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Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20150302

wree apac later today and will address congress tomorrow. the white house not remaining silent today, susan rice and u.n. ambassador samantha power will also address apac today. president obama is sitting down for an en view with the reuters, he will also been pond responding to netanyahu. rice said netanyahu s speech was, quote h destructive but boehner says he is he getting a lot of interest. here is what he had to say. they certainly made it worse over the last five or six weeks. the debt coming from iran and the iron neens having a nuclear weapon is a threat to the region region it s a threat to the united states and a threat to the rest of the world. this is a serious issue and we re not going to resolve this issue by sticking our heads in the stand. the prime minister can talk about this threat i believe, better than anyone. reporter: and there are hard feelings inside this white house about netanyahu s vits. i talked to a senior administration who said netanyahu is trying to make himself the center of attention and the president will not be sitting down or talking to noou this week because the israel elections are just around the corner but as one senior administration official said don t even expect a phone call. all right. jim, thanks so much for that. so it s clear, benjamin netanyahu is not backing down so what will the israel prime minister say and how will it play is this global affairs correspondent traveled with the israel prime minister she has that part of the story. reporter: prime minister netanyahu spent the entire flight to washington from jerusalem about 12 hours working on that speech sharpening that language senior officials traveling with him telling us that he s going to use this opportunity to lay out the deal with iron that s shaping up as he knows t officials say israel has a great deal of understanding about this deal shaping up. he does not feel prime minister netanyahu that congress has been fully informed and so he wants to lay out the deal why he thinks it s bad for israel the united states and the world and also urge congress to put some pressure on the president obama administration to push back a march 24th deadline for a political framework. he says he s not against any agreement at all, but this is a bad agreement. i do think today, though he s going to use this address to apac that pro israel lobby to lower the temperature a bit, to try to mend fences a little bit with the administration saying he has a lot of respect for the president, the white house and try to take out the politically fraught tone of this speech. he s going to say, listen the relationship between the u.s. and israel always bipartisan always has been always should be. back to you guys. now it s just unusual that we have the leaders who seem to be presented a different face than the overall relationship between the two countries and that s causing some tension obviously. so let s bring hope in peter gonart and gid yan rose. is this a good move for prime minister netanyahu? politically it might be he s a good politician so he s clearly betting this is going to help him in the campaign and that he ll gain more than he loses by siding with the republican congress against the democratic administration. so literally it is. in terms of the broader strategy for the region and boarder u.s. israel relationship it s a disaster i think. you look at the numbers, peter, there is tension here. we are put up the poll about how this is being seen if this had general. here is the favorable opinion of him. going through the ages those aren t great numbers, he s certainly up against it there. we re hearing about division here among american jews israel juice. israel problem is that although it s very strong in washington right now it s based out there in the country looks like the republican party. it s older white voters african-americans, latinos and younger voters including judger jewish voters are more critical of israel and this in the long-term demographically could be a problem for israel s base of support in the united states. the white house is being a little cagey about it but senator feinstein comes out with something where when prime minister netanyahu says listen i have to think about all jews feinstein says this. he doesn t speak for me on this. he doesn t at all speak for me. does that goert bother you when he says he speaks for all jews? i think it s an air fwant statement. i think the jewish community is like any other community, there are different points of view. so i think that arrogance does not bee fit israel candidly. air kbaps. strong word. let s be honest. israelis consider the packet that american jews are over here not in israel to be a sign that they don t care enough to actually come over there so why should their concerns be taken into account? netanyahu is asserting that he has the right to speak for all jews everywhere as leader of the israel state and that makes sense in his eyes but it doesn t mean that he actually necessarily represents swrush opinion. right. two things here. one is obviously jews in america feel very strong ties to israel not just culturally but in term of loyalty to the cause and we see it on many different layers. i would challenge the fact how israel views american jews. when you say i represent all jews and you get push back jews usually do speak with one voice, though not through benjamin netanyahu, yes? i think the divisions inside the american jewish community on israel have been growing, they re growing because of an increasing generation gap. younger american jews don t see israel as threatened and weak as much as their parents do they certainly don t remember the holocaust or 1967 when israel was on the brink of does trucks. they ve seen israel as a powerful can country. do you think bb has made himself bigger than israel with this move coming here taking on the white house, essentially taking it about him, is that dangerous? yeah i think it s dangerous because it makes people who feel like they have to choose between barack obama and benjamin netanyahu. if you look at an organization like apac its membership are mostly people who voted for barack obama but want to be pro israel. you re forcing them to make a choice and that is not good for israel. if you wanted to raise the question of dual loyalty you couldn t do it in a who are obvious way than netanyahu has done. we ve voted in the election here barack obama and the members of congress represent us. we don t vote to israel. there has been a long history of american jewish leaders making it clear while we care and feel connected to israel we have american citizens and that s a very important point to make. what do you think of the white house, though returning tactic for tactic which is we don t like o how you snubbed us by being with boehner so we re not going to pete with you, was that the best response to the white house? it s always difficult to deal with an ally who is aligning with your own political enemies. this happened with taiwan it s happened in georgia. the white house has a problem because it wants the israelis to shut up and go away bau bu it can t actually say that. how much it should reveal it s annoyance is a political game for hem. you always get to express your annoyance with allies but this is different than all those other examples that gid yan just gave. israel stands apart from any other ally that the united states has in the world. that s true. america has tended to defer to israel on the pal stin wrans, but when it it comes to questions of war and peace for the united states and that s what iran is if this iran deal fails, the united states moves closer to war with iran. this is the kind of issue on which american presidents democrats and republicans, have never deferred to israel or any other of our middle eastern allies. obama is in the tradition here. it s easy to say making a deal with iran is dicey, that s easy to say if there s no other solution and you see iran spreading not contractsing in terms of its influence. we do have to remember in the messenger of bb netanyahu this is a man who said this 2003 get into iraq get into iraq that s the place you need to be. often you have to consider the source. i think it s also not just about netanyahu there s a dwros hip raes in the israel position. they have a local nuclear monopoly, they can destroy iran in a second later today if they wanted to. what this is really about with iran is a potential future risk to the israel nuclear monopoly in the region. i understand why the israelis don t want to lose that and may eventually at some future date have to rely on deter rents like we do but the white house tears all this talk about this threat and they hear the israelis basically trying to manipulate u.s. politics and they get annoyed. whether they should show their annoyance is an interesting question politically, but i think the white house really feels like the israelis are playing fast and loose with the facts on this deal and not presenting the case honestly. it is an existential threat nobody faces the one the way israel does and that s a lens through which we have to watch their actions an what they have to say. and we have to see what benjamin netanyahu has to said today. while netanyahu is is in washington trying to stop a deal with iran secretary of state john kerry is in switzerland pushing for a deal in the iran nuclear taubs. kn s chief national security correspondent jim sciutto joins us line from switzerland with more. reporter: good morning, alisyn is. for all the drama and acrimoniy in washington the nuclear talks were right on lake geneva they re continuing at pace and in fact an accelerating pace. these talks this week were originally meant to be at the political director level, that s a level below secretary of state state, about you now face-to-face meetings added between secretary of states john kerry and his iranian counterpart. beginning tonight they re going to meet multiple times tomorrow on tuesday and into wednesday and you re also hearing from u.s. officials in effect a pre buttel to prime minister netanyahu s speech. they re say that he has been wrong before that the interim agreement which is in power right now has held back and restricted iran s nuclear program for the first time in a decade. they also say that they didn t choose this dynamic with the israelis it s not the way they want to go but that a diplomatic solution in the view of this administration is the only way to stop iran from getting a puck clear bomb. there s a long way to go in these talks, there s a deadline at the tend of this month but i ve spoken to people from both sides including the iranian side they say things are moving in a positive direction. that certainly doesn t mean there will be a deal but her getting closer and the level of focus here and level of work here in switzerland they re not listening to they re turning a deaf ear you might even say to all that s coming out of washington. jim sciutto, thanks so much for that update. breaking overnight a dramatic and deadly confrontation caught on tape. police in los angeles are investigating now an altercation between several officers and a homeless man had a ended when police say the suspect was shot and killed after attempting to get an officer s gun. our sara sidner is live this morning in los angeles with the very latest. another situation very concerning sara. reporter: absolutely. the video is chaotic, it s intense and it s disturbing because ultimately you see a man being shot to death in the streets of l.a. the video taken by a witness in downtown los angeles begins with an altercation between police and a man on the street. we don t see what caused the incident to turn violent, but the man appears to throw punches towards one of the four officers on the scene who were trying to arrest him on suspicion of robbery. it escalates ending up on the ground. you hear someone say what sounds like drop the gun. then the sound of a taser goes off. then more shouting that sounds like drop the gun yelled twice. a struggle continues and five shots are fired. the suspect lies motionless in the street. police say the suspect attempted to grab the officer s gun. during the attempt to detain him this individual resisted our officers they struggled with him, they tried to tase him a couple times, that was ineffective and eventually the struggle occurred where the officers were struggling with the individual over one of the officer s weapons. police say three sters fired their weapons including a supervisor. an investigation is underway. again, this is a very very early stages of the investigation and that analysis is based on one video which shows a portion of the incident that occurred. we want to wait until all the video is in that s available, we want to wait until all the people have been interviewed, all the witnesses, all the officers to determine exactly what happened before we make any kind of judgment whether this was proper or not. reporter: and you heard commander smith talking there about other videos. we understand that some of those officers did have body cams on and there s also surveillance video from one of the buildings there in the area. they are trying to look at all that as well as some of the witness statement. they are still taking the statements from witnesses. we talked to two of the witnesses and they said that before all this happened before that video started rolling, that the person who was killed was actually tased once before that but jumped up and started coming at police at that point in time. so in this case certainly still under investigation. a lot still to be known, but that video very dramatic and very very upsetting to many many people. back to you guys. we re going to have our legal analyst on in the next little while to talk about all they see there. thanks so much for that report. new this morning iraqi troops launching a major offensive against isis to capture takrit. fighter jets helicopters and artillery are attacking isis strong hold. this is the third attempt by iraqi forces to gain control of this city since isis took it over last june. it s also a key point of control in the region. tens of thousands of mourners harch against the assassination of a top critic of russia president vladimir putin. boris nemtsov was gunned down two days before a planned rally to protest russia greg s in ukraine ukraine. had he say nemtsov was gearing up to reveal information about russia s involvement in the conflict. over the weekend a parody of a toyota ad showing a dad dropping off his daughter sparking all sorts of outrage online. take a look. it looks like your ride it is here. you be careful, okay? dad, it s just isis. take care of her. that isis twist has many asking some wondering does the sketch go too far? did snl go too far? some saying that isis atrocities are too lane no us to milk for laughs. we ask you where do you stand, do you find it funny or think it goes too far? tweet us or host your comments on our facebook page. i love t i love what better hallmark of democracy is there than making fun of a group that hads freedom of speech. snl has done bin laden, saddam hussein, this is what they do. i m just throwing back to you the families that have just seen their kids leave, families right here in america, too painful for them so soon. could argue that they want these people to be disrespected post of all. but what do you think? you let us know. after the break we re going to talk to you let s show you this video again. what do you see here? do you see the police left with no other choice other than to use deadly violence or is this an example of extreme force on a homeless man? we re going to take you through it experts will break down the video. and the political fight to fund the department of homeland 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[ male announcer ] after john huntsman was diagnosed with cancer, he founded huntsman cancer institute. to fight cancer in new and different ways like combining 300 years of family histories with health records to treat, predict and in many cases, prevent, cancer. with the vital understanding that cancer moves fast. and we have to move faster. to learn more or support the cause, go to . dramatic video of a fatal police shooting in los angeles is sparking new questions about excessive force. in the video it shows spers involved in an altercation with a homeless man suspected of robbery outside of a homeless shelter on sunday. police say they tried to taser the man but then he continued resisting and that he was shot after trying to reach for an officer s gun. will body cameras make a difference in this case? want to bring hope in joey jackson and danny savalis what do you see in the video? what stands out to the most? the most important thing is going to be whether or not there was a reach for the firearm. once that happens police officers are trained that once it gets to that point deadly force is authorized. the other thing that they re going to consider too, is something you don t see in the tape which is what this suspect is suspected of doing. an armed robbery or other dangerous felony. we don t know that. right. we don t know that yet. that could amp it up for the police officers if they re aware that they may be dealing with somebody with a weapon. we don t foe what predicated this altercation. we do know police were responding to a robbery call this was a suspect and then this all happened. what do you see that concerns you? shoo the big concern surrounds the process which biwhich they get to justice here. certainly there will be a full and fair investigation, don t want to jump to any conclusions, any video could be spun any number of ways. we know the lapd district attorney will be investigating. there are concerns about w. that because that s the same law enforcement entity that works in the police and we see over and over again you want public trust. in order to get that public trust you want an independent entity to be evaluating this. from a police perspective the argument will be he s resisting, he may have grabbed for the firearm, he s noncompliant they re going to argue that he had mental health issues. but those are all fair points. absolutely. 100% they re fair point. there are there s two narratives the police will argue that and from the perspective that it was excessive force they ll argue there were multiple officers there, they already tased him. was the force imminent that is immediate to the officers and was the action reasonable? ultimately was the force they used the firing of a weapon, proportionate to the threat that he suppose posed? you can look at this two i ways. are police using excessive force, was this man resisting and was he reaching for the gun. here is one thing that we have not had prior to this is one of the officers at least was wearing a body cam rachlt how is that going to play into the investigation and subsequently perhaps legal resource? we re at a fascinating time in law enforcement history because these body cameras, originally defense attorneys probably thought this will over all anure to the benefit of law enforcement and not to victims, but it may actually show some police misconduct if that camera is on all the time with no volition or no control. is it still doesn t tell the whole picture. there s things that could have happened prior to this that we don t know about and that s where other eyewitness testimony, other cameras, we know there s a surveillance cameras one of the missions was there that police are getting their hands on. let s talk about why what you say is so significant. it s so significant the lead up because it goes to one critical issue and that is the state of mind of the officers who were there. when you enter into a situation, how fearful are you, what is the build up to it? what do you know that we don t know? so certainly that s critical but ultimately is also turns on what happened then and was it reasonable. let s flip the script. the state of mind of the suspect is key and reports say that this man was dealing with some mental elt issues. we know on skid row there are multiple mental health issues that s one of the things lap stchlt has been working on getting had a community policing so they know what population they re feeling with. that does play into the state of the mind of the police and also the suspect. then you have to take a step back and realize irrespective of any mental health issues police are trained in the force continuum, use the amount of force needed to meet the amount of force that is presented to you. once we get to the evaluation of is he going for my gun, officers no matter what their training no matter what they may make an ace about somebody s mental health once a hand goes for your firearm you re basically at the highest level and at that point deadly force is usually authorized. a lot of people are going to be quick to say this is another example of police brutality, reaching for the gun instead of using other ways to subdue a sus secretary. do you think it s too soon to even make that kind of assessment? we see what we see. it will be investigated i don t want to jump to any conclusions but there s major concern. when you grab for a gun i ve defended cases when you are re grabbing for a gun and the officer has to use force. did you get ahold of that gun. was it likely the officer was in danger and did he need to be shot by three different officers? finally, mcculloch, again, i don t want to poo poo the process, it needs to be independent and needs to engender the trust and respect of the community for us to resect ultimately what they do either indict or not indict the officers involved. the investigation, this happened yesterday, the investigation now will continue. danny, joey lulls great to have your legal minds on this. a man stood up against vladimir putin and what russia is to go in ukraine. he wound up riddled with bullets and dead. ma man was boris nemtsov. did nemtsov have more than an opinion? did he have information about russia that someone did not want exposed? i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit real transformations can happen as much inside a person as out. that s why you should take the listerine® 21 day challenge. use listerine® and over 21 days you ll experience a transformation. take the listerine® 21 day challenge and start your transformation today. the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful? what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let stalk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at hypocris the northeast blind-sided by another wave of winter s weapons. boston could beat the all time snowfall record. it all comes down to what comes next. let s get to meteorologist chad meyers. is there any chance of avoiding a record? yeah we re at 3 1/2 inches away i don t see how you avoid that with many more snow events possible. i mean look at this 2014 to 15 up to 103.9 inches already and more to come. the bigger story today is the fog in d.c. and atlanta and charlotte, all the way back to texas, quarter mile visibility eighth of a mile visibility in raleigh, that will slow down airplanes this morning. probably 2 to 4 inches will be the likelihood but it warms up and for you, christopher, to stop your incessant whining i will finally give you a warm day. snow and ice the next couple days but look at this i give you 45 on wednesday. chad only in opposite world do you come at me for whining. i had to draw your tears when we were outside the last time. i know. thank you for for the latest. we will check in with you many times. israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu is in washington for tuesday s controversial address to congress. relations between the u.s. and israel at least between the leaders, seem to be at a new low as bb prepares to slam the administration s nuclear talks with iran. this comes just two weeks before israelis head to the polls to decide whether or not bb should be reelected. netanyahu today speaks to a pro israel lobby group. secretary of state john kerry defending israel before the u.n. human riefts council in geneva. kerry meets with iran s foreign minister later today to push for that agreement in nuclear talks which netanyahu is in washington to denounce. william shatner facing some backlash on twitter after announcing thaet not be able to attend the funeral for leonard nimoy. shatner had a charity event in florida, said he could not make it back in time. instead shatner chose to have a virtual funeral for his friend and answered questions about what leonard nimoy was really like in person. that s nice. yeah. all right. so one of the kremlin s biggest critics killed in the shadow of the kremlin, boris nemtsov gunned down just days before leading a big rally that was going to protest russia s invasion of ukraine. ukraine s president though suggesting boris nemtsov knew too much. what did he know? we look at it ahead. you can call me shallow. but, i have a wandering eye. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you. or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go 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gr-reat! a shot like that. calls for a post-game celebration. share what you love with who you love. kellogg s frosted flakes. they re gr-r-reat! the mystery deepness into the assassination of one of russia president vladimir putin s top critics. boris nemtsov gunned down before he was set to lead a rally. did he hold damning evidence against the kremlin? let s together to matthew chance in moscow. reporter: you can see, alisyn, a sea of flowers that was been made this tribute for boris nemtsov. in the shadow of the cripple len ichlt you can still see days after the killing there s a trickle of well-wishers that are coming by paying their respects to this say sass that theed political opposition leader. all this a day after one of the biggest rallies that the russian capital has seen for years. thousands marched in grief and outrage over the murder of one of vladimir putin s fearsest critics. this is something something absolutely unbearable. reporter: boris nemtsov a former russian tepty prime minister under boris yelt sin was shot four times in the back while walking with had his 23-year-old uk mean model girlfriend, the killing caught on surveillance camera. you can see the couple here walking along a braj right in front of the kremlin. just before midnight. a snowplow passes in front of them. that s when out of view investigators believe a hand shoots nemtsov then runs into a getaway car. president putin ordered an investigation and quickly condemned the killing. in 2014 nemtsov a prominent russian op sis leader compiled a detailed report on alleged corruption at the winter olympics in sochi. this is the most corrupted games in the history of mankind. they steal about 25 billion dollars. reporter: for recently ukrainian president said nemtsov was about to reveal information that would prove russia s involvement in the conflict in ukraine, sig that quote, someone was very afraid of that. some mourners believe that someone was putin or his supporters. do you believe that mr. putin, president putin, is responsible for this killing is this. we do believe in this sthr but the kremlin says this tragic killing was simple isly designed to damage russia and to create a political storm. well the popularity of vladimir putin is still skylight latest opinion polls suggesting that it s 86% which is absolutely incredible. the big question is will this killing change those opinion poll numbers or will they simply it will it simply send a message that if you oppose the kremlin like boris nemtsov did this is what could happen to you. yes, matthew those are the big questions this morning. thank you for that. as outrage and conspiracy theories swirl over the death of the outspoken krit kick listen to his prediction of his own fate in a candid interview. i m a known guy and this is a safety because if something would happen with me it will be a scandal not only in moscow city but throughout the world. let s beginning brink in had cnn s chief international correspondent christian a.m. pour. good morning. so you hear there it sounds like boris nemtsov pre saging his own if not death at least jeopardy and just two weeks ago he told a blog i m afraid putin will kill me. why did it seem the danger to his life was increasing lately? well he also told had his mother said that. he said that his mother had been telling him stop bark putin because they will kill you. so this is because this has happened in the past. critics of the kremlin over the last many years have been gunned down. remember the great journalist and human rights activist anna anna politskofiya. they are not a big threat to vladimir putin. look at his favorable ratings, look at all the control he has, done of these opposition figures have any access to the state run media or anything like that but they are irritants and the notion that he was going to lead an anti-putin march for the first time in about three years probably upset a lot of the people around vladimir putin. now, the kremlin says it wasn t behind it and it is going to investigate it. putin taking the file himself. but an environment of per miss i believe has been created this russia over the last many years so that even if it was a vigilante, they knew that shutting down somebody like boris nemtsov would be something that was viewed favorably by the kremlin. of course one of the theories is that he had some sort of damning evidence that he was going to present two days after he was gunned down at that anti-government rally. he was going to announce something. do we know what he was going to say? we don t really know but obviously the president of ukraine has said that and that s how we sort of know this was going to happen but do you know what alisyn we don t really need boris nemtsov to put that out. he may have had more details, but if you go to russia itself there are regular newspaper morning, you know obituaries for russian soldiers who have been killed in the war and when mothers go and, you know want answers, where was my son killed? why was he killed? they get told that they re traitors. mothers of russian soldiers who are dying in these wars in ukraine. so we know that there is that information. we also know from nato and other satellite imagery that soldiers and heavy military hardware has been crossing at various periods from russia into ukraine. so we know that this is a fact. had he got specific new information that would have added to that dossier of what is known? what happens. and all of this you know goes against, as i say, the environment that s been created by maximum amount of state run propaganda that anybody who questions what the kremlin is doing is an enemy of the state. and, you know boris nemtsov was a well-known critic of putin and he also knew putin well. he used to work for him. so knowing putin s desire for retribution against people who speak out and knowing his iron fist why was nemtsov so willing to continue to speak out against putin? well you know nemtsov was actually potentially at one point the chosen successor of boris yelt sin the previous president and he was his deputy prime minister. he obviously through putin, but when putin was chosen their paths divided and diverge and he was thrust into sort of the opposition path. people believe there is a very small but quite vocal opposition, you know sort of group in russia right now, but they ve been thoroughly quashed and it s very difficult for them to get their voices heard. why does he keep speaking out? because people who believe that they must people speaking out despite the dangers. the real big name in russian opposition politics is navalny. and he was meant to be leading this rally this weekend. he was jailed before the rally so that he couldn t go out on the streets and lead the rally. he said nemtsov now you must lead the rally and nemtsov was killed two days before the rally. thanks so much for all of the context this horning. obviously we ll follow this story. the clock is ticking, the new deadline to fund homeland security just five days away. will speaker john boehner allow a clean vote in the house? if he does could it spell the end of his tenure as speaker? sir, we re going to need you on the runway later. don t let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu. .with the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. it breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. theraflu. serious power. major: here s our new trainer ensure active heart health. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in. the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful? what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i m sold! a selling machine! ready for you alert, only at i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit he s out there. there s a guy out there whose making a name for himself in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you. somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. a guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. heck. maybe even 9. make no mistake about it. they re out there. i guarantee it. welcome to the nascar xfinity series. . it s absolutely irresponsible. i said the other night at the republican meeting that they are self righteous and delusional and they don t realize what s happening. that was republican congressman peter king calling out his party s right wing. lawmakers only managed to approve one week s worth of funding setting up another crucial test for john boehner s leadership. we ve got kevin madden former press secretary for house speaker john boehner, very key credential richard sock retease, a democratic strategist. we start with you, mr. madden. yes. what do you think mr. boehner thinks he can achieve by holding up this process when it looms over our heads like the last shut down and we foe how that went? look, i don t think boehner is interested in interested in holding up the pro he is is. i think so much of the maneuvering was an effort to try to get the process moving. he really does want to move his conference together i think that s his key goal right now. that conference they do believe that what the president did with his executive action was unconstitutional. they also believe the public is on their side. the election in 2014 this was a big part of that election and republicans won historical majorities. lastly if you look at the law, the law is on their side. the only judge is that has ruled on this has ruled that with the 26 states that are suing this action against this executive action and that has emboldened this congress to the point where we are at. but the point still remains the same that the democrats, harry reid and nancy pelosi they re not listening to the ee electoral judgment from 2014. they don t want to cede any republican authority on this. so i think that somehow towards the end of this week john boehner is not going to want the government to shut down and he probably will move to pass a bill with democrat support. kevin, you say that they think the public is on their side in the 2014 election is good evidence however, more recent polling suggests the republicans would shoulder the blame if dhs were to be partially shut down or the government shut down. i want to bring hope in richard here. so this fight, i mean they waited two hours up until the deadline then they didn t extend it for a year or month, they extended it for one week. all they could get is a week. all boehner can do is to get his caucus extend it for one week. i m glad kevin brings up the election. the republicans in the election said if you give us an effective majority if you give us both houses of congress and let us govern that we will korchgovern effectively. they are now failing at this most basic test it seems to me because they can t get anything done. this is like a nightmare for the american people. it s like a recurring dream that won t go away. is boehner done kevin? no. is this an example that he doesn t control the caucus this is the best that he can do they re not listening to him? richard is right. john boehner, i believe, is very aware of that risk that we send a message to the american public that we can t govern. i think when you re and to alisyn s point when you are the president of the limited government you do pay a price should the government shut down. i think once the senate tries to move to conference this bill and that doesn t work there will be an effort to pass this and make sure that dhs is funded. i just want to because you worked for john boehner as press secretary where why is he having such a hard time corralling his conservative kau kuk cuss? this is not leadership on capitol hill is not an event it s a process. you have 50 to 60 members of the republican conference that believe that the true test of their conservativism is voting no often and that is a very big challenge. i think john boehner recognizes that and what he has been trying to do lately and i think that s evidenced by a lot of his actions is he s trying to show them that the benefits of governing is going to eventually help he their conference get good legislation right now he s struggling about w. that. the prem had miss here is something we need to question, the idea that congress need needs to govern. i don t know that that applies. congress needs to bring hope back and forth. really this is about the white house when it comes to governing and i wonder you have an opportunity here you have an opportunity here they re not betting it done that s what you just saw from the house. now, you can either just complain about it which you guys love to do or take it as an opportunity to lead. i peel a little bit i have a little sympathy for john boehner because this is not what he wants, but what he s dealing with is a republican party that is at war with itself. there are members of the republican caucus in congress who would rather shut down the government they would rather put national security and national safety at risk. they are he a about opposition. than compromise even a little bit. that little slice is about opposition. i don t think john boehner is malicious. i think he likes to get a deal done. i think he d like to work with democrats but this is the republican party at war with itself. what are the democrats date of birth dog to make that easier other than pointing out what you just said? the democrats don t have a majority in congress so there s very little they can do. harry reid to have could have put it up for a vote and he wouldn t. they permitted in interim funding agreement to go through and i think they will cooperate to try to get a deal. i think we have to get a deal. there are reasonable people will prevail in this but it s this it s this kamakazi kau caucus of the republican party and they would rather tear everything down. you called hem malicious but the tea party stands for taxed enough already. their entire mission statement is to reign in government spending and reign in government overreach. that s what they do. they don t see it asthma lishs. and they have a core believe that what the president is doing is unconstitutional. the president himself said 22 times that the actions that he took on immigration would be unconstitutional. kevin, reason you confusing two different issues in that yes, you re right, you have your legal issues you have your court fight, you have a judge on your side right now, but by doing this you re not helping that effort by doing this. you re creating another problem, not a solution. i think that s and i think that s where you have folk like peter king and john boehner and others who believe, look we ve had as many votes adds we can on this harry reid and nancy pelosi are standing in the way, we have to fund the department. let the legal process work on out one side we will have another chance to reverse this action again. kevin the one thing that we re disagreeing over up there, it s not malicious intent it s about tactics. i think some of the tax tick up there are make taking the wrong approach. i feel badly for you, i feel a little badly for john boehner because you are not defending these guys. the truth is that your folks want to deal. you are as frustrated as the american people are, but you all said if you had a majority of both houses you would govern effectively and you are failing at that most basic test. very quickly, kevin, your sons. i disagree with that. i think this is part of the process. it is a very messy process, richard, it is not one that we like. but, remember the president by taking unconstitutional action and forcing this debate he didn t help it either. and the democrats aren t exactly in a compromising mood they are the ones who are holding up a lot. do you really believe that the president took unconstitutional action you have your remedies. you can challenge that in court, you can already toert recommend tease that are available. no one said it was going to be pretty. watching the sausage being made or not be made in this case separate but equal. thanks. richard, kefb thanks so much for the debate. so we are following a lot of news this morning. let s get right to it. this is a so err yus issue. we re not going to resolve this issue by sticking our hands in the sign. something happens to israel and that s knots the end of it that s just the beginning. the main goal here is to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. if something happens with me it will be a scandal. politicians being killed in the center of the city neck to the kremlin. this is a dangerous time if you are in any way a member of the opposition. shots fired. male down. cleveland is blaming a 12-year-old boy for his own death. tamir rice murdered. this is new day with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. good morning, everyone. welcome back. the nuclear a.m. bigs of iran threatening to unravel the relationship between the u.s. and israel. israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu arriving in washington for his controversial speech to congress tomorrow a speech the white house never approved. going to get a peek whether bb will double down or take a step towards the white house in just a few hours. mixed feelings about the israel leader being in the u.s. is unusual to say the least. we have comprehensive coverage of the prime minister s visit and what it means for u.s. israel relations and bb s political future. let s start with cnn s senior what you say correspondent jim acosta. what is the word out of the white house? reporter: the white house is offering israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu an icy welcome. as you know, netanyahu will be giving two piece speeches one today at the aipac conference war and then tomorrow to a joint session of cobs but the white house is not remaining vie silent this week. they re going to put out firepower of their own, national security adviser susan rice and u.s. ambassador. president obama will be sitting down for an interview with routers and you will recall it was rice last week who said that the set up where netanyahu is going to be giving the speech to congress, he arranged this with john boehner without looping in the white house, rice called all of that destructive. john kerry sort of dialed down some of that rhetoric. here is what he had to say. we don t want to see this turned into some great political football. obviously it was odd if not unique that we learned of it from the speaker of the house and an administration was not included in this process, but the administration is not seeking to politicize this. we want to recognize the main goal here is to prevent iran interest getting a nuclear weapon and on that israel and the united states agree. now, white house officials say their other goal is to stress the strength of u.s. israel relations but make no mistake there are hard feelings inside this white house. i talked to a senior administration official who said that thank you is turning this week into something of a circus and just making himself the center of attention and as you know the president is not going to be sitting down with netanyahu the white house says because israel elections are just around the corner but this official told me don t even expect a phone call. back to you guys. all right, jim, tui. the israel prime minister is up for election at home but he s also being evaluated in the u.s. as well as by this citizenry. so it s the politicians and the the people here. what kind of trouble is this going to cause in both places for him. cnn global affairs correspondent lisa laf vat has been traveling with the prime minister. the prime minister tomorrow is going to lay out the iranian nuclear deal shaping up as he understands it. the israelis have a lot of information about the deal on the table, enough to conclude it s a bad deal for israel but also for the u.s. and the world. netanyahu does not believe congress has been fully informed on these negotiations and he s hoping this speech will raise questions and he s going to urge congress to pressure the white house to push back that march 24th deadline for a political framework. his aids say israel is not against any deal at at all but feels there are too many compromises that will leave iran able to move toward a nuclear weapon down the line. i do get the sense the prime minister realizes this political fraught part of the trip. he is going to use the speech today to lower the temperature, talking about how important the relationship with u.s. and israel s how it s always been bipartisan how it always should be and as jip said you can see the obama administration also toning it down secretary of state john kerry not only talking about how the u.s. and israel still need to work together on a deal but also today defending israel at the u.n. human rights council in geneva. so i think the white house realizes bickering, placing too much focus on the speech want to take the wind out of the prime minister s sales as those nuclear talks start in geneva this week. back to you guys. thanks so much. thanks for breaking all that down. prime minister netanyahu s visit is sparking ago fierce debate among many in the jewish community. a full page ad in the new york times had this message, prime minister netanyahu, congress is not a prop for your election campaign. let s bring hope in the president of j street that s the group behind that new york times ad and the founder and executive director of the group this world he is strongly supportive of prim s visit and speech. it s great to have both of you on with your differing perspective because you disagree. in that ad that you put out you also said the visit will damage u.s. israel relations. how so? well i think the basis of the strength of the friendship has been that it s been able to be bipartisan it s been able to cross a whole range of ideological lines to unite behind the notion that israel s security is a paramount american interest and the united states and israel s friendship is rock solid. when the prime minister works with the ambassador to washington and works with the prime minister and speaker boehner to set up a speech behind the president s back and does it to the benefit of his own election campaign to the benefit of speaker boehner s efforts to undercut the president that injects partisanship into into relationship. okay. your response to that? i know you support the prime minister coming here but what about all of those back room deals? the issue of jewish unit is absolutely secondary to the survival of the jewish people. jeremy s ad in the new york times was not against hamady who has threatened the nuclear a my lags of israel. it s against the prime minister of israel who is here to warn the world 70 yearsing ago jews were marched in death camps where they were gassed to death. his organization is attacking the democratically elected leader of the jewish people instead of the dictator of iron that is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. murdering innocent civilians through hezbollah, through rockets. this is astonishing. before we go any further i will subordinate jewish unit excuse me jeremy excuse me. please be a gentleman and allow me to speak. i will subordinate jewish unit any day to stopping a second holocaust and the threats against the jewish people in cope hay began and brussels and paris, jews are dying in too many places. your response. before we go any further, your ad this weekend has done more to union guy the jewish community than anything that has happened in this country than probably several decades. i d like you to take this opportunity to say to susan rice the national security adviser to the president of the united states that you apologize for the ad that you placed this weekend which was vile and repugnant and has called for apologies from across the board. here is the ad. let me show the viewers what you re talking about. they put up this ad in the new york times susan rice has a blind spot. genocide. do you still stand by this ad or do you want to apologize as mr. benemy is suggesting. the person who should apologize is susan rice. she said that his speech alone, his speech alone would be destructive to u.s. israel relations a speak about preventing genocide of the jewish people. why is the obama administration so absolutely keyed up about a speech? why are they so threatened about a speech? i went to the church in ra a want da where those skulls are from. 8,000 ra want dance died absolutely one of the most excuse me. you need to learn to be a gentleman on television. excuse me. allow other people to speak. genocide is a serious issue notwithstanding how much jar he knee jeremy your political access is it is loath some. now, be a true jewish leader speak up for your people attack iran not me attack iran not netanyahu. the fact that you spend most of your time and your money attacking fellow joist is it self repugnant. it is vulgar and loath some whaufr done and to proclaim yourself to be america s rabbi and run an ad like that putting susan rice s tase next to a series of skulls and accusing her of supporting genocide on a personal basis is really one of the low points in my 30-plus years in american politics that i have ever seen. this is astonishing. we said that susan rice had a that you have sunk to we said that susan rice has a blind spot based on what her successor samantha power the current u.s. ambassador to the united states wrote about her. she called her a bystander to genocide it was a 2001 article in the atlantic. samantha power repeated it in a book called a problem from hell about genocide. everyone recognizes what susan rice said at the time that political considerations must take precedence over stopping the genocide in ra want da or labeling it a genocide and that is something that cannot happen again in the united states. the message is that susan rice and the obama administration are ignoring the evils of iran. what is your response to that? well the thing that unites democrats and republicans in the united states and israel j street and aipac, the entirety of the jewish community that we are concerned about the possibility of iran getting a nuclear weapon. the question is what is the best way to prevent it. the president of the united states says that a dim hat tick arrangement over the course of the next 10 to 15 years that denies iran the right to get to a nuclear weapon that keeps them a year away and has intrusive inspections and limits the amount of uranium and tracks it from the moment it leaves the mine to the moment it s processed and leaves the country that that is the best way to prevent it. there s no reason to go after people on a personal basis the way that the rabbi has done it in this case. gentlemen, obviously it s a very heated debate as it will be for the next 48 hours as we watch the prime minister s speech here. tlaings so much for both of your perspective. let s get over to chris. right now the biggest military operation in iraq since last june in underway. that s when isis took at that create and right now iraqi forces are trying to take it back. we also have a major and shocking development. isis terrorists in northern syria release 19 christians. ben wedeman is leave in erbil with the latest. reporter: chris, as far as that operation to retake at that create we understand that as many as 30,000 troops are involved in that effort. not just the iraqi army and the air force, but also sunni militia men as well as shia militia 34e7b. this is a city of 300,000. not very well disposed to the shia dominated central government and army. the worry is that the city has been sewn with ied s, booby traps and mines, but it s a very ambitious goal set by the iraqi army and a very important step on the road to liberating bow sul, which is about 200 kilometers to the authority which is the strong hold for isis in iraq. now, as far as those syrian christians in northeastern syria we understand that 19 have been released 19 who were kidnapped by isis earlier last week in addition to one man who was kidnapped a month ago by isis. now, of the 19 who were kidnapped last week 16 are women are men 3 are women. we understand that money was handed over to win their release, but of course there s still as many as 200 still in isis hands and the worry is that some of them could end up on the slave market for isis fighters. chris. all right. ben, thank you very much. mcculloch. a fatal lapd shooting caught on video it is raising new concerns about police use of force. this happened sunday on l.a. s skid row a robbery suspect confronted by police and a struggle en viewed sued. it ended when police say he reached for an officer s gun sara sidner joins us live from los angeles. reporter: you know the video is extremely disturbing and it shows a man being shot and skilled on the streets of l.a. on skid skid row. there s a lot of talk about who this man was. some of the witnesses saying he was homeless but police have not confirmed that for us but there is an investigation going on as we speak. the video taken by a witness in downtown los angeles begins with an altercation between police and a man on the street. we don t see what caused the incident to turn violent. the man appears to throw punches towards one of the four officers on the scene who were trying to arrest him on suspicion of robbery. it escalates ending up on the ground. you hear someone say what sounds like drop the gun. then the sound of a taser goes off. then more so you get that sounds like drop the gun yelled twice. a struggle continues and five shots are fired. the suspect lies motionless in the street. police say the suspect attempted to grab the officer s gun. during the attempt to detain him this individual resisted our officers they struggled with him. they tried to tase him a couple times. that was ineffective. eventually the struggle occurred where the officers were struggling with the individual over one of the officer s weapons. reporter: police say three officers fired their weapons including a supervisor. an investigation is underway. there has been criticism there were a lot of officers and only one guy why did they have to shoot him. that analysis is based on one video which shows a portion of the incident that occurred. we want to wait until all the video is in that s available, we want to wait until all the people have been interviewed, all the witnesses, all the officers to determine exactly what happened before we make any judgment whether this was proper or not. reporter: now, according to police there are several other videos from different angles. one being from the surveillance camera at the homeless shelter, one being from some of the officers wearing body cams. we have not seen toes videos yet, we are hoping to get ahold of hem at some point. there s also a statement from the person who initially called 911 who said that they were being robbed describing the person that police eventually went after. the man who was killed. we do not yet know though the identity of that man, but this video has really gone viral, a lot of folks talking about it on social media and already there was a small peaceful protest about 20 or 30 people who came out late in the evening to recognize what happened here in los angeles. mcculloch. there has not been a rush to judgment but there s a lot of as you mentioned surveillance video and that body cam video from the officer had a obviously they need to take a look at. thanks for that. we ll say following that. let s take a look at live pictures here. this is secretary of state john kerry speaking to the human rights council in geneva. he is in switzerland for iranian nuclear talks. he will meet with his iranian counterpart for the latest negotiations. iron s foreign minister insisting all sanctions must be lifted for there to be a deal. israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu is in washington, d.c. to denounce these negotiations. law enforcement officials say an upcoming justice report will blast the ferguson missouri police department but over traffic tickets. it it accuses them of targeting blacks in traffic stops, creating years of racial animosity which boiled over after the michael brown shooting. it says the city relied on those traffic stops and the fiennes they earned to balance the city s budget. once the report is out ferguson officials will likely have to negotiate a settlement with the doj or they could face a civil rights suit. a skydiving student in australia suffered a seizure midair. yeah the dramatic moment caught on video, you can see the hand s instructor here try to grab ahold of christopher jones, he was finally able to smag the 22-year-old and deploy his parachute for him. fortunately jones gained consciousness before releasing the ground allowing him to make a controlled landing. jones medical specialist did clear him for the jump. this judge man was halfway through a training program to be a licensed qualified jumper. many are asking why somebody with epilepsy would be allowed to get that kind of clearance. it seems like the most dangerous place to be if you have epilepsy. terrifying isn t it? once he s tumbling away how did the instructing get town to him? luckily he was able to. great still skill on that guy s part. it is a legitimate question. you also have to figure that someone gave an answer to it somewhere along the way if he was through this course if his doctor had cleared him for the jump. so the question is you re going to have to know where y. they did that to assess the situation. thank god for that guy that grabbed him. thousands of russians pourng the slain opposition figure boris nemtsov we re learning more about the man and what may have made him a target for assassination. did he know too much? politics 101 when deciding to run for office being cagey, respected, dragging your feet tolerated, but when your hunger for office starts to get questioned it is time to get in or get out. john king has what hillary s advisors are telling her to do on inside politics. 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well first of all, we don t know who killed him. and i think what s that s the speculation, right if is that somebody friendly to vladimir putin took out an opponent. why would he need to do that when he s so popular and this guy was really just a shadow voice sm. the speculation is that it is either someone in the russian government below putin or someone outside the government tied to the government through nash in a list circles. waste embarrassing for putin was that boris nemtsov was killed in red square right next to the kremlin in the full ware am fact it s on videotape for all the world to see. it s an embarrassing spectacle for the russian government so they re launching this investigation, pointing the finger at everyone but themselves in an attempt to avoid responsibility. and if it is embarrassing that t. raising that same question if they did it why would they be embarrassed by it. then there s the other side of it let s given to boris nemtsov in his own words frighteningly predicting his fate. i am a well-known guy and this is is a safety because if something happens with me it will be scandal not only in moscow city but throughout the world. he was talking to anthony bore dane of cnn. ambassador, the speculation is what? they knew something that the kremlin didn t want to get out? what could he know that would be so dangerous? i know that s a question that s impossible to answer but the universe of possibility on it. there are two sources of speculation. one is that nemtsov was about to public an exposé about the degree to which russian troops are involved in dividing ukraine, fighting in ukraine. putin has never acknowledged that thousands of his troops have crossed the border to support the pro moscow separatists there. the other thing is that nemtsov was a rifle to putin in the 1990s, they both worked for president yeltsin, both were the presumptive heirs and nemtsov has been leading a small embattled democracy party since then. so those are the pockets here. he was clearly someone that the kremlin detested but, again, i think the tragedy is we re not likely to know the truth because the kremlin is not about the ruth. it s going to sweep thinking under the rug if it uncovers evidence. there s a question of whether this man and life wound up being in vain because it s supposed to be a call to the legitimacy of the situation is but when you look it s very difficult with the internet and the media even as it exists in rufks to explain how the russian people could not know that russia is so heavy handed in ukraine right now. does vladimir putin s popularity signal that they don t care that russia is in there banging up ukraine is this. that is part of the rob. since putin invaded crimea a year ago his popularity has sword. there is a rising tide of russian nana ligslism. he has never acknowledged putin, that he has intervened military y ally. russian soldiers have been killed this ukraine and they re trying to cover that up and apparently nemtsov was working on a report to expose that to start a public debate with about that. certainly against the wishes of the kremlin. look we know that there is a very heavy investigation going on but of course it is compromised with the speculation that those investigating it may have been involved in it. of course that s always the russian paradox in situations like this. ambassador burns, thank you very much for the insight into the politics and the dynamics there. alisyn. back to politics here at home. wisconsin governor scott walker riding high in conservative popularity polls, but he s also changing his stance on some major issues. john king will talk about it all coming up on inside politics. mcculloc . israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu just hours from speaking to a pro israel lobby group before tomorrow s controversial address to congress. relations between the u.s. and israel as strained as they have ever been as netanyahu prepares to slam the obama administration s nuclear talks with iran. the lapd is investigating the fatal shooting of a homeless man that was caught on video. this happened sunday what you re watching right now. cnn has blurred the faces of the officers involved because we don t know who was involved this this shooting yet. police say they tried to taser the man but it did not work and that he reached for an officer s gun and that s when police say they needed to fire three cops fired at him killing him. the police say they re going to review all video of the incident including officers body cams as part of their investigation. we ll stay on it. out of pl plane resting rights on its nose after skidding 60 treat offer the runway at marco island airport. it is a private jet. during landing the reverse thrusters and landing gear failed. of the nine people on board one was taken to the hospital. fortunately no serious injuries were reported. the faa is now investigating. hopefully i didn t take years off your life on that one. no i blame winter. absolutely. and now you ve said that this is why you sold the jet. occasionally this happens so i just got rid of the private jet. what was it about the luxe are ri yacht, again? i still have that one. too slow slow. had to walk too far to get down to the main deck. let s get inside politics on new day. monday morning, be a little bit more gentle to your colleagues. thank you, john. i want to ride on the yacht, though. busy monday morning. to go inside politics. jonathan martin of the new york times, peter ham bee. let s go through scott walker then and then. scott walker is the ascend ant candidate during the 2016 republican hopefuls placed second in the straw poll over the weekend. this is 2013 remember he s gearing up to run for reelection what he thinks will be a competitive reelection campaign and he s asked about the undocumented the estimated 11 million year in the united states and he s asked if they should be able to get a pass to legal status or citizenship. can you envision a world where with the right penalties and waiting periods and meet the requirements where those people to get koizship? sure. yeah. i think it makes sense. sure. i think it makes sense. that s october 2013 to the was saw daily herald. here he is on fox news sunday yesterday. my view has changed. i m flat out saying. it candidates can say it. so you ve changed from 2013. absolutely. i look at the problems we ve experienced over the last few years, i ve talked to governors on the border and people all across america and the concerns i have we need to secure the border ultimately needs to put this place a system that works. now politicians should be allowed to change their position and to his credit he doesn t try to hide it, but this 2013 he was with george w. bush and john mccain and barack obama in saying it makes sense. now he has the republican mantra border security first. it s a lot of republicans were at that place in the beginning of 2013 obviously marco rubio led the senate immigration bill this is after they got clobbered losing his pan mix in the presidential election three to one. it s just one more example of republicans boung to the actual reality of republican politics which is that you really it s very difficult to be for a bath way to citizenship in the republican primary. jeb bush god booed for saying so at c pac, but you are so write right, we were talking during the break, if it was john mccain or mitt romney they would be getting drilled by this but walker has goodwill and credit with the republican base. it seems like this is something he knows he might get a pass on. but for now, though he s going to have the scarlet achl for amnesty branded on him and he s going to have it brand on him by folks to his right, ted cruz comes to mind and he s also going to be held to account by folks like jeb bush who are going to say you were where i was a couple of years ago until it was convenient for you politically to change. so he s going to get it from both sides on this. so let s see what kind of reception he gets after a bunch of direct mail and tv spots have rained down on his head over this. and when people starting to to other issues. go back to that campaign. also back in the cane it didn t turn out to be as lows as he thought, he was running against a democratic candidate. scott walker ended up winning comfortably comfortably. scott walker says he s personally anti-abortion, but i support legislation to increase safety and to provide more information for a woman considering her options. the bill leaves the final decision to a woman and her doctor. reasonable people can disagree on this issue. bill leaves the final decision to a woman and her doctor reasonable people can days agree. again, in the interview on fox news sunday yesterday he says when he is from a policy standpoint what you might describe as pro choice he says he s doing it only because the courts require him to. we acted on the grounds that we have legally to be able to act under the supreme court s decision. we ll act that way at the federal level if we were at a position as well. but ultimately it s a life. ultimately it s her choice. legally that s what it is under the guidelines provided by the supreme court. is it me or does it sound sliek during the reelection campaign his tone is a lot softer? i remember burg that that when that ad ran it was within the last couple weeks when he was running against democrat mary burke he thought the race would be closer. i was told he thought the police was going to be very close, he was writing his own ad dripts that campaign spot was him sort of being a little afraid cautious taking that softer tone. again, now that he wins back to republican plik. he is trying to say in this campaign i fight with the unions, i stand with you, i m the next ronald reagan. if he has a few of thieves position shifts height he not be the next ronald reagan? might he be the next mitt romney. i would not go that tar. there s no question he s going to have some fodder out there that is going to be available to his opponents to challenge him. the question to me that you raised earlier is how much goodwill does this guy have? this comes a certain point because of his credentials on the fights against union that the base tunes out some of this stuff. he s not john mccain he s not bush he s one of us so he does get some of that grace. the real question looming here is how many of these they ll compile up before some questions do begin to loom. now that he is raising in the polls all of the republicans if they haven t already done this research they re working on it as we speak. right now. the wall street journal has a story that says the hillary clinton campaign is telling donors to look for a roll out sometime in april. thes she s running, we ve been waiting for the official word. let s look at her calendar. she s busy in the month of march, speech this week foundation event for the clin toll foundation u.n. en pourment principals irish hall of fame. american camp association. so he is sh busy giving some speeches. the question has been when does she say i m a candidate for president. there has been in the donor community the people say we need the signal so we can get out and raise all this money. do we believe this it s going to be april? if you talk to people around clinton and there are not just layers of them there are generations of them they have long been sort of hinting april at least for the last few months. there are people who want her to delay they don t want him h. her to take the slings and rare owes of going being an official candidate but she does need to raise money. what this story was to me also was a symptom of what i was just saying of a greater malady which is that you know this is donors or advisors or whoever getting, you know too far over their skis you know no matter how many you know they feel the need to say something and there s not a campaign out there telling them what to say. exactly. totally. it s wonderful. no matter how many you know disciplined advisors they bring hope in rob wree mook will be their campaign manager. great guy, a real professional but they re still going to have to deal with donors with loose lips and advisors and friends of the candidate. she ll say something in april, the question is is it going to be a full blown campaign announcement or is it going to be a nod to that in april. how would she only do a mod? she s been exploring for a long time. the viewers should know april isn t some random nice spring month, april also is the first month of the second quarter so she can get the maximum period of fundraising ability. you have that three-month period. when you file in three months it looks like a boom. i don t know why anybody worries about that but it is one of the old rules. peter, jonathan thanks. alisyn one of the other stories we ll keep our eye on is they have to get back into the department of homeland security funding fight, they he can tended it for one week one of the big questions is are people going to go after speaker john boehner. there s also crumbling about mitch mcconnell. we ll keep an on on all of that. i think they re trying to for tour you personally by extending it one week at a time. reporting is fun, it s knots torture. thanks, john king. the city of cleveland is triggering outrage with its response to a law tut by the family of tamir rice who was fatally shot by a cleveland police officer. why they say the boy is to blame for his own death. when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? 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[cars honking] and one day soon we ll see the last one ever. cisco is building the internet of everything for connected cities today, that will confine the traffic jam to yesterday. cisco. .tomorrow starts here. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan but it doesn t hold me back. i go through periods where it s hard to sleep at night and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-844-2424. or visit in our house, we do just about everything online. and our old internet just wasn t cutting it. so i switched us from u-verse to xfinity. they have the fastest, most reliable internet. which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. works? works. works! works? works. works. the city of cleveland sparking outrage. officials say a 12-year-old boy who was gunned down by police caused his own death. you will recall in november tamir rice was fatally shot holding a pellet gun which officers ms. took for a real firearm. disturbing video shows the shooting occurred within two seconds of police arriving on scene. tamir rice s grandmother joins us this morning at her side attorney for the rice family walter madison. good morning to the two of you. good morning. good morning. ms. haldretta i want to begin with you and ask how you are doing and how the family is is doing. we re doing as well as expected. i want to ask you tell us a little bit about your grandson tamir. we see the picture of him. he was a 12-year-old who had quite a smile and i have a sense that he might have taken that from you. yes. he was a wonderful child. i loved tamir. he would come over and we would play we would go to the park. we would do a lot of things together but he was just an average child. i can imagine that that park is not somewhere that holds fond memories for you anymore. no. no. ms. mildretta, what do you make of the city of cleveland saying that tamir is the cause of his own death? what do you make of that? the statement, injuries were directly and proximately caused by the failure of tahir to exercise due care to avoid injury. a 12-year-old child essentially responsible for his own death. what do you make of that? i am very disappointed that they are blaming tamir for his own death instead of them taking responsibility for killing him. what would you like them to do? i would like for them to hold up to their responsibility. does it make sense to you that he caused his own death, ms. mildretta? no, no he did not cause his own death. if he was any threat to anyone out there one of them kids would have went out there and told their parents. did your granddaughter see what all was happening before that before the shooting? no. she was in the restroom. she was in the restroom. walter let s talk about that because we see this video, i think we played it over and over here we ve seen it i think it s been shocking to so many people to see how this all played out. he is seen wandering and then when police finally arrive on scene in a matter of seconds they open fire. there was it seems to us at first blush that it wasn t a reasonable amount of time to then place the blame on the child for causing his death. well it s just outright outrageous. and the discussion assumes that this person should have been a police officer in the first place. however, taking the situation as it is, there s 1.7 seconds and there s no indication that this officer or these officers even gave the child the opportunity to comply. and he shot and, you know and then the behavior you know we can t look into the minds of people but we can judge what they re thinking by their behavior. how concerned are you about the overall practices of the cleveland police tept. there was a federal investigation that was conducted prior to tamir s death, the justice department pointed to excessive use of force by the cleveland police officers failure to follow proper police procedures to prevent crossing the line. obviously there was concern on a federal level. did you and other people in the community have their own concerns? there is there s grave concern in the community and there has been that concern for a number of years. unfortunately it takes situations such as the death of a 12-year-old child for the world to now turn their attention and the federal government to the division of police in the city of cleveland. it s unacceptable it is reaching epidemic proportions across the country and now the nation is focusing on cleveland to see what they will do to try to rectify this police brutality. it s horrifying to so many that a 12-year-old would be the face of the the current face of that situation. about the ongoing discussion about police actions in our community across america. ms. mildretta i m curious are you getting support from your community, from your church? is the family feeling as though they re rallied around? yes. the support has been tremendous. you know you can t ask for more and as you just mentioned, a 12-year-old is now the face of this this issue and i think that the situation has just reduced itself to just that. it s that it s that far out of hand that now 12-year-old children are the victims of police brutality and excessive force. we know that there is still an ongoing criminal investigation, we also know there s a civil suit against the city of cleveland. we understand that there are still hopes for your family that you will receive a measure of justice for your grandson. piz mildretta, warner davis, walter madison, thanks so much for joining us here on new day. our best to the family. thank you. thank you. all right. chris. michaela the or axle of omaha is offering sage advice that he we have warren buffet s biggest stock tips for you coming up. me people are shocked when we show them where they re getting the acid and what those acids can do to the enamel. there s only so much enamel on a tooth, and everybody needs to do something about it now if they want to preserve their teeth. i recommend pronamel because it helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. we want to be healthy and strong through the course of our life and by using pronamel every day, just simply using it as your toothpaste, you know you will have that peace of mind. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit don t let non-24 get in the way of your pursuit of happiness. normally people wear pants. yeah that s why i m hiding captain obvious. not very well. i found you immediately. you know what else is easy to find? 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works. works! works? works. works. the tension may be at its worst right now. it s clear the president and the prime minister don t have a relationship. if anybody should bear the blame for this i would start looking at the speaker. people scared to death the president is running the country right off the cliff. they are now failing at this most basic test. john boehner has turned this most prestigious venue into a political setting. they came out with a gun and shot him five times. they always shoot to kill. that man is dead now! this is new day. good morning. welcome to your new day, monday march second. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is in washington to address the threat posed by iran and rally against any deal with iran as being pushed for by president obama. the stakes are high at home and abroad. the tension could not be higher. the prime minister taking a big political risk by coming here. the white house did not invite him and israelis decide in two weeks whether to elect him. the story begins with cnn correspondent, jim acosta. what s the latest. reporter: the white house is offering an icy welcome to benjamin netanyahu in washington to warn the world the negotiations with iran will backfire and spokes to the pro israel lobby aipac and will peek to the white house tomorrow. top security advisor susan rice and samantha power will address a aipac. and says it was destructive but boehner says it is the white house making matters worse. they certainly made it worse over the last five or six weeks. the threat coming from iran iranians having a nuclear weapon is a threat to the region and the united states and threat to the rest of the world. this is a serious issue. we re not going to resolve this issue by sticking our heads in the sand. the prime minister can talk about this threat i believe, better than any. reporter: white house officials insist they want to emphasize the strengths of the u.s.- u.s.-israeli relationships this week but there are hard feelings. one senior administration official says the prime minister is turning this week into something of a circus putting himself at the center of attention. the president will not be sitting down with prime minister netanyahu because the elections are around the corner and one said don t even expect a phone call. you can cut the tension with a knife. what will the prime minister say to congress? our global affairs correspondent has been traveling with benjamin netanyahu. reporter: alisyn tomorrow the prime minister will lay out the deal as he understands it. the israelis have enough information on the deal enough to conclude it is a bad deal for israel and they say to the u.s. and the world. netanyahu doesn t believe congress has been fully informed on the negotiations and hoping this speech will raise questions and will urge congress to pressure the white house to push back that march 24th deadline for a political framework. the prime minister s aids say israel is not against any deal at all but there are too many compromises in this deal to let iran create a nuclear weapon down the line. he will provide a speech today to aipac to lower the temperature, saying how important it is the relationship between the u.s. and israel. it s always been bipartisan and it should remain so. you can see the obama administration also turning it down. secretary of state john kerry saying yesterday timing is bad but the prime minister is still welcome in d.c. i think the white house realizes this bickering place as to much focus on the speech. they want to take the winds out of the sails of the prime minister as these nuclear talks start in geneva this week. at least we have the talks and the politics surrounding them. let s bring in aaron david miller who served as administrator in republican and democratic administration ss and at least six presidents relied on his advice. thank you for joining us. the big political question surrounding this event, the key word event how does this play with audiences? we have new polling. who disapproves what s going on here? do you disapprove? yes, i do. 48%. no 30%, i don t know 22%. let s break this down by party. it does feel like a partisan ruse on some level. let s put that number up. do you disapprove of netanyahu? do you approve is what it should say. i will not give misinformation to the american people. you can see the republicans are much better with it than democrats. do you believe that the political trouble here is largely partisan and b.b. is just an extension of that now? that s certainly the case. one of the reasons we re having this discussion for the first time in the obama administration you have a republican controlled congress and determined to put its stamp on american foreign policy. the one issue they really do align themselves in a very con gruous fashion is the fear threat and uncertainty surrounding any kind of deal with the mullahs in tehran. on that score, there s no question. the other reality is netanyahu s poll numbers here are one thing. his paloll numbers back home on where the issue of where netanyahu stands on iran are pretty much in his favor. we re two weeks away from an israeli election. the problem is presenting a case you have a lot of broken crock errey right now. severe tensions with the administration. partisanship injected into what has traditionally been a bipartisan relationship. i think the prime minister has handed the obama administration an effort to unmistakably send a signal to the people of israel that they prefer someone else handling the israeli peace of the u.s.-israeli relationship. let me throw out something and you tell me what the truth is netanyahu is only here to secure his race at home and the white house is not meeting him because the white house never gets involved in israel politics. this is as bad as it has ever been between the u.s. and israel israel. do you buy this hype? from the 70s to present, under democratic and republican relationships, the relationship maturely evolved, i think this is probably with the exception of bush-baker and loan guarantees this is probably the worst it s been at the top level. there is the institutional relationship and then there s this dysfunction between this odd couple in the white house and jerusalem. the white house doesn t get involved in politics? i worked for half a dozen secretaries of state and r and d administrations. let s be clear. the presidents and secretaries of state have their favorites. if you ask president obama or john kerry right now, would they prefer netanyahu s rival essentially become the prime minister i think their answer would be yes. sometimes they re able to promote that as bill clinton did host g hosting simone perez in 1996 in the white house a month before his runoff with netanyahu. no. we intercede in politics and they most assuredly intercede in ours. netanyahu is here to help himself in politics and not iran. iran has been beating the drum a long time. i had both the late rabin and netanyahu tell me personally using almost the same language the following. don t try to lecture or micromanage our security requirements. you live in chevy chase, maryland. we live in a very dangerous neighborhood. i think there s a lot of conviction here. there are no good deals with iran chris, only deals that provide varying risks and uncertainty uncertainties. benjamin netanyahu is against most of them. at the end of the day, aren t there two pro-situations at the end of the hype. prop po situations at the end of the height. you try to cut a deal that limits what is inevitable. say whatever you want israel is the only ally in that region that arguably shares not usc interest but also largely u.s. values. u.s. interests. there s no question about it. that s why. despite the delight and glee among israel s adversaries that would like to see this relationship get a lot worse. i made this comment before not to trivialize it. unlike lehman brothers it really is too big to fail. you have two factors including the one we just alluded to we are watching the middle east meltdown and all the gallup polls suggest we will create a lot of resilience and durability for this relationship despite the dysfunction at the top. not to say there aren t issues with the settlement of the west bank across the board they wind up the best ally and probably remains that ally. aaron david miller thanks as always to help us understand the situation a little better. always a pleasure. while netanyahu is in washington trying to stop that deal with iran secretary of state john kerry is in switzerland pushing for a deal. jim sciutto joins us live from switzerland with more. what s the latest jim? reporter: for all that drama, all the acrimony back in washington here in switzerland where the talks are taking place, they re accelerating. this is meant to be a meeting at a much lower level, political director level. now you have secretary of state john kerry here and his iranian counterpart in switzerland as well. they re not just going to meet multiple times, meeting through wednesday. they wouldn t do that if they didn t have something to talk about. you are hearing from other state department officials and administration officials, what is in fact a prebuttal to the speech in washington saying he doesn t know what the deal is on the table and many facts are wrong and been wrong before the interim agreement in place since november 2013 has held back iran s nuclear program in a way not done for ten years before that. all that said still a long way to go here. a deadline the end of this month for general political framework and in june while gaps are narrowing, both sides telling me that. iranians and u.s. officials have a long way to go. as the speeches take place tomorrow in washington negotiates here say they won t be listening. jim, thank you for that. now, to the political upheaveal over funding homeland security. five more days until the money runs dry. dhs already passing a clean funding deal. if speaker boehner allows the same thing to happen in the house, many believe his days as speaker are numbered. politico headlines, john boehner s big week. i think they put it well. they did. we were reporting friday night as the chaos was erupt inging about whether or not the department was going to shut down at that moment the big question among boehner allies they were telling me the reason he took to it the wire was they were concerned his conservative opponents, those very much for sticking to their principles and not giving in on not allowing the department to be funded without also stopping the president s immigration plan they would make a move on him. i talked to one of the leading conservative house members, jim jordan on state of the union yesterday and asked him that question. he said we re not going to go there. there. we re just going to follow the process. reporter: have you been in any conversations about trying to get rid of speaker john boehner? that s not the point. reporter: have you? that s not the point. we will do what we told the voters we will do consistent with the united states constitution and fundamental fairness the only court to rule on this do it in a way consistent with the federal judge s decision. he pretty much laid it out in a couple other questions, no pretty obvious he didn t want to go there on the issue of john boehner and his leadership. as we go forward this week the big question is how quickly is john boehner going to allow that clean bill to fully fund the department of security to pass the house and what matchchinations will he have to go through? clearly his conservative right flank are still very upset they can t get through this issue, which is using the power of the purse to stop the president, which they feel very strongly about. thanks so much for sharing that interview with us. news out of egypt. reuters report inging audio difficulty the blast reportedly going off near the building s main gate. it s unclear if any was killed. more details as they become available. north korea firing two short range missiles into the sea. the act coinciding with south korea start ging military exercises. pyongyang said it would bring the divided peninsula toward the brink of war. you remember the texas nurse who survived ebola? she is suing the hospital where she survived the virus. she is suing for negligence and invasion of privacy. her lawyers say the presbyterian officials in dallas failed to give her information and provided personal information to rebuild its image. there was a group who said they hasn t been trained properly during that time. sometimes a lawsuit brings light and change. we ll see what happens. meanwhile a disturbings police shooting caught on video, a robbery suspect caught on camera. shots fired. is this a case of excessive force. and major politicians including the man on your screen george w. bush no longer welcome in venezuela. why is venezuela banning top u.s. conservatives? the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful? what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. i already feel like we re the most connected but i think this solo date will seal the deal. sure! i offer multi-car, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think i m a big deal. and boy, are they right. ladies, i can share hundreds in savings with all of you! just visit today. but right now, it s choosing time. ooh! we have a winner. all: what? [chuckles] he s supposed to pick one of us. this is a joke, right? that was the whole point of us being here. a fatal shooting caught on camera in los angeles. a homeless man suspected of robbery resisted arrest and tried to reach for an officer s gun and that s when the fatal shots were fired. was the use of force excessive or appropriate. we welcome in cnn legal analyst mr. jeffrey toobin and on his left danny. hope you re ready to to.go. this is a conversation that deserves our attention. at first blush, there will be people that say was this excessive or appropriate? what s your first take? it s disturbing and merits investigation. it s not entirely clear what happened here. not clear who shot how many shots were fired. what the victim did to provoke this shooting but another unarmed african-american killed by police on video like in staten island and will call for disturbing associations but people need to reserve judgment. jeff brings up a great point. there s a lot we don t know leading up to the moments. we see this video gone viral on facebook but we don t know what precede ed to preceded to this. there were several officers involved and only several used their weapons and we re obscuring all the officers face esand one of the officers reportedly wearing a body camera. the critical issue here is gun grabs and weapon detention. typically officers are trained in you meet force with appropriate force. gun grabs are an interesting thing changes the scenario. in an instant a non-lethal situation can be escalated with a gun grab. why? when you reach for an officer s firearm, get it out of his retention retention holster, the situation is now from a non-deadly situation to an armed suspect. the officer hasn t had an opportunity to keep his distance. you ve already closed distance and now a lethal force situation. the issue of gun grabs and retention training will be critical here all true if there was a gun grab. it is key, correct? if you can see it. i have watched this several times we know there was surveillance video and body cam on the officers. yes. that should give us other points of view. correct. if it all came out, successfully reported. the video we have all seen now as far as i m concerned, appears pretty ambiguous about what started the confrontation. we have heard about a supposed gun grab. based on what you see there, you cannot tell if there is or is not a gun grab. another thing that highlights to me look at the location this took place, l.a. skid row, a population that deals with mental health issues and drug and alcohol abuse. we also know i know for a fact lapd have done a lot, made efforts to work on community policing in those specific areas. will mental health come into this do you think? it will in that the officers knew the suspect they were dealing with somebody they understood may have had mental health issues. if they had any knowledge beforehand that will come into play. as i said before when it comes to the situation of a gun grab if there was a gun grab officers are thinking more about he s going for my firearm and less about what mental health issues this suspect may have. it will come down to whether or not this was in fact a gun grab. is there a specific propertytocol for gun grab or are they trained? officers are trained to deal with gun grabs themselves. one of the goals always the goals for police officer is try to de-escalate situation ss so you are not wrestling with someone on the ground and don t have the possibility of a gun grab. there s a lot we don t know about this confrontation except this man is dead. you lived and reported in l.a. you know skid row is a very identifiable place where police have long experience. it certainly seems perhaps a de escalation would have been a better scenario than what happened. again, it is early on in this. it happened yesterday. the investigation is not even at full steam at this point. they re collecting evidence. there s a lot to look ratat. what is your biggest concern? what does the video show and not only the video, what do his brother officers say about what happened? they will all be giving statements. to the point there s inconsistencies, that can be problematic. if they re inconsistent and all said they saw it even if the video doesn t show it that might go a long way. too early to tell. what does it mean for the community. this is the rodney king police department. there is history here the o.j. simpson police department. we ll be having that kind of discussion going forward. nice to have you this morning. former president george w. bush a terrorist? you have to consider the source. that s what venezuela s president is calling president bush and a slew of other conservative politicians as well. he s banning them from the country. what else is he trying to do to the u.s.? we ll tell you. s few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don t tough it out knock it out, fast. with abreva. most of the products we all buy are transported on container ships. before a truck delivers it to your store, a container ship delivered it to that truck. here in san diego, we re building the first one ever to run on natural gas. ships this big running this clean will be much better for the environment. we re proud to be a part of that. when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? great proposal! let s talk more over golf! great. better yet, how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! your 2 0 clock is here. oops, hold your horses. no problem. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you ll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at laquinta! nobody told us to expect it. intercourse that s painful due to menopausal changes it s not likely to go away on its own. so let s do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don t use it if you ve had unusual bleeding breast or uterine cancer blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you re pregnant. side effects may include headache pelvic pain, breast pain vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. why would a world leader call former president george w. bush and former vice president dick cheney terrorists? that s what the venezuela president is calling them and he has barred the duo and several conservative congressman from traveling to that country. shasta is in miami breaking it all down for us. what do we know? reporter: a number of bizarre announcements over the weekend where the president not only banned these alleged terrorists from entering venezuela but also said an unspecified number of americans had been arrested for espionage and recruitment, including a pilot of latin-american origin. we still don t know their names or how many they were. he also said all americans will now require visas to get into venezuela and the u.s. consulate in cur has to scale back. this appears to be a tactic to de divert attention from the very real problems in venezuela talking about mahis own approval rating at below 25% and people are taking to the streets and we ve heard him repeatedly over the last few weeks, blame the united states for a conspiracy to overthrow his government and even arrested opposition leaders accusing them of conspiring with the united states. the question is whether this will work and help him galvanize support. back to you. here we go with the five things you need to know. israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu is in washington for a controversial address tomorrow to congress about the nuclear threat. number two, all sensationsanctions must be lifted against iran for there to be a deal. john kerry will meet later today. and this confrontation captured on video by a bystander in downtown l.a. tens of thousands gather for a rally supposed to be led by opposition leader boris nemtsov. he was gunned down friday and the u.s. says he was about to release information damageing to damaging. tens of thousands of troops using fighter jets helicopters and artillery are attacking strongholds. be sure to visit new day at for the latest. gunned down within walking distance of putin s office. his name boris nemtsov. what did he know and is that why he was killed? t is tful? what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do. my name is bret hembree. i am an electric crew foreman out of the cupertino service center. i was born and raised in the cupertino area. it s a fantastic area to work. the new technology that we are installing out in the field is important for the customers because system reliability i believe is number one. pg&e is always trying to plan for the future and we are always trying to build something stronger and bigger and more reliable. i love living here and i love the community i serve. nobody wants to be without power. i don t want my family to be without power. it s much more personal to me for that reason. i don t think there s any place i really would rather be. welcome back to new day. tens of thousands of people turning out to pay respects to one of president putin s critics, boris nemtsov killed a few days before he was set to criticize russia in ukraine. we get to matthew live in moscow. reporter: astonishing scenes we re witnessing in moscow in the past couple of days after the assassination friday night of boris nemtsov, just over this bridge. that s the red square behind united states. these are the walls of the kremlin and a short distance behind us the office of vladimir putin himself. it shows how close this killing was to the center of power in this country. you see the flowers, ordinary russians paying respects to boris nemtsov. and hour by hour it continues with more people laying more messages and expressing their sympathy. they re shocked. even though boris nemtsov was a fringe figure in russian politics. an opposition figure wasn t at the center of politics people are astonished someone like him could have been assassinated within a stone s throw, within a shadow of the walls of the kremlin. sends a very potent message again. appreciate it. to talk about nimtemtsov we talk to a reporter. and we have a fascinating interview with his girlfriend s mother. translator: nemtsov suggested getting a taxi but she wanted to walk on the bridge. she heard a noise and he fell on the ground. she didn t see how it happened and he fell on the ground and moreover they shot him in the back. hard to figure out if she will be a good witness to figure out what happened. if it s just a stranger or masked hard to figure out who this gunman is. i think we know who ultimately was responsible for doing this. you do? you feel strongly it is putin behind this? putin tells us he is personally going to lead this investigation. this is like al capone offering to do a tax audit on his own accounts. the reason boreis nemtsov is a marginal figure. he was deputy prime minister of russia. he stayed a critic. a lot of other people were bought off, cowed, submitted, a bunch of democratic type critics in the yeltsin era bought off, intimidated into silence. nemtsov was a very brave man that decided not to do it. i had him on my program. he was remarkable and even then you could tell it took enormous kowrblg to courage to do what he was doing. on the other side he was around a long time and he could have been taken out for a long time. this happened right in the red square very embarrassing for putin. and the optics that he wanted to get rid of putin. putin is wildly popular in russia even though he s in ukraine. why would he have done this? a good question. i point out putin is wildly popular at home because he system systematically gets rid of any opposition figure shuts down any media organization that criticizes him. taken over control. remember russia once had a free television media it no longer has. nemtsov was criticizing the one issue putin cares deeply about right now, ukraine. the only major political figure criticizing putin on ukraine. i think it s more likely what this represents putin has created a gang of vigilantes and outlaws in the system somebody decided it would serve the master well and powers well-to-do it. remember that great line in english history, henry the 2nd will somebody rid me of this meddle meddlesome priest and people go out and murd ther archbishop of canterbury. let me ask you, what do you think of the tens of thousands of people taking to the street. not hundreds thousands of people marching in silence and frustration and anxiety. i would like to believe that. it certainly shows a great deal of angst and despair where russia is heading. but this is in the big cities not clear it s representing the country. not the first time. putin s strategy is there are people that don t like me and allows newspapers and magazines to run. and his tv blankets the entire country, a running documentary on the virtues of putin and to the point chris was making he has been pretty good on economics until recently and he s very good on nationalism. he knows how to press those buttons. you just returned from jordan and sat down with king abdullah and talked about radical islam. let s play a portion of your interview. sunni islam is 1.5 billion muslims. they represent only 1%. out of that maybe 200 to 500 500,000 of these people are actually jihadists, these are the crazies of this element. to label islam under the term of extremists and moderates is completely wrong. making the comparison they re extremist muslims is working exactly what these people want. what does he suggest calling it. he means outlaws or renegades of islam. he wants to convey the idea these are people operating in a fringe area where they are using some interpretations and are using some texts but that it s really marginal. he really wants to flip the way people think of it and say we are mainstream people law abiding go about our business we are the majority. there s this crazy sect out there doing this stuff. is that tactic or truth? it s clearly truth when you think of the vast majority of people indonesia, the largest muslim country in the world. 300 million muslims. most are ordinary people going about their business. a tactic is look there is this problem and not enough people willing to condemn interest. it s got much better in the last year or two. the real sin of the world of islam is not a sin of comission as much as omission. there needs to be much more continuous condemnation. you need a lot more people like the king of jordan. why haven t we seen the king of saudi arabia foreign minister of saudi arabia do the same kind of interview. every time this thing happens, these guys shoot press statements. why not say this is not islam. do what the king of jordan did. fareed great to see you. another issue with u.s.-israel issues not going well right now before the israel prime minister came forward to bash the relationship between the u.s. and iran. is this just to bash the president or is there a real division between the two countries. i m going to focus on the heart. i minimize my sodium and fat. gotta keep it lean and mean. pear: uh-oh. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium. and phytosterols, which may help lower cholesterol. major: i m feeling energized already. new delicious ensure active heart health supports your heart and body, so you stay active and strong. ensure. take life in. you just got a big bump in miles. so this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. sound good? 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frankly, alison because he has as little leverage a speaker has had in my recent memory. let s remember before this there were earmark, there were ways for a speaker to reward and punish those who didn t vote for him and didn t align. this time john boehner is going blind. we have no earmarks anymore. i think he also has an entire new class of folks that have come in that may not come from the legislative body in their state, that don t have the legislative history and experience. it s a very hard thing for him. i think he has the most thankless and hardest job in washington right now. you smile wide with what s going on with boehner right now. are the democrats missing an opportunity? are you gloating at see, they re not getting it done instead of finding a way to work with them. harry reid has been no friend to this process, true? i disagree for the following reasons. the reason we are at this place because it was the republicans who decided last fall to tie the executive order to the funding of the department of homeland security. well they execute what the president puts in place. they could have pursued a legal strategy that gave them an out last week. the judge s ruling in texas gave them an out. we will pursue the legal security but won t endanger the security of the united states of america. i agree with anna speaker boehner has the toughest job in washington. what we re seeing is the republicans told the american people give us control of both chambers of congress we will get things done get to jobs and the economy. instead, what i think it s laid bare is the fractures within the republican party. the democrats are not the problem here. the problem they can t get an agreement among republicans. does speaker boehner survive this? oh gosh alisyn. if we had a dollar for every time there s been a threat against boehner s authority and boehner s speakership we could go out and have a nice round of drinks tonight. this is what happens. every few months we get the same rumor boehner is about to be ousted and this will happen and he survives. at the end of the day, he s a very savvy operator and has a critical mass of people that support him. the conservative caucus against him is very divided and a lot of fractions. they can t get their act together and boehner ends up surviving. put it out as another chapter in the boehner ousting book. january, it was too soon feb, it was too soon. now, we re in march, is it an appropriate time to look what republicans said and say they have not been able to deliver what they promised in the last election. they ve been able to deliver on a lot. this dhs thing has been ridiculous and unseemly. they ve been able to pass the keystone act. keystone able a lot of bills that have made it through congress amazingly that have even gotten when it comes to the able act passed a couple of weeks ago have been signed by the president. there have been things. it s just we don t pay attention to the things that pass. we talk about this melodrama i tell you is ridiculous the way the republicans have brought it on unseemly. the american public is tired of this weekly telenovella and shutdown showdown every other week. not a way to conduct themselves and they have to get their act together. they can t bring something on the floor and not have the votes. that was a good mellow drama or telenovella. to benjamin netanyahu s visit tomorrow how should the white house be handling this? i think we should be clear. there s two points. another sign of the weakness of john boehner as speaker of the house. he decided to extend this invitation in part to apiece that very right wing base of his party, to show he would stand up to president obama. instead, it s playing politics with one of our most important relationships. with the safety and security again of this process. i think the white house has tried to tread very carefully. what s interesting to note last night right here on cnn, at least reported that the prime minister netanyahu has actually started to soften his rhetoric a little bit. it will be interesting to see what he actually says in his speech tomorrow and i think you will see a reaction appropriate accordingly from the white house. why didn t the white house throw their arms around benjamin netanyahu when they knew he was coming instead of feeling slighted. why not take the high road. if i said the republicans look ridiculous with this dhs funding, the white house looks ridiculous with this benjamin netanyahu thing. they have been throwing a tantrum going on six or seven weeks. i don t know why they didn t ignore it so the president is not going to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and move on. wait. there are legitimate concerns. you said the white house has treaded carefully. if this is what you call treading carefully it is a bull in a china shop. we have susan rice we know misspeaks at times and regurgitates any talking point put in front of her. they re being destructive- they are being what is destructive is funding just a moment. you can respond. in terms of netanyahu s speech there are legitimate concerns. you have secretary kerry as we are talking trying to cut this deal and republicans are essentially undercutting his leverage by showing fracturing in the united states. if they were legitimately concerned what the prime minister had to say, they could have had a private discussion with him instead of publicly bringing out into the open a disagreement about undermining legitimacy of president obama. this has nothing to do with the real facts. karen, anna thanks for the debate. it will be an interesting 24 hours on capitol hill. thanks so much ladies. did you know sometimes good deeds go noticed. we will tell you about the deed and what was done for the guy who did it coming up on the good stuff. and what those acids can do to the enamel. there s only so much enamel on a tooth, and everybody needs to do something about it now if they want to preserve their teeth. i recommend pronamel because it helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. we want to be healthy and strong through the course of our life and by using pronamel every day, just simply using it as your toothpaste, you know you will have that peace of mind. denver international is one of the busiest airports in the country. we operate just like a city and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal generating electricity on-site and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we re very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment. at mfs, we believe in the power of active management. every day, our teams collaborate around the world to actively uncover, discuss and debate investment opportunities. which leads to better decisions for our clients. it s a uniquely collaborative approach you won t find anywhere else. put our global active management expertise to work for you. mfs. there is no expertise without collaboration. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? 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Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , West-bank , Australia , Chad , China , Erbil , Liwa-irbil , Iraq , San-diego , California

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20130218

it. she did. she s beautiful. when have you ever said that about any guy at nascar ever? come on. other than what i ve learned about coyote urine this morning. granulated. i would say that we re discussing immigration. that ad on gun control, what a difference a re-election makes. these are issues we have not talked about for years, and now they re front and center in our national debate. big thing is front and center, but what happens down the road? looking a year or two years out, do we actually resolve something? when you re out of the discussion, you know what s going to happen, nothing. now that they re in discussion, at least you have the possibility of something that will. i buy that. we re going to see you back here tomorrow for starting point. cnn newsroom with carol costello begins now. happening now, breaking overnight, investigators releasing new details about what happened that valentine s day at oscar pistorius house. his family this morning breaking their silence. we have no doubt here there s no substance for the allegations. plus shock in the music world. country star mindy mccready committing suicide. tragedy striking her family twice in just weeks. she had children with a boyfriend who ended up killing himself a few weeks ago. also, pain at the pump. gas up, way up. find out what s behind the rise. plus not the boys club anymore. danica patrick, the superstar on the speedway breaking records. you can do anything you want to do, and gender doesn t matter. can abouting tbecoming the f nascar history to capture the pole position. i love that to go beyond racing in general, just to kind of break gender barriers. newsroom starts now. good morning. thank you so much for joining me. i m carol costello. family, friends, and fans are mourning the death of country music star mindy mccready today. the 37-year-old singer was found dead on the front porch of her arkansas home from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. mccready s music made her famous, but in recent years, she became more known for her struggle with addiction, mental illness, and run-ins with the law. if you re not familiar with mccready s music, here s her number one hit from 1996. guys do it all the time mccready appeared on the today show last month after her boyfriend died of an apparent suicide. just starting screaming, calling 911. i laid down next to him. i just pleaded with him not to die. nischelle turner is in los angeles. sadly, people expected this kind of thing to happen. carol, she did lead a troubled life. she had made suicide attempts in the past. mindy mccready s roller coaster life may have included stardom. it also included trips to rehab, arrest, and domestic abuse before ultimately ending on that same front porch where her boyfriend died. since his death, she had been seeking some help, according to hln s dr. drew, who she met while appearing on celebrity rehab. she actually checked herself into a psychiatric facility for a short time after his death. what may be the saddest part of this whole tragedy, she leaves behind two kids who are now without their mother, two sons, 6 years old and 10 months old, carol. god, no. oh, my god, no. he was my life. we were each other s life. do you 100% believe that david killed himself? i don t know. do you think he could have been murdered? i don t know. you have been through so much pain and heart ache in your life, and honestly, your life almost plays like a country music song. i just keep telling myself that the more suffering that i go through, that the greater character i ll have. now, that was an interview that she did on nbc about a month ago. there she was answering questions about his death. the sheriff s department has never named mindy a suspect in this. they do say they are continuing the investigation into his death, carol. nischelle turner reporting live from los angeles this morning. new details in the death of oscar pistorius s girlfriend. a south african official telling cnn reeva steenkamp was shot four times through the bathroom door and that pistorius carried steenkamp downstairs while she was still alive. these questions emerge as a reality tv show with steenkamp emerged. reporter: just days after being shot and killed at the home of her boyfriend, olympian oscar pistorius, reeva steenkamp appeared on south african television. you fall in love with being in love. reporter: this is how her beach adventure reality show began on saturday. while veeva s television debut aired, her boyfriend, double amputee and olympic athlete oscar pistorius, spent the weekend in this jail. prosecutors plan to charge pistorius with her murder, a charge strongly rejected by pistorius and his family. this is his uncle flanked by his sister, who struggles to keep herself together as they make a brief statement to the media. as you can imagine, our entire family is devastated. we are in a state of total shock. they had plans together, and oscar was happy in his private life than i ve seen him in a long time. reporter: investigators who have been combing through his house in this high security complex are starting to piece together what they think happened early on valentine s day. cnn has been told and local media is reporting that police believe pistorius shot steenkamp four times through a closed bathroom door and then carried her downstairs, where she died. neighbors told police they heard shouting before the shooting, but there s still no solid explanation as to why he might have shot her. pistorius appears in court on tuesday for his bail hearing. he hasn t entered a plea yet. while pistorius is in court, reeva s family say there will be a memorial service for her on tuesday. still south africans will be able to watch her beach adventures on the reality show which airs for another nine weeks. producers released this final message from her, meant to be to the cast, but which now becomes her last words, her last good-bye. i take home with me so many amazing memories and things that are in here that i ll treasure forever. i m going to miss you all so much. i love you very, very much. so eerie. robin curnow joins us now. we hear pistorius may have feared someone breaking into the house and that s what happened. were there signs that reeva had planned to stay for the night? reporter: just to go back to that, i ve heard that last message from her over and over again in the last 24 hours, and it still gives me the chills. it s just so sad, isn t it? but in terms of what she was planning to do that night, it seems, according to an official close to the investigation, that she was going to be at her boyfriend s house spending the night. they ve apparently foupd her overnight bag as well as her ipad in the room. so that in a way does sort of change that initial speculation that oscar had been surprised. perhaps she had snuck in for a valentine s surprise, and that s why he had shot her. it was a terrible mistake. she still don t know what the details are, what the context is. why shoot somebody through a closed bathroom door? still no real understanding of the motive behind that. i think it s this confusion and the sense of unanswered questions that have not just the families concerned but also many south africans. oscar was such a hero here. many people still grappling to come to terms with that very simple question. why? robyn curnow reporting live from south africa. an idaho man out of a job this morning after being accused of slapping a crying toddler and using a racial slur while aboard a delta flight. joe ricky hundley charged with assaulting a minor after the february 8th flight. on sunday, the idaho aerospace defense company where he worked says he is no longer employed. reporter: jonah bennett is 19 months old, and a curious, ordinary toddler. but what allegedly happened on a february 8th flight from minneapolis was far from ordinary. jessica bennett says she and her president doed son were on delta flight 721 to atlanta in seat 28b. next to them in seat 28a was this man, joe ricky hundley of hayden, idaho. he was just being rude and belligerent, and i felt very uncomfortable. reporter: she says she even left her seat and stood in the back of the plane holding jonah for much of the flight. but she had to sit back down for landing in atlanta. because of the altitude change, jonah was uncomfortable and crying. then it got ugly. i was having trouble comforting him, and that s when the guy had made his comment to me. reporter: court documents say hundley allegedly told jessica to, quote, shut that n word baby up. i could not believe that he would say something like that. so a baby or about a baby. reporter: then hundley allegedly slapped jonah, hitting him in the eye. and then to hit him was just i felt like i was in another world. i was shaking. reporter: according to the criminal complaint, fellow passengers came to her aid. cnn reached out to hundley, who has been charged with assaulting a minor. he declined to comment and asked us to talk to his attorney. hundley s attorney urged the public not to rush to judgment and referred us to comments she made to the minneapolis star-tribune, where she said her client will plead not guilty and hopefully this situation can be resolved. delta says it s cooperating with investigators and that the plane landed safely. all right. well, hundley s employer has now weighed in. they fired him yesterday and said through a statement, reports of hundley s behavior while on personal travel was offensive and disturbing. he worked at agc aerospace and defense. the company supplies technology and other services to the military and to businesses. carol? renee marsh reporting live from washington this morning. police in the chicago area are questioning two people in the murder of jenae mcfarland. the 18-year-old was killed on friday just hours after her sister sat behind president obama during his speech about gun control. mcfarland was walking with friends in a chicago suburb shortly before midnight when she was shot. all this gun violence going on out here, you never think it will be your child. this is the hardest thing for me in my life. i felt like somebody took a knife and stabbed me in the heart and took a piece of my heart that i will never, ever in my life get back. so far, no charges have been filed. new details this morning on the pope s declining health. pope benedict xvi may be blind in his left eye. that s according to a german journalist who s interviewed the pope several times, most recently in december. he tells the newspaper that the pope s hearing has also faded. and he said that the pope was so thin, tailors struggle to keep him in his clothes. the pope cited his poor health in the decision to leave the papacy on february 28. you might see even higher prices at the gas pumps this morning. just a day after environmentalists marched to the white house, urging president obama to take more action on climate change. and to do that, he must kill the extension of the keystone pipeline. keystone xl is a dirty and dangerous pipeline. it s literally going to cut our country in half carrying a very dangerous fuel, and it will cause runaway climate change. alison kosik at the new york stock exchange you re in new york, not at the stock exchange. i recognize the difference in the background. good for you. let s talk about gas prices. it s kind of a miystery why the keep on rising. if you ve gone to the gas station the last couple of days, you know that prices are higher and they re expected to go even higher and peak in the early spring. the good news is analysts we talked to as well as aaa, they say don t expect the price of a gallon of regular to top the peak of $3.94 a gallon. that s good news. it is kind of like we ve been here before because these higher gas prices are typical this time of year. the refineries are switching to that cleaner summer fuel, and it stretches supply. but demand is expected to increase not just here in the u.s., but globally because of a better outlook for the global economy. the price of oil has been modestly higher since the beginning of the year. you don t need me to tell you that. the good news is it has been relatively stable since the summer, carol. you haven t seen the real crazy spikes that we ve seen over the years. carol? alison kosik reporting live from new york this morning. move over, guys. danica patrick in the top spot. patrick won the pole position for the daytona 500, becoming the first woman to win a pole at any nascar top division race. she later spoke with cnn s don lemon, who asked her, if she could comprehend that she made history. i that i that understanding the scope of what that means and what that will end up meaning, or if any, is something that happens down the road. in the moment, it s about thinking about what i need to do for next sunday and trying to make some more history. i love that to go beyond racing in general, i mean, just to kind of break gender barriers, i feel that one of the coolest things is to be able to think that parents and their kids are having that conversation at home about it. and to i ve heard stories about a kid, boy or girl, saying, but, mommy, daddy, that s a girl that s out there racing, and then they can have that conversation to say, you can do anything you want to do, and gender doesn t matter. your passion is what matters. that s cool. that is cool. janet guthrie was actually the first woman to compete in the indianapolis 500 and the daytona 500. she joins us now on the phone from aspen, colorado. welcome. well, good morning. magood morning. danica broke your previous record for qualifying by a female driver. your feelings this morning. she is to be congratulated, of course. it was a very smooth run. certainly something that will keep her name in the history books for a very long time. something that was kind of intriguing to me, jeff gordon and, of course, danica patrick beat him while she raced for the pole position. jeff gordon congratulated patrick. he was posing with two kids. one of them was his daughtere l ella, who is 5 years old. he pushed ella to be in a photo with danica patrick because ella never realized she could be a race car even though her father is a race car driver. i think that s one thing that danica has done with her prominence in the media is call more attention to that fact, and certainly this accomplishment will make that even greater. but looking back 30 what is it? 36 years ago now, when i became the first woman at indianapolis and also at daytona, it was something like this. it was the pictures were on the front pages of the newspapers, not the front pages of the sports section, and it was widely regarded at that time as marking a significant progress for women, not just in sport but in other venues. i used to get a lot of letters along those lines. now she s just got to win the race, huh? that would be superb. that would be superb. janet guthrie, thanks so much for joining us this morning. thank you. sexual harassment, racism, and fraud serious problems uncovered by usa today on a controversial military program meant to help troops interact with locals and war zones. with so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation s largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. i ve always kept my eye on her. but with so much health care noise, i didn t always watch out for myself. with unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks. but she s still going to give me a heart attack. that s health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. 20 minutes past the hour. time to check the top stories. president obama still in florida after teeing off with tiger woods. president enjoying some r and r at a resort in palm city. others include trade representative john kirk and jam crane, a major democratic donor. mr. obama due back in washington tonight. not only will facebook probably not pay a penny in federal and state taxes for all of 2012, the social media giant expects a federal tax refund of are you ready? $430 million. wow. here s why. facebook reported about $1 paraleg $1 billion in pretax dollars last year but gets to rely on stock options it awards to executives. it s perfectly legal. an air force bomber jacket worn by jfk is a top seller of kennedy family memorabilia. the leather jacket has the presidential patch on it. it fetched $629,000. other items included a birthday card from john john to his dad and a marked up itinerary for the slain president s 1963 trip to dallas. relatives found the items at the ho home of one of jfk s special assistants. a new report by usa today is uncovering serious problems with a multimillion dollar army program. the program calls itself the human terrain system. it s designed to help american troops better understand and interact with people in countries where they re stationed, to win the hearts and minds. however, usa today reports major problems with the program, including payroll fraud, sexual harassment, racism, unaccountable contractors, and inadequate government oversight. despite all of this, though, the army wants the program to continue. tom vandenbrook is usa today s pentagon reporter. he wrote the article. welcome. good morning, carol. thanks so much for enlightening us on this issue. this program sends americans to iraq and afghanistan to win hearts and minds. tell us about sexual harassment, racism. outline these problems for us. these come in an army investigative report that we were we obtained through a freedom of information act request. the harassment seemed pretty gross. it was a contractor at the training base making really untoward comments toward the women. eventually, he was fired. that was documented. as well as racism. there was a white soldier who was referring to a section of the program and saying it was a ghetto because it had black people in it. that soldier was disciplined. yet some of the members of this group, with all the problems, were making more money than the secretary of defense? that s the most disturbing problem. it regards time sheet padding, and it was encouraged, apparently, according to the documents we found. these people were saying they routinely worked 84-hour weeks, billing for every hour of the day essentially except for those that they were sleeping. and this was a systematic problem, and people were making $280,000 a year and as well getting six months of comp time so that, when they came home, they didn t have to work either. how large was this program? how many people were employed? well, it s been hundreds over the years. it started during the hostilities in iraq, and right now there are about 70 folks involved in it in 20 teams. and you say the army wants to carry on despite these allegations of sexual harassment and racism and the program not exactly working and people getting overpaid? right. the army says that many of these problems have been addressed, that they ve, for instance, fired the contractor who was charged with sexual harassment, disciplined the soldier, and they ve advised supervisors on how to fill out time sheets properly. they also say that commanders want this sort of capability, and you could see why they would, if it helps them avoid antagonizing locals and helping them win hearts and minds and that sort of thing. but as well, within this report we found many commanders found reports to be worthless. some even found them counterproductive. one telling the investigator that these human terrain teams actually frightened the iraqis with whom he was working. it just defies belief. so you say the army, even though it has those kinds of problems with the program, also i just don t understand why the pentagon would want to like right. i think the concept, if you can probably agree, makes sense. if you can figure out a way to not antagonize locals, help them out with health care, veterinary care, teach them to grow crops, it would be fine. i think it s the execution of the program that s been the problem. the army maintains the problems have been fixed, but a lot of folks i talk to, including those involved in the program, maintain that s not the case. and your article in usa today and also online. that s right. tom vanden brook from usa today, thanks so much. thanks, carol. president obama teed off with tiger woods this weekend, but you won t see any pictures of that. should we have the right, though, to see obama play golf with tiger woods? 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[ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank. now s your chance to talk back about the stories of the day. should we have the right to see the president play golf with tiger woods? the drudge report labeled it the super secret spring break. secret because we couldn t take photos of president obama playing golf with tiger woods. yes, that tiger woods, champion golfer and former serial adulterer. in fact, reporters were not allowed near the president all weekend long. this is massive budget cuts kick in in just two weeks. and the president out of sight, not taking questions. ed henry, president of the white house correspondents association, says they re frustrated. there s a very simple and important principle we ll continue to fight for today and in the days ahead. that would be transparency. what s the big deal? we had no problem getting photos of president obama playing golf with the ever popular bill clinton or with white house speaker john boehner, back when they were talking grand bargain to avoid the fiscal cliff. remember that? is there a problem seeing america s number one family man alongside tiger? or is the president entitled to some much deserved down time with some friends? you know, in private. talk back question today, should we have the right to see the president play golf with tiger woods? or tweet me @carolcnn. stories we re watching in the newsroom as well, country music star mindy mccready has died. the 37-year-old was found at her arkansas home with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. mccready rose to fame in the mid-90s. more recently she struggled with addiction and mental illness. mccready had been in a custody battle over her 6-year-old boy. just last month, the father of her infant son was found dead of an apparent suicide. maker s mark is saying uncle. the kentucky bourbon maker will no longer water down its whiskey to stretch supplies. the company announced it was diluting its famous spirit to deal with a spike in demand. though officials say the extra water did not affect the taste, customers waged an online revolt. starting today, every red wax bottle is back to 90 proof. you re looking at new pictures of a frozen lake that was gouged by pieces of the meteor that exploded friday over russia. scientists say they just confirmed 53 small stony black objects found around the lakes are indeed meteorites. the fragments are less than a half inch long, but experts think a larger immediate yorite made a 26-foot wide crater in the ice. 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[ male announcer ] just like you, business pro. just like you. go national. go like a pro. political buzz is your rapid fire look at the best political topics. 30 seconds on the clock. playing with us today, l.z. gran der son, a cnn contributor and senior writer for espn, and will cain, also a senior contributor and analyst for the blaze. welcome to you both, gentlemen. good morning, carol. good morning. hey, obama, we don t want no climate drama. that was the big chant in washington this weekend, as thousands and thousands urge the president to take action on climate change. for his part, obama did urging of his own, telling congress to move on the issue during the state of the union. we can choose to believe that super storm sandy and the most severe drought in decades and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence, or we can choose believe in the overwhelming judgment of science and act before it s too late. but with sequestration looming and high unemployment, our question, is now the time for climate change legislation? l.z.? yes and no. i think we re going to have a difficult time using that exact language, but i think we can pass things like an admissions tax to talk about using that money to help repair roads. so we re addressing the climate issue without using that language that seems to make people bristle for some reason. will? no. look, here s the deal. climate change regulation is designed to increase the price of carbon, which means pricing out essentially poor families, poor children from lighting their homes, from heating their homes, from getting access to electricity. it s not going to price out you and me. that s the purpose of it, right? set against the background of, what, we just saw a draft memo a couple of weeks ago the international panel on climate change and prediction in temperatur increases were wildly overstated. as they have been the last 20 years. now is not the time for climate change. get your research in order, make your case. speaking of sequestration, ten days and counting until the massive spending cuts go into effect. one thing on the chopping block, cuts to federal pay. that includes congress and their paychecks. well, that doesn t sit well with minority leader nancy pelosi. it s a hard question to ask me because most of my colleagues are the bread winners in their families. a pay cut to me doesn t mean as much. i don t think we should do it. i think we should respect the work we do. pelosi said pay cuts would hurt the dignity of the politicians jobs. question, should congress paychecks be exempt from budget cuts? will? was that a dramatic pause you inserted there? i almost couldn t say it. i don t mind burning some of my 30 seconds on that. here s the deal. you can t hurt congress dignity any lower than it already is. i think the public polling is equivalent to cockroaches. i want to be contrarian on this so bad and defend her somehow. let s not reduce their pay. let s reduce their work hours. how about that to keep dignity? they can go like the state of texas and become a part-time legislature. i would fully endorse that. they can do less damage the less they re in congress. l.z.? i don t feel the need to defend her or be a contrarian or anything. she s wrong. if you look at the constitution, this job she s been holding and her colleagues, as she said, have been holding was not designed for you to be a career politician, was not designed for you to live an upper middle class life for the rest of your life. it was designed for you to go to d.c., do the work in your community, and return to your community. so this notion that a pay cut is beneath us, no, what you ve already done to the congress is beneath what the original intent was. part-time job. final question. washington going on a bit of a break this week. yes, congress is on recess. while president obama plays golf in florida with tiger woods. but you ll just have to take the white house s word for it because there are not any pictures. president says, his white house is the most transparent administration in history, but in this case, maybe not because he allowed no photos. so the question, should we have the right to see president obama play golf with tiger woods, l.z.? okay, let me get this straight. two weeks ago, we don t see any photos of president obama skeet shooting. they release a photo, all of a sudden, why did he release this photo? it s terrible. now he doesn t release any photos playing with tiger, why didn t he release photos? it s terrible. we sound very schizophrenic. no, we don t need to see him playing golf with tiger woods. will? no, i agree. this is a trivial issue. we don t need to see him playing golf with tiger woods. but it does become symbolic, right? the idea that this is the most transparent administration is gone. it s over. it s absurd. and it s not because of pictures with tiger, it s because of issues like the drone program and the legal memoranda setting up when americans can shoot drones at americans. that is what busts the bubble on transparency, not tiger woods. thank you for playing today. cnn contributors will cain and l.z. granderson. hugh jackman goes from being an academy award host to a nominee, and he s offering advice for this year s host, seth mcfarlane. must be really funny and gracious and extraordinary and an entertainer for three hours in front of a live audience to 1 billion people. that s it. you ll hear what else he has to say about the big night. if there was a pill to help protect your eye health as you age. would you take it? well, there is. 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[ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. hugh jackman is a triple threat in hollywood, he can sing, dance, and act. and he s also a lead oscar contender for his role in les mis. who am i can i condemn this man to slavery pretend i do not feel his agony this innocent who bears my face who goes to judgment in my place who am i who am i, nischelle turner? you would be carol costello. thank you. that s such a relief. it s like rescue you from that dramatic moment in the movie. you know, carol, most actors dream of ending up on stage at the oscars. hugh jackman is no different. it s just the manner in which he first wanted to grace the stage. that s just completely out of left field. take a look. so, obviously, you re a great actor or you wouldn t be here. i have to say, i buy into this whole thing because it feels like to me like you re having the time of your life. the thing for me is let me give you a little context for me. i m from sydney. i m from the northern suburb of sydney, 45-minute drive north of the city. my father worked for price waterhouse, the accountancy firm, his entire life. you know when the accountants used to come on with their briefcases, that little ten seconds of tv, we would go crazy. and i remember my dad saying, i had a meeting with that guy once, and i just thought my dad was it. for me, this is something beyond the realms of imagination. a bit the same as when i hosted it. i m like, i m a kid from sydney. i m not going to finish this by complaining or saying i m tired or busy or nervous. i m just going to enjoy it. your daughter is a bit of a ham. your son kind of shines. reready for the next generation to do this business? does it seem like she s headed down the path? i totally can see her getting in. the only thing deb and i, we re wary of getting in. i had this normal childhood and none of this until i was 30, which is a good thing. i know you have to go, but quickly, do you have any advice for seth mcfarlane hosting? just be funny and gracious and extraordinary and an entertainer for three hours in front of a live audience to 1 billion people. that s it. look, steve martin said to me, the first 35 minutes, best audience you ll have in your life because the whole room is nervous, way more nervous than you. from 45 minutes on to the next four hour mark, that room is way more filled with winners than losers, so just hurry up. get that train moving to the end. that was it. he really is having a good time. i thought he was a great oscar host as well. carol, he joked that he wanted to give that oscar statue that he was standing next to for the class photo bunny ears during the picture. also during a time when i was talking to jackie weaver, who s nominated for best supporting actress for silver linings playbook, and who grew up down the street from hugh jack man in australia, he video bombed us. i would say that guy is having a good time right now. nischelle turner, thanks so much. a college coach shows how it s done. he hits a half-court shot. we ll tell you why this basket made a huge difference for one student. [ lane ] are you growing old waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. do you guys ride? well. no. sometimes, yeah. yes. well, if you know anybody else who also rides, send them here we got great coverage. it s not like bikers love their bikes more than life itself. i doubt anyone will even notice. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that s progressive. call or click today. aarrggh! time to check the top stories. new details on the murder involving the double amputee track star known as blade runner. police tell cnn oscar pistorius girlfriend was shot four times through a bathroom door at the home. pistorius then carried reeva steenkamp downstairs. she was still alive. pistorius has been charged with premeditated murder. he s now in jail. he has a bail hearing tomorrow. hugo chavez is back in retu this morning via twitter. he still has a tube down his throat and struggles to speak. the man convicted of killing john lennon wrote four letters to the officer who arrested him, and they could be yours for $75,000. in the letters mark david chapman presses steven spiro to read the catcher and the rye to better understood his motive for killing lennon. should we have the right to see the president play golf with tiger woods? 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it doesn t matter. it was so happy. it was so cool. we re back in a minute. i know what you re thinking. transit fares! as in the 37 billion transit fares we help collect each year. no? oh, right. you re thinking of the 1.6 million daily customer care interactions xerox handles. or the 900 million health insurance claims we process. so, it s no surprise to you that companies depend on today s xerox for services that simplify how work gets done. which is.pretty much what we ve always stood for. with xerox, you re ready for real business. the people of bp made a whcommitment to the gulf.,r. and every day since, we ve worked hard to keep it. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy. we ve shared what we ve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. bp s also committed to america. we support nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we re working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. to find you a great deal, even if it s not with us. 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[ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. talk back question this morning. should we have the right to see the president play golf with tiger woods? this from jeremy. mr. obama is an employee of the united states. he was on his own personal time. he surely has a right to his prifsy when he s not working. this is from dorothy. the president deserves privacy when not on the job. however, i think he s on the job 24/7 no matter what he is or what he s doing. this from gabriel. why should we care? the president is entitled to his privacy, believe it or not. some people in the media have a severe problem comprehending. and this from gail. it s disrespectful for obama to be seen with a man who is a philanderer. you judge a person by the company they keep. the next hour of cnn newsroom starts now. happening now in the newsroom. new information about the shooting death of blade runner s girlfriend. officials say reeva steenkamp was shot four times and then carried downstairs. oscar pistorius family now coming to his defense. as you can imagine, our entire family is devastated. we are? a state of total shock. president obama golfs and congress takes a vacation, even though millions of government jobs remain in the balance. some of the spending cuts that will impact you if sequestration happens. and it s tax time for millions of americans. but facebook won t pay a dime. the government is giving facebook a $400 million refund. news room starts now. good morning. thank you so much for being with me. i m carol costello. we begin with the new developments surrounding the death of oscar pistorius girlfriend. detectives are studying a bloodstained cricket bath found at pistorius home. they were trying to establish if the bat was used to attack reeva steenkamp or if she used it to defend herself. pistorius family members are coming forward defending the track star against a murder charge. as you can imagine, our entire family is devastated. we are in a state of total shock. oscar was happy in his private life. investigators who rb combing through his house in this high security complex are starting to piece together what they think happened early on valentine s day. cnn is being told and local media is reporting that police believe pistorius shot steenkamp four times through a closed bathroom door and then carried her downstairs where she died. neighbors have told police that they heard shouting before the shooting. that there s still no solid explanation as to why he might have shot her. pistorius appears in court again on tuesday for a bail hearing. he hasn t entered a plea yet. while pistorius is in court, reeva s family says there will be a funeral for her on saturday. producers released the full-time message from her, meant to be the cast, but which now becomes her last words, her last good-bye. i take one with me so many amazing memories and things that are in here and in here that i will treasure forever. i m going to miss you all so much. i love you very, very much. you know, carol, there s been so much misinformation, rumors, speculation, guess work about what happened in oscar pistorius house that val valentine s day. we know according to one official that reeva steenkamp was there to spend the night with her boyfriend, her overnight bag and ipad were found in his bedroom. we also know according to this official that she was shot four times through a closed bathroom door. additionally, oscar afterwards picked her up, carried her downstairs, while she was still alive. now more details will probably emerge in court. oscar faces a magistrate and a bail hearing on tuesday. while that is going on reeva will be buried. robyn kurnow reporting. country music stars and fans are mourning mindy mccready. she s dead at 37. guys do it all the time and you expect us to understand six of her albums were on the billboard country charts. she was known for her personal struggles. she battled addiction and mental illness. her body found on the front porch of her arkansas home. she shot herself to death. she leaves behind a 6-year-old and a 10-month-old. the baby s father was found dead last mon of an apparent suicide. chances are high automatic federal spending cuts will begin march 1st. until congress acts soon some federal workers face an uncertain future but nothing will be done about it today. president obama is in florida after spending the weekend golfing with tiger woods while congress is on vacation for president s day. most of the 2 million federal workers are facing furloughs and federal cuts. she opposes a cut in pay because it undermines the dignity of the job. it s a hard question to ask me. most of my colleagues are the breadwinners in their families. a pay cut to me doesn t mean as much. i don t think we should do it. we should respect the work we do. the national park service is just one agency facing budget cuts. emily schmidt takes a look at what that means for you vacation. if richard wood has seen one national park, he s seen them all. how many have you been to? over 200. 250 approximately. there are about 150 to go. the national park service, you know, there s nothing like it in the world. the national park service covers more than 84 million acres in every state but delaware and soon may do so with less because of mandatory budget cuts known as sequestration slated to begin on march 1st. joran works for a nonprofit group that supports the national parks, and he s worried about the looming changes. 5% is a lot for the pork service. the national park service is preparing to cut $110 million out of the $202 million budget. fewer park hours, fewer employees and possible closed camping and hiking areas. this would be so damaging to parks. over the course of a year federal spending would save 15 minutes. yellowstone national park could lose $1.75 million. the national mall, 1.6 million. the statue of liberty, $779,000. one budget expert says the cuts are not too extreme. i think almost any organization can sustain a 5% cut in their budget and not have it interfere with their basic mission. isabelle says taxpayers may not mind getting a bit less in service to help control government spending. richard wood agrees in theory, just not here. i m a big national park service fan. so i want them to cut programs that don t matter to this me personally. no. unfortunately all of us feel that way. he s got a point. emily is live in washington now. we guilt a little get of an indication. it says the cuts would make it more difficult to get the seasonal employees for the upcoming summer season. it also says the division of department lands supported 403,000 jobs nationwide. they estimated that contributed more than $48 billion to local economy ls. clearly the suggestion here is the ripple effects sequestration could really set in motion. you re not kidding. it is tax time for millions of us. but facebook made billions of dollars but it will not be paying 1 dime in taxes to uncle sam. and facebook is not the only company with that joy at tax time. for over 75 years people .with geico. ohhh.sorry!. director s voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.. director s voice: cut it! .what.what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw. for over 75 year.(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director s voice: keep it together. i m good. i m good. for over 75.(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don t look at me. don t look at me. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that s why there s glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. three hot topics including jesus wielding an oozie and a bloody sword. he s risen from the dead. miss me? get him! and he s preaching anything but forgiveness. jesus h. christ! the h is silent. talk back. did saturday night live cross the line with jesus uncrossed. please join the conversation now. (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade and invest their own way. with scottrade s smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don t trade like everybody. i trade like me. i m with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. voted best investment services company. you can learn a lot, thanks to facebook. including how to legally avoid paying taxes. facebook is not the only company to save money this way. alison kosik joins us to tell us if it s possible for us not to pay federal taxes. i don t know about that. if you re thinking about this as facebook s gotcha moment, it isn t. this is all legal. they re taking a $1 billion tax deduction for excess benefits for stock options. you re thinking, what the heck is that? in the early days facebook wound up paying many employees with stock options. these are promises to buy shares at a set price. let s say $1 to make it easy. when facebook went public last year, it went public so employees could exercise the options. which means they could buy a share for $1. the difference between the price paid and market value is tax deductible for facebook. the center for tax justice found 185 companies in the fortune 500 took similar deductions in 2010. apple, 742 million. hp, $294 million. now the center for tax justice says a total of $7.5 billion could still be eligible for facebook to deduct in taxes over the next several years. it just keeps on giving. it s just unbelievable. alison kosik, thanks so much. it s been almost four months since superstorm sandy hit. and property owners are still fighting every day with their insurance companies. i have to run to the bank two fridays ago and beg them to give me a loan so i can pay the contractor. i have low testosterone. there, i said it. how did i know? well, i didn t really. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive. but when i started losing energy and became moody. that s when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discussed all the symptoms. then he gave me some blood tests. showed it was low t. that s it. it was a number not just me. 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[ female announcer ] roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it s proven to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. 15 minutes past the hour. time to check our top stories. the idaho man accused of slapping a toddler on a delta flight is out of a job. he faces an assault charge that could land him blind bars for a year. new details on the pope s declining health. the l.a. times reports pope benedict may be blind in his left eye. that s according to a german journalist who interviewed the pope several times most recently in december. the journalist tells the newspaper the pope eas hearing has also faded. the pope cited his poor health in his decision to leave on february 28th. back home, maker s mark is saying i m full. the kentucky bourbon maker will no longer water down the whiskey to stretch supplies. theerer ve sal comes a week after the company announced it was diluting the famous spirit to deal with a spike in demand. the customers waged an online revolt. starting today, every wed wax bottle is back to 90 proof. an air force one bomber jacket worn by jfk was a top seller at an auction of kennedy family memorabilia. it fetched $629,000. other items included a birthday card from john john to his dad and a marked up itinerary for the president s 1963 trip to dallas. relatives found the items at a home of a special assistant. in florida. officials say 68 burmese pythons were killed during a month long contest designed to thin the populations. prizes went to the guy which brought home the longest python. 14 feet and 3 inches. and also to the hunter who bagged the most snakes. that would be 18. wildlife officials held the contest to help them get rid of pythons, one of the area s most invasive species. 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[ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto-insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. the national hurricane center says superstorm sandy is the second costliest storm in history after katrina. the total estimated damage around $50 billion. property owners across the northeast are learning it s no so easy to get the cash they need for repairs. deb feyerick has more. begging for money is not something katherine hall ever thought she would have to do. i had to run to the bank two fridays ago and beg them to give me a loan to pay my contractor. once he s finished doing this segment of the work we have to stop because we don t have anymore money. nearly four months since superstorm sandy destroyed her home in new york, paula has been calling her mortgage banker almost every day. she s begging him to release insurance money so she and her family can rebuild and go home. we have a 4-year-old boy who basically we spent his college fupd. the money we put back since his birth towards being able to send him to college later in life is what we have spent. it s gone. hall, who was originally from britain, and her husband bob and 4-year-old son nathan have been living in a hotel since november. the halls are among more than 6,000 families still waiting for insurance money. new york s governor blamed a necessary red tape and accused banks of failing to release more than $200 million worth of insurance. some lenders require proof the repair has been made before they re reimbursed for the cost. there s a lot of older people here that don t have any money. they re being told do 30% of the work and they ll get 30% of the work. get 50% of the work. you ll get 50% of the money. the reason they do that is you re scared you re going to get the check and leave them with a property that s not sellable. you know, but we ve invested a lot of money in this house. and it s our home. banks contacted by cnn say they ve distributed more than 75% of all insurance money. the hall s mortgage lender who they ask we not name did not respond. we came here to live the american dream and now we re living the american nightmare because they re holding our money, and we can t get it. it s not fair. it s not fair on anyone. and everybody is in the same position. everybody. like i said to you, i don t know a single person who has a dime. and the waiting and uncertainty is taking a toll. as devastating as the storm itself. and i m joined by cnn national correspondent deborah feyerick. are banks worried the homeowners will take the money and run? what is it? yeah. that s the bottom line. one of the things is that when the insurance companies are actually paying out the money that s not really the problem. but they pay the check to the homeowner and the mortgage lender. both names are on the check. so the bank will hold onto the money. and they have an interest in the asset, which is the home. they re the ones who have loaned the money. they want to make sure the repairs are done. it assumes they have money they can spend to make repairs in the first place. governor cuomo is telling the banks do what you have to do, get the money to the people, and they don t want to leave their home. that s the bottom line. they don t want to leave their homes. deb feyerick reporting live from new york city. up next, 30 minutes of talk back. three hot topics. hot conversation and your comments. should we have the right to see the president play golf with tiger woods? or tweet me at carolcnn. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. then you re going to love this. right now they re only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won t last. welcome to our new half hour talk show. three hot topics, great guests on tap today. president obama s tea time with tiger. the fight over climate change, and saturday night live is pushing the envelope are jesus uncrossed. sirius xm radio host is with us and professor jason johnson. republican strategist ann anna navaro and former special assistant to george w. bush ron christi. welcome to all of you. should we have the right to see the president play golf with tiger woods? the drudge report labeled it the super secret spring break. secret because we couldn t take photos of president obama playing golf with tiger woods. yes, that tiger woods. champion golfer and former adulterer. photographers were not around the president all week long. this as massive budget cuts kick in in two weeks. the president out of sight? not taking budget cuts? ed henry says reporters are frustrated. quote. there s very simple but important principal we will continue to fight for today and in the days ahead. and that would be transparency. what s the big deal? we had no problem getting photos of president obama playing golf with ever popular bill clinton or john boehner back when they were talking a bar gone to avoid the fiscal cliff. is there a problem seeing america s number one family man alongside tiger? is that it. or is the president entitled to much deserved down time with friends? so talkback today. should we have the right to see the president play golf with tiger woods? i ll start with you, ron? good morning. i think he should in all fairness release some photographs of him either teeing off with tiger or perhaps when they finished. he has the right to have his own down time. but the american people deserve to see what the president of the united states will be doing. if he s going to be out playing golf, we deserve to see what he s up to? i don t see the big deal in not allowing a photo to be taken frankly. what s the big deal? maybe he s a lousy golfer. the larger issue is how people feel about obama going on vacation. he really hasn t gone on vacation nearly as much as jovrj bush or ronald reagan. i don t care. maybe he s a lousy golfer. maybe tiger woods is asking for marriage advice. i don t knowful i i don t know. i m more concerned with what he does. not what his golf score is. this is supposed to be the most transparent administration in the history of the world. yet, no photo with a golfer? it s the most thanks parent administration, but he doesn t have to go up for election anymore. when he was playing with bill clinton or john boehner, it s political. it s his prerogative who he plays golf with. it s his prerogative whether he allows shots or not. also the white house press corp. has a right to press. what i would like to see a picture of is the permission slip that michelle obama signed to let president obama go play and go spend a guys weekend with tiger woods. that s what i m more interested in. exactly. she thook the girls skiing. president obama is on his own. yeah. go ahead. i was just thinking what anna just said. just thinking that. i would have loved to hear the conversation between the first lady, michelle obama, and the president. i m sorry you re going golfing with who? but come on! he s the greatest golfer ever. he also had sex with any woman he met, barack. so that must have been interesting. the white house clearly doesn t want a photo, which we know would be worth 1,000 words. as you said, the best family man and the worth family man. and we should have ak setsds. and ed henry and the white house correspondents are right. i m more concerned with the other golfer. there was three with him. one of his top donors. you know. just equals access. the big problem we have in the country with politics is campaign finance. if you donate enough, you re going to this get to go golfing with the president. go ahead. go ahead. just as long as they do go and place an order at perkins restaurant, i m okay with the weekend. i think more the issue for me, ron, is sequestration is looming. what? march 1st is right around the corner. there s the fly in here. march 1st is right around the corner and the president is playing golf. he was getting advice from tiger. how to avoid sequestration. you re underlying point is right. the se questions trace was put into place. the republicans thought the republicans wuld never swallow the poison pill. we re talking $1.2 trillion over ten years and $85 billion reduction that is looming in two weeks. the republicans voted for it. the point of the matter is they i didn t cut you off, sir. we expect our president of the united states to be working. we expect him to be trying to find a solution to end this problem and not off playing golf with tiger woods. and what about congress, jason? yeah, look. come on. the president can pat his head and rub his tumny. does anybody think he s not work sng he may not be discussing policy with tiger woods ux but even when george bush was off at crawford texas, yeah, he was moving brush around but he was also doing policy. i don t think it s an issue of whether or not he s working. it s a weekend with tiger woods. what s is worst that can happen? should we have the right to see the president? why? if the president chooses not to be seen, that s his right. back off. tiger is known to be media-averse. maybe the districtive of no photos was his condition to play. he has the right not to be transparent. keep the conversation going. or tweet me@carolcnn. is now the time for climate change legislation? [ loud party sounds ] hi, i m ensure clear. clear, huh? i m not juice or fancy water. i ve got nine grams of protein. that s three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. to help protect your eye health as you age. would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it s called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now that s a pill worth taking. [ male announcer ] ocuvite. help protect your eye health. onto our section talk back question. is now the time for climate change legislation? in washington climate change activists billed it ads the largest climate change rally in history. they were also chanting hey, obama, we don t want no climate drama. actually they do right now. why not? the president fueled the fire. we can choose to believe super storm sandy and the worst drought and wildfires were all a freak coincidence. or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment of science and act before it s too late. the climate change activist held note of climate change skeptics. the government can t change the weather. we can pass a bunch of laws that will destroy our economy, but it isn t going to change the weather. all those climate change activists in d.c. want the president to talk the keystone pipeline. it will most likely add to our collusion problem, which in part causes global warming. that pipeline will create jobs and further energy independence and yeah, gas prices are now $3.73 a gallon. is now the time for climate change legislation? yes. obama can do a lot about climate change. he needs to start simple. he needs to take a bold idea that he and john mccain were pitching around in 2008, which is a promise to change all the delete of cars. the reason we can t get substantive climate change is because we can t convince the car industry that it makes sense financially. obama can do a lot. he should do something that provides jobs and cleans the air, not just talk policy. that sounds so simple, anna. it sounds simple, but it s not. good luck trying to pass any legislation through congress that doesn t come from congress. right now some of the controversial issues that stand a glimmer of hope are immigration and some aspects of gun control. in congress themselves they have found common ground and are pushing it themselves. unfortunately the reality is that president obama right now has the reverse midas touch. everything he touches turns to dirt. everything turns to dirt, pete? well, listen. i would first ask for everybody to put up their hands on this panel if they believe is man is the biggest factk factor contributing to climate change. no, we re not all putting our hands up? that is what is sad about this. republicans and only republicans don t believe in science. climate change is the biggest threat outside the nuclear holocaust. they don t believe that science is embarrassing and it s horrific. it is now the time to address climate change. no! it was 20 years ago carol. we have to do something about this. we have to do it now. it s the biggest issue for me personally. i just bought a chevy volt. i m trying to be the change i want to see in life. this is something we have to pass down to our kids. the next generation needs to make a shift on. the fact that republicans in congress don t believe in science, it s embarrassing. and ron i mean, pete does have a point. 98% of climate believe climate change is manmade. so why can t anyone find common ground? there s certainly no doubt? i dispute the 98% factor that believe that global climate change is real. this president rather than passing global climate change should try to change the economy in the country. we ve never had unemployment under 7%. why are we going to pass more crippling regulations to hurt small business? my beloved home state of california. the home of the hope and change and global climate change and whatnot, those green regulations have killed in california. this is the false dichotomy that we re talking about here. if you look at what pete and ron says, both of the problems can be solved. if the president said look, let s start changing these cars over. let s make the federal fleet at a chevy volt. you re putting people to work and fixing the economy. both sides are pretending they cannot find a mutual solution. the solution is out there for years and no one is taking it. we did it back in the 70s with acid rain. there was a terrible problem and the government sort of worked with industry and they fixed that problem. why can t we fix our problems today. because nobody is talking to each other, carol. let s begin with that. the president doesn t talk to congress. congress doesn t talk to the president. nobody is talking to industry. we are in a very dysfunctional place right now in washington, d.c. it requires a lot of cooperation. i see pete shaking his head. but i would ask my friend pete, well, listen, there was a time when president obama first got elected when he had a majority in the house, when he had a majority in the senate, and when he did have the midas touch and could walk on water. that s because we have rule. we have an arcane rule that prevents smig being passed without 60 senators. and it is not true it is not true. everyone on the panel knows that it is not true. okay, no shouting, no shouting. it s a little early in the morning, pete. anna, you know i love you. deep breath. you also know oxygen to the lungs. i am getting very little of that because it s so polluted. but as you know, this has nothing to do with whether or not congress gets along. it has everything to do with the oil industry owning congress, including democrats. you laid the blame on nobody but republicans. i raise a blame on republicans because republicans don t agree on the problem. they don t agree on the problem. all democrats believe in the science that the vast majority almost every single climate scientist download an app called skeptical science, everybody. download the app for your phone right now. skeptical sign. i will say, jason, that the activist. the climate change activists in d.c. concentrated on the keystone pipeline. why concentrate on that? couldn t they pick something else? because it s a cute visual and it makes sense and you can have people dressed up as bald eagles covered in oil. this is a real problem. and this is a problem that has a real solution. and it s up to the republicans to finally stop just standing in the way of barack obama. and it s up to democrats to actually fight for the issue. i don t want to live in a world where we have to have el nino and hurricane katrina and everything 10 or 15 months because we can t fix a problem that scientists believe on. solutions are there. what are our facebook friends saying about the queson? is now the time for climate change legislation? now is the time to talk about it, for sure. how can you argue with the logic? we should ere on the side of the the planet. it s the only one that we have. making bank robbery illegal didn t help much. more laws are certainly not the answer, because it means more government bureaucracy. keep the conversation going or tweet me @carolcnn. did quality saturday night live cross the line with jesus uncrossed? ger off so no one would interrupt us? oh no, i. just used my geico app to get a tow truck. it s gonna be 30 minutes. oh, so that means that we won t be stuck up here, for hours, with nothing to do. oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh. (holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app. final talkback for this monday. the question for you. did saturday night live cross the line with djesus uncrossed ? i know. it s saturday night live. the skit called the ultimate historical revenge fantasy bugged me. christians around the world are celebrating christ sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. do we really need to see jesus wielding a bloody sword? guess who s back. jesus uncrossed. he s risen from the dead. and he s preaching anything but forgiveness. jesus h. christ! the h is silent. it gets really bloody from there. i know. i get it. jesus was played by the guy in django unchained. and i should be lol ing, but i m not. it s okay to joke about jesus, even during one of the holiest seasons on the christian calendar. maybe it s not okay for jesus, who was all about forgiveness to portray jesus o as a psycho path hell bent on revenge. did saturday night live cross the line with jesus uncrossed? pete, i m going to start with you. you understand these things better than i do. i m a standup comedian. i don t believe in crossing the line. i believe in pushing it as far as you can. this is a sendoff of quentin tarantino s movie of inglorious bastards. i thought it was hilarious. i thought it was well written. i thought it was risky. i think christians should be able to laugh at themselves and their savior. they would really impress me if they did that with islam. y they won t. the only problem is jesus was played by an awesome actor because he s a white guy. and jesus looked a lot more like jason jones, who are on this panel. and when i was watching this, i laughed at first. when they said the h was silent, i thought that was funny. then they had him gunning down the romans out of revenge. and then it started to bother me. i m not going to go to hell. i m not going to say i found it funny. i m not going to laugh at it. i m not going to watch it. saturday night live chooses what they put on. and we choose what we watch. that s what being in a free society where we respect freedom of speech means. one thing that differentiates us, we don t go out and threaten a life when he says something that we don t like. that s how it works. sometimes they put things that you look. you always have a clicker. as your choice and your vote. but that s such an easy excuse to me. freedom soft speech. we have the the right to this change the channel. we can also have a right to talk about that it s not right. i thought it was hilarious. i was impressed they managed to do a spoof without constantly using the n word seems he seems personally obsessed with it. i was like, it is comedy. the guy is much more likely to be arabic. at the end of the the day, i don t care. it s a segment on saturday night live which hasn t been relevant in 15 years. i m not that moved by it. i just didn t like it. i think we re in one of the holiest times for christians. i cannot imagine. we would have been hearing boycotts and people all upset. there s somehow a mentality that you can insult or spoof jesus christ. i didn t think it was that funny. again, i agree you can change the channel. i certainly did. you bring up an interesting point. i think jesus is used be my factions for many different things. jesus means different things to different people, and he s used constantly. and maybe that s right or wrong. but it confuses people, doesn t it? in a way? . i don t see how you can be confused. it s a character. we live in a christian country. you culturally know who jesus is, whether or not you believe in him being the son of god. this is more of a parody of quentin tarantino s scripts and films and violence than it is anything. quentin tarantino s movies are parodies of history. zl exactly. he also play the pope in saturday night live in a hilarious sketch. this is the definition of comedy. absolutely people are going to be offended. people are always offended. i m on stage doing the most harmless joke about any new p puppy. people are like, i don t appreciate that. you can use a clicker, as anna refers to it. a clicker. i didn t mind they were folk poking fun at jesus. at this particular time when we re so close to easter, when we re in the season let s be honest, no christians were up. it was late on saturday night. they were getting ready for church. look, carol, the only thing i would say is what i said a few moments ago. i can t imagine. the you had the prophet mohamud in the same skit, in the same sketch doing the same things, there would be an outrage. there would be a backlash. all sorts of people would be very upset, and in our society, it seems to me there s a certain level of political correctness. you can make fun of jesus and parody jesus. you can t do it to the prophet mohamud. i think the comedians would be in hiding today if they made fun of the prophet mohammed. i also doubt you have any muslim on staff or muslim comedy writers at snl who said there s a way we can write this comedy. part of why we can make fun of them is there s a sense of national owner ship. it s not a muslim country so making fun of muslim characters is a problem. that s a great point. that is a great point. maybe in the end that says them all. anna, if you can joke about jesus, you feel closer to him somehow. or am i reading this too deeply. that s the beauty about jesus. hi means different things to different people. he means all things to all people. when i go to donna brazile s house, jesus is black. when he comes to my house, jesus is hispanic. every now and then he s blue-eyed and white and blond. he means all things to all people. we do have the right to protest. you guys will remember back when that singer sinead o connor tore out the picture of the pope. and they were very loud protests. we do have the right to protest. go ahead, wrap it up. jesus was very self d he understood comedy. see what i did there? i m sending you to confession right now. no, no. he s going to hell after his segment. i have to wrap this up. i m on twitter. pete dominic, anna navaro and ron christi. thanks for talking back. now your sponszs to the topic. did saturday night live cross the line? snl always crosses the line. that s what makes it snl. this from stan di. the skit was shameful. clearly snl has stooped to the lowest to write and perform a skit that attacks so many people of faith across the world. keep the conversation going. or tweet me @carolcnn. . clear, huh? i m not juice or fancy water. i ve got nine grams of protein. that s three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. nine grams protein. zero fat. new griddle-melts to yourime usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop s new griddle melts. made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it s like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it s an epic breakfast sandwich. thto fight chronic. osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20130203

. it s the big day. hey there morning glory 6:00 on the dot. it is super bowl sunday i m anna kooiman in for alisyn camerota. an american tragedy this morning to tell you about. the most decorated sniper in u.s. history. navy seal chris keil murdered. we look at the life and accomplishment of a true american hero. president barack obama extending olive branch to religious institutions making changes to the contraception mandate are they really accommodating or just gimmicks? we will hear from the president of a catholic university in just a little bit. and let s get ready to rum bible. we rumble. brian kilmeade live from new orleans superdome in just moments. he did a great job down there yesterday he will do a better job today because it is super bowl sunday. ifst ffsz begins right now. peter gabriel for you this morning. welcome in to fox & friends on this super bowl sunday. super bowl 47. san francisco 49ers vs. the baltimore ravens live from the big easy. you guys ready for some good bean dip and beer and wings later. bean dip? i m a guacamole guy. i will send you recipe. my sister-in-law made buffalo wing sauce. she said i would almost these frozen it is so good. franks hot sauce. shredded chicken. i put that on everything. franks hot sauce. you future on anything. twinkies. put it on a shoe and it would taste good. brian did a great job in new orleans yesterday. i saw people tweeting pictures of bourbon street last night, you could not move in the french quarter last night. everybody was just standing still, right? you can t move. no cocktails no, reveling, no nothing. brian suspect early. hi, brian. how is it going, guys? i guess when the eagles don t get in and panthers don t get in you talk about clayton s dip on super bowl sunday. you guys are unbelievable. you are a giant s fan how do you do it. put it this way, i m a professional. [ laughter ] i believe it s not whether brian kilmeade is happy. it s about the nation. it s a national day of celebration. very selfless of you. what do you have coming up today on the show? we have got michael vick is going to be here shortly, joe theseman is going to be here live. we will tell what you we did last night before going on fox report nfl honors. were second year they have done this. awards show that s growing. instead of putting it out on the ap and saying this guy is the mvp. they put on a major event. fantastic. a lot of celebrities mixing with all the players. they gave interviews and previews and they talked about what they were doing. meanwhile, there was a lot of tension when it came to who was going to get the mvp, the offensive player of the year and come back player of the year. peyton manning walked away with it. guess who presented? brett favre presented along with erin rogers two guys who didn t get along when they were playing because they were both competing for packer job. mvp which everybody wanted and worried about. it went to no doubt about it minnesota vikings running back adrian peterson, he was happy. i m kind of speechless. this is amazing. you know, to join a great grouch legends is so inspiring. it feels good. i mean, this guy had his knee torn up. this time he was 6 weeks into what would be reconstructive knee surgery ends up 9 yards shy of the greatest season of any running back history. next year he won t be able to accept the award he is going to be playing in the super bowl with his teammates. 15 finalists, knocked it down to 10. when it was all said and done, seven made the final cut, warren sapp, jonathan ogden of the ravens. appropriate midfield to get the honor. bill parcells, larry allen of the dallas cowboys. the most emotional chris carter from the eagles and vikings. he didn t hear any names. it s the most amazing thing that s happened to me. if you look at my career and how it started for me to end up right here in this chair i mean, i m sorry, this is the happiest dave my life. [ applause ] he went into the supplemental draft eagles because i screwed up a the ohio state. unable to fill out his college career but had a heck of a time with the eagles and vikings. meanwhile bill parcells after not getting it last year. you doctor accomplish a lot, you are in. two super bowls, 170 victories. revitalized the jets, the cowboys, the giants. i would even say dolphins let alone the new england patriots. guys left out of it, i don t know how you feel about it i really wish there was someone around to give kelly ripa a hug. michael strahan did not get in for some reason but warren sapp did. 15 years as super bowl all time season sack leader. says next year he will be in new york. maybe it s a blessing that he didn t get in this year. that s a quick look at what is happening last night for those that weren t partying on bourbon street. who just didn t get in at this hour. we will check back in with you brian. a lot of great news and great stuff coming up. i m looking forward to michael vick coming up. as an eagles fan it s an interesting time in philadelphia sports right now. it reminds if you michael vick is on the show he is not in the super bowl. the eagles are not in it again. as brian said, next year it is going to be here in the meadowlands, the super bowl, freezing. it snowed last night and another snow storm tonight. more on the super bowl coming up. first this a big story we have been follow for you. fox news alert now for the sixth day. a 5-year-old boy in alabama remains locked in a bunker with a gunman who snatched him off of the school bus. that s right. elizabeth plan is in midland city, alabama with the very latest. good morning, what you can tell us? well, today is certainly a day for mourning as they lay to rest charles poland the man who protected those children. while we know the community is still waiting on baited breath for the safe return from that little boy. very little information from the sheriff s office. cancelled press conference. another one set for this morning. all eyes are on this man jimmie lee dykes. the sheriff s department tells us they are in constant communication with him. the little boy is being taken care of. meaning on this chilly morning there is heat inside of that underground bunker. is he getting coloring books and medication. as we know that bunker is stockpiled with god and other supplies. folks here really trying to stay strong. they are holding a prayer vigil every night right around 5:00 in the evening praying for that little boy. they hope he is brought home to his mother safely. listen here. my prayer is that there will be a miracle and that god will soften his heart. and he he will let [bleep] go and then he will spend the rest of his life locked up. meanwhile, the community is preparing to bearing one of their own. the funeral is set today at 2:00 p.m. in lieu of holding the funeral at a church. hold at a local civic center. hold up to a thousand dollars. the population is 2300 which shows you the outpouring number of support and the people they expect to come in from all over the state of bam school bus procession during that funeral to show saturday? it s told. we don t know the level of heat in that bunker also for that poor child. it s a horrible situation. we have got to bring you a story about a american hero that has been killed. a friend of this show as well. chris keil. you may know him from his book american sniper but, man, this guy is a hero. 150 sniper kills in his line of duty. while he was serving in operation iraqi freedom he also survived being shot twice. at 8 years old his dad had given him his first gun. he had gone out and learned how to shoot. the most accurate sniper american history. when he left the army a few years ago. he devoted his life to helping those with ptsd. gold star families. he also worked with individuals to work to get them rehabilitated who had served our country admirablably. then yesterday he goes to a gun range about 50 miles away from dallas to help a marine. and this is where this thing turns tragic. a marine yesterday by the name of and we were just getting this information in overnight. it s still sketchy at this hour. eddie ray ralph was a marine suffering from ptsd we understand it. so chris is trying to help him. along with another friend. at a gun range as part of a therapeutic way of overcoming ptsd when reports are at this hour that this marine shoots chris and his friend in the back on the gun range. kills them both. kills them both. flees. a car chase ensues. police arrested this guy, this marine shortly after 9:00 p.m. last night. which is like anna. look at all sufficient raj this fran survived all these events. he was a friend of the show or was a friend of the show. in fact, wanted our friends at home brian reading from his book. listen to this. i have lived a literal meaning of the land of the free and home of the brave. it s not corny for me. i feel it in my heart. i feel it in my chest even at a bowl game. you love this country. dime that s one of my pet peeves going to the game or any event and the national anthem goes on and people refuse to remove their ball caps. you have to show respect that flag is red, white, and blue. the red stands for the blood the guys have spilled not just guys in iraq and bfing you a all through the history. you are not going out purposely trying to kill people and rack up numbers. you are going out to try to save americans. by saving americans he won two silver stars and five bronze stars. remarkable human being. as you saw brian kilmeade sitting down with him. a friend of the show. he has been in the studio and here at fox news a number of times. brian, when you and i were talking a little bit before the show and we went on the air. just a horrifying story. what was your feeling this morning when you heard this? we were able to interact with two navy seals last night they knew it before anyone else knew it. they are a close community. he said i can stand before god with a clear conscience about doing my job. i didn t get in this for the medals or the awards. it was something that needed to be done. it was honorable. i love the guys. one. legendary stories about chris kyle is is there was a bunch of insurgents heading this guy s direction. he took out the insurgents from 1.2 miles away and enabled an army convoy to get in unscathe because of chris keil s coolness and composure under pressure. thank you. unbelievable. more on this story as we learn more details about it at this hour. still some of this information is sketchy at best down there. about 50 miles south of dallas, texas. it s shocking. all right. 13 minutes after the hour now on this sunday morning. coming up, president barack obama blaming the ailing economy on bad decisions, he says in washington. but what about him? should the president continue to pass the blame or accept responsibility. a fair and balanced debate next. plus, who said cats don t like water? you, i thought. i did. this is a weird picture. what is going on here? this feline is making a big splash to shed some pounds. is he a little overweight so swimming to take it off. a live look from new orleans this morning. it s beautiful. back there in a few minutes. teaming with excitement. this is america. we don t let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you re one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day afr day. block the acid with prilosec otc and don t get heartburn in the first place! 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[ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it s specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of phyllis s story, visit making the big romantic gesture. that s powerful. verizon. get a nokia lumia 822 in red for free. this week, we also received the first estimate of america s economic growth over the last few months and it reminded us the bad decisions in washington can get in the way of our economic progress. well, that was president barack obama in his weekly address defending the latest dismal economic data. so, should the president continue to pass the blame or accept responsibility? here to debate this, fox news contributor angela mcglowan and democratic strategist maxwell. angela, i will start with you. is this really fair for him for him to be pushing the blame on quote unquote washington when he has been in the white house for four years. that s president obama. that s what he does. they pass the buck. instead of taking responsibility. the same old same old. he will blame washington, d.c. isn t he a part of d.c. he is a part of d.c. he is not the only one there he can t pass laws. we are talking about an economic recovery. we need to be looking at the people that can actually pass law in order to get that. zerlina he can t pass laws when nancy pelosi was speaker. she enacted all of his proposals. that s the president. he has lobbists that go to capitol hill and propose legislation, but harry reid hasn t even passed a budget. zerlina i want to bring this up too. a graphic in january the unemployment rate ticked up up to 7.9%. how long is it going to take for americans really to start feeling fed up with all of this especially when they are starting to see less money in their paychecks because of this payroll tax. that is a real concern, right? so americans are continuing to feel the pain of the economic recovery being very slow. the bottom line is the bureau of economic analysis said the shrinking economy is a cause by a reduction in government spending. so the president is drying to say look we have to get stimulus into the economy. we need to get everyone back to work. that is caused by more spending not less spending. the democrats have proposed you cannot spend your way into prosperity. nor you can t tax people into prosperity. what you need to do is let the free markets take control. and basically in washington, d.c., we have bigger government. the president appointed 32 czars. what are those czars doing? czars is just a shortening of their actual title which is normally long in the federal government. i think that bureau of economic analysis saying that the cause of the shrink damage is due to the reduction in spending that s something we need to look at. we have reduced spending. talking about they are happy to hear the president talking about the, period. angela, one thing you mentioned is that yes we have heard a lot about gun control lately. yes we have heard about immigration. is this a deflexion tactic? of course it is. the bottom line the president had four years before now to tackle immigration. why are we all the sudden talking about it now. gun control i can understand that but basically he had four years to do something about that as well. you have lost more people in chicago last year zerlina than in afghanistan. we have to leave it there. thanks for coming. in 20 minutes after the hour now on sunday morning. victory fate. what do the changes in the birth control mandated mean for religious institutions. we ask the president of a catholic university coming up. she didn t make it to the white house but does ann romney still have her eye set on washington? we have the details coming up. get ready for a lot more of that new-plane smell. we re building the youngest, most modern fleet among the largest us airlines to ensure that you are more comfortable and connected than ever. we are becoming a new american. ooh baby, can i do for you today? [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. nly align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. recommended probiotic. avoid bad.fats. don t go over 2000. 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i m not listening. to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like naturalrains. you can t argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. for multi grain flakes tt are anxcellent source of fiber try great grains banana nut crunch and cranberry almond crunch. we re going to try to ease you out of bed this morning. overnight, at least 15 people are dead after several homicide bombers attacked a police headquarters in northern iraq. some 90 others were hurt. one attacker drove a car packed with explosives into the building. while others on foot used machine guns and grenades. and could there soon be a romney in the u.s. senate? massachusetts republican said to be urging ann romney to run for the u.p.s. senate seat, secretary of state. john kerry. no word if she plans on running. guys? thank you, anna. a big shift for obama care. president obama making changes to the contraception mandate for some realm just groups. some being the operative word there not everyone is happy with these changes. jim tuohy is president of the ova maria university. opposing contraception mandate is currently in federal court. good to see you this morning. good to be with you. what did you think when you heard this on friday afternoon? just cheer disappointment. the administration blew it again. i hear the president this morning on your earlier segment talking about bad decisions made in washington and the ill effect of them. and here is another example. they went with the contraception mandate applied it to groups like university. spent a year amending regulations, come out friday afternoon again with mover the same. it s just disappointing. they call it an accommodation. what do you call this? other people say it s a gimmick. i call it more of the same because what they are doing, they have obviously established, you know, a new federal entitlesment, something like contraception stamps. so they have made this now available for free to all individuals all women in the country. and a lot of people are upset because it s asking us to violate our religious believes. our religious conscience to it participate in a program like this. the federal government wants to do this kind of expansion, this new entitlement, why involve religious organizations. so, the university and 43 other lawsuits out there are attacking this mandate and feel it s unconstitutional and wrong. where will this stand now because it seems obviously the lawsuit started before this concession if you will was made. where will this lawsuit stand now? the beckett fund that is representing us is in federal court in washington in the court of appeals right now. i think the judges are breathing down the obama administration s back because they are saying wait a minute, you said you were going to make some kind of accommodation and you are buying time. now you have the new proposed rule out there that s going to have another review and comment period that will get them into april. the clock is ticking and the new law take effects by august and by january 1st we are supposed to comply with this. we are waiting to hear from the catholic bishops and their knew view of this proposed regulation. can i tell you having worked in washington, this is, i think, a delay tactic and posturing for litigation and they are not seriously listening to the objections of individuals and groups, private employers as well as maria and others who feel this is is a violation of our religious. you are right. the clock 11 months here. let s say you don t get this done, will you refuse to accept this mandate? well, we re waiting to hear from the bishops and their take on it but my own view is nothing changed friday. when i look at what they came out with, 80 pages they spent a year and no new explanation for employers like this. they are trying to set up a knew bureaucracy that somehow separates the university and our health policy from what they want the contraceptive mandate to provide for our students, our employees. keep watching it. good luck to you, jim. thanks for being on the show. great to be with you, thank you. coming up, i vow not to sware. school asking no cursing pledge. the boys can still curse. the girls have the potty mouth apparently. this kitty, kitty, kitty isn t afraid to get her paws wet. the reason why she is stepping in the pool. yes, the reason coming up. and more from snow showers, we are live for super bowl 47 in the big easy. we ll be right back. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn t cover floods? 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knocks the ball out of his handen othe one yard line. was that the same season where leon also had that issue on the thanksgiving game and they re like oh no, leon let. i love how you have actual. halftime. yeah. 2004 when the term wardrobe malfunction was coined. and that was when janet jackson had the wardrobe malfunction. she was doing her little song and dance with justin timberlake at the end he said i m going to you have naked by the end of this song. rips off what was supposed to be just the black leather part. there is. do we have video of that? hey, come on, come on. but my favorite part of all of this was the fallout from all of it. do you remember? it was nuts. and she only spoke about it one time janet did. she went on oprah and talk about it you know i wear my pasties, it was an accident. she took a lot of the blame for it and justin timberlake didn t take hardly any of the blame for it 50/50, it was partially her and partially me and she got a lot more blame. oh, what a boob. i liked the fallout. let s check in with brian at the super bowl. was it not a wardrobe malfunction? what was your favorite are. i think anna should go into more detail about the halftime it was more than your description of the moments from the game. true. i was there and it actually lasted longer it was kind of interesting. my moment because you saw my moment, mike, but you missed the meaning of that moment. leon let up by 50 points. and don b b knocks the ball out of their hands what did it tell. don t gloat. don t worry about the score of the game, you fight to the final whistle. i thought that was awesome. my moment one of the best super bowl i have ever seen as a giant fan that says a lot is when john elway s denver bronchos lost three super bowls already go in to stop the packers from going back to back. they didn t believe it and no one believed it until john elway himself said there is an opening, i m turning back the clock. he gets spun around like a helicopter and show t. showed everybody this 37-year-old thinks we can win it we got to go win it for john. to me, that was the best super bowl. did they win it back to back then? didn t the bronchos come back the next year. the next year they went back and beat atlanta that was pretty tremendous. also here is big daddy, who saw so many super bowls actually knows these guys personally. rich, do you have a moment? you know what? i do. 07, being there and watching that tie recatch. giants against the patriots. giants against the patriots won. that was my favorite game ever. and you see tie recatch it on top of the head. see the catch and then be on the field. and be with all my clients. and buddies, and, you know, have everything falling on top of you. just add to that they were trying to complete an undefeated season and the giants stopped them at the end. absolutely. rich, last night, you went out for the last few nights and gave us an idea of what is happening in new orleans with the parties. a lot of things going on. a lot of players in. a lot of celebrities in town. everybody trying to to be in the mix of everything going on. here is what you are missing at new orleans. music, royalty, and beauty. how you can beat that? you can t ever beat the beauty. so far you can t beat it. hey, it s big daddy. it s been a big week of parties. the big game is here. we are going to go inside and see what s going on. check out all a will talent and see who is having fun. the playboy party here at the super bowl. look at this place, it s rocking, the ladies are everywhere. the bunnies are here. and i have got to go and party a little bit. first the playboy party. now the maxim party. does anything get better than this? we re at this great maxim party. you know, hot women, hot patrol. what else? hot women code patron that s like sack can i. i want all the attention on me i m falling your lead. right now you have a fox mike in your hand you are definitely getting a lot of attention. this party is off the hook. hot women, patrol. what else do we need here? they have it. they have you on the mike. this party is official. i came to party. your girl looking at me hard hitting reporting there, rich. two parties we missed out on. this year not a ton of celebrities though. you know what? i was shocked the celebrities, the count was down. i don t know why. that was teal trying to get somewhere find another team to play on. or a tv show. he has a couple of opportunities there. michael strahan did not get in. he is one of your best friends. how did he take this. i haven t reached out to him. i was very disappointed. the positive is he gets in next year and he does it in front of all of us in front of his hometown. gets to go out at hallway hallway halftime. cold weather super bowl and how everybody feels about it you will be shocked what joe nemeth has to say. maria will give us the weather. good morning. good news for you guys it looks good over there nurelsna. much better than here in new york city. we are talking about 25 degrees right now in the city. it is very chilly start to the morning we actually had some snow last night and during the overnight hours. take a look at your first alert forecast in new orleans. even though it s in the dome. anyone doing any tailgating you are talking about sunshine, lower humidity, temperatures in the 60 s. absolutely no complaints. beautiful day for the super bowl for any tailgating. before the game and, of course, if you are doing any partying after like we saw in your reporting. not expecting any rainfall. we will be seeing some places we will be seeing activity more additional snow and temperatures across places in the midwest. the great lakes, and the northeast will be cold enough for snow. those current temperatures on the next graphic will show you we will be seeing temperatures right now into the 20 s across most of the northeast. single digits over in minneapolis. 11 degrees right now in chicago. it is frigid over there. 16 in the city of cleveland. you factor in the wind, and, of course, it feels even colder. keep that in mind. the southeast also dealing with pretty cool temperatures like in atlanta. currently 34 degrees. as we head into the afternoon hours, those high temperatures will be warming up a little bit across places in the northeast. and that s on the next graphic. southeast, looking at temperatures a little bit closer to normal and out west. we re talking about very quiet conditions and a beautiful day in phoenix. 70 degrees for your high temperature. beautiful in terms of your temperatures. 72 over in los angeles. 54 degrees forever for your high temperature. next map will show you as far as precipitation goes. there is area of low pressure in parts of the southwest bringing in rain in parts of arizona and parts of new mexico. take a look at that snowfall across portions of kentucky, tennessee, western parts of north carolina will be seeing part of that snowfall accumulating. guys in the studio, relatively light accumulation. we didn t get anything too bad here in new york city or the reps of the northeast. watch out for black ice as we will will be looking at some of that activity out here on the roadway. please drive carefully early there morning and have a great day. guys? thanks, that rhea. coming up on the show, terrorists attacks led by al qaeda. spreading like wildfire across the globe. are u.s. policies to blame? we ll talk to a u.s. navy seal team 6 is going to weigh in next on that. i vow not to sware? good, anna. about time. school asking female students to take a no cursing pledge. is this a double standard? all right that s a fifth-floor problem. ok. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. but take comfort. it may not be you; it may be your razor. upgrade to gillette fusion proglide. micro-thin blades are thinner than a surgeon s scalpel to put less stress on your skin by gliding through hair. switch to fusion proglide. number one dermatologist recommended on sensitive skin. and now introducing new fusion proglide sensitive shave gel. gillette. the best a man can get. i wish my patients could see what i see. that over time, having high cholesterol and any of these risk factors can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup inheir arteries. so it s even more important to lower their cholesterol, and that s why, when diet and exercise alonaren t enough, i prescribe crestor. in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. 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[ femalannouncer ] if you can t afford your medication, what do we do when something really wants to be painted? we break out new behr ultra with stain-blocker from the home depot. .the best selling paint and primer in one that now eliminates stains. so it paints over stained surfaces, scuffed surfaces, just about any surface. what do you say we go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that s the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking, only at the home depot, and only $31.98 a gallon. some quick headlines for u a catholic school in new jersey is clamping down on foul language among its student body. well, half of it anyway. administrators at queen of peace high school in north arlington asked all female students to take a no cursing pledge, no such demand has been made of the male students. a teacher who organized the campaign claims it s because the school wanted ladies to act like ladies. some students objected to this double standard. others said they are happy to oblige. most cats hate water. but one cat in virginia loves going for a swim. in fact, it s part of her weight loss regimen. 13-year-old holly weighs other 20 pounds way too much. each week she and her owner suit up to do some laps in hopes of shedding some pounds. only exercise holly will agree to. cats do like well, i give my cat a bath last night, clayton, it s hard to get the fur off my tongue though. oh o, he is going to be here all week, folks. thanks, mike. this wasn t terror attacks led by al qaeda spreading across the globe, in places like libyaened a al gear i can t. just this week intelligence officials confirm the u.s. is playing a new dream base to combat extremists in mali. are drones the best use here. joining with us his take on this is is author of seal team 6. memoirs of a form are navy seal minimumself howard wasdin welcome to the show. good to be here. on a sad sad morning. before we talk about the larger role of al qaeda in northern africa. we have got to get your take on chris keil who was tragically killed and those of our viewers just waking up this morning. one of the most accurate snipers in american history, a friend of fox & friends who was tragically murdered yesterday at a shooting range by a marine suffering from ptsd we understand again reports just coming in at this hour. you knew him. what does his loss mean to this country? he is an american responsible for killing people who want to do america harm. i have the utmost respect for him. my heart and prayers go out to his family. as you mentioned, one of the things he was good at is taking out insurgents and protecting american lives. we look at this more broadly now around the world. we see this rise in al qaeda. we had heard they are on the run. this is al qaeda 2.0 in areas of northern africa. is the administration doing this correctly by setting up drone bases? is that the answer answer. the intelligence you have seen specially by being on the ground? my take is and has always been, clayton, that we have to get the indigenous personnel to help us out with this. you have got to have people that want americans there. you have got to have the administration and hopefully this administration is backing up these new governments. these new regimes and propping up and helping them and assisting with that in doing so, endearing them to us and helping us win their hearts and minds and helping us combat terrorism. however, historically, this doesn t really bear out and mogadishu, somalia after we lost 18 friends we cut and run. i see no reason to believe that that clinton tactic has changed any more than attacks we are using now. that promotes recruitment. the way to defeat terrorism is to stop recruiting. make it not appealing. so, if these countries know that america is going to stick with them and an administration that is going to stand behind them instead of cutting and running that makes us more effective. what doesn t bode well for us, clayton, is when you have this former secretary of state yelling at the american congress and the american people indignant saying what difference does it make? well, we will have to leave it there. we would love to leave it there and tell you more broadly about this. more fox & friends. just $49.9! that s up to 76 percent below online providers and only at officemax stores! we ve dided to we re all having such a great year in the gulf, put aside our rivalry. cause all our states are great. and now is when the gulf gets even bett. the beaches and waters couldn t be more beautil. take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. and don t forget our amazing seafood. soome to the gulf, you ll have a great time. especially in alabama. you mean mississippi. that s florida. say louisiana or there s no dessert. brought to you by bp and all of us who ca the gulf home. here we go, just hours away from the big game, did you know it s not all about food and football. it s all about betting. the super bowl is the largest single day event for betting ever according to the nevada gaming control board. $93.9 million were wagered on last year s game. it is expected to climb even higher this year. a great guest with us. the ceo of pick how are you steve? how are you guys. you have got to do your homework and not just bet willy-nilly. that s absolutely right. that s why a lot of people seek advice for the big game that s what we are here for. don t get over your head. i have done that in the past, steve. what do you mean by that? well, what people have to realize this is just one game. i know it s the final game, it s it the prom. it s the last dance you can t get overexcited and make up for a whole season worth of losses with one big bet in the big game. one game and you will have fun with it. tell us about. this you say you have to get that extra half point. you ought to spend the money on it because this is the best way to win. now the line moved to 4 points. four is a number that comes out a lot. grab an extra point buy it down to three and a half or four and a half. which side you like. you wouldn t do that during the course of the seasonal. being that it s the last game of the year. go ahead and take that extra half a point and give yourself the best chance to win. if you don t know what that means, don t bet, right? in years past, a lot of people bet on the first player to score. is that still the way to go? oh, sure. they bet on the national anthem over under, alicia keyes, 2 minutes and a seconds. i m going under. i think she wants to get it done quickly especial isly after the beyonce fiasco she gets on and off as quickly as possible. what is the key to making it fun and not ruining your life. not betting over your head or getting caught up betting too much on the props. bet the first quarter, the second quarter, the third quarter. by the time you get to the end of the game. you lost all your money and the regular bet accident mean anything anymore. don t get crazy with the side bets. in one word who is going to win? 9ers. thank you steve. you got it, guys. well, just days before he heads out on the road to talk gun control. the white house releases this picture of president obama. so is he no longer gun shy? and if you are a snow bird, then you should pay more taxes. the proposal that is turning heads at the top of the hour coming right back. using cloud computing and mobile technology, verizon innovators have developed a projective display for firefighters. allowing them to see through anything. because the world s biggest challenges deserve even bigger solutions. powerful answers. verizon. grew up in a small town and when the rain would fall down i d just stare out my window dreaming of what could be and if i d end up happy i would pray i could breakaway i ll spread my wings and i ll learn how to fly i ll do what it takes till i touch the sky i gotta make a wish, take a chance, make a change, and break away out of the darkness and into the sun i won t forget all the ones that i love i gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change, and break away top of the morning to you, 7:00 on the dot now it is sunday. my alarm is going off. it s 7:00 on the dot. there we go. [ laughter ] that s embarrassing. i m anna kooiman in for alisyn camerota. true american hero shot dead. we take a look at the life and accomplishments of the most decorated sniper in u.s. history navy seal chris kyle. shocking there. and president barack obama skeet shooting photos causing a stir this morning just days before he heads out on the road to talk about gun control. and now the nra is firing back about this pick. plus super bowl 47 kicking off in just hours our own brian kilmeade big easy talking about louisiana governor bobby jindal who is playing host today to all the people descending on his fair city. fox & friends hour two starts right now. folks, we are just hours away from super bowl 47 when the san francisco 49ers. and the baltimore ravens he got a chance to sit down with bobby jindal. hey, brian. he was not in new orleans. he didn t spend much time here. he is busy being governor. we went to baton rouge to talk to him. what he wants to get out of this for the people of new orleans and the state of louisiana. he wants to give a message that this place is rebuilt, it s re-done and possibly better than ever. he also talked about how much hone will be flowing into the covers into this state which has not seen the super bowl since 2002. here is the governor. tenth super bowl. $400 million to the economy. visitors staying in hotels. buying products. here is what is even more important for me. i think that s wonderful and great to the economy. what s so important are to me is thousands of reporters reporting that new orleans and louisiana are open for business. one of the best benefits for us in addition to hosting this great game is that the entire world sees that new orleans and louisiana are open. we are rebuilding after the storm. we want people to come down here to have a great time to invest, to create jobs and to come and enjoy everything louisiana has got to offer. so it looks fantastic. they redid it. between the lights mercedes sponsoring if and helping rebuild it they got a brand new arena to play. in of course, attached to it is where the new orleans basketball team place. details about him taking on the president and taking on his own republican party. also talking about what his owns a expirations. that will be on fox & friends on monday. come up on this show, we just saw him in the green room. he is in the shower right now. getting ready for the show, joe thighs man. thighs theisman going s. going to be here live in 30 minutes big award from rg iii last great quarterback to play for washington since he he played for washington. that s all coming up here in our coverage outside the superdome because they won t let us in. i can understand it. because brian is manning the showers. that s very kind of you. before we let you go, brian. you showed us the superdome. are you bummed at all they are showing preference picking the ravens. see the colors on the outside look like baltimore colors. see no red. isn t that interesting? they claim to have picked the calories years before. a lot of ravens fans are saying it s god s sign they are expected to win today in honor of ray lewis and everybody else. we will see. there is a lot of purple out here. i wore a lot of purple yesterday and i m not a raven. i m not pulling for the ravens so to speak. i don t think you can lump them in. that purple sets off his eyes beautifully. yeah. thank you, bribe we will see you in just a bit. i would have felt better if anna said that if you don t mind, mike. the purple really brings out your ice. she can t even say it. 4 minutes after the hour now. we do need to get to your headlines this morning it is with great sadness we report the tragic death of american hero chris kyle the normer navy seal was killed along with another man at a gun range in texas. it s believed the two were fatally shot while helping another soldier who was recovering from ptsd. this is new video of the house where the suspect was found. we re hearing 25-year-old eddie ray ralph has been arraigned on two counts of capital murder. kyle wrote the best selling book measure sniper. he was the most lethal sniper in u.s. military history with more than 150 confirmed kills. he he also received multiple valor awards including two silver stars and five bronze stars. here is he on fox & friends just last year. listen to this. i have lived the literal meaning of the land of the free and the home of the brave. it s not corny for me. i feel it in my heart, in my chest, even at a ballgame. you love this country. i do. and that s one of my pet peeves going to a game or any and the national anthem comes on and people refuse to remove their ball caps. you have to show respect. that flag is red, white, and blue. the red stands for the blood the guys have spilled. not just the guys here in iraq and afghanistan. but all through the our history. you are not going out purposely to try to kill people and racking up numbers. you are going out to save americans. chris kyle was 38 years old. now we have the latest. we do have a fox news alert to let you know about. the hostage standoff in midland city, alabama entering its sixth day. police say they are still in constant contact jimmie lee dykes. the gunman who snatched the a-year-old boy off a school bus last week allegedly. meantime residents continue to offer prayers for the child s family and remain hopeful for his safe release. he is coming out. it may we don t know when. and we will never know why, probably. we were ever faced with this as a community, as a whole. you know, i m sure we will never have an answer. but he is coming out. this morning, a funeral will be held for the bus driver dykes is accused of killing. charles poland was shot several times as he tried to save the children. panic on board a charter bus carrying dozens of high schoolers after it smashes into an overpass. the horrific crash happening last night in boston. at least 34 people were hurt. three of them seriously and one with life threatening injury. the bus was heading back to philadelphia after a visit to harvard university when it attempted to pass under a bridge. [inaudible] everybody was screaming. we were in the back and the police say the bus did not belong on the road. they are investigating whether charges are warranted against the driver who apparently did not see the height restriction sign. and if you are a snow bird, then you should pay more taxes? minnesota governor proposal turning heads this morning. his idea is to tax nonresidents on their income from stocks, bonds, capital gains and dividends if they spend at least 60 days in minnesota aer i don t. state revenue department won t say how many snow birds the new tax hike would hit, but it predicts the tax would raise $30 million over two years. and those are your headlines this super bowl sunday. florida saying, come on down here. you are going to tax them up there we will welcome with you open arms down here. picture tells a thousand words. here a picture getting a lot of buzz. being the sports fan that he is, president obama plans to watch tonight s super bowl. first, he will sit down for an interview. will it be in-depth? we ll find out. peter doocy joins us live from washington morning. more on how the president will celebrate the big game. hey, peter. hey, clayton, the first lady told rachel way this week, she thinks it will be a quiet super bowl this year. she is planning to make nachos and quack molly at home. meanwhile, politico is reporting that tonight s game time festivities at the white house will be a family affair. on friday press secretary jay carney said the president will be watching the game tonight with interest but he didn t have a whole lot of specifics beyond that. i don t know who will join him in watching the game. i know although his bears are not in it, he looks forward to the game, some interesting dynamics there, brother vs. brother. i think we all expect it to it be highly entertaining. first term president obama held a party with lawmakers from pennsylvania where the steelers play and arizona where the cardinals play. you see this photo shows the president watching the game very closely in the dark. congressman mike doyle a democrat from pennsylvania said the president didn t move the whole time. and he was quoted in the jody cantor book called the obamas with the details of that bipartisan party. there have been other profile super bowl parties. this year does appear to be more low key. even for us folks who were not invited to the white house to watch the ravens and 49ers tonight. we will get a chance to see the president on tv because scott pelly from super bowls news is going to interview the president at 4:30 this afternoon. i said if he had a son he would have to think long and hard before letting him play football. one final political note. the l.a. times did the math and pointed out that last year s super bowl drew 177 million people. that s about 50 million more than the number of people who voted in this year s presidential election. back to you in new york. all the people who vote for american idol. priorities are way off. thank you, peter. now to this. because just before the president hits the road to talk gun control this week, you will recall the president in an interview mentioned when he goes up to camp david he loves the sport of hunting and he doesn t want to take guns away from law abiding gun owners and so forth and he he skeet shoots all the time when he is up at camp david. the press actually questioned jay carney on this. they said come on, really? even jessica from cnn say do you have a picture? they have now released this one. it s from august we are told. how do you think is he doing. you can see the trees there. he has got the eprotecters on so he doesn t blow out his ears and he is firing at these clay pigeons that he would like to do on a regular basis. it s a hobby that he has picked up over the past year since going up to camp david. well, the nra saw this and responded immediately saying. this one picture does not erase a lifetime of supporting every gun ban and every gun control scheme imaginable. there is the quote right there. that s a gross generalization of the president s position. the white house over the past four years has said that the president does not support all of these types of gun bans. you know, up at camp david, presidents skeet shoot a lot. there are a lot of presidents throughout the years. talking about the form that president obama has compared to some past presidents. let s take a look at some other presidents with their firearms. calvin coolidge, you will will be surprised that s not calvin coolidge that s president obama. teddy roosevelt a famous hunter. here is roosevelt. probably standing next to an elephant that he probably shot. there is teddy. fdr also up at camp david. learning how to skeet shoot. long line of presidents. including eick, of course. former supreme allied commander and president of the united states. jimmy carter. i think we have a photo of him at a gun show buying some guns. i remember that photo. h.w. bush coming up next. this is he as well. bill clinton i didn t take him much for a hunter or of a gatherer. what is this thing? how do you cock this thing? and g.w. he looks like is he ready to go. you certainly know the push clan, big fans of hunting, of course, karl rove goes out hunting on a regular basis. a lot of of the bush clan go out too. joe biden came forward he doesn t know if gun laws will prevent another newtown from happening again. debate continues this week for sure. happy birthday irs. today marks 100 years that americans have been getting taxed. so, is the tax code better now than a century ago? the answer i think will surprise. you forget changing into sneakers get fit by wearing high heels. it s working out for her. working out in city llweleyn toes can get you in shape. vacuuming, too. a live look at the big easy. more of the super bowl and our brian kilmeade coming up. next. do you have a stiletto in my size? [ male announcer ] how do you make america s favorite recipes? just begin with america s favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell s. it s amazing what soup can do. so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn t need new shoes? and with all the points i ve been earning, i was able to get us flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week. i m like.yeah, ok. little did i know that one week later i wasn t smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don t take chantix if you ve had a serus allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it helps to have people around you. they say, you re much bigger than this. and you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. 100 years ago today 16th amendment was ratified allowing congress to impose income tax on all americans. i was there. according to our next guest the tax code significantly changed over the past 100 years big time and not a good way. here to explain is senior tax policy curtis bay. thanks for being with us. before 100 years ago. in 1912 how did we pay for everything? there was custom taxes. but the main thing was there wasn t a whole lot of revenue coming into washington and the federal government was pretty install. once the income tax came into existence the size of the federal government was allowed to grow much much greater. we have the great big federal government we have today because income tax funds it. so the income tax a bad thing then? is tax policy and tax code, we always talk about this bloated tax code. we keep hearing how far it s massive and no one can make heads or tails of it it hurting small business and big business in this country. when you look at it 100 years ago, better or worse than it is today? it s much worse than it was when it first went into law. there is no doubt we need fundamental tax reform. doesn t look like there is much momentum for it in the next four years. i don t think we ll be having that what concerns me most is we are going to institute another broad tax value added tax or carbon tax that will lament in 100 years as we do the income tax today because it will allow the federal government to grow even ladies and gentlemen than it is right now. what was the highest percentage of tax and lowest. will we ever have a flat tax in this country? the highest was 91%. that was back as early as actually 1960. and we have been down to 28% at the end of the 1980s, after the 1986 tax reform. a flat tax is the goal that we would like to see. we have been for it for an lo time. i don t think we will see it in the near future it will be much better for the economy and the country. this notion that income tax, raising income tax rates, that s great for the economy, right? that s great for revenues in washington. that s not the case at all, actually. right, well, no matter how high the rate is going to get, 91% back in the 50s and 60 s and 28% recently in the last 20 years or so, is still the income tax averages raising about 8%, 9% of gross domestic product. it infer can get more than that because people change their behavior. if rates get too high. they cut back on working, the economy grows slower. when rates are slower, they take on more risk, invest more and revenue comes. in income tax binds how much revenue can come into washington. that s why i m fearful of another broad based income tax. have funnel at your 100-year-old birthday party today. sphnchts thank you. thanks, curtis, coming up on the show, keeping your home safe while you are not there details on how to keep criminals away from a former burglar himself. he will are here to explain. he knows what he is doing. how safe are you in the guy skies? stunning new report released on what the faa is not doing that could be putting you at risk on a plane. we re all having such a great year in the gulf, we ve dided to put aside our rivalry. cause all our states are great. and now is when the gulf gets even bett. the beaches and waters couldn t be more beautil. take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. and don t forget our amazing seafood. soome to the gulf, you ll have a great time. especially in alabama. you mean mississippi. that s florida. say louisiana or there s no dessert. brought to you by bp and all of us who ca the gulf home. it. there you are, 7:24 is the time. he is clayton, i m anna. i can t believe i m about to learn what i m doing wrong here. criminals can be smarter than you think. how you can keep your home safe while you are away? who better to ask than a former burglar himself joining us now is walter shaw. he is the author of the book license to steal. producer of the upcoming documentary genius on hold. walter, nice to see you this morning, welcome to the show. thank you. how are you? good. i m very good. we will get to that newspaper thing in a second. one of the first things you say to do though is set up some timers at home. what do you mean and how can this prevent folks like former burglar like yourself from coming into a honchts what you want to do is appear that you are still there even though you are gone. the thing burglars do is track to you see what the activities are if your lights stay off or on all the time. when dusk comes you have got the lights coming off. and then early in the morning you make sure it goes back off. these are all tips to help you appear to still be there. right. walter, something that we deal with in this part of the country especially if it snows you really ought to ask your neighbor to go and walk through the area where they would walk toward the door or put some tire marks on the driveway? exactly. put the tire marks on the driveway snow off the front entrance do the same thing with the driveway. put tire marks there to make it look like the car went in the garage. don t make it so obvious. this ising my wife and i will do all the time. switch off the newspaper subscription. you don t want five or six newspapers pile up on the sphront door while you are gone that seemed like a clear sign. make sure the papers are picked um on a regular basis so they don t pile up. you have got to be able to have somebody there to do that for you. thieves are somehow figuring out that i m canceling the subscription? yes. if they could tap into the cia, they could tap into subscriptions. everything is through the computer now and through your hand held telephone. we ought not tell penal we are going on vacation and don t share it over the internet, right? there is no reason to do that because people are much withing you. i mean, everybody is watching. why tell people where you are going. you know where you are going. when you get there that s one thing. to advertise you are going for one week, with it weeks, no reason to do that. some of these travel web sites, put them online. smart phone. keeps your whole itinerary there online you say avoid doing that why? because they are tracking you with the computers now. track all your travelocity stuff. little things which tracks you. like people when they have a lay their car they don t think about the stuff they leave in their glove compartment. author of jeepous on hold, walter thank you for joining us. great tips. thanks for having me. 7:27 now. coming up on fox & friends. do you want to get in shape? put on your high heels, ladies, the workouts bound to keep you fit, that s next. back to the bayou where brian is standing by. who is that guy? joe theismann is here. not only does he know the game. he knows how to dress for the interview. is he smart enough to wear a sweater. he is wearing an o i m not wearing a t-shirt. all i have is my chest hair. why am i the tough guy under a are the football player. i m a quarterback. he is going to break down the game like nobody else. joe theismann life outside the super bowl. you can t pay for that event side. right, joe? absolutely. make up something we are the champions of the world. greek yogurt and whole gr. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i m tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i m like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. ooh baby, can i do for you today? [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. nly align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. hey e welcome back it to fox & friends on this almost valentine s day. you know, you are already lining up gifts for your loved ones, why not do something great for the troops as well. we love them as bake me a wish. i am telling you the rs world s best cakes you have already had. mike is already eating his cakes. red relevant vet cake. you order a cake online at bake me a they mail an identical cake to some of our troops overseas. they get identical cake. they get a slice of home back there. they have the red relevant vet cake over there. they have the chocolate cake. their carrot cake is like one of the best cakes you will ever have. feed me. what you do is bake me a posh of each cakes. all sorts of things over. it s not just doing something for your loved one but having a gift that really gives back. apparently chris chulo over there so you send it to your mom and send it to your loved one and they send identical cake to our troops. bake me a and get it in time for valentine s day. i m taking this whole one, maria. taking a maria order down here. i like chocolate cake. chocolate coming right up. coming to you. preferably if you have a molten lava chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream on the side that would be amazing. tie want to talk about the weather in new york city it is a very compel start to your day. currently 25 degrees. you factor in this little breeze that s going on and it feels much colder so you really got to bundle up as we head outdoors today and those temperatures in new orleans for the super bowl looking much better. we are actually seeing them right now into the 50s as we head into the afternoon. indoors, people will be tailgating. temperatures in the 60 s. a will the of sunshine. no rain in the forecast first alert forecast. as we temperatures down in the 50s. current temperatures across the country infantry, again, chilly in the northeast. westbound in the teens in chicago. single digits minneapolis 6 degrees. atlanta nice and cold as well. 34 degrees right now. southwestern section of the u.s. not too bad. los angeles, 60 degrees. 59 over in the city of phoenix. and as we take a look a as far as prescription goes. it s going to be a relatively quiet day. we are looking at more snow across portions of kentucky, parts of tennessee. western north carolina, we do actually have some winter storm warnings in effect out here because you are going to have some wind and some accumulation. not so bad in the studio. four inches maximum for some spots. thank you, maria. 7:34 is the time now. vice president joe biden says that the united states is open to direct talks with iran over its nuclear program. speaking at a security conference in germany, the vice president said the white house would be prepared to meet one on one but the responsibility lies with the iranian government to show they are ready to move forward. there is still time that offer stands but it must be real. and tangible. and there has to be an agenda that they are prepared to speak to. we are not just prepared to do it for the exercise. last month, just ahead of talks with the u.n. security council. iran announced that plans to accelerator enrichment of uranium that can be used in fuel react tores as well as nuclear warheads. the faa is is lagging behind on implementing new airline safety measures passed back in 2010. according to a government watchdog report. protests from airlines have delayed efforts to increase the amount of experience needed by a pile lot or to be a pilot rather, improve pilot training and create a database with pilot past performance records. the new laws stem from the airliner crash from buffalo back in 2009. that crash, which killed 50 people was blamed on pilot error. this is the one you are looking forward to. usually you slip off your heels when you get to when you want to work out, right? not anymore, folks. now a new trend around the country where women are slipping them right back on. heel hop or stiletto fitness is the latest workout trend ankles, legs, back muscles and we always use when we re wearing our heels anyway. of course, some experts warn if you wear heels too much you can get hurt. get that plan tar fasciitis. i have had that too. this is what i m wearing today. that s a nice stiletto. that s why our own brian kilmeade had to stop wearing them because he got plan tar fasciitis,. i feel it works on my cavs but my toes get cramped. so you stopped it it? that s why our lockers are open. another guy another pair. back who hot yoga. let s break down the game. everyone is talking about ray lewis and all these ray rice and joe flacco. let s just talk about how this thing is going to play out about seven hours from now. brian, there are two very different football teams. the baltimore ravens are a team that love to go vertical. they love to go down the field and press the ball that way. joe flacco and the playoffs is averaging close to 10 yards a pass. not just a reception. and then the 49ers on the other hand they brought the right option. in unique aspect frank gore and then dropping back at it, that creates all kinds of problems. you have two very different styles. defensively, both very tough to be able to move the football again. you brought this interesting point up about which you used the term gimmicks. hot and cold. running shoe was hot. usually successful. let s talk about what you just said in there the right options. the right option is a unique concept what it does is is isolates the end man on line of scrimmage and linebackers. you have to make a decision whether you want to tackle the quarterback or go after the running back. then you add the element of collin capper knack being a good passer. not only do you run the running back into the line, if the end goes to tackle him you did like the green bay packers did against number 56. the packer could say not stop it the falcons did a better job. they did a better job. almost forces defenses to get a lot morva nil la. that s what every trend in novelty has done. forced the offense or the defense to get vanilla. the 46 defense that the bears won. it s interesting. most of the teams that have come in with these novelties have won championships. people are justified the next year copycat. i heard bill parcells talking. he says if i m going against capper nic i hit him every play. maybe by the end of the fourth quarter he doesn t want to carry the ball again. it is a nice concept to say that you hit him. you want to wear the quarterback out. you almost has to assign someone to him. one on one basketball on the football field. somebody has to have the full back ivelgt somebody has to have the full back. you don t turn your back and run because he will take off and run. very interesting concept. i m curious to see the light. it s a novelty because you are not going to see a lot of teams do it. you dent have the russell wilson and the capperknacks and rg 3 s. i was kidding before. have you done this every year we have been at the super bowl starting starting with fox n 97. you gave me the ring to hold during the session and what do you do at the end? you give it back of course you do. prostate commercials that come on it s been great for you because the product works did has been great for other people. health standpoint. brings awareness for prostate for men over 60. if you are the staffing to get up to the age get up and go to the bathroom. all these things have happened in your life. we ignore the things that happen to us as we get orlando. i feel honored to be able to represent super beta. i take a product that works for me. it goes with the quality of my life. i appreciate that. i hope people do. because it has to do with your health. now, you personally, you are out and about now as more of we were just talking to scott here migrate preinterviewer when he does show up on time. we can t get a shot on camera it s going to cost us money because is he in a union. people always wanted to talk about super 17 the won that you won. do they want to talk about the one you lost. i remember the game against the radars when you lost super bowl 18. i said sorry, i have concussions i don t remember that but i actually do. all kidding aside of when comes to concussions it s a very serious problem we have in our league. both the league and player s association is working hard to make it a safer environment. i remember a lot more where super bowl 18 the one we lost than i do about super bowl 17 that we won. great to talk about the super bowl. all the stories like you mentioned were topics of conversation. this could be one of the all time great ones. hard to member. every game seems to have been going down to the wire. you are calling it for the international feed? we go to 146 different countries. about 120 of them in english. joe theismann, and guess what this means? we re out of time. thank you. i felt important for just that little bit in my life. you are always important. three important people. three wonderful people. look out for those high heel workouts. you don t want to hurt yourself. he is talking to you. calves look great. thanks brian great stuff. coming up on the show. remember this dress? fashion frenzy when kate middleton stepped out in it. i love that one. why you could be seeing more of it. and from a style icon to a fainting legend. we re honoring norman rockwell. a look at how he put american culture on to a canvas. it s his birthday. happy birthday norman. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no. try it, and see what your good driving can save you. you don t even have to switch. unless you re scared. i m not scared, it s. you know we can still see you. no, you can t. pretty sure we can. try snapshot today no pressure. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell s healthy request soup lets you hear it. in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm. [ male announcer ] sounds good. it s amazing what soup can do. to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that s why at devry university, we re teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america s ready. make sure you re ready. at makes me feel good to look at that. one can t help but to feel warm and fuzzy. no one that could have translated american culture on a canvas like norman rockwell. no one did it like him. joining us now is the director of the norman rockwell museum up in massachusetts. lori. great to see you. great to be here. get started over there. because it snowed last night paintings. city and we had this is the village of stockbridge, massachusetts where norman rockwell lived the last 25 years of his life and where the norman rockwell museum is located. and then right no next to that i love the self-portrait. is that great or what with a pipe in his mouth. the self-portrait tells so many stories. most artists did make a self-portrait to record themselves which when you look on the evil easel you see the artist he admired. he makes a nod to the modernist painters van go who he also admired. what s behind you? behind she a picture that i think is emblematic what he stood for. great humanitarian painting the godden rule. in it he tells us do unto others as you would have them do unto you. all cultures and races and religions. is that him. he is not in the painting. that is a farmer that was a end from of his in vermont where he lived at the time. who is this over here. one of my favorites. you can almost taste the turkey. quintessential thanksgiving piece. done for a very serious purpose during world war ii to articulate president roosevelts four freedoms. freedom of speech, freedom from want. fear dom from fear and freedom to worship. these are the reasons america went into war to preserve these freedoms for people all over the world. he also made statements too, look at this. after he stopped working for the saturday evening post where he had done 321 magazine covers through the his lifetime went to work for look magazine. the subject matter changed greatly and he he started painting the current events of the day and did some very important civil rights movement paintings. this young girl is walking to school will protected by the u.s. marshals i want indicating the first elementary school in new orleans. ruby bridges is the young girl who inspired that painting. and this piece helped bridge the great divide and the difficult times that the country was going through at that time. that s for sure. and he he had a sense of humor, no question about it. check out super bowl sunday. super bowl sunday. we thought we had to end with a football piece. this is so much fun. part of the four seasons calendars and you see these boys just tumbling. norman rockwell painted somewhat auto by graphically in that he was not athletic. he loved to paint. one of the greatest artists of our time. he shows these boys having a great deal of time. he would have been 11. 119 today. now, is this exhibit i mean, these are duplicate of the real thing, of course. because traveling around the country? yes. we have an exhibition of our collection american chronicles traveling around the country. it s closing in sacramento, california today. it s going on to the new crystal bridges museum in arkansas. how do we know on our web site. wwwmrmorg. i love the self-portrait. 7:49 is the time now. if you are not feeling it already. the pain at the pump just got even worse. it could reach $4 by next week. details ahead. then, most of the time our brave men and women have to leave family behind. but this story is so incredible, a father/daughter duo brave the battlefield together. i will be talking to them right after this break. you don t want to move a muscle. music: make someone happy music: make someone happy it s so important to make someone happy. s so important to make meone happy. make just one someone happy and you will be happy too. thank you for spending your sunday morning with us here on fox & friends. i m anna kooiman. the time is 7:53 now. when fighting for our countries, many soldiers leave behind family friends and loved ones and neighbors and everybody else. one father/daughter duo s friendship stayed strong during deployment together in afghanistan. home safely and joining us now are army sergeant timothy layer son. 19-year-old army specialist katelyn layerson. good morning, guys. good morning. welcome back. what a story you two have to tell. this is so incredible. what made you guys decide to do this together? i know it is is a family tradition to serve in the military. it is a unique opportunity. i have been deployed previous year and our unit came up on deployment. and my wife shannon, she decided she would like me to go and i would like the opportunity to spend quality time as we like to say with katelyn. and katelyn, i know you were at a communications type role and timothy you are more of a military police type role. did your paths cross very often while you were there? daily we work together. and what was it like, you know, being able to serve with one another? i mean, that just has to really strengthen your bond now that you are back home, too, huh? i think it has. we saw each other every day. and i i look at her and she is still my daughter. i can still see her in pigtails and glasses when she wore them. i also got the opportunity to see her as a soldier carrying a weapon and doing her job. katelyn, can i tell just how proud your dad is of you. how do you feel about serving your family and being welcomed home by the community because they really wrap their arms around you, care packages and waiving the american flag. yes, they did. the care packages were definitely nice. they kept us going. the welcome home was beautiful. there have were lots of people it was nice to have him over there. very comforting to look over and see him. i wouldn t take it back. i really imagine, you know, sometimes you would experience fear and he he would be able to be there. and to comfort you. how does it feel to be able to serve next to your father like this when a lot of girls, while they are even considering going into the military, they might be embarrassed of their dad or something like that. but not you. how does it feel to be able to be searching right next to him. it s nice. i have always looked up to him. joining the military was he was a big part of this. military has been in our family he he is a respectable person. everybody loves him, everybody knows him. it s nice to follow behind him. will you guys serve again? we will continue. we re in the same unit in the reserves. so we ll be together for a little while. what a story. and thank you very much for your service from all of us here at fox & friends. thank you. have a great day. 7:56 the time now. gun battle ladies and gentlemenning on in washington. what can we expect as president obama hits the road this week to tout his gun control plan? chris wallace at the top of the hour. and then a decades old power plant gone in just seconds. a whole lot more fox & friends coming up in just a bit. male announcer ] how do you make america s favorite recipes? just begin with america s favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell s. it s amazing what soup can do. humans. even when we cross our t s and dot our i s, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what s your policy? 7,000 students drop out every school day. that s a line of desks more than 4 miles long. keep students in school. visit and take the first step. good morning to you. it s sunday, february the 3rd, i m anna coy man in for alisyn camerota. here is what is happening. we start with a fox news alert. tragic news this morning. the death of an american hero. the most dedicated sniper in u.s. history chris kyle murdered. a closer look at his life and his accomplishments. and in the middle of a fierce gun debate in this country, the white house releasing this photo of president obama skeet shooting back in august at camp david. was this a pr move that really missed the mark chris wallace is here to weigh in. super bowl sunday not only about the big game but also about the commercials. this ad may have sparked the soda wars and it s now being pulled. is this fair? a soda stream ad being pulled. we report. you decide. fox & friends hour three starts right now. welcome to fox & friends on this sunday morning. mike jerrick in this morning. anna kooiman in for alisyn camerota. i m clayton morris. we start with a tragic story out of texas. we are still getting word and information in to our fox news newsroom this morning exactly what happened. as anna was mentioning off the top of the show one of the most decorated and most accurate snipers in american history and a friend of fox & friends and this network chris kyle was murdered at a charity event down there yesterday afternoon trying to help a fellow marine who was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. this is what he has done with the rest of his life after getting out of the service, helping others who were still dealing with pstd. this former marine he is trying to help is 50 miles south of dallas is a guy he is trying to help him out. this guy is 25 years old. apparently when chris turned his back, he was shot in the back and there was another man, too, also killed, shot in the back. they were at a firing range, gun rake south of dallas. it s just absolutely heart breaking for america in general. this chris kyle guy, he could be an action hero for that matter. he recorded more than 150 sniper kills. the most decorated u.s. military person in history for snipers. he also had two silver stars. five bronze stars. two navy and marine corps achievement medals and a navy and marine corps accommodation as well. yeah, my gosh. to be shot in the back at a gun range in texas, after all the things he survived in his life, especially when he was serving overseas? he was shot twice. six ied attacks he survived as well. he is the best selling author of american sniper which detailed his four tours in iraq. and you recall he famously punched out jessie ventura for allegedly defaming a fallen navy seal. he says being unpatriotic. you know, of course we said a friend of the show and chris kyle was here on fox & friends. spoke to our own brian kilmeade just last year. listen to him. listen to this. i have lived the literal meaning of the land of the free and home of the brave. it s not corny for me. i feel it in my heart. i feel it in my chest. even at a ballgame. you love this country. i do. that s one of my pet peeves going to a game or any event in the national anthem comes on and people refuse to remove their ball caps. you have to show respect. that flag is red, white, and blue and the red stands for the blood the guys have spilled. not just the guys here in iraq, afghanistan. and all through our history. you are not going tout purposefully just trying to kill people and rack up numbers. you are going out to save americans. i spoke to harold wasnin earlier. you could tell, holding back tears. here is a guy who knew chris well. he himself a former navy seal had this to say about chris kyle. listen. on a super bowl sunday, i want everybody in america to realize that chris kyle is a real american hero. is he not some athlete getting paid millions of dollars to go play a game. he is an american responsible for killing over 150 people who want to do america harm. he spent 10 years as a sniper doing my old job and i have got the utmost respect for him. and my heart and prayers go out to his family. and we do want to know too, the suspect in this case has been taken into custody. his name is eddie ray ralph. again there are reports he was suffering post-traumatic stress and that chris kyle was trying to help him. he was there as part of this therapy session and brian kilmeade who sat down with chris kyle a short time ago here on our set, brian, you and i were talking before the show just a horrible horrible story and unbelievable as this was unfolding. right. 25-year-old marine was actually trying to get away and they had a mini chase. they were able to get him, apprehend him and he he is in custody at this hour. we know that chris kyle was working on another book that was going to be released it was done. he wrote the doctrinal for snipers. special forces doctrine for snipers. that came through loud and clear. and he survived now: he has two kids and a wife. his career outside of the military was just kicking into gear. he wondered what he was going to do. i also remember chris saying that he tried to get into the military. and they turned him down because he has got pins in his elbow or his shoulder from a rodeo accident. then they called him back and said all right, we will take you back, pins and all. and he ended up having this 10-year spectacular career. he also said to me he said it s not about the medals, it s all about the guys. and he says every guy that he took out, that he saved an american when he took out a terrorist. i also thought it was interesting to point out that he could hit from over a mile away. so he was able to stop convoys in its tracks. he was known as the devil by insurgents in ramadi. they would get these comments from insurgents saying who is this guy that keeps killing all our guys? it was him. that s one of the greatest compliments you could have given him that the enemy feared him. and he really was surprised by, my feeling, my words, not his, but he seemed stunned by the success of his book. he had no idea that his book would resonate so much with measures. and at least we know he was appreciated and he got some gratitude for everything he sacrificed. including his two war wounds when he released the american sniper. brian, working with these golden star families, of course, trying to help after getting out of the service, and actually trying to help people suffering from prost traumatic stress and getting back to civilian life and going through therapy sessions with these families, right, brian? there is going to be a story to be told about a 25-year-old marine suffering from ptsd and part of his therapy is bringing him out to the range. only to get shot in the back like you do. guy like him camey and savvy, he totally trusted this guy. what went down? are are we doing enough? the bigger picture and this will be weeks from now. are we doing enough for people with ptsd. 22 in an average month take their own life. now this in this case he took the life of an american hero. you are absolutely right about the broader picture. we heard the chuck hagel hearings not one mention of this. talking about veterans and these issues. and one of the biggest issues facing veterans in this country right now. i hope we hear more about it we will check in with brian who is at the super bowl. more stories that brian is covering for us in just a moment. this peer-to-peer counseling they are doing has become quite popular tough information to be handing to you this morning. another bit of tough information be handing to you this morning hostage drama involving that 5-year-old child in alabama still going at this hour. oh my gosh. liz is still in alabama for us. hi, liz. yes, it has been an emotional roller coaster for folks here in midland city. it s hard to believe that little boy is being held hostage only blocks from our location in fact right over my left-hand shoulder is where is he being held. jim i didn t lee dykes we are hoping to learn more at a press conference scheduled at 9:00 a.m. local. we are seeing these ribbons pop up all over town in remembrance of not only the bus driver, charles albert poland, jr., but also that little boy s school colors. these ribbons line his elementary school not far from where we are now. we know the community is holding a number of prayer vigils every night. we re seeing them at low churches and gazebos. we are praying for his safe return. here is what one neighbor told us? my prayer is that is there will be a miracle and that god will soften his heart and he will let [bleep] go. and then he will spend the rest of his life locked up. that funeral service we told you about for mr. poland will be held at 2:00 p.m. local told. in lieu of having it at a church they are having it at a local civic center. they expect thousands to show. only 2300 people who live in this community but they expect people to come in from all over the state to honor that man who gave his life for some of these children. back to you guys. elizabeth plan for us as well. we will will be following more of that on fox news channel. rest of your headlines this sunday morning. panic on board a charter bus carrying dozens of high schoolers after it crashes into an overpass. the horrific accident happening last night in boston. at least 34 people were hurt, including one with life-threatening injuries. the bus was heading back to philadelphia after a visit to harvard university. bridge, and i open my eyes and everyone was screaming. we re in the back. and the back of the bus came in to the back of the seat. yikes. police have been interviewing the bus driver who apparently did not see the low clearance warning signs. and we re learning this morning that three of suspects are nau in custody in connection with with the deadly u.s. embassy bomb out of turkey. two of the men were arrested in ankara. third in istanbul are accused of helping this man to sneak into turkey to carry out the attack that left a turkish guard death dead and three others hurt. strached with enough explosions to take down a three story building. 40-year-old spent few years in prison but released in 2001 because of a brain condition. also this morning in a matter of seconds a power plant is reduce just to a power rubble. [explosions] you are looking at a controlled implosion of a power plant in california. 300 pounds of explosives were used to take down that bad boy. that s been closed since 2010. the plan is to turn the site into a public park. it will look a lot nicer, won t it? more bad news for drivers. you are now paying more to fill up your tank than ever before this time of year. national average price of gasoline posted its biggest one day increase in 23 months on friday, rising four cents to 3.46 cents a gallon. according to a.a.a. it s gone up 4% this past week. and analysts warn that it could go even higher guys. those are your headlines. you you have got it. moving on here. coming up. this ad pulled for from airing during the super bowl tonight because its explicit. can you think the content of this ad. by that we mean it went after two iconic soda brands, coke and pepsi. coke and pepsi are mad. they re mad at soda stream. we will tell you about that ridiculous story. president obama s skeet shooting photos causing a stir. just days before he heads out on the road to talk gun control. chris wallace is going to weigh in on this gun debate. and the president s skeet shooting coming up. look what mommy is having. mommy s having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. we don t let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you re one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day afr day. block the acid with prilosec otc and don t get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] e pill eachmorning. 24 hours. zero heartbur welcome back to fox & friends on this sunday morning. you know what you are going to do after you watch this show fox news sunday. debate over gun violence heating um in washington. the president said to take his plan on the road. what does that mean for the future of gun control. hi chris wallace, good to see you. hi, guys, how are you? first off what did you think of that picture on the front of the new york post today with the president skeet shooting up at camp david? well, it s everywhere. and obviously it only adds to the debate. we will be having exclusive interview at the want to hour with wayne lap peer. the head of the nra. chief spokesman for gun owners in this country. and we will ask him about it we will also be talking about mark kelly who is, of course, the former astronaut and the husband of gabriel giffords. the congresswoman talk about the murder of chris kyle at the gun range. american sniper. the prospects for what is or isn t going to get passed. we will try to get into the substance of some of the issues. does an assault weapons ban work? what about a universal background check? those kinds of things. the president hitting the road as you mentioned and to try to sell, this i guess, to the american people more broadly you have your very finger on the pulse in washington, d.c., chris. what do you suspect among those four or five different parts of this bill. will they be broken up? will it be all one lump sum? what do you do you think? well, i m not sure how it will go legislatively. in terms of what i think will pass, clearly the assault weapons ban has the toughest road to go. in fact, over the weekend, vice president biden is leading the effort for the white house was quoted as saying he doesn t care as much about the assault weapons ban as he does about these high capacity magazines that hold 30 rounds or 100 rounds. so it sounds like they realize that the white house, that the assault weapons ban is going to be very tough to pass. i think a better chance for some limit on the size of these g theelsz high capacity magazines the best chance i think and we will be asking wayne lappier and wayne kelly about it is some expansion and maybe even a universal background check. the idea that you would have to, no matter whether it s a registered dealer or a gun show or a private sale. you would have to go through a background check to make sure that you didn t have a mental health history or a record of a criminal record. chris, we have got to wrap it up. i want to ask you real quick, are these laws or parts of it anyway, do you feel like it s a little bit symbolic in a sense? because vice president biden also quoted saying that he is not certain that these new gun laws would stop another huge massacre from happening. well, i think what he really was saying was we can t guarantee. even if you pass this law, were to stop every case. i don t think he is saying they would not have any impact in every case. you take quickly the case of gabriel giffords, the man who shot her had a gun with 33 rounds in it. he fired the 33 rounds, every one of them hit a person. either multiple times or just once and it was only when he had to reload, to take out the one magazine and put in the other, that s when they got him. all right. chris. we will be watching. you bet. busy morning over there. coming up here on the show, victory or fate? what do the changes in the contraception mandate mean for religious institutions? we will ask father john about that coming up. today is not only the day for the big game. you will also get a sneak peek at some of the upcoming blockbusters, kevin mccarthy is here next with movie guide. like iron man , baby. i can t wait. all right. today is the day for the big game and for some big blockbusters, movie studios have splurged for some high profile tv spots to preview their latest film. i m super excited about this. what can you expect to see today? clayton might explode during this interview. here to give us a sneak peek kevin mccarthy. good to see you. iron man 3, huh? hey, i cannot wait. super bowl ads are upwards of $4 million for 30 second spot which is justified considering last year was the television s history s most watched broadcast in the history of television. 100.4 million average viewers. iron man 3. i have to mention this. i kind of miss the surprise of not knowing what spots are going to air. i have to admit that i do go online and i do watch all the spots. i watch them every time. iron man 3, i cannot wait, robert downie jr. jon favreau is not back to direct. this the first two did over $1 billion. they can obviously afford a super bowl ad. i have to say this is my geek out movie of the year. i cannot wait to see this. we have a teaser spot that tees the super bowl ad. you are going to see tonight. check out this spot right here. [explosion] i love, kevin, that we have a teaser now for an ad, which is a tease. i m crying nerd tears. clayton i know you are with me on that. i cannot wait to see that. i m super excited for iron man 3. it looks darker. ben kingsly on it i m super excited because j.j. saved the star trek franchise. new film coming out as well. this is the ad i m most excited about it s interactive ad. go on smart phone and download an app. star trek into the darkness app. what the deal with this when you are watching the gym during the second quarter when the spot comes on, you click a but ton on the app. and the app. will actually listen to the spot from your television and help you unlock exclusive star trek content? sounds like too much work to me. i cannot wait to see that j.j. abe bramtion is back. i cannot wait to see. he signed on to direct the new star wars episode 7. this comes out on may 17th with a new star trek. check out othe spots tonight during the super bowl. this is what i am looking forward to fast and furious 6. van diesel, baby. i m 100% with you on that. guilty pleasure. the first five movies made over $1.5 billion in the box office. they can clearically support an 8-million-dollar 60 second super bowl ad. this is actually the trailer debut. we haven t seen any footage from this film yet. what you will see the footage tonight during the fast and fewer yufs. i understand they have fast cars in that when i think tonto i think johnny depp. well, i m excited about lone ranger now. this spot is actually going to air in the pregame show. it s a 90 second spot. and it stars army hammer as well who is playing the lone ranger. army hammer was actually the guy who played the two twins in the social network. he played both of them. i m excited about that. that spot airs tonight in the pregame show along with world war z which is the new brad pitt zombie movie. we have a clip of the teaser for the spot airing for lone ranger. check this out. if we ride together, if we ride for justice. justice is what i seek can imosab. there you go. lone ranger. you mentioned world war z. i saw some of that in a trailer a little earlier crazy little zombie movie out but also oz, so a new wizard of oz film too. sam ramey behind it did the spider man trilogy. this particular film is a prewe ll to the classic 1939 film. we have james franco. michelle williams. it looks absolutely stunning from the previews we have seen so far. gorgeous visual effects. and that movie comes out on march 8th. i m sitting down with the cast in a couple of weeks. we will have interviews here on fox & friends. no place like home. we will get you out of here. we know you have got to go and get ready for all of this. a trailer for superman? honestly i haired we are not going to get a man of steel trailer i m upset by this. i m bummed by that. maybe they will sneak it in there. i heard there is no man of steel trailer. i m going to be doing back flips in my. too many super heros. there is never enough if you get word text me. i don t have your number buy but i will will try to text you. thank you so much, kevin. check out all the stuff at nerd coming up on the show, i vow not to swear, a school asking only its female students to take a no cursing pledge. is this a double standard? then it s the dress that set off a fashion frenzy. you remember this. new details of why you could be seeing more of kate middleton s iconic blue dress. [ male announcer ] how do you make america s favorite recipes? just begin with america s favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell s. it s amazing what soup can do. plus a valuable coupon. we ve dided to we re all having such a great year in the gulf, put aside our rivalry. cause all our states are great. and now is when the gulf gets even bett. the beaches and waters couldn t be more beautil. take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. and don t forget our amazing seafood. soome to the gulf, you ll have a great time. especially in alabama. you mean mississippi. that s florida. say louisiana or there s no dessert. brought to you by bp and all of us who ca the gulf home. or that printing in color had to cost a fortune. nobody said an all-in-one had to be bulky. or that you had to print from your desk. at least, nobody said it to us. introducing the business smart inkjet all-in-one series from brother. easy to use. it s the ultimate combination of speed, small size, and low-cost printing. all right. welcome back to fox & friends. here is some outrage for you. we saw this story this morning. we couldn t believe it, right? coke and pepsi buy ads on cbs for the super bowl. they always do those back and forth ads. this year soda stream. you know the company, saves you money. make your own soda at home. buy it at target and other places. i love it i drink it all the time. put all different flavors. in different colors. they created a super bowl ad. cbs said we are not going to air it because we don t want to offend coke and pepsi, our sponsors we decided you know what? they are not going to show it? we will show it to you. take that cbs. here is the ad they don t want you to see. watch this. with soda stream, we could have saved 500 million bottles on game day alone. the ad they don t want you to see. you see it right here you know what though, guys? you have made it. if you have enough money to buy a super bowl ad in the first place which apparently they did, this soda stream thing son the up. if you follow what s been going on with their lawsuit with the dish hopper and, of course, what they are dealing with with c net and telling them editorially not pick that as the best in show out at the consumers electronics show. look that up and google that whole story. soda stream is still going to get an ad. run where of their older ones where coke and pepsi isn t blowing up in. i try to take the other side? i m mr. cbs. [ laughter ] well, i mean, pepsi and coca cola buy so many ads in the super bowl, you know, it s kind of a slap in the face to the coke and pepsi people who give us so much money, i would rather not run that one add. how are you ever going to be able to pull yourself up by your own boot straps and ever become a coke or a pepsi? this is america. i m going to shave a slides dale then,. the budweiser people. we don t want to know about your personal life. i m going to cut a tail off sr. something. why can t cbs just say hey we don t get involved the ads are running wear not getting involved in the winners or losers. it s up to you. it s different if it s a little charged something that is going to be porn graphic? also i m very lazy, too it. do you make your own soda clayton at home. seltsa water at home. would you do that? i don t think so. no time and also isn t soda not healthy for you guys? i drink the carbonated water. that s why he has gas. [ laughter ] t.m.i. too much information. i want to talk about the weather out here because, you guys it, is a cold morning in new york city. currently 24 degrees. you factor in a little bit of a breeze, and it feels so much colder here in, no. as we head westbound temperatures even colder in cleveland. 16 right now. 4 degrees in the city of minneapolis. left of center in the northeast a pretty start to your day right now atlanta 35 and 37 trees is your current temperature in the city of raleigh, north carolina. again, these are current temperatures. not your current wind chill temperatures. this isn t what it feels like it. feels even colder out here. otherwise, as far as that cold air when it goes over the great lakes. we are going to be seeing some snowfall downwind of the great lakes. lake-effect snow warnings in northwestern, pennsylvania and also part of new york state. further south we have snowfall in places like northern virginia where temperatures are god enough to see that snow. all the bay up through the importance of west virginia. we have advisories and arranges. not that much. one of the reasons we are seeing is we do have that i understand areas not used to seeing snowfall. georgia winter storm warning. 4 inches in new york city. you are not going to be seeing a winter storm warning in effect. relatively quiet. as far as high temperatures today how warm it going to get. 33 would be high temperature in new york city. and the teens in the minneapolis. and otherwise new orleans, big day out there. 68 degrees for your high in that city. guys? perfect weather to the game. your lip gloss is going to freeze. thanks, maria. 8:37 is your time right now on your super bowl sunday. a stad ten highland mother who voon issue inned while on solo were in turkey has been found dead. found near ancient walls in poor neighborhood of istanbul. she reportedly was stabbed and had a head injury. the mother of 2 was last heard of from january 21st. the day she was supposed to return to new york. it is unclear if they are suspects or witnesses. also this morning, a catholic school in new jersey is clamping down on foul language among its student body. well, half of it anyway. administrators at queen of peace high school in north arlington want all female students to take a no cursing pledge. no such demand has been made of the male student. a teach his or her organized the campaign claims it s because the school wanted ladies to ability like ladies. how do you feel about that? ben affleck winning the top honor from his peers at the director s guild of america awards for are a go. good for him. if you are going to to do this, you have got it do it. great film. it s the third time in the dga s 65 year history that the award has gone to a film maker who is not also up for best director at the academy awards. the show is actually directed by a racist monkey fox & friends. and hosted by him, too. well, it was only a matter of time before people started demanding kate middleton s pregnancy style and now her famous engagement dress has been remade for moms to be. blossom mother and child is selling the isa. is a fire. it s is a fire blue. sach fire dress sapphire. they say it can be worn during pregnancy and also after. those are your headlines. the show is also written by. wait a second. i m out of focus now the rest of the show. makes fun of the director and that s what s going to happen. you have a soft glow you do look better. coming up on the show president obama extending olive branch to religious institutions making changes to the contraceptive mandate. are they accommodating or gimmicks. father john weighs in on that. do you lay in pedestrian browsing the internet on your ipad. may want to stop. that is a bad story for your health. that story is coming up. depends on what you are browsing. brian kilmeade and big time super bowl preview. we ll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. . living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis means living with pain. it could also mean living with joint damage. humira, adalimumab, can help treat more than just the pain. for many adults, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your abilitto fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve your pain and stop further joint damage. welcome back. some quick headlines for you now. one school system in maryland coon all the work their students and teachers have done. the prince gorgeous county board of education proposing a rule that would give it it copyright of others work. no word on if the board may approve that proposal. and using your ipad. before budd bed may keep you awake. when used for two hours on the maximum brightness, the light slows the protection of mel tone anyone. a hormone that makes you drowzy. the ipad gives off light in the blue and white end of the spectrum. that s true of actually any of electric trn nic devices. even baby monitors, anything. so any of that stuff you want to make sure you are not using before bed. i thought it was just all the sirens in midtown manhattan that was keeping me awake. the white house offering compromise on federal mandate regarding contraception. we had to ensure that women have access to preventative services like contraception and that the policy also will bees religious beliefs. those guidelines, those criteria have been follow followed by the department in promulgating this rule, this proposed rule. devil in the details while the proposal allows nonprofit religious employers to opt out. it will not apply to private sector firms with religious objections so what does the change really mean for faith based institutions? let s ask fox news religion contributor father jonathan morris who is here to weigh in on this. controversial this news came out friday afternoon when they were hoping maybe not a lot of people were paying attention to it, super bowl weekend, friday afternoon. what do you make of. this they have made it so confusing. there is over 70 pages of explanation. an explanation of something that should be very simple. for example, if i m okay michigan and i don t believe in going to war, would the government need 70 pages to explain to the country what amish groups do have the exemption, don t have the exemption. they have made this unbelievably complicated, full of accounting gimmicks as well. the bishops of the united states, the catholic bishops for example said we are waiting to figure out what it means. they don t understand it. they are going to extreme levels to make sure that they are satisfying the planned parenthood lobby and others who want to make sure this is what they are going to get. we want to go ahead and mention some of the details and cut through a bit of the clutter. nonprofit religious employers will be able to opt out of the obama care mandate but insurers coverages both standard birth control and items like the morning after pill. the those organizations are are still going to be on the line and have to be part of the process. right. we know forever sure that those for profit companies who have many employees who don t feel that according to their conscience they can be paying for these things. they are not exempt at all. we say okay, churches are exempt and some, we don t even know how many now. some increased number of nonprofit organizations, religion jugs organizations are exempt. certainly no private sector organizations are exempt. but, you know, here is the point. the united states of america has always held he sang crow sang sang co-sangt conscious inspection there is compelling reason for the state. someone is dying and the state says no, you actually have to give them some health services. they are dying, but to come in and say this is such a compelling motivation for our cifer tri to make sure there is no co-pay for the day after pill. the guy who owns hobby lobby, so against this morally, ethically, just does not want to do this, what s going to happen to this guy? he has to pay $100 a day for every single employee. that s right. $100 a day fine. why is the government. over a million dollars a day. why is the government so interested in making sure that only a few people, only some people. only if you are sufficiently religious you get an exemption? why? it should be up to the government to let you know who is sufficiently religious. good news in my opinion it s good news but it s fact that 11 out of 15 cases that have been brought before federal and appeal courts against obama care have been approved. 11 out of 15? 11 out of 15. father great, great seeing you on. next week i m going to propose to everyone a lynn ton 2013 challenge. lent of is coming up. put it on facebook or twitter. announce it how to live for easter better. lenten challenge 2013. thank you, father. coming up on the show the nfl seeing a surgeon in the number of head injuries. so could concussions kill football in america? we re going to go to new orleans with brian kilmeade. is he live there this super bowl sunday. we re going to dive into that a little bit more. why don t you hit me with the best shot. hit me with your best shot fire away. to build next ? that s the question. every day. when you have the most advanced tools, you want to make something with them. something that helps. helps safeguard our shores. helps someone see through a wall of fire. helps those nowhere near the right doctor stand a chance. . feeling in the extremities ? no. technology can do that. who can tell me the third life cycle stage of the frog ? it can take a sick kid to school. nathan. tadpole. and help ensure a constant supply of clean energy. the things we build share one belief. that the world s biggest challenges deserve even bigger soluons. powerful answers. verizon. if you want to know about the super bowl and i know you do. next guest. very few road blocks, okay i died. gary, super bowls, the author of coaching confidential. and actually worked to your advantages as bill parcells goes to the hall of fame. welcome back. thank you very much, brian. jim gray one of the finest sports reporters and anchors in america. covered how many super bowls? i have lost count. i m not sure. you are over 30 as well. when we talk about the hype building up to the game. what stood out for you for from deer antlers to ray lewis retirement. what do you think stands out this week of hype? you know, brian, there has been so little buzz about the game itself, probably less than any of these super bowls ever covered. because like you mentioned, you had the deer antler spray true. look back because i was away. evidently some type of ointment or extract that helps you heal quicker nfl has banned. 124r has been reports about ray lewis and that. he has denied it and resented being asked about it that was early part of the week that dominated the news. the interviews you did with the harbaughs and that family. i don t think that s burnt out. i can t get enough of that story. it s interesting. and, you know, we have never had this. we have had it with serena and venus williams. the plot thickened when the all of us learned that jim son s jay is an intern for his uncle john now. noted only do we have brother against brother we have father against son. what about the father football coach don t worry about me. is he a football coach. is he saying we re so happy and his mom is so pumped up. i thought that their real life characters actually helped sell the story. let s do something that hasn t deny done. let s talk about the game. are we going to see the ravens, patriots second half when we see the baltimore ravens or are we going to see a team that lost 1.4 games in a row during the regular season, gary? i think they have turned it around at the end of the regular season. season against the giants where they seemed to have found an identity. relying a lot more on joe flacco to win these games. he has elevated his play in the playoffs. you are right. they didn t open up the offense until the second half against the patriots. they are fortunate because in the first half of that game the patriots have tremendous field position and didn t take advantage of it and they could have built up a big lead. flipping back and forth on how this thing is going to play out. what do you think. i think it s all to cappernic all this guy who had poise in first nine starts. ran for 189 yards against the green bay packers. came next week rallied his team from down 17 in atlanta. really accurate. really calm? or is the big day going to get to him? i mean, are we seeing the birth of tom brady because there are so many similarities? he is starting just in his tenth game in his second year just like brady he replaced a guy who had injuries. they were both drafted in baseball. are we seeing the beginning of something really, really special? i. i know you say you are not great at predicting games. you did go out on a limb in my radio show. are you sticking with your same prediction? yeah. you put me on the hot spot there. the day after the championship game on radio. and i picked the 97ers, 29-24. because i m consistent i m sticking with it. we can watch you jim listen to you on dial global network; is that correct? dial global area network. we will have the pregame. tom brady and larry fitzgerald will join me pregame at halftime. these guys are so important. big time players seek out them. i see those and i m quite envious. you have sender o off thanks for getting um with us this morning. final hour of fox & friends weekend right after this. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more pcessed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i m eating what i kn is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and class-leading 38 mpg highway. advanced helights. and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it s our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a $199-per-month lease on the 2013 nissan altima. good sunday morning to you. it is the 3rd of february, 2013. i m anna kooiman. we start with the fox news alert. the death of an american hero, the most decorated sniper in american history. navy seal chris kyle murdered. we have all the latest details as they come in, plus we ll take a look at his life and all of his accomplishments. and critics are crying foul over this lette picture of the president skeet shooting. did the white house miss the mark by releasing this in the midst of the country s heated debate. we report, you decide. i think they are upset because they called them skeeters. don t call them that. then it turns out failure is an option. a teacher and mother of two said it s time to let our kids slip up and learn from it. fail forward, perhaps. she ll be here to explain this. fox & friends hour four stars right now. that s how i ve gotten ahead in life, clayton, messing up. how do you learn. you dust off your knees and get up. that s how you learn. if you re constantly being praised and h you never learn hw to learn from your mistakes, you can t learn. we ll talk to her coming up later in the show. anna kooiman is here. i love her, the great ann anna kooiman. i m clayton morris. a horrible story out of the texas. we re still waiting and getting more information about an american tragedy. a navy seal and one of the most decorated sniper in american history, chris kyle, friend of this show and this network, was murdered at a charity event there yesterday at a gun range. he was there helping a fellow marine who was suffering from ptsd when, according to reports, he had his back to this marine. this marine ended up firing on him, killing him and another gentleman who was there with him at the firing range. we re told the suspect has indeed been taken into custody. that suspect s name, eddie ray rouse, and this is just this is really a huge loss for america as a whole. this guy recorded 150 sniper kills. that s the most in the united states military history. look at all of his awards. two silver stars, five bronze stars, two navy and marin marins achievement medals. in iraq he survived being shot twice over there, he ends up dying in texas by being shot in the back? he goes through four tours in iraq. yeah. fiewrfour tours. he wrote the best selling book, american sniper. as brine talked abou brian talk, it was unexpected that the book would do so well and became a treasure in the country. he famously punched out jesse ventura. he defamed a fallen navy seal and said it was unpatriotic. that lawsuit was continuing and set to go to trial i believe in august of this year. of course, now that is not going to happen. i know. patriotism to chris kyle, very, very real. we mentioned that he was a friend of fox & friends , and we want to let you watch this clip of him appearing on the show. listen to this. i ve lived the literal meaning of the land of the free and the home of the brave. it s not corner kor knee for mel it in my heart and my chest. you love this country. i do. that s one of my pet peeves going to the game and any event and the national anthem comes on and people refuse to remove their ball caps. you have to show respect. that flag is red, white, and blue, and that red stands for the blood guys have spilled, not just guys in afghanistan and iraq. you re not going out purposely to kill people and rack up numbers, you re going out to save americans. insurgents feared him. from a mile and a half away he could pick them off one by one, he with an incredible sniper skill that he had, was truly an american treasure. we have a fellow colleague of his and comrade, really, a comrade in arms, a former navy seal himself on the show this morning talking about what a loss this is for this country. on a super bowl sunday, i want everybody in america to realize that chris kyle is a real american hero. he s not some athlete getting paid millions of dollars to go play a game. he s an american responsible for killing over 150 people who wanted to do america harm. he spent ten years as a sniper doing my old job, and i ve got the utmost respect for him and my heart and prayers go out to his family. this is in a remote location which is why trying to get some information about exactly who this guy was, this marine who ended up taking the life of chris kyle and this other gentleman, it happened at rough creek lodge which is a shooting range where the charity event was happening in glennrose, texas, 50 miles from dallas, when the police chase then ensued following the shooting. police ended up apprehending him about 9 p.m. last night after he fled the scene. gosh, you know. i got a tweet about it last night. it was shocking, isn t it? the navy seals all around the world started tweeting about it. incredityup icredity upset. i remember chris almost didn t make it to the service because he liked rode yoarks you know, riding broncos and stuff like that, and he messed up his shoulder and his elbow. almost wasn t allowed to be in the service. because of the pins and needles. but he was so good at being a sniper, we ve gotta ha have y. think about how many american lives he potentially saved. this is such a tragedy, and to you know, fall this way at the hands allegedly of a former marine who he was trying to help. senseless. it is. five minutes after the hour. we need to get to the rest of your headlines on this super bowl sunday. another fox news alert. the hostage standoff in midland city, alabama entering its sixth day, but police say they are still in constant contact with jimmy lee dykes, the gunman, who allegedly snatched the 5-year-old boy off a school bus last week. in meantime, residents continue to offer prayers for the child s family and remain hopeful for a safe release. he s coming out. we don t know when, and we won t ever know why, probably, we were ever faced with this as a community, as a whole, you know. i m sure we ll never have an answer, but he s coming out. this morning a funeral will be held for the bus driver dykes is accused of killing. charles poland was shot several times as he was trying to save the children. and panic on board a charter bus carrying dozens of high schoolers after it crashes into an overpass. the accident happened last night in boston. at least 34 people were hurt, including one with life-threatening injuries. the bus was heading back to philadelphia after a visit to harvard university. we were going under a bridge, and i opened my eyes and everybody was screaming. we were in the back, and the bathroom in the back of the bus came into the back of the seats. police have been interviewing the bus driver who apparently did not see those low clearance warning cypress that were posted. if you re a snow bird, you should pay more taxes? what? minnesota governor mark dayton s proposal is turning heads this morning. his idea is to tax non-residents on their income from stocks and bonds if they spend at least 60 days in minnesota a year. the state revenue department won t say how many snow birds the new tax would hit, but it predicts the tax would raise some $30 million over two years. those are your headlines. hey, anna. last night in new orleans apparently they had kind of the academy awards of football. they gave out a bunch of awards. they did indeed. we re just hours away from super bowl xlvii when the 9ers take on the ravens. the stars came out last night, and the hall of fame induction ceremony. yeah. our very own brin brine brian s live from new orleans. how did we do with the accent. reporter: very impressive. first of all, we ve got to talk about they re doing something. they use to come out in a press release. player of the year, the mvp of the year. they said let s make this an award show and they did last night. we were there at the red car at thcarpet,talked to the who s whf football. got an opinion on what they think will happen today. when it came to giving back the awards, the come back player was given by two guys who used to be rivals, brett farve and aaron rodgers. peyton manning had some fun with that. when it came to the mvp, it was adrian peterson. how happy was he? this is amazing, you know. just to join an elite group of legends that have been before me and mow separating me is so in motivating me is so inspiring, man. it feels good. reporter: meanwhile, peyton manning went up there. did not get the mvp. many thought he would. adrian peterson got offensive player of the year. he got comeback player of the year. great to see the two of them up there talking football. i feel pretty confident me and andrew luck will be up here presented this award up here one day together. and andrew luck replaced him with the colts. meanwhile, the hall of fame took place simultaneously. we were able to tape it through the magic of these tape machines that we have at fox. they re enormous and big and effective. the hall of fame induck tees were 15, they knocked it to enit. in the end it s a class of seven. warren sap of tampa as well as the oakland raiders, ontha jonag ogden. bill parcells, and then you have larry allen of the cowboys. the most emotional, chris carter of the vikings and eagles. it s the most amazing thing that s happened to me. if you look at my career and how it started, for me to end up in this chair, i mean, i m sorry, but, i mean, this is the happiest day of my life. he had some problems coming out of college and he also did not get off to the greatest start with the eagles, but man, did he soar with the vikings, fourth in all time receptions. thought he would get in last year. he s in this year. that s a quick look at what happened last night. from here on in, we talk about what s happening this afternoon. thank you so much, brian. we ll check with you later at the super bowl. an update now on that soda stream ad story we brought you. that thing has been watched over two million times on youtube which saved them basically the $4 million in advertising that cbs could have gotten from them. it s been watched on youtube thanks to them. that s only so far. wait until after the game. i bet it will be way higher than that. take that. yeah. all right. we need your opinion. victory over faith. what do the changes in the contraception mandate really mean for religious institutions? we hear from the president of a catholic university. and then president obama pledging to protect the entitlement programs in his second term, but are the people who really need it getting the help? we ll have more on that coming up . next. 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[ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria proliferate. protect your mouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. fixodent, and forget it. is bigger than we think . sometimelike the flu.fer from with aches, fever and chills- the flu s a really big deal. so why treat it like it s a little cold? there s something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. so don t wait. call your doctor right away. tamiflu is prescription medicine for treating the flu in adults and children one year and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you re pregnant, nursing. have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. the flu comes on fast, so ask your doctor about tamiflu. prescription for flu. we re going to try to ease you out of bed on sunday morning. quarter past the hour now. he s mike and i m anna. president obama opening his second term with a pledge to protect entitlement programs. the commitments we make to each other through medicare and medicaid and social security, these things do not sap our nation. they strengthen us. they do not make us a nation of takers. they free us to take the risks that make this country great. but are the president s big government policies which date back to lyndon johnson in the 60s, are they actually preventing people from getting the help they really need? joining us now is the author and founder of the center for urban renewal and education, star parker. good morning, thanks for being with us. good morning. good to be here. you say although there were great intentions back in the 1960s with lyndon johnson, the president that we have currently has just gotten things out of hand. well, when we even question the intentions, we have to say do we want to be a nation of dependency? it isn t a matter of just makers and takers when you talk about our entitlement programs, social security and medicare. we have to exclude medicaid from this discussion because medicaid is a transfer system. the people that are paying the benefit are not the ones that are receiving the benefit, but with social security and medicare, what we ve done is we ve developed out a dependency where our seniors are dependent on current workers. current worker workers pay for e retirees. what s happened with that pyramid turning upside down is we re more dependent on government transferring wealth from one generation to the other, so when you ask the at question are people that really need helping getting the help they need? the answer is no. when these programs were designed, they were to make sure that people would not be poor when they retire. what we have now is a system that is just a redistribution of wealth. so do you think entitlements sap initiatives they absolutely do. it s one of the reasons that people on the right call for personal retirement accounts because when you look at the way the system is designed, let s just be clear. this is what the american people understand. they really think that they re paying into a trust fund. their name is on that trust fund. it s like an insurance policy, and when they retire, they re going to get as not what the sy, and the supreme court has ruled twice that it s simply a tax that congress can change at any time. that s why we re starting to hear about means testing which is a welfare-designed program. we re starting to hear about moving retirement age which will exclude many poor people from even receiving what they ve paid into it, so yes, it is a very complicated problem that we ve gotten ourselves into whe. when we started, we had 16 workerworkers for every retiree. now we have almost two. we may as well take care of our own seniors, our own parents. yes, it needs to be rededesigned. let s look at how entitlements have been growing over the first term. back in 2009 you see medicare, $430.1 billion versus in 2012, $484.5 billion. look at the medicaid and social security numbers as well. star, i mean, what s the solution? there are people who need help. the solution is exactly what was said under george w. bush, that we should begin and what is also being said from paul ryan. we should begin to take those that are healthy and young out of this particular type of environment and put them in one that has more personal gain, one that has an ira attached and/or a 401k. we should have have a transfer payment built we should not have a transfer payment built upon a design to retire seniors. 10,000 people a day turn 65. that s why those numbers are at the levels that they are right now. all right, star parker. thanks so much for your time today. 19 minutes after the hour. the future of fisheries at risk because of new government regulations. is there anything that can be done to keep it afloat? a commercial fisherman who will soon feel the impact joins us coming up. and if you want your child to grow, let him or her fail. that advice coming from a teacher and a mother of two children. she s here to explain right after the break. we re all having such a great year in the gulf, we ve dided to put aside our rivalry. cause all our states are great. and now is when the gulf gets even bett. the beaches and waters couldn t be more beautil. take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. and don t forget our amazing seafood. soome to the gulf, you ll have a great time. especially in alabama. you mean mississippi. that s florida. say louisiana or there s no dessert. brought to you by bp and all of us who ca the gulf home. $4 million is how much companies shelled out for a 30-second ad. over 100 million people will tune in to see the new ads like this one from last year s game. the next 1.2 billion dollars, that s the number of chicken wings that will be eaten this weekend by mike alone. that number satellite dow slighm last year because of chicken costs. 50 million, that s how many cases of beer will be consumed today mostly by clayton and a little by anna. for more on that, let s go to clayton. briet, you re at brian, you . it turns out failure is an option for your kids. the next guest is a parent and teacher. jessica leahy is a mother of two and a teacher in new hampshire. jessica. nice to see you this morning. nice to see you. we were having an interesting discussion about the way in which we connect with our kids and i think there has been this tendency over the past generation to encourage kids so much that we never let them fail at all. right. well, encourage them so much and don t let them experience disappointment. we love our kids. we just don t want them to feel sad. we don t want them to feel hurt, so we tend to not let them deal with the consequences of failing and making mistakes. before we dive into some specifics on how to turn this around, what are the con consequences of never letting kids fail. thick about a great president like abraham lincoln. think about how many times he failed. it was disappointment after disappointment after disappointment and then he gets elected to congress and then, of course, the presidency. picture this. picture abraham lincoln makes a mistake. he does something wrong. instead of having to deal with himself, a parent comes in, steps in him for him and says no, no, no honey, we ll take care of this. what you re telling your kid when you do that is i don t think you re capable of handling this yourself. i don t have confidence in you that you re a big enough person to handle this yourself, so i ll take care of it for you. we think that s helping them, but really what it does is undermine their confidence. we also praise kids so much. right. we praise them so much so that they don t want to take risks with their lives because they don t feel that if they if we keep thel telling them yoa genius, they won t take a risks in other areas of their life. that s also external. i mean, what we want them to do is to say i feel good about what i just did. i don t need people to tell me that i m great every time i turn around. so some of the tips to actually turn some of this around, to let your kids fail, learn now not, later. what do you mean? school is a fantastic place to fail, and i teach middle school, and it s a great spot for kids to, for example, if they make a mistake, if they cheat on something or they re mean to another kid. if we hold them accountable in middle school, the stakes are lower. they don t have to deal with the fact that later on if they learn it in middle school, they don t have to make a mistake in college, lose a job, get kicked out of school later on. go to prison. right. exactly. trust your teacher. that s an important thing. i mean, we re always sticking up for teachers, but they know how to disappoint a child properly. what i mean is trust the educational process a little more before you step in and take over. i think teachers are there because they really want kids to succeed. they want kids to learn and become better people. if we step in i and co opt the whole process before waiting to see if our kids can handle it, it undermines the whole process. it can wreck a relationship with a teacher. let your children take the reins. what do you mean? i try to teach my students to come to me and talk to me if they have a problem. i really prefer i if the kids ce and talk to me than if their parents e-mail or call me and say my kid left her homework at home, can you give her an extra day. generally i say no, i d really like if your daughter came to talk to me about that first because she needs to stand up for herself. we re trying to teach themself advocacy. thanks. coming up on the show, an accommodation or a gimmick. we have the very latest on this mandate for contraceptions for obama care. we ll dive into the specifics of that. plus, we re headed back to new orleans where brian is standing by. what s coming up? well, i ll tell you what. everyone is talking about the helmet keeping players safe. the players are suing the nfl. they re wondering are these helmets making the game safer. could it be kevlar in every single nfl helmet like it is with the rams and most of the steelers? we ll find out if this could be the answer to the long term success of the football player at every level when we re joined by the guys from unequal. welcome back. it s a shot of the morning. who will win the super bowl tonight? residents manatees at the mote marine laboratory in sarasota, florida say the ravens. buffett has selected the correct team every year for the past five years. that s manatee? wow. that is a little bit better than punxsutawney phil s record of under 40% accuracy. there you go. hugh has only been right three times. i love the name hugh, especially when it s followed by manatee. do you get it, hugh manatee? i just got it. thank you. 9:32 is the time. we do have some headlines to get to and some rough stories to tell you about. the pakistani school girl shot in the head by the taliban is now recovering after her final surgery in england. doctors say she is in stable condition and is awake talking to staff and members of her family. the 15-year-old was attacked in october while standing up for equal education rights. as the president gets ready to take his gun control plans on the road, the white house releasing this picture of him skeet shooting at camp david. the president looking to gain support for a ban on assault weapons. fox news sunday hosts chris wallace said it s another part of the president s proposal that has the best chance of passing. some kind of expansion and possibly even a universal background check. you d have to go through a background check to make sure that you didn t have a mental health history or a record o, a criminal record. the president will be in minneapolis tomorrow pushing his gun control policy. and president obama making changes to his birth control mandate. now some religiously affiliated groups will be able to opt out. the white house announcing the amendment on friday but not everybody s happy. critics say after a year of listening to people s concerns, the changes don t offer any new exemptions for employers. this is just, i think, a delay tactic and posturing for litigation, and they re not seriously listening to the objections of individuals and groups, private employers as well as ave maria and others that feel this is a violation of our religious conscience. i m disappointed. catholic groups say they ll wait to hear from the bishops on the changes. as of now, their lawsuits will remain in federal court. the faa is lagging behind on implementing new airline safety measures passed back in 2010. according to a government watch dog report, protests from airlines have delayed efforts to increase the amount of experience needed to be a pilot and improve pilot training and create a database with pilots past performance records. the new law stems from the airliner crash in buffalo back in 2009. that crash killed 50 people and was blamed by pilot error. those are your headlines on your super bowl sunday. thank you so much, anna. let s check in with maria molina on the super bowl sunday weather. good morning, everyone. if you live in new york city, it s definitely a very chilly start to your morning out here. we re talking about a current temperature right now at 24 degrees, but the issue is you factor in the breeze, and it feels even colder than that. in many areas it will feel colder than what the temperatures read. in cleveland, 17 degrees for your current temperature. factor in a couple degrees colder than that for your wind chill temperatures. 14 in chicago. in minneapolis, currently in the single digits, three degrees out there. otherwise, the southeast a chilly start for you as well. in raleigh, north carolina and also in atlanta you re looking at a current temperature at 40 degrees. now, as we get some of that colder air moving over the great lakes, we re actually talking about lake-effect snowfall across western portions of michigan, parts of upstate new york and northwestern pennsylvania, a couple inches of accumulation forecast, greater amounts across portions of upstate new york with more than seven inches of snow forecast, but, of course, that s not too bad for you guys out there around the buffalo area and also parts of syracuse where you re used to dealing with the snowfall. oafersotherwise, further south, northern portions of georgia, tennessee, western north carolina we have winter storm warnings in effect out here. anywhere between 1 to 4 inches of snow. the next graphic will actually show you those warnings, and you ll be looking at some pretty strong wind gusts. if you re doing any driving out here across the mountains or even some of the lower elevations, please be safe. they re talking about a bit of snow that could coat the roadways and produce slippery conditions. as far as how warm it s going to get, your high temperatures across the country, not too warm across the northeast. but it is february. it s supposed to be cold. 33 for your high temperature in new york city, and expecting a high at 20 over in cleveland. back to you guys in the studio. all right. thanks, maria. thank you very much. being the sports fan that he is, president obama has a super sunday planned for super bowl. first, he ll sit down for an in-depth interview. that s before the game, about 4:30 eastern time. yeah. so we re going to toss it out to peter doocy who joins us live from washington with more on all this. so what are people saying we re going to be getting out of this interview? reporter: anna, we re hearing that this year the president s plans for the super bowl are a lot more low key than his first few super bowls in the white house. politico is reporting that tonight s festivities will be a family affair and the first lady told rachael ray as much this week, revealing only that the president would have his favorite snack for the ravens-49ers game, nachos and guacamole. a few years back, the president had a big bi-partisan bash with lawmakers from the states where the steelers and the cardinals played. we jody cantor was riding her book, the obamas, she spoke to mike doyle who told her that president obama didn t really move throughout the whole party. he just sat there and watched the game like in that picture that you just saw. now, on friday, press secretary jay carney over at white house did not have many more specifics for us about this evening s plans. i don t know who will join him in watching the game. i know although his bears are not in it, he looks forward to the game, you know. some interesting dynamics there, brother versus brother. i think we all expect it to be highly entertaining. reporter: this afternoon president obama will speak to scott pelly from cbs news for a pregame interviewing coming a little more than a week after the president was quoted as saying that if he had a son, he would have to think long and hard before letting him play football. one final political note really quick. the l.a. times did the math and pointed out that last year s super bowl had 177 million viewers and that is about 50 million more than the number of people who voted in this year s presidential election. back to you guys in new york. that will tell you something. i think that record will get broken with this one. this is going to be a big, big deal. two brothers playing, and our own brian kilmeade who you just saw there is going to be talking more about this because you know, this is exactly what we re talking about with the president and talking about would he let his own sons play football. i think that s something that is a new day and age and we re seeing all these head injuries in the nfl. brian kilmeade down there in new orleans, about to address this subject because this is something the nfl is having to grapple with, right, brian? reporter: kevlar, protects our soldiers, our police officers we hope from bullets and explosions. it s often bulky and unwieldy. now one company is using that same material to help fight concussions and other injuries in football. joining us right now is unequal technology ceo rob vito. you ve begu been on the last few years talking about using kevlar in a sandwich to make it lighter and more effective. what s going on with the helmet now? well, let me help you. this is the latest development in helmet technology. the original technology is to have six pads. now we ve developed what s called the gyro, and it fits in, and it enables now to move inside the helmet. what this does, brian, it enables the head and the brain to move in the same direction as opposed to with the helmet. this is something that could help from pop warner to the pros. you ve got 12 nfl quarterbacks using this, and now in the whole rams team is using this? they re using unequal on their body and some of the quarterbacks are using this in their helmets. we just rolled this out into some of the nhl and x games. it s not just solid kevlar. it s a sandwich. this is the same thing you d find on a battle field. here s what it s all about. custom concealed protection fortified with kevlar. we take where there s normally a bullet proof vest. this is your vest. this is our vest. we replace worthless nylon with what we call armor skin. this reduces the amount of a trauma dramatically to a soldier and law enforcement s body. by the way, this is in some nato troops. it s so light, it s unbelievable. i want t you to hear what joe anywanamath said last night. we re not overstating it. we ve advanced much faster or further than we had. science has advanced more. there was a time you weren t even allowed to have drinking water on the practice field or football field. the body is not designed for the sport. the knees aren t supposed to bend sideways. the head is not supposed to get jarred and the brain is not supposed to bounce off things. i don t know. we re on the right track in trying to avoid that kind of contact more and more. that s what he s worried about. i looked at the 1970s helmet they had at the nfl experience. there s almost nothing in there. in the big picture, how close are you to convincing the nfl to put kevlar in the helmets. in a recent press conference, roger go goodell announced it s being strongly considered throughout the entire nfl. we were just one of a few companies that were invited to submit leg protection and we re now invited to one of their private views for the athletic directors. what i m most excited about is the do rag that goes on the head so the athletes can now wear it on their head and still have that unequal protection. paul said you ve got to armor up for battle. that s what we re all about. we ll see where it goes. there s no hot ter thing right now than keeping kids protected. the president of the united states said if i had a son, i don t know if i would do it. maybe with this you can. thanks for making the trip. back to you guys in studio as we wrap it up from the superdome. good stuff, brian. thank you. 9:42. government regulations killing the fishing business. up next, we ll meet a commercial fisherman who will soon be feeling the impact. then, how can you forget little d.a.r.t. vade darth vaidt year s super bowl? we re here to break down the ads that work. 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i mean, how many days a year will you be able to cast your nets out? well, as i said, i think right now my projection, because i haven t seen the actual numbers for my vessel yet, is on the order of three days. three days out of 365 days. that s correct. so how does that make you feel with the government stepping in time and time and time again? well, i mean, it s certainly creating anger on the par of the fishing community for a number of reasons. one is we don t see the starks as being in that bad of shape. second of all, there s something called the biological reference points which are basically the targets you have to get to, and we feel those have been set for a cold water regime and we re currently in a warm water regime where our productivity is much less, and when the council, at least some members of the council asked to have that asked, that really hasn t been done. so we think the targets that we re trying to reach are unrealistic at the moment. well, dave, i ve gotta play devil s advocate for a moment. we worry about mother earth and we want to make sure we re being environmentally friendly. do you at least see the argument from the flip side? oh, absolutely. i mean, i always say if there s no fish, there will be no fisherman, but there there are r ways to deal with this. there are ways that we could keep these small boats people such as myself a float, catching relatively small amounts of fish, but we didn t have the time to explore any of those options, so basically this is a one size fits all management policy that s put into effect with devastating consequences for some people and not so much for others. dave, we have to leave it there. thank you so much for your time. i understand you re just looking for a comroms on this. have a great day. 9:49 is the time. will super model sexy super bowl ad be a turn off. there s the sexy side represented by bar, and the site that creates a killer website for your company. it s breaking one of of his rules. he s here next to explain. she s still the one for you - you know it even after all these years. but your erectile dysfunction - you know,that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment s right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needingo go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. all right. welcome back. on super bowl sunday, sometimes what you see between plays can be just as entertaining, so what are the rules for the most successful super bowl ads of all time? we re breaking it down. frank, let s get into it.umber you want to be different. you want to show you want to be unexpected, and in all the super bowl ads, the best ones are ones that deliver a punch that you re simply notcting, sok at the first one. this is for a car ad, and most car ads don t work. this one did. it s great. i would arc with that because i remember the commercial but i forgot which car company it was for. and that s fair, but you know, they did a study of it afterwards, and that car company, vw, more people identified that ad to that car company than any other super bowl ad that was run last year. in fact, it did work. we went out an bought a volkswagen as a result of that ad. we bought a jetta. no joke. your second rule, frank, let the last three the last three second rule. what do you mean by that? it means that if you don t deliver some sort of punch, some sort of connection in the final three seconds, people will forget the ad. this ad for me personally is the most emotional that i have ever seen, and every time i watch it, it causes i can t even complete the sentence. i get very emotional. i say to the viewers this is one of the toughest ads ever aired in the super bowl, but you ll see why in the final three seconds. let s take a look. wow. effective. i m talking to your camera man hollywood here, and i said to him, i still to this point, every time i see it, anheuser busch did such a good job of paying respect to what happened on 9/11. without trying to oversell their product, of course. that s a very delicate balance there. now, i want to get into what s wrong. what not to do here, and your third rule here, don t divide the room. what do you mean here? 46% of super bowl viewers are women, and if you turn women off, man, you re going to make them angry. go daddy is one of the most controversial advertising companies. they re a great company, but their ads just really upset women. let s watch this. together, they re perfect. oh, boy. the super model and the nerd start making out. that divides the room. thanks a lot, frank. enjoy the super bowl. you got it. my pleasure. thank you. we leave them hanging with the last three seconds. we ll be right back. of greek y. of greek y. i m tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i m like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. all right that s a fifth-floor probleok.. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.

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questions about the trading of the five guantanamo bay detai e detainees. and questions about how bergdahl himself found himself in the hands of the taliban. many in cable news don t like to admit when we don t know all the facts at hand. pundits are paid to have all the facts at hand, the truth is we don t have all the facts. a number of soldiers came forward and said he deserted the army. it is important to hear from bergdahl himself, and important to know the facts. this week there have been a lot of thin and highly questionable reporting. the source on that particular story is described as secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account from a private intelligence firm run by a former cia officer, this gentleman. mr. claridge was indicted for lying to congress during the iran contra affair. and purporting of eyewitness accounts. now, the facts into his disappearance suggest that he certainly was not soldier of the year material. and public statements by those who severe e served with him ag important voices, but this is a life at stake, and we would all do best to know all the facts before we judge. barbara starr has more. reporter: army sergeant bowe bergdahl was physically abused during his five years in captivity by the taliban. after his escape, he was put in a cage or box, a senior u.s. official tells cnn. one indicator of an injury, a classified video of bergdahl made by the taliban last december included scenes where he is cradling his arm. bergdahl is also suffering from psychological traumas, the official tells cnn. bergdahl s captivity conditions changed over time as the taliban loosened or tightened security around him. they also moved him frequently to avoid detection by the u.s. the top u.s. military commander told christiane amanpour that bergdahl is not yet being formally questioned. i wouldn t say he is being debriefed yet, what we re concentrating on is his health. he has been in a very tough place for a long time. reporter: sources say that bergdahl is psychologically able to speak with his parents but has not yet done so. with the army opening a new review into what happened the pentagon is getting more cautious in their public statements. we really have to get a chance to talk to sergeant bergdahl before we can pre-judge on the specifics of what his captivity was like. reporter: since the vietnam war p.o.w.s have returned, they have evaluated the physical effects of captivity on military personnel and found generally good news. they need to realize that there is life after being a p.o.w. that most people bounce back, that bouncing back is largely a choice. and barbara starr joins us now at the pentagon. do we know now what the backup plan was? well, you know we talk about the backup plan. what if it had all gone wrong? when that helicopter came in you still look at that video. you understand they were doing that on one-hour notice. we know now that right up until the last minute they were still talking to the taliban getting the exact instructions where to go. the backup plan, what if it had gone wrong? what if those taliban had started shooting? we know that there was surveillance aircraft overhead. they had eyes on every one of those taliban. and those troops on the ground starting with those standing right next to the helicopter were prepared, we re told fully prepared to engage in combat, grab bowe bergdahl, make a run for it. backup forces would have come in very quickly, anderson. the proof of life video, is that something that may be made public? there is a lot of discussion in the senate about doing it. they have showed it to them. it is classified. it shows an american military member in captivity in very questionable circumstances, of course. whether that is exploiting him to any extent, whether they want hm to get better. whether there is a sense it would violate his privacy, that is what we re beginning to hear. all right, thank you, barbara starr, thank you for the update. president obama on the decision. it was a unanimous decision, my principals in my government and the view that was shared by the members of the joint chiefs of staff. and this is something i would do again. and i will continue to do wherever i have an opportunity if i have a member of our military who is in captivity. we re going to try to get them out. joining is now is david road who spent seven months in captivity. former navy s.e.a.l. and former hostage coordinator during the war in baghdad. and we re hearing more about what bergdahl attempted to do, attempted to escape, held in cage-like conditions. again, there is still so much we don t know. and to judge this guy without all the facts just seems inappropriate, doesn t it to you? well, where he was held and i was held, the tribal areas, it is famously difficult to get material. and some are telling this information to foreigners. afghans have been doing this for century, spinning tales and making money from it. a majority of reports that came out about me from the tribal areas turned out to be wrong. and throughout my captivity, they told my wife, anyone who says they know exactly where he is, did not know. when we hear about private intelligence firms operating, getting information on their own they re basically paying people, locals for information. and you re saying in your case the information that those private groups were spinning were not correct? yes, and some of this information could, about bergdahl could be correct. and some of these groups are trying to do a good job. and it is so difficult to sort through which anecdote, which tribe, which source is true. it is incredibly difficult for anyone, a private contractor and even intelligence officials. dan, you know, early on when we first spoke what you particularly focused on was the idea of this rose garden ceremony. this rose garden celebration. and i think a lot of people see your point on that. have you over this past week, i mean, how do you see this all now the way it is played out over the past week? again, i m sticking to my guns on this because i spent two years in iraq dealing with this. we did negotiate behind the scenes. in fact it was never we had maybe one or two cases where the embassy was approached in some of these incidents. for the most part it is all done in cutouts. what i will say, david is right, there is a lot of spinoffs, multiple information put out there for pay, and what not. i found out in iraq, with the u.s. troops all the capability of the u.s., and the power, special ops included, but i found out over the years after i left and kept briefing the private security companies, that a lot of these major cases that we were tracking but not really following they were being resolved in the private sector. exactly the network you re talking about earlier, david s case in particular. so you would be surprised that 90% or more of kidnaps around the world, they are solved by these private sector security companies that frankly have in my experience in iraq, they have better intelligence than our intelligence community. that is just a fact. i can go into more detail than that. i am trying to make the point don t discredit the private sector network because those are the guys that solve most of the kidnappings in the world. i would just like to say there was a private firm, private sector firm that helped in my case. the reports they gave throughout were false. i went out we were shocked several weeks afterwards where they started claiming things. and their version of events didn t match up what happened on the ground. and it seemed partly an effort to make more money. you know, i have written the truth in my story. and there are a lot of rumors out there but i know in my case the information was not accurate. david you wrote an op-ed about the situation and the families, tuck about all of that. it is just very difficult. they feel a tremendous responsibility with their loved one if they re somehow supposed to meet these demands. but when it is a jihadist group where they are wanting transactions with prisoners, they have no control. and governments are exchanging prisoners, israel gave away a thousand prisoners. and it is really difficult for them. some of these cases are kept secret. we re advised by contractors to do that. and the result of that is that there is very little pressure on the u.s. government because there are people today who are kidnapped. it is not public, but there is no pressure on the u.s. to act. so it is incredibly difficult and there needs to be a coordinated approach from all of these countries about how to deal with these cases. bowe bergdahl was held so long, i was held because pakistan was not securing these territories where they have the safe haven. and david, when you talk about the parents and focusing on them, how they look, does that what do you make of that? well, listen, again i try to focus we re going to get bergdahl s stories as they come out. and right now, i am not going to get into the weeds on that. but the response today is immaterial. his father grew his beard. to say i m not going to shave until my son comes home. his beard was as long as bowe bergdahl s father. i don t read into that too much. because listen if i was a father, a parent would do anything to get their son or daughter back so i m not going to pass judgment on them. i can t imagine, i sat down with hundreds of iraqi families in particular who had a husband or a son or a daughter kidnapped. so trust me, i know what the family is going through. and i counsel these families. i helped in the negotiation strategies on many local cases. so you know i m not passing judgment because i know the horror and terror of what they faced. so you re going to get no arm chair quarterbacking from me on that point. because a family would do anything to get their son or daughter back or uncle or father. dan, i appreciate you that is a fact. i appreciate you being on again tonight, and david road, stick around. i want to talk a little more about the allegations being aimed, some of them being aimed at bergdahl and his family. and the hometown, actually cancelling the homecoming. and later, my interview with the former navy s.e.a.l. marcus latrell, and his perspective on sergeant bergdahl and what he may have gone through. i understand the fear, i saw when he was in the back of that truck and i looked into his eyes i remember that look. i had it. i mean, it is the unknown. you are thinking what is going on here. i m your buddy. i m your team mate. i specialize in what i do, and i care about my clients call us for a mortgage experience that s engineered to amaze. you know that dream. on my count. the one where you step up and save the day? 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i realize there is a lot of controversy and discussion around this. what i was referring to was this is a young man who volunteered to serve his country in uniform during a time of war. that is in itself a very honorable thing. but honor and distinction? jim, really, this is a young man whose circumstances we are still going to learn about. he is as all americans, innocent until proven guilty. he is now being tried in the court of public opinion after having gone through enormously traumatic five years of captivity. his parents, the same. that trauma was supposed to give way to something better especially in his hometown. instead, hailey, idaho, turns a apprehensive. now the backlash is getting ugly and taking aim at hailey. reporter: this moment was supposed to be an emotional triumph for bergdahl s hometown of halley, idaho. it is extreme sadness that we re not allowed or not able to have this event for bowe. to welcome him back to the community. this was something to honor him and we can t do that now, not at this time. reporter: o neal and her family were supposed to celebrate the area where he played as a child. last year on the fourth anniversary of bergdahl s capture, o neal organized the support. his family was overwhelmed. it is my privilege to know bowe more than anyone else, as a father and man i will defend his character until the day i die. reporter: o neal says the town of hailey was flooded with more than 3,000 requests for protester permits for the celebration as well as nasty threats or e-mails. the event was cancelled because of security concerns and bowe bergdahl s parents are remaining out of sight. and how were his parents taking it? they were upset, i think in a way it was shocking to them that we were not able to do that for their son. he has not been able to talk. so i think they re pretty saddened by it all. reporter: while the yellow ribbons proclaiming bowe free at last, the angry e-mails pour in. one woman wrote, if your town can still welcome this traitor home you re not part of the u.s. that i am. and in another e-mail, they spoke of a ceremony honoring bergdahl would be a great stain on our community. the town s editorial lashed out at them. the editorial says the backlash against bergdahl has surprised many. what kind of reaction have you gotten? we had a lot of positive reaction locally. but certainly outside of our immediate area there have been people who think that we re casting a blind eye on what they believe to be fact. where in our mind, the facts of his capture really have not been established. reporter: bowe bergdahl s family and friends say the homecoming celebration has only been cancelled for now. they re not giving up on bowe yet. cnn, hailey, idaho. and back with david road, now with reuters, held captive by the taliban for months, and cnn officer bob bear. bob, again we don t know the full effects of his captivity. when you hear that he pledged to commit jihad with the taliban or whatever they re saying do you buy that? oh, absolutely not. i know those intelligence networks there, come front range the intelligence peddlers. what do you mean, intelligence peddlers? they re contractors meeting up and trying to sell it to the u.s. government. and i know for a fact early on the cia looked at this stuff and rejected it flat out. for instance, they never knew where bowe bergdahl was and that is one of the reasons there was never a rescue mission. special forces could have gone in and gone him in pakistan but they never had any actionable intelligence. it was especially weak from the contractors. and in captivity, you said there were peddlers pushing information about you and it was false. yeah, there were contractors and i m grateful for everybody who worked on my case. many of them were well intentioned. after i came home, and looked at the reports that my family had been given versus what the officials had been saying, the government officials were much more accurate. and again as bob said, my family was repeatedly told by the officials that they didn t know where i was. there was a drone strike where people said we wouldn t have done that if we had known you were in the house. that was one of the scariest days, we thought they would execute us right then and there. so when we hear all the details about his captivity from these private sources you say a huge grain of salt. i don t believe them. i just reject them out of hand. there are a lot of afghans out there who want to make some money? the worst place to collect intelligence in my opinion, in the southeast and asia and south america is afghanistan. it is unfounded rumors. people tell you anything. it is a nightmare for intelligence officers. so to take this on face value is an error. and i think it is a mistake. we need to hear from bowe bergdahl. we need to hear from the pentagon why he left base and under what conditions. and only then will i be able to pass judgment. does it surprise you that the pentagon doesn t know for sure how he left base? or do you think they do? i think we ll find out sooner rather than later, and it will go through congress. and the quicker the better for healing. good to have you on, thank you very much. it has been a long week on this story. ahead tonight, new information coming to light about the prior mental health of the alleged seattle college shooter and the heroes that are credited with saving lives. a student wrestling this guy to the ground and disarming him. also next, the former navy s.e.a.l. who has tough words for bowe bergdahl if he did anything wrong. marcus luttrell joins me ahead. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. 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(music) defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. calcium citrate plus d. highly soluble, easily absorbed. . in explains why he agreed to swap bowe bergdahl for five prisoners, president obama repeatedly insisted he doesn t leave any soldier behind. in 2005, luttrell was part of a covert mission in afghanistan, the film, lone survivor is based on his memoir. you mean fall off? we re good, right? we re solid. luttrell was the only member of his navy s.e.a.l. team to make it out alive. he managed to make it out with the help of some afghan villagers. i spoke to him a short time ago. how did you feel when you learned of the release of the five detainees from gitmo for the exchange of bergdahl. you were in this situation, hunted by the taliban, you were in their hands for a while. they were looking to kill you. when you heard about this trade what did you first think? believe it or not, i actually heard about it from my family in afghanistan, the people in the village who rescued me. i still keep in contact with them. and they were upset. he talks to me about what goes down out here. but when that happened, he and the whole village. he said he and the people in the surrounding villages were really worried about the fact that that had happened. that that was a dangerous move and probably should not have been done. do you think it makes it more dangerous for service member whose are still in afghanistan? does it send a message that the u.s. will negotiate and that you know, taking an american soldier hostage will be rewarded? i think in my opinion, absolutely. if i was out there and i saw that go down i definitely they always want more. that is the thing about it. you go in, you negotiations, you give them something, it goes down, it doesn t go down, it goes back to the table. the stakes are always higher. for our guys who still have boots on the ground they re not out there yet and from my understanding they were going to be there for a couple of more years. if you still have troops in harm s way it is still on. it is game on. were you surprised that they kept him alive? that his kidnappers kept him alive? that they kept him alive that long. when they were hunting you, they wanted to kill you. right, that was it. it caught me off guard, too, the fact that he was that he sustained, for that long. i can tell you from my experience, that is the only reason i m talking about this is i kind of have a little insight into this. i was not out there as long as he was. but the only negotiations for me was the fact they were trying to get me out of the hole that i was in and cut my head off. and i understand the fear. i mean, i saw it when he was in the back of that truck and i was looking in his eyes i remember that look. i had it. i mean, it is the unknown. it is just what is going on here? for me, you re talking about that video right in the back of the truck right before he was released? yes, sir. had the situation with you been different, would you have wanted an exchange for prisoners? that would have cut you the wrong way. when i went out there i knew the risks and i accepted those. if i died on the battlefield then that was the way it was supposed to be. when i did get captured the only thing i held on to was the fact my teammates were going to come get me, period. there is a lot of criticism of the actions of the father, bob bergdahl, do you think criticizing the efforts of somebody who has been held captive for years is fair? yeah, i don t think that is a good idea. but i know when i was missing, my family, what they went through, my mother and my father, it has got to be the most painful thing any parent can experience. and to drop down on them the way that a lot of people have probably a little outside the box. it was reported that i was dead. so for three or four days my mom just thought i was dead. and then when she found out i was still alive but i was being held in an afghani village, she this t had the fact i was alive but i was being held. yeah, i really don t know. obviously being dead is worse, but the fact i was away and she couldn t get in contact with me that was probably every parent s nightmare. i mean, i m a parent now. i can t only imagine. i had one way of thinking when i wasn t a parent, and now that i am a parent everything is different. you re a big softy now? yeah, i got a daughter. that says everything. what do you think should happen to bergdahl, if in fact he did desert, should he be dishonorably discharged? what do you think is fair? in my opinion, this investigation, the hearsay, everything that is spun around that he was a deserter, if he was missing, he came back, he got out there. he got captured. that is completely different. if he did throw his kit down and walk outside the wire and if he did leave his men behind then absolutely he should be tried, the army will take care of that. the problem with the whole social media thing, i think, if heaven help that kid if he is not a deserter. because he is branded already. i will never say anything bad about the president. i m military and i believe in the position and what he stands for. but people are asking me about the rose garden situation. and if you were going to have a rose garden ceremony you should have had those guys parents who died. even with the bergdahl family. they re all joined at the hip, if you will. i have plenty of teammates who were out there looking for this guy, they didn t die but got shot up roeal bad. and the guys out there searching for this kid, they should have been out there in the rose garden honored as well. the president, man, he can t catch a break. it is an interesting idea, you re the first person i heard who suggested that. and that might have gone a little bit toward kind of making people see more of the complexity of the situation and sort of understanding it a little bit more. absolutely. and i think it would have eased i mean, i don t want to say that. i mean, i could speak to that because i ve seen death in all of my teammates that have died and everything. and man this is a crazy situation. marcus, it is great to have you on. thank you. yes, sir, thank you for having me. marcus luttrell, great to have him. coming up, why the shoot in at the seattle pacific university could have been much worse and the hero who saved the day. and later, remembering d-day, 70 years later. including the incredibly moving words of the president and president roosevelt. anna anna: ready! now every stop is an opportunity to save gas. 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exponentially worse. every single person in that building had the potential to be dead right now. including you? absolutely. 19-year-old paul lee didn t make it. he died of his injuries, three of his classmates were hurt. another college campus dealing with the loss of young life, the loss of security. but today, grateful that an unlikely hero saved so many of them. amazingly heroic act, that was kyung lah reporting. after the seattle shooting, the mayor said that the shootings were an epidemic. mayor, thank you for joining us. i m sorry it is under these circumstances, i know one of the young victims, a man named paul lee died, do you know how the other victims are doing? my understanding is they have stabilized but they are not out of danger. you know, a tragedy like this can bring out the best in some people. and that is certainly the case with this hero student. police say if he had not acted as he did, there could have been a lot more dead. have you talked to him? i have not been out to the campus, was at a service today. but obviously this young man was very courageous, stepped into a very dangerous situation and if he had not the tragedy would have been that much worse. and there is another growing list of schools that experienced something like that. how is the community coping, how was the service today? well, the students are going through a tough time. it is a very emotional time. it is finals week. a time in their lives that they should be celebrating. instead they re facing an incredible tragedy. but they also i would say are taking a lot of strength from each other. you know, i want to ask you about the alleged shooter. we don t use the names of shooters on this program just because i don t think they should get publicity. i don t think people should remember their names. i always think people should remember names like paul lee, who died. but the shooter seemed to struggle with serious mental health issues. do you know much about that? i don t know a lot beyond the information you have seen. but once again, the issue of shootings, gun violence is connected to a mental health problem. and both the issue of responsible gun ownership and the need to do more in regards to our mental health system is at issue. and it is reported that according to court documents he had some sort of fascination with other mass shoei ishooting this. it is interesting that they don t happen in a vacuum. we try to get at these things such as violent video games and we re unable to withstand a court challenge. but it is something for us to look at, as a culture. i do want to say one more thing, anderson, on sunday night, two young men, one african-american, a graduate of the university of washington, the other east african working on hiv-aids, were murdered. last time they were seen was in a gay bar and they were murdered early sunday morning. so these shootings are related. they are gun violence. it is a tragedy for this city. and this city has been in a state of shock really since sunday. and the horrible shootings at seattle pacific university just underline the problem that all cities are having. it is not one week, it is not one incident. as mayor do you feel at times sort of powerless to change this? you certainly have that initial reaction. i would just human nature. but what has inspired me was the young man who jumped in there. the students at seattle pacific who were talking about how to take this tragedy and make something real out of it. but in particular, the young african-american and east africans who i met last night at the vigil service for the young men who were murdered on sunday. and how they want to get involved and how they want to find a way to move forward. with that kind of energy in this kind of city hopefully we can contribute to some solution. well, mayor, i am sorry for all that your city has been going through in the last couple of days just with this violence and i appreciate you talking to us about it. thank you. up next, remembering d-day, 70 years later with veterans who lived to tell the tale. and the words of two presidents. 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we didn t find out until we were on the channel. we crossed the channel and i know we were going to go in and face the enemy. and it was on my mind. and i said well, either i make it or i don t. the weather was really bad. rough. very rough. very rainy. very cold. the pilot of the craft and his megaphone made several announcements saying that he was going to try to the front went down and we jumped into the water. the water was up to our necks. we were not the first troops, the infantry was the first. and bodies were all over the place. first thing i had on my mind was death. i was thinking about, i was in the background, there were a lot of guys all around me. they were floating in the water. there was one kid, i looked down and there was michael, his name was. and he is trying to talk. and nothing is coming out. and he just i made him out to say help me. but things were so chaotic there you couldn t help anybody, you had to get out of there. a group of four of us, we headed up and we go through a minefield. the whole area was mined. so as we traverse this high ground i hear pop, and in my perpheral vision i hear this guy to my left, and an explosion and through the air. i just kept going as quick as i could. we were lucky to inch up yard by yard. we fought on until 3:00 a.m. and took a rest i think it was two hours. as soon as it got daylight we took off again. and we defeated the germans. some were lucky and some were not. it was on their mind, we had to do what we had to do. and it was what we did. and i ll tell you what, the american guys did a good job. they were good soldiers. and 70 years ago, it seems like almost yesterday. i m so proud to call myself a veteran. i really am. and i feel that we were a big help to the whole world. and all of us owe them a debt of gratitude. one of the american soldiers who parachuted into normandy is 70 years old. he wanted to see if he could make that same jump. his story is next. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won t expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. abe! get in! punch it! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that s engineered to amaze! add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance. .and we ll replace destroyed or stolen items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. nationwide is on your side . we re back with susan hendricks and a ac360 bulletin. anderson, outside a georgia courthouse it sounded like a war zone. take a listen, that shootout ensued after a man with a rifle and explosives tried to ram himself into the courthouse, he shot a department in the leg before he was killed. and the state-run newspaper didn t describe the allegations against him. two other americans are being held in north korea. and parachuting into normandy just like he did years ago, his unit was part of the first to land behind enemy lines on the eve of the d-day invasion. anderson, unbelievable that he did it again. it is incredible, 93, susan, thank you, that does it for us. the original series the sixties starts right now. the supreme national effort will be needed to move this country safely through the 1960s. across the world soviet missiles are aimed at the united states. whatever the president does, he risks nuclear war. whatever the president does, he risks nuclear war. khrushchev calls west berlin a cancerous sore. lines are now drawn.

Vietnam , Republic-of , Germany , Iran , Afghanistan , Georgia , United-states , Russia , Washington , District-of-columbia , Seattle , Pakistan

Transcripts For CNNW CNNI Simulcast 20150117

raids across western europe is exposing a network of extremism. authorities arrested 17 people in connection with the terror raid in belgium. they released most of them later. three remain in custody. a counterterrorism source says it two militants killed and the one who was arrested has links to isis and other terror cells. cnn senior international correspondent ivan watson is in brussels. in belgium and with the authorities, do they have a sense, still, that the threat is imminent and they are standing by waiting to see if any of these cells remain active? reporter: they are certainly on alert and we witnessed that here in brussels seeing soldiers members of the armed forces here deploying in brussels guarding outside the jewish museum which is a few blocks from where i am standing right now. reports that troops are being deployed in antwerp as well. that s a sign of how seriously the authorities are taking the threat. as one law enforcement official told me he doesn t believe soldiers and armed soldiers have been deployed on the streets in some 30 years sinister rick s list attacks against authorities in belgium. it shows how serious they are taking the threat. the jewish museum notable because last may it was the target of a deadly attack that resulted in the deaths of four people. a french citizen was arrested charged with murder in the attack. a french citizen who traveled to serious in the past as have the suspects the two men who were killed in the police raid that took place in belgium on thursday night and the third individual who was arrested alive and unharmed. now, belgium authorities say they so far will not identify the suspects to protect the ongoing investigation. let s take a listen to what the federal prosecutor had to say about this on cnn last night. we cannot say that any u.s. interests are involved or a target by the group. this group was specially targeting belgium police and planned to kill belgium policemen in the street or buildings. they especially were planning to assassinate policemen. i know in the press there has been rumors of kidnapping people and beheading people. we can, at this stage of the investigation, we cannot confirm that. reporter: paula, the prosecutor told me belgium requested the extradition of two more suspects. belgium citizens who were arrested by french authorities trying to cross from france into italy. it could take days if not weeks to bring them to belgium. if it takes awhile the belgium authorities may send investigators investigators. thanks. trying to piece this together we appreciate the update. paris, they are recovering from the attacks from charlie hebdo and the market. it s been a complicated investigation. many suspects at this point. do you get a sense french authorities feel they are able to piece this together and connect the dots? reporter: we definitely get a sense the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. as the pieces come together the picture you get is ever more confusing. itis always layer upon layer. we get a sense overnight, we have more names we have heard under the cover of darkness the last 24 hours. police went to four suburbs of paris and they put on the rest and 14 people 12 people i should say, eight men, four women all suspected of providing support to the man responsible for the attack that killed four people outside the kosher store and the man responsible for killing that policewoman on thursday. you get a sense police are putting out more people looking at activity and chasing the money also chasing the weapons. you know, what we have heard, if you remember two or so days ago, paula, there was false suspect, a man he knew and drove him to the store. they thought this was the man and think this is the man because they found a set of keys that s how they found him and paperwork that reveals connectivity between them. now, it is believed that man is in syria. so as we get two steps, we go back two steps, it believes. there s so much police are not sharing. paula? in terms of the feeling in paris and largely in france right now, do people get the sense that they can turn a corner in this coming week or is the country still very much on edge? reporter: it is on edge. people are starting to relax slightly. although having said that if you hear a noise, people just you know they look around very quickly. you just don t know. it s a constant reminder. we have posters of the charlie hebdo cover. police on the ground. heavy armed police and soldiers. that is a constant reminder there is a threat going into shock, they will ask to search your bags. you know the reminder is there. at the same time we are hearing about the brothers about to be buried. they are creating a sense of anger and frustration in paris. we heard from the mayor who says he has been buried in an unmarked grave for fear there would be an attack against the grave. yeah you know very much a sense of uneasiness and very nerving times here in paris, paula. thank you for the update appreciate it. now, the pope s trip to the philippines had a change of course thanks to mother nature. up next, we go live to manila where a typhoon threatens his mass on sunday. plus the young victims from boko haram. a shot like that. calls for a post-game celebration. share what you love with who you love. kellogg s frosted flakes. they re gr-r-reat! pope francis returned to manila several hours early after a typhoon forced him to cut short his trip to tacloban. hundreds of thousands of people stood out in the rain to hear the saturdays mass. he gave an emotional tribute to those killed in a typhoon. the latest storm is headed to manila and could impact sunday. look at this more than 6 million people are expected to attend the outdoor service. apparently in whatever kind of weather that mother nature can throw at them we want to hear what to expect ahead of us. we bring in anna who is live in manila. unfortunately, we have to deal with the disappointment of taclaban. the people voiced their concern, didn t want him to leave, but it s good he did. the conditions are getting dangerous there. reporter: that s right. the pilot knew they had to get out early. it s why the pope went down earlier than scheduled. as you say, he had to cut his trip short due to the typhoon, the strong winds that were hitting the philippines. certainly that area. they got off one of the planes carrying government officials didn t manage to get off the runway. it was pushed some 50 meters off the runway because of the strong winds. so unfortunately, mother nature intervening, but still, the fact the pope went to tacloban met with the people gave mass in this open air congregation. it was extraordinary. emotional scenes too. he told the people that when he saw the typhoon hitting tacloban he knew he had to come. he is late he is sorry, but he is finally here. loss for words while talking to them. he didn t know what to tell them but he was with them and would always be with them. it was incredible. they bowed their heads and prayed. people standing there in the rain they had been standing there overnight. they wept. i think there was this outpouring of love and comfort they got from having pope francis there in their city which was ravished and devastated by typhoon hyan in 2013 killing 7,000 people many bodies never recovered. it was touching as well to see the pope don this yellow poncho which a lot of people were wearing. there were not a allowed umbrellas in this open air mass. yes, that trip cut short. he was disappointed. he voiced his disappointment. as i say, just the fact he was there meant everything to the people. you make an important point, this was a source of comfort for them no matter how brief the visit. we are seeing 6 million people expected to turn out in manila tomorrow. in terms of the atmosphere in the capitol, it must be extraordinary. reporter: pope mania, paula, that is what is going on here. you just missed rehearsals. the choir has been practicing the orchestra has been practicing. this is where the stage will be for pope francis when he celebrates mass here tomorrow afternoon. the gates open at 6:00 a.m. and, yes, 6 million people. it s a mind boggling number. it s almost like half of manila coming here to listen to pope francis. authorities are calling it a security nightmare from the top military general as well as from the general of the philippines. this is what happens when pope francis comes to town and the philippines being a deeply religious, catholic country. no one wants to miss out on this. the last time there was such a gathering is when pope john was here. 5 million people setting the record for the largest number of catholics to gather. that is expected to be surpassed tomorrow. yes, the rain is going to come. the wind is going to come. it s not going to dampen people s spirits. what we have seen the last couple days and what we saw in taclabon their resilience determination, considering what they have been through, the natural disasters they have endured over the years, they will definitely turn out and brave the elements to see pope francis tomorrow. they have resilience determination and devotion. they will need it tomorrow. thank you for covering this. we look forward to the reports over the next 24 hours. pope francis left before the worst of the storm hit. eric van dam is at the weather center. this storm headed toward manila. give us the sense of the kind of conditions they will experience tomorrow. you mentioned, paula, the pope left taclaban in the nick of time. this is what he missed. after his plane took off, a group of government officials skidded off the runway. anna alluded to that in her report. coming out of the airport, the civil aviation authority confirming this charter, overshot the runway at the airport, shortly after the pope s plane took off. the very rainy conditions all attributed to typhoon that is moving through. let s get back to the graphics and talk about its. this is the satellite imagery. it s becoming less organized as time goes on but packing quite a punch and rainfall as well. latest update from the typhoon warning center has winds at 130 kilometers per hour near the center of the storm. taclaban has several hours to go with rainfall and windy conditions. by sunrise tomorrow morning, things start to improve drastically where the storm is currently located. the east facing shores bays and inlets of this island nation could experience rough sea conditions roughly four to six meters on the ocean. of course crashing on the coastline is there. delays at the harbors and the ports as people try to traverse the islands to get home saturday. we have had reports of people being stuck in the harbors. the possibility of flash flooding and local landslides and mudslides thanks to rainfall totals in excess of 150 millimeters reported across the region. by the way, the storm made land fall officially at 3:00 p.m. the same location that hagupit made land fall a month ago. manila watch out. we have rain and wind in your forecast. more updates in a few minutes. we will need them. i cannot believe the kind of weather in the philippines. the pope is going to get a taste of it on this trip. thank you. appreciate it. still to come the latest news that could bring some measure of optimism for the west african nations fighting ebola. [ male announcer ] are you so stuffed up, you feel like you re underwater? try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. emergency officials say a suicide bombing in nigeria killed at least five people no. one claimed responsibility. officials say the blast in gombe have all the hallmarks of boko haram. now, the extremists terrorized nigeria for years now. cnn international correspondent knick robertson is in nigeria and shares the heart breaking stories in this exclusive report. reporter: early morning and it s cold. bow kako haram s youngest victims fending for themselves. they lost their parents a month ago when boko haram attacked her village. they followed us and they killed my mother and father. reporter: 180 children crowd into this compound. for now, from the daily attacks. many are orphans, witness to what no child should ever see. seeing the people slaughters. reporter: you could see all this? yes. reporter: her friend esther from another village has a similar story. she continues in her own language. they showed up after church service one sunday in july opening fire killing people. everyone ran. i don t know what happened to my parents. esther is 18 and lydia 16. they are some of the oldest here have responsibilities like cooking for the other children. they don t get government handouts and there is no international aid agency helping them. both are struggling to understand their changed lives. lydia tells me of nightmares crying, not being able to eat. what is all too clear to them now is they won t be going home anytime soon. we don t have food to eat. reporter: only god, they say, can help them now. nic robertson, cnn, nigeria. after 8,000 deaths finally encouraging news on the ebola outbreak. they say the spread of the disease is slowing, probably because of better access to care there. we have the report on the rapid decline of new cases. reporter: optimistic signs in the battle against ebola. international and regional health officials say they are seeing a significant decline in the number of new cases of the virus in west africa. change in the behavior we have been hoping for, working for, anticipateing is now happening everywhere. reporter: the u.n. special envoy is just back from liberia, one of the hottest hit countries. he says there are now more beds and treatment facilities available to help the sick. the result is we are seeing the beginnings of the outbreaks slowing down. reporter: in total last year during the worst days of the epidemic u.n. health officials say there were 60 to 80 new ebola cases every day. as of january 12th in liberia, just ten confirmed cases in the entire country, according to the deputy health minister there. guinea and sierra leone saw the fewest cases since august. it s an incredible drop. reporter: the virus claimed more than 8400 lives and infected 21,000 people since it was first detected last march making it the worst ebola epidemic on record. now he says a possible end to the epidemic is within reach. we will gradually see the number of cases reach zero stay at zero and then the outbreak will be finished. reporter: when will that be? he won t make a prediction. liberia says the country could be free of the virus by the end of february. linda kincaid, cnn. finally good news on the ebola front. meantime an american doctor who was infected and cured of ebola is heading back to the center of the epidemic. dr. rick was helping deliver babies. he was relieving dr. brantley when they came down with ebola. dr. sack ra returns to liberia thursday and expects to have some measure of immunity now that he has already had ebola. police swept portions of western europe friday. how far do their connections go? plus the troubled past of the man blamed for terrorizing the kosher market in paris. i m paula newton. here is an update on the top stories we are following this hour. pope francis is back in manila after a shorte than planned trip to taclaban. after the typhoon chased him earlier in the day. there are concerns the weather could affect sunday s planned outdoor mass in manila. the typhoon is now tracking northwest toward manila after making land fall over the philippines a few hours ago. the storm is forecast to deteriorate by sunday. by then no destructive winds, but plenty of heavy rain. a seniorennior belgium terrorist reports. two suspects killed in a shootout with police a third in custody. not all the terrorists in that cell have been rounded up. the shooting along with the terror attacks in paris show the risks of terror cells including those operating here in the united states. cnns brian todd has a look. reporter: a terror cell but europe bracing for attacks. there could be several sleeper cells ready to strike in france, germany, belgium and the netherlands. now concerns about their timing. the worry is how and when. reporter: a sleeper cell is usually made up of a few operatives acting on behalf of a foreign country or terror group, taking instructions from it or inspired by a group acting on themselves as coulibaly did. they are there and they have the ability to cross borders. reporter: they are highly skilled at blending in appearing like the guy next door. they will have regular jobs. you might see them at the strip joint drinking alcohol. anything to take off the claim or suspicion they might be extremist muslim terrorists. reporter: the 9/11 terrorists did that drinking heavily in bars and going to strip clubs. he broke away went under cover for canadian intelligence and helped bust a terror cell in toronto. they don t communicate by phone or the internet. some are told don t go to mosques. don t give a hint of your religion. could be shave your beard, remove your religious garb. anything to blend in. that will be determined by the handler or the operatives in the cell itself. reporter: sleeper operatives stay isolated lie dormant for years. they wait for a moment when the attention is turned away. reporter: the dynamics of sleeper cells are always changing. one u.s. counterterrorism official tells me terror cells these days do less sleeping. they plot hoping to avoid suspension. they direct the terror strikes themselves rather than wait for a signal. now the man suspected of killing four people in a kosher market in paris had a crime riddled past. we learned new details about what may have led to coulibaly to become an extremist. jim bittermann reports. reporter: in paris, coulibaly may go down as the extremist who died shooting it out with the terror squad. in the suburb where he grew up he s remembered as a local thug who spent much of his adult life behind bars. in early school photos obtained by france television he s likable enough. teachers say coulibaly, an immigrant boy of ten children had a discipline problem. it was in high school when he got in trouble. in the end, arrested five times for armed robbery and one for dealing in drugs. a lawyer believes coulibaly changed from small crimes to hardened criminal when police shot one of his best friends. translator: this was a traumatic event when he lost his friend. he too, could have died. a bullet could have easily hit him. reporter: coulibaly was in and out of the sprawling and overcrowded prison located in his hometown. according to a journalist he made this video of life inside the prison. he seemed like a leader she said, behind bars. translator: he was an intelligent boy, one of the tough ones. he was actually in prison. he was dominant and very much in charge. ift was a second home really. reporter: it s not clear when he got religion. in 2010 when he was jailed here he came in contact with an islamic extremist. by this time he was estranged from his family. they say the coulibaly s like many here were trying to better themselves. translator: yes, this area is violent. yes, there is delinquency and poverty. yes, there is suffering but there is also success. reporter: if the family was muslim it s hardly fundament fundamentalist fundamentalist. back in the family s hometown they remember the attempts to fit in. in 2009 he was invited to the french presidential palace as part of a panel meeting with president sarkozy to talk about youth unemployment. he worked at a coca-cola plant and met the girl that became his wife. they were nonetheless surprised at terrorist connections. translator: we were shocked. it s hard to believe. it s unreal. reporter: one person less surprised is a social worker who worked with him as a young man taking him to disneyland paris. after not seeing coulibaly after 15 years, he showed up in his office last spring after getting out of prison. he s lost. he needs people to remind him that that can be done that can t be done. when someone is involved with manipulating people you can use him for anything. reporter: they told cnn it s wrong to imply they are nothing but breeding grounds for terrorists. many work their way into mainstream society like the mayor himself. he adds the large families unemployment lack of police decaying infrastructure provide a fertile environment for it. in the case of amedy coulibaly. jim bittermann cnn, france. intelligence agencies have been scouring social media trying to find clues about terror cells. president barack obama and british prime minister david cameron says their two countries will work closely together to track them online. they say more and more terrorists are use zing social media to recruit and spread a perverted islam. many believe one man can help change that. the pope. we ll explain right after the break. [ male announcer ] are you so stuffed up, you feel like you re underwater? try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. the highest court in the u.s. could make a decision on same-sex marriage by this summer. the u.s. supreme court agreed to consider whether same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry or if states have the right to ban gay marriage. arguments are expected to april with a ruling expected by june. now, 36 out of 50 u.s. states and the district of columbia currently allow same-sex marriages. the court will hear from four states which recently had gay marriage bands upheld in their lower courts. homosexuality is taboo in the philippines. the pope s five-day visit there is one built of mercy and compassion. some filipinos hope his more open minded views are usher in change. reporter: under giant cedars in california a union takes place in front of family and friends. this is a marriage between two women isa and liza. lisa do you take iza to be your lawfully wedded spouse? i do. good answer. reporter: well same-sex marriage is legal in parts of the united states in their home country of the philippines with a powerful catholic church influences every aspect of life this couple is going to hell. growing up i thought if you were gay or lesbian, you are going to hell. i had to question myself. i feel how can loving someone be wrong? a child star now famous singer 31-year-old iza was one of the first openly gay celebrities in the philippines. reporter: a challenge in a country with the third largest catholic population in the world governed by a church considered more conservative than the vatican. while ostracized this couple is filled with hope now that pope francis is at the helm. they believe his visit to the philippines can only bring about positive change. i hope he will shed light to our bishops, our cardinals who are so archaic, how the church should just embrace differences because different doesn t mean bad. this is a challenging time for the catholic church in the philippines. it has more than 18 million followers, the number of filipinos attending mass is falling. the issues like contraception, divorce and same-sex marriage that are turning people away. when the pope takes to the stage behind me it s expected to be the largest open air mass in history. they hope the message is one of change. we know the pope is very progressive. he s doing things that are different. he s some kind of a breath of fresh air to our church that is losing. iza and liza are not expecting the pope to mention same-sex marriage. they believe he s helped their course. what he is doing is more than enough. there s just really more than anything compassion. i think that is everything. reporter: last week the couple again, exchanged vows this time in the philippines. not recognized by the church it was for those who could not attend the legal ceremony in the u.s. you both will never imagine how much kinder the world is. because you chose each other. for that we are grateful. reporter: as for those who question their love and marriage iza knows what s in her heart. i believe more than any scripture, more than any book i believe in love. so they can say whatever they want to say, but whatever they say, they will not discount the fact that yes, we are married and love each other. we will continue to love each other. anna anna. we been talking sever hours about the weather. meteorologist derek van dam is here at the world weather center. derek, you have been talking to me throughout about this storm. it is really closing in and going to collide with the pope s mass tomorrow in manila. yeah his traveled have been hampered by this major storm. it continues to impact the central philippines and has its eyes set on manila which we have been paying attention to because of the large amount of people coming up at 3:30 in the afternoon in manila. conditions there are relatively quiet at the moment. this is considered the calm before the storm because the weather conditions will start to deteriorate. we don t want to make things sound worse than they are going to be. we are anticipating the rain bands sunday morning, just about in time for sunrise. but, as we enter into the afternoon hours, the rain will pick up in intensity and so will the winds. we are expecting tropical storm force winds during the time of mass. here is the forecast pretty detailed. between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. temperatures will be in the middle 20s and stiff north to northwest wind expects downtown. now, with the tropical storm moving through the region this is the potential impact on the mass. the rainfall will be the major concern, 150 millimeters by the time it s said and done. wind gusts up to 65 kilometers per hour. we could experience localized flooding from the storm system as well. keep in mind this is actually the dry season in manila. we don t normally see rain this time of year. in fact the driest months being january, february march, the rainy season around august. the latest satellite imagery, the update from the typhoon warning center has winds sustained at 130 kilometers per hour. that would be just around the center of the storm, which is over the northern half of sumar island. it is impacting this region and the islands around the region. that allowed for some deterioration in the storm. not as organized as it was six hours ago. none theless with rainfall totals like this we have the chance for localized flooding. lots to look at here in the weather department and lots to stay informed. paula, in the meantime back to you. incredible the size of the storm. for the pope there s no missing it. i can t believe it s supposed to be the dry season in manila. incredible. they have had it before. they will get used to it. they used to it. more trouble for the spanish royal family including tax fraud charges and paternity suit for the former king. we ll have a full report. a missing space probe is finally found. i love this story. it s millions of kilometers away and did hit the target. stay with us. we ll explain. nice! gr-reat! a shot like that. calls for a post-game celebration. share what you love with who you love. kellogg s frosted flakes. they re gr-r-reat! the problems for spain s royal family keep piling up including tax fraud charges against a member of the spanish monarchy and a paternity lawsuit from a belgian lawsuit claiming the former king carlos is her father. al goodman has more. reporter: it hasn t been a golden retirement for the king. he advocated the throne to his son and just turned 77. now, this 48-year-old woman from belgium claims in a paternity suit juan carlos is her father. spain supreme court accepted the case for study. they want him to take a dna test. the aim of my client is not money or titles the lawyer says she just wants to find her father. spain s royal household respects judicial decisions and declined comment. he has 20 days to respond to the court. the paternity suit alleged this woman had a brief relationship with juan carlos. ingrid s attorney tells cnn her mother is willing to testify and has a signed notarized statement from her. back then juan carlos was married, became spain s king and head of state in 1975 after the death of dictator francisco franco. guiding spain to democracy and polls showed him popular until a series of recent scandals. the expensive safari during the economic problems. he made an apology. princess christina faces a trial on tax fraud charges with her husband and various former associates associates. they diverted funds for private use. the princess a sister of the current king and her husband deny the charges. the trial is expected to start later this year with spaniards riveted by the developments. everything will be covered up he says. they will find a nice excuse so it looks fine but there won t be a good outcome. it s good this happened. everything should be clarified. i think that s good for the democracy of spain. reporter: with king carlos and princess christina in trouble, the polls show king felipe gaining stature. houston, there s no problem. the beagle has landed. by the beagle i mean beagle 2. it was supposed to land on the red planet christmas day, 2003 and begin looking for signs of life. this thing disappeared. high resolution images show the beagle touched down near the planned landing zone. the solar panels never deployed. that stopped it from getting the power needed to communicate with controllers on earth. so i bet you are dying to know what happened to beagle 2. we investigate. when something goes missing without a trace, it s usually difficult to find. now, put that on mars and it becomes virtually impossible. that s exactly the predickment the european space agency found itself in when the spacecraft beagle 2 went missing over a decade ago. after being ejected from the mother ship after traveling at speeds at 12,000 miles per hour. it was supposed to have landed christmas day, 2003 and search for life on mars by studying the soil and atmosphere. the plan was, a robotic arm equipped with a bunch of tools including a rock abrasion tool would gather samples and search for biological signatures of life like carbon 12 and methane. it weighed a mere 70 pounds and deploy a parachute to help its fall. it never returned home. maybe it was destroyed on impact. the parachute didn t deploy. perhaps martians shot it down with laser beams. several attempts to track the probe. it was deemed missing. beagle 2, you are not alone. half the missions to mars have failed. they call it the mars curse. glad the martians were ruled out. thanks for joining us. new day is just ahead. in a race, it s about getting to the finish line. in life, it s how you get there that matters most. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that 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