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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240614

there s only one thing worse then a broken record, a shifty broken record. i just want to apologize to the audience, that was a terrible shifty soundbite. tyler from kentucky, watch out for that doug burgum fellow, he has great hair. they re here alone will get you on the ticket. greg know we ve got janine from milwaukee, and wisconsin, come to milwaukee, exhibit a city with beautiful people. state downtown, and obraro recap take a picture with the bronze funds. we ll be there in milwaukee the whole week, johnny will be there cutting trouble. johnny from brooklyn, what about men blowing up candles? is that manly? . only on a birthday cake. if you re doing it in a dining room, use the software. always remember, i am watters, this is my world. sean: welcome to. everyone: hannity. tonight s the left it is now falling apart under even a minimal amount of scrutiny coming up we ll show you a mesar moment from disgraced former trump prosecutor nathan wade during a bizarre interview on fake news cnn. also outraged as biden walks a pay raise for the troops after handing out billions to, you know, those overeducated social science major people and ivy league institutions with their massive student loan bailouts and few real-world skills. but we begin tonight in europe where joe spent the day humiliating himself and that s on behalf of america on the world s page yet ag again. he is in italy for the 50th g7 summit, not going particularly well. joe started the summit by awkwardly kissing italy s prime minister, giorgia meloni, on the head, sniffing her hair at one moment seemingly. then he saluted her before shuffling away. then during a power shoot demonstration, biden got dazed and confused. how shocking. and started to just, you know, wonder off like that as other g7 leaders looked on in agony and desperate for somebody to bring joe back in to the fold. luckily, italy s bremen is a very graciously helped biden get back to the group and during the summit, biden also somehow muster the energy for a speech but unfortunately he got distracted by a plane flying over head. take a look. president joe biden: to include key parts of russia s financial sector. alloway till it goes over. president joe biden: at well as individual providing radical to it s defense production like microelectronics, machine tools and industrial materials. sean: that was part of a gene speech with ukrainian prime minister lasky and after those remarks, biden allowed questions from focal reporters. teemak from the u.s., two from ukraine. of course, reporters were selected ahead of time. let s start with so and so from the ap. and then the questions appear to be prescripted as per usual and then something pretty remarkable happened. one reporter from bloomberg actually there to go off script, causing biden to become very, very annoyed. it s not supposed to work like this. take a look. thank you, mr president. i have a question for president zelenskyy shortly an announcement but if you don t mind i would like to ask you about your discussions on the situation in gaza here at the summit. you were asked just a short time ago about it after the skydiving demonstration. can you give us your assessment of hamas response and do you believe that they are trying to work towards a deal or is this response working against a deal? and what is your message to our lives, including those here at the g7 at about what more, if anything, the u.s. can due to drive towards a peace agreement? thank you. president joe biden: i wish you guys would play buy the rules a little bit. i m here to talk about a critical situation in ukr ukraine. sean: the way you treat israel versus the way you treat ukraine, the rhetoric to use about ukraine versus the rhetoric usable in row, yeah, that would be irrelevant question. howard there this reporter though not ask the question that was preapproved by the biden white house. of course, the complaint media mob that they re supposed to stick to the script. half court scott jewell does want what you talking about israel and in order to turn his radical base, he seems to feel the need to trash america strongest ally in the middle east after the worst terror attack in the history and do what? put restrictions on israel s war for its very survival? against terrorists that oh let s see how in their charter the destruction of the entire state of israel? anyone to force them out of the middle east? and by the way, eight americans, joke, they re still being held hostage in gaza. module would rather talk about is the low proxy war with russia according to biden pallet is far more pressing after years and years of fighting, jonah wants to give ukraine pretty much whatever they want so they can fight there war against putin. meanwhile it s really the america versus putting well is putting handcuffs on israel. she s barely lifting a finger to get any of our hostages home. so far the u.s. has committed 174 billion taxpayer dollars to ukraine in their war against russia while allocating a measly 12.6 billion to israel after the october 7th terrorist attack buy the islamic terrorist group hamas. now for biden this is all political. as per usual. his radical base, they call the shots. he is merely an empty vessel, you know, that complies with their demands. the radicals run that party. ultimately, nothing will satisfy their blood less but bloodlust against israel and capitalism. they want modern civilization basically to cease to exist as we know it in my name on it replaced with radical marxism, socialism. and frankly they don t like the principles on which this country was created. they hate our system, they hate our way of life. and joe biden is desperately needing their votes among the democratic party as it once was no longer exists. there are part of radicals, are in shambles. we see chaos everywhere, success pretty much nowhere. there are far left protests every day at nearly every single events including last night s congressional baseball game. there are also prominent democrats now trashing joe biden and his mental decline, they re doing it behind the scenes and if they get a little too loudly get brought in and lectured. trenin isn t even losing thousands of votes in the uncontested democratic primary to uncommitted, hundreds of thousands of boats he d lost. this is what happens when the person at the top is barely able to walk and talk. much less lead his party and adapt to the most radical policy in the history of the country to give in to the radical base of his party. meanwhile it s a very different theory smacked story over at the gop. today former president donald trump was warmly greeted on capitol hill during what was a joint meeting with cong congress. the republican party is now rallying again president with president trump and his plan to build the reduce taxes, increased energy production. spur yet another american boom like never before. take a look. mr. trump: thank you very much. this was a great meeting. this tremendous unity in the republican party. we want to see borders, we want to see strong military. we went to see money not wasted all over the world. we don t want to see russian ships right off the coast of florida, which is what they are right now, that s unthinkable. we want to see this success for our country. and we don t have success right now. we have inflation that killing everybody. we have levels of inflation that nobody has seen for they say 75 years. i would say probably all of them are wrong. probably will never seen levels like this before. we are going to end that. we are going to bring back our jobs. we re going to bring back common sense the government. were going to have strong borders and we are going to have people coming to our country but they will come illegally. they re not going to pour in from prisons all over south america and all over the world and it s not just south america by the way. is all over the world. and we re not going to have important for mental institution switches where they re coming from. large numbers and large numbers are are terrorist. were not going to have this. so what s happening to our country is of great concern to the group of people standing alongside of me and i just wanted to say that we have great unity. we have great common sense. sean: joining us now, someone who was inside that closed-door meeting on capitol hill. is the speaker of the house, mike johnson is with us. mr speaker, will come back at great value. and we just settle one thing wants and for all here. did president trump has been attributed to him that he took a shot at milwaukee. that he do that? know. i didn t hear it and i was sitting right next to him. i introduce him this morning to breakfast when he started the day. s book on our without notes, sean, you can stand up there and hold the four is the lucky ones. president can turn it on his a game and i m telling you in the room this morning there was energy, enthusiasm, excitement. we had colic in there, sean, were commenting after his visit was this morning, they re house republicans, that they haven t been this excited about the future of our country in 40 years. that s what one of my colleagues pulled me. there s a palpable energy. in his words, something said this morning, he said, something is happening in america and we see it. there s a demographic shift going on and all these different segments of the population. were headed for a great november, we have to like were ten points behind but i m convinced donald j. trump will get a second term as president, we re going to retake the republican majority in the senate and we are going to go without majority in the house and that will be a good day for america. sean: if you go issue by issue, if you go to law and order, the economy can go to immigration, if you go to america s rule on the world stage, i don t see where the democrats run on any policy of success. let s start at the border. lost part of the fact that we ve identified isis people with isis connections now in this country, you know, that we ve got people coming from venezuela that we have people coming from yemen and iran and syria and egypt and afghanistan. 30,000 chinese nationals since october. 26,000 chinese nationals last year. tens of thousands of, you know, and breaded joe biden illegal immigrants from our top geopolitical photos. you know, congressman, how is that a mere clear and present danger to this country right now? it absolutely is and, sean, everyone around the country recognize that. we ve been saying for three years every state is a border state now because it is. as you and i have discussed many times have we documented 64 specific executive actions that joe biden took to open that border wide and they ve invited all these dangerous people into our country and they ve taken up the invitation and come here. it s a serious situation. the fbi director has to buy three or four quick times in congress now in recent months that all the red lights are flashing and what he means is we ve got dangerous persons, we ve got tariffs on our own shores, in our country because joe biden opened the border wide and everybody knows it, sean. been traveling around the country last month, and then events in 123 cities in 29 states no and it doesn t matter whether i m in a blue state, in a swing district, the message is the same. that people are fed up with this. they re fed up with open water, where it is doing to them, security, they re feeling of safety and, of course, the cost of living, the rising cost of crime. all of these things that have compounded the problems that we can fix and i think what her that reason american people will give us a chance to do that. sean: every crime, every murder, every rape and eventually i pray to god i m wrong, if a terror attack happens by joe biden s and breaded illegal immigrants in his open border policy is now on 11 million and burning in this country, he got blood on his hands. what does stress president trump say he specifically will do on the border? i m assuming he just said specifically to go back when he left office. that s the whole thing. president trump is able leader and he understood that he ran on the border, he reminded back in 2015, border, border, border because he s a business that are coming and he got control of it. because he used his authority. he was executive orders for the right policies. he instituted remain in mexico where people had to stay on the other side of the border to adjudicate their claims for asylum. that s a no-brainer. the border patrol agents have told us and the leaders of that agency said if president biden would just issue that executive order and remain in mexico again, we can reduce the floor by 70% at the border. but he will not do it, sean, you know why? you and i know why because they want to open border because they want to turn these people into voters and we are working hard to prevent that from happening as well. so many problems. sean: what did president say he ll due on the economy? what did he say he would do with israel, with ukraine? what did the president say that he would due to get energy prices down and get, you know, get the american people, get money back in her pocket? a lot. on all those fronts. with regard to the economy we ve got to revive the american economy again and we know how to do it because you and i both know after the first couple of years the trenton administration we have the greatest economy in the history of the world not just the u.s. why? because we implemented policies that we ve all always believed in. we reduce the regulatory burden on job creators and innovators, entrepreneurs to all of the economy to thrive and we reduce taxes on job creators as well and hard-working families. we ve got to make those tax cuts permanent because they re going to expire soon and that will be the largest tax increase in u.s. history if we don t fix it next year and we ve got to get to in their military state under control. on their joe biden parlay weaponize agencies and smothered american business in the free market. we can reverse that. president trump is ready to a. you got any plans we ll spend all night talking about that. we re excited to to implement those things not anything will get a chance. sean: 95 days, congressman early morning starts in pennsylvania. ninety-five days from tonight. speaking speaker johnson, thank you. joining us now is south carolina senator instagram. senator, are not of money has been spent in ukraine. it seems in many ways that that has devolved in to a proxy war between joe biden versus putin or the u.s. versus russia. american people putting really angry about her mother and relate europe has not stepped up financially to protect their own continent and a. and then you ve got what? $12 billion, that s it, lagos to israel. but even worse than that joe biden will not allow israel to fight the war they need to win against radical islamic terrorists that slaughtered them on october 7th, took their own citizens hostage, americans hostage, and he is lecturing bibi netanyahu, the entire time, is not helping at all, and the worst part is, he said the u.s. won t help in terms of offensively helping to win the war on terror. joe biden has surrendered on the war against radical islamic terrorism. can you explain the disparity, because i can t. michigan, joe biden is worried about losing support in michigan. is throwing israel under the bus. there s been no better ally to the it to a state of israel and president trump. here recognized jerusalem as the capital of the jewish state. you recognize the goal not cerium. biden is withholding the weapons israel needs to win a war they can t afford to lose. everywhere israel looks, the radical islamists want to cut their throats. here is my message to the state of israel. help is on the way. president trump is coming back. sean: why are you sure certain, senator? because american people have had enough of this for couriers of just misery. misery at home. misery abroad. what i would say today about the senate engagement with president trump, he was the team captain and we were glad he was leading us. everybody in that room is dying for him to get back in office. he wants us to win the senate so we can put judges on the bench. you talked about him helping us. it was the single best meeting i ve ever seen between the united states republican senators and president trump. he was in a good mood. people appreciate him. he is leading in every state. we need to win the senate back. he is doing better than ever every republican senate meant candidate. there with the majority incentive is to marry up with president trump and his agenda. it gives us a positive meeting today. you talked about rebuilding this country and i can t wait to have him back. sean: did the people agree with you or didn t agree with you on your belief that there should be incredible 15 week ban on or allowance on the issue of abortion? put that aside. one thing i would argue and i don t think i m wrong about is that 2022, one of the main reasons, if not the main reason, the red wave did not occur was because of the overturning of roe v. wade. we had another supreme court decision, it was unanimous today. it was on the abortion pill. i think were up to 60-70% of all abortions are done with a pill, and the supreme court made very clear today that that will remain legal. the democrats will demagogue the issue, but will this ruling impact any or mitigate any demagoguery that will occur this election season? number 1, no matter what you do or say, they re going to accuse us of hating women and being extremists. president trump said today that the democratic party is extreme. they support abortion up to the moment of birth. the virginia governor, the old governor, talked about allowing a decision after the baby is born. there the extremist, not us. i m proud to be pro-life. you know, france limits abortion at 14 weeks. my bill is 15 weeks. president trump said leave it up to the states. i respect that. this will be decided based on abortion. this election will be about your physical security, ears prosperity and trying to get the world back in check before a lot of us get killed. have never been more worried about an attack on our country then i am right no and president trump said he was to have soviet ships off the coast of florida. weakness breeds aggression. the day president trump is elected, all of the stops. sean: nuclear weapons, hypersonic missiles of the coast of my free state of florida. it almost seems like a cuban missile crisis moment but joe doesn t know. well this is the 1930s all over again. why did russia invade ukraine, whited put into it? because he thought he could get away with it on biden s watch. i really believe that. whether they attack israel so viciously? they thought america wouldn t deal with israel. all that changes the day trump wins. i can t wait to have them back in office, the republican senators appreciate this man, so everybody out here watching, do all you can to help president trump because our way of life depends on it. sean: it really does. i say this is a reflection inflection point for the country, we have all that is a tipping point election. it s weigh bigger. i ve never and like you have never been more afraid for the country and the state of the world and i am right now. lindsey graham, senator, thank you. when we come back, jim jordan is trying to hold the left accountable for their raisin water warfare tactics and organization of hell explain straightahead music mark my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. .look at her and i said, the pain is gone. and she said, i m glad it helped. i said, no, you don t understand. it s gone. you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they re gonna need more space. (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life s doors open, we ll handle the house. sean: mark your calendars pennsylvania, 95 days now from the early voting on whether 44 days before election day and about for a month from today them another district attorney alvin bragg, you know, the guy that ran to get trump, that guy and from prosecutor, third highest ranking doing the official michelangelo will testify before the house judiciary committee, both of them, to answer their bill and political motivated prosecutor s my prosecution of donald trump. and by the way that hearing we will be the day after donald trump s sentencing. meanwhile the other state case against trump, the one in georgia, has gone completely off the rails. appeals court there will here arguments in the fall over whether or not dar fulton county any wellness will be removed from the case. earlier today, willis moved to dismiss the appeal. game and unhinged speech at a church where she is claiming to have been attacked and over sexualized? that s what she said. in other news her ex-lover nathan wait sat down with big new cnn for where he is s own media team decided to park the interview to give some advice. wholly fake new cnn. it s like a saturday night live skit. take a look. when did romantic relationship between. [ engine roars ] of you start? yeah. so, you know, we get into there s been this effort to say that okay, these exact dates are at issue and these exact dates are i m getting signaled here. can we go off mike for a second? yes. okay. keep rolling. don t stop. sean: please pause while we know bring our person being interviewed into another room to give them the answer. you can t make it up. here with more the chairman of the house judiciary committee, jim jordan is with us. before i get to the people that, you know, calendula and alvin bragg going before your committee, let me go back to what we learn in this trial of hunter biden, putting aside the low hanging fruit which has the tax crime but not the various burisma joe biden like to the cou country, hunter biden led to the country. fifty-one former intel officials lie to the country. of the fbi as a venue that really s attorney had a copy of alert laptop then you would believe so they were prebunking that in their weekly meetings with big tech and social media companies. and then when asked directly if they knew whether or not this was misinformation or the laptop was real and they wouldn t give an answer. the media mob line, big tech sensor the story. excuse me, is that election interference, jim jordan? yeah, and he was election interference literally two and half weeks before the most important in residential again for me the ruling in a break here in the hunter biden case was really about two things. for anyone who had any doubts, we now know for sure that the laptop was real because the prosecution can play government, david weiss entered it as evidence in that trial. and then second, none of this happened but for those whistleblowers coming for forward. but for shepley and ziglar coming forward and telling us what because i was a catalyst for the judge to take there close look that she did in the delaware court or they would have got that sweetheart deal through. so those two guys came together came forward and give us the facts. and by the way the story, sean, has stood up. the white house story has changed palatine a story has changed, david weiss orienting multiple times but not whistleblowers and their story has not wavered one bit because their post testimony was true. sean: the government has acknowledged something that we knew four years ago, that the laptop was very real. does that know me that hunter implicating the big guy and hunter, complaining bitt bitterly, s income income go to pop s, that hunter after talking to eric sherman about which income account build pay for pop s home repairs. this issue of burisma, that all of this now come into play in terms of a real investigation and possibly if we had a real attorney general that actually believed in equal justice and application of our loss, when he really when he be investigating it? and what does it say about the fact that he new the laptop was real for foreclosures and did nothing with her? we ve sent referrals to this attorney general and i think in four and half months we are going to have a new president and then in january of next year we re going to have a new attorney general so i let that justice department take a look at what we ve sent there on both hunter biden and on jim biden. and then these other issues that you ve just raised there. but, yeah, i think everyone now who has followed this story, follow the path you been 51 former intel officials in this whole story understand that what they were telling us is just not accurate. everyone knows that and again sort of the final step is when they actually entered the laptop as evidence, even though they had it cleared back in the summer of 2019 and they knew all along, the actually entered it as evidence to remove any doubt if someone we have had some. sean: those 51 officials have to account for what dave said considering none that i know of ever even worked at the laptop and were they organized by wink antony blinken to sign on to something for no other rea reason, with no knowledge whatsoever except the knowledge that they wanted to put jordan to be elected? twenty blinking went with mike baraka put this together many did it at tony blinken know what sort of the catalyst for it all and he put to get approval from the cia because they had this advisory board to have to sign on anything like this and, of course, it was used to downplay the whole story. and it was used to sensor the new york post, their twitter feed and everything else. they were blocked. and most important leave american people were kept from the information. were not done coming back to more investigative work to group to do on this issue and racketeering to do that. i think we re going to find more information and i try to make sure that the country understands everything about that whole situation in october of 2020. sean: so no merrick garland has been held in contempt. i would like to know if anything is going to happen to him like peter navarro or steve bannon. i would also like an answer from the attorney general if he is comfortable with letitia james and alvin bragg running on a platform to use there positions of power to go after one man, one family and one organization and i would like to get a better answer as to why the third highest ranking justice department official, matthew calendula, why would ever colangelo, why would anyone ever leave the prestigious position to go be a lawyer prosecutor in new york city? because that does not make any career sense, does it? no, it doesn t but we ll get a chance to ask mr colangelo and mr bragg those questions on july 12 win they come. and i think there are three big concerns with that whole ridiculous case in new york. first is just a fundamental jurisdictional issue. this was in the federal elections shoe and the ftc said there was nothing there, no crime, no problem so the department of justice, the southern district of new york. who that is a fundamental problem, than their due process problems. he had a partisan judge, partisan prosecutor, he had the gag order part put an president trump and they never even told us what the crime if they were trying to prosecute for goodness sakes. and finally maybe the biggest concern is the expert witness on campaign finance, brad smith, so the campaign finance expert wasn t allowed to talk about campaign finance. he wasn t allowed to be the expert witness in the courtroom. so we re going to give brad smith a chance to tell the congress and the country what he wasn t allowed to tell the court and the jury. brad smith will be coming as a witness as well. sean: maybe the judge can be questioned as to whether or not he understands what the sixth amendment of the constitution is or his maybe he can explain why the narrative on identify the crime that trump was being charged with or how they were able to opt charge from a misdemeanor with statute of limitations over now into some election law felony. i would like the answer to that and maybe bring in and grown as well and expand how he came to evaluation of mar-a-lago of 80 millions. when the property is close to worth worth to close a million and evidence was overwhelming. jim jordan, thank you. when we come back, the biden white house loves, loves, loves giving out government handouts. know they want to give out and be told you last night deer and birth control. by the way except when it comes to the military. not so interested in helping them out. we ll explain. 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[laughter] no. the problem they have is there messaging. or just to it planar, it s how they talk. folks appreciate when someone sounds authentic even if their idea is terrible. but when democrats even when they talk about the good things they ve done, it sounds fake. some of it is is this cosmopolitan condensation, if you will. like, you need to at business people are that s across-the-board. that s black, white, and its hispanic. were going to lose hispanic males. going to completely lose th them. sean: here with a reaction, with more, chairman of project 21 florida congressman michael waltz. let me start with you congressman. our military under biden has gone well, equipment is way way down. militarily, there s a lot of saver rattling going on by china and russia and iran. we ve got a little miner cuban missile crisis going on off the coast of our state of florida will apparently the russians have a sub with nuclear and hypersonic missiles on it. my last understanding is the united states does not have hypersonic technology like china and russia does. he is giving free beer and birth control to young people to try and bribe them into voting for him. but you can t take care of our military? that is barely making ends meet? military that we ve covered in passed years have had to be on food stamps? right. yeah. sean, according to the defense department s own survey, over 250,000 troops experience what they call low food security, 120,000 troops very low. meaning a politically mist meals. and are losing weight. that s not even counting the family members and that s not even counting bidenomics and inflation. and yet house republicans are trying to fix that. it s bad enough that it s happening, it s bad enough we have a recruiting crisis, it s bad enough that they have banks that are literally falling apart with the black mold and pcs in them according to one recent inspection. but trenin is opposing it. so he s going to spend billions on a climate core, is going to spend a half billion inning the palestinians. but when it comes to paying them marine corps, when it comes to the soldiers with their butts on the line for the red white and blue, he s opposed. we re not talking the general started talking about the kernels, we are talking privates, sergeants, corporals. i m it sounded that there opposed to this given all of the other nonsense that this administration is spending money on. but yet were in the worst recruiting crisis since vietnam. [ engine roars ] it s very real. were losing whole divisions. we can t man and equip ships right now. were trying to fix it. an hour fighting the bite in administration too. sean: i couldn t in good conscious advice somebody to get in to the military with this guy as commander-in-chief because he doesn t know idea of the week it is. morris cooper let s look at the demographic problems for the democrats. the core base, they re eroding parts of their base. african-americans, hispanic americans, young people. what are the reason for this? first let me say this about this military probably proposition. this president has identified every problem that he could, when he was running in 2020, and his solution, spend more money. now that it comes time for us to share with those young men and women are willing to put their lives on the line, this president suddenly just doesn t want to spend. you can t be this wrong by accident. know with regard to these other concerns, many black americans are complaining that this president s paredes have everything to do with the cocktail hour in the professor s lounge and absolutely nothing to do with their real lives. it is amazing how many hispanics are saying they are no longer willing to support this president and his party. we are looking at an election where it is possible that a republican me win the hispanic vote for the first time. you are seeing the young votes you are seeing the women s vote, you are seeing so many areas where this president for stewardship of the economy, parade rising all of the progressive agendas over the needs of mainstream america. and it s no surprise that you are seeing americans complain across the board. sean: why is it okay for china to have us by balloon or balloon or china distant, you know, be saver rattling, you know, hostile movers against our fighter jets in international airspace, hostile movers against our neighbor in international waterways. now we got russia with a sub, nuclear arm we believe with hypersonic missiles, what is not that not a bigger deal, congressman? well because at the end of the day, you have an administration that has a concessions base approach. and you ve got you have john carry leading their doctoral allegation over to china the last three years begging them to do more on climate which they know they can take advantage of and then continue their nuclear buildup, their space buildup calendar military buildup. i, this crew is asleep on the switch, sean, and it s going to take an entire content term to dig out of this hole but he talked about it this morning. republican s are regard to hit the ground running in january of 2025. sean: it s not iran that s an existential threat, it s russia, it s not china, it s climate change. that s how out of touch there are. insane times. thank you both. when we come back, legendary fitness and health group jillian michaels, wow, leaving the woke state of florida woke state of california, story, receipt of florida, she said the woke victim allergy poker just became too much for her. powerful take straight ahead. weathertech products are designed and manufactured in america using only american raw materials. most competitors make things seven thousand miles away. and then wonder why they don t fit. with weathertech in your vehicle you may hear angels singing as you marvel, how do they do it? simple. american technology and american workers deliver quality. not imported junk for a few bucks less. get the world s best floorliners and support america. find your fit at ( ) so the fallout from california has failed woke continues. fitness group jillian michaels sounding off on her decision to leave the feeling state of california for the free state of florida on stage steals podcasts. listen to this really powerful. you re from california. i moved out. out. are you in for the? where are you? miami. california got too crazy for me. why? okay. this is my parting line. at work here. i m a woman. i m a gay woman. my mom is a jew. my dad s an arab. i have a black kid. and believe it or not, mismanaged, latin even though he doesn t look like it. i hold a million cards in your game of woke victim allergy poker and when i leave california, maybe you ve lost your [bleep] mind map just maybe! some of these laws that are passing here are absolutely bleakly mind-boggling in relation to crime, protecting our kids back on the fact that a 12-year-old child can be put on off label cancer drugs to irreparably change their body. again, if my son came to me and said mom, i think i m trans i d say okay, you know, he want to address this way, you want me to call you whatever the heck you what fine. explore it. i love you. i m cool do you as long as we are safe. but were not changing your body until it s fully developed. i m sorry. conversation is over. can t get a belief, to. its madness. its madness to me. i can go on and on and on, and it s madness. i don t know what s going on here. sean: madness. your with ration the host of time you learn is fearless, time you learn. you know, i ve always thought she was one of the most inspirational when it comes to health, wellness, fitness, nutrition. and listen to that speech and it blew me away. it really did. i thought it was extraordinarily powerful. your thoughts? she s not the only person that feels that way and, in fact, i would argue that a lot of even california liberals feel very much the same she doesn t adjust to afraid to speak out. sean, you know that i lived in la for over three years and i got the heck out of the start of covid because i could see the riding on the wall. things were already ten woke after taxes and relations were already off the charts weatherman covid started and the only thing they wanted to lock people up for an arrest people for was playing in parts without a mask? i got the heck out of california and came to a great free red states like tennessee and i haven t looked back since and there are so many people, they re doing the same thing. the democrats which inclusively almost exclusively round that state have run in to the ground. only redeeming quality left is the rather. i don t know, sean, you re in florida, i tennessee. i think the weather is pretty weak here in the even better. sean: yeah. i, i can t add to what she say. it s not, it s insane and she talked about all the people even having sex with, you know, 14-year-old kids and that s okay? know it s not. and she really touched on every topic. obviously it doesn t sound politically conservative but she s just against crazy. and that s what the left has become insane. right and i thought it was interesting that she pointed out on paper, i m one of them. i m everything they want to. i should be the person they re courting. however, they ve gone too far beyond back that and i think what we heard was a mom and that s what fascinated me. a mom because she constantly was talking about my cane or if a child wants to do this, i m concerned about safety and i think as someone who as a child suffered from childhood obesity, came out of that, she is a fitness group, she had she was like goes for me. when i look at her i think that s what i want to be. and yet she has watched society say you know what? the swimsuit model can be obese now, the boy can run against the girl and take all her records, and everything that she has achieved in life with health and fitness can be taken away by the society that says we should look at these people and say this is what we want. this is beautiful. were so happy and she said you know what? i m just done with it. i want my kids to be safe. i want my kids bodies to be safe filmmaker of. i don t want them to be influenced by this. and she left because of it and i think it s kind of beautiful to have someone leave enough to speak out about it especially as a mom and especially as someone who has bought for so far hard for health for not only herself but for other people for decades. she s an amazing woman and it s wonderful to hear her say this. sean: yeah. i don t know. i just hope she doesn t, you know, vote democratic in florida win she gets here. otherwise, welcome to florida ground julian michaels, i ll say that. a little sound like in going to vote for those policies in the future. all right. thank you, both. when we come back, straight ahead more hannity. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you ll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it ll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. .look at her and i said, the pain is gone. it s ninety-five days early voting starts in pennsylvania this election matters. et al. the time we have left this evening thank you for being with us, making the show possible up your excite your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. let not your hearts be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great night

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240611

since the founding. the founding of our ideals. we don t know fully what american soil is. mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumblinging, and incoherent. n now, in fairness, this was around 9 p.m. eastern, which is well past joey s bedtime. i m sure bedtime he s going to g well tonight after that vigorous showing. plea s all the time we have left this evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, eveyourr ever h an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not and your hearts be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilutfelde on your face. have a great night. i m on. i clap for me. r me happy monday, everyone. all right. san francisc o has opened the first free food market leave without paying. residents are reportedly confused how this is different from any other store in th theec city? in l.a., a new taxpayer funded high rise for homeless people now open. we re talking luxury apartments. there s a gym, a cafe. aps, and to make the residents feel at home. each uni unit features two coat] of fresh, according to a new pew poll. my favorite kind. 65% say gender is determined t at birth, while 34% say their g a person can change their gender later in life, the while 10% of drunk men polled after closing timed said, t i swear to god, i thought that was a chickwas a . we ve all been there. two men applauding heavily yet. he knows what i m talking about. chicago s progressive mayor branded johnson spent $30,000 in campaign contributions on his own private make up artist during hs his first year in office. e but you got to admit, the artist did an amazing job. my god god. during a rodeo in oregon on saturday, four people were injured after a bull jumped over a fence and injured i four people in the crowd. the same thing happene d the view once when joy behar saw someone in the audience sae of thislatoe weekend. donald trump told a nevada crowd he would eliminate taxese on tips. aske what s a tip? asked one man. very cheap, very cheap individual. decin his gun trial, hunter biden not to take the stand in his own defense. apparentlye wanted to be swornn in with his hand on a stripper s a. the account twitter for boston r celtic legend bill russell tweeted, let s celtics last night. turns out those were writtencaus by his wife because he s been deadat were for two years. sounds like he has a lot in common with joe biden. by the way, did you knowt, that joe also won won 11 championships with the celtics last year? now you feel differently. and finally, i think it s finally one of the world s oldest penguini thin s at age 30, s successfully with a four-year-old male. coldcouple canceled their plans to marry, saying the male got cold feet. i like that joke was forandmothe your grandmother. so in vegas over the weekend, trump slammednned e electric mandates for boats after telling the crowd about a chat hndates fr e with a boat maker. i wonder, did he ask what would anppen? the boat sank from its weight. and you re in the boat and you have this tremendouslye boat d l battery. what would happen if the boat sank from its weight?its we and you re in the boatig and you have this tremendously powerful battery. and the batter and thy is now underwater. and there s a shark that s approximately ten yards over there. by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. do you notic e that? the hold on. there s a shark ten yards away from the boat. 10y fromdo i get electrocuted? so there s a shark ten yardse away from the boat. s10 yardsten yards or do i get electrocuted? i if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery. the boat is sinking. ovedo i stay on top of the boa and get electrocuted, or do i jumpd an over by the sharkted and not get electrocuted? because i will tell you, be said., know the entry you know, nobody s ever h asked me that question. it eve is a great question.ea electrocution or eatenn: by shak . we se should give death row inmates the choice. yeah. i like the way you guys think. i bet. trump also said. i think it s ai good question. i said i think it s a thod questio n. i think there s a lotauto of electric current coming through that water. but you know what i do? cu water was a shark or you get electrocuted, i ll take electrocution single time.kiddin i m not getting near the shark. ng - i don t blame him. don t and i m sure biden agrees. electrocution is how they restart his heart. everystar day to zaps to the bolts in his neck. speaking of joey s hemorrhaging, voters like voter jesse sheds follicles s. suddenly, it s trump who looks like he can unite the country. and thisuntr is scaring the outf of the dems. they re melting down like cher sdams face in direct sunlie over the weekend, l.a. timeshisd had this headline, quote, in silicon valley. more support for trump is trickling in. is it a bithg threat to biden? a reer, that tickets to a recent trump fundraiser reportedly went f for 300 grand each and t event was sold out. , trump raised 12 million in one night, the same amount i offered t taylor swift to stop calling me. calling now the big tech mona still go democrat, but crackt s are starting to form, and they re deeper than the ones in pelosi s face. tha it s no secret that the black and hispanic vote mostlymi men is shifting toward trump. this as smart national figuresbf are now willing to come out publicly for trump. for instance rapper 50 cente says he sees black men identifying with trump in thego upcoming election because they got rico charges, which means fani willis bogus rico prosecution of trump may be theh biggest backfire since joe forgot his lactose after. a pint of haagen-dazs. but don t take it from me. vegas odds have trump the favorite to win and joe as the favorite to sta tr in tht walking dead. g meanwhile, talking lizardle had james carville had to gripe. i thought that president biden should not run for reelection. or he said this right before devouring a plate of sauteed worming ss to have all the smah money and people are shifting to trumpt who are the holdoutsi meaning the people in our public lif e who aret on well-informed enough to know better, but still insist on backinga brain dead.? biden i ll tell you whohe it s the rich and famous, paralyzed by their own egos, para at trump with envy? think about it. imagine being robert de niro. or stephen king or howard stern or jimmy kimmel. and you got the memo that you aren t the center of the universe. and that memo is on donald igump letterhead. instead of the working class being ignored. it s this elitist thi it s these powerful men successful in their owialn right that trump makes them feel small. if you noticsme, loudest critics are successful people who sense largr own insignificance in this new world of trump. they feel like i do when takinr. a picture with tyrus. it s art. it s also why has beens likes le cheney, michael cohen and anthony scaramucci limichaessed with taking trump down? they re bit players in this movie, hoping that scenehoping s moment will come. but the most obvious examplee., the guy closest to trump in temperament and personality, howard sternlike ilosest. as trump elevated stern retreated, becoming believer in the gospel of thespel six foot distancing rule o and used covid to justify turning himself into gloria swanson usn, holed up in his 40q square foot mansion, dictating d to everyone how stupid and murderous they were for not anving what he thewere for had. and what is stern have in common with jimmy kimmel? doeit s the sense of demotion. they realize the world doesn t revolv e them.. a crushing realization. if your ego is everythinhingg right now, trump s more important than all of them combineds mo and it s killing them. meanwhile, the smart but ego satisfiemartd person, whether it s elon musk or vivek ramaswamy ormy me, we dont take it personally that trump may be the most consequential humae itn alive. of course, just edging out ryan seacrest. but it s because these people can think larger who know the selection. selectio and in fact, this nation, th are about more than just theismr which is why they ve got their necks out for trump and their middle fingers for and toe media. meanwhile, the egotists have become extras in the film of their lives and those who they considered the extras have taken starring roles. that the electorate. theyhey can t believe that the great unwashed not listening to them. but instead this new leading n. e and so they see trump and they ask, why could that be me ? it s one thing narcissistsrcis can t stand being ignoresistd on the world stage, but welcome tonight s guests. well, you don t have to mention it. he s just that forgettable. writert ha comedian joe devito. an expert in may making, cular men agitated. host of outkick the morning outkicmornink the morning on charlie ardo. his sense of humor comes fromfo his gut, his great, big, disgusting gut. host of fox news saturdayilla! night, jimmy fallon. and he s the only reason your grandpa has instagram. new york times best selling authornstagram. in fox news contributor n kat timpf joe williams. , what what do you think of my theory? because when you loothink ofk ae successful across the board, there are some that are totallys fine and some of them aren t. and i have to believe it is this realization that afterde three or four decades in the afmelight, they re finding out that they re not the center of the universe. yeah, well, trump has an amazing ability to soak up all the air in any room. it s incredible. y fu i mean, it s pretty funny. we have someone like james carville who looks like nosferatoue bideout and saying, i think biden s past his prime. we ve got to move on.hi s prim but got to admit, at this point, a vote for joe biden. it s a vote for kamalat fo. o te i don t think he s going to make it to the debates. yeah, but only elections. i mean, i was watching himthings at the normandy thing. i mean, there s 100 year old vets were like, do want to sit and look good? joe? they can t hide it. yeah, they can t. it they you know, they tried to get him his fancy. they got his footwear becausewaa that s why he was falling over. yeah, it s falling over. his body is saying, let me t die. i want to die heree. k so yeah, i think i mean, trump, if compare them, joe babbles and you think this is not good to watch but trump comes out. it s not like someone asked a questions out, boatut sharks and electric boats, but he had an answer readd any. he had it.. it s already. now, i don t know. er at the thed movie jaws and thought, what if they had an extension cord jawt ? wha a problem? but i think that s what s so hilarious about trump is that- s you can see and he s he s getting stronger and he s getting more vitaler and and het that energy now. i would like if there were some youngerme young people, mae a fresh faced 68-year-old, right? yes. - woul so but i would like if someone said to me, did you hear the president too his pant yous i could say that probably didn t happen. i just want probablyld proba wi: but it is funny, though. it was i no one really hasreally thought about the choice between electrocutioasn short being eaten by a shark. that s the kind of person the thate to have opp in the white house, as opposed someymebody who creates fantas about their uncle being eaten by cannibals. but what do you think about the fact that, like a lot of these people look at trumpo and they go like, i could have done that and they re kind ev mad that they didn t do ioul like, i think about that with mark cuban. i think that mark cuban has a proble mark trum with trump actually being not just a billionaire but also president, and he s still a billionaire. yeah, well, you look at markn cuban and he s worn so many different hats. i mean, he went from being jusht a businessman to a sports team owner to to really just being somebody that i thinke a lot of people at one point were able to relate to. now it s a completely different storo relate icompletey. ve included. i used to love mark cuban. until now he just insertedte in so many different political conversations that he has no busines to s in. but that s the thing about trump. he also has worn so many hats and yo wasu he was a businessma. he s been a a real estate investor. i mean he, he is single handedly responsible for building up new york to the point that it, o is today. , he was, you know, on the apprentice. he s a reality show star. he s nowon apprentieality former presidentm the united states, hopefully soon to be, you knowerident of,d his second term here. but people just don t like that. they don tterm her the fact tha say whatever s on his mind, that he does have a bit of an eger ihis mindo, but he has a pt in everything that he s saying. poy people are understanding and people are seeing the way that he s being treated with the sham trial. all ofated wit the convictionscv and people are now starting to relate to him and he s gettinicti tg, i think, a lot vt of votes or at least people getting on board with him that maybr ate have ben at another point in time, the latino votes, the blact k votes, the young votes, the silicon valley crew. and you sew,nde people turning t in droves in deep blue states, not even organizedd rallies. gk i mean, people are just deciding like, you know, what should we do this weekend? should we go drinking, should s we go to the beach? should we support trump? and they re choosing to supportmocrat trump, which is awesome to see in the democrats reactions. the bests part of it all, because they re calling them, of course, domestic terrorists and things like that, becauseem they don t know what to do with themselves, and especiallse the rally we just saw in vegas this past weekend, so many people showed up there like theseke people must be hireds on craigslist. it s like no democrats. pe hire the ones that have to hire the influencers to support you, not ins. onservativee to you know, jimi, yo, you have no shame. stop, yo it.d even i can t even, like, push back on an intro because i look like a fat cowboey to. yes, i do. i thought i looked cool wheni go i left my office that i just got on set. so the monitor. i look like clint eastwood. yeah. you know, the thing is though, i don t think like, people do have egos. i would saying that trump doesn t have any ego would be wrong. yeah, but trump has no sense of embarrassment. so he can, he can, like controln his ego. he can actually take risks . yes. it s it s this different kind of ego. don tw whatt isi don t know wh, but it s that they cannot bear that he is doing this. and they aren t 1,000% because this is the quality he has that they don t. he is a fighter. you know what n they -i mean? and he s not demoralized by someone else s success. don t forgethumois his whole eny into politics really started in 2012 when obama was dunking him at the white house correspondents dinner and he took all the shots and go white housendents dt offn the thing that burns howard stern s. because rememberde about howard? howard oc wanted to be politics. he ran for governor of new york. that s right. i forgot he wa s last likestic 30 seconds. okay, but stick with me. he was a guy whosek wihe was brd himself the king of all media, but become so much less omnipotent than trump. and he complains about everything omnip. not howard stern is now the prince harry of all media. that s kind of whaprincet he li nope, but but but imaginegine that does kill him then.this this is the bigger thingat sn and this is what s new to the trump movement. uc is trump is garnering majorp is support in the black community and he went to the bronx. the only time you get to hear biden say hello, bronxrmanentllf he s doing a rally in staten island. okay. but but that black street crowd thing matters like 50 cent matters. he is a guy with a lota guot of influence. okay? he got of shot nine times and dead. did something more dangerous like with chelsea handler. okay. but he had his shots. yeah, but that stuff matters. the only time howard orppor kimmel have had black support is when they painted it on to their face. that s true painted i not go. very good. all right, kat, why do celebrities in general struggle with trump s popularity? do you?g popularity is like a finite pie. no one else said it. so g i guess i have to say it is funny. see, you call out other p people for having a big ego. oh, i am right. thank you. that s such an easy joke. i know you re going to do that. well, you give you pictures yourself to other people for christmas. that is a joklf to othee abo uh oh, i, i honestly so i think. that it s not really a celebrity. i think it s why i write about this in my in my new book a little bit. i thin k limit k it s your new book called i used to like you tell. oh, i think it s all that way. oh, pick a lane. get le pick a lane and. it can be really hard for people to get out of that lane or even consider anything from anywhere else because they see the other side sides, not just people that they disagree with. you bad people, so they don t want to listen to anybody else or any other opinions. but i think the thing about stuff that s unprecedentei thg d is like what happened here in new york with the conviction unprecedented leads to more unprecedented. so i think when stuff like that happens, people do pay attention more. but precedink whenngcause pei pe a lot of money, i think, off of saying things trump is thisk. trump is that people have a fan base that expects them to sayn y those things. i think that that can also lead to peopl gettio peope not wantig to consider something else than what they found is make them greg: i successful. i do think some of them drive their careers into the ground outfve - of anger. you know, that s also that that s also definitely true some. yeah. all right. we ve got to move on. up next, no one is above no the laonvew unless it s hamass a drivel. you dramaw it. use] you ll be in the new yorkke f and like tickets to see 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[che hey, hey, hey. it s okay to wreck a statue, but mess with pride and they ll come right at you. ooh, that was a nice ride. eo our video of the day comes to us from america s capitol slash armpit. washingtons, where hundredsf of anti-israel demonstrators were filmed outside the whitan-e house, defacing statues and harassing cops. remember, thoughe fa, d.c. so hf of them were probably robbed and murdered later that da my. well, it s about as bad guy ,right? like there, dad? oh, yes. bad. shocking to see. imagine trashing america and destroying property without receivinimagine g course credit. they also chanted f joe biden. so it s possible they attackd the statue since it was the only thing less mobile thank . the president. std protestsorle the have been going on since october 7th. prior to that, you had riotss en courtesy of blm and antifa. there were no repercussions, no arrestspercussi. but we have now is punishment doled out, withheld based on viewpoint? meanwhile, this insane case inspt.o three teens riding scooters let skid on a painted pride flag sidewalk mural a sidewalk mural.e ar and they were arrestedre and charged with first degree malicious mischiefchar-degre. es so what s that tell you? well, there s vandalism. the media condemns and vandalism that they protect. condemns a you can t deface a pf mural, but feel free to drawac hitler mustache on jesseje watters faceters fac. by the way, that s not a comparison. order. that s actually in order. all right. mos i think what upsets me mostent is the harassment of theof ye, ranger. jimmy? yeah? park rangers are like, the mostm likable people on the planet. they, like, know all thablt they re eagle scouts with a salary that if you if you harass a park ranger, you should get the death penaltt ld gety. bear. yeah. they ve applied it to jokes about the death penalty. this audience, this is. what do you meanath pena ? what do you mean? okay. what do you make about. i mean, i know that it s an od d . kids get charged for, like, riding scooters. a pride barrel. yeah, but you could destroy property. yeahmurau can . engor no, i m surprised biden didn t do more about the statues because he went to higondoe tha- with most of those guys. you knowent tw, so silly.e nr but it does, i think part of this. because guy is unarmed. okay. and that s that s first of all, it s such a movsonal.ts move,ee to go after an unarmed guy like that. mm-hmm. bitch wuf any of this is projection from how bad the paul blart sequel was uni wondere. this is kind of a mall car. but there s this other thing that you know is true when we talk about the pride arrest in spokane t. certain causes have beenave cosigned is righteous and okayas . mm-hmm. and when it comes to the pride thing, that s why they went to jais il, got arrested.him the reason these guys aren t is because the left is cosign to thianons s. le s and that s the double standard thing that speaks to a collective lack of civic s to pride.e okay like, everyone should be mad ife our sacred monuments are being defiled because that s a middle finger to all of us. soddle fin all don t know.i beat your kids. i don t know what else to say. oh, they love violence. it s not just capital punishment. it s corporal punishment they like. yeah i kat, you said in the green room you wish we would just execute all of these protesters. i thought that was weird. coming from a libertarian. well, they didn t like that one. you know, the interesting thing about the pride mural, i think,v is look. vandalism is bad. yes. i think defacing a prideandalisl bad. mm-hmm. i think it s interesting that nobody is pointed intert that these are teenagers being charged with a felony for this. charwith aright. yea and facing ten years for this. which i thought we wereprogre becoming more progressive on criminal justice reform. yeah. and havingss tice ref concernsm an about overcriminalization of things. and this is to md e, a very clear example of an overcriminalization. i say for have that to be a felony for teenagers facing ten years. so i hope it doesn t go there. i hope yearshope i they don tt actually serve ten years for that because, i mean, that s how people become more radicaltw ,too, right?become that s how people become more radicalized. yeah. when you overdo it and the punishment gives me an idea,n though, charlie, i m going to start putting pride stuffment all over my stuff because then i know it won t get vandalized. i m juste thnine o going to pai my entire house a giant rainbow, and theann like, when there s, like, like a huge riot, my house will remain standingt . o well, here s the thing that you would have to tak e to it is pride. y you do have your colorful gucci bag in there, though, different banors that you ve beeoul gu carrying. don t want. they don t want to steal that. yeah. you you weres offore ahead of t- tribe. the part about like if you were going to redesign of your stuff though because i walked by the new york public library the other day and i was just staring at the pride flag and it just has have so many so many advancements to it now. i mean, there s so many different stripes and colors and geographic shapes. and i m like, what does all of this mean? mm-hmm. so you have a lot to learn. probably there if you want to start. i don t want to learn. anything. i m. i m, you know, i m anti learning. if i started, i going to show terrorist mobs. yeah. also anti learning. but the but that s the thing about these these anti-israel protesterse an is they just havi mean, the biggest themin all because they know nothing s going to happen. it s middle of the day. they re defacing history. they know that peopleop are filming themle fil on, their phones and they just don t care because they know nothing going to be done.ything they are completely safe from anything, you know, anyu punishment having happen to them. meanwhile, you havve thee the te scooter riders who decided to commit their crim e at 130, yo in the morning because at least, you know, you figure you re going to do something ang, but do it in the middle of the night where you might not cut, but the democratss ha have a rule. nobody s allowed to leave skid marks. but biden gove a no one it to go, joe, everybody gets a free drink, joe.f we d joe, here s anotherriompari comparison betweenso the covington kid was everywhere in the news that day. one kid at a right to life pro-life parade in dc. one kid everywhere because itre seemed like he d offended some other minority group. and it turned out it was the reverse that got this. it s nowhere in the news, dana pointed out today. there s like you can t find in the story of the protest o anywhere it s well first when i saw the kids with the e i waswa outraged because it was young people having fun and that justn me angry anyway. i m oldd and bitter but i kn think we re calling too many things hate. if you i ng to haf you read the over t the top, they re saying this vile act of hatred. well, look at all the things that the work the anti-israel protesters to do.s they had to climb up a statue. they had to spray paint that threw thingb s. - a cop. they lit up a smoke bomb. meanwhile, these kids, they left scuf mef marks on something that was on the road. yes. scarred ethingg jail. yeah. and it s it s insane because, look, i understand what thee purpose of pride had been. you had a group of peoplad beene who were told to be ashamed of themselves, and they said, an don tthid w to live that way. and everybody was on board with that. and i don t want to hear people says on . what about straight pride? because you don t know about straight pride. nty browserk atm history and you ll never ask what straight people should be proudry and of.okay? but it s the way it s the unfair application. like we re going to talk about equaby l ity, look at those two crimes. you have a crime. it s it s sapplic o much more it s - so much worse. no one s doing anything. and then you havanet a little piddly thing and everyone s supposed to freak out. and that is not equality ng that a pal, not equity, and it is not sustainable because like kat said, people are going to start to pusush back.push b exactly. and i think they re going to push back on novemberac nd i.h yeah, i m. thank you.] stop it. all right. you re amazing. audience though he spends audience though he spends as much on looksks leget the as he does free and crooks. has grow let s get the rest os plants. organic soil from organic soil from miracle-grults. the best garden i have ever had . good soil. and you get good results. this soil will blo w away. it s the martha stewart of soil. i was so excited to buy my first home, but i needed a lot of work done on it. i went on to andy. jamie was the first person to call. he s resurfaced. my flooring, he s done plumbing work. he s refinished this beautiful he s refinished this beautiful table here. find top rated certified pros in your area at angie aecom psoriasis all ople i couldn t get my hai wre then psoriatic arthritis conc thatc circles on both my people with psoriasis my people with psoriasis on the scalp have a, higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. se some fatvaccine actions severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections. some have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, have a infection or symptoms, have a vaccin. symptoms develop or worsen still working for me. see in the fast paced rhythm of life where demands can be relentless and time is precious, prioritizing your well-being can be hard. not to worry. balance of nature. fruits and veggies supplements are convenient and easy to add to any schedule paired with eating more, fresh produce, regular exercise and a positive mindset balance of nature. fruits and veggies supplement can help you keep your rhythm, whether it be excelling in your day to day or living in the moment. start your journey with balance of nature. supplements. due to popular demand, the free fiber and spice plus 35% off promotion is extended. with your first order as a preferred customer, go to balance of nature. com or call 1-800- 2468751. don t wait. this offer is only available while supplies last with free shipping and our money back guarantee use discount code. fox news. this is the oldest ballpark in the country from host to hall of famers and their bambino, home to the women s gibson. jackie robinson and now the giants take on the cardinals in a celebration over a century in the making and they ll be back with would be amy holmes fox there are over 75 million monthly tube viewers more people than there are wall mounted dual actuating drinking fountains, which means to me is more popular than health code violations. to me it s more popular than wall mounted dual actuating drinking fountains to maximize emotional opportunities. hosting a cook long demonstration streamed live wednesday is welcome camera start speaking disaster. oh god food stars all new wednesday on fox. i m thinking of starting a writing club. usa today, the wall street journal and entertainment weekly hailed the black writers on june 21st. one of the biggest films of the summer arrives at the many nice little i like you guys. you re in dress a nice. how many stoplights did you when they said seven? 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is it like, maybe it s for his whole body? yeah, he s got something on skin care. i yeah. i ve never heard of man spending this kind of money on skin care. wan, dude.t italia okay, i m just going to half my husband s italian. i m like, you have more your cabinet than i do. it s true. douso they lear you think? you know? do you think he s just bang in the makeup ladt bainy? what?ear ph have you seen her? did you see her photos? otyeah, hopefully.- well well, maybe he is all right ,so maybe he s not. yeah. yeah. what could be the reason? i want to know the reason. yeah, i think a deep.y thin i think when you get into it,k it s a it s can be. sometimes you need this other thing. you need this other thing b you need this other thing. you know, it could be like he s spiraling and skin cared s yeah. you know. do you think he s addicted to the feeling of moisturize. ther? i ve heard that happening. it. you get used to the sensation of i get ut. yes. i sleep in a tub of olive oil every night. you can just see it.go i think he looks fantastic. let s go. brandoy.n i say money well spen, you know. is it corruption? we it corruption corrupt or is t maybelline? you don t kno don t kw. i think it s an overreaction. the pendulum swings because like you said, i remember when lori lightfoot skipped out during the covid lockdowns and said she needed get a haircut because she need to look good. yeah, i meanto , now, like i thinkd wh people said whatever you need to spend. yeah. atev neeto spelori no, you guyst socket with the hair like that?. yeah, i say good for him. but in chicagoin, most makeup expenses like that are reserved for open casketsor ope. yeah. oh, well, since you made it alcal, the reason the locals upset is because in chicago, you normally steal the cosmetic. you know what i meant ause chicago? justice that s just the said. i thought that. but you don t like my k cats. well, yeah. i didn t kill anybody in the drive by. igutfeld but i mean, all i wd say is i spent a lot of money in d.c. as a and this is betterr than what marion barry wass spending 30 grand a month on. i guess i got to give hivem that bea.r. marion barry was able to come back from being caught on crack like mad at this guy madeuy hunter biden like richie cunningham. well, why did that pop intoov my head? 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[be what? that. what? that they re. i didn t realize this wasst a story about a snub. but it s next. we have the olympics next month. did you know this? did you knowdid yo? d yeah. what do you do know? e. se i m outsidyou know nobody knew that it was next month. nobody knew that. [laughteokay. yeah. t this. i mean, i don t know why she why wasn t on the team. wasn.heard a lot people weighing in. i don t get it. if it makes her feel any better, i don t know. i don t recognizt may bettere nf of anyone else on the team except for brittney grinere. and that s not because she s, like, good at basketball so much as, like, bad at packing. goodetball say backp. good job. yeah all right, charlie, all r you re kind of like this sports ladig.y here. a it could be a legit reason forr this omission or it political or social or cultural. it s. it s social. they re just jealous of caitlin clarke and all the eyeballsst jea she has on her.her. nobody cares about the wnba. they care about caitli aboutn cr clt with that being said, caitlin clark is able to bringly so many eyeballs to the wnba. she would bringth millionsmal more viewers to the women s basketball game in the summer olympics. apparently, the olympi morc committee just doesn t want people watching their games during the olympics. d. and it s really sad because caitlin clark certainly deserves to be there. it s notk certaiy rves t of by any stretch to have a exceptional rookie play on the olympic team. this has and if she s a rookie, that s why greg: s. no, it s not why. there s a lot. i m just trying to see excut be,r excuse mighse the you know what i m saying? well, i think one of the excuses that has been made was that she misser n d of themade tha workouts because she was in the championship tournamen becausetn she was still at iowa. that maybe that could have been why. but now they re sayingiowatherea might be an alternate on the team. but we all the yeah was going to play joe. know she could have gonee on the team if she had a . she could have. yeah i, i think caitlin clark ap is partly to blame because she made the controversial decision to be pleasant. yea contral decish. i don t want to hear anything. and i like women s sports. i don t want to hear any more complainingand from the wa as they try to drive away any t potential new viewers. because if i want to watch - who hate white people, i ll put on the new star wars sta i. all right, jimi. oh boy, did you know the olympics were coming up. id not deny lim. i had no idea. i m in my own little world. yeah, that matters. very tin.y. y tiny oh, greg, listen, i care w about this story. my wife, actually a really good high school basketball player. she graduatede .is a v erget nothing. that s great. i love that they re clapping. i ve told that jok e on the show five times. oh, wait, what? that was that when you were i going? i tried to tell this joke twice on a ve tried toke twicene he dove in the way of it by accident. once, like three weeks later, i the topic came up. i naturally roll intocame u the joke and all of a sudden i just stop and go. you did it agai alln. but today matters because we finally completed the joke it! anyway. no, i do. i care about women s basketbal . wife would have been in the wnba, but she s pretty ay wha. but p stop it. that s a joke. [lau. tt it s totally a joke. i am surprised team usa didn t do this just because of thsed he ee jersey sales. because you know how much money her jersey sells comparative to everybody els mucmonee is in the wnba, and we re not exactly rolling in dough in this country like a statucoms of liberty is selling pictures of its feet on only fans right now. it s ba erty is sellind. the m i can t get the money,on that s all. mm. all right. all rig up next, get engrossedup your your favorite local news host if you ll be in the newl be york area and like tickets to see gutfeld to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audiencm/k our studio audiencm/k ieve at e. oan. we believe that new day usa. we a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing. our purpose is not just closing. alon we want to do whatever is best for the individual serviceheir f person. person. we want to be knownamilies. as america se ones t mortgage cy for veterans and active duty for veterans and active duty service people and and their families. we re the ones that are there to help them. peopme of thving thed arduous,te difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for for the freedoms that we have here in this country. have here in this country. they re willing to dso for u you, for me and for our family . so for us at new day, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at thisl u point in timt.e, it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans like new day, usa to get your done right. pros everywhere trust green works for instant on run all day commercial grade absolute power and. now you can unleash all that power at home with the all new, all electric maximus z, the most versatile zero turn utility mower on planet. it s 30% more powerful than gas, with 31 horsepower cutting up to three and a half acres on a single charge, a consistent maximum blade tip speed for a more precise, beautiful cut and the only zero turn mower with a rear dump bed. no gas, no fumes, no maintenance, just absolute power from an intelligent system that works with over 75 tools, saving you time and hassle for a quieter, faster, easier job done, more power, more versatility, more for a limited time. get up to 25% off plus free shipping. visit participating retailers greenworks tools aecom. now that s life powered by greenworks paul ryan live on your from the presidential debates to the balance of power and the economic impact with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. and. relax. ellipse does all the work for you all. now in order eclipse coast thatoast stories that matter most. you re watchinter mostg local n, with emmy winning anchor w kelly crysta l kelly replacing chet van janssen, who died. and now here s kelly. hi, i m kelly cook. for kelly this is local news or every guest has to share a story from wherever they re from. all right, charlit ate, you o first. thank you so much from indianapolis here. and i just want everyonee willm to mark their calendars. we ve got a big evene everyot cg august 8th, 7:30 p.m. at the indiana state fair, 30:0. keanu reeves will be there, but not keanu reeves. e anthe will be keanu reeves,r the musician, which you knew, who knew that he was in a band called dog star. he s a bassistwain. arde john wick just got even hotter. and i will alshardo say that as someone i m a big fan of the indiana state fair, what, every single yea bacr growing up, andi am fully convinced that the reason i have never any realse serious illnesses growing up or even to this day is becauset at one point i dropped my corn dog on the grounoni d at the indiana state fair and i still ate it. so every germ and you get whi you gain weight, are you goinge] to go? i love to go to the indiana>i state fair. if i can make it on august 8th, ca wouovhen i have the day off? but yeah, absolutely. dog star all the way. great. all right, jimmy, why don t you go? whoa, my people. strong islany. go? -d, obviously. hey, girl, how in the it up for joey buttafuoco? no, i m kidding -. that s timely. my county executive, bruce blakeman, just reintroduced a bill that would ban biological men from competing th women s sports, which anyone who tries to thankan you, anyboy trying to protect women s sports. i think we owe a debt of gratitude because there s not enough speaking up.e beca you know, when when a womanusce swimmer dives the pool, shen shouldn t also be battling shrinkage. you know what i meaimmer die but the point is, again, i m bringing thiw ? s back to my wife because jenny was a good high school athlete and she takes a lot of pride in women s athletics. think of the movie a league of their own that was not supposeds hig thee to describe one persons that was about the whole female movement. and i suppose just want to st out, my member is. blakeman that s it. bruce this is for you, bab- bre okay, greg, are you going at all right? i m going to cover this california homeless high rise. it s amazing. it cost like 50 plus million dollars, 228 studio apartments,o 51 bedroom apartments that each costs about 600 grand. and this is for the homeless. 00but know what s interesting about this, other than it makes you want to throw up what t, itn skid row, do you remember anybody been to l.a.? anybw? t peop the assumption that people that live on skid roe onw are gg to take care of a high rise? right. you have to bee, as mentally il as they are. this idea of justre go. we don t know how you solve the homeless problem. give them houses. don t they don t want your house. e they re homeless. so they could do drugs, queued why casuit u, whatever they wan. so how long do you think? until there s in the pool? [l howhink, god well, if i m . hey, are all rightau, joe? well, here in new york city, new york governor kathy hochulse suspended the plan for congestion pricing. ang so you gets. a little break there. you don t have to pay your exit fees. yeah, it s it s another one of these great new york city plans to punisnuch the law abiding and glad that they they held it off. but it was amazing. it was in conversations with david paterson, our forme r governor. so it just goes to show you when you re taking traffic advice from a blind gugoeso y, i you re not doing a great job. on that note. don t go away. we ll be right years with my best friena.d. pir quick. the quicker picker upper bound the quicker picker upper bound to absorb spills u and is two times more absorbent and is two times more absorbent so you can use less bounty, quicker picker upper organic o the n me the best garden i have ever had soil and you get good results. s look at that. the broccoliix, se was fantasti. that broccoli, i think some of them were six £7. itch, itch. scratch must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone. ten for bug bites, poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is number afte one doctor recommended it works fastr and, lasts 4 hours. th at c cortisone ten after 30 yo of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factorss that can cause mental decline and memory issues. in a across and i can t find the right way to say it. to say it. i noticed as i got into my fifties, i started feeling i like a little moreed forgetful, a little more brain fog, introducing cue the breakthrough multi ingredient, multi action brain supplement developed by one of the world s leading brain doctor studyis. rm bet dr. dale bredeson neural cue is the result of yearste resear studying the precise nutrients your brain needsin perform better. neural cue contains a key ingredient clinicallwithin jy sn to influence brain performance in as littles been s as seven d. and within just two months, a combination of ingredients ono in neural cue has been shown to help improve memory focus, tt concentration. we ve all seen other brain supplements that onli ingredy fs on one or two factors, it s a multi ingredient, multi action formula that helps fuelbu boost, renew and protect your brain for more comprehensive care and noticeable results. in an internal study four out in an internal study four out of five, neural cue, users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i would say within a week sn time i wassee th able to think clearer was the first thingke ti i can see that there is an i can see that there is an improvement just in thnge tasks i have to do around the house. once i started taking wit, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus call o and getting things done as well as my memory and recall call or go online now to find out how you can try neural cue. how you can try neural cue. shipping act now rec you ll also receive neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep, go dry income or call 1-800- 4750898. that s 1-800- 4750898 order. now attention! former and family members stationed to camp lejeune. if you lived or worked at camp north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987 and have been diagnosed with neurobehavioral effects, had a child born with birth defects or been with fertility issues or more significant compensation may be available. call legal injury advocates now to process your administration claim before the august 10th 2024 deadline. it has been proven that the water at camp lagoon during those years was extremely contaminated with toxic chemicals. legal injury advocates has extensive helping to get the maximum compensation you deserve. now, before it s too late, you re not alone in this fight, and there are no upfront costs to begin your journey to justice. the call is completely free. we re available 24 hours a day. legal injury advocates to discuss your case now call legal injury advocates at one 800 8855599. that s 1-800- 88555991 800 8855599 call now. as events unfold, news is live at nine. a lot of moving pieces we ll take you through all. bill and dana have unmatched insight on america s newsroom. then at 11, we will cover every move they make. harris says that top stories covered on the front. their focus only on fox news channel ingr laura: good evening, everyone i m laura ingrahamm command this is the ingraham angle from washing thank you for joining us. protesters with voyages thean focus of tonight s angle.

Founding , Soil , Ideals , American , Person , Speech , News , Public-speaking , Spokesperson , Phenomenon , Event , Photo-caption

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240608-900

Have become adjusted to these kinds of irresponsible, unethical behaviors, and that cannot be tolerated. i mean, no other persons, none of the judges or lawyers could get away with this. this is really a problem that justice roberts, the chief justice, must attend to for the credibility of the court. it means he loses his credibility as well as other members of the court. it was the chief justice who called him up and told him he had to go. thank you both. still ahead, as his former chief of staff pleads not guilty in arizona, donald trump speaks to a tv psychologist about his plans for revenge. it is all coming up next. next. everyday, more dog people are deciding it s time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer s dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog s needs.

Kinds , Behaviors , None , Persons , Irresponsible , Court , Justice , Problem , Lawyers , Chief-justice , Judges , Credibility

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Election Debate 20240607-180

Interesting to see what approach each representative of the party takes. will they be polite, will they try and stretch their airtime to the maximum and talk over each other. will there be a dental persons agreement to keep it all nice and civilised or will it send into chaos. nice and civilised or will it send into chm- nice and civilised or will it send into chaos. ~ . , ., ., into chaos. michelle is one of the better in broadcasting into chaos. michelle is one of the better in broadcasting but - into chaos. michelle is one of the better in broadcasting but she . into chaos. michelle is one of the| better in broadcasting but she will have to be stern. what could they talk about? the elephant in the room will be the prime minister s apology. i cannot think, i have to say, of something so consequential in an election campaign. may be scott morrison, do you remember, in australia who went to hawaii at the forest fires and never recovered from that. is this akin to that? it is certainly a moment. if you think back to past election campaigns, there have been events that have stuck in people s mines. gordon brown and a bigoted woman s comment

Representative , The-party , Each-other , Persons , Agreement , Maximum , Airtime , Michelle , Chaos , Broadcasting , The-elephant-in-room , Civilised

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240607-780

During the convention. we are weak so from donald trump s big reveal. all of these republicans reportedly in contention to be vice president. the former president tops president biden in 3 key battleground states arizona, florida and nevada, new fox polling conducted after his guilty verdict in new york joe biden wee 2 of the states arizona and nevada back in 2020. let s bring some carolina senator tim scott who is among those on trump s rumoured shortlist. senator it s great to have you on the show. another dear launching this outreach effort to minority voters. but you ve got to be bolstered by the fact that so many young black and hispanic voters are already moving towards former president trump. without any question trump is putting together a new coalition of working-class voters. they are multiracial working-class voters. it doesn t matter whether you are black or white hispanic asian or native american, the 1

President , Donald-trump , Country , Vice-president , Arizona , All , Republicans , Contention , Persons , Convention , Big-reveal , Florida

Laura Coates Live

Evidence to add two more cases, and they re looking for more. i mean, these six bodies, they ve all been found ship a little less than what, three miles long. so well, are they still looking to connect even more bodies? possibly along this stretch to human? well, they have bodies that are unaccounted for four at the same burial site where you have an asian male. many of these victims were people who were involved in sex work that telephone records show human worked reached out to you, have an asian male, you have an infant child and another female. so what they re looking at is was it just sex workers and women he encountered or were there other people he killed for other reasons including ones that they know what about. and they re looking at ones that they don t know about those missing persons and so on. it s just heartbreaking and so terrifying to think about somebody engaged in this sterile behavior and the grizzly nature of these murders, john miller, please

More , Cases , Evidence , Bodies , Stretch , Human , Add , Ship , Two , Six , Three , People

The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer

Lieutenant william of gallons, p47 thunderbolt on d-day. they believe that the pilots last conscious move was to bring the plane down in the field because it was heading directly into the town, that 23-year-old hero pilot is stuffers, uncle unaccounted for until the dpa recovered his remains. software remembers the call i was happy. i was i was a bit bit emotional. the gallon was laid to rest at normandy, america working cemetery in 2022, were solver said these final words as i look across the headstones, mostly belonging to young men in there early 20s, just like bill, i think of all of the stories associated with these amazing persons and i think of their families behalf relation, business this flag, the closure of so many families hope they too will one day experience back in, normandy. this

D-day , Plane , Move , William-of-gallons , Pilot , Pilots , Thunderbolt-on , Town , Field , 23 , Remains , Call

FOX Friends First

What we saw in afghanistan was leadership failure. that is key to this, from top down and bottom up, these individuals you see on the screen now were in it to win it. what we have now is politics and we have leadership decisions made by a commander-in-chief, made by political generals and admirals and spokes persons that used to be admirals. you are listening to things that are political in nature and so contrived it is almost embarrassing when you hear them say it. these are facts, not just saying stuff based on my opinion. when you listen, you can tell spirit and understanding of who individual were, it is just not there. there is no reason to make up a script when standing in front of these individuals.

Individuals , Politics , Screen , Leadership-decisions , Leadership-failure , Bottom-up , Afghanistan , Generals , Commander-in-chief , Admirals , Persons , Things

Deadline White House

The january 6th select committee, pet personally sought pardon, so in his own mind has concerns about exposure. ronnie jackson was demoted because of his own substance abuse. they seems like classic marks for adversaries. they do. in fact, the criteria for given security clearances focuses on the same risks you have identified. i don t think think either man would be able to get a security clearance. one of the major adjudicated factors is your allegiance for the united states, in criteria that would be including sympathy for persons who have attempted to overthrow the government operations, or make it impossible to for the government to function. these are things exactly that the january 6th rioters engaged

Exposure , Congrats-to-ronnie-jackson , Pardon , January-6th-select-committee , Marks , Concerns , Mind , Pet , Substance-abuse , 6 , January-6th , Fact

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240604 00:26:00

The secret service and her husband is currently a member of the secret service. well, you know, i m surprised she actually admitted that. but then again, i m sure it would have been found out. the fact that this is secret service i think those a jurors would look at that and go, okay,, this persons in the secret service back widow joe biden, sorry, hunter biden, he s also been accused of taking the drugs and so forth, if it s okay for the government agencies to do it, why is an art for him? really surprised of course this one was not struck by the state to, wider did they use one over the strikes on those juror? i don t understand. jesse: they might have ran out of strikes and wonder left because a guess of the comment was too long slow brings in the alternate and alternate, one of them is an obama donor. i think we know how that one s

Member , Husband , Secret-service , Joe-biden , Hunter-biden , It , Fact , Jurors , Service , Back , Widow , Persons