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2010. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> i'm meredith vieira. this morning, good news. rescue boats are heading to a remote part of the indian ocean where 16-year-old abby sunderland was found alive and well overnight. >> this drama began unfolding thursday when sunderland ran into rough seas. her boat was knocked around and the mast eventually broke. last night a search plane located sunderland floating on her damaged ship half-way between australia and africa some 2,000 miles from land in either direction. obviously it is the news her parents and brother had hoped and prayed for. we'll talk to them straight ahead. also ahead, another incredible story of survival. a connecticut man who lived alone trapped for at least three days with his arm pinned under the furnace in his basement. he made a painful decision to try and free himself by attempting to cut off his own arm before he was eventually rescued. we'll have the latest on his condition just ahead. also ahead, for the first time since gary coleman's death his parents open up about their son's life and legacy and those controversial deathbed photos taken of their son when they join us for an exclusive live interview. we're also going to lighten up the mood with a great concert on the plaza with country superstars rascal flatts. but let us begin with that breaking news. 16-year-old sailor abby sunderland, safe and well following an emergency on the high seas. we will talk to her parents and brother in a moment, but first nbc's amy robach has the details. amy, good morning. >> good morning. abby sunderland began her trip around the world back in january. on thursday, she lost communication with her family and her vessel sent out two emergency signals. but early this morning, rescuers had good news about this young adventurer. >> it's a fantastic outcome. we areov overjoyed. >> reporter: overnight word that rescuers had located abby sunderland. >> i am happy to report that they did find the sailing yacht, "wild eyes." it is upright in the water. they did talk to abby by vhf radio. she says she is fine. >> reporter: words of relief after a day filled with worry. 16-year-old abby sunderland was on a mission to become the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone non-stop without help. on january 23rd, she set sail from marina delray, california. >> i've got my auto pilot, my radar, all my instruments. >> reporter: but on thursday morning, word that something had gone terribly wrong. abby was talking to her father on a satellite phone when the line went dead. later, two of abby's emergency beacons were activated. her location, the middle of the indian ocean, somewhere between africa and australia, thousands of miles from land. before she lost contact, she told her family she was having engine trouble and facing 25-foot waves and winds more than 30 miles an hour. >> we're just hoping and praying she is doing okay. >> reporter: back home in california, abby's brother, zach, waited thursday for news. he knows exactly what his sister is facing. he sailed around the world alone last year when he was 17. she yeah, she's a great sailor and her boat is set up for conditions she was in. >> reporter: a rescue effort was immediately launched. the australian government sent a quantas aircraft to fly over the remote area to try to find abby. overnight, the news abby's family had been praying for. >> the hull is in perfect condition. it's just the mast has been torn off. we're not sure how that happened but she's been in some very severe weather conditions in the southern ind yandian ocean. the good news is she is fine and now knows she is going to be rescued. >> that first rescue boat could reach abby as early as today. we're told she has plenty of food, plenty of water and actually has a space heater to keep her warm. once she is rescued, she will be takenaustralia for i'm sure a very happy reunion with her family. >> abby's parents and brother are with us now. good morning to you all. first of all, we are all so glad and relieved abby and her boat have been found. she's been in direct contact with a search and rescue team and help is finally on the way. can you take us back to the moment this morning when you found out that your daughter is alive and well, lawrence? >> yeah. it's a very tense moment we were waiting for the airplane to pass over her boat and obviously the australian search and rescue that were in charge of the flight and the rescue contacted us soon as they had good news. i was actually in the middle of doing an interview on the other line. they called me during the interview and it was just very, very, very good news. everybody around was listening and it really was very, very exciting. it was a very tense day with much anticipated news, and it was just a great outcome. we're very happy. we're very excited. >> maryann, do you know what abby said to the rescue team when they finally made radio contact with her? >> i don't, but they said that she was fine, and every time we talked to her, we'd say how are you, abby? she'd say, "i'm fine." so it was kind of funny that she would choose those words. but it was a huge relief. i don't really know a lot of details. i know that she said she was fine. >> you know that it was a very terrible 20 hours that you'd spent wondering about the fate of your daughter. lawrence, you mentioned that you had no idea, you had lost contact with her. you were on the satellite phone thursday with her. you knew she was in trouble with the engine on the boat and the weather conditions were not very good. then the phone went dead. then you found out she had released those two emergency beacons and had no idea for the next 20 hours where she was exactly or whether she would be found alive or found at all. how did you make it through those 20 hours? what was going through your mind? >> well, i guess with zach's circumnavigation, we had experience of these tense moments. they're not enjoyable moments and your mind plays tricks with you. we just spent the time making the most of what we could supply the search and rescue as far as information goes and standing nervously by the telephone. we had a lot of support from friends and family that came around and offered prayer and assistance in any way, shape and form, and it's just a waiting game. i was so fort nat that the australian search and rescue were able to get a plane out to her as quickly as they did. it was actually a remarkable feat that they jumped on this right away and got a plane out to her. >> zach, you sailed around the world yourself last year at the age of just 17. so can you describe to us what abby was facing out there in the indian ocean? >> yeah. the indian ocean is a pretty crazy ocean. nobody gets through it without getting a brief pair of knocks. abby's made it thus far. when i saw her in south africa she was out at sea for 103 days. she's definitely got what it takes to be out there. >> were there moments you started to lose hope that your sister would be found? >> we really did not know what was going on, why her emergency beacons were off. we found out only after the plane flew over. so try and keep positive as much as we could. the situation as it turned out was actually pretty good outcome for what -- for the emergency beacons going off. abby's safe. her boat is still floating. >> lawrence and maryann, i know you are a family of very experienced sailors but this could have had such a tragic outcome. i'm sure there are people at home this morning wondering whether a teenager, any teenager, should be trying to sail around the world by himself or herself, especially in the southern hemisphere at this time of year when weather conditions can be so dangerous. what do you say to them? >> the fact is whether a teenager or a young adult or a middle-aged person, there have been many rescues that have taken place. one comes to mind, isabella was rescued over australia during an arou around-the-world race a couple years ago. do we say you shouldn't go out and sail because you face hard knocks out there and sometimes you need to be rescued? i don't think so. abigail's campaign, unfortunately, has had a blow with this demasting out there in the middle of the indian ocean. she's proven herself on more than one occasion before that to deal with the adversity of the ocean. it has not to do with her ability. the boat was demasted because of a condition, and she's proven herself more than capable of dealing with this. i think this is more of a testimony to her will to survive and deal with the situation than a travesty that she went out there at all. i think i'm still excited for abigail and it's unfortunate that this situation has occurred. >> i know there is a fishing vessel making its way to her, should be there at some point today. then we'll take her to australia where i understand there will be a family reunion. we wish you all the best and we're so happy about this positive outcome. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you guys so much. >> now here's matt. thank you. is the disaster in the gulf, now in its 53rd day, much larger than previously thought? there is an alarming new estimate this morning as the white house summons top bp officials to washington. nbc's chief environmental affairs correspondent anne thompson is in venice, louisiana with the latest. anne, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. the man in charge of the government's response has asked bp's chairman of the board and other top executives to meet in washington next wednesday with president obama and other administration officials to discuss the clean-up and compensation for the lives devastated by this spill. scientists still don't know how much oil is spewing into the gulf this morning, but there is a new estimate about the flow rate before the riser was cut and the containment cap put on. a federal panel now says 20,000 to 40,000 a barrels a day were gushing, far more than the initial assumption. whatever the numbers, the oil has shut down the oyster supply for this historic new orleans business. and so p and j oyster house thursday closed its doors and laid off its workers. >> all we know is the process fell to distribute the oysters around. it looks like we may not be able -- we don't know for how long. >> reporter: at the white house, president obama tried to console the families of the 11 men who died on the deepwater horizon rig. billy anderson lost his son, jason. >> we can't get our boys back. we can clean up and they will continue to live. we cannot do that for our family members we lost. >> reporter: congress got an earful from local officials trying to combat the spill. >> i have spent more time fighting the officials of bp and the coast guard than fighting the oil. >> reporter: louisiana's secretary of wildlife and fisheries complained about not knowing the ingredients that make up the dispersant. >> if the government has its boot on the next of bp, it's time to exert some additional pressure. >> reporter: this as the reach of the slick expands. the entrance to alabama's busy perdido bay now closed as crews try to keep the oil from moving further inland. now this is a live look at the leak this morning. that federal task force continues to work on estimates and is expected to come out with another number describing just how much oil is leaking out of the gulf currently since they put that containment cap on. president obama comes back to the gulf for his fourth trip next week and he is going to travel to mississippi, alabama and florida. matt? >> anne thompson in venice, louisiana. anne, thank you very much. now let's get a check of the top stories. ann is off, natalie morales is on duty at news desk. good morning, everyone. today the strongest words yet from the pope on the priest sex abuse scandal. nbc's jim maceda is in rome this morning. jim, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. well, it was supposed to mark the joyous end to the special year of the priest with thousands of world priests gathered here in rome. but instead, pope benedict chose to address one of the church's biggest kri crises. in a mass this morning, the pope apologized in some of the clearest language yet to the priest whose abused the children. "we beg forgiveness from god and for the persons involved," he said, "and promise to do everything possible to ensure that such abuse will never occur again." benedict has apologized before, in america, in malta and in a letter to irish victims for the alleged sexual abuse of at least hundreds of children. while the pontiff pledged action today, he offered no specifics. but some vatican watchers say the church's words go so deep, even apologizes need to be repeated. >> what happened to these children is so awful, so terrible, that i think the church has to continue to apologize, apologize, apologize. over and over again. >> reporter: still, some support groups for former victims demand to see more from this pope. >> he isn't removing any of the predators that are currently in the parishes. >> reporter: one positive sign, they say, would be to hand over the thousands of church files on accused offenders rather than keeping them locked up in the vatican. natalie? >> jim maceda in rome this morning, thanks so much, jim. a shakeup at arlington national cemetery after revelations that potentially hundreds of remains and grave sites there have been misidentified or misplaced. two civilian leaders there are being forced to step aside. a pentagon official apologized for the foul-ups saying there is simply no excuse. tragedy on the eve of the world cup competition in south africa. nelson mandela's 13-year-old great granddaughter was killed in a car crash during the night on her way home from a concert. police say the driver of the car was drunk. suspected u.s. missile strikes in northwestern pakistan today killed at least 15 alleged militants near the border with afghanistan. searchers will be back today in portland, oregon area looking for 7-year-old kyron horman. the boy disappeared from his school one week ago today. on a lighter note, the nba finals are all even this morning at 2-2 wins a piece. last night the celtics beat the lakers 96-89. temperatures mostly in the 60s. 69 in washington and 66 in fairfax and loud on counties. 70 degrees in southern maryland for a current temperature. plenty of sunshine all day and highs in the mid 80s to near 90 over the weekend. >> meredith, over to you. >> stephanie, thank you. now to an agonizing life or death decision by a connecticut man whose arm became trapped under his fur nas. his only option, attempt to cut it off. nbc's ron allen is in hartford with the incredible story. ron, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. yes, it's impossible to begin to imagine the pain and horror that jonathan metz was facing. he was apparently down in his basement trying to repair his fur n furnace. he dropped a tool and was reaching for it and somehow his arm got wedged around the furnace. he was wedged that way for three full days. no one could hear his cries for help. deadly infection set in and he knew amputation was his best hope of saving his own life. one of jonathan's friends stopped by his house after the bachelor who lived alone missed a softball game and a couple of days at work as a financial analyst for an insurance company. >> i rang the doorbell, no one answered. checked the front door, it was locked. >> reporter: outside his friend got alarmed when he found metz' dog by herself barking to get out the door. in the basement he was fading in and out of consciousness trapped for three days by his furnace, forced to amputate his own arm. >> it sounds like there was a nerve preventing him from completing his own amputation. i've never seen anything like this where someone had to take their own life into their own hands in order to save himself. >> reporter: firefighters needed more than half-an-hour and heavy equipment to rip through the furnace. >> we used hand tools and use the spreader we normally use to take the door off a car. >> reporter: by the time he arrived at the hospital he had lost his arm during the rescue. but doctors say with gangrene setting in, he saved his own life. >> the way he did it was frightening, admirable, horrifying, brave and just amazing to us. >> reporter: doctors say he's strong, generally healthy, and they're optimistic he will recover with a prosthetic arm. >> he's not out of the woods but he's emerging if it. >> reporter: his survival echoes that of a mountain climber who used a pocket knife to amputate his own arm whild trapped under a boulder in a utah canyon in 2003. ralston them cloo climbed down a 60-foot drop and hiked six miles to safety. >> the boulder came and smashed my left hand here and smashed my right hand up here. >> reporter: now metz -- >> he provides a lot of inspiration for myself, more than just a physician but as a human being. >> reporter: doctors say metz will undergo several more hours of surgery today. his parents and a fiance are en route in north carolina. friends who we have been in touch with say he is in remarkably good spirits given what he has been going through. >> we actually spoke to some john's friends who shared these pictures because they wanted the world to see that john is an amazing resilient guy. they call him witty, intelligent and full of line. >> we talked to metz's brother who lives in texas. he said i am unsurprised that john found a way to survive. not only is john a great big brother but he is also a strong person and a brilliant problem solver. i've never been more proud of him and am forever grateful to john's friends and co-workers and all those that helped him. i have a pretty strong stomach, this makes me weak, the thought of what he had to do. >> that he had the with wihere all and ability to do it. just ahead, the attorney for natalee holloway's family who met with joran van der sloot face to face to give him money in that alleged just ahead, two weeks after their son's tragic death, gary coleman's parents speak out for the first time. >> they were estranged from their son for some 20 years. we'll talk to them in an exclusive live interview after your local news. noticed. that was pretty sweet. ha ha. but you did have eight layers of sweet crunchy back up. what can i say? you're the man. or -- you know, the little dude. ha. that's me. 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nbc's michelle kosinski is in lima, peru with the latest on this. michelle, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. yesterday police went over the details of the case with us. now saying they believe joran van der sloot targeted his victim here for robbery. and then suddenly, almost as an afterthought, revealing this -- that he's telling them he knows where the remains of natalee holloway are, and he's willing to tell authorities in aruba. a crowd gathered for a glimpse of the young man who has horrified lima. joran van der sloot was barely squeezed from the jail under heavy security through a crush of press. taken to court, but not yet charged. authorities seem to be leaning toward the most serious accusation, premeditated aggravated murder. carrying the strongest sentence here, up to 35 years in prison. van der sloot, in his confession, told investigators he met business student stephany flores at this casino. here they are together on surveillance video on the last evening of stephany's life. they played poker, talking and laughing, leaving in her car for his hotel in the early morning hours. van der sloot claims inside his room, stephany found out on his computer that he was the suspect in natalee holloway's disappearance, that they argued, she hit him, and he, in a ranl, grabbed her by the next and beat her. so severely her next was broken. now, though, police tell a much different story, that van der sloot selected, targeted stephany because she seemed to have a lot of cash. that the motive for murder was money, that he attacked stephany in that hotel room to rob her. when she resisted, he choke her. >> translator: he noted that she was still breathing. there were signs of life. and with his shirt he covered her face to asphyxiate her. >> reporter: police reveal he took all of her cash and credit cards, ditched her car, headed for the airport, then changed his mind, took a cab to the border. he was caught in chile. and now, investigators in peru say joran van der sloot has told them he holds the key to finally finding natalee holloway, that he knows where her remains are and will tell authorities in aruba. there's talk here that van der sloot's attorney may try to seek a lesser charge. homicide under extreme emotional distress with a sentence of three to five years. but a respected newspaper claiming to quote from the police psychological evaluation says joran van der sloot is classified as an anti-social psychopath, cold and calculating, who premeditates everything, usually acts with great cruelty, reacts with much violence, and lies too much. over the years, he's told wildly differing stories about what happened to natalee holloway. most recently, only weeks before peru. as part of an undercover sting, the fbi says he told a lawyer for natalie's mother that natalie fell and hit her head on a rock, offered to tell where he claims he and his father had buried her. all in exchange for a quarter of a million dollars. her mother supplied $25,000 up front for information that investigators found was also a lie. police say the story about what he's telling happened here has gaps in it, and because he's told so many stories in the past about natalee holloway, more than once for money, there's this question over whether he will finally tell the truth this time or if he's just trying to improve his situation when he seems to have few options, matt. >> michelle kosinski in peru for us this morning, thank you. john q. kelly is the attorney for natalee holloway's mother. he met with joran van der sloot in aruba last month as part of that sting operation. john, good to see you. good morning. before i get to what happened between you and yjoran van der sloot, your reaction to this news overnight that he seems to now be willing to tell police where natalee holloway's body is located. >> well, i'm sure he's trying to find a way to get out of the corner he's boxed into right now. it's no secret he holds the key to where natalee is and what happened to her. we've always known that. >> you've been involved in this story for several years. on march 30th of this year he reached out to you in an e-mail, basically offering you a deal, he would give you information for money. what was your reaction to the initial e-mail? >> skepticism, caution, assuming everything he's going to tell me was false but had to, you know, understandably think that it might be true also. so approach it pretty carefully and keep communicating. >> you actually approached it from two angles. didn't you? on the one hand, if he's going to give you information in exchange for money that leads to finding natalee holloway, that's a good thing, at least for her family. on the other hand, maybe this exchange of money and information could nail him on extortion charges. >> that's it. it was a win-win situation. he's either going to pay the information and the information turned out to be true and beth would get closure, she'd bring natalee home. assuming it was false, it would be extortion and wire fraud, and once falsehoods were proven. so either way he was going to be boxed in. >> so through a series of e-mails, you guys start to proceed further with this deal. eventually leads to a first meeting in aruba. did you bring any money with you to that meeting? >> no money, no recording devices, no one knew i was there. it was easter sunday. >> only natalee's mom. right? >> natalee's mom and my family. easter sunday, one-on-one in a hotel room with he and i in a hotel room. >> tell me about the meeting. >> he thought i was bringing $25,000. had a series of long conversations. tried to get as much information as i could. told him in the very end when he was pushing the issue that i didn't have money with me. >> did he get angry? >> very angry, very agitated, very upset, left almost immediately with me walking with him actually. >> you toll me in a meeting yesterday, this is a big guy. this is a physically intimidating guy. when you -- he got angry over the fact you didn't have money, it was nerve-racking for you. >> he's a big guy, 6'4", 225, well built. he's sort of a threatening individual when he gets angry. there's no question. and had he a shaved head at the time. >> the communication between the two of you continues. now a second meeting is set up, this one fr for may 10th, also in aruba. but this time the circumstances were very different. this thing was right out of a movie. there were cameras and audio recording devices. the fbi was involved. tell me about that one. >> the fbi, governor riley of alabama, i reached out to him. he got law enforcement involved and through a series of -- it was actually like a month and half psychological cat and mouth with joran and i. this was set are for may 10th, the day after mother's day. the fbi was involved. >> they trained you in some ways, made sure you would be able to handle your end of this on camera and the recording. >> yeah. there were a lot of instructions given a lot of things i had to follow through on in terms of speaking, acting, placement, follow-through procedures, safeguards, things like that. >> you did have money with you during that meeting. correct? >> when i met with van der sloot the second time, i had ten grand cash. >> and actually as part of the meeting, agreed then to wire an additional $15,000 into his account. now we're up to $25,000. of the $250,000, which would be the actual agreement. >> that's correct. the first $25,000 was to be up front for what happened to natalee and where she was. >> once you paid him that money, he then gave you some information as to her whereabouts. was he supposed to lead you to where her body was located? >> that was part of the agreement we had. after spending a lot of time in the hotel room -- smaert of fact, matt, as an aside, right before he showed up in the hotel room, all the power went out in the hotel, on the island. >> you're thinking this meeting's in jeopardy. >> i was thinking i'm in jeopardy, the meeting's in jeopardy, everything's in jeopardy at that point. that said, we went through with it, then took a couple of car rides. he took me to a location where he said natalee was buried and located at that time. >> he said her body was buried in the foundation of a house. >> yes. >> is that correct? he showed you the actual house? >> i took pictures of him in front of the house pointing to a location. and it's memorialized very well. >> at that moment why wasn't he arrested? >> that wasn't my call. i was just there to execute the fbi was there to -- they were terrific guys, they were efficient, they were disciplined, they did their job. they were terrific to deal with. >> because if the information is correct, he's guilty of murder. if the information is incorrect, he's at least guilty of extortion at that moment. >> i would think so, yeah. >> okay. it turns out though the house he had taken you to saying she was buried in the foundation hadn't even been built five years ago when natalee holloway disappeared. so this was a scam. >> exactly. >> did he tell that you in an e-mail eventually? >> eventually did. about a week later he indicated it was all a hoax, which was sort of his m.o. along with everybody, get the money and then say it is a hoax and avoid criminal prosecution. >> are you clear that now here money has changed hands, it's turned out to be a hoax. do you know -- have any idea -- this maybe is not in your sphere here, but why he was allowed to leave aruba? >> don't know. my job was done may 11th and, you know, where decisions were made. i don't think it was the fbi field agents who were making decisions. they were higher-ups in aruba or the u.s. who would have had to make that call. whether they did or did not, i don't know. >> so he has $25,000 of beth's money at that point and he goes off to south america. and you've heard the comments now. did he travel to south america with the money you got for him. and did he then go on and commit this murder. when you talked to natalee's mother about this and what eventually happened, especially with the murder of this young girl in peru, what was her reaction? >> well, i mean she's obviously devastated. it's a second nightmare for her. she's been totally committed, totally determined to always find out what happened to her daughter and bring her home and we don't have that answer yet. another young girl is dead and another family's living the nightmare she went through, too. so needless to say, she's distraught right now, just for the other family and the situation. >> so you're someone who spent time face to face with joran van der sloot. what's your impression of him? is he a psychopath? what is he? >> he is. he is. first time i spent over four hours, the second time with him, you can just look right into his eyes and see he is cold as ice and pathological. >> john q. kelly, we appreciate you sharing your story with us. thanks very much. 42 after the hour. for more on the arrest of joran van der sloot and the natalee holloway case, catch a special "dateline," "deadly connection" tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central time right here on nbc. let's now get a check of the weather from stephanie abrams who is good friday morning. i'm chuck bell. a beautiful day to be outside in the washington area. 69 degrees downtown and 66 degrees in falls church. 65 degrees in buoy, maryland. 68 in bethesda and rockville. our forecast with sunshine and more sunshine. high temperatures near 84 and low levels of humidity, but heat and humidity are back for the weekend and sunday looks like the rain >> for all your weather needs, go to 24 hours a day. matt? >> stephanie, thank you very much. up next, why won't the empire state building light up in honor of one of the world's most beloved women? the controversy right after this. soak our yards in color. get our hands a little busier. our dollars a little stronger. and our thinking a little greener. let's grab all the bags and all the plants and all the latest tools out there. so we can turn all these savings into more colorful shades of doing. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we've made a special buy on ortho home defense pull 'n spray, now just $8.97. for only $2.50, get a western egg white muffin melt, made-to-your-order, and add a 16-oz. cup... of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. try the new $2.50 breakfast combo at subway. ♪ smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! (child laughing) where is it? where is the bacon? tv anchor: bacon popular, story at 11. yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm...i love you! i love bacon! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! toss 'em, fling 'em, zing 'em. have fun, with beggin' canadian cuts. are the things we make. this has always been a nation of builders, craftsmen. men and women for whom straight stitches and clean welds were matters of personal pride. they made the skyscrapers and the cotton gins. colt revolvers, jeep 4 x 4's. these things make us who we are. as a people, we do well when we make good things and not so well when we don't. the good new is, this can be put right. we just have to do it. and so we did. ♪ this, our newest son, was imagined, drawn, carved, stamped, hewn and forged here in america. it is well made and it is designed to work. this was once a country where people made things, beautiful things, and so it is again. the new jeep grand cherokee. ♪ back now at 7:46 with a controversy swirling around the tallest building here in new york, a fight over the empire state building's colored lights. nbc's peter alexander is here to explain. >> good morning. there she is, the empire state building, one of the most celebrated sights in this city, used to celebrate all sorts of significant events with its lights. they have honored frank sinatra, queen elizabeth, even the teenage mutant ninja turtles. but its owners say that tower light something a privilege, not an entitlement. when they say nod to honoring e life of mother teresa, they infuriated an entire community. reaching 102 stories into the manhattan sky, the empire state building is an awe-inspiring symbol of the city. at night lit up in a parade of colors, each with its own special meaning. glowing red white and blue for the fourth of july, green to honor earth day, and green and red to remember martin luther king jr. more recently the catholic league requested the skyscraper be lit blue and white to honor mother teresa's birth. >> i thought this would be a slam dunk. >> reporter: but bill donahue, the group's president, was stunned when the building reflid with this form letter denying his request to honor the nobel peace prize winner. >> i was perplexed, befuddled, angry. >> reporter: the empire state's ownership says we do not accommodate requests for religious figures or requests by religions and religious organizations. in the past, the tower was lit to honor the former archbishop of new york, john cardinal o'connor, and dimmed following the death of pope john paul ii. it's been lit for seemingly less milestones, too, like the release of the mariah carey record in 2008 and turning yellow to promote the dvd debut of the simpson's movie. just last fall the building was red and yellow to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the people's republic of china. now even sarah palin has weighed in, tweeting, you kidding, empire state building officials? you won't honor mother teresa's compassionate, selfless efforts for humanity but honor communist mao? >> all they have to do is say we reconsidered, we never wanted anything ill towards the catholic community and mother teresa. we'll be delighted to light it blue and white. >> reporter: the empire state building doesn't look like it will budge on this. they're encouraging the people who want the tower lit for mother teresa to put that into service. the catholic league is beginning a protest. tonight, the empire state building will be lit blue, green and yellow for caribbean week. >> peter alexander, thank you. just ahead, a live concert on the plaza from country superstars rascal flatts. after these messages. announcer: naturals from purina cat chow. delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. we get double miles with every purchase. so we earned a tropical vacation in half the time. we earn double miles every time we use our card. 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( grunting ) awesome! it's hard to beat double miles. everyone knows two is better than one. introducing the venture card from capital one... with double miles on every purchase every day. go to ( gasps ) what's in your wallet? wait up! go to one on, kiddo, let's go. hold on a second... come on up here, where your brothers sit. wow! chevy traverse. a consumers digest best buy, with a 100,000 mile, powertrain warranty. it seats eight comfortably - not that it always has to. ow, get 0% apr for 60 months on a 2010 traverse with an average finance savings of around fifty four hundred dollars. see yo local chevy dealer. just ahead, gary coleman's ex-wife now fighting for sole control of his estate. we'll get the latest on that. coleman's parents will speak out for the first time since their son's death in an exclusive live interview. >> but first, your local news and weather. let's see what happens. employee: all ready to go. husband #1: thank you. wife #2: electnics? competitor employee: that way. wife #2: happy father's day! husband #2: i got this... wife #2: l's go to your brother's house. husbd #2: but i can do this! wi #2: let's go! husband #1: watch and learn. vo: with delivy and hook-up includ oall lg internet connectable tv's, dad's happy and you're happy. far, far away got much, much closer. uh, maybe we should've asked for directions after all. busted! [ male announcer ] with the fun of dreamworks new "shrek forever after" and mcdonald's crispy, juicy, made with white meat chicken mcnuggets. i like this place. reminds me of home. i, too, have found something to love. [ chuckles ] oh. [ male announcer ] this summer, dine happily ever after. only at mcdonald's. [ laughs ] look, shrek, he's got your ears. [ chuckles ] [ donkey ] i'm lovin' it! ♪ [ female announcer ] wake up to black silk fr folgers. bold flavor. exceptionally smooth. the gulf spill is a tragedy that never should have happened. i'm tony hayward. bp has taken full responsibility for cleaning up the spill in the gulf. we've helped organize the largest environmental response in this country's history. more than 2 million feet of boom, 30 planes, and over 1,300 boats are working to protect the shoreline. where oil reaches the shore, thousands of people are ready to clean it up. we will honor all legitimate claims, and our clean-up efforts will not come at any cost to taxpayers. to those affected and your families, i'm deeply sorry. the gulf is home for thousands of bp employees and we all feel the impact. to all the volunteers and for the strong support of the government, thank you. we know it is our responsibility to keep you informed and do everything we can so this never happens again. we will get this done. we will make this right. it's 7:56 right now on this friday, june 11th, 2010. we have been following breaking news. a maryland state trooper has been shot and killed outside the applebee's in forestville, maryland. he was off duty working security there. investigators say it appears it was the result of a confrontation with a customer from earlier in the evening. the trooper has been identified as 24-year-old wesley brown. >> unfortunately we lost a good young trooper and a family lost a son, a brother, and he was just recently engaged to be married and his fiance lost a future husband. >> mile an hour land state police superintendent there. we will have more on the story and bring you updates as soon as we get information. we >> per good friday morning. temperatures in the mid 80, but humidity returns in force for the weekend. highs near 90 with a slight chance of a shower and near 90 on sunday with a good chance of thunderstorms on sunday afternoon. jerry, over to you. >> not a bad morning. 95 northbound moving smoothly headed north to the beltway with minimal delays through landmark and shirlington. a quick check along i-270, wide open all the way down. >> we will be back with another update in 25 minutes or so. back to the "today" show after a short break. ♪ 8:00 now on a friday morning, the 11th day of june, 2010. just a gorgeous morning here in the northeast. a big crowd has a great day for a concert, the unstoppable country trio, rascal flatts, performing in about a half-an-hour from right now. out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer with meredith vieira. this is a big crowd. really is. coming up in this half-hour, on a more serious note, more controversy surrounding the death of gary coleman. >> his ex-wife shannon price is now claiming she was coleman's common law wife and he named her the sole beneficiary of his estate. we'll have more on that in a moment. coleman's parents, sue and willie coleman, speak out for the first time since their son's death in an exclusive live interview. we're fall is sextuplets celebrating their 3rd birthday. and we'll talk about the healing power of animals, we'll tell you how horses are being used to help some very special children. a lot to get to. but first, ann's off today, natalie morales is at the news desk with all the headlines. good morning to you. a rescue boat is headed to a 16-year-old california girl who had been feared lost at sea while sailing solo around the world. abby sunderland says she is fine but her boat's mast broke while sailing through severe weather in the southern indian ocean between africa and australia. earlier on "today," her family reacted to her being found safe, calling it a great outcome. the top federal official overseeing the gulf oil spill has invited bp executives to the white house next week to meet with president obama. meantime, scientists studying the spill tell the government that up to twice as much oil may have gushed from the blown-out well as first thought. overseas markets are higher this morning after big gains thursday, finally, on wall street. cnbc's trish regan is at the new york stock exchange. trish, what's going on today? >> finally a little bit of good news here. the market actually had its third-best session this year on thursday, closing up better than 270 points. the question is whether or not that momentum can continue into today's trading. we'll see where we close but it is a lot of good news in terms of what's coming out of europe, finally a little bit of stabilization on the euro front which is really having a positive effect on things here. the big question of course is still bp. it recovered a lot of ground yesterday. we'll see what happens today. >> trish regan, have a great weekend. eight people are happy to be down to earth after being trapped 60 feet in the air in southern california. they were on a ferris wheel that became stuck at a carnival in hollywood. 8:03. now back outside to meredith and matt. >> that's a sign of strange things here. natalie, thank you. good friday morning. i'm chuck bell. it's going to be a great day around washington. temperatures climbing out of the 60s and into the lower 70s. 72 at national airport and 73 in gaithersburg and 70 in frederick. 67 still in winchester. there is the more cast for friday. plenty of sunshine and sun doesn't go down until 8:33. near 90 tomorrow with a chance of storms in the afternoon. >> matt, grab your hat and your lasso and saddle up. when we come back, gary coleman's parents open up about their son's death for the first time in a live interview. we'll get to that right after these messages. male announcer ] when you're trying to lose weight, the more options you have, the more likely you are to stay on track. that's why there are 9 delicious kinds of special k® cereal. ♪ ♪ because every girl could use a little variety. ♪ special k®, now in 9 delicious flavors. all you want without any dyes or perfumes. all you expect from the number-one free clear detergent. that's because all free clear is the number-one recommended detergent by dermatologists and the number-one choice of moms. plus, like regular strength all, it has its own powerful stainlifters that fight tough dirt and stains. try all free clear. it's #1 for your sensitive skin. try all free clear. look in the glove box. [ children laughing ] suitcase? huh? ♪ where do gummy bears hide? under the seat. look! yeah! ♪ [ telephone rings ] [ male announcer ] the all new chevy equinox. [ man ] guess who? dad! [ man ] enjoy the trip! okay, daddy! [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] a consumers digest best buy. with a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. it takes you farther... and brings you closer. 8:08 with new controversy surrounding the estate of gary coleman two weeks after the actor's tragic death. in a moment, coleman's parents will speak out for the first time since their son's death, but first, here's nbc's kristin welker. >> oh, i get it. you told him to meet you here so you can see what a big man you are. >> reporter: during his heyday as a child star, people couldn't get enough of gary coleman. >> what you talking about, willis? >> reporter: that famous catch phrase and adorable chubby-cheeked face brought smiles to millions of fans. but towards the end, he appeared to have few long-time friends at his side. >> by the time of his death, the list of people that gary coleman had cut out of his life was very long. >> reporter: one of the people still with him, ex-wife shannon price. she's come under fire since his death, first there was her 911 call which struck some as cold and unemotional. >> i just can't be here with the blood. i'm sorry, i can't do it. i just can't. i have my dog. >> reporter: then, tabloid pictures surfaced of coleman on his deathbed with price next to him. the allegation -- that she sold them to the media herself. >> i asked her if -- i said if anyone took pictures and -- it would be terrible for anyone, without mentioning her specifically. and i didn't get an answer. >> reporter: price made headlines again thursday filing a request to take over coleman's estate. she says even though they were divorced, they lived together in a common law marriage. but in coleman's will written in 1999, he names his ex-manager as sole executor. the millions coleman earned starring on "different strokes" vanished long ago. >> gary became very much convinced that his parents had taken a lot of his money to the tune of close to $18 million. and he felt that they had mishandled his finances, that they had taken money from him, and he took them to court over it. >> reporter: the case was settled in 1993 but the family never reconciled, even though insiders say that his parents always remained hopeful. >> they left a place at their table every night and he had a room in their home and they really never gave up hope that maybe there would be a reunion. >> reporter: a family now hoping only that their son be given a dignified memorial and a peaceful place to rest. for "today," kristin welker, nbc news. >> sue and willie coleman, good morning. first, we're so sorry for your loss. i'm shire this is an incredibly difficult time for both of you. how are you doing? >> we're holding up. we have lots of family and friends around us at home and they've been very helpful and helping us kind of keep it together and be there for us. anything we want. i have friends, my next door neighbors and all, i mean they call me in the morning, "how are you? anything you need? what do you want? we're going to the store, you need anything?" it's been really helpful and they have helped us kind of keep the media away from us a little bit, too. that's been another thing that's kind of been a frenzy with all the media and all this. and we did have few people who came to our home and wanted this, and we had our friends and that to just kind of help keep them at bay to give us some time. >> absolutely. to deal with the loss. >> yeah. you know, willie, i think the public had two images of your son, gary. one was as the adorable little boy from "different strokes," and the other was as a troubled adult who had a lot of problems financially and personally. but at the end of the day he's your son. >> yeah. >> how will you remember him? >> as a loving, kind, gentle human being. everything that i remember from way back, from the first day i brought him home. >> he was adopted. >> yes, he was adopted. he'd been in the house since he was 4 days old and we loved him. we cared for him. up until the first moment that we discovered that he was, you know, sick. we didn't know what the problem was. we had to get a special urologist. we discovered he was born with a defective bladder, which -- >> but you cared for him through all of that and he persevered through all of that and had this amazing career. >> oh, yeah. >> yeah. >> we mentioned before, and i want to talk about the estrangement from your son, but you have been estranged for quite a few years, at least 20. couple weeks ago he was taken off life support and he passed away. how did you get the news? >> actually, we were with some family celebrating my husband's older brother's 76th birthday and -- >> in arkansas. >> in arkansas. we got the news there. didn't know what to think so i immediately started making some phone calls to say, i didn't know who to call or how to get in touch with them. i didn't know what hospital he was in or anything. so what i did was i called the sheriff's office in provo and i said, i'm gary's mom, i said i understand that he's critical, we need to talk to somebody, could you please get in touch with his wife and have her call us and i gave her phone numbers and all that. and they didn't because she didn't call me that day but couple days after she did call. >> there have been a lot of questions raised about that detail surrounding his death. >> wait, can we go back? first of all, she didn't call us, she didn't talk to us direct. she called. we was on our way back home. >> she left a message. >> we was stopped going into the cracker barrel to have breakfast. we come out and my wife checked the messages on the telephone and she had called and left a message. okay? the most strange message i ever heard in my life or anything. when someone, you know, is hurting like we was, at that time, to leave a message, you know, like, for instance, okay, "hi. this is sharon price. thank you for your interest." >> felt she was being very dismissive of you. >> you know, "if you need more information, my brother is handling the arrangements." and she left this number for us to call her brother, which my wife did. you know. proceed to call. she left a message, no return. >> no return from the brother. >> next day, okay, she leaves a call-back number. why is it that someone now have expired, okay, you're supposed to love them, you're supposed to be at their side. and you're going to tell us he said he didn't have no family. >> do you feel the two of you were robbed to be with his son during his last moments. >> yes. >> in a way, yes. yes. now, when i called and left a message, i don't know where she was or what was going on at the time. the fact that she didn't get back to me immediately could be understandable. >> let me talk a little bit about the details surrounding your son's death because there have been questions about it. some people have accused his ex-wife, shannon price, of having some hand in it. you have never done that. >> no. >> but did you say to "people" magazine, we're not pointing fingers at anyone but we need to know exactly what happened. we're not angry, we're just concerned. did our son fall down the stairs? did he fall in the bathtub? we need to have some closure on our son's life. >> right. the first information we got was that there was an accident, 911 was called and he was taken to the hospital. so we wanted to know what kind of an accident. >> do you feel at this point you know? >> we have listened to the 911 tapes that they did up there. you know, i can't say we actually know everything, but i do feel better because we got a report from the coroner, the authorities in utah, that said that there was no foul play. so that did make us feel a lot better. >> what about also the suspicions -- and again they are just suspicions that there were pictures taken of your son, that she was behind that on his deathbed and may have profited from the sale of those pictures? >> that was disturbing. i don't know if that was her intention in the beginning when she took the pictures. i don't know if she was taking them for her -- on purpose and then later decided to do the sale of them or that, or if that was her intentions in the first place. i don't know. >> first of all, we're not really pointing no fingers. we have never pointed fingers at shannon because it's like this here -- i figure, okay, his body had come to the point where it had reached the pyramid of his sickness by having no kidneys. he was on dialysis. okay. eventually that was going to lead to a shutdown. he had been on dialysis since he was 21 years -- no, since he was 17 years old. okay? because his second transplant never worked. the body rejected it after three months. >> so you're not pointing fingers at her. >> no. >> but other people, you know, you're not doing that about her, but a lot of people have pointed fingers at you over the years and it's been brought up again here with the will. let me just get it in, willie, then please respond to it, that his will purposely kept you out. he didn't want you involved in his life. he felt that you had been siphoning money off over the years. you have always denied that. so why do you think your relationship with your son was so irreparably damaged? >> outside interference. influence. >> outside influence? >> yes. >> that, and also, i don't know. you know, he want be to be his own man. as far as the money goes, we would never have taken money from him. we weren't raised that way. i mean the way we were raised, you just don't do stuff like that to family or friends or anybody as far as that goes. i mean there was always a thing in our household, and i know it was in my husband's, too, because his mother is still alive and she's been my mother for many years and i know that, you know, they put the fear of the lord in us and say, you just don't do that, you just don't treat family like that. >> but you say somehow he was influenced. do you think some outside source, do you think that -- i was reading that he found out he was adopted later in life, he didn't know about it. >> yes, he did. he knew about it. >> do you think even as a little boy -- >> we told him he was 5 years old. we continued to tell him all the way up until the psychiatrist that he started going to, everything. the reason that i feel this whole thing blew out of proportion was that, see, we was no longer taking him to the psychiatrist. his so-called commandant was taken so he got involved in the discussion with the psychiatrist and everything. all of a sudden the whole world, you know, then became his mentor, everything, the colemans are no good, everything, they stole his money and everything and they are rotten parents, they forced him to work, on the set when he was sick and everything. all of this is nonsense. all of this is untrue. all this is untrue. everything that been said about us is untrue. no one never expressed -- the colemans -- i wish i had parents like the colemans. this is what we're getting now. >> let me say this about the adoption. he was told. he did not want to deal with it and he asked us to please not discuss it. and we didn't. and in later years when we were seeing the psychiatrist, it came up again and we said, what do you feel about this? do you want to look into this thing? he said, no. he never, ever come to us and say, why? how? who? or anything. if he had, we would have definitely tried to find people and -- yet todd bridges who starred with him in "different strokes," he claims he has a document out there that confirms gary's wishes to exclude you from his will. he said this, "gary had certain wishes. i'm not going to go against a dying man's wishes. there is a reason why he didn't speak to them for 23 years," suggesting something happened, something happened. what is your reaction to that? there is a reason why he didn't speak to you. >> you know, i don't know what todd's perception of us is. and at this point it doesn't really matter. i cannot say that he didn't talk to gary at some times. i'm sure they did communicate from time to time. as far as the document goes, i have no idea what that is. as far as i knew, the two of them didn't have any close communication for many years there. it seems that just since -- >> the book. >> -- since he has passed on, that this relationship has assumed to be closer. now i'm not saying they didn't communicate. i don't know about any of this. i have not seen documents. >> unfortunately, we are out of time. we only have ten seconds left. there are so many other questions i'd like to get to. i know gary at this point still has not been laid to rest and that is important to both of you. sue and willie coleman, thank you so much for your time this morning. we'll be right back after this. [ patty ] when our parents moved out of their house and into a condo, we learned something about our dad. wow, i gave him this one last father's day. i didn't even think he read them. how many times did he try to get us to go fishing? [ both laugh ] so "daddy," right? that was when we were little-little. he kept them. ...all of them. [ male announcer ] give dad a card... it's the biggest little thing you can do. girls, we're just moving across town. it's the biggest little thing you can do. ever seen anything likeme neither. it's new beneful incredibites. uh-huh! it's just the way you like it-- made with wholesome grains, real beef, even carrots and peas. you love the smaller-size, easy-to-chew kibbles, and i love the carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscles. whoa! wait for me! ha-ha. you only think you're getting spoiled. [ woman announcing ] new beneful incredibites. another healthful, flavorful beneful. who are you?!? i'm your "genie"! weren't you just wishing for something more nutritious to eat? i was! well, you could enjoy the taste of decadent dark chocolate, the crunch of almonds, plus 35% of your daily fiber... plus antioxidants in a kellogg's fiber plus bar. mmmm. right then. two more wishes? i'm good. oh. back to the lamp then. see ya! [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus bars. you couldn't wish for more. we helped keep your skin clear. now we have a solution for wrinkles. neutrogena anti wrinkle with retinol sa smoothes even deep wrinkles. it works...beautifully. neutrogena. to learn to deal with other kids. you know, when they get out here... unbelievable. he has a sienna? i thought we were friends, gary. i really needed the space. you got the same carseat in there, gary. wait right there while daddy puts all this stuff back in the car. when this kind of thing happens, when another parent tries to copy your style, you just have to be the better man. [ male announcer ] meet the family and the new sienna on youtube. toyota. >>. >> 8 time time 26 is the time, friday june 11th, 2o 10. police are searching for the gunman who killed a maryland state trooper outside the applebee's on pennsylvania avenue in forestville. the 24-year-old trooper was off duty and working security at restaurant at the time of the shooting. police believe it resulted from trooper brown escorting a disorderly customer from the restaurant. around 12:40 someone shot him in the back without warning. friends tell us he was engaged to be married. we will have the weather and traf >> good morning. your friday is here. back up to near 90 for the weekend with a lot more humidity and a chance of rain on sunday. >>er northbound not too bad, but southbound 95 beginning it slow. looks like construction work has gotten under way. one more stop and wide open along i-270. along i-270. >> stay with us and nbc carmax is the smart choice because we offer a five-day money-back guarantee for every used car we sell. ♪ [dramatic music] carmax is the smart choice, because for the money you'd spend on a stripped-down new car you can get a fully-loaded quality used car at carmax. ♪ [dramatic music] 8:30 now on this friday morning, june 11th, 2010. the plaz ha has gone country th morning for a live concert from superstars rascal flatts. they'll take our summer concert stage in just a moment. i'm meredith vieira along with matt lauer and natalie morales. >> remember ryan and jenny, they decided they really wanted to have a family, then decided they were pregnant -- or found out they were pregnant, not with one, not with two -- babies. they had sextuplets. they are now 3 years old. we're going to catch up with that family coming up, see how they are. >> they moved across the country, too. just trying to be with their kids by themselves and raise them is quite something. you just spoke with gary coleman's parents. coming up in the 9:00 hour we'll talk more with them. of course they want their son's life and legacy to be honored so we're going to be talking more with them about gary. first, al is off today so a good friday morning. i'm chuck bell. temperatures are climbing into the low 70s as of 8:30 in the morning. 72 in washington. 71 degrees in wood bridge and 68 in leesburg. it is 70 degrees in mayo, maryland. the forecast with sunshine and low humidity and highs in the low to mid 80s and remember this 30% chance of a shower or thunderstorm. >> meredith, her 18th birthday. at 2:00 in the morning they had a birthday cake while they were waiting for rascal flatts here on the plaza. >> that's such a happy birthday to her. stephanie, thank you. just ahead, rascal flatts. finally live on the plaza. but first, this is "today" on nbc. we're back now at 8:35. with the power of animals and their effect on very sick children. our resident animal lover, jill rappaport, is here with a touching story. good morning. >> matt, this is so special. located in michigan, it is a magical place called camp casey which uses horses to help children with cancer. as they say, one nay at a time. meet mo, a 13-year-old quarter horse gelding. on a mission to make a difference. he's making what's called a horsey house call, the ultimate surprise for children battling cancer. a different kind of medicine during a very difficult time. >> so neat. it is so much fun to see. the parents know we're coming but the kids have absolutely no idea. so we show up, we ring the doorbell. and they see a horse on their doorstep. it is as though they just won the lottery. >> reporter: molly founded camp casey to honor the memory of casey foot, a 12-year-old she befriended because they both shared a blazing passion for horses. but sadly, in 2003 casey lost her battle with brain and bone cancer. >> she was just such a loving, good-natured little girl. that lives on in the families that she's ultimately helped. she's founded very thur putic, come to the barn, go horseback riding. >> tell me what horses do and what they've witnessed for a child. >> when a child approaches this large cumbersome animal and they are able to overcome the fear of getting on this horse and they're able to take the reins and actually learn how to control this large animal, they can take that aapply it to their own fight and they are able to understand that they have control of their life and their treatment and they're actually able to feel confident and feel empowered. >> it is amazing becauing these are in most often a very fragile state. i would imagine it is their love of animals that makes them want to come to this camp, oh, please, i want to right these horses. how do the parents handle it? is there apprehension on their part? >> the parents of course have had anxietied about having their child who's gone through countless surgeries and gone through traumas since the time that some of them have been 1-year-old. we take very rigorous safety steps that make sure our program is 100% safe and fun for the child and for the family. >> even mo, whose heart matches his size, seems to understand that safety comes first. with every ride, this gentle giant gives. mo comes through for us every time. he's a retiree but he is there to do his job helping these kids and you can tell he really enjoys his line of work. >> reporter: in addition to the horsey house calls, the camp also provides overnight outings on horseback. >> for many of the children, he's never been on a horse or they've only seen them in the movies and they get it in their head that they want to go horseback riding or they want a pony. to fulfill that dream for these kids is just so incredible. >> reporter: but it is incredibly costly. the non-profit organization relies entirely on donations. and all the hard work certainly pays off for children like 8-year-old maya brown who is battling leukemia. she will never forget when mo came walking up to her front door in detroit. >> hi, mia! there is a friend who came to see you. >> to see her on that horse. was there any greater feeling in the world? >> no. my day. it was wonderful. >> she was so happy that day. it made me happy just to see her this happy. >> was this one of the best days for you, better than a birthday or christmas? >> yeah. that's why i'm going to take him. >> you were amazing. you go, girl! ♪ happy trails to you ♪ 'til we meet again >> just seeing what that horse did for mia is the best medicine she could ever receive, matt. she was smiles from ear to ear. >> they have mo, the one horse, and if they need more they lease those horses. >> it is their dream. if they think there might be other horses that are suitable for this, they'd love to know. >> they rely solely on donations. >> you know how expensive that be for vet care and needs. >> we'll put that information up on our website. jill, thanks very much. up next, a live concert from country superstars rascal flatts out on the flplaza. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ball: distance? control. best father's day gift ever? or maybe not? anncr: edible arrangements bouquets beautiful like flowers, but unforgettably delicious visit, call, or go to >> announcer: the "toyota concert series" on "today." brought to you by toyota. toyota. moving forward. finally, here they are, ladies and gentlemen. rascal flatts. >> new york city, y'all get your hands up in the air. woo! ♪ >> come on baby, the time has come for that time ♪ ♪ new york city, are you ready to rock? ♪ ♪ ♪ >> somebody holler! ♪ now fellas you better watch your step ♪ ♪ don't let those teeny french bikinis make you lose your breath ♪ ♪ back to the ladies y'all keep doing y'all's thing ♪ ♪ cause everything about you makes me wanna scream ♪ ♪ the sun is getting low there it goes ♪ ♪ here we go here comes the moon ♪ ♪ things start getting all heated up when it starts getting cool yeah ♪ ♪ summer nights everybody are you with you me ♪ holler if you're ready for some summer nights ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's a party down in padre bi bonfire on the beach ♪ ♪ it's coronas in daytona y'all where it's wild and it's free ♪ ♪ summer nights everybody are you with me ♪ ♪ let that igloo cooler mark your piece of paradise ♪ ♪ summer nights everybody's feeling sexy ♪ ♪ holler if you're ready for some summer nights ♪ summer nights ♪ everybody are you with me ♪ let that igloo cooler mark your piece of paradise ♪ ♪ summer nights everybody's feeling sexy ♪ ♪ holler if you're ready for some summer nights ♪ >> new york city, holler! >> thank you, guys. that was great. more with rascal flatts. but first, this is "today" on nbc. it's been about a decade of dominance for rascal flatts. their first album was released just about ten years ago this month. all six of their studio albums are included in billboard's list of the top 100 country albums of all time. and that includes their latest called "unstoppable." guys, welcome back. good to have you here. let's talk numbers for a second. okay? 11 number one singles. >> that's cool. >> over 20 million albums sold. what do you think of when you hear numbers like that? >> baffling. it's pretty awesome. these fans are our reason. >> there's another number that kind of caught my attention. it's one thing for people to sit at home and digitally download a song. but you guys over the years have sold 6 million concert tickets. that means people are getting up from their house and putting their rear ends in a seat. that's a whole different ball game. >> it is. and it is a big transfer when you're an opening act and you go into the headlining world. it either works or it doesn't work. >> did you go through a period where you worried about that transition? >> i think every artist goes through the process of being nervous about headlining. it was such a relief when we did start headlining to see that the fans were coming out to see us, kenny chessny, toby keith, they were coming to see us. it was great. >> does it make you completely understand what's going through the minds of groups opening for you guys. >> no question. >> you start a tour this summer, where? north carolina? >> yeah, raleigh the 25th. june 25th. >> then you'll make it back to new york but not until january. you're at the garden. is that a special venue for a country band to be in madison square garden? >> it is a dream come true. i think when you stand in front of a mirror with a goody comb and sing to yourself, that's what you aspire to do is play madison square garden. we've sold it out three times in a row. it's phenomenal. the fans are great. >> tell me about the album. >> an october release, called "nothing like this." but we're really excited about it. we think it may be the best album in the ten years we've been together. >> you talk about the careers and all that. i'm reminded that it is also about life. you guys are expecting your second child soon. >> yeah. >> that's fantastic. i'm really happy for you. you guys make such a nice couple. breaking news here on the "today" show. >> what are you going to play next? >> i think we're going to do -- >> you have no idea. >> i think "unstoppable." >> ladies and gentlemen, rascal flatts. ♪ hey ♪ so you made a lot of mistakes ♪ ♪ walked down the road a little sideways ♪ is not cracked a brick when you hit the wall ♪ ♪ yeah you've had a pocket full of regrets pull you down faster than a sunset ♪ ♪ h it happens to us all ♪ when the cold hard rain just won't quit and you can't see your way out of it ♪ ♪ you find your faith has been lost and shaken ♪ ♪ you take back what's been taken ♪ ♪ get on your knees and dig down deep ♪ ♪ you can do what you think is impossible ♪ ♪ keep on believing don't give in ♪ ♪ it will come and make you whole again ♪ ♪ it always will it always does ♪ ♪ love is unstoppable ♪ love it can weather any storm ♪ ♪ bring you back to being born again ♪ ♪ oh it's a helping hand when you need it most a light house shining on the coast ♪ ♪ that never goes dim ♪ when your heart is full of doubt and you think that there's no way out ♪ ♪ you find your faith has been lost and shaken ♪ ♪ you take back what been taken ♪ ♪ get on your knees and dig down deep ♪ ♪ you can do what you think is impossible ♪ ♪ keep on believing don't give in ♪ ♪ it will come and make you whole again ♪ ♪ it always will it always does ♪ ♪ love is unstoppable ♪ ♪ like a river keeps on rolling ♪ ♪ like the north wind blowing ♪ don't it feel good knowing ♪ yeah ♪ you find your faith has been lost and shaken ♪ ♪ you take back what's been taken ♪ ♪ get on your knees and dig down ♪ ♪ you can do what you think is impossible ♪ ♪ keep on believing don't give in ♪ ♪ it will come and make you whole again ♪ ♪ it always will it always does ♪ ♪ love is unstoppable ♪ unstoppable unstoppable notes ♪ yeah ♪ love is unstoppable ♪ ♪ whoa baby ♪ whoa ♪ whoa ♪ love is unstoppable >> rascal flatts. there's more music ahead on a friday morning. but first, these messages, your local news and weather. >>. >> 8:56 is the time and it's friday, june 11th, tent 10. breaking news right now. police in prince george's county are serving for the gunman who killed a state trooper outside the applebee's restaurant on pennsylvania avenue in forestville. 24-year-old trooper wesley brown was off duty and working security at the restaurant. police believe it resulted from trooper brown escorting a disorderly customer from the restaurant. around 12 time 40 someone shot him without warning. this is a live picture as police are outside the restaurant scanning the grounds for evidence. >> unfortunately we lost a good young trooper and the family lost a sewn and a brother and he recently was engaged to be married and his fiance lost a future husband. >> brown was assigned to the forestville barracks and he was engaged to be married. we have weather and traffic >> the rush hour trying to wind down. top side of the beltway still heavy from new hampshire to georgia. one more quick check, 395 and i-95 i wanna drive it all night long ♪ ♪ life is a highway i wanna ride it all night long ♪ ♪ if you're going my way i wanna drive it all night long ♪ we're back now with more of "today" on a friday morning, the 11th day of june, 2010. our crowd reaction to a fabulous show by the rascal flats out on the plaza. guys, fantastic. good luck in the summer. thank you very much and thanks for coming back. the album is "unstoppable" and so are they. i know there are a lot of fans who would love if you'd just take a shake a couple of hands like you did before. thank you so much. out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer, along with meredith vieira and tamron hall. they're good, man. >> they were great. >> fans aren't going to get a chance here in new york to see them until january at the garden. this is the only chance they'll have for six months or so. >> we a great crowd. coming up in this half-hour, good news from part of the story we've been covering over the last day or so, 16-year-old girl attempting to sail solo around the world. she ran into some really tough weather in the indian ocean. her sailboat was demasted. she's been found, she's alive and well. rescuers found their way to her. we'll talk to her family members coming up. we're also going to take a look at still unanswered questions surrounding the death of gary coleman and claims to his estate. this morning his parents, sue and willie, are speaking out for the first time in an exclusive interview. and from time to time we all suffer from a headache. you wonder what causes it, something i ate,dy not get enough spleleep. we'll look at common triggers and we're also catching up with the masche family. the sextuplets turn 3 today. it is a party. we're catching up with the family, what have those three years been like and what are they looking forward to. let's go inside, natalie is filling in while ann is on assignment. she has the headlines. good morning, everyone. a big sigh of relief for the family of 16-year-old abby sunderland trying to sail alone around the world. on thursday she was feared lost in rough seas in the indian ocean but now she's been found alive and a rescue ship is on its way to her. earlier on "today," abby's family members said her being found alive is a great outcome. they say they are very excited after a very tense day. new figures for the amount of oil in the gulf show it may have been up to twice as much as previously thought. scientists tell the government that could mean 42 million to more than 100 million gallons have already fouled the gulf's waters and coast from the gulf coast to a louisiana. a meet something scheduled next week at the white house between president obama and top bp executives. tragedy on the eve of the world cup competition in south africa. nelson mandela's 13-year-old great granddaughter was killed in a car crash during the night on her way home from a world cup concert. police say the driver of the car was drunk. in the joran van der sloot case, reportedly he told police he knows the location of the body of missing american natalee holloway. nbc's michelle kosinski is in lima peru once again for us. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. police are now saying that joran sands sele van der sloot selected his victim here to rob her and then he suddenly revealed this, that he knows where natalee holloway's remains are and he's willing to tell authorities in aruba. a crowd gathered for a glimpse of the young man who has horrified lima. joran van der sloot was barely squeezed from the jail under heavy security through a crush of press. taken to court, but not yet charged. authorities seem to be leaning toward the most serious accusation, premeditated aggravated murder. carrying the strongest sentence here, up to 35 years in prison. van der sloot in his confession told investigators he met business student stephany flores at this casino. here they are together on surveillance video on the last evening of stephany's life. they played poker, talking and laughing and leaving for his hotel in the early morning hours. van der sloot claims in his hotel room stephany found out on his computer that he was a suspect in the natalee holloway disappearance, that they argued, she hit him, and he in a rage grabbed him by the neck and beat her, so severely her neck was broken. now though police tell a much different story, that van der sloot selected, targeted stephany because she seemed to have a lot of cash. that the motive for murder was money, that he attack stephany in that hotel room to rob her. when she resisted, he choke her. and now investigators in peru say joran van der sloot has told them he holds the key to finally finding natalee holloway, that he knows where her remains are and will tell authorities in aruba. >> i'm sure he's trying to find a way to get out of the corner he's boxed into right now but it is no secret he holds the key to where natalee is and what happened to her. we've always known that. you can look right into his eyes and see he is cold as ice and pathological. >> reporter: police here rs say they don't know what van der sloot's motives are for saying he has this information about nata the weather is quite pleasant indeed. sunshine on an early friday morning. 9:07 is the current time. 71 now in fairfax. 72 in menassis and 70 in winchester. maryland is 75 and annapolis is 71. sunshine with low humidity and highs in the low to mid 80s. for tomorrow a mix of clouds and sunshine and a slight chance of a shower or storm tomorrow. >> meredith, over to you. it has been two weeks since gary coleman suddenly died from a massive brain hemorrhage and there are still lingering questions about the circumstances surrounding his death. there are also questions about the rights to his estate after his ex-wife filed a request thursday to take it over. sue and willie coleman are gary coleman's parents and they graciously stuck around to talk to us exclusively. good morning to you once again. as i said when we talk in the last hour, this has to be a very hard time for you. why did you decide you wanted to come here and speak out? >> i basically want to say that i want all of the talk to stop. gary's gone. i want his body put away respectfully so that we all can bring some closure to this part of him. i think with all the talk that's been going on that people going on talk shows and saying this, saying that, some true, some not true -- enough. let's just put him away so he can -- his spirit can just go on to where it's going and -- he's at rest. i know he is and the rest of us need to bring some closure to it. >> at this point your son has not even been buried. >> not that we know of. >> not that you know of. >> not that we know of. >> that is one of my wishes. if they is going to go ahead and take care of like burying him or either cremating him, please, by all mean, go ahead and do that because his soul is with jesus. there for eternity. but it is his spirit that's not going to rest until he's laid to rest. see? if you believe in god the way i do, this is the way i've been taught all my life, this is the way i was brought up through four dinfferent churches of religion that i have been a part of, that your soul is in the bosom of jesus, but your spir spirit -- >> it lingers. >> it lingers. yes. let me ask you what may be a difficult question. in the last years of your son's life he was very bitter towards both of you publicly. said things that were not kind. you are not bitter towards him. why not? >> because he was our child. >> we loved him. >> we love him. and we were always open to him. we hoped and we prayed that at some point he would say, oh, okay, you know, and particularly when he got married, we thought, wow, you know? come home. we have a daughter-in-law. >> were you happy that he had got married? >> yes. >> very happy. >> yes. because my daily prayers for him was for the florida bring him someone, a companion, that he loved and loved him and they could communicate and they could be together and he would not be alone. that was my prayer for him. and i was very happy when -- we both were. we thought, well? if they come home, then we have -- we make big plans or whatever. that never happened but in our hearts we still love him. >> and not only that, we both had told all our friends, guess what? gary got married. gary's married. and hopeful we're going to meet the wife, everything, and we can sit down and talk and everything, laugh and go on and tell us some of the things that went on when he was small and everything and how we dealt with it, all that and everything. you know? >> it's almost like you lost your son twice. >> we did. >> yeah. >> we did. we lost him first time when he turned 21. from that point on we very rarely heard from him. when we did, most we heard, through someone else, you know, that they had collaborated with gary and what was on the up and down. but the last time we lost him, he's lost forever until we cross over some day, everything. it is inevitable we all got to go. we all going to meet each other. loved ones and everything. won't be no more pain, no more hard feelings, no more ache and all that on the other side. we all going to get there and there will be peace. >> right now, there isn't peace. >> no, no peace. no peace. >> the executors, former manager for his ex-wife, shannon price, as we said is fighting back, she wants to control the estate. do you plan to fight the will at all? >> no. >> not at all. >> you have no interest? >> not at all. why would we? i mean, there is enough going on. there is enough disrespect toward him with all this that's going on. and we just would not be a part of that. >> we never -- didn't even know there was a will until -- >> and an estate. we didn't know anything about this. >> let me ask you, sue, the last words your son ever said to you, do you remember? >> yes. >> that he loved us. >> at our home in the driveway as he was going away to go back to i think he was at los angeles at that time, or wfr he was. >> no, colorado. >> how many years ago? >> that was probably somewhere around 2000, 2001. in there someplace. as he was leaving, we said, good-bye. we said i love you. and he said, "i love you, too." >> yeah. >> that was the last time. >> yep. >> we greatly appreciate you being with us this morning. i started out the interview asking you how you will remember him as a son. how do you want the public to remember him? >> well, the laughter, for the joy, for all the years that he entertained people. we've gotten many, many letters and cards from not only here but from abroad, too, that said we enjoyed him. that's how we want him remembered. for the joy that he brought to so many people. >> sue, thank you so much. willie, thank you so much. >> thank you. thanks for having us. >> so sorry for your loss. we'll be back with more of "today" right after this. avo: new revlon growluscious mascara. helps lashes grow 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[barking] v8. at's your number? skimming kraft mac and cheese off the top again. mmm. that's like taking candy from a baby. except this baby is watching you... like a hawk. dad... you're embarrassing yourself. [ male announcer ] gooey creamy delicious kraft macaroni and cheese. you know you love it. what do you guys want to do? both: make rice krispie® treats! how many cups is it? six. oh, that's not six yet. whoa. where's the pan? both: over there. ( laughter ) push it down. push it down. thank you for helping. it's amazing what you can make out of a rainy day. childhd is calling. ...that outlasts their energy. [ female announcer ] new aveeno® continuous protection. we've combined natural soy and vitamins with spf 100, in a formula that provides 3 times better sunburn protection than ordinary sunscreens. 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"...perfect 10 has forever changed our opinion of at-home color" has it changed yours yet? perfect 10. the 10 minute, high gloss color that changes everything. from clairol. in morning on "today's update," the masche sextuplets. we met them three years ago when their parents learned they were having six babies. they're here, savannah, bailey, grant, cole, molly and blake. good morning and happy birthday. it's tamron, i'm filling in for natalie. i'm so envious of you right now, all the hugs and the fun but you like look you're pretty busy. >> yeah, absolutely. it is a constant busyness, day to day. >> is this a typical morning? >> other than the tv cameras. yeah. it was a little earlier than we normally get up but it is okay. this is kind of typical and we're just trying to, you know, get everybody to be happy and not so grumpy. >> nothing make a person happy r er than a tiara. you guys just recently moved. is this the new home? >> this is. we have been here for about six months now and this is where we are living currently and -- sorry the kids are walking one by one off camera. but, yeah. we are loving it and we're loving our new adventure in florida. >> that's amazing. you drove across country with six 2 year-olds. what was that like? >> that was complete madness. it was insane. we had -- what did we have? 14 adults. we had two moving trucks. a van, an excursion, a dog -- >> in five days. on the road. together. >> in five days. it was pretty crazy. >> jenny, this has to be an amazing show. you've got a reality show, you've moved, you've got the kids growing up. kids have gone from the crib to your bed. how do you survive it all and keep the market intact? >> well, a lot of prayer, a lot of god, a lot of counseling. we love our life. a lot of date nights. we're just like right now trying to keep our head above water and so far, you know, we're just excited for everything, our new life and our new adventure here. and our new show that's going to air soon, on the 24th. >> how do you schedule or jumble day to daycare of the kids? >> i think you're beautiful and you have a great smile. >> ryan is a great partner. we complement each other in so many ways. >> i work full time monday through wednesday, full days, then i work half-days on thursday and friday. i started a new business of my own so i have a little bit more freedom and flexibility in my day. we're just kind of opposite of each other. when she's gone i play mr. mom. >> we've really learned how to be a team. >> you've made it through the so-called terrible 2s. i don't know what they call the third year. but what are you guys expecting right now with the kids especially now that their personalities are developing? >> terrible 2s is a fallacy. terrible 3s is what it is really all about. that's a big lie. >> all of our friends basically -- yeah, all of our friends have said, don't even think that 2s are bad. 3s are much worse. i basically was like, okay, mom and dad, you want to keep the kids for the next year? >> well, congratulations on surviving the first two years. i know there are many happy things ahead. the masche family, thank you so much. coming up, ambush friday, two lucky ladies are getting instant makeovers. we'll reveal their new look. but first these messages. the pepsi refresh project.[ mao this year, we're giving over $20 million to fund your ideas to make the world a better place. here's how it works. you submit ideas. you vote for ideas, that you like the best. and each month, the ideas with the most votes get a pepsi refresh grant. the pepsi refresh project. it's happening now at that promise to make my patients look younger. but nothing works like this. 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[ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare from the number one dermatologist recommended brand. some people will stick with their old way of getting vitamins and minerals. others will try incredible total raisin bran. with 100% of the daily value of 11 essential vitamins and minerals, juicy raisins and crunchy whole grain flakes. guess it's all about what kind of crunch you like. how are you getting 100%? guess it's all about what kind of crunch you like. we asked real people to film themselves taking the activia 14-day challenge. hi. i'm emily ilic. i'm going to start the activia 14-day challenge today. problems that i have are, you know, irregularity... i do have some doubts if it works. i think it's really good. um... i like the flavors. i think from being a skeptic in the beginning i do think that activia actually works. help regulate your digestive system. take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ activia [ beep ] ♪ [ beep ] [ beep ] ♪ [ beep ] [ male announcer ] find an italian masterpiece in your grocer's freezer. new from buitoni. shrimp and lobster ravioli with garlic butter sauce. simple ingredients, artfully prepared. buitoni. create an italian masterpiece. discover more buitoni masterpieces in the freezer section. coming up, how to avoid headaches with some food. and another song from rascal flatts. i didn't even think he read them. how many times did he try to get us to go fishing? [ both laugh ] so "daddy," right? that was when we were little-little. he kept them. ...all of them. [ male announcer ] give dad a card... it's the biggest little thing you can do. girls, we're just moving across town. now do it for your lashes. with maybelline new york's lash stilettos the #1 lengthening mascaras... choose original for staggering length and now voluptuous for length with volume. it's hotter than ever. [ female announcer ] lash stilettos... only from maybelline. would you like that to hurt now or later? uh-- what? (announcer) pepcid® complete doesn't make you choose. it neutralizes acid in seconds and controls heartburn all day or all night. pepcid® complete , works now and works later. 9:26 is the time. chuck will have the forecast after the news. breaking news this morning. an all out manhunt for the gunman who shot and killed a trooper. it happen outside of the applebee's on pennsylvania avenue in forestville. 24-year-old trooper wesley brown was off duty and working security at the restaurant at the time of the shooting. police believe the shooting resulted a disorderly customer from the restaurant. we will have the weather and traffic when we come back. >> it's a beautiful day and plenty of sunshine getting through. the forecast with plenty of sunshine and 84 on your friday afternoon. into the weekend, heat and humidity start to build once again near 90 on saturday with a 30% chance of afternoon showers and storms. more likely to see the rain showers and storms on sunday with a high near 90. let's go to jerry for a check on the friday traffic. >> making the trip across the key bridge. not bad. travel lanes are open and good news there. let's see how we are doing elsewhere. 95 southbound and look at that. it is jammed leaving the capitol beltway, looks like construction is in place. those of you headed northbound are good to go. watch for the road work northbound as well. >> that is ugly. stay with us throughout the day as we continue to provide coverage of that deadly ♪ ♪ those are of course two icons of music who really need no introduction, carol king and james taylor singing "too late," but it is not too late to catch that, together in concert, the dynamic duo, next friday live on the plaza. only here on "today." that's going to be a great concert. >> they've still got it. >> i thought we had it, too. >> let's do it. you ready? you go. you need no introductions here, either. tamron hall is helping out while al is taking time off, amy robach and jenna wolfe also here as well. coming up in this half-hour, what if you could never get a headache. wouldn't that be amazing? we all wish that could come true. but there are some things that you can do every day that may be actually causing a headache like drinking red wine, yep. skipping meals or even not getting enough sleep. this morning we'll tell you about the most common triggers to help you avoid getting a headache. okay. also we'll have one more song from one of the most successful country acts of all time, rascal flatts. they've been out rocking the plaza all morning long making their fans very happy. as we mentioned, amy and jenna are here to tell us what's coming up on "weekend today." >> we all have the latest from the gulf as bp starts to burn off the captured oil at sea. we'll also head to lima, peru as we wait for charges to be filed against joran van der sloot. and we'll follow the search for the missing 7-year-old oregon boy, kyron horman who disappeared one week ago. then you ever dream your flying or falling or being chased or ever dream your teeth are falling out? they're all common dreams. we'll tell you what they mean this weekend. then >> our temperatures in the low and mid-70s. 74 in washington and 72 in bethesda and 71 in articling and 72 in winchester and temperatures almost into the 70s. low to mid-ache wise plenty of sunshine for today. humidity comes back with highs near 90 and a slight chance of a shower. showers are looking more likely on sunday. >> i'm getting out of here. >> stephanie, thank you. coming up next, the most common headache triggers according to our director joe michaels, that would be a lot of women on the couch. it makes my skin really silky and velvety. this is my body wash. what do you mean? this is it? why?! oh, don't do that to me! dove creamoil body wash. now with nutrium moisture. nutrium moisture. i'm a believer. the nourishment in dove creamoil goes somehow deeper. i'm happy about the change. change is good. dove creamoil body wash. stop it. hello? you spotted a million dollar accounting error that no one else noticed. that was pretty sweet. ha ha. but you did have eight layers of sweet crunchy back up. what can i say? you're the man. or -- you know, the little dude. ha. that's me. [ female announcer ] stay on your game by stopping mid-morning hunger with kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal. an excellent source of fiber from 100% whole grain that helps you stay full, so you can stay focused. uh, he's a little focused right now. can i take a message? yeah. all boys. i call them our starting five. yeah. boom! so when we go out, like the other night, we have to make sure they get enough to eat. pass these down to your brothers and make sure they get some, okay? announcer: olive garden introduces our new crespelles. handcrafted italian crepes oven-baked and stuffed with five cheeses then topped with herb marinated chicken in a garlic cream sauce. or with grilled italian sausage in our tomato alfredo. starting at just $10.95 with unlimited salad and breadsticks. olive garden's one of the few places we can take our family where everyone's happy. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. vegetables are naturally low in calories. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings. it's a tasty, nutritious way to make this number go up... and help this one go down. v8. at's your number? we helped keep your skin clear. now we have a solution for wrinkles. neutrogena anti wrinkle with retinol sa smoothes even deep wrinkles. it works...beautifully. neutrogena. it works...beautifully. we asked real people to film themselves taking the activia 14-day challenge. i'm mary ellen smith. day one of the activia 14-day challenge. my digestive problems are irregularity. so i'm really excited to see if this really works. my husband tried this last night. he loved it. he said it's the best yogurt i've ever brought home, so...mmm. have just started to notice a slight difference in my digestion. help regulate your digestive system. take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. take the activia challenge. [music, talking, laughing] what makes hershey's s'mores special? hershey's chocolate goodness that brings people together. ♪ ♪ hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. this morning on "today's health," what if you could never get a headache again? that may be a little too good to be true, but with 73% of americans suffering from headaches, there are triggers you can avoid. here to run down the list is "today" contributor today raj, medical editor for "health" magazine. most of us get a headache from time to time but there are things that we can narrow down or maybe even avoid. >> absolutely. headaches are very common and sometimes they're the severe migraine form but often they are things we're cdoing in our dail lives that are actually triggering headaches. >> let's get to the first one. weight. >> research shows that being overweight and certainly being obese increases your risk of guesting headaches. we can just add this to the list of of the bad health effects of being overweight we're not really sure why gu has been shown logs weight can help. if you're very overweight, you experience very frequent headaches, it is time to really look at your weight. >> also look at your personality. >> this is not so easy to change but there is the typical sort of type-a, very stressed-out personality. many headaches are caused by stress. if you feel particularly under the gun and have a lot of headaches, it is time to do something about it. meditation, yoga, even having some counseling could really help with your headaches. >> find a way to decompress. also skipped meals. people say i didn't get anything to eat today, my head is killing me. >> this is a hunger headaches which a lot of us experience. we're very busy we end up skipping meals. but it is really important to not do that. have some healthy snacks around so you maintain an even level of blood sugar so you don't get a headache. almonds are great, fruits, vegetables. avoid very high, sugary, sweet foods but that gives you a rush, but then a crash and you can get a worse headache. >> some people get a headache in the morning because they didn't have their caffeine boost of coffee. you say drinking too much caffeine is cause headaches. >> caffeine is interesting. it is an ingredient in one of many migraine medicines so it helps with certain migraine headaches. but if you are a frequent caffeine drinker, you have a little bit of a withdrawal and you get that headache. you need to cut down on calf fee very slowly. >> a another one that surprises me, dehydration. >> when you are dehydrated, you're not getting enough blood throwing through your veins and to a brain that can cause a headache. this doesn't necessarily mean you have to drink a lot of water but fluids and even fruits and vegetables many of them have a lot of water in them. especially if you're exercising or on hot summer days, make sure you are well hydrated. >> not being active in activity? how does that cause -- >> you know what? it's been shown that exercise, people who exercise regularly get less headaches than people who don't. we're not exactly sure why. it may have to do with the blood that's circulating, getting to your brain, refreshing everything. but it is just important for every part of your life to exercise but also for your headaches. >> another reason to exercise. another one people identify with, sleep deprivation. you even wake up sometimes with headache because you don't get enough sleep. >> people who get six hours or fewer of sleep have more headaches. the other thing is maintain a regular sleep routine. it is very semti itempting to s on the weekends until noon but it really messes up your entire schedule. maintain the same bedtime, same time you wake up. >> there are certain foods, wine, beer, msg, chocolate. >> those are triggers for some people but not for everybody. >> thank you very much. still to come, rascal flatts rocked out our plaza. still to come, rascal flatts rocked out our plaza. but first these messages. tus still to come, rascal flatts rockedwhen he forgot to make but firthe morning coffee. so world's best mom was more than happy to make a cup of delicious starbucks via. she got to the office just in time to save best friend forever from the office coffee. best friend forever bravely shared starbucks via with don't talk to me until my second cup before he even had his first. he shared it with i hate mondays who had three cups because it was, after all, monday. premium starbucks via ready brew. now available wherever you buy groceries. ♪ new positively nourishing. fragrant moisturizers from aveeno, the naturals brand dermatologists trust most. active naturals formula's shown to lock in 24-hour moisture. new positively nourishing. only from aveeno. active naturals formula's shown to lock in 24-hour moisture. get flawless skin even in harsh, unflattering light. new revlon photoready makeup. .. .. revlon photoready makeup. find your perfect light. ♪ [ dog panting ] [ dog sniffs ] [ cat meows ] [ cat meows ] ♪ [ male announcer ] cats everywhere are using fresh step with carbon because it doesn't just mask odors, it eliminates them. so don't be surprised if your cat needs help finding her litter box. fresh step, the only clay litter with carbon. it's paw-activated, to eliminate odors. so it's almost like not having a litter box. we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a ski trip twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. ( thuds ) i'll take this. ( crashing ) double miles add up quick. and all of those. so we brought the whole gang. one adult, one goat please. it's hard to beat double miles. everyone knows two is better than one. introducing the venture card from capital one... with double miles on every purchase every day. go to what's in your wallet? oh, poor baby. it will with natural instincts. it's clinically proven. 80% of women agreed that natural instincts made their hair feel softer. want feel good color? get 10 minute natural instincts. it's all good. soccer fans around the world will be riveted as the soccer cup kicks off today in south africa, the one sport in this country played by more children than any other. "breakaway" is about a hot shot soccer star. welcome back. welcome home, i should say. a former producer of the "today" show. >> it is like being home with better hair. >> exactly. well, we miss you very greatly. you have been doing great things. this is your second book. writing is sort of in your blood. your dad was a big writer. you were a producer here. why is this genre of book for young adults? >> well, i guess there were two reasons. writing's always been a part of my family and my life and my work here. when i left the "today" show i was focusing on writing. then i was presented with an award from my school and as part of that, i had to give a speech about soccer and how it had affected my life. when i thought about it, i realized it had really helped me in every part of my life, dealing with stress or even a high-tension job. i thought that it was a great way not only to entertain but maybe to tell a story and to teach a little bit for kids. and i had become a mom. >> yeah. you're a mom of a girl and young boy, 6 and 2-year-old, right. >> 6 and 3 1/2-year-old. >> okay. are they playing soccer? >> lilly who's also the name of the main character, she just started but i'm trying not put too much pressure on her because that was my thing. >> let her grow into it. l.j., this hot-headed super soccer star that she is, knowing how competitive you were and the challenges that you took on here, how much of l.j. is a little bit of you? >> well, yeah. lilly james, l.j., is a 12-year-old soccer star. she just was born to play the game and she had so much passion for it that sometimes she has a hard time controlling that passion and definitely i was born to play the game and i loved it and i played my whole life. so there is a huge element of myself in lilly. but i like to think that i don't have that bad a temper. >> is that you? look how cute! adorable. so you talked about -- here we go. look at you in action. wow. that is a good shot. >> that's from college. >> that's from college. you were a superstar in college as well. now you talk about how much it helped you growing up, discovering soccer. how do you hope this kind of -- there is a real message in the book as well which is about being able to take on challenges, as you said, but also be able to rise to the occasion, helping your team out. okay? >> when i thought of the character, i really felt strongly that it should be a strong female protagonist and even though lilly is flawed in many ways, and she makes a lot of bad choices and she sort of lets her success in soccer get the best of her in her popularity from scoring goals, she needs to take a step back because she actually gets kicked off the team and to really look at the bigger picture of being a bert teammate and being a better teammate or even within her family. >> it's really cool that there are not a lot of books out there for young adults especially young girls, and it is such a good message for young girls. there's a lot of vampire books for young girls. >> this is really the book for any kid who likes sports. girls or boys, but more for girls. it is truly a story of friendship and how to be a better friend. you just learn so many things when you're on the field or in any environment where you have to be competitive. but yet not only think of yourself. >> going to be a follow-up to this one? >> i hope so. >> andrea, always great to have you here. we miss you. >> thank you for having me. >> good luck with the book. once again, the book is called breakaway. coming up next, one more song from rascal flatts. but first, this is "today" on nbc. hoda and kathie lee are going to check out some great father's day gifts. especially if dad is a manly man. >> every man wants that. plus, we'll reveal the hot new looks of today's "ambush makeover." but first, here's superstars rascal flatts singing their hit song, life is a highway. hit it, boys. ♪ >> woo! ♪ ♪ life's like a road that you travel on when there's one day here and the next day gone ♪ ♪ sometimes you bend and sometimes you stand sometimes you turn your back to the wind ♪ ♪ there's a world outside ev'ry darkened door where blues won't haunt you anymore ♪ ♪ where the brave are free and lovers soar come ride with me to the distant shore ♪ ♪ we won't hesitate to break down the garden gate there's not much time left today ♪ ♪ life is a highway i wanna ride it all night long ♪ ♪ if you're going my way i wanna drive it all night long ♪ ♪ through all these cities and all these towns it's in my blood and it's all around ♪ ♪ i love you now like i loved you then this is the road and these are the hands ♪ ♪ from mozambique to those memphis nights the khyber pass to vancouver's lights ♪ ♪ knock me down get back up again you're in my blood i'm not a lonely man ♪ ♪ there's no load i can't hold roads are rough this i know ♪ ♪ i'll be there when the light comes in just tell 'em we're survivors ♪ ♪ life is a highway i wanna ride it all night long ♪ ♪ if you're going my way i wanna drive it all night long ♪ ♪ there was a distance between you and i ♪ between you and i ♪ but a misunderstanding once but now we look it in the eye ♪ ♪ ooh yeah ♪ ♪ there ain't no load that i can't hold roads are rough this i know ♪ ♪ i'll be there when the light comes in just tell 'em we're survivors ♪ ♪ life is a highway i wanna ride it all night long ♪ ♪ if you're going my way i wanna drive it all night long ♪ ♪ life is a highway i wanna ride it all night long ♪ ♪ if you're going my way i wanna drive it all night long ♪ ♪ life is a highway i wanna ride it all night long ♪ ♪ if you're going my way i wanna drive it all night long ♪ boss: so word's gettin' out that geico customers could save even more on their car insurance by signing up for other things - like homeowner's or renter's insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too... i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. save even more with our new multi-policy discount. it's 9:56 on this june 11th. we are following breaking news out of prince george's county. police are searching for a know what who shot and killed a trooper overnight. wesley brown was working at an applebee's when she was shot. the shooting was a result between a trooper and an unruly customer at the restaurant. officers worked through the night to find the killer, but the suspect remains on the loose this morning. we will stay on top of that story. we want to go to chuck bell for a nice forecast. >> a nice day and it will stay nice for the remainder of the day, but as you make your plans to do something outside this weekend, it will be hot and humid and a lot more hot and humid than today. temperatures in the mid-cents and we will end up in the low to mid 80s. but all through the weekend with a lot more humidity and a good chance of passing showers and storms especially on sunday. >> let's head out and see how he are doing. the 95 southbound leaving the beltway all the way down where the construction is set up. the hov lanes are configured for northbound. outer loop and inner loop, all is well. >> stay with us and nbc as we from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. it friday, dry day around here, june 11th. glad you're with us. any plans for you? >> i like these summer weekends. i have some guests in town, staying with me. >> matching off you, you said. >> i'm looking for another apartment. i'm so excited. what are you up to? >> i have writing to do, lots of writing to do. i'll let you know about that in due time. >> i would like to know about that. have you ever been to a restaurant where there's just attitude? you know, and you think to yourself i'm never coming back? apparently there's a restaurant that doesn't like the attitude of some of its patrons. >> the deal is this is a restaurant in australia. the chef spends a lot of time making these terrific meals and people don't finish them, and he gets upset. >> it's a she, i think. >> she gets upset. >> she's upset. it's a japanese restaurant in sydney, australia. >> the deal is, if you clean your plate, you get 30% off the price, because they say it's just part of the sensibility of the restaurant. they don't like wasting. >> but if you don't finish it, she pretty much tells you, go find another place to eat. >> she says get out. you have to eat everything except the lemon slices, ginger and wasabi, even the gashished veggies you have to eat. >> that would not go over well in our restaurants. have you every been with a friend who who's like at a starbucks that want a vente, with agave -- you know, you lose your mind. >> i had a friend who sent a meal back twice. i hate that. i i don't like sending things back and forth. >> you know what you've heard people do to thing when they're returned. >> it tells you about the person's personality. still too much pepper. you know, that kind of person is tough to be around. >> for me if it's you specifically ask for something ahead of time. for me, a green pepper on anything spoils everything with me, what do you do when it comes with green peppers? you're not going to enjoy your meal. >> this is what you do. i've had many meals with you. whenever a meal comes thatsh you say although that looks like delicious salmon, i ordered the chicken. you're very good at making them not feel bad. i think it's tone. >> it's the way you treat people, that's right. how would you like to be driving along, right? and see a billboard on a highway in north carolina, on the river highway. it's a gigantic piece of steak. i think we have a picture of it, on a giant fork. >> here's the magic. the waft of steak smell comes out of that billboard and into your car. >> i mean, real sizzling steak smell, which if you are a member of peta, i don't think you're going to appreciate. >> or even if you're working at the gas station next to it. this is one of those things that's been cool to some people -- you know how when you smell something you want that thing, and some people think you're pumping weird chemicals into the environment. >> you have to make something that comes out in the poof. let's ask donnie deutsche who's coming in later. he's the advertising king. >> actually that's a good one. donnie does know everything. >> frank is saying, why are you wearing that? women dress for other women. >> does frank care what you wear? >> yes, had e does, but mostly cassidy, my guru of design. she'll look at me and go, oh, you know. i say, what? and she's like, are you going to wear that? right, cass? >> she's like, i wasn't supposed to be on. >> i don't remember that ever happening. >> she doesn't recall. cody? >> that's a good answer. >> cass dresses very -- she always looks clean, classy. >> she's clean, but she's always got her own sense of fashion. the thing we're talking about is uggs are one of the things that men say they hate. catheri are you wearing uggs? >> possibly. >> and why? >> they are comfortable. >> guys don't like those. >> i mean action i don't -- it looks like you have a poodle on your foot or something, but if they're comfy, i understand that. >> some of the other things we like that guys hate, headbands, anything in your hair. here's one you're going to love -- >> that looks cute. there's hoda in a headband. >> why are we showing that? that's just mean, my mom is going to call. >> let me guess that was summertime. >> one thing that guys hate, is the gladiator sandals. hates them with a capital "h." they are so unflattering on a woman's leg. bobbie and i went through this. >> why don't we tell guys next week what we don't like. >> who wants to look like russell crowe? and what guy wants to go out with them? unless they like guy also. i love oversized sunglasses. >> they say they're overpriced and too big. there's one more shot. >> there i am. that's me. oh, my gosh. >> you do like those. >> in fairness, you and i were at the ivy restaurant in l.a. shooting for the emmys when i shot that. i was trying to look like a kardashian. >> i don't think that's true. >> yes, it is. >> are you sure? >> yes. um-hmm. so this is fun. it's about that time where your kids are going away to summer kaump. this is a clever idea. someone compiled a book of letters that kids have written their parents called "p.t. i hate it here!" we have a couple of these tagged. the first one -- i love this wing. i'm still alive. "p.s. i love you!" >> frank tells a story once when his daughter went off to camp. she was miserable. she said, if you don't come and get me right now, i am throwing myself out my window, but he knew she was on the first floor, so it's so funny. >> dear mom, yesterday we had an egg drop contest. we came in first for getting the eggs and second for the whole thing. also, please don't write a lot. i don't know. i think this is such a smart idea. >> hey, you have to tell everybody about your "dateline" special. >> sunday night, it's one of those stories ukt believe happened. a man walked into a house, shot a woman and her 2-year-old daughter. the woman died. the 2-year-old was left for dead. the cops walked in. the little girl looked up and she put her hand up and said, stop. they scooped this kid up. she's not 6 years old. she is a miracle child. it's an incredible story. >> where does she live? >> louisville, kentucky. a great kid. you're going to love her and this story. it's time for bobbie. >> got to get our bobbie buzz on. we're going to try to get ready for father's day. >> yes. i have some unique gift ideas. >> let's get the clock going. >> tammy just had a baby, so we're really excited. i wanted to send something fun over to her. this is a daddy diaper changing toolbox. the crew guys warned me that some dads like to change diapers, but if you don't, there's some instructions, some goggles. >> why is there a turkey baster? >> to clean a little bit. >> for the nose, they good gooky noses. >> i think it's to spritz some water on the baby. >> that's for cleaning the nose, lady. >> i don't even have a child, i should ask you, a disposable instant grill is great if you can take your dad out on a picnic. one of my favorite things, a stylish sock. they have either one collectible sock for $35 or the dirty dozen -- one pair, sorry or the dirty dozen for 150, but these are collectible. >> what is the one at the end? >> thee very stylish collectible socks. >> no, no, this is not for the nose. i'm sorry. unless you had a gargantuan baby. i love you so much, bobbie. >> the tongs -- >> what is the tongs for? >> for the dirty diaper. >> oh, that goes with that. >> we were just talking about what guys don't like us wearing. mindy wrote -- excuse me -- i lost my fun post. i'm back. shannon said flannel pajamas. my husband said it's like holding a sign that says "i'm not up for it tonight." >> i would appreciate it if you didn't talk about that stuff when my kids are here. >> i'm going to have the talk with them someday. and cody is going to tell us about the in shows. but taraji is here. boom. did you have a good breakfast? no. well here, try this... ...jimmy dean breakfast bowl. mmmmmmm... booooooommmm!! did someone call for rain? fight the morning fade with sausage, egg and cheese breakfast bowls jimmy dean. shine on. we all do it. but you don't have to. thanks to secret flawless renewal... with odor-absorbing micro capsules that capture... odor and release a fresh scent. it's still working, so you can stop checking. ♪ [ dog panting ] [ dog sniffs ] [ cat meows ] [ cat meows ] ♪ [ male announcer ] cats everywhere are using fresh step with carbon because it doesn't just mask odors, it eliminates them. so don't be surprised if your cat needs help finding her litter box. fresh step, the only clay litter with carbon. it's paw-activated, to eliminate odors. so it's almost like not having a litter box. yeah, i should have read up on the culture -- >> mom, i ran into a pole. >> you have a black eye. you got into a fight? >> fighting is not tolerated here. >> you heard him. he ran into a pole. >> mom, don't start. he's one of the stars of the remake of the hit. >> he masters kung fu after they relocate to china. >> welcome. three months in that beautiful nation, that huge country. >> yeah. three whole months. >> how was that? >> it was pretty cramped. there's 17 million people in beijing alone. a lot of traffic. we shot it in beijing. it was nice, you know, but the third week was trying. >> what was hard about it for you? >> the food. the whole time all i wanted was turkey bacon or sausage for breakfast. everything was pork or some animal i've never heard of before. >> you've got to be careful. >> for those who have seen the original "the karate kid" how close is it? >> it's the same story, kid being bullied, the underdog rising to win the championship. there's a teacher, the kid. it's the same movie. just the karate kid is younger and a little darker in complexion. we film it in beijing. but it's the same feel-good, you're going to walk away, you're going to laugh. jackie chan is a surprise in this. >> in what way? >> because he is a dramatic actor in this? he's not doing a lot of the fighting or funny man. he actually rips your heart out. >> wow. >> will and jada pinkett were there. >> every day. >> how were they with their son while this was going on? >> i thought they did an excellent job balancing between being parents and businesspeople, like they had to -- jada was more the parent than will. she would get her head going, my child ain't jumpin' off no building. >> you sounded just like her, too. >> well, you know, the funny thing about it, when i read the script and i knew they were attached and knew jada were going to do it, we come from the same part of the world. >> she's baltimore, i'm d.c., so we kind of have that same sass about us, and then when i got to know her more personally on the show, we have the same ideas in how we raise our kids and how we parent them. >> so you bonded with her. >> bonded with her, and it was easy for jaden and i to get a relationship and bond, because i'm so reminiscent of her. >> she gave you space to do that. she knew how important it was for the role. >> that was the beautiful thing, them being actors as well. i was nervous, this is the smith seed, you know, and just -- you know. >> the smith seed. >> just when you're dealing with someone's kid, it's weird. you have to see where they're coming from first and get in where you fit in. >> we are so looking forward to the movie. >> it's gotten a bunch of great reviews. >> it's open today, hoda woman. thanks so much. >> thank you so much. ambush makeovers. plus the ultimate guy's gift for father's day. pizza and beer, of course. >> i hate to admit it, but that looks darn good to me, too. mor. so world's best mom was more than happy to make a cup of delicious starbucks via. she got to the office just in time to save best friend forever from the office coffee. best friend forever bravely shared starbucks via with don't talk to me until my second cup before he even had his first. he shared it with i hate mondays who had three cups because it was, after all, monday. premium starbucks via ready brew. now available wherever you buy groceries. ♪ now available wherever you buy groceries. [ bride ] the wedding was just days away, but my smile just wasn't white enough. now what? [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. it's professional-level whitening. start seeing results in 3 days. new crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. who are you?!? i'm your "genie"! weren't you just wishing for something more nutritious to eat? i was! well, you could enjoy the taste of decadent dark chocolate, the crunch of almonds, plus 35% of your daily fiber... plus antioxidants in a kellogg's fiber plus bar. mmmm. right then. two more wishes? i'm good. oh. back to the lamp then. see ya! [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus bars. you couldn't wish for more. yeah, we went to junior prom together. and senior. no. you dumped me senior year. college. we went to college together. but we can always get to know each other better. we know each other very well. so we use k-y kissable sensations for the body. dated all through college. chocolate for me... yeah. ...and strawberry for him. it increases our desire and makes our experience together... [ whistle blows, engine revs ] [ female announcer ] shown in a clinical study to increase desire. new k-y brand yours and mine kissable sensations for the body. ¿qué si usamos tacos s grandes? [ ma announcer ] old el paso super stuffers. 33 larger shells. feed your fiesta. 33 larger shells. ♪ ♪ i got troubles oh ♪ but not today ♪ 'cause they're gonna wash away ♪ ♪ they're gonna wash away ♪ ♪ ♪ they're gonna wash away ♪ gonna take them away you've got just about a week to find the perfect father's day gift. >> so we thought we would help you out. eric has great gifts for the manly man? >> yes. >> only the manly man? >> the thinking father. >> of course we'll start off with food. >> he won't be thinking long. >> this is the heineken beer tender. what's great, it's $99, made from the heineken draft keg, and dad has his own personal on-demand beer system. >> how much does this guy run? >> $99. the minutee-kegs are for $20 and everyone wins. >> does the pizza come with it? or is that a prop? >> dad loves pizza. everybody's a kid. this is from patsy's, my favorite pizza. >> you can order from patsy's, but i think a pizza party for kids and dad. beer for dad -- >> so everybody win also. >> i got you. >> this is where we win. >> the dad train moves on to everybody has a good time. this is bacon bloody mary vodka. bacon vodka. >> it's bacon-infused vodka. what i heard was the key ingredient to bloody mary is the salt content. >> a lot of salt -- >> that's good. >> okay. you want a bottle opener handy -- >> no, it is not. >> what concerns me is cody has these. >> you don't have to open a bottle of beer, but you don't not have to open it. >> are you serious? >> it's got a little key. >> they find their ways. >> those are cute. this next one is freaky. >> basically this is a sling box. anything that you plug in your cable box or tivo, it can stream to a laptop or the new mobile app. only $30. >> he's getting msnbc on that blackberry. >> and i can change channels. >> because it's plugged into this? >> your cable box is streamed into here and you can look at tiff ooh anytime. >> oh, my gosh. >> when will it end? >> it's neverending. >> spring box is about $130, the app is $30. >> we've got books. dads love something for the man's shelf. >> you can download speeches on your itunes, speeches that your dad may enjoy and want to listen to. >> $20, the greatest speeches of all time. >> beautiful t-shirts? >> a new take on the classic father's day t-shirts. a knife from guy fieri, it's a custom paint job. >> that is quite the knife. >> keep that away from me. careful. >> it's actually not only just practical, but very manly. a straight blade. even if dad doesn't use it, he'll love the way it works. >> and the diaper bag. >> a new take on a diaper bag. it's actually something a guy would like, a messenger bag. >> that would be good for a manny, a guy nanny. >> i like that. >> thank you, eric. coming up, fish tacos. >> muy bueno. a cody. there's something really rewarding about raising animals that provide. this is a great life, and as you start contemplating having children and i want my kids to be raised the way i was raised. ♪ ♪ ♪ doo doo doo woman: there's only one disinfecting wipe with a low streak formula. clorox disinfecting wipes. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] try fixodent with a time-released formula. use just once per day for all-day hold. it is important to use the product as directed. for poor-fitting dentures, see your dentist. for hold from dawn to dark... fixodent and forget it. we are learning more about the trooper shot and killed overnight in a prince george's county restaurant. we will hear from a teenage trooper he mentored. we will have the latest on the search for his killer. good morning. the world cup is under way and how local businesses are preparing to entertain soccer fans. the ne we're back on this dry day, and it's time for our plaza ambush makeovers. >> we decided to shake things up a bit. here to tell us about this is our crack team, stylist to the stars -- >> i like the word "crack". >> but louis licari and jill martin. >> what happened today? >> today is cool. around the country, family and friends they wrote in and we picked one ambushee. i'll give you a hint where she's from. we didn't tell her today, but take a look at this. they brought us cheese. she's really, really great and about to lose a lot of hair. >> cool. you had a good group? >> fantastic group. the other lady we found was a perfect candidate for a makeover. >> let's meet carol paulish, 55 years old from broadhead, wisconsin. after being nominated by her husband, she was selected as the winner. she thrilled because her son dean is getting married. she's got some hair. let's look at her story. >> all right. carol is in a state of shock. surprise, it's you. >> surprised but excited. >> this is a great story. >> ray, you wrote in and you want this for carol, but she's had this hair since junior high? >> that is correct. her mother said when she could take care of her hair on her own she could grow it long. she hasn't cut it since. trimmed it a little bit. >> we are so excited to cut this off. >> oh, are you going to cut it? >> yes. are you ready to go? >> yes, it's time and it's for my son's wedding, so i'm excited. >> this will be dramatic. >> i can't wait. now, this is carol's before picture, and over on the side here we have her husband ray. ray, key year blindfold on. here we go. carol before, all right, carol, let's see the new you. >> oh, my gosh. >> he's going to flip. i'm telling you right now. >> she is looks like carol alt, the supermodel. >> take off your blindfold. >> oh, my gosh. >> you haven't seen yourself yet. >> i cannot wait. turn around. how about the mother of the groom. >> she looks like a model. >> she's beautiful. >> you look gorgeous. >> first of all, this, and there was more haircut after this, just to give you a clue. >> lieu at louis. >> i'm not going to cry. she's an outdoorsy girl, but wanted to be glamorous for the wedding. >> my gosh, you're beautiful. >> and then hur brown hair was just wishy-washy, it wasn't blond or brown, so we gave her a step -- you look like a movie star. you are glamorous. she's beautiful. >> jill, her outfit is gorgeous. >> she told me she's a side 12. you are a side 6. but these from macy's, and the diamonds are from white house/black market. >> thank you. >> thanks, honey. >> this is going to be hard to beat. torrie is our second lady, 51 from basalt, colorado, in time to celebrating her daughter graduating from high school, and decided it was time to upgrade her look. here with her friend lori, her daughter lee, and her daughter's boyfriend jose. let's listen to her story. i'm here with torrie and lori. they were supposed to go to the statue of liberty, but instead you're geg a makeover. tell us why you think she deserves it. >> she's just my dearest friend, very kind and always does things for everyone else. this is greet that she's getting something for herself. >> will your daughter be shocked? >> when i wake her up, she definitely will be. >> are you ready for three hours of pampering? >> i am. >> all right. so lori and lee and jose are all waiting. let's take a last look at the old torrie, and let's bring out the brand-new, improved torrie. >> oh, my gosh. that's crazy. >> take your blindfolds off. >> torrie, you're not going to believe it, honey. turn around. >> o. my gosh. this is -- >> can you believe it? >> it's unbelievable. >> it's just amazing. it's great. >> okay. again, great haircut by dana. look at the makeup, but what i did with the hair color, she had highlights, which made the gray more gray. i gave her a single process, the gray is gone. >> is it leigh? >> oh. >> come here. come here. >> tell us about her outfit. >> she wanted to look cool for her daughter. this is from t sdwrismt maxx. absolutely adorable. are you happy? >> i am, very happy. >> carol, come on out. >> big round of applause for our uber-models. >> so if you want one of these makeovers, come down to the plaza, but you have to come back on thursday, all right? you may get picked by louis and jill. okay. everybody. up next we're being schooled on fish tacos. >> and cody. right after this. and you want to do the same for your laughable, lovable dog. [ barks ] that's why purina fit & trim is specially formulated... with high-quality protein, including delicious real chicken, to help him maintain lean muscle and a healthy weight, so he can make the most of every day. long live your buddy. long live your dog. purina fit & trim. [ spray bottle ] what does she see in him? [ liquid cleaner ] well, he cleans three times more soap scum per swipe than you. [ spray bottle ] and i bring out the shine, too! ding! what was that? that was the noise a shine makes... [ male announcer ] remove three times more soap scum per swipe with the new mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber. it makes my skin really silky and velvety. this is my body wash. what do you mean? this is it? why?! oh, don't do that to me! dove creamoil body wash. now with nutrium moisture. nutrium moisture. i'm a believer. the nourishment in dove creamoil goes somehow deeper. i'm happy about the change. change is good. dove creamoil body wash. i'm happy about the change. change is good. and you'll dump your old mop. but don't worry. he'll find someone else. ♪ who's that lady? ♪ who's that lady? ♪ sexy lady ♪ who's that lady? [ female announcer ] used mops can grow bacteria. swiffer wetjet starts with a clean pad every time. and its antibacterial cleaner kills bacteria mops can spread around. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. ♪ lovely lady [ female announcer ] when the more options you have,ght, the more likely you are to stay on track. that's why there are 9 delicious kinds of special k® cereal. ♪ ♪ because every girl could use a little variety. ♪ special k®, now in 9 delicious flavors. it's time for "today's kitchen." gail simmons is making fish tacos, all the rage right now. >> i am. it's summertime. i'm about to leave for the food & wine classic in aspen. i want to look my best, nothing weighs me down. here are some light amazing fish tacos. a little oil in my pan. i'm using red snapper, but you can use any fish, a white flaky fish. you can use cod, it's up to u. something white, meaty and fleshy and delicious and healthy. >> but enough about my thighs. >> okay. >> i think you look fantastic, by the way. >> you're not frying it. >> most fish taco recipes are not fried, but the fish can speak for itself. you want to sear it a bit, and then onions and garlic. when you start mixing that around, that will just give it really nice flavor. >> should you cook that on high heat? >> you do. you want a sear on the chicken -- on the chicken. >> but today is fish tacos. >> you want to break it up. and while that's cooking, i'm just going to warm up my tortillas a bit. just a little bit of butter in the pan, and then put them in there. >> how many kacalories are we saving? >> first of all, the tortillas, way less carbs, but i'll show you another trick on that, but fish, when you're not frying it, so healthy. >> a little americaly, what's that between friends? >> absolutely. >> now we're going to put it together. a great alternative, if you don't want the tortillas, the great thing is these are a vehicle, a relief to add anything you want, but i decideded, beautiful bibb lettuce. >> i love, love, love it. >> another recipe is citrus mare natted shrimp. any leftovers, anything you want to make, throw it in there. >> it's your kitchen. go ahead. >> it is. put it all together. >> i have some citrus salad as part of this recipe, fresh avocado, fresh herbs. i know what you like, don't like, really use anything you want, make it delicious and fresh. avocados are super healthy. and that's it. citrus and onion salad, grilled onions, orange juice, chiles. >> and the recipe is on our website. have fun in aspen. thank you. and ms. top chef premieres june 16th on bravo. deutsche will answer your questions. donnie is here. >> and what are you going to see at the movies this weekend? cody has the previews plus -- well, you'll have to wait. . mars is down...and... um, it's only 10am. who hasn't had their jimmy dean breakfast this morning? mmmm! now lets orbit i feel awesome. you're all awesome. jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches, fight the morning fade. it's all that people notice. i didn't even think that was possible. [ woman ] i know, but there it is. [ sniffing ] febreze you plug in to the wall. [ male announcer ] from febreze comes noticeables. freshness you'll notice or your money back. who are you?!? i'm your "genie"! weren't you just wishing for something more nutritious to eat? i was! well, you could enjoy the taste of decadent dark chocolate, the crunch of almonds, plus 35% of your daily fiber... plus antioxidants in a kellogg's fiber plus bar. mmmm. right then. two more wishes? i'm good. oh. back to the lamp then. see ya! [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus bars. you couldn't wish for more. time now for our resident mr. big stuff, donnie deutsche, who is here with men's perspective, on what men are thinking when it comes to women and relationships. >> you sent your questions in. >> i like the mr. big stuff. i like the chiron on there. >> stephanie wants to know, she mentioned to her husband getting breast implants. he said i love you the way you are. is he telling the truth? >> it's wonderful he's saying that, but if that's what you want to do, i think a woman should do any surgery for her and other people, but the good news, and he would say at that point i love you the way you are, but he means that, but if you want them, go for it. >> thank you, mr. business stuff. >> if she wants the big stuff -- >> exactly. what's next? >> amber says, my husband swears he doesn't have the fantasy that most men do. am i being naive? or are there some pen that don't dream about that? >> you're being naive. first of all, she hoob allowed to have fantasies. fantasies are fantasies, they are healthy. >> you've carried out some of your fantasies. >> and look at the trouble it's caused. >> my point is, understand this, that men fantasize, even sometimes with the woman they love, and it's okay. but talk to him. say, wow, if that's a fantasy, maybe we cannot do it, but look -- you're looking at me like i'm crazy. men fantasize. it's okay. don't be threatened. >> but women are sometimes reluctant to tell their fantasies. >> i say, what's your fantasy, and have fun with it. >> what if it's too weird? >> and kinky as all get-out. >> freaky. >> you have to get all worked up. >> what if it's sick, is what she means. >> then i don't know. >> how far is too far? >> we have an anonymous question. how do you tell a guy you're dating his body odor is really bad. >> i agree. here's what you do, you turn it into a positive. hey, somebody told me about this axe antipercent prant, look at this great thing i got for you, and people say it's a turn-on. you have to deal with it. >> that's nonnegotiable. >> and once you get to know him -- >> isn't that just showering? >> i say that to many cab drivers in new york city, but they haven't gotten the hygiene memo. >> some people just have different body chemistry. some people do, they eat different foods and, you know -- i'm just saying. >> that's right, but would you want to be with them? that's the point. she wants to be with him, but that's hindering the relationship. >> i get it. >> i think she moves on. anyway, what else? >> yes, sue asked why are guys in their 50s or 60s looking for 20s or 30s? >> i have to tell you. they're sexually in touch with themselves, more appealing when they're older. that's wrong. it's not true. i'm not trying to be the nice guy for everybody at home. give me a woman in her 40s and 50s, late 30s anytime. they're so much sexier. >> i'm sorry, donnie, i'm married. and my son is listening to everything you're talking about. bye-bye to you, mr. big stuff. >> he's looking back on -- coming up next we're going to head to the box office with mr. cody gifford. >> what an interesting subject. the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. all right. we are back with our weekend movie preview with cody gifford. this week, what is old is new again. >> from "the karate kid" to "the a-team" it's all about remakes. >> you saw them both. >> they're coming out tonight. >> "the a-team" what did you think? >> i loved it. i think it did a good job of blurring fantasy with reality. when you look at the executive producers or producers, ridley scott, and tony scott, "top gun" and "gladiator" and "black hawk down" and the great cast. >> you especially loved liam neeson in this. >> he was nominated. he didn't win, but he's the foundation. they build the narrative around this camaraderie, and he's the foundation of it. >> so mr. t is not in it. >> it's actually a guy named rampage jackson, a ufc fighter. i don't know if he's a trained actor, but it didn't matter. >> and he has bradley cooper. >> he needs to get over himself. come on, bradley. the girls are like, bradley cooper's on the show. and i'm like -- >> he's a hot ticket. listen, i have no interest in the movie, i wasn't a fan, and we watched it, and i love bradley cooper. i ended up adore this movie. >> what about "karate kid"? ir. >> i loved the original. my mom would say i would run around like that when i was little. but i think jaden smith has a great future in front of him. there's no real connection to the first, but the structure is the same. and it's kind of like they exported it. >> but it's kung fu, he does, no karate, because he's in china. >> so it's a topical accommodation or setting, temporal accommodation. >> how is jackie chan in this? >> jackie chan is good. i love jackie chan. i love mr. miyagi. >> you think there's something more special about the original one? >> i think the original, because he's so young, he kind of looks -- he almost looks -- what is he, 12 or 13? he looks like he's 10. in the first there's a sense of urgency. he's a teenager and he has the guys going after him. >> speaking of urgency, two seconds to say bye-bye. >> have a great weekend. >> bye.

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