we'll have more on the latest mess in a year that's been full of incredible moments. and bernie madoff's wife and son open up to "60 minutes" about the moment he revealed his $50 billion ponzi scheme. >> i felt like my head exploded. i mean, i don't think if he had told me he was an alien i could have been more surprised. >> we have more of that interview this morning, including what the family thinks of madoff today. early this monday morning, october 31, 2011. good monday morning to you. it is 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. i'm erica hill. >> be happy you're on the west coast. here on the east coast, what happened over the weekend, it may be the worst october snowstorm ever recorded here. some parts of new england got more than two feet of snow. nearly 3 million customers have no power. and the effects on air travel are still rippling across the country this morning. we'll have more on the snow and all the headaches it's causing in just a few minutes here. >> that's right. by the way, happy halloween. >> thank you very much. mini pumpkin. >> some places they are putting trick or treating on hold. we'll have more on that in just a moment. first, the latest from the presidential race where herman cain's campaign is rejecting a report that he was accused of sexual harassment several years ago. that story overshadowing a new poll in the key state of iowa which shows cain leading the republican pack. jan crawford has the latest for us this morning. >> that new poll is coinciding with cain's appearance this weekend on "face the nation." he is facing increased scrutiny especially when he was questioned on whether he supported abortion in some cases such as rape or incest. >> pro-life from conception, period. i was -- that piece that was pulled out was taken totally out of context when we were talking about -- >> ok. so in other words, you don't -- would not even believe in abortion if rape incest or the health of the mother is involved? >> correct. that's my position. >> that is now your position? >> that's my position, yes. >> a few missteps aside, cain's message is resonating. he is edging out former massachusetts romney for first place in iowa. >> my message is connecting and people are connecting with me. and the specific solutions i'm putting on the table. >> reporter: another reason may be cain's unconventional style. he's not your typical politician because he isn't a politician. he admits when he doesn't know something. visits states like alabama that aren't part of the early calendar. and runs quirky, sometimes controversial campaign ads. despite cain's standing in the polls, president obama's re-election team doesn't appear to be taking him seriously. on sunday a top adviser put his focus on one-time front-runner romney. >> you get the sense with mitt romney that if he thought it was goed good to say the sky was green to win an election he would say it. cain has the strongesting baaing among people who say he is very conservative. parts of the tea party are born again christians. but whether this will have any impact on these numbers, it's too soon to say. >> jan, we know that the cain campaign is speaking out about the allegations. walk us through what we know right now. >> mr. cain is actually speaking right now at a think tank here in washington. he is just talking about matters of fiscal policy. he said he will address these allegations later. his chief of staff was on msnbc this morning flatly denying them. they are pushing back hard against these allegations. the allegations are that he engaged in improper conduct when he was head of the national restaurant association. we don't know who the accusers are. they are anonymous in this piece that was published this morning on politico, a website. they say that the women say that cain used improper language and made some physical gestures, but there was no touching. now cain was approached by politico's jonathan martin yesterday right here in front of cbs, and he said he would not comment. take a listen to that. >> i'm not going to comment about two people that you won't tell me who they are. ok? i'm not going to -- i'm not going to talk about it. >> now the campaign has also released a statement. and again, emphasizing what they say we've seen this movie played out before. a prominent conservative targeted by liberals simply because they disagree with his politics. from that statement, it's not clear who they're referring to they have seen it played out before. but it reminds me of similar allegations levied 20 years ago against justice clarence thomas and cain has spoke in the past about what he expects to encounter in this campaign and says he's ready for the same quote, high-tech lynching that justice thomas said he received from the news media and the left. >> jan crawford in washington this morning. jan, thank you. we want to bring in now chief washington correspondent, host of "face the nation" bob schieffer. it's always nice to have you with us. what is the fallout this morning in washington? because it's certainly getting a lot of attention in terms of headlines. >> well the bottom line here is it's not so much what we know but what we don't know here. these kinds of things have happened before. we had allegations like this in '88 against gary hart. we had allegations against bill clinton when he ran for president involving paula jones and gennifer flowers. but in those cases what, started out as anonymous stories that came from anonymous sources they were soon fleshed out. we had names to go along with the allegations. what we don't know here is who exactly made these charges, exactly what the charges were. the cain campaign first said well, they were just tired old allegations that had been settled amicably. what does that mean? and then they later put out the statement that did not directly deny the charges, but then the spokesman for the campaign said yes, our statement means it is a denial. at this point, we just have anonymous sources who have made certain allegations here. now, politico is a very reputable website and news organization. they vet their stories. this is not something that just comes off the top of somebody's head. they edit their stories. they don't publish unless they think things are correct. but unless we get some names, unless we know more about this erica, i think that this story will just sit there. i don't see it moving very much beyond where it is unless we get more details. >> they do say in that article they have seen documentation of at least one case. it will be interesting if more details from that comes out. the cain campaign is saying this is political, he being attacked because of his conservative politics. you outlined a couple of examples, though, that are on the other side of the aisle. does this typically come down to politics or is it simply the fact that when you're a politician you're going to get hit with these things when you're running for office, whether or not it is found said? >> well i always tell journalist students that where news comes from news comes out because somebody wants it out. this is not something that politico just made up. somebody has told a reporter from politico about these charges because they are going after herman cain. they want to give him a setback. but we don't know who that is. and we still -- until we find out who these victims are, and exactly what the charges are, it's very difficult to see this story going beyond where it is, it seems to me. >> still a lot of unanswered questions this morning. i want to switch to something that happened yesterday morning on your show when it came to smoking and this video which has gone viral from herman cain's campaign. we'll take a quick look and then i want you to tell us about it. >> it's not funny to me. i am a cancer survivor like you. >> i am also. >> i had cancer that's smoking related. i don't think if serves the country well and this is an editorial opinion here to be showing someone smoking a cigarette. and you're the front-runner now. and it seems to me as front-runner you would have a responsibility not to take that kind of a tone in this campaign. i would suggest that perhaps as the runfront-runner you'd want to raise the level of the campaign. have you ever just thought to say to young people don't smoke? 400,000 people die in america every year because of smoking related -- >> i will have no problem saying that. >> well, say it right now. >> young people of america, all people, do not smoke. it is hazardous, and it's dangerous to your health. don't smoke. i never smoked. and i have encouraged people not to smoke. >> it's not a cool thing to do. >> it is not a cool thing to do. >> bob, an incredibly important message from you there. how did he take it? you were sitting there with him onset. >> well, afterward, they sent word that the guy who was seen in that commercial smoking also wanted me to know that he doesn't encourage young people to smoke. this is him. and i just found it so bizarre. and in this day and age, that someone would be seen smoking. i mean would you show a drunk teenager driving a car? and i think that something like that sends a sub liminal message. and i did -- i don't do that very often. i don't take positions during my interviews very often. but i just thought it was important. young people out there are watching. and, you know, i started smoking -- i actually started chewing tobacco to be quite frank when i was 16 years old because i wanted to be a baseball player and all the baseball players chewed tobacco. as a result of that many years later, i came down with bladder cancer. and i just think that these candidates have a responsibility not to send that kind of message. he says he wasn't sending a message. the interesting thing was, though, when i said why don't you tell young people not to smoke, he just -- he came right out and said it, you know. and i guess you have to give the man credit. he did answer the question. and i don't know. it's -- you know as i say, i don't do that kind of thing very often. but i just thought in this case, i just -- i did it. >> well a lot of people probably agree with you that it was warranted. and as we always say, when you ask the question you get an answer. and it worked in this case too. bob schieffer, nice to see you this morning. we'll move now to the latest on the storm that is setting records here in the northeast as some areas got more than two feet of snow. the storm is blamed for at least 11 deaths, mostly because of car accidents. and some travellers had horrendous delays. 13 hours on an amtrak train. seven hours on one jetblue flight. close to 3 million homes and businesses still have no electricity this morning, forcing widespread school closings. and a state of emergency has been declared in new jersey, connecticut, massachusetts, and parts of new york state. national correspondent jim axelrod is in west milford, new jersey, where more than a foot and a half of snow fell. jim, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. here in new jersey it could be the end of the week before power is restored to all those who are without it. and it is the same story in many places throughout the northeast. the only surprise is that what happened to meaghan fitzgerald sunday morning didn't happen to more people. >> this tree wound up falling, breaking, and crushing the side of the house where my mother was sleeping. >> reporter: the snow came so early in the year the tree still had leaves weighing them down and snapping branches, which in turn snapped power lines. >> never saw this before in my life. >> reporter: 800,000 customers are without power in connecticut. that's a new record. more than 400,000 in new jersey. 200,000 plus in new york. 250,000 in pennsylvania. and there are more than 11,000 outages in western maryland. records were set in new york city where 2.9 inches of snow fell in central park. they had never measured even an inch here on any october day since 1869. concord, new hampshire, got 13.6 inches. that broke a 59-year-old record. bristol, connecticut, got 17 inches of snow. and plainfield, massachusetts, more than 30 inches. 48 amtrak passengers bound for boston ended up stranded for 13 hours overnight. in hartford connecticut, 126 passengers were stuck on a jetblue plane on the tarmac for more than seven hours with no food, water, or bathrooms. >> no. they are totally filled. nobody can go in them anymore. you just have to hold it. >> reporter: even a pilot begged air traffic control for assistance when the mood on the plane grew intense. >> i've got a problem here on the airplane. i need to have the cops brought onboard the airplane. you know, we can't seem to get any help from our own company. i apologize for this. but is there any way you can get a tug and a tow bar out here to us and get us towed somewhere? to a gate or something? i don't care. my priority right now is a tug and a tow bar. just give me a welding shop, i'll be willing to make one myself. >> reporter: the chain saws were busy in west milford new jersey, where peter and faith delaney got 19 inches of snow and lost 16 trees. 16 trees down. thousands of dollars in costs to probably get rid of this. but are you feeling lucky in some sense? >> it didn't hit the house. that's all we care about. >> reporter: and folks in the northeast as they dig out, they will do so haunted by the calendar. take a look at this. we're still 52 days away from the official start of winter. jeff? >> fun thought. jim, thank you very much in northern new jersey this morning. >> 52 days. >> yeah. and then we have all winter as well. >> oh, thanks for putting that in perspective. we should point out that jetblue is apologizing for what happened. they have more information on their website. and what happened over the weekend is just the latest in a year full of big weather stories here, everything from killer tornados to crushing drought. we're going to ask a scientist what is happening on all of this. >> wacky weather. >> a little la nina action. >> could be. terrell brown has a check of the other headlines for out this halloween morning. good morning. good to see you. good morning, everyone. boeing is getting into the spacecraft business. boeing announced this morning that it's leasing the kennedy space center hangar. it will use the space to rebuild or reuse space capsules that will be able to carry astronauts or supplies to the international space station. right now, the u.s. relies on russia to ferry crews to the first nation. the abdulmutallabtaliban are claiming responsibility for a suicide car bomber that struck a checkpoint in casnd darrnada har. -- kandahar. the u.n. confirmed this morning that three of its employees are among those killed. the attack comes two days after the taliban struck a nato convoy in kabul. 17 people were killed, including 10 americans. officials today say the attack may have been carried out by the taliban's pakistan based network. it's suspected in a series of attacks in afghanistan. saturday's bombing still ahead this morning, still ahead, bernie madoff's wife and son says it is not just the money. they can never forgive bernie madoff's rebetrayal of them. you'll hear more including why ruth madoff hasn't divorced him. and the cold facts of winter weather. will mother nature change their plans? 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[ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. ♪ ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] your favorite holiday flavors are here. with some new ones to love. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, do it ♪ ♪ oh, do it ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing new warm cinnamon sugar cookie and brown sugar maple latte. coffee is like the holidays. it's better when you add your flavor. coffee-mate. from nestle. frank mallicoat ... plan to good morning, 7:25. let's get you caught up on the bay area headlines on this halloween morning. today oakland officials plan to return some supplies to the occupy protesters. they include first aid equipment. all taken during last tuesday's raid to close the camp. protesters are calling for a general strike again the city of oakland on wednesday. former marine scott olsen is in fair condition. he is the iraqi war veteran who was critically injured during a clash are oakland police on tuesday night. his roommate says olsen is still unable to talk but doctors expect him to make a full recovery. and state parole agents are working today to keep sex offenders from contacting children on halloween. it is called operation boo. it is statewide. homeless sex offenders in california will have to show up at parole centers tonight. to keep them away from kids, sex offenders who have homes, and they will have to stay inside and keep their porch lights off. traffic and weather coming up on this monday. right after this. good morning, let's go right out toward the bay bridge toll plaza stacked into the macarthur maze. and bart is on time by the way. if you want to ditch the roads instead instead on this halloween morning. and 60 bart trains running on time. westbound 237. also starting to get crowded for silicon valley commute out of millipitas heading to san jose and the golden gate bridge, just socked in with fog this morning. and as you head into san francisco. on the san francisco side of the span with. more on the weather forecast, here is lawrence. >> yes the fog the only scary thing showing up around the bay area this morning. and otherwise, we are looking good. and even inside the bay we have lots of sunshine and what a beautiful start to this halloween, as we're expecting mostly sunny skies. throughout the bay area. and you got that patchy dense fog out to the coastline. that is thick. that should begin lifting as we head toward the afternoon. plan on 60s and cool at the beaches but in the bay temperatures warming up in a hurry 76 degrees in san jose. upper 70s in the valleys outside, and looking out over the next couple of day, warmer weather for the next few as we get into thursday, chance of rain returns to the bay area with much cooler temperatures. california should be proud. we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do. ♪ welcome back to "the early show." half past the hour. i'm erica hill, along with jeff glor. a beautiful snowy shot of west milford, new jersey. >> a collapsing tree. they are all over the northeast, we see scenes like this. >> even in our backyard from central park and across new york city, a number of trees down. the issue there being across the region, so many leaves still on the trees. this heavy wet snow and that makes for a major mess on a halloween morning. >> yes, indeed. nasty weather out there. coming up, we will talk more about the occupy wall street protests. this is one of the obstacles they dealt with. the bad weather over the weekend. more winter weather, obviously, to come. many of the protesters stuck it out but a long hard winter coming here. >> we will see if they have a future if the weather gets too bad. we will take a look at the costs involved. there is more and more talk about that. a lot of cities with very tight budgets now having to pay for extra police overtime. other services to monitor the gathering so break that down for you as well. >> cities and states have little money to begin with right now. more of "60 minutes" interview with ruth and andrew madoff. they explain as their family fell apart as a business built on lies. bernie madoff's wife and son talked about the day that he confessed to them. >> he called from the office and said i'm coming home with the boys, i have something to talk about." he came in. we went into a room, the four of us, and he said "i have a confession to make. i've been running a ponzi scheme." he said 50 billion dollars. >> he said everything i've been doing is all a big lie. he said, "the business is a ponzi scheme and the firm is completely insolvent and i'm broke." then he just started sobbing. and i was -- i was shocked. i felt like my head exploded. i mean, i don't think if he had told me he was an alien, i could have been more surprised. he said that the firm had liabilities of $50 billion. it never occurred to me that his business had anything like that kind of -- anything like that under management. it was shocking. >> reporter: your mother what was her reaction? >> she looked -- she looked shocked. she asked what is a ponzi scheme was her first question. she didn't even understand that. i think it was me who answered and said that it means that it's all fake that dad, you know, he's not been doing what he says he has been doing, and he followed that up and said "yes i've been lying to all of you. all of these years, i've listen lying to all of you. i've listen lying to myself." their son mark committed suicide years after that. >> reporter: why haven't awe for a divorce from this man? >> i don't know. it doesn't matter to me. he is going to die in prison. i certainly don't want to find another man these days. >> reporter: he'll probably see this interview. are you concerned about that? >> i was thinking about that. no, i'm not concerned. he should hear it. >> joining us now is "the new york times" senior financial writer diana henriques, the first journalist to interview bernie madoff in prison. >> she is the author of "the wizard of lies bernie madoff and the death of trust." you heard from bernie madoff over the weekend in an e-mail. what did he say to you? >> i did. he confirmed ruth's account of what he called a feeble suicide attempt on that christmas eve. he said that they under took it in a state of deep depression confirmed the details of it. and then said at the end of the very short note "please understand how hard this is for me to admit." i said that is pure bernie. he can't admit failure really at anything and i think he had resisted telling anyone about the suicide attempt. even kind of brushing off an earlier question i had asked him well he said "suicide crossed my mind." finally when ruth became public with it, he had to confirm it. but put a spin on it to say, well, it's very hard for me to knit this. >> ruth said something similar, didn't she? it was hard for her to admit as well. i'm sure it was. >> in my interview with her, she spoke about it fairly easily. it was in the context of talking about the incredible pressure they were under in those first two weeks. you remember the media scrum outside the apartment. she was followed everywhere. there was hate mail. there was anti-semitic attacks on the internet. it was a horror for a woman who had spent her whole life as a fairly popular gal. >> yeah. . they were very popular within their circles and for a lot of their philanthropic work they had done. she broke down through much of the interview you had with her. not what we saw on morley safer's interview last night. i heard people saying she didn't come off very sympathetic. >> i was surprised when i saw that segment as well based on my interview with her. she certainly seemed far more human, far more sad, dignified, but in a way, very naive about the world. she's never done television before. she would not be doing this now, but that andrew asked her to help promote this family biography. she has cultivated her privacy in seclusion for two and a half years, so certainly this is not her national median. i didn't really recognize that ruth as the woman i had spent more than three hours with. >> more hurtful for her the fact that bernie kept this fraud from her for 50 some odd years or however long it was. or that he kept his infidelities from her which went on for quite some time as well. >> i think it was sort of a final straw situation. she was stunned that he had lied to everybody else about what he was doing, but i don't think she really understood that. she -- >> the affair went on for how long? >> well, bernie denies that affair at all. the account that was in the memoir said it was a long flirtation and a brief sexual affair in the mid '90s. but ruth was devastated by that. it was almost like the infidelities gave her the spine to do what she knew she needed to do to save her family which was cut bernie off. >> which is what she has done. >> yes. >> they have not spoken since they spoke to him to tell him about the suicide of their son. what about andrew? what was he like with you? >> he was far more business-like. he did not lose his composure at all in the interview i did with him. he clearly is still immensely angry at his father. but seems to have a great confidence that when people hear his side of the story that they will believe in his innocence and that they will look at the family differently. i don't know that he is right in that fate. >> he says at the ends of the "60 minutes" interview he will never speak to his father again. do you believe that? >> i do. there is a deep reservoir of anger. >> thank you diana. you can see more at as the temperature falls, will the occupy protests fail? >> we will check in with some of the anti-wall street demonstrators downtown and see if they are ready for the long cold winter which could be ahead. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪ nice shot of the white stuff there in central park. over the past six weeks the occupy wall street movement has spread to dozens of cities across the country. >> but over the blast of winter are they ready to stick it out through the snow and freezing temperatures? there is more on the way. correspondent debbye turner bell is in lower manhattan. good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: over the weekend, mother nature staged her own protest with freezing temperatures and record-breaking october snow and that does raise the question how committed are these occupy wall street protesters? but there is another question -- can local city governments afford to pay the price tag that goes along with expressing this basic american right? as the unseasonably early nor'easter hit new york. >> i can't talk. it's so cold. >> reporter: occupy wall street protesters hunkered down for a wet, raw night. >> the fact that people are staying out this in weather, i mind is amazing. >> reporter: but some wonder whether the protesters passion can stay hot in the new york city cold. >> the people that are really determined and i think really want to make a change that they believe in i feel that it will -- they will stay. >> reporter: occupiers are convinced they can endure the test of time and temperature. but can city budgets handle the toss that come with the movement? the tab is adding up quickly, as cities provide police for crowd control and protection. firemen for emergencies and sanitation services to address the grouting amount of refuse. >> this was not a predicted expense but, obviously we will absorb it as best we can. democracy is expensive. >> reporter: new york city has reportedly spent $3.4 million on police overtime. boston has rung up a $2 million tab. atlanta, minneapolis, and phoenix have all spent over $200,000. >> when you're the capital of the world, you know, you're going to pay a little bit more because people are going to come here and express themselves. >> it is money well spent because it enables people to register their grievances about the government, about wall street, and about agreedgreed. >> reporter: it's a small price to pay for esther mack who took time off her teaching job in athens, georgia, for her cause. >> i want to change that so by being here, i hope to change that and have a better future for myself. >> reporter: as protesters brace for yet another frigid night, it remains to be seen whether their resilience can match their resolve. the protesters, at least here in the northeast, are in for a long bone-chilling haul. forecasters are predicting a very cold winter. i spoke to a number of business owners in the community surroundings the park here and they are growing a little weary of the inconveniences of the protests. so many people and so much noise all the time and they even protesters using their restroom facilities. most of the restaurants around this park, there are signs on the doors that say restrooms are for customers only. i would say the welcoming is wearing a little thin here in the surroundings surrounding the zucati park. >> thanks. still ahead this morning, erica goes back to college! we will show you a have special homecoming. look at that! you look beautiful up there! >> oh, thanks j.g. >> go terriers! oh boy... i used our slate card with blueprint. we can design our own plan to avoid interest by paying off diapers and things each month. and for the bigger stuff, we can pay downalance faster to save money on interest. bigger? bigger. chase slate with blueprint helps you save money on life's little surprises. trip...lets... start your path to saving today, call 855-get-slate. 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[ male announcer ] layaway's back for christmas in our toys, electronics and jewelry departments. good morning, 7:55. i'm grace lee with your cbs 5 headlines. a shark attack victim could be released today from regional medical center in san jose. eric tarantino was flown there over the weekend. this was after the near fatal attack off marina state beach in monterey county. and overwhelming stench in san francisco is becoming a growing problem at the park where occupy protesters are camping out. the cause of the smell are the portable toilets that are overflowing and now unusable. the 49ers are reportedly aiming for a 2014 opening for the new football stadium in santa clara, a year ahead of the current team date. and team officials say they will soon submit a financial plan to the city. and some breaking baseball news out of st. louis. tony la russa has just announced he is retiring. this after managing the cardinals to a world series championship for the second time. he was also manager of the world champion oakland a's back in 1989. and we will get a check of the traffic and weather on this monday morning coming up in a moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ a couple years of up all night ♪ ♪ and a few thousand diapers later ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ he loves that little girl ♪ [ male announcer ] all her life she's been coming toward you. now that she's driving, she's going the other way. ♪ there goes my life ♪ [ male announcer ] thanks to state farm's steer clear program, teens learn safer driving and parents gain peace of mind. good morning, and we have a couple of slow spots this morning. northbound 880 before embarcadero an accident blocking one lane and there is some slowing on our sensors just behind it. and either farther south toward the coliseum, this actually looks great. i would say better-than-normal in the northbound lanes but once you get closer to downtown, it starts to slow. and the ride on westbound highway 4, a couple of fender-benders here this morning. and now we got a new one approaching somersville road jammed solid from hill crest. that is traffic. here is lawrence. >> we have a lot of sunshine in many parts of the bay area now. still some patchy dense fog out toward the coastline and to mount vaca we go and the sun coming up with a beautiful halloween around the bay area and a lot of sunshine and some very nice temperatures as we head toward the afternoon. and plan on some upper 70s in some of the warmest spots inland and inside the bay you will find 70 in oakland and 76 in san jose and 67 in san francisco and the low 60s out toward the coastline, and the patchy fog that is lifting and probably returning later on this evening for the trick-or-treaters and the next several days, offshore winds kicking in and fire danger will be elevated tuesday and wednesday, but rain moves in on thursday possibly on friday, and much cooler temperatures, maybe another storm over the weekend. ♪ a beautiful day rb a. >> a beautiful day is dawning here. welcome back to our halloween show. chris is off this morning. >> what is he going to be this year? >> not sure. i'll have to ask. >> that would be great. >> we will have more from the 60 minutes interviews of bernie mad madoff's wife and son. we have extra material that did not air last night. >> also ahead, justin timberlake stops by. his latest movie is called "in time." time starts running out as soon as you turn 25rks which means both of us are dead. which means both of us are dead. >> but our ghosts are back. the latest on the snow clean up and there is presentee of clean-up to do as the weekend storm is blamed for at least 11 deaths around the region. >> three million homes and businesses. 19 inches of snow there? >> what a mess out there. >> it is not just here. may not be restored until the end of the week in many communities around the northeast. the reason is because of the huge numbers of outages. 600 600,000 without power in new jersey. 250,000 in pennsylvania and 11,000 in western maryland. why so many people without power? because the snow came so early. the leaves were still on the tree. so much snow on the tree snapping so many branchs. amazing snow totals. a lot of records set. a set of numbers to show you there. new york city got 2.9 inches of snow. they never had as much as an inch. 13.6 inches. get to the clean up in and around the northeast. the problem for a lot of people the calendar, we are still 5 away. >> jim thank you very much. >> let's look at the odd weather we have had all year. a huge nor'easter and a blizzard. it was the daedliest year for tornados since 1936. tornados killed more than 500 people. springtime flooding on the mississippi was some of the worst ever. and summer we saw record droughts and wild fires. then hurricane irene slammed the east coast by the rare october snowstorm. so what is happening here? here to try to help us answer that question is lead scientist of the nature conservancy. >> sit a lanina year. the pacific is cold in terms of the ocean and that changes the air path around the continental united states. the second thing it probably is the effects of climate change and making the storms more intense and more frequent. >> and that will continue? >> well, you know, on the climate change side, absolutely, it's going to continue. so we are going to be in for more wacky weather, if you'd like. on the la nina front, we are not sure. we think there is another la nina this year. i, for one, i'm buying my ski passes already. >> we are seeing the pictures of snow right now. we saw this unusual snowfall total in many parts of the northeast, in some cases, more than two feet. are you expecting a lot of snow this season? can that be predicted? >> well, la nina years tend to bring snow, particularly to the north part of the country. and particularly the northwest part of the country. but any one event is very difficult to predict. see, scientists are really good at thinking about climate, but they are not so good about thinking about weather, which is what most people ultimately care about, what are you going to dress your kids up in when they go out trick or treating tonight. >> we should differentiate here between climate and weather, two different things. >> sure. sure. two different things. you know, one is what are you going to do tomorrow? and the other is part of the country do you live in if you want to go skiing. climate is a long-term phenomenon and sets the expectation and normal and weather is what happens on a daily, weekly basis. how it impacts specific weather events, it's hard to say. >> what is the last time we saw la nina this significant? >> probably about five years ago. what is going to happen this year, which is sort of unusual with la nina, it might be a back-to-back year of la nina and that back-to-back sort of sends that extra -- extra signal out there. >> other than carrying around the snow boots and gloves and everything else, anything else to be more prepared? >> be prepared and don't be caught off-guard. beyond that, groups are working to help communities prepare for unusual events and the best preparation, frankly, over the long term is dealing with creating natural infrastructure. sea grass beds intact coast lines and national area that can buffer us against extreme weather events. natural infrastructure will last longer and ultimately cheaper than any kind of engineering that we can do. >> m. sanjayan joining us from seattle, thank you very much. appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> i love that. that was fascinating stuff. the difference between climate and weather. >> be like a storm for halloween or something. can you do that? clouds? is that possible? >> while you plan your costume, we will check in with terrell brown with a check of other headlines this morning. herman cain's campaign is denying reports he was accused of sexual harassment by at least two women. politico website reports that cain twice accused of sexual harassment when he was a lobbyist in 1990s. politico said the nondisclosure agreement was signed by the women for a five figure financial payout. cane was asked about the story as he discussed his 9- 9-9 plan. >> there is a cloud out there that is affecting your campaign and i wondered if you could clear it up for us right now. >> that question has been consistent with the ground rules that we have. announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by prudential. prudential, bring your challenges. up next here, more from last night's riveting "60 minutes" interview with andrew and ruth madoff. >> you definitely couldn't turn away from that one. bernie madoff's surviving son tells how he made the decision to turn in his father. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪ how he made the decision to turn in his father. you're watching the "early show" on cbs. nouncer ] each of these photos was taken by someone on the first morning of their retirement. it's the first of more than 6,000 sunrises the average retiree will see. ♪ ♪ as we're living longer than ever before, prudential's challenge is to help everyone have the retirement income they'll need to enjoy every one of their days. ♪ ♪ prudential. bring your challenges. we all have internal plumbing. but for some of us with overactive bladder, our pipes just don't work as well as they should. sometimes, i worry my pipes might leak. but i learned there's something more i can do. now, i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems or trouble emptying your bladder do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips throat or tongue stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. so why wait ? 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[ flamenco guitar music plays ] welcome mi amiga, an adventure awaits. ♪ a celebration of flavor and magnificent tastes ♪ [ cow bell, cow moo ] ♪ like chicken beef or seafood ♪ ole' ha haaa ♪ adios little one ♪ ♪ your time here is complete ♪ and my kitten just a thought, put some boots on those feet. ♪ friskies ♪ ♪ feed the senses ♪ [ female announcer ] see puss in boots, only in theaters. ♪ the "60 minutes" interview with bernie madoff's wife ruth and son andrew offer a look in their lifestyle. >> we will show you an extra clip of the interview that did not make it on tv on sunday when andrew talks about he and his brother told the fbi about their decision. >> reporter: your decision to turn them in, how did that evolve? >> well, we knew right away that this was -- that was our only course of action. we -- the two of us got in the elevator, went back down to the street. the driver was waiting out front of the building and said, you know, you guys need me to take you back to the office or where is the old man? and we said, you know, he is still upstairs. you're waiting for him and we just walked out. it was pouring rain outside. and we started to walk down lexington avenue and try to get a taxi and got in a cab and weren't really sure where to go. we knew that we couldn't live with this information and not do something about it and we knew we needed to speak to an attorney and we knew that that was going to lead to us turning him in. but we didn't know how to do that, you know? knowing the right thing to do and then knowing how to do it were two totally different things and we needed help. luckily, we were able to turn to mark's father-in-law who is a litigator, paul weiss, and mark immediately called him and said, you know, we need to talk to you. it's urgent. and he invited us to come over to his apartment, which we did and we went straight there. >> reporter: what was his reaction? >> he was -- he was absolutely shocked. he is an investor. he had put his -- he mentioned he had put his retirement money there very recently and quickly sort of dismissed that as, you know, not relevant and just please, you know, he just wanted to hear us -- hear what happened. we recounted the story and he couldn't believe it. you know, we were talking about whether or not we think -- was bernie sane? was he telling us the truth? was he making this up? and mark and i were both clear that he seemed to be clear-headed and that this was -- that this was real. >> reporter: you called the fbi or the lawyer called the fbi? >> it was later that day. marty london, who was a gentleman who was helping us, mark's father-in-law, brought in some of his colleagues and we walked through the situation and they told us what the proper course of action was in terms of who to call and how this thing is handled, because we just didn't know that. and we made the decision to make the phone call. >> reporter: when the fbi came in that morning, did you have any idea that your sons had turned -- >> no, i had no idea. i wasn't shocked in retrospect, but i had no idea. i don't think he did either, actually. >> reporter: what was your reaction when you heard him, that it was the boys who turned the father in? >> i realized they had to do it. i wasn't angry at them. of course, they had to do it. >> now earlier you heard ruth madoff say she didn't care what her husband's reaction to this interview would be. in her words, she said he should hear it. a reminder she has cut off contact with him. it's sad. the last time they spoke was when her son committed suicide after that. you can hear more by logging on to one of the family conflicts there, the sons wanted mom to cut off contact right away. she didn't. she finally did. it's sad. >> it is. just a wild story. >> the whole thing, yeah. ahead this morning, where exactly do you put 7 billion people? turns out, 7 billion people can fit in fairly small place, or one rather well-known metropolitan area here in the united states. mo rocca will tell us about the growing population of the world as of today. 's a scientific miracle! [ female announcer ] dawn does more. [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. i wish you guys had layaway -- well... 'cause i could pay a little at a time... that would work. actually we do -- the kids would just be like "no way, awesome!" we -- we do! all that! layaway baby! [ male announcer ] layaway's back for christmas in our toys, electronics and jewelry departments. here at quicken loans, we understand that when you live in the fast lane you need a mortgage lender who's just as fast and responsive. [ rob ] hi, i'm rob jones and i'm a professional race car driver. as a former fighter pilot, i like the fact that quicken loans offers va loans. i worked with a real person while doing everything online. it was the best of both worlds. their rates and fees were low and their crew kept me updated through every step of the process. quicken loans is a lot like me -- we're both engineered to amaze. the world's population we are told hits a big, round number today according to the u.n. as of today. there will be 7 billion people on earth and counting. >> that's a lot of people. the question of course do you celebrate? or do you start to get a little worried? correspondent mo rocca takes a closer look at the land mark figure and its implications. >> cheers. here are seven things that might surprise you about 7 billion. the world has never had more people. we are adding 80 million annually. that is a germany every year. but our rate of growth is on the decline. >> it's gone from a peak of about five children per woman worldwide average in 1950 to about 2.5 children per woman now. >> reporter: in some countries the low birth rate may actually be a problem. in italy woman have on average 1.2 children well below replacement level. >> it means the population is aging rapidly. population aging means there will be fewer young people to support the elderly in their old age if the elderly retire, for example. >> reporter: so unless italians seriously reconsider their immigration policy or raise their retirement age, well, they better get busy. 7 billion isn't so much a space issue. if we all stood shoulder-to-shoulder we could fit. none of us has to go hungry. is there another food to feed all of these people? >> yes. last year, the world grew about 2.3 billion metric tons of cereal grain and that amount of food could provide enough calories to feed between 9 billion and 11 billion people. >> reporter: problem is only 46% goes into human mouths. most of the rest to the animals, so many of us me included like eating. that is partly why 1 billion people go hungry every day. 7, 8 9, 10 billion people would be much more sustainable if we were all vegans? >> certainly. >> it's not the number of people as the number of households. six people sharing one refrigerator consume less energy. >> what is wrong with this freezer? ow! >> reporter: if all of the single people in the world lived like the cast of "friends" we would be much better off. education is the biggest key to controlling the population. >> when young people are in school they generally get married at a later age. when they have been educated they generally have fewer children in their whole lifetime. >> reporter: so not simply education about contraceptives. the desperately poor african nation of nijer unsustainable birth rate of 7.2 children we are woman. 7 billion is this a nightmare? >> for your viewers, not at all. for the billion chroniclely hungry, it's a nightmare every day. >> reporter: the final thing that may surprise you about 7 billion, during this piece, 900 people were born 360 people died. the world just gained 540. >> an average of 7.2 children we are woman in nijer. >> i could not imagine. also we gained 540 people in that amount of time. we will sp shark may be released good morning, it is 6:25. time for news headlines now at cbs 5. a surfer bitten by a shark may be released from a san jose hospital today eric tarantino was nearly killed when he was attacked off marina state beach in hospital ray county over the weekend. the bite missed an artery in his neck by about two millimeters. very lucky man. occupy oakland protesters expect to get emergency supplies back from the city of oakland today. the city says it will return first aid and medical supplies that were taken by police last week. during the raid. and the protesters are calling for a general strike on wednesday. they hope to shut down city operations. and doctors say former marine scott olsen will make a full recovery. olsen is the iraqi war veteran who suffered a fractured skull during the clash between oakland protesters and police last week. he may have been hit by a tear gas canister but will make a full recovery. the traffic and forecast after this. ♪ [ ukulele strumming ] ♪ [ folksy whistling ] [ man ] quitting is a fight you can't let yourself lose. it can take many tries. but keep trying, you will beat smoking. honey, you okay? yeah, i'm fine. ♪ [ ukulele ] whrap good morning, a look at the nimitz 808 past the -- 880 past the coliseum. shroáe in the northbound lanes because of an accident farther north. it is pretty sluggish. 3-minute drive time -- 35-minute drive time between 238 and the macarthur maze. this accident cleared to the right shoulder along the peninsula, northbound 101 near embarcadero road. slow in the area. you can see coming to palo alto, speeds are under 20 miles an hour. and heading out of downtown san jose just the usual slow commuter traffic at this time of the morning. all the way out to cupertino at the bay bridge, to the maze. that is traffic. here is lawrence. >> most of the fog is toward the coastline. very thick. right down on the surface. some of that is sneaking inside the bay. you can see out toward the golden gate bridge and towers above the fog and very thin. and mostly sunny elsewhere around the bay area. and we're really looking at great weather around the bay area and temperatures soar up in the 70s well inland and 70s around the bay and 60s out toward the immediate coastline. and looks like we could see a couple of patches of fog and returns to the coastline later on this evening, and otherwise it looks like high pressure is building in. that means offshore winds kicking in later tonight. and into tomorrow. and probably wednesday, and that's when the fire danger will be elevated but rain makes a return to the bay area on thursday. and possibly into friday. ♪ we're back on "the early show." it's a monday morning snow still on the grass at least here in new york city. i'm jeff glor, along with erica hill. chris wragge is off this morning. coming up we will check in with justin timberlake. he has movies music and a whole lot more. >> that's right. >> and long stares. >> that's never an awkward moment when we make him stare into the camera like that. his latest movie is called "in time" a sci-fi thriller and a bit of an action movie. a world where any money is replaced by time and a clock on their arm and see it counting down to their demise. >> once you turn 25? >> it kicks in when you turn 25 and when the clock starts winding down. we will talk about a few other things when we sits down with us hid. malcolm gladwell is a cultural phenomenon. >> he has combined three of best selling books into a single volume called -- he is talking that with us as is the news collection. >> the art work is cool, right? can we get a shot of that? >> this was important to you too. that there still be physical books, that they be a beautiful thing, that an experience beyond just the read. >> yeah, because we have been moving in the direction of making everything digital and disposable. and i think it's important, at the same time, to remember that books can be beautiful objects and so, you know we went out and got a world class ill straighter, brian ray, and a book glass designer paul sarah and i told them to create an object that people could value and could feel and enjoy and it's like five pounds. it's not insubstantial. >> i worked out with it this morning. you feel the guns? >> yeah. >> are you on kindle or put your books on kindle? >> we were going with books. right? they will be available in many different forms but i thought one of the forms should be something like that. >> win viewer said they feel smarter after reading your books. one thing definitely. whether or not you feel smarter, sometimes the way they make me think, i don't always feel smarter but not in a bad way but they do make you think and that is your goal. >> i like to think of myself as someone who is a conversation starter, that these books are leading people to think about their world, rearrange their world in different ways and if they don't agree with me that's fine, but i like to think that i've at least prompted them to have a conversation in a different way about something. >> you just worked on a review of the new steve jobs book. >> yes. >> the walter isaacson's book. what did you think of it? >> well, extraordinary book. jobs' life is absolutely amazing. and -- but at the end, you know i found myself comparing him to his great contemporary bill gates, and wondering whether we won't, 50 a hundred years from now when we have forgotten what an ipod is we will remember gates because of his fill an tlop philanthropy. >> one of the -- jobs is a very complex character and in the book it says many mean things about gates. he says a lot of mean things about a lot of people. he was a difficult man. that i think our -- it's the part of the book -- part of his story that made me take a step back and say, this guy was -- had many sides. >> he was brutal. he could be brutal. >> that assessment and that comparison between the two also plays into a theme that you have discussed which is understanding success and sort of our perception of what success truly is. >> yeah. absolutely. we will -- at the moment because we are so infatuated with the apple objects, they are so beautiful. >> they are. >> that that is what is upper most in our mind but you can look at this issue in a different way and you can say, if bill gates cures malaria, that doesn't necessarily change our lives, but it changes the lives of billions of people around the world. >> is there one point in particular over the years as you've brought up all of these different things for us to think about that seems to have resonated the most with people, that they may talk to the most about? >> funny. every book has a different thing that people facet on. in outliers i would never have predicted it it was the thing about 10,000 hours which people keep bringing up and, you know, i can sort of see why in retrospect but never thought about that when i wrote about it. >> if those who haven't read it 10,000 hours the rule is you establish you put in the public consciousness if someone does something for 10,000 hours, essentially they become an expert at it. >> that is the necessary amount of practice to become truly expert in a given field, yes. no shortcuts, in other words. >> and in our understanding of success, we sometimes forgot those 1400,000 hours. thank you for joining us. >> we look at everything that comes in the future. malcolm gladwell thank you very much. you can read an concept from "collected" at terrell brown is standing by at the news desk with other headlines we are following. a new survey finds more americans are growing more pessimistic about the economy and more worried about their own financial security. a poll by asked if their financial situation is better than now than 12 months ago. 17% said it is down from 27% who said so in may. and just 11% of those surveyed said they are more comfortable with their savings now than they were a year ago. that's a new low. frightening incident in mexico's drug war. police chased two suspected drug cartel members into a shopping mall this weekend in cabo san lucas. shoppers fled as gunfire erupted. hundreds of shoppers and worke a report out this morning, says many juice boxes have a lot more than just juice, like sugar and other additives. >> as michelle miller reports, it's an eye-opener for parents who think fruit juices are a healthy alternative to sugary soda. >> but you don't eat candy. >> reporter: like most mothers, jackie is worried about her daughter's diet and closely monitoring what she eats and drinks at home. >> i try to stick mostly with milk and water but had her first juice box at a play date and now attracted to them and ask for juice boxes. >> reporter: those juice boxes are not necessarily a healthy alternative. a new report from the red center for food policy found many popular fruit drinks among children can have the same if not more sugar as a candy bar and many use artificial sweeteners. >> i think the companies really are misleading both the parents and their children that they have these products, which are essentially water and sugar, and artificial sweeteners in many of them and they are trying to package them to look like they are juice. >> reporter: the report also found that companies specifically target young kids in advertisements to sell their products. ♪ >> wow! >> we definitely have been food shopping and, you know, going down an aisle and she'll say, i want the juice with the bears on it or i want the juice with big bird. >> reporter: in a statement, the american beverage association called the report quote, another attack by known critics in an ongoing attempt to single out one product as the cause of obesity. adding, that soft drink advertising has dropped by 96% since 2004 during children's program but the industry is still self-regulated and something dr. schwartz believes must change. >> i don't believe self-regulation is the answer. i think in some ways government regulation would be easier because it would guarantee a level playing field. >> which one is bigger? >> reporter: jackie royce knows she has to focus in on the fine print. >> i think you have to pay attention and look at the full ingredients to know what is in there. >> reporter: michelle miller, cbs news new york. joining us now is nutrition keri glassman author of "the 0-2 diet." >> nice to see you. >> how much sugar is in some of these drinks? >> on average, fruit drinks soda caffeinated energy drinks have seven teaspoons of sugar in an 8-ounce serving and that equals about ten hershey kisses. we know when we eat a hershey kiss we are having a treat. one of these sugary drinks an 8-ounce serving a day can increase a child's obesity by 60%. >> pediatricians like yourself have clear guidelines. what are they? >> american heart association recommends no more than 15 grams of added sugar a day. and as far as fruit drinks go 100% real juice is recommended. if you are going to have that. for infants, no juice is recommended. >> zero? >> for 1 to 6-year-olds, 4 to 6 ounces of 100% real juice. for 8 to 12 ounces a day for older children. kids are drinking two, three, four times this amount. 15 grams of added sugar adds up fast. two-thirds of these sugary drinks have at least that amount in one serving and then there is also added sugar in things like cereal and breads and crackers. >> when we are in the store, what are we looking for? can the labels be confusing to read at times? >> they absolutely can especially when the fruit drinks say natural and contains vitamin c. make sure it's 100% juice and water is the best choice for hydration. avoid added sugars and artificial sweeteners and artificial flavoring. >> you mentioned water is what we should be looking at. what else? >> you can look at low fat and skim milk and water flavored without artificial sweetener and added sugar just with natural flavors, or a portion of 100% juice, or, obviously, just having a piece of fruit and a water is the best choice. >> squeezing the fruit. >> or taking a little bit of 100% juice and a couple of ounces and adding that to water. >> a little seltzer water? >> yes. so we don't have added sugars there. >> keri glassman thank you. rare to see a chart topping singer to make the list to a-list actor but justin timber lake seems to be the exception to most rules. he is adding action star to his impressive resume with his new sci-fi thriller "in time" he joins us in the studio. nobel prize to have you here this morning. >> i wrote that copy for you. >> you can add news writer to the list. >> humble. >> humble. >> humble is key. >> self-adoring. >> don't go too far. >> that was very kind. thank you. >> it's all true. not a bad thing. you always wanted to do i read you always wanted to do an action film. >> i think -- i don't know that you sort of, you know i got to put an action film on my resume. i will say every boyhood fantasy is in this movie for me. you flip cars around and, you know, kick the bad gooiuy's butt and kiss a nice girl. >> it's interesting, though. the whole premise to this movie is kind of interesting. i feel when you watch it your initial impression it really does change throughout the film as to whether or not you think this is a good idea. without giving away too much everybody has a clock that they wear on their arm. >> yes. >> specialty clock starts when you turn 25 so essentially everybody is frozen in time physically at 25. >> you're doing a fantastic job of it describing the movie! >> i want to set up the scene of people to see. >> allow knee to introduce my mother-in-law and my sister and my wife. i'll come find you later. >> i look forward to it. >> having fun mr. salas? >> please, call me will. >> it's okay, constantine. >> do you always have a hired hand next to you? >> no. i usually have two. >> sylvia becomes the hot girl you get to kiss. >> yes. >> she's a hot girl already. as this clock starts essentially depending on where you grow up it means you're either living for a really long time and time means nothing, or you're living in time cases minute-to-minute. >> yes. when i first read the script for the three days i felt like i was asking myself a lot of personal questions just off the premise of, you know just the concept itself. my character wakes up at 23 hours to live. if you only had 23 hours to live, you know, how would that affect, you know, how you lived your life? and like i said it's a lot of fun. but it does make you ask some really interesting questions. >> it also has an interesting social message to it too. not what would you do if you had one day left but as we look at things like occupy wall street. this was written and done long before this movement but interesting social overtones here. how much did you guys talk about that onset? >> we have been talking about it lately because it is very serendipitous. i would agree with that. yeah two sort of topical themes. one being do we really want to stay young and live forever, and, two, it kind of -- there is definitely sort of metaphor cal, very rich and very poor social divide in this movie that like you were saying kind of serendipitously mirrors what is happening right now. >> your character has sort of a little bit of a robin hoodesque to him. >> yeah. >> in a way. sort of robin hood plus bonnie and clyde in some scenes. >> absolutely. the second half of the film the movie takes sort of an interesting turn and it becomes kind of a we go on the run so it does kind of have a bonnie and clyde feel to it and a robin hood feel as well. >> it's definitely a thriller and a lot of fun to watch. i have to ask you more. we love you so much whenever you make a stop over at "snl." any more plans for that in your near future that you know of? >> those things are so spur of the moment. i do love the show and i've been very vocal about my admiration for the show. i think it's probably the reason why i've been able to do, you know, work in comedies like "bad teachers" and i think that is a direct reflection of getting to basically make fun of myself he on "snl." >> it's worked out pretty well. what is next for you at this point? >> what is next for me? we are taking this "in time" thing on the road and after that, i probably am going to strap a snowboard to my feet and find some adventures. >> very nice. nice way to spend the holidays. >> yeah. the holidays are definitely creeping up. it's funny how they do that so quickly every year. so yeah, just be getting some family time and hang out for the holidays. >> nice. great to have you with us. thanks for stopping by and good luck with you new movie. >> thank you. glad you liked it. up next some of the most ♪ really? are we doing that? >> it's inspiring christmas music. confession. we did put christmas music on at my apartment this weekend. it felt like it should be that time of the year but it ain't. >> getting there. mid november. >> but october 29th was a little strange for a lot of people. it was fun to look at if you didn't have to deal with the storm itself the power outages, the shoveling, the mess. >> important distinction. we want to show you what it was like over the weekend in words of the people who were caught in the path of this most unusual event. >> and it is caught! >> looks like we are playing this game on a winter olympic site. >> massive snowstorm blanketing the northeast! >> 8 inches of winter' wrath is expected. >> the stuff is getting pretty thick there. >> it's beautiful! >> north america the greatest any more? good to play outside. good stuff. >> look out! >> this is a once in a 50-year type of storm event. >> seems a little crazy to have snow before halloween. it's kind of unheard of but around in maryland, you never know what you're going to get. >> it's ridiculous. this airport, i mean, this airport is just leaving us here and not doing anything about it. >> we sat on the tarmac for about 4 1/2 hours and just got here a few minutes ago. we may be sleeping here in the airport. >> hi! we are new yorkers. this is not normal. it's very cold. my husband is soaking wet. we are going back to our apartment and not leaving again until tomorrow. >> we heard a whole bunch of crashing and crackling and everything. this tree wound up falling and breaking and crushing the whole side of the house where my mother was sleeping. >> this is crazy. this is absolutely crazy and it's so wet! it's just -- it's not stopping! >> it's going to be a long time to clean up after this! long time. >> and that is true. a long time to clean up a lot of that mess. even some of the folks on our crew being told they may have power back on thursday. it is cold in those homes! >> it did kind of creep up didn't it? what is going on here? >> i'm going to replay your interview with the scientist from the nature conservancy to find out. have a safe and happy al wean,halloween, everybody. we will see you tomorrow. republican good morning, 8:55. 0 i'm grace lee with your headlines. republican presidential candidate herman cain says he was falsely accused of sexual harassment in the 1990s. this made big news over the weekend. cain tells fox news he has never sexually harassed anyone. he was responding to a report in politico that a restaurant trade group that he headed settled complaints with at least two women that involved financial settlements. a key moment this week for the future of high speed rail in california. and tomorrow the state's high speed rail authority will release its final business plan. lawmakers and governor brown will use that data to decide whether to go ahead with construction in the central valley next year. new developments on the 49ers stadium. the 49ers are giving santa clara officials assurances that the team will submit a financial plan soon for that billion dollar stadium. and the city hopes to approve that plan by the end of this year. the team reportedly is aiming to open the stadium early by 2014. and we will get an update of your traffic and weather coming up. state farm. this is jessica. hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry are you crying? no, i just i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. good morning, let's start off with a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. getting word of an injury crash. it is actually right before you get to the incline involving a car, and another motorcycle driver. and according to some numbers at the kcbs phone force a minor accident behind the accident but as you can see behind the pay gates it is jammed solid to the macarthur maze. and southbound 680, an accident blocking one lane and jammed solid from the 24 interchange. and you can see it is starting to get slow in those northbound lanes of 101 across the golden gate bridge. and also fog is really an issue. >> spooky. >> the fog looks very spooky out there right now. along the coastline. and very thick layer down to the surface and you know what, overall, fairly thin and a few hundred feet thick and burn off and leaving a lot of sunshine and taking a lot of time to do that and 70s in the afternoon and upper 70s showing up in some of the valleys and you will see 70 degrees in oakland and some sunshine there and about 63 degrees cooler in pacifica. and looks like the next couple of day warmer temperatures with an offshore wind and chance of rain on thursday. oh i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high ernet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ ♪

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