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the first time in nearly seven weeks fighting has paused and a crucial part of a deal negotiated and only seemingly signed off last night between israel and hamas. this is a deal which has four distinct parts. one is the release of 50 hostages over the course of four days. we are told the first 13 will be released at 4pm local time. it also involves the release of palestinian prisoners being held in israeli jails stop 150 of them, again, overa being held in israeli jails stop 150 of them, again, over a four day period. tied into that is the ceasefire. where i am in southern israel overlooking gaza, i saw and heard the sounds of intense fighting right up until the moment of the ceasefire, and just beyond it as well, about 7:15am local time before well, about 7:15am local time before we just stopped hearing the sounds of small arms and mortar fire, with significant air strikes as well in the moments running up until 7am and we saw plumes of smoke above gaza lasting several hours until they dissipated in the clear morning air here. also tied into that is an increase in humanitarian aid, it is due to past through the rafah crossing from egypt into gaza for the next four days, daily total far higher than anything we have seen during this war so far, 230 trucks a day carrying everything from basic goods, food, water, medical supplies all the way through to fuel tankers carrying cooking gas and diesel. a crucial part of these negotiations which have been brokered by qatar. the israeli military posted a message on x — formerly known as twitter — to coincide with the start of the ceasefire. it asked people not to move north. they also dropped leaflets over gaza, again, reinforcing that position, because now the fighting has stopped, hopefully for four days, many palestinians in gaza are hoping to use that as an excuse to return to their homes, and ability, without that firing going on, to go to their homes, collect personal possessions, changes of clothes, they fled their homes when they were asked by the israeli defence forces to move away from gaza city. we have heard and seen reports this morning that some palestinian citizens are still attempting to move north and we are seeing reports that tear gas and potentialfire has been used by israel defence force members trying to stop them from doing that. those videos have not been verified just yet. our team are working hard to look at those videos and see just what they might tell us about this ceasefire and about how it is holding. but these are tense times, everything is due to unfold through the day, and of course with people here in israel, they are hoping to see the first 13 women and children of this larger group of 50 release, handed back in here in israel once again before the end of the day. let's look in a little more detail about how this is due to work as the goes on. our middle east correspondent yollande knell reports from jerusalem. for the first time in nearly seven weeks relative quiet on gaza's skyline. there is only the destruction wrought by this brutal war. in exchange for the truce mediated by qatar, a total of 50 israeli hostages out of more than 200 seized by hamas during last month's deadly cross—border attacks, are set to be released, and dozens of palestinian women and teenagers, held in israeli jails. itay has four relatives still missing in gaza. we are barely eating, sleeping properly. in addition to that we get missiles all the time, sirens, we have to run to a safe room. and we know our family is over there somewhere. it's everyone's worst nightmare. it's not even a nightmare you think of, but it is a nightmare in real life. intense fighting continued up to the start of the expected four—day pause. israel says it killed a hamas commander in an air strike in khan younis. now, amid a desperate humanitarian crisis, hundreds of lorry—loads more aid should be able to enter gaza. in egypt, fuel, food and medical supplies are already waiting with ambulances to bring out some of the wounded. it's going to be coming in through the crossing as soon as we have a period of calm where, of course, even the aid workers would be safe going in. it would be a fraction of the need in gaza. the need is so great in gaza that no matter how much aid you are going to bring in, there will be certainly more need for aid. but we are hoping to bring in as much as possible within the confines of the deal. stepping back into the region at this sensitive time, lord cameron has already visited one of the israeli communities worst affected by the 7th of october attacks. today, he will meet palestinian leaders. for people in gaza this fragile agreement should bring some respite from their suffering. some israeli families can look forward to reunions. on both sides there is hope, but caution too, with an end to this war still a long way off. yolande knell, bbc news, jerusalem. there are of course lots of difficult and delicate logistical things that are due to happen through the day to day. we know the ceasefire started as expected, we know the humanitarian aid is moving as expected but there are still several hours here before the hostage release and before palestinian prisoners also released from israeli jails. ispoke palestinian prisoners also released from israeli jails. i spoke to our middle east correspondent who gave us more details about how things might work through the day today. well, yes, so much logistically had to be worked out. qatar, the key mediator here and a big role played by egypt as well with involvement from the us to get this deal to this point. and now that the truce is in place, what we're seeing is this big increase in aid, really lorries going back—to—back through egypt's rafah crossing. it says that at least four lorry loads of diesel fuel have already gone into the gaza strip this morning and at least four lorry loads of cooking gas as well. that's all to be used for un humanitarian programmes, we understand. there will be medical supplies and food that's also going in there as well. about 100 patients, wounded people, mostly coming out for treatment in egypt through the course of the day. we've seen ambulances standing by in the gaza strip itself. a lot of people are on the move. we've seen pictures of crowds making their way from khan yunis in the south out to the villages close to the border with israel. people want to see if their homes are still standing. they want to try to retrieve any belongings that they can. more worryingly, we're also hearing that, despite an israeli order for people who are displaced not to head back from the south of the gaza strip to their homes in the north, some people have been trying to do so. they've broken off, trying to use side roads. and we're hearing that several people have been wounded by israeli ground forces opening fire. we've not really got confirmation of that from the israeli military. but that was one of the ongoing concerns — that this could happen. now, if things do go to plan, then what we expect to see at 4:00 local time, that's 2:00 in the uk, we will have these 13 hostages, women and children handed over to the international committee for the red cross inside the gaza strip. and then they'll come out through the rafah crossing into egypt to be passed to israeli security forces and flown back to israel then forfamily reunions. within a couple of hours of the hostages being released, we should have the first batch of palestinian women and teenage boys being released from israeli jails. as you'd explained, there are so many different moving parts today that even that is not guaranteed. so it might seem a little strange to talk about what happens in four days' time if this all goes to plan, but tell us a little more about the ground that has been laid to potentially release more hostages, more prisoners. and what about the humanitarian uplift? could that continue after the four—day period is finished? well, what we understand is that if things go well today, this will continue for at least a further three days. that's what the initial plan is really built around, for 50 hostages to be freed by hamas and the other armed factions holding them inside the gaza strip. but then there is, built into this original deal, the possibility for an additional day of pause in the fighting for every further ten hostages who are released. and of course, we know that about 240 people were taken captive back on the 7th of october on that day of deadly cross—border attacks by hamas. so qatar has said that it hopes that this will really allow for a longer ceasefire to be built. that said, both israel and hamas have made clear that they expect a return to the fighting after a pause. that is our middle east correspondent injerusalem. that ceasefire seems to be holding. we have heard here what sounded like two firings of artillery shells, possibly mistakenly. we have asked the israeli defence forces for a response to that. it highlights the anxiety, nervousness on all sides, all parties having agreed to this deal want it to be successful stop from israel's perspective, they want the hostages released over the next four days. certainly from the perspective of civilians in gaza, they want that humanitarian aid to continue to go into the territories. live now to london where we can speak to mike noyes, who is the head of humanitarian response at the charity actionaid uk. mike, we started to see those trucks moving this morning not too long after that ceasefire started and held. just tell us about what is due to go in and how much of an impact that might have.— to go in and how much of an impact that might have. good morning. and thank ou. that might have. good morning. and thank yom first _ that might have. good morning. and thank you. first of _ that might have. good morning. and thank you. first of all, _ that might have. good morning. and thank you. first of all, we _ that might have. good morning. and thank you. first of all, we welcome l thank you. first of all, we welcome this pause, we are worried four days is not a great deal of time and we welcome the release of hostages. in terms of getting a in, it is obviously a very big positive, we are very pleased to see there is fuel and cooking gas because both of those are essential without which, bringing everything in does not make much difference, if you cannot distribute and cook it. great to see that there is provisions for some of that. bubbly nothing like enough in terms of what we know is needed at the moment. we are particularly concerned too about those people in the south who have fled to the north, we need to get them notjust food but shelter and more clothes as rain set in and it is we have been —— it is something we have been trying to organise with people in the south over the last week also. the restriction on whether things will continue, people are not being allowed to go to the north by the israeli defence forces. we do not know whether that will be the case for aid or not so we do not know whether this opening up and a truce means we will be able to get any additional supplies to hospitals in the north that also desperately in need of so many supplies at the moment. i need of so many supplies at the moment. ~ , , need of so many supplies at the moment. ~' , , ., ., moment. i think there is still a lot more that we _ moment. i think there is still a lot more that we do _ moment. i think there is still a lot more that we do know _ moment. i think there is still a lot more that we do know in - moment. i think there is still a lot more that we do know in terms i moment. i think there is still a lot more that we do know in terms ofj more that we do know in terms of detail of this deal but there is still a lot we do not, as you were referring to there. talk us through the fact we have been talking about the fact we have been talking about the north and south and the israel defence forces focusing on the north, the area around gaza city, where they say hamas's heart of operations is, and there are those who chose to stay behind and put themselves in quite a difficult situation. , ., , , situation. yes, many people stayed behind and at _ situation. yes, many people stayed behind and at the _ situation. yes, many people stayed behind and at the moment - situation. yes, many people stayed behind and at the moment it - situation. yes, many people stayed behind and at the moment it is - behind and at the moment it is apparent people are not being able to return to the north. there is so much uncertainty about what will and will not be possible, and one thing we do not know is whether people can get aid in the north and in those hospitals without power, and there's people about ineffective water system at the moment and who are also in need because they lost their homes and are in shelters. as a humanitarian system, actionaid is part of that humanitarian system, we will be working flat out over the next few days as we hope the truce holds, and we continue to hope this is the start of a recognition that enough is enough and we need a longer and lasting situation. after all, we cannotjust... you would hope people don't think they can take a break for four days and then begin the bombardment and killing again. begin the bombardment and killing aaain. . ~' ,, begin the bombardment and killing aaain. ., ~ i. ., ., again. thank you. the head of humanitarian _ again. thank you. the head of humanitarian response - again. thank you. the head of humanitarian response at - again. thank you. the head of humanitarian response at the | again. thank you. the head of - humanitarian response at the charity actionaid. looking ahead to what could happen notjust during the next four days but also after the period at a deal expires. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. this is the skyline over gaza, we are used to seeing those black plumes of smoke rising into the air, the result of artillery fire and air strikes and that was still seen even in the last hour before the ceasefire was due to begin, standing in this spot looking at this view. we can still see and hear the sound of fighting, there was more to fire, artillery shells, and small arms firing. by 7:15am or so, there was quiet. the ceasefire has held reasonably well from what we can see here. that will be crucial in the next steps of this deal as this goes on in israel and gaza. you are life with bbc news, i am at a foster here in southern israel on an important day, a crucial day in the war between israel and hamas, which began here in the south of israel on the 7th of october when embers of hamas broke through the perimeter fence from gaza and committed brutal crimes in the city like this one, where we saw families murdered, children, we saw hostages taken and thatis children, we saw hostages taken and that is what is happening today. after weeks and months of negotiation, we are expecting to see this hostage deal which has begun, as planned, this morning with a ceasefire at 7am local time, let us look those live pictures of the skyline over gaza. more quiet and peaceful now than they have been 47 also weeks since this war began, and the hope is that this will continue over the next four days. —— for the last seven or so weeks. we have those trucks filled with humanitarian aid moving across—the—board, 230 or so will move into gaza from egypt but the next stage is due to happen in less than four hours' time now. this is the release of the first group of around 50 hostages that have been held by hamas in gaza. these were people taken from the southern israeli communities on the 7th of october and this group of 50 we know is all women and children. the first 13 were identified yesterday evening, hamas gave a list to israel and israel then went and informed the families, so we are in a situation now where there are families of those 13 hostages who know now and are counting down the hours and minutes until they looked ones are released. they are hoping it will happen as planned in the next few hours, and of course, over the next several days, there is an expectation that more groups will be released, totalling 50 hostages altogether. but what has also happened is that provisions had been put in place for potentially more hostages to be released. israel had told hamas that if they release ten more hostages they will get an additional 2a hours because in the fighting. —— 24—hours because. the list of prisoners released stands at 150 -- list of prisoners released stands at 150 —— melissa prisoners that could be released stands at 150. there is scope for this deal to be extended. there is scope for more hostages to be released and there is scope for more prisoners to be released. the hope is from qatar, who brokered this deal, that this could be the beginning of a longer truce, but what we heard from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is that israel's objectives are very clear, that until all of the hostages have been released, or until of course hamas are fully removed from gaza, the israeli military operation will continue. let's look again at those live pictures for a moment as we can see the skyline of gaza. looking over the skyline, as you can see, a place we have seen so much fighting going on, we have seen... we have seen repeated air strikes, repeated fire, and when i stand here and look at this skyline, you can see the damage caused over the seven weeks of this war. we can now speak to bbc arabic. take us back, this started on the 7th of october, the visual impact of the fighting, the humanitarian impact of the fighting on civilians in gaza is clear to see, isn't it?— on civilians in gaza is clear to see, isn't it? yes, it is unfolding it minute — see, isn't it? yes, it is unfolding it minute by _ see, isn't it? yes, it is unfolding it minute by minute, _ see, isn't it? yes, it is unfolding it minute by minute, as - see, isn't it? yes, it is unfolding it minute by minute, as you - see, isn't it? yes, it is unfolding| it minute by minute, as you said, some of the people who are from northern gaza and moved to southern gaza, they are trying to move back to northern gaza. obviously the israeli forces are not allowing them to do that. there are three incidents that have happened in that regard. one incident, two palestinians killed and seven injured on the outskirts of the city of gaza, because they are trying hard to get into the city. another two incidents, one israeli forces, they do not allow people in hospital to get out and in a third incident nearby. however, there are some people who managed to get through sideways to northern gaza and they managed to see some of the destruction happen in the northern gaza because of the fighting and shelling. they are saying that, we saw pictures showing destruction, and the head of the red cross is saying that the amount of destruction in gaza is unacceptable. so we are getting more and more to see the scale of the humanitarian situation. there are bodies in the hospital that need to be buried, they are injured people, but at the same time, we realise and understand some of the ambulances were some critically injured people and with cancer patients crossed the border into egypt. so there is that is. and as we spoke earlier, there is a massive movement in gaza if the war is over. interesting to know on your side what the situation is of this truce, our israelis come back again, what are they doing? you remove your helmets in front of camera earlier, there is that feeling of ease that happens because of this truce. the situation also regarding the aid thatis situation also regarding the aid that is coming through the rafah crossing, people are now anticipating whether these trucks are going to the city of gaza and the north or not. the head of the rafah crossing saying that the 230 trucks, they are only 20% of the trucks, they are only 20% of the trucks that were coming into gaza before the war, so before that there was more than 1000 trucks daily coming with goods, medicine, food and with everything that the people in need of. we saw pictures of children trying to grab some bottles of water from some of the trucks, they are trying to get whatever they want, because they are really in a desperate situation. the situation in the west bank, however is... mohammed, thank you. as you say, those pictures, they really highlight the need and humanitarian organisations we have been speaking to this morning are saying that although more aid will go in over these next four days, it will not meet the huge need that is there among the civilian population in gaza at the moment. stay with us throughout the day as this story continues to develop. this is bbc news. things already changing out there, arctic air, spreading to all parts of the uk. but notjust here, surging through europe and towards the mediterranean with significant snow over the alps. it will stay on the colder side of things through much of this week ahead. temperatures generally below normal and more regular night frost. the return to colder weather is because there is low—pressure to the east, high—pressure to the east so northerly winds developing across the country. early light rain or drizzle but confined to the far south—west, still mild towards the end of the day but for the rest of the country, more sunshine through the country, more sunshine through the afternoon. showers frequent down the afternoon. showers frequent down the eastern coast, where strongest winds will be. it will be a chilly afternoon, temperatures for some in the south drop rather than rise, many in single figures, and it feels closer to freezing across parts of eastern scotland and north—east england. a chilly afternoon. winds remain brisk and a cold feel tonight, temperatures not dropping away as it will through central and western areas. windsmoor later tonight, one or two mist and fog patches but the bigger story is the widespread frost. city centre temperatures in rural areas and scotland, —5 —6 to start saturday. but a crisp, fresh start, sunshine ahead. we will still have shower surround may be a little wintry over higher ground and still a brisk wind towards the north sea coast, but light winds, sunshine and it will feel pleasant away from that. temperatures foremost in the single mid figures. a cold night on saturday night, mr and fog patches and frost for a while, temperatures wise in the west later, a small area of low pressure pushes its way in. after a chilly start, temperatures could struggle to rise. winds lighter compared to saturday but in the west, outbreaks of rain develop and further rain to come on sunday night. this is bbc news, the headlines: the anticipated four day pause in fighting between israel and hamas comes into effect. some israeli hostages and palestinian prisoners are due to be released within hours. in other news... police arrest 3a people in a dublin riot. violence broke out after a woman and three children were hurt in a knife attack. former olympic athlete oscar pistorius seeks early release from jail. the parents of his murdered girlfriend say they don't believe he's been rehabilitated. hopes are dashed for the imminent rescue of men trapped in an indian tunnel. a drilling equipment problem further delays efforts. hello, you are watching bbc news with me sarah campbell. we have been bringing you the rection both from the police and politicians to the violence in dublin last night. ireland's police chief said this morning said 3a people were arrested after hours of rioting on thursday. the unrest followed a knife attack near a school in the city, in which four people were injured. a five year old girl is in emergency care — detectives say they believe the attack was the work of one man, and was not terror—related. an arrest has been made. in the hours after news of that attack became known, large crowds formed in the centre of dublin, and began attacking buildings, and fighting with police. these pictures appear to show a store being looted...(00v)at least one bus was set on fire.

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People , Children , Knife Attack , News , Violence , Police Arrest , Woman , Strip , Dublin , Lam , Riot , Me Sarah Campbell , 3 , Three , Nation , Attack , Taoiseach , Jail , Oscar Pistorius , Athlete , Nation Attack , Oscar , Former Olympic Athlete , Ol Mic , Leg , Oscar Pistoriusl Olympic Athlete , Olympic , Be , Mother , Release , Victim , Ceasefire , War , Five , Possibility , Israel , Hamas , Part , Time , Seven , Course , Hostages , Parts , One , Four , 13 , 50 , Jails , Them , Palestinian Prisoners , Overa Being , 150 , 4 , Skyline Over Gaza , Fighting , Sounds , 7 , 15 , Air Strikes , Smoke , Plumes , Arms , Mortar Fire , Aid , Rafah Crossing From Egypt Into Gaza , Increase , Anything , Supplies , Trucks , Food , Way , Everything , Water , Cooking Gas , Goods , Diesel , Tankers , 230 , Qatar , Negotiations , Start , Israeli Military , Position , Message , Leaflets , Twitter , Palestinians , Homes , Excuse , Firing , Ability , Clothes , Israeli Defence Forces , Possessions , Citizens , Videos , Members , Tear Gas , Team , Potentialfire , Times , Holding , Women , Detail , Group , Goes On , Destruction , Correspondent , Middle East , Exchange , Skyline , Truce Mediated , Jerusalem , Yollande Knell Reports , Attacks , Total , Teenagers , Dozens , Set , 200 , Somewhere , Family , Relatives , Safe Room , Addition , Missiles , Sirens , Itay , Nightmare , Pause , Life , Everyone , Ambulances , Some , Rafah Crossing Into Egypt , Fuel , Air Strike , Commander , Crisis , Hundreds , Khan Younis , Need , Crossing , Aid Workers , Wounded , Calm , Where , Fraction , Confines , Matter , Region , Cameron , 7th , Palestinian , Communities , Respite , October Attacks , Agreement , Leaders , Suffering , 7th Of October , Bbc News , Hope , Families , Reunions , Sides , End , Yolande Knell , Things , Difficult , Lots , Hostage Release , Details , Ispoke , Us , Mediator , Involvement , Point , Role , The Key , Truce , Place , Rafah Crossing , Lorries , Wall , Gaza Strip , Programmes , Diesel Fuel , Fun , Patients , Treatment , 100 , Lot , Pictures , Border , Crowds , In The South , Move , Villages , Belongings , Order , Worryingly , North , South , Fire , Confirmation , Side Roads , Plan , This , Military , Concerns , Prisoners , Uk , Committee , Red Cross Inside The Gaza Strip , 00 , 2 , Couple , Israeli Security Forces , Batch , Moving Parts , Boys , Ground , Strange , Uplift , Factions , Ten , Captive , 240 , Fighting , Return , Artillery Shells , Firings , Correspondent Injerusalem , Two , Response , Parties , Perspective , Anxiety , Nervousness , Stop , Civilians , Territories , London , Impact , Mike Noyes , Head , Charity Actionaid Uk , Yom , Have To Go , Thank Ou , Both , Terms , Positive , Gas , Cooking , In , Which , Essential , Provisions , Nothing , Difference , Restriction , Something , Rain Set , Case , Hospitals , Fact , North And South , Situation , Heart , Operations , Yes , It Situation , Uncertainty , Thing , Water System , Power , Actionaid , System , Shelters , Recognition , Bombardment , Aaain , Break , We Cannotjust , Notjust , World , Charity Actionaid , Hair , Artillery Fire , Result , Sound , View , Spot , Small Arms Firing , Steps , Foster Here In Southern Israel , Perimeter Fence , City , Thatis , Crimes , Hostage Deal , Negotiation , 47 , In Gaza , Stage , List , Ones , Groups , Expectation , 24 , Scope , Benjamin Netanyahu , Beginning , Objectives , Israeli Military Operation , Damage , Isn T It , Back , October , Arabic , It , Northern Gaza , Isn T , Southern Gaza , Forces , Incidents , Incident , Injured , Regard , Outskirts , Hospital , Shelling , More , Scale , Amount , Red Cross , Bodies , Cancer , Side , Israelis , Movement , Feeling , Camera , Front , Helmets , Aid Thatis Situation , 20 , Medicine , 1000 , Bottles , West Bank , Morning , Organisations , Mohammed , Story , Stay , Population , Arctic Air , Europe , Temperatures , Mediterranean , Alps , Snow , Night Frost , Winds , Country , Least , Light Rain , Rest , Weather , Drizzle , South West , Sunshine , Afternoon , Showers , Coast , Figures , Many , Feel , South Drop , Rise , Eastern Scotland , North East England , Frost , Areas , Mist , Fog , Patches , Windsmoor , City Centre , Shower Surround , Crisp , Scotland , , Wind , Fog Patches , Cold , Mr , Saturday Night , North Sea Coast , Pressure , West , Rain , Outbreaks , Sunday Night , Rain Develop , Headlines , Effect , Hopes , Girlfriend , Rescue , Men , Drilling Equipment Problem , Delays , Efforts , Parents , Indian Tunnel , Police , Politicians , Rioting , Last Night , Police Chief , Hello , Ireland , In The City , Girl , Work , School , Oman , Detectives , Emergency Care , Unrest , Arrest , Centre , Buildings , 00v , Store Being Looted , On Fire , Bus ,

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