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which it claims was built by hamas, under the al shifa hospital. hamas has denied having a command centre there. 31 premature babies who were trapped inside the al—shifa hospital by the fighting have been moved to a hospital in southern gaza. doctors there say eight other premature babies did not survive. meanwhile the prime minister of qatar has said only �*minor obstacles remain�* in the way of reaching a deal on releasing some of the hostages taken by hamas in its attack on israel on october 7th. we haven't yet independently verified where it was found. israelis say this is the entrance to a tunnel under the al—shifa hospital complex. the idf says based on its intelligence, troops have exposed a tunnel 55 metres in length, 10 metres under the complex. it says �*the tunnel shaft was uncovered in the area of the hospital underneath a shed alongside a vehicle containing numerous weapons including rpgs, explosives, and kalashnikov rifles�*. the idf says the entrance of the tunnel shaft includes a blast—proof door and �*firing hole�*. it reports that its forces are continuing to uncover the route of the tunnel. as we've said, these are pictures that have been released by the israel defence forces which the bbc has not been able to verify — our teams have already begun to look into that. hamas has not commented — although they have previously said that there is no military command centre beneath the al—shifa hospital. our correspondent in jerusalem, nick beake, gave us this analysis of what the footage might mean in the overall context of the war. the israelis have said all along that the justification for that very intense operation around the al—shifa hospital, the biggest hospital in gaza, was because hamas had a large headquarters right underneath the medical complex. even though they were thousands of civilians on point to try to seek shelter there, the israelis said it was justified they continued their operation, and i think this is the latest instalment of them building a case as they see it for their operations there. this latest video, the annotations are a tunnel that is some ten metres deep, and that extends for another 55 metres. at the end, they say there's a blast door, used by hamas. worse stressing that the bbc has no way of indefinitely verifying this figure has been put out this evening. israel says that this is compelling evidence that hamas used the hospital as terrorist infrastructure and activities. israel also pointing to what the americans have been saying because they have in the past week said their intelligence suggests hamas were operating at the hospital. they talked about a control and command node. it is quite different from a huge hedge orders. something in theirfavour. before that footage was made public, my colleague rich preston spoke to mark regev in tel aviv. he's a senior advisor to the israeli prime minister. this is what he had to say when asked about the tunnels under al shifa hospital. and obviously, one doesn't go into tunnels uncarefully, one must be very reticent because there are issues with booby traps and with other things that hamas will have left for our forces. but it's only a matter of time. and i'd remind you, it's notjust israel that says there's an underground military complex immediately beneath the hospital. there is, of course, the americans, and it's been said both by the pentagon and the white house. and i think if one wants to speak really honestly, the people of the area who worked in the hospital know full well that there is a hamas military, a fortification and structure underneath the hospital. they just can't say so to western press because they know they will face violent retribution from hamas, that doesn't appreciate people speaking out of turn. well, i appreciate the point you're saying that about other intelligence agencies supporting israel's claim. on the point of medics that you mentioned — and again, i accept your point when it comes to people talking within gaza, which is controlled by hamas — i interviewed a british medic about this time yesterday who has spent a considerable amount of time in gaza. he said he's never seen any evidence of the hospital being run by hamas militia. he said this contention by the idf is, and i use his words here, "utterly fanciful" from his perspective. he did concede he has no idea what's going on underneath the hospital, but he said he has walked every inch of that hospital and he sees no evidence that he believes that it's being used by hamas. how would you respond to that? i would respond by saying the following. i mean, the fact that the hospital is governed by hamas is the director of the hospital, was chosen by hamas... he's a hamas appointee. and the fact that we've already found inside the hospital ammunition vests, explosives and so forth, he obviously didn't see that. maybe he didn't want to see that or they were hidden from him, but that's a sideshow. the most important thing is the military structure underneath the hospital. he, of course, said he has not been down there, so he can't see it. but i believe, as i say, in the next hours or in the next days, we will be showing conclusive evidence. and once again, if the idea that there's an underground military complex underneath the hospital is somehow a secret, it's one of the worst kept secrets in gaza city. it's common knowledge to the people of gaza. israel has previously encouraged civilians to move to the south live now to tahani mustafa who is a senior palestine analyst at the international crisis group. thank you so much for your time this evening. with regards to these hostage negotiations, the potential release of them, how would you view these negotiations between israel and hamas?— these negotiations between israel and hamas? ~ �* , , ., ., , and hamas? we've seen similar deals ro osed and hamas? we've seen similar deals preposed like — and hamas? we've seen similar deals proposed like this _ and hamas? we've seen similar deals proposed like this before _ and hamas? we've seen similar deals proposed like this before during - and hamas? we've seen similar deals proposed like this before during the i proposed like this before during the first couple weeks this conflict. hamas does appear to want to negotiate. i think the problem ultimately is that israel has a history of entering negotiations and torpedoing them. we've seen that within 2012. we also to ask ourselves what this means for gaza. we're talking about a five—day pause. do we have any guarantees of the kind of a that's going to be allowed enough to meet the needs and allowed enough to meet the needs and all goblins. to have guarantees that israel is going to respect —— all gazans. he admitted they have brocade a lot of the guarantees offered during this four hour period that they've provided. talk offered during this four hour period that they've provided.— that they've provided. talk to us about the situation _ that they've provided. talk to us about the situation around - that they've provided. talk to us - about the situation around al-shifa, about the situation around al—shifa, which has been a key focus of attention in recent days. the assertions by the israelis, we've heard there is this command and control centre underneath the hospital. we've seen footage released in the last hour or so. what do you take of their position? israel has a serious credibility issue in this war. the images we're seeing haven't been verified, and your correspondent made that very clear. we haven't had any independent third—party verification. we know that hamas has a significant toll system. this no secret to anyone. with israel claiming that they've been using al—shifa hospital as a command centre, that really does change the dynamics, because if israel cannot produce any evidence, that is put into the question that it has diversified its actions to violate international law. israel has justified this on the basis of hamas using it is. doctors themselves have not verified this. they've seen no evidence of this. this means this is also official. i cannot disagree with mark on that point. —— more strongly. they have produced this. even the bbc stated a lot of the images that have come out have been doctored. it does look like a serious intelligence failure on the part of both israel and the us. meanwhile, the israelis have dropped leaflets over towns in the south of gaza. it looks as though they may be preparing to expand their operations. that will have huge implications for the hundreds of thousandsif implications for the hundreds of thousands if not more who have been displaced already. how are you concerned for the concerns order married palestinians face? i think this is something _ married palestinians face? i think this is something many _ married palestinians face? i think this is something many were - married palestinians face? i think- this is something many were warning about. it was very clear that at some point, they're going to end up in the south. what that ultimately means is we're already witnessing one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes in history. things are only going to get so much more significant. that is going to confirm a lot of the narratives that were coming out. also thejordanians themselves who have warned that israel's plan is one of population displacement. evenjordan is now claiming any invasion in the south is going to lead to, not going to make gaza uninhabitable. any attempt at that, jordan has made clear it would make a declaration of war. that can mean that we're looking at escalation here. this could bring us into re—translation. the fear is that this won't stop at gaza. what we're already seeing in the west bank, palestinians who had nothing to do with the 7th of october. this could give them a green light to do the same in the west bank, which is also a regional states are now fearing. also a regional states are now fearinu. , ., . ., fearing. joining a flight from london, tahani _ fearing. joining a flight from london, tahani mustafa, - fearing. joining a flight from i london, tahani mustafa, thank fearing. joining a flight from - london, tahani mustafa, thank you for your time london, tahani mustafa, thank you foryourtime —— london, tahani mustafa, thank you for your time —— joining us life. more now on the premature babies who have been moved from the al—shifa hospital in northern gaza — which has been the scene of fighting — to the emirati hospital in rafah in the south of gaza. we should warn you, you may find the following images distressing. these are the pictures that have emerged today, showing the children being cared for. doctors say 31 have survived, but eight passed away. they say a lack of medical provision made caring for them in al—shifa very difficult. teams are now working to stabilise their condition. here's the director general of the palestinian health ministry in gaza. translation: we found that even the water with which _ their baby formula was made was polluted. it wasn't sanitised because sanitisation was not available, and that caused vomiting, diarrhoea and weight loss. instead of gaining weight, they lost weight, and that caused them severe harm. some of them had sepsis and severe inflammation. we began a quick resuscitation process for them as soon as they arrived at the hospital. translation: they also had low temperatures. . they hadn't been kept warm. we usually assign one nurse to every two or three babies, but the medical staff was greatly reduced due to the siege around the al—shifa hospital and the staff's inability to change shifts. there were severe shortages in medicine, like antibiotics, other solutions and food, and that was banned by the occupying powers from reaching the al—shifa medical complex. translation: it took hours of work and coordination. i the medical staff — that's one doctor and the four nurses who were with them — finally arrived. the final number who came to us was 31 babies. there had originally been 39, but eight babies died, the final two of which died in the al—shifa medical complex. some of the babies are in critical condition. one of them is on ventilator. there are some who are in critical, others in medium conditions, some who are stable, whose health condition allows them to be fed directly with baby formula or through tubes. let's turn our attention now to the hostages being held in gaza. earlier today qatar's prime minister spoke to reporters in doha and said only �*minor obstacles remain�* in the way of reaching a deal on releasing some of the hostages taken by hamas. his comments came after the washington post said that israel, hamas and the united states were close to an agreement on the release of women and children. it's not really about a specific thing that i can comment yes or no about it. the challenges that remain in the negotiations are very minor compared to the bigger challenges. they are more logistical, they are more practical, and i believe that with the willingness of both parties to engage and to have this deal moving, we can reach a deal. we have been focused in the past four or five weeks now in these negotiations, we have tried every way, all possible ways, in order to ensure that civilians are released. and we treat all human beings all the same. civilians are civilians, whether they are from the israeli side or the palestinian side. as we mentioned in several occasions, our focus is to make sure that the release is happening safely and there are also the humanitarian issues of the gaza strip to be addressed in that deal. well, earlier, ispoke to dania thafer, who�*s the executive director of gulf international forum. i asked her what more need to happen for a agreement between israel and hamas to begin releasing some of the hostages. there needs to be an agreement between the two main parties, hamas and the israeli government, about the terms for this release. and the qataris said that they are very close and there�*s only a matter of practical or logistical issues. the israelis haven�*t said as much. there is some indication that they were hopeful that a deal would come through. and the us hasn�*t commented that much either. but based on what the qataris said, i don�*t think they would say that without actually believing that that is the case. and looking back at the last four to five weeks, as qatar has mediated between the two parties, they have released updates based on the status and different situations as as there was escalation, they would say, ok, now our we�*re having more trouble with the talks. and i guess at this point, they feel they�*re reaching a breaking point where a deal could be imminent. talk to us about, if you will, the role that qatar is playing in this mediation. how is it able to to bring the two sides closer together? well, qatar is unique in the sense that it has good relations with both parties. they had they have had an office for hamas for about a decade, they have had an office for hamas for about a decade, which was requested by the us to keep open lines to hamas. and and qatar has been giving money to gaza through israel. and so, they have a unique sort of relationship with both parties that i think many nations don�*t have. and so that places qatar in a unique position, which is not something new for qatar, because they have done the same thing with the taliban. if you can remember with the with the afghan of the war done the same thing with the taliban, if you can remember with the with the afghan of the war if you can remember with the war with afghanistan and the us. and so that�*s kind of what makes qatar unique on the global stage as a small state. speaking to me a short while ago. as well as the footage of what it claims to be a hamas tunnel underneath the al—shifa hospital — which we�*ve not yet independently verified — the israeli military has been sharing video which it says shows two hostages being taken there shortly after they were captured by hamas on the 7th of october. again, we�*ve not been able to verify that footage yet, but here is the spokesman for the israeli military, daniel hagari. this is seventh of october, 10.55am. the evidence i will share was sent by israel to diplomatic channels to the countries of those civilians. here you can see hamas taking a hostage inside the vicinity. he doesn�*t look even need to need a treatment, but they�*re taking him inside the hospital. i will now share this video that shows the same hostage entering into the hospital with the gunmen, terrorists inside the hospital. this is the main entrance of the hospital. we have not yet located both of these hostages and rescue them. we have not yet located them. we do not know where they are. they�*re still hostages we need to rescue. meanwhile in france, anti—war protestors walked quietly through the streets of paris today with a white banner, marching for peace. this follows yesterday�*s demonstrations across france calling for a ceasefire in gaza. french president emmanuel macron has called for a ceasefire in the conflict between israel and hamas, saying �*we do urge them to stop this bombing�*. you can get plenty more on the situation on the life page on our website. it�*s bbc .com/ news. you can also download the app on a smartphone and tablet. both in gaza itself and also in israel and southern lebanon. you can read it for yourself on your own time. some developing news — russell brand has been questioned by metropolitan police detectives in relation to allegations of historical sex offences. an investigation by the sunday times, the times and channel 4�*s dispatches revealed allegations of rape, sexual assaults and emotional abuse against the comedian and actor. brand has previously denied the claims. for more on this, i spoke earlier to our culture reporter, noor nanji. well, the metropolitan police has confirmed that a man in his 40s attended a police station in south london on november the 16th — so that�*s last thursday — as first reported by the times newspaper. now, the police force said it was he was interviewed under caution by detectives in relation to allegations of three non—recent sexual offences, and it said that inquiries were continuing. now, the met police has not named the individual, but it is understood to be russell brand. now, the met said in september that it would investigate allegations of non—recent sexual offences. that was after receiving a number of allegations. and earlier that month, of course, the sunday times and channel [i dispatches programme had said that four women had accused brand, who is a8, of sexual offences, including a rape alleged to have taken place between 2006 and 2013. now, the bbc has approached russell brand for a comment, but has not yet heard back. it is important to say that he has previously denied those claims and said that his relationships have always been consensual. voting is under way in the second round of argentina�*s presidential elections. the poll has been dominated by an escalating economic crisis, with inflation running at more than 140%. polls suggest it will be a tight race between the left—wing economy minister, sergio massa, and a far—right outsider, javier milei. mr massa won the first round with 36.7%, ahead ahead of mr milei with 30%. argentinian journalist natalio cosoy spoke to the bbc from outside a polling station and explains how the main issue this election is around the crippling economy. the economic situation is very dire in argentina. the crisis has been going on for too long for argentinian citizens. the very high inflation makes it very difficult to organise life, to buy things, to save, and that�*s affecting people, but it�*s also affecting business. and that�*s why javier milei, with his unconventional economic ideas, like the idea of polarising the country and getting rid of the argentinian currency, the peso, or closing down the central bank as a means to control inflation, became attractive to part of the population. and that put, at the same time, sergio massa in a difficult position. and that�*s why it�*s interesting also to have seen such a good performance by massa in the first round. i think the issue here that we need to highlight is why massa had that that good performance and why are we calling a tight race good a performance and why are we calling a tight race if he�*s economic minister of the current government. well, possibly because people that don�*t vote for milei are afraid of him, are worried that maybe it�*s too much. they are uncertain of what a government by milei might be and that it might be too far off to the right. so, i think that these are the key issues in argentina in this election. a hat worn by napoleon bonaparte when he ruled the french empire in the 19th century has sold at auction in france for £2.1 million, around 1.9 million euros. the sale price was considerably higher than the auction house had estimated. wearing a hat became a central part of napolean�*s image, with the military commander famously wearing his headgear sideways to make him recognisable on the battlefield. a bottle of whisky has become the most a bottle of whisky has become the most expensive spirit ever sold, most expensive spirit ever sold, afterfetching two point seven million dollars at auction. the macallan adami 1926 single malt is one of the world�*s rarest bottles of scotch, with only a0 ever produced . it was sold at sotheby�*s in london on saturday. rarest bottles of scotch, with only a0 ever produced. it was sold at sotheby�*s in london on saturday. do stay with us here on bbc news. download the bbc now. i�*m gareth barlow, states her washing. —— thanks for watching. hello there. we�*ve had some more rain around today, but after today and perhaps tomorrow, the rest of the week is looking pretty dry. at the moment, we�*ve got the rain because we�*ve got low pressure sitting very close to the uk, and that�*s brought some heavy rain earlier on in wales and across northern england. that rain moving away from wales, but we�*ll keep the rain going into the night across northern england, perhaps southern scotland. some rain comes back into northern ireland, and then we get this curl of rain sweeping eastwards across southern parts of england and wales, so a bit of a messy night. we will find some clearer spells developing through the midlands and lowest temperatures will be around 5—6 degrees, so a little bit chillier than it was last night. that rain in the south—east soon moves away, and then, broadly speaking, it�*s going to be quite cloudy. there will be some showers around, maybe some sunshine, though, for a good part of the day across east anglia and the south—east. it will get windy, though, across northern ireland and across these western coastal areas. it will be a chillier wind as well, and on the whole, temperatures will be a little bit lower than we�*ve seen over the weekend. but after monday, then, there may not be a great deal of sunshine, but there probably won�*t be an awful lot of rain through the rest of the week, either. we�*re going to find this area of high pressure tending to build towards the uk. a northerly wind, though, is bringing in some chillier air as we head into tuesday. and it may well bring in more cloud again and a few showers across england and wales — those should tend to move away. some sunshine for a while for scotland and northern ireland before it clouds over here, a little rain in the far north of scotland. those temperatures continuing to just slip away a little bit, so typically around 9—10 degrees, and it could be quite chilly overnight across england and wales. it may be the coldest night over the week ahead. things start to turn milder though across scotland and northern ireland, because the wind direction changes. there�*s that colder air, but this is the air we�*re going to get into through the rest of the week. it�*s a milder air coming around the top of an area of high pressure and it�*s broadly a westerly wind that will bring in a lot of cloud across northern parts of the uk and some rain into northern and western areas of scotland. further south, a lot of dry weather. a bit of sunshine coming through now and again, but as you can see, there will be a lot of cloud around. you can see how the temperatures are changing, back up to 1a degrees across many parts of scotland. that�*s wednesday. into thursday, still the high pressure to the south, still that westerly wind and most of the rain will be in the far north of the uk. this is bbc news, the headlines israeli troops say they�*ve found a 55 metre tunnel under the hamas—run al—shifa hospital in gaza the palestinian red crescent have evacuated 31 premature babies from the hospital, where services are said to have collapsed. translation: we found that even the water in which their baby - formula was made was polluted. it wasn�*t sanitised because sanitisation was not available, and that caused vomiting, diarrhoea and weight loss. the prime minister of qatar suggests israel and hamas could be close to a deal to release some of the hostages held in gaza. the actor russell brand has been questioned by metropolitan police detectives in london in relation to allegations of historical sex offences. now on bbc news, its sportsday hello and welcome to sportsday this sunday night live from the bbc sport centre — i�*m chetan pathak — coming up on the programme... rising to the occassion again... awesome australia stun india to win their sixth

Related Keywords

Water , Baby Formula , Place , Weight Loss , Mac , Vomiting Diarrhoea , It Wasn T Sanitised , Energisation , Hamas , Israel , Deal , Russell Brand , Hostages , Relation , Southern Gaza , Some , Allegations , Prime Minister , Sex Offences , Qatar , London , Metropolitan Police Detectives , Bbc News , Footage , Israeli Military , Conflict , Forces , Long Tunnel , Developments , Tunnel Shaft , 55 , Command Centre , Al Shifa Hospital , It Claims , Babies , Hospital , Fighting , Doctors , Eight , 31 , Way , Obstacles , Attack , Israel On October 7th , 7 , October 7th , Tunnel , Idf , Intelligence , Entrance , Israelis , We Haven T , Al Shifa Hospital Complex , Area , Complex , Troops , Explosives , Rpgs , Vehicle , Rifles , Shed , Weapons , 10 , Pictures , Door , Firing Hole , Route , War , Teams , Us , Nick Beake , Military Command Centre , Context , Analysis , Jerusalem , Operation , Have , Headquarters , Thousands , Justification , Breaking Point , Civilians , Case , Video , Operations , Instalment , Shelter , Blast Door , Annotations , The End , Ten , Evening , Figure , Evidence , Americans , Activities , Infrastructure , Something , Command , Control , Hedge Orders , Node , Theirfavour , Rich Preston , Tunnels , Public , Colleague , Senior Advisor , One Doesn T Go Into Tunnels Uncarefully , Mark Regev , Tel Aviv , One , Things , Issues , Matter , Booby Traps , Underground Military Complex , People , Course , Both , Pentagon , White House , The Americans , Military , Press , Structure , Fortification , Turn , Retribution , Doesn T , Medics , Claim , Intelligence Agencies , Medic , Militia , Contention , Amount , Words , Hospital Being Run , British , Idea , Perspective , Utterly Fanciful , Fact , Director , Following , Appointee , Ammunition Vests , Thing , Military Structure , Sideshow , Secret , Secrets , Knowledge , South , Tahani Mustafa , Analyst , Senior , Regards , Palestine , International Crisis Group , Negotiations , Deals , Release , Hostage Negotiations , Ro Osed , Problem , History , Guarantees , Pause , 2012 , Five , Kind , Needs , Goblins , Lot , Gazans , Four , Situation , Attention , Focus , Centre , Assertions , Position , Images , Issue , Haven T , Verified , Credibility , Correspondent , Toll System , Anyone , Third Party Verification , Question , Dynamics , Israel Cannot , Actions , International Law , Basis , Mark , Part , Intelligence Failure , Towns , Leaflets , Hundreds , Thousandsif Implications , Implications , Palestinians , Concerns , Warning , Narratives , Catastrophes , Thejordanians , Plan , Population Displacement , Invasion , Evenjordan , Attempt , Gaza Uninhabitable , Jordan , Declaration Of War , Escalation , Won T Stop At Gaza , Fear , West Bank , Re Translation , Same , 7th , States , Flight , Nothing , 7th Of October , Life , Northern Gaza , Which , Scene , Emirati Hospital In Rafah , Children , Provision , Black , Caring , Translation , Sanitisation , Condition , Director General , Palestinian Health Ministry In Gaza , Vomiting , Diarrhoea , Weight , Inflammation , Harm , Sepsis , Resuscitation Process , Temperatures , Staff , Nurse , Siege , Inability , Three , Two , Shifts , Medicine , Food , Antibiotics , Solutions , Shortages , Powers , Coordination , Work , Number , Doctor , Nurses , 39 , Health Condition , Conditions , Others , Stable , Ventilator , Comments , Reporters , Tubes , Doha , Agreement , Women , Washington Post , Parties , Challenges , Willingness , Logistical , Ways , Deal Moving , Side , Order , Human Beings , Occasions , Executive Director , Need , Who , Gulf International Forum , Ispoke , Dania Thafer , Government , There , Terms , It , Indication , Israelis Haven , Hasn , Status , Situations , Updates , Talks , Trouble , Mediation , Relations , Role , Sides , Sense , Office , Lines , Money , Nations , Relationship , Sort , Afghan , Taliban , Afghanistan , Estate , Stage , Hamas Tunnel Underneath , Daniel Hagari , Channels , Seventh , Countries , 10 55 , Hostage , Vicinity , Gunmen , Treatment , Terrorists , Streets , Protestors , France , Paris , Ceasefire , Emmanuel Macron , Banner , Peace , Demonstrations , Calling , Bombing , Saying , Website , Life Page , Tablet , Smartphone , App , Com , Detectives , Metropolitan Police , Southern Lebanon , Rape , Brand , Claims , Noor Nanji , The Sunday Times , The Times , Comedian , Assaults , Investigation , Abuse , Channel 4 , 4 , Police Station , Oman , Police , 40 , Police Force , Newspaper , Last , Caution , South London On November The 16th , November The 16th , 16 , Offences , Met , Individual , Inquiries , A8 , Ground , Argentina , Comment , Relationships , Voting , 2006 , 2013 , Sergio Massa , Crisis , Race , Javier Milei , Economy Minister , Polls , Outsider , Elections , Poll , Inflation Running , 140 , Election , Natalio Cosoy , Polling Station , Economy , 30 , 36 7 , Inflation , Citizens , Save , It S , Ideas , Country , Business , Currency , Population , Means , Put , Peso , Central Bank , Performance , It S Interesting , Minister , Economic , Right , T Vote , Hat , Napoleon Bonaparte , Auction , Sale Price , 19th Century , French Empire , 2 1 Million , 1 9 Million Euros , 1 9 Million , 1 Million , 19 , Military Commander , Bottle , Whisky , Most , Headgear , Image , Auction House , Napolean , Battlefield , Scotch , Bottles , Spirit , A0 , Macallan Adami , Rarest , World , Afterfetching , 1926 , Seven Million , Seven Million Dollars , Barlow , Washing , Stay , Watching , Thanks , Rain , Eve , Rest , Pressure , The Rain , Southern Scotland , Northern England , Northern Ireland , Heavy Rain , Wales , Curl Of Rain Sweeping Eastwards Across Southern Parts , Bit , Sunshine , Rain In The South East Soon , Showers , Night , Spells , Midlands , 6 , 5 , Wind , Areas , Well , Whole , South East , East Anglia , Hair , Weekend , Cloud , 9 , Wind Direction Changes , High Pressure , Parts , Broadly , Top , Changing , Weather , 1 , Al Shifa Hospital In Gaza , Headlines , Hamas Run , Palestinian Red Crescent , Formula , It Wasn , Services , Sportsday Hello , Programme , Sunday Night , Bbc Sport , Occassion , Chetan Pathak , Australia , India , Sixth ,

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