what he's telling authorities today, monday, august 22nd, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and welcome to"today" on this monday morning. i'm ann curry. >> i'm carl quintanilla in for matt this morning. it is the dramatic and dynamic situation in tripoli today for this cautious optimism that moammar ga dffy's time in power could be ending soon. >> they've been rejoicing in the streets throughout the night after ceasing control of most of the libyan capital. but they're now facing resistance from gadhafi loyalists near his compound. they have taken two of his sons into custody. this morning the exact whereabouts of the libyan leader himself are unclear. >> president obama is keeping an eye on the situation from martha's vineyard. he issued a statement saying the battle is at a tipping point, they need to recognize their rule has come to an end. >> let's get right to nbc's chief correspondent richard engel. richard, what's the latest. >> reporter: tiply is falling but it hasn't completely fallen yet. the rebels control about 80% of the city right now. the gadhafi loyalists and some of his troops are still held out in pockets of the city. they've been exchanging gunfire with rebels this morning. it all began yesterday when thousands of rebels started to march on this city. most of them were just walking 20, 30 miles to get here. as soon as they arrived in the city, people dropped to their knees to start to pray in the city. there were fireworks in the sky. and on a personal note, i can say that the reception we've been getting here has been one of incredible warmth. people are so excited that a new phase in their history has begun, that they were giving us water, they were giving us candy, even lifted me up in the air in celebration. gadhafi's whereabouts are still unknown. this city is not completely liberated but the rebels say that will happen soon. >> richard, let me ask you this question. after more than six months of fighting, what sparked the weekend's events? what sparked this push now to tripoli? >> reporter: i think it happened when they took the city of skrks awahi, about 30 miles from here. it was a key launching pad from this at sau this assault on tripoli. they figured they were close enough, gathered together and marched on the city. we saw uniforms scattered on the streets. soldiers taking them off and running for cover. the vast majority of gadhafi's troops melted away when felt this human wave of enthusiasm had just poured on to the city. >> richard, from the ground there and it may be impossible for you to answer this question, but from the ground there is there any way to gauge how much u.s. and nato surveillance and air strikes have helped the rebels? >> the nato air strikes have helped immensely. they wouldn't have been able to do this without nato. nato cleared away most of the heavy weapons, the tanks, the artillery that the rebels were not able to deal with. once the heavy weapons were out of the way it was the rebels, whoever, marched in the front lines. they lost men. the exact casualties are unclear so far. but because the rebels lost so many fighters, they have taken ownership of this conflict. they thanked nato for what happened. they appreciate the help. but because they were on the front line of this fight, the foot soldiers in the trenches, they feel they have liberated this country, with nato's help. that's an important difference. >> richard engel from tripoli this morning. andrea mitchell joins us. good morning. >> good morning, ann. >> you have had your eye on libya for years. how do you see this playing out? >> well, first of all, this is just the beginning. as richard has been reporting, the excitement in the streets, the challenge still for this transitional national counsel is to create a government, create civil order. they're still, of course, pocket, resistance to be overcome. but once they do take control and it's clear that gadhafi era is over, they still have to create a government. this is a tribal society. there have been factions within these transitional national council. state department and nato have been working very closely, particularly in the last couple of weeks, the state department and european allies and united nations, to try to get them to reach out and bring the other tribes in. but it remains to be seen. it's a work in progress. there are big challenges ahead. >> meantime, if gadhafi is trying to run, a real question whether he is, if he is trying to run there are limits on where he can go because he has -- there's an arrest warrant from the international criminal court charging him with crimes against humanity, right? >> exactly. he would only want to go someplace like russia, like perhaps venezuela or zimbabwe, some government that would not send him to the hague. that is a challenge for him to find an exit strategy. their best thinking, american intelligence, is that he may still be in tripoli but they really don't know. >> meantime, this is already having an effect on oil prices. i understand they've gone down already on the expectation of this. that the outcome of this will mean there will be increased oil production. how the you see this playing out, andrea? >> i think oil prices will come down and producers are seeing the future markets, their stock is going up. precisely because the oil companies believe they will now be able to get in. libyan oil is very, very valuable. it's highly grade, sweet, light crude oil. it's about a little less than 2 million barrels, at least before the war. and the rebels did not attack any of the oil fields. most of those are still intact. that is the future of libya, the fact that they have that resource, supply, and if they can get a government together they can get back online and the expectation that this will lead to more oil. america has not been importing oil from libya, of course, because of the sanctions but it's a global market. global prices will come down. it is about 2% of world supply. >> meantime, as you know the president released a statement overnight in which he said that libya has reached the tipping point and gadhafi leads to relinquish power once and for all. >> the president had a conference with all the top players at 9:00 last night. i talked to someone who was on that call. he said that the best advice they are giving the president is that this tipping point has happened but this still is a work in progress and there is a lot of trouble that could lie ahead potentially. they don't know if this new chapter will be able to hold it together. >> andrea mitchell, thank you for your reporting. here at home, residents in the south are keeping a close eye on irene as it has become the first hurricane of the season overnight, carl. >> the question is where and when will it impact the united states. maria la rosa is in for al this morning up stairs with the latest on irene. good morning. >> the ninth named storm, first hurricane. irene, interestingly enough, made landfall this morning just a few hours after that, upgraded to hurricane strength. you can see a very impressive satellite picture. just to the north of san juan, winds at 75 miles per hour, moving to the west northwest at 12 miles per hour. all the model guidance is showing the line and the tracking towards the southeast coast over the next few days. most if not all continue to strengthen irene, so we do expect it to become potentially a major hurricane as well. here's the official projected path. you can see as early as thursday approaching south florida. on the lookout from miami all of the way to savannah and wilmington. back to you guys. >> thanks. we'll get the rest of your forecast in a little bit. but for now let's get a check of the rest of the morning's top stories from natalie morales. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with more violence at another nfl game which now has the league pledging a new crackdown on game dac attacks. fistfight broke out saturday during a san francisco 49er preseason came at candlestick park. two people were shot in a parking lot after the game. police are still looking for suspects. a candle light vigil was held for four members of the new jersey high school football team killed in a weekend crash that left four teammates injured. police say the victims were all in the same suv on their way to breakfast when the driver lost control and the vehicle rolled over. federal investigators are looking into a fiery crash at a weekend air show in kansas city, missouri. witnesses were shocked when a plane doing aerial stunts fell from the sky and exploded, killing the pilot. air show organizers say spectators were never in danger. wall street is back to work again after another rough week. cnbc's melissa lee is at the new york stock exchange. we heard how the situation in libya is affecting oil prices. what is likely to be moving the markets 20today? >> looks like investors will get a reprieve from the roller coaster last week with the dow down 4% on the week. today, well, you know what? investors are looking ahead. the big event, foreign investors on friday when ben bernanke delivered a speak at the central ba bank's annual retreat, signals any willingness or economic stimulus. meanti meantime, we've got another record on our hands. gold trading above $18.90 an ounce. >> thank you. pope benedict is back at the vatican today after a four-day trip to spain that ended sunday with a youth mass attended by more than a million young people. earlier sunday the pope thrilled the crowd along his route by lifting up a baby and giving the child his personal blessing. and here is why grounds keepers are so important in golf. carl patterson's key shot went astray at the noint home at the championship sunday and it landed right there in a garden of potted plants. they had to move all the plants out so peterson could make the shot there for birdie. so the groundskeeper is key. 7:10. back over to ann, carl, and maria. maybe that's what's missing in my golf game, groundskeepers. move the trees out of the way. >> thanks. now let's get a check of the rest of the morning's weather from maria larosa. >> i can see the flags . . good morning. back to school, off to work on this monday morning, we've got a delightful summer morning underway. lower humidity continuing to move in on a northwest breeze. temperatures are near 70 in the suburbs. in washington and near the bay, mid-70s. rural areas farther west and north, into the 60s, later today, low and mid-80s, lots of sunshine, low humidity. northwest breeze that will settle down toni >> ann, back to you. >> maria, thank you. the hotel maid who accused dominique strauss-kahn of sexual assault is expected to meet with prosecutors today. nbc's michelle franzen is in the lower manhattan area with the latest on this story. good morning. >> good morning. dominique strauss-kahn was once under strict house arrest facing sexual assault charges. cracks in his accuser's credibility led a judge to lift those restrictions and his bail. he has still had to wait out the case here in the u.s., renting a luxury town home here in lower manhattan. but as you mentioned, he could be a day away from having those charges dropped all together. the sexual assault case against dominique strauss-kahn, former head of the imf, will likely be dropped tomorrow at what was supposed to be a routine hearing. sources close to the investigation tell nbc news the manhattan district attorney plans to file a motion to dismiss all charges, stemming from his may arrest in new york city, accused of raping a hotel maid. legal experts say it boils down to credibility problems with the prosecution's key witness. strauss-kahn's accuser. >> there's been a number of items that if you look at carefully, it greatly affects the credibility of her and that's the reason the d.a. is looking to get rid of this case. >> reporter: in july prosecutors told the court they had evidence an immigrant from ginea lied on her applications involving her past. in an interview with ""newsweek"" she admitted the account she gave the u.s. government on her asylum application was heavily embellished. her attorney ken thompson said there's still enough physical evidence found at the scene, including strauss-kahn's dna, for the case to proceed. but thompson tells nbc news he also expects the d.a. to drop the case based on a letter he received from assistant district attorney. mcconnell offered her one chance to meet with prosecutors a day before the hearing for the purpose of my explaining to her what i anticipate will occur in court. it is the latest twist in the sexual assault case involving the disgraced financier who was once considering a run for the french presidency. prosecutors quickly built a case against strauss-kahn based on her testimony, he brutally attacked her inside his suite when she went in to clean the room. last month when prosecutors raised doubts about her overall credibility, she revealed her identity and spoke out publicly. >> i'm here to tell everybody how much i'm going through. >> reporter: strauss-kahn's attorneys say he is innocent and has always maintained that any sex was consensual. strauss-kahn's attorney say they will not comment until the d.a. announces their decision. meantime, the maid's defense team has also filed a civil suit against strauss-kahn and ken thompson says he wants the special prosecutor to take over the case. ann? >> michelle franzen, thank you so much. it is now 7:15. once again, here's carl. >> thanks. the man known as west memphis three had their first weekend of freedom after 20 years of serving for the notorious murders of three young boys. kerry sanders is in west memphis, arkansas, with details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the three boys were found here 18 years ago. their bodies had been hog-tied, one had been beaten, the other two had drowned. the west memphis three were arrested and convicted. the district attorney now says despite the fact that they are free, he believes they got the right people, the case is closed. the men known as west memphis three in court almost two decades after juries found them guilty of the murders of three cub scouts. in a logic clear only to lawyers they each pled guilty -- >> i plead guilty -- >> reporter: while professing their innocence. >> your honor, i am innocent of these charges. >> reporter: then they were set free. >> this is not justice. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview with "today" just released jason baldwin claims law enforcement pinned the case on them in part because of how they looked. >> we were poor, teenagers who listened to rock or had extreme hairstyles. >> reporter: but he said he agreed to plea to save co-defendant echols who was on death row. >> when we went to trial the first time, ghost stories, rumors, things that really had nothing to do with the case whatsoever. they knew now that we're -- the whole world was watching. >> reporter: the whole world was watching what might have been a new trial because of two soul mates. their documentaries for hbo raised questions about missing physical evident and how prosecutors chose to paint the teenagers as, one suspect was named damian as the son in the movie qu"the omen" which only me the case more compelling in this deeply religious community. >> the people might remember there was a wave of satanic hysteria. >> reporter: the documentaries convinced many of their innocence including pearl jam and natalie maines of the dixie chicks. actors why known what rider and johnny depp from an interview. >> no physical evidence. >> reporter: left unanswered, if not these men, then who killed the three 8-year-old boys? baldwin says he may know, but will not say. >> i am so leery of pointing the finger at nino matter how i may feel they be suspect simply because i've had the finger pointed at me and i know what it feels like. i do not want to get it wrong. >> reporter: baldwin says he would like to have a gps tracking chip inserted into his skin so the authorities know where he is so he's never accused of being at a place that he is not. meantime, the retired judge and some of the family members of those young boys, those cub scouts, say that releasing the west memphis three is a mistake and an injustice. carl? >> incredible story, kerry. thank you for that. kerry sanders in west memphis. chances are that many of the products you buy from the shirt on your back to the toys your kids play with are made in china. but in the deep south we found a unique twist to the often lopsided trade relationship. nbc's thanh truong explains. >> reporter: you mr. l. find vie dallia onions and now southern made chopsticks. welcome to georgia chopsticks, an american company cranking out a quintessential asian utensil. >> ever think you would make chopsticks? >> i never thought i would make chopsticks. >> pretty strange. everybody asks, chopsticks? >> they treat this like a joke, making chopsticks in the united states. >> reporter: no joke here. the worker produce 2 million chopsticks a day. praises are 24 hours, 6 days a week. company president jay lee expects they will be making 10 million chopsticks a day by the end of the year. >> i wish i had 36 hours a day. >> reporter: you're that busy? >> yes. >> reporter: its biggest buyer is china, annuall lly consumes e than 50 billion chopsticks. because of the ban on logging and a general shortage of trees china is running low on wood and importing more of it. apparently the trees in georgia are practically perfect for making chopsticks. poplar trees has pliable wood resistant to splintering. with so many manufacturing jobs going overseas there's a lot of pride exporting to asia. >> there's not one thing in my house that's probably made in america. everything is made everywhere else. >> i just told them, you know, make the biggest you can. made in the usa. >> reporter: they make the chopsticks but can they use them? >> i can use them, i guess. >> can you use chopsticks? >> no. >> i'm getting the feeling you prefer a fork more than chopsticks. >> a fork or a spoon. >> my hands got crimped. >> reporter: well, they may not be happy with their technique, but these workers are grateful to have jobs in such a weak economy. >> that's about it. >> reporter: chopsticks made in georgia, american industrialism southern style. for "today," thanh truong, nbc news, america's georgia. well, just ahead, a new witness comes forward in the disappearance of a maryland woman in aruba. we'll be there live. but what he's telling police. but first, this is "today" on nbc. . coming up, an they nn bourdain. and an inside look at kim kardashian and her star-studded tr is. bayer aspirin? i'm not having a heart attack. it's my back. no, this is new bayer advanced aspirin... clinically proven to relieve tough pain twice as fast as before. what, did you invent this or something? well, my team did. i'm eric first, lead scientist at bayer. wow. look. it has microparticles. it enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief right to the site of pain. better? 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[ male announcer ] new bayer advanced aspirin. extra strength pain relief. twice as fast. test our fast relief. love it, or get your money back. excuse me? my grandfather was born in this village. [ automated voice speaks foreign language ] [ male announcer ] in here, everyone speaks the same language. ♪ in here, forklifts drive themselves. no, he doesn't have it. yeah, we'll look on that. [ male announcer ] in here, friends leave you messages written in the air. that's it right there. [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. but not in my neighborhood. ♪ [ female announcer ] we're throwing away misperceptions about natural gas vehicles. more of the vehicles that fuel our lives use clean american natural gas today. it costs about 40 percent less than gasoline, so why aren't we using it even more? start a conversation about using more natural gas vehicles in your community. ♪ looking forward to your first cup ♪ morning! big day, huh? thank you. ♪ oh that mountain grown taste, ♪ ♪ just what you need ♪ for the big race. daughter: morning mom! are you excited? ♪ as you finish every mile... ♪ how rewarding are those smiles... ♪ [ cheers from the crowd ] ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ mommy, you did it! ♪ is folgers in your cup. good morning. it's 7:26, montd, the 22land of august. it's back to school for tons of children in our area. let's get right to meteorologist, tom kiernan. great summer morning. great back to school weather. right now, in the 60s and low to mid-80s. lots of sun. low humidity. northwest breeze. still not much humidity around. lots of sun on tuesday and wednesday. getting more humid on thursday. could get afternoon storms. friday, mostly cloudy and steamy. a steamy weekend, remnants of hurricane irene coming up our way. it will probably be just some tropical downpours over the tropical downpours over the man: my employer had been putting together a program for executive education, grooming the leadership abilities of their top 5%. a requirement to be accepted in the program was an undergraduate degree, which i did not have. that was the wake-up call i needed. ♪ don't want to miss a thing strayer university has afforded me the opportunity to progress to the level that i am now, which is chief information officer at the largest teaching hospital in southern new jersey. i'm michael sinno, and i earned my bachelor of science degree from strayer university. good morning. in temple hills, a water main break. all lanes are blocked as you are making your commute. a crash eastbound suitland parkway at nailor road. still jammed on the beltway in maryland. [ martin luther king jr. ] i still have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. i have a dream today! [ male announcer ] join us at the walter e. washington convention center on august 26th for a live roundtable discussion inspired by the legacy of dr. martin luther king jr. morning, august 22nd, 2011. we've got a lot of people sight-seeing here this morning in the big apple. summer vacation is coming to an end. looks like we have a pretty day in new york city. i'm inside studio 1-a, i'm ann curry, alongside carl quintanilla. we will be talking about the latest from aruba and the case about the missing maryland woman. >> a new witness came forward disputing suspect's gary giordano's accounts. plus this morning, a nasty and public feud between two famous foodies. "no reservations" host anthony bourdain has been blasting paula dean and her cooking in an interview with "tv guide" when he calls her the worst, most dangerous person in america. now she's firing back. we're going to hear from both of them. >> remind me not to say anything about him because he has firepower. mean tile, kim kardashian tied the knot over the weekend and our own was at the lavish affair. not one, not two, but three gowns. >> can you believe it? he even changed once. there you go. we begin now with a serious topic about the new developments in the disappearance of robyn gardner in aruba. jeff rossen is there this morning with this report. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: hi, ann, good morning to you. right now as we speak police are mobilizing here in aruba. about 50 investigators heading back out to search for robyn gardner, missing nearly three weeks now. in fact, we have live pictures to show you of the area they will be searching in aruba. it's the south end of the island. you can see what they're dealing with. a good deal of rugged terrain. it is desolate there. a few miles away from the popular hotels where many american tourist stay. meanwhile, law enforcement sources tell nbc news a new witness has come forward that could tear the story apart of the main suspect gary giordano who said all along that basically he and robyn had gone snork snorkeling. this new witness now brings new information to bear. behind these looming walls of aruba's prison, officials say gary giordano won't budge, that robyn went missing underwater and he did nothing wrong, but now police say a fisherman out on his boat that day says he saw the couple and not only did they not go snorkeling, they didn't even get in the water. >> that story has not been proven yet. it has not been in reality. if that statement bears reality it's something that might change the investigation. >> reporter: law enforcement sources tell nbc news the fisherman claims he saw gary and robyn leave the beach together. if true, that would shatter giordano's time line. >> undoubtedly he will be questioned the coming week. >> reporter: the sources say giordano's behavior after she went missing was bizarre, too. he left the search early to sleep at his hotel. >> gary, over here! >> reporter: giordano was arrested days later at the airport, sweating while trying to leave aruba. law enforcement sources say he told customs he was switching flights because of the weather and his travel companion robyn was taking another flight. >> the more time passes by, the more people are going to wonder if, you know, if they can be able to solve the case. and if you don't find a body, people think that aruba is a very perfect place to commit a crime. >> reporter: according to the police report obtained by nbc news, giordano told investigators he and robyn were drinking vodka at the marriott and robyn had a bottle of pills in her bag. i do not know what those pills are for, he said. the relationship that began on ends in mystery. nearly three weeks since robyn's disappearance, aruban police have no clue where she is. >> every single day, every minute of the day you're constantly thinking about where is robyn, where is robyn. >> reporter: police are still questioning giordano all of this week and they did throughout the weekend. they say he is cooperating to a point. he answers some questions, but then refuses to answer other questions. but he says he is already answered. important to note here, ann, he has not been charged with anything yet. they are holding him as prime suspect, but they can charge him with murder here in aruba even without robyn's body or without robyn at all. but, of course, it would be a much tougher case for prosecutors. >> mystery still to be resolved. jeff rossen, thank you so much. now let's get a check of the weather from maria larosa in for al. >> it is a gorgeous morning here in new york city. you had rough weather yesterday. welcome the wild family. not an indication of your personality, right? >> right. >> where are you from? >> kalamazoo, michigan. >> welcome. we had wild weather last night that's exiting the east coast. in its place, cooler, dryer weather. the afternoon temperatures in parts of the northeast. 70s stretching from philadelphia all of the good morning, i'm meteorologist, tom kierein. farther west and north, in the 60s near the bay. eastern shore, low to mid-70s. low humidity continuing to move in on a northwest breeze gusting to 20-25 miles an hour during the afternoon. temperatures climbing into the low and mid-80s. low humidity still in place on tuesday and wednesday. more humid on thursday with storms. could get >> you can get a check of your weather 24/7 at now to a story we've been following for more than two years involving the mysterious disappearance of a woman near malibu, california. the 24-year-old vanished shortly after being released from the los angeles county sheriff's department. lee cowan is outside that sheriff's station with the latest. lee, good morning. >> good morning, carl. yes, it's been almost three years now since richardson walked out of this station in the middle of the night and her family never saw her alive again. in fact, it took a year to even find her body. the sheriff's department insists though it did nothing wrong. her family on the other hand though says the deputies should have never released their daughter into the dark alone. >> reporter: the mystery unraveled on a september night in 2009 right where the pacific reached the shores of malibu. >> nothing about that evening makes sense to me. >> reporter: her daughter showed up at this seaside restaurant acting so strangely the staff had to call 911. >> she sounds really crazy. she may be on drugs or something. >> reporter: she wasn't, according to deputies. she wasn't even drunk. but they did find marijuana in her car and she had no money to pay her bill. so she was booked. >> i'm a little frazzled right now. >> reporter: her mother told the jailer and was leaved to learn that at least her troubled daughter would be kept safe overnight. >> i would hate to wake up to a morning report. girl lost somewhere with her head cho chopped off. >> reporter: but she didn't spend the night. >> her record came back completely clean, clear, spotless, nothing. >> reporter: so she was released, just after midnight, with no car, no phone, no money. nearly a year later, her half-naked body was found in a remote canyon, partially mummified. >> i will never have peace until i have some understanding of what happened to her. >> reporter: she is now suing the sheriff's department of wrongful death and negligence, saying officer's ignored her daughter's strange behavior and did not take any action to evaluate her mental state. >> that's highly irresponsible to me. >> reporter: the sheriff's department couldn't comment, but in court documents denied the charges. in fact, deputies said they offered to let mitrice stay the night but she refused. >> she wanted to leave. >> reporter: los angeles magazine spent months investigating the disappearance. and for journalist mike tessler, it didn't add up. not only how she left the sheriff's office that the is troubling the family but further distressed by what happened after her body was found. the sheriff's department, against the direction of the coroner, moved mitrice's body, making it more difficult to determine the cause of death. >> you cannot touch a body until the kor r coroner says so. >> reporter: most troubling of how is how she got there in the first place. >> it's illogical to think that my daughter decided to hike up a creek, take off her clothes, go further up, and lay down and die. >> reporter: it took us over an hour. this is no recreational trail. and for someone like mitrice whose own family says she was the opposite of an outdoors person, seems like it would be difficult for her if not impossible to be able to walk this trail on her own. when we finally got there we found a small memorial put there by her family. >> i see her -- i see her in everything that's beautiful, in every flower, every plant, the sunlight. i see her always. she's with me always. >> reporter: whatever happened in dark canyon remains for the moment a dark secret. mitrice's body was exhumed and the family hopes a second autopsy will give them some answers. as for the lawsuit here that is scheduled to go to trial three weeks from today. carl? >> lee cowan in agoura, california, thanks. how to cope if you have a toxic friend? plus, a first-land look at kim kardashian's wedding. buhafirst, these messages. you nowhere to go. when you've lost interest in everything. when you've had one too many days feeling sad or anxious... aches and pains, fatigue. when it becomes hard to ignore that you need help. that's the day you do something. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines, including those for migraine, or if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles, to address a possible life-threatening condition. tell your doctor about alcohol use, liver disease, and before you reduce or stop taking cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. is today your day? 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[ female announcer ] your favorite folgers gourmet selections flavors are available one perfectly brewed cup at a time in under one minute. ♪ folgers gourmet selections k-cups. available where you buy groceries. i don't normally associate with salty snacks. huh. i thought berries were supposed to be sweet. [ female announcer ] new quaker chewy smashbar. kid-loved ingredients, smashed together. with 33% less sugar than the leading sweet snacks. kid-loved ingredients, smashed together. [ dramatic soundtrack plays ] whoa! man: what is that? i don't know, but it burns! it's like fire. woman: ow, ow! i can't see. man: it's singeing me! it's the sun. get out of the office more often with chili's $6 lunch break combos. pair a texas toast half sandwich with fries and super salad every weekday. ♪ chili's lunch break combos ♪ back now account 7:49. natalie is here with some of the spicy details. >> spicy is the word for it. you know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen? in this food fight anthony bourdain had not so nice things to say about paula dean, and now they're at each other's throats. it happened in "animal house," but this food fight is between two famous foodies, anthony bourdain -- >> doughnut and bacon together. >> reporter: -- and the queen of southern cooking, paula dean. >> i'm going to wrap it in bacon. we're going to deep fry it. >> reporter: host of the travel channel show "no reservations," bourdain had no reservations himself telling "tv guide" magazine, the worst most dangerous person to america is clearly paula dean. she's proud of the fact that her food is bad for you, plus, her food sucks. why would bourdain take a swing at the georgia peach? >> every now and then bourdain will stir the pot. he has that sharp tongue, critical side. >> reporter: the down home southern chef known for her love of fried food responded on fox. >> i was actually kind of shocked, considering i've never met anthony. i don't know if it was a publicity thing or if somebody had just pee'd in his bowl of cereal. >> reporter: dean went on to extend an olive branch. >> come to my house and i'll cook you a meal. if you still feel that way, so be it. >> reporter: bourdain had choice words for other celebrity chefs, too. in "tv guide" he said i look at guy fieri and i think, jesus, i'm glad that's not me. on rachael ray, he asks, does she even cook anymore. to her credit, she never said she was good at it. and then there's sandra lee, bourdain had this to say on msnbc last week. >> sandra lee makes my eyes bleed. >> reporter: of stirring the pot he tweeted, resolved, next time i asked ft. millth time who the worst cook tons food network are, i'm just shut up. who cares? >> we're going to have our sweet and our savory. >> reporter: days later bourdain continued his rant saying, a cheeseburger between doughnuts is no kind of southern cooking. it's just bad cooking. but for now, dean is taking off the gloves. >> listen, i've been around long enough to know to choose my battles and that eight one of them. >> when we reached out to bourdain for comment we were told he was on vacation with his family, conveniently. let paula have the last word. probably good to stay on vacation a little bit longer. >> good food somewhere. >> that was mean. although bacon doughnut chee cheeseburger thing looks good. >> don't you mess with paula dean. we're going to move away from that food fight and talk about something else, hollywood's wedding of the year. >> inside kim kardashian's nuptials with our own kathie lee gifford. now, millions of turkey burgers later, we're still out to win over burger lovers. woman: it's really good! man: the taste is great. ancr: just in time for the grilling season. n delicious burger. maman, i'm on my third one right now. it's awesome. woman: i would definitely have a turkey burger again. man: this is fantastic. ancr: grilling season is here. so come on. make the switch. look for jennie-o at a store near you. and join us at your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! it's the perfect time to save big and get the toyota you've been waiting for. take advantage of the summer's best selection and the year's biggest deals on our most popular models. and toyota has the lowest ownership cost of any full-line car brand, which means you'll not only save now, but down the road as well. plus, every new toyota mes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. toyota's nationwide clearance event ends soon. hurry in today before time runs out! ♪ hurry in today before time runs out! myeah, what airline were you on i'm almosagain?e. ♪ woman: day care can be so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise woman: flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. traveling the outer loop, a crash. only the left shoulder lane will get you by. seeing delays on both sides of the beltway between the dulles toll road and i-66. an accident on briggs cheney road, the accident is now clear. we are still seeing some delays as you head south on colesville road. delays at haymarket to the beltway. another news 8:00 now on this monday morning, the 22nd of august, 2011. a crowd this morning, better weather to start off a new week here in new york city. 57 degrees, clear skies. it's going warm up. we're told it's going to be a great week of weather here in new york city. we've got a great crowd. meantime, i'm ann curry along with carl quintanilla who is in for matt lauer. this morning we are talking about this big wedding of the weekend, the highlights from the wedding of kim kardashian. >> oh, yeah. >> and nba player kris humphries. the question is, what did she wear? the answer is, what didn't she wear? she had three dresses. were there any last-minute nerves. among the 400 plus guests, not only lindsay lohan and vera wang but our own kathie lee gifford who is apparently enjoying some of the booty she got from the wedding. are you getting ready for our live shot? what's happening there with your toes? >> i'm just going through all of my kim bling. >> kim bling. >> all right. >> i am smelling good, i am looking good. and i'll tell you all about it in a little bit. >> sounds good. looks like she's got a lot to go through. >> i'm waiting for her to spray her toes with that perfume. >> she will be giving us the scoop coming up. also, whether or not you had a toxic friend. >> yes. >> someone in your life who is really a negative influence, someone who is a critic, a debbie downer. if you do, what should you do? cope with them in your life or cut them out of your life all together? we'll talk about that. >> good question. i think it faces a lot of us. i've had that problem. have you had that problem? >> i think it's very different between men and women. >> there you go. we're also talking about the latest trend in body art. we're talking about why more women are getting tattoos much later in life. boy, that's a lot of tattoos. anyway -- >> do you have anything you want to show us? >> i have no tattoos as of yet. my mind is always open to it. we will find out. meantime, we're now open to the news because we have natalie morales at the news desk and it's her time. >> good morning. moammar gadhafi's iron grip on power in libya appears to be crumbling today. rebel forces have stormed the capital of tripoli to take control of most of it although troops loyal are using tanks for protect their compounds. gadhafi reportedly remains in hiding but rebel forces have captured at least one of his sons. meanwhile, president obama is urging gadhafi to give up power to prevent mored bloodshed. the storm known as irmarine turned into a hurricane this morning. it could hit florida, georgia, and the carolinas later on this week. the storm has brought rough surf, heavy flooding and wide spread power outages. more violence in the middle east today. palestinian militants in the gaza strip fired rockets and mortars into southern israel despite a cease-fire agreement. no injuries were reported, but the renewed border fighting has claimed at least 24 lives. meantime, secretary of state hillary clinton says the u.s. is deeply disappointed that two american hikers being held in iran have been sentenced to eight years in prison. shane bauer and josh have already been in prison there for more than two years after they were caught along the border with iraq. their relatives say they remain hopeful the two men will be released on humanitarian grounds. nbc news has learned that new york city prosecutors will likely dismiss all criminal charges against former imf chief dominique strauss-kahn. they're meeting today with the maid who has accused strauss-kahn of sexual assaulting her, probably to explain why the case can't go forward. prosecutors say there are serious problems with the accuser's credibility. investigators in san francisco are searching for suspects after two men were shot and wounded following a 49er, oakland raiders preseason football game this weekend. it happened in separate incidents. meantime, nasty fights broke out in the stands at that game and in the parking lot as well. the mayors of san francisco and nfl and oakland are calling for an end to the violence. and now for a look at what's trending today, our quick round-up of what has you talking online. excited about a new memorial to martin luther king jr. open to the public today in washington, d.c. it sits on the national mall between the memorials for lincoln and jeffer sonch ererje popular search on yahoo! back to school sales on school and supplies. kids are happy. kids not so much. the internet is buzzing over the weekend's lavish wedding fit for reality princess kim kardashian and her groom kris humphries. as we mentioned, kathie lee is going to be here to tell us all about it in just a few minutes. it is 8:05 right now. let's go back outside to ann, carl, d maria. >> thank you. that's right. well, a delightful day underway. the sky will continue to clear throughout the entire region as the day progresses. highs reaching low and mid-80s this afternoon. low humidity. northwest wind gusting around 25 miles an hour. lighter winds tuesday and wednesday. thursday, getting more humid. maybe some afternoon storms. could get some tropical >> carl, back to you. >> maria, thanks. when we come back, an inside look at kim kardashian's weekend wedding. we'll get the lowdown from one of the guests, our own kathie lee gifford, right after this. 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[ male announcer ] new bayer advanced aspirin. you kids almost ready? i've got breakfast waiting for you. whoo! uh-oh. what? mom's doing her exercise video again. when mom's on a health kick, all of us are. and now she's made us breakfast. uh-oh. ♪ [ male announcer ] eggo nutri-grain waffles. you know it's made with 8 grams of whole grain and is a good source of fiber. all they know is it tastes great. eggo nutri-grain waffles. simply delicious. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. back now at 8:09. with hollywood's wedding of the year, reality star kichl kardashian and nba player kris humphries tied the knot over the weekend. kathie lee gifford was there. we'll talk to her in just a moment about all that, but first, here's nbc's aditi roy. >> reporter: areality fet fantasy has kim kardashian floated down the aisle to wednesday kris humphries in hollywood's grandest wedding of the year. >> this is the mother of all weddings. it was a who's who of hollywood. >> reporter: e entertainment owned by nbc's parent company comcast had cameras rolling at the wedding as part of an upcoming special. among the celebrities attending the $10 million black and white affair, eva longoria, lindsay lohan, ryan seacrest, avril lavigne, kathie leigh gifford and vera wang, who designed three dresses for the bride. the one kim wore for the ceremony buzz an ivory groun with full tulle skirt. capped off with a veil that was literally tip dripping with diamonds. chris jennere escorted her down the aisle. they had vera wang ivory gowns. it was a made for tv event. but there were some unrehearsed moments. >> courtney and scott's 20-month-old son mason was the ring bearer. it took him three times but he finally paid it up the aisle. >> reporter: a setting, private mansion in california. the inspiration? that other big wedding this year. >> all kim was referring to it as her own royal wedding. she was very taken by william and kate's wedding. she wanted it to be very similar. it was very regal. all black and white. very classy, elegant, and, of course, over the top. >> reporter: there is little of the kardashian's life that's not documented by cameras. whether a play, at work, and especially in love. kim and kris started dating eight months ago. >> she kind of met her match. >> reporter: their tv schedule prevents them from going on a honeymoon. but with the opulence of this glorious night, it seems the kardashians may be living in a post-wedding dream for a while before coming back to reality. for "today," aditi roy, nbc news, los angeles. >> so kathie lee gifford was a guest at the wedding along with ken baker who is e's chief news correspondent. good morning to both of you. >> good morning, ann. he's not my date. >> i wouldn't have -- you are a married woman and i'm glad frank is hearing about that this morning. >> yes. >> let me say this. what was the best -- let me ask each of you. what was your best moment there? what would you say? first, kathie lee. >> for me, it was little mason coming down the aisle. if it's possible to steal the thunder from kim kardashian-humphreys, it was mason. he was just the cutest thing. it just reminded me of the stunning contrast for me at this wedding. it was typically kardashian, over the top crazy. ultimately it comes down to a family. and everybody's got that little -- that little one that comes down the aisle, flower girl or something, it just made it so human. it really did. what did you think? >> i think besides all the free champagne, really great part, i think kim's dress. she looked so beautiful. she really took a risk by not going with a traditional tiara. she had an elegant head piece people are calling like an indian princess piece. she was daring with it. i think everyone gasped when they saw her and went into. applaud because she really did look stunning. >> you mentioned the dress but she actually wore three dresses, i understand. are you saying the wedding dress is the one she looked most beautiful in, kathie lee? >> how could kim not look gorgeous in everything she wears. i love the way she mixed up her looks. the only thing i kept thinking about is, my gosh, when is she going to attend her own wedding. she's backstage getting the new dress on. but it made it like a fashion show in a sense. it was a wedding/fashion show. >> i spoke to her stylist who was at the wedding and said the second dress kim wore, she wanted that to be the actual wedding dress so they compromised and said, okay, she'll wear it the second. really difficult decision for her. as for that 20.5 karat ring she had on her finger. i need to think if it was a diamond or a nickel. it was an ice cube. it is what it is. >> yeah. yeah. she was wearing it, of course, on her right hand until the wedding ring could be put on. did you ever see her ring? as they were putting it on her finger she said, i haven't seen it. >> beautiful band. but, of course i change things. whenever you wear a 20 karat ring, any wedding band. it's bigger. >> meantime, i rarely wear mine. >> meantime, as for what the guests were wearing, everybody had to be wearing black and white. do you want -- i know kathie lee, that means that you had to put a lot of thought in that. besides kathie lee, ken, who looked fabulous at the wedding. >> obviously kris humphries was really, really dapper. i think kim is affecting him. he went into two outfits throughout the night which you usually don't see from a groom. i think that really everyone looked actually stunning. that's what kim wanted. she had a vision of black and white. everyone did adhere to it. and i have to say that what really was interesting was the bridesmaids, her sisters, they looked really beautiful. sort of a pippa middleton effect where kim wasn't afraid to have the bridesmaids maybe overshadow her. they didn't overshadow her but they looked beautiful, tight fitting ivory gown. they looked gorgeous, too. everyone in that ceremony right down to the little ring bearer, he was so cute. that's her navephew mason. i think he really did steal the show. >> he totally stole it. everybody was a little nervous and no one really knows what's going to happen. and then that human moment. it just -- it set the pace then for a little bit of humor during the actual ceremony as well. you know, ann, what struck me, we expect the glamour and everything from the kardashians, but the ceremony itself was one of the most spiritual i have ever been to, that the pastor is kris humphries' family pastor. they're a very devout born again family. he talked about all the words in the bible for love. we only have in english one word for love but in the bible there are many between the greek and the hebrew. and it really made you think about what love really, really is. there's such a big difference between love and lust. and he preached the gospel, i thought. he was wild. >> he was also realistic. if you don't work at it you can have a mediocre marriage quickly. i can't believe he said that. it was very fairytalesque but a dose of reality which is appropriate enough since reality cameras were there. >> he was very grounded about, this may be good for now but you're right, it's a real commitment of your time and work. >> given that we're almost out of time i'm going to have to ask you to make a hard turn here and tell us about the swag that you got. >> this? he didn't get this, he didn't go to the party the night before the wedding for the really important family. >> true. >> he's been dying to get my flip-flops, which says "kim loves kris" and it's sort of like the ring. >> i good a cookie. >> he got a cookie that's already broken. >> at the end of the wedding there's a big swag bag, too. >> scented candles and a big -- they gifted everyone a pair of shoes. redeemable with a gift certificate, of course. we didn't walk out with jimmy choo's. plenty of gifts for everyone to go around. >> sounds like you had a good time. >> good day for all. >> all right. thank you so much for joining me. thanks for getting up early. >> you bet. love you. >> you, too. coming up next, from tonic downers to how to cope with your toxic friends. w [ female ] we will always be dependent on foreign oil. 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editor in chief of "self" and robi ludwig is a psychotherapist and contributor. this is a fascinating topic. i'm wondering why is it important for women, especially, to determine if there is an influence like this in their lives. >> it's a shocking number, that 84% of us have either a toxic or poisonous friendship. it's the kind of sfresz that we sometimes think should be down in high school, and yet if stress is existing, whether it's work stress or relationship stress or friendship sfretress, it's going to have an i'm act on your health and well-being. take this seriously and don't think it's a teenager syndrome. your whole life can be effected by your friendships. >> you expect drama from your family. you expect drama from your co-workers. but friends are sort of supposed to be where you find your escape. >> these are people you choose. we don't tend to think of breaking up with a friend. we think of ourselves as choosing friends, who enhance our lives. and when you think about it the beauty of life is having a friend that makes your world just that much brighter. but on the flip side is if you have a negative friend, it can make your life really that much worse. >> why do women take so long to confront this? >> it's a really good question. obviously it gets worse. typically a man will say when a friend is bugging him and the women will try to negate it because she wants to be a good friend. 33% of women said it was their best friend, and sometimes it's a work friend. there's collateral damage. you've got relationships and history and work and career. >> awkwardness of, you know, what if you are in the same world and you have to interact with this person. so i think women tend to be caretakers. and in some cases they don't give themselves permission to break up with a friend or to remove themselves. it's really important to be able to do that if you need to. >> also, too, there's the knowledge that this is going to get talked about in a circle of friends, too. >> one of the things we did was advise you how to either ditch or pamp. and when you, you know, when you make that big decision, first, you have to go through and decide, is it a phase? maybe she's going through a tough time and you have to say, i feel bad when you cancel on me. there's narcissists and downers and flakes. when you go online you can figure out what the problem is and solve it. >> the nar sissist, you mentioned, the critic, the downer, the underminer, the flake. >> obviously it's all about her. if these a narcissist, is great way to approach it is to say you need your advice. i need to talk to you about something that is going on in my life. that could be a great opener. >> basically, too, people don't know how to define toxic friendships. if there's not a balance and if you walk away feeling badly about yourself in the presence of this other person, then you need to say to yourself, i'm not in a healthy situation. we have slightly different philosophies. your philosophy is tell the person i'm not going to be friends with you anymore. >> no, i think you have to tell them as something -- >> we agree on that. but i think, too, what makes it hard to walk away is people say, how am i going to break up with this person? i'm saying, you know what, you can pull -- life is so busy that if you don't want to be with somebody, you don't have to. you can take the high road. you don't need to put it on facebook. just get really busy and don't include them in your life. >> fascinating stuff. thank you so much. for a full survey on toxic relationships, head to just ahead, why more women are getting their first tattoos in their 50s, 60s, and 70s. that's after your local news. good morning. it is 8:26. we are following an accident in tysons corner. >> this is on the outer loop of the bestway. this accident involves an overturned tractor-trailer. i want to show you how bad your delays are. i have delays on the inner loop of the beltway leading up to the accident and on the outer loop of the beltway, jammed at the american legion bridge as you make your way. only the left shoulder will get you by the accident at leesburg pike. back to you. woman: working for cox is not for the faint of heart. i love what i do. i enjoy the work, but it's a very hectic pace. ♪ let's go, don't want to miss a thing ♪ strayer university met my needs in terms of my family, my work/life balance. the fact that leading companies are hiring strayer graduates is impressive, but it's not surprising. these companies want us so badly. i'm felicia blow, and i earned my mba from strayer university. man: we need a good night's sleep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built. you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling] a fresh northwest breeze. a delightful summer morning. low to mid-80s, lots of sun. more of the same on tuesday and wednesday. diminished winds. getting more humid thursday. could get storms. tropical downpours are possible on saturday and again on sunday. wendy? thanks, tom. another news update in 25 minutes. now, back to the "today" show. 8:30 now on this monday morning, august 22nd, 2011. everyone is out here on the plaza. a lot of good people waving to the folks back home. meantime, i'm ann curry along with carl quintanilla and natalie morales. just ahead we have surprising the crowd with a tattoo parlor near you. >> this is amazing. growing number of women are actually getting tattoos or at thes later in life. coming up, one grandmother who got her first tattoo when she was 75. >> wow, look at her. she's covered now. okay. from a backpacks to organizational tools, the must have new items that your kids will need to go back to school. set them off on the right track. >> don't forget, big summer concert series continues this friday with train. >> train? >> yes. >> love them. >> you can actually pick one of their songs. the choices "marry me," "drops of jupiter," "calling all angels." you can text your vote to 622639. >> very exciting. also exciting is we've got paul on the plaza, star of the new film "our idiot brother." great to have you. give you a kiss. >> thank you. >> you play the idiot brother. >> i do, yeah. >> but this is not just a simple slapstick kind of comedy. this is deeper. >> i think so. i like it because it kind of is light. it's funny but it's got a dramatic moments. it's not too broad, but, i don't know, it's a nice story. >> it has a really good outlook on life. you give him the benefit of doubt and winds up ahead. nice message to hear. don't you think? >> i think so. i like these. he's a bit of an idealist but he doesn't subscribe to that point of view. i don't know if the world works like that, to rise to the occasion. it would be nyce if it did. >> the title "idiot brother" comes from the three sisters. you worked with some pretty great cast. >> yeah. >> did you guys really have that brother/sister bond onset? >> i think we did. yeah. this was a really kind of great experience in that a lot of us have worked together numerous times. so elizabeth banks and i have done, i think, five movies together, or something like that. >> really? >> i've worked with zoe and emily, who i have never worked with, but knew. and same with adam and catherine hahn and jesse, the director, good friend of ours. >> a reunion. >> it was nice. >> and besides, you got to wear that full facial beard and head of hair. >> yeah. it really offset the beard well. >> made it cool. >> that's right. my feet felt great. my face was on fire. >> paul rudd, the movie is called "our idiot brother." theaters on friday. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. a gorgeous summer morning on the way here around the washington metro area in the low and mid-70s. later today with lots of sun, we will be hitting the low to mid-80s, low humidity, wind gusting around 20-25 miles an hour. overnight tonight, cooler. dawn tomorrow, mid-50s. afternoon highs tomorrow, lots of sun, no humidity, low 80s, still not very humid on wednesday. then, thursday, getting more humid. could get afternoon >> let's check in now with our good friend willard scott. ♪ happy birthday to you we love our birthday buddies. take a look, if you will. mineko watanabe from renton, washington, d.c., 100 years old. drinking vegetables and drinking lots of green tea. that's a miracle, that and cranberry juice. howa howard murphey. 104. loves to fix automobiles. industrial. man, that's the way to make more money and make them happy. and we have olivia hutchinson. los angeles, california, 105. worked for warner brothers. what's up, doc. she worked in the office. we have george shire of millersville, pennsylvania. 100 years old. has absolutely a fabulous smile. people love him to death. and he takes a walk every day for his exercise. anyway, jean lim, san francisco, california. 100 years old today and loves to watch classical chinese soap operas. i didn't know they were there. i'll check it out. and finally, robert sohn of aberdeen, new jersey. 100 years old today. proud world war ii veteran and diehard yankees fan. that's it, that's all. go back, new york. >> thank you so much. do you have one, why more women are getting tattoos later in life? but first, this is "today" on nbc. okay, you're the good cop. i'm the bad cop. look, it's still a great time to refinance. listen up, buster! we're not gonna pay any closing fees. i'd do what she says, friend. i can't control her. well, it's the "no closing fee refinance," so we pick up the closing fees. oh, you're gonna pick up the closing fees? yes. on average, that's $3,300 at closing. [ both ] thirty-three hundred?! that's a lot of donuts. [ male announcer ] visit capital one bank today to refinance your mortgage, and we'll pick up, on average, $3,300 at closing. what's in your wallet? i'm good. back now at 8:38. with the growing number of women getting in touch with their wild side later in life. "today" national correspondent jenna wolfe is here to explain. >> i don't know if you have a mid-life crisis but now women are going through their own thing as well. tattoos are more of a fashion than ever. believe it or not, however, it's a whole new generation frequenting the local tattoo tar parlors. like most grandmothers, 78-year-old enjoys her quiet time. knitting, relaxing, spending time with family. but in no way is helen your average granny. unless you consider this average. tattoos mark off her arms and legs like sleeves. her first in the world of ink came just 3 1/2 years ago, at age 75, with a tribute to her late husband henry. >> this was before. i was suddenly feeling rather depressed. i didn't want to grow old gracefully, so i'm thinking, let's see, what can i do, what can i do, and then the idea came, get a tattoo. >> reporter: one tattoo soon turned into 50. now helen is part of a growing number of women going under the needle later in life. the advantage? less likely to be told they will regret it when they're older. >> i was 59 when i got my first tattoo. >> my first tattoo is a memorial for my dog joe who passed away. >> this is when i get my husband out of the house. >> fourth tattoo on my 40th birthday. >> i think for me in a positive sense. i am proud of it. i think it's beautiful work. >> reporter: but it is still a work in progress. on her latest trip to the tattoo shop, strangers stopped and stared. >> hi. how are you? >> reporter: and then the magic began. >> i'm getting one -- i'm looking and thinking of what the next one is going to be. >> all right, helen. do you want to get up and take a look? >> yeah. >> oh, that's nice. >> told you. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: renowned tattoo artist ami james is the star of tlc's hit reality tv show "new york ink," he owns and operates one of new york's biggest tattoo shops me said 55% of his clientele are now women. there's got to be something telling to you when a much older woman walks in who has been thinking about doing something like this their whole life, i'm ready. >> it's called a tattoo because you're changing a person's life at such a late time that they still want and have that need to get something, you know, fresh in their life. and a tattoo is what it is. >> reporter: 65-year-old eileen hickey is here getting her very first tattoo. you could have waited another 20 years. i don't know why you're rushing into this. her tattoo? it's quite the conversation piece. >> i feel like i can hold my own. do you know what i'm saying? >> you kind of go like this. >> yeah. i'll go, i'll go, you know, think about it twice. >> reporter: so how could i possibly resist a once in a lifetime chance to ink what i think. >> this is what i'm thinking. do you like it? >> i think it's a little big. i'm surprise you want to go this big. >> i feel like the i'm going to do this, i just want to do it. >> if you can hand this much pain in one sitting -- >> is it going to hurt? >> you didn't come here for a foot massage. >> you did not. you did not! >> i did. >> really? >> i've done crazy things on the show. do you want to see it? >> yeah. >> it's like a baby name. you have to admit that you like it. >> nbc peacock. >> i'm going to tell you the truth. what is it now? do you think it's too big? >> no. >> do you think it's too big? >> you did not. >> i did. and i also feel like this is not -- >> i love matt. >> you did not! you did not! >> this is a peel off, isn't it? >> no, it's not. this is a tattoo. i committed myself to the "today" show in a way no one else has. do you like it? >> matt who? >> exactly. i will say this is temporary. five layers into the skin-deep. this one did not because i have a pain threshold that i can't discuss. >> it did hurt? >> it did not hurt. it will come off for a week. what about the timing that matt is off this week. i tried tanzania. >> can you flex one more time? >> yeah. we wanted to see that. >> absolutely. >> okay. all right. jenna, thank you. >> you've got plenty of time to regret it. that's the upside. >> it already started. >> jenna, thanks. coming up next, the must have gadgets and supplies as your kids, believe it or not, head back to school. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ martin luther king jr. ] i still have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. i have a dream today! [ male announcer ] join us at the walter e. washington convention center on august 26th for a live roundtable discussion inspired by the legacy of dr. martin luther king jr. ♪ back now at 8:46 on this morning on back to school today. the must have for kids of all ages. lori is the contributor style editor for "lucky" magazine with best bets on supplies and backpacks. good timing. good morning. >> yes, good morning. >> backpacks are a must have. what do you love about these? >> every back to schooler needs a backpack. here for the repre schoolers, little kids, pba. they are super adorable. only $20. these are for middle schoolers, ann. they will be going nuts for these. it's gwen stefani's line from target. and these are from vans. amazing. a little prizier, $70. but you're high schooler will not be able to destruct this and it has compartments galore. >> and support your back so when you're carrying a heavy load. >> yes. >> what about containers for lunchers. >> let me show you how cool this is. this is from aladdin. watch. one, two. elementary schooler can pop it right in their backpack or whatever when they're done. >> more likely to come home then. >> space saving. then you have these. eco-friendly food wraps. between dec$11 and $15. washable. >> they are waxy. >> use it as a place set. this is $4.99. we love this. a great inexpensive buy. do you remember when you were little and you got your sandwiched smushed in your backpack? >> of course. >> this makes sure it never happens again. >> you have your entire lunch in this. >> under $5. >> okay. that's good. all right. >> innovational tools, studies have shown that if you're organized your child is less likely to be stressed, they're more likely to be academically focus and have better self confidence. you want to make sure they city organized with tools like this. this is from jcpenney. under $20. chalkboard. feel it. regular chalk. but it's a sticker. you can reaffix this to any wall. sticks anywhere. you really want to get your kids organized. for something a little higher tech with the same mentality, same idea. these are boards from brookstone. you can write on these with your finger. it comes with an instrument. easy to keep kids focussed. now to school supplies. this, one of your producers, cecilia, is obsessed with these. they're only $6. they're a school supply triple threat. you can write with them, highlight with them. they have little post-its. >> it's a little post-it in there that you can pull out. >> write extra notes. that are an accident must-haves for everyone studying. the next thing, i love this factoid. a recent european study shown that doodling is not as bad as we think. it require cognitive effort it doesn't suck all that brain juice out and allows you to not be distracted from learning. for some visual learners, this is the way to go. this is from mead. it can help you absorb what you're learning. >> you can color these and doodle. >> yes. >> good. >> look at these. these are cool. >> aren't these neat? $1.99. from staples. what i love about this, have you ever seen a middle schooler's backpack? it looks like an abyss. >> yes. >> these are a vertical styling system. gusseted and curved edges. this is a favorite of mother's everywhere. mabel's labels. >> what do you do with them? >> stick them on anything. we made some for you. you see your name ann curry. these are good for early elementary learners because studies show that if they see letters that are meaningful to them and what's more meaningful to them than their name, they will start to absorb that information and boosts literacy development. >> and you put these on everything, lunches. >> hand washable, their coat, shoes, amazing. >> made a lot for matt here. he loses things constantly. actually not. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> so much enthusiasm. it's hard not to get excited with you. >> okay. >> back to school. anyway, coming up next, you've been told to limit your intake. so why are some food makers adding more salt to their products? we're going to get to the bottom of that. but first, this is "today" on nbc. this morning on "today's" health, american's favorite food additive, salt. for the last decade the fda and institute of medicine preached from moving it from foods but campbell's soup recently announced they were adding more salt because people said it was too bland. madeleine is "today's" diet and nutrition editor. good morning. >> good morning. >> do you want to explain what the motivation is over at campbell's? >> campbell's as been a leader in cutting out sodium and salt in their products and select harvest brand was one of them. people weren't buying it so they reformulated, increased the sodium back 25% more and shows that people are really buying this stuff based on taste and not health issues. >> it's not just campbell's. restaurant, there are all kinds of different salt. almost seems fashionable again. >> we're bombarded with salt in everything that we eat. people are getting used to a really salty taste. and our taste buds, those salt sensors are saying give me more. stuff starts to taste bland if you don't have a lot of extra salt. >> people might think, okay, i want to cut back on my salt intake. i'll put the salt shaker back in the pantry. >> that's only about 10 % of the salt we have. people think i'm doing the right thing. chuck the salt shaker, but most of it is from processed and prepared foods. nearly 80% of the foods we eat is going to be where that salt comes from. the salt shaker is key. >> if you don' want to keep you sodium level down, stop eating processed food snsz. >> down regulate them. >> what does that mean? >> you're going to get used to having less salt and food is going to taste good. >> you're going to refrain your taste buds. >> first, do the easy things. cut out pickles and many canned products. all the processed stuff, that's going to help. then you also have to remember the kind of double up on condi mea ments. a tablespoon of soy sauce is half of your sodium requirement for the day. if you want to use salt use it carefully. try using some of salts that are newer, the sea salts, not healthier but big crystals so they cling to the food more. >> you different samples. >> red sea and black sea. you have red salt and black salt. all the different tastes and fwla flavors. salt is a flavor enhancer. you want to use herbs and spices that also enhance it. >> you point out like the garlic salt and the onion salt. try to go with the powders as opposed with the flavor. >> you do need salt in your diet for good health for your brain, heart, and muscles. that's about 23 milligrams, about a teaspoon. if you are salt sensitive, certain groups, african-americans, obese people, high blood pressure, 1500 milligrams. look at the guideline. >> is there room for a salt shaker on the table then? >> there can if you start out with unprocessed food. just a little bit is going to be good. just a pinch. >> thank you so much. just ahead, how to keep the stress out of your marriage. but first, your local news. good morning. 8:56 monday, august 22 nnd. a rough commute in tysons corner. we did have an overturned vehicle at leesburg pike. the vehicle is out of the way. your lanes are opened. we are still seeing delays as you travel on the out der loop of the beltway and head towards leesburg pike. i will show you the american legion bridge. we still have delays but the accident is clear and relief is on the way. wendy, back to good morning, lots of sunshine around the metro area. still quite cloudy. lots of sun, low humidity, northwest breeze gusting around 20 miles an hour. we have temperatures right now in the 70s around the metro area. lots of sun. tomorrow. again, on wednesday, not much humidity around. sunny, afternoon highs in the 80s. cool in the mornings. more humid. could get afternoon storms over the weekend. tropical downpours from the remnants of hurricane irene, maybe in our region. maybe possible flooding. wendy? another news back now can more of "today" on this monday morning. 22nd day of august, 2011. not a bad day to kick off the workweek. a little bit of sight-seeing here in the big apple. the temperature is lovely. it's going to warm up a little bit later on today. the skies are clear.k. the sun is shining. i'm ann curry with carl quintanilla and savannah guthrie. coming up in this hour we will be talking about new developments in the case of the maryland woman who disappeared in aruba on a new witness is saying that -- has come forward who is maybe poking holes in the suspect's story. we're going to have the latest in a live report coming up from aruba. sensitive question is right here, so i have to ask it. are either of you the type who step on the scale in the morning to see if you gained a pound or two? >> i'm not that kind. >> no. >> not every day but i've been known to step on the scale. >> i'll step on the scale. >> when i come back from vacation i weighed eight pounds more than when i left. i like to say it's a lot of water. >> your weight does not actually determine whether you're healthy of not. in many cases you can be overweight and live just as long as a thin person. so we're going to take a look at that and what all people should be doing. >> do you step on the scale? >> once a week or -- maybe. >> check in. you know. you can't obsessively step on it though. moving on to stress and marriage. when you're married there's a lot to disagree about sometimes. it could be sex, money, the kids. you know that just sometimes adds strain to the relationship. we will have good advice this morning on handling it all. but here is a couple who shouldn't be feeling any stress yet. all fun and glamour. the kardashian wedding was this weekend. she married nba player kris humphries, her sweetheart. not one, not two, but three gowns. he even changed his outfit. we're going to talk to kathie lee giffords, one of the guests. >> there she is. >> she got a lot of stuff, too. >> that will be fun. first, a check of the morning's top stories. natalie morales at the news desk. >> good morning, again. residents in florida, gnl, and the carolinas need to keep an eye on hurricane irene today. turned from a tropical storm to a hurricane earlier this morning. it could hit the southeast later this week. right now irene is drenching puerto rico after pounding the virgin islands. it looks like a end is near for moammar gadhafi. rebel forces have overtaken the capital of tripoli leading to mass celebrations there. the fighting isn't over. some forces loyal to gadhafi are using tanks to fire on rebel forces. nato says they will continue air patrols over libya until he surrenders. at least one of his sons is in custody. now to new developments in the case of missing american tourist in aruba. a new witness may poke holes in the suspect's story. nbc's jeff rossen is in aruba with the latest. jeff? >> reporter: natalie, good morning to you. nearly three weeks since robyn gardner disappeared on aruba. right now police have mobilized and they are out searching on the southern tip, the southern shores of aruba looking for robyn or her remains. they are out there right now, 50 investigators. you can see in some live pictures just the kinds of rugged terrain we're talking about as desolate and desert like out there. they're hoping to find something that gives them a clue to this case. meanwhi meanwhile, there's a new bombshell this morning in the investigation. all along the main suspect gary giordano has stuck to his story that he and robyn were snorkeling here in aruba and she went missing while snorkeling. law enforcement sources tell nbc news there's a new witness who came forward who could tear his story apart. behind these looming walls of aruba's prison officials say gary giordano won't budge, that robyn went missing underwater and he did nothing wrong. but now police say a fisherman out on his boat that day says he saw the couple, and not only did they not go snorkeling, they didn't even get in the water. >> that story has not been proven yet. it has not been into reality. if that statement bears reality, it's something that might change the path of the investigation. >> reporter: law enforcement sources tell nbc news the fisherman claims he saw gary and robyn leave the beach together. if true, that would shatter giordano's time line. >> undoubtedly he will be questioned in the coming week. >> reporter: sources say giordano's behavior after she went missing was bizarre, too. he left the search early to sleep in his hotel. ga giordano was arrested days later at the airport sweating while trying to leave aruba. law enforcement sources say he told customs he was switching flights because of the weather, and his travel companion robyn was taking another flight. >> the more time passes by, the more people are going to wonder if, you know, if they can be able to solve the case. and people think that aruba is a very perfect place to commit a crime. >> reporter: according to the police report obtained by nbc news, giordano told investigators he and robyn were drinking vodka at the marriott, and robyn had a bottle of pills in her bag. i do not know what those pills are for, he said. the relationship that began on ends in mystery. nearly three weeks since robyn's disappearance, aruban police have no clue where she is. >> every single day, every minute of the day you're constantly thinking about where's robyn, where's robyn. >> reporter: police here in aruba are still questioning giordano just about every single day, trying to get something, anything out of him. they say he is cooperating to a point. that is, he answers some questions but then refuses to answer questions that he says he's already answered. important to note here, natalie, prosecutors in aruba can, in fact, charge him with murder. he's not charged with anything yet. just being held as a prime suspect. they can charge him with murder even without a body but of course that will make the case much more difficult for prosecutors. >> jeff rossen, thank you. federal investigators are looking into a fatal crash at an air show in kansas city, missou missouri, this weekend. a stunt pilot was killed when the plane failed to pull out of a dive. this morning the american academy of pediatrics is warning parents about the danger os children falling out of windows. it happens more than 5,000 times every year. the injuries can be very serious, even fatal. most falls from one or two story windows. experts are urging parents to use window stop or guards. now to the weekend box office. the hit movie "the help" certainly needs no help packing fans into the theaters. took over the top spot at the box office in the second weekend bringing $20 million. "rise of the plan nell of the apes" came in two. it is seven minutes past the hour. you're up to date. let's go back outside to ann bright sunshine around the metro area. quite a bit of cloudiness east and southeast of washington. mid-70s in many locations. 76, reagan national. low humidity. beautiful summer day with afternoon highs, low to mid-80s. northwest wind gusting to 20 miles an hour. tuesday an wednesday, still not much humidity around. getting more humid on thursday. could get >> savannah, back to you. >> narrator: "today's" health is brought to you by cheerio's cereal. this morning on "today's" health, why good health isn't always measured in pounds. people who are overweight with only minor health problems can live just as long as those who are thin. dr. tanya is an internist and chief medical officer here at nbc universal and nutrition editor. good morning to both of you. i read this study that seems to me it was saying if you are obese, but you have only minor health problems, then you can live just as long as people who do not have a weight issue. but isn't that kind of obvious? if you have minor health problems, the fact that someone is overweight isn't going to affect their length of their life? am i missing something? >> the point here really is that weight isn't the only factor. okay? people who have a healthy lifestyle, they are healthier than people who don't, even people who are overweight. but you can't have any real medical problems. this really only applies to the population who maybe has borderline high blood sure, borderline sugars, elevated liver enzyme, mild aches and pains. but you can't be in that major risk category. >> minor health problems. so, natalie, what do you take away from this study, that just because someone is obese doesn't necessarily mean that their health is at risk? >> this medical classification of bmi, body mass index, that only means how heavy you are. it doesn't indicate your health risk. you can take population information about what weight puts you at risk to the individual. so what i take away from this is the idea that you have to choose a weight that if you have a healthy lifestyle, if you're eating well, lots of fruits and vegetables, physically active, walking 30 or 40 minutes a day. if you're working at wellness, that weight is one important barometer. it might not be that gold standard under a bmi of 25. it might be the overweight category. it might be in the obese category. you can't fool yourself into thinking, oh, it's just a few pounds, when you're huffing and puffing walking down the street. >> it bear respeating that havig extra weight can have health risks. >> absolutely. diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep apnea, even depression, they are significant risks to having heart disease, especially if you don't follow these lifestyle habits. >> on the flip side, madeleine, you do have a case where people are thin or appear thin but they have too much fat. they don't have enough muscle and that can be an issue. >> like tonya says, weight is only one barometer of health and wellness. you be thin, your number and pounds can look good but you can have too much body fat because you're not physically active. what we have to get away from is that number on the scale and go what are you doing to promote a healthy lifestyle. you can't control your genes. >> i have patients like this. the bmi that is calling them overweight and the normal skinny. but the overweight who exercises every day, eats fruits and vegetables, no fast food, is healthier than my skinny fat patient who doesn't have to do anything, can eat whatever they want, not exercise. that skinniest does not protect them. >> and i also notice in this study that yo-yo dieting, according to the study, can almost be more tadangerous thanf the person never lost the weight at all. >> dancing your mind and body. it's mentally damaging to keep having successful weight loss and regaining and feeling like a failure all the time. that's a negative. the other is that biologically when you're skewing your metabolism, over eating and restricting all the time, heart problems, gallbladder issues and health issues in general. choosing a weight based on something that is doable for you and more manageable when we hear realistic goals, that's important because if you take a weight that's too low targeting, i need to be that the perfect bmi, you will often fail. the flip side of this study is choose a weight that's good for you, not necessarily one that you read. >> few seconds we have left, doctor, what's your basic prescription for anybody of any weight, just to keep in good health? >> this study shows it. exercise daily, even if it's just 30 minutes. you can break them up into ten minutes a day. it could be at the gym for an hour and healthy eating like madeleine talks about. that's the ticket. >> all right. thank you. nice to see you both. coming up next, whether it's money, work, or the kids, we'll have advice on how to keep stress from ruining your marriage. and later, one thing that can add to this stress, of course, is disciplining your kids. we will tell you why parents need to be on the same page on these issues. 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[ female announcer ] would you switch right now? please don't make me get in the shower. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] did you notice a difference? it feels a bit tight. i couldn't rinse enough. [ female announcer ] soap leaves behind soap residue that can cause a tight draggy feeling. dove cleansers rinse cleaner than soap. with its 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove leaves skin feeling softer and smoother. this is my gift to you. [ laughs ] ♪ this morning on "today's" relationships, keeping stress out of your mancrriage, whether it's money, the kids, or stress in your life. here with some advice is "today's" contributor and psychiatrist dr. gail saltz. >> our spouse takes the brunt of what we feel. we tend to pile it on, i think. >> you feel intimate and trust them to handle it. also, a little bit of parenting, if you will. that nurturing, feel that you don't get from parents anymore when you're an adult. you kind of want your spouse to provide it. >> you're friends, you hope they shoulder some of that. what are some of the triggers that often struck the moment to set off the anxiety. >> now is a very stressful time for many marriages because money is probably a number one source of the stress. when you're feeling stressed about that, you know, and you have to organize, budgeting, where you're going to spend it, who is going to make it, that's a big source. sex probably comes in second. >> kids? >> many people don't agree on that. how you're going to raise your kids. an outside relationships can also be a big source of stress. in-laws, friends, and competing for time in those relationships. >> you have really helpful tips, communication tips. the first thing you say, empathize. >> these are coping tools that use. empathize mean literally standing in your spouse's shoes, which most of us don't do when we start an argument. we are intent on being right. put yourself in their position. it will help you feel less angry and less stressed about what is going on between the two of you. >> with the empathy shows that you're listening. it's important to make sure that you hear what they're saying. >> exactly. and do this by something i call mirroring. you sit down for a few minutes. you say, this is what i'm thinking. and the other person listens and doesn't say a thing, and then repeats that. if i heard you correctly, you are thinking this, this, this. then you switch places because this makes sure that you really are being heard and you really feel understood on both sides. >> okay. you also say use collaborative language. >> that means we are together, not you, me, me, me, which puts you on the defense. you're a team. >> and keep in touch, of course. >> so this has a double-edge thing. you do want to keep in touch through the day, maybe it's a little call, maybe it's a little texting. but some people turn all of their relationship 2into calls and text, so that's not a good time, either. you want a sit-downtime to actually talk. >> let's work through specific scenarios. fif first, money, as you mentioned. let's say you want to go out and take your daughter for back to school shopping. your husband, though, says don't blow the money. stick to the budget. how do you hand that situation? >> here is a great example where mirroring actually is useful because most people's money concerns come from back history, family of origin, things that they're worried about. i only got my sister's hand me downs, i don't want my daughter to feel that way. or i'm responsible for the whole family and budget, you would be angry with me later if we blow it all now. if you sit down and have that exchange and know where each other are coming from, you're much more likely to be able to meet in the middle. >> and agree on that budget. >> yes. >> next, kids. let's say one of the arguments, this happens a lot, parents don't really agree on the parenting. you think that your kids okay if they sit and watch a little tv before they do their homework but your husband wants them to get the homework done first. >> right. >> in addition to mirroring on that, this is where outside information is useful. collect the grades, take a look at times when tv was okay and times when no, homework actually came first. do you see a difference? does it change the data? you might include the child, if they're old enough, in the information. >> the next area, sex. something a lot of people know too well, you want more, i don't have time, i have a headache. how do you meet in the mid until. >> imempathizing because i thin for women they don't see that as a connection. if they look at that as opposed to "let's do it now" they would be more inclined. they need to hear from you that you are feeling exhausted and he might be able to help you out in certain ways, with the houseworks, et cetera, so you will feel more in the mood. you need to compromise on sex because you need to be having some. >> great information. coming up, the wedding events that has all of hollywood talking. kim kardashian walks down the aisle in vera wang, three vera wing's to be exact. we have our very own kathie lee. probably a little exhausted today. but first, these messages. really? yeah, you choose your pasta, choose your sauce, as many times as you want! a dish i create and it's never ending. i'm in! i'm in! the never ending pasta bowl is back. for just $8.95 try new sauces like roasted mushroom parmesan and hearty pizzaiola meat. enjoy any sauce and pasta combination, then try others. have all you want along with our unlimited fresh salad and warm breadsticks all for just $8.95. try it tonight at your olive garden. when you're here, you're family. while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. new newtons fruit thins. real cranberries and cranberry citrus oat... crispy whole grain. newtons fruit thins, one unique cookie. [ sniffs ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with glade sense and spray you get a burst of fragrance when you walk by. get motion activated glade sense and spray and release the magic. sc johnson, a family company. natural instincts can prove it. and they did. it's the only hair color that's clinically proven to be less damaging. for a healthy look... look no further than natural instincts. it's all good. you kids almost ready? i've got breakfast waiting for you. whoo! uh-oh. what? mom's doing her exercise video again. when mom's on a health kick, all of us are. and now she's made us breakfast. uh-oh. ♪ [ male announcer ] eggo nutri-grain waffles. you know it's made with 8 grams of whole grain and is a good source of fiber. all they know is it tastes great. eggo nutri-grain waffles. simply delicious. still to come. to spank or not to spank when it comes to disciplining your children. that's a question that most parents face. we have advice. and what everybody is bugz about today, the kardashian wedding. we've got to call it an extravaganza. we have the details. and in "today's" kitchen, surf and turf after your local news and weather. wow! the bes. ...some chocolates swiss! ah...the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt from dannon. really? wait until you try it. so creamy thick dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2:1 in a national taste test. mmmm... this may be the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt possibly the best yogurt in the world. like us on facebook and get a free cup of dannon oikos. i'm home. [ kids ] hi mom. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your shiny surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. kills germs. dries clear. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. good morning. i'm wendy rieger. 9:26, august 22nd. interesting weather this week. what does it look like? >> much better, lower humidity, cooler temperatures. moving in on a gusty northwest wind around 20 miles an hour. we have clouds still lingering. elsewhere, lots of sun. low to mid-80s. tomorrow, afternoon highs, low 80s. still not humid on wednesday. lots of sun. getting steamy on thursday. could get some afternoon storms. highs near 90. friday, mostly cloudy and rather humid. remnants from irene coming through with tropical downpours over the weekend. back to you. it's been a are jammed. delays are as you go on the outer loop to the mormon temple. if you are traveling on the beltway from 95 to 270 on the outer loop, it will take you 36 minutes to do so, because you are only traveling at 15 miles an hour. you will see a break. at the american legion bridge, volume increases as you make your way towards route 7. back to you, wendy. next update in ♪ that royal wedding, that's so last spring. this is the wedding of the summer, or maybe just the wedding of the weekend. kim kardashian married chris ho humphreys in a flashy black and white theme. they watched the couples say i do. our friend kathie lee gifford was among the guests. she had tnder moments. >> and the swag. >> she was so touched. oh, good color. >> and cute. flip-flops. i'm a size 9, kathie lee. we'll talk to her. >> i know. >> meanwhile, kim and kris don't have to worry about this yet, but disciplining your kids. as a parent you have to do it but a lot of people feel it's a stigma to spanking. are there better ways to discipline your kids and still send a strong message. i think most of us grew up with it? >> yes. >> the paddles with the holes in it. >> that's why we're so well behaved. >> we behave beautifully. >> we're not advocating. >> no, looking at strategies to look to substitute. >> yeah, exactly. and to the kitchen. there's nothing like a rib eye and shrimp to start the day. make surf and turf italiano style. but first, the weather with maria larosa. >> a lot going on right now. it's quiet. it's refreshing. and we still have the >> good morning, low and mid-70s throughout much of the region. still quite a bit of cloudiness. afternoon highs climbing into the low and mid-80s with lots of sun and low humidity. winds settle down. humidity still down tuesday and wednesday. highs in the 80s. cool in the morning. into the weekend, remaining humid. maybe some tropical downpours, remn coming up next, from the dresses to the diamonds to the gifts? kim kardashians wedding right after this. ♪ [ woman ] we didn't know where to go next with eric's adhd. his stimulant medicine was helping, but some symptoms were still in his way. so the doctor kept eric on his current medicine and added nonstimulant intuniv to his treatment plan. [ male announcer ] for some children like eric, adding once-daily nonstimulant intuniv to their stimulant has been shown to provide additional adhd symptom improvement. don't take if allergic to intuniv, its ingredients, or taking other medicines with guanfacine, like tenex. intuniv may cause serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, low heart rate, fainting, and sleepiness. intuniv may affect the ability to drive or use machinery. other side effects include nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping, stomach pain, and dizziness. tell the doctor about your child's medicines and medical conditions, including heart, liver, or kidney problems. [ woman ] adding intuniv helped eric. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor about once-daily nonstimulant intuniv. new splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart new ways to sweeten. same great taste. new splenda® essentials™. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. good job girls. sfx: bed crashes to floor kids seem to get bigger overnight. good morning... whoa! whoa! and when they do, they're ready for goodnites. the nightime underwear specially designed for kids 4 and up. in case you haven't heard, reality tv queen kim kardashian married new jersey net player kris humphries in california over the weekend. >> the black and white themed evening had more than 400 guests and 2 of them are with us this morning. our very own kathie lee gifford and ken baker. >> kathie lee, we should explain how you know the kardashians and why you were invited. >> well, kim's mom has been a good friend of mine for 30 years. and so we go back forever and we have a lot of secrets and we'll die with them, if you know what i mean. and then when she had her two youngest children with bruce, who has also been a long-time friend, they asked frank and i to be the godparents of kiley and kendell, so we are. and as a result, we were in that little inner circle, which is a crazy place to be. >> get right to it. tell us about the wedding. kathie lee, you go, and ken, too, your basic impressions. >> go ahead. >> well, by the way, she is in the inner circle. i can confirm that. her seat at the wedding were amazing. on the aisle. >> i know, i saw! >> i was off to the side in the back. >> i was there to catch anybody if they tripped in those vera wang dresses. i think they were wearing louis vuittons. i thi i'm not sure sure. it was a ring side seat. i was thrilled. my daughter came as my date. little mason stole the show. he is the cutest. like a little armenian man. >> ring bearer, gave him a couple of tries to get down the aisle. were there any surprises for you, ken? >> what kind of surprised mane little bit. 450 guests. well over 50 celebrity types there. it really seemed like a very family oriented event. somehow they made it feel intimate. i think it was very well produced and well staged. and they didn't go too over the top because it's over the top enough when you have so much lavish pomp and circumstance. but they really brought it down to family, down to two of them. you felt like you were at any other wedding that you might have been at except the fact that there were some reality cameras shooting things. you know, these days everybody shoots their own weddings, in way. i was touched how -- they weren't intrusive with the cameras at all. cassidy and i had a funny story. the day before we were driving from los angeles up to santa barbara. car to car to car to car traffic as usual. and next to us was this semi truck of kim kardashian's fragrance. we had to follow it to the next -- the next light, for 2 1/2 hours. >> and you smell nice. >> and i smell like her. >> i'm so glad you brought that up. what was in goody bag? >> these are cute. made special for us. opi. welcome kim to the family. i think he's the one. oh, gosh, glowing to the chapel. everything was customized. beautiful stuff. >> every guest also got a little gift bag when they were leaving, other things including a free pair of shoes which i thought that was pretty cool. not that you walked out with shoes but a gift certificate you could redeem. a scented candle, as well. >> when you took a present to a wedding, now you get presents when you go. >> it's great. >> how deeply spiritual the actual ceremony was. it was performed by kris humphre humphreys' family pastor. very devout christian family. he talked about all the words in the bible for love. it was almost a little like -- you learned something from it. that we only have one word for love in the english language and it's not enough because there are so many different kinds of love. >> sounds like it was a beautiful event. she wore three magnificent dresses. >> and she couldn't dance in any of them. >> after all those "dancing with the stars" lessons, too, that apparently she took. oh, well. >> sounds like it was a great weekend. kathie lee and ken baker, thank you for sharing it with us. >> we should remind everybody, calm more details tonight on e news at 7:30 and 11:30. >> if you didn't get enough. coming up next, switching gears. the most effective ways to discipline your children, right after this. sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. after your dishcloth? bounty extra soft can help. in this lab test bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth. super clean. super soft. bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. good choice. launch me fellas. [ male announcer ] ooh, bad choice. capri sun 100% juice. [ male announcer ] ooh, bad choice. you've been there. you pick out a makeup thinking it's your shade... until you actually try it out. now, i have a makeup that always gets it right. smart shade makeup instantly adjusts to match perfectly to your skin. almay smart shade makeup. only from almay. only for me. i brought champagne. wow! the best in the world. ...some chocolates swiss! ah...the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt from dannon. really? wait until you try it. so creamy thick dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2:1 in a national taste test. mmmm... this may be the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt possibly the best yogurt in the world. like us on facebook and get a free cup of dannon oikos. this morning on parenting today, disciplining your child. the recent survey on the family website found that 91% of parents feel there's a stigma to spanking. yet 64% admit to doing it. so is spanking effect i've and what are alternatives? psychotherapist robi ludwig and "today's" contributor. good morning. >> good morning. >> it's interesting because i think 90% of the people surveyed said they had grown up being spanked. >> right. >> many of us of that generation. >> definitely. and yet we tend to make a different choice. we do feel that there is that stigma to spanking. >> in part because it's highly reactive and very often when spanking is done just right off the bat is about the parent feeling frustrated. you don't want it to be act that. it's about teaching life lessons to your child, how to protect them or how they can incorporate important life rules. >> right. >> you advocate using obviously alternatives to spanking. >> you can use alternatives. the american pediatric association found that when you use spanking, it decreases self-esteem and increases depression. and rou don't wa and you don't want to do that to your child and you don't want your child to fear you. >> a lot of parents feel frustration between the spouses even because coming up with what is a good discipline strategy, what happens in a lot of families is one person ends up being the good cop and the other one ends up being the bad cop. >> it's fun to be the good cop. >> yeah. >> i'm on the other side of it. >> they found that 55% of couples felt that they were on the same page. and really when you think about it, everybody comes from a different background when it comes to discipline. and so what you want to do is you want to have a conversation with your partner, find out what their fiphilosophy is and why a try and get a sense of where they're coming from and be willing to expect that, hey, your approach isn't always the right approach for your child. what you want to do is come down to a bottom line, what do we want? we want to raise well adjusted children who are happy and there might be different strategies to go about doing that. that's okay. >> okay. you can actually come up with tips for us, consistent discipline plans for parents. the first point is to discuss the discipline up front. how are you going to handle certain situations and scenarios. >> that may change over time because parenting is a growing process. and as your child gets over, how you handle certain scenarios will change. if you're on the same page with your partner, it really helps to have a plan in place. >> all right. the next thing you suggest is trying the mildest interventions first. >> yes. >> so a few things like the two-minute time-out, right? >> or the verbal. i don't want you hitting sam anymore. and if they still continue to do that, well then you're going to have to go to your room for a five-minute time-out. see if those interventions work first. they might work. and then you don't have to go to spanking, which is the last resort. >> and if they don't work, just keep going? >> right. i mean, really, you are training your child to live in the outside world. and that's what really disciplining is all about. and if you as a parent, the person who loves your child the most, isn't willing to show that to your child, you don't want it coming from the outside world. >> and yet, also important to put on a united front, right? >> yeah. >> everyone in your circle involves in raise that child. >> you can xwree to disagree but do it privately. and also you don't want to make it for your child's good cop/bad cop where it's not about the point but who can i get away with the most? regardless of how you feel privately, say, listen, your father and i want what's best for you and we're both in agreement about this. but there are lots of different caretakers and baby sitters and grandparents. so you just want to discuss what the general approach is. >> and if one parent does find it's a situation where they're often the good cop, it's important to reverse the roles every now and again, right? >> yeah. and if basically you're the good guy, support the person who is stricter because they're probably helping you out in the long run. and you guys have to be on the same page for your child. the child has to know both my parents have expectations of me to behave a certain way. >> right. >> they both have each other's back. that's good for a child. >> the grandparent and the na y nanny. >> everybody is on the same page. people have questions. there are articles there at and strategies. >> great. thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up next, surf and turf meets old world italian. but first, this is "today" on nbc. man: we need a good night's sleep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built. you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling] another good thing about geico so like say you need to report a people wclaim, alright./7. a real person will be there to help you. then you can use to view photos of the damage, track your claim, print an estimate. you want an english muffin? they literally hand you a toasted muffin with butter and jam. (sigh) whaa. tasty. that's, that's a complete dramatization of course, but you get my point. vo: geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. if you can't tell by the music, this is step-by-step guide is surf and turf. the executive chef at the new york restaurant known for its fresh ingredients and delicious food. roberto, good morning. we've got them all. you've got three restaurants, right? >> yes. >> i know you came from italy when you were a teenager. did you always want to own a restaurant? >> yes, i was part of 11 kids. that's what we did. our father was cooking what we're going to eat tomorrow. >> always planning when you have 11 kids. what are you going to make today? >> very simple. juicy steak with any type of blue cheese. >> you start by putting this steak into the flour? should i do it? >> yes. >> what should i do, just lay it right in here? >> yes. >> how hard should i press? >> down the other side. and flip it over. >> and then what? >> help me. >> okay. put this guy there? okay. oh, my gosh, the pressure. what do you have in this pan? >> garlic and oil, chili pepper, we're going put a little blue cheese. >> you already had some alreadying coalready in cooking in there. >> chili pepper and that. >> okay. how long do we keep it there? >> i think about the heat should be -- i want to cook on high. really high. >> you put a whole beer in there? >> we're going to put the beer inside. that's how we're going to do it. not that much. we're going to put a beer? >> yeah. >> this should take about four minutes to make. >> does it taste like beer? >> you won't taste the beer because you have in the top, oil, chili pepper, blue cheese. you won't really taste it. it's a lot different flavor. >> let's meredith vieira on. we've got to get to that, too. that's the finished product? >> that's the finished product. >> how are we making the past a? >> well, you want to put this in before we make the pasta? >> okay, sure. let's put it on there and just look at it. we don't have that much time. i just got to get to the pasta. >> okay. so butternut squaish sh is what start with. >> butternut squash, pasta, simple. >> okay. >> okay. butternut squash. >> we got the butternut squash. the oil. and then we're going through the pas pasta. >> could you use any squash or does it have to be butternut? >> any squash. i like to use yellow squash. how do you cook your pasta? >> i like to cook my pasta? >> okay. so you talk that up first and then you add the penne. >> and then we add the penne. why do you use one pasta over the other? you choose penne for this recipe why? >> every pasta lets you stay with this recipe because cook pasta and the flavor right inside the pasta. it's such a nice taste. >> i know you put the past a water instead of stock in there, right? >> yeah. we have so much happening with butternut squash. >> bonjour. >> bonjour. >> natalie over here. >> goi to put a little beer in there. >> a little beer. >> a little beer. >> okay. >> and then so you just mix it all up? >> mix it all up. >> and nice big pasta bowl. >> put it in the pasta bowl right here. >> is this the tasting time, roberto? >> tasting. >> okay. thank you so much, roberto. great to have you here. coming up next, kathie lee go makeup free. we'll see that. that's coming up, after your local news and weather. morning. 9:56 is the time right now. monday, august 22nd, 2011. we are going to go straight to meteorologist, tom kierein for a beautiful look at the forecast. >>. >> beautiful summer day. temperatures into the 70s. reagan national, 77. continuing to climb slowly. we have a fresh northwest breeze bringing in low humidity that will be in place today, tomorrow, and again on wednesday. morning lows tomorrow quite cool, down into the 50s. afternoon highs, low 80s and near 60 on wednesday morning. into the mid-80s during the afternoon. more humid on thursday. could get afternoon storms and remaining humid into friday, saturday, and sunday, remnants of tropical system irene may be over our region on saturday and sunday. that could give us some tropical downpours. that may cause some localized flooding on saturday and sunday as the remnants of irene sweep through the region. most of it should be gone by sunday night. now, danella, how is the late morning traffic? a final look at the rails have two delays both on the south line, train number 425, your delay is nine minutes. on train 523, your delay is six minutes. an earlier accident which is now cleared 270 southbound at route 80. still seeing delays as you head south from route 85 and make your way towards route 80. be aware of that. a live look at the beltway seeing a little relief at codesville road. some delays as you make your way toward the monday mormon temple. >> coming up on news 4 midday, hey! you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat with totino's pizza rolls. big pizza taste in a bite size roll that my kids can't resist. plus i get two box tops for their school. totino's pizza rolls. the pizza way to snack. from nbc news, this is a special no make-up zone edition of "today," with bare-faced kathie lee giver an a make-upless hoda kotb. live from rockefeller plaza. >> okay, hoda, let's go. >> all right. that's right. people, don't adjust your television set. >> it's monday, august 22nd, 20 2011. >> for those of you watching us in high-def, this is going to be a real treat. play attention, rosie. >> no make-up, not a drop, look, nothing. >> here i am, bare and unafraid. the way i go through life. the way i roll. >> i feel -- naked. >> we came into this world barenaked and that's the way we're going to go out. >> i'm 45, i feel self-conscious. i want you to look closely, if you see a scar, i'll own up to it. only from the neck up. >> i just need lips, a little lips and mascara and i'll feel okay. >> a little make-up and you feel, i got my game face on. >> you know most of it is just about feeling secure, you know, confident. >> i feel like myself now. >> confidence is very sexy, baby. >> i'm ready to go on tv. >> the question is, is tv ready for me. >> a very good question. >> let's get rid of the shades. >> all right, hoda, here it is. this is us. >> tight shot, please. >> let's prove it, hoda woman. >> we got nothing going. >> don't fuzz it. >> don't fuzz it, anthony. it feels weird. i didn't think it was going to bother me. but you know what, i feel vulnerable. >> we're used to having things covered up. >> now i see our monitor, i know why. >> oh, well. >> we have all of this to blame on rosie o'donnell. >> what happened, a week or so ago -- >> about a month. >> rosie was watching our show while she was doing her radio show and she was commenting on what she thought was some enhanced features on kathie lee. she said kathie lee had all kinds of work done. >> and she went too far and people need to know when to quit. >> and basically ha happened is kathie lee said to her -- >> rosie, come to our show, before we put on our hair and make-up, you can look for scars and if you find them, i'll own up to them. >> and rosie has a show that goes on the exact same time ours goes on. so in a sisterhood show of solidarity she is not wearing makeup and -- >> did you brush your teeth in. >> no, i did just rolled out of bed and came in as au natural as possible. >> we can have a huge zit and it doesn't matter, you know. >> do you feel self-conscious when you're outside, do you care? >> i never wear makeup unless i'll doing television, anywhere, ever. >> so it feels strak to you having make-up on. >> exactly. and when i come home from doing a tv gig, my kids are like, ooh, what's wrong with your face. take it off. >> do you want to get a tight shot of kathie lee to see that there are no scars. >> we're going to do it. and. >> i could do that, too, do you want me to prove it? >> only because you're a little oily. >> that's just normal, baby. >> there's not a stitch. >> rosie, take us back to that day when you first saw our show come up on your monitor, what did you think i had done? >> i don't know. because i'm not good at that stuff. but i was just watching through and i saw you and i said, oh, my god, kathie lee looks so different and everybody started talkingth and they're like, what do you think? and my friend, georgette mosbacher, she can spot a woman and go, lips, cheeks and -- >> well, she's had a lot of stuff done. >> yeah, and she's beautiful. i think if you want to have things done, go right ahead. i didn't think there's anything wrong with it. >> but you thought i had gone too far. >> i don't believe i said that, did i? >> oh, yeah. >> we heard it. >> i heard kathie griffin say she was talking to you at "the today show" and she didn't recognize you or something. but it wasn't like i didn't recognize you, i thought you looked different. >> uh-huh. >> is that a compliment? >> well, listen, you're beautiful, kath, i never looked like you once. >> i think every woman feels -- you know, when we're in this business, that we have to remain competitive. but at a certain point you can never compete with the girls that are in the miss usa pageant. you just want to look your healthiest and your best. >> rosie, we want to say thank you so much -- >> not really, i don't want to. >> i love you, rosie, i love you. >> honey, i wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, seriously, i wasn't. i thought you looked good, but i thought you didn't. >> thank you, rosie. >> in other words, you couldn't possibly look that young. at your age. >> rosie, love you, sweetie, say hello to your children. >> all right. and i'm sorry, i hurt your feelings. >> you didn't hurt my feelings, this is fun. >> maybe tomorrow. >> see you. >> bye. >> in solidarity on our show, all the great anchors at nbc decided that they were going to also show their faces without makeup. so we have a little tape of them. so let's watch that. >> i almost never wear makeup when i'm not on the show. because when you're here, you use so much of it. and i prefer, you know, this is my face. like it or not. >> this is the real me. and i'm glad to show it to you, because sometimes i feel like on the show, i wear enough makeup to frost a cake. it takes a village -- mmmm. scaring little children at home right now. this is me, no makeup. this is, this is actually the way i am most of the time. what you see on tv is really -- very extraordinary events in my life. i don't usually put a lot of makeup on. i usually like to go out au natural. in fact i was once told by somebody who thought she was giving me a compliment, you look so pretty on tv. yeah. >> they all look beautiful in person, too. without anything, early in the morning, they're here like at 4:00 in the morning -- they look gorgeous. >> i feel liberated a little bit, now, how do you feel? >> i feel liberated and we have bobbie thomas and maria man unous. >> maria and bobbie are here. >> i think what's cool is that women are able to say -- this is who i am. and the bottom line is that the men on the show? they're wearing makeup, too. >> yeah, yeah. >> you got that. >> and it's a great point. >> and lester, my gosh. >> we brought special drinks, we figured we needed something to get through this. >> it's murph's bloody mary mix. >> we've got get to okay, not okay. >> the question is, is it okay for celebs to give commencement addresses? kathie lee said if they are people of substance with an inspiring message, of course. but i think twice before inviting snooki. >> and you said, it definitely depends on the -- "situation." >> and then there's pictures of it. you gave it at virginia tech, i gave it at marymont university. >> what are the fans saying, sara. >> we've got fans without makeup. we've got a couple. the first one is gg from new jersey, she's a stay at home mom. and we've got sophia from new york -- >> they look beautiful. >> she says, don't sweat it, girls, you look great. >> and margie from minnesota said she thinks she's the only flight attendant who doesn't wear makeup. and jenna from vermont she enjoys not wearing makeup to show the world who she truly is. >> sara, you look gorgeous without makeup. >> sara's ten. >> you jumped, i jumped. >> i do feel a kindred spirit. >> coming up next, the modern family's modern woman. >> the very lovely sophia vergara is here. >> let's hear what some of our celebrities have to say about dare to go bare day. >> they should be really proud of going on without makeup. it's a good thing to pull it off. >> it's a good thing to be on the air and do their own thing without wearing makeup. >> i think it's very brave to go without makeup. i don't think i would do it and i don't wear very much makeup. is ear has so much potential! any resolutions? 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[ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at ♪ look around, it's happening ♪ oh, yeah ♪ imagine that ♪ imagine sunshine always shining ♪ ♪ ♪ imagine that ♪ why you gotta be like that? ♪ don't be like that ♪ 'cause i deserve better than this ♪ ♪ did i catch you playing up like that? ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] make friends with your dry unpredictable hair. dove's range with weightless nutri-oils instantly absorb to nourish dry hair deep down, smoothing away up to 100% of its roughness and frizz. dove nourishing oil care. make friends with your hair. as the star of one of the hottest comedies on television, colombian actress sophia vergara is having quite the ye. >> this who makeup show was a good idea until right now. >> not only is she featured on "people's" en espanol's cover for the second time. she's also made the list of the world's most beautiful people. >> oh, my god, you guys are brave. i would never go out of the house without wearing makeup. >> really? >> what could you not leave the house without? >> nothing, i'm colombian, we give birth in full makeup. >> drinking coffee. >> you keep getting the awards, the most beautiful this, the most beautiful that. >> i guess, it's fun, you know. it's interesting. >> it beats the humanitarian of the year. >> of course, oscar. like the award of the best boss, you know, that's more important. you know, at almost 40, yeah. >> how old are you? >> almost 40. >> are you really? >> all of you? >> i'm 37. i'm 37. >> so are my shoes. >> "modern family" turned in to be such a megawatt hit. were you surprised at how it took off with the viewers? >> at the beginning when i read the script, i loved it, i never thought it was going to be so fantastic. >> what surprised you about it? >> well for example, my role. when i read the script. i thought everybody's going to hate her. a younger woman, living with an older, much older guy. >> wealthy, maybe? >> wealthy. and they're going to hate her. nobody likes a golddigger. but then you start seeing the roimp that they have and you fall in love with her character. but at the beginning, i told them like i don't know if they're going to like this. and at the beginning they were going to make her like a hooter waiter. and i said no. >> you would have played that very well. >> yeah, on my good days. >> let's take a look at the clip in case you don't know about her character. >> did you see the old lady with the cane, what if she has a ceramic knife in there and that can go through the metal dire detector. and yet, you waste your time hassling little kids. >> ma'am, you seem to know a lot about sneaking contraband on to a plane. >> yes, i'm colombian. >> "tv guide" says it's the best new series in a decade. >> for comedy. everybody is loving it and you know whey love is i get approached by kids, by little girls, by older men. by older women. >> i bet. >> but everybody. >> what's it like in your personal life? are you a married lady? a happy lady? >> i'm very happy. i was divorced like for 18 years. i am divorced for 18 years. i have a son who is going to be 19. >> unbelievable. >> and i live in los angeles and i'm pretty happy. >> she is dating eduardo. >> latin guys, it's too much drama. >> this is one is from -- >> you know eduardo. >> been there, done that. >> i work with him for a year. >> isn't he the sweetest man? >> handsome, too much. >> you have a project you want to talk about for a quick second. >> i'm doing other things, i'm filming the smurfs here in new york and i'm teaming up to promote this new salon. beautiful shampoo that makes the hair bouncy and it's very, you know, the full body. you know, like a good salon shampoo. and we're giving awra $100,000. >> you and your makeup can stay over there. >> bye, sophia. >> nice talking to you. >> up next, is beauty only skin deep? >> i hope not. >> we'll be back right after this. >> if i don't have my cap on today, just a little bit of lipstick. >> i'm not confident enough not wearing makeup. >> i agree, i don't have enough confidence to go without it. >> i go without makeup all the time. >> i do try to always wear makeup when i'm out in public. 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"prevention" readers ask us about this all the time. it turns out that unless you're severely dehydrated. how much water you drink really has no bearing on how moisturized your skin looks. in fact, overhydrating can be bad for your skin. it dilutes the key nutrients. >> no laughing in the background. >> no one's even listening. >> next question, myth or fact, your ears are still growing. >> i'm going to say fact, it is so weird, it must be true. >> it's a fact. your ears continue to grow -- >> haven't you seen those old men with those big ears? >> your ears continue to grow throughout your life. >> ha about once you die, they say your fingernails and ears keep growing. >> our ears are growing at a rate of about .22 millimeters a year. >> let's see the size of your ears. >> whoa! >> the woman cannot wear a hat. she cannot find a hat that fits her head. >> because of the circumference. >> go on. >> myth or fact, eating tomatoes can help prevent sunburn. >> myth. >> this is true. >> what? >> tomatoes are really high in the anti-oxidant lycopene which can prevent sun damage. people who ate the most tomatoes every day for three months have 25% more sun protection. >> cassidy must eat 15 tomatoes a day. >> lauren, you were a lot of fun. i had my doubts at first, but you were lovely. >> thank you. coming up next, we've got the bobbie thomas. >> she looks gorgeous. >> pull that mirror away, bobbie. >> she's got her makeup secrets after this. i brought champagne. wow! the best in the world. ...some chocolates swiss! ah...the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt from dannon. really? wait until you try it. so creamy thick dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2:1 in a national taste test. mmmm... this may be the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt possibly the best yogurt in the world. like us on facebook and get a free cup of dannon oikos. you've been there. you pick out a makeup thinking it's your shade... until you actually try it out. now, i have a makeup that always gets it right. smart shade makeup instantly adjusts to match perfectly to your skin. almay smart shade makeup. only from almay. only for me. 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[ screams ] >> hey. >> yes, yes, unfortunately for you, we're back on this first day with our special no make-up zone edition of "today." >> "today" style editor and our good friend, bobbie thomas is here sharing all of her fresh-faced tips that can enhance our natural beauty. and we also want odd get our bobbie on. >> you look beautiful. >> well, look who's talking. >> you look like you're 12, like sara. >> i look younger. i'm like this every day, you've seen me. when i'm not working i'm also no makeup. >> your boyfriend likes you best this way, too, right? >> yeah. i think men in general like you with or without make-up. >> the nakeder the better. >> they don't want to kiss all that gunk. but i do have a beauty secret. this is something i know moisturizing is so important, but i want to share this with everybody. i do this every day. >> she's got the softest skin. baby butt skin. >> you're looking very good to me today. >> i don't know if it was because rosie was on earlier or what, but you're looking very good to me today. >> this is my secret, it's the scrub in the shower. i do this every single day. >> these have exfoliant in them. they're like a little loofah. >> these gloves. >> these are cool to get your back side, exfoliating towels. >> i'm getting my bobbie on, uh-huh. >> and two times a week, i use exfolicate. by kate summerfield but you could also put unrefined sugar in your own cleanser. so buy it or d.i.y. it. when you want to go makeup free, you want the best skin possible. you don't have to spend as much time in the beauty store to try to find the product to fix it. >> you said all of these top models go for auditions, they're called look-sees, right? >> go-sees. >> you say they're not allowed to wear any makeup at all. >> no, makeup is kind of not considered even cool sometimes in fashion circles. so models really insist on certain products to keep their own skin in optimum condition. and this is what makeup artists use to remove their makeup. their cleansers are amazing. embryolisse. you can go find it online. and dial soap is something that a lot of celebrity dermatologists tell us to use to avoid breakouts. >> because it drys your skin out a little bit? >> yes, it's anti-bacterial and paw-paw. this is a plant from australia that it's the hottest thing like a backstage beauty secret. all the models have in their bag. this ointment, they use it for their lips, cuticles. >> this is really nourishing and exfoliating from this plant from straw straw, paw-paw. >> i'm plumping. >> another thing -- ladies, we know how important eyelashes are, they frame your eyes, i used to be hooked on fake eyelashes, and it was so bad that every time i took them off, i was losing all of my own eyelashes. so i went to a doctor and got a prescription for latisse and it did give me the results to grow my own eyelashes. when you have a little bit of a longer eyelash. you use something else. >> i use rapid-lash, one-third the price and nonprescription. >> the one i use is prescription. >> you've got your bobbie on. >> it's important to know that another thing models do is they curl their eyelashes and don't use mascara and this is the preferred brand backstage. it's only $10 or $11, you put it in your purse, it's a pocket eyelash curler. and they even have this run that does precision. >> don't hurt yourself. >> look straightforward. >> i don't want to -- let go, let go. okay, it curls. >> does it make you forget i'll not wearing any makeup? >> the other things color control, if you're going to use a concealer. because if you want to go make-up-free, you still want to cover a blemish. it's great to have a double-duty product that heals and conceals at the same time. extra stuff to help you. and if you want to get a little glow, a daily self-tanner, a more gradual one. >> to take attention away -- >> wear it on your face and you're good to go. >> bobbie. >> she helped us get our bobbie on. >> we love our bobbie thomas. coming up next, one of our favorite novelists, she is terrific. her name is emily giffen. >> we'll get to the heart of the matter, when we come back. but first, what men think about women and makeup. >> too much makeup is a big turn-off. a lot of guys won't tell you that, but it's the truth. >> i think it needs to be natural. i don't think it needs to be overdone. i think overdone to me is not sexy. >> when it's too much makeup, i don't like it at all. it's too plastic. [ male announcer ] heard this one? listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. new natureluxe mousse mascara! we took out a heavy synthetic and put in a light touch of beeswax. up with the volume, down with the weight. new natureluxe mousse mascara. easy breezy beautiful covergirl. [ announcer ] who could resist the call... of america's number-one puppy food brand? with dha and essential nutrients also found in mother's milk. purina puppy chow. [ female announcer ] yoplait's perfect blend of real fruit and the goodness of dairy is just a peel away. explore all the delicious flavors. yoplait. it is so good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] we've got all you need for back to school with low prices every day on everything. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. emily giffen is an incredible writer, she's been called a modern-day jane austin after bursting on to the literary scene in 2004. she wrote "something borrowed" and she wrote "something blue" a year later. >> both books became international best-sellers and now she's out with her fifth novel, "heart of the matter." which i'm not finished with, but am loving and the first novel is being made into a movie right now in new york city. >> i go into barnes a& noble an i open a book and readed first line and if it doesn't get me, put it down. your books always hit you in the first few lines. did you always want to be a writer? >> i did. i wanted to be an author from the time i was five or six years old. >> why did you go to law school? >> law school is for people who are afraid to follow their true dreams. >> really? >> for the most part. there are some that, you know, that's why so many lawyers go on to do different things. >> were you surprised at the success of your first book. because that when it came out of the gate, i saw everyone on the subway reading it. it was that kind of a book. >> it was a beautiful cover, that helped a lot. i was very, very lucky. a lot of luck involved. but yes, i was very surprised. it had been my dream to publish a book and i would have been thrilled just to have it in hardcover. my mother was librarian. and it would have been great. >> my own library. >> that's important, too. >> but you got rejections early on. >> sure. >> that's an important thing to tell people. >> absolutely. i have my rejection letter from my mean first agent. i've blocked out her name. she wrote a one line -- they all rejected it, they being eight new york city publishers. that was a very disappointing time. >> what made you get up and keep writing, even after the rejections? >> i think having some dpafaith myself. although at times it wavered. but it was just that i wanted it that much. and being a lawyer, when you're miserable in something, you're more motivated to make a change. it was fortunate that i wasn't lukewarm about the law. >> you do crank them out. because after the first one, i remember waiting for the second and i would go every now and then to the book store and say, does emily giffen have any more books? i think it's terrific. how long do you usually have between books? >> i, one or two years. it's it kind of depends, when i had my daughter, harriet, she's three now, i skipped that year, i wanted to take that summer off and not go on a book tour. >> is there somebody you run it by before -- is there somebody that really has your ear? >> sure, yes, my sister. my best friend. and -- >> and now hoda. >> hoda. you want to read a few chapters? >> come on, any time. >> like you don't have enough to do? >> i'm not even listening to her. >> i noticed the dynamic here. >> parallel universes. >> you are like, should i go here or -- >> that's good. >> the motion picture, who is playing, who is starring in the movie? >> kate hudson. >> wow. >> and jennifer goodwin. >> she plays rachel. >> she is adorable. she's absolutely perfect. it's just, i met her and i was just excited to be on the set of the movie and see these actors and they know that i love. and there was a moment where i was actually disoriented and i was thought that i was meeting rachel. like, my character. and i it was like, it's jennifer goodwin. it's her, she's so sweet. which you need to create that empathy for the character who is having an affair with her best friend's fiancé. >> usually we're used to seeing that's how they do it. but you help us understand why they're doing it. >> well, thank you for that compliment. but you know, think if you think about who your friends, your sister, your mother -- >> they're all doing it, right? >> everyone makes mistakes. and i think you don't dismiss and write off friends who are, you know -- >> because people aren't all bad. >> they're not. that's the thing, there are all the shades of gray and i think it's important to capture that. even the men in my book, i think i'm pretty fair to them. >> the male-bashing not yet. >> but you like nick so far? >> who wouldn't like nick? >> although right off the bat he says i'm a world-renowned pediatric -- >> that's what i thinks of himself. >> confidence. >> the book is called "heart of the matter." emily, thank you so much. it will be a huge hit. up next, super jenny levinson dishes out chilled soup. >> she's got her makeup on up there. >> good for her. i think girls start wearing makeup around 17, 18. bad timing. >> i have a granddaughter who is 12 and would love to try makeup. we won't let her. >> my granddaughter is three and a half and always wants to paint my fingernails. >> i would push it up to 12, 13. [ fe male announcer ] everybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling while still using less. its design is soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft. ♪ look around, it's happening ♪ oh, yeah ♪ imagine that ♪ imagine sunshine always shining ♪ ♪ ♪ imagine that while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. so lily and i are back on the road again. on a recent trip to france we discovered the inspiration for a totally new yogurt. activia selects french yogurt. so silky and smooth with lots of juicy fruit. it was a grueling trip! try new activia selects french yogurt. you've been there. you pick out a makeup thinking it's your shade... until you actually try it out. now, i have a makeup that always gets it right. smart shade makeup instantly adjusts to match perfectly to your skin. almay smart shade makeup. only from almay. only for me. ♪ ♪ time for today's kitchen. we're getting saucy, making chilled soups with super jenny. and just because it's getting warmer outside, doesn't mean that soup should be shuffled aside for the summer. >> we invited jenny levinson, who completely make-up-free. >> thank you, jenny. >> and thank you for your solidarity. >> she's got a terrific atlanta eatery called souper jenny. >> i'm not wearing makeup, i'm doing pretty well. >> when they said, hey will come on with no make-up, you said what? >> i was thinking -- what. as long as they said, don't drink any coffee, i'm good. >> anyway -- >> what are we making? >> if you're not going to wear make um, you need to need to eat your vegetables. we'll make some cold super green soup. i don't know if you know the trend, everyone is growing their own vegetables. >> they don't trust what's going into it. >> even in new york people are doing rooftop gardens, growing all of these fabulous green vegetables which are in season right now. if you don't have your own garden. you can get these at any local market or farmer's market. >> buy what's in season now. you know it's local. >> it really does taste better. we're starting our soup. starting with a hot soup and then we'll chill it. we've got onions and garlic simmering in a little olive oil and we're going to add every kind of green vegetable that you can think of. >> let's go, souper jenny. >> we've got kale, we've got swiss charred, we've got broccolini. >> you've got asparagus. >> artichoke hearts, you could use fresh, canned in water. anything you can think of, all you're going to do is pour some fabulous vegetable broth. who has time to make their own, get a good low sodium vegetable broth. pour that over it, turn it up to a boil and simmer it. and then we're going to make some nice fried leaks to top it. we're put a little bit in flour -- >> look at that. >> put it in hot oil and then as soon as you see it brown -- you can pull them out. >> pull some out. they get a little crispy. >> get them out. >> while that's cooking, you got your fried ley eied leeks as a . and then come over here. we're going do puree our soup with a hand blender which anyone can buy for $10 at bed, bath and beyond. >> can you do it in. >> or we could rub it on our face, as a face mask. >> would you put this in the juicer? >> you could. >> you could put it in a juicer or a blender. but the hand blender is super-easy. >> i'm worried. we've got to move on. >> okay. >> he don't want you to get hurt or anything. >> you just chill that. >> you'll chill it put it in the refrigerator. and the next thing we're going do do is this great fresh raspberry soup. it's so good cold. we've got everything assembled here. we've got some fresh orange juice, lemon zest, sugar and raspberries and the secret ingredient is a little champagne, you can add a little bit and put the rest in your pot. and bring it up to a boil, also. and you just simmer it for about 45 minutes and we're going to do -- >> you do it. >> you have white on, carol. >> it's another great, the hand-blender is great, you don't have to keep putting things in the cuisineart. >> and what's this one, jenny in. >> that's a yellow tomato gazpacho, cucumber in it, no oil, very healthy. >> cassidy would go ape over that. >> and that's the little bit of sour cream. >> jenny, thank you so much. >> and you can put it on your face when you're done. >> go to our website for all the recipes. >> we'll be back with more of "today" on nbc. yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah, i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm at three in the morning. who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing, jake from state farm? [ jake ] uh... khakis. she sounds hideous. well she's a guy, so... [ male announcer ] another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state. ♪ man: we need a better state. a good night's sleep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built. you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling] first thing in the woman, a woman with makeup is not going to look very sexy. during the day, like most things in life again, a little bit goes a long way. >> all right, that's good advice. we want to usually we are fully made up and we want to give a shout-out to mary kaylor, our make-up artist. >> who is in full make-up today. >> she's got nothing to do, she's bored. >> i don't usually wear make-up. but i thought i would. >> thank god for mary. >> we're looking forward to being with you very early tomorrow morning. >> we love you, mary. >> everyone loved it. first of all, they don't think you look that different at all. and one response was what an awesome idea. and another said, you've given this natural redhead with blonde eyelashes the courage to go without makeup. >> we'll push to a no make-up day. >> tomorrow, ambush makeovers. day. >> tomorrow, ambush makeovers. >> and rabbi schmuli. -- captions by vitac --

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