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as part of the 50 nation coalition that president biden has built or whether congress will ignore the lessons we've learned from history and let putin prevail. it is that simple. it is that stark a choice and we hope congress on a bipartisan basis will make the right choice. >> that's national security advisor jake sullivan laying out the high stakes of a vote on more aid for ukraine. we'll look at where support stands on capitol hill for president biden's $106 billion foreign aid plan just ahead. plus the latest from the middle east. israel says its troops are advancing on hamas in gaza's largest southern city. but the ground offensive leaves civilians in that part of the territory with few places to seek shelter. and also ahead we'll get expert legal analysis on a supreme court case that involved a family who owned a company in helping to create the nation's opioid crisis. good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this tuesday, december 5th. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for starting your day with us. the israeli military appears to have begun its ground offensive in southern gaza. new satellite photos show israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers in the area. the move sets the stage for w will likely be one of the biggest battles of the war, this taking place in southern gaza's largest city. israeli officials believe the military leadership of hamas has been seeking shelter there. israel's defense forces have declined to comment specifically on these developments, but they say they're operating all over the gaza strip. air strikes were launched in the south over the weekend. the plan to invade the area has been met with stark warnings from u.s. officials to protect civilian lives. the invasion is expected to worsen the already dire living conditions in the area. just yesterday gaza's two main internet service providers announced another near total blackout. officials say it was caused by a cut of the main fiber routes. service started gradually returning this morning. israel, this also now accusing the united nations of hamas carried out widespread at sexual abuse against women during that october 7therror attack. israeli authorities say they have collected extensive testimonies of rape and sex crimes from witnesses and first responders who were present during or after the atrocities took place including accounts of mutilation and torture. u.n. secretary-general said last week that accounts should be vigorously investigated and prosecuted, but israeli officials are saying he should have spoken out about this weeks earlier. here's what state department spokesperson matt miller had to say about why he believes hamas did not release the remaining female hostages. >> only because we haven't made an independent assessment of our own. we've obviously seen the reports that hamas has committed sexual violence. they've committed rape. we have no reason at all to doubt those reports. when you look at all the atrocities that hamas carried out on october 7th and the atrocities that they have carried out since, the fact that they continue to hold women hostages, the fact they continue to hold children hostages, the fact it seems one of the reasons they don't want to turn women over that they've been holding hostage and the reason this pause fell apart is they don't want those women to be able to talk about what happened to them during their time in custody. certainly there is very little that i would put beyond hamas when it comes to its treatment of civilians and particularly its treatment of women. >> in another development from the middle east, some u.s. officials believe the biden administration is deliberately down-playing this weekend's attack against commercial vessels in the red sea. on sunday houthi rebels in yemen launched missiles and drones against three separate ships. a u.s. navy warship then fired back taking down three unmanned aerial systems. the department of defense says it, quote, cannot assess whether the u.s. was the target of the attack, but officials with knowledge of the incident are telling politico that u.s. naval forces are clearly under threat there in the red sea. they argue at the white house is down-playing the seriousness in an attempt to avoid escalating tensions in the middle east amid the israel-hamas war. joining us now pentagon reporter for politico, laura seller. laura, great to see you again. we'll ask about those red sea attacks in a moment. i know you've got reporting on that. first let's start with what's going on at this moment in gaza, really escalating the attacks in the southern part of the region. give us the update as to what we know in terms of the level of bombardment and also what does the biden administration believe? >> good morning, jonathan. thanks so much for having me. as you said this does mark a new phase-in the war that could be decisive. the israelis are pushing into the south of gaza. it's setting the stage for a showdown in the southern city which is where israel believes hamas' military and political leadership is hiding. this next phase of the fight could be the most intense. that means potentially thousands of additional civilian casualties. this is a point that the administration is clearly growing frustrate would the israelis. you saw over the weekend defense secretary lloyd austin said they'd been pressing israel to do more to protect civilians. he says israel faces strategic defeat in gaza if it does not do more to protect civilians. clearly he's drawing on his experience commanding u.s. forces in iraq there, so h does know what he's talking about. if this is indeed the beginning of the end of the war, though, that does bring more urgency on officials to discuss what happens to gaza after -- after israel does destroy hamas, if that does happen. israel has ruled out allowing the palestinian authority to gufblern gaza, which is that's the authority that governs parts of the west bank. although this may be something that the u.s. is continuing to think about. there are proposals to have a -- some sort of peacekeeping coalition that may be led by the saudis. so a lot of proposals, not a lot of answers right now. >> so let's circle back now to the red sea. it was your reporting that indicates some dod officials are frustrate would the white house's response to those warship attacks over the weekend. tell us more what these officials would like to see the biden administration do. and give us the bigger picture, if you will, as to how the white house is viewing this seeming escalation. >> it does seem like the fighting in the middle east is drawing in u.s. forces even more right now. there's been 76 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria so far. and on sunday you saw this massive four-hou long fire fight in the red there were three different coercial ships that came under fire from houthi missiles and drones and the uss carny, the is guided missile destroyer, responded to those shooting down three drones itself in the process. so the biden administration has been very deliberate about its language, and some say they're actually down-playing it threat to u.s. forces. the biden administration said that the carny was -- they could not assess a at this time the carny was a target. my sources are saying, well, if you're a commander of a ship in the red sea and you see a drone coming at you, you're going to assess it as a threat and take it down. there are others that are saying that the biden administration needs to do more to respond directly to the houthis after these threats, but this is something the biden administration is being very careful to not escalate the situation right now. that's why you're seeing language like that. of course we do have to say that the u.s. has retaliated in some cases to some of these iran-backed attacks. just on sunday you saw u.s. forces took action against five militants that they saw preparing to launch a drone at its positions in iraq. so they're not doing nothing, but people are calling them to do more to prevent these attacks. >> terrific reporting as always from one of our real stalwarts, pentagon reporter for politico laura seligman, thank you. the u.s. office of budget and management is warning without congressional action the united states will run out of resources to help ukraine by the end of the year. that's according to a letter from the department head who says the u.s. is out of money and nearly out of time. but future aid to ukraine or israel appears t depend on whetheressial republicans can inc policy changes and border spendin in a potential national security supplemental package. sources are telling nbc news that birtan talks to tiate a package of border policy changes tied to the supplemental have broken down. on the senate floor last night majority leader chuck schumer moved to force a threshold vote on a shell bill tomorrow. prior to the vote, senators will attend a classified briefing with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. still ahead here on "way too early," we're learning more about the gold bars that the fbi says agents found inside the home of new jersey democratic senator bob menendez. and we'll show you how senator john fetterman trolled menendez for his bribery charges. those stories and a check on weather and sports when we come right back. come right back a few years ago, i came to saona, they told me there's no electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud. [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. welcome back on this tuesday morning. turning to other headlines now, at least frold bars that the fbi says it found in new jersey senator bob menendez's home are being linked to a businessman who is accused of bribing the senator. menendez and his wife were charged in september with accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in exchange for the senator's influence. in the indictment prosecuto included photos of the gold bars with engraved serial numbers, which match those recorded in a 2013 armed robberyeport filed by the new jerse businessman. police later caught the robbers and recovered those gold bars. but to get the bars back, the businessman had to sign release forms certifying they belonged to him. meanwhile, democratic senator john fetterman enlisted the help of recently outed congressman george santos to troll the embattled senator. fetterman used campan funds to hire santos to record a sarcastic cameo video targeting menendez's bribery charges. fetterman posted to social media this -- i thought my ethnically challenged colleague could use some encouragement given his substantial legal problems, so i approached a seasoned expert on the matter to give bobby from jersey some advice. >> hey, bobby. uh, look, i don't think i need to tell you but these people that want to make you get in trouble and want to kick you out and make you run away, you make him put up or shut up. you stand your ground, sir, and don't get bogged down by all the haters out there. stay strong. merry christmas. >> it sure didn't take long for santos to getn cameo, did it? meanwhile, nbc news reporter ught up with menendez yestda on capitol hill. here was the senator's response. >> have you seen this cameo that -- the santos video tha the fetterman folks bought? ve me a reaction to that. >> well, i don't think mr. clickbait's donors would appreciate him enricng george santos. i'm surprised he didn't ask his >> oh, boy. the money. fetterman was the first democratic senator to call for menendez's resignation. since then more than half of the senate democratic caucus has also called for the new jersey senator to resign. he is refusing to do so. elsewhere, we're learning more about a mysterious illness causing severe sickness and even death inseamingly healthy dogs across the united states. now doctors may have found some critical clues. nbc news correspondent priscilla thompson has more. >> this is naple. >> 7 month old australian shepherd maple was a happy, healthy puppy until her owner noticed a cough. >> she's coughing pretty much every other minute. >> as maple's cough grew even worse, she panicked and rushed to the vet. >> i was really scared. >> maple was sent home with antebotics. the vet told april the dog had symptoms of an illness plaguing the country. the doctor began stutd yg the illness after she saw a rash of cases in the spring including herb own puppy. what should dog owners be looking out for? >> something like discharge with a eye, a soft cough like actually what he just did. >> reporter: an online database shows dog owners are now reporting suspected cases in 37 states with at least a dozen deaths. the cause of the surge in cases experts say could include a new pathogen, low vaccination rates, or lower immunity levels after pandemic isolation. the doctor found one bacteria alone present in 75% of the severely ill dogs she tested and in reviewing x-rays noticed adpattern. are the patterns we're seeing here important? >> they're really important. a lot of the pattern are sort of the brightness we would see wasn't in the spot we would normally see it. it was occurring further back in the chest. >> reporter: understanding the pattern, she says, could be key for vets to know what medication to prescribe, a treatment dog lovers may need to help their best friends. >> that's nbc's priscilla thompson reporting. still ahead here on "way too early," we're going to turn to sports with a look at the stunning win for the cincinnati bengals on monday night football. >> plus, the nba's in-season tournament is halfway to the final four. we'll show you who advanced last night and which team didn't. that's next when we come right back. d which team didn't. that's next when we come right back “it's happening”! if you're worried about your protection, it's not the right protection. always discreet protects like no other. with double leak guards that help prevent gushes escaping from the sides. and a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. and it contours, to everybody. now this, is protection! always discreet- the protection we deserve! what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul. it's your water, your way. there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. third down and about a yard and a half. this one floated, caught by chase. and he is gone! touch down cincinnati as he takes it into the end zone. >> that's bengals receiver jamar chase burning the bengals defense for that touch down on cincinnati's first drive in the second half. it was part of a 354-yard night through the air for quarterback jake yarding much better than his four-sack two turn over last week. a 48-yard field goal right there in over time was the difference. the bengals beat the jaguars, upset on the road winning -- and the bengals beat them 34-31. and get this it's their first monday night football game win since 1990. and they ended a three-game losing streak on the season. but it was a potentially very costly outing for jacksonville. not only did they lose the game, the afc leaders may have lost quarterback trevor lawrence. he went down with a sprained right ankle in the fourth quarter. he had to leave the game. he was later spotted in the locker room in a walking boot and crunches. good news the additional x-rays last night came back negat unclear how much if any time he'd miss. meanwhile it's alsounclear who will play quarterback for the new york jets on sunday. according to the athletic the team is leaning toward wilson, but ligsen to this, wilson is reluctant to step back into the starting role because of perceived injury risk. so if true, that's a quarterback saying, no, don't put me in. saleh, however, he did push back against the report saying wilson approached him yesterday afternoon and expressed desire for the job. we shall see. let's turn now to the nba in-season tournament which we've started to figure out. we've got a pair of teams advancing to the semifinals. we'll go to indianapolis first. he knocked the first triple-double in his career including a tie breaking 4-point play with 1 1/2 minutes left to lift the pacers and knock out the boston celtics from this tournament. and in sacramento the new orleans pelicans also punched a ticket to the final four in los angeles. the pelicans erased an early deficit and never trailed the second half on a way to 127-117 win over the kings. there are two other quarterfinal matchups tonight. the milwaukee bucks will host the new york knicks and the phoenix suns take on the lakers in los angeles. time now for the weather and let's go to meet yrlgsologist angie lassman for the forecast. i know you've got your eyes out west. >> we do. and that's where we're going to see the busiest weather over the next few days. we've got atmospheric rivers we're going to track bringing plenty of rain to folks there. quick note we do have light snow possible across parts of the great lakes and additional rain. when we look out west flood alerts urld up. for the pacific north west 9 million people included in this. all under these flood alerts this morning. and those are likely in some spots going to last through the next couple of days. probably until thursday. we've got plenty of moisture working in right now. seattle and portland dealing with that heavy rain. and a couple of storms on tap for folks coming into the pacific. there's the one on thursday, another one on saturday. so we've got rounds of rain on already saturated soil that's going to leave us with the flood concern. the higher levels i think will be for snow, most it is going to be really in those higher elevations because it is a warm system for today and tomorrow, but we'll still pick up some additional snow, and we could see gusty winds upwards of 40 miles per hour along the coast. by the time we get into saturday there's another atmospheric river event possible. we'll see the timing and strength come into view the next couple of day. a cascades could have a half of a foot, 3 to 5 inches towards the coast and the heads up for the flooding there. here's that little system, the alberta clipper going to work through the great lakes and eventually into the mid-atlantic bringing a little snow and a little rain for folks in that region. >> angie lassman, thank you so very much. still aheadoon "way too early" we'll get a live report from dubai in what's seen as a major milestone in the fight against climate change. plus bitcoin appears to be back from the dead. we'll get insight on what's driving a record surge in the crypto currency. that's all straight ahead when we come right back. urrency. that's all straight ahead when we come right back first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. welcome back to "way too early." it is 5:30 a.m. on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this tuesday morning. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. this past weekend's cop28 climate conference marked what is hopefully a watershed moment for the world as around 50 oil and gas companies including giants like exxon mobile and aram co signed a pledge to reduce methane leaks tuesday near zero by 2030. now, if these companies follow through, it's a move that could rapidly reduce emissions and slow the ever growing effects of climate change. joining us now live from the conference in dubai is cnbc senior climate correspondent. diana, great to see you this morning. let's start there with this plan to reduce methane production. it involves natch ral gas, of course, which in the united states has become a very, very big business. talk to us, "a," about the chances of this ban being implemented. but, "b," how is it going to hit these natural gas suppliers? >> reporter: well, jonathan, it's really the fact this pledge was signed by the big oil companies. it's the first time we've seen a company like exxon mobile agree to this, and reduce methane emissions by 2030 to next to nothing, that's a hugesh task. but it really means the commitment is there. a lot of people think of natural gas as a clean alturb rturnative. it's not. it still produces methane but obviously produces a lot less than coal and oil. natural gas is kind of that transitional business that would help us stop using so much oil and coal. now i spoke to the ceo of the williams companies, which is processing company for natural gas and they also transport it, and he actually said he's not concerned about his business because of this pledge. he said he thinks this creates a great opportunity. in fact he's here in dubai because he wants to create exports to the uae because he feels in the transition many countries are going to turn to natural gas in this transition and they're going to need more natural gas and he wants to transport it, and that would be great for business. it's a big moment in the industry to see the big companies and see the gnat gas processors and transporters and producers really want to spread their wealth around the world. jonathan? >> and as we talk about this clean energy transition, we should of course underscore you're in dubai, one of the world's biggest oil producers. the choice of the city has raised a lot of eyebrows to host this conference, and there's been a lot of skepticism about any other meaningful commitments coming out of there. talk to us a little bit about the friction, and are those in attendance feel like it's in a success? >> reporter: yeah, i mean, there was a lot of criticism going into it. and then once it started there was even more criticism because the sultan who is the head of the cop, he's the leader here because it's in the uae, he's also the ceo of adnok, which is the state owned oil company in the uae. i've heard it described as jekyll and hyde, energy situation. we have seen these big pledges and big money going into it. there was controversy over the weekend because he actually said in a web cast, he say doing an interview and he said that there was no evidence to show that reducing oil and gas and coal emissions was going to slow global warming. well, that was not received very well here because you have climate activists saying he's basically being a climate denier. but he came in and he said, no, he didn't say it the right way or he wasn't understood that the right way, but he is pushing for renewable energy and he's also held of a renewable energy company here in the uae. but there is a greater sense of urgency here. i was at cop26 in glasgow. here it's more urmgant because of the year we've had with the flooding, the smoke, maui, so many people with an eye on climaterectomy now. i wouldn't say being in the uae is going to slow down progress. we've seen progress here, but i will say there's an awful lot of oil and gas lobbyists here. in fact there's an article on cnbc today there are a lot more oil and gas lobbyists here right now than there are delegates. >> and we should note the host for next year's summit has yet to be decided. cnbc's senior correspondent diana oik, thank you so much. still aheadhy here we'll look what's driving the markets after nasdaq closed yesterday. plus we'll take a look at the rush for gold and bitcoin. why prices surged to new record highs and what it means for investors when we come right back. t means for investors when we come right back (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. 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(vo) for a limited time, turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. some business news. mcdonald's is bringing back adult happy meals. yeah. and you can get it with a small, medium, or large look of pity. yeah, an adult happy mealch the toy is just a xanx. >> time now for business. and for that let's bring in cnbc's julianna tatelbaum live from london. great to see you this morning. stock futures down this hour after the major averages took a break from their latest hot streak. what can we expect on wall street today? >> so today looks like we're going to see an immediate start to trade with u.s. futures pointing lower. as you said all three of the majors are in the red right now. this follows a reversal of the recent rally yesterday. the s&p and nasdaq, the tech heavy index actually recorded their worst daily performances for november 9th. for the s&p 500, it was the worst start in february to a week i should say. there was no specific catalyst for the down trade yesterday. clearly investors are a little bit jittery given the really strong run we've had of late. today the focus is going to turn to the data. we've got the jolt to report in october coming up a little bit later. >> so the global growth -- sorry, the growth in global advertising spending including u.s. political campaigns is expected to slow next year. what's driving that decline, julianna? >> well, so, according to this new -- these new predictions from group m, which is a media investment group, growth in ad spending is expected today slow about 5.3% this year. next year they're anticipating 5.8%. most of the growth theyfore see over this year and next year and really into the future is going to benefit the major digital players. so the top five global ad sellers according to group m, alibaba, amazon, bite dance, meta and alafubet. it's really stagger how much the advertising industry has changed. by 2028 spending on digital advertising will be larger than spending in the entire industry in 20222. >> lastly a story we teased a few times this morning that cost us all by surprise, the price of bitcoin has surged to its highest price in more than a year seemingly after folks were abandoning it, and now gold has also hit an all-time peak. why are these things happening and what does it mean for investors? >> john, i don't know i can fully answer the question about why it's happening. i can give you some thought into what people think might be happening. for bitcoin, itly topped 42,000 yesterday, it's highest level in a year. the kip tow currency has been lifted by hopes of an approval of a bitcoin etf, which is expected today bring a lot more nony into the crypto currency. in the case of gold it's had a really wild ride. it's been on a tear since october. it hit an all-time high but closed down more than 2%. gold has been more in demand as peek have tried to seek safety. a traditional safe haven asset given the mounting geopolitical risks around israel and hamas. but it's really up to debate -- or the jury is still out as to whether gold will hold at these recent highs. >> our friend juliana tatelbaum from cnbc live from london, we will talk to you down the road. still ahead here on "way too early," supreme court justices seem divided over a bankruptcy settlement for purdue pharma, which would give money to victims of the opioid crisis but also shield the sackler family from liability in future lawsuits. we'll discuss the many implications when we come right back. l discuss the many implications when we come right back theo's nose was cause for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. puffs has 50% more lotion and brings soothing relief. don't get burned by winter nose. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. a few years ago, i came to saona, they told me there's no electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. welcome back. yesterday the supreme court heard arguments on a potential bankruptcy case de that would allow the sackler family, who are the owners of purdue pharma, to avoid liability for future lawsuits from victims of the opioid epidemic by paying an approximately $6 billion settlement. now opponents of the deal protell used outside the courthouse. you can see it there. the sackler family made billions of dollars from oxycontin, the ease alaccessible painkiller that fueled america's opioid epidemic. the federal government is arguing against the deal, and the white house objects to the release of the sackler's liability in future claims. justices seem split on the issue with some showing skepticism the bankruptcy even has the auy t remove liability. but others on the cotere hesitant to destroy deal prepared to give billions of dollars of relief to opioid s. r this deal and among people ort who have no love for the sacklers, among people who think that the sacklers areretty much the worst p on earth they've notiated a de which they think is the best they can get. >> i think what the opioid victims and their families are saying is you, the for government, with no stake in this at all, are coming a telling the families, no, we're not going to give you payment -- prompt payment for what's happened to your family. and we're not going to -the federal government's notoing to allow this money to g to the states for prevention programs to prevent future overdoses for future victims. and in exchange really for this somewhat theoretical idea they'll be able to recover money down the road from the sacklers themselves. >> the sackler family backed the settlement and warned that any future court judgments against them would face a long legal battle. joining us now msnbc legal analyst charles coleman. charles, great to see you. let's get just your impregs here as you listen to the arguments here and the justices' responses. which way do you think the supreme court is leaning? >> good morning, jonathan. it's difficult to say. one of the reasons why is it struck me as very, very odd that we're seeing these questions that were not necessarily being thrown around ideological lines. you just played a clip from judge kagen generally speaking is considered to be one of the more liberal judges on the court. what judge kagen was basically saying is a comment in favor of the individuals who were in favor of the settlement, basically saying these families were looking forward to being able to move past this chapter in their life after getting paid out. that's not something you would normally see a justice in her ideological position advocate for, because on the other side of that that would shield a third party in this case the sacklers from liability. it's very interesting to to see how this played out yesterday in court with respect to the questions that were asked and who asked them. i would say this is going to be a very, very close decision. >> so the white house and the doj have both stated their opposition to the deal. do you agree with their primary argument that this deal would -- for this deal for liability would be unfair to potential future plaintiffs? >> i think that's the very question and that's at the heart of the matter, jonathan. and i think people are sort of looking shortsightedly about these individual plaintiffs or respondents rather and what it is they're agreeing to with respect to the victims who want to get the money for a settlement that they approve. that's the important thing to understand. the problem is that long-term you are going to have future defendants who may have committed wrongdoing or have some level of liability who are going to use this case if they side with purdue to basically say, hey, listen, we have made a deal, people like the deal, we should not be subjected to further liability or further prosecution, and that shield is the very problem.think, ultimately, a solution would, of course, be some sort of guideline that allows bankruptcy court to find a middle court, but the argument would be, we did find a middle group and that's how we reached a deal. for the long term, this hurts people who have been harmed and, ultimately, hurts the public. it gives people an out when they have liability issues, to avoid further prosecution. >> there has been reporting in recent years about the sackler family and what they've done here. it can't be overstated, how devastating the opioid crisis has been for this nation. terrific insight from charles coleman. thank you. we'd love to have you back soon. up next here on "way too early," we'll bring you a preview of tomorrow night's fourth republican primary debate. yup, they're still having those. coming up on "morning joe," we'll bring you the latest from the middle east as israel's military appears to have launched its ground offensive in southern gaza. also ahead, former republican congresswoman liz cheney will be a guest on her new book, "oath and honor." what she is warning about her own party and the dangers of a second potential trump term. plus, live from new york, it is kenan thompson. the "saturday night live" staple will join the table with his new memoir. "morning joe" a few moments away. all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. alice loves the scent of gain so much, with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! then there wer four. tomorrow night, fourepublican candidates will take the stage in tuscaloosa, alabama, for the foth gop primary debate. ron desantis, nikki haley, chris christie, and vivek ramaswamy all made the cut, meeting the rnc's requirements of at least 80,000 unique donors, while also polling at least 6% in two national polls. meanwhile, former president donald trump is once again skipping the debate. instead, he will hold a private fundraiser down in florida. north dakota governor doug burgum also won't be there, but for different reasons. he suspended his president campaign yesterday after failing to gain traction in the field. he has dropped out. joining us now, political correspondent for "axios," alex thompson. i won't get you to deliver us a political -- what do you think about the debate? >> donald trump is skipping the debate, which essentially makes it a silver medal debate, undercard, choose whichever second place metaphor you want. essentially, that means that one candidate -- every single candidate on that stage wants to essentially become the second place, the trump alternative. as a result, i think you are going to see them all sort of climbing over each other. i think, in particular, you should really look out for nikki haley and ron desantis, who at least so far in polling, show they are the most likely to be the trump alternative candidate. ron desantis has basically seen his polling decline ever since he has gone into the race. that said, he still has a substantial part of that base going into iowa. he has also now said he plans to win the iowa caucus and is betting it all on there, while nikki haley has basically been in the opposite direction. she has been starting to climb. if ron desantis has any hope of preserving the two-man race he framed this entire candidacy around, he has to stop nikki haley's rise. >> haley and desantis will be the center of attention tomorrow night. they have the most credibility in terms of becoming that trump alternative, as far back in the polls as they are. talk to us about that dynamic. are either campaign previewing? are they going to go hard after the other? is desantis going after haley, and haley after desantis? it seems the only shot anyone has of stopping trump is if they consolidate around one of those two. >> absolutely. you know, the previewing has been really interviewing. ron desantis certainly has been previewing a flurry of attacks over the last three or four weeks, as it became clear that nikki haley was a big problem. we've also seen him dump a ton of money on television in iowa to try to blunt her rise. interestingly, though, nikki haley is basically trying to deflect all his attacks and not get in the mud. she dismissed the attacks of, well, this is what you do when you're losing. i suspect nikki haley will try to rise above it and try to deflect those attacks. now, you should also expect the attacks won't just be coming from ron desantis. i would also expect chris christie to maybe lean in on her, given that they're basically neck and neck in new hampshire. you can always bet vivek ramaswamy and nikki haley are going to go at it. in terms of the consolidation you talked about, the really interesting thing to watch, and i think it is a little underappreciated, is there is a month gap between the january 23rd new hampshire primary and the february 24th republican south carolina primary. essentially, if the field can consolidate after new hampshire and make it a one-on-one race, that is the best chance anyone would have, even if they'd be a severe underdog, at taking donald trump on one-on-one. >> that's a really good point about the calendar there, alex. on that, is there an expectation there will be another one of these debates, or do we think tomorrow night will be it? >> we don't know, which is, again, why i think you're going to see a little bit of desperation. the rnc has been incredibly noncommittal, notably noncommittal about hosting a debate before iowa and before new hampshire. those were originally expected. certainly, abc news and other outlets are pitching themselves to do it. we actually don't know if there will be another debate. chris christie barely squeaked in this one. it'd be unclear if he'd squeak in the next one. this is also, i think, adding a lot of urgency to these candidates as they go in this sort of silver medal debate. >> there's some hope among republicans that if the field narrows to two, trump might be forced to debate that other person. but his campaign still is showing no signs of that. they're clearly already moving toward the general election. we shall keep an eye on it. of course, we'll have complete coverage tomorrow of the debate. national political correspondent for "axios," alex thompson. thank you so much for joining us this morning. thanks to all of you for getting up "way too early" on this tuesday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. congress has to decide whether to continue to support the fight for freedom in ukraine as part of the 50 nation coalition that president biden has built, or whether congress will ignore the lessons we've learned from history and let putin prevail. it is that simple. it is that stark a choice. we hope congress, on a bipartisan basis, will make the right choice. >> that's, of course, national security adviser jake sullivan, laying out the high stakes of a vote on more aid

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