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>> this is the biden american rescue plan. it will be followed by the american recovery plan. >> this is bipartisan legislation. it may not satisfy the partisans on both sides of the capitol. >> we could have had a bill that was, you know, a fraction of the cost of this one. it could have gotten bipartisan approval and support. >> it's not focused on covid relief. it's focus zblienktda. people recognize that speaker pelosi's socialist agenda is bad for america. >> as a great man once said, and so it goes. the bill headed to final passage, the white house was announcing an increase in the number of vaccines shipped out. 600,000 additional doses from both pfizer and moderna being sent to states this week. the white house also says the seven-day average now for shots administered is over 2 million a day. there was a development on another front as well. the fbi released new video that shows that suspect planting pipe bombs that were found at the republican national committee and the democratic national committee headquarters. on the eve of the january 6th capitol riot. the suspect is seen walking with a backpack on a sidewalk in areas outside the dnc and rnc. the feds say the identical devices were planted between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. on the 5th of january. one member of congress says this new video suggests the investigation into the insurrection needs to go beyond federal law enforcement. >> i am a little surprised that it took us two months to see video. frankly, this area probably has more video cameras pointed at it than most places in the country. just highlights the need for a 9/11-style commission. indeed tonight, the pentagon approved the capitol police request for continued national guard presence at the capitol. some 2,300 members of the guard will remain there on post through may 23rd now. attorney general nominee merrick garland, who has vowed to make the capitol riot his priority, is a step closer to getting the job. the senate today agreed to move forward with his nomination. the final vote on garland is at long last expected tomorrow. senators also voted to advance the nomination of democratic congresswoman marcia fudge as secretary of housing and urban development. her confirmation vote is scheduled for tomorrow as well. amid all of this, the white house continues to face a huge test of what it describes as a more humane immigration policy in our country. nbc news reporting that despite promises and plans to end family detention the policy is still in place, still being carried out. this follows those reports that a number -- a record number of unaccompanied migrant children are being held in border patrol custody. today the white house said it was aware there would be an increase in migration. >> we are continuing to work to convey to people in the region that this is not the time to come, that the majority of people who come to the border will be turned away. we have a different policy than the last administration. we're not turning kids away at the border. unaccompanied children. we're also of course not ripping them from the arms of their parents. we are not trying to close our borders. we are trying to create an effective, moral, humane system. >> axios is reporting tonight that house minority leader kevin mccarthy plans to travel to texas on monday with about a dozen republican members of congress, get a firsthand look as they're calling it of the situation at the border. a photo op by any other name. texas governor greg abbott beat him to it. he was on the scene today and making predictions. >> this is just the beginning. the month of march is when it typically begins to increase. the influx will continue to grow because the signal has been sent to central america, to other countries across the world that people can come across the border now under the biden administration. >> we are also following the trial of derek chauvin, the ex-minneapolis police officer charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of george floyd last may. three jurors were seated today. three weeks have been set aside to choose the rest of the jury. there's now intense security around the courthouse. streets are lined with fencing. concrete blocks, armored trucks, barbed wire. the national guard and other law enforcement officers have been stationed there throughout the city until further notice. with that let's bring in our lead-off guests on this tuesday night. ashley parker, pulitzer prize-winning white house bureau chief for the "washington post." a.b. stoddard, veteran washington journalist, associate editor and columnist over at real clear politics. and michael osterholm, professor and the director of the aforementioned group the center for infectious disease research and policy at the university of minnesota. he was also a covid adviser to the biden transition team. good evening and welcome to you all. ashley, i'd like to begin with you. this covid bill has been cast depending on where you read in terms of the new deal, in terms of the great society. but to localize it a bit, is this to biden what aca was to obama? >> in terms of the republican opposition, there is a lot of it. it doesn't seem, though, as of now at least that republicans will be able to successfully message against this bill the way they were able to in certain ways successfully message against obamacare. if this bill does what president biden wants it to do, and that's what the biden administration is counting on, their thought is that yes, this bill is big. it's 1.9 trillion. they say it needs to be that big because of the mag queued of the crisis the country is facing. and they say that, again, if it gets shots into arms of americans, checks into their pockets, into their banks, it helps jumpstart the economy, offers some immediate relief americans are not going to care that it passed through a budgetary process known as reconciliation, that it didn't have any republican votes, that it is going to be popular. it is popular right now in huge swaths of the country, and it is going to be something that republicans are going to have a hard time arguing against. that is the belief at least from the administration. >> a.b., indeed, remember the reaction to aca. went across the country like a prairie fire. my favorite protest sign during that time was "federal government get your hands off my medicare." let that one sink in for a bit. but the tea party gave us those 37 freshman members of the house. it was a genuine prairie fire. to ashley's point, there probably won't be that kind of resistance to this. but let me ask you a theoretical, knowing the republican caucuses as you do. what if there were a ton of stuff that the republicans wanted in this? would there be crossover voters? would it be truly bipartisan? or would they opt to stay on brand? >> you know, i just don't think we know what could have been offered by the white house or the senate majority to the republicans that would have been accepted. and whether or not they are determined -- most of them. not all of them. to be in lock-step against this. they don't really have to message against this right now. i mean, as ashley correctly points out, they don't know how to. because even polls are showing that trump voters are looking for these checks and are in support of returning to schools and getting most of the population vaccinated. but you can sense within the white house team and the democrats on the hill a real fear from 2009 that they have to present this, you know, repeatedly in detail as a benefit, that voters they hope will feel and that negative polarization won't take over and you won't have republicans next fall saying see? the schools didn't really open on time, we're still having mutations, they didn't have a great organizational capacity for vaccine distribution, they overshot some of their promises, things aren't that great, and look, we're really in debt. don't even be surprised if some of them say you got more under the trump check than the biden checks. anything goes at this point. there is a lot of ptsd, as you can sense. they keep talking about 2009. among democrats they really have to travel the country and make sure biden is explicit in what is being delivered and hope that voters feel it and they feel it before the midterms in 2022. and as one house democratic non-progressive adviser put it today, they know these suburban republican voters that they won in 2018 and 2020 might flee if schools are not open by the midterms -- i mean successfully this fall and that that will be a resident issue that stays in voters' minds from fall of 2021 to fall of 2022. >> agreed. and to your point, a.b., speaking to the nation on thursday. and then he's going to put some miles on air force one over the ensuing days to go out to the country to do some proof testing of what's in the bill and how people will benefit. michael, you used some vivid imagery on sunday, and we repeated your comments on this broadcast on monday comparing where we are to the eye of a hurricane. having covered many of those, i've seen many hurricane eyes, and you can see how ancient folks celebrated that the storm was over only to learn that it was fixing to storm again. it's a long way of asking you again, where are we in this in your view? >> well, as i said on sunday, we're still in the eye of this hurricane. s we've obviously been through a rough, rough last year. that's the first wall. and now while we have vaccines coming and there surely is a bright day ahead there's also this variant, the what we call b.1.1.7. and that particular variant is one that is of grave concern to us in terms of the spread in the united states. we're beginning to see it pick up in a number of different states in terms of the number of infection that's are occurring. right here in our own state of minnesota we have a large outbreak of it occurring now. largely in kids, with it then spilling over into adults. and i think that within the next six to twelve weeks we're going to see a substantial increase in cases here in the united states just like we've seen in europe. >> ashley parker, back to politics. here now a sampling of lindsey graham tonight on fox news. we'll discuss on the other side. >> they're children today but they could easily be terrorists tomorrow. as embarrassing and as painful as it would be for the biden administration, they need to understand that what trump did on the border worked. >> yes, but will they be terrorists as effective as the ones we saw on 1-6 when they took our capitol? ashley, all kidding aside, when fox news tonight was not eviscerating meghan markle they were going after the border. is there an awareness that you've been able to sense inside the biden white house of how ugly this could get, how quickly when weaponized? >> they're quite aware. and it's one thing when they're taking into account what biden's governing agenda is going to be. and it's worth noting we don't know how much he will accomplish but in terms his ambitions it's quite ambitious. it's quite bold. it's very much a lot of progressive priorities. and one of those of course is immigration. and immigration more so than others, more so than infrastructure, more so even than perhaps some climate is an incredibly difficult issue that going back to the george w. bush years presidents of both parties have tried to solve this problem. bush couldn't do it. obama couldn't do it. trump didn't really want to do it and couldn't do it. and it's one of those issues where they're aware that the activists and the progressive community is going to be pushing them to do something on it. it's something that biden has laid out a plan, has laid out a very clear blueprint of what he wants to do. but it is one of those issues where if he brings it in the form of legislation he's going to be asking democrats to take an incredibly difficult vote. and you are already seeing from that clip you're seeing of lindsey graham, who by the way was part of the gang of eight under obama pushing for immigration reform, of just how much this will be weaponized and just how toxic this will become. >> a.b., tomorrow is day 50 for the biden presidency. that puts us exactly halfway to that mythical mark of 100 days that journalists have been insisting tore decades is an important benchmark for all americans to take an instant assessment of any new presidency. i'm convinced it was invented by henry luce to sell magazines back in the day. but where would your report card be as we're minutes away officially from day 50? >> well, i think the biden administration came in with one distichk focus, which was to crush the virus, stand up the vaccine program, 100 million in 100 days. they're exceeding that. and to try to stabilize the economy. this quick passage before the deadlines of all these programs expiring on march 14th of the covid relief package, it meets a promise. and as i said, they will end up delivering but i think it's impressive they avoided a lot of infighting among themselves and were able to get this done and get it into the pipeline. and then of course the hard work comes with selling it. but this was never going to be 100 days of legislative blitzing in the middle of a 100-year health crisis and another economic downturn. i think in that sense he wasn't expected to come up with all the bells and whistles that previous new presidents have. >> michael, i think a.b. put it correctly. this is a 100-year health crisis. so i've saved the toughest question for last and the toughest question for you. everyone's been pushing forward to the idea of a vaccine. i need you to be able to tell our viewers how they should live once they are fully vaccinated. the folks who want to take that vaccine freedom out for a spin, do they need a mask on a walk through their city or town, on a bike ride, going about their day? why can't they travel? especially since airlines and on-board ventilation has gotten so good at preventing spread. what should the guide to life be for those who have been fully vaccinated? >> well, being fully vaccinated should offer some real personal and you might say infectious disease benefits. and in that case you're going to see over the course of the next weeks the cdc continue to update its guidance allowing for more of that being in the public and feeling protected. the one caveat we have to add, which is what no one wants to hear, is that we do have new variants of this virus which actually may seriously challenge the effectiveness of these vaccines we have now. we're seeing the spread of that virus particularly in brazil right now. and should that become part of the picture here in the united states, then unfortunately we're going to have a whole different game we're going to have to deal with. and that's the challenge we have right now. but in the meantime we need to allow people to find the benefit of being vaccinated in the ability to be able to do many of the things that they haven't been able to do for the last year. >> can't thank our big three enough for coming on and taking our questions tonight. ashley parker, a.b. stoddard, michael osterholm. much obliged. coming up for us, how do you pay tribute to the people who are famous really only to their friends and family and co-workers? the everyday americans who have left us in such painfully high numbers over this past year. our next guest knows exactly how. nicolle wallace is with us with a look at her "lives well lived" special. and later, a former president blasts republican efforts to stop people from voting in this country. two of our favorite experts on politics and human nature are standing by to weigh in as well. all of it as "the 11th hour" on this tuesday night is just getting under way. getting under way. give you a sort of white smile. try new crest whitening emulsions for 100% whiter teeth. its highly active peroxide 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(soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? for weeks now we've started our broadcast with numbers. how many people are infected. and sadly how many people have died. but those numbers, those numbers are grandparents. they're moms and dads, sons and daughters, cousins, teachers, mentors, bosses, neighbors, friends. so to honor them we'll endeavor to tell you about a few of them each day. >> that is just what my friend and colleague nicolle wallace did and has done at the end of every broadcast for over 200 workdays. when nicolle started her daily remembrance of the victims, people she did not know and would never meet, the death toll stood at an unfathomable 5,800 people back then. as of tonight, confirmed cases in our country are now over 29 million. we've lost over 529,000 of our fellow citizens in this pandemic. we are so pleased to have back with us our friend nicolle wallace, host of the 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. eastern time hours on this network. she is part of two nights of special programming this week as we mark one year since the beginning of all this. her "lives well lived" special broadcast airs tomorrow night in our 8:00 p.m. eastern time hour, followed on thursday night by a special broadcast hosted by chris hayes about the year we meet again. nicolle, welcome to you. it would be inartful to say that i've grown to look forward to these segments. it's more appropriate that i wait for them often with a knot in the pit of my stomach because they are so personal. they're touchstones. they are milestones. because i know you and we do the same thing for a living, i see you struggle with it. i'm self-aware enough to know that i could never make it through. i can't make it through a single bagpipe. what have you learned from their lives? >> well, that first day that we did them i remember asking will o'donnell on my team to take this on. and the first few were actually people that people i knew had lost, had known. and i had this feeling that we just weren't up and running yet in terms of having a national ritual for honoring those who had been lost to this horrific global pandemic that was still new, still scary. but i think in the beginning we had this sense that it was not going to last as long as it has, that it wasn't going to take from us as many people as it has, that it wasn't going to hit every generation, every gender, every age, every kind of person that has been lost. and i think there was this feeling that after 9/11 maybe the one thing that was never politicized was honoring the men and women on flight 93, was reading the names at ground zero, was the pilgrimage to shanksville. and i just kept thinking soon somebody important will take this over and there will be a place to have some sort of abbreviated ritual for grieving because so many of these people died without their families around them, they died because of the heroic acts of nurses not alone but not surrounded by family, and so many of them were not able to have the kinds of funerals and the kind of timely manner that their faith or their traditions would have them do. so we started and we hoped to stop, but tragically this country is still losing almost 1,000 people every day. >> as you've been talking, we've been seeing some of those we've lost. and thanks to your gift for description, these are faces i remember seeing. some of them in the middle of this past summer. you talked about politicization. let's do that now because politics is intertwined in everything now 20 years after 9/11. because malpractice and mismanagement and denialism is by any view responsible for the lion's share of these deaths, does that factor make their deaths more tragic to you? >> well, i think under the former management of this country it made them unacknowledged. he for whatever reason, inability, unwillingness, stubbornness, political considerations, refused to honor not just the individuals but the fact of, the scope and the breadth of the losses. he refused to -- and i don't know that it's something that even his friends or allies have ever suggested he was capable of or interested in doing. but we don't have a lot of comfort, i don't think, with sort of sitting in this kind of grief, this duration of grief, this number of lives lost. so we thought to just tell one story every day, one person whose loss left a family or community or a school decimated would be a contribution. but it is remarkable that before he was even inaugurated president biden sought to try to hold the country and sit in our grief with us, something he's done publicly through his whole political career, and you and i both together covered both of those memorial services. there have now been two. but we're so far behind in bringing this out into the open and honoring the people. i mean, you had the idea of making permanent the memorial to the lives lost. but there really isn't a serious conversation yet about how to honor the people who've been taken from us so quickly in such staggering numbers. and that may become part of our political discourse soon. >> yeah. it may also be because we have so much more ahead of us sadly before we get to that bright spot. nicolle wallace, thank you for your coverage of course this intervening year. thank you very much for coming on with us tonight and taking our questions. to our viewers, again, don't miss this special report, "lives well lived." tomorrow evening. 8:00 p.m. eastern time on this network. hosted by our friend and colleague nicolle wallace. coming up for us, another example of the growing rift, perhaps the growing grift, pulling the republican party further apart as they watch. rth. the former president continuing his assault on the republican establishment such as it is. for a second straight day he is asking his supporters to donate directly to him, his political action committee, instead of, say, the party. he said in a statement tonight, "i do not support rinos and fools and it is not their right to use my likeness or image to raise funds." "new york times" sums it up this way -- "the aggressive move against his own party is the latest sign that mr. trump is trying to wrest control of the low-dollar online fund-raising juggernaut he helped to create." let's just not forget about the grift in here too. back with us tonight caroline randall williams. she's an author and a poet, an academic and observer of all things political and is writer in residence with the department of medicine health society at vanderbilt university in nashville. and bill kristol, the author and writer and thinker and politico, a veteran of the reagan and bush administrations, editor at large over at "the bulwark." bill, i'd like to begin with you as this is the party where you made your bones. how's it going to go over, diverting money, say, from these individual candidates, no, just send it to me here in florida care of mar-a-lago, i will take very good care of it? >> i think the rnc, republican national committee, and the senate congressional campaign committee chairs put out a statement a couple hours ago, very meek, we want to work with president trump. it's not going to go over well privately, and i'm awaiting public objections by republicans. it's trump's party and they've decided the best thing they can do is kowtow to him and go along with him and not object too much and try to make it work somehow. so again, i'm struck by the fact that people aren't saying this is beyond -- this is an outrage and we've got to liberate ourselves from donald trump. very few republicans are saying that, but it is only a few. >> caroline, do you take it as a given now that we have 50 days' distance into the biden administration, that this former president will be the definition of that party, that he will have controlling influence over that party for the foreseeable future and that way control at least half of our politics going forward? >> brian, i think absolutely i take it as a given. i think, you know, to the degree that some people made a deal with the devil for federal judges, for supreme court justices, and thought oh, i can bring this tiger into my house on a leash, you know, you can't be surprised when you let a tiger into your house and then it just eats you. i think this was inevitable the second that republicans stepped aside, the second that the party ceded itself to the loft base. this has been inevitable since -- you know, in some ways in my opinion since he came down that escalator all those years ago. but i think that we've been working toward it and now we're here. and i don't know what we're going to do. i don't even know if the current republican party are real faithful americans at this point because they're not seemingly loyal to democracy or the constitution or the ones that are in elected office, they're not remaining faithful to their obligations to their constituents. they're remaining faithful to an individual. so that's where we are. >> the tiger on the leash is not imagery i will shake right away. but you're absolutely right. so many people supported him saying, well, you know, for me it's all about the judges he will appoint and so on to the rest of your point. hey, bill, here's -- this is the other side of the coin from reuters news agency tonight. "if anything, the biggest backers of trump's false election fraud narrative such as missouri senator josh hawley and georgia representative marjorie taylor greene, have been rewarded with a flood of grassroots donations, more than offsetting the loss of corporate money." so bill, this is more proof that there's nothing like a little qanon, a little fascism, a little insurrection and a raised fist here and there to make people open up their wallets. and this is a separate category of trouble, is it not? >> yeah, the reference to corporate money is remember those corporations after january 6th said we're not giving money to the people that voted to overturn the election results. a lot of little quiet backtracking now. the chamber of commerce says oh, no, we're not drawing that kind of bright line. and of course corporations can therefore -- and wealthy individuals for that matter can challenge their donations to organizations like the chamber of commerce. even through see a kind of accommodation. also very revealing, and this is to caroline's point too, the republicans who accommodated trump but knew better you might say and weren't really happy doing so and would sort of like -- i don't know if they deeply regret not doing so but in any case they regret it somewhat, a lot of them are retiring. right? who's leaving the senate? pat toomey, roy blunt, rob portman. people who knew it early in the republican party, went along, enabled him and now think i don't want to stay. is that courageous, incidentally? just not staying and leaving and lethd some trump supporting candidate probably win those primaries and in some cases perhaps win the seats. >> you're right. it does go to caroline's point. it goes to what our parents taught us, that phrase "you knew better." caroline and bill are staying with us while we just slip in a break here. coming up, as trump continues to push the big lie, lawmakers in 43 states are pushing to limit voting rights. well, at least the right of some americans to cast their vote. we'll talk about that when we come back. did you know the source of odor in your home... ...could be all your soft surfaces? odors get trapped in your home's fabrics and resurface over time. febreze fabric refresher eliminates odors. its water-based formula safely penetrates fabrics where odors hide. spray it on your rugs, your curtains, your furniture, all over your home to make it part of your tidying up routine. febreze fabric refresher, for an all-over freshness you'll love. expensive dental procedures can really put a hurting on your wallet. but paying for the dentist doesn't have to be painful. that's where healthmarkets can help. answer just a few questions and their fitscore can instantly match you with the plan that fits your insurance needs and your budget, so you know you've got the right plan at the guaranteed best price. healthmarkets has plans for as little as under a dollar a day. you can save money every time you go to the dentist with coverage options that include exams, cleanings, and x-rays at 100%. plus healthmarkets has plans to cover fillings, crowns, dentures, and even root canals. now that's something to smile about. listen, we all know shopping for insurance can be more painful than the procedure itself. what if you didn't have to shop for insurance again? 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where instead of standing on the honorable decision that those states made by certifying the election for a democratic president, instead they are saying essentially why don't we just never again put ourselves in a position where we have to certify an election for a democratic president by making it hard for voters to turn out? and so that's what they're doing. and the only antidote to that is the for the people act. >> just as the house passed a sweeping voting rights bill also known as hr-1, state republicans in places like georgia, where former president carter has spoken out tonight, are working to restrict voting. nbc news reporting it this way -- "voting rights experts and civil rights groups have argued the movement adds up to a national assault that would push voters of color out of the electorate and that federal voting rights protections like hr-1 are badly needed to ensure equal access to the ballot box." in fact, the brennan center has done the math. there are over 250 bills under consideration in 43 states. all but seven of these united states. that would make it harder to vote. still with us, caroline randall williams and bill kristol. caroline, let's be very clear for people who might be just joining us or just dialing into this issue. this is not about suppressing the vote of brian williams. it is about spreting the vote of caroline randall williams. let's agree to that as a benchmark. so let's talk about a solution. and is h.r. 1, knowing what you know about where politics stand right now in the united states senate, is h.r. 1 that solution? >> i feel about h.r. 1 that we can't argue with it right now because we don't have time. we don't have anything else as immediately on the table. and to the degree that there are people that want to debate that, those are also the people that blithely ignored the festering abscess of white supremacy in this country for so long that the republican party became this sort of gangrenous limb that's going to get us all killed. i think that, you know, i'm not here to argue about the vicissitudes of it. we can have questions about it. we could worry that it's too progressive, that it's dreamy, maybe even theoretical scholarly questions about its constitutionality. but you know what is certainly unconstitutional is obstructing american rights to vote. we have got to use the tool that is on hand to fight the enemy, that is literally at the gates and prepared to shut doors that we have no capacity to reopen once they are closed. and i'm tired of having to explain this but we have this plain historical precedent and i think we just have to move forward with this tool that we've got. >> bill, what you just heard is fierce urgency put another way. and in a harsh political term, bill, you could make a case that republican office holders could make it a positive to go back to their states and districts and say to audiences of color where they live, look what i did, i defended, i protected the right of all americans to vote. this world i'm describing may not be the spring and summer of 2021 bill, but you've got to be able to dream. >> there were local and state republicans who behaved honorably december of 2020. eric swallwell referred to them. they now fael beleaguered and that's very sad, and i very much agree with caroline about the urgency. i would just say this about h.r. 1. about half the titles -- the first half of it, not even half-s about voting rights. i think that is urgent. that needs to happen. whether it was wise to package that in with a bunch of ethics reforms and a bunch of campaign finance issues, some of which the aclu opposes on first amendment grounds, they're making it easier frankly for republicans, maybe some of them not acting out of good motives but some of them i think decent people, to say geez, can't we just do the voting stuff? there are important tactical, strategic questions. it's not clear how they're going to pass h.r. 1. they're not going to get 60 votes certainly for h.r. 1 now in the senate. i'm not sure they can get 50 votes to break a filibuster. i agree with the urgency. the urgency is on the voting, though. the urgency is not frankly to make dark money more transparent suddenly. the urgency is not in my view a bunch of ethics views about government officials. i'm for some of those things but they can be done separately. but i agree on the urgency of the volting fight. one final point there, georgia and arizona have republican united governments. i was just thinking about this earlier. the democratic gubernatorial victories in pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin in 2018 are the most underappreciated facts perhaps of the last five years. if those hadn't happened, are we confident trump wouldn't have taken away, wouldn't have overturned the 2020 election, wouldn't have succeeded in doing so in those states? and are we confident that right now you wouldn't have major voter suppression efforts which might succeed in those three very important states where there are democratic governors who can block them. it's one of those things that you need to use whatever tools you have but i myself might theoretically prefer that these things be left to the states but i agree with the urgency of federal action. i'm not certain that we'll end up with all of h.r. 1 but this is where you need to have a serious strategy, serious politics. you need a little bit of a touch of lyndon johnson type, you know, bargaining and hardheadedness to get the bill through. >> hear hear. and barack obama is fond of talking about the days of having to guess the jellybeans in the jar. we are not far from that. it's been an eyelash in american history. and the echoes can be heard loud and clear right here as we have this conversation in 2021, exactly why we'll invite these two guests back to have further conversations. professor caroline randall williams, a pleasure. bill kristol, a pleasure. thank you both. coming up, the queen has spoken. but enough about oprah. we also heard from the one in england today. the primetime shot heard across the atlantic continues to reverberate. our report from london coming up. did you know that some aluminum-free deodorants only mask odor? 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"the whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for harry and meghan," she says in a short statement, two days after their interview with oprah aired, alleging an unnamed royal made racist comments. >> there are several conversations -- >> there was a conversation with you -- >> with harry. >> -- about how dark your baby is going to be? >> potentially. and what that would mean or look like. >> that conversation i'm never going to share. but at the time -- at the time it was awkward. i was a bit shocked. >> the queen addressed those claims, saying "the issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. while some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately." >> this statement is definitely not enough. and the monarchy -- the british public. to say you're going to do with something privately because it suits them as a family is unacceptable. >> reporter: and brian, the queen's statement ends with her repeating that harry and meghan will always be much-loved family members. but tonight many questioning whether it's enough to end this crisis. brian? >> what a time to be in that country. keir simmons, thank you for that report from london again tonight. coming up for us, we'll show you what it looks like when someone decides they have finally had enough. don't settle for products that give you a sort of white smile. try new crest whitening emulsions for 100% whiter teeth. its highly active peroxide droplets swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. last thing before we go tonight is about that guy, ohio democratic congressman tim ryan. ryan has been a guest on this broadcast. ryan is a ten-term member of congress. not without political ambition. he ran unsuccessfully to replace pelosi as house speaker, ran for president last time around with the same result. he is currently mulling a senate run to replace the retiring rob portman, who morphed from a trump -- a bush republican to a trumper almost overnight. and while josh hawley of stanford and yale and ted cruz of princeton and harvard and the ritz carlton have flirted with branding the gop as the working-class blue-collar party, tim ryan is from the blue-collar belt of northeast ohio. his district runs from akron to youngstown. he is fond of saying he is in congress to represent the people who shower at the end of their workday and not at the start. and today during a debate over labor unions and american workers he appeared to have reached his limit with the republicans. >> heaven forbid we pass something that's going to help the damn workers in the united states of america! heaven forbid! we tilt the balance that has been going in the wrong direction for 50 years. we talk about pensions, you complain. we talk about the minimum wage increase, you complain! we talk about giving them the right to organize, you complain! but if we're passing a tax cut here, you'd be all getting in line to vote yes for it! now, stop talking about dr. seuss and start working with us on behalf of the american workers! >> an unambiguous tim ryan of ohio after giving both barrels to the republicans yielding back the remainder of his time. and with the remainder of ours we say that is our broadcast for this tuesday night. with our thanks for being here with us. on behalf of all my colleagues at the networks of nbc news, good night. ♪♪ tonight on "all in" -- turning the big lie that inspired an insurrection into law. tonight the latest brazen move by republicans to hobble democracy. then donald trump's brazen attempt to siphon money from republicans. >> there's only one way to contribute, and that's through save america pac and plus, a year after his endorsement helped decide the democratic nomination, congressman james clyburn on what he makes of president biden's fast start. and first it was texas and mississippi. tonight governor ned lamont on his decision to lift covid restrictions in connecticut. when "all in" starts right now. "all in" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. as the biden administration, the democratic congress, and the country as a whole try to claw our way out of an unprecedented set of national crises, the republican party coast to coast has found its mission for the year 2021 -- make it harder for americans to vote. right now we're on track to see the largest rescue bill in recent memory signed into law by president biden this week. it would provide direct relief to americans, billions for vaccination programs, money to reopen schools, keep restaurants open, and not a single republican in either house or the senate has voted for it. instead, after losing the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential

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Three , Courthouse , Law Enforcement Officers , Security , Jury , Fencing , Streets , Armored Trucks , Barbed Wire , Concrete Blocks , A B , Ashley Parker , Stoddard , Guests , City , Notice , Columnist , Washington Post , Veteran , Washington , Pulitzer Prize , Michael Osterholm , Real Clear Politics , Center For Infectious Disease Research And Policy , Group , Director , Evening , Professor , Covid Adviser , Biden Transition Team , University Of Minnesota , Terms , Bit , Deal , Daca , Cast , The Great Society , Lot , Barack Obama , Doesn T , Opposition , Way , Message , Ways , Obamacare , Crisis , Yes , Big One , Thought , Mag Queued , Economy , Relief , Banks , Something , Votes , Reconciliation , It Didn T , Belief , Process , Least , Swaths , Government , Hands , Protest , Prairie Fire , Reaction , Point , Kind , Tea Party , Medicare , 37 , Crossover Voters , Resistance , Caucuses , Ton , Stuff , Brand , Most , Lock Step , Trump , Voters , Schools , Checks , Population , Benefit , Team , Detail , Fear , The Hill , 2009 , Capacity , Won T Take Over , Vaccine Distribution , Saying , Mutations , Things , Anything , I Don T Think , Some , Debt , Ptsd , Midterms , 2022 , Adviser , 2018 , 2020 , Issue , Nation , Minds , Agreed , 2021 , 2022 Agreed And , Vivid Imagery On Sunday , Testing , Air Force One , Comments , Many , Hurricane Eyes , Eye Of A Hurricane , Folks , View , Storm , Eye , Fixing , Variant , Hurricane , Rough , States , Spread , B117 , Grave Concern , Estate , Outbreak , Infection , Adults , Minnesota , Six , Twelve , Politics , Cases , Side , Lindsey Graham , Sampling , Fox News , Europe , Terrorists , Ones , Meghan Markle , Kidding Aside , 1 , Awareness , Weaponized , Thing , Worth , Agenda , Account , Ambitions , More , Climate , Priorities , Infrastructure , Others , Presidents , Parties , George W Bush , Bush Couldn T , Trump Didn T , Problem , Plan , Issues , Community , Activists , Blueprint , Part , Form , Gang , Who By The Way , Eight , Presidency , Immigration Reform , 50 , Benchmark , Mark , Assessment , Magazines , Henry Luce , 100 , Virus , Report Card , One Distichk Focus , Vaccine Program , Programs , Relief Package , Deadlines , Covid , March 14th , 14 , 100 Million , Work , Promise , Pipeline , Infighting , Sense , Health Crisis , Middle , Downturn , Blitzing , Question , Whistles , Bells , Vaccine , Viewers , Idea , Everyone , Spin , Walk , Town , Airlines , Mask , Bike Ride , On Board Ventilation , Life , Guide , Case , Public , Caveat , Benefits , Disease , Guidance , Being , Add , Wants , Cdc , Variants , Effectiveness , Brazil , Picture , Challenge , Game , Questions , Enough , Ability , Haven T , Family , Numbers , Coming Up , Friends , Tribute , Co Workers , Nicolle Wallace , Voting , Lives Well Lived , Guest , Efforts , Experts , Human Nature , Crest Whitening Emulsions , Teeth , Smile , Sort , Peroxide Droplets , The 11th Hour , 11 , Brick , Faster , Sister , Marathons , Crestwhitesmile Com , Text , 76 , Life Insurance , Conversation , Coverage , Um , Colonial Penn , 9 95 , 95 , Health Questions , Reminder , 85 , Options , Health Reason , Rate , 35 , Beneficiary Planner , Information , Soft Music , Broadcast , Moms , Dads , Cousins , Teachers , Grandparents , Sons And Daughters , Few , Friend , Neighbors , Mentors , Bosses , The End , 200 , Workdays , Victims , Remembrance , Death Toll , 5800 , Network , Citizens , 529000 , 29 Million , 00 , 4 , Programming , Special Broadcast Airs , Appropriate , Chris Hayes , Segments , Knot , Touchstones , Stomach , Living , Milestones , The Pit , Lives , Bagpipe , Feeling , Lost , Ritual , Wasn T , Generation , Gender , Person , Men And Women On Flight 93 , Age , 93 , Somebody , Names , Ground Zero , Pilgrimage To Shanksville , Zero , Families , Nurses , Facts , Kinds , Faith , Funerals , Manner , Traditions , Faces , Thanks , Talking , Description , Gift , 1000 , Politicization , Everything , 20 , Deaths , Factor , Malpractice , Denialism , Mismanagement , Lion S Share , Management , Reason , Inability , Unwillingness , Unacknowledged , Fact , Individuals , Considerations , Losses , Breadth , Scope , Stubbornness , Doing , Allies , Comfort , Grief , Loss , School , Story , Contribution , Career , Sit , Services , Memorial , Both , Discourse , Isn T A Serious Conversation , Spot , Special Report , Miss , Grift , Example , Rift , Rth , Assault , Political Action Committee , Supporters , Establishment , Party , Statement , Rinos , Move , Right , The Party , New York Times , Image , Funds , Likeness , Fools , Tonight Caroline Randall Williams , Sign , Control , Author , Mr , Juggernaut , Poet , Fund Raising , Bill Kristol , Writer , Thinker , Politico , Residence , Academic , Observer , Department , Medicine Health Society , Vanderbilt University , In Nashville , Reagan , Administrations , Candidates , Bones , The Bulwark , Florida , Care , Congressional , Campaign Committee Chairs , Mar A Lago , Objections , Donald Trump , Outrage , Beyond , Influence , Definition , Degree , Brian Williams , Half , Given , Tiger , Leash , Judges , Devil , Justices , Supreme Court , Second , Loft Base , Opinion , Democracy , Constitution , Office , Imagery , Constituents , Faithful , Individual , Obligations , Coin , Reuters News Agency , Georgia , Josh Hawley , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Donations , Backers , Narrative , Flood , Election Fraud , Missouri , Nothing , Wallets , Little Qanon , Proof , Category , Fist , Fascism , Trouble , Corporations , Reference , Election Results , Quiet Backtracking , Chamber Of Commerce , Line , Course Corporations , Accommodation , Organizations , Matter , Weren T , Like , Rob Portman , Courageous , Pat Toomey , Roy Blunt , Primaries , Candidate , Caroline S , Lethd , Seats , Phrase , Voting Rights , Bill , Big Lie , Break , Lawmakers , 43 , Odor , Odors , Home , Febreze Fabric Refresher , Fabrics , Source , Surfaces , It Part , Formula , Curtains , Tidying Up Routine , Drugs , Furniture , Plus Healthmarkets , Dentist , Wallet , Procedures , Insurance , Price , Fitscore , Budget , Coverage Options , Exams , X Rays , Canals , Dentures , Cleanings , Fillings , Crowns , Needs , Market , Procedure , New Fitscore Forever Technology , Policies , Health Insurance Agency , Millions , Customer Satisfaction Rating , Better Business Bureau , Providers , Waiting Periods , 200000 , Service , Fitscore Forever Promise , Marketplace Healthmarkets , Face , Screen , Lessons , Election , Decision , Arizona , Standing , Antidote , Position , State Republicans , Voting Rights Experts , Carter , Hr 1 , Color , Rights , Electorate , Groups , Movement , Access , Ballot Box , Voting Rights Protections , Brennan Center , Consideration , Math , 250 , Professor Caroline Randall Williams , Solution , Talk , Supremacy , Festering Abscess , Table , Vicissitudes , Gangrenous Limb , Constitutionality , Dreamy , Obstructing American Rights , Tool , Doors , At The Gates , Enemy , Hand , Precedent , Urgency , Office Holders , Harsh Political Term , Districts , Audiences , Positive , Spring , December Of 2020 , Titles , Eric Swallwell , Bunch , Campaign Finance , Motives , First Amendment Grounds , Bunch Of Ethics Reforms , Aclu , Say Geez , 60 , Government Officials , Filibuster , View A Bunch Of Ethics Views , Governments , Victories , Pennsylvania , Volting Fight , Wisconsin , Michigan , Wouldn T , Hadn T , Wouldn , Wouldn T Have , Five , Governors , Tools , Voter Suppression Efforts , Of H R 1 , Hardheadedness , Action , Touch , Type , Bargaining , Strategy , Lyndon Johnson , Jar , Jellybeans , Eyelash , American History , Pleasure , Conversations , Echoes , Queen , Report , The One , Oprah , Primetime , Atlantic , Keir Simmons In London , England , Secret , Odor Fighters , Deodorants , 3 , Postage , Post Office , Customers , Businesses , Letter , Stamps Com , Computer , Tv Offer , Scale , Post Office Plus , Stamps Com Tv , Life Insurance Policy , Term , Cash Payment , Coventry 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America Pac , James Clyburn , Ned Lamont , Endorsement , Mississippi , Covid Restrictions , Try , New York , Connecticut , Rescue Bill , Crises , Memory , Track , Coast To , Restaurants , Billions , Vaccination Programs ,

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