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emissions, but makes no direct reference to phasing out fossil fuels, which had been in an earlier draft. the eu is threatening to walk out. a representative of small island states says it would be like signing their death certificate. our climate editor, justin rowlatt, has the latest. when the new draft was released, there was confusion. negotiators and journalists scrolled through the pages. the realisation slowly dawning that the agreement had changed. a landmark deal to get rid of the fossil fuels responsible for climate change had seemed within reach. now it appeared to be being snatched away. eamon ryan is one of the eu's lead climate negotiators. if the text doesn't change, will you walk away from the deal? this text will not be acceptable. would you walk away? if this doesn't change, it will not be accepted as a text. so what went wrong? a group of oil—producing nations led by saudi arabia had openly opposed the deal. they said there wasn't enough to compensate for the losses they feared they could face. you need me to change? of course. i am ready to change. where is your support? please, we are bored of talking. we are victims. if you want me to change, you should support. we have been walking around this vast site speaking to different country groups, and it seems quite a few developing countries felt there wasn't enough in this dealfor them. not enough cash to help with the switch to clean energy, for example, not enough to adapt their countries to the climate change they know is coming. the process isn't over yet. the negotiations continue here in dubai, but the un will be anxious. if we don't get a commitment to phase out fossil fuels in this deal, does that mean this cop conference has been a failure? a central aspect, in my opinion, of the success of the cop, would be for the cop to reachl a consensus on the need| to phase out fossil fuels, in line with a time i frame that is in line with the 1.5 degrees limit. we certainly don't have that at the moment. how is it going? is it going through the night? not much sleep for the president of cop28, then. and after almost 30 years of these summits, it appears the world is still a long way off a final deal on phasing out fossil fuels. justin rowlatt, bbc news, dubai. a 12—year—old activist took centre stage at the cop28 climate summit as she stormed up to the front, shouting for an end to the use of fossilfuels. licypriya kangujam, from india, was escorted away as the audience clapped. speech indistinct ..crisis. .. generation is already... speech indistinct act now! speech indistinct applause shejoined us earlier here she joined us earlier here from dubai. i asked she joined us earlier here from dubai. iasked her about she joined us earlier here from dubai. i asked her about the draft deal. first of all, i just want to say that courtney preston claimed that that this is the most inclusive cop ever in the history. but i just want to make this clear that this is the most exclusive club in the history. and in this year... in this year, cop28 advice, you know, activist has no freedom to protest anywhere and, you know, they imposed certain restrictions to censor us, the climate activist, and also they give very limited space to the young people but cop is, they should remember cop as the only platform where we the climate activists with indigenous people can express our concerns, our problems and issues to the whole world. and climate change is notjust threatening our community, it's threatening our culture and our identity, too. and this year, cop in dubai, uae, a total number of 2,456 fossilfuel lobbyists were granted access to it. how is this fair? it's a sudden increase, you know, and allowing fossil fuel lobbyists into the space, into this very important, crucial space, you know, is certainly risking our undermining goals, our undermining the very goals that we are here to pursue. and it brings us... sorry tojump in, but i think it's fair to say that going on stage was quite an extreme method of protesting. can you just tell us why you felt, i guess, the need to do this? well, today i disrupted the united nations' high—level plenary session in cop28. well, because i'm completely frustrated to see the lack of political will of our leaders. i first attended my first cop in cop25 madrid, spain, 2019, when i was just around seven years old. and it has been over five years from now, and they have been keeping our planet on fire still now. and i can't see any concrete action yet in the last five years, that's why. but i was hoping that something positive might come out, you know, in the beginning of cop28, but...finally, but finally, cop28 has become into a fossil fuels summit now, and it's not even a climate summit anymore. you know, fossil fuels are killing us, and if we keep burning them, we are destroying our own mother nature, our own planet, and the hope for our future. you know, we will... do you think the leaders will listen to young people's voice, because, as you said, in the last five years, not much action has been taken. and, you know, you said cop is one of few events where people can talk about this. but do you think summits like these are now losing their effectiveness? well, i don't know if our leaders will listen to me or not, to listen to us, climate activists or not. but we will keep pursuing our goals. we will keep pushing forward our goal until the end, until we achieve our goal because we are unstoppable. another world is possible and change is possible. so they must act now soon and listen to our voices. the 12—year—old activist joining us from dubai. fighting continues in gaza with israeli tanks moving further into the cars and southern parts. bottles have been raging in three main areas, jabalia and shejaiya in the north and khan younis, the second biggest city of god in the south. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu described it as the beginning of the end of hamas, detonated a terrorist organisation by us and uk governments. most of the time life looks pretty normal here in central israel but everything changed with 7 october attacks. their fear shows the depth of the collective trauma hamas inflicted on israelis. iron dome took care of most of the rockets but i—man nearby was hurt. the fact that hamas can still attack means it is not beaten. we were going to tel aviv to see the man on the left, veteran fighter pilot air force general and former head of israeli military intelligence who still advises her successes. intelligence who still advises hersuccesses. he intelligence who still advises her successes. he insists israel does not kill palestinians indiscriminately and says the us and uk killed more civilians in iraq and syria. telemark mak israel is having a better ratio of terrorists to collateral damage than the americans and the brits had in mosul and raqqa. what about civilians?- what about civilians? when i say collateral damage - what about civilians? when i say collateral damage i'm i say collateral damage i'm speaking of civilians. there are more civilians or terrorists killed in mosul and raqqa than in gaza. please check the numbers.- raqqa than in gaza. please check the numbers. why is it that the americans, - check the numbers. why is it that the americans, your - check the numbers. why is it i that the americans, your most significant ally, are saying israel is killing too many palestinian civilians? they wanted it _ palestinian civilians? they wanted it to _ palestinian civilians? they wanted it to be _ palestinian civilians? they wanted it to be done - palestinian civilians? they i wanted it to be done without any collateral damage. without any collateral damage. without any humanitarian crisis. if they have the formula to do it, please help us have it. the formula does not exist. imilli formula does not exist. will this lead — formula does not exist. will this lead to _ formula does not exist. will this lead to a _ formula does not exist. will this lead to a lengthy israeli occupation of gaza? h0. this lead to a lengthy israeli occupation of gaza?- occupation of gaza? no, we don't want _ occupation of gaza? no, we don't want occupy _ occupation of gaza? no, we don't want occupy gaza. - occupation of gaza? no, we don't want occupy gaza. we don't want occupy gaza. we don't want occupy gaza. we don't want hamas to be in gaza. we don't want occupy gaza. one reservation: lb no military power that can repeat 7 october attacks on israel. the power that can repeat 7 october attacks on israel.— attacks on israel. the future forward civilians _ attacks on israel. the future forward civilians in - attacks on israel. the future forward civilians in gaza's i forward civilians in gaza's last few overcrowded hospitals may be applications for death as they are not getting the follow—up treatment they need. this person, aged ia, thought he died when he was hit on air strike and a district that israel said were safe. he has a shrapnel in his body and he can't get life—saving stomach surgery care. he offered vomit and he can't feel his legs. the love of his family might not be enough to save him. this girl hasjust been loaded enough to save him. this girl has just been loaded for the second time. she says, "they cut my hand. my grandpa was killed, my dad was shot and my brother is dad stop" she asked what she wants. a new hand. jeremy bowen, bbc news, jerusalem. the ukrainian president is in the us. funding worth billions of dollars is being held up by a political row in congress, with republicans demanding concessions on domestic issues first. jessica parker has the story. he's here on a rescue mission to liberate billions of dollars in defence aid for ukraine, money that's become ensnared in arguments amongst us lawmakers. if there is anyone inspired by unresolved issues on capitol hill, it's just putin and his sick clique. overnight, a fresh wave of russian missile strikes crushed buildings in kyiv and blew craters in the earth. ukraine's war is with russia, but officials must battle sceptics in the west who ask, "what's the endgame?", after ukraine's faltering counteroffensive. it is widely seen to have not delivered hoped—for gains. what, in your view, went wrong? translation: indeed, for us it is very difficult | today, but it doesn't mean that victory won't be on our side. in may, everyone in our country wanted the war to end quickly. there were hopes, but they didn't come true. but it's not a tragedy. there is now a big question of what next, even with ukraine's obvious will to endure. but days aren't without joy, even for the sons of soldiers. this boy's dad's away fighting. his mother has this plea. the russians are too much and they do have a lot of weapons, so we need more and more and more. without the support of the united states, i don't know what would happen here. people here aren't talking about giving up hope, or indeed the front line fight, but those firm promises from some western leaders that they've been with ukraine for the long haul suddenly feel far more fragile. a commanderfrom russia's red army is sawn down from public view. also in peril this week are hopes forfresh eu economic aid and progressing membership talks, as ukraine tries to forge a path to europe by severing the past. jessica parker, bbc news, in kyiv. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. a girl accused of the murder of the transgender teenager brianna jai in february has told a jury at manchester crown court that she heard a scream and turned round to see her co—accused stabbing her. the 16—year—old, identified only as girl x, became upset as she told the jury she saw another teenager, identified only as boy y, stabbing brianna with a knife. a teenage boy has appeared in court charged with murder after a woman was shot dead in east london. lianne gordon was killed in hackney last tuesday, and a man and a 16—year—old boy also suffered gunshot wounds. a 16—year—old boy was remanded in custody at barkingside magistrates' court. a new type of street drug, which can be hundreds of times stronger than heroin, has been linked to at least 5a deaths across the uk. nitazenes are synthetic opioids, which are believed to be imported from china. you're live with bbc news. xijinping will be making his first trip to neighbouring then am the first and six years. arriving on tuesday. you will meet the panellists and president with commercial ties and the most by statements from both countries for the backdrop is political following a visit to vietnam this year by presidentjoe biden and continued tensions over china's claims in the south china sea. for more on what to expect from this visit i have been speaking to a visiting fellow in the minutes —— abatement is politics. it minutes -- abatement is militia-— minutes -- abatement is olitics. , ., ., politics. it is important to know not _ politics. it is important to know not about. - politics. it is important to know not about. it - politics. it is important to | know not about. it reflects beijing's growing concern about vietnam. encroachment with the west. secondly, ithink vietnam. encroachment with the west. secondly, i think this presents an opportunity for china to control vietnam closer. especially with global security and global involvement.- security and global involvement. a involvement. as you say, the unum caught _ involvement. as you say, the unum caught in _ involvement. as you say, the unum caught in the - involvement. as you say, the unum caught in the tensions| involvement. as you say, the i unum caught in the tensions but it also has its own territorial dispute with china over the south china sea.— dispute with china over the south china sea. that is true. when they — south china sea. that is true. when they try _ south china sea. that is true. when they try to _ south china sea. that is true. when they try to negotiate i south china sea. that is true. | when they try to negotiate the dispute with china. in the past ten years we have seen china's growing assertiveness. more willing to use powers to control countries like vietnam. instead of negotiating and goodwill. at the same time vietnam and china are both i—party states. more likely to play out this agreement and tried to now show the public they actually have some kind of common interest in retaining security in the region. the south china sea will not be a big obstacle.— south china sea will not be a big obstacle. the us center for disease control— big obstacle. the us center for disease control calls _ disease control calls mosquitoes the world �*s deadliest animal. more than i million people die each year from mosquito borne diseases and climate change has credit conditions for viruses carrying mosquitoes to spread the parts of europe and america. in the uk they have been looking at what the future could look like an impossible worst—case our global health correspondent has more. this is the insect scientists are concerned about. the asian tiger mosquito because of its distinctive stripes. these bloodsucking creatures usually associated with the tropics and diseases such as dengue come engineer. although generally not deadly they can cause severe gunners. you can see in red where the taigum skins were established in 2017. italy, southern france and spain. look at this year coming the mosquitoes have spread further north with the insects now settling in areas around the paris region of france which very recently had a small outbreak of locally transmitted dainty cases for the first time. the uk has been traditionally too cold for these mosquitoes to survive. here is where we are this decade. the readily area the most suitable conditions will be for these mozzies. look at what happens within the next few decades. most of england will be suitable for asian tiger mosquitoes with london predicted to see regular cases of dengue fever by 2016. it is important to say scientists are basing this on what they call a possible worst—case scenario. assuming temperatures rise by four degrees above preindustrial levels by 2100. it is true that unfortunately we are experiencing a changing climate, a warming climate. however, we know the health effects from climate change can still be avoided and prevented if we take action. this still be avoided and prevented if we take action.— if we take action. this is the front line — if we take action. this is the front line of _ if we take action. this is the front line of the _ if we take action. this is the front line of the uk - if we take action. this is the front line of the uk fight i if we take action. this is the front line of the uk fight to l front line of the uk fight to keep these mozzies of our shores as possible at least. scientists are scouring the marshes of north kent, trying to catch the earliest arrivals of tiger mosquitoes so they can very quickly start disrupting any breeding grounds. let's take a look at some other stories and the headlines for you. poland's right—wing government has lost power after eight years in office. it brings an end to an eight year rule of the populace law and justice party that often clashed with european authorities in brussels. the white house says it is deeply concerned at reports the whereabouts ofjailed russian whereabouts of jailed russian opposition whereabouts ofjailed russian opposition leader alexei navalny are unknown. earlier his spokesperson said he is no longer being held at the high security prison to what he was moved to last year. in august, alexei navalny was found guilty of founding and filing an extremist organisation. turkish football bosses have suspended all legs after reverie was punched to the ground by a club president following a game on monday. faruk koca of the super lig club ankaragucu stormed on to the pitch after referee halil umut mele blew the final whistle and punched him in the face. ankaragucu fans also invaded the playing area and mele was kicked after falling to the ground. two people have been detained. the two movies went head to head in the summer — so perhaps it's no suprise that barbie and oppenheimer lead the nominations at the golden globe awards. the globes have attracted controversy in recent years due to allegations of corruption and a lack of diversity within its membership. will this year buck the trend? david sillito reports. welcome to the golden globe awards! the golden globes, the funnier, more unruly cousin to the oscars, is at the moment trying to reinvent itself after a scandal over a lack of diversity. there's also another problem for awards shows — a lack of viewers. in recent years, as the gap between critical acclaim and box office success has grown, tv audiences have turned off. however, this year, something's changed. hi, barbie! hi, ken! barbie, the story of a plastic doll�*s existential crisis, has come to the rescue of another institution with its own existential crisis. along with another huge success... oppenheimer. barbie. oppenheimer, barbie. oppenheimer. barbie. oppenheimer, the third biggest movie in the world, is onlyjust behind the number one box office hits on the list of nominations, meaning that most people in the tv audience will have at least heard of the frontrunners. and with new owners of the globes who have links to the hollywood reporter newspaper, the message is that after lockdown and actors' strikes... hollywood is back. that's the big news today. it feels like being here for the golden globe announcements, after our strike, after everything that the town has been through this year, is that hollywood is back. they're all counting on us. there's also a new category, honouring achievement at the box office. so even a film like super marios brothers, which was not met with universal critical acclaim, has been invited to the golden globes party. how's that for diversity? david sillito — bbc news. that is it for newsday. i will be back with business news including fort knight winning a case over google. we will show you a post next formally known as twitter by the boss of epic games. thank you so much bored watching. —— for watching. they will bring a lot of proud and shells are expected as well. some shells could be heavy and windy. relatively mild first thing. now the satellite picture shows fairly clear weather as we're in between weather systems, or we were during monday. but now the clear skies are giving way to this area of low pressure, which will be moving across the uk during the course of tuesday and will continue to affect our weather at least for a time on wednesday. so the forecast then through the early hours, we will have had some rain across northern ireland, southwestern scotland, the north of england too rain elsewhere, but also one or two clear spells and really quite mild in the south. 11 degrees in plymouth, about that in london. they'll be slow—moving, very little wind to push them around. but just to the south, around the southwestern approaches cornwall, devon, central southern england, the winds really could be quite gusty, a0, 50 mile an hour winds around coasts. on top of that, an onshore wind here around eastern scotland and the northeast of england will make things really wet and it could last right until wednesday. now, on wednesday, finally, that low pressure pulls away out towards the west, high pressure builds. and that means there'll be some sunshine, for example, in glasgow, liverpool and in cardiff. but the east coasts could stay quite cloudy, gloomy and feel chilly in that breeze off the north sea. here's a look at thursday and into the weekend, really. eventually, all weather fronts clear, high pressure starts to build from the southwest. but there is a lot of cloud stuck in this area of high pressure. so not necessarily all that sunny. and in fact, the northwest of the uk may continue to be brushed by weather fronts coming off the atlantic. so yes, for the majority of us, the weather settles down come friday and should stay dry and bright with a bit of luck into the weekend. but the north could be wet at times. bye— bye. strengthening ties, chinese president xijinping heads to vietnam. his first visit to the southeast asian country in six years. high end brands set up shop in world's most populous country as india's luxury market takes off. hello and welcome to asia business report. i'm mariko oi. let's begin in vietnam where the chinese president xi fortnite and epic games has warned an anti—trust trial over after that was not google play up after that was not google play up marketplace according to epic chief executive tim sweeney who made the announcement hours after us federaljury took up the case but google has told the bbc that they are planning to challenge the verdicts they will have more in the story as it develops in the next hour. in vietnam, the chinese president xijinping is due in vietnam, the chinese president xi jinping is due to arrive in the capital hanoi and arrive in the capital hanoi and a couple of hours. he's there for two days, and the visit is aimed at strengthening ties with its southern neighbour. china is already vietnam's largest investor. this year, registered investment from mainland china and hong kong combined, doubled to more than $8 billion. that's compared to

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Deal , Case , Fighting , Ukraine , Military Aid , Congress , Flares , Barrage , Night Sky , Nominations , Rishi Sunak , Oppenheimer , Chancellor , Summer , Blockbusters Barbie , Golden Globe , Bbc News , Studio , Singapore , Newsday , Voice Over , Countries , Negotiations , Cop28 Climate Summit , Us , Dubai , Actions , Orange , Nations , Draft Agreement Due , Night , Fury , Cop28 , Fossil Fuels , Draft , Phasing , Emissions , Representative , Reference , Small Island States , Forfresh Eu , Justin Rowlatt , Negotiators , Latest , Confusion , Death Certificate , Pages , Journalists , Climate Change , Landmark Deal , Reach , Realisation , Agreement , Doesn T Change , Lead , Climate Negotiators , Eamon Ryan , One , Wasn T , Group , Losses , Oil Producing Nations , Saudi Arabia , Course , Support , Talking , Victims , Example , Country Groups , Dealfor , Site , Switch , Energy , Cash , Commitment , Process Isn T Over , Fun , Cop , Need , Success , Aspect , Cop Conference , Consensus , Opinion , Failure , Reachl , Line , Degrees Limit , 1 5 , President , World , Summits , Of Cop28 , Sleep , Way , 30 , End , Activist , Front , Use , Fossilfuels , Centre Stage , Licypriya Kangujam , 12 , Crisis , Audience , Generation , Speech Indistinct , India , Speech Indistinct Act , Applause , Shejoined , History , Wall , Preston , Iasked , Club , Climate Activist , Restrictions , Advice , Anywhere , Freedom , Space , People , Issues , Concerns , Problems , Platform , Number , Fair , Lobbyists , Community , Identity , Access , Fossilfuel , In Dubai , Culture , Uae , 2456 , Fossil Fuel Lobbyists , Increase , Goals , Stage , Method , Leaders , Black , Will , Session , Cop25 Madrid , Cop25 , We Take Action , Planet , Spain , Fire , 2019 , Five , Seven , Something , In The Beginning , Positive , But , Hope , Mother Nature , Climate Summit Anymore , Fossil Fuels Summit Now , Events , Voice , Climate Activists , Effectiveness , Goal , Change , Voices , Another World , The End , We Don T Want Occupy Gaza , Israeli , Tanks , South , North , Areas , Parts , Shejaiya , Cars , Bottles , Jabalia , City Of God , Khan Younis , Three , Uk , Benjamin Netanyahu , Hamas , Detonated A Terrorist Organisation , The Beginning Of End , Everything , Most , Governments , Life , Attacks , Care , Depth , Rockets , I Man , Fear , Trauma Hamas , Iron Dome , 7 October , 7 , Fact , Oman , Head , Attack , Veteran , Left , Hurt , Air Force , Tel Aviv , Fighter Pilot , Civilians , Successes , Intelligence , Israeli Military Intelligence , Palestinians , Hersuccesses , The , Iraq , Syria , Collateral Damage , Terrorists , Americans , Ratio , Raqqa , Mosul , Brits , It , Numbers , Numbers Raqqa , Formula , Rally , Occupation , Imilli Formula , H0 , Power , Reservation , Aged Ia , District , Air Strike , Death , Applications , Hospitals , Treatment , Safe , Hit , Legs , Surgery Care , Love , Shrapnel , Body , Family , Vomit , Girl Hasjust , Girl , Hand , My Brother Is Dad Stop , Dad , Grandpa , 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Barkingside Magistrates Court , East London , Last Tuesday , Lianne Gordon , Hackney , China S , Type , Times , Opioids , Deaths , Hundreds , Heroin , Street Drug , Nitazenes , 5 , Ties , Xijinping , Statements , Trip , Panellists , Backdrop , Six , Visit , Vietnam , South China Sea , Tensions , Claims , Fellow , Presidentjoe Biden , Abatement , Politics , Militia , Olitics , West , Encroachment , It Politics , Concern , Opportunity , Beijing , Ithink , Involvement , Unum , Global Involvement Security , South China Sea Dispute , Ten , Negotiating , Powers , Growing Assertiveness , Interest , Goodwill , Kind , Public , Mosquitoes , Obstacle , Region , Disease Control , Deadliest , Animal , Center For Disease Control , Big Obstacle , Diseases , Mosquito , Credit Conditions , Viruses , Correspondent , Insect Scientists , Health , Asian Tiger Mosquito , Stripes , Creatures , Tropics , Red , Dengue Come Engineer , Gunners , Skins , Southern France , Taigum , Italy , 2017 , Cases , Spread , Time , Insects , Outbreak , Paris , Area , England , Mozzies , Conditions , Asian Tiger , Scientists , London , Worst Case Scenario , Temperatures , Dengue Fever , 2016 , Health Effects , 2100 , Four , Least , Shores , Look , Tiger Mosquitoes , Breeding Grounds , Headlines , Arrivals , Marshes , North Kent , Office , Government , Poland , Eight , Law And Justice Party , White House , Populace , Rule , Authorities , Brussels , Whereabouts , Spokesperson , Alexei Navalny , Being , Opposition , Prison , Ofjailed Russian , August , Game On Monday , Extremist Organisation , Football Bosses , Reverie , Turkish , Mele , Halil Umut , Ankaragucu , Playing Area , Face , Whistle , Pitch , Fans , Faruk Koca , Super Lig , Barbie , Movies , Suprise , Two , Diversity , Globes , Controversy , Membership , Corruption , Allegations , Trend , David Sillito , Cousin , Oscars , Awards , Viewers , Gap , Problem , Acclaim , Scandal , Existential Crisis , Box Office Success , Doll , Tv Audiences , Rescue , Institution , Hi , Ken , Movie , Owners , Frontrunners , Tv Audience , Box Office Hits , List , Links , Onlyjust , Newspaper , Counting , Strikes , Reporter , Strike , Hollywood , Message , Announcements , Actors , Lockdown , Town , Achievement , Category , Big News Today , Box Office , Film , Universal Critical Acclaim , Super Marios Brothers , Google , Business News Including Fort , Post , Boss , Watching , Epic Games , Twitter , Shells , Thing , Pressure , Weather , Weather Systems , Skies , Satellite Picture , Forecast , Spells , Rain , Elsewhere , Southwestern Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wind , Southwestern , Plymouth , 11 , Coasts , Winds , Northeast , Central Southern England , Top , Things , Eastern Scotland , Cornwall , Devon , 50 , High Pressure , Breeze , Sunshine , North Sea , Cardiff , Liverpool , Glasgow , Weather Fronts , Weekend , Northwest , Southwest , Cloud , Sunny , Bit , Luck , Majority , Bye , Atlantic , Xijinping Heads To Vietnam , Shop , Luxury Market , Hello 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