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meghan's interview with oprah? cuomo resists calls to resign. the new york governor says he won't step down as two more women come forward with allegations of sexual harassment. george floyd murder trial. >> no justice, no peace! >> o'donnell: tensions are high in minneapolis as the officer who knelt on floyd's neck goes on trial, why jury selection was suddenly delayed. crisis at the border. documents obtained by cbs news show a record number of unaccompanied minors flooding into the u.s. as the biden administration scrambles to find shelter space. it is international women's day. people around the world commemorate female achievement and fight for the future. and unifying america. how a community came together with get well cards. this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capitol. >> o'donnell: good evening to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us. we're going to begin with our first real glimpse of what life could soon be like as more americans get a coronavirus vaccine. new guidance out tonight from the c.d.c. says people who have been fully vaccinated for at least two weeks can now start enjoying a more normal lifestyle, including attending small indoor gatherings with others who have been vaccinated. and they can do it without wearing masks. the c.d.c. also says older americans who have gotten their shots can now safely visit with healthy family members who haven't received a shot, clearing the way for millions of grandparents to finally see their grandchildren. and while that is welcome news for the 31 million americans who have now been fully vaccinated, it does come with a major warning from public health officials who say they're worried that too many americans are already acting like they've been vaccinated, even though they haven't been. tonight there are concerns that too many large gatherings are starting to happen across the country, including for spring break, all of which could lead to another dangerous surge of infections. if that happens, scientists warn those highly contagious variants of the virus could start spreading like wildfire, destroying months of progress. we've got a lot of new reporting on all of this for you and your family. our team of correspondents is standing by. cbs' manuel bojorquez will lead off our coverage tonight from fort lauderdale. good evening, manny. >> reporter: good evening, norah. you are right, there are concerns about big crowds gathering for spring break and other events here in florida, given that of the more than 3,000 confirmed cases of a variant first detected in the u.k., now in the u.s., more than 20% are in this state. but if you are fully vaccinated, you can now enjoy a bit more freedom. tonight, a shot of optimism from the c.d.c., guidance that all of those who are fully vaccinated have been waiting for. they can now gather with other fully vaccinated people indoors without masks or social distancing, and visit unvaccinated people in a single household who are not considered to be high risk for covid-19. but they are still urged to wear masks and social distance in public and to avoid travel. >> i think it's important to realize as well as we are working through this that still over 90% of the population is not yet vaccinated. and that it is our responsibility to protect those who remain unvaccinated and remain vulnerable. >> reporter: so, beginning to open the door to some sense of normalcy for people, but definitely not swinging it wide open. >> no, this is a first step. this should be a real incentive for people who are not vaccinated to get vaccinated. >> reporter: more students will soon be heading back to the classroom. nationwide, the number of students attending virtual only schools has now dropped to less than 24%. those attending traditional in- person classes is getting closer to 50%. that will soon include high schools in the nation's largest school district. >> we have all the pieces we need to bring high school back and bring it back strong. >> reporter: nationwide, wyoming became the latest state to announce it will rescind its mask mandate, the order taking effect next week. wyoming will now join 15 other states with no rules requiring masks. >> hurry up before the cops show up. >> reporter: idaho never had one, but a protest over covid restrictions saw some bringing their children to burn masks. >> destroy them! >> reporter: in boulder, colorado, this out of control party featured few masks and lots of damage. in daytona, florida, hundreds of thousands are expected to gather for an annual bike week, on top of the spring breakers already descending on fort lauderdale. some people look at florida and think, "oh, god, here we go with another super-spreader event." >> last year at this time when we closed the beaches down, it was because we were told that was going to be the super spreader event. it never was. >> reporter: and as more shots go into arms nationwide there is this finding in a new poll, that one out of every four people remains unwilling to get it. norah? >> o'donnell: all right, manny bojorquez, thank you. tonit,prnter the duke and duchess of sussex just aired for the first time in the u.k. now britain braces for fallout. cbs' holly williams reports tonight from london. >> reporter: tonight, after the bombshell interview aired on british television, there is still no comment from buckingham palace. >> in my experience in the past four years it's nothing like what it looks like. >> reporter: this interview was always going to be embarrassing for the royal family, but one allegation was explosive. meghan claimed at least one member of the family had concerns about how dark their son's skin would be. >> there were several conversations. >> there was a conversation with you-- >> with harry. >> about how dark your baby is going to be? >> potentially, and what that would mean or look like. >> reporter: the couple's hostile relationship with the tabloid media is well-known. >> we haven't created this monster machine around us. >> reporter: but the duchess complains she was left undefended by palace aides. >> they weren't willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband. >> reporter: and ultimately contemplating suicide. >> i just didn't want to be alive any more. and that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought. >> reporter: harry claimed his family is actually fearful of britain's powerful tabloid newspapers. >> with that relationship and that-- that control and the fear by the u.k. tabloids, it is a really toxic environment. >> this is a two-hour trashathon of our royal family. >> reporter: former tabloid editor turned news anchor piers morgan said the interview left him sickened. >> i'm sorry, i don't believe a word she says, meghan markle. >> reporter: but the accusations from harry and meghan could shift public opinion in this country where the duchess has frequently been vilified by the tabloid media. journalist afua adom blames systemic racism. >> it is the fear of a great british white institution being watered down by an inferior race in any way, shape or form. >> reporter: another claim made by meghan that the palace denied her the psychological help she wanted will bring back uncomfortable memories of princess diana in this country. these are damaging allegations to which buckingham palace will surely have to respond. norah. >> o'donnell: holly williams, d we floin news ow form fedal prosecutor ad employment discrimination have just been appointed to head up the investigation into claims oe investiga sexual harassment against cuomo. cbs' jericka duncan has the new developments. >> reporter: the calls for new york state governor andrew cuomo to step down are getting louder. >> there is no way i resign. let's do the attorney general investigation, let's get the findings, and then we will go from there. >> reporter: over the weekend anna liss, a former aide for the governor told "the wall street journal" cuomo asked her if she had a boyfriend, called her sweetheart and once kissed her hand when she rose from her desk. cuomo said his actions were his way of doing friendly banter. another former aide, karen hinton, told "the washington post" cuomo summoned her to his dimly lit hotel room and embraced her after a work event in 2000. >> i pulled away. he brought me back. i pulled away again, and said, "look, i need some sleep." >> reporter: cuomo deniesi need to sleep. >> cuomo d hinton's story calling her a long-time political adversary. former cuomo aide charlotte bennett detailed her sexual harassment allegations against cuomo in an exclusive interview with norah. >> o'donnell: what do you think should happen to andrew cuomo? >> i think he should start telling the truth. i'm really confident in this investigation... but if this investigation finds that he has conducted himself this way, which he absolutely has, because i have contemporaneous evidence, he should step down. >> reporter: earlier today, governor cuomo was here at the javits center in new york city for a vaccination event, he did not respond to calls to resign, but this evening we did learn from the attorney general's office that they told governor cuomo he should not delete anything from his computers. norah. >> o'donnell: jericka duncan, thank you. well, tonight you can feel and see the tension in minneapolis as derek chauvin's trial is about to get underway. the fired officer is charged with second degree murder and manslaughter for kneeling on george floyd's neck. jury selection was delayed while a court considers reinstating a lesser murder count. cbs' jamie y >> who's streets? >> our streets! >> reporter: hundreds of protestors outside the courthouse demanding justice. the razor wire fencing, concrete barriers, national guard nearby, all signs intensity around george floyd's death has not stopped. >> we are prepared to try this case. >> reporter: inside, derek chauvin, wearing a mask and blue suit, listened as his lawyers and prosecution argued about adding the third degree murder charge. >> i'm not resisting, man, i'm not! >> reporter: it has been nearly ten months since floyd's death. the video of chauvin kneeling on his neck for about nine minutes... >> you will be arrested! >> reporter: ...sparked days of protests, looting and demands for change in how the city policed its citizens. >> last night together we counted about four different bouts of bullet blasts. >> reporter: with violent crime up 25% last year, former city council member don samuel says poli department needs to be reformed, not replaced. >> this raw, visceral defiance of order, only the police can deal with that. >> reporter: george floyd's sister says what she fears is a lack of accountability. >> i want you guys to continue to pray for our family, because we need it. >> reporter: as lawyers await the court of appeals decision on the lesser murder charge, the judge here says jury selection will begin tomorrow morning unless he is instructed otherwise. the process is expected to last three weeks. norah. >> o'donnell: jamie yuccas, thank you. now to here in washington. tonight, the white house is not taking anything for granted as it pushes for final house approval of the $1.9 trillion stimulus package this week. the president needs almost every democratic vote. cbs' nancy cordes joins us from the white house. nancy, big senate vote passing, what does the administration do to get it over the finish line? >> reporter: well, norah, they are making calls, trying to keep all house democrats on board to vote yes because they know they can't rely on any republican support for this bill. and the case that they are making to any democrats who might be disappointed by some of the trends that took place to the bill in the senate is that it is still in their words, "one of the most progressive bills of all time," a $1.9 trillion spending package that expands the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit, extends $300 federal unemployment benefits into september and, of course, provides those $1,400 per person stimulus checks for about 85% of u.s. households. and if this bill does pass this week, norah, the white house says those checks will start going out by the end of the month. >> o'donnell: nancy cordes, thank you. we're going to turn now to some breaking news from the southern border. a record number of migrant children are in border patrol custody. and shelter beds are scarce, raising fears of a new crisis at the border. the growing number of unaccompanied minors has raised alarm bells in the biden administration. we get more now from cbs' mireya villarreal. >> reporter: cbs news tonight has learned there are more than 3,200 unaccompanied migrant children in customs and border protection custody, a total that has nearly tripled in the last two weeks.rly tripled in the last two government data obtained by cbs news also shows u.s. shelters received more than 7,000 migrant children last month, with another 1,500 new arrivals in the first four days of march alone, posing a huge challenge for the new biden administration. this massive influx is further straining a system already near capacity. the government has been forced to reopen shelters for minors in places like homestead, florida, and carizzo springs,as homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas and white house domestic policy advisor susan wright were at the border to survey facilities for minors. ( crying ) among those held, 15-year-old yaqueline who was reunited with her mother miriam in los angeles today after three weeks in a government facility. her mother, who has a work permit, crossed into the u.s. more than three years ago. "i'm very happy and emotional," she said, "because i can finally have her with me. and i'm so thankful to god she is okay." yaqueline told us she was cold while being held by border patrol with a blanket made of foil. ( speaking spanish ) "every day there were more and more kids that were coming to the border by themselves." for now, these children are being held in facilities that are managed by customs and border protection, but they are meant for adults. we know that several federal agencies right now are working together on this issue, and late this afternoon cbs news got a statement from the office of refugee and resettlement that says, in part, they are looking at several options for long-term and short-term solutions that will help safely take care of these children. norah? >> o'donnell: there have never been so many kids in custody. mireya villarreal with that great reporting, thank you. there is still much more ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news." caught on camera, a gunman ambushes the police, nearly two dozen shots are fired and how did it end; and international women's day is celebrated across the globe and new executive orders from president biden. from president biden. i've been telling everyone, the secret to great teeth... is having healthy gums. new crest advanced gum restore... detoxifies below the gum line, and restores by helping heal gums in as little as seven days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. what's the #1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists? it's neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! neutrogena® ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. and nutrients to discomfort back there? instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief of preparation h, because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it. ♪ don't miss out on floor and decor's grand opening in pleasant hill! comfortably shop even wider selection.e amar discover the perfect floor at the perfect price in whatever way is perfect for you. east bay area location march 18th. >> o'donnell: tonight, two new york city police officers are recovering after a wild shootout. new video shows officers responding to a call sunday night and getting ambushed in a stairwell. the suspect fired three shots, police responded with nearly two dozen. the two officers were grazed. the suspect, who was not hurt, was arrested. and celebrations were held across the world today for international women's day. thousands marched in paris, rome and istanbul demanding equal pay and rallying against crimes against women. at the white house president biden signed two executive orders. one establishes a gender policy council aimed at pursuing equity including for black, indigenous and latino women, the second reverses trump administration guidelines in campus sexual assault cases that strengthened the rights of the accused. all right, coming up next, unifying america-- the caring cards from perfect strangers that put patients on the road to recovery. that put patients on the road to recovery. ♪ ♪ (music stops) whatever you want to do out there... 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, We Haven T , Shot , Family Members , Public Health , Grandchildren , Grandparents , Millions , Warning , 31 Million , Wall , Concerns , Americans , Officials , Haven T , Family , Lot , Reporting , Variants , Progress , Team , Surge , Wildfire , Infections , Scientists , Virus , Correspondents , Reporter , Evening , Fort Lauderdale , Coverage , Crowds , Manny Bojorquez , Manuel Bojorquez , Events , Estate , Cases , U K , Variant , Freedom , 3000 , 20 , Distancing , Optimism , Household , Risk , Distance , Public , Travel , Covid 19 , 19 , Door , Responsibility , Population , Normalcy , Sense , 90 , Students , Schools , Step , Incentive , Nationwide , 24 , Wyoming , Classes , High School , School District , Pieces , 50 , One , Order , States , Mask Mandate , Effect , Rules , Cops Show Up , 15 , Children , Restrictions , Out Of Control Party , In Boulder , Lots , Damage , Hundreds Of Thousands , Daytona , Event , Top , Spring Breakers , Bike Week , God , Beaches , Super Spreader , Finding , Poll , Arms , Four , Duchess , Tonit , Time , Holly Williams , Fallout , Thank You , Prnter The Duke , Sussex , London , Comment , Buckingham Palace , Experience , Nothing , Bombshell , British Television , Skin , Royal Family , Allegation , Member , Son , Conversation , Conversations , Couple , Tabloid Media , Relationship , Baby , Truth , The Duchess , Husband , Suicide , Aides , Monster Machine , Thought , Fear , Tabloid Newspapers , Tabloids , Environment , Trashathon , Tabloid Editor , Word , Accusations , Piers Morgan , News Anchor , Afua Adom , Inferior Race , Opinion , Racism , Institution , Help , Form , Shape , Memories , Princess Diana , Employment Discrimination , Prosecutor , Cuomo D Hinton , News Ow Form Fedal , We Floin , Jericka Duncan , Developments , Investigation Into Claims Oe Investiga , New York State , Karen Hinton , Investigation , Hand , Findings , Sweetheart , Attorney General , Boyfriend , Wall Street Journal , Anna Liss , Work Event , Desk , Banter , Hotel Room , The Washington Post , Actions , Aide , Story , Former Cuomo , Charlotte Bennett , Adversary , Sleep , Cuomo Deniesi , 2000 , Evidence , Vaccination Event , Attorney General S Office , Javits Center , Anything , Tension , Computers , Derek Chauvin , Streets , Degree , Jamie Y , Murder Count , Murder , Court , Kneeling , George Floyd , Manslaughter , Death , Intensity , Courthouse , Hundreds Of Protestors , Concrete Barriers , National Guard , Razor Wire Fencing , Case , Lawyers , Murder Charge , Suit , Mask , Prosecution , Oman , Inside , Ten , Change , Video , City , Protests , Citizens , Demands , Chauvin Kneeling , Nine , Don Samuel , Crime , Bouts , Bullet Blasts , Department Needs , 25 , Police , Visceral Defiance , Black , Accountability , Sister , Process , Judge , Court Of Appeals , Jamie Yuccas , Three , President , White House , Nancy , House Approval , Vote Passing , Vote , Senate , Stimulus Package , Nancy Cordes , Washington , 1 9 Trillion , 9 Trillion , Bill , Democrats , Finish Line , Making Calls , Support , Republican , Some , Bills , Place , Words , Trends , Spending Package , Unemployment Benefits , Course , Child Tax Credit , Income Tax Credit , 300 , 400 , 85 , 1400 , Households , Checks , Border Patrol , The End , Custody , Shelter , Mireya Villarreal , Fears , Alarm Bells , Beds , Government , Total , Data , Unaccompanied Migrant Children In Customs And Border Protection Custody , Weeks Rly , 3200 , Shelters , Challenge , Arrivals , Migrant Children Last Month , 1500 , 7000 , Susan Wright , Domestic Policy , Places , Capacity , Influx , System , Alejandro Mayorkas , Carizzo Springs , Homestead , Homeland Security , Facilities , Old Yaqueline , Miriam , Los Angeles , Mother , Government Facility , Work Permit , Cold , Kids , Foil , Blanket , Spanish , Office , Adults , Agencies , Issue , Refugee , Resettlement , Statement , Customs And Border Protection , Care , Options , Part , Solutions , Gunman , Camera , Executive Orders , 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Rights Of The Accused , Recovery , Music Stops , Dog Barks , Ford F 150 , Truck , 2021 , 150 , Smart , Ideatdfatrfedejudge , Atemala , Voiceless , Voice , Family History , Thle , Advoca , High Protein , Wealth , Muscle Health , Immune Support , Boost , Trients , 16 , That Hat , It , Reductions , Study , Worth , Pain Severity , Salonpas Patch , Life Worth Living , Smoothest Fabric , Medicines , Medicine , Sprinting , Athlete , Spain , Quality , Leak , Salonpas , Twenty Reps Deep , Twenty , Thing , Depend , Healing , Card , Mark Fugel , Kindness , Surgery , Seriesineric Hi , Meg Oliver , Facts , Five , Mastermind , Eileen Michaels , Hospital , Love , Movement , Ara Neighbor He Doesn T , Things , Froe , 74 , Executive , Call , Social Media , Suffering , Height , Nurse , Wall Street , New Jersey , Ocean Grove , Christmas , Doorstep , Writers , Most , Wages , Backgrounds , Oh My God , 7 , Patient , Tears , Fact , University Medical Center , Jersey Shore , Carroll Rizzo , 100 , Work , Somebody , Result , Day Ne , Reminder , Ae Ou Madmy , New Je S , Wonderf , A Small Act Of Kindness Request , Purchase , Credit Card , Gel , Moisturizer , Venture Card , Wallet , Boat , Prebiotic Oat , Hi Jen , Aveeno , Hi Sabrina , Calm , Moisture Barrier , Stop , Bacteria , Nature Tm Microban , Doesn T Just Sanitize , Shield , Killing Bacteria , Asaad , Mom , Sad , Smoking , Cancer , Announcer , Abilities , Discount , Sidewalk , Let S Roll , Clicks Pen , 800 , App , Thigh , Music , Progressive , Playing , Snoring , Money , Wood , Electronic Music Playing , Chuckles , 89 , Allergies , Tires , Nowhere , Colon Cancer , Someone , Stages , Cologuard , Season , Body , Dna , Psst , Spraying Flonase , Prescriber , Results , Colon Cancers , Stool , 45 , 92 , Need , Plan , Sky , Space , Men , Inspiration , Trap , Role Models , Chance , First , Beauty , Grammy , Cardi B , Girls , It Doesn T , Person , Business , Buckshot Smith , Eedition , Show , Plans , Nickname , Police Force , Dvr , 91 , Times , Parts , Showers , Store , Sentence , Heavy Rain , Timeline , Class , Buyers , Everyone Else , Answers , Parents , San Francisco , Locations , Hit , Pop Up , Questions , Tracking Rain Tonight ,

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