by prudential. there are no obstacles, only challenges. prudential, bring your challenges. we don't have a word for retirement. in the latino community the word that we use is jubilation. as you're getting older, you should be able to do the things that you love. hershey's air delight. experience light and airy, melty bubbles. made from pure, delicious hershey's milk chocolate. hershey's air delight. all multivitamins give me the basics. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. at the cardinals/braves game in atlanta the ar subsequent appeared on a scoreboard. his family thought he was still in afghanistan wrapping up a six-month tour. turns out sergeant sims came home a week early and surprised his wife and four children. welcome back to "cbs this morning." you know now matter how many of those we see, they never get old. >> we never, ever get tired of seeing them. >> it's a great moment. >> it's fun to watch people. >> butch harmon who helped tiger woods and greg norman might number one and kevin bleier an emmy winning writer for the"the daily show" with jon stewart. they're going to give us tips on comedy. they're doing the comedy. kevin is doing the golf when "cbs this morning" returns. first, your local ne >> time for some news headlines. caltrans finished work on the dumbarton bridge with two hours to spare this morning. the bridge had been closed during the three day holiday weekend for earthquake retrofitting. caltrans expects to make another weekend closure later this year. the san francisco ethics commission makes key decisions today in its hearing against suspended share of ross mirkarimi. among the issues are whether to allow live witnesses. mirkarimi was suspended without pay by mayor ed lee after he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor in a domestic violence incident. facebook could get the go ahead tonight to expand its new campus in menlo park. it is scheduled to review the environmental impact report. facebook could eventually [ alarm beeping, motor revving ] [ motors revving ] ♪ ♪ [ motor turns over ] [ liquid pouring ] [ chain saw buzzing ] [ male announcer ] what if everything ran on gas? then again what if everything didn't? the 100% electric, zero-gas nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. ♪ ♪ >> let's go straight to the bay bridge toll plaza where the metering lights have been turned off. very quiet and no delays at all as you work your way across the toll plaza. elsewhere we have a few minor fender benders. reports of an accident on 980. eastbound 14th street on 16th avenue look out for an accident with one or more lanes blocked. southbound 101 has to approach 580, backed up by passed there, no delays during on the way to the golden gate bridge >> we have areas of low clouds and fog a especially along the coast. all of that should burn off by later this afternoon. by this afternoon, sunshine for the most part and temperature's warming up to the 60s along the coast. beginning welcome back to "cbs this morning." butch harmon has been in the golf game for more than 40 years. he's good too. as a teacher he's worked with some of the best golfers ever. >> they include greg and phil mickelson and tiger woods. i'm pleased to have butch harmon in the studio. welcome. >> charlie, when you say "pleased to have," you really mean it. >> this is very important. i say to all of my friend especially women, learn to play golf.- tell her why you think that's a great thing to do. >> the beauty of golf is it's a great understanding of yourself how you handle different situations, how your personality deals with different situations and it's very challenging, and i think you'd enjoy it because you like challenges. >> i to like challenges but i've always heard you can tell a lot by a person, how he or she plays a game how they react to other people and how they react when things don't go well. it tells you anything. >> let me jump in on her question. taking what she just said apply it to tiger woods. >> well tiger woods was grammed to be who he is. i mean his father earl woods saw tremendous talent at a young age and he groomed him to be the superstar he was today. he was on "the mike douglas" show when he was 3 years old. he was in the lime light all these years. he had great instruction from his youth. whether it be from rudy or myself and through mental preparation too. >> but what she just said you can tell something about a person by the way they play golf. what can you tell about tiger by the way he plays golf today? >> i think the tiger we see today is a little lost compared to the past. i they because he's going through another revamp of his swing. when you think about tiger woods and his greatness, when i started with tiger, he was 17. we went through two different revamps of his swing and he went through haney. the average person would say why would someone that good do that. because he has this burning desire to always get better and he's never satisfied with where he is. >> what's wrong with that? >> absolutely nothing wrong with that but it takes time. it takes time to change. you look at tiger. he's had four knee suchries so many off course problems and all of these things enter into your nervous system and your psyche and your competence level. >> do you believe as i do that he'll win another major? >> i'm not -- >> i believe it too, guy snas i'm not sure he'll be able to break jack nicklaus's record. heeb got to break five more to break the record and against this competition, that will be difficult. >> you have said butch harmon that you want to touch every golfer put people in every golf situation imaginable. do you believe that anybody can learn,000 play this game? >> sure. >> do you? >> gayle i'm going to explain to you why i thng you would love golf. golf is for any age. you can start very young. i'm almost 70 years old. you can play well into your older years. it's game you can enjoy doing, play with your friends. >> play alone. >> playing alone is fun. you get out there and practice. even charlie knows. he probably goes out in the evening and plays a little bit. >> i do. >> charlie loves the game. >> but the beauty of it is the little ball doesn't move until you move it and there's where all the rewards come from and that's where all the negative things come from also. >> but clearly people trust you though. you were named the best teacher for 11 consecutive years. the people that you have on your tape, greg nor man, even tiger word, i think people clearly respect and admire the work you do. >> thank you for saying that, gayle. >> i believe that. >> i came from a great golfing family. my father was one of the great masters in 1948. i played the tour myself in the late '60s, '70s. i have an understanding of tour players, what they're going through out there and think it's helped me. >> let's assume you're the best golf instructor among the top three, say. what is it you see? how do you see a swing, whether it's phil mickelson or whether it's charlie rose? what are you looking for? >> to me i have a good eye. i see things -- i can't tell you why i see them. my wife says it's a nightmare to go to a movie because i see every flaw in the movie. all of a sudden i see 50 things at once and it just clicks. what i see in your swing that isn't right that causes all the problems that isn't right jumps out at me and then you have to articulate it to the individual. i go back to the way my father taught my brothers and i. he said you have to teach golf at a second grade level, meaning a second grader can understand it. thing people today make it too complicated. > so when the great ones have something go wrong with their game, what do you see? what happens to people who have had more than 10,000 hours oven the golf course? >> you go back to great fundamentals, grip alignment. the work i did with ernie els. you go back to basic fundamentals. then you look at what someone does naturally. i don't want to take way what someone does naturally. you try to improve on it. the teaching is to do one or two things and let the others fall into place. >> butch, before you came and i saw charlie do something i've never seen him do before he was over there by the desk, i said charlie. he's practicing the golf swing and when you walked in he said how do i look. what did you say to him? >> tarecking too much on the inside. >> anybody can learn. really, really nice to see you. >> it's my pleasure. i wake up to you every morning, my wife christine and i. we love your show. >> thanks. >> b [ male announcer ] what if we told you the 100% electric nissan leaf was the perfect car for you... that you can charge it at home like your smartphone... that you'll never have to buy another tank of gas? 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[ female announcer ] check out and learn how to get a nissan leaf for as low as $25,200. ♪ ♪ president john f. kennedy was born 95 years ago today. two years ago a piece of his 45th birthday cake was sold at an auction at more than $6,500. the birthday party was the one where marilyn monroe sank happy birthday, mr. president breathlessly. that comes to us from our friends at mental. so is the music used in their soundtracks. >> in fact it's opened up a whole new field of music appreciation if you will. at whit johnson reports, you don't need a wie or an and box to enjoy it. >> you listen to a 123-piece orchestra. it wasn't the music of beethoven or strauss they heard. but arrangements for a video game loon sonics for head hogs. it was part of the largest dedication ever at major museum to the art of video games. >> games are a hybrid of a lot of different forms of art. you can have a beautiful game with a wonderful story but if the soundtrack isn't con grunlt with the game itself then something's just going to seem off. >> reporter: joel guttman plays trombone for the university of maryland's symphony orchestra. it's evoked a power of nostalgia in addition to being a fan of the games i've been a fan of the music too. >> reporter: he's a far more serious gamer. how into video games? are we talking like up until midnight, 2:00 in the morning in the dark by yourself for hours on end? >> there have been many instances of that. it's -- it's pretty much my pastime of choice. >> reporter: made up of mostly nonmusic majors the gso is more club than conservatory but fill for several years they've pack third campus hall with some of their biggest audiences. it can't be ignored. >> they used brilliant strategies including inviting composers of the video games to attend their concerts and they even about had remark success with very, very limbed resources. >> so you guys draw more of a crowd than the upper level symphony bands. >> yeah, that seems to be the case. >> does that surprise you? >> it's certainly interesting but it's not incredibly surprising. people want to hear it and get a lot more excited than a 15-minute long choral by bach. >> reporter: it presents an evolution of the very games they're playing. it is easy to see how animation has advance oefrd the years, but listen closely, and you'll hear just how sophisticated the secondtrack has become. finding that perfect balance of picture and sound is also big biz, producing a new generation of composers like austin. >> it's become a forum to right musi that can stand up with anything else. >> reporter: his most recent score for the game journey debuted on the sound track chart at number 8, one song from the movie "twilight." >> i think games in this exhibit is evidence of that. poised to be the 21st century medium. >> what is it about video game music? >> i'd say it's the -- well for gamers, it's the memory that you have when you play the game and for people who might not have played the game, it's just really beautiful music and anyone can appreciate that. >> reporter: an appreciation that's turning these familiar orchestral sounds into a new era of popular music. for "cbs this morning," whit johnson, washington. >> you know, i never -- i don't play video games. >> me neither. >> we don't have them in our house, but that's so true. when you see the graphics of the ball and the animation, the music is amazing. >> that's what he said. that struck me too, because i'm not a gamer either. charlie, you're the gamer. charlie and atari. this is the things. when he said anybody can have an appreciation for anybody who loves good music that's what i took out of it. i'm not gamer either. what's wrong with us. >> you're inspired by all kinds of sources. i do not play video games that much. i do not play video games too much. i play real games. >> me too. scrabble, anyone? do you think it's time for your the u.s. to have a new constitution? kevin bleier does. guess what he did? he wrote it. we'll talk political comedy when we come back. you're watching "cbs this morning." 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[ male announcer ] citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. every step of the way. types that are giving these. let's hear from mitt romney's base. >> he has a number of problems. >> these are his supporters. for god's sake this is politics, presidential politics. fake it better. >> a proposal on a billboard reading. look deborah, i don't want to pay another month of ee har mo in. come on settle for me. >> that, of course, is jon stewart on "t"the daily show"."" and kevin bleyer is one of the authors who coming up with the funny stuff. >> he is the author of "me the people" who rewrites the constitution of the united states. hi, kevin. >> good to be here. this is embarrassing. i thought we were going to talk golf. >> you thought we were talking comedy. what is your day like? how do you go through this creative thing? >> >> at the show. we wake up watch the news decides what makes us angry or squirrelous or find what's funny there. if it's a big story, we'll do it. if it's something we're yelling at the screen as much as anybody else, we'll go ahead. >> are there ten people around the table who are all funny? >> it's not rocket science. it's much like this table, not round, and, yeah. there's a little dancing on the sniebl but table. >> but you seem to be an equal opportunity offender. it seems there are no sacred cows. >> the thoughts are a sacred cow. >> i'll let that lie. >> right here on this table. but that's what i think is so great about it. even your own agent described you as an intellectually prostitute who will do anything for money. is that a correct characterization of you? >> my agent said that? i didn't know that. this is all news to me. this is the news right sneer kevin, you look at it. you guys recommend to me it seems like nobody is off limits. >> well i mean we don't -- we try to be selective. we don't victimize people who don't deserve to be victimized, if that's what you mean? >> how about this? do you feel a certain responsibility? more an machinery young people say that's the only show they watch. >> that is both encouraging and entirely horrifying because one would hope they would be having a fast recipe of many news stories. >> they don't. is that rely on jon and his posse. >> well aw shucks. >> do you feel any responsibility about that? >> do i feel responsible for that. >> yeah. >> i feel like we are honest and earnest in what we do and try to analyze it with some degree of aplomb. >> that is very fancy. did you have that ready? >> no, i didn't. i didn't even know -- >> when you write for president obama, how is that different? >> when i write for president obama, i certainly enjoy the idea that the leader of the free world as it were enjoys my joke. >> you're putting words into the mouth -- >> the man has around incredible sense of humor. dmoijt if you know that. he has the ability to deliver like a showman and any writer enjoys that moment as it's delivered. he'll tell the joke and as the crowd is dying down then he heckles himself. >> we bring this up because you wrote for the last one? >> i'm there to serve at the pleasure, certainly. >> when the president calls, you guys respond. >> not us guys, no no. it's just me. >> only you. >> just me. >> oh. >> forgive me. >> he steals all the glory. >> a team effort but a different team. >> you know what i think is so great about kevin, guys, is he won't tell us which joke is his because he said it's a betrayal that speech writer's code. you would not want to do that. >> would you like -- one man's selfless quest to rewrite the constitution of the united states of america. number one, who knew there was a need do that? >> i'll tell you. i don't know if it's a hard news segment but it's about to become that. 20 years ago 170 countries skrifted. of those, 160 use the united states constitution as a model in some part. >> why is that? >> because they found it inspirational and took care of their needs. how many use it now? apparently somewhere between zero and zero. they're shopping around. they like canada. we're getting skunked by canada's constitution. people love canada. and, you know who thought it needs to be rewritten? i would say one of the founders of the founders tochls jeff errson suggestionederr erson suggested that it should be rewritten every 19 years. >> on a serious note did you do a lot offer er. ? >> i did. i went to great lengths to pretend to know what i'm talking about. i did. i went to the birthplace of democracy. philly, the other place of democracy. i guess there are two places in democracy. >> and you got to know the founding fathers? >> i tried my best. nights and weekends. was on the cell phone. >> it's comedy but it's really serious. you dug up some important never snoogs snoogs . >> no gayle. >> you did a lot of work. i'm serious. >> i think it's more than a joke book. i'm no douglas brinkley. >> the boorked is >> good morning everyone. a salinas family is mourning the loss of their son killed in afghanistan. he died saturday when enemy forces attacked his unit. his friends say that he was proud to serve. he was 21 years old. traffic is moving across the dumbarton bridge which reopened about six hours ago. it had been closed since friday night. the work was to enable the bridge to better withstand a major earthquake. another weekend closure will happen later this year. the commute will be a bit different starting tomorrow for downtown san jose drivers. interstate 280 metering lights will be switched on. caltrans hopes for a 6% decrease in traffic delays. here is elisabeth with a forecast >> we have slightly warmer temperatures heading our way. in the meantime we have some areas of low clouds, fog and chilly temperatures out the door right now. high pressure is building off the coast and mild temperatures and afternoon sun on the way for the next several days. 77 degrees in concord 78 in fairfield. here is a look at your forecast over the next several days. near 90 degrees on thursday and cooler by the weekend. a look at the time saver traffic coming up next >> good morning from the traffic center. slow on westbound 237. about a 14 minute ride between 8008101 on 237. as you had a long northbound 280 near saratoga there is an accident blocking lanes. southbound 101 at marsh road, traffic is backed up.

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