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0 i'm your hot water heater. you hardly know i exist. that's too bad. 'cuz if my pressure relief valve gets stuck... [ booooooom! ] ...we hot water heaters can transform into rocket propelled wrecking balls. and if you got the wrong home insurance coverage, it's your bank account that might explode. so get allstate. [ dennis ] good hands. good home. make sure you have the right home protection. talk to an allstate agent. at the top of the show we asked you why are you awake? john tower, the answers, please? >> we have dawn. bill, glad to see you at the "way too early" high table. tyson writes, is barnicle supposed to be sitting next to you? he isn't doing anything. >> you see, tyson, grandpa barnicle wanders before "morning joe." we never know where he is going to end up. thank goodness this time he was fully dressed. we'll see you tomorrow. "morning joe" starts right now. >> what went wrong? why are we further away from a two-state solution? i'm curious. what do you believe went wrong? did you push israel too hard? mr. prime minister, i want to help out my colleague over here. do you accept the president's understanding that iran is a year away when it comes to nuclear weapons? another question i had for you -- >> chuck, how many do you got? do you guys do this in the israel press? you say you get one question and you add like five? you see how the young lady from it runs nuclear ambitions. >> we agree that a nuclear armed iran would be a threat to the region, a threat to the world, and potentially an threat to israel. all options are on the table. we will do what is necessary to prevent iran from getting the world's worst weapons. >> richard, help somebody out at home who is watching this. the president of the united states goes into hamas and allies decide to fire missiles into israel which they do all the time. can you explain why they would act and continue to act in a way that is against their best interests? >> for groups like hamas, you know, their title represents what they are. they are the islamic resistant movement. this for he them is station identification. this is the way that they essentially say we have a better path for dealing with the israelis. >> no peace? no peace? >> well, peace -- not a negotiated peace. certainly not a peace on the terms of being discussed by israel or the united states. that, again, is trying to be an honest broker. >> yeah, he has tried to be an honest broker and paid a price to it to some extent in domestic politics. what do you think of the theory, it's more than a theory, i would guess, that this trip is based largely less on policy than the president's personality, convincing the israelis and the israeli government that i am your friend. the united states is your friend. we are not going to falter or hesitate or anything when it comes to the defense of israel. >> i don't think he is aiming so much to the israeli government but the israeli government. this time the president shows up. he is stronger and just won re-election and netanyahu is weaker. had he a weak showing in the elect shu and had trouble forming a government, so the president is going over his head. he wants to begin a dialogue with the israeli people and show the united states is a friend of israel and show also that israel taking more risks for peace than obama and netanyahu the last four years. an event in the u.s. campaign where netanyahu more or less endorsed mitt romney for president. how much of the loathe that is coming from b.b. towards our president is kind of him trying to make sure that he has not done long-term damage to the relationship in that direction? we know what barack obama's objectives here are but it it seems to me netanyahu is making up for any hurt feelings he did over last summer. >> absolutely. there is a political balance here. if you can see the see-saw right now. netanyahu is weaker than re-elected barack obama. they need each other. but israel needs the u.s. to have its back, both because of syria, the civil war next door, the possibility of chemical weapons which would be, as the president said, a real game-changer, though, i'm told that they have no evidence that chemical weapons were used by the regime. the president is very clear that it would not have been used by the opposition. that was fallacious argument from the regime but no hard evidence they were used. if it were used, it would be a game-changer. but israel needs the u.s. for iran and they do seem to be coming closer together on the time line of iran and it's very clear, from what the president said, that he would support military action and he is not bluffing. >> richard haass, i can only say this thinking like a politician thinks and it doesn't matter what level you are. you're always a politician. i would be getting on the phone with barack obama and saying, listen, you want me to push back on iran and you want to tell me the red line is a year or 18 months from now instead of -- i tell you what, this is what is going to happen. if you don't want us to go in, i need you over here and i need you standing next to me and i need you assuring my people that you are on my side, that you are on israel's side, and so we look forward to having you over here. i really do -- personally, no evidence. i really think this has so much to do with netanyahu saying, okay, you want me to really keep delaying things? >> it's actually half that. for israel prime minister, the single most important thing you've got to do to remain popular in israel is shows that you can manage israel most important bilateral relationship, the relationship with the united states. netanyahu mismanaged this relationship. he essentially endorsed mitt romney. the balance of power between the two has shifted in barack obama's direction. the most interesting substantive thing to happen yesterday besides the comment on syria is essentially the time lines -- >> but barack obama doesn't go to the capitol until it's in his best interest. why would he go to israel unless he was being told he needed to come over there because of iran? >> well, on iran, he got netanyahu to essentially move much closer to his time line. they push the issue into 2014 yesterday. i think the lead story out of yesterday. he got the help there. barack obama banked something yesterday. he invested, if you will, he met b.b. halfway when he didn't have to and it will help him in the long run in managing this relationship. this relationship has changed the last couple of months because of the political fortunes of b.b. went down or barack obama went up. so barack obama was gracious. he went there but in the funny sort of way it shifted. >> as much as the israel relationship is important to the united states, it is the case that we are the dominant partner in this bilateral relationship always because of the security we led israel and amount of foreign aid we give israel and the defense cooperation, all of that stuff. so it seems to me at least what has changed is that as much as barack obama needs israel and the way joe said israel needs the united states to be standing four square against iran and going into the future. that's a play, a need that netanyahu clearly has as you pointed out what the israel public wants from him. >> the most confrontational i remember is george bush the father and several months later -- israel people said we can't afford that kind to be between our two governments. each side needs the other. right now, i think it's shifted somewhat. >> all right. thanks so much, andrea. what is on the calendar today? >> the president is going to be giving this major speech today. he is in ramallah now, as you know. he gives a major speech. he had a fascinating high tech sort of walk-through with the israelis and a lot of interesting developments on the growing economy here, the technology sector. we will have jeff goldberg and host of "meet the press" in the united states, david gregory and "meet the press" from here, dana weiss. we have a pretty jam-packed show. >> wonderful. andrea mitchell, thanks very much. the white house is work, on shifting over side of its lethal drone program from the cia to the military. according to the "the wall street journal." the move would make the controversial program subject to international law. strikes would be undertaken with the consent of host governments, while many in washington believe the program will be more effective under the cia, the proposal reflects a growing consensus it needs to be on legal, sturdier footing. yesterday the senate kicked off hearings. senators on both sides expressed concerns over privacy. some members are mulling possible federal regulations. the faa estimates 30,000 drones could be flying in the u.s. skies in the next 20 years and richard haass is shaking his head. it's impossible to consider. >> i think the white house was caught by surprise by the bipartisan pushback by the drone program. 30,000 drones? this is a new world we are unprepared for. this is a wild west, if you will, in the skies. >> the great news for law enforcement officers the ability to have a bird's-eye view over neighborhoods that have been problematic and dangerous in the past, but there are so many concerns also about civil liberties. quite a balancing act. two more. despite promises to close down guantanamo bay. >> he is going to do that his first year after he is inaugurated. >> isn't it already closed? >> no. 2010, january 20th, 2010. he promised that during the entire campaign. >> 2008, you mean? >> 2008. >> but he promised a year from the day i'm sworn in, which would have been january 20th, ten. i'm going to close gitmo because it represents everything that is wrong with the united states of america. george w. bush and dick cheney shredding the constitution. >> they did. it's kind of hard to undo that. >> however, we would never do such a thing. here is some scotch tape. seriously, if if it is so immoral, you close gitmo. >> really some what do you do? >> you close gitmo is what you do. >> okay. that would be -- >> if the united states gets into office and he realizes that it violates our most basic constitutional principles as a people, you don't ask what the costs are. you do it. but as mike barnicle said, he got the briefing. >> in chicago. >> in chicago. and it's called the o sh briefing for a reason, mike, isn't it? >> yeah. >> you find out you're not as smart as you thought you were when you're a state senator and then a two-year u.s. senator -- no, then a two-year u.s. senator running for president, a guy that really didn't do a lot of homework when i was in the u.s. senate and wasn't quite as smart as he thought he was when it came to this, was he? >> i think it would apply to anyone but this case it applied to the president elected to the united states. the day blagojevich was arrested in chicago and the president got his first full intelligence briefing and the code name for the briefing was holy cocka. he opened up the book and saw the first -- he went, whoa! >> that is only part of the story. the other part of the story you can say -- i agree that you make a promise like that, you should try to fulfill it. hold on! >> hold on. john, this is important. people say how could he say that? yes, every president goes into his job ignorant, right? but not all go in as self-righteous as this president did, condemning the past administration as being immoral and being enemies of the united states constitution. that's the point i'm drawing here. >> yes, and i take that point. >> i'm not sure he actually said that. >> my point it was something more implicated than the holy crap briefing which is the question of what to do with these people was a matter of politics. it's a matter of democracy. found out no support. very hard to figure out where you would put these people in the united states because you have to have the consent of states to allow those people to be housed in their states. without that consent you have a huge counundrum. >> if you're going to keep it, keep it nice. >> nobody knows what we are talking about. read the story. >> just fight over themselves, even though nothing to fight about. the u.s. is considering 150 million dollar overhaul of the guantanamo bay facility. the plans include a new hospital, guard barracks and dining hall. lawyers for the detainees unrest is growing and hunger strikes have recently tripled. >> an operating budget in guantanamo bay of 177 million. over 1 million for each of the 166 detainees. the obama administration says it's committed to closing gitmo efforts which have been repeatedly blocked by congress. >> not just blocked by congress. you can't just -- >> that's ridiculous. >> you're worried the people will get tortured and killed. >> no, back into action. >> you can't just release them. what it is -- we used to teach at the kennedy school when i was a professor there the difference. it seemed like a good idea at the time. the more people learned about it, they realize you try to do would make a bad situation worse. this is a good example of policy continuity -- >> hold on one second. $10 million. you don't have white house doors but $10 million being spent for a legal meeting complex where lawyers can meet. >> what are you for? opening it or closing it? >> you got the mlb -- >> i get they do have the mlb package! >> bob bowman did that for them. >> it's something. what else you got? >> i was going to talk about the pope but you went on too long. bantering about gitmo. >> what did the pope say? >> it's about sex. >> the pope is talking about sex? >> did he in a certain way and it's fascinating. it's a good conversation and i'm not going to waste it on the last 20 seconds of this block so we will save it. >> that's what you call a deep tease! that's a tv term! coming up on "morning joe," in two days we will celebrate the third anniversary of president obama signing his health care act into law. >> we will ask kathleen sebelius about that and she joins us later. campbell brown will be here and "the washington post" ezra klein. up next the top stories in the politico playbook. first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. no good news and another snowstorm moving across the country. most likely sunday into monday. let me show you the stark contrast between this start of spring and last year. last year at this point the blue on the map and the purple show you where the snow was. no snow pretty much east of the ms river and through the midwest. only 20% of the country this time last year was covered in know. look at the map currently. 30% of the lower 48 covered by snow and we have snow pack from maine tlhrough the great lakes and upstate and wisconsin and minnesota. the winds coming down from canada over the snow, it just doesn't have a chance to moderate and warm up. look how cold it was yesterday. high temperatures in the 20s in the great lakes. we should be almost near mid-40s to near 50 this time of the year. this morning is very cold once again from fargo to minneapolis, chicago, just another bitterly cold day out there and the winds over the central plains especially as long as we have the snow on the ground it's going to continue. be careful driving in connecticut this morning. a little coating of light snow out there. pretty much from westchester, new york, through areas of southern connecticut, that could produce 1 to 3 inches of snow later today in areas especially of southern rhode island and southeast portions of mass including the cape. the forecast, cold day in the new england area and light snow. new york city we saw snowflakes overnight but no problem around the big paeapple. you're watching "morning joe," brewed by starbucks. ♪ [ construction sounds ] ♪ [ watch ticking ] [ engine revs ] come in. ♪ got the coffee. that was fast. we're outta here. ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪ mr. wiggles and curling irons. for the little mishaps you feel, use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster neosporin. also try neosporin eczema essentials. as your life changes, fidelity is there for your personal economy, helping you readjust along the way, refocus as careers change and kids head off to college, and revisit your investments as retirement gets closer. wherever you are today, fidelity's guidance can help you fine-tune your personal economy. start today with a free one-on-one review of your retirement plan.

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