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boxing superstar manny pacquiao loose to timothy bradley but no one of the three judges seems to know why. >> i have never been ashamed much to be associated with the sport of boxing as i am tonight. these people don't know how to score. >> sports fans screaming for justice. is there any truth to accusations of game tampering? and gaffes aplenty. obama, ramny, we're asking this morning what tees the shelf life of a gaffe? newsroom begins right now. good morning to you. i'm carol costello. good morning. a key member of possible's economic team is facing felony hit and run-charges this morning, and the details make this story even more odd. witnesses say commerce secretary john bryson hit a parked car, struck it again as he pulled away, app then hit a second car minutes later a few miles down the road. he was found passed out behind the wheel, but police say alcohol or drugs do not appear to be to blame. brianna keilar is at the white house. any comment? >> reporter: well, the white house is not commenting. they're directing us toward the comes more department which just is saying simply, carol, that secretary bryson was involved in traffic accident over the weekend in los angeles, he was taken to the hospital for examination, and has been released. he sustained no injuries and the investigation is ongoing. but this is john bryson. he is the commerce secretary, but as far as president obama's cabinet goes, he's a pretty low profile member of it. it's possible you never heard his name or didn't know who the commerce secretary was but the circumstances involving the series of accidents pretty bizarre. it happened saturday around 5:00 p.m. in the lamt area. the first accident in san ga gabrielgab gabri gabriel. he was in car, a lexus, and he hit a car that was stopped waiting for a train to pass. he hit a buick that had three men inside of it and actually got out, spoke to the men, but then he got back in his car, left, hitting the car again, according to the sheriff's department and driving off. those men got on the phone with san gabrielriel police, they followed bryson and this time the police, the sheriff's department, encountered bryson was in rosmy, california, the city next to san gabriel and he was unconscious and his car had apparently hit another car, a honda accord with a couple in it. no major injuries here. some of the folks were treated for minor injuries but it appears overall everyone is okay. but the circumstances are certainly very questionable and right now all we're hearing from the sheriff's department is that no drugs or chicago appear to be related preliminarily, but we're still awaiting the results of a blood alcohol test, carol. >> he's been taken to the hospital. has he been discharged? >> he was taken to the hospital. he has been leased. >> prea naki lore. i'm sure you'll stay on this story throughout the day. brianna keilar, live from the white house this morning. >> the former president of egypt hosni mubarak is in a full coma in a prison in cairo. just last week he was sentenced to life in prison for the illing can of pro-democracy demonstrators during last year's arab spring uprising. mubarak is 84 years old. his wife and sons were given permission to be at his bedside ja hundreds of coloradans are waiting in shelters praying that a runaway wildfire spares their homes. the fire has burned 20,000 acres west of ft. collins since saturday. the biggest challenge for firefighters, the fire is moving in more than one direction. the biggest fear for homeowners, what will be left. >> i can't imagine that my house is there right now, to be honest with you. i can't imagine that it is for how close the fire was and now i'm not going to have a home and i have no place to go. >> how erratic has this wildfire been? dozens had to evacuate one shelter when heavy smoke moved in. why is this fire going in all directions? >> let me lay the groundwork. we're talk 20g inches of rain right on the gulf coast. it's the an ticktithesis that's laying it. we're in an extreme drought, especially in northern colorado where we've seen this. the ground is parched, it is dry. atmospherically it's all come together. temperatures have been incredibly warm and, of course, the winds have been so high, gusting 40 miles an hour. actually yesterday they're trying to kill this fire by aircraft as well and they had to ground the planes because of the strong gusts. so it's been very windy. the good news weather-wising we're going to see a change in that. we're going to watch. the cold front has dropped south. that's good news. out of the 90s. into the 70s. also the strong winds we've seen in this area of colorado has come down as well and the dew points that have been very high, they're going to come down and will be in the teens. what we're going to see weather-wise kind of the perfect scenario for these fires. what we've also seen, this fire go from 2 to 20,000 acres since saturday alone. the gusts have been high. those are coming down. again, temperatures are coming down as well. and it's also, carro carol, a p populated area. it's not like this is in the middle of nowhere. weather-wise it will certainly get better in the next couple of days. >> alexandra steele. >> this morning robin roberts says she has a rare blood disorder as a result of her battle with breast cancer five years ago. >> as many of you know, five years ago i beat breast cancer and i've always been a fighter and you, your love, your support, your prayers helped me win that fight and that's something i will never, ever forget. now, sometimes treatment for cancer can lead to other serious medical issues, and that's what i'm facing right now. it is something that is called mds, myeloplastic syndrome, if you're going what? i'm doing the same thing. it is rare blood disorder that affects the bone marrow. and dr. richard besser has been holding my hand and he'll have a lot more information about mds on my website. the reason i'm sharing this with everybody now is because later today i begin what's known as pretreatment. i'm going to have -- it's a pic line in my arm and i didn't want you to be concerned if you saw a bandage tomorrow. it's going to be there to draw blood that has to be monitored regularly and also to administer drugs later today and for the week and for a period of time, and it's all to prepare me for a bone marrow transplant. >> roberts says as she begins pretreatment today she'll continue to host ""good morning america."" our best to her. a well known pastor of a sprawling megachurch said police got it wrong. hoe did not punch or choke his teenaged daughter. kreflo did not punch his daughter. he said the argument with his 15-year-old was not physical. >> the truth is she was not choked. she was not punched. there were not any scratches on her neck. but the only thing oven her neck was a prior skin abrasion from eczema. anything else is an exaggeration and sensationalism. >> george is with us now. police have a very different version. >> well, carol, let's talk about that police report. the investigate eor that day to statements from three people, the young victim, her older sister and from pastor dollar who in the report states his daughter became aggressive and he tried to restrain her. both teenagers described a very aggressive attack. but as you hear here, pastor dollar said all is not as it appears to be. his congregation stands by him for the most part. take a listen. >> he's the best pastor in the world. he teaches with great simplicity and understanding. he's great father and husband. >> he's great man, him and my husband. >> i have a 15-year-old daughter myself. if she needs discipline, that's what she gets. thank you. >> please and no. come on in and join us. >> it talks about the pastor allegedly choking the young girl, and also using his shoe to hit her. but, again, you hear from many members who say was this discipline taken too far? perhaps. a reason to demonize the pastor, many of these members say no. >> i was asking you while we were listening to that. the daughter, the 15-year-old, called the police, right? >> that's the thing. this investigator came to the home, took those statements directly from the two teenaged girls. so at this point, we're comparing what the police report says to what pastor dollar says. >> so the investigation continues. what might happen to him if -- police have already charged him, right? what happens now? >> obviously this process will continues go through the court system. the pastor obviously standing up for what he says happened they. keep in mind, this pastor, he's known for his prosperity theology, saying the better the christian you are, the more wealth you should get, the more wealth you should have. pastor dollar himself, he's been criticized for his wealth, assets, millions of dollars in assets. a lot of people watching what happens to him in this case, his membership supporting him. >> thank you so much. some people forget to pay a bar tab when they leave a restaurant. that's not uncommon. but acourting to the daily mail, british prime minister has forgotten his 8-year-old daughter. it's onto monday. let's bring in zain verjee. she's in london. what's up with this? >> just imagine if president and michelle obama left sasha and malia down at the local restaurant over the weekend? that's pretty much what happened with daeshd and samantha cameron. they left 8-year-old nancy down at the pub. they were eating earlier in the day actually with another family and there was a big mix-up, carol, on which car she was going go back in. so when they were halfway hope, oops, they realized we don't have nancy. it turns out that nancy had gone to the bathroom and everyone had taken off. now downing stream issued a whole statement over this. here's what they said, carol. they said the prime minister and samantha were distraught when they realized nancy wasn't with them. thankfully when they phoned the pub she was there safe and well. the prime minister went down to get her straight away. now, that happened a couple of months ago, but you know what? a lot of critics are jumping on this and saying the british prime minister likes to cl chil too much and this is happens when he's addressing on family problems. >> the story is politically motivated, although he did really leave his 8-year-old daughter in the bar oop. >> the timing is really interesting. the commission is looking into the phone-hacking scandal but they're focusing between the press and the politicians in this country. david cameron is supported to testify in front of the leverson commission later this week. it was the son that actually disclosed the story. one analyst said it could be a shot across the bow, be careful what you say. a question for you. would you pay $90,000 for a pair of sneakers? nike's kanye west's shoe is making air jordans look like church change. mp change. my cut hurt! mine hurt more! mine stopped hurting faster... [ female announcer ] neosporin® plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. neosporin® plus pain relief. for a two dollar coupon, visit [ male announcer ] they were born to climb... born to leap, born to stalk, and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats, no matter where they are... are born to be cats. and shouldn't your cat be who he was born to be? discover your cat's true nature. purina one. discover your cat's true nature. well hello, welcome to summer road trip, huh? yep uhuh let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. cause we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice! no. laugh...awe hmm nice huh ooh, yeah book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ 16 minutes past the hour. checking our top stories right now, a manhunt in alabama intensifies for alleged gunman desmonte leonard. he's accused of killing two people including two former auburn university football players. two others were wounded in a saturday night shooting at an off campus apartment. one remains in critical condition this morning. in money news, sneaker fans are proving money is no object. the new shoes are for sale. someone paid $90,000. nike is only releasing 5,000 pair of shoes in local stores. damage is estimated at $20 million. here's a live look at the radar. more rain and thunder storms. oh, you can see them there. they're in the forecast for today. in sports fight fans are still stunned by timothy bradley's split decision win over manny packquiao. most fans were outraged. an irish betting site refunded fans. there could be a rematch as early as november. monday, monday. the obama campaign is hoping for a better week, but, oh, monday. his administration is already dealing with a bizarre accident in california involving the commerce secretary and it's still early. still the president is willing to talk to local anchors about the economy and no doubt what the republicans are calling his mccain moment. >> the private sector is doing fine. where we're seeing weaknesses in our economy had to do with state and local government. >> yet the republicans already have a web out. the rnc put that out almost after the president uttered those words on friday. a political gut check with political director mark preston. good morning, mark. >> hey, carol. wow. we're continuing talk about issue number one and we're just starting the week. >> we are just starting the week. so the democrats are now responding, right? >> they are. you know, the obama cam paper has come out and they're really trying to shield the president from those comments he made on friday. the president actually did step back a couple of hours after he h made those comments and he said, in fact, the economy is not doing fine and then david axelrod was on "state of the union" with candy crowley yesterday and let's see what he had to say. >> i want to know whether the 5d ministration, whether you believe the private sector is doing fine. is it doing better? >> i believe -- it's certainly doing better than the public sector. 4.3 million jobs created in the last 27 months. we need to accelerate that, candy. we all agree on that. the question is how do we do it. >> and there you have david axelrod just yesterday speaking to cnn's candy crowley trying to explain what the president was saying when he said that the private sector was doing fine. and just a few hours ago the obama campaign released its own web video going after mitt romney. let's take a quick look at that. >> he says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers. did he not get the message of wisconsin? the american people did. it's time for us to cut back on government and help the american people that a. >> and there you go. we're five months into the election and you have the mitt romney campaign and the president obama campaign going head to head. it's going to be jobs, economy, and housing. >> i just wondering how long gaffes last in the public's memory. >> it all depends. for something like this, i think that gaffe will last certainly for a couple of months throughout the summer. it's such an easy sound bite for them to run on tv right now. that's what we're going to see from the romney campaign. we haven't seen it yet but we'll see the super pacs supporting mitt romney and using that. in the same vein we're also seeing that the super pacs that are backing president obama are already out with a couple of their own web videos, a couple of their own tv ads right now where they're krid sizing mitt romney and his term at bain capital which is the private equity firm which has in mitt romney's own words helped create jobs while he was there. carol? >> mark preston, live in washington. thanks. >> all eyes are on afternoonle this morning. the technology giant is about to unveil its latest, great it product and we're there live. don't forget if you're heading tout door, take was you. head to the kids wa, but they can be really expensive. so to save money i just found them a possum. dad, i think he's dead. probably just playin' possum. sfx: possum hisses there he is. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ male announcer ] we believe in thinking day and night... about your dog's nutrition. like the dual-defense antioxidants in our food that work around the clock... supporting your dog's immune system on the inside... while helping to keep his skin and coat healthy on the outside. with this kind of thinking going into our food... imagine all the goodness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the world a better place... one pet at a time. purina one smartblend. have you heard? apple is about to make an announcement, but we don't exactly know what it is. but just because apple says it's making an announcement, that means lots and lots of people show up. what is the leading software giant revealing today? dan simon is in san francisco. spill it. what do you know? >> reporter: well, here are the lots and lots of people. carol, you can see the crowd, the line stretching as far as you can see. these are the apple developers. they are from all over the world. 5,000 people. this event sold out in less than two hours. they paid 1,600 bucks a pop. they're to going inside here to hear tim cook speak, the apple ceo in a couple of hours. this is adam, an apple developer from canada. what do you think they're going to see? >> they're going to be showing all their cards. they're going to be showing their whole new line of macintosh to just change the game and i'm really hoping on to see serious integration, taking it one step further toward what we really wants a a personal assistant. >> reporter: we'll see about that. he's talking about siri, the voice-enabled voice on the new ips. briefly, carol, in terms of what we understand is going to happen today, apple's going to preview its new operating system that powers the iphone and the ipad, and then probably release a bunch of new products, a bunch of new macintosh computers. they're all overdue for an update. they'll have a fast brother sayser, maybe a better screen. so it's something we've got to wait and see. when tim cook takes the stage in about two hours. back to you. >> and this is the first time tim cook is taking the stage since steve jobs died, right? >> reporter: it is. it's the first time he's addressed the crowd at the world wide developers conference. the last time we saw steve jobs was here about a year ago for this event. so, of course, there'll be a lot of scrutiny on his performance today, no question about it. >> dan simon, live in san francisco. now is your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. the question for you this morning. why is the "you are not special" speech resonate? david mccullough, a wellesley high school english teacher may go down as the only authority speaker who may speak honestly to kids. it's a reality check. kids, you're not special. >> yes, you've been commented upon, doted, bubble wrapped, but do not get the idea you're special because you're not. >> mccullough said if everyone is special, no one is. if everyone gets trophies, trophies are meaningless. we love the accoladed more than the achievement. >> no longer is it how you play the game or whether you win or lose or learn or grow or enjoy yourself doing it. now it's so what does this get me. >> although mccullough has his critics, many people, even the schiel students are applauding him. on wellesley school websites there are comments like, quote, i love this expenditurspeech, i. what's wrong with that? i graduated in 1976. this was a fantastic message and in 20 years they'll understand it. mccullough's speech hit a nerve. nearly half a million hits on youtube. the school's website had to cut off comments to prevent it from crashing. maybe it's the perfect message to send kids goichlk out in the harsh world. hey, not only are you not special, they may not even hire you. but mccullough said his speech wasn't meant to be a downer. the sweetest joy in life is recognizing that you're not special because everyone is. the talkback today, why does the "you're not special" speech resonate. >> i'll read your comments later this hour. jc penney's effort to get hippy shoppers. ♪ ♪ lord, you got no reason ♪ you got no right ♪ ♪ i find myself at the wrong place ♪ [ male announcer ] the ram 1500 express. ♪ it says a lot about you. ♪ in a deep, hemi-rumble sort of way. guts. glory. ram. frumpy and proud. that's what some jc penney loyalists are saying about the store's attempt to grab a hippy younger shopper. don't forget about your core, they say. we like those mom jeans. >> are you looking for the perfect gift for mom this mother's day? introducing mom jeans exclusively at jc penney. >> okay. i love that skit. okay. so maybe "saturday night live" is skpamg rating a bit but a conservative look is what jc penney diehards say they're after. not a hipper kind of thing that jc penney is going for. alison kosik is at the stock exchange. still laughing. >> jc penney get as bad rap, doesn't it? >> it sunk a lot of money selling itself as a younger hipper brand but it's not really working for its core customers. >> but keep in mind, carol, that this sort of turnaround strategy is still in works. what jc penney has done is brought in a new ceo, ron johnson. this is the guy who basically made the apple store what it looked like, and, sure, the turnaround right now, it ain't perfect, but they're working on it. as you know with everything there are a lot of kinks. yes, they're bringing in all of these young clothes for a hipper crowd and then you see these other folks coming in saying, hey, wait a minute, we're okay with the frurmpy look and ron johnson is saying, okay, we're going to mix it and they're going to do away with the special pricing. keep in mind it hasn't been a smooth transition. johnson has only been in place since january. you look at how sales have done the first three months of this year compared to the first three months of last year. they're down 19%. what's happened is tried and true shoppers are confusing about the pricing. wall street and jc penney are watching to see if this works in tend. >> i notice you're down on the floor. i know the opening bell just rake a few minutes ago. how are the markets fairing today? >> markets are higher. the nasdaq is up 14. look. the markets are coming off its best day, friday, actually, best day of the year. china came in with better than expected day tachl spain got a bailout for its banking smg so the stocks are rallying on all that good news. we'll see if it lasts throughout the day. carol? >> alison kosik live from the floor of the new york stock exchange. they've whipped up a web ad. >> the private sector is doing fine. the private sector's doing fine. >> in case you don't remember the mccain moment came when john mccain ran for president in 2008 and he declared -- >> you know that there's been tremendous turmoil in our financial markets and wall street, and it is -- it's -- people are frightened by these events. our economy, i think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong, but these are very, very difficult times. >> it was all downhill from there, but gaffes happen to everyone who talks a lot. the question we're asking this morning, does any of it matter? what's the shelf life of gaffe anyway? to discuss that, cnn's will cain and lz grammar. good morning. is this obama's mccain moment? will? >> i think one of the biggest things was if you played that clip of john mccain, in the upper right-hand corner it said september 15th. it was a month and half before the election. that's key. i think the shelf life is small. i don't think it's that small. that being said, president obama made gaffe and he made it for the number one voters. that is on the economy. i do think it will last longer than mitt romney's etch a sketch moment. this one is expected to have a little bit longer shelf life because it's on the number one issue to voters. >> lz, i want to pose this to you. he told politico this. quote, as direct ore f the economic policy of the campaign, i took great pains to make sure the president was not predicting or worse advocating doom for the u.s. economy. when running for president, one should act like someone who should be president. should president obama use the same sorts of line? >> no, i don't think he should. i don't think he needs to. will is right. this won't last long. it is a number one topic, but i think there are so many gaffes made by both of these gentlemen that it would be replaced by something else they would have said or done. in the same week he made his gaffe, mitt romney said we don't need more teachers, cops, or firefighters. so i'm sure somebody is putting together an ad that says that as well. we're in a 24-hour news cycle. twitter, facebook, social media. there will be more gaffes to replace what president obama said last week. >> no doubt. i wish we could continue this conversation. but we have breaking news from the white house. brianna keilar has a little more information about why the accident may have happened. brianna, take it away. >> reporter: well, carol, we're being told by a spokesman for the commerce department that commerce secretary bryson had a seizure. that's why he ran into a car and actually spoke to the folks inside of the car that he'd run into and then after talking to them, got back in his car and took off, hitting that car again, then, according to the sheriff's department, apparently getting in another accident just a few minutes later. the sheriff's department, the l.a. shft's department found secretary bryson in his vehicle alone and unconscious. now, according to the commerce department, a spokeswoman, jennifer friedman, he suffered a seizure. he was held in the hospital overnig overnight. he was released from the hospital. wh what's new is he's now back in washington and the department says the investigation is ongoing. we're told the secretary was on personal time and he did not have security detail. still some details certainly to work out. but it appears that this went according to the commerce department that the secretary did suv ear seedure and that's what they're pointing to a is cause of these series of car accidents. >> it's a little confusing because he suffers the seizure. he was in what, three traffic accidents when you add them all up. he was briefly in the hospital. now he's back in washington at work? does anyone know what caused the seizure? >> caller >> reporter: no. and weapon don't know his history. although he's back in washington, we're told he doesn't have any public events on his schedule. so we don't know necessarily whether he's back at work, but he was treated for this and according to a commerce department official he received medication for the seizure, but at this point that's really all we know and we just got this in a few minutes ago and we're of course going to see if there's any more details on this. >> we're going to have top stories after a quick break. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank. 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[ click ] it just clicked. get it? it clicked... like the hour. the obama administration blamed secretary bryson's traffic accident on a seizure. police say after his lexus collided with a couple of cars, the u.s. commerce secretary drove off. that's a felony hit and run, but they later found bryson unconscious behind the wheel. they do not suspect drugs or alcohol. it's been determined he had a seizure. he's now pack in washington. in syria. these are live pictures. the opposition says homs and other cities are being barraged by artillery fire. at least 21 deaths are reported today. it come dees spite a peace plan that some observers call a fantasy. we're waiting for a decision on the controversy of the health care reform law. united health care says it will keep some of the law's mandates no matter what the supreme court decides. that includes continuing provide preventive health care services without co-payments and allowing children to stay on their parents' plans until 26. the kings jumped out to a 3-0 lead but the new jersey devils battled back to win the last three games. the devils are not just fighting the kings, but history, the last time a team came back from a 3-0 deficit to win the cup was 1942. check this out. you can see singer lady gaga during a concert in new zealand getting hit in the head with a pole. she was hit by a backup singer. she did come back despite having a concussion. two new movies that are getting a lot of attention. a science fiction flick got the hypo. michelle turner is live with all the action. you can't beat all those funny animals. >> you like the songs. this isn't a shock that "madagascar 3" did better than " "pr "prometheus." they did well taking in $50 million but it's an r-rated movie that runs more than two hours. "maz gas scar" is pg, runs an hour and a half. more people can see it and the family film is part of a succ s successful franchise. the first two films took in more than a billion dollars. people want to see chris rock do that afro thing apparently. >> that's a big number. what, 40 and $50 million did you say? >> actually 60 and 50. the projections were $40 million for both. they did better than even expected even though 40 million bucks for a weekend box office at the point is good. that's pretty darn good for a weekend. >> michelle turner, thanks so much. we asked do you talk back on one of the beg stories of the day. the question this morning is why does the "you are not special" speech resonate? and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. what happens when classroom teachers get the training... ...and support they need? schools flourish and students blossom. that's why programs like... ...the mickelson exxonmobil teachers academy... ...and astronaut sally ride's science academy are helping our educators improve student success in math and science. let's shoot for the stars. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. with your photographs. ( younger sister ) where's heaven ? ( older sister ) far. what will you inspire, with the eos rebel t3i and ef lenses, for ron's next project ? learn more at youtube. we ask you to talk back oven one of the stories of the day. the question this morning. why does the "you are not special" speech resonate? this one from mark? because he's dead on. if we keep telling kids they're the best, why should they improve. this from doug. it counters the sense of entitlement that's unfortunately fostered in our education system. they're needing to know they need to be let loose in a sometimes cruel world. this from christine. they're a generation of entitled brats. >> it's not brats. >> it's the stepford mommies with the my angel it could no wong. >> people are harsh this morning. >> show our kids how is survive, excel and be happy on their own, with their own skills and abilities. this builds self-esteem. not a trophy for everyone. keep it going. i'll read more comments in the next hour of the "newsroom." the medicare debate continues in washington... ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] yoo-hoo. hello. it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. the brita bottle with the filter inside. jeff fischel is bash and tennis fans love paris in spring. >> so much shows, two days. the men's match didn't get done. rafael nadal, they have to keep going this morning and wrapped it up. fantastic. the two matches everyone wants to see. roger federer, fading in his career. the two men dominating the tour now. into a fourth set it went. djokovic trying to win four straight majors. second man ever to do that, but throws a double fault up, match point. nadal celebrates goes into the stands. family and friends. there it is. passes bjorn bork for the most french open titles ever. tied him. and nadal, truly one of the tennis greats does it again in paris. well, college baseball, an incredible cinderella story is heading to the ncaa college world series. stony brook knocks off lsu in baton rouge last night to advance to the college world series. truly like one of the teams you never heard in the basketball tournament making it all the way to the final four. this is stony brook right now. in '91 playing division three ball and now going to omaha. fantastic, fantastic story for them. congratulations. all right. beaming right now. >> i'm beaming now, because i stayed up late and watched the tigers/reds game. >> 11:30, how well the tigers did. what no one's been able to do. beat the reds. 104 miles per hour prp imploded in the eighth inning against the tigers last night. a batter, gives up a double to austin jackson that ties the game. >> yeah. >> he's only given up one run all year, until last night. the wild pitches. well, the tigers come back and win. detroit takes it from the reds. fall into first place in the a.l. central. >> tuned in in the eighth inning. when they exploded. that was cool. >> and tattoos of oklahoma city preparing for tomorrow night's nba finals. that's how big it is. >> insane. jeff fischel, thanks so much. always fun. a texas man's v 's vulgar t has become that sheriff's badge of honor. >> reporter: an insult in ink on a thigh. police arrest someone, they tend to take photos of tattoos as well as mug shots. imagine the shot when woody wallace looked at this suspect's tattoo. woody wallace is "blank "my "blank." >> culled up his pants leg and the jailer let out a squeal. >> reporter: and pardon our grainy skype connection. trinity the chief of police was the cameraman when we interviewed him. about the you have e vulgar tat >> she wants the texas feel with the hat. >> reporter: thompson was arrested after allegedly choking his stepfather's neck and telling him he's next. the sheriff previously arrested him on burglary charges. >> he wad mad. was mad. trying to figure on what do when he got out of prison and wanted to remind us how bad he wanted me. >> reporter: woody wallace is flaunting the tattoo and posting it on a constable facebook page and it seems to be a hit. i love it. you go. he's going all right. he's running for trinity county sheriff. thinks the tattoo sends a message about what criminals think of him. >> i'm not their favorite cop because i don't quit until we put them where they belong. behind bars. >> reporter: the constable has no tattoos of his own and no plans to get one. he apparently doesn't believe in a thigh for a thigh. but if you're running for sheriff, woody wallace can "blanch" my "blanch." fits nicely on a bumper sticker. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. she has that right. next hour of "cnn newsroom" after a quick break. our environment.while proteg across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about that 401(k) you picked up back in the '80s. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like a lot of things, the market has changed, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and your plans probably have too. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so those old investments might not sound so hot today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we'll give you personalized recommendations tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 on how to reinvest that old 401(k) tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and help you handle all of the rollover details. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and bring your old 401(k) into the 21st century. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 i'm carol costello. just ahead in the "newsroom," breaking news on a developing story we've been following. a key member of president obama's team caused three accidents while driving this weekend. now we know what may have caused those crashes. thousands of acres burned, thousands forced out of their home. wreaking havoc on parts of the state and the problems could get worse today. a stunning blow. manny pacquiao loses to timothy bad bradley? no one except the three judges seems to know why. >> i have never been ashamed so often as to be associated with the sport of boxing as i am tonight. these people don't know how to score. >> sports fans are screaming for justice. we begin with sad news to pass along about a colleague of ours in the broadcast industry. earlier this morning, robin roberts of "good morning america" reveals she have a rare blood disorder, a result of her battle with breast carnes five years ago. >> as many of you know, five years ago, i beat breast cancer, and i've always been a fighter. and you, your love, your support, your prayers helped me win that fight, and that's something i will never, ever forget. now, sometimes treatment for cancer can lead to other serious medical issues, and that's what i'm facing right now. it is something that is called mds, myloplastic syndrome. if you're looking up doing, what jie was doing the same thing. it is a rare blood disorder that affects the bone marrow and, the doctor has been holding my hand through this and we'll have a lot more information about mds on our website. and the reason i am sharing this with everybody now is because later today i begin what's known at pre-treatment. i'm going to have -- it's a pic line in my arm, and i didn't want you to be concerned if you saw a bandage tomorrow, and it's going to be there to draw blood that has to be monitored regularly and also to administer drugs later today and for the week and for a period of time, and it's all to prepare me for a bone marrow transplant. >> and joins us by phone, the deputy chief medical omp at the american cancer society. thanks for joining us. >> good morning. >> i know you can't speak specifically about robin roberts condition, but tell us about this blood disorder. is it sort of like pre-leukemia? >> it used to be called pre-leukemia, and it's not common. it is rare. and there are many different forms. there are some -- many old -- not many, but older folks can get this which happens as a function of age for reasons we don't really understand, but in ms. roberts' situation, a very special person to all of us, so we all feel like we know her, know her well and are in the battle together, in her situation, it is most likely the result -- she said, of the chemotherapy received five years ago. this will be used for what we call breast cancer that is preventive therapy, primary treatment of breast cancer to prevent the breast cancer from coming back. that treatment attacks the bone marrow. attacks the blood cells of the bone marrow and sometimes there is scarring or long-term effects that happen, and we end up with mds, the syndrome, and in the situation where we are today with ms. roberts. >> robin said that she is fit. she's young, and this may help her beat this thing. what are her chances? >> well, i think it's -- i don't want to put a number on her chances. the reality is that she is young. she is in otherwise good health. she is very fortunate to have a sibling a sister, i believe, who's a match donor. that puts her in a much better situation. but we -- we cannot dismiss the fact that bone marrow transplant is a serious process. it has side effects. and it will impact her life, and our hope is that she comes through it with all the health and vigor and positivity we all see in her every day. >> well, the thing is, she's going to be -- this will all play out on television, so to speak. she mention pd you might see a band-aid on her arm. what do you hope people will take away from her fight with blood disorder? >> well i think number one that all of us, our prayers go out to her and her family at this time. the message for everyone is that we have made substantial progress in treating breast cancer. ms. roberts is an example of that. on the other hand, she's also an example of the serious side effects that come along with that treatment. about 1% of the women who get therapy for breast cancer come down with this condition, and the treatment, the only treatment is a bone marrow transplant. she is going to go through, as i mentioned, going to go through serious treatments over the next several months. it will take time, and with good medical care and prayers and support, she will come through this. the other message i think is critically important, she mentioned this herself. she is african-american. she's fortunate that she has a matched sibling a donor, who has the exact cell type schahe has,d that's a good thing, and she herself mentioned and it's important to reinforce, in the african-american community, it's sometimes difficult to find boners, and all of us would hope that people who are listening take her wish seriously that members of the community consider registering to become bone marrow -- donors for transplant purposes. it's a serious issue we have in this country. as i said, she's fortunate but reached out with that message and i think that's an important message for us to reinforce during these conversations. >> doctor, thank you for being with us and helping us to understand. we appreciate it. from the american cancer society. >> thank you. robin roberts also released a statement on i received my mds diagnosis on the very day that "good morning america" finally beat the "today" show for the first time in 16 years. talks about your highs and lows. end quote. also learning more about a bizarre story unfolding in southern california. a key member of president obama's economic team is facing felony hit-and-run charges this morning. we've learned commerce secretary john bryson had a seizure while driving in los angeles on saturday. witnesses say he hit a parked car, and then struck it again as he pulled away. then he hit a second car minutes later a few mimes down the road, was found passed out behind the we'll. brianna keilar live at the white house with more information. hi, brianna. >> reporter: hi there, carol. i should say, we don't necessarily know that this seizure happened while secretary bryson was driving, because the statement from the director of public affairs, jennifer friedman for the commerce department says that he was involved in a traffic accident in los angeles over the weekend, and it says he suffered a seizure. he was taken to the hospital for examination and remained overnight for observation. so it seems like maybe you could infer that he was driving while that seizure happened. actually, we're inquiring to figure out exactly the times of the seizure vis-a-vis the accident. secretary bryson was cited while in the hospital for felony hit-and-run charges. three bizarre accidents involving two cars besides his. in the l.a. area in san gabriel. according to the l.a. sheriff's department press release early this morning, he hit a car stopped at a railroad crossing waiting for a train to pass. got out, talked to the three guys inside of the car, and after talking to them, left. again hitting their car as he left, and then minutes later, according to the sheriff's department they found him after what appeared to be another accident involving a second car and found him alone and unconscious in his vehicle. but, again, the commerce department saying he did suffer a seizure and we're trying to piece all of these pieces together, carol, but we understand that the white house was notified last night. according to an administration official. >> brianna keilar reporting live from the white house. hundreds of people in northern colorado are waiting in shelters this morning praying that a runaway fire spares their home. so far 20,000 oacres west of fot carson burned this saturday. 18 structures damaged or destroyed so far. that number is excruciate are for evacuees. >> i can't imagine. first a fire, and not we're not going to have a home, and i have no place to go. >> ah. alexandra steel following the fire. the strange thing about the fire, it's jumping in every direction. >> just lay the groundwork. talking about what's happening in the southeast with 20 inches of rain. the antithesis of that scenario in the inner mountain west, parched, dry. incredible drought. d-3, one level of the highest. it is extreme. the ground is dry, it is parched. temperatures have been well above average, and, of course what we're seeing now, though, with temperatures coming down from this move through, you can see on the graphic, cold fronts move through, temperatures are down, but instead of the 90s we're in the 80s. what we've seen, carol mentioned the erratic nature. we've seen it grow 20,000 to 30,000 acres from saturday alone and the wind gusts exacerbating the flames not allowing the flights carrying water to quell this fire. they are being grounded. so that's been a big problem. again, weatherwise, things are improving, because the cold front has passed, the temperature is dropping. humidity is up ever so slightly but the strong winds that really have been -- you can see, carol, why this looks so orange. this cloud of dust is breaking up and moving into the atmosphere and kind of moving over the sun, creating this orange-like cast. and even the smell of smoke. now, this fire's 15 miles west of fort collins. the smell of smoke is making its way into denver and even nebraska. permeating the west coast and really no fire we've seen like this in quite some time. weatherwise no rain, a few isolated storm, but temperatures are coming down. >> at least that's a bit of bright news. alexandra, thank you. in florida, as alexandra mentioned, rain. that's the problem there, with the weekend scenarios of the florida panhandle and coastal alabama, as much as 22 inches of rain. one florida county is expecting damages to go beyond $20 million. fight fans, they just can't believe it thinking manny pacquiao was robbed. talk about that controversial split decision after a break. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! it kills heartburn fast. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco. but they can be really well thexpensive.ted a puppy, so to save money i just found them a possum. dad, i think he's dead. probably just playin' possum. sfx: possum hisses there he is. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. 14 minutes past the hour. a bit of breaking news to pass along to you. live pictures out of syria. the relentless government shelling of civilians ramped up again today. the opposition says homs and other cities are being literally barraged by artillery fire. at least 21 deaths reported just today. shelling despite a peace plan some observers call a fantasy. the former president of egist, hosni mubarak, is in a full coma in a prissen in cairo. sentenced for the killing of pro-democracy demonstrators during last year's uprising. he went into prison the same day after his blood pressure spiked. his 84 years old. his son and wife have permission to be at his bedside. unexpected bank fees and not getting clear information about the bank accounts. what the pew research center safe checking in the electronic age found. the study looked at information on 274 checking accounts at the 12 biggest u.s. banks and credit unions. in sports, the french open final is today. djokovic against nadal. match resuming after a rainout yesterday. match point. double fault for djokovic. and trying to win his fourth straight major, what a win for nadal. celebrates, you see, going into the stands and hugging family and friends. it's nadal's seventh french open title. he passes bjorn borje for the most ever in paris. oh! now to another sports story that has cause add huge fan backlash. carlos diaz is here to tell us about manny pacquiao. how can you win without ever throwing a punch? >> the equivalent of tomorrow night in the nba finals if the heat beat the thunder 120-90. basically what happened in vegas. manny pacquiao fighting timothy bradley for the welterweight title and manny pacquiao dominated. some score cards were as high as, you know -- a blowout win. at the end of the fight, two of the three judges gave it to timothy bradley. it was a split decision nep say timothy bradley won the fight. after the fight, timothy bradley is in the wheelchair giving his postfight press conference from a wheelchair, because he broke his foot and twichted his ankle in the fight, and he's sitting in a wheelchair, this is how i won the fight. i'm in a wheel. chair now but i won the fight. manny pacquiao feeling he won the fight is further proof that boxing and the sport in general is, i don't want to use the word conspiracy, but it is just -- there is no control over this. no control over boxing. there needs to be a better governing body. imagine, you know, go to basketball what if you had the heat and thunder, two best teams in the nba and didn't want to play each other? that's what's going on in boxing. floyd mayweather jr. not fighting. it may never be what it was again. >> you have a bit of sound. >> yes. listen to this. >> actually, i dispute the decision, but i have a person i believe i want to fight is -- >> i want to the say for myself that i have never been ashamed as much to be associated with the sport of boxing as i am tonight. >> bob arum, the promoter of the fight, and basically he's 80 years old. two of the guys that were judges were in there 70s. okay? 70-year-olds trying to figure out who's punching whom inside the ring was something people had a problem with. they also had the a problem with the fact timothy arum tweet add poster of the rematch before the fight even happened. a mess poor boxing and a mess for boxing in las vegas on saturday night. now we're looking for pacquiao to have a rematch, while floyd mayweather jr. is in jail now on assault charges. boxing is not in a proud place. >> what a proud sport. thank you. it is june. high school seniors are graduating across the country but not many hearing a sweech quite like this. >> yes, you've been pampered, bubble wrapped, but do not yet the idea you're anything special, because you're not. >> carlos loves this speech. a lot of other people. why does it resonate, though? we'll discuss in today's "talk back." [ male announcer ] this is the land of giants. ♪ home of the brave. ♪ it's where fear goes unwelcomed... ♪ and certain men... find a way to rise above. this is the land of giants. ♪ guts. glory. ram. there's another way to help erase litter box odor. purina tidy cats. only tidy cats has new odor erasers... making it easy to keep things at home... just the way you want them. new tidy cats with odor erasers. now your chance to talk back. the question this morning -- why does the, "you are not special" commencement speech resonate? devd mccullagh, a high school teacher may go down as the only figure authority to speak honestly to the students today. kids, you're not exceptional. not even special. >> yes, you've been pampered, koss itted, doted upon, helmeted, bubble wrapped, but do not get the idea you're anything special. because you're not. >> he said if everyone is special no one is. if everyone gets trophies, trophies are meaneringless. we love accolades more than achievement. >> no longer is it how you play the game, no longer is it even whether you win or lose or learn or grow or enjoy yourself doing it, now it's, so what does this get me? >> although mccullagh has critics, high school students applaud him. on the student website comments like "i love this speech having just graduated myself, it's coming from a genuine place. whapts wrong with that"? or this one, i graduated in 1976. this was a fantastic message. in 20 years they will understand it. mccullough's speech clearly hit a nerve. half a million hits on youtube. maybe it's the perfect message to send kids going out into a harsh world. hey, not only are you not special, they may not even hire you, but mccullough says his speech wasn't meant to be a buzz kill. the sweetest joy of life is recognizing you're not special, because everyone is. so the "talk back" question today, why does the "you are not special" speech resonate? i'll read your comments later this hour. opening statements for penn state's former football coach jerry sandusky under way. sandusky faces 52 counts of sexual misconduct involving young boys. until today the young victims only identified by a number. it's a matter of time until they're identified by name. as a general rule, cnn will not identify alleged victims of sexual assault. bring in susan candiotti live outside the courthouse. susan, you just came back from inside the courtroom. what did you hear? >> reporter: hi, carol. well what we heard was after the judge initially gave about 20 minutes of instructions to the jury, swore them in and told them at one point "you are the conscience of the community" because they were all picked from centre county. where jerry sandusky lives. it was then the moment everyone had been waiting for. the opening statements, beginning about 45 minutes ago, with the prosecutor, one of the lead prosecutors in this case. he spoke and is still speaking at this time. unfortunately, the sound system is not adequate. very difficult to hear him, unless you might be sitting in the front row. certainly the jurors can hear him. but here is what we did hear him say. the prosecutor at one point calling jerry sandusky a "serial predator" and he told the jurors that they would be hearing evidence during the course of the trial of alleged abuse that took place not only in some cases days, weeks, months, he said, but in some cases even years. and he also said that in this case, second mile, he said, is not on trial. that's the charity that jerry sandusky founded and from which some of these victims came. instead he said jerry sandusky is the one on trial here, and then a very compelling moment. you talked about names. for the first time, we heard the first names of eight of the ten victims in this case, and prosecutors showed a photograph of each of them when they were little boys. again, he identified them by first name only. we will not share those names with you, because of our policy of not identifying alleged sexual abuse victims. carol? >> i know you'll spend all day there and have reports throughout the day. susan candiotti reporting live for us this morning. she had a crush on obama, but now, the obama girl says she's just not into him anymore. maybe, kind of. sort of. is that a sign of how young people feel about president obama? actually, why do we care? we'll hatch is out on "political buzz." there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. but not for long! your very own four course seafood feast for just $14.99. start your feast with a soup, like our hearty new england clam chowder. next, enjoy a salad with unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. then get your choice of one of 7 entrees. like new coconut and pineapple shrimp shrimp and scallops alfredo or new honey bbq shrimp. then finish with something sweet. your complete four course seafood feast just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. come into red lobster syou know, i've helped a lot off people save a lot of money. but today...( sfx: loud noise of large metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange. (sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. is important to any successful business. which is why at wells fargo, we work with you to get to know the unique aspects of your business. we can recommend financial solutions that can work for you that have helped millions of business owners save time, reduce expenses, and maximize cash flow. as the number one small business lender for nine years running... we're with you when you need us. so you can be there for your customers. wells fargo. together we'll go far. 30 minutes past the hour. checking top stories -- a runaway wildfire forcing hundreds to evacuate their homes. one person missing. fire burned 20,000 acres and burning. learning more about a cabinet's member's bizarre accident in los angeles. commerce secretary john bryson faces felony hit-and-run charges after crashing his lexus into cars. he was found passed out behind the wheel and may have had a seizure. and apple unveiling another product. later today the company's developers conference in san francisco, the public, you and i, expected to get a first look at new operating systems for apple iphones and ipads. insiders say apple could also debut a 3d mac service. political buzz is your rapid fire look at the best political topics of the day. three questions, smart answerss. playing -- welcome to both of you. >> how are you, carol? >> great today. first question, it's still all the buzz. republicans call it obama's mccain moment, and they've whipped up a web ad. >> the appreciate sector is doing fine. where we're seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government. >> hmm, there you have it. in case you don't remember when mccain ran for president in 2008, he declared, "the fundamentals of our economy are strong," and was kind of all downhill from there. so question, is this obama's mccain moment? will? >> well, i think it could be. i think mccain's moment came within the context of a month and a half of election making it possible to be mccain's moment. this one's five months out. still, the number one issue voters are concerned about, the economy. and bothers me from add ytological standpoint, seems barack obama thinks you can divide how the private secretary sir doing from the economy. they are one in the same. if the private secretary sir doing well the economy will do well. the private sector not doll well, the economy will not do well. so i think he needs to understand the private sector is the engine of jobs and growth. >> i got that, i think. maria,? >> no, not mccain's moment, carol, and will pointed out one reason why. not a month out from the election. it's early june. not a lot of people are paying attention. more importantly, it's because as unartfully as he said it, he was not saying that the economy was doing fine, which is what mccain was saying. i think anybody who tries to pin that on him is going to have a hard time because it doesn't have credibility. the president has always been the first to say we need to do a lot more for job creation. we need to do a lot more to make sure that our jobs are growing and our growth is expansive. so -- most people think that he's the one who gets what middle-class workers are going through, anyway. >> question number two. not to it be outdone, the obama camp fired back with its own web ad intimating mr. romney doesn't value teachers and firefighters. >> he says we need more firemen and policemen more teachers. did he not get the message in wisconsin? the american people did. it's time for us to cut back on government and help the american people! >> so did mr. romney make a boo-boo? i couldn't find a more clever way to say it. maria? >> well, it certainly wasn't a good statement for him to make, but, again, will it stick? it's five months out. i think what it does do is underscore what the narrative of what a lot of people already believe about mitt romney. that he doesn't care about middle class. guess what? firefighters, cuts. teachers, the people who protect our communities who keep us safe, who invest in the education of our children are important pieces of the economy. and for mitt romney to basically say that they're not -- they don't matter, he doesn't care about them is not something that is very presidential for somebody to say. >> will? >> yeah. i don't think that's what he said. i think that what he's fighting back against is two things. firemen, police and teachers are the middle class. being one in the same. has is what you're talking about when you're talking about firemen, policemen and teachers. are you talking about the middle class? maybe a segment of them. do you solve the economy hiring more of those people we have an emotional connection to? it's a political football when we mention it. romney is saying, barack obama seemed to agree on, barack obama thinks by hiring more public servants we pick up the economy. mitt romney is suggesting that's not the solution to our economic woes. >> on to our buzzer-beater. 20 seconds each. the obama girl. ♪ >> oh. who could forget? well, she's not so hot on any anymore, or not saying. this is what she said "at this point i'm keeping that to myself. if i'm not making videos i'm not sure it's anyone's business on who i'm voting for this time around." so -- i got that part. the question, why do we care, maria? >> carol, this is going to it be probably the shortest answer that you'll hear from me on any of these questions. it's very simple. we don't. >> i care! i care. >> nobody cares. >> i'm going to tell you why. i would love to hear maria's answer to this. here's what i'm curious about when i see this statement. where is obama girl's criticism or disappointment from barack obama coming from? from a left perspective, far liberal perspective? does she feel he didn't live up to the billing she'd hoped he fulfill or from a independent centrist position? doesn't like the way he ended up governing? in all honesty, no partisanship, you wonder, where does the disappointment lie? on both ends of that spectrum? >> hmm. wish we had time to go on. >> i'm going to stay with we don't care. >> will and maria, thanks. bieber fever. the hottest ticket in town. even when you're in mexico. fans are camping -- i mean camped out for a free concert from the biebs. yoo-hoo. hello. it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. the brita bottle with the filter inside. ♪ ♪ [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the moist, chewy, deliciousness you desire. mmmm. thanks. at 90 calories, the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. [ male announcer ] you're at the age where you don't get thrown by curveballs. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. this is the age of taking action. ♪... ♪... ♪... choose the perfect hotel it's the bieb's versus the beatles. word is the teen sensation may actually draw a bigger crowd at his concert tonight than the legendary group the beatles. michelle turn sir in los angeles. this is crazy. >> reporter: i hear you, carol. i know. there are so many people that are cringing right now, but then a lot of those bebeiicbebeibe.r. the bieb has been causing trouble with his current concert tour. remember the free concert in norway that almost wound up with police declaring a state of emergency? this show in mexico city is a free show. so you can bet there's going to be a lot of people showing up. some reports are predicting more than 200,000 people, and saying it could draw more than the 230,000 people who were at a recent concert by beatles legend paul mccartney and justin seems ready for some of this mexican bieber mania and tweeted, mexico city, i heard it's crazy down there. tomorrow is the big free show for the people. excited to see ya. >> did you say -- 230,000 people? >> yes. but listen, carol, this may be a little crazy, but i'm willing to put a dollar or two on the fact that you slept outside somewhere to get tickets to a show in your day. i'm just saying. i don't know, but i'm just saying. >> yeah, but it was reo speedwagon. i listen to them now and think, what was i thinking? >> roe speedwagon. i was never allowed to. i was that sheltered child. i never got that opportunity. >> you had -- >> i wanted to camp out for michael jackson. >> that was a great concert. i saw michael jackson -- we could reminisce about this all day long. >> exactly. >> the weekend at the box office, because two movies did very, very well. >> yeah. it may have been whichever movie you saw may have been about where you were hanging out. at the middle school cafeterias, carol it looks like the kids were talking circus afros and "madagascar 3." adults online talking about "prometheus." not at shock "madagascar 3" did better. $60 million domestically and almost $200 million worldwide. "prometheus" did well. took in $50 million over the weekend. this movie is an r-rated movie that runs more than two hours. "madagascar" pg, an hour and a half, more can see it. a family film and a successful franchise. the first two madagascars took in more than a billion at the box office. i'm hanging out with the middle school cafeterias because i preferred "madagascar 3." >> you love the funny animals. >> i do. i love the move it move it. i can't help it. i love that. >> michelle turner, a lot of fun. thanks so much. and the emmys coming to hln. watch them live saturday june 23rd at 8:00 p.m. eastern on hln and be there in person by entering our sweepstakes and winning a trip for two to los angeles and you'll get a red carpet makeover. to enter, go to pi sweep. and tickets for sporting events are going through the roof. the second most expensive ticket in the nfl is the new york giants. you'll pay an average of $240. $240. that's not the most expensive. it's the second, remember. we'll tell hue has the most expensive tickets, next. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen, and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. 45 past the hour. checking top stories -- alabama police searching for theirs man. warranted for the saturday night shooting deaths of two former auburn university football players and another man. police say a current player and two others were injured when leonard opened fire at a party near campus. lawyers of the child rape trial of jerry sandusky are giving opening statements right now. the 68-year-old has been under house arrest since charged with sexually abusing ten boys for at least 15 years. the former penn state assistant football coach denies the charges. check out this crazy video out of china showing a driver opening his door and popping out the driver's seat while the car speeds on down the highway. see that? the man following him took the video. he told chinese media the driver wars controlling his car with just his right hand. and he was mad that the careless driver was putting the lives of other drivers at risk. that's one crazy guy. unbelievable. a new study reveals the actual cost for a family to go to a professional game. topping the list, new england patriots, average price for one ticket is $242. top basketball ticket is in los angeles. the lakers. it will cost you $170 per ticket and in baseball, a red sox ticket is the highest. $88. of the 12.7 million unemployed americans more than 5 million have not had a job in more than six months. if congress doesn't act, all long-term unemployment insurance will end bip ty the end of the . the long-term unemployed, in this case a group of women now training for construction work. >> okay. >> reporter: with her tape measure and jeans, michelle is both hard at work and out of work. >> i'm believing in god, because something's got to happen here. >> reporter: she's unemployed like the rest of these women retraining to get construction work. this project, a ramp at a local church is a volunteer job. she is 50. a college grad. she hasn't had full-time work in 18 months. >> what else do i need to do to myself? get a masters degree? do i need a better haircut? what the heck is it about me that i can't get work? because that feels really bad. >> reporter: it's painful, and the numbers show, it's persistent. 12.7 million americans are unemployed, and almost 5.5 million of them have been without a job for more than six months. >> it's just such a startling phenomenon. do we know why? >> reporter: researchers really don't know why. >> a lot of it is because this recession has been worse than any recession we have seen. since the great depression. >> reporter: what they do know is that it affects everyone. >> having a college degree doesn't protect you. you're more likely to be unemployed for longer if you're older, but it cuts across all races. it cuts across all occupations. it really affects everybody. >> reporter: and the longer a person is out of a job, the harder it can be to find work. skills get rusty. connections fade away. >> when you see people come through your centers -- >> a lot of these people are desperate and want to get back to work. >> reporter: kirkland runs the program where these women were retrained. >> you see more and more people coming in the door. >> reporter: 70,000 more americans lose their extended benefits this week. congress voted to end all long-term unemployment insurance by the end of the year. >> i don't think there were enough people that actually understand what it does or they would not have cut off unemployment. >> reporter: and this woman hasn't worked full time since the end of 2009. she doesn't buy the argument that collecting unemployment kept her from looking for a job. >> i've lost everything except my faith and my mind. i've lost everything. >> reporter: now, with three other women from her retraining program, she start add construction company. a gamble, but after more than two years without a steady paycheck, one she's willing to make. >> stay positive, and eventually it has to turn around. just has to. >> and joining me from washington, lizzy, long-term unemployment benefits are cut. what should people do? >> one of the most important things, carol, as counterintuitive as it sounds, stay busy. employers know that this recession and this type of long-term unemployment is affecting everyone but there's still a stigma. illegal to discriminate against people out of work a while, employers still want to see someone who's busy. take a free class. do work recertification retraining. those are the kinds of things that show employers you're still engaged in the work force and still want to work, and that even though you may not have steady work right now, you're trying to do it. >> lizzy o'leary, live from washington. all eyes on apple this morning. the technology giant is about to unveil its latest, greatest product. take you to san francisco. safe driver discounts, paperless discounts. progressive keeps finding me new ways to save me money on my car insurance. you're sure to save it forward. i see you're a healthy eater. you qualify for a healthy eater's discount. oh, my gosh! thank you. you're welcome. dropping off the shopping cart discount. why are you doing it? because of the hundreds i saved at progressive. and that's when i told her about progressive online! [ all chuckling ] all right, look busy, the manager is coming. i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! product. you think you've got it, think again. the software giant is expected to announce new products just a few hours from now. dan simon is live in san francisco to tell us more. >> reporter: well, hi, carol. apple is known for its intense secrecy. we don't really know what's going to be unveil the later this morning, but what we understand, they're going to announce a new slate of mac book computers. the latest and greatest laptops could be coming to an apple store in the next few weeks. carol, sometimes the software is just as important as the hoard ware hardware. we're expecting it to power both the iphone and the ipad. look for better facebook integration. why facebook integration on the iphone? i think we're also going to see a whole new mapping experience. apple gobbled up technologies. expected to ditch google maps on the iphone and look for expanded use siri. expected new features. keynote at 1:00 p.m. eastern time. you can see all the crowds here, downtown san francisco. 5,000 people from all over the world coming to hear the ceo of apple speak. that's coming up in a couple hours. we'll update our folks throughout the day. carol? >> can't wait to hear. thanks so much, dan simon reporting live from san francisco. and today preventing stroke by getting more sleep. a new study by the university of birmingham says you get less than six hours of sleep, could you suffer a stroke. experts recommend serve ton nine hour, and the same risk applies to those who keep off the extra pounds and do not have any other health factors. my cut hurt! mine hurt more! mine stopped hurting faster... 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[ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ we asked you to "talk back" on one of the stories today. the question this morning -- why does the "you are not special" commencement speech resonate? from anthony, it's the truth. truth always resonates. i wish someone had woke me up to this reality when i graduated in '05. from cindy, still there are parents raising up our children with a balance of messages, you are special and now have to pay for your own car insurance and gas. from miya, as an educator and parent of a teenager ai plod this speech. sometimes life is just plain hard. not everyone is a winner. second place is just that. second place.

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, What , Nerve , Hits , 1976 , A Million , Crashing , Youtube , The School , Kids Goichlk , Talkback , Joy , Downer , Jc Penney , Shoppers , Hippy , Effort , Lord , Ram 1500 Express , 1500 , Ram , Guts , Glory , Deep , Hemi , Mom Jeans , Store , Loyalists , Attempt , Shopper , Core , Frumpy , Mother S Day , Mom , Skit , Saturday Night Live , Gift , Stock Exchange , Diehards , Rating , Alison Kosik , Skpamg , Doesn T , Hipper , Customers , Brand , Bad Rap , Everything , Guy , Works , Turnaround , Sort , Turnaround Strategy , It Ain T Perfect , Saying , Kinks , Clothes , Pricing , Frurmpy , Hasn T , Sales , Transition , 19 , Floor , Wall Street , Markets , Nasdaq , 14 , Stocks , Banking Smg , China , Bailout , Web Ad , New York Stock Exchange , Turmoil , Mccain Moment , Iran , 2008 , Events , Times , Fundamentals , Will Cain , Lz Grammar , Things , Clip , Half , Corner , September 15th , Being , Voters , Etch A Sketch Moment , Policy , Politico , Pains , Quote , Lz , Direct Ore F , Sorts , Doom , Running , Both , Will , Won T , Topic , Gentlemen , Somebody , Sad , Cops , News Cycle , 24 , Facebook , Conversation , Social Media , No Doubt , Twitter , Spokesman , Seizure , L A Shft S Department , Vehicle , Spokeswoman , Jennifer Friedman , Hospital Overnig , Secretary , Security Detail , Wh , Suv , Ear Seedure , Car Accidents , Traffic Accidents , Anyone , Cause , Work , Caller Reporter , History , Schedule , Weapon Don T Know , Official , Medication , Break , All Of Us , Bank , Highways , Fields , Communities , Companies , Serving You , Thunk , Example , Power , Door , Jetta , Visit Vwdealer Com Today , Engineering , Mister , Meow , Volkswagen , German , 159 , 59 , 2012 , Lead , Thing , Pipes , 99 , Cars , Opposition , Homs , Pictures , Behind The Wheel , Syria , Peace Plan , Decision , Observers , Fantasy , Deaths , Cities , Artillery Fire , Controversy , Health Care Reform Law , 21 , United Health Care , Law , Supreme Court , Children , Plans , Parents , Kings , Health Care Services , New Jersey Devils , 3 , 26 , 0 , Concert , Games , Devils , Cup , Singer Lady Gaga , Deficit , New Zealand , 1942 , Hit , Backup Singer , Opole , Movies , Attention , Michelle Turner , Concussion , Science Fiction Flick , Hypo , Action , Animals , Isn T A , Songs , Madagascar 3 , Movie , Prometheus , Maz Gas Scar , Is Pg , 50 Million , Franchise , Family Film , Films , Succ , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Afro Thing , Number , Chris Rock , 50 , 60 , Box Office , Projections , 40 Million Bucks , 40 Million , Beg , Bouncy , Play , Classroom Teachers , Schools , Training , Blossom , Beneful , Sally Ride , Academy , Programs , Educators , Science , Student Success , Math , Mickelson Exxonmobil , Shoot For The Stars , Teachers , Photographs , Heaven , Project , Iron , Ef Lenses , Eos Rebel T3i , Mark , Oven , Sense , Best , Education System , Entitlement , Let Loose , Doug , Brats , Angel , Generation , Mommies , Wong , Christine , Skills , Self Esteem , Trophy , Excel , Abilities , Debate , Medicare , Facts , Social Security , Isn T , Say , Earnedasay Org , Company , Word , Yoo Hoo , Bottom Line , Wanted , Employee Benefits , Tune , Lac , Duck , Aflac , Lullaby And Good Night , Forbusiness Com , Water , Tasting Tap Water , Bottle , Drinking Fountain , Mall , Anywhere , Filter , Brita , Faucet , Jeff Fischel , Bash , Rafael Nadal , Paris In Spring , Shows , Matches , The Men S Match Didn T , Tennis , Match Point , Roger Federer , Career , Tour , Djokovic , Majors , Fading , Set , Four , Stands , Friends , Titles , French Open , Bjorn Bork , Incredible Cinderella Story , Baton Rouge Last Night , Stony Brook , Paris , Tennis Greats , College World Series , Ncaa , Lsu , College Baseball , Teams , Basketball Tournament , Omaha , Playing Division Three Ball , 91 , Tigers , Congratulations , Reds Game , 11 , 30 , Double , Batter , Reds , Austin Jackson , Prp , 104 , Win , Pitches , Detroit , A L , Central , Tattoos , Fun , Oklahoma City , Tomorrow Night S Nba Finals , Insane , Texas Man S V Vulgar T , Thigh , Police Arrest Someone , Insult , Sink , Badge Of Honor , Tattoo , Woody Wallace , Photos , Mug Shots , Shot , Suspect , Reporter , Connection , Chief , Blank , Jailer , Pants Leg , Squeal , Skype , Trinity , Thompson , Feel , Hat , Tat , Texas , Burglary Charges , Stepfather , He Wad Mad , Constable , Mad , Page , Criminals , Trinity County Sheriff , Cop , Blanch , Bars , Cnn Newsroom , Jeanne Moos , Technologies , Right , Fits , Bumper Sticker , New York , Proteg , Recycling Systems , Footprint , Wildlife , Conservation , Emissions , Air Quality , Natural Gas , Lives , Domestic , Energy , Tdd , Market , 2550 , 800 , 345 , 401 , 1 800 345 2550 , 1 , 80 , Investments , Rollover Details , Chuck Tdd , Recommendations , Charles Schwab , Breaking News , Following , Thousands , Problems , Wreaking Havoc On Parts , Crashes , Colleague , Industry , Good Morning America , Breast Carnes , Doctor , Doing , Myloplastic Syndrome , What Jie , Deputy Chief , Omp , Pre Leukemia , American Cancer Society , Age , Function , Gold , Reasons , Eforms , Person , Situation , Ms , Chemotherapy , Roberts , Therapy , Effects , Scarring , Syndrome , Blood Cells , Robin , Chances , Reality , Health , Match Donor , Sibling , Better , Side Effects , Process , Positivity , Vigor , Television , Pd , Band Aid , Women , Progress , Treatments , Care , African American , Cell Type Schahe Has , Sibling A Donor , D , Community , Boners , Donors , Registering , Conversations , Transplant Purposes , Diagnosis , Abc Com , Show , Talks , Highs , Lows , End Quote , Felony Hit And Run , Mimes , Hi , Hi There , Director , Public Affairs , Observation , Charges , L A Area In San Gabriel , L A Sheriff S Department Press Release , Guys , Railroad Crossing Waiting For A Train , Got Out , Hundreds , Pieces , Reporting , Runaway Fire , Structures , Fot Carson , Oacres West , 18 , Evacuees , Excruciate , Direction , Alexandra , Antithesis , Highest , Average , Level , Mountain West , Parched , Incredible Drought , D 3 , Cold Fronts , Move , Graphic , The 80s , Problem , Wind , Flames , Flights , 30000 , Temperature , Humidity , Improving , Weatherwise , Cloud Of Dust , Smell , Atmosphere , Fort Collins , Orange , Cast , The Sun , Bit , Storm , Permeating , Least , Weatherwise No Rain , West Coast , Denver , Nebraska , Scenarios , County , Damages , Florida , Florida Panhandle , 22 , Partner , Heartburn , Prilosec Isn T For Fast Relief , Fight Fans , Horse Neighs , Split Decision , Heartburn Fast , Alka Seltzer , Yeehaw , Video , Cisco , Nba , Planet , League , Replays , Intelligent Network , Beijing , Berlin , Around The World , Shot Kid , Puppy , Ted , Thexpensive , Shelling , Civilians , Of Egist , Blood Pressure , Killing , Uprising , Prissen In Cairo , Study , Safe Checking , Bank Accounts , Bedside , Bank Fees , Pew Research Center , 274 , Banks , Final , Credit Unions , Djokovic Against Nadal , 12 , Nadal , Double Fault , Major , Hugging , Seventh French Open , Sports Story , Add , Title , Fan Backlash , Bjorn Borje , Thunder , Heat , Equivalent , Carlos Diaz , Finals , Punch , 120 , Fighting , Welterweight Title , Vegas , The End , Blowout Win , Timothy Bradley Won The Fight , Nep , Wheelchair , Ankle , Foot , Press Conference , Control , Conspiracy , Proof , Chair , Didn T , Governing Body , Basketball , Each Other , Floyd Mayweather Jr , Bob Arum , Promoter , Punching , Ring , Whom , There 70s , Mess , Tweet Add Poster , Timothy Arum , Las Vegas , Pacquiao , Assault Charges , Jail , Hearing , Special , High School Seniors , Land , Giants , Home Of The Brave , Fear Goes Unwelcomed , Help , Odor Erasers , Litter Box Odor , Tidy Cats , Purina , Devd Mccullagh , Commencement Speech , High School Teacher , Figure Authority , Pampered , Anything Special , Doted Upon , Helmeted , Koss Itted , Accolades , Play The Game , Meaneringless , High School Students , Student Website , Mccullough , Whapts , Buzz Kill , Jerry Sandusky , Victims , Penn State , Counts , Sexual Misconduct , Young Boys , 52 , Susan Candiotti , Courthouse , Sexual Assault , Rule , Courtroom , Judge , Instructions , Jury , Conscience , Centre County , 45 , Prosecutor , Prosecutors , Sound System , Jurors , Front Row , Predator , Hearing Evidence , Trial , Abuse , Cases , Charity , Second Mile , Names , Boys , Peach , Eight , Photograph , Ten , Crush On Obama , Buzz , Sign , Warning , Cadillac Xts , Seat , Safety , Danger , Pulse , Technology , Forward , Mercedes E Class , Choice , Feast , Shrimp , Seafood , Clam Chowder , Soup , Entrees , Scallops , Salad , New England , Cheddar Bay Biscuits , 4 99 , 14 99 , 7 , Sea Food , Honey Bbq Shrimp , Red Lobster , Sound , Roadrunner , Piano Smashing , Strange , Meep , Loud Noise , Business , Loud Thud Sound , Solutions , Expenses , Aspects , Cash Flow , Wells Fargo , Business Owners , Small Business Lender , Nine , Top Stories , Fire Burned , Felony Hit And , Product , Operating Systems , Developers Conference , Ipads , Insiders , Questions , Playing , Topics , Smart Answerss , Great Today , Mccain Ran , Context , Sir , Add Ytological Standpoint , Same , Growth , Maria , Engine , Doll Well , Unartfully , Anybody , First , Job Creation , Credibility , Camp , Workers , Firemen , Mr , Romney Doesn T Value Teachers , Intimating , Wasn , Make , Boo , Underscore , Safe , Cuts , Narrative , He Doesn T Care , Middle Class , Education , Class , Has , Football , Segment , Solution , Buzzer , Servants , Woes , Videos , Business On , Answer , We Don T , Nobody , Perspective , Disappointment , Criticism , Billing , Honesty , Partisanship , Centrist , Spectrum , Ends , Ticket , Camping , Don T Care , Go On , Town , Mexico , Bieber Fever , Biebs , Gasps , Brownie , Calorie Brownie , Moist , Dreams , Chewy , Deliciousness You Desire , Curveballs , Erectile Dysfunction , Viagra , Vision , Heart , Chest Pain , Headache , Upset Stomach , Nitrates , Drop , Sex , Flushing , Injury , Decrease , Erection , Loss , Teen Sensation , Bebeiicbebeibe R The Bieb , The Beatles , Carol , Group , Cringing , Mexico City , Reports , Trouble , State Of Emergency , Concert Tour , Norway , Paul Mccartney , Justin , Beatles Legend , Mexican Bieber Mania , 200000 , 230000 , Crazy , Tickets , Somewhere , Think , I Don T Know , Reo Speedwagon , Child , Roe Speedwagon , Michael Jackson , Opportunity , You Saw , Middle School Cafeterias , Adults , Circus Afros , 60 Million , 200 Million , More , Madagascars , Madagascar , Eastern On Hln , Emmys , Saturday June 23rd At 8 00 Pm , 23 , Red Carpet Makeover , Sweepstakes , Trip , Sporting Events , Hln Com Em Pi Sweep , Expensive , New York Giants , Hue , Second , Roof , Physics , Nfl , 240 , Body , Arthritis Pain , Motion , Prescription Celebrex , Arthritis , Arthritis Symptoms , Celebrex , Studies , Plus , Relief , Inflammation , 200 , Stroke , Benefits , Death , Risks , Prescription Nsaids , Heart Attack , Narcotic , Ibuprofen , Meloxicam , Naproxen , Risk , Nsaids , Ulcers , High Blood Pressure , Intestine Problems , Stomach , Chance Increases , Bleeding , Reactions , Heart Disease , Aspirin , Patients , Asthma Attack , Throat , Allergies , Stomach Bleeding , Elderly , Sulfonamides , Hives , Swelling , Arthritis Treatment , Breathing , Visit Celebrex Com , Player , Child Rape Trial , Party Near Campus , Lawyers , Saturday Night Shooting Deaths , Assistant Football Coach , House Arrest , 68 , Highway , Driver S Seat , Media , Driver Wars , Driver Opening , Chinese , Driver , Drivers , Cost , Unbelievable , Basketball Ticket , List , Price , Baseball , New England Patriots , Lakers , Red Sox , 242 , 170 , 42 , Job , 5 Million , Six , 88 , 12 7 Million , Construction Work , Unemployment Insurance , Unemployed , Bip Ty , Congress Doesn T Act , Jeans , Tape Measure , God , Volunteer Job , She Hasn T , Rest , Retraining , Ramp , College Grad , Local Church , More Americans , Check , Numbers , Masters Degree , Haircut , Phenomenon , Recession , Know , Great Depression , Connections , Races , Occupations , Rusty , Program , Centers , Retrained , Kirkland , 70000 , Congress , Unemployment , Retraining Program , Faith , 2009 , Stay Positive , Add Construction Company , Gamble , Paycheck , Employers , Unemployment Benefits , Lizzy O Leary , Type , Stigma , Work Recertification Retraining , Show Employers , Kinds , Work Force , Progressive , Ways , Driver Discounts , Discounts , Discount , Eater , Shopping Cart Discount , Healthy Eater , Manager , Cowboy , Slate , Secrecy , Book Computers , Laptops , Software , Hoard Ware Hardware , Mapping Experience , Google Maps , Crowds , All Over The World , Eastern Time , Features , Keynote , Downtown San Francisco , Sleep , Dan Simon Reporting , Ceo , Experts , University Of Birmingham , Health Factors , Equipment , Mcallen , Piece , At T , Bell , Asset , Track , Possibilities , Network , Anthony , Messages , Car Insurance , Cindy , Balance , 05 , Work It , Jesse Ventura , Parties , Worst Case Scenario , Es Of Grey , Book , Literature , Suits , Feet , Thugs , Brooks Brothers , Skplemt , Carol Cause Stelste , Educator , Teenager , Winner , Gas , Parent , Miya ,

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