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>> beyonce as you've never seen or heard her before. it's a bit embarrassing because she hasn't brought any money with her. the woman behind the legend who takes a schoolgirl to international singing sensation. a life with husband jay-z and they are blockbuster baby news. >> i need to have a baby. >> beyonce world exclusive, an intimate hour. this is "piers morgan tonight." ♪ looking so crazy ♪ your love's got me looking so crazy ♪ >> beyonce has won a few grammys but a few hours from now releases her new album tigtled "four." it's nice you came to london to see me. i sat and watched you, had a couple of beers and turned on the television. you were the first ever won woman to headline. amazing achievement. what was it like for you last night? >> well, you know, i'm still walking on the clouds. i'm still kind of shocked. i can't believe what happened to me happened yesterday, and i think it's because i've seen glass ton berry in photographs and when i've traveled here and on television and only amazing rock stars perform. it's just the coolest festival, and i was able to see my husband perform there a couple years ago. it was one of the most exciting nights. he had a bit of controversy, and he came out and performed oasis song and the crowd went crazy. i thought, oh, my god. i'm just honored to be here. i prayed that one day i could do it. and three years later i was asked to headline and be the first woman and first african-american woman. >> that's the amazing thing. never mind any other criteria. you were the first woman to ever play this incredible event, to ever headline it. >> it's a little strange when you think about it, but i'm just happy that i'm the first woman and it was so many women out there. it was incredible, because the men usually when i have them do certain parts, they try to be cool. they were like just belting out the songs and everybody was unit united. >> what's your reaction to this? ♪ ♪ let me love you baby ♪ oh no ♪ oh no >> and watching that, i'm struck by several things. one was the glint in your eye when you said you always wanted to be a rock star, like you felt you were a proper rocker. >> exactly. >> is that what it does to you? >> it's the mud. it's all the beautiful people. >> a lot of them are quite ugly, actually. >> it's not about fashion or being cool. everyone just is cool, and that's what i love about it. it's not about your production or how many hits you have. it's about good music and everything coming from the inside and everyone has so much love and appreciation for a good performance. you know, i love when i can not have to think about all the other things that are not as interesting and belt out the songs and dan from the heart. i know that is -- >> here's the thing watching you last night. it's like this giant test coming at me. you look tiny here. >> people say i'm a lot smaller than they think i am on tv. i think they say that to everyone. they say to other girls in destiny's child toshgs my husband and mother. i think it's just television. >> the thing that struck me watching you about your -- i never watched a whole beyonce concert before. i was fascinated to see how you go about this. it the energy levels you kept up are extraordinary. b, the size of your heels. how did you stay up? >> it was very slippery, and the first song i was like, okay. am i going to make it? i thought i'd have to switch shoes. i've been practicing in heels since i was 13 years old. to be honest, it's kind of second nature. the heels are second nature. it's just a part of it. whenever i rehearse, i have on my heels. >> the whole treheme of last nit was about empowerment of women. you were strutting around that stage making men like me feeling pretty useless. i have no right to even be near this woman. >> not at all. >> you're quite intimidating, this kind of thing you do. >> no. i definitely feel it is my job to empower women, and i remember having this dream that my band was all females and i fold my male band at the time, i'm sorry, guys. you are all so talented and you're not women. they all had wigs on and came to the last performance like, we can do it! i found these incredible women and incredible background singers. i have men on the stage as well. i have great male dancers. >> washing your shoe heels for you? >> no. we have incredible dancers, and it's great to have that camaraderie. i feel like i learned so much from the other musicians, and it makes me want to be a better musician. >> when you're there with 175,000 people going crazy, this is never going to happen to me. much as i like to think it will, it isn't. those days are over. when you walk out and you get this surge of energy from a crowd like that, you've never performed in front of a crowd that big, what does it feel like? >> before i performed, i was so scared. i was like a leaf. i was really, really afraid. i had to just say forget that it's 175,000 people, and pretend it's like the show you did two days ago and you've been doing this your whole life and have fun. we all got together and said our prayer and took our breaths and tried to exhale all the negativity. i had to tell myself, i deserve it. i'm a diva and worked hard and i psyched myself up. once you hear the crowd it's time to rock and have a good time. >> i love that phrase. i'm a diva. you i say that proudly. >> i met what a di centre a is supposed to be. patti labelle and tyne na turner and these incredible women. they're graceful and talented and strong and fearless and brave and someone with humility. i think it's an proper time to be a diva. i did not show up in my costume that i wore yesterday, because i -- >> i was kind of hoping you might. it wasn't really a costume. it was more like a bit of beachwear. >> no, it was not. it was a costume, and i did not wear that because it's appropriate for the stage. there is a certain mentality, a certain aura appropriate for the stage. it's only appropriate for the stage. >> what went into the thinking for the outfit for me? you woke up and thought it's piers and cnn? >> i tried on a few dresses and i liked the color. i tried on the red suit and try odd. this i like the color. it makes me feel happy. >> what made you think it's right one for me? >> it's all about the color. >> it's the warmest day in britain for five years. you brought the heat, lady. >> yes. >> what i'm fascinated about with your new album is you took this year off. you worked so hard in the way your parents did before you. what did you learn about yourself in this year off? >> i learned a lot about myself. the biggest thing i learned is i love to perform. i love music. i love what i do. i love singing in the studio and writing songs and coming up with video treatments to the point that during that year i do not count the 72 songs i recorded at work because it's what i was born to do. and i learned balance. i learned the importance of taking time for myself. i was moving around so much that i had no idea that i really have 16 grammys. i've heard that, and i got up and accepted my awards. i didn't realize what an amazing accomplishment that was. >> you never had time presumably? it's just this treadmill. the more successful you get, the les time you have to enjoy it, i think. >> exactly. >> you went enough, i'm having a year out and enjoy what i achieved and a bit of real life. what was the most fun you had in the real world? >> well, i did everything, you know. i definitely enjoyed the simple things like, you know, driving and picking my nephew up from school. traveling, but not working and actually visiting museums and seeing ballets and having great conversations with people on the plane. >> really? >> yeah. just to have a normal -- >> why don't i sit next to people like you on a plane? can you let me know your schedule next time? >> okay. >> do you start talking to a random person? >> yeah. it's great when people don't really know who you are. it's funny but people say i'm sorry. i'm just realizing and i didn't know. that's why the conversation is so great. you forget how wonderful it is to just -- >> when they ask you what you do, what do you say? >> they didn't not until people start getting weird and asking for pictures and they're like, what's going on? but i visited, you know, the pyramids and i was able to sing at the top of pyramids. >> i heard you sang "ava maria" and it echoed around. >> it was beautiful. who thought i'd get an opportunity to do that. i was there along with my family. >> any truth to the rumor that you and jay-z are having joint pyramids built? i just made it up. >> that's a good one. i haven't heard that one. that's a good one. it might stick. >> we're going to have a little break. when we come back, i'll show you incredible footage of a 6-year-old beyonce knowles performing. >> where it all started. ♪ girls ♪ we run the world ♪ girls we run the world ♪ girls girls focus on everything else, the less time i have to take care of me. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes, which can help lower a1c. glucerna products help me keep everything balanced. 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>> you seemed like in utopia for you and couldn't get better. i keep hearing how shy you are. last night i haven't seen such self-confidence in any performer. what do you get it from? how do you create that kind of aura when by nature urt not really like that? >> i don't know. i think i -- for one, i'm not shy anymore. i am the person at the dinner party that is quiet and observing and having a one on one conversation. i get embarrassed when it's a lot of people, and a lot of eyes. i'm still that way. i wouldn't say shy. but now, you know, on the stage i've been doing it for a while, and it's my place to be me and be free, and i don't feel like i'm being judged. i feel like it doesn't matter how irritated i am or angry i am or excited or in love or whatever emotion, when i get on the stage, i'm just purely free. i feel so honored every time i get on the stage, because i know. i'm doing it for 15 years, and it's what i love to do. so many people love to do the same thing, and i they don't perform in front of a 175,000 people. >> a lot of performers come from quite damaged backgrounds or dysfunctional in some way. what's quite refreshing about your story is it's not really like that. you came from a remarkably successful family. not lots of money, but your dad was a top zexerox guy and your m run a successful salon. they taught you to work hard and about the important when you get there, to be humble and not lose the sense of who you are. >> they absolutely did. i learned, you know -- my mother worked 13 hours a day, and i never heard her complain. she worked until her feet were callused. my father was such an incredible entrepreneur and anything and everything he said he would have, he worked until he had it. he taught me there's no such thing as no. i had a lot of great support. i think the support is really a huge, you know, factor in my success, knowing that if something didn't work out, i still was loved, and you know, having that security is really important. >> your mom is only 10 feet away as we speak, so she's hear protecting you even now. she comes almost everywhere you go. >> she does. >> what are the values she instilled in you. >> well, definitely that beauty fades, and who you are from within is forever. and definitely be aa woman of your word and hard work. she is always correcting me and, you know, i feel like it doesn't matter if you are the janitor or the president, everyone's the same. making sure that i keep my humility and my spirit. she's always honest with me. >> since you became famous and successful, when has she been the most angry with you? >> i remember when we first had our single on the radio, and i was starting to feel like i was hot. i was in the record store, and she was talking to me. i started singing because i didn't want to hear whatever she was saying. i was about 15. the song was playing on the radio, and i'm like yeah, these guys were like that's beyonce and i thought i was hot. she smacked the crap out of me in the store. when i tell you, what happp, wh. and sent me to the car and was like, i don't care what song you have on the radio. you are my child. up do not disrespect me. i will never forget it. it was a great lesson. >> you've never sung again like that in a shop with your mom? >> no, absolutely not. >> when i met her i can tell, a, she has your beauty. i don't think this beauty fades. there was a steely look in her eyes, you mess with my girl, old man, you're going to get it. i'm just a smack, smack away if one question goes wrong, she's there? >> she is. she is my friend, and i mean, we don't agree on everything and i'm an adult. we have an our own moments because we work together with our clothing line. she is respectful. >> what is she most proudest of that you achieved? >> i say probably when i sang "at last" for the president. i think my father, all of his history, he grew up in gaston, alabama. he was escorted to school every day because he was one of the first african-americans in his school, and my mother it in her day she couldn't ride in the front of the bus. for her to see her child -- >> doesn't it sound amazing when you say things like that now in this day and age. in our generation even that's what your parents went through. i find that a staggering thing even now when i hear it. >> i do, too. it's true. it's a new day, and my parents saw me being a part of that history. now i see my nephew, and he's like, i don't understand why everyone is saying that obama is black. it's just normal to him. that makes me -- that's my, you know, joy. it's great to see the growth, and it's great that my parents could live to see that and it makes me very proud. >> hold that there, because i want to talk more about that amazing night when you sang at the inauguration. you talk about nerves, the nerves at that event. >> yes. >> let's discuss that in a moment. ♪ what goes around comes back around ♪ ♪ hey hey me baby [ grandma ] why do relationships matter? [ grandpa ] relationships are the basis of everything. [ grandma ] relationships are life... if you don't have that thing that fills your heart and your soul, you're missing that part of your life that just fulfills you. ♪ [ male announcer ] for us at humana, relationships matter too. the better we know you, the better we can help you choose the right medicare plan. that's why humana agents sit down with you to figure out your medicare options. and we have nurses you can call anytime, even at 3 a.m. because when you're on the right humana medicare plan and taking good care of yourself, then you can be there for the people who matter most. [ grandma ] my family is my joy, my hope... they are my heart. it's the reason we get out of bed in the morning... [ grandpa ] the reason we fall into bed at night sometimes. [ grandma ] yes. that's right. [ male announcer ] humana. like the exotic vacation you never took. but there's one opportunity that's too good to miss. the lexus golden opportunity sales event. see your lexus dealer. ♪ and then a spell was cast ♪ and here we are ♪ in heaven ♪ ♪ for you are mine ♪ at last >> you have got a pair of chops on you, haven't you? wow, you belted that. >> thank you. >> i mean, waiting before you went to sing that, knowing your background and your parents, the struggle they went through like so many african-americans in america, and here you have barack obama has become president. this change, and on the night that america celebrates, you are selected to sing. what are you feeling before you go out? >> right now i'm very emotional, because it's like i'm re-living it. it was really powerful and overwhelming. i kept telling myself, okay, this is not about you. you have to do this for them. you have to do this for history. it's the only way i was able to get through that song, because i wanted to bawl and i wanted to stare and watch and i wanted to -- but i was a part of it, so it was probably the -- oh, my god. i can't believe i was there, and i can't believe it was my voice for that moment. so honored, and so many memories. so many stories from my father and grandparents and my mother just all going through my mind and it was really fantastic. >> have you had to put up with racism as you grew up? did you experience the bad side of it? >> a bit. but, you know, i feel like now people at least with my career, i've kind of broken barriers, and i don't think people think about my race. i think they look at me as an entertainer and a musician, and i'm very happy that that's changing. i think that's how i look at people, and that's how i look at my friends. it's not about color and race. i'm just happy that that's changing. >> there was a moment around at that time when you had the most powerful man in the world, barack obama, african-american, you had the biggest tv star in the world, oprah, you, the biggest singing star in the world, tiger woods was the number one golfer in the world which was unthinkable 20, 30 years ago. it came through personal achievement as much as anything else. >> absolutely. >> did you feel that? >> i did, absolutely. i'm proud of it. i'm just praying that we continue to grow, and people continue to see the right things in people. >> what did your parents say after you performed at the inauguration? >> my mom cried forever. i did, too. it was a beautiful night. like i said, definitely the most proud moment for her and for myself. >> and the president, what did he say and the first lady? >> i did speak to them. i wish i had it like that, but i've seen them years later. >> i've heard and you can clear up this brilliant. this is a brilliant rumor even fi if it's not true. i've heard jay-z has the president on the speed dial of his cell phone. is this true? >> i don't know. >> that means it is. >> no, it doesn't. they are amazing. they are wonderful. actually, i just worked with the first lady with the let's move initiative, and it was so beautiful. >> she's a remarkable woman. >> she is. >> what side are you on the political side, whatever your view of how he's doing as president, michelle obama has barely put a foot wrong and is a remarkable role model. >> she is. her whole idea was brilliant. the girls and boys were practicing the choreography understand realizing they were taking care of their bodies and moving around. i'm happy she asked me to be part of that. >> how do you think he's doing as president? >> i think he's doing a great job. i think he needs another term and more time, and i think with the time he has, he's incredible. >> would you campaign for him? >> absolutely. >> on the stump? >> absolutely. i did the first time, and i will again. >> you must have met him now? >> no, i've met them. they're amazing and gracious. >> he has got around to thanking you, right? >> of course. i performed at the white house, and they were so gracious. they not only spoke to me, they spent time with every single member of my band. they're just the epitome of class and heart. it's beautiful. >> america is going through a sort of difficult phase. everybody knows that when you're there. economically, very, very tough conditions. obviously, there are wars going on as well, a lot of drain on resources. what do you think when you look at america now? what do you think america needs to get itself back on its feet properly? >> i think we're getting there. i think we need obama, and he's doing his job. we just have to believe in him and trust our president. >> what do you think about what i detect as a slight lack of confidence in america? you're an incredibly confident american businesswoman. what advice do you give to people as someone who came from no money to build this empire through hard work? what do you say to them? >> sai would say to continue to work hard and don't give up on your goals. for me, like i said, i grew up watching my family struggle, and i grew up with a family that was successful but not born successful. i believe with hard work and a goal and love and positivity we'll be fine. >> i'm going to break and talk to you about the man in your life. >> uh-oh. >> i know you love to talk about. >> hmm. ♪ girls run the world ♪ girls run the world ♪ girls run the world tinted moisturizersely rt with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers. 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>> i feel the same way you feel. i -- jay and i have kind of made a decision that we want to be known for our music and, you know, not our relationships or scandals. it's hard, because sometimes it's like, okay, i can't talk about him. he's amazing. >> he is amazing. >> i agree with all the things you had. >> you sit back and go, my husband is a pretty cool guy. >> he is. he really is. >> he was there last night supporting you. he's abandoned you with me to go to the dentist, which i'm pleased about. >> i'm not. >> when you sing "crazy in love" how many times have you been crazy in love in your life? >> not many at all. >> then you meet this guy? that's it, bang. >> yeah. i definitely had a very natural friendship and connection with him. i mean, we've been together for a very long time, and i'm very happy. >> what does love mean to you? proper love? >> you know, love is the foundation of everything i do. my music is inspired by love, and from my family, from my husband, from my sisters and it gives me the security and confidence that you see on the stage. >> i mean, most people say you have to have had your heartbroken to sing with real emotion. i don't get the sense you ever had particularly. >> i had my life experiences, definitely. i mean, i haven't had this perfect, flawless life. any relationship you go through issues and you have to learn each other and you grow and you have painful moments. i feel like, you know, a lot of my life experiences i used in this album. there's a way that i'm singing that's very different, and i think i had a ephiany when i did "cadillac records" when i played etta james. she was addicted to heroin, and i've never done any drugs. i had to use the most painful moments from my life. >> let's hold and watch a clip from that. it was an incredible performance. we'll talk about it after this. >> you don't begin to know my problems, baby. >> hey, let me. hmm? >> my mother was a whore. and that mother [ bleep ] looked me in his face, and he didn't see himself. he didn't see his little girl. >> i mean, a really visceral real performance there, and it surprised a lot of people. a lot of your critics watched it and were like, whoa, okay. she's not as simple in terms of her performance as we think she is. there was real depth there. that must have been very satisfying to you? >> it was very satisfying and i worked really, really hard. it felt good to know it was appreciated, and even if it wasn't, it was such growth for me as a human being and as an artist. it made me want to take more risks in my career. it made me a lot braver, and to have the freedom to kind of let go of all ego and not care about what i looked like or fitting into a pop star box, it just was really liberating to me. >> do you like the acting? >> i do. >> do you like the pace of it? i always imagine with singers when you get on stage, it's all over in two hours and you get all the energy out and have a drink or whatever you want to. when you're acting sitting around and waiting with hundreds of people watching you. >> i don't like that as much, but i do like the stability. i like being able to go to the same place every night, and your call time is around the same every morning and you're around the same people for six months and you don't have to travel 100 places. you kind of build a family relationship. because i've been touring since i was 13, that is something i haven't had in my life. >> how about doing those love scenes? >> i don't like that. they're uncomfortable. >> even if it was -- >> it's uncomfortable. >> he's a good-looking guy. >> he is. it's weird, because i didn't grow up acting. so i've done six or seven movies, which i've done some romantic scenes in maybe three. so it's still new to me. i realize that, you know, it's a part of it, and after a few times it kind of becomes choreography. it gets a little easier. >> it's uncomfortable. i couldn't do it. >> it's strange. actors don't say that, but i feel that it's strange. >> we're going to have a little break. when we come back, we'll talk about brand beyonce, what it is and how you keep it at the top. ♪ girl security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. really? 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[ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! it just wouldn't be right for you to be in my hometown of london and i don't introduce to you a classic english tea. >> i'm very happy. >> i know your very svelte physique you have lapses. >> yes. i missed it yesterday. >> you couldn't yesterday. >> yes. >> you now have a piping cup of english tea and now you need a scone. i'll prepare one for you. >> what is this pronounced. >> it's a scone. you can call it a scone. people that think they're members of the royal family or ought to be call it a scone. you take some cream and it's about as fattening as you can get. >> it looks delicious. >> you take fattening cream and jam like this. slop it on all, and you put it together. this is an old-fashioned and basically gives you a heart attack in about five minutes. on behalf of great britain, there's your first ever scone. >> i'm going to try it. >> just go for it. how sgogood is that? >> delicious! i love it. it's very good. >> it's the tasty thing. >> it's like a popeye's chicken biscuit, my favorite. i know i'm supposed to be proper. i'm having tea. it's delicious. >> isn't it nice? >> uh-huh. the cream is so great. >> you've spoken quite honestly and openly about occasionally having slight weight problems in your life. how have you dealt with them, and what advice do you give your female fans in particular? >> i have found my personal goal, my ideal weight for myself, and i try to stick with that. i can't let anyone tell you what your best is. you know what your best is. i work at it. you can have whatever you want. it just takes work. >> you're 29 years old, and in september the -- >> i'll be 30. >> the looming, dooming, big 3-0 is emerging in your life. are you thrilled about this? >> i can't wait. 29 is very strange. you're still in your 20s but you feel like you're 30. i feel like a woman. i feel, you know, like i'm very aware of who i am and i feel great. i feel like 30 is the ideal age, because you're mature enough to know who you are and to have your boundaries and standards and not be afraid of being too polite, but you're young enough to be a young woman. i'm so looking forward to. >> when i hear you speak like this in a mature, sensible rational way, it sounds like your mother, which makes me think you're heading to the right kind of time in your life. >> i'm turning into my mom? are you saying i need to have a baby? >> i didn't even ask the question. >> okay. i always said i would have a baby at 30. >> i know you 30. >> i know you did. >> i'm 29. >> exactly. >> but i also said i was going to retire at 30. so i don't know. >> that could be a big year. >> who knows? i'm not retiring, i tell you that. >> can we expect the little part of little beyonce' and jay-zs? >> only god knows. >> would you mind asking him to tell me? >> i will. we'll have the conversation but you can't tell anybody else. >> we're going to do a very exciting thing involving your album. before you go if i could ask you to replay the greatest moment of your life, the moment, the five minutes maybe that you would replay if you had the chance. what would it be? so far? >> oh, that's a tough one. i talked about i think two of the highlights, which is glastonbury and performing for the president. >> i was kind of hoping that you were going stop say tea and scones with you, piers? >> that's because you didn't give me a chance. >> for the record, the greatest moment of your life? >> absolutely speaking to you today, mr. morgan. >> beyonce'? >> yes. >> i couldn't have asked for more. when we come back, beyonce', you and i are going to go album hunting. >> yes, we are. there's a special album out today. >> so i hear. >> yes. >> i hope they're stocking it. >> i do, too. 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[ laughter ] >> i appreciate it. >> she wants me to buy her own record. no wonder she's so rich, seriously. >> i'm telling you. >> so this was apparently -- this mayhem was all caused by one tweet on twitter. >> i know. the power of twitter. >> nothing's secret anymore, is it? >> it's not. that is a little disappointing. it's hard to keep that excitement that i used to have when i saw a photograph of michael jackson or prince. the mystery in just being able to kind of create the fantasy in your mind. it's so hard to keep that. >> that is one of the reasons that you're quite private? >> it is. i think it's important.

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