Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20151214

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the dramatic rescue caught on ram ka. ♪ and "star wars" is here. >> get ready. >> okay. for what? >> hollywood on lockdown for the huge premier. tighter security than the oscars. >> all right, let's light it up. >> fans line upper more than a week to get the first look. >> you might need this. >> the force about to awaken live this morning on "gma." we do say good morning, america. the force is with us. the big "star wars" world premier tonight. we're celebrating this morning with one of the stars. rolling out the red carpet. a lot more on that ahead this morning. >> look at bb8 coming. he'll the one of the most popular. what a weekend in the east. central park packed. there it is. people running in shorts. take a look at this, as well. mountain skreek ski resort in new jersey. that's last year. here it was on sunday. nothing. nothing at all. we all know about green bay. coldest place in the world to play football. not yesterday. they don't wear shirts even when it's cold. >> even when it's the frozen tundra. >> those cheeseheads are serious. no doubt. >> ginger will have more. let's go to kendis gibson, he's in lufkin, texas. powerful storms there. >> reporter: george, powerful being the key word. this give use a sense of how powerful the storms were. this, right here, 1 of 64 freight train cars tossed around. across the highway, there goes another one. all across the highway over the weekend. today, a massive cleanup effort under way here as well as other parts of texas. >> that's a tornado. >> reporter: and it was. a weekend of wicked weather terrifying texas. >> a white wall of stuff flying everywhere. >> reporter: three tornadoes touching down. >> tornado just hit my neighborhood. >> reporter: that home completely obliterated. the homes to the left and right, missing the twister. at least 50 houses suffering damage. the mayor of lindale declaring a diszaster. >> i think the lord sent us away and he spared us. >> reporter: this morning, as people are left cleaning up, the red cross on the scene to help. and here in lufkin, that tossed freight train. >> we had really heavy winds. >> reporter: winding picking up and fliging 64 car on their sides. and to the north, kansas looking a lot like a frozen tundra. blizzard-like conditions sent cars sliding off the road. this tractor trailer getting bogged down. crews struggling to keep up. texas d.o.t. officials cleared the highway just in time for the morning rush hour. but with 62 more of these cars to go, it will be days before they're all upright. robin? >> quite a scene. kendis, thank you. the weather a headline here for a different reason. record heat in the east. temperatures hitting the 70s in some areas on sunday, including the new york area. it's going to be warm on christmas. let's head outside to ginger. >> this mild and warm pattern is going nowhere. just the fact that i can stand here in a dress in mid december and not be chilled at all, you know something's up. let's look up at lake superior. you can see last year, the snow and the ice covering it. now, ice free. it looks almost tropical. we've been allowed this kind of tropical warm air coming up. dozens of highs broken over the weekend. cleveland hit 70. new york city central park, 67. the jet stream, all through next week. blocking the polar air. it won't block santa. it will be much above average. we're talking 10 to 20 degrees by the time we reach mid and end oaf next week. george? >> wow, that is something. the race for president now. the big shakeup as gop kptds get s set to face off tomorrow night. ted cruise is surging in the polls. closing in on donald trump nationally. >> reporter: good morning. one of the iowa polls shows senator cruz with a ten-point lead. trump who usually loves the polls when he's winning, calling that poll biased towards him. he's still the front-runner nationally, as you can see. on the eve of the debate, the big story is ted cruz. this morning, a shakeup in the gop race for president. back-to-back polls showing senator ted cruz now the man to beat in iowa. dornld trump not happy about it. >> you look at how he has dealt with the senate. he goes in there a little bit like a maniac. >> reporter: cruise reacting on social media. posting a vivid yo of the famous maniac dance scene. ♪ she's a maniac maniac at your love ♪ >> reporter: but trump not laughing offer the audio of cruz speaking behind closed doors with donors surfaced, questioning if trump was fit to be commander in chief. >> that's a question of strength. but it's also a question of judgment. >> reporter: trump striking back. tweeting i was disappointed that ted cruz would speak behind my back, get caught. cruz goes into the debate with target on his back. >> the only budge he's voted for is a budget that cut defense spending. >> reporter: over the weekend, "snl" taking a look at the gop race with blast from the past. >> rubio and cruz, sounds like a miami law firm. if you've been injured on the job, call rubio and cruz. >> reporter: will ferrell reprising his role as george w. bush. jobing he is entering the race. >> they wnt someone who is cuckoo for cocoa puffs. >> reporter: controversy has been brewing. he took on the media and moderators. tomorrow, we'll see if he take on trump. we're all going to be tuning in. >> we are. let's talk to jon karl. cruz really firming up his support. >> yeah, the story of both of these new iowa pols is ted cruz. he's surging. jumping more than 20 points since october in that des moines register poll. while trump's numbers have essentially remained the same. if you look deeper into the polls, you see cruz has more potential to keep rising. fox news poll, 30% say they would never vote for donald trump. only 6% say they would never vote for ted cruz. the most unpopular republican in iowa right now, is by far, jeb bush. >> ted cruz is above 50% if you add up some of the numbers. the last one before the christmas-new year's freeze. it is crucial. >> once again. donald trump will be at center stage. george, five debates. all five, donald trump has been in the middle because he still has a commanding lead in the national polls. for the first time, ted cruz will be standing next to him. because he has surpassed marco rubio in the pols. i'll be looking for how both trump and marco rub ye go at ted cruz. he now in competition to be the alternative to donald trump. >> and chris christie back on the big stage as well. abc news sponsoring the neck democrating debate this saturday. >> and national security is sure to be a hot topic. president obama heads to the pentagon this morning for a meeting on the campaign against isis. as we learn major government lapses opened the door for one of those san bernardino killers to enter the country. brian ross is here with that. >> reporter: good morning, robin. nishls the u.s. and europe deal with warnings about possible isis attacks to disrupt the christmas holidays. new question this is morning about where the pakistani woman involved in the san bernardino shooting rampage should have been allowed to come here in the first place. in london, they say they have credible intelligence reports that isis leaders want a paris-style take here timed to christmas. over the weekend, two men were arrested for the manufacture or transport of explosive or toxic gases as a search continued for four others. in california this morning, the fbi is not saying what, if anything, it found in its now completed search of this lake. still investigating if more attacks could be coming in the u.s. and now, abc news has learned that a secret u.s. policy prevented immigration investigators last year from looking for tashfeen malik's extensive social media messages that the fbi says included talk of jihad and martyrdom. >> during that time period, immigration officials were not allowed to view social media as part of the screening process. >> reporter: john cohen, now an abc news consultant, says homeland officials asked for new policies last year. but they were opposed by the department's office of civil rights and civil lishties. >> the primary concern was that it would be viewed negatively if disclosed publicly. >> reporter: malik received her fiance visa last year in just three weeks, with no check done for whether she had any online messages. >> had they checked her out more, maybe she wouldn't have got an visa. maybe those people in san bernardino would be alive. >> reporter: if a statement to abc news this morning, the department of homeland security says it has started three pilot programs to search the social media of visa applicants. insiders say it's still not a widespread policy. and major impediment. >> a lot of people are scratching their heads. >> not widespread yet. a deadly police shooting in los angeles is getting scrutiny this morning. sheriff's deputies opened fire on an armed man. police say video shows he was still holding his gun. ryan owens has the story. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: two los angeles county sheriff's deputies unleashing hail of gunfire. 33 rounds in all. their target this man. we will not show you the rest of the video. cops keep firing even after he had fall on the the ground and is crawling away. >> 911, somewhat your emergency. >> there's a black male walking down the street shooting a gun in the air. >> reporter: this is 28-year-old nicholas robinson earlier. armed with a gun. walking erratically in the street. >> we don't know. >> how many times did he shoot into the air? >> at least six, seven times in the air. >> reporter: the deputies said they repeatedly told him to put down the gun. he refuseded. when he walked away there them and toward this crowded gats station, deputies say, they fired. >> two people, two women and three children in a car at gas pump within five feet of him at the time. >> if he goes into the gas station and takes hostages or shooting somebody, we'll have a different topic to talk about. like why didn't the police officers do something? >> reporter: robertson's family questioning whether he had to die. some members of the community coming out the to protest. >> they shot him in the shoulder. he was crawling to this gas station. they could have tasered him. >> reporter: in response on sunday, the sheriff's department reelsing this freeze frame from a nearby camera. even when he was on the the pavement, even after initially shot, that gun never leaves his hands. investigators think this all started when robertson had a fight with his wife. this morning, he's survived by that wife and three young children. george? >> okay, ryan. thank you. let's go to amy for today's other top stories. starting with a new fbi investigation. attack on two mosques south of los angeles are under investigation as hate crimes. vandals defaced the mosques with spray paint and left a fake hand grenade outside one of them. a fire police say was deliberately set by a man now in custody. police outside paris said a man entered a school and stabbed a kindergarten student this morning. the teach sir okay. the suspect, wearing a mask and gloves, fled the scene on foot. there are new details in the october crash of the russian plane that killed 224 people over egypt's sinai peninsula. russia and eastern governments say a bomb brought it down. this morning, egyptians officials say they have found no signs of terrorism so far. a southwest airlines flight had to make an emergency landing in san antonio because part of the wing that reduces drag appeared to be at an odd angle. one passenger said people were screaming in panic. the plain was able to land safely. the post office will be swamped today. it is the busiest day of the year. 640 million cards, letters, packages expected to be mailed. that will only add to the woes of one perturbed postman. under siege by gobblers. they've been on his tail every day. they've become so belligerent. he's forced to fend them off with a ten-foot pole. you couldn't hear him in the video. he just looks and goes, every day. >> can you imagine? every day facing that. >> he just keeps leading them on. he's got dinner for a week. just lead them home. that's a no-brainer. >> that's one way of looking at it, jesse. thank you. thank you, amy. it is the biggest movie event of the year. who knows, maybe ever. the "star wars" world premier is in los angeles tonight. the blockbuster opening for the rest of us at the end of the week. nick watt is in the center of the galaxy in hollywood. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good norng, robin. there are already "star wars" die hard fans camped out outside the chinese theater, hoping to snag the best seats for opening night, which isn't until thursday. before then, the premier that starts in 14 hours and about 15 minutes. >> get ready. >> okay. for what? >> reporter: for the stars aligning at tonight's premier, security is tighter than the oscars. four blocks of hollywood boulevard closed since last thursday. >>appy "star wars." >> reporter: it's nine days already these fans have been in line. caroline and andrew from australia are serious. getting married in the line. on thursday. who's officiating? >> we have a good friend who is a celebrant and is named obi sean. >> reporter: "the force wakens" will debut on over 4,000 screens this week. back in '77, "star wars" opened on 32. an instant hit, darth vader was soon leaving his footprints here outside the theater. >> george lucas watched the the first one from here. are you kidding me? this is the place to be. >> feels great! >> reporter: in 1999, for "the phantom menace" the line was born. >> i met my husband in line. >> reporter: and this is the result? >> this is the result. >> reporter: nate's been in line already. >> when that comes up on the screen, a little kid inside me is saying, is this really happening. >> there's a center of the universe in "star wars jts nerddom, that's right here. >> reporter: these nerds, their word, not mine, are making money for a children's charity. it rained overnight. it's chilly by l.a. standards. they have another 80 hours to go. i'm not sure i can take it. can you guys? >> nerd is a high compliment for them. >> we're going to a special screening tomorrow in new york. we can't get details. it's so top secret zplp no phones. they take them when you walk in the door. this is all lockdown. >> can't blame them for that. >> we're given instructions. >> not going to say anything on wednesday. >> no, we can't. another big storm in the west. this one hits san francisco? >> nick was just alluding to it. this is san pablo, california. trees into homes. a look at where that storm is now. smothering anywhere from arizona up through the dakotas with winter weather advisories and warnings. the select cities now brought to you by walmart. afternoon. last really mild day with highs i in the upper 60s. tonight rain endnding overnight with cleaearing by dawnwn. lows in the 50s. tomorrow, mostly sunny and breezy. 65. showers return on thursday with a bibig coolol down this weekend. and coming up here on "gma," the nfl facing a billion-glar lawsuit. and now a big new hollywood movie over the dangers of concussions. so why was roger goodell laughing at a joke about them. a lot of people speak out this morning. and hover boards catching fire. we have they had of one of the biggest manufacturers standing by to and your questions. are they safe to put under your tree this christmas? re quite tht at waking people up in the morning. let me show you how grandma does it. your daddy made this when he was a little boy. this is your dad at my house, where he had his first christmas. thanks for making the coffee. well look who's up. i'm really glad you're here mom. me too. look who's here! withof my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. i am your father. this week at toys"r"us get 30% off this kylo ren, x-wing and the lengendary yoda. toys"r"us. awwwesome! 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>> the bright yellow flower. yeah. >> oh, that one. got it. president obama planning to visit the pentagon this morning for a meeting with the national security council. and a big headline about sleep, yes, you can get too much. researchers find that more than nine hours a day may shorten your life. is there we would like to know that problem. we don't. jesse is here. he'll have a heart-warming story of a dog wearing a purple heart here. >> two heroes overseas. it's great. >> looking forward to that. we begin with nfl commissioner roger goodell. he's under fire getting caught on camera laughing about concussions at a black tie dinner at the same time the league is dealing with a $1 billion settlement over concussions. >> just last night, another player suffered a concussion. his second of the season. at a time when concussion dangers are at the forefront, thanks to a nearly $1 billion settlement field by the players. the league seemingly making light of the situation is not sitting well. awkward is the word being used to describe this moment. >> i had a chance to sit next to the commissioner of football. pete roselle tonight also, and -- oh, excuse me. roger goodell. i apologize. i had six concussions in the nfl, so. >> reporter: hall of fame nfl quarterbac roger staubach that he had run the skroek by the xhirgs in advance. >> he approved it. >> reporter: and goodell laughed again. this morning, some are saying concussions shouldn't be a laughing matter. there's currently a lawsuit hanging over the nfls a head. bernard robertson is 1 of the more than 4500 nfl players suing the league. he fails to see the humor. >> concussions aren't a laughing matter. specifically the effects from those concussions. >> reporter: and the controversy over the leek's history of dealing with the dangers is heading to the big screen christmas day with the new movie, concussion. >> repetitive head trauma choex the brain. >> this is inappropriate at any time. especially now. our interest and concerns are heightened by this issue. and the nfl commission sir laughing? >> reporter: goodell says the nfl is doing all it can to make the game safer. >> you know, we have done 39 rule changes over the last ten years to make our game safer. >> reporter: just this year alone, reportedly more than 150 concussions. in november, rams quarterback case keenum hit hard in the head. allowed back in the game. goodell admits he didn't get proper attention. >> the problem we had was the appropriate medical attention wasn't given. we're trying to make changes to that. >> reporter: the nfl makes no admission of guilt under the settlement. former players don't have to show their conditions related to nfl football. we reached out to nfl about the concussion joke but did not hear back. >> thank you. you'll be talking to the doctor next hour who inspired the movie. >> dr. bennett amalou. he says to parents, don't let you kids play football. we'll talk to him about that. now to the hot air balloon that came down in the middle of a san diego neighborhood. etch on the ground racing to save it from crashing into home. t.j. holmes is here with at the story. good morning. >> reporte you remember the game tug of war. imagine playing that against a 2.5-on the hot air balloon with lives and property at stake. that's what a group of neighbors in california had to do. and they won. a hot air balloon carrying about a dozen people nearly crashes into this rancho santa fe neighborhood. families scrambled to get out their homes. >> this is quite a thing. >> reporter: and watch nervously. >> the balloon was going in the wrong direction. it was going land on the interception. cars were going back and forth. >> reporter: heart-stopping moments as it runs directly into a tree. flames tangling dangerously with the brampls. it continues to fall. the pilot decides, his only hope, the bystanders on the ground. and he lowers a rope. >> he's trying to land it in this street. >> reporter: the neighbors spring into action. >> dude, seriously, let's go. >> reporter: and pull the balloon to a safe landing. >> he's all right. whoo! >> reporter: and one last moment of fright gives way to jubilation. >> that's teamwork. >> reporter: rick johnson filmed the incident. >> instead of panicking, the whole community came together. everybody jumped in likt was their job. everybody helped. paid attention to the pilot. everybody did their jobs. >> reporter: a celebratory picture at the end. this is not uncommon in the neighborhood. they have a industry of hot air balloons. this one a little out of control. even said, not on my house. >> working together like that. helping each other out. all right, t.j., thank you. coming up, new warnings about hoverboards. after fires like this. the head of one of the major brapds is here. the key to making yours safe. come on back.  in 1919, my ancestor, marcel tolkowsky invented the ideal cut diamond, unlocking the true beauty of the diamond. now tolkowsky ideal cut diamonds are brought to you by kay, the number one jewelry store in america. ♪ every kiss begins with kay. it's the kay jewelers save the best for last event! with up to 30% off storewide... is the time to find her the best gift at an incredible price. so hurry in... ...and save up to 30% at kay... ...the number-one jewelry store in america. coughing...sniffling... and wishing you could stay in bed all day. when your cold is this bad... need new theraflu expressmax. theraflu expressmax combines... maximum strength medicines available without a prescription... fight your worst cold and flu symptoms... you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel just fifteen minutes and a little imagination are all you need to make holiday magic. 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>> we sold thousands of these and had zero issues. the reason is, a lot of companies are trying to make a quick buck. they're using the cheapest chinese batteries on the market today. the products we have are revolutionary. we spent a huge amount of battery technology. >> the it's the badderry that is the problem. how do they catch fire? >> a cheap chinese battery doesn't have a board protection. it will never overheat. if it does, it shuts down the battery. >> how do you check? you don't want to rip it part. how do you know what kind of battery is in it? >> deal with a reputable company. make sure it's branded. samsung, lg, sony, if they don't say it, chance are it's a cheap battery. >> in some places like new york city, we're not allowed to have them on the streets. what is your advice to parents. >> number one, deal with a reputable company. headache sure that they're big and located in the u.s. number two, buy a branded battery. sony, lg, samsung. number three, make sure that all the boards come with a one-year warranty. >> that gives you an idea that it comes from a reputable company. >> cheap batteries will not last past six months. >> thank you, tony. you can go to our website for more information on buying the proper hoverboards. let's go inside to george. >> coming up, a touching story behind this hero dog right here. why he's wearing a purple heart. l vania. volume delays toward the springfield interchange. bw parkway, crash cleanup. 295 northbound between suitland parkway and howard road. be alert for heavy delays there. stilled tied up at maryland 19 p. back to you. >> anchor: thank you. happening today, annapolis leaders holding an emergency meeting to try to find a temporary home for the annapolis yacht club. the historic club burned saturday. just hours before a popular parade of lights was scheduled. the club has occupied the same land for more than 120 years. club officials are vowing to rebuild. the cause of that fire remains under investigation. and closing arguments are expected today in the case of baltimore police officer william porter. the injury will decide whether porter is criminally negligent for his actions in the connection with 2 death of freddie gray, the first of 6 officers that will face trial. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. hope you have a great mondays. >> it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, from the new comedy, "daddy's home," mark wahlberg. and from "star wars: the force awakens," gwendoline christie. plus, a performance from singer/songwriter sara walsh. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] and now, here are your emmy award-winning co-hosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪

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