Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20150629 :

MSNBCW Morning Joe June 29, 2015

blind ied by hatred the killer couldn't see the grace sounting reverend pinkie the line of love as they opened the church doors and invited a stranger to join in the prayer service. the alleged killer never could have anticipated the way the families of the fallen would respond when they saw him in court in the midst of unspeakable grief with words of forgiveness. he couldn't imagine that. >> good morning. it's monday june 29th. welcome to "morning joe." >> what a moment that was. >> it was incredible. it went on. we're about to show you. so many since then. this is the most incredible news cycle the past five days. we have so much to talk about this morning. >> it has moved so quickly. i bet i can tell through are so many people who i talk to this weekend who said you know what? i tuned president obama out. i mean this happens to most presidents after six or seven years. happened to reagan, the great communicator. people just start tuning presidents out. but to a person everybody said when he started speaking here they stopped and turned. i did the same thing. we were coming in from the trip and i got home. my kids were running around the house. and, you know usually it's you're on your way to the weekend and we all stop and just watched this. it was extraordinarily moving. >> yeah. it was. i was watching with my daughter. amy holmes is here jamie peters mike barnicle and our guest from d.c. there are 5,000 people in at rena where the funeral service where reverendreverendreverend pink any and then this amazing moment. ♪ amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost but now i'm found was blind but now i see ♪ >> found that grace. >> susie jackson found that grace. ethel lance found that grace. depayne middleton-doctor found that grace. dan you'll daniel simmons found that grace. myra thompson found that grace. >> through the example of their lives, they now passed it on to us. may we find ourselves worthy of that precious and extraordinary gift. as long as our lives endure may grace now lead them home. may god continue to shed his grace on the united states of america. >> they asked what it is like down there. i don't sit in front of the tv show for three hours to watch your show but quite a few people said i sat in front of this set to watch all three hours. and i said it was really like nothing we had ever covered. and it was nothing like we had ever covered because it was almost like a church revival. they showed remarkable grace and forgiveness and it was an example for the world and state and generation. we grew up over the past 20 30 years with one bad example after another bad example put on television about christian leaders, whether you're talking about earl roberts or you can go down the ugly lift and this is christianity at the purest rawest form. >> it really was. the president aeg eulogy at that moment my 17-year-old daughter cried wane as totally swept into it. i think we were driven to go there and be there by the families. >> mike -- >> inspirational. >> yeah. >> you know it was the highlight of his presidency i think. he seized his presidency back from everyone in our business the media business who have been writing his presidential obituaries going on two years from now. he telegraphed it i think, in his interview with mark marion a week ago. when he said to mark during that interview that i am now fearless. he doesn't have to run for re-election. and as the waning days of his administration approach we now see him becoming more and more in public who he really is. that is who i think president obama really is. we saw a huge element of that on friday. >> we are going to talk more about this in the must reads. ron has written a great piece. jeremy and amy can chime in. and joe biden spoke this weekend as well. it was incredibly healing and emotional on many other levels given what's been going on in his life. we need to go right now to upstate new york where the manhunt for the two convicted murderers is now officially over. david sweat who was shot by police and taken into custody sunday spotted by a lone state trooper in constable, new york near the canadian border. he was transferred to albany medical center last night where he is kept in a secured, locked unit. the medical director says he's in critical condition. it all comes just two days after richard matt was discovered and killed by law enforcement in the woods about six miles from where sweat was captured. stephanie gosk joins us live from constable, new york. you've been covering this. what is the latest there? >> good morning. it's incredible about this this morning is this wasn't a s.w.a.t. team or tactical team with law enforcement with automatic rifles. this is one guy. one new york state trooper sergeant jay cook was on the back roads close to the border of canada and just paying attention. he saw david sweat come out of the woods. he didn't realize who it was at first. he asked him to stop and freeze. instead of freezing, sweat took off in a run and cook who is a good shot they say, took him down with two shots to the torso and then arrested him. very soon after witnesses say, there was a huge number of law enforcement here on the ground. but it is all up to this state trooper. sweat was just on the canadian border. this is an area that is monitored by sensors but not always patrolled. this is a long border. there was concern all along he was going to slip through this dragnet and make it into canada. obviously, they caught him before he did. >> cow. >> oh, my gosh. >> stephanie gosk thank you very much. >> almost there. so close to getting there. thank you for all your great coverage on this. >> you see the two papers? >> yeah. somebody took off last night. >> no. >> same headlines in the daily news and new york post. >> how did that happen? >> then you go on the back and these. >> that kid was great. >> was he? >> yeah. >> political news. we have chris christie joining us. celebrations and same sex marriage became the law of the land. a historic decision on friday when the supreme court ruled 5-4 held a fundamental right to same-sex marriage in all auto states. justice anthony kennedy writing for the majority "it would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. their hope is not to be condemned to live in lonliness he is excluded one of the oldest institutions. they ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law, the constitution grants them that right." the decision was welcomed in countries across the country as many celebrated pride weekend. the white house was illuminated in rainbow colors on friday and earlier the president had this to say. >> this ruling is a victory for america. this decision affirms what millions of americans already believe in their hearts. when all americans treated as equal, we are all more free. >> mike barnicle it's sort of mind boggling that the president is up there in 2015 and just as early as 2012 joe biden got out in front of the president and joe biden's low point politically inside the white house was when he did that. he became immediately per sonya nongraa. the staff wouldn't talk to him. the president throws him out. they were enraged just three years ago that joe biden said he supported marriage equality. >> yeah. >> everybody talked about how fast this goes. they go back to 2004. just go back to the president of the united states that we saw here celebrated in 2015 scared to death in 2012 to get out front and say anything other than he opposed same-sex marriage and when his vice president did, it was the low point of his political career inside the white house. >> the interesting aspect of that, at least to me was they had two tracks going then. you had the president's track going then jeremy which is a political track, and the vice president's track going which as the vice president is awesomely human. >> it was personal. it was emotional. turning to republicans a little bit here i think a lot of parsing went on on friday as we were trying to look through republican responses to this case. and, you know you can read into the nuance of them as much as you want. i think one sicklengle unifying threat is none of the republicans support marriage equality. not one. >> there is that. >> this is also about something larger. >> so they're taking the obama position for 2015. i'm serious. right now -- let's just please everybody be clear eyed about this. because i saw a lot of people in the white house saying look what we did. it's amazing. over eight years. so the republicans are now taking to be honest intellectually president obama's position in 2012 in the last presidential campaign until joe biden embarrassed him and made him come out. >> there are a lot of democrats that will say to this day the president and hillary clinton didn't show a lot of courage and leadership on that issue at the time. however, what i was saying is i think this is about something larger than just a republican party being on the losing side of history here. you don't have a single out gay republican in congress. you had one republican governor sign on to the ammicous brief supporting same-sex marriage. you wonder by the time a republican comes around if it's going to be too late. >> let me say this. they may not be out but there are gay republicans in congress. >> oh, my gosh. >> we talked about cpac going cpac, i didn't see a single person in cpac under the age of 40 that did not oppose -- did not support marriage equality. everybody there did. this is a party that's not split with the rest of america. this is a party that is split with itself. >> absolutely it's a generational issue for the republican party and one of politics and the ivan jelee evangelical retrictionre restriction. president obama said it should be between a man and a woman in 2008. i also point out the irony president obama is being sort of saved on this by a republican appointed supreme court justice, chief justice roberts writing the majority opinion. >> that and health care. >> and really quickly, everybody saw this coming. pat buchanan i remember five years ago, you know cultural warrior told me five years ago this battle is already over joe. >> and for a lot of republicans privately, it's a relief. it takes the issue off of the table. >> look at the republican primary. candidates are fighting to become the most spoeshlestst socially conservative. they seem to be rushing to denounce this as the -- >> you know what? you're going to hear that for the next couple of weeks. you may hear that from other candidates, make no mistake. 95% of republican candidates are relieved they don't have to talk about marriage equality any more on the come pain trail and 95% of republicans are relieved that ron fornier that they don't have to talk about their health care plan to save america. yes, this was a bad week for conservatives. but politically, i'm not even being cynical here. i'm just stating the political reality. this took two albatrosses across the neck of republican candidates who want to run the next generation. these issues are are off the table. >> i agree. that's a very good point. for me though these two -- both these storeiesstories, the confederate flag in charlotte and the decision intersecretaried in little rock. i was standing in front of the little rock nine memorial, the kids that were not allowed in the school and eisen how had to intervene. i'm standing there by happenstance with an african-american man who turned out to be a preacher from missouri. and we're talking about how remarkable it is that we're standing in front of this statue and over the shoulder is the governor's office the same office used by bill clinton. we're talking about how fast how slowly things have changed but how quickly they have changed in 57 and in the 6 o0s. i said do you know what is going on down the street? he said, no. i said well there's gays being married down the street. it's amazing watching the men and women who have not been able to have a legal marriage now being married. incredible moment in history. he said what is happening? i said well gay marriage is hatching right down the street. he said that's not right. i said what are you talking about? he said that's against the law. that's against the bible. that's against god's law. we had a really interesting conversation. sir, the language you're using explaining why gay marriage shouldn't ab loud is the same language that segregationist governored used saying that they shouldn't ab loud in schools. he said things change so slowly but then they happen all at once. when the president gave that amazing speech, which i think was just incredible bit of leadership, i was thinking about the word grace. and i think we have to have grace. someone like me who sports same-sex marriage has to have grace to understand why he's coming from. and the folks who are leading people like him, republicans have to have some grace. you can't have mike huckabee saying that we have to ignore the supreme court ruling. we can't have jindal talking about getting rid of the supreme court. both sides going through this change of leaderships have to show some grace. >> i agree. and i agree both sides need to show grace. and the winning side needs to show grace as well as the losing side. you cannot call a republican a bigot in 2015 for taking the same exact position that president obama took in 2012. >> although joe, if i can interrupt. i think can you look at a harsh word like that and talking about republican leaders playing to the bases by saying we should ignore the supreme court and get rid of the supreme court. >> well of course. >> and there are plenty of bigoted things being said out there and are being said. >> if somebody says and we'll get into this debate much much later. but -- we'll talk about it later. >> all right. >> we have too many to say. >> i know. and also there is much mover news to cover. still ahead, three big stories we're following across the globe. three terrorist attacks in one day including in the birthplace of the arab spring tunisia where western tourists were the targets. plus the deadline to reach a deal over iran's nuclear program will come and go tomorrow without an agreement in place. now holding up progress. and crisis in greece. >> boy this is a wreck. >> officials taking radical steps to stop the run on banks. richard hos of the council on foreign relations joins the conversation. that and a lot of politicians jumping into the ring for more republicans. >> chris christie? >> it's like a football team. all right. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. l day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. 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loathed on thursday when the obama care decision came out. and then on friday he was loved by conservatives and loathed by liberals who thought he was bigoted because he was against the gay marriage rule. and the language in both cases were very consistent. it was about judicial restraint on thursday. he said i'm not going to do what conservatives want me to do that voters refuse to do at the voting box. you mean that's a great irony about legislating. from the bench it's the last thing john roberts said he was doing. i'm not going to legislate from the bench. if people wanted to change this in '08 and '12, they could have done it. they didn't do it. the next day he said this is going state by state, let them do it. we don't need to get in. and big foot everybody. so roberts caught between both sides. >> as we followed those huge stories and we're in charleston on friday, there is so much that was happening even overnight and through the weekend. let's get to foreign news now which hits home. there is new concern among u.s. intelligence and law enforcement of an isis inspired attack in the country through the july 4th weekend. the threat is based in part on the new normal of the isis planning which uses social media to encourage followers to attack on small and large scales. officials say the information preceded friday's deadly attacks in tunisia and kuwait. 27 people died at a mosque during friday's prayers at capital city. a saudi man is believed to have carried out the suicide attack with the support two of locals now in custody. and at a beach resort in tunisia. an isis inspired gunman's rampage claimed 39 lives, the majority of them british citizens on vacation. isis isis has claimed responsibility for both attacks but not in france where a worker at a gas plant has admitted to beheading his boss and then trying to bleow up fat silt. they're suspicious of a selfie the suspect took with the head and with whom he shared it with. he sent it by over phone to someone. joining us now, president the council on foreign relations richard hass aennd a men mole dean. >> this is something of a state, something of an organization and something of a movement. and it can do things that also can inspire things. that to me is the most worrysome. homeland security can deal with that. but what we can't deal with is hundreds of what you call retail terrorists in this country and around the world. they're going to succeed. there is no way any society can defend every movie theater, every grocery store, every beach. and that's what is so worrysome. >> and if some guy is inspired by the hate he sees on the internet and takes a gown a beach resort in tunisia, you know, there is not much a defense. >> this was a guy college educated. came from a very supportive family, a very loving family. he was known in the neighborhood and community. that is more of a concern for officials. when you're trying to come up with a profile of an individual who you say let's go after these individuals, let's try to target where they may be siding the truth of the matter is it's very difficult to. you're seeing a spectrum of individuals who are carrying these types of attacks and that's going to make it more difficult for law enforcement to pin point. >> isis is prone and is very receptive to the lone wolf syndrome. they're very very difficult to track. very difficult to monitor as we all know. the selfie was sent by cell phone to people in canada. they're wondering who has that photo, why was it sent to a canadian cell phone number. unlike al qaeda that is broken up isis because of the lure and propaganda and use of social media attracts exactly these kinds of people. >> and to the second point, while isis is inspiring lone wolves, there is a network that allowed this guy -- he just showed up in kuwait a few hours had, a safe house had a driver that is the major cause of concern. there is the support network that exists in the shadows and these indiv

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